#Beard Straightener Comb
myebayblog · 1 year
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Hair Straightener Comb Pro Electric Beard Straightening Comb Heat Hot Comb Press
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smartcoolstuff · 2 years
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Electric Beard Straightening Comb | Smartandcoolstuff.com
Buy an electric beard straightening comb at Smartandcoolstuff.com. Electric Beard Straightening Comb is a revolutionary tool to help you get that perfect, straight beard. It is designed to be a safe and efficient way to eliminate stray hairs, leaving your beard looking stylish and neat. Visit our site for more details.
Electric Beard Straightening Comb
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Elain Archeron Week: Hope
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Art by Pinkykei.art and commissioned by me 💗
Imagine being Elain Archeron at the end of ACOWAR. She was just turned fae against her will, her body violated in the process and a stranger claiming her as his mate moments after. She’s forced to leave behind the life she was building for herself to live in a land she was raised to fear. She spent months plagued by visions and powers she doesn’t understand, leaving her almost catatonic as she’s trapped in a murky realm she can’t escape. She finally gains clarity on her new powers, but is then cruelly rejected by her fiancé. The same magical pot that turned her fae lures her out of camp under the false pretense that her ex-fiancé came back for her. She witnessed brutal battles that left her retching and then rammed a magical blade through a king’s neck, taking her first life. This same king murdered her father moments before.
After these events, she has every right to despair and crumble, but Elain Archeron chooses a different path. She cleans up her father’s lifeless body, picks him flowers, and tells him she loves him.
“Elain quietly washed his face. Combed out his hair and beard. Straightened his clothes. She found flowers—somewhere. She laid them at his head, on his chest. We stared down at him in silence. “I love you,” Elain whispered, voice breaking.”
She smiles and hopes.
“Elain nodded, smiling up at me, and it was tentative joy—and life that shone in her eyes. A promise of the future, gleaming and sweet.”
She dreams.
“What now?” Elain mused, at last answering my question from moments ago as her attention drifted to the windows facing the sunny street. That smile grew, bright enough that it lit up even Azriel’s shadows across the room. “I would like to build a garden,” she declared. “After all of this … I think the world needs more gardens.”
Elain’s ability to rise above everything that happened to her as she continues to dream of better days shows extreme resilience and I admire the way she looks to find and create beauty in the world, no matter how bleak things look. She’s holding a bouquet of irises in this piece and much like our quiet dreamer, irises symbolize hope and faith. They’re also one of the flowers Feyre painted on Elain’s dresser drawer so I thought they fit perfectly here! Thank you so much again, Pinkykei, for working on this piece for me. Happy Elain is the best Elain and you captured that beautifully 🥹💗
Please don’t repost without permission.
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To a Tea 1
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc. 
Part of the Sweet and Spicy AU 
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk. 
18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you. 
Summary:  A demanding customer grows increasingly needy.
Character:  Raymond Smith
The title is a pun, don't @ me.
Please comment and reblog if it’s not too much. I always love getting to chat about these stories and hearing all your ideas! You all are wonderful and loved. 
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“He’s here,” Jenna’s warning brings you attention away from siphoning what’s left off the peppermint leaves into the fresh tin. 
You glance over without any other directive. He always waits in that same spot. Even if the table’s empty, he doesn’t sit right away. You give you co-worker a look and smile as you put the lid on the tin and slide it out of the way. 
You wash your hands thoroughly before you grab the cylinder of disinfecting wipes and sweep around the end of the counter. You step out onto the tea room floor as his eyes find you, expecting you. You’ve adjusted to his ritual, almost compelled to it. 
“Hello, Raymond,” you great as you approach the empty table for two where he sits with his back to the wall and his eyes towards the door. 
“Miss,” he greets in his way. 
He’s a bit uptight. Others might say worse but once you learn his quirks, he’s very human. Even if everything else about him is mysterious. 
Sometimes you build stories about him in his head. His glasses, his neatly styled hair, and his combed beard suggest a man with an eye for his appearance. His suits might be better fit to library or a professor’s podium. Not sleek enough for a board room. Then you think he might be a writer of sorts but you’ve never seen him with a laptop or pen and most of the local authors don’t show up without one or the other. 
You take out a wipe and take your time in getting every inch of the table. You back up as he removes his jacket and you back out of his way. He sidles around the and sits, shoulders set as he grips the table and straightens it. 
Whoever he is, he’s very precise. 
“Usual?” You ask with a smile. 
He looks at you and reaches to pinch the arm of his glasses. The first time he came in, you remember you could’ve melted at his gaze. So stony and unyielding, you wondered why he was even there. Now, there is an ease to it. He prefers the familiar and you have become that. 
“Yes, usual,” he agrees. 
You nod and swiftly turn on your heel. You go back behind the counter as Jenna snoops from behind the cookie display. You shake your head at her as you wash your hands a second time. He will certainly note that as well.  
You go to steep his cup of English Breakfast as the other woman nears and watches the steaming water at your side. 
“Don’t know how you do it. He should just have tea at home.” 
“Can’t complain for business,” you shrug. 
“Why bother? All that fuss for a cuppa.” 
“Maybe he likes the ambience?” You suggest. 
“He said the lights give him headaches.” 
“Well, he pays his bill. That’s all I ask for,” you add a teaspoon of milk, measuring it out exactly and you move the tab of the bag to hang to the left of the handle. 
“Mm, and he sures asks a lot of you, don��t he?” She crosses her arms. 
“Jenna,” you look towards the till where a customer waits. 
“Ugh, you’re such a bore,” she chides. 
You go back into the tea room and cross to Raymond’s table. You set the cup and saucer before him. 
“Enjoy,” you insist. 
“Cheers,” he hooks his finger into the handle and turns the cup to an exact angle. 
You lean back on your heel and he raises his palm, “do you... have any suggestions?” 
“For?” You wonder. 
“I thought to try something with my tea today. What do you recommend?” 
“Well, were we thinking something savoury or sweet?” You reply breezily, “our cheese scones are delicious, and there is the chives and onion bake. I sneak one every Friday. Erm, there are the white chocolate shortbread on special and I think we’ve sold out of the cherry tarts. Oh, if you’d like a combination, there is the cranberry cheddar scone. I don’t mind it but I hate the crumbles.” 
He considers you thoughtfully and crosses his arms. He mills the decision with his lips clamped. His blues eyes narrow behind his lenses. 
“Do you have plain shortbread?” 
“Of course,” you chime, “two for a pound.” 
“Two will do,” he agrees. 
You hold your smile and once more set off on your mission. He might be stringent, a bit repressed, but you’ve dealt with worse customers. More demanding, sometimes outrightt rude.  
You dip behind the counter and grab a plate. You use the tongs to take two of the shortbread biscuit and place them on a clean plate. You take a napkin with you and once more emerge from behind the displays. 
You approach Raymond as he sips his tea. You put the plate and serviette before him. He thanks you and adjusts his tie, letting his hand drift down his vest. 
“Is that it, sir? Tea alright?” 
“That’s it,” he affirms. 
“Great, you know where I’ll be,” you chirp and spin.  
You stop before you can bring your foot down as he calls your name. He’s only ever said it once. The first time you met. It’s always ‘miss’. 
You turn to face him, “yes?” 
“Your apron strings are uneven...” he says. “Just figured... I’d warn you.” 
You nearly laugh. What an odd thing to worry about. You reach back behind your waist and feels the lengths. Sure enough, you’ve tied them entirely off kilter. You suppose you don’t pay too much attention to that. 
“Thanks for letting me know.” 
He nods and examines one of the cookies. Then his eyes flick up and keep you from another retreat, “I could fix it.” 
“Oh, er, that’s fine,” you wave him off, “not a big deal.” 
“It doesn’t bother you?” He wonders. 
“Not really,” you shrug, “does it bother you?” 
His brows raise slightly and he taps the cookie, shaking off the crumbs as much as he can. He leans forward and nibbles over the plate, making certain not to litter over the edge. He puts the biscuit down and wipes his fingers on the napkin. 
“It does,” he says. 
You won’t laugh at him. It would truly be at his expense, it’s just a very unexpected offer. You put your arms straight, “if you want.” 
You near and turn your back to him. You sense him leaning forward as you stand stalk straight and watch the tea room. The smell of cinnamon and cloves fills the warm space, the shades giving an orangish hue to the din. There are low tables near the center with pillow seats, and the high tables along the walls. You know all the creaks and cracks better than your own home. 
You feel him tug the knot loose and his fingers work agilely to tie a new knot. He lets it hang but just as quickly looses it again. You try not to move as he does it several times before he relents. 
“There, ears and tails match,” he declares. 
You step away and turn to send him a smile, “thanks.” 
He doesn’t say anything, only raises his cup and doffs it in a kind gesture before he sips. You twist away again. You should help Jenna before the rush begins. That’s the only thing about Raymond, he does take up a lot of time. 
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Country Boys
Walter glanced nervously at the car clock as the black company car hobbled over ill maintained roads. He didn't mean to be so obvious, but the younger man on the passenger seat picked up on it immediately.
"Are we going to be late?" asked the young man with the carefully styled black hair and the immaculate suite.
"Probably", answered Walter. He, too, was wearing a suit as he had done on every working day for the last twenty years. His suit tidy as well, of course, although not quite as much as the one the trainee was wearing. His slowly graying hair was combed and neat, but over the years he had stopped caring too much about looking perfect. He was good at his job, but the real secret to selling insurance policies wasn't to look like a suit model. It was all about charisma.
"That's not what worries me, though. If they live that far out, they deserve to wait for a few minutes. Besides, it's a pathetic deal, only a minor upsell regarding a small farmhouse. Barely worth driving out here if you asked me."
Walters tone left no doubt on what he thought about it.
Harry, the trainee next to him, looked at Walter quizzically.
"But Sir, isn't it company policy to value each of our customers the same, no matter how big the deal is?"
Walter shot a disapproving glance at Harry and snorted, almost laughing. "Oh, come on, Harry. I'm sure you know that's bullshit. You need to figure out who is important and who isn't. A small farmer in the middle of nowhere? Not important, won't pay much anyway. The CEO of a multinational company like the one we are meeting this afternoon? Very important, that's where the money is." Walter made a hand gesture as if to swat away Harry's naive suggestion. "The farm they live on? Oh, I don't think it's even worth 50 thousand. But don't worry, it's good practice to make the deal if the client wants it. Still, if we spend too much time out here, we will be late for our actually important appointment."
Harry looked unhappy with the explanation but before he could answer, Walter saw a signpost. "Ah, that's them. It should be just up ahead."
He turned his attention back to the road and stopped the car. They had arrived at the driveway of the farm they were supposed to visit.
Before leaving the car and following Walter, Harry quickly checked his reflection in the rear view mirror. This was going to be his first sale today and he needed to look sharp for it! He straightened his suit, checked his hair one last time and finally got out of the car.
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The small farmhouse was a real dump. It had seen better days and the garden was overgrown. Walter gave the impression of a man who didn't like being here.
"I can't wait to get back to civilization" he muttered under his breath, while Harry passed him and knocked at the door.
"Sir! We are from Gastins, the insurance company, we..."
He was interrupted by the farmer opening the doors. The man was massive, hairy and dirty. Harry couldn't really tell if he was smiling because of the dense beard that adorned his face.
"... talked on the phone." Harry finished his sentence, a bit quieter.
The farmer took a long look at the both of them before giving a grunt, somewhere between permissive and disapproving and went back into the house, leaving the door open.
Harry looked to Walter in search for reassurance, but the older man just shrugged and mouthed an inaudible "your client".
Straightening his back, Harry put on a charming smile and followed the farmer inside.
The interior didn't look much better than the outside. The furniture was mostly wooden and worn, but sturdy and well made. The old wallpaper looked like it hadn't been changed for the last twenty years and it felt like it might start peeling off any moment.
"Sir, my name is Harry, and this is Walter. We are from the Gastin insurance company." Harry introduced himself properly. "We already talked on the phone, and I have the necessary documents with me to discuss the expansion of your current insurance policy. If I may?"
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After a nod of the farmer, Harry sat down on the kitchen table and opened his laptop.
He quickly checked his browser history to find the email he had been working on the night before and began his sales pitch. "Your current insurance coverage covers everything that might befall your house and your belongings, which is excellent. However, we here at Gastin Insurance also offer additional insurance for houses that you can buy."
Harry was excellently prepared and navigated the farmer through the new contract, making sure to explain everything in great detail so the other man wouldn't be surprised by anything that might or might not happen.
The older, bearded man listened carefully but didn't speak a lot. From time to time, he had a surprisingly clever question that Harry had no problem answering. Even though Walter, who mostly sat and watched the trainee, glanced at his clock more than once, Harry had the feeling this was going to be a sure deal.
So, it came as a big surprise when finally, after a good two hours of presenting the new contract, the farmer crossed his arms in front of his muscular chest and shook his head. "Sorry, kid, but no."
Harry swallowed. This wasn't the reaction he expected, and it certainly wasn't what he wanted to hear. "That... comes as a bit of a surprise, Sir. Can you explain why?"
The older farmer sighed. "Your paperwork checks out and you're an honest kid, but all in all, you're just a city boy, not a real honest and down-to-earth man. I've made it my principle to never trust a city boy and I'm not gonna change that."
Walter stood up, clearly annoyed. "Why didn't you say so from the beginning? You could have saved us all a lot of time. Now, if you'll excuse us..."
He didn't get to finish, because Harry raised his hand and interrupted Walter. "I'm sorry that you feel that way, Sir, but I assure you, both of us are absolutely honest and grounded men. Please allow us to prove it to you."
Walter looked at Harry and pointed at his watch less than subtle. This time it was Harry who mouthed a "my client." to him, making Walter roll his eyes.
The farmer was clearly surprised by Harry's request and scratched his beard. "I suppose. Tell you what. If you manage to repair the fence outside, I'll sign your contract, 'cause you're clearly a man then."
Harry nodded enthusiastically, while Walter looked at him with a disbelieving stare. "We will get right to it!" asserted Harry and was already at the door.
Grimacing, Walter followed the trainee, and only once they were outside, out of earshot of the farmer, he angrily began to speak: "What the hell was that about? We certainly don't have time to repair a stupid fence! Just let it go, that guy isn't worth it."
Harry turned to Walter, his eyes burning with determination. "This is my client. I have to prove myself to him." He went to a nearby shed and opened the door, grabbing a toolbox.
Walter watched the trainee for a moment, shaking his head, but eventually followed.
"Do you even know how to repair a fence?" Walter asked while looking at the tools.
"No, but I will learn." Harry said simply while picking up a hammer. "*We* will learn" he corrected himself and gestured towards the toolbox.
Walter sighed again and shook his head but grabbed a wrench and got to work on the fence anyway.
Although the ground was wet and muddy, the sun was burning hot from the sky and quickly, both men were pretty sweaty. Of course, a fine suit wasn't the ideal piece of clothing for manual labor, so it was only a matter of time until there were several mud stains and a few holes in Harry's jacket. The area under his arms was wet from his sweat, and he was feeling uncomfortable in the suit, like it wasn't fitting him properly. He took his jacket and shirt off, while Walter stared at him.
"What?" Harry asked, suddenly insecure about his body.
Walter shook his head again, as if to clear it, before answering. "You know, I didn't expect that from you."
"Better than ruining it", Harry replied and added: "Perhaps you should take off yours, too."
Reluctantly, Walter agreed and soon, both men were working topless. Harry couldn't help but be somewhat impressed. He had guessed that Walter would be weak and probably would sport a beer belly under his shirt. However, the older man was actually pretty fit. In fact, the longer they worked, the more details Harry noticed that somehow didn't fit the Walter he was used to. His toned muscles, his flat stomach, the light tan. No, something wasn't right.
When Harry looked to Walter's face, he would find his suspicions verified: Something weird was going on! Harry had been certain Walter had had graying hairs - but the unkempt hair on top of the other man's head was anything but gray - it was dark and full.
"Say, how old are you again, Walter?" Harry asked. His own voice sounded funny, too. Deeper somehow.
"32" answered Walter immediately. "No, wait, that's wrong. I'm... 31?" The last part sounded like a question, but it fit his surprisingly masculine and handsome body. However, Harry was more focused on his own appearance right now. His body looked alien to him: It was way fitter, tanner and broader than he was used to - and it looked somewhat older than he was used to, too.
"Is anything wrong?" The smooth and dark voice of his coworker, sounding like dark honey was new and Harry looked at Walter again. Surprisingly youthful, with a sweaty and muddy body full of muscles and a mildly concerned face was what met his eye. There was no doubt, this was a long way from the former Walter. Still, Harry couldn't look away. The masculine body with the light coating of hair and the five o clock shadow had him captivated. But the gentle and friendly brown eyes sucked him in, and he could hardly look away. What was happening to him? To them both? Harry had been certain he was straight, but when he looked at the other man, he felt butterflies in his stomach, and he could feel his body reacting.
"Hehe. Is that for me?" Walt asked with a hint of amusement and pointed down. Following his finger, Harry noticed that he had a clearly visible boner that was stretching his brown work shorts, mirroring the similar bulge in Walt's pants. Didn't he wear suit pants just some minutes ago?
No, that didn't make sense. He had never worn a suit in his life, that was city boy attire. He was a country man and only put on practical clothing and sturdy boots. However, that wasn't very important. He smiled and brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes before grinning at Walt mischievously.
"I think it's time for a break."
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jxtina-86 · 8 months
Thousand Times I've Fallen
I had an image. I ran with it. I just love the mundane, simple moments between people. The aftermath kinda stuff.
Drabble, fluffy, mushy goodness for you.
He turns his head as the sheets rustle next to him. His heart is still pounding and his skin is still hot and sticky. He watches her shake her hair back, her hand patting around the sheets, then the bedside table looking for a hair tie. He reaches out, his fingers just whispering over her back for a second before she stands obvious to his almost touch.
Her legs wobble slightly as she walks away, heading to the bathroom. He can’t help but smirk at this and the fact that she still has one stocking on. Well, the remains of one anyway - the back of it has laddered although he can’t recall how. He’s not even sure where the other is. He gazes around the rest of the room, taking in the destruction.
Their belongings are littered over the floor, all hard surfaces completely cleared by his hand as he’d carried her, still inside her from desk to table to chest of drawers. He can still hear her soft moans in his ear, the shriek of her scream, the frantic begging, the firm slap of skin against skin.
Out of sight, the toilet flushes, followed by the sound of running water and then the faint buzz of her toothbrush. She appears and leans against the doorframe. Her hair is swept up on top of her head, the torn stocking now in her fist. She twirls it, the loose end wrapping around her hand.
“You owe me a pair,” she says after she turns away to spit.
“I’ll buy you a thousand fucking pairs,” he replies with an eyeroll and a grin.
“Every time,” she grumbles, but the words carry no harsh feelings. “I’ll stop wearing them.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he growls, watching her body shiver. He ignores the way his dick twitches and instead heaves himself out of the bed.
She steps back into the bathroom as he scours the floor for his boxers, scraping a hand over his head to push his hair back.
Her hands ghost over his back, her mouth soft between his shoulder blades. Her arms slide around his waist, her body pressed against his and he’s disappointed to feel soft material between her skin and his.
She pulls him back to the bed, seating him on the edge as she kneels behind him. His eyes flutter closed as he feels her fingers gently comb through his hair. Slowly, she gathers it in her fist, twisting the length around and around into a tight knot that she fastens with a hair tie. The tips of her fingers brush down the back of his neck and he lets out a low groan.
She giggles in response and he tips his head back to rest on her chest. Her fingers glide over his forehead and down his nose, across his lips before grazing over his beard. His eyes flicker open and they hold each other’s gaze for a silent breath.
Her hands slide over his shoulders, across his chest and then back up. She eases his head up, breaking the gaze as she shifts back. He turns and only then does he clock that she’s swiped his hoodie, the one fresh off his TV appearance earlier.
“Suits you,” he murmurs as she slips from the bed and starts to fluff the pillows and straighten up the sheets.
“I know,” she grins.
He heads to the bathroom, his mind still elsewhere as he brushes his teeth. There’s something about seeing her in his clothes that make his heart swell - she’s probably made her way through his entire wardrobe. Dress shirts, football shirts, sweatshirts, she doesn’t discriminate. Her only requirement is that they need to have been worn by him first.
He’s never asked why. But he hopes it’s the reason he thinks. He's pretty sure it is. And as he shuts off the bathroom light and heads back towards the bed, she practically confirms it.
She lets the sleeves of the hoodie hang long, so that only the tips of her fingers are visible as she pulls back the freshly aired sheets and slips into bed. As she lays back against the pillows, the neck of the hoodie naturally slides over her mouth and nose and she doesn't make any attempt to move it.
He slides into bed next to her, pulling her in his arms, wrapping himself fully around her. Her body relaxes first but his isn’t far behind. He takes a deep breath, his head filling with the faint tang of sex, her shampoo, his cologne. Her hand pulls at his, her lips on each knuckle, softer each time.
The words slip from him as easy as they did the first time he ever uttered them to her.
And her reply curls around him like a blanket, smothering him in its warmth.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
“He was a good man,” he said. “He loved you all very much.”
"But your father, ever the negotiator …”
Lucien had been there, Cassian recalled. Had gone with Nesta’s father to the lake
He was smiling mildly at his beloved Elain, the only one of us who bothered to really speak to him at all.
My father smiled freely, laughed readily, and doted on Elain, who in turn doted on him.
My father murmured his praises to Elain, who beamed at him and rested her head on his shoulder.
“I’m thinking of buying the Beddor land,” my father was saying to Elain, who was the only one of us listening to him. “I heard a rumor it’ll go up for sale soon, since none of the family survived, and it would be a good investment property. Perhaps one of you girls might build a house on it when you’re ready.” Elain nodded interestedly
Elain quietly washed his face. Combed out his hair and beard. Straightened his clothes. She found flowers—somewhere. She laid them at his head, on his chest.
And Elain had deserved a place to visit with him, talk with him. She went at least once a month.
“He made this one for Elain. Since it was winter and she missed the flowers.”
Elain was his princess.
Elain went forward, whispered a few things to their father’s grave
It is not an insignificant thing that Lucien was the one who got to know Elain's father before his death.
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
Stand Still : Brahms x f!reader
Warnings: Mommy kink, dick sucking, scissors.
A/N:I don’t think I’ve ever written about sucking a dick but here we are. Also Brahms being a good boy again.
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“Come on. It’s just a trim. It’ll make you feel better.”
You take Brahms’ hand and practically drag him up the large mansion stairs to your bathroom. His body was trying to hold you back from this but you didn’t care. Brahms needed his hair trimmed almost everywhere, you absolutely hate how much he was itching his face and how it hid a lot of him away from you.
“Sit.” You force him down by grabbing his shoulders and pushing down on him. He sits and lets out a huff. You smile teasingly at him. “It’ll be quick I swear, just to freshen up. Can I remove your mask?”
Brahms’ shoulders slouch. But he nods hesitantly, his eyes looking away from you.
You hear his fingers drum nervously on the toilet seat as you take the porcelain mask off and set it gently on the bathroom counter.
This isn’t the first time you’ve seen him without his mask. It certainly wouldn’t be the last either. It didn’t mean Brahms wasn’t still insecure about his burn scars though. So you always ask if you can take the mask off, if he says no, the mask stays on.
You brush your fingers lightly over the scars on the right side of his face. He leans into your touch and you kiss his forehead.
“It’s okay. You’re so handsome Brahmsy. Now tilt your head up for me.”
Today is one of those days, he’s hesitant with everything but ultimately is going to listen to you. He knew whatever you did was for the best and sometimes he’d listen, sometimes he wouldn’t. Both of you were lucky he was in a listening mood today.
You take some scissors and a comb and brush through his beard. You hear a soft hum from him and begin cutting.
You don’t cut much off just enough so he looks groomed and not like a hobo.
You give just a trim to his hair, just enough so it grew out evenly and with a better curl to it. Brahms enjoyed the hair brushing, he keeps trying to lean into it but you grab his chin and straighten his face. His eyes would squint at you in a glare before sighing dramatically.
“Okay now stand up.”
First time he’s spoken in hours. His held tilts in a confused way.
“Stand up and pull your pants down, I’m not done trimming.”
You look at him in his eyes with a serious tone. He blushes lightly, which is now what you can see through his trimmed beard.
He stands up and pulls down his pants. You see his unkempt hair and get on your knees. “Stand still. I don’t wanna cut you down here.”
“I-okay.” He rasps, his voice somewhere between his normal voice and child like voice.
Brahms looks up trying not to think of you so close to his cock. He could just grab your head and- no no. Stand still. You said to stand still. He’s gonna stand still. He’ll be a good boy.
“Good job.” You trim him carefully, looking up at him every once in awhile to see his face, which he was currently trying to hide from you. You chuckle lightly and continue trimming. Your breath touching his shaft, making him let out a small breathy moan.
He starts getting harder as you finish up. His hand now up to his mouth and his other hand on the counter. You set the scissors on the toilet seat and smirk. “You did so good baby…”
You lightly kiss his stomach, moving inch by inch towards his cock then down it.
“What is it baby?”
“I-I ugh…” Brahms whines, looking everywhere but at you. His face was a deep red color. You trail your fingers up and down his thighs, making his body jolt. “I need your mouth. Please…”
“Well… you have been a very good boy for me. I’m going to need you to stand very still for me, okay?”
He nods, his hands shaking.
“Move your hand from your mouth. I wanna hear you.”
He listens, not even hesitating for a second.
You lick lightly up his shaft before taking it in your mouth.
Brahms let’s out a loud moan and puts both of his hands on the counter, which was now behind him. You take your time, hallowing out your cheeks and bobbing your head. Your hands grip his thighs.
“Mommy.. you feel so good. I love you so much. Thank you. I love you. Please don’t stop.” Brahms babbles, he doesn’t stop babbling, you take your tongue and lick at the bottom of his shaft as you continue to bob your head. You look up at his face which is absolutely lost in a bliss.
You feel his cock twitch.
“Mommy… please I’m gonna cum. Can I cum? Please please…”
You tap his leg twice indicating he can. You didn’t want to stop. He felt so good in your mouth.
Hot liquid hits the back of your throat. Brahms throws his head back and whines, his voice cracking. His hips buck into your mouth making you gag, but you swallow all of him, letting him ride out his orgasm in your mouth.
You let his cock slide out of your mouth with a pop before standing up.
Brahms immediately takes your face in his hands and kisses you, wanting to taste himself. You smile and go to hold his face too. Brushing your fingers through his curls and touching his body all over, knowing that’s what he wants right now.
“Such a good boy Brahmsy.”
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ahses2ahes · 1 year
Sun Rays
Pairing: Duke Leto Atreides x reader, kingdom/18th century AU.
Warnings: arranged marriage, language, chasing. There isn’t much really.
Summary: After your father tells you that you’re too be married off to some Duke you choose to spend most of your time horse back riding and the rest arguing with your father. That is, until you meet the Duke and he makes quite the deal.
Photos from Pinterest and Leto is from Dune. You obviously belong to yourself.
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You had always been a wild being, something your father disapproved of. Especially as a Duke. You could care less, though, preferring to feel the wind whip through you hair as you rode the back of your horse and race through the trees with some of the stable boys.
You were rough and tough for a royal, lacking proper manners and in need of a serious reality check. That is why your father chose to have you engaged to a man about two decades older than you. A Duke from a land you knew nothing of except its barrenness and sand.
You had fought with your father constantly about it, taking any chance to bring it up at dinner or council meetings you found oh so boring to attend. He was insistent, though. He believed you needed to marry someone respectable and learn to become a proper person of the court.
You hated the idea, even now as you prepped your horse for a ride. You had gotten word that your husband to be had arrived and you did not feel like meeting him. So you had decided to sneak away and out of your formal attire down to the stables and into your riding gear.
Now you were with your dark stallion, placing on his saddle and closing it right around him.
“Is this any way to great your future husband?” a voice rang from the entrance of the stables.
You turned your head to see Duke Leto himself and for a second your eyes widened.
You had heard the man was attractive and while it was true, you didn’t expect him to be this attractive. He was rugged and wore a head of neatly combed back grey and black hair. A full beard adorned his face along with two beautiful dark eyes that held years of wisdom, but didn’t show a single worry. A smile also graced his slightly pale lips. His walk was just as elegant and sophisticated as he looked, his steps nearing you quite quickly.
No matter how beautiful he was, though, you could not forget your anger towards him.
“I have no interest in speaking to you,” your words were harsh as you pulled a strap on the saddle of your horse a little too roughly.
“Please, my dear, let us talk, there must be something we can work out,” the Duke said as he placed a hand on the small of your back.
Anger sparked through you quickly and you smacked his hand off of you.
“There is nothing to speak of with you, I will not marry you simply because my father told me to!”
He raised a brow, before a smug smirk crossed his face. God, it was hot.
“How about a wager then,”
The offer had piqued your interest, you straightened yourself out, turning to look at him with a brow quirked upwards.
“What would that be?”
“I get to choose a horse and we race. If I manage to catch you before the sun sets, you shall marry me. If you are able to stay away, I shall leave and never even look back.”
“Done,” you say quickly, spitting in your hand and sticking it out. An attempt to gross out the Duke.
He did indeed look a little disgusted, but he took your hand in his leather clad one, shaking it firmly.
With that, you both began to prepare, you even helped him pick out a good horse, one that could match the abilities of yours. By the time you were both ready, it was just after the beginning of evening.
“So, I start and you have to wait ten minutes to start the chase,” you said, as you looked over the greenery you had grown so fond of.
“And neither of us are allowed to leave,” Leto reminded “If we do then whoever has left is the immediate loser.”
I nod my head and look at him.
“Ready?” Leto nods in response.
“On your marks,” you say
“Get set,” Leto continues for you
“Go!” You both scream in unison.
With that you are off, faster than a flash of lightening. Hooves thunder the ground and trample the small plants that lie in your path. You ride and ride till your horses’ breathing is heavy. That is when you choose to stop.
You let him breathe by a stream and you stay there for several minutes letting your racing heart calm as you think.
Leto was quite the different man than you had expected. You expected him to force this marriage upon you and give you no say, but no. He was giving you this way out even though he likely knew how skilled of a rider you were and how well you knew this forest.
You continued to sit there thinking till you heard the thunder of something. You were confused for a second before you saw Leto, on his golden mare stomping towards you.
“Shit shit shit shit shit,” you mumble out as you quickly climb onto your steed and zoom off.
You can feel that his hand just narrowly misses your shoulder before you zoom off. You thunder through the water, him jumping over it and staying close on your heels. You zoom through the trees hoping to take some sort of turn and loosen his trail on you, but it’s of no use, he stays hot on you.
“How the hell are you doing this?” You yell to the man behind you.
“You never asked of my experience in hunting and tracking!” He said with a mischievous chuckle.
You continue to ride, evading him through the trees. It was so close to sunset! Just a little more time!
You continue to ride, thundering north. He manages to get right next to you, his hand reaching over to wrap around your waist. You quickly pull off to the left and avoid him, but he is quick to follow. You now thunder east towards the palace. The sun is almost below the horizon. You ride and ride and as you see the clearing with the last of suns you cheer to yourself. You are too soon, though, because Leto is at your side again.
You watch as the rays continue to shrink and as you reach the edge of the first. Suspense is building in your chest as you watch the sun continue to tuck itself away. Just a little bit more!
His hand is reaching back towards you now, almost touching you. You’re almost there dear god you are almost there.
Just as the front of your horse is out of the forest, you feel yourself being taken off of your horse, the last rays of sun set.
“Fuck!” You cry out as you watch your horse stop at the edge and the horse you are now slowly halting.
Leto chuckles and pats the side of your waist that he holds.
“I believe this means I’ve won dear,”
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blackkatmagic · 11 months
In a Kit Fisto mood?
Not complaining just he's suddenly all over my dash and I wasn't expecting that so I'm curious.
Even when Kit looks for it, there's no sign of anger or grief or loss on Obi-Wan’s face when he comes down the next morning. There's no hesitation when he rises from where he’s stretching to kiss Kit, either.
“My dear,” he says, amused, catching Kit's webbed fingers in his own. He’s stripped to the waist, breathless and sweaty in the cold air but smiling, and Kit smiles back, leans in when he’s tugged, and takes the light kiss. “I thought I’d lost you to the sea, like a spirit who just happened to come ashore for one night and then vanished back beneath the waves.”
Kit chuckles. “I lost track of time while exploring the sea caves,” he says, which is true enough to count. “Have you met so few Nautolans that you would keep confusing me with a local legend?”
That makes Obi-Wan laugh, and he pulls away, reaching for a towel. “Am I to be blamed?” he asks, and lets his fingers slip down, catches Kit's and raises them to his mouth. The prickle of his beard is an unfamiliar thing, and Kit's breath catches. The little sound deepens Obi-Wan’s satisfaction, spreads into his smile, and he says, dry, “My husband fell asleep in the ocean, far from where I could look on him as he slept, and he seems more beautiful every time he leaves the water. Surely the magic of local gods is the only explanation.”
Kit raises his hands in protest. “I apologize,” he says, laughing. “But if your legends here are all surrounding sea spirits, you may have quite a few more to contend with, given the new settlement.”
With a chuckle, Obi-Wan steps away, crossing the mats in the training room to retrieve his shirt and shoes. The short tail of his hair is loose this morning, falling soft around his face, and Kit watches with a trace of appreciation as Obi-Wan bends down, then straightens, combing his hair back with a his fingers. The flex of broad shoulders is impressive, for a senator particularly.
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aboyshapeddog · 6 months
WIP ⚠️
Staci “No Survival Instincts” Pratt’s Night Out
Relationships: Staci Pratt/Jacob Seed
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Dom/Sub dynamic, Smut, Alchohol Use, NonCult Au, Jacob is a Creep, Rough S*x, BDSM, Bondage, Biting, Age Difference (duh), Knives, Toys
Spending his off nights in the local bar had become more of a routine than an outing. Less getting dressed up, more finding the cleanest shirt left in his hamper not too threadbare to wear in public. One beer into his solo pregame, after catching his reflection in the admittedly dirty mirror, it struck him. Staci Pratt was too young for this shit, to be throwing his night away like he’s got nothing better to do. 
So he straightened out, showered, spritzed on a little too much cologne, and combed back his hair so it curled neatly behind his ears. Tonight the very off-duty Deputy would allow himself a real night out; a night in some thigh hugging jeans, and an appropriately too tight t-shirt, even if it meant Joey spending half the time ribbing him for it. So, he was back on track to the Spread Eagle, but decidedly not to mope and nurse a glass whatever they had on tap for the next hour. 
It was dingy and dark when he arrived, the air had a permanent heaviness from smoke, and the smell of stale beer. The nostalgia almost let him disregard the way his shoes would stick to the floor in some areas, from the copious amounts of spilled drinks that found their way to the old wood. Joey had somehow convinced the Junior Deputy, and Sharky Boshaw to come out with her for a night of real partying, perfect. Staci was three drinks in before he agreed to some old fashioned two stepping with his fellow deputies, four before the banda music started sounding like a personal call to action, and five before right now; feeling the rhythm beating in his chest, Staci attempted some kind of lasso move with the just as inebriated Deputy Hudson- then boom.
They were both slingshotted in opposite directions with enough momentum to send Joey into the loving drink-filled embraces of Rook and Sharky, and Staci into- Huh, that wall he bumped into was interestingly placed . . . and moving, oh man. Even swaying on his feet, Staci did his best to reflect the character of the friendly neighborhood Deputy, “Oh I’m real sorry, Sir I did not see you there”, his face was hot from the drinks and embarrassment, his drawl becoming much more pronounced with each.
This was new, there weren’t many people in the county that Officer Pratt wouldn’t immediately recognize, it just came with the territory of living and working in such a secluded area, and here was this big, big, man, fiery hair, thick beard to match, and ice cold eyes, this was a face he would’ve remembered. The Deputy lifted his hands in a no-harm-done gesture, drinking in the sight of the massive man now looming above him, who didn’t seem to react. The stranger stood still, looking the younger man up and down very slowly, before grunting an acknowledgement. Staci blinked a few times, deciding the interaction had indeed ended, turning back to his party. “Jesus Stace, next rodeo they’re hosting I’ll have to tell them to forget the bull and just call you.” Joey snickered, egging a round of laughter from the group. “Oh ha ha, Joey. While you’re on the phone, why don’t you call up Whitehorse and report the illegal construction of the Splash Zone you’re cultivating over here." The tense energy of the situation seemed to evaporate immediately, each of them feeding off the other’s excitement.
Alright, not gonna ruin his night! Well, it wouldn’t have if he wasn’t so damn clumsy. It had been close to another hour before Staci made the mistake of running into the stranger again, almost literally. A bit too much commitment to a save in the alcohol fueled “Hope County Sheriff’s Department Ping Pong Tournament” (with celeb serves from Sharky) sent him stumbling straight into the same guy as before, was this karma? 
Time seemed to move a second faster than his brain could catch up with. The man grabbed him by his shirt collar, large hot hands closing their distance fast, “Are you looking for a fight, kid?” he growled and it showed his sharp white teeth. For a second neither moved a muscle, piercing blue eyes locking on to his own; Staci could feel the other man's breath on his face, smell the alcohol, his cologne, and skin. Their noses could have touched, and the closeness made him shiver. Joey immediately made a move to step in, always the protector, before Staci waved her off with a quick nod and a sheepish smile. His heart was beating out of his chest, “No Sir, listen I’m real sorry about that-” he was interrupted “Yeah, you said that.” The man’s previously full whisky glass had found itself empty, dispersed between the bartop and his freshly soaked t-shirt. “Hey listen I don’t mean any trouble, really.” Staci reasoned, offering a charming grin as he pressed both hands to the man's wide chest for leverage. “You seem like a, uh, reasonable man. My place is five minutes from here, how about we grab you a new shirt, and-and I'll grab you another drink alright? Sounds square to me.”
The larger man considered it for a moment, visibly relaxing and releasing his hold, “Yeah. Alright.” he grunted. Thank God for small favors, and of course work mandated de-escalation training. Staci smiled again, this time with genuine ease “Alright alright, my cars on this side of the lot, Mr. . .” he paused, turning around to look at his soon to be house guest as he led them both to the door. “Jacob.” he said curtly, “And you’re not driving, even if you weren’t tripping over your own ass just a second ago.” Ouch. He scoffed “Well, we might as well walk then, I just saw you with a drink in your hand just a minute ago, didn’t I?”. Jacob was just as quick on his feet, “Well Columbo, due to some unforeseen circumstances I didn’t really get to drink it.” Oh. Right. Staci was red again.
The Deputy waved quickly and gestured toward the door for Rook, who gave him a comically serious salute, and went right back to riling up Hudson and Boshaw with more trash talk. Joey’s voice echoed through the bar as the two strangers made it through the door “You take that back you son of a bitch or this paddle’s going right up your-” They’d probably be going home together tonight.
 Staci had sobered up a little by now, thanks to the glasses of water Hudson had practically force fed him throughout their game, and the icy night air outside the bar. “Alright big guy, looks like you’re driving. I’ll just direct you, it's not too far down the main road.” Staci could see his breath when he talked. “Good.” Staci turned to look at the man- turned to look at Jacob and found his gaze already met, those shiny white teeth on display again. Something twisted warmly in his stomach, he smiled back and let out a short uneasy laugh. The Deputy couldn't help but feel like he caught a fox about to sneak into the hen house, “Yeah. Good, alright”.
 It was a short drive, but between the passing beams of headlights Staci still had enough time to think about how stupid it was to give big, violent, strangers armed with 6-inch hunting knives your home address. “Yeah and just a right down here.” Oh well. His house looked smaller from the windshield of the truck, glowing under the headlights’ beam like a beacon in the surrounding woods. “Here we are.” Staci chirped, hopping down and out of the vehicle. He took a few seconds with his keys, practiced hands maneuvering around his loaded key ring like a pianist. “Home sweet home” Staci said more to himself than his guest, “I wasn’t really expecting company so it’s uh- well it is what it is.” 
Jacob allowed himself to be silently herded through the entryway to the kitchen, taking in the organized chaos. “You’re welcome to anything in the fridge, drinks, um yeah. I’ll be right back with something that’ll fit you.” The host excused himself politely. He rummaged through his drawers as quickly as possible, he thought of Jacob’s curled arm holding him in place, his shoulders, biceps, everything were huge . . . Not exactly the point Staci back on track, what did he have with such forgiving sleeves? He walked out of his bedroom talking, “Sir or uh, Jacob, I hope you’re alright with this. I don’t think I’ve got much in your size.” His voice trailed off as he re-entered the kitchen, eyes landing on two faux crystal glasses sitting on the countertop and his cheap bottle of bourbon next to them. 
He didn’t have a minute to consider the offer before Jacob was removing his shirt; light cotton stretching over taut muscles and skin. Staci short-circuited. “Wa- hold on a minute-”, his pleas fell on deaf ears. He watched as the red-head finished removing his still damp t-shirt, and reached out for the fresh one; which Staci could have handed over if he wasn’t occupied charting the map of the other man’s torso. “See something you like?” Jacob teased sarcastically, but he was right. “I get it, most people haven’t seen scars this big before.” the older man reasoned, pulling a tight top from the Deputy’s loose grasp and over his chest. Staci stumbled to close his mouth and find his words again. “No. I mean, Ye- I don't mean, uh, I’m sorry it’s not polite to stare, you're just ripped.” Fuck his big mouth, he couldn’t play it casual if his life depended on it. There was a beat of silence and Staci contemplated leaving his own house out of embarrassment. Staci took a breath, “What I mean is-” Jacob interrupted him again, thank God “What you mean is, you invited me under false pretenses, Deputy.” Yes. Wait, No. What? “That’s alright sweetheart, you’re a pretty little thing I’m not bothered by it.” Jacob reasoned.
“Sidling up to me at the bar, inviting me back to yours to get my wet clothes off, I should’ve seen right through that good samaritan schtick.” The stranger needled at Pratt, watching him get more flustered with every word, he didn’t even remember telling this guy he was a deputy. “Now you hold on a minute, I was just trying to-” Jacob was right in his space again, looming over him, filling all of his senses, it made him shy under the scrutiny. “I just wanted to make up for giving you a hard time at the bar.” he said, creating just enough space between them to get a good look at Jacob, “Not that I’d mind sharing a drink with you.”. They were still close, barely a foot between them, the sound of each other's breaths becoming the loudest thing in the small house. 
The scent of Jacob’s cologne felt more intoxicating than anything Staci had sampled earlier, he stepped closer. “And uh, I’m a pretty little thing?” Staci preened a little under the praise that had been doted on him. “Oh sure.” Jacob took Staci’s chin in his hand, “Well, when you’re not spilling a drink on me, you’re so sweet you make sugar taste like salt.” Staci scoffed at that, and went to turn his head away. Jacob’s grip tightened slightly, holding Staci where he was, holding their eyes on one another’s, Staci let him. “Tell me, Is a drink all you wouldn’t mind sharing with me?” Jacob’s voice was so low in his throat it could’ve been a growl, and Staci’s body reacted like it was one; starting at the nape of his neck, every little hair oh him came to stand on end.
The younger man’s cheeks flushed, now he was trying to think of a single reason he should say no. In the place of an answer, Staci leaned in slowly, studying Jacob’s face some more before pressing a soft plush kiss to his lips. Then another, and another, slightly parting his lips as he moved to the corner of Jacob’s mouth. The older man stood still, staring down at Staci as he moved from peppering soft kisses to his cheek to his knuckles, then the inside of the palm of the hand that had just been pressed under his chin. Jacob struck then, like a viper; in one fluid motion removing his hand from Staci’s, and squeezing his cheeks between his thumb, middle, and index fingers.
Then, as quickly as Staci recognized their change of pace, he felt a hot tongue lick across his open mouth. “dios mio” he breathed. Jacob had already pulled back, admiring Staci’s flushed pink face and wet lips. He gripped the younger man tighter, “Is this what you want, I don’t play gentle, kid.” Staci felt faint, like he was falling under hypnosis “uh, y-yeah.” His heart pounded in his chest. “Good.”
Jacob was on him like a wild animal, biting into kisses, sucking his tongue, and the air from his lungs. Staci gripped Jacob’s (actually his own) t-shirt to keep him steady, nearly losing his balance as he was ravaged by the larger man before him.
His trance was only broken as Jacob pulled his wet lips away to focus on unbuckling his belt from his pants; as Jacob leaned back he watch a strand of saliva connecting their mouths snap in the air, it made him dizzy. Staci’s eagerness forced him to reach down to help undo the belt; his hands were batted away just as fast, and he was turned around. “I’m in charge, you wait.” Jacob’s voice brooked no argument.
So Staci had none when the belt made its way around his wrists, or when he was lovingly hostage walked down the hall to his bedroom with Jacob breathing down his neck.
“Bend Over.” the older man commanded, placidly, like he was saying ‘Hello’. Staci felt himself being pushed into position on his bed anyways, like a dog learning a command by force. With a firm hand Jacob then yanked down the deputy’s tight jeans, revealing lacy pink panties. “Oh, Staci. They must’ve sent you from heaven.” Jacob sighed, sliding a finger under the lace lined elastic and pulling it back to snap it against the skin, then moving to caress his ass like it was the world in his hands. “Ya know, kid,” Jacob started, groping the younger man as he spoke “I’m a little surprised you’d let a stranger tie you up like this.” His large hands moved around Staci’s waist, smoothing over the soft skin there and settling just above the brunette’s hips. “A big, mean, stranger.” The red head pulled the hips in his hands flush against his own, hard, smiling as Staci’s muscles flexed beneath him. The smaller man could no doubt feel the sizable bulge pressed between his cheeks. “I could do anything to you.” He growled.
The words processed in Staci’s mind a moment later, lost in the sensations, there was that hot, uneasy, feeling again. “Oh- oh yeah, and what are you gonna to do to me?” he asked, shifting his hips backwards against the larger man, and Jacob seemed to consider.
The silence hung heavy in the air between them, Staci waiting waiting waiting, listening to the rustling of clothes behind him. Then the skin of teeth pressing gently to the back of his neck, his body jerked at the contact, Jacob blew out a laugh. “I’m gonna..” a kiss was pressed to his neck, “Huff” kiss “And puff” kiss “And blow your house down.” Staci squirmed as the hot breath condensed on his neck, and belly laughed. “What the fuck man, you are so weird.” Jacob rumbled a laugh behind him, but when he tried to turn around, his head was pressed back into the mattress.
Jacob’s rough hands spread his legs, squeezing the bulge in his panties. Staci’s legs folded beneath him, moaning at the contact, God it had been a while. Luckily Jacob was holding him steady, moving to smooth the heel of his palm down over the expanse of Staci’s back. “But first.” Staci’s ears perked up at the sound of his voice, “I’m gonna eat you alive.” This guy was such a creep. Jacob rolled him over then, Staci’s brows were knitted but a smile sat lazily on his face.
Jacob held his eye contact, slowly kneeling in front of the smaller man, and slotting his bearded face between muscular thighs. He kissed there too, hot and open mouthed to Staci’s clothed dick, then chaste and delicate, focusing entirely on the smooth skin of his inner thighs. He covered them in hard sucking kisses, nips, then bites, and licks to soothe them over. Staci’s legs spasmed, pink and purple bruises blooming on the sensitive skin while all he could do was pant, whine, and shift his weight so he wasn’t crushing his own fingers. “Fuck Jacob” he panted, and bit his lips closed, embarrassed by how needy he sounded.
The older man didn’t seem to mind, taking some pity and pulling out his massive hunting knife. He caught Staci’s eye as he sliced through the thin fabric of his panties in one motion, exposing him to the cool air of the bedroom. Pratt panted harder, heart racing, and cock jumping as Jacob ran the cool flat end of the knife from his base to his tip. The reflective silver glinted in the moonlight, entrancing the deputy in the same manner as Jacob’s blue eyes and shiny white canines.
Jacob hummed, sliding the knife back into its sheath and taking one hand to slide Staci’s shirt up, his skin rough against the deputy’s soft belly. Then back down, slowly, slowly, to the tip of his cock. Jacob pressed two fingers against the wet head, hooking a thumb around him and rubbing hard over the precum forming delicate pearls on the tip. Staci keened loud, cutting himself off with a gasp, when Jacob gave a wet kiss to his member. Then he licked slowly up the length to suck on the tip, hard. “Jesus Christ, Jacob.” Staci allowed his head to fall back and mouth open, desperate noises flowing out of him with every movement. The larger man bobbed up and down, sucking and swallowing all the way. “Oh God.” Staci whined high in his throat, straining to lean upwards and watch Jacob as he worked. Jacob was the same, he drank in every twitchy noise, every shift of his hips for more, more. He fed on the helplessness of it, poor thing stuck on his back with tied hands, then he pulled off of Staci’s cock.
“You got any lube?” he asked, voice rough with wanting and use. “Uh- yeah yeah.” Staci stuttered out, breathing heavy and trying again to sit up before settling on his back, “It’s um, I have some on the nightstand over there.” He directed with his head. Jacob lumbered out of view, and the deputy craned his neck for a moment trying to keep him in a line of sight, before deciding he could wait. “You have any dildos?” Jacob asked, again rough, but almost deadpan like it was the most mundane question he’d asked all night. “Yeah, yes.” Staci paused, feeling exposed, embarrassed, and still achingly hard; now red and spit wet against his own stomach. “Uh it’s in the top left drawer of the dresser, but uh-” then Jacob was rustling through his drawers.
The older man let out a low whistle, holding up another pair of panties, even skimpier than the last; Staci hid his face in his shoulder, “Very nice, Staci.” Jacob mumbled to himself, bringing his spoils back to the edge of the bed. The larger man pumped some lubricant into his hand, warming it between his fingers, before inserting two. Staci moaned, arching his back off the bed, and spreading his pink bitten legs wide to accommodate the intrusion of such big fingers. “Fuck.” He sighed again, trying to relax himself into the slow rhythm of his partners fingers, as they sunk deeper knuckle by knuckle. After adjusting, the deputy began to slowly push back on the other man’s hand, forcing his thick fingers to rock deeper in and out of himself with every thrust. “Atta Boy” Jacob whispered, and Staci almost lost it in the obscene sounds of his generously lubricated fingers squelching in and out of his hole. “Please God, Jake-uh just fuck me.” Jacob moved slowly, twisting and curling his fingers in the tight heat, monitoring Staci’s every twitch and movement. He hummed “Whatever you say sweetheart.” Finally, pulling out his fingers and wiping them on Staci’s tender thighs.
The older man admired the sight in front of him as he lubed up Staci’s dildo “A little small isn’t it?” He asked. “N-not really?” Staci mumbled; if this was small what was he packing? It was a similar length to his own dick, matte black, thinner, but it got the job done. “Hm.” Jacob grunted, lining up with Staci’s hole and fucking him slowly, first pushing in through tight twitching muscle all the way to the hilt, and pulling out until just the tip was covered. “Look at you.” Jacob praised; free hand rubbing up and down Staci’s chest, massaging his exposed skin, and moving down to his neglected dick. He pumped both at once, building a rhythm and picking up speed as he slid up and down the deputy’s cock and twisted in and out of his ass. Staci’s body was singing, hips stuttering, and arms flexing tight against their bonds. “Please, Jay. Can you. Dios Mio. Faster.” Staci’s breaths were heaving, his stomach and hips moved involuntarily, contracting and relaxing, as he tried to piece together a sentence. “Hmm.” Jacob feigned consideration, furrowing his eyebrows as he continued to work Staci like he was weighing the pros and cons of some arduous dilemma, before clicking his tongue in a sort of tsk. “I don’t think so, Staci. l like the look of you like this veeery much.” He smiled. Bastard. Staci was layed out on his back; arms restricted and flexing under his flush and glistening body, writhing under Jacob’s every touch, it crossed his mind only then that that edge was exactly what Jacob wanted, it was torture. Jacob, equally sweaty; devoured every moment like a three course meal, eyes dark and hungry, thick veins protruding from his fingers to his elbows, straining under the perpetual motion. He kept Staci on the edge like that, so much stimulation, so much blinding pleasure but just enough to keep him on the precipice.
It felt like an eternity before Jacob pulled the dildo out of him again, running a rough thumb over his wet, gaping, hole. It made his body go limp. “Yeah you look ready for it. You’re ready for it aren’t you sweetheart?” Staci whimpered in response, he felt so tender everywhere, like he’d already cum and this man was just using his over sensitive body. Jacob continued to thumb his hole roughly, slipping in and out just to watch Staci swallow him up, and the younger man flex and twitch on his fingers. His other hand, unzipped and pulled himself out of his jeans, throbbing. He was still fully dressed down to his boots, and Staci’s t shirt, it was a lovely juxtaposition in his opinion. The larger man sucked in air through his teeth as he worked the cool lubricant up and down his hot cock.
“Now you’re gonna help me take care of this aren’t you, Peaches? .” Jacob prefaced his movements, and Staci nodded feverishly in agreement like he could do anything else at this point, but take exactly what he was given. Then his cock was flattened against his stomach, and legs pressed together and positioned against Jacob’s shoulder. The older man rubbed appreciatively down the length of his tanned legs, caressing his hands down the sides of the deputy’s thighs, and hooking them around his hips to position his body right over the edge of the bed.
Jacob lined himself up and slipped his head in with ease; Staci blew out a shaky breath through his teeth, even with the excessive prep Jacob was much larger than his dildo. He didn’t waste any time, pushing himself deeper and deeper until Staci was completely full, and then until their hips connected. “Fuck Jacob. You’re- hmm so big.” Staci babbled, he could feel the stretch inside himself, it burned and curled hot in his stomach. Jacob moved slow again at first, watching for Staci’s expressions as he moved minutely in and out, catching when his eyes seemed to go blank and he’d let out a brainless “Uhnn.” That was it. “That’s right Staci, just like that.” He picked up his pace, fucking harder and faster, rutting into Staci’s tight heat and stimulating his prostate. The younger man’s legs shook, even from where Jacob had them pinned, he knew exactly what he was doing. “Jake-Jacob I’m uhn.” He couldn’t take it, Jacob kept his pace, hitting that same sweet spot as Staci drooled onto his bedsheets. “Mierda. I’m gonna-” Jacob fucked his fist fast on Staci’s neglected dripping cock, “Good boy. That’s it, cum for me.” And it was instant, shooting sticky ropes over stomach and chest, coating Jacob’s fingers and the bottom of his t shirt. The older man milked every drop out of him, squeezing slowly from base to tip over and over as Staci begged for reprieve. “Oh God. It’s too much. Please it’s-uhn.” The last spurts coated them both, and Staci layed back boneless, still twitching with aftershocks.
“Sorry Darlin’ you’re not done yet.” Jacob almost sounded apologetic and he continued to fuck deep into the deputy’s used hole, stretching Pratt’s limp body wide over his thick cock like a sex doll. Every thrust pushed an abused whine out of Staci, still nailing his prostate and overstimulating his wrecked hole. Jacob pressed a delicate kiss to Staci’s calf on his shoulder, as he rolled his hips in to thrust deeper, another quiet apology. Then the older man was sliding one large hand up his chest, pushing his cum stained t shirt up with it to expose his heaving bust.
Jacob groped him while he fucked, wetting fingertips with his tongue to pinch his hard nipples. “Jacob, Please.” Staci begged, he didn’t know what he was begging for. “Oh honey, I told you I play rough. This too rough for you?” Jacob tutted condescendingly, before picking up his speed, and gripping both of the deputy’s hips. “Fuck you’re so tight. God damn.” He sighed between grunts. The wet slapping of their bodies and the deputy’s high moans grew louder and louder, Staci was worried his neighbors might hear. As if hearing his concerns, Jacob spoke up again, “Don’t worry, you’re almost- hmm finished. Now where-“ Jacob had to pause his chatter to catch his breath, pistoning in and out of the younger man like a machine, “Where do you want it.” It took Staci a second to comprehend the question. It was such a dirty question; dirty like a man tying you up and fucking you with a dildo, dirty like cumming from a stranger calling you a good boy.
“Cum in me, please.” So dirty. He sounded like a chick in a porno, but he couldn’t help it, he wanted Jacob to fuck him full of it. It had the same effect on his partner, his brows furrowing and eyes falling shut, moaning and grunting loud with every thrust. “Fucking cum in you.” Jacob whispered to himself half in disbelief, “Fuck. Yeah, yeah I’m gonna breed your little hole like I own you.” Staci’s cock jumped again, standing up to half mast between them and Jacob’s fist was around it like lightening. “Is that what you want, hmm?” Staci didn’t know what he was asking but he wanted it all. He nodded fast, biting his lips to quiet himself. The deputy could barely think straight, brain fuzzing around the edges.
“Yeah of course you do, you’re fucking perfect. Perfect, taking all that for me. Such a Good Boy for me huh?” Jacob lathered him in praises, grunting louder between every phrase, kissing up and down the deputy’s pointed legs. Staci whimpered every breath away. “So. Fuck-“ Jacob’s breathing became shallower, hips falling out of rhythm, “So fucking tight.” He moaned leaning over Staci, practically folding him in half. His thrusts became shallower as well, only pulling out enough to ram his tip against the deputy’s most sensitive nerves. Then “Fuck.” Staci’s hips were in a vice grip, bruising purple thumbprints into his tender flesh as he was held, Jacob as deep in him as possible. The older man’s mouth hung open, eyes closed as his cock twitched, spurting load after load of white hot semen inside of Staci.
They stayed there for a minute, Jacob balls deep and panting heavily onto Staci, before slowly, slowly pulling out to the tip. His cum dripped out with every inch, glazing Staci’s thighs as he finally popped out completely. The deputy whimpered at the loss, already aching and sore. “Shit, kid.” Jacob sighed, unceremoniously wiping himself and tucking himself back into his jeans. When he looked again, Staci’s brows were still furrowed. His stomach was tight and cock once again flush. “Greedy little thing aren’t you?” Jacob chastised, “That’s alright, I’ve got you.” Staci didn’t even want to think about it, so used and over sensitive, if he could even cum again. Jacob didn’t seem to think of it as a question. He moved onto the bed behind the younger man, sitting him up and untying the belt from his tender arms; Jacob smiled to himself, admiring his handiwork, that was gonna leave a mark.
Staci’s relaxation was palpable, he groaned with appreciation, flexing his arms and wrists, and leaving backwards as Jacob supported his weight. “I’ve got you.” He repeated as he hooked his arms under Staci’s and went right for his cock. One hand held his freshly bruised thighs open, and the other pumped and twisted over the head, savoring the wet sounds it produced sliding through his fist. Staci’s moans were music to his ears, loud now, not caring about neighbors or dignity; Staci cried out in wanton, whiny, needy bursts, overtaken by the sensations, he could still feel Jacob dripping out of his hole. It didn’t take long to get him to the edge again, hips stuttering and jerking into Jacob’s fist, mouth hanging open near silently as the Staci hid his face in the older man’s neck. Then “Oh fuck fuck fuck.” He was shaking, shooting all over Jacob’s fist again, fucking through it as he lost control.
Jacob wiped his fingers on his (actually Staci’s) shirt, taking it off and cleaning down Staci’s stomach, and delicately down his cock. Jacob got up then, laying his partner down carefully as he made his way to the edge of the bed. He rubbed the cotton over Staci’s hole, gently again, then pushing down on the deputy’s stomach and forcing the semen inside of him to squirt out. Staci whined and covered his face, and Jacob wiped up the rest; staying another moment between his kiss bruised, cum shiny, thighs.
“Fucking- take a picture it’ll last longer.” Staci quipped, half annoyed and half turned on by this man’s odd infatuation with every part of him, “Can I?” Jacob asked, ignoring the joking tone, admiring the view. “Wh- fuck no.” Staci closed his legs, fully embarrassed, drawing himself up and pulling his rumpled t shirt back into place. The older man smiled up at him, “Fair enough.” He walked closer to where Staci’s head lay, breathing deeply and leaning down to hold the younger man’s chin “Ya know you’re really cute when you’re angry.” Staci’s eyes could’ve rolled out of his head, tearing his face away to push himself up out of his prone position, fuck he was sore. “Yeah yeah, I’m a catch all around. Where did you put my jeans.” Jacob laughed at that, finding the crumpled up denim hidden in a corner on the floor.
Jacob grabbed them and held them out to Staci, who stood up to meet him. When Staci grabbed ahold of them, the larger man yanked the crumpled fabric to his side closing their distance. “You sound pretty cocky kid, you wouldn’t be ready for a round 3 would you?” his voice was a low growl again, it made Staci flush all over. He could barely stand as it was, he felt himself shrink a little in shame, running a hand through his tussled hair, and leaning down to pull his jeans up “Uh no-not tonight, I don’t think.” Jacob laughed then, a belly laugh, and it embarrassed Staci further knowing it was a joke. “Well” Jacob smiled that smile that twisted his insides “I’ll just have to have you another night.” Staci tried not to let it shake his confidence this time, leading his guest back to the kitchen with pride like the guy hadn’t had him begging and drooling over himself minutes ago. “I guess you will.”
As they made it to the entrance, Jacob loomed over him, taking up the doorway. “How about your number so we can do this again?” Staci couldn’t help but feel charmed by him. “Sure.” He said, reaching for his phone and typing his number in a bit too fast to appear nonchalant. Then setting his first name to ‘Staci Pratt <3’ and his last to ‘Bar’. “Now you’re not trying to pawn me off with a wrong number here, are you?” Jacob teased. Staci pushed him out the door smiling, “Hell no. Now would you get to your damn truck, or do you need a chaperone?” Jacob smiled too, looking Staci up and down “I might.” God this guy. Staci grabbed his hand and walked him up to the truck, butterflies curled in his stomach and he felt like a schoolgirl, letting go as they got to the drivers side door “Goodnight Jacob.” he sing songed, and he felt a hand on slide up his shoulder. Jacob was mapping his face with his eyes, landing over and over on his lips, Staci did the same. Jacob leaned down then and kissed him, pulling him close and taking his breath away; then pulling away, leaving him reeling, and panting in the driveway. “Goodnight Staci.” GOD this guy.
Staci watched the truck pull away, bewitched. He carried himself back to his home, getting undressed once again, tidying up and taking a quick hot shower, too exhausted to preform any other steps of a nighttime routine. Staci curled up in his sheets, incredibly sore, and ready to feel worse the next day, when his phone buzzed.
Made it home. I may have a few things of yours.
(a photo attachment of his stained t shirt Jacob had borrowed laying out on a bed, and another of his panties hanging from Jacob’s fingers)
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
you stole my underwear ??
They must have slipped into my pocket. They’re very pretty, Staci.
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
i’m free this friday if you want to bring them back
It’s a date.
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duskcowboy · 2 years
“Elain quietly washed his face. Combed out his hair and beard. Straightened his clothes. She found flowers—somewhere. She laid them at his head, on his chest. We stared down at him in silence. "I love you," Elain whispered, voice breaking."…Elain breathed, "Should we—say a prayer?" We did not have such things in the human world, I remembered. My sisters had no prayers to offer him. But in Prythian…”
You will never convince me that Elain is a selfish or vain character. She cares so deeply for her family and has empathy for those around her.
Can you imagine? Elain just experienced her father being killed. She just used powers she’s never used before to save her sister and Cassian from near death. She took a life, bloodying her hands for the very first time, and even after that trauma, she had the presence of mind to care for her deceased father, attentively laying him to rest. She even suggested saying a prayer, even though that was not a custom for humans. She’d had the awareness that Fae had such prayers and wanted to pass one to their father in that moment.
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lollytea · 2 years
So an extra funny part about Darius & Willow's weird friendship re: him helping her get ready for her date, is Darius used to essentially be Harvey's boss for many years
Like it was already a little strange initially for Gilbert & Harvey that their daughter started dating the ex-Golden Guard/nephew of the deceased emperor, but one of his parents is the ex-Abomination Coven Head too??
First Willow befriended THE Blight family's youngest kid years back, and now she's dating the adoptive kid of a Coven Head, girl just keeps collecting kids related to very important figure heads her dads have worked with/for, I love that for her. Gotta be a 🤏 weird for them tho haha
I know there's a post in my drafts somewhere talking about this exact thing. Like!!! Darius was Harvey's boss!!! That's hilarious!!!!
I like the idea that Harvey and Gil were initially in the dark about Hunter and Darius's relationship. Like when Hunter started dating their daughter, they obviously wanted to invite him and his family over for dinner. (Willow had to repeatedly beg them not to be embarrassing.) So of course, Hunter brought Camila, Luz and Vee along. At this point in time, they're his set-in-stone family, while he and Darius are still kinda in this grey area.
And oh god the Parks LOVE Camila. She's a treasure. She's so sweet. She knows very little about this world so she asks them questions about themselves and their jobs and listens with rapt attention. And the Parks know little about her world so they're just as invested. And even though the food they served made Camila throw up, she took it like a champ. They got along so well.
So they're all proud of themselves for having a WONDERFUL relationship with their daughter's boyfriend's family. They're so good at being functional sociable adults. (I see Harvey as the kinda guy who gets a rush of exhilaration every time he performs adulthood correctly.)
Anyway it's not until a few months later when they're well acquainted with Hunter and their daughter's relationship with him that Willow is like. "Oh, by the way. Hunter's grouchy father figure has invited us over for dinner. He wants to meet you guys."
Which just has Harvey and Gil like "Huh???????" There's ANOTHER parent they have to form a relationship with now??????
And OH GOD. When Harvey finds out who this man is, he goes fucking BONKERS. That's the guy!!!! That's the MAIN guy!!!!! He worked for that guy!!!!!!! And though the Coven system has been abolished, I don't think Harvey can really get that image of Darius the Boss Man out of his head.
After all Harvey is a guy who's very concerned with appearances and making connections for the sake of your career. And Darius still has a huge reputation in the abomination field. So he believes it's in his family's best interest that they remain civil with him.
Like Harvey worked hard while in that Coven and he only met Darius like once or twice. So he flew relatively under the radar. Gave Darius no real reason to dislike him. It was fine.
So the idea of going to his HOUSE and having dinner with him is fucking batshit. Because now he has to make an IMPRESSION.
He panics the whole week and then on the night they're about to leave for the Deamonne residence, he's bustling around making sure He, Gilbert and Willow look presentable and insisting that they all behave themselves. A million times worse than Willow was the first time Hunter came over.
Gilbert, combing his hair: Well, how do I look, Harv? Do you think I'll impress your boyfriend Darius looking so neat and polished? :)
Harvey, straightening his collar: Oh, your sense of humor is alive and well, I see. Fantastic. Make him laugh if you can. I love you.
Willow, polishing her boots after Harvey told her they weren't shiny enough: He's not worth all this effort y'know. He might think he is but he's just some guy at the end of the day.
Harvey, meticulously trimming his beard: Please don't tell me you've ever spoken to him like that.
Willow, who would prefer not to give her dad an aneurysm right now: Of course not 💕
Anyway I absolutely see Darius as somebody who may act like he really doesn't give a shit about anybody who's not in his inner circle but at the same time, he would still be the kind of boss who goes to the effort of learning all the witches in his old Coven by name.
So when he opens up the door and warmly announces "Harvey Park! Wonderful to see you again." Harvey nearly fucking passes out from shock.
Now I KNOW, I know in my heart Willow will not obey that order to behave herself. Once she and Darius are seated at the same table, they are going at it. It is impossible not to.
Which has Harvey sweating BUCKETS at first, especially with how Gilbert barely tries to hold it in before he's in peals of laughter at their daughter's retorts. Even Hunter is snickering.
It takes him a bit to get accustomed to how this dynamic works, just like Hunter, but Harvey does eventually realize that Darius and Willow's rivalry comes from familiarity more than anything. And that's when Harvey realizes that he understands.
Because like!!! Oh!!!! It's a little bit like Harvey and Hunter.
Similarly to how Darius sees his younger self in Willow, Harvey sees his younger self in Hunter. And they're not nearly as witty and graceful as the former two, but two personalities that are so very similar sometimes leads to clashing.
Not even of the antagonistic variety. They're both just nerds who love to info dump and they've both read the same books so they're often very competitive over who can get the words out the fastest and be the one to share the Fun Fact. Like:
Harvey: And the thing about mindscapes is--
Hunter: They reflect the individual!
Harvey: I knew that, yes. I was just gonna tell them that.
Hunter: You were talking too slow so I helped :)
Harvey: Thanks, Hunter.
Hunter: No problem :)
Initially, while the two were still getting used to each other, Hunter used to be so embarrassed by his tendency to speak over Harvey. He just got nervous and blurted shit out to prove he was smart and was terrified Willow's dad wasn't gonna like him. But on the flipside, Harvey, who was initially wary of Hunter, is now like "wow he's just like me fr" And starts to encourage this playful sort of "rivalry" which Hunter is aware is just a joke. And though they DO get on each others nerves, they have an understanding.
That's it!!! That's exactly what Willow and Darius got going on!!!!!
Anyway it's nice that they get to do this and Harvey actually gets an opportunity to talk to Darius in a more casual setting so he can see him in another light that's not the Big Boss Man. Cuz Harvey is crazy smart when it comes to abomination magic, as is Darius. So they actually gel really well. But the boss-employee barrier always prevented them from actually being friends.
Also Gilbert manages to make Darius laugh several times, a feat many cannot do, so Harvey kissed him senseless after they got home. 💕
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violetlunette · 7 months
Father of the Bride_Part 3
A Princess Bride AU
Part 1 / Part 2
Ao3 Version
Silver was kidnapped. That much was obvious. Less obvious was the reason why, at least at first. During his captivity, Silver was able to piece together that the two were hired to kidnap and frame the Sunset Savanna, far across the oceans, hoping that Malleus would start a war to save him. Silver was taken on a boat and sailed out to sea. Most of his time was spent locked up in the cargo hold. He was tossed down there after his first escape attempt, then bound after his fourth attempt, which nearly resulted in him being eaten by giant shrieking eels. When they docked on land, Silver was dragged and carried by animated puppet dolls, who had been his wardens the whole trip. Silver learned they were on loan from a powerful caster whom Fellow and Gidel—the fox and cat, respectively—worked for. “Well, I must say, I’m sad that I won’t be able to look at your pretty face anymore,” Honest Fellow hummed, tapping Silver’s cheek as the latter was dragged across the beach. “However, I am glad I won’t have to deal with your trouble making anymore.” “Mmff!” Silver’s response was muffled by the wad shoved in his mouth and the cloth over his lips. With a huff, Silver pulled his head away and glared at the conman, who grinned before walking away. “Now, where is Strom? He better not be late!” he called, spinning his black cane like a baton. As the other left, Silver turned his attention
to his bindings. He tugged at his arms, tightly secured behind his back, hoping his struggles had loosened them. “Nghmph…” Nope. Still tight and hindering his circulation. His legs? Silver attempted to pull them apart, then groaned. “Grmph.” ‘No luck. Darn it. I shouldn’t have given up on my physical training.’ Had he known self-defense, at the very least, Silver wouldn’t be in this mess. The teen glanced around and saw Gidel standing close to him, bouncing his hammer against a palm. He had a smirk on his lips that warned Silver not to try anything unless he wanted another bump to his head—which he had three of. Silver glowered at him. Little brat. “There you are!” At the bellow, Silver turned his head as much as he could. The lights of the lanterns the puppets held didn’t carry far, so at first, it was hard to see anything, though Silver heard the crunch of beach sand beneath the heavy thomps of footsteps. After a moment, a man stepped into the ring of light. “Ah, my dear Strom!” Fellow greeted. “It’s wonderful to see you.” Strom was a large man in every sense. It would be fair to say he resembled a boulder in the way he eclipsed the others. He was obviously a traveler who was in the sun quite often if his coarse, ruddy skin was any indication. That being said, he seemed to possess a comb, at least as his thick mane of hair was stylishly combed back and his beard was well-kept. “I’m sure it is,” the other said offhandedly. Strom's brown gaze immediately fell on Silver, looking him over like he was an object. The look made Silver tense. “So, this is the pretty bride?” Strom reached and gripped Silver’s face in a large hand, squishing his cheeks as the hand turned him to get a better look. His eyes were half-closed in approval. “Well, ain’t he a pretty doll?” he added with a grin that revealed all his teeth. Silver pulled away with a thick “Hmph!” through his nose, but this just seemed to amuse the other, who let out a burst of laughter. “My! That’s a fierce look on such a pretty face,” he said with a wink. "Shame, we have to--” His words stopped mid-sentence. His jolly face shifted into a deep scowl, his gaze sharp. He reached over and grabbed a surprised Fellow by the collar. “You weren’t supposed to be followed!” he growled, shaking the others. Fellow—with Gidel’s help—pulled away. “Please, that’s inconceivable!” he exclaimed, trying to straighten himself out. “No one can track our ship! We have thousands of spells to prevent that!” The large man sneered, curling his thick pink lips. “Oh? Then what’s that?” He pointed into the distance out to sea. Everyone turned.
Part 4
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“Reflections Of A Distant Past” Chapter 6
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Pairing: Ben Kenobi x F. Reader 
Word Count: 5.9 K
Warnings: None that I can think of, other than I fall in love with this man every day. 
A/N: Hello everyone! I apologize for the delay in posting this, but I was struggling with writer's block due hectic schedule and lack of free time. Nonetheless, I am happy with the end result. There will be more updates I am just not sure when, so I apologize for the inconsistent schedule. As always thank you to everyone who reads and shows support, it is always appreciated. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts and if you want to be added to masterlist, just let me know. 
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There had been an undeniable pep in your step in the days following your date with Ben.
You had been humming, smiling, and daydreaming as much as it pained you to admit it. It’s as if you were fifteen years old again.
That thought made you both giggle and roll your eyes in frustration at the same time.
As promised, you had taken a look at your schedule and gotten back to Ben. You had suggested meeting him Friday afternoon for a coffee at the shop Ahsoka worked at. In the summers she worked the morning shift, so she wouldn’t be present when the two of you are on your date; as that would have been awkward for the both of you.
Even though there were only two days between your first date and the next, you felt it went by even faster than you had anticipated the previous date…but that could have been due to your overwhelming excitement.
- - - - - - - - - -
Ben stood in his bathroom mirror, fussing over his hair. He wanted to look his absolute best.
Considering this date was much more casual, he opted for a pair of dark wash jeans and a forest green polo with a pair of brown dress shoes.
Finally happy with the way his hair looked, he quickly combed his beard and grabbed his cologne.
Whistling while he was spraying himself, he hadn’t heard Anakin walk into his bedroom.
Leaning against the frame of the bathroom doorway, Anakin causally crossed his arms and allowed a smile to creep up from the corner of his mouth.
“Wow…look at you….two dates in one week….When should I expect her to move in?”
Glancing at him with his sassy side-eye expression, Ben didn’t pause his fussing with his appearance. “Easy there.” He cautioned.
Anakin gave out a short laugh. “I’m just saying…for a guy who has made it a point to not get involved romantically with anyone in his very long extended life, this week has been a huge one for you…”
Ben smiled thinking of Emma. “Well, that is because there is no one like her Anakin….she’s breathtaking ... .amazing really…”
Straightening, Anakin let his mouth fall open and his eyes widened. “Damn…..You really are in love….you just called her breathtaking.”
“I wouldn’t go that far yet ... .Do I have feelings for her?…yes, unfortunately ... .Am I going to keep seeing her…Well, yes, until she orders me away…”
“IF she orders you away…” Anakin interjected. “...And what do you mean, unfortunately, you have feelings for her, mutual attraction is a strong start to a stable relationship.”
Finally turning away from the mirror and looking fully at his friend, Ben frowned slightly. “...I say unfortunately because she deserves better than a 160-something-year-old monster…”
Rolling his eyes, Anakin leaned against the wall again.“Really? You’re still on this? Are you ever just going to let loose and relax? Doesn’t she make you forget all of that angst and negative emotion? Be free and feel happy again, allow yourself that.”
Walking past Anakin, Ben sat on the side of his bed that occupied the middle of his room. “...She does…When I’m with her…Well…I’d swear it was 1888 again, only because I feel human again, the rest is very un-1888 but…. if I close my eyes, I can envision…I can see her….But she makes me feel better than any woman I loved ever did…”
Sitting next to his alpha, Anakin gently nudged him with his elbow. “That’s a good thing, isn’t it? I mean most people would say it is, but leave it to you to complicate things…”
The two men shared a laugh at the awkward truth.
Ben sighed. “...I think it is a good thing…It only makes me melancholy because I realize that I didn’t really know what love was back then or even now…but honestly, in that society, we were given no choice…in most marriages, the partners learned to love each other because they had to, divorce was not an option if you wanted to keep your standing in society and I suppose…Shopie and I would have made it work over time…I think we were in love…I’m sure I was…”
“Wow…You said her name…”
Nodding his head slowly, Ben looked at Anakin. “I know I need to let go of the past…or at least the pain of the past…the three of you are always telling me that and I think in order to be the best I can be for Emma then I am going to have to actually do it…or at least try to do it…”
Anakin’s head swayed back and forth as he gently shook it. “I can’t believe what I am hearing….”
“Well don’t get too excited yet…She still doesn’t know who or what I am exactly…”
“You haven’t told her?!?!” Anakin exclaimed as he leaned back, away from Ben. “...You’re in this deep and she still doesn’t know?”
Pursing his lips, Ben closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, centering himself so that he didn’t blow up on his friend.
“What was I supposed to do, just blurt it out? We only just had our first date. Other than that we exchanged a handful of text messages and a few in-person conversations…How am I supposed to slip that in? …” Oh, by the way, I was turned into a werewolf, most likely by a psycho serial killer in 1888 and I was born in 1857 in London England which makes me roughly over 160 years old” ....Yeah…that will go over real well…”
Breathing in to also center and calm his wolf, Anakin eyed Ben expectantly. “...You can’t wait too long, you know better, you're the one always on us about the consequences of our actions ... .If her feelings are as strong for you as yours are for her, then waiting too long to tell her something like that will be disastrous.”
Ben knew he was right. He had told himself multiple times that if he was in Emma’s position and that a guy she just met came out with this type of secret after months of dating and thinking that she had feelings for what she thought was a normal guy….well, to put it lightly, he knew he would blow it.
“If things go well this afternoon, I’ll ask her on another date….and on that date, I will tell her…something….No matter how it scares me….”
“You will feel better once you do…”
“Oh, I am sure I will….I can’t tell you how many times I almost said something that gave me away…She is so easy to talk to and at dinner, she was asking me all these questions about my past and I so desperately wanted to tell her the truth because she deserves the truth…”
Ben didn’t voice the part of the silent truth that he discovered…that Emma was the first person he had met in his non-human life that made him feel like it was safe to talk about those things…to allow himself to be vulnerable.  
Alpha werewolves had a hard time with vulnerability and emotion. If shown too much in the wrong circumstances, it could negatively affect them or give a rival alpha or pack member the wrong idea. Therefore, most alphas were jerks or hardasses, even to their packs.
Over the years, Ben had learned to walk a fine line. It helped that his pack was built organically, out of genuineness for the members and that they were small in number. He wasn’t some king-pin type who went around turning people or collecting already-made werewolves to build his pack up so that he could rule with an iron fist and do as he pleased….no, that was not him…man or beast.
Rather, Ben had just tried to detach himself from his emotions altogether and go about things without emotion. At first, all the rage and angst about his new life made it pretty easy. He had been a lone wolf till he found Anakin…after that, it was all about keeping him safe and in line….from there, he developed his traits and style as a leader. It helped that the man he was had been groomed to be a leader; as most men in that society were.
Anakin reached out and placed a gentle hand on Ben’s shoulder, cutting his internal thoughts short. “If your feelings are mutual and as strong as they are, she will understand…It may take her a minute to accept it as it did for Padme, but she will come around….”
“I hope so,” Ben whispered.
“The way you describe her, I’d swear she’s your mate, Padme thinks so too….But I know you don’t want to hear that…”
Ben heaved a sigh as he stood up. “Again, do not get ahead of yourself, there is still a lot to be determined.”
Walking out of the room, Anakin decided to lighten the mood. “Whatever,” he raised his hands in surrender.  “…Have fun and ugh…” He looked at Ben over his shoulder and winked. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ben had offered to pick you up again for your Friday afternoon date, but seeing how the shop was down the street from your shop, you decided just to meet him there. Besides, it was a beautiful bright, sunny day for a walk. The temperature was perfect, there was a slight breeze, and the way downtown looked this time of year always warmed your heart.
It wasn’t a downtown that was towering with looming skyscrapers and gray with concrete. No, instead, downtown looked like something out of a Hallmark movie. Small storefronts, owned by generations of the same family, lined wide paved sidewalks, a flower box in every window. The same old-fashioned-looking street lamps that you walked under on your date night lined the streets. Everyone knew each other in this town and the two biggest things in town were the Walmart and the hospital.
When you walked into the coffee shop, Ben was already there. He was sitting at a table in the corner facing the door. His dark green polo contrasted with his strawberry-blond beard and hair quite nicely, making him quickly noticeable. He was sitting casually cross-legged, reading the newspaper. Yet, you could tell by the way his eyes crinkled that he could see over the top of the paper and knew you had arrived. As you approached the table, he folded the paper and placed it down on the table. Rising to greet you, he hugged you.
You relaxed into his embrace, the feeling of the warmness of his body mixing with his cologne was becoming something you craved. He bought you a coffee of your choice and another for himself.
The conversation lasted for hours and you two were able to pick up right where you left off on Wednesday. You noticed that Ben seemed more relaxed and easygoing, but he would still do that thing where he would square his jaw or tense up when he seemed to be too chatty. Yet, at the same time, he seemed to be aware of this and it almost seemed like he was actively working to not do it, to be more…open.
Growth…effort…. mindfulness…those were positive things. It pleased you to muse that he was aware of his little quirk and that he could be trying to work on it. It was the one thing that would make Ben even more attractive than he already was, mentally and physically.
After hours of nonstop conversation, your stomach growled, halting the conversation. A deep blush slowly overcame your cheeks as your eyes diverted to the floor quickly.
“I’m so sorry, I guess I was more hungry than I realized...It’s been a long day and I only ate breakfast.” You mumbled.
Chucking Ben checked his watch. “No apologies necessary. Although I do apologize for my lack of manners, it’s past 6 o’clock, I’ve kept you out all afternoon…I’ve yammered on…”
He looked at you, his Caribbean blue eyes full of concern as he looked you over as if he had made a grave mistake.
“No! Don’t be silly…I honestly was having such a good time, I didn’t notice ....It was time well spent.”
Softening, he gave you a half smile. “May I take you to dinner then? There’s this great Asian restaurant down the street from the college and I’m in the mood for some Pad Thai…”
That crooked smile he gave you could tempt you to jump off a bridge with him if he asked you to….saying “yes” to dinner was far easier….
“Only if you let me pay…You paid for the coffee and you paid for dinner on Wed. While I appreciate, and enjoy the fact that your gentleman, I’d like to reciprocate as this relationship will be one of equality…After all, my feelings and intentions for you are mutual.”
His eyes somehow became bluer, as if they were electrified. Leaning in forward, so close that he took up your whole vision, he whispered, “...I guess if it is mutual…I can allow it this one time…” He kissed your forehead as he leaned closer.
Catching your breath from the butterflies he had sent surging through your system, you hadn’t noticed that he had been up and on his feet. You turned to find him with his hand extended, “shall we?”
- - - - - - - -
How you had overslept the next morning, you didn’t know. You swore you had set your alarm the night before, but for some reason, you had slept right through it.
Then again, that was unlike you….maybe it never went off?
“Did I forget to set it all together?”
Dinner with Ben had been a lovely continuation of your coffee date. You had been on cloud 9 when you came home and went to bed so it is a possibility that you forgot.
“Well, it doesn’t matter now.” You huffed jumping out of bed.
Frantically brushing your teeth and trying to dress at the same time, you threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with the bookstore’s logo on it. Normally you would try to look a bit nice for work, but this morning, anything would do.
Grabbing an empty travel mug from the kitchen cabinet, you resigned yourself to the fact that the little pot you kept in the stock room for emergencies would have to do for today.
Making sure Cole had plenty of food and water, you locked up and dashed out to the garage.
Opening the car door, you all but threw your stuff in the passenger seat as you jumped in.
Turning the keys in the ignition, you heard a “clunk” sound.
A wave of dread washed over you like ice water.
In an attempt to not panic, you tried to turn the key in the ignition again. But the same “clunk” sound was made no matter how hard you turned the key…almost as if the car was coughing in protest, refusing to start.
“No, no, no, no, no….” You panicked as you tried to turn the key again, but it was to no avail.
Flopping back against the seat, you slammed your fist on the steering wheel in exasperation.
This was not what you needed right now. Sales at the store were just enough to keep the door open and although you didn’t like to show it, you were barely getting by. Not showing up at all, on a Saturday. no less, unannounced would not only hurt your overall bottom line, but you would hope it wouldn’t damage the store’s reliable reputation.
Who knew how much this car trouble was going to cost?
Even worse, how were you going to pay for it?
Your eyes pursed shut as you held back tears….
It would work out…it always did…you always made it work and you weren’t about to give up now.
Getting out of the car, you took some calming breaths as you centered yourself.
Pacing in the small garage, you tried to seek out the situation.
The car was fairly new…only about five…maybe six years old at the most…so it couldn’t be too bad of a problem….right?
You’d need to call a tow truck to send it to the repair shop.
Ignoring the sinking feeling at the prospect of another payment, you tried to think of where to send the car.
The dealerships always charged top dollar, and even on your best day you couldn’t afford top dollar, so you usually sent it to a local body shop in town.
“It really is not my day today….” You sighed as you leaned against the black car, resting your head on your arm against the vehicle.
The mechanic shop you had used since college had gone out of business. The sweet old couple that ran it had retired and moved to Boca….
Smiling fondly, you remembered Jim and Barbra. Jim had been a mechanic since he was 17 and specialized in American cars (you drove a Ford) and his wife, Barb, had run the front of the garage; doing the billing and paperwork, answering phones, and handling customers.
Jim was a good mechanic and never screwed his customers like some mechanics do, especially young college girls. And, because you were always a favorite customer of theirs, they usually gave you a slight discount on whatever you needed.
“Whelp ... .Unless I tow this thing to Boca, they can’t help me now.”
You were happy for the elderly couple, they had worked hard and deserved a happy retirement….but as you had realized, they couldn’t help you now….
This led you to your next question, what shop were you sending this to?
Picking one at random made your skin crawl…this was not something that you felt comfortable about, just choosing one at random….
You had once compared it to a pediatrician…would you leave your child in the care of just any old doctor? Heck no…just because it was certified to treat the baby didn’t mean that was the one you wanted to treat your baby.
Maybe you could call Paisley or the girls? See who they used.
Checking your phone, you realized the time.
Huffing, you shot Paisley a quick text, as you realized this had messed up your whole day. She usually did her own thing on Saturdays, so who knows where she was or what she was up to.
The clock on your phone teased you. Not only did you miss out on any potential morning customers, but you might not be able to get to work at all today…or any other day until you got your car back.
Then there was your next date with Ben, you were going to have to call him and either let him know that you were going to be late because you needed to call an Uber or ask him for a ride.
As you played with the phone in your hands, you thought back to Ben…hopefully, he won’t think you were making this up.
What was the likelihood that your car would actually die on a day that you were supposed to meet up for another date…that didn’t look good at all.
“WAIT!” you shrieked as if suddenly hit by a bolt of realization…”Didn’t Ben say that one of his roommates was a mechanic?!”
“Yes! Yes, he had at dinner the other night!”
Desperation overruled nerves. Normally you would have had major butterflies and a dry mouth for a phone call with Ben, especially this early in the relationship, but this took precedence.
Surprisingly, he picked up after one ring.
“Hey Emma!” Ben’s crisp British accent came through on the other line clear as day and normally it would have sent you off into dreamland…but instead, it surprisingly evoked a sense of security and comfort.
“Ben?” You said a little more hesitantly than you would have liked to.
“Emma, Is that you? Emma, what’s wrong? Are you alright?”
You heard a chair slide across the floor as if he was standing up suddenly and his voice sounded alert, his tone ready; as if he could spring to your location through the phone lines to help if you needed him to.
“It is, it's me. I’m sorry to bother you in the morning, Ben…”
“No, that’s alright. Is everything okay, you sound….panicked?”
Panicked…that was a good word to describe the situation.
“Kind of…” You chuckled. “Again I am sorry to bother you but I was running late to the store and when I went to leave the house…well, I can’t start my car and I need a mechanic ... .Your roommate is a mechanic right?”
Ben’s breath slowed and seemed to relax.
“Yes, Anakin is a mechanic, I can arrange to have him look at it, I’m assuming if you can’t get it started then you need to have it towed, right?”
Breathing a sigh of relief, you let out a small giggle. Of course, he anticipated your needs and was one step ahead. Multiple interactions with this man had led you to expect nothing less. “Yeah…I can’t get it started at all, so that would certainly help.”
“Alright, hang tight. I’m grabbing my keys now and I’ll be over. I’ll call Anakin at the garage and have him send a truck to pick it up and then we can follow it to the garage…”
“No, no that’s okay, I can always get an Uber, I don’t want to inconvenience you…”
Ben let out a “pft” sound as you heard him shut a door. “Nonsense, it is no trouble at all really…I’ll be there in 15…”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ben arrived before the tow truck did and you didn’t know it until it happened, but you were grateful.
As he jumped out of his car, he was by your side unnaturally quickly…
But that didn’t matter…you just must have not been paying enough attention to him.
Despite your self-warnings about falling for him too quickly, you practically threw your arms around him as he approached you…and he didn’t hesitate to reciprocate.
You could Ben grip you closer and the scratchiness of his beard as he nuzzled himself into your neck. The way your breathing regulated and the relaxation that washed over you memorizing.
If the tow truck hadn’t pulled up to ruin the moment, you weren’t sure you’d ever let go of him…the pull toward him from inside of you was almost magnetic, you wanted to just touch him all the time.
As if time moved in slow motion, your eyes darted between watching the tow truck park and your car in the garage.
Should you take charge? Would that be appropriate because this was Anankin’s associate and Anakin was Ben’s roommate? Would Ben be offended if you took point? He is old-fashioned but does that mean he’s the macho type…the kind of guy whose all “let the men handle this darling…”.....that would be a letdown…..right?
Glancing at you briefly, Ben nonchalantly leaned in and whispered, “Would you like to handle this or may I?”
Most macho men would just jump in and start barking orders, taking charge like some “he-man” but just like that Ben had asked you what you preferred of him like he heard your internal dilemma … and it boosted the already high score that he held with you.
Because he asked, you were okay with him jumping in; you did call him for assistance after all.
“Considering it’s Anakin’s garage we’re going to and you called for the truck, it would make sense for you to take point.”
He smiled.”...That and I know the driver…” Winking, he gave your forehead a kiss, his trademark move thus far. Turning to the driver who was jumping out of the truck, he gave a wave. “Jessie! How are yeh?” He exclaimed as he started walking over to the gentlemen in greasy overalls. He had a wide smile and a buzzed haircut, his chestnut hair barely covering a tattoo of wheel cog on the side of his head.
- - - - - - - - -
Anakin’s garage wasn’t that far from your shop, just a couple of streets over. On a warm day like today, all the bay doors were open, allowing the sunlight to pour into even the tiniest crevices.
Sounds of a summer day in the city, birds chirping, the rustling of a light breeze, conversational chatter from the people passing by on foot, the humm of car engines, all mixed with the sounds of the shop; Anakin’s stereo, machinery, and the sound of Ben’s delicious British accent.
Anakin was exactly what you expected him to be. He was tall with hazel eyes and thick wavy hair that was on the longer side, not quite the neat and conservative look Ben wore. Leaning his hip against the counter, he held an olive green office phone to his ear. Grease and dirt were somehow visible on his black t-shirt and dark-wash jeans.
He was in a room off to the garage that appeared to be an office, as the only things around him were two old desks, a bunch of filing cabinets, a computer, and some chairs. Large windows offered a view into the bays where the cars were serviced, which is how he noticed you and Ben.
“Yeah, they just walked in now.” He said with a sly smile into the phone. “I gotta go, I’ll call you later babe. Love you.”
Hanging up the receiver, he bounced off the wall, and practically sprang forward toward you and Ben, like a puppy excited to find his master had returned.
Despite Ben’s wide smile and head nod, you noticed that he had wrapped his around the small of your back and that his hand was resting on your hip, almost as if claiming his territory ... .or protecting you from some unknown threat.
“EMMA!” Anakin exclaimed. “I’ve heard so much about you! Ben hasn’t shut up about you since your date Wed. night!”
Glancing at Ben, whose grip had tightened around you the closer his roommate got, was a shade lighter than his hair color. But you found Anakin’s antics good-natured.
“It’s great to finally meet you!” Anakin practically grabbed you out of Ben’s grip and lifted you off your feet into a bear hug.
A few things struck you all at the same time. Firstly, Anakin’s skin temperature was as hot as Ben’s, which was odd to begin with. You could chalk it up to Ben just running hot but two people, un-biologically related both having that same quirk ... .no…that was weird ... .Secondly, Anakin’s bear hug nearly crushed you, it was as if he had the strength of Hercules. Thirdly, his physique was ripped with model good looks ... ..the chiseled body, strong jaw, tall, broad-shouldered, and a face that would make any girl swoon…again…like Ben….
How is it that they all have these qualities?…..it was that little voice in the back of your head that wouldn’t quit nagging you about the weird things that Ben did or how fast you were falling for him…
It didn’t go over your head though that Anakin mentioned that Ben couldn’t stop talking about you.
Coughing, you tried to speak despite being crushed. “It’s….g..great to meet….yo….you too…Ana…”
From behind you, Ben coughed. “I think you’ve made your point Anakin. You're happy to meet her, put her down before she suffocates.”
Placing you on your feet, you felt the air surge into your lungs again. Ben was by your side again when you caught your bearings.
Shrugging his shoulders playfully, Ananakin gave you a crooked smile. “...Sorry….”
“It’s okay, I am equally as excited to meet you as well. Ben has told me so many great things about you and the rest of your household. You guys are like brothers.”
A puppy was what you quickly began to associate Anakin with. His large eyes and overly expressive features were entertaining and adorable.
A bashful smile overcame the mechanic. “Aw well, he speaks highly of me ... .in front of company it seems like...well….You should see him when I don’t follow orders….”
“Anakin!” Ben hissed through gritted teeth. The sharp command made the two of you jump to attention.
Catching himself, he coughed; clearing his throat. Doing that thing where he visibly relaxes, he dropped his shoulders and loosened his grip on you.
“The car, Anakin….have you had a chance to look at it?”
The tension in the room dropped by a thousand.
Letting out a breath, Anakin tilted his head back toward the nearest bay. “Yeah, it got here about 10 mins ago…Just finished before you got here.”
Walking towards your car, which now had its hood popped with a light hanging under the hood.
“According to the computer reading…” Anakin leaned in…” and my own diagnostic testing…” He bumped your shoulder playfully. “It seems to be the starter, it looks like it is blown. On top of that some general maintenance stuff… needs some new spark plugs and your fluids need to be topped off…How often do you get this car maintenance?”
Your stomach felt like it dropped out from inside of you and hit the floor. “When I can afford it or if it is necessary.” You murmured.
“Yeah, it shows.” Anakin chuckled.
“Anakin.” Ben glared at him.
“Sorry...I just get passionate about cars…” the roommate apologized.
“ ‘s okay….How much is all this going to cost.”
Anakin’s lips tightened. “With parts and labor….around a thousand bucks….”
You unintentionally sucked in a breath and you felt your heart stop beating. There was no way with everything you had going on and how the store was barely hanging on you would be able to afford this.
Unbeknownst to you, the two men exchanged a look and nodded.
“But since your family, it’s all good.”
Ben’s eyes clamped shut and his jaw squared as your eyes darted between the two.
“No, no I couldn’t…..I don’t take charity…and I’m not family.”
“Well not yet, but you are dating family, and in this pack family doesn’t pay for car maintenance.”
“Pack?” You questioned at the same time Ben said, “We aren’t officially dating yet, but thanks for beating me to the punch Anakin,” though his tone was still strong and warning.
Ignoring your question about his usage of the term “pack,”  Anakin chose to respond to Ben’s comment. “Well whatever you two want to call it, you’re associated with one another, and your family Ben, so all of his privileges extend to you, Emma.” His tone was exasperated as he shrugged his shoulders and threw his hands in the air.
You shook your head back and forth.“Still ... .I can’t accept that, it’s not fair to you ... .you deserve to get paid for your work, same as if I was any other client… and I wasn’t looking for handouts when I called, I was looking for consistency and accountability.”
“How about a compromise,” Ben interjected. “A no-interest payment plan that Emma can make at her leisure. That way…” He turned to look at you, “Emma doesn’t feel like we are doing her a favor, and,” he turned to Anakin, “Anakin gets paid for his work and gets to keep his “helping out family policy” and everyone wins.”
His eyes darted back and forth between you two.
“Deal!” You exclaimed so fast you startled them.
Taking a sigh of defeat, Anakin bobbed his head. “I guess it’s fair ... .alright….fine…but you have to take a loaner car at no cost.”
You chuckled, “That's definitely a deal then because I don’t think I could afford it even if I wanted to at this point...”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The paperwork had been drawn up, a rental car had been chosen and Anakin was currently on the computer ordering the parts for your car.
You and Ben were walking towards the back of the lot, to where Anakin kept the few loaners he had. You had gone with the small silver Toyota…nothing special but it would be more than what you needed.
The silence between you and Ben had been somewhat awkward, after Anakin’s antics. You knew he meant well, but you weren’t sure of how Ben felt.
Rubbing the back of his neck, he pursed his lips. “I apologize about Anakin…He means well but he can't be a lot to handle.”
“That’s okay, I found him rather charming…And I appreciate all of his help…I wouldn’t be able to do this with anyone else…which reminds me…Thank you for your help and for stepping in and helping me compromise with Anakin…I would have been really upset if I couldn’t pay in some way…I don’t like handouts or people feeling like I’m a charity case…”
You started to blush in frustration…You tended to get passionate when explaining your independence Ever since your parents died, you did your best to maintain fierce independence, you were no one's little orphan who needed help and had to be felt sorry for.
Ben chuckled.
“I understand completely…and if I’m being honest…I admire your strength and your ability to care for yourself, to take control when you have to….it is….” His eyes darted between you and the ground as he shuffled his feet awkwardly, “...truthfully, it's a turn on…”
Smiling broadly, you grabbed his hand. “Thank you, I appreciate the honesty…and I like that it turns you on that I’m not some helpless fairy princess who waits around for others to come and save them…most men can’t handle strong women…”
Linking fingers with you, he gave your hand a small squeeze. “I’m not like most men…”
Stepping in closer, you kissed him on the cheek. Ben was completely surprised by the action but he handled it well.
“I know we were originally supposed to be on a date right now…but…would you like to come over tomorrow night? I know we have been seeing each other a lot this week…but if we’re spilling secrets today….I really like you, I enjoy your company…like a lot… and I’m interested in moving things in a serious direction…. if you are…How does dinner at my place and maybe a movie interest you?”
Ben’s ocean-colored eyes practically glowed. “Causal enough for a third date but definitely moving things forward…” He chuckled. “I would very much like that, but only if  I can bring dessert.” He winked.
“Perfect.” You winked back.
“Good…Because I am interested in moving things forward with you, I’m glad Anakin did not scare you off, I was planning on asking you to officially start dating if we had originally gone out  today…”
You did everything you could not to squeal with excitement and giggle at the old-fashioned terminology…then again, saying boyfriend and girlfriend at your age did feel a little immature. Was there anything more mature to call it? Something you contemplate later.
“Not even close, you’ll have to do a lot more than that to get rid of me, mister…Nothing would make me happier than to be attached to you…”
“Nor as happy as I would be to attach myself to you….You are an amazing woman, Emma.” His British accent made you feel like you were in one of those romantic movies you desperately loved.
Leaning closer to him you whispered, “I love the way my name sounds when you say it.”
With his free hand, he cupped your cheek. “Then I hope I get to say it every day to you.”
Molten hot lava seemed to coarse through your lower belly as gently pulled in your first kiss. Your free hand gripped his shoulder as you sighed into the kiss. His beard ticked your lips and cheek as you felt his tongue dart against your lips. You could tell he didn’t have much practice, but he certainly wasn’t disappointed….besides…you looked forward to teaching an old dog new tricks. 
@sillynilly27 @nanagoswife @transcending-time @thewhitedannimal @kirstenvldfan21 @the-clones-and-me @hugmekenobi @naughtyry​ @nicole-lightfoot​ @janebby​ 
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laventadorn · 2 years
old NJE cut scene
this isn't from chapter 14, but i was going through some scenes i'd cut from NJE ages ago and found this. in case anyone was interested in seeing alternate scenes/cuts, i thought i'd share it. i don't leave myself extensive notes and i'm kind of wondering why i cut this one out? it's got some bits i quite like!
this was from the chapter where snape, sirius, and harriet are going to sneak away from grimmauld place to rescue draco, who's gone missing in austria. it's just a scene of them prepping.
Sirius was very excited with this plan to run off to Austria to rescue Draco Malfoy. Harriet suspected he was eager to get out of Grimmauld Place and go abroad. His and Remus’ trip to the werewolves hadn’t exactly been a holiday. He’d come back after those long months with a scroungy beard and his hair matted and filthy: if not as bad as he’d been after escaping Azkaban, then at least a far cry from a guest anyone would want at their house party. Remus had once said that Sirius got antsy if stuck in one place for too long; from hearing Sirius talk, she also knew he had a thirst for adventure.
He was zealously applying himself to the business of planning, sneaking, packing, and disguising. In one of Grimmauld Place’s chipped bathrooms, he’d helped Harriet comb some magical paste through her hair that made it grow a foot in ten seconds (they’d overdone it and she’d wound up with hair enough for them to have dangled it out the window and climbed to the street), and then, after a judicious trim, had rubbed Sleekeazy’s in it until it was only wavy rather than a snarled mass. 
“Where’d you learn how to do this?” she’d asked, staring at the girl with long, almost-straight hair and her face in the mirror.
“Your granddad invented this stuff. You didn’t know?” Sirius scrubbed his paste-sticky hand with a flannel. “For your grandmother -- that’s who that crazy hair comes from, and she always complained about it, how it wouldn’t behave itself any better than Prongs did. So he fixed up this stuff. It’s the only thing that can hold your, hah, in-hair-itance.”
“Painfully bad, Sirius.” Harriet’s hand hovered over her now-sleek hair, nervous that she’d undo all his work if she touched it and die strangled by her own hair as it came back to life like a Devil’s Snare, twice as angry as before. “Parvati tried some of this stuff on my hair at the Yule Ball, but I only ended up looking Medusa.”
“You’ve got to heat it a bit before you apply it. Your gran used to take a full hour at this -- wore these elaborate braids and jeweled pins like a duchess.” 
He kept rubbing the flannel over his fingers, his gaze far away, and compassion filled Harriet’s throat. She’d always longed for stories like these, but she hadn’t known them the way Sirius did. That made it a different kind of pain.
“Anyway.” His gaze refocused and he smiled, lopsided. “Let’s put it under a scarf or something so nobody knows how we’ve changed it -- it’ll spoil the disguise if they all know about it before we make our great escape. You can tell everyone you’re straightening it. I doubt anyone in this house will have any clue.”
Snape did give her a funny look when she reappeared wearing a beryl-green scarf around her head, but then he returned to his default expression of probably wishing to shove a bradawl between Sirius’ ears. 
“I’ve got the Polyjuice,” he said, like he was sad it wasn’t poison. 
“You can’t have made it just now,” Harriet said, remembering the ages it had taken when Hermione had brewed it up in second year. “D’you just carry it around?”
“It would hardly help me be prepared if I left it at home.”
“Hairs, too?” she asked curiously. 
“I can’t go raiding the heads of passerby whenever I need to disappear, can I?”
Harriet brushed off his sarcasm. She remembered the stranger he’d become last summer at the World Cup; it would be interesting to watch the transformation from the other side. Plus, it was deeply intriguing to know that Snape apparently carried around everything he needed to maintain a disguise at any given moment. She’d always thought he was more of a hiding-in-plain-sight spy. 
A yell came from downstairs, followed by sounds of an angry gong and a crash. Sirius nipped out Regulus’ bedroom door and then back in again a moment later. 
“Moony’s got it,” he said, shutting the door with a snap. “That old grandfather clock started spitting bolts when they tried to move it. But that means we should split up.” He grimaced in reply to Harriet’s curious look. “Moony always knows when I’m scheming.”
“He’s had ample opportunity to develop the sense,” Snape said snidely, and got a rude gesture in reply. 
“Should I go help them?” Harriet asked. 
“You should use the distraction to pack,” Sirius said, steering her toward the door. “While everyone’s downstairs. I’ll go help.”
Harriet wanted to ask, ‘What if Snape sneaks off without us?’ Snape didn’t look to be in any shape to make it very far without them, but he did look better. What if that was all it took? He was bloody-minded enough to try.
She took the stairs two at a time, cast a quick gander around the room to make sure it was Ginny-free, and then tossed open her trunk and grabbed some clothes at random. It wasn’t like she had a great variety to choose from, but a bit of everything would cover any weather eventualities. The Invisibility Cloak and her wand mattered more. She tied it all up in one of her dresses, stuck her head in the hall to make sure the coast was clear, and was back in Regulus’ room in time to hear Sirius proposing that they should escape across the rooftops. 
“If that was something you wanted to do in your ill-advised youth,” Snape said, “you’ve missed your chance. I am not hieing across the bloody rooftops when I can walk out the front door.”
“Killjoy. Why am I not surprised? That was fast,” he said in surprise as Harriet handed him her bundle. “You’re made for this getting the heck outta dodge. What do you say to escaping over the rooftops, ey?”
“How’d we get down to street-level?” she asked, smiling, while Snape rolled his eyes so hard that it was a wonder they didn’t stick backwards in his head.
“Scale the fire escape,” Sirius said promptly. 
“I think we should save that for when we really need it.”
“I think you can never have too many rooftop escapes, but I see I’m outvoted. What lousy curriculum are they teaching at Hogwarts these days?” 
“We’ll wait until the others are asleep,” Snape said, ignoring him with a scathing air. “Then be off. We could probably slip out with all the racket they’re making--” They all paused to listen to a cacophony of clangs, twangs, and bangs, which sounded a lot like the grandfather clock plummeting down several flights of stairs. “--but we want the longest period of time possible before they notice we’ve gone.”
“Is Remus going to be okay without you?” Harriet asked Sirius. “Transforming, I mean.”
“Yeah. Like he said, that trip we took back in the spring solved it. He doesn’t need me or the Wolfsbane anymore.”
A/N: snape and sirius are BFF's and they dont even know it
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