#Because it won't actually make me happier in the long run
amethystina · 4 months
In chapter 5 of Who Holds the Devil, Ga On doesn't send Elijah a picture of Komi and he wakes up to several messages from her being worried. At this time, what do you think was going on in Switzerland? Because if she was stressing out about it, do you think she spoke to Yo Han or not, and if so, what would be his reaction to this?
Hope you can recover well!
She eventually spoke to Yo Han about it, yes, but it took a while before she got worried enough to do so. She's used to Ga On working late sometimes and so at first she figured her reminders would be enough. Which means she sent the majority of the messages you can read in the chapter before she even considered going to Yo Han.
And, by the time she did, it was mostly because she realised that it was so late in South Korea that Ga On might already have gone to bed, and he still hadn't contacted her. Which she felt was very unlike Ga On.
As for Yo Han's reaction, there is, unsurprisingly, quite a big difference between what he chooses to show Elijah and what he's feeling internally.
He'd be pretty flippant with Elijah, downplaying the severity of the situation, telling her that it's probably nothing to worry about. Maybe Ga On was busy with something and his phone ran out of batteries, so he didn't get her reminders? Or maybe he just forgot? Yo Han can come up with several very rational and logical explanations as to why Ga On didn't send Elijah any pictures.
Basically, Yo Han would try to calm her down by pretending it's no big deal. And tell her to at least wait until tomorrow before she starts freaking out
Internally, however?
He'd be worried, too.
Because no matter what he tells Elijah, Yo Han knows that Ga On wouldn't just forget a promise like that. Ga On cares too much about Elijah to disappoint her. So something must definitely have happened, Yo Han just doesn't know what. And while Yo Han is well aware that the explanation might be perfectly innocent, his mind would also start spinning towards worst-case scenarios — because that's how he works. He needs to be aware of the possibilities and, if need be, prepare for the worst.
And, somewhere around there, Yo Han would be frustrated that he can't track Ga On yet. He already decided that he wants to long before this, but this is one of those things that helps him decide that, yeah, he needs to give Ga On something he can track sooner rather than later so this won't happen again. Yo Han has no idea where Ga On is and it's making him antsy as hell.
The closest he can get is to text Lawyer Ko and ask if Ga On was at work that day. But even if Lawyer Ko says yes, that still leaves far too many possibilities. A lot could have happened to Ga On in the hours after he left work.
But Yo Han would tell Elijah none of this, of course — especially since the crisis is averted the very next day. Nor would Yo Han ever mention it to Ga On. It's just one of those things that stays inside Yo Han's head and influences his choices later, but is more or less invisible to everyone else. Perhaps not so surprisingly, there are a lot of those. As Ga On has pointed out: there's always a reason for the choices Yo Han makes. And, sometimes, the information he's basing that choice on was gathered weeks, months, or even years ago.
That man's brain never stops processing x'D
I hope that answers your question! :D
And thank you so much for the concern 💜 Unfortunately, I'm not feeling the best right now (neither mentally nor physically) but I know it's temporary so I'm just trying to wait it out :)
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dsudis · 5 months
Who wants some sleepy domestic Emhyr/Geralt?
Got a kind of bewildering ask yesterday that I won't bother answering directly as it didn't seem particularly relevant to me, but it did remind me how much I enjoyed writing Witcher fic, and that I still have some bits of Emhyr/Geralt(/Eskel) fic I was working on that I've never shared, and I am in a sharing mood today!
This is from what would have been Urbe Aureā #5, in which Emhyr begins his courtship of Eskel by offering him any witcher's favorite thing: a job in Toussaint. Geralt, naturally, goes along with him, and then they come home to the palace in Nilfgaard, mostly unscathed...
Geralt knew just what to do this time, returning to Nilfgaard in the middle of the night. He parted from Eskel with a mumbled agreement to meet again in the morning, shed his weapons and everything else he could without scandalizing any servants he met, and went directly to Emhyr's rooms. 
He reached up to run a hand over the stubble that was all the hair left on the lower part of his head now. It was two days' growth, because that was how long it had taken him, Eskel, and occasionally Lambert, to deal with every other little problem someone had brought to their attention after the wraiths were dealt with.  
He hadn't been dawdling this time--not like the days he'd spent in Tretogor chasing down stray bandits and necrophages. He just... couldn't go off and leave the place knowing there was a problem with giant centipedes popping out of somebody's vineyard, and a nasty ghost haunting somebody else's well--and then he'd had to make a few patrols to check for signs of any vampires who'd started making nuisances of themselves since he left. Those always turned up again when there had been a lot of them in one place, like seeds germinated by a forest fire. 
But now, at last, he was done and back again. He and Eskel had availed themselves of the baths B.-B. had had waiting for them after they got back from sorting out those fleders, and then they'd agreed with barely a word to head back through the portal. They'd left Lambert asleep under his workbench, knowing well that he'd be happier to bitch about them leaving without a goodbye than to actually suffer through any parting scene. 
And, after all, he knew exactly where to find them if he wanted them. 
Geralt let himself into Emhyr's rooms and hesitated, listening out for a moment, but Emhyr didn't rush out to meet him as he had that time before. Maybe he'd slept a little easier, knowing Geralt had left on Emhyr's own errand, and with backup to boot. Maybe he just didn't expect Geralt to have returned after only a few days. 
Either way, there was no point lingering in the sitting room. Geralt let himself into the bedchamber, and his heart did something painful and fond at the sight of Emhyr sleeping. He tried to ignore it, willed it away, even as he was walking over. He was at the side of the bed when he remembered: he loved Emhyr, and he knew that, and Eskel knew that, and Emhyr probably knew that, and as yet that hadn't brought about any more than the usual amount of destruction.  
He could just... feel it. He could look at Emhyr sleeping, with his head on one pillow and another tucked under his arm like he'd lost the knack of sleeping without another body to lean against, and feel like he belonged there. In Emhyr's bed, in his arms, in his life, because that was a role he could fill, a job he could do. He could be the Emperor's Witcher and like it.  
Emhyr didn't move--didn't give himself away, if the lurker in his bedchamber had been anyone less astute--but Geralt knew the moment he woke.  
"Not an assassin," Geralt said softly. "Just--" 
Emhyr pushed himself up to sit, a wash of delight turning his craggy features almost young, in the little light that reached Geralt's eyes. Mindful that Emhyr could see even less than he could in this dark, he stepped forward, holding his hands out, saving Emhyr the trouble of disentangling himself from the bedcovers.  
"My dear witcher," Emhyr murmured, catching his hands and tugging him closer still, then catching his mouth in a kiss. "Where is your partner?" 
Geralt laughed a little against Emhyr's mouth. "Not so quickly won over as that, dear majesty. But he did come back with me, safe and sound. He's in his own room, probably already asleep." 
"Excellent," Emhyr said, and he genuinely did sound pleased. And he'd asked about Eskel first thing, when he might have ignored the whole matter of him until morning, and that, too, made Geralt's heart squeeze.  
"And yourself?" Emhyr went on, his hands releasing Geralt's and sliding up his arms. "You smell clean enough, but you know I am not as keen as one of you. Any injuries? Any trouble?" 
"Not as such," Geralt said, climbing onto the edge of the bed so Emhyr could reach more of him, and taking Emhyr's hand to guide it up to the base of his skull. "Lost some hair." 
"A pity," Emhyr murmured, running warm fingers over the shorn part of Geralt's scalp before he settled his hand on the nape of Geralt's neck and tugged him into a deeper kiss.  
Geralt leaned into Emhyr's firm grip, his whole body easing, muscles relaxing that had been faintly tensed for days on end. That human-strong hold on him and Emhyr's mint-clean mouth coaxing his open meant that he was home safe, done with the job, and it was finally time to let his guard down. He let himself sway into Emhyr, trusting his weight to the solid warmth of Emhyr's body. 
Emhyr let out a little grunt, though his body betrayed no great evidence of straining under the pressure. He closed his other arm around Geralt and eased them both down, not bothering to sort out the covers or get Geralt naked--as though all that mattered was both of them here, at their ease. As though he needed nothing more than that. 
Geralt sighed, nuzzling at Emhyr's chest, and went out like a blown candle. 
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tommy Shelby- Friends To Lovers
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Here's another request. I absolutely loved this one and writing this request. I'm tempted to actually turn this into a little series or an actual book what do you think?
YN and Tommy have been friends for years, since before the war. YN was there to greet him when he got off the train. She was there for him when he had PTSD episodes. She was there for him the birth of his first child. She was by his side when he got married. And most importantly she has been by his side as he held his wife Grace pass away in his arms. She's now helping him raise his son Charlie. Since Grace died YN has noticed how low her best friend has been. Burying himself into his work. For Tommy it was his way of getting over the loss of the love of his life. That is until recently.
YN knocks on Tommys office door with Charlie balanced on her hip
"Come in" Tommy's rough voice calls through the door. YN opens it up with a smile on her face, normally Tommy wouldn't look up, but today he does. For Tommy something suddenly changes. Seeing YN with his son on her hip makes him smile, a smile YN hasn't seen on his face since the death of his late wife
"Tom I'm just taking Charlie for a walk. We won't be to long, an hour maybe"
"Why don't I join you?" Tommy places his pen down and takes off his glasses
"Are you sure? Haven't you got work to do?"
"Yes but a break can't hurt"
"Ok well I'll key Charlie ready" YN smiles once again and walks out of her best friends office. She puts Charlie's shoes on and coat before getting herself ready. Tommy doesn't take long to meet them at his front door.
Since that day Tommy became happier. He started smiling more, buying YN chocolates, making her laugh when she is supposed to be working. He started falling for her and she him. Everyone noticed this, especially YN. This was the old Tommy, the Tommy before the war, before Grace.
YN is just getting ready for bed when there's a pounding at her door
"Ok ok. I'm coming!" YN yells getting the keys to her front door. Opening it up YN seeing Tommy standing in front of her, blood dripping down his face "what the hell" she gasps "come in" Tommy stumbles in, a little drunk. YN guides Tommy to her bathroom where she keeps her first aid kit "sit down" she nods to the toilet. Tommy does as she says while YN gets a cloth and runs some warm water on it. She starts cleaning up his face, something she's done many times before in the past "what happened?"
"Got in a fight"
"No shit. Come on what was it over?"
"You" Tommy says with no hesitation. YN frowns removing the blood soaked cloth from his face
"Fuck YN the things they were saying about you. Fucking disgusting"
"Tommy" YN sighs throwing the cloth in the sink
"Your beautiful YN everyone can see that, but they were being disrespectful"
"I appreciate you defending me but you don't have to do that"
"Of course I do YN. I have to because, fuck" Tommy groans running his hands through his hair "fuck YN I love you. I think I have for a while now"
"What?" YN can't believe what she's hearing. The man she had started falling for just admired that he loves her
"I love you YN. I love you so much" Tommy takes YN's face in his hands
"Tom, your drunk"
"Not drunk enough to tell you my feelings"
"You can stop here tonight, sleep on the sofa and in the morning if you still feel the same way we can talk" YN removes Tommys hands from her face and leaves him in the bathroom to get him a blanket.
The following morning YN wakes up to the smell of toast and eggs, albeit they smell burnt, but smiling YN gets out of bed and wraps herself up in a dressing gown and heads downstairs to see Tommy Shelby stood in the kitchen smith a smile on his face
"I love you YN. You said last night if I still feel the same way we can talk. Well I love you" hearing this makes YN smile wide
"Tom, I love you too"
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beefslipper · 2 months
Halloween Headcanons (Months early lol)
My last post was such a flop I heard the crickets chirping before I even got on tumblr omg
Since nobody is giving me ideas, I'm just gonna do short n sweet headcanons on one (at least) character from each of the fandoms I'm in... Or at least the ones I can remember. Idk why but I can't wait until spooky month so we're doing Halloween-themed HCs!!!!!! I frickin' love the holidays :D
I won't be using images in my post this time just because I'm like half asleep and I need to yap. (I have no energy and I must yap /ref)
First up, Jason Todd! (Batman)
I think he'd avoid dressing up for trick or treating because his fave is Wonder Woman... Bro's not about to traumatize every child that sees him. However, if he is craving candy hard enough, he'd go in a lazier or goofy costume. You know those unicorn onesies? That's for if he isn't in the mood for ghits and shiggles. An inflatable dinosaur costume is his go-to if he's in a better mood.
I bet he'd have everything planned, too. He knows where all the rich people are and which ones give out the full-sized candy bars or any cool light up toys that make little kids jealous because they have no idea where to find them at.
If he were to go trick or treating with anyone, I think it'd probably be the Batfam as a whole (They don't trust him with not stealing some kid's candy bucket).
Next, Touya Todoroki! (MHA)
This is an AU one where he isn't dying because I don't want him to die (Insert sob emoji).
Since Enji himself is in a wheelchair, he isn't able to push Touya around. He was absolutely devastated by that and begged Natsuo and Fuyumi to take their older brother out to trick or treat since Shoto was with his friends.
Touya would either do a costume to heal his inner child or a lazier one that's comfortable and doesn't irritate his skin. Either way, he's demanding that they go to every house around no matter how long it takes. Any time he gets candy he doesn't like, he asks Natsuo to trade with him LOL
At the end of the night, Enji has to lock away the candy so Touya doesn't scarf it all down and get a stomach ache. He does anyway since it was 'hidden' in the same spot it had always been.
Onto Arlan! (HSR)
My boy doesn't get enough love <3
I think his excitement after hearing about Halloween's existence would be enough to convince the spaceship to set up little stalls for him, Asta, MC, and Peppy to run around to collect candy. He and Asta would probably have matching costumes like ketchup and mustard bottles or pb and j or something cute like that. Or it'd be a three-way deal since Asta would dress Peppy up in some cute little costume.
Arlan would definitely sit on the floor with Asta and MC and trade candies so they each get what they wanted. Asta would have some dog treats for Peppy so they weren't left out :)
At the night's end, Arlan would probably be caught falling asleep, still in costume with a half-eaten candy bar in hand.
Now, Bennett! (Genshin Impact)
He, Razor, Chongyun, and XIngqiu would get together and go out trick or treating. He tried to convince Fischl to go with, but she refused, claiming it was far too childish for someone of her status. That meant "Please bring me back some sweets".
He had a bag specifically for Fischl :)
As the night went on, the boys managed to have good luck. Bennett had never been happier since he was internally horrified of ruining the others' night by only getting raisins, toothbrushes, and apples or having someone's bag rip.
All went well and everyone got a pretty good amount of candy. Even Fischl.
Yap session is done! I kinda wanted to do DMCB stuff or Steven Universe stuff, but my creativity juice ran out. I hope y'all liked this one :D I'll probably do another one when it's actually October. (evaporates I FORGOT JJK oh well)
Have a great day, evening, and/or night everyone :DDDD
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edb954 · 2 years
The Secret (Henry/Peter/001 x reader)
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(Au: You and Peter had a secret relationship in the lab and after a night of roughness. You soon find out your pregnant and with a help one of the other nurses you get free from the lab. Only for a few months later for Peter to find you...)
Peter Ballard/Henry Creel/001 x Reader
(Warning: Pregnancy, getting sick, a lil spicy and a lil dark, Fluff, angst)
"Y/n? Are you feeling alright?" Katherine one of the nurses and a good friend you worked along with asked.
"I-I'm not sure.." you replied
"Why don't you come out, when your done and I will take you home." She said.
  Once, it was time to leave you were in the car with Katherine sting to your house.
"How long as this been going on." Katherine asked.
"A few weeks, I originally thought it was a stomach bug or something b-but now I don't know what it is."
"How about I do a pregnancy test because, y/n getting sick could be 'morning' sickness for the reason that it can hit you at any moment of the day and I say this with all do respect it is just from what I know about pregnancy your stomach being a little more bloated than before." She explained.
"I was afraid of that.. if I am actually pregnant what am I going to do? Brenn-"
"I will deal with Brenner, we will figure it out after I run the test tomorrow. Then we will figure it out okay?" I sighed and nodded. Turning to look out the window.
  Well, tomorrow came sooner then expected. You had just taken the sample for Katherine to test it as of now you were waiting for the results. About an hour later Katherine came in.
"Well.. congratulations Y/n you are pregnant." She said, as you started to tear up.
"What am i going to do?" You broke down sobbing "I can't go back Br-brenner will kill me, he will kill Henry as well omg what how am I going to do th-" "y/n look I will deal with Brenner. You won't be going back to the lab and my mother works in a secrade hospital not far from Hawkins. I will take you there for your appointments and when you give birth. And wait did you say it was Henry's child?" She said/asked. You nodded sobbing even more as she hugged you comforting you.
"It will be okay, I promise.. I just didn't know you two were that close. I mean I knew something was going on but-" "it started not long after I started working at the lab, from what went from little chats, to secret kisses, led to more so much more.. I fell for him.." I said answering all her questions. She nodded and made me look at her.
"We are going to do this. I promise everything will be alright. You just have to trust me. And not get so worried and stress and I know it's hard do to the circumstances but it's not good for you or the baby." You nodded as she pulled you into a hug.
  That's when you knew you felt protected and finally had a true best friend for life.
(And she was your best friend for life as well as the godmother/aunt of your child!)
(1 year later)
   Katherine was right everything was alright. You as well as Katherine ended up quitting the lab it turned out Brenner was going to fire you anyways and Katherine used a 'excuse' saying she had family emergency that she had to leave. Over the course of your pregnancy, Katherine took you to your appointments as promised. She even did a little baby shower for you revealing you were having a girl! You also made her cry surprising her with being the godmother. And October. 25, 1978 Hayley Grace L/n was born and you couldn’t be more happier. Though you did wish Henry was there with you through the whole pregnancy..
  Now, Y/n was currently in the living room resting while, she was reading a new book
While, her 3 month old daughter Hayley was sound a sleep in crib. It was hard and it did make fear a very common feeling knowing Dr. Brenner was still out their. Though Katherine has confirmed multiple times that he has forgotten about you. You still had fear, fear that he would find out about yours and Henry's child, and take her away while harming or worse killing you along the side. Fear that Henry is going to come.
  You did fall for Henry and loved him but, he was very possessive, harsh at times... back in the lab, you couldn't have a conversation with any of the other staff more so the male staff or there would be consequences, jealousy, possessiveness, lying, manipulation, controlling, Brenner always having an eye on him... there was always something about him you always were wary about but, you still fell for him.. hard.. no matter all of the clear warning signs..
  Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard crying from Hayley's room. You quickly got up and went to check on her. Turning the knob going over to her crib, only for a hand to grab your wrists and the other over your mouth. The persons lips kissed from your shoulder blade, to your neck, up to your ear.
"I promised, I would always find you..." you gasped hearing the voice of the man you thought and slightly hoped to never hear again.
  You slowly turned around with your hands still gripped to the crib. Meeting his perfect blue eyes in the pitch black room.
"Have to admit you have quite the life.. but I never expected you to break my rules... darling.." Henry said looking at the crib. Your eyes widened at that action as well as shocked that he did not know she was his daughter.
"H-Henry please can we talk outside.. p-please.." You asked in a shaky voice. He looked at you for a moment before leaning in to your ear.
"God, I missed hearing you beg.." he whispered  seductively making you shudder. "But lead the way darling."
  You both walked out of the room and into your room only for him to slam you into the wall with his hand around your neck.
"So who's is it? You know what I can do darling.. your mine! No gets to have you except me."
"So does that mean you would kill your self?" You asked, looked at you confused before slow loosening his grip so you could continue.
"Do you remember before, I left how I wasn't feeling well?" He nodded. "Well, it wasn't a stomach bug like we had thought. The one afternoon not long before we got off, Katherine who I worked with in the infirmary room has found me in the ladies room. That night when we got off, she drove me home. The following day she ran a pregnancy test on me.. it came back positive." He looked at you in disbelief.
"The child is mine?" He asked.
"Who else's would it be?" I asked.
"And I left because I was afraid. Afraid how you would take it.. but more importantly I was afra-terrified of what Brenner would do to us and our baby, I didn't want to stay there and have our child be taken away, tested on, both Of us murdered."
Before you could continue his lips smashed onto yours harshly and passionately. You pushed him away, only to bring him back into the kiss. He picked you up as you wrapped your legs around him as he walk you both over to your now soon to be shared bed as he laid you down climbing on top of you.
  That night you both reconnected in a way that no words could bring into perspective. Close to each other once more.
  The next morning, you woke up in strong arms wrapped around you as well as some one kissing your shoulder. You turned over to see him. Though the moment did not last long when you heard crying. You got up and put on your under garments as well as your robe.
"Why don't he get dressed and meet your daughter." You said looking back at Henry with a smile before leaving.
  You heard the door creak open more and turned around while holding Hayley to see Henry. He slowly walked up to you looking at you then to the little girl in your arms.
"Hold out your arms." You said seeing him hesitate for a moment before doing so.
  You placed Hayley in his arms seeing as he tensed as you did. Only to see him relax and you knew that it was official he knew she was his. Knowing of his powers once he's close to them.
"Her name is Hayley Grace L/n.. I didn't really know what to put for her last name so I took the safer route or the safest one and put mine." You spoke while admiring there interaction.
  You saw Hayley's little arm stretch outward grabbing onto his finger with her blue eyes looking up at him while he did the same.
  You see her yawn he gave you Hayley back as you started to rock her to sleep. As he came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist watching the two of you as your daughter fell back to sleep.
  And, for once, Henry Creel felt like he had everything he wanted.. forgetting about his original plans.. he finally had a family who wanted him for him. Not caring about his powers, no judgment.. just love. He finally saw the good in the cruel world for once and nothing will come in between that or his family..
Word count: 1636
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
Starting to see that it's actually very normal for the abused kids to get themselves in sort of, bad situations in real life, and then just slowly progress to less-bad, and less-bad, until it gets to a place where we feel comfortable, or at least we're able to hold on without having a crisis.
This doesn't happen because as an abused kid, you're now doomed or attract toxic people, those are just myths. It is true that we will easily tie several bad things that have happened to us together, and decide that it's a proof that things will always be bad for us, and that isn't true either, bad things actually do happen to everyone. With us, it just hits worse, feels worse, triggers us and forces us to re-live everything else bad that has happened, and creates more ominous symbolism. We're also unlikely to receive comfort, so we're always in our bad situations alone and feel abandoned. That is enough to make anyone despair.
But there is a timeline with a fairly slow progression from 'abuse' to 'less abuse' to 'healthier environment'. I don't think I know any cases where a person went from abuse to 'safe and loved for eternity', and it has to do with how we view the world, and how everything we learn is relative to each other.
For instance, after running away from abusive parents, I spent a long time being just extremely grateful that I'm not in physical danger anymore, and that nobody is yelling at me. There were several injustices happening to me, I was financially exploited despite being in severe poverty, I accidentally associated myself with people who exploited my labour and did some extremely sick things to me, but how would I notice? I was busy feeling grateful for not being assaulted. You can't tell someone who just got out of hell 'hey, this is bad too, actually', because what they're seeing is 'this is so much better than hell, this is the best situation I've ever been in, I'm so grateful this isn't worse, this level of injustice is nothing.'
But, to a person who hasn't experienced severe abuse or injustice, it wouldn't be 'nothing', it would be stuff worth calling the police over.
We just can't see it because, relatively to our life, this is the best we ever experienced, and whatever bad things are happening, are usually detected as 'minor' and ignorable'. This is likely to get us into several bad situations, but it's also inevitable, we can't quickly jump from abuse to healthy. It takes some layers of bad for us to notice that we could actually, do better. Sometimes the bad situations turn into worse, and then we realize it's actually bad and triggering, and we get out. Sometimes, bad people go away all on their own, and we realize then, that we're happier.
The good news is, that after getting away from the worst of the abuse, we often will feel like 'this is the most freedom I ever had, this is the best I was ever treated, this is the most love I've ever gotten, I'm so grateful this is better than before', and that is a good thing to experience. Bad thing about it is that often sometimes later, we will go 'oh. that actually was bad and I couldn't tell.' but the point is, you're smarter now, and you'll realize it next time, and slowly you'll always keep going toward better and better life situations.
I'm writing this to let you know it happens to everyone else too. We all go thru some level of additional messes and we don't see them as messes, we only realize it in retrospect. So don't blame yourself if you don't know how exactly to put yourself in a good situation after you've experienced so few of them! It might be a rocky road, but it won't feel like one, not until you look back. You're always moving forward, and every single thing you didn't realize at the time, that it was bad, is generally how we all move forward and learn about these things. You can't know it all at once.
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gffa · 1 year
Is it just me or do most anidala shippers have fanonized their relationship in a way? Like whenever it's discussed by those who ship them there always talking about aus or disregarding canon (ie the Clovis Arc). And it always rubs me the one way because it's almost like they don't actually ship the canon version of anidala, but rather a fanon version they came up with because they don't like the fact that there relationship ends badly and is just generally an unhealthy relationship (idk if there relationship being unhealthy was intentional or not but it certainly looks like it)
I'm gonna say something that's going to make me sound supremely boring and I'm sorry that it won't be more interesting. 😂 But if Anidala shippers want to take the stance of the ship being softer than I might write it: Good for them! I hope they're living their best life. I say this as someone who has been reading a crapload of DC fic where I lean towards a softer take on the characters than someone else might, where you might say the exact same thing (details changed) about my interest in the characters' relationships, that I don't go for the canon version, but instead go for a version that's not as unhealthy. And you know what? Good for me, too! I am living my best life! I'm not trying to dismiss what you're saying, it's frustrating to run into views of characters that clash with our own, especially when it feels like there's something really interesting about what we're seeing in the canon that seems to get dismissed by others. I personally do enjoy a more dysfunctionally leading Anidala because I like bite in my character dynamics! But after seven years of this fandom constantly hounding me for liking the Jedi in ways that other people would say aren't "canon", I have decided that anyone who just wants to enjoy their thing, whether in a more fucked up way or in a softer way than I like, I wish them all the fun in the world, have a blast, you guys! I'm gonna have a blast over here, too. As long as the Anidala shippers aren't being assholes to people who have different views but are staying in their own lanes (and, let's be fair, there's always some assholes in any subset of Star Wars fandom, but none of those subsets are a monolith), then I don't have to read their posts if I'm not into their content, just like people don't have to read my posts if they don't like my take on the Jedi, you know? Let's all walk away from interpretations we don't like, let's all leave room for others to be invested in things they want to be invested in, because what they like isn't any of my business if I'm not also into it. I mean, let's be clear, I'll crab to friends about things I find personally frustrating, in the whole CATER TO ME, FANDOM!!!! tongue in cheek kind of way, but genuinely if someone is just doing their thing in their own corner and leaving me alone, especially if they're coming from a place of "I love this dynamic!" instead of "here's why the Jedi suck and let me throw in some shade at real life religions along the way", then I'm fine with that. And it's made me a lot happier on a personal level to just let some of that stuff go, you know?
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cirque-dhomosexual · 2 years
My own personal Scooby-Doo re-imagining canon includes:
-out and proud lesbian Dominican/Puerto Rican Velma (yes I'm projecting, leave me alone)
-Velma has audhd
- velmaphne happens eventually
-sapphic/unlabeled daphne
-ace/homoromantic and autistic Fred Jones
-he's dating Shaggy who is a pan Trans man
- they are adhd/autism boyfriends
-fuck it, they're all autistic and you can fight me
-Velma and Fred have a shared special interest in machines and will talk about it with each other. They love to share what they know or what they learned and talk about improvements to designs and the like.
-daph and Fred grew up together. Daph's family works in politics and Fred's dad is running for governor or some other government role. Maybe daph's dad is a congressman.
-Daphne is very romantic and tried to liken their relationship to that of a fairytale with Fred being her prince charming but it didn't work out that way
-the two are fs soul mates just not the ones Daphne wanted originally
-she did play match maker to shaggy and Fred and it was a feat. Although, she couldn't clock velms would practically break her back bending over backwards for her.
- they meet in college where velms is majoring in forensic science , Daph is double majoring in business and hospitality (because of her parents) but she switches to journalism where she is much happier, Fred is in Mechanical engineering (idk it makes sense imo) and shaggy is majoring in veterinary science or culinary arts.
-they met in a creative writing class for their humanities credit where they find out they have a shared love of horror movies and mysteries. They did seriously debate on creating a Vincent Van Ghoul fanclub.
- they don't become an actual mystery solving group until they find out about a missing person's case for a student in their class and decided to take matters into their own hands
-found family™ they understand each other like no one else
-besties shaggy and daphne! Daph is a huge foodie and runs a vlogging channel with him! They love romantic comedies and this one novella in particular and will have frequent sleepovers where they do each other's nails and hair and gossip and fan tf out
- Fred joins in on occasion. He loves it even though he doesn't know what's going on. He does engage when he can though and somehow becomes very versed in the relationship dynamics of the show
-shaggy plays wingman for velms and daph and will listen to both of them pine over the other. He is tired.
-velma is fluent in 5 languages and uses them frequently, even to flirt.
-Daph can speak 3 but mostly just to talk business.
-daphne tries so fucking hard to live up to the expectations that her parents has for her and she does but they are never completely satisfied. Her whole arc is finding her own sense of self outside of her family.
-she's head of the cheer team, debate club, and the fashion column in the school's newspaper and graduated saludatorian at her high school
-Velms is also a journalist and she will try and work with daph when she can
-Supernatural occurances does happen. Eventually at least. In the beginning it's their regular whodunit shtick until they meet cosmic horrors that even Lovecraft couldn't imagine and cults (gasp)
-there will be stakes! It will be mature and dark but bc the plot calls for it
-daph was a part of the hex girls as she roadie and backup to Thorne, she did use this fact to flirt with velms.
-They are their brujas on speed dial.
-The gang doesn't know how Daph did it or for how long and they'll never get a straight answer. One day daph will say she found them practicing in an abandoned space and the next she might say they met at a commune. Her favorite thing to say is "oh. You know." as cryptically as she can and just stare off into the distance, just for kicks. Shaggy is convinced Thorne is Daphs twin sister or clone and they won't try and convince him otherwise.
-the hex girls are a polyam couple
-Scooby is young dog instead of having grown up with shaggy. Great Danes only have like an 8-10 year life span where 6 is average. Shaggy found him a injured and wandering on the edge of the woods that's next to the school.
I do plan on writing out this fic but idk if it has any merit. If I do write it would anyone be interested in reading?
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love-toxin · 2 years
remains of the day - e.m (corpse bride au)
a/n: trust me to tease this fic at halloween and not finish it until january LOL (also this is just vol I unless ppl want more!)
plot: the misfortune of Hawkins has left the town destitute, and your family in financial ruin. what better way to remedy that than to marry off their one and only daughter to the richest man in town? there's only one problem....your heart really isn't in it, and neither is your husband-to-be's. but a little practice of your vows to soothe those woes won't exactly give you the courage you were hoping for.
cws: corpse bride au, emily!eddie, victor!f!angelface, victoria!steve, major character death, descriptions of gore/rot, marriages and dowries, jealousy on both sides, a hint at eddie's abandonment issues/fears of rejection, premarital hand-holding, twinges of unrequited love.
word count: 2.4k
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"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.
Your cup will never empty, for I shall be your wine.
With this candle, I will light your way in darkness.
With this ring, I ask you to be mine."
How hard could those vows truly be? And yet you can't get your head around them–no matter how easily they come to mind, they won't fall from your lips properly, despite how many times you've tried.
And that rehearsal….abysmal. You're shocked that Steve even stuck around, that soft smile never leaving his face as he watched you butcher every word of every line of your vows. He deserves better than you, and considering what you've heard through the grapevine (and the town crier, of course) there's another woman that's held his attention for awhile now anyways. Maybe the only reason he stayed for you was because he was picturing her the whole time, and that thought itself makes you want to lie down in the snow under this tree and never get up.
Not that you wish his affections were turned towards you, instead–actually, you wish that she was in your place. Nancy would do better at this, the two of them would be happier, and you wouldn't have to suffer this horrible, continuous disappointment in yourself. It's only been going on for….well, for your whole life.
The wind whistling through the bare branches catches your ear, and almost sounds like the whisper of a voice, your head turning towards the sound but your eyes finding nothing but trees and snow. It's eerie out here; cold and dry, the breeze blowing wisps of your hair about your face, but the woods saying nothing more. It's too quiet, and those ill feelings draw up into your lungs until you manage to wave them away with a brush of your hand, your fingers coming to clasp around the collar of your dress. Too tight–it is all too suffocating. All of it. You dearly wish you could be left out of this whole affair, because you would much rather be a bystander than a participant.
"Oh, Lady Harrington!" You greet a tall, faceless tree trunk and tug on one of the branches, spindly and long in a way that much resembles your future mother-in-law's careful hand. "Call you mum? I'd be delighted to." Shake shake. The bark crackles under your fingertips and snaps, and you're left sighing and holding a twig in your palm that you quickly let drop to the ground.
"What's the point? I'll never be able to do this…" You wonder aloud, meandering about the roots of the massive tree you've taken up solace beneath, your mind wandering with an overflow of worries that all seem much less grand in the shadows of the forest. You find yourself humming the words of your vows to yourself, whispering them under your breath as if you weren't just talking to yourself loud enough for even the crier to hear. There's likely a running story about my madness by now, you think to yourself, the final words of your script coming out a bit louder as you kneel by one of the upturned roots of the tree, stretched out like a delicate finger on a thin hand. "With this ring…"
You produce the ring from the pocket of your dress, and smile somewhat depressedly as you slip it on to the mock hand of your lover.
"I ask you to be mine."
What a silly thought. You could almost swear the hand twitched, shuddered in anticipation, but it must be the wind–and the crows, you've only just noticed, are cawing rather aggressively at your back. A slight twinge of anxiety gnaws at you, you turn to look and search the hills for some animal creeping up-
"Ah-!" But when you do, your wrist is grabbed by something stronger–something that wasn't there before, something with your golden band on its finger that digs into your skin, and yanks you down like it's pulling you into the earth itself. It tugs, and tugs, and finally with a breath of air pumped into your lungs you scream and tear yourself away, the disembodied hand coming with you to clench harder around your wrist. With a violent shake it comes off and skitters across the icy ground, but before you can get to your feet, something even more terrifying happens before your very eyes.
The dirt cracks and crumbles from the spot where that branch had sat, pieces shattering away and stray roots snapping as something, a person-like something, rises from beneath the earth and stands towering and tall above you.
Lush, curly brown hair fans out over his shoulders, and a pair of warm brown eyes devoid of light greet your own. Pale, corpse-like skin gleams under the moonlight, but the exposed bone of his arm, legs, and the side of his neck betray that he really is just that–something dead, heart rotted away with cavernous holes in his body to show it.
He kneels before you, so close your body warmth leaches into his touch, and his lips make way for a toothy smile down at you as he caresses your face. His fingers don't feel at all like they look, leathery and branch-like….they're cool, but incomparably soft.
"I do."
He leans in for a kiss, eyes half-lidded with glory-filled glee, and the world finally blots out into complete darkness as you faint from the shock.
"A new arrival!"
"Darling...I think she fainted. Darling?"
A poking, prodding sensation at your side isn't what roused you, you're sure it's the soft sounds of music and the foul, sickly-sweet smell of rot–but when your eyelids flutter open, and you shriek at the sight of that same young man accompanied by a skeleton standing over you, the two of them share a relieved grin rather than step back. He touches your face again, gentler this time, and moves to cup both your cheeks as he whispers your name. "There you are! My angel."
Now that you've got a better look, somehow you're…not as frightened, but still somewhat. Maybe it's that the lighting is better than the dimly-lit woods, and you're warmer wherever you've been laid down, but the curly-haired man doesn't evoke that same sense of terror now that he's holding you.
"You're even prettier than I imagined." He strokes that velvety skin of your cheek with his thumb, the compliment falling on attentive ears and eyes that just can't look away. But where in the world is your sense? Aside from being a kept woman, he's quite clearly dead, and you stagger to your feet a little too quickly just to get back and find some space between you two. Upon doing so, though, you bump into something solid–a bar counter, the woman on the other side pouring drinks like you're not even there. She just shoots you a grin, and a few of her teeth fall from her mouth into the frothy stein.
They all are, you realize. Every single person here is in varying states of decay, the crowd surrounding you and milling about the bar with curious stares and whispers at the newcomer. And with only one of those corpses feeling somewhat familiar, you huddle up next to the man's side to his giggling glee, his hand coming down to rest on your arm as you clutch at his for safety in the face of the dead. Two of which are raising their pints, and clanking them together with booming cries on their cracked lips.
"A toast to the newlyweds!"
You gape in shock, and he nods down at you. A smile stretches wide across his ghastly white face, and he pats your hand affectionately.
"In the woods! You said your vows so perfectly." He shows off the gleam of the golden band of his finger with a flourish, looking on with pride both at it and you. It looks good, and you selfishly gulp back some triumphant feelings at realizing you did it right–but you shake them right back off as reality hits you even harder in the face.
"I did?" Your voice a careful whisper, you move to let go of his arm, only to be caught and held there a touch longer by his frozen hands. "Oh, God…I did."
Stupid, stupid! How could you be so stupid?! Yet you can't really be blamed for it, how could you even think about directing those vows at a corpse by accident? It's not like your parents ever warned you about that…and your heart races when you remember. Your parents, your soon-to-be husband, and everyone else in the wedding party are probably wondering where in the hell you've disappeared to.
"Y-You don't understand! I have a fiancé," You try to shuffle backwards, finally having wrenched your hands away from your undead partner, and he leans in close without a worry or care etched into his face. Steve must be worried, he must be…maybe. Or maybe he's forgotten about you already. Your shoulders fall a little, but your gaze is commanded back up by his hands on your shoulders.
"Not a fiancé, silly. I'm your husband. Although…I guess we have yet to have the ceremony, so technically you're right." He cocks his head, hair swaying a little–you can spot a few spiders here and there, swinging from curl to curl as he speaks without taking notice to them.
"No, not–ugh, how can I explain this? I was just practicing! I-I didn't actually…I wasn't…" To push on his chest is like shoving a brick wall; he's unmoveable, his chest hollow but his bones strong as he stands over you. How can such lifeless brown eyes demand so much pity?
"But you…you said your vows? What's the problem?" You can't bear it, that well-meaning face falling into what is unmistakably a pained expression. His hurt feelings are betrayed by the crack in his voice, and if the circumstances weren't so strange, you'd be a bit miffed at having such a conversation in the midst of a nosy crowd. As if this were a normal situation, a marital squabble between the shoulders of bar patrons and not drunken cadavers. "...I thought you wanted to marry me?"
"You're dead," You say without thinking, and it cuts deep and harsh–shock and hurt flashes across his face, and he flinches back as if you had cut him with a knife. The bar, which once had been bustling with chatter and delight, grows quieter as their beloved friend whimpers with tears just about breaching his dead eyes.
"But I…we…you really don't want to marry me?"
"I don't even know your name." You mutter back, suddenly shy and quiet with an ill feeling churning about in your stomach. Guilt. This young….dead man has done nothing to you, and though neither have you to him, the unfortunate fact is that he is very clearly attached–even though you know next to nothing about one another.
"It's Eddie." He sniffles and drags his sleeve across his dripping nose, yet spits both syllables out as if it were a curse. Though, for most parts of the village, it is–you could recognize that name if it were said in your sleep, and had you not been clinging to him just a few minutes prior, it would rouse you from your slumber in panic and terror at the utterance of the most notoriously bloodthirsty psychopath of Hawkins.
"Eddie?" You blink owlishly at him. "Eddie from…from the accident?"
"I'm sure everyone's heard about me by now." He looks down, despondent. Unwell and miserable, resigned, not like the murderer you've heard whispering tales about in the alleyways and lifeless bars of your hometown….not like this lounge, that's speckled with colour and bursting at the seams with life long past lived. "But it's not true. I'm not like that. I'm not…"
"...Mean and scary?" As the words slip out, you tilt your head away to keep yourself from looking at him straight, though you can't avoid the gentle touches of Eddie's cool fingers as he splays them over the back of your hand. Holding it delicately like a paper fan, keeping it close to him but not indecently, he borrows it for a short while and perhaps it's merely to feel a bit of your human warmth. You'd like to think that, and yet the intensity of his gaze on your lips says otherwise.
"Do you think of me like that? You think I'm mean and scary?" Eddie leans on his side against the bartop, eyes never leaving you even though you struggle to pull your shoulders straight, as a lady should, and finally let his full form come into your vision instead of simply his feet.
"I…I'm frightened, yes. But not...of you."
Eddie sucks in a short, quiet breath, before letting it settle in a soft exhale as he pulls your hand towards him–a bit too excitedly, as it turns out, and he releases it with a lighthearted chuckle and scratches the back of his neck, his eyes widening for just a passing moment as he feels a bit of skin come loose and anxiously smoothes it back down before you notice. Sufficiently put back together as much as a corpse can be, Eddie takes a much more firm hold of your hand in his, and lets you feel the glimmering gold of the wedding band on his finger as he starts pulling you along away from the counter.
"Let's go somewhere we can be alone, then. I know a place." He says with a smile, and parts the crowd easily who are all too giddy to throw compliments and congratulations your way. They are….rather pleasant, for dead people.
However, you know you must grit your teeth and bear these niceties for the moment. Until you can find some path away from Eddie, and back up to the place where you belong, you will play along with his games. You will entertain him. Perhaps you may even earn his trust, and he will reveal to you a way out.
Above all, you will not be wed to a corpse, nor will you fall in love with one. That is part of your oath to Steve, and to your parents, and to everyone, to be faithful even when faced with such a morbid test of faith as this. You will do as you are told, all according to plan, whether or not Eddie makes this grim future seem more….palatable than the one that awaits you upstairs, the clock ticking away every second until the union you have been promised to.
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trash-monkey · 1 month
Ran's Little Dragon
Chapter 12
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"Dragen, can you tell us who did this to you? We know bad man have hurt you and made you do things you didn't want to do, so please tell us so we can go to the police." Emma asked me softly after my babbling about dragons and gestures to my tattoo on my back, I pout at her as I don't want to say anything but they already theorized about what happened.
"I know you don't want to say anything but won't you like to see your family again and put the bad guys in jail?" Takemitchy asked the question this time but before I could stop it tears run down my cheek at the mention if my Papa and Uncles.
"Aw, I didn't mean to make you cry." With his golden soft heart Takemitchy coos at me while handling the IV bag over to Emma and gently removes me from Draken's arms as he had frozen at the sight of tears rolling down my face not knowing what to do with a crying child on his lap so Takemitchy takes over, holding me against his chest and rubbing my back softly.
"Shhh, it's ok and you'll get to see you family again someday" Takemitchy let's me cry myself out as he uses the tissue Draken handed him to wipe my face of tears and snot, he also run his finger through my hair which helps me calm down a lot.
"There's no reason to tell the Po Po." I finally said once my crying fit is done which I'm now cuddling up again Takemitchy's chest as I like the feeling he's giving me, that of a mother dispite I already know he can be a mother hen but it's a different story when actually feeling it.
"Why is that?" Emma questioned as she leans closer to us making me give a sigh before hiding my face against Takemitchy's chest and mumbling my answer, Takemitchy leans his head down close to me to hear.
"My Papa is a bad man but I love him because he loves me and once he finds who had taken me away from him, they won't last long." Takemitchy freezes when hearing my words.
"Takemitchy, what did he say?" Draken asked when seeing him freeze.
"Uhm, he...he said that his dad is also a bad man..." Takemitchy trails off making the other two freeze.
"What do you mean that your Papa is a bad man?" Draken asked me softly wanting to know more and understand.
"Papa only had me for a bit before I was taken which one of the cleaning ladies was bad so I told on her to Uncle Mikey...." I trail off when realizing who's name I just said which also caused everyone in the room to freeze again at the name almost like it's taboo.
"You...you said Uncle Mikey but is he him?" Draken jumps out of his seat once the shock is over and went to grab something which I see is a picture of Toman, Draken points to Mikey in the photo to make sure I'm talk about the same person they're thinking.
"Uncle Mikey! You know Uncle Mikey! How! He looks so much happier there although he doesn't have his short white hair!" I smiled at the picture as I take it into my hands, it's the one with Takemitchy in it.
"Oh! You two are in it too!" I pointed Takemitchy and Draken out in the picture.
"Dragen..." Draken sighs as he gently retake the picture from me.
"Dragen, Mikey is a very important person to us.......and we miss him but.......he shut us out." Takemitchy trys to explain as he plays with my hair.
"Why he hiding?" I asked although I already know the answer.
"He....he wanted to protect us...from himself...he thought of himself as the big bad wolf." Takemitchy explains again like a fairytale.
"But he was nice to me although he looks a little scary." Takemitchy squeezes me a bit as Draken gives me a small smile at the comment.
"That's good" Draken said under his breath which I didn't catch although we're sitting close together.
"So your Papa....." Emma trails off not knowing how to word it as she doesn't know if my Papa works for him or Mikey work for my Papa.
"Uncle Mikey is boss" I smiled as Takemitchy unconsciously started to lightly bounce me on his lap which I snuggle deeper into him with a small contented sigh, I give a large yawn as I started to feel tired
"You sleepy?" Takemitchy coos at me as he shifted me in his hold to lay down.
"Yeah" I yawned again as I stretched a little before moving as close as I can to Takemitchy with my eyes drooping.
"You got your tummy all full and wasted a bit of energy talking to us, so I say that you are." Although I'm not use to it and a little uncomfortable with it at first but I'm coming around to liking Takemitchy mothering and cooing, knowing he had big heart and love kids this doesn't come surprising to Draken and Emma when seeing him mothering me. He holds me as tightly as he can without hurting me as my eyes close shut but I'm not that fast asleep not to hear.
"It's so shocking to finally to hear something about Mikey after all these years but I wish it wasn't from a child." Emma sadly whispered to the two still hold up my IV drip and bag as I can feel Takemitchy's hand gently rubbing my back.
"Yeah but if he says is right as his father then Mikey is......." Emma trails off not wanting to say or believe about Mikey being on the wrong side of the law.
"I'm just glad he's doing alright." Draken sighs which is the last things I hear before falling asleep fully.
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titanicfreija · 5 months
Sunny found the empress in the Hall of Heroes, standing tall at the doorway they normally started through. "You wanted to talk?" the Ghost asked sweetly.
Caiatl grunted and turned to lumber down the hallway, posture heavy and steps plodding. "I wanted you to talk. I am weary and would appreciate the company of a friend," she replied.
Sunny whirled around and wheeled. It was a relief that she knew Sunny needed the instructions, she must have been getting used to her habits.
"I have good news, then! We got to dig into Thomas's previous life, and Freija asked him about his history! Rex never told us! I have no idea wh-- actually, I do."
Caiatl's relief showed immediately, shoulders relaxing and weight resting on her heels. Her breath even slowed down.
Sunny figured she would only be half listening, but she was happy to have the audience, and even happier to be a relief to someone that needed it.
"So this roommate, of whom you speak quite lowly, was a Warlord?" the empress asked jovially.
"See, that's my favorite part about it-- he said no. He says no, but then every single time he tries to defend his point, he fails. He even gives up and says yes, but then if you say it later, he tries to say no again! I don't understand it. He said he wasn't proud of it, but he even thought about hiding it when they were talking about it!"
"They were not good times for your people. From the sound of it, he did not want to be a Warlord. I personally am on his side of this-- if he does not call himself a Warlord, regardless of his role played, he was not one. I am surprised to hear this. Was his skill always so limited?"
Sunny groaned and swept into a huge circle. "I don't even-- he's not big with his jump, which a lot of Guardians consider to be an important thing. He really is terrible at anything except clearing gaps with a good run-up on flat terrain. But he's fine on the ground. And he can shoot really well, I didn't even know that, and really, he's not bad, it's just that his Ghost is a jerk and he can't be bothered to put up with it enough to shake off the rust and gather some momentum!"
Caiatl grunted. "This Rex. Does he believe Thomas qualified as a Warlord?"
"You know, I don't know," Sunny mused. "Thomas did say he misses those days. Rex didn't say anything himself, he was grouchy that whole trip. He's jealous of me and Freija, they both are, no one is being secretive about knowing. They can't help it, and really, we can't either. The weirdest stuff can bother them, and sometimes I get it but other times I'm just confused."
"Their bond is...?"
"I don't know if you mean bond like the love I mean or like the connection Freija talks about."
"If you will clarify, I will accept any answer."
Sunny wondered briefly if the thing that connected a Ghost and Guardian could be disrupted at all. "The love like I mean, they're... Not in a good place. Rex gets spiteful and apparently won't heal under certain circumstances, and I did know he had problems with his scanner bandwidth range, but I didn't realize how bad, so even the few times he does help, he's not as helpful as, say, I am, just because he can't. Which... If he's been trying to make Thomas make up for things he can't do.... It's rough. They make me feel lucky. They make me feel lucky when we're fighting. But as far as I can tell, they're just as much Ghost and Guardian as Freija and I are. He's actually a great fighter, he really is. It's a shame."
Caiatl "hmphed". Something in it sounded amused. "This is an interesting account. I would not have imagined that a Guardian and their Ghost would be so at odds. It seems counterintuitive."
"People are people," Sunny sighed. "Even an obligatory mutual symbiont. Rex started it, but I think he started it out of something pathetic instead of something mean. Thomas might have been mean back, back then. He's so kind, now. If a little resentful, I can smell that without olfactory sensors."
"How old are they? How long ago was this rift formed between them?"
Sunny wheeled. "I have no idea. Thomas had indicated that it was the library, which means the Tower's formation a couple hundred years ago, but the story he told made it sound earlier than that."
"I would like to witness this discordance," Caiatl chuckled.
"I don't," grumbled Sunny. "They make me feel bad. Sometimes even a little guilty for being friends with Freija in front of them. The look on Thomas's face when I gave Freija her backpack before she asked for it.... I feel bad for Thomas sometimes because I know Rex just can't, but there's lots he can and won't. It's just... Sad."
"And yet he, like any other, kept a band of mortals," she chuckled. "Out of a sense of obligation, as I understand it. Was this Rex supportive?"
"I got a real keen sense that he wasn't." Sunny turned to see Caiatl's tusks bobbing thoughtfully. "I don't know. I literally can't imagine what would make me act like that at Freija. I know he thought he could drive Thomas into being more than he is, but he was mean about it. We've all tried to help, but Rex is too angry about being wrong to correct his mistake. And he gets to see where my incessant cheering on has gotten Freija, someone he considered to be far lesser than Thomas as long as he could get away with it, and that just makes him so angry."
"You seem to simultaneously pity and dislike this Rex. And yet you call him friend?"
"I can love someone I don't like," Sunny said. "I wish I could help them. Freija wants to, too, but neither of us know what to do. Rex is angry and wants to be angry. Thomas is.... Just.... He's so kind, patient, he loves Rex, I think. Feels sorry for him, too. I don't know. They... It's so weird. And sad."
Caiatl chortled and heaved a long sigh. "Somehow, it is a relief to know that even bonds so deep do not guarantee harmony. They do work together?"
"Only in combat. It's one thing Rex can do well, and it's what he wants to do. Thomas is good at it, too, as long as what you need is cover fire. His threadlings will dissolve Vex almost as fast as his needles can unmake them, and once he's linked the needles into his gun, he can send that magic everywhere. But he's not tough. And he's real bad about getting caught out, I think it's him and Rex both being bad at spatial awareness. He has to stay in the back. Rex hates it."
"This Thomas has aligned strongly with the Darkness?" Now the amusement turned to real interest. "Do you suppose there is a link between their weak relationship and his ability to use the Darkness? Does the Ghost facilitate the Darkness the same as the Light?"
Sunny wagged a "no". "Guardians are paracausal-- outside causality, able to break the rules of physics and create matter or manipulate the intangible forces of the universe. So it allows for manipulation of Darkness. I think. I don't know for sure. But anyway-- no, I really don't. Rex likes the Darkness, too, he says. He could just be saying it for effect, but he says Stasis feels minty and strand feels like to swimming in warm water, and he likes both of them. It's been a big relief to them both. We thought it would help them, but they're stuck in their ways. Rex refuses to help Thomas do anything but fight, and Thomas doesn't like fighting. He hates getting shot, he hates dying, and he doesn't like working with anyone at the same time as needing backup." She rolled in the air and wheeled her petals. "That's one thing he is jealous about, Freija is so stupid and headstrong and he would love Thomas to be so combat-ready. Thomas would, too, I think."
Caiatl chewed on that one, too. "Do you think he would be happier with her? Or a Guardian like her?"
Sunny wagged another negative. "I think he'd hate her and anyone else like her. He doesn't know what he wants. If he had Freija, if he tried to tell her to do anything, she'd fight with him first. Anyone like her would do the same. He can't be nice, and Freija doesn't respond well to authority."
Caiatl rumbled another laugh. "She responds to real authority well enough. She knows Rex is not her superior."
Sunny wanted to argue but then she remembered Neomuna. Yeah, fair enough.
"Do you feel a Guardian like Thomas would relieve you of the guilt you suffer for raising a soldier?"
"Eternally bound to the fight," she sighed. She hadn't considered it. "I would ... Probably feel like Rex. Like I wasn't doing enough. I like to think I wouldn't scare my Guardian away from me. I... I don't know what's wrong with Rex."
"You feel he is ungrateful?"
"He had Thomas for five hundred years before I found her and he was disappointed from the first day because he didn't want to get shot. I feel like it's blasphemy to be disappointed in your Guardian like he is. Something about it should feel wrong to him, if you ask me. I think it might and that's what makes him feel like that."
Caiatl chortled. "Is there a grander belief that one can blaspheme?"
Sunny didn't even think about it when she said it. "I mean.... Some of us think we were all created with a purpose and a single Guardian out there to find. Some of us think we happened by accident, tiny fragments of the Traveler trying to save ourselves, and the connections to the Chosen are happenstance, or are something else magical. Some of us think that we were created to fight, or defend humans. It varies by who you ask."
"Your personal belief?"
Sunny paused to consider it. She hadn't rethought it in a while. "Well, I believe that... We were created unintentionally. I also believe that no individual holds the spark for an individual Ghost. We have our Chosens, but to think that we were all created a thousand years ago to look for people that wouldn't be born, let alone die, for centuries..... Bodies decay. To think that anyone could miss their chance just because the body rotted... To think that the Traveler created some Ghosts to die... I don't think it did. Really, I don't think it did just because there's too many of us. I think it broke and we're just dust that came off it. I think the bodies we're drawn to call us, but I don't think it's any single one-- I think more than one holds our spark. But maybe not at a time, or maybe it's spread out until I feed the one that grows, like the one seed of three planted."
Caiatl silently considered this for a time, gazing ahead. She then smirked. "I do not envy your position. I would suffer many doubts, more than you, I think."
"I... Honestly, I don't know. It all comes down to the fact that, if we don't fight, there will be nothing left to fight for. And I have Freija, and she wants to fight, so fight we will. Terrifying as that is."
"Your courage is seen," Caiatl promised.
"Your strength is, too, but remember that you have to rest," Sunny said, seeing the light fade in her eyes. "Do you sleep? You should probably sleep."
Her weight rocked back to her heels and her face plate shifted as her tusks lifted. Her eyelids still drooped. "We sleep. I will. I am glad to see you. I will entertain you, next time." Caiatl put a fist to her chest and bowed, an unusually stuffy gesture.
Sunny nudged the tip of her helmet. She was pretty sure it was the first time she touched the empress, even that little bit. Caiatl chuckled as she drew back to her full height.
"You must be tired, defaulting to formality like that," the Ghost observed. "See if Nimbus will hide you for an hour or so?"
"I will steal the sleep I can," she promised. "How is your Guardian?"
"Standing ground with fire and hammer," Sunny said. "It can be so beautiful, even amongst the horror."
"Her fires are indeed," agreed Caiatl. "I look forward to our next meeting. Farewell.
@wolvereaux. @annieruok94
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dangerpronebuddie · 1 year
Now that it's been pointed out to me, I can NOT stop thinking about it! It's a long ramble, so it's under the cut.
Eddie runs when things get tough.
Shannon got pregnant-> military
Shannon wants to move-> he shuts her out
Parents want to take Chris-> moves away
I am in no way blaming Shannon here, but I am saying that this is probably where most of this behavior was learned. It could even be from Ramon always being away, and being emotionally absent when he was present.
The thing is, when Eddie ran, no one stopped him. Shannon didn't put up a fight when he joined up. His parents let him walk away. When Buck wants to talk about the shooting and Eddie shuts down, Buck doesn't push.
So Eddie has learned he can get away with it. No one's going to push back, so why push at all?
I have noticed that he doesn't enter arguments unless provoked. When he comes home from Afghanistan, his parents and Shannon criticize every little thing. So he puts up his carefully crafted walls and shuts them out. He only starts the peacocking gym fight when Buck turns his aggression on Chimney.
Now the grocery store fight is a whole other ballgame. It's grief disguised as anger. I will admit, and I will die on this hill, that Eddie's "you're exhausting" comment was uncalled for and I would've burst into tears if someone said that to me. But that's what grief does to him. It's so overwhelming, and having grown up in a house where he had to be the man of the house as a child, showing no emotion, it's not surprising. If you're not angry when you're upset, you're not a man.
But I'm getting off track (as usual.)
My point is, no one's given him reason to keep fighting through the issue, so he simply walks away from it.
Which makes the cemetery scene even more incredible and interesting. Frank is my hero, honestly, and Eddie's growth has been amazing to watch. He's not running from Buck in the cemetery scene, he's offering Buck the chance to fight for them.
Instead of taking the lead, being in control, or walking away, he's giving the reigns to Buck. His last attempts at trying to get Buck to get over his near death experiences didn't work. He tried to get Buck out of his own head with the ladder truck, so he makes Buck go out into the world again. Only to be caught in a tsunami. He tries again (poorly) in the grocery store scene, asking him why he can't move on and suck it up. These attempts only made Buck internalize his emotions. Because that's all Eddie knew.
Thanks to Frank, Eddie's learning. So instead of inserting himself into Buck's issues and trying to make things right as fast as possible, he's actually allowing Buck "time to process" (seriously, how could Eddie possibly give such advice to others when he couldn't follow his own in s4?)
He lets Buck come to him in 6x12, and only asks how Buck's really doing after they talk. He's trying to follow Buck's lead for a change.
Same with the cemetery and "you don't have to be anything for anybody." Buck keeps looking to Eddie like Eddie's supposed to tell him what to do, but Eddie's learned that that doesn't work. Buck HAS to make decisions for himself or he's never going to grow. So, Eddie thinks that if Natalia is who Buck wants, then he won't stop him.
Now he did comment on how it was a bad idea for Buck to date people they've met on calls (kinda hypocritical dude!), but that's the only objection he's voiced.
Something else just popped into my head about how Eddie came to this conclusion. He saw Buck with Taylor and without her. Guess which version he preferred? Which version was happier?
That's because, when Buck breaks up with her, it's his decision. He chose to end things instead of waiting for "when the woman flees." Buck stumbles into relationships, and waits for shit to hit the fan. He doesn't put in the work either.
Buddie can either be really really good or really really bad with this. Eddie leaving the ball in Buck's court lets Buck make the decision to be with Eddie. He has to confess, because Eddie's resigned himself to pining forever. When Buck does, they can either have hundreds of problems, or learn to communicate and operate as a couple.
Forcing the decision into Buck's hands makes him choose for himself what he wants. Buck always has to be chosen, but Eddie's telling him he doesn't have to be. Eddie's always choosing, so giving Buck the lead is not only a huge display of trust, but it's a giant step forward in terms of how Eddie handles relationships.
Now, had Eddie not done this, this might've been a major issue for them. Buck would keep following Eddie's lead, not put in any effort, and Eddie would bail the moment they had even a small tiff.
But thanks to giving the decision to Buck, they have a better chance at a successful ship.
What needs to happen now is they need to address the things they haven't dared talk about. Namely the will, the shooting, and the lightning.
I know the show doesn't leave loose ends, and foreshadowing (especially when it comes to Eddie) can take several seasons to unfold. So, it's not improbable that the Will will be brought up again. I know they talked about Buck's death and the shooting, but not what it did to each other. And, I have a little theory about Eddie's comments about the shooting.
He remembers more. His body language in that scene absolutely says so. He barely looks at Buck, does a subtle head shake, and keeps his comments to a minimum. Because he needed to in that moment. Telling Buck everything he actually remembered wasn't what Buck needed. Buck needed the assurance that he was going to get better. That he'd actually process it. Eddie couldn't tell him the whole truth and expect Buck to feel fine about it.
Welp... this got way out of hand very quickly. Random thoughts while doing dishes will do that, I guess. I just think the cemetery scene has a lot more layers than I first noticed, and every time I think about these two, something new to analyze comes up.
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whataboutsimple · 3 days
What if you had an admin-sona? How would you look and what would your symbolism be and what concepts would you represent? If you were a god in the style of the MCSM universe?
Oh uh- wow- that- that actually made me think a lot, sorry for the wait!
An interesting question tbh? I've never ever thought before abt that, even though I do have a God in my Complex AU, he's not me, but silly dummy idiot who can't do things right.
Okay, so, everything I'll say bellow is purely my opinion and I'm not claiming any of that as canon! It's so messy and rambling like I can't even believe I wrote it.
If we speak in theory, I think I would be more like Fred? Xara and Romeo kind of a Warriors, meanwhile Fred is more of a peacemaker with a backup plan.
In Admin form it probably would've be a tall, slim man, with green as the main colour and white as the second colour . To be specific: light green sea for the skin, cedar green for the sclera, white iris and pupil, curly white hair.
Maybe I'll draw him if you want??
Long story short: peacemaker with a sword as a backup plan.
Unlike Trio, he wouldn't have a town for himself since it's too much of a pressure to take care of people who might die any moment. Instead he would probably mess with mobs, travel in his human form more, practice with fighting, building, redstone, (he has plenty of time anyway) and create new normal things (like bees for example).
So, since he's a hardworker and pickaxe basically means mining (it's a hard work), I think it would be his symbolism?
The one who works for people but stays in the back (creates useful and unharmful things) as a concept.
He wouldn't take much credit for it though and would be more than happier to fade into the shades just to avoid to much responsibility. We know that Romeo's flaw is his ego, Fred was too kind, Xara too stubborn, and he? Probably a coward in some way. He's not afraid of saving people, he's afraid of being too late to do it when they all expected him to succeed. So the philosophy is "Let it ride and interfere only if needed".
But he'll get tired eventually and probably will leave to the farlands? Without a noise and people to deal with, he can freely experiment without worrying hell hurt someone. And because he sits there like Soren in the end, hell probably will have no idea what Romeo did, since after putting Xara into the Sunshine institute Romeo decide to keep him in the Farlands with letters: "Were okay here, keep your researches!"
So he doesn't know.
Doesn't know about Fred's death.
Doesn't know about Xara being a human.
Doesn't know about WitherStorm, Portal Network, gauntlet.
He simple doesn't know until he decides to get back.
Let's say, he's not dying from saddens, but he sure is heartbroken when they spill the news to him. He liked Fred a lot.
But, oh wow, he's the last Admin now! That's interesting for sure. For so long he was running away from responsibility, but now he needs to take care about every human being.
Got back to what he was running from ig?
He will keep his silent and calm nature, but at the same time he'll make sure he does everything he can to help those around him. That's what Fred would wanted, right?
Oh, and you, Romeo? You'll going to be near him everywhere and always whether you like it or not. It's time to teach you what kindness means and you need to help rebuilt the town you destroyed!
I think.. I think that's all? Maybe I have some other info abt him- me- us? But it's only silly things that you'll prob won't be interested in.
I'm bad at making myself a God ig? Sorry if it got you disappointed.
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purplesurveys · 3 days
survey by robotyque
RULES: For the following questions, you must answer a number in a scale from 1-10. You may add a comment/description following it. Here we go.
How exciting was your day? 10. It was actually a productive Sunday! After church we had lunch at Yabu, bought a microwave to replace our broken one, went window shopping for a new laptop and a PS5, I bought a bunchhhhhh of Me Stuff in one go (BB cream, blush, reed diffusers...you get the gist), went for a quick grocery run to get milk and also managed to take Max to the vet clinic before they closed. It was so much stuff done that I can't believe it only totaled a little over than 4,000 steps LOL
How happy do you feel right now? I want to say a 7.5. Today was well-spent and I like that my family and I got along today (we always clash after a few consecutive hours together...), but that high's coming down now because it's already 5:40 PM and the weekend will soon be over.
How clean do you feel? A healthy 9. I took a shower today and my room now smells like ocean because I have two reed diffusers going at the same time, but I just feel 'dirty' because I've still got acne on my face and I don't like that.
How full in the stomach? 7. I had a big lunch that's long settled in my stomach now, but while it doesn't feel heavy I'm also not hungry. And I doubt I'd be feeling hungry anymore for the rest of the day.
How thirsty? 1. I have a chocolate Oatside with me now that I'm sipping from every few minutes.
How bored? 1. I did so much stuff today that I have no problem just filling this out and being friends with the silence and overstimulating myself like what I'd usually look for on weekends.
How tired/sleepy? 3. I feel like I could fall into a nap if I made myself lie down, but I'm alert and awake for the most part.
How satisfied with life atm are you? 4. My job makes me MISERABLE and question my abilities and worth every single day. It's a thankless 9-5 where you can do your best and put in 150% effort but still only ever get seen and called out when you make a mistake/don't meet expectations. I know I will be happier if I set out to look for greener pastures; but I just can't help but stay for now knowing the team is suffocatingly incomplete as it is and me leaving would just make everyone else suffer so much more.
How satisfied are you with your relationship status? 10. Nothing to complain about, ever.
How satisfied are you with your friends? 8. I love all of them, but I wish some of them (i.e. my college friends) would put in more effort in keeping up our friendships. I don't take it personally, though; I've also accepted the fact that our friend group may just not rank high on their priorities at this point anymore, and that's fine.
Now what about family? 6. We are very dysfunctional but we make it work.
How entertained are you atm? 7. I have a Good Mythical More running in the background and I've gotten sidetracked from this survey a few times, so I'd say that's entertainment in effect haha.
How bright is the room you’re in? 2. All the lights are off so it's actually super dark here, but my laptop is set to the highest brightness level and that more than balances out the darkness.
How loud is your music/sound you hear? 2.5. Out of the 16 volume bars on my laptop, it's just until the fourth bar so that's literally a 2.5 if my math is correct.
How confident are you about your looks right now? 4. There's a nasty acne scar near my nose that just won't go away. It's affected my confidence a little bit so that's why I headed to the store today to grab a bunch of face care and makeup stuff.
How clean is your room? 9.5. There are just a few things lying around but otherwise the place is spotless.
How much do you love dolls/stuffed animals? 5. Stuffed animals are very cute :)
How satisfied are you with your room? 9. I really really love the loft bed we've built in here since it gave my room so much more space. The one lacking point is just on me, because I haven't been buying any furniture or even just any sort of accent, really, to give my room more of a personality.
How much do you love dogs/cats (pick one)? 11. No-brainer. I like animals more than people.
How well do you do in school? 7. I did well if I really liked the class, but barely put in effort for classes I just felt 'forced' to have, like chemistry and philosophy. In other words I lacked focus and discipline; I feel like I would have had much higher scores across the board if I just powered it through and did a better job pretending to give a fuck about the classes I hated.
How well can you read out loud? 10. Never had a problem with it.
How good are your eyes? 3. I need my glasses, otherwise everything would be hazardous for me.
If your significant other cheated on you, how mad would you be? 10. I'd be so mad I'd turn quiet and simply cut off ties.
What if it was with your best friend? 20. 10 for the SO cheating, 10 for my best friend betraying me and cheating on her fiancé.
You found a toonie on a ground, how happy would you be? 0. I'd be confused and would be asking what a toonie is.
You lied to a friend about something semi-big, how guilty would you feel? 5. Depends on the lie.
You accidentally took something from a store, how guilty would you feel? 10. I did this once when I walked out of a bookstore with a box of crayons I forgot to pay for. I felt really bad and turned to make my way back immediately.
You were given some illegal substance, what would you feel/how much of it? This question doesn't make sense but I would say 0 which stands for, "I'd stay away from it even if it were the last thing on earth."
You spent $300 for yourself, how satisfied would you feel? 5. Satisfied, yes; but also equally guilty/feeling bad because that is so much money to spend on myself.
What about for others? 7. It's a lot of money, but I'd feel better if I made someone else happy with that money.
How angry would you feel if your parents forgot your birthday? 10. How do you forget your kid's birthday?
Lastly. On a scale of 1-10, how entertaining was this survey? 10! I've taken this before but it was still fun to take the second time around!
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walkingstackofbooks · 3 months
DS9 4x20 The Muse thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [12 July ‘23]
I had no idea Jake's mind-nomming happened in the same episode as the Lwxana/Odo marriage - okay let's gooo!
"I won't let him do it, Odo." "Who? What?" I guess being telepathic, she might forget she actually has to start from the beginning of a story and explain it rather than have people pick up from what she's thinking?
This alien talks in the weirdest way. I'm glad Jake starts out uneasy, at least.
I hate when Jake picks something over spending time with his dad. Like, it checks out, he *is* a teenager, but Sisko's always so disappointed 😭
"What do you want me to do about it?" "Either cheer her up or get her to leave." Love how Quark thinks Odo could cheer her up rather than just be security getting her to leave.
Oh!! At Quark's request Odo does go and give up his routine and free time to make her happier :3 I do love these two.
Odo's war with himself over being unpleasant to ward her off from his quarters but also not wanting to. :3
"Major Kira and First Minister Shakaar are involved now." "How sad." "Not at all. I'm happy for her." For most of the time Odo is actually such a good bro. I don't like the framing later on that he somehow 'deserves' Kira just because he likes her, but he really is so respectful.
"Well, just don't go do what I did. Look for someone to fix your broken heart then end up pregnant and on the run." "I don't think there's too much danger of that happening." His little laugh. I am sad he and Lwxana couldn't be together.
"[I feel] Like a changeling who's had to hold his shape too long." It's sweet that she puts it in understandable terms, I think?
"Lwxana? Your replicator isn't really broken, is it?" Aww it took you that long? Call yourself a detective XD
"I'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcome." You literally did less to make her feel unwelcome than you do to any other person who comes your way though!
Oh damn I had paused this halfway through and once again forgot Jake's storyline was the other half of this episode!
Why do I feel like that pen should write in Jake's blood?
This alien is so creepy and I hate this so so soooo much
Haha! Odo laughing! I love how much they enjoy each other's time
Why not lie to Lwxana's husband, and tell him that she's not here??
Odo's so tender as he helps her up to the stage thing!
Miles' uncertain look at "add her to what is mine"
Quark's wistful sigh at Odo's "I didn't need anyone else."
"The truth is, I was ashamed of what I was, afraid that if people saw how truly different I was they would recoil from me." *camera pans to Julian* OH THESE TWO GIVE ME FEELINGS. They would just have the ability to relate so hard to each other! Tell me that that quote couldn't belong to Julian in DBIP.
"The day I met her is the day I stopped being alone." *Kira looks down* Oh, I wonder what she's feeling about that. Because she definitely thought they were good friends.
I am still surprised the husband doesn't fight harder. All he needs to do is doubt it. I guess some part of him really did love Lwxana?
"What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic!" Really, Quark? Sure.
"You know, for a minute there, I really believed you wanted to marry me." Oh, he DID.
"Orange juice." Sometimes Jake does things that make me remember how young he is. (Even though I'd be ordering apple juice all the time though... But everyone else usually guess got tea or coffee or alcohol.)
At least Jake's in a public place when he collapses. Glad he didn't go back to his quarters.
"He was the youngest I ever found. So eager, ready to give everything he had in one great burst." Apart from he hadn't agreed to give everything, he didn't know that was what you were doing and he wouldn't have consented if he had!
"You really should stay." "I'll miss you, too." Ohhh. Lwxana's ability to cut to what Odo is feeling.
"I could stay, try to make you fall in love with me, but we both know that won't happen. Then I'd end up resenting you, and our friendship is far too important for me to let that happen." I love these two so much though ❤️❤️
"The dialogue is sharp, the story's involving, the characters are real. The spelling is terrible. I especially liked the father." SISKO :3 I love his dad-ing
"All you need to do is learn to find them by yourself." Sisko is such a wonderful dad. And so good at advice and saying the right thing!
Anslem - he wrote that in the alternate timeline where Sisko dies? But on his own? I guess in that timeline, at this point was he too sad for the alien to find him an alluring target? I like how we know it's his - and I'm guessing Sisko does too from his memories of that timeline. :3
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tonya-the-chicken · 3 months
I was going on thinking when he said he will retire and wanted to since before that I feel as if he didn't want to be a hero from the start anyway and would seem the sort who'd open a sweets shop or run a car agency with Untenmaru and live happier with a job that won't make him push himself down a rabbit hole with his complexes. That gives me a vague idea- when anon mentioned it as a vestige. There is a *vestige* version in every main character.
Most are 5 year old kids, the age they got inspired to be a hero. All Might has three inner selves the fire of OFA version, his reflection in his UA uniform and the main one is a child version in his middle school years when he met Nana in uniform. They are all ghosts of the past selves which were an important milestone of their lives especially the vital Origin.
The child in everyone else like Deku or Ochako is the child that wanted to be a hero or was inspired at that age. Or was full of hope for something they wanted even the one inside Toya(mountain training suit) and Tenko(as the black haired kid who played All Might with his friends) and Toga(as a kid that bit the bird before rejection).
But Endeavor is his UA self and looks to be the age he signed his papers choosing his hero name so around 17. Not his middle school self who lost his father and should have gained Origin motivations as his older self said. It's as if his father's death at the hands of someone he terms a bad person (and yet not 'villain') was irrelevant to his motivations. His older teen vestige is deeply affected by their father's weakness, but calm and pragmatic, philosophical about an abstract concept that lays no blame on anything but fate and birth and innate weakness. And thus his internal motivation seems more of wanting to be a hero because he went to hero high school. Rather than what might seem an easy assumption to make he was hard on villains because of bias because of his father's futile death against crime.
In which case I'd fully support AFO being there. Even though I feel they are random nobodies drawn for no real reason. Someone also drew comparisons to other manga characters even though the mob is off-model. But if AFO even started it all for Kotaro too and yet Kotaro was his own person and a whole adult even with AFO just like Endeavor. As it seems Endeavor wouldn't take it all that personally blaming himself and his father instead and put the nation over himself if a revenge scenario arises.
Enji and Untenmaru should open a flower shop together! Maru loves flowers!!!
His older teen vestige is deeply affected by their father's weakness, but calm and pragmatic, philosophical about an abstract concept that lays no blame on anything but fate and birth and innate weakness
This shit right here! I also feel that despite having so much reason to hate villains he is really indifferent to them. It's as if his father's death was his own fault - he died because he was weak. This way of thinking about victimhood is actually pretty disturbing. Like, for a regular person, the story sounds like this "A man attempted to save a girl from a villain but ended up tragically dying with her" but for Enji it's "My father attempted to save someone but he lost". You wouldn't think of your father's death as his failure if you were a normal person, but to me, it seems like this is exactly how Enji feels
Enji's father can be labelled a lot of things. Was he a kind-hearted civilian who just wanted to help? Was he someone playing hero? Was he a tragic victim? Was he labelled a bad guy for getting involved? Was his death reported on the news like a cautionary tale for anyone trying to be a vigilante? Who was he? What was he called? For Enji, he was first and foremost a loser
And you know. This is not a normal way to think. I don't think it is. Where did he get this idea from? My best guess is that he watched TV all day long, where heroes fought villains like it was some sort of video game and he adopted the worldview the media was selling to him. It's ridiculous when you think about it. Heroes emerged victorious, defeating the villains! Imagine how dystopian it would sound in real life, though. (rough parallels) Police officers emerged victorious, defeating the bank robbers. It just sounds wrong. This is not a sports tournament, why are there winners or losers? Why are you rooting for criminals to be defeated? It's dehumanizing for both sides
Enji grew up looking up to heroes and substantially he adopted this idea of superhumans and the importance of strength. It was a world he lived in and the world where his father died not because someone killed him but because he was a loser. And that sucks!
I think his "vestige" looks older because back at the moment his father died he might've processed it all differently (maybe, more emotionally and more sincerely) but over time it formed into what it formed
Afo really is a master manipulator though I doubt it was anything on purpose. If he was there it was because he needed the girl, Enji's just a byproduct
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