#British Isrealism
immaculatasknight · 8 months
London's hidden hand
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readingsquotes · 6 months
"Ireland may be a mostly white European country, but many Irish people say they identify more with the Global South's experience of imperialism and colonialism.
"It's the same with South Africa, it's the same with South America," says Kirsten Farrelly, an activist with the group Mothers Against Genocide, which stages weekly demonstrations outside the Israeli Embassy in Dublin. "All these scars are being opened up in us, when we see what's happening to the Palestinians.""
In Ireland and Palestine, the same cast of colonial characters
A little over a century ago, Ireland and Palestine were both under British control. The latter was called British Mandate Palestine, or Mandatory Palestine. Many of the same British colonial officials served in both places — and left a deep impression on locals.
For example, former British Prime Minister Arthur Balfour was most famous for something he wrote after he left that office: The 1917 Balfour Declaration, which announced Britain's support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, a region previously ruled by the Ottomans.
But before his famous declaration, Balfour served in the 1880s as a British Cabinet secretary for Ireland. In 1885, he opposed home rule for Ireland, and his disagreement with colleagues over the issue ultimately helped to topple a previous British prime minister's government.
And in 1887, Balfour ordered police to open fire on protesters in Mitchelstown, Ireland — killing several people, and earning him the nickname "Bloody Balfour" among the Irish.
Another thing Ireland and Palestine had in common were the Black and Tans. They were a brutal British police force named for the color of their uniforms, and infamous for killing Irish civilians in the early 20th century. After Irish independence, the Black and Tans deployed to British Mandate Palestine, where they exercised colonial power over the mostly Arab population there."
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Where the fuck was I justifying genocide? Im asking you not share ahistorical bullshit that tries to post-hoc condemn a bunch of fucking farmers fleeing pogroms acting like they came as invaders to a region where they're ethnically outnumbered 25 to 1 guns drawn looking to start trouble, rather than tenuous relations between two groups breaking down over 30-40 years. The region has changed hands multiple times through the millenia and the Palestinians were there long enough to be considered Natives to it but they were still ultimately tenant farmers on Ottoman land and cruel as it is it was their right to sell and evict them from it. Outside of isolated incidents, violence did not start flaring up between the two groups until the late 10's/early 20's. You can say Fuck Israel till the red cows come home but keep it to post-'37 if you want to condemn them for initiating violence (Irgun terror attacks) or Post-'48 ('48 War and Nakba) for expulsion and land seizure.
Some relevant Wikipedia articles (no links because Anon is dogshit)
"Pogroms in the Russian Empire"
"Labor Zionism"
"Odessa Committee"
"First Aliyah"
"Second Aliyah"
"Jewish land purchase in Palestine"
"List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine"
"List of Irgun attacks"
anon discovers what sharecroppers are and why some people might not like being regulated to being second class citizens in their own ancestral homelands by western powers.
and the whole “tensions between the two groups didn’t start flaring up until the last 20 years” is just not true, but I appreciate you trying to play based nuancer, you fucking nonce.
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theperplexedpoet · 11 months
should be all war is a crime
it began in the 20's the plan of the empire and it was imposed bluntly the will to start this fire a new home for a people though the land was occupied this place re-birthed an evil site of future genocide it's now a land divided that's the colonizers way we play like it's two-sided and like both have legal claim but you can't go to a home and claim half or more your own when you didn't write this tome took as read there from the throne 'cause it privileges you gives you power, creates stress don't mean that's what you should do like we did in the U.S. by 1947 all the battle lines were drawn wars the empire leavened meant now Palestine was gone nearly a million displaced by the settlers of the crown a whole country was erased a new name was handed down it's now further unstable genocide nearly complete no seats left at the table for those forced into retreat and the fires scorch the frame made radical by it's flames when the British are to blame and the U.S. plays its games it's no wonder hate is viewed as an asset to the cause and the issue's misconstrued for real context gives us pause now seventy-five later the turmoil takes a tone impression's now a crater disconnected from the throne we see only one ending and we hear only one side humanity's not trending as we embrace genocide it's now a field of battle one of bloodshed, one of hate on both sides, swords they rattle with a goal to decimate forced into a resource war by those rotten to their cores with only chaos in store more of what we should abhor while the people call for peace on either side of the line the injustices don't cease should be all war is a crime again now in the 20's as more blood is coldly spilled would think by now it's plenty and we'd find new ways to build a good home for a people
without aid of genocide could be we are just evil and nothing else will be tried (10/29/23)
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evileyeamulet · 11 months
fascist indians obsession with israel is nauseating. its clear why they are so fascinated. they will use this war for their own purposes
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nickysfacts · 1 year
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Israel is a apartheid state and a lasting scar of colonialism that sadly only continues to exist because of zionists.
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murphy-stamp · 10 months
What's happening in Palestine is not "complicated", and it's not some insane "2000 year war about religion".
1917 : The Balfour Declaration was passed by the British, signing over the Palestinian land that was not their's to begin with to the Jewish people. Jewish people are not native to Palestine, and “israel” did not exist until 1948. The Balfour Declaration was the most controversial and contested documented in all of modern history.
1936 : A partition came into play, where the British once again promised the Palestinian land to be allocated to the Jewish people to become a "Jewish state". A 3 year revolt takes place to contest the partition which brought an end the the British army having anymore control over Palestine, and over 5000 Palestinians were killed. During this time the first armed zionist group was formed (Irgun) and they launched a series of unprecedented attacks against the Palestinian people.
1946 : Irgun bombed the King David Hotel which killed another 91 Palestinians, then in May of 1948 "israel" was formed which resulted in 750,000 Palestinians being displaced and 530 Palestinian villages being destroyed - this is referred to as the 1st Nakba (which means "disaster" in Arabic) - the 2nd Nakba started on October 7th. The remaining 22% of Palestine that had yet to be occupied was then divided into the Gaza Strip and The West Bank. That same year the UN passed a legislation that allowed Palestinian refugees to return home, but they were treated as second class citizens. "israel" controls the Palestinian education, prohibits their involvement in politics & elections, they control how much food and water they get, and their medical supplies.
1956-1966 : "israel" massacred the Palestinian villages Qalqilya, Kufr, Qassem, Khan Younis, and As-Samu.
1967 : "israel" occupied the remainder of historic Palestine in Gaza & The West Bank (and by occupy I mean they forcibly removed Palestinians from their homes, demolished their homes, or lived in the upper parts of their houses, forcing Palestinians to live in the lower halves, and then they built wire fences over top of these houses on the outside to block their view of the sky and so they could also throw garbage, boiling water, & human waste at the Palestinians walking the streets below. During that time another 300,000 Palestinians were displaced. The UN called for "israel" to leave Palestine, but they did not do that.
1976 : 1000's of hectares of Palestinian land were forcibly confiscated & protests were brutally shut down.
1987 : The first Intifada starts (which means the Palestinian revolution) where "isreal" established 45 more settlements on Palestinian land. A massive peaceful protest broke out by the Palestinians to show that the occupation & brutalization of their land and people was no longer acceptable. The IOF defence minister at the time, Yitzhak Rabin, ordered the IOF to break the bones of all Palestinians who were protesting. This is when the Hamas resistance group was founded (it was actually created initially by "israel" in hopes that it would divide the Palestinian people and shut down the Muslim Brother Hood - another resistance group). During that time 1000+ Palestinians were killed by the IOF.
1993 : the 2nd Intifada begins. The Oslo Accord is signed which was meant to being "peace" and a "2 state solution", but that just turned into more brutality by the IOF and another 5000+ Palestinians were killed. The IOF instigated Palestinian protestors with 1.3 million rounds of ammunition. Diana Buttu (a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer) made a statement saying the bill for a "2 state solution" was no more than a distraction for "israel" to carry out their plan in silence from the rest of the world which was always for the extermination, ethnic cleansing, and occupation of Palestine.
2014 : The Gaza War happened. This is when "israel" introduced the apartheid wall, which further isolated the Palestinians. They also launched a large scale attack on Gaza with ariel & naval fire power, 2500+ Palestinians were killed in just 50 days. In Gaza the IOF destroyed 83 schools, 10 healthcare centres, and 12,600 housing units.
2008-2023 : 8000+ more Palestinians were killed by the IOF, and now since october 7th 23,000+ Palestinians have been killed, and 1.6 million have been displaced.
This is one of the largest ongoing examples of colonial violence in the world today.
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mysharona1987 · 10 months
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Imagine getting fired for acknowledging what pretty much everyone knows already.
Shit, man. Even Piers Morgan knows he’s being fed propaganda and is angered by it.
He’s basically if Rupert Murdoch said: “Give me a Fox News host…but less photogenic and British.”
And even he’s calling out Isreal’s nonsense on air and is horrified.
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blorbocedes · 1 day
"Its crazy to me that people are carrying on like normal" the fuck are we supposed to do huh?? How do we normal people stop Isreal you got any idea or you just gonna bitch that people are trying to just live
understand what you allow, accept, and "carry on like normal" happens in the periphery will come back to the 'normal' citizens in the core
the story itself is not only being reported as a huge tactical win for Israel instead of the terrorist attack it is, it's not being reported at all. there's people in my notes who didn't even know this happened at all. the largest cyber warfare attack. and yet there's 10k notes, thousands of posts about Taylor Swift's concert because cancelled bc of a terrorist attack plan. interrogate why that is, why the lost lives of the Lebanese do not spark the awareness, anger, hurt it would for the American/French/British. this is manufacturing consent.
it's an outrageous attack on sovereignty and anyone who uses a lithium battery device (which is literally anybody with a phone) should be outraged. ppl should be talking about this, should be out on the streets about this. if not for solidarity then simply self-interest, because if it happens overseas it Will come back home to you. Do you think governments wouldn't love to blow up the phones of dissenting citizens as long as they can get away with it, by saying "oh they were terrorists"?
The pagers were Motorola, which has ties to Israeli mass surveillance tech. Boycott, Divest, Sanction. Stop buying Motorola phones, demand the corporation how they can allow their supply chain to be contaminated like this. Israel should be facing the global condemnation and be treated for committing an act of terrorism the same way you would react if ISIS did this. This is when public scrutiny, esp from the people with the strongest currency in the world aka the west, matters most and you're asking me to stop bitching.
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anamericangirl · 4 months
If Jews who have never been to Isreal have to stop claiming Isreal as their homeland then black people who have never been to Africa need to stop calling themselves African-American/British/etc and claiming it as their homeland
It's only fair.
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studiodaydream · 6 months
genuinely, genuinely, in the most neutral way possible: zionism in no way claims that jews control the world. idk where you got that from. all zionism is is the belief that jews should be able to live in their ancestral homeland freely. it's not white supremacy, because not all jews are white. please stop spreading hate ❤️
There is no hate for Jews here, only for White Supremacist ideologylies like Zionism.
I have proof that Israel mutilates, and guns down African Jews, who are not the so called "Evil Muslims" that Zionist love to kill and murder for their land and resources.
Most of this is about Ethiopian Jews but the treatment of Refugees from African Countries is even more so appalling.
You cannot tell me to do my research and all I've found is Racism, Islamophobia, Genocide, Mutilation and Murder.
Talks about a Chosen Race, and Superior Bloodlines and not see the White Supremacy that has plagued America and Europe for hundreds of years.
You can not tell me to do my research about Zionism and tell me I don't know anything only to see that your so called "Jewish Nationalist Independence" came from an Antisemitic British man
So no im not spreading hate, I'm spreading facts about the White Supremacist ideology of Zionism. That believes that it shouldn't be criticized because it's Jewish White Nationalism and it's different from regular White Nationalism and if you compare the two and criticize Israel you're antisemitic and you hate Jews.
Judaism is a non violent religion. Jewish Culture is non violent. What is Violent is Zionism and its settler colonialist aggression towards its neighbors, relentlessly bombing them out of "self defense" well the world is watching what youre so called "self defense" looks like.
It looks like dead babies left in hospitals that have been bombed
Isreal's "self defense" looks like a father asking for help with his child, as his dead child's REMAINS are stuffed in bags and yet he begs for help
Israel's self defense looks like White Phosphorus being dropped on innocent civilians
These links show that Israel is not only a White Supremacist Nation like its parents The US and UK but also that Zionism is a White Supremacist Ideology.
I am not spreading hate Anon, I am spreading facts. To deny these facts is to spread hate. To deny that Israel is not a criminal empire and is simply "defending its right to exist" is to spread hate.
Antisemitism is on the rise and it's not because of people like me Anon is it because of Israel and Zionist Settler Colonialist Aggression towards the Palestinians and towards its Arab Neighbors. Israel denies the Nakba and that it stole land at all claiming that "no one lived here before we came" a "empty land with no people". Well there were people and those people had neighbors who saw what Zionist did to their defenseless neighbor with the backing of terrorist countries like the US and the UK. Terrorist Nations that destabilized and murdered millions in 3 separate nations in their "War on Terror".
White Supremacy has no ally on this blog, including Zionism.
If you want to unfollow me go ahead. I will not be swayed by Zionist Propaganda that this is all in "defense" of Jewish Nationhood, and how the only way to "defend" Jewish Nationhood is to invade other countries and murder other people who look different from them because they are the "Chosen People".
We've heard it all before, when the Europeans said they were bringing "civilization" to Africa and the Americas by enslaving our people and stealing our land and resources. When America had its "Manifest Destiny" which led to the genocide of countless Native Americans and the stealing of their land and resources. To Nazi Germany and the "Superior Ayan Race" which killed millions and invaded other nations killing millions of more.
You might be familiar with that last one, the Holocaust. Where millions of Jews were brutally and systematically murdered. But not only Jews but Black Europeans, Romanian Immigrants and LGBTQ Europeans.
But it seems like Israel has forgotten history because it does not treat African Jews equally to its European Jews and is actively Hostile to Refugees from African countries. While committing Genocide against the Palestinians as I type this out.
So if you're reading this I implore you to donate if you can or spread awareness of what's happening in Gaza
And your daily clicks
Do not allow Zionist to call you antisemitic for calling them out on their lies.
Palestine will be Free, From the River to the Sea
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immaculatasknight · 9 months
Can't get enough
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readingsquotes · 6 months
"In 1895 Theodore Herzl, author of The Jewish State and founding father of Zionism, confided in his diary, “We must expropriate gently the private property assigned to us….” Jabotinsky’s 1923 essay “The Iron Wall,” as well as Herzl himself, compared the Zionist project to the expropriations of the English and American colonists.  Eighty percent of Arab land has been taken since 1948. Among the methods used in this expropriation is digging deeper artesian wells for water. A third of the Israeli water supply is pumped from the West Bank. The domestic, municipal, agricultural, and industrial hydrological system is controlled by an Israeli water company."
Violence always accompanies expropriation.  Ernest Dowson himself compared it to the Parliamentary enclosures of the 18th century.  Lord Balfour in his diary compared the colonization of Palestine to the dispossession of the Sioux, or Lakota people, about which we may learn from Nick Estes and the Red Nation who have raised the world cry, “Land Back!”
At a theoretical level, capitalism, colonialism, and nationalism are inter-connected, even though imperialism is inherent to capitalism, which obeys the fundamental law, the impulse of the whole system: “Accumulate, accumulate!  That is Moses and the prophets!” writes Marx. National liberation is inherent to the resistance of colonialism, though it may accommodate easily, as Fanon explained, with capitalism.
Returning to the present moment in Palestine, we must add to the formulation “X squared” (exploitation and expropriation) a dark shadow to each of its parts: exploitation + extermination, expropriation + extraction. The genocide being perpetrated by the Zionists in Gaza is conjoined with the extraction of land and oil. X squared is brought to X cubed by adding “excuses.” The devastation, genocide, poisoning, and plunder of the ruling class is fobbed off in a series of institutionalized excuses: economic development, modernization, social improvement, personal security, and religious salvation. Each of these excuses has its discourse, its militarization, academic setups, racism, and politics. Like all excuses, on their face they seem plausible, normal even, until their shadows emerge as they have in the Gaza war for all the world to see.  The global system of empire, war, and slavery has only led to an planetary system of flood, fire, poison, and disease. With these multiple catastrophes we anticipate the despoilation of the earth systems.
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turtlethebean · 5 months
Hello everyone, it is I, Turtle, the bean himself.
Silly introductions aside, this is a serious post I did not think I would have to make. Sorry if my words seem a bit scrambled; I just woke up not too long ago. Honestly, Grammarly is carrying this shit.
This is about the current situation regarding Andi and Zoe/Vaude. I just know there's going to be someone saying, "Oh, you've been friends with them for a while; therefore, you must be a zionist", and that is not the case.
Now, let me put it out there clearly: I am not on Isreal's side. I am not for this genocide. I'm not for ANY genocide. It's one of the main reasons I do not acknowledge the fact that I'm half-British.
I know I have not been as public about this as most other creators, but this is a shitposting account for the most part. I do not believe this situation deserves the same platform as my bullshit. I realise now that I probably should make a serious account, but I've had many blog ideas that have been yeeted out the window for various reasons.
Even if I don't post about it on this blog, I want people to know I've been doing my best behind the scenes - avoiding places on the boycott list, doing my click for arab dot org whenever it comes across my dash (hell, for a while it was broken for me (wouldn't proceed to the thank you page) and I used it as an opportunity to spam click), and keeping myself educated about what's happening.
I hope I've made myself clear in any way I possibly can. I just wanted to get this off my chest now before anyone tries to accuse me of anything. I have exams this week, and my mental health was bad enough the last time I did these same exams (I won't go into detail as this post is about Palestine, and also it's very personal).
Remember to do your daily click(s)! arab.org
As always, I love ya'll. /platonic
P.S. Feel free to add any other resources to this post. I just put the one I use bc I can't donate.
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nightlyforrest · 4 months
I actually fucking despise the british government
I've just seen Rishi Sunak's election ad and it is the most primal rage enducing, self entitled, egotist, arrogant, patriot dick riding, careless, lazy, disgusting absaloute piglet fucking thing I have ever seen. The fucking balls he must think he has to claim we have a stable economy to fight for, to pretend he's the reason we got through covid and to try and pander to young people as if he hasn't done anything but ruin our fucking lives since he's had a shred of power, I actually fucking hope the most horrific thing happens to that man he is VILE. To claim you want a safe, sustainable future for people's children and then in the same breath say you want to push refugees out, ride isreal's fucking cock like netanyahu is his daddy, deny the palestinian genocide and toss around the idea of forcing young people to conscript to military service the same fucking way they have to in places like korea. completely and utterly despicable. As if he has ever done fucking anything other than fuck us youngsters over. fuck no I would sooner fucking kill myself infront of the sorry prick and hope it scars him for life. he deserves a bit of trauma to match the fucking rest of us. I wont even call him a pig anymore he doesnt have the meat on his bones or the spine to hold it up to deserve that fucking title, he's a joke, a rich, entitled prat who thinks he's owed everything in the world for putting in the least ammount of effort in to keep his image clean. Fucking disgusting, I would say imagine putting your own kids on the front line but I know by now that would make no difference he doesnt fucking care. That's not even mentioning the damage he's already done, like crashing our economy, cutting taxes for the rich while freezing benefits for the poor and disabled, cutting funding for the nhs just to line his pockets and pour more money into our fucking equally disgusting, useless police force just the other week I had to kick off at a bunch of piglets just wandering around while a bin poured out thick white smoke. Like how fucking inept can you be to just stand there and gawk and gossip fucking call for backup and remove the children from the area you fucking useless pig. And how fucking dare our MPs complain about fear for their safetey, they deserve to be fucking scared. maybe they should try living in the run down housing estates they've been packing with veterans and disabled parents for years see how their own kids turned out. because I guarentee they'll be cutting themselves and doing drugs like nearly every other normal kid I fucking know. Truly a pathetic runt of a man I'm so fucking sick of this country, I hate it I hate it I hate it. The rich deserve more fucking axe cuts.
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ashertickler · 2 months
(*^o^)/○o。.•° hellooosss!!! °•.。o○\(^-^*)
welcome to my Redacted Audio sideblog!
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i'm plum (no that's not my real name, it's a nickname someone gave me as a joke that stuck) and i hope to be the cerified silly™️ blog that makes you giggle
i've been in the Redacted fandom since 2022, but only started this side blog recently to yap about it 🗣
just like my bestie Porter (smacks him), i'm british.
desi (MY FELLOW DESI RA FANS RISE UP), bi, and sleep deprived 🕺
(pspspsp: if i'm in your asks, 🍑 is the personal tag I have that's the closest to a plum to say that yes it would be i, the tickler of asher goofy ass talbot, in your askboxes😈
but for those curious: if you see an account with a brett hand pfp interacting with your posts... that's my main account 🙈)
My faves:
Asher (unsurprisingly.)
Milo (pretty and sassy what more could i want)
Aaron (can he return from war please 🙏)
Lasko (🌝)
Tags list:
#plum posts - just a normal(ish) post nothing goofy
#plum rambles - spontaneous brain shart post (is it a headcannon? is it a shitpost? is it pure silly? or even braindead? tbh it's a pot luck of what you'll get)
#plum goes insane - uhhhhhhhhhhh... feral. insane. unhinged. losing the plot. (mild nsfw warning/ suggested nsfw)
#plum yaps - asks! chatterboxes, yappers, silly stuff
#my wife - Asher. asher post making me 😍🥰💖
#normal/ and tags that mention "normal" - very much not normal, my inner freak is trying to break free I fear. (mild nsfw warning/ suggested nsfw)
dni/ things i don't tolerate:
homophobia, transphobia, racism, terfs, isreal supporters, caelum sexualisation
under 16s dni‼️
゚+.•☆•.+゚ oki ty have a great day
(blinkie banner by @/milogreer)
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