apptrait · 10 months
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therealraeweber · 2 months
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I- thanks Bill. Very cool.
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ikishima · 5 months
Opening a post of someone on here asking for skincare recs and seeing every single one suggested either fall under “company that directly states their support for israel” or “company that does business with israel” was very jarring, are you guys seriously limiting yourselves to the bds list and “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” excusing yourself for every other thing you buy? Like the bds list is the bare MINIMUM. You’re bare minimum-ing your support for divesting from an apartheid state & limiting your financial impact for the continuation of the genocide against Palestinians? Your skincare routine is not more important than other people’s literal lives.
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wedding-shemp · 1 year
caving and buying the $60 square reader
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techdriveplay · 3 months
How Can I Optimize My Nutrition with Apps?
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a balanced diet can be challenging. However, with the advent of nutrition-focused apps, achieving your dietary goals has never been easier. These apps provide personalised meal plans, track your nutrient intake, and offer guidance on making healthier choices. So lets answer the question of “How Can I Optimize My Nutrition with Apps?”Statistics show that…
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karlnelsone-blog · 5 months
QR Barcode Reader / QR Code Scanner functionality: Create QR, Scan QR from image, and Scan QR from Gallery, Share your contact info via QR, share images to scan from other apps, generate QR codes, share scan QR and barcode details to other. QR Barcode Scanner and Barcode reader can scan and read all QR / barcode types including text, url, ISBN, product, contact, calendar, email, location, Wi-Fi and many other formats.
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enterlogixcorporation · 10 months
Top Barcode Reader App - Enterlogix Corporation
Enterlogix Corporation presents its innovative Barcode Reader App, a cutting-edge solution for seamless barcode scanning and data retrieval. This user-friendly application offers unparalleled efficiency in inventory management, retail operations, and logistics. With lightning-fast scanning capabilities, it swiftly decodes various barcode formats, enabling swift access to product details and pricing information. The app's intuitive interface ensures effortless navigation, making it ideal for both businesses and consumers. Its robust features streamline workflows, enhancing productivity and accuracy. Enterlogix Corporation's Barcode Reader App stands as a testament to technological advancement, revolutionizing how individuals and businesses interact with barcode data, simplifying operations, and optimizing efficiency.
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fishbloc · 8 months
i cant find if this was mentioned on tumblr, but i wanted to cross-share it over here if no one did
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transcript: Quick PSA. The No Thanks app has been approved and put on the AppStore. It’s a barcode scanner that lets you know if a company backs israel or not. I highly recommend checking it out. It’s also available on google play! (og tweet link)
according to the replies, it may not 100% be accurate (as in missing maybe one or two sub-brands) but for the purpose of the app, it works!
links to download: ios | android
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ohsalome · 10 months
What brands support Ukraine and what brands support Russia?
I'm boycotting all Russian products/Russian supporters etc
Slava Ukraini 💙💛🌻
Heroyam slava 💙💛
Here is a website version:
Here is a mobile app version, I personally perfer it because of the barcode scanner option, but the database used is the same:
Also thank you genuinely for still caring!
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beespaceprogram · 6 months
Sticker Cutter Research
I was looking into getting a sticker cutting machine, and I decided to start by looking into cricut which is a well known brand. I had a look at what models they had than their feature etc, but what I was most concerned about was their software. Printer companies like to lock you into a defacto subscription to support hardware you don't really own, and as I was to discover, cricut are operating in a similar way.
The cricut software is online-only*. To cut your own designs you need to use their software to upload your art to their server. There's no way to cut a new design without a logged-in cricut account and an internet connection. At one point in 2021 they flirted with limiting free accounts to 20 uploads/month but backed down after huge community backlash, as far as I can tell.
The incident spawned several community efforts to write open-source firmware for cricut hardware. Some efforts were successful for specific models/serial numbers, but require cracking open the case and hooking in to the debug contacts to flash the chip; not exactly widely accessible. Another project sought to create a python cricut server you can run locally, and then divert the app's calls to the server to your local one.
I restarted my search, this time beginning with looking for extant open-source software for driving cutters, and found this project, which looks a little awkward to use, but functional. They list a bunch of cutter hardwares and whether they're compatible or not. Of those, I recognised the sihouette brand name from other artists talking about them.
I downloaded the silhouette software to try like I did w the cricut software, and immediately it was notable that it didn't try to connect to the internet at all. It's a bit clunky, in that way printer and scanner software tends to be, but I honestly greatly preferred using it to cricut's sluggish electron app⁺. Their software has a few paid tiers above the free one, adding stuff like sgv import/export/and reading cut settings from a barcode on the input material. They're one-off payments, and seem reasonable to me.
This is not so much a review, as sharing some of the research I've done. I haven't yet used either a cricut or a silhouette, and I haven't researched other brands either. But I wanted to talk about this research because to me, cricut's aggressively online nature is a red flag. Software that must connect to a server to run is software that runs only at the whim of the server owner (and only as long as it's profitable to keep the server up). And if that software is the only thing that will make your several hundred dollars worth of plastic and (cheap, according to a teardown I read) servos run, then you have no guarantee you'll be able to run it in the future.
Do you use a desktop cnc cutter? What has your experience been like with the hardware and software? Do you have any experience from home printers with good print quality and user-refillable ink cartridges?
* Cricut's app tried to connect to more than 14 different addresses, including facebook, youtube, google analytics, datadoghq.com, and launchdarkly.com. Launch Darkly are a service provider that help software companies do a whole bunch of things I'm coming to despise, for example, they offer infrastructure for serving different features to different demographics and comparing results to control groups. You know how at various times you've gotten wildly different numbers of ads than your friends on instagram? They were using techniques like this to work out how many ads they could show without affecting their pickup/engagement rates. Scummy stuff.
⁺ Electron apps are web-pages pretending to be applications. They use heaps of ram, tend to have very poor performance, and encourage frustrating UI design that doesn't follow OS conventions. Discord's app is a notable example of an Electron app
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apptrait · 10 months
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neptune-scythe · 7 months
This app has a master list of brands to boycott and a search box + barcode scanner as well
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There are a lot of brands on here I haven't seen talked about at all so definitely check it out
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ohno-goddammit-haych · 8 months
help send funds to displaced families in gaza
send esims to gazans to connect them to the internet
provide hygiene products/kits to people in gaza
website that you can search for items to boycott, it provides why and with proof.
important Palestinian website with good information of what’s happening/history!
read this booklet that bisan posted on her Instagram story about common israeli propaganda, how to dismantle it, and how to advocate for palestine!
get the No Thanks app! it’s on ios and google play store, it’s a barcode scanner that will tell you if a product supports israel or not
from the 🏞️ to the 🌅, 🇵🇸 will be 🆓
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t00tired-vent · 2 months
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My @n@ apps 🤞
Track- my fave tracker app! Free barcode scanner, cal tracker, weight tracker, water tracker and exercise tracking
Sunrise- fasting tracker ( top right widget is from sunrise )
BMI calculator- self explanatory
Steps app- again pretty self explanatory
Tumblr- to talk to all my ana besties 🤍
Mapmywalk- great for tracking walks/runs, gives you distance walked, time, cals burned and some stats on your walk/run
Photowidget- holds th!nsp0 pics so that I always can see what I’m working towards
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techniktagebuch · 5 months
18. April 2024
Die faszinierend effiziente Mensch-Maschine-Zusammenarbeit der Packstationsbeladung
Ich nutze die gelbe Packstation nur sehr selten, aber weil ich die Versandkostenflatrate des dominierenden Onlinehandelskonzerns mit gekoppeltem Videostreaming kürzlich wegen der Einführung von Werbung dort gekündigt habe, bestelle ich wieder verstärkt in Abholstationen. Denn auch ohne die Versandkostenflatrate kann man sehr viele Dinge ohne Versandkosten bestellen, wenn man sie in eine der Locker genannten eigenen Abholstationen des Anbieters liefern lässt. Und wie sich herausstellt, gilt das auch für allerlei andere Abholpunkte hier in der Gegend, was mir gerade gelegen kommt, denn der eine Locker, den man noch ohne die App des Anbieters mit einem simplen per E-Mail erhaltenen Zahlencode öffnen kann, ist gerade außer Betrieb.
Nun stehe ich also an der gelben Packstation, um ein Paket abzuholen und sehe fasziniert dem Liefermenschen dabei zu, wie er eine Sackkarre voller Pakete auf die Fächer verteilt. Der Workflow dafür funktioniert folgendermaßen: Die Station hat jeweils eine Tür pro Fachgröße offen stehen. Der Bestücker nimmt nun das nächste Paket, hält es kurz vor den Barcodescanner an der Bedieneinheit bis diese einen Quittungston von sich gibt. Nach einem kurzen Kontrollblick auf den Bildschirm stellt er nun das Paket in das kleinste noch passende Fach und schließt dessen Tür. Sofort springt ein anderes Fach dieser Größe auf und es ist Zeit für das nächste Paket. Das geht dermaßen rasend schnell von der Hand, dass die ganze Sackkarre mit ihren etwa 15 Paketen verschiedener Größen in wenigen Minuten eingeräumt ist. Der Trick mit den mehreren offenen Fächern verschiedener Größe ist eigentlich naheliegend, aber er bereitet mir große Freude, weil da offensichtlich eine Person mal ordentlich drüber nachgedacht hat, wie sich diese Mensch-Maschine-Zusammenarbeit so gestalten lässt, dass sie möglichst schnell, fehlerfrei und wenig nervig abläuft. Wenn das mal überall der Fall wäre, denke ich so bei mir und in meinem Kopf spielt Kraftwerks Mensch-Maschine, das mit guten Kopfhörern übrigens noch fantastischer ist, also sowieso schon.
Kurz denke ich dann, dass ich jetzt an der Reihe bin, aber es geht natürlich noch ans Ausräumen der in die Station eingelieferten Pakete. Das läuft sehr ähnlich ab: Ein Fach springt auf und der Bote piepst das entnommene Paket kurz am Scanner der Bedieneinheit ein, bevor es auf die Sackkarre kommt. Auch hier muss ich nicht lange warten, bevor ich den Abhol-Barcode aus der App vor den Scanner halte, was hier – anders als an den Terminals der einen großen Fastfoodkette – auf Anhieb funktioniert.
P.S. Ich bin Werbung und die dahinterstehende Branche so satt, dass ich mich fast überall, wo es geht, von Werbung freikaufe. Das wäre für zusätzliche drei Euro im Monat auch beim erwähnten Videostreamingdienst mit gekoppelter Versandkostenflatrate machbar, aber ich schleppe ohnehin schon lange die ungute Gewissheit mit mir herum, dass dieser Laden aus mehreren guten Gründen zu meiden ist, und das Videostreaming wird bei uns in der Familie wegen des eher zusammengewürfelten Programms ohnehin kaum noch genutzt.
(Gregor Meyer)
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enterlogixcorporation · 11 months
Best Salesforce Consulting Services – Enterlogix Corporation
At Enterlogix Corporation, we understand that your business is unique. That's why we tailor our Salesforce Consulting Services to align with your unique business needs and goals. We offer a wide range of services—from implementing Salesforce for the first time or optimizing your existing Salesforce environment to integrating Salesforce with other systems—to help you achieve greater success.
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