#Bone joint health
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syn4k · 10 months
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to be, or not to be (romanticization of the inevitable)
#ray's tag#keys' art#undescribed#skeletons#ok to reblog#the skeleton model that i traced for this was provided by the incredible kiku @kikunai whom you can find right here on tumblr!#so uh. This is a piece about chronic fatigue although the original idea i had for it drifted a bit as soon as I started coloring the linear#(i really enjoy shading and lighting things and got a bit carried away here but i stand by my choice because this is my favorite thing#that i've ever drawn)#anyways. i often feel especially lately with school being back in season that my bones are leaden with this sort of. weariness. theyre heav#it weighs on our mental health and energy a lot and although there's a couple of reasons we have been given for it#that doesn't remove the fact that this is still a thing that affects us in a very real way day to day although we are good at masking it.#often i come home to find that i do not have the physical mental or creative energy to work on things i really want to#especially project: nexus which i feel extra bad about even though i can't help it because i just started it so recently#it is a mild to moderate struggle to make it day to day and i just. wanted to represent this somehow#my original concept for this was a skeleton with some black goop gunk whatever leaking from its joints#but as i started adding the cracks and coloring them gold (a personal touch; kintsugi is a concept that is very dear to us)#i realized that the focus here was less on the condition itself and more on the body that it afflicts.#so i put it into a spotlight.#ironic i know since very little people acknowledge this irl or even know it exists at all but i added rim lighting. I added color gradients#I colored the lineart and made it all fancy and even added a flare for the head to get the point across that even at its core; disability i#a performance. this is not implying that disabilities are fake in fact this is the opposite of that. i wanted to show that with disabilitie#especially i think in my personal opinion the invisible ones#we are all masking at least a little bit during the vast majority of the day. humans are social creatures and it is only when we are alone#or with someone we deeply trust where we allow ourselves to be who we truly are without fear and even then that can be rare#so i wanted to show this bit of the soul in as broad a limelight as i could. idk this is a really abstract piece and i dont know if anyone#will even get it but it matters to me at least. and even though we've been largely bedridden for the past week i think that's okay#we will get it figured out. all of us. okay? okay. i love you. i fucking love you. we are going to fucking make it#(also the xes over the eyes are because i thought they looked cool they have no deeper meaning at least i think they dont#actually i think they do but i cant put it into words idk. Art is subjective assign your own meaning i'm gonna go get a shower)
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7 Foods to Boost Estrogen Levels During Menopause
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exclusive-offers255 · 1 month
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Flexomore is a multi-ingredient dietary supplement that supports joint and bone health. The product is mainly dedicated to athletes and physically active people. Regular use of Flexomore helps to maintain the flexibility of joints and supports their comfortable functioning.
The dietary supplement contains ingredients that support the maintenance of healthy bones and joints and stimulate the production of collagen, contributing to the proper functioning of cartilage. Furthermore, Flexomore helps to maintain joint mobility and prevents morning stiffness.
The product comes in powder form and is distinguished by its delicious orange and peach flavour.
Joint supplements are an important addition to the diet of active people and athletes. Try it now!
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void-tiger · 10 months
There is just this rage that comes with realizing your body is just completely fucked while still outwardly looking Fine.
And then garnering the judgement of family who have convinced themselves you’re not trying hard enough.
And still waiting for a finished diagnosis to try petitioning for life-long physical therapy, pain management (that are NOT opioids when you can’t take nsaids, and you’re deemed too young for steroid injections especially as it is never brought up as an option), and ssi disability. Because what else are you gonna do. Especially when you’ll always be a burden. Capitalistic life isn’t designed to allow you to rest so you can still do Something within your limitations and not get injured, anyway. Or have energy left for yourself.
(No one is really clever enough to help, either. Is it even worth the risk to try contacting rehabilitation services when you need to stay on medicaid for a eventually-debilitating auto immune disease that has to have very expensive injections twice a month, all the while it’s the hypermobility that makes even being a student or hobbies or chores so iffy?)
And then trying to befriend some people. But there’s this wall there. They radiate concern. Sometimes affection. But I don’t want pity. (I don’t know how to accept actual sympathy to my face by their vibes and tone and body language, anyway.) I just want secure friendships. I just want—for once in my adult life, or my life period if including neurodivergence’s and the resulting cptsd from not even remotely accepting environments—to not be my Problems. Someone else’s Problem.
I just want to be human. I want to have fun and feel capable and not blunderingly or intentionally reminded that I’m not.
(Am I even worth being someone not pitied? Not judged? Will I ever be fun?)
#tiger’s roar#mental health bullshit#chronically ill#my wellness class is. such bullshit.#BUT. there is SOME new information that’s not this Yuppy Preachy Judgemental Fuckery#like how weight bearing is how you build up bone density to fight boneloss later in life#and…I CAN’T. my tendons will literally slide on and off my joints or grind in my joints#even something as simple as bending and looking up ‘too much’#risks throwing my neck out and triggering migraines#and making my cartilage lower ribs pop and float around#(like. I can literally feel it. just sitting or walking. I always have. I assumed it was Just A Runner’s Cramp Or Something. it’s not)#if I breathe too deeply for a doctor’s office my guts squelch. and make my ribs ‘fold’ around#…I just. I just feel like the glass doll my parents always insisted I was by not letting me do anything#(while also ignoring the first signs of hypermobility. like my tendons sliding off my knuckes. my feet clicking. hips & shoulders grinding)#and i hate this#and if this family who I desperately want to connect with. who’s son I’m pretty sure I’m infatuated with#ACTUALLY care about me. don’t see me as a Concern Project#…just be my friend. don’t demand I open up. please just. get to know me.#because right now all y’all know is that I sing and write and paint + clearly mentally and chronically ill.#and probably try far too hard to be helpful and encouraging#but what I really want is for people to be playful with me. co conspirators with projects#(spend time with me Away from a church building. talk to me more than a minute once a week.)
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lord-of-the-noodles · 6 months
sometimes my joints sound like a creaking door
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unhingedcinnamonroll · 10 months
When storms roll through, my joints protest at the injustice of me not receiving a senior discount at Wendy's. My knees refuse to listen when I tell them that we're not even 30.
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mainlysarcastic · 2 years
I think the cartilage and connective tissue between my bones is fucked
Anyone have some chewed gum I can use to fix it??
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orcelito · 1 year
currently wondering whether collecting my blades for a group pic would be bad for my tenuous mental health atm
#speculation nation#i was trying to list out all my blades but i have far too many to reasonably do that way#so the natural next step would be to collect them all up for a pic#i havent done that in a while. now is probably not a good time.#like!!!!!!!!!! it's not like i'd be scared of hurting myself on them or anything#my knives are a solid for Cool Factor or Practical Use only. not for bad mental health times#but having a bunch of blades before me might not be the best plan#..but also. also. i kinda really wanna collect all my babies in one place#i dont even know how many i have. i have way too many & it's been several years since ive done a group count#/ picture. and this time i will TRY to not drop my machete on my finger#still sometimes astounded that i managed to drop my machete on my finger point-first and somehow did NOT take a finger off#i was very very lucky it hit the bone rather than the joint. hurt like a bitch and left a scar but couldve been Much worse#uhm. i learned from it though! no more big machete in unidentified boxes#oh yea i forgot my machete is still located in my bed frame. im so used to it i forget i literally sleep next to a machete every night#a naked blade as long as my leg. but i keep it wrapped up with the blade Down so no injuries have occurred!#........ when i talk about this shit like this it makes me astounded no one's tried to stage an intervention#ive only gotten lil knicks from my stupidity so i guess ppl have decided im not That much of a hazard to myself#the machete in the bedframe is just from paranoia anyways. just like my axe on the display case#oh fuck i forgot i own an axe. and a spear. and several swords.#and a CANE SWORD and a fuck ton of pocket knives. guys i own a lot of blades.#this is not stopping my wish to gather them up for a group picture. it's been so long i have forgotten most of what i own. help
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A Natural Way to Achieve Optimal Bone Health
Do you want to stay productive throughout your life? If yes! You need to ensure good bone health. This is because of the fact; being aware of your bones and joints will improve your bones and joints, even in old age. This means; you can stay productive and work as hard as you can. Building good bone health is very important. In addition, your body's minerals and calcium enter your bones, giving you stronger bones and more flexible joints. But once you hit your thirties, you reach peak bone density. It is at this time that it is important to ensure that the bone structure is good to eliminate the risk of bone and joint damage in the next time. In this article, you will learn about natural and powerful ways to improve your bones and joints.
Eat lots of vegetables
It goes without saying that green vegetables have an important role to play in your life. When you eat well, you will also have strong bones and joints. therefore, you should eat more vegetables. Participate in resistance training and weight lifting
Eating healthy food is not enough. If you want to achieve good bone and joint health, you need to keep your bones and joints healthy. So, engage in strength training and weight training.
Eat more protein
Eating good protein also helps you get good bones. So, your protein intake should be within the required range.
Eat high calcium food
Calcium is the main nutrient that offers you great bone joint health. thus, you should eat foods that are high in calcium. Drinking milk also offers you great calcium.
Winding up, these are the natural ways that help you achieve a good bone mass. If you want the best bone and joint health, you can visit Health Real Solutions. 
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scientia-rex · 2 months
A lot of younger people have no idea what aging actually looks and feels like, and the reasons behind it. That ignorance is so dangerous. If you don’t want to “be old,” you aren’t talking about a number of years. I have patients in their late 80s who could still handily beat me in a race—one couple still runs marathons together, in their late 80s—and I lost someone who was in her early 60s to COPD last year. What you want is not youth, it is health.
If you want to still be able to enjoy doing things in your 60s and 70s and 80s and even 90s, what you want to do, right now, is quit smoking, get some activity on a regular basis (a couple of walks a week is WAY better for you than nothing; increasing from 1 hour a day of cardio to 1.5 will buy you very little), and eat some plants. That’s it. No magic to it. No secret weird tricks. Don’t poison yourself, move around so your body doesn’t forget how, and eat plants.
If you have trouble moving around now because of mobility limitations, bad news: you still need to move around, not because it’s immoral not to, but because that’s still the best advice we have. I highly recommend looking up the Sit and Be Fit series; it is freely available and has exercises that can be done in a chair, which are suitable for people with limited mobility or poor balance. POTS sufferers, I’m looking at you.
If you have trouble eating plants because of dietary issues (they cause gas, etc.) or just because they’re bitter (super taster with texture issues here!), bad news. You still want to find a way to get some plants into your body on a regular basis. I know. It sucks. The only way I can do it is restaurants—they can make salads taste like food. I can also tolerate some bagged salads. On bad weeks, the OCD with contamination focus gets so bad I just can’t. However, canned beans always seem “safe,” and they taste a bit like candy, so they’re a good fallback.
If you smoke and you have tried quitting a million times and you’re just not ready to, bad news. You still need to quit. Your body needs you to try and keep trying. Your brain needs it, too. Damaging small blood vessels racks up cumulative damage over time that your body can start trying to reverse as soon as you quit. I know it’s insanely, absurdly addictive. You still need to.
You cannot rules lawyer your way past your body’s basic needs. It needs food, sleep, activity, and the absence of poison. Those are both small things and big asks. You cannot sustain a routine based on punishment, so don’t punish your body. Find ways to include these things that are enjoyable and rewarding instead. Experiment. There is no reason not to experiment—you don’t have to know instantly what’s going to work for you and what won’t, you just need to be willing to try things and make changes when things aren’t working for you.
You will still age. Your body will stop making collagen and elastin. Tissues you can see and tissues you can’t see will both sag. Cushioning tissues under your skin will get thinner. You’ll bruise more easily. Skin will tear more easily. Accumulated sun damage will start to show more and more. Joints will begin to show arthritis. Tendons and ligaments will get weaker and get injured more easily, as will muscles. Bones will lose mass and get easier to break. You’ll get tired more easily.
But you know what makes the difference between being dead, or as good as, in your 60s vs your 90s? Activity, plants, and quitting smoking. And don’t do meth. Saw a 58-year-old guy this week who is going to have a heart attack if he doesn’t quit whatever stimulant he’s on. I pretended to believe it was just the cigarettes, and maybe it is, but meth and cocaine will kill you quicker. Stop poisoning yourself.
Baby steps; take it one step at a time; you don’t need to have everything figured out right now. But you do need to be working on figuring things out.
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vaneshareview · 9 days
Strengthen Your Bones Naturally with Vanesha Hadjod Herbal Medicine
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In the realm of natural remedies, Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis) stands out as a powerful herbal solution for bone health. This ancient herb, traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine, has gained recognition for its potential to promote bone healing and strength. Our comprehensive exploration delves into the benefits, uses, and scientific backing of Vanesha Hadjod , offering valuable insights for those seeking natural ways to enhance their bone health.
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mydrxm · 19 days
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🌟 Introducing COLAFIT 🌟 https://mydrxm.com/products/colafit-120-cubes-pure-collagen a COLAFIT is a food supplement containing pure crystalline collagen type I, with an impressive purity of 99.9%! Collagen is essential for joints, cartilage, fibrous tissues, joint capsules, bones, skin, and teeth. The crystalline form of collagen is more easily utilized by the body, making COLAFIT a great choice for your health.
✨ COLAFIT Soft Cubes ✨ Colafit is a unique Czech product in the form of soft foam cubes. Perfect for those who find it difficult to swallow large tablets, these cubes are easily taken without water. The collagen purity of 99.9% is achieved through a gentle lyophilization process, preserving its quality without the need for preservatives. Each cube measures approximately 9x9x6 mm and weighs just 8 mg, transforming into 800 mg of collagen gel in the stomach.
💊 Dosage:
Take 1 Colafit cube daily in the morning on an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before eating. You can take it without water or with a drink if preferred. Recommended usage is 2-3 months per treatment, but Colafit can be taken permanently without side effects. Safe for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
🌿 Ingredients:
Pure crystalline bovine collagen lyophilized, purity 99.9%
#Colafit #Collagen #HealthSupplement #JointHealth #SkinCare #BoneHealth #NaturalSupplement #CzechProduct #LyophilizedCollagen #MorningRoutine #HealthyLiving #PureCollagen #CollagenCubes #WellnessJourney #DailySupplement #NoPreservatives #PregnancySafe #NursingSafe
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millennialskin · 25 days
Collagen: Why You Should Love This Powerful Protein
Collagen, often heralded as the “fountain of youth” protein, stands as the cornerstone of the pursuit of aging gracefully. It serves as the scaffolding that keeps our skin supple, firm, and resilient against the passage of time. In the journey towards preserving as much youth as we can, understanding the pivotal role of collagen becomes not just crucial but empowering. Today we’re talking about…
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thepanvelite · 1 month
Easing Knee Pain Through Exercise and Nutrition: A Comprehensive Guide
Knee pain affects all ages, hinders mobility, but targeted exercises, weight management, and nutrients like Omega-3, Vitamin C, and calcium can alleviate discomfort.
Knee pain is a common issue that affects people of all ages, often hindering mobility and quality of life. Understanding the causes, exploring solutions, and knowing the right nutrients can help manage and alleviate knee discomfort. Causes of Knee Pain Knee pain can stem from a variety of sources: Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com Injuries: Ligament tears or cartilage damage are common…
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