#B had a key to the place (but also the doors would be unlocked)
I had a dream where I was playing as a thief tasked to find out the truth behind the whereabouts of another criminal on a college campus. It was fun in that I was given an overall objective, but absolutely no one gave me an idea as to where to start first. Basically a lot of it involved either me figuring out how to B&E into different offices, or eavesdropping at the right time, but there were other hired thieves that I had to deal with at the same time that added an element of "combat" to the experience.
#personal#but also by eavesdropping and looking into files and etc I picked up stories about the people working and living there#which helped give them actual personalities and overall raised my investment in making sure their home essentially would be safe by the end#as an example there was this lady in her office that i could hear muttering from her computer#I was outside just under the window and my personal goal#personal as in there was no objective marker I just had a hunch#was to get in and look through her stuff#by listening to her mutter I learned that she had a friend in an office nearby that A I had to be wary about showing up#B had a key to the place (but also the doors would be unlocked)#C that she was stressed as hell and thus pretty distracted#the window before the desk was open a bit though she closed it before she left#I remembered thinking that I could have jammed it to keep it from closing all the way#but like the doors she didn't lock it#so i just slid it back open on my own#I learned about her life from her computer and jeez talk about trauma#but learned more so to follow the thread of going to her own friend's office#who as I learned#would be leaving it eventually too#idk there weren't any quest markers#just a large af map with multiple floors and a variety of ways to go about things#and a plethora of NPCs with set schedules I had to learn#Which would change dramatically if people learned I was there#I think it would be overwhelming for some people but tbh it's so what I want out of the genre
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hamiltonaf · 11 months
A happy ending but one that he has to work at
Friends with Benefits | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: Sexual theme
A/N: Hello my loves ! This was supposed to be posted over the weekend but got delayed because I didn’t know how to end this. This is the original request. I hope you guys enjoy !
Also, requests are open .xx
(Y/F/N) - Your Friend’s Name
It’s match day, which calls for my routine meet up with Kylian - we meet for most of his matches and sometimes we don’t. I’m always the reason when we don’t meet on match days because I’m trying my best to avoid him, but I’m failing miserably. Don’t get me wrong, he’s beyond amazing but I broke our rule.
We’re friends with benefits - everyone knows how it goes and what’s the end result, but yet people still believe they’ll never catch feelings. It’s always one person, the deal turns sour and that’s the end of the relationship. I guess I’ll be the cause of that.
I never attended his matches because firstly I’m not his girlfriend and secondly, we both have to be as low-key as possible. Our meet ups usually go with me going over to his place, watch the match from there, no matter the result we have some fun when he gets back and either I’ll spend the night or leave as soon as I can.
Besides the fun of friends with benefits, we actually grew to be quite good friends I would say over the time of us meeting. We’d spend our time in bed talking about his matches or other personal things that he’d want to get off his chest and I would be his confidant. Likewise, I felt comfortable to share things in my life with him as well that I’d usually not tell just anyone. It just felt right in the moment and we’d both just forget the whole reason behind why we were in bed together in the first place.
Tonight it’s AC Milan vs PSG. I got dressed and just before leaving, I gave myself one last look in the mirror - tonight I need to confess.
I let myself into his house and got comfortable whilst watching the match, but of course that didn’t last long because I was already up on my feet yelling at the TV screen.
The time between post match and Kylian coming home felt so quick since I wasn’t paying attention to the time. I heard his footsteps and him attempting to unlock the door, I suddenly felt a shiver run through my spine and my hands had started to get clammy. I’m not ready.
“(Y/N)!” He called as he entered. “In the lounge” I answered. “I got here as soon I could. I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day. I missed you” he smiled as he approached me and pulled me by my waist against his chest. “Congrats on the win today!” I smiled as I placed my hands on his chest. “Thanks, well, you’re just what I needed after that” he grinned as he placed his finger under my chin and pulled me in for a kiss.
I couldn’t help but kiss him back. Our lips moved in sync and it started to get heated by the second as my arms wrapped around his neck whilst his hands trailed down my neck. He broke away from my lips as his kisses trailed down my neck. His hands were about to start unbuttoning my shirt until reality slapped me in the face. “Kylian. Wait” I said as I placed my hands on his. “What ! What’s wrong ? Did I do something ?” He asked concerned. “No no…I just uhm… I wanted us to talk about something first” I hesitantly said.
“Okay let’s talk” he said as we both sat next to each other on the couch. Time to cut to the chase. “This needs to stop.”
“Wait, what ? But why ? What did I do ?” “It’s not you. It’s me” I sighed and looked down at my fingers. “What do you mean ?” He asked “This has been going on for 3 months. It started off great and don’t get me wrong, it still is. However, we had an agreement that if one of us breaks the rule then we have to come clean about it. Unfortunately I can’t continue living a lie much longer. It hurts me every time just being nothing but a fling….I caught feelings, Kylian” my heart was racing uncontrollably.
He remained silent before taking a deep breath. “Look (Y/N) these last 3 months were amazing, but I’m sorry I can’t say the same about catching feelings. I’m not really interested in being in a relationship right now because I’m focused on football. I can’t get distracted right now” he carelessly said. I pressed my lips together in hopes that the emotional side of me will go away. “I know this changes everything, but I mean if you still want to be friends with benefits then I’m fine with that. If you don’t and want to walk out of this now, I won’t stop you” he said. I can’t believe him right now. I just felt like curling myself into a ball and crying my eyes out.
“Wow… I’m just a distraction huh ? I think I’m gonna just go” I cleared my throat as I stood up. “Wait (Y/N) I didn’t mean it like that, I mean I don’t have the time to be in a relationship right now. I just want to have fun” he said as he stood up. “Good to know that I don’t fit in the agenda” I faked a smile before walking over to grab my bag. “(Y/N) don’t be like that. We can move past this. Just stay” he grabbed a hold of my hand to stop me.
“I think this is for the best. I can’t continue living a lie and how long do we expect to keep this going ?” I said lastly before pulling my hand away from him. “(Y/N) let’s talk it out” he said as he followed me to the door. “Kylian. You’re already making this harder for me. Just stop. Let this all be in the past” I took a deep breath and paused. “Good luck on your career. I wish you nothing but the best” I said lastly before closing the door and leaving.
I didn’t even realise I was crying until a tear fell on the screen of my phone. I made it back home, thankfully, immediately dressed down and got myself some ice cream to eat my sorrows away whilst watching a sad movie.
Kylian tried calling numerous times and even sent me countless messages but I chose to ignore it. All good things come to an end, as fun as friends with benefits was…eventually one of us would have to pull out of that phase to get into a real relationship for our future. He may not be concerned about getting serious right now but I sure as hell am. It shatters me that he didn’t feel anything in these 3 months we’ve been together - it was just lust for him I guess. So all those late nights where we were being honest and confided in each other was just a waste…
It’s been a week since I last saw Kylian physically, it was hard not to see him when he’s all over my social media even though I unfollowed so many accounts. Besides that, he still attempted to call and message me numerous times apologising but I just left him on read.
(Y/F/N) had came over after ages, she was a mutual friend of both Kylian and I, all she knew was that we were somewhat seeing each other. We left out the part that we were in a situationship. She actually took notice of my absence in Kylian’s life because according to her, he changed in the past week. I wasn’t buying it, I just assumed she was siding with him. I told her that us seeing each other didn’t work because he didn’t have genuine feelings like I did.
My depression was apparently very much evident that her mood had switched to sympathising with me. She acted quick to change my mood, she thought the best remedy for my depression was to move on. I couldn’t agree more. She surprised me when she said that she could picture me dating a friend of hers named, Carlos, if not Kylian then he was apparently the first runner up. Upon hearing the name, I was already keen on moving on in hopes that maybe I’ll finally get a happy ending.
Later in the afternoon after (Y/F/N) left, there was a knock at the door. I answered it and was greeted by a delivery guy. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N) ?” He asked. “Yes ? That’s me” I furrowed my brows. “These are for you” he said as he motioned to the massive bouquet of red roses that was placed beside him. “Oh wow” I said under my breath. “Yeah, you got yourself a lucky man. Have a good day !” He greeted me before he left. I was stood speechless at the door. The bouquet was so heavy, I struggled to even place it onto the counter top. My eyes searched for a card but I found absolutely nothing. Maybe it’s from Carlos after (Y/F/N) put in a word for me.
(Y/F/N) had suggested that Carlos, myself and her have a friendly dinner tonight to get to know each other a bit and so we both don’t feel uncomfortable just yet. I know (Y/F/N) is trying to help, but at the same time I don’t want to go on a date with this guy if he ends up being a bore or even worse, arrogant.
I had a shower, did my hair and makeup before slipping into my dress, and heels. I grabbed my bag and phone before leaving as my Uber arrived.
Luckily they were already there so I didn’t have to awkwardly wait alone. I mentioned (Y/F/N)’s name for the reservation and was escorted inside to where they were seated. “Hello !” I greeted enthusiastically. (Y/F/N) ran over to hug me first before breaking away and introducing Carlos. “Carlos, (Y/N). (Y/N), Carlos” she motioned. “You’re even more beautiful in person” he said as he kissed the back of my hand. “Oh.. well thank you” i felt the heat rush to my cheeks. “You’re welcome” (Y/F/N) said lowly to me.
As we all got seated, (Y/F/N) and Carlos were across me. I was just about to place my bag on the empty seat beside me until I heard that all too familiar voice. “Sorry I’m late.” You’ve got to be kidding me.
“Well finally” Carlos said as he then stood up to shake his hand. “Hey bestie” (Y/F/N) said as she stood up to greet him as well. His eyes were on me the entire time, not even breaking eye contact when he hugged (Y/F/N).
“Chérie” he said lowly enough for only me to hear. “Kylian” I said as I faked a smile and stood up to greet him. As petty as I wanted to be, I didn’t want Carlos to question the tension. Kylian took advantage of the situation as he placed his hand on my lower back and pulled me in for a hug before kissing my cheeks. How lovely, he’s sitting next to me.
Dinner was going well as Carlos opened up about himself and happened to ask me a lot of questions about myself, up until Kylian placed his hand on my thigh. My body froze and I felt goosebumps form on my skin. I placed my hand on top of his to swat his hand away, but of course a few seconds later he does the same thing again with his hand even higher up my thigh. When his fingers were close to my inner thigh, I quickly excused myself, “Would you guys excuse me” I smiled before abruptly standing up and walking towards the bathroom.
Before I could even get to the entrance of the bathroom, I was pulled by my arm and had my back against a corner wall. “What the-“ I said till I saw Kylian’s face. “Can you leave me alone and let me go ?” I said as I pulled my arm away from his. “You’re ignoring me for the past week and I wanted to talk to you” he said. “Well this is obviously not the place or the time, excuse me” I said as I tried to walk away. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back against the wall. I hate to admit that i have butterflies and it felt like my skin was burning when he touched me.
“What is it ?” I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. “You look so beautiful, it’s distracting” he smirked. “Thank you ?” I furrowed my brows in confusion. “Just hear me out.. I know I was wrong and I’m so sorry for not even wanting to give us a try. Since you’ve been away, I felt so empty and it was so obvious that you were missing from my life, I didn’t realise how you completed me. I missed talking to you about literally anything, I missed having you by my side and waking up to your beautiful face. I need you (Y/N) because I love you” he said. I stood speechless. Someone pinch me. “Ow !” I rubbed my arm. “You said to pinch you” he shrugged. “I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”
“So chérie, will you forgive me and give us a chance ?” He asked hopeful. “I need some time Kylian. This all happened so quickly. I have so many unanswered questions that-“ “Okay then ask me a question !” He said. “We’re wasting too much of time, they’re gonna get suspicious” I said as I started walking. “By the way did you like the roses ?” He asked. I stopped in my tracks, “That was you ?” I asked in shock. “Why are you surprised ?” He asked. “Well firstly you didn’t send a note and secondly, I assumed it was Carlos” I shrugged. He seemed to get annoyed by the mention of Carlos’ name as he walked ahead of me without another word. “Ky !” I called for him.
Luckily Carlos and (Y/F/N) didn’t question how long we were gone, I guess they were so caught up in their own conversation because they didn’t even notice Kylian and I when we were back. Kylian was distant for the rest of the evening and luckily dinner was cut short since Carlos had to go. Turns out (Y/F/N) was leaving with Carlos so that just leaves Kylian and I alone. “Are you coming over to my place ?” He asked. “For what ?” I raised a brow. “To talk things out and besides that..I have a surprise for you” he grinned. “You know I hate surprises” I rolled my eyes. “I’m aware that’s the only thing that could convince you to come with me” he said proud. “I really hate you” I shook my head as I followed him to the car.
Once we got to his place, it felt weird knowing that I was once coming here so often to not coming at all. “Okay close your eyes” he said when we were at the door. “But why ?” I asked. “You’re so stubborn, you’re ruining my surprise” he shook his head as he placed his hand over my eyes. He used his other hand to guide me into the house, I could envision where everything was with my eyes close. “Kylian, you’re scaring me” I said as I took small steps. “Almost there” he said lowly. “Okay..open now” he said. I blinked my eyes open to see the house decorated in candles and a trail of roses.
“Oh my gosh” I said lowly. “Do you like it ?” He asked. “Ky, I didn’t know you had this in you” I said in awe. “I’m offended that you don’t think I’m romantic” he shook his head. “I mean deep down I knew you were but I didn’t think that I’d get to see that side of you” I pouted. “Well, you surely got the romantic side of me. I’ve never done this for anyone and I wanted you to feel special, especially to make up for the past week. These are just small things, you deserve better chérie” he sighed. “I think I got exactly what I need right here” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him against his chest.
“I really love you. I never thought I could miss someone so much until you were gone. I deserved being left on read” he laughed. “You sure did.. I think I should’ve sent the roses back as well” I teased. “Okay now that would be pushing it, I would’ve been heart broken for the rest of my life” he pouted. “You would feel my pain” I smiled. “I already felt your pain when you already moved onto Carlos” he rolled his eyes. “You didn’t even give me a chance to move on. You crashed our friends date, you played with my mind by placing your hand on my thigh and calling me pet names when you normally call me-“ He cut me off by placing his lips on mine. “You’re talking too much” he said in between kisses as it got heated.
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nicksbestie · 6 months
hi as of like yesterday yr requests are still open so i hope this isn’t a bother ! but anyway i was hoping to see some caregiver!reader + agere!johnnie ? preferably gnc reader but fem would also be okay ( whatever prior relationship you want :] ) don’t have many ideas for plot aside from maybe johnnie has had a bad day/is really stressed out so he kinda starts isolating himself, which reader respects but is also really worried about him :( so after a while reader uses maybe like a spare key to go into johnnie’s room and at first it just seems like he’s just upset but as reader starts trying to get johnnie to open up and trying to comfort him, he regresses which makes him more upset/panicky. whether reader has prior knowledge of regression is up to you but in general they’re just really sweet and supportive trying to calm johnnie down <3 maybe they eat dinner/reader feeds johnnie, and watch a movie/cartoon while cuddling ? ( little spoon johnnie ofc ) anyways feel free to add or take away anything i just want johnnie to be taken care of and as an agere i am totally projecting lol
Secrets - Johnnie Guilbert
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Summary : Johnnie's biggest secret is exposed without him being ready, but it goes better than he thinks it will.
Pairing : Johnnie Guilbert/Reader (romantic)
Warnings : descriptions of mental health issues, depression, and isolation
Word Count : 1541
A/N : This is an age regression fic, which is purely safe for work and innocent. Any hate/disrespect towards me, my work, or readers, will not be tolerated.
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Everyone has secrets. Some of them are terrible ones, skeletons in your closet, ones that would ruin many people’s lives should they escape out into the public. Others are small and simple, things they just like to keep to themselves, and wouldn’t hurt anyone if other people knew, they just don’t want them to be everyone’s business. Some people keep secrets to protect themselves because they would be embarrassed about it if anyone found out. Everyone keeps secrets, and sometimes they’re revealed at the wrong time. Johnnie had secrets, and he was in no way prepared for his biggest one to be exposed to anyone, especially not you, but sometimes life goes in ways that we just can’t predict. 
Johnnie had been struggling a lot lately. That wasn’t a secret, and although you knew about it, you didn’t pressure him very much. He wasn’t the type to open up when he was overly pushed about whatever was wrong, and you wanted him to feel safe and comfortable coming to you when he was ready, and not before that. But that didn’t mean that you weren’t concerned, because you most definitely were. This bad spell for him was bordering on being one of his worst ones ever, and you were about to step in, because you couldn’t stand to see him hurting on his own any longer, even if that was what he told you he wanted. 
Johnnie had begun to isolate himself for almost every hour of the day, only exiting his room to eat and use the bathroom. He didn’t talk much to you out loud, texting instead, as it took much less energy out of him to take that route. He didn’t like to talk about it, despite knowing that he most definitely needed to. You hated how he could be so self destructive, but you knew that you did the exact same thing when you felt the way that he did. So, you respected his space and always let him have it when he asked for it. However, it normally didn’t last this long, thus feeling the massive worry that encased your mind. 
After a couple more hours, you continued to let your worry grow, but you decided to do something about it. You hated the fact that you were about to ignore the boundaries that Johnnie had put into place, but you were seriously concerned, and you hoped that he would be able to understand and forgive you should he be upset with your decision. You grabbed the spare key that unlocked all the doors in the house, kept in the kitchen just in case of emergencies, and gently knocked on his bedroom door. You weren’t going to just barge in, you wanted to give him the chance to open it himself. When he didn’t reply, you softly called out to him, telling him that you were going to open the door. He didn’t argue, so you did just that. 
Walking into his room, you noticed that the blinds were closed, the lights were off, and he was quietly laying in his bed, staring at the wall. You immediately laid down next to him, letting him curl up next to you. You noticed the stained tear tracks on his cheeks, your heart breaking for him as he simply laid there. You let the both of you cuddle in silence, not wanting this to be a heartbreaking moment for the both of you, so you didn’t break the silence for a while. You knew that you should probably talk about what was going on, but the moment was so peaceful that you didn’t want to say anything. You both laid there quietly for about half an hour, taking in the comfort of the other’s presence, before you said anything. 
“We should talk about this, baby. It’s getting worse this time.” 
You could feel him shake his head against your chest. 
“No. I don’t want to talk.” 
“Honey, it’s important-” 
Woah. He very rarely snapped at you. He had almost never snapped at you, especially not when he was feeling like this. But, in all fairness, you had pushed him a little bit. You could feel the tears from his eyes soaking your shirt, and you decided to not speak any more for a little bit. You gently pulled his face up, wiping his tears away with the soft pads of your thumbs, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, brushing his hair out a bit with your fingers. You noticed that his eyes were widened more, much more glassy, and you definitely were concerned about it, but you brushed it off to the tears causing it. 
You were more surprised when he pulled away from you, as he had never done that. You gently reached out to try and cuddle him again, but you noticed that he wouldn’t even look at you. He seemed to be panicking about something, and you couldn’t figure out what it was. You weren’t upset with him, but from the anxiety radiating off of his body, you could tell that he probably felt like you were. So, you immediately spoke up to try and help him recognize the fact that he was always safe and loved with you. 
“Love, what’s wrong? It’s all going to be okay.” 
You were now completely confused, as the second that you spoke, your boyfriend burst into tears. He seemed to be absolutely inconsolable, crying nearly at the top of his lungs and clutching the squishmallow on his bed tightly between his arms. You didn’t know what else to do besides just hug him, whispering comforting words as you told him that everything was going to work out, and that you were here for him. It wasn’t until he looked up at you with the same glassy-eyed look as earlier and spoke a few words when you realized what was going on. 
When a choked out “I sorry” left his lips, you put together the look in his eyes, and unexpected crying, and the clutched stuffie, and immediately realized what was happening. Your boyfriend had slipped right into his littlespace, a littlespace that you were completely unaware of, and was absolutely distraught. You had been a caregiver in a previous relationship, and you quickly controlled your shocked face, bringing him as close to you as possible and gently stroking through his hair. 
“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. You’re safe, angel, nothing to be sorry for. I’ve got you, you’re going to be alright.” 
It took a lot of repetitive words and soft praises for Johnnie to relax, his crying eventually slowing when he realized that you weren’t upset with him, and that you were still there and still loving him despite his newfound headspace. He wrapped himself back around you, seeming to become a very quiet little. You were more than excited to get to know him in his headspace, so excited to get to love and spoil a little one, as it had been a long time. Less than an hour later, the two of you were still curled up next to each other, you simply hugging your little boy and whispering sweet nothings to him as he relaxed. You both enjoyed the quality time, and as it turns out, Johnnie is a very silent little, despite when he’s not upset. It wasn’t for another half an hour or so that you moved, and you probably wouldn’t have moved at all had it not been for Johnnie’s stomach growling. 
You held his hand as you walked to the kitchen, calling him the most adorable as he rubbed his eyes with a fist. You put some chicken nuggets in the oven for him, before you went to the bathroom and you helped him remove the makeup that he’d put on that morning. He hadn’t gone anywhere, but he put it on to cover the dark circles under his eyes. You were gentle but bubbly, and you noticed that your little loved to laugh, and giggled at every funny face you made at him. Dinner went quite smoothly, him eating all of it, which absolutely warmed your heart, as he hadn’t been eating much lately due to his depressive slump. 
Little Johnnie seemed to love food, and you were grateful for that, because you didn’t want dinner time to cause him to be upset again. After he had finished eating, you got him a popsicle from the freezer, wrapped it in a paper towel so his hands didn’t get cold, and tucked him in on the couch while you cleaned up the plate and put it into the dishwasher. He was wrapped up in a blanket, cuddled with his stuffie, and you sat down next to him as soon as you were done. You gently tapped through channels and shows as you waited for your little one to pick a cartoon he’d like to watch, finally settling on “Spongebob”, and he immediately wrapped himself back up in your arms. 
He’d been in a dark episode for a while, but now, it seemed like he was able to see the light at the end of it, and you couldn’t wait to be here to help him through it all.
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~ taglist : @jake-and-johnnies-slut @elliem505 @gvf23 @ilydeaky @maryx2xx @oobleoob @aemrsy @jasperthefriendlyghostt @707xn
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tilvcei · 2 years
⭢ In which: you can’t escape ethan’s grasp and find yourself in a tuff situation. sam and tara are trying their best to help you get away from them, but if only you could let ethan go. it’s not that hard, and you know it’s not.
☆ | Warning(s): stalking, obsessive behavior, slight choking, suggestive language,
☆ | note: I’m so glad you guys wanted a part two my loves:) this is a little more longer than the last one. I hope you all enjoy sweethearts ! this is also in a bigger font.
☆ | gender: she/her (reader)
☆ | key: (b/f/n) means bestfriend name ;)
Tagging 🏷: @groovyponypatrollamp @ru99978 @avatricu @ky-nextsblog @stilesandjames @claustrophobicc @suspiciousmuffin @keithdgaf @nessa-styles @aawomenslovelifee @coughdropthings @breesxmulti @snixx2088 @spidersbbg @thicc101q @babywantskith @simpforthesullys @knightinshiningdenim @poranaisionparapio @bordeleau @mslowlife
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You regret every 'I love you' you’ve ever said to ethan. if only you could take that back. Quinn and Detective Bailey were dead now thank god. now it was only ethan left. he warned that if Sam and tara were to touch you he’d kill them. then it’d just be you two.
After waking up wide awake, you noticed there was rope tied around your wrists. a pained groan came from your lips, was there anything to get out of these?
"Tara, sam..?" you called out, in hopes of them hearing you. but there was no response. there was nothing for you to do than just sulk and cry.
Tara made her way over to you, seeing you hiss in pain cause of how hard the rope was tied around your wrists.
she made her way over to you and kneeled down, she let out a sigh of relief when she saw you were okay. her hands cupped your cheeks, tilting your head up to see a small bruise on your neck from where ethan pricked you with the needle.
"Hey, hey, I’m here. it’s okay, he’s not gonna hurt you." Tara reassured, placing a hand on your cheek, "No, no. he’s- he’s gonna hurt me." you replied, shaking your head.
"No, look at me. no he’s not. I promise- look at me! he’s not gonna hurt you." Tara stated, a pained cry came from your lips and tears fell from your eyes when blood started to come from your wrists.
Tara noticed this and untied the rope from your wrists, "come on, I’ll help you up." she said, she wrapped her arms around your waist and hauled you up, your side was still bleeding from that fall.
"And just where the hell do you think you’re taking her, tara?" it was ethan. stopping in your tracks you slowly turned around in fear, tara’s eyes locked with Ethan, she threw a hard glare his way.
Ethan felt enraged at the fact tara was touching you. and why would someone think it was a good idea touching his significant other?
"Stay away from her you motherfucker!" yelled tara, tara turned to you, "go, run now!” she told you.
even though your side was hurting badly, it didn’t matter. you had to get out of here
And so, you ran. the more you kept running the easier it was to get to the front door. where was sam? was she okay? you hoped so.
You tried unlocking the front door but it was locked, how the hell did they manage to lock the doors so quickly right before dying?
Meanwhile when trying to open the door you didn’t hear the footsteps behind you, ethan appeared and he looked…
Very, very angry. his hair was extremely messy and if you were able to see his eyes, you would know how angry he looked.
Before you could process anything, a hand wrapped itself around your throat and squeezed, cutting the oxygen from your lungs.
You could feel breathing on your shoulder, you could feel him smirking. your eyes closed in fear of getting hurt by him.
then you felt him come close to your ear.
"Ah, hi there baby. did you think it was going to be that easy to get away from me? you were pretty successful for a second, I’ll admit; you got me good there." Ethan stated.
You tried at least hitting him but he was quick to dodge it, "I’m always ready for a fight. especially if it’s the fun ones!" he giggled.
"My pretty baby.." he whispered in your ear, this caused a shiver to run down your spine. then you felt yourself getting dragged backwards.
"I-…" there was no use in fighting it anymore. there was no use in fighting him. so why did you keep trying? you didn’t know. but at least you tried.
Blood was still falling from the side of your waist, "Tara’s been dealt with, but for now I can’t honestly say if sam’s next. I wanna see her suffer." Ethan spoke.
"What did you do to her?!" you yelled, you looked over at tara — well, she wasn’t dead yet thank god.
Ethan smirked, "it was obvious she liked you. I could see it myself. but I wasn’t going to let her take you away from me. it’s sad, seeing how much she cares for you when she knows you’re mines." He stated.
"I c-called the police. it’s not like you’re gonna get away. they won’t let you-" before you could finish ethan cut you off with a laugh.
"Fuck the police! they hardly do shit anyways. they only arrive when they get called in. But it was a smart move. now, let’s see…I’ll just set this up as tara getting stabbed by her sister and then my sister and dad got caught in the crossfire and I wipe all the DNA off the knifes and put sam’s DNA on it. perfect crime scene." Ethan explained.
He took his mask off and the clothes, ruffling his hair and yawning a bit. he did seem a bit tired, and so were you.
"Ethan, why. why are you doing this? I understand you love me and all..but is this what you really call love?" you questioned.
Ethan turned to you, "yes. it sure is what I call love. and you’ll learn to cherish it like I cherish you. understand? after all of this is over with, we’ll move together and live together. alright? this was what we had to get out the way. we finished our plans. Richie can finally rest." he explained, kneeling down to you and cupping your cheek.
All you did was nod, "ok. I- I trust you." even after everything he did? you trusted him? right, cause you couldn’t just let him go. you needed him.
He smiled, "there’s my good girl, such a good girl f’me." he continued, you felt tears forming in your eyes, why did you submit to him? all this, caused because of him.
Ethan frowned, "Ah, ah. no, no. why are you crying pretty thing?" he asked, you could only sob in reply.
Ethan placed a soft kiss on the top of your head and pulled you close to him. he didn’t want to see you cry, all those precious tears your letting fall is hurting him too.
"Over here!" Ethan yelled, one of the EMT’s went to attended to tara and then you, only now you just noticed the police and ambulance had arrived.
"Okay, mind telling me what the actual hell happened here..?" A female police officer asked, turning to you.
As much as you wanted to say something, nothing could come out of your mouth which made it more difficult for you.
"I really don’t think questions are needed right now, you can see she’s injured." one of the EMT’s said.
All you did was continue to sob, ethan placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, brushing some hair out of your face.
"No, no it’s okay. I can- I can tell you wh..what happened." you said, breathing heavily, you felt like you were about to hyperventilate at any moment.
You searched for any comfort from anyone, hoping to feel safe. cause I’m a few hours you know you’d be going through hell.
"Baby, go on, tell them." Ethan said, you looked into his eyes, seeing that reassuring and comforting look in his eyes.
Well shit, you couldn’t tell the truth. what would be the truth? nothing. because sam’s DNA is already on every item in here — ethan made that possible.
"Sam. It was all sam carpenter, she- she hurt her sister almost killing her. and she hurt me. I don’t know what else to tell you since I blacked out right after, but she was psychotic—" you felt bad saying these things about sam when it wasn’t true.
The EMT turned to you, "this is very brave of you, hon. being able to tell us what happened after everything you’ve been through. you and you’re boyfriend are safe now, I promise you. if you want him to accompany you, he can come. if not-" you cut her off.
"I need him. I don’t wanna be alone." You and, and you were honest about that. you didn’t want to say it before, but your saying it now.
And there’s no taking it back.
The EMT’s put you on a stretcher, ethan was by your side the whole time. you’ve always felt safe around him.
But there was one question still lingering — where were you both going after this?
"Holy shit, (Y/n)!" a voice yelled, you were taken outside, you wondered how you were still alive anyways.
(B/f/n)! it was (B/f/n). thank god she was okay, she looked over at ethan suspiciously, looking him up and down.
"So..you aren’t the bad guy? I want to believe if it’s bullshit or not but-okay." (B/f/n) said, ethan only smiled.
He had everyone exactly where he wanted them.
"I’m okay, (B/f/n/n)." that was your nickname for her since, well, forever. she took your hand in hers, "see you at the hospital?" (B/f/n) questioned, you nodded.
"Yeah, I’ll see you there." this was your life now.
You were now in the ambulance, staring up at the ceiling in wonder. what if you hadn’t loved ethan back? would he still have killed you?
Your eyes glanced over at him, "we’re gonna be ok, right?" you asked in a hoarse tone.
Ethan took your hand in his, "I promise, we’ll be alright." he answered, placing a kiss on the back of your hand.
you were going to be alright.
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Ah, here’s the long awaited part 2! hope you enjoyed. I might make a part 3, who knows?
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b4ts1e · 1 year
▀▄▀▄▀▄Their Warm Embrace▄▀▄▀▄▀ (𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝙼𝙲)
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚍: 𝚀𝚒𝚞/𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚗 𝙻𝚒𝚗 𝚃𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙱𝚊𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚗 𝙾𝚙𝚊𝚕 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝙲 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 (𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙾𝙻:𝙽&𝙵)
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Step 2, as the request says- so the main trio are all 14! I'm also going to take the insecurity part a bit further- so warning for that.
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(𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗)
The sun was beaming down on the town of Golden Grove, most would see this as good- but for one girl in particular, it felt like irony. She was best friends with some of the prettiest people in Golden Grove, at least in her opinion- and yet as the sun shone brightly on the small town she felt...out of place. MC Second, that's the girl silently suffering from her own thoughts on herself- hiding behind a carefully crafted smile that's been almost perfected through her most recent years of life. Middle school was rough, it's when everyone started to develop physically and everything started to change from a happy, colorful, childhood day dream to a dusty gray, worrisome, life hazard. But like I said before- she had almost perfected that sunny sweet smile. Almost. Most people wouldn't be able to see past the blinding light of that smile, those who knew MC best- people such as Tamarack, Qiu, and her mother could see something was wrong. The three were worried for her, after all- even when asked she'd avoid the question and give them that sickeningly sweet smile, her own mask.
It had been around a week since MC had taken time to hang out with her friends outside of walking to and from school back to their homes in the cul-de-sac, or lunch periods- which they've even noticed she had been eating far less then usual, it only made them worry more. Autumn was the first to bring it up without MC around to her mom, seeing if she knew what was making their friend act so differently. Sadly, it was a dead end from her as well- Opal's work had been more demanding lately, resulting in her coming home late into the night.
When he had discussed it briefly with Tamarack, hoping he'd get something from her- but she also knew nothing due to being busy with strings practice. Soon they knew they'd have to take the initive and confront MC personally, and that's where we stand now. Autumn standing right outside his best friend's, and crush's, door- waiting for an answer after knocking.
(𝚀𝚒𝚞'𝚜 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎)
When I received no answer, my worry grew ten-fold. MC wasn't the type to not answer the door, hell they used to rush excitedly to open it- the memory made my cheeks warm slightly but I shook it off quickly. Now was not the time. "Luckily I know where the spare key is kept." I muttered to myself, quickly grabbing it- unlocking and opening the door as quietly as possible. I carefully closed the door behind me, being as quiet as possible as I slowly searched the house for MC. Once the first floor was cleared I headed for the stairs, before hearing a loud thump of something hitting the wall before clattering to the floor. I quickly rushed up to her room, hearing soft crying on the otherside of the door- cautiously I entered the room. The sight broke my heart. Seeing MC balled up in the smallest corner of her bed, hugging her knees to her chest and crying into herself- her room was a mess, old photos from before she moved torn to shreds and her phone on the ground. The screen was shattered, it must have been what hit the wall.
"MC? Hey- sorry for barging in, but... what's wrong?" I ask softly, taking off my blue plaid jacket- putting it on the floor as I slowly approached the bed, her gaze snapping up to meet mine. Her eyes were wide, red and puffy- she had been crying for awhile that much was obvious. "Q-Qiu! Oh- uh-" she said, wiping harshly at her eyes- trying to hide the evidence despite being caught. "I'm fine! Just...saw a sad ad for an animal shelter! Yeah..." she lied through her teeth, avoiding eye contact as I sat on the edge of her bed carefully.
"We both know that's not true. MC...what's really wrong? You've been acting strangly for awhile, but this last week- you've been so closed off from both me and Tamarack. Did we do something wrong, or did someone say something to you?" I asked, ready to track down whoever would dare to hurt my MC- er my best friend. Yeah. Best friend. Her eyes widened drastically before she jumped forward towards me a bit, quickly shutting down one thing I had said. "No! No. You and Tama did nothing wrong I swear- I just...." she cut herself off with a sigh, visibly deflating.
Carefully I reached out, gently grabbing her forearm- rubbing small circles into the skin. She offered me a small smile in return- forced but genuine. "Lately I've been feeling...insecure? I think that's the word for it- but it's not just insecure y'know? Everything seems to be so dull now, I just- I feel so out of place. I mean- it's like I'm on auto pilot, my mind is so foggy..." she explained, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes again. "Foggy?" I asked softly, slowly pulling her closer to me to wrap her in a small hug.
She nodded and leaned into my chest gently- she appeared fragile, ready to shatter at the slightest gust of wind from the wrong direction. "Like I'm viewing myself from outside of my body...I don't know it's hard to explain." she said softly as I gently fiddled with her hair, hoping it'd help her calm down a bit. "I get it, thank you for telling me- but why'd you hide this from me, Leafy, and your mom?" I asked carefully, noticing she stiffened slightly.
"I didn't want to be a burden..." she said softly- had we not been this close, which totally wasn't making my heart pound, I wouldn't of heard her at all. I wasn't going to have that- nobody, not even her, could speak that way about my best friend. "Now you listen here and you listen good, okay? You will never be a burden to any of us MC. You're important to all of us. You're the sturdy bridge that holds me and Tamarack together, and you hold me together as well. Always keeping an eye out for others yet never keeping one out for yourself. You are one of the kindest, beautiful, and self-less people I know MC." I said quickly without thinking, making eye contact with her to ensure she was listening- making sure she knew I meant it to the ends of the earth.
Her cheeks seemed to brighten in a pink hue, eyes fluttering as she stammered for words. I give her a soft smile, pulling her into a proper hug. "You mean the world to me MC. Never let yourself forget that, but if you do? I'll just keep reminding you, over and over again." I whispered softly, holding her tightly to my chest so she couldn't see how red my face or ears had gotten. Though I doubt she didn't hear my heart racing.
She started to shake and shiver before the damn in her eyes finally burst, crying into my sweater- sobs coming from her as she finally let it all out. Softly I smiled, glad to see she was letting it out now- no longer hiding behind that sticky sweet smile she wore so well as I gently traced shapes into the back of her shirt.
"And about those insecurities of yours? I'm going to show you that those kinds of thoughts are so incorrect that they defy all known logic." I say softly, but trying to make her laugh even just a bit- I was successful as she giggled lightly through her choked sobs.
"Oh yeah? How exactly are you gonna do that Autumn?" she asked, looking up from my chest with a smug smile- cheeks still damp from tears. "Well- what are you insecure about?" I ask returning the smug smile full force as my heart fluttered at the use of my nickname. She took a moment before looking down at herself, puffing her lips out a bit with a pout. "My looks mainly...I mean- you and Tama are so pretty and then there's just me. Average MC." she degraded herself- pinching and pulling at her skin. I grab her hand to stop her from contiuing to do so.
"Average?" I started with a chuckle, deciding to focus on being called pretty by my crush later. "MC you are far better than average! You may not see it but I do. Your eyes are so gentle yet whenever you are standing up for Tamarack or settling an arguement- the look of determination gives them this shine I swear the stars wish they could replicate it. And don't get me started on your hair! It's always so pretty! Even when it's a mess because of the humidity of spring or tangled because you just woke up- even then it's so soft and compliments your complextion as well as your stunning eyes!" I rambled, letting out every single detail I've noticed about them- it was natural.
(𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗)
Qiu continued to go down the list- naming the smallest things about MC and explaining why every part of them was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. They didn't even notice how long they'd been rambling until they heard a small embarassed whimper come from the very female he was praising for earnestly. That's when he saw just how red her face was and their's quickly began to glow an even brighter red. Both incredibly flustered for what Qiu had so shamelessly spewed on about- as if MC was a hyperfixation he just couldn't look away from.
From outside the door, Opal stood and watched the two fumble about- embarassed. She smiled softly, glad that her daughter was feeling better with Autumn's help- and proud of the selection of friends MC had made four years ago when they first moved here. Quietly she retreated to the kitchen, deciding to make something sweet both teens would enjoy to snack on after such an emotionally taxing day.
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𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1,678
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ithinkabouttzu · 11 months
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My Favorite - Park Jihoon
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Genre and Warnings! Fluff; romance. Jealousy
Word count! 1.06k
Description! When date night doesn’t go as plan, how can you show Jihoon that he’s your favorite?
a/n: This was requested a bunch, sorry if it’s a little short but it’s so cute, we love fluffy jihoon here !! 🤍
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female oc x Park Jihoon
It’s Saturday, and you finally got your boyfriend, Jihoon, to yourself on one of his rare off days. For the past weeks he had been working extra hard, going back and forth between Japan and South Korea on tour, and promoting Treasures new album. Between that, there was rarely any time left for you guys to hang out at all. But by some chance, he finally had the day off to spend time with you.
“You ready? The movie is about to start” You hear the familiar deep voice from the other side of the door. “Ready” You reply back, looking in the mirror one last time, and examining your looks before heading out of the bathroom, and following your boyfriend to the front door. You were going to the movies with Jihoon, a movie you had been wanting to see with him for a while and you guys had finally had the chance to go see it. When you walked into the living room, the vision of Hyunsuk and Junghwan playing video games met your eyes. The intense game of call of duty creating tension in the big room. “Where are you guys headed?” Hyunsuk asks with almost no emotion. “You look nice, y/n” Junghwan says, only taking a brief second to look at your outfit, smiling at you, then focusing back to his game.
Jihoon audibly snickers at Junghwan’s nice comment. Junghwan has always been close to you. Being Jihoons girlfriend, you got used to being over at their place a lot. That also meant that you were close with the members too. Especially Junghwan, he would always ask if you wanted to play a video game, or have movie night on the couch if you were staying over that night. You were always his “favorite” and sometimes he would say little things like that to get a reaction out of Jihoon, your easily jealous boyfriend.
“We’re going to the movies actually!” You reply back, looking at Jihoon with a warning glare for his reaction to Junghwans comment earlier. “Can we come too?” Junghwan asks almost immediately, completely pausing the game to focus his attention on you and jihoon, looking at you both with pleading eyes. “No” Jihoon says plainly, giving little to no expression. He looked at Junghwan and Hyunsuk sharply with his arms crossed. Turning the idea down was almost the easiest thing he’s ever had to do the whole day. “Stop, Jihoon. Play nice” You whisper, elbowing him for his behavior. “You guys can come. If your ready to leave right now though, because we’re heading out the door right now” Jihoon changes his tone to a more dad like voice (by your request). He gets the keys off of the he holder and heads out the front door, pressing the unlock button on the key. “C’mon guys!” you motion Hyunsuk and Junghwan to follow you out of the door, in which they do so, almost immediately joining you two.
The car ride there was quiet really. The side profile of Jihoon was almost incredible. You could tell he was frustrated by the way he was clenching his jaw, and how his right hand never stopped gripping your thigh. He was getting possessive and you couldn’t help but find this side of him strangely attractive.
You’re the first one to get out of the car, unbuckling your seatbelt swiftly. “I’ll go get our tickets, okay?” You say to the boys, already marching up the the front of the theater. “I’ll come too” Junghwan shouts, catching up with you in a quick pace. His long legs making up for the extra steps you’ve already took. You could hear a loud sigh coming from Jihoon, all the way from the parking lot to the front entrance. It was going to be a long night for sure.
The tickets were easy to get and you guys were finally heading to the seats. Jihoon sat down first, motioning for you to come sit beside, in which you did. The other two boys were still getting popcorn. So it was a quick moment that you could have with Jihoon before they came along. “I’m sorry, I know you wanted us to spend some time together. I promise i’ll make it up to you later” You tell him softly. Quickly feeling regret now that tonight had been more of a group thing than a date night. “It’s okay babe.” He says smiling, smoothly wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “I know I’m your favorite” He chuckles, looking at you. You look at him back. Holding eye contact between you two, before you felt his soft lips press onto yours. You could feel your body heat up at the sudden sensation. Kissing him back almost immediately, before he broke the kiss with a laugh. “I really am your favorite, huh?” He asks. It was true, he was your favorite, and he would always be your favorite, time and time again. The rest of the night was a good time spent, the movie was good, and the dinner you guys had later was even better. It was now late, and you guys were finally getting back home. You open the door and kick off your shoes softly. Junghwan and Hyunsuk already moving past you to finish their video game hours later. Jihoon came in beside you, taking off his shoes and placing them beside the door. As your lovely boyfriend was walking past you and to the room, you stopped him, grabbing his forearm with your hand. He looks back at you, turning his head, curious to see what the matter was. “I forgot to tell you, you aren’t my favorite, Junghwan is!” You laugh, looking back at the other boys who heard you from the couch, and laughing along with you. You kiss his cheek softly before running into the room, leaving Jihoon to get teased by Hyunsuk and Junghwan for your silly comment. “Haha, she likes me more!” You could hear Junghwan laugh out to Jihoon from the living room. Still talking about the funny thing you said earlier. You could only imagine the look on your boyfriends face hearing that. He definitely was going to get you back in the future, you think, laughing to yourself. You were lucky for your boyfriend, and his sweet members too. It was a good night indeed.
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Thank you for your request! If you enjoyed, make sure to like or reblog! 🤍
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korn-dogz · 1 year
would u b willing to do a jd x reader (gender neutral if thats ok!!) thats just fluff stuff? also maybe this is a lil specific and cheesy but could u include him calling them the nickname pumpkin
Jonathan would definitely call you that and I need to write more for Jonathan he’s such a sweetheart <3
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Summary: you’re helping Jonathan get rid of his hangover
WARNING: mentions of alcohol, vomiting, fluff, Jonathan calling the reader “pumpkin” and other nicknames
Also I will do gender neutral reader for anyone :)
Jonathan is currently drunk as hell, he couldn’t drive so you had to walk him to your house, your house wasn’t very far away from the bar he went to which was good. Jonathan had his arm on top of your shoulders and one arm was holding Jonathan’s arm that he put on you and the other arm was holding Jonathan’s waist so he doesn’t fall
When he was drunk Jonathan had very knobby knees, so he was swaying side to side as you tried to contain him “augghh… Y/N….how fuckin’ far is your house" you two haven’t even walked for a minute, you looked over at Jonathan “it’s literally right there” you pointed to your house which wasn’t far, he looked over to where you pointed “holy shit, it’s so fuckin far” you sighed and had to ignore Jonathans protests about how far your house was. Finally, you two made it to the house, you struggled to get your keys out your pocket as now Jonathan was leaning on you with his full body weight, you got your keys out and unlocked the door; you pushed it open and Jonathan and you come stumbling in. You try your best to walk you and Jonathan up the stairs, he wasn’t heavy but he was really depending on you to get him up the stairs, you somehow got the two of you up the stairs and now you had to go for your bedroom, Jonathan was making this hard because he wouldn’t stop swaying from side to side “Y/N…?” Jonathan stops and so do you “Y-Yeah?” You huffed though your words, Jonathan didn’t say anything, instead he leaned in and bit your neck “ow! Fuck!” Your eyes shut at the pain, he bit you twice more before you pulled him off “Jonathan! What the fuck- whatever let’s get you to bed” you knew Jonathan would bite people when he’s drunk but this one really hurt
You placed Jonathan down on your bed, you sat on your bed waiting for you to tell him what to do “ok jon here’s a bucket, if you need to throw up do it in here, I’ll sleep in the other room, wake me up if you need anything" you placed the bucket beside the bed and looked at Jonathan, he had a look of uncertainty on his face. He still had his purple track suit on so your hand gently unzipped his zipper and took off his track suit, he was wearing nothing under that track suit “why are you wearing nothing under the track suit? you know what- doesn’t matter, I’ll get you a shirt" you walked over to your closet and rummaged around for anything that he could wear, finally you found a black Mötley Crüe shirt that Jonathan gave you. You walked back over “ok Jonathan, rase your arms up” Jonathan’s arms wobbled as they slightly got up, you gave up and just raised his arms up and pulled the shirt over him. Next was his pants, you prayed that he was wearing underwear and when you pulled down his pants thankfully he was, you got a par of sweat pants and put that on him, through out this whole time of putting on clothes for him he didn’t say a word. You looked at Jonathan’s and felt bad for him, your hands went to his face and with both hands on the side of his cheeks your raised his head up “you ok?” Your thumb rubbed on his cheek as he leaned his head into your hands and his hands went up to hang on to your wrists "can you….please stay with me…?” He looked down as his cheek was pressed against your hand “yea…sure” you let go of his face and sat closely beside him, close enough that Jonathan leaned his head on your shoulder
He groaned as the familiar feeling of him leaning on you came back, you twisted a strand of his hair in your finger “do you want to lay down?” He nodded and you got up and with one hand on the back of his head and the other on his chest, you gently laid him down on the bed; you walked over to the other side and laid down beside him “good night Jonathan, remember the bucket is beside you if you need to throw up” he scoots closer to you and hugs you tightly as he nods his head “thank you Y/N…” he buries his head into your neck “I love you….” You smiled and pat his head “I love you too Jon” you hug him as you both drift off into sleep
Jonathan is the first one to wake up, he notices that he’s holding on to you; he doesn’t have enough time to think of what’s going on he has the uncontrollable urge to throw up, he leans over the side on the bed and sees a bucket, he throws up in the bucket. You are woken up by the sound of Jonathan throwing up, you quickly sat up and held his hair back. Once he was done he looked over at you with tired eyes “what happened last night..?” He slowly blinked and waited for you to respond “I’ll tell you later….I’ll get some Advil from downstairs stay here” he nods as he watches you leave the room. He stares down at himself and sees that his track suit is gone and so are his purple pants, he sees he’s wearing a motley Crüe shirt that he gave you and a pare of your sweatpants, his mind starts to wonder to this morning where he was cuddling with you, *why was I cuddling them?* he thought to himself *and why am I wearing their clothes?* his mind tries to dig out any memory he had from last night but then he sees you enter the room with a pill bottle and a glass of water. You walk over to him and hand him the pill bottle, he opens it and you hand him the glass of water, he puts the pill in his mouth and swallows it down with water
“Make sure to drinks lots of water, it’ll help you" you sounded like his mother… well if his mother cared about him, he put his hand to his forehead and groaned “my head is pounding…” he whined as he laid back down, you sat beside him and felt his forehead with the back of your hand “you’re burning up, it’ll go away soon" you run your hand down to his cheek and rub your thumb on his cheek, he smiles at you as you lean down to kiss his cheek, your lips pull back with a pop sound as he smiles even wider "thank you for always taking care of me pumpkin” you laughed “pumpkin?” He started to laugh along with you as you leaned in again to kiss him on the lips, you pulled back once you tasted the vomit, you whipped your lips with your hand “I’ll give you all the kisses you want later hehe”
Through out the day you help Jonathan get over his hangover, you make him breakfast and give him lots of cuddles. You two sit on the couch watching MTV as he turns to you “you know…” you turn your head over to face him, he’s looking down and playing with his hair “I really appreciate all that you do for me, I mean I really do, I love you so much and you really do make me a better person" the moment he ended his sentence you turned his head to face you and gave him a long kiss, he quickly kissed you back holding your face close to him “of course Jon, I would do anything to make you feel safe and happy" you kiss him again before he can respond “I love you so much muffin” you laugh into his mouth as you two continue to kiss until dawn.
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dirtybitfic · 3 months
White mustang
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Storyline- In which Chris takes a solo, month long trip to Baraboo Wisconsin where he takes notice of a girl who stands out from everyone else in the small town . He cant help but seek her out and unlock the mystery of her .( PS THIS STORY ENDED UP BEING LONG AS ABSOLUTE FUCK my b)
(Based off of White mustang by Lana del rey)
Chris pov-
I've been so caught up in content for the past 3 months that I decided to take a trip completely by myself to take a mental health break. I did a little research on smaller towns on the east coast that I felt would be safe to go. I landed on Baraboo Wisconsin , I don't really know why it just looked kind of cool so I though why not.
I just got off my flight sending Matt and nick a text letting them know I got here safe and i'm heading to get my rental car now. Its not common that any of us would take a trip alone but I just really felt it was the right decision to not have them with me , being a triplet means being very co-dependent on each other but we've slowly started trying to be more independent and not do everything together and its been nice actually.
I pick up my car and drive to the airbnb I rented( were gonna pretend he has his license ) , its pretty close to devils lake national park so its slightly on outside of town in more of a rural area. Im getting a bit nervous as I get further into the backroads area feeling a bit scared I'm actually gonna be here alone for as long as i'm staying.
I finally reach the house and pull into the driveway hopping out and grabbing my bags from the trunk then heading to put the code in and finally sit down and rest.
The house is pretty cool Matt would have really liked it if he were here. I go upstairs to the master bedroom and throw my bag down kicking of my shoes , shirt and pants and hopping on the bed deciding to take a nap since i'm tired from the flight and have nothing else to do since I got in kinda late .
*times skip 4 hours*
I just woke up grabbing my phone to check the time, it's 8pm here which means its 5pm in cali.
I get and incoming face time from matt and answer it immediately happy to see his face.
" hey man how is it so far?" he asks as he takes a sip of water.
" Good I fell asleep right when I got here so I haven't got out at all but I probably will in a bit to get food" I answer.
" Well i'm glad you're okay ! I'm proud of you for doing this Chris I know its a bit weird not having us there but I think it'll be good for all of us to takes some time for ourselves" he says and I nod in agreement.
"I am happy I decided to go through with it . I just hope it'll be as nice and chill as I want it to be" I say as I set my phone down and fix my hair from getting in my eyes.
" Well I just wanted to check in and make sure you are good but text if you need me " he says as he throws a hoodie on and grabs his keys.
" I will love you bro" I say as I smile at him.
" Love you too " he says then hangs up.
I lay back on the bed contemplating of I want to go out and get food or just door dash something . Deciding I don't have the energy to get up and get dressed I chose to door dash .
I order a burger from some place in town and chill watching til tons until it gets here.
2o minuets later i'm eating my pizza on the back porch deciding some fresh air would do be good after being on a plane half the day and then taking a nap. The air bib has a hot tub which is the biggest reason I chose to stay here , after I ate I decided to turn it on and let it heat up to about 90 degrees since its only like 70 degrees tonight with a little breeze.
I got inside throwing on some trunks and grabbing a Pepsi from the fridge , the owner had stalked the fridge with drinks since they said their daughter watches our videos and wanted to make sure I had plenty of Pepsi for the month which is hilarious but also very sweet.
I climb into the hot water turning the lights to blue and laying back looking up at the clear night sky. The stars are pretty visible here which is a nice change from L.A.
I decide to turn on some music and chill out here for a while. After about 30 minutes i'm rushing inside and locking the door because I heard rustling in the woods and got scared. I may be a grown man but hearing noises in the dark woods when you're all alone would scare anyone.
I decide I might as well shower, watch a show and go to sleep. Maybe even find somethings to do Tommorrow .
Most of the shit in town didn't look that interesting to me so I decided on pewit's nest , I think taking a little hike and chillin in a waterfall could be a good reset ... I just hope there isn't a shit tone of people around.
I just woke up , its about 12 so I get up and throw on a fit and grab my phone AirPods and keys and head out the door putting in directions to pewit's nest. It's like a 30 minute drive which isn't too bad. I set my playlist on shuffle and start the drive. I rented a convertible , even though it was expensive its worth it . I like backgrounds they are chill and always have better views .
Im going down a long windy road when I see another car further ahead in the opposite lane , I can tell from here its a nice car maybe even vintage.
The closer I get the more a feeling creeps over my body making me feel confused but intrigued . Im close enough now to see long blue hair blowing freely in the wind and a slim arm hanging off the door of a white 1965 mustang moving like it's going over a waves in an ocean . I smile as the air seems to get lighter and my stomach girls when I catch a glimpse of her face that has a smile plastered on it that is so bright and sweet it could send a grown man into cardiac arrest .
We make eye contact as we pass each other and the feeling that washes over is something i've never felt before . I can hear the song she has playing that blasts through her speakers , a classical song one I recognize but I cant remember why .
I look away as I redirect the car to drive straight again and shake my head . I don't know what that feeling was but it felt ... good .
After a little while I reach the parking area and see no other cars making me smile, hopefully ill be alone in the piece and quiet.
I put the top back up and turn off the car and hop out and go to the directory to see with path I need to take to end up at the waterfall . The path is about a two mile hike , its says it's an easy path so that's good. I put my AirPods in and decide on a playlist Matt had made a while ago of just chill slow music .
I start walking looking around taking a breathe of the fresh air feeling calmness fall over me . I love the east coast so much more than the west coast , it just feels more calm and nice compared to the busy city life we live in L.A. As I walk I see movement out of the corner of my eye making me look over seeing its a family of deer . I pull out my phone and take a picture sending it to Matt and Nick . I don't see many deer in the west coast but every time I do I have to take a picture , they are my favorite animal.
After an easy 20 more minutes I reach the fall , taking out my AirPods I look around just checking out the area making sure i'm alone , I am . I take my shoes off then my shirt and set my phone , keys and AirPods onto of them and walk to the edge and dip my foot in . I forget how cold waterfall water really is but I decide to just say fuck it and get in . The warm sun helps make it a little more bearable .
As I float around I hear my phone ringing so I swim back over to check who it is . It's nick so I dry my hands on my shirt and answer it.
"Hey... wow where are you it's so pretty?" he says as he notices the scene in the background. " It's called Pewits nest " I answer as I flip the camera and show him the whole fall and the surrounding area. " Wow well i'm glad you're getting out and having fun " he says making me flip the camera and smile. " Yeah me too its pretty nice out here really peaceful " I say as I look around smiling. " So you're doing okay ?" he asks I nod " Yeah i'm good I definitely needed this I miss you guys though" I say looking at him he smiles softly " I miss you too but your metal health is more important than being here dealing with with meetings and shit " nick says and I nod " Yeah I know ill get used to being without you guys soon it's just bit weird right now" I say sighing . " I know but hey you know we"re just a call away and maybe you'll get some Inspo for new fresh love designs " he say smiling rubbing his hands together making me chuckle . " Yeah I guess you're right ... anything interesting going on with you?" I ask feeling comforted with the fact I"m talking to him even if he"s not really here with me it feels like he is." Uhhh not really I think me and Matt are gonna go for dinner with Jake and Tara then probably chill the rest of the night" he says making me smile. " We'll have fun and tell them I said hey, ima let you go though I know you probably got some shit to do" I say smiling at him . " Okay well be safe and maybe go around town tonight see what's around I love you" " Yeah love you too " I say and hang up.
I look at the time seeing its around 3:30 meaning i've been here for about 2 and a half hours so I decide to get out and use my shirt to dry off and put my shoes back on and start walking back down the path to my car.
I get back to my car and unlock it throwing a towel I had brought but forgot to grab out and put it on the seat so I didn't get it wet . I put the top back down and head back to the airbnb .
I reach the point in the windy road where I passed that girl earlier and smile to myself at the memory . It .. I mean she has been on my mind ever since we passed I know nothing about her yet she's all I can think about my whole drive home.
I get back and head into the house grabbing a drink from the fridge and heading upstairs to take a shower. The bathroom is pretty big if you ask me and I love the shower honestly I could probably stand in it and think for hours. I throw shoes and pants off and walk in turning on the rain shower letting the water fully cascade down my body. I take my time just standing under the hot water relaxing . I start thinking about the girl from earlier . I literally cant get her off my mind something about the feeling I got when we made eye contact scares me but also intrigues me , its like my body knew something I didn't but now I want to find out what it could be that has be so drawn to her.
I hop out of the shower and decide I should go into town to grab some groceries and some dinner . One thing I hate is eating alone but I have no other choice.
I start up the car and head towards town . I find a groceries store called woodmans deciding it look like the biggest one and thread have the biggest selection of shit .
I park and head in keeping my head down feeling a bit nervous being out alone. I shop as quick as possible then find a place to get dinner. I find an Italian restaurant and decide to order take out online for pickup . I head over and park close by deciding to walk around a bit till I get a text that the foods ready. I walk down the streets passing by people smiling and they smile back which is one thing I love about west coast people they are way more pleasant than west coast people .
I spot a small looking path through some trees that has a couple benches along it and decide to sit under the tree and watch the sunset while I wait. I watch as the sky changes colors , its honestly one of the best sunsets i've seen in a while. I hear soft laughter making me turn my head in the direction it came from. I see a guy walking with a girl and they are looking at something on their phone laughing and making fun of what I can hear a girl, they are both dressed in boring ass basic outfits making me roll my eyes at how boring they look.
They stop a few feet away to watch another video i'm guessing and I can fully hear what they are saying now
" oh my god Vienna is so fucking weird" the girl says before laughing , she has such a bitchy little laugh .
" She tries so hard to be different and yet she wanders why no guys wanna touch her" the guys says smirking making the girl laugh .
" Ahh what a cute little music video " she sighs with a sniper putting her phone in her pocket . I cant help but roll my eyes shaking my head at their behavior and words .
" OH MY GOD C-CHRIS STURNIOLO" I hear a shriek making me jump in surprise . " oh my god is it really you ?" the girl ask running up to me . I contemplate on saying no and going on with my night but... she knows damn well its me so I nod . " Yeah hi nice to meet you" I say standing up . She squeals in excitement . " Can I get a picture " she asks and I slowly shake my head . " No i'm sorry i'm trying to stay out of sight while i'm here I don't really want everyone knowing where I am..." I say acting as sorry as best I can. " Oh I get it i'm sorry to bother you have a good night" the girl says waving and running off I wave back then my phone rings telling me my foods ready for pickup so I Jog back to the area I parked and run into the restaurant grabbing my food and heading to my car .
I look across the street as I unlock my door spotting blue hair and ,my heart immediately jumps as I watch her walk down the street , her hair softly blowing with the breeze with headphones on her face naturally resting slightly angry which makes her even more attractive. I cant help but stare , she has an energy that radiates off of her but I just don't know what it is quite yet.
I see the dick head couple from earlier quickly approaching her the girl whispering to the guy as she laugh once the get to mystery girl the girl grabs her arm making me furrow my eyebrows and watch intensely at the scene unfolding in front of me.
The girl holds a tight grip as she gets in blue hairs face smiling but the words that come out of her mouth look unpleasant . Blue hair slides her headphones down and keeps them around her neck as she listens to the girl talking to her but her face looks unbothered .
The guy starts laughing as he smirks watching his girlfriend disrespect blue hair, I feel an urge to go over and break it up but the lat thing I need is to get roped into random peoples drama. She lets go of blue hairs arm laughing but I didn't expect what happened next.
Blue hair shoves her hand into the others chest pushing her harshly into the brick wall next to them . I walk to my trunk to try and hear what's happening more clearly.
Its a bit quiet but I can hear clear enough
" Grow the fuck up Clara I don't care if you like me or not i'm not going to tell you again to leave me the fuck alone" blue hair spits the words into her face. The other girl looks slightly... scared which I find funny cause two seconds ago she looked like she was nothing but proud of herself for whatever she said. " Vienna I- just let me go " she whine prying blue hair well Vienna's hand off her chest and clinging to her boyfriend . " God Vienna if you weren't such a stuck up cunt maybe somebody would have wanted yours by now" the guy says . Vienna and even his girlfriends mouth drop open at his words . "James your dating Clara ...kinda weird how every single insult you can think of *she steps closer to him* ... always end up with sexual comments about me" she says smirking . His girlfriend gasps and raises a hand to slap Vienna. " You might want to lower that hand Clara she scolds glancing at the girl who slowly lowers her hand and James ... stop thinking about who has or hasn't wanted me because trust me... Lucas had no problem having some time with me" she says then slides her head phones back on flicking them both off and walking away.
I stand in shock for a couple seconds dumfounded by what I just witnessed , maybe I'm just so used to living in a city where everybody is just minding their own business . Smaller towns definitely seem to have more entertaining people . I smile as I turn back around and get in my car setting my food on the seat next to me and driving off back to the house.
I'm actually glad I decided to go to town and get food because now not only do I know blue hairs real name but I also have caught a good glimpse of her personality and it only adds fuel to the fire inside my brain. I've never seen someone so calm and collected when being patronized like she was and her comebacks to the insults were nothing but perfect. I wanted to burst out laughing when she clocked the fuck out of the guy for bringing up her sex life given I had heard him speak about it when they were talking shit when I was sitting on the bench waiting .
I admire the way she made the girl scared and nervous when she spoke back to her , most people would have just stood there and took the insults and not stick up for themselves but she sure as fuck did.
I pull into the driveway hopping out and rushing in to sit down and eat my food. The pasta is good as fuck not gonna lie , I'm absolutely banging it down when my phone rings, I pause the movie I was watching and answer it to see Nick and Matt pop up on my screen.
" Hey guys what's up?" I ask as I take a sip of my Pepsi.
" Nothing we just wanted to chest in and make sure you're doing good " Matt says and I smile and nod. " Yeah i'm good I went into town to get dinner ... and lets just say i've never been so entertained by drama, than I was 30 minutes ago" I say laughing after. " Yo what the fuck I wanna know what happened" nick says showing how intrigued he is by what I witnessed.
" Okay well when I was going to that waterfall I was at when you called yesterday I passed a girl who had blue hair and a really nice vintage mustang and something about her intrigued me .... tonight I saw the same girl low-key get bullied by some basic bitch and blue hair girl absolutely chewed her and her boyfriend up and spit them out in the span of 5 minutes" I say smiling replaying the moment in my head . " Damn small towns do have shit going on huh" nick says laughing making me and matt laugh too. " Yeah shit was very entertaining to say the least " I say back . " So this blue haired girl ... do you have a little crush Chris" Matt says teasing me making me shake my head and flick him off . " No she just looks like cool person bro " I say trying to convince him and myself i'm not that into her." Whatever you sayyy" he says making me shake my head. " Well ima go take a late night walk and clear my head I love you guys" I say. " yeah love you to, be safe" Matt says before hanging up the call.
I grab my headphones and throw on my shoes and head out of the door. Its nice weather but it feels like it might rain and honestly I wouldn't mind getting caught in the rain on my walk.
Im walking down the neighborhood path when I see a path leading into the woods that has a sign saying it leads to a sand beach on the lake , I decide to take it and maybe sit by the water for a bit .
I feel a bit creeped out as I walk through the almost pitch black path so I bring out my phone and turn on the flash so I can kinda see where i'm going. I take out my earphones so I can hear the area around me just incase something or someone is out here. The further I walk I feel like I can hear water ripple and kind of splash letting me know i'm getting closer to my destination.
I meet the end of the path where the sand starts and step out taking a deep breathe. Its quiet and calm out here and the moon is shining down on the water letting me see the area surrounding me. I sit down on a stump and look up taking in the dark cloudy sky above me . It's calming to be out here all alone being able to just sit and think about anything and everything .
I get lost in my thought until I snap out of it when I hear a loud splash off to the left . I try and focus in on the area but its too dark from where i'm sitting to really get a good look .Out of curiosity I get up and get closer to where I heard the sound come from breathing heavily since i'm a bit scared it could be like a fucking bear or something , then id really be fucked.
As I slowly get closer I hear a small laugh , it sounds like a girl but im not quite sure all I know is hearing a girl giggle in the dark late t night is creepy as fuck. I look at spot a figure gliding in the water I squint to try and make out if its a person or animal . When the figure stands in the water the moon light shines over them letting me see it is in fact a girl , not just any girl though. I see a tinge of blue sheen in the hair thats being hit by the moon light and my breathe hitches.
It's her. My stomach does that stupid fucking feeling again as I watch the way she's gliding through the water. She goes under and comes back up wiping her face and hair back . She looks so calm and peaceful , I feel like a creep just watching her but I cant look away or move . She kind of stops all of her movements taking a deep breath and looking around she spots me and jumps with a scream . I flinch immediately turning around starting to speed walk back to the path I got here on.
I hear water splashing and my heart starts to speed up , she's gonna catch up and yell at me is all I can think as I walk as quickly as possible . "WAIT HEY WAIT " I hear her scream and I stop shoulders slumping down waiting for her to come up and give me a piece of her mind.
I turn around to see her walking up to me ... smiling , maybe she's not mad after all . " Are you here alone?" she asks as she gets closer and I can see her gorgeous face . I just nod to scared to actually say anything. " Have I seen you before you look really familiar?" she asks me studying my face. " I- um maybe I don't kn-" she cuts me off. " Wait I know I passed you on the road ... you drive that black convertible right?" she asks smiling and stepping closer. " Y-yeah you drive the vintage mustang right?" I ask and she smiles and nods . " It's a really cool car" I say making her smile wider. " Thank you it was my dads dream car so when he... passed I got it in memory of him" she says as her smile falters a bit . " Oh i'm so sorry " I say as she looks back up at me shaking her head. " It's okay its not your fault" she says with a quiet laugh. "I know I just I feel bad" I say smiling sympathetically. " Please don't feel sorry for me the last thing I want is pity" she says shaking her head. " Sorry " I say trying to make it less awkward. " Its fine ... so are you new I have seen you until this week" she asks smiling at me and walking back onto the sandy part so I take that as she wants me to follow her. " Uhhm yeah I guess i'm taking a vacation here for about a month " I answer . " Why here?" she asks laughing.
" Well I wanted to get out of big city life for a while so I just kinda looked up smaller places to go and I ended up here" I answer with a shrug. " Well I guess that makes sense ... i've never been to a big city but i've always water to move out of here and live the city life" she rambles making me smile . She sits down and I sit next to her. " Honestly I like living in a city for the most part it just gets ... a lot sometimes you know" I say and look over at her. " Yeah i... I down really fit in here ... I mean I never really have " She says looking off into the water. " I don't understand why I mean you're nice , drive a cool ass car , and ... your pretty" I say and she looks at me smiling weekly. " Thank you thats really sweet but I don't think anyone here would agree with you" she says as she sighs . " well they are just boring ass people then I mean from what I can tell you seem really cool ... if I lived here I think you'd be the only person i'd wanna be friends with " I say and she smiles widely. " Thanks you seem pretty cool too" She says making me smile. " You know I didn't get your name" I say and she laughs . " It's Vienna" she says . " Thats a pretty name i'm Chris " I say smiling back at her . " Thank you so where are you from?" she asks me " Im from Boston but I live in LA with my brothers" I say and she nods . " How many brothers do you have ?" she asks . Ive noticed that I don't think she has a clue who I am and i'm actually really happy about it. " I have 3 , one older and i'm 1 of three triplets. " I answer she gasps " Ahh thats so fucking cool I always wished I had a twin growing up so id have a best friend with me all the time" she says smiling I cant help but chuckle " Yeah its pretty cool . So i'm guessing you don't have any siblings ?" I asks judging from her response . " I did but not anymore " she says looking upset again . " oh " I say having a good feeling it's the same outcome of her dad situation. " Yeah I had a sister but um she passed my freshman year of college " she says and I can almost see the tears staring in her eyes. " Im sorry Vienna I shouldn't have brought it up" I say feeling bad knowing she not only lost her dad but also her sister, I couldn't imagine going through that . " No No it's okay i'm sorry for trauma dumping on you I met you like 5 minutes ago" She says laughing and sniffling as a small tear falls down her face. " No its okay I don't mind ... I like hearing you talk" I say making her smile. She hums and leans her head on my shoulder looking at the scene infant of us. Ive never felt this comfortable with someone I barely know before but right now I feel good, happy and calm . I look down at her smiling at her small gesture . " Is- is this okay i'm sorry if -" " Its absolutely okay I don't mind" I say and she looks up at me smiling then looking back out .
" It's really peaceful out here" I say and she nods. " Yeah I love it out here ... not a lot of people come out here thats why I come down here to think " she says and I nod " I can see why " I say . " This might be an invasive question to ask but what do you do ... I mean if you're staying here for a month you must make good money" she says laughing . " Well I umm I make YouTube videos with my brothers " I say . " ahhh okay makes sense . Is it fun do you like it?" she asks me and I think for the best answer " I love it but sometimes it can be stressful ... it takes a big toll on my mental health sometimes though" I answer honestly. " Im guessing thats why you came here to take a break from it all" she adds on and I nod " Yeah I mean this is the first trip i've ever taken without my brothers but it was very much needed" I answer. " Well good for you for taking time that you need ... I bet the fans aren't too happy about it though" she jokes but I sigh making her mover her head and face me . " That was a big sigh " she says and I nod " Yeah its just ... sometimes the fans take shit too far and that's one of the biggest things that really east to me" I say looking at her . " Well I can only guess they are all crazy little girls ... I mean look at you no wonder they go a little crazy" she says giggling . " what's that supposed to mean?" I ask laughing " Chris come on ... you know you're attractive I mean id be obsessed to if I were them" she smiles and I shake my head smiling . " Thank you " I say laughing . She laugh too " You're welcome " she nods . Silence falls between us for a couple seconds before I speak . " I gotta ask you ... what's up with the blond girl and her boyfriend I kinda saw they gang up on you in town " I ask but regret it when her eyebrows furrow . " You saw that " she asks kind of confused . " Yeah I ... I should have said that earlier I just ..." " Im not mad just a bit embarrassed" she says and I nod . " They were kind of my bullies all throughout middle and high school ... they fucked off for a while when I went away for college but after my sister passed I became really depressed and failed all my classes and came back here to take care of our house so " " Now that your back they decided to keep being assholes " I say understanding the situation. "Yeah pretty much I honestly don't know why they act like they do but I just got tired off it that night and snapped ... I usually just kept my head down and let them say whatever but i'm tired of the shit . I just wish they would grow the fuck up were grown ass adults and I seem to be the only one who knows how to act like one" she groans making me laugh. " Immature assholes " I joke and she laughs . " Yeah honestly I thought when we all turned 20 they'd just move on but now i'm 22 and they still act like children its embarrassing honestly " she laughs making me smile. " I think they are jealous to be honest " I say and she smiles . " They have nothing to be jealous about I have no family or friends" " That is where your wrong you do have a friend" I say and she looks at me " And who might that be?" she asks smiling " Me obviously " I smile and she smiles back . " Ive never been so conformable with someone this quickly " she says in a sweet but serious tone " Me neither " I say smiling . She scoots closer and I put out my arm so she can scoot into my side . " Thank you chris " she says as she nuzzles into my side making me smile . " For what?" I ask not knowing what I did " For being a decent person . For talking to me and listening to me even though you barely know me " she says and I smile . " Of course , i'm glad we met you're ... an amazing girl ... I don't usually get close to girls mostly because of the fans and my own kind of shit but you .... it just feels right " " I completely agree it just feels easy being around you " she says back making me smile .
" What time is it " she asks me and I grab my phone to look . " Shit it's almost 5 am " I say laughing . " We've been talking for 4 hours " she asks shocked and looking at me " Yeah I guess so " I say smiling . " It felt like we've only been here for an hour at most " " Times flys when your having fun " I joke making her laugh . " I should probably head home " she sighs making me look at her .
I know I just met her but I really want to keep talking with her I really don't wan this to end I shoot the shot " You could always ... come back to mine I mean its a big house and i'm all alone I wouldn't mind the company " I say smiling " Really? " she asks smiling I nod " Okay Yeah lets do it" she says getting up .
We walk next to each other in comfortable silence I glance over at her and smile. She looks like she's deep in thought so I just stay silent.
Vienna pov-
I swear to god I have never seen someone so attractive in my life I mean Jesus fucking christ and could I have embarrassed myself even more. He caught me swimming around at night all alone like a freak I mean thats so embarrassing and then I go and fucking TRAUMA DUMP on him after like 15 minutes Jesus. I've never really been that talkative of a person , not because I don't want to be but because no ones ever really given me a chance. Ive lived here my entire life except half a year when I went to Colorado state , I loved It there and I did have a couple fiends but after my sister died and I moved I didn't hear from them . I feel like i'm just and unlovable person sometimes I mean everyone I get close to leaves me . Sadly I already know thats gonna be the case with Chris since he will only be here for a month , I am scared to get too close but he's just... so nice and he made me feel more seen in the span of 4 hours than I have my entire life . So here I am on my way back to his house and yeah I'm nervous but if I were to have said no id be missing out on having someone to talk to and laugh with and just a guy who makes me feel happy when I haven't in a while , even if it is just for this month I won't let this chance at a good relationship pass.
Chris's pov-
We reach the road and I look down at her and she looks up and smiles , god her smile is adorable . " come on it this way" I say leading her to the right back to my house. She follows and walks by my side and I don't know why but I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me . I feel so comfortable around her, again its a weird feeling , but i'm happy and content so why would I freak out about it . we get up the slight hill and walk up the driveway to the door . I put in the code and let her go in first.
" mm its so cozy in here" she says and I agree " I know right I like it here its very quiet too " " It is but that could be scary when you're alone" " Oh trust me it is" I say and she laughs. " Are you hungry thirsty anything?" I ask her as I make my way to the kitchen to grab something to drink . " Kind thirsty actually yeah" she says and I nod . "I got water, lemonade , Pepsi , Dr Pepper any of those sound good?" I ask and she thinks for a second . " Dr.pepper please , thank you" she says and I smile handing one to her " no problem" .
" Sooo what should we do ?" she asks smiling at me as she sits on the kitchen island. "Mmm I don't know we could watch a movie or uhh we could chill in the hotter for a bit " I say and she smiles " I wouldn't mind chillin in the hot tub" she says smiling . " Alright let me change into some shorts real quick then ill get it started up" I say as I jog up the stairs.
Vienna pov-
I step outside onto the porch walking to the railing looking out into the darkness , I find the dark calming while most people find it scary I find it to be the opposite. I've always been someone who likes the night more than the day . I love the way the moon has different fazes and how the stars shine but also because I feel most myself at night , my mom had a nickname for me as a baby "Me pequeña luna" my little moon , She used to tell me I liked sleeping all day and staying up at night which is why she called me her little moon . She passed away when I was about 11 years old it was hard but I got through it . When I was a teenager my older sister played the mother roll a lot telling me all about what I needed to know from how my body would change to sex to other things a mom would say to protect her child , I loved my sister like no one else but I think life took a toll on her and thats why she left me here alone . I don't hate her for it in some ways I understand why she did it but I wish I had been able to help or stop her from making the decision to end it all but I was too late by the time I realized she was struggling she was already gone . My dad passed of natural causes maybe a broken heart or age but at least he passed peacefully .
All these things are the reason why I live my life the way I do , I take adventures and I live how I want . I've never been one to follow trends or go with the flow of others around me , in this small town people like to say i'm the "weird girl " or " The freak" because I don't look and dress like everyone else or I don't speak or act the way they "expect" the young woman here too but fuck em i'm happy and thats all that matters.
My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the sliding door open and I turn to see Chris , fuck he really is perfect. I try not to drool as I look over his lean body and his cut v line .
"Hey I brought down a speaker so we can listen to music while we're out here" he says and I snap my eyes up to his face and smile . "Sounds good to me" I answer and he smiles. I watch as he walks to the hot tub turning it on and setting the heat and lights to how he wants them to be. He looks at me smiling and motioning me to come over . I walk over to him smiling . " Ladies first " he says as he gives me a hand getting into the tub making me laugh a bit.
He climbs in after me sitting pretty close making me smile to myself , I just met him and i'm already so into him , Maybe because I don't get much male attention or affection on a normal bases and i'm touch deprived as fuck but he's just so sweet .
" Here you can queue up whatever sings you want " he says handing me his phone and turning on the speaker " you sure I don't know if you'll like my music taste " " Im sure I will" he says and I shake my head "Okayyy" I say as I queue up a couple songs
~ Claire de lune- claude debussy, Jacob and the stone- Emile mosseri, Champagne coast- blood orange, In the air tonight- Phil collins, ALIEN FLAME- shometyle, Holier- crosses, sex on fire- kings of lion and when i'm small- phantogram.
The first song starts to play and I nervously wait for him to say something
he smiles " Im not a classical guy but its a nice song" he says and I smile and laugh " Yeah I didn't think you'd be into classical but this is one of my favorite songs so" he smiles and leans his head back looking up at the sky.
" The stars are bright tonight " he says and I look up to setting into my spot " They really are " I say smiling tracing the Lyra constellation . "You see the stars in a line and kind of coming together into a misshapen square?" I ask him as I point to the area i'm looking at . "Ummm oh yeah I see it " he says and I smile . " Thats the Lyra constellation " I say smiling " oh wow I didn't know that I mean to be fair the only one I really know is the Big Dipper" he says laughing I giggle " Yeah thats the one most people know ... my mom taught me about astrology when I was young and I got really into it when she got sick and wed talk about it when she was in the hospital" I explain to him as he nods along , he's a very attentive listener . " Mmm a way to stay close to her ?" he asks smiling " Yeah it kept us connected , she loved to talk about the stars and after she passed I just kept up with it because every time I look at the stars I feel like she's with me " I say smiling as I try and keep myself from tearing up. " Thats really sweet " she says as he looks at me with an adoring look that makes me smile .
"So you and your family are you close ?" I ask him wanting to stop babying on about myself . " Yeah were really close I love my family more than anything , i'm closest with my triplet brother for obvious reasons but my mom is the sweetest woman I love her to death and my dad is great he's really funny and my older brother is cool as fuck , he doesn't have the same dad as me , Matt and Nick but its never really felt like he isn't a full sibling he's been there all our lives you know what I mean" he speaks so sweetly of his family I almost want to cry . " I completely get it ,your family sounds lovely " " They are great I think my mom would absolutely love you and you would definitely get along with nick " he says making me smile that he's even thinking about how specific family members would like me . " So being a triplet is obviously special , are you all pretty alike or are you complete opposites?" I ask obviously intrigued since i've never seen or met twins let alone triplets. " Honestly were all different in our own ways , nick is gay which is one thing that makes him different from me and Matt but he's probably the most out going one of all of us he always been the one to just do his own thing , me and Matt though we're pretty similar we played all the same sports growing up and always had the same friends , like the same music except Matt has some music he likes that I down like as much he's also the most calm and quiet one he likes to just keep to himself most of the time , he's pretty much always been that way " he answers my question perfectly as I listen giving him my full attention . " Thats great though you know you all have things that make you individuals " I say smiling . "Yeah it's great for us all to have our own interests, I mean when we were kids we did everything together so now that were older its nice to be our own selves and do things separately " he explains and I nod . " What about you and your sister were you pretty similar?" he asks and I try to keep my smile " Yeah I guess I mean she was 5 years older than me so you know we had our differences just because of the age gap but I learned a lot from her , I got my music taste from all the countless drives we'd take together , she loved to go on late night walks and swims in the lake ... thats actually why I was there tonight her birthday was yesterday and I wanted to do something to remember her and why not do something we loved to do together . She loved saving memories too she loved photography and taking videos which is now something I love since she taught me when we were younger , I was always the louder more outgoing one and she was the calm and quiet type and I think thats why we got along so well " " What do you like to do you know like hobbys and stuff?" he asks me and I think about it for a second " Well I play guitar and keyboard and I sing sometimes , i'm more creative and artsy I guess I also love to tech and paint I just picked up trying to do tattoos , its pretty hard not gonna lie but its fun to see what I can design and create " I say and he smiles really big " Thats actually really cool I actually have a clothing brand of my own .... maybe you could tech some new ideas for me " he says and I smile " Really?" I ask smiling "Yeah i've been reading to create some more design for a new drop maybe you can help me with that while i'm here " I nod and smile widely " I'd love too , so what's the band called ?" I ask ." fresh love " he answers " Ohh I like that " I say and he smiles " Thank you Matt helped me name it but I like to take the credit most of the time" he says and I laugh .
" Im kind of getting hot out here wanna go back inside and dry off . I can give you some clothes to change into " he says and I nod " Yeah sounds good ... do you mind if take a quick shower I have lake water all in my hair ?" I ask and he smiles " Yeah of course " he says and I thank him as we head inside . " The bathroom is up the stairs and its the first door to the left ... i'll bring you some clothes once you're out . I would bring them in while you shower but I'd fully see you with the way the shower is built " she says laughing . " Okay no problem ,thank you " I say as I make my way up the stairs . I walk into the large bathroom and head to the shower , I spend a hot minute trying to figure out how to turn on the shower but fail horribly . So embarrassingly I call out to Chris for help "HEY CHRIS UMM HOW THE FUCK DO YOU TURN THE SHOWER ON" I ask . I hear foot steps approach and the door open " Sorry I forgot its kind of hard to turn on " he says smiling as he walks over and turns it on for me " ahh thats how you do it " I say laughing . " Just push it back in to turn it off and if you want it hotter or colder tap it left for hot and right for cold " he explain showing me " Great thank you " " No problem and I set a towel on the sink for you " " Thank you" " Yep no problem " he says as he walks out shutting the door behind him .
I take off my wet bikini and step under the water it was a little to cold for me so I turn it hotter but I tapped it a couple too many time making it so hot it stung and I yelped . "YOU OKAY? " I hear "hris yell from outside the door "YEAH JUST TURNED IT A BUT TOO HOT SORRY " "YOU'RE GOOD JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU DIDN'T FALL OR SOMETHING " "NOPE ALL GOOD THANK YOU FOR CHECKING THOUGH " " NO PROBLEM"
I use some of the soap lathering my body in it smelling fully like a man . I get lost in my thought as the water rains down on me
Chris's pov-
I cant help but like her after the deep conversations we've had tonight , she listens so well it's like you could be in a room full of people but if your talking she'd make you feel like you're the most important one there . She is so sweet and she's been through so much I mean her mom , dad and sister have all died , I cant imagine going through all of that and still being and happy and sweet as she is . She's the most beautiful girl i've ever met inside and out and don't get me wrong there are plenty of beautiful girls in LA but none of them have the personality to match it . She is just authentic in herself and I can tell she doesn't care what others think of her and I love that about her .
I may have just met her but I feel like i've known her my whole life . I wish I had known her my whole life to be honest . I know its crazy that after meeting a girl I invited her back with me to stay the night but I feel safe with her . She had no idea who I was or that I was a YouTube or a triplet which adds to the many reasons I felt safe enough to invite her back with me .
I have no intention of making moves on her tonight I simply just like her company and why would I choose to be all alone when I can have her here with me . Now don't get me wrong gif she were to want to do something I wouldn't turn it down but i'm choosing to keep it respectful and friendly until she shows sign of wanting more .
Viennas pov-
I like Chris a lot I mean he's sweet , attractive , has a good relationship with his family he has goals and hobbys and he's been respectful the entire time we've been together , Most guys would have tried something sexual already but he's not most guys I can tell he's different . Im not saying I wouldn't do anything with him because trust me ... I would without a doubt but until he shows signs of wanting that i'm going to keep my cool .
I turn the water off and step out walking to the counter and wrapping myself in the towel and open the door looking around for any signs of him but see or hear nothing " CHRIS ..." " IN HERE , DOOR ALL THE WAY DOWN THE WALL " he calls out and I make my way towards where his voice came from . I open the door to see him laying on the bed shirtless and in grey sweatpants , I could drop dead right now from how hot he looks . He looks up at me as his eyes trail down my body making me nervous " shit sorry let me grab you those clothes I got distracted testing my bothers " he says getting up and walking to the closet " Oh you're good " I say . He walks back out handing me a sweatshirt and some boxers " Thank you " I say as I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to turn around or something so I can change . " Oh sorry i'll turn around " he says as he covers his eyes and turns around . I get changed and use the towel to get my hair a little dry " Okay you can turn around " I tell him and he does smiling down at me and he looks me up and down " That sweatshirt looks good on you " he smirks at me and I giggle "Thank you not gonna lie though I struggled to get these boxers over my ass " I say and he laughs " Well is that supposed to be a bad thing? " he asks making me roll my eyes playfully " Oh shut up " " I mean hey i'm just saying " he says putting his hands up making me laugh and smack his chest .
" SO you wanna watch a movie or are you tired ?" he asks as he goes to sit on the bed . " Mmm i'm not to tired so i'm down to watch a movie I say as I go to sit on the other side of the bed and he turns the tv on going to Netflix and starts screeching through movies .
" Oooh lets watch that one " I say as the clicker lands on insidious . "you like horror movies?" he asks as he looks at me and I nod " Love em " I answer smiling widely . " Fine you're lucky I like you " he says making me laugh " What you don't like horror movies ?" I ask smiling " Not really they creep me out but ill watch it for you" he says smiling and looking over at me and I return the smile.
We start the movie and I can hear his heavy breathing making me smile at how cute it is that he's scared . The movie gets to a part where there's a jump scare and he jumps so hard the bed moves and I laugh hysterically . " Oh shut the fuck up it's not that funny " he groans but starts laughing not being able to stay serious . " It was actually very funny " I say and I look at him . "Come closer " he says as he holds up his arm for me to scooch in right next to him . I lay my head on his warm chest , he lays one arm behind my head and onto my shoulder as his other one wraps to my waist pulling me closer . I feel so comfortable in his arms maybe even... safe which is a feeling I haven't had in a very long time. He lays his head on mine making me smile and snuggle in as close as possible as I drape an arm over his chest .
After a couple more jump scares Chris told me to turn the movie off saying and I quote " Im not scared or anything the movie just sucks" ending with an scoff as he looked away when the demon in the movie popped up so I turned it off as I giggled at how scared he obviously was . " So what should we watch instead then ... maybe my little pony" I say with a small laugh making him roll his eyes " Oh shut up just put something not scary on I don't care " he says smiling so I choose divergent instead one of my favorite movies .
We both enjoy the movie having small side conversations during it talking about how we both would want to be dauntless if the movie was real life or how cool the tattoo machines in the movie were . It's nice to share thoughts with someone and find common interests we have I haven't had that in a long time . Chris is like a breathe of fresh air after the past couple of years i've had ... I keep trying to forget the fact he's only here for a little while and I shouldn't get attached but it seems i've already failed at that.
Chris's pov-
I cant help but look down at Vienna as she watches the movie with the biggest smile . She is so effortlessly beautiful , i've just now understood what people mean when they say looks aren't everything . She is absolutely gorgeous but her personality is even more beautiful . Ive never met someone who i've just clicked with so quickly i'm still in shock at how much this friendship ... I mean whatever this relationship is has grown in only a couple hours . She's snuggles in so close to me and I find it adorable she looks so innocent and peaceful right now and I cant help but smile as I admire her. She has freckles all over her cheeks which i'm only now noticing , they make her even more beautiful.
The movie just ended and she looks at me smiling and I smile back. "So you tired or ...?" she asks as she maintains eye contact . " Not really no ... I am kinda hungry though" I say and she nods . " Yeah me to ... late night snack time?" she asks smiling and sitting up . " Yep " I say as I get up and walk to the door her following behind . We make it into the kitchen and I grab some chips for us and a water and one for her too. " Let's chill on the couch " I say as I start walking to the living room . " Its so pretty outside at night here" she says as she looks out of the large windows . " It really is dark as fuck though" I say and she nods " I know it gets so dark with all the woods around its kind of creepy but I love it" she says making me shake my head and chuckle " Its even more beautiful here in winter ugh it snows so much which honestly kind of sucks when I need to go places but its so pretty watching the snow fall and cover the trees " she says smiling and closing her eyes as if she's picturing it in her head " I love snow ... it snows a good amount in Massachusetts and it gets pretty fucking cold " I say and she looks at me smiling " I bet the snowball fights were crazy with you and your brothers " she says making me smile and nod " Oh yeah we went crazy as kids always out sledding or just running around in the snow " I say as I picture the memories playing out in my mind. " mmmm me and my sister would ride our horses through the trails on the land my house is on its was cold but it was so beautiful " she says smiling . " You have horses ?" I ask as I shove chips into my mouth " We used too yeah . We had a small little barn and had about 5 , my dad bought them when we were young . We would all ride together and we used to do little group trails rides for people but when he passed it was too much upkeep and money so I had to sell them " she says looking sad " Damn i'm sorry that sounds fun though " I say and she smiles and takes a sip of her water " It was ... some of my best memories were from rides as a kid ... one time oh my god * she laughs * so one time I think I was maybe 12 me and my dad were riding through the big field that led to the trails and a whole family of deer came out of nowhere running and my horse flipped out and took off oh god I don't think i've ever heard onto something so hard in my life . I was screaming which made the situation worse but seeing my dad chase after me was the funniest thing ever " she says as she laughs at the story making me laugh with her .
we sit and talk about funny memories from when we were kids for almost two hours . We finished the bag of chips and decided we should definitely get to sleep .
I lay down on my side of the bed getting comfortable " Hey is i'm kind of a hot sleeper so ... is it okay if I take off the sweats?" she asks seeming a bit nervous. " Of course get as comfortable as you need " I say smiling . " Okay I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable " she says smiling " Trust me you could strip naked right now and I would be everything but uncomfortable " I say laughing but instantly regret letting that slip out of my mouth " Well then ... good to know " she says laughing and I shake my head " I don't know why I said that" I say running my hands down my face " Its fine i'm not upset by it " she answers with a giggle . She slowly slides the sweat shirt I gave her off and I know I should look away but I cant ... my mouth drops when I remember she had nothing on underneath it . " Oh shit I forgot I had nothing on under it " she says as her face gets red and she turns away from me . " Vienna -" I start but she interrupts " No no thats so awkward i'm sorry I genuinely thought for some reason I had something on underneath" She rushes out as I see her arms move over her bare chest to cover it . " Vienna you don't have to apologize " I say as I stand up and walk to stand behind her as I lower my head to her ear " And you definitely do not need to hide from me " I whisper as my hands move to her arms sliding them off of her beautiful body. I don't know where this confidence has come from but i'm just letting it happen and she doesn't protest so thats a good sign .
She leans back into my chest with a sigh as my hands move from her arms to her stomach slowly inching my way back up to her chest . She whimpers quietly making me smile . " Chris I ... I haven't done things with a guy in a very long time " she says quietly as she turns to face me looking down at the ground . I move my hand to cup her face and make her look at me and she does " Its okay we don't have to " I say smiling at her and she smiles back shaking her head " No I want to I just ... I just don't want you to be disappointed with my ... inexperience I guess I don't know " she whispers biting her lip nervously making me smirk . " I won't be disappointed we'll work it out as we go okay " I say before I lean down and place a kiss on her head .
Viennas pov -
I nod as I look up at Chris nervously waiting for what is about to happen . Ive had sex before not with many but when I was with my ex boyfriends sex was definitely a main factor in the relationship. I don't know what Chris is into but i'm intrigued to find out .
He grabs me by the throat pulling me into him settling his lips on mine in a sloppy kiss. He squeezes my throat making me gasp and moan into the kiss making him smirk . He turns us and backs me up until I fall onto the bad .
He pulls his shirt over his head as I pull myself up and rest on my elbows watching him in awe. He comes back down kissing me then slowly moving down my neck. My breathing picks up when he kisses a spot that makes my pussy pulse and a whimper to escape my mouth. " Yeah that feel good" he whispers in a gravely voice making me clench my thighs around his waist and nod. " Use your words " he orders and I moan as he bites the spot on my neck. " Y-yes it feels good" I whine as I move my hands to his head running my fingers through his hair. He kisses down the valley of my breasts then taking one of my nipples in his mouth making me whine and arch into him . He pulls it through his teeth making a pain spread through my chest but it feels good at the same time making me whimper and squirm . He moves further down slowly sliding my bottoms off . He kisses my inner thighs making me whine " Chris p-please" " Please what tell me what you want " he whispers in a raspy voice and my face heats up out of embarrassment. " I need you please Chris .... stop teasing" I whine and he dives into my pussy making me gasp. Ive never had head that actually felt good or even felt like anything at all but this OH FUCK this was good. " Chris oh my g-god" I gasp and whine as I grip onto his hair tightly making him groan into me. He sucks ,licks and bites in all the perfect spots to have my legs trembling and my orgasm rushing in faster than i'd expected . " F-fuck c-chris im gonna cum" I moan as my legs tremble harder and my back arches . " uh uh not until you beg me for it " he says grabbing onto my shaking thighs holding them open with a harsh grip . " W-what?" I squeak out of shock but also pain of trying to hold my orgasm back . " You heard me Vienna. Now let me hear how pretty you sound begging " he grits out before going back in sucking even harder making me cry out " Fuck fuck Chris please please can I cum " I whimper out as the pain starts to become too much and I don't think I can hold it anymore . " Louder" he orders and I feel tears start to stream down my face " PLEASE PLEASE UHH PLEASE CAN I CUM" I scream out as I gasping and my grip gets even tighter on his hair . " Yeah you can cum" he says and I immediately fall over the edge . My entire body feels like it ignites into flames as I shake and twitch . " Good girl thats it " chris says as he uses his thumb to help me through my orgasm . I collapses back onto the bad and my hands slide out of his hear as I catch my breathe . " Did so good for me" he says as he positions himself over me . I look up at him and wait for what he's going to do next.
His hand slides over my cheek wiping away the tears . He slowly slides his boxers down and I watch as his dick pops out . Fuck there is no way thats fitting in me I think as I slowly panic . " Chris your... huge I don't think it'll fit" I say as I look back into his eyes with a worried look on my face . " Ill make it fucking fit " he rasps as he lines his tip with my entrance . I take in a breathe as he slowly slides the tip in and I groan from the stretch . " F-fuck your so tight" he groans as he slowly slides into me more . I try and breathe through the pain but Jesus Christ he's he stretching me out so much I feel like I could tear in half . " ahh chris I cant " I whimper as I place my hand on his chest trying to push him away. " Yes you can, I know you can " he says as he snaps his hips forcing his entire length into me . I scream as the pain only got worse now that he's all the way in . He slowly starts thrusting in and out and I breathe harshly as the pain slowly but surely fades away and i'm overtaken by full pleasure.
"Fuck your s-so deep" I whine as he starts thrusting harder and faster . His tip hits my g-spot with every thrust and I can help the moans , whines and screams he pulling out of me right now . " CHRIS OH MY -F-FUCK " I scream as I feel myself squirt around him making him groan " Fuck thats so hot" he groans as he starts pounding into me so hard I cant even think anymore. " Taking me so well . My good fucking girl " he groans as he places a hand around my neck making me moan loudly . He pulls out of me and flips me over so i'm laying flat on my stomach . He easily slides back into me from how soaked I am for him . The new angles he hits in this position have me seeing stars . He's fucked me dumb already, I can barley think let alone speak right now. The only thing I can do is whimper and let out raspy loud moans and he hits so deep in me my legs are trembling and I feel another orgasm coming in quickly . " You gonna cum for me again I can feel you clenching around me" he groans into my ear . I nod and cry out as I orgasm for the third time . Im shaking beneath him as I gasp and whine from how overstimulated i'm becoming .
" C-cant take it " I gasp out as I try and get away from him but he flips me over quickly and puts my legs on his shoulders then starts pounding into me deeper and harder than before making me scream . " Doing so good such a good little slut f'me" he groans as his rhythm starts to falter and get sloppy . Im whining and twitching as he hits deep making me feel like i'm going to squirt again . " F-fuck i'm gonna s-squirt" I gasp to as I feel the pressure building . " Go ahead baby give it to me" he groans and I feel my juices squirt out of me all over him and the bed below me . " Fuuck gonna let me fill you up?" he asks and I look at him nodding . " Fucking god " he groans as his hips falter and his cum fills my pussy making me moan . " so fucking good for me " he whispers and he drops my shaking legs from his shoulder and pulls out flopping down next to me . We're both breathing hard as we lay still . " That was the best sex i've ever had" he says as he pulls me into him . I nod and agree as I still try to fully catch my breathe.
"Lets go get cleaned up them go to bed" he says as he helps me get up . We shower off all the sweat and juices then get back in bed .
" Im so glad I met you" he says as he runs his fingers through my hair . I smile and look up at him " Me too ... I haven't felt this good in a long time " I say and he smiles at me " God I don't know how i'm going to leave at the end of the month " he groans as he holds me tighter. " Let's not worry about that right now ... let's just spend all the time we can together " I say as I softly rub his chest.
Through the course of the time we had before he left we went on cute picnics , swam in the lake , took late night drives to listen to music , face-timed his brothers who i've groan to love over this short amount of time , took walks around town , captured all the stupid but fun things we did , had movie nights , late night hot tub sessions , lots and loooots of amazing sex . Over all meeting Chris has been the best thing thats happened to me in a long time . It hurts to think about the fact he's leaving Tommorrow . Ive tried so hard to try and ignore the fact he'd have to leave me at some point I just wish it wasn't so soon.
We just got to the airport and he's getting his bags out of my trunk. I watch him as I feel the tears start to well in my eyes , i've tried my best to keep my emotions at bay but it just really hit me he's leaving and I don't know when i'll see him again. He look at me with a sad smile as he sees the tears that are spilling down my cheeks . " Come here " he says and I immediately hit him like my life depends on it . He smokes my hair as he soothes me with sweet words " trust me I don't want to leave but I have too " he says and I can hear him choke up a bit . " I- im just gonna miss you so much ... your my favorite person " I cry into his chest as he rubs my back and holds me tight " I know baby I know . Im gonna miss you so much but were gonna call and text and FaceTime any chance we get " he whispers and I nod " I know I just ugh i'm gonna miss having you with me " I sigh as I look up at him and sniffle " I know i'm gonna miss having you in my bed every night and seeing your face every morning but ill be back soon " he says sweetly as he cups my face " You promise?" I ask in a high pitched voice . " I promise and hey matt said he'd love to come here during fall which isn't to far away so you'll get to meet him and nick" he says smiling excitedly " Id love nothing more" I say as I smile .
I watch as he walks away to tsa and I jog back to my car as the tears stream down my face . I don't know how i'm going to function alone again now that I finally got taste of being happy and with someone every day for an entire month .
*cut to fall *
Chris matt and nick just landed and i'm waiting for them by the door excited to finally see Chris again . The second I see them round the corner my heart drops to my stomach , I want run and jump on his but I know he'd hate it so I stand and wait impatiently .
He drops his bags and wraps me in a tight hug lifting me off my feet making me giggle . " I missed you so much" he says making me smile " I missed you more" I says smiling holding his gaze until I break it to give matt and nick hugs . " Im so happy you guys came " I say excited as I lead them to my car.
I told them they could just stay at my house since its pretty fucking big and i'm the only one who lives in it . There is not point in them waisting money on a place to stay .
" So we were thinking of doing a little hike and maybe logging a bit does that sound good to you?" nick asks me as we all eat breakfast "Yeah of course i'm down for whatever" I reply smiling at him then leaning my head on Chris's shoulder .
Its been great having them here for a 2 weeks we all get along so well . Me and Chris have spent every night in bed talking and planning our future . We all spent halloween together , we dressed up and took pictures then watched all our favorite halloween movies .
They flew me down to Boston for Christmas and I met Chris's parents , they are the sweetest people ever. His mom Mary Lou made me feel so loved which is something I miss . The feeling of motherly love is something I've craved for a very long time and now meeting Chris and his family i've felt nothing but unconditional love from all of them .
*4 years later*
Chris proposed to me 2 years ago and i've never been so happy . Our wedding was everything i've dreamed of . I moved to la with him since it made the most sense for me to move instead of him . I still have my family home in Wisconsin which is now what we like to call our vacation home .
We've starting to try for kids and we've never been so happy .
I thank god even day that he brought Chris into my life all those years ago . Honestly i'm not sure id be here if it wasn't for him coming in and completely sweeping me off my feet .
I Cant wait for what the future holds and I dread the day when well no longer be on this earth together but until that day ... I'll cherish the man that saved me .
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thatesqcrush · 2 years
Staycation: Spooky Edition
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A very very late Kinktober piece. Rafael x f Reader (established relationship). WC: 5Kish. CW: this got away from me - there is some very rough sex, some dom/sub dynamics, language, impact play (being smacked and spanked), some degradation talk, oral (m receiving).
AN: big thanks to @beccabarba for help & encouragement.
The wind howled fiercely and the sky was an eerie green, a sign of an impending storm. You pulled over and put your car into park. You got out of the car and covered your eyes with your hand as you gazed upon the house ahead of you. It was massive, almost looming before you.
The house was advertised as Victorian and it certainly was, with its red brick, steeply pitched roof, gables and round towers and turrets to draw the eye upward. There was a wraparound porch likely intended to give the home a cozier feel, but overall the house gave off a sinister vibe. It was as if the house watched you back.
Your phone pinged and you were quick to check who it was. It was your boyfriend and he was on his way by train and would meet you later that evening at the house.
You quickly texted him back before grabbing your luggage and making your way up the winding path to the house that would be your home for the weekend.
Your boyfriend was one of the top prosecutors in all of Manhattan. Getting time off was rare but this weekend had been locked away months ago. Rather than spend time at a quaint B&B on the beach, you both decided to make the most of upstate New York in the fall with the ever changing colorful leaves and crisp air. You had found the house on AirBnB and it seemed to be a much more appropriate choice.
You knew from a message from the owner, there was a key under a rock. Sure enough you found the key and unlocked the door. The door was heavy, and opened with a creak. The interior design was ornate and eccentric. On the entryway table was a thick binder with the word ‘welcome’ plastered on it. There was a grand staircase and high ceilings. The house was furnished with hardwood floors, dark wood furniture and decorative wallpaper, multiple fireplaces, a formal dining room, a parlor and even a library.
You settled in quickly, spending the majority of the time poring through the thick binder, which gave a detailed history of the home. You also learned that the home was accompanied with a tragic love story –
In 1837, a man of considerable wealth by the name of William Axtell had this home built for his fiancee. His fiancee was educated, graceful and beautiful, but she was not the one Axtell loved — alas, he was in love with her sister, Alva. He simply couldn’t bear to be without her, and so he did what any man would do: built a secret chamber in his house and hid her away in there. Only one other person knew about Alva: a maid who took care of her and brought her food. Alva would wait all day until William could slip away, and then he’d visit her upstairs in their secret sex chamber. One day, when William was away on an extended business trip, the maid died. There was no one to bring Alva food or drink, and so she starved to death. Let that be a lesson to you if you’ve secreted an illicit love away in a clandestine sex chamber: have some kind of food distribution buddy system in place. You know, like how you don’t go swimming alone.
There was a blueprint of the home which notated where the secret chamber was and pictures of William, his fiancee and Alva.
As you traced the photos, a chill went up your spine. While you didn’t believe in the paranormal, you weren’t completely dismissive of the chill. You warily closed the binder. In that moment, your phone began to buzz causing you to jump. It was Rafael again. You saw the curtain of the window move and realized your chill must have just been the wind from outside. You let out a small laugh at yourself for getting worked up over nothing.
After speaking with Rafael, you finished unpacking before going to the neighboring town for groceries. You had planned on making a romantic dinner for when Rafael arrived. You loaded up on groceries and bottles of wine and made small talk with the cashier as you were rung up.
By the time you got back, Rafael had already arrived. He had settled in as well, having changed from his suit (as he had court that morning) into dark blue jeans, a maroon marled knit sweater. His hair had grayed considerably and was slicked back in a perfect coif. He had grown out his beard a bit, but it was still neat. His cologne was a combination that was equal parts earthy, peppery and citrusy.
“You made it!” You exclaimed as you walked in. Rafael pressed a kiss to your lips and then offered his hands to take the groceries from you.
“This place is incredible,” Rafael replied as he followed you through the house. You nodded excitedly.
“Right? It’s beautiful and there are so many rooms and halls to get lost in. I definitely want to check out the library. Though, when I first arrived, it gave me —“
“A spooky vibe?” Rafael interjected. He rummaged for a wine opener, winking when he found one. You reached for the wine glasses and quickly rinsed and dried them. Rafael set the opened wine aside to let it breathe.
Rafael wrapped his arms around your waist. “Yeah, I got the same vibe. You’re not scared are you?”
You ran your fingertips under the hem of Rafael’s sweater, letting out a little hum as his muscles twitched beneath your touch. Rafael pulled you even closer, lifting your chin with the crook of his index finger. His green eyes twinkled and you felt yourself grow warm. “Not at all. I’ve got my big strong boyfriend from the Bronx to keep me safe.”
It had started to rain.
Raindrops pelted hard and the exterior board and batten shutters swung wildly, pounding against the house. You and Rafael ran around the house shutting them and making certain the doors were bolted.
The two of you settled in the living room, sitting in front of the fireplace. The fire crackled and popped. Rafael between your legs and leaned back against you. He turned the page of his worn copy of Jekyll and Hyde, and continued to read out loud. You closed your eyes, letting the timbre of his voice envelope you as you played with his hair, massaging his scalp in process.
Suddenly everything went dark.
"Guess it was bound to happen sooner or later," Rafael remarked. Carefully you both stood and you each turned on the flashlights on your cell phones to look around.
You looked at Rafael. “The binder said that the fuse box was downstairs in the basement.”
Rafael sighed. “I guess I’ll be going down to the basement.”
“I’ll go,” you volunteered. “Stay up here and text me if the lights come back on.”
All Rafael could hear was the sound of the storm pushing through. He tried to check on the duration of the storm but his phone was loading slowly.
There was a flicker and then the lights came back on. Rafael sighed in relief and texted you that the lights were back. He anticipated the sound of your footsteps bounding up the stairs but nothing came.
Rafael waited a few more minutes, ignoring the knot of worry that was beginning to brew. He texted you once more and called your name.
Again nothing.
Fear pricked at Rafael. It wasn’t like you to not be responsive. He made his way down the basement, his heart thudding in his chest and his palms beginning to sweat. He called for you but was answered in silence. He crept quietly, but the floor still creaked with every step. His pulse pounded in his ears.
Rafael had been a prosecutor for far too long. His mind was racing in all the ways you could have been possibly kidnapped or murdered. He was all set to call Olivia when something caught his eye.
At the end of the hall, a bookcase was turned vertically, revealing a partially opened door. Rafael walked toward it, even though all his horror movie training screamed at him to not to. He called your name once more as he fully opened the door.
The oxblood-hued room was packed with recherché items that wouldn't look out of place in a grand gentlemen's club, including a posh Chesterfield chair, vintage ship model and antique carriage clock. There was a plush bed with bedding that could be described as sumptuous.
Rafael recalled the story of William and Alva that you told him over dinner. It dawned on him that this room was the secret chamber. He walked in cautiously and carefully, scanning the room. There was a knot in his stomach, and he felt tense all over.
He had the sense he was not the only one in the room. When he turned around, he was met with you shouting “Boo!” in his face.
Rafael let out a shout, nearly jumping out of his skin. “Jesus Christ!”
You began to laugh. “I’m sorry but that was just too easy. I couldn’t help it.” You continued to laugh, so much so that you had to double over.
Rafael gave you an incredulous look. “Ha ha, really fucking funny.”
You stood up, still chuckling a bit and wiped your eyes. “Oh come on! It was just a joke! You have to admit that I got you good.”
Rafael glowered at you and took a step closer towards you. “You know, I don't like practical jokes.”
You smirked and cocked your brow, challenging. “And what are you going to do about it?”
Rafael reached for you and pulled you close to him where you were practically chest to chest. Your palms were on his chest and you could feel his heart thundering rapidly. He gripped your chin with his index and thumb. “You’ll see.”
You saw the change in his expression to something more lustful and predatory, the sensual look in his eye sending a jolt of hot anticipation through you.
You jerked your chin from his grip but barely had a chance to look away as he gripped your cheeks, squeezing but not too tightly.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you. Do I look like I am playing a fucking game?” Rafael all but growled, his green eyes burning with desire. You shook your head in response. Your pulse began to quicken and arousal stoked your core. “For the rest of the time we are here, you will answer me as sir.”
His gaze darkened as he ran his fingers softly along your jawline, holding your chin so your eyes met his. When his fingers flattened out against your cheek, you had an inkling as to what was coming. Still, when the sharp smack landed against your skin, you jumped slightly. The sting bloomed into heat. Rafael knew what that did to you, and you didn't miss his little smirk as he did it again, slightly harder, pricking your skin, watching your reaction. He put a fingertip beneath your chin.
“What did you say?” Rafael prodded, his brow cocked.
“Yes sir.” You breathed.
“Good girl,” Rafael murmured. He then kissed you hard, all teeth and tongue. His hand was tight in your hair, pulling your head back so he could kiss and suck along your neck. His teeth grazed sharply against your skin, causing you to groan in response to the pricks of pain. A dark mark bloomed easily and he ran his tongue over it, soothing the area. He again nipped up your jawline before kissing you once more, the kiss more soft than before, but still full of passion. His tongue licked hotly in your mouth. You could feel his cock, hard against your body. Your were certain you were already dripping and your nerves were buzzing, erotically charged.
“Strip. And get on the bed,” Rafael all but growled.
You looked at the bed and then around the room. You also were certain that the room was haunted as fuck, but you did not want to bring it up lest it change the mood.
“Did I fucking stutter?” Rafael snapped, bringing your focus back to him.
“No sir!” You yanked your shirt off and then sat on the bed to remove your shoes. This was then followed by your pants and undergarments. You laid prostrate on the bed, eagerly anticipating Rafael’s next move.
Rafael stood at the foot of the bed and placed his hands on his hips, his green eyes narrowing at you a little as took in the sight of your naked form. He began to undress himself. Buttons were undone nimbly and quickly, followed by his shoes and remainder of his clothes. He jacked himself languidly, casually spitting into his palm.
The bed creaked under his weight and you felt him move behind you. His large hands ghosted your skin, feeling the knobs of your spine. When he got to your ass, he squeezed your flesh, before laying a hard spank on your ass. You let out a small moan, which garnered another spank, this time harder than before. Rafael sat on his haunches, spreading your ass cheeks apart. Nothing major had even happened yet and he already knew you were dripping.
Rafael sucked on two of his fingers, using his own saliva to lubricate them. The tips of his fingers ghosted over your puckered rosebud before shoving his fingers inside of you. Your startled gasp turned into a breathy moan as he coated them in your wetness before pulling them out to spread it over your pussy, and then shoving them back in, fingering you roughly. His other hand landed sharply on your ass giving you another spank.
“A mess,” Rafael growled. “I can fucking smell how needy you are.” The pace of his fingers increase and the wet sounds of your arousal are evident in the quiet room. “Tonight is about me. Your one job is to make me happy.”
“Yes sir,” you gasped in reply, your hips moving in their own accord to match the thrust of his hand.
“You’re going to pay for your stunt. You’re not going to come until I tell you to. Me entiendes?”
You were completely lost in your pleasure and his words didn’t register. When you failed to respond, he abruptly removed his fingers, causing you to cry out at the empty feeling.
Two more spanks. The skin of your ass was hot and you wondered if Rafael could see the outline of his hand. Rafael grabbed your ass cheeks and spread you apart once more. You felt his stubble, pricking your skin and then you felt the prick of his teeth once more as he bit you - first one then the other, then repeating in a pattern. The bites are followed by additional spanks. It was unrelenting, the sting of the bites and spanks caused your toes to curl. And then it was over and you felt Rafael’s tongue on your skin licking soothingly. His mouth hovered over your pussy, his breath hot. You pushed back, desperate for more.
Rafael smacked your ass once more. “No sweetheart. Your job is to make me feel good tonight. And maybe, just maybe, if you’re good enough, I will let you come.”
You nodded and Rafael’s eyes narrowed.
“Use your words,” he commanded.
“Yes, sir. Going to make you feel good,” you whimpered. Rafael smirked and nudged you to roll over. He wrapped his arm around you, and pulled you flush against him. You could feel his cock on the small of your back, hard and leaking.
His other hand smoothed up your thigh, encouraging it apart from the other one as he reached your pussy and traced his fingers through your folds. He stopped as he pressed down on your clit and drew his hand back to deliver a short, hard spank to the swelling bundle of nerves. You squealed, body jolting at the sudden impact.
“Fuck,” you muttered, biting down on your bottom lip. Rafael’s face disappeared into the crook of your neck, sucking and kissing your skin while one hand grabbed your tit, tugging and twisting your nipple. You let out a small moan in response. His other hand headed back down to your opening, fingers inside of you, pumping. You groaned, your nails digging into the meat of his thighs.
“I want to cum, sir, please,” you begged desperately.
“No,” Rafael replied sternly. “Hold it.”
“Please, please, I’ll be a good girl,” you begged again. A sharp spank landed on your pussy and you squealed.
“What did I tell you about begging me?” he growled. You felt the pad of his thumb tease your clit. “So fucking wet. I bet I could just slide my cock in and make that tight pussy take it. You’d take it, right?”
“Yes,” you hissed, your eyes screwing shut.
You felt your orgasm bubble up in your gut and you tried to ignore it but it was futile. Rafael felt you tense and he removed his fingers from you and slapped your pussy sharply once more. You let out a whimper in response.
You turned to Rafael and leaned down to kiss him. The kiss was sloppy, open mouthed, his tongue licking hotly into your mouth. You pulled away briefly and grabbed his hand to suck his finger, imitating what you wanted to do.
“Want to suck my cock?” Rafael asked. His breathing was already labored, intent on making the evening last but he was already overworked. He knew once he fucked you, it wouldn’t be long.
You nodded, humming in agreement.
“Ask me to let you.”
“Yes sir. Can I taste your cock sir?” Your eyes met his. A delicious smirk curled on his plump lips and lit up his entire face. His green eyes sparkled with mischief.
Rafael nodded and spread his legs wider to make room for you. As you positioned yourself, he gripped himself at the base. You looked up at him and he tapped his cock against your mouth. “Open.”
You follow his command and open your mouth to take his cock. He’s cut. It’s a nice fleshy pink color, but the head is a couple shades darker; when you’ve been edging him, it darkens to almost purple. There are a few visible veins, and an especially thick one that runs along the underside.
Saliva gathered in your mouth at the sight of his heavy cock. A thick line of pre-cum dripped out of his slit, dripping down until it slowed at the base. Your hand ghosted over the patch of dark curls there, sending a shiver up Rafael’s spine.
You wrapped your mouth around the head of his cock, enveloping it in your warm, wet heat. You sucked, pulling the salty liquid from him and onto your awaiting tongue, letting out a small hum. You pulled off briefly and then opened your mouth wider so you could take more of him.
Rafael petted your hair softly, enjoying watching you take his cock inch by inch, until the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. You gagged slightly, and then pulled off to catch your breath.
“Let me change position,” Rafael commented. You remained in place as he climbed off the bed and stood. He beckoned you with a finger and you quickly scrambled over. You looked up at him, batting your eyes. He tapped his cock on your lips and you opened widely.
“Relax sweetheart, open your throat,” Rafael ordered as he began to feed his cock into your mouth. You closed your eyes, breathing deeply through your nose. His hands wove into your hair and he pulled your head forward as he snapped his hips, shoving the remainder of his thick cock into your mouth and throat. His hands were firm in your hair, keeping you in place. Your eyes began to water and saliva pooled from the corners of your mouth. He withdrew and repeated again and again, holding your willing mouth flush against him, your nose buried in his salt and pepper curls.
Finally, he relented and began to thrust into your mouth, a brutal pace abusing your throat with his thick length. Tears streamed down your face, and your eye makeup was smeared. Any gloss that might have remained on your lips was now gone.
“You take my cock so well,” Rafael praised. He pushed you a bit further, your jaw ached and throbbed. “Such a dirty girl with my cock in your throat. Do you like having my cock in your throat?”
You let out a muffled response and Rafael pulled you off of him, by your hair. The pain ebbed into a tingle of pleasure.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
He watched in fascination the spit string that connected your lips to his cock pull thin before finally breaking.
He gripped your chin hard, smushing your lips together. He slapped you once more. “Answer me.”
Your cunt clenched in response to the sting.
“Yes sir, I love your cock in my mouth,” you croaked. Rafael laughed and shoved your head back onto his cock. His hands were on the sides of your head, moving your head over his cock, his hips meeting the movements. He growled as he fucked your face, testing the limits your throat could handle. But you knelt there, mouth open wide as another wave of tears streamed down your face, moaning as he pushed you past the limits of comfort, ruining you. You could feel your juices slick on your thighs and there was a growing ache in between your legs that so desperately wanted to be touched. And while your throat was sore and your jaw ached, you loved it when Rafael used you as he pleased.
“Good girl, take that cock,” Rafael grunted. He bent forward, leaning over your body so he could slip his fingers back into your pussy. Because of the position, you began to bob on his cock, using a hand for assistance. The only sounds in the room were his grunts and groans, mixed with your muffled moans and whines.
“I’m going to cum if we keep this up” Rafael groaned and he withdrew from your mouth and pussy. You watched him as he sucked his fingers clean of your pussy juice. He let out a hum of satisfaction. Your eyes went down to his cock, it stuck out with a slight curve. Cum leaked easily now.
Rafael watched you and he smirked. “Is there something you want?”
“Yes sir.” You replied. Without prompting, you elaborated. “I want your cock sir.”
“I didn’t hear you say please.”
“Please sir.”
“Turn around,” Rafael commanded. You acquiesced to his request, turning around so you were on all fours.
Rafael wasted no time. The bed dipped with his weight and spread your cheeks once more. “Look at that pretty pussy. And it’s mine.”
He thrusted in himself inside of you, burying himself to the hilt. His pelvis was snug against the curve of your ass. He waited a minute, letting you adjust. He saw you nod and he began to move. He started slowly at first but steadily picked up speed. His balls are hefty and you can feel the weight of them slap against your pussy. He held on to your hips steadily, driving your ass lower into the bed until your legs buckled and you landed on the bed, ass up, torso down, face into the mattress.
The pace was brutal as he fucked you hard and deep. His fingers dug into your hips and you’re certain that there will be bruises once done. You felt every ridge of his cock against your walls with each harsh thrust and you needed more of it. You heard yourself - don’t stop, fuck me harder, give it to me - but it all sounded slurred to you.
There are a series of spanks to your ass in response.
Rafael’s legs were now framing your thighs, pounding down into you. You gripped the bedspread and cried out his name every time his cock pistoned into you again.
Suddenly you were aware that your arms were being pulled behind you. Rafael held your arms together, handcuff style, as he continued, giving you exactly what you wanted - what you both so desperately wanted. He’s also chasing his release, but he will give you what you want.
You bit down on your bottom lip as he took you closer and closer to the edge. Your clit throbbed, aching, needing to be touched.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, so fucking perfect,” Rafael grunted. Sweat dripped down his body and onto yours as he kept his pace. “I bet you wanna come.”
A stream of yes, yes, yes, left your mouth.
Rafael slowed his pace and you whined in protest. “Don’t stop, please. Sir, please.”
“Thank me for fucking you. And maybe I will let you come.”
You nodded frantically. “Your cock feels so good! Yes, yes! Thank you for fucking me sir!”
“Atta girl, now you get it. Whose pussy is this?”
“Yours sir!” You cried out.
Rafael released one of your arms. “Go ahead, come.”
You frantically reach below to your clit and your fingers slip due to the mix of your and Rafael’s wet mess. You find your clit and rubbed in haphazard circles, chasing the sweet relief of orgasm. It doesn’t take long and before you realize it, you are coming hard, Rafael’s name escaping from your lips. It had never been this intense before, as if one orgasm rolled into the other. Rafael groaned as you squirted, your juices releasing all over his cock. He inwardly beamed - you hadn’t ever done that before.
“Yes,” Rafael hissed. “Coat that cock, cover it all up.”
You slumped forward, unable to hold yourself up. You are lost in your own haze, unaware that Rafael hadn’t come yet. You let out a yelp as Rafael pulled you upward, thrusting back into you. The pace is somehow even harder than before as you hear the sound of skin slapping on skin.
Rafael is growling and grunting. “You think just because you fucking came, that it means get to be fucking lazy on me?”
“No sir,” you cried out. The ache that had dissipated started to grow again. “Fuck me sir. Use me!”
Rafael’s teeth gnashed together as his release approached. A deep rumble emanated from his chest and you had been intimate with him long enough to know that he was about to come.
He grunted, pumping faster, and then his hips jerked, stuttering in their rhythm, and he came, hard. Ropes of thick white creamy come filled you. “Fuck, fuck, oh my god, fuck!” He shuddered as he finished coming. He stayed there before withdrawing, his cock softening. You felt some of his come dribble out.
You both flopped onto your backs, bodies covered in sweat and heaving, trying to catch your breath.
Rafael shifted and he loomed over you. You furrowed your brows at first but then your mouth formed an ‘O’ as he pushed up your legs. He used his fingers to spread your lips and watched as his release dripped out of you. He scooped up some and spread it along your belly, as if he was marking his territory.
He reached back down to your pussy and scooped some more of his release. He then spread it on your clit, and began to rub you once more.
“I know you can do it again.” Rafael slid two fingers inside of you, curling them.
Your legs trembled as you felt yet another orgasm begin to build. You can almost feel Rafael’s smile against you as he jackhammered his fingers inside of you, fucking his come back into you.
“Come on, one more sweetheart.” His words were your undoing and your hips jerk. He lifted his head and you looked at him with wide eyes. “Give it to me.” He began rubbing your clit roughly and horizontally rapidly. You arched your back sharply, and wailed as you came again. Sound went fuzzy and you squeezed your eyes tightly. Rafael just kept his mouth open by your cunt, collecting your cum in his mouth as you squirted once more.
You collapsed against the bed as you came down back to reality. Rafael covered his body with yours and pressed a kiss to your mouth, sharing your come with you. The kiss was wet and messy but soft, dare say gentle.
“How was that?” Rafael questioned, his eyes searching yours. “Are you okay?”
You hummed ame gave him a smile. “Oh yeah. That was perfect.”
Rafael eventually peeled his sweaty body off of you. You snuggled into his chest, basking in his warmth.
All of a sudden, the lights flickered and the room was plunged into darkness. It was followed by a sound that could only be described as non human. You yelped and then the lights flicked back on.
You and Rafael looked at eachother, eyes wide, both of you clearly spooked. “Let's get out of here!”
Rafael nodded and you both scrambled, grabbing your clothes before peeling out of the room and heading back up stairs.
When you both got back to the main floor, you were both laughing hard as you redressed. “Jesus, Joseph and Mary!” You cried out. “What the hell was that?”
Rafael shook his head and rubbed his face. “Let's not go back down there.”
You nodded. “But what you did down there - that you can do again.”
Rafael gave you a wicked smile, his eyes lighting up in response.
“But first can we find someplace else to stay?” You questioned, your tone hopeful.
Rafael nodded, finding his phone. “Already on it.”
Tags: @mgarner1227, @madpanda75, @beccabarba, @dreamlover31, @sass-and-suspenders, @melk917 @youreverycolor, @neely1177, @witches-unruly-heart, @skittle479, @plaidbooks, @mommakat32, @garturbo, @sweetsummertime99, @ottosuricato, @qvid-pro-qvo, @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindos, @annabelleb49, @zoeykaytesmom, @bananas-pajamas, @pieceofshittytitty, @itsjustmyfantasyroom, @ktiz90, @evee87, @differentshadesofgray @catnip987 @detective-giggles @alwaysachorusgirl @amelia-song-pond @rachelxwayne @permanentlydizzy @averyhotchner @missirenlove @tintinxtintin @law-nerd105 @bisexual-dreamer02 @rampantmuses @mishaissocoolike @choppedgalaxynerd @beardedbarba @storiesofsvu @a-brignac
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 1998
Warnings: death, comforting, John B jealous, no secrets,
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The next day Pope goes to visit his grandmother to ask about the key. Pope goes in to talk to her alone so the other five leave driving around close till they go back to pick him up. The girls go to get drinks while the boys wait in the van. Sarah and Kiara talk about their boy problems then say it's unfair Callie doesn't have any with JJ.
"The perfect couple." Kie smiles as they walk back to the boys.
"I don't have any problems with JJ... I do with your brother." Callie says so Sarah stops her.
"My brother? Rafe? You have problems with him?" She says super confused.
"Yeah, care to explain?" Kie eyes her.
"When you got back yesterday before I got stuff from home... I went to Rafe to give him a piece of my mind for trying to drown you. Also when I got flushed out of the sewer that was Rafe's doing. He thought you, JJ, and Pope were just down there. He felt bad when I told him it was just me down there."
"When did you guys have that conversation? When you went to go see him?" Kiara asks.
"No, it was later that night it happened. He snuck into my room because my window was unlocked..."
"How many times have you talked to Rafe alone after everything has happened?" Sarah asks Callie slightly annoyed.
Callie thinks back, "Five times." She says making the girls look at her, "The first time I went to go see my dad, Rafe was there and I slapped him. Later that same day he came by the house. Then the whole flushing me out thing. Umm, when I was running away I bumped into him and had a few words. Then when I went to go see him to give him a piece of my mind." She explains to them.
"I can't believe you talk to him." Kiara gets in the van.
"Talk to who?" JJ looks back at the three as they get in.
"Rafe." Kie eyes Callie.
"What?!" JJ raises his voice.
"It's nothing... Every time we talk I'm hitting him or shoving him away from me." Callie huffs.
"Has he tried kissing you again?" JJ asks her so they all look at her.
"Only two out of five times we've talked... the first two was in one day during the end of the summer when I went to go see my dad."
"You let Rafe kiss you?" Sarah laughs.
Callie stares at her, "No." She slightly lies laughing, "Why the hell would I let him kiss me? After everything? He's insane, Sarah."
After picking up Pope, he lets the group know everything being related to Denmark Tanny. As they all hang out they joke calling Pope royalty before Carla surprises them, and in exchange for the key, she hands over the recording to them. However, the key is fake and they rush to take the tape to Shoupe.
Once it was done for Ward, the boys, and Callie celebrated while Sarah and Kie watched. Sarah gets a call from Topper saying if she wants to talk to Ward, she better do it now since time is running out. As the group drives Sarah home, they see all the cop cars speeding there.
Ward was surrounded by the authorities and the group runs to watch. Ward yells Sarah shouldn't be there. Ward blows himself and his boat up. Sarah falls to pieces, and with John B and the others are stunned beyond belief. Topper goes to Sarah's side to comfort her while the others just watch still shocked.
Callie looks over at Sarah sobbing and felt bad for her because that was her father after all. For most of her life, he was a good father to her. JJ takes Callie's hand into his.
Callie walks up to the Cameron's place to go see Sarah knocking on the door and Rafe opens it, "Sarah left a few minutes ago. I know you aren't here for me." Rafe goes to shut the door so Callie stops it.
"As much as I hated your father and would've preferred to watch him rot in a cell next to you... I'm sorry for your loss. He was your father still. And I, at least hope when you were younger before you became a pain... you guys had a decent father and son relationship." She says making him look at her confused, "I'm not a monster, Rafe. I have empathy for people... even those who really don't deserve it." She gives him a sad smile.
"Rafe, who's at the..." Rose walks around the corner, "Callie." She looks at her.
"I came by to say sorry for your loss. The way that happened..." Callie starts to get glassy eyes picturing the scene again.
Seeing someone blow themselves up was something she would never get out of her head. But she couldn't decide if he deserved it or not because he murdered people and suicide was the easy way out for him to avoid the punishment for his actions.
"Thank you." Rose nods her head walking away knowing Callie actually meant her words.
"I should go back before the others wonder where I am." Callie turns to walk away.
When she walks out the gate Rafe rushes after her, "Callie, wait." He shouts making her turn around so he can hug her and she lets him.
"I have to go now, Rafe." She says after a few minutes of him just hugging her.
"Please don't leave me. Please don't leave like Sarah did. I don't have anyone but Wheezie now. I know I did a lot of bad shit. I've jumped your friends, I killed Peterkin, I almost killed you, and I almost killed my own sister...." He starts to tear up, "I know I can't change the past, but I'm gonna be different now. I'm sorry."
Callie just stares at him, "I believe you're sorry deep down but you being different is hard to believe, Rafe. It's not that easy, especially for you to do alone without getting help." She tells him truthfully.
"Then help me, please." He begs her grabbing her hands.
"Rafe... I don't know if I'm the right person for that. I still shouldn't even be here talking to you. I hate you but I don't hate you at the same time. Which makes me hate myself." Callie tears up.
"I just need a friend, Callie."
"I can't be that for to you for a while... I'm sorry, Rafe. I wish you luck." Callie leaves him standing alone wiping his tears away.
Callie swung by her place and it was just her aunt there, "Getting more clothes for John B's place?" Tess walks into the room.
"I know you're mad at me." Tess sighs.
"Of course, I am. Your sister moves back in and tries to be a parent to me again. Then you let Anna, the worst mother there is, try to talk you into sending me to boarding school with Kie. All we want to do is help our friends." Callie sighs as she puts clothes in her bag.
"I know. I'm just worried about your future, Callie. I want you to have a good one. Personally, I don't want you Kook but they could help you get there. But I know you won't because your heart belongs to a Pogue named JJ."
"You don't need to worry about me aunt Tess and yes, my heart belongs to JJ." Callie finishes up, "Now, I have to get going." Callie heads for the door.
"You're welcome back Callie. You don't have to run away."
"Actually, I do. I can't live with my mother." Callie leaves the house.
When she gets to John B's, he tells her that Sarah came by and broke up with him because of things and how he reacted to Ward dying.
"She'll come back around. She's one of us now." Callie says as it's just the both of them by the water.
"So you and JJ." John B looks at her.
"What about us?" She laughs at him with her feet in the water.
"You two are actually together now?" He eyes her.
"Yeah, we are." Callie smiles looking down at the water.
"I'm happy for you two. He deserves you." John B lets her know.
Callie watches him seeing him hiding something deep down, "You're keeping something to yourself. What is it?" She asks him.
"It's nothing important."
"Apparently it is if you're keeping it to yourself and not letting me know." She turns to face him.
"I really am happy for you two... it's just...younger me hurt deep down is hurt you kissed and are dating JJ over me." He sighs making Callie slightly laugh.
"But you aren't the younger you anymore, John B. I mean, I liked you when we were younger, I did but-,"
"But it's always been JJ who stole your heart?" He looks at her so she nods her head. "Don't think I'm not happy for you two or hate you guys together, I do love you both together."
"If I could heal younger you, I would kiss you back." She kisses his cheek but he grabs her face kissing her so she just gives him a kiss back quick so he will stop. It meant completely nothing to her since she didn't feel anything.
"Found them!" They hear Pope yell so Callie gets up leaving John B side going up towards JJ and Kie.
"Trying to cheer him up?" JJ wraps his arms around her.
"Yeah, he then asked about us. Said he's really happy for us."
"I think we're all happy you two are officially together. I better be the maid of honor for the wedding." Kiara heads inside to get some beer while JJ laughs.
"You okay?" JJ sees Callie's face.
"I don't want to keep secrets between us..." She looks up at him.
"I don't want to either. What is it?" He walks them over to sit in the hammock.
"Promise me, you won't get mad at me or anyone else." Callie puts her pinky finger out so he takes it. "Just now John B kissed me and to get it over with to heal young him I did like a kiss your grandma kiss." She spits out and JJ just nods his head.
"It meant nothing though right?"
"Of course not, I felt nothing with him compared to you."
"Anything else?" He asks.
"When you were ignoring me before school started and my dad just got back. The first day I went over to see him and Rafe was there... I accidentally spilled a huge secret to him and he when he was comforting me he kissed me. Except this time I kissed him back before I realized what I was so rushing home."
"You kissed Rafe back?" JJ stares at her. "What was your secret he comforted you about for you to kiss his ass back?" JJ gets slightly upset.
Callie starts to tear up not wanting to say it again and on purpose this time, "I slipped that Joey raped me."
The slight anger in JJ disappears from her kissing Rafe to what Joey did to her.
"Please don't hate me for this next part." She grabs his hand. "Later that same night I was home alone drinking and getting high because I wanted to relax. Will was back, you were ignoring me, I spilled my biggest secret, I kissed Rafe, and I was stressed with everything. Rafe ended up coming by wanting to talk about earlier but I didn't want to... so I told him to kiss me again. He didn't want to because of the state I was in. I told him to kiss me or get out of the house so he kissed me and things happened."
"So you hooked up with Rafe?" He asks but wasn't mad at her.
"I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry about. We weren't together and you were going through a lot of things. I'm not mad at you, Callie." He squeezes her hand.
"You should be. I hooked up with Rafe. Out of everyone on this island, I picked the worst person. After everything."
"Callie, I'm not mad and I'm not going to be. I can't be because you actually told me. You didn't keep it to yourself. I know I can trust you."
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cakeinthevoid · 1 year
Forget It
Whumptober No. 2:  “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.” —— (1, 2, 3)
Content: War time setting, Reluctant Caretaker, unnamed casualty, fever, unreliable (caretaker) POV, mentioned/implied near death experience
Not usually crazy about military scenarios but for some reason it's the only one that came to mind with these prompts! Enjoy :) In advance: Yes, Capn is the name of their Leader. If you've been on my blog you know 9/10 times I'm lazy with names lmao
Mags was getting real sick of their new captive. They hadn’t even wanted to pick her off the field. For starters, she was Rithkusen. Second, keeping prisoners of war alive was more effort than it was worth. 
As proven by the fact that the girl they picked up was now running a high fever. Worse yet, Capn decided Mags had to treat it because their medic was tending to their own casualties. Mags was just getting a terrible coffee and Capn snagged them away before the old machine could finish its job. A terrible case of bad place bad time that Mags was becoming known for. 
Speaking of bad place—the prisoner brig was disgusting. The girl wasn’t their only prisoner and Mags had to walk through a dozen other grimy cells to reach her room. Why Capn wanted her in the room, Mags didn’t know. Couldn’t be because she was on the younger side—there was another prisoner who looked her age down the dark hall. 
“What are you waiting for? Can’t come up with a killer line for your entrance?” Speak of the devil. 
Mags was standing in front of the room, key and med kit in one hand. Worst part was, the kid was right, in a way. Mags had no clue what to say to the girl. 
Luckily the kid’s words solved the issue; Mags would say nothing at all. Nothing meaningful, anyway.
And so they didn’t even reply as they unlocked the heavy door and stepped in. 
Mags squinted at the overly bright lights. Going from the dim and dank hall to glaring white walls was jarring enough. They shut the door behind them, and in a few blinks they could see the girl curled up on the slab jutting out of the wall. 
She was still in Rithkusen frontline uniform; Deep maroons and browns, stained with varying shades of maroons and browns—blood and dirt. Mags always thought that was a silly uniform to have. Then again, their side of the fight wore white and green, which could stick out like a sore thumb at times. 
Despite that, the Vanctan were winning, so Mags had no real reason to judge war time fashion. Especially when the war would be over soon. They were going to win. 
Which is also why Mags saw no purpose to racking up POWs. 
Mags approached the bed and set their kit at the foot of it. The girl hardly filled up half, shivering with the blanket over her head. 
Mags took out a thermometer—it was one of the newer versions that just had to be held to the forehead for a reading. They came up to the head of the bed and pulled off the blanket so they could access the face. 
They expected at least some resistance, but the girl just let out a whine and curled up tighter, scrunching her eyes. 
Mags tried to do their job dispassionately, but the girl really was young. They weren’t an extremist, but sometimes they thought kids should be banned from the effort.
The girl was running a fever high enough to warrant those special pills, instead of the cheaper ones given out on the frontlines. Mags wanted to give her the cheap ones, but Capn clearly wanted the girl alive and it would be wise not to invoke his wrath. 
They rummaged for the bottle and took out a single pill. How to make her take it was beyond them. 
They tried taking her hand to put the pill between her fingers. The girl gripped their hand in return. 
“Hey—“ Mags tried to pull back, but the hold was tight. “Let go and take the pill, girl.”
As if Mags needed more proof the girl was ill, she started spouting nonsense. 
“Keal, Keal, Keal—I knew it, I was right! We can do it, I can prove it—“ she wheezed before devolving into a coughing fit. “The crater—exists,” she choked out.
Mags pulled back sharply and successfully. She had to report that. If the crater existed… Maybe Capn already knew—that’s why he kept the girl. But how did she know? Why wasn’t there more security around her? She was found dying on the field—she would have—should have died.
“K-Keal?” she coughed out. 
“They don’t care about you,” Mags said, mostly to themself in realization. “They left you to die when you could have changed everything,” they said in a hollow voice. 
“Keal—what are you t—turn off the lights, I can’t see—“
“I’m not Keal, girl.” 
“Where is everyone? Keal, please…”
Mags needed to report. They also needed the girl to take the damn pill. Desperate times, desperate measure and all that…
Mags grabbed the girls hair with one hand—when her mouth opened in pain and shock, Mags popped in the pill and shut her jaw with their free hand. 
Finally, the girl’s eyes shot open. They were wide with terror, but they weren’t seeing. 
“This is a pill. To help you. Swallow it now.” 
She shook her head vigorously. At least she could hear. 
“I’m not asking. You’re going to swallow or suffocate.” In a quick move, Mags changed their hold to pin her arms down with a knee and one hand, and keep her mouth shut and nose plugged with the other. 
The girl twisted, but Mags was much stronger. It was hardly a fight. 
“Take the blasted pill or die!” 
Mags saw her swallow and let go. The girl took in a desperate breath of air before Mags took hold of her jaw again to inspect. The pill was swallowed. They weren’t sure that would actually work. 
They let go for a final time and stepped back, picking up the first aid kit on their way out. 
The girl was sobbing. 
At least the war would be over soon.
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mumucow · 2 years
“You’re cold.” - “Am not.”
So I challenged myself to write the 50 prompts on this list
No one asked for it but I am still doing it.
So here goes the first one, you can also read it on AO3:
“You are cold.”
Eddie laid in his cold and lonely bed, it was late in the night. Probably closer to the morning than anything else. Buck had stayed behind for a few more hours when B shift asked for a replacement for one of their team, since the guy was arriving late due to his plane getting delayed and obvious Buck had offered to stay behind.
“Am not.” 
Buck’s reply came a bit grumpy. Eddie could imagine him holding his phone close and could even hear him walking away, probably from the people from B shift. They already thought that the A shift was weird.
“Buck.” Eddie couldn’t help his smile and by the way the other man huffed, it had been perceptible in his tone.
He was sure that Buck was cold, Eddie could hear it in his voice. He knew Buck long enough to know that sleepiness and cold made him grumpy, just as he was right now. 
“Eds.” The way Buck spoke the name was shaky, like a shiver had crawled up his body. Maybe it was the cold, perhaps it was the way that they had become even closer if that was possible.
Eddie moved on the bed to sit up, his back against the headboard as the sheets pooled on his lap. Buck probably would have his arms wrapped around himself if he wasn’t on the phone.
“If you are on the rooftop of the station just go back to the bunkers.”
“I’m actually on a call. Broke down the door and now they are checking the vitals. Nothing too big, just a panic attack I think.” 
“And you didn’t bring your work jacket?” Eddie knew that he probably sounded like a worried parent but the tiny chuckle that came out of Buck made it worth it.
“You weren’t there to remind me of it. Or give me yours.” The last part came out lower, like it was a secret between them. 
“Come home. After your shift. I will make you hot chocolate.” It was a promise.
It was more than that. They had been calling the Diaz’ house home for a while now and not once had Buck said anything against it, he would usually give him that shy smile while lowering his head. Like he couldn’t believe that he was part of their family.
Maybe it was time for Eddie to remind him of it.
“It will be late, I still have like two hours left, and that is if nothing happens and hold us for longer.”
“It won’t be late.” Eddie had been late so many times in his life, but right now everything felt like it was meant to happen at this pace. “Maybe it will be early.”
“I don’t want to wake up my favorite boys.” It wasn’t the first time either that Buck called them like that, but every time there was a heat surrounding Eddie’s heart, almost as if his body couldn’t contain all the feelings that were locked in his chest.
“You know you are more than welcome here.”
Eddie tried to assure his best friend. Buck was probably fighting the want to say yes right away, biting his lower lip at the corner. A place that Eddie had thought more than once to put his own lips on.
“Don’t make me wait here alone with two hot chocolates.”
It was the last thing Eddie said before hanging up. They both wanted this even if they had been fighting against it for a while.
As promised Eddie was in the kitchen when he heard his front door being unlocked by Buck’s keys. He sat on the counter next to the sink, a steaming mug curled in his hands and another one beside him.
There was a small thump as Buck took his sneakers off, closing his eyes, Eddie could see him walking through the house so easily. Like it was his home every day. He safe space.
Eddie smiled and opened his eyes when he heard the soft tone of Buck’s voice as the other man came closer to him, a few more inches, and Buck would be standing in between his legs.
A “welcome home” caught in his throat never left his mouth, instead, he placed the other mug in Buck’s hands.
“Thank you.” Buck’s words were coming out drawn like the sleep was making it impossible for the other to speak.
“You know I have your back.”
As soon as Eddie’s words left his mouth, he was thrown back to their first day together and how much they had clashed and formed an alliance for the rest of their lives only after a few hours.
Maybe they were too sleepy for this, maybe it was too early to be thinking about their feelings, or for Eddie to be thinking about Buck’s place in his life.
Buck moved slowly, not looking at Eddie at all, maybe afraid of what he might see as he placed himself between Eddie’s legs. Big hands settled on Eddie’s waist before moving towards his back as Buck rested his forehead against Eddie’s shoulder.
His breathing was slower or maybe that was what it felt like to Eddie, the moment seemed to slow down before his eyes, like they had all the time in the world. Eddie set both of their mugs aside before wrapping one of his arms around Buck’s broad shoulders and his other hand massaging the dark blond’s scalp.
Buck seemed to relax under his touch. 
That had changed at some point during their relationship, they needed a touch to make sure the other was okay before relaxing. Sometimes just a brush of shoulders or even a hand to a shoulder. Other times while giving a mug and their fingers would brush.
Eddie couldn’t pinpoint when that changed, all that he knew was how it was the same for the both of them.
“I love you.” Eddie felt relief at the same time that he felt fear.
Buck had been there for all his fears.
Those strong arms become even tighter around Eddie and his fear dissipates right away. Buck pulled his face away only slightly so that he could temptingly kiss Eddie’s cheek. Almost afraid that Eddie would run away at the touch even if had just said those three words in the mostly dark kitchen. In a quiet home. Their home.
Eddie parted his lips to get some air in his lungs. His grip on the back of Buck’s head was still strong.
“Say it again.” Buck was nearly begging him, blue eyes filled with hope.
So, Eddie moved his hand to cup Buck’s face which the other man leaned into the touch while closing his eyes. Like that, it was less scary to say those words.
“I love you.” It was the only sound inside the house, it would muffle all the other usual noises.
“Again.” This time Buck rested their foreheads together, keeping his eyes wide open.
“I love you, Evan Buckley.” Eddie said a bit more confident than before.
A smile grew on Buck’s lips and then he leaned forwards closing any distance between their lips, giving Eddie the taste of something that he had only dreamed of.
They kept kissing for a while, soft and unhurried, like they had all the time in the world to get used to kissing each other, to figure out what the other liked.
For now, Eddie just enjoyed their lazy making out on the cold counter of their home. There they were safe and warm. 
“Let’s go to bed.” Eddie could feel his lips tingling as he spoke.
“I love you too, in case that wasn’t clear.” Buck looked almost scared, like he was afraid that Eddie wouldn’t know it. Like this wasn’t important to them both.
“I know.” It was true. Eddie had learned to notice it in everything that Buck ever did for him and Christopher. For them. “I know, baby.”
He placed one more kiss on Buck’s lips before getting off the counter and leading them towards the bedroom where he would make sure that Buck wouldn’t feel cold anymore.
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potassium-pilot · 2 years
FFXIVWrite 2022 Day 23: Pitch
Tucked away in the back of Borel Manor was another room- a room she hadn’t seen anyone touch before. This piqued Dia’s curiosity. She approached the room and gently opened the unlocked door. With one twist of the knob and a slight push, she unveiled what must have been a music room. In the center of the room covered in a baby blue wallpaper stood a grand piano and a piano bench topped with a dark red velvet. Along the sides of the room were chairs, music stands, dark oak cabinets filled with instruments, dark oak bookshelves filled with scores, and an orchestrion not to dissimilar to the one she had seen in Cloud Nine.
The piano grabbed her attention first. After a certain concert in the Firmament, Dia learned she had an affinity for the instrument, but never bothered to explore it. She hadn’t the time. Not until now, anyways. She sat down at the bench, and started fiddling with some of the ivory keys. The piece she played with Francel and the orchestra involved two pianos, so Dia just played her part. It sounded a lot emptier without the rest of the group, but she hummed along using their parts to try and fill a gap in her mind.
For a few moments, this kept going until a knock was heard at the door. She stopped her playing and called, “Yes?”
It opened and revealed Angelbert the elderly steward. “Ah, do forgive me for interrupting, Mistress Sito, but your medication was left untaken, and I thought I might deliver it to you myself.” In a tray stood a couple of pills she needed to take to help with muscular issues she developed after her fight with Zenos, and a glass of water.
“Oh, I completely forgot. Thank you, Angelbert.” She stood up from the bench and walked towards the tray Angelbert held out in front of him.
“No market board today?” He asked.
“Nah, today’s a stay-in kind of a day, you know?”
“I do.” She swallowed her pills and said, “You know, one day, I won’t even need these. What’ll you do when that happens?”
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll find some way to make myself useful”, Angelbert answered facetiously. “That said, you’ve recovered quite well.”
“Thanks. I can feel it.”
“As can I. I’ll leave you be, but may I say what a joy it is to hear music in this house again?”
“Has it been a while since anyone’s used this room?” Dia asked.
Angelbert nodded and said, “The Borel Family had always been a spirited folk. The late Countess de Borel had used this room fairly often before her declination. Young Lord Aymeric also received musical training in this room during his youth. Many lords did, but only some few would stick with it. Lord Artoirel, for instance, seems to be prospering well as a musician.”
“He is. But that’s interesting. I wonder why he never really told me about this room.”
Angelbert gave a gentle laugh, and pondered, “I wonder if he simply didn’t think much of this room.”
“Well, I’ll think of it for him. This is quite nice.”
“I’m glad you like it. I hope to hear more from you.” Angelbert bowed and left the music room behind. Dia sat down on the bench, and wondered if maybe there was something else she could play. Something that didn’t need a 6-piece orchestra to play.
She remembered some pieces from the Wandering Minstrel. What was one of them?
Answers? The one about the fall of Dalamud?
She placed a pinky on a low A key and tried to recreate the strumming sounds of the Minstrel against his harp. Once the initial ‘strumming’ was done, she wracked her brain for the lyrics. The first word hit her and she continued on, playing the piano beneath her.
To all of my children in who life flows abundant…
To all of my children to whom death hath passed his judgment…
The soul yearns for honor and the flesh the hereafter.
Look to those who walked before…
Ah hells, what were the words again?
So ended that venture.
There was yet another that the minstrel sang. What did he call it? Dragonsong?
It was her right hand this time against a high B key as she recreated the opening line of the piece. This one she remembered the lyrics to much better.
Children of the land, do you hear?
Echoes of truth-
Godsdammit, that jump is ridiculous.
The word ‘truth’ landed on an Ab. Dia sang a F#, and had worked her way up chromatically to find the correct note to no avail. She played the correct note on the piano for her to remember where to go when she would sing it, then tried again.
Children of the land, do you hear?
Echoes of truth that once rang clear…
Two souls intertwined
One true love they did find
Bringing land…and heavens near
But flames that burned full bright soon fell dark
Memories dimmed by shadowed hearts
In the waxing gloom
Did wane the lovers moon
Oh fuck, did I forget this line too? Twelve preserve.
It was then that the door opened and he heard a low baritone voice sing “Watching as their worlds drift apart.”
She snapped her attentions to the door and caught Aymeric at the door. “Recreating minstrel tunes?” He asked.
“What can I say? They’re catchy.”
He laughed with a smile, and said, “The Wandering Minstrel does seem to get around. If both you and I know of him, that can only mean he’s a well-travelled individual.”
“Believe me, I’ve caught him in places I never thought I would.”
“I can believe that. Now what brings you here, Dia?”
“I could ask that same question. I thought you were in the Congregation.”
“I thought I might surprise you to lunch, but ‘twould seem you thought to surprise me.”
She smiled. “I kind of just stumbled unto the room, and well, there was a piano right there.”
He stepped towards the bench and asked, “May I?” Dia nodded and stood up to allow him a seat. He prepared his hands in that trained curve of the hand and started in on the opening lick of Dragonsong.
“Not bad, Borel.”
“My training had to come into play someday, after all. Now then, I believe you wished to sing?”
Once the point where she had to come in happened, she started.
Children of the land, do you hear?
Echoes of truth-
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bradleycallan · 3 months
Who: Bradley & Savannah (@savvy-cooper)
Where: Dance Studio in Red Edge
When: Friday May 26
Purpose: Bradley is taking dance lessons from Savannah for a new role.
Bradley: Bradley was well known in the town due to all of his movies. When he was back in town he would try to hide away in his house so we wasn’t asked all the questions and catch up. But there would be times he needed to go out and there was many times the girls would let their interest be known so he was very confident. When his friend told him about the ballet teacher in town to assist with his movie, he didn’t hesitate to reach out to her. 7 AM came around too quickly for his liking. He got up and threw on some grey sweat pants and a tight white tank top. He drove over to the studio and leaned against the door frame as he waited for the ballet teacher to show up to let him in. When she showed up, he made sure to lower his sunglasses and checked her out. He stayed right where he was as she was unlocking the door. “It looks like you’re late, miss. I mean by 5 minutes, but still, talk about discipline” he teased.
Savannah: Of course Savannah knew who Bradley was as soon as he contacted her, there weren’t many people who didn’t know him. Growing up in NYC, the dancer had been exposed to a number of famous people and as her parents always taught her, treat them like they’re just regular people because at the end of the day, they were. The ballerina approached the studio, literally running, her duffel bag slung over her shoulder that she pulled the keys out of upon reaching the door. “3 minutes,” she replied as she unlocked the door, “my car wouldn’t start.” Savvy hoped that it wasn’t an omen for the day. Holding the door open, she gestured him inside, walking in and turning on the lights before offering out her hand for a more ‘formal’ intro, “nice to meet you, sorry I was late it won’t happen again.”
Bradley: Bradley was puzzled when she didn’t fixate her eyes on him, giggle when he gazed over her. She didn’t display any of the signs any of a lot of the other women did when he meets them for the first time. He stood there for a second longer with all the thoughts running through his head when her voice snapped her out of it and he walked into the studio with her. “Sounds good, thank you.” He thanked her formally. He couldn’t tell if he preferred this treatment from one of the ladies that is very pretty or if he would have preferred them gawking at him. He felt insecure and he was very secure in his looks and abilities. No one is able to make Bradley feel insecure or budge. Once he made the way in the studio, he leaned against one of the ballet bars. “So teacher, for the next hour my body is yours, you tell me what to do and i will,” he told her flirtatiously as he watched her open up the room. He definitely found her attractive, but that was it nothing more as he found the lack of attention on him more annoying.
Savannah: Savannah has quite a few things running through her mind at the moment, the main one being what a hassle it’s going to be to make arrangements to get her vehicle fixed. She can’t stand the inconveniences like that that life throws at her. She also knows it isn’t professional to waste time so she shook her head in an attempt to clear it as she set her bag down, taking her street shoes off and setting them next to it. Both of her brows raised at him, “are you flirting with me already? You haven’t even seen how flexible I am yet,” the brunette joked. “Shoes off, please,” she pointed to the corner where he could leave them. “What’s your usual workout routine look like? You life weights, obviously,” she wasn’t blind and his arms were on full display, “but what else? Have you ever done anything like yoga?” Sav is trying to assess the best place to start. “Can you touch your toes?” Noticing his look at her she continued, “I’m serious, I swear I’m not being sarcastic.”
Bradley: Bradley removed his shoes and placed them in the corner. He came back to the bar where she was. His eyebrow raised with the flexible comment, “Now that I would would like to see,” he said with a little more rasp to his voice, taking off his sunglasses. He went down to try and touch his toes, his hands hovering about an inch or 2 off the ground. “I do try to do yoga every so often but it’s not my workout of choice. I try to lift weights, run, abs, and swim,” he said as he stood up. He stepped in closer nonchalantly to close in on the distance between them. “You can show me how to be more flexible though,” he told her with a wink. “I think I need to see that to see what my teacher is capable of.”
Savannah: Savvy was stretching out her feet and calves while she awaited his return after taking off his shoes. “Lots of my performances are online,” the dancer told him with a smirk. Sav observed his form while trying to touch his toes, “you’re athletic enough, just need a little fine tuning,” she pointed out. Bending at the waist, the brunette placed her palms on the floor just beyond her toes, “there, see?” She pointed to the floor as she lowered herself to sit, “have a seat, time to stretch.”
Bradley: Bradley raised his eyebrow and sat down right in front of her. “I will be doing my research tonight then, Miss Cooper.” He told her with a wink. He stretched with one leg in front of him then the next and tried to reach his toes but failing with both legs out in front. “You said with some fine tuning, I mean, how is it looking though? You keep mentioning the muscles, do you like them?” He asked, genuinely curious. He found the brunette very attractive and drawn to her.
Savannah: Although she’s a pro at holding her composure, the thought of him actually researching her performances causes her to blush and it’s completely out of her control. And the wink makes her cheeks go even more red. “You have an athleticism about you which makes things a lot easier than starting from scratch, you’re clearly capable, which is important. With weight lifting and swimming, you have to be mostly coordinated so that’s half the battle.” Looking up she had to smirk, “did you just ask me if I like your muscles? Very modest, aren’t you?”
Bradley: He couldn’t help but smile and gain some of his confidence back when he saw the blush flood to her cheeks. “So I might be able to hold my own with you then. As long as I can keep up then we’re good.” He crossed his legs as he finished stretching and met her eye contact when she smirked. His flirtatious gaze scanning over her features. “I mean,” he shrugged, “I work hard on all of this and you definitely work hard at what you do here. I’m just merely asking if it fits your ideal attraction,” he was starting to stand up and he offered his hand to help her stand up, “judging by the redness on the cheeks,” he said, helping her up and their faces a few inches apart, “it seems I do fit the mold,” he winked again and went to take a step back as he awaited her next instruction.
Savnnah: “You might be able to hold your own, by the end of our sessions I’ll make sure you can, otherwise I’ve failed at my job,” Savvy said with a nod. Catching his flirtatious gaze, she looks back down at her feet to finish stretching, “stop looking at me like that. It’s very distracting,” taking a breath she shook her head trying to get back into the zone. “You’re asking if you’re my type? Not forward at all are you,” the brunette chuckled, taking his hand she pulled herself up, “physically, yeah, you’re an attractive guy and you clearly take care of yourself,” she can feel her heart rate picking up slightly while she still tries to maintain focus. Setting his hand on the bar, she took a step back to try to get back on track, “ballet will help strengthen your ankles and your knees, it’s good for speed and balance too. Start in first position,” she pointed down to her own feet for him to mimic, “keep your upper body straight. Bend your knees just enough that they don’t extend past your feet, then straighten back up.”
Bradley: Bradley smiled to himself as she placed her hand on the bar for him. He was very nervous at the start of their lesson as he wasn’t sure he would be able to get through to her. “If I play it safe I miss my shot and I certainly don’t want to do that here. You’re hot,” he stated. He moved his feet to match hers in first position holding onto the bar for dear life as the position was awkward. He tried to do so as she told but wobbled with unbalance. “This is unnatural,” he said shakily as his core continued to wobble so slightly as he was trying to gain his balance
Savannah: “Thank you. But, I doubt that there’s a shortage of hot women who want to jump into bed with you,” Savvy pointed out out loud, to remind herself of that too. “Hell, there will probably be a line of them outside if they figure out you’re here.” She tapped lightly on his hand that rested on the wooden barre, “you don’t have to hold on so tight, loosen up a little. Keep the weight on the balls of your feet,” she pointed to the ball of his foot using her own toe.
Bradley: When his mind wasn’t so focused on his own body, he was able to regain his balance. “Why do you assume that I just want to sleep with all the women? Do you think I just want to fuck and go?” He questioned her, slightly taking offense to her statement. He didn’t trust women easily. He’s been heart broken by girls in the past and only used as eye candy so he was used to that treatment. It was indeed easier to just have sex and leave because they wouldn’t be able to hurt him. “What’s next teach?”
Savannah: “I didn’t say that you want to sleep with all of the women. But I think you do want to sleep with me, because I’m not fawning all over you and you think it will be a challenge, which somehow seems like it would be a greater pay off in the end,” she admitted with a shrug. “Are you implying that you’re looking for a relationship, or was I right?” Using her for again she pointed to his left foot, “passé, lift this foot, and hold it here by your knee, then do the same with the other leg.”
Bradley: Bradley raised his eyebrow and scrunched his nose. His guard completely going up. He wasn’t used to people calling him out and he didn’t know what we was looking for. He wasn’t looking for anything but he didn’t want to be alone forever nor did he want to let his guard down for anyone either. “I don’t know if you would be the relationship type if I’m being honest,” he stated flatly. He followed her instructions. “But I wouldn’t want to just have you as a name on the list either,” he said out loud, not realizing he was thinking out loud.
Savannah: Savannah could see that she struck a nerve noticing the change in his body language, but she also wasn’t the type to hold her tongue just to spare someone’s ego. “I’m not,” she agreed, because men are scum she added silently to herself. “You don’t actually know what you want. But relax, there’s nothing wrong with casual sex as long as both parties are on the same page about it.”
Bradley: He took a deep breath and tried to regain his thoughts. He moved out of the ballet posture they were in and took a step closer to her, looking directly in her eyes. “Are you saying you’re open to something casual?” He asked, reaching just past her for his water bottle right on the other side of her. He took a quick swig of water and moved to the center of the room. “Teach me some partner moves,” he asked.
Savannah: Savvy continued to try to keep her composure even though he seemed to make that more difficult as the seconds ticked by. “Maybe,” she retorted, not realizing she was holding her breath as he reached past her. Chuckling she shook her head, “you can stand there and look good while assisting me with turns but that’s as far as you’re getting when it comes to partnering on your first try. That’s not for any reason other than the fact that we’re still strangers and there’s a lot of trust required when it comes to partnering.”
Bradley: Bradley smirked with her answer. He’s seen a good amount of movies with ballet in it and he knows what partnering looks like even though he’s never tried it before in his life. He placed his hands just below her hips and closed the distance between them. “Is that correct?” He asked whispering into her ear. “I do think we can work on trust.”
Savannah: “What are you smirking at? What’s actually going through your mind right now?” Sav asked, figuring it easier to just be blunt and ask rather than guess. She draws in a breath at the contact of his hands being placed on her body, “believe me, trust is the hard part.”
Bradley: His hands relaxed at her hips, looking at her in the mirror. “You’re good at calling me out,” he stated, “but just your bluntness, I like it. I don’t have a lot of people truly speak their minds around me.” His hands moved forward and pulled her closer to him. “What’s the next move, teach?” He asked, his breath tickling her neck.
Savannah: Savannah is acutely aware of every square inch that his hands are resting on and it’s making it difficult for her to think straight. “I figure it’s better to treat you like a normal human rather than handle you with ‘Hollywood gloves’ and just telling you everything you want to hear. As flattering as that can be I’m sure you get tired of it after a while.” Taking a breath she let it out slowly, “I think maybe cool down time might be a good idea”
Bradley: Bradley smiled at her response as he agreed with it. He was sick and tired of being treated like a celebrity and not like a simple human being. He had a lot more depth to him. “Now, that I do appreciate. I just work in front of a camera but I’m just like everyone else. We all have something.” He said, still not letting go of the petite woman. He looked back to make sure the door to the dance room was closed. “However, you did say that ballet is an intense work out so cool down may not be in the question,” he said, spinning her around to face him by spinning her hips, keeping his hands there as their noses touched. “You know, I don’t think I know a single person that is like you. It’s really refreshing that you don’t handle me delicately”
Savannah: She was paying attention to his face in the mirror, thinking that the smile did in fact look genuine so she was inclined to believe what he was saying. “Everyone’s got their things,” she agreed with a shrug, “plus it doesn’t seem like your ego needs any help at this moment,” Savvy joked, her sassy side making yet another appearance. “I also said that I was going to go easy on you the first time, I think I’ve kept my word.” The butterflies in her stomach are starting to flap their wings when they’re face to face, “so you like it a little rough, noted,” she smirked.
Bradley: He definitely had some secrets and demons in the closet but not a lot of people want to stick around with him. He was scared when people get close that they don’t find him worth it. “If you only knew the delicacy of the ego,” he joked. “It was definitely a very good lesson thus far. I would not recommend to others, selfishly speaking.” He moved a hand to the back of her head. “Now you noting it would then assume that you would like to me to proceed,” he said as he leaned his face in closer, biting his bottom lip. He refuses to ever make a woman feel uncomfortable or go further than they would like, regardless of body posture.
Savannah: Savannah can assume that there’s more to him than meets the eye, that’s usually the case, of course she doesn’t know what’s hidden behind the curtain, yet at least. “Don’t go putting me out of business. Otherwise I’m going to have to up your rate to stay afloat,” she teased. “I could say that’s accurate,” Savvy agreed. Standing up on her tip toes, her lips lingered just above his to tease the tiniest taste before pulling away and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Ballet is hard work, and so are ballerinas,” she told him with a wink and a smirk before untangling herself from him and sitting on the floor, “cool down time. Cmon,” she patted the spot next to her, sitting in a butterfly position to stretch out her legs.
Bradley: Bradley raised his eyebrow at her. He had a glimpse of this woman in front of him and he could find himself intoxicated by her. “I’ll pay, up the rate. You’re worth it.” He tried to lean in and was met with air as she pulled away to kiss his cheek. He shook his head, running his hand through his hair. He walked away from her to separate the distance between them. He adjusted himself slightly as his back was turned to her. “You are something else,” he said in disbelief. There was no other woman he has encountered that has had a hold over him on the first encounter. He went to sit down next to her. “Tell me a little bit about yourself, what else is there besides quick remarks, sass, and ballet? I’m genuinely curious.”
Savannah: Sav can’t help but wonder how he can always seem to find the right thing to say, it’s easy for her to fall under the spell, she also knows how that can end up in heart break most of the time. Her brown eyes are still watching him indirectly through the mirror , “so I’ve heard. I’m never quite sure if being something else is a good thing or a bad thing,” she admitted, depending on the person saying it, it’s gone both ways. The dancer is more than just a little intrigued by him as she’s seen his ego but gotten just the smallest peek at what’s underneath it. “What do you want to know? I haven’t been here very long, I’m an east coast girl. Born and raised in New York. I attended the American ballet academy and then danced with the New York City ballet. I thought a change of scenery might be nice so here I am. Your turn.”
Bradley: Bradley smiled to himself as she spoke. He found her voice soothing. It was like listening to her talk relaxed all of his senses. “It’s definitely a good thing. I mean that I mean it in a good way. You’re nothing like I’ve ever met and it’s refreshing,” he said genuinely, looking into her eyes. “Why ballet? What got you into ballet? Or is is all you know?” His heart rate increased out of nervousness when she asked his turn. He was used to getting asked questions about himself but he wasn’t used to the intimate setting of it. He shrugged, “what do you wanna know?”
Savannah: “Well that’s a relief,” Savvy nodded when he said it was a good thing. “That’s because in your world, the entertainment industry, you never know who’s real and who isn’t. Ballet is similar, on a much smaller scale of course. Maybe that’s why we get along. I enjoy your company.” Giving up on stretching her hands moved behind her and she leaned back on her palms. “My parents got me into it as soon as I could walk. I had a lot of energy and I think they wanted me out of their way,” she laughed. “I want to know something that you don’t talk about in interviews. Your choice, whatever it is, it just can’t be something that I can google.”
Bradley: Bradley nodded in agreement with her. “There’s a lot of people in the entertainment industry that I don’t truly know who they are besides the persona they portray in front of the cameras. It’s nice when you meet some authentic people that have thoughts behind those eyes, a lot of people don’t have much besides the acting.” He laughed when she stated her parents wanted her out of the way. His parents left him with his uncle when he was pursuing acting and he didn’t have the best childhood growing up. That is why he has a hard time opening up. “Something you can’t google,” he was thinking, without wanting to open up doors and wounds he wasn’t ready to open, “I actually hate interviews, they make me insanely nervous. I also hate talking about myself. I am actually shy when it comes to large groups of people, too.” He shrugged.
Savannah: “Sometimes I don’t think they even know who they are, which is part of the problem. There’s so much hustle and bustle that they get caught up in, they don’t even know how to have any semblance of a normal life,” or at least that was her best guess, there was no real way to know for sure. Listening to him she nodded, “that’s fair. Interviews do kind of suck, it’s like being put on the spot over and over again. You’re shy?” She raised brow at him, “I don’t know if I believe that but I’ll take your word for it. What made you want to get into acting?”
Bradley: “I think they get stuck in the fame and glory. I think they also love th attention so they only focus on themselves and don’t think about the effects they have on anything else,” he said. “I am shy” He said with a nervous laugh. “I mean, I guess I don’t truly have the confidence to support me feeling supported and comfortable in a large group. Especially in Hollywood when everyone looks the way they do,” he stated honestly. He rubbed his chin to fidget as he grew more nervous. He didn’t open up with anyone or let anyone know he was anything but confident. Usually when he opens that door they leave. I guess he was using this as a chance to see if she agreed and shoved his guard up or if she’s still going to stick around. “I love Classical movies. All those black and white movies. I was always fascinated with what went on behind the cameras and how to prepare for each of the roles and completely envelop yourself into another person’s mind. Kind of a break on being you.”
Savannah: “I can see how it might be easy to get caught up in all of it, lots of glitz and glamour, people have stars in their eyes and they think everything’s going to be glamorous all the time,” she pointed out. “Especially in Hollywood where everyone looks the way they look? You do own mirrors right?” She’s acting like a reflection solves any kind of problem when she knows damn well that one’s own reflection isn’t always accurate to what the rest of the world sees. “There’s more to the world than just looks. Or at least there should be.” One could hope at least. While she listens and nods she’s surprised by how much they have in common especially when it comes to their chosen career paths, that’s exactly what ballet was for her, an escape. “ if acting doesn’t work out you might want to consider ballet,” she chuckled. “Yes its daunting and exhausting with the level of perfectionism needed, but once the performance is actually happening theres no choice but to focus only on the music and the steps. The rest of the world just kind of fades away.”
Bradley: Brad laughed and blushed when she mentioned that he owned mirrors. “I appreciate the confidence boost, but I wish I could appreciate what the world apparently does. They have me playing my all of these roles as the heart throb and I don’t have the confidence to back it up, but I apparently feign it pretty good as I keep getting more roles. We’ll see about this next one though, I don’t think it’ll fall through,” he shrugged. “Once the show starts you forget about you and become the music, right? That’s kind of what I’m researching here, too. It’s nice being able to separate when you becomes too much and you just go somewhere else.” He was never able to talk about this kind of stuff and open up so casually with anyone else so it felt nice. He was eyeing her, not from a list filled perspective but from a affectionate perspective. He could grow to like the girl in front of him. He chuckled nervously, “um.. would you care to go on a date with me?” He asked.
Savannah: “I don’t know that many people have the actual confidence that they portray, I think most are just faking it til they make it. But, there’s more important things than just looks anyway and you seem like a good person so that overpowers the rest and makes you better looking somehow,” Savvy assured him. “Yeah once you’re on stage you can’t really see anything because of the lights so it’s just about the music and movement. Probably similar to getting into character like you have to for a film. Though for a much shorter time frame I guess.” Her fingertips tapped on the floor behind her, “like a date date?” The drumming of her fingers grew quicker along with her heart rate, “I mean, sure. Warning, I might not be very good at it, I don’t even really remember the last date I went on.”
Bradley: Bradley smiled genuinely, “actually thank you,” he said with a blush, “I hope you remember that if you decide to stick around,” he quipped. “I hope I’m a decent guy throughout it all,” he shrugged. He couldn’t remember the last date he attended that wasn’t longer than one night. But something inside of him said to not let her go. She seemed worth it. He was intoxicated by her and didn’t want to let her go. He wanted to do whatever she wanted already. He was drawn to her. “I’m not good at it either. I don’t remember the last guy I actually took on a real date, scratch the casual sex thing from earlier,” he said as he tucked a loose hair behind her ear. “Should do it more formally,” he said with a small smile trying to meet her eyes. “There’s something about you that I don’t want to let go of, that’s terrifying to me.”
Savannah: “I’ve got a pretty good memory,” and sometimes that was a great thing, but sometimes things that she didn’t always want to remember popped into her mind. Sav raised a brow at him, “what do you mean if? Being a decent guy is completely in your control you know,” she reminded him. It was impossible not to be intrigued by him but rather than shut it down before it even started like she usually tended to, she would give it a chance. Moving here was all about her starting over so she was going to have to attempt to change some of her normal patterns otherwise what was the point? “Well we can be bad at it together, that takes some of the pressure off,” the brunette reassured him with a chuckle. “I havent even done anything to scare you off yet, give it time, you can’t be terrified yet,” she joked with a wink.
Bradley: "So if this date goes up in flames then you will remember it and if it's the best thing ever you'll remember it as well. No pressure at all, " Bradley laughed. "I do know it's completely in my control, however I cannot stop you if you decide you want to leave. I'm not going to hold someone hostage," he clarified. "What in the world do you have to scare me off. You are this prim and proper woman who has an amazing gift," he teased. He went to stand up and he offered his hand to help her up as well. "Can you keep a secret?"
Savannah: “I have a feeling I’ll remember it either way,” she pointed out with a nod, “as long as you do your best to be decent, that’s all I can ask for,” her shoulders lifted in a shrug. “Nothing. Nothing to scare you off, let’s go with that for now,” a chuckle escaped her lips. Taking in a breath she released it with a laugh as she took his hand and pulled herself up, “ better than anyone I know,” Sav pointed out, knowing that she was able to keep many secrets over long spans of time.
Bradley: He gave her a small smile as she answered all his remarks correctly. She was very genuine with her answers. As she stood up, he released her hand and ran a hand through his hair nervously. "So these dance lessons," he gestured between the two of them. "My agent has a pretty solid lead on my new role. Now, I don't want to jinx it because it sounds pretty life changing and amazing, but it requires some pretty intense dancing I would say. Now it wouldn't be ballet, but I will need your help nailing down the moves and how to apply my body correctly," He said with a small blush, "It's a biographical film about Elvis."
Savannah: Reaching for her water bottle she grabbed it and took a sip, “well that’s exciting,” Sav imagines that the feeling is similar to wanting to be cast in a ballet production. “Ballet helps with the basis for everything else,” she told him with a nod, “that’s why if you can get through the basics you’ll be set for anything.” Both of her eyes widened as she listened to him speak, “shut up that’s so cool. You are more talented than you even realize if you’re in the running for a role like that.”
Bradley: He laughed nervously and shrugged his shoulders, "I mean I'm not too sure. The other front runner is Harry Styles. I don't personally see him as Elvis but he can sing and dance. He has a leg up on me," He said. "Anyways, I'd figure I'd tell you about it so that way you and I can do our homework on his dancing," he said, "Also, how in the hell am I going to even live up to him being that big of a heart throb. This kind of shit is nuts. How do you ooze sex?"
Savannah: “He can sing, I don’t know about the dancing part. And can he act?” Her nose scrunched up and she shrugged her shoulders, making that her answer without having to flat out say that he probably couldnt act. “Smart, we’ll work on our Elvis moves,” she did her best impression of his hip swivel from memory. “You are a heart throb, maybe not to that level, yet, so you have to amplify yourself. Probably need some kind of like alter ego to call on when you get into that mindset.” Looking at him she raised a brow and turned him toward the mirror, “like that. Do you see yourself? Remember that cockiness you had when you walked in here and said my body is yours, use that.”
Bradley: Bradley chucked when she scrunched her nose, "Oh, not into the boyband? Or is it the british part about him that you aren't into?" He questioned. He laughed when she tried her best hip swivel, "Now that's good, are you sure you're not him reincarnated?" He teased with a big grin on his face. He attempted to try to do his impression from memory and then looked at her for approval, "Eh? How about it?" He spent a moment to think about what he needed to call his other ego. "Let me try again." He went to the door and put on his sunglasses from earlier. He walked over to her with some hip sway and he placed his hand on the mirror by her head and he leaned over her. He looked into her eyes as he was trying to muster up his best Elvis impersonation, "Hey there pretty lady, what do you say we finish up this lesson and you can come on over to my place," he impersonated.
Savannah: “Boybands are great, they’ve got some real bops, I just think he should stick to the boyband side of things,” that seemed like a nice enough answer. “Honestly I’m not sure, maybe that’s why I’m such a good dancer. You might have just solved the mystery,” she chuckled. “There see you’re off to a good start.” A brow quirked up as she watched him and stayed up as he leaned over her, “I have a feeling that you’re going to be better at this than you think….” She admitted.
Bradley: He smiled as she raised her eyebrow looking into her eyes. She definitely brought out all different kinds of sides to him, the playful, flirty, and semi-vulnerable side. With her help, he could get his confidence up to where it needs to be in order to properly play the role right. He didn't want to just stick to what he was doing in the past, he wanted someone that would stick by his side. He wanted a cheerleader. Someone he could celebrate the good things in life with. "Now," he said in his best Elvis impersonation. "You are standing there looking fine, so I am going to lean over and kiss you now," he added. He kept his hand beside her head and he leaned in to place a kiss on her lips, putting as much passion as he could into it.
Savannah: When he smiles, Savvy can’t help but do the same thing. She hadn’t been sure what to expect when he first arrived, but she finds herself pleasantly surprised. They get along easily without having to overthink too much, there was a level of comfortability that she didn’t quite expect. “You’re really all about getting into character aren’t you?” When she sees him leaning in she closed her eyes and let his lips crash into hers, her arm moved out to snake around his torso and pull him in closer to her.
Bradley: Bradley's head was rushing when she kissed him back. He felt light headed and butterflies. He wasn't used to this kind of a feeling and it was raw and vulnerable. It terrified him, but it was also addicting too? He couldn't get his thoughts straight about it. He felt his heart in his throat and he felt it beat harder and harder as they continued to kiss. He put his other hand on her hip as he pressed against her. As the kiss went on the fuzzier his head became and the more intense the butterflies felt. He pulled away, breathlessly. "Wow" he breathed. "Um..." he said, shaking his head slowly, trying to regain his thoughts, "I should let you get to work."
Savannah: The debate to play coy had been there in the beginning, but that was a battle that Savvy knew that she would lose the longer their time together went on. But losing that battle was worth it because kissing him was intoxicating. Her fingertips trailed up his side to dance over his rib cage while their lips interlocked. It took her a moment but her eyes fluttered open again, “oh now you want to let me get to work?” She teased him. “Should I be offended by that?”
Bradley: He chuckled, running a hand through his messy hair that was on her hip. "Not one bit," he breathed. He laughed nervously, looking into her eyes, blushing, "Don't laugh at me now," he warned, with a nervous smile, "But, I've never felt this before, this thing in your stomach, my head feels like I'm high on drugs," he laughed. "What the hell are you doing to me?" He whispered as he gave her one more kiss.
Savannah: Smirking, she runs her hand over his reddening cheek, finding the blush adorable. “I think that maybe the butterflies are contagious,” Savvy pointed out with a nod. “You have been the most pleasant surprise of the day. You didn’t notice the spell I was casting?” She joked. “I think maybe this might be fates fault.”
0 notes
detectivereads · 8 months
Darkbloom EP 11
If you haven’t read Ep 10 Click here
The Abyss of Ironhold
Plant Horrors
Leaving off where B Team parted ways with what was left of A Team. Killian, Wittr and Sage go down the stairs and went down the stairs and the team hears two voices, a male and female.
From our vantage point and the group rolled high for stealth these two people didn’t see the group, they were talking about Blackthorn and K. From the way they were talking, they are in league with Blackthorn.
Knowing these are his goons, we had to dispatch them quickly and quietly. So, Sage decided to do something crazy, she actives her Halo of Spores which helped big time. Sneaking over to the female and getting closer so her spores can take effect, both people start choking.
With this happening, Sage dispatched the female quickly, and Killian tries to one shot the guy with his arrow, he doesn’t die. Wittr tries to shoot her trident at him but rolled low and misses.
This guy starts to rage, Killian shoots another arrow the guy deflects, and the guy starts to look at me.
Then in a brilliant move Ohava (Wittr’s pet stag) comes in and finished him off by goring him. Going through their stuff is nothing worth noting. So, the group looks around and what they find to the room off to the left a room filled with people behind bars. Taking a closer look at these people, these guys were peasants. Talking to them they explain they were kidnapped off the streets and every so often someone would come and take one or two of them away and they are not seen again.
Sage was set to release them and give the weapons from the two people from the other room to a few people that are strong enough to protect the group, she also makes a map and shows where the exit is located.
Sage does detect magic on the bars, she goes and tries to open the gate and it latches on to her and hurts her. Wittr then remembers she has a magic key that can open locks, so she goes over and touches the bars and it release the prisoners and Sage.
Sage and Wittr hands the weapons and the map to the leader, Sage tells him “Find Harbormaster Ben tell him that Sage, Wittr & Killian sent you.” The prisoners leave.
Leaving the room, the group sees another door and approaches the door, before getting to the door the group hears growling and then the door starts to rattle like there was something thrown against it. On the door there was like a peek hole to see what is in the room. Sage and Wittr both see several plant-like dogs and they are very angry.
Sage tries to use her Druidic language and tries to talk to the creature with, no dice, but she does hear the voice that she heard before entering Ironhold, when she meditated to unlock her Circle of Spores. The voice tells her “Unfriendly” or “they don’t speak your language.” The group leaves.
Through the course of the dungeon the group finds a lot of money and loot and traps, the kind of cement that this place is a smugglers hideout.
The group finds one room filled with people but there are not just peasants but noble people in here as well, but these people have been mutated with plants. Sage asking Killian “What the heck is Ironhold doing here?” Killian has no idea what’s going on, that he never knew that there something under Ironhold.
Sage takes out her Tomb of Recording and makes notes of the room and what the contents. Sage gets the idea of getting a sample for Eve to run a test on. Using Mage Hand, she picks one of the petals off the nearest person, to her horror she hurt the person, but the plants are in control and sets them back up (they had slump over).
Sage tells Killian as soon as they leave here, she is paying his wife a visit.
Puzzle Room of Death
The group finds this long room that has alcoves on each side of the room grand total of 6, Sage gets the idea of getting pebbles and see is she could trigger traps. However once enter the room the door locks behind the group and the alcoves had statues holding stone bowls, they start shooting fire.
Wittr, who is fireproof, races across the room where there is three holes, a triangle hole and lever.  Wittr stabs one of the holes with her javelin and the first alcoves fire bowls start shoot fire a lot faster.
I do remember at one point, me the player, didn’t think something through and the looks on the DM and Wittr’s player face was like “what?”
In one of the previous rooms the group got silk, and in this room Wittr ripped one of the bowls off the group though they can use it as counterweights, but it starts sputtering magma on the floor. So, Sage’s bright idea was having Wittr take the silk and stop the magma pipe by clogging it. Sage then came back to her sense remember silk will burn.
With much panicking the group got through without dying.
Baby Land Shark Do do do
Leaving the death room, the group finds more plant people, and a cell that has a baby land shark, de-pawed. In the last room the group finds 3 Mer people. (Mer folk)
They explained there were two more of them, and how they were going to meet someone with very plants and that’s when they got jump. They also ask if the group comes across the two that are missing.
The group releases them, but Sage and Wittr both ask them if they can take the baby Land Shark with them. A little reluctance on their part but they go ahead and take the baby with them. (The land shark from the early campaign could be its parent.) Sage did what she did before and gives them a map of Ironhold and warns them about plant people.
The groups bid each other goodbye.
A very Handy Room and Sad Memories
Almost done with exploring the top half of Ironhold catacombs, the group goes into the last few rooms. Enter the first the group notices that this room is fancy, in the middle of the room there were three pedestals that had urns and, on the side, where pictures of ships of different makes and models and names and dates.
Sage started talking to Killian, what if this place was one of Blackthorn hideouts. But Killian said, “why would Blackthorn break out of his own base, and the amount of time that has been put down here there was no way the guards would ignore this, unless the Warden and some of the guards were in on it.”
Thinking that it was another puzzle the group proceeded into the next room where there was a red carpet and on the sides of the carpets more displays.
In the displays was the half of an arm (forearm, hand) there was a spike jammed through it and in the palm of the head was a coin. On the wooden part of the pedestals were names and dates. So, the group start going through the each of the pedestals until Sage see a familiar name… Urghat Scarletspear. It also had the date of his execution.
Sage grabs Killian and brings him over to the case and asks if this thing is booby trap to which he says no.
Sage immediately grabs the glass part when the coin flips in the hand, she then sees a little half-elf girl with bright red hair, smiling up at her, hold a leather bag “Look Urghat, I found a clue!” Sage hears a soft chuckle of a deep familiar voice “Well done dear.” The coin flips and Sage is back to present day. Sage then had a sudden moment of clarity that this base is not Blackthorns, it’s K. Yes, Sage did cry at this moment.
Sage explains that her thoughts and what she thought, thinking that these people have crossed K in some way.
(The DM explains as morbid trophy not only the hand was taken but the fondest and precious memory of the victim as well. I would also add that I was tearing up when he described the scene.)
Wittr finds one and tests this and she see a memory of woman laying on the bed she was talking to the guy/Wittr.  Guy/Wittr says “Marianne, this is the start of our very long life together.”
Wittr goes through the hands, and she finds a hand that has a special tattoo on the hand, mark of her order. Wittr sees the head priest and memory of the person being inducted into the order.
Killian found a someone that died last year, the memory they stop a Yi Ti murderer. Killian knows that this person that worked alongside Ben. Killian and the guard assumed that Blackthorn had killed this man, but it turns out it was K.
Sage takes the name plates and the hands and puts them in the Bag of Holding.
The group proceeds further in and finds a door they open it, and they hear voices.
Shocking Revelations
The group hears three voices, one voice yelling about a key and how K is not going to trap them in the lab here.
Another is trying to convince the first voice to drop this and flee. Sage cast message to both Wittr and Killian when we found out that these three one is Blackthorn and the other Arron Flint. Who is the son of Blackthorn. To leave the room and call Ben and ask what’s ETA on him coming back and to put the Warden on the stone.
The Warden has already left to catch up with us. But doesn’t have sending stone. And Ben should be back in 20 minutes.
Sage who climbed the wall and had been spying on the conversation of the room started looking for the key. It took a few rolls and a change of position she finds a key hidden in a tapestry. She gets it and leaves without the three of smugglers noticing.
Wittr goes to break the lock on the door, and we barricaded them in.
(End Session)
Player’s notes
Ok I had some major feelings in this one with the memory of Urghat.
But this also answers several questions but the biggest one was.
How did the Uggos know Sage, if they were in league with K, they could have seen this memory and know Sage that way.
Oh in one of the rooms Sage got a Helm of Comprehend Languages, she will learn every language of the world by this point Muhahahaha.
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dargeereads · 1 year
He’s married to his mission. She’s married to her career. Will Hale and Elsa allow their hearts to surrender and let love in?
Fighting the Pull, the heartrending, emotional fifth standalone book in the River Rain Series from New York Times bestselling author Kristen Ashley is available now!
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Hale Wheeler inherited billions from his father. He’s decided to take those resources and change the world for the better. He’s married to his mission, so he doesn’t have time for love.
There’s more lurking behind this decision. He hasn’t faced the tragic loss of his father, or the bitterness of his parents’ divorce. He doesn’t intend to follow in his father’s footsteps, breaking a woman’s heart in a way it will never mend. So he vows he’ll never marry.
But Hale is intrigued when he meets Elsa Cohen, the ambitious celebrity news journalist who has been reporting on his famous family. He warns her off, but she makes him a deal. She’ll pull back in exchange for an exclusive interview.
Elsa Cohen is married to her career, but she wants love, marriage, children. She also wants the impossibly handsome, fiercely loyal, tenderhearted Hale Wheeler.
They go head-to-head, both denying why there are fireworks every time they meet. But once they understand their undeniable attraction, Elsa can’t help but fall for the dynamic do-gooder.
As for Hale, he knows he needs to fight the pull of the beautiful, bold, loving Elsa Cohen, because breaking her would crush him.
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Grab your copy today! Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ZwfRsU Amazon Paperback: https://amzn.to/3omlWKU Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/fightingthepull Nook: https://bit.ly/3fJyKXy B&N Paperback: https://bit.ly/3Owj0Gg Google Play: https://bit.ly/3TgdwOu Kobo: https://bit.ly/3TcKoYI Apple Books: http://bit.ly/3ZzBbxa
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Keep reading for a look inside Fighting the Pull!
The thing on my mind that I wasn’t admitting was taking more headspace than it should was the fact that Hale had texted the day before. Again. Why he wasn’t letting himself off the hook about this interview he never wanted in the first place, I did not know. And it wasn’t going to be me who let him off the hook. Oh no. Not officially. But I wasn’t returning his texts, so unofficially, the guy should take a hint. We’d made a deal almost a year before. The deal was, I’d kinda, sorta lay off his family, he’d give me an interview. I couldn’t totally lay off his family. They were the most celebrated celebrities in the world. Even the ones who hadn’t sought that out, like Chloe Pierce and Judge Oakley. But there were a great many different kinds of celebrity news, and it didn’t seem like Hale Wheeler had cottoned on to the fact I wasn’t a mudslinger. Sure, I also wasn’t an objective journalist. But I wasn’t TMZ either. Nugget of news: you could share gossip for a living and still be classy. I was proof of that (or I thought I was). I had my key ready to put into the four locks on the door to the building where my studio was in Brooklyn, and with practiced ease, I was out of the New York autumn morning cold in no time. I locked the door behind me and headed to the space in the sectioned off warehouse that I rented for my studio. I had to unlock that door too (only three locks this time), and once inside, I practically ran into Chuck, my cameraman, who was for some reason right there and crowding me. My space was small, but this was weird. I looked at his face, and…great. We’d probably been burgled. It wasn’t like I had a ton of expensive equipment, but what I had was hard won. I had offers coming in, and they were healthier than I’d allowed myself to dream, but I hadn’t signed on any dotted line. So, for the foreseeable future, ongoing operating costs, and any expansion, was on me. I didn’t have time to deal with police reports and insurance companies telling me how little they could actually replace seeing as some small line in their contract exempted them from doing what I paid them to do. Nor did I need to be shelling out to replace stuff. “What’s up?” I warily asked Chuck. “Hale Wheeler is here,” he whispered. Oh no. That was worse than being burgled. My gaze flew beyond Chuck to my set which was a one-step dais on which sat a mint green velvet swivel chair with a glass-topped gold side table beside it. These were in front of a greenscreen backdrop we could make anything we wanted it to be. Though usually it was subtle pastel green and peach swirls against a soft white with the words “Elsa’s Exchange” repeated throughout. And damn it all to hell, there he was. Tall, ridiculously handsome, athletically built Hale Wheeler, the richest man in the world.
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For More Information about Kristen Ashley, visit her website: https://www.kristenashley.net/
For More Information about Blue Box Press, visit: Website: https://theblueboxpress.com/ Facebook: https://bit.ly/3ONzTtZ Instagram: https://bit.ly/3rTZdo3 TikTok: https://bit.ly/3G98oYh
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