#Avocado From Mexico
eddsworldbish420 · 7 months
Sometimes hanky panky goes wrong and you need stitches, then you find out that the tomfoolery could've possibly hit something vital so you had to get a surgery, and you still have yet to lose access to the laughing gas and no one knows about it, and your boyfriends have yet to find out about the surgery you had to get to make sure you were gonna live - 🥑🏥
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erroticaz · 1 year
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this is also a redraw tehe
look below to see the atrocities that happened before I woke up and my brain randomly decided I could draw again ✨✨
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I want to say that I practiced a whole lot, day and night, 24/7, to improve from this to that but honestly.. I got home today, found all my old sketch books, realized I hadn't drawn in like YEARS, and then used a random male anatomy reference to practice. NOW I CAN JUST?? DO THIS??? HELP ME???
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malou-04 · 1 year
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cardhousedotcom · 1 year
Avocados from Mexico
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glv88 · 10 months
Avocados from Mexico
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blowwboston · 1 year
Avocados from Mexico
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contestshubs · 2 years
Avocados From Mexico Guackeepers Sweepstakes
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Avocados From Mexico Guackeepers Sweepstakes is giving to chance to Win a $50,000 check to enter the Contests. 
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oni28 · 2 months
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August 2024 Recipe_Mexican Recipe 01
[Recipe Information]
※ Need Recipe Pack Mod Latest Version (24.08.08 version) ※
1, 4, 8 serve
Category : Meals
Cooking Level_04
Vegetarian-Safe, Lactose Free. Mexican street grilled corn.
Required Ingredients for 1 serve : Corn(1)
Required Ingredients for 4 serve : Corn(2), Mayonnaise(1), Chili Powder(1)
Required Ingredients for 8 serve : Corn(3), Mayonnaise(2), Chili Powder(2)
Lots challenge 'Simple Living' Compatible
Group Cooking Compatible
Corn Salsa
1, 4, 8 serve
Category : Meals
Cooking Level_06
Vegetarian-Safe, Lactose Free. It is a good summer salsa recipe with grilled corn, avocado, tomato, onion, basil, dressing sauce. and eat with nachos.
Required Ingredients for 1 serve : Corn(1)
Required Ingredients for 4 serve : Corn(1), Tomato(1)
Required Ingredients for 8 serve : Corn(2), Tomato(2), Onion(1)
Lots challenge 'Simple Living' Compatible
Group Cooking Compatible
1, 4, 8 serve
Category : Meals
Cooking Level_04
Lactose Free. A tamale is a traditional Mexico dish made of masa, a dough made from nixtamalized corn, which is steamed in a corn husk. The wrapping can either be discarded prior to eating or used as a plate. Tamales can be filled with meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, herbs, chilies, or any preparation according to taste, and both the filling and the cooking liquid may be seasoned.Vegetarian-Safe, Lactose Free. Mexican street grilled corn.
Required Ingredients for 1 serve : Any Meat(1)
Required Ingredients for 4 serve : Any Meat(2), Any Vegetable(2)
Required Ingredients for 8 serve : Any Meat(3), Any Vegetable(3)
Lots challenge 'Simple Living' Compatible
Group Cooking Compatible
All ingredients are optional
Corn(creator : Icemunmun) can be download Here.
Korean (by_oni)
English (by_oni)
-Don’t re-upload
(Latest patch compatible)
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Public Released on August 28th, 2024 (KST)
Corn Salsa_DL
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sadthixx · 2 years
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this was the sushi with avocados i made btw
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)
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(Photo by Andrew Spencer)
Conservation Status- Near Threatened
Habitat- Central America
Size (Weight/Length)- 40 cm; 25 cm tail
Diet- Insects; Fruit; Small reptiles
Cool Facts- Playing a massive part in the history of Mexico and Central America, the resplendent quetzal is iconic for their dual, iridescent tail feathers. These birds are extremely shy and use their plumage to blend in with trees. Resplendent quetzals are extremely important due to their love of fruit. These birds spread the seeds of 43 species of plant and play a large part in the cultivation of wild avocados. Quetzals are monogamous and share a large territory. Both parents take on parental duties for their chicks ranging from incubation to feeding to protecting their home. Resplendent quetzals are threatened by deforestation and habitat fragmentation, making it harder to find mates and suitable territory for raising a family.
Rating- 12/10 (If there’s any history or mythology nerds out there, eat your hearts out.)
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thatgirlie-diaries · 5 months
helps with my gain weight journey.
Heyy! Would you mind giving some tips on this? Would be gr8 if they are for vegetarian people (if you know some)
Hello girlie, of course! I'm naturally a slim girl and during the pandemic I suffered for having low weight, normally I would weight in that time 41kg and minimum 38kg. Since last year I recovered myself and now I weigh proudfully 48.5 kg which is my highest weight ever!
Quick list of tips for gaining weight ୨୧
To begin with, we need to know that for gaining weight is essential to:
Do exercise
Eat more and drink water
Have a good sleep
Now that we know that, let's get to the real tips:
Drink less, eat more: Fill your stomach more with nutrients instead of water. Either way, you need to drink your liters for our tips to work.
Find your way to eat more: It can be 3 big meals or eating various times at day if it's alot for your stomach. In my case, I have 4 medium or big meals and I eat various snacks during the day. Another tip related is to track in how much time you feel hungry to know how many meals or snacks to plan to eat daily.
Include foods that help with weight gain: In my case I eat lots of almonds, bananas, greek yogurt, avocado eggs, red meats, chicken, milk, beans and tortillas (i'm from Mexico), but for vegetarians I also recommend: butter, avocado, nuts, beans, greek yogurt, potatoes, rice, bananas, etc.
Find your ideal exercise: In my case I do 8 hours aproximately of exercise per week, find what you like to do and how many times at week and hours you want to do it. If you will worout at home or at the gym I reccomend you to look out for workouts that are focused on weight gain or gaining muscle, since the majority are focused on slimming / losing weight. But, for the results to show we need to apply the diet tips along the quality sleep for all these three areas to give results on our body.
Get some quality sleep between 7-9 hours!
I wish you the best of luck, xoxo ୭ৎ
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rarepears · 3 months
Imagine if South America/Mexico got hit by an S rank gate, what would be the world wide repercussions of the avocado industry going down? Would people beg Sung Jinwoo to clear it? Would he already be on his way as soon as he hears about it?
I don't think avocado is big enough to result in people begging Sung Jinwoo to clear it per say. A polite invitation from the avocado cartel? Sure - but I think the Korean Hunter Association filters out such requests before it would even be sent to Jinwoo and his guild lol. Plus there's S ranked Hunters in South America too! I think people would look to their local hunters first for help - and for domestic pride too. It's kind of embarrassing to be needing to request foreign aid plus what kind of compensation can the countries really provide when they have already been decimated by such a gate? They can't afford it nor afford to own a favor. That's a pretty risky political position to be in, to say nothing else of the geopolitical implications and existing alliances they have to balance.
If this was a staple crop like a wheat, rice, or potato where it would be a catastrophic failure, sure. But the good news is that staple crops are far more diversified in where they are grown so while one region getting hit raises prices (cough see Ukraine war, wheat, and fertilizer), it's not going to result in massive shortages akin to the toilet paper crisis of 2020. Avocados are a large export item. The United States is the number one market for Mexico's avocado exports, with an 81 percent share, followed by Canada, Japan, and Spain, so I think the first foreign hunters called in to help would be the American guilds. (Plus they would be more personally motivated to keep their supply of guac going.) Koreans? I don't think they are as keen about avocados.
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Excerpt from this story from Climate Rights International:
Leading U.S. avocado importers Calavo Growers, Fresh Del Monte Produce, Mission Produce, and West Pak Avocado have continued to source from Mexican orchards containing illegally deforested land in 2023 and 2024 even after being informed of deforestation within their supply chains, Climate Rights International said today based on a study conducted with the Mexican NGO Guardián Forestal. The companies should immediately stop buying from orchards on illegally deforested land and ensure that their sourcing practices are not incentivizing the destruction of Mexico’s forests.   
The four companies have supplied avocados from Mexico to major supermarket chains throughout the United States. Albertsons, Costco, Kroger, Target, Trader Joe’s, Walmart, and Whole Foods all sourced from at least one of the four companies in 2023.    
A November 2023 report by Climate Rights International, “Unholy Guacamole: Deforestation, Water Capture, and Violence Behind Mexico’s Avocado Exports to the U.S. and Other Major Markets,” documented how the U.S.-Mexico avocado trade is fueling widespread illegal deforestation and water shortages in the Mexican states of Michoacán and Jalisco, and how local residents whose efforts to protect their forests and water supplies have been met with violence and intimidation. Using shipping records obtained through Mexico’s transparency law, the report revealed that the four top U.S. importers, as well as other companies, had sourced avocados from orchards containing illegally deforested land in 2022. 
“By buying from orchards containing illegally cleared lands, the companies are effectively incentivizing further deforestation, as well as acts of intimidation and violence against local residents trying to stop it,” said Daniel Wilkinson, Senior Policy Advisor at Climate Rights International.  “And by continuing to do so after being informed of the consequences, they’re showing that their public commitments to sustainable sourcing are, when it comes to Mexican avocados, little more than greenwashing.”  
As documented in the 2023 report, virtually all of the avocado-driven deforestation in Michoacán and Jalisco over the past two decades has been illegal. Moreover, in many instances, the land has been cleared by intentionally setting forest fires, which is also a crime.  The total amount of avocado-driven deforestation in the two states over the past decade very likely exceeds 40,000 acres (16,000 hectares)—and could be more than 70,000 acres. Tens—if not hundreds—of thousands of acres of forest in the two states remain at risk of deforestation for avocado exports, according to academic studies.   
The conversion of natural forests to avocado plantations releases climate-warming greenhouse gases, reduces carbon storage, and undercuts biodiversity. It also reduces the replenishment of aquifers, which—together with the heavy and often unauthorized use of water by avocado orchards—contributes to water shortages that impact local communities.   
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originalitysquared · 10 months
Plants don't even give you comparable nutrition to previous decades because we are over planting food crops.
Like y'all wanna prioritize the earth sooooo bad, stop drinking almond milk, stop importing your avocados from Mexico. Grow your own food or eat locally.
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plethoraworldatlas · 8 months
Avocados have exploded in popularity across the United States. And every year Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest day for avocado consumption nationwide, as millions of football fans gobble delicious guacamole during the game. But to produce all that guac, the avocado industry is gobbling, too — scarfing up vast swaths of Mexican forest, where millions of monarch butterflies migrate to spend the winter and other imperiled wildlife struggle to survive. Most avocados sold in the United States come from a single region in Mexico, where the industry burns forests and uses an enormous amount of water — 18.5 gallons to produce one avocado — in a region already suffering from extreme drought. Avocado production also brings land grabs, pollution, and violence to Indigenous and other local communities. Research from Climate Rights International has linked this devastation to importers that supply major U.S. grocery stores with avocados. Tell U.S. grocery stores to adopt avocado-sourcing policies that protect human rights and monarch habitat. ... Every day more than 10 football fields' worth of Mexican forest are cleared for avocado production. If the United States keeps consuming avocados at this rate, by 2050 the land destroyed to grow them will have increased by more than 70% — at the expense of even more forests, including those of the world-famous Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. Imperiled monarchs are plunging toward extinction already. Losing their winter home in Mexico could be the final blow.
sign with the link to urge Top US grocery Chains to adopt avocado sourcing policies
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omgsweepstakesnew · 2 years
Avocados from mexico Guac Bowl Contest 2023
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Get your entry into the Avocados from Mexico Guac Bowl Contest 2023 for your chance to Win a 43″ LED Smart TV and a $200 gift card.
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