#Balding Vlad Masters
anglers1mp · 1 year
Oh No!! Vlad has gone Bald
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ghost-pasta · 2 months
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ecto-stone · 3 months
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Vlad Plasmius the Black Lion Knight . "i Alway thought it would be fun if Danny get Guardian training under Frostbite whiles Vlad got Knight trainning under Fright Knight. like The Little Snow Guardian and The Black Lion Knight"
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stars-obsession-pit · 3 months
Damn it, not again
Danny Fenton is fucking tired of rich fruitloops trying to adopt him.
At first it was just Vlad Masters. But no, it couldn’t stop there.
He moved to Metropolis City for college, and some bald guy tried to approach him talking about how he was interested in his family’s tech and they could use it to defeat Superman and lead humanity into a new age.
Which, fuck no, creep.
So he transferred to a different college in Gotham. And of course Danny can never have nice things, so the resident billionaire there had to take interest in him too after the city’s vigilantes caught him phasing through his house’s window.
Well okay maybe that one was on him, he could have been more careful with his powers, but still.
So he moved again, this time to somewhere remote with as few billionaires as possible.
…Where he then promptly gets kidnapped by ninjas and wakes up in the cult-y basement of yet another fruitloop, this time one spouting off about immortality and Lazarus something-or-other.
Where else can he go at this point!? Space???
…Nah, knowing his luck that’d probably end up with an alien fruitloop trying to adopt him as a pet or something
Maybe the deep ocean would work?
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phantomphangphucker · 5 months
The joys of auto correct through out phic phight 24:
‘A torso’ changed to ‘agoraphobia’
‘How’ became ‘hoes’ multiple times.
The many versions of The FrightKnight’s name: fruit nail, friughtknught, fruhtknughti, fright nugget, frightkigt, free lift, FrughrKnoghr,
‘Birches lime me!’
‘Restricting’ became ‘Restaurierung’
‘Blob’ became ‘blender’ resulting in an entire paragraph about a sentient blender I had to fix.
‘Doesn’t’ became ‘domesticated’
The many versions of Vlad’s name (I got a new phone and I think it hates Vlad): Bald, Ball, Bale, Sass, Ass (I was legit considering intentionally leaving this one in the fic that way I’d get to have the line ‘Ass Masters growled threateningly’), Blad, Blade, Asses, Vending, Vein, Class, Bladder, Blass, Clads, a lad
‘Throat’ became ‘through mat’
huaradhing u pi
‘Jealous’ became ‘keloid’
‘Ectoplasm’ became ‘Scotland’ (I’m lost on how this one happened)
‘Corrode’ became ‘Coco retro order’
‘Principle’ became ‘Privatplatzierung’
‘Two’ became ‘r tee WOO’
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Danny and the Slender man quest Part 6: Aaaaaaaahhhh!
*danny looked down at the page he just acquired*
Danny: smudged and barely legible, I can’t cheat off this!
Tucker: I think that’s the least of your worries
*danny walked past the propane tanks heading back into the forest, which direction he had no idea*
Danny: I hope there is a map or something around here to let me know where I am, but then again I am out in the middle of no where. Maybe I can mark trees, but eventually that will get confusing.
*danny stopped hearing something before scanning the area, on screen tucker can see a tall figure dressed in a tuxedo not far from him*
Tucker: you might want to look to your left then start running.
*doing as tucker said, danny turned his head left seeing the figure.*
Danny: Is Vlad Masters playing too? And what happened to his hair? Did he decide to go bald? I know the pony tail thing was a bit much? And where are his eyes? Did he get plastic surgery? He should fix that chest of his…might do him some good.
*the figure floated towards danny*
Danny: woah, wtf!
Tucker: that’s Slenderman get out of there!
*danny starts running in the opposite direction*
Danny screams: no, no, no, no Shia LeBeouf, Shia LeBeouf, Shia LeBeouf!
*he stopped after a while still in the woods*
Danny: my cardio sucks!
Tucker: I told you you need to work out a bit more.
Danny: that’s not fair, he can float and his tentacle arms give him an advantage.
Tucker: shouldn’t have made that bet with me huh.
*danny rolled his eyes before noticing another page on a tree. he picked it up.*
Danny: again blurry, it must be hard for him to write with those tentacle arms, probably why he dropped out in before middle school.
Tucker: it also doesn’t help he is missing his entire face!
Danny: at least he dresses properly
*danny walked further into the woods until he came to a small shack with three canoes in a small lake*
Danny: canoes! I love canoes! wait
*he noticed a sign on the side of the shack*
Danny reads it aloud: Canoe rental closed until further notice. Well, if no one’s here who to say I can’t take a little joy ride.
*danny turns to walk towards the lake where he sees another sign*
Danny reads it: do not interact with any and all aquatic life.
Danny continues: Aquaman is all like “fine screw all you guys I’m going home!”
Tucker: off to sleep with the fishes I guess.
Danny: Ariel won’t be able to be a part of this world, better re-adjust her contract with Ursula.
Tucker: It’s not much better up here anyway. Stay underwater, it’s safe there!
Danny: Can Slenderman swim? What happens if he can’t? Can he drown? Or does he just change his victims to mermaids until he can reach the surface again?
Tucker: all great questions.
*turning away from the lake Danny can see the tall figure again*
Danny: Ahhhhh! It’s Vlad’s faceless yet well dressed twin again!
*danny runs behind the shack into the woods again*
Tucker: don’t look back keep running
*danny looks back*
Tucker: what did I just say!
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inthememetime · 2 years
It is TIME
Summary: Danny is surprised when he and his sister are taken to court with Vlad and their parents. Vlad is suing for custody. Ridiculous!
Or is it? As the court case continues, Danny and Jazz have to come to terms with the idea that Vlad may be their only shot at survival and escape- and that their parents are not the people they thought they were.
Who is he really? Who- and what- is his sister? Are his parents bad luck to be around- or murderers?
This story is told primarily through dialogue and epistolary storytelling as an experiment. Throughout the story, please expect body horror, illegal and nonconsensual experimentation on human beings, murder, and kidnapping. Mind the tags, please.
Chapter 1 under the cut. Tagging: @shroudthecursedone @ghost-malone @goata33 @tellmeabtspinos @murderandjam @elegantmantaray let me know if you want to be tagged for chapter 2!
Based on this convo!
"State your full name for the record, please."
"Vladimir Gregori Masters. Born Vladimir Gregori Romanov."
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? And, uh, the Ancients?"
"I do so swear."
Vlad wasn't swearing on a bible. Somehow, that made him almost want to laugh. Instead, he was swearing on a glowing purple book with ectoplasmic green pages. It floated slightly above the bailiff's hands. It hissed, opened itself, and Vlad bit one finger, allowing a drop of blood to land on the blank page. The book hissed again. "Your oath is accepted. Failure to uphold it shall result in grave punishments upon the river Styx."
A drop of sweat rolled down the bailiff's balding head. "You can set it down now," Vlad told him.
It added to the absurdity of the situation. One week ago exactly, he and Jazz were picked up from school by police officers and two CPS representatives. One week and one day, it was as normal as his life ever got. Just one day later, everything changed.
He hadn't spoken with Vlad- not for lack of trying, but he was always watched. If he could just get the fruitloop to see this wasn't the winning strategy! He was using ghostly artifacts in front of humans- someone was going to figure out what they were, and Vlad had a lot more to lose than he did.
Everything Vlad did had a reason of some sort. Neither he nor Jazz could figure out the reason for this.
"The trial of Vladimir Masters, the State of Wisconsin, the State of Illinois, the State of Michigan, et. all, versus Madeline and Jack Fenton is now in session," the judge said, banging a heavy wooden gavel.
Danny swallowed. This wasn't some dumb ploy by the fruitloop, not if three states or more were involved. "Mr. Masters, please state your intent with this trial."
"I see it, based on evidence, that I would be a better caretaker for both Jazmine and Daniel Fenton until they reach adulthood than Maddie or Jack Fenton."
Maddie or Jack. That made Danny freeze when he wanted to jump out of his chair and yell. Well, that and the tight grip his sister held on his arm. What was his plan if he wanted mom in jail, too?
"I would also like to press charges for murder."
A low murmur started in the courtroom. The judge slammed the gavel down again. "Whose murder, Mr. Masters?"
"An unknown number of children," he began, and Danny wanted to scream, "as well as my own." And then, in front of a full courtroom and cameras, Vlad Masters became Vlad Plasmius.
"The state of Michigan would first like to provide evidence." A lawyer said.
"Granted. Mr. Masters, please leave the stand." The judge ordered, still watching the ghost carefully. Vlad didn't try anything. He stepped through the witness stand and transformed back into his human form halfway to his seat.
The evidence had been provided by a librarian at the University of Michigan, of all places. A binder had dropped behind a heavy metal bookshelf, and it was found when the university started construction on a library expansion and had to remove the shelves.
Copies were passed around.
March 16, 1981
First attempt at protoportal had moderate success. Able to withdraw 15 samples, 1 gram each, of ectoplasm in a jellylike state.
Leaving 5 untouched as control samples. Divided remaining 10 into sample sets.
Hypothesis: if ectoplasm is what is used for energy by beings from another dimension, it should either burn or reenergize organic material. Possibly reanimates the recently dead.
Control A: houseplant. Watered exactly 2 every week. Kept in direct sunlight. Sample A- same type of houseplant, watered in same conditions. Addition of one ectoplasm sample mixed into soil. Sample B- instead of mixed with soil, applied directly to leaves and stem. Sample C- applied both in soil and on leaves. Sample D- .1 gram added every week to soil.
Control B: lab rat. Rat is given food and water amounts listed below. Sample E- rat has ectoplasm mixed into weekly water storage. Sample F- rat has ectoplasm mixed in weekly food storage. Sample G- rat has ectoplasm mixed in bedding. Sample H- rat has ectoplasm mixed in food and bedding. Sample I- rat has ectoplasm mixed in food, water, and bedding. Rate is .2gram/week for all samples.
Sample J- dead rat, killed by mousetrap. Injected with sample of ectoplasm.
March 17, 1981
Sample A- same as control. Sample B- ectoplasm has disintegrated the leaves of the plant and caused severe stem damage. Sample C- ectoplasm has caused some damage to stem and leaves, but not killed plant. Sample D- same as control.
Sample E- rat suffered convulsions, then dissolved from throat out. Sample F- rat noticeably sluggish, no other effects. Sample G- rat has developed red areas, and possibly will become sores. Sample H- results mix of F & G. Sample I- same as E.
Sample J- rat has begun twitching. Possible nerve stimuli?
March 20, 1981
Sample A- plant has a noticeable glow. Sample B- completely disintegrated. Sample C- plant is repairing damage. Repaired areas are glowing. Sample D- same as control.
Sample E- rat completely dissolved into black protein sludge. See images below. Sample F- rat's teeth have fallen out and been replaced with sharper ones. Images below. Sample G- pores are pus-filled and oozing. Rat lethargic, no longer attempting to eat. Sample H- red spots developed into bony protrusions, rat lethargic but still attempting food. Sample I- rat partially dissolved.
Sample J- body has begun glowing. Tail has noticeable twitching.
March 23, 1981
Sample A- plant has grown 8.23 cm. Sample C- plant has grown 8.04 cm. Sample D- growth of 6.82 cm.
Adjusted hypothesis: ectoplasm provides greater assistance to wounded/ill plants.
"May I direct your attention to the log for April 14?" The prosecutor asked.
April 14, 1981
Surviving and reanimated rats have eaten contaminated plants and each other. Vlad cites behavior as disturbing and votes to stop all animal testing until we can create adequate containment due to multiple escapes. Also cites ethical concerns; experiments causing too much distress to animals.
He is thinking too small. The animals do not have a large enough body to metabolize the amount of ectoplasm needed to maintain homeostasis after initial exposure. In addition, rat does not have a way to communicate thoughts and experiences.
Jack and I will be controls. No need to alert Vlad yet; behavior changes may invalidate results.
Bile ran up Danny's throat. This had to be a late April Fool's joke. Or faked by Vlad. This- his parents couldn't do something like this.
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q-gorgeous · 5 years
Casper High
breaking news: page break is still missing. if found, call the number listed on your local milk cartons
“Vlad.” Danny groaned. “Why are you even here?”
It was the middle of the school day, between fourth and fifth period, and Vlad was walking down the hallway when Danny spotted him. The boy walked up to him with a glare on his face and suspicion in his eyes. 
“I am simply here to meet with your principal and makes plans on how to make the school better equipped to handle ghost attacks. It’s part of my mayorly duties.”
“What are you going to do? Make it so I can’t get into school? Have alarms that go off when I get too close to them?
Vlad flicked his eyes to where Danny was walking beside him. “Nonsense, Daniel! Before the defenses are installed our ecto-signatures will be programmed to be overridden. There will be nothing hindering your education.”
Just as Danny opened his mouth to say something, someone called to him from behind them down the hallway. 
“Mr. Fenton do you have a hall pass?”
Vlad freezes midstep, foot hovering above the ground before he slowly places it down, turning until he sees the teacher that spoke.
A middle aged teacher stood down the hallway. His features were slightly rounded with a head of partially balding hair and a pair of large glasses. Vlad gaped at him. 
“Mr. Melanky?”
Danny looked between Vlad at the teacher who was walking towards them, eyebrow raised. “You know him?”
“He was my high school english teacher!” Vlad exclaimed. 
“What?” Danny asked sharply, eyes narrowing and taking a defensive stance. 
“Now, now, Mr. Fenton. I suggest you behave unless you want another after school detention.”
Danny’s hands stuttered, unsure of whether or not he wanted to put them down by his sides. Finally, he let them fall. 
“You don’t look a day older than the last time I saw you!” Vlad said, flabbergasted. “How are you still alive?”
Mr. Melanky chuckled. “Well that’s the thing, Mr. Masters. I died about three decades ago.”
Vlad’s heart dropped and his shoulders slumped. “You mean..?”
He nodded. “I was no longer alive when you were in high school.”
“How have you gotten past my ghost sense?” Danny asked, nerves eating at him. 
Sighing, Mr. Melanky looked at Danny. “You learn a few things after government agents wipe out the entire ghost population of a haunted town.”
“But why did they still let you teach?” Vlad asked. “I know we had deceased students roaming the halls but that’s different than letting a ghost teach classes!”
“I was never declared dead. They never found my body. I can’t remember exactly what happened but one day I woke up in my home as a ghost and just went to school. No one questioned anything and I didn’t know what else to do so I kept teaching.”
“How did you escape the government agents?” Danny whispered. 
Vlad’s gaze flickered between the two. He’d never heard of a ghost raid in his hometown. It must’ve happened after he left. A chilling thought. 
“They started with free wandering spirits and people who had obituaries. Those they knew were deceased. I had time to get out and move because I still had an income. A life. I left before their gadgets could read my ecto-signature.”
He pulled out a pad of pink slips from his pocket, writing the time and his signature on it before tearing one off and handing it to Danny.
“But this young man has class to go to. We can talk later if you wish. I have papers to grade.”
And with that, Mr. Melanky walked down the hall and turned around the corner. 
A few moments went by, filled with silence, before Danny spoke softly. 
“What kind of town did you live in, Vlad?”
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danurso · 6 years
Dimensional friends AU
*RWBY, JNR, oscar, qrow and maria are walking down argus streets*
Ruby: so, how are we supposed to get to atlas now?
Maria: i don’t know, with that old devilish hag blocking the way i think it's going to be pretty hard.
Jaune: i...think i have a plan.
Ruby: really? What is it?
Jaune: i talked with a old friend of mine and he’ll take us there, but it's going to take some time for him to arrive so we should get our weapons checked before this.
Weiss: is this old friend trustworthy?
Jaune: yeah, totally.
Yang: who could guess we would be saved by one of vomit boy’s old friends, i didn’t even knew you have friends before us.
Jaune: ha...ha...very funny, but just like you, i have my past.
Ruby: but you never actually told us right? I mean, you know what happened with me and yang in the past and we all know what the rest got through, but you never actually told about your past.
Jaune: well, my past is not a big deal, so i never had much of a reason to tell you.
Yang: i imagine, you probably spend the days reading comics and watching anime right?
Jaune: *sheepishly* yeah, pretty much.
Blake: so, where can we get our guns checked.
Jaune: i know someone, lets go.
*in the shady part of the town*
Ruby: *nervously* jaune...where are we going?
Jaune: we need to check our weapons right? I know someone who can help us with that. *gets inside a building passing a pair of tall bulky mans and getting into a large store full of weapon parts*
Ruby: *with stars in her eyes* thats a modified muzzle for a vulcan mk.3!? Ohh and this is a stock for a ballistic 1190!? I thought you could only find these in the black market!!
Weiss: *staring at some components* these parts could really be useful, but how can someone sell these pieces legally in such a place.
???: *in a russian accent* that is because they are not legal.
Weiss: *turns to see a really tall and bulky man that seemed more like a wall, he was bald with a long black beard, a scar over his blind left eye and with a robotic left arm* err...g-good afternoon...?
???: what kids are doing in my shop?
Qrow: *sweating profusely* w-wait, i know you, you’re vlad, skullbreaker vlad or colossus vlad, leader of the biggest black market of remnant.
Vlad: *with a shivering scowl* you little man know too much, i hope you not with police, are you?
Qrow: m-me? N-n-no im not.
Vlad: *staring at the group* what about you? You do not look good for business, specially the schnee girl, me have my mens to take you out or me will crack your heads myself *cracking his metal fingers with a deadly look*
RWBY, NR, Qrow, oscar, maria: *sweating profusely*
Jaune: you’re not doing this with your best friend are you?
Vlad: *stares at jaune for a moment* ...jaune?
Jaune: in flesh and bone.
Vlad: *stares for a bit longer before laughing and pulling him into a crushing hug* GHAHAHAHA!! IT HAS BEEN A WHILE!! HOW ARE YOU DOING LITTLE FRIEND!?
Jaune: *breathless* i’ll tell you after you stop crushing my spine.
Vlad: sorry little friend *lets him go* me forgot how fragile you are.
Jaune: yeah, im so fragile that i saved your ass back in budapest.
Vlad: that was after me save you in hong kong.
Jaune: but you forgot that hong kong was after malasia, where i saved you not only once but twice.
Vlad: hahahahaha!! Me will give you victory this time little friend, so, what can this old man do for you?
Jaune: me and my friends need some new weapon parts for our next travel, think you can help us out?
Vlad: sure! Any friend of jaune is my friend too, take anything you want, it is on me this time, a little thanks for your help last time.
Jaune: *sheepishly* i said you don’t need to thank me for that.
Vlad: me insist, thanks to you i can lay back in peace with wife and daughter by the end of day, so it is only natural for me to pay back for favor.
Jaune: right, thanks vlad.
Vlad: *with a huge smile* no problems little friend.
*later on*
Weiss: jaune…
Jaune: yes?
Weiss: what was that?
Jaune: vlad is a old friend i met, we hung out sometimes to do some stuff and he owes me a few favors, nothing much.
Blake: nothing much? Your friend is the leader of the number one black market of remnant, not only that but on our way back you talked with several other dangerous criminals like it was something normal.
Jaune: well...i just got some things on my past that led me to meet them, nothing much.
Ruby: *hugging crescent rose* at least now we got some awesome parts for our weapons.
Weiss: still we-
Ruby: what's going on!?
Oscar: look! *stares at a giant robot leaving the mountain and going directly towards a giant godzilla-like grimm followed by a horde of other grimms*
Yang: thats not good.
Ruby: let's go! We need to help them!
*on the edge of the city*
Qrow: *slices a grimm in half* shit, they’re already invading the city.
Ruby: *staring at the fallen robot and the still up giant grimm* and the big one destroyed the robot, what do we do!?
Yang: we can’t fight that thing, but we can’t evacuate the city in time, anyone have a plan?
Jaune: i do! Give me a second. *takes off his glove slashing his hand drawing some blood from it and reciting what seemed like a chant in a weird language*
Ruby: jaune what are you do-
*ground starts to shake and the skies start to glow brighter before a pillar of black fire comes from the ground and a pillar of white light comes from heaver, both side by side*
Weiss: W-WHAT IS GOING ON!? *the white pillar disappear to reveal a woman with light fair skin, wavy golden hair, cyan blue eyes, clad in white robes and with a pair of white feathery wings*
Yang: w-what the… *staring at the man from the black pillar with pale white skin, red slitted eyes surrounded by black scleras, two black horns, a pair of bat like wings and clad in black robes*
???: you called?
Jaune: schiffer, steph, i know its too sudden but i need your help, these grimms are invading the city and several peoples are getting injured because of it.
Schiffer: *grins looking at the grimms around* sure, it will he fun. *raises his hand summoning a pitch black sword and raising it opening several portals from the ground which released a horde of demonic creatures that attacked the grimms*
Steph: *nods with a gentle smile* i’ll help the injurieds. *raises her hand summoning a white staff and raising it to summon portals from the skies that released human looking creatures with white feathery wings that started to help and heal the civilians.* i will help as well *flies off to the city*
Schiffer: and i’ll join the action *grins flying off towards the grimm and punching the grimm with enough strength to make it fly back several meters*
Jaune: *sighs in relief* i think we’re safe now.
RWBY, NR, Qrow, oscar, maria: *with jaws on the ground* w-what the hell is going on?
*a few minutes later*
Jaune: *sheepishly* sorry to call both of you here so suddenly, i would have warned if i could.
Steph: its okay, we don’t mind.
Schiffer: yeah, and it was kinda fun as well, not too challenging but fun nonetheless.
Jaune: of course it wasn't fun, you sliced that thing in half five seconds after the first punch, what did you expected?
Jaune: oh right, sorry guys, these are my friends.
Schiffer: *with a small grin* i’m schiffer, the demon prince, nice to meet you jaune’s friends.
Steph: *with a soft smile* and i am steph, the angel princess, it's nice to meet all of you.
Blake: wait wait wait...demon prince and angel princess?
Jaune: yeah, they’re the firstborns of the kings of their respective races, they used to be in war since the beginning of times but things changed recently.
Schiffer: yeah *grips steph’s hand* thanks to jaune i realized that having steph in my life was way more important than the war we were fighting.
Steph: *with a bright smile and a light blush* agreed, i don’t think i can live without schiffer in my life anymore, all that thanks to jaune.
Schiffer: its thanks to him we’re married today, and that our races can now coexist in peace.
Nora: so that means fearless leader stopped a war from the beginning of times by making you two fall in love for eachother?
Steph: basically.
Weiss: wha-bu-an-w-that doesn’t even make sense!
Schiffer: maybe, but you humans are still too young to comprehend the elder races *turns back to jaune* so, is that everything?
Jaune: yeah, thanks for the help, sorry again for disturbing you two.
Steph: don’t worry about that, after everything you did for us this is nothing.
Schiffer: call us if you ever need out help again. *hugs steph’s waist* now if you excuse us, me and my honey have some business to take care off. *grins*
Steph: *blushing slightly* d-darling, you’re too naughty.
Schiffer: ohh, i know i am. *looks back at the group* later everyone. *disappear in a gray pillar of light*
Qrow: ....what the hell just happened?
Ruby: jaune...you have a lot of explaining to do.
Jaune: *staring at his scroll* sure, but we should talk about this later, my friend arrived, we can already go to atlas.
Blake: and where is he? *gets then covered by a shadow and looks up to see a massive ship flying above the city*
Jaune: *deadpaning* a valiant super heavy cruiser? Really?
???: general said it needed to be this one.
RWBY, NR, Qrow, oscar, maria: *turns around to see a tall man clad in green armor and helmet, holding a hi-tech rifle and with the number ‘117’ on the left side of his chest.*
Jaune: really chief? We’re only going to atlas, a small ship would be enough.
Master chief: general insisted that i should bring the cruiser.
Jaune: why? It's just a short travel, there’s no need for that.
Master chief: still, you know how the general is, he has you in high regards since you’re the one who settled the balance and peace between all the races of the universe, it's only natural that he would be carefull with you.
Jaune: *sigh* whatever, as long as we get to atlas i think it's okay, it's good to see you again at least chief.
Master chief: i could say the same thing, now let's go, the ship will leave in twenty minutes.
Jaune: okay, i'm right after you *starts to walk but stops and looks back at the group who is frozen with jaws on the ground* what is it?
Ruby: are these peoples space warriors?
Jaune: more like space soldiers, but basically yes.
Weiss: how do you know them?
Blake: and what does he means with you establishing the peace between all races in the universe?
Jaune: *shrugs* some things just happen and you can’t avoid it.
Yang: *stomping towards him and gripping his shoulders tightly with a deadly look* vomit boy, you’re telling us everything about your past on our way to atlas, okay?
Jaune: *sweating profusely* o-okay…
Yang: *deadly serious* is there any other friend we should know about?
Jaune: i-i don’t think s-
???: *teleports behind jaune* wha-? This isn’t king kai’s planet.
???: i told you you were doing something wrong kakarot.
???: oh, hey jaune, it's been a while.
Jaune: *nervously* h-hey goku, vegeta, could you come back later please, im a bit busy now.
Goku: *stares at a fuming yang emanating a fire aura* t-this ki is just like chichi’s *nervously* we’re leaving, see’ya jaune, good luck. *teleports away*
Jaune: *nervous chuckle* i'm probably going to have to explain that too right?
Yang: you just read my mind.
(Confuse? If so then my job here is done)
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freshwater--mermaid · 7 years
Ersatz Ch 20: This World Doesn’t Spin
It was a long-standing tradition in Casper High for the students to make all of the Halloween decorations by hand. Personally, Danny thought it was just another money-saving scheme.
He watched students creating banners and posters in the main hall, adorning them with little bats and smiling pumpkins. He frowned at them from his seat next to Tucker and Sam. All three of them were currently in Lancer's office, the balding man looking down on them with a disapproving gaze.
"I just don't see what the big problem is." Sam continued her debate. "It's supposed to be scary; it's Halloween for crying out loud!"
"Ms Manson, I have already made myself clear on this." Lancer said, obviously at the end of his patience. He and Sam had been going back and forth for nearly fifteen minutes, with Tucker occasionally butting in to aid Sam's point. Danny didn't take either side, simply staring off and waiting to be excused back out into the school.
'Probably with detention, if Sam keeps this up.' Danny thought. He didn't get what the big deal was either way.
Lancer held up the poster that the three teens had been working on together. Danny had been doing the words, while Sam and Tucker gleefully drew various ghoulish images. The whole fuss began when Lancer had passed by, inspecting everyone's work, only to stop dead when his eyes landed on their creation.
Needless to say, the school was going to be short on red paint for a while. Most of it marked up the poster, running in blotches and rivers from various zombies and ghosts. There was even a small pumpkin in one corner with blood coming out of its mouth and eyes.
Lancer was not impressed at all, and had immediately called them into his office for a word. The word turned into a debate between him and Sam, who was outraged that their hard work was going to be trashed. Tucker mostly just found the whole situation funny, getting more entertainment out of watching Sam and Lancer duke it out than painting. Danny was mainly tuning everyone out, having no opinion on the subject and just wanting to go about his day.
"This is a clear violation of the rules." Lancer said for the tenth time. "There was to be no graphic violence. I made that very clear this morning."
"It's not graphic violence! It's just a bit of blood. No one's hurting anyone or anything, they're all just standing around!" Sam protested.
"It is a violation nonetheless." Lancer continued. "Given the recent violent events surrounding this school and its students, we will not be having anything overly grotesque adorning these halls."
Lancer glanced Danny's way when he mentioned the violent events. Surely he was thinking back on the Poindexter debacle from just a few months ago. Danny looked away from him and gazed once more back out at the busy hallway.
Lancer sat down in his chair with a heavy sigh. He rubbed briefly at his eyes before looking back up at the trio.
"I want you three to start on a new poster. This time without the needless gore. Ah ah!" Lancer raised a hand to silence Sam. "I'm through arguing this. Now, unless you want to be looking at a week's worth of detention, I suggest you cut your losses and go."
He pointed a finger at the open doorway. Sam stood up, frowning at the vice principal but saying no more as she stomped out, Tucker and Danny following behind.
"This is such bullshit." Sam seethed under her breath.
Tucker and Danny both knew she was more angry about losing an argument than the actual poster. She hated feeling bested, especially by an authority figure.
"Hey, I got an idea." Tucker said, smiling at Sam's angry face. "Why don't we get some fruits from your place and make a jack o' lantern display with them. It'd be cooler than some crummy poster."
Sam's rage diffused instantly as she considered the project idea.
"That actually sounds kinda cool." she said, returning his smile. "Good idea, Tuck."
"Aww," an obnoxious voice interrupted. "Look at the little lovebirds making eyes at each other."
Dash's leering face came into view through a cluster of chatting teens. After Danny unwittingly possessed him, Dash had mostly kept his distance from the trio. His taunt was almost odd after going so many weeks in unbullied bliss.
"Dash, come on," Paulina frowned at him from the edge of the crowd. "Leave them alone. Other people's dating lives aren't any of your business."
"We aren't dating." Sam and Tucker shot back in unison.
Thankfully any further jabs from Dash had been silenced by Paulina, who gave the three a sympathetic look before turning back to her conversation with Star.
"Well, at least she hasn't completely sold out." Sam said lowly, giving the crowd a disdainful look.
"Ah come on, Sam." Danny piped in for the first time. "Lay off, we did kind of blow her off. It's no wonder she got into a new crowd."
Sam sent him a look before turning and leading the way down the hall, intent on putting distance between herself and that particular group.
"Uh, so, my idea?" Tucker spoke up.
"I'll get together the supplies. We can work on it this weekend." Sam replied, her smile coming back as her mind conjured up different display ideas.
~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*
The last thing Danny expected to see when he entered his parents' lab was Vlad standing beside the metal table, sleeves rolled up, with green stains painting his arms nearly up to the elbows. He held small metal tools, which were similarly marked, obviously being used to probe around inside the opened midsection of the old lunch lady.
Danny's eyes bugged out as he took in the sight. Vlad looked over at him as he stood mute at the bottom of the stairs. Maddie and Jack both noticed Vlad's halted movement, and looked toward the doorway as well.
"Hey, honey!" Maddie greeted with a bright smile.
"Come get a look at this, Danny." Jack beckoned to his son. "It's incredible!"
Danny walked forward, coming to stand at the head of the long table. His gaze flickered to the restrained ghost's face. Her wide eyes, staring up at him, a gag strapped around her head to keep her silent, her face pulled tight in fear and pain.
Danny regretted looking at her, and his eyes pulled away from hers, looking toward her torso instead.
Viscera coated the thin sterile drapes laid over her midsection, a square window giving a clear view into the ghost's innards. Dark green masses could be seen inside, one or two occasionally giving a disturbing twitch.
Danny wondered if his organs looked the same way now. If they'd be green and dead-looking and twitching oddly like that. The thought made his throat tight, and Danny fought to turn his mind elsewhere as his father began to speak excitedly.
"They look like actual organs!" he proclaimed, his eyes wide behind his goggles. "It's incredible how well these creatures can imitate the human form. To do so on such an internal level, why, this ghost must be pretty powerful. We sure lucked out in bagging it!"
"What I want to find out is whether or not these organs will maintain form once removed." Maddie commented, leaning slightly over Jack to get a clearer view of the ghost's insides.
"Um, Mr Masters, what are you doing here?" Danny asked, half out of genuine curiosity and half because he really wanted to change the subject.
"I'll be staying on for the next few days, Daniel." Vlad answered with his signature smile.
"Isn't it great, Danny!" Jack proclaimed, gesturing with green-coated gloves. "We're gonna watch the Packers playoff together, just like the old days."
"Yes, very exciting, sweetie." Maddie gave her husband a bored glance before looking across the table at Vlad. "Ready when you are."
She held up a sterilized jar in her hands, its lid removed. Vlad gave her a nod, his expression turning to one of concentration as he carefully lowered the scalpel blade toward the ghost's innards.
Danny turned around and began walking back up the stairs, very much not wanting to watch the three adults remove parts from the old lady. He knew Vlad would show up to talk with him sooner or later about the actual reason for his visit. Until then he would be doing homework and listening to loud music with headphones on.
~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*
As expected, Danny's bedroom door opened over an hour later. Vlad stepped inside, closing the door behind him.
"You're getting predictable." Danny said as he removed his headphones, the music still heard faintly as he set them aside. "Every time you show up it's because something big is about to happen. So what is it this time?"
Vlad smiled at the boy, arms folding neatly behind his back as he walked over to the window, speaking along the way.
"Tell me, Daniel, does the local ghost activity in Amity Park increase around this time of the year?"
Raising an eyebrow at the question, Danny moved off his bed to stand, watching Vlad gaze out the window.
"Not really." he said with a shrug. "I mean, before my parents finished the portal we never actually saw a ghost."
"Hmm, of course." Vlad replied, turning to face Danny. "Well, Daniel, it should come as no surprise to you that paranormal activity tends to elevate at this time of year. All Hallows Eve is especially known for being the only time when naturally occurring portals become more common."
Vlad walked away from the window as he continued. "That isn't to say that I expect holes leading to the Ghost Zone to pop up everywhere around the city. But I do suspect that the recent rise in ghosts will increase even further as we get nearer and nearer to this month's end."
"So you wanted to stop by and, what, warn me about this? Check for holes to another dimension floating around the house?" Danny couldn't help but snipe a little at Vlad, his mood gone sour at the news. Of course Halloween would mean more ghosts. Just great.
"Of course I came to warn you, Daniel. I am, as I've stated in the past, your ally." Vlad replied. "You must be wary of your surroundings, Daniel. Or have you forgotten that you live almost directly above an open gate leading straight into the realm of spirits?"
Danny frowned, sitting back down on his bed with a sigh.
"So even more ghosts are going to come flooding through my parents' portal, is that what you're saying? Wonderful." he said.
"Oh it won't be as dramatic as I'm sure you're imagining." Vlad assured. "It will mostly be small spirits showing up more frequently. A few more powerful ghosts will be drawn here, but thankfully the ones you would need to worry about tend to stick to their own territories."
"Well, that's one good thing, I guess." Danny replied, feeling a bit relieved.
It took a moment before Vlad's words caused Danny to pause, looking up at the man.
"Wait, what do you mean by 'territories'?" he asked. "So really strong ghosts have pieces of the Ghost Zone that they claim as their own?"
"Exactly." Vlad answered with a smile. "It is a true mark of a powerful ghost to have a land or realm to call their own. You yourself have one, Daniel."
Danny's face went blank for one moment before his eyebrows shot up.
"You mean the other version of my house?" he said in surprise. "I just thought that was a reaction to the portal itself. You're saying I made that thing?"
"Yes, Daniel. The portal is very powerful in its own right, and it most definitely helped make you as strong as you are, but that floating island would not exist if not for you. It is your own territory, my boy."
"Couldn't you have just spelled this all out for me sooner?" Danny replied. "I'm not the smartest student in my class, you know."
"I didn't want to overwhelm you with too much information. Our last trip to the Ghost Zone together had been about your abilities. All the knowledge you need will come in time, Daniel. You don't need to worry about that."
"Does that mean you have your own territory somewhere in there?" Danny asked after a moment of silent thought.
Vlad nodded in reply.
"Could I go see it? Is it like a ghost version of your giant mansion, just floating out in the middle of nothing?" The mental image made Danny smile.
"I'm afraid it would take some time to reach it from here." Vlad said.
"Oh." Danny replied, wondering what other ghost territories might be nearby. All those doors must lead to different ghost's homes. Danny felt the urge to explore the Ghost Zone further than he had before, and see what he could find.
"Daniel." Vlad's voice took on a tone of warning, as though he could read Danny's intentions. "I must warn you to be very careful about where you tread in the Ghost Zone. As I said, very powerful ghosts hold realms there. You wouldn't want to stumble into one's lair by accident."
"Don't worry, I'm not about to wander inside some spooky looking door." Danny answered with a wave.
"Not doors, Daniel. Those are of little consequence. I'm talking about the massive castles or island forests you may discover. Do not get too close to them while you're alone."
"What castles and forests?" Danny asked. "All I've been seeing are doors."
"Then you haven't ventured nearly as far as I'd thought you had. Maybe you're more cautious than I had thought."
Danny frowned at his words, and Vlad gave a small chuckle.
"That wasn't an insult, my boy. It was a compliment, if anything. Please, continue to err on the side of caution. It will keep the hide on your back and the ectoplasm in your veins where it belongs."
~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*
Possibly the worst thing Vlad did that day was assume that Danny would remain cautious after learning such interesting new things about the Ghost Zone. And as much as Vlad had truly meant it as a compliment, Danny couldn't help but correlate the word 'cautious' with the word 'coward'.
The dark-haired teen stood inside the lab with his two friends, having called them over after getting out of a movie-and-dinner plan involving his parents, Jazz, and Vlad.
"Alright, so how do I start filming with this thing?" Danny asked, adjusting the headset he wore.
It was a souped up gaming headset with a small battery-powered camera attached to one side. Tucker had created it so that he could record himself playing games at arcades, but had shelved it upon learning that the city's arcades forbade recordings in their facilities. Either way, Danny was honestly impressed with Tucker's tech prowess and creative skills.
"Right here." Tucker answered, reaching up and pressing a small button on the top of the camera. "Now just let it run. I'll be recording everything through my laptop."
He looked behind them toward the metal operating table, where Tucker had set up his computer. Danny hadn't bothered to fill the others in on just what went down on that table. It would have just freaked them out.
"Alright, let's do this." Danny said, shaking such thoughts from his mind. He turned his gaze on the glowing portal.
Danny couldn't help but feel a bit of apprehension. He would need to be careful not to give away his secret hidden inside the other bedroom. While the logical side of his brain assured him that his friends couldn't very well see through walls, another part urged at him to visit his old body. Who knew when he would get another chance.
Danny closed his eyes briefly, once again banishing unwanted thoughts away. He needed to keep his head about him if he wanted to venture into unexplored areas of the Ghost Zone. Vlad's words of warning hadn't been completely lost on him, hence why he technically wasn't doing this alone.
'If I get eaten by something, Sam and Tucker won't be able to help, but they sure will get some good camera footage.' Danny's mind quipped at him.
"Ready when you are, dude." Tucker said, having walked over to his computer.
"Got your phone?" Sam called from her chair, having been silently poring through various paranormal texts she had brought with her.
Danny waved it in the air as he walked toward the portal, stepping through it in a few strides. As soon as he entered, he lifted off his feet and ascended through the floors of the house, coming to hover over the top of the warped Fenton Works.
Looking around and seeing nothing unusual, Danny brought out his cellphone and dialed Sam's number. She picked up before the first ring could finish.
"Can you see everything alright?" Danny asked, adjusting the headset once more.
"Yeah." Sam answered. "It's amazing."
Tucker's agreement could be heard in the background, and Danny smiled, feeling relieved at having successfully avoided being drawn to his old body.
"Why is it all doors?" Sam asked as Danny looked around slowly, giving his friends a good view of the area.
"I'm not sure, really." Danny answered, picking a direction and flying slowly away from his home. "I guess they're like mini realms for smaller ghosts."
"Go in one!" came Tucker excited voice.
"No way." Danny replied. "Been there, done that. It was creepy."
"Oh yeah, you told us about that spooky tv kid." Sam said.
The three lapsed into silence, all taken up with viewing Danny's surroundings as he ventured further and further from the house, and the portal.
Danny was equal parts wanting to go further and equal parts wanting to fly back to the safety of his little island. He pressed onward steadily for what felt like hours.
"Hey guys," he asked, suddenly aware of their limited time. "How long have I been in here?"
"Umm," Sam answered slowly. "Like forty minutes. Don't worry, we still have time."
If Danny didn't have faith that Vlad knew he would be in the Ghost Zone, and therefore not let his parents arrive back home early, Danny would be more than a little nervous at the risk they were all taking. As it were, he felt safe to assume he had about four hours to explore and then get back.
"Woah, what's that?" Sam's voice cut through his thoughts.
"Huh?" Danny asked, coming to a stop.
"To your right."
Danny turned his head, and was surprised to see a far away building. Its figure was hard to make out from its distance, but it was the first thing other than a door Danny had seen so far.
"Wow." he couldn't help but comment out loud.
"What are you waiting for, dude." came Tucker's comment in the background.
"Hey, let me sit back in awe for a second." Danny replied, but quickly began flying toward the distant object, his speed increased significantly.
"Dang you can go fast!" Tucker laughed.
Danny grinned in silent response, and did a few spins, flying closely past a nearby door.
His friends' enthusiastic laughs and comments buzzed in Danny's ear as he soared through the empty space. However, as time passed and the building became only barely closer, the excitement dropped a few levels. Danny stopped doing spins and somersaults and began flying in a straight line for the building as fast as he could manage.
"Don't wear yourself out, Danny." Sam cautioned after a few minutes silence.
"How long has it been?" Danny asked.
"Hour and a half." Sam answered.
"It's further away than it looks." Danny said in growing frustration.
Why was everything here so far apart? Now it really was feeling like outer space. It was going to take years of traveling just to reach anything else.
Finally, after twenty more minutes, of which Danny spent nearly all of it just flying, with the small sidestop at a particular door with a shiny faux diamond doorknob. Tucker had begged him to open it, claiming there could be ghost treasure inside.
To shut him up, Danny had torn open the door and peeked inside, only to be screamed at by a slightly melted human figure. It stood up from its seat at a white vanity and threw a hand mirror right at Danny's face. He ducked, the item sailing over his head, and slammed the door shut.
Jetting away quickly, Danny listened to Tucker go between laughing hysterically and shrieking at the disturbing image of the woman-figure. Sam muttered comments of her own away from the phone, and Danny only picked up on a few curse words.
"Not doing that again." was Danny's only comment as he focused on nearing his destination.
It could now be clearly identified as a castle, with tall thin spires rising up. Large flags floated out in the windless sky, the heraldry stitched upon them torn beyond recognition.
Danny slowed down to a stop as he reached the outer wall. Cautiously, he reached out a hand to touch the pale stone. It lay firm under his touch, and Danny hovered back, looking for an entrance.
"Just fly up to one of the tower windows." Sam advised. "If something guards that place, I'm sure it keeps an eye on the front door."
"Good thinking." Danny replied, flying up the side of the castle and searching for a window.
Halfway up one of the towers was what he searched for, and Danny turned invisible before fazing through the old stained glass. Inside he found nothing more than a small circular room with a stone staircase.
He drifted slowly down, being completely silent, phone pressed against his ear. He quickly came to the end of the stairway, reaching a hallway. A long faded purple rug ran its entire length. Danny fazed through a few walls, entering an empty kitchen, dining hall, and what looked like a parlour. Everything was still, with not a hint that anyone called this castle home.
Danny then passed through another wall and found himself in a large empty room, with a high ceiling and statues of armor set up against the walls. Banners hung as well, but like the flags, their motifs were torn completely off, leaving the shredded remains to hang in tatters.
"Look for treasure." Tucker commented, thankfully in a quiet tone.
"I think everything of value's already been cleared out." Danny whispered back. He'd not seen a single piece of glinting silver or gold, and aside from the statues, the place was barren of decorations.
"Go to the throne room." Sam suggested.
"Where would that be?" Danny asked.
"I'm pretty sure you're in the main hall, so just follow it down to that entrance." she replied.
Danny did as told, letting go of his invisibility as he reached the arched entryway at the end of the hall. Large, heavy-looking curtains hung from either side, their once rich purple faded almost to grey in most places.
As Sam predicted, a slightly smaller room lay beyond the archway. Toward its end, the stone floor rose up a level, and in its centre sat a throne.
Well, most of a throne. Its upper half was torn almost completely away, splinters of it still scattered about. Whatever wood the throne had been carved from was definitely made to last. Its deep dark hue hadn't faded one bit, unlike everything else.
Twin "wows" came from both Tucker and Sam as Danny landed on his feet, standing before the imposing oversized chair. He reached out and brushed a stray splinter off the purple cushion, watching it land with barely a sound on the stone.
"Hey." Came Sam's voice suddenly, causing Danny to jump in fright.
"Jeeze, Sam, cough first." Danny said, lifting back into the air once more.
"Sorry," she said, a smile clear in her tone. "Just wanted to give you a heads up that you should probably start heading back now. It took you almost two hours to get there."
"Oh, right." Danny said, suddenly remembering the long flight home. He groaned in annoyance, ascending quickly through the castle ceiling, ignoring the rooms he passed.
Once he was out, Danny realised another dilemma.
"Hey, which direction is the house?"
"Shit." Sam said in reply.
"Wait wait, don't panic." Tucker said quickly. "Find the window you came in from. Then head opposite from it; that's the way back home."
"Thanks, Tuck." Danny answered in relief. For a second, he had truly thought he'd screwed up big time.
He flew toward the tower he felt was the one he'd entered.
"You know," Sam spoke as he peeked in through the window. "We should really think about mapping this place. You know, so you can explore while not getting completely lost."
Danny was happy to find that his guess was correct, and having found the right window, turned away from it and began flying as fast as he could back out into empty space.
"Good idea." he said. "We can hopefully make this a regular thing. I'd have to get Mr Masters' help, though."
"For what?" Sam asked, an edge in her voice. She obviously didn't like Vlad very much. Had said he gave her the creeps, and Danny could honestly understand why.
"Well someone would need to distract my mom and dad so we wouldn't have to worry about getting found out."
"Oh yeah." Sam replied, still not too pleased at the thought of Vlad being in on their exploration.
"Easy, Sam. He's been a great help so far." Danny assured.
"Just hurry up and get back here." she said. "I'm starting to get creeped out just watching all that empty silence."
"It's not so bad." Danny laughed. "I actually kinda like it. Though I do wish I could see more ghosts hanging around."
~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~*
Jack's voice could be heard booming happily through the garage walls all the way up to Danny's bedroom, where the three kids were finishing homework assignments, at Sam's behest. If they were going to be spending the night, then they might as well get some assignments done, she'd reasoned.
Tucker wanted to scan through the video he had recorded, but neither Sam nor Danny really wanted to watch four hours of mostly empty space after having just went through it already.
"Show it to us when you've edited out the boring bits." Danny had said tiredly.
"Danny, we're home!" Maddie called from the living room. She had to shout over Jack's loud ramblings. Apparently combining a movie with a cool twist ending plus dinner with wine afterward made Jack want to discuss the movie in detail with anyone who would listen.
There was no way on earth Danny was going downstairs.
"Okay, Mom!" he called back down. "Sam and Tucker are here to spend the night!"
Silence was his reply for several seconds before his door opened up. Maddie looked in the three with a tired smile.
"Do you kids need anything?" she asked.
"No Mom, we're fine." Danny answered.
"It's pretty late, you know. You've got school tomorrow."
"We're going to sleep soon." Danny assured.
"Alright then, sleep tight."
With that, Maddie closed the door with a click, her quiet steps retreating back downstairs. The three friends went about dragging out blankets and pillows while they listened to Maddie pull Jack away from a one-sided conversation on the film's foreshadowing. He was eventually led upstairs, where his heavy steps ended in his bedroom.
Jazz could be heard soon after, sighing loudly in relief and heading to her own room. Vlad was completely silent as he presumably headed to his guest room on the ground floor. Danny hoped he wasn't too annoyed by his dad's antics already. He was going to be asking him to go out with them more often, after all, if they wanted to make any headway on Sam's map idea.
Tucker and Sam were soon laying spread out across Danny's floor, their eyes glued to the tv as they watched a favorite horror film. Despite their excitement over finally seeing the Ghost Zone, they were both quickly overcome with exhaustion and fell asleep.
Danny was quick to follow, the hours of flying at breakneck speed having taken their toll on him. He too quickly fell into a dreamless sleep, filled with blackness and the calm sensation of flying.
7 notes · View notes
bloojayoolie · 5 years
Tumblr media
America, Children, and Cute: PUTIN THE CHAD XI THE Virgin Trump The Lustrous jet-black hair Balding hair looks ridiculous Fkin rides a bear. Cute and fluffy like a bear, children love him Went to none Bear develops jawline from Putin's residue of the debates; no party affiliation; no campaining; still won election Same weight as a bear Loved and idolised by 600 million women, but testosterone Barely got elected still loyal to loving wife by landslide So fat Americans Political make fun of his Wins own MUNNY Ripped from doing manual labour opponents commit suicide out weight election rigs others in his youth of shame Penis so large can't wear pants Small hands = Censored small penis; made invisible by belly fat everything, even his Cucked by own wife when visiting other chad leaders Own penis Allows elections Penis as since he's large as the Soviet confident about winning them Never heard of Union elections but a master of erections Tough talk about "beating" China and Russia all the time bows to them in person Judo black Actually capitalist, America owes him trillions of dollars belt Businessman but never makes good trade deals The virgin Trump vs chad Xi vs the VLAD Putin
0 notes
rfschatten · 7 years
"Human Greatness does not lie in Wealth or Power, but in Character and Goodness"  ~~~ Anne Frank
Where is the Goodness in such an Immoral character like Donald Trump? Damn!! I really would
like to know, cause the Republican Party has always bragged about being the Party of Morals and "Family Values", as the Conservative Middle-Class' protectors of America's Working Family.
All the GOP Sins committed since the Great Communicator, and created by all their phony Values...rewarded them with a Man called Trump!...but remember, Karma is in the batter's box, just waiting to cause havoc upon an already tumultuous American Administration!!
Trump style Immorality has been part of the GOP, ever since I can remember...they just left it home most of the week, and a little civil discretion helped, too.
Today, Christian Evangelicals and Right-Wing organizations are heavily promoting Immorality, Hatred, and Bigotry as the new Morality...normalizing it to an even lower standard...and a dreadfully Spineless GOP has embraced the bait...hook, line, sinker!
Now, with the Immorality of a President who lives for just that one sound-byte moment of Indecency, the same man who sets the tone for who "We, the People" are around the World...the Republicans have decided, in the zeitgeist of Trumpism, that Indecency and Immorality work just fine! Ahhyup! Example? Their preparation to royally screw the status of America's Health and commence the Death March for the first 200,000 Americans!
Oddly enough, a major portion of those Americans now condemned to death by the GOP's Trumpcare, are Trump's fanatic  Minions...you know?...the not too bright, not too educated ones Trump loves so dearly? Will their tush be surprised with the kick they are about to receive!! The GOP and their beloved Trumpo, the Orange Orangutan, are throwing them...the whole lot!... way, way under the Bus!
Yes! Mr. Stupid! It's not about his great plans for all those you don't agree with, or despise...they're coming for you too, asshole!! You're gonna love their "Repeal and Replace"!...at least, as you lay dying ...you won't need to call it "Obamacare" anymore! Hurry!! You can now, be proud of your new "Trumpcare" Plan...as you take your final breaths!    
It's amazing, this era of Donald J Trump!...easily, the most incompetent and poorly administrated
Administration in US History!! The United States has become the embarrassment of this entire Planet. Trump has committed an act of public embarrassment every single day of his 166 days in office, since becoming President!...he's become an embarrassment not just to America...but, throughout the World!
This Fool, who dresses as a President, has been exposed by Foreign Leaders around the World, as the perfect "mark"...it's going to be hard for the United States to command its influence or any influence for that matter, particularly in today's climate on the Political World Stage, when everyone knows that our "Leader" is a 70 yr. old psychotic cry-baby, who puts on a temper tantrum when ordinary people or the Press criticize him, also, if he's not the center of attention...or if he can't get his way!
Baby Donny comes out whenever the 70 yrs old fool, has a meltdown! He has no imagination or understanding of High School US Government 101 or World History, and thinks of himself as if he's the "Greatest Negotiator on the Planet"!
Real Leaders know how to skirt around Foolish Idiots. In this game of World Political Poker currently being played, overseas; Don the Con is the "Mark"...and Vlad Putin holds the Trump Card! "sad"
One short meeting and you know this man's character, his flaws and his vindictive strengths...yes! Macron, Merkel, and Trudeau are now, the new true Leaders of the Free World!
Meanwhile, Donald Trump gallivants around, praising his wonderfully indecent relationships with known murderers Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Rodrigo Duterte (who 'personally' commits all his own murders)...and his open admiration for Neil Farage and Marine Le Pen? His disgraceful attitude towards NATO? his crazy far out antics at the Paris Climate Accords and the G7 Summit Meetings? along with his visits to the Vatican, Saudi Arabia, and finally "arriving" in Israel from the "Middle East"!?!?
All the President's antics have made a lot of World Leaders, think twice and totally mistrust The United States. While Russia and Putin's computers continue to disrupt country after country, his Puppet continues on his mission.
The shameless acts and words that have cost our historical allies in France, Germany, and especially Great Britain, for the first time ever, mistrust the intentions of the United States of America!
Yes! We have reached that pinnacle of rotten, totally Incompetent Foreign Affairs Policies, and miserable Amateurish Diplomatic efforts, run by a very understaffed Amateur State Department with orders from an Amateur US Administration. What it means for our Country, and what it means for the rest of the world, is alarming! But, where's our National Dialogue? That's even more alarming!
Doesn't Donald Trump in his 70 yrs. on this earth, ever had any shame or any shred of moral decency?? We all know, he's got no backbone!!
NEVER! All the multiple shameful sins of his very overt private life! his ever-present public life, and now as President of an entire Nation!... a Nation in which he 'supposed' to be representing!...you know? those taxpayers that are paying his salary?!?!
My question still remains; Where are the Goodness and moral Character of this man called Trump?? Where is his Heart? 
ETHICS: How Ethical is his standards of practice? How Ethical is the failed Human Experiment named Donald Trump??
MORALS: The one thing that stands out most about Le Grande Orange, is his total spiritual lack of Empathy or Remorse, His embracement of Ayn Rand's philosophy on the Rejection of Altruism, and his sordid natural gift for his enormous Immoral Behavior, which he holds towards everyone in every sector of our Society, and around the World.
DIGNITY: Dignity? Besides constantly degrading the Dignity of his Office?...The Man is a Pig! His Dignity starts when he falls asleep after Tweeting the World to death, and it stops functioning a few hours later when he wakes up! It only takes one time to see 30 seconds of his facial expressions, to know why Donald Trump is the most undignified US President in this Nation's History.
CREDIBILITY: As a world renowned mega-compulsive Liar, who lies openly in public, and is Guinness Book's "Lies" Record Holder ...where is 'his' Credibility?
SELF CONTROL: The Man has absolutely no Self-Control in Life! Twitter exposed 'that'!...and it's his most dangerous Achilles Heel!
KNOWLEDGE: Remember, Donald Trump, graduated from High School cause Dad bought his Diploma! And Donald Trump graduated from College cause Dad bought his Degree! This Little Man has been exposed in America...and now, throughout the World...as a dumb Rich Kid with street smarts, who could only succeed in life by using confidence schemes, deceiving all his clients, ripping them off, and never paying his Bills!
Knowledge? He's been outed as a Fake by his own big fat mouth! By his constant use of extraordinarily horrible stupid remarks, he easily convinced the World of his one and only Truth...a permanent Dunce Cap throughout his school days could be the cause of his baldness that morphed into his terribly spectacular comb-over.
How knowledgeable is our Commander-in-Chief? Just remember he's a genius within his own imagination!...he really did say the remarkably dumb and embarrassing lame statement, that he arrived in Israel 'from' the Middle East!! And America is supposed to be impressed with this Clown??
CLASS: Donald Trump also proves that being from Upper Class doesn't necessarily mean you have any "Class". In his case, no class at all! All his rudeness and unapologetic actions and that of his family just prove to America...and the rest of the Planet...what so many already knew; the Family Trump, any way you cut it...has absolutely no Class!
So! Inquisitive people would still like to know; Where's is the Goodness of Master Donald?!?!
Start with a Man who privately has a serious personal hang-up with the opposite sex. An avowed Philanderer, A misogynist who enjoys groping women, and a man who loves to publicly degrade women. His love to hurt people is to elevate his sense of self-worth.
A Rapist who got away with the Law and believes that there's no such thing as "Marital Rape"! But Ivanna knows better! Where is the Goodness and Moral Character of Donald Trump?
A crazy Maniacal Egocentric with a such a bad case of Narcissism, that he needs tanning spray 24/7! It's his need from Baby Donny, the cry for attention and compliments!
Showing his toughness against CNN in an edited version of an old WWE tape, he got paid to perform years ago.
All his self-accolades about the "Brilliant Businessman", then goes out and uses a Fake Time Cover, that hangs in all his properties around the World!...
And his call for a Cabinet meeting, taking these people out of whatever work or meetings they had...just for them, to each stand up and make a short speech in front of all the cameras and the Press, on his tremendous personal Intelligence, his Superb Character, and Greatness of his Leadership and Job performance as President.
Pretty much a Meeting arranged by the President as a forced congratulatory ass-kissing, ego-lifting event! There's no honor in complimenting yourself, Mein Führer! Donald Trump's Human Greatness? Not in this lifetime!!
An incompetent uneducated President, a man with no Ethics, no Morals or Scruples, no Respect, no Dignity, absolutely no Credibility or Self-Control, and especially a man with no human understanding of the basics of education!
What's so good about Donald Trump?...he'll never know what true Greatness really is, or how it really feels. Pity!
A Man like this??...does it take a Donald Trump to wake up a Nation from this Batshit Kool-Aid addiction that produced a Donald Trump in the first place??
No one, not even Ivana, Marla, or Melania could ever tell you about his Goodness, cause in all honesty...there's just nothing Good about this Man!
And to anyone, if you still forever believe in the Greatness of The Donald, my question still forever remains; Where's all that Goodness of his?!?! And where in the hell is his Good Moral Character and that Good Heart?!?!
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inthememetime · 2 years
Masterpost for Vlad & The Accidental Family Acquisition Universe
Please reblog!
Vlad's Life Lessons (prequel)!
(This is not needed to understand the fic, but gives a hard look at why this Vlad is the way he is. Vlad is very abused, I HIGHLY recommend reading the tags on AO3 first, and also gives you context for the Murders referenced throughout the series. Has a bittersweet ending and leads right on in to V&AFA)
Vlad & the Accidental Family Acquisition!
(Features Vlad getting therapy, a plot!, and domestic fluff. Also features Darcy Fucking Lewis being amazing, the Hulk, and a very happy ending. Eventual halfa!Jazz and Danny.)
Darcy Lewis' Adventures in Dating Dracula!
(I love Darcy, and this has a lot of Darcy. Has multiple mini-plots, my favorites so far being A Werewolf in Amity Park and The Bald Hill House. Each mini-plot arc is noted by chapter title (Ex A Werewolf in Amity Park part 1, part 2). Please check the comments for specific summaries of the arcs, but please be aware some of this DOES affect the overall plot, so there are spoilers)
We're not Broken Just Bent (And we can Learn to Love Again)!
(Sequel to DLADD. Features angst with an eventual happy ending, and an asexual main character written by an asexual person!) ((Yes, title is from a P!nk song. It's a good song))
Vlad Masters VS.... Vlad Masters? (503 words of our Beloved Vlad Masters meeting cannon Vlad Masters. Cannon Vlad doesn't have a chance, and cannon Danny has a great time watching it go down.)
Masters Vs. Masters 2: DNA Boogaloo. (Danielle needs help. She calls for help- and gets V&AFA Vlad. Features Ellie, Vlad, Darcy, Jazz, and Danny becoming a family. And Darcy and Vlad destroying Canon!Vlad)
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(I color coded for a reason. You'll figure it out. 😉)
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ecto-stone · 3 years
“chuckkle” i don’t know why but i’m just very hellbend on the idea of a reboosted Vlad that is nothing like Original Vlad
-So You have this sickly Vlad who been in hospital for 2 year fighting for his life after the accident, with his friend alway there cheering up for him and then in his final moment ,he die feeling love of his friend < a peaceful death make him free soul and have no grudge over Maddie and Jack>. -Then latter wake up a in tux suit buried in a coffin 6ft under ground with Blue Skin and comepletely bald <which is why he got so savy about his long hair and don’t like tight space>  -Unlike original Vlad, Para Vlad is a kind out going adveturous person < sortal like some one that would make sense for jack to go full idol over>. So when he get his new Power and no longer exist on paper, he just resume doing the thing he love .Become a Nomad Ghost researcher and have a whole Packer cover journal for it. <his journal base mostly on the info he gather from Ghost that he encounter on living realm, the man look like a kid in candies store when he first entered the ghost zone via Fenton Portal> -The journal series originally dedicated to ghost only would soon grow into a huge collection of paranormal stuff when he found out other mythical creature like Vampire, werewolf, gnorm,Fairy, mermaid exist,... and He started to recovered lost Knowlege of the Fenton Clan and Master clan regard Paranormal activity and practice Magic and dark magic < Sometime combine it with science>. +He help Ghost resolve their unfinish bussines.Skulker is one of his close ghost friend <it start off as Vlad getting hunted to be mounted on Skulker abandoned hunter shed Wall but slowly grow into Friendship.Vlad already help him resolve the unfinish bussiness but Skulker just chose to stay around as a ghost caused he enjoy hunting too much> + Like collect shiny artifact and shiny gothic looking thing in general <this is totally caused of Plasmius-the boy been to and raid alots of hidden acient temple as well as vampire castle and fortress> +Have Bad temple <didn’t really show this to outsider, if you are close to him or You frequencely fight him u would know, The Roasted Vampire cult of 2001 know> +Cursed in sweet if there minor around, Cursed like sailor If no children is around. +Consider Resurectioning someone that already pass onto Elsewhereness <Heaven/after life> is Insulting .<He can’t die You can tear him into thousand pieces and he would comeback the next day un-scratched ,which is why He didn’t res Ellie eventhought he know how to do it>. -Got into grudge with Vampire After keep foiling their Plan of resurecting their dark lord Plasmius or messing with their plan of rissing back into power over  other mythical Species  which latter redirected to wanting his blood caused it extremely poten <being a halfa and have second core being a G0 Vampire> to wanting to capture him and make him open the portal to Unworld  +Unworld is where Living Realm, Pugatory <Ghostzone> And Fairy world been banishing evil creature to for thousand of year so there is all sort of inhuman eldritch horror there, and vlad have natural ability to access the place and banish You to this dark realm <Unworld Halfa thing> -At some point he also encounter or know about the existence ofother halfa + Wulf a werewolf halfa <the poor boy die few year after vlad encounter with him but he become a rare kind of ghost that can open gate to Purgatory> +Actual recorded naturally exist halfa in Fenton Cland Grimoire due to naturally open portal. <short lived> +The cult Melty Halfa <imagine the danny clone but created via cultist dark magic method> -vampire and cult attemp to replicated Vlad power didn’t end well +Danielle <Ellie> Master: Lucky survivor of the cult melty halfa, created from Vlad rib and a vampire carrier mother. She lived and travel with Vlad for 9 year before dying to a mysterious illness <what vlad said at least> few month before her tenth birthday.  (Vlad could prob go on for hour when you aks about what Ellie is like when she is alive?) -Vlad: The Cost of Being Missed so deeply is the prices for Being Loved so much.  <don’t ask, losing bone and organs is regular for Vlad when it come to fighting. After he learn of the crime that is CMH and after Ellie death he Become less reckless and more of a long term planner> *Note from Vlad Journal: Halfa genuinly have very short life spawn as their ghost half tend to over power the living half leading to the death of the creature and instant like Me that perfectly dangling between life and death one does not over power the other is unheard of. <Vlad tell Jack and Maddie to spend more time with their chrildren is caused of this. He assume Danny to be a Short lived Halfa-No he not he is the immortal kind like Vlad> ..................................................... After Ellie pass away, Vlad stop with the Paranormal adventure and traveling or using his power as a whole. To just go low Profile and start as new life as a Freelance Wall Painter. Until by the meedling of a certain “Being” that make Vlad and Danny, those two that never cross path in the original timeline, cross Path . And change both of their life forever. -With Danny fidding some one he can talk ,vent to about life and understand his struggle. Someone who is there for him and just bring so much change to his suffercating life just by existing. -With Vlad finding back his purpose in life, reconnecting with old friend, restarting his old chaotic way of life. +He live with the Fenton now, right next to their bed, at the end of the hall is one of vlad magical pocket dimension coat nail to the wall surrounded and magic circle and candle to act as Vlad room> +Few month After the reveal that Vlad is alive, come to Jack accepting that Danny is a half ghost now and winning back maddie afection after she left caused of a bad fall out regarding Danny getting in trouble caused of Ghost Power.Maddie and Jack start back the whole Paranormal investigation/inventor thing up again .They want to see what inside halfa look like for a very long time but too afraid to ask. And After like week of them just nervously staring at Danny and Vlad. The one day Vlad just have enough go Well I can let you dissect me if You like... They do dissect session with Vlad being full concious to get an insider opinion and Info on Halfa Bio on Halloween night caused the kid would be out trick or treating. . <Fright Knight Version of Para>. And Danny and co just comeback into lab right after the Dissect is over and Jack is Patching Vlad up and just go. -um Uncle Vlad we “brorrow” one of your sword and accidently unleash an acient halloween ghost knight into the town and it now threatening to Take over the town  -You Did WHAT? Insert fire/ Pink magical circle and ghost laser here. With Vlad looking like a Bad Vampire mummy halloween costume lying wasted on the street bleeding out surrounded by the Danny gang with the Fright knight barely Escape Vlad "To Unworld You go” Beam fly away sworn revenge  <setting up for event that make Danny Pugatory Avatar Halfa becoming the new ghost King > ........................................................................................................................ To Who ever read this entire mess. I Kudo You for putting up with my bullshit.
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