#BUCK Trench
watchyourbuck · 6 months
Imagine planning your wedding to the love of your life but having to keep putting out fires bc your stupid blond bitch of a baby brother who’s built like a refrigerator hurt his hus-best fiend apparently on purpose bc he was hanging out with some other guy just to have him stumble into ur kitchen a few days later telling u he kissed the other dude instead
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
I keep trying to write a post about how Buck needs to choose, explain how Buck keeps dating people who present themselves as an option first and how Eddie dates people he tolerates because of per-pressure. And Eddie thinks he's not enough and Buck won't ask for more than he's given even though he jumps off the deep end to ensure they'll stay. But Eddie thinks not worthy of love and Buck thinks he's not allowed to ask for it. And even if Eddie reaches the realization first, he would never risk losing Buck, and since he thinks he's not enough, going there with Buck would mean losing him if he doesn't know Buck feels the same. And Buck is a people pleaser. He goes along with the flow, he waits for cues from the people he dates. So if Eddie asks him out, he will go with it without thinking and it will leave the question of "is this just Buck going along with the flow" because it is what Buck does, and that's Eddie, we saw the lengths Buck went to keep Taylor, we know how far Buck would go for Eddie, the lengths he would go to keep Eddie include acting like he's in love with him even if he's not sure. Making Buck stand up and go to Eddie "hey, I love you, do you want me" removes that question from the interaction. Eddie loved one person who didn't choose him. Eddie and Shannon got married because she got pregnant, she left, he asked her to come back, she asked for a divorce and then she died. She never chose Eddie. Buck keeps being chosen by these people, and yes, the relationships have flaws because they don't see all of Buck, but they meet Buck, they are interested, they make their intentions known. And that allows Buck to float through his love life. Eddie has been choosing Buck since the parking lot, but he never asked Buck to choose him. And because Buck was written as the love interest, he is always being asked, but these people can't handle all he is. Eddie knows all of Buck and he loves all of Buck already. Buck is the one who needs to see that and go get it. Because after the "I feel like she sees me" after Eddie kept trying to make Buck feel better or the "I can't stop thinking about him" after Buck went crazy and nearly broke Eddie's leg, the message Eddie is getting is that Buck doesn't want him. Dude is settled into being the best friend. Buck is the one who needs to make a statement because Eddie is the one making them since the "you can have my back any day." "There's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you." "Because, Evan, you act like you're expendable but you're wrong." Everything about the 612 conversation. Buck is the one who needs to say the words. Because they're even on the actions. Buck is the one who doesn't use his words. He needs to not react when it comes to his love life.
(post about Buck and the archetype love interest archetype he was written with)
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I never thought something would mean this much for me. I've always been chill with my queerness; I let it flow wherever and I don't focus much on it. But being bisexual has always been a label for me. Headcanoning characters as bisexual is just par for the course. And tonight, getting Buck confirmed bi hit me like a truck. Seeing that play out has me feeling so seen and proud and I am typing through tears on my couch that I get to have this.
So anyone who has something shitty to say because it isn't with eddie can consider themselves blocked. In this moment I swear to god it's not about them. Next week I'll go back to my fun shipping but this week is for me. For those of us who never realized how much having a character so dear to us be bi would mean.
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
The buddie fandom lately summarised:
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 9 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @devirnis @monsterrae1 @daffi-990 @hippolotamus @wikiangela @spagheddiediaz @buckaroosheart @honestlydarkprincess @steadfastsaturnsrings @transboybuckley
thanks lovelies! <3
so the rot really took over after watching the teaser and now im writing s7 spec fic jfc (tho really it's just self indulgence)
No replies have come from his desperate calls for Eddie.
There’s only the crashing of waves and the creaking of the ship and the sound of other people calling out in terror, all of it soaking up Eddie’s name the minute it falls from Buck’s lips, enveloping each letter and muffling it until Buck can’t hear his own voice anymore.
It’s not the first time he has screamed for Eddie with water in his mouth and clawing, slippery hands that can do him no good.
But this time it’s him that has fallen, him that is so close to being buried forever beneath something that Eddie could never have any hope of digging up.
He thinks Eddie would try.
He knows Eddie would try.
Eddie Diaz is a force of nature on his own, so strong and resilient and bullheaded and he would take on the ocean for anyone he loves.
Buck can’t let him.
Buck can’t be the reason Eddie throws himself into a fight he cannot win.
So he holds on.
tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @shortsighted-owl @diazass @jeeyuns @malewifediaz @chronicowboy @try-set-me-on-fire @rewritetheending @messyhairdiaz @sibylsleaves @bvckandeddie @thewolvesof1998 @lemonzestywrites @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @eowon @shitouttabuck @folk-fae @gayedmundodiaz @barbiediaz @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @bigfootsmom @paranoidbean @spotsandsocks @bucks118 @butchdiaz @evcndiaz and anyone else who wants to share!
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nickbutnodick · 4 months
guys i got a debit card! i get to spend even MORE recklessly now!
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liveforever7 · 5 months
all the people closing on buddie and being miserable in the tag are so annoying, like if you ship bucktommy or whatever they call them, that's great, do what you want but let the others have fun and shut the hell up dawng
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adarkermiserablecrow · 6 months
I was in the harry potter fandom back in the day and then in the 100 while the last seasons were airing and im sideeyeing the brewing ship war in 911 so hard
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evanbuckleykinnie · 10 months
He really noticed it on a random Friday afternoon, sat around the table as Bobby cooked and Hen and Chim went about their usual routine of prodding and poking at Buck to get a funny response from him.
It wasn't like he'd never noticed it before, the small stutter that presented itself as Buck spoke. Sometimes it came out in frustration, other times during heated discussions where passion was like an all engulfing flame, and then there were the times it came out when they were speaking quietly between themselves and Eddie was staring too intently without realising it. But on that Friday afternoon, it finally clicked in his head that he had noticed it and had always been noticing it.
"Come on, you can't think there's been no one!" Chim had exclaimed over a mouthful of some spaghetti concoction Eddie hadn't really felt like eating that day. "Statistically, there's been more than one woman who's faked it for your ego."
"Oh, definitely more than one." Hen had chimed in, smile small and amused in a way Eddie had grown rather fond of.
"But I've never felt like anyone lied to me." Buck insisted to both of them and, bless the poor guy, Eddie believed Buck believed that with his whole heart. "I've- I've read about guys, you know... Not putting in the effort. I've made sure I put in the effort." Blue eyes scanned the table, falling on him. "Come on, Eds. What about you?"
Eddie had shrugged, caught off guard. He forgot, sometimes, that he wasn't just a spectator in the presence of everyone. Pulling on a small, sympathetic smile, Eddie held up his hands as he reclined back in his seat.
"Can't help you here, man." Buck's responding scoff had brought a small chuckle out of Eddie before he could stop it. "Look, I'm just saying... I haven't really been on the playing field in a while and the last person wasn't really someone who'd spare me the humiliation, y'know?"
"But I put in the work!" The response was bordering on desperate, distressed in the way this ribbing routine was designed to get him. Buck's ears were red, eyes wide, hands flailing wildly. "Look I- I.. I mean.. Sure, maybe not at first but- but.. Surely not as many as you're tryna say, Chim."
The click happened there. Something small, barely perceptible to most, had shifted in the way Buck was speaking and Eddie had clocked it as if a neon sign had suddenly appeared above the man's head. They were getting close to the limit, pushing and nudging Buck to the ledge of actual and genuine distress. Eddie knew the signs, he just hadn't really thought about them before. The more frequent repetition of words, the raising of his shoulders, the way his jaw worked even before he'd said what he wanted to say.
"I don't know what to tell ya, Buckaroo. With your track record? There's been at least five."
An eruption was about to happen. Eddie could see it. Hear it in the breath Buck pulled in, how it hitched in his chest like the rush of words were already tripping over themselves before he'd even formed them. A shadow was forming, ugly and cloudy and full of that self-doubt Buck always seemed to have floating above him.
"Hey, Buck, it's probably less than that. I'm sure you're a capable guy."
The silence that followed was thick. Oppressive. Eddie had spoken before he'd even registered he had something to say. He hadn't thought the words that had left him, he had actually vocalised them and there was no way of physically clawing them back into his mouth so he could chew them into mush and swallow them down.
Four pairs of eyes landed on him, all holding very different emotions. Bobby's were plainly observant, if not slightly amused. Hen's held that same amusement, but there was a warmth in them that had Eddie resisting the urge to squirm in his chair. Chim's were full of an incredulous sort of shock. But Buck's...
The shadow had passed, leaving those pretty blue eyes bright and clear. Doubt visibly changed to something surprised. A gentle, almost apprehensive type of surprise that had Buck's head cocked to the side ever so slightly as he stared at Eddie, or right through him. And then that, whatever that was, turned into a smug satisfaction, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a smirk.
"Thank you." Buck's eyes found Chim, much to Eddie's conflicting feelings of relief and dismay, hand gesturing towards Eddie. "You see?"
Eruption averted, doubt neutralised, but at what cost? Chim had gone back to bickering with a much less distressed Buck, Bobby was back to stirring whatever he had in the pan he was working over, but Hen still had her eyes on him. Eddie's face had burned as he attempted to avoid her eyes without seeming any more off than he already seemed, focusing on grabbing some random piece of bread he had no appetite for just to give himself something to do.
As he chewed, and as Hen finally gave up on trying to meet his eyes again, he had noticed Buck's ears had remained red. Redder than usual. The corner of his mouth remained pulled into a sort of half smile even as he argued about his bedroom abilities and Eddie had been certain, as he sat there, that he was being watched through peripheral vision. He had thought then that maybe, just maybe, knowing Evan Buckley so intimately yet so painfully silently, was worth it for just a little bit more of... That. Whatever that was.
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captain-hen · 6 months
I don't know your exact stance on this but the frequent mischaracterisation of eddie drives me nuts. "He's avoiding sex with his gf so he must dislike sex" NO. That's not what happened. "He says he felt pressured to marry his pregnant girlfriend so he must not have wanted her" NO. That's not what we have seen in the show. What is it about his character that makes people unable to accept that he might be a little different from their headcanons?
oh, trust me, i have ranted at length about fandom's frequent mischaracterization of eddie lmao. they're so obsessed with putting him in this box and assigning traits to him that he doesn't even have. but yeah, the most annoying thing is their dismissal of his love for shannon. just because they were together under really terrible circumstances doesn't mean that they didn't love each other. jesus.
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phoenixkaptain · 8 months
I’ve been reading early Detective Comic issues (don’t ask why, I have a lot of problems) and if I was offered an answer to only one of the multitude of questions I have, I would have to ask: why is Steve Malone so… pretty?
A bit of context here: early Detective Comics were called “Detective Comics” because they featured stories of multiple detectives. There were other characters to, but the bulk of the stories were about detectives detectiving around. One of these comics is Steve Malone: District Attorney at Law, starring Steve Malone, a district attorney (at law).
Now, maybe I’m just insane, but Steve is drawn very pretty? Like, I don’t know how to explain this in a way that makes sense, he’s just very lovely.
I’ll just put some pictures in, I guess.
(All of these come from Detective Comics (1937-2011) #34)
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Actually, looking back, I think it’s just his waist. Why’s it so small? You’ve got to understand, there are other men in these comics, and none of them are drawn like this.
Buck Marshall, in the same comic:
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Slam Bradley and his totally not boyfriend who he shares a bed with, also in this comic:
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The only character drawn sort of like Steve Malone is Batman
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But, on the other hand, Batman is supposed to be an expert gymnast, and it isn’t like gymnasts are particularly large. (Also his proportions are weird because he has the slimness of an acrobat but muscles of steel, giving him a beautiful hourglass figure) Steve isn’t supposed to be a gymnast, he’s just supposed to be a district attorney who’s pretty good at punching people.
Why is he drawn like this? Why is he so pretty? Seriously, what?
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milkymooshi · 4 months
Congrats on the gender! Hope you find a good blazer that isnt so many monies!
The only problem is that men’s blazers don’t account for men having fat tits so it’s either I get one that’s bigger and ill-fitting and I have to find a way to tailor it to my own measurements at home despite never working on a suit before OR I have to find one that’s made for women and like…they don’t have the style that I’m going for bc it’s all body conforming. AND IM LIKE NO!!! NO NO NO!!! I NEED TO LOOK LIKE A BOX. I NEED TO LOOK LIKE IM READY FOR EXPEDITED SHIPPING!! IM A MAN. IM A MALE!! NO CURVES!! GRRRGRGRGRGRGRHRHR
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scattered-winter · 1 year
I'm telling ya, if I had the time and motivation to actually write all the fic I'm wanting to for this fandom, it would be alllll over for u bitches
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doeeyeseddie · 1 year
super busy day ahead of the three busiest work days of my year and yet i just spent almost an hour writing because i wanted to finish this part of the fic (eddie’s pov) so badly
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nickbutnodick · 3 months
DUDE my public pool literally DOUBLED the price of candy bars at the snack stand!!
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For the Eddie Breakdown Era. Buck helping him through it. And maybe later in the season it can be used for Buck's Breakdown Era. While Eddie helps him through it.
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