#BoZ Apollo x reader
roguerambles · 4 months
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Apollo: "Ah, Hermes. I wasn't expecting you here."
Hermes: "I could say the same to you. Where is--?"
Reader: "Ah, there you both are. Thank you for arriving at such short notice. I require your assistance in a...delicate matter."
Hermes: "So you asked Apollo?"
Apollo: *elbowing Hermes* "Always happy to assist, my dear. What do you need exactly? I thought you'd be distracted with Hera trying to marry you off."
Reader: "It's about that, actually. I would like to have sex with you both."
Hermes: "...."
Apollo: "...."
Hermes: "...pardon?"
Reader: "Hera is pressing me to marry Ares. I don't particularly want to, and if she catches me in bed with the two of you, she won't either. Everybody wins, yes?"
Apollo: "....her logic is flawless, Hermes--"
Hermes: "Apollo!"
Apollo: "I mean... *clears throat* "My dear, as...enticing an offer as that is, I don't think--"
Reader: *starts walking towards the bedroom*
Apollo: "...Hermes, talk me out of this."
Hermes: "It will infuriate Ares and Hera."
Apollo: *striding after Reader, tugging Hermes along* "Damn it, I said talk me out of it!"
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demigoddessqueens · 4 months
Masterlist 10
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Having Apollo’s children would include…
As soon as you tell him you are pregnant, the Sun God is over the moon for you!! Picking you up, hugs and kisses and all, he adores you!
Tells you repeatedly “thank you for the gift you’ve given me!”
Waits on you hand and foot, and has the minor gods and goddesses-nymphs wait on you as well
If your ever uncomfortable, or before you even realize your discomfort, Apollo is there with any
Of course he’s the type to talk to your stomach when you feel the “kicking” in your stomach
Given his powers of prophecy, he knows if you’re having twins or not but oh so subtly tries to come up with baby names for them
Goes without saying the day his kids are born is the happiest of his immortal life
He loves being a dad, just makes it his whole personality
Writes poems and ballads for them! Commissions armor and swords for them (even as a baby)! All the statues of him and you and the new arrivals
If they pursue a different passion in their godhood, he’s supportive of them all the way
Wears that pouch-sling thing with Baby Sun tucked comfortably in front
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rengokuswif3 · 1 year
Blood of Zeus! Apollo x Reader
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MANS IS LITERALLY POLYAMOROUS, he’s seen with Hyacinthus and Daphne together in bed (we love a poly bisexual king)
You were another mortal he had fallen in love with and was met with a cruel destiny, being killed like Hyacinthus or cursed like Daphne. He didn’t like the pattern of his lovers being given such fates, but he was happy they were with him on Mount Olympus now where he could be with them and where they were safe with him for the rest of time
Apollo is obviously very flirty and confident with the looks to back up his ego. Yet he feels humbled around the three of yours beauty, kindness and hearts. He may be a god, but the three of you had him bowing before you in admiration and pure love
While he’s out riding the sun chariot through the sky during the day, the three of you bask in his warmth and light together. Considering a flower was named after Hyacinthus and Daphne was a tree nymph, nature is a big part of your lives. Your husbands light brings life to the plants you all care for
The three of you will also go on sweet dates around the home of the gods. Splashing each other in the creeks, drying off on the pristine grass and napping in the warm sun after lunch
Nights are your favorites though. Nights are when Apollo is done with his duties as his sister takes over the night. Nights are the time you get to spend with him
When the sun begins to set, you feel all giddy inside awaiting Apollo’s return. He’s not hard to spot, as his body glows warm against the cool darkness. He rides down in his chariot and you and Daphne greet his horses while Hyacinthus greets Apollo first with a kiss. Then the god will kiss you and Daphne ‘hello’, before asking what the night holds for them
Sometimes you all plan a relaxing night for Apollo when he’s tired from his duties. You’ll sit in a warm bath together, washing his hair for him and relaxing in the hot water together. He never asks what you did that day, as he can always see from his place in the sky
While Apollo eats ambrosia and nectar, the rest of you have a spread fit for kinds prepared by his servants. The finest wines, fruits, meats and grains are presented to you. Though he doesn’t need mortal food to live, he does enjoy the taste of some fruits you feed him or the taste of wine on your lips
Apollo will often go spar with his brothers, Hermes and Ares, and be proud to see the three loves of his immortal life sitting in the stands cheering him on. He often likes to show off for you, earning teasing from Hermes and harder blows from Ares to knock him down a peg. Needless to say, you get along with Hermes as a brother in law better-
After the long day and you’re all tired, you retreat to his quarters to sleep. You sleep between Apollo and Hyacinthus, Daphne on the other side of Apollo, while Hyacinthus’ arm is wrapped around you and resting on Apollo’s chest
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thewritingginger · 2 years
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Thank you Lovely Anon for the request! Sorry for the stupid late posting but I want to finish this event up before the end of the year oops 
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Pairning: Apollo x Fem! Reader Word count: 900+ words Warnings: Fluff, Proposal, Pretty GN other than the use of “Girlfriend” one time :)
Enjoy ~
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“Hermes, how much longer do I have to keep this on for? Where are we even going?” You ask as you’re being blindly led by Apollo’s younger brother.
“You ask so many questions.” He chuckles. “ The only thing I can tell you is Apollo sent me to get you and that it’s a surprise.”
Your tummy flutters at the idea of what Apollo could possibly get you.
He always showers you with little gifts and surprises you with sweet dates. Last time you told him it was your turn to treat him and you did by making a picnic for you two, you even made fresh bread and got his favorite fruit and set up on a hill to watch the sunset and here he is doing another impossibly sweet gesture only a few weeks after his last.
The sun god is always quick to spoil you and is deaf to all your comments of guilt for not being able to pay him back or do the same for him. The smile on your face and the time you give me is a gift in itself, he would say so you just try to accept it and know he expects nothing in return no matter how big or small his token of affection is.
Though he’s done a lot in the two years you’ve shared together, being led blindfolded to an unknown location is a first. All you can tell is you’re going up a rocky hill —thank the gods for Hermes’ hold on your arm because you’ve had a few close calls of falling on your face.
“Okay,” The God beside you says, coming to a stop. “You can remove your blindfold.” You can feel him stand back as you untie the loose knock at the back of your head, blinking away the brightness of the setting sun your heart melts in your chest at the sight before you.
Before you is the spot where Apollo asked you to officially be his girlfriend and now there is a trail of red petals leading from where you’re standing to the golden god standing in the middle of the clearing. He reflects the smile you give him as you start walking, looking over your shoulder you see Hermes is gone —you were so enthralled by the scene before you you must’ve missed him racing away, leaving the two of you alone on the top of this mountain.
“You look as lovely as always.” Apollo says, his smooth rich voice rolls over his lips like silk.
“Thank you, I can say the same for you.” You chuckle, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear as you reach him in the center. “This is beautiful, Apollo, but what is this all?” You ask, scanning the surrounding ground that is littered with flower petals and candles that are dancing in the wind, illuminating the dimming area.
“What? Can’t a man do something special for their lover for nothing?” He asked suavely as he took a step towards you to hook his warm hand around the back of your neck and pull you in for a sweet kiss. When your lips touch it sends sparks of electricity across your skin and down your spine.
“I guess not, but was the blindfold really necessary?”
“Of course. You should’ve seen your face, it was beautiful.” He smiles brightly.
Taking your hand he takes a deep breath.
“However, I must confess, there is something more to this night.”
“What more can you possibly do, this is perfect, Apollo. You’ve already given me all I could possibly want” You ask bemused, making him chuckle warmly.
“Perhaps but there is something I’ve been wanting to give to you for quite a while.”
You allow the god to walk you to a small seating area he’d set up with blankets and cushions along with a basket with a bottle of wine and a few treats. Taking a seat upon a gold cushion, your hand still in his, you wait for him to continue.
“Y/n, you’ve honored me with two years of your life, which is more than I would’ve ever expected you to grant me. You say I’ve given you all I could possibly give but it’s quite the opposite. There is so much left to give, some of which I may never acquire but I’ll spend every day you grant me to do just that. You deserve everything this world, and on, has to offer.” Your eyes begin to prickle with wetness as you listen to his honeyed words and see the truth in his amber eyes.
Positioning himself on his knee before your body he takes both your hands in his as he keeps his eye locked on yours.
“I would say that every petal around us is a physical representation of all the reasons and the days that I’ve loved you and will continue to love you, but there aren’t enough in existence to show that.
The reason I’ve brought you here is because I wanted to bring you to the very spot you accepted my courtship to humbly request you to give me the opportunity to love you for the rest of your days as your husband.
Y/n L/n, will you marry me?”
You don’t even try to stop the tears that are brimming over as you frantically nod your head, wrapping your arms around his shoulders you press your quivering lips against his.
“Yes! A million times, yes!” You cry between kisses. His hands cradle your face as his glossy eyes search yours.
“Really?” He asks, almost surprised you said yes.
“Yes, Apollo. I will marry you.”
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This is kinda shitty but is it in a cute way at least?!? I hope you enjoyed it either way 😅
Feedback & Interaction is always appreciated :)
💛 ~
~ Valentine’s Masterlist ~ ~ Masterlist ~
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Yandere Olympus x hurt reader (headcanons)
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you were practically the baby of Olympus, being the youngest child of Zeus and Hera you were always being protected by one of your older siblings or other family. it is rare that you are out of their view.
so it was quite a surprise when their precious baby god/goddess was carried up by Hermes with a broken arm after they were left alone for a few hours in the mortal realm.
nearly instantly your family was at your side, making sure you were ok and asking what happened. when you explain that you had spooked the horse of a mortal and it knocked you down breaking your arm just by the way you fell they were furious, not with you or the horse but for that mortal for not controlling their horse, accident or not they would pay for hurting their precious baby.
as you sat in your bedroom with your mother and Apollo having your arm healed your father sent Ares to have a field day with the person who was responsible for your injury.
even after your arm is healed you are forced to stay in bed for weeks, your mother and father visiting you and your siblings entertaining you. when you're finally let out of bed you're practically guarded by all of your siblings, you thought that they never left you alone before but now they go as far as sleeping in your room to make sure that you stay safe.
and you can kiss ever leaving Olympus again goodbye, if you're let out of your room you will be near someone in your family at all times they won't risk you being hurt again.
if anyone tries to go near you who isn't another god, even if it's just a servant on Olympus they will either be hurt or killed depending on who sees them.
out of your sibling's Hermes, Dionysus, and Artemis will be the most lenient and not apply as many rules to you, wanting to keep you happy along with healthy.
ares and Apollo along with your parents will not in the slightest be lenient, if anything they made the rules so they would never break them.
in the end, you will be constantly protected and no matter how many centuries go by you will always be their baby and no one will change that.
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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hiddenlife-manager · 2 months
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Apollo x Fem Chubby Reader NSFW
cw… orgasmining, no mention of cum but inferred creampie, not edited, public sex, forest sex, slight emotional apollo, loving partner apollo, zeus mention, gentle sex, praise, doggy standing, breast mention, etc...
notepad… NEW FANDOM I LOVE APOLLO AND HERMES!! Not gonna lie this was long, but in a way I needed to use this to get out of writers block. Like I have been struggling mentally for some time and just have been bed rotting all summer due to avoiding stress. I think I plan on coming back though. School is about to start, I am trying to pay for it and the office is PISSING ME OFF LIKE ACCEPT MY MONEY!
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You were walking through the forest; it was a dark night, and the moon was high up as you tried to get back to the Polis. You have traveled so far to the Temple of Apollo to meet the oracle. You were advised by your lover to travel from your polis to see the oracle. You were traveling from wagon to wagon, and thankfully, your Polis was down the path, and you were left to walk. You passed trees and looked down to see a lit-up Polis down the large hill. Through the forest trail, you would have to walk for an hour.
“Very well,” you mumbled as you fixed your peplos and began to walk. You were nervous, afraid that an animal would come up from behind you and try to kill you, but the trip to and from has been safe. To some, it would seem like godly intervention. It was as if you were being watched by a god; in a way, it was true. But like all the gods, he had limits on how to keep you safe without interfering. “Just a little more.” 
As you were walking, you could feel eyes on you. Looking up at the sky, you saw a hawk soaring through the sky, landing on a strong branch. You let a smile reach your lips. You raised your hand to your lips and smiled even brighter. You blinked once, and there you saw a tan, muscular man on a tree branch. His long blonde hair was swaying in the night breeze.
“How was the oracle?” He asked you, and there he hopped off the branch and down onto the ground like it was nothing; his cape blew in the breeze alongside his hair as if the winds were favoring him. He walked over to you; he clearly dimmed his own light from the moment he turned into his normal form. He placed his hands on your shoulder, and then one hand removed itself from it and grabbed your chin. “You look dirty, my dearest.”
“What do you expect from me? I have been traveling.” He nodded at your response and noticed that you were close home. He was the one who advised you to go to the oracle. He was the one who said it was best you got your prophecy from them and not him. “The oracle accepted the rabbit pelt you gifted me; she informed me that I will never marry if I stay with my current love.” You looked at him; you always thought maybe he would marry you, but it was clear it was just not possible. “I’m at a fork in the road: leave the one I love and marry another, or stay with the one I love and never be married. But I cannot have both.”
“I am sorry, my dearest; I was too much of a coward to tell you. So I had the oracles speak the truth.” He looked at you as you stared at him. He was confused as to why you were not yelling at him from the moment you saw him. Even on your trip home, you were just calm, no anger. “I would understand if we must part.” He raised his hand, placing it on your chubby cheek.
“I have been unmarried for so long that I have been barred from much of society in my own polis. I see no reason to change it. I have come to terms with the prophecy since the very moment the oracle told me in the temple. I was naive to think I could marry a god. That I will admit.” His hand was still on your chubby cheek; he looked down at you, and his other hand was placed on your waist. He loved the way you were so soft in his hold.
“I am sorry.”
“I chose this life the very moment we met; I will live a life of solitude if I must.” There, his hand shifted down to your neck from your cheek, and he leaned down to you. He was a god, after all; he would clearly be taller than you and the other mortals. He took your lips into a soft kiss; his lips were gentle, almost quivering; in a way, he was fearing you would pick another man. Your lips are slightly parted enough to invite him closer. He pressed you against a wooden tree, his hand still on your soft waist and your neck.
His hand on your waist slowly lowered to your peplos, and he lifted it up. He moved it a bit and lifted it. His hand gripped your ass, his lips still moving against your own. He hated to show his worries; he hated that he fell for a mortal and could not marry them. He knew very well that his father would not agree to it; even if his father fell for a mortal, he knew the risks of being with them and would never approve of you. He sucked at your bottom lip, pulling away.
“I need you.” He whispered into your ear, and you nodded. He turned you around with his hand on your beautiful chub. He loved your rolls; he loved every single thing about you. To him, your beauty rivaled most mortals he has ever met. He fixed his skirt, and there his cock came out. He stroked it with one hand while the other caressed your ass. He played with your fat ass, and there he began to line himself up. “Take a deep breath, dearest.”
You opened your mouth to breathe in, and at that very moment, he shoved his cock into your cunt. You grabbed at the tree bark. Your hands tried to hold it, but all you could do was press against it. You cried out in the forest, causing Apollo to place his hands on your mouth and pull you back.
“We don’t want to attract the animals, dearest.” You nodded. His fingers slowly entered your mouth, and instinctively, you began to suck at his muscular fingers. His other hand is placed around your chubby tummy. He held you close, his thighs tensing as he thrust up into you. He was behind you, his head so close to your back. You could feel his breath against your skin. Each time he thrust into you, he had to fix your peplos, ensuring that your ass was bare so no fabric got in the way of his thrust. “So perfect, my dearest.” He whispered from behind you. He loved the way your mouth sucked at his fingers.
You continued to have him thrust into you from behind. Your back is against his chest. You two were being covered by the three in front of you, and if you shifted a little to the side, you could see the polis that have always hated you down the hill. You wondered if anyone could see you, but you did not care. All you wanted was to feel his cock going in and out of you. You felt so complete, and you loved him so much.
“Haah…. Uugh…” You found your moans to match the rhythm of his thrusts from behind. Each time he pulled out and pushed himself back into your pussy caused you to rip out sounds of pleasure. Your hands were still slightly placed against the tree, but in a way, you didn’t need to have your hands against the tree due to the position. You pressed your thighs together, and he lowered his hand from your chubby tummy to your thighs and spread them.
“You love this, don’t you?” You nodded desperately, drool now pooling from your mouth due to sucking at his fingers. He pushed you against the tree and bent you down harsher. He was no longer holding your ass, and he raised his other hand to your breast. He groped your breast, hidden behind your linen fabrics. He was enjoying the way your gasps and moans left your lips. He did not care that you two could get caught by animals. 
He smirked at the way you were so desperate, without even knowing you were pushing your ass back to him, wanting his cock to go deeper in your pussy. Your peplos were in disarray; your pins were shifted, causing a few to fall to the ground. His hands were now placed on your hip and your lower back.
“Yes, so good.” You cried out in pleasure, pressing your hands against the harsh bark of the tree. His hips continued to thrust, and he began to feel your walls clench against his cock. He groaned as he felt how welcoming you were. Your body was made for him, and his thrust began to get deeper and deeper. He was now becoming vocal; his grunts were louder than before. He loved you so much, and even if you two could never marry, he saw a future with you. He would love you despite the fact that you are going to age, and he will not. “Ah! Close! Ah!”
He smirked at the way you were so breathy; this was all he needed to feel at peace with you. His cock burried into your pussy and he was fucking you wherever he wanted. His thrust was still firm and deep, making you cry out. Your walls clenched even tighter around his cock, and when your breathlessness became incoherent mumbling, he knew you were so close. He himself felt it; his body tensed at the feeling of getting closer to the finish line. He felt his toes curl and thrust so deeply that his back arched and his head was thrown back with a loud groan.
As for you, you felt it hit you like a wagon running at full force toward you; your legs shook at the feeling of yourself orgasming. His cock was pulsing inside you, and as the feeling went through your body, you covered your mouth, trying to muffle the loud moan that ripped through you. Your legs failed, and Apollo made sure to keep your body up with his one arm. Despite your beautiful weight, you were as light as a feather to him.
“Careful dear.”
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flaredcfan · 1 month
Demi-god son of Hera [name]: My baby is so amazing. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I'm going to make him my husband, he's so wonderful! (Insert heart eyes)
Apollo: ...Are we looking at the same person here?
John Constantine, in a toga, loudly snoring with drool running down his face, VERY drunk from Dionysus' wine:
Diana (Aka Wonder Woman), whispering: I think he's been cursed by Aphrodite, brother.
Apollo, cringing as he watched [name] fawn over his lover: That seems very likely...
Aphrodite, appearing out of nowhere: I'll have you know, I didn't do anything. This is all him... He and his mother have horrible taste in men (insert scoff)
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kawaiigirly21 · 27 days
Do you guys think Natasha should give Ares a second chance? I feel like if he keeps up with the jealous ex husband routine, he might just attract her again. One of the things that made Natasha so attracted to him in the first place was his aggression and passion for violence and war. Weird, but what girl doesn't want a lover who'd rip out someone's spine and gift it to them as a precious leash for her lion? (Whose ever spine it was is still up for debate). He might might might just have another chance, if he ditches Aphrodite which he's probably willing to do. OR should Natasha completely be over him and get with the man who has been preparing for a proposal since the 3some. This guy has been trying to find the courage to ask her to marry him. He knows that she'll have to adapt to life underwater and it might be hard for her. But he's willing to help and teach her, if that means he gets to spend the rest of his immortal life with the woman of his dreams safe in his arms. Or should she get with any other man who wants her? Apollo and Hyacinthis have expressed their interest in her. Dionysus is so pussy whipped he can't think straight. Hephaestus knows she won't choose him. But he likes to dream. Heron and Seraphim are fairly new to the love game but are willing to go all in. Hermes absolutely adores Natasha like no other. One might say his love for her makes him a bit feral. Who should she choose? Who deserves her heart?
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months
god(dess) of relaxation
A/n - My Blood of Zeus follow up for the ongoing massage series
Masterlist 10
It’s a nice way to relax and unwind after his constant shuffling back and forth, melting into your touch and wanting to reciprocate
He’s touch-starved to a degree, and always leans into your touches when you massage him, using it as an excuse to cuddle you
He won’t admit it out loud but your hands do more to heal and soothe him than any other after a battle spar or tournament
Completely and entirely self indulgent when you massage, always keening for your touch and gets more handsy with you
He was never one who liked contact (can you blame him? poor guy) but when he finally lets you touch him?? Ohh he is MELTING!
She’s not one to pass up a relaxing time but sometimes doesn’t want to admit she likes a good relaxation with you, especially when you touch her so gently
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mxxny-lupin · 4 months
Request guidelines
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[status: Open for blood of zeus request]
alright sluts (love y'all sm):
let's go over a few ground rules
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first things first: hi, i love You. thank you for even wanting to share your idea with me, and trusting me with it.
secondly: please be patient with me. i may not get to your request right away or at all, so please don't take that personally. im a human bean just like you with a life and a job, and sometimes i get writers block, and the creative juices just won't flow. not all requests spark something in my head
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things i will not write:
something similar to a request i've written before or a request i can see has been done by another writer (don't send a bunch of us the same prompt to see who can get to it first, that's a dick move) requests for characters i don't normally write for and don't think i can do justice (i will redirect you to a blog that does write for that specific character in that case)
anything offensive, nonconsensual, involving an underage character, certain dark themes, incest unless its hotd, or anything that just gives me the ick (even whores have their limits ok)
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who/what i will write for:
marvel, marauders, dc, hazbin hotel, bg3, avatar, spn, mha and many more
if there is a character you have in mind that i haven't written for yet, it doesn't hurt to ask! your request does not have to be hetero. you can be as gay as you want! i am perfectly fine writing queer fics! i'd actually love to write more! i'm also totally fine with writing for all races/ genders/whatever floats your boat! this is your request. i want to tailor it to you specifically
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rules for smut/p.links:
there has been an influx of minors on here lately, so from now on, i will not be accepting anonymous requests for smut this is an 18+ blog, so you shouldn't even be interacting if you're underage if you want something spicy, you have to come off anon. i need to be able to confirm your age somehow
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submission guidelines:
please include as much info as possible for your request and be specific! i need to know if you want a blurb, p.links, headcannon, etc. please include your pronouns & the pronouns you want used in your request! please be kind & patient! if I can tell that you haven't read any of these guidelines and have disregarded all the ground rules i've laid out, i'm just gonna delete your request. don't be that asshole i will do my best to get as close to your request as possible. if it is a topic i do not have a lot of familiarity with, i may reach out to you for more details. again, this is for you! i want it to be exactly what you want
if you've made it this far and you're still reading, thank you. i love you.
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thewritingginger · 2 years
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Posts are gonna be kinda dodgy cuz Im slumpin’ but I'm trying to power through 🤞🏻
Plz mind any mistakes :)
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Pairing: Apollo x M! Reader Word count: 4,1k+ words Warnings: 18+, Modern au, Established relationship, Model! Apollo, Dom/sub behavior,  Pet names, Sexting, Phone sex, Guided masturbation, Mutal Masturbation, Slight degrading, Dirty talk (obvi), Praise, Sex toys (vibrator), Anal Fingering, Anal penetration
Enjoy ~
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Tossing your keys into the bowl by the door of your apartment you let out a tired sigh. Stripping yourself of your jacket and scarf you shoot your boyfriend –Apollo– a text before getting ready for a shower.
Y/n: “Back home, today couldn’t have ended fast enough. Call me when you can. ❤️”
Leaving your phone by the bathroom sink you warm up your shower trying to not stay glued to your phone waiting for Apollo to respond –which has been really hard not to do any free chance you’ve gotten these past two weeks.
Apollo had to leave for a few photo shoot and a show. In the past you’ve gone with him and were able to not only watch him do his work but to travel and explore new places together —though your schedule didn't allow that to happen this time. Although these trips being longer than a week weren’t often, the time apart was never easier because of it. Even when you have to be apart for more than a day the two of you are always sure to have a nightly phone call, along with texts throughout the day.
As you were rinsing your body you heard your phone ding —it was Apollo’s text tone. Finishing up you quickly dry off to see what he had sent.
Apollo: “I’m sorry, my love. I’ll call you later. I have a meeting with my manager. What are you up to?”
Y/n: “No worries. I just took a shower and probably will order out tonight.”
Walking into your shared bedroom you hadn’t even thrown your dirty clothes in the hamper before you got another notification.
Apollo: “Oh, mind showing me? 😏”
Biting your lip you shake your head at his audaciousness.
Y/n: “Don’t you have a meeting?”
Apollo: “Yes but perhaps you can send me a little something as inspiration to end it sooner?”
You’ve always found it hard to deny Apollo, especially in person, but he does make an enticing proposal. Forgetting your task for clothing you go back to the bathroom and wipe the steam off the mirror. With your towel still wrapped around your waist, your hair wet and racked back, you snap a picture with your chest and loosely tied towel in view. Looking it over once more you press send.
Y/n: [Photo Attached]
Apollo: “What a tease you are.”
Y/n: “I guess you’ll have to get done with your meeting if you want more.”
Apollo: “I guess I will. I hope you don’t have anymore plans for the night because when I’m done with you, you’re gonna be too exhausted to move 😉”
Y/n: “Can’t wait.”
Just the thought of it was enough to make your cock twitch with excitement but you hold it back for now. Instead of getting properly dressed you decided to throw on your robe then put in your order for dinner.
An hour or so has passed since your last text from Apollo, with your meal finished you’re now sitting on the couch watching tv when you got a notification.
Apollo: “My meeting is over and I’m in desperate need. You think you can help me with that?”
You feel giddiness well up inside you when you read his message.
Y/n: “I’m sure I could figure something out. 😊”
Getting off the couch you make your way to your bedroom and into your bedside table, inside is a purple vibrator –Apollo’s favorite to use on you. Laying on the plush mattress of your bed on your belly, you open your camera app and begin recording.
All that can be seen on the screen is your slightly exposed chest, your lips and your tongue lewdly sucking the toy in your hand as if it was a cock. As you suck and spit on the phallic toy you are sure to zoom in and capture the spit dripping down your fingers –just how Apollo likes it.
Pressing send, you flip onto your back with your head propped against your pillows, anticipating your boyfriend’s response.Your cock is already painfully erect and you’ve barely begun.
Instead of a text you receive a phone call, your golden haired boyfriend’s face illuminated on the screen. Pressing the green button you hold the phone to your ear where you hear Apollo’s smooth voice.
“Babyboy, you look so pretty sucking your toy.”
“All for you, Lo. You like watching me suck on stuff?” You ask playfully, eliciting  a low chuckle.
“Absolutely but I think I’d like to hear you play with yourself even more.” His forward words make you whimper. “Tell me, baby, what are you wearing?”
“Just my robe, it’s open and just barely able to cover my cock.” You hear a low curse on the other end of the phone making you giggle.
“Send me a picture. I want to see how hard you are for me.”
Doing as he says you take a picture of your barely covered member, your hand wrapped loosely around the base. In a silent moment between snapping the photo and sending it you know the moment Apollo saw it due to the low growl that rings in your ear.
“By the gods, Darling. I want you so badly.”
“Yeah? What would you do if you were here?” You ask, sinking further into the mattress, biting your lip. A soft chuckle tickles your ear.
“If I was there I would strip you of that pesky robe and admire your gorgeous body by running my hands up and down every part of you.”
“Uh huh.” You sigh, running your hand up and down your chest, imagining it was his. “What else?”
“I would then have you spit in my hand and start jerking your pretty cock in my hand till you’re begging for more. Then I would lean down and lick up all the precum that leaks out of your little red tip. I’d suck you off and massage your balls in my hand and when you’re just about to cum I’d pull away –just to hear you whimper.” He sighs hungrily. “ I always do love the way you sound when you’re all worked up for me.”
Listening to Apollo’s honey rich voice depict such naughty things, you begin to slowly jerk your cock creating soft breathy moans to play through the phone.
“Is my baby getting excited from just my words?”
“Uh huh.”
“Use your words, Darling. Tell me, what are you doing?” Taking a few breaths you collect your words.
“I’m stroking myself, imagining it’s you.” Your admission blooms heat to your cheeks but it's rewarded with a warm hum of approval.
“Yeah? Give your pretty cock a little squeeze for me and rub your tip with your thumb.” Doing as he instructs you keen into the receiver. “Does that feel good, baby?”
“Is your tip leaking?” You give another groaned ‘yes’. “Gather it on your fingers and lick them clean.”
Giving your shaft a few more tugs you milk the few drops of precum that’s beginning to drip down your length onto your fingers and begin sucking them clean, humming into the speaker.
“Does that taste good?”
“Yes, Sir.” You say.
“Good boy.”
“Where are you?” You breathlessly ask, your hand continuing to slowly stroke your member. A low rumble from Apollo’s chest meets your ears with his response.
“Well, my little dove, if you must know I’m in the back of my chauffeur’s car with only the dividing wall between us as I palm myself to your sweet sounds.”
An low uncontrolled groan is pulled from your lips at the thought of him pleasuring himself so close to someone else blissfully unaware of the erotic act taking place behind them. Your public figure boyfriend doing the unthinkable with a high likelihood of getting caught all because of his desperation for you.
You pull this from him.
The very idea makes your hand move quicker on its own.
“Does that excite you, Baby?” Apollo asks, already knowing the answer.
“Yes.” You breathe, needing more you mewl. “Talk to me, please, Sir. I need to hear you.” The other end of the line rings with a dark chuckle.
“So needy. So impatient.” He tsks mockingly. “What more could you need, babyboy? You have me. I’m listening to you jerk your pretty cock. What else is there?
“Perhaps you need me to tell you what a dirty boy you are for making me pull my cock out in the backseat of my driver’s car? How I wish you were here to clean up the precum already leaking from my tip with your tongue. Would you like that? To taste me? Have me fill your mouth till I spill down your throat?”
You can hear a slight hitch in Apollo’s voice, a clear indicator that he is stroking himself as well. The shuffling of clothing and the soft shift of leather beneath him as he gets himself comfortable for your play. The next few minutes the two of you merely exchange fevered breath and cursed moans as you feel yourselves to the idea of each other.
“Baby, you have your toy with you?” You give a hum of approval. “Good. Turn it on for me, put it up to the mic so I can hear it vibrate against my ear.” Doing as instructed, you release yourself to find the vibrator you’d discarded on the sheets. Turning it on you hold it in front of the receiver and touch it with a soft moan.
“Give it a filthy suck for me.” Again you quickly obey, earning you praise. “Good boy. Make it nice and wet, pretend it's my cock you’re prepping for your little asshole.”
Slurping on the vibrating toy between your lips makes your cock twitch with excitement, more sheer white liquid spilling out.
“Run it up and down your shaft and around your tip, Baby. No cumming! Just edge yourself.” A shudder runs down your spine at the sound of Apollo spitting into his hand to wet himself.
Doing as he says you slide the tip of the toy along your length and around the flare of your engorged tip, coating the silicon in your drippings.
“That feel good?”
“Yes, Sir.” You squeak out, your eyes screwed shut —the image of Apollo’s godly naked form painted behind your eyelids.
“Rub it against your balls.”
The vibrations that go through your tightening sack makes your toes curl and another choked moan releases into the silent room air.
“Speak to me, Baby. How are you feeling? What does my naughty little boy need?” You are almost so lost in the shock waves the vibrations are shooting through you to comprehend the words your boyfriend said into your ear. Swallowing a moan and wetting your lips you find the words.
“I feel needy for more. I need you to- to stretch me out. I feel so empty, Sir. Please.” You sound pathetic but you don’t care and neither does the man on the other end.
Your confession is met with mock sympathy.
“Poor, Baby. Needs his boyfriend to fill him up. Play with his little hole, make it loose and well used, huh? Need me to spit on it, make it sloppy. Stuff in my fingers to prepare you for my fat hard cock?”
“Yes. Yes!” You gasp, teasing your contracting hole with the pulsing vibrations of the toy in your shaking hand.
“Fuck. You sound so cute.” He says almost to himself. “Baby, reach into your bedside drawer and get your lube.”
You instantly toss the vibrator to the side. Hitting the speaker button you place your phone on the pillows beside you to grab the tube of clear gel in your bed sit table.
“Put it on your fingers and rub it everywhere. Coat your pretty cock, your tight balls and on and around that needy little hole of your’s. I want to be able to hear your hand moving against yourself any way I tell you to.”
Squirting a generous glob of lubricant onto your fingertips, snapping the lid shut and tossing it next to your toy, you begin rubbing the cold gel against the hot skin of your erection and most intimate areas. The vulgar sound of your wet palm working yourself fills the air alongside your breathy moans and sighs.
One hand is squeezing your shaft with every stroke, as the other kneads the slick into your sensitive balls —with your fingers moving further south to tease your clenching asshole.
“You sound so beautiful, Darling. Sounding so slick and desperate for me. Tell me what you’re doing. Paint me an image to jerk off to.” His lust coated voice purrs into your ear.
You tell him of your sprawled out naked form, your robe lost on the floor –forgotten– and your working hands on your groin.
“I’m stroking my cock and massaging my balls with lube like you told me to and made my needy hole sloppy how you like it.”
“You teasing your little asshole with your fingers?” He intersects.
“Yes, Sir.” He tsks in disapproval. “I’m sorry, Sir. I -ah- I couldn’t help it.” You whine with a high keen from the duel stimulation of your hands on your genitals.
“I know, my naughty boy. Always so excited for me with little patience.” You whimper apologetically that Apollo knows is hollow from your pleasure-filled moans.
I should punish you for your disobedience.” He lets his words hang between you, interrupted by a lusty moan of his own. “But… I’ll let it slide this one time for me having to leave you in this sorry state.” You eagerly whimper in agreement.
“Yes, please. I tried waiting for you but I miss you so much, Sir.”
“I know, Sweet boy and you’ve done so good for me. When I get home I’m gonna worship you as you deserve for being so good.” His promising and praising words melt over you, sending a shudder down your quivering form.
“As you stroke yourself can you insert one of your fingers into your tight hole for me?”
“Yes, Sir.” You instinctively reply
Releasing your testicals you readjust yourself against the pillows to better reach between your spread legs. Gathering the slick dripping around your hole you prod it with your middle finger teasingly a few times before finally sinking it knuckle deep. A high pitch sigh escapes your lips.
“Good boy. Start slowly pumping your finger till you can press another one in.”
Guiding you through your ministrations of your own genitals with body melting praise and bone chilling filth spewing into your ear till you’re able to comfortably curl three digits within your tight cavity.
“That’s my boy. Play with your ass harder, I want to hear the squelching of your fingers stretching you.” A choked-gasping moan tears through your throat as your movements become more aggressive. Hungry. Needy. Your other hand gripped around the tip of your shaft, thumb pressed and rubbing against your profusely leaking head.
“Sir- please. I- fuck!” You cry.
Balls tightening, cock twitching and eyes screwed shut with muscles cramping with built up tension. You can feel your end nearing and it feels so good. You want nothing more than to erupt in this moment with your fist wrapped around your raging erection and knuckles deep in your own quivering asshole but that relief was pulled out from under you by Apollo’s commanding voice rumbling in your ear.
You groan and whimper in frustration at your obedient body pulling away at his single worded command –body shivering, toes curled and chest heaving.
“Good boy.” His rich voice smooths over your pleasure deprived body. “You were so close, weren’t you, Baby?” A sniffled ‘uhuh’ was your response as a frustrated tear streaks down your heated cheek.
“I know, Darling. I’m sorry but I couldn’t let our fun end just yet.” He says sweetly through the speaker. “We haven’t even gotten to properly use your toy, have we?” He asks, a clear smirk in his voice.
“No, Sir.” You manage to say, through heavy breath.
“No.” He parrots. “And what a shame it’d be to not.” He chuckles.
“Pick up your toy and put more lube on it, I want my vibrator to slide smoothly into your pretty asshole. Make it nice and easy to fuck yourself with it.” You give a whimpered ‘yes, sir’ as you dutifully spread more gel along the length of the purple toy and more on your waiting hole.
“Vibrate it against your hole. And no touching your cock.” The second half comes out as a thinly veiled threatening command. If you had half a mind left you might tempt that and purposefully disobey Apollo’s words but your well trained body was running on autopilot. Doing everything to please your boyfriend. To do just as he says for the rich reward of his praising words.
Rimming your hole with the toy, it takes everything not to finally shove it fully into your gummy walls. But you’re good. You wait despite your pleading body.
After a small eternity of sending vibrating pulses through your hole that is clenching the prodding silicone tip, eager to suck it in.
“Please- I need it, Sir. Please.” You plead wantonly, as your other hand rubs against your exposed chest, pinching and teasing your hard nipples for much needed stimulation.
“You haven’t touched your cock? Or pressed into your needy hole without my permission?”
“No, Sir. I was good. I promise.” You cry, hoping your words ring earnestly in his ears, granting you what you need most.
A torturous moment of his deafening silent tongue, nothing but his low growls and a grumbled ‘shit’ to be heard in the speaker.
“Go ahead, Baby. Stuff your slutty hole with your toy. Pretend it’s my cock. Imagine it’s me fucking into you. Pressing your body into the mattress with my hips.” You can hear the staggering in Apollo’s voice, his hand moving audibly faster with the added wetness of his spit.
Inserting the toy that doesn’t fill you nearly as much as you need. With your eyes squeezed shut you try to imagine it’s Apollo’s cock but it's not and that knowledge only makes your desperate misery deeper. Your free hand still resists touching your painfully hard cock, opting to continue toying with your nipples. Touching the expanse of your heated flesh with your palm.
“Please, Sir. Let me touch my -ah- my cock. Please. Please.” You are so hot, it feels as if a fire has been set under your skin, you’re past the point of caring about begging. You’d gladly grovel and lick the ground under Apollo’s feet for the chance to get the relief you’re so desperately seeking.
Thank the gods he takes pity on you, his voice just as debauched as yours.
“Yes, Baby boy. Stroke your cock. Squeeze it hard. I want to hear your cries of pleasure in my ear as I cum. I’m so close, Darling.” He growls, his voice low and restrained.
“My cock is so fucking hard for you, Baby. I should be the one inside your fucked out hole, not that toy. I should be the one making you cry, seeing your cute face —all fucked out and euphoric. Fuck!
Can you hear how hopelessly I’m stroking my cock, trying to make myself cum?”
You can’t. You are barely registering the words Apollo is saying through the rushing wave of pleasure crashing over you. You moan an affirmative sound anyway with your helpless ‘please’ and whimpered ‘yes’.
The two of you are no longer sharing coherent thoughts, you’re merely urging the other to their ends with praise and gratified sounds.
“So good for me. Fuck. I need you. Crave you. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”
“Yes, Apollo. I’m- I-.” You are unable to finish your declaration before your high overtakes your body.
The never ending pulsing of the vibrator invading your quivering walls, hitting that secret button deep within,  doesn’t falter along with your persistent fist. In a moment of blinding heat, the imaginary cord within you snaps and splits you into a million deliciously destroyed pieces.
Streams of hot white spunk shoot from your flared tip, painting your panting chest. The hand holding the toy slows, as well as your moving fist milking the last drops of your pent up seed till your fatigued riddled body slumps —the toy still lodged inside you and hand grasping your exhausted shaft.
All that’s left with your tired-shaky breath is the soundtrack of Apollo’s impending end. His breath horse and haggard as his hellbent hand furiously jerks his cock till his finally silently roars an open mouthed groan of release.
The next few moments are filled with your collective gasping breaths, the low hum of the vibrator overstimulating your used hole and soon a warm and coughed out chuckle from Apollo. You can faintly hear rustling coming from his end as he —presumably— begins cleaning himself up.
Then a finalizing sigh comes through.
“Are you still with me, Darling?” He asks, humor lacing his voice making you tiredly chuckle in return.
“Barely.” You joke. “That was-.”
“Wonderful.”  Apollo finishes. It was –considering what you had available in your current separation.
With gentle guidance you turn off and slowly remove the vibrator from your pulsing insides and manage to turn your slack body onto your side, bringing the phone closer to your face.
“I miss you so much, Baby.” You confess, a bittersweet edge ringing true in the end.
“I know.” He really does.  
Basking in the afterglow of your intense high, you listen to Apollo’s melodic voice praising you and saying more promises that makes your cock tempted to twitch back to life sooner than expected.
“Be prepared, my darling boy, once I get back you’re not leaving that bed till I’m satisfied.”
“Sounds like the kind of torture I can get behind.”
“You should be very careful what you wish for, you might end up biting off more than you can chew at once.” A giddy feeling wells up in your chest but is interrupted by the sound of a knock coming from the front door.
You let out a disappointed groan, you didn’t want to end your flirtations yet.
“What’s wrong?”
“There is someone at the door but maybe if I just stay here they’ll go away.” You say playfully but are met with a disapproving Apollo.
“No, no. Be a good boy and answer the door.”
“Fine.” You sigh, willing your body to sit up sighing from a delicious soreness radiating from beneath you.
And as if on cue, just as you were about to pick up your discarded rope Apollo interrupts you.
“Naked.” The single word makes you stop in your tracks.
“You heard me. Be a good boy and answer the door –naked.” You try to retaliate but his tone leaves little for argument. “You are my obedient boy, aren’t you?” He asks, teasingly, knowing it’ll spark your submissive need to please. Gathering your dazed courage you sigh out a coy ‘okay’.
Walking out of your bedroom on shaky legs you patter over to the door with a thrilling mix of shame and excitement turning in your belly. Peeking through the peephole you don’t see anything —it’s covered, leaving only darkness in your sight.
“I can’t see who it is.” You whisper into the receiver making Apollo chuckle.
“That’s ok, just open it.” Swallowing your resignation and in a push of sudden courage you unlatch the lock and open the door.
On the other side is a smug, and slightly disheveled, looking Apollo hanging up the phone, shoving it into his pocket.
“I told you it’d be okay.” He says smugly, stepping into the doorway to capture your nude form in his arms. The door quickly shuts behind him as you leap into his arms, his hands eagerly cup under your ass. Your lips are locked with tongues in a desperate battle for dominance as he slips off his shoes and walks the two of you back to your shared bedroom.
The wind is knocked from your lung when he throws your back to the mattress before him. Propped on your elbows you watch entranced and bewildered as your boyfriend undoes his tie and begins stripping himself of his pointless expensive clothing.
“I hope you’re prepared, my darling.” He says, crawling over your body that is moving further up the mattress, in nothing but his underwear with a very prominent tent already forming.
“I wasn’t lying when I said we’d be in here till I’m done with you.
And I intend to uphold that promise.”
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I’m still not very well versed in writing Male x Male stuff, i hope this wasn’t too bad 
Feedback and Interaction is always appreciated! :)
💛 ~
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Yandere Apollo x reader (escape) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you ran through the forest near the base of Olympus, the branches scraped against your arms and face but you couldn't stop you had to escape from him. The man who stole you from your life as a mortal and forced you to become immortal, your husband. he loved you, no one could deny that, he showered you with gifts and kisses and cuddles. but you had to escape you couldn't be locked away on Olympus always under his watch. since it had been dark you hadn't noticed the branch that had fallen from a tree and tripped over it falling flat on the ground, when you stood your eyes were covered by a warm hand, and you could feel a similar warm glow as well, knowing he had found you. "found you sunshine". he says holding you tightly to his chest, kissing your wrist gently as he holds your arms. "I was so worried when I returned from my duties and you were missing, I thought that someone had taken you," he says with a threatening smirk. you knew that he was only acting, this wasn't the first time you had run away after all, he loved playing this game of chase with you acting as if you were mad for leaving him. "i-i am sorry, I promise I won't do it again" you say trying to free yourself from his grip. he lets out a laugh that was laced with his obsession tightening his grip on you. "oh but darling you have said that so many times, and yet you continue to run" he whispers in your ear, with threats balancing on his tone. then his skin began to heat up, at first slightly warm but increasing slowly becoming too hot to bear. in a panic you struggle against him only earning your wrists held tighter in his grasp. "please stop! I won't run again I promise!" you cry out, earning a smirk from him as he becomes cool again nuzzling your neck, he smiles, kissing your neck as if he hadn't tried to burn you a minute ago. "now let us go home darling, it is getting late" he says taking you hand as if he was a gentle lover and guiding you back to your home on Olympus.
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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love-of-fandoms · 3 years
Request: [Thank you for doing my request. If possible I would love to requests a part two for hades, posiden, Zeus, and Apollo. Where they learn their child had their opposite epitaph. ( god of all living things, god of nature, god of rebellion, god of disease and devastation) respectively. /I really like the Apollo and hades ones since their on the polar opposite of their fathers/ THANK YOU!]
Thank you for the request! And also thank you for this specifically because the first one was such a great idea and I wanted to do it for the other gods but couldn't think of epitaphs so rock on!
These ones turned out a bit more angst than the others... oh well
Hades w/ a child dubbed god of all living things
You always did enjoy roaming your mother Persephone's gardens as opposed to overseeing the souls of the underworld
Honestly, Hades was hoping you would take after your mother
Thought you would be granted a minor epitaph like god of flowers or something
He was allowed up to Olympus on the day your got your epitaph from the fates
You come out with vines growing within your hair, as well as a new animal familar
Honestly, being one of the big three he should've anticipated his child would be something a bit more powerful than god of flowers
It's really hard for both of you because being in the underworld, which had up until this point been your home, physically hurts you
Hades loves you and doesn't want you to be in pain, but the times he would be allowed topside to see you would be few and far between
Hermes ferries messages between the two of you at least once a day
You two only really see each other once a year, when Persephone leaves the Underworld, Hades is granted the day to spend with the two of you on Olympus
Probably grows even more resent for his brothers because of this
Poseidon w/ a child dubbed god of nature
Honestly, Poseidon was expecting you to be dubbed god of sea creatures or something, maybe sea flora
You spent most of your time down in the ocean with him
The Great Barrier Reef? That was the garden you decided to build when you were a child
Since Poseidon expects you to be dubbed something to do with sea life, he trains you to be a Princess of the Oceans
You become very important to his governing of the seas
You two travel to Olympus for you to receive your epitaph and he's unworried
He goes and hangs out with Athena
Similar to Hades' kid, you leave the sanctum with flowers and vines strewn in with your hair, wearing all green
Poseidon didn't understand why you were scared of his reaction when you first told him
Then you had to explain to him that you were god of all nature, not just sea nature, and as such would be needed all over the world, on land as well
That is... not what he was hoping for
You make it work, your duties in Poseidon's court reduced to matters you could deal with quickly
You still live in the Oceans with your father
Just a lot of your time when you're awake is spent on land, coordinating with nymphs and other creatures to protect nature from the humans best you can
Zeus w/ a child dubbed god of rebellion
Hera is honestly more upset than him
Let's be honest, Zeus wasn't a very present father
He had so many other children, but spent time with barely any of them until they were adults
As such he didn't really have any expectations when you received your epitaph
Wasn't even waiting for you when you left the sanctum wearing armor and war paint streaked across your body, hair wild
When I said Hera was upset? I meant with him
She blames him for your rebellious nature
"Maybe if you were a bit more present, they wouldn't have turned out this way!!"
You end up living in the underworld with Hades because of a fallout with your father
Not a rebellion, just a fallout
Though you do encourage many more rebellions than usual around that time
Ares loves you!
You cause wars! Favorite sibling status achieved!
You would be on Hera's side with the Giants
Apollo w/ a child dubbed god of disease and devastation
Let's be honest, you were probably the result of a random tryst
Apollo might not even know about you until your birth
Your mother died in childbirth after a very tough pregnancy
You were a sickly child, and spent a lot of time with your brother Asclepius, god of medicine, as a result
No matter what he tried, he could never fully cure you
Nobody was surprised the day you got your epitaph
Since your epitaph was such a dismal one, you were sent to live in the underworld with Hades
Apollo probably blames himself
He can't even rationalize it, but he always thinks if he was just there for you more
Probably because of his guilt, he has Hermes pass you messages every day
Despite your epitaph, you still enjoy the arts like your father, so occasionally you'll send Hermes back with a new art piece
The Black Plague? That was a rough couple centuries for you... you were bed bound for most of it, and kept apologizing to Hades for the surplus of souls entering the underworld, but really, you have no control over your power
Part 1 with Ares, Hermes, and Athena here
Part 3 with Demeter and Aphrodite here
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kawaiigirly21 · 29 days
Gem of Olympus pt 5
“Oh my… he's precious.” Natasha said as she and her father watched a young Heron from afar. It hadn't felt like any centuries passed since her divorce from Ares. The sexual chaos she was starting had since calmed and now she was content in her duties and the single life. Though this wasn't to say she didn't long for a family of her own. A loving husband and children. Something she never got from Ares.
Her baby fever had influenced her that day to join her father on earth and watch over her new baby brother. “Will he be your heir father? I'm simply asking because I'm sure you wouldn't choose Ares.” Zeus chuckled as he kissed her forehead. “My decision for the next leader of Olympus has yet to be decided my dear. Be careful. You might just end up being picked.” Natasha shook her head. “Oh no, I don't think I'd like the job. Too much responsibility.”
Zeus then smirked. “You want children don't you? Don't you think that's a responsibility as well? Think of the position as a mother and all your subjects are your children. Think about it. Your brothers already act like juveniles anyway.” Natasha covered her mouth to hide her laugh. “Father! You are rude!”
Many days later, disguised as a mortal, Natasha met Heron while he was fetching water from the nearby river. “You do this every day? Why don't you play with the other children?” She asked while helping him pick berries. “I… I don't think they like me. I have no friends but my mom and the old man who has been kind to us.” Natasha thought for a moment before she pet the young boy's head.
“Well now you have another. I'll be your friend Heron.” The boy's eyes lit up as his smile widened. He had another friend! A friend that he noticed as he grew, never seemed to age. He had heard stories of the gods pretending to be mortals to watch over their select favorites, but he didn't want to believe that his close friend was a goddess.
“I never actually seen where you live, Rose. How come?” Heron asked as he and ‘Rose’ aka Natasha, laid on the grass next to each other looking up at the clouds. “Oh um… that's because I… live far away. Like really far.” The goddess answered, trying to be as vague as possible. “Remember that time you fell from that tree and most definitely broke your arm? How did you heal so fast? You were fine in 3 days.”
As Heron stared at his friend, he knew her silence and visible nervousness answered more than enough. “You're not normal…. Are you?” Natasha's silence once again answered more questions. As the goddess sat up, Heron grabbed her hand. “Please tell me! I have to know! Who are you!? Really!?” Sighing to herself, Natasha stood before helping the young man to his feet.
“If I tell you, you must promise to never tell a soul. Promise me Heron.” Nodding to her words, Heron swore to secrecy. With his confirmation, Natasha shed her human disguise with a flash of light to reveal her true identity. “Y-you're Natasha! The goddess of the galaxy!” Natasha was quick to shush her younger brother as he began to shout. “Please be more silent little brother. Who knows what or who is prowling about.”
Heron slowly nodded before freezing. “Wait.. Did you just call me little brother? How can I be your younger brother?” Natasha bit her lip before moving away from her brother. “I'm afraid I cannot explain any further. I have already done too much. Just know, we share parentage with a single soul Heron. And he is closer than he appears.”
With those words, Natasha retreated back to Olympus. Leaving her younger brother stewing with theories on what she meant. Who could she possibly mean? Suddenly at dinner later that night, it hit him like a ton of bricks. They share a father. Zeus! The king of Olympus! She had also told him that their father was closer than he appeared. With that information in mind, Heron already had his suspicions.
Back on Olympus, As Natasha readied herself for bed and to end the night rereading the great Titanomachy, her door was thrust open to reveal none other than her ex husband, Ares. “And where have YOU been all day!?” The war god shouted in anger. This confused the goddess quite a bit. Considering they had divorced centuries ago and
made any conversation since then. “With all due respect Ares, that's none of your business. I'm a grown woman with my own agenda. I do not run into your chambers demanding to know your previous location while you're readying for bed with that whore you call a wife now do I?” Ares growled before walking up to Natasha's bed and stood at the end of it. Not daring to go any further.
“It is my business when rumors about my ex wife having an illicit affair with some disgustingly undeserving mortal hero spread like wildfire! I will not have you shame me by defiling yourself with that man!!” Natasha fought back the urge to laugh in the god's face as she placed down her book. “My relationship with Hercules is none of your business. Besides, he's not the first mortal hero I let storm my palace. My first was Perseus. Not you.”
Ares simply glared at his ex wife before turning to leave her chambers. “Ares!” Natasha called out to the god causing him to turn. “I'm just curious, since when did you care about shame? You cheated on me with a bitchy cunt for years in our marriage. Then married her right after our divorce. If I'm being honest, I didn't know you even knew the word shame.”
Ares huffed before slamming the door with all the force he could muster before retiring to his own chambers. While he boiled with anger, Natasha remained unbothered. Taking a sip of ambrosia from her cup, she then returned to her book.
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roguerambles · 4 months
A Moment of Respite
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Blood of Zeus - Heron x Hera's!Daughter Reader
Warnings - 18+Only.
I've had this sitting in my drafts for ages and I want to get it out before I try any Season 2 stuff. Plus I just like the idea of these two, okay--
Kind of a Part 4 to Trouble.
Enjoy the Rambles!
Training was not going well.
You cringed as Heron flew across the arena, crashing into the sands with a pained groan. The automaton returned to its standing position dispassionately, and beside you Zeus sighed heavily.
It had been days since Mother had left Olympus, taking some of the other Gods of Olympus with her to the Underworld. Hades had apparently allowed them sanctuary, although he declared he would be taking no further involvement than that.
...your wrist ached as the memory of Mother’s hand grasping you, Hera and Zeus’s raised voices, Mother’s betrayed expression melting into a fury you had never had directed at you before flashed across your mind.
You had chosen to stay on Olympus, and Mother and Ares had left, others at their heels.
“Zeus.” Hephaestus spoke from behind you, his voice low and gruff. “This isn’t working.”
Zeus’s jaw clenched as Heron went hurtling across the arena once more, kicking up a dust cloud of sand as he crashed into the ground with a loud, painful sounding thump. “He needs to unlock his potential.” His large hands gripped the stonework of the balcony in front of him. “Soon.”
You were not much of a warrior, but you were fairly certain that if Hephaestus’s contraptions broke every bone in Heron’s body, that would be rather counterproductive to improving Heron’s combat efficiency.
As Zeus and Hephaestus continued to bicker in hushed voices, you felt a warm presence appear at your side. Apollo sighed as he leaned against the balcony, peering down into the training ground where Heron stumbled to his feet once more.
“He doesn’t give up, at least.”
“Is this really the best approach?” You nervously played with your hands as you watched Heron get up and be knocked down, over and over.
Apollo shrugged. “Athena is too busy preparing the defences, and Ares is with Hera. We don’t have a lot of options, training wise.”
You both continued to watch for a while, and you could feel your stomach sinking the longer it went on. Heron barely glanced your way.
You had not spoken since the night Mother had left, but the memory of Heron shocked expression as he looked at you – really looked at you – and the blind panic it had created in you made your stomach churn. You had fled to your room and would probably still be there if Hermes hadn’t forced you out.
“You should say hello.”
Your head snapped around to stare at Apollo, you was still looking out over the balcony. “I should what?”
“You should go over and talk to him.” Apollo replied casually, as though he were suggesting something completely normal. “The staring is getting a little old.”
“I am not—I am not staring.”
“Heron!” Apollo called out abruptly, loudly, and to your horror Heron actually looked up towards you. “Would you like some water? We have plenty over here—”
You turned to flee somewhere far, far away, only for Hermes – where in Tartarus did he come from – to appear, blocking your way with a small, but noticeable smile.
Zeus sounded displeased. “Interruptions are not—”
Apollo grabbed his father’s arm and began tugging him towards the stairs, so suddenly Zeus stumbled. “You are correct, Father, we should check the equipment on the other side of the arena—”
Zeus looked confused as Hermes joined Apollo in practically dragging the King down the stairs. Hephaestus rolled his eyes and stalked towards the automaton, muttering something about “those bloody sons of Zeus”. You were rooted to the stop as Heron slowly approached, his head low, as though he were struggling to meet your eye.
Your heart clenched as Heron busied himself gathering water, taking somewhat longer than was required for the task. The silence was so dense you felt it were almost choking you. You scrambled for something, anything, to say, but your mind was a void of disjointed words. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you. I couldn’t tell you. Please don’t be angry. I’m sorry for Electra, I’m so—
“…you’re short.”
You were yanked from your frazzled thoughts when Heron finally said something. You looked at him in confusion, while Heron cringed, looking frustrated with himself. “I…pardon?”
“I just mean….” Heron rubbed the back of his neck, looking anywhere but directly at you. “You…the others are….you look different. Not bad, you’re beautiful, I just mean—”
“Oh. Oh! Right, yes, well, I wasn’t born like the rest of them. Mother—she made me out of clay.” Heron lifted his head to stare at you blankly. You felt your cheeks burn. “It is…unusual, I know.”
“…I’m sorry, was that rude—”
“No, no, not at all, you should hear how Apollo and Artemis were born—”
Silence fell over you again as you both fumbled over your words. You were torn between fleeing the arena altogether and staying exactly where you were because awkward or not you and Heron were talking. Over his shoulder you could see Zeus and Hephaestus by the automaton, and knew Heron would be pulled away soon. You inhaled deeply, steeling your nerves. I am the Queen of the Heavens daughter, by the Fates, act like it. “Heron….I am so sorry. About…about your mother.”
Heron looked pained, his fingers clenching around the waterskin in his hand. “…it was Hera, wasn’t it?”
It wasn’t a question, and you both knew it. You bowed your head, yours eyes beginning to sting. Do not cry. This isn’t about you.
“…yes.” You forced out, your throat feeling thick. “Heron…Heron, I know it’s not enough, but I’m sorry—”
“Why?” Heron cleared his throat, tossing the waterskin down. “It’s not your fault. You weren’t even there.”
“But….” You bit your lip. “Mother…I mean… Hera is—”
“Your mother, I know.” Heron wasn’t quite looking at you again, but he didn’t sound angry. Grief clung to his voice, and you fought the impulse to reach for his hand. “And Zeus is my…father. That alone made mother and I targets for Hera’s wrath. You had nothing to do with it.”
Heron started to laugh.
You faltered, and watched as Heron hurriedly clamped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide as though startled by his own reaction. “I…I am sorry.” He choked out, eyes wide even as you caught glimpse of a mirthful smile behind his fingers. “Please…please continue…”
Your anxiety was briefly overpowered by confusion. “What…what is so amusing…?”
Heron’s shoulders began to shake. “I…I assumed your parents would disapprove of me.” He said, and the words seemed to break something in him. He doubled over, grasping his knees, eyes squeezing shut as he began to laugh even harder. “Now…now it turns out your mother is Hera. And…and I am the bastard son of her philandering husband….!”
You stared owlishly at him as his laugh grew louder – you could see Zeus and Hephaestus watching from the side-lines, their expressions suggesting concern that the automaton had hit Heron harder than they had feared.
“That’s…well yes, that is….Heron….Heron, it’s not funny!”
Heron tried to reply, but it came out as a wheeze. “I…gods…I had no idea…!”
You could feel a smile beginning to creep onto your face and tried to squash it, but Heron’s laughter was infectious, and was the most happy you’d seen him in…well, a while. “Well…no, I suppose…I suppose you are not what my mother would consider an ideal suitor…”
That brought on another wave of near hysterical laughter, and you found yourself giggling along with Heron, until you were both cackling like lunatics in the middle of the arena. You slumped against Heron’s shoulder, clamping a hand over your mouth as you saw Zeus heading towards you both.
“…if you are both finished?” He asked dryly, his eyebrows raised. Heron’s laughter stuttered to a stop, but he didn’t move away from you, the feeling of his body against yours leaving warmth against your skin.
You reluctantly straightened up, brushing away non-existent creases in your dress. “I suppose….” You gestured wordless at the arena. Zeus eyed you cautiously, before clearing his throat and turning back towards the automaton, as though he were examining it. Heron rolled his eyes slightly as you bit down a chuckle – you supposed he was trying to give you both a moment.
“Wish me luck.” Heron gripped his sword, his free hand rising to sheepishly rub his neck. “I think I’ll need a fair share of it…”
You laughed slightly, reaching out to gently pat his arm. He smiled in response, before sighing and trudging after Zeus.
“I think that went well.” Hermes said cheerfully from behind you. You nearly jumped out of your skin. “Don’t you think that went well, Apollo?”
“Indeed!” The Sun God chirped, appearing at your side. “See? All is well that ends well.”
“You two do remember…” Artemis sighed from somewhere behind you – when did she get here? – “…the approaching civil war, yes?”
“Small victories, dearest sister.”
You flushed and turned to stride back towards the stands, while Hermes and Apollo snickered to themselves. Artemis rolled her eyes as you sat beside her, although a small, teasing smile began to tug at her mouth. “Although….I did notice he didn’t deny it when you described him as a suitor.”
You blushed furiously as the Goddess of the Hunt laughed, and your stubbornly kept your gaze ahead, focusing on Heron on the sands below, feeling just a little bit lighter than before.
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
I'M BACK WITH MY BOZ REQUESTS!! Well~ Can I have some headcanons of Ares, Hermes and Apollo (maybe Artemis too) with a witch s/o who has an altar for them with offerings? Like flowers, incense, jewels (I don't remember all the things, it depends on the God/Goddess from what I saw on Pinterest T v T) and how they would react to their s/o's affection?? Like, the altar is never messy! Flowers wilting? Buy others. Stones/jewels? Always clean and shiny... Just take care of the altar for their loved one as if it were them and their reaction when they find out, hehe~
Kisses, kisses <3
-- Mel
Hey Mel 💞💞💕 I always like your BoZ requests!! And even more with S2 this spring
If the other gods tease him for it, he entirely fails in NOT letting their jests get to him. But your offerings are revered by the war god and he is flattered that a mortal looks favorably to him.
He thinks it’s quite adorable that you leave tributes to him and offer hymns of praise written on your spare parchments.
She appreciates how the altar is always to peak perfection when the moon is full, and she’s able to visit you, taking the form of a hare just to be held by you
Admiring from afar is not as enjoyable as it is to pay you a visit to show his gratitude. If he were to visit, you two are bound to enjoy the literal and metaphorical fruits of your labor, especially if he has a new song
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