necronatural · 11 months
pacing in my room thinking about the insane dieci association verdante pining potential
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tiredyke · 5 months
people on this site really will straight up say “why should i listen to lesbians or care about lesbophobia when it does not materially impact my life”
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canisalbus · 6 months
as a 16th century clergyman what does machete think of the printing press
I think by the time he was born the printing press had been around for almost a century and a half, so I'd reckon the society as a whole was largely past it's initial novelty and controversy. Machete himself is bookish and nerdy, he's very invested in gathering knowledge about various topics and trying to piece together a good picture of how the world works. Getting access to reading material would be a lot harder if every book was still copied individually by hand. His standards are pretty high though, there's a lot of poorly translated, shoddily printed and flimsily bound books around and he's prone to scrunching his nose at them.
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guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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hazelnut1 · 9 months
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There isn’t enough Tom raises Harry Au out there
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periprose · 3 months
sydney is too young for carmy. its grooming tbh very weird of carm to look at syd that way when she's his mentee and looks up to him. disgusting that creeps like u ship it
We don't have a canon age for Sydney or Carmy so I'm going off their actors' ages.
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A four year difference is too much for you?? Lol. This isn't grooming and realistically most relationships can have this dynamic. Anon I invite you to the real world where rarely you will find people who date are on the exact same level (please don't come at me with this "power imbalance" shit too lol)
Also if you think I'm a creep I don't really care. Being an adult means I can do what I want without caring about randoms on the internet think of me.
A lot of you also use purity culture/false virtuosity to bully people, too; don't think I don't notice how you're subtly trying to equate this to actual pedophilia. Genuinely, you do a disservice to actual issues when you pull this shit.
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ave-immaculata · 11 months
if a teacher at a Catholic school is a poor role model of the moral life in a public way, they should be fired, simple as. if a teacher at a Catholic school cannot accurately describe and vocally affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church when asked, they should be fired, simple as. if a teacher at a Catholic school is known publically to be a non-practicing Catholic, they should be fired, simple as. Close schools if there aren't enough staff. I don't care. I'm sick of our Catholic schools disobeying the Bishop, the Church at large and pushing relativistic nonsense onto students as Catholicism.
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thepeacefulgarden · 11 months
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trelkez · 4 months
Bobby did a whole round of touching farewells and then got to Eddie and said "you need Jesus"
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Sometimes I read the books that the internet is going feral over and I'm just like "take my hand babygirl I can show you the world."
We can do better baby. I can get you a better version of this.
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rhodesmusic · 11 months
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jesus christ impaled on a wednesday i hate hate HATE it when christianity is brought into mathematics. people pushing their agenda by saying shit like "this beautiful mathematical thing proves the existence of GOD" or "GOD made math and we're just discovering it". that is SO fucking rancid for so many reasons and half the time the people that say those kinds of things hold math in a purely qualitative sence in their mind, thinking that because they got a mandelbrot zoom in their reccomended they eat breathe and shit math out their asshole on the spiritual level
no matter how hard our education systems bastardize the subject, compressing their concepts into a pristine meaninglessness to cull the young person's imagination across the land, nor how well their nouns verbs and adjectives describe what we see in the universe, mathematics at it's heart is a form of SELF EXPRESSION. nothing, NOTHING I SAY in this world we live in would be as FUCKING PSYCHOTIC as to suggest us to dwell over how a bunch of IMAGINARY IDEAS relate to one another along patterns and symmetries, other than OURSELVES. we started doing math because it offers a kind of fulfillment unlike any other artform. the difference between mathematics and other arts is that our culture doesn't see it as one.
mathematics is not about facts, or even worse, about "rules", but rather about the IDEAS that went into drawing such conclusions. similarly, the only thing more beautiful than math's polyhedra, infinitely intricate fractal shapes, and other pictures such as the ones abraham and jacob here put in their thumbnails, are the MADE UP IDEAS that constitute them, ideas that we have thought up for no good reason other than we find doing so lovely. wonderful. fulfilling and completing.
if some BRICK LICKER named EZEKIEL went out to an art fair and proclaimed with their righteous ass vocal cords, "all these paintings, all these works of art, all of these were drawn by GOD and HERE'S WHY", they'd rightfully be told to go off and HUFF DICK, but when it's mathematics it passes with nodding heads because our culture doesn't see math as any kind of self-expression, instead as a bunch of statements and sedentary pictures to worship, bend over, and take cock for to achieve some higher level of virtuosity.
"but how can the Mandelbrot set have infinite complexity as you zoom into it, that has to be god right there!!!" perhaps if you ever pondered the distinguishing complex numbers, how recursive processes ballet with its algebraic structure, the geometry unfolding into chaos along an infinitesimal boundary, all things that DON'T ACTUALLY FUCKING EXIST IN OUR WORLD BUT WILL STILL BE THOUGHT OF FOR OUR SAKES, LEST WE LET THE IDEA GO COLD AS WE SHIVER IN THE ABSENCE OF THE WARMTH OF ITS SIMPLE CHARM, then you wouldn't resort to implementing an omnipotent figure in order to fulfill your inclination to have the wonder be explained by anything besides the creativity of humans.
oh, but questioning the words of the bible? now that's sacrilege.
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h-doodles · 1 year
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Your love makes me feel holy — a web weave for @pinkcannibal eat your young chapter 20 (as it deserves!!!!)
i'm being so brave and so normal abt it btw. (<- lying 🥰🥰🥰) i love eat your young so much im literally out here once again like. hehe. i need to have my beloved plant milf dyke professor to come eat me up real
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besotted-with-austen · 2 months
Catherine: see Myrtle and Tom? They absolutely hate the person they have married!
Nick Carraway: *vaguely* do they?
Catherine: yes! The only reason Tom stays with that wife of his is because she is Catholic and they don't divorce!
Nick Carraway, that knows perfectly well that Daisy is not Catholic: *to himself* man, was "I just want to have fun" that difficult to say?
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We aren't born just to suffer. Get that little treat
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sodrippy · 2 months
alright I'll bite, who is this fish guy and why do u tag the most unhinged posts for him, I'm so intrigued
HI reading this made me laugh, he is a little unhinged youre right.
jackson 'jax' 'axe' 'fish' fischer is a guy i made for a laugh while my friends and i were brainstorming funny dnd character concepts, but now he's real and serious to me. he's the knight of a righteous god, blessed with a healing touch, taught since childhood that he was born to do good and help people, and he does all that (and does it well), until one day it just...doesn't work. he loses his power and he can't help anyone anymore. he still has his sword and his strength, and he uses those to aid those in need, but its not the same, its not what he was made for. he prays and prays and prays and hears nothing back, and then he gets angry.
all he can do is fight, and watch the carnage left behind with nothing more to offer. he leaves. he turns away from the people who need him, he uses his sword and his strength for the people who can pay, instead. he's bitter and blood soaked, and all alone, and makes the insane decision to go find god. he deserves some kind of answer, right? and definitely the logical way to talk to the god who abandoned you a la spiritual ghosting is to...seek them out in the material world...
so he sets out, man on a mission and all that, gets a lot more blood on his hands and really falls into a sunk cost fallacy of like, 'if i stop now all the ugly things ive done and the way ive made a monster of myself have been for nothing' that makes him push ahead despite it all.
one time when he's almost dead, he feels a new bond in the place where his link to his old god was, but he has no fucking clue who it is or whats going on, and he tries to ignore it for a while, but eventually he accepts the help and lets the new presence guide him, because it seems to be working out. if nothing else, it seems to heal him every time he falls, and with all the shit he's doing, that's enough of a reason to follow.
now, who's to say if he was almost dead when this new thing found him, or he was actually dead. we just don't know! (because we are actively ignoring thinking about it because it goes against everything we were taught as young, blessed children!)
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citrusbunnies · 6 months
hey besties guess who just got its worldview shifted by a good book and is gonna make it everyone elses problem once theyre done processingggg <3333 todays crisis was caused by hell followed with us by andrew joseph white, thanks for that fun horror <3
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