that1overthere · 5 months
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Thank you... Who ever you are... For making the ONLY Boimler/Reader fic on AO3...
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lyssak09 · 4 days
Yandere Brad Boimler hcs
I have been simping for this man since the show first started. I mean just look at him, he's so cute 😍 Please enjoy my goofy purple boim
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This has been in my drafts for sooo long, since a month before they announced the crossover. I think this is my longest one yet, at 3,123 words. Please enjoy reading about my crazy boi. I'm obsessed with him. Happy reading!
(p.s. I'm trying out a new style/format of headcanons so tell me what you think!)
You became friends with Boimler because he helped show you around, quickly joining our favorite lower decks group. He fell in love at first sight and hasn’t been able to stop loving you since. Brad immediately became obsessed with you.
Using the Friend Group:
Bradward uses your being a part of the friend group to his advantage, always having an excuse to spend time with you and be more affectionate if you weren’t friends. He spends almost every day with the group, so now that you’re in it he gets to be with you every day! 
Constant Surveillance: 
Boimler has hacked into ship systems to monitor every move you make, from your schedule to casual conversations. He has all your movements mapped out, and he knows when you deviate from your routine, which sends him into an anxious spiral. He tells himself that it’s his duty to keep you safe—after all, space is dangerous, and who better than him to protect you?
Whenever you’re sent on an away mission, Boimler secretly follows your progress, obsessing over every update, every scan, and every communication. He’ll even find ways to get himself included in the mission or nearby, telling himself it’s to keep you safe. But in reality, he can’t stand being apart from you for too long.
Boimler keeps private logs entirely dedicated to you. He documents everything—what you wore today, who you interacted with, what you said, and how you reacted to his presence. He analyzes these logs obsessively, trying to detect any signs of your "hidden feelings" for him.
Collection of “Mementos”: 
It starts with innocent things: a pen you dropped, a PADD you left behind, or a uniform pin that fell off during an away mission. But soon, he’s collecting more intimate items—a strand of your hair, stray hair, an old PADD you discarded, maybe even a piece of your uniform that "mysteriously" went missing. He spends hours staring at them, whispering about how they connect the two of you. Each object is treated like a treasure, meticulously cataloged and hidden away in a secure section of his quarters.
“Hey Y/N, I brought you that new toothbrush I’ve been telling you about. I’ll put it in your bathroom for you.” Bradward smiles at you as he walks past you into your quarters into your bathroom, quick enough to snag your old toothbrush and replace it with the new one he replicated. He quickly stuffs the old one into his pants pocket before leaving the bathroom. “I threw your old one away, tell me how you like the new one!” He says, his heart drumming with excitement over having something new to add to his collection, and best of all this one still has a part of you on it!
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Paranoid Delusions:
Boimler becomes incredibly paranoid that someone else might take you away from him. Every interaction you have with others feels like a threat. He keeps a close eye on who you talk to, carefully monitoring your social interactions. He starts to think of your colleagues and even your closest friends as rivals, sabotaging or discrediting anyone who gets too close. Brad honestly believes that he is protecting you from harm—because no one can love you as much as he does.
 In his mind, everyone who talks to you, even Mariner and them, has some ulterior motive. They want to take you away from him. They can’t see how perfect you two are together. He grows anxious, convinced that everyone is a potential threat. He often "coincidentally" shows up at your side just as someone else is talking to you, interrupting conversations with awkward but intense enthusiasm.
The more his delusions grow, the more frustrated Boimler becomes with reality. He’s convinced you love him, but any interaction that doesn’t fit his idealized version of events sends him into a spiral of self-doubt and paranoia. He’ll spend days obsessing over the smallest “mistakes” he made in conversation, convinced that he ruined his chance to make you realize how perfect he is for you.
Extreme Overplanning: 
Boimler is always two steps ahead. He plans every conversation, every accidental encounter with you, down to the smallest detail. He studies your past behavior, analyzing what topics you enjoy, what jokes make you laugh, and even the way you respond to body language. His PADD is full of notes about how best to make you comfortable, how to steer conversations, and what not to say to avoid making you suspicious of his true intentions. 
He rehearses what he’ll say, how he’ll say it, and imagines your reactions over and over. Any deviation from the script throws him off, but he quickly adjusts, happy to adapt for you.
Bradward has also planned your entire life together, of course, there are different plans depending on how things go. He has one of him finally captain of his own ship and you by his side as you explore the galaxy together, one plan involves quitting Starfleet and marrying you at his family’s vineyard and taking over the family business together. Brad has at least 30 plans in a locked folder buried deep in the computer system, you can never be too prepared, can you?
Jealous and Possessive: 
Boimler can become visibly agitated whenever you talk to someone else, particularly if he sees you laughing or smiling with them. He'll often find some excuse to insert himself into the situation, trying to monopolize your time under the guise of "just wanting to spend time with his friend." Inside, though, his mind is racing, thinking of ways to subtly sabotage your relationships with others.
Boimler becomes possessive to the point of being overbearing. He genuinely believes that you belong to/with him, and he won’t tolerate any interference. He starts to casually suggest you spend less time with others, manipulating situations to ensure that you’re always by his side. Boimler will find ways to isolate you from the crew, perhaps even using his JGL rank to transfer other officers or manipulate duty rosters. He justifies this in his mind as "necessary" to protect your bond.
Boimler's jealousy knows no bounds. The smallest hint of affection or attention from someone else drives him to extreme lengths. He might use his position to assign dangerous away missions to anyone he sees as competition, or even orchestrate "accidents" to remove threats from your life. If you get close to someone, Boimler sees them as nothing more than a temporary obstacle. He’s willing to go to any lengths to make sure you stay his. He feels no remorse in “removing” obstacles.
Constantly Seeking Approval:
 Boimler is desperate for your approval. He over-analyzes every interaction, wondering if you found his last conversation charming enough or if you noticed how hard he’s working. He’ll go out of his way to show off his Starfleet achievements in front of you, hoping you’ll realize how competent and reliable he is. To him, you're the only opinion that matters.
Brad spends an insane amount of time working on his appearance just to hear you compliment him.
He’s desperate to hear your praise, even over the smallest things, and spirals into paranoia if he feels like you aren’t paying enough attention to him. Did you ignore him in the corridor? Was your smile too brief? His mind races with questions, fearing that you’re slipping away from him.
Because you’re a part of the group he can be overly affectionate with you, always hugging you.
He is extremely affectionate, always touching you in some way, to the point you start thinking he was denied affection as a kid! But that's not true, he just wants your affection all the time 24/7. He might have an arm around your shoulder, give you a ‘friendly’ hug, hold your hand when he leads you somewhere, anything really.
Boimler will subtly manipulate you if try to avoid or dodge his touches, guilt-tripping you. “I just wanna show my best friend that I care about you, is that too much to ask Y/N?”
Stalker Tendencies:
 When he's not physically around you, Boimler still manages to keep tabs on you. He’s always nearby, lurking just out of sight, making sure no one is getting too close. He knows your daily routes, and you’ll often find him "accidentally" bumping into you in the hallways or the mess hall at the perfect moment. He plays it off as a coincidence, but in reality, he’s spent hours calculating the ideal times to be near you.
His desire, no, need to know more about you turns into full-on stalking. He uses his Starfleet access to monitor your comm logs, schedule, and even personal logs. He finds ways to be everywhere you are, showing up at the replicator, in the turbolift, or even during away missions. Boimler believes that fate (or perhaps his own ingenuity) is constantly putting him in your orbit. Each time he’s near you, it feels like the universe is confirming that you belong together.
Unhinged Anger:
Boimler tries so hard to maintain his composure and be the calm, level-headed officer that Starfleet expects. However, underneath his normally anxious, rule-following exterior, there’s a deep well of frustration and suppressed anger, especially when things don’t go as planned. After bottling up stress, anxiety, thoughts of you never loving him, and the weight of feeling inadequate for so long, Boimler occasionally cracks, letting his emotions explode in a way that shocks everyone around him.
Triggered by Jealousy:
One of the rare times Boimler truly loses control is when he feels like someone is coming between you two, whether it's a friend, a fellow officer, or even someone casually speaking with you. The thought of someone else getting closer to you causes a fury he struggles to contain. Normally, Boimler tries to brush off his jealousy with nervous laughter and self-deprecating jokes, but deep down, it eats at him.
Maybe it’s an offhand comment you make about enjoying time with another officer, or seeing you share a laugh with someone else. That’s all it takes for Boimler’s insecurities to flare up. He’s been so patient, playing the long game, waiting for the perfect moment to confess his feelings, but now, his fear of losing you pushes him over the edge.
Boimler had been under an insane amount of stress that week: a malfunctioning PADD, a tough mission report, a higher-ranked officer pushing him around, and now the idea that someone else was catching your attention? It was too much.
“Y/N, are you really going to keep spending all your time with him?” Boimler blurts out one day, his voice shaking with barely suppressed frustration. “I’ve been by your side this entire time, but—" He stammers, trying to collect his words before they spill out in a mess of emotion. But the bottled-up rage he’s been holding in for so long finally cracks. His face turns red, his hands clench, and he lets out a shout that makes everyone in earshot turn to stare. “I’M JUST AS GOOD AS HIM! WHY DOESN’T ANYONE EVER SEE THAT?!” His chest is heaving, his usually wide, worried eyes narrowing as he glares at the officer who’s been spending more time with you lately. He can feel his blood boiling as he loses control, shouting in a way that’s completely out of character for him. This isn’t the Boimler anyone’s used to seeing. It’s raw, untamed anger that’s been building for so long, and once it’s unleashed, it’s like watching a different person altogether.
“BACK OFF,” he growls out to the officer talking to you, his face twisted in fury. He knows he’s dangerously close to crossing a line, but he can’t stop himself. It’s like something’s been unleashed inside him, a part of him he didn’t even know existed, until now. “I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am. I’m a good officer! I’m dedicated! And I’m not going to let someone just walk in and take what’s mine!” His rant surprises you, this is not the Boimler you’re used to. He’s always been so meek, so self-deprecating, always eager to please and to follow the rules. But now? His anger feels untethered, like a different side of him has surfaced, one driven by the fear of losing what he’s worked so hard to build, both in his career and in his relationship with you.
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Delusional Fantasies: 
Boimler starts to imagine scenarios in which you reciprocate his feelings. He rehearses conversations in his head, certain that if he can just say the right thing, you'll realize you're meant to be together. He believes that every polite smile or kind word you give him is a sign of your deep, hidden affection for him. In his mind, you already love him, you just haven’t figured it out yet—and it’s his job to help you see it.
He’s obsessed with imagining your future together—marriage, shared quarters, working side-by-side on away missions. He fantasizes about how perfect life would be once you finally realize you’re meant for each other. These dreams are so vivid that he sometimes confuses them with reality, thinking that you’ve already shown signs of affection.
He fantasizes about heroically pulling you from a dangerous mission, fighting off enemies to protect you, or being the one to comfort you in times of distress. In his mind, these daydreams solidify his belief that you belong to him because he's the only one who can truly be your "savior."
Manipulative Kindness:
 He constantly does small favors for you—fixing your equipment, volunteering for shifts that overlap with yours, or offering help with your work. While on the surface these actions seem like normal kindness, Boimler is using them to make you more reliant on him. The more you need him, the closer you’ll be to accepting him as a permanent fixture in your life. He’ll subtly plant suggestions in your mind during conversations, manipulating your decisions without you even realizing it. 
Sleepless Nights: 
Boimler spends many nights obsessively thinking about you, losing sleep as he replays every word and glance you've exchanged. He imagines scenarios where you are in danger, and only he can save you, feeding his delusions that he’s your one true protector. Sleep deprivation only heightens his paranoia and attachment.
He will spend nights planning and studying, planning your future together, backup plans, emergency plans, and studying your actions and conversations.
Risky Missions: 
When the crew is sent on away missions, Boimler becomes hyper-focused on ensuring you're safe. He’ll go so far as to put himself in danger to draw attention away from you, just to ensure that no harm comes your way. If you notice and thank him, he takes it as a sign that you’re slowly realizing how much he truly cares for you.
Subtle Sabotage: 
Boimler discreetly interferes with any relationships or friendships you develop that might take time or attention away from him. If you start getting close to someone, he might "accidentally" misfile important reports or pass on misinformation that leads to minor conflicts between you and that person, all under the guise of being helpful.
Despite all of this, there's a part of Boimler that knows he’s going too far, but he’s convinced/deluded himself into thinking that it’s all for your own good. He justifies that once you're together, you’ll understand why he did everything he did. His overwhelming need for you and your love has pushed him to the edge, no longer thinking logically or rationally.
Confessing Feelings:
When Boimler decides it's time to reveal his "love," it’s not subtle. He plans elaborate, over-the-top romantic gestures, convinced that they’ll sweep you off your feet. Maybe he takes over a holodeck program, creating a dream date for you so he can confess to you. Or perhaps he engineers a crisis on a starship mission that only he can solve, framing himself as your hero. In his mind, these grand gestures are proof of his devotion.
If you ever reject Boimler, it completely shatters his delusions, but he refuses to accept reality. He’ll convince himself that someone must have manipulated you into rejecting him, or that you’re just confused. This could make him even more dangerous—his obsession intensifies, and he might resort to kidnapping you, believing that if you’re just alone together long enough, you’ll understand that you’re meant to be.
“I’m sorry Boims,” you nervously start with. You were dreading this moment, Rutherford had told you that Boimler was going to ask you out but you were hoping he was joking. Sure you love boimler, but not like that, more as a best friend. “I love you Bradward but not like that I don’t think, you’re one of my best friends and I don’t want to ruin that. You know?” You can practically see Brad’s heartbreak, you feel horrible for hurting your friend, but then all of a sudden he gives you a manic smile. He struggles to remain calm, convinced someone has gotten into your head. “You don’t really mean that! We’re meant to be together Y/N, you know this!”
Days go by, and you think he’s thought everything over and understands why you rejected him, unfortunately for you, that's not happening. Boimler has gotten increasingly erratic, watching you from the shadows more than before, noting every smile and conversation with everyone but him. Watching you spend time and smile at others feels like a dagger to his heart. He’s convinced himself he must now do everything in his power to bring you back to him. One night while the Cerritos is in spacedock to refuel and do some small maintenance Bradward sees his chance to put his plan into action. He sneaks into your quarters, cautious to not wake Tendi or Marniner up. Brad feels his heart dance with a mix of fear and excitement, he creeps towards your bunk prepared with a set of restraints. If he can just show how your life together will be then he knows you’ll love him as much as he loves you. Boimler quickly and quietly restrains you and covers your mouth as he drags you out of your bed and quarters. “Shh, it's okay, I’m doing this for us. You’ll see, I’m the only one who truly cares about you. They don’t understand you like I do!” He whispers into your ear as he drags you away to the shuttle bay. “You’ll see, you’ll love our life back at my family’s vineyard, I’ve already sent in our resignation letters to HQ. We’ll get married, it’ll be perfect, just you and me.” Brad says with a crazed smile and quickly gets you situated in the shuttle. “Just you and me, Y/N”
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thegr33nc0met · 4 months
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks Masterlist
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Hurt/Comfort/Smut (Coming Soon)
Skinny Reader Headcanons (Coming Soon)
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons (Coming Soon)
♥︎Brad Boimler
This Page Is Blank
♥︎Beckett Mariner
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♥︎D'Vana Tendi
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♥︎Samanthan Rutherford
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Feel free to ask about other characters!
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rose-in-blue · 27 days
Does anyone know any good readerxboimler fics? I can't seem to find any anywhere.
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alexblakegf · 6 months
retired aaron hotchner x reader instagram posts
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @kalixxh @fdl305 @urfavesim @sponsoredbytonystark @rosaliedepp @rorypostss @prentissesredtanktop @ssaspencereid-blog @fanof051 @luhwithah @haley-hotchner-blog @ah-blossom @floralsightings @someones-name-inserted-here @agent-tempest @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @daddy-heather-dunbar @mrs-prentiss @hotchsdharma @criminallysuperhamilfan13 @darker-december @hopedoesntknow @momily @pear1206 @kenseverything @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @nciscmjunkie @thawnexwells @anotherblackreader @mrs-ssa-hotch @vampirevalentinesblog @kikanyasword @Boimlers-gonna-boim @blueberrymuffins6788 @lover-of-books-and-tea @villaneve4life @multifandomlesbianic
be added to my taglist here
send is asks and requests here
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reidbae · 11 months
DAY 27: Stress Relief — period sex w/dom!aaron hotchner
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KINKTOBER 2023: masterlist
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summary: Your hot, older boss, who’s been protective of you since day one, helps to remedy your stress when he finds out your time of the month has come.
pairing: dom!fwb!aaron hotchner x sub!fem!reader
warnings/mentions: mention of periods (obv), along with blood but it's nothing crazy, use of a condom and small mention of latex, very heavily implied age gap, reader is very shy, vaginal sex, piv sex, hip/thigh gripping, fondling, use of my love, angel, honey, sweet girl, and princess, reader is fucked dumb but also not rlly, hotch is super doting but there's some teasing, too, lots of praise, SO much slowburn i'm sorry lol (like the first 1.5k ish words), lmk if i missed anything!
wc: 3.3k
a/n: went a little overboard with this one oops :P also i'm gonna *try* to fill in most of the gaps i've missed for kinktober this weekend, but no promises <3 hope y'all enjoy this one!
tags: @nalycandy @prettyboydrspencerreid @mega-kittyglitter-1 @mrs-ssa-hotch @boimlers-gonna-boim
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You were working tirelessly in the bullpen of the BAU, when a caring, yet firm, hand landed on your shoulder.
It was that of your unit chief, Aaron Hotchner’s: And also, your lover’s. You and Aaron had been seeing each other in private for a while now, and while not officially together, you were pretty damn close to it.
The older man had taken on a calm, caring, and loving role in your pairing, always handling you in a sweet, and never hostile way.
It was a sharp comparison to the manner in which he carried himself in the field, but that was a different story, for a different time.
You usually saw Aaron everyday when work ended, you coming over his house, or vice versa. If you didn’t, you’d let the other know, and there would be some exchange of affection, at least.
But that wasn’t the case this week.
You had dozens of case files and paperwork to finish. You had work to do in general because of the main job, but even more than your team, mainly due to the way you had handled your previous case. Strauss wasn’t happy about it, and neither were you, because you had a hell of a lot of work to do now because of it.
As a result, you had been spending less and less time with Aaron, even avoiding him when you could, so he wouldn’t get a feel for your grouchy mood.
It didn’t help, also, that you were on your period.
When Aaron’s kind hand landed on your shoulder, you looked up in surprise to see him hovering above you, all packed up and ready to go home. He would usually stay a little later as the week ended, working as tirelessly as you were on paperwork.
So to seem him here, ready to pack it in for the day, was a little unusual.
“Hi,” you spoke, looking up at him with a shy expression. He could see the worn out look that your eyes held, the bags under them giving you away.
“Hello,” Aaron spoke in his calm, composed tone of voice, one you usually heard when he was addressing people in the field. It wasn’t always a bad thing, really, seeing as that’s the way he was supposed to speak.
But when he used it on you, you knew you were in for a bit of a talk.
As you’d done various times before, you moved the case files you were working on aside, so that Aaron could lean on your desk. He did so, and crossed his arms as his gaze lingered on yours.
“You want to tell me what’s wrong?” Aaron said brusquely as he looked down at you; His expression was genuine, though, as he did, and you could tell that he cared.
You looked down and away from him, letting out a heavy sigh, not prepared to have this talk with him. “What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong,” you said in a timid, low voice, avoiding the tall man’s gaze.
“Please don’t lie to me, honey. I can tell something is wrong. I’m a profiler, remember? Just like you,” Aaron reminded you, and from the corner of your eye, you could see his expression change from loving to firm.
“We’re not supposed to profile each other,” you reminded him, your tone small as you answered him. Aaron let out a little chuckle, shaking his head above you.
“Fair enough,” Aaron chuckled. “That doesn’t mean I can’t still worry for you, honey. You haven’t been yourself. I’m sure you know that.”
You gave him a shrug, not quite sure what to say in response to that. “Yeah, well—I haven’t been the best,” you admitted to him.
Your reveal caused Aaron to crouch down next to you, the way he likely had done for his son, Jack, so many times. You suddenly felt just as small, and turned your head away from him.
Aaron guided your face back to his seconds later, his dark brown eyes boring into yours. The look was sweet, though, and soft, as he put a warm hand on your thigh.
“What’s wrong, angel?” Aaron asked you curiously. You couldn’t deny the wave of butterflies that soared through your figure when he said that, and you bit your lip.
“I just have a lot of work to do, that’s all. And I’ve been—Moody,” you vaguely explained to him. You avoided using the word, “period,” for a fear of the weirded out look Aaron could give you if he heard it.
But Aaron took the words from your mouth in mere seconds, like he’d been able to do on numerous occasions. “Are you on your period, my love?”
Your eyes widened when he asked you this; Your cheeks warmed up as soon as his words finished, and you swallowed. “H- How did you know that?” you asked bewilderedly.
“Come on, princess. Do you really think I wouldn’t pick up on it? You get moody like this at least once a month, and I’ve been seeing you for seven. It doesn’t take a profiler to figure out what the cause of that is,” Aaron explained to you, rubbing his hand over your thigh. His tone wasn’t teasing, though, his words flowing from his lips in a warm manner.
You hid your face with your hands, hating, and loving, the way he could read you so easily. Aaron chuckled as you mumbled to him, “That’s so embarrassing.”
“It’s not embarrassing,” he assured you, moving his hand from your thigh to your shoulder. You’d be wondering how he was keeping his balance so well, if it weren’t for the fact that you were being so awkward. “It’s normal, and nothing to be ashamed of, honey. You’re okay.”
After a while of Aaron rubbing your shoulder, the unit chief broke the silence once again. “Is this why you’ve been avoiding me so much?” he asked.
“I have not been avoiding you,” you said to him, even if you knew you were lying through your teeth.
That was the very thing you’d been doing.
“Do you want to convince me that, or yourself?” Aaron chuckled, keeping his hand where it was on your shoulder. You shrugged.
“Okay, so maybe I have been a little bit. But it’s not you. I’ve just been so tired and stressed, and—I don’t know. I know it doesn’t make sense,” you said to him.
“It doesn’t have to make sense to me, honey. As long as it does to you, that’s fine with me. I understand,” he told you. ���You need a break from work. Come on. Let me take you home.”
“No, Aaron, I need to finish these files,” you all but whined, the very idea of abandoning your unfinished work making you uneasy. Aaron chuckled and got up, holding his hand out for you to take.
“Come on, sweet girl. Don’t force me to make this an order,” Aaron said to you. You couldn’t really tell if he was joking or not.
But you weren’t about to argue with him regardless.
With a huff, you took his hand and got out of your chair. Aaron draped your coat over your shoulders, making sure you were warm. He then took you by the waist and walked you out of the bullpen, and out to his car.
Knowing you didn’t feel like driving, and promising to give you a ride to work the following day, Aaron drove you home in his car, attached to your hip until you reached the front door of your house.
“Here we are,” Aaron said as he held your hand, guiding you to your door, like you would fall if he let you go. Aaron pressed a loving kiss to your cheek, smiling down at you. “Call me if you need me, okay?”
You gave him a confused, and a bit of a sad expression when he said that. “Wh—You’re not going to stay?” you asked.
Aaron’s expression then mirrored yours, and he looked as confused as you were. His eyes glimmered, though, with what you assumed was hope in response to what you had just said. “I—Well, I didn’t think you’d want me to. I figured you needed your space.”
You shook your head at his cluelessness, sighing at the fact that he could even think that for a second. “No, I—I do want you to stay. I didn’t think you’d want to.”
Aaron chuckled, shaking his head at you and cupping your face with his hand. The heat of it engulfed you, and you nuzzled into his touch. “Of course I do, angel. You know I love taking care of you,” he murmured. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before saying, “And I always will.”
He wasn’t kidding.
Hours later, you were curled up in Aaron’s lap after an evening of pampering from him. He had made you tea, gotten you all of the snacks you were craving, even leaving the house to do so, and gotten you changed into comfy sleepwear, but not before showering you clean first.
It was days like this that made you wonder how you had landed yourself such a wonderful man; A man who wasn’t even fully yours.
But, God, the way he handled you—Like you were a real life princess, and he was ready to serve you at any command. It was nearly impossible to comprehend.
The unit chief’s hands were tangled in your hair, playing with it as he held you there in his lap. Your face was hidden in his chest as you closed your eyes, relishing in his touch.
You had been sitting there in silence for a while, and Aaron finally broke the silence by pressing a small kiss to your forehead. “Is there anything else I can do for you, angel?” he cooed. “Anything at all that you need?”
You shook your head, lifting your eyes up to meet his soft ones as he looked down at you. “No. No, I’m fine. Thanks for being here for me," you smiled.
Both of Aaron’s hands went down to your hips, holding them in a tender manner as he smiled warmly at you. “You know I always will be, princess.”
You smiled back at him, moving closer to him to press your lips to his. Aaron responded by rubbing your back, his lips eagerly answering your kiss.
When your kiss moved from slow to passionate, Aaron moved you in his lap, so that your legs were on either side of it. He was rubbing your back as you kissed him, and you all but melted into his embrace.
You had never felt this needy for him before. Never felt this needy for one human being before.
That’s just the effect that Aaron had on you.
You were snapped back into reality seconds later when Aaron’s hands began to dance at the hem of your underwear, close, too close, to pulling them down.
You tried to move his hands away, quickly growing shy at Aaron’s move. “No, Aaron, I- I’m on my period, w- we can’t—“ you began to slur.
Aaron cut you off.
“Come on, angel. Do you really think I care about that?” Aaron cooed in a loving tone, looking into your eyes. “I won’t pressure you, princess. But I can feel your need, and I am happy to oblige you.”
“No buts. It’s up to you. If you need me to wear a condom, I will. And if you need me to just pleasure you, then I am okay with that, too,” he whispered, cupping your cheek gingerly. “You’re not feeling good, and if I can make you feel better, I will.”
You were rendered speechless for several long seconds, unsure of how to respond to Aaron’s kind words.
Fuck, was he even real?
“Are—Are you sure?” you asked him, because you were unsure yourself about this. You had never had sex on your period before, let alone with a man who worshipped you like a goddess.
“I’m sure, princess. Say the word and I’m yours,” Aaron told you, running his thumb up and down your cheek. You gave him a shy look, and then a nod.
“I want you. I really do, Aaron, but—Only if you’re sure,” you said again. Aaron chuckled, shaking his head at you.
“How many times do I have to tell you, princess? I’m sure. Positive. Get that in your pretty head,” Aaron chuckled, causing you to smile as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Now, tell me what you want," he said.
“I—Um—“ you began, really not knowing the answer to that query. You bit down on your tongue, taking some time to think to yourself, before speaking once more.
“Well, I want to feel you, but—Can you use a condom, please? It’d just make me feel better,” you said timidly. Usually, you and Aaron didn’t use condoms very much, but you had a box of them in your house, anyways.
“Yes, honey. Go grab one for me,” Aaron smiled, kissing your lips before you got up.
Aaron took the condom from you when you came back with it, not saying another word on the matter. This is what you wanted, so that’s what he would give you.
You sat back in his lap as Aaron moved down his joggers, followed by his boxers. After what felt like years, Aaron’s cock sprung free from them, and from what you could see, he was already incredibly hard; Pre-cum leaked from his tip.
You sat in your own neediness as Aaron put the condom on, making sure that the latex reached the very bottom of his dick.
When he was finished, he gripped your hips, and pulled you to hover over him. He didn’t say a word on the blood that was so clearly in his vision; Instead, he lowered you down onto him, allowing you to take all of him.
Even after all this time, you had never gotten used to just how big Aaron was, his cock leaving you brimming with it each time you had sex.
And, as it happened, “Fuck,” was always the first word that left your lips.
Aaron chuckled at your vulgar use of language, and pulled you closer, beginning to kiss your neck. “Language, princess,” he said in a joking voice.
You giggled, biting down on your lip as you rode him. “Sorry.”
Aaron smirked up at you, but didn’t tease you more. Instead, he began to kiss your neck again, attacking it with a fervid passion.
Aaron left a trail of hickeys behind as he kissed and sucked at your neck; You were surely going to have to cover them up for work the next day.
One of Aaron’s hands went under your shirt, and with ease, unclasped your bra in one go. He discarded it to the side, as though it were the most unnecessary thing in the world, and began to circle his thumbs over your nipples.
You were worried you would hear the sound of blood as the two of you made love, but your whines and whimpers fully combatted the noise: You couldn’t hear a thing.
“There’s my good girl. You feel so good, princess,” Aaron inattentively praised you, his lips split open in pleasure. You whined in response to his words.
“You—Too,” you stuttered back out at him, your brain fogging up with the pleasure of the experience. “Mmm.”
Your eyes closed, and you leaned your head on Aaron’s shoulder as you moved yourself up and down. Aaron chuckled, bringing one of his hands away from your nipples to tangle into your hair. “What’s the matter, princess? Am I fucking you dumb?”
You let out a low whimper at Aaron’s teasing words, scrunching your face up in embarrassment. “Y- Yes, Aaron. You are.”
Aaron chuckled in response, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Good. That’s what I like to hear, honey,” he smiled.
After a while, Aaron felt the need to take over, and grabbed you by the hips once more. He flipped you over onto your back and climbed on top of you, moving into you now at a lethal pace.
“Oh,” you whispered in surprise, Aaron’s sudden change in pace causing your eyes to widen. But you weren’t complaining.
“Hm?” Aaron hummed to you, his breath warm on your nose as he moved himself into you. You shook your head in response.
“Nothing,” you murmured, earning a sly smirk from Aaron.
“Your thighs are shaking so much, honey,” Aaron whispered to you, kissing your neck again. “Relax for me, okay, princess? I’ll make you feel good," he cooed.
You felt yourself blushing as you nodded your head, surrendering to Aaron without having to think twice about it.
You were all his.
You were a hot, moaning mess under Aaron as your high approached dangerously close. Your period made you so much needier, so much more sensitive, and you were beginning to feel the effects of it.
Your expression was lewd as Aaron sensed your need, moving into you as quickly as he could, needy as you were to get you off. You were whimpering his name like there was no tomorrow, your climax burning low inside you.
“Shhh, princess, I know, I know. Almost there, honey, okay?” Aaron cooed in a loving voice as an answer to your whines, pressing butterfly kisses to your neck as he spoke to you.
All self-control fled your body as Aaron fucked you, and there was never another moment where you knew more what it was like to feel alive. Human, even.
“Please, I wanna cum. I wanna cum so bad,” you were mumbling over and over again, your speech unclear, all logical words fleeing your body.
“I know, my love,” Aaron whispered to you.
Then, Aaron did something you didn’t think would happen; He moved his hand down your body, and began to rub circles into your clit.
Immediately, you shook your head, trying to get his hand away as you realized what he was doing. “No, A- Aaron, no, the—Blood,” you all but exclaimed. Aaron shushed you with a kiss, letting his tongue slip into your mouth.
That sure as hell shut you up.
When he pulled back, his cheeks were flushed pink, and his dark hair was smeared over his forehead, stuck to it with sweat. “I don’t mind it, princess. I told you this. You need this, don’t you?”
Your eyes met his, and you nodded shyly.
“So stop it, and let me make you feel good, angel,” Aaron cooed, kissing your lips.
Your brain was too cloudy to argue back to him, and you relished in the feeling of his tongue tangled with yours, his thumb working rapid circles into your bundle of nerves.
“Aaron—!” you whined.
He had you finishing in seconds.
“Go ahead, princess. Scream for me.”
You did just that, his name leaving your lips in a way that your neighbors were going to hate. Your eyes shut with the feeling of pure bliss washing over your body, and you whined over and over again as you came down from your high.
When you were both all done, Aaron moved out from inside of you, and took the condom off. He smiled down at you, and pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose. “Was that good?”
You didn’t see how that was even a topic of discussion. Eagerly, you nodded. “More than.”
“Good. Let’s get you cleaned up, okay, sweet girl? I don’t want you to feel messy or anything,” Aaron said in a sweet voice, running his fingers through your hair.
You nodded at the brown-eyed man, smiling. "Aaron?"
"Yes, my love?"
You giggled up at him, responding to him in a soft, shy tone of voice, "Thank you."
Aaron's face softened, and he pressed one more kiss to your cheek for good measure, smiling down at you. "Anytime."
reblogs are very much appreciated! <3
please let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
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danshive · 9 months
Towels Are Illogical
A Star Trek: Lower Decks fan fiction inspired by speculation about the lack of shame and modesty in the lower deck bunk corridors.
This story is tame, does not include detailed physical descriptions, and, with creative directing, could even be in an episode of Lower Decks.
Nonetheless, it has characters in casual states of total undress, and some suggestive moments.
Therefore, reader discretion is advised. Story after the “Keep Reading”.
Towels Are Illogical
By Dan Shive
Boimler’s troubles (or, at least, these specific troubles), began with the arrival of provisional officer T’Lyn.
As Boimler understood it, T’Lyn had transferred from a Vulcan vessel, and was Tendi’s “bestest science buddy”. T’Lyn didn’t look to Boimler as though she returned Tendi’s enthusiasm, but it was hard to tell with Vulcans. Boimler took Tendi’s word for it.
All of which was fine. Boimler was always happy to meet a new crewmate. He welcomed T’Lyn with open arms kept at a respectable distance.
No, the problem for Boimler was that T’Lyn turned out to be a trendsetter.
Naturally, not long after T’Lyn’s arrival, she made use of the sonic showers. As she set out to do so, however, she didn’t wrap herself in a towel. She simply undressed, stored her uniform, and started walking.
Changing clothes out in the open wasn’t unusual in the bunk corridors of the lower decks, nor was it that strange to not be in a hurry to get dressed again. 
It was not uncommon, for example, for Tendi and Rutherford to get distracted in the middle of changing, and to have lengthy conversations while remaining in various states of undress.
It was, however, unusual to leave one’s bunk while still undressed as T’Lyn had done.
Mariner, with her usual lack of a filter, caught up to T’Lyn, and walked along next to her while wearing a towel. “Whoa, whoa, T’Lyn! You’re really going decloaked?”
T’Lyn raised an eyebrow. “Why would I have a cloak?”
“Sorry, sorry, turn of phrase,” While still outgoing and assertive, Mariner was a little awkward around T’Lyn. “A towel. I meant a towel.”
“Are these not sonic showers?”
“Well, yeah, they are, but…”
“To dry oneself off is unnecessary after a sonic shower, and it is illogical for me to cover myself. I feel no physical shame. Even if I did, we are about to shower together.” With what might have been a smile, T’Lyn said “decloaking is an inevitability.”
“Yeah… Yeah! You’re right!” Mariner declared. “I don’t need this!” She boldly whipped off her towel, and flung it over her shoulder. “I mean, I’ll hang on to it for now, don’t want to leave towels lying around the corridor, but yeah!”
Aside from a distracted ensign walking into a wall, this moment had little-to-no impact on others in the lower decks. It was later, after Tendi loudly expressed agreement with T’Lyn, and declared them to be “no-towel buddies,” that the idea started to spread.
As though it were the latest fashion, lower decker after lower decker stopped bothering with towels when walking to and from the sonic showers.
Even “towel guy” was now just “guy,” though he was still referred to as “towel guy.”
Tradition is a powerful thing.
Only one ensign, Ensign Boimler, was sticking to last season’s fashion. With a towel wrapped around his waist, he meant to go to the sonic showers, but was hesitant.
Everyone else not wearing towels bothered Boimler, but not for the reasons one might expect. Boimler was not, for example, overwhelmed by the sight of his exposed crewmates.
Back at his family’s raisin vineyard, Boimler was the most eligible bachelor around. Absurdly attractive women, often in states of partial, if not total, undress, threw themselves at him.
Boimler, hyper-focused on his future in Starfleet, and lacking patience in any failure to properly raise the raisins to be, remained completely oblivious. Without even meaning to, he had formed a callous around being affected by the nudity of others.
Tendi, Mariner, Rutherford, T’Lyn, or anyone else walking around in their birthday suits wasn’t going to power Boimler’s lust above impulse.
No, what bothered Boimler was he was the only one keeping himself covered at all times.
He’d mastered changing clothes without dropping his cloak.
His towel shields were up well before the eyes of others could impact his hull.
Not even Section 31 could know the secrets of Boimler’s hips.
But now, Boimler was the only one staying covered. He felt like a coward, and cowards had no place in the captain’s chair.
“A captain wouldn’t be afraid to drop the towel,” Boimler thought to himself. “A captain wouldn’t even bring a towel! They’d sit in the captain’s chair, naked as the day they were born, and do! Their! Duty!”
Unbidden, an imagined scene of Captain Freeman bravely commanding the Cerritos in such a manner played out in Boimler’s mind.
Boimler, his face red, quickly sat down. He hurriedly thought of other things, like the Niners playing baseball in a holosuite.
As it turned out, nudity combined with competent Starfleet officers on missions actually could awaken something in Boimler.
“Bases loaded, Rom bunts…” Boimler whispered, casting away the sexy demons.
Boimler, deliberately lost in thoughts of the Niners losing at baseball, and trying to remember how baseball was played, failed to notice T’Lyn.
T’Lyn was fresh from the sonic showers, and, as per usual, not wearing a thing.
She observed Boimler. His discomfort about the towel situation had not escaped her notice. While she felt her actions logical, she knew it was her influence that had resulted in his current dilemma.
T’Lyn felt… Found it logical to help Boimler.
“May I join you, Mister Boimler?”
“EZRI ON FIRST!” Boimler blurted, bumping his head on the ceiling of his bunk as he sat up straight.
T’Lyn raised her eyebrows, her expression otherwise unchanged. “My apologies. Are you injured?”
“No, no, I’m fine! Sit, sit! What’s up?”
T’Lyn sat on the end of Boimler’s bunk closest to the viewport.
“You are uncomfortable with the idea of not covering yourself.”
“Whaaat? Why would you… Why would you think? That?” Boimler’s smile would have earned him an invite to many a Ferengi’s poker table.
T’Lyn said nothing.
“Okay, fine, yes,” Boimler admitted. “I know it’s the 24th century, and it’s illogical, but—“ T’Lyn calmly interrupted with a raised hand.
“It is logical for me to not cover myself because I do not feel discomfort in this situation. Context, however, is relevant.” In a shocking display of expressiveness, T’Lyn gestured with one arm, indicating the bunks of the lower decks.
T’Lyn then used both hands to draw attention to her own torso. “Were I in this state of undress at a meeting with the senior staff, and they were fully dressed, I would find it…”
Almost imperceptibly, T’Lyn’s head tilted, and her face scrunched the tiniest of bits. To Boimler, this somehow conveyed a shudder.
“Illogical,” T’Lyn finished. She rested her hands in her lap, their shameless, illogical gesturing for emphasis complete.
Boimler imagined himself in T’Lyn’s place in that hypothetical situation, followed by Worf catching a flying ball.
“You, Mister Boimler, are not me. You should do what is right for you,” she said, imperceptibly gentle. “Discarding your towel as an act of conformity is illogical. It is only logical if you truly wish to do so, and only if you are comfortable being uncovered.”
Boimler smiled genuinely this time. “Thank you, T’Lyn. You’re right. I think I really needed to hear that.”
T’Lyn smiled. It was barely perceptible, but it happened. “You are welcome, Mister Boimler.”
“And you know what?” Boimler said, quickly standing, “I shouldn’t be ashamed! I’m not doing this for peer pressure! I’m doing this for me! Bold Boimler!”
Boimler triumphantly cast aside his towel, standing fully exposed in the lower decks corridor, hands on his hips.
Right as Beckett Mariner, fully dressed, had turned the corner.
“NOPE,” Mariner loudly declared. Turning around, her hands raised, she quickly departed the way she came. “Nope. Nuh-uh. No way.”
Boimler felt a bit less triumphant. “Well, that was…” his hands fell from his hips as his posture slumped. “Discouraging.”
T’Lyn looked towards the parting Mariner.
“I believe she does not wish to think of you in certain ways, but does so under certain circumstances,” T’Lyn dryly hypothesized, a hint of jealously in her voice that only a Vulcan could detect.
“And what does that mean?” Boimler asked, not getting any of it.
T’Lyn stood. “Take it as a compliment, Mister Boimler.” With images dancing in her mind of a cute, flustered Mariner reacting to T’Lyn’s state of undress instead of Boimler’s, T’Lyn left to get dressed.
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doumekiss · 10 months
2023 Fanfic Recs
Dungeon Meshi
careful, fledgling joy by windingwoods - M/M - Laios/Kabru - 2140 words
mutual misunderstanding by xanrae - M/M - Laios/Kabru - 650 words
God's Own Country
A Year and a Day by Persiflager - M/M - Johnny/Gheorghe - 1800 words
Wide As the Sky by Persiflager - M/M - Johnny/Gheorghe - 670 words
Jennifer's Body
intrinsic and infernal by hvvh - F/F - Jennifer/Needy - 2750 words
Dawn and Dusk and Forever In Between by eirenical- F/M/M - Isabeau/Philippe/Etienne - 4100 words
A Veritable Menagerie by lonelywalker - F/M/M - Isabeau/Philippe/Etienne - 1760 words
Lion in Winter
The Instruments of War by Destina - M/M - Phillipe/Richard - 3200 words
The Lies We Need to Tell by Nary - M/M - Phillipe/Richard - 770 words
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
you're just my type (you've got a pulse and you are breathing) by nebulous_squid - M/M - Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 10,800 words
herbs, orange peels, and steam (it was supposed to be relaxing?) by nebulous_squid - M/M - Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 3000 words
Show of Faith by Anonymous - M/M - Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 12,900 words
a gasp too wide; lungs too full by Anonymous - M/M - Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 2200 words
off the record by Anonymous - M/M - Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 5900 words
Given Lies yet hidden unspoken truths by Caitel_Lynn - M/M - Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 4000 words
shoot for the stars by tothesun -M/M - Kim Dokja/Secretive Plotter - 9300 words
@thereader has blocked you by AssassinOfChaos - M/M - Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 14,300 words
midnight tryst by Anonymous - M/M - Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 3500 words
The Fallen Angel and The Gamer by Godot5149 - M/M - Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 57,650 words
Dream Sweet In Sea Major by zepjyr - M/M - KIm Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk - 5,200 words
what i wish for in this letter by burnedlilly - F/F - Maina/Eripiyo - 1230 words
Red Dwarf
He Thinks Terrible Things by hoc_voluerunt - M/M - Rimmer/Lister - 16,100 words
Enough For Now by kingofthefrogs - M/M - Rimmer/Lister - 2300 words
Second Best by Riona - M/M - Rimmer/Lister - 2400 words
On Waffle Parties by EightMinutesToSunrise - Gen - 1600 words
Star Trek: Lower Decks
i loved you then and i love you now by punk_rock_yuppie - F/M - Mariner/Boimler - 2700 words
Letting the Days Go By by punk_rock_yuppie - F/M - Mariner/Boimler - 4000 words
Just the Whiskey Talking by InvisibleArmour - F/M - Mariner/Boimler - 3700 words
Friend Stuff by InvisibleArmour - F/M - Mariner/Boimler - 2000 words
Constellations We Have Yet to Find by EowynTried - F/M - Mariner/Boimler - 470 words
the world has no right to my heart by punk_rock_yuppie - F/M - Mariner/Boimler - 3800 words
The Untamed
Killing Me For Mercy by williamshooketh - M/M - Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen - 12,900 words
No, But I Will Be by lady-of-the-lotus - M/M - Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen - 4500 words
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i-prefer-base-twelve · 7 months
pleased to report that I just had a conversation with Jack Quaid and never once brought up the fact that I am the author of the only Boimler x Reader fic on AO3
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biblioflyer · 1 year
Procedurally Generated AI Cults, Situational Vulnerability, & Lower Decks
Dear reader, I'm not as caught up on Lower Decks as I should be. So I'm working on amending that. S3E8 "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus" struck me as giving the game away. Lower Decks isn't just good parody, its good Star Trek. Of course I knew that, but this reinforces it so well.
So lets get into the meat of it.
Boimler and the gang are enjoying a shameless self insert holo novel about the Lower Decks team being cool action heroes and saving the Cerritos from a time traveling Romulan scheme. Brad is shaken when he finds out that this transporter clone on the Titan has died in a senseless accident.
No longer able to enjoy the cinematic adventure he's constructed, Brad strays from the main plot line causing the holodeck to improvise. Brad is captivated by a street preacher promising answers to the biggest questions such as the meaning of life. A street preacher he didn't directly program into the story, the holodeck just inserted the preacher into the background for flavor. He was supposed to be just another voice in a procedurally generated cacophony. What's more the street preacher is an obvious cliche.
Unless you're devastated and unmoored.
Suddenly the affectation of secret knowledge scans as real and compelling. What was once silly and easily dismissed is intoxicating.
Set and setting as Morpheus would say quoting Timothy Leary who was almost certainly paraphrasing earlier thinkers.
When Boimler starts taking the street preacher seriously, like any good TTRPG storyteller, the Holodeck computer has to start improvising frantically. At one point Mariner even points out that the way an AI character is behaving is transparently a stalling tactic while the holodeck generates the next story point. Brad is not deterred.
Boimler is not stupid. He's Starfleet. He's memorized procedure manuals that put Vulcans to sleep. He knows he's talking to a machine. That none of this is "real" but there is a broken part of him in this moment that is open to the idea that through a sort of chaos magic, something real will be revealed in the AI's kludging together of hollow symbols that represent significance but have no deeper meaning behind them beyond what Brad reads into it.
Later on, the procedurally generated cult even stumbles, fails to make progress on its quest for enlightenment and falls apart in recrimination and bickering. Sound familiar?
However, this is just a momentary lapse because Brad is still unmoored, still desperate to find meaning from something that is coded as a higher power, and the moment his large language model messiah returns, Brad is all in.
This episode was hysterical but it was also painful. I have a grandmother who is all in on reactionary conspiracy theories and its hard to find things to talk to her about that aren't landmines. Especially considering my day job is in education, so now I don't know how much I can actually talk about my work without having to disarm the groomer bomb.
But anyway this episode does such a great job of showcasing concepts that have been discussed in many places but I would argue that the most genuine and informed discussion has taken place on the Conspirituality podcast with an honorable mention to Behind the Bastards for their "AI is Coming for Your Children" two parter. I feel like this coincides nicely with Robert Evans' less sensationalist takes on AI in which yes, people can immerse themselves in their own alternate realities even more so, but with the greatest threat very plausibly not coming from the malignancy of elites but rather the willingness of unthinking machines to tell us what we want to hear and other cynical actors trying to figure out how to profit by creating the illusion of meaning at scale.
That isn't to say that the designers of the holodeck mean any harm but its clear that even with appropriate safeguards in place, situational vulnerability remains quite real even after Barclay's unfortunate experiences. We're all searching for validation and meaning, and when we're at our lowpoints is when our BS detectors are weakest.
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lyssak09 · 2 years
Masterlist & Things I write for
AN: I automatically write the reader as female so when you re quest please please tell me what pronouns you want the reader to have. Also if requested I will and can write the reader as part of the LGBTQ+ community
Key: Italics means to be posted/its a draft
Fandoms I can write for:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Night Court (1986)
Corpse Bride
Beetlejuice (both movies)
Doctor Sleep
Charmed (the original one)
The Labyrinth (David Bowie movie)
Krull (1983)
Secret Obsession (netflix movie)
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
The Walking Dead (seasons 1-7) I get pissed with the show when I get to parts of season 7 so I stop watching and restart from the beginning of the show
Umbrellas Academy
Z Nation
Warehouse 13
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Dead by Daylight
Adventure Time
The Big Bang Theory
Suicide Squad (both movies)
Slashers: Ghostface (preferably Stu), Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason, Brahms Hillshire
Star Trek: TNG, Voyager, Lower Decks, TOS, SNW
My Bloody Valentine: Both 1981 and 2009 movies so please be specific with which one you want
Markiplier & Jacksepticeye egos
Yandere Dean hcs
Yandere Shapeshifter hcs
Yandere Sam hcs
Yandere Archangels request
Yandere Castiel hcs
Yandere Lucifer hcs
Yandere Casifer hcs
Yandere Casifer with Trans!reader request
Yandere Archangels soulmates request
Yandere Michael!Dean w/ soulmate fem!Reader ask
Dead by daylight
Platonic Yandere killers reaction to child reader
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader request
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader pt.2 request
Platonic Yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress with tween!reader request
Platonic Yandere Huntress & Trapper request 
Yandere Nemesis hcs request
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.1
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.2
Yandere Doctor hcs request
Plantonic yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress pt.2
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Yandere Jake Peralta hcs
Yandere Jake with Lawyer!reader request
Yandere Jake
Yandere Rosa
Yandere Amy
Yandere Charles request
Star Trek
Yandere Q request
Yandere William Riker
Yandere Brad Boimler
Yandere Spock (SNW)
Yandere Data
Yandere Tom Paris
Umbrella Academy
Yandere Five with Soft!reader request
Yandere Five hcs
Yandere Luther hcs
Yandere Diego hcs
The Walking Dead
Yandere Daryl with motherly!reader hcs request
Yandere Daryl motherly!reader hcs pt.2 request
Yandere Daryl
Yandere Daryl VS Rick hcs/sorta request
Yandere Rick VS Governor request
Yandere Rick hcs
Yandere Grown Carl hcs
Yandere Michonne hcs
Yandere Governor request
Tim Burton
Yandere Victor Van Dort hcs (Corpse Bride)
Yandere Emily hcs (Corpse Bride)
Yandere Beetlegleuse hcs (BeetleJuice)
Miscellaneous (Aka writing that doesn’t have their own category yet)
Yandere Brahms Heelshire (The boy)
Yandere Elliot Stabler (L&O SVU)
Yandere Mack Thompson (Z Nation) hcs
Yandere Black Mask/Roman Sionis (DC/BOP)
Yandere Pete Latimer (Warehouse 13) hcs
Yandere Homelander (The Boys) hcs
Yandere Joker (Suicide Squad)  hcs (Fight me on this)
Yandere Piper Hallowell (Charmed) hcs
Yandere Leo (Charmed)  hcs
Yandere Colwyn (Krull) hcs
Yandere Danny Torrance (Doctor Sleep) hcs I love Ewan McGregor 
Yandere Max (Day of the dead: Bloodline) hcs
Yandere Wilford Warfstache hcs
Yandere Antisepticeye hcs
Currently redesigning how these guys look like
Tyler from my yandere song fic
Evan ( Yandere Landlord)
Daniel (Yandere Slasher)
Hudson (Yandere Cop/Sheriff)
Luke (Yandere Childhood friend/Bully)
Damien (Yandere Teacher)
Zachary (Yandere zombie apocalypse survivor)
Derek (Yandere Hypnotist/ Therapist)
Ashton (Yandere Neighbor)
Zeke (Yandere robot boss)
William (Yandere Prisoner)
Adrian (Yandere Asylum patient)
Devon (Yandere Priest)
Jason (Yandere Step father)
Max (Yandere step brother)
Anthony (Yandere slasher/homicide survivor)
Ryan (Yandere childhood friend)
Ewan (Yandere military man) 
Unnamed (Yandere boss)
Unnamed (Yandere AI robot house)
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Beckett Mariner x Reader Head Cannons
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I think Beckett is super pretty and cool and if you don't know who she is I might just dedicate a third of my tumblr just for her. I will be 2/3 resident evil 8 and 1/3 BECKET FUCKING MARINER! I will be making Tendi Head Cannons as well.. also I would like to mention I know little to nothing about star trek so please... keep that in mind. I literally only stand this show because its so funny. don't come at me asking star trek knowledge if you are a trekkie.
18+ head cannons
Beckett is a switch 100%
Beckett can and will fight anyone for your attention or honor.
If you aren't and ensign she is likely to tease you over that.
Sneaking off on missions to do cool illegal things.
if you are Vulcan you are also likely to get teased by her idk what to tell you.
Drinking with the other ensigns!
Being besties with Tendi.
You and Brad aren't friends but you aren't on bad terms.
If you work with T'Ana as a doctor you are likely the first person she calls when she accidentally hurts brad or gets in serious trouble.
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alexblakegf · 2 months
cowboy!aaron hotchner x reader instagram posts
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @haiklya @fdl305 @urfavesim @sponsoredbytonystark @rosaliedepp @beaurielas @prentissesredtanktop @ssaspencereid-blog @fanof051 @luhwithah @haley-hotchner-blog @ah-blossom @floralsightings @someones-name-inserted-here @agent-tempest @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @daddy-heather-dunbar @mrs-prentiss @hotchsdharma @criminallysuperhamilfan13 @darker-december @hopedoesntknow @momily @pear1206 @kenseverything @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @nciscmjunkie @thawnexwells @anotherblackreader @mrs-ssa-hotch @vampirevalentinesblog @kikanyasword @Boimlers-gonna-boim @blueberrymuffins6788 @lover-of-books-and-tea @villaneve4life @multifandomlesbianic @thawnexwells @notanotherpotter @samaldonado5 @creative-heart @nescavaneck @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @pear-1206 @tutucoolforschool @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @kaldurahms-lover
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alexblakegf · 20 days
More of Hotch Instagram stories!!!
aaron hotchner x reader instagram stories p.t. 3
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @haiklya @fdl305 @urfavesim @sponsoredbytonystark @rosaliedepp @beaurielas @prentissesredtanktop @ssaspencereid-blog @fanof051 @luhwithah @haley-hotchner-blog @ah-blossom @floralsightings @someones-name-inserted-here @agent-tempest @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @daddy-heather-dunbar @mrs-prentiss @hotchsdharma @criminallysuperhamilfan13 @darker-december @hopedoesntknow @momily @pear1206 @kenseverything @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @nciscmjunkie @thawnexwells @anotherblackreader @mrs-ssa-hotch @vampirevalentinesblog @kikanyasword @Boimlers-gonna-boim @blueberrymuffins6788 @lover-of-books-and-tea @villaneve4life @multifandomlesbianic @thawnexwells @notanotherpotter @samaldonado5 @creative-heart @nescavaneck @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @pear-1206 @tutucoolforschool @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @kaldurahms-lover @quickslvxrr
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alexblakegf · 4 months
aaron hotchner x fem!reader instagram posts p.t.5
i hope these aren’t becoming too repetitive
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tag list 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @kalixxh @fdl305 @urfavesim @sponsoredbytonystark @rosaliedepp @beaurielas @prentissesredtanktop @ssaspencereid-blog @fanof051 @luhwithah @haley-hotchner-blog @ah-blossom @floralsightings @someones-name-inserted-here @agent-tempest @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @daddy-heather-dunbar @mrs-prentiss @hotchsdharma @criminallysuperhamilfan13 @darker-december @hopedoesntknow @momily @pear1206 @kenseverything @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @nciscmjunkie @thawnexwells @anotherblackreader @mrs-ssa-hotch @vampirevalentinesblog @kikanyasword @Boimlers-gonna-boim @blueberrymuffins6788 @lover-of-books-and-tea @villaneve4life @multifandomlesbianic @thawnexwells @notanotherpotter @samaldonado5 @creative-heart @nescavaneck @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @pear-1206
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alexblakegf · 17 hours
Instagram Hotch with wife Olympian!reader feat their son, Jack. Thanks!! :))
sorry this took so long i kinda lost motivation after saying i was going to get them all done :// i hope you enjoy this :))
aaron hotchner x olympian!reader instagram posts
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @haiklya @fdl305 @urfavesim @sponsoredbytonystark @rosaliedepp @beaurielas @prentissesredtanktop @ssaspencereid-blog @fanof051 @luhwithah @haley-hotchner-blog @ah-blossom @floralsightings @someones-name-inserted-here @agent-tempest @eyes-on-display @dj-bynum3718 @daddy-heather-dunbar @mrs-prentiss @hotchsdharma @criminallysuperhamilfan13 @darker-december @hopedoesntknow @momily @pear1206 @kenseverything @psychopath-at-heart @jjareau-cm @itzdarling @nciscmjunkie @thawnexwells @anotherblackreader @mrs-ssa-hotch @vampirevalentinesblog @kikanyasword @Boimlers-gonna-boim @blueberrymuffins6788 @lover-of-books-and-tea @villaneve4life @multifandomlesbianic @thawnexwells @notanotherpotter @samaldonado5 @creative-heart @nescavaneck @lovelyy-moonlight @dontemilyyyyme @pear-1206 @tutucoolforschool @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @kaldurahms-lover @quickslvxrr @justyourusualash
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