#by listening to her mutter I learned that she had a friend in an office nearby that A I had to be wary about showing up
I had a dream where I was playing as a thief tasked to find out the truth behind the whereabouts of another criminal on a college campus. It was fun in that I was given an overall objective, but absolutely no one gave me an idea as to where to start first. Basically a lot of it involved either me figuring out how to B&E into different offices, or eavesdropping at the right time, but there were other hired thieves that I had to deal with at the same time that added an element of "combat" to the experience.
#personal#but also by eavesdropping and looking into files and etc I picked up stories about the people working and living there#which helped give them actual personalities and overall raised my investment in making sure their home essentially would be safe by the end#as an example there was this lady in her office that i could hear muttering from her computer#I was outside just under the window and my personal goal#personal as in there was no objective marker I just had a hunch#was to get in and look through her stuff#by listening to her mutter I learned that she had a friend in an office nearby that A I had to be wary about showing up#B had a key to the place (but also the doors would be unlocked)#C that she was stressed as hell and thus pretty distracted#the window before the desk was open a bit though she closed it before she left#I remembered thinking that I could have jammed it to keep it from closing all the way#but like the doors she didn't lock it#so i just slid it back open on my own#I learned about her life from her computer and jeez talk about trauma#but learned more so to follow the thread of going to her own friend's office#who as I learned#would be leaving it eventually too#idk there weren't any quest markers#just a large af map with multiple floors and a variety of ways to go about things#and a plethora of NPCs with set schedules I had to learn#Which would change dramatically if people learned I was there#I think it would be overwhelming for some people but tbh it's so what I want out of the genre
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pasdasin · 1 month
Wicked Game
wolverine x vampire!reader
an: omgg I am so happy yall like this! thank you for almost 100 notes!! If you want to be added to my tag list pls comment and ill do my best!! Remember Logan beefs with Alex Summers not Scott bc Scott is my son (dofp casting)
ch 2
warnings: mentions of blood, needles, generic doctor stuff, cussing i think, angst, poor reader :(
previous -- next
The next day you were sitting the in teachers break room, listening to Hank and Charles debate on what to do for the annual end of year movie night. Both options sounded boring, a basic slasher and some movie about a train. You turned to your right to look at your other close friend, Storm. 
“I heard Scott learned Dracula was about you” She hummed, bored of the debate as well. “I was wondering if you finally would tell your version of events?” You turned to look at her and pierced your lips. Thinking about the choice before you. It would be nice to get to talk about it, but at the same time you didn’t see it as fair to only do it since you brought it up to tease the boy. 
“I’m not su-” “She’ll do it” You turned harshly to the voice behind you and not surprisingly it was Logan. 
“Are you serious?” You pushed his arm away as his tried to lower it down on your shoulder. 
“What are you not proud to be a vampire?” 
“I am not a vampire” You grumbled looking back to Storm, who was also starting to get over this conversation. “Yeah sure whatever” She smiled and squeezed your arm as a thank you before leaving the two of you alone. 
Logan looked down at you and smiled. “I ate some broccoli today.”
“Wow. I’m impressed it wasn’t also soaked in scotch”
“Well I didn’t say that” You giggled at his response. You decided to get more comfortable under his arm, sinking into his side. Turning your attention back to Charles and Hank who finally agreed to a movie. The Breakfast Club. As they reached the decision, Alex Summers entered the room. 
Alex Summers was everything he was supposed to be. Kind, tall, handsome. The school girl crush of almost every girl that attended the school. He was calm, he was smart, he was caring, and he hated it. 
“Oh hey y/n.” He always wanted to be with you. You felt Logan tense up against you, his face contorting into an annoyed expression.
“Watch it bub” Logan said, staring at him intensely. You instinctively scratched his back to help him relax.
“Hi Alex! You need to stop by my office later for your check up.” You reminded him cheerfully. Alex thanked you for the reminder, promising to see you before Logan pulled you up with him and out of the lounge. In fact he managed to somehow pull you along out of that section of the mansion before he finally let go of you. 
“Dude what is your problem”
“I don’t like him”
“Yeah no shit.” You remarked, causing him to look down at you and raise an eyebrow. 
“I also don’t like when your sassy.” He poked your forehead with his finger, causing your face to scrunch up. “Besides your giving a presentation about your life, you need to make good on that promise” 
“I didn’t know you cared so much”
“I don’t” Oh. There it was. The fatal rejection that you have experienced from him over and over again. You looked down at the floor, muttering something about finding Storm and hurriedly walked away. He had hurt you for centuries. Your mind, body, and soul yearned for him and yet his own chased another. He had to know at this point. He just wanted to tease you until you couldn’t take it. Unfortunately for you, you had always shown him tolerance. 
Your walk was cut short as you bumped into Storm, who informed you that you were gonna “spill the beans” the next day, leaving you to walk back to your office and get ready for Alex to get his check up. 
As you prepped the trays you needed for his appointment, the all too familiar voice of Alex filled the room.
“Hello doctor,” He said in a flirty tone, cheering you up slightly. 
“Hi Alex, sit down here” You patted the bench and started the procedure. It was just a normal check up. He talked to you about his brother and his upcoming mission. Saying how he will miss his hot doctor when he left for Europe. 
It made you chuckle as you placed the stethoscope on his inner elbow, focusing once again on the sound and patterns of his blood. He watched you intently as you nodded your head along as if some kind of melody was playing and he was producing it. Your eyes were closed and your eyebrows furrowed together before you relaxed and smiled up at him.
“You're all good. Beautiful blood” He thank you before placing a blow pop he kept in his pocket in his mouth and walked out of your office. As the door shut, you started to clean and pack away your personal belongings. Putting the last needle into the biohazard box, you moved to turn off the lights when Charles wheeled into your office.
“Hello y/n. I need to ask you a favor”
tag list: @captain039
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esmedelacroix · 3 months
All the ways I defy you.
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pairing: exboyfriend!miguel o'hara x f!reader
summary: Since the end of your relationship, Miguel has been acting strange. At home, at work, and even around his own friends. He even goes so far as to break work rules all, for you?
cw: very angsty, depressive behaviors, tiny suggestive part
a/n: Hey! Just wanted to say thanks so much for all the love on the first part I uploaded a while ago! This is coming to you very late I know. I was a bit stressed with finals and moving out of my dorm. Here's part two, I hope you enjoy it! A comment, like, or repost is always appreciated.
previous part | miguel masterlist
*listen to this song on loop for the best experience !
Of course, when I thought that I could rid her of my life for good, the universe sent her flying in my direction. I do not want to be near her. Not because I hate her but because I know I make her upset. I don't want her to be around someone she associates terrible feelings with(me). Yet there she was drenched at our front door.
"I'm currently on the hunt for an apartment, but I didn't know this was going to happen—so—sniff—I'll have to stay here for a while. Is that okay?" my sweet girl asked as she averted her eyes. Drenched in rain, runny mascara, and her tears. Voice quivering and body shaking.
"Yes, of course, yeah, come in," I responded a bit too quickly, opening my door wider for her to enter. I stepped aside and rummaged through the bathroom getting her a warm fluffy towel.
"Um, I'll take the couch so you can sleep in our—my room," I said, correcting myself. Which only made her tears spill more.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Yes, you'll catch a cold if you don't," I assured.
"Do you even care?" she muttered under her breath.
Yes, Of course I do baby you're my everything.
"I'll be in my office if you need anything," I sighed.
. . .
Sleeping uncomfortably on your couch is not for that week. But that didn't compare to the feeling of hearing my ex-girlfriend crying herself to sleep in the bed we once shared. Our physical proximity was so close. All I had to do was get up, open the door, and cuddle her. Tell her everything is going to be okay.
How can one be so close to someone but so far at the same time? The paradox of my situation with my ex-girlfriend tore my heart, mind, and body apart.
Just then her cries and sniffs died down and I could hear her familiar soft snore that she swore she didn't have. When I closed my eyes to sleep, the first thought that came to my head was her. Her sleeping form. How peaceful her face looked. The way her chest rose and fell as she breathed. My perfect girl was the first and last thing I thought about. Her mere existence in my imagination had lulled me to sleep. Fuck, I made a mistake letting her go, I thought to myself.
. . .
"Hobie Brown," I said sternly.
"I already know, I get it, but things happen, mate," he shrugged, foreseeing the lecture he was about to receive from me.
"No, I don't think you 'get it' because you broke one of the only three key rules you have to follow here," I interjected.
"Just let him off the hook this time," Gwen interrupted.
"No. I can't. You, Miles, and Pavitr could learn from this as well. Don't disrupt the canon, report to me after every single mission, and never, ever, ever leave your post," I lectured.
"What if something important happens?" Miles questions.
"Nothing is more important than keeping the canon intact," I snapped.
"At this rate, you and your girlfriend will break up before I finish my written report. She must really enjoy your relationship; If you could even call it that," Hobie smirked as he walked away.
That shut me up. Because what he predicted was not far from reality. Are my rules too much? I couldn't say anything back to him because he might have been correct. For the first time ever Hobie Brown got the last word. The rest of the afternoon I reflected on myself and my rules. Not leaving your post is important, I told myself.
. . .
"I got your text," Peter B sighed as he took a seat next to Miguel in the cafeteria.
"You broke up with her?" he asked, quivering a brow.
"Yeah, it was just too much," I sighed, rubbing my hand along my face.
"What do you mean? She's like the best thing to ever happen to you. The first time I ever saw you genuinely laugh was the day you brought her to work and she kept cracking the worst dad jokes. And you're telling me you broke up with her?" he rambled.
"Peter, I was making her unhappy," I admitted.
"Then just stop making her unhappy. It's as easy as that. Knowing her, she probably communicated what was bothering her with you too," he said sternly.
"I can't just stop following protocol," I said, stating the obvious.
"For her? For the women you love? You should be able to," Peter sighed. My lungs felt like they had been attacked by a million bees. Palms were sweating buckets at the mere thought of experiencing my baby Gabriella disappear in my arms again. Her painful screams filled my ears. The grief-stricken reality that her daddy, her "hero", couldn't save her. Amid my miniature panic attack, Peter placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. Successfully pulled me from the nightmare I was reliving back into the present.
"But, Peter, Gabi, I—I can't let that happen again. What if a parent, just like me and you, loses their kid the same way I did? I just-I can't do it. I have to keep the canon undisturbed," I said, stumbling over my words.
"Miguel, that isn't going to happen again, you have us now. You have help," Peter said a little softer, noticing that he hit a nerve.
"I would never forgive myself if millions of families, partners, and could-have-been end or cease to exist because of me," I admitted.
"Miguel, if you were to leave your post, you would have someone fill in for you. You give yourself all of these extra jobs that you don't need to be doing," Peter insisted.
"But if I don't do it, someone's going to make a mistake," I insisted.
"Or you can trust in the people that you hand-picked for this job," Peter suggested.
"It's more complicated than that," I rebutted.
"No, it really isn't. You're just making it more complicated. You need to trust in your team," he finished.
"And maybe get your girl back?" he suggested as he got up to get Mayday from Gwen's lap to go change her diapers.
. . .
You called out of work sick. Truthfully, you were glued to the bed. You didn't have the desire to get up or do much of anything. You hadn't showered that morning or eaten breakfast. All you did was stare at the ceiling, out the window, and the framed photo of you and Miguel that he hadn't put away yet.
Tears stained your cheeks, your eyes swelled to oblivion, and your stomach was empty and practically eating itself. The refrigerator called out to me but I didn't answer. I couldn't. Does he even care like I do? You asked yourself.
Staring blankly at the limewash accent wall of your once-shared room that you were considered a guest in. Just then your phone rang. You shot up and immediately checked who it was. You shamelessly smiled when the contact name "my miguel 💕" popped up on your screen. You clicked the answer button after taking a deep breath.
"Hello?" you said.
"Hi, you're probably at work right now, sorry to be a bother," he started.
"No, not at all. I called out today. I've been feeling under the weather," you assured.
"Do you want me to bring you anything for dinner? I'm going to get Chinese takeout tonight," he said.
"Yeah, I'll have whatever you're having," you responded.
"Okay, I'll be back around 7:00 with dinner. You know where the medicine is, take care of yourself please," he assured.
"Okay, I'll be expecting you," you replied before hanging up first.
He told you he'd be home around seven but you didn't count on it. He broke most promises anyway.
You decided to finally shower and have a small snack. You sat on the couch with your Kindle in hand. The couch smelled like him. The throw pillows smelled like his lavender-scented shampoo. You couldn’t help but wrap yourself in the blankets he had used the night before. It didn’t compare his hugs but it was good enough for now.
You spent some time reading some romance novels. Putting yourself in the shoes of the heroine and pretending that the love interest was him. Pretending that it was Miguel who ran all the way to your house while it was raining to hold you and wipe your tears in the dead of the night. Instead, you sat in your living room wondering whether or not he would actually do that for you.
You heard keys in the door and it opened soon after. You got up and slowly approached it with a pillow in hand as a weapon. You had no idea who could be dropping by the apartment at this time. Just then Miguel turned the corner takeout in hand and you wound up to hit the perpetrator. “Whoa calm down, it’s just me,” Miguel chuckled.
You let out a long exhale in relief. “I just wasn’t expecting you to be home so early,” he sighed as you put the pillow back on the couch.
“What do you mean? I said I’d be here around this time and you said and I quote, ‘I’ll be expecting you’,” he teased.
“Well I’m just kind of used to you saying things and not delivering,” you said under your breath loud enough for him to hear as you helped him unpack the food he got and set it on the living room coffee table.
“Well I decided to be less of a dick today,” he quipped.
“Should’ve done that when we were still together,” you answered half-joking.
He gave you an apologetic look. His mouth opened then closed. Like he wanted to say something but he stopped himself. Like he always did. I wish you could tell me what’s on your mind, you thought to yourself.
“I’ve been pretty shitty huh?” he said with a pained expression on his face.
“It’s not your fault,” you assured taking a seat next to him.
He put something random on Netflix to watch while you got water for the two of you. As usual, he never read the synopsis of anything he watched and accidentally put on 365 days. Classic Miguel. “Oh god, this is a bit inappropriate,” he commented, almost choking on his lo mien.
“It’s nothing we’ve never done before,” you smirked.
You watched his cheeks flush out of the corner of your eyes. He hugged the my melody plush you had gifted him a while ago a little tighter. He adjusted his glasses sheepishly.
You recalled the time you asked him about his glasses. Him being ashamed when he admitted that he needed to use glasses whenever he looked at a screen because played too many video games as a kid.
Suddenly, the TV blended in with all the other noises in the background. The sounds of cars honking on the streets outside the window, the rain constantly hitting the top of the air conditioner, the soft hum of the drying machine, and the—tick—tock—of the clock on the wall.
It was just you and Miguel in that room then. Stealing glances at each other. Contemplating whether or not you should release the many unspoken words bottled up inside. “I’m moving out in 2 days. I found a place,” you said, breaking the silence.
“Oh, that’s….great. Seriously, good for you,” he says looking away. What you didn’t know was that Miguel wasn’t congratulating you. He was trying to convince himself that you leaving was a good thing. That it was good for you and for him. That it was everything he wanted.
You could hear the pain in his voice and although you could see his face. You knew the downcast expression that was painted on it.
. . .
Two days went by way too quickly. Two days of sleeping on the couch. Two days of coming home early and on time to spend time with my loved ones before she left. Two days of baking sweet treats while we watched Romance movies. Two days of soaking in her presence before it was completely gone from my life.
As soon as I knew it, that morning when I decided to help her move her things out instead of going to work. I put Jess in charge of the morning instead which she was ecstatic about.
Once the final box was loaded in the moving truck we faced each other at the front door. The front door I’ve her drunk body through. The front door we used to kiss at when we couldn’t wait to get in our house. The front door she knocked at with all of her stuff when we decided to move in together. The front door where I would chase after her after an argument. The front door I revealed I was Spiderman at. The front door she came to drenched with rain in tears the day I broke up with her. Which was now the front door that we would say our last goodbyes at.
We looked into each other's eyes for a good 30 seconds. Tears filled her eyes and mine. "Just, come here big guy," she sighed, opening her arms to me.
I was hesitant. If I touched I was afraid I wouldn't want to let go and I would hold on forever. All I could control was the now. So I pushed those thoughts of fear away and I held her. Her arms wrapped around my waist. One of my hands rested on her back while the other was on the back of her head caressing her hair. For once I built up the courage to say what was on my mind without holding myself back. I took a deep breath in before admitting, "I'll miss you,"
"I still love you," she replied before letting go and walking out the door for the last time.
I heard the door click and it was final. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
. . .
I felt lighter as I walked down the hallway to my office. Memories of her still played endlessly in my head but I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder when I took Peter's advice and split my jobs up with my coworkers.
Today most of the spider society would be in Pavitr's universe catching any extra anomalies that slipped under our radar. As well as closing the quantum hole that was starting to form. We had almost all hands on deck in this assignment and I would be leading it.
The mission reached a new height for us when a Prowler variant from a different universe was found. Gwen and I were on him while also trying to keep the streets and civilians safe. Peter joined us soon after he finished his task. Just when we had cornered him, my watch began to ring. The contact name appeared as "Mi Corazon" and my heart dropped. My heart dropped because the only way she could call me on my watch was with the emergency one I had made for her. She was in trouble. I looked around at Peter and Gwen and they both urged me to answer. "If you need to go, you should go," Peter said, fighting off the Prowler who took this as an advantage to strike.
"Don't worry about us, we got this," Gwen called out, giving Peter a hand while looking back at me.
"But, I can leave my post. I made that rule," I stuttered as the ringing of my watch heightened my nerves. Peter gave me a look
"For her? For the women you love? You should be able to," the words played through my head as the worst possible time.
I can't, I can't do it. I have to stay, I thought to myself.
"You should be able to," I told myself.
As I battled with myself in my head, Peter snapped me out of it. "Answer that call, Miguel. I'm sure you'll regret it later if you don't. We got it covered. Trust in us? Please?" he called out.
Every cell in my body and even my brain told me not to answer the call and not to leave my post. But every beat in my heart and whisper of my soul told me to answer the damn call. So I did.
. . .
I had never swung through the streets of Nueva York faster than I was now. Her little voice fueled me even though biologically I should have no energy right now.
"Miguel I need you, I need you right now,"
If a branch was in my way I simply swung through. They would hit my body and bruise me a bit but none of that mattered right now.
"Someone broke into my house,"
Tears began to form in my eyes wondering if she was okay. If she was safe. “ You still there baby?” I asked as I swung past building upon building.
“Yeah—sniff—I’m here,” she replied. I let out a relieved sigh.
“Just wait right there, baby. Stay on the line, I’m almost there,” I breathed out.
. . .
You didn’t expect him to drop everything at an important mission for you. That's why you didn’t tell him that you knew who robbed your house.
That’s why you didn’t tell him that your ex-boyfriend had texted you the moment he found you that you and Miguel split up. The same ex was the reason why Miguel had to help you tighten your home security before you moved in with him.
So when Miguel found you on the ground a mess with tears still streaming down your face. You felt as though you had to tell him. "This was Kyle wasn't it?" he asked.
"How'd you know?" you asked, looking up at him, his arms still wrapped around you.
"I had a bodyguard follow you around for a while just to make sure you were okay while I figured out a time to help you install some security here. They noticed a guy was loitering outside of your apartment building a lot but they assumed he was a resident," he explained.
"I'm sorry I called you for this, I'm a mess and you were doing something important, probably," you rambled.
"No, nothing is more important than your safety and your happiness," he interrupted.
"Miguel, you don't have to say that to make me feel better. I know how important holding the Spider-Verse together is to you," you admitted.
"You're more important. So much more important. I'd sit and watch the whole Spider-Verse crumble and burn as long as I’m watching it with you safe in my arms," he confessed, holding you tighter.
"I'm sorry I never told you that sooner. Or showed that in my actions when we were together. There hasn't been a single day I haven't thought about you since I first met you. I thought that by breaking up with you, you'd be happier and you'd be free of me. It's hard being in a relationship with me and it's even harder to love me because I'm so flawed," he continued.
All the things he wanted to say but never dared to say to you spilled out at once.
"I just didn't want you to think I'm weak," he admitted sheepishly.
Shock struck your face. He's been struggling so much and you didn't know. "Oh Miguel, I could never think that. You are the strongest man I know. Once I had to bike up a very steep hill to get a bandage for my little brother who scraped his knee, it was really hard. Another time, I took a test that had 120 multiple-choice questions and two essays in two hours. That—was really hard. But the easiest thing I've ever had to do..." you started as you cupped his cheeks with both of your hands.
"...is love you. It's a pleasure—to love you, Miguel. You are not an inconvenience to me" you assured.
The two of you held each other on the floor of your trashed apartment. For the first time out of many to come, Miguel defied his protocols and the canon for you. He challenged his way of being for you. And he conquered his fear of opening up all to be a better man for you.
"I know it's hard for you to talk to me about what goes on in your head, and we'll work on it but this is a really good start. Thank you," you said.
"Does this mean we're back together? You really want to be with me after all this?" he asked.
"Yes, of course," you chuckled.
"I love you to the moon and back," he sighed.
. . .
to be continued ?
taglist: @truth-dare-spin-bottles @hobiebrowns-wife @lazyjellyfish300 @scaryplanetdestroyer @lauraolar14 @reader-1290 @prettygirleli @spicydonut25
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uhh well I went in to see if you wrote helluva boss and you did! I can't tell you how happy I am and can there be one from you like lee blitz and lers moxxie, millie and loona? I don't know, maybe while they were meeting together, Blitz might be teasing Moxxie about how sensitive and ticklish he is. (because why not)
He may mock Moxxie to the point of making him blush and get angry, but there is a truth. he's quite ticklish himself, and what made his find out was when Loona delicately touched his side to tell her father that she needed to stop, and a boss who jumped up and squealed cutely (and who was going to get a big tickling punishment) :>
I thought this would be cute, I really read all of your fics (especially the Lee Lucifer stories♡) this time I would love for you to write a Lee Blitz story, thank you.
Sure thing!
Niceness Necessities
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C.W: Swearing, gets a lil intense at the end
Summary: Blitzø won’t stop teasing Moxxie during one of the meeting and Mille and Loona help him out by finding something about Blitz
What. The. Hell
Blitz now had his claws on an Asmodian Crystal. What was he supposed to do with this thing?! He of course knew that with this crystal he could now travel to the human world without help from Stolas’ grimore but still, how was he supposed to use it??
He wanted to have a meeting with the rest of the I.M.P about this new item but first he wanted to figure out how to use it. So now in his office he sat at his desk on his computer researching the magic crystals.
“Hmm..” Blitz hummed, placing his hand on his chin in thought as he surfed the internet looking through helltube, Sinstagram, Hell’s version on Google but no matter how much he looked he couldn’t find anything on the Asmodian Crystals, were they seriously that rare??
Blitz was getting frustrated at this point at not being able to find anything before it hit him. He was friends with Fizz again, he could literally just go talk to the big man himself! “Stupid stupid stupid!” Blitz reprimanded himself but very pleased at the fact that he’d found a solution to learn about this magic crystal.
Blitz stood from his desk, tail flicking excitedly as he headed for his door and swung it open, meeting the eyes of Moxxie, Millie and Loona. “Listen up fuckers! I found a solution on how to use this fancy-shmancy thing so I’m going to the Lust Ring to learn about it! I’ll be back soon but for now Moxxie hold down the fort till I get back!” Blitz called, heading for the door when Moxxie’s voice stopped him.
“But what if I don’t want to sir?” Moxxie asked, meeting Blitz’s bewildered gaze with a grin, Moxxie (almost) never disobeyed him? But Blitz was not one to back down so he met the smaller imp’s gaze with a challenging grin, pointing a menacing finger at him before replying.
“Then I’ll tickle you to pieces when I get back.” Blitz threatened and chuckled as Moxxie’s face flushed a beet red and he muttered a halfhearted “Fine.” As Blitz headed out the door.
Now outside of the building Blitz headed for his van that was parked in the lot, unlocking it and climbing inside before starting the engine and pulling out of the lot on his way to the train station.
If he remembered the schedules correctly the train for Lust left in 15 minutes, perfect plenty of time for him to get to the station.
A little while later he arrived there and parked the vehicle, jumping out and shutting the door before locking it and heading for the gate for the train to Lust. Once he located it he got on the train with a few minutes left to spare, finding his seat and sitting down right as the train jostled into motion.
Now on the train Blitz took out his phone and texted Fizz
*Blitz: Fizz?*
*Fizz: Yup? Didn’t expect to hear a text from you*
*Blitz: I know but I just have a question, are you and Ozzie free today? I’m coming to Lust I have a few questions for the big man*
*Fizz: I believe so let me ask…..yep we’re free!*
*Blitz: Great! See you in a bit!*
*Fizz: See ya!*
After that conversation Blitz turned off his phone with a pleased smile, placing it back in his pocket and looking out the window, almost there.
Now in the Lust Ring Blitz stepped off the train and quickly spotted the large building that belonged to the sin and grinned before heading that way.
He meandered down the street, going past stores and bars all over the place before finally reaching the building where he was met with a guard. “Who might you be?” The guard snapped and Blitz held up his wrist where the Asmodian Crystal sat, “I’d like to see the big man.” Blitz told the guard and he huffed, annoyed before letting Blitz in.
The imp grinned in response and walked inside, as the guard shut the door Blitz was immediately met with Fizz’s grinning face. “Blitz! I haven’t seen you in forever!” The other imp exclaimed and Blitz chuckled, “I know I’ve been busy with my business, where’s Ozzie?” Blitz asked Fizz and he led the other imp to an elevator where they stepped in and pressed a button for the highest floor.
“You guys live at the top?!” Blitz exclaimed, clearly amazed making Fizz laugh, “Yep, Ozzie is royalty after all.” Fizz reminded him and Blitz’s tail flicked irritably at his own antics when they reached the top at last.
When the elevator doors open Fizz stepped out with Blitz in tow and the other imp was amazed by how nice Ozzie’s place was when Fizz led him to a large door which was opened by two guards to allow them in.
“Ozzie!” Fizz called out as the guards shut the door and a few minutes later Asmodius rounded the corner. “Fizzy you’re back! And I see you’ve brought a friend.” Ozzie observed and Blitz bowed in the sin’s presence.
“Hello big man, I just have some questions for you then I’ll be out of your hair.” Blitz told the sin and Asmodeus waved him off, “Don’t worry about it, any friend of Fizz is a friend of mine. Come this way.” Ozzie instructed, leading Blitz and Fizz to his office, shutting the door and rounding the desk to sit.
“So what’s the matter imp?” Ozzie asked and his eyes widened as Blitz held up his wrist that held the crystal. “I see..you want to learn how to use that don’t you?” Ozzie asked the imp and he nodded, “Please, it would be a big help.” Blitz told the other and he nodded, standing up and turning to one of his nearby bookshelves before selecting a book and placing it on the table in front of Blitz.
“This book right here should tell you everything you need to know about my crystals such as what they are and how to use them.” Asmodeus told Blitz who nodded in understanding, “Thank you Ozzie!” Fizz piped up as him and Blitz stood, heading for the door.
“Yeah thanks big man, I’ll be sure to return it once I’m finished!” Blitz called over his shoulder as they stepped out of the office and Ozzie gave him a thumbs up before they shut the door and headed for the elevator again.
“Ozzie’s a good guy.” Blitz told Fizz who nodded, “Yeah he is.” The imp spoke as they rode the elevator back down to the ground floor, upon arriving they stepped out and Fizz walked Blitz to the door.
“Thanks Fizz!” Blitz told his friend and the other imp gave him a thumbs up as Blitz walked back into the down, starting down the street with this new information.
“What do you think Blitz is doing?” Millie called from her place on the couch and Moxxie and Loona’s gazes flicked over to her. “I’m not sure, he said he was going to Lust to find out about the crystal His Majesty gave him so it’s likely he’s visiting Asmodeus.” Moxxie replied, tail flicking behind him in thought.
“Yeah but who cares, the dumbass can take care of himself.” Loona piped up from her phone and Millie hummed, “If all he was doing was going to talk to Asmodeus why couldn’t we come?” Millie pointed out.
“That’s a good question Millie, maybe he wanted to go by himself.” Moxxie told her and she looked out the window, “Maybe, do you know when he’ll be back?” Millie asked again and was met with a shrug from both of them, Millie knew one thing though. Her boss was a man on a mission right now.
Now back outside Blitz headed back towards the train station with the new book in his hands. Finally he had the information he needed for the crystal, now all he needed to do was take it back to the I.M.P and review it and the crystal with his team.
“Hell yeah we have the book now..” Blitz muttered to himself as he reached the station and walked into the train back to Pride and sat. As the train jostled into motion once more he opened the book and looked at the contents of the first page.
The writing was written in mostly a different language but luckily Blitz knew the language it was written in so he read a couple of the facts about it, occasionally glancing down at the crystal when he read about something particularly interesting.
“The Asmodian Crystal’s power allows you to teleport at will…interesting..” Blitz muttered to himself, still skimming through the pages and before long the train had arrived back at Pride.
With an excited grin Blitz stepped off the train and headed towards the parking lot where his van sat with the book in hand, tail swishing behind him as he walked.
Once he arrived at his van he climbed inside and shut the door, placing the magic book on the seat before starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot before heading down the road.
The I.M.P building was about 15 minutes away and Blitz could hardly wait to get back and look over the new information with the others, this would be fun.
“How much longer do you think he’ll be gone?” Millie piped up again from her place on the couch, “I’m not sure, he should be on his way back by now but I don’t know.” Moxxie spoke from his place beside her.
“Ehh either way it’s fine, Blitz never leaves this place for too long and like the pipsqueak said, the dumbass is probably on his way back already.” Loona commented from her place at her desk, paws propped up on the desk as she scrolled through her Sinstagram.
“Yeah, I’m probably just overthinking this.” Millie told herself and Moxxie scooted closer to her, wrapping his tail around her and kissing her crown, “And that’s perfectly okay, it’s sweet that you’re so concerned about him.” Moxxie told her and she smiled.
“Ew get a room!” Loona called over to them making the pair laugh.
Finally almost home, by now the I.M.P headquarters were around 5 minutes away and Blitz could feel his heart thumping in anticipation to get back, he couldn’t wait!
Although he did have to wait a little to get back, not long though because he let his mind wander for what felt like a few seconds but when he shook himself out of it he was in the parking lot of his building, hey not like he was complaining.
With a giddy smile he parked the van and shut it off, hopping out of the front seat and shutting the driver side door before rounding the front of the vehicle to open the passenger side door and grab the book before setting his sights on the large building in front of him.
Blitz set off towards his building, reaching the entrance soon after and swinging open the door before stepping in and shutting it, now climbing the few flights of stairs that he had to climb to get to the office floor and by the time he’d reached the door he was worn out, why was this book so damn heavy?!
With a huff after being hunched over catching his breath, Blitz huffed before standing up to his full height and practically breaking down the door catching everyone’s attention.
“Blitz you’re back!” Millie exclaimed, jumping up and following his to where he walked over to the meeting table and set the heavy book down before sitting down at the head of the table.
“Yep…I had to travel to Lust..and talk to the big man..about this.” Blitz breathed out, holding up his wrist to show them the crystal, “And he gave me this book, said it would help to understand what it is and how to use it.” He finished as Millie sat down at the table, followed by Loona and Moxxie.
“Alright.” Blitz began, standing up from his place at the head of the table, this placement was good. Moxxie on his left and Loona on his right with Millie sitting next to Loona, perfect they could listen to him better this way.
“We’re gonna look at the book and we’re gonna figure out how to use this crystal.” Blitz remarked, grabbing to book and clawing it forward in his direction before flipping it open to the first page, watching as the other’s leaned closer to see.
“Hehey what?!” Moxxie yelped, jumping back at Blitz quickly scribbled over his neck, “You were too close.” Blitz told the other imp, grinning impishly (ha ha) at the other, “I wasn’t even that close.” Moxxie muttered and Blitz’s gaze flicked u to meet Moxxie’s.
“What was that Moxx? You want me to do that again?” Blitz grinned, wiggling his claws at Moxxie who scrambled back, “N o.” Moxxie stated, pointing an accusatory claw at Blitz who chuckled in response and went back to the book.
“Be nice Blitz.” Millie spoke up, smacking him on the arm for extra emphasis but Blitz only waved her off. “Nahhh he’s fine Millie. Not my fault he’s so fuckin ticklish~” Blitz taunted and relished in the way Moxxie’s face flushed crimson.
“S-Shut up!” Moxxie snapped at him but recoiled as Blitz scribbled over his stomach, “Watch it.” Blitz grinned again, pointing a finger at Moxxie who averted his gaze with a grumble.
Blitz went back to the book at began reading when Loona’s voice spoke up. “What does that say?” The hellhound questioned, pointing at some smeared ink on the page.
“Oh that?” Blitz started, focusing on the ink, “I believe it says ‘Thou who hath access to thy crystal shall be forbidden to use it unlawfully, thus punishable by having the crystal taken’.” Blitz recited, chuckling as Loona’s head tilted to the side before she realized what that meant and nodded.
“I have a question, what does that say?” Millie piped up and Blitz looked at it, it wasn’t smeared but it was in heavy cursive making it a bit hard to read so Blitz read it out for her.
“What about that?” Moxxie also piped up, referring to something on the other page and Blitz poke the other imp in the side causing him to recoil again.
“Patience Moxx, we’re not there yet.” Blitz reminded, waving his finger at Moxxie like how a parent would reprimand a child making the imp slide down in his seat with an irritated huff.
“Was that sass I heard?” Blitz smirked at Moxxie who shot up, face flushed with a nervous expression. “N-No it wasn’t!” Moxxie snapped at Blitz who only grinned.
“Alright sure.” He remarked, sarcasm dripping from his tone before his hand shot out and started squeezing Moxxie’s sides who flinched before giggling like mad.
“What’s wrong Moxx? You a little ticklish?” Blitz taunted and Moxxie fell forward, head resting on the desk as he covered his face with his hands, still giggling madly. Millie looked at him endearingly and Loona glanced at Blitz, an idea forming in her head.
“Come on Blitz stop it.” Loona remarked, subtly elbowing/jabbing him in the ribs causing him to jump with a squeal at the unexpected touch, halting his tickly attack on Moxxie to slap both hands over his mouth.
By now Moxxie had recovered and was now looking at Blitz with a large grin on his face, book and crystal now long forgotten as the three looked at him. “Y-You traitor.” Blitz muttered, heart rate picking up as he watching Loona stand and go to walk behind his chair, breath hitching as the hellhound pulled his arms above his head.
“Loony!” Blitz whined, yanking on his arms and grinning nervously as his arms wouldn’t budge and Moxxie crept closer. “Millie help!” Blitz called out to his last hope but Millie only let a lazy grin make its way onto her face as she slid down in her seat a little.
Blitz was about to comment on what the hell she was doing when he felt it, her tail had wrapped around his boot and was now trying to pull it off. “No M-Millie wait!” Blitz tried pleading with her, kicking his feet but that only served in helping her as the extra force allowed her to tug his boot off, tail dropping the object and settling for wrapping around his foot.
“M-Millie…” Blitz trailed off as her tail kept twitching, he was so focused on her that he didn’t noticed Moxxie coming up beside him until the smaller imp tasered his ribs making Blitz jump, gaze snapping over to him.
“Come on sir don’t tell me you forgot about me? How mean.” Moxxie teased, lowering his claws and touching them to Blitz’s sides before starting to lightly skitter up and down.
Moxxie immediately felt Blitz stiffen, watching amused as the imp bit his lip in an attempt to suppress the steady growing giggles as Moxxie increased the pressure, now steadily scribbling over Blitz’s sides and chuckling a little as Blitz went red and he ducked his head.
“M-Mohohoxxie..” Blitz began, breath catching in his throat as Millie’s tail began lightly scratching over the underside of Blitz’s now uncovered foot and also watching amused as her boss’s face nearly rivaled the rest of his skin against his scar.
“Mihihillie!” Blitz whined again, “Come on what’s it going to take to break your stubborn ass.” Loona grumbled slightly, taking both of Blitz’s wrists in one hand and using the other to scribble under his arm.
“Lohohohoona wahahahait not thehehehere!” Blitz cried, dam finally breaking and giggles pouring out of him, “Well there’s my answer.” Loona smirked, keeping it up as her, Moxxie, and Millie kept up the gentle tickles.
“Ahah! Mohohohohoxxiehehe!” Blitz’s laughter jumped an octave as Moxxie’s hand wandered towards Blitz’s stomach and was now scribbling there.
“Hah! You’ve got a ticklish stomach sir?” Moxxie taunted, grinning as Blitz’s face turned an even brighter shade of red, tail beginning to slightly swish behind him.
“You enjoying this Blitz?” Millie spoke up and Blitz’s wide eyed gaze flicked up to meet hers. “Nohohohoho? WhahaHAHAT mahahahahakes you sahahay thahahat?!” Blitz questioned, yelping mid-sentence as Millie’s tail grazed along his arch.
“Hmm, I beg to differ.” Millie grinned, pointing at Blitz’s tail that was still swishing behind him. Blitz turned a wide-eyed, betrayed glance at his tail before screwing his eyes shut again and trying to get it to stop but it didn’t work.
“How do you like that sir!” Moxxie called as he moved up to scratch across Blitz’s ribs making him jerk. “Mohohohohoxxiehehe!!” Blitz howled as Loona moved to skitter over the base of his horns.
“Lohohohohoony plehehehehease!” Blitz cried, weakly batting at her paws best he could but that didn’t stop her, if anything she only smirked and kept it up. “Mihihilliehehe!!” Blitz called out next as the imp in question took the tip of her tail and started scratching it over the main area of the other’s foot.
“Alright guys we might want to wrap this up here soon, Blitz looks just about ready to k!ll all of us.” Millie piped up and Loona and Moxxie nodded in agreement. “Where’s he most ticklish Loona?” Moxxie turned his attention towards the hellhound who smirked.
Loona then paused her tickling hand, keeping Blitz’s wrists above his head, “Lohohoona nohoho plehehehease don’t tehehell him!” Blitz tried pleading with her just Loona just shrugged.
Then she leaned down, whispering something in Moxxie’s ear and Blitz watched, frankly quite scared as Moxxie’s face lit up, quickly morphing into an evil grin.
“M-Mohohoxxie…now wahahait a mihihinute..” Blitz began, being kept in a state of giggles by Millie’s tail still on his foot but also the fact that Moxxie’s claws were creeping closer to his worst spot, his thighs.
“Mohohoxxie plehehehease..” Blitz told Moxxie and he stopped for a moment, “Please what sir?” Moxxie grinned but Blitz’s eyes widened, clamping his mouth shut, no way in the seven rings was he falling for that!
“Alright if you don’t wanna answer suit yourself!” Moxxie chirped before shooting his hands down, kneading into Blitz’s thighs with vigor, attempting to get an apology out of his boss.
Blitz jerked hard, eyes widening and he bit his lip but it did nothing to stop the wave of laughter that spilled out of him moments later. “MOHOHOHOXXIEHEHE!! SHIHIHIHIHIHIT!!” Blitz screeched, bucking like mad making Moxxie laugh.
“Apologize sir!” Moxxie declared and Blitz shook his head, “NOHOHOHOHO WAHAHAHAHAY!!” Blitz remained defiant, by now Loona and Millie had stopped tickling him, opting to watch the situation unfold as Moxxie took Blitz down.
“It’s only going to get worse from here if you don’t apologize Blitz, you know how Moxxie can be~” Millie reminded him but he shook his head, “IHIHI DOHOHOHON’T CAHAHAHARE, BRIHING IT ON PIHIHIPSQUEHEHEAK!!” Blitz exclaimed through his laughter, laughing harder as he saw the expression on Moxxie’s face.
“Oh that is IT!” Moxxie exclaimed but there was no real bite to his voice as he scooted closer to Blitz and leaned down before blowing a large raspberry in the crook of Blitz’s neck.
“AHAHAH! MOHOHOHOHOXXIEHEHE!!” Blitz shrieked, tossing his head back and cackling like a mad man as Moxxie wreaked havoc on him. “Apologize Blitz!” Loona called from behind him and finally he gave in.
“FIHIHIHINE FIHIHINE I GIHIHIVE IM SOHOHOHOHORRY MOHOHOHOXX JUST FUHUHUHUCKIN STAHAHAHAHAP!!” Blitz cackled and finally Moxxie pulled away, grinning like a goon as Blitz went limp in his chair, Loona releasing his wrists and standing next to him.
“Yohohou okay sihihir?” Moxxie asked, giggling up a storm at Blitz’s predicament. Blitz took another heave of air before sitting up, resting his elbows on the desk and giving Moxxie a tired look before flipping him off.
“You…are sohoho luhuhucky…I’m wohorn out right nohohow otherwise…yohohou’d be on the grohound..laughing nearly as hahahard…as I just wahahas..” Blitz breathed out and smirked a little as Moxxie grew a nervous expression and muttered something about having to use the restroom before standing and walking down one of the halls.
He would get him back eventually.
(Sorry this one took so long, things have been a lil slow but I hope you enjoyed! ^^)
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jomiddlemarch · 3 months
The shapes a bright container can contain!
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“Are those tassels?” Draco asked, squinting at the infinitesimal gold embroidery on the cuff of Hermione’s bridal robes. She’d offered to cast Visio perficitur herself and he knew, logically, that there was no witch or wizard more skilled at Charms, not even Chief Healer Auset of Alexandria, but he had what she called a phobia of anything that might impact his sight and he’d refused to wear spectacles to their Wizarding handfasting. 
He'd worn the spectacles with a three-piece suit from Savile Row to their Muggle civil ceremony and had been unexpectedly delighted by her response to his appearance, for all that she muttered to herself bloody Tory wet-dream you’re an embarrassment to Labour Hermione Jean as she ravished him. He had no real idea about the Muggle political ramifications, except that he looked rich, which he was, but he was immensely delighted to learn that when she gave herself a scolding, she used her middle name. And also, that she shivered when he repeated it back, Hermione Jean, just like that love, and how her shivers went everywhere.
He'd declared he wouldn’t wear spectacles with every witch and wizard he’d ever cared about come to witness their binding, though both Hermione and Scorpius had pointed out no one else would mind a bit and that Hermione’s crowd might actually like him better if he seemed even a squidge less vain, the two of them clearly in agreement about the quantity a squidge measured, an alliance he could only delight in, despite being left out or rather because he was left out.
However. Potter wore spectacles. Draco wasn’t having any comparison made, today or any other day.
“Yes, tassels. And rose-leaves, from the sonnet in Gaudy Night, and blades of grass, because I don’t think you’d have ever said a word without Astoria’s portrait meddling,” Hermione replied. Hermione and the portrait had become quite good friends, an unusual situation which Draco couldn’t find remarkable given the two women involved. “It’s traditional, but with a spin on it you see—”
“I see, you clever, beautiful, impossible witch,” he said.
“Not quite. You should have said My clever, beautiful, impossible wife,” she said pertly, but with such a tremendous sweetness he would have gobbled her up if there weren’t friends they’d known since before he had one whisker on his chin milling about and also his son, her stepson, who needed to not be embarrassed or horrified on the first official day of their family life together.
“Don’t tease me too much, Hermione…Jean,” he said. She caught her breath and blushed even pinker than she had already been, the sun and her happiness conspiring to make her cheeks like roses.
“Scorpius once said you were perhaps someone who didn’t care how you appeared to other people,” Draco said.
“I don’t. I do care about how I look to you. About what’s important to you,” she replied. “And I couldn’t resist the tassels. To know you once had something so bloody garishly tasteless in your home, when you picked everything so thoughtfully…”
“You fell in love with me for my one instance of bad taste?”
“No, of course not, you silly man. I was already in love with you. I agreed to marry you because of the tassels. And Scorpius and Gaudy Night,” she said.
“That was Pansy’s idea, you recall,” he pointed out.
“Yes. And you listened to her because she’s your friend,” Hermione said. “You recited the sonnet at the registry office. You memorized it. You made me cry.”
“That’s acceptable at a Muggle wedding, from what you’ve told me,” he said, noticing the gleam in her eyes, feeling the slight burn of tears in his own. “We don’t weep at Pureblood handfastings."
“You might tell that to Neville. And Minerva,” Hermione said.
“Neville’s allergic to Solomon’s seal and Minerva’s been at the Glenfiddich,” Draco said. 
(He’d laid in what he thought was an adequate stock of the spirit, but their employer and former Headmistress evidently had a wooden leg or was celebrating winning the bet she’d made on them eventually getting together when they were in Sixth Year, sworn enemies, and her actual students. To say she’d raked in a tidy sum was like saying Potter had dealt with some annoyances in his school-days.)
“No aspersions cast regarding being sentimental Muggle-lovers who let down the side?” she said.
“Not one aspersion. Neither of them have anything on me in that regard,” he said.
“We can’t do anything about the tipple, but let’s Vanish the Solomon’s seal and go have pudding,” Hermione said. 
“Yes, but also, once we’ve finished eating, we can either get them all to leave or just scarper off and let them enjoy the party. I’ve had enough of wedding. I’d like to start marriage.”
A few hours later, when the moonlight was coming through the open window of the Biarritz villa’s master bedroom, Hermione murmured drowsily, “I think Scorpius’s gift was best of all.”
“Hmm?” Draco could not be arsed to form an actual word, though he had enough of his wits about him to feel a grunt was poor form. She was wearing him out conjugally after three vigorous and inventive goes and he now wanted badly to sleep with his wife in his arms. Dawn would be soon enough to whisper Domina Nimue Granger I beseech thee in her ear and then nibble her earlobe and see how she felt about morning sex. If he got a few hours of rest, he’d be up to all the worship she might enjoy without lifting a finger of her own.
She evidently still felt like talking.
“Telling Clafouti he could make us croquembouches, so he’d give us the villa for the honeymoon,” she said. “I know Scorpius likes treacle tart with custard better.”
“He wanted you to be happy. Scorpius and Clafouti too,” Draco managed to say.
“I am. Happy,” she said.
“Good. Can we sleep now, love? I want to hear how happy you are to wake up with me in the same bed,” Draco said.
She didn’t answer. 
But she was smiling in her sleep.
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lunarmoonheart · 3 months
hfff day one: make it sapphic
summary: basically a rewrite of the first bit of npmd. lautski with lauren!peter aka piper.
(ive never posted a fic before so if anything is weird thats why)
title: take a chance on me ship: lautski prompt: make it sapphic
Stephanie lauter did not like highschool in fact some days she felt like it was killing her. So when she walked into her first class and found out they had a pop quiz she was pissed. She didn't study of course because why the hell would she. Besides she was very invested in a twitter argument about that dog from the kennel that bit her dad. She was of course on the dog's side. Whatever she has to start this goddamn test.
“What the hell is this shit?” Stephanie mutters under her breath. She does not remember learning this. Though she does skip this class a lot so she probably missed it. While frantically trying to come up with some way to pass she remembers that weird nerd sits behind her.
“Hey nerd listen up.” she mutters as she turns to the nerd. God what was her name piper or something?
“Yes you. Piper right?”
“Uh yeah wh-”
“Hi Piper, we've been in class together for a little while now, right?”
“Since first grade.” oh fuck how the hell do i not remember this really cute nerd?
“Well I'm just realizing I haven't introduced myself. Im stephanie.”
“Lauter, the mayor's daughter, I know.” god why did everyone know her as the mayor's daughter couldn't she just be steph.
“Well my friends call me steph. We’re friends aren't we piper?” please for the love of god say yes you fucking nerd.
“I don't know, are we?”
“Well uh i wouldn't advertise it to the whole school or anything but uh there's an unspoken bond between us. We are nighthawks aren't we? And nighthawks don't leave anyone behind.”
“I got left behind this morning. The bus driver is a fucking asshole.” How is this nerd so funny but also such a geek?
“Well we succeed together and fail together. So to be honest I'm gonna fail this test piper… unless you help me cheat.”
“Yeah just finish your exam pass it to me then i'll put my name on it. Then you can take the test again. Isn't that fun?”
“Well yeah. But won't we get in trouble?”
“Please piper. Help a girl out won't you?” ok she looks convinced. Wait shit is that grace chastity shit shit not her damn it shes gonna ruin this.
“Cheaters!” god fuckin dammit.
“Butt out chastity!”
“Grace, just be cool” Piper stuttered out. Why the hell is that cute?
“Never” god this girl is a bitch.
“Miss Mulberry, they're cheating!” im so fuckin dead.
Well great here I am waiting outside the principal's office with this damn nerd. God my dads gonna kill me or worse take my phone. 
“Oh god im so dead im so fucking dead.”
“Girl chill it's fine. This your first detention or something?”
“No, I'm worried about him. If he sees me talking to STEPHANIE LAUTER I'm dead.”
“Relax nerd, we'll be fine.”
“NO you'll be fine cause your stephanie lauter i won't be fine because im piper spankoffski.”
Spankoffski that's a weird last name. Wait oh my god.
“Are you the kid that got lured into the gym last year and-”
“Yeah that's me can we just not talk about that.” 
“But you're a literal legend!”
“Please stop, I hate talking about it.”
“Ok ok fine.”
Well detention sucked. And my dad stole my goddamn phone so now I have to actually study so I can get it back. What the hell am i supposed to do though study with stacy and brenda. No, they are almost doing as bad as me. Kyle and Jason are a definite no. Oh god I gotta call that nerd don't i.
“Come on nerd pick up” stephanie whispers outside pasqualli’s in the small phone booth. Why this thing is still around she has no idea but she's glad at this moment. As the phone keeps ringing steph thinks back to her conversation with piper. If one could call it that. But besides that she seemed nice and she's actually pretty cute. For a nerd cute for a nerd.
“Hello?” Steph perks up when she hears the confused hello of Piper spankoffski.
“Hey piper?”
“Yeah who is this?”
“Its steph from school.”
“Oh steph uh hi whats up?”
“I need your help. My dad stole my phone and I need to get my grades up to get it back so could you help me out?”
“I don't know i mean-” steph hears some weird noises through then a voice speaks up
“She's on her way!”
“Uh who the hell is this?”
“Ruth and Richie pipers only friends. she's on her way.”
“Ok uh tell her to be at pasqualli’s. Thats where im at.” steph hears some more weird noises and a muffled “pasqualli’s! Piper that's-” before the person presumably Ruth is cut off by piper.
“Sorry about them. I'll be there in 10.” Steph just smiles before hanging up and going inside. As promised ten minutes later piper spankoffski walks inside looking flushed and frustrated until she sees steph. She walks over and sit across from steph setting a heavy looking backpack next to her.
“So what did you want to go over? I brought some of my books because I wasn't sure what you wanted to do." That's actually pretty sweet of her.
“I need help with my math. I am failing that class. I mean my other grades aren't great but I'm really failing math.”
“Ok cool, we're in the same class so I should be able to help. I brought some flashcards you could take home with you if you don't want to that's fine, I know they dont work for everyone.” 
They work for about an hour before steph sighs tiredly causing piper to look up from the paper. They look at each other for a moment before piper looks back at the paper. Ok steph can work with this. Steph put her hand on Piper's arm.
“So Piper, I think I'm done studying for tonight. Wanna get out of here?”
“Where would we go? It's getting kinda late. I'm not sure anything is still open.”
“We could go to my place. My dads at some dumb charity ball all night so we could do whatever." Piper blushes at this and again for some reason Steph thinks it's cute.
“Uh ok sure.” perfect.
“Alright let's go nerd.” Steph grabs Piper's hand and drags her out of pasquallis. She already paid for their drinks so she drags Piper out to her car and drives to her house. When they arrive she leads Piper to the living room and turns on some random trashy Christmas movie. They sit in silence before Piper speaks up.
“Why'd you invite me to your house steph?”
“What do you mean why?”
“I mean i'm a nerd and your the stephanie lauter. The most popular girl in hatchetfield high. You're not supposed to want to hang out with people like me.”
“Eh, I can hang out with whoever I want. I dont give a shit what anyone may say about me hanging out with you. You're smart, funny, nice, and you're kinda cute” they both stay silent not sure what to say next. Piper yawns and accidentally leans her head on stephs shoulder. Steph blushes and turns to look at piper.
“You tired pie?” Steph isn't exactly sure where that nickname came from but she doesn't really care. Piper blushes and looks up at steph.
“A little. Do you mind if i?”
“Not at all. Hey, I kinda enjoyed tonight. I know we were studying but your good company. So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out again? I was thinking maybe dinner at Miss retros or something.”
“Do you mean like a date?”
“I guess so yeah. So what do you say?”
“Sounds nice.”
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yoitsjay · 3 months
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Sweet Goodnights (ch. 5)
Pairings: Hunter x gn! Reader
Summary: you apologize for your actions, and you and Hunter grow closer after he learns more about your curse.
Warnings: cannon violence, murder, mostly fluff
Word count: 2,156
Sleep had been hard to find, you constantly tossing and turning, making you progressively more uncomfortable. But the sun had soon risen in the sky and started to light up Pirates Cove. You got out of bed, looking around your messy room.
A sigh left your lips, and you squeezed your eyes shut for a moment before moving to get dressed. You pulled on a black pair of trousers and a green tunic. You rolled up the sleeves a bit and tucked the bottom half of the tunics into the pants before putting on your belt and weapons. You left the tunic slightly unbuttoned, not caring enough to make it look proper as you started pulling your boots on before making your way out of the room.
You could tell everyone was on edge, but not towards you… You turned to look at Phee, who was already staring at you with a concerned look on her face. “What? what happened?” You asked her as you stepped down to the wheel. Phee pursed her lips for a moment, leading you to the map room and office. “Last night-”
“I don’t want to talk about last night Phee.” You interrupted, but she simply shook her head. “No- listen to me Y/n, last night Hunter was drugged, by those two girls you saw him with!” Phee exclaimed, grabbing your shoulders as she shook you lightly. Your eyes widened, what you had witnessed had been something terrible, not something good…
You stared down at the ground, clenching your hands into fists as you pulled away from Phee. “Where is he?” You asked, voice barely above a whisper, afraid that if you spoke loud enough you’d just crack. “He’s in his bunk, resting.” Phee replied, dropping her hands as you wriggled away from her. She watched as you left the room, but didn’t bother following, knowing exactly where you would have gone, for obvious reasons.
You walked down to the lower barracks, spotting Hunter’s brothers pooled around his bunk, and when they saw you they frowned. Echo stepped forward, placing his mechanical hand on your shoulder. “We’re sorry about what you assumed, it's a terrible thing to witness, we know… Hunter’s okay, the drugs are out of his system and he's just resting now… but he's been asking for you.” Echo explained. You sighed softly but nodded to him.
“Thank you.” You murmured, gently pushing past Echo and then the rest of the boys, reaching the side of Hunter’s bunk. When the man saw you his eyes widened, and then softened as he looked away. “I’m sorry Hunter. I’m so sorry.” You whispered, pulling up a stool to sit beside him, reaching out to grab his hand. “If I had just pushed my jealousy aside I could have seen that you were hurt… this is my fault.” You muttered.
Hunter looked at you, squeezing your hand as he shook his head. “No. no this is not your fault.” He whispered as you placed your other hand on his cheek, feeling him leading into your touch. You smiled, brushing your thumb against his cheek bone before you pulled back. “I’m going to kill them.” You whispered, removing your hand from his grip as you stood up. You had seen those girls around on multiple occasions, knowing they’ve slept with some of your crew, which now made you wonder just how many times they’ve drugged your men, your friends.
You also knew exactly where to find them too, so despite Hunter’s pleading for you not to go, you did anyway, loading your gun as you walked off the ship, storming through the pirates cove and towards the brothel.
You kicked the doors open, scanning the room until your eyes landed on the two women from yesterday and all those times before. You walked up to him, hiding your weapon as they looked up at you. “Come to have some fun with us sweetheart? your boyfriend was hotter but- you’ll do.” One of the women sneered.
Without another word you raised your gun in your left hand, and shot the woman who spoke right in the head, and then with your right hand you drew your sword, and you slit her throat before sheathing your blade, which was bloodless with how fast you had slit her throat, and you stepped back as she tried to hold the blood in as it spurted everywhere, in her drink and all over her garments.
You spat on their corpses, turning away with a grin spread across your lips. “Anyone here want to be next? no? then drop it.” You hissed, and walked out of the brothel. You could feel eyes on you as you walked away, but nobody bothered to stop you, or reprimand you because they all knew better than that, especially with how quickly you had slaughtered those girls.
Upon reaching your ship, you gathered your crew, and stood at the railing in front of the wheel, looking at all your men. “How many of you have slept with those women?How many of you have been assaulted and drugged and didn’t tell me?” You demanded, and though your men stayed silent, many of them had raised their hands.
You clenched your hands into fists, and felt that anger burn in your blood. “Those whores are dead! and they will not harm you, or another pirate ever again. They deserved much more than what they got for death. But I would not let them live another moment knowing what they had done.” You announced, clearing your throat as you tried to calm yourself down.
“I am so sorry… all of you…” You added, stepping down from the railing as you shook your head. “I can't believe all this happened right under my nose… how could I have been so blind?” You asked Phee, who was standing behind you. “It’s not your fault Y/n, they didn’t tell you so how could you have known?” she asked, but you just sighed and shrugged.
“I don’t know Phee… but we should get the fleet ready. We sail for The Red Death tomorrow at dawn.” You stated, leaving the commands to her as you made your way back down to where Hunter was resting. His brothers had left his side now to go help with the preparations, so when Hunter spotted you he smiled.
“hey… what happened?” He asked, watching as you sat down on the stool by his bed. You sighed, removing your hat from your head, setting it on the edge of the bed so you could run your hands through your hair. “I killed them, I shot one in the head and I slit the other's throat. They won’t hurt anyone ever again” You growled, staring down at your hands which you now realized were shaking slightly.
Hunter moved to sit up, his knees bumping against yours but you made no move to get away. Hunter then reached out for your hands, gently taking them in his as he squeezed them gently, to reassure you.
“Phee… Phee told us you were cursed?” Hunter questioned, hearing the sigh that left your lips. “Yes, I was… a long time ago. I was maybe seventeen? but i had met this woman while sailing with my father. She was a beautiful woman, long red hair, piercing blue eyes… We would often sneak off together, meeting up every weekend…” You trailed off, shaking your head.
“I later found out, after my father was killed and our ship was destroyed, that she was the daughter of the man who had killed my mother, and then my father… When we met up we argued… and I ended up killing her… I was so desperate that I took her corpse to a witch, who then cursed me.” You paused.
Your eyebrows were furrowed, and you had squeezed Hunter’s hands a little harder, but he didn't mind, and instead just pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles, which sent butterflies up to your stomach… But when they reached your heart you felt a slight burning, and you winced.
“The witch couldn’t bring her back, but she said that she could give me power… but it was a trick. She cursed me to never feel love, and if I did it would burn me, literally.” You muttered, pulling your hand back as you opened your shirt a bit more, revealing a charred and fresh burn on your chest. “Every time I am to feel an ounce of love for someone, or lust, my chest burns and my heart breaks until I am to kill Captain Red… but in place of those feelings I have strength, and speed… more than any regular human should have.” You explained, covering up the burn as you held Hunter’s hand once more.
The man frowned as he took in all this information, looking down at your intertwined hands before he looked into your eyes. “So when we kissed- every time i’d touch you… you-”
“Burned? yeah… pretty much.” You muttered, letting go of his hands as you leaned back. “And I'm angry… another part of the curse. When I do love, or want someone and they get hurt I- I rage, more than I should… and so I lock myself away because if I get too close to another person I hurt them like how I’m hurting.”
You huffed, grabbing your hat and placing it back on your head. “So I'm going to kill Captain Red, and take my heart back.” You growled, standing from your stool, staring down at Hunter. “And then you can kiss me all you want.” You joked, seeing his light smile which in turn made you smile.
“Are you strong enough to stand now?” You asked, offering him a hand if he needed it. Hunter took it, and you helped him rise to his feet, keeping your other hand close in case he needed the extra support. “We will sail at dawn tomorrow. Until then, let me make up for my actions yesterday.”
You gripped his hand and started to lead him out of the barracks, and instead took him to the small dining area, whistling for whoever was in there to skadaddle as you pulled up a chair for Hunter, letting his hand go as you disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, coming back with a stash of candies and cakes and other sweet things. “I keep these away from the men… But I don't mind sharing with you.” You breathed out, sitting down next to him as you slid some cake over.
You and Hunter just sat there, ate, and talked about anything that came to your mind. He had told you some things about his family, but he hadn’t really talked about each of their enhancements.
He told you that they were raised in a military setting, and that there was a doctor who performed some wild experiments to give them the enhancements they have now. You thought it was interesting, and Hunter didn’t seem bothered by it anymore.
“So you have enhanced senses? so you're obviously one hell of a tracker, but what else does it mean?” You asked, and he grinned at you. “Well, I can smell pheromones and other things like that, so I can tell when someone is happy or sad or… aroused.” He teased, and you chuckled, playfully swatting his shoulder.
You talked some more, but sundown came sooner than you expected, and you and Hunter had plowed through your little treat reserve, but you didn’t mind, and instead you stood up once again extending your hand to him. “Come with me, there’s something I want to show you, and then tonight you can sleep in a much more comfortable bed.” You whispered, taking his hand when he stood up.
You brought him to the highest level of the ship, and you sat down on a little bench you had up there, leaning against him as you pointed for him to look at pirates cove as the sky darkened, only to get bright again as every home and establishment on pirates cove lit up, almost looking like little stars but on the ground.
“Isn’t it stunning? I don't come here a lot but when I do, I just like to watch the cove light up at sundown… it's almost-”
“Magical?” Hunter finished your thought, and you grinned, nodding your head in agreement. “Yeah exactly.” You muttered, letting your head rest against his shoulder.
You and Hunter stayed like that for an hour or so, until you both started drifting off. So you led him to your quarters, and invited him to stay there with you, as an apology. He accepted, of course he did. You didn’t do anything else that night but held each other as you muttered apologies until you fell asleep.
Tomorrow… Tomorrow would be the day you slaughtered Captain Red… for sure.
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kit-walk3r · 1 year
Scream: An American Horror Story Retelling: Part 2
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Violet Harmon and her family move into a new house where she meets edgy new neighbour Tate and learns of the horrors currently terrorising the town.
Warnings: mentions of murder & slight gore and a minor feature of self harm (it’s Violet and Tate afterall)
Notes: wow, such a great response for part 1! Thank you so much guys 💓
2 months later
The Harmon family pulled into the driveway of a grand, Victorian house. It was beautiful and unique, with stained glass windows and old fashioned brick. Ben Harmon loved it. “It’s amazing!” he kept proclaiming, obvious that he adored it.
Violet, his daughter, was not so enamoured by it. “Great, so we’re the Addams Family now,” she muttered, earning a look of disapproval from Vivien, her mother. Violet hadn’t been so onboard about leaving Boston. In fact, she’d put up quite the fuss about leaving. She wanted to stay. She had her own group of friends in Boston (albeit it only being two) but that was two more than she was going to have in California. Violet had always struggled to fit in and make friends, she’d always been the outcast. Now she had to adapt to being the outcast in a whole new environment. It was going to suck.
“Cheer up,” Ben nudged Violet’s shoulder playfully. “This house is great. You’re going to love it.”
“Yeah, right,” Violet rolled her eyes before picking up a box of her things and heading into the house.
Vivien sighed. “What are we going to do with her?” She asked Ben sadly. “Maybe leaving Boston was a bad idea.”
“Babe, we’ve not even moved it yet,” Ben put a comforting arm around his wife’s shoulder. “Just give her some time. She’ll settle down eventually. It’ll all be okay, you’ll see.”
Vivien listened to what Ben had to say, before shrugging his arm off and heading into the house without a word, leaving a now disappointed Ben behind.
The Harmons continued to move their things into the house, with the help of a few removal men and the realtor who sold them the house, Marcy. It was a surprise to see her there, but the help was appreciated, even if the only thing she did was move a couple of boxes and gush about the history of the decor of the house.
“You do know about this town, right?” Marcy asked as the last few things were being brought in.
Vivien looked confused. “What about it?”
For a moment Marcy looked like a deer caught in the headlights. It was obvious she was hiding something when she quickly put on a false smile and headed for the door. “Oh, it’s nothing! Maybe have a quick look on Google later, there’s all sorts of interesting things,” she opened the door and was quickly hurrying down the driveaway. “I’ll call by later!” She was in her car and out the gates before Vivien or Ben even had the chance to respond.
Vivien and Ben looked at each other, both sharing the same bewildered expression. “I’ll look it up later,” Ben shrugged before picking up a box labelled BEN’S OFFICE. “It can’t be anything too important.”
- - -
The Harmon’s had been in their new house for a couple of weeks now. Ben and Vivien were settling in okay (even though their marriage was still a little rocky), but Violet was struggling, as predicted. She’d started at Westfield High School, and it hadn’t exactly gone well. Her first day was terrible, and the following weren’t so great either. She was the outcast, just like she knew she would be. There was no changing that.
Violet was wandering around the house one afternoon when she overheard a conversation coming from her dad’s office. He must have been seeing a patient.
“Do you think I’m crazy?” Violet overheard a boyish voice ask. Intrigued, she moved closer so that she was outside the ajar door and peeked through the gap.
Sat cross legged in a chair, just in view, was a boy probably around her age. He was facing her, and Violet could just about make out his floppy blonde hair and grunge style clothes. She stared at him.
“No,” she heard her dad say. “I think you’re creative, and I think you’ve got a lot of pain you’re not dealing with.”
The boy continued talking, but Violet wasn’t listening. She was entranced by him. He had a presence that captured her attention and wouldn’t let it go.
“The world is a filthy place,” the boy said, his voice breaking ever so slightly. The sadness in the way he spoke brought Violet’s attention back. “It’s a filthy goddamn horror show. There’s so much pain, you know? There’s so much.” Violet agreed. She’d felt that pain.
The boy’s eyes glanced towards the door and caught Violet staring, as if he knew she was there all along. They locked eyes for a moment, just a moment, before she turned around and quickly headed back to her new room.
Violet was thinking about the boy. His vibe just felt so… familiar. The words he was saying echoed thoughts she had had for years. The world was a filthy place. It was a horror show. She’d experienced that first hand. Hell, she’d been experiencing that in just the few weeks she had been here.
“Knock knock,” Violet looked up to see the blonde boy from her dad’s therapy session standing in her open doorway.
Violet didn’t know what to say. “Hi,” she finally came out with.
The boy came in, uninvited, and took a seat on the floor, cross-legged. “I saw you watching me in my session with Dr Harmon,” he said, staring at her.
Violet flushed slightly in embarrassment at being caught. “My house,” she shrugged casually. “I can do what I want.”
He nodded, accepting it. “I’m Tate,” he introduced.
“Violet,” she responded. A silence followed. “I haven’t seen you around school. You go to Westfield?”
Tate nodded. “But I’m currently suspended.”
“Really?” Violet grinned like it was the coolest thing ever. “How come?”
“‘Concerning behaviour’,” Tate rolled his eyes. “Got caught smoking and skipped school one too many times. I was already on a thin line. The principal doesn’t like me very much.”
“Why?” Violet asked.
“No clue, he’s just an asshole. Had it out for me since day one,” Tate shrugged as if there was nothing more to the story. Perhaps there was, perhaps there wasn’t.
“He’s a dick,” Violet agreed. “Almost suspended me on my first day.”
Tate leaned forward, intrigued. “Do tell.”
“Got in a fight with some girl for smoking. She tried to get me to eat the cigarette butt. So I hit her,” Violet recalled the story of her awful first day.
“My kind of girl,” Tate grinned.
Violet couldn’t help but smile back.
“So, why are you seeing my dad?” She asked.
Tate’s grin faltered. “Don’t ask questions you already know the answers to,” he said darkly. “You’re smarter than that.”
Violet shot Tate a look of apology but didn’t say anything.
Tate sighed. “I’ve just got a lot of shit going on at home,” he rolled up his sleeve to reveal a pattern of many faint scars decorating the skin of his wrist. “Partly this.”
Violet looked at them before looking down at her own clothed wrist. She remembered what she heard her dad say. You’ve got a lot of pain you’re not dealing with. Sounded familiar. She took a seat on the floor opposite Tate and rolled up the sleeve of her cardigan to show Tate her own. “Twins.”
Tate and Violet sat and compared scars. Tate had one from his dad leaving, Violet had one from having to move away from Boston. Tate had one from getting into a serious fight at school, Violet had one from her own terrible first day at Westfield.
They talked for a while, listened to some music. Violet felt like Tate was easy to connect to. They shared similar thoughts, similar experiences. She told Tate about her dad’s affair and her mom’s miscarriage, and in return he told her about his own mom’s extramarital affairs and father’s sudden departure. Tate struggled to fit in at school too. He didn’t really have any friends and would keep to himself. He said he was fine with that, that it didn’t bother him and he preferred it that way, but Violet wondered if there was an underlying sense of loneliness there, just like she sometimes felt.
“I hate it here,” Violet whined. “I hate everyone. All their bougie designer bullshit. East coast was much cooler.” She ranted, continuing to complain about how much she didn’t want to be here.
“Well, you moved to town at a crazy time,” Tate said, trying to change Violet’s mind.
“Yeah?” Violet’s voice was laced with a hint of disbelief. She couldn’t imagine anything interesting happening here. Not that would intrigue her, anyway.
“Uh huh,” Tate nodded. “There’s been a string of murders these past couple of months. Three of them.”
“Seriously?” Violet’s disbelief at anything interesting happening here was replaced with intrigue. The darkness had always attracted her, and her interest was sparked.
“Did you not hear? I thought your mom would have done a background check on this place or something,” Tate joked, yet serious. Violet had told Tate about how her mom could be a little paranoid and overbearing and she did wonder how her mom never picked up on this. She knew that if her mom knew about three murders she definitely would not have moved here.
“What happened?” Violet asked. She now wanted to know all the facts.
“Two months ago a woman was found dead in her house. Beaten to death with some trophy,” Tate explained. Violet’s eyes widened.
“And the others?” She asked.
“Two college girls found dead on the beach. Stabbed.”
“Are they connected?” Violet wondered.
“No one knows,” Tate shrugged. “I mean, probably. Too much of a coincidence, right?”
“So there’s a serial killer here,” Violet said. Definitely more interesting than she could have ever imagined.
Tate started to respond but was cut off.
“What are you doing in here?” Ben demanded.
Tate shot around to see Ben standing in the doorway of Violet’s room, staring directly at him with a look of anger and distrust.
“We’re just listening to music, dad,” Violet explained. Tate said nothing.
“You need to leave, Tate. I’m sorry,” Ben sure didn’t sound sorry. “You shouldn’t be in here. I think you know that. Please.”
Violet protested as Tate dejectedly walked out of the room.
- - -
After Tate’s unfair departure thanks to Ben, Violet decided to look up the murders Tate had told her about. It was all true.
Alicia Spencer, found dead in her house two months ago after having her head bashed in with a baseball trophy.
Serena Belinda and Bonnie Lipton, found dead on the beach last month with twelve stab wounds each.
Violet was shocked as she read through articles about the murders. She wasn’t expecting the brutality of them. These people weren’t just murdered, they were butchered. Bodies harmed beyond recognition. It was horrific. And yet, Violet didn’t feel scared. She didn’t feel any panic or concern over living in a place where three women had been murdered. She didn’t feel anything towards it.
- - -
Despite her father’s warning, Tate came over the next day.
Violet was hanging out in her bedroom, listening to music when she heard a tapping at her window. When she checked she saw Tate standing outside, a handful of pebbles in his hand that he had obviously been throwing at her window. He waved at her, motioning for her to come down and meet him, and so Violet did, without hesitation.
She met Tate outside and the two of them sat outside, just out of view of the house so that Ben couldn’t spot them together, but also with enough hiding space for Tate in case Ben did make an appearance.
Violet lit up a cigarette and started smoking, occasionally passing it over to Tate. They sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other’s company.
“So, I looked up those murders,” Violet said. “Pretty fucked up.”
Tate nodded in agreement. “Pretty fucked up.”
They were silent again as they continued to pass the cigarette between each other.
“The first one was my cousin’s mom,” Tate announced suddenly.
Violet’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Shit, sorry.”
“Don’t be. I wasn’t related to her, thank god,” Tate chuckled slightly. “She was a golddigger, just like my mom.”
Violet didn’t know what to say.
“People think Kyle did it, though,” Tate continued to tell stories. He was telling her these things randomly, unprompted, and Violet wondered why. It was as if he was telling her all this to intrigue her, to reel her in. Telling her these dark stories that he knew would interest her. They’d only known each other two days but she’d already displayed her love for the darkness.
“Your cousin? Seriously? How come?” Violet asked.
“Some neighbours saw them arguing the night she died,” Tate shrugged. “Apparently that's enough of a motive to murder someone.”
“Jesus, I fight with my parents all the time, that doesn’t mean I’d bash their faces in,” Violet rolled her eyes. “People are stupid.”
“Agreed,” Tate stubbed out the cigarette.
“Bet this place isn’t as boring as you thought, right?” He smirked.
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No Ghostface in this chapter, but we had our introduction to the Harmons + Tate and some context as to what has happened in the time jump, including two more murders. I didn’t just want to make random names up for the other two people killed so I looked up minor characters to use. Serena Belinda is Emma Roberts’ character in Cult and Bonnie Lipton is the girl who gets kidnapped by Twisty in Freak Show.
Taglist: @jellyluvr @howtobesasha @dewberryobssesed @luv4evan @kaismanwich @violetharmonstwin @daylas-life @mariefics @spill-the-t
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sneezingpotatoes · 1 year
Hey there! Here's this little thing that turned into a big thing because I really want to post some writing but I always get hit with a roadblock whenever I try to work on one of my WIPs 🤣 So why not create something new!... for like the 15th time (literally) 👀🤣 LOL If you're seeing this then that means we dodged the WIP graveyard collection this time! 🤣 Anywayssss enjoy lol XD
"Wow, Ren! This prototype looks so amazing! Is this what you've been spending all your time on?"
"Yup. Just oneeee moreeee screw annnnd--" As he tightened the last screw, the robot made a few beeping sounds and immediately lit up with life. They both cheered with excitement as the robot immediately began to clumsily move around the room, curiosity at its peak as it began scanning whatever objects it could get it's hands on.
"I can't believe it! You've actually done it Ren!" His best friend Koji erupted, unable to contain himself as he lifted one of the robots arms and examined its face. "... It's almost freaky how life-like this thing is."
"We both did it, Koji. You helped a lot too." The roboticist exhaustedly muttered, nearly throwing himself into his chair and watching the robot curiously scan all of Koji's features.
"Well you've gotta name this thing! It's too cool to just be called prototype!"
"Hmm... PTBot A!" Ren called, having the robot make a beeping sound and quickly rush over to him. "Register new name... Ava. Ava, the Advanced Versatile Assistant."
The robot froze for a moment, processing the request before saying. "Hello. I am Ava, the Advanced Versatile Assistant, but you may call me Ava."
"Oooh, I like it! Sounds... Cute and techy... I guess? What can she do?"
"Well as of right now, learn. Her processor is still trying to finish downloading all of her basic functions and knowledge, but once that finishes, I'll start importing her advanced coding and she should be able to do just about everything we can and more. Fingers crossed."
His best friend leaned against the wall in awe, still surprised at the artificial robot roaming around the room. Although her movements were slightly choppy and robotic, she seemed to be functioning on her own accord, grabbing a variety of objects and curiously moving them around and identifying them.
"I can only imagine how she'll look like once the downloads are finished." Koji muttered.
"If all goes well, her movements should smoothen out and her biocomponents would be in more of a working order. Faster processing and all that." Ren rubbed his eyes and yawned, looking at his watch to check the time.
"Stop saying 'if', bro. You know it's gonna work! I mean just look at how great she is already!"
"... We'll see. But thanks, Koji." He mumbled through another exhausted yawn, "It's like 6 in the morning dude, I need to sleep. I know you've had some good rest but I can't be your only source of entertainment all day."
"Oh, ha-ha, very funny. You think that just because you made a bomb ass robot you're hot shit now? I knew you in middle school, you know. Don't forget that." Koji teased.
"... Ava, escort the crews dead weight out of my lab and to his office, please."
"Understood." Ava blandly responded, approaching Koji and gesturing towards the door. "Dead weight, if you could please exit the quarters, your services are no longer needed."
"Stop it, dude! She's going to remember that and actually think that's true about me!"
"That's the point." Ren said through a soft chuckle as he watched Ava guide him out of the room.
"Don't listen to him, Ava! He's lying! I'm technically your co-creator! He's the dead weight, not me!"
"I'm sorry that you feel that way, dead weight. According to my records, your office is down this hall. Allow me to escort you."
"Urrgh, finneeee."
Ren released another soft chuckle as he closed the lab door, hearing their voices disappear down the hallway.
He was so glad that Koji had so much confidence in his work, but he couldn't say the same about himself. He just hoped that he built Ava properly and that everything would all work out just as he planned for it to. Only time would tell. Ren sighed, removing his lab coat and pressed the blue button on his wall, revealing a hidden temporary bedroom. Boy was he tired; 8 months of nonstop working on Ava took a lot out of him, but it was well worth it. He'd do it all over again if he needed to.
The man hung his lab coat on the railing above his bed and immediately plopped onto the firm mattress, grunting with a little discomfort. He couldn't complain though; He was super tired and just grateful he even had somewhere to lay at the moment. Before he could attempt to close his eyes, two soft knocks against his lab door are heard, followed by Ava's voice.
"May I come in?"
"Enter, Ava."
The robot obliged, entering the room and immediately scanning her creator laying on the mattress. She looked around his temporary bedroom for a moment before speaking.
"The dead weight has been escorted into his office."
"Thanks Ava... You don't have to call him that anymore. His name is Koji." Ren lightheartedly chuckled again.
"... Okay Ren, current data has been corrected to Koji... If you don't mind, might I ask what is so humorous?" Ava innocently asked, eyes locked onto Ren as his chuckles abruptly stopped once she asked the question.
"... I'll explain it to you another time." He exhaustedly muttered, already feeling his brain fog up from just thinking about explaining it to her. After an intense moment, Ava dejectedly nodded in understanding and began looking at all the pictures he had on his shelves in order to get some more information about her creator. "... Ava, I'm very tired and need to sleep. Turn off the lights, please."
"Of course, Ren. I'll do that for you right away." She gave her automated response, and quickly turned off all the lights in his lab, watching as he flipped sides and pulled his blanket over his head. "... What would you like me to do in the meantime, Ren?" She blandly asked, staring at the lump underneath the blanket.
"I don't know- keep scanning stuff in the lab or something." He softly mumbled, voice barely audible through both the blanket and his exhaustion.
"I've already scanned and identified all 374 objects in your lab, Ren. What else would you like for me to do?"
"... Just... do whatever, I don't care. Let me sleep." He sighed, irritably shifting underneath the blankets. "If anyone tries to come in, tell them to come back next week."
"Understood Ren." She affirmed, turning to leave the bedroom. Before she completely walked away, she froze and turned back to her creator. "Ren...?"
"... What is it now, Ava?"
"... Is it true that you hated artificial intelligence and robotics in middle school?" She inquired, hearing Ren sigh from the mattress.
"... Ava, register Koji's name to Dead Weight again, please." She froze for a moment before confirming the successful change. "And to answer your question... Yes, it's true, but that was over 15 years ago. I was a stupid kid."
"... Okay. Goodnight, Ren."
"Goodnight, Ava."
The sunlight peering in from underneath the closed blinds rudely awakens the once sleeping robotics engineer. He flops the blanket all the way to the other side of his bed and gives a big yawn to shake off all the sleep, almost sounding like a lions roar. A cough escapes him as his throat is dry and a little itchy from all the sleep.
"Good afternoon, Ren. I hope you slept well." Ava approaches his bedside with a smile and a glass of water, which surprises the roboticist. He almost forgot about Ava and her completion; It wasn't a dream, and her downloads must've progressed, seeing how she was able to smile now and read his discomfort by grabbing him some water.
"Thank you." He muttered dryly, immediately drinking the water down. "Ava, what is today's date please?"
"Today is Friday, September 8th. Current time is 4:27pm." She recited, grabbing the empty glass and placing it in the sink. It's already Friday? But it was just Wednesday! "You were sleeping for quite a while, so I took it upon myself to tidy up your lab. I hope you don't mind, given your last command was to 'do whatever, I don't care.'"
"... That was very thoughtful of you, Ava. Thanks." Ren applauded her through a few dry coughs, still finding it difficult to speak for long without the itchiness returning at the back of his throat.
"Would you like another glass of water?" Ava offered, noting his continued discomfort.
"No, thank you." The roboticist grabbed his lab coat from above his bed and pressed the button, hiding his bedroom once again and headed into his restroom to freshen himself up.
"I would like to inform you that 30 associates stopped by your lab while you were sleeping, including dead weight." Ava announced from the outside of the door, over the sound of splashing water. "A lot of them wanted to congratulate you for completing me." She said a little louder this time, smiling when Ren opened the restroom door and halted in shock from seeing her standing so close to the door. "I told them to come back next week, just like you asked."
"Thank you, Ava. Hey... are you able to cook by chance? I'm not sure how far along the first stage of downloads are..." Ava's face lit up at the asking of that question.
"Certainly, Ren! The download of Phase 1 is currently at 67%. Please let me know what you would like to eat and I would be happy to make it for you." Ren stood in thought for a moment, feeling uneasy with how fast the download speed was going. I mean it was a lot of data to download, but at the same time... This is only Phase 1... If it's taking this long, then Phase 2 might-- "Please do not trouble yourself, I am confident that I can prepare any dish that you would like. My memory bank holds over 30,000 recipes from around the world. So please..." She stated, attempting to reassure Ren and pull him out of his own thoughts.
"Well alright then, Ava. You've won me over. I'm a simple man so I just want an omelet over sweet rice. I should already have those ingredients in my cabinets." He mused, finding it interesting how much Ava was trying to read him.
"Yes, you have enough ingredients in your possession to make 132 of the 30,000 recipes stored in my memory bank. You should look into getting more groceries, Ren."
"I don't live here so it's fine." He chuckled, grabbing a seat at his office desk and watching Ava begin to prep his meal. She was moving more like a human now; she even hummed softly as she cooked, which made him feel a little warm on the inside, oddly enough. "Ava, why are you humming?" Ren questioned, curiously. If that was the one thing they had in common, they were both curious creatures. She paused for a moment for what Ren thought was to process the question and shortly resumed her cooking.
"According to my records, humming reduces stress. Does it bother you Ren? I will stop."
"No-no, it doesn't. I was just wondering. Please, continue..." He muttered, intrigued. "Sarabande and Polka... Great choice."
"Yes, I read that it's your favorite." She cheerfully chimed, plating the side of sweet rice. "I hummed it to you while you were sleeping. You kept tossing and turning so I thought it would help."
"How thoughtful of you, Ava." Ren acknowledged, unsure of how to feel with that information. "... Maybe that's the reason why I slept for so long."
Surprisingly, Ava gives a chuckle to the latter statement as she plated the omelet on top of the sweet rice and handed him the plate. Ren looks up at her, shocked by her giggle only to find her smiling and glaring down at him, gesturing towards the plate. "Please enjoy, Ren. I will go and clean up."
The roboticist nodded and thanked her as he looked at the beautiful golden omelet resting on top of the fluffy bed of rice. He had to admit... it did look really good. Probably better than anything he ever made. But then again, he wasn't a chef but even so, this was still remarkable for a robot that was only a day old. Ren immediately took a bite out of the omelet and smiled, both surprised and grateful at how good the food was.
"This is amazing, Ava. I couldn't be happier." He openly admitted, earning a huge smile from his robot.
"I am pleased to have served you!" She announced with a bow, face glowing with honor.
The food was hitting the spot; after sleeping for a day and a half, his body was nearly eating itself. Another hour of that and he probably would've been a pile of bones. Had Ava not been there, he probably wouldn't have had the energy to even make this meal. After a few minutes of scarfing down the plate of food, he felt a little bit recovered and energized. He handed Ava the empty dish, which she gratefully accepted and began to wash.
"What's on the agenda today, Ren?" She asked, still washing out the dishes.
"I'm not sure..." He absently replied, deep in thought. "I'll probably chat with a few people and head home. Afterall, you are my biggest achievement at the moment. I'll probably look after you and make sure all of your systems are functioning properly. Probably monitor all the downloads and keep a close eye on how you're operating for--" He paused for a moment, taken aback by the prickling sensation he feels quickly forming in the depths of his nostrils. It only takes one dry sniff to ignite the prickling into a full fledged wild fire as it forces his shoulders to rise upward from the abrupt inhale and jerk forwards with a harsh sneeze.
"Hih... H'ESSCH!" It was a snappy and a little wet sneeze, seeing how it felt like his nostrils were drooling over the burning sensation pulsing deep in his nostrils. His robot companion immediately swiveled a 180 towards the location of the sound, interest piqued and attention grabbed. She curiously watched as he rubbed at his nose and quickly searched around for something but appeared to have no luck. "A-Ava..." He desperately stuttered out, eyes closing once again from the distracting tickle. She approached him with haste, audio censors listening for his voice command. "I n-need ahh... a-HIH'EGSHHhn...!! A dissue, blease." She was frozen for a second, trying to process and compute the last command given by her creator.
"I do not understand. What is... 'a dissue'?" Ava innocently asked, attempting to repeat his audibly congested plea for a tissue in her query and trying to understand.
"A tdissue!" Ren tried to repeat through his cupped hand, a little louder this time, hoping to sound a little clearer, but he's sure he failed as he could still see the confusion on her face.
"I'm sorry, Ren. I still do not understand your request, but I see that you are cupping your nose. Perhaps you need a tissue?" He gratefully nodded his head, watching her go into the restroom and grab the tissue box. Once she returned, he eagerly blew his nose, releasing a few small gurgling nose blows into the tissues. "I apologize for the miscommunication. I should've known that's what you were asking for sooner."
"That's okay." He breathily mumbled, still massaging his nose with the tissues. "I just didn't know you moved the tissues either, but it's fine."
"Hm." She folded her arms and tapped her cheek in thought for a moment. "Were those sneezes, Ren?"
"... Yes. Why do you ask?"
"Bless you, Ren. I will be prepared next time. Thank you." She muttered, grabbing a handful of tissues and shoving them into her front pocket.
"N-no that's not necessary! You don't have to do that." He sheepishly replied, but Ava had already returned back to cleaning the dishes and was already humming again. "... Once you're finished cleaning those dishes, we can head out. How does that sound?"
"That sounds great, Ren." Ava cheered as she placed the last dish onto the countertop.
"Ava, lock the door please." Ren muttered, still trying to fit all of his modems and drives into his bag.
"Of course." She affirmed, grinning as she locked the door and returned to her creator. "Would you like for me to carry your bag for you, Ren?"
"Sure, thank you." The roboticist agreed, zipping up one last zipper to his bag before seeing the shoes of Koji appear directly in front of him.
"There he is!" Koji announced, looking his best friend up and down. "I would've thought you died had I not known who you are." He chuckled.
"Shut up, I was tired okay? Like, really tired." Ren muttered with a chuckle, placing his bag onto Ava.
"Guess that explains why you're making a girl carry your bag for you? Not a good look man."
"Hey, she offered!" Ren erupted defensively, coughing afterwards from the sudden change in volume of his voice.
"Everything is fine, dead weight. Please do not concern yourself with our affairs." She stated blandly, looking to Ren shortly after to make sure he was okay.
"Hey, I told you I'm not dead weight around here! Why won't you listen to me!" He sounded more like he was whining and begging Ava at this point but she wasn't budging.
"Hey, if you stumble across any crew members, tell them we said thanks for all of the congratulations. It means a lot."
"For sure, dude. Don't worry. How's Ava's progress coming along? It looks like she's matured a lot since Wednesday."
"Everything's going well so far. My only concern is that thehh-hih..." Ava glares at her creator and notices his flaring nostrils and immediately begins to dig into her pocket for the tissues that she grabbed earlier. Another faint hitch escapes him but before he can double over with the sneeze, Ava shoves a handful of tissues into his hands. "Heh--EDSSCHh!!" He blinks a few times, surprised by the whole ordeal, but before he can even say anything--"Heh'ESCHHiih!!"-- The next sneeze tears right out of him and is buried into the handful of tissues.
"Woah, bless you dude! That whole thing was so smooth. It almost looked like this has happened before."
"T-thagks... She saihh... S-she-hihh'EGDTSHH!!!" He can't even speak his sentence as the third sneeze cuts him off and he's sent back into the handful of tissues.
"Bless you, Ren. I told you that I would be prepared for next time."
"Yes, that." He exhaustedly agreed, gurgling into the handful of tissues a few times.
"Holy shit! I guess Ava really is Ava-ing!" Koji humored, watching Ava take his soiled tissues and throw them into the trashcan.
"I just hope the download finishes soon. She's still only on Phase 1."
"Hey, what'd I tell you about stressin' so much? Ava, you better keep my man in line!" Ava only gave him in a confused look in return. "I'm sure it'll all work out. Just believe, man!"
"... You're right. I'll see you around. Gonna go home and take my mind off things for now, I guess." He muttered, scratching his head and starting for the door.
"Woah, hey! We need to celebrate your big achievement!" Koji exclaimed, darting in front of him to stop him. "You can't go home yet! Let's go to the bar or get something to eat!"
"Nah, no thanks. I just ate and I'm honestly just not feelin' it today, sorry."
"Alright, don't worry about it. Text me later bro! And congrats again!"
After that, Koji left them to return to his office and the two began to silently walk outside towards his car. Ava seemed enlightened at the view of nature in front of the lab. It was refreshing for Ren to see her face light up at the smallest things he and everyone probably took for granted.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" The roboticist muttered as he placed his bag into the vehicle.
"Very. It's one thing to see it as an imprinted image, but another to see it up close in realtime." She said as she touched the dirt and began analyzing it. "If only you could see all of the tiny organisms living inside just this one clump of dirt!" She grabbed a fist full of dirt and began squishing it in the palm of her hand, looking so fascinated and entertained. She would've been completely intranced had Ren not coughed into the crook of his elbow. "Oh! I'm sorry, did I keep you waiting?" She exclaimed after noticing Ren standing by the open car door watching her.
"No-no, not at all." He barely managed to say through a few more chesty coughs, which earned a mildly concerned look from Ava. "I don't mind waiting. This is your first moment outside, so don't let me ruin it." He humored.
"Thank you, Ren. We can go now. I know your body must be worn." She couldn't help but smile at what she perceived as selflessness from her creator as she was helped into the vehicle. "... Ren?"
"Yes, Ava?"
"... I'm glad you turned down dead weight's offer." She muttered softly into the window, almost soft enough to not be heard, which earned a curious look from Ren.
"Why is that?" He lightly coughed to himself after cranking the car on and exiting the parking lot.
"I don't like dead weight." The way she said that line made Ren do a double take to look at her and make sure she was still a robot girl. It sounded a bit too human-like. "But also because we will have more time to spend together. More time for me to learn from you."
"... Well, Ava, I don't want you to think that I'm the only person you can learn from. There's so much for you to learn outside of just me. I built you to be versatile. Eventually, you'll be surrounded by all sorts of amazing people that you'll learn a lot from. Including dead weight Koji." She doesn't respond, keeping her expression blank and unreadable. "... But please, don't dismiss Koji yet. He's actually a great guy once you get to know him a little better." He mutters to break the silence. "Infact, he was the one that got me back into robotics those years ago. Without him, we wouldn't even be here right now."
"... Okay. You're the best teacher, Ren."
"What a lovely house, Ren!" She exclaimed, scanning the entire room around her.
"I know, it's almost like I programmed you to say that." He humored to himself as he locked the door and kicked his shoes off. "I haven't been here in about a month so please excuse the mess." He stopped to wonder for a moment, finding it interesting that he was actually starting to talk to Ava as if she were a real human being. Why would a robot care about a mess or anything like that? He sighed and grabbed his head with slight confusion on what to even think anymore. "Anyway, just go ahead and make yourself at home or whatever. I'm going to take a quick shower."
"Okay, Ren!" She exclaimed, still scanning all of his belongings like a child opening presents on Christmas morning.
She felt like she hit a gold mine with all of his belongings scattered about the home. Everywhere she looked, there were new traces of his life and character; his lab was just a sneak peak of the person that was Ren Tokayama. He had many diplomas, awards and ribbons hanging on all of his living room walls. Plenty of framed group photos of him and what appeared to be his crewmates winning awards for previous machines and gadgets they built. It really was like she had a VIP pass to the Ren museum. She decides to utilize this time to tidy up his house, or atleast get started, while he's in the shower, scanning every item she touched while she cleaned.
A few moments later, she hears the bedroom door open and sees Ren enter the room with a fluffy robe on, still drying his hair with a towel and yawning briefly. His yawn is cut short as he jumps in surprise at the sight of Ava, almost forgetting that she was inside of his house.
"Oh, you startled me, Ava." Ren says, hand over his heart in shock.
"Welcome back, Ren. I didn't mean to startle you. hope that you are feeling refreshed." Ava happily chimed, placing a book and fresh hot tea onto the table for her creator. "I've prepared your favorite book and some green tea to help you relax and sooth your irritated throat."
"I appreciate it, Ava. How did you come to the conclusion that this was my favorite book?"
"I looked through all of your bookcases while you were in the shower, and this book had the most of your fingerprints on it and seemed to have the most usage... Was I incorrect?"
"No, you were correct, but... You could've just asked me what my favorite book was. I didn't want you to go through all the trouble."
"It's no trouble." She chimed, "I enjoyed it. I felt like... I was going on an adventure." Ren furrowed a confused brow, but decides not to say anything and takes a sip of the tea after putting on his reading glasses. It did feel nice against his itchy throat though, that was for sure. He couldn't help but go back for a second sip.
"How are you functioning, Ava? Status check." The roboticist questioned as he flipped open his book.
"All systems are online and functioning, Ren. Battery percentage is at 72%, with 3.25 days of runtime remaining. Filters are moderately clear. Internal temperatures are neutral." She recited, almost in a dismissive tone.
"Good, thank you. Be sure to let me know if anything happens with any of your systems." He commanded, almost like a protective father.
"Of course, Ren."
Every now and then, Ren peered up from his book only to catch Ava staring at him from across the table, fingers overlapping each other as if she were patiently waiting for something. He tried to ignore her, but it was becoming increasingly difficult as her cold, unmoving stare was beginning to burn a hole into the middle of his forehead. The roboticist snuffled thickly, wiping the underside of his nose and instantly furrowed a confused brow once Ava's eyes went blank like they usually did when she was processing information.
"Umm, Ava?"
"Yes, Ren?" She replied shortly after, pink eyes staring directly into his soft brown orbs, unblinking.
"Why are you staring at me?" The roboticist asked, feeling a bit uneasy with the unbroken staring she had been doing for the past 20 minutes.
"According to my records, you will be sneezing soon, and whenever that happens, I will be ready to assist you."
"That's nonsense, Ava." Ren said through a soft chuckle, with a bit of surprise in his voice from the reasoning. "And just where did you gather that data from, missy?" He humored.
"Research." She replied, simply, borderline pouting, "And studying you, Ren."
"Fascinating." He muttered to himself in thought, "Well tell me, Ava, what data have you gathered about me that will tell you when I'm going to sneeze, hm? Humor me." Ava seemed to light up at the curiosity of her creator and smiled when he casually removed his reading glasses and sat his book down onto the table. "You have my attention."
"I'm glad you asked, Ren. Based off of my observations, firstly, your nose begins to vaguely twitch ever so slightly, indicating a soft irritation. It's very subtle and slight to the human eye, but my visual processors allow me to detect this microscopic movement. To you, I believe it would only feel like a mild discomfort, or perhaps a very faint tingling?" She was speaking almost as if she were unveiling a master plan or exposing an enemy mastermind of some sort; Ren almost bats an eye at how passionate she was about the subject. It seemed like she had something to prove. "After a while, depending on the dust levels in the area, the irritation begins to grow over time into the tickling or burning sensation that you start to tangibly feel, which might make you start to rub at your nose or sniff a little bit."
"Hmm, okay, fairly normal assessments for the most part. Go on." The roboticist muttered in a manner that indicated he was listening through a brief cough into a closed fist.
"At this point, I'm aware that you have about a 92% chance of sneezing due to your underlying illness."
"Underlying illness??? Wait, what?"
"Yes," she stated matter-of-factly with a hint of surprise as if she were shocked that he didn't know, "I did a data analysis scan on the used tissues in your lab from earlier today, which tested positive for Influenza A. Furthermore, I've noted that your body involuntarily pauses when you are on the brink of a sneeze, followed by your broken breaths, the initial inhale, and, of course, the exhale of the sneeze. The confirming giveaway that you are officially going to sneeze is the sharp tremble your nose does before your nostrils flare up." She paused for a moment in thought, staring blankly for a moment before approaching his side and handing him a light stack of tissues, "In this instance, though, I gather that you will sneeze approximately 3 times within the next... minute or so." Ren was silent for a couple of seconds, unable to configure a response to her analysis. He didn't expect her to read a whole detailed essay just about his sneezing habits.
"Simply astonishing." He finally blurted out, fairly impressed with her deep analysis and already beginning to feel his sinuses start to tingle a bit harsher than before, just as Ava had predicted. "So this is what you were working on when you were staring at me got do long?" He breathily asked, finding it increasingly difficult to keep his eyes open. "I will admit... My n-nose is startinghh t-togehhIH--" He froze for a moment, eyes finally shutting before he immediately jerked to the side with a spine chilling sneeze directed into the tissues. "--HEH'EGDJISH'iu!!!" The sneeze nearly rips out of him, almost catching him off guard with the quickness of it as he was still thinking about everything Ava had said, wondering if it all actually applied. He laughed internally at himself a little as he felt his nostrils tremble and flare up just as Ava had said before, immediately bending over with another-- "H'EKSSCH...!! Wow." The roboticist exhaustedly blew his nose, briefly with his eyes still closed and his breaths scattered. "I h-had ndo idea thht... y-youhh-hIH--"
"--Are so observant?--" She quickly reached for a few more tissues, noting his twitching nostrils and subtle grimace, immediately handing them to him once his chest bounced again.
"--AH'KSSHHN!! Hihh... Y-yes." He mumbled, massaging his nose through the handful of tissues.
"Bless you, Ren." She smiled, taking joy in the surprise on Ren's face. "You created me to be."
How knows, if I'm feeling kinda sussybaka I might make a part 2 lol
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kstewdeux · 2 years
November InuPrompts 2022: Direction (11.07.22)
Summary: Inuyasha gets lost in the modern era.
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Sometimes taking a wrong turn will take you to the right place. Sometimes, though, taking a wrong turn takes you to the wrong place. Sometimes one wrong turn will lead to multiple wrong places.
The atmospheric humidity mingled with the smog that permeated every corner of this wretched world made it hard to breathe. As if the suffocating and relentless stampedes of nameless faces didn’t do a good enough job stealing the air from his lungs. A thick film of grim clung to his skin. The bottoms of his feet were black and sticky. He was tired. He was hungry. He was gross.
And, worst of all, he was lost.
All he’d wanted to do was make sure Kagome got home safe. That’s all he’d wanted but the crowds slowed him down and the doors to the train closed faster than he could reach them. With this many people, he couldn’t very well run after her so he’d waited for the next train which logically would take him to the same place Kagome went. From there, he could follow her scent.
Except…there was no scent. Not at any of the stations and when the train announcer said “last stop” Inuyasha realized he’d royally screwed up. So he’d done the next logical thing and hopped on a different train. Which took him a completely different way from where he came. The next two train rides had similar results. Now he didn’t know up from down much less if he’d been at this particular station before. Going above ground wouldn’t help. He could barely track Kagome here unless she was in danger. Her scent was barely detectable above the pollution and when he sniffed too ardently here, his head started spinning. Shit, one time he’d nearly passed out from the effort.
Which meant that running around above ground until he found the shrine would probably get him more lost. Five hundred years had changed the topography and any landmarks he knew like the back of his hand simply weren’t there anymore.
Confronted with the fact he was hosed, Inuyasha sank down into a bench and dropped his face into his hands. This, right here, is why Kagome’s mother told him not to use these damn machines. But did he listen? Was that a joke? Of course, he didn’t. He never listened to anyone. Life was just a compilation of him trying to outrun the consequences of his own actions.
Like carrying a sword around in crowded public spaces. That had been another warning he’d ignored too for obvious reasons.
Inuyasha took a moment to cast a worried glance down at the sword on his hip. Carrying around a sword - even though he knew it was necessary - was against the law. This was an “issue” because he had no identification and therefore no permit meaning he’d very likely be detained. Couldn’t murder his way out of that situation which was his normal go-to when his life was in danger. Not here. Sniffling lightly, Inuyasha raised his head just enough to glance at the officers around him. A few were already starring at him. One had their phone out and was taking pictures.
The one taking pictures suddenly began moving towards him and Inuyasha’s stomach dropped. This, among many other valid reasons, was why Ms. Higurashi had insisted he’d learn how to use a phone and memorize the phone number that would get him to Kagome in the event something did happen. In case he got in trouble.
“Excuse me sir,” the youngish looking officer began with a somewhat shy grin, “May I ask who your cosplay is?”
Inuyasha blinked a few times before running his sleeve beneath his nose and sitting up.
“The character? Who are you dressed up as?” the guard repeated, “I have a bet going with my friend. Kenshin Himura or a member of the Hakkenden.”
Opening then closing his mouth, Inuyasha was more confused than ever and already extremely frazzled, couldn’t think of a good answer quick enough. So he took the easy route.
“F-first one,” he muttered with a miserable sigh, “The first one.”
The man’s grin widened before his eyes glanced up at Inuyasha’s long hair.
“It think it’s your hair that threw it off for him. And the pants. Next time you do it, just wear some more comfortable sandals so you don’t wind up barefoot and maybe splurge for a good red wig. Black-“
Inuyasha’s eyes went wide and his hand flew to his hair to check for himself.
Oooohhh. This was bad. This was so bad. Not only was it too soon for this but he was lost in the middle of nowhere. Trapped in conversation with someone who could totally arrest him if they wanted. In essence, he’d have no way to fight back were something to happen and also it meant he’d been lost for hours. Literally all day. Which was much longer than he’d previously thought.
“…but I mean your costume is super authentic. I’m very impressed. Really-“
“Thanks. I guess,” Inuyasha interrupted softly before swallowing the bitter pill that he needed to actually ask for and accept help, “Look. I think I’m lost and I need to find the Higuarshi shrine? Do you know where that is?“
The man made a face and laughed softly.
“Ah, so you came from out of town. Don’t feel bad. I know my girlfriend gets turned around every time she visits,” the guard hummed in amused sympathy before raising his hand and pointing, “Go up the stairs and it’s four or five blocks to the left. Or the next stop should drop you off a block away. To the right. I walk by every day on the way to work.”
Blinking a few more times, Inuyasha felt both immensely relieved and also very stupid.
“Don’t feel bad. At all. Like I said, it’s super easy to get turned around,” the man offered kindly before biting his lip and swaying slightly, “So...quick question. Where’d you get your costume? Did you make it or-”
“M-my father gave it to me. It’s old,” Inuyasha offered lamely after an excruciatingly long pause accentuated by an overly long emphasis on the word ‘or’.
“Lucky. No wonder it’s good quality,” the man acknowledged with no lack of jealously, “Probably too expensive to alter then?”
Inuyasha nodded for lack of anything better to say.
“Makes sense. Makes sense. Well scratch what I said about the pants. I hope you had fun at Comic Market, I’m supposed to be going tomorrow,” the man laughed softly, “Who are you going as? Maybe I’ll see you around the convention cent-“
“I-I’m not going,” Inuyasha cut the man off as he got to his feet and offered a quick appreciative bow, “I gotta get home. So, um, thanks.”
“You’re very welcome. Us Cosplayers have to stick together, no?” the man hummed and Inuyasha offered him a timid smile before quickly and awkwardly making his way towards the stairs.
About thirty or so minutes later, an extremely worried Kagome was pacing by the shrine stairs as she had been doing since the sun went down. Sota had seen Inuyasha here earlier. The group back home said he hadn’t come back. The moon…who knew that the moon cycles were different here anyway?! She’d never paid enough attention to realize and she’d bet her life on the fact that Inuyasha hadn’t paid attention either. Probably stuck atop a building all alone or maybe he’d gotten hurt. And it wasn’t like she could track him without an aura. Couldn’t get the police involved. All she could do is wait and hope-
A soft cry escaped her when she saw a very frightened and human Inuyasha appear on the street corner. The faint neon lights illuminating the subtle shaking body. Without further thought on the matter she broke into a run down the stairs.
“INUYASHA?!” Kagome managed to yell - her voice cracking and hoarse as she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. The way he jumped then absolutely melted in relief broke her heart. The way he stumbled then held her tightly when she collided with him made her love him more.
“Next time you go somewhere take me with you,” Inuyasha breathed hoarsely  as he pulled back and gently took her chin in his hand - his thumb gently stroking her cheek, “Do not leave me behind. Can you promise me that?”
“Technically, I didn’t know you were even-” Kagome began before Inuyasha dipped down and captured her lips to cut whatever argument she had off. Before she could properly respond, he’d pulled back and was once again giving her a very stern look.
“No leaving me alone. Ever. Got it?” he repeated his earlier demand before smirking when she simply stared at him like a doe in the headlights. So, he dipped forward again and hummed happily when this time she responded. Maybe it was because he was human that he needed this type of reassurance and felt brave enough to seek it out. Maybe getting lost in a strange world was just this final straw that made him stop trying to fight how he felt. 
“Are you going to leave me behind again?” Inuyasha panted lightly when he pulled back again and tried to read her shell-shocked expression. When she didn’t answer imediately, he dipped right back down with all the passion he normally kept locked away.
Mainly, this was happening because he’d been scared shitless and kissing her made him feel better. After all, he’d wanted to kiss her for a long, long time now. Since basically forever truth be told. Almost getting lost forever in a dark dirty hole put some things in perspective. Life, for the most part, sucked but it sucked less when you weren’t alone. When you asked for things like help and tokens of affection.
Not that he’d asked but he figured kissing her like he’d wanted might make her eager to agree with his demand. After all, anyone with a brain knew she loved him. Letting her know he returned that favor in a very blunt non-verbal way would get what he wanted. No more being alone. No more being afraid. No more being left behind.
Worked like a charm too. Mid-kiss, she nodded. Which was a win he needed after a day like today.
“Now that that’s settled,” he hummed hoarsely when he found the strength and will to pull back - grinning down at a very flushed and still confused looking woman with all the love and affection he normally held back, “Let’s get the fuck inside.”
And so it was that several wrong turns led Inuyasha to the right place. Lead him a lot of other places too but what mattered was eventually he got to where he belonged.
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vminizzle · 2 years
SERIES || My destiny
Chapter 8: lie
pairing : taehyung x f.reader
genre : angst?, fluff?
warnings : none I guess, maybe jimin just teasing his best friend, frustrated!yoongi
words count : 1.5k
A/N : hello, boring chapter here, sorry. I was a bit tired but I wanted to continue a bit. Hopefully the next chapters will be interesting. REMINDER : POOR ENGLISH. - have a nice sunday guys love y’all - sunny
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Weeks had passed and your morning sickness was long forgotten.
It happened that sometimes you felt a bit dizzy but nothing too serious. The doctor reassured you saying it was totally normal.
You were in your first trimester, about 10-11 weeks already. It's been around three months since you're pregnant.
Time was going so fast to you. Your little belly started really showing up, anxiety making its presence about what people could think of you.
Yoongi and you went shopping these last two weeks, to buy more oversized clothes to cover your body a bit more.
"in a month and a half my exams start." you reminded Yoongi.
"I know but don't worry too much about it. Everything's gonna be fine." he took your hand gently in his.
"yoongi." someone called from the other side of the office’s door.
"go away." your brother groaned irritated.
The doors swam open abruptly, revealing a quiet Jimin making Yoongi frowned.
The usually smiling boy glanced quickly over at your sleeping figure on the couch, a thin blanket covering you.
"we need to talk." he approached Yoongi.
"sit. talk. and go work. But if you're gonna talk about what you did this weekend just get out, I don't have time for that." he said firmly.
He put his pen down on his desk waiting for Jimin to speak.
"It's about y/n." he muttered.
"ok listen." Yoongi started softly.
"you know, I really appreciate you Jimin. You’re my friend, literally a brother to me. And she also really appreciates you, but I don't think she feels the same way-"
"what the heck are you talking about bro? It's not that. she's like a sister for me. I, personally, don't feel something like that for her, don't worry about that."
"oh sorry, go on then." he gestured for him to continue.
"what's with her these days? She's different." Jimin trailed out feeling sad.
"She's kinda distant with us. She only stays with you. it's like she's avoiding us. Did we do something? Did I do something? I kinda, you know, I miss her. She's my friend and I'm worried." Jimin sighed deeply.
"oh, hm, well she's just really stressed these days. Her exams are coming soon so yea, she's busy too. Sometimes I help her learn, that's why she's always with me and she ends up sleeping there, like you can see, because of how tired she is."
Jimin stared at his friend, not trusting his words.
He knew something was off, but what?
And why his friend had to lie? It's definitely important and he has to find out. He wanted to be there for them if they needed.
He hummed standing up from his seat as he walked to the doors without a words making Yoongi throw his head back in frustration.
"fuck it."
[ 2 hours later ]
"wake up woman, it's time to go home."
Yoongi lightly shook your tired body making you groaned. You opened your eyes, seeing your brother with his bag ready to leave.
"did I sleep that much?" you sighed as you stretch your sore muscles.
"yea you lazy potato." Yoongi said poking your cheek before helping you standing up from the couch and collect your belongings.
You were walking to the elevator alone when you bumped with someone.
"oh I'm sorry! are you ok? oh y/n? are you alone?" the tall man looked down at your tired form.
"it's ok, it was my fault I wasn't looking where I was going, and no I'm waiting for Yoongi, he forgot something in his office." you talked playing with your fingers.
Taehyung noticed your nervousness as he put his hand on your shoulder gently.
"don't be nervous around me please." he said softly making you look up at him, your cheeks warming up.
"y/n, I'm here." you saw your brother approaching you.
"oh Tae you're still here?"
"yes I just finished, I'm heading home." he pressed the button to open the elevator's doors, gesturing you and his friend to enter first.
"y/n, you seem exhausted do you want some water to freshen up? I have a bottle of water in my bag." the gentleman offered but you shook your head smiling shyly.
"it's ok t-thank you, I'm not really thirsty, I'm just sleepy. But thank you again." Taehyung smiled before nodding.
You cursed yourself for stuttering.
Yoongi observed you, why do you seemed .. embarrassed?
no, not embarrassed. nervous? shy?
He couldn't point a finger on it but your behavior seemed different from earlier. He let it slid as he yawned loudly startling you and Taehyung.
"Be careful on your way home guys." Taehyung waved as he walked to his car.
"You too." Yoongi said putting his arm around your shoulder guiding you to his car.
Jimin sipped on his cold beer before talking.
"man, this dude is so annoying. he literally sent me a novel. If only I didn't open his e-mail. now I've to read it before friday." the boy complained to his best friend whom was lost in his thoughts.
Like usual, Jimin would come over at Taehyung’s for no specific and valid reasons. Most of the time, he came to complain about his life or either spend time drinking with Taehyung to "relax".
"and this morning this jerk stole my coffee, I just want to break his fingers one by one." Jimin put his beer on the coffee table exasperated as he let his head rest on the back of the couch.
"Taehyung are you listening to me?"
Jimin looked over at his friend looking into the void.
"ah yea yea sorry."
"what are you thinking about?" his best friend crossed his legs staring at him.
"no one." he looked at Jimin's empty can.
"so you're thinking about someone-"
"your can is empty, I'm gonna take more from the fridge quickly." the man stood up abruptly walking to his kitchen.
Giving the beer to his short friend, the tall man let his body dropped on his sofa.
"you think I forgot you huh? so tell me who you were thinking about!" Jimin insisted excited.
"argh, Jimin i was just thinking about work."
"nah man you said "no one", so you were definitely thinking about someone!"
"my father."
"so you're telling me you're blushing while thinking of your dad." Jimin said playfully making his friend sighed heavily.
"sooooo???" he leaned toward Taehyung.
"no one." he groaned.
"It's y/n, isn't it?" 
Jimin smirked at the heavy silence, his friend's cheeks turning a deep red as his grip on the beer's can tightened.
"I was so fucking sure!" Jimin laughed loudly.
"you love her, don't you?"  he smiled widely at his flustered friend.
"stop saying non-sense J-"
"non-sense my ass! I've seen the way you look at her. The day you met for the first time you were literally drooling on the table. And when you dropped your water on me, it's because she looked at you hmm?" Jimin bit his lips trying to maintain his excitement.
Taehyung huffed as he threw a pillow at the overexcited boy.
"aw my best friend is in love!" Jimin sang happily.
"yah stop! In love .. is way too much." Taehyung gulped his drink frustrated.
"maybe, I say maybe... I find her pretty cute."
"anddddddd??" Jimin smiled widely.
"She's just .. interesting. I admire her. That's it." he finally admitted putting the empty can on the floor.
Jimin sat closer to him and pat his shoulder.
"she's someone really nice, so I understand why you fell for her." he said softly.
"you'd look good together not gonna lie." Taehyung slapped his hand away.
"shut up."
They continued eating their noodles until Jimin spoke again.
"what are you gonna do?"
"yoongi." he continued, munching his food.
"what about him? He's not gonna be the one cuddling you." Jimin teased wiggling his eyebrows.
"Jimin I'm warning you!"
"you scared of him? You shouldn't, he'll understand."
"but it's not only that. It's her. what if she doesn't feel the same?" Taehyung nibbled on his bottom lip nervously.
"let's find out then." Jimin laid down on the couch comfortably grabbing the remote to turn the tv on.
"what do you mean?"
"let's finish the drama we started, shall we?"
                       [ MIN'S RESIDENCE ]
"Yoongi, are you ok?" you asked worried as you approached the tired man.
"yes, I’m fine don’t worry." he forced a smile.
You handed him a glass of water as you sat next to him. He thanked you, gulping the cold liquid.
"you can’t lie." you mumbled making Yoongi scoff.
"tell me what happened, please. If you don’t want me to worry about you." you pursed your lips expectantly making your brother groan.
"gosh you’re stubborn huh." he let a breathy laugh escaped from his mouth.
"got it from you dear brother." you grinned.
"Jimin came earlier in my office when you were sleeping and he asked about you." he started making you furrow your eyebrows getting curious.
"what did he asked?"
"he was wondering why you’re so distant with them. he’s thinking he probably did something but I denied and told him you were just tired and stressed because of your exams." Yoongi sighed heavily, closing his eyes as he rest his head back.
"do you think he believed you?" he bit on your lip feeling unsure about all that.
"Yea I think he did." he shrugged.
"you bad at lying so I’m kinda worried now. What if he discover what’s going on?" you gulped.
"hey no. don’t worry. we will find a way to avoid that hm." he took your hand in his gently reassuring you.
A/N : sorry i know this part seemed boring. I’ll try to write something better for the next part. Love y’all .
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lyon-amore · 1 year
The half of me Chapter 29
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Chapter 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Jake POV*
I leave the cell phone on call, listening to MC's breathing. From time to time the breathing changes, being uncontrolled from time to time. I put the headphones on the cell phone and I pull up the mask, then I adjust the hood and the jacket well. I have decided to go to Irma Roth's place and talk to her. Normally I would not do this, but under these circumstances, only I can investigate it. And I need to know what kind of person she is. If she had to see something when MC was drugged. After learning her story and what she has told me, I have a very bad feeling. I put the address back from last night and leave the apartment with large steps, not wanting to waste time.
From the outside, any nightclub looked like any other. Perhaps at night it is much more spectacular with its lights and its people screaming, but I can only see that it is a club where MC was made hell out of a night that had to be entertained. I go in and see that the employees are working on cleaning the place, running from one side to the other and sometimes yelling at each other where they have put some bags of garbage. I approach one of them and look into his eyes. I think from his expression he is scared of how I look at him. I know I may look like a thief with the looks I have, but I can't control my anger right now.    "Irma Roth?" I ask harshly.    "She's…" he points the way with his hand "in the office. You have to go next to the bar counter, the iron door” he answers with some fear “. There is a corridor and you have to knock on the third door on the left.”     I waste no time and walk away from him, heading in the direction he told me. Some employees call me, to no enter. But I completely ignore them. The fluorescent lights in the hallway are totally annoying to look at, I squint, trying to get used to it before reaching the door. I start to hear screaming behind Mrs. Roth's office. I try to tune the ear. It is the voice of a man.    “I already told you that I had nothing with Daliah!” I hear Serrano shout, furious “I don’t know why they they arrested me! She was just my employee and my daughter’s friend!”    "Then who could have known about you?!" Roth yells at him and I hear a thud "Hello?! Did I make it up?! That the police didn't want to know that you were lovers?!”    “You are crazy!” I hear footsteps, as if Serrano was going to the door.    “Am I the crazy one?! And she was a slutty bitch after your money!”     I move away from the door as it opens and see Serrano wave his hand as if he wants her to leave him alone. As he leaves, a high-heeled shoe flies off before I walks into the office, brushing my face.    “Son of a bitch,” Roth mutters under her breath. I enter the office and she looks at me, furious “And who are you?”    "I prefer not to give names." I reply.     Roth laughs and walks over to the bookcase, opening one of the doors. Inside you could see that it was some kind of refrigerator. She takes out a bottle of whiskey and instead of pouring the contents into a glass, she drinks it straight from the bottle.    “You want?” She offers me and I shake my head "Well, you're missing it" she takes another sip again and complains through her teeth "What have you come here to do, pretty eyes?"    "I am here to talk about what happened to my girlfriend last night." I reply, moving a little closer, crossing my arms. I manage to continue listening to MC sleeping peacefully, without knowing what is happening.    “What girlfriend?” Roth leans back on the table, setting the bottle aside. She keeps her gaze on me, as if she was examining me "And what did she lose last night? Bag? The panties?” I clench my fists and she laughs “It often happens that they leave clothes behind.”    “Does the name MC Gardner ring a bell?” I take another step forward. I see how she looks at me when saying the name, her eyes have moved nervously.     She makes a face, shrugging.    "Yes, my daughter introduced her to me" She separates from the table, picking up the bottle, sitting on the sofa “. She's a doll, just like Daliah.”    "You mean 'Daliah the bitch.'" I remind her what she called her, wanting to look for a guilty reaction.     She grunts and drinks again, wiping her hand across her mouth. She does not hide her contempt for Daliah.    "Did you ever meet her, Mr. Unknown?" She asks me as she spins the bottle. Roth's voice is nonchalant.    "I have not had a chance to."    "Then her sister is lucky" she points at me with a smile ", you probably would have ended up having sex with that bitch."    “I highly doubt it, from what I have come to know about Daliah, at the moment I know that she is not to my liking.”     Perhaps if I show myself as an ally with her in their common hatred of Daliah, I will have an easier time getting her to talk. She smiles and taps on the sofa, inviting me to sit down.    “Why don’t you sit down and we’ll talk better?” Her voice sounds flirty. I already know what she wants.    “No thank you, I am better on my feet.”     She lets out a laugh, getting up from the couch. She moves closer to me placing her hand on my chest, sliding to my shoulder as she circles me.    "I never liked that girl" As I speak, I notice the smell of liquor coming out of her mouth, luckily the mask makes the annoying smell less relieving “. So sweet so perfect.” She lowers my hood and runs her hand through my hair, to which I stop her by taking her hand.     I keep my gaze steady and she looks me square in the eye, lowering her hand.    "She was young, beautiful" she drawls out her annoyance “. Armando offered her a job as soon as she turned eighteen, so you know what that means.”    "Did you suspect that Daliah had sex with your husband?" I ask curious.    “Please! It was more than obvious” she separates from me, raising her hands “. That brat knew what she could achieve if she spread her legs to my husband” She sighs, picking up the bottle “. She was just like me when I was young” she smiles, it is a cold smile “and I'm glad that she's finally dead.”    “Do you admit that it was you who killed her?     She turns her head quickly, looking at me with nervous eyes.    "Are you from the police?" She places a hand on her hip, and the cold smile returns "I'm just glad she's not hanging around my husband anymore, that's all."     I let out a slack laugh, taking it all in. This woman has so much money that she would fear losing it because of her husband's infidelity.    "And what about MC?" She ask, returning to total calm "What happened to her last night?"    “She was drugged at her bar.    “And?” She raises her eyebrows, confused “what does it have to do with me?”    "It was your son, Ralph." I approach defiantly, clenching my fists.     Roth looks down, avoiding looking at me because she knows I am right about what happened.    “Do you accuse my son of having drugged your girlfriend?” She asks me without looking at me, but at her nails. Reds. sharp. Like her tongue “Ralph is a good boy, he would never drug your girlfriend.”    “And Daliah?” She looks at me out of the corner of her eye “. She also had a bad experience here.”    “Do you have proof that it was in my place?” She lets her arms fall heavily from her, snorting, like she is tired of hearing me.    "It is the only place where they come to drug girls." I reply coldly.     She approaches me, the sound of her heels echoing throughout the office. She raises her hand, bringing it to my face, to remove my mask. I stop her and she smiles.    "Pretty eyes, no one has ever drugged anyone at my place" she says, tilting her head, "fixing" my jacket "we have strict surveillance that it doesn't happen.”    “And if that surveillance was only decided by the boss who should notify who has been drugged and who hasn't?” I ask dropping that perhaps she was the one who decided to drug MC “After all, MC and Daliah are twins, you might fear that your husband would replace her with MC, right?”     She rolls her eyes, laughing coldly. She seems to be one of those laughs that you only hear from a witch.    "It's true that I was shocked to see MC because I saw Daliah in her, she was wearing that dress and that hairstyle from the last time she was here" I pay attention to her words, Was MC the same as Daliah on the day of the events? “, the same little bitch that I thought was dead, I had before my eyes, alive. Breathing” her lip twists into a small smile “. It was worse than seeing a ghost, because I was seeing her alive.”     I do not know what to make of this, is she or is she not guilty? Maybe she just hated Daliah but not capable of killing her. She would lose a lot of things if she did. All her fortune. Even her husband, who was already afraid of losing because of Daliah.. Surely she thought the same thing when she saw MC if she knows that her husband "knows" MC.    "But no, I didn't order to drug anyone and my son is totally innocent" She grabs my face, placing her nails on my face. Luckily it relieves the pain with the mask a bit “. If that's what you were looking to find out, pretty eyes, I'm very sorry, but everyone here is innocent-“    "Until proven otherwise." I coldly cut her off now.    "But there's no proof." She moves closer to my face and I can smell the wishkey better. I pout. Stinks “, so get out of here before I call the police for harassment and if my husband finds out, he won't be very happy...”     I clenched my jaw. She may not have confessed directly, but I think she has said a lot more than I expected. I go to turn around and she grabs my arm, then unexpectedly lowers my mask and kisses me. I push her away and run my hand over my mouth, wiping my lips, then push my mask back up.    “What?” She begins to say, picking up the bottle again “Can only you men cheat on us? If I can revenge at him and her sister just to make the bitch roll over in her grave, then I'll do it with great pleasure.” Her eyes seem to bulge out of their sockets. She looks at me madly “. I hope to see you again, pretty eyes.”     I leave the office slamming the door. Disgusted by what she has done. Clearly there is no denying that they are mother and son.
When leaving the premises I receive a message. I growl when I see it is Rocco. Mike has given you my cell number. I pinch the bridge of my nose. Thanks Mike, get more innocent people involved in my life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----Rocco has connected-----
Rocco Good morning Jake 👋🏾 I hope you don’t mind that Mike gave me your cell number.
Jake Well, it is not that I do not care. It is just that I do not like it if I have not decided it myself.
Rocco I understand, but Mike was in a hurry. You should have seen his face, he doesn’t look like he slept. 😅 
Jake Yes, something he has told me. What is going on?
Rocco I'm going to Colville to look for the computer to take it to the little princess 😊  They told me what happened, how could they do that to her?! I also want to join the battle against whoever did this to my friend's sister!
Jake Thanks for worrying about her, Rocco. Right now MC is resting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I lean on the motorcycle paying attention to the call that is still online. I hear her complain of pain again. I take a deep breath, trying to calm down.    “Calm down, MC” I whisper into the headset microphone “, try to calm down.”     Little by little she stops complaining until she breathes calmly again. Damn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rocco Mhm… Do you know what they put on her?
Jake We do not know. But she said that she felt fine.
Rocco Oh! How good? What symptoms did she have afterwards?
Jake Vomiting, chills, sweating, pain in the body, hyperactive, nervous, quite angry with herself… But the last thing was because of what happened last night.
Rocco I don't think so Well, in any case, it's better that she don't know at the moment what she took if you say that it felt good at first, she might want more It is one of the things that must be prevented from feeling the need to take it again
Jake I will avoid it.
Rocco Well then Ah… This is upside down since she died right? Anyway Batman, I’m already halfway there Wait for me with the door open 😉 
Jake See you soon.
-----Rocco has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  “Rocco is already on his way to Colville, MC” I whisper back into the microphone “. Soon you will have your sister's memories with you.”     I hear no response, which means I have not woken her up right now. I get on the bike and start to start it, being careful with the helmets and the cell phone as before so they do not get separated from me. I need to be aware at all times that she is fine.    <<You should have gone with your parents. At least you would be well taken care of.>>
I get to the building and run into Rudy. She carries shopping bags.    “Wait, I will help you.” I say quickly getting off the bike.    "Thank you, handsome" she tells me, giving me one of the bags “. Those are the things you asked me to fix the boiler, so we don't waste time.”     I nod and we enter the apartments. I stop for a moment when I hear MC complain again. I see how Rudy looks at me curiously.    “Any important game?” She asks raising an eyebrow.    "I hear MC sleeping" I see that she looks at me with a face that I am weird and I get nervous “. It's because of the drug” my voice shakes, I don't want to sound like a stalker “, she was complaining all night and an hour ago she fell asleep again, so I check that she is okay.”    "Poor girl" she shakes her head and we walk back to her apartment "And do her parents know?"    “I do not think they know” I reply as I wait for her to open the door “. And that worries me, they could take care of her.”    “She'll get to tell them.” She opens the door and I walk in after her, following her into the small living room “. The worst that can happen is that her parents want to kill the person who drugged her, which is normal for concerned parents.”    The truth is that I have no idea. I have not known what a mother's concern is like for years. Would she be worried about me right now? Would she look for me after so many years?    "I think I've opened a wound." I react when I hear her address me.    "No, I am fine" I reply with a sigh “. I'm going to take this” I separate what I need for the boiler in one of the bags “. A friend of your son's has to come pick something up, do you think you can tell you where I will be working?”    "Sure, no problem." She makes a dismissive gesture with her hand and I leave.
   As I swap some bad pipes for new ones, I then hear MC starting to wake up, making waking sounds.    “What?” I hear that confused question “Jake? Are you still on the phone?”    "I was not going to leave you alone after what happened" I reply, stopping for a moment from working, brushing my wet hair away from sweating "How do you feel?"    "Like this morning" she replies complaining "my whole body hurts, I feel like I'd break if I got out of bed."    “Any other sensations?”
   “I’ve been hot again, but I felt the chills, as if I were sick.”    “It will still be the effects” I remember the conversation with Rocco. I would rather her keep in mind how she feel now than how she felt last night taking it “. MC Have you told your parents what happened?”    “I haven't had time because of the complaint and the talk with Jane.” It relieved me a bit. I think she need her parents' support on this issue “Do you think it's a good idea to tell them?”    “Right now I cannot take care of you, MC” I say hurt, gripping the phone tightly “and they are your parents, you should not hide it from them.”    "Would you tell them?" She asks me in a low voice “Would you tell your parents?”     The truth? I think I would end up feeling more sorry for the person who did it after seeing my mother's fury.    "Well, if I was not that I was taking drugs voluntarily, then yes, I would tell her" I hear how she lets out a heavy sigh “. If something happens to you, trust me, they will be mad that you did not tell them.”    “Yes you’re right…”     The door opens and Rocco walks in. When seeing me, he makes an exaggerated sound.    “Oh my God! Sweaty and greasy?! You are anyone’s dream!” He says in a shout.    “Jake? What was that?” MC asks concerned.    "Rocco..." I answer, massaging my temple.    “I was kidding” Rocco laughs, crossing his arms ". You're not my type anymore, I like men in suits better."     Ah, yes, I remember that he conquered an FBI agent.    "Are you talking to MC?" He points to my cell phone and I nod “Greetings from me.”    "Greetings from Rocco.” I say to MC, as I put the tools on the ground.    "Oh, how kind of him to remember me, say hello for me too" I hear her let out a little laugh and then she complains "You know? You're right, I'll go to my parents' house...”    “Be careful, you do not have a car and you could be an easy target for the killer or Grace.”    "Don't even remind me" she complains again “. We'll talk later, Jake.”    "Goodbye, MC." I hang up without calling her this time love. One so I do not bother her after she is slept badly again and the second, I do not want them to see me saying it.     I look at Rocco who looks at me with a smile.    “In your eyes, I can see how much you love her, did you know that?”     I look away and start to walk out of the boiler room. I just hope I do not show the blush.
We enter the apartment and I go directly to the computer, to see if the files are already unlocked. I see that there are still a few missing, but I don't think it will be a problem, the program works correctly.    "Okay, here it is" I lower the screen and put the computer in the backpack in which I picked it up, keeping the cables well. Then I hand it over to Rocco, looking at him seriously ". Be very careful, do not touch it, make sure it does not fall off either."    "I'll take care of him like he's one of my students." he smiles as he shifts his backpack forward.    "MC is at her parents' house right now, so I will ask her for the address so you can go there."    "Calm down" he pats me on the shoulder with a smile ", it'll be perfectly fine with me."     I nod a little worried. It is not that I do not trust him, but being important, I worry too much. I take out my cell phone and start writing it. I smile seeing her excitement at the new news. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s Apparently, we did not let him work.
MC 😑 Well, at least, all the files are being fixed quickly, right?
Nym-0s More than my program did. We would have been waiting too long. There are quite a few files. They date back to two thousand and thirteen.
MC 2013? So much time?
Nym-0s Is what it seems.
MC No wonder it takes so long... But luckily Mike has made the program fast for us I have to make it up to him... Do you think he will like strawberry shortcakes?
Nym-0s I think he would settle for more money.
MC Well, I still lack that He will have to settle for the cake 😄
Nym-0s Ha ha. Maybe he will even like it ;) I need the address of your parents' house. Rocco is going to Rosenschwarz to give you the computer. There are still a few files left, so if you leave it connected to the current doing its work, you will have it in a short time.
MC Ok 😊 [Address EMBER 16] Here I leave the link of how to get there
Nym-0s Perfect. I am sending it to you now.
MC Thanks Jake For all
Nym-0s How many times are you going to thank me? You know that I do it for you, love :)
MC ❤️ I will be waiting then
-----MC has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I quickly send Rocco the address that MC gave me and I see how he looks at his phone, nodding.    "Well, I'm leaving now" he looks at me and shakes his head "what a shame to have to leave now, knowing that you're going to take a shower."     I roll my eyes and he laugh, giving me another pat on the shoulder.    "Until another Batman, I'm off to see your little princess."     I nod and watch as he leaves the apartment. I look at my computer, now the program stopped. I guess my part is over. Now it's time to wait for her to find what she is looking for in those files.    "Good luck, MC…"
The memory of Grace's slap disappears when Jake tells me I'm going to have Daliah's computer in my hands. I want to be able to read each and every file it has, not wanting to miss anything without looking. As I walk, my legs ache. When I wake up, my head is pounding again, although a little less. My arms and wrists tingle, as if I had ants crawling up. I must be aware of the duration of these symptoms, next time be more attentive if they return… No, it won't happen again. I don't think I'll ever go through that place again. I don't want to see Ralph either, I don't think he's capable of it. My discussion with him was the last one I would have, there will be no more.
I arrive at my parents' house and knock on the door. When my mother opens, I look at her surprised. I didn't expect her to open. The first thing she does is hug me tight. A smile escapes my lips, returning the hug. Like Jake and Jane, I feel so much better to feel this warm feeling.    "Come in, daughter" she tells me, lovingly grabbing my arm ". I'm surprised you came without warning, we were going to send you a message."    "Why? What's going on?" I ask as she lets me lead her through the house to the dining room.     I bite my tongue, holding myself back from saying anything as I see Elliot sitting with my father. I know that with every encounter I have with him, nothing ever goes right.    "How come you haven't told us that you've been drugged?" My father asks me in a rather worried tone.     I look at him nervously and then at Elliot, my jaw clenching tight.    "Have you told him?" I ask angrily.    "I'm a policeman, it's my duty to inform them" Elliot gets up and approaches me "And why didn't you tell me when we met this morning?"    "Stop meddling in my life, Elliot! " I yell at him uncontrollably "I was going to come and tell them! You don’t paint anything here! You're just Daliah's ex! You don't have to come every time you feel like it!"     I feel my mother's hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down. I keep my gaze fixed on him, nervous. Elliot is much calmer than me, I even think I can tell that he's trying to figure out what I'm hiding. Obviously he will have found out by the rest of the police that I was drugged. What surely now some policeman who loves to talk too much must have told it for the people. Or worse, that Grace is saying it just to sell the story of the innocent brother.    <<Well, let's add to the list of 'What is MC' the fact of being a drug addict.>>    "Who were you with last night?"    "I'm not going to tell you." I answer quickly. I know exactly what he want me to say, that I was with Jake. That his suspicions that I have contacted him is that I saw him.     He takes a deep breath and looks at me with a frown.    “Grace told us that you ran off with a guy after you got drugged” he insists. I'm embarrassed in front of my parents about this argument, I know that dad loves Elliot as a son-in-law, so he must think it's some kind of couple's argument ". We want to ask you about what happened last night."    "No." I say again, crossing my arms.     I stand firm. I'm not going to back down and tell him where Jake is. He know very well I'm talking about him. Will he put me in jail for defying the police? Because it's what I fear the most. He's here as a policeman, not a friend, so if I refuse too long, I might be in trouble.    "Is he in Colville?" He asks again "Is it still there?"    “No.” I reply, this time trying to believe the lie I'm telling to make it sound more convincing. If Daliah could do it, so can I.     He continues to examine me, trying to see if I'm telling the truth.    "Elliot, why don't you let us talk to her?" My father asks him, placing his hand on his shoulder "I'm sure it will be easier for her to talk to us than with you after the terrible events and…" He sighs and I see that he is nervous. Finding out that your daughter has been drugged by someone else must not have been pleasant "We want to have a family moment."    “Yes, of course” he replies as he looks at me ". Right now I'm leaving and MC? Stop playing detectives" I look at him strangely ", Grace has told everyone what you're doing, let us do our job."    “Of course.” I nod, never taking my gaze from him.    "Something more" he looks at all of us, serious ". In the absence of evidence, Ralph Hesse has been cleared of any charges."    "Has my testimony been useless? Seriously?" I ask annoyed.    "There were no traces of drugs on their hands and both Grace's and Ralph's testimony agree, even a Colville patrol is going to ask the local workers and the owner to see on the surveillance videos if they put something on you in the drink.” I growl under my breath. I hope that with the videos they can do something ". I'm so sorry."    Elliot says goodbye heading to the entrance along with my father.
I take a deep breath sitting on the couch. My mother sits next to me, hugging me. My whole body shakes with nerves.    "MC?" My mother starts talking to me "What is happening? Why did Elliot say that you're playing detective?" I look at her and this time I can't hide it with my eyes "Again? Don't you remember everything you went through when you were involved in Hannah's case?"     I lean back, staring at the ceiling. Yes I know. Every damn day I come across something that reminds me of Hannah's case, it all comes to mind. But I didn't choose it. I never wanted to get into that mess. But this time I had the option to choose and because it is personal.    “Daliah was being harassed for a long time, you know that?" I look at her wanting to cry, but I control myself "She hid so many things from us so as not to hurt me that... Mom, you wouldn't understand, Daliah was your daughter, but she and I had a connection that only we understood and... All of that was destroyed seeing the things that she was hiding."    "And is that boy in the middle again?" I see he's starting to get annoyed "Of course... It's him-"    "Mom-"    "He hurt you a lot."    “I know, but he didn't have a choice."    "What choice? Not appear to testify? " I let out a loose laugh. He couldn't have done it even if he wanted to. But I don't care about it anymore. I promised, I won't let myself be convinced that Jake is a bad choice again.     My father returns and looks at me again concerned. He sits next to me too, and I turn to face him.    "Are you alright?" He asks me and I nod "Was it really Ralph Hesse?" Well, here we go, the father about to go kill his daughter's stalker. I don't want my father to get into trouble, so I'd better shut up.     He puts an arm around my shoulders and hugs me. My mother sighs and strokes my hair. It's a moment when I feel smaller than the other times I've been hugged. Now I feel safe with them. I think that many times this type of hug is not appreciated, it is a pity that I have missed so many because I was investigating. I have also distanced myself from them, not only my mother. I have to admit it.    "Everything will be fine, honey" he kisses me on the forehead and I notice a smile in his voice "let's let the police take care of everything. You better stop looking, honey, it's going to kill you and we can't lose another daughter."     I nod without answering. He doesn't know that Daliah's computer is coming to me. I must know what Daliah was hiding all this time.
We decided to cook as a family, something we haven't done in a long time. The music is playing all over the kitchen, they are old songs from my parents, but I love listening to them. Daliah didn't like it very much, she said they were old songs, so I pestered her by singing them. But once I caught her singing some songs. In the end, she couldn't resist. Power of music. There is a knock on the door and I see my mother move to go to open it.    "No, I'm coming." I dropped everything and ran to the entrance, looking through the peephole. I see Rocco. Strange, haven't he been stopped this time? I open the door and smile ". Hi." I say with a shy voice. I haven't talked to him long enough to trust him, but if he was a friend of Daliah's, I think I can trust him.    "Where is the surveillance this time?" He asks me, looking everywhere "They haven't stopped me."    “They are too busy with another matter."    "You mean the investigation for your-" he stops and hands me the backpack ". Sorry, Mike told me, we're a little concerned with everything that's going on."    "I really appreciate it" I hug the backpack tightly ", and also that you brought me the computer."    "Good luck, MC."    “Thank you."     I close the door after saying goodbye and open my backpack to see the computer. My heart is pounding, it's as if it were going to jump out of my chest. Is it an effect of the drug? I run up the stairs to my old room, leaving the computer on the desk and plugging it into the power. I push my hair back to see the screen better. There are many files. How much did Daliah write in these years? I pull out my phone and text Jake quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC Jake I already have the computer There are many files!
-----Nym-0s has connected-----
Nym-0s Yes, your sister liked to write quite a bit. Do you think you can find what we need?
MC I want to think so But there is something that bothers me now And I want to start from the beginning
Nym-0s It is a lot of work.
MC I know But I want to know what Carter means when Daliah changed Maybe there's something here that says so
Nym-0s I wish you luck. I hope you find what you are looking for.
MC By the way Elliot has been at my parents' house He has told them what happened to me
Nym-0s Seriously?
MC He has even asked me who I was with He tries to get me to tell him where you hide
Nym-0s Well, I wish him good luck too. I am hard to catch ;)
MC Just watch out for Colville The police there are going to investigate the surveillance cameras of the local ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After saying that sentence, he doesn't answer. I start to worry. What has he done already? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC Jake?
Nym-0s Let say… That I have gone to pay Irma Roth a visit.
Nym-0s That woman hates your sister very much. I would bet that she had something to do with her death.
MC So I'll have to find out We will speak later
Nym-0s Have a good time with your parents.
MC Thank you 😊
Nym-0s :)
-----Nym-0s has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I put my phone away and look at the screen one last time before going downstairs to continue making food. As soon as I'm done eating, I'll come read all the files. I'm going to need quite a bit of energy to do this, because it's going to take me all afternoon to read them.
Chapter 30
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latibvles · 2 years
beautiful, tragic // bark and bite.
daisy's on a losing streak.
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TAGLIST: @liebgotts-lovergirl [ … ]
SUMMARY: daisy continues in her commitment to avoid speirs no matter the cost. except for the cost of her mail.
DEDICATIONS: dedicated this chapter to @liebgotts-lovergirl for listening to my incessant rambling at 3am. you are the sweetest ever :) ♡
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Daisy remembers sitting in the backseat of her father’s Cadillac when James was learning how to drive. She dug her nails into the seat when her brother would pump the brakes and lurch the three of them forward. He had this wild look in his eye, as if his poor braking was some kind of adrenaline rush. Her father had swatted him upside the head from the passenger's seat, hurling all types of warnings. “Don’t play chicken on the road, boy,” he’d warned him. “You sure as hell won’t win it.”
It seems like now, every encounter with Speirs feels like a short game of chicken, and she’s been on a losing streak for the past few days.
If he’s walking in her direction, she turns away. If he goes left, she goes right. She avoids the more popular places where soldiers tend to hang out unless Liebgott’s the one dragging her along. She doesn’t know what she did for the man to take such a liking to her — but she likes the friendship they’ve been building on snarky remarks and playful sarcasm. She avoids common places to smoke like the plague, because if there’s one thing that still remains, it is Speirs' vice for tobacco. Which she only knows, because apparently he gave those German soldiers cigarettes and lit them before mowing them down.
It’s roughly noon — she, Rita, and Patty are just getting out of a debriefing with the other nurses and medics who’d been called back. The two are going back and forth over the newly introduced “acrylic eyes” they’d be using at the dental laboratories. Only half-listening, Daisy’s eyes scan the people milling about before settling on Eugene Roe’s face. She gives him a small wave, and he smiles in response.
“Well look at you, Miss Popular,” Rita drawls out. “First that boy from Easy and now their medic? The scandal. By all means if you’ve moved onto the doctor I will gladly take that other one off your hands,” she continues and she hears Patty erupt into giggles. Daisy rolls her eyes.
“There’s nothing to take off my hands, but if that’s what you want. I’m getting real sick of losing at darts anyway.”
As if on cue, she watches as Joseph Liebgott makes his way towards the three of them, hands in his pockets. His face is still flushed from whatever morning PT they’ve had to do while they wait for orders. Drills, training exercises, and other routines fill their days — Ginny likes to poke around and see what information she can squeeze out or overhear from the COs who let things slip when they aren’t fulfilling their own duties. He greets her with his usual call of her name, before approaching.
“New faces,” he observes, looking over her two friends, before introducing himself with a smirk she knows all too well at this point and a “Liebgott.” Daisy watches as Rita tilts her chin up to look him in the eye, looking him up and down.
“I know,” is her immediate reply, cut and dry, before a subsequent, “Rita McCarney. This here’s Patricia Kegley — that’s Miss Kegley to you. Are you a friend of Daisy’s?” Daisy bites the inside of her cheek to keep from giggling at the tone Rita’s using. It’s half-scolding, very reminiscent of a mother’s voice. Liebgott looks to her, and then back to Rita.
“Yeah, I would say we’re friends now,” it comes out slower than his usual responses. “Speaking of which, what’re you doing right now?” Refocusing his attention on her.
Daisy looks to Rita, then back to Liebgott. Then something in her clicks.
“Actually, Patricia and I have to make a visit to the Supply Office,” Daisy hums out, reaching behind Rita to curl her fingers around Patty’s arm. She leans in close to mutter a quick “Your hands now,” before yanking their friend rather abruptly, giving Liebgott a quick wave and scurrying off with Patty close behind. She almost feels like a schoolgirl — but the sort of childlike giddiness left in the wake of a small trick is a welcomed feeling. Still, Patty gives her a worried look.
“There are rules against this kind of thing,” is her soft warning. Daisy just offers her a bright smile.
“Trust me, I wouldn’t have left her alone if I didn’t think they’d be fine.” Patty’s lip purse, and her gaze shifts past Daisy, up ahead.
“Yeah, but I think that guy noticed and might say something.” Following her stare, Daisy looks ahead and swears under her breath for reasons entirely separate from her little stint. She stops in her tracks, eyes meeting with Speirs’ only a few feet away. Her nails, instinctively, dig into Patty’s arm, and she grunts a little bit so Daisy loosens up and gives her an apologetic side-glance. Speirs begins to walk towards them, and Daisy remains unmoving as he approaches.
Like a game of chicken in her dad’s shiny Cadillac.
He stops in front of her, and she looks up at him.
“Lieutenant Clarke.”
“Lieutenant Speirs.”
He looks over, nods at Patty in acknowledgement, then looks back to her.
“I need to speak with you about an important matter,” she has half a mind to invite Patty to come with them. As if clued in on her scheming, he quickly adds “alone. It’s a follow-up to what we discussed with Captain Winters and Captain Brant on Monday.” She narrows her eyes at him. Now Patty’s gripping onto her arm a little tighter.
“What we discussed..?” Some things about him haven’t changed — like his ability to lie through his teeth. It was useful for tricking James into doing her chores. He nods again, definitive.
“It’s sensitive intel, as I’m sure you’re already aware,” now he’s looking at Patty, who swallows hard under his intense stare. “So it’d be better if we talked about it alone.” She feels Patty’s grip on her loosen, and she mentally curses.
“S’fine Daisy. I’ll catch up with you later, okay?” Patty insists. If Daisy had no pride left, she’d probably insist Patty stay. But unfortunately, she still has some pride retained despite her game of hide n’ seek over the past week — and so she lets Patty go with a quick ‘See ya Pats’, watching as the girl makes her way back towards where they just left.
She turns, looks up at Speirs expectantly, he turns on his heel, putting further distance between them and Patty. Begrudgingly, she follows, until he leads her to a quieter spot, near a fence made of stones piled up to her hip, walling off whoever’s property it is from the rolling hills.
He turns, fishes around in his pocket, and pulls out a folded letter, sticking it out to her. Daisy looks down at it, then up at him with a raised brow.
“Captain Brant wanted me to give this to you. Mail came in. It’s from your mom.”
Ginny was the only one who knew that she and Speirs even knew each other — and even that admission was like pulling teeth after being scolded for scurrying off. A quick “we‘re both from Boston and he was Rita’s patient. Small world.” She didn’t indulge her with the fact that he and Daisy hadn’t actually spoken in a year, nor that she was admittedly avoiding him.
A misstep on her part, because now he's delivering her mail.
“And you had to deliver this in private because…”
“Well, you seem pretty committed to pretending not to know me.”
She isn’t sure if it’s supposed to be a snide remark or a blunt observation. Either way it smacks her in the face. She wasn’t trying to be subtle necessarily, but even then she didn’t think he noticed. Daisy reaches over and grabs the letter from him, staring at it. Sure enough, the return address is to Irene Clarke.
“Thanks Speirs.” Is her brief reply, glancing up at him. There’s a pause, heavy silence. She gets ready to leave.
“So we’re really not gonna talk about it?” Straight to the point, despite being a good liar, retaining a preference for honesty.
That much had remained the same.
She watches his steeled features break for a moment as he clenches his jaw in frustration. Daisy gains no satisfaction from it, but doesn’t yield. He narrows his eyes and takes in a deep breath, reaching up to rub his mouth with his hand.
“So what? you disappear for a year and then—”
“I didn’t disappear, I just stopped writing.”
“—And then you’re here, and pretend like I don’t even exist? Just like that? No explanation, not even just a ‘don’t write to me anymore’, silence for a whole damn year and you’re not gonna tell me why?” He leans down slightly to look her in the eye, but doesn’t step any closer to her, not making any move to trespass into her guarded space. Her arms wrap around herself, and glancing at his hand that resides on the wall — his grip on it is knuckle-white. She swallows hard.
“I told myself I was going to stop writing to you and I did, that’s all there is to it,” She doesn’t mention how she opened every single letter he sent until she shipped out to Camp in Fort Devens. She doesn’t mention how it took all of her strength not to reply. She doesn’t mention how not even his mother knew she stopped writing to him — because Daisy didn’t want to explain, because every time she thought about it, a lump would form in her throat and her voice would start to crack. “I got busy, I didn’t have time for… writing.” If she wasn’t trying to at least be mildly convincing — she’d cringe at her own excuse.
She doesn’t mention the letter burning a hole through her pocket, that she still doesn’t have the courage to return to him. He blinks at her in disbelief.
“You didn’t have time for writing?” he parrots. Daisy offers him nothing more than a stiff nod.
“One minute I’m working a nine-to-five, the next I’m being shipped off to Fort Devens for a military training program since I’d already completed three years of nursing school. Then everything that came after — training, England, nurse duties. You were getting ready to be a freaking paratrooper, Ronnie, and every commanding officer you told me about sounded awful. You had bigger things to worry about — we both did!” She’s lying through her teeth, but something in his gaze softens. Her tone becomes pleading, and she isn’t sure if it's her own commitment to the lie, or the fact that she’s almost pleading with him to believe her.
In all honesty, how much of a lie is it?
She hates this look on his face. Softened gaze, looking into her eyes despite the clench of his jaw and the furrow of his brow. His grip on the wall loosening. This is Ronnie. The one who listens to her every word, even when he’s upset with her. Who doesn’t give in to the anger she knows he possesses, because she’s seen it.
And she’s lying. Uncertainties aside, she’s lying to his face. 
“Daisy…” He starts and something in her cracks. She fears what it might be.
“Thanks for the letter.” Her voice softens and she breaks eye contact, turning on her heel and walking back the way she came before she says something she might regret.
She’s far too committed to her word to do that.
Daisy can feel his eyes boring into her, but she doesn’t stop — not until she’s returned to the general populace, and even then she continues moving until she reaches her tent. She enters through the flap and throws herself on the cot unceremoniously.
With Ronnie’s soft expression in the back of her mind, she opens it.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
Drunk and Disorderly| One Chicago
“I hate night shifts.” Bill Arden complained as he parked the patrol car in front of a corner shop. “I don’t mind them. I like night shifts, things come alive more often at night.” Libby Reagan returned as she sent a reply to Jay Halstead. 
 “Though Chicago nights aren’t like New York nights though. There’s so much more to do there at night.” 
Arden rolled his eyes as he turned the car off. 
“And people get crazier at night too.” She muttered as she put her phone into the cup holder, “There is always something happening. Someone getting into a lover’s tift, gets a gun pulled on them, thrown into the drunk tank, getting into fist fights.” 
“You ever been in a fistfight?”
 “Me?” She laughed, “No, but I have had to pull my brothers away from them before. They did make sure that I knew how to defend myself if I ever got into a fight though. My fights are usually better won with my words not my fists.” 
 Her partner shook his head, he had yet to see her actually do something like that. “I did almost get hauled into the drunk tank one night though.’ 
Arden turned to look at her fully. 
“Will and I.’
 “You and Halstead’s brother?”
 “Yep.” She laughed, “We were at a bar and I didn’t realize that I drank that much that night. And we went stumbling out of the bar and right into a cop.”
“And they didn’t recognize you?” 
“Oh, they did. They took us to the district and called Danny to come to get me.” Her amusement was still clear in her voice, “He still hasn’t let me live it down. Especially after I threw up out of the car window. Will Halstead is the only person who has ever gotten me stupidly drunk on more than one occasion.” 
“You have been drunk lately have you?” He quizzed.
“Nope. I have a drink or two. Nothing to get me drunk. I have had enough of that to last me a lifetime.” 
“1511 Franklin. What’s your location?” The dispatch called through the radio. “Corner of Main and State,” Arden said cutting Libby off from saying anything more. 
“We have a bar fight at 1520 N Damen Ave.” “Copy that.” He turned the car back on and flipped on the lights. 
Libby sat up straighter and grinned, this is what she meant that she liked working nights.
Jay Halstead and Adam Ruzek were already on the scene when Libby and Arden arrived.
 “Hey what do you need us to do?” Libby asked coming to a stop next to Jay who offered her a tense smile as Adam was shouting at the men to calm down as he started to step between the two fighting men.
“Knock it off!” She shouted as her hand dropped down and flipped the safety off on her gun. 
“Oh look boys! They sent in a female cop to do a man's job!” One of the men laughed as he swayed back and forth. 
“Well, sometimes you have to have a woman to do a man’s job.” 
“Yeah right!” The man laughed as he raised the beer stein that he had in his hand to take another long drink off of it, “you really going to let her speak for
“Yes,” Ruzek answered without hesitation. In the short time they had known Libby Reagan, he had learned to listen to her and listen well because a majority of the time she was right.
“See?” Libby smirked as she took a step in front of Jay and away from her own partner who had drawn his gun and was holding up ready to take a shot if he had to. “Now why don’t you relax and come with us?” 
The man finished his beer and threw the stein to the ground in front of them causing it to shatter in the same instance, he took his friend's beer and threw it in the direction of the three officers. Libby catching most of it.  As she sputtered and tried to clean her face off the man shoved her backward hard causing her to stumble back into Adam and fall to the ground.
The sandy-haired man having seen the shove coming tried to take the brunt of the fall. 
“Libby! Ruzek! You good?!” Jay asked as he and Arden moved forward. “Good.” Ruzek returned looking at the brunette who nodded her head in agreement. “I think I just jammed my wrist up is all.” She muttered as a loud popping noise filled the bar and the man that shoved Libby and Ruzek down crumbled to the ground cursing.
“What the hell?!” Jay shouted at Arden causing him to shrug his shoulders. He could have  really cared less about the fool or what he had done, he pushed two officers of the law down and to him, that was a bigger offense than getting into a drunken brawl.  The intelligence unit detective shook his head and moved forward to start arresting the drunk men. 
“Hey Libs, Jay said you took a fall.” Gabby Dawson said coming over to her and Adam. “Yeah I am good, Adam took the brunt of it. I just jammed my wrist up.” Libby returned. 
Gabby nodded her head and held her hand out for it. The New Yorker sighed and held her wrist out for her to take. “It’s not bad honestly. I took harder falls playing basketball and football with my brothers.” The paramedic nodded her head as she rotated it around causing her to wince. “Still I think we need to have you go to Med and get it looked at.” 
Libby whined softly as she shook her head, the last thing she wanted to do was go to med and have them raise a fuss over her. “Just go.” Adam said nudging her, “We will come and get you once we finish up here.”  Sighing in defeat Libby stood up and followed Gabby out of the bar to the waiting ambo where Slyvie Brett was cleaning up one of the boys that got into the fight. “Go ahead and ride up front Libby.” The blonde informed, “this one is coming with us.” Libby nodded her head and went to the front of the ambulance.
“What happened?” Will Halstead asked seeing Libby following the stretcher into the ED. 
“Oh, I got shoved to the ground and threw my hand out to break my fall. Adam took the worst of it.” She supplied holding her slightly swollen wrist up for him to see, “but they didn’t make Adam come.”
 “That’s because he actually didn’t get hurt.” Brett grinned. Libby gasped and threw her uninjured  hand to her chest, “I thought you were on my side Slyvie.” 
“Oh, honey I am.” She cooed patting her shoulder, “just do what Will says.” 
Libby met her long-time friend’s eyes before she started laughing, “Yeah right.” 
“Only time she listened to me is when she blew out her knee and needed to take time off of work. She is a good cop but a horrible patient.” Will agreed with a nod of his head.
“Where’s Reagan at?” Hank Voight asked Maggie who pointed to the room directly across from them, “In there. Dr. Halstead is in there with her.” Hank gave a nod of thanks before knocking on the door and stepping into the room. “You good Reagan.” “I am good, just jammed my wrist up when Adam and I got pushed to the ground,” Libby answered as Will finished wrapping up her wrist.
 Hank nodded his head, “IA is going to want to talk to you about what happened tonight and how your partner shot one of the men.” 
Libby nodded her head and sighed, “how bad can this turn out?” “For you not so bad. Because you weren’t the one that fired the shot. For your partner, it could be very bad.” 
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flyingflosser09 · 2 years
Cursed / Armando Salazar x OC / Chapter 26
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“Here you go, miss.”
This time, I’m fully prepared when the two dimwitted pirates dump a bucket of salt water on me. However, not before contemplating whether or not it will actually work, considering my injuries are internal – a broken back. In those five minutes, I’ve finally learned their names. Murtogg and Mullroy.
But like all the times the ocean healed my wounds, it did the trick and I found myself sitting up a few minutes later.
That was one of the worst injuries I’ve had so far, and that says a lot. It’s not the pain of hitting the deck that left me traumatized, but rather the feeling of not being able to feel anything below my neck. I was completely paralyzed and vulnerable, unable to run to Armando and forced to watch him leave.
And he took Henry with him.
For leverage perhaps? I don’t know, but I hope he won’t hurt him. He knows that I care for Henry.
All I know is, the Trident is the only thing that can save us all now, the Spanish officers, Armando, Henry, even the pirates. And we have to find it quick.
The sun is slowly rising, its golden rays leaking over the rocky hills and revealing the true nature of the island we sailed on. My jaw drops when the light reflects on millions and millions of crystals and gemstones littered all over the land, glittering like the stars in the night sky. It’s a perfect reflection of the heavens.
The pirates around me have gone silent in awe of what they see. Even Murtogg and Mullroy don’t ruin the moment with some dim question or comment.
But the moment ends when Carina, Jack, and Barbosa make their way to the deck. The former two begins climbing down the Pearl to start the search for the Trident, however, the latter stops at me.
“Ready to receive your heritage, Miss Samira?”
I know what he really wants to ask: Am I ready to give him what’s rightfully mine?
But the situation now is more dire than my concern over a power-hungry captain. Fed up with his constant pressure, I decide to make a deal of my own. “How about an accord?”
Oh, how they love that word.
Barbosa’s eyes – blue like Carina’s underneath all that redness – narrow at me. “I’m listening.”
“I will give you everything you asked for on two conditions. One; we break all the curses of the ocean first, and two, you promise to take Henry and Carina to Port Royal, alive and in one piece.” As I doubt either of them would want to sail with a crew of former cursed Spanish officers. I can formerly introduce Armando to my best friend another time.
Barbosa goes silent as he considers my conditions, almost making me roll my eyes. Honestly, it’s two, very simple terms with no grey areas. A yes or no would suffice.
At last, he says, “We have an accord, missy.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Without waiting for him, I begin the climb down the Pearl to catch up with Jack and Carina.
The four of us make our way across the rocky surface of the island. There are no trees or any other plant in sight, only hills encrusted with shiny rocks and gems. Sapphires, diamonds, emerald, every gem under the sun is right here. I’m glad no one has found this place yet. Imagine the damage they’d do if they see all this.
Carina walks ahead with her journal in hand, heading for a rocky pedestal with a ruby at its top. Unlike the other stones, it’s dim and lifeless, and I hardly would’ve seen it if Carina didn’t know to look for it.
We stop at the pedestal and study the stone.
“Why is it not glowing?” Carina wonders out loud, searching her journal for answers.
Barbosa opens his hand to reveal a ruby fragment in his palm. “Finish it, Carina.”
“The missing star,” she mutters as he hands it to her. “For my father.”
“Aye, do it for him.”
In that brief exchange between them, I thought I saw the captain’s demeanor change. Gone is the greedy glint in his eyes when he thinks about the Trident and gone is the hard exterior he carries on his expression. I’m baffled to find him looking at Carina with the softest look I’ve ever seen in his eyes – the same blue and Carina’s.
And that’s when I realize, he is her father.
I’ve said it many times before, I’m not daft. They both know a lot about the stars, they’re both driven to their goals, and their eyes…they’re a dead giveaway.
However, I choose not to say anything for now as Carina places the fragment onto the ruby. The moment it’s become whole again, it lights up and a line of red, glowy light connects it with four other stars a few yards off. To my surprise, the form the same constellation we’ve been following through the storm earlier.
But as soon as the pattern is complete, I feel a force expanding within me, stirring in my chest before spreading to the rest of my body. I gasp as every inch of me comes alive, filling me with so much power and clarity, I can almost see the horizon up close and feel every living creature swimming beneath the waters.
“Samira are you –” Carina begins to ask but never finishes that sentence.
The next thing we know, the island is quaking and shaking beneath our feet. Behind us, the ocean rumbles as waves roll sideways instead of toward the land. My breath hitch in my throat when the sea begins to part, watery walls forming left and right to clear a path to the bottom of the ocean.
But when I look down, the ground beneath us is cracking.
“Brace yourselves!” I cry just before the land gives away, sending us falling.
I only have enough time to shove Barbosa backwards before following Jack and Carina down the steep slope – not because he wants the power of the ocean for himself, but rather because he’s Carina’s father and clearly, she doesn’t know it. If we survive this, there will be a chance for him to tell her.
The slide downward is anything but enjoyable. My arms enclose my face to protect it from damage as rocks and corals grate the back of my attire to shreds, eventually even scraping by shoulders and back.
Below me, Jack and Carina are screaming all the way down, not having the best of luck either on the journey. Even worse, Carina is wearing a dress that keeps getting caught on every obstacle in the way. Despite the agonizing pain I’m experiencing, I’m grateful that I’m still wearing the cabin boy clothes I used to sword fight in.
When we reach the end of the slope, I’m relived to feel myself falling onto the cool, soft sand at the ocean floor. But it doesn’t help to muffle the agonizing gasp that escapes me when I try standing up. I imagine my back is probably scraped raw and red, no doubt bleeding like my elbows and hands.
Come to think about it, ever since this journey started, I’m either constantly falling to my death, or getting myself grated like cheese.
Pushing myself up, I take a moment to gawk at our surroundings. We are literally at the bottom of the ocean. Watery walls tower far above us to the surface, where the sky is turning orange in the early dawn. I slowly turn in circles to admire the coral and reef, ranging from every color under the sun, to the schools of fish passing by in the wall.
It’s so beautiful, I can’t help but laugh.
Reaching out, I dip my hand into the wall and feel the saltwater travel up my arm to heal the wounds in my back. A few curious fish swim up to me and against my hand, and, to my shock, even a whale passes by elegantly, its fin poking through the wall right above my head.
“Amazing,” I breathe, smiling uncontrollably as I run my hand over the fish’s spine.
By now, Carina and Jack have found their feet and are also drinking in the magnificence of this place.
“Poseidon’s tomb,” Jack says as we face the path through the corals and rocks.
“The Trident is here,” I say to no one in particular as a certain pull tells me to venture deeper. “I can feel it. Follow me.”
Above the tomb, the Silent Mary keeps close to the island.
The whole crew is gathered on the deck with Henry in Magda’s hold, as Salazar paces in rage.
Why didn’t Samira return to the Mary when he told her to. That way, she’d be here right now and not in the hands of the pirates still.
There are no words to explain what the Capitán  felt when he saw her fall from the mast. He could feel the impact she made with the deck all the way from the helm and hear the sickening crack that came after it. And when she didn’t come running at him right away, he knew. He knew.
She was badly hurt this time.
Now, he knows water can heal her, but seeing that happen to the woman he loves, he can’t forget it. What if something like that happens to her after her curse is broken? Water won’t heal her anymore. She’ll be vulnerable to everything.
And this fills him with even more anger. He blames Jack Sparrow from the very start, cursing the day he was born. He will have his revenge and kill the Sparrow for everything he’s taken from him, and once the pirate is dead, he will be free to pursue life with Samira.
And that’s where the boy comes in.
Ghosts can’t walk on land, but the boy can. The plan is simple: he will possess the boy, enter the tomb of Poseidon, and kill Jack Sparrow. And once he’s mortal once more, he will personally walk up that island to take what’s his: Samira. And he won’t leave a single man – pirate – alive to tell the tale, this time.
“Capitán , you know the danger. Don’t do it,” Lesaro tries changing his mind about possessing Henry.
“We have no choice,” says Santos as Salazar keeps pacing, “Jack is on land going for the Trident. The pirates have Samira. Both are on land.”
Lesaro nearly flinches at the mentioning of Samira’s name, admitting to himself that he’d too possess a living soul to get her back. But this is madness, and Salazar knows it. “Capitán , there must be another way. Once you possess the living, there is no coming back. You will be trapped in his body forever.”
Henry’s eyes widen at the mentioning of that.
“The Trident will set me free!” Armando barks at the Lieutenant, losing more patience by the second.
“But what if it kills Samira?”
As soon as he said that, Salazar, along with every officer on the Mary, stills. Turning around slowly to face Lesaro, he says gravely, “What makes you think breaking the curse will kill her?”
“Because…” Lesaro hesitates, “…she is the daughter of Poseidon.”
“You believe the lies the pirate told?” He is fuming by now. But Armando has to admit, even he pondered that possibility the day before. He just can’t believe it coming from a pirate.
“Capitán , think about it,” the Lieutenant remains calm despite Salazar’s fury, “the Trident controls the ocean and its curses. If she is indeed the daughter of Poseidon, won’t she lose her power at the cost of our freedom? And I don’t even want to think it but…what if we lose her.”
The conflict between Armando’s head and heart makes it impossible to think rationally. Unable to make a decision, he finds himself trapped between the outcomes of each scenario.
Risk the woman he love’s life for his freedom, or spend an eternity cursed for her live.
Love or freedom?
Freedom or love?
The more conflict he feels, the angrier he gets. But as the rage begins clouding his judgement, it all just…disappears. He knows what he has to do.
Turning to the boy, he says darkly, “Time to kill a sparrow.”
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profkokonoe · 7 months
February 19th
It was her birthday. A day that many in Kivotos would celebrate with friends. But for Hina it was yet another workday, despite the many requests from both the Sensei and her fellow Perfect Team members. Which seemed to multiply over night upon checking her phone the moment waking up.
remember No working on your birthday alright? if you have to enjoy your day off and do the rest later on in the day i'll text you later to ask what you did
A real troublesome request. One that she was going to ignore regardless despite how many times they had already asked Hina to not come to school. Yet going down the task list of cleaning herself up, making breakfast into her later lunch, and dressing up all for school had become routine for her. Not doing it would just feel like something was empty to her, with the Sensei or not.
And so uncharacteristically without anyone by her side the Head Perfect made her way to school on her birthday. Wandering into school and through the halls she heard muttering from behind their office door, the voices of her team talking to a very familiar individual.
"Do you think she'll actually come Sensei?" "Well...I did text her this morning one more time just to be sure. It's all I really could do." "Wouldn't it have been to have gone with her? You know so she had someone to take her mind off today?" "It would've been the same as you, Ako, or anyone else going with her. She just needs some alone time that's all." "If you say so..." "I told her that she can come here later anyway. So at worst she'll show up late at night for all of this to see."
...It was awkward to say the least. Knowing that her classmates were still working so hard without expecting any present in return. On their own spare time no less. Enough so that she pushed open the door right on cue after, much to the surprise of all four of them in the room to see what they were talking about.
"Head Perfect?" All three other members looked towards her as the student's head tilted up to the ceiling, seeing the festive sign hung up saying "Happy Birthday Hina!"
"Couldn't listen to my texts for one day now could you?" The adult said, scratching the back of their head almost embarrassed at the half made display.
"Apologies. Work is where I take my mind off best. And I wasn't expecting any of you to be here. Or anyone to do all of us this for me...."
It was part disbelief mixed with a tinge of glee. There would always be people around who remembered her birthday or would give a passing wish. The Student Council, the Gourmet Club, even the other departments that she gave the hardest of times too. And yet this one felt more special then the rest.
"The next time you try and tell me to take a day off as a means to try and hide this I'll have you punished. Especially if Sensei was involved as well." The administrator looked off to the side, almost defeated despite knowing something like this might happen.
"And you as well Sensei. You could've just said everyone was planning this for me. I'm not that hellbent on not going to a party that'd I ignore this..."
"Is that so. I could've sworn I remembered last year you said something differently. Something along the lines of "Who else is going to ensure peace is upheld on my day?"
A low blow but one she knew they'd take advantage of at some point. She was a different person then she was almost a year ago. Before everything that happened did and changed the lives of plenty of students as well as herself. It really would've been a miracle if one didn't learn anything from that.
"...T-That was a year ago. Before I really got to meet you." It was embarrassing to out loud but everyone seemed to already be the know, sharing similar sentiments in their own unique ways.
"In any case you all have a cake right? If everyone wanted to spend more time with me today we should get that out of the way first."
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