#Berserker family
sarnai4 · 6 months
The (Dis)Agreeable
I'm not sure if this is a hot take or not, but it goes against some of the things implied in the series (spoilers for RTTE). I don't think Oswald the Agreeable was a good father.
The show paints him as this peaceful, friendly man who never wanted wars and loved his kids. Sounds great, but I find contradicting evidence in the episodes.
There is something to be said about young Dagur's conduct with people. I get it that he's got probably a cocktail of mental illnesses, but that doesn't mean that he's incapable of acting in nonviolent ways. We see him do just that later. So, why was he not told as a kid, "No, don't try to drown your friends. That's mean and dangerous. Don't put people in cages and feed them cod heads." etc.? I feel like the first part at least was never told to him because he didn't act like him almost drowning Hiccup was in fact a scary experience for the younger Viking. Not saying that Oswald needed to watch his every move, but Dagur isn't a shy person. He's noticeable. If he's doing something (assuming his goal isn't to be sneaky, which it didn't seem to be with that drowning attempt), you're going to see/feel/hear him. Why not just sit him down and explain what's right and wrong? Dagur recalls being told to not do things like chase chickens and have axes, but I'm not sure if there's really a reason given behind it vs just knowing that his father didn't want him to do that.
And then there's Ansson. If you've read my previous post, you know I think he's at least 8 years older than Dagur. That makes me wonder where Oswald was during all that. This begins tying into another point. His relationship with Dagur must have been pretty bad if the other Berserkers actually thought Dagur killed him. Aside from the implausibility of Hiccup being able to, if he said he killed Stoick, people would be shocked because they know the two Vikings care about one another. No one seemed to bat an eye with this. "Dagur killed his old man? Yeah, figured that was just a matter of time." What were their interactions like if something so violent just made sense? To address a counterargument, maybe they just believed this because of Dagur being who he is. Fair, but here is the major issue: they never should have been able to think Dagur killed Oswald.
Where did Oswald go? We know he shipwrecked on Vanaheim, but where was he headed and why? Clearly, Dagur wasn't with him if he got lost out on sea. Dagur also didn't know where he was. No one else did either. Therefore, it implies that Oswald left home without telling anyone. I doubt this was to sign a treaty since that was stated that he'd bring Dagur along and I'm assuming the other Berserkers would know. So, why did Oswald suddenly leave without telling anyone where he was going? As both a father and chief, that's irresponsible. They have 50k soldiers, so who knows how many overall Vikings they have when you take into account kids, the elderly, and whoever just wasn't a soldier? Oswald left Dagur with all of these people. It's obvious that the boy wasn't ready. We saw how well that first year of being a chief went. At least, I'd expect him to tell someone, but no one knew. This sounds like he didn't just go out, he left. Oswald left and had no intention of coming back.
Then, you have "The Search for Oswald...and Chicken." There are a few things which are said here hat bother me. The letter itself was strange since Oswald mentioned Dagur protecting Heather even though she was a small child when she was lost and given the annual nature of the treaty visits, Oswald would have left long after she was missing. I think this is just a case of a plot hole that no one caught, but if we make it canonical, it's him fantasizing about his preferred life. He might have gone mad on that island. I can think of no other reason for him to write a letter about and to the daughter he'd no longer had on their home for years. Along that line of thinking, I doubt we can trust that his positive words to his son were genuine as opposed to being due to his false memories. Even in another part of the letter, it's sad because he mentions Dagur growing out of his "crazy, destructive" phase/stage. Dagur sort of gives a sheepish smile and it's played as a joke, but that's really sad. His son is mentally ill and he's just hoping he grows out of it like it's a papier-mache phase.
But what's the saddest part to me is Dagur's thoughts and beliefs regarding his father. After the corpse is found, Hiccup says, "He loved you" and Dagur responds, "I guess we'll never know." That is heartbreaking to me. Hiccup could have said, "He'd forgive you" or "He'd understand" and I would accept Dagur's words. That would be fine. With someone dead, you have no way of truly knowing if they'd understand why you did something or if they'd agree. That said, you should know that someone loves you. It's not something you should need to confirm when the person in question is a parent. I know this happens in real life, but a healthy parent-child bond should have both parties know, "Yeah, they love me. Even if we disagree, we love each other." Dagur makes it explicitly clear that he and Oswald don't have that type of relationship since he didn't know if Oswald loved him.
Therefore, between not being a teacher or protector in Dagur's childhood, having a relationship that feasibly could have ended in patricide, abandoning his son to lead tens of thousands of Vikings, believing his mental state was a temporary inconvenience, and not making letting it be known that he was loved, I believe that Oswald might have been agreeable, but he also was a bad father.
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killercursor · 10 months
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honestly, this shot's one of my favorites from this episode bc u can clearly see how hard loid's trying to compose himself when he saw that yor's face is swollen.
man was ready to fight someone for his fake wife.
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catwouthats · 2 months
I’m researching all the animals wolverine gets compared to so I can see which ones are most like him and to which degree they are like him.
Bro this shit is fueling headcanons…
His love language is definitely gift giving, but he wouldn’t usually say the gift is from him. It would just appear at the person’s place. Like randomly, his friends get random tiny things, and they have no fucking clue where they come from??? And things they thought they lost appear again?? They must just think they are lucky at first.
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Hello again! I was the anon that asked what interactions you would like to see with Alhaitham and Kaveh (and I am the reader that made the two listed comments). Thank you for the thoughtful response. It's so interesting to hear your perspective of these two. I hope you had a nice vacation. My one takeaway from Cyno story quest act II is that Cyrus was acquainted with the Sumeru crew's parents. He was shown in the photo from Kaveh's handout standing behind Alhaitham's father. I don't imagine they were close or anything, but it does make me intrigued. I wonder if they would explore more of that group in the future, given how they relate (literally and in parallels) with the Sumeru crew.
Hiya! I’ve finally managed to find time to dedicate to this ask, it’s scratched the itch in my brain! I, apparently, have quite a few thoughts about this topic so thank you for asking! Also !!! Thank you for previous asks AND the listed comments on my fic??? I truly appreciate the time you must have spent :,D <3333
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This!! The specific detail of Cyrus canonically being mentioned to personally have met, not only Kaveh’s father and mother and tighnari’s parents, but ALSO alhaitham’s parents drives me insane because of how it is directly unmentioned.
It’s uncertain as to the extent of Cyno’s actual relationship with kaveh’s or alhaitham’s parents, but based on what Kaveh’s mother wrote, she, personally, didn’t seem to be close with cyrus, as she records their meeting to be the first instance in which she has met all the attendees. She records that her and her husband were invited to a gathering, but she knew none of those in attendance, only that her husband seemed to be friends with “the man with long ears” - being tighnari’s father. nothing is said about kaveh’s father knowing the other people in attendance, but as it isn’t specified, it also isn’t impossible? faranak does write that it’s unlikely they’ll see any of the people in attendance again after the gathering - but i imagine that tighnari’s father here is an exception, given that he and kaveh’s father are recorded to be friends (also, the only inkling i have for the 'talkative woman' is potentially madam faruzan? but as this is so vague i'm not too sure about speculating)
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kaveh’s mother having canonically met alhaitham’s parents drives me a little bit !??!!?? because kaveh notes that the figures in the drawing seem familiar, which, of course, doesn’t mean he has identified alhaitham’s parents, especially after he disregards any potential connection with “maybe we were thinking too much.” but given tighnari’s father being a fennec it is rather odd(?) that he doesn’t make a more personal connection, at least to tighnari's father being the "friend" to his father that his mother writes about
however, in terms of what the narrative is trying to achieve in kaveh's hangout, it does make sense that these dots aren’t connected. the point here isn’t that kaveh recognises these figures, but rather that he relates the companionship in the drawing to those around him. kaveh’s hangout is very much symbolic, being that each figure in faranak’s drawing is meant to represent kaveh’s friendship group, meaning he should rely on his friends, tighnari, cyno, and alhaitham - as the quest is entitled “companionship, the sole antidote”
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the fact kaveh DOESN’T identify cyrus in the picture leaves room for development, or future mention of this. Cyrus canonically talks to zaha hadi, kaveh’s mother’s lecturer, about kaveh, and zaha hadi is the person whom kaveh turns to in order to learn about his mother when she was younger.
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There’s definitely potential to draw upon here - if cyrus knows he has met kaveh’s parents in the past, and he and kaveh have a personal rapport due to kaveh’s friendships with cyno and tighnari, it seems strange that he omits this detail? Especially, if it’s considered canon that kaveh’s hangout has taken place in-game, then cyrus, given that zaha hadi mentions kaveh to him, might be aware that kaveh has been asking about his mother?
(A counter to this would be that due to cyrus’s potential limited encounter with both kaveh’s father and mother, and that it took place over thirty years ago, he has no basis to open this dialogue with kaveh, as it may be a sore spot (This could also apply with cyrus having met alhaitham’s parents - perhaps he simply only met them once, but still, i crave alhaitham parent crumbs) - however, in an ideal world, this could be some sort of catalyst or feed into the idea of kaveh potentially reaching out to his mother in future events, perhaps with cyrus referencing this past gathering(?)
Now, moving onto tighnari’s parents, who are very much alive and well, and also have canonically met kaveh’s parents - with tighnari’s father being directly stated to be close with kaveh’s father, in terms of the gathering at least. with tighnari and kaveh being friends due to exchanging letters during the construction of the palace of alcazarzaray, rather than tighnari’s parents’ influence, could indicate that kaveh’s mother dropped all contact with any friends or acquaintances, which i think likely. however, i am !??!!?? very confused about this implication
tighnari’s parents would, of course, know that kaveh is tighnari’s close friend, and i presume that kaveh has met tighnari’s parents at some point, so from this, i would imagine that tighnari’s parents having known/met kaveh’s parents may have come up at some point? Especially with tighnari’s father being recorded as being friends with kaveh’s father, at least from faranak’s perspective?
in terms of the canon, however, this appears to not be the case, so i would LOVE for this to be mentioned at some point!! Especially as sumeru cast heavily revolves around family, found and biological (i’m looking at you cyno’s second story quest)
In terms of alhaitham’s parents, the only mentions of them are in alhaitham’s character stories and here in kaveh’s hangout. there’s no indicator as to whether alhaitham’s parents were close or just acquaintances with cyrus, kaveh’s father, or tighnari’s parents, but in my mind i think it’s interesting that his character stories record his grandmother teaching him of his parents, and his retaining part of his parents’ book collection when his grandmother passes. basically i think alhaitham treasures what he does know of his parents, and i think a lil mention of them by people we KNOW met them, if only for one gathering, would be appreciated
So this links directly to kaveh’s mother - if she is ever mentioned in the future, it would be INSANE wish fulfilment if her drawing was returned to, and the figures were identified, and memories from those present and alive could be shared
(I also think it’s so funny that her son is roommates/innately bound by mirror symbolism/married to the son of the people she thought were uncomfortable and awkward. basically i am in DIRE need of a kaveh and faranak reunion and for them to sort their issues, obviously for kaveh’s development and reconciliation within himself, but also for a faranak-alhaitham interaction…. Can you imagine. Now i have thoughts about that, but this has gotten off topic!!!)
Of course, i’m aware that i’m overthinking a lot of this, and this could be one of the many plot discrepancies within genshin, and that as a result of creating symbolism, in-game implications were created that weren’t supposed to be touched upon, but i think a lot of fun comes with discussing and hypothesising (manifesting) these things!!
Thank you so much for your ask!! Delving back into this part of kaveh’s hangout is always a treat, so i hope you enjoy reading my brainrot :,)
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dreamyeuphoricll · 22 days
When aot characters are asked which anime characters are their type:
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Rukia 🥹I get u Eren…she does look so much like Mikasa. I like your type
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She looks so much like Annie😭🔥
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Mikasa and Guts? They look so gooooooood😭
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Sasha and Sanji are perfection🥹❤️Foodie x cook. Of course Sasha’s type would be a cook
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My bro Jean has a thing for hot mommies😭🔥Yor best Waifu as Jean’s type
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I see what u did there,Annie😏
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Hange and Kakashi? I mean they’re both goofy so they’d make a funny couple,I love it
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Omg🥹❤️they’re both serious and cool. I like Erwin’s type…Erza is so cool
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😹😭I’d like to see this
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Mark off the ones you know and reblog with your results!
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mohavegecko · 13 days
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wip graveyard bc i am physically incapable of finishing anything i start
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I want to write/read an AU where time leaping powers don't exist. And Shinichiro does end up joining Waka (he doesn't jump off the bridge. Might try to kill himself later still - does he succeed ? Idk) and then add Benkei and Takeomi and boom
AU where Black Dragon first gen become the top criminal organization of Japan (and do international business after or whatever idk. Time to rule the world ! And gain no satisfaction from it ! Because you're but a hollow shell !)
How would it end ? Probably horribly badly
Only got vibes for this idea and they aren't particularly good but sometimes you need a certain angst amount
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wickedcriminal · 2 years
What do you think Hiccup the younger's relationship is like with his niece and nephew, Zephyr and Nuffink? He lowkey looks like one of those fun uncle who lets the kids get away with alot of things. Also Zeph and Nuff are going to be so confused that their dad and uncle share the same first name lol 😂
Younger ADORES those kids. And he comes in a package of three, so Elder's kids not only get Uncle Hiccup, they also get Uncle Fish and Aunt Cami <3
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They spoil those kids. Little Fish loves to take them on walks and naps and the kids pick up the bad habit of ankle-biting from their dear aunt Camicazi <3 And Minicup definitely lets them get away with a lot of things, using the royalty card to justify it, of course
He'll teach them dragonese, too, because these kids get to grow up around dragons!
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The kids are certainly confused as to why Hiccup and Hiccup share the same name, but they call Elder "dad" anyway so it's not too life changing, lmao. If anything they're going to be mixing up the Fishlegses names! Probably have to call one "uncle Fish" and the other "uncle Legs", lmao!
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balaclava-marks · 1 year
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//bear shifter seb//short comic
As a bear, Sebastian has periods where he doesn't remember he is human. Sometimes he wakes up covered in blood. He can change at will but he can't seem to suppress the change, to force it down. If he waits for too long, the outcome will get worse, days, sometimes a full week gone from his memory. The anxiety of checking the news after waking up naked, smelling of pine needles. The bear pelt he changes into always makes its way into his field of vision sooner or later and sometimes when he puts it on he finds himself consciouly letting go of his memories, fanning the flames of instinct to take over. On those occasions, he isn't scared of losing himself anymore, it's like he was always meant to be a bear, like the man's life was a bad dream. He cries when no fur covers his weak, naked body anymore, sometimes out of relief, sometimes mourning the loss.
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sarnai4 · 7 months
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Dagur the Deranged, Oswald the Agreeable, Heather, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Stoick the Vast, Gobber the Belch, Alvin the Treacherous, Mala, Ansson the Abominable Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Friendship, Mentorship, Family Drama, Sibling Bonding, Self-Improvement, Time Travel, Secrets Summary:
Dagur the Deranged has done many things in his life-some good and some horrific. In his older age, he not only regretted his past actions, but sought a way to rectify them. In this alternate universe, a time machine has granted the Berserker chief the ability to travel back and influence his past self. With this new factor, will the future become brighter or more murky?
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JFV Brick & Mordecai. They claim to be retired from the merc business but "something always drags them right out"... hm. Why are you wearing so much corporate tactical gear then?
Also, Tina knitted those gaudy pink sweaters.
(they/them for my Brick pls)
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kittenfangirl20 · 10 months
*in my AOT high school AU goth Eren is hired to babysit Gabi and Falco*
Eren: So, do you two like anime?
Gabi and Falco: Yes.
Eren: Cool, why don’t we watch my all time favorite anime.
Falco: Is it Pokémon?
Eren: No, I have nice nostalgic memories about it, but that isn’t my all time favorite.
Gabi: Is it Fullmetal Alchemist?
Eren: That is a good choice, but no.
Falco: Is it My Hero Academia.
Eren: That is actually my second all time favorite anime, so no.
Gabi: Is it Spy x Family?
Eren: Historia just convinced to start that one since that is her all time favorite anime and it is really good, but no.
Falco: So what is your all time favorite anime?
Eren: My all time favorite anime is a little something called Berserk.
*after they finish watching Berserk Falco is hiding from what he just saw under a blanket fort while Gabi looks really excited*
Gabi: That was so cool.
Eren: So you want to start borrowing my copies of the manga so you can find out what happens next.
Gabi: Hell yeah.
Eren: Cool, you might want to them from your parents while you’re reading them, they wouldn’t appreciate a series like Berserk.
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Tina: [holding green skag treats] Dad look, it's the good kush! Brick: [deadpan] This is the Dollar Store, how good can it be?
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pacing-er · 5 months
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Screaming crying throwing up my boy just like me fr 😭😭😭
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The Fall 2023 Anime list a filled without quite a lot of crowd pleasers, but it's also filled with a LOT of diamonds in the rough. There are SOOOO much anime to watch this season that everyday there will be something to look forward to.
There are a few anime that are showing season 2: Goblin Slayer, Spy x Family, Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle, & Girlfriend Girlfriend.
But there are also a good chunk of challengers that are definitely must watch:
Boushoku no Berserk
MF Ghost
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
Migi to Dali
Protocol Rain
The genres fall within action, sport, romance, comedy, and mystery. The title with the really long name is my personally favorite because it's actually really funny. The Japanese voice acting is REALLY great! I'm sure the dubs for it will live up as well. Migi to Dali is a creepy with subtle comedy aura. MF Ghost falls in the Initial D universe. Boushoku no Berserk is a interesting fantasy anime with a twist. Protocol Rain is by far a contender here, it's using an interesting form of animation.
The other anime that aren't mentioned all also have some really good story telling. So be sure to check them out when you can.
Once I get half way through watching these anime, i'll be posting my top 10 in order from most favorite to least.
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