#BBC you can't lose this chance
bookholichany · 7 months
Can someone call BBC and ask them why they're NOT doin' a Staged Bake off , please?????
I mean....
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 1 Episode 6 - A Remedy to Cure all Ills
Before I start, let me just say, I'm really happy I'm getting to rewatch the earlier seasons. Of course the next random episode might be literally season 5 or something, but it's great that it hasn't happened yet.
Let's fucking start bitches
Not the wiggly evil fingers just a few seconds in.
Damn boy you got some dirty ass nails, wash your hands.
MORGWEN MY BELOVEDS!!!! Also the way Gwen looked at Morgana after she asked who'd she want the flowers to be from. Girl looked ready to risk it ALL, let me put a screenshot actually.
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OUGHHHH the brainrot is real with these two
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LIKE??????? GWEN'S THIRSTY (me too)
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Alright girls, enough yearning please
Ugh, I hate the little sound the bug made when it dropped from the flower. Butthole clenched in digust.
Oh thank god they DON'T show it literally entering her ear. That would've been so gross.
Oh Gwen looks BEAUTIFUL in that yellow color. It does everything for her!!
"She's all but dead, Merlin." JESUS FUCKING CHRIST GAIUS
Most suspicious ruse of all time. "Oh, i have a cure for all ills. And also I know the king's ward is very sick. But anyways, I'll be at the inn :)." Bitch.
"But I'm not worried." me when I lie. Merlin is so bad at lying, jesus fuck
Merlin sits down to stop pacing. Arthur gets up and starts pacing. Two sides of the same coin or whatever.
Underrated Arthur shirt is the purplish one he wears in the scene where he begs Uther n Gaius to hear the strange man out. That color looks good on him. It might be his red shirt but in a weird lighting?? I can't be sure.
I really like when Gaius gets to talk all medical considering how limited the medicine world was at the time. It's really really cool, I love seeing this insight into what was possibly like to be a physician at the time. I don't of this happens much in the show.
Arthur really is so trusting when it comes to his loved ones. Of course he's not at fault, like he said what do they have to lose at this point, honestly I've done the same. It's just. Heartbreaking to notice that trait knowing what comes next.
"Science is knowledge." Merlin is such a nerd, I love him.
Oh, not Gaius and Edwin having a lying competition over here. There's a better term for it, but whatever.
Gwen is SO FUCKING GORGEOUS but girl please that's a fucking sorcerer, go AWAY be SAFE. She's so smart though. Immediately knew something was off. He tries to be all "She may die :(." to get her to be worried and not suspicious, but it literally doesn't work. She leaves the room but not because she thinks he's got Morgana's best interests at heart. She knows something is wrong. She also knows she holds no power. And on the chance that he is right and Morgana dies, she'd never forgive herself.
The fucking lying back and forth between Gaius and Edwin. Like. From the outside, it sounds like a perfectly normal convo. But they both know it isn't. And WE know it isn't 'cause we know Edwin's full of shit.
Interesting how Arthur isn't seated but Uther and Morgana are.
Who the fuck knocks on someone's door, doesn't hear an answer, and then just let's themselves in?? I'm sorry, if you're a stranger, I'm not doing that. The fuck's wrong with you Merlin, you nosy boy??
It is so sickening that these villains of the week have views that we can agree with. Yes, magic is a gift and can be a force for good, you're right! But it's because of Uther and his oppression that they turn bitter and ruthless and vindictive. And yes, you do have to eliminate those who are like Uther because they will only propagate the same corrupted and repressive beliefs. The problem, the layers, is that some of those people are actually very much capable of understanding the very fundamental logic that "Sorcerers deserve too live in freedom" but they're so filled with fear and propaganda of the contrary that it's so hard to get out of it. And that's why, if they killed Uther with magic, Arthur would hate magic even more (just like it happens in canon), which would then just repeat the cycle, etc etc. You need to uproot the system, but killing everybody is not the answer; but also having to teach such a fundamental thing, that certain humans deserve basic rights, is such a painful thing to teach, and the oppressed does not have the obligation to do so. But then the cycle just repeats and repeats and it's SHIT. Anyways.
It's so funny that in season 1 they hadn't figured out the cgi for the golden eyes so they just. simply don't show it.
The things Edwin say are like. Well-meaning. But there's just this off vibe that the most intelligent characters (Gaius, Gwen, Merlin) can just. pick up. And even though Merlin really likes what Edwin is saying, there's just something telling him... it's wrong.
Uther, of course, would never even believe anyone would just lie so blatantly and manipulate him like this because he thinks himself very intelligent; which is why he's falling for everythinggg that Edwin says. But, credit where credit's due, Edwin is an excellent liar.
Gaius wears the most cunty ring on his pinky finger, hello?
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I want that ring bro.
Oop, not Gaius having his cowardice and betrayal shoved right in his face. I get it, you wanted safety. But there's consequences to your actions. And I know Gaius feels so guilty about all his friends that died at the stake while he remained safe and sound.
If Gaius would've left in this episode, replaced by Edwin, I bet Morgana would've felt so guilty. In her mind, her illness is what caused him to leave. Gaius truly was there for Morgana and Arthur in ways Uther simply could not.
OOP Gaius and Kilgarrah meeting!!!!!!!! I forgot this happened lmao
Gaius got a little taste of how infuriating the dragon is.
Wait, Gaius was employed for Arthur's birth? That's so interesting. He probably already lived in Camelot but he's been a court physician for 20 years. He was already quite old by then.
It's the way that Gaius is just. Ready to throw his whole life away to make sure Merlin is safe and sound. That's his fucking son, bro!!!
What the actual fuck, they're gonna make me cry :(((( Gaius called Merlin a blessing and his son, I can't.
Gwen is so iconic, speak the fucking truth girl.
Not Gaius with his lil blanket and lil fire. He looks so smol, it's so funny.
Edwin could've waited a lil bit before going all murder on Uther. That just looks suspicious as fuck ngl.
I wonder how Arthur knew that his father was ill. It means he went into his room, but why? Did he have some feeling about Edwin? About Gaius leaving? Was it some courtly concern? I'm assuming no one else would have the privilege of seeing Uther at night except for his son and ward so.
Yes, Merlin, just stare at the floating axe that's being controlled by the evil sorcerer right in front of you, you're so smart. Also the slow-mo is so goofy.
It's interesting that they shot both Merlin and Edwin's eyes up-close when they did magic, Merlin to do the golden eye effect, but for Edwin it seems that his pupils just change size. I wonder if not all sorcerers have their eyes glow, if it depends on the magic. Edwin is using dark magic, could it be that? That's interesting, imo. Dark magic equals no golden eyes. Kinda fun.
Violent ass death for Edwin, damn. Axe to head, bitchass
Oh it must be so weird for Merlin to be touching Uther like that. Like that's intimate as shit.
So cuteeee Gaius calling Merlin a genius, they're adorable. He's so proud. That was a feat, though, just pure improv and luck. Merlin is still a noob at controlled magic so this was really damn good.
Love that it's so canon that Gaius potions taste like fucking ASS. Uther's face, lmao.
Interesting that Uther asked if Gaius remembered his friends that burned at the pyre, and Gaius answers "All of them." and Uther doesn't even comment. As bonkers as it sounds, they truly are friends in some capacities. I wonder if Gaius could make Uther change his mind. Not Morgana or Arthur, but Gaius. But he made the choice to abandon magic, Uther presumed because Gaius understood its dangers, but if he were to find out that actually Gaius doesn't agree, I wonder what Uther would think about that. Like a genuine and open convo about it. I think he'd just arrest Gaius for it, but I don't know. I think there's at least some reality where he gives it some more thought. But I don't know if he'd ever repel the ban, more because he'd have to admit that he was wrong, and admitting you're wrong is also accepting and processing all the shit you did for that wrong thing, and I just think Uther is too cowardly to do so. He knows it would break his mind to truly process all the pain and horror he's caused; so no matter his inner philosophies, he'll never repel the ban, because the damage has been done, and he'd rather live like that than start anew in the new reality where he's wrong.
"In the fight against magic, you are the one person I can trust." yet again. Gaius going against this? Uther can't fathom it. He's so confident that Gaius is 100% on his side.
Arthur smiling at Gaius, awww.
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Two pretty bestfriends. No wonder half the kingdom wants to fuck them both. Also what the fuck is a "freeman"??? Genuinely, what is it??
And that is it. Loved it, of course.
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asherloki · 9 months
supp :) im the person that requested the 12 & 35 prompts a bit ago
ofc u can do fluff and/or dom sherlock omg!
dom!reader is just my pref and idk the prompts were low-key giving beginning of smut to me, but i fr dont mind, u have full creative freedom and u obviously kno more than me bc of ur previous (amazing) writing :)
tysm for considering my request and have a great day/night! <3
My saviour
Bbc Sherlock x reader
Word count:- 3k
Warning:- light smut, but mostly fluff.
Prompt list here !
A/n:- ah finally I'm back! And I hope you like it!
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" I'll take it" I said entering detective inspector lestrade's office. He and his whole team was clueless when it came to the mysterious disappearance of Mr Hazelwood. Even though I wasn't the first choice for the case, one can never be, when the greatest detective of the world is inspector's closest acquaintance. Well, acquaintance is past, now he's closest friend. Can you even imagine, the brilliant genius being his friend meant, almost no case for me to solve. I don't even have an assistant, there's definitely less opportunity for me to show I'm capable of solving mysteries too. Maybe not as brilliant as him, the one who stood infront of the inspector as I walked in, he turned to me and I must say, being a detective myself, it always made me like the wise people, and that meant... I fancied the detective, yes the one who's my professional rival.
"you don't understand," lestrade said looking at me, "I want Sherlock to solve it". This stupid comment made my blood boil, again, another oppertunity lost, ofcourse he can't let this interesting case go.
"no, I'm not taking it" I was stunned as Sherlock Holmes stated this, 'why not' I wondered but lestrade said it out loud,
"and why not?"
Sherlock sighed in response and rubbed his forehead with his fingers as if he was disturbed with lestrade constantly urging him to solve a case he doesn't want to, "it's too boring, rather easy for me Gavin".
'Same old genius' I thought as he mis pronounced lestrade's name again, I must say lestrade's frustration made me kinda giggle but I controlled it.
"If it's that easy then solve it" he still requested, almost begged him.
"you must use some of your brain too inspector" replied Sherlock and I agreed, "or" he said turning to me and my heart started to beat faster I could hear it in my ear, "this young lady is willing to take it, give her a chance".
What did I just heard, Sherlock siding me?
"ugh fine" saying so lestrade turned to me, "I assigne you, for the case now I want it to be solved in two weeks".
"TWO WEEKS?" I asked loudly enough for my voice to echo through the office, "isn't it too.. less inspector?" I asked as calmly as I could, you have to when you're still struggling to get known.
"yes, it's easy as Sherlock said, solve it, and if you need help I bet he can, he's already solved it in his fucking mind palace". I see where the anger was coming from, it was inspector being frustrated by the rejection of Mr brilliant.
"here you go" said Sherlock as he was about to pass by me, I wanted to thank him, or say something sweet infact nice but me being me, I regretted what I said, "scared?"
He raised his brows at my comment, I deserved it, then shaking his head he said, "we'll see how you solve it in two weeks without my help young lady".
I squinted my eyes at his challenge. But he went out of the office. I took the challenge in my mind, however I was unsure, I knew it's gonna be difficult, but I can't lose. It's my only chance.
As I checked my progress after one week, I knew I'm gonna lose this challenge terribly. First, I had this rush which messed up my method and second, this Mr brilliant challenging me, that I can't do it on my own. Which was slowly turning out to be true. I got up from my sofa where I was lying and thinking, and grabbed my coat, my intention was to go to spot from where Mr Hazelwood was missing and inspect it thoroughly. So I took the bus, I know, poor little detective and went to the spot. While inspecting I felt someone watching over me. You know the feeling you get when you're being watched. I turned around and there were no one looking at me, yet again there was this feeling,
"told you, you need my help". I was startled as the heavy (sexy) voice said it, from behind. And no wonder I found Mr brilliant standing.
"what are you doing here, it's my case to solve" I knew I should've been a bit nice but it just came out to be very..
"rude" he replied, "very rude, I'm trying to help you".
"and why the fu..."
"gosh, kids these days" he said shaking his head.
"did you just called me a kid?"
"have you seen your height?"
"I'm sorry I'm not as tall as you and that doesn't mean.."
"as me? you're not even tall..AT ALL" his face remained expression less.
"who's being rude now, and how come you found me?"
"tracked your phone."
He said what? "you're spying on me?"
"a little girl, solving mystery on her own and at night, I must take care.."
"why do you care?" I might've said that but in my head I asked, 'you care? about me? why? who am I to you, genius?'.
"nothing," he got frustrated with me I knew, "if you change your mind, then... Baker Street" he pointed to the way he headed off to, leaving me on the street, alone, rather I pushed him away. I didn't want to, but it's me, why do you think I don't have an assistant? I work alone, so I don't look weak. Yet my phone's calendar told me it's one week to go, and if I can't solve.... No no I can and I have to... alone.
And then there left three days, till now I've matched some dots and it confirmed, he wasn't kidnapped, no one conspired against him, so whatever happened to him he was involved. Now this second part of the mystery held lots of troubles, and to solve them in three days was near impossible. My mind kept telling me to reach to him, you know, Mr brilliant. But it was embarrassing, however I had no other way,
"okay, time to throw my self respect" I said to myself gesturing with my hand as if throwing trash bag, "here I come, Sherlock Holmes".
All my way I just wished, "please stay at the flat, please stay at home, please detective" and there I was at his door.
I inhaled a deep breath and tapped my knuckles on his door.
"it's unlocked" replied a different voice, from inside.
'Oh no, John watson is there, I'm fucked' now I had to be embarrassed to both of these men, anyway I have threw my self respect away.
I opened the door and entered, the scene was... well... interesting I believe, John Watson was on his laptop and detective was sitting on his sofa, eyes closed, hands clasped.
"may I?" I asked Dr watson, because he looked a little sane.
"yes" he replied me and turned to Sherlock, "she came".
"who?" he enquired, his deep voice even deeper, eyes still closed and hands still clasped together, touching his chin.
"young lady". Replied John watson and Sherlock's eyes were flung open.
"is that what you call me?" I couldn't help but ask him.
"any problem?" he asked.
"I'm not here to argue with you, I want.." shit! now the embarrassing part, "I need, your help".
"oh I see, Mr Hazelwood?" I nodded, "still on it? wasn't it easy?"
"if it were then why would I ask your help?" he was getting on my nerves I tell you.
"fine sit" he said and I checked around me.
"where?" there wasn't any place near him but a sofa far in the other end of the living room.
"oh there?" I said pointing to it.
"no here" he brought out a rusty chair for me to sit.
"but it's for the clients" objected Dr watson, he's really sane.
"you know what? I'm fine just help me out". I need help from him and nothing else. Well sometimes I think if I could have something else but hey, professionalism.
"yes now let me explain, before that tell me how far you've got". I explained him everything and out of my utter surprise he got up from his sofa to his work board and offered me to sit there. Why's he being so... kind?
"now let me tell you what exactly happened" and he explained it was all Mr Hazelwood's plan, he intentionally disappeared, he's not dead but roaming around disguised.
"woah!" I couldn't help but praise him, it's not like I don't admire him. I do more than that, I respect him and perhaps... I like him a little too, "so how do we catch him?".
"it's not your duty to do so, you give all the evidence and theories to Scotland yard and order them to find him" he suggested.
"order them? me?" I am not very... influencial am I?
"yes, look they insulted you by not respecting your potential, now it's your time".
His motivational speech filled me with self respect again, the one I threw for him.
"yes" I said with such confidence and then I lost it again, "would you come with me... please?" now still cringe at the thought of me actually giving him puppy eyes and pleading but he agreed.
We entered lestrade's office, one day left till the deadline for me and I explained everything to him.
"seems like Sherlock helped you" said sally, stupid bi... no control yourself.
"I didn't, we met at the gate, I came here for the case I'm taking care of" lied the detective, I must admit, his lying skill was pretty good.
"anyway " said lestrade, "if you really did it on your own then.."
It felt so bad, to be taking credit of Sherlock's work, I didn't solve it all, I don't lie, so I,
"Sally is right" I admitted.
"no she isn't " Sherlock warned me.
"she is, she is lestrade. I solved half of it, it was solved by Sherlock Holmes himself. Yes he helped me, but I could've done it on my own, if I had some more time."
They were all silent for some time, I feared looking at Sherlock, he'd be fuming at me by now.
"I guess we were putting unnecessary pressure on you" said the inspector softly, "fine, you'll solve another one for us".
This second chance made my lips curve into a smile and Sherlock approved with a nod.
We both went out of there, and we laughed and talked all our way to his house, why was I going there? I don't know, I kept on walking with him and he never pushed me away. In between he'd often brush hair off my forehead or take my hand while crossing the road. I wonder why, not that I mind though.
We even went straight to his living room and it was awfully quiet.
"where is Dr watson?" I enquired.
"he's out, he messaged me, he's picking Rosie from school". Then he told me everything about john and his daughter, even his deceased wife Mary.
"Mary sounds like a wonderful, brave, strong woman" I replied.
"she was, she was strongest and absolute boss of us" he spoke in way that showed how much he admired her and how much John Watson and Rosie means to him.
"if only I were capable of doing things on my own" I didn't want to say so but it just came out, it sounded sad.
"why not? if you were weak you would've been living with your parents, you have family, house, friends in here yet you chose be on your own, you don't have any assistant, you solve cases by yourself too, how much more strong do you wanna be?" his words felt good didn't they?
"you helped me" I reminded him.
"only this time" accompanied by his beautiful smile.
"if I need help again in solving mystery? will you help me?" I was starting to let my guards down, I may have started to trust him.
"if you want me to, ofcourse" His smile never left his lips but my phone rang and it indicated it was time to leave his flat, for now.
"I have to go" I kind of asked his permission before going.
"if you have to then... be careful okay?" ain't he little too careful for me? I liked it, I like being taken care of, perhaps he's not wrong I really am a kid.
Days turned to months and one case turned to three. I took his help for three cases, call me dumb but I enjoy his company, for some reason I've noticed he does too.
After solving the third one I first went to his flat with him, both of us giggling at the fact that sally was so disappointed that I actually got recognised for my consecutive three wins, ofcourse with Mr brilliant by my side.
"it's late Sherlock, I have to go home" I said checking my watch.
"John's gonna be out tonight he has some patients to take care of, Rosie is with molly, so you can stay here tonight."
He might've said casually but it's HIM saying to ME. I already liked him, after these eight months of solving cases together I think I can say I... I'm in love with him. He's so caring for me, or maybe for all but I liked it.
"will you?" he asked again, popping my thought bubble.
"oh no nothing I was just ... fine I'll stay" I agreed, with my heart in my hand, he might spare his room for me but I wanted something else, a little kiss maybe... I think I fell in love, with the great detective.
"good" and with this he went inside, and came with his dressing gown draped over him, if I were a cat I would've drooled visibly, but I drooled, just no one could see it. He looked incredibly... domestic and it was hot. I just wanted to cuddle him, play with his hair, kiss him... oh! that was hot.
"Sherlock?" I asked.
"yes?" he answered, offering me something. It was a chocolate, I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not a kid" I complaint "I'm a grown up adult in my early twenties."
"I know, but I thought you may like it." well I do like chocolates, so unwrapping it I took a bite. And it was a bad idea told by Mr brilliant's laughter, the chocolate melted and it covered my mouth.
"funny?" I teased.
"very" he said between laughters.
"don't laugh, I bite people" I joked, yet I do have this tendency to bite my close ones,
"oh do you? that's... unique". he replied.
"I'm gonna wash my lips wait" as I got up, I felt his arm catching me by wrist. My heart gave me a signal, it's your chance.
"what?" turning to him I said, I little seductively.
He said nothing but took some of the chocolate from my lips with his finger and put it in his mouth, licking his finger clean.
My senses went wild. I stood frozen.
"you know what?" he asked me, and my mind told me, 'say something, don't look dumb'.
"wh-what?" I said.
"I've always wanted you this close. Never knew if I'd ever have you. I'm.." he trailed off " you're young and beautiful, I'm just an old detective"
'youre anything but old, actually even if you are older than me, I like it, I love it, you're older and sexier, caring as well" I thought.
"I just wanted to make sure you're taken care of. and I..." he trailed off.
"say it" I wanted to hear the words he couldn't let himself speak.
"I love you, with all my heart, have always loved you, and will always do, I sometimes went to Scotland yard casually for maybe to get a glimpse of you, coming to the office, smiling, all jolly, like a ray of sunshine " his lips curved into a smile reminiscing it perhaps, "since the day your eyes fell on me I have loved you, for who you are, you never had to be anything you're not, I love for all the things you are and all the things you're not, I'd see you noticing me too and you're disgust was clear".
"Sherlock" I started, "it wasn't disgust, a pretence, so you don't find out I like you too, infact now I can say I love you and not for your intelligence I admire that but I love you for being a good human to me, I can see, you love me, you care, you protect and you even adore me."
"you know?" he was surprised, "well then, I'm glad, may I kiss you?"
I nodded, and he crashed his lips on mine, letting the kiss go hungrier until he pulled away and asked,
"should we? you want to? with me?"
I understood what he meant,
"yes, I do"
"I'm not that experienced" he replied.
"neither am I"
we giggled at our lesser experience, we both are so engulfed into mystery solving that sex or love barely crossed our mind. I know not how he pulled me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, but we did and we went to his room kissing still.
One can say I was nervous and I knew so was he but he didn't seem so. The way he marked my neck and the way his fingers worked the buttons of my shirt. I was all red being naked infront of him but it melted as he put off his shirt too, I couldn't help but run my hand all over his chest, bringing him closer to me.
"bite me" he ordered.
"I thought you'd never ask" with a smirk I pecked his bottom lip, his moan said he liked it. That hour of him being inside of me was wonderful. He was sweet, gentle, he knew I was absolutely inexperienced. And my first time turned out to be the beautiful one. "I can stay like this forever" I said in between whimpers.
"I wouldn't mind" he replied, fastening his pace and us reaching our climax together. As we layed down on his bed I kept on thinking about how he said he loved me, and he always will.
"what's the matter?" he asked seeing me lost in my thoughts. I knew he cannot actually let himself love someone, maybe it was a moment of weakness for him, but if only he knew it was more than that for me. It was not just sex for me, I made love with him.
“You’re all talk. Why don’t you show me what you really mean?”
I said getting up a little aggressively. He looked confused at my behaviour.
"But It was the truth, why do you think I'd help you, care for you, love you?"
I think he does have a point.
"and sex never amazed me, I don't bother about it, and my past experience was no strings attached kind of sex but now..." he trailed off, "now after you came, I resisted as long as I could the urge to kiss your pretty face, because I know what people could think, that the great detective found a young girl to sleep with, the young lady detective slept with Sherlock Holmes to get recognised, that's why I never opened up about it". His eyes were teary and so were mine, he cared about me as much as he cared about himself.
"if I say" I spoke, "I don't care, and that I love you, I want to be with you Sherlock, then?"
Sherlock came a little closer to me, trying hard not to cry, "then you're gonna get me as your assistant all my life."
Saying this he hugged me and we both cried, tears of joy I'd like to think. But since then I moved in with him, and john and Rosie, I love this family and our parents may have thought this marriage is a little... never mind, they accepted, the age gap wasn't a barrier at all. And we lived happily ever after.
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hermscat · 13 days
BBC News: Rishi Sunak announces UK general election for Thursday 4 July
BBC News - Rishi Sunak announces UK general election for Thursday 4 July
As an oldie of 58 years I'm begging people in the UK who will be eligible to vote, PLEASE PLEASE use the opportunity.
I can't think of a more important election in my 40 year voting history, so many freedoms that we have taken for granted are being eroded by the Tories, profit is the most important thing to them and we all stand to lose so much if we miss our chance to vote for change.
So, important things to remember.
1) Register to vote if you haven't already. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
2) Make sure you have suitable photo ID as you now won't be able to vote without it, check what's acceptable https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id/accepted-forms-photo-id
3) If you don't have anything that would be accepted then apply for a Voter Authority Certificate, its free.
Research the parties and representatives available for you to vote for but PLEASE, remember there is no such thing as the perfect solution. It is better to vote for a party that will commit to SOME of your wishes...I saw someone once say that voting is like catching a bus, if you can't find one that takes you to exactly where you want to go, don’t give up, just hop on the one that gets you as near as possible.
We are not just voting for ourselves, we are voting for the NHS and all of its staff, our freedom to protest, fair wages, fair access to health care whatever format that may take for you as an individual, the right to stand up for others and call out a genocide, our environment such as clean waterways and drinking water, food supplies....hey, you get the picture.
Please vote, these are the most important few months of our UK lifestyles and right to exist in a free society for all, so take the opportunity and use it wisely.
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Getting Back Together Years Later Masterlist
A favor for another man (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Dan needs help from Phil to please his current boyfriend. Phil is not happy about it, but does anyway. Dan's boyfriend isn't happy about it either. Dan and Phil have a bit of a fight and their true feelings are exposed.
All Over Again (ao3) - roryonice
Summary: It’s almost Christmas, and Phil goes back to his hometown to win back his high school love after five and a half years.
arms unfolding (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: It's been two years since Dan and Phil have seen each other after an explosive break up. But now, a few years later when they're both a bit more certain of themselves, maybe, just maybe, they can make it work again.
but home is just a room (full of my safest sounds) (ao3) - blueshirt
Summary: In which things fall apart, and then back together.
Or, the one where they break up in 2012 and stumble across each other three years later. Featuring Dan as a radio show host and BBC presenter, and Phil as a weatherman on the Isle of Man.
Caught (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Just because they weren’t together anymore didn’t mean that Dan couldn’t read phanfiction while he got off, right? Or at least that’s what he thought before Phil walked into the room.
'cause I want what I want, but with you it's what I need (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: Phil had one rule: don't think of Dan, but that's hard to do when they bump into each other three years after Dan left.
Coffee & Coming Home (ao3) - spacekidwithapen
Summary: I wasn't aware how quickly years of someone's life could be practically erased from time until I looked Dan Howell in the eyes in that coffee shop and realized he wasn't looking back at me.
Or the one in which Dan and Phil meet in a one-off chance in a coffee shop after years of pretending not to know each other, and forget why they ever split.
Don't Leave Me (Please Come Back) (ao3) - roryonice
Summary: Dan and Phil broke up in high school and haven’t seen each other in seven years, but when Dan gets the lead role in a Broadway musical, Phil flies across the country to see Dan and they realise that breaking up may have been a mistake.
everything comes back to you (ao3) - curiosityandrain
Summary: Dan and Phil grew up together in a small town, where they had a secret relationship throughout their last year of school. When it comes time to leave for university, they lose contact. Three years later, they’re both back home for summer break and decide to reconnect. They soon realize how much they missed each other. After a whole summer spent together and a road trip with old friends, Dan and Phil begin to wonder whether or not they should continue what there once was between them.
From Eden (ao3) - transdimensional_void
Summary: It’s been twelve years since Dan last saw Phil, twelve years during which Dan has been to hell and back. It’s been twelve years since the boy Phil fell in love with vanished. But now Dan’s back, and he has a story to tell
In the shadow of your heart (ao3) - croissantbleu
Summary: Dan and Phil fell apart a few years ago, and if Phil seemed to have no problem getting used to his new life back in Manchester with his husband Noah, Dan has a few more difficulties moving on. But when Phil comes down to London to attend Louise’s party and ends up having to stay with Dan for a few days, who can tell what will happen
It Starts With A Flood. (ao3) - Vivthewriter
Summary: The scent of another man's aftershave in my - our apartment. The sound of his moans piercing through the paper thin walls making my heart wrench and fold over itself. The constant stream of all of his lovers parading up and down our hallways. I'm trapped. I can't do anything. He dumped me over a technical error on a fucking website. He stole my heart all those years ago and he never gave it back.
Just Like We Never Said Goodbye (ao3) - Eavans
Summary: AU where Dan and Phil split in 2012, only to reconnect years later.
It’s not expected.
Your words seem to catch onto one another and drag the fragments farther and farther from your grasp. Avalanche of emotion perhaps, tremor of the tongue surely.
This isn’t what’s supposed to happen.
Of Old Memories And Future Moments (ao3) - irphanfic
Summary: “Rummage inside Phil’s bedside drawer‘‘ it said. Oh no. What would have happened if Dan had found something more interesting than a lip-balm inside Phil’s bedside drawer?
Old Habits, Young Love, and Other Things That Just Won't Die (ao3) - blueberryphancakes
Summary: Despite their branding, Dan and Phil haven’t actually been friends for all of the seven years that they’ve known each other. For almost two of those years, ‘best friend’ was just a label they used on the internet, a clever disguise used to keep people from knowing what they really were. Because from the day they met until the day they broke up, Dan and Phil were something else entirely. Not something more. Just something else.
One last time (ao3) - outphan
Summary: 2009, Dan and Phil met.
2017, Dan and Phil broke up.
2022, Dan and Phil meet again.
In which Dan and Phil go out for an innocent dinner after 5 years. However the evening turns completely around.
Parmigiano and Anime (ao3) - Azure (Fancy_Ravenclaw)
Summary: From an unexpected breakup to an unexpected getting back together.
Retrace, Retry (ao3) - catboydan
Summary: In 2012, Dan left Manchester and Phil didn’t follow. Dan didn’t let him.
Now, it’s 2016 and Dan returns to retrace his steps and maybe, possibly, have a chance at a second try.
Scenes From An Italian Restaurant (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: Dinner together, once a year. Seven o’clock, the little Italian place in Manchester.
It hurt too much to stay friends. It hurt worse to lose each other completely.
Sleep Aid (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: Dan can never sleep. Finally he finds a video that puts him to sleep almost immediately. The magical video not only cures his insomnia, but also helps with other aspects of his life. Making him and Phil happier than they have been in years.
Simmer Down and Pucker Up (ao3) - Sinncity
Summary: Maybe it would have been better, if he just left things alone. Because then he wouldn't remember Phils laugh in such avid detail, or how much his eyes light up when he get excited over the smallest, almost meaningless things.
After Dan's forced to pick between his family and Phil, he realizes he's made the biggest mistake of his life; but he's going to fix it.
Talk Me Down (ao3) - MaeTaurus
Summary: The Amazing Tour is Not on Fire is over and all Dan wants to do is be reminded of why this all started in the first place.
The Flower of Life (ao3) - worriedpeach (skeletonflowers)
Summary: For a thousand years Dan's regretted the choice he made in saving Prince Phil Lester's life, realizing far too late that love had never really existed for him after all. When the other gods get sick of the God of Death and the God of Life fighting, Dan and Phil find themselves chained together, forced to work out their differences in one way or another.
The Scent of Pining (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: Dan and Phil grew up together, but were separated by university and the mundanities of life. After years of missing each other, keeping track of each other's careers, and asking their families about each other, they finally reunite at a Christmas party back home. Surrounded by fragrances that cast their memories back to their childhood together, they each work up the nerve to finally do something about how they've been feeling for a decade.
things we leave unspoken (ao3) - zvyozdochka (paperdaisies)
Summary: There were things Dan never expected Phil to find, and likewise, Phil never did tell Dan about the ring in his closet. After they collapsed in 2012, that wasn't exactly an option. But 2017 was a fresh start in so many ways- why not for them as well?
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tomhardysurinal · 8 months
a nation that never even existed in the first place and refused the post ww2 deal cuz they wanted all the land for themselves AND is full of child and cousin marriages should not exist at all actually but I guess your poor little brown meow meows who want you tied by the legs to a moving car just realllly need your bootlicking Its pathetic how you virtue signaling loses just jump on the first opportunity to dehumanize gay people so you can humanize gay killing animals lol
Bruh this is clearly the only social issue you have any regard for at all 😂 and you're so racist (and evidently completely ignorant on the entire subject of Palestine) that you don't even give a flying fuck about LGBT Palestinians, or how Israel blackmails them with their identities for leverage. I cannot fucking STAND you gays. You don't even really give a shit about homophobia, you just gear up into Activism Mode when you can hide behind it to have a crack at some anonymous racism on the internet with your BBC porn minimised in the background. Some datalounge shit here.
Anyway you literally said "meow meows" so like I can't in good conscience keep publishing your faux outrage on the off chance you're like. 16.
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madmarkinabox · 6 months
Season 3
Mission to the Unknown
An Earth rocket has made an emergency landing on the hostile jungle planet Kembel, when crewmember Cory reveals himself as a Space Security agent investigating the potential of a Dalek base on the planet. Indeed, the Daleks are readying a meeting with a group of alien representatives to form an alliance in order to conquer the universe. Hunted by Daleks and the deadly Varga plants they've brought from Skaro, can the astronauts get word back to Earth before either one catches them?
We're all familiar with Doctor-lite stories, especially in Nu-Who. The likes of Love and Monsters, Blink, Turn Left. Well, this is not only Doctor-lite, but Doctor-less. This is strictly Daleks and their allies and quarry. And it does a good job. The Daleks are planning something HUGE, they won't give anyone the faintest chance of even thinking about stopping them, and the story even has some body horror as someone infected by a Varga plant is forced to watch this thing growing on them, and consciously lose their mind to the urge to kill, before they finally become a Varga. Not bad for what's effectively a prologue, not bad at all.
As for the recreation I watched? Well, it's fantastic. Andrew Ireland and his crew at the University of Central Lancashire really did a superb job recreating the look and feel of a 60s episode. The fact that they even managed to get Nicholas Briggs to voice the Daleks, doing his best impressions of Peter Hawkins and David Graham is amazing too. If I have any criticisms, it's just that the picture quality is a bit too clean, you can tell when the Daleks are toys, and the actor for Malpha really hamming it up with his broad Northern accent is a bit jarring. Did he sound like that in the original? I have no idea. But beggars can't be choosers, and the fact that this lost story has been recreated at all, and so faithfully, is truly something to celebrate.
Now, unfortunately, we do run into a real problem with the next few stories. This is where the available selection begins to really run thin. Almost all the next few stories have been completely wiped. No Myth Makers, all but 3 episodes of The Daleks' Master Plan (the follow-up and pay-off to Mission to the Unknown), and no Massacre of St Barthomolew's Eve. It's a real shame too, we lose so much with these stories being gone. We lose Vicki's departure, Katarina and Sara joining, their deaths in The Dalek Master Plan, the return of the Monk, the sheer scale of Master Plan (twelve episodes! TWELVE!) and Dodo joining the crew. Seems a bit absurd to me that the likes of The Reign of Terror and Galaxy 4 survived the BBC's purging, but The Dalek Master Plan didn't. I COULD watch the 3 remaining episodes, but I'm loathe to jump right into such a huge story with no context or ending, so, regrettably, I'm going to have to skip it.
Next time: The Ark.
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The shit thing is it's not even original new music from Springsteen. It's an album of fucking covers. Karaoke. But it has all the power of the music establishment behind it, and Sony in the UK havent worked to bury and smear Louis for years, just to let him get a no 1 now. I think they REALLY, badly want to stop Louis getting that No 1 in the UK far more than they want yet another meaningless number 1 for Springsteen. The whole working-class Boss schtick is disgusting too, looking at what a snout in the trough, establishment hypocrite Springsteen is now. Louis' campaign if you can call it that is genuinely grassroots. Fans trying to get his music heard online by new people, word of mouth, small bands who admire him. Louis' team and his so-called label may as well be a home start-up for all they've used any industry clout they have to get his music heard. They act as if they have no power at all and no ideas, like none, so what's the point of any artist joining them? Every thing they did in the US was a weak copy of the already useless Walls promo, except in the UK it wasn't even up to that. They just abandoned the UK but watch how they're all gonna take the credit themselves that the album has done even as well as it's done while they did nothing as an actual fucking strategy!! IF they'd tried like any normal label and team would try, FITF could have easily coasted No 1. His team's plan was so weak that it depended on record store signings FFS and now Louis cant do them they have no fall back, in fact the people who might have bought as a chance to meet Louis now might wait until the dates come back and so he loses sales for charting this week. It's just so frustrating and unfair to see such incompetence and laziness fucking over an album with incredible potential. Or maybe it's actually deliberate to make sure the GP hears as little of the music as possible? Why is it that every management, PR and label professional Louis works with loses their ability to do their job only for him? When the album has limitless potential and the GP are actively being stopped from hearing it in case they buy it. Like you said, it really is David v Goliath and Davids back up may as well be working for Goliath. Far too often, Goliath wins. I can't express how much I loathe Sony and all the grovelling industry goons like the BBC who pretend they dont silence anyone trying to succeed without establishment permission.
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skinnyscottishbloke · 10 months
Fanmix game! List three songs you associate with either your blorbo or your otp, then pass this on to three other people!
Oooh this is fun! So the only 2 shipper playlists I ever made were for John and Sherlock (BBC Sherlock) and Nick and Charlie (Heartstopper). So let’s cheat a little and do 2 songs for each : )
Johnlock #1
Haven't we met?
You're some kind of beautiful stranger
You could be good for me
I have a taste for danger
If I'm smart then I'll run away
But I'm not so I guess I'll stay
Heaven forbid
I take my chance on a beautiful stranger
I mean, if this doesn’t scream John in ep 1 where he chases Sherlock all around London and literally KILLS A MAN for him within 24 hrs of their meeting, idk what does
Johnlock #2
Love, I don't like to see so much pain
So much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive
And all my instincts they return
And the grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside
In your eyes (your eyes, your eyes)
In your eyes
In your eyes
The light, the heat (in your eyes)
I am complete (in your eyes)
I see the doorway
To a thousand churches (in your eyes)
The resolution (in your eyes)
Of all the fruitless searches
GOD this song is just so so perfect for them - it shows the pining and sacrifices and misunderstandings that make up their relationship but ends on a happy and content note (which is how I end the show, fuck you Moftiss)
Ok now for Nick and Charlie. Guh the Heartstopper soundtrack is so so perfect already, it’s hard to add to it (but I totally did haha).
Narlie #1
I wanna twirl you 'round the kitchen
Don't worry 'bout no dirty dishes
Not tryna do nothing ambitious, yeah
I just wanna dance with you
Let's act like we're just on vacation
Put Frank Sinatra on rotation
We're taking off like on a spaceship, yeah
I'm just catching vibes with you (vibes with you)
This song is just so sweet and innocent and fun and screams young love and just being happy hanging out together, which is 100% them
Narlie #2
Catch me overthinking
Looking for the reasons why
I'm getting so tired
I feel like I'm falling
But I'd like to fall in love instead
Ain't nothing better than that
And I try to keep it together
I don't want to lose it again
I need you now to get me out of my head
'Cause baby when we touch
It's like the whole world stops
And I wish I knew what it is you do
'Cause when you say my name
Woah, I can't explain
And I wish I knew what it is you do
What you do to me
Not only is this song a BOP, but it fully addresses Charlie’s feelings of anxiety and overthinking (and Nick’s also). The whole song is them finding love and growing together it’s just perfect. I can’t wait for s02 so I can add more awesome tunes to the collection : )
Also, if you want both playlists…here you go
Johnlock playlist
Narlie playlist
Thanks for stopping by!! xx
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ailendolin · 1 year
2022 Fic Year in Review
I thought it would be nice to look back on my fics from 2022 and share a few stats.
Number of fics written: 82
WIPs: Grace (3/10) and Prompt Ficlets II (19/25)
Word count: 233,128
List of fandoms: BBC Ghosts, Yonderland, Bill 2015, Horrible Histories and CBS Ghosts
Work with most kudos: This Place (I never thought would feel like home) and Bring Him Home - both with 130 kudos.
General thoughts: After publishing more than 80 fics in a year, it's hard to pick personal favourites. All my fics are dear to me in one way or another but I can't deny that some still stand out and feel a little special. This Place (I never thought would feel like home) because it's a multi-chaptered character study of Thomas I've poured my heart and soul into; the Button House Museum series because it works exceptionally well as an AU and doesn't lose all the things that make canon interesting; the Second Chances series because I love writing Voltari and Dissectus as not so evil Evil Overlords; my Yonderland fics in general because looking back on them, it feels a little amazing to have build so much from so little canon information; Old Habits because it took me a while to get it right; The First Step because I still feel sad about the portrait situation and am glad I fixed it; and finally, my Norne fics - especially A Good Thing and A Little Faith, but also The Club because I have have more plans for that little verse.
I'm planning on a more relaxed approach to writing this year. I will still be taking prompts, both for ThemThere Thursday and little ficlets, but I want to focus on my own ideas a little more. I want to finish Grace which is very dear to me and perhaps one of my most favourite things I've ever written, and share the as of yet unfinished Norne fic the 2022 Christmas Special inspired with you. Whatever else the new year will bring in terms of writing, I hope you will enjoy it.
Happy new year, everyone!
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legends-of-time · 4 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story)
Chapter 57: The Sword in the Stone Part Two
Anne's POV
Southrons chase them through the woods. Gwen and Merlin each hold onto Anne as they run. Tristan supports Isolde as they go, and Arthur leads the way.
They are approaching the mouth of the Cave tunnels when Merlin turns to Anne and Gwen. "I'll cover our tracks, you keep going!" He insists. He turns to Gwen. "Help Anne, Gwen."
"Of course." Gwen nods, and she braces herself as Anne leans her entire weight on her shoulders.
Anne gives Merlin a quick peck and she and Gwen continue after Arthur, Tristan, and Isolde. They head into the Caves but then Anne holds her stomach as another contraction hits, and this one nearly brings her to her knees.
"Anne!" Gwen exclaims, grabbing Anne's arms and pulling her back up last second. "Are you alright?"
Anne sucks in deep and slow breaths. "I'm okay. I'll be fine."
"Your gown is wet." Gwen frowns, and Anne looks over at her slowly. Anne watches as the realisation hits Gwen, but Anne just lifts her chin and keeps going. Gwen struggles to catch up with her. "The baby's coming!" Gwen exclaims. "You must tell Merlin!"
"I can't." Anne insists. She checks to make sure that Arthur nor Tristan nor Isolde have heard them, but they are a fair distance away from them. "We've already got enough on our plates. Besides, Gauis says that first time mothers can be in labour for a long long time." Anne nods quickly and wipes the sweat from her brows. "That's what I'm counting on. A long long time."
"But Anne!" Gwen protests. "What if the baby were to come right now?! We must stop—"
"No!" Anne cuts in. "No stopping. We can't stop."
Gwen opens her mouth to protest, but she cuts herself off when they hear footsteps behind them. They turn their heads, but it is just Merlin carrying a lit torch.
"Why are you running so slow?" He asks. He doesn't wait for a reply and simply wraps his arm around Anne's back and practically lifts her as they run the rest of the way. Anne shoots Gwen a pleading look, pleading for her to keep her mouth shut, and thankfully she does.
"Did you lose them?" Arthur asks when they got close enough to him.
"It's safe." Merlin replies, letting go of Anne, who takes this chance to lean against the Cave wall and take a breather.
"You sure?"
"Do I look like an idiot?" Merlin remarks as he walks to the front of the group.
"Yes." Arthur automatically replies causing Anne to smile slightly.
"Doesn't change, does it?"
Arthur comes up to stand next to Merlin. "Which way now?" Merlin looks around uncertainly. Arthur sighs exasperatedly. "I thought you said you grew up in these tunnels."
"I did!" Merlin insists, but he bites his lip as he scans the area around him. "Just– it could be that way." He gestures to the left with his torch.
"Or it could be that way." Arthur says, gesturing the other way.
"Yes." Merlin acknowledges.
"That's very reassuring." Arthur rolls his eyes.
"Oi, you two." Anne interrupts, trying not to huff and puff because Merlin will know right away that she is in even more pain than before. "Make a decision. Today."
"Fine!" Merlin says, and they end up going left.
Arthur and Merlin lead their party through the Caves. Gwen holds onto Anne and, as a result, they trail behind in the group and end up walking beside Tristan.
"So, you know Arthur?" He asks Gwen as they come to a stop in front of large rocks they'll have to climb. Anne feels her already aching back screech in protest.
Gwen, noticing her discomfort, rubs Anne's lower back before offering her a hand to help her climb. "I was a servant in Camelot." Gwen answers Tristan's question.
Anne puts one foot on top of the rock, and Tristan is kind enough to take her other hand and help her up.
"To Arthur?" He goes on once Anne is safely on top of the rock.
"So, why are you here?" Tristan asks.
"He is my King." Gwen replies.
"I can't say I've detected many kingly qualities so far." Tristan remarks. Anne sends him a glare.
"Well, maybe you don't know him." Gwen sniffs at him.
Despite the immense pain she is in, Anne also finds it in herself to retort. "I've had my fair share of problems in the past with Arthur Pendragon but he's a good man, and a good king. And that is the one thing that I've never doubted."
Tristan turns his head away from them and it looks like that is the last bit of conversation he is willing to give. Anne is thankful as she, firstly, cannot stand Tristan right now and secondly, it's because it is becoming more and more difficult to talk with each passing contraction.
The sound of movement coming from behind them stops them all in their tracks, and they all turn their heads to look behind them at the same time.
"I thought you said we'd lost them." Arthur barely breathes.
"I thought I had." Merlin responds just as quietly.
"It won't take long for them to catch us." Tristan states.
Merlin is immediately moving along the line to the back, heading to go back through the tunnel. "I'll go back." He offers.
"What are you gonna do?" Arthur demands.
"Create a diversion."
Arthur reaches out and grabs Merlin's arm before Anne has the chance to. "It's too risky."
"I know these tunnels and Agravaine doesn't." Merlin points out. He hands Arthur his torch. "You keep going."
Anne opens her mouth to protest, but little noises come out instead of words. Merlin turns to her and reaches out to caress her face. He startles a bit when he touches her, probably feeling how much Anne is actually sweating, but brushes it off.
"You have to go, Anne." Merlin insists. His eyes flicker down to her stomach. Anne panics at the thought that he has figured out that she is in labour, but he just looks back up at her and says, "Protect yourself and the baby."
With that, he turns to leave, but Arthur stops him again. "Merlin..." he starts, and he has a look on his face that says that he is worried about him, but he hesitates to say that out loud. "Don't do anything stupid." He settles on.
Merlin glances back the way they came before looking back to Arthur. "Me?" He jokes, but then his expression turns a bit more serious as he says, "Take care of Anne" to Arthur before turning and running.
Anne takes a step forward, but Arthur wraps his arm around her shoulders and pushes her back. "We've got to go." He speaks.
Anne feels another wave of pain wash over her stomach and back, so she lets him lead her away despite the strong urge to follow her husband.
Arthur eventually insists on going back for Merlin. Anne tries to follow him but Gwen, Isolde and Tristan push her on. Anne can't wait for this pregnancy to be over and for her to be able to do things without everyone being overprotective of her.
After a few minutes of walking, they hear footsteps again, and behind them, Merlin and Arthur emerge. Anne's chest loosens, and she hobbles over to Merlin.
"You're okay!" She breathes as she cups his face, but the look in his eyes tells Anne that he actually isn't. Something had happened.
"I'll tell you later." He communicates telepathically. Anne nods, taking her hands from his cheeks to his hands and gives them a tight squeeze. He turns her around and supports her back once more as they continue on.
Finally, they make it to the other side of the mountain. They eventually decide to hold up in the Forest of Essetir where they'll be safe for now and where they might find other survivors. Anne experienced another squeeze in her abdomen while they had talked.
Arthur had tried to lead them, insisting they keep going for now, but it was obvious that thinking of plans and enforcing them, like he is so used to doing, was becoming difficult for him. Merlin had been particularly firm about stopping to rest, saying that Anne needs to rest, worried all the stress will bring on an early labour. Anne and Gwen had shared a look, both knowing it is too late for that.
Amelia's POV
After one night, Amelia is already beginning to feel some of the effects of hunger but she pushes it down to focus on those around her, her friends who have been starving and are only receiving small morsels of bread, but in truth, she can't do that for long, she has someone else to care for.
Gwaine is slumped in a corner, manacles on his wrists like Amelia's though non-spelled ones. He has some cuts and bruises that Amelia has tried to clean the best she can with a bit of torn fabric from her clothes.
Elyan tends to Gaius who is lying on the bed, pale and weak. "Come on, Gaius, hold fast." He pleads.
Amelia watches with tears in her eyes.
Suddenly, some Southron Guards open the Cell. One restrains Elyan while the other picks up Gwaine. Amelia panics
"Gwaine!" She cries frantically, running towards them but a third Guard pushes her back.
"Don't worry, at least we get to eat." Gwaine reassures them, trying to give them a soothing smile as he's escorted out.
Amelia grabs the bars as the Southron locks the Cell door, her heart in her stomach.
Anne's POV
"Are you alright?" Merlin whispers in Anne's ear once he laid out his jacket onto the ground and helped her settle on top of it. They had found a spot to camp for the night and Merlin had insisted Anne rest while the others make camp.
"I'm fine." Anne insists. She stretches her legs out in front of her, not caring how unladylike it is. Anne braces her hands behind her and tips her head back. She breathes in heavily through gritted teeth. "I just need a little breather."
"Okay." Merlin says, sitting down next to her.
"No, you need to help the others."
Merlin frowns. "But—"
"I'll be fine." Anne argues. Her husband finally nods and stands. He gives her a kiss on the head, drapes his jacket on top of her and leaves her be.
Anne rolls over and tries to sleep. But it's difficult as the sharp pangs are slowly moving closer together, which is a worry. From what she remembers of what Gaius and Midwives in Camelot told her about childbirth that she remembers is that when contractions get closer together, then it is almost time to start pushing. Her only relief is that they are not too frequent yet and she has no urge to push.
Amelia's POV
Gwaine stumbles into the Cell. Amelia rushes forward to catch him and ease him to the ground as best she can. She frantically looks over him for new wounds. She frowns as she discovers new ones and gets out her bit of fabric, spitting on it and dabbling. Gwaine smiles thankfully.
"I see you're receiving high quality care Sir Knight." Comes the sarcastic voice of her older half sister. Amelia turns and shoots a glare at Morgana who stands in the doorway, smirking, with a half loaf of bread in her hand. Morgana ignores her and says, "Enjoy your supper." She tosses the bread into the Cell. "I fear it'll be your last." Morgana exits and the Southrons lock the Cell door.
Elyan moves to where Gaius lies and tries to give some bread to him. "You need to eat."
"Whether I eat or not, I'm not long for this world." Gaius croaks tiredly.
Amelia goes to them in alarm. "No, Gaius! You can't say such things!"
"I'm a Physician, Amelia. I've spent my days watching the cycle of life. If there's one thing I'm not afraid of, it's death." Gaius replies. "Don't waste your food, Elyan. If Gwaine has to fight again, he'll need all the strength he can get, and Amelia needs the strength for her child."
Elyan sighs, leaving the bread with Gaius.
Anne's POV
Anne eventually falls asleep. She doesn't know how long it's been by the time she gets shaken awake again.
Anne peeks her eyes open and turns her head to look at Merlin. "What?" She asks dreamily. "Is everything okay?"
"I'm going to go call for Kilgharrah." Merlin answers. "I just thought I should let you know."
Anne frowns in confusion. "Why? What's happening?" She questions.
"It's Arthur. He's beginning to lose faith in himself. I need to do something." Merlin explains.
"Alright." Anne says, sitting up and pushing his jacket off her. "I'll come with you."
"No." Merlin insists, pushing her back down. "We might be leaving camp tomorrow, and I want you to be as rested as possible."
Before Anne can protest, a pang of pain punches her stomach. She scrunches up her face in pain and nods. "Okay. You're right."
"Anne, are you okay?" Merlin asks, cupping her face. "Is the pain getting worse?"
"Nothing that I can't handle." Anne is quick to assure him.
His eyes suddenly widen as he looks down to her stomach. "Is it the baby? Are they coming?" Merlin moves his hand to touch her stomach.
Anne grips his hand before he can, worried that it'll alert him to the truth. "No!" She whispers. "It's not the baby." She hates lying to him, but she knows how much this Arthur problem is bothering him, and she doesn't want to cause him any more trouble. "Go, talk to Kilgharrah. Hopefully he'll have some helpful advice."
With a worried look, Merlin ultimately kisses her softly before getting up and running through the forest. Anne lays back down on the ground and wraps Merlin's jacket around her front. She closes her eyes and tries to get some more sleep, hoping that when she wakes, they'd have a plan.
Merlin had returned and told Anne that Kilgharrah had said that all Merlin needed to do was make Arthur believe in himself again. He tells her of the plan that he has come up with before directing Anne to where everyone has gathered while he goes to wake Arthur up. Knights, Courtiers, and peasants. Kilgharrah had helped find them. The first people she sees are Percival and Leon.
"Percival! Leon!" She cries happily as she waddles over to them. Anne can't wait for the time when she'll be able to run normally.
"Anne!" Leon cries back happily as he and Percival move to meet her halfway.
Anne wraps each of them up in their own hug. "I am so pleased to see you both safe."
"Not all of us." Percival remarks almost darkly.
Anne takes a moment to observe the bags under his eyes and how drained he looks overall. She doubts Percival has had any sleep, worrying about what might be happening to his wife.
She places her hands on his upper arms to comfort him. "We will save her, Percival. As well as the others." Percival nods, his face full of determination.
Another wave of pain wash over her stomach and back. The labour pains are definitely getting closer and stronger. She bites back the pain but both Leon and Percival have already noticed.
"Anne?" Leon questions confused before it dawns on him. "The baby's coming!"
"Ssh! I'd rather you don't tell Merlin, not yet." Anne quips casually as she can as she breathes through the last bit of the pain.
Percival and Leon look at her in alarm. "He doesn't know?!" The former quietly exclaims.
"Not yet and I would prefer it to stay that way for now."
Before they can say anymore, Arthur and Merlin emerge from the trees. As Arthur walks closer, they all emerge themselves. Arthur looks at them all, stunned.
Merlin is smiling, proud. Arthur glances back at him, furiously muttering at him. Anne would guess that Arthur is panicked about this.
Merlin and Arthur mutter amongst themselves. Arthur glances back at the crowd of people surrounding the sword in the stone before turning to talk to Merlin again. Anne watches on anxiously.
Arthur then draws his sword and sticks it to the ground. With one last comment directed at Merlin, he approaches the stone slowly. Arthur looks up at the crowd hesitantly, then places both hands on the hilt. He tries to pull it up, but the sword doesn't budge. Arthur shakes with effort, but the sword doesn't move. Anne doesn't dare look at anyone else, only Arthur.
Arthur lets go of the sword and turns to Merlin. Merlin says something that seems to work as Arthur repositions himself. He places one hand on the sword hilt and closes his eyes. He lifts his chin, willing himself to believe.
Everyone is so focused on Arthur, that they don't see Merlin's eyes glow as the sword is released. Arthur pulls it out and into the air, staring at it, amazed. The people watch in awe.
"Long live the King!" Leon shouts.
The entire crowd takes up the chant before rushing in to honour their king. "Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King!"
Anne keeps her distance as Arthur strategises with Percival, Leon, and Merlin. She sees how tense and aggravated Percival is and Anne doesn't blame him. His wife is being imprisoned by the enemy, her own sister, and God knows what's happened.
Later, night has fallen, and Anne sees that Arthur is in deep thought, frowning, as he walks past where she leans against a tree.
"Arthur?" Anne calls. "You all right?"
"Yes." Doesn't sound like it.
"Do you think there are too many of them?" She questions.
"Southrons are people like you and me. Men we can fight. But Morgana..." Arthur shakes his head. "Her power is so great, and we've got nothing to answer it with."
I wouldn't be so sure about that...
Anne thinks for a moment before speaking, "I doubt Merlin finished Gaius' story."
"Not now, Anne, please."
"Will you just listen?"
Anne puts her hands on her hips, giving him a pointed look, and Arthur lowers his head in acquiescence.
"When the sword was thrust into the stone, the ancient King foretold that one day it would be freed again at a time when Camelot needed it most. The man who freed it would unite the land of Albion and rule over the greatest Kingdom the world has ever known. That man is you, Arthur." Arthur's brow furrows and Anne smiles.
"You're making this up." He accuses.
"Why would I do that? Your head's already as big as your waist." Anne remarks with a wide grin.
Arthur scoffs. "Of course, he told you."
"I believe it, though. And I believe in you. So, does Merlin. We always have." Anne declares.
Arthur looks at Excalibur and considers what Anne said before walking off, leaving Anne on her own.
"Nice work." Anne turns to see Merlin coming to stand next to her. He must've overheard them.
Anne smiles. "Learnt from the best." He returns it. They stand quietly for a few seconds, just watching the crowd, before Anne speaks up, "Something's been bothering me."
"What? Is it the baby?" Merlin immediately panics, looking down at her stomach.
"What? No." Anne shakes her head, though who knows? In a few hours, it could be the baby. "Agravaine was chasing us in the tunnels. And then he wasn't." She looks over to Merlin, who has gone quiet and sullen. "What did you do to stop him?"
When Merlin doesn't look at her, she knows instantly. Anne's chest softens, and she cups her hand over her mouth. Anne has never liked Agravaine in the slightest and is actually glad that he is dead, but her husband doesn't deserve his death on his conscience.
Anne reaches forward and puts her hands on Merlin's cheeks, forcing him to look at her. He has a stony look on his face, but Anne can see the guilt in his blue eyes. "You had to do it." Anne tells him sternly, and he nods solemnly at her words. "You had no choice. Agravaine's choices led him to that tunnel, and you did what you had to do to protect us." Anne shakes her head. "Don't think for one second that this makes you a bad person."
Merlin nods again, and Anne steps forward and wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. He snakes his arms around her waist. Anne feels a few wet drops on her shoulders.
"I have an idea about what we can do to weaken Morgana." Anne says softly.
Merlin pulls back and looks at her questioningly. "What?"
Anne smirks.
Amelia's POV
Amelia is sitting slumped in the Cell in Camelot. She feels hungry but she knows she's not feeling it as badly as the others because they all keep insisting on giving her most of the food because of her pregnancy.
It's night, the others are sleeping while Amelia finds herself unable to. It is then she suddenly senses a strong burst of magic. She sits up quickly. She can't explain it, but she knows that the magic feels like Merlin. She feels it happen again.
The warning bells begin to sound, waking the others. Elyan and Gwaine pull themselves up from their sleeping positions, mumbling in confusion but Amelia ignores them.
She grins to herself. It's finally happening.
Anne's POV
The pains are getting worse and closer now. Anne finds herself sitting on a log, bent over in pain with Gwen and some of the Villagers surrounding her. She knows that it's getting too close to the time she will actually give birth, she can't keep this on hold any longer.
"You need to tell him, Anne." Gwen pleads.
Anne nods. "Fine."
Gwen looks to where Merlin stands further away and calls, "Merlin..."
He turns and heads over to them, looking panicked. Anne isn't trying to hide anymore, she can't so she must look in a right state.
"Anne..." Merlin begins, "I..." he jolts forward as Anne hunches over, Gwen grabbing her arm for support, another woman rushing to rub her back, as Anne's hand flies to her stomach. "What is it? What's wrong?!"
His cries drew the attention of the others, which is not something Anne wants at the moment, but there is little else she can do as her pains are too unbearable to hide now and far too frequent. She bites her lip hard, taking as deep of breaths as she can manage till the pain passes. She has to be quick; she knows she has mere seconds left before another will come.
"I'm sorry." She murmurs. "I should have told you before."
"Told me what?" Merlin steps closer, putting a hand on her stomach, feeling how firm it is. "Is something wrong with the baby?"
"Quite the opposite." Anne breathes. "It's coming."
He blinks. "What?"
"The baby is coming sooooon..." Anne creases over in pain again. She tries to breathe through it.
"Anne how could you not tell me this before!?" He nearly shouts at her. Arthur, who seems to have wandered over without Anne realising, stands behind him, wide eyed and panicked.
"I didn't want to distract you." She knows it's a silly excuse now.
"And this won't?!"
Anne reaches out and grabs his hand. "No," she speaks, "this will focus you. You go in there, and you fight harder. You fight to give our child a home to return to. And you fight with everything you have to get back to us."
Merlin swallows hard and nods.
"Percival," Arthur begins to say, Anne looks up to see the Knight standing nearby, watching her in concern as she experiences another wave of pain, "I am trusting you to get her to the Physician's Chambers, safely."
"On my life." The man bows his head.
Amelia's POV
Amelia gets awoken when the warning bells sound a second time. She can hear fighting in the distance and this can only mean one thing. Time to reclaim Camelot. The others wake too.
It's not long before they hear commotion heading towards the Dungeons. Amelia, Gwaine and Elyan go to the bars. Amelia feels relief flood her Percival arrives around the corner with Leon following him.
"Percival!" Amelia cries happily.
"Come on, boys. What's taking you so long?" Gwaine jokes despite his weakened state as while Amelia and Elyan are standing at the bars, he had to pull himself to it on the ground.
Leon tosses Percival the keys and he opens the Cell. Amelia wastes no time launching herself at her husband.
They pull back and Percival cradles her face. "You all right?"
Amelia leans forward and kisses him. "Been better."
He frowns when he notices the shackles on her wrists. He immediately unlocks them with the keys he's holding, convenient. Amelia feels her magic return to her and she feels able to breathe properly for the first time in days.
Percival turns to Elyan and they grasp arms. "You all right?" He asks him.
"I've been locked up with Gwaine for a week." Elyan jokes. Amelia laughs, almost feeling giddy.
Leon enters and supports Gwaine out of the Cell while Percival goes to Gaius, who's lying weakly on the bed.
"Gaius. Come on." He urges. Percival and Elyan help Gaius up. Amelia follows them out.
"Where's Anne?" Amelia questions, immediately thinking of her heavily pregnant friend who's been on the run.
"Gaius' Chambers." Percival tells her as they move through the Dungeons.
Amelia looks at him in alarm. "Is she?"
"She's in labour."
Amelia's eyes widen in shock. "I need to see her!" She turns to leave but Percival stops her.
"Wait, Amelia, Anne can wait, she's safe. Arthur is heading to the Council Chambers to confront Morgana. Go join him." He tells her.
To deal with Morgana. She needs to be there. Percival and Elyan turn to leave with Gaius.
"Wait I—"
They stop and turn to her, and Percival asks, "What?"
"Nothing, it can wait. I'll go find Arthur." She turns, grabs a sword from a Southron on the ground and runs off.
She knows she needs to tell him but now is not the right time.
Amelia is not as strong as she could be, but she pushes through it as she fights the Southrons, making her way to the Council Chambers. She reaches the Council Chambers and hears fighting just around the corner. She comes round it and sees Arthur, Merlin, Gwen (!) and a man and a woman Amelia doesn't know defeating the Southrons guarding the door.
Merlin spots her first. "Amelia!"
She gives them a weak smile. "Long time no see."
"Gwen!" Amelia cries, wrapping her friend in a tight hug. "I've missed you!" She pulls back.
Gwen smiles. "I've missed you too."
"It's good to see you." Arthur says, giving her a nod before focusing on the Council Chamber doors. Right, reunions can happen later, time to deal with Morgana.
The unknown man and woman give her polite nods as they get ready to storm the room.
"Ready?" Arthur asks them. They all nod, raising their swords. Arthur raises his own sword, which Amelia recognises as Excalibur?!
"For the love of Camelot!" They cry as they charge into the Council Chambers, but stop short when they find only Morgana lounging on the throne, Helios standing near it. Amelia can see the scratches she has caused have begun to scab over.
"Welcome, dear brother." Morgana greets. "It's been far too long. I see you've found my sister. I would watch myself around her, she can be vicious." Morgana gets up and walks toward them. "I apologise if you had a difficult reception. It's hard to know who to trust these days."
Morgana stops in the middle and Arthur approaches her slowly. He raises Excalibur with an open hand to show he's not attacking her, and she watches him warily until he places the sword in his belt. He meets her in the middle. Amelia stays back, knowing this needs to be a conversation between the two of them.
"What happened to you Morgana?" Arthur asks softly. Morgana looks him in the eye almost regretfully, the hurt plain on both their faces and in their voices. "I thought we were friends."
"As did I," Morgana replies softly but then her voice hardens, "but alas, we were both wrong."
"You can't blame me for my father's sins."
"It's a little late for that. You've made it perfectly clear how you feel about me and my kind. You're not as different from Uther as you'd like to think." Morgana retorts harshly.
"Nor are you." Arthur counters.
Morgana becomes angry and backs away. "I'm going to enjoy killing you, Arthur Pendragon. Not even Emrys can save you now."
"Please tell me you can." Amelia calls to Merlin.
"Don't worry. I've got something."
Arthur draws Excalibur, the others raise their swords. Amelia knows she needs to be ready for anything.
Morgana smirks amusedly. "Your blades cannot stop me."
Amelia watches as Merlin braces himself as Morgana chants, "Hleap on bæc."
Nothing happens except the sound of what sounds like whispers. Morgana is confused and Arthur watches her reaction, still waiting for her attack. Morgana tries the spell again, raising her hand for strength, sounding frightened, "Hleap on bæc!"
Amelia looks at Merlin and realises that he seems to be absorbing Morgana's magic with the effigy's whispers. Morgana is unable to use magic.
"Not so powerful now, my lady." Arthur remarks.
Helios pulls Morgana behind him as she panics. Morgana takes this chance to run off.
"After her!" Arthur calls.
Amelia doesn't hesitate and floods into the corridors with Gwen and Merlin behind her, splitting up in the hopes of finding her.
Amelia takes on some of the Southrons with her sword as she makes her way through the corridors in search of her sister.
She turns a corner and stares down the corridor. Amelia charges down it when suddenly she feels a piercing pain in her left side. She cries in pain before spinning around and slashing her attacker, one of the Southron men, across the front causing him to fall down. Amelia winces as she grasps her wound with her right hand.
Oh, god. Oh no, no, no.
But she can't stop now, she can't think about it, so she continues on, holding her sword in her left hand and charges forward.
Amelia turns a corner, stumbling, as she hears in the distance. She sees Gwen and Morgana locked in battle. But as she is superior in her sword fighting skills, Morgana disarms Gwen. She steps forward to kill Gwen, but Amelia leaps forward despite her injuries and bars Morgana's sword with her own.
Morgana's eyes widen in surprise. "Amelia..." Then her eyes harden. "What are you doing here?!" She spits.
"I can't let you kill her Morgana!" Amelia cries.
Amelia begins fighting her sister with their swords, however, Amelia begins to lose because of her injury. Morgana is able to disarm her.
Morgana smirks. "Not so strong now sister."
But then suddenly both of them are knocked to the ground by an unnatural force. Parts of the ceiling collapses and Amelia loses consciousness due to the force and the dizziness she had begun to feel due to her blood loss.
Gwen's POV
The corridor is filled with rubble smoke meaning Gwen loses sight of both Morgana and Amelia. She tries to squint through the smoke when a hand touches her arm causing her to jump before relaxing when she sees its Merlin.
"You all right?" He asks her.
Gwen shakily nods. "Yes."
Merlin steps forward towards the rubble smoke.
"What happened?" Gwen asks. She's confused about what had just happened. When the smoke clears, Gwen leans forward, expecting to see the two sisters but instead, there is nothing there.
"I don't know." Merlin murmurs in reply to her earlier question.
Both of them quickly leave.
Merlin's POV
Merlin runs to Gaius' Chambers. His hands are shaking from watching Tristan cradle Isolde as she died. Seeing the devastation on Tristan's face had reminded Merlin that he had not seen Anne since that morning when they began to retake Camelot.
The door is opened by Jean, one of the maids, and he skids around her and then comes to a complete stop when he sees what's inside.
His heart warms and he cautiously steps inside. His heart pounds as he looks over to where Anne sits upright in one of the cots.
He can see that her skin is clammy and there are bruises under her eyes, but that doesn't dim her smile as she gazes upon the small bundle that lays in her arms, cooing at it. She's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Merlin can see dark hair sticking out of its confines.
Anne's smile widens when she looks up and her eyes land on him as he stands in the doorway. "Merlin..." He sees the tears in her eyes.
Merlin finds himself able to move and he strides over to his wife. "Anne...." He sits tentatively on the edge of the cot, not quite able to see what lies in the bundle.
Anne tilts her arms, and he gets the first glimpse of his child. Merlin stares at them a moment, just... utterly stunned by the sight of it, his baby, his and Anne's baby. He looks quickly at their hands and feet, 10 fingers, 10 toes, breathing and moving and alive.
"What do you think of our daughter?"
"She's—" Merlin cuts himself off as he lets out a gasp when his daughter opens her eyes. Eyes that match his. He reaches out a finger towards his daughter and strokes her tiny fist. It unclasps and grips his finger with surprising strength. "Are you– are you well? What happened? Is she—"
"We're fine." She reassures him.
Merlin nods, calming. He wiggles a finger that the baby holds in her tiny fist. "What are we going to call her?"
"Well, Amelia had a few good suggestions." Anne pauses. "Wait, where is she? Have you found her?"
Merlin internally winces, how does he explain this? "I don't know."
Anne frowns. "What do you mean you don't know? Where is she?" She's sounding increasingly frantic.
"Morgana, Amelia, they've disappeared." Merlin admits.
"No, no. She can't. We were meant to find her; she was meant to tell Percival about the baby—" Anne cuts herself off, wide eyed as she realises what she's just confessed.
Merlin stares at her shocked. "Amelia is pregnant."
Anne chews her lip and nods. "Yes, she is."
Merlin frowns as he thinks of how wounded Amelia had seemed to be before she vanished. He wonders if she still is but thinks it's best not to tell Anne at the moment as she's already distressed about Amelia disappearing.
It's quiet for a moment before Anne speaks, "Faye."
"What?" Merlin asks.
"Faye. That was Amelia's pick." Anne explains. "I want to call her Faye."
"Faye it is."
They smile softly at each other and share a soft kiss.
Anne's POV
As everything begins to calm and they begin to rebuild after what had happened, everyone is sent into a frenzy over the disappearance of Amelia. Arthur sends out patrols and leads some of them himself but there is no sign.
The King, while desperate to find his cousin, is reluctant to leave his new Queen and wife's side. Yes, Arthur and Gwen had finally gotten married, and Gwen had been crowned Queen.
Anne had stood next to her husband, with her daughter in her arms, beaming as it happened. The whole scene played out just as Amelia had told her, but Anne now realises that Amelia never mentioned anything about her being there and that thought, as well as Amelia actually not being there, brought a dampener to the whole event.
Amelia's POV
Amelia wakes to find she's in the middle of a forest and she is still injured and bleeding despite a crude attempt to bandage her injuries. She also notices Morgana is with her, who wastes no time in pulling Amelia along the best she can, but they continue to stumble along the way. Amelia wants to be anywhere but with her sister and tries to fight her off but, considering her weakened state, Amelia isn't too successful.
"Get off!" Amelia is finally successful in shoving Morgana away. Now she no longer has someone holding her up, she collapses to the floor, leaning on her left arm while she holds the wound on her left side. She grunts in pain.
"But Amelia you're injured." Morgana pleads.
"Oh really?" Amelia remarks sarcastically. "I hadn't noticed." She's feeling somewhat dizzy and is finding it hard to focus.
"I tried to wrap up the wound, but we need to get somewhere better to heal you."
Amelia narrows her eyes at her sister. "Are you sure you are not up to something? One of your schemes?"
Morgana growls and tries to pull Amelia up. "No!" She snaps. She fails in pulling Amelia up so let's go and Amelia flops back on the floor. "Why is it so hard for you to think I have a heart?!"
Amelia blearily looks up to her half sister. "For one, what you did to Gwen. You have tried to get her killed multiple times."
"I had to!" Morgana insists. "She was taking my throne."
"No, you did not. She never wanted be queen nor did she mean to fall in love with Arthur." Amelia argues, gasping as she's short of breath. "She only ever wanted is for Arthur to be happy. But now Arthur will marry her as he's found her again and there's nothing you can do about it."
There are black dots in her vision. She tries to blink them away, but it doesn't work, and she fully collapses to the ground, barely keeping her eyes open.
"Amelia? Amelia!" Amelia faintly hears Morgana cry and then begins shaking Amelia, but Amelia is too tired to respond.
That is until she feels a small fluttering of wind across her face and what feels like someone is breathing on her. Amelia feels a whole new burst of energy and is able to open her eyes and pull herself up slightly. She gasps when her eyes land on small Aithusa sitting on a rock, watching her. Where is Kiligharrah?
Aithusa watches her for a moment but doesn't linger and flies away.
"Who was that?" Morgana asks as Aithusa flies away. Amelia had forgotten she is there.
"Aithusa." Amelia murmurs in wonder.
A/N: I'm in disbelief about the fact that I've actually made it to the end of season 4???!!! Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
Merlin will return
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biromantic-nerd · 1 year
fruit emoji ask game 🍑
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
I think I consistently for almost every fandom try to make The Princess Bride AUs in my head for fun. Trying to get the dynamics of who can be who to work out is so tricky; but I just really love that movie and feel like it's fun to imagine characters in and that it lends a hand to to a lot of creative wiggle room. And likewise with Stardust AUs! That's very fun to do as well!! I know I have an ATLA Stardust AU post floating around here somewhere where Aang is the star.
But I think something that would be really interesting is an Illiad parallel in reference to Lancelot or Gwaine and his time spent away from Camelot. To see all his adventures - some as noble as he! some far less so! - and have them really, really mirror those journeys, if not outright recreate them.
Would be very cool! Adapted of course to the circumstances, but there's a lot of leeway for mythological transfer since magic, sorcery, and magical creatures are all real in Merlin BBC.
And of course depending on whether this is Lancelot of Gwaine, motivations and reaction really would drastically alter. But at heart they're both very good men! But well their motives for returning to Camelot are quite different. Lancelot wants to be a knight and make his own honor since (with Merlin's permission) he took credit for Merlin's actions. Gwaine wants to come home to the one place he's found people he believes in - and whom believe in him.
So Gwaine is really, really this figure where it's more pressing to get home.
Lancelot might view it more as the journey he is - except that, as we see in canon, he does sort of stumble when left to his own devices. Nothing as drastic as losing his way even - but just a teeny stumble compared to his prior sure footing of before. But after seeing Merlin he regains his bearings and never falters! So Lancelot, I think, has less of a successful chance of enduring the illiad depending of when in canon this takes place. That's a crucial factor for his success! He needs his faith in himself and in his path!
But of course I can't mention Gwaine going on this journey without imagining him going on this journey and trying to get back to Merlin. The "I didn't do it for Arthur" line always gets me! 🥺
Gwaine is the type of person who offered to help Merlin (emotionally and then to search for Gaius) when almost no one else believed Merlin about Gaius being innocent/kidnapped. If going to the Perilous Lands that none enter is what it takes to help Merlin, then he'll do it. If going to search for the person being called a crown traitor is what it takes to help Merlin, then he'll do it. On an illiad journey in a series of events - whatever it takes to get back to Merlin, he will do it. And that is why he'd make such an awesome illiad figure. He's trying to get home.
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yesterdaysnewts · 1 year
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#they just know it from the soviets who were perpetually in a fucked up state between capitalism and communism cause they went down the lenin
My Top Posts in 2022:
Being a Brit and being into bbc ghosts and seeing all these non-brits enjoy feels so weird to me and I don't mean it in some brit superiority complex way cause im not fucked up that way but i mean it in a 'i genuinely forgot not everyone knew the six idiots from horrible histories' kind of way
like I feel a big reason so many people originally watched ghosts here in the uk when it aired is because they recognised the six idiots as 'that lot from that history skit show that were dead good' and then watched it because of that and fell in love with it that way instead of how the non-brits saw us losing our shit over this show made by people that a lot us grew up watching and decided to join us
i dont know what the point of this post is.
59 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
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this is what he wouldve wanted
82 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
me,looks at canon:
me: i choose to ignore this, these two idiots are in love and they are very happy about it
200 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
im getting top surgery but its just a really hot man stepping on both on my tits until they burst like balloons
221 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How to write a D/deaf or HOH character without being a bitch
Written by me, someone who has been HOH my entire life and had a hearing aid for half of it.
Okay so you are wanting to write a character that is HOH or D/deaf but you are neither and rightfully don't want to offend people in our community. Well lucky for you here is a guide to writing those characters.
All D/deaf and HOH characters:
- Not everyone who is in the community was born with it. Many people lose their hearing later in life. And this leads onto
- Not every D/deaf and HOH person has the 'deaf accent'. This is because as stated above some loose their hearing later in life and others, such as myself, can hear decently well without an aid in.
- Also not everyone who lost their hearing later in life lost it in some major accident, many simply lose it just due to genetics or prolonged exposure to loud sounds without giving the ears a chance to heal.
- The best way I can put this is every D/deaf person is HOH but not every HOH person is D/deaf. Part of this is up to peoples personal preference and part is up to the fact that many HOH people have decent hearing without an aid in.
- People can go years without themselves or others realising they have hearing loss. I myself for example have had hearing loss since birth but it didn't get picked up on till I was around about 4.
- If hearing loss is discovered in someone the doctors are going to want to find out why you have hearing loss and this leads to tests. Most of the time it'll just be an MRI. This also means that the character and/or characters guardian will know why they have hearing loss
- There are levels of hearing loss and all of them are: mild, moderate, moderately severe, severe and profound. Sources on these are found all over the internet.
- You also have multiple types of hearing loss. You have, I guess people who aren't D/deaf or HOH would call it the 'normal' type of hearing loss, which is hearing loss across the board, you don't hear some frequencies easier than others; then theres low frequency and high frequency hearing loss and this is when you can't hear a frequency as well as another. I for example have low frequency hearing loss meaning I can't hear sounds that are low pitched sounds as well as I can hear high pitched sounds and for people with high frequency hearing loss it's the other way around. The last two aren't like your hearing is fine with other frequencies you still have difficulty hearing that one but it's easier to hear than the other one.
- There are also other types but these depend on where the hearing loss is situated within the ear. Theres absolutely loads on these already online but a quick summery of them is: sensorineural hearing loss, the most common and affects the inner ear, can't be treated but many with it find hearing aids helpful; conductive hearing loss, not as common as sensorineural but quite common in kids, affects the outer or middle ear, caused by sound waves being blocked in the ear canal; and finally mixed hearing loss which is as you can probably a guess a mix between sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.
- If your character is going to get an hearing test they go to an audiologist. Hearing tests usually happen every 6 months and audiologists are located in hospitals or any NHS centre.
- Not every D/deaf and HOH person knows sign language
- Not every D/deaf and HOH person can lipread
- And most people who are D/deaf aren't completely D/deaf, they still have some level of hearing however it is by no means enough to hear the volume most sounds are in day to day life
- There are some people who have hearing loss as a child but as they get older it clears up, there are several reasons this can happen but the most common is glue ear which can also happen in adults.
- D/deaf and HOH people aren't completely hopeless without an aid like some people think. This is so important. If that person doesn't have an aid then they know what they're doing, if it obvious that they are struggling then you ask to help and only help if they then give you permission to. If they say no to your help, don't help them, simple as. If a person has an aid then we're prepared for if we forget it on an off chance or if it breaks. We don't need an able bodied person there for everything.
- This goes for every disability where a sense is lost but a persons other senses aren't enhanced because they can't hear as well as others. In fact most people I know in real life with hearing loss need glasses.
- Not every D/deaf or HOH person has an aid. There are types of hearing loss where an aid will not help and many people either can't afford an aid or haven't gotten it diagnosed.
Characters with an aid:
- Hearing aids don't magically fix a person hearing. We still struggle, we still need people to repeat things, our hearing doesn't become perfect.
- Hearing aids aren't the only type of aid you can get for hearing
- Kids will sometimes get grommets which are these little donut shaped things which are put in the ear via surgery and then they fall out after a bit
- Also kids with a hearing aid will usually have one with an in ear mould. And let me tell you there are so many designs you can get. From the ages fo 7 to 12 I had a red sparkly one, a black and white marble one and a silver sparkly one, my cousin has a the Manchester City logo on his mould and my best friend in primary had a lion on his.
- You can also get in ear mould ones when you older and also have cool moulds so let your characters have these crazy cool moulds.
- Hearing aids also supposed to be cleaned regularly (not with alcohol or liquids or it'll break the aid) but my audiologist never told me that so in all the 7 years I've had an hearing aid so I've never cleaned either one I've had, so it is recommended that you clean them but not necessary. I think. Don't hold me on that.
- Hearing aids are cleaned in this little tub where you put this little circular thing which is supposed to removed all the liquid in the container and hearing aid when the tub is shut. Hearing aids with moulds have there tubes cleaned with a pump and hearing aids with domes are cleaned using these thin red strips.
- There are many different types of hearing aids: behind the ear (BTE), mini BTE, in the ear (ITE), middle ear implants, in the canal and completely in the canal aids. All of these are unique and wouldn't fit on a post but there are many resources online for your research.
See the full post
301 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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babygirlbenji · 3 years
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Here you can find all my works so far. I will try to update this as soon as I publish new imagines!
Ben Chilwell
Let Me Help
Summary: You come home from a hard day and Ben is there to cheer you up.
You're My Everything
Summary: You and Ben are friends-with-benefits and are growing feelings for each other, but are scared of what could happen if those feelings are realised.
His Dad
Summary: A short window into what Benji is like with his son, Henry.
My Champion Of Europe
Summary: You join Benji with his Chelsea teammates in the celebrations for their Champions League win.
That's My Daddy
Summary: You and your little girl fly out to surprise Ben in Andorra, and are treated to an evening of goals and delight.
Show You Off
Summary: Your relationship with Ben is secret, but videos of you dancing together in a nightclub go viral.
Show Me Your World
Summary: You, an avid Daniel Ricciardo and McLaren fan, watch the 2021 Italian Grand Prix with Ben, and you lose your mind.
Our Photographer's Birthday
Summary: You think everyone has forgotten your birthday, but your boys would never let your special day go unnoticed.
Winning For You
Summary: After a low spell and a drought of no game time, Ben's confidence is at its lowest. You go to a game, and everything changes.
For You
Summary: You are sick, and Ben dedicates a goal to you.
Pierre Gasly
Hottest D.I.L.F.
Summary: Pierre comes home to find his wife and daughter living their best lives.
Mason Mount
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Summary: You and Mason meet by chance when you are a young intern at BBC Sport.
My Safe Place
Summary: After a rough relationship, you find it hard to accept affection, but Mason is here to patiently heal your fears and show you how you deserve to be treated.
I Got The Job
Summary: Months of job hunting and dead ends has you at your wits' end, but you finally secure a job at the club that means the most to both you and your boyfriend.
Not Going Anywhere
Summary: After a rough game for England, you're there to support Mason after he experiences a crisis of confidence.
Last Train To London
Summary: You realise that your relationship is over. Based on Last Train To London by Mimi Webb.
I Still Love You
Summary: Mason realises what he’s lost, but is it too late to win you back? Part 2 to Last Train To London.
You'll Always Be In My Heart (series)
Part 1 - You'll Always Be In My Heart
Summary: You transfer to Liverpool to join their media team, but Mason doesn't find out until you're walking out of the door.
Part 2 - We Miss You
Summary: Ben misses you terribly, and Mason is starting to realise he misses you too. Alongside that, your decision to move to Liverpool may have been the wrong one. Part two to You'll Always Be In My Heart.
Part 3 - Always Been You
Summary: Your 180 degree career changes prompts a realisation in Mason. Third and final part to You'll Always Be In My Heart.
Questions and Surprises
Summary: You are a well-known YouTuber, and Mason participates in a Q&A session, only to ask a very important question of his own at the end.
Ben White
Home With You
Summary: Ben is away on international duty, and you are missing each other something awful. He decides to take things into his own hands.
John Stones
People Pleaser
Summary: Your kind disposition sometimes lets people take advantage of you, but your boyfriend is there to ward them off.
Marcus Rashford
I’ve Got You
Summary: Marcus comes home drunk, and you are there to help him and put him to bed.
Summary: A short timeline of yours and Marcus's relationship together, from first sight to wedding.
Jack Grealish
Against The World
Summary: Jack's move to Manchester City came as a bigger blow than you thought, but he's there to make sure the transition for you both is seamless.
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berlinini · 3 years
Larries believe any receipt no matter how absurd it is as long as it proves their larry fantasies.Like I genuinely think if you wrote them a receipt that louis turned into an airplane and flew to harry's show because he misses him would be published and probably get 1000000 notes.But they act as if a receipt about how louis was having lunch in a restaurant with a man who isnt harry is the world's 8th wonder.
The larries receipt MAKE ME LAUGH SO MUCH because it's sooooo obvious that they're made up!!! It always is someone who has "insider knowledge" but "can't say too much" - they're like "I met someone who KNOWS Harry and Louis are together in this day and age but they COULD NOT give me ANY information apart from the fact that THEY DEFINITELY ARE TOGETHER but it's a SECRET but they told ME" 😭😭😭
Sprinkle a few random details like of course I work at the BBC and of course please black out some parts of my receipt because I could lose my job otherwise.
The idea that Larry is "the industry's best kept secret" 😭😭😭
That is NOT how a secret works LMAO.
I'm laughing until I realize that is so messed up of Big Larries blogs to publish such bullshit. I know they know it's fake - yet they need to publish them to keep their followers count and to keep the fantasy going.
But yeah, hilarious how they have no problem believing the BBC intern who got told by a major producer that Louis is Harry's boyfriend, yet the idea of Louis laughing with a stranger in a posh restaurant cannot be contemplated... which one has more chances to be true?
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arwenfest · 3 years
Hey M again! I think no can deny Arthur loves em strong (both physically and mentally) So here's my prompt, 5 times Arthur saw how strong Gwen is and one time Guinevere saw him. This gives the writer a chance to deepen the characters cause let's be honest BBC made my babies dirty.
I have this HC in my head that the first time Arthur really saw Gwen was after her mother's death. Gwen was young when her mother died but still old enough to be Morgana's maid. Morgana gave Gwen time off. Arthur heard about Morgana's maid losing her mother and thought oh.
A prince couldn't visit a maid ofc, but he wanted to give her his condolences. Yet, he couldn't ask Morgana when Guinevere will be back to work (can't let the adopted nuisance know he cares) So he waited outside of Gana's door every morning until Gwen showed up on the fourth day with red eyes and a desperate need to work. That would be 1st.
Then, Arthur being there for Gwen after she lost her father. After Elyan returned. Morgana went batshit crazy. Her coronation the 5th. i hate dark tower episode so skip that Please. And finally +1, Arthur making magic legal with a speech and wiping his father's trash of a legacy. Gwen smiles at him proudly through the celebration fest. Because that's the end both Merlin and I deserved!!!
Thank you<3
(anon oh my god im so sorry this took so long) hello!!
PLEASE THIS IS SO CUTE ILL GIVE ANYONE MY ARM IF THEYLL WRITE IT CJNDKJCNDKC just any look into their childhood is so interesting aND JUST SMOL ARWEN pls. PLEASE thats so cute
and also just?? after gwen becomes queen? MUAH
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