#I remembered thinking that I could have jammed it to keep it from closing all the way
theskeletoninthegarden · 11 months
I had a dream where I was playing as a thief tasked to find out the truth behind the whereabouts of another criminal on a college campus. It was fun in that I was given an overall objective, but absolutely no one gave me an idea as to where to start first. Basically a lot of it involved either me figuring out how to B&E into different offices, or eavesdropping at the right time, but there were other hired thieves that I had to deal with at the same time that added an element of "combat" to the experience.
#personal#but also by eavesdropping and looking into files and etc I picked up stories about the people working and living there#which helped give them actual personalities and overall raised my investment in making sure their home essentially would be safe by the end#as an example there was this lady in her office that i could hear muttering from her computer#I was outside just under the window and my personal goal#personal as in there was no objective marker I just had a hunch#was to get in and look through her stuff#by listening to her mutter I learned that she had a friend in an office nearby that A I had to be wary about showing up#B had a key to the place (but also the doors would be unlocked)#C that she was stressed as hell and thus pretty distracted#the window before the desk was open a bit though she closed it before she left#I remembered thinking that I could have jammed it to keep it from closing all the way#but like the doors she didn't lock it#so i just slid it back open on my own#I learned about her life from her computer and jeez talk about trauma#but learned more so to follow the thread of going to her own friend's office#who as I learned#would be leaving it eventually too#idk there weren't any quest markers#just a large af map with multiple floors and a variety of ways to go about things#and a plethora of NPCs with set schedules I had to learn#Which would change dramatically if people learned I was there#I think it would be overwhelming for some people but tbh it's so what I want out of the genre
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thedeliaishere · 5 months
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ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - Ah, a fumo. Derived from the otomatopeia of touching something soft, mofumofu. They are particularly famous among fans of Touhou, a Japanese multimedia franchise, for being particularly rare and hard to find. Lucky you! This fumo depicts the character, "Patchouli."
INLAND EMPIRE - Keep her close. Her softness and disaffected stare will ward against the coming darkness.
SAVOIRE FAIRE - Wait, did you say rare? I bet we can pawn it for a quick réal. Think of all the cool stuff we could get.
SHIVERS - Numbness creeps up from your fingertips, crawling into your spine. Across the bay, young man mourns the loss of the crown jewel of his collection.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - Yes. This will do. You know what must be done.
RHETORIC [Legendary: Failure] - Uh, do we? Maybe its one of these political things. They haven't failed us yet.
1. Feed the bloodsucking landlords to the meat grinder?
2. Feed the ungrateful workers to the meat grinder?
3. Feed the ungrateful workers *and* foreigners to the meat grinder?
4. Let the meat grinder starve?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - No, you communard. Do you really not remember? Dig deep and recall what it is that must be done.
VOLITION - Don't. It will only cause you more pain.
1. Do I have to?
2. I don't like the sound of this...
3. Does this have to do with the ex-something?
+1 Something about rainbows...
+1 Saw preserved jams.
-1 It's better to forget this.
This is a Red Check.
It cannot be retried.
Check Success!
YOU - Your neurons fire in tandem, dredging through every scrap of information left in your hungover, burnt out mind, until you unearth something truly terrible.
VOLITION - I warned you.
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Clingy Neteyam: part two
MDNI 🔞 adult!neteyam; dub con but not really?; exhibition kink; there’s a name for this kink but I can’t remember it for the life of me
continuation of this blurb
“Take me” The words echo in your skull, bouncing from one boney wall to the other - reverberating in the most melodic voice.
How could you not?
“Hurry up and fuck me then.” You mumble through gritted teeth, rolling onto the tips of your toes to position yourself just right to get fucked out.
“Yeah? Shit.” He huffs out a hoarse voice, thrusting so suddenly his cockhead slips past your tight opening and glides over your puffy clit. “So fucking wet I can’t even shove it inside you” He presses his cheek against yours as he gritts out the words, shaky and gruff from him jamming a hand between your private parts to reposition himself.
“Please.” You whine the word a little too pathetically, arching your back as much as you can to push your opening back onto his tip. It’s throbbing and swollen, his arousal so intense you can feel it in the way his cock thumps against you.
“Hah. What’s got you wound up? Hm?” He chuckles breathily, corner of his mouth pulling into a smirk. “Don’t tell me it was those two over there.” You glance to your right, witnessing the female Na’vi taking her mates knot with glee. “Gonna be a good girl for me and take my knot like that, yes? Fill you up?” He growls into the shell of your ear, using his tip to play with your sticky folds - teasing you until you’re light in the head.
Whilst he was partially right, seeing those two at it like they were both in heat ignited a flame in your core, but truthfully what got you so worked up was the way he wouldn’t take his hands off you. So needy. So clingy. You quickly turn your head away, dropping your gaze to your toes burying their way into the rich, fertile soil beneath you.
“Or is it just me? Is feeling my hands all over you like this making you all needy?” He husks directly into your ear, “All hot and-”
“Gonna keep talking or are you gonna fuck me?” You pant flush against the tree, writhing underneath him as you cut him off with a quick, breathy taunt. “‘Claim me’?”
“Fuck. Haa. I don’t know if you deserve it, little one.” He grunts, gripping the back of your neck to hold you still while he tries to slide himself inside you.
There’s just something about getting him so worked up as he tries to sink himself inside you to no avail. To the point where he’s panting heavy, hot breaths into your ear as he bends his knees to get a better angle, only for you to move a little to the left and have him lose any leverage he’s got on you. Every time you feel that mushroomy head poke at your entrance you’d straighten your spine and deny him the pleasure of your tightness.
“C’mon, mighty warrior. Fuck me already.” You giggle, slipping over to the right so his cock slides right past the base of your tail. Slick is smearing all over, leaving a glossy layer of your stickiness all over the both of you. You can tell he’s into it, all from the way he’s grunting and chuckling as he tries to pin you down and ram himself inside you. All from that smug look on his face. And the funniest part of it all -
You’re into this the most.
The one who was afraid someone would see. Yet now you’re here making this man work for it. Uttering unadulterated filth loud enough for anyone hear. Spreading and closing your legs to tease your mate who’s desperate for your tight, wet cunt. All while pinned to the first tree you backed up into when you tried to run away from it all. And when he caught you it only made the ache between your legs throb even more.
You smile to yourself, ears perking up when as your eyes glaze over with want. You hold still for a moment, tricking him into thinking he’s won. Into thinking he can finally fuck into you like an animal in rut. When you feel his swollen tip prod between your pussy lips, you feel his grip loosen around your neck. And that’s when you slip away, wrenching his hand off your hip and darting for the next tree.
He lets out a boisterous laugh as he quickly rakes his fingers through his swaying braids. His hand drops from his head to his thigh. He’s frustrated. Fed up. His laugh fades out into a growl, rumbling low in his chest as he immediately follows behind you, band of his loincloth flipping back up to sheathe his painfully hard cock, tip leaking precum into the thin cloth’s band. Lip folding over his bottom teeth, he bites down onto the thin flesh as he nears your small frame.
You look behind you, canines on full display from the way you’re grinning. Big mistake. He’s caught up to you now, hands splayed out to grab onto what he can as he pounces on you and knocks you to the ground before you can get to the next tree. Your grin grows wider, so wide it’s catching - spreading to his face as the predator finally catches his prey. He moves quickly, pinning you face down onto the floor by a hand to your head.
You’re writhing and squirming underneath him, hands tucked under your chest as you grind into him at a pace that is impermissible for him to have his way with you. He fights with you for a bit, one hand firmly securing your face to the floor and the other fighting with your lifting hips and closing legs. He’d spread your legs and push down your hips then reach for his tewng just for you to giggle and snap your legs closed before he can even pull it down.
“Fuck.” He huffs out, shuffling his knees closer to yours to wrench your legs open and keep them that way.
He pushes you further into the ground by the dip for your back, quickly moving his hand to tug down his loincloth just enough for his throbbing cock to flip up. And when you feel his warm bulge slap against your pussy, you stuck in a quick breath of air, now fighting with your own body as it tries to submit to him. Before you can even think about your next move, Neteyam slams his cock inside you in one hard thrust, stretching your gummy walls to full capacity before they can even adjust.
“Ugh - fuck yes.” You mutter under your breath as you finally feel him fill you up, eyes welling with tears of pleasure.
“Got you.” He growls through a smirk, beads of sweat rolling off his face onto your back. He glances down at you taking his thick cock, knot already emerging from now riled up you’ve gotten him. The feeling of him filling you up like this, pinned down with nowhere to go has your body submitting even more. His strength is unmatched, grip firm and unmoving. You can barely think, much less keep up with this little game.
“T-Teyam.” You moan shakily, straining to close your legs just for him to spread them wider.
You just want to give up and let him pound you. To rut into you like you’re nothing but a vessel for his seed. But you continue to fight with whatever strength you’ve got left - which isn’t much. He finds your futile efforts laughable - a little weak thing like you putting up such a fight.
“C’mon. Is that all you got into you?” He chuckles, sinking into you even deeper, growing knot pushing against the resistance of your tight hole. “I was just getting started.”
“N-Neteyam. Ple-ase.” You blubber out, feeling too much but not enough at the same time.
“Begging for it now, huh?” He pants, keeping still until his heaving chest calms down. “Tell me. Tell me what you want.”
Next part ->
This is a reupload my bad guys 😭 (also to the anon who sent in the question)
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arctrooper69 · 4 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 1:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Jealousy. Brief mention of blood. Canon violence.
You couldn't even look at her.
That thought alone made you sick to your stomach. The fact that you couldn't bear to look at a woman simply because she was interested in the same man that you were, made you want to cry.
Am I really that shallow? You thought bitterly as you slammed the hydrospanner into the damaged component of the landing gear you’d been trying to dislodge.
I can’t believe I was so stupid! You jammed the point of the tool violently into a crack, trying to pry it out. Of course he’d go for her. She was prettier than you - funnier too.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.
Hunter is his own man. He likes someone else. Not a big deal.
Except for some reason, judging by the heavy ache in your chest, it was a big deal, no matter how much you tried to fool yourself into thinking that everything was fine.
The landing gear piece was still stuck fast. You set down the hydrospanner and picked up the plasma cutter.
This better kriffing work or I’ll have Tech up my ass for a month about it. Not to mention having to tell Hunter that I broke the ship. Again.
You ran your fingers over the healing scar on your cheek and looked at the carbon scoring around the piece that stuck fast, fused in place by laser fire.
A smile made its way across your face as you remembered how it all happened. You were providing cover fire so they'd have time to escape - more exposed than you'd like to be, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle - until a stray shot hit the ship at just the right angle.
Hunter had tackled you to the ground, shielding you from the blast with his own body.
Despite the chaos around you, being in his arms felt safe.
“Don’t ever do that again!” It was meant to be an order but it felt different than any of the others he’d given over the past year. The way he’d taken your face into his hands, carefully examining the small, insignificant wound on your cheek. His face was unreadable but as you’d looked closer, his eyes were a whirlwind of relief that you hadn’t been hurt worse. There was something else there too - something that fed the hope hidden away in your core that your feelings toward him were reciprocated. He’d kept his hand on your arm as you stood up. They were strong, steady hands that kept you warm and stayed on your arm seconds longer than the moment demanded.
But then you’d found him in a closet with Phee’s sister only hours later at Cid’s parlour.
I’m so stupid. How could I have read him so wrong? What made me think I’d ever have a chance with a man like Hunter? You shook your head, angry at yourself for letting your guard down. For the first time since the beginning of the Clone Wars, you’d felt alive in a way that didn’t involve throwing yourself into violently dangerous situations. You felt at home with this band of misfit clones. You had finally allowed yourself to feel and acknowledge the emotions that came with it. Now you remembered why you hadn’t done that before. It was stupid and you would make sure that it wouldn’t happen again.
Finishing with the plasma cutter, you brought a wrench down hard with a loud clang. The piece barely moved an inch and you threw the tool down with a frustrated groan.
“You okay over there?” Phee poked her head around the corner, eyebrow raised.
“I’m good!” You grinned, hoping the faux smile would keep her from asking anymore questions. “Just trying to get this stubborn kriffing piece out so Tech can replace it when he gets back.”
Phee chuckled as you glared at the offending part. She walked over to the side of the ship, looking up and down at the stripped landing gear.
“Damn… what’d you guys get into this time?”
It was your turn to chuckle, grateful for the distraction from your spiraling negativity.
“That is a very complicated story,” Tech answered for you as he rounded the corner, “However, I do not currently have the time to tell it. We have another mission from Cid and should be leaving as soon as we’ve made our repairs.”
Good, you thought. Another mission might be just what you needed to get out of your head and back into the groove of things. Back to normal.
Tech stopped next to Phee in front of the landing gear, surveying the mess of tools and ship components. He frowned. “Although, it seems as though that may take a bit longer than I originally thought.”
He grabbed the hydrospanner from the ground by your feet and began prying at the piece you’d been working on. “I will fix this. You pick up the tools and get that carbon scoring off of those panels.”
Phee grinned as she began helping you scrape. “I love it when you get all bossy like that, Brown-Eyes.”
Tech’s cheeks darkened, the only indicator that he’d heard her at all.
You smirked. Tech and Phee were so different from each other. Her carefree sense of adventure and aptitude for playing fast and loose with the rules seemed opposite to Tech’s academic personality and rigid structure. But despite their differences, they seemed to bond over an innate sense of curiosity and wonder. They belonged together.
Like Hunter and I should be, you thought bitterly.
The silence that fell on the group as you worked was deafening. Every so often you caught Phee pausing to watch as Tech worked his magic with the repairs.
Tech remained oblivious, but found himself sending subtle glances towards her as she worked. Every glance felt like daggers through your chest. A reminder of what could have been yours.
“How’s it looking, Tech?” Hunter walked around the corner, setting a crate of explosives down for Wrecker to load onto the ship.
The knife you’d been using to scrape the panel suddenly felt heavy and clumsy in your hand. It slipped through your fingers as you frantically tried to catch it but failed as it hit the ground with a dull thud.
You gasped as a thin line of blood blossomed across your pointer finger and the palm of your hand.
“Kriff!” you grumbled under your breath. Hunter stepped forward quickly only to be intercepted by Phee who grabbed your injured hand, inspecting it.
“Eh, you’re fine,” she pulled a bacta patch from her pocket, quickly wrapping the injury as though she’d done it more than her fair share of times. “Be more careful with that next time,” she chided. You looked up expecting to see Hunter but he was gone.
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If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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wrightingdungeon · 11 days
SDV Leaving Items behind that the Bachelor's find
Gender Neutral Farmer
I need your help! Please give me items to be left for the ladies, Id like to see the ideas I wouldn't have thought of. 
Alex: He thought you had grabbed all the junk you had dumped from your pockets when you both hung out, yet here he was, looking at your tube of lip balm. Haley had left all sorts of lip gloss and lipsticks in his room, but knowing this touched your lips made his mind and heart race. His lips were chapped from the fall weather, though… It's just chapstick… Alex's face was bright red as he put on the chapstick. The flavor was sweet but not overpowering. This is probably what your lips tasted like. The thought made his heart pound. 
The next day, he handed the lip balm back over, his cheeks a hint of pink. “You left it behind,” he said, looking away. “Uh, Alex… You know this is tinted?” Alex’s face flared up bright red, not knowing lip balm could be colored. ‘Yoba kill me now.’ he thought, mortified at the realization.
Elliott: You both had long hair and millions of hair ties, but this hair tie on his wrist wasn't his, and he knew it. It was a spiral hair tie, the kind you preferred to wear. He blushed softly, wondering how the hair tie had ended up around his wrist. He remembered you had come over, letting your hair down and leaving before you could put it back up. He must have grabbed it and put it on without thinking.
Playing with the hair tie, he smiled softly, his thoughts drifting to you. Carefully, he pulled his hair back and secured it with your hair tie. Getting up, he walked to his piano, his mind buzzing with new ideas inspired by his muse. “Thank you for this gift.” He said softly as his fingers found the warn keys
Harvey: He smiled, waving goodbye to you as he watched you make your way back to the farm. Heading back upstairs, he stretched, ready to end the night. As he brushed his teeth, he walked around, getting everything ready for the morning. He almost choked when he noticed your jacket still hanging on the back of a chair. Finishing his tasks, he made his way to your jacket. Picking it up, he rubbed the fabric, feeling how it felt under his fingers. Blushing and looking around like he might be caught in his own home, he slowly brought the jacket to his nose. Smelling your scent on the jacket, he chuckled softly. It felt like he was in high school; he knew he was being silly.
Still, he couldn't help but hold your jacket close as he drifted off to sleep. The next morning, he felt embarrassed as he prepared to return the jacket to you. When he handed the jacket back, he almost fainted when he saw you bring it to your nose and inhale deeply. “It smells like your place now, Harvey,” you said with a small smile. Error: Harvey.EXE has shut down.
Sam: He was jamming out to his music in his room as he cleaned when he noticed a pair of sunglasses that were not his. Picking them up and looking them over, he chuckled, recognizing them as the Farmer's. Trying them on, he couldn't help but strike a few poses in the mirror, complete with finger guns. Returning to his cleaning jam session, he laughed and he belted out the lyrics, picking up the broom and using it as a microphone and then as a guitar. Lost in his music, he failed to notice you had come looking for the sunglasses until he jumped off his bed, sliding on his knees, literally sliding into you.
“What's up, Joel Goodsen?” You joked looking down at him with crossed arms. Sam chuckled, quickly scrambling to his feet. “F-Farmer! Heeeeey!” He tried to play it off, giving you back the sunglasses, his face bright red. “You know what, they suit you better anyway. Keep 'em."
Sebastian: Groaning, Sebastian tossed clothes around the room, searching for his scarf. Cold weather outside makes it uncomfortable without the scarf. “There it is,” he said, spotting his scarf, but his excitement turned to surprise as he noticed it tangled with yours. He knew you were looking for yours, but hadn't realized he had it, not knowing when you left it behind. Untangling them, looking between them, he left his behind and wore yours instead. Its fabric still carried a faint trace of your scent. 
“Is that the farmer's scarf?” Maru asked as Sebastian passed her. “Nope, mine now,” he muttered, grateful the scarf hid his smirk. On his way home, he bumped into you. “Nice scarf, never seen that before,” He chuckled at your sarcastic tone letting you take the scarf off him. “Never have I, it just showed up in my room, thought I'd show it some love.” He quipped back chuckling at the blush on your face
Shane: Shane sighed, glancing at Charle. “Lost my beanie…” He frowned, having searched everywhere for it, guessing he misplaced it while out last night. “Was on a roll…” He grumbled, frustrated by the loss of his beloved beanie. “Uncle Shane! Uncle Shane! Found it!” Jas burst into the coop, waving a beanie above her head triumphantly. “It was on Marnie’s counter!” She handed it to him, but it wasn’t his; it belonged to the farmer. “Uh… Thanks, Jas,” he said, smiling as he accepted it, already planning to return it. “Well, put it on! I found it!” Jas urged, delighted to have found something special for Shane.
Blushing, he put the hat on, not wanting to upset his goddaughter. It was just as comforting as his, if not more, knowing it was yours. “Hey, Shane, I think I grabbed your beanie by mis-” He looked up as you walked in, holding his beanie, a smirk forming on your lips. He ripped off your beanie, his face bright red, trying to ignore Jas’s giggles at his messed-up hair.
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cheriiyaya · 1 month
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sometimes he likes to go back to your house just to relive a few memories
CW: angst, dazai commits breaking and entering, erm lowkey forgot how to tag but theres no real warnings
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this was a routine dazai knows very well.
jamming the pin into the keyhole, twisting it a few time until a click is heard and then rotating the handle to push open the door into your apartment.
just as expected, the door creaked open to a silent, empty apartment. if you were home, after all, a shot would've already been fired in his direction. maybe it'd hit him in the head, spraying his brains across the floor of your apartment and yet, dazai wouldn't even care, too enamored with you to realise the sticky mahogany spilling from a hole in his head.
dust floated in the rays of light that seeped through the curtains. items thrown haphazardly across the floor indicated you were probably in a rush when leaving, which was strange- you never were late for anything, you were always the most punctual out of the three of you years ago.
dazai could remember it vividly: you scolding him and chuuya for bickering like children, hurrying towards meetings while dazai pouted and chuuya grumbled.
and yet he could also remember how the sunlight glowed on your skin, leaving you a picture of angelic beauty in his eyes, even as your lips crinkled in a frown at the pairs childish antics as you chided them.
the kitchen was cleaner than the rest of the house, a little too clean. dazai wondered if you had even had time to eat before you left, tracing a slim finger around the rim of a mug half-filled with dark coffee. he stopped his finger along a part of the mug, imprinted a muted red in your lip gloss. you still use the same one, don't you? dazai always thought it looked pretty on you. he didn't even need to close his eyes to imagine you, your features burned into his mind and voice the ringing in his ears.
dazai doesn't think he'll feel the same those moments around you felt, with all your attention and devotion focused on him-
the sound of the door opening and shutting slammed dazai's heart into the pit of his stomach. he glanced at the oven clock-4:30? you were always held up 'til seven- before promptly ducking under the counter top.
if you came into the kitchen, he's so done.
your footsteps were muffled by the walls as you shrugged off your coat with a rustle of fabric, sighing. dazai didn't have to look to know, your hands were running in your hair, shoulders drooping with exhaustion.
truth be told, dazai doesn't think he would care being caught by you. he just fears your rejection.
your footsteps got closer and he could hear you, your sweet voice laced with exhaustion, mumble something under your breath. he tensed, eyes darting around for any kind of escape from the predicament.
his heart was racing. was he scared? no, was he...nervous? claws crawled up from his stomach, his throat clenching around their spindly fingers and his stomach churned at the thought of your face when you see him.
disgust, betrayal, hurt.
dazai is a selfish man, and yet he thinks he'll throw up if you look at him with anything but the gentle, affectionate gaze you spoiled him with.
your footsteps keep getting closer, closer. dazai's stomach churns and he holds his breath so hard his head spinned.
you were going to catch him. you were going to find him and scream at him, you were going to pat out every little insult that dazai knew he deserved but please, don't let them come from you.
you sighed and mumbled softly, turning the other way and ambled towards your room. the rush of blood in dazai's ears quieted a bit and he let out a breath once he heard your bedroom door close, lungs burning.
it's funny that he never got this anxious when faced with certain death during a mission, yet getting caught by you was enough to make him crumble. he lets out a shaky breath, half nervous chuckle and half relieved sigh as he stands up after a bit. waitng for noise behind the door of your room, dazai quietly padded his way towards the door. maybe he can leave, he doesn't have to cause you such distress again, it's for the better after all...
...or so he lies.
the door to your room opens with a creak and standing out in the middle of your living room, dazai knows he's done for. he doesn't even bother to turn around, not wanting to see the horrified look on your face. he just stands there, frozen with his back turned towards you.
dazai thinks he'll throw up.
"...dazai?" your voice was so soft, yet so filled of disbelief it hurt him to the core. you called for him again, this time with a quiver in your voice and dazai just wants to die there.
are you crying? did he make you cry? dazai didn't turn around, he doesn't want to see if he really did just make you cry.
too caught up in his thoughts, dazai didn't hear you tread carefully towards him, yet he registered the soft brush of your fingers through his clothes, the hesitancy with which you touched him that only traded for firmness as you brushed his back, as if you were checking if he was real.
"osamu." you sounded so hurt it made dazai sick. why are you calling him by his given name? he doesn't deserve it, he never deserved you after all. he shouldn't even be here in your apartment, he should be half dead in a ditch, drunk off the cheapest sake he has.
"you're here...you're really back, aren't you osamu?" you sobbed quietly.
shit, you're really crying.
reluctantly, dazai turned back towards you, swallowing thickly when your breath hitched at the sight of him. you cupped his face, the right side of his face that he'd always keep covered.
"please don't cry." he wanted to say to you, yet the words wouldn't come out. dazai remained silent, brushing tears off your face. you simply shook, rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone and dazai had to resist the urge to tear away from you and run out.
as if you sensed his wish, his hesitancy to this all, you pulled him closer, burying your face against his neck.
"don't go, please?" you mumbled. dazai let out a shuddering breath, his fingers gliding to rest on the small of your back. He really should leave, even if you begged him to.
and yet like the fool he was he stayed.
dazai walked back until he hit the edge of your couch, plopping down and settling you on his lap.
"...I really didn't mean for you to find me." dazai managed out, a weak smile on his face as he brushed your hair out of your face.
"then why did you break into my house?" dazai chuckled, but stayed silent. his lips brushed against your temple, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
"that's a secret, my dear!" he teased lightly, though his face didn't match his tone as his eyes fell upon your tear-stained face.
He sighed, tilting your head up. he brushed away your tears with the back of his fingers, lips pursed as dazai looked at you.
oh, how he wished it could all go back to those old days, when you life a little less complicated for dazai.
Now, he realises as you shake in his hold, it was never normal. you just came in and changed everything, didn't you?
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©Cheriiyaya 2024
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calypsocolada · 10 months
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(click here for part two)
synopsis: a stoic swordsman helps you figure out what your type is. authors note: hi :] i like zoro. no other notes. cw: violence, fluff, small bit of angst, clueless!reader, kissin :*, zoroxreader, small bit of sanjixreader wc: 4.4k
Zoro’s wooden practice sword swung in an unpredictable arch, you knew you couldn’t avoid it so you turned, letting it smack hard against your shoulder. Pain zaps through your body, the hit more annoying than painful. 
“Ow!” You growled, eyes narrowing. Zoro danced around you, you never knew how light-footed he could be, how quick and precise his sword play was. Zoro was a huge man, he was easily two feet taller than you, built like a damn freight train and somehow still quicker than you. Zoro’s mouth quirked up in a smart ass smirk, his brows raising tauntingly. 
“I thought you said you were getting better.” He jested, obviously trying to get a rise out of you. You took the bait every damn time. You swing your sword in anger. 
“I am!” You yelled, he dodged your assault with ease, playfully hitting your back as you stumbled forwards. You gained your footing and spun back around, swinging again but he just bats it away lazily. 
“Come on, killer, swing with purpose not with anger.” He says listlessly, like he’s bored with this. 
Of course he was bored, he was probably the best swordsman in the world, you were just some idiot pirates daughter. It had been a few months since escaping your fathers crew and although you were one of your fathers best fighters you fought more close combat style, with knives mostly. Swords were long and heavy, especially the ones Zoro used. It was like he made them out of boulders rather than steel. But right now you were using practice swords because you’re sure that if this was a real fight you’d be dead and buried. 
You grip the handle of the sword hard, knuckles turning white. You weren’t used to defeat, it left a sour taste in your mouth. Zoro’s stretched a bit, yawning. The anger always took you over. You were your fathers daughter after all. You pretended to swing the sword again, with clumsy maneuvering and when Zoro went to bat it away you chucked the sword aside, dodging his blade, hitting him square in the stomach with your shoulder. It was meant to take him down but he didn’t budge against you. It was as though you were pushing against a damn tree. You remembered just then how it felt fighting your father, how unmovable he was. You were raising your knee before you could even stop yourself as he knee him square between the legs. A rush of air leaves his lips and the way his body shifts you know you finally caught him off balance. You sweep a leg out from under him and with all the force in your body you shove against him. You both slam against the forest floor, your hips straddling his abs as you jam your forearm down against his neck, successfully pinning him beneath you. He looks up at you with immeasurable annoyance. 
“You’re a dirty fighter.” He huffs, groaning in pain. You nod your head, a proud fact you already knew. 
“You’ve met my father, right?” You jest. This was something new you were learning. Since joining up with Luffy’s crew there were a few things you had to learn. 
They weren’t out to get you. 
You were raised by a killer, his crew were a bunch of killers so naturally you grew up always keeping watch of those around you because the moment you slacked out someone would have their hands around your neck just waiting to extinguish your fire. 
2. You had to soften up and learn to work as a member of a team. 
This one you were still working on. You were alone most of your life, your father never spared you a kind word and sometimes at night you’d lay awake, knowing you were just like him sometimes. You guarded every part of your heart so well that sometimes you could trick yourself into thinking you never had one to begin with. But it beat the day you met Luffy’s crew. They saved you, even when you were good, they knew who and where’d you’d come from and still accepted you for who you were. That meant to you that you had to change. If you wanted to stay a member of this crew you had to let them in. You couldn’t push them away because one bad day would come and they’d stay away. You didn’t think you could survive that. Knowing that there was warmth in this world that you turned cold. 
3. Lastly, how to protect someone. 
You could protect yourself just fine because you’d been left behind in wakes your entire life. But you wouldn’t do that to them. You’d stay and fight because that’s what they did for you. You weren’t just looking out for yourself anymore, you had people, possibly a family, it’d take the devil himself to pull that from your grip. 
“Yeah I met him, he’s an asshole, like you.” Zoro grunts, his pinned hands escaping from your fingers as he turns the tide, swinging you to your back, pressing you into the dirt. You’re not sure where his sword came from but the wooden edge of it was pressed gently against your throat. He beat you. You groaned out a sigh as he cocked his head to the side. 
“I had you.” You fume as he purses his lips, he’s heavy against you, it feels like ten men rather than one. 
“For a second.”
“That’s all a killer needs.” You dared. He must’ve seen that look in your eyes before because he presses the sword ever closer to your neck, but not hard enough to actually hurt. 
“We’re done for today.” He says and suddenly his weight is lifted off you and you feel as though you could finally breathe again. You didn’t know you were holding your breath. Zoro extends a hand to you, narrowing his eyes. “No funny business, I’m hungry.” He warns because for someone who’s only known you for a few months he knows you pretty damn well. Knew that look in your eye, that you would take his hand and end up trying to pin him beneath you again. He knew you hated to lose. You took his hand and did nothing of the sort because you were hungry too. He pulled you to your feet with ease and kept hold of your hand for a second as he spoke. “You’re a good fighter, don’t give up on practicing.” He says and the look in his eye is intense, he meant it. He lets your hand go and bends to grab the practice sword that you tossed aside. 
“I don’t see the point in it, I fight better close.” 
“You can fight better any way you choose. You master the sword and you give yourself more options.” He says, tossing it to you, you catch it with ease.
“More options?”
“To survive. You want that don’t you?” He asks over his shoulder, walking back towards the camp that the crew had set up near the beach. You never thought of it like that before. You learned how to fight because your father needed someone unassuming to kill. Who’s more unassuming than a young girl? You always fought to kill, to end lives, you never cared much for your own. Who could care for a killer after all? Zoro slowed, tossing a glance over his shoulder at you after you took too long to answer.
“Of course I want that.” But your words sounded hollow. There was still that nagging voice of your fathers. There was only so many times someone you looked up to could call you worthless before you started to believe it. It was ingrained in you. To live but not feel worthy of life. Maybe you did want to live, but that didn’t mean you felt like you deserved to. You’d done wrong your entire life, killed and followed in the footsteps of someone you knew was bad. Didn’t that make you guilty of something? 
Zoro’s eyes dissected you, that face you made and the tone of your voice. He was a smart man and for all his faux uninterested stare he read you like a damn book. Like he’d cracked open your mind and read your innermost secrets. It was strange, having someone who you couldn’t fool. Someone who could look at you and call bullshit. 
“Do you just want to survive for the sake of others or for yourself?” He asked, slowing to a stop. Crickets chirped around you, wind picking up, swaying the leaves of the trees gently. You stopped too, mindlessly turning the practice sword over in your hands. 
“Is that a trick question?” You asked and watched him shake his head. You turn the question over in your head. “Surviving for yourself is quite selfish right?” 
“Not necessarily.” He breathes out, walking and plopping down listlessly on a stump, he stretches out his legs. “You charge into things head on, you don’t wait for others to act.”
“That’s a good thing.” You cross your arms defensively. “How else would you catch enemies by surprise?”
“By others I meant your crew. When you charge into things you could end up getting hurt.” He countered, you kick at a raised root and toss your head back a bit dramatically. 
“But if I kill the bad guys first you guys have nothing to worry about.” 
“We’d still worry about you.”
“Why?” You questioned as though someone worrying about you was way out of the realm of possibility. 
“Because you aren’t a martyr, we don’t need you throwing yourself on the knife.” Zoro argues, it’s one of the first times he seems interested in what he’s talking about. Passionate even. “I know what you’re used to. That’s why I wanted to train you.”
“So I can fight with a long blade instead of a short one?” You quipped. 
“So you can fight next to me.” He says as though you should’ve known. You look up from the ground over to him. He has this strange look in his eyes, the kind of strange look Sanji gave you sometimes, though Sanji looked at every girl like that. But not Zoro, the man was inexpressive usually. 
“Fight next to you?” You echo, as if trying the words out loud would give them a different meaning. Zoro nods his head. 
“Wouldn’t it be nice? Not having to wonder who has your back?” He asks. You look at him, something stirring inside you. 
“Is that what you want?” You start. “Someone who can keep up with you?” 
He nods his head. 
“Don’t you?” You ponder it for a moment. 
“I guess, yeah.” You say softly. “I feel like I keep up with you just fine.”
“You could be better.” Zoro jests, pushing off the stump he sat on.  
“I took you down, big man.” You growl, jogging to catch up with him as the sun starts to set. 
“You cheated.”
“I was being… resourceful.” You said and heard Zoro laugh, a warm laugh coming from his chest. You never heard him laugh before, probably in the same way he’d never heard you laugh. You both were somewhat serious types. 
“Sure, let’s call it that.” He intones. 
Back at the campsite the first person to greet you and Zoro was Sanji. Ever since landing on this island Sanji had been acting somewhat differently to Zoro, almost colder. You had no idea what that was about and honestly you didn’t care, not presently because they always bickered anyways. 
“There you guys are!” Sanji all but growls, shooting dagger at Zoro. “We’ve been waiting for you.” He says, giving you a kind smile.
“We didn’t mean to keep you guys, you could’ve eaten.” You say as Sanji shakes his head, guiding you with a gentle hand on your back towards the food. 
“Nonsense, it was no trouble.” Sanji croons as you look towards the rest of the crew. Luffy has his hands crossed against his chest tightly, his face scrunched in annoyance. 
“It was a little trouble.” Luffy grumbles as Sanji shoots daggers at him. You sit down, Sanji occupying the seat next to you as Zoro plops down in the sand across from you. It's quiet as everyone digs into their food. 
“How is it?” Sanji asks, eyes watching you. You’d just filled your mouthful, unable to answer right at that moment.
“It’s a little salty.” Usopp chided as Sanji hurled a dinner roll at him.
“I wasn’t asking you!” Sanji ranted, the roll hitting Usopp square between the eyes. You and Luffy both snort in laughter. You laugh, almost choking on your food which serves to make you two laugh even harder. Sanji turns to you with a worried expression, lightly hitting your back as you're able to swallow your food properly. You bite your lip to keep from laughing as you give Sanji a small smile. 
“It tastes good, Sanji, thank you.” You say and Sanji practically melts. 
“Usopp’s right,” Zoro starts, a mischievous look in his eyes. “It’s a bit salty.” Sanji’s eyes turn to slits as he grabs another roll, hucking it at Zoro who catches it with ease, grinning before taking a bite out of it. 
“I don’t care what you think because my dear Y/n likes it.” Sanji proclaimed, turning to you. “Would you like some more, dear?”
“Sure.” You shrug as he practically stumbles over himself to grab you more. Your eyes meet with Zoro’s, he gives you a wink and you roll your eyes. Zoro liked messing with Sanji and most of the time it was pretty funny. Sanji took a big liking to you and Zoro liked to tease him about it. You weren’t sure what it was that Sanji liked about you but he was always quick to give you anything you asked for. Sanji fills your plate and as the night winds down Luffy, Nami and Usopp take off for bed. 
You sit by the fire next to Sanji, your legs pulled to your chest as he leans back, eyes staring at the stars. It’s quiet, just the sound of the fire crackling and the waves of water crashing nearby. Your eyes watch the fire as it slowly lulls you into comfort. Suddenly a blanket is placed over your shoulders as you blink, eyes watering. You turn to see Zoro as he plops down near you. You silently thank him, pulling the covers closer to your chest, shielded from the cold. Something burning hotter was the look you caught sight of from Sanji, he looked as though he was seconds away from challenging Zoro to a duel. But when he noticed you his face morphed into a smile again. 
“Is a measly blanket gonna be enough to keep you warm, my dear?” Sanji asks. “I could scoot closer to you?” He offers.
“The blanket’s good.” You answer, unaware of the implications. Zoro snorts beside you, amused at something you weren’t sure of. 
“Do you have something to add, Zoro?” Sanji hisses as Zoro, face unphased as he shrugs his shoulders. 
“Sanji?” You start.
“Yes, dear?” He asks, voice all soft, way different from the tone he was using a second ago. 
“Did Zoro do something to make you angry?” You ask, making Zoro snort again. Sanji shakes his head.
“Nothing more than usual, dear, no need to worry.” He says and you nod your head, satisfied with that answer, eyes sliding back towards the fire. “Could I ask you something?”
“Hmm?” You hum, watching the flames flicker and dance. 
“What’s your type?” He asks. Zoro doesn’t snort this time, he fully laughs, gaining an angry stare from Sanji. “Shut your mouth you damn idiot!” Sanji yells across the fire at Zoro. “You’re ruining the moment!”
“My type of what?” You ask cluelessly. Zoro can’t help but laugh even more. You look over at him, confused but he’s laughing so hard his eyes are closed. You look back at Sanji.
“Ignore that damn fool, dear. Your type in a partner.” He explains. 
“Type in a partner?” You echo, Zoro slowly quiets down next to you. Sanji nods his head. You purse your lips, thinking. You and Zoro fought pretty well together the few times you had to, it was just mere hours ago that he told you he liked the idea of fighting with you and you had to admit you didn’t mind that also. “I guess Zoro would be my type.” You say, completely unaware of the havoc you just caused. Sanji clamps a hand to his chest dramatically over his heart. You look at Zoro, his cheeks blushing a moment before he begins a fit of laughter all over again. Understanding the miscommunication before you and Sanji do. 
“You hear that, Sanji? I’m her type.” Zoro boasts jokingly, throwing an arm around your shoulders, loving the effect it was having on Sanji. Sanji looked like a deflated balloon. Sanji sinks back into the sand as you cock your head, confused. Zoro gives your shoulder a small squeeze as you look back over at him. “He meant romantic partner.” He whispers just to you. Your eyebrows raise, mouthing the word ‘oh’.
“I’m sorry, Sanji, I thought you meant fighting partner.” You corrected and Sanji shot back up, hopefulness on his face again.
“It’s okay, dear, you scared me there.” Sanji sighs wistfully, running a hand through his hair. Zoro’s arm moves away from you as you look back at him. 
“Keep it there.” You order softly. “I was getting warm.” Zoro’s brows raise in surprise but he does as you ask, even scooting a bit closer to you. When you look back at Sanji his jaw is practically touching the sand. “What?” You ask innocently, he shuts his mouth instantly, shaking his head. 
“N-nothing.” He turns away, kicking sand at the fire. You feel Zoro laugh softly. You had no idea what sort of nonverbal conversation these two were having and honestly you didn’t care to know. You close your eyes, leaning into Zoro’s warmth. Romantic partner. You were thinking about it now because you’d never thought about it before. There was no love where you came from, no positive role models, no romantic tension. That stuff was way out of your realm of understanding.
“How do you know your type?” You ask, turning to look at Sanji. His eyes meet yours, his eyes glancing at Zoro’s arm around your shoulders then back to you. 
“That's a hard one to explain.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Is it something you just know?” You ask and Sanji nods his head. 
“More or less, yeah,” Suddenly he lets out a big yawn, stretching. “Boy am I beat. Are you tired?” He asks you.
“Not really.” You say and watch as he pouts. 
“Maybe you should head off to bed then.” Zoro says. Sanji’s eyes glare his way as he grumbles, pushing up from the sand and dusting himself off. 
“Night,” He says sharply, trudging across the sand back towards the ship. You watch him go. 
“He is so strange.” You whisper, earning a warm laugh from Zoro. 
“You're clueless, you know that.” He remarked with another soft laugh. You turn to look at him.
“Why?” You ask, his eyes slide to yours. 
“He likes you, killer, a lot.” Zoro explains. You furrow your brows, you already knew he liked you, he treated you very kindly. “And I know what you're thinking. It’s not that kind of like.”
“What other kind is there?” This garners another laugh. “Stop laughing at me!”
“I’m sorry,” Zoro chuckles, smiling warmly. “He likes you… romantically.” He emphasizes and suddenly everything starts falling into place in your mind. He was always going out of his way for you, giving you extra food, following you around like a lost puppy, practically begging for your attention. 
“Hm.” You hum, turning back to look at the fire. 
“Hm?” Zoro echoes. “You sound mildly uninterested.”
“Eh, I don’t- I guess I don’t understand.”
“Which part?”
“Why would he like me? That makes no sense.” You say and for a moment Zoro is quiet, you turn to look at him, his cheeks pink, probably from the heat of the fire you guessed. 
“Do you really want me to answer that?” He asks. And when you just look at him quizzically he pities you a bit. He inhales, sighing. “You do know you're gorgeous right?” He asks as though you did know that. That was not what you were expecting him to say. You can’t remember the last time someone referred to you in a positive connotation. 
“I-- I don’t think so.” You say, your cheeks feel hot under Zoro’s stare, you feel slightly nervous suddenly, but not a bad nervous, you're not really sure how to explain it. It’s completely new to you.
“Well you are. And you're strong, men love strong women.” Zoro goes on, he’s leaning back slightly, his arm still around you as he gazes up at the stars. You bite your lip, your mouth feels dry. Were you getting sick or something? 
“Do you?”
“Hell yeah I do, I’m not an idiot.” He says, amused. You nod your head. 
“Hm.” You say and he looks at you with that amused expression. “But what does him liking me have to do with you? He looked angry with you all night?” You ask, piecing things together in your mind.
“He’s jealous, killer.” He says. 
“Jealous, huh…” You trail off. “Because you're a good partner?” You ask and he scoffs a laugh, shaking his head.
“Sure, let's go with that.” He intones. You lay your head back down on his shoulder, settling against him. You always found your way to Zoro, you two had grown pretty close in the past few weeks. He was a calming presence, one you always seeked out. You liked sitting near him, talking with him and training with him. You liked when he talked and when he looked at you. It was strange, you’d never felt that way before meeting him. Never let your guard down but he just felt like a calming, safe presence to you. 
“What’s your type?” You ask and you feel Zoro tense up slightly, you turn slightly to look up at him. “Something wrong?”
“No, nothings wrong.” He says, recovering smoothly. “Are we talking about fighting partners?” He jokes, earning a laugh from you.
“Apparently not.” You answer. Waiting for a reply. Zoro’s arm slightly tightens around you, pulling you just a bit closer as he fixes the cover that had fallen off your shoulder. 
“I think I might keep that a mystery.” He answers as you huff out a laugh. 
“Keep your secrets then.” You say, letting your eyes drift closed. Sanji’s words float back into your mind, when you asked if liking someone was just something that you knew and he said more or less. It was something you just knew? That was harder to understand for you. “I think I’d like someone who I feel safe with.” You find yourself saying aloud as you try and imagine what that means, you were still kind of getting fighting partner mixed up with a romantic partner because both options you felt you needed someone you could trust.
“That’s a good thing to look out for, killer.” He says softly. You think hard. You felt safe with Zoro, you felt comfortable enough to rest against him. You couldn’t see yourself doing that with Sanji although you trusted him you didn’t want to be that close. Your mind was reeling now. So you liked being close to Zoro? Did that mean anything or nothing at all? You squeezed your eyes shut.
“Romance is confusing.” You find yourself saying. Zoro chuckles, nodding his head.
“Damn straight.” You lift up slightly as he turns to meet your eyes.
“How do you know you know, you know?” You ask as Zoro’s brows raise.
“I don’t know?” He asks as you purse your lips. 
“Sanji said your type was just something you knew,” You puzzled. 
“Killer, I think you may be overthinking it.” Zoro says. 
“What if you think you like someone but you're not completely sure?” You ask as Zoro hums slightly, thinking up an answer for you. 
“I guess- I guess you could kiss them.” He offers and you nod your head, leaning forwards to press a quick, searching kiss to Zoro’s lips. For someone so rough around the edges his lips are surprisingly soft against yours, cold from the night time wind. When you pull back Zoro’s eyes are closed, his cheeks as red as cherries. He slowly opens his eyes, he’s stunned to say the least. 
“I’ve never kissed someone before.” You say, eyes glancing back down at his lips. You kissed him too quickly to tell if anything came from it. “I’m gonna try again.” You say and he stammers but doesn’t object as you scoot closer and lean to press your lips back against his. You leave them there for a moment. You’d seen people kiss before but trying it now you were completely unsure of the correct way to do it. You feel something bloom but you're pulling away before you can put meaning to it. “I suck at this. You do it.” You say as Zoro finally finds his words. 
“You kissed me.” He says shocked and you nod your head. 
“It was bad, I don’t know what I’m doing. This is like training with a sword all over again.” You grumble, pouting and crossing your arms.
“You just need a good instructor.” Zoro’s hand slides up from your shoulder to your cheek, moving your face to face him. You have no time to access the way your stomach bottoms out at that before he’s bringing you flush against his lips this time in a delicate embrace. His fingers tangled in your hair, a shock zaps through you at the contact. Zoro knew exactly what he was doing, he was skilled in more ways than fighting it seemed. You burned all over, your breath catching in your throat. Sanji was right, you knew right then. Right as he pulled you impossibly closer and kissed you with fervor and confidence. When he pulled back your lips chased after him slightly as you stopped yourself. You swallowed dryly. 
“Was that good for you?” He asks, his voice all breathy and hoarse. 
“Uh huh.” You exhale. It's quiet for a beat. “I think,” you start, clearing your throat. “I think maybe you should try again.” You whisper and you don’t have to say anything else because Zoro understands. That and he’s kissing you before you can utter another word.                         
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seravphs · 1 year
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Suna becomes a regular at your maid cafe - a regular thorn in your side, that is. 
wc — 1.4k
tags — fluff, reader works at a maid cafe 
next: omakase | shoujo series masterlist
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“Yes, master,” you practically bite out the words.
Suna raises an eyebrow at you. “Aren’t you missing something?”
Ugh. This man is insufferable. With a pained smile, you wince through the last part of your mandatory response to orders. “Nya! One Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait coming right up!” 
In the back room, you drop to your knees, cradling your head in your hands now that you're safely hidden from the eyes of your customers. 
You have to do it. 
You have to kill this man. 
There’s no way you can keep serving him these ridiculous orders. You’re going to die of embarrassment. If it’s him or you, you’re going to choose yourself. 
Working at a maid cafe only started because of your best friend. She convinced you to do it with her, only to quit a few weeks in. You had stayed, against your better judgement. 
“Please,” you remember her begging, tugging on your hand beseechingly. “The pay is so good! Just think about it - 20 dollars an hour?”
To a high schooler, that was a crazy amount of money. Both of you gasped when you saw the flyer, imagining everything you could do with that kind of cash. 
“But if I saw someone I knew, I’d die of embarrassment,” you remind her. Sometimes it feels like it falls to you to be the rational one of the pair of you. She dreams and you keep her grounded. 
“No one will see! Who comes to this part of town anyways?”
Rintarou Suna does, as you find out one day when you’re taking out the trash. 
A heavy hand lands on your shoulder, making you yelp. You spin around, ready to scream for your manager. You can never be too careful as a young girl flouncing around these streets in a maid dress. 
“I thought it was you,” he says, wide-eyed and clearly stunned. 
You drop the trash in the bin and sprint away from him, only to hear the distinct sounds of footsteps after you. You’ve seen Suna play for your school’s volleyball team. There’s no way you’re out running him. 
Luckily, the cafe is just ahead. 
It might be embarrassing for you to be caught in your black and white frilly lace and poufs of tulle, but it’s just as embarrassing for Suna to be caught entering. He’s one of the star athletes on your school’s incredibly strong volleyball team - he can get any girl he wants. Why would he come in here?
Suna crashes through the open door a split second later, interrupting your monologue. 
“Hi,” he says, not even breathing hard. “Table for one, please. Oh, and I want her.”
You should’ve known that thinking rationally would never apply to men who have no social awareness. Suna simply does not care. More than anything, that lack of interest is what makes him such an unmanageable beast.
“What do you want?” You whisper furiously, under your breath. It’s still not low enough for your manager to ignore, though, and she shoots you a reprimanding look over the counter. “Master,” you tack on to the end of your sentence. 
“I think I’ll start with a Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait,” he says with a smile. “With the add on.”
You stare him down. “That’s not what I meant.” 
“If you share my parfait with me, I’ll tell you.” 
“One Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait. That’s all?”
Sharing dessert with Suna in an inappropriately adorable cafe feels much too close to a date for your liking. The parfait is a frothy work of art. It’s a monstrosity of a confectionery, starting with a base of hand crumbled crackers. Each layer alternates between warm biscuit, sweet cream, or fruity jam, all topped with a swirl of whipped frosting and slices of fruit.
To be honest, you didn’t think it would be to Suna’s taste. You hate to judge by appearance, but Suna doesn’t strike you as someone who would like dessert. He’s not a bad boy exactly, not in the conventional sense, but he’s not the target audience for this cafe, either. His nonchalance and blank expression makes him feel unapproachably cool. 
The underclassmen look up to him. You see them crowd outside your classroom during break, waiting for the chance to talk to him. Part of the legend is his style. He rolls into class looking effortlessly tousled, his jacket hanging askew on his shoulders. He only has one piercing in his left ear. You heard a rumor that he let Osamu pierce it for him at an away game, only to get benched by Captain Kita as punishment. 
Suna wears mostly black. He blasts rap on the way to school in his headphones. He likes sneakers and he’ll wait on a queue for hours at a pop-up just to snag his dream pair. When he smiles, one side of his mouth lifts higher than the other. He wears rings that his younger sister makes for him. Sometimes he comes to school with colorful butterfly clips in his hair to hold his bangs back if he hasn’t gotten a haircut in time. You know that’s his sister’s work, too. 
You hadn’t realized you knew so much about Suna. You hadn’t realized you were looking. 
His spoon clinks against yours gently. 
“You can eat, you know.”
Mechanically, your spoon starts to move. As soon as the tartness of the berry hits your tongue, it’s immediately followed by the sweetness of the cream. Your eyes widen. Despite working here for a while now, you’ve never had one of the desserts. It’s surprisingly good. 
“Right?” Suna chuckles. 
Because he’s usually quiet, eating and talking with Suna feels strange at first. You’re not used to having his undivided attention on you. The ice breaks as soon as you notice the way his hair is sticking up in the back, like a duck’s tail. When you point out his messy head, he shrugs and makes no move to fix it. 
“Brushing my hair is a pain,” he says. 
It makes you giggle. It might be lazy, but it’s strangely charming. Before you know it, Suna’s drawn you in with his insouciant smiles and effortless ability to lead a conversation. It’s not that he’s naturally charismatic, but something about the way he listens and responds has you preening under his attention. 
You’re almost upset when he calls for the check. He seems to notice.
“I’ll be back!” He calls as he leaves. 
He’s already gone. 
You realized he never told you why he came. 
Most teenage boys would be embarrassed to make a maid cafe their normal hang out spot, but Suna comes on the dot every single day. Your coworkers have taken to referring to a table in your section as Suna’s table. He always orders the Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait, and he always makes you draw a little chocolate heart on it. 
You love your coworkers, you really do. You don’t think you would’ve worked here as long as you have if they didn’t feel like family to you, but sometimes older sisters can be annoying. 
Case in point: Shizuka, one of the older maids, just ruined a con you’ve been running on Suna for a long time. 
“You’re not doing it right,” Shizuka scolds you. “You forgot the ‘nya!’”
You flinch. 
Suna’s eyes widen. “Oh? Tell me more.” 
“When you order a Kitty Kitty Paw Parfait, we’re supposed to go ‘Nya! Of course, master!’” 
Suna pins you underneath an uncompromising stare. “Do you know how many of these I’ve ordered? You owe me a lot of ‘Nyas.’”
“Suna,” you say pleadingly, your face burning with mortification. 
He relents, a little. Something about your expression makes him melt, his eyes softening a minuscule amount. It’s barely noticeable, but it’s there. “Fine,” he smiles. “You can just start now.”
The minute you finish your humiliating speech, you vow revenge on Suna, but he just laughs. It’s too easy to get used to him. If you don’t actively remind yourself that he is your classmate, that you don’t actually know him that well, and that you first spoke to him just this week, it would all be too easy to feel like you’re friends. 
That’s why you have to draw a line in the sand before he can get even closer. You’re scared to find out how this ends. You’d rather cut him out of your life now. This is probably a game for Suna, but for you it’s something else.
It’s hard to remember all of that when he waits until the end of your shift to walk you home. He’s standing by the door, making small talk with your manager, who adores him. 
“Ready to go?” 
When you nod, he grabs your bag from you. The way he acts is so straightforward. You wouldn’t describe Suna as confident, but rather flexible. He takes everything that happens as it comes, and never lets it break his stride. Things are easy for him because he chooses to let them be. When he walks, his hand bumps yours once, twice. 
It’s easy. The hands. The act of being with him. 
It’s not a long walk home, but you wish it was. Fifteen minutes isn’t enough time for you to work up the courage to tell him what you need to say. Thankfully, he breaks the silence first. 
“You’re quieter than usual. What’s up?” 
“You need to stop coming,” you tell him, hating the words even as they come out of your mouth. 
He stops, forcing you to stop with him. “Why? Are you actually mad?” 
You wish you could say yes, but you can’t. You shake your head, praying Suna can just take the hint and leave you alone. 
He blinks at you. “Then no can do, ma’am.” 
“Why do you even come?” You hope his answer can push you to take the step you need, but it only cements him further in your heart. 
He smiles at you in a way you’ve come to associate with Suna, sweet and uncomplicated. “I just like cute things.” 
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justangelheree · 7 months
jealous- chris sturniolo (18+)
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warnings: use of pet names, choking, oral(m&f receiving), unprotected sex (plz wrap before u tap it), pulling hair, cremepie, lowkey dom chris bc lol also not proof read but enjoy
summary: chris and reader are best friends but will one halloween party change that?
i’m sitting in the car with the triplets and we’re playing smash or pass for there youtube channel. chris wouldn’t shut up about betty boop and how she was bad as fuck.
“chris that’s actually crazy we’re not talking literally” i say laughing at him from the backseat. nick then starts laughing as chris starts to defend himself. “i said what i said she bad” i roll my eyes and tell matt to go to the next one.
“smash or pass.. steve harrington from stranger things” matt said looking at me and nick. i look to matt an smile as i speak “smash 100% he could” before i could finish chris spoke “i thought this wasn’t literal” i closed my mouth holding in my laugh. “i don’t care smash all day everyday” i said while the boys mouths were wide open.
as the video ended matt drove back to their apartment. we arrived as i got out the car and wrapped my arms around chris pulling him into a hug since him and matt just argued. he hugged back and took a deep breath in as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “come on it’s alright” i say grabbing his hand dragging him inside.
i walk to the kichen his hand still in mine as i sat next to nick and chris stood behind me while matt was getting a drink. “are we going to nessas halloween party? madi said shes going” nick says looking up from his phone. “i’m always down to get dressed up and i think i have a costume in mind” i spoke leaning back on the chair looking up at chris as he started speaking. “i think i have something in mind too” he looks down at me smiling.
chris grab a pepsi from the fridge as nick and matt both said their goodnights to us. “ready to go to bed i’m exhausted” i say tilting my head at chris as he shuts the fridge. “yeah i’m ready ma” chris said with a raspy voice. i bit my lip as he starts to walk upstairs while i follow behind.
he opens the door as i walk to his draw and got out some of my pajamas because i tend to stay here a lot i’ve know these boys for to long. l start to take off my pants and shirt leaving me in my underwear and bra. chris is sitting on the bed watching me as i look at him in the mirror he smirks at me as i put my head down blushing. i put just a baggy t-shirt on as i go to lay next to him.
i pull the blanket up on us as chris puts his head in my chest. i put my hand in his hair as i drifted off to sleep.
*the day of the party*
i facetime nick because he wanted to get ready on facetime. “heyy nick im actually so excited” i say smiling. “i know i haven’t been to a party in awhile so i’m a little nervous” he said back. “yes exactly i feel like im gonna look like such a slut” i speak as i pull my makeup out. “i promise you’ll look good if people think other wise they can fuck themselfs” nick said reassuring me. i laughed as i struggled to get out a thank you.
i finish my makeup as nick is putting on his costume. “nick i will see you in like 30 minutes i have to do my hair and put my dress on, and remember no showing me what you’re dressed as we all agreed to keep it a secret” i say. “i know i know see you in a bit” he said rolling his eyes sarcastically. “okayy i love uu” i said screaming into the phone. “i love you too” he screamed back. i hung up the phone as i started to play music.
i started to do my hair jamming out to my playlist chris created for me. as i finish my hair and slowly start to take all the pieces for my costume out of the box. i put my red dress on looking at myself in the mirror and turning around looking how good my body looked. i slipped on the red garter to my thigh an putt my heels on. i sent a text to nick letting him know i’ll be there soon.
i hopped in my car an started to drive to the place the party was being held turning up the radio. i pulled up as i looked around to see all the cars outside. i parked my car as i got out grabbing my purse walking to the door.
as i walked in i saw nessa and madi so i knew the triplets had to be here. i walked up to them. “you guys look so good” i said hugging them. “omg girl you are so hot” madi says pulling way. “thank you mads but do you know where the boys are?”i question. she point her fingers over to the kitchen. i nod my head as i say my goodbyes.
i slowly walk into the kitchen and i lock eyes with matt who’s jaw is on the floor as i put my finger to my lips telling him to shoosh because i wanted to surprise chris. before i could walk behind chris someone stopped me.
“hey how have you been!” i turned around to see who it was. it was an old friend of mine he went to my highschool. “where’s time gone you look so grown but i’m doing good how about you?” i ask looking up at him. i feel a stare behind but i choose to ignore it.
“i’m good it’s been so long since i’ve seen you and you look amazing” he spoke flirtatiously. my smile dropped realizing he was trying to make a move. “thank you it was nice seeing you” i said as i gave him a small hug as his hands wrapped around my waist but i pulled away right then and there.
i waved at him as i turned around my eyes met a very sexy steve harrington who has his jaw clenched. i walk my way over to the triplets and put my hands out giving a “surprise” look. “omg! you look actually so amazing” nick said pulling me into a hug. “mr harrington over here couldn’t stop looking at you” matt laughed as he pulled me into a hug as well.
i laugh as i pull away and make it to chris. his reaction changes as he takes me in looking me from top to bottom as he licks his lips. i look up to him with doe eyes as i put my hands around his neck pulling him into a hug. he wraps his hand right above my ass.
“like what you see mr harrington” i whisper in his ear as i pull away arms still wrapped around his neck. he looks down onto he as his hands slowly move down my ass. “i love what i see mrs betty boop” he whispers back.
i look to my left and realize nick and matt are gone i giggle as i turn back to chris. i grab his hand as i lead him outside where we can get away from everyone. “i can’t believe you dressed up as steve like i could kiss you right now” i said looking up at him. “why don’t you? … or do you want that other guy in there. he sure wanted a piece of you.” chris spoke with a tang of anger.
“why would i want him when i have you” i said licking my lips looking back and forth between his lips and eyes. he rises his hand to my cheek closing the gap between us connecting our lips. i wrap my hand in his hair slightly tugging as his hand moved from my face to my neck squeezing lightly.
i moaned against his lips as he slips his tounge into my mouth as we fought for dominance, him obviously winning. his other hand sliding down my dress kneading my ass in his hand. i tilt my head back as he replaced his hand with his lips on my neck.
“as much as i love and appreciate this outfit i need to get it off of you” chris looked down at me as i bit my lip. he grabbed my hand and ran to find an empty room. as we reach a room completely empty he shut the door and locked it connecting our lips once again.
my hands went under his shirt feeling his torso and chest as i pulled it over his head. he unzipped my dress as i step out of it his pants are tossed on the floor with it. i reach for my thigh to take my garter chris stops me. “leave it on” he spoke demanding. i nod my head as i slowly start to kneel on the ground.
chris groans from the way he doesn’t even need to tell you what to do. i pull down his boxers watching his hard dick bounce onto his torso. i pump him with my hand as he steps on out his boxers. “come on ma.. put that pretty mouth to use” he said putting his hand on my head not messing up my hair.
i reply with taking him in my mouth as he threw his head back with a moan. i started to bop my head up and down with his hand guiding me. “as much as i’m enjoying this i want to cum in that pretty pussy of yours” he spoke grabbing my hand pulling me up.
he reconnected our lips and picked me up. i wrapped my legs around him as he took me to the bed and laid me down. he started planting light bruises on my neck as he made his way down and unclipped my bra. “you’re the prettiest girl i’ve see in my life” he said hands groping my boobs.
i whine out at his actions as he tongue meets my nipples sucking. his hand reach farther down and get to my side as he pops of my nipple leaving kisses along my torso. i bring my hand down to move his hair so i could see his face.
he reached my pussy as he took my underwear an put it in his pocket as he opened my legs. my pussy on full display for me glistening from the light as he used two fingers to spread it open. “you’ve been hiding this beautiful thing from me” he spoke rubbing my clit.
i moan as my hand reaches farther into his hair almost tugging. “gonna be a good girl for me and let me eat you out.” he said putting a finger in me. my head titled back “yes i’ll be good.. just please chris” i desperately whispered.
he went in bringing his lips and tounge to my clit while pumping a finger in and out of me. i grip his hair as i roll my eyes back. he groans against me sending a vibration through my whole body.
he adds a second finger going a little faster this time as i moan out his name. “chris! .. fuck i’m bout to cum please!” i almost scream out. he pulls away from now taking his fingers out and rubbing my clit. “not yet baby i wanna fuck it out of you” i moan at his words as he towers over me.
he gives me a kiss before flipping me on my stomach so i’m face down ass up. he lets me get comfortable before slowly putting his dick in me. i groan against the pillow as his hands grip my hips. he sets a slow pace groaning while going in and out.
“god you’re so tight ma.. i’m gonna go a little faster now” he spoke. i nodded my head eagerly needing him to go faster. he rocked me back and forth against him as he’s hand came down to grip my hair. “fuck.. just like that chris!” i grip the sheets underneath my fingers.
“such a slut.. wanting me to be rough with you” he said tightening his hand that was in hair. “yes chris i’m your slut” i breathlessly spoke. “just mine” he whispered bringing me up so my back was against his chest. i turn my head to lock lips with him as one of us hands wrapped around neck and other around my torso keeping me stable.
all i could hear was unsteady moans, skin slapping, and the music faintly from downstairs. i cleached around him as he moans into my lips. i dragged my arm behind his head gripping a hold of him as he pounded into me. “shit chris! im not gonna last much longer” i spoke tilting my head back.
“it’s okay baby let it out i’m right behind ya” he said dragging his hand from my neck to my clit rubbing in circles. i close my eyes as my hand clings onto his hair slightly pulling. “oh god chris” i almost screamed out as i let myself go.
i clenched around him as my legs started to slight shake as he filled me up moaning in my ear. “what a good girl letting me just stuff you” he said letting me catch my breath. he pulled out and laid us down on the bed.
i was about to fall asleep until i heard nick scream “chris and y/n! where are you guys, we need to take pictures!” chris chuckled as he looked over to me putting his hand out so we could get up. i groan as i take his hand and get up tossing him his clothes.
i start to put my whole outfit on for a second time today as i looked up to see chris fully dressed behind me zipping up my dress. i smile at him as i turn around and kiss him. “come on ma wouldn’t want them waiting” he smirked as i nod my head. i look at myself in the mirror and surprisingly, my hair was still good, but my lipstick was ruined.
we walked outside the room with chris’s arm around my waist. “there you guys are come on we need to hurry” nick said smiling pulling us downstairs. i interlock my hands with chris as we walked to all of our friends.
if you want to be tagged lmk!
tags: @lustfulslxt @oversturn
393 notes · View notes
Another day 2
Warnings: dub-con/non-con, age gap, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, emotional abuse, physical abuse, possibly other triggering events. 
Characters: dark!Steve Rogers.
Summary: Be careful what you wish for, one day it could come true. And that might just be your savior in disguise, all it takes is a little bit of persuasion. 
Interact on your own accord. You have been warned. 
Any reblog, comment, feedback is well received and appreciated! Enjoy <3 
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You fiddle with the key to your two-room apartment, harshly jamming it in the keychain. If your neighbors didn’t know how you look like, they’d suspect you of being a pick locker. Courtesy of your landlord for not trying to fix the door when you told him about it multiple times. But hey, renting a place that you can actually afford must come with a couple of its own disadvantages, you thought.
Sweet victory, you mumble, as you hear a click from the door, unlocking it. You quickly go in, leaving your coat on the hanger and your now soaked shoes by the door. The apartment is rather dull, not much to look at. Basic cheap TV placed on the wall, a small table in front and next to it a couch that looked older than your grandparents, if they were still alive.
You don’t even need to get started on the bedroom, especially the kitchen. The bathroom being the only decent one in this whole situation. 
Thank god.
You look at the small timer that’s placed on the nightstand next to your bed, 20:00 you read. Enough time to entirely soak yourself in a hot bath, hoping it will make all your worries go away, if only just for a bit.
You run the water, waiting for it to warm up and fill the bathtub. You’re grateful the apartment you’re renting has hot water, not like other ones you’ve lived in even if it was for shorter periods of time, which had to take a lot of time for the water to even be mildly warm. Thus being the only thing you’re actually excited about this whole place. You didn’t even want to imagine the pneumonia you would have had. Would have been the cherry on the cake, bills on top of bills. 
You look out the window, mesmerized by the heavy snow settling on the city tonight. Your mind wanders to your little encounter with Steve, you feel your stomach turn, anxiety washing over as you remember him calling out your name. As much as you try to pick your brain out, you can’t remember ever telling him your name. Even though you should have, it just didn’t cross your mind at the moment. Not exactly professional on your part but no matter, you wouldn’t have forgotten if you did tell him.
You snap back to reality as you feel the hot water reach your arm that you left hanging in the bathtub. You turn the faucet off, stripping out of your clothes and getting in the tub. You let out a heavy sigh as the water swallows you whole. You lean your head back, closing your eyes. 
Everything will be alright, love. It’s just how the world works.
You remember… your mom, her words, everything. You slowly slide your head against the tub, holding your breath as you let your head go underwater. Any sound coming from outside blocked completely, you lose yourself in the silent yet loud ambient noise.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
You scroll through the hundred of pages with the best possible secure locks. You don’t quite understand what more he wants than just a mere lock. Any of them should do honestly, there probably is no such thing as an unpickable lock so why go through the hassle of having to search for hours and hours. You were getting restless. 
You scoff. Prick.
At the last second, just as you’re about to close your work laptop’s screen, your eyes land on a lock and you look over the descriptions. Your eyes glint with triumph. You quickly pick up your phone and dial Steve’s number. You are taken aback by his almost instant response. 
You clear your throat. 
“Hello sir, i’m calling for the lock you requested? I think I may have found what you’re looking for.” you say, trying to keep your voice as even as possible. 
“That’s perfect,” he responds slowly “I trust that you chose well so, when can I expect it?”
“It shouldn’t take long. If I order it now, in a couple of hours the technician should arrive at your place and install it.” you say as you pick up a pen, rolling it between your fingers, occasionally tapping it on the table in a rhythmic manner. 
He gives you an approving hum in return.
“I’ll come by in half an hour to make the payment,” he continues “See you then, sweetheart.” he ends the call. 
You notice a weird tone in his voice, you can’t exactly place it. You always try to ignore when he calls you sweetheart. It gives you such an unsettling feeling.
You don’t like it.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
You hear the main door to the building open then close. You glance over as you see Steve, you look at the time, exactly thirty minutes passed since your last call with him. 
Your coworker was out today, something about a cold. It’s a good thing you don’t get many customers, it’s not that stressful on your own. But in this case, it means it’s just you and Steve now. Alone. 
You greet him with a fake smile, intended for customers as he makes his way to your desk.
“Right on point.” you say, trying to make a light joke. 
“Exactly how I like to be.” he says with a smirk. 
You try your best refraining from rolling your eyes. Thankfully you don’t slip up. 
“So how will it be sir, cash or card?” you continue with a small smile. You don’t know why, but his presence makes you nervous. 
Really nervous. 
“Card, if you don’t mind.” he replies as he takes out his card from his wallet. 
You introduce the price number on the keypad of the card reader. You feel your body tense as you notice his gaze on you. If looks could burn, you’d be on fire. You hold out the card reader, waiting patiently as he puts his card on top of it, a beep emitting from it, meaning the payment was successful. 
You take out the receipt from it and you nervously glance up at him, you hold out your hand with the receipt in it, waiting for him to take it. He looks down at you with a stoic expression, considering you for a couple of seconds, not saying anything. 
And neither do you, you don't dare to. 
He gives you a stern smile. You look at him, careful with your actions and what you’re going to say. 
This doesn’t feel right.
“When do you usually get off?” he suddenly asks. 
You widen your eyes just the slightest, stopping almost instantly as you try to hide your surprise. 
You consider his question, why would he even ask it in the first place?
“Er… about 5pm?” you tell him, more like a question really. 
He hums and nods his head, still smiling. 
“Right then, here’s my address,” he continues like nothing happened. Like what he just asked a couple seconds ago was the most normal thing.
Nonetheless, you write his address down.
“Looking forward to it.” he says. You see the corner of his lip turn up a little just for a second. 
You think that your mind may be playing tricks on you and this was just your imagination. The interaction between you two before he finally decides to leave is pure awkwardness. At least for you. 
You let out a breath of relief that you didn’t even know you were holding in. This should be it, right? No more interactions with him, no more anything. His lock should be installed in a couple of hours, and voila. Mission accomplished.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
You close your work laptop and gather your stuff, preparing yourself to go home and enjoy your free weekend. Mostly just staying in bed, watching tv or reading. So basically doing nothing, like always. 
You exit the building and head for the bus station, it’s pretty dark outside given the fact that it’s just a little over 5pm. Those are the perks of winter, you guess. At least it isn’t snowing as bad as last night but it’s just as cold nonetheless. You try as much as possible to keep the warmth you left with from leaving your body, but obviously, there isn’t much to do about it. 
You wait patiently for the bus to arrive, occasionally looking left and right at the surprisingly empty street, only a couple of cars passing by now and then. After all, this particular bus station isn’t that popular at this type of hour. 
You notice a car that’s slowly coming your way. You don’t think much of it, really, probably just another car passing by. You squint your eyes at the car’s bright headlights as it comes to a stop. 
Right in front of you.
You watch with a blank expression, instinctively your hands clutch your purse harder. You listen to the engine’s low rumble, almost soothing in the silent area. The car window rolls down and you look with curiosity. 
“…Steve?” you say, mostly to yourself. 
In the passenger seat is none other than Steve himself, you raise both your eyebrows in confusion, still not making any movements. 
“Get in.” the silence between you two is interrupted as he suddenly yells out, making sure you hear him from the engine’s noise and the distance you share. 
You give him a puzzled look. 
“What? How did you-…” you start but he cuts you off just before you could decline his kind offer. 
“Sweetheart, i’m not asking. You’re going to freeze to death, get in.” even though he has a calm demeanour and a smile on his face that’s worth a million bucks, it still feels off. 
But against your better judgment and the fact that you were waiting almost half an hour in the insufferable cold for the bus that’s yet to come, you hesitantly get closer to the car, with a frown on your face as clear as day. 
When you’re close enough, you stop. You look at him, trying to find any expression he might give away so that you can have a proper excuse as to why you have this dreadful feeling in the pit of your stomach. All you get from him is what seems to be a reassuring smile.
Oh, what the hell you think as you decide to open the car door and get in the passenger’s seat. Putting all your insecurities at the back of your mind. 
“Thank you…” you say, giving him a small smile, as you buckle the seatbelt. 
He stirs the wheel and takes off to the main road “No problem at all.” he replies, looking straight ahead as he gives a smile of his own, his perfect teeth peaking out just the slightest at the corner of his lip, it could almost be mistaken as a smirk. 
After a couple minutes of silence, what helps you remember that you need to give him your address is the passing of the street the bus usually takes on your way home. You almost jump in your seat at your realization. You quickly turn to face him as you blurt out a little too loud the instructions to get to your apartment. You notice he’s startled by your sudden burst as he looks a couple times back and forth at the road and you, in the end settling on the road once again.
He gives out a chuckle while shaking his head “Nobody ever told you it’s not a good idea to startle someone who’s driving?” 
“S-sorry,” you stutter a reply as you turn your head to gaze down at your lap in embarrassment.
“It’s just… you missed a turn, sorry.” 
He hums in response, you even hear a little “Did I” from him. Your eyes narrow and your brows furrow, that’s a weird thing to say, isn’t it? But you choose not to dwell on it too much.
You wait the rest of the ride in silence, at one point you look out the window, focusing on the passing trees and buildings as they blend in together. Feeling more tired by every passing second, you let yourself drift away. You lazily blink a couple of times as it gets harder and harder to keep your eyes open, you rest your head against the window and eventually, you end up closing them. You don’t even spare a second thought about being alone in a car with a stranger, you don’t think of anything at all actually. 
Your place is only a ten minute ride away, after all.
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morinuu · 6 months
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☀︎|tamaki x female reader drabble. you're a client and jealous asf. pining for tamaki lol. angst? maybe. mention of nsfw but nothing's reealllyyy happening. also u have ear piercings & you know haruhi's a girl.
your hands trembled a bit as you stared at the butter knife in held between your fingers, stopped mid-action from spreading the jam on your bread any further.
ouran had the tendency to make you feel lonely, rejected. generally... unhappy.
although there was one thing existing within the grand corridors of ouran that shone like the sun, blinding, immediately burning all of those emotions away. a tall boy whose smile seemed contagious, never failing to make your chest feel fuzzy and warm, as if you'd met a saint before entering heaven.
his blond hair almost radiated a halo surrounding his head, one you could never help but stop and admire.
but you knew you wouldn't be entering heaven, not when you couldn't defeat the disgusting, vile jealousy that sat in your throat whenever his hands would pat her head. or when his words would compliment her 'cuteness! purely adorable manners!' and whatever else he found just delightful on her.
so maybe he wasn't actually burning the negative emotions away. perhaps he was replacing them with others, and not with better ones.
it took a while before you realised tamaki suoh had been waving his hand in your face to bring you back to the conversation.
"miss yn?"
you blinked your thoughts away and looked back at the boy in front of you. with a quick cough to clear your throat, you nodded at the boy and finished spreading the jam on your toast.
"sorry, what were you saying?" you asked with a gentle voice, trying to seem unaffected by the thoughts occupying your brain viciously.
you didn't want to think you disliked haruhi, because she wasn't a bad person. nor had she done anything wrong. she wasn't the problem.
tamaki was.
he and his stupid amethyst-like orbs that sparkled in the sun under the cherry blossom trees during that shitty event the host club was partaking in. his long slender fingers that didn't hold a single scratch on them, proving just how little they'd physically struggled. his delicate pale neck that would be painted a bright pink whenever haruhi did anything.
he was the damn problem.
because you wished his eyes would stare down at you lovingly instead, while his pretty fingers swiped up your folds and played with your clit, his neck and ears flushed because he was rutting his hips on you, panting because of you.
haruhi wasn't to blame if tamaki refused to smear your lipbalm by kissing and licking your mouth in the changing rooms before he had to entertain another client.
so why was she such an irritating sight?
"is everything okay, dear? you haven't finished your tea yet and our date's almost over. that's unusual for you." he frowned slightly and moved a bit closer to you, brushing your hair out of your face to caress your cheek tenderly, as though you were to break.
you always would take the opportunity and lean into his palm, closing your eyes a bit to pretend that any of it was real. he made it seem real every time. and every time you fooled yourself without failure.
'he remembered my tea order!' last week.
'he noticed my haircut!' the month before.
and all those other small, teeny tiny specks of attention he paid to you - they all contributed to your delusions.
"everything's fine, tamaki. i'm just a bit tired. thank you for asking." you assured him and thrived in the feeling of his warm hand on your cheek for however many seconds he'd keep it there before inevitably having to stop.
you wished you could lean just a bit more to the left and peck and bite his fingers as softly as you could.
"if anything is on your mind, remember you can always share it with me, darling. you know i care for you." his hand moved up to caress your ear, the pad of his fingertips tenderly playing with all sorts of different jewellery you'd inserted throughout the surface, before it moved down to your jaw and finally completely separated from your face to rest back on his lap.
oh how you hated (or, tried to at least) his gentle stare and angelic voice that spewed lies in your face shamelessly for money.
that same stupid voice that suddenly got honest and passionate only for the first-year girl disguised as a petit boy.
you shook your head and gave a polite smile, repeating to him that "everything's fine" because you'd rather have the earth swallow you whole than admit your stomach was twisting and turning with raw, sinful envy.
tamaki opened his mouth to say something else, but just before his melodic voice could escape his throat, a yellow dress worn by his next client came into view. 'oh, right. end of appointment.'
"until next time, dear." he chuckled a bit before kissing the back of your hand as farewell.
he might've been called a prince in his club, but your type was always 'the dickheads' as your mum called them. in an ironic way, it made complete sense.
you stared at him walking away while trying to finish your aforementioned tea but to no avail. it was too bitter on your tongue, despite it being your favourite drink of choice, and you couldn't help but feel guilty. because you knew the reason you couldn't stomach it anymore wasn't because it'd gotten cold.
but because just before he went to sit with his next client, he went to check on haruhi.
because he would never turn to look at you the same way - or at all really.
it felt like he belonged to her, with her, and your pathetic attempts at getting closer to him were just an example of you being impudent.
you knew tamaki would never be yours.
and you didn't hate haruhi, but you really fucking wished she would disappear.
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 1 month
To the root
There are many words to describe the sight before you. Cute, adorable, precious, endearing. But none of them seems to fit just right.
You hold your warm cup of hell grey tea in both hands. Sipping the hot liquid and letting the temperature ease your body. You lean back in your chair and close your eyes. Listening to your company's conversation.
"The petals coloration was beautiful, don't you think?" "The roots seemed to be very healthy as well, I'm sure this specimen will flourish." It was soothing to hear the two demons babbling.
You open your eyes to see both Shichiro and Suzy chatting away. The two geeked out over the Cherry blossom tree Iruma had grown. Comparing notes and taking pictures.
It should be illegal for the pair to be so charming. Maybe this was why you didn't see them speak together so often. Everyone else knew how deadly the combination was and kept them apart for the sake of everyone else's blood pressure.
You pour some more tea into the cups. Suzy was practically in the gargoyles lap as they debated over the unknown properties of the plant. You chuckle.
This causes both demons to look at you. Both seem embarrassed about forgetting your presence. 'Ah, thank you for the meal. I'm eating well today.' You thought cheerfully as you take in the sight.
"Cherry trees are actually common where Iruma and I come from." You smiled as you saw their wide eyes. The curiosity filled them. Watching the two lean closer to you.
Their vines are either consciously or unconsciously starting to surround you to keep you in place. "Then you must know some uses of them, yes?" "Yis, don't be greedy dear, share some knowledge."
"Hmmm, I might be inclined to..." You teased softly. You laugh as you're pounced on by the plant loving duo. The combined weight causes you to fall further into the snare vines.
"Medicine, furniture, food, lotions, there is nothing this tree can't offer." It's true, many purposes came from such a well-rounded specimen. You gaze up at the petals as they float down.
You remember the sweet taste of cherry jam, the scent of cherry blossom perfume. Cultures on earth had used the plant as remedies for who knew how long.
Many humans adored the coloration of cherry wood for their furniture. It was an expensive taste. You soaked in the many questions and answered best you could.
You even gave a demonstration of turning the petals into essential oils. It was amusing to have them drool and rave over your limited knowledge. The gears turning in their heads.
You knew they were going to me running all sorts of experiments on the plant now. It was not something you would see in your old world. People usually did not openly display such enthusiasm to such an extent.
It was something you would remember for a long time. Another precious memory to add to your collection. You hoped many more would come.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
omg okay, requests are closing soon and i just remembered something i strongly believe is true and now i need you to make it come to life ^^ not requesting through anon this time :D
established steddie, and they've been dating for several months now. neither of the two have said they love the other yet, but as much as steve would love to verbally admit to eddie that he loves and is absolutely in love with him, steve just doesn't. because he can't brinf himself to. he got traumatized after nancy called him and their relationship bullshit when he thought that they were in love. so now, steve refuses to be the one to say it first. cue eddie just spilling out his entire heart to steve and spewing out the most wholesome love confession known to man and erasing the poor boy's worries that he's unlovable
I LOVE SAPPY LOVE CONFESSIONS! Especially when Steve is feeling unsure of himself and his feelings. This has been written in short bursts, so I am so sorry if it feels or reads choppy. Vacation has been surprisingly busier than I expected and the wi-fi has bursts of regular functionality and then sloooooooow as molasses. I hope this works for ya! Also, slightly inspired by the lyrics "you asked me why I wasn't saying a word, I'm naming the stars in the sky after you" from Your Needs, My Needs by Noah Kahan. - Mickala ❤️
If Steve knew one thing, it’s that he was born to love Eddie Munson.
Every other person he loved or thought he loved couldn’t even hold a candle to the way he felt about Eddie.
They’d only been together for a month, but it felt like years, it felt like no amount of time could ever be enough.
He loved him more than anything, more than was probably healthy.
But he didn’t say it.
He couldn’t.
His worst fear, even before meeting Eddie, before loving him, was that he would love someone too much and be hurt again.
Looking back at how he loved Nancy, he knew this would be so much worse if Eddie called him bullshit.
So he just held it in, let himself think it and feel it and know it, but refused to say it out loud, not even when he talked to Robin about everything.
He didn’t think it was possible to pine for someone who was your boyfriend, but that’s exactly what was happening.
But he’d been with Eddie for hours now, and he seemed…on edge.
He was happy, still his usual silly self, but it felt rehearsed, like he knew he needed to keep it up for Steve to not be suspicious.
He wasn’t sure what he needed to be suspicious of, but the suspicion was there.
They had pizza for dinner, too tired from their busy weeks at work to cook, and decided to smoke a bit outside.
Eddie loved watching the stars while they smoked, or at least that’s what he told Steve.
Steve noticed that he rarely actually looked up, mostly spending his time watching Steve.
Steve was looking for constellations when he looked over at a surprisingly quiet Eddie.
Eddie was looking at the sky tonight.
“Everything alright tonight, baby?” Steve asked, concern lacing his voice.
“Hm?” Eddie turned his head to look at Steve. “Oh. Yeah, it’s all good.”
“You’re awful quiet tonight.”
“Am I?”
“Guess I’m just busy.”
Steve knew sometimes Eddie’s brain would get busy. He always described it as a traffic jam, where every thought was fighting for dominance, and everything felt equally important even when it wasn’t.
Doing things like this helped.
“Yeah. See that set of stars right there?”
Eddie reached for Steve’s hand, pointing his finger up so he could find it easier.
“The one next to the Little Dipper?” Steve asked, surprised that Eddie had been so focused on the constellations tonight.
“That’s the one,” he turned back to Steve, squeezing his hand as he rested it back against the grass. “I named it Sweetheart.”
“Oh? I think it probably already has a name, though.”
“It’s not as good as this one. This one is more important.”
Steve watched as Eddie’s throat bobbed with a hard swallow.
Was he nervous?
“Like your guitar?”
“No, like you.”
Steve’s head whipped around again, his eyes wide as he stared at Eddie, who was smiling at the stars.
Finally, Eddie turned to look at him, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, a soft smile still present.
“You’re my stars and moon and sun, Stevie. You’re everything to me. Ever since I moved in with Wayne, I’ve looked at that set of stars and wondered if they meant something. Like, okay, there’s an infinite amount of constellations, and we’ll never know them all, but what about this one specifically? I wanted to know everything, but no one knew, and no books knew, and maybe I just imagined that it was a collection of space dust that actually wasn’t organized together, but just all separated in a perfect shape. And then I got to know you and you were kind of like that set of stars. Maybe you weren’t a recognized constellation, maybe you are just a bunch of stars thrown together in a way that can only be seen and understood by a few people, but it just makes you more special. So a few weeks ago, I was out here alone, while you were hanging out with Robin, and I realized that they’re you. They’ve been you this whole time. I’ve watched them, I’ve seen them change, I’ve seen things around them change, and now I see it’s you. You’re the stars. You’re my stars, sweetheart. I love you.”
Steve sat up, tears falling from his eyes as he listened to Eddie talk about the stars and him.
How could he see him as something so incredible and bright when no one else did?
“You love me?”
“Of course I do. How could I not?”
“Stevie, you don’t have to say it back, okay? It’s alright. I just want you to know that I love you and nothing is gonna change that.”
Steve stared at him, trying to think of something to say that could possibly compare to what Eddie had just said.
“I love you, too. I don’t, um, I don’t know if I can find words like that, but I do. I have for a long time. I just didn’t want you to think it was bullshit,” Steve rasped out.
“Why would I think it’s bullshit?”
“I guess because I feel so much? I just let my feelings take over and I guess maybe it seems fake? I dunno. Nancy said-”
“Nancy? As in the girl who cheated on you? Who didn’t deal with her grief right and took it out on you? That Nancy?”
Eddie sounded mad. That was the last thing Steve wanted, so he turned his head away, focusing on the tree in front of them.
Eddie’s fingers gripped Steve’s jaw, turning his face to look back at him.
“The way you feel has never and will never be bullshit, Steve.”
He hadn’t called him Steve since before he was in the hospital.
“I need you to believe that. You are not bullshit. Your feelings aren’t bullshit. None of what we have is bullshit.”
“I understand.”
“I love you. More and more every single day. Okay?”
“Okay. I love you too. So much.”
Steve let Eddie pull him into his lap, into a kiss, slowly laying back on the grass and pulling Steve along with him.
His kiss turned hungry, teeth pulling Steve’s bottom lip between them, sucking until Steve let out a moan.
“You wanna go inside, sweetheart?”
Steve nodded as Eddie kissed down his jaw, his neck, licking along his collarbone.
“C’mon, starlight. I’ve got a lot of love to show you.”
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callofdudes · 1 year
Hello! I loved your simon riley x autistic reader headcanons. Could you do simon riley x adhd-c reader, if you're comfortable with that?
I've been struggling lately and would love some comfort from our favorite LT 💖
Ah, welcome fellow neurodivergent people! :)
Just a small reminder that I do not have ADHD and something I say that may be inaccurate. My here to spread love and learn 😊
ADHD-C Reader x Simon Riley
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Before we start let me just say you and Johnny are demons for this man. The two ADHD soldiers running around and causing several layers of chaos everywhere. He loves you both but... Why? Is his question.
Ghost watches you closely. You have a history of doing your tasks with less than diligent hands and often getting distracted somewhere along the processing line.
Ghost understood this when he learned about your ADHD, seeing the shed half washed or entire patches of dirt having been missed. The van not cleaned out right or a task completely disregarded.
Ghost will gently guide you back, helping you finish. Ghost has also been trying to find way for making your tasks funner and more interesting to focus on to try and hold your attention. (ie: hanging streamers on the shed you have to wash away with the hose) to try and keep the creative stimulation going for a bit longer.
Gun cleaning is something you especially struggle with. And it's very important. You don't want your gun going wrong or getting jammed on a mission and exploding your head off. Ghost has made this very clear to you several times.
You'd remember... If you didn't have trouble listening as well. Things he says goes in one ear and out the other. Ghost isn't entirely sure if it even gets that far. And sometimes it can be annoying, getting through a briefing and having you ask him five minutes later what you are doing.
But he's patient. Oooh so patient.
He honestly isn't sure if giving you a fidget toy during briefings makes any difference in whether you're listening to him. Your eyes aren't on him so it doesn't really feel like it.
This is also why you're not allowed on solo missions unless you have a paper objective stuck to your forehead. You get so pent up over the stress and pressure of solo missions you completely forget what you were even doing there in the first place.
And a lot of times you do get stressed and can break down over not being able to get anything done. Which usually results in frustrated tears and exhaustion. Simon is there for you though.
"Hey, sergeant, what's going on?" Ghost stopped you in the hallway, looking at you for answers while you tried to wipe your tears. "Let me go, I can't help-"
"Hey," Ghost grips your shoulder a little tighter. "What's got you in a twist?"
"All my tasks, it's 2:00 and I haven't gotten anything done." You choke out, thinking he'll be mad.
But he's not. Not at you at least.
"Ok, that's alright. I want you to take a few deep breaths for me ok? Can you try to do that?"
You nod, stifling out some deep breaths and slowly calming down. "Good, you're doing amazing." Ghost rubs your back. "How about we go and do your tasks together, yeah?"
Your smile is a little wobbly but you nod. "Please??"
"Of course, let's go see what you have to do."
Ghost will help you, but he can also push his weight. Sometimes when you just seem genuinely bored with a task and nothing can fix it, he's going to push you. He knows it's extremely hard but this is a place for push and progress, so he'll stand by you and help you finish it despite the lack of stimulation to your brain.
"Absolutely not, sit down. Finish your work."
You whine, finding it physically impossible not to fidget and get up from your desk to find something to do.
"I can put on some music or get you another juice box? But you are not getting up until this is done. I can give you a stretch break and let you roll on the floor for a bit or something, but no leaving your office until it's done."
You look up at him with a pouty lip and he pokes it, pushing it back into place. "I'm serious about this one y/n, I'm here to help you however you need but I need you to finish this ok.?"
You sigh and read the next question on your yearly evaluation. "Sex? Like, gender??"
Ghost nods.
"Oh! Did you know my cousin is having a kid and they don't want to know the sex? Why do they even have gender reveal parties..? I would use green if I ever had kids because green is a good color. Like trees are green, and grass and-"
"Focus. We're drawing it all back in, look at me."
You look over at Ghost. "Huh?"
"Look at me, we're drawing all of the thoughts back to me, right?"
You nod, keeping your eyes on him.
"Good, now, answer the question, that question only and then you're mostly done. Ok?"
You nod. "Ok, yeah, I can do that."
"Awesome, answer that last question."
Ghost likes to reward you for being persistent and pushing through difficulties. However.. he's learned the hard way not to tell you he's going to surprise you with something until it's over. Because you won't stop talking about it, or thinking about it. And then nothing ever gets done.
He also helps you get to bed. You can get distracted by so many things bedtime is overwhelming a lot. Simon will be there for you when it's late, helping you from whatever activity you are doing.
He makes sure you don't drink any coffee or anything a couple hours before bed, and tries to get you to bed around the same time every day.
"Did you brush your teeth? No, then let's do that before bed."
"Do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?"
"Into bed little tree climber." Simon will joke. He knows you're an adult but it's still funny.
You sigh, looking at him while he runs his fingers through your hair and slowly massages your shoulder with the other, trying to relax you. You won't sleep if you're so tense.
You finally close your eyes, slowly relaxing while he runs his hands over your shoulders and down your sides in gentle motions to relax your spine and back, helping release all the tension and stress after the long day of running around.
"Im going to put on some music ok? Just take some deep breaths, try to close your eyes and sleep."
Simon turns on some slow music for you to help your brain calm down from all the zoomies of the day. He stated by your side, the room in total darkness with only the gentle music playing.
And soon enough you were off to bed.
Simon knows a lot of people find you exhausting. And sometimes you do tire him out, but he'll help you. He knows you need it a lot, and he'll always be there to gently nudge you in the right direction.
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eastwindmlk · 4 months
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After mentioning that I had an idea for a Jilypad fic the plunny would not leave me alone. For now this is just a cheeky short bit. a micro-oops if you will, but in the future this might blossom into something more.
There is a farmer’s market in Godric’s Hollow that Lily loves to visit. It was her Saturday morning ritual. Some time to herself while her husband took care of the kids. Entertaining them with games of chase and the toy brooms that still make her nervous. 
Something she did her best not to think about while she browsed the seasonal selection of vegetables. Chatting to the lady running a stand with jams and jellies, leaving with a jar of gooseberry jam and a host of new advice on how to handle the abundance of cherries that grew in the backyard. 
Her next stop was the old vicar who sold honey, something she was running low on running a household of incurable sweet teeth. Ending up having a sneaky cup of mead while they talked about the charity auction her husband was helping out with. 
Leaving the stall a little more giddy than she had come, two bottles of homemade honey wine slipped into her basket. Something to enjoy when the little ones were down. As long as she promised to not have another accident. 
She considered three to be more than enough, and none of them had been planned. But she had learned that life was what happened in between the plans. So, it was only fitting that is how her family came to be. 
It was when she was mulling over the elderberry cordial that it caught her eye. A flash from the past sent the glass bottle tumbling down to the ground, splashing her sandalled feet with the sticky substance. 
“I’m so sorry,” the redhead gasped, suddenly breathless. Stooping down to help gather the shards of glass. Delicate fingers reaching out of the thick bottom piece. 
There was a sharp pain, making her wince. Her eyes focussed on the crimson drop mixing into the golden liquid. Feeling hands grabbing her shoulders while she reeled backwards. 
“It’s all good. I will take care of it.” The voice sounded far away, even though she could feel the presence of right beside her. 
Squeezing her eyes closed, Lily pulled herself back together as much as she could. “Goodness me, I am a little out of sorts,” she excused. Her eyes roamed the market square, trying to confirm that her eyes were playing tricks on her. 
Yet, there, just down the main street, stood a man whom she would recognize anywhere. From the windswept mess of hair and the glasses to the boots. She could almost smell the cologne, the memory of his voice rushing into her head. Something she had thought she’d long forgotten. 
“Go home, Lily.” The vicar had joined them, his firm hand on the small of her back. Steering her away from the apparition across the street. “Do you want me to walk you home?” 
Shaking her head vigorously, Lily adjusted the basket on her arm before marching off. Feet carrying her faster and faster, craving the safety of home. Of somewhere she could break down in the safety of her husband’s arms. 
Keeping up a brisk pace, she made her way to their cottage, hearing the laughter of her children rising from the backyard. The redhead hurried down the garden path, through the front door. 
The moment her basket was securely on the side table, she whipped around. Doing something she had not done in forever. She locked and bolted the front door. Fingers trembling on the twist lock. 
It was then that her head leaned against the cool wood, and the tears came. 
Light-headed, Lily slowly slid down to her knees. Shoulders shaking quietly. In the distance, she heard their house phone ring. The concern in her husband’s voice was audible, even in her state. 
“I’ll be sure to do that. Thank you, Martin.” Great, it seemed that her state had already become the talk of their little village. The local doctor already checking in on her. 
What would they think of her? Did they also see him? Would they remember? It had nearly been a decade since he vanished, after all. 
A pair of firm hands wrap around her, pulling her into a bone-crushing embrace that is every bit as firm as she needs it to be. 
“I got you, Lils.” His voice is soft and reassuring. His breath fanning over her neck. The slight sensation gave her something to hold on to. Find her way back to herself enough to grab onto his arm. 
Pulling in a shaky breath, Lily moved his arm away from her. Turning around to find grey eyes clouded with worry. 
Trembling fingers cradling his face as she leaned her forehead against his. “I saw him.” Her voice not rising above a choked whisper. Seeing the disbelief on his face. 
“It was him, I am sure of it.” Watching the gears turning, shock settled over him as they both stared at each other in silence. 
It was Harry’s voice that broke it, running in with his crying sister in tow. “Dad, Effie dropped her doll in the pool! Now she is upset it is all wet,” He informed before he’d even made it to the entryway. 
Both their faces turned to face their oldest, standing in the middle of the doorway, frowning at them. “Should I leave you two alone? Is this one of those moments?”
The juxtaposition of their mood and his question spurred the pair into action. Lily pulled away and smiled at her son. “No, no, this is not one of those moments,” she forced a smile and pushed herself up. Feeling the stick of the elderflower cordial on her shins. 
“Can you rescue Mrs Morrison? I need a quick shower,” she asked with an apologetic smile. Feeling bad for having dropped this news on him only to bail out immediately.  
Still, despite them both being thoroughly rattled, the classic, careless smile appeared on his face. Leaning in for a kiss on the cheek, the calloused pad of his thumb brushing along her cheekbone before releasing her. 
Once upstairs, Lily shed her clothes and dipped into the shower. Enjoying the cool water down her back before scrubbing herself down. Starting to feel a little calmer now she was home.
Maybe she had been wrong. Perhaps it was a summer phantom, conjured up by the July heat, that had made her see things. 
As Lily, wrapped in a fluffy bath towel and hopping over a few toys strewn along the landing, made her way to the bedroom, she felt almost calm. Even more so when she methodically went through the steps of dressing. 
Seeing her little family play in the shade of their ginkgo tree from her bedroom window brought a smile back to her face. 
Of course, she had not seen anything. That would be impossible. After all this time, she should have known better. 
A crashing sound from the garden below caught her attention, a wailing cry for her. Forgoing a bra, she pulled the kaftan over her head and rushed down the stairs. 
The little urchin crashed into her arms the moment she stepped foot in the kitchen. Lifting the two-year-old up, cradling him in her arms. Gently brushing his auburn locks away from the red mark on his forehead. 
“Did we have a little oops?” she cooed, planting a gentle kiss on the spot. “Why don’t we see if we have some ice cream in the freezer?” A suggestion that made Al beam and chortle. 
“I for ice cream! I!” he exclaimed, throwing his arms up and squirming out of the redhead’s arms to scamper towards the freezer. Clearly knowing all too well where they kept the treats.  
Just when Lily was about to join the toddler pulling hard at the freezer door, the rattling of the front door drew her eyes. Heart jumping into her throat, Lily wordlessly summoned her wand from the basket in the hallway. 
The lock clicked open, and from the summer heat, the phantom appeared once more. 
He was older than the image in her memory, a scar adoring his sharp features, trailing from his temple to the middle of his cheek. Gold eyes met hers, lip curling into a familiar smile as he spoke.
“Honey, I’m home.” 
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malarkgirlypop · 6 months
MEDIC! Part 26 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Well hey gang, I have been so busy I left Emily all alone. But got some inspo and finished the chapter. I don't think the inspo was that happy but oh well whatever floats my boat apparently. Babe learns in this chapter that he is a feminist! He's so sweet! We love him! George also is a cutie, and so are Don and Emily. A bunch of cuties in this chapter, I tell ya.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @panzershrike-pretz, @xxluckystrike, @bucky32557038ww2, @b00ks1ut, @footprintsinthesxnd, @paula-912, (please tell me if I missed you seriously)
I buried my face into Don’s chest as the light streamed through the cracks in the curtain. I hadn’t felt more rested in years. His arms held me close all night, shooing away all the monsters that lurked in the corners of my mind. For once I had dreamt, and it had been a pleasant dream. Not that I can remember exactly what happened, but the anxiety that normally tightened in my chest when I woke wasn’t there. Don wriggled under me, his hand coming up to cup my cheek. His fingers pulled me gently to look up at him. I smiled sleepily at him, my eyes still half closed.
“How did you sleep?” Don asked, looking down at me. 
“Like a baby!” I couldn’t help the giddy laugh that fell from my lips. My stomach doing somersaults. This had been the first time we shared a bed. Sure, we slept in close quarters in Bastogne, but in a hole with two other men in the freezing cold. So it was quite different to share a warm bed under a roof, with just the two of us. 
I grinned up at him, feeling so loved. I couldn’t stop smiling. Don’s eye glanced down at his wrist, where the watch sat on his arm. 
“SHIT!” He blurted sitting up, causing me to fall off his chest and onto the bed. I face planted into the mattress groaning. 
“What?” I asked annoyed, as he flung himself out of the bed, throwing the covers off me in the process. 
“We are moving out today! We are moving out now!” He said as he hastily got dressed. My eyes widened, looking at my own watch, fuck we were going to be left behind if we didn’t get a move on. Don pulled on his pants hopping around the room, one leg in and one out. He hopped on one foot trying to jam his leg into the pant hole. He wobbled around trying to keep his balance. I watched him fall in slow motion, his foot caught in the hole, as he tumbled to the ground. I burst out in giggles, the image of him falling replaying in my head. The more I thought about it the harder I laughed. 
“Em, stop laughing and get dressed!” He hurried me, but I could barely breathe, let alone get out of bed and get dressed. He joined in, unable to suppress his own laughter. 
“I’m crying!” I said in a high pitched voice through tears of laughter. I moved from off the bed still laughing as I got dressed, having to stop when the giggles became too much. I took a deep breath finally composing myself. I packed my things away into my bag, and pulled on my shoes. 
“I’m gonna grab my bag. Save me a seat.” Don said, placing a kiss on my forehead, before leaving out the door. I nodded as he left. 
I made my way onto the street, the men getting into the trucks. I spotted Lieb and the others loading into the truck. I moved faster towards them, Lieb saw me giving me a wave and pointing at the bench beside him. 
“IT’S MY DOG! SHE’S TAKING MY DOG!” I looked over my shoulder in fright from the loud voice that boomed over the noise. My eyes fell onto Lew, as he harshly threw his helmet to the floor while he yelled. I watched Winters and Lip in front of him looking sorry for the man. I didn't get to wonder about what that was about, as Christenson walked past me, his hand landing on my shoulder pulling me from my focus on Lew. 
“Let’s go Em!” He yelled, giving me a firm pat. I nodded, heading in the direction of the trucks. 
Lieb offered me his hand pulling me up into the bed of the vehicle. I sat down beside him and Web, saving a space for Don. He arrived shortly after, climbing into the back and sitting down beside me. I heard the men talking amongst themselves. 
“Sarge, what do you have in here? Germans?” Garcia said, heaving Bull’s rucksack into the truck.
“Hey, Perconte. You got a lighter?” I heard Ron’s voice carry over the rest of the noise. I glanced over, seeing him standing with a cigarette hanging off his lip. 
“No, sir. I don’t smoke.” Perconte told the Captain. I tilted my head, I know he doesn’t smoke but he does in fact have a lighter. It clicked, Perconte and Ron were very similar. As everyone knew Ron was very sticky-fingered, taking whatever he wanted without a care. But over time I had noticed that Frank was the same, however only a few people had picked up on his stealing habits. He quietly collected many things, watches, medical supplies, scissors, anything really. You would never see him take anything though, he was very sneaky in his ways. Then you would go through his things and find an accumulation of nicknacks. George told me when they first landed on D-Day that Frank went around collecting all of the watches off the dead German soldiers. By the end of the week both of his forearms were ticking so loudly George could hear it in his sleep.  
It made sense that Frank was reluctant to give up his trusty lighter to the Captain who was notorious for not giving things back.    
“Where are we headed?” Frank asked.
“We’re going to the Alps. Let me see that lighter.” Ron demanded casually, knowing that Frank did have a light.
Frank sighed, reaching down into his pocket, pulling out the lighter and handing it to Ron. 
“The Alps?” He asked again. I didn’t know where we were supposed to be going, but by the sounds of it, the men hadn’t been told the same thing. 
“Yeah.” Ron confirmed, lighting his smoke. 
“That near Berlin, sir?” Bull asked from beside him. 
“No.” Ron replied. 
“That’s in Bavaria.” Webster said from behind the Captain. I couldn’t help but chuckle, he just always looked so lost. “The birthplace of National Socialism.” Webster informed the men who didn’t seem to care for the piece of trivia he had blurted at them. 
“So that mean no drop into Berlin?” Luz asked Speirs, throwing the baseball he had into his glove on the other hand. We were supposed to be dropping into Berlin? Because I don’t know if I would’ve made it, not being parachute trained and all. Would I have been left behind? 
“No drop into Berlin. Hitler ordered the Waffen SS to hole up in the mountains and repel all invaders.” Ron raised his voice louder for all the men around to hear him. “He wants them to start a guerrilla war.” Ron told them men as he puffed on his cigarette.               
“Invaders.” Bull grinned. “Damn, I like the sound of that.” He strode off, probably in search of his own platoon. George climbed into our truck as well. Perco stood hanging off the framing, eyeing up the Captain. 
“They’ll die, the last man trying.” Ron said. He turned, walking away. 
“Sir.” Perco called him. 
“What?” He asked, swinging back around to face Frank.
“My lighter.” Perco said, extending his hand. He knew all too well that if he let Speirs get away with it now he would never see it again.
Speirs did a double take of the lighter he had in his grasp. Not looking all too keen on giving it back. Perco stood his ground, hand still out stretched. 
“All right. Nice lighter.” Speirs said, begrudgingly throwing Frank back his possession.
I settled back into my seat, talking with Don who sat beside me as we set off again. We fell into easy conversation with each other and the men who sat close by. 
George and Perco told Don how they snuck back to the barn we had been to previously to get more eggs. I laughed loudly saying that George was probably trying his luck again with the German woman since I wasn’t there to drag him away. He denied it adamantly, but from the twinkle in his eye I knew I was right. 
The men started singing loudly, they were all very excitable about going to the new destination. It was starting to feel like this was all almost over and hopes were getting high again. There was more joy, less sadness in the eyes of the men. We weren’t cold, or hungry. No one was dying, we weren’t being blown to pieces by Kraut artillery. We had showers and beds, roofs over our heads.
“He ain’t gonna jump no more!” The men bellowed as we bounced along in the truck. “Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die. Gory, gory what a hell of a way to die. He ain’t gonna jump no more.” I laughed as Don sang in my face, a bright smile on his lips. I was being nudged by George from across the truck, he was as usual egging me on to sing. 
“Christ was strapped around his neck, connectors cracked his dome. Suspension lines were tied around his skinny bones. The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground, and he ain’t gonna jump no more.” I made a face, listening to the lyrics. It was such a happy tune but the lyrics were about a man hurtling to his death from the plane. 
“Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die. Gory, gory what a hell of a way to die. He ain’t gonna jump no more.” I joined in on the chorus, the men seemingly very pleased at my participation as George hooted and hollered. 
“He hit the ground, the sound was ‘SPLAT’, his blood went spurting high. His comrades, they were heard to say, ‘A hell of a way to die!’ He lay there, rolling ‘round in the welter of his gore, he ain’t gonna jump no more.” My eyes widened as I listened, jesus why is this song so violent? 
The men sung the whole song, with great enthusiasm. I on the other hand was a bit traumatised by the lyrics. 
“Hey Em!” George yelled over the rumble of the engine, I nodded leaning in further to hear him speak. “What does ‘pop that pussy’ mean?” I pulled back to look at him, to ensure I had heard him correctly. 
“I’m sorry?” I said shocked. 
“The other day, the song you sang, you said ‘pop your pussy’.” George asked, eyes wide like a small school boy. 
“Oh!” I remembered, finally putting together the pieces of what the hell he was talking about. It all finally hit me. I keeled over in fits of giggles. He had told O’Keefe that he would understand when he was older, but in reality George didn’t actually know. 
“Oh George!” I laughed, patting him on the shoulder. “Sweet innocent George.” I teased, pinching his cheek. 
“I am not innocent, I’ll have you know.” He exclaimed, shooing away my hand from his face. I laughed harder. 
“What do you think it means?” I asked, seeing if he had any inkling at all as to what it meant. 
“Well I know that pussy is in relation to the.” He paused a blush rising to his face. “Well you know the-” He motioned with his head down my crotch. “You know!” 
“Ok yes I know what you mean, continue.” I wanted him to stop jerking his head towards my privates. 
“But I don’t know what ‘pop that’ means.” George confessed. I bit my lip trying to suppress my laugh, why did he look so serious about this? 
“Ok so ‘pop that pussy’, just means to have sex. But I think it’s like a certain position.” I said, trying to remember what it actually meant. George nodded along. “I think it’s from behind.” I raised my eyebrows sending him a joking wink. There was a pause as we looked at each other before we both burst out laughing. 
“George, why did I have to explain that to you!” I complained while we giggled. 
“Well you sang it!” He explained throwing the blame back onto me. 
“You egged me on!” I threw it right back at him. 
“Yeah I just wanted to hear you sing!” He protested. I stopped straightening. 
“Why?” I asked. 
“You’re a good singer, I like listening to you.” He confessed. I blushed, pushing him gently.
“Stop, you’re so cute.” I said, hiding my face in my hands.
“I only heard you that one time, and now I want more!” George said. 
“Stop it!” I giggle, hitting him. 
“No, I don’t sing. Not for people. I just sing in the shower.” I shook my head. 
My mum always tried to get me to perform for people but I always got the worst stage fright. I think she was just so proud of me and wanted everyone to see me shine, but I hated being the centre of attention. She also begged me to sing at her funeral but I was barely functioning so I didn’t sing as she asked. I feel so guilty about it now. She always begged me to sing, much like George and I always said no. I think she would’ve asked me to sing for her even if I was terrible. 
“You would sing for me, right?” George asked, my heart felt heavy in the moment. The interaction reminded me so much of my mother. I guess this was my opportunity to take back my guilt. 
“I would sing for you anytime, George.” I lent my head on his shoulder, taking his hand in mine. His arm swung around my back pulling me in. 
“Ah, I knew you would.” He said, giving me a tight squeeze.     
My butt ached from the hard seats and bumpy ride. I was so bored, we had been driving for ages. Lieb had given me some of his gum to chew since I was starting to feel motion sick. Least the scenery was nice to look at, I pointed out every animal I saw like I was five again. 
“Oh cows!” I yelled pointing to the field we were passing. “Say hi to the cows, Don.” I waved over at them. “Hi cows.” All he did was laugh at me. 
“When are we going to be there!” I sighed defeated. I needed to pee, but we hadn’t stopped in ages, and it was hot sitting in the sun. I was so tired and just wanted to get off the truck to stretch my legs. 
“I’m sure we will be there soon.” Don said, resting his head on my shoulder. 
“Hey Don?” I asked, dipping my head down so he could hear me better. He hummed in response. 
“What makes you happy?” I let the question fall from my lips. I didn’t mean for it to be so deep, but it came out before I could stop it. 
“That’s a good question.” He said sitting up and facing me. 
“My family, my friends, you. You make me very happy. Sunny days. Pancakes in the morning. Going on walks. Kissing you. The sounds of birds chirping. Making you laugh. Your happiness. What else makes me happy?” He thought out loud. I couldn’t help the blush that rose to my cheeks. The flutter in my chest only grew faster, from all his sweet words. 
“Waking up with you in my arms, but that’s more than happiness. It’s love. You make me love everything. I don’t know how, but the days seem brighter, everything seems sweeter. The colours all seem so vivid. You just seem to make everything better, more brilliant.” I was grinning now like a mad woman, my face hurt from how hard I was smiling. Don moved forward, placing a kiss to my cheek. I just about swooned off the truck. 
“Hey love-birds, knock it off will you, you’re making me sick.” Lieb kicked at us from across the truck. I poked my tongue out at him in response. The other men joined in around us throwing out complaints. But all with smiles on their faces.   
I stood out by the trucks as they cleared the buildings. I felt torn in my feelings. I hated that we had to kick them out onto the street, but what if they supported Hitler’s views I didn’t feel too bad. I watched the families exit the building looking around for their next move, they sent glares in my direction. I lent against the truck waiting for the men to tell me it was clear to go inside. A family passed by me, the parents spitting at my feet. I looked at them, disgust clear on my face. The mother of the family glared back, I watched as she noticed that I wasn’t a male, her face contorting into a look of determination. The woman was quick, darting over to me, I didn’t even get a chance to react as she took me by the collar of my shirt. 
“Du bist keine gute Schlampe!” She cursed in my face, I didn’t need to know German to figure out she wasn’t saying anything nice. “Du solltest verdammt noch mal sterben!”
“Hey, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Babe shouted as he marched closer. The woman loosened her grip, but was still staring me down. She spat in my face, I flinched back, recoiling from her. Babe didn’t even have time to grab her before she scurried away. I wiped her spit from my cheek feeling repulsed by her actions. 
“What was that all about?” Babe asked, bending down slightly to make sure I was ok. I shook my head, confused myself. Did she think because I was a female that she could accost me so easily? 
“I have no idea. Is the building cleared?” I asked just wanting to go inside and wash my face. Babe nodded. He led the way inside. 
I had asked Babe not to say anything about the situation he had witnessed, he had complained, saying the woman needed to be dealt with. 
“Babe we are only staying the night, we took their houses from them, in an aggressive manner. Other than spitting on me she didn’t really do any damage. It’s fine, just leave it.” I tried to calm down the red head, as he frantically paced back and forth in the small room. He had been so wound up, looking ready for a fight. He had threatened before to go and find her and bring her to Speirs.  
“What about we go play some cards, I think Luz and Tab said they were going to play.” But it was no use. He was so angry for me. I think he was even angrier because I wasn’t. It was terrible to say but as a woman, in any time, it was something I was used to. We are always taught to be pleasant and polite. It was unbecoming to be overly emotional. It was normal to be harassed and assaulted, and just to be ok with it. It was normal, something we got used to. It made me so sad to think about the percentage of women who were assaulted every year, and that there were no repercussions for the assailant. I didn’t even realise it before but I had belittled the things she did to me. She only spat in my face, it could’ve been worse, I’m not physically injured so I’m fine. But I was still assaulted, she had manhandled me, and then spat in my face. I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face. I wasn’t angry. I was sad.
“Babe.” I uttered softly, he stopped his pacing noticing the change in my tone. 
“Let’s just go.” I had given up. 
“But-” Babe started. I shook my head softly, my brows knitting together. 
“It’s done. I don’t want to think about it anymore.” My voice said softly, it didn’t even sound like my own voice. He nodded, sighing. 
“Oh, Babe, it’s ok.” I tried to reassure him, taking his hand in mine. 
“But it isn’t.” Babe countered. 
“No you’re right. It isn’t, but I’m used to it.” I gave him a small sad smile. I almost burst into tears seeing the realisation wash over his features. As if everything clicked into place for him. He understood what I meant, and what that meant for me. That he couldn’t protect me, not always, as much as he wanted too.
“Let’s go.” I whispered gently tugging at his hand still clasped in mine. He nodded gently, following behind me.
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