#As usual if anyone has suggestions so this reads better feel free to give them
blackholemojis · 7 months
Can you make an aspd symbol??
I’m 100% open to other suggestions for symbology or edits to make, but I got this. I’m friends with a few people with ASPD, so I hope this is affirming to asocials and understandable to prosocials
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[ID: an emoji of a figure holding one hand up and shaking their finger, and holding a red sign with the other hand that has a crossed out person icon on it. They have a neutral expression, and a heart on the center o their chest. /End ID]
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theelvishfiddler · 3 months
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No, sorry it's actually not an artist's guide to drawing hands. Those are just warmup studies (which I'll talk about in this post.)
This is a guide to Your Hands and how to take care of them when making art.
No one ever sits down and teaches artists how to take care of their hands. They didn’t even teach me this while I was in art college. This is just what I've learned myself through years of pain and scouring the internet for advice.
This is going to be a long one and geared towards illustrative traditional/digital/pen/pencil artists specifically, but artists of other mediums and crafts should take care of their hands too! Well, we all should take care of our bodies in general, but this is about hands.
(advice is below the read more)
First off I'm not a professional or anyone with actual medical advice. I'm just some guy with chronic hand pain who makes art. This advice is free for you to use or discard.
Ever sit down in the morning to draw and wonder why your art is so stiff and looks so much worse than what you were drawing last night? It's because you didn't warm up!
You know how for physical sports they all warmup and do stretches before getting into the actual sport. To prevent injuries and all that? Yeah, it's good to do that for art too.
One way to warmup is to just draw lines. Try to keep them as straight as you can. Going up and down and diagonal. Draw squares. Big squares. Small squares. Circles! You are warming up, keep it loose and relaxed! Basically just scribble away.
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(examples. I usually keep going until there is no paper white left. This can double as practice for drawing straight lines without a ruler, which is a great skill to have when freehand city drawing.)
Before hopping right into drawing people you can try doing some quick gesture drawings. Line of Action has timed sessions with a large variety of clothed or nude models. I usually do the 30 min class as it has a nice balance of short and long timed poses. The point isn't to draw nice art, but to warm up. Try to get the basic form down, not the details. I find that doing a full class session can really help my drawings feel more loose and grounded in reality for the rest of the day.
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Some examples I found in my folders. I suggest looking into what a line of action (not the site) is and giving it a try with some of the studies!
For sports it's to return your body back to your everyday baseline after a workout.
Example; you are working on a big project! A masterpiece! It's detailed and cool! You have been focusing on this for hours and drawing so intensely. But you need to stop working for the day.
A cooldown is for winding down out of the go go go mindset. Put away the big project and do a couple small doodles and sketches. You are relaxing your hand and letting it stretch out. Keep the sketches loose. Let the art happen slowly. Don't polish anything, that can happen another day. Just ease yourself out of drawing.
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Cool! Now we get into the meat of this thing.
How to avoid it and how to manage it if you already have it.
I love you artists and creatives, I am begging you to please take care of your most important creative tools. I really don't want this to sound like scare tactics like "oooh you better do this or blah blah!" Nope. I just had to learn all this the hard way and I'm extremely passionate about it.
Take this advice or don’t ╮(゚~゚;)╭ I can't tell you what to do, I'm not your dad
Adjustments and Small Solutions
If you are feeling physical discomfort while drawing there are many different solutions to try! Here are some suggestions that may or may not work for you.
Hold your pencil more loosely. Stop gripping that thang so tightly!!! Relax that hand! They make these… squishy pen grip things... I think they are called Adaptive Pencil Grips or Adaptive Writing/Drawing Aids? They stop your hand from being all cramped up by making your drawing tool wider. It's going to take a bit of time to adjust to drawing with it, but it's worth it for those who hold pencils too tightly.
Don't press as heavily. For traditional art, if you find yourself pressing really hard to get darker lines try moving to a softer pencil. Most standard pencils are HB, the B pencils have softer graphite. Experiment until you find the right one for you. For Digital, adjust your pressure settings so you don't have to press as hard to get thicker lines. You should not be pressing so hard all the time, it wears out both your hand and your tablet! It takes a bit of time to adapt to pencil or pressure changes. Try doing some unimportant sketches, they don't have to be good. You are just training your hand and mind to adjust using less pressure.
Draw with your arm and not your wrist! It's small repetitive motions that cause the most strain. You probably hear this one a lot, what does it even mean? It means moving your arm with the motions of your line, and trying not to make too many tiny movements with your just your fingers or wrist. This one is hard! It takes time and conscious thought to change the habit. Tips? Work bigger. Zoom in more. Use bigger sheets of paper.
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(Motions exaggerated for a clearer example)
Change the angle of your drawing surface. They make angled tablet holders, angled desks, angled desktop raisers. Experiment, find and angle that is comfortable and the one that causes the least pain. (It's also good to make sure you don't have to hold your head at an uncomfortable angle when drawing. Staring straight down or hunching over a paper flat on the table can cause pain!)
Compression Glove? Wrist brace/tensioners? Some folks use them and I've been thinking of getting one for years now. I can't give advice on this one, because I don't have experience with it. Look into it if you want!
Managing Pain
First things first.
IF YOUR HANDS START TO HURT WHILE YOU ARE DRAWING. STOP! Put the pencil/pen/paintbrush/whatever down. The art will still be there for you to continue tomorrow.
I know from experience that it's extremely hard to pull away when you are hyper focused on an art piece. It's hard to remember all sorts of basic needs like food or bathroom when hyper focused. But you Need to stop when you feel that pain. (Preferably even before the pain…)
Take Breaks! Let your hands rest when you can. Just like a machine, if you don't schedule maintenance, the machine will schedule maintenance for you. Often that means having to wait a few days for it to return to functional. Best to take a day off from heavy usage or take an occasional 30 min break throughout the day to let your hands rest.
Stretching is important! Full body stretches are good; your arms, shoulders, neck, and spine are all connected, but I'm specifically talking about HAND and wrist stretching. There are a lot of stretches and massages for carpal tunnel and arthritis out there. I find they work for hand pain in general. Move into and out of each stretch slowly. Do not push a stretch if it hurts!! Be gentle!!
I am not a qualified professional and I will not be giving out specific stretches (that is beyond my personal comfort level). There are other artists out there who have made helpful stretching info-graphics which are cool, but I will not be because i don't want to be responsible for someone accidentally hurting themself. Ask your doctor for stretches & advice or look some up on your own.
Don't feel bad about forgetting to stretch frequently! Of course it is good to do it regularly and frequently, but I would be a hypocrite if I said that I remember to stretch daily. Setting timers for stop and stretch sessions can work for some people, but also doing stretches whenever you remember is fine! If you are sitting on the toilet you can idly do some hand stretches. On the bus? Laying in bed? At the beach? Do a couple stretches! Even just once a week is better than… nonce a week.
Using Cold or Heat to treat pain. If you really overdid it, put your hands in some cold water or wrap a cloth around an ice pack and apply it to your hand. Cold works best for me, but warmth works for others. This is just pain reduction and reducing inflammation from overuse! This is not a permanent solution.
If your hand hurts a lot! Frequently! Talk to your doctor? Idk mine has never given real advice. Just gently poked my hand and told me there isn't much to be done about it :/ but there are really good doctors out there who will care and give helpful advice!
Again. IF IT HURTS TO CONTINUE DRAWING. STOP DRAWING! This is not a "no pain no gain" type situation. Drawing so much that you hurt yourself isn't noble, it's just… limiting yourself. You only get one set of hands. These things are very handy to have.
Other Advice
Things I couldn't figure out how to fit into the earlier sections.
Your other hand can't handle the strain! Lets say you hurt your drawing hand... the other hand is right there free to use for art. Right? Wrong. Your other hand can't keep up with the demand, it hasn't been trained to the same extent as your dominant hand, it does not have the built up muscle. If you want to use that hand for drawing you are going to have to use it s l o w l y and train it bit by bit over a long period of time. When I tore a tendon in my right hand I decided to just keep drawing with my left and I got Really Good at it. It only took like two months before my left hand hurt too much to move. Then I had 0 functioning hands to pull up my pants. Not fun!!
People who draw on phones. That is extremely impressive! I'm amazed by the things people can create on such a small space. But phone artists are the ones I see most frequently mentioning hand pain. please please please make sure you are taking breaks. Would a stylus work instead of using a finger?
Outside of Drawing. Sometimes it's things outside of drawing that are causing the pain. For me there are multiple sources, but I also have tiny baby hands. Holding a phone too long causes pain. The handheld mode for my Switch causes A Lot of pain. The way my hand rests while typing on my laptop hurts! Playing tense videogames for too long hurts! Find the source of your pain and make some changes. The same things will apply to most; take regular breaks, do some stretches, and find soft things to prop up or rest your arms on.
Change your Artstyle. This one is more of a last resort. You might have to change your art style if you are getting sharp pains every time you draw. I loved drawing tight clean lines and many small fancy details, but drawing like that left me in so much pain at the end of the day. In 2023 I had to take the better part of year off from illustrations just to learn how to sketch and draw more loosely. I had to learn how to be gentle. To stop gripping my pencil so tightly. Learn! Adapt! You might discover a new style that you love even more!
A lot of this stuff gets more complicated in a work setting where you have to draw fast and long in order to get paid. Things like reducing your workload can help, but that can be... financially rough. But outside of that, it’s ok to be a slow artist. Going full steam and hurting yourself is not worth it.
Aaaaaanyway, thats all folks. Today's rant brought to you by me! The guy with chronic hand pain who always forgets to stretch! The guy who got frustrated with a sketch yesterday and decided to push to keep drawing for just one more hour! The guy who woke up this morning and had to spend 2 hours massaging and stretching their hands. The guy who probably shouldn't have typed all of this out because ooww ow ouch
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If your hands do hurt, it's going to be ok! You don't need to be a speed demon who draws all the time. It's ok to take your time and take frequent breaks. You are going to do great things! Just be gentle with yourself...
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head-empty-just-ace · 10 days
Oh, well. What did anyone expect from my url alone? So, here ya'll go— how Ace would be pinning over someone he likes. There's also a song below (there are other interpretations of the song but i liked the lyrics as is to match the hcs). However, I do suggest listening to Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex. Seems to suit Ace better imo.
'Cause my love is mine, all mine I love mine, mine, mine Nothing in the world belongs to me But my love mine, all mine Nothing in the world is mine for free But my love mine, all mine, all mine
Portgas D. Ace x GN!Reader
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CW: None. Just pining and fluff.
Word Count: 566
Silent pining from afar.
He'll keep his feelings close to his chest like it's a secret that only he knows. In a sense, even if you can't be his, that warm flutter in his chest from your smile will be his alone.
The type of guy that would use his haki to his advantage, sneaking glances at you across the room so that you're unaware of it— he makes sure no one else sees either.
Whenever he spots you dozing off somewhere from exhaustion, he'll make sure to place a blanket over your shoulders. And he'll even leave you some of your favorite snacks nearby so you'll have something to eat when you wake up.
If he notices that you're having a bad day, he'll secretly find ways to make sure the crew isn't making it worse. Oh, someone wanted to bother your break? Nope, he'll discreetly steer them away and offering to be the one of service instead.
He'll be extra patient and gentle with you whenever you need help with something. Teaching you through anything you needed to know that he could help with. If anything, he overheard you struggling with something that he wasn't familiar with and researched on it best he could, just to help you.
He'll casually show off, no doubt. He's sparring with the commanders, and he knows you're watching? Will flex a lot more than usual and be even more motivated to win. Catching your gaze every now and then to cast you that boyish grin.
It isn't like he doesn't interact with you or anything. He does. Hell, he even makes it his personal mission to make you smile whenever you look sad. Better if you laugh at his schemes or jokes.
Ace gives the vibes of a secret admirer. That guardian angel over your shoulder that refuses to show himself. The guy that always does his best to help you in little ways even without you knowing that it was him.
Nobody realizes this. Just him. Not even Marco, Thatch, nor Izo (Whitebeard knows but respects Ace's decision to keep it quiet though he wishes that commander would just spill it out). So, you don't know about it neither.
However, it eventually gets to a point that his feelings just grow so much that he can barely hold it back.
His gaze starts to linger a while longer, barely even caring if anyone else sees it. Fingers brush against your skin for a moment longer than necessary. Naked adoration in his eyes whenever your eyes meet. He looks at you as though you hung the stars in the sky.
The crew slowly start to catch on. Though they try to tease or insinuate, he just brushed them off. Most of them give up, thinking that the two of you are just best friends by that point. Others continue to tease him whenever they can.
What really shifted things was that night at a party the crew held. He was drunk. You couldn't find a seat. He offered his lap with a playful smile. You agreed.
Oh, boy, the whole crew started getting sick of the tension linghering in the air. Didn't take long before you confessed. By then, you were pretty sure he had feelings but would always refuse to say anything no matter what.
Here's my masterlist if you want to read more of my work!
To my OP Moots: @captainportgasdace @ofoceansandtombsanew @lynndt-chocolate @custardcreamdemolisher @that-student-that-has-homework
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
Writeblr intro post
So yeah when I first came here I didn't know this was a thing so I've been working on this in the background. Now that it won the poll, I'm making it now!
I'm going to edit this post as I go so it has more links as I make posts about my WIPs!
About Me
Hi. Call me Kaylin. It's a pen name but I like it. (Some people are just finding out this isn't my real name and y'all should've read the bio)
I'm an education major and do writing on the side and it's a huge passion of mine (hence why I want to teach literacy)
Asexual demiromantic sapphic (she/her) currently in a relationship - (I am comfortable within reason to talk about my experiences)
Love ask games and tag games and generally interacting with others
Love reblogging mutuals' writing talking about WIPs!
21+ but my WIPs are YA - I don't usually reblog anything with a mature community label (sorry in advance for mutuals who do), but when I do I mark it 18+ and I try to label content warnings (LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED SOMETHING)
I'm an educator by heart so I love giving feedback, know a lot about kids, and of course education psychology and theory
I have minor scoliosis, early start of arthritis in my hands, and chronic headaches and migraines attacks in control with medication if anyone needs to ask me about these experiences for writing purposes. I also occasionally use a cane due to knee pain from an injury.
I have an ultimate get to know me game if you want to check that out
My asks are always open! Feel free to stop in whenever you want!
The Secret Portal
See linked intro post for more detail!
YA sci-fi/fantasy
Planned to be a five book series
Quick version: A bunch of adolescents discover a portal to a dimension populated by people with powers. There's also a war. Yayyy.
The first installment is currently in the process of being read by beta readers. Apply to be one here!
One to five game
Q&A (open at any time!)
Tagged as #the secret portal, #tsp, or #teaspoon if you want to give it a nickname. #tsp updates and #tsp excerpt are used as well. All characters get their own tag and #alium will be used when talking about my world building
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
School of the Legends
See linked intro post for more detail!
YA urban fantasy fairy tale retelling
International school for people with gifts (born with), majicks (learn), and curses (given).
Currently in planning stage but five chapters have been written.
One to five game
Tagged as #school of the legends and #sotl. Also use #sotl updates and #sotl excerpt, though not as often as TSP
Ask to be added to or removed from the tag list! @illarian-rambling @katwritesshit @wyked-ao3
I have a WIP questionnaire I have gone for BOTH TSP and SOTL!
Other Ideas
It Was All Just a Dream - (linked WIP questionnaire) high school senior gets an entire redemption arc via vivid dream
The Emerald of Secrets - temporary title for vague fairy fantasy idea
Perspectives - we watch the same event five times in a row from different perspectives
Eternity - temporary title for a supernatural detective story
The Others - temporary title for a sci-fi apocalypse story
There are more but these are the main ones
What I Post or Reblog
Updates on my writing
Tag games and ask games! I love them dearly but it may take a bit to reply! I have a lot piled up and not all of them are simple. But I will get to them!!
Writing from others
Writing advice
Beta requests, book announcements, and intro posts to help boost!
I try to keep things positive! If I see a negative post about writing I'll usually reblog it with some positive spin. Sorry if that's annoying but it makes me sad that people aren't happy about writing.
I always try to include image IDs to make my blog accessible - if something is incorrect or you have any suggestions for making IDs better let me know!
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thedemigodsguide · 5 months
What do you think of Mr. D as a dad?
🤫 Okay, don’t tell Mr. D I said this, but he’s actually a great dad!
A while ago, I was talking with Pollux and he said that Mr. D goes and picks up all of his kids personally. First off, 👏👏👏 Let me give him a round of applause, because that’s more than just about any other god or goddess does (yes, I am aware there are sometimes situations out of their control).
And I used to see Pollux and Castor hanging out with Mr. D sometimes. Usually, it would be in the Big House, but sometimes I saw them out in the strawberry fields or at the beach. I’ve even seen Mr. D genuinely smile around them. And when they’re around Mr. D, they always seem comfortable compared to other demigods with their parents.
Mr. D tried to hide it, but he took it really hard when Castor almost died.
For those of you who don’t know, Mr. D used to be a demigod, like us. I’ll spare you the details for now, but eventually, he was granted immortality, became an Olympian god, so on and so forth. Fast forward a couple millennia, and he ends up here at Camp Half-Blood as a punishment from Zeus.
Camp Half-Blood is supposed to be a punishment. He’s not supposed to like it here. And I’m pretty sure that for a while, Mr. D really was angry about it. But he’s spent years here, and has seen all the stuff we go through. And like I said earlier, Mr. D used to be a demigod, too. He’s been through a lot of the same crap we have.
So, yeah. He cares about us, but he can’t let people know. Sometimes that even includes himself. Like all those times he gets names wrong. Plus, he’s the god of mental health/illness. He understands how parenting (or lack of) can affect kids.
Ultimately, because of his background, I think Mr. D is actually the best dad out of the gods, both to his own kids and to the campers.
Thanks for reading!
If you have any other questions for me or anyone else at either camp, just drop it in the Q&A! And you if have any suggestions for a better name for the ask box, feel free to drop that, too!
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hero-israel · 8 months
I wanted to apologize again for the rant. I barely remember writing it (which is kinda terrifying). I saw your suggestion to breathe and I’m trying lol. But I saw that it angered a number of people in the notes and I wanted to reiterate:
-I try and fight by finding information that combats the vast array of misinformation and spread the correct information. I’m an anxiety ridden non confrontational person and people online tend to be five times more eloquent than me. So basically all I can do is “spread the word.” The more people see the whole picture, the better, right? With my own mental struggles, I’ll see some horrid information, try and find where it came from and how it spread. When it’s everywhere ( on so many news outlets) and I don’t know what to do, I freak out. The awful Congo rumors are an example. Given the government has pulled back on those words, the best thing to call them at this point are rumors, right?
It’s surreal where I am. I am well aware I’m privileged. I count my blessings, and I worry over those that don’t. (Every story and testimony I hear about the female hostages in particular make me feel helpless and sick to my stomach. So much talk about the crisis women in Gaza are facing, but nothing about the conditions of female hostages. You have to actively search to find out, and it’s usually independent sources spreading the word of what released hostages have said).
And all of the conflict where I am is online. In the outside world, off of the local college campus, (which I think I said. I apologize again, I think I wrote the previous message in a panic,) people are only interested in their coffee. I count myself lucky that I have yet to encounter real life anti semitic situations when I know they’re happening a few hours away from me in larger cities. I am in no financial/economical position to volunteer in Israel to help relocate and aid the displaced in the south, as it came to my attention that there are international volunteers going over. I found out about Stand Together, which I tend to look into. I heard it’s a good organization. And then there’s….Tzedaka? Idk. I just know there are some good Israeli based organizations that give aid, but I can’t remember their names. I’d recognize them if someone said them.
I’m astonished I wrote that much? So I’m going to have to step back. I at least know domestically, I can help by getting the right people elected and combat misinformation. Biden will at least give everyone the freedom to fight with words. Trump would take away freedom of the press and chop free speech in half first chance he gets. I wonder about Nikki Haley, but I’m skeptical she will win the primary.
I don’t understand a lot of what’s going on because I feel like I keep wandering through muck. but I try. When I don’t get what I’ll looking for through news sources, I ask here. It’s easy to tell when news is biased these days and what’s telling the whole story these days. I think I struggle to comprehend how small Israel is sometimes and the idea of everyone being out on the field. (And I understand it’s a privilege to struggle to comprehend such a thing, if that makes sense). I keep thinking there must be people at their homes to fight the government when the government is being stupid, like the protests that happened during COVID, while at the same time I read today about a 95 year old man volunteering to work in the IDF. I try and figure out what’s going on with the regular every day people in Israel, knowing there’s active IDF and volunteers helping the displaced and any Gazans fleeing (though I think the border at the moment is closed, I could be wrong). Is it like Ukraine where quite literally anyone that is physically and economically able to do something is doing something to help?
I read yesterday that a vote may be held? That makes me hopeful. But it’s rare to vote a prime minister or president out of office in the middle of war. And it came to my attention that Israeli politics are as divided as American politics are. I knew they were divided before the war began, as I knew about the two massive protests that happened. I didn’t realize /how/ divided they were until recently. It seems are just more lines drawn in the sand in Israel than there are in the States, and there are more factions and coalitions in Israel. And while there’s not as many lines drawn in the States, the existing lines run deep, and they’re getting vicious. I don’t know how bad the lines drawn are in Israel.
So uh yeah, to everyone, I’m sorry for any misunderstandings. I ramble more than I am eloquent. I’ll take my anxiety ridden butt offline for the moment. I’ll come back better. And thank you specifically for reminding me to breathe
The responses from Israelis on the original post are worth reading.
I didn't have the time or space to address every point of the first post and I still don't for this one, but I can say this much:
When someone is struggling with anxiety, it can leave them prone to doom-spirals even during "normal" levels of bad news. Right now for every Jew except the ~240,000 remaining Holocaust survivors, the news is worse than we've ever seen in our lives. We are all feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to help, how to chip in. If it has indeed reached the level of panic - which you described as severe enough to leave you with "missing" time / actions - it's okay to really take some time off from this, to get help. It's okay to set a literal timer on your phone for how much you engage - to give yourself one hour every other day, and stick to it. No one is helped by a person getting so deep into crisis that they can't function.
You mentioned the programs where people can travel to Israel to help keep farms operational and stuff care packages for displaced families - perhaps you yourself aren't in a position to do that, but could you instead try to encourage other people to do it? Can a local synagogue recommend a phone-banking effort?
The Congo stuff is not a "rumor" - it is "jerking off." Someone idly speculating / wishing to do something which they have neither power nor mechanism to do. It is significantly less real than the time Trump talked about buying Greenland; put it in that context.
Israel is a tiny country, with genocidal fascist militias parked on its northern and southern borders; the reason they can't just pull out of the West Bank is because if not properly managed it would immediately turn into another Gaza but bigger and on top of a mountain range with all of Israel's biggest cities at the bottom. The country is now forced to mobilize for self-defense in a way most Americans can't imagine; if my math is correct, about 4% of the entire population is on active duty within Gaza now, and they all left their families and day jobs behind.
Your prior post asked "can't sensible Israelis stop Netanyahu?" - they've been trying very hard and the outside world has no clue. There were massive protests and riots near-nonstop for a year, including a general strike that shut down the entire country - shut down the hotels and the airport! - that actually managed to get the judicial overhaul postponed. When it did come back, it was in a weaker form (still awful), and then the courts were able to erase the very worst of it and postpone other parts. As an American who has done my fair share of door-to-door canvassing, protesting, and """awareness-raising""", I wish American progressives and centrists had been that successful when it came to, say, the Iraq War, or gun control, or protecting Roe...
There is no imminent vote on the current government (there are municipal elections coming very soon, but those are less important). The next national election - the kind you're thinking of - is October 2026. Which is awful to think about and I sincerely hope the government collapses long before then, as Israeli governments have tended to do for the last 5-6 years.
In general, the most reliable news sources are TOI and Ynetnews, and I listed some good resources here.
I hope this was somewhat helpful and that you are able to reach a better place while still finding a way to defend our community.
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yandere-sins · 2 months
I'm so so sorry! Forgive me! I didn't mean for my ask to come off that way. I've been reading fics for a long time and engagement has been "I'll update when I want to stfu!" Or "Yeah I heard your idea but I don't want it." Or "It's my story I'll do what I want."
From my understanding and experience giving writers ideas has been kind of taboo and unappreciated from the writers.
And waiting silently hasn't done me any good. I've had stories I was dedicated reading go on hiatus for years. The last one I read getting updated after 2 years and it was clearly a rushed project with no effort put into it. And now it's on another hiatus again going on 1 year. When multiple people asked about it the creator has a "At least I updated at all!" kind of attitude. It was incredibly heart breaking for both sides.
And it seems to be incredibly more common nowadays. I didn't mean to be rude and I do like your other stories. It just stings having other projects worked on while a favorite collects dust and anything you do gets met with aggression or ignored.
Please keep up the good work. I genuinely appreciate you!
I'm sorry but your last ask really came off that way and I had a bad day. Thank you for apologizing and I'm sorry you had these experiences, no more hard feelings here.
I hope you don't feel like you need to generalize all writers because I have never been told these awful things before, so I can wholeheartedly say it's not everyone. Those you encountered treated you badly, but that doesn't mean everyone will. In fact, maybe it wasn't a problem they had with you, but just a problem they had that day or with themselves and you were a scapegoat in that moment. It's not right and they should have just deleted your ask and moved on from it and not been rude to you, but it might explain things. I'm sorry for the experience you had with these people, and I hope they reflect and better themselves every day. You should still watch how you talk to others though, because seeing how demanding you worded your other ask, maybe you've been misinterpreted a few times.
The best and safest way is always to wait and see if a writer asks for inspiration or help and then respond, but it's not everyone's cup of tea to ask for outside help, and we have to respect that too. Don't push you opinion on others (like, write hundreds of words about how things should continue and then this should happen and maybe the characters could do this, etc.) because if you go against someone's believes you will only end up wasting your time and energy talking against a wall. I'd even say if anyone treats you rudely, you should step away and leave them for good. But personally, I've never been mad at anyone for writing me an ask with e.g. "I keep thinking about x and x happening and I am so curious how it will continue!" or something like "Have you thought about x doing x? I wonder if they'd be happy this way!"
I always like hearing others ideas, but you also shouldn't be upset if I don't do anything with it. Especially with multiple chapter stories, there's usually some kind of plotline I'm following and as such I might need to change the whole plot for the story if I take inspiration. Sometimes it can be incorporated, sometimes not. Sometimes it's worth in my opinion to change everything, sometimes it's too much work.
Btw, as far as I heard, you should never suggest things to authors who have published books and series. It can get really messy. But you are always free to tell them how excited you are and how much you enjoyed their stories!!
However, I do disagree with you on the last point. Your dedication to a story might be admirable but doesn't sound healthy for neither you nor the authors. For you because you use an unreliable source to dedicate your well-being too, and for the author because everyone is allowed to create and stop creating as they like. Forcing them will only end in heartbreak as you have experienced. No one gets to decide for someone else, so if you want to keep dedicating yourself to stories that are still in the works or have long been abandoned, so be it, but then you shouldn't be surprised if a writer snaps at you for demanding more and more. Every decision you make has the potential to be a concious one, so think before you act.
Everyone hates it if a good story is left to rot, but the only thing you can do is be thankful for the author writing it and wishing them well no matter what they are doing. Try reading stories that are finished and save those that aren't for later when they are done or definitely on hiatus so you can prepare yourself for not getting an end. You are free to choose the internet experience you want to see, but you can't force your experience on others.
And here is my controversial take of the month... no idea that exist is really original. Even if you read about a princess becoming the dragon, it has been done before. So in the worst case that an unfinished story really eats away at you, use the idea that you can see the story originate from and create the tale you want on your own from scratch—even the ending. You might not be able to finish the story of someone else, but you can still think about yours.
I wish you well, anon. Take care.
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dragon-creates · 9 months
Royally Screwed!
Read on AO3
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, there was a lot of issues going on and it took out a lot of energy from me. But it's here now and I hope its worth the wait. Hope you guys enjoy! Also I tried to edit it as much as I can but I'll go back is there's any spelling mistakes, but other than that, here's chapter 2!
2. Irish Eyes
Kaufmo groaned as he pressed a hand to his lower back, tonight’s show hadn’t been kind to him in the slightest. The ringmaster has suggested a few new stunts for his act to make the audience go crazy. Now usually that would be fine…if the ringmaster hadn’t announced it while performing. It gave Kaufmo no time to warm up or prepare before he saw an anvil failing for the sky and aiming right at him. He managed to dodge it just in time and had earned him some good reception, but he had twisted his body the wrong way while ducking, leaving a pretty bad sore spot on his back.
He sighed, at least it was over now and he could have a better chance tomorrow morning to prepare for that new trick (and anything else the ringmaster hadn’t told him about yet). He was going to head to his tent for the tight when he heard light sniffling from the lion cages. He turned and tried to peak through the shadows to see who was inside of Ragatha’s lion’s cage…oh, it was Pomni.
The child was the newest member of the cast, and the youngest. Now that Kaufmo thought about it, no one had joined the circus at her age before, so the experience must have been so much more jarring for a young girl. And she was only five years old, the poor thing.
The girl was patting each lion’s mane as she tried to control her tears, the large animals providing as much comfort as they could. She had been quite nervous around the two felines when she first met them, but after seeing how tame they were, they were a great source of security for her in times like this. Times when she felt overwhelmingly homesick.
Kaufmo tapped one of the bars, alerting everyone of his presence. The lions let out a growl when Pomni let out a startled gasp, only to calm down once they saw the clown. “Easy, it’s just me,” he said reassuringly as Pomni gripped tighter to one of the lions. “Hey kiddo, sorry for scaring you.”
Pomni wiped her eyes as the clown climbed in, sitting on the wall opposite her with one of the lions between her. The other lion came back to sit beside her, nudging her hand for more scratches.
“Huh, Simba and Kovu seemed to have taking a liking to you,” Kaufmo mused. Despite their large size, both of the large felines were rather friendly to the rest of the circus. Give them a snack and scratch their favourite spot and you were practically their best friend.
“Yeah, they’re nice,” Pomni whispered, harshly rubbing her the tears off her cheeks to hide the fact that she had been crying. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, the show just finished up and I was gonna get back to my tent,” he explained, “But, then I heard someone wasn’t feeling that great.”
Pomni paled, hiding her face in Simba’s mane. “It’s nothing!” she mumbled into the fur, “I just had something in my eyes, I’m fine!”
Kaufmo hummed. Pomni seemed to be quite a particularly panicky child, one wrong move and she’ll be shaking like a leaf, in fear for her life. He had to approach her carefully, she had already been through enough. “Here,” he pulled out a handkerchief. Pomni stared at it cautiously. “Don’t worry, it’s joke free. Clown’s honour.” He put a hand to his chest with a mock serious expression.
The child smiled, taking the little white fabric and wiped her cheeks.
“I know you’re scared,” Kaufmo said, “I understand. We’ve never had anyone as young as you join. Well, ‘join’ might be a might of a strong word. And you have every right to be scared, upset, angry. It isn’t fair what the ringmaster did. If you need to scream, scream.”
“Maybe not scream,” she muttered, “But the ringmaster said we’re not allowed to get upset.”
“That’s because he’s void of any emotion and doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he placed the tips of his fingers on her hand just in case she wanted to pull it away. “Pomni, you’re five. Cry if you have to cry.”
Suddenly, a wall had crumbled and the dams were loose. The child latched herself onto the clown, muffled cries escaping her and tears soaking his costume. He instantly wrapped his arms around her. “Shh, there, there,” he whispered, “It’s gonna be okay kiddo, I got you.”
“I want my Ma and Pa!” she wailed as he stroked her hair. “I wanna go home!”
Kaufmo sighed. She was way too young for this. Curse the ringmaster and his void heart. “I know kiddo,” he hugged her tighter. “I know.”
They remained like that for a moment, Kaufmo letting Pomni cried while he stroked her hair before the child pulled away, her cheeks tear stained. “Sorry,” she sniffed.
“There’s nothing to apologise for,” he reassured her. “Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself, would that cheer you up?”
“Um, okay,” Pomni nodded. “I…I like to sing a little bit, my ma used to teach me.”
“Huh,” Kaufmo lit up, an idea forming. “You know, I like to play guitar, I used to play it a lot.”
Pomni beamed, crawling closer to him, “Really?!”
“Heck yeah,” Kaufmo chuckled, “How about I go get it and I can show you what I can do?”
“Yeah!” Pomni cheered, giggling and falling back, a lion catching her with the side of his body.
“Okay kiddo,” Kaufmo grinned, “You just wait there. I’ll be right back.”
The clown had never run so fast in his life. He couldn’t recall the last time he played his guitar, but he remembered how much he loved it. Once he made it to his tent, he picked up the instrument from the side of his bed and ran straight back to Pomni, the little girl was playing with Kovu’s mane before gasping with excitement when she saw the guitar.
“Okay, it’s been a while,” Kaufmo told her while tuning it, “But I think I remember this.”
He began playing a simple chord, rummaging through his mind before landing on a song he hadn’t sung for anyone.
You can't take my past
You can't take my history
You could take my Pa
But his name’s a mystery
Nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping
Oh nothing you can take from me was ever worth keeping
“Wow!” Pomni looked absolutely awestruck, it was the cutest thing in the world. “That’s so cool!”
“It’s not finished yet,” he admitted bashfully. “I haven’t really had the time to.”
“I can help finish it?” Pomni suggested shyly, “And maybe…you could teach me too?”
Kaufmo’s eyes widened, not only had he not played for someone in so long, but it was the first time a person asked him to teach them. For the first time, someone didn’t want to now the clown that Kaufmo played, but rather the part of a person that the ringmaster had forced him to bury so long ago. “Yeah,” he nodded, “I think that can be arranged kiddo.”
He carefully placed the guitar on her lap, the instrument was comically big for her little body, but she managed to hold it properly. She giggled with excitement as her guided her hands on where to go. “So, if you put your fingers here, it makes a makes a C chord,” he told her, her fingers making the shape and strummed the strings, her face brightening after playing her first ever note. “Atta girl, and just make this shape and you’ll get a G chord.” He shifted them again, grinning as she played the second note.
“I’m doing it!” she exclaimed.
“You’re doing great kiddo,” he grinned, “Now, have you got any ideas for lyrics?”
The child nodded so fast that he was afraid she’d hurt herself. With a gentle voice, she began to sing.
You can't take my charm!
You can't take my humour…
Twenty Years Later
Kaufmo hummed cheerily as he walked through the inn the rest of the cast and himself were staying in. They were here for the rest of the week to perform, but everyone had really wanted to explore the rest of the town. And who was he to stop them?
Ragatha had wanted to see if they had any good treats for her lions, Zooble wanted to buy some flowers for Gangle, and Moon and Sun had wanted to wander with everyone and see the sights. Kaufmo decided to stay, wanting to take the day to rest. However, there was one person who didn’t say anything about wanting to go or stay.
Despite last night’s fiasco with the prince, she seemed to be in a good mood. He was heading to her room, just to check up on her and see if she wanted to go out as well. He was about to knock when he heard the faint strums of a guitar and a female voice singing along with the tune.
My mother says I have Irish eyes
Irish eyes, Irish eyes
My mother says I have Irish eyes
They go ever so blue under stormy skies
But they're never so blue as when I let them cry
Kaufmo smiled, Pomni’s voice was always so heavenly whenever she sang. Every song she wrote, he would always be excited to hear. He cracked the door open a little, seeing her standing with her guitar in hand as she sang. She wore a simple shift with brown stays adorned with pink stitched flowers and a light green skirt that reached her black boots. She looked a little bit like spring itself.
My father says I have English hair
English hair, English hair
Brown like the bark of an oak somewhere
Like the bed of a lake where the hemlock grows
Like the thorn in the stem of an English rose
She began to twirl happily, dancing along with her song without a care in the world.
I'm a map of the world and the ones before
One foot in sea and one on shore
Every step, every hope flung high
I'm a map of them all with my Irish eyes
She jumped, whipping round when she heard the sound of clapping, only to soften when she saw that it was Kaufmo standing at the door. “Don’t scare me like that,” she giggled, putting her guitar away.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you kiddo,” he said, “Is that a new song?”
“Yeah, I began to write it when we were on the road,” she confirmed, “Decided to give it a whirl before I went out to town.”
“You’re going out?” Kaufmo asked hopefully. Pomni wasn’t normally someone who liked to be out in busy places when she wasn’t performing but seeing her actively wanting to go out was quite a big step for her. While it left him protective, it left him proud of her as well.
“Yeah,” she nodded, “Gangle wanted to go look and see the dresses here so I wanted to go with her as well. Ragatha and Moon should be with us as well.”
“I’ll come too,” Kaufmo said, “Just in case you want to leave early and come back.”
“Kaufmo,” she sighed, “I’ll be fine.”
“I have no doubt about that,” Kaufmo reassured her, “It’s just, you know…It’s always going to be my instinct to protect you.”
Pomni smiled, walking over and wrapping her arms around the clown, with Kaufmo doing the same. “I understand, what we went through was…its over now,” Pomni said, “I wanna be able to go into towns without being terrified of who I run into, enjoy my time with my family. With my Pa.”
Kaufmo patted her cheek, she never failed to amaze him. “Well then, what are we waiting for?” he asked, “Let’s go have some fun.”
Pomni patted his hand back before Kaufmo let it fall to his side, both of them leaving the room and heading downstairs to greet everyone else before going into town.
Jax paced back and forth in the dining room, dressed in a simple white blouse, blue waistcoat and black slacks. The room had been cleared earlier after breakfast, but he needed the space to pace and think about his plan to woo Pomni. She was going to be tricky – if her outburst was anything to go by – so he had to tread carefully about this. Motley watched the prince go back and forth, the kitten perched on the table experiencing the most brainstorming that Prince Jax had ever done in his life.
How would one win over the heart of a spitfire? A being so beautiful and entrances you with its song and dance but can easily scorch you if you make one wrong move. But it was that danger that pulled him closer to her. Only a woman like her deserved the best when it came to courting. But where to start, what should he do?
Queenie and Kinger watched their son’s pacing from the slightly ajar door. The staff had alerted them of the prince’s peculiar behaviour, so they wanted to investigate it for themselves – from afar of course.
“I still can’t believe it,” Kinger muttered, “Never would I have though the day would come where Jax would be so entranced by a girl.”
“Isn’t it wonderful?” Queenie mused, “I’m not surprised it was the jester that stole his heart. She does seem to be such a darling. Although, I will admit, I am slightly concerned with what Jax has up his sleeve with this one. His mind is quite…devious after all.”
Kinger hummed in agreement, “That is true. He always has these great plans when it comes to playing tricks on the servants or his escape attempts. Part of me doesn’t want to know what type of plan he comes up with for courting her.”
“Yes,” Queenie nodded, thinking to herself for a moment. The jester, Pomni was her name she believed, seemed like such a sweet young woman. While she was glad her son was in love, Queenie was completely aware of Pomni’s outburst with him they other day (after all she was outside tent when it happened, and was able to hear every single word). “How about you let me handle this Kinger dear? I’ve had my experience when it comes to men falling to a woman’s feet before. I could help correct him with the proper ways of how to win a girl’s heart.”
Kinger blushed, memories of himself as a young prince falling for a lord’s daughter many moons ago flooding back to him like a tidal wave. “Uh, y-yes darling,” he stuttered slightly, “I believe that would be for the best. The last person he needs advice from is his old man who laned face first into mud when trying to court the person he admired.”
“But I fell in love with you because of that dearest,” Queenie teased, giggling at Kinger’s flustered expression. “Now, if you excuse me. I have a son to steer away from making a fool of himself.”
“Good luck,” Kinger gave her reassuring thumbs up. Truth be told, when it came to Jax (especially since he was in love) she probably needed that luck.
Queenie took a breath, opening the door further and entering the dining room, though it seemed that Jax didn’t notice her presence, still caught up in his planning and muttering. Motley did though, letting out a happy mewl and ran over to her, climbing up her cloak and settling himself in her arms. The queen let out a small laugh, running a finger over his head as she walked up to her son.
Jax jumped as soon as he heard the sound of a throat clearing, exhaling when he saw that it was only Queenie. “Holy shit!” he cursed, placing a hand on his chest, “You scared me!”
“Language young man,” Queenie reprimanded him, “I just wanted to see if you were alright, the servants said that you haven’t left this room since breakfast.”
Jax sighed, the moment word about anything happening to him got out, his mother would instantly be by his side to make sure he way okay. It was one of Queenie’s most admirable qualities. “Yes, I’m fine mother. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”
“I see,” Queenie hummed, her eyes giving off a teasing glint. “It’s definitely not the jester from last night’s performance.”
Jax was so sure that his fur had changed from a periwinkle purple to a cherry red as he whipped round to face his mother, a smug look curved upon her features as she eyed her son knowingly. “M-mom!” he nearly choked on his words.
“Careful now dear,” Queenie chuckled, “The last thing we need is for our heir to suffocate on himself. Besides it was quite obvious, you immediately trailed after her like a loyal pet the moment her performance ended and are still infatuated with the girl despite her verbal lashing with you. Yes I’ve heard it, I’m sure most of the kingdom did too.”
“I can’t help it,” Jax rubbed the back of his neck. “The moment I heard her singing, my soul was bewitched. I had to listen to her song, her voice was telling a story and I wanted to learn it word for word until she’s ingrained into my memory. And her beauty, I don’t think I’ve met another person who radiated starlight just as much as she did. She’s a book that I can’t put down, I need to know more about her! I have to let her know that she’s the one for me!”
Never in all her years did Queenie think her son was capable of being bashful. Everything about Jax, from the way he spoke to the way he strutted down the hall screamed nothing but self-righteous confidence. What type of magic tricks did Pomni possess to reveal this new side of the prince? “Well, well,” Queenie breathed, “It seems that you’re very taken with this girl.”
“Oh, she definitely stole my heart and run off with it,” Jax sighed, “I just need to know what to do that will make her realise just how perfect I am for her!”
Queenie cringed, she had a feeling this was coming. The last thing Jax needed was his ego sabotaging any chance of Pomni liking at least a quarter of him back. After all, it was his arrogance that made him receive her angry and biting tone with him, if he continued down this road he would ending up kissing any plans of courting her goodbye. “Now Jax, I understand the butterflies that come with meeting someone that has you ‘bewitched’,” she spoke carefully, hoping that her son’s head wasn’t already full of outlandish plans already. “However, Pomni has already made her opinion of you quite clear. I will support you if you want to make amends with her, however I will put a cease to that if you try and force her to become yours.”
“Force her?!” Jax gasped, flabbergasted at his mother’s suggestion. Women would throw themselves at him without Jax doing nothing more that blink, how on earth did she think he was going to force Pomni to be his? “She’ll come running to me when I show her how charming I can be, before she leaves she will practically be begging me to marry her. It’s just as easy as that.”
“Jax,” Queenie shook her head with a disappointed frown, “Are you even listening to yourself? You barely know anything about having these types of feelings, how on earth do you plan on courting a girl if you don’t take them time to access yourself first?”
“Well judging how you and father say sappy crap to each other all the time and don’t end up gagging by how overly sweet it is, it’s probably not that hard,” Jax shrugged. His heart sunk at Queenie’s crestfallen expression. He went too far there. Motley gently purred into the queen’s chest, providing comfort for her hurt state.
Despite the saccharine display his parents put on, Jax could tell how much they treasured their love for one another. To insult their bond was an insult to his mother as well, and he hated making her feel awful. “I…mother forgive me,” Jax exhaled slowly, “I got caught up there, I didn’t mean that-”
The door burst open as a guard entered into the dining room, “Your highnesses. The markets have new products after the recent shipment. Would you care to be escorted into town today, or shall I have the servants search for something that you need?”
“I, I suppose it would be nice to go into town today,” Queenie turned to her son, her eyes giving a soft forgiving shine. “What do you think Jax?”
They were okay, Jax nearly sighed with relief. Seeing his mother upset was his own personal torture, and he hated every bit of it.
“I also wanted to inform you that the circus cast from last night are also in town today,” The guard informed them, “In case you have any words to say to them for their performance.”
Jax practically beamed at that, his grin nearly splitting his face. He cleared his throat, putting on a suave look and straightened his back. After all, he had a jester to court. “Well there’s no harm in saying hi to them, now is there?” he smirked, “I think a little trip sounds just delightful.”
Queenie paled. She recognised that smirk, Jax always wore that smirk when he was up to no good. “Jax…” Queenie drawled warningly.
“Go alert my father that we plan to leave as soon as possible, in case he wants to join,” Jax commanded the guard.
The soldier in question raised a brow at that, familiar with the young prince and his antics, before turning to the queen for her verdict.
Queenie sighed, once Jax’s mind was set that was no point in trying to change it. Besides, she really wanted to go out today. “Inform Kinger that we plan to leave soon,” she said, “I would hate for him to miss out on this.”
“Yes, your majesty,” the guard bowed, turning on his heel and walking out the door.
Queenie gave Jax a glare, a silent threat to not do anything stupid.
The prince gulped, whenever Queenie sent him that look it gave him nothing but sinking dread in the pit of his gut. He had a lot on the line today, not only risking it all to win Pomni’s affection, but also to make sure he didn’t suffer from his mother’s angered wrath as well. “D-don’t worry m-mother,” he stammered, “I promise that I have nothing but good intentions going forward.”
Queenie raised a brow as Motley let out a meow – Jax swore the little shit was mocking him. “As for you,” He picked up Motley and set him on the floor, “You’re staying here. The last thing we need for you is to get lost and become someone else’s pet.” Motley mewled, pawing at Jax’s leg with a pleading look on his face. “Nope, I’ve made up my mind. Your tricks aren’t working on me today.”
He turned to his mother, offering his arm out to her, “Shall we?”
Queenie sighed, letting out a little laugh at her son’s outlandish behaviour, “I suppose. But you better behave, got it young man?” She nearly growled.
“…Yes ma’am,” Jax whimpered pathetically.
Queenie patted his cheek, “Good. Now then, let’s go find your father before he chases after another butterfly for his collection. We don’t need a repeat of…last time.”
Jax shuddered at the memory, despite his own bug-like pranks, he certainly didn’t want to do what his father was capable of. “You and me both mother,” he nodded.
He hid the dopey grin that stretched on his features the more he thought about the jester, how he was going to spoil her, give her everything she could ever hope for and more, to do anything to make her his and his alone. He couldn’t wait to see her again.
To tell the truth, Pomni was nothing but nerves when to came to public situations. It was different whenever she was performing, she knew that by the end of the day – as long as she put on a smile and a good show – everything would turn out according to plan. When it came to actually being in a crowd full of people, she always felt like she was going to be sick. It wasn’t easy to put on a façade when there was no pre-planned performance. The thought of being around so many people, not knowing what they were like or what they would say, she could make one slight mistake and everything could go wrong.
She was a bit glad that Kaufmo insisted to come along, to read the signs on her face in case she had to get out of here. But another part of her felt guilty for doing that. She wanted to enjoy herself put in public, to not fear the next person coming here way, to not fear if they had any other ulterior motives. Why did her mind have to be like this? And she hated how she always dragged Kaufmo down with her, he deserved to have one day where he wasn’t constantly worrying over her, how did he not see her as a burden? She just wished could be…normal. But someone like her could never be normal, not in this lifetime anyway.
Still, she wasn’t going to waste her time dwelling on misery, life was too short for that. She remained glued by Moon and Ragatha’s sides, Kaufmo trailing behind them like a guard dog (a rather colourful guard dog but the intention was clear). She wanted to have fun, have a day to just be Pomni, not worrying about the performance for tonight and if it was perfect enough. That was for later, this was now.
From the corner of her eye, she could see Sun marvelling over cakes at the window of a bakery, his mouth watering at each flavour presented through the glass. Gangle and Zooble were at a flower stall, with the latter buying a rose the same colour as the ribboned woman and gifting it to her, making Gangle blush. Pomni smiled at the couple, maybe one day she would find someone to share a bond with like Zooble and Gangle.
She heard a small gasp, turning she noticed two young girls pointing at her while whispering excitedly. Pomni shook her head fondly, they must have recognised her from the show the other night. She gave them a small curtsy, the children become even more excited before bounding over to her. She was a little bit nervous with the sudden closeness and enthusiasm from the children, but Moon and Ragatha were behind her, making sure she was alright.
She was fine, all she got was a fright. “Hello,” she waved at the two girls, “Hope can I help you?”
“Hi miss!” The first girl squealed, “You were so pretty last night!”
“Why thank you,” Pomni cooed, “Did you two enjoy the show?”
“Yeah!” the second girl cheered, “You were my favourite! You were so sparkly and twisty!”
Pomni giggled, they must have been referring to her costumes and her dance flexibility on the aerial silks. It was the main highlights of her performance and what boosted audience numbers. She wasn’t surprised that the girls liked it so much. “I’m so glad you two had fun,” she grinned, her chest fluttering at the girl’s collective beaming faces.
“What you like one of our flower crowns?” the first girl asked, “It has pretty daises!”
Pomni placed both hands to her chest in a flattered manner, “I would love to have one of your flowers crowns.”
The girls jumped with glee, fishing into one of their satchels and pulling out a delicate daisy chain tied into a circle. Pomni lowered her head as they placed it on her hair, the whole interaction made her feel giddy and warm. After all, who didn’t love flower crowns? She never got to do that at their age, so there was something bittersweet having a chance to do this now. She was about to open her mouth to thank the girls for their gift, when a loud and brash voice made her flinch.
“I knew a crown would look good on you,” Prince Jax’s voice made her wince, “Just have it in gold and you’ll look like a real princess.”
Pomni took a breath, plastering on a face of fake kindness and concealed annoyance as she turned to the prince – Moon and Ragatha were protectively standing on each side of her as Kaufmo stood from a distance, ready to intervene in case anything happened. “Prince Jax,” she spoke through gritted teeth, “To what do I owe the pleasure.”
“Your presence is enough for that little lady,” he grinned as she bristled at the nickname, “I was just making my way through town and decided to stop bye and say hi.”
“Well, now you did, so you can go now,” Pomni rolled her eyes and turned to face the girls again. Moon and Ragatha smirked while Kaufmo’s chest puffed proudly.
Jax faltered a bit, he didn’t want this conversation to end so soon! He ran up to her, dodging the ragdoll and Moon, ignoring Kaufmo’s icy glare and shoved himself in front of Pomni’s eyeline. “If you like, I could get you a little souvenir,” he offered suavely, “After all, daisies die pretty fast. Kind of a pathetic gift if you ask me. A little gold chain with a diamond would like nice around that pretty neck of yours.”
Pomni scowled at him, her anger growing more as she heard the two little girls’ sniffle at his insult. They were young, yes, but she knew about much effort must have gone into making this crown. And the fact that she never got to do this as a child only added fuel to the fire. “You have some nerve insulting the talents of your people,” she poked him harshly in the chest as a look of fear spread across the prince’s face. “This is a gift made from the gentle hands of the next generation of your kingdom, don’t you dare degrade this is present in front of them. And even if it were to die quickly, it only means I must cherish it more before that happens.”
“I-um,” Jax stammered, he was barely a minute into talking with her and he was already screwing up. He had to try a new tactic. With quick thinking, he ran over to the flower stall, blindly picked up a bouquet, slammed a few coins down and ran back over to Pomni. “Here,” he shoved the flowers into her face, making her splutter. “As an apology.”
After Pomni regained her bearings, she took a proper look at what was shoved in her face. Taking a note of the flowers in his hand, she gave him a deadpanned look, “Orange lilies and yellow carnations?”
Jax gave her a smug grin, looking as though he won the lottery, “From Prince Jax himself. You’re welcome.”
“They literally symbolise hatred and rejection,” said Pomni. Jax’s face fell, as though lightening struck through him at the realisation. “I think I’ll stick with my daisies.”
With that, she gave him a tight-lipped smile and walked away – but not before giving the two girls a warm hug and reassuring them that she loved her new flower crown.
Jax was about to go after her, until he was stopped by the death glares of Ragatha and Moon, as well and a tight grip on his shoulder. His eyes followed the hand attached to the arm, all the way to the furious gaze of Kaufmo. “I don’t give a damn if you’re royalty or not,” the clown growled, “But you will not disrespect my kid in front of me. Do I make myself clear?”
Jax gulped, the last thing he needed today was to be murdered by an overprotective clown, “Yes sir.”
“Good,” Kaufmo took his hand off, brushing it on his suit and walked away to find Pomni, Ragatha and Moon in tow.
Jax let out a breath, he never knew clowns could be that scary. He froze at the sound of a throat clearing, he groaned as he looked at Kinger and Queenie, disappointment etched on their faces with the royal guards standing behind them. “I ask for one thing Jax,” Queenie muttered, “One thing. For you to behave, and this is what you do?!”
“To be fair…this is me we’re talking about,” Jax gave them a nervous chuckle.
The couple’s expression didn’t change. “Come on,” Kinger sighed, “You’re sticking with us for the rest of the day.”
Jax whined, crossing his arms as he followed his parents and the guards. Queenie stuck by his side though, leaning up to whisper in his ear, “You know, the next time you want to impress a girl, keep the snide comments about simple gifts from children to yourself. You aren’t going to get anywhere if you keep up that attitude.”
Jax grumbled under his breath. But his mother did have a point though, they were just kids, he didn’t have to stoop so low. His stomach churned, hearing those whimpers from those little girls struck him in the heart, how could he be so cold-hearted? “You’re right mother, that wasn’t the best choice of words,” he admitted. Queenie’s eyes sparked a little bit, perhaps her son was finally taking the right step- “That’s why I’m going to spend so much fortune on Pomni and gift her anything she could ever ask for without commenting on the boring stuff she likes!”
Queenie’s face fell. Nope, Jax was still up his own ass.
The minute Jax was back in his room, he started writing a list. He wrote down everything he knew about how to woo a woman, and as someone who was quite popular with the ladies, he felt pretty confident with his abilities. Truly, he was a master of his craft. Once he was satisfied with his plan, he got to work, with Motley watching the trainwreck preparing itself from afar.
Firstly, he went to the best broker he could find and purchased the most beautiful, one-of-a-kind diamond that he had ever seen in his life. It was just as striking as Pomni’s perfect eyes. He had a servant deliver it to her, content that within a day’s time she would be coming to the castle to visit him. However, the servant had come back and instead of his jester, he returned with news that Pomni had sold the diamond to a local jewellery shop, where it was smashed to pieces and turned into lovely necklaces for the other women of the village.
Okay, so she wasn’t a fan of shiny things. It doesn’t matter, he still had a few plans up his sleeve.
Next, he took out a deposit of his spendings (it was at least enough to buy ten castles) and requested it to be sent to Pomni in her name for her to do what she pleased with it. His heart skipped a beat when he found out she accepted it, only for him to choke on his tongue when he found out that she had donated it all to the orphanage of the village. The only thing he received from her was a note telling him to ‘do something beneficial with his spendings since he had so much of it’.
He swooned over the fact that his little jester was so charitable, but he couldn’t ignore the irritation that came with it! He was going further beyond for her, yet she wouldn’t even spare a glance at him. What else did he have to do to make her notice him?!
It continued like that, he would send her the most lavish, expensive gifts that would make any man or woman swoon, and every single time she either gave it away or returned it. Jax was starting to get on his last nerve, she was going to notice his affections one way or another. He still had one more plan, and if this didn’t work (which it would!) then he was truly at a loss.
The next day, he gave instructions to the royal announcer. A royal banquet was going to be held at the castle tonight, with Jax wanting nothing more than to have Pomni to be his plus one for the evening. Maybe it was a bit of a jerk move to announce this publicly, but he was just so desperate to see her again, he was willing to do anything just to catch a glimpse of her lovely face.
He awaited patiently, so sure that his plan was going to work. When the announcer came back, there was a smug grin on the prince’s lips, expecting for him to say that his jester would be attending tonight. However, the situation was much more different than the prince had hoped. When the news went out to the public that Prince Jax wanted to invite Pomni to the banquet, she had merely given the announcer a simple bow and replied:
“I appreciate the invitation, but I will have to decline the prince’s offer and his lack of planning ahead.”
Jax felt as if he had been kicked in the stomach.
She rejected his invite! In public no less! It was one thing to reject an invite to such a regal occasion, but to reject a royal? That was the biggest humiliation that anyone could ever do to royalty! It would leave a mark on his reputation! The only prince known in all the lands to be rejected for all the kingdom to see.
And this is where it left him now, alone at the banquet, swirling a glass of wine as he mumbled to himself. “It was the diamond, I should’ve gotten her the ruby,” he muttered under his breath, “Diamonds are overrated anyways. I don’t understand, I’m great with courting, how could anyone-”
“You know, you can tap a cocoon as many times as you want, the butterfly still won’t come out,” he jumped at the sound of his mother’s voice as she walked up to him.
“Mother,” he gasped, “You can’t keep surprising me like that!”
“Just like how you can’t keep pushing this girl to be with you,” Queenie crossed her arms over her chest, “Honestly Jax. Out of all the ideas you have had in your entire life, announcing to the public to make Pomni join you for tonight has got to be your most ridiculous one yet! Honestly, I don’t blame her for rejecting you, someone had to hit you with common sense eventually!”
“I-I, but!” Jax stammered, but deep down he knew his mother was right. Karma had to hit him eventually, and it hit him with the most alluring, beautiful, one-of-a-kind songbird that fluttered into his heart, only for her to be completely out of his reach. He sighed, “I just… I never felt this way for anyone before.”
“Really?! I couldn’t tell with the way you were constantly making a fool of yourself!” she ignored Jax’s gaping mouth towards her, continuing her speech. “She has expressed to you multiple times that she isn’t interested with what you have to offer Jax! Either you cease these attempts or you actually find something that will let her see you in a different light!”
“How?! If this is all that I can offer her, then it’s already too late for me. You know it, you see it! I’m nothing but a reckless prince who keeps ruining things for myself,” Jax’s shoulder’s tensed, taking a breath while feeling his heart twist in his chest as his eyes drifted down to the ground. “For the first time something finally good came my way and I already messed it up. But I don’t want to let her go.”
Queenie’s shoulders sagged, her face twisting somberly, “You already have so many good things Jax. I wish you could see it too.”
Jax was about to open his mouth to ask what she meant, but Queenie was already walking away. He stared at the wine in his cup, watching the bubbles rise to the top. Through the glass, he could see the other guests spying on him, whispering to one another while pointing at him.
He knew they were talking about his most recent blunder with Pomni, and as much as it hurt, it wasn’t the first time the upper class had gossiped about him. Even before his pranks, before his reputation as the ‘disaster heir of Laphria’, ever since he was a child every lord, duke and count always had their opinions and comments about of him, none of them friendly.
Jax scoffed at them, he didn’t care. At least now that he was older he had a reason for them to talk nothing but rubbish about him, instead of simply being a child.
He took a swig of his wine, it was going to be a long night.
My nana says I have travelling feet
Travelling feet, travelling feet
Slippers for princesses don't fit me
But I dance to my own drum, bright and bold
And my travelling feet always get me home
Pomni strummed her guitar in the dressing room, fully decked in her costume and waiting for the performance to start later. She always got nervous before a show (especially after the public invite she received from the prince) but her music always calmed her down.
My sister says I've a restless soul
Restless soul, restless soul
Easy to catch, but I'm hard to hold
Like a song on the wind that you caught one day
I get under your skin, then I slip away
Gangle, Zooble, Moon and Ragatha were in there as well, adding the last touches to their costumes while listening to Pomni’s song. The girl had come a long way, for better and for worse, but her music was one of the things that gave the circus members hope. After what they went though, they could all use it.
I'm a map of the world and the ones before
One foot in sea and one on shore
Every step, every hope flung high
I'm a map of them all with my Irish eyes
“That’s coming along really well Pomni!” Gangle clapped as Pomni finished up.
The jester smiled, resting her head on the side of her guitar as she faced the rest of the group, “It still has some polishing but it’s becoming a new favourite of mine.”
“I’m glad you have something to focus on after that whole mess earlier,” Moon sneered at the memory of the announcer, feeling nothing but fury at the prince for trying to pressure Pomni to join him. “It took bravery to decline such a heavy offer Pomni.”
Pomni cringed, “I don’t understand, what on earth does the prince see in me for him to keep running back! I mean, you’d think he’d take a hint after what I said to him the first time I saw him! But no, he just wants to keep being annoying. Ugh, men are the worst thing in this realm.”
“Agreed,” Ragatha nodded, “Men are only born with half a brain with not a lot going on in there.”
“I don’t know,” Zooble shrugged, “Granted, women are better. But you seem pretty passionate about someone you find annoying Pomni.”
“W-what?!” Pomni stuttered, nearly dropping the guitar, “What is that supposed to mean?!”
“You know, if you really hate him Pomni you wouldn’t be talking about him this much,” Zooble grinned, crossing her arms over her chest.
Gangle gasped, an excited grin gracing her mask, “It’s true! Pomni, you can say you like him, we won’t judge!”
“I-I, no! I don’t ­like him! That’s absurd!” Pomni stuck her tongue out in disgust.
“Exactly, there’s no way that prince even deserves Pomni,” Ragatha nodded.
“Honestly, you and Zooble might be so head over heels with one another that you both are making up stories in your head!” Moon frowned, shaking her head.
“Or maybe we’re able to see the obvious,” Zooble chuckled.
“No! No! You don’t see anything!” Pomni squeaked. “Besides, Jax is not my type at all! He’s so loud and rude. And has a terrible sense of humour. And struts as if he owns the place. And he has untamed, wild eyes…that shine. And he’s always smiling no matter what’s thrown his way. And his smile, its so…” She trailed off, whipping her head up when she noticed Zooble’s shit eating grin, Gangle’s giddy face and the shocked looks that Ragatha and Moon shared. “…It’s so annoying! I mean come on!”
Her eyes darted between everyone, no one was buying her excuse. “I’m getting some air!” she huffed, setting her guitar down and running out of the dressing room.
Once she was at a good distance, she climbed the nearest rope connected to the ceiling, balancing and swinging on it slightly before jumping onto a nearby trapeze swing. She sighed with relief, despite her anxiety, the vertigo from being up so high was enough to distract her. She smiled a little bit, from up here she could see half of behind the tent and the audience were starting to flood the seats.
Her mind went back to what Zooble said, more so what they said about Jax. Her?! Like him?! How could she ever like him?! They were so different and he oozed nothing but a ‘higher than thou’ attitude, something she despised. She hated him, yup that was her final verdict, she hated him.
But unfortunately Gangle was right, she couldn’t get him out of here head.
She groaned, why couldn’t the rabbit prince get out of her head?!
“Did you hear about Prince Jax?”
Pomni perked up, looking down at the crowd. There was a group of young adults around her age, from the fine fabrics and jewels they wore that had to be belonging to quite prestigious families.
There were two young women and men, each one of them wearing vicious smirks. “This has to be his most embarrassing blunder yet.”
Pomni frowned, she didn’t like their tones at all.
“As if he wasn’t an embarrassment enough,” the first man sneered, “Honestly, I can’t believe that the crown will be going to him.”
“Marriage into the crown is the only saving quality of that man,” the first woman giggled, “That and his parties.”
“Imagine how low you have to sink to be like that,” the second man cackled, “Only being good for parties and nights in the sheets.”
The second woman whacked his arm with her fan, “Don’t talk about such topics in public!”
“He isn’t wrong though,” the first woman pointed out, “He was so desperate to lose his virtue, such a pig!”
Pomni’s heart sank. She only heard the village talk about the prince, his recklessness and pranks and all that, but was this how the upper crust talked about him? He probably had to spend every day with these types of people coming into the castle, did he hear every bit of it in the hallways?
“What else do we expect from an orphan bastard,” the second man sneered, “Only taken in because the royal family felt pity for him. Only one with peasant blood could act so foolishly.”
Pomni saw red. That was the final straw. To think so lowly of someone just because they had no blood relation to royalty, out of all the things to not like about the prince, that was what they hated the most?! He couldn’t control not being born into status! And each comment that they made was an indirect insult to the king and queen taking in a child from the kindness of their hearts!
In fact, having this knowledge made her understand Jax a little bit more, was this why he acted out the way he did? From hearing these comments all the time? After all, she knew better than anyone about being taken care of by someone with no blood connected to them, she didn’t know if she would even be here today if it wasn’t for Kaufmo.
She glared at the ignorant cluster below her, she wasn’t going to let them get away with this.  
She looked up, on the platform next to Moon and Sun’s tightrope, she could see the bucket of water that was typically dumped onto Kaufmo’s head at the beginning of his act. She titled the swing, giving it a bit of momentum before swing over onto the tightrope. She jumped, balancing carefully before tiptoeing over to the platform. She picked up the bucket of water, searched for the group again before dumping the water over them, soaking their clothes and makeup.
They let out ear-piercing screeches, demanding who did this. Pomni jumped back onto her swing, hidden in the shadows as she bit back a giggle. That would teach them a lesson for their vile little words.
She froze when she heard a throat clear, looking back behind the tent, she saw Kaufmo with his arms crossed while frowning. Damn it, he saw what she did.
“Uh…the water was dirty?” she gave him a nervous laugh.
His face didn’t move a muscle. Oh I’m in big trouble “I’m sorry Pa.”
There was so much smoke.
So much fire.
She couldn’t breathe, the smoke was too much.
There was no one there.
Where did everyone go?
She couldn’t be alone.
She can’t be alone.
There was no answer.
No body
No life.
“Ma where are you?!”
Pomni woke in a cold sweat. She took in her surroundings, she was in the inn, sleeping after another show. She wasn’t a five-year-old girl anymore, she wasn’t stuck in a burning town with faded memories. She was here, she was safe.
She rubbed her face, the nightmares would always change, but they would never become dreams and they would never go away. There had been nights while she was more than willing to sacrifice her sleep, but it only resulted in passing out during the middle of the day. Nothing but a viscous cycle that she couldn’t escape from.
She contemplated getting her guitar out, but she didn’t want to risk waking anyone. She hated it when she got like this, she was nothing but a burden that everyone else was forced to carry. She was weak and stupid and a coward and-
She screamed when the glass of her window smashed, a hooded figure climbing in with a knife and rope.
Pomni’s stomach sank. No, no I can’t go back.
She reached under her pillow, pulling out a knife of her own. The hooded man came forward to hit her, she blocked his attack and kicked him away. He let out a yell as he was pushed back. Pomni jumped off the bed as he began to stand back up, slashing her knife on her arms every time he lunged to her.
She raised her knife again, only for her door to be kicked down by another figure. They grabbed her arms, forcing her to drop the knife. The first stranger handed the rope to his associate as they reached into their pockets for something else. “Thought you had her under control,” the second figure spat.
“Don’t blame me,” the first one retorted, “Caine didn’t say how much of a spitfire she was.”
The name sent a shiver down Pomni’s spine. “Help! Somebody hel-” her cries were cut off when the first figure wrapped a gag around her mouth, muffling her screams.
“The pay before make up for this,” the second growled, “I got every mind to cut this little bitch’s fingers off.”
“Easy, Caine said he wanted her in one piece,” the first told him, “Just keep your eyes on the prize and we’ll be fine.”
Pomni heard more screams and crashes coming from outside her room. The others, they were in danger to. She tried to escape from her captor’s hold, but they were too strong as they wrapped the rope around her wrists and dragged out of the room.
She paled as she saw the rest of the circus crew being dragged out of their rooms, with staff members of the inn trying to stop them. In the midst of the ruckus, her captors managed to drag her away and outside into the pouring rain. The first figure pulled him onto his horse, with the second one hoisting Pomni behind him.
“Remember,” the second one spoke, “Meet Caine in the middle of the woods, that’s where he’s doing the pick-up.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” the first nodded, whipping his reigns and taking off.
Pomni could only struggle as she watched the inn grow smaller and smaller, while her heart spiked and panic washed over her.
She can’t be a prisoner again.
She can’t let that happen.
She won’t let that happen.
The royal family was awoken in the middle of the night, an emergency was afoot and it needed their full attention.
Jax rubbed sleep from his eyes as he followed his parents into the throne room. This had better be good if he was rudely awoken.
“Your majesties,” a guard bowed, “The innkeeper has requested immediate help, her inn is under attack.”
The fur on Jax’s neck stood, that’s where Pomni was.
“Word has it that they call themselves the gloinks, a group of bounty hunters that has raided many kingdoms before,” the guard continued, “We managed to send over as many as we could to arrest them and they managed to intervene before anyone was hurt. But one already got away with a victim.”
No, no, no, no, no, no. Please don’t tell me its-
“They took the jester from the circus.”
Jax was numb, the rest of the world falling silent.
From the corner of his eye, he could see his parents worrying and giving out instructions of what to do. But Jax? He already had a plan. Get Pomni back.
And so, he ran.
“Jax!” Kinger yelled out to him, “Jax!”
“Jax where are you going?!” Queenie shouted.
He ignored them, he had to. Someone kidnapped Pomni, and they were going to pay.
He ran all the way to the stables, pulling a nearby coat off the rack as he took out his horse. He didn’t bother with a saddle, he had ridden plenty of times without one. Maybe he would get in trouble for disobeying his parents later, but he didn’t care. What mattered right now was Pomni’s safety.
He took hold off his horse’s mane as he took off, running out of the stables and towards the gate.
“Open the gate!” he shouted to whoever was there.
At his command, they opened.
“Come on boy,” he told his horse, “We gotta go!”
The horse galloped faster and faster, running past the gates and into the town.
He had to pick up the pace, Pomni’s captor was probably reaching the edge of the village. There was one thing he knew, tonight, he was getting Pomni back.
Pomni struggled with her binds, her kidnapper’s horse was starting to near the forest. She couldn’t go back to Caine, not when freedom was at her grasp. She closed her eyes and focused, blue mist levitating from her hands. She focused on the knot on the rope, letting the mist carefully pull it out. It took time and patience, but she managed to get it to slip out.
She pulled the rope off, taking the gag off and was about to jump off the horse when an arm grabbed her. “Oh no you don’t!” her captor growled, “You ain’t getting away that easily!”
“I’m not going back!” she screamed, “You can tell Caine to go fuck himself!”
She raised a hand, scratching him in the face, leaving behind three bleeding streaks across his skin. “You stupid cunt!” he screamed.
He struck Pomni across the face. The momentum sending her off the horse, hitting the back of her head on a rock. “Fuck!” he jumped off, going over to her, “Shit, Caine’s gonna kill me!”
“Not before I kill you first.”
A fist grabbed the back of the captor’s hood, and he met the striking yellow and furious eyes of Prince Jax. He swore death was staring right back at him.
Jax used his other hand to grab the captor by the throat, lifting him above the ground. Jax grinned as he watched writhe in pain, scratching at his hands for air. He felt no mercy for this son of a bitch, he put his filthy hands on Pomni. He was going to pay. He slammed the captor against a tree, his head collecting with the trunk as he passed out. Jax threw him to the ground, he would deal with him later. There were more important matters at hand.
“Pomni!” he rushed over to her, kneeling to the ground and putting her head on his lap. When he pulled his hand away, his heart twisted as the sight of blood on his fingertips. Carefully lifting her head, he saw a nasty gash bleeding in the back of her head. He had to get her to a healer and fast. He pulled his jacket off, tearing off a sleeve and wrapped it round her add, making sure it applied pressure to the wound and ceased the bleeding.
He slid his arms under her waist and back, pulling her into his embrace and let her head rest on his shoulder as he stood. He carried her over to his horse, lifting them both up as he cradled her. He could see the rest of the guards coming, they could deal with her captor. For now, Pomni needed medical attention.
Without missing a beat, his horse tore off back to the castle, Jax keeping one hand on his mane and the other wrapped around Pomni to steady her. “Come on boy, come on!” he grunted, the horse snorting back as he ran as fast as he could.
Relief flooded him the moment the castle gates were in sight, opening at the first sight of the prince. Jax jumped off the horse as he slowed to a spot, keeping Pomni in his arms as he ran to the doors of the castle.
The guards positioned outside immediately opening the doors once they saw the royal and the injured jester, not wasting a moment so he could get her inside.
“Medic! I need a medic!” Jax yelled out, running up the marbled stairs.
The servants rushed out at the sound of the prince’s voice, gasping at the sight of Pomni and led them both quickly to a guest room.
Jax gently lay her on the plush bed, a few maids rushing over with bowls of water and towels. “She hit her head,” he told them, “I tried to add pressure to stop the blood but I’m not sure if it did enough.”
He unwrapped the makeshift bandage, tossing it aside before grabbing one of the wet towels to press it against the wound. A maid took it from him, pressing against it instead. He didn’t want to stand there doing nothing, Pomni was hurt and he was hanging around like a useless fly. “Blankets, do we have blankets?!” he turned to another servant, fear and desperation in his eyes.
They must’ve noticed, for they didn’t waste time pointing to a nearby cupboard. Jax rushed over, pulling out every blanket he could find and placed it on Pomni’s shivering body. “Hang in there Pomni,” his hands began to shake, there was more blood. He couldn’t lose her, not after treating her the way he did. His mother was right, now he was paying the price.
A doctor rushed in, medical bag in hand and ready to get to work. Jax’s stomach flipped when he heard Pomni letting out a whimper in her unconscious state. “Be careful with her!” he growled.
He felt a hand pulling him back by the shoulder, he flinched, shoving it away, only to soften that it was his father with his mother behind him. “Pomni is in good with hands with the doctor,” Kinger placed his hand back on Jax’s shoulder, “You got her here in time, let him do his work.”
“I can’t do nothing,” Jax interrupted, “Not when she’s hurt like this! I have to, I need to-”
Everyone turned to the voice. Pomni wasn’t awake, but a tear slid down her cheek as she shifted in her slumber. “Ma,” her voice cracked, “Ma I’m stuck. Where are you?”
Jax’s heart shattered into a million pieces. Seeing and hearing Pomni so vulnerable, stripped of the glam and sass she wore, leaving behind a broken and frightened person instead. It made the guilt ten times worse. He felt himself sway, his head was pounding and his heart was threatening to burst out of his chest from how hard it was beating. Queenie immediately noticed, already wrapping her arms around her son and led him to a cushioned chair in the corner of the room.
“Pomni, she needs my help, she…” he murmured.
“Shh, it’s okay, you’ve done enough,” Queenie reassured him, running a hand over his ears, “Rest, she’s going to be okay.”
Jax wanted to protest, to insist that he was fine, to be by Pomni’s side. But the promise of sleep was too strong to ignore. And so, he shut his eyes. He’d wake up later, then he would help Pomni.
Kaufmo couldn’t stop trembling. When the inn was under attack, he was roughly grabbed out of his bed and shoved against a wall, leaving him with a bleeding forehead and a black eye. The blood was ringing in his ears and his vision was blurred, but what he did notice was Pomni screaming and tied up as she was dragged away.
He wanted to reach out for her, to give hell to those who hurt his kid, but the pain was too much and his attacker was too strong to escape from. Just hearing the cries of his family, and the fear of…him finding them. It was too much.
He thanked whatever god was up there when the palace guards came, saving them from the gloinks. But it was short-lived, with Pomni being the first thing on his mind. Out of everyone in the circus, it was his kid who had the highest bounty on her head.
He nearly cried when the news of Pomni being safe at the castle arrived to him, but what shocked him was who saved her. Prince Jax. Never in all his days did he think that the arrogant prince would care for anyone’s wellbeing other than his own. Nevertheless, Pomni was Kaufmo’s first priority, he wanted to get to the castle as soon as possible.
And this was where he stood now, in the throne room with the rest of the circus behind him, all praying for Pomni to be okay. The king and queen trekked into the room, Kaufmo running as soon as he saw them. “Where’s Pomni? What happened to her? Is she okay?” tears were streaming down his face, but he didn’t care, his kid was all that mattered.
“It’s okay,” Queenie spoke, “Pomni is safe, she hit her head but we had a doctor attend to her and she is recovering in a guest room.”
Kaufmo let out a giant sigh of relief. All tension leaving him the second the news was told to him. Pomni was okay, they got to her in time.
“However it does leave a question,” Kinger said, his tone serious and avoid of any other emotion, “Why were the gloinks targeting Pomni directly? What’s going on with you all?”
Kaufmo paled, the rest of the circus matching his expression. They had a feeling that after what happened, this question would arise. After all, this wasn’t a normal attack. The gloinks were infamous for their bounty hunting, always demanding the highest pay for whoever that had to go after. So why go after a simple jester?
“Kaufmo?” Ragatha walked towards him, placing a hand on his back, a silent question if he really wanted to get into this mess.
“It’s okay, they have to know,” Kaufmo took a breath to prepare himself, he could so this. “Our circus wasn’t always like this, and I wasn’t always the ringmaster. Many years ago, I wanted to be a clown for my whole life. Performing in a circus was always my dream. But no matter who I went to, they would never hire me. I was going to give up until I met a man named Caine. He was starting a circus of his own and he had everything, except a clown. He practically hired me on the spot, I was so excited that I was willing to look past any warning that were blaring.
It was fine at first, the audience liked my jokes, it was good pay and I got to travel all over the land. However, after a year of being there, I was ready to go home and see my family. But when I tried to leave, that was when I saw Caine’s true colours. The moment I stepped out of that tent, I was attacked by Caine’s hunters. It was then when I learned that no one could leave, and even if you tried, Caine would send his men after you. Either you get attacked, but if you attempted to leave multiple times…I know many members who chose death rather than stay.”
“That’s how Caine tricks people,” Moon spoke up, “He offered me a home for me and my brother. I even fell in love with him. But when I saw what he was doing, I tried to get help. I made it about three feet before his hunters came after me.”
“He said he would help my family,” Ragatha rubbed her arm nervously, “We were poor and he said he would pay for anything as long as I stayed in the circus. I haven’t seen my family in five years.”
“I wanted to run away with the circus, escape from the harm that was in my town,” Gangle sniffed, Zooble wrapped an arm around her, “I never thought how much worse it could get.”
“It went on like that for so long,” Kaufmo continued. “For years we were nothing but puppets for Caine as he fed off our talents. If we weren’t sleeping, we were either rehearsing or performing. And if we showed the slightest sign of fatigue, he’d unleash his fury on us. It only got worse when Pomni arrived. Pomni…I’ll let her tell her story. But she was the youngest out of all of us. She was five when Caine stole her. I took her under my wing, protecting her from Caine. But Pomni was different than the rest of us, her talents are…unique to say the least. It was what attracted audiences however, and as long as Pomni had that power, there was no way Caine was ever going to let her go.
“That was where I came in,” Zooble spoke up. “When the circus arrived in my area, I already had my suspicions. That was when I met Gangle, she told me what happened and I knew I couldn’t do nothing. So I came up with a plan to get them out. I would pretend that I wanted to be in Caine’s show while trying to get everyone out. It took a few buddies of mine and some help from my village, but it worked.”
“We managed to get the enforcers of the town and alert them of what was happening and then managed to detain Caine…at least for a while,” Kaufmo’s face fell. “A while ago, we heard news that Caine had managed to escape, but what really scared us the most was that he didn’t want any of us. Just Pomni. She was irreplaceable, so we’ve been on the run ever since. As long as Caine’s out there, none of us are free.”
Queenie and Kinger stood there, shellshock keeping them frozen in place. How could anyone react any differently to that information?! They wanted to so badly to ask about Pomni, but they knew that they shouldn’t pry her story from others. It was hers and only hers to share. “I appreciate you telling us this, I can’t imagine what you all have gone through,” Queenie told them, nothing but kindness and sincerity in her tone.
“Rest assured,” Kinger straightened up, “We will do everything in our power to make sure Caine doesn’t come near you ever again.”
“But how?!” Kaufmo cried out, “We’ve done everything in our power to get rid of him and he still manages a way to find us! We’re lucky to be alive at this point!”
“Believe my husband and I when I say that Caine will not get away with these crimes,” Queenie informed them. “For your safety, including Pomni’s, we advise you to stay within the castle walls under Caine is no longer a threat. Our soldiers are highly trained to deal with these types of threats. Worry not, your freedom is going to be granted soon.”
Kaufmo opened his mouth and closed it. Freedom? Was it really that possible for him? Would his daughter finally be rid of that monster? Maybe he was getting his hopes up, but by the end of the day, it was still hope. And as long as Pomni was safe, he would take it. “Thank you, your majesties, thank you,” Kaufmo shuddered, feeling a sense of happiness he hadn’t felt in a long time.”
“Of course,” Kinger nodded, “Once Pomni has arisen, we’ll let you see her. As for now, we’ll have your belongings transferred over to the castle. Please, breathe, you are all safe here.”
The circus members looked to one another, was it really possible? Would they finally have a life without fear? All they knew was one thing, as long as Caine didn’t get his hands on Pomni, then they could all finally breathe.
Pomni stirred lightly, her head thundering with pain. She was half tempted to go back to sleep, this bed was the softest she had ever slept in. She eyes shot open, the bed at the inn wasn’t normally this soft. When the bleariness cleared, she could see that she was laid upon the most luxurious sheets she had ever slept in, along with sleek silky pillows that cooled the heat rising upon her flushed skin. As her eyes travelled, they landed upon red wallpaper with embroidered gold stems and leaves, her gaze drifted to the side as she spied some type of curtains tied to each side of the bed.
She lifted herself up into a sitting position, ignoring her throbbing head as she took in more of her surroundings. She was still wondering how she got here, in fact, her memories were just as fuzzy in her. Then, in a flash, it came back to her.
The nightmares.
The break in.
The cries of her family.
The fear of seeing Caine.
The agony of her head hitting the rock…
And then Jax was there. His touch soft and his voice gentle as he lifted her and carried her back to the castle. Jax…saved me.
Pomni turned, gasping faintly as she saw the prince in a chair next to her. The castle she realised to herself I’m in the castle. Jax’s head was resting on the side of the bed as his breathing evenly flowed in and out. She smiled a bit, he looked so innocent like this. Stripped of his brashness and confidence, a small glimpse of Jax was peeking out to her. She was half tempted to brush her fingers through the fur of his ears, but quickly decided against that. He was a prince for goodness’ sake, how improper would that be.
She flinched at the sound of small pattering feet. She had a feeling she was safe due to the heavy protection surrounding the castle, but even that couldn’t keep the nerves at bay. She held the blankets closer to her, as though they would act as some sort of shield. All that worry melted away into awe once she saw the sweet brown eyes of a kitten starting up at her as he wandered into the room.
“Aw!” she cooed, “Hi little kitty!”
The kitten meowed, his tail wagging slowly as he made his way over to the jester. Pomni patted the bed, gesturing for the feline to come up. His claws caught into the sheets, making his way up until he joined Pomni on the mattress. Unable to resist, she scooped his up into her arms, with the little kitten rubbing his head against her cheek as he purred. “You’re just the sweetest little thing, aren’t you?” she scratched behind his ears.
She pressed a small kiss on his nose, he was just so cute!
Unbeknownst to the duo, the movement and noise that they were making made the prince stir a bit.  
Jax let out a low grumble, the back of his neck aching after sleeping in this horrible position. But he didn’t want to leave Pomni’s side for a moment. Just in case she woke up or something happened to her in her sleep. No, he had to be here. Even if he resigned himself to sleep in a terrible way, Pomni mattered more.
He could feel something move next to him, along with the sound of coos and tiny meows. Wait a minute, he recognised those meows. He straightened up immediately, ignoring the neck ache. Pomni jumped at how quickly got up, hugging Motley closer to her.
“You’re awake!” Jax’s mouth split into a relieved grin, “Are you okay, nothing hurts does it? Do you need anything? Another blanket, water?”
Pomni blinked with confusion at the prince’s many questions. He seemed so…sweet? He did save her life, but still, seeing this side of him was so jarring. “Um, I’m fine thanks,” she smiled awkwardly.
He ran to the door, not wanting to waste a single moment longer, “Doctor! She’s awake!”
It wasn’t long before the doctor came in, checking her over and making sure she was alright, informing her about her extended stay in the castle and the search for Caine. However, all her focus seemed to be on Jax. When the doctor asked for a cool towel for her flushed face, Jax was eager to fetch it. When a breeze through the window made her shiver, he was quick to close it. And when the maid was setting up a tray of breakfast for her, Jax dropped everything to help her. Even the servants and doctors seemed perplexed by his behaviour. What happened to the mischievous prince who made sure to make his crudeness his reputation?
When the buzz died down, the doctor informed Pomni to stay in bed and that he would fetch her family.
Her family. They were safe, it relieved some tension that she didn’t even know she had. It was when Jax turned to leave that she did something that puzzled both of them. “Wait!” she called out. The prince turned back, did she want him to stay? “I-I just…why did you save me?”
Jax was taken aback by that question, staring at her as though the answer was obvious, “I couldn’t just let them take you. Bounty hunters invaded my kingdom and kidnapped one of our visitors. Besides, you hold value to your family and circus. They need you in their lives.”
“R-right, well what I wanted to say was…thank you,” her smile made his heart turn to melted gold. So soft yet so delicate and beautiful. It was burned into the prince’s memory.
“Y-you’re welcome Pomni,” Jax stuttered, sitting himself back down on the chair. He gulped, not once in his life did he get so tongue-tied over another person. It was certainly an interesting feeling to say the least. “And I should apologise for sending you those gifts and the announcement in the town square. Please believe me when I say that I didn’t aim to make you uncomfortable. How does my mother put it? My heart can be bigger than my brain sometimes. But I’m sorry that you had to witness it.”
It was Pomni’s turn to be taken aback. She had never heard words so genuine and sincere, especially with it coming from someone she always saw as pompous and crude. She cleared her throat, “I appreciate the apology your highness. It may take me a while to fully forgive you, but you’ve made a good start already.”
“Jax,” he said.
She hummed questioningly.
“Call me Jax,” he clarified.
“Oh! Well, thank you Jax,” she ran her fingers along the kitten’s fur, listening to him purr to fill the pleasant silence.
“Ah, I see you met Motley,” Jax poked the feline’s nose.
“Motley?” Pomni tilted her head.
“My cat,” he clarified.
Pomni let out a gasp, excitement washing over her. “This is your cat?!” she beamed, holding the kitten up to her face, “He’s adorable.” She pressed little kisses over his small face, Motley purring louder at the affection.
Jax grumbled, ignoring the twinge of jealously, “He’s an obnoxious little shit.”
Pomni scoffed at him, “No he’s not! He’s a sweet little gentleman.”
“He broke in here and decided that this place was gonna be his home,” Jax retorted back, “I didn’t get a say in the matter.”
“But how could you say no to this cute face?” Pomni held Motley closer to Jax’s face, the kitten pressing a paw to the prince’s nose.”
“He’s quite…persuading. But you won’t like him when he’s taking a bath, trust me,” Jax said.
Pomni rolled her eyes, cuddling the kitten again. Jax smiled softly, it was sweet to see her bonding with Motley, after what happened she could use this little interaction to help lift her spirits.
They paused for a moment, Jax letting Pomni take small bites of her breakfast while he prepared some tea for her. He had requested chamomile from the maids, it was what helped him for whenever he had a sick day and he hoped it would help Pomni as well. Once Pomni’s plate was cleared, he gently put the mug in her hands and took away the breakfast tray. She hummed appreciatively at the warm drink, watching Jax’s carefully stack everything together and taking it to the door. It was quite the sight to see, a prince waiting beck and call for a commoner. But she wasn’t complaining, it was rather comforting to be taken care of.
Throughout the silence, simple questions being traded back and forth between the two. “So tell me, how do you know so much about flowers?” Jax asked, “You know, after my abysmal attempt of trying to give some to you.”
Pomni laughed, it was quite funny looking back at it now, “My ma-…my family always loved flowers, they taught me everything there was to know about them. My favourite was always roses, it might be cliché but there are so many meanings to come out of one flower depending on the colour.”
“I see,” Jax murmured, even the smallest thing about Pomni meant the world to him. She was just so fascinating.
“And you,” Pomni spoke, “What is your favourite pastime?”
“Well…I have a passion for reading,” he told her, “Ever since I was young I’ve always had a fondness for books about adventures and swashbuckling pirates! Every page was a new journey and I wanted to devour it all! I wanted to live that life more than ever.”
“That does sound amazing,” she mused, “I haven’t been to a library in so long…” she trailed off. Jax’s face fell slightly, reaching his hand out to her. Pomni noticed the sudden change in mood and smiled again, “But it’s alright, I’m sure I will one day.”
Jax nodded, keeping her sentence locked in his mind. He’d have to come back to that later.
Pomni bit her lip, another question had been burning at the back of her mind and it had made her more curious than she thought she should be. She turned to Jax, “I have to ask, why did you want to see me so badly? What did I do that made you so infatuated?”
Jax blinked, resting his arms on his legs as he clasped his hands together. He took a breath, his face serious as he answered her, “I know it might sound ridiculous, and you’re allowed to laugh. But in all honesty, it was your voice.”
Pomni perked up, her eyes wide, “My voice?”
“Yeah,” Jax nodded, “The moment you started singing, I just wanted to know more about you. You were telling a story simply through song, but you were only telling the first chapter. I got impatient and wanted to read more. From the first note, I knew that there was more to you that I had to know. I just…didn’t go about it the right way at first.” He let out a nervous chuckled, only to freeze when he saw a tear slide down her cheek. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you!”
“No, no, you didn’t,” she let out a choked laugh, wiping the tear away, “In fact, you said exactly what I needed to hear.”
Motley rubbed his head against her arm, offering as much comfort as possible. Jax placed his hand on hers, “Pomni, if I act or say anything stupid just say the word. I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m a massive idiot.”
Pomni giggled, her face twisting into one of mock surprise, “Really, I had no idea!”
Jax rolled his eyes fondly, “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up short stack.”
She snorted, about to say another word when the room was suddenly flooded by the circus members. Each one of them fretting over her and checking if she was okay. “Guys! I’m fine!” she reassured them, Motley scrambling out of the crowd and ran over to Jax.
The rabbit picked him up, giving the circus cast their space as they reunited with Pomni. “You scared me to death kiddo!” Kaufmo squeezed her, “I thought they got you!”
“I’m okay Pa,” she rested her head on his shoulder, “I gave them a piece of my mind before Jax saved me.”
Kaufmo froze, slowly turning to the prince. “You saved my kid?” he asked.
Jax gulped, he still hadn’t forgotten the clown’s terrifying threat, “Yes?”
Kaufmo hummed in thought, it seemed that he judged the prince a bit too harshly. But only a little bit, he didn’t regret chewing him out. “Thank you, your highness,” he gave Jax a simple bow, “It’s good to know that our safety is taken seriously by you.”
“O-of course,” Jax stuttered. He had fought and won battles against much more frightening opponents, how did a clown seem worse than that?
Kaufmo turned his attention back to Pomni, running his hand over her wound and cringing at the sight. He sat on the bed next to Pomni, the girl leaning into her father’s hug as the rest of the circus members watched over them.
Jax decided to take this as a que to leave and give them their privacy. He was just about to head out the room when he was stopped by Pomni’s voice, “Jax!”
He paused, turning back to her.
“Thank you, again,” Pomni smiled at him, “For what you did.”
Jax grinned, feeling a sense of pride fill him. But it wasn’t the usual arrogance he’d come to expect, there was a warmth to it, and a flutter of butterflies in his stomach. Holding Motley in one arm, he gave the jester a bow, “Always. If you’d like, once you’ve recovered, I could give you a tour of the castle?”
“I’d like that,” Pomni nodded.
And with that, Jax took his leave, fully aware of the stabbing glares of Kaufmo, Moon and Ragatha on his back, never did he expect to feel such danger from a circus crew.
Pomni bit her lip shyly, fisting the sheets below her hands before looking up to meet Gangle’s giddy smile and Zooble’s teasing gaze. “So, you got yourself a date with the prince huh?” Zooble chortled.
“S-shut up!” Pomni threw a pillow at him, making them laugh harder. She sighed, that prince really wormed himself into her heart, didn’t he?
Song Credit: Irish Eyes by Rose Betts
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happiestplacehq · 2 months
Hey everyone !!
I hope we're all doing okay. I know life is kicking everyone's butt right now. I'm putting out the good vibes!
So, I'm finally on summer holiday and other than having studying to do for my ballet qualification, I actually genuinely have some free time on my hands at the moment. As you can probably all tell, the last few months have not been great for me keeping the main up to date and pushing things out, and keeping on top of everyone else's activity has been hard when I haven't been as active myself. Long story short, my mental health has absolutely tanked the last few months (understandable, given how many things have been thrown at me in a year and a half on top of work stress and studying) and I couldn't in good conscience hound anyone to be active when I was hiding myself.
For now, I feel rested and I'm pushing through the brain fog. I'm committing to being a better mod!
ANYWAY, all this is to say is that I'm planning a small revamp/ reboot of the RP, with the hopes that this motivates all of our players to make a slow and steady return to the dash.
This revamp will include some plot updates, a massive push for the plot moving forward, and an event to welcome the new "era" of the RP. (Trust me besties, I'm excited for the idea I have and I'm already writing things inside my mind!!)
I might change up the graphics and change some bios around here and there too if my mum's laptop agrees with photoshop. I'm not promising new bios just yet (as that is a hurdle unto itself).
The main thing to note going into this revamp is this:
There will be updates to the activity rules. Sadly, being as lenient as I have been has meant that activity has fizzled, which is understandable but not great if we're wanting to keep the RP moving forward, keep everyone feeling included and welcome new writers. (I know the dash has been moving better lately, but sometimes there are points where nothing is posted for a long time.)
I haven't decided on what the new rules will be yet, so am open to feedback and suggestions, but there will be changes to both activity and interaction rules. I will also be messaging each individual character account to ask your plans for the character going forward, or if you would like to drop the character at some point too. (If you're stuck with a character, this is a great time to reboot them.) These rules will not come into effect until the revamp is complete so there's still some time to message me or have a think about what you would like to do going forward.
As always, please send in a hiatus request if you think you will be away for over 2 weeks just so I can keep things as updated as possible.
To help me in this revamp, the RP/ Main will technically be on a semi-hiatus - RP and in character interactions will continue as normal, the main will just be quieter to help me make changes and keep track of everything. As such, I won't be promoting the RP until I'm happy with the revamp, and applications for new characters will be closed for a short while. You can still message me to change character FCs, request hiatuses and all the other usual stuff.
I'm giving myself until mid-August to get as much of this done as I can. I will be away in London for training from the 15th to the 23rd August, so if I put my mind to it we'll have something by then, OR the week I come back. I'll put a poll out nearer the time when we would like the grand-reopening to be!
Like I said, interactions are still to go ahead as normal! The game itself isn't on hiatus, just the main while I change things around and give everything a fresh coat of paint. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around thus far! I can't wait to see what this revamp sparks in everyone ✨
Please give this post a like once you have read it!
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bubblestopia · 2 years
an escape from her own mind [Aemond Targaryen AU!]
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
summary: a silver boy that seeks company to release his own nightmares that follow him even in the lightest places crushes into a heavy reader that seeks alone time in her own world of fantasies.  
word count: 1.159
A/N: please don't be too harsh on judging it, this is my first story that I ever published and im still learning so be patient with me. reblogs and comments are grateful appreciated, I am always open to new ideas and suggestions.
this is a work of AU! fiction utilising characters from HBO’s House Of The Dragon series. 
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The library that was usually empty or with just a few customers is now full, with no place for her to sit and enjoy the morning coffee and the romance book she chose to entertain herself. Walking by the long corridor destined for wooden tables and chairs hoping to find a spot, preferably a quiet and secluded one from the crowd, she starts rethinking her decision on coming to the library in the season of exams where she deeply knows that the students prefer coming here to study in groups or alone. With no chances of finding a free chair she walks by the tall bookshelves full of every kind of story she could possibly think of, “the doors to escape reality” as she likes to call them. The very last corner of the library is the perfect spot to just sit down on the old carpet and make herself disappear in her own world of princesses and knights in shinning armour.
Time had passed, half of her coffee is finished and she still can’t take her eyes and mind from the book that is currently keeping her captive, but that will change when steps are heard approaching the corner that the girl had occupied.
The silver hair boy sits down opposite of her without any word. Thinking that now she doesn’t have the silent corner only for her, looks suspicious at him. “No space left in the other part” raspy voice admits and she finally takes a better look at the man. Long silver hair that could take a breath away, but the most intriguing part of him was his eyepatch, revealing one blue eye that she can not read, she can’t find any emotion that holds it, nothing, its like the dessert took over the ocean. “Its rude to stare, especially to people you don’t know”, realising what she was doing, her cheeks turn a bright red and she holds the book in front of her to cover the embarrassment that she had to face.
“Why would you read that kind of stuff? Its full of lies and doesn’t teach you anything” With no warning he spits out the words with an incredible disgust for the book.
“A book doesn’t have to be particularly meant to teach you something for you to learn from it, and it gives me a little bit of hope on this cruel world we have to live without a way of saying”
He knows, he knows this more than anyone and his missing eye is the proof of his endures and pains.
“You should teach me about your ways, I find fascinating the way you can stay in a little corner and enjoy your mind and imagination”
“Why would I do that more exactly, what comes out of this for me? And more important I don’t even know you, you are a complete stranger that just happened to sit in the same corner as me.”
“Aemond Targaryen’s the name, now we are not strangers” he showed a little bit of smirk hoping the girl wouldn’t notice it. “And as I can see in those glittery eyes of yours, you have too many questions that occupies your pretty mind, it would be my pleasure to answer them all for you and enlighten your desires of knowing what’s behind my eyepatch”
She’s a reader, she has questions, lots of questions that kills her mind every second she spends with him. She feels the danger that she could get herself into but ignores it and accept his deal not knowing how she can change her own perspective of life after the chitchat with the silver boy. “I am allowed to ask one question after one chapter finished” was the last condition she wanted to make.
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““I hope you find someone you can't live without.I really do. And I hope you never have to know what it's like to have to try and live without them.”” He looks at her reading the chapters, the way her face relaxes, the way her eyes shine brighter than ever, the way her soft voice that is full of hope and happiness, he feels like believing her, believing that there is a happy ending, not because of the silly book but only the way she reads the paragraphs with her heart on the table. But he also knows that letting his guard down will only bring monsters in his life. Without releasing he find himself not listening to her anymore, he is just mesmerised of her, his thoughts stop when she clears her voice to get his attention, excited that is time for the first question. She knows she can’t directly ask about the eyepatch, she knows he will close himself, so the only question on her mind had to be spoken.
“What exactly are you doing in a library, in the dusty corner to be more precise?”. He takes a little of his time to think for a proper answer “I was looking for a book with greek gods, and that section is right over here” he points at the shelves behind him that holds the exact books he is searching for. “But why did you care to sit on the floor with no book in hands?” “One question per chapter, remember sweet girl?” He smirks, a devilish smirk that can tell that he is right and you are wrong, oh but how much she hates that smirk. She just wants to erase it and ask away her mental list of question, but a deal is a deal.
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She just lost count of how many chapters she read and how many question she asked, but none about his missing eye. She didn’t found any courage to ask the trouble question. Without a warning the library clock rings and indicates that is almost noon. She looks at her finished cup of coffee and then at the silver boy. “I think it’s time to end this little book club” He chuckles at her nickname for the thing that was going for the past hour “You may be right, although you gotta tell me when the next session will be” He knows he still wants to spend time with her, he knows she starts being the light for him “Why would I want to see you again?” “Because I know you still have questions, and you will eat yourself alive if you don’t answer them” He was right, he knew it but now seeing her pretty face thinking to find a solution for this problem, makes his ego go even higher if it was possible.
“I will buy you the next coffee” she stayed a little to think for all the bad possibilities but didn’t found one, and a free coffee sounds very tempting, so she accepted “Deal” with a small smirk on both of their faces they left the dusty corner that now holds a part of history and future.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hi! I’m planning to go on a binge read once this term of uni ends and im stacking up on christmas related fics. So far, I’ve only gotten around to bookmarking two. May I ask for some suggestions?
Hello! We have a lot of asks, so this is only getting answered now, a couple of months after christmas, i'm afraid. We do have a bunch of fics on our #christmas tag that folks can check any time. Here are some more to add to the collection...
Mistletoe and wine by HolRose (T)
Crowley is just settling into life post-failed apocalypse when he receives an invitation to the annual Heaven and Hell Christmas party. It turns out Aziraphale has one too, and makes a plea for Crowley’s help with a particular assignment he has been given. Crowley, of course, can’t help getting involved even if he does put a little demonic ‘spin’ in more than one sense of the word, on the assistance he decides upon giving.
When The Lights Go Out by Sleepless_TurtleBoy (M)
“Look at this one dearest. Absolutely stunning.” Aziraphale’s eyes sparkled as he took in the changing colours, the inflatable reindeer, and the lit-up candy canes that were stuck in the ground. Children were running around pointing at the lights as they flickered into a new colour, and their parents were smiling brightly as they took it in. Most couples were holding hands or had some form of skinship happening. It honestly made Aziraphale feel like he was missing out. Crowley was right there. Right next to him. But he wouldn’t want to hold the angel’s hand. That’d be absurd.
While Aziraphale is setting up for Christmas in his bookshop, Crowley is making plans for a temptation. He'd like to get it over and done with, but it'd be easier with a helping hand. He turns to Aziraphale with a brief explanation, and the angel agrees without much hesitation. What could possibly go wrong?
The Christmas Party by LadyMango (M)
Two strangers meet at a Christmas party. Neither of them got the memo that it was no longer fancy dress.
The Christmas Wedding Scammer by Aracloptia (T)
“And - thank you for saying yes on such short notice! I tried to plan the thing myself, but … sometimes you actually do need help, right?” “Yeah”, Crowley mumbled, grabbing his phone to write down the name of the restaurant. “Yeah, absolutely.”
“That’s what everyone kept telling me; it’s always better with a wedding planner. I guess I should have listened earlier.”
“Er”, Crowley said. “Did you say-“
“Anyway, I have another call to make! I have to fire the costumer, the dress we agreed on turned out horrendous. Hey, in the future that’ll be your job! But I’ll do it just this once. See you tomorrow! And please bring suggestions for the bridal wear. Bye!”
“Hold o-”
The famous wedding planner Antonio Cowley is retired, sworn to never plan a wedding again. Perhaps the right sum of money can persuade him?
He is not to be mixed up with out-of-business Anthony J. Crowley, former florist, currently unemployed.
OR: In which Crowley accidentally becomes a wedding planner.
You're All I Want For Christmas by theshoparoundthecorner (G)
"Soho was uncharacteristically empty. As the wind calmed a bit, the streets were as quiet as the snow that fell upon them, not a single person in sight.
A good thing, too. No one should be caught dead in this weather.
The bookshop was wonderfully empty, and Aziraphale had spent the whole day doing as he pleased, knowing the weather would deter potential customers from sticking their noses in. Sure enough, he hadn’t had one person come in to bother him. He had been completely alone with his books all day, free to read, and watch the snow, and not worry about anyone dropping by unexpectedly.
But that thought didn’t thrill him as much as it usually would.
It was Christmas Eve. And he was alone.
Aziraphale didn’t mind being alone. In fact, he rather enjoyed it.
But tonight felt different. Tonight, as he had sat down for his annual re-read of 'A Christmas Carol', a melancholic feeling had washed over him, like he was meant to be doing something else at the moment. That was absurd, of course, he hadn’t made any particular plans, but something just felt…wrong.
Someone was missing."
Five Times Aziraphale and Crowley almost spent Christmas together, and one time they did.
Turning Page by Beckers522 (T)
Alone on Christmas Eve and finding himself in bad spirits, Crowley has a bit too much to drink and wakes up to find Santa Claus inside his house. What follows is a series of meetings one year after the next as the two slowly come to learn more about each other and eventually fall in love. But Crowley is human and his visitor is far from it. They come from two very different worlds with every odd stacked against them. Can they figure out how to cross the distance between them and find a way to finally be together?
Based on the Norway Postal Christmas Commercial (When Harry met Santa).
- Mod D
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axvwriter · 6 months
Hello!! I saw you reblogged the oc ask game, so I'd like to ask 🎵🕑💢💔🧭💡 about Bobo, please! If that's too many, then just the ones you want to do!
🎵 What would your OCs favorite song(s) be?
🕑 What time does your OC generally wake up at?
💢 What's one thing that's sure to piss off your OC?
💔 Have they ever experienced heartbreak?
🧭How easily can they find their way? Do they get lost easily?
💡 What's an idea that they once had that made others go "That's not gonna work," but it still worked?
Thank you!
🎵What would Bobo's favorite song be?
I'd say it's the first song she heard from Baentu, which I give a little snippet in Baentu's ref. Gosh I still need to set something up before I feel like I can share Baentu. Which so far is mostly resting on me actually designing the man-eating beasts in the Mycelind Kingdom but I just haven't yet. (I think it's mostly because finding the refs I want takes longer now as I have to consider if what I'm looking at it ai-generated or not.)
I only have a few words of the song as I'm not musically-inclined. My idea being behind it that it's a heartbreak song but Baentu's aludes to it not really being one, just a bit of poking fun at love songs, break up songs, and such as Baentu's aroace. Don't know if I can actually get that idea across if I ever do attempt to write the lyrics. Which would be all I'd be able to do, I can only roughly read sheet music. I'm thinking it would be in the rock/metal genre with some screamo elements. (Keep in mind my grasp of music genres is kind of weak.)
Actually these two songs are what inspired/caused me to base what type of music Bobo likes. Sun Killer by Spiritbox and Promise by Voyager. (text links are to youtube videos)
🕑 What time does Bobo generally wake up at?
I actually still haven't figured out her schedule- I want to be wild and say 4 am but really I should plan out what her schedule usually looks like so I can have an actual answer.
Okay I penned up a rough idea of what her schedule could be and I hope it's not realistic and that I can fine-tune it because I have it suggesting to me that Bobo does wake up at 4am and goes to bed around 11pm. Which would be roughly 5 hours of sleep... which again we pulling into the fantasy/videogame logics as how can someone survive years of so little sleep? Adults are supposed to get at least 8 hours of sleep (unless they have lucky genetics) and anyone younger tends to need more sleep than that.
I know she's going to have several different schedules for different days too as I didn't cover international affairs, working out, fight practice, time to visit Baentu, and such. Actually I should try figuring out what all the government official positions would be and that might help me better fine-tune her schedules. I know I have ideas for their being councils to handle certain parts of the government.
Twst Bobo should take advantage of her situation and let herself get more sleep but she doesn't want to struggle with fixing her schedule if she ever does get back home. Plus she can use all the free time for studying (like geez Grim and MC must have terrible grades as surely it's like them skipping middle school and going straight to high school) and for getting to try things she never had time for before. Like woodcarving, painting, and with some outside encouragement, video games.
So uh, tldr: Bobo has a habit of waking up at 4 am.
💢 What's one thing that's sure to piss off Bobo?
Poking fun of the people from her kingdom. Trying to suggest that her kingdom isn't made up of humans or that they're all freaks. Along with just not taking the threats her kingdom faces all that seriously. Calling her a child, immature, someone incapable of running a kingdom. Also just disrespecting boundaries, whether that be her own or the others' around her. She's also a sore loser.
For example, Twst Bobo will snap if someone won't stop trying to touch her face. Most likely this type of provocation will cause her to physically lash out, whether that just be slapping a hand away or trying to squeeze someone's fingers with the idea to break them before snapping out of it. I know already that when it comes to VDC, Bobo cries out of anger that NRC loses. She's quite loyal so despite thinking the song Vil commissioned is generic and lame, that's her team! Bobo then holds a grudge against Neige, but I can't see her actually lashing out at him as he's depicted as so nice. So she'd probably just come off as grumpy in Neige's presence.
Basically Bobo has a temper that can flare up when it comes to pitting herself and those she cares about against something/someone else. Otherwise she tends to be able to keep it under control. If her temper breaks, she's usually able to reclaim control over herself rather quick. Usually she attempts to deal with her anger when she works out. Sometimes she gets way too invested in competitions and losing will upset her greatly.
💔 Have they ever experienced heartbreak?
Well I do have it planned than in her adult years that she'll probably have a few failed relationships, so I would think that counts? So she never really experienced any in her childhood. The closest she got in childhood was having a little kid crush on a rock-metal idol. Which of course didn't progress further than that. Though I suppose that just covers romantic heartbreak. I've usually only heard heartbreak when speaking of romantic feelings.
She was definitely heartbroken when her parents suddenly died when she was just eight-years-old. I think I have heard heartbreak being used in terms of familial bonds. Bobo had nightmares for quite a while when they died and actually couldn't sleep without a couple of plushies too. I haven't decided if the plushies are bats or goats. Eventually she did stop having nightmares but it took a little longer for her to no longer need the plushies to be able to fall asleep.
🧭 How easily can they find their way? Do they get lost easily?
That's a bit of a tough one to answer. Bobo does like to explore when she can, but she's grown up with tech that she's never had to worry about not having a signal. Tech that's set up to alert guards to her last location if it were to die or something were to go wrong. It's hard to say she can get lost when her kingdom's version of a phone/tablet can easily guide her back.
I do want to say she won't get lost all that easily as she has a rather great memory. So she takes notes of certain landmarks to give her a vague idea of the path she's taking and thus can backtrack if needed. Though if she were to fall somewhere with no easy way back up, then Bobo could possibly get lost. Especially easier for her to get lost if everything looks the same. With her eyesight, landmarks are usually certain glowing mushrooms and/or something that stands out in color.
💡 What's an idea that they once had that made others go "That's not gonna work," but it still worked?
I have several ideas and points for what Bobo's life may be like, mostly her childhood, but I haven't thought out too many specific stories. So I don't know if she's ever had a crazy plan that worked out. I feel like characters that are able to pull off wild stunts are usually ones that think outside of the box and/or not considered someone who thinks rationally/reasonably.
I'd like to think Bobo is quite reasonable. Even if she were to give an idea that causes others to doubt, she'd likely explain it until others can see what she sees. Also she likes to have others understand any of her plans so they can help correct any bits or give better ideas if they have them. If it is a wild idea that others may doubt, she might not even give others a chance to hear what the idea is.
Like the only one I can think of that counts would be the alt-route I wrote for Twst's Phantom Bride event. Bobo wasn't confident her idea would work, but she was certain that at the very least it could buy them all more time.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
While I've learned that ignoring people who scream about TWs makes life better and learned that back in the LJ days where people would use the format
Title Fandom Rating Ship Notes
and put notes on content in the notes, and then get people whining that 'rating' covered it, I will vouch for anon that I've never seen anyone under the age of 30 get mad at TWs these days. Back in the LJ days it was something you'd get from anyone, but now, if you click on the accounts of people who are telling you that saying "this is chapter with the rape scene in case you wanted to skip it" is infantilizing, condescending, rude, insulting, etc. their profile has fic going back at least a decade. And if you look at people on Reddit who make posts about how awful it is a chapter's notes said "skip to paragraph 8 if you don't want to read the self-harm" or whatever other personal attack they've perceived themselves to be under from an author this hour, they're usually in their 30's and 40's. I wouldn't classify them as old, but I would say anon is correct, it doesn't skew young.
Personally I just opt for ignoring it. People who want to be victims will always find something. The TWs victimized them by infantilizing them. The tags condescended to them by telling them there would be violence. Using archive warnings suggests you think they're not capable of handling major character death. Etc. When someone's whole personality is "I am the victim and everyone else is wrong and I am right", there is nothing you can do in order to get them to calm down. Their worldview requires them not to do that.
I've seen people lose their shit because I tagged genocide. They're not doing well, but they're also enough that imo they shouldn't be pandered to. Even if you removed tags and TWs they'd still be upset, so why bother? There's no reason to put more work for the same outcome you achieve by default.
All that being said it's really funny that people in the Danny Phantom fandom are fine with Holocaust deniers and religious extremists who think you can use faith to raise children from the dead (something the show creator's church tried to do once) but will lose their mind if you put tags onto something for body horror or substance abuse. "The Holocaust is a hoax!" is an okay statement. "A/N: this is the chapter with the suicide attempt, feel free to skip it" is not. Neurotypicals are wild.
I dislike the "skip to line X" notes because far too often they give off the vibe that the author sees their work as a bunch of little bits, any one of which can be removed, not as a cohesive whole where readers are always free to skip anything but will miss out by doing so.
I'm not going to write a silly comment about it though. It's just a signal that bad writing is ahead and I should find something else to read.
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Oh, hello there
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General Info:
Hello, this is a sideblog where I can post whatever I want to my heart's content, it's like me being an anon, since I haven't told anyone about this blog.
I'm not sure how often I'll come to check on it, but I'll likely do 2-3 times a month minimum.
I'm 18 years old, female, and am going to start college real soon, so life may be busy and draining during this blog's lifetime sometimes.
Please DNI if you are homophobic, transphobic, or a man since I want this to be a safe space for the people I cater to (primarily women).
If you decide to ignore the message above me, then I guess you can be a lurker or something, but if you give any sort of comments or asks that make me uncomfortable you can and will be blocked.
If you are a male-lurker, then don't interact with any of my DNI if you're a guy posts. This is because those posts are usually a bit more spicy in nature and involve graphic or heavily suggestive lesbian/womenXwomen content, and I don't want men to fetishize those posts, so stay away from things marked as Men DNI.
The people I cater to tend to be women, lesbians, sapphics, MTF, and AFAB. So long as you're pretty chill, and don't come around hating a bunch of the things I stand for, you can feel free to message me and have a good time reading up on my stuff!
I won't be doing any kind of Male!Reader things, and will usually have it be Fem!Reader or GN!Reader, since I'm comfortable with that, and I know how to write for them.
I won't be writing about dudes from fandoms I'm interested in, since the gals feel better to write about and they hold my interest more than the guys do. Plus, I'm mostly making this a WLW blog.
I'm not very good at writing for characters, so most of my things are definitely OOC, though I try my best to make them accurate.
I'm also probably not going to write much smut or anything, and if I do it'll probably be angst rather than fluff, or it'll be non-graphic, mostly focusing on the POV, rather than the sensations or anything in detail.
Oh, speaking of which:
I'll likely mostly just be writing angst and fluff. I love both, angst has a tendency to get me sad irl if I think about it too much, so I probably won't be writing too much angst in a row. My angst will also usually have happy endings and fluff in them towards the middle and ends.
Fandoms I write for (and current interest status)
Honkai Star Rail (High Interest Level)
Zenless Zone Zero (Decently-high Interest Level)
Links and other important junk
Umbrella Masterlist
HSR Masterlist
ZZZ Masterlist
Common Tags + What they mean
#Nack's Lists = My Masterlist + stuff involving my masterlist
#Nack's [Abreviated Fandom] Canons = These are my headcanon works. The abbreviation will be in the middle, such as #Nack's HSR Canons, being my headcanons for HSR character(s).
#Nack's Reposts = things I reposted. I'll likely have additional comments in the form of tags there, too. Usually contains ramblings and/or squee-ings.
#Quick Nack-cess = Things that I want to be "quick access". Usually things I'll want to go to to regularly check on. Mostly personal indulgences.
#Nack-dates = My blog updates. Usually important as it notifies changes or fixes.
#Nack Rants = me ranting. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes it's not.
I put most of the tags listed here at the bottom of this post so that anyone can click on them and navigate the content.
My lovely Anons~!
There's not many as of now, if you want to become an anon, just ask!
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leona-hawthorne · 3 months
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— requests are currently open!!
☆ i write exclusively for fem!reader with she/her pronouns as well as gn!reader using they/them pronouns. feel free to ask for either in your request.
^^ if you don’t specify, i will choose myself if i wish to write for fem!reader or gn!reader.
DO NOT REQUEST THESE THINGS ; I WILL NOT WRITE : any form of domestic violence or abusive relationship between the pairing, sexual assault of any kind, eating disorders, teacher and student romance, grooming or pedophilia— no adult x minor shit, character x character, anything derogatory towards anyone in anyway
WHAT I WILL WRITE : fluff, angst, suggestive themes or endings, smoking, drinking, fighting (not between the pairing), character/reader, poly relationship, smut, toxic relationships
WHAT I WON’T WRITE FOR SMUT ; pegging, anything where one person involved is under the influence, piss kink (or anything of that sort; no nasty stuff like vomit, etc), age regression
WHAT I WILL WRITE FOR SMUT ; piv, oral (m and f receiving), fingering, handjobs, dubcon, cnc, kissing, biting, sexual touching/groping, masturbation, love bites/hickeys, bondage, dom/sub undertones, three/foursomes, occasionally anal, occasionally double penetration, predator/prey dynamic, daddy/mommy kink, sub!reader, dom!reader, switch!reader, cum play
^^ tbh most kinks are fine except for the ones i listed in the ‘what i won’t write’ section, so feel free to request any sort of kinks regardless of if they’re included here
CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR ATM ; mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire, marcus lopez arguello
☆ i post both NSFW and SFW fics here so feel free to request for either as long as you abide by the rules above
☆ if i am uncomfortable with your request or simply am not inspired by it, i may not write it. this isn’t a frequent occurrence so please don’t be afraid to send it in anyway. odds are that i will write it.
☆ i am a student, therefore i usually don’t have much free time to write. since it is summer now, i will have more time and will be able to deliver requests more efficiently but do not get used to this.
☆ please don’t ask for a specific race for reader. my fics are for everyone to read regardless of race :)
☆ i appreciate detailed requests as they give me more motivation and a better idea of what you’d like to see, so if you want to see your ask answered, don’t be too vague
☆ if you’re not an anon, please give a little comment or reblog with a comment once your request has been completed, anything that gives me a sense of your opinion. i like to know if you’re satisfied with what i’ve created based on your ask. plus the support makes me happy :’)
thank you for reading !!
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acertainmoshke · 1 year
I’m looking for beta readers!
I mentioned this before, but I’m going to make a separate post to see if I get any interest. If you aren’t interested I totally get it and that’s fine but please reblog this if you can so more people see it!
I usually write and talk about adult SFF, but this is not that. This is a low stakes realistic middle grade book about a disabled autistic girl making a new friend and learning to accept her needs. It’s only about 21k words and since I have a free account on betabooks, I’m looking for 3 people to read it and give feedback on plot coherency and interest level, mostly. It’s already been professionally edited and shouldn’t need much grammar work. I would also appreciate title suggestions—the working title is “Fae and Brownie,” but I’d like something more memorable.
Disclaimers: (1) it is in first person present tense (I know some people don’t like that) and (2) it is purposely exposition heavy to emphasize how she has to manually process concepts that are automatic for others. The only possible tw is “polite,” child-understandable levels of transphobia against her parent as part of the b-plot. Also, this is a story about disability pride—the point has nothing to do with her learning to behave or “be good.” (A disclaimer I now include after a shocking comment I got one time from a previous reader).
I’m happy to swap beta reading if anyone likes, but I’d prefer if whoever wants to read mine has at least some interest in and experience with children’s books.
I’m going to include a snippet from chapter 2 below the cut so you can decide if it sounds interesting. If you’re interested please DM me or reply/reblog this post. Thank you in advance!
Now Ms. Luna is on the floor in front of me, bent down like adults do to when they talk to little kids. Not 10-year-old kids, except they still do it to me. Mama says that if I stand up tall and smile and talk to people using the big words I do at home, they won’t think I’m like a little kid. I think she doesn’t understand school.
“Fae, we’re going to work on spelling worksheets. Can you come back to your desk, please?”
Ms. Luna doesn’t look angry. She doesn’t look sad. She doesn’t look anything. But I’m still scared to say no, because that can get me in trouble sometimes.
“Fae, come on. I know you like spelling, and I need you to participate, ok?”
I wonder if teachers ever get annoyed when they’re stuck with the really weird kids.
She won’t go away until I use words, so I say, slowly and carefully, “I want to stay here.”
“I know, but you’ve been here for over fifteen minutes and you can’t miss a whole lesson or you won’t know the words for Friday’s quiz.”
I’m tired. It’s been a long day. I peek over her shoulder and all the other kids are looking at me. Their eyes feel like lasers. I want to go home. And suddenly I’m angry, because it’s not fair. It’s not fair that I’m supposed to do as well as everyone else even though the world hurts me and not them. It’s not fair that people still talk to me like I’m in kindergarten. And it’s not fair that they always look at me like I’m a puzzle or a slug and not a person.
I hate being angry. My anger is red and liquid and fills me up until it overflows. I scream without meaning to. I want to scream “I hate you” but the words are stuck in my throat, and that makes me even more angry. I know better than to throw things, but all I want is to do what I’m not supposed to. I want Ms. Luna to hurt like I do.
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