#Benjamin Bello
thejohnfleming · 6 months
'President of Africa' cleared by Reuters of US invasion threat to support Trump
Last week, I blogged here about the fact that the Reuters news agency was investigating  – for a second time – whether ‘President Obonjo’ (aka comedian Benjamin Bello) really is the president of an African country. In fact, this time, the worrying suspicion was that he is actually the President of the whole of Africa and that he had threatened to invade the US in support of Donald…
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agentfascinateur · 8 months
The World Court & the concept of R2P (Responsability to Protect)
"R2P," as it is commonly abbreviated, was adopted by heads of state and government at the World Summit in 2005 sitting as the United Nations General Assembly. (...)
R2P should be understood as a solemn promise made by leaders of every country to all men and women endangered by mass atrocities."
The concept of R2P implies that if a State manifestly fails to comply with its obligation to protect its population from four particular crimes – genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity – the international community has a responsibility to take joint action to protect the people in question. 
Prima facie ✔️
Validity of South Africa's action ✔️
Proportionality ✔️
Obligation under occupation to prevent genocide ✔️
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To José Bello Paris, 17 February 1929 ATTENTION! Everything underlined in red is worth ruminating after an initial careful read-through. Dearest Pepín, I got your laconic letter asking me to tell you what topics to write on in your article for L’Amic de les Arts. I’ve already said we very much enjoyed the list of the things you are interested in, and that Dalí was going to send it to L’Amic. I told him to cut out a couple of things, like the one about the Holy Christ’s arses, not because it was in bad taste, because it seemed in excellent taste to me (bearing in mind those aforementioned arses are the only ones you can take out to play without them running off and getting run over by a tram), but rather because the censors might have stepped in and given you a hard time. I think that is precisely the kind of work you should be doing, confident that you will do great things. When you write, rid yourself of all prejudice, forget what people think is literary or in good taste, or idiotic, etc., and give free rein to your instinct. Of course, there will be days when you do nothing, but one day you’ll be inspired, your irrationality will break free, and that’s when great things will happen, you’ll see. Then it’s just a question of a few stylistic revisions (which are very easy), eliminating anything superfluous and leaving just the essential. Never set out to write about something specific, just take up your pen and paper and allow your hand to write freely. Also, never, ever, contemplate writing to a preconceived plot. That’s enough advice for now. I’m sure when we’re together again I’ll be much more help. I’m also sure you will produce great things. You have always been a surrealist and only a surrealist at heart, which is already enough, because surrealism IS THE ONLY INTERESTING THING IN ARTISTIC(?) CREATION. I’ll translate some Benjamín Péret for you below; he’s Dalí’s and my idol, the best poet of our age, maybe of all ages. I’ll also put in one of Dalí’s recent essays and, finally, an extract from a very long and magnificent story I wrote a while ago and that will be included in the book. I’m sure you will love it: it’s infinitely better and more ambitious than our Hamlet. BENJAMIN PERET: I’m writing a supplement on him (with examples) for La Gaceta, which you, Dalí and I will sign. Péret is the big thing in surrealism. If you were here with us, you’d really love reading him. What I’m putting in here for you is just a pale reflection. Bear in mind the difference between the surreal and the simply idiotic that does, however, have some of the same inclinations. Surrealism animates day-to-day reality with all kinds of dark symbols and the strange life in the depths of our subconscious that intelligence, good taste and all that traditional poetic shit has suppressed altogether. That’s why it’s so alive, so close to the primal life-source, to the savage and the child. It is authentic reality, without a posteriori deformation. When we say that Menjou’s moustache does this or that, we are saying more than when we look at the latest torpedo and talk about how fast it can go. For that, you need culture and experience. And honestly, Menjou’s moustache is faster than 50-horse power. We must fight, with our scorn and our rage, all traditional poetry from Homer to Goethe via Góngora – the foulest creature ever born – to the ruinous little turds produced by today’s poets. I’m sorry these suggestions are so unhelpful and so badly expressed, but I’ll make up for them when we’re together. I’m too lazy now to write out the extract from my story. Anyway, I’d prefer you read the whole thing together. The book will be out in about three weeks and I’ll send you a copy at once. You’ll see, modesty aside (and modesty is beside the point anyway, because I only wrote down what I saw), that it’s wonderful. It’s about a soirée at my house that ends in disaster. I’m compelled to visit a wise friend, where strange things happen. From there I end up in hospital on the outskirts of Toledo, where other things happen. In the end I die, not before making my last testament – and what a testament, as you will see – and finally… ‘It was barely said and done in time for me to expire decorously. Four pallbearers took my body and carried it to the church next door to be buried. They lifted the pestilent lid of Cardinal Tavera’s tomb and, taking out his carrion corpse and throwing it on a dung heap as even the poor no longer cared for it, they placed me in there for all eternity. MAY ALL THE LOINCLOTHS REST IN PEACE!!!’ It ends on this line, which is also the title. You should have seen the state the carrion corpse of the Cardinal was in as even the poor no longer cared for it. You’ll piss yourself laughing at everything that goes on with me and the priests, as much as I pissed myself writing it. The poem I sent you in my last letter was based on some lines from this story. By the way, in your last letter you said I hadn’t written for ages. Mine must have crossed yours in the post. You will appreciate the distance that separates you, me and Dalí from all of our poet friends. Incompatible worlds, the north pole of Earth and south pole of Mars, and they are all in the most rancid crater of putrefacción, with no exceptions. Federico wants to write surrealism, but it’s fake, written with intelligence, WHICH IS INCAPABLE OF DISCOVERING WHAT INSTINCT DISCOVERS. The latest excerpt published in La Gaceta shows just how bad. It’s just as artistic as his ‘Ode to the Most Holy Sacrament’, a fetid ode to stiffen the weak pricks of Falla and his artistic kind. Although, when it comes to the irremediably traditional, Federico is one of the best if not the best of them. Alberti disturbs me even more than the idea God exists; than the thought of faeces flowing in the bellies of pretty women; than the Society of Conferences and Courses; the Aragonese jota, concerts by the Symphony Orchestra, than Aladrén; I find Alberti repulsive through and through. The poor thing is trying to make fools of us. If only he could. Alberti, anti-vital and garrulous Alberti. Piu piu currucutupiu tiu tiu tiu. Our film gets stuck into all of this. Moves in the same world. I begin next month. That’s it. Much love from, Buñuel PS Write something and send it to me.
Jo Evans & Breixo Viejo, Luis Buñuel: A Life in Letters
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Here’s Why Everyone Is Talking About A Pirate Drama That Ended In 2017
Black Sails has been described as Game of Thrones with pirates
If Black Sails kicked off in 2020 instead of 2014, it certainly would have thrown fuel on the raging fire that was TikTok’s sea shanty obsession. The reality is that this TV series aired on Starz from 2014 for four seasons, coming to a close in 2017. So why is everyone talking about it now, a decade after it began?
Black Sails is coming to Netflix very soon, triggering its fans to emerge from the woodwork and promote the show online. ‘I am SO excited for people who’ll be watching this show for the first time,’ one user wrote, with many others recommending the series to fans of Game of Thrones. With House of the Dragon still a few months away, here’s why you should tune into Black Sails this month.
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New To Netflix: Black Sails
What Is Black Sails About?
Black Sails transports us back to 1715 – aka the Golden Age of Piracy. Set in New Providence, an island in the Bahamas, we meet the feared Captain Flint (Toby Stephens) who brings a new younger crew member into the fold (‘Long’ John Silver, played by Luke Arnold) as his crew continues to fight for survival and negotiate their space on the island.
Is Black Sails Based On A Book?
Black Sails was written as a prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic novel, Treasure Island (1883).
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Is It Based On A True Story?
While Black Sails isn’t based on a true story, it does trace real events. The first season focuses on the hunt for the Spanish treasure galleon Urca de Lima, a real ship that sank in 1715 near Fort Pierce in Florida (where it still lies). Season two traces the fallout of Urca de Lima’s treasure being stranded in Florida, strictly guarded by Spanish soldiers while pirates prowl the shores. The subsequent third and fourth seasons then look at the war for the control of New Providence between the pirates and the British Empire – a la Pirates of the Caribbean.
Likewise, some of the characters are based on real people. Real pirates fictionalised in the show include:
Blackbeard (Ray Stevenson)
Anne Bonny (Clara Paget)
Benjamin Hornigold (Hakeem Kae-Kazim)
Jack Rackham (Toby Schmitz)
Charles Vane (Zach McGowan)
Ned Low (Tadhg Murphy)
Israel Hands (David Wilmot)
Meanwhile, Captain Woodes Rogers (Luke Roberts) – who represents the British Empire in seasons three and four – is based on a real English sea captain and slave trader, and subsequently the first Royal Governor of the Bahamas.
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Was Captain Flint A Real Pirate?
Captain Flint is a fictional character who was first created by Robert Louis Stevenson in Treasure Island. He has since appeared in multiple works of fiction, including A. D. Howden Smith’s Porto Bello Gold (1924), John Drake’s Flint and Silver (2008), Pieces of Eight (2009) and Skull and Bones (2010), and J. M. Barrie’s Peter and Wendy (1904).
Where Was Black Sails Filmed?
Black Sails was filmed in Cape Town, South Africa, mainly inside at Cape Town Film Studio. Because the real city is so different today than it was in the 1700s, Nassau – the capital of the Bahamas, located on New Providence island – was built from scratch in a studio over a period of four months, as were two large water tanks to house the series’ two ships. Some scenes were filmed outside in and around Cape Town when new terrain was required, but most of the series was filmed on set.
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The Cast
The cast of Black Sails is incredibly large, but key characters to know include:
Toby Stephens as James McGraw/Captain Flint
Hannah New as Eleanor Guthrie
Luke Arnold as ‘Long’ John Silver
Jessica Parker Kennedy as Max
Tom Hopper as William ‘Billy Bones’ Manderly
Zach McGowan as Charles Vane
Toby Schmitz as Jack Rackham
Clara Paget as Anne Bonny
Mark Ryan as Hal Gates
Hakeem Kae-Kazim as Mr. Scott
Sean Cameron Michael as Richard Guthrie
Louise Barnes as Miranda Hamilton/Barlow
Rupert Penry-Jones as Thomas Hamilton
Luke Roberts as Woodes Rogers
Ray Stevenson as Edward Teach
David Wilmot as Israel Hands
Harriet Walter as Marion Guthrie
The Trailer
Interested? Here’s the trailer for a taste of the action.
All episodes of Black Sails are streaming on Netflix from 17 April 2024.
Source: Country & Town House
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pupsmailbox · 22 days
Soda/orange/fanta/kidcore/drink/sweetvoice themed names?? Sorry if this is a weird suggestion, we've been looking for more names for me!! My current ones are in am attachment below :]]
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here and here !! perhaps I'll make a soda/drink related list in the future !! also for fun heres some similars lists !!
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Similar to Tommy:  ali. alice. alvin. amy. ari. ava. benji. billy. bobby. chad. charlotte. dani. demi. ella. emma. emmie. emmy. ernie. ethan. frankie. henry. hollie. isabella. jack. jaime. james. jamie. joey. justin. krystal. leo. liam. lily. louie. lucas. malik. mason. mikaela. molly. noah. oliver. ollie. perry. poppy. raleigh. reggie. rocky. ronnie. shawn. sonny. tahan. taimo. taj. tama. tamma. tammy. tana. tanya. tatum. tawny. teddi. teenie. teman. temi. terry. thameena. thanh. theo. theodore. theone. thian. thomas. tiimu. tim. timea. tina. tiyenna. toby. tom. tomai. tomo. tomoya. tomoyo. tonia. tony. tuan. tunu. tyme. william. + more
Similar to Bill:  abel. abiel. able. aidan. amelia. arthur. bahula. bail. bailey. bala. bayle. baylee. beale. beau. beil. beile. bel. bela. belah. belay. bell. bella. belle. bello. ben. benjamin. bernon. bernot. bertek. beulah. beyla. bilal. billie. billy. blu. blue. bly. boyle. brinleigh. brinley. bull. cain. caleb. cleveland. dahlia. daisy. ed. elesio. ethan. frank. georgie. glasgow. greene. greg. guss. henry. hillel. jack. jericko. killiean. kylar. lacrosse. liam. luke. marys. matthaeus. miami. miller. mills. mozes. narcisse. stella. summer. suse. will. william. wyatt. zoe. + more
Similar to Ollie:  albie. alfie. ali. alia. allie. amelia. ari. arlo. armani. augie. avi. briar. cali. charlie. charlotte. corentin. darby. dorcas. eli. elis. ella. ellie. emmett. evoni. finley. finn. freddie. harleigh. harris. henry. hollis. holly. ike. jack. joey. kali. karlie. kinsleigh. kinzley. leen. leo. leone. liam. lon. louie. malia. maraca. marlee. marleigh. marley. mcpherson. mel. milo. mollie. molly. myrtis. neera. neeva. nicolina. noah. nonya. ohela. ola. olai. olalla. ole. oleh. oliver. olivia. olya. oscar. owen. owl. oyewole. ozie. ozzie. pixie. raleigh. ruby. sahari. sunya. theo. theodore. tylda. violet. westyn. + more
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otoso · 13 days
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Martin Bobb-Semple
per BELLO Young Hollywood
Photography David Higgs @higgsy_photography
Styling Benjamin Holtrop @benjaminholtrop
Grooming Heather Weppler @heatherlurk for Exclusive Artists using ILIA and Camille Rose
Interview Anna Dória @_______elcosmosyanna
Production + creative Direction Isabela Costa @isa.chromatic
Production + Location @bellomediagroup x @maisonpriveepr_la
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diceriadelluntore · 9 months
I Miei Libri del 2023
Leggere libri è il gioco più bello che l’umanità abbia inventato. Wisława Szymborska
1 - Benjamin Stevenson - Tutti nella mia famiglia hanno ucciso qualcuno
2 - Bernardo Zannoni - I miei stupidi intenti
3 - Michela Marzano - L'amore che mi resta
4 - Martin Griffin - L'impostore
5 - Eric Fouassier - L'ufficio degli affari occulti
6 - Wendy Doniger - L'anello della verità
7 - Peter Hopkirk - Il Grande Circo
8 - Carmine Pinto - Il Brigante e il Generale
9 - Susan Cain - Il dono della malinconia
10 - Dennis Duncan - Indice, Storia dell'
11 - Maria Grazia Calandrone - Dove non mi hai portata
12 - Eshkol Nevo - Tre Piani
13 - Marcus Du Sautoy - L'enigma dei numeri primi
14 - Pietro Trifone - Brutte, sporche e cattive
15 - Giuseppe Barbera - Agrumi. Una Storia del Mondo
16 - Gianrico Carofiglio - Della gentilezza e del coraggio
17 - Audrey Magee - La colonia
18 - Edith Wharton - L'età dell'innocenza
19 - Antti Tuomainen - Il fattore coniglio
20 - Geoff Dyer - Natura morta con custodia di sax
21 - Franco Lorenzoni - Educare controvento
22 - Toshikazu Kawaguchi - Finché il caffè è caldo
23 - Florian Illies - 1913
24 - Francesco Paolo De Ceglia - Vampyr
25 - Richard Osman - Il Club dei delitti del giovedì
26 - Giulio Boccaletti - Acqua
27 - Domenico Dara - Malinverno
28 - Alessandra Necci - Al cuore dell'Impero
29 - Andrew Verghese - Il patto dell'acqua
30 - J.F. Powers - Morte d'Urban
31 - Imma Eramo - Il Mondo Antico in 20 Stratagemmi
32 - Gianni Solla - Il ladro di quaderni
33 - Alice Cappagli - Niente caffè per Spinoza
34 - A.K. Blakemore - Le streghe di Manningtree
35 - A.J. West - La meccanica degli spiriti
36 - Eric Fouassier - Il fantasma del Vicario
37 - Beatrice Salvioni - La Malnata
Nel 2023, finalmente, ho superato le 10 mila pagine lette, arrivando a quota 11336. Era un piccolo limite personale, niente di competitivo, ma il fatto di aver cambiato metodo di lettura mi ha aiutato nell'intento. Quest'anno ho letto anche libri su consigli di amici di Tumblr, uno tra questi è stato un regalo graditissimo. Per quelle vie misteriose e magiche che i libri ti fanno seguire, a volte ho comprato, senza saperlo, libri che sono complementari per tematiche e trame. Obiettivo del prossimo anno è leggere un classico a trimestre. Se ci sono curiosità sui titoli, chiedete!
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aboutshining · 5 months
sono molto stanca 😴
Adesso guardo un film e vado a dormire ✨
Penso di vedere time Is up 2 , lo conoscete ? è di Benjamin Mascolo (si quello di Benji e fede) ho visto il primo qualche tempo fa e mi è piaciuto molto🤍
E comunque sono abbastanza in ansia per le interrogazioni/verifiche di domani , MA C'È UNA COSA BELLA @girluscitadawattpad domani mi porta un nuovo libro da leggere📖
Si chiama Better o Batter una cosa del genere credo🤔
Qualcuno di voi l'ha letto?? è bello???
Buonanotte 🎀
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asambleaeru · 3 months
Hey hoy al habla Daniel Molloy.
Tengo el gusto de presentar al príncipe de los vampiros al más excéntrico y egocéntrico de los vampiros pero también el pilar de todos. Amado por muchos odiados por otros pocos les presentamos este lado curioso del príncipe para aquellos que no han tenido el gusto de leer mis libros o de ir a uno de sus conciertos. Cinco preguntas para Lestat el vampiro.
Benji : ¡Si, señores! ¿Que pensaban? Que no íbamos a entrevistar al pilar de nuestro clan. Claro que sí, tenemos cinco minutos con Lestat le dejamos acá la entrevista.
1 —¿Que siento por Magnus?
Ah es complicado, al inicio lo deteste porque el me dió el Don oscuro sin darme la oportunidad de negarme, simplemente me rapto una noche llamándome matalobos y realizó el ritual de conversión que ya todos conocemos.
Ahora que ya han pasado un par de siglos desde aquella vez y que ya he sanado mis heridas siento admiración... Mi creador fue el único capaz de capturar a un vampiro antiguo y robarle su poder, dándose el Don oscuro el mismo ¿Quien más ha hecho tal osadía? Además ahora le estoy agradecido porque simplemente yo nací para ser vampiro —en ese momento suelta una de sus acostumbradas carcajadas—
2- ¿Que te llevo a alejarte de Louis ?
. En su libro el mismo Louis lo dice, él quiso alejarse de mi y lo logró con ayuda de Claudia. Ahora tenemos una relación donde estamos juntos por un momento Pero él siempre quiere recorrer el mundo y yo... Bueno cada quien toma su rumbo para de nuevo volver a encontrarse. ah, Pero nunca he querido alejarme de Louis simplemente que somos tan diferentes que al final terminamos alejándonos aunque siempre volvemos.
Daniel : Tus libros y los suyos son una versión diferente de cada parte de la historia y como tal no son demasiado claros. Siento que Claudia ayudó al quiebre de ese romance.
3- ¿Por qué ese empeño en darte a conocer con los humanos?
simplemente lo llevo en mi naturaleza. Desde que era mortal quise darme a conocer, primero siendo un artista de teatro, luego matando a unos lobos que tenían amenazados a mi gente. Siempre quise sobresalir y no ser simplemente uno más del montón. Así que cuando me volví vampiro, sabía que vivir en el anonimato iba a ser mi mayor condena. Además yo que nunca hubiera querido este Don oscuro porque amaba mi mortalidad... Siento cierta debilidad por los mortales y siempre he creído que ellos podrían darnos caza si así lo quisieran... Simplemente me doy a conocer por los mortales simplemente para no perder la mortalidad que aún trato de conservar, no quiero ser simplemente un vampiro desalmado... No, la mortalidad siempre ha Sido lo más bello que a pesar de todo conservamos.
4— ¿Que sientes por Armand ?
¿Por qué me preguntas precisamente eso? Amo a Armand claro que no amo, así como amo a Marius, a Louis, a ti mismo Benjamin, a Sybelle, a mi querida Rose y Viktor... Claro que le amo y jamás permitirá que nada ni nadie le lastimara
Benjamín: "Lo preguntamos porque la audiencia de los libros de Ambos tiene esta mentalidad que ustedes aunque jamas podrán estar juntos se aman pero se odian por esa misma razón.
5— ¿Que esperas de la asamblea?
La asamblea... Ah, simplemente quiero que cada uno de los vampiros antiguos y los jóvenes no volvamos a sentirnos solos, que cada uno de nosotros tengamos un lugar a dónde llegar en caso de necesidad, que dejemos de matarnos los unos con los otros, que todos podamos vivir bajo unas mismas normas y así mismo convivir con otros seres e incluso mortales en armonía. Esa es mi idea de la asamblea desde un inicio
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tower-of-hana · 6 months
Translation of the Vatican Latin Blog's post on Israel-Palestine
Inhuman Massacre of Journalists
In the war, which Israelies brought against Gaza around October journalists, were being killed.
Three more months have passed, as a result of which the Palestinian group who are usually called Hamas, after firing incendiary (the word he uses here appears to be an italian/romance word that means vomiting fire) missiles into Israel and attacking many times inside its borders (lit: making many incursions into its borders), killed 1,200 men and captured 247 civilians and kept the same hostages. Everyone knew the same day that the horrible facts came out that Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, announced a war with Hamas and their troops began to bring weapons into Gaza by land and sea in order to avenge a monstrous and cruel terror attack. And until now all the time, Israeli soldiers, who destroy this city and region and have not stopped killing thousands and thousands of innocent inhabitants, have also killed as many as 79 journalists, the Commision to Protect Journalists has alleged. Because this is a horrible and detestable crime.
Immanis Diurnariorum Strages
In bello, quod Israelitae contra Gazam intulerunt, circiter octoginta ephemeridum scriptores hodie usque interfecti sunt
Tres amplius menses elapsi sunt, ex quo Palaestinorum grex, qui vulgo Hamas appellatur, postquam ignivoma missilia in Israelitas coniecit multasque incursiones in eorum fines fecit, homines mille ac ducentos occidit atque cives ducentos quadraginta septem cepit eosdemque pro obsidibus retinuit. Omnes sciunt eodem die, quo luctuosa facta evenerunt, Beniaminum Netanyahu, primarium Israelis administrum, ut tam infandum tamque crudelem impetum tromocraticum ulcisceretur, Hamasianis bellum indixisse atque copias suas arma terra marique Gazae inferre coepisse. Et ad hoc usque tempus Israelitarum milites, qui urbem illam regionemque vastare ac milia et milia incolarum innocentium necare non cessant, saltem undeoctoginta ephemeridum scriptores, ut Commissio diurnariis tutandis, Anglico sermone Committee to Protect Journalists, asseverat, quoque interfecerunt. Quod horribile est scelus et abominandum.
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thejohnfleming · 7 months
Reuters suspects that a comedian may secretly be a real-life African dictator...
With all the misinformation swirling around, it is good to know that the Reuters news agency takes its journalistic responsibilities seriously when supplying worldwide news and media sources with facts. But a joke’s a joke. Reuters employs around 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide.  In August last year, Reuters fact-checked President Obonjo, a British…
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wilhelm--fink · 1 year
Books wishlist
A House with Good Bones - T. Kingfisher
The Art of Drag
The Art of Invisibility - Kevin Mitnick
Ballet de Sangre - Luis I. Rodríguez
Die Blechtrommel - Günter Grass
Carmilla - Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Los Carpinchos - Alfredo Soderguit
Cicada - Shaun Tan
Confessions of a crap artist - Philip K. Dick
Crisis: Heterosexual Behavior in the Age of Aides - William Masters
The Crow Road - Iain Banks
Cuando Moctezuma conoció a Cortés - Matthew Restall
La Dame au petit chien - Anton Tchekhov
Designing graphic props for filmmaking - Annie Atkins
El día que los crayones renunciaron - Oliver Jeffers
Doctor Faustus - Christopher Marlowe
Ducks - Kate Beaton
The Ear - Piret Raud
First we read, then we write - Robert D Richardson
From the Velvets to the Voidoids: The Birth of American Punk Rock - Clinton Heylin
Genderqueer: A Memoir - Maia Kobabe
The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence - Gavin de Becker
He forgot to say goodbye - Benjamin Alire Saenz
Horns - Joe Hill
How Music Works - David Byrne
Illustrators In & Out
Is there a fish in your ear? - David Bellos
I Want You - Lisa Hanawalt
Killing Commendatore - Haruki Murakami
Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground - Michael Moynihan, Didrik Søderlind
Mendel el de los libros - Stefan Zweig
Mirages - Laurent Durieux
Miseria - Suzanne Heller
Pink Lemonade - Nick Cagnetti
Professor Astro Cat's Human Body Odyssey - Dominic Walliman
The Question of German Guilt - Karl Jaspers
Russian Olive to Red King - Kathryn Immonen
Saga - Brain K Vaugn
The Sick Rose: Disease and the Art of Medical Illustrarion - Richard Barnett
Something is Killing the Children
The Taqwacores - Michael Muhammad Knight
Tokio ya no nos quiere - Ray Loriga
The Trees Grew Because I Bled There - Eric LaRocca
Us - Sara Soler
Venus in Furs - Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
La vida secreta de los mocos - Mariona Tolosa Sisteré
The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction - Neil Gaiman
What Moves the Dead - T. Kingfisher
X-Ray Me! - Felicitas Horstschäferyo
You too can have a body like mine - Alexandra Kleeman
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After 5 - Capitolo Finale
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:: Trama After 5 :: La saga è arrivata al suo capitolo finale: anche questa volta Tessa e Hardin ti lasceranno a bocca aperta.
Genere: Romance, Dramma Rilasciato: 2023-09-13 Regista: Jennifer Gibgot, Mark Canton, Courtney Solomon, Nicolas Chartier, Diego Moyano Stelle: Josephine Langford, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Mimi Keene, Benjamin Mascolo, Louise Lombard
Un film (in Italiano anche pellicola) è una serie di immagini che, dopo essere state registrate su uno o più supporti cinematografici e una volta proiettate su uno schermo, creano l'illusione di un'immagine in movimento.[1] Questa illusione ottica permette a colui che guarda lo schermo, nonostante siano diverse immagini che scorrono in rapida successione, di percepire un movimento continuo.
Il processo di produzione cinematografica viene considerato ad oggi sia come arte che come un settore industriale. Un film viene materialmente creato in diversi metodi: riprendendo una scena con una macchina da presa, oppure fotografando diversi disegni o modelli in miniatura utilizzando le tecniche tradizionali dell'animazione, oppure ancora utilizzando tecnologie moderne come la CGI e l'animazione al computer, o infine grazie ad una combinazione di queste tecniche.
L'immagine in movimento può eventualmente essere accompagnata dal suono. In tale caso il suono può essere registrato sul supporto cinematografico, assieme all'immagine, oppure può essere registrato, separatamente dall'immagine, su uno o più supporti fonografici.
Con la parola cinema (abbreviazione del termine inglese cinematography, "cinematografia") ci si è spesso normalmente riferiti all'attività di produzione dei film o all'arte a cui si riferisce. Ad oggi con questo termine si definisce l'arte di stimolare delle esperienze per comunicare idee, storie, percezioni, sensazioni, il bello o l'atmosfera attraverso la registrazione o il movimento programmato di immagini insieme ad altre stimolazioni sensoriali.[2]
In origine i film venivano registrati su pellicole di materiale plastico attraverso un processo fotochimico che poi, grazie ad un proiettore, si rendevano visibili su un grande schermo. Attualmente i film sono spesso concepiti in formato digitale attraverso tutto l'intero processo di produzione, distribuzione e proiezione.
Il film è un artefatto culturale creato da una specifica cultura, riflettendola e, al tempo stesso, influenzandola. È per questo motivo che il film viene considerato come un'importante forma d'arte, una fonte di intrattenimento popolare ed un potente mezzo per educare (o indottrinare) la popolazione. Il fatto che sia fruibile attraverso la vista rende questa forma d'arte una potente forma di comunicazione universale. Alcuni film sono diventati popolari in tutto il mondo grazie all'uso del doppiaggio o dei sottotitoli per tradurre i dialoghi del film stesso in lingue diverse da quella (o quelle) utilizzata nella sua produzione.
Le singole immagini che formano il film sono chiamate "fotogrammi". Durante la proiezione delle tradizionali pellicole di celluloide, un otturatore rotante muove la pellicola per posizionare ogni fotogramma nella posizione giusta per essere proiettato. Durante il processo, fra un frammento e l'altro vengono creati degli intervalli scuri, di cui però lo spettatore non nota la loro presenza per via del cosiddetto effetto della persistenza della visione: per un breve periodo di tempo l'immagine permane a livello della retina. La percezione del movimento è dovuta ad un effetto psicologico definito come "fenomeno Phi".
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reading-marika · 16 days
Back to School Book Tag
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Ciao a tutti! In vista dell'inizio della scuola oggi vi propongo un book tag a tema. Spero vi piaccia!! Ditemi anche le vostre risposte :)
Italiano: il tuo autore italiano preferito.
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A questa domanda ho faticato a rispondere perché, purtroppo, conosco poco la letteratura italiana, anche quella contemporanea. Però ho scelto Pier Vittorio Tondelli, autore di cui ho letto solo un'opera, "Camere Separate", ma di cui vorrei recuperare tutto. In TBR ho già "Pao Pao".
Matematica: un libro complesso, ma che hai amato.
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A questa domanda avrei potuto rispondere con molti libri, ma ho scelto "I Falsari" di André Gide, autore francese del '900 che già affrontai con il suo primo romanzo "L'Immoralista". "I Falsari" è un romanzo complesso nella sua semplicità, è un affresco della società francese dell'epoca, in particolare si concentra sulla scoperta di sé stessi ed è perfetto per chi ancora non sa chi è.
Scienze: un libro che ti ha fatto mettere in discussione qualcosa.
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Questo romanzo, che cavalca le onde di "1984" di George Orwell, è un pugno nello stomaco, perché parla di come in una società "normale" possa prendere piede uno stato totalitarista. Davvero attuale e crudo.
Storia: un libro ambientato in un diverso periodo storico.
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Anche a questa domanda avrei potuto rispondere con più titoli, perché leggo molti libri ambientati in epoche diverse, ma ho deciso di citarvi "North & South" di Elizabeth Gaskell, mio primo approccio a questa autrice inglese dell'800. Questo romanzo non vuole raccontare solo di una storia d'amore, bensì descrive la società inglese dell'epoca, in particolare della media e bassa borghesia, affiancate alla povertà.
Arte: il tuo libro illustrato preferito.
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"Spiriti e Creature del Giappone" illustrato da Benjamin Lacombe è il più bello che ho letto di questa categoria. Il precedente di questa collana l'ho apprezzato, ma non amato. Non si tratta di un romanzo, bensì di una selezione di racconti di Hearn Lafcadio che riguardano gli spiriti giapponesi, davvero una chicca!
Inglese: un libro che vorresti diventasse un film.
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A questa domanda, più in generale, risponderei con tutti i fantasy che ho amato, ma in particolare vi cito "The Will of the Many" di James Islington, il primo volume di una saga fantasy ricco di dettagli ed emozioni. Non mi metto a parlare di questo romanzo, perché ci metterei anni, ma vorrei moltissimo poter vedere la sua trasposizione cinematografica.
Motoria: un libro che ti ha fatto sudare.
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Ovviamente, non posso citare solo libri che mi sono piaciuti, perciò ecco "Bellezza e Tristezza", un romanzo del '900 giapponese che ho quasi odiato. Non parlo di stile di scrittura, perché quello è decisamente bello, ma parlo proprio della trama e, soprattutto dei personaggi. Nonostante siano ben caratterizzati, non sono riuscita ad empatizzare con nessuno di loro, anzi li ripudiavo per le loro scelte. Finirlo è stato un martirio.
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Funke Akindele’s Upcoming Film “Finding Me” Has a Star-Studded Cast
Funke Akindele’s Upcoming Film “Finding Me” Has a Star-Studded Cast
Award-winning director and producer of “A Tribe Called Judah“, Funke Akindele is working on her next big movie project, and it has a star-studded cast. Written, directed and produced by Funke Akindele herself, the film titled “Finding Me” features Funke Akindele, Shaffy Bello, Dele Odule, Sharon Ooja, Tina Mba, Dakore Egbuson-Akande, Omoni Oboli, Omowunmi Dada, Efe Iwara, Joseph Benjamin, Femi…
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