#Best cooking oil for high heat
How to choose the healthiest cooking oil?
For good cardiovascular health, experts recommend replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat. This is mainly because of the fact that saturated fat consumption may lead to the risk of heart disease. It also increases the bad cholesterol namely LDL. What are saturated fats? Saturated fats are saturated with hydrogen molecules, containing only a single bond between carbon molecules. Saturated…
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letsdiskuss6 · 1 year
Every cooking oil that we use in our daily lives have some sort of different properties in them. Each oil also has its own flavor and taste, which means that every oil cannot go along with every kind of dish. 
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solemntitty · 8 months
hey. it'll be alright. rice with chili crisp, ok?
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Hey also you know that post about getting better at cooking and handling meat and stuff?
Meat is really expensive and it goes bad pretty quickly.
If you're a new cook and you're trying to figure out how to pan-fry something so that it tastes good, might I recommend tofu?
I'm not saying "treat tofu like meat and try to replace all your favorite meat dishes with tofu" (though, I mean, if that sounds good - go for it), I'm saying "it's a lot easier to practice heating a pan and flipping objects in a pan for a meal and seasoning objects in a pan when the objects in the pan cost two dollars instead of ten dollars."
Tofu lasts a lot longer in the fridge than meat does, is easy to season, and you can easily learn how to pan-fry it into a tasty snack (or main course) and only requires a little extra prep. You can also pretend that the tofu is raw meat (the texture isn't dissimilar) and start practicing for things like how to take it out of a package or cut it on a sanitizable surface, etc.
My favorite way to cook tofu is to press extra firm tofu for at least half an hour (you can get a cheap tofu press for around ten dollars, or you can put it between two plates with some books on the top plate - this is that extra prep i was talking about - tofu cooks best if you press the excess water out), then slice a 14oz cake of it into 8 slices. I lay these flat and sprinkle cayenne pepper, mushroom powder, and smoked paprika on all of the slices, then I rub it in and flip the slices and season the other side the same way. I cook it in a frying pan with a thin layer of avocado or olive oil over medium heat, flipping every two minutes until the flat sides start to crisp up a little. Just before the last flip I add about a tablespoon of tamari sauce (you can use soy sauce, I've just got allergies) to the pan, sprinkling it over the tofu so that both sides get a little bit of sauce on them.
I have that with steamed vegetables and with jasmine rice (with two teaspoons of rice wine vinegar per 3 cups of dry rice and 4.5 cups of water). I also make a honey-siracha-mayo sauce that I dip the tofu in.
It's really good. And now I end up eating leftover rice and sauce with fried eggs for lunch at least two days a week and that's also really good.
This has become one of my go-to low spoon foods because it's so easy to make, it's filling, it tastes good to me, and it has become extremely easy for me to keep a stock of tofu in the fridge compared to the effort of keeping un-expired meat in the fridge.
I find that a 14oz pack of tofu feeds two adults for one meal, though I can stretch that to three meals if I'm the only one eating.
It makes a very cheap, filling, easy dinner that I can keep the ingredients around for without too much concern for food waste or anything going bad (the tofu that I get lasts about a month in the fridge and these days I just buy three packs every time I'm at aldi and cycle in new stock - it costs $1.50 per pack)
If you're interested in becoming a better cook, rather than worrying about actual high-risk products like raw chicken that can be seriously dangerous and also cost a fair amount, tofu has a pretty low barrier to entry while also being a good way to learn on a new ingredient that has some similar properties to raw meat.
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kcrossvine-art · 7 months
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Hiiii friendssss! What the FUCK is up. What the fuck is up. What the Fuck is up. On todays cute little cookin excursion we are going to be deep frying things and using a wok. If you dont feel comfortable deep frying, and dont have a wok, im sure theres other ways to do it silly :DDD
I believe in you.
From LotR online we're gonna be making Fried Beetroot Sticks!! 
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes into Fried Beetroot Sticks?” YOU MIGHT ASKSlices of sweet little beated root dipped into a batter with, watch out, special flavors too.
2 Beetroots
Corn flour
Red Chilli Powder
Garlic Paste
Baking Soda
Peanut oil
And we'll also be making some horseradish sour cream dip to go along with it;
Sour cream
Prepared horseradish
1 Green onion 
Few splashes of lemon juice
Salt to taste
Ground pepper to taste
"Cooked, tender beetroot sticks are dredged in a light batter and fried to give a crispy exterior and a soft, sweet interior. Served with a bracing horseradish sour cream, this snack is both filling and delicious."- LotRO Tooltip
AND, “what does Fried Beetroot Sticks taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKThis is like homemade fair-food and it sounds like a contradiction but its not
But maybe its just because its fried food? American brained, sorry.
Retains the inherit sweetness to beetroot
And similar to pickled beetroot the sweetness contrasts the spicey of the batter
(which i encourage you to amp up if youd like more spice)
The horseradish sourcream dip is to die for
Measure with your heart for that one, and save some green onion to top it with when you serve
This would pair very well with a lime italian soda or with shaved ice cones
Im always very anxious about deep-frying things, or working with oils at high temperatures, but i didnt run into any complications with this dish. Just make sure to keep best practices and safety precaution in mind, especially with a wok as it can tilt!
. If you dont have corn flour, you can substitute all-purpose flour . If you dont have peanut oil, look up oils with the same smokepoint to decide what else to use
The recipe stuck out to me, as i was assembling a list of foodstuffs from tolkiens work, for being such a "regular" named food. Also its worth 19 silver 69 copper in the LotR MMO and im immature.
I think the dip has the most room for improvement and tinkering. I've never made horseradish sourcream before, so more practiced tastebuds could perfect a simple thing like this. In the future id also like to try adding red pepper flakes along with the the powder and garlic paste, to give more visual variety and spice. I think cumin in the batter would be a nice midtone flavor too.
I give this recipe a solid 8/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) for its relative simplicity and modularity with things you could add.
Beetroot Sticks Ingredients:
2 Beetroots
130 grams corn flour
1 tbsp salt 
1 tsp Red Chilli Powder
1 tsp Garlic Paste
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
178 grams Water
432 grams peanut oil
Horseradish Sour Cream Ingredients:
225 grams Sour cream
200 grams Prepared horseradish
1 whole green onion (green and white parts VERY finely chopped)
1 tspn lemon juice
Salt to taste
ground pepper to taste
Beetroot Method:
Peel all beetroots and cut them length-wise into  rectangles.
Combine flour, salt, chilli powder, garlic paste, baking soda, and water in a bowl.
Mix well into a smooth batter.
Heat peanut oil to medium in a wok and dip beet roots into batter. Deep fry until golden brown in color.
Stack beetroots on paper-towel lined plates to cool and dry as you go.
Serve with horseradish sour cream!
Dip Method:
Mix all ingredients
Cover and let stand at room temperature for 1 hour for the flavors to blend.
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najia-cooks · 8 months
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[ID: A plate of light brown bumpy flatbread with blackened spots, surrounded by za'tar and green olives. End ID]
خبز طابون / Khobz taboon (Palestinian flatbread)
Khobz taboon ("taboon bread") is a soft, chewy Palestinian flatbread. It may be eaten with olive oil and za'tar, but it is best known as the base of مسخن (musakhkhan), where it is topped with spiced aromatics and perhaps chicken.
Khobz taboon gets its name from the vessel it is traditionally cooked in—an outdoor, shallow conical oven with an opening at the top and a clay or metal cover to trap heat. Taboons may also have an opening at the side through which the fire can be stoked, especially in the east of Palestine. These ovens were historically made from a mixture of local clay and hay, but have more recently also been constructed from clay treated to be sturdier, or from metal.
A taboon is used by packing flammable material, such as hay, fabric, animal dung, wood, and charcoal, around the outside of the oven and letting it burn overnight; the fire transfers thermal energy to the clay, and to the river stones, sand, glass, or flint stones (صوان, "ṣawwān") that form the base of the oven. The ash is then brushed away, and the flattened dough is placed on the stones or stuck to the walls of the oven to cook. The clay and stones will continue to release thermal energy and cook things throughout the day. The clay and ash give a distinctive flavor to anything cooked inside the taboon, making this method a source of nostalgia for many people who have transitioned to cooking in indoor ovens.
Khobz taboon was traditionally made with whole wheat flour. Most people today use a blend of around two parts white flour to one part whole wheat, or else all white flour; they may even add milk or milk powder to ensure a very soft dough. This recipe uses a blend of flours to combine the nutty flavor of whole wheat dough with the pliancy of white dough. It also begins with an optional pre-ferment to mimic the traditional Palestinian method of including a piece of dough from the previous day's bread into each new batch (like a pâte fermentée) giving a rich and slightly sour flavor to the final bread. It calls for the use of rocks to imitate the bottom of a taboon; the rocks give the khobz its distinctive dimpled texture, and ensure that no interior pocket forms in the bread.
In the years following 2007, the siege Israel had imposed on Gaza caused a shortage of cooking gas that led to a resurgence in the use of taboons. The ovens were used to bake bread and to grill sweet potatoes during the time of their winter harvest. Meanwhile, in the West Bank, Israeli military forces repeatedly destroyed taboon ovens and assaulted villagers who tried to defend them, as Israeli settlers from nearby villages complained about the smoke that the ovens produced. Some of these ovens had been used to bake bread for entire families of 40 or more people. Palestinians continue to build, use, and defend these ovens, despite the fact that Israeli law de facto forbids Palestinians in the West Bank to build anything.
Today, Israel is deliberately targeting and destroying bakeries in refugee camps that had been supplying bread to tens of thousands of people in Gaza, continuing a long campaign of starvation of the Palestinian people.
Support Palestinian resistance by calling Elbit System's (Israel's primary weapons manufacturer) landlord; and donating to Palestine Action's bail fund.
A large, shallow mixing bowl, like a Moroccan qus'a
A large (12"), shallow clay cooking vessel, such as the bottom of a Moroccan tajine (one that is rated for very high temperatures), or a large baking tray
Assorted smooth river rocks of varying sizes, from 1 to 3" in diameter.
Make sure that your rocks have been thoroughly cleaned, and that they do not contain any fissures, cracks, or veins that could contain water (this water, once heated in the oven, could cause the rocks to crack open). Instead of river rocks, I used lava rocks designed for use in a clay tanoor. You just need something to provide thermal mass and give a bumpy texture.
Makes 3 large breads.
For the pre-ferment:
140g whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp active dry yeast
140g water
You may also use a pâte fermentée that you already have (just adjust the ratio of white to whole wheat flour added later accordingly), or a sourdough starter. The hydration of the starter doesn't matter, since you will be adding water by eye later.
For the bread:
330g bread flour or all-purpose flour
30g whole wheat flour
5g salt
If you skipped the pâte fermentée step, add 170g (rather than 30g) of wheat flour at this stage, as well as 1/2 Tbsp of active dry yeast. I have not tested the recipe this way.
For the pâte fermentée:
1. Mix flour and yeast in a small mixing bowl. Add water and stir to combine. Cover and leave out at room temperature for a day, or in the refrigerator for up to three days. At the end of the rising time, it should be about one and a half times its original size.
For the bread:
This recipe makes a high hydration dough that will need techniques such as slapping and folding to knead effectively.
1. Mix flours and salt in a very large, shallow mixing bowl. Add your pâte fermentée and mix to combine.
2. Add water until the flour comes together into a soft, sticky dough and continue keading. Have a bowl of water on your workstation. Every time the dough starts to stick to your hands or the sides of the bowl, wet your hands and rinse down the side of the bowl with some water. This will gradually add water to the dough.
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3. You will notice the dough growing smoother and laxer. At this point, start kneading by repeatedly folding the edges of the dough in towards the center. Do this by occasionally wetting your hands, then running a hand along the side of the bowl and under the edge of the dough to unstick it from the bowl; then fold. You will get stuck less often if you try to touch the dough as lightly and briefly as possible. Every few folds, dimple the surface of the dough all over with your fingertips. You will have been kneading for about 10 minutes at this point.
The dough should become more smooth and less bumpy—you will notice it holding its shape and becoming more stretchy as gluten forms. It should form into a ball when you fold the corners in and hold its shape for a minute, but then gradually expand to take the shape of the bowl. I added about 2 1/2 cups of water total (in dry conditions) during steps 2 and 3.
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4. At this point, the dough is wet enough that the slap and fold method is the best way to knead. Wet your hands and again unstick the dough from the sides of the bowl. Hook your hands under the dough and quickly pull it all up into the air; fold the hanging bottom part of the dough under, and plop the dough back down, folding it on top of the part you plopped down earlier. Give the bowl a quarter turn and repeat. Do this continually for another few minutes.
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5. When the dough is very smooth and lax, smear some olive oil on the sides of the bowl and under the dough, and pat some oil on top.
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6. Cover the bowl and bulk ferment the dough at room temperature for 8 hours, or for 16-24 hours in the fridge. At the end of the rising time, you should see bubbles beginning to form on the surface of the dough.
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To shape and bake:
1. Place a layer of rocks at the bottom of a clay cooking vessel or baking sheet. Put the sheet in the top third of the oven and preheat your oven to 550 °F (290 °C), or as hot as it will go.
2. Meanwhile, fold the edges of the risen dough over into the middle a few more times with damp hands. Pinch off a large piece of dough (about the size of two fists), and fold the sides over into the middle to make a neat packet.
3. Drop the packet of dough onto a heavily floured surface, and flip to flour both sides. Pat the dough flat, then throw it back and forth between your hands, catching the edge each time as you spin it through the air, like a pizza crust, to stretch it into a circle about 1/4" (1/2cm) thick with a diameter of about 10" (25cm).
You may also stretch and pat the dough out on a flat surface.
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4. Remove the tray from the oven. Flip the dough circle over the back of your hand to transfer it and lay it down over the hot rocks. Re-stretch it into a circle, if necessary.
5. Place the tray back in the oven and cook for 5-7 minutes, until the top of the bread has golden brown spots. Repeat with each piece of dough, leaving the rocks in the oven for a few minutes between each one to allow them to come back up to temperature.
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6. (Optional): Hold each flatbread directly over a gas flame for a minute or two to blacken a few spots and mimic the flavor that a wood-fired oven would give to your khobz.
You may also use a method similar to the dhungar technique to smoke your bread. Place each piece of bread one at a time into a large vessel with a closely fitting lid, alongside a small bowl. Light a piece of wood on fire and drop it into the bowl; then cover the vessel with the lid as you allow the wood to smoke for a minute or two.
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hachama · 1 year
Matzo Ball Soup
Start with the broth.
In a cheesecloth, add whatever herbs and seasonings you like.  I’ve used ground nutmeg, herbs de Provence, cracked black pepper, and peeled ginger.
In a large stock pot, combine about a pound of carrots, one bunch of celery, and several onions. Halve the onions, cut the carrots in half, break apart the celery and cut the stalks in half.
To the vegetables, add chicken. I used leg quarters, because I like a lot of good yellow schmaltz, but a whole chicken or split breasts also work. The key is to get bone-in and skin-on.
Fill the pot with enough water to just cover the ingredients. Add salt. More salt. You’re seasoning everything that comes after this.
Tie off the herbs in the cheesecloth, toss the sachet in the pot, and put a lid on.
Over medium high heat, bring the water to a boil, then turn down to low and simmer forever. When you can’t stand it anymore, get a mug to taste test. Adjust your salt. Once you’re satisfied, strain out your chicken and veggies. Discard the veggies, bones, and skin. Shred the chicken and add it back to the pot. Cut and peel carrots into bite size pieces, drop them in the pot to soften up over low heat.
Matzo balls are dead simple.
Combine eggs and vegetable oil. Add matzo meal. Stir until well combined. Add some of your broth and stir until smooth again. Refrigerate the mixture for at least 30 minutes to allow the matzo meal time to absorb the moisture. Once the mix is chilled, get a pot of water boiling. Form the mix into balls, about ping pong ball sized. Add your balls to the boiling water, cover the pot with a lid, and cook for 20 minutes. Move the balls to the pot with the broth. Give them at least another 20 minutes to really soak in the flavors.
Now you should have a good size batch of matzo ball soup. It keeps decently in the fridge, but it tastes best shared.
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Irene Girlfriend Headcanons!
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She prefers that you call her “Joohyun” rather than Irene. She wants to feel like you know the real her instead of her stage presence.
Speaking of which, she often slips into her Daegu dialect around you
You were never intimidated by her like everyone else was, you were warm and loving regardless of how “scary” she seemed
It took her a while to open up to you about her inner thoughts and feelings. She’s so used to bottling it all up in order to be a good leader that she doesn’t stop to think when she might need help
But you help her with that, constantly reassuring every single one of her insecurities. Even when she doesn’t ask, you’ll always be the first one to tell her she’s done well!
She cooks you seaweed soup every year for your birthday just like she does for the members 💚
Ordering her tea for her whenever you’re at a coffee shop because she’s too afraid of being judged by the barista for not liking coffee
Eating her vegetables for her (if you like them ofc)
Finally convincing her to stop dying her hair and stick with her natural black color because it’s her favorite and it suits her best
It took her a long time to accept it, but Joohyun is a lover of the simple things in life. You guys don’t need any extravagant outings or fancy gifts to be happy! Things like reading together, watching the sunset, taking walks, listening to music, cooking her favorite tteokbokki… those are what draw you together.
Holding her while she cries watching “The Notebook”
You started keeping perfumes in your car and carrying essential oils with you everywhere since she’s so sensitive to smells
You also help bring her back down to Earth when she starts spacing out, waving a hand in front of her face and never making a huge fuss over it. You just remind her what she was talking about and continue on with your conversation
Joohyun is also a lover of solitude. However you’re the only one she makes an exception for. She loves taking you to Ttukseom Island or the Folk Museum in Bukcheon. They’re her happy places and she wants to share them with you!
Because of her, you started keeping a journal. The two of you have nights where you just sit in silence and write together 🥰
She won’t hesitate to correct you on your spelling and grammar, even over text 😑
You feel like you learn something new about her every day. She’s always so reserved, and her mind runs at a mile a minute, so every once in a while she’ll just drop this huge piece of Joohyun lore that takes you by surprise
Always giving her your fortune cookies and lottery tickets because she just has so much good luck
If you play video games or do puzzles, and you just can’t get pass a certain stage, she’ll just walk over and figure it out for you in seconds, and it leaves you baffled every time
Making her show you how the heck she can draw a perfect circle (you still can’t understand after a thousand times)
She has a tendency to “mother” you. (Doing your laundry, making you go to bed early, telling you take your vitamins and drink water…) You’ll have to explain to her that while you appreciate her trying to help, she doesn’t need to worry about you so much!
She’s still going to do your laundry though. She just loves doing it too much not to.
I hope you don’t mind having a high heat bill, because Joohyun cannot handle the cold! (If not, you’ll have to loan her several of your hoodies and blankets!)
Comforting her whenever she encounters heights, water, or loud noises
Her manager tried to tell her to avoid PDA with you to protect her image and avoid a scandal, but she just can’t stop herself from holding your hand or clinging to your arm!
Once word gets out that the two of you are dating, she really has no problem telling the fans that while she hopes they can be supportive, she’s going to be with you whether they like it or not.
She would give up everything if it meant she could stay with you, and you would do the same for her in a heartbeat 💜
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softwaring · 10 months
Would you post your chicken tikka recipe?
chicken tikka marsala
first marinade:
- chicken thigh
- lime juice
- cayenne
- chili powder
- salt
second marinade:
- greek yogurt
- ginger paste
- garlic
- turmeric, cumin, garam masala, madras curry powder, cayenne, ground coriander
for the curry:
- coconut oil
- 1” cinnamon stick
- 2 green cardamom pods
- 2 whole cloves
- serranos, sliced
- onion, chopped
- cumin, garam masala, madras curry powder, garlic p, cayenne, coriander, smoked paprika, turmeric and white pepper
- tomato paste
- fire roasted crushed tomatoes
- soy sauce and fish sauce
- rock sugar
- coconut creme
- cilantro
top w more cilantro when done serve w white rice and naan (trader joe’s makes amazing frozen garlic naan i always keep em on hand lol)
marinade the chicken the first time for 30 marinade. mix the ingredients for the second marinade then pour in the chicken WITH the first marinade. mix well and marinade at least an hour but it’s best after 24-48 hours.
start ur rice ina rice cooker
preheat ur grill to high heat, then grill the chicken until well charred. then remove and let rest.
melt coconut oil in a pan then add onion and chilis, cook until they soften. stir in garlic and ginger and cook til fragrant. stir in spices and cook, stirring for 2-3 minutes. clear a spot in the middle of the pan then add tomato paste and caramelize. stir in tomato purée, soy sauce and fish sauce then simmer 10-15 minutes until thickened and color deepens.
once deep red, stir in coconut creme and rock sugar, cook 10 more minutes then stir in chicken and chopped cilantro. cook 5 more minutes or until well combined and chicken is cooked through. serve over basmati rice w cilantro!
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trupowieszcz-moved · 8 months
i am bestowing a bangin tofu recipe upon you (easy)
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disclaimer: i am polish and these ingredients are literally just what i had in the kitchen. so you can also add some fancy stuff that's common where you live but i don't have it. i don't know. i had sesame and forgot but you might want that too. this is easily modifiable so do whatever you want i'm not a cop. also the tofu in the photo came out Not Crunchy Enough because i added too little potato starch but yours should be Crispier. anyway. recipe under the cut
potato starch
soy sauce
lemon juice
rice optional:
string bean
whatever vegetables you want that go with these flavors you can google stir fry recipes to check them out
cut tofu into cubes, not too large, just bite-sized, whatever suits you best
put it into some tupperware box/pot with a lid/whatever and add potato starch (two-three tablespoons for a whole 200g cube of tofu) and shake for a while to make it coat evenly
heat the oil in a DEEP frying pan/wok, it can't be a pancake pan, pour enough oil that the tofu is at least five out of six sides inside the oil you know the drill we're deep frying this bitch
fry the tofu so that the coating turns golden, over medium or high heat (not on low heat or it will turn out soggy, but be careful not to accidentally burn it)
in the meantime cook your rice and prepare the sauce
for the sauce you have to get about two tablespoons of soy sauce, one tablespoon of water, one tablespoon of oil, one big clove of garlic (crushed or grated), about the same amount of ginger (grated too), one teaspoon (roughly) of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey/sugar and you just stir it all until it's mixed together
now attention Pour off the tofu into some sort of metal colander, but don't dump the pan into the sink yet, just put it back on the stove because it will still come in handy and you just want to get rid of the excess oil because you don't need that much anymore
now onto your pan (in which there is still obviously some oil so you don't need to add anything) you put your vegetables along with a teaspoon or two of the sauce and fry for a while stir-frying on a higher rather than lower heat, but not for long, just enough to sauté them slightly
turn down the heat a bit and put the tofu back in, but now pour the rest of the sauce over it and stir it until some of the water is cooked out and it's a bit more sticky.
you put it on the rice and you're DONE good job bon appetit etc :)👍
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flowerandblood · 1 year
My Best Friend (13)
[modern! club owner • Aemond x fem!reader]    
[warnings: kissing, fluff, swearing, mention of illnes]
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[description: Aemond has his own club and often does business at the home of one of his business associates. There he often meets his younger sister, with whom he develops a deeper relationship through shared secrets. This is slow burn love story.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist        
Aemond started preparing breakfast while Y/N was showering. Before running, he had thrown her dress in for a quick wash as promised. She was now drying on the balcony in the hot summer sun. They both realized she didn't have any clothes with her, so he gave her one of his T-shirts for the time being. He let her choose which one she wanted and she chose the one with the big "Deep Purple" logo on it. 
The butter in the frying pan was heating up and he was standing by, chopping the vegetables finely for the omelette he planned to make, deep in thought. After telling her about the dream, he felt relieved, though he still felt shame and anxiety. He wondered if he would always have such a broken, wounded mind.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of the door opening. Y/N left, placing the towel on the chair to dry. His T-shirt was way too big for her, reaching down to her mid-thighs. The sight of her in his clothes tickled his ego pleasantly and his desire to own her, which he was so ashamed of at the same time. She walked over to him smiling, her hair still damp, though you could see she'd been blow-drying it.
"Can I help?" She asked briskly, full of energy. The corner of his mouth curved into a lazy smile.
"Slice the pepper finely." He said calmly, moving a second board and a knife towards her. "Just watch your fingers."
"I can cut." She said impatiently, and got to work. They worked in silence for a while, a nice breeze of fresh summer air flowing into the kitchen through the half-open window.
When they were done, Aemond broke a few eggs, seasoned them, and added the rest of the toppings he chose. Y/N watched him sideways, surprised at how confident he was at cooking and that he obviously knew exactly what he was doing.
"Do you often make omelettes like this?" She asked curiously, leaning her side against the cupboard next to him.
"Very often. It's a nutritious breakfast, high in protein and low in calories." He replied calmly without looking at her, focused on his task. He flipped the whole thing over to the other side in one motion to let it be cut down by the raw side. It only took a minute and the dish was ready.
Aemond suggested that they could eat in the living room and watch something in the meantime. He set the plates on the coffee table while Y/N flicked through the movie database with the remote. Suddenly she jumped in excitement.
"Did you watch [Loving Vincent]?" She asked, her eyes sparkling. He had no idea what she was talking about. “This is an animation made of oil paintings painted by hundreds of artists, referring to the works of Vincent van Gogh, telling about his life. It looks amazing. If you don't like it, we can switch to something else."
Aemond thought it sounded very interesting. He had never seen a stop-motion film made of paintings alone. He wanted to see it just for the impression of what it looks like.
Y/N sat cross-legged on the couch, grabbing a piece of omelette that he had cut into triangles earlier. He was amazed at how quickly she adapted to new place. Thanks to her behavior, he himself felt as if she had been in his apartment more than once. They started watching.
From the very first minutes film made a huge impression on him. The music was wonderful and thoughtful, the image and characters moved in a bizarre and abstract way, as if the portraits and landscapes really came to life. Y/N watched his reaction, but saw that he was hooked. 
Once she'd had fill her stomach, she took one of the small pillows, placed it against his hip, and laid her head on it, getting comfortable and drawing her knees up slightly. Aemond involuntarily placed his hand on her back, stroking it steadily with his thumb, watching with interest.
He was surprised, but the story really drew him in. His drama, his cut off ear, and suffering somewhat matched his experience, but he was also delighted with how it was portrayed. The final scene made his chest tighten. He thought it was really good animation and was glad to see it.
"Did you like it? Was it too boring?” She asked, looking at him, her head still lying on a pillow.
He smiled slightly under his breath. "I liked it very much."
She cuddled up to him happily, knowing he wouldn't ever lie to please her. That's why she liked him so much. Few people, except maybe her brother and Marisa, were as direct and painfully honest with her as he was. She'd rather he didn't express his feelings to her than say something and then try to extricate himself from it by saying it wasn't that.
Aemond embraced her contentedly, took her by her arms, and set her on his lap. He didn't dare rub against her though, remembering that she was still feeling uncomfortable from their intense night. He stroked her buttocks steadily, looking her up and down.
"You look good in my Tshirt." He said and slapped her butt loudly. She jumped, squealing. "You should wear them more often."
She blushed at those words and smiled, leaning over him, resting her forehead against his. They stared at each other for a moment in silence, their eyes warm and lustful. She stroked his cheek gently, and he closed his eye, wanting to focus on her touch.
"You know you have to take me to class soon?" She asked quietly, a hint of regret in her tone. Aemond sighed.
"I know."
Luckily, the hot summer air made her dress dry in time. Aemond wasn't sure if this dress was a good college outfit, but Y/N said it was classy enough to wear, and she'd worn it more than once. He agreed with her, though he couldn't take his eyes off her thighs and was sure he wasn't the only one with this problem. They got into the car, talking lightly about the film and artists in general. 
Aemond was pleased to find that he really enjoyed debating with her. Even before they started sleeping together, when he came to Klaus' house, they would exchange thoughts on various topics. They were usually short exchanges, but it didn't escape his notice that she was very open minded and willing to listen to others and ask the right questions. He thought then that despite what Kate had told him in his dream, sex wasn't the only thing he wanted from her.
They arrived in front of her university on time. She unbuckled her seatbelt and looked at him smiling.
"Klaus will pick you up?" He asked, wanting to make sure he understood correctly.
"Probably him or Marcus." She said lightly, shrugging. She was checking to make sure she had everything in her bag, so she didn't notice the smirk on his face, which disappeared after a second. When she felt she was ready, she looked at him with satisfaction.
“Thank you very much for everything. I had a great time today.” She said with a wide smile, sincerity in her voice. To his surprise, she really was happy, despite what had happened in the night. He gently stroked her thigh with his hand.
"Me too." He said, looking at her gently. They both looked at each other awkwardly for a moment, debating whether to kiss or not. After a moment's thought, they leaned in at the same time and kissed passionately, their lips warm and moist. They looked at each other contentedly. 
Y/N got out of the car, giving him another quick glance from behind her. His heart was pounding, and he felt a pleasant warmth in his belly. He felt calm. After a while he felt his phone vibrate. He took it out quickly, thinking it was Y/N who might have forgotten something, but saw it was a message from an unknown number. He felt like a stone had settled in his throat as he read the message.
"She looks so good in that black dress. Does she fuck well?”
Aemond squeezed his eyes and mouth shut, his jaw clenched painfully.
"You son of a bitch." He said to himself.
Y/N finished class as planned. She left the main entrance, talking with her classmate, they were laughing at something genuinely. Y/N from a distance saw Marcus standing by the car, talking on the phone. Seeing her walking towards him, he waved his hand. Y/N said goodbye to her friend and headed towards him.
"We drive?" He asked with a smile and Y/N nodded. They headed towards her house, the radio playing in the background. Y/N stared out the window, it was a beautiful sunny afternoon.
"I see you're in a good mood." He said amused, looking at her expectantly. Y/N blushed and looked pleadingly at him.
"Though you don't torment me." She said helplessly. Marcus laughed heartily at those words, radiating the warmth she always liked about him. At least with her and Klaus, that's how he was. He was ruthless in the courtroom, and she knew he could be ruthless outside of it as well. Nevertheless, for as long as she could remember, she could always count on him. 
When she was afraid to tell her father or Klaus about something, she always went to him with her problem. And he was able to listen to her, advise her and, above all, he did not share what she said with others. After a moment, she pursed her lips as she looked at him. She wondered if she should ask the question.
"How is Laura?" She asked quietly, drawing in a breath, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. She saw that he was still smiling, but his eyes had turned cold. He was silent for a moment. They were just pulling into the driveway. He turned off the engine and looked at her.
“The doctors said she is already a vegetable. Her parents say they want her to go away in peace so that she doesn't suffer anymore. That if I love her, I should end her suffering and let them disconnect her from the life support." He said, and the fact that he smiled as he said it made her eyes well up with tears. “But I can't. I've always been selfish."
Her lips trembled, a tear rolled down her cheek as she took his hand.
"Marcus, I'm so sorry." It was all she could manage in a trembling voice. After Laura's car accident, everyone at first hoped she would make it out. However, it turned out that her injuries were more serious than originally thought. 
Marcus was looking at her and she could see that although his expression didn't show it, his eyes were empty. He wasn’t her husband, by the law her parents could do whatever they wanted. He laughed.
“You get involved too easily in other people's problems. But that's what makes you so easy to love." He said and kissed her hand warmly. There was no lust in his eyes. He was like her guardian. His good deeds for her made it easier for him to sleep after all the bad things he did at his job. 
She knew it had always been like this. He wanted so much to help her now, because no one could help Laura anymore. Her face was twitching, tears were dripping from her eyes. Laura was the only woman in his life that he truly loved.
They both unbuckled their seatbelts and Y/N got out of the car with her legs shaking.
"Oh, what a welcoming committee." Marcus said. Y/N looked up and saw that Klaus and Aemond were waiting on the porch. Aemond was smoking a cigarette, his eyes cool and cold. Her heart skipped a beat, figuring he'd seen their conversation in the car and she flushed red. Marcus didn't care though, and extended his hand to him in greeting. Aemond didn't shake her. Marcus laughed.
"Come on. It's not what you think." He said, taking out a cigarette and a lighter from his jacket, he also lit it. Klaus just rolled his eyes, impatient. Y/N was standing next to Marcus, all pale, looking at Aemond pleadingly, but he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at Marcus.
Marcus inhaled like he had all the time in the world and blew the smoke out his nose. After a moment he spoke.
“I was talking to Y/N about my beloved woman who will probably be taken off life support by her parents, because her brain is already dead. Maybe you have some advice for me?" He asked, taking another drag, saying the words so lightly that Aemond thought for a moment that he was making fun of him. 
Y/N sobbed loudly, saying only "Marcus...Please..." and grabbing his arm, but he didn't care anymore. 
After a while Aemond realized he wasn't joking. He turned scarlet. 
There was a terrible, awkward silence. Y/N sobbed loudly as Marcus wrapped one arm around her, looking the other way.
"Dont cry." He said lightly, exhaling smoke. "It's just life."
The four of them stood in silence. Y/N calmed down after a while. She looked at Aemond with eyes red from crying. He looked at her apologetically and dropped his gaze. He wanted to explain why he had come, but he was too embarrassed by his behavior to say anything. Klaus, seeing the situation, took pity on him, sighing heavily.
"Albert knows about you and Aemond."
If you want to be tagged, just leave a comment. ~
@chainsawsangel  @yentroucnagol @cardi-bre91 @melsunshine @bellaisasleep @candypurplebutterfly @malfoytargaryen @serrhaewin @svtansdaddyx  @iiamthehybrid​
I recommend everyone to see Loving Vincent, it's a great animation!
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Idia Shroud Chef Apprentice Personal Story: Part 2
"Master Chef"
(Part 1) Part 2
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Master Chef ― Idia Version ~Let’s Make Stuffed Peppers 2~
Ghost Chef: Once you lightly dust the inside of the bell pepper with cake flour, you'll fill it with the stuffing you made earlier.
Ghost Chef: You can also use other types of flour for this, but… That will impact the result, so try to follow the recipe as much as possible.
Idia: Ahh, yeah, that's pretty much the same principle behind how it's okay to use whatever compatible part and the machine'll work fine, but it's best to use genuine parts. I totally get it.
Ghost Chef: Compatible part…? Genuine part...? Fufu, I suppose it's my turn to not understand your turn of phrase.
Ghost Chef: Now, take the meat stuffing in your hands. Stuff as much as you can tightly inside the bell pepper so there's no room for movement.
Idia: Eek… It's cold and sticky and the meat is just all over my fingers…!
Idia: Th-This is yet another part that they don't give me a set quantity for. I'll have to adjust the amount of stuffing that'll go inside based on the diameter of the pepper...
Idia: Is there no other way to collect the proper amount of grams needed but to do this same task over and over again…?
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Idia: …Haah, I've finished stuffing them all.
Ghost Chef: Alright then, time to cook them up. The key here is to wait until the frying pan is at a high enough temperature before putting the peppers on.
Ghost Chef: Don't forget to spread oil in the pan before heating it up. Set it to medium heat.
Idia: …Uh, what's "high enough" temp? What is the proper evaluation criteria for deciding whether the frying pan is at the right temp?
Ghost Chef: Hold your hand over the frying pan, and it if feels warm, then it's ready to go.
Idia: There it is, just randomly having to use a hand again! That difference between warm and hot'll be totally different person to person…
Idia: There's just more and more data that I have to collect for this, now…
Ghost Chef: I'll check for you this time, then. Hmm… Yes, this should be about the right temperature. Idia-kun, you check now.
Idia: It’s kinda warm, kinda hot…? Ch-Chef… I want to measure the surface temperature of the frying pan…
Ghost Chef: Hmmm, that kind of tool does exist out there, but we don't have any in this kitchen.
Idia: I guess I should've expected that… Oh well. I'll give up this time and just cook it, then. Here goes.
[sizzle… pop!]
Idia: GYAAAH!?
Idia: The oil is splashing… Eeek! Don't come this way!!
Idia: No way, the oil is splish-splashing everywhere, there's no way I can get any closer!?
Idia: I need some protective gear… Or some kind of shield! What can I use as a shield around here―
Idia: Aha!!! What do I spy over there…?
Idia: It's a pot lid… wait no, the frying pan lid!
Idia: This is like the kind of thing you'd get at an early level, but it's better than nothing! I equip it to one hand and shoot forth!!
[sizzle, sizzle]
Idia: Mission to put the rest of the meat into the frying pan accomplished. Now I can take a quick breather…
Ghost Chef: You need to flip the first pepper you put in the pan, or it'll burn! Here, take the spatula!
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Idia: Whew… I finally somehow finished everything…
Ghost Chef: Well done. The judges should be making their way here soon, so it's time to bring the food out.
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Cater: Ah, so Idia-kun made my dish, huh. Looks like Cay-kun's your judge~♪
Idia: Eeek! His cheerfulness is way too bright…! I'm so unlucky today…
Cater: I think it's a bit of a nice change of pace to get something home-made from one of my classmates. I can't wait to try your stuffed peppers~!
Idia: Ugh, he's just heaping on the pressure even before I got the food out…
Idia: Yeah… Uh… Th-This is… the dish…
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Cater: Thanks~ Woah! It looks so good! It's so colorful and cute, and it's kinda shaped like a flower!
Cater: Can I snap some pictures before I eat it?
Idia: Eep… S-S-Sure… D-D-D-Do whatever…
Cater: Okaay!
Idia: What, is this how my shoddy dish breaks containment and gets spread over the internet? It's not even cool or anything…
Cater: …Photo shoot complete! Okay, now I'll dig in!
[bite, chew, chew chew…]
Cater: …Ooh, it's good!
Idia: Eh!? Y-You can't ignore the fact that it's overcooked in some places, and even burnt in others, though…?
Cater: Sure, there's a few blackened parts. But it's definitely better than being undercooked ♪
Idia: Is this just how an optimist placates? Or does Cater-shi's palate just have a wider strike zone than others…?
Ghost Chef: Good job, Idia-kun. Looks like you got a passing grade.
Idia: Siiiiiiiiiiiiigh~~~~~ …Well, whatever, hooray…
Idia: Woulda been great if I also got an announcement of "Passing Marks, Program Completed!"
Idia: Guess I'll just have to make it through the rest of this by thinking about how I'd design the Idia Shroud Cooking Appliance (name pending)…
Idia: Ahh, seriously, I JUST WANT THIS END ALREADY~~!
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(Part 1) Part 2
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chefchatter · 2 months
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Grilled Cilantro Steak
2 pounds flank steak
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons lime juice
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
Salt and pepper, to taste
In a bowl, combine chopped fresh cilantro, olive oil, soy sauce, lime juice, minced garlic, ground cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Mix until well combined to make the marinade.
Place the flank steak in a shallow dish and pour the marinade over it, making sure the steak is evenly coated. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or overnight for best results.
Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.
Remove the steak from the marinade and discard any excess marinade.
Grill the steak for 5-7 minutes on each side, or until cooked to your desired level of doneness.
Transfer the grilled steak to a cutting board and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing.
Slice the Carne Asada al Cilantro across the grain into thin strips.
Serve the Grilled Cilantro Steak hot, garnished with additional fresh cilantro leaves if desired.
Prep Time: 10 minutes | Marinating Time: 2 hours | Cooking Time: 10-14 minutes | Total Time: 2 hours 24 minutes
Kcal: 350 kcal | Servings: 4 servings
#carneasada #grilledsteak #cilantro #steakmarinade #grillingseason #mexicanfood #flanksteak #homemadefood #foodie #foodphotography #foodstagram #delicious #foodlover #easyrecipes #weeknightdinner #tasty #foodinspiration
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saltv2 · 3 months
then can i have a recipe on how to properly prepare you?
As far as i know, the buttocks of a human are what’s best to eat (because of the amount of meat) but there is no way im letting you cook that.
According to cannibals, palms are the sweetest. So save those for later.
Thighs also have a lot of meat, so maybe they’d make good steak.
So yeah, chop those up and preserve them.
Make sure to wash so all the blood gets cleaned off, and do not cook cold steak.
Pat dry, using paper towels, it’ll ensure good contact between the thigh steak and the pan. Do not over season it.
Use the right cooking oil, preferably avocado oil. No, you cannot use olive oil as a substitute because it has a low smoke point.
Use the right pan at a high tempt, a skillet is best because it can hold heat, ideal for steak. Don’t worry about how often you flip, and don’t overcook it, use a meat thermometer to check temp.
And let the thigh steak cool down before serving.
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ayyyez · 1 year
Haikyuu headcannons of who you think would be the best at cooking? Like who makes delicious meals and likes to cook (other than, ya know, Osamu lol). Could be any meal types (breaky, brunch, lunch, dinner, dessert, etc)
Bonus if ya include who shouldn't be allowed within 10 feet of a kitchen <3
a/n: omg can I?????? ABSOLUTELY I CAN! thank for request as always ehe ily <3
tags: cooking headcanons, fluff
characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Atsumu, Kageyama Tobio, Kunimi Akira, Kozume Kenma + Honourble Mentions at the end
Iwaizumi: The practical allrounder. Can cook most things in theory and quite well. The food itself doesn't always look pretty but he always adds plenty off flavours and spice. Good enough to add his owns twist on recipes too. Learnt the basics from his parents and then most of his recipes he found and adapted himself. Had to fend for himself cooking wise as a teen and has been cooking since then. LOVES cooking for his s/o and his friends and family. Big smiles, holding his head high with a little blush when you compliment his food or cooking skills. Big on nutritional meals too and researching how to make them healthy and delicious. It's the athletic trainer coming out.
Bokuto: The rising star. A learning curve in his teen years with a few messes and averted disasters but a pretty good cook in adulthood. Taught by his mama and big sisters (one is a bit of disaster the other is very good). Genuinly loves cooking and I think finds he loves it more once he learns a bit about nutritional aspects at college/through V.League. Doesn't always follow recipes but somehow is food always tastes amazing. You can tell he puts love into his cooking. His dishes burst with flavour. Dancing in the kitching while cooking you breakfast in nothing but his briefs? Yep! That's him. He's also the guy in the kitchen with mama and gran at family events helping cook all the meals and getting in on the family gossip. He's also really good at mixing drinks but will make them a really strong ratio that have a great taste (they knock you on your ass too).
Atsumu: The somethings always off menace. He can cook in theory. He and Osamu grew up in the same household after all but there's always something up with his dishes. He puts too much spice in there or not enough. Overcooks it, undercooks it, burns it—never can get the timing right. See Atsumu cooks with with the same love Osamu does but with none of the same care. You can get something edible out of his dishes most of the time though. He just doesn't have the same skill or dedication so it's a bit more basic. Better at doing the quick breakfasts or if he's doing dinner he's doing the curries and egg rice omelets. Less likely to overcook things then because they're a bit easier. He can do onigiri too though just not the fancy tasty ones Osamu does. If you compliment his cooking though he will love you forever! This man lives off words of affirmation and praise lol.
Kageyama: The basics otherwise a disaster. Can definitely cook rice after his sister taught him how to use a rice cooker. He needed to know once he moved out of home. Can fry up vegetables in a pan and make other basic dishes. Although the first time he cooked with oil in a pan he burnt the top of his hand the poor boy. Why did no one warn him not to turn the heat up too high and that hot oil can bubble up like that? (Miwa totally did Tobio sweetie! He was just so hungry at the time he wasn't paying close enough attention). He panicked so much for his poor setter hands he didn't use the pan for days. Called his sister to come to Tokyo. She laughed her ass off at him because he eyed the pan like a skittish cat. Totally a pro now though. Not great at big recipes and dishes. Just basic basic things. Also doesn't like cooking things he has to monitor for long periods of time. Just makes sure all the food groups are there. Meat? Check. Veges? Check. Throw in pan. Add sauce/spice. Done. Eat with rice. lol. Simple. Panics if you ask him to cook for you. Just kind of goes 'I only know how to cook me things.' as in his basic ass bitch meals lmao.
Kunimi: The lazy king of life hacks. Learnt how to make tasty meals in a rice cooker from his dorm room. Hacked his way out of social interactions and walking anywhere once he found out that even if he got food delivered he'd have to walk downstairs to go get it. Big on easy noodle meals like your ramens, rice noodles, potato noodles, etc. Doesn't like too much spice and prefers adding a bit of sugar to his dishes. When he's got access to the facilities (like as a teen at home or an adult out of the dorms) he will make certain kinds of minimal effort desserts once in awhile. When he's craving certain sweets like fudge that you can just chuck somewhere cool to set. Not super big on baking but likes the end reward of it. Doesn't like super involved cooking by himself but is more willing to be part of the process with someone else like a s/o or friends/family. Has to be someone close who can convince him to do it though or he will just watch from the sidelines. Prefers easy but tasty recipes and is very good at perfecting his own. Want something quick and delicious? Kunimi is your man.
Kenma: Can't cook but can kind of bake wildcard. Growing up he never had to do anything like helping out with the cooking. Knows how to boil water and pour it into a noodle cup. Knows how to cook rice in a cooker from Kuroo showing him a volleyball camp. Knows how to grill meat and put things in hot pot from outings. Would overcook things because he's so anxious it wouldn't be cooked enough that he'd leave it too long. Just hates the idea of him cooking anyway because he's worried he'll mess it up and it makes him anxious. Might try if you show him basic things and don't just leave him on his own. Baking though, that is something he did want to be apart of growing up. Used to be that kid sitting in front of the oven waiting for his pies to bake. Liked helping mixing and putting everything together. The smell of things baking really relaxes him.
Can cook well/delicious flavours: Miya Osamu (duh), Kita Shinsuke, Tendou Satori
Can cook basic dishes/good flavours/spices: Oikawa Tooru, Kuroo Tetsurou, Sakusa Kiyoomi,
Can cook basic dishes/what is adding spices? Yamaguchi Tadashi, Suna Rintarou (he barely cooks and forgets lol) Eita Semi
Adds too much spice! Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Nishinoya Yuu, Futakuchi Kenji, Yuutarou Kindaichi
Tries to cook but burns things: Asahi Azumane, Koganegawa Kanji
Experimenter wildcard 50/50 of being good meal: Sugawara Koushi, Yachi Hitoka, Hinata Shouyou, Yaku Morisuke
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 4 months
will there be a scene where we gotta be like "I know a safe space but you cant tell anyone" and so we take the gang to our reclusive home and its just a fucking shipping container, like no one will find us here.
Hello public message #13! You will be receiving a pasta recipe after a short ad for your question! Thank you for taking a moment to NOT click on skip ads since we need the money, god dammit.
"The whole gang just sitting on the floor of the container and everyone's too polite to pull a 'damn you live like this' on Dime. :)"
Thank you for your time, here it is.
Ingredient Notes
To make this delicious RECIPE, you will need the following ingredients (full measurements in recipe card below):
pasta - use your favorite pasta shape. Penne, rotini, or cavatappi are great shapes for holding sauce.
butter - you can use olive oil instead or a plant-based butter substitute if you are vegan.
garlic - use fresh garlic if you can, or make it easier by using 1 teaspoon of pre-minced garlic in place of each garlic clove used here.
tomato sauce - homemade and store-bought both work.
tomato paste - you can use tomato puree in place of tomato paste at a 3:1 ratio.
heavy cream - you can also try a heavy coconut cream if you prefer to make it a little lighter, but it will change the taste of the pasta making it slightly sweeter.
Parmesan cheese - Parmesan cheese adds a rich, nutty flavor to the sauce and helps to thicken it. Asiago or pecorino romano are both great swaps for Parmesan.
salt and pepper
fresh parsley - highly recommended for serving on top, but you can leave it out if you don't like parsley. Chopped basil works well too.
How to Make the Best Creamy Tomato Pasta
Cook pasta. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over medium-high heat. Add pasta and cook until al dente, about 10 minutes or according to package directions. Drain the pasta well and set aside.
Sauté garlic. Meanwhile, heat butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat until bubbly hot, about 1 minute. Add garlic and sauté until fragrant, about 1 minute.
Add tomato sauce. Pour in tomato sauce and tomato paste. Stir and bring it to a simmer, about 4-5 minutes.
Add cream. Reduce the heat to low and stir in heavy cream and Parmesan cheese. Cook until thickened to a desired consistency, about 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
Toss in pasta. Add in the cooked pasta and toss well to coat evenly. Garnish with parsley and serve warm.
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