#Arven Fanfic
arvensimp · 3 months
your father should know, pt. 4
Arven leaves you with something more than either of you bargained for when he goes off to Kalos for an internship, and through a series of miscommunications and heartbreak, he returns a few years later to learn that he actually has a child.
arven x fem!reader, nsfw content (in pt. 1), pregnancy (pts. 1, 2, & 2.5), angst, and stupid miscommunications
[part 1][part 2][part 2.5][part 3]
I'M HERE AGAIN THANKS FOR THE WAIT. SORRY ABOUT BEING THE WAY I AM LMAO please enjoy the next installment. it's not beta'd i'm out here livin like larry
[Group Chat: Team Star? More Like, Time To Go To HR AmIRight???]
WalkWalkFashionBaby: hey @ ParadoxChamp is this your man?
WalkWalkFashionBaby: [sent a photo]
[Image description: A man with wavy, longish ash blond and light brown hair, accompanied by a Mabosstiff, walking down the streets of Mesagoza. His hands are in his pockets, and he seems to be smiling.]
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: ?????????
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: !!!!!!!?!
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: yo wtf 
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: first of all that deadbeat isnt her man ortega
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: second
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: yea uh
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: @ paradoxchamp did you know he was back in town???????
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: third @ giacomo4pm momo if you don't change our nicknames in this chat back to normal I will absolutely dox you (again) and then change them back myself
Giacomo4pm: Can do, will do.
Giacomo4pm: Also, yo, damn, what's he doing back? I thought he fled the country or whatever.
Rika: so the sperm donor's here. Just came up the hill asking for you. Want me to send him packing?
Rika: yeah u do
Rika: well... I do.
Rika: also unrelated, holy sHIT, man's genes are strong. It's like I'm looking into a time machine for Basil's future.
Rika: except, you know. Basil will be way cooler and more handsome with your genes mixed in.
Rika: ❤️
Rika: plus no shitty facial hair.
Rika: or better facial hair.
Rika: anyway, I'm gonna eviscerate him.
Rika: love you. ❤️
You had been in Area Zero, gathering information on moth pokemon for Jacq when the director called, his usually placid voice laced with an edge of steel.
"Basil's father just stopped by." He says without preamble.
Your heart sinks, and you nearly lose your grip on Raidon, only barely managing to stay upright and drag the pokemon to a halt.
"His what?" You splutter, changing the phone to your other ear, as if you hadn't heard correctly.
"His father." The director repeats. "I know we have not...explicitly discussed Basil's paternity, but, well," He tsks lightly. "He showed up to speak to me."
Your head is filled with tarountula webbing. You feel your hearing go fuzzy, but somehow your hands direct Raidon up and toward the closest lab station. Out, out, out. Back to the school. Back to Basil, back to--
"I'm on my way to the entrance to Area Zero now." Clavell continues when you don't reply after a few moments. "I'll meet you there with Basil."
"What did he want?" You finally ask as you enter the station.
"I didn't give him the opportunity to chitchat."
You hum. "One second, Sir." You step into the transport pad.
A moment later, and Clavell is right in front of you, Basil tucked safely in his stroller, looking just as he did when you dropped him off this morning, save for his hair looking a little...off. You disregard it.
"Thank you so much." You sigh, hanging up the phone as Clavell gives you a sad sort of smile.
"Anything for you two." He says.
You kneel and try to fluff up your son's hair, but it has dried all crunchy from whatever happened during the day. He's getting a bath later, so you don't fret over it and just smile warmly to him, trying not to let your panic show.
"Ready to go home, sweet thing?" You ask him.
Basil nods, reaching with little hands for yours in his hair. "Mhmm!" He nods. "Ahso, Mama! I saw a big buddy! A big, BIG buddy!"
Clavell clears his throat and provides some context. "Mabosstiff said hello."
You look up to the director, knowing exactly which Mabosstiff he must mean. "Oh? Mabosstiff! That's...that's so great!" If your register is maybe just a touch too high, your smile too tight, it's only to maintain face in front of the boy to whom you turn back. "Were you kind? Remember how we always wanna be nice to new pokemon, yeah?"
"Uh-huh, uh-huh! He gived me a kisses! A lotsa kisses!"
So that's the crunch in his hair.
Oh, Mabosstiff...
"That's my sweet boy." You sigh, ruffling the mess before standing again to face the director.
"Thanks again. I'm gonna..." Another long exhale. "I'm gonna get us home."
Clavell nods. "You know how to reach me if you need something. And... Well, if you want me to intercede on your behalf, I'm happy to have words." He says stoically. "At times I felt I was the closest thing..." He gestures with his head outward toward the school. "He had to a parent in his life... I..." It's his turn to sigh. "I don't understand what happened there. How he could do what his own parents did to him? I'm sorry. If it's any consolation."
Your heart squeezes, and you distract yourself from the feeling by digging your nails into the soft foam of the handles of Basil's stroller. "Don't be. He made his choice, y'know?" You try to smile, but it's shaky. "He deserves to have the life he wants."
"He deserves a kick in the pants." Clavell responds. "Not that I'm an advocate for corporal punishment..." He adjusts his glasses in that grandfatherly way.
You laugh.
"Well, if he sticks around long enough, maybe you'll get a chance."
You hope he doesn't stick around.
Or...do you?
Do you even want to see him?
Either way, you don't want to linger on it in the lab.
"I'm gonna take this little one home."
Clavell nods. "Until later."
And then you're calling a cab to get back to your place, and Clavell is on his way back to the office.
While you're in the cab, you check your messages and sigh. Seems like Ortega caught a glimpse of Arven, and Rika is...fucking with him in some way or another.
You ignore your old classmates and opt to just text Rika.
Me: Got Basil from Clavell and we're on our way home rn/
Me: Love you too ofc 💖💖
A minute or so later, your phone buzzes. Rika again.
Rika: he's gone now
Rika: I put the fear of arceus in him if i do say so myself
You roll your eyes, smiling wryly. By now the cab is slowly descending to the space just outside your home, so you pocket the device and maneuver Basil in his stroller out of the cramped space and into the house.
Once he's unbuckled from his seat, he's bouncing around and grabbing at the attached bag, the one containing Buddy's pokeball, asking in broken syllables if they can play. 
It isn't a huge deal to let the pup out of the ball to play, so you hand it over to Basil, reminding him how to behave with his friend. At the same time, you also release Skeledirge to keep a watchful eye over the pair for a moment.
In the weeks since the Raisins Incident, as you've called it, you've come to the realization that your team can be of some assistance to you when you need a moment to yourself, when you're overwhelmed. Obviously Skeledirge isn't a parent. Neither is Raidon or Tinkaton or Screamtail or anyone else, but Skeledirge is smart enough to keep them safe for the precious seconds you need to breathe.
So you let the three alone in the living room and retire to your bedroom for a moment to collapse on the bed and gather your thoughts. You only need a few seconds. Just a few seconds of Mama time...just a few.
There's a sound at your open door as Basil toddles in, two pokemon in tow.
"Mama... Hungy?" He asks, clenching his shirt in tiny balled fists.
"Oh, sweetness..." You sigh, leaning down to pick him up and seat him securely on your lap. "You're hungry?" You press your face into his head, expecting its usual downy softness and the comfort of your child's scent, only to be met with that uncomfortable crunch of dried Mabosstiff slobber. Out of Basil's line of sight, your nose crinkles. "Let's see what we've got in the kitchen, yeah?"
"Toast? Toast 'n jellies?" He asks hopefully.
"I think we could do that, my littlest..." You respond with a smile, hefting your boy onto your hip as you trudge into the kitchen.
Of course, it would be just your luck that you're entirely out of oran jelly, the only jelly that Basil will eat right now. Thank you, developing taste buds and picky eating...
Maybe he won't notice if you try to give him pinap jelly instead this once?
You prepare his plate, the toast lovingly cut into four triangles, and you give him his sippy cup as well, but Basil only stares down unhappily at the food.
"Jellies?" He asks, his tiny button nose wrinkling.
"Yeah, Baby, I made you toast and jelly." Your heart clenches, anxiety rising, but you try to keep your voice chipper.
"Nuh-uh!" He insists, pushing the plate away.
"Oh, I'm sorry. We don't have the usual jelly. Do you wanna try this instead?"
Your son looks at you with wide eyes, rapidly filling with tears. His lower lip wobbles, and his brow furrows angrily. Times like these it's almost crazy how much he looks like...
No, focus!
"It's good, I promise. Wanna see? Mama will have some." You take a bite of one of the triangles and make a show of smiling. "Mmm! So yummy! It's really tasty!"
"No!" Basils yells in response, his tiny tears now falling. Hangry isn't a good look on the little guy.
"Ahhh, we gotta get you something to eat, huh, bud."
"Jellies!" He blubbers, only barely understandable through his tantrum. Buddy the Maschiff jumps up, placing his front paws on Basil's feet, trying to get at the food, and Basil complies, shoving it down to the pup.
You sigh. "Alright."
Buddy re-enters his ball, still chewing the bread, and you take Basil from his high chair, depositing him in his stroller.
"We'll go to the market and get your good jelly, okay? Super duper fast, then we'll come home and have a feast."
Basil is still crying, but the promise of his good jelly seems to placate him somewhat.
It'll be fine anyway. The market is only a short walk from your apartment building, and you'll only be out for a few minutes. 
The journey there is easy. Basil's stroller is one of those fancy transforming models that's great for all kinds of terrain while also being pretty light. It helps that the market is all outdoors, too. Less helpful is the fact that the stalls are fairly narrowly placed beside one another. At least it feels that way with all the people around, but it isn't overly cumbersome to navigate.
"Jellies!" Basil starts to whine as you approach the stall that he's come to learn has his favorite snack. He starts making grabby hands towards the jars along the table, and you attempt to quietly stop him.
"Yup! They've got your jelly here. Once I pay, you can hold the jar, if you like. Sound good?"
"I pick, I pick!" Basil insists, arching his tiny body as best he can away from the stroller's restraining buckle.
"Hey now," You press a soft but firm hand against him, guiding him back to his seat. "I'll let you pick, but you have to be polite. Say please and thank you to the salesperson, kay?"
Your son huffs, squirming a bit more before collapsing against the seat. "I be good. I good." He grumbles, and you're finally able to unbuckle him and take him up in your arms.
"Okay now. Can you ask for what you want?" You give the salesperson a thankful smile as you speak to Basil. They seem willing to be patient with your little one.
"Jellies!!!" He cries gleefully.
"Jellies, what, bud?"
"Jellies, pease!!!"
"There you go... We're gonna get some oran berry jelly." You tell the salesperson, already reaching into your bag with the hand that isn't carrying Basil. "Remember, these are glass, so you gotta hold it gently."
Basil carefully (or as carefully as a nearly-two year old can) chooses a bright blue jar, holding it in both of his hands.
Gently, so as not to jostle Basil enough that he drops his prize, you rearrange him on your hip, freeing an arm to reach into your bag, so you can pay the shop keeper. 
That's when you hear it. Not particularly loud compared to the hum of the crowd, but clear as day anyway.
The sound of your name being called gives you pause. You look around. It's not uncommon for you to be recognized, but you're already on edge. Hopefully it's just a fan or something?
You heard him. From the way you stopped and looked around, hiking the kid up just a bit higher on your hip as you distractedly tried to find the source of his voice, it was obvious.
It isn't an overly crowded market, but there are definitely enough people milling around that quick travel isn't really feasible from where he stands, particularly if he wants to get closer.
He calls your name again, louder this time. Before it had almost been breathless, filled with surprise, hurt, delight, just a tumultuous storm of emotions tearing through his stomach at the sight of you, the sight of his little carbon copy in your arms. Now he's really trying to get your attention.
You pinpoint him, and Arven waves, his bulky form helping to differentiate him from the rest of the crowd.
He... He can't read your face. You look like a deerling caught in Flash. He watches as you quickly shuffle, taking your boy (his boy?) away. Are... Are you for real fleeing from him? He calls your name again, trying to move closer to your retreating form, but it's no use. He makes it to the stall where you were before. He's positive of it because you left the stroller behind, and judging by the yelling from the salesperson, you made off with some product without paying. It's a no-brainer for him to lay down the cash needed, assuaging the anger of the clerk. Arven also grabs the stroller, giving a nervous laugh about how forgetful you must be before he starts trekking with it in the direction that you fled.
Except. He quickly realizes that's not really gonna get him anywhere. He has no idea where you live. Yeah, he knows where you used to live, almost 3 years ago, but that was basically a shoebox, a place to store your supplies while out and about as a champ. No way you're there still. Not with a kid. Right?
He eventually takes a seat on a bench close to the market, keeping the stroller next to him. You've gotta come back for it soon, right? Even then though, he has no idea how long it might take you to come back. 
Once again, Arven desperately wishes you hadn't blocked him way back when. He pulls out his phone, hoping to shoot you a text, on the off-chance that maybe you unblocked him at some point maybe?
Me: Hi, Buddy!
is all he types before seeing the tell-tale red messaging, showing that the number is indeed still blocked. Ugh.
Fuck, maybe...maybe he could use a pay phone or something? Just to tell you where your stroller is. But are there even any pay phones anymore?
As it turns out, they do still exist! There's one just on the edge of the market, so Arven makes his way over, pulling out his phone to copy your number once he's in the booth.
That's not a Paldean area code he sees. It's Kalosian. Yes, it's your name as the contact, and it's your final, nasty message to him there in the texts, but....it's not your number. There's not even a call history that goes back that far for him to try and grab the number that he just can't seem to remember entirely. He used to have it memorized, once upon a time, the two of you having been the other's emergency contact for so long, so he knows he's not crazy. That number...
He realizes on a second glance that the number is affiliated with Bon Applintit. It's got the same starting numbers after the area code.
What the hell happened to--
"Arven!!!!" The cry of his name startles him out of the thought, but he tucks it away for later. There's something very, very off going on, beyond the kid and everything. Which also??? Kinda absolutely bonkers. He's not gonna lie to himself. He also can't think too hard about it.
"Arven!" Nemona pulls him from that dizzying train of thought, as well as the phone booth. "I've been sent to just, uh...grab this from you..." She tells him, awkwardly trying to work her way around him to grab at the stroller's handlebars. "Ya know... Mama and Basil need it and all." She laughs a bit uncomfortably, continuing her attempt to pry the pram from him.
"Basil?" He says out loud, the name punching him harder than any Hitmonchan. His fists clench tighter around the bars.
Nemona slaps a hand over her mouth, allowing Arven to angle the stroller away from her. "Were you not supposed to know? Ah, gosh darn it!"
"I mean--!" He starts defensively. "I guess?! I never knew about...about any of this!" He gesticulates wildly. "When was anyone gonna tell me about Basil, huh? What the hell, Nemona!?"
She gives him a strange look, her lips pursed and brows quirked. "You... You really had no idea?" She crosses her arms, studying Arven's expression. "Hold on."
Nemona takes out her phone and starts texting. Arven does his absolute best to be patient, but with every passing second he's growing more agitated. 
"Okay, listen! Someone has GOT to tell me what's going on!" He eventually bursts. "Who IS this kid? Why does she have him? Why does... I mean, why does the kid look like me? Everyone's been treating me like shit since I got here, and none of it makes any goddamn sense! If anyone cares to hear MY side of the story, she blocked ME! And to my knowledge it was just over a few missed calls! I thought she was just overreacting! I had no idea about any of this!" His anger over it all, over getting shunned by his friends years ago, over Clavell’s insults, comparing him to his father, it all bubbles over, and he’s letting it out on Nemona. 
She hushes him with a sound and a not-so-placating finger, not bothering to even look up as she texts with a single thumb. "Hold on, hold on, hold on..." The patronizing nature of it all pulls a huff from Arven, whose grip on the handles of the strollers is so strong his knuckles go white.
His friend locks the screen and looks back to him. Her gaze is steady and serious, in stark contrast to her typical jovial self.
"Okay. I believe you, amigo. You say you've got no idea what's going on? I'm sorry to hear that. I really, really wish I could just tell you everything. Or at least, what I think is everything? But this isn't really my place. Not my mankey, not my circus. I'm just the mankey's fun tia, y'know?" She tries to lighten the mood a bit, but it absolutely falls short. "But. For real, this isn't the kind of chisme I enjoy. Not when it involves any of you. I'm talking to her now." Nemona shakes the phone in her hand. "I'm gonna see if she's willing to hear you out."
"Hear me out? She was the one--"
"That isn't how anyone here knows the story, Arven. At least what she's been able to bring herself to tell of it. I don't think any of us can claim to know all the details, but do you think she'd lie to make you look bad? Really?"
That seems to give Arven pause. At least long enough for Nemona to check the latest message from you. She smiles.
"She's on her way to the Treasure Eatery and will meet with you there. Be sure to bring the stroller."
Arven makes it to the restaurant before you. It isn't really surprising, given your detour to the league building to drop Basil off with Nemona for a bit. He ought to thank his lucky stars for Nemona pleading his case to you, saying he seemed to be genuinely confused and distraught over the situation. Otherwise you wouldn't have bothered. This is...exhausting to think about. Facing him. Trying to figure out what he wants. Why he came.
You won't lie, your initial thoughts as you rushed home with Basil tucked tightly in your arms, shielding him from his father, were rather dark. Was Arven here to try and take him? Did he think he could use your baby as some kind of prop in his social media videos? People go crazy for dads after all.
But, no. If you're honest with yourself (like Nemona urged you to be) that's not the man you knew. You couldn't imagine him becoming someone like that either, especially if he didn't want to be a dad in the first place... Beyond that, if you think rationally for a moment, there isn't a court in the world that would order your toddler son to another country without you.
No, this...this will be safe. It will be scary. To see him again. But. There's no need to think there's danger. It will just be kind of scary. And you can deal with scary, if only for a few minutes. 
"Hey." Your voice sounds drained as you drop your bag on your side of the booth and follow behind it to sit. You want to look at him. Look him in the eye and ask him what his deal is, but you just can't summon that brand of bravery.
"Hey." His tone isn't really discernable; you can't guess what he's thinking. "I, uh...ordered your usual drink. Or...What you used to order? If that's cool?"
Sure enough, there on the tabletop is your go-to drink from the Treasure Eatery, a ring of condensation already formed at the base of the glass, dampening the flimsy cardboard of the disposable coaster.
"Oh." It surprises you, that small bit of thoughtfulness. "Thanks." You take the glass in both hands and sip, letting the frosty cold of it ground you before you finally look up to see him.
He's... He's so much like Basil, it makes a lump form in the back of your throat. The nose, the eyebrows, the bow of his lips. You've seen them all every day for almost two years now in the face of your little boy; things you noticed and adored, now mimicked before you. Beyond that, he's still Arven. Time hasn't changed him too terribly much. For an adult, it hasn't been too long, so it's not like he's suddenly grey and withered before you or something. The biggest difference is how he pulls his hair back into a low ponytail, the patchy stubble around his cheeks and chin. He's either growing it out to try something new or just hasn't bothered with a razor for a while.
"Hey." You finally say. Truth be told, if not for your drink, your throat would've gone dry just seeing him again.
"So..." He starts, leading.
"So...you're back."
"Uh. Yeah. The plan was to spend the weekend clearing out my old storage....and...head back to Lumiose..."
"'The plan was?'" You ask.
"W-Well, I mean... I. I don't think I can just go back now, can I?"
You tense. Why did that feel like an attack? "I don't see why not. You didn't seem to think it was important to, you know, come back before now. What makes you think you have to stay?" Your tone comes off colder, more callous, than your aching heart would otherwise reveal, and it does its job, egging Arven onto frustration.
"I saw Clavell with Basil." He starts, pausing when he notices your flinch at the name. "Then I saw him with you. And... I mean..."
"Oh, so you saw him and now suddenly you care?" You ask, venom dripping more than you'd care to admit.
"What are you saying?!" He grates, volume only as loud as public decorum would allow in the bustling restaurant. "You... You have to be kidding, right? Of course I care! There's... There's a whole kid! Right? Where did he come from, huh? Cuz, like... Those don't just appear! And he's yours, right? He's gotta be! Like, obviously I see my...resemblance, but I see you in him, too!" That surprises you. No one ever found your features in Basil anymore, save for your mom, who made an off-handed comment once or twice about your eye shape or something.
Arven takes your silence as reason to continue "I mean... I've seen my photos from a young age... I..." His anger fizzles out into confusion as he goes on. "I don't want to make assumptions about...about us or what we were? But...looking at that kid, it's gotta be, right? That it was me? That I'm..." He can't say it out loud. "But why? Why didn't you say something? Why did you hide something like that? Cuz, like... I mean...even...even if he were someone else's... I mean, why wouldn't you have said something?"
"Hide it?!" The accusation shocks you into a response. "I never hid anything! I tried telling you for ages, back when you actually picked up the damn phone! You forced me into having to text you about my son! Then you blocked me! I have the receipts, Arven. I don't know what kind of delusion you've got going on in that head of yours, but I never hid my boy from you until I was given reason to! Why would I go out of my way to force a child upon a man who couldn't acknowledge him? Why wouldn't I keep my son safe from someone who didn't have the decency to be there for him? For me?"
Your tone has risen to a point where a few of the surrounding tables have hushed to listen in, and Arven can tell that prying eyes and ears are now on you both. He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath, an attempt to steady himself, keep from getting more heated in public. 
"Bud." He begins, the old nickname hitting you like a sucker punch. "I never knew. I don't know what happened there, but I promise. I promise on Mabosstiff's life that I had no clue about any of this. I think there had to have been some kinda mix up..." You watch as cogs turn in his head. "I think... I'm thinking maybe something happened with my phone." He says, pulling the device from his pocket. "Like... Lemme just try and make this clear from my end. Okay? I got this text from you..." He starts, tapping the screen. "It was kinda mean, and when I tried to respond, I was blocked." He holds up the conversation for you to read.
>Hey! Sorry we keep missing each other lately! I hope things are okay? Are you staying warm? It's getting kinda cold here.
>can we not do this?
>Not do what?
>"This" i'm getting real fuckin tired of you bailing on me all the time now that your some hot shot kalosian celebrity guy
>Whoa. Where is this even coming from??
>you kno exactly where its coming from, arven. Youve been super shitty to me since you left paldea and it really hurts my feelings.
>I'm sorry? I've been busy here. It's been a lot getting used to a whole new place and a whole new language. I thought you understood that. I really am sorry though.
>y'know what? I dont really care at this point. Ive had enough waiting around for you to call me or text me back. there are guys here who can do better by me
>[One Missed Call]
>[One Missed Call]
>[One Missed Call]
>Are you being serious right now? You can't be. This is a joke?
>[One Missed Call]
>[The number you are trying to reach has been disconnected and is no longer in service.]
Your face pales and stomach sinks as you read it. "Arven, I--"
"I just noticed earlier when I tried calling you about the stroller. That isn't even your number. It's Kalosian. It's... I think it's affiliated with my company? I can't be sure yet, but..." He locks the screen and puts his phone down. "I know now that you never sent those messages, and that somehow I lost everything related to your contact. So...whatever you might've sent...it isn't here. I couldn't have seen it."
With a nearly shaking hand, you grab his phone and open it back up, still remembering his old passcode (Mabosstiff's Pokedex number). "Hold on..." You absolutely sent a message. Whether it was deleted or not... You check his blocked numbers, knowing that on your end, you've been blocked since back when you first told him about the pregnancy. "Yup..." You show him the screen. There among several spam numbers was your own. "You blocked me."
Arven opens his mouth to argue. "Or, I guess," You continue before he has a chance to interrupt. "I was blocked... somehow? I still... I don't see how this could have happened..." You set the phone down and fish out your own from your bag. "Here." It only takes a moment to pull up your old conversations. "You can read for yourself what I tried to tell you."
>Hey! I know this isn't ideal, and I really would have rather said it in person or over a face call or even just a regular call, but I think you need to know, and I'm having a really hard time verbalizing it to you. I'm sorry to do it this way, but it's better to say it now than not at all, right?
>I'm pregnant, and it's yours.
>I'm so, so, SO sorry! I promise I didn't mean for it to happen like this, and I'm not trying to like…baby trap you or something. I swear! You're my best friend in the whole world, and I'm so happy that you can go and live your dream in Kalos right now. But I just feel like you should know? Like you should have a say in what happens here? I'd love to talk to you. Do...do you want to do this? Because....well if you're willing I'd want to try this. With you. But I also know that you're living your dream right now, and I don't want to get in the way of that! I want you to be able to really embrace this new journey you're taking and learn and grow and do wonderful things! But I just wanted you to know, you know? Please don't hate me. Just give me a call when you have a minute, and we can figure this out. Okay?
. Then after several months, you’d sent a picture. Just a simple selfie of you, looking exhausted beyond belief, hair tamped down to your head with sweat, but still smiling. In your arms is a tiny bundle with a little purple hat, face looking squished and wrinkly and perfect. Arven knows exactly what he’s looking at before he’s read your final message.
>He's here. I don't know if you care, necessarily? But... I love him so much, and I don't understand how you couldn't, so I thought I should share.
You watch as Arven tears up, holding your phone like a tiny, precious creature. "I never knew. I... I swear I didn't." He swallows. "My...my team... They all have access to my phone. Something must've... Someone, I guess..." He shudders then looks to you, resolute. "I'll figure it out. But." Arven looks at your hand on the table then flexes his own, curling and uncurling it from a fist. "I... I wanted to know. I should've known. I'm so sorry this happened..."
"Me too..." The anger and fear and sadness you had churning in your gut this whole time slowly begins to still. You don't know how to feel exactly about the misunderstanding, but you know Arven. You know he isn't lying to you, and to hear him apologize for all of this... It's like a weight off of your soul.
Arven pauses, gathering himself then stares you in the eye. "I was supposed to leave tomorrow, head back. Fuck that. I need to be here. I need to see him.”
It's another punch to the gut, and on instinct, you respond. "No."
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justlwrites · 2 years
Some of my hcs for pokemon characters and their love language(Male)
Raihan :: Gifting
I feel like he has alot of money, so he'll probably like to spoil you with anything you want
Leon :: Quality Time
As a champion(Lets ignore the protagonist aka you beating him) he doesn't have much time to spend with his s/o, so any free time he has, he'll probably spend it all with you
Hop :: Words of Affirmation
For Hop, I feel like he's to focus on beating Leon and becoming the champion that sometimes he forgets all about you, so sometimes you overthink and starts to feel insecure, but of course best boy Hop here will always tell you that you are still one of his top priorities
Volo :: Physical Touch
I see him as a very flirty man. Yeah, thats the only reason
Arven :: Quality Time
Since when he was little, he never spend time with his parents, he'll probably wanna spend all his time with you so replace that emty slot in his heart where his parents shouldve been
Gladion :: Acts of Service
Tho his family is rich, he doesn't wanna be associated with his family at all, so he rarely gives you gifts. But I still think he'll like to do nice things for you, like maybe, playing with your pokemon if you're busy, taking care if you when you're not feeling well, etc
N :: Acts of Service
Idk, I really dont know why I think he has that LL but i just think it suits him
why tf did i make his
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elliehearts · 2 years
Innocent hug.
Yan!Arven x reader
Summary: At first Arven thought he didn’t need anybody or someone to depend on, he knows how to care himself since he was a child. But, when he met you and you started with your “emotional help”, he can’t stand a day without you, he becames obsessive with you.
Warning: This fic contain obsession behavior, jealousy, a little of fluff and angst. All characters in this fic are older age but they're still in the academy.
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It all started when Arven told you what happened to Mabosstiff, he opened up for the first time with you. The sorrow you felt in that moment it made you hug him, promised him to help so that his pokemon recover and also, you'll be for him for anything he needs.
Arven wasn’t hugging you back in that time because he was in shock. It’s been a while someone has hugged him, petted him like that. The warm of your body, your soft hands in his hair it was something new.
When you separated from him, Arven felt a tiny hit in his chest, he didn’t want to break the hug but he didn’t know how to say it either. So he remained silent, without taking his eyes off you.
When Mabosstiff started to bark, Arven jumped to hug him of happiness. You were also happy, almost cried by the situation. But you didn’t expect that Arven will hug you by the hips, hiding his face in your abdomen. You heard how he thanked you again and again. You patted his head and cleaned his tears from his cheek, to calm him down you smiled at him kindly. He stared at you for a while to later hide his face once again, without saying anything. He just hold you tighter, as if you were going to disappear or something.
The others times were similar, except that the hugs were more often and longer. You noticed that Arven was more attached to you and even talkative. It didn’t bother you at all, it makes you happy seeing him in a good mood and how much he trusts you. But you didn’t notice the stares of Arven were more often, how he rubbed his legs against your while you were talking, the suddenly interest on your life or how he took some clothes out of your backpack when you weren’t looking…Arven knew that was wrong but he couldn’t help it. He started missing you a lot every time you were going elsewhere, he needed something to calm down. Something to help him in the night when he can’t stop thinking about you.
When you had to go to Area Zero, Arven didn’t stop to brag about how you were the best the duo in everything, he even tried to tell Nemona that you weren’t interested in Pokémon battles, although your were. He didn’t separate from you in any moment. Penny mocked that both looks like a couple, your inmediately deny it with a blush on your face, of course, Nemona and Penny started to annoy you about it but for Arven, he didn’t find it funny.
You arrived to the first station, everyone was tired so you proposed to spend the night there. Penny didn’t like at all because she was afraid that a wild Pokemon enter the place. Nemona didn’t care, she just wanted to sleep so in the morning can capture more pokemon with more energy so she was the first in going to sleep in that old bed that was in a corner, she made a space in the bed so that you can sleep too but you refused, telling her that you had a sleeping bag. So Penny took your place.
You settled in the floor, ready to sleep until you felt how Arven lay beside you. You were nervous for his action, causing you blush. His excuse it was that the floor was cold, also the night, and he didn’t want you catch a something. It was chilly that night but it wasn’t that bad, but you didn’t deny him either, so you let it pass.
You were so tired that you fall at sleep fast. So you didn’t felt how Arven hugged you for behind and how he whispered you a few things like; you’re very special, you’re very kind, you’re beautiful, you’re lips are very tempting, you’re skin is very soft, you’re scent is mesmerizing. He didn’t realize how strange that was, even creepy. He thought that how people in love acted.
When it happened with Arven’s father, revealing his death and everything, the atmosphere was awkward. It was noticeable how sad Arven was, you didn’t know what to do so you only took his hand to tried to calm him down. The others also tried to cheer him up, even Miraidon gave him a little push in his back. But for Arven, he only cared about you taking his hand, it’s the only thing that cheer him up.
He didn’t let go your hand until you arrived at the academy, you reported to the director and told him what happened in the lab. After a long chat, Nemona remember the final battle between you and her, to decide who is the best. Arven was going to tell her to leave you alone but you immediately accepted her challenge.
Quickly you were at backyard and almost everyone from the academy gathered around, even La Primera was there. During the battle you could hear the shouts of encouragement of Arven, you felt confident with his words and that how you win against Nemona. When she wasn’t saying anything you thought she was mad but she rushed towards you, hugging you while she congratulated you and how she couldn't wait to have another battle with you. Everyone was happy about your victory but when you saw Arven in the background, he wasn’t happy at all. You didn’t know why the suddenly mood change but for some reason you felt it was your fault.
It wasn’t your fault or something you did actually. It’s just when Nemona hugged you, he felt angry. He was going to approach to get her off but then you hugged her back, Arven got paralyzed, couldn’t move a muscle, he just felt how his environment it was writhing, his chest squeezed. He didn’t understand what happened to him, it made him nervous, it makes him sad.
He snap out of his trance when he heard you called him for the third time, with a sad tone you asked him what wrong, he didn’t answer for a few seconds and then he just smiled at you and told you how happy you make him, how proud he was. With relief you hugged him by the neck. Arven hugged you back running his hands through your hair.
He realized something.
Anyone can hold you, hug you, touch you and take you away. That’s why he was so angry, he doesn’t want to share you with anyone, not even with your friends. You promised him you'll be for him for anything he needs and he needs you to be in his life. But don’t worry, he'll make sure that you’re going to be always with him, he'll take care of anyone who dares to approach you, nobody will be able to take you away from him. You’re his and only his.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
SFW Arven | Headcanons | what kind of gifts would they like and how would they react to a surprise birthday party/what kind of party would they like (i feel like they may not be super into surprises but idk might be a toss up) feel free to choose one instead of addressing each of these
I can see him being more or less confused by surprise parties, but not opposed to them. Mainly due to his background.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Arven: Surprise
You loved Arven to pieces; you were his little buddy. Due to this, you wanted to do something extra special for him on his birthday.
When you originally approached the idea of birthdays and asked Arven what he wanted to do, he just told you not to worry about it since he didn't care much about his own birthday.
When questioning him some more, you found out the cold hard truth. He hadn't celebrated his birthday in a very long time. Even when he lived with his parent, they would sometimes forget about it. Not on purpose, of course, they would just be too into their research.
Needless to say, it kind of ruined birthdays for Arven, and he didn't much care about celebrating his own. He'd be more than happy to do something for his friends, but not himself.
That's when your plan hatched with Nemona and Penny at your side. You were going to throw him a surprise party.
Nemona kept trying to say the best way to celebrate was with a surprise battle tournament, but both you and Penny had to shoot her down. This was for Arven, after all.
You managed to rope some of the staff in as well in the preparation. Mr. Saguaro had helped a lot with making some good foods for you guys to have for the party. Clavell even reserved the cafeteria just for the party so you guys had a big space.
You had asked to borrow Mabosstiff from Arven and put the pokemon in a little party hat.
When Arven came in, he was shocked to see the party poppers. All his friends were there, ready to celebrate the big day.
He was sheepish and scratched the back of his head, but admitted that Mabosstiff looked adorable in his party hat.
The party went well and by the end, when clean up was all done, Arven asked to speak with you privately.
He thanked you but you could see the tears threatening to leave his eyes as he did so. You did the only thing you could do, and it was to hug your friend and let him cry on your shoulder.
This was the first time in years he got to celebrate his birthday, and he was so grateful to have his friends there with him. He's just happy he was able to hold it together until the end and not cry in front of the others, how embarrassing would that be?
Arven swears he'll do something even better for your birthday, and it might have turned it into a bit of a competition between you two to try to one-up the other on birthday party throwing.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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verysmolspams · 2 years
Pokémon Imagine: What if both you and Arven were traumatized, and in a relationship?
TW: mentions of trauma
As someone who is still processing trauma of my own, I think about this sometimes because poor Arven has had so much trauma in his life. What would handling trauma look like for the two of you?
Gn headcanons because I need to branch out more:
Depending on what that Trauma entails, you both handle it differently at first
Between the two of you you were lucky enough to have a therapist/supportive figure to walk you through some of it
Arven was not as lucky, so between the two of you, you are more likely to have coping strategies
You begin to pick up after Area Zero that he shuts himself away from the world when faced with relapses in trauma
You worry naturally, as one does, and visit him in the lighthouse
You find him a mess, and he’s to embarrassed to speak full sentences
He’s also crushed from the recent events, the poor boy
But that doesn’t matter to you, you love him so much
You help him clean up, wiping tears gently and very gently coaxing him towards self care tasks
You spend at least half the day in silence with him, other than some basic communications on where some spices are/where the soap is, etc. so the two of you can spend a day together just eating good food, cuddling, etc.
If you have coping strategies, you’ve offered them to him at the end of that day
Even when those don’t work, you can hold each other close if either of you has a response to trauma
Holding him is a comforting sign to him that you’re not going anywhere
Saying that also works too, but just being able to feel the comfort in your warmth is nice.
Words of assurance work well for him: he needs to hear that he’s valued and wanted
Occasionally Arven will find himself lost in the few memories of his parents
Just holding him and reminding him that he’s a good person helps him calm down
Reminders that it was not his fault what his parents did are very important: you know as well as anyone else who knows of his story, but sometimes he needs to hear it from someone who has actively been there for him (I.e. you)
Now when you have your first breakdown or trauma response, the poor thing panics internally
He follows your example in holding you gently
He will make you food, and at first he’s not sure why you are reluctant to eat until you explain to him how it affects your appetite
Next time he’ll wait a little bit before making your favorite food. He just wants you to feel loved and cared for
He learns to be very patient, listening to you when you talk about what’s hurting you
Will absolutely respect if you don’t want to talk about it, and will offer snuggles/a nap/ his Mabosstiff, or to go find a spot in Paldea to gaze at together
Validates your emotions 100%, even if he hasn’t experienced it himself
Snuggles/cuddles galore
If your trauma involves a past relationship, you best believe he’s going to be 100% more protective with you
He’d even fight the person in a Pokémon battle who hurt you if he found them: who dare hurt one of his best friends and partner?
“I love you so much, and you’re not a burden” is something you will hear often if you break down
Even if he’s not sure what to do, you will always see the gentlest care in his actions
He may even carry you to your bed so you can rest (all you need is to ask)
Gentle forehead kisses, and having a soft cloth to wipe your tears is a must for him
He just wants you to feel better; he loves you so much
He’s a sweetheart at the bottom of his core; will learn to do as much as he can to help you, even if it takes some time
Hope you all enjoyed!!!
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simp999 · 2 years
All good things come to an end
Ship: Arven x GN!Reader
Series: Pokémon
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: Please bare with me in with the slow beginning, it gets better I promise
Warnings: A few short sentences that hint at Arven having an anxiety attack
Themes: Hurt/Comfort, fluff, friends to lovers, bit of angst
Taglist: @5centsanhour @ultranimallover33
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“Hey, would you like to hang out today?”
“I’m so sorry Arven, but I’m fully booked with fan meetups and interviews. We’ll have to try again sometime soon, okay?”
Alright, not a big deal. He can just try again some other time. 
Arven hung up the phone and put on some more comfortable clothes, now deciding to stay in for the day. He had hoped to take you out to lunch today, so he dressed a little nicer than usual. It made sense that you were busy, being champion and all isn’t just about having battles and doing whatever you want. Mabosstiff looked up at him, a little disappointed since he liked spending time with your Pokemon, and was itching for a battle soon.
“Hey buddy, are you down to go to the park? Mabosstiff wants to see you.”
He felt bad bugging you again only two days later, so he figured he’d try to persuade you with Mabosstiff.
“Ahh, I’ve got a battle with an important trainer from Kalos in a few minutes, and I hear she’s got a strong team. I’m not sure how long the battle will last, so I can’t make any promises for today. Sorry, Arven!”
No dice. Alright, maybe he just has to give more of a heads-up before meetings? It’s gotta work one of these days.
“Hi again champ, wanna make sandwiches together on Wednesday?” He was hopeful about this one, planning all of it out.
“Oh! That sounds fun! Let me see my calendar- aw shoot, I’ve got lunch with Geeta where we plan on discussing some league things. I’m sorry Arven, maybe some other time?”
Arven had already planned all around that timing, not like he had much else to do, so he made an extra two sandwiches for later, just in case.
It couldn’t be that you were avoiding him, right? You two were so close and worked so well together while fighting the titans, you must really just have a busy schedule, right?
He ate his sandwich alone, never being able to clear his mind of your image. 
Arven was out shouting moves for his Pokemon to use the next time he saw you. He was close to calling out to you, but decided against it, remembering how it’s been lately with your busy schedule. To his surprise, as soon as you heard his comforting voice and caught sight of his unique hair, you ran right over to him, calling out his name. You didn’t catch the way his smile grew slightly bigger.
“Oh, hey! I figured you’d be busy today, what brings you here?”
“This is like, my only day off this week. It’s been terrible lately, not a minute to myself!” You keep complaining about how all of a sudden everybody needs you to make decisions for the league, to do interviews, make ads, try on stupid clothes, go to all these dumb meetings, and so on. The both of you take a seat on a bench nearby and you eventually get to mentioning that you came here to train, since you’re got a handful of trainers you have to battle soon. You absentmindedly begin to run your fingers through Mabosstiff’s fur. 
Arven always loved how you cared so much for Pokémon, always treating them with respect and going out of your way to treat them with such care. He never missed the way you’d scratch behind Mabosstiff’s ear because you noticed that he really liked that, or how you’d always offer your Pokémon their favorite treats after trying new, difficult things or winning a hard battle. Or even when you’d offer to heal up a trainer’s Pokémon for them, and not be afraid to call out those who didn’t respect their own Pokémon. It seemed like it came so naturally to you, and Arven truly thinks you’re perfect Champion potential, even with all the complaining.
“Sorry about the rant, I’ve just been so pent up lately. How’ve you and Mabosstiff been? Taking good care of yourself?”
Your tone was so sincere, you definitely did care about him and thought of him as a friend, right? You surely couldn’t have been avoiding him with how honest you sound right now. 
He begins your guys’ first actual conversation in weeks, glad to finally be able to catch up with you. You were always so hard-working, especially during the gym challenge and while taking down Team Star, so you ended up not having much time with Arven back then, either. Actually, the only time you ever did get to hang out with him was when you were battling for your lives against the Titans. At the odd time, he was able to get his eyes off of the danger in from of him and take a glance at you, while you were completely entranced in the battle. He could tell that that was all that was on your mind, and he probably barely existed to you in those moments. 
The sandwiches afterward were another story though, savoring every bite and being sure to thank him and his godly sandwich-making skills over and over. He cherishes those moments with you. He didn’t get to see that wide smile after beating a Titan very often and adored the way you would sway from side to side a little when you were extra glad about how tasty his sandwich tasted.
But all good things come to an end eventually. With a short call from Geeta telling you about some rogue pokemon that was hurting people, you were off in seconds.
Arven comforted Mabosstiff after hearing a whine from him, sad that you left so quickly. Well, at least he was able to get a few minutes with you. 
The next time he tried to call, he was turned down immediately. Maybe you were on a call already? So he tried again a few minutes later, with the same outcome.
And again a few days later.
Same problem a week later.
And then two, then three. 'Why can’t I get ahold of you? Did I get blocked by you? Did you really hate that last meeting you had, and never wanted to talk to me again?' No no, that’s going way too far. But why, just why are you ignoring him? Maybe they just need some space, he thought. Arven put down his phone with a shaky hand, pulling his blankets back over him, ready to waste another day away. Mabosstiff comes to cuddle him, letting Arven bask in his warmth, hopefully gaining some kind of comfort. The stinging in his eyes may not express his gratefulness, but at least he has one buddy that always sticks around.
Meanwhile, you’re in Galar, visiting for a few weeks to challenge their strongest trainers. There’s an event going on, and lots of strong trainers and champions are all meeting up. Your mind is completely occupied with planning out sentences for when you meet these people and coming up with strategies for when you battle these people. Leon’s Charizard knows a grass-type move, so using a rock-type might be good. Man, you also have to consider other stuff like abilities and what strategies your opponents might attempt. So bothersome. The time difference isn’t helping either, and all these new people are giving you a headache. You know that most of these people are going through the same things, but you’ve all gotta sit, smile and act professional.
You finally get back to your temporary hotel suite, hoping to get some rest for the day. But of course, with no time to yourself, you get a call from your Public Relations Team. They’re the people who are meant to promote and protect your brand. They also get to control ‘unwanted’ notifications. Without them, you’d be getting tens of thousands of notifications from whatever social sites and random people trying to text and message you. It turns out that there's this one person that has been trying to contact you, and one of the newbies thought that it was some rando. They’ve realized how grave their mistake is when the entire top three floors of the hotel can hear you shouting into your phone. 
There’s a good chance that this decision may end your career as a Champion and may even get you banned from lots of places, but that isn’t even a thought in your mind right now.
You have to go see Arven now. Your face is burning with the frustration of a thousand suns, and the private jet’s pilot taking you home doesn’t even want to risk breathing wrong, or he might get thrown off.
Once you land, you have one of your bigger pokemon carrying you, running around Paldea as fast as possible while on the hunt for Arven. You’ve now calmed down and are now moreso in a state of panic rather than frustration, hoping that everything’s alright and everything is going on just as usual. You knew that he didn’t get lots of comfort growing up, and you knew that he didn’t have many- or even any- friends. You truly hope that he had just forgotten about you at this point. You’ve tried time and time again to call Arven, and nothing. You turned on your notifications and prayed to Arceus that he’d get back to you.
There he was. You had finally found him hours later. He was sitting at his picnic set up, feeding Mabosstiff the last piece of his sandwich. The biggest sigh of relief left you as you hurried over to him, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder, ready to explain and apologize to him.
Arven immediately recognizes the hand and stands up abruptly, feeling immediate anger bubble up within him. Swinging his arm forcefully to get your hand off of him, a yell leaves his mouth and he sends you flying. 
He takes a step back to intake the situation and feels instant regret, his conscience getting back at him, telling him that you’re still a person too, and he has no reason to lash out at you like this.
Then he catches the watery look in your eye and how tears threaten to fall. 'Did I… did I hurt you? Why is it so loud all of a sudden? I hurt my closest, my only friend? Everything’s so bright, why do I feel nauseous? Did I hurt the only person who was ever even somewhat close to me? No, no, NO! Please don’t leave me, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please, please stay with me. I need you. Please comfort me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for bugging you and being so annoying, I'm sorry for making you fight the Titans, I'm so sorry for-
Arven feels warm arms wrap around him. One goes up to pet the top of his head, while the other rubs circles on his back. He slumps into their body without any thought, his mind going blank. Gentle fingers continue to make their way through his hair, and the circles being drawn on his back don’t stop. It’s the only thing he can focus on right now.
With the softest voice you can muster, you begin to talk.
“Arven, sweetheart, I know I apologize often, but I mean it every time. And please, please accept this as my most sincere apology, I am so very sorry for not being here when you needed me most. I always wanted to spend time with you, but I let other things get in the way of that, and foolishly accepted that.”
You weren’t hurt by him, not at all. Well, on the outside at least. You felt so very bad emotionally for what you’ve put him through, and can’t bear it anymore. You take a deep breath in and encourage Arven to do the same. He slowly tries to accept the situation and sits on the ground. You sit on Arven’s lap and continue to hug him and run your fingers through his hair, then bring them to cradle his face in your palms as comfortably as you can, to make sure he’s completely focused on you. He absentmindedly rests his head in your palms and nuzzles into them.
“It’s okay, I’m here now. I will not leave you anymore. I’ll stay here for as long as you want me to.”
You let go of his chin and bring his head closer to you for a comforting hug, you sit there in silence.
Until the inevitable happens. You feel a vibration in your pocket and contemplate even taking it out to hang up. You end up letting go of Arven with a soft ‘sorry’, and your hand makes its way to your pocket.
'Hey, are you just trying to toy with my emotions? Is this really just going to happen all over again? Did everything you just say mean nothing to you?'
You take your phone out and answer on speaker. Geeta is fuming and insists that you must be at the champion dinner and that this is incredibly unacceptable and blah blah blah.
Without a care in the world, you utter your next sentence;
“Alright, sure… as long as I get to bring Arven as a date.”
The silence coming from the phone and Arven would be deafening if you even cared a little about what she’d say. Worst case scenario, she starts yelling at you through the phone and you hang up on her and continue to cuddle with Arven, or, best case scenario;
“Fine. Hurry back over to Galar, you should make it on time if you leave in less than an hour. That may give you time to get prepared for the dinner itself.”
As much as you want to stay and comfort Arven, you’d much rather bring him to the Champion dinner as a sign of rebellion. And as a sign of love towards Arven because you are bringing him as a date, but that’s not important.
You quickly stand up and offer your hand to Arven, silently asking him if he accepts your offer to this ‘date’. He grabs your smaller hand, and you’re off to pick out your nicest clothing and hurry over to Galar.
You and Arven are at long last sitting down, picking away at the fancy food in front of you after such a hectic day.
“Finally.” Arven lets out a sigh of relief, everything that just happened eventually processing.
“I hope this means we get to spend more time together.”
“I’ll make sure of it. I’ll apologize for being away so much and not being better, and I’m ending that cycle right now. I’ll be there for you whenever you need me, even if I’m just a phone call or text away. I was definitely clear about you being an important contact, so there’ll be no more mix-ups.” You try to lighten the mood, and also want to clarify how important he is to you. Maybe what you said wasn’t enough, let’s try that again.
“Hey.” Arven focuses on your serious expression, as well as the way your hands meet his.
“I’ve loved you this whole time, and I’m going to act on it now. I’ll hug you whenever you need me to, I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek whenever you want. If you need some words of comfort, I’m here.”
“...And if you want a date? Well, I’ll just have to clear my schedule.”
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hspr-21 · 2 years
Arven x (GN) Reader Oneshot “I miss you.”
     It had been a few days since you really talked to your boyfriend, Arven. The end of the first semester exams were creeping up quickly and you both knew it. The classes you shared with him were just busy studying and trying to make all the students remember everything. Even though Arven was a straight A student, he still continued to study hard. During lunches where you talked to you close friend group of you, Nemona, Penny and of course, Arven, he would hide himself away in either his dorm or the library, studying. You craved attention from him. The three were pretty much your only friends. Sure, there was a lot of friendly people in your classes. However, no one compared to them.
   “Hey!” A girl with a long black ponytail with green strand poking out in the front lightly bopped your head as she called out to draw your attention. “You good?” Nemona greeted you with her usual soft and friendly smile as you lifted your head, dragging you completely out of your thought.
   “Oh! Sorry Nemona. I kinda got lost in thought” Nemona’s smile grew as the words left your mouth. She knew exactly what you were thinking.
   “Oooooh~! Do you miss you boyfriend~?” Nemona said in a mocking and singsong voice. Your face flushed a light shade a pink as you hide you face in your hands again.
   “Nemona. Stop. You’re embarrassing them.” Penny said turning to Nemona, making eye contact. Nemona sighed a turned back to you. The noise of the cafeteria makes a great background noise to start thinking again. The start of Nemona and Penny’s conversation of the exams fit in as well. You just wanted to see your boyfriend. The day had been tiring. You wanted for school to be over so you could lie in your bed. Only two more periods to go. It’ll be over soon.
     It was a few minutes until your final class ended. This was one of the classes with Arven. Throughout the period, you kept looking up at Arven, You missed him so much. You needed the semester exams to finish. You missed even the smallest conversations between the two of you.
     You were caught in your thoughts again. You quickly sat up as you put your textbooks in your bag. Slowly, the class emptied out as you finished and proceeded to walk out. Tonight would be a calm and lonely night. Once you got into your dorm, you threw your bag on the chair. You slipped out of your school uniform and into a comfortable outfit. It was a baggy hoodie and soft leggings. Walking over to the desk, you opened your bag and grabbed your rotom phone. On the top of your screen, there was a notification alerting you that you’d missed a message. It was from Arven. You quickly swiped up to see what he had sent.
“Hey, Y/N. Can you come over to my dorm?”
     You started to type as fast as you could, replying a quick yes. You slid on your shoes and walked out of you dorm, eagerly heading to your boyfriend’s dorm. Once you got there, you knocked on the door. A second later, the door opened as Arven pulled you into a hug. “I missed you, Y/N.” You finally saw Arven’s flustered face as he let go of you. The two of you walked into his dorm as he closed the dorm. “I thought we could watch a movie together or something. I made us some dinner too. I made us (favorite food).”
     That night, you and Arven finally spent some well deserved one on one time with each other. You laid in his arms that night. You slowly drifted to sleep. It was a Friday night. There would be another time to study. Now, let’s just focus on each other.
(Wow that pretty decent ig. Anyway bye fellow Arven simps!)
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sleepyfaequeen · 2 years
Professor Turo Headcanons:
Requested: @acuityinnovations
Characters: Professor Turo x reader
Contains: fluff
Warnings: none
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• Being a well renowned Professor within Paldea can be stressful so Turo is honestly thankful when you come by Area Zero just to give him his favorite sandwich or dinner. He always feels happy to see you've made time to see him. He forgets that he's given you a keycard to enter. You had found out about his eating habits and scolded him on it. The microwave is barely used these days, thanks to you. He really does love your fresh meals.
• He feels very lucky to meet you after his divorce with Sada. He didn't think he'd have another partner after that woman. He always heard after a first marriage that it'd be hard to find another relationship so when he wasn't even thinking of a possibility in another relationship you've somehow poked his interest.
• A thing Turo loves about you is how curious you are about his work. You're rather innocent in his eyes and he does love the interesting questions or opinions you have of things, along with Pokemon themselves. You give him possible ideas for the future. Something his previous love wasn't as interested in the long run.
• He was always afraid of you're reaction of knowing he had a son. You were younger than him by a few years and he didn't want you to feel doubtful of yourself, let alone nervous that you were entering a once taken man. He was also afraid that Arven would act out- it was a normal reaction after all. But thankfully, Arven was so polite and you listened to his son's nonsense talk. He found it adorable how you would nod your head and talk. You were much more of a natural than he could ever be.
• He loves it when you rub his shoulders, it takes the tension off him. He especially loves it when you run your fingers through his hair. He loves feeling you're lips against his temple, down the side of his face and finally meeting his lips(No, the beard is not going away- get use to it).
• When you're ever feeling down he tends to give you a flirty comment or rather a lame pun with this side grin, eyebrow raise- just to see your reaction. It always gets him a slap on the chest and a roll of your eyes. But he always likes to see that small smile when you look away.
• He once caught you and Ai Turo talking alone in one of the lab rooms. He wasn't spying but he saw how you embraced it. Turo wouldn't tell you the next day why he was pouting- maybe sulking. But he was definitely on the verge of giving up his life's work for this one moment. Thankfully, you knew it wasn't Turo because the Ai talked a certain way and when you embraced it- "it felt cold." Turo felt so relieved that day he asked you to marry him.
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smallpawedbear · 1 year
Calm After Storm
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Arven x GN reader Comfort
Romantic Fluff and comfort FanFic
No use of Y/N
Crying and overwhelming situation
comfort and cuddling
It was another long day for you, filled with endless lectures, meetings, and assignments that seemed to stretch on forever. By the time you made it back to Arven's dorm room, you were completely drained. The tears that had been threatening to spill over all day finally broke free as you reached for the door handle.
You tried to swallow back the lump in your throat and calm your breathing before opening the door. You didn't want Arven to see you like this.
But as soon as you walked into the room, you knew you couldn't hold back the tears any longer. Arven was already asleep in his bed, his soft breathing filling the room with a comforting rhythm. You slipped out of your shoes and tiptoed over to his bed, feeling the tears spill down your cheeks.
You crawled under the covers, still sniffling and trying to hold back your sobs. You tried to take deep breaths, but the weight of the day was just too heavy.
Suddenly, you felt Arven stir beside you. You turned your head to see him looking at you with concern. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice still groggy with sleep.
You tried to speak, but a sob caught in your throat. Arven didn't need any more explanation. He simply pulled you into his arms, holding you close as you cried.
His warmth and the strength of his embrace were exactly what you needed. You clung to him as the sobs wracked through your body. You felt his hand stroking your hair and his lips pressing gentle kisses to the top of your head.
As your tears finally began to slow, Arven pulled back slightly to look at you. "What's been bothering you?" he asked softly.
You took a deep breath and tried to explain the stresses of your day. The overwhelming workload, the pressure to perform well, and the frustration of feeling like you were falling short. Arven listened attentively, his hand still caressing your hair.
"I'm sorry," you said, feeling embarrassed for breaking down like this.
"Don't be sorry," Arven said, cupping your face in his hands and looking into your eyes. "You don't have to hide your emotions from me. I'm here for you."
His words brought you a measure of comfort, and you leaned into him, grateful for his understanding. He held you close, his hand tracing gentle circles on your back as you cried out your fears and frustrations.
Finally, your tears began to slow, and you looked up at Arven, feeling grateful for his presence. You couldn't remember ever feeling this vulnerable with anyone before, but with him, it felt safe.
"Thank you," you whispered, feeling the weight of the day start to lift off your shoulders.
Arven leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "Don’t ever worry about it," he said, before pulling you close again and settling back into the pillows.
You snuggled in beside him, feeling his warmth and his steady breathing lull you into a sense of calm. His strong arms held you close, and you felt his chest rising and falling in a comforting rhythm.
As you lay there, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond you shared with Arven. He was your safe place. You knew that no matter how hard the day got, he would be there to hold you up and remind you that you were capable of anything.
As you drifted off to sleep, wrapped up in his embrace, you knew that tomorrow would be a new day.
The next morning, you woke up feeling more refreshed than you had in days. The weight of the previous day's stresses seemed to have lifted, and you felt grateful for Arven.
He was still sleeping soundly beside you, his arm draped over your waist. You watched him for a moment, taking in the gentle rise and fall of his chest, before deciding to get up and start the day.
You slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. As you washed your face and brushed your teeth, you felt a sense of calm and confidence wash over you. You knew that the day ahead would have its own challenges, but you also knew that you had the strength to face them.
When you emerged from the bathroom, Arven was awake and watching you from his bed. He smiled at you, his eyes full of affection. "Good morning," he said.
"Morning," you replied, feeling a small smile tug at the corners of your lips.
Arven got up and joined you in the small kitchen area of his dorm room. He started making breakfast, and you watched him with admiration. There was something comforting and satisfying about the way he moved around the kitchen, preparing food with a sense of purpose and ease.
As you sat down to eat, you felt a sense of contentment settle over you. The food was delicious, but it was more than that. It was the feeling of being cared for, of being supported, of having someone in your corner no matter what.
After breakfast, you gathered your things and prepared to head out. Arven walked you to the door, his hand in yours. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked, his eyes full of concern.
You nodded, feeling a sense of determination settling over you. "Yeah," you said. "I've got this. And if anything comes up, I know I can talk to you."
Arven smiled, squeezing your hand. "You know you can always count on me," he said.
As you walked away from his dorm room, you felt a sense of gratitude for the love and support you had in your life. The challenges ahead might be difficult, but with Arven by your side, you knew you could face them head-on.
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realrizzmaster · 2 years
plz more arven contwnt
arven literally consumes my every single waking and sleeping thought. i cant do this anymore he is just too perfect and incredible. i need more arven content PLEASE i am STARVING please feed me. writers please write more arven please i’m so hungry i am starving over here help me. i need sustenance. please i am so hungry. please help me.
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snailsaxophone · 2 years
Sick - Arven x Reader
Fluff, Gender neutral pronouns, no use of y/n
It was a typical January day, bleak, dark, nothing to look forward too, and everyone was sick. Winter break seemingly weakened everyone’s immune system, and it was only a matter of time before something went around the school. This time, it was a nasty strain of streptococcus, otherwise known as strep throat.
Arven, being a health freak, seemed unaffected by the strain. Penny never left her room enough to get sick, and that just leaves you and Nemona. You two were walking together when she mentions that she doesn’t feel well, apologizing profusely that she’s so sorry she can’t battle you right now. After that she seems to disappear. So that leaves you infected.
So here you were, lying in your dorm room, sick as hell. Nemona was also sick and quarantined, and Penny didn’t want to come within 30 feet of someone who’s sick. Man, this was the worst. Luckily, Arven cares about you enough to not let you wither away in bed. As you struggle to get out of bed come Wednesday morning, you see a text from Arven.
Arven : Hey lil buddy, how you holding up?
You : not great, i think nemona got me sick :(
Arven : Yeah I heard. You’ve got a fever?
You : i didn’t even check, i don’t even wanna get out of bed
Arven : Stay there, Im coming over.
Before you even had time to protest, you heard a knock on your door. It was Arven, with a bottle of medicine and a thermometer in hand, Mabostiff running up to you. “Here, put this under your tongue.” He says, handing you the thermometer as he gets a glass of water for you. “Mmhanks.” You mutter back, still half asleep. The thermometer makes a small beeping noise and Arven rushes over, and lets out a sigh.
“You’ve got a fever.” He takes the thermometer from you, and places his hand on your forehead. There’s a concerned look on his face, one similar to when Mabostiff didn’t improve after the fourth Herba Mystica. Him being so close to you makes you blush. “Is there anything you need? Ive got the Tylenol right here for you, do you need tissues? Blankets? A washcloth?” He asks, and before you can ever process what he just asked there’s a damp towel on your head. Damn, that feels nice. You notice him checking the time. “I’ve got to go to class, all those days skipping are really catching up to me now” He lets out a sign. “I’ll come back whenever I get a break, but if you need anything text me and I’ll be right up. Mabostiff will be here to look after you too.” You nod. It’s strange, Arven is usually happy and joking around (except during the events of Area Zero, but that’s a completely different case.) It’s odd seeing him act so concerned for someone, he’s only ever acted this way towards Mabostiff.
You quickly fall back asleep, Mabostiff curled up right next to you. The next thing you know, there’s a smell of home cooked food and light shining in through the blinds. This would be such a peaceful moment if you didn’t feel like shit. You open you eyes to see Arven in you kitchen cooking one of your favorite, yet light meals. “You doing ok lil buddy?” He asks, as if he was reading your mind. “I feel like a victorian child. I fear I make not make it through the winter.” you joke in your best Galarian accent, causing both of you to let out a small chuckle. Arven brings you your food and places his hand on you forehead once again, then to your check. “You’re still warm..” He says, concern filling his eyes. “I know you’re probably not hungry, but try to eat what you can. I’ll get you a popsicle when you’re done too.
You start slowly eating your food as arven site besides you and catches you up on what you missed today. You slept through all your classes, as it was 3 in the afternoon. Apparently Arven stopped back during his lunch break while you were sleeping. It’s nice to have this company.
The two of you spent the evening playing video games, watching YouTube, and resting up. You joked that Arven acted like your mother, and Arven joked you got sick like a little kid. As the night came to an end, Arven insisted on staying, damn he really must be worried about you. He drew you up a nice warm and as you bathed he changed your sheets. He wanted to sleep on the floor, and of course after all he’s done for you, you dragged him up onto the bed with you. The two of you ended up falling asleep, hand in hand, watching those reddit videos with text to speech robotic voice.
A/N : sorry this is so rushed, just realized i have honors band next week and freaking out cause i didn’t even look at the music yet lmao. so ending is a lil rushed sorry. kinda wanna write something for penny next, if i can ever get over this arven brainrot. might do something for volo if volo fans still exist.
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arvensimp · 2 years
Arven nsfw anything !!! Go wild omg
The Earth and The Glorious Sun
nsfw arven x reader (no gendered pronouns used, but female genitals are mentioned using colloquialisms), face sitting and squirting
Arven sits there with his cheek pressed against your inner thigh, giving you the softest most glowing look in the world. It's almost too much to bear, being seen and known and loved so incredibly intimately. You want to squeeze your thighs together, but Arven's face, his chin still glistening with your wetness, is, of course, in the way.
"Please?" He asks, his voice husky and low. His fingers dig into the meat of your hips deliciously.
You roll against him just the tiniest bit at the action, still very much stimulated and ready for more of his glorious head.
"Yes." It comes out smaller than you mean it to, but the earnestness, the neediness in your tone is still there, and Arven laps it up, just as he's been lapping at you for the past who-knows-how-long. He smiles wide and eager, sitting himself up fully. He extends both hands to you and pulls you up with a shocking bit of strength. You wouldn't call your partner ripped or jacked by any means, but it's easy to forget how strong he is from years of backpacking around the region, hauling around an ungodly amount of equipment all the while.
Once you're level with one another, he kisses you deep and slow. You shudder at the taste of yourself on his tongue, and he seems to delight in your reaction, squeezing you just a bit tighter in his arms.
"I'm gonna make this so good for you, I promise." He says it with such genuine enthusiasm and boyish excitement that you can't help but believe him as you nod in numb agreement.
Arven steadies you upright and scoots himself lower between your legs until he's laying perfectly beneath you. His hands are still holding yours.
"Y-You're sure you want to do this?" You ask.
"More than anything, sweetness," He replies, squeezing your fingers between his own.
"Okay... J...Just, I dunno. Shove me off if...If you start to suffocate, okay? I don't want to hurt you." The reality of the situation is starting to hit you, and no matter how wet and dripping you are, you really want to be assured of his safety first and foremost.
Arven laughs. "It'd be one helluva way to die, but you won't."
You sigh. "Okay... Ready?"
You see Arven nod beneath you before you slowly lower yourself to hover above his face. His hands go from gripping yours reassuringly to reaching around your thighs to hold you steadily and lovingly. He cranes his neck just the slightest bit to lap at you, and you cry out at the heated sensation. He can feel your thighs tensing in his grasp.
"See, I don't think you're quite getting this, sweetness," He tells you, and you feel your face burst in blushing shame. "When I ask you to sit on my face, I don't want you to try and hold yourself here just out of reach." His fingers dig into the softness of your legs, where thigh meets hip. "I want you..." He laps at you again, making you jolt just a bit. He takes the opportunity to drag you lower. "To fucking..." He repeats, again drawing you closer. "smother me."
With a final, gentle pull, he gets you fully seated on top of his face. Your fear of crushing him is thrown from your mind, as his tongue works eager circles around and against your clit, definitely not the motion of a man in agony.
You cry out, clutching at the headboard while resisting the innate urge to grind against his face. "A-Arven..." You choke, drawing out the 'n' of his name. "So good!"
He hums against you, pleased, and the vibration of it throws in a new layer of toe curling pleasure. Without thinking, your thighs squeeze around his head, and you hear him groan against you. If not for the fact that he didn't stop his ministrations, you'd have lifted yourself up off him to be sure he was alright, but as it was, that, along with the fact that you could hear the slick sound of him tugging on his cock behind you, assured you that he is still very much enjoying himself.
His free hand untangles itself from your hips and goes to slip between your thighs. Two fingers part your lips, and Arven has to stop fucking his own fist for a moment when he feels your slick wetness slide down his fingers just at that simple touch.
You, meanwhile, are quivering above him, making soft lewd noises as Arven continues his work on your clit. He takes the sensitive bud between his lips in the lightest of kisses before he gently suckles on it. You nearly cry at the sensation, so close to the precipice of another orgasm.
"P-P-Please...Arven...Almost there, please..." Your voice is ragged and glorious in his ears.
Arven releases his hold on your clit for just a moment. "Give me just a bit longer, okay? I wanna try something..."
You have complete faith in your partner, so his hint toward experimentation doesn't stir any sort of worry in the slightest. Frustration, on the other hand, is another story. You're about to voice as much to him when he presses two of his fingers against your entrance, briefly stretching you before fucking you fully up to the base where his fingers meet his palm. Any complaint dies on your tongue in that instant, replaced instead with a drawn out moan.
Satisfied at having seemingly shut you up, Arven goes back to slowly toying with your clit using his tongue while his fingers get to work fucking you at an agonizingly slow pace.
Your cunt squeezes wantonly around his fingers with such force that he can feel the spasms against his chin. Once again, he has to stop jacking himself off for fear of blowing his load too soon. Instead, he takes that hand away from his cock and uses it to still your quaking hips as best he can. You again reaffirm in yourself the need to refrain from just grinding against Arven's face, especially when he's doing such phenomenal and precise work on you.
You just focus on the slow build of your next orgasm, panting out shaky moans of praise and Arven's name as it mounts. For his part, Arven revels in the smell, the taste, feel, and sound of you. He picks up the pace of his fingers, pressing them faster and harder into you with slowly mounting urgency. He can feel how quickly your orgasm is coming from just how needily you squeeze around him. He hums, low and satisfied as you seem to finally reach a peak. At the same time, he curls his fingers cruelly within you, pressing up hard against a spot inside you that he's grown to know very well.
The sensation on top of the crest of your orgasm has you seeing stars as you gush and burst wetly, too wetly, on Arven's tongue. If not for the headboard you were leaning against, you would have fallen forward entirely.
Arven for his part, takes you in stride, drinking you in as much as he can. His grip tightens on your hips to prevent you from leaving him or moving up, even as your pleasure subsides to oversensitivity. Every thrust of his fingers brings new wetness bursting from your tightness, splashing across his face and mouth.
Your hips stutter, and you eventually have to cry out a plea of "E-enough, pl-please..." for Arven to relinquish his hold. He maneuvers out from under you expertly, guiding you to a horizontal position on the bed where you won't be directly on top of him or the dark, wet patch he drew from you.
You're still panting when you eventually return to enough of a place to open your eyes.
"How ya feel, sweetness?" He asks, cheek propped up on his palm. In the dim light you can tell nearly his entire face is covered in a thin glisten, some of his hair is even tamped down with wetness. You feel your face heat up as your stomach ties itself in knots.
"D-Di...Did I really...?"
Arven allows himself to fall backward to lay on his back, languoring gloriously in being so covered by your cum. "You did! You were so good! It was so, so good..." He sighs happily, licking his lips. "Thank you..."
"It was okay?" You ask nervously.
Without moving, he replies. "So much more than just okay." Your gaze travels southward to see his softening cock as well as a few streaks of what looks to be his drying cum.
"Did you...?"
He follows your gaze and looks a bit embarrassed. "I, uh... I couldn't help myself, I'm sorry... You were just so...immaculate... You have to let me do that again sometime. You...you did like it, right?" He looks back to your eyes, searching for your approval.
"Oh...oh god, Arven..." You sigh. "It was amazing..." Your thighs squeeze together and you shiver a bit, still sensitive, a motion not lost on your partner. He grins cheekily at you.
"Round 2?"
"Just...just give me a few more minutes to catch my breath?"
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pansy-chic27213 · 2 years
Pokemon: Violet Fix-It One Shot
(Except by “Fix-It” I mean make it more realistic and emotional)
There were a lot of things I liked about Pokemon Violet's ending, but there were also some things that bothered me, such as Arven's reaction to the events. This is my take, with a bit more emotional depth and character exploration.
"Arven stumbled forward a step, reaching out as the events of the evening seemed to finally dawn upon him. A cold sweat broke out over Pansy’s body; the look on his face was too much. She was already shaking from adrenaline, the fight she had just gone through nerve-wracking enough to leave her heart tremoring in her chest."
⚠️ Warning! ⚠️
This fic contains major spoilers for the ending, so if you have not played or watched it yet, go do that and get the full experience!
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elliehearts · 2 years
Some ideas that I want to share with you ( and maybe it can help you write the fic) Because your writing is awesome! And I hope you understand my poor English.
Arven shows this yandere-ness, telling the reader that they are his treasure and should lock them up in his dorm in case anyone steals them away.
The reader (who, surprisingly was not scared) puts their hand on arven cheeks, saying that arven is their treasure and they love every different side of him and how much they love traveling and going on an adventure with him. ( basically the reader is saying that arven is a gem/diamond that shine most beautifully under the sun and not in a dark room)
And arven just melt and feel loved.
Ay sii, It would be so sweet to see Arven melt by love. 🥰
I’m sorry if it’s too short 😅
Easy to blush.
Yan!Arven x reader
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You were in Arven’s room cooking and making a mess, your boyfriend is showing you some recipes so that your pokemons can eat of luxury.
You were both having a good time, enjoying each other’s company. Arven hugged you by the back resting his cheek on your head, he gave you tenderness and you wanted to hug him back but you had your hands with flour, you didn’t want to get him dirty so you just laughed as affection. “Do you want me to tell you something?” Arven whispered sweetly to you. “Of course, tell me.” You answered him playfully, you like it when he tell you nice things, it cheered up your day. “You, (Y/N), you are my precious treasure.” You gave an “aw” as an answer and you were going to tell him something else but he interrupted you. “That’s why I want to tie you up and locked you here forever.” You turned your head to look at him with surprised and he looked at you with dark eyes. “You are my world, my life, my treasure. I can’t let anyone take you away from me.” His grip became stronger and stronger as if you were going to disappear at any moment. “I can’t lose you. You’re mine.”
There was a silence for a few seconds, you turned around and put your two hands with flour on his cheeks. Arven opened his eyes like a plate, showing a sparkle in them. “There it is, the brightness in your eyes that I like so much, It’s like seeing a bluish-green diamond.” You moved your fingers to caress him leaving a trace of flour. “I like to spend time with you, go on an adventures and cuddle while we watch a movie. I like you just the way you are, you’re my treasure too. So don’t worry, I won’t leave your side. It’s a promise.” You smiled at him showing him that you were telling the truth, you love him with all your heart, regardless of his flaws.
Another silence abounded in the room, Arven wanted to say something but his words didn’t come out. He was so impressed by your reaction, so relaxed and cute, that you were killing him inside. He had his mouth open and his face was red like a tomato, boiling like a pot. Actually, he always gets like this when you give him a compliment or when you remind him how much you love him. You also like that about him, despite being possessive or obsessive with you, It’s very easy to blush. Arven covered his face with his hands, tried to hide his shameful expression but you had already seen it, that’s why you were laughing. “S-Shut up!” “I love you~” You kissed him on the knuckles of his hands. “… I love you too”
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pokenimagines · 2 years
SFW Prompt - Arven or Nemona, your choice - “So you can answer a phone call but can’t respond to a text? You’re driving? Excuses, excuses.”
I have been stopped several times while exploring
Event Information | Prompts List 
SFW Arven: Text Me, Please?
You heard the rotophone ringing as you grabbed it from your pocket, answering it. Arven's voice filtered through the speakers of your phone and you sighed at hearing him.
"So you can answer a phone call, but can't respond to my texts?" Arven said, his voice sounding a little annoyed with you.
"I'm driving..." You murmured, having your partner jump over a particularly large cliff. Even though your legend could technically go by themselves and be totally fine, you still liked being in control of where you were riding.
"You're driving? Excuses, excuses." Arven said, "Anyway, I wanted to let you know that you're close to a titan." As soon as he said that, you could feel the ground rumbling underneath you.
"OH REALLY?!" You shouted, trying to stabilize yourself so you and your pokemon didn't fall to the ground, "THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP!"
"Well I did text you..."
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Please click on the links above if you want more information on the event or the prompts. Fun fact? Did you know we have a discord server? We have a brand new RP starting today as well! We have an announcement post about it, but you could also just go to the server and see for yourself!
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verysmolspams · 2 years
Dog Lover Headcanons!
Arven x Gn! Reader
You LOVE dog Pokémon, and he LOVES his Mabosstiff. Need I say more?
So you know pretty much everything about each puppy Pokémon and their evolutions, including the Paldean doggos
While he knows enough about his own Mabosstiff, he’s impressed when you go on about facts of each dog Pokémon, especially when you remember particular natures and signature attacks that let each doggo shine
He’ll definitely ask a question or two about the Maschiff line if he doesn’t know it already. It may help him better care of his Mabosstiff!
He might get into the research himself if he is so inclined to, and will definitely ask you for recommendations when the two of you are studying together
He loves watching your face light up at the sight of any dog Pokémon, and is more than thrilled when you treat Mabosstiff with a similar level of care and love he would give him
Sometimes Mabosstiff will cuddle with you to get Arven to come join
At first he thinks his best bud has chosen you over him, which will make him feel rejected
Until you look at him and let him know “I think he wants you to come join the snuggle pile”
He embarrassingly shuffles over to join you, and is more than relieved when he discovers you were right
No matter which dog Pokémon is in your party, he will open up to it eventually
He doesn’t want his Mabosstiff to think he is leaving him so he’s very careful about this
You on the other hand, you love ALL the doggos
You’ve probably got one of each already (Growlithe, Rockruff, Houndour, Fidough, Greavard, and Maschiff lines), so you understand how each one can differ in behavior and attitude
No matter which one is your favorite line, he will respect it
He is just happy to see you enjoying the companionship of a doggo as much as he does
It may depend on the type of doggo, but if there is one in your party it will eventually get along with Mabosstiff (some natures take time to get along, of course)
If the nature and the timings are right, one of you might find an egg in your basket
Depending on how either of you feel about Pokémon breeding, you are both willing to care for the egg and see it through to hatching
You are the more careful Pokémon breeder because of your extensive research, so he may feel more comfortable letting you handle it
Now when it hatches, both of you are willing to discuss who should keep it
You want to encourage him to explore more with Pokémon, but not without his consent to do so first
Regardless of who the puppy ends up with, the puppy will always be loved and cared for dearly
He feels more than blessed to have a partner who sees the great companionship in a Mabosstiff (and the other dog Pokémon)
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