#Anyway leafy green and onion salad
driftingballoons · 1 year
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Bad and naughty grass types go in the salad spinner
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kitchenwitchtingss · 1 year
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(For Protection)
Is there really anything better in this world than tea, plants, crystals, and chicken tenders?
This is kind of the adult version of the chicken tenders I grew up on as a kid. It's my go-to on nights I get home late, and don't have the time to plan out a lavish meal lol.
Anyways hope you enjoy it!
A little over a pound of chicken tenderloins
1/2 cup shredded coconut - Protection, Purify
1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs
1/2 cup flour
1 tbsp paprika - Energy
1 tbsp garlic powder - Warding, Protection, Healing
1 tsp onion powder - Absorb Negative Energies
1 tsp chili powder - Warding, Protection
Salt and Pepper - Banish Negative Energy
2 eggs + 1 tsp water
To Serve:
A Salad of mixed dark leafy greens
A dipping sauce of your choice
Combine Panko bread crumbs and shredded coconut onto a plate. On another plate, combine flour, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, and salt and pepper.
Beat your 2 eggs, add water, and leave out in a bowl of some kind. Salt and pepper your chicken tenderloins. First, take the chicken tenderloins one by one and dip them into the flour mixture. Then the egg mixture, and lastly, dipping them into the coconut bread crumbs. Put onto some sort of baking sheet.
You can either bake, air fry, or fry these. I recommend frying or air frying!
Frying: In a deep pan add about 1 inch deep of oil. When oil is hot, fry for 4-5 minutes on each side, or until cooked.
Air Fryer: Cook at 400 F in the air fryer for about 12 minutes, flipping halfway through, or until cooked.
Baking: Bake at 375 F for 20-30 minutes, or until cooked. They should be a nice crispy brown color.
Serve to overtop a nice plate of leafy greens, and use either a dressing or a sauce for dipping.
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raychleadele · 8 months
Lately I’ve been really craving greens. Just absolutely slamming salads, putting them in wraps, on my morning egg toast, wilted into my pasta. Mixed greens everywhere. Spinach and arugula my beloveds. Also tried watercress for the first time and found that delightful. Loving my leafy greens. Figured there must be something in them, a vitamin or other nutrient, that my body really needs, because I’ve been going through them like crazy.
Relatedly, I recently paid an in person visit to the grocery store. I usually order for pickup to save on time, but this day I wasn’t able to for some reason. I was buying canned clams to make my late grandpa’s clam chowder. It’s a traditional Christmas/New Year’s season meal for me, I had to have it.
And when I picked up my can of clams, I became entranced by how many different canned fishes there were on the shelves. Sometimes I buy tuna, but I’d never touched most of them. And I know I was shopping hungry and when you shop hungry everything sounds good, but on that day the canned fish sounded really good. I thought “Idk, maybe I could be the kind of person who likes canned sardines.”
Then I snapped out of it and realized how hungry I was, and thought how insane it is for me to crave unfamiliar canned fish when I hardly eat the familiar variety I do buy, and reassured myself I’d get a meal when I got home, and I walked away without ransacking the shelf of canned fish.
But then I did it again at the fish counter at the Asian market a week later. I stood there for a full ten minutes, studying the dozens of whole fish they had that I’d never tried before, thinking maybe this would be the day I’d finally try filleting a fish for the first time, before deciding there weren’t any in my price range that looked fresh enough (I am in the only triple landlocked state of course), and walking away with no fish.
Then I saw that post here about someone who slammed three cans of fish and then learned they have lots of nutrients that help with seasonal depression. And I remembered how I’ve been slamming so many salads. And I thought huh, maybe my body is trying to tell me something about fish.
Then one of my favorite food YouTubers uploaded a video all about how people eat canned fish around the world and I said OKAY! CLEARLY I NEED TO BUY THE FISH!
So when I ordered groceries yesterday to prepare for the coming blizzard, I ordered canned fish. Specifically, I got one can of sardines, one can of anchovies, and one can of smoked oysters.
Today I cracked open the can of sardines for lunch. I taste tested a small piece and it was delicious! So I toasted an English muffin, spread it with some cream cheese, topped it with some thin sliced red onion and my beloved mixed greens, and added some sardines on top. Drizzled the top with some of the sardine oil and had an open faced sandwich. It was messy, because the minute I tried to bite into it all my toppings fell off, but it was delicious.
So anyway, I guess I am the kind of person who enjoys canned sardines now.
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speedlimit15 · 1 year
i made the most amazing sandwich just now
recipe below lol
2 pieces of long sourdough lightly toasted for bread
right out of the toaster spread one side of each piece with a thin layer of butter, let that cool while you do the rest of this stuff
smash/chop one clove fresh garlic and a sprigs worth of rosemary leaves (like 1-2tbsp i suppose)
hopefully you have a boiled egg, if not boil one real quick: bring water to a nice strong boil FIRST then gently drop cold egg into boiling water for 5min:soft 7min:med 9min:hard then place in bowl of ice or very cold water for a while
now go back to your toast. it should be fairly room temp by now and the little bit of butter should be fully soaked up, so go ahead and spread a thin layer of mayo on there. if you’re out of mayo, and you have an egg and 1/4 cup of oil and a lemon or lime and some salt (and a whisk or hand mixer or immersion blender to make it easier), no you’re not out of mayo, go look up a five minute recipe, you will have very good mayo once you follow that
anyway, hopefully you have pesto. if so, use a spoon to put a little on each slice of toast and use the back of the spoon to spread it around thinly on top of the mayo. if not, whatever, no big deal, chopped fresh basil leaves will also work well here, but either way sprinkle your fresh garlic and rosemary mixture evenly over top of this. crack some black pepper all over that shit and parmesan if you’re fancy
put some spinach or other leafy green on one side of the toast. this will be your bed for your eggs and also a nice leaf for your body to enjoy. optional tomato/onion here as well if you have and like them
now go ahead and peel your boiled egg if you haven’t, then cut it in half and then each half into halves. do this over the sandwich to make sure no egg drops on the floor or counter or whatever especially if it’s boiled softer. arrange the pieces nicely on the toast, you can add a second egg if your toast is big enough
ok, so we’re almost done. sprinkle a little salt on the egg pieces, pepper too, parmesan if you’re like me, then take extra virgin olive oil and BARELY zigzag it across that sandwich. like a light drizzle at most you know. then do the same with some balsamic vinegar. you can also skip the oil and vinegar and use a premixed vinaigrette
then put your second piece of toast on top and you’re done! if it’s more than 5 inches across i suggest cutting it in half to make it more manageable
this is called jess’s fancy egg salad sandwich
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quotidian-oblivion · 2 years
Green Leafy Croutons
The title's clickbait, it's just salad and bread. But with a ✨twist✨.
TW: raw chicken, knives, eggs, human blood
I'm gonna try out the recipe i had mentioned in chapter 2 of Break Down. My parents put this rule that me and the oldest sibling after me have to cook lunch and dinner ourselves on the weekends so after much toiling, i remembered that i had a recipe in one of my fics. So I decided to try it out. Except, i'm gonna change up some ingredients cuz they're not available and turn this into a salad with a side of toasted bread rather than a legit sandwich.
Here's the extract from the fic:
He was flashed back to a morning when Alfred was on a vacation and Jason and Tim were alone in the manor with Bruce. Since Bruce couldn’t cook to save his life, it was up to Jason and Tim to make breakfast. Alfred had said that he trusted Jason with his kitchen before he left. Tim hadn’t known what that meant, but he soon found out when Jason set out ingredients and started ordering Tim around on what to do. Within a short while, three halloumi cheese, salad, avocado, salami, and rye bread sandwiches with cream cheese and scrambled eggs were sitting on the table. It was Jason’s own recipe. And it was delicious.
So, Tim grabbed the ingredients from what he could remember and brought them back to Dick’s apartment. Setting them out, he got to work. He cooked the halloumi on the pan, chopped the tomatoes, parsley, and onions, mashed the avocado, cracked the eggs and mixed them with salt and a bit of chili. After the cheese was a light brown color, he set them aside on a plate and warmed the bread on the pan with the heat off. With all the mis en place done, he started assembling the sandwiches.
Dick, somehow, slept through the whole thing. Either he was knocked out, or he was really tired. Tim was slightly relieved that he wasn’t awake though. It meant that he had some more time to ponder things alone with no distractions.
He ate his sandwich and chewed in contempt, recalling the memory of when he made this with Jason.
I'm making this in bulk for like around 6 ppl with various different likes and dislikes btw so keep that in mind. Now let's move on to the mis en place!
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Halloumi cheese/Bri cheese
Cream cheese (optional)
Ginger garlic paste/chopped garlic
That's all I can think of for now. A note on measurements: don't ask me. Heck if i know. As Jason said, "The thing about original recipes is that you measure things with your heart. You have a meeting with your soul then take it to your brain and let your hands do the work." Wise words indeed. I admire the person who came up with them.
On with the cooking!
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A note on the chicken: Am I totally winging the cutting the chicken part while having 0% real experience in cutting chicken before? Totally.
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Alr i asked my parents and my dad said to cut it into long french fry-like strips cuz that's what salads have and-
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Yeah that's totally french fry-like
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Anyway, we're done
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Oil in pan and heat up ft. my messy stove that hasn't been cleaned for 30172496 years.
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Ginger garlic paste. If you dont have that, then chopped garlic.
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Salt, chili, black pepper, ginger garlic paste
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Put chicken in pan. Careful of oil splashes. That shit be flying.
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Now add the stuff i told you before. Some GG paste, some black pepper, some salt, some chili. My desi instincts are telling me to put more chili. Oops.
Now you mix-
Hold up.
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*narrows eyes* This be looking a little too WHITE. Imma add more chili.
Might add more pepper and salt along with it.
Now you mix again and-
It still be looking a little white but eh. It'll sort itself out later. Hopefully.
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Now put a lid on it and put it on low flame and wait till the water evaporates.
Till then, you can clear up the mess you made while in your hurry to get stuff. I need to pray Maghrib. But you can get started on the next step (if indeed you are following along and actually making this with me. If you're here for entertainment, that's cool too, you cna have the leftovers /j)
Alright, I'm back. I checked on the chicken and eyvfrbkead it's still WHITE. It's the water and ik the spices will absorb into the meat eventually, but i couldn't smell it all that strongly... so i added more salt and chili.
If the chicken ends up making my family visit the hospital to get a tongue and throat transplant, then it's not my fault. It's its own fault for not looking like the color of my skin.
Moving on! (Unlike your criminal past- jk jk. I swear it's a joke)
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Time for choppy choppy.
I like to use a cerated knife. Don't ask my why. I just do. It's easier for me.
You then dice the tomatoes into small cubes. But i... did not.
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Despite my height, i cannot chop tomatoes into short pieces. I cannot cop tomatoes period. Why? Because i don't usually cook.
Alright, i do cook but only occasionally cuz being a high school student and the oldest daughter in an ambitious and studious desi family means that you don't have time for a lot of things and therefor you become a dissapointment.
At least I know how to make biryani ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Time to stir and check on the chicen!
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Look... i dont know whether that's good or bad, but i'm just gonna let it be for now.
Now... time for the most dangerous part of the recipe.
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I've peeled the onion and my eyes are already burning with the pain and sorrow of a million ogres.
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Is it just me or is this onion be looking a little fishy?
I just checked the chicken again and a bit of it got stuck at the bottom oopsie. A reminder to stir your chicken, kids. May your chicken be forever stirred.
My chicken's looking like this:
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And it's looking rightfully white on the inside (like me) so i'm just gonna switch off the stove and put the lid back on and let it cook on the switched off stove.
Back to onions! *sobs*
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I don't need much onion so this will do. Excuse me while i go cool-dry my eyes.
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Hmmm... i might need more tomatoes...
Oh well, i'll figure it out later!
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Green leafy
You can use parsely too but my mom said that our family doesnt like the taste of parsely so i'm using lettuce instead.
I freaking love green leafy. Look at that lustrous green.
Aaaaaaaaand now you chopchopchopchopchop-
Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt that much.
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Look at that little poozer.
My dad told me to put my hand up and let it dry before i put a band aid on so i'm gonna have to pause for a while. I'm so glad the chicken was done before this. Take care of yourselves, guys. Don't be me.
Now to reread the chapter while I wait.
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My dad put a band aid now! I went around and showed the cut to my whole family. My li'l sisters were like "show me show me!" cuz those gremlins don't like being left out. My mom started scolding me (lightly) about being careful. My dad was the total opposite, telling me to put my hand up, get the band aid, etc. Anyways, back to chopping.
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Doneeee! It was a little hard with the band aid on, but i did it! We did it, we did it, we did it. Yay! Lo hicimos. We did it! And good news, the lettuce is cannibal-free.
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Fre shavacado.
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My mom cut it for me ^_^
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Time to serial-kill.
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We serial-killed the heck out of that one, guys. Good job. I'm proud of you.
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Time to break some humpty-dumpties (humpty-dumptys?)
We're gonna use the same pan (kadai) we used for the chicken because we hate washing dishes.
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I'm gonna have to leave you on a cliffhanger here cuz i'm allowed only 30 images on a post :(
Catch ya in part 2!
Part 2
Break Down ch: 2
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manasseh · 11 months
this is very good 🥒🥜🌶️ the site is also very nice to use
notes for recipe dev purposes :
I substituted like every other thinhg because I don't have shit lmao but it's similar ENOUGH (also more similar to the indo food I'm used to)
ᆞ Definifely wanna use the mini cucumbers because they're sturdier, but the regular ones also tasted fine.
ᆞ Instead of peanuts, mostly cashews and some walnuts. I will try with peanuts next time, but I think I'll like it better with these less in-your-face nuts. The peanut butter is already.. so much peanut.
ᆞ No cilantro, added a spring onion. Not big on cilantro so I'll keep it out, but some other leafy green would be nice.
ᆞ Ran out of soy sauce mid tablespoon but I had ketjap manis which is good with peanut so I topped up with that. Regular soy sauce will be better I think, but this matches well.
ᆞ No lime, also no rice vinegar (who have I become) > regular white vinegar.
ᆞ Wish I added more zing. Lime and better vinegar gogo.
ᆞ Honeyyyyy instead of agave syrup.
ᆞ My sauce was thick as FUCK bc my peanutbutter was, so I started adding more of the other ingredients without much rhyme or reason tbh.
ᆞ She calls for garlic powder and I listened bit I'll do fresh garlic instead next time.
ᆞ I added chili flakes straight in bc I was lazy but I need to make chili oil anyway. Gogo.
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autisticandroids · 2 years
spicy green juice resippy
this is one of my favorite things. it's so tasty and more important it Tastes so much.
one to two bags baby spinach
3-5 campari tomatoes (obviously they don't have to be camparis, but camparis are a nice uniform size and they're tasty so i use them. i would say any tomato that you would eat by itself is good for this, like they should be sweet and flavorful, but don't waste your heirlooms because they won't be a dominant taste in the final product. cherry tomatoes are a good bet. if you're using cherries, i would say use a double handful)
2-3 honeycrisp apples, sliced. you can use another variety obviously but honeycrisp are the tastiest and the apples contribute a lot to the flavor, and also honeycrisp are very large so if you use another variety you'll need more
3-4 big fat carrots or 6-8 pathetic, skinny carrots. if you hate carrot juice have no fear, i also hate carrot juice. the final product is not overwhelmingly carroty, it's just got a little aftertaste. the carrots are mainly for texture, as the combination of carrots and apples adds an almost creamy texture to the whole endeavor
1-2 cups orange juice. pick one that you like because this will be a dominating flavor
some ice, because this drink is best chilled. if you don't want to dilute it, or have a tiny blender, you can freeze some of your fruits and veggies in advance instead. when i was in college and i had a tiny, shitty bullet blender, i would actually take my blender to the dining hall salad bar at lunch, fill it with ingredience (leaving out the orange juice which i would take in a separate cup) and then stick that in my dormroom freezer (and the juice in my fridge) then at dinnertime i would blend it all up. no ice required
1/8-1/4 BOTTLE (that's right. bottle.) of tabasco sauce. yes that much. trust me
pinch of salt
optional: other veggies i have tried in this and were good: celery, cucumbers. other veggies/fruits i have not tried in this but i bet would be good: pears, other dark leafies like collard or mustard greens, rhubarb stalks, peppers, potentially peaches or mangoes, melon. other veggies i have tried in this and sucked ass, DO NOT add: beets.
optional: other seasonings/add ons i have tried in this and were good: ground ginger, paprika, lemon powder, cayenne, red pepper flakes (but be careful: they will distribute the spicy unevenly and you might get a spiciness jumpscare). other seasonings that i have not tried but i bet would be good: lemongrass (powder or that paste you can buy at the supermarket or even fresh if you can get it), fresh ginger/ginger paste, powdered mustard seed, powdered celery salt, turmeric, dill, lemonbalm, mint, maybe old bay seasoning, potentially certain premade salsas though they would have to have no/minimal onions/garlic. steer clear of anything that's too umami-ish (don't like, add soy sauce or mushroom powder or anything like that) or anything with onion or garlic powder (i sometimes put garlic in my OATMEAL so if i am telling you not to put garlic in a thing, for god's sake listen), but other than that just go crazy in your spice cabinet. like add some thyme or something, sky's the limit
anyway. pack all of this in a blender, making sure the tomatoes are on the bottom to give your blender an easier time, then blitz it. i generally only add half the spinach on the first go, because it doesn't all fit, but once everything is liquefied there should be a lot more space and you can add the rest of the spinach.
my blender is a giant two liter vitamix, so if yours is smaller, halve the recipe. if you've got a bullet, quarter it instead, and also i would recommend using baby carrots and a smaller variety of apple (when i was in college i used mcintosh).
anyway, this recipe makes about four servings. store the leftovers in a tupperware with a good solid lid, because this stuff separates so tomorrow when you take it out of the fridge you're going to have to shake it pretty vigorously. it lasts in the fridge for at least four days but i don't know how much longer than that because that's the longest i've ever not drunk it.
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curlynerd · 3 years
You're Bacon Me Crazy Word Count: 2K Rating: T Summary: "I can like more than one kind of burger, you know!" Or, Dean comes out through complicated burger metaphors. Notes: humor, canon-adjacent, coming out, established Destiel, #pray4Sam
Also read on AO3!
"You're really having two burgers, Dean?" Sam asks in his most smug, most obnoxious "I’m eating kale for lunch" voice. Dean really hates that voice.
Dean straightens his back and spreads his hands out, like the two wrapped burgers, the extra large fries, and the soda with two straws are a majestic bounty. “I’m a growing boy, Sammy."
“Uh-huh,” Sam deadpans. He lifts the takeout lid of his salad and starts carefully drizzling the vinaigrette cup over his bed of leafy greens and grilled chicken. “And you’re definitely not going to bully Cas into splitting them with you? You know he doesn’t need to eat.”
Something tight and anxious curls in Dean’s chest. “No!” he blurts out, realizing a second too late that it’s normal for him to share his food with Cas. Just because he’s been doing it more now that he and Cas are finally together does not mean that it’s weird now.
In response to Dean’s defensiveness, Sam raises a self-righteous eyebrow in sync with his salad-laden fork. “Can he even really taste them? I thought he didn’t like food in angel mode.”
Dean swallows down a multitude of answers. He likes sharing the experience with Cas anyway. He thinks the way his face scrunches up at the molecules is cute. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside that an angel -- his angel -- is willing to put up with something so silly and mundane and human as taste-testing different burgers.
He really, really needs to tell Sam the truth about him and Cas. Hell, he’s been trying to for months! But every time the perfect opportunity presents itself, he turns into a fuckin’ coward.
And today definitely is another perfect moment. The conversation has naturally turned to Cas. They’re sitting at a picnic table at the park, with nobody around to overhear Dean spill his guts in the most agonizing and uncomfortable way possible. They’re working a case, so immediately after the conversation Dean can bury himself in research and hunting and not have to deal with Sam’s big, obnoxious “let’s make a huge deal out of this!” puppy dog eyes. And Cas isn’t even here right now to make things more awkward. He’s still checking out the victim at the coroner's office across the street.
Dean tries not to think about what a big baby he’s being by ignoring this golden opportunity. “He just tastes stuff different as an angel. He’s learning how to pick out the nuance.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Because there’s so much nuance to ‘extra cheese’ or ‘hold the tomato.’”
“Oh like you’d know, Mr. Tofu Burger.”
“You’d eat a burger off the floor. Are you really trying to convince me you care about what kind of burger it is?”
Dean huffs and levels an indignant glare at his brother. “I absolutely have a favorite burger.”
“Then why’d you get two different kinds?”
"I can like more than one kind of burger, you know!"
Sam snorts. "That's just an excuse to eat more burgers." He spears a forkful of tomato and spinach with a smug little twinkle in his eye.
"It's so not," Dean insists. He gestures at the two wrapped foil rounds in front of him. “These are two unique burgers that both have their own delicious qualities.”
“Really?” Sam’s expression is so pompous Dean kind of wants to throw a french fry at it. Except that would be a waste of a perfectly good fry.
“Yes ‘really.’ Look--” Dean carefully unwraps his first burger. “This is a pickle burger. And not just any ol’ pickle burger. The best, most amazing, and -- dare I say it? -- sexiest pickle burger in the entire continental US.” He smirks as Sam rolls his eyes. “Now I can tell by that condescending look in your eye, you’re wondering, ‘What the hell is so special about a pickle burger? It’s just pickles!’ But that’s where you’re wrong.” Dean lifts the top bun and points down to the burger, looking almost gleeful at all its toppings. “Fried pickles, pickled red onions, relish…Sour and sweet and crunchy, the perfect compliment to a juicy, meaty burger. And one this big? You’ve gotta have a little something special to handle all this meat.” Sam tilts his head, his mouth twitching like Dean said something embarrassing. Was it waxing poetic about vegetables? Probably. Dean chooses to ignore it.
“Ya know,” he continues, “for the longest time I didn’t think I’d like a pickle burger. For years I’d be at diners and think, ‘...maybe? I dunno. Probably not for me.’” Dean pulls his mouth down into a thoughtful frown and bobs his head to mimic his past thoughts. “And then...I’m not sure, I just figured, why not at least try it? All those burgers I’ve had all over the country; I could at least give it a whirl. And it. Was. Awesome!” Dean gently places the bun back on his burger and gives it a little affectionate pat. “Now I can’t get enough of ‘em.”
Sam's expression does a complicated dance that Dean can't even begin to follow. But it suddenly clears into a look of dawning realization, followed quickly by horrified guilt, before it clamps down entirely.
"Well...I can't fault someone for enjoying a good pickle burger," Sam says slowly. He doesn't meet Dean's eye, keeping his gaze down as he delicately stabs at his salad with his fork. He frowns at the cucumber slice he spears and carefully dislodges it from the prongs. "Especially if they really like, uh, pickles?" Sam cringes a little down at his greens. Dean can't blame him. It's a sad looking salad.
"Exactly!" Dean gestures down at the burger. "I'm a meat man and a pickle guy." Sam looks up toward the sky and then down toward the ground below with a sort of pleading desperation. "This is a great burger for me. And don't even get me started on the sauce--"
"Okay!" Sam's voice pitches up several octaves. Dean frowns at him, but before he can ask, Sam takes a deep breath and plasters a warm, understanding smile across his face. "You know what? You're right, Dean. After all this time. All those, uh...burgers. I'm glad you've figured out which one you like best."
"Well, not quite. I mean, this one…" Dean carefully unwraps the second burger. "Is there anything sexier than a breakfast burger?" He practically beams down at the golden-brown bun, the fringes of fried egg drooping over the side, crisp bacon peeking out from under the patty.
"I...I don't know?" Sam has the same terrified expression as when Dean drags him onto ramshackle roller coasters at crappy county fairs. God, he's such a baby about cholesterol.
“Yeah. C’mon, you know they’re great!” Dean says cavalierly, because he’s not going to miss a chance to gloat about the awesome food Sam misses out on with all his salads. “Bacon is, you know, bacon! It’s the best tasting thing in the world! Salty, greasy, crunchy…”
Sam’s brow furrows so deeply it’s like it’s mining for coal, his unfocused eyes searching the empty space between them like he’s trying to figure out the deep, dark mystery of bacon.
Dean rolls his eyes. Of course he wouldn’t understand. The dude eats low sodium turkey bacon. "I know you haven't had good, real bacon in ages--" Sam looks offended. Then confused. Then offended again. "--but trust me, man. It's awesome. When ya got bacon in your burger, it automatically makes the burger a hundred times better. Can’t get enough of it!” Sam groans like he's in pain.
Dean grins and keeps going. “And you’ve gotta admit, a fried egg is a thing of beauty. Give me a good silky, drippy egg all over my burger and I’m a happy guy.” Sam’s nose scrunches up into abject horror. “You get that gorgeous, soft yolk oozing everywhere...It’s creamy and delicious and unctuous and--”
“Dean!” Sam shrieks. He lets his fork fall into his bowl and covers his face with both his hands. His voice is muffled, but it’s definitely a tormented whine. “I know this is a tough topic for you, but can you please just say you’re bi and never use words like ‘unctuous’ again? I’m begging you!”
Dean freezes. “Wh-What?” Did Sam really--? He--? How does he know?!
Sam pops up from his elbows, dragging both hands through his hair as he frees his face from hiding. “I get it, dude. Okay? I get it. I mean...I don’t get it.” He glances down at the two burgers with a perturbed look and holds up his hands in surrender. “But I get it.”
Dean stares at him. “Get what?” he demands. His heart is pounding fast. Bi. Sam knows he’s bi. When did he figure it out?! Why’s he bringing it up now?!
Sam fixes him with a flat look. “The burgers? The...God...bacon sex metaphor? The pickle guy thing? I get it. Please. Please stop talking about eggs like that. I’ll never eat an omelette again!”
Sex metaphors? Pickle guy?! Dean takes a moment to think and...yeah. Yup. He really did say “I’m a pickle guy,” out loud. Wow.
Maybe he should just...roll with it?
Because otherwise Sam is definitely going to mock him for that for the rest of his life, and honestly, coming out is the much better option.
“You got me,” Dean says with a small laugh. He spreads his arms out with a bit of a flourish, and it’s a relief to say it. It feels good. “What can I say? I like all kinds of burgers. And hotdogs. Tacos. Kielbasa...”
“Please stop,” Sam groans, rubbing at his eyes with his hand.
Oh yeah, this is definitely the better option. Dean fell ass-backwards into a conversation he’s been dreading for months, and the only person feeling awkward and miserable here is Sam!
Really it’s a win-win.
Dean grins from ear to ear as he relishes Sam’s mortification. “Hey now, I thought you were supportive! What happened to ‘I’m happy for you and your burgers?’”
“I am happy for you, I just wish this wasn’t happening over lunch…” Sam whines as he drops his hands on the table.
“What’s Sam happy about?” Cas asks, startling the both of them by approaching their picnic table. His eyes are earnest and sincerely curious, which only causes Sam to send a miserable, pleading look his way while shaking his head.
“Sam thinks pickles are gay,” Dean says to Cas with the same sort of smug glee of the teacher’s pet tattling about note passing in class.
Cas scrunches his face in confusion as he sits down beside Dean. “Sam, that’s...nonsensical.”
“That’s what I said!” Dean lies, because the way Sam’s eyebrow is twitching right now is too damn funny. “Wait til you hear what he thinks about bacon.”
Sam drops his face into his hands again. “This is the worst day of my life,” he groans as he massages his temples with his fingers.
Cas furrows his brow at him. “You’ve been to Hell.”
“And I’m still there, apparently!” Sam flings his hand up in exasperation. Cas quietly takes a sip of Dean’s drink, which for some reason just pisses Sam off more.
“You know, you could have just been normal about this. No weird, gross food metaphors. Just--” Sam drops his voice several octaves and bobs his head in a deliberately annoying parody of Dean. “--‘Hey Sam, by the way, I’m bi and totally in love with Cas, no big deal,’ or whatever.”
Dean goes still while Cas tilts his head at the two of them.. “Who says I’m in love with Cas?” Wait. Is that obvious too? Shit, well, looks like he gets to rip two bandaids off today. Thank God for the hilarious panic on Sam's face, because otherwise Dean would be the one freaking out here.
Sam’s eyes go huge, all color draining out of his face. “Oh shit. I didn’t-- I’m sorry, I--”
Dean can only manage to maintain the ruse for a few seconds before he bursts out laughing. “Nah, I’m just messing with you. Where have you been, man? Cas and I have been together for ages. I thought you were the smart one!”
Sam looks like he wants to leap across the picnic table and strangle Dean.
With a glare so sour it could peel paint, Sam snatches Dean’s extra large order of french fries and storms off toward the car to sulk. About three paces away, he stops, turns around, and levels a stern finger at Dean alongside his scowl. “For the record. I’m proud of you. And I’m honored you chose to trust me with this information,” he hisses in a frustrated huff before he spins on his heel and marches away.
Dean wipes a tear from his eye, still chuckling under his breath. Cas stares after Sam in concern.
“Why is he so mad?”
Dean shrugs off the question as he slides the pickle burger in front of Cas and nudges him with his elbow to try it. “Hell if I know. If you ask me, dude needs to have a burger every once in awhile.”
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Herb Garden Day 49 - In Pictures
I was going on about my (mostly) indoor herb and veggie garden the other day but didn’t have pictures. Now I have pictures, so here’s the kitchen:
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Parsley still doing well post-haircut. Note the massive sprouting in the beetroot and to a lesser extent the carrot.
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Green onions and three of my potato plants, all grown from stuff I bought but didn’t use all of. Now, I did originally have six of these, so here’s where the rest went:
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Grow-bag on the balcony! I really want to get a sort of tiered shelf to make the most of the light in that corner, and there are some nails embedded in the walls where I’m going to hang some plant pots later, but I only had enough potting soil to transplant three of my potato babies. Payday next week. Anyway, on to the study:
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My one lone lemon balm plant, dill flanked by strawberry and rosemary, and healthy growing basil with some sprouting oregano. (The rest of my basil is in a bigger pot on the other windowsill; I’ve already shown that off with the chives, so we move on.)
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Mint is growing like a maniac, and one of my cucumber plants has sprouted. Huzzah! And now, the bedroom:
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On the left, spinach (needs a harvest again). On the right ... well, remember when I said I was worried my coriander hadn’t survived the cold snap? Well. That is my coriander, growing like a maniac. Probably needs repotting. I will have to buy so much dirt, and maybe some herb fertiliser.
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Lettuce. I actually harvested some of that the other day, and had a nice little leafy salad with home-made vinaigrette. Also more strawberry, leftover chives, and some coriander getting in on the act because seriously, it is growing like a maniac. Still no love from any of the peppers, though. Nor the garlic. Nor the lavender. I should try planting different seeds; I might have just got unlucky.
(Please see also: my bunny slippers and “skinned a polka-dotted Muppet” bathrobe. I am not getting dressed today if I don’t absolutely have to.)
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These guys, though... You can probably see the labels, but everything’s sprouting. That onion far in the back is not entirely my doing, though; I had a leftover onion that had started to sprout so I used what I could of the onion in a bolognaise and planted the sprouting bit in the centre. It’s doing well and will also need repotting soon. But everything else - the other onions, the various tomatoes, the courgettes and the peas (DAMN look at the peas) ... that’s all me.
So that’s the garden at the moment. I have plans. These plans involve saving a lot of my jars, actually. Home-made pickled beetroot. Home-made dill pickles. Mint sauce. I intend to get a jam pan and start making preserves - not just out of my strawberries, either. My entire neighbourhood is covered in blackberry bushes (particularly around the perimeter of the local cemetery, which winds up with a lot of blackberry creeper leaning out into pedestrian areas, just ready for the picking), so who am I to let something like that go to waste?
I know a lot of this started because of stress about food scarcity, but I am having fun with it. Sorry for the picture spam; I’m just really proud. This is all in under three months!
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ladykissingfish · 4 years
Movie Night with the Akatsuki
This was another of his ideas, to promote a sense of bonding within his lil group of killers. The Pein-body accompanies Konan to the grocery to buy the snacks and drinks they need (but only non-alcoholic beverages, because alcohol tends to make a lot of the others angry and erratic and Himself-knows that these people are ALREADY plenty of angry and erratic). Everything is paid for out of his own pocket, not so much from a sense of generosity as a means to keep Kakuzu from going ballistic over what he’d call “frivolous expenses”. Pein(Nagato) personally has no solid preferences when it comes to films, although he tends to favor flicks with fast-paced plots and a bit of intrigue.
Konan is more into the idea of a group movie night than the others had anticipated. She takes the time to set up the chips, popcorn, dips, drinks, and candy neatly on the table (which is really a bit of a waste, as all the boys just shovel food into their mouths like animals anyway), and she makes the schedule for movie times diplomatically; everyone gets to pick one movie for everyone to watch ((should be noted that “movie night” technically is movie night(s) as it takes several evenings to get through everyone’s picks)), and who goes first is decided by games of rock-paper-scissors. Her personal movie preference is 80’s teen romance movies; she adores Molly Ringwald and the others have heard her recite lines, verbatim, from Sixteen Candles more times than they can count. She also likes to turn movie night into a half-spa day, sitting in her chair and combing her hair, putting special mud-masks on her face, buffing and re-painting her finger and toe-nails. Several of the Akatsuki members join in her rituals, allowing her to style their hair ((Deidara)) or moisturize their skin ((Kisame)).
The old guy is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a fan of old movies. He’s seen (and can give detailed lectures on) every Hitchcock film known to man. His favorite of these (and the one he picks to watch most frequently) is Rear Window; it tickles him to no end how the antagonist of the film “almost gets away with such a sloppy murder; if he had done it like THIS —“. The others think these movies are too slow-paced and reeeaaaally boring, but Kakuzu doesn’t care. Hidan likes to tease him with “of course the ancient fuck likes these movies; he was probably a kid when they were made!” His preferred movie-watching spot is in an easy chair, with the footrest up and a can of mixed nuts on his lap. 9/10 will fall asleep before the movie ends and the others will hurry and change it to one of theirs before he wakes up and notices.
Always says he’s not the biggest fan of movies, but will watch whatever the others are watching. Although he says this it’s clear that he enjoys comedy movies the most; the others can’t help but smile when hearing his deep guffaws over anything with Adam Sandler in it. The Waterboy in particular made him laugh so hard that he cried. Likes to sit on the couch in-between Itachi and Konan. Doesnt really care for the snacks that the others have, so will make maybe 5-6 boxes of fish sticks and munch on those the whole evening.
Should be no surprise that the guy really, really likes action movies. His favorite series is Die Hard, and every time it’s his turn to pick a film, he’ll pick one of the movies from this franchise. Does the absolute worst John McClane impression, but nobody can point this out without getting a little exploding birdie tossed at their head. He and Tobi are the biggest snack-eaters of the bunch, and he has to have his own bowl of popcorn as he’s banned from the community bowl ((his habit of swallowing popcorn with his hand-mouths weirds out the others to no end)). His favorite sitting position is cross-legged on the floor, usually in front of Konan so she can style/play with with his hair (which he finds really relaxing, the way a child might be soothed by his mother brushing his hair). However he’ll jump up frequently to act out his favorite scenes from the movie, which the others get annoyed by (but are so used to that that don’t really put up too much of a fuss).
Hidan is a freak for horror movies. The gorier, the more depraved, the better. If it was anyone other than the Akatsuki watching these movies with him, they would likely be horrified at how the white-haired immortal laughs hysterically at brutal murders. As it is, even this group has a hard time stomaching some of the stuff Hidan likes to watch; Tobi had to lift his mask and vomit on the floor the first time Hidan brought Cannibal Holocaust out to play. Can sometimes be convinced to pick an action movie instead, although it’s very rare. Likes to manspread on the second couch and will munch on a jumbo-sized bag of sour cream and onion chips the whole night.
Really into documentaries, and if that wasn’t bad ((boring)) enough, it’s almost always foreign documentaries, so everyone is forced to squint at subtitles for two-three hours. His absolute favorite is a film called Grey Gardens, a 1970’s documentary about two eccentric, aging socialites, and the groans from the other members when he puts this on can be heard clear across the country. Hidan wants to know why he’s “obsessed with two old cunts and their hundred cats” but all Sasori will do is shush him and stare, rapt, at the screen, silently mouthing the words to the picture he knows so well. Of course he doesn’t eat or drink, so he doesn’t take part in the snacks; however will occasionally bring a puppet out with him and slowly work on it during the movies ((but only the others’ movies, as he lays completely and undivided attention to his own)). Like Deidara he prefers to sit on the floor, and will literally growl at anyone who gets too close to his personal space.
As Obito, he would prefer to watch romantic movies. This guy could live off of the flicks they show on the Hallmark channel, and is an absolute sucker for 80’s rom-coms. However, as Tobi, he must do what everyone expects of him, and pick an animated, cartoon, or family-friendly live action movie. In one year the Akatsuki as been made to sit through what must be the entire catalog of Disney and Pixar films. He does the best possible rendition of The Little Mermaid’s “Poor Unfortunate Souls” song, so good and so evilly realistic that it actually gives the others goosebumps; especially at the end when he starts laughing maniacally — it’s like his voice changes completely. They’re also witness to Tobi’s massive breakdowns over anything that depicts a sad or hurt animal. One time Hidan brought home Old Yeller for him, told him it was about a dog “who was a good boy” ... and let the chaos ensue. Likes to sit on the floor next to Deidara (until he gets on the blonde’s nerves and is made to move) and dig into whatever candy is available. Will go to bed with a horrible sugary stomach ache if not properly monitored.
Itachi really likes crime-based movies, especially ones depicting an intelligent main character carrying out equally intelligent crimes. He’s tried to get the others to watch The Godfather series with him, but they can only make it through the first hour or so before complaining about how slow-paced it is. His next favorite thing to watch is Taxi Driver, which the others find more tolerable; he mentions all the time how much he “gets” Travis Bickle and his deteriorating mindset. Itachi likes to sit curled up in a blanket at the very end of the couch, sipping sweet tea or hot chocolate and eating dango (if they have it; ice cream if not).
It depends on which Zetsu you’re talking to. White Zetsu likes science fiction movies. He’s made the others watch Alien more times than they can count, and always declares Sigourney Weaver to be his “dream girl”. Black Zetsu, however, is similar to Hidan in that he prefers monstrously gory horror movies, particularly ones from the 70’s and 80’s. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is his go-to, and he likes to say that in anther life, he and Leatherface would have made good Akatsuki partners. If they were watching movies by themselves, their snack of choice would be fresh human entrails. However, as this (understandably) sickens the others, they will stick to a lot of leafy greens/salads.
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pickalilywrites · 4 years
Connie Springer. Springles. Canonverse. 
2525 words. 
Buy me a ko-fi! or Read on AO3 :)
The sense of hunger goes first. The first night Connie eats, but he hardly pays attention to the food that enters his mouth. Military food has never been appetizing, but tonight it’s especially tasteless. There’s nothing different about it from previous meals - lumpy potatoes with gravy, chicken that’s too dry to swallow without a glass of water nearby, and carrots that have been steamed so long they’ve turned into mush - but Connie can barely stomach any of it. It’s selfish to think that he’s the only one that’s feeling this way. Everyone at his table - Mikasa, Armin, Jean - is mindlessly shoveling food into their mouths if only because they need to keep their strength up. Their portion sizes are a little bigger tonight. It’s in part to celebrate their return home from Liberio, but it’s also because there are fewer soldiers today than there were yesterday. As Connie picks at his food, he lifts his eyes to look up at the empty space at the table where his friend should be sitting. His stomach has been empty for hours, begging him to fill it with whatever food he can, but Connie can’t stand the thought of eating anything now that Sasha isn’t there beside him. 
Connie nibbles at a little piece of chicken, wondering why it tastes the same as the potatoes, the gravy, and the vegetables. The textures are different, but in the end, it all tastes like a strange gray paste. Connie can’t even call it food. If Sasha were here, would she say the same thing? But if she were here, the food would taste different, Connie thinks. 
“Hey.” A hand touches Connie on the back and rubs light circles between his shoulder blades. When Connie looks over, he sees Jean with his half-eaten tray of food. How did he manage to eat that much? “I know it’s hard … but you need to eat, Connie.” 
Connie nods numbly, aware of the concerned eyes that watch him. “I know,” he says, but his fork still sits idly in his hand. Nothing about the food in front of him looks edible. The colors are too dull and the shine of the chicken skin - Sasha’s favorite part of the bird, Connie remembers - is strange and rubbery. It doesn’t even smell like food, Connie thinks. Food that doesn’t taste, doesn’t smell, doesn’t look like food doesn’t deserve to be called food. 
There’s another hand, this time on Connie’s shoulder. “Don’t force yourself,” Mikasa says, her voice gentle. “Just eat as much as you can.” 
He swallows as he looks at the tray in front of him, its contents almost entirely untouched. “I know,” he manages to say, but he knows he won’t eat another bite. 
The rest of the night Connie spends pushing his food around with his fork, hoping that he’ll grow hungry by some miracle and wolf the entire meal down. That miracle never comes and he’s left listening to the sound of his remaining friends chewing their food in silence, all trying to get through this meal the best that they can. He thinks of discarding his food, but throwing it away feels like a waste so he ends up offering it to a group of soldiers that are celebrating Paradis’ victory because they’re too young to realize what they’ve lost in the process. He feels relieved when the food is out of his sight, believing that he won’t have to think about eating just as long as food isn’t sitting in front of him any longer. 
That night his stomach feels like a cavity in his torso, ravenous and needing to be filled. Connie lies awake in bed, listening to the growling in his stomach. He feels the gnawing in his belly, his stomach desperate for any form of sustenance, but Connie feels no need to satisfy it. He goes to sleep completely empty. 
The rest of his senses follow in the days after. After the first night, the world loses its color. Connie sees the world in muted colors - the world is no longer bright and vibrant and beautiful. It’s painted in sepia tones as if someone had taken a photograph and let it age in the sun. Connie thinks that maybe it’s the lighting in the airship that somehow made him see the world in monochrome, but he walks up to the window and looks out into the ocean. The first time he had seen it, it was a glittering sapphire blue. Today it’s black like velvet. For a brief moment Connie wonders if it’s the weather, but he looks up at the sepia sky and there’s hardly a cloud. There’s just the sun, the only white in this landscape of dull tones, and Connie thinks it’s strange that it doesn’t hurt when he stares straight into it. 
He should probably tell someone about it, he thinks, but what’s the point? Connie finds that the world isn’t so bad in black and white. It’s probably better this way. There’s no point in seeing the world in color, not when Sasha isn’t here. 
Connie goes to bed early that day even though he had only been awake for an hour. He tells Jean not to worry about him. He’s just tired after yesterday. After all, who wouldn’t be after everything they’ve just been through? He just needs to recover, Connie assures his friends whenever they come to check up on him. He doesn’t tell them that he can’t eat even as his stomach is eating away at him and he fails to mention that he can no longer differentiate between colors because the world has turned into a black and white painting. He doesn’t tell them that he can’t stop thinking about Sasha. He’s sure they already know already anyway. 
The next few days, Connie loses his sense of feeling. He doesn’t notice when his friends touch him, only aware of them when he’s seemingly dragged out of bed by some invisible force. He’s lifted up gently, then shaken hard when he doesn’t respond. Connie’s eyes flutter open and he sees Mikasa shaking him, shouting something. He wonders why her voice is muted, barely audible as if she’s speaking underwater. It might be a product of just waking up, he thinks, but his hearing is the same after he’s sat up and up. Everyone’s voice is like that, Connie realizes, as he watches his friends surround him, their mouths flapping open and shut silently like fish. He looks at them numbly, not registering any of their words. He only understands what they’re saying when they pull him out of bed, pointing at the window and showing him that they’ve finally landed. 
He follows them out of the airship, not bothering to change out of the soldier’s uniform that he’s been wearing for days. As soon as they step out, his friends raise their hands to block the blinding sun from their eyes, but Connie hardly notices it. Beyond them stand the people of Paradis, cheering for them loudly as the soldiers descend from the airship, but all Connie hears is muffled applause. His friends around him put on fake smiles as they welcome the applause, but all Connie can think of are the caskets that are being carried out behind him. He thinks of one casket in particular, the one that holds the friend that should be standing beside him. He hangs his head and walks wordlessly past the crowd. 
The following days are shrouded in black - black skies, black thoughts, black dreams. He goes to Sasha’s funeral a few days after the ship lands. It’s jarring to see everyone dressed in black and surrounded by all of Sasha’s favorite wildflowers. If she were here, she would probably laugh at them, asking them why their faces are so glum when there are so many beautiful things surrounding them, and she’d convince Connie to run away with her so they could steal a plate of appetizers and eat it under the table. But the only reason that they’re gathered together like this is that Sasha’s not here and there’s no escaping that fact now that he’s seen her lifeless body in its casket. 
Everybody is crying as Sasha’s casket is lowered into the ground. Everyone except Connie, that is. He doesn’t think he can shed a single tear because the person in the coffin isn’t Sasha. Sasha was never that lifeless. He had seen her leave himself - too soon to stop the gun but quick enough to see the bullet fatally pierce through her ribs and lodge its way into her heart. Her blood ran from her side, staining the floor and draining her of any color. That was the last time he ever saw Sasha. This body in front of him is only a pale imitation of everything Sasha once was. 
He watches as dirt is poured onto the wooden casket, black on black. His friends wail and Sasha’s family members - her parents and her adopted siblings - try to rush towards the casket but are held back by other attendees. Only Connie is quiet, unaffected, a silent observer. Even after the burial is over and the procession has dispersed, Connie remains at Sasha’s grave. He stays there long after the sun has gone down and night has fallen. He would have stayed longer if Jean hadn’t dragged him away. 
Jean takes him to the feast being held at the castle tonight. It’s supposed to celebrate Paradis’ recent victory, but Connie finds it insensitive considering everything that has happened. If he weren’t friends with Historia, he would have skipped the dinner entirely. It would have been more appropriate to hold this dinner at a different time - any day that wasn’t today, really - but he doesn’t know Historia’s schedule. Maybe she has other things on her calendar. 
By the time Connie arrives, soldiers and noblemen are already on their second plate. He takes a seat beside Armin while Jean goes to fix him a plate of dinner - a slab of roast pork, hearty soup with rich beef broth and chunks of carrots and potatoes, leafy green salad decorated with cherry red tomatoes and sweet onions and finished with a creamy sauce, and the heel of a golden baguette with a soft, white crumb. A week ago, the sight of such rich food would have made Connie salivate. Seeing it now makes Connie’s stomach churn and he can’t imagine eating even the smallest bite. Everyone around him seems to have no trouble eating, scarfing it down as if it’s their last meal. It disgusts him. 
He picks up his fork and idly pushes his food around his plate, ignoring the chatter of the people beside him. The more he plays with his food, the less it looks like food. The beef begins to look like the lettuce begins to look like the bread begins to look like the soup and they all begin to look like a shapeless mass on his plate. Connie’s stomach growls, reminding him that he hasn’t eaten anything in almost a week, but he doesn’t feel hungry at all. 
Connie looks up when a finger taps on the rim of his plate. It’s Mikasa, her expression making it hard for Connie to tell if she’s mad at him or concerned. He thinks she’s about to say something, but she simply gestures for him to eat. Doesn’t she know that if he could eat, he would have done so by now? 
He looks down at his plate again, this time trying to decide which item he’ll be most likely to stomach without too much trouble. Connie decides that the bread is the most inoffensive, and he breaks off a piece of it. He can tell it’s fresh by how cleanly he can break it off and how warm it feels in his hand. He can’t remember the last time he’s had such freshly made bread, but he can’t find it in himself to be excited. Instead, he bites into it tentatively, expecting it to be tasteless just like all of the food before, but the taste on his tongue is so much worse. 
For a moment, it’s as if Connie has regained his senses if only for a moment. When the bread touches his tongue, he tastes the buttery crust and the light airy wheat of the crumb. He bites down, expecting the flavors to intensify and remind him that he once enjoyed eating. The bread crumbles on his tongue, turning to ash and leaving a bitter taste on his tongue. In his surprise, he swallows it down, but it burns as it goes down his throat. Connie clutches at his throat with one hand and grabs for a glass of water with the other. Hurriedly, he tips the glass towards his lips, not caring that water is running down his chin and onto his clothes. The glass falls from his hands and onto the floor, shattering. 
Connie bolts from the table and runs into the bathroom, his throat searing with pain. He kneels in front of the toilet. He clutches at his stomach, which demands for more food despite how badly the rest of Connie’s body rejects it. He tries to swallow - once, twice - in a useless attempt to keep the food down. The bile builds in his throat, bitter and vile, until he can no longer help it. Connie leans forward, retching. He’s hardly eaten anything, but his body still heaves violently even though all he has left to give up is air. 
The bitter taste is still left in his mouth even after he’s done, and Connie collapses on the ground against the cool tile of the bathroom floor. His stomach roars at him, demanding more food. Connie lets it rumble, knowing that any attempt at satiating it is futile. 
As Connie stares at the flickering lights on the ceiling, he becomes aware of the darkness that is swallowing up the room. It starts in the back corner, blending in so well with the black and white lens that Connie has grown accustomed to that he almost doesn’t notice. It’s only when it covers the entire wall that Connie begins to really pay attention. His eyes follow it as it slowly slides down the other walls and spills onto the floor, creeping up towards him. Even when he blinks, it doesn’t go away. By the time it reaches him, Connie has accepted the growing void. He watches as it eats away at him, ravenous like the feeling in his stomach. Slowly he disappears, his hands and feet go first followed by his arms and legs. The black slinks up his torso, up his belly and traveling up his chest. As he disappears, Connie finds that the gnawing sensation at the bottom of his stomach also disappears. The void slides up his neck, and gone is the memory of tonight’s dinner burning down Connie’s throat. It’s a relief, Connie finds, not feeling these things. It’s a relief not feeling anything at all, so he lays there in silence, his eyes closed as he lets the darkness consume him.
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femchef · 5 years
When our pastry intern first started working with us this past spring, I made breakfast - fancy toast with ricotta+labna, fresh peaches and raspberries, honey, fresh granola - and when she asked me if I ate like that everyday I responded very flatly that sometimes I just eat a hotdog.
Which is true - I tend to seesaw between pretty food and living on hotdogs and twizzlers, which. Maybe isn’t very good, but ya know, sometimes that’s just how it goes.
Anyway - last Saturday, she and our pastry boss were talking about how down and gray they were both feeling and they made the decision that they needed to eat some leafy greens at SOME point everyday, and that it might as well happen during lunch at the restaurant when access to fresh food is most plentiful.
The result of this decision was an hour spent on Saturday making a very easy dressing because actually our restaurant was out of a lot of ingredients and she got creative and made her own very delicious version - and more importantly, the decision to make something green and nourishing and filling for our lunches carried over into the rest of the week.
So - here are five salads we put together that were satisfying and very delicious:
Monday: A Very Southwestern Green Goddess Salad
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Grilled chicken, avocado, chopped boiled egg, romaine lettuce and pea shoots, cherry tomatoes, bacon, pistachios, and a delicious variation on the green goddess dressing - replace parsley with a bunch of cilantro, replace tarragon with green onions, and replace the sardines with fish sauce and capers (also substitute half the lemon juice for lime and add the zest of both).
Tuesday: Blackberry Citrus and Beef
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Baby rocket, shoots and sprouts, mint and basil, blanched sugar snap peas, spiralised cucumber and toasted pecans all tossed in a blackberry+grapefruit vinaigrette with Dijon mustard, warm roasted apple slices and beef tenderloin, peppered goats cheese, orange segments, and a 3-minute egg.
Wednesday: Greek Chicken Chopped Salad:
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Kale, spinach, oregano, mint, and dill all chopped and rubbed down with lemon zest and juice, olive oil and salt and pepper and left to soften and marinate - tossed with baby rocket, parsley, shoots and crumbled feta cheese. Sliced cucumber, cherry tomatoes, peppadew peppers, sugar snap peas and grilled chicken - all tossed together with more of that green goddess dressing and raw chopped pecans.
Thursday: Roasted Eggplant and Sweet Potato
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Roasted eggplant with minced garlic, red onion, olive oil and cider vinegar beaten together, warm pita slices, roasted sweet potato and fennel with ginger, cardamom and rosemary, baby rocket, minced Fresno peppers, minced ginger root, cherry tomatoes, carrot and tomatillo all sliced paper thin with baby rocket greens. Lots of toasted nigella seeds, dried sumac and freshly grated nutmeg.
Friday: Somewhat Spicy Beef Salad
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Chopped kale, spring mix, cinnamon-toasted skinless almonds and black sesame seeds tossed with orange zest and juice, salt and pepper, fish sauce, sesame oil, and mirin. Thinly sliced pear and radishes, with sugar snap peas, red bell pepper and orange segments all tossed in minced Fresno peppers, minced ginger, minced garlic, lime zest and juice and orange juice. Everything is tossed together and served with cooked beef tenderloin scraps and chopped green onions.
I dunno if we will keep up with the salads all the time, but - even if we don’t get fancy with it, we will try to keep some dressing and easy salad bits on hand. It’s been a really nice, energetic week at work, in no small part because everyone working in the back is trying to take better care of themselves and each other.
Remember to take care of yourself - drink some water, take your meds if you’ve got them, and eat something dark green and nourishing from time to time if you can manage it (even if that’s drizzling some ranch dressing over a chunk of iceberg lettuce and stuffing it in your mouth over the sink at home don’t judge me).
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gveret-fic · 6 years
Prompt: Kara tries to convince Lena that, no, she's *actually* allergic to kale. No, for real, she is. Totally not lying. At all!
“Youcan’t be allergic to kale,” Lena scoffed. “You’re an alien.”
Karapushed her heaping plate of horrible, horrible homemade salad around the tableand started fiddling with her fork. “Well—well, exactly! The uniquemicroorganisms growing on leafy greens on this planet—my, my body can't—haven’tyou seen War of the Worlds?”
“Kara,I have seen you eat fries that have been sneezed directly onto. You haverescued Ebola patients from a flooded hospital, maintaining sustained physical contactthe whole time. Your cells regenerate so quickly you can’t even put on henna. Whatmicroorganisms?”
“The…unique microorganisms growing on… uhh…” Kara noticed she’d been tearingher fork into little ribbons and immediately let go. The pieces clattered tothe table with a series of loud clinks. Lena silently handed over her own fork.
Karadecided to shift gears. “You know, my complex Kryptonian digestive systemjust has a hard time with your Earth plant fiber. Tough cellular structure.Very inhospitable.”
“Humansdon’t digest cellulose, either,” Lena said with an annoyingly charminglittle smirk. “That’s what shitting is for.”
Karalooked at her in dismay. She would go to all the trouble of putting that stuffin her mouth and chewing and swallowing and then…? “Then—then—whatis even the point of this torture!”
Lenaopenly laughed at her. “Kara, I get it. You don’t like kale. You don’thave to eat the salad.”
Karafelt like she might cry. “Oh, thank Rao. Lena, I—”
“Butdon’t worry!” Lena cut her off brightly. “I’m creative. I willfind a way to make you enjoy one of Earth’s most versatile superfoods,Supergirl.”
Thenshe winked very very badly, and Kara really had no choice but to resign herselfto her bitter, fibrous, leafy fate.
“Guesswhat!” Lena announced as she let herself into Kara’s apartment, carrying alarge Tupperware container. “It’s dessert week!”
Lenahad attempted to coax Kara into consuming a wide variety of deeply off-puttingdishes over the past several weeks. From kale-eggplant parmesan to mac, kaleand cheese; potato-kale fritters to French kale-onion soup. Kara hadsuccessfully dodged all of them so far, but Lena seemed completely undeterred.
“Canyou figure out this week’s secret ingredient?” she asked, opening thecontainer to reveal an assortment of sickly green baked goods. Baked… somethings,anyway. “I’ll give you a hint: it’s loveable, curly, and contains severaltimes the recommended daily value of vitamin K.” She leaned forward and kissedKara sweetly on the mouth. “Just like you.”
“Ireally wish you wouldn’t compare me to Earth’s greatest abomination.”
“Ha!Well, you might change your tune after you try one of these.” Lena heldout a muffin speckled yellow and green. “All original recipe.”
Karasquinted at it. Were those raisins in there? “Lena, thank you forgoing to all this effort, but as I said, I’m deathly allergic, so…”
“Uh—butlook, this one’s a chocolate chip cookie,” Lena said hopefully, rummagingaround in her Tupperware. “You love those? And the flavor is barelynoticeable. You might like it if you try it.”
“I’msure it’s great, but, you know, needles—they can’t pierce my skin, so, if I gointo anaphylaxis we might not have time to get to the DEO, and—”
Karawas lying so badly, she knew that. She was a terrible liar. But a flash ofuncertainty and concern still passed over Lena’s face.
Sheput the cookie away. “Well, salicylate intolerance has been linked to sensitivityto kale, but that’s more likely in people with asthma. Kale allergyspecifically is rather uncommon, and caused by significant exposure. I doubtyou’ve consumed large amounts of kale in the past?”
Karasilently shook her head. Could it be possible that Lena actually… believed her?
“Right.Then again, you’re an alien from outer space, so who even knows. You could besensitive to chlorophyll for all we know. You do eat mustard, so it’s probablynot the salicylate, come to think of it. A skin prick test would be impracticalfor obvious reasons, but I bet I can replicate it fairly easily, with L-Corp’sresources. Hm…”
Shewas taking this so seriously. Guilt sat heavy in Kara’s stomach like alump of Rao damned kale. She had to confess. Even if it meant more… salad.“Lena, listen, I—”
“Isthat a hair on your sweater?” Lena interrupted, already reaching for it.“Can I have it? Thanks. I’ll just run some tests in my spare time, not abig deal. Ideally some blood work would be nice, but I don’t want to impose—Ifthere really are any bacteria or another kale-specific component causing anadverse reaction, I will isolate it, rest assured. Maybe a mouth swab? You knowwhat, I’ll just grab that coffee cup I saw in your trash earlier.”
Shekissed Kara’s cheek, produced a sterile plastic baggie from her coat’s innerpocket, whisked yesterday’s used paper cup out of Kara’s garbage, and whirledout the door.
Karawould be hard-pressed to say whether it was a force of nature she was dating,or a natural disaster.
Aweek later, Kara may still have felt a little bit guilty about her deception,but not guilty enough to abandon it in the face of Lena’s newest greenmonstrosity.
“Lena—um—haven’twe settled this? You know I’d love, really, would so happily eat anything, um,anything you made for me, but, I’m just concerned about my multitude of strangeand confusing alien organs shutting down, and then where do you even finda Kryptonian doctor, last of my people and everything—”
“Ahah ah.” Lena held up her index finger, an insufferably self-satisfiedexpression on her face. “Look at this.” She handed Kara a piece ofpaper.
Karascanned over it quickly. Lab results. Concerning all sorts of interactionsbetween various Kryptonian cells and brassica oleracea var. sabellica.
“You’reout of excuses,” Lena said smugly. “Now, please don’t tell me I tooka molecular gastronomy class for nothing and eat your damn spherified kale and salmongel pellets floating in deconstructed truffle foam.”
Karamade her very best beseechingly sad face, and when that had no effect except tomake Lena coo, kiss her gently and push the plate closer, there was nothingleft to do but to bite the damn bullet. Or more accurately, bite the damnspherified kale and salmon gel pellets floating in deconstructed truffle foam.
Karawould have preferred the bullet, all told. At least that would have had a bitof a crunch.
Laterthat day, a nuclear power plant was attacked by unidentified assailants dressedin heavy alien armor. It had been a long, drawn out fight, and Kara was… kindof losing.
Not,like, completely, or really even very much. Just a little bit.
Oneof the attackers shot her in the shoulder with their big weird round gun, andshe felt the vibrations of it down to the bone. She had dull aches pulsing inher arms and abdomen, and now in her chest, and her vision was getting a littlewonky. If this didn’t end soon, it might not end well.
Karawent on the offensive. She grabbed the attacker’s head and smashed it againsther own. Ears ringing, she tore the weapon out of their hands and threw it intothe ground below. She got a kick in the stomach for her effort. Her opponentused the momentum to push away from her, turned around and fled. She let themgo.
J'onnkicked off another one’s helmet, Kara punched through the third’s breastplate,and they finally started to retreat.
Karafound herself staring at her fist in midair, watching it go in and out offocus.
“I’vegot you,” J'onn said quietly in her ear. She wasn’t sure how she’d endedup in his arms. “You’re okay.”
Thenext time Kara had any sense of her environment, she was on a veryuncomfortable surface, surrounded by shadows. One very particular shadow wasbent over her, touching her, making noises.
“Kara,Kara,” the shadow begged in Lena’s voice. “Kara, oh, please—please talkto me.”
Karablinked until the shadow resolved into a blurry, lumpy, red-faced version ofher girlfriend, who sobbed loudly and cupped Kara’s cheeks when she noticed herlooking.
Karatried to lick her lips. It didn’t quite seem to work, somehow. Lena ran herhands over and over Kara’s face, almost compulsively, wiping away sweat andwhatever else, smoothing out her hair. Kara fought to keep her eyes open.
Herfirst attempt at speech produced only a groan. She felt Lena’s tears drop ontoher suit. Second attempt was more successful.
“See?”Kara croaked. “I told you I was… allergic… to kale.”
Lenastared at her in terrible, frozen, weeping shock for one painful moment, and burstout laughing. “Damn, shit, hell and fuck!” she shouted. “You’renever eating anything but junk food ever again, are you?”
“Iwouldn’t say… nothing,” Kara offered, valiantly attempting aneyebrow wiggle, and Lena collapsed on top of her, laughter and tears intermingling,pressing salty kisses to her lips.
Asshe faded out of consciousness, one shining thought settled in Kara’s mind:
Nomore kale.
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lowcarbnutrients · 6 years
7 Cold-Fighting Foods To Cook With This Season
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Winter is coming, and also not just for the Game of Thrones fans.
While we can practically get ill at any moment of the year, winter truly is the season for colds as well as flus. The cool, wet, snowy (or stormy) weather condition, more time invested indoors, vacation eating, tension as well as exposure to the sick individuals surrounding us can all impact our immune function during the winter season as well as leave us at risk to the attack of germs. We aren't completely vulnerable, though - there are a number of cold-fighting foods we can integrate in our cooking this period to help arm our body immune systems, along with lower the extent of signs if we're struck with infections.
Here are 7 of our much-loved cold-fighting foods! (And also, if you want to dive in deeper, take a look at this article for 5 all-natural cool and also influenza treatments.)
1. Garlic
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Why It's Awesome:
Garlic is potent superfood with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal as well as anti-viral residential or commercial properties. It's been used throughout background to ward off infections, most lately in World Battles 1 + 2, where garlic was applied to injuries to prevent infections and also gangrene. Garlic isn't simply some folk-medicine treatment, there is modern-day clinical evidence that reveals it can protect us against the typical cold.
In one research study of 146 volunteers, the individuals who took a garlic supplement daily for three months were less most likely to come down with colds than the placebo group. As well as, if the garlic group did agreement a cold, they recouped much quicker than those taking the placebo. In an additional study, participants that swallowed aged garlic extract had less chilly signs, missed out on fewer days of job and also enhanced faster than individuals who took the placebo. This led scientists to wrap up that garlic enhances immune cell function, as well as has an essential duty to play in diminishing the extent of colds and also flus.
How to Enjoy
Garlic is one of our favorite cold-fighting foods because it can be made use of in a lot of meals! Add it to your soups, stews, stir-fried, dips (like guacamole!), or consume it straight-up raw if you feel a cool coming on. Nobody will wish to kiss you, yet if you're sniffling and also sneezing every person's most likely offering you a broad berth anyway.
2. Onions
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Why It's Awesome:
Like garlic, onions are an extremely powerful veggie with cold-fighting properties. Along with containing the anti-bacterial and anti-viral substance allicin (also found in garlic), onions have a flavanoid called quercetin, a potent antioxidant that protects our cells from damages as well as has been studied as a flu-fighter.
In one research study of mice, researchers exercised the animals as well as after that provided them quercetin or a placebo. The mice that got quercetin had actually a minimized danger of breathing infections. Additional research study on onion removes provided to rats revealed that the onion boosted their immune system, elevating their leukocyte count.
Onions are likewise high in Vitamin C, a well-known vitamin that sustains immunity, as well as molecules called Onionin-A that decrease inflammation as well as help to regulate our immune defenses.
How to Enjoy
Onions can be used as a cold-fighting food in a range of soups, stews, stir-fries, morning meal casseroles and omelettes, or eaten raw in salads.
3. Lemons
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Why It's Awesome:
Lemons have gained their rightful area as one of the top cold-fighting foods because of their high content of Vitamin C. Vitamin C has become renowned for its affect on the acute rhinitis, and also it's a vital nutrient that supports and also reinforces our immune system.
Vitamin C assists reduce the duration and also intensity of infections, as well as can contribute in preventing them in the first location. It promotes immunity - yet avoids the immune system from getting out of hand - as well as assists to minimize inflammation. As well as, as an antioxidant, it shields us from cellular damage.
How to Enjoy
Lemons (and also limes) are so easy to integrate right into your day-to-day diet regimen! Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to warm water in the morning (this likewise assists to kickstart food digestion), include it right into green juices and also healthy smoothies, add it to your salad dressings, as well as make use of lemon to improve the flavour of basically any meal.
4. Butternut Squash (and all winter squashes)
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Why It's Awesome:
Butternut squash are rich in cucurbitacins, extremely anti-inflammatory compounds that provide the squash its anti-viral as well as anti-bacterial residential or commercial properties. At a much deeper immune level, squashes have anti-cancer effects.
Additionally, squashes are high in Vitamin C (talked about over) as well as Vitamin A, which not just boosts resistance, however also helps to modulate and sustain both different arms of the immune system.
How to Enjoy
Wintertime is associated with butternut squash and winter season squash, and they're widely offered at farmers markets and supermarket. You can use them as you would any origin vegetable: in soups, stews as well as casseroles, but they can even be included right into smoothie mixes, sliced and also made use of as pasta noodles in Paleo recipes, and also pureed and after that included into wonderful or mouthwatering baked goodies like these butternut squash muffins.
If you locate on your own befudded in any way of the wintertime squash options, check out our supreme overview to winter season squash that damages down each variety and just how to use them.
5. Ginger
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Why It's Awesome:
Ginger has a delicious, zesty kick that is full to the brim with cold-fighting advantages. It settles the stomach as well as decreases nausea or vomiting, making it an ideal food to consume when colds and also flus leave you really feeling nauseated.
This durable root has gingerols, which are effective substances that obstruct inflammation, along with anti-oxidants that minimize inflammation and also have anti-cancer buildings. Fresh ginger can likewise prevent viruses from connecting to our airways.
How to Enjoy
Ginger can be added to shakes, soups (try this carrot ginger variation), potions, stews, salad dressings, dips as well as spreads, and homemade crackers.
You can also grate ginger into warm water with some lemon as well as raw honey for an immune-boosting, anti-microbial boost. If you're really feeling take on, you can also add garlic as well as cayenne pepper!
6. Bone Broth
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Why It's Awesome:
Research on hen soup shows that it can decrease inflammation, convenience chilly signs as well as shorten the quantity of time we experience respiratory system signs and symptoms. Scientists likewise recommended that broth can rehydrate us, which is specifically practical if you've been spending a lot of time embracing the toilet.
Bone brew is rich in a range of vitamins, minerals and also amino acids that aid to nurture the digestive tract, bones, joints, and teeth. One of bone broth's super star nutrients is jelly, which sustains the healing of a long listing of illness including peptic ulcers, consumption, diabetic issues, muscular tissue diseases, contagious conditions, jaundice, as well as cancer cells. It's specifically practical in sustaining the recovery of the digestive tract as well as promotes food digestion by attracting digestive juices to food in the gut.
How to Enjoy
You can ladle bone broth into a mug and also sip away, or build an extra substantial soup by including onions, garlic, ginger, veggies as well as dark leafy eco-friendlies. Bone brew is also remarkable as the fluid for cooking grains or in sauces.
7. Sweet Potatoes
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Why It's Awesome:
Sweet potatoes include overpriced quantities of Vitamin A, which as we mentioned earlier, improve and also modulate resistance, along with assistance to heal mucosal obstacles that have actually been wrecked by infections. A solitary cup of pleasant potatoes uses over 200% of your recommended day-to-day value of Vitamin A!
But that's not all - wonderful potatoes are rich in the immune-stimulating Vitamin C, anti-oxidants and also anti-inflammatory compounds that can help minimize the pain and swelling you could experience with a cool. You'll also find a variety of B-vitamins, which will aid amp up your energy degrees when handling a cold or flu and also help you feel much less worried regarding it.
How to Enjoy
Sweet potatoes are a flexible cooking active ingredient. Chop them up right into pieces or wedges for wonderful potato french fries, roast them whole as well as then stuff them with beans and garnishes, mash them with coconut oil as well as cinnamon, cook them right into chips, make use of wonderful potato puree in baked items, grate them raw over salads, or spread them over your much-loved guard's pie as opposed to white potatoes.
Integrating these 7 cold-fighting foods right into your regular dietary rotation can aid you stop those bothersome colds and also flus, as well as aid you recoup quicker if you do happen to catch the sniffles.
What are your preferred cold-fighting foods? Please share in the comments!
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farzanatrading · 2 years
How and Where to Stay Fresh Fruit Good at You House
Assuming you select simply the freshest leafy foods, you will undoubtedly have produce that endures longer. Leaves that as of now have discoloration (think yellow/earthy colored fixes) and shrinking are as of now on out, and the equivalent goes for products of the soil vegetables. Search for products with the most extravagant varieties, and with regards to root vegetables, onions, cabbages, and squash go for the ones that vibe the heaviest for their size, with no weaknesses or flaws.
Since it is now so obvious what to search for, you want to know how to store it.
Not all products of the soil age the same way, and that really intends that there's no general method for putting away the entirety of your produce. There are various stunts that work for every sort, and we'll separate it for you by type and factors. There are a couple of interesting points that decide how they ought to be put away, essentially temperature, ethylene, and wind current.
 Temperature: Some produce endures longer in the refrigerator because of the low temperature, yet things like onions, garlic, and potatoes last longer when put away at a cool room temperature.
 Ethylene: Fruits like apples and bananas discharge ethylene gas, which thusly accelerates the aging system for other products like broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, and other salad greens. So it's ideal to store these leafy foods independently to stay away from them maturing and rotting quickly.
 Wind current: Fruit and veg that keep going for longer at room temperature need to have great wind stream and course to keep going for longer. Try not to store them in plastic packs. Regardless of whether you purchased your bananas or potatoes in a plastic punctured pack, it's ideal to take them out to permit them to relax.
 Produce that endures longer when kept cool anyway last significantly longer when fixed in a capacity of some sort or another, be it zip lock packs, Tupperware, or pockets. That assists them with holding dampness for longer and furthermore guards them from ethylene gas.
Farzana is the simplest and most easy online shopping platform for the freshest products. We offer high-quality veggies, farm-fresh fruits online Ajman, genuine spices, and nutritious dairy products.
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kembungsusu · 3 years
Greek Meatballs.
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Hello everybody, I hope you're having an incredible day today. Today, I'm gonna show you how to prepare a special dish, greek meatballs. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Greek Meatballs is one of the most popular of current trending meals in the world. It is easy, it's fast, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions daily. They're nice and they look wonderful. Greek Meatballs is something which I've loved my whole life.
To begin with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can cook greek meatballs using 34 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Greek Meatballs:
{Prepare of For the meatballs.
{Prepare 1 pound of ground beef or pork, lamb, chicken, turkey (or combination of beef and pork).
{Get 1/4 cup of plain breadcrumbs (paleo - omit, gluten free - use GF breadcrumbs).
{Prepare 1/4 cup of finely chopped red onion.
{Get 2 cloves of garlic, minced.
{Make ready 1/4 cup of finely chopped Kalamata olives (I use and recommend Lindsay Naturals Kalamata Olives).
{Get 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley.
{Make ready 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh mint.
{Get 1 of large egg.
{Get 1 teaspoon of salt.
{Make ready 1/2 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper.
{Take 1 teaspoon of paprika.
{Make ready 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
{Get 1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground nutmeg.
{Prepare 3/4 teaspoon of oregano.
{Prepare 3/4 teaspoon of thyme.
{Get of For the Roasted Vegetables:.
{Prepare 1 of medium eggplant (choose one that isn't too fat but more slender to avoid too many bitter seeds), peeled and diced into ¼ inch pieces.
{Get 5 cloves of garlic, peels left intact.
{Take 2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
{Take of SAUCE.
{Prepare 1 of medium red onion, chopped.
{Get 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
{Take 1 of small red bell pepper, seeded and diced.
{Take 1/2 cup of dry red wine (or use white if using chicken or turkey).
{Make ready 1 (28 ounce) of can crushed tomatoes (I recommend certified San Marzano's from Italy).
{Get 1/3 cup of chopped sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained.
{Make ready 1 teaspoon of salt.
{Prepare 1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper.
{Get 1/2 teaspoon of thyme.
{Take 1/2 teaspoon of oregano.
{Make ready 1 cup of whole Kalamata olives, drained (I use and recommend Lindsay Naturals Kalamata Olives).
{Get 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley.
{Make ready 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh mint.
Steps to make Greek Meatballs:
First we’re going to get the eggplant going so that can roast while we’re working on the other stuff. Select an eggplant that is on the narrow side. Fat ones tend to have more seeds which results in a bitter flavor. The peel also tends to be bitter in flavor and tough in texture, so peel the eggplant completely. Dice it into chunks about 1/4 inch in size. You can make them larger if you prefer. Don’t worry about tossing them with lemon juice to prevent them from getting brown. They’re going to get very brown while roasting them anyway. First get the roasted eggplant and garlic going. Toss them with a little salt and the olive oil and spread them out single-layer on a lined cookie sheet. Roast for about 20 minutes or until nicely browned, turning once with a spatula after about 10 minutes. Remove Set aside. Once cool, peel and mince the roasted garlic..
Combine all of the meatball ingredients in a large bowl. Use your hands or a food processor to incorporate the ingredients. Form the mixture into 1-inch balls (you can make them larger if you prefer)..
Heat about 2 tablespoons of oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat and brown the meatballs on all sides (See NOTE for oven baking method). Transfer the meatballs to a plate and set aside..
Add the red onions and the oil if more is needed and cook them until soft and caramelized, about 6-8 minutes. Add the red bell pepper and cook for another couple of minutes until softened. Add the wine and bring it to a rapid boil. Boil for 2 minutes..
Add the roasted eggplant, roasted garlic and all of the sauce ingredients, except for the olives, parsley and mint, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes. Return the meatballs to the sauce, cover and simmer for another 15 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the whole Kalamata olives, cover and simmer for another 5 minutes then stir in the chopped parsley and mint..
Garnish with some extra parsley and mint and serve with crusty bread, rice or orzo and a Greek or leafy green salad.
So that is going to wrap this up for this special food greek meatballs recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I am confident that you will make this at home. There's gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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