#Balance Supplements
millionairereview99 · 1 month
Defeating Dizziness & Vertigo Naturally: The Claritox Pro Revolution
Introduction: Delving into Claritox Pro
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⭐️Experience the Difference with Claritox Pro Today!
Understanding Claritox Pro: An Insightful Overview
Claritox Pro emerges as a groundbreaking formula meticulously crafted to address balance issues and promote ear health. Marketed as a natural supplement, it boasts a blend of organic ingredients, promising users a non-invasive approach to enhancing their well-being. But what sets Claritox Pro apart from other supplements on the market?
Exploring the Ingredients: The Key to Claritox Pro’s Efficacy
Zinc: A Cornerstone for Ear Health
Zinc plays a pivotal role in supporting ear health, harnessing its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to alleviate ringing sensations and promote overall well-being.
Milk Thistle: Enhancing Brain Health
Known for its cognitive benefits, milk thistle complements Claritox Pro’s efficacy by supporting optimal brain function, contributing to a holistic approach to wellness.
Green Tea: Guarding Against Dizziness
Rich in polyphenols, green tea aids in reducing ear dizziness and protecting against noise-induced hearing loss, further fortifying Claritox Pro’s effectiveness.
Berberine: Mitigating Hearing Loss Risks
Berberine’s role in mitigating noise-induced hearing loss underscores its importance in Claritox Pro’s formula, offering users a comprehensive solution to ear health concerns.
Resveratrol: Tackling Tinnitus Symptoms
With its effectiveness in treating tinnitus symptoms, resveratrol rounds out Claritox Pro’s ingredient list, providing users with a holistic approach to managing ear-related issues.
⭐️Transform Your Health with Claritox Pro — Order Now!
Unlocking Your Wellness Potential: Benefits of Claritox Pro
Combat Dizziness Effectively
By targeting the root causes of dizziness, Claritox Pro empowers users to regain control over their balance and stability, allowing them to navigate their daily lives with confidence.
Foster Healthy Hearing and Ear Function
The synergistic blend of ingredients in Claritox Pro works to support optimal ear health, fostering healthy hearing and mitigating the risk of ear-related ailments.
⭐️Embark on Your Journey to Wellness with Claritox Pro — Order Today!
Maintain a Balanced and Stable Equilibrium
Achieving a balanced equilibrium is essential for overall well-being. Claritox Pro aids in maintaining stability, ensuring users can enjoy a life free from the constraints of balance issues.
Experience Enhanced Well-Being and Vitality
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⭐️Explore Authentic User Testimonials on Claritox Pro’s Official Website!
Pros and Cons: Navigating Claritox Pro’s Landscape
Manufactured in FDA-approved facilities, ensuring adherence to stringent quality standards.
Organic formulation crafted in compliance with GMP guidelines, prioritizing user safety and efficacy.
Non-habit forming and devoid of stimulants, catering to individuals seeking natural solutions for their health concerns.
GMO-free and free from toxins, offering users peace of mind regarding product purity and safety.
Not suitable for children under 18, limiting its demographic reach.
Exclusive availability through the official website may pose accessibility challenges for some consumers.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 8 months
Do ferrets need a raw meat diet or is fancy cat food ok for them?? I'm getting conflicting answers, I hear a lot of people are against raw feeding dogs and ferrets, but a lot say kibble is bad
Hope this helps lol.
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itchyeye · 1 year
new head canon that while elias was plotting all his machinations for marking jon with every entity he was also sneaking multivitamins into his food because the boy's still human, at least for the time being, and he hasn't slept or seen daylight in a worrying amount of time... can't construct an archive of terror with a severe vitamin k deficiency
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darkwood-sleddog · 8 months
babe if you have to make an entire social media post about "adding nutrients to my dog's kibble" have you thought perhaps that kibble is not right for your dog?
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halscafe · 9 months
someone needs to get sunshine out of the basement soon and fast
we can’t be having the one character with a sun-associated nickname having vitamin D deficiency, that irony is just sad 😔
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raksh-writes · 7 months
Maybe this doesn’t need to be said, but Im feeling awful about it, so -- to any mutuals that might notice Im not following them anymore, I'm sorry about that. I've just seen too many posts on my dash that I have no way of blocking because they're not tagged in any way and they're distressing enough it's turning one of the only places I considered a safe space not safe for me anymore. So for my own mental health, I had to unfollow. I Will refollow in the future and I still love y'all, but I just-- I can’t. Ive been noticing some very worrying stuff about my mental and emotional state and it's just too much currently. I hope it's at least an understandable decision, and I wish y'all are having a good day out there 💗
#personal#I know its important to keep up with current events#but life overall's been a bit too much for me lately#I should prob go back to my therapist#I haven’t seen her since I went back to uni#for one because I didn’t know my schedule when we last meet and we both thought this should balance me#finally having purpose again and doing what I actually enjoy#but I also don’t have a job now so its costs and... I don’t know#but I probably should now that Im thinking maybe its time to actually get medicated for real#tho first maybe I should just visit my family doc and ask for those vit d supplements my therapists talked about#see if thats gonna be enough#autumn (and winter) has always been an awful time for me in terms of mental and emotional health#but it feels even worse these days#like Im battling against depression every day recently and rarely anything works to distract me#which is why its been hard to get back to peels in dms and such too#I was meant to meet with a friend now that Im studying in a city she lives in but I have yet to get back to her#and it feels like I have not only Zero but like Negative energy and motivation#+ Ive been dealing with an upset stomach for Weeks now#no matter what I eat it feels weird and achy and barely anything tastes good for me already so now its even worse#anyway this turned into such a rant Im sorry#I just didn’t want the lovely peeps Ive been mutuals with for a long time to think I stopped liking them or smth#its just certain untagged posts that I would otherwise block if I could#and I dont wanna impose onto anyone like a 'rule' to tag them or whatever#so yeah this is just temporary#hopefully at some point I get better enough to survive the couple distressing posts heh...
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orchideae · 7 months
I have so very much to catch up on, my sincerest apologies, seriously— there's been mental madness going on behind the scenes, including this weekend. Please, let December be the month where normality starts and stays.
And on a more IC note, I often talk about solitude and isolation (and its origins in a very specific kind of loneliness) that is chosen and accepted, but I don't know if I ever talk about what that looks like exactly, and why, quite frankly, it's a little... for lack of a better word, concerning. Do me a favor, if you're in Genshin, turn your clock to nighttime, then go out into any of the cities, villages, camps, footholds and look up, no matter the nation you're in. How many characters are able to do that, and see a night sky that is nothing but void of any and all bounds and limitations? How many of them see that endless array of stars that illuminate it, and how many feel the cool fresh air that tickles their skin? For many, they can leave the four walls that house them, and experience that sight and sensation, because all of us to an extent, crave that. And honestly, so can Yelan— but she also, if not more often so, chooses to see something else. And the unusual concept of choosing that, is a driving force to my decisions for her and why I deem them so incredibly important: it's about the state of mind, it's about the mental that drives her.
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On many days and nights especially, this is what she sees, and this is only if she doesn't descend further into the Chasm (which we know that she does), closer to the Abyss and to the Celestial nail itself that rests at its heart. And yes, it is beautiful in its own way, a pathway illuminated by the light of the moon and the nail, but it's also a cruel reminder of just how far the surface, and humans that live there (that she is by all accounts a part of, of course), are. But then, when she returns her gaze to the ground, her surroundings are void of light and dare I say, void of hope. The Chasm isn't just one of the places where you can get the closest to the Abyss, but it also consists of ruins of more than just one civilization. We see glimpses of Khaenri'ah (which we explore more closely through Dain's quest), but we know there is 'fauna' down there, even deeper, that is referenced as belonging to an even more ancient civilization that predated it. The Chasm is surrounded by reminders of death, ruin, and in that, it feels as if it's the direct foil of the world above it. The Chasm was almost the end of Liyue five-hundred years ago during the fall of Khaenri'ah, just as it had, apparently, once been to a civilization before it (please remember, the impact of the meteorite/fallen star that created the Chasm occurred roughly 6000 years ago), and its creatures wouldn't have stopped at its borders. The Chasm is the engulfing darkness in direct opposition to the light of life overhead, and the hope that humanity holds in the palms of its hands. It's dark, it's grim, and it's cold in more ways than one (See one, two, three, four).
And this place is a choice that Yelan makes to venture to and stay in, yes, yet calling it a choice is where it gets so interesting. Once upon a time, long before she got her vision, she was part of a team that surveyed the surroundings of the Chasm, and like many others before them that have descended into it, all members of this team, excluding her, died. The circumstances aren't clear, but following Yelan's line to Ning, I'm lead to believe that the Chasm's surroundings, which are all rather clearly threats to non-vision holders in specific (which Yelan also was at the time), were directly responsible for their demise. I'll note my hypothesis on what could have happened to them in a different post in the future, as I don't want to go far off-topic, but despite having likely witnessed what occurred to them, seeing the ruins of the Chasm, the threat of the Abyss and barely understanding what the Abyss even is, she continues to venture down there because the possibility of what could happen to the people of Liyue, is more important than her own existence and/or survival. And this bears even more weight following the events of Perilous Trail part 2, where she witnessed just how much the Chasm is capable of. Is this walking engima of a woman also drawn to equal or greater mystery than herself, much like a moth to a flame? I think that's part of it, but I definitely think it's infinitely more multi-layered.
Mostly, I think that this plays into the heart of what Fontaine has shown us that 'hydro' seems to represent: it's not merely a sense of responsibility (and/or justice) or selflessness, but a semblance of self-sacrifice either during the duration of one's life or at its end, either literally or figuratively. But keeping that in mind, what I really want to shine a spotlight on, is what kind of self-sacrifice seems to be the case with Yelan, and the way in which she seems to not just be at peace with it, but has truly accepted it almost as something akin to normality. And more importantly, note how this isn't normal behavior. An acceptance of solitude in such depressing surroundings is incredibly saddening, because it's not something that we ever crave by any means or should ever come to crave. Any regular individual, even most vision-holders surely, would find what she does insane to some extent. And yet, she walks the depths of the Chasm, of all places, with a similar routine as a Millelith guard patrols the outskirts of the harbor. Regardless of her clear reason for it— god, I have difficulty explaining what I'm trying to say; how does someone get to a point where they no longer do something so depressing out of necessity, but because it's... normal? That's her. The Chasm isn't... as eerie to her as it is to others, even if she knows better than most what these surroundings are; the Chasm it isn't as dangerous, even if she knows that it is and it's why she's there in the first place, to her as it is to others. Perhaps it's simply an acceptance that regardless of its dangers, that her fate lies in those depths as it did for her ancestors, that the Chasm's ruins will include her own legacy one day. But again, how does one come to terms with that? How do you come to make the decision that you will sacrifice yourself for others, especially when it means resigning yourself to a place like the Chasm, a place that is home to a pathway to the Abyss, which inherently holds the power to drive mortals to madness and death. Many wouldn't do this, or rather, many couldn't do this, not until they had no other choice and even then, think of Boyang, and even Bosacius, granted the latter had lost his mind by then. And that's where I think she's unique, because she technically has a choice, unlike individuals like Xiao whose... direct 'responsibility' and contract it is to do what he does. She could walk away tomorrow if she willed it, but she doesn't. Yes, responsibility plays into it, but the Chasm really hits differently when you tie it into that.
Now, I do need to note that I firmly stand against any believe that she a death wish or is thoroughly depressed. She isn't going down there over and over because she seeks an end to her life in some way or because she believes her life to be worthless. Quite the contrary, actually, and one could argue that the reasoning for that lies with her survivor's guilt. But all in all, before I get sidetracked again: Yelan embraces solitude to a rather extreme extent, and yet she doesn't seem to harbor a dissociation from the rest of humanity or dislike of it, but she does seem to place a firm line between non-allogenes and herself (and others who hold a vision). But what I mean with embracing solitude, is that while she is social, and she understands the laws and diplomacy of social behavior, she isn't one to always engage in it, simply because many don't seem to quite... share her headspace.
#[ meta. ] the chances are if i open this door; there can be no witnesses left alive. is that a sufficient reason for you?#[ honestly this is the biggest mess; but i've wanted to touch on this for a while even while this is a mess. ]#[ it's just the concept of-- there's a difference between dynamics where this on surface-level doesn't matter so much. ]#[ but it does explain the differences beween /some/ dynamics and most. xiao and yelan is one of them-- ]#[ but with xiao there's arguably the concept of karmic debt and how dangerous it is to non-allogenes. ]#[ and this sense of solitude is inherently ingrained in him in vastly different ways. but there /are/ some similarities. ]#[ but all in all-- this for example also plays into why i can only ship yelan at present with wriothesley. ]#[ and it's mostly because of the way his life seems to have led him to make a similar decision of likely staying in the meropide... ]#[ for the rest of his life. that's a specific type of decision to make that i think many couldn't make as easily. ]#[ not saying he made it as easily-- but it's this concept of... i think the only ones who really would understand are the ones... ]#[ who are able to make a similar decision or have already. i don't think every characer's 'loneliness' should be supplemented... ]#[ or 'fixed' by another's or someone who's the opposite. it needs to hit right; it needs to click just right for me. ]#[ and this one does. ]#[ it's the similarities with /just/ enough differences that you create a balance in which there's a semblance of peace. ]#[ but a peace that isn't constant. ]#[ i don't know how to word-- i just. 😭 one day you guys will get a proper meta from me on this. ]
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foodwithrecipes · 10 months
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10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally
1) Every day after waking up in the morning, eat one tomato on an empty stomach.
2) Mix 3 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 tsp black pepper powder and 1 tsp honey and drink it with a glass of water every morning. Do this continuously for 3 months, you will feel the change in your figure.
3) Even drinking a glass of carrot juice daily does not increase obesity.
4) Cut a lot of cabbage and mix it in the salad. Even this will keep you slim. Cabbage is easily digested. Also, eating it gives a feeling of being full for a long time.
5) Boil ginger and lemon slices in a glass of water for some time, then filter the water and drink it (make sure the water is hot). It prevents obesity as well as overeating.
6) Avoid excessive consumption of rice and potatoes. If you cannot live without eating rice, then cook rice in a pot instead of a cooker and throw away the excess water.
7) Include fruits like jackfruit, grapes, papaya, pineapple, apple, French beans, figs, peach, guava etc. in your diet. They are helpful in reducing weight.
8) Green tea also helps in reducing obesity.
9) Fasting once a week is also a good option. Take only liquid things on this day, it will remove toxins and extra fat from the body.
10) Avoid consuming too much salt, it leads to weight gain.
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collaredkittyboy · 11 months
Current theory on why I stay thin despite eating like shit and never exercising is just that there are No Nutrients in the food I eat and it usually gives me digestive issues so I just pass all of it without absorbing any of it
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biophilianutrition · 8 months
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Energize Your Body
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
I just watched a raw feeder give a dog dragon fruit and sauerkraut. Regardless of the dog safeness of these or not I think we can all agree it’s ridiculous to push your dog’s meals as nutritionally superior than nutritionally complete kibble while giving your dog food items they would never eat without human intervention.
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elderlytourney · 1 year
Old Man Tourney - Supplemental Round 3
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roomstudent · 6 months
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dravidious · 9 months
You're more amazing than spellcasting
I just got a big ol' bag of KitKats today as a gift from my mom fuck yeah I'm gonna make magic cards about it
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Also I don't remember why but the idea of a saga creature got put into my head so while I was making KitKat cards I also made this
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#asks#custom cards#is the professor balanced? i have no idea#the only comparable creature is that one from AWBO that starts with 4 oil counters and dies when it runs out#but you're supposed to prolong that one with proliferate#numbers wise this card is bonkers#you get a 4/4 haste a 3/2 and an Inspired Charge for just 4 mana#but it's given out really slowly and you lose the big creature after 2 turns#so i have NO IDEA how strong this card is#i think it's somewhere between good and broken#so you know. an average rare card#a creature that automatically kills itself isn't very appealing so i don't expect saga creatures to become a set mechanic#not in standard at least#just like how Urza's Saga was printed in a supplemental set#anyway i came up with the lorehold idea almost instantly when i started making the card#i was writing the typeline “Enchantment Creature Saga... huh. what creature type could be a living story? spirit maybe? OH!”#lol i don't even care that much for strixhaven or lorehold but the flavor feels kinda perfect#a spirit called from the past to relive their history#not legendary because there were lots of professors that lorehold staff and students remember as “the finest professor”#it's not really an objective thing lol#though a saga commander would be really neat#like that “Origin story” mechanic from last week's inventor's fair#not even as a saga creature or in addition to a creature i think just a saga commander would be really neat#anyway i'm going back and forth on whether the professor should have vigilance or first strike#first strike would make it able to attack without fear of getting multi-blocked and killed#but that might be too strong#actually how good is a 4-drop 4/4 haste?#checking gatherer: pretty good apparently#but a 4-drop 4/4 haste that dies in 2 turns? hmm#but if your opponent doesn't kill it early then it gives you tons of value
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im-a-heartstomper · 10 months
im not clumsy im just anemic
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fitnessminx365 · 1 year
✅Top 5:Best Weight Loss Supplements For Women|Supplements For Men(Buying Guide)📌 "#ad"
About Video: Hello Welcome To Our FITNESS MINX Channel. We are going to show some of the Best Weight Loss Supplements For Women|Supplements For Men To Buy that are best sold and reviewed in the last couple of months on Those Companies. If you want more information and updated pricing on the product mentioned be sure to check the links in the description. So let's get started with the video.
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Disclaimer: Portions of footage found in this video are not original content produced by FITNESS MINX. Portions of stock footage of products were gathered from multiple sources including, Different Company manufactures, fellow creators and various other sources.
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