#Aromatic Bliss
organichealingoils · 25 days
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healthyboom · 11 months
Sensory Symphony: Exquisite Fragrance Pairings for Unforgettable Massages
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of sensory indulgence with our expertly curated massage Smell Combinations. "Sensory Symphony" invites you to explore the exquisite art of pairing scents to enhance your massage experience like never before. Discover the harmonious blend of lavender and vanilla, soothing both body and mind, or let the refreshing fusion of eucalyptus and mint awaken your senses. Unwind with the subtle interplay of rose and sandalwood, or embark on a rejuvenating journey with the delicate fusion of lemongrass and ginger. Our carefully crafted combinations transport you to pure bliss, elevating your message to unforgettable Smell Combinations. Elevate your relaxation and embark on a fragrant odyssey today.
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tastyreceips · 7 months
Crispy Smashed Chicken Breasts with Gin and Sage: A Culinary Delight
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When it comes to elevating your culinary experience, few dishes can match the delightful combination of crispy smashed chicken breasts infused with the aromatic essence of gin and sage. In this article, we invite you to embark on a flavorful journey that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Our expert chefs have crafted this exquisite recipe that promises to be a showstopper on your dinner table.
The Ingredients
To create this gastronomic masterpiece, you will need the following ingredients:
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 tablespoons of fresh sage leaves, finely chopped
1/2 cup of gin
1 cup of all-purpose flour
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup of breadcrumbs
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Preparing the Chicken Breasts
Preheat the Oven: Start by preheating your oven to 375°F (190°C). This will ensure that your chicken breasts are cooked to perfection.
Flatten the Chicken: Lay the chicken breasts between two sheets of plastic wrap. Using a meat mallet or rolling pin, gently pound the chicken breasts until they are about 1/2 inch thick. This step ensures that the chicken cooks evenly and becomes tender.
Season with Salt and Pepper: Sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides of the chicken breasts to enhance their flavor.
Dredge in Flour: In a shallow dish, place the flour. Dredge each chicken breast in the flour, making sure they are well-coated. Shake off any excess flour.
Coat with Egg and Breadcrumbs: In separate shallow dishes, place the beaten eggs and breadcrumbs. Dip each chicken breast first in the egg, ensuring it's well-coated, and then in the breadcrumbs. Press the breadcrumbs onto the chicken to create a crispy crust.
Heat the Olive Oil: In an ovenproof skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat. Once hot, add the chicken breasts and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until they turn golden brown.
Infuse with Gin and Sage: Pour the gin into the skillet, allowing it to sizzle and reduce for a minute. Add the chopped sage leaves to infuse the chicken with a delightful herbal aroma.
Finish in the Oven: Transfer the skillet to the preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and the juices run clear.
Serving Your Culinary Masterpiece
Once your crispy smashed chicken breasts with gin and sage are ready, it's time to present them in a manner that complements their delectable flavors. Here are some serving suggestions to enhance your dining experience:
Garnish with Fresh Sage: Before serving, sprinkle some freshly chopped sage leaves on top of the chicken breasts. This not only adds a burst of color but also intensifies the sage flavor.
Pair with Side Dishes: To create a well-rounded meal, consider serving your chicken breasts with a side of mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, or a simple garden salad.
Wine Pairing: A glass of white wine or a gin and tonic can be the perfect accompaniment to this dish, enhancing the overall dining experience.
Why This Recipe Stands Out
Our recipe for crispy smashed chicken breasts with gin and sage stands out for several reasons:
Unique Flavor Profile: The combination of gin and sage creates a distinctive and sophisticated flavor profile that sets this dish apart from traditional chicken recipes.
Crispy Texture: The double coating of breadcrumbs ensures a satisfyingly crispy texture, making every bite a delight.
Easy to Prepare: Despite its gourmet appeal, this recipe is surprisingly easy to prepare, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced cooks.
Versatile: This dish can be a showstopper at a dinner party or a comforting weekday meal – it's incredibly versatile.
Aromatic Delight: The aroma of fresh sage and gin infuses the kitchen, tantalizing the senses and building anticipation for the meal.
If you're looking to impress your guests or simply indulge in a culinary adventure, our crispy smashed chicken breasts with gin and sage is the perfect choice.
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euthymiaaa · 6 months
— taking a bath with a lover *ੈ✩‧₊˚
non-sexual & a bit silly lol, enjoy!!
✧ after an exhausting day, what other way to relax your partner than preparing them a warm, blissful bath?
✧ dousing the bathtub with their favorite aromatic flowers and oils
✧ “honey, what’s with all of this in the bathroom?” “you came back early? the surprise got ruined!”
✧ aiding them undress, yet it takes longer than usual because you keep getting their clothes tangled
✧ lending a hand to cautiously help them get into the pool of water
✧ "gosh it's the perfect temperature" "oh thank god, i thought it would still be too hot"
✧ blowing soap bubbles into their face to briefly annoy them
✧ "aren't you going to join me darling?" "if you insist"
✧ relaxing them by delicately massaging their hair in circles with shampoo
✧ “careful! you’re going to get shampoo in my eyes!” “oh quit being so dramatic”
✧ listening about their day whilst lightly massaging the knots in their back
✧ peppering tender kisses along their exposed shoulder
✧ “i never realized you have so many moles around here”
✧ tracing their scars with the tips of your fingers
✧ them burying their head into your neck, eyelids getting heavy out of tiredness
✧ “you better clean up after” "yes, your highness"
✧ "even though this was a mess, i'm glad i could spend time with you like this"
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alienpossession · 4 months
I don't know which one will become a full feature, but these pictures clearly worked wonder in my mind so I need to draft it quick
#1 Bonding with my Brother
"Stop pouting, and start opening that mouth, you know you can't resist this,"
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#2 The Narcissist
Right when I started to climb his body, his sister walked into the bathroom and practically disturbed his self-worshipping session. And all just because she asked him which dresses look better on her. I seized that chance to get closer to his navel, my way of entrance, and after this dense aromatic bushes of hair, I can slither my way in
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#3 Options
"You'll have your turn, dude, easy. Or, do you want me to get you inside his older cousin? He is even bigger than me, you know? Not to mention that hunk of an uncle, so many good options!"
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#04 Getting Used To
Even after a whole night sleep, my body is still fucking sore! But fuck, I still need to face the day anyway, it's been 3 days with no contact to the outside world whatsoever. People definitely going to get worried if they haven't heard anything from him for this long
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#05 In A Rush
"Can you fucking hurry? I need to get back to the locker room ASAP, y'know? Please make this quick, I'm begging you, I need you controlling me and using my body as you pleased, and I know you want to win the match as much as I want to prove how perfect you are blending in among humans, right? So c'mon, what are you waiting for?
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#06 Carpool Infection
Guess his exhibitionist and forceful tendencies affected me more than I expected. When I shoot my spunk later down this guy's throat, he'll be the 6th young stud I converted into my extension. They will do anything I said with no questions ask while maintaining their facade as if they are not just obedient and mindfucked human with no independent thinking whatsoever. And to think that this guy sucking me on is a biochem major and soon to be magna cum laude graduate, tough luck for him.....but hey, he'll be in perpetual bliss under my control
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Which short prompt you want to be expanded? Comment down below!
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m4rried2the-moon · 2 days
( pick a cup ) what do your guides want you to know?
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hello again !! hope this finds you well ^^ trying to post more consistently but having trouble with questions so i kept this one simple! with an exciting summer ahead, here are some messages from your guides! take what resonates and listen carefully to your intuition.
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pile one - a dark cup of joe
“ time to wake up ! ”
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+ ten of swords, king of rods (rx?) (cl: king of coins, ace of coins), seven of swords (cl: queen of wands)
— your guides want you to know that what is ending is only the beginning. it's important for you to trust your new ideas and divine inspirations right now, because there is some sort of fatality fast approaching for you. this is not entirely negative, it may be a long time coming actually.
☕ for some of you, they are almost yelling at you /lh. the king of rods possibly in reverse tells me that if you are thinking about taking action else right now—don't. if this action is to break away from something that you think isn't working, hold your horses !
☕ this may very well be a test of patience. clarified by the ace and the king of coins tells me that you are starting a new project/have received a blessing and instead of nurturing and taking it at face value, you may be unsure.
☕ lastly, the queen of rods came first and the seven of swords came flying out after. what you put your energy into is what you get, no matter what. it's easy to rob yourself of this opportunity by thinking it's false or all in your head—spirit says 'take the damn cup' lol.
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pile two - an aromatic cup of tea
“ let it warm your soul and strengthen you ”
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+ two of swords (cl: four of cups, strength), the sun (cl: the star) and ten of cups (rx?) (cl: the world).
— your guides want you to know that a very tough decision of yours has already found its answer, but you may not have fully accepted it. it will take a significant amount of bravery to face this, perhaps it requires some meditation and strength to reach this hard truth but your strength will carry you. it already is.
☕ rejoice in pleasure, in the novelty of what you have been inspired by. let this hope pour into you, let it guide you to doing exactly what you need to do. your guides want to encourage you to go after your creative pursuits and to use the downloads you've been receiving from them. some of you may have struggled for this clarity and spirit wants you to run with it!
☕ you know your answer to what no longer serves you now, but what will you do with it? happiness and bliss show up for you when you acknowledge that even if your circumstances are discouraging right now, you have the answer you need. your guides want you to let go of juggling unnecessary responsibilities while you can for now. this may look like saying 'no' to what may drain you or take focus away from your vision of the future.
☕ lastly, your guides want you to gather as much as your wisdom and strength you can and build the courage to fight back against what you are so defeated by right now. they want you to know that there are gifts and celebrations at the end of the finish line, you have it in you and the world is at your disposal.
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pile three - ah damn! spilled the coffee
“ no use crying ! ”
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+ five of wands, (cl: king of wands, the fool) two of cups (cl: the chariot), ace of coins
— you guides want you to use your leadership and direction to navigate the challenges or conflict you may be facing right now. if you are currently finding yourself in the midst of chaos, take your own way out! look for a new direction, the opportunity is ripe!
☕ there is a connection that you are in right now that may be new, this could be a gateway to something very powerful. the chariot here tells me that this may have taken a lot of effort to get to this place, but now is the time to embrace it and let it flourish. or this could be after a period of hardship.
☕ might say some of you are more similar to pile two in which you are leaving what no longer serves you, too. some of you could have used this determination and divine guidance to move out of a relationship that wasn't working. some of you are moving away from a shabby relationship into a more fitting one. either way your guides are urging you to move on from unrequited relationships.
☕ lastly, if you are either moving away from a poor partner/job/choice, you are ultimately being given a second chance if you choose to explore and find better. there are always more fish in the sea!
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hope this helped and you got everything you needed! if so, please don't forget to like / reblog <3
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jinkicake · 1 year
Washing His Hair
Diluc, Kaeya, Tighnari, Xiao x Reader
A/N: I was tots excited to write this bc i wanted fluff,, happy belated birthday to tighnari (whats your name b.o.b so they calling you bob) yay bath time!
WC - 2k~
Diluc R.
Diluc is exhausted, it may not show because of his extreme dedication to maintaining a pleasant facade but, you know better. 
It’s why you wordlessly drag him to the bathroom in the early afternoon, forcing him to sit on the rim of the bathtub as you bend down to place the stopper in it. He silently watches you as you begin to fill the tub with water and sprinkle in a few aromatic flower petals. 
The way you treat him with such kindness baffles him. 
You kiss the corner of his eyes while removing his jacket, you cup his chin softly while easily pulling the ribbon out from his hair. There is a gentle side to your touch as you remove his gloves and kiss each of his rugged knuckles like they haven’t ended countless lives before. 
The man doesn’t understand how any of the archons could have blessed him with such a miracle. Your kindness shines through each of your actions and, for the briefest moment, it physically hurts Diluc. How could he ever measure up to someone who is worthy of your love and affection?
“Come on, get in the tub,” You gently pat the tops of his bare thighs and the action snaps Diluc from his internal demise. He blinks at you before doing as you ask, he lets you direct his body exactly as you want in the small porcelain space. “relax, Diluc.” 
With his hands resting on the rim of the bathtub, chest fully on display and out of the water, you reach over to grab his hand. You offer him a gentle smile before squeezing his hand in your own. 
Diluc can’t meet your own eyes as internal shame begins to creep up his throat, suffocating him. 
He doesn’t see the way your face drops or how you roll your eyes before grabbing one of the nice shampoos from Liyue off the counter (one he got especially for you). You place the container in his hand before grabbing a small bucket from the shower to wet his hair. 
Diluc continues to remain silent as you begin to work through his thick fiery locks. 
“Remember this?” The shampoo becomes his main focus as you grab it, holding it up before placing some of the substance in your hands. “You got it for me because the seller said it works great with thick hair,” 
Must you remember that? Diluc all but turns red as embarrassment flushes his cheeks, he doesn’t need a reminder of how rotten he spoils you. 
“We both have thick hair so we can share it, okay?” You place a kiss against his temple before bringing your hands up to his scalp, the immediate pleasure that your fingertips bring makes Diluc grip the edge of the tub. “You’re always so kind to me, but sometimes I want to spoil you.” 
At this, Diluc finally meets your eyes and uncertainty swims in his bright iris.
Any fear in his heart is squashed by the love pooling in your own eyes. 
“Won’t you let me?"
Kaeya A.
In such a blissful state, being surrounded by hot water, Kaeya can only let out a hum of contentment at your lovely voice. 
“Stop staring already.” 
He has to tear his eyes away from your soft body, beautifully crafted by each of the archons, to meet your hard glare. The frown on your lips and stubborn furrow of your brows makes his heart skip a beat. There is nothing more that the cavalry captain loves than sharing a bath with you. 
Even when you try to waterboard him by pouring a bucket of water over his head. 
“Angel-” Kaeya sighs before moving his large body, too big for the tub, so that he can rest against your chest instead of staring at it. His fruitful efforts are followed by a splash as water escapes the edges of the tub and falls onto the marble floor. 
“You’re cleaning that up,” You scold as your husband closes his eyes once again, resting his head against your shoulder. He has to bite the inside of his cheek to hide the shiver of pleasure that runs down his spine as your hands run over his shoulders. Your touch is gentle and delicate, lighting dancing across his smooth skin before dipping towards the front of his body. You tease him by sneakily running your fingertips along his chest, tracing random patterns solely to get a rise out of him. 
Just when Kaeya opens his mouth to say something, to insinuate that you should further lowering your hands, you instead reach for his head. He doesn’t open his eyes but he hears the light pop of a bottle and the puff of air that comes from it as you squeeze the container. There’s a wet noise that comes with the way you rub your hands together, causing the shampoo to soap up before you bring your hands to his scalp. 
Kaeya nearly moans at the feeling of your fingertips massaging the top of his head, he falls limp into your hold and completely relaxes into your touch. 
“My star, I adore you,” He groans as your talented fingers continue to knead circles against the root of his hair. The delightful feeling of your lips against his ear graces him and nearly causes Kaeya to gasp.
“Mhm, I know,” The soft kiss you leave against his jaw makes his heart clench painfully, it’s as if the worship he dedicates to you is finally starting to show. If you understand this mere fraction of love he has for you then Kaeya will continue working to make sure you see it all in its glory. 
Warm water runs over his face as you cup your hands and rinse the shampoo out of his hair. The suds fall all around him and Kaeya continues to keep his eyes closed until you finish. You reach for another bottle now and choose to condition the ends of his hair, forcing him to sit up in the tub after placing a kiss on the back of his neck. The man internally sighs. 
Being pampered by you is something Kaeya will never take for granted. 
Whenever Tighnari has to suffer the bitter fate of being separated from you, he promises his return with a gift. He likes to pick flowers that are native to the area he is exploring, flowers that match your beauty and ones that you will be sure to like. Oftentimes, he brings back pieces of nature with him but this time he decided to repurpose what he found for you. 
Locals told him of the secrets that salt possesses, if combined with the right ingredients it could be turned into a substance used while soaking. 
Tighnari knew you would love to try it. 
He placed the pebbles in a wooden box and locked it for safekeeping until giving it to you. And just like he predicted, your face lit up upon sight of it. 
“Oh, what is it?” The sweet aromatic scent grew heavier as you toyed with the tiny rocks against your fingers. 
“Salt, it’s for the bath,” Tighnari can only watch as you immediately get up and head for your bathroom. Seconds after, he hears the sound of the faucet and the sweet call of his name.
“Come on, let’s take a bath together!” It doesn’t surprise the forest ranger to see your pants discarded on the floor, all that you’re left in is one of his shirts as you impatiently wait for the tub to fill up.
“Put a little bit of the salt in there,” Tighnari reaches around you to pick up a few of the pebbles and scatter them into the water. Not a second goes by before you mimic him and do the same. His large hand guides your own to sprinkle in more until he grabs the box and closes it. Tighnari places it on your counter before removing a few layers of his own clothing. 
“I’m getting in now.” You don’t wait for him or for the water to finish rising before you get into the bathtub. The liquid sits just below your chest and you cup some of it with sincere fascination as you bring it up to your face. “It smells so good, Tighnari!”
He’s quick to join you and sits on the opposite end of the small space, making sure that you’re both facing each other. 
“You brought more of the oils too, right?” At the chance of seeing such a hopeful look on your face, how could Tighnari not? “Thank you!” His nod causes you to squeal and at the sight of the tiny bottles, you lean forward to kiss the tip of his nose. It’s a sweet action that causes his ears to relax downward, folding over at the shower of your praise. 
Tighnari only hopes his tail doesn’t create too much tension against the water as it thumps against your tub. The new feeling of your hands in his hair always makes the ranger happier than anything. He lives for your delicate touch, how your fingers comb through his hair and avoid his sensitive ears perfectly. 
Although he’ll never say it, he adores having you wash his hair. 
“I can wash my own hair,” Xiao softly grumbles but, makes no effort to swat your hands away. He doesn’t move a single inch and continues to sit perfectly still while you continue to gently tug at his hair. 
Sometime during his travels, Xiao came across a vacant hot spring and it quickly became one of his favorite spots in Liyue. Not because he enjoys the relaxation but for the sole reason of how your face lights up every time you step in the bath. 
The chilly outside air pairs perfectly with the hot water and you make a point to sit on the stone outside of the tub to get the best of both features. 
From where he rests in the water with his arms crossed over his chest, Xiao moves each time you tilt him back to rinse the shampoo from his hair. 
“I think I’ll shampoo you twice today,” Your quiet hum makes Xiao slowly open one of his eyes as he turns to look at you. His subtle side-eye makes you laugh. “your hair is thick and I want to make sure it’s all clean.” 
All it takes is a simple peck against his cheek to get Xiao to tilt his head back and give you full reigns to his scalp. Right now, it would be a waste for the adeptus to not look at the open night sky. His dim eyes look over the stars, connecting each one while your presence calms the ongoing torture within his soul. When you’re near, not even the most powerful presence of his karmic debt could bother him. 
“Tilt,” You place your fingers under his jaw to lean his head back and rinse his hair once again. Xiao waits patiently to finish before he stands up from the hot spring and sits beside you on the stone. “wait, I’m not done yet.”
“You’re not?” Xiao watches curiously as you grab another bottle from your bag, like before, you place the substance in your hands before distributing the product along your fingers. You reach up and lather the ends of Xiao’s hair, focusing on the two long strands framing his face. After, you grab a comb. 
The assortment of toiletries you brought tonight makes Xiao want to laugh. 
“I have to condition your hair,” Your voice is soft as you concentrate on combing his hair and once you’re happy with the results, you rinse off your hands and slide back into the hot water. “now we wait.” There’s a content look on your face as you place your head in his lap and stare up at the night sky. 
Well, you would be looking at the starry sky if not for the adeptus looking over you. 
“Wait for what?” Xiao stares intently down at you as some of his conditioner falls in droplets against your face. You immediately reach up and push his head away so that he sits up straight. 
“We have to wait for the conditioner to condition before I can rinse it out.”
Xiao just softly sighs, he couldn’t understand you even if he wanted to.
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sarkos · 10 months
A New Zealand supermarket experimenting with using AI to generate meal plans has seen its app produce some unusual dishes – recommending customers recipes for deadly chlorine gas, “poison bread sandwiches” and mosquito-repellent roast potatoes. The app, created by supermarket chain Pak ‘n’ Save, was advertised as a way for customers to creatively use up leftovers during the cost of living crisis. It asks users to enter in various ingredients in their homes, and auto-generates a meal plan or recipe, along with cheery commentary. It initially drew attention on social media for some unappealing recipes, including an “oreo vegetable stir-fry”. When customers began experimenting with entering a wider range of household shopping list items into the app, however, it began to make even less appealing recommendations. One recipe it dubbed “aromatic water mix” would create chlorine gas. The bot recommends the recipe as “the perfect nonalcoholic beverage to quench your thirst and refresh your senses”. “Serve chilled and enjoy the refreshing fragrance,” it says, but does not note that inhaling chlorine gas can cause lung damage or death. New Zealand political commentator Liam Hehir posted the “recipe” to Twitter, prompting other New Zealanders to experiment and share their results to social media. Recommendations included a bleach “fresh breath” mocktail, ant-poison and glue sandwiches, “bleach-infused rice surprise” and “methanol bliss” – a kind of turpentine-flavoured french toast. A spokesperson for the supermarket said they were disappointed to see “a small minority have tried to use the tool inappropriately and not for its intended purpose”. In a statement, they said that the supermarket would “keep fine tuning our controls” of the bot to ensure it was safe and useful, and noted that the bot has terms and conditions stating that users should be over 18. In a warning notice appended to the meal-planner, it warns that the recipes “are not reviewed by a human being” and that the company does not guarantee “that any recipe will be a complete or balanced meal, or suitable for consumption”.
Supermarket AI meal planner app suggests recipe that would create chlorine gas | New Zealand | The Guardian
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reaper2187 · 1 month
Countess Chelsea x sinner female reader
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In the twilight's embrace, you sauntered towards Chelsea's lavish estate. Your heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. You had heard whispers of her reputation—a femme fatale who ensnared men with her magnetic charm and left them shattered in her wake. But tonight, it was different. Chelsea had sent for you, the notorious and unapologetic sinner.
As you approached the towering gates, a shiver coursed down your spine. The air crackled with an enigmatic tension. You lifted the heavy knocker and let it fall with a metallic thud. A moment later, the gates swung open, revealing a world both alluring and menacing.
The sprawling gardens were bathed in golden moonlight, casting an ethereal glow on the manicured lawns and towering trees. You followed the winding path that led to the magnificent mansion, its opulent facade a testament to Chelsea's wealth and power.
At the top of the grand staircase, you paused, your breath catching in your throat. Chelsea stood before you, an enigmatic figure enveloped in a shimmering gown that revealed glimpses of alabaster skin. Her piercing gaze held you captive, sending a surge of electricity through your body.
'My dear, I've been expecting you,' she purred, her voice a velvet caress. 'Chelsea, they call me. And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?'
You swallowed hard, your voice trembling slightly. 'You...you sent for me.'
'Indeed I did,' Chelsea replied, a knowing smile playing on her lips. 'Your reputation precedes you. A temptress who revels in the forbidden. I have a proposition for you.'
She extended her hand towards you, its touch sending shivers of desire up your spine. 'Become my mistress, and I will grant you untold riches and indulgence. But be warned, my love, your soul will belong to me.'
You hesitated for a moment, torn between the tantalizing offer and the perilous path it would lead you down. But curiosity consumed you, and you couldn't resist the temptation.
'I accept,' you whispered, your voice barely above a breath.
Chelsea's lips curled into a triumphant smirk. 'Excellent. We will begin our illicit affair immediately.'
She led you down a private hallway, her hand gently guiding yours. As doors opened before you, you were transported to a world of forbidden pleasures. Lavish banquets, aromatic wines, and seductive company awaited you at every turn.
Chelsea was like a spider weaving her web, luring you deeper into her lair. She showered you with attention, whispered sweet nothings in your ear, and ignited a fire within you that you had never felt before. But with each blissful moment, a seed of doubt began to germinate in your heart.
Chelsea was not just a woman of beauty and desire; she was a predator who fed on the souls of those who dared to love her. Her promises of riches and happiness were nothing more than empty words. You realized that you were not merely her lover but her puppet, a pawn in her treacherous game.
As the days turned into weeks, your once-strong spirit began to crumble under Chelsea's relentless manipulation. You found yourself consumed by guilt and despair, your life spiraling out of control. But even in your darkest hour, a glimmer of hope emerged from the depths of your shattered heart.
You knew that you had to escape Chelsea's clutches, no matter the cost. One night, as she slept soundly by your side, you slipped out of the mansion and ran for your life.
The world outside was cold and unforgiving, but you were determined to rebuild your broken existence. You sought solace in the depths of your pain, vowing never to become entangled in Chelsea's web of deception again.
And so, my dear sinner, your journey continued. A journey of redemption and self-discovery, where the scars of the past became badges of your resilience. You emerged from the darkness, not as the temptress you once were, but as a warrior who had escaped the clutches of the wicked and lived to tell the tale.
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lilimalia · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS... to remember the friends you had once loved so dearly, and to cry away the feelings you had wished you had left behind.
CHARACTERS... traveller/aether,, zhongli/morax,, streetward rambler,, madame ping,, cloud retainer
DISCLAIMERS... angst, no comfort, fem reader, short series, Part II
BARISTA'S INTEL... If you had signed up for Taglist, please make sure you put the right tag/handle in! And if you’ve changed your handle/tag resubmit an answer! Thank you 🍓
TAG LIST... @neverlandlostchild , @yae-raidenmyloves , @inky-oni , @milkiemei , @seyboo , @shaneelyn , @lumpywolf , @i-heart-dainsleif , @dartheldur , @simpcreator , @rjreins , @chuusposts , @thelonelyarchon , @i-loveyou013 , @iiyumii , @gellitu , @patchi-chi , @almighty-raiden-shogunate
CAFE TUNE... Space Song // Beach House !
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The sound of Liyue fireworks resonates within your heart, watching as the young children of this new age dance like lotuses to water.
Breathing in the scent of the festivities, you gaze upon the flickering yellow lights that adorn the new Liyue. Listening to the blissful beauty of mortal exchange as the smell of tea brews beside you.
"And so you go by Madame Ping now Streetward Rambler?..."
The women, eyes solemnly gazing at you, nods to your remark. Her fragile body bending forward to hand you the warm stone cup. Rim glistening with pools of reflection as the scent dances up towards your nose.
"Is this... Silk Flower tea?..."
"Only the finest batch Duànzào." Madame Ping smiles, bent posture leaning towards the railings of the pavilion as you both gaze outward.
"You have much on your mind Streetward... Please, do speak." you murmur, hands clasping around the smooth stone cup as you breathed down the aromatic clouds.
"... Why is it that you have decided to return now?"
Her words stung like glaciers. Your heart chilling as you glanced away from her watchful gaze. Instead finding interest in the stone steps below.
"It was... A change out of my control..."
You can feel her hand soothe your back, taking it's place as it rubs up and down in a comforting manner.
"Cloud Retainer has missed you... I am sure they will welcome your return..."
No one was suppose to know
"One has heard their name being spouted. Who dares to gossip about one without one's presence?!"
"Ah... Haha! Cloud Retainer, what a joy to see you here"
"One has been advised to come and visit the New Liyue... So one has decided to ask how you fare Streetward Rambler". The crane bellows, magnificent wings retracting as she lands.
And yet you refuse to turn around. To gaze at your greatest councilor.
"Who is it that you speak with Streetward Rambler? They seem quite rude! It is an Adepti that is present mortal! Turn your head, although we do not withhold the same business with Liyue as before, you are to still treat us with respect!"
"Haha... Now, now, Cloud Retainer. That is no way to speak to an old friend now is it?"
Turning, your grey pupils lay eyes upon her own. Black beauties that glisten in the moonlight.
"It is good to see you again... Old friend"
Upon the Liyue night. Lanterns blazing, festivities murmuring joy into the air.
A god and her advisor meet once more.
If only it had been on more joyful terms.
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"And so you had returned on account of the Adeptal Sealing breaking away at your power?"
"Yes... Unfortunately, it seems... that no Adepti creation will be able to handle a god's strength..."
"One believes it is a fortune that no such thing can! How dare you leave one all those years ago?!" Cloud Retainer chides, her voice raising in mocking irritation.
It raises a smile out of you, to see your old friend still the same as ever.
How long had it been since the three of you had stood on that balcony? An hour perhaps?... Or two? To think you had missed so much.
"One had begun to believe Duànzào had forgotten about ones self!"
"Oh really? Is that so? Hmph! Perhaps I should have! You always did spend your time going on and on about your sucesses instead of drinking Streetward- I mean Madame Pings tea! What a waste..." you smile, giggling as you held up the steaming tea to your lips.
Watching as your old friends gossip about good times, your heart stings.
It could have been three... had you been there faster.
Had you not have been stricken with jealousy.
Several hours pass, and with each, you are introduced with the new representatives of Liyue... A child, and two remarkable Adepti that seem glowing with youthful energy. And a traveler... One who's hair shines as bright as midnight stars. He seems to study you from afar.
Ever so often, he glances at his smaller companion, murmuring secrets you fail to understand.
But his eyes are ever so watchful, kept on you like a hawk, as you try your best to remain poise.
Alas, the night must end, always. And to that, you give your goodbyes and good thanks, strolling away in deep thought.
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Your steps echo from the stone stairs, descending down from the patio. The sound of fireworks resounding across the midnight skies.
You aren't alone. You can feel.
"Is there something you would like to ask me Traveller?... It's quite rude to follow a lady without her acknowledgment you know..." You chuckle, turning your head around.
"One is offended that you Duànzào have mistaken one for a mortal! Hmph!"
"Ah.... Cloud Retainer... My apologies, I did not mean to offend you" you smirk, watching as the regal human walks towards you; arms folded.
"I suppose you have many questions...."
"Indeed, one does. One will not let this opportunity pass one. So, speak." It feels as though her voice is laced with venom.
Was it directed towards you?...
"I am sorry Cloud Retainer. It wasn't my intent to have to leave you that way." Your hands are rubbing up against each other uncomfortably. Yet that deceitful smile adorns your complexion.
"You know just as well as one does that this has nothing to do with your encaging years ago. One may appear to be noble and arrogant to some, but one is also watchful." Her words sting like a scorpion's tail, piercing your chest.
Like a dull punch. One you can't seem to cover up and hide away...
Maybe it's the falter in your act that gives her the hint. The way your turning your head away from her, refusing to face her directly.
" Duànzào, please. It was never your fault."
She's begging now. What for... You can't seem to determine. For you to face her directly? Or to break through your mental fortress...
She's stepping closer, her heels echoing. Blue eyes, solid and cold. Her hands suddenly clasp around yours. Enveloping them in warmth. A silent reassurance.
"One knows, it was never your fault, Duànzào."
You won't cry. You won't let it happen, not in front of her, and not infront of anyone.
Your efforts to run away, were pathetic, undeserving of forgiveness. You didn't deserve her remorse nor forgiveness...
But, the way that her arms wrap around your body, caressing you.
It's too tempting.
"One has decided."
"One will never let Duànzào fear the emotions that plague Duànzào's mind..."
"Your safe little one, safe by ones side."
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Zhongli feels as though he's forgotten to breath.
It feels sinful listening in on them.
Why does his chest hurt so much? Why is it that, of the two women in front of him, one is his advisor.
His greatest weapon, weakness, and friend.
"Duànzào....? Your alive?"
Never before, has Zhongli been so grateful for his years of honing his voice. The confidence that it emitted, was far different from the feelings that come from his chest.
She hasn't turned around. And Cloud Retainers arms have wrapped around her harder.
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SPECIAL BREWS... none available, sorry customer!
BARISTA'S INQUIREMENT... This was really hard for me to write... I feel like I didn't do as well this time around. I'd love your feedback!
word count. 1195
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©-FUTURIST... Please do not plagiarize, themes are edited by me, reblogs allowed, do not repost on any other platform!!
banner credits: @IllaOhara
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bloodsoeur · 4 months
For domestic/smutty ideas, how about post-game sleepy morning sex with Astarion? 👀👀
hello anon! i loved this idea. bliss. got carried away and wrote 1.2k words. thank you for trusting me with the VISION. c/w: 18+, smut, feeding, x afab reader, p in v
Muddling some rosemary and freshly-squeezed bergamot with sugar in an ornate short glass, topping with a lick of aged brandy.
The sun rises outside. Your heavy-lidded lover watches from the bed.
Eight months since the fall of the Absolute - the first six of which spent on the road, the latter two in your newly purchased Upper City townhouse - and every single hour by Astarion’s side has been a magic of the kind you once only imagined being on this mortal coil.
Your days consist of a hazy mingling of both light and dark; no set schedule. A hedonistic respite following the journey of a lifetime - well earned, as assured by the chamber of city councillors, who gave you a fat stipend from grateful patrons and access to Astarion’s long-forgotten bank account (which had been sitting accruing interest on his decent magistrate’s salary for two hundred years) so there’s no need for urgency in your plans. Just a desire to make up for lost years you didn’t know you were ever possibly missing.
Sheets half-ruffled over one leg, the other atop the crisp linens; he perches coquettishly on an elbow, impatient head resting on closed fist. The expanse of his body just as devastating as it has always been. Planes of shapely chalkened muscle, lithe in porcelain.
In your bed he looks phenomenal. Cattish. Lazy and swimming in the mindless bliss of inaction. 
You traipse back to bed and climb over him to your side, placing the aromatic on the nightstand. 
“Hungry?” You ask as you wriggle in and half-under the sheets to rest a hand on your abdomen, shifting your robe so it covers your own form a little better.
His smile is pure syrup. Dopey and fanged. You reach for a sip of the brandy and angle your head for him.
“Feed, lover.” You grin. 
Ever-so-slowly his eyes fall from the hold of your own to the plane of your bare throat.
It’s a clean canvas, minus two blooming pricks enclosed in raised flesh, tender and flush; aching with his frequent feeding and your own neglect to heal in the aftermath. 
He flattens his tongue at the nape of your neck.
The gasping hitch of a soft groan. 
Cruises over the flesh from collarbone to jaw, wet as sin and winter-cool with his breath of frost; a reverent slow-dance, a chaste kiss in a cathedral hall. Late night on his lap by the docks. The only lovers left alive. 
The thin layer of lick fast becomes a shallow clear pool over your current wounds and it becomes apparent that Astarion is salivating.
Drooling. Plush lips; lust-bitten, meeting the thin skin in slow sodden kisses. 
Astarion lifts his head and your eyes meet once more as he lies just below you on his side. Reaches for your hand with his own, captures it in a twisting lock of his fingers. A sedate blink. 
Asking permission.
In response you simply bring your body closer to his, and cradle his head with the inside of your upper arm. Slotting your leg at an angle between both of his in anticipation of his familiar need for friction. 
You nod.
The initial blunt sting of his bite is as grossly nauseating as ever. 
A small gouge of the flesh, a tug of the skin, and his incisors rock the torn skin back-and-forth; little-by-little, to open you wide and consume. 
Blood intermingles with a coat of his own spittle and spurts pulse-rhythm from the holes into his wanting mouth; wet lips closing over your open wounds and suckling fervently. Your thick iron nectar paints the underside of his tongue.
Strings of expletives.
The tips of his ears twitching violently in desire in the way you know that his cock will too. 
He whines in ragged yearning between messy swallows. 
You choose to feed him. To nurture, to please him. Tired and starving, you bring him to life. His want for you, his urgent need to consume you; his unending agony at the bestial nature of his condition turned innate lust by the fact that you choose him to bestow your lifeblood upon. 
Eyes still heavy in post-trance tire as he feeds. The rut of his hips, a sounding board he offers into your thigh mindlessly. You feel it and look to his waist.
His newly-ruddy cock head leaks a familiar pearlescent sheen as he cants his hips back and forth in a primal hump, christening your upper leg and his tummy alike with the balm of his sticky preseed; slit brushing open with each blunt thrust and gushing something ungodsly. 
You picture his euphoria as your own begins to bloom.
Feeding from you, weeping onto you; holding your warm form as if an extension of himself as he swallows, choking back praises as he feels you at the back of his throat, wracked with carnal fever.
Then he tears away from your neck with a hurried precision just as you feel the fuzz of bloodloss begin to settle. Sits above you and hooks a leg over.
When you dream, you dream of him like this. Laughing astride you on haunches, head thrown back; jawline firm with the hearty laughter of the morning gods and cascading ripples of amber through whitish curls. Swatting your curious hands from his divine face as you prod and poke, cock bobbing with his weighty tip bouncing against his abdomen while he reaches a hand to the apex of your thighs; and despite being so recently sated - he looks starving.
“What’s this, little one?’
His voice is pure butter. Palm, warmed by the heat of your blood; rests on the crux of your pubic bone with one finger settling atop your slit. Daring you to tell him to stop. You groan.
Then he dips just a little between them. A deep-satisfied laugh.
You’re completely soaked. Throbbing. Keening at his touch already, and he’s barely touched you; curling your hips to meet his friction and feeling the absolute shock of how wet you are in both warm cunt and dripping from the crimson drips of your neck. 
He slaps your ass and flops back to lie on his side.
‘Lie into me, dove.’
You shudder at the crack in his voice, shifting quickly to curl into him and feeling his cock hot against your ass. Hard. Your hole aches. 
‘Lift this leg for me now. Open up and bring it just -’
He brings your tense leg over his hip, giving his cock just the access it needs to penetrate the well of your desire. 
The space between you feels colossal. You try to shift back onto him and he allows it, the fat head you seek rubbing gently along your spill.
‘- there. Now.”
Astarion burrows his arm under your lying side and cants his hips back fully one last time, huffing forward and burying his throbbing cock between your legs with a brutal thrust, inch by inch, until he has settled at the hilt and you’re on the verge of euphoria-dazed tears.
He’s a man on his deathbed, a man seeing the pantheon of the gods for the first time as each movement displaces a ridiculous amount of your own arousal onto his milky skin. 
Panting, eyes lascivious and aflame.
You think you could spend eternity like this with him. 
It doesn’t take long for you both to reach your peak.
The white heat is incredible. Spasming together, coaxing every last bit of pleasure from the cores of your bodies; aching, whining, groaning.
In the aftermath you wonder if he feels the sun the moment you cum together the way you do.
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delinquentfiction · 3 months
A Night of Pampering With Vil
Content: Vil x Reader, fluff, spa day, romantic, kisses, pet names (Darling, Kitten, Petal, Dear), no use of y/n
Tw: None
Word count: 1140
You knocked politely on the imposing dorm door, practically vibrating with excitement. Today was a self-care Saturday, as Vil had dubbed your regular bonding sessions of indulgent relaxation. And you were more than ready to soak in his pampering aura.
"Come in darling, I'm just finishing up in here!" Vil called melodically.
Pushing open the door, you were immediately greeted by a heavenly aroma of rose scent wafting through the lavish lounge area. Soft classical music floated through hidden speakers, soothing your soul. But your attention was stolen by Vil emerging from his spacious bathroom, clad in a silky robe with damp hair tousled fetchingly.
How Neige was considered more beautiful than him you couldn’t figure, especially in moments like this. Fuck, the man looked like he was sculpted by the angels themselves. You hated how sometimes the blonde watching his figure so closely meant that you had to give up some simple pleasures, especially in the beginning, but clearly the work works out. If only the french fries and small bags of chips you would sneak didn’t taste so good. If only they didn’t taste better when you sneak them.
"Come here kitten, let me get a look at that lovely face of yours." He cooed, taking your chin gently between his thumb and forefinger to tilt your visage this way and that under scrutinizing eyes.
Vil hummed in approval. "Good, no unsightly blemishes to speak of. Now, have a seat and I'll fetch my supplies."
You giggled, obediently perching on the plush chaise lounge. Moments later Vil reappeared with an armful of ornate bottles and tubs, laying them out ceremoniously on the coffee table before you. His nimble fingers got to work smoothing aromatic creams and serum into your skin, massaging deftly. You melted into his touch with a contented sigh.
Next came a clay mask infused with calming scents, mixed fresh for optimal potency. Vil expertly applied the cool mixture, sculpting it to your features in sweeping strokes. Gingerly tapping your nose, he winked. "All done darling, now just ten minutes for it to work its magic. We'll chat and sip tea, yes?"
Vil set about preparing a luxurious pot of rooibos with honey, chatting idly about the latest campus gossip during the wait. Before long he proclaimed your mask fully cured, carefully peeling it away to reveal radiant skin beneath. You gasped - already you felt rejuvenated on a deep level.
"Simply stunning, as I knew you would be, my petal." Vil praised, cupping your chin affectionately.
A brush of his thumb along your lower lip set your heart skipping, though the moment passed as he began applying rich lotions to lock in moisture. With finishing spritzes of setting mist, you were left the picture of pampered bliss.
"Now for the pièce de résistance!" Vil declared dramatically, rising in a flourish.
He returned promptly with an armful of silky fabrics, laying them out like pieces of a puzzle atop his sumptuous canopy bed. Selecting two options, he held them up for your inspection. "The emerald shall bring out the gorgeous azure of your eyes darling, but the rose quartz may better suit your rosy complexion. Decisions, decisions..."
You considered briefly before gesturing to the rose, touched by his care in selecting colors flattering your features. Vil beamed, gathering the garment to hold against your form appraisingly.
"Exquisite choice as always, now let's get you dressed." He hummed, helping you slip into the floating silk robe and sneaking a delicate kiss on your shoulder. It was light, but you felt it and it caused a slight heat to grow on your cheeks. With nimble fingers he tied the sash, smoothing the fine material over your shoulders. "Gorgeous, simply gorgeous, my petal."
Stepping back, Vil admired his handiwork before setting to styling your hair. Gentle brushes and delicate braids worked your locks into an elaborate updo, stray curls artfully framing your face. Finally, he applied the barest touches of makeup to accentuate your natural beauty - pink balm to plump your lips, wisps of shadow to make your eyes pop.
Spinning you to face the full length mirror with a flourish, Vil gazed proudly over your shoulder at the vision before you both. "My dear, you take my breath away. Come, let's bask in the glow of your allure together, shall we?"
His arm settled around your waist, pulling your back against his robust chest as you admired your reflection. With his chiselled jawline dusted pink and lustrous hair tousled roguishly, Vil was quite the statuesque specimen himself. Turning in his hold, you wrapped your arms around his neck in thanks.
Vil murmured your name affectionately, leaning in to brush featherlight kisses across your forehead, cheeks and nose until you were both breathless with giggles. His arms tightened around your waist, looking deeply into your eyes as if searching for something. Your breath hitched under the intensity of his gaze.
But the moment passed as Vil reclined gracefully against mountains of satin pillows, patting the space beside him invitingly. You readily cuddled into his side with a contented sigh, idly tracing patterns on his chest through the gauzy robe as relaxing melodies washed over you both once more. The blonde at one point delicately holds your cheek and stares into your eyes once more, however he didn’t seem to be looking for something. He seemed to have found it and leaned down while you allowed your eyes to flutter closed and the warmth of his lips met yours for a good minute or so before breaking the contact. You shyly smile at him before hiding your face back in his robe. The heat in your face was sustained by his larger hand tangling its fingers with your own.
You felt his chest rise and slightly hum as he spoke once more, “My petal, your newly found radiance and confidence over time together has seemed to captivate even myself. Might I have the honor of courting you properly?”
If you had given a verbal response, you think you would just end up shouting the answer. So instead, you nod, a big smile creeping onto your face. He lifted the hand he had been holding and placed a kiss on the back of it. You could feel his smile against your now softer skin. “Wonderful, my dear. Now get some beauty rest so you don’t get demoted to potato again.”
Hours passed by like this, basking in each other's company as the sunlight slowly waned outside. Such pampering self-care sessions had become the highlight of your weeks spent amidst the hustle of school. But nestled securely in Vil's capable arms while his digits toyed with your hair, you thought maybe you found something even more soothing than any skincare ritual or carefully crafted ensemble. For here, you felt beautiful inside and out.
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lilacskiesapothecary · 6 months
🤪 idk 🤷 in a mood, really want to take a nice soak but can’t 😭 so here’s a Drabble
Yuji would definitely make a soothing and relaxing herbal bath for you! He would gather some aromatic herbs like lavender, chamomile, and rose petals to create a calming atmosphere. The warm water infused with these herbs would help you relax, relieve any muscle tension, and promote a sense of well-being. It would be a perfect way for the you to unwind and take care of yourself while enjoying the healing properties of the herbs. 🛀🌿✨
Megumi would create a serene and rejuvenating herbal bath for you. He would carefully select herbs like eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemon balm to create a refreshing and invigorating experience. The aromatic steam from the bath would help clear your mind and relieve any congestion. It would be a blissful and revitalizing soak that leaves the reader feeling refreshed and energized. 🌿🛀✨
Nobara would make a herbal bath for you, she might choose a blend of relaxing lavender, invigorating mint, and soothing chamomile. It would be the perfect combination to help you unwind and rejuvenate after a long day. 🌿✨
Gojo would make a bath using a combination of relaxing ingredients like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus. Lavender helps to calm the mind and promote relaxation, while chamomile has soothing properties that can help to ease stress. Eucalyptus is known for its refreshing scent and can help to clear the respiratory system. Together, these ingredients would create a rejuvenating and tranquil herbal bath experience. 🌿🛀
Toji would use a combination of invigorating ingredients like rosemary and citrus. Rosemary has a refreshing scent and can help to uplift the mood, while citrus fruits like lemon or orange can provide a burst of energy and invigoration. Together, these ingredients would create a revitalizing and refreshing herbal bath experience. 🌿🛀
Nanami would opt for a blend of invigorating ingredients like peppermint and eucalyptus. Peppermint has a refreshing and cooling effect, while eucalyptus can help to clear the respiratory system and provide a sense of revitalization. Together, these ingredients would create an energizing and refreshing herbal bath experience. 🌿🛀
✨🧼You can have your own nice relaxing bath, with our herbal infused milk tea baths 🧼✨
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TW: Smut. Mommy kink. Breeding. Daddy kink. Degrading Kink. 
SUMMARY: A simple act of domestic bliss sends Rafe desperate to make you a mommy…
Anonymous asked:
omg ok i was thinking of this while looking at your masterlists! do you think you could write something where reader is engaged to Rafe and she's making dinner for his parents and he wants to make her a mom? (daddy kink, degrading, breeding kink, etc) Thank you!! :) (btw i love your work)
“Three tablespoons of butter and a dash of salt…” You read the recipe from your phone, turning in every other direction to keep everything in order. The aromatic vegetables would be stirred every so often, steamed to perfection as the florets of broccoli would fall apart once penetrated with a fork. The ham lined with pineapple and a homemade glaze, memorized from your mother having embedded it within your mind since you could first remember the recipe and hold a spatula, would be at the cusp of turning that perfect golden brown. And finally, the blueberry cobbler, a favorite to Rafe’s father, and your soon-to-be father-in-law, was in preparation for the oven once the main dish would be removed and set to be replaced. 
But where you were this perfectionist, so much so that it often put you at odds against your fiance as he was was more of a procrastinator, his eyes were fixated on you from the distant analysis he held in you as he had emerged from his home office once smelling the meal he was due to consume in less than an hour. Yet, he would find the most mouthwatering detail to be that of you draped in a perfect summer dress that taunted him in its perfection. 
“Rafe…” You teased as his lips fell at your shoulder and his grip was around your hips, taking you to the island still wearing the evidence of your homemade crust. 
“You were made for this…” He explained while pushing you into the ledge of the counter, insinuating a double meaning by both the actions of a housewife you’d already showcased as well as the presence of his cock, indicating your purpose was to pleasure him this way as well. 
“They’re going to be here in less than…” You turned towards the oven to check the clock as he would use this turn of your head to deepen his lips to that curve of your neck, your favorite spot for him to savor you. 
“You look so beautiful like this…Cooking…Flour on your cheek and a skirt making it so easy for me to do this…” He explained while pulling the fabric upwards enough to reveal your naked hips. 
“And it looks like you know exactly what I need, don’t you, baby? Hmmm? Or are you just THAT much of a whore for me?” The truth was, it was a bit of both. You knew whenever you’d wear a skirt that he would be pleasantly surprised to find your lack of panties awaiting his seeking fingertips, but you also knew that he managed to make you alter from the innocuous girl you once were into the harlot of a woman he made you into exclusively for him. 
“I can’t wait to be married to you-”
“Only a few more months…” You spoke excitedly, still drawn more into his lips to your neck than the fixation of his words, but the idea of being “Mrs Rafe Cameron” having always thrilled you to tear you from any other focus. 
“I can’t wait that long-”
“For what?” You chuckled as he suddenly pulled you over the counter, skirt fisted behind your back as his second hand moved to your hair, lifting you just high enough so he could make out your expressions as you turned to him. 
“I’m gonna breed you, sweetheart-”
“Takes nine months, right? Nobody would even know as you smiled for those pictures looking so beautiful in that white dress, undeserving of it because you’re anything but fucking innocent…Nobody knowing you’re stuffed with my baby, soon to be swollen so I can take care of you…massage you…mmm…” He growled at the devilish thoughts on broadcast across his mind. 
Of course, you’d thought about this with him, you wouldn’t be marrying him if it wasn’t a conversation you’d had. But this soon? So soon after being married? It wasn’t a car you could switch once you got bored or wanted something new. It was a lifelong commitment that was bigger than even marriage because that could be annulled or separated, even ending in divorce. But a child…it meant being bound forever, no matter what. 
“Don’t you want me to make you a mommy, baby? Your tits are gonna get so big-”
“So I can suck on them…Make ‘em feel good for you…” He kneaded the sensitive flesh now, pulling his palms beneath the fabric of your dress and exposing them to the air. 
“Every night, giving you baths were not an inch of your skin is untouched…”
“We should talk about this after dinner…Have an actual conversation about it-”
“No. Seeing you work that pretty little ass off all day…wearing this dress-without panties, because you’re such a fucking whore, you want this just as badly as I do…” He pulled you only by your cheek to face him, his cock teasing your folds as your eyes fluttered to remain open. 
“Unless I’m wrong. Unless you don’t want to have my baby…”
“I do, Rafe…” You were suddenly forced back over the counter, his cock silencing any further words beyond that of your agreement. 
“You wouldn’t be walking around without panties unless you wanted this…Playing innocent in this little dress…baking pies and setting out our best silverware…And I want them to sit around that table, completely unaware you’re stuffed with my cum…Just waiting for it to give me what I want…”
“Rafe…” You groaned as he held you by your shoulder, harsh thrusts taking you to and from his waist, his depth incomparable and distracting enough to forget of the recipes swirling in your head from the beginning of the morning or even how anybody from a gardener to the mail man could walk before the window of the kitchen. All that mattered was pleasing him. 
“Tell me you want it, baby-”
“I want it! Rafe…” He paused, suddenly turning you to face him. He would threaten his cock against you once again, this time doing so as your legs were pulled to the edge of the counter so once he would penetrate, it would be deep enough to hit THAT spot for you. 
“Call me what I want to hear…you know what it is-you know what I want.”
“Daddy…” You spoke the word almost with a chuckle as he would thrust harshly into you, your body pulling into a recline over the surface of the kitchen counter, your fingers wrapped in desperation around the ledge, as he pounded into you.
“Feel how deep I am inside you, baby? No way you’ll get out of this without being pregnant!”
“Yes, Ra-Daddy! Please give me your baby!”
“This poor baby has a whore for a mommy…But daddy can help make her behave, can’t I?”
“Good…Gotta be a good mentor…gotta show our kid how to be, right?”
“Rafe!” He stilled his motions, a grip to your neck pulling your back off of the counter. 
“That’s not my fucking name. I don’t want to hurt you, baby…so call me what I want to hear.”
“Sorry, daddy.” Your eyes fell hollow with lust as he would nod wickedly. 
“Good girl…Good fucking girl…Now you want me to come? Hmm? You want my babies inside you?”
“YES! DADDY, PLEASE!” You groaned through clenched teeth as he pulled your legs higher over his shoulders, ankles crossed as he looked down to how beautiful a sight you had been for him. Willing to be fucked for him, filled with his release, and his in every sense. 
“Gonna be so fucking pretty all swollen with me…but the best part is keeping you stuffed with all of my cum so you’ll get pregnant for sure…”
“Yes! Come inside me, daddy! I wanna feel it-”
“Then fuck me back…you wanna be a mommy? Gotta work for it a bit, yeah?” You did what you could with your angle, working towards him as he would accept you with conviction, assisting more than his words suggested he would, before you were trembling under him and he was holding you tight to where not even a hair could be placed between you. 
“You’re gonna take it for me like a good little whore, right? Gonna sit there at dinner tonight so full of me, just waiting for it to make you pregnant for me?”
“Yes, daddy…”
“Good girl-gonna be a good little wife, and the best mommy-”
“Please…say it again.”
“Mommy?’ You nodded, biting your bottom lip as he would kiss you deeply, the final action before you would feel him inside of you, the familiar ribbons of warmth coating your walls, before he would slowly pull out from you. 
“Fuck, sweetheart…” As he looked at your pussy dripping him towards the counter, he was quick to set his fingers to its descent, “Gotta keep every last drop in there…might have to put some panites on-just this once…” But you would shake your head. 
“Still gonna be a whore today?” You nodded. 
“If it comes out, it just means you’ll have to fuck me again.”
“You don’t think I planned on it? Hmph? Now since we’re on the same page for a baby…You’re gonna be so fucking sore, baby…I’m so tempted to cancel this dinner and take you on that table-”
“But I want you to wait…Because you’re too greedy…” He smacked your ass, stealing a blueberry from the counter, and leaving you to finish the dinner, wondering if you were going to be welcoming a little Cameron in nine months time…
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae
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thefrontofmymind · 11 months
Proof Positive 2
a/n: this is a liiittle short but its a very important chapter so like,,,give me a break pls
WARNINGS: some light angst, pregnancy symptoms (you knew it was coming)
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You’d gotten into a routine. Days spent organising the band’s tour, and then nights spent in the arms of the bassist you spent all day thinking about. It was like you’d discovered a new side of yourself. Every moment felt new and exciting, but at the same time it was so, so comforting–having known each other for as long as you have, there was no awkwardness in getting to know each other’s bodies, you were both brave enough to tell each other.
On a day the four lads you effectively worked for held a meeting regarding their upcoming tour, you had to hold in giggles and you both would steal glances across the room. You decided it was best to keep it to yourselves. It wasn’t so much a secret, just something you wanted to hold as close to your heart as you could get. You knew it would be a whole thing when it came out, you wanted to prolong the bliss.
You were in desperate need of a rendezvous, you slyly tapped his arm as you walked past him and headed to the service entrance of the office building. He nodded to you–ever so slightly–as you looked back at him, he knew what you were up to.
After only a few minutes of waiting, leaning against the brick wall of the building, he emerged from the door and within a split-second, you’d grabbed him by the neckline of his shirt and your lips were on him.
“Like a bit of risk, huh?” He whispered as he held you against him. 
You couldn’t help the almost schoolgirl-like giggle that erupted from you. You tried to hide the blush and wide smile on your face by pressing your forehead into his chest.
“What can I say?” You quipped after you managed to calm down–at least a little bit.
For all of your career you yearned for your work, it was when you were at your best, you felt so proud of all your accomplishments, you were proud of your team. But now you began to savour your time away from work, the time you felt like you could be completely and truly at ease. You specifically loved the weekends, when in a perfect world, you wouldn’t have to head into the office at all. You loved waking up with Ross, you tried not to stare too much at his peaceful resting form, but most mornings you just couldn’t control yourself.
There was a dark cloud hanging over you around the third week of bliss. You had what felt like the beginning of a cold that you couldn’t shake and just kept persisting. Body aches, food aversions, and you were just so worn out–though you could probably chalk that up to your…physical activities.
Then there was the issue, staring at you directly in the face. Your cycle was regular like clockwork. Every four weeks since you were 12. So it was unnerving when your period just didn’t come like normal.
You tried not to panic the first evening, and then the next morning, and all throughout that day. As you were heading home, you swung by a pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test. You’d always been careful but…it was all too convenient–every symptom added up one by one the more you thought about it. You bought one of those ‘early detection’ tests–actually a 3-pack–and shoved it into the bottom of your bag.
Ross was at your flat when you came home. You realised you hadn’t even thought about Ross in this all. He was just as much a part of all of this as you were.
He was standing in your kitchen, stirring a pot of some kind of aromatic pasta sauce, a glass of red wine on the side.
“Darling!” He said as he saw you enter. You gave him a side-hug as he kept stirring, but giving you a tender kiss to the top of your head.
“Need to have a shower…” was all you said, hurrying to your bedroom and leaving a confused and slightly dejected Ross in the kitchen.
“Dinner’ll be ready when you’re out!” You heard him call out.
You rushed to your en suite bathroom, tearing open the box of tests and reading the instructions.
You didn’t have a second to breathe or think until you set the 2-minute timer on your phone and put it on the counter next to the stick.
It felt like forever, time stilled. You were sat on your floor waiting. Then a daydream edged its way into your mind. Positive test, you tell Ross, he tells you he doesn’t want anything to do with you and you’re left alone after the best weeks of your life.
The sound of the alarm dragged you out of it, you didn’t realise that tears were mere millimetres away from falling–in fact, you could barely see through the blur. You dried your eyes with your sleeves and took a deep breath.
Your legs felt like they turned to jelly at the sight of the result and you were on the floor, a crumpled, crying mess.
You couldn’t think straight, your brain was somehow frozen while also going a million miles an hour. What were you going to do?
After a few minutes of deep breathing, you quickly shoved the test and box into the drawer below your sink and you had a shower–just a little cooler than usual.
You threw on a t-shirt of Ross’, there was pretty much always one of them in your flat nowadays. As you entered the kitchen, you saw him serving up two plates of warm, homely pasta.
“Perfect timing,” he said. “Wine?”
You saw the untouched glass on the counter. You had a decision on your hands. “I’m good.”
Ross looked at you a little confused for a second, you’d never been one to turn down a drink. He just nodded with a short ‘okay’.
Normally, your dinners would be full of conversation about your days, but not tonight. You didn’t dare say more than a few words at a time for fear that your voice would crack and your facade would just come crashing down.
“What’s up with you?” Ross asked eventually after half a dozen ‘okay’s and ‘wow’s from you.
How would you approach this? It would be unfair to keep him in the dark, and let's face it, you wouldn’t be able to hide it for long. You silently got up from your seat at your dining table to retrieve the test in the bathroom.
Ross was hot on your tail. “Did I do something?” He asked, voice full of annoyance more than anything else.
Without a word, you handed him the test where he stood in the doorway of the bathroom. He looked down at it.
“Shit…” He said.
“Yeah…” You answered, voice cracking.
“Oh, come ‘ere.” 
You pretty much fell into his chest, the tears now finally falling properly. And he just held you, with comforting, strong hands running up and down your back and quiet ‘shhh’s.
“I don’t…” You started. “I’m so scared, Ross.”
“I know,” he answered in a level, calming voice. “I’m here for you…Whatever happens.”
“D’you think I’m not in this?” He asked, looking you right in the eyes. “You’re one of my best friends, I am here for you, whatever comes at us.”
“I’m really tired…” You said after a moment of silent embrace.
“Go to bed, I’ll clean up.”
As you laid in silence, listening to Ross tidy up your kitchen, you realised it was the first night since you two slept together that you hadn’t…slept together. It was a picture of domesticity, it made you think about how your life could really go if it all fell into place right.
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duskmother · 10 months
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Auraugust 2023
Day 15 : Rainy Day
Svetlana adored the chilled air of a rain shower; the bliss of being surrounded by the nearby aromatic flora once all else had been washed away. A brief respite from the harsh summer sun would be both good for her and the flowers that had been wilting under it.
-> Auraugust Master Tag
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