#Axie rambling
axie-axolotl · 2 years
Just a reminder!
Just because you don’t have actual friends doesn’t mean that you don’t have online friends and people you can talk to.
Just because you feel like giving up doesn’t mean you should.
Everyone on here cares about you! And you can talk to them when you need to, hell, even I talk to people on occasions. Now stop having negative thoughts and join me, I’m making a cake! (Not in reality but you know what I mean.)
Stay healthy!
-Axie Axolotl, a person that cares about you.
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batnsons · 4 months
will never ever be over the look on Colin’s face after he kisses Penelope for the first time
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gayvampyr · 2 years
i actually hate when people interject with “the patriarchy hurts men too!” in every discussion about womens systemic oppression. like yeah, it does. but you don’t need to bring it up every single time we discuss misogyny as a reason people should *really* care about dismantling the patriarchy. like womens suffering isn’t enough of an issue, it has to affect men before it’s actually taken seriously. im just sick of having to cater to mens victim complex and validate their feelings of oppression before any real work can be done. isn’t it enough that we’re suffering? cuz it doesn’t feel like it is
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maplesunflowers · 1 year
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My Nyo Russia cosplay is finally here and I got to cosplay her today and AAAAHHHH!!!!
SHE’S SO PRETTY!!!!! 😭😭😭💕
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goldenstarprincesses · 8 months
I keep coming back to this thought I've been having. As personifications, how much of a nations self is truly their own. Are they able to have their own individually developed likes, dislikes, or opinions in the way mortal human can. How much of a role do experiences play in how nation conduct themselves. At the same time, how much of their true self is simply a projection of the mortal humans they represent. Do nations with populations in the billions and millions have all of those people in their heads 24/7. At the end of the day are they simply all of their people mushed together into a personification.
Do they even know where the line in the sand is? do they know where their own thoughts and feelings end and where the influence of their people start. Is it just a blur? do they just not think about it unless they have to? to deal with their own immortally and the fact their births are not as cut an dry as human births, do they just pretend that certain things about themselves are "their own choices" versus being directed connected to their people.
Or even, do nations represent people? or do they represent an idea? Is it a mix of both? if they represent their people, dose that mean that as time goes on or if you looked at them in history, is each nation distinctively different as the humans they represent are born, live, and then die.
How much do nations even understand of their own existence. Do their have their own folklore and legends that are passed down to each new baby nation that is "born"
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etirabys · 1 month
I ignore compliments on my cooking and art from my friends because I know those are socially mandatory. The only people I trust are the long term genital touchers. That's the main way you can get honest feedback, by playing the long game and touching a lot of genitals
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hopefulleafva · 2 months
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soupandflowers · 4 months
do you guys feel the original tone of hetalia is seeping through the gangsta arc?
the recent chapters before gangstalia was sorta missing the original charm that hetalia had. there's a severe lack of the weirdness, bizarre, and random ass nature that hima would just throw in. not to mention the severe lack of history and quoted from someone i know, the countries have become rathermore "used to talk about a subject".
so with the gangsta au, i can't help but feel like the original tone for hetalia is seeping through. it's actually the characters doing stuff just.. for being a character. not to mention the random ass stuff like gay shit, the electric collars, the card battles, etc.
there's a lot of speculation the reason for the change in tone is due to shounen jump being really strict. so im wondering if the original tone really is seeping through, then that kinda further proves our suspicions, doesn't it? that shounen jump has a lot of strings over the original hetalia and that they're more relaxed because it's an au/event.
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atlaslovesedm · 3 months
not seeing enough art of axis and kanako being besties
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skylerfurmaniac · 4 months
ceroba drawing :3
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Idk needed to practice how to draw her so yeah :]
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Some Assorted SequenceShift Fun Facts
I don't have art of this AU just yet and I don't have a specific topic I wanna focus on, so I decided to list some random facts in the AU. Some a bit more important than others.
There is no Barrier in this AU. Rather, instead the Monster Kingdom is a very strictly isolationistic underground country that humans are generally aware of, but absolutely not allowed in. This is due to humans in SequenceShift being a bit weaker and their war with the Monsters being considerably bloodier (well, dustier for the Monsters) on both sides. The current situation is the result of a very rough stalemate following a human occupation of the Underground, though things have died down a tad bit in more modern times.
The order of humans that fell into the Underground is Integrity -> Kindness -> Bravery -> Perseverance -> Patience -> Determination -> Justice
Clover in SequenceShift uses He/They pronouns.
Starlo and Martlet are both trans (Starlo is a Transman and Martlet is a Transwoman).
The current canonical pairings are Starlo x Dalv, Ceroba x Dina, and Moray x Martlet. I'm not against different pairings, though, as long as they aren't overly problematic. Also yeah, Ceroba and Chujin are divorced.
Kanako's 'Flowey' equivalent has been retooled quite a bit. Instead of being a flower again, Kanako is instead a pale fox-like amalgam known as Kit, who can transform into objects at will (referencing shapeshifting kitsune in Japanese folklore).
The Wild East was ravaged by the an unknown gunman sometime in the past. Almost half the town's population was killed and stirred up a lot of anti-human sentiment in the Underground. Currently, the Wild East is mainly a Ghost Town that only really acts as Ranger HQ.
Dina is well known as something of a folk hero along Frostpeak. She's greeted fondly by most of the residents, passes out candy to the kids, and is pretty good friends with Sans and Papyrus.
People say that the Honor Guard and Royal Rangers have a rivalry, but it's an Urban Legend. They generally get along pretty well with one another and the biggest point of conflict is Undyne and Starlo arguing over Anime vs. Westerns. It happens quite a bit.
Axis has both an EX and a NEO form. His EX-form was designed to better protect himself if he ever gets damaged enough. The NEO form basically turns him into a giant war mech, and designed at a time where the Kingdom was considering building robots to fill in the ranks of soldiers. Ceroba was VERY hesitant to approve of this upgrade for Axis and insisted it only be used in the worst case scenarios.
And that's what I got so far. Really loving how this AU is turning out so far.
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bittersweetprimadonna · 5 months
Big Hero Six is a Disney movie… I just realized that we could've had some hints at Baymax in Ortho's lab wear… I feel so robbed now 😭🙏😭🙏
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incesthemes · 3 months
there's a somewhat subtle but notable development i've noticed in sam between seasons 1 and 2, in that he becomes much more willing to lie to the people he's trying to help—he starts finding lies a practical necessity and the truth about the supernatural as something to avoid in polite society.
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in bugs, sam urges matt to tell his father about the curse, make him understand the severity, while dean instructs him to lie his ass off so his father will get the hell out of the house. this episode favors dean here: larry obviously doesn't buy the curse story, and it's proven to sam that the truth can in fact be more harmful than a lie.
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then by salvation, sam seems to have integrated into himself that lying is necessary: when he proposes that they tell monica and her husband the truth, that a demon is coming for their baby, it's a joke. dean registers this joke with a sardonic grin and sam instantly agrees this is a Bad Idea. he's learned from his mistakes.
the development across season 1 is, here, that lying is necessary for them to do their job. people don't believe in supernatural phenomena, at least not insofar as it pertains to themselves, and they'd sooner get arrested than do any actual saving of the day.
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case in point.
all this to say i think roadkill is an interesting episode. much of the conflict between sam and dean centers around what information to disseminate to molly, what she should know and what she shouldn't. they go back and forth trying to figure this out, often unprepared for her questions and hiding the truth in obfuscations and white lies. neither of them are so cruel as to tell her anything blatantly false, but neither of them are willing to tell her the full, unadorned truth.
sam has learned his lesson: he keeps everything he tells her in the realm of plausible deniability, refracted through layers of half-truths that don't actually tell molly anything about her situation. even though he is the one who outright proposes that they tell her the truth, he is the one who, surprisingly, ends up telling her the least.
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instead dean is the one who offers up the most blatant truths throughout most of the episode. in this sequence, sam even resists the truth, still convinced that obfuscation is what will further their goals most. the truth will make people think they're crazy, it'll get in the way of doing their job. he's not wrong, either:
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and until the end of the episode, he continues to bury the full truth and speaks in roundabout ways to keep it from her.
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many such examples.
anyway, what i also find interesting about this is that while sam commits to this lesson he learned in season 1, dean is rather forthcoming about the truth. clearly he doesn't like the idea of telling molly what's going on, but he's still quite often the one to offer up a plain, truthful explanation over sam's much nicer obfuscations. which is a little strange, considering he is the one who typically pressures sam into lying and constantly reminds him of the value in lies. not that dean has never cut the crap and offered up the truth—there are plenty of episodes where he does just that—but since a major conflict of this episode centers around this point of contention and since dean has already expressed his unwillingness to tell molly the truth, i can't help but raise an eyebrow.
what this episode also does, however, is parallel molly and sam. similar to maggie in playthings, molly is a monster by circumstance, lonely and afraid. she functions as an allegory for sam as his destiny develops and his fears about his impending doom heighten, and when sam speaks to her he is also speaking to himself, about himself.
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ultimately, i think this indicates a development on dean's part, as well. after croatoan and hunted, dean has no more secrets to keep from sam, and he's chosen him as his codependent life partner. more or less, he's "taking responsibility for himself" by abandoning his duty and devoting himself entirely to sam. and sam values the truth: he's resistant to lying to civilians about the supernatural and only reluctantly gives up after a full season of grappling with it, and when it comes to his brother one of the first demands he makes of dean in season 2 is that they no longer keep secrets from each other (it's their major point of conflict between 2x02 and 2x04, after all). it's easily deduced that this stems from his life of exclusion, and it's understandable that sam wouldn't want dean to keep secrets from him now that they've evolved their relationship into codependency. and now that dean has abandoned his duty for sam, dean can eschew the life of secrets and exclusion he's been both knowingly and unknowingly implicit in up until now.
so if molly is sam, then dean telling molly the truth seems to indicate an olive branch of sorts. it's an indication that even if he doesn't want to, dean will tell sam the truth—he's fully committed to the relationship, especially after born under a bad sign where he reasserts his commitment to sam above all else. i think it's a nice symbolic gesture to indicate his character growth. the honeymoon phase that takes place between hunted and what is and what should never be do a lot to explore how their relationship can grow in weirdly positive ways that we really don't see again until like—god, like season 10, and their only barrier to bliss for this stretch of time is sam's all-encompassing existential angst trying to pull them apart (unsuccessfully so, until all hell breaks loose).
but all that said, i think the way truths and lies are explored in roadkill are indicators not only of their own personal developments, but also their developments with each other. molly functions as the conduit through which sam is explored—both dean's relationship to sam and sam's relationship to himself. she reveals what sam fears and what sam values, and she showcases how time has passed for sam and dean and what that time has done for them. sam has learned the necessity of a lie, but he keeps his lies as close to the truth as possible, laced in obfuscation and omission. dean has learned the value of the truth, at least when it comes to his brother, and even if he knows it's dangerous and stupid to tell the truth he will put himself out there anyway, for sam's sake.
i don't know. i think it's interesting.
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littlelav107 · 1 month
whenever i try to think of what my music taste is i'm like- i have multiple of them. there's me being a dedicated swiftie, constantly hoping that at least most of the midnights songs are on karaoke machines. those are the songs i can openly admit to loving.
and then there's the dsmp and among us songs. how do i tell others that i imagined "why" as a meaningful song about lying politicians at age ten. that is not a regular age ten thing. also until now i'm more patriotic to the my l'manberg anthem than to the bagong pilipinas hymn. and the among us songs. so suspicious! lies! ambush! the among us songs were incredible!
we don't talk about the hamilton songs. we just don't. like hetalia isn't my "bury this history underground and never speak of it", it's this. how do i admit that i sometimes still attempt to do the fast part of satisfied to the miku binder tumblr.
and then there's the hetalia songs. i can still sing a good chunk of n.italy's marukaite chikyuu by memory! i practiced how to say the "ano aji ga wasureranrenain da" part! i swear! those were such an important part of my development i promise you
and then there's the geometry dash songs. like at least all the other ones i can sing. how about nine circles. am i supposed to sound like a fire alarm while singing that. at least i can kinda do dark dragon fire but clubstep is where i draw the line. oh and tidal wave BEAUTIFUL song but if i attempt to sing it im gonna da-doo-doo-doo all over the place
so yeah. unnecessarily long post about my five hundred music tastes and the development that happened in each one.
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maplesunflowers · 2 years
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Please I’m just a humble veteran trying to catch up on AUs I’ve missed out on.
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misteria247 · 1 year
Okay I've got to give props to Romano's English VA like my guy can go from talking in a deep, rapid Italian accent to pitching his voice incredibly high to emit a girlish scream of fear like that takes raw fucking talent.
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