#Black divestment
papirouge · 9 months
NOT Argentina trending for them beig mad at their deranged new president 👀
Weren't you guys flexing about being a nOt like a DisneY mOviE🤪 White country that successfully managed to outbreed its mulattos and Blacks, and how your football NT was 'purer' & represented more authentically its country unlike France NT and its "African" players?
See how deep that demonic racist energy shit dragged you in?
that's karma
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edit: removed the reblogs because ugly & hateful Argentians started being mad at me for spiting truth 🥰
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comrade-onion · 5 months
A Critique of the Western Left
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The Western Left has been marred by infighting in recent years, effectively crippling any capacity it has to fight back against the vicious capitalist system it rightfully opposes.
In my eyes, I see two main contributing factors to the general incompetency of the Left in the Western world. Infighting and ineffective campaigning.
Infighting between sects within the left along niche ideological lines stunts its ability to grow its membership and influence by making the movement look irrelevant, hostile, and elitist. The right isn't divided along small ideological lines. They can and will cooperate to spread their collective hateful ideologies. To combat this effectively, we need to put our differences aside and unite along our common enemy: the capitalist system. Only when the abolition of capitalism has been undertaken can we afford to disagree on minor policy and theoretical differences.
Secondly, Leftist campaigning is so focused on ideological niches that it no longer appeals to the working people. The average worker is not concerned about who Gonzalo was. They are too busy worrying about food, about rent, about utilities and education, and safety. We need to campaign issues that are affecting the people the most. We NEED to appeal to the masses and embrace left-wing populism to garner the popular support needed to oppose fascism if we want any chance of facilitating positive and lasting change.
We have a common enemy, and we must not fight each other. Instead, we must work together for the good of the people and for the good of the planet.
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noirsisterhood · 7 months
Books every Black girl and woman should be reading
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cinematicendevaourz · 18 days
The Front Room #CVReview
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I really enjoyed the formula for "The Front Room" - the Egger's Brothers miscegenial cautionary tale showing the realities of taking care of aging relatives, the type of beta-male cuck's U.S. negroid women tend to pursue when it comes to them attempting to lighten the shade of their family tree and (as Perkins did earlier this year with "Long Legs") show how evil Boomer parents are and how much of a nightmare a live-in in-law stands to be.
Not much supernatural, mystified, crap takes place in the Eggers Brothers script. "The Front Room" is very down to earth as any fantastical dream sequence can be chalked up to post-partum delusions.
Brandy is so sexy in this film showing off her round, pregnant, belly that I had to watch the film about three times in a loop and still did not want to leave the theater !
Marcelo Zarvos provides an unsettling, pulse pounding soundtrack for nearly every uncomfortable conversation Brandy's character has or uncomfortable situation she gets into - and it's alot of them !
From Kathryn Hunter's Solange and her incontinence stinking up the room as much as her religious zealotry and Daughters of The Confederacy history to Belinda (Brandy)'s quest for motherhood encapsulating with both her and her husband barely making it in the East Coast and not having the gall to actually grow a pair - this movie shows a embellished version of modern marriage and the blended family, but for those who lived something similar to the situations in Egger's script, "The Front Room" is far from extreme.
And as long as films like "The Front Room", "A Quiet Place Day One" and other such miscegenial films before it show the realities of Caucazoid-male relations with Negroid females, I'm finding myself less upset with the idea.
I can deal with a caucazoid being portrayed as a beta male in European cinema if they grab up a divestor. It's a stereotype I'm happy to see on the screen, especially if it means I get to see a pregnant negroid in distress.
I can live with and love "The Front Room". I don't get to do that everytime I hit the box office. But the opportunity is always there, and the Eggers capitalized off the lack of challengers in a quiet weekend fresh off the heels of the summer blockbuster season.
C.V.R. The Bard
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milkchocolatenhoney · 2 years
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triggerblaze345 · 10 months
The BDS (Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions) movement is calling for a boycott of three companies on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The boycott is being called for the companies complicity in the Israeli government’s genocide of the people of Gaza.
The three companies are Marvel, HP and Puma.
Here are the reasons why, as stated by the movement.
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Please Do Not Buy from these Companies on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
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hussyknee · 8 months
I do, in fact, hold the Jewish community collectively responsible for Zionists.
Individually? Of course not. Anti Zionist Jews exist as individuals. Many individuals are shut out of their own religious community, especially those of colour.
But as a community where Zionism is so socially and institutionally entrenched that the minority of dissenters are disowned and ostracized?
The global community of which only a handful of organisations openly advocate for Palestine, and even most of those paternalistic and co-opting Palestnian voices with liberal Zionist sympathies?
The western majority that institutionally benefits from white colonization and imperialism and silences its non-Jewish Black and brown critics?
The same majority that will never own their privilege or culpability or complicity in the colonial project before and after the Holocaust?
That helped the West exceptionalize it to cover up their exponentially larger and more enduring colonial crimes?
That distanced themselves from their white colonial privilege at the expense of BIPOC by insisting theirs was not a religious marginalization but a racial one, and continues to punish us for not treating them as racially oppressed?
Whose very demand to be automatically exonerated from the Palestinian genocide is reflective of their white and Western privilege?
That successfully broke the ties Jews of colour have to their own racial communities through Israeli ethnic cleansing and Zionist propaganda?
That uses JoC as shields, tokens and weapons against all the above charges?
The JoC that have purchased the privileges of Zionism and enfranchised themselves by betraying their own races?
The community that has used the charge of antisemitism to police Black and brown folks for decades, making it a knife against our necks?
I absolutely, 100% blame the global Jewish community.
The Global South will not forget. We will not forgive. All people with white skinned European descent are our oppressors. All people nourished on the teat of the imperial core are the foot soldiers of white supremacy, no matter what their race. We owe you no exoneration.
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brunelsblog · 10 months
"Americans are just broke in 2023"
"The economy is just in a recession right now"
"The deals just weren't that good this year😕"
They will literally give ANY excuse than admit the boycotts are working.
The Americans been broke and in a recession for a while and made Black Friday work somehow until now. The boycotts are working.
Black creators have been SCREAMING in the void trying to remind people this is how they discredited the impacts of Black Friday protests against police brutality a decade ago, so remember THE BOYCOTTS ARE WORKINGGGGGGGG
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radfemsouthy · 2 years
Chrisette Michele vs Kanye West: Why don’t black women get the same grace?
Kanye West has been spewing garbage for years and only now is he facing the consequences. In fact, he still has a cult following that’s convinced he can do no wrong.
Chrisette Michele performed for Donald Trump ONCE & was completely cancelled. Unlike Kanye, she didn’t actively campaign for him & neither was she anti-black or anti-Semitic. Her life has spiralled out of control since that moment in 2016.
Why aren’t black women afforded the same grace as black men?
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noirsisterhood · 6 months
Important books for Black girls and women to read
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The sea gods after Atlantis
Isis unveiled (every book by this author holds a LOT of information about history Black women have not been taught)
Haute Magie dogme Et rituel
Book of Dyzan
Lost goddesses of early greece
Book of Enoch
Emerald tablets of Thoth
The alphabet vs the goddess
Pliny the Elder- Natural histories
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canthebest1 · 8 months
It’s better to not merge interracial dating with divestment. It’s really not about dating or switching from one male group to another. It’s about Black women prioritizing themselves and removing themselves from toxic situations and people that don’t serve them.
Yes I agree! The two comments I was replying two were on the topic of dating. But you can be single and be divested. Not all of us have the goal to be partnered up.
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titus-androgynous-87 · 7 months
Almost all caught up with Love is Blind (just a bit left in the last newest episode). And all of these men are garbage. Like these women made a wish over a bunch of overflowing dumpsters and now they have to teach these trash monsters how to be humans
The women have their own flaws and issues, for sure. But these men make my butthole pucker, as my mother likes to say. None of them ever have anything positive or kind to say about ANYONE, let alone their partners. And constantly trying to fuck other people from the pods
Lying about being engaged, lying about their jobs and looks and goals. And for what? A few hundred more IG followers and a damp dick that don’t work because you drink more vodka than water?
A half-baked reality circuit career where no one falls for your shit because you can’t act to save your fucking life (y’all can’t even gaslight effectively, how you gonna sigma alpha bro your way out of situations of your own making)? An ego boost you clearly don’t need? External validation because your dad never hugged you or said he was proud of you? Forcing people to spend time with you because your toxic personality has alienated everyone around you, but it can’t be YOUR fault! No! It’s not YOUR fault you’re a raging narcissist fuckstick who only views women as holes to pathetically fail stick your aforementioned broke wet rope dick into and then cum on her knee and tell her she should feel grateful you fucked her because she’s ugly (all while looking like a melted tickle me Elmo with your coke-and-alcohol flush and botched chin implants)
I’m sorry I just really hate straight men, and fuck these assholes in particular. This season is a disaster, and not in a fun way
Between this and the Sandoval Apology Tour 2024, I’m so tired and done with reality TV
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rottenlittlefink · 4 months
Telling black men that they need to do better as a collective isn’t anti black btw
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cinematicbookworm · 5 months
I find it highly ironic that both my former undergrad which is now cal poly Humboldt and my current Graduate universities have both been sending out messages saying they support free speech while also calling the cops on student protesters and also trying to deflect responsibility like I’ve been part of protests at Humboldt in the past the admin then barely tolerated what was also a peaceful protest like the professors for the most part usually support the students but the higher admin have never supported the students rights they just wanted to line their pockets then and I doubt things have changed now
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indio-politics · 3 months
Fascism/fascist is a useless label that’s been completely watered down so I don’t use it at all. I interacted with multiple ⚪️✋🏻 today who insist that Biden is not a fascist. If you think that a person who is committing multiple genocides across the globe, who is responsible for the ongoing illegal occupation of sovereign indigenous lands, and is disabling and killing people domestically and abroad is not a fascist then you must not see my people as human. Apparently politicians are only fascist when their actions affect ⚪️✋🏻 liberals. I will not use terms like fascist, I will use terms that adequately articulate my experiences. Colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, etc.
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bedwenchbash · 3 months
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"A Quiet Place Day One" #CVReview
YouTube finally took my channel down for my origibal audio takedown of this film. I haven't had a youtube channel taken down since 2020 when I dropped "The Lucephrase Tape". Back then medical misinformation was the charge, this time Alphabet Inc. claimed explicit sexual content was visible on my channel. Ironically, in reference to this film that I originally made my impromptu review on in particular for my "Bedwench Bash" podcast series - "A Quiet Place Day One" lacked any actual sexual content. Barely an innuendo with mild PDA. Still, Lupita N'yongo deserves to be bashed for her performance in "A Quiet Place Day One", specifically for signing off on subconscious nods to Black misandry. One of the biggest exhibits of such misandry is when N'yongo's character, Samira, finds a copy of infamous misandrist Octavia E. Butler's "Dawn", flips through the book and breathes in the pages of Black-male hate like an old lover. Samira keeps a cat with her, which just happens to be a calico. A calico feline is a predominantly white cat with spots of black. Also, a calico happens to be a derogatory term used to refer to ethnic mixed blacks in the same way synonymous of the terms "red bone", "yellow bone", and "mulatto".
This calico runs off to find Samira her male lead : Jospeh Quinn's "Eric", a goofy caucazoid who mugs the camera and expects the audience to feel endeared when he says he's "From the U.K." When all I heard, not only because this film was released days before the U.S.' so called indepdence from the Brits, was the voice of just another European oppressor with an accent more closely related to the original dialect of the 1800s Euro-migrants that invaded and conquered my country of origin. Now I know that Lupita was born in Mexico and spent her upbringing between Kenya and Mexico in her formative years. Given the white supremacist idealologies of Jose' Vasconcelos in Mexico and the current state of bedwenching and miscegenation from the raping of East Africa by Eurasia, I would not be surprised that after Lupita spent nearly the first twenty minutes of this film in white face (covered in soot from a car explosion that opens up the action sequences in the film) that her original gripes against Harvey Weinstein that spearheaded the Me-Too Movement might have been the wishy-washy sentiments of a bedwench for pay that wasn't given enough currency to keep her part in Weinstein's scandal(s) covered up.
What self-respecting black woman signs up for a film where she portrays a character who's name ("Samira") translates to "night-companion"? In Arabic, nonetheless! One only knows the atrocities of how Islam took over Africa in the same vein their Abrahamic Christian cousins pillaged the West. I honestly could not remember any role that N'yongo was in throughout her filmography other than in Jordan Peele's "Us". Well, apparently N'yongo portrayed Black Panther's love interest, Malice, who then later becomes the baby-mama of the fallen king in "Wakanda Forever". As if in mirroring the male-leads role in THAT script, N'yongo spends the majority of "Day One" living up to her characters name and taking a European colonizer all throughout Harlem so presumably he can see what best way to further gentrify it after the whole apocalypse scenario blows over.
Samira at various points in the film expresses that she wants pizza in Harlem. When she first expressed this, I wondered out loud "Why Not Brooklyn?". As a native to L.A., I first copped my N.Y. slice next to 4Kings Corner Store at Sheepshead Bay, strictly because Busta Rhymes used to slang drugs out there back when the building was known as Poncho's Deli. The film starts out it's apocalypse in an Asian area of Queens (Flushing I figure), so even though it's not Brooklyn , Harlem is yet another chocolate enclave within the five boroughs so I did not have a problem with the progression of the film moving up to Harlem. My problem was that "Eric", tagged-along his hood pass in a similar vein as the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent coat-tailed T'Challa in "Black Panther" around Wakanda so the Eric's of the world could appraise what they could pillage. My problem is that Samira is the 2024 Pocahontas of Harlem. My problem is that Samira, a cancer patient, had a father who also died of cancer - presumably of a FDA approved European diet, which involves plenty of lactose which is terrible for the digestion of melaninated people like Samira and her father. A N.Y. slice is unironically a lactose filled dish.
The life expectancy in the European nation of the U.S. for it's Black citizens are exceedingly low and food intake is one of the main causes of death for U.S. black citizens. Samira, already afflicted with cancer, spends her time in the apocalypse bedwenching and hunting for a cancer slice at a pizza palor that looks like the one straight out of Spike Lee's "Do The Right Thing". Where photo evidence shows that her father was not a cook, not the owner, but an entertainer. A minstrel role for a European eatery. A pianist. And of course as Samira's fingers strokes the keys that her father used to play, one can not help but wonder why Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney's "Ebony and Ivory" wasn't inserted into the score of the scene, since Samira's present company is Eric, a colonist name that derives to "eternal king". This film's etymology makes it seem as if it must have been a throwaway script for "Dune". But no, this is just typical of European cinema : a constant tease of European males exerting subconcious power over Afrocentric females, and through that, Afrocentric culture as a whole. I'd be remiss if I forgot to mention that of course Samira's cat is named "Frodo", star of the "LOTR" franchise - a European-male empowerment fantasy series. When I first went to a New York comic book shop (Forbidden Planet NYC) I was disrespected by an Afropunk woman behind the counter while I was making my purchase. Typical of an afropunk woman of my ethnic makeup she treated me with misandry and felt that I was taking up space in an area where she chose to meet U.S. Euro-mutts to mate with.
After I paid my fare and left the store I went to a movie theater and talked to another Black-U.S. citizen from Brooklyn, who took the time to "warn me" about The City. She was a Butch with an effeminate frame. Whoever did the character study for "Day One" did their job, because I guarantee these two women I met in Manhattan would have been cooning just like Samira for Eric if the same "Day One" scenario occured in this reality. The day I went to see "Day One" in Arizona, with it's small Black population (so West Coast), I was verbally attacked by a homeless black woman who was a dopefiend. I offered her water. I saw her from across the street where I was waiting on a bus to get to the movie, and she walked away with a Euro dope boy, within five minutes coming from the back of a building high as a kite, as his "night companion" for the day. So when Eric goes to retrieve pain meds for Samira in "Day One", I couldn't help but think of how Europeans love to give indigenous women both poison and medicine like DiCaprio's character in "Killers Of The Flower Moon". And how these indigenous women love to play the patient if they are not getting paid to be the European's nurse. Anyways, by the time "Day One" dies down Samira draws the "Nine of Wands" indicating that her "struggle" (life) is almost over and she literally die-vest's by handing Eric the Colonizer her coat. Yes, this coon gave the colonizer the coat off her back. More than that, the coat was owned by her father. So essentially she gave her family legacy to a Caucazoid colonizer. Family memories, by walking Eric all throughout Harlem when she should have sent him to Manhattan the minute he started stalking her and now family heirlooms.
Eric takes Frodo to survive. At this point the Black Woman's life is less than not only her man but also her pet, and it's okay as long as they are (predominantly) pale. If Eric was black and expressed his fear for the apocalyptic scenario upon meeting Samira without a single change in the present script, Samira would have verbally assaulted him (maybe physically assaulted him) and would have rather died with her cat than have a black man accompany her to what once used to be New York's Black Mecca. And then the film ends with Samira committing suicide by singing some Nina Simone - a civil rights activist who went through hell living in the U.S. just to make her deathbed in one of those other red, white and blue European countries called France. I see why John Krasinski the creator of this film series, wanted to distance himself away from this entry. The first two "Quiet Place" films were Krasinski and his wife, Emily Blunt, with fictional children surviving the apocalypse. Nuclear family survival franchise turned miscegenal survivalist fantasy. This is most likely why Krasinski chose to place his name all over the advertisements for the children's film "IF" to expand his portfolio and sneak his name into the ending production credits, because Krasinski who got big off starring in the Scranton, PA based "The Office" obviously is not comfortable in public betting on black, but does not mind cleaning up on the back end of Hollywood's favorite coupling situation : a wolf in sheep's clothes European male engaged in usury of a willing Afrocentric female, who by the time the credits roll becomes yet another statistic of a dead Black U.S. citizen in the culling operation of a European country dedicated to the genocide of it's dwindling Afrocentric population. "Day One"? More like "Groundhog Day" - and Bill Murray can go ahead and keep Kelis !
C.V.R. The Bard
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