#Bro i have the most plain room
mak1lol · 2 years
My semi face reveal ig
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kentobb · 3 months
The Bet
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Characters: College! Sukuna x Female Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Suggestive (in MeiMei’s part)
Author’s note: Look… I miss the wattpad kind of stories, ok?
Part 02 Part 03 Part 04 Part 05 Part 06 Part 07 Part 08
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Ryomen Sukuna is a force of nature on the basketball court, his movements precise and powerful, each play calculated and executed with ruthless efficiency. His reputation as one of the most popular guys in college was well-earned, not just for his athletic prowess but also for his charisma and the magnetic presence that drew people to him. His imposing stature, marked by a lithe, muscular frame and a face that seemed perpetually set in a mix of boredom and amusement, only added to his allure. Yet beneath the surface, Sukuna a man of dualities, balancing his athletic pursuits with a rigorous academic schedule as a finance major, preparing to take over his father's sprawling business empire alongside his brothers, Choso and Yuuji.
As Sukuna settled into his seat for one of his finance classes, he glanced around the room, searching for his usual group of friends, the "bros" he did most of his projects with. His gaze fell on Professor Amano, who was already launching into a monologue about the importance of collaboration and real-world application. Sukuna's attention drifted, his mind wandering to the next basketball game, the next strategy meeting with his brothers. It wasn't until Professor Amano's voice sharpened with the announcement of assigned partners for the upcoming project that Sukuna snapped back to attention.
"Ryomen Sukuna," the professor's voice rang out, "you'll be working with Y/N.”
A collective murmur rippled through the room. Sukuna's eyes narrowed as he scanned the rows of desks. Y/N. The name was vaguely familiar, but not in the way his friends names were. Then he spotted you: a quiet girl sitting near the back, partially hidden and a stack of books that seemed almost as tall as you were.
You were the type of person Sukuna had always dismissed as unimportant, background noise in the cacophony of his life. He had seen you in the library, absorbed in your studies, nose buried in books while he and his friends joked and laughed nearby. He had noticed you walking alone on campus, steps light and your eyes focused on some distant point, lost in your own world. You were like a ghost, drifting through the peripheries of his vision, never drawing enough attention to warrant a second glance.
Now, you are his partner.
Suppressing a groan, Sukuna stood and made his way to the back of the room. As he approached, you looked up, your eyes wide and slightly wary. You were plain, in an understated way, with large, expressive eyes and a delicate frame that seemed almost fragile. There was a quiet intensity about you, a depth that Sukuna couldn't quite place but found himself intrigued by despite himself.
He continued walking towards you, still observing. You were different, that much was clear. As he got closer, he realized he had been staring.
Your doe-like eyes meeting his, wide and a bit startled.
Sukuna quickly tried to play it off. "Uh, you have something on your forehead."
Your eyes widened in embarrassment, and you immediately started brushing at your forehead, clearly flustered. "Oh, um, did I get it?"
Sukuna smirked, shaking his head. "Yeah, you're good."
He sat down across from you, still amused by your reaction. "What's your name?"
"Y/N…” you replied, your voice soft but clear.
"I'm Sukuna. Ryomen Sukuna," he said, expecting a flicker of recognition or at least some reaction to his name. Instead, you simply nodded and immediately pulled out the project guidelines.
"So, for our project," you began, "I was thinking we could analyze a smaller company. It might be easier to get detailed information and understand their financial strategies."
Sukuna was momentarily taken aback. You weren’t flustered by him? Nor was trying to impress him?
You went straight to the point, focused entirely on the task at hand. It was... unexpected. He had anticipated some level of interest or at least the usual star-struck reaction he got from most girls. Instead, you seemed almost indifferent, entirely engrossed in the project.
"Uh, yeah, sure," he finally said, shaking off his surprise. "That sounds like a solid plan."
You nodded, jotting down notes. "Great. We should meet up in the library later to start gathering resources and outline our approach."
As you continued discussing the project, Sukuna couldn't help but feel a bit disoriented. You, Y/N, weren’t what he had expected at all. You are focused, determined, and completely unfazed by him. And for the first time in a long time, Sukuna finds himself intrigued by someone who seemed entirely uninterested in his popularity.
You both arranged to meet later that day in the library. As Sukuna made his way through the bustling campus, he found his thoughts drifting back to you. There was something about your quiet intensity that piqued his curiosity. You weren’t trying to impress him or win his favor; you were just yourself, unapologetically so.
The library was quieter than usual when he arrived, the hushed atmosphere creating a stark contrast to the lively campus outside. He spotted you at a table near the back, already surrounded by a stack of books and your laptop. You were scribbling furiously in a notebook, your brow furrowed in concentration.
"Hey," Sukuna greeted, taking a seat across from you.
You looked up briefly and nodded. "Hi. I found a few resources that might be useful for our project. Here, take a look."
You pushed a few books and articles towards him, your demeanor completely professional. Sukuna took the materials, flipping through them as he tried to shake off the odd sense of disorientation he felt around you.
"So," he said, trying to make conversation, "how come I haven't seen you around much before?"
You shrugged, your eyes still on your notes. "I- I don’t know. I’m always here studying…”
Sukuna nodded, not entirely surprised. "Makes sense. You seem pretty focused..."
"I try to be," you replied, finally looking up at him. "I want to make sure we do well on this project."
Sukuna found himself studying your face again, noticing the subtle determination in your eyes. "You're really serious about this, huh?"
"Of course," you said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "A good grade on this project could make a big difference."
He couldn't help but be impressed by your dedication. Most people he knew, himself included, didn't approach their studies with this level of seriousness. "Yeah, I get that," he said. "I guess I should thank you for keeping us on track."
Your lips quirked into a small smile. "Just doing my part."
As you continued speaking about the project, your voice steady and full of conviction, Sukuna found his mind drifting. He watched you, taking in the details he hadn't noticed before. Your long sleeves hid your arms completely, the oversized sweater hanging loosely on your frame. Your long pants and well-worn Converse sneakers added to the effect, making you seem almost invisible. He could barely see your body, save for the slender column of your neck. It was almost like you didn’t want to be seen.
Your words flowed smoothly as you outlined the plan, your eyes lighting up with enthusiasm whenever you discussed a particularly interesting point. But Sukuna focus was divided. Part of him was listening to you talk about financial strategies and analysis, but another part was trying to read you, to understand why someone would go to such lengths to remain unnoticed.
Your eyes flicked to him occasionally, as if checking to make sure he was following along, but you didn't seem to notice his distracted gaze. Your hands moved animatedly as you talked, slender fingers tapping on the table for emphasis. You were clearly passionate about the project, but Sukuna couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more of you than this quiet, studious exterior.
Finally, you wrapped up the discussion. You gathered your things, slipping your notebook and pens into a well-worn backpack. "So, we’ll meet tomorrow afternoon to start compiling our research?" You confirmed, looking at him expectantly.
"Yeah, sounds good," Sukuna replied, forcing his attention back to the project. "I'll see you then.
Sukuna stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder, watching as you disappeared into the crowd. A few of his friends called out to him, waving him over to join their conversation, but he found himself hesitating. He couldn't stop thinking about you, about the way you seemed to fade into the background while holding so much within you.
He had always been surrounded by people, his life filled with noise and activity. But now, watching you walk away, he felt a strange pull towards the quietness you embodied. You were like a puzzle, each piece hidden beneath layers of oversized clothes and a reserved demeanor, and he found himself wanting to understand you more.
As he made his way out of the library he saw you turn the corner towards the dorms. He could have followed you, but he held back, respecting your space for now. There would be plenty of time to learn more about you as you worked on the project together.
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The weekend arrived, and Sukuna's apartment transformed into the campus hotspot. The music blasted from the speakers, and the pulsating beat seemed to resonate through the walls. Laughter and chatter filled the air, and the living room was crowded with students dancing, talking, and enjoying themselves. Sukuna, typically at the center of it all, found himself drifting to the edges, his eyes scanning the room for one particular face: You.
He wove through the throng of people, nodding and smiling at familiar faces, but he couldn't spot you anywhere. He paused by the kitchen, grabbing a drink and leaning against the counter, lost in thought. Did you not know you were invited? Everyone on campus knew about the party; word had spread like wildfire. But then again, this wasn't really your scene. The loud music, the throngs of people – it was the complete opposite of the quiet, studious environment you preferred.
As he pondered this, Mei Mei, the cheerleader captain, caught his eye. She was standing with a group of friends, but her gaze was locked on him. Her confident smile and flirtatious look were unmistakable. She sauntered over, her hips swaying with each step, and leaned against the counter next to him.
"Hey, Suku" she purred, her voice barely audible over the music. "Having fun?"
"Always," he replied with a smirk. "What about you?"
"Oh, you know me," she said, leaning closer. "I always find a way to have fun."
They exchanged a few more words, the conversation laced with flirtation. Mei Mei leaned in, murmuring something in his ear that made him chuckle. He knew exactly where this was heading. With a smirk, he took her hand and led her through the crowd towards his room.
As they made their way through the party, Sukuna's thoughts momentarily drifted back to you. But why? Why you? You’re just… a random girl he is working a project with. He just had hoped you might step out of the comfort zone and show up, even if just for a little while. But deep down, he knew this wasn’t your vibe. The library, with its hushed tones and stacks of books, was more your speed.
When they reached his room, he closed the door behind them, shutting out the noise and chaos of the party. His mind focused on the present moment, and he let himself be distracted by Mei Mei, at least for a little while.
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Hours later, as the party continued to rage on outside, Sukuna found himself lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. Mei Mei was already asleep beside him, her breathing slow and steady. Despite the noise and the energy still buzzing through his apartment.
The rest of the weekend passed in a blur of parties, hangovers, and half-hearted attempts at studying. Sukuna couldn't help but wonder what you had been doing instead. Studying, probably. Or maybe you had spent time at the library, like you mentioned during your conversation. The thought of you enjoying a quiet, serene day by the library brought a small smile on his face.
Monday rolled around, and the campus was abuzz with talk of his party. Everyone was raving about how wild it had been, and people were already asking when the next one would be. Sukuna nodded along, playing the part of the cool, popular guy, but his mind was elsewhere.
When he entered the classroom, he immediately spotted you in your own usual seat at the back. Already engrossed in your notes, completely oblivious to the buzz of conversation around you. Sukuna frowned slightly, realizing he hadn’t seen you at the party. He wondered if you hadn’t known about it or if you had simply chosen not to come. It seemed like everyone had been invited, after all.
Sukuna made his way over to her and dropped into the seat next to her. “Hey,” he greeted, his voice still a bit rough from the weekend.
You looked up, blinking in surprise. “Hi,” you replied, then immediately started pulling out your notes and materials for the project.
You launched into a detailed explanation of the research you had gathered, focus entirely on the task at hand. You talked about financial strategies and market analysis, not once veering into anything personal. It was as if the wild weekend and his social status didn’t exist in your world. This bothered Sukuna more than he cared to admit.
“Hey, I didn’t see you at my party,” Sukuna interjected, cutting you off mid-sentence.
You looked at him, expression neutral. “That’s not really my scene.”
Sukuna raised an eyebrow. “Not your scene? What’s your vibe then?”
You paused, your eyes drifting away for a moment, wondering why the famous and popular Sukuna took interest in that fact. “I guess… not that?”
Sukuna stared at you, completely bewildered. “Uh...perhaps you should try it?”
You shrugged, your demeanor calm and collected. “No, but thanks Sukuna.” You smiled, “I’ve finished my part of the project. I just need your input so we can compile everything.”
Sukuna nodded, still trying to process your turn down. “Yeah, that’s cool. I’ll get my stuff together.”
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Sukuna headed to basketball practice. The gym was alive with the sounds of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor, the thud of the ball hitting the ground, and the chatter of his teammates. As he entered the locker room, he could hear them talking about the weekend and other random stuff.
"Man, that party was insane," Geto said, shaking his head as he laced up his sneakers.
"Yeah, still can't believe you drank that whole keg, Geto," Todo added, giving Geto a playful shove.
Geto grinned, rubbing his head sheepishly. "What can I say? I was thirsty!"
As Sukuna joined them, Geto looked up and smirked. "Hey, Sukuna. How's that project going? Heard you didn't get paired with Nanami this time."
The rest of the team burst into laughter, enjoying the ribbing. Sukuna rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but grin. "Yeah, yeah. I got stuck with the nerd."
Gojo, ever the instigator, leaned in with a mischievous glint in his eye. "You know, I bet behind all those big clothes, there's someone hot."
The group fell silent for a moment before bursting into laughter and wild speculation. "Yeah, she could be hiding a killer body under there," Todo chimed in, winking.
"Maybe she's secretly a model," Gojo added, chuckling.
"Guys, seriously?" Sukuna groaned, but he couldn't help but laugh along with them. The whole situation was ridiculous.
Gojo, never one to let an opportunity for chaos pass by, continued to prod. "Come on, Sukuna. You like her, don't you?"
Sukuna rolled his eyes, feeling the weight of their collective gaze. "She's not my type, alright? I don't go for girls like her.”
"Oh really?" Gojo raised an eyebrow, a sly grin forming on his lips. "I bet you can't pull her. That's some big game, and you always go for the easy ones."
The locker room erupted in laughter and shouts, the noise bouncing off the walls. Sukuna felt the pressure mounting as his teammates egged him on, their immature antics reaching new heights.
"Yeah, Sukuna, she's out of your league!" Geto teased, his face split into a wide grin.
"Sukuna's got no game!" Todo added, doubling over with laughter.
Sukuna took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "It's not that I can't pull her. I just don't see any win in that."
Gojo's eyes sparkled with mischief as he stepped closer. "Alright, how about this: I bet you a hundred bucks you can't hook up with her."
Sukuna raised an eyebrow, a slow grin spreading across his face. "Now we're talking."
The locker room exploded with cheers and laughter as the bet was made. Sukuna felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. He couldn't back down now, not with everyone watching.
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As he walked into the classroom, he spotted you in your usual seat, your nose buried in a book. He felt a strange mix of relief and disappointment. He approached you and sat down next to you, greeting you with a casual, "Hey."
You looked up, offering him a polite smile. "Hi."
He needed to think of something, anything and— “I was wondering if you could help me with my part of the project,” he said, trying to sound casual.
You blinked, clearly surprised by the request. “Sure. What do you need help with?”
“I’m a bit stuck on the research,” he lied, hoping you would buy it. “I was thinking maybe we could meet up later to work on it.”
“Alright,” you said, nodding. “We can meet at the library.”
Sukuna cursed inwardly but kept his cool. “Yeah, the library sounds good. What time?”
“How about five?” she suggested.
“Perfect,” he replied, smiling. “See you then.”
Class went on, and Sukuna could barely concentrate. He glanced at you every now and then, wondering how he was going to pull this off. You were like a fortress, and he needed a battering ram.
After class, Sukuna walked out, trying to shake off the morning’s frustration. He spotted Gojo leaning against a wall, smirking as he saw you walking in the opposite direction.
"Hey, Sukuna!” Gojo called out, a wide grin plastered on his face. “How’s the project with Miss Goodie two shoes going?”
Sukuna rolled his eyes. “It’s going fine, Gojo.”
Gojo raised an eyebrow, glancing at your retreating figure. “Sure looks like it. She’s practically sprinting away from you.”
The other guys from the team started gathering around, sensing another opportunity to roast Sukuna.
“What’s the matter, Sukuna? Did she turn you down for a study date?” Todo asked, laughing.
Sukuna sighed. “We’re meeting at the library.”
Gojo’s grin widened. “Oh, the library! How romantic. Did she at least agree to sit next to you?”
The guys burst into laughter, and Sukuna couldn’t help but smile despite himself. “You’re all idiots.”
Gojo clapped Sukuna on the back. “Come on, man. You’ve got to step up your game. Maybe try actually talking to her instead of just staring like a creep.”
Geto nodded, still chuckling. “Yeah, maybe bring her a coffee or something. Girls like that, right?”
Sukuna smirked, shaking his head. “Whatever, guys. You’ll see. I’ve got this.”
Gojo leaned in, lowering his voice but making sure everyone could still hear. “You know, if you actually manage to pull this off, I’ll be impressed. But until then, you’re just the guy who got turned down for a library date.”
The group dissolved into laughter again, and Sukuna couldn’t help but laugh along. It was all in good fun, but he felt a renewed determination. He was going to win this bet, not just for the money, but to prove he could do it.
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sweetnergirl · 6 months
No bc like… just imagine plug!connie and you being his bsf sister.
“S-stoppp…CONNIE PLZZZ!!”you cried out in the most whiniest voice you’ve ever made
“Shhh, baby you non’t want you’re brother to here how much of a slut you’re being for his best friend.” He rasped in your ear as his fingers moved in and out of you as he curled them on that spot that he knows make you crumble under him. “B-b-baby plz, I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that”, you said as tears that you were holding finally came sliding down the sides of your face.
“Aww you gonna cum, come on. Go ahead come for me”. Connie whispered in your ear then sat up on his hind legs and smirked(his bottom diamond grills shining) as he watched that chubby tummy of your’s that he loved so much(the reader also has a hello kitty belly piercing), quiver as he watched you fall apart. You couldn’t take it as his fingers continued to move and his thumb rubbed that swollen little nub of yours…So you tried to push is hand away by grabbing his wrist. “Nahh this what you wanted right mamas, what happen to you being all big and bad when you was teasing me wit them lil as shorts tryna show off to my friend” he stated in a firm and slightly aggressive tone while never slowing down.
Though you could only respond with a string of whiny and pornographic moans from him just playing with your pussy like it was nothing. You knew exactly what he was referring to, you didn’t know ony was going to have company over you had just woken up from a nap and taken a shower by then throwing on a plain cropped wife beater w/hello kitty shorts that you’ve had since you were nine and yea they had gotten shorter and tighter over the years… But HEY! They still fit. You walked out of your room welcomed by the strong smell of weed and the three boys in the living room smoking(Eren, Connie and ony).
While Connie’s eyes stayed on you roaming up and down your body as if he could eat you along w/the stare of Eren Yeager. “Aye y/n, look at you all grown up it’s been too long we should hang out together just like old time’s” Eren tells you while also eyeing you. “Nah she’s still annoying, the only reason she used to hang out w/ is because she would beg me to and if I say no she would be a little snitch”. Ony complains as I roll my eyes and strolled to the kitchen. “Yeah but she cool now right y/n?”Eren asked taking a puff of the jay and Turing his head to look at me in the kitchen eating a fruit roll up, “yepp I’m cool now… right Connie?” I questioned as I walked over the the side of the sofa Eren was sitting on and taking the jay from his hand then taking a puff. “Earth to con, you good bro”,ony asked while waving a hand in his face. “Yeah I’m good just, just thinking”.
As time went on me and Eren just talked while ony and con did they’re thing but even then I noticed Connie staring the whole time with dark eyes filled w/lust and irritation rolling his eyes any time i laughed at ren’s jokes or touch his arm or me showing him my fresh nail set when he asked.
By the end of the night I was high out of my mind from all the smoking and decided it was time for me to go back in my room and probably go back to sleep, which is when Connie shows up in my room during the middle of the night confronting me about whatever he called “the situation” which was just me catching up w/ an old friend. It wasn’t that big of a deal to me.
“Shut the fuck up I’m sick of hearing you mouth, matter of a fact turn that ass around im bout to tear that ass up”.
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bambi-slxt · 3 months
🤍𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠🤍
𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕨 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞
word count: 5.8k (this shit is LONG LMFAOOO)
genre/tropes: established connection, relationship, sharing is literally caring, romance
warnings: none :) just a lot of fluff and some super sweet smut at the end
notes from bambi: this work doesn't contain incest, just male on female times two. i know it's long but i really hope you guys like this one.
credit to @inkyray for proofreading! thank u bro <3
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All of it, every single customer, every single coworker, every single interaction from the second I woke up to the moment I sat down on the boys’ white couch–”All of it…just plain shit.”
The Sturniolo townhouse felt peaceful today, which is something I would have noticed if it wasn’t so fucking loud in my head. Their high windows filtered in the warm sunlight, but it felt hot and oppressive on my skin and my eyes and I just needed a goddamn break. Groaning with the effort, I hoisted myself up off the plush couch and trundled off to Matt’s room.
I closed his door behind me with a sigh of relief. With the blinds closed, his room was dark and cool, and my chest seemed to deflate with the release of tension the new environment brought. I stripped off all of my clothes and left them in a heap at the foot of his desk, utterly unable to bear their texture any fucking longer. Within seconds of crawling into the fetal position under his comforter and top satin sheet, I was out like a light in Matt’s bed. 
Matt dug around in his cup holder, hunting for the garage door remote. His van sat idling in the driveway until he produced it, tapping the top-most button and waiting for the heavy metal door to roll upwards and out of the way. He scrunched his brows at the sight of her car–Didn’t she have work until late tonight? Vowing to get back to that particular issue, he elected to focus on the matter at hand–parking the behemoth of a vehicle he drove. Pulling into the garage slowly, he checked his windows and mirrors, making small adjustments as necessary until he was happy with his work. Switching off the car, Matt grabbed his backpack, slung it over his shoulder, closed the garage, and stepped into the house.
No sign of her. He ascended the landing, reaching the ground floor with ease, looking for any indication of his only female housemate. “What the fuck…?” he mumbled, stepping over the columns of light cast by his living room windows and making his way down the darker hallway to his room.
Cracking his door open, Matt’s eyes flicked up to the suspicious human-shaped lump in his bed. Found her. He set his bag down softly, tossing his shoes off with ginger tenderness underneath his desk. The pile of clothes caught Matt’s gaze–Not mine. Hers? Yeah, that’s her work shirt…it’s got tear stains on it. Musta’ been a bad day. Probably why she’s home early. He never was slow on the uptake, despite what his brothers may have claimed. 
Matt walked over to the edge of his mattress, reaching out his hand to run a knuckle along her arm. “Hey, kid…’M home.”
I slept for what could have been days. My body felt heavy, like it was full of cement, and I struggled to wake up to the touch on my shoulder. “Mmm…Matt?”
“Yeah, it’s me. You okay?” I dragged my hand up to rub my eyes, but he placed his own on my wrist. “Your makeup…”
“Thanks,” I murmured. “What time is it?”
“Little after five,” Matt said, rubbing my arm over the blanket. “Why’d you come home so early?”
I shook my head slowly and tucked his fingers under my neck. “Shitty day.”
“‘M sorry, kid. Anything I can do?”
I looked up at him as he sat on the edge of his bed, blue eyes hooded with worry and love, tufts of hair feathering his forehead…He looks like an angel. “Later…yes. Is it okay if I sleep some more?”
“Course.” I held his hand tighter, pressing my dried lips to his skin. “You forgot to take chapstick with you when you left this morning, huh.”
“Yeah,” I grumbled.
“You want some from Nick’s room?”
“Yes, please. Mint, if he has it?”
Matt stood up, stroking my temple with his fingertips. “I got ya.”
In a minute, he’d left and returned, balm in hand. I reached out gratefully, but at the sight of my shaking hand, he shook his head and uncapped it himself. “Come here.” Matt coaxed me upwards, cradling me in his lap. His comforter slipped from my body, revealing my naked torso. “Oh baby,” he murmured, “Were you too hot or somethin’?” I nodded, resting my head against the front of his shoulder. Shaking his head, Matt pressed the tube of moisturizer against my lips, dragging it across for a good handful of swipes. His arm tensed behind me, holding me up, rock-steady as always. “There you go.” He lay me back down onto his pillows, covering me back up with his bedding. “Go back to sleep, sweetheart. I’m gonna make dinner and Chris comes back home tonight, so if you wanna come back out, we’ll be in the living room, okay?”
I nodded again, taking hold of his hand once more, giving it a much better kiss this time around. “Tell me when…he comes home…I love you,” I whispered, exhaustion rolling over me in waves.
He smiled gently, twisting his fingers until they rested under my chin, drumming thrice on my skin to return the sentiment. Tap. I. Tap. Love. Tap. You. “Sleep, kid. Come out when you’re ready.”
I slipped into nothingness once more. 
Chris, still panting, dumped his overstuffed duffel bag onto the floor of his room and collapsed on his bed. What a fucking trip. 
At that moment, his door opened and Matt stepped in. “Hey, man.”
“Missed you, bro,” Chris said, smiling his eyes away as he lugged himself up to hug his brother. 
After a hearty clap on the back from each one to the other, they pulled away and Matt leaned on the doorframe while Chris bent down to take off his shoes.
“‘M makin’ food. Want some?”
“Duh. What kinda question is that?” 
“Come help then,” Matt huffed, grinning still.
Chris rolled his eyes and followed him out, thudding and thumping his way up the stairs. “Never get a moment’s peace in this fucking house.”
“I think you’ll be fine,” Matt grumbled. Hopping the last step, he crossed the kitchen and reacquainted himself with the ingredient-covered counter. 
“Hey, I saw her car in the garage, is she home?”
Back at his cooking station, Matt gave him a half-turn and tilted his head toward the hallway. “Sleepin’ in my room,” he sighed, stirring whatever concoction he had in front of him. “Had a bad day and called out for the night…She wanted to see you when you got home.”
Chris nodded. He wanted to see his girl too.
Chris opened the door of his brother’s room and padded inside, his sock-covered feet making little noise against the hardwood flooring. She lay curled under the red comforter and her face was softly striped by the setting sun that came through the blinds. Chris doubted he would ever see anything more beautiful if he lived to be a hundred. He settled slowly on the bed, reaching his hand out to her calf, clasping it gently. “Wake up, Rapunzel.”
“That’s not the right princess,” I mumbled, rolling over and away from the evil sunlight. Wait a fucking minute- “Chris?” I shot upright immediately only to see his stupid, grinning face a few feet from mine. My arms clenched around him of their own will and I hugged him as tight as I could. “I missed you so much,” I said and pushed my nose into the crook of his neck. His chest rumbled with the weight of his chuckle and Chris held me back just as tightly. 
“I know. I know. I’m here.” 
I grinned against his skin. “You’re never allowed to leave again.”
“Awww…not even for a business conference?”
“You did a lot more than confer about business,” I huffed, pulling away finally. “You left me. At least Matt didn’t leave me.” I turned away from Chris and completely forgot about my state of undress underneath the covers. 
As they fell away, Chris’s hands slunk around my bare, warm waist, lighting a tingling fire in my abdomen. I was suddenly much more awake. 
“You mad at me, mamas?” he purred, pressing kisses into my shoulder and neck, tracing lazy circles on my skin with his fingertips. “You upset that I wasn’t here for a week?”
“Ye-yes…” I sighed, wrapping my hands around his own, letting my sleep-mussed hair fall away and into my face. I leaned into his touch and rested my head on his collarbone as more and more of Matt’s bedding slipped off my body, leaving me bare in the golden setting sunlight. 
“Look at you…” Chris whispered. His voice hollowed out with awe and he kissed your neck once more. “Look like Aphrodite, jus’ layin’ in my bed…”
“Chris!” I pushed him off with a giggle. “You’re not supposed to say that!”
He looked at me with large, wet eyes, giving me his best puppy-dog face. “Why notttt…”
“Because, silly,” I said, slipping out of the warm satin sheets, “Aphrodite doesn’t like it. I saw it in a TikTok.” I quirked an eyebrow at him. “Also, this isn't your bed.”
“I can’t express to you how much I don’t care.”
Turning back to him, I gave Chris my softest smile. “Come on. Now that you’re home we gotta eat.” I held out my hand and waited for him.
With a dubious expression, he took it. “You gonna put on some clothes?”
“Oh fuck, I probably should, huh?”
“I mean it’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” came a smooth voice from the doorway. Matt stood in the doorway, grinning at my stark nakedness, and Chris snorted, his own mouth breaking into a smile as well. 
“Damn, he caught us.”
“Shut up, both of you,” I sighed, glaring at the heap of my clothing on the floor. “I need a shirt and someone’s boxers, I’m not putting that shit back on again.”
“Yes ma’am,” Chris said, stepping easily up from his perch on the bed and opening Matt’s closet. 
“Why are we having a party in my room right now?” Matt grumbled, opening his arms for me. I let my body weight shift onto him and his arms wrapped around my bare shoulders. We watched as Chris hunted for the shirt he knew I liked.
“Mhm.” His breath tickled my ear and I twitched, giggling. “What is it, pretty girl,” he murmured.
“Just because I was excited to see Chris doesn’t mean I’m not also happy to see you.” I twisted up to look at him. “You know that, right?” Matt smiled, his eyelids low and relaxed. “Yeah. He was gone for a week and we spent all day together yesterday.” He hugged me tighter. “It’s okay. I missed him too.”
“Found it,” Chris said, tossing me a familiar white tee. “I’m not touching his underwear though.”
Matt rolled his eyes. “Go check the food, I’ll get it.” Nodding, his brother stepped around us, trailing a hand over the small of my back as he left the room. I shivered. “Come on, sweetheart,” Matt said softly as he led me to the closet where a stack of drawers hid, “Which one of my boxers are you gonna steal tonight?”
“And…viola.” Chris set the steaming bowls in front of us, and I groaned with appreciation.
“You’re fucking wonderful, did you know that?”
He grinned. “I’ve been told once or twice.”
Matt nodded his head in thanks, taking his serving and almost inhaling it. I pulled the giant blanket aside so Chris could squeeze in, both boys now on either side of me on the couch in the boy’s living room. Just a few hours before I’d sat in this same spot, utterly miserable, and now I couldn’t be happier. Insanity.
“Okay, kid, what are we watchin’?” Chris reached over me to get the remote and I burrowed further into the back of the plush couch to get out of his way, giggling when he elbowed me further. 
“You said Rapunzel earlier so now all I can think about is Tangled.”
“The Disney one?” Matt groaned. “I hate that one.”
Chris and I stared at him in total shock. “Fuck you mean, you ‘hate that one’?”
He grinned. “I’m fucking with you. We can watch whatever, I’m not gonna complain.”
“You complain about everything,” Chris grumbled, turning on the giant wall-mounted TV. Matt just shook his head with a smile and put his arm around the back of the couch. 
Me personally? I ate my food in thankful silence and stayed out of it. Their brotherly kerfuffles belonged to them and them alone.
As Chris clicked through the TV, typing and searching and signing into things, I used the time to look at where I was. Here I sat on the boys’ couch, cuddled up between the two of them, eating delicious food with even better-tasting company. I snickered at my own thoughts. 
Matt tilted his head, pulling his spoon from his teeth as he asked me what, exactly, was so funny. “Nothing,” I answered honestly, reaching behind me to pull his hand to my lips for the third time that day. “M just happy.”
Though I couldn’t see it, I felt Chris smile as he pressed play on our movie. He never made much of a show of being possessive or protective of me, not like Matt did, but I knew whole-heartedly how much he loved it when I affirmed my joy at being around him. Chris was always scared that he was too much, too loud, too crazy, that his ideas were too big for the hearts around him. But the sheer size of his personality created enough space for me to simply exist, and I’d be forever grateful to him for it–just being himself.
I ate my food quietly, relishing the softness of the blanket, the gentle heat from Chris’s body, and the welcome coolness of Matt’s, the visuals of Tangled, the darkness outside, the warm light from the kitchen, the cushion of the couch below me, all of it. This place felt more like home than any house I’d ever lived in before. 
When we had all finished, Matt unwound himself from the heap of people and blankets he’d found himself in, gathered our dishes, and headed to the sink. I paused the TV and snuck my arm under Chris’s, holding onto him gently.
“Hey, ma.”
“Hi Chris.”
“You doin’ okay?”
“I’m doing great,” I said softly. “You smell good.”
“‘Preciate it, pretty girl. You’re not so bad yourself.”
I smacked him with a corner of the blanket. “Shut your mouth.”
He chuckled and took me in a headlock, letting me fall into his lap. I wiggled into his thighs and he grinned above me before leaning over with a growl and pretending to eat me alive.
“MATT,” I gasped, flinging my arm out Shakepearianly. “MATT, PLEASE, HE’S GOT ME.”
“Oh no,” he deadpanned, scrubbing the grease from a pot, unmoving from his spot at the sink. “What on earth will you do.”
Chris continued to lay waste to my body, caring naught for my pleas for mercy. “You’re mine!” he declared, cackling like a hyena. I burrowed underneath him and tried to squirm away from his evil hands, all to no avail as Chris tickled me ruthlessly. 
“FUCK, CHRIS STOPSTOPSTOP, PLEASE-” I giggled incessantly and his eyes sparkled above me. Panting, Chris finally let me loose, and I scooted away from him with a glare full of mischief. “You dick.”
“Uh huh.”
“Never touch me again.” 
“Uh huh.”
“I want a divorce,” I said with a smile, reaching out to smack his knee.
“That sucks dicks, doesn't it, mamas,” he snorted, taking my wrist gently and tugging me back towards him. “Come here, I wasn’t done touching you.”
I heard Matt chuckling in the kitchen, his voice vibrating warmly over the soft swishing of the water and tinny clinking of the dishes. Chris kept pulling me into his torso, his hair falling so attractively over his lowered lashes that I couldn't help but stare as I rested my head on his thigh. 
“What, ma?” he asked me softly, his fingers sliding under my neck to pull all of my hair onto his lap. 
“You’re so pretty,” I replied simply, lifting my head in compliance. Chris loved fiddling with people’s hair, and I was no exception. I used to ask him when I was stressed, but it became such a frequent occurrence that he often did it to calm himself down.
He smiled, a soft one, without a shred of performance. “Thank you. I think you’re so pretty.” Chris’s eyes shone blue, like they always did, and I had to look away, like I always did. 
“You make me shy.”
“Why?” he asked. He'd moved on from playing with my hair to massaging my shoulders, and we shifted to accommodate each other. I laid my head against the front of his shoulder, that flat plane that connects the apex of the arm joint and the chest, and his knees now rose on either side of my body, closing me into his warmth. 
“I like being able to sorta…slip in and out of people’s view, you know?” I began, picking over my words carefully. Chris’s hands kneaded into my skin and muscles while he made noises of agreement. “You don't ever let me do that.” I looked back up at him, twisting my neck. My nose brushed his jaw and Chris smiled. Another small one, but I cherished it almost more than his hugely expressive ones. “You always see me.” I paused. “I’m not sure if it makes sense, but-”
“Say it with your chest,” Matt murmured, not unkindly, appearing above us. 
“Matty,” I giggled, reaching out for the hem of his shirt to pull him closer to us. He gave in with an easy grin and stepped closer, towering over me. 
“Hey, baby girl.”
“Hi,” I said shyly.
Matt cocked his head as if to study me for a moment, and just as I looked to Chris for clarification, he himself was already fussing me off the couch. “Come on, sweetheart,” he drawled, “Go downstairs.” Chris’s room.
I looked back at Matt, who feigned innocence and gestured to the stairs - You heard the man, get goin’. 
I reached out for Chris’s hand and followed him, almost tripping in my effort to keep up. “Easy…easy,” he mumbled, slowing for me as we thumped down the stairwell towards his open door. “Go get comfy.” We reached his bedroom and just outside of it, he stopped me, my body flattening to the wall as naturally as breathing. Chris dipped his forehead to mine, cupping my cheek in order to trail the pads of his fingers down my skin. “I know you had a bad day.” I nodded, covering his hand with mine. “Me ‘n Matt are gonna make it better. You wanna let us take care of you, mamas?”
I looked up and touched the tip of his nose with my own as my stomach dropped. “Yes, please.” My voice shook with anticipation.
Chris’s mouth quirked up on one side - almost a smirk. “There’s my girl.” He pulled away from me, nudging me towards his bed. “We’ll be back soon!” Chris bounded up the stairs, reminding me faintly of a certain tiger character from a beloved children's franchise. The thought dissipated as my core rumbled with butterflies and that wonderful sinking feeling you get when you're about to have your first kiss, like everything in your body is compressing down, waiting to explode out of you at just the right moment. 
My fingertips dusted the edge of his desk as I walked into Chris’s room. I hadn’t since he’d been gone, and while a week isn't a long time…it sure did feel that way. Matt helped too, of course. At the thought of him, I smiled, a little bashfully even to myself, as I sat on the fan-cooled comforter. A simple blue, detailed only by the occasional stripe of threading. I shook my head at the memory of this particular purchase.
“Fuck you mean, I can't get navy sheets?”
“No she's right, navy sheets are the number one cause of syphilis in the United States.”
I barked a laugh before I could help myself, clapping a hand over my mouth. “Matthew!”
Matt looked quite proud of himself, the little shit, sitting in the driver's seat as we idled in the HomeGoods parking lot. 
“What's syphilis?”
“Oh, Chris,” I sighed, leaning up from the backseat to rub his shoulder. “It's a miracle you haven't died a virgin. Let's get you some bedding, champ.”
“Call me champ one more time,” he said, turning slowly to the back, “I will break your spine.”
I waggled my eyebrows. “Promise?”
Matt choked on his root beer.
Suddenly chilled, I tucked my feet underneath me on the bed, shoving my hands in my lap while I waited for the boys to…oh right. ‘Take care’ of me. I grinned. I found a certain sort of deep satisfaction at being pampered by them, and to their credit, Matt and Chris were good. They each had their styles, of course, but I very much enjoyed the differences, and I enjoyed taking care of them right back. In my opinion , they deserved the entire world, and just as they gave to me without question, I gave right back. 
If my ears could, they would have pricked at the sound of Chris near bouncing down the stairs. Giggling, I hid my smile behind tense knuckles as Matt and Chris walked into the bedroom, their figures now bathed in the fuzzy light of Chris’s LEDs. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” Matt almost whispered, standing in front of me and tucking my head into his tummy. “How's my girl tonight?”
“Good,” I said into his shirt, my arms snaking around his waist. “But you let Chris attack me.”
“Oh did I?” he mused. I heard Chris making some sort of noise but I couldn't be bothered to focus on it at present. 
“Yes. I could have perished before your eyes.”
“Perished is a very big word.”
“Thank you, Einstein. I would have never known without your help. You're so mean to me,” I grumbled, holding him tighter as he pet my hair.
“I know, baby,” Matt said, very much used to my antics by now. “What’d you call me the other day? ‘Wretched vagina’?”
I broke into a laugh and turned to let my cheek lay against him so I could breathe my way through the hilarity that was Matt mispronouncing ‘vagabond’. I told him as much and the smile he gave me in return showed his teeth. Even the pointed ones towards the back.
Chris finally appeared again, a box in hand. I tilted my head and looked at Matt, who shrugged unhelpfully. “What is that, bubba?”
He shuffled onto the bed, scooting up to the headboard and patting the space next to him, grinning all the while. “Come here and I’ll show you.”
“Oh Chris…” I breathed, thumbing the fabric over my palm. “It’s beautiful.”
Matt’s eyebrows shot up the moment I opened the box and there they sat for the next two minutes. “Is that pure silk?”
Chris nodded, incredibly pleased with himself. “Do you like it?” he asked, though I had a feeling he already knew my answer as I flung myself into his chest and my arms shot around his torso. 
Chris turned his head to his brother. “Damn. She hates it,” he deadpanned. I giggled in his chest and his hand slipped up to my shoulder blades. 
Matt nodded. “Clearly, she’s distraught.”
“Uh huh. Listen, I know you’ve been wanting a new blindfold and I wanted something you could wear in your hair too, so it’s not just, you know…” he gestured to the three of us shyly, “...not just for sex, and us, you know, but you too.”
I shook my head, sitting up to look Chris in his beautiful, stupid, blue eyes. “Thank you, sweet boy.”
He didn’t reply, only smiled and kissed me. Soft and gentle against my skin, his lips felt warm, like they’d been waiting for me. Chris pulled me into him, one hand on my back, the other coming up to the nape of my neck, holding me steadily as he leaned over me and laid me down on the bed, kissing me all the while. Matt made a noise and I felt his hand slide over mine, grazing a bare patch of skin at my side that my shirt had ruffled up away from. I shivered, and Chris felt it.
“Cold, ma?”
“J-just a little,” I said. 
With a wicked grin, he brought his lips to my ear and replied, “Let me warm you up then.”
Fucking finally.
Chris rolled to one side of me and I sensed Matt moving to the other, his hands on my waist, slipping up under my shirt, Chris’s still on my neck and cheeks, holding my face close to his. 
“Chrissss…” I whined, my legs clenched together, “Please…”
Matt chuckled behind me, his breath drifting over my ear and raising goosebumps on my skin. “Come on, don’t tease our girl.”
Chris danced his fingers with featherlight touches down my chest and stomach, but before he could reach where I needed him, Matt’s hand split my legs apart and palmed me over my clothing. I squeeped from the shock, a high-pitched noise most akin to a mouse, and both boys laughed softly at my surprise. 
“Shut up,” I mumbled, eyes fluttering shut as Matt somehow found my clit underneath the pair of his boxers I wore. He ran his fingers over it gently as if to wake her up. Chris still hadn’t moved on from my face, kissing my bottom lip reverently, sucking the soft flesh into his mouth, kissing my cheeks, chin, nose, eyebrows, anything he could. 
My hips rocked against Matt’s hand and as I moved back I felt his hard-on pressing tightly into my asscheek. “Matt-” I began to say, but Chris’s mouth covered mine and he swallowed my keening pleas.
“What is it, baby,” he said softly, his lips moving over the curve of my ear, “What’s wronnnng…Let me an’ Chris take care of it.”
My eyes shot open and I looked at Chris, who moved up to kiss my forehead. “You had a long day, sweet girl. I don’t mind makin’ ya feel good. Use your big girl words and ask for what you want.”
I felt my stomach hollow out and my cheeks flushed red. “Chris…” I whimpered, hoping he would be merciful, “Please…”
“You heard him, darlin’,” Matt said, pulling his fingers away from my core and instead petting my cunt like she needed to be soothed. “Gotta make sure we give you exactly what you want.” The slight degradation of his actions coupled with the timbre of his voice, the sparks that held my spine in a chokehold, and the tingles that flowed through my body made the boys’ request impossible to deny. I’d have to find my voice one way or another, and it might as well be now.
Taking a deep breath, I rolled to my back so I could look between them. Blue eyes pierced me from each side, messy hair, same tilted smiles, but a world of difference lay underneath their skin, and for a brief moment, I couldn’t think - I wasn’t real. All that existed was this moment. 
And then I realized that sounded very “teen-romance” of me, and I should probably say fucking something. “I-I want…”
“Mhm?” Chris nosed at my neck almost like an animal and I shivered.
“I want you-you guys t-to…”
“Yes?” Matt said, toying with the hem of his t-shirt that covered my stomach.
“Fuck I want you to take care of me.”
“Take care of you how?” Chris asked. He then  took a patch of skin between his teeth and rolled it between his teeth, swiping his tongue over it.
“I want you to make me…”
“You’re so close, baby,” Matt murmured, lipping the edge of my ear. “You can do it. Tell me.”
My brain broke. “I want you to make me cum, both of you, fuck, please,” I uttered, almost a strangled cry, but it was enough. 
They were on me in an instant. “Arms up, ma,” Chris said huskily, his voice thick with desire. He tugged Matt’s shirt up over my head, exposing all but my pussy to his soft, cool eyes. Chris loosed a breath as he looked my body over. “This?” he said, placing a kiss on my chest, “Will never get old.”
Matt pushed himself up and moved down the mattress, opening up my body to the cool air of the room, and I almost complained until I felt his hands, large and warm, guiding my thighs apart. His rings felt cold on my skin. I parted my lips to sigh but Chris appeared above me. He tilted his head and ran a finger up my sternum, over my neck, all the way to my chin, as if inspecting me. “You’re so…fucking perfect,” he said, like he couldn’t believe it. “I love taking care of you. I’m obsessed with you, mamas.”
“Chris, that’s so-”
Matt’s nose burrowed into my clit and he began to lick me through his boxers. I was already damp and he tongued at the fabric like he would die before he could taste me.
“Oh f-f-uck-k,” I stuttered. My hips rose of their own volition into his face while his fingers dug into my thighs. Matt groaned into my body and all I felt was pure bliss. 
“Matt bein’ sweet to you, ma?” Chris asked, making the darkest of hickeys on my neck. The pain felt good - so good. 
I whimpered my response, nodding erratically. My hands reached up for Chris’s back and I tugged at his shirt. “Off, off, take it off-”
He chuckled, and, shaking his head, rose up onto his knees and pulled his shirt away from his body, yanking the back of the neck over his head. It mussed his hair. I reached a hand out to touch his stomach. “You’re so beautiful,” I said softly, looking up at him like he was my god. In a way, he might have been. I believed in Chris more than I believed in myself.
Matt continued his ministrations at the apex of my thighs, still a layer between his lips and my increasingly dripping slit. “Matty, please,” I begged, “I need you.” I drug my fingers into his hair and ground myself on his nose, eliciting another moan from him. 
“Fuck, babydoll, just like that.”
I whimpered again, a whine for him to do more, get closer, pull me into orgasm after orgasm.
Chris brushed a knuckle down my cheek and I smiled up at him. “You’re doing so good for us, pretty girl.”
I preened a little at his comment. I am just a girl after all, and vanity becomes me like a good pair of earrings. 
“Lift up for me,” Matt said. He hooked his fingers underneath the boxers I wore and as I pushed myself up from the bed, Chris slipped an arm underneath me for support.
“I got you, ma,” he murmured, watching his brother pull away the last barrier between them and me. “Goddamn…”
Matt yanked them away and the fire in my belly roared. “Please, please, please…”
The boys shared a look. The hairs on my neck shot up. And without further preamble, they dove face-first into my cunt.
Matt got to my entrance first, lapping the juices that had begun to pool between my folds, whereas Chris, farther up the bed than his brother, paid special attention to my clit. I had no idea how they had enough room down there, but frankly that particular concern wasn’t at the forefront of my mind. 
Chris left a glob of saliva on my nub and proceeded to rub it in with his fingers. I gasped and bucked, hitting his steady frame almost instantly. “Easy, ma,” he said, continuing his steady, delicious pace and looking up to meet my heady gaze, “I got you. You’re okay.”
A knot began to build in my tummy and I bit my lip. Matt kept laving his tongue over me, almost ravenously thrusting it into me, his knuckles white as they kept my thighs from clenching around the overwhelming pleasure. Chris watched every change of my features, rubbing the pads of his fingers until he hit the perfect spot. My mouth dropped open, my eyebrows furrowed high above my eyes, and I mewled up at him. He smiled, his eyelids heavy, moving back over my clit to find that nerve once more. “You like that, miss lady?”
“F-fuck, fuck, yes, yes, please Chris, more!” I was rambling. My words made no sense. I couldn’t think, could barely breathe, Matt’s tongue was performing miracles inside my body, his face was slick with my pleasure, Chris kept rubbing and rubbing and watching me and smirking at the effect he had on me with just two fingers and I couldn’t fucking take it anymore-
“Give it to me,” Matt groaned against my pussy. “I want it so bad, cum for me baby girl.”
“GodFUCK!” My orgasm came like a tsunami, washing over my body once, twice, again and again, waves going through me six times over before it finally subsided. Matt extracted himself very carefully from between my legs. His chin was dripping. Damn.
Chris took his hand away from my core and offered it to me. “Wanna suck?”
“Yeah,” I said shakily, and he helped me sit up, cradling the back of my head with his other hand while I cleaned my juices off of his fingers. 
“Good girl.” Chris’s voice reverberated over my flushed shin. “So good for us.”
I looked down the bed at Matt, who wiped his lips with his vein-covered forearm. Releasing Chris’s fingers with a soft pop, I whispered, “Matty…c’mere.” I reached out a hand toward him and he took it, climbing up the mattress to sit on the other side of me. 
“Hey,” he murmured. He stroked my head, cleaning up the stray hairs that stuck to my temples and forehead. “You taste incredible, may I just say.”
I couldn’t help but giggle. “You may.” I wriggled away to look at them both better. “Thank you.”
Chris smiled and pulled me back, tucking me into his chest. “Anytime, ma.”
Matt pressed kisses into my shoulder. “You blush everywhere, baby.”
“I know,” I said, scowling at him.
Chris shifted behind me. I heard his voice, low and gravelly, in my ear. “Wanna go again?”
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jar-of-ectoplasm · 1 year
sleeping w/ the mercs [NOT LIKE THAT]
sorry the formatting is shit i made this on mobile 🫤
shitty headcanons abt the mercs rooms and ur guys’ sleeping arrangements hope u enjoy like and subscribe it’s rly long so it’s under the cut
-very very messy room
-but like he knows where all his shit is so whatever works for him
-his mattress is on the floor bro 💔 just kidding but his bed frame is pretty low to the ground so it might as well be
-he’s got a smaller bed and a single blanket so you both are gonna be cuddling whether you wanted to or not
-surprisingly soft sheets, he stole some of spy’s fancy silk ones so it’s pleasant
-always has a fan/AC unit going for the noise but his blanket is pretty thin so it’s colder than you’d probably prefer
-kicks a lot in his sleep so just be prepared 🤕
-doesn’t snore very loud but does drool a lot and he usually ends up laying his face on your chest/your head so you are gonna wake up a little soggy sorry 💔💔
-usually falls asleep around 11pm or midnight but does wake up at random hours of the early morning almost nightly before passing back out
-pretty much always wakes up before you, he goes on morning jogs everyday so if you’re up for it he’ll take you with him
-does like to surprise you with “breakfast” in bed (it’s dry cereal and a tiny carton of orange juice but he tried)
-really REALLY plain room
-it’s a little eerie, everything is very clean and the walls are bare concrete bc the rooms at RED headquarters are basically prison cells
-the only decoration in his room is an american flag, his bedside table with a lamp and alarm clock and a little bald eagle stuffed animal the guys got him for christmas one year
-sleeps stiff as a board on his back so he isn’t the greatest cuddle buddy but will do so if you ask (he prefers spooning over anything else)
-he’s got a decently sized bed cause he’s a pretty big guy, so you’ve got room to move around
-his mattress is pretty hard though so it isn’t super comfortable but it’s better than the floor or some old military cot
-goes to bed at 10pm sharp every single night and wakes up at 5am for morning training and will try to get you to get up with him regardless of when you fell asleep
-if you don’t opt to get out of bed he does wake you up again with a plate of food (courtesy of engineer, soldier’s just the delivery guy)
-probably the weirdest room out of everybody’s
-their bed is really nice, they’ve got a pillow top mattress and fuzzy blankets so it’s very soft but it’s overcrowded with some burnt looking stuffed animals and an insane amount of throw pillows
-the other decoration is really weird though don’t pay too much attention to it, it’s kinda creepy but it’s also pyro so 🤷🏻‍♀️
-doesn’t sleep in the flame-proof suit but they do sleep in onesie-esque pajamas
-doesn’t sleep in the mask either but they do use a sleeping mask and are usually face down in the pillows
-not the biggest cuddle person either but they aren’t above putting an arm around you or something similar
-always goes to sleep after you do and wakes up before you too
-they usually already have a cereal bar or some other sweet breakfast food on the nightside for you when you do wake up though
-very warm, comforting room, he’s got a fuzzy rug put down and only uses lamps because the overhead light usually hurts his eye
-very large, very soft bed with warm blankets and soft pillows
-the pillows all have a faint smell of whiskey but whatever
-very much a cuddler, sober or not. he doesn’t move around much in his sleep and is a very heavy sleeper so once he’s out he’s out and you are stuck in that bed until he wakes up
-does snore but it isn’t obnoxious
-takes the eyepatch off and wears a bonnet to bed to protect his hair (he has multiple but his favorite one has his family’s tartan as the pattern)
-a night owl, he doesn’t get to sleep until 2-3am and usually wakes up the latest out of everybody (around 9-10am) and he will get pouty if you aren’t there when he wakes up
-his room is basically an extension of his workshop, he’s got a desk crammed full of random bullshit and blueprints he hasn’t gotten around to testing yet
-doesn’t spend much time in his actual room, so aside from extra tools, spare parts and papers there isn’t much in there
-his bed is actually pretty comfortable but he hardly ever makes it out of his workshop before passing out for the night so he wouldn’t know 😒
-when he DOES go to bed in his room, he is a HUGE cuddler, he will not let you go under any circumstances
-does snore pretty loud but if you wake him up he’ll readjust himself so he snores less
-usually sleeps on his left side so you don’t accidentally roll onto his prosthetic hand and hurt yourself
-no matter what time he fell asleep the previous night, he always gets up at 6am and makes the team breakfast. he’ll let you sleep more while he’s cooking and surprise you with breakfast in bed (even though he does it everyday so it isn’t much of a surprise)
-like california king
-he’s obviously a big guy but he does move around a lot so he needs a bigger bed so he won’t fall off every night
-very very warm bedding, he brought most of his stuff from russia so it’s built to keep you warm
-has a little teddy bear his mother handmade for him when he was first born; it’s pretty worn and tattered but he brings it with him anywhere he lives
-does have a little padded box for sasha at the foot of his bed
-isn’t the biggest sleep cuddler but he does like to hold you beforehand. he doesn’t mind when you cuddle him in your sleep, though, so by all means pass out on his chest if you feel like it
-does some reading before he goes to sleep and is usually in bed by 9 or 10pm; wakes up at 5 every morning so soldier doesn’t have to do his morning routine alone
-likes waking you up around 7am so the two of you can have some light conversation with engie during breakfast
-sleeps on the operating table
-just kidding, but he usually ends up passing out on his desk rather than his room
-his room is very sterile; it kinda feels like a doctor’s office, it smells faintly of rubbing alcohol and is a little drafty so it’s usually pretty chilly
-has birdcages hanging from the ceiling, archimedes has a fancier one compared to the rest of his doves but he swears he isn’t playing favorites
-if you do manage to get him to leave the medbay he’s usually pretty delirious. he’s very affectionate when he’s tired so he’s definitely down for cuddling
-is kinda blind without his glasses so he keeps them on until the very last minute before he falls asleep
-likes to tell you stories of when he did have his medical license and when he lived in germany
-usually falls asleep with his back to you but when he wakes up he’s holding you to his chest
-usually wakes up at 5am as well and goes straight into taking care of his birds, he likes to whistle littles tunes to them so that may end up waking you as well
-almost never eats breakfast but he will be pestering you about it because he’s a hypocrite
-it’s a camper van
-it’s very cramped but he’s used to it just being him in there so he never really realized
-his bed folds up into the wall when he isn’t using it and he keeps his bedding folded next to it
-very used to living in much hotter climates, and even though it is new mexico it gets pretty cold at night so he’s usually shivering his ass off under a thin sheet
-is surprisingly clingy for someone so introverted and quiet, he claims it’s because you keep him warm but he’s also just a mushy guy in secret
-usually falls asleep watching some shitty DVD on his little portable dvd player he keeps on a counter next to his bed
-keeps his kukri hidden next to the mattress just in case
-very light sleeper and once he’s awake, he’s awake. poor guy barely ever gets any sleep because soldier is usually screaming outside the van 3 hours after he’s gotten to bed
-doesn’t eat breakfast, but he will make you a cup of coffee in the morning
-bought all of his bedding and the mattress purely based on looks so it’s pretty surprising that it ended up being comfortable
-will not let anybody have their shoes on in his bedroom, you have to leave them in his smoking room if you wanna come in
-kinda like medic in the fact that he goes to bed not even looking at you but wakes up all over you. he is kind of an asshole about it being like “aw babe you literally think i’m irresistible even in your sleep” when HE’S the one that cuddled up to you
-keeps his butterfly knife under his pillow and a pistol in his bedside drawer
-always falls asleep after you and is always awake and out of bed by the time you get up
-he doesn’t eat engineer’s breakfast because he claims it’s “too filling and unhealthy to be eating that much as soon as you wake up” so he always makes a little french breakfast for himself
-he pretends like he doesn’t do anything for other people but he always makes a plate for you of whatever he makes himself and leaves it on his side of the bed with a cute little note for you
-will pretend like he has no idea what you’re talking about if you bring it up though
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strawbslvr · 4 days
How shifting finds us at the right time! + Me before and after shifting.
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TW!!!! Mention of su!c!de, family issues, depression, fucked up mental health! And lots of yapping!
Let’s go back all the way to 2022. At the start of the year I found out about subliminals, so basically I was scrolling through YouTube and there was this video that popped up every time I refreshed my home page. It was something like “Glow up in a day” ,the thumbnail was a pretty girl and the video was like 1 minute and something long so I was like “why are they capping, glow up in a day and the literal video is 1 minute long??! What a sick joke” but out of curiosity I clicked it and then I was welcomed with MUSIC and then I was like “hah! I knew they were capping, this is just music!” But I went to the comment section and there were literally people saying
“Omg this is a masterpiece! My mom came to my room and told me how pretty I look”
Then someone was also like “this literally gave me results in a week.
Those were the comments that I still remember cause they confused me the most. After that I was just like ???tf? But when I went to the description I saw a term “sub” few times and then there was used the term “subliminal” so I just assumed that the term sub was just short for subliminal.
I went and searched what the fuck did I just see aka I just searched what is subliminal. There was this woman in a video that explained it and at first i obviously was like “what the fuck? This is so cool and too good to be true” cause babe wdym I can listen to an audio that can change my appearance and all of that stuff.
Well that’s how I just viewed it to be which isn’t exactly the case.
I listened to some subs for the rest of the night but I was just so disappointed when I woke up the next day and saw no results and just immediately guessed that this was just plain cap. And after that I stopped listening to subliminal but the craziest part was like I totally forgot they existed like after that. (I will tell more later!)
Summer 2022
At this time I got into my k-pop phase I was constantly daydreaming of my group and how I wanted it to be, literally imagining scenarios throughout the day and I literally wrote in Pinterest “K-pop idol scenarios”💀 I was deadass.
Then in one scroll I found a bunch of scenarios from TikTok, (they were just screenshotted and put into Pinterest.) it was like “scenarios for your K-pop Dr” at first I was like tf is a Dr? But I just decided to ignore it and move on and just read the scenarios cause they were good but that Dr term continued to pop in every picture I saw and then I truly got curious. To which resulted in me searching what is a Dr? Google said it’s a short for desired reality, and I just assumed sum stupid shit.
Anyways 2022 came to an end. And I TOTALLY forgot about subliminals and K-pop idol scenarios and tf is a Dr. like I’m not joking I totally forgot those existed.
2023 start.
The year I turned 18, yippeee!! So the start of the year was somewhat ok, few months later I started getting problems with my parents. Arguments with my parents, especially dad increased like A LOT. My parents started to get mad at some stupid stuff, their temper was just like shit. School started pressuring and at that period I had A LOT of exams (I still do but 👀) I didn’t have time for myself and I also got sick a lot. And few months passed in this environment and at some point I just admitted that I feel anxious, stressed, suffocated and depressed. Then I got told that my aunt is suffering from this sickness and she needs to do surgery but they had financial issues and the surgery got postponed a lot due to the money missing and that didn’t help my aunt’s health at all. and bro feeling shitty isn’t a surprise at this point. At some stage I decided if this is the life I’m going to live, I don’t want to live at all. I was very su!c!dal, and I attempted like two times but luckily didn’t do it.
2023 summer
One subliminal popped into my YouTube page again, it was something like “goddess like beauty, confidence and a better self concept” thing I’m not sure and then I was like “oh right! These things exist!” And I just listened to it for fun and surprisingly I felt better in few days. And those were few of the best days in the last 6 months of my life. I started actively listening to subliminals and actively affirming. I’m talking about every morning and every night before I go to sleep at least for 30 minutes. And then dududuudud
I found a subliminal about reality shifting and then I again was like “wait? This is that reality traveling thing, how can I forget this?” And I actually asked myself why didn’t I try it before? The summer my journey was honestly mostly jokes and fun, didn’t take it seriously and just did it for the excitement it gave me. But about 2023 fall I actively started scripting and took the journey a bit more seriously than before.
2024 fall. Now.
I still got a lot to improve and a mindset to work on. But I’m just happy of where I am now. I found a reason to live for and like a dark tunnel where at the end you find the light. Shifting brought me hope and genuine peace knowing something like this exists. My aunt did the surgery and she is healing little by little but at least she can practice her normal day life,she still got some checks here and there but nothing compared to what she was in before. I seriously stopped listening to anti shifter since they are just trying to demotivate y’all and me too. If I haven’t found out about shifting I don’t think I would still be here. Shifting seriously finds us at the time we need it the most!
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letsbangchanblog · 3 months
Mature content: 18+ post! Minors, do not enter!!
Summary: NSFW ABCs
Idol: SOUL from p1harmony
Aftercare = (what they’re like after sex)
Sex can go one of three ways: rough and fast, soft and sweet, or the ladder of both regardless of who is in control.
 If Soul was in control, he would have a signal for the shift. His aftercare routine would start with him saying “oh my godddd” in a very cute tone or any weird noise. You mentioned once how much you loved it and he took that as a sign to do it often. He wants to make sure aftercare is very attentive and safe so that is how he eases the energy. 
He would be very fast to attend to your needs. This could be grabbing you water, or cleaning you up.  He wants to hear your laughter during aftercare most of all (this is why he starts it off being goofy). He wants to make sure there is nothing that bothered or hurt you.  He would want to talk about it right away if there was while taking care of you. He would be a multitasking king. 
If you are in control, he assumes aftercare is in your hands and won't overstep. You take good care of him too. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think Soul would have a hard time picking a favorite body part for himself. Soul wouldn't be sure why you are attracted to him; he just would be really grateful that you are. You have to tell him your favorite part of his body (even if it's everything) and he would just take that as fact. 
On you, Soul literally loves everything and would hate to pick. His favorite would change everyday cause it all needs attention; however, your ass gets the most attention. Soul loves your eyes the most (wants to always look you in the eyes) but we are talking sex here. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Soul cums alot (as in often and quantity) and really wants the same for you. Once he has the idea of squirting in mind, he literally never wants it to be any other way. He knows it's not the easiest thing for you to do but he will always try. He is very good at reading the room. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Idk if it's a secret but he is horny a lot. He has dirty thoughts very very often; however, they are only about you. He is a very loyal guy. He thinks about you more than sexually but that usually just makes him horny. He is a slut for domestic life with you; that includes the sexual parts. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Soul does not have a lot of hands-on experience but definitely mentally has a lot of experience. He knows what to do because he wants to learn how to be good at sex. He loves that you are always so willing to try things out with him. He only wants his experience to be with you now. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Bro, he loves everything. Missionary when he is feeling sentimental but doggy style when he is just plain fucking horny. Yes, these are basic positions but this is why he loves them so much. They are easy but just enough to get it done right. He is willing to try a lot of positions and would create his own, but he will always go back to the basics. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
This depends. When he is in a very loving mood or very horny, there is no time for humor. He needs to show you his love or how much he loves fucking you.  If he is in a happy medium, he is very open to being playful. He is not a very serious guy in safe places so sex with you would count for him.  He would live for the natural humor that comes with sex sometimes. For example if you or him hits their head, HE HAS TO LAUGH AND TEASE. He thinks it's so intimate to be humorous during sex since it's a staple for your relationship. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Soul wants to meet your desires so this depends on you.  Tell him to shave it all, he will. Tell him to just keep it trimmed, he's ready to learn just how much. I think he would be uncomfortable with a full bush but fuck if it turns you on, sign him up.  
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very very romantic unless he's too horny to function. In reality though, it's still very romantic because he is constantly checking in but usually not with words. I feel like he would learn your physical reactions and would be able to detach from his needs long enough to check on you. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Soul is a very horny man but I think he loves saving it for you. He would have very dirty thoughts but less likely to act unless you are involved. On tour, he would text you asking if he can cum and stuff like that. He just wants the love of his life involved in his orgasms.
If you are horny and reach out, he is on cloud 9. So excited you want him involved in your orgasms but never upset if you do things on your own. He just needs to know he's the only one you want. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think he's into the fact that you or him are able to be in control. He loves feeling dominant and dominated. He thinks strong, independent women are so fucking hot. He wants to be your play thing as much as he wants you to be his. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Soul loves the thought of fucking you anywhere but perfers private spaces. He wouldn't be against outside of the home but prefers being able to go all out with no concern. He cant fuck you just in the bedroom though. You have to be ready for the shower, kitchen, living room, the floor, etc. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your orgasm. Hands down. He loves giving you just what you need. The sounds you make help him keep up his speed even if he's tired. He would break himself to get you to squirt. 
Your body in general is a turn on for him, but needs you to cum. He would not forgive himself if you didn't cum. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
COULD NEVER HURT YOU.   He would be willing to slap you (ass or face), and choke you but could never do knife play or anything like that. He would never hurt the love of his life beyond very basic BDSM. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves both so much.. His cock is so needy so if you suck him off, he owes you his life. He would do the same for you since he knows Oral feels so good. He would live between your legs just to hear you enjoy yourself. He knows it's easier for you to cum this way too.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Like before, sex can go one of three ways: rough and fast, soft and sweet, or the ladder of both regardless of who is in control. He is willing to do it all with you. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He loves quickies but they usually leave him unsatisfied since there is not always enough time to make you cum. He loves that you are so willing so he can but it breaks him a bit to not always have the same for you.  
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Always willing to experiment but when there is no pressure. He will fuck you when the boys are around but that would not be a time to take risk. When you are both alone, he can be convinced of a lot as long as you aren't getting hurt. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can last days if you let him. He usually lasts 30 minutes to an hour when things are safe to do so. He will prolong his orgasm to attend to yours. So he can last as long as necessary. He has very good control of his own orgasm. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Very down.. he loves to use a vibrator on you so you can cum on his dick (almost makes him cry, he loves it so much).  He will let you use toys on him too. He is a big fan of cock rings. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Honestly, he is more willing to have you tease him than him tease you. You cumming is his life mission. He will hold back if you want to be edged but more interested in making you cum multiple times. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Soul is very loud when you are in control . He doesn't talk but he moans and whimpers so much. He is very stereotypical. He can't help it. If he is in control, he has more control over his vocals since he is only worried about you.  If you get off on his sounds, he will let loose. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Soul would love sexting. He doesn't need pictures since he has your body memorized but loves hearing you talk dirty. He wants you to use him. You tell him that you want him to fuck you stupid, done. Tell him YOU are gonna fuck him stupid, he's dead.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
We have seen his abs… we know his body isn't disappointing. I don't think he has the biggest dick but he has literally the perfect sized dick. It's enough to hit the spot but not enough to have you dreading the aftermath. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very very high and it's all for you. He will do horny things on stage but you are on his mind during it. He thinks to himself that he is always trying to perform for you only. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards
He can stay awake honestly unless he is in a deep subspace. He would rather watch you sleep but sex is spread out during the day. It's not always possible to sleep afterwards. 
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btstulip · 2 months
Is Bighit pulling a Rose Bowl?
New theory... Bighit wants the Jikook travel show to look as GAY as possible!
I was so shocked at the last trailer for Are You Sure?! You can read my post about that here. I mean come on...
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That is how they STARTED the damn trailer?!? 🤯And then playing Jimin's "Who" and Jungkook's "Seven". 😵 And those aren't even the only moments I was surprise didn't end up on the cutting room floor. This is not something you would do if you're trying to make this show look like two friends just being good bros on vacation together.
That's when it hit me, they are doing with Are You Sure?! what they did with the unforgettable Rose Bowl moment.
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Bighit had to decide how to handle 👆that very public moment of affection witnessed and recorded. So they put it in the official memories. If it were truly what it looked like, surely Bighit would try to bury it right? But the figured out how to repackage it as fanservice and hide it in plain sight.
I'm starting to be convinced that is what they are doing with Are You Sure?! They knew this show would raise eyebrows. And they knew jikook were going to jikook. They could have removed almost everything and we would still be left with cute moments where their chemistry and bond would be obvious for all to see. So why not make the show look over the top gay? It feeds right into the fanservice narrative so many already believe.
I'm starting to think they are going to put the most suspicious moments in the trailers/promotions to make the show look tame in comparison. Which is fine with me because those of us that know will still get to witness and enjoy so many warm and love filled moments. I can't wait to see them free to have fun together. 💜💛
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twstfanblog · 5 months
👀 what kind of nipple jewelry do the entertainers prefer to wear? What does CREWEL prefer to wear!
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Crewel hand pierces all of the entertainers. Beforehand they take an hour-long bath in medicated water for cleanliness and numbing effect. After the piercing, they're led to their new private room/office and get at least a 6 month grace period to heal and start to prepare to...Entertain
In my head Entertainers all have their own mini collection of piercings; they got them either from clients as gifts or as commissioned items. But they each have a favorite style and set.
COUGH COUGH Please make art of these, I'd love to see what you guys do COUGH COUGH
Poor baby nippled Riddle, even after healing and the fact it's been years since then, they are still hyper sensitive and he hates having to wear anything besides the simple barbell or ring style. Floyd gifts him new pairs at least twice a month though; he just sees them and thinks they'd look neat on Riddle's nipples. the only pair that Riddle will admit he LIKES is the rose-ended barbells.
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Man doesn't even know how many nipple piercings he's got, he's got a bunch of unopened gifts and lowkey just gives most of them to Ruggie or the younger entertainers to get rid of them. He has a preference for gold and simple designs. The pair he's seen normally in are actually connected nipple rings. walking around open shirt and nipples chained together.
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Lowkey his nipples were already pierced when he got hired, still got the 6 month grace period though to get use to the brothel. Bro's rocking the nipple shields. Since he and Leona are the only ones who share the 'Exotic' status he leans into the theming. He got a lot of his rings from commission to have patterns and theming of his homeland. They're literally just for show and his own homesickness since Jamil doesn't actually fuck his clients.
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He's got the largest collection of the entertainers. Vil LOVES gems, an expensive man has got expensive taste and it SHOWS. Lowkey gifted all of his unwanted piercings to Epel when he joined the entertainer rank. Vil likes the dangle style of piercings and gem-heavy designs. The plainest pair he owns was the first gift he got some Rook which were just plain arrow-headed barbells.
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Lowkey he's still in the grace period of healing, just at the tail end of it. Vil and Riddle are helping him pick out the type he really likes. So far he sticks to the clickers Crewel gave him for his healing period, Kinda thinks the ones Riddle recommends are too boring and the ones Vil gifted him are too heavy. He really likes the look that Leona has and was excited when he got gifted a pair he didn't want. Baby chain nipple rings are his current style he prefers but he still really likes the simple design of plain horseshoe rings.
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Papa dog has a favorite set. it's a collar, chain, piercing combo. If you pay the medium-sized fortune right price, you can even get the chain body suit. Loves wearing chain body jewelry, wears them as basic accessories even though NO ONE can see them.
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knightyoomyoui · 3 months
The 1% Of Chances | TWICE Jeongyeon x Male Reader Fanfic : CHAPTER 11
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One chapter left to go and that is the finale of the next update, but before that, some revelations must be unveiled first to further enlighten how these all started. The outline I made for this chapter is probably the shortest of all, but I tried to write it longer since we’re already at the climax of the story and its importance. Expect that the questions raised by most of the parts from the hints I’ve dropped through the previous chapters will be finally answered here. Enjoy reading!
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The person who was sitting on the spare chair beside his hospital bed froze when he rotated his body to face the patient. He dropped the plastic bag on his hands and quickly lunged at his friends, as the latter was still recovering his eyesight. YN can hear gasps and amused reactions coming from someone who couldn’t believe what he’s seeing.
YN! You’re awake! Oh god, just wait here, bro. I’m calling the nurses! ”The person quickly pats him on the arm before he sprints his way out of the room. As he opened the door to disappear, YN’s consciousness regained, as did his senses. Analyzing his current situation, he confirmed that he is indeed still in a hospital gown laid flat on the bed in the center of a boring, white, plain room.
He tried to straighten his posture and prepare to sit up, but YN suddenly felt a throbbing pain on the back of his head, causing him minor discomfort. Just as when he had it, the person returned along with two nurses and a doctor with him. They caught YN shutting his eyes and holding his head irritably, which encouraged them to come in support of the suffering patient.
"Hey, YN, does it hurt again? ”The person asked you as he approaches beside you. The doctor excused him from lending him the way to check up on you, and he did, letting the experts determine what you’re feeling.
 "Mr. LN, don’t force yourself, please. Try to recline your head back on the pillow,” the doctor said as he gripped both of your shoulders to guide you down. As the nurses focused on helping you, the doctor confronted your guardian. “You bought food for him? ”
“I did, doc.”, he nodded. “:Good, he’ll need it. We brought some painkiller medicine in case a scenario like this happens. If he calms down, then it’s good that you must feed him and have him take the-” “W-where am I?” Their conversation got interrupted when your words caught both of their attention, one with curiosity and one with surprise. The two nurses became speechless, as they all knew already what this hint meant for them to discover. They just looked at each other and then into the two other guys with them who were monitoring your clueless expression.
Your eyes swayed back and forth to their presence around you, eyebrows furrowed as confusion strikes you in. “Who are you people? What am I doing here.”
“D-doc, is he-” “You’re in a hospital, Mr. LN. “ The doctor cuts him off and directly answered your curiosities. “You are currently confined here because of the accident you got involved into.” “Accident?” Your brows knitted deeper. “Yes. You don’t remember what happened to you?” “I-I don’t. I don’t even know why am I here.” You shrugged, still confused at what they’re pertaining at. Your friend’s heart felt like it dropped hearing that.
“How about us, especially him. Do you remember him?” The doctor pointed at the guy beside him who is just observing the interrogation. You looked at him and was eagerly waiting for the response he’s hoping to hear, but instead his smile fades away when he heard the opposite.
“I don’t either.” The guy looked back at the doctor, who glanced at him seriously. He shook his head, like it conveyed something. He gestured for him to come closer to him and lead themselves away from you as they discussed privately. You did nothing except just watch him chat while the nurses even had to confirm if you didn’t really know your guardian. “D- doc, what is this? Did that really happen?” The guy had some more thoughts needed to be let out. “Calm down, Mr. Choi.” The doctor advised the guy who is evidently panicking deep inside and worried for his friend. “Yes, what we just saw happened. He really can’t remember what happened to him and even… you.” “Then what is this, does it mean he has amnesia now?” The latter uttered in disbelief. “Could be, maybe its just temporary… or not.” The guardian’s face fell into shambles. “But, we can’t figure it out how long his memory loss will be. But one thing’s for sure, that injury he had in his head probably damaged his brain’s structure of the limbic system. It’s not just a concussion that he took from the accident so that why it’s most likely that his brain will get affected worse by it and unfortunately, it’s the part that controls his emotions and memories.”
“D-doc, there’s still a way to help him regain everything he doesn’t remember, right?” The guardian questioned full of hopefulness.
“Yes, as long as we guide him through it. But first, we have to run some tests for him to help us understood exactly his head injury and what are the effects it brought to him.” “Okay, doc. As long as it will do anything good to him, I’m willing to cooperate for the sake of my friend.” He said with confidence “You’re a real one for that, Mr. Choi.” The doctor agreed. They stopped their conversation to return back to the patient who is still questioning what’s going on right now. “Alright, Mr. LN. We had a brief talk about you and I just want to inform you that due to the condition or behavior you’ve been showing to us… it seems pretty obvious you are currently unwell, right now.”
“Unwell?” “Yes. You don’t remember anything as of the moment. You can’t remember what happened to you, nor this man who is a close individual of yours in your life, and that’s crucial, because that’s not a good sign to suddenly forgot something important like they didn’t… exist.” The doctor explained.
“Wait… so does that mean I-” “You have sustained multiple injuries in your body, but the most critical is your head. Mainly that’s why it brought you to forgot everything because of the impact it received. But don’t worry, Mr. LN. We’re here to guide you through your recovery, so please I recommend you to calm down and participate with us.” You just nodded understandably at what the doctor said. As they excused themselves, the guy sat beside him and looked at him with worry and sadness enveloping his feelings. “Hey, man. Sucks that you have to be like this for god knows how long but, I’ll never leave your side as long as you need me, like through this tough time we’re going at.” You looked attentively at the unfamiliar person in front of you, but you know that everything that’s coming out of his mouth is purely sincere. He really does make it felt like he’s a loved one who takes care of him much.
“I’m ready to guide you recollect all the memories you lose, including everything we’ve been through. Don’t waste it man, we had some fun times together many many times before your accident.”
“Accident?” You asked. “I really didn’t expect that I’ll be like this. All I know is that my head wasn’t doing good but not like this.” “I think it’s because as what the doctors said, man. You have fo-” “No, but I’m sure I haven’t got to any accident. I still know what brings me here.” Your friend became puzzled at what you’re trying to say. “I had a severe headache then suddenly I got placed here but not looking like… this.” You said as you glanced around your body almost made your appearance like half-mummified. “And there’s this… someone who I was talking with, and she… she cries for me…” Your friend’s eyes widened as he immediately recognized who you are referring to. “S-she?”, he had to repeat to clarify if what he heard was actually right.
“Yes. She seemed… very concerned of me. She was too afraid that I’m gonna die but I assured her that I won’t. I slept and then when I woke up, she’s not here with me anymore.” You said while staring straight at the blank wall in front of your distance. “D-did you see or atleast… know her? I don’t know her name… or even her face.” Your friend choked on his breath as he had to witness your tears drop from your eyes. He doesn’t know why, but seeing you emotionally had brought him easily to let loose of his own. You've been his soul brother since you were kids; that’s why everything that you feel is what he also shares with you. 
But what brought him to feel bad for you was that... he knows why you are crying, while at the same time, he feels sorry for you that you still even had to keep her on your mind even in the depths of your despair.
Help me understand everything, please,” you begged for him. He nodded and gripped your hand. “I will, I promise.” “And if I do… can you… atleast introduce me to her, again?” He stared at you and was about to release another tears of pity but he tried his best to remained composed and tightlipped for you. “I’ll try my best.” You smiled timidly, feeling satisfied for his choice. “Sorry if I couldn’t remember your name, but I can tell that we had a lot of history together.” “Oh we are.” He chuckled. “We’ve been through a lot, man. I’ve known every bits of you, because I’m the only person you have to share your stories with. Looks like this time, it’s my turn to re-tell everything you have told me back to you.” “And I’ll listen to everything just like what you did for me.” You returned the appreciation. “You don’t know how happy I am that you are now fine, dude.” He huffed in relief and finally, his voice sounded delightful and vibrant again because of his stable condition. “You’ve been like in a coma for… 2 weeks already.” “What?” “Yeah, I was like fearing that you might never wake up but… my prayers proved it wrong. You did woke up but sadly you couldn’t remember me, but that’s fine. What matters is that I still have my bestfriend around, right?”
You chuckled and agreed to him, entertained at his kind and amusing personality. “Yeah.” “I’m Choi Somin, by the way. Take note of that name always, it might became handy for me to start bringing back everything you’ve lost.” “Will do, Somin.” “Nice!” He smiled. He ducked and grabbed the plastic bag that he dropped on the floor a while ago. “Oh, by the way, I bought you so foods to eat. The doctor said you have to eat since you’ve been unresponsive for 2 weeks so… eat as much as you want then you can take the prescribed medicine after, okay?”
“Thanks, Somin.” Somin takes out all the supplies he bought to satisfy your hunger, and he prepares them himself for you as part of his responsibility as a guardian. You were watching TV as he wanted to ease your boredom at least by entertaining yourself watching those shows being flashed on the screen that you may have seen before, but now you have no idea what they are. Your focus then shifted to Somin, who cooked you some tteokbokki and japchae, in which he assisted in feeding you with a spoon. 
After you munched the spoonful of food in your mouth, you proceeded to ask Somin, who was also eating his plate of food, for his turn. “How did I got into an accident?” Somin paused from eating and viewed you who is staring back at him, wondering with that question. He sighed and placed his plate on his lap and swallowed his food before giving you a reply. “All I’ve heard is that you’ve been involved in some collision of a van and a carrier truck. But then when I watched the news that reported what happened, that’s where I got the entire story based from the witnesses who were there to see how did you became into one of its victims…” Weeks ago, after you had finished your job interview, you were about to leave when Somin called you on the phone, asking about how your interview went and your plans with him for tomorrow morning. He then mentioned on the phone that “2 years have passed since that happened."
Somin was actually referring to your late mother, who passed away due to cancer. You grew up with a single mother, and your dad was nowhere to be found after he abandoned you and your mother. You once tried to search for him, but as you matured, you realized that it was his wrongdoing, and he's not worthy to have you both again.
You stopped looking for your dad and fully accepted that your mom decided to continue being a single parent just to raise you and build a better life for his son, even if he didn’t have an ideal family. You didn’t care at all instead, because your mother is enough to consider your family to be rather strong than perfect. 
However, it all vanished when the unfortunate circumstances had to unfairly happen for a woman like her.
The only woman who fought till the end just to stay by your side... even if it costs her life due to her unselfishness. You both love and hate her so much for that, but even if you argue with her over and over again about that, you know she'll always win. She loves you so much, and that love is your weakness, which was her strength, but... fate went upside down, as it was instead the one who pushed her to the risk of disappearing forever.
Despite having colon cancer, she never stopped assisting you, even if you were already a young adult. Even at those remaining times she has left to live, she used it still to make you feel cherished and be the proudest son ever to her. 
That’s why when she passed away, it was never easy for you every single day when you'd think about it. Every day until the 2nd consecutive time, you have been visiting her grave with flowers and everything as a treat together with the only person you have left who became super close to your mom too, your childhood neighbor turned to be your best friend, Somin. After Somin mentioned the time you and him talked about your mom on the phone, he recalled that you said goodbye to him because you were about to buy flowers to bring to the cemetery.
And that’s the last conversation he had with you before that accident happened. 
At the time you stopped driving to follow the red light as people were granted to cross on the street, you were checking out the latest posts of your favorite K-Pop girl group TWICE for their comeback, which you couldn’t remember anymore.
Based on Somin’s narration to the reports he learned from the news, just as the traffic light turned into green, a truck being driven by a driver who lost its brake had its wheels to roll uncontrollably by itself and led the truck to collide on the back of the van, which then forcefully bumped it to the one lining in front of it.
And the one that’s in front of the van was you riding your motorcycle. 
You flung from your motor due to the heavy impact, causing you to smash your head and face first on the trunk of the car before your body got twisted badly at the motor, which your legs are still tucked in. As you were about to fall off the road, the van caught your arm mid-air and pressed the now-reversed motor through it, sending multiple fractures and injuries mostly through your arm, waist, and legs. 
However, your head took a lot of damage, making it possible that you might lose memories from the external force your head took on the trunk of the car. Somin couldn’t confirm what type of injury it is, but he hopes that it will result in temporary memory loss for you. 
He was about to mention more when both of you heard a knock on the door. “Wait here, okay? ”You just nodded and let Somin attend to this on his own. As you took your time to process the story that Somin has shared to you, especially grieving and saddened about the truth of your loving mother’s death 2 years ago, Somin opened the door and got alerted of the person who is standing in front of him. He immediately closed the door and stepped out to confront the lady who decided to visited the patient. Knowing that the identity of this woman is now unknown to you, Somin better chose to keep this one distant from you to discuss it first about your state. “How is he?” “He just woke up an hour ago.” The woman covered her gasping mouth and got teary eyed. “Oh my… thank God, h-how is he? Can I see him?”
She was about to peek on the door and open it but Somin blocked her way, making her confused. “N-not yet. I don’t think so.” “Why? Is there something wrong?” Somin sighed and looked around him problematically before he faced again the curious individual. “There is.” “What is it?” “H-he… he couldn’t remember anything.”
“What?” She muttered. “He doesn’t know how he got his injuries, me personally, and probably… you.”
“Oh no…” She expressed distress similar to what Somin has been going through. “The accident really a took a toll on him.” Her face then stretched in astonishment as she realized something. “Wait… don’t tell me…”
“He wanted to remember her.” Somin confesses. The latter gazed back and a large frown plastered across her lips. She was on the verge of crying at how the accident horribly affected both of them.
“He said that what he knows instead is that he has her rather guarding him while he’s confined and not me.” Somin couldn’t help but to let a crack on his voice as he looked away from the girl who is already sobbing at how heartbreaking it is for the both of them to learn what a depressing fate their friends had ended up into.
He hooked her around his arm and engulfed her in his embrace to let the poor friend writhe in agony as he rubs her back gently for comfort. Somin then whispered near to her ear. “But… Nayeon, how are we supposed to tell him about her?”
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t0ast-ghost · 6 months
HIIII Episode 10 (Dagger Of The Mind) time! I made it to ten! Now only… one.. seven… twenty… seventy four episodes to go!
Here’s the review:
- remember kids; when trying to beam something down to a penal colony they have to remove their shields first
- that is a whole ass man.. HOW DID YOU MISS THAT WHOLE ASS MAN
- no but seriously even airports can check for human tissue like- I forgot this was made in the 60s I’m stupid stfu t0ast
- “more like a resort colony” my ass, Kirk
- BONES!!! He just kinda stands on the bridge (for no reason) and stares at what’s happening (at Jim)
- wow two redshirts dead in five minutes
- okay Bones walks over to Spock FOR NO REASON and I’m pretty sure he just wants to bicker
- my name is WHAT my name is WHO my name CHICKACHICKA Van Gelder
- why would destroying one control panel kill the ship?!? Design flaw imo
- “that doesn’t ring true” what are you a truth detector? I thought he was a doctor
- I love Bones “going against” Kirk (he’s smiling the whole damn time) and Spock backing him up
- “oh yeah I’m sending down Dr. Noel” REVEAL SHES A WOMAN OH MY GOD
- why’d he need to bring Spock down to the transporter room? Emotional support? He’d miss his boyfriend?
- Lethe? Isn’t that the river of uhhh- ummm ugmmm… I forgor
- I like whatever was happening with the light in Lethe’s eyes
- awwwe Spock and Bones working together
- WHY WOULD YOU STAY THERE OVERNIGHT?!? Kirk would NOT survive a horror movie. He’d be first to die (comment down below)
- McCoy is like “Our boyfriend could be in danger, use your damn mind magic”
- OHHH OKAY I SEE WHY VULANS MEDITATE. The words he speaks to Van Gelder are a lot like being lead through meditation
- I LOBE THIS SCENE! The dialogue from Van Gelder, the movements and prompts from Spock, MCCOYS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS
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- Kirk catapulting into danger right after they TOLD HIM NOT TO
- “and now she’s gone” “helen” I thought he was gonna shout or smt so when he just said “helen” it got me
- you know how this would be so much more tragic? If (canonically) Kirk was dating someone else aboard the ship *cough* you know *cough cough* and then the evil doctor implanted the idea he was in love with Dr. Noel and then him having to deal with the idea of loving both her and the other… anyway
- “Kirk to enterprise.. ughhkghjkk”
- He is literally the worst.. girlfailure
- people are too good at hiding in plain sight
- she- she just killed a guy.. good for her
- THE FUCKIN- the sitcom ass look Spock gives Jim like “oh really dr Adams did this”
- MCCOY!!! yeah he’s around. HE’S DEAD JIM MOME- oh no “he’s dead, captain” goddamnit Bones
- “can you imagine the mind emptied by that thing. Without even a tormentor” was a line most definitely meant for Spock and Bones but Dr.Noel saying “I understand” reminds me that she is indeed there not just observing but participating
- Bones just causally leaning against the back of his chair
- does he know? Does he even know that most medical officers don’t normally lean like that against your chair?
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- OMG I SAW A POST ABOUT THE “it’s hard to believe a man could die of loneliness” “not when he’s sat in that room” AND THEN KIRK LOOKS OVER TO SPOCK AND SMILES
- he’s so surrounded by loved ones bro is beaming
Anyway all in all a good tenth episode!
I made a master list of all my Star Trek tos thought posts :D
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domiforpresident · 1 year
Random Shuriri hc's
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Riri definitely forces Shuri to make tik toks with her. Specifically dances. Riri teaches Shuri the dance beforehand and then makes her do it 1000 time's with her once she knows it.
In the house they both love being comfortable. Shuri is most likely always wearing sweatpants and a plain tee-shirt. Riri on the other hand wears her sports bra and some short boxers, and if her hair isn't in braids she lets her curls down. The first time Shuri saw Riri dressed like that she was literally acting like a cat in heat.
Shuri starts using aave after dating Riri for a while. It catches Riri completely off guard.
They play games together. Specifically smash bros, cod and saints row. Riri screams loud as hell when she dies in a game. Shuri is definitely the sore loser out of the two, while Riri rubs it in her face that she lost.
"Maybe you'll win next time baby" Riri said showing fake sympathy teasing Shuri.
"I wanna play again you cheated" Shuri pouted.
"Ima just beat yo ass again but ok" Riri said while starting the game back up.
Shuri is a wild sleeper. It's not her fault though she grew up having a big ass bed to herself. Shuri also talks in her sleep. When she first spent the night in Riris dorm, Riri tried to tell her about it the next morning but Shuri didn't believe her.
Riri loves cuddling. She would jump in Shuris skin if she could. She likes being the big spoon so she can touch and feel all over Shuri, and play in her hair. Riri loves playing in Shuris hair, she usually does it until Shuri falls asleep.
Riri uses baby pictures of shuri as her own personal memes.
Riri: *sends picture of Shuri at 5 years old*
Shuri: how the hell did you get that Riri....?
Riri: Don’t worry bout all that.
Riri could say that her head hurts and Shuri would be outside her dorm room in less than 30 minutes. She's extremely over protective over Riri, and wants to make sure she's ok at all times.
Riri smokes but Shuri doesn't. One time Shuri was all up on Riri while she was smoking and got contact high. Shuri is paranoid when high so she kept yelling about how someone was coming to get her and how her face was melting off.
Shuri loves laying on Riris ass. She Just puts her whole head on it like it's a pillow. It became a regular thing in their relationship at some point so Riri doesn't even flinch when she does it.
Riris love language is physical touch so she's always touching Shuri, whether it be them holding hands or Riri kissing all over Shuris face randomly. Shuris love language is quality time so she practically wants to do everything with Riri. She even follows her into the bathroom.
"I'll be right back ima use the bathroom"
"Why can't I come with you?"
"Shuri I'm not bout to play with you."
"So you said you hate me and want me to die?" Shuri said while following Riri to the bathroom anyways.
When Shuri is driving she puts her hand behind the head of Riri’s seat. When Riri is driving she puts her hand on Shuris thigh.
They send each other funny videos while sitting right next to each other. Then they'll look at one another and laugh at the video together.
Whever they get in an argument Riri plays birthday sex by Jeremih and dances like she’s in a 90s rnb music video while playfully serenading Shuri. Shuri finds it so funny and breaks so quickly.
They're both the jealous type. Shuri gets jealous when women get too friendly with Riri and it drives her insane. Riri tries to tell Shuri they're just being cordial. Riri on the other hand gets jealous over little things like Shuri laughing at someone's joke a little too hard for her liking. Shuri knows when Riri is starting to feel jealous because Riri gives her the stankest face ever.
*Shuri laughing at someone's joke*
"It wasn’t that damn funny Shuri."
Riri buys Shuri an "I love my Girlfriend" shirt as a joke but Shuri actually wears it whenever she isn't with Riri.
They have matching tattoos. It's 2 flowers intertwined with their initials underneath it.
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yang2sfishkeeper · 2 years
we need a part two to the fratboy reaction thing you wrote i cried laughing ajfjahahjaka
(tosses this post like i throw bread at stray birds) there's your meal for the year
NCT 2022 as your final school presentation partner
side note: since i am the principal at this uni/college/higher education establishment I have decided that this will be for an english presentation. also i do realise that this does not count as a part two but dont worry i might do one in about seven years time!
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Johnny: You stare holes into his laptop from across the lecture hall once your partner is announced. He thinks you’re just curious about what he’s watching, and turns the screen to reveal a custom car parts video. Despite your initial apprehension-and failing to convince your professor to change partners, he is a fairly decent partner (he made the google doc) and contributes his fair share (he offered to do most of the talking). Shows up 20 minutes late to the actual class absolutely hammered but takes it like a champ. 6/10, thanks for making the google doc, mate.
Taeil: Everything is fine until he tells you that he can't work in the campus library- he HAS to be in his dorm room. You nod along, already mentally reminding yourself to bring pepper spray in case you enter his room and there are star wars posters. Definitely INSISTS on playing music, and sings to it like his life depends on it. Like no babe, your life depends on these slides you're neglecting. Turns the script into a song to memorise it faster, and you can't believe it actually helped the both of you. No star wars posters, so the pepper spray was left untouched, 8/10, ♫ Good moooooorning everyoooooone today we will be discusssssing Littleee woomeeeeeen♫
Taeyong: For a party guy, he’s super nice and willing to do the work- it’s just that he has a horde of friends that tail him everywhere. It’s not exactly productive to be in the library (quiet) with ten dudes chatting up a storm (not quite) two tables away. Offers to buy you coffee because he feels bad, so at least your wallet is happier than your ears. During the presentation, his bros are attentively taking notes and roar into applause when you conclude the presentation. 6/10 The chorus of “MY BRO IS SO SMART” is oddly sweet, and you are thankful one of them added on “AND YOU TOO LADY” Because yeah, you too lady!
Yuta: Offers you a 100 dollar note to finish it by yourself, and when you decline he’s like ‘oh ok i’ll do it then’. You thought about changing your career goals to becoming a cultural negotiator, because that was easy. Does the absolute bare minimum, and flirts with you the entire time- shoes up on the library table and all. But it’s not all that bad, because he teaches you how to accessorize and shows you his cool tattoo. During the presentation you looked scared and plain next to him, mostly because he was decked out in full leather and facial jewelry. 4/10, could’ve told you there was a dress code. 
Kun: Lets you work at his nice apartment right outside of campus. How can he afford it? You don’t want to ask! Makes a plan on how to equally divide the workload, always texts you updates on his slides, offers advice if you need it and is generally a fantastic partner. Once the presentation is over, he resumes his role in your life as the nice guy you look at from two rows below you. 10/10 next project you’ll try to be his friend. Next project…
Doyoung: ACADEMIC WEAPON. Mate, you don’t even see this guy. He just randomly emails you a utterly phenomenal proposal for the project, you reply “this is great! When are you free to work on it?” He just attached the finished thing. It’s bulletproof, with great analyzes, and even has potential questions + answers for you to review. You meet for the first time AT the presentation, and when you ask him why he just did everything, he stone-faced replies: “I’m very passionate about metaphors.” 8/10 You were also very passionate about them, but clearly not as much as he was.
Ten: On his phone when your group was assigned; so you decide to approach him. Which was your first mistake, because once you enter a ten meter radius of him you begin sweating- and you’re only mildly offended asks who you are. You two work in his friend’s tattoo studio (why does his friend have a tattoo studio), and he will doodle up designs for you unprompted. You are 1) impressed at how good he is at drawing 2) forgetting that THERE IS A PROJECT FOCUS BITCH. 4/10 you failed, but got a sick tattoo that’s better than Yuta’s.
Jaehyun: In shows, the jock is usually an idiot until the last moment, where he magically develops super smart sense and aces the project. Not Jaehyun though, he’s a fucking moron. At some point, you just have to tell to shut up; he’s a good partner until he opens his mouth. Hey, at least his face is nice to look at, and you know who to call if you need someone’s head knocked in. 6/10 What do you mean you don’t know what a proposition is? You’re taking an ENGLISH DEGREE!
Winwin: Will be twenty minutes late. Will also bring his roommate’s dog over, which you don’t know if you’re thankful for or not. You two will interact with the social aptitude of two underdeveloped microorganisms; and he will combust if you look at him for more than a second. Not in the flustered, more in the apathetic introverted way. 4/10, you had never been so silent in your entire schooling years.
Jungwoo: Lovely boy, thank the stars you got partnered with him and not Jaehyun. The only disconcerting thing about him is that he has to type lying on his belly with his feet kicking in the air. But fuck it! You join him, and suddenly you two are middle school girls gossiping about academic essays. You both spend more time decorating the slides than finding information. 10/10 You do think that he is your long lost other half.
Mark: Despite this being a completely professional situation; with no romance and barely even any possibility for friendship, he still manages to have zero rizz. Zero Academic Rizz, as one might call it. But when he’s not embarrassing himself by stuttering eight times in five words, he gives you decent feedback and is surprisingly emotionally intelligent for being a man. Brought you a half-melted chocolate bar before the presentation because the day before you complained about cramps. 9/10 You go, Mark! Even if you mispronounced ‘theoretically’ in front of the theory teacher! 
Xiaojun: Right there alongside Taeil with the massive inclination to sing his heart out. I do imagine that he is also studying musical theatre, so god bless your heart. Do you know how distracting it is to hear phantom of the opera while you study catcher in the rye? To be fair, he also lets you occasionally listen to Nicki Minaj, which he turns into melodic opera. 2/10, he ended the presentation with ♫anyyyyyyyyy quueeeeeeeeestions♫ and you wanted to die.
Hendery: Goofy (derogatory) Silly (insultingly) Despite not knowing him before this presentation, you forcibly grew so close with him in the span of a week that you began smacking him with your laptop every time he went on a tangent. Even if you had screaming matches outside the library (you got kicked out), you two still managed to make an outstanding social commentary within the amazing world of gumball. 10/10, he got yelled at for dancing while the professor asked her question. 
Renjun: He regards you the same way you regard your friend’s 13 year old, freshly intellectually sentient sibling. Is definitely more interested in texting his friends than talking to you, but you like it that way (you think to yourself spitefully). You purposely don't decorate his slides, but his script is so good that the professor doesn't even notice it. 1/10, the one point is for when he told you that you formatted your script wrong. 
Jeno: Asks if you can come to the gym and work with him there. At first you say no, but it seems like his schedule is severely booked, and you finally relent. It sort of looks like you are his secretary, with your laptop in your hands, typing the words his grunts out between sets. All things considered, he knows alot about the topic without having to reference anything. The project is finished within three sessions, and you are forced to do some exercise 3/3 times. 8/10, the smell of sweat is horrendous, but he makes a pretty good personal trainer. One more! One more! You got this!!
Haechan: You both didn’t get anything done. Not for the lack of effort, but for the sheer amount of banter. And fighting. Lots of fighting- but your favourite colours are opposites, how were you meant to find the best slide background? The project’s pushed to the night before, and the two of you spend 5 hours straight at a McDonalds, drinking copious amounts of coke zero and ignoring the minimum wage workers trying to tell you that you shouldn’t order any more fries. 2/10, he threw said fries at you and the salt lodged itself in your keyboard.
Jaemin: Neither of you want to do the work, so he finds an existing presentation on the topic and you just… steal it. When the professor confronts you both about the obvious plagiarism, Jamein induces WW2 mental warfare to psychologically manipulate the professor into thinking she’s crazy, and that she was being unprofessional by assuming her students couldn’t produce a high quality of work. 10/10 After the presentation, Jaemin whispered to you: “Victory by any means necessary.”
Yangyang: Imagine this, 3AM, two students sitting at the library with drained faces, staring at a blank laptop screen. That’s what working with yangyang is like. Since both of you were procrastination-fueled learners, there was nothing to do but wait until the dreadful deadline approached and suddenly, you both would turn into geniuses. You moved for the first time in an hour when he offered to drive to burger king. 5/10 BURGER KING! The idea of a whopper ignites your ability to start the slides. 
Shotaro: Like Jungwoo, is a pleasure to work with, even if he is a little unremarkable. That being said, both of you had no idea how to answer one of the questions, and the two of you just exchanged concerned glances until the professor answered it for you. 5/10, both of you went to starbucks after to freak out and celebrate simultaneously.
Sungchan (I REALISED I SPELT HIM NAME WRON GIN THE OTHER POST OMG IM SO SORRY GIRL): This dude probably refuses to do work until you threaten him with either physical or mental torture (your choice, artistic interpretation) and he makes an extra effort to press each key as loudly as he can with a typing speed of half a word per minute. 2/10 During the actual presentation you two can’t stop from fighting to the point that the professor has to split you two apart. 
Chenle: You kill him. 0/10. Smack him over the head, and he still maintains the bratty disposition. He is the test sent by God, and one you cannot pass. 
Jisung: Would be super nice to work with, but surrounded by his upperclassmen, harassing him for no reason other than their preconceived role in his life. But it’s cool, because you have noise-cancelling earbuds, and also because it’s sort of funny to watch him whine and complain. When you can actually work alone, you find that he has to refill his americano at least three times per session. 6/10 Whether his hands shaking was from nerves, or a lethal caffeine overdose, you’ll never know.
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rocketnottheraccon · 1 year
Forever With the Juggalos
Another random-ass Shinbaku oneshot in which class 1-A discovers Katsuki and Hitoshi's... questionable taste in music
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Art by: @istehlurvz
It was a Tuesday such as any other. 
Most of class 1-A was enjoying their afternoon, studying in the common room together and, consequently, getting of topic. 
This lead a certain blond haired teen to pack up his things. 
“Uh… Bakugou?” Kirishima had asked, raising a confused brow at Katsuki, who hadn’t bothered announcing his exit. 
Katsuki looked up with a ‘The-Fuck-Do-You-Want’ expression. 
This caught the attention of Mina. “Awh, your leaving?” She asked from the floor, a pout playing on her lips. 
“There’s no fucking reason to stay,” Katsuki explained with disdain. The rest of the class remained absorbed in conversation, the subject of class work long forgotten. “What? You thought I was here to fucking bond with you guys or something?”
Kirishima chuckled lightly, disappointment written into the redhead’s tone. “Well, yeah. Kinda.” 
Katsuki rolled his eyes, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “You thought wrong. Bye.” And with that, the teen was retreating to the elevator. 
Mina and Kirishima made eye contact for a short moment, before shrugging it off and joining back into the conversation. 
There were many people in this world in which Katsuki found annoying, idiotic, or just plain weird. The majority of- if not, all- those people could be found in his class…
But there was one, and only one, that Katsuki could put up with, and would willingly choose to do so. 
The explosive teen knocked on the door right of his own. 
“Fuck do you want?” Came the muffled, indignant response. 
Katsuki scoffed in amusement, leaning his weight on his left leg. “It's me, dipshit,” he answered. 
A couple beats later, the bed creaked and a shadow appeared beneath the door. 
“What’s the password?” Hitoshi asked, and despite the fact the sleep deprived teen couldn’t see him, Katsuki sent a glare straight through the door. 
“No,” was his stubborn, immediate response. 
Katsuki could hear his snicker behind the door, before it unlocked and revealed Hitoshi, hair down as it appeared he’d just showered, adorning a plain white shirt and red and black plaid pajama pants. He had a smirk on his lips, and headphones around his neck. “They finally got on your nerves?” 
“Fuck you mean ‘finally’?” Katsuki scoffed. “They stay on my nerves.” Looking over the purple-haired teens shoulder to his room, he made one, single observation. 
It was a mess. 
“No.” Katsuki shook his head. “I’m not studying in this pigsty.”
“Then go back to your room,” Hitoshi replied with a huff. 
“Okay. Go get the speaker and let’s go.” 
Hitoshi rolled his eyes at this, crossing his arms. “I don’t want to watch you fucking study.” 
“You don’t have a choice. Speaker. Now.” Katsuki was many things, and persistent and stubborn in order to piss people off was definitely one of them. 
Hitoshi sighed, grabbing the pill-like device off the desk by his door. 
“I fucking hate you,” he said, lightly shoving Katsuki as he passed. It was clear he was only playing, so Katsuki reciprocated, ruffling his hair and pushing his head away roughly. 
“Sure you do, dickhead,” he drawled , disbelieving as he closed Hitoshi's door and Hitoshi opened his own. 
“I’m being for real, bro. Your a royal pain in my ass,” Hitoshi justified, collapsing onto Katsuki’s bed, horizontal, with a deep inhale. “Your lucky your bed’s so goddamn comfy.” 
“Damn right it is,” Katsuki replied with a smirk, settling into his desk chair. 
Katsuki then went on to unpack his notes from his bag, and Hitoshi connected his phone to his speaker. 
“What’re we listening to, Kuckles?” Hitoshi asked, scrolling through Spotify. 
“Can you stop fucking calling me that?” Katsuki requested, glaring at the boy from atop his reading glasses (Hitoshi, Eijirou, and Izuku were the only ones in the entire school who knew he wore them.) 
“Nah, I’m good,” Hitoshi replied, nonchalant. It finally seemed he’d chosen a playlist, if the little ‘ooooh’ he let out beneath his breath was any indication. 
“What’re we listening to DJ Eyebags?” Katsuki asked, not looking away from his studies. 
“Murder music.” 
The first song to come on was My Axe by Insane Clown Posse, and Katsuki couldn’t deny this was one of the many reasons he asked out the sleep deprived teen in the first place. 
“God, I love you,” Katsuki whispered, unheard over the sounds of… well, murder music. 
Hitoshi proceeded to hum along to the words, kicking his legs over the edge of the bed as if he was a pre-teen listening to One Direction. 
“It’s so nice dating someone who appreciates good music,” Hitoshi mused, holding his phone above his face as he scrolled through social media. 
“Obviously. I’m literally awesome,” Katsuki replied, grinning with pride. 
“So, what you studying?” 
“English,” Katsuki sighed. “You’re so lucky, you bilingual fucker.” 
“America ain’t no better than here,” Hitoshi said with indifference.
“Still. We’re probably learning what they teach the fucking five year olds.” Katsuki groaned, resting his head on his fist. “Like, why the hell are there two different spellings for ‘where’?” 
“Technically there’s three, and one of them’s pronounced ‘were’ and the others 'we're', so,” Hitoshi shrugged, pulling himself up and sauntering over to look at Katsuki’s work thus far. 
“Your handwritings shit, bro,” was all he said. 
The next song began; Insane in the Brain by Cypress Hill. 
“Oi, get of my dick. Your Kanji ain’t a sight for sore eyes either,” Katsuki retorted.  
 Hitoshi scoffed. “Kanji’s fuckin’ weird, man. Not my fault you guys draw instead of write.” 
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “Looks better than whatever the hell this is.” 
They stayed quite a while after that, simply enjoying eachother’s company and listening to the music. 
“That’s not how you spell that,” Hitoshi pointed it out, and Katsuki only grumbled in self-irritation as he erased it. 
“That says ‘cat’ not ‘can’,” Hitoshi once again corrected, and Katsuki grumbled some more, fixing his mistake. 
“This is a pain,” Katsuki announced after the fifth mistake. He slammed down his pencil and closed the book. “Shit’s not due till Friday, anyway.” 
Hitoshi snorted, patting his head in mock-reconciliation. “Finally.” 
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “Jackass.” 
“Hypocrite,” Hitoshi fired back, landing a short peck on his forehead.
Katsuki scoffed, getting up and sitting behind Hitoshi's head.
The two sat in relative silence after that. Hitoshi had moved to have his head in Katsuki’s lap so the blond could play with his hair, and would show him a funny post from time to time. They went through several songs, many different artist; Panic! At the Disco, Arctic Monkeys, more Insane Clown Posse. 
To be real, it sounded like the soundtrack to a Suicide Squad movie. 
And they were not the only ones who took notice to that fact. 
Eijirou was only now retreating from the common room, it being 11:30 on a school night, chatting with Mina and Uraraka as they scaled the stairs. 
“Hey, uh, do you hear that?” Uraraka asked, tilting her head in slight confusion. 
“Uh…” Eijirou held that note, tuning in to whatever sound there might be to hear. 
Only the satisfaction of slaughter will return it to the darkness, from which it came.
“What the hell?” Mina asked, concern seeping through her indignant tone. 
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu
“Is that…” Eijirou paused, processing the- what he thought were- lyrics as they further approached their floor. “A- song?” 
“A song about killing little children?” Uraraka questioned, brows etched together. 
“I mean…” Mina drawled, making her way to the door where it seemed the sound came from. “Look who it’s coming from.” 
Both the other teens make there way to the door, pressing their ear up against it to hear a very… disturbing conversation, at best. 
“You’re fucking wrong, bro. What kid thinks to look under their bed before they go to bed?” 
“One with a brain.”
“Do you have one? If I hid under my sisters bed with a fucking axe or something, she wouldn’t notice until her legs're chopped off. Little kids are not that observant.” 
“They already think there’s something under their damn bed, Hitoshi. If there’s actually something there, there gonna know. They’re already in edge as it is!” 
“No, they won’t.” 
“Yes, they will.”
“No, they won’t.”
“Yes, they will.” 
It was then when Eijirou decided to knock on the door. 
“Fuck do you want!” Came the simultaneous, unnecessarily aggressive response. Eijirou cringed away from the door, sighing in defeat. 
“Sorry bro,” he said. “Music’s just a little loud!” 
And so, of course, the music only got louder. 
Uraraka facepalmed, Mina rolled her eyes, and Eijirou grimaced. 
How about this one? Duhduh duh, duhduh duh, duhduh duh duh duh?
At this, both Eijirou and Mina wailed out in displeasure. 
As the Slipknot song continued, Eijirou was beginning to give up on sleeping that night. 
The elevator door dings, and out stormed Iida, in his blue night gown and matching hat. 
“WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?!” He screamed, stomping over to the trio. “DO YOU KNOW HOW LATE IT IS?! PEOPLE-“
“We tried, Iida!” Uraraka complained, stomping her foot and tossing back her head. 
“They’re just being assholes,” Mina groaned. 
“And he’s in there with Shinsou, too, so who knows when they’ll go to bed!” Eijirou added, slumping his shoulders. “At least Shouji seems to be sleeping fine.” 
(Shouji was wearing soundproof headphones and listening to ocean ambiance) 
“Still! This is not the type of music a future hero should be feeding their brain!” Iida then preceded to knock harshly on the door. “BAKUGOU-KUN! SHINSOU-KUN!” He yelled over the music. 
“FUCK OFF!” They both screamed back. 
Iida’s face contorted to a scowl, and he knocked again, louder this time. “I NEED YOU TO TURN DOWN THE MUSIC! HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO PUT OUR BEST FOOT FORWARD IF YOU TWO ARE DISRUPTING OUR SLEEP?!” 
“YOU’LL LIVE,” was clearly Hitoshi’s response. Iida grumbled. 
There was a joint groan inside the room, and the music came to a pause. There were footsteps approaching the door, and for some reason, Eijirou felt the need to activate his quirk. 
The door cracked open, just wide enough for both their head to pop out, Katsuki’s on the bottom, Hitoshi’s on the top. 
They took one look at Iida’s attire and burst out laughing. All three standbyers facepalmed. 
“I’m going to bed,” Uraraka announced, retreating to her bedroom door.
“Bakugou-Kun! Shinso-Kun!” Iida exclaimed at a normal-loud volume. 
“No,” Bakugou said, once he settled down. “No fucking way am I listening to you when you’re dressed like that.” 
“Yeah bro, what 15th century museum did you find those in?” Hitoshi replied with a few lingering chuckles.
“My night wear has nothing to do with the fact that you’re both a disturbance to the dorms!” Iida reprimanded, chopping his arm. “Cease this at once and perhaps I won’t called Aizawa-sensei.” 
Katsuki rolls his eyes. “Yeah, whatever Specs.” And like that, they both returned to the room. 
Eijirou and Mina sighed in relief, thanking Iida profusely as they headed to their doors. 
“No problem,” Iida spoke, a proud grin on his face. “It is my duty as Class representative to make sure we are all in tip-top shape!” He turned back to the elevator. “Goodnight Kirishima-Kun, Ashido-San!” 
“Night, Iida,” Mina said, tiredness written across her tone. 
“Thanks again bro, I owe you one,” Eijirou said, pumping his fist lazily as he stepped into his dorm. 
15 minutes later…
With no consequence I will do it again
So hard up, and hunt me down, down, down
Jump the gun, bust a cap, hit the ground!
There was collective groan that spread between Mina, Uraraka, and Eijirou as the music started back up, just as loud as before.
Thanks for reading <33 Songs I used are; My Axe by Insane Clown Posse, Insane in the Brain by Cypress Hill, Boogie Woogie Wu by Insane Clown Posse, Custer by Slipknot, and What Do They Know by Mindless Self Indulgence. As someone who's gotten called out on their questionable taste in music, this was really fun to write! Bye, til next time!!
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swampstew · 1 year
KIᒪᒪEᖇᑕOOK - ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 6
Welcome to Raven's Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Join us in the family room as we sit around and browse our phones, and eat some Girl Scout cookies as we begin tonight's story. Rated Mature for language. Minors DNI.
˜”°•.˜”°• Happy birthday to me, to Wire, and to my Kid Pirate Stan-mate QuinLoki ♥ Let them eat cake! •°”˜.•°”˜
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“Oi! Make sure you have the travel packs ready to go! These need to cool at a consistent temperature or they’ll be ruined, and then I’ll ruin your face!” Killer instructed Heat, stressed about the day’s Live TikTok stream.
Normally he wouldn’t sweat over a stream but today was a big day. Huge one. Been a busy month for him. So many people he knew personally had birthdays in July. Nami and Paulie’s birthdays had already passed, and his actual in real life friends too, not to mention Wire and Nojiko had birthdays coming up as well.
Today though. Whew. Today was the birthday of a friend near and dear to his heart. To everyone in the crew, and pretty much anyone who knew them.
She didn’t ask for a cake but they said they were doing it anyways. He only brought out the fancy decorating tool set for desserts he took seriously, and Raven was close enough in his orbit that he was going to do something nice for her. A classic favorite of hers with some extra pizzazz.
“Here we go,” Wire muttered as he finished setting the ring lights and camera up. “You know you don’t have to do one for me right?”
“Are you kidding me dude?! Its your birthday! Everyone gets cake on their birthday, no exceptions.”
“You guys are already taking me on a two-week cruise!”
“Fuck yeah we are bro!” Kid barreled into the kitchen, recently promoted to baker’s not-assistant but equal partner/Cake Boss. Kid himself was shockingly adept at baking cake. Especially the box kind. “You deserve it. We all do! A nice vacation getaway, us and the crew.”
“Yeah yeah we’re nice guys. Shut up and get out of the frame. I’m still making cake for you,” Killer finished the layout of his tools, prepped the baking sheets and pans, pre-heated the oven, brought all ingredients to room temperature, and everything was in place.
“Why so nervous Kill? It’s just cake,” Kid’s brow bone became pronounced against his scarred skin, raised inquisitively.
“Their opinions matter to me!” Killer practically hissed out.
“The audience?”
“No dummy! Our recipients!”
Kid laughed, “Dude, no way be serious. It’s Raven and our TikTok friend, the most laid back people in the world.”
For some reason that resonated with Killer and he took some calming breaths. Gratefully drank the can of ginger ale Kid brought him.
“It’s just, I’m a perfectionist. I know it. It needs to be done just right!”
“Dude, preaching to the choir,” Kid thumped his back.
“Speaking of…did you finish the present?”
Kid stopped his reassuring back pats, “Don’t fucking talk to me. I’m going with plan b.”
Biting back snarky laughter, Killer dusted his apron, double checked his low ponytail, and straightened his helmet one last time before pressing the ‘Go Live’ button, muttering a quick, "Don’tfuckupdon’tfuckdon’tfuckup," under his breath.
“Hello everyone, Killer here,” raising a hand in the air, the short cut of his plain shirt showed off his swollen bicep. He and Kid had worked out an hour before going live, to look extra…camera ready. “Coming at you live with a trifecta of desserts. Well trifecta of cakes anyways. Everyone seems to be born in July so as a time honored tradition, I’ve been baking my ass off. I never make as much cake as I do during the summer months, y’alls parents got BUSY.”
The chimes of notifications flowed as the iPad showed the users commenting in.
“HAH! Every single one of you is celebrating your birthday today?” Kid laughed. “If that’s true happy birthday then. Unfortunately today’s cakes are already being made with people in mind.”
“Yes today we’re making three cakes: one we’re freezing for later, one being overnight shipped, and one we’re personally delivering later. Only the best for our besties.”
“Yo, Wh0_remones says, ‘Where’s a girlie gotta go to fill out the bestie application?' Sorry girlie, applications are closed until further notice,” Kid said with a smug grin.
“To be fair, we do have a lot of friends and its getting hard to keep track of who has birthdays and when,” Killer interjected. “Moving on, for today’s recipes we’re doing good ole’ box mix, made from scratch entirely, and one frozen because its ice cream cake!”
“And because it’s a dick move to eat someone’s birthday cake before them, I’ll be taste testing the scraps along with Heat and Wire,” Kid finished explaining their setup.
“We’ll start with the ice cream cake first!” Killer pulled out two Tupperware containers that had been set out 10 minutes ago. “So if you’ve watched my previous uploads, like video #20, you’ll remember I made my own copy of Oreos, which we call No-reo’s. In preparation for today’s live, I made a fresh batch of No-reo’s over the weekend, which we’ll use for the crumb layer, and I also used it to make No-reo ice cream cream. If you watched my homemade ice cream video, cough video #30 cough, you’ll know exactly how I made these,” he patted the two containers.
“Chocolate and No-reo ice cream, no better combination,” Killer mused. “So ice cream cake is pretty easy if you’re not putting in the extra effort of making the ice cream yourself like me! Store-bought is fine too. Now some people say that an actual cake layer makes for the perfect ice cream cake. I say NAY!”
“NAY!” Kid slapped the countertop.
“NAY!” Wire called out from behind the camera stand holding up the new Panasonic Lumix G9 they bought for TikTok. And for their upcoming vacation.
“In this household, we believe in a sliver of a fudgy, cookie crumb layer and that’s IT!”
“Get outta here with the other fancy shit!” Kid roared.
“Kid is going to crush these cookie ends with the rolling pin while we melt the vegan butter. In the meantime, I’ll make chocolate fudge. Using the same whipping cream for the fudge, I’m going to whip it into whipped cream with my prized stand mixer using powdered sugar and vanilla extract. For the fudge, we’ll use the remaining, still-liquid whipping cream with ethically sourced mini-chocolate chips, vanilla extract, and honey.”
The two men moved around the kitchen to begin their tasks while Wire read out comments to entertain them. The sounds of the blippy electro-synth lofi channel echoed in the kitchen, oddly in sync with their movements.
Killer evenly mixed the softened chocolate ice cream and layered it into the glass pan and two small 10 ounce bowls before setting them in the freezer. He set the fudge aside as he helped Kid combine the crumbled cookies with butter in a small, glass bowl.
“IceBreaker, asks, ‘What are your favorite ice cream flavors?’ Mine is coffee almond fudge,” Wire answered. “Heat’s not in here but his is Mint Chocolate Chip.”
Killer slapped a spoon in a bowl, “Then why the hell am I making No-reo flavor?!”
“Because I didn’t want vanilla as the top layer when you asked!”
“I ASKED what YOU wante—never mind, you’re getting what you’re getting,” Killer sighed. “I like ice cream fine, I just prefer it in a drink format, like a milkshake! I’ll drink any kind but my personal favorite, and I don’t want to hear shit from anyone, is cinnamon pumpkin flavored.”
With a snort, “I like Strawberry Cheesecake,” Kid answered.
“Don’t hold out on them, tell them why.”
“No reason!” Kid growled.
Killer tilted his head, “It’s not even ice cream, its frozen yogurt! And it’s from Dippin Dots!”
Wheezing, Killer pulled out the glass pan and bowls from the freezer. Kid cleared the countertop of dirty dishes, cleaning them down soapy water and a sponge on a stick, rinsing them off and hanging them on the drying rack while Killer layered the chocolate ice cream layer with the fudge and cookie crumbles.
“We’ll let that sit for five minutes and then finish it off with the final layer of ice cream. While that sets and our whipped cream reaches its final form, we’ll prepare for the next cakes. Technically we’re going to make two cakes at once. Kid will whip up this box mix while I whip up a made-from-scratch cake.”
“Yes I can bake, before any of you start acting cheeky in chat,” Kid’s eyes narrowed as he ripped open the package with this teeth. A small puff of pre-mixed cake mix broke from the tear, lightly dusting Kid’s band shirt. He dumped the mix into a steel bowl and wiped the dusty debris off, the intentionally torn shirt lifted at the bottom, showing off a sliver of chiseled abdominals.
Killer stopped the stand mixer and replaced the steel bowl with Kid’s dry ingredients, scooping the bowl of whipped cream into a piping bag. Setting the bowl to soak, Killer grabbed the ice cream cake and made swirly whipped cream peaks over the face. Adding sprinkles and maraschino cherries on top of each peak.
Kid was adding wet ingredients into his steel bowl, setting the stand mixer to combine the ingredients, taking a proud step back. As it mixed, Kid went to the sink and cleaned the bowl that had the whipped cream. Drying it off, he brought it back to the countertop and added the wet ingredients for Killer’s cake, stopping when his cake mix was done. He scraped the sides and cleaned the mixer’s handle, setting the mixer on low to fold in the remains that hadn’t mixed in.
He poured ¾ of the batter in two round, 9-inch cake pans, setting aside some batter to add cocoa powder for the marbled effect. Once done, he poured dollops of the darker batter into the lighter batter. Creating a swirl effect utilizing a toothpick with a soft touch and concentrated look. When he was done, he restarted the entire process.
Killer had put the finished ice cream cake in the freezer and started mixing his cake’s dry ingredients in a plastic bowl. Slowly adding it into the steel bowl of wet ingredients and folding the mixture to combine. As he was doing so, he noticed Kid working on his second bowl of box mix batter.
“Why are you making it over again instead of adjusting for the appropriate amount of ingredients?”
“You’re not tricking me into doing math on live camera. Shit’s easier to do and less chance of messin up,” Kid barked.
Killer deadpanned to the camera.
“Ooook. Wire please pin the recipes to the top of the message board for everyone to see. Your ice cream cake is perfect, if I do say so myself.”
“I never got that phrase. You’re saying it yourself so what’s the point of pointing out that you’re saying it aloud? We get it, jackass,” Kid licked batter off his finger as he poured it into the second set of round cake pans, starting the marbled process. Adding the batter into a set of 2-inch round pans for the taste test.
Killer ignored him to read out, “RetroTumblrina has this to say: ‘Ok but the fact that you both put so much dedication into making things for your friends is so fucking cute?’ – heh what can we say, we cherish our friends!”
“Yeah we do!” Wire created a heart sign with his hands and placed them over the camera’s lens. The message board pinged and swarmed with love for the tallest man on the crew.
“’Scream_maim_fire I am on my knees begging, please let me slide down your legs like a fire station pole!’ a very enthusiastic response from FuzzyFirehose,” Kid snorted as he walked to Killer. “Stand mixer’s all yours and my stuff’s in the oven. Should be done in 25.”
Killer moved his bowl to the stand mixer, “Great! I can get mine mixed and have the frosting done by then too.”
“Cool, can you do the frosting for mine?”
“No. You said you’d do it all yourself and that’s part of it. Decorating it too.”
Kid’s eyelids squeezed shut in annoyance, “No, anything but that.”
“All of it. Now go clean these bowls to reuse for the frostings.”
The lofi channel lilted softly as the two men cleaned and mixed. Wire answered questions and read out comments as time passed on. Killer poured his batter into three, 8-inch bowls and two, 2-inch bowls, putting them aside for oven space. When Kid brought the clean bowls back, Killer quickly made his four-ingredient buttercream frosting. Making enough to fill out six piping bags with different colors and pulling out his handy frosting plug – a great tool for piping several different colored frostings from one bag.
“Zip_It2556 says, ‘You all are so lucky I am refraining from making the batter, icing, and frosting jokes running through my mind rn on god.’” Kid and Wire laughed out loud at that, with Killer shaking with his head tucked down.
“Actually its all of you who are lucky that we aren’t saying the jokes going through our minds right now. Trust me, you got nothing on us. You’re all on here drooling over us. Whenever I utter a single innuendo you all turn to putty in my hand,” Kid smirked with a cocked brow at the camera. “You all wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.” Then acting as if nothing happened, Kid went back to his steel bowl to mix his frosting ingredients.
“Now who looks stupid?” Killer wheezed at a scowling Kid, who accidentally set the mixer too high and sent a mess of powdered sugar, cocoa, and butter all over his face and chest. While the flustered redhead cleaned himself and the mess up, Killer removed the marbled cakes from the oven and replaced them with his chocolate cakes.
By the time Kid remade the chocolate frosting and scooped it into piping bags, his cakes had been cooled and stored in a mini cooler Killer bought for the occasion.
“This is temperature regulated so I’m going to set it at a cooler degree to help bring down the overall heat in the cake. Then gradually I’ll lower the setting so it’s not stuck on the coldest degree and cause the cake to snap cold as it were. It would come out dry and crumbly. This method allows the heat to be condensed instead of seeping out, helping maintain moisture and then cool done enough to be at room temperature in time to frost. We’re going to clean up and take a short break, when we come back, we’ll be taking out my cakes to cool, decorating both, and finish this whole show up with the taste test.”
Heat had come back from his shopping trip to return all the ready-for-vacation buyer’s remorse items Killer tossed by the door; and also bought the better packaging Killer aggressively requested. In between advertisements on stream, Heat would play guitar and answer messages.
Kid and Killer came back into view as the oven timer went off. Moving in sync, Kid removed his cakes to the island countertop while Killer moved his cakes to countertop to cool. For a few minutes the camera’s focus was scrambled as it was moved for a closer view. The stand was adjusted and the camera was slightly pointed down with an overhead focus of the table and hosts. The camera captured the finest details of both men down to the smallest beauty marks. It was going to make their cakes look all the more amazing for the audience.
“First thing’s first is trimming the cake for any unevenness, and then we’ll spray the outer layer with this bottle of pre-made syrup. This is to help the cake retain its moisture and prevent crumbing during the frosting process. We’re going to apply a thick layer of frosting in between the layers, with a thin coating on the outsides, which will also prevent the cake from crumbing to the surface as you do the finer details. Since we’re going to stack these cakes, we’re going to add some tools to stabilize the structure from falling or jiggling. Some people use plastic or wooden straws, I prefer to use Pirouline cookies.”
Kid followed Killer’s instructions as he sprayed the cake, layered the chocolate frosting, inserted the wafer pipes, and stacked the cake. Four tiers worth. He spread the second chocolate layer with a wide, flattened blade, smoothing out the top with sharp precision. The chocolate frosting looked almost matte on screen.
“Excellent! Now we’re going to set it in the fridge and clean up the tools to start again with my cakes.”
While Killer did the same process for his Death By Chocolate cake, Kid added frosting layers to all the mini taste test cakes.
“Aww those are cute! I bet they’re gonna taste even sweeter,” Heat cooed over Kid’s efforts.
With both cakes cooling and setting, the crew cleaned the area and sat down to talk about recent news, popular media, and listen to Heat play more guitar. It was only for 15 minutes as another ad break ran through. Their top tier subscribers never had to sit through advertisements, which is why they always had to have something going on in the background at all times. When the timer went off, Killer jumped to his feet while Kid dragged his.
After explaining decorating techniques and frosting tip shapes, Killer got to work on his cake. Using blue and purple frosting, Killer piped basket like ropes on the edges of the top cake layer and around the base of each layer; created swirly peaks on the top layer and smaller pressed peaks on the sides of the layers, connecting them together with multiple thin ropes of white frosting. Using the same thin rope tip, Killer wrote out a message on the top.
“Happy Birthday Dearest REDACTED NAME – and for privacy reasons I’ll say just their handle: UnderstatedGrin,” Killer spoke as he finished the design. The camera zoomed to focus on the delicate piped ropes as Killer added silver coated, chocolate orbs to the centers of the pressed peaks with a pair of long, slim decorating tongs.
The camera panned to Kid who’s hairless brows furrowed together, his tongue sticking partially out as he carefully piped the icing with his metal prosthetic and organic hands.
“Argh, I keep making these peaks too tall and wide,” he complained.
“If you rapidly lift the piping bag down to up while you squeeze, you can create a 3D flower effect. Like this,” Killer demonstrated. Kid seemed to like it as he used the technique to pipe the pastel pink frosting everywhere. Even adding little green leaves at the base of each flower.
With a hum, Killer pulled out a bottle of shimmery liquid, “This is a metallic food coloring. It works best on a light base color to make that shine pop,” he explained as he pooled some in a small cup. Dipping a brush into the cup, he skimmed over the white buttercream ropes to make them silver. “We also have it in rose gold.”
“Mhm,” Kid mumbled as he swapped piping tips and colors. He laid down a pattern of puffy lavender cloud trails on the base of the layers. Swapping the bags and color again, he piped flat, dusty magenta colored lettering on one side of the cake on each layer, turning it around for the camera to see. It read: Happy 30th Birthday Raven!
He quickly dipped a clean brush in the rose gold metallic food coloring, coating the tulip flowers he placed on every flat surface he could find, save for where the birthday message sat. Setting the brush aside, he took the flat tip piping bag and created one final design on the top layer, his famed logo – his jolly roger.
Cocky grin on his face, he motioned for Wire to zoom in more for the audience to appreciate the cake. Wire did and followed up with Killer’s cake. The sound of notifications pouring in nearly drowned out the music. As Wire re-set the original camera position, the crew moved about once more. The only fixed person was Kid as he used the flat tip piping back to add one more thing to the back of the cake. With a satisfied nod, he opened the fridge door and with a careful touch, deposited the cake inside the chilled space.
Killer pulled out the extra cake dishes from the freezer, placing them beside the regular cake test samples that he layered with leftover frosting. Handing Kid, Heat, and Wire spoons, he watched them dig in.
Starting with the ice cream cake, “Ohhh it tastes like childhood memories I remember other people having,” Wire sighed.
Heat nodded, “Yeah like the kind you saw in commercials for party rooms, it looked so good! And this is amazing!”
Kid was too busy scarfing down the dessert. Wiping his mouth, “Perfect fudgy layer that acts as a tasty barrier between two flavors. I love it.”
Killer nodded proudly. He grabbed a tray of iced waters to wash their pallets. Observing as they bit into the Death By Chocolate cake.
Heat and Kid’s eyes rolled to the back of their heads, Heat let out a small moan that he quickly snuffed out with a slap of his hand over his face
“It’s Death BY Chocolate not WITH!” Wire howled. Biting a spoonful himself, he had to force back the satisfied groan that rumbled in his chest, the cake made his tummy feel warm and happy.
“This, this might give me a heart attack,” Kid huffed out, draining his water when he finished his cake.
Killer dutifully replenished the waters, “Not the most traditional reviews but I’ll take it. Now, time for Kid’s marbled cake.”
“I coulda made it from scratch,” the redhead grazed his chin. “S’not what was requested so if it’s not the best, that’s on the shitty nostalgic brand she loves.”
“Right, of course,” Killer drawled. “Well on with it then!”
Wire took the first bite, “Oh wow, that’s really well balanced!”
“Yeah, spongy and light, the chocolate frosting ratio is perfect! The buttercream is a nice touch too,” Heat added as he finished off what Wire wasn’t able to snag for himself.
Kid took a deep breath before taking a bite. Chewing thoughtfully, “Yeah, I’m just naturally gifted that way.”
“That’s not a cake review, you narcissist,” Killer crossed his arms over his chest.
“It’s…pretty good not gonna lie. Heat’s right, it’s spongy, fluffy, not dry and just the right amount of moist. The chocolate is savory and the perfect addition to a cake this light. The buttercream is pretty sweet too, I like to eat it by itself but it’s also decent with the other components.”
Killer swiped the platter and spoon up, turning around and lifting his helmet a little so he could take a bite. “I knew you could do it, don’t know why you were so worked up. This is perfectly ratioed. I give it a double scythe cross on the KillerCook rating scale!” he gave Kid a thumbs up. A cheerful grin spread on the cake boss’ face. Then it occurred to him—
“Are you still on that? We’ve got the closing segment to do,” Killer clapped his hands.
“Don’t let the fear of dry cake keep you from making cake. Cake is meant to be enjoyed, especially amongst friends. With that in mind, we’ll be taking the Death By Chocolate cake to the post office for overnight delivery and bringing the marbled cake to our birthday girl’s party tonight. Hope you all enjoyed today’s live stream and if you try out my recipes, tag me in your creations or duet me! Tune in next time when I make a delicious, cozy dish that takes some tender love and patience – French Onion Soup. It’s moderately easy to prepare and like everything else I make, slays. This has been Faffaffaffa-Food with Killer.”
End Livestream.
“Ok, the party is in 3 hours. Let’s set the box frame in the backseat to securely transport the cakes. Kid and Heat will bring the chocolate cake to the post office while Wire and I get ready. When you guys come back and get ready, we’ll package Raven’s cake and presents. Take an uber if anyone wants to go home tonight, I’m getting smashed and plugging in the RockBand game until it’s pried from my cold, passed out fingers.”
“I’ll bring the extra guitar and drum set,” Wire offered, moving to find the game controllers.
“She always volunteers her place for sleepovers so no one drunk drives. I bet she even went to Costco for water bottles, headache pills, blankets, and pillows,” Heat laughed, pulling the Death By Chocolate cake into the thermally insulated shipping carrier.
“Yeah she did,” Kid grinned, showing them his phone, “She texted me an hour ago with this pic.” It was a pile of the previously mentioned items plus boxes of frozen pizzas, burritos, bagels, a tub of cream cheese, a crate of champagne, and two cases of Powerade.
Reaching under the countertop to open a drawer, the redhead pulled out a card and envelope. “Don’t forget to sign Raven’s card,” Kid said as he handed them pens. He had already written his message and name, also leaving his present inside – a ticket to their two-week cruise.
Before Killer could say anything—
“This rig better work! If a single buttercream decoration droops on her cake, I will kill everyone in the car and then myself,” the redhead growled as he left the house.
Bonus: The comment section
CheezusCrust:  What inspired your passion for cooking? KillerCook: Seeing the people I care about struggle with food insecurity. I made it my mission to always bring them the most nutritional and tasty food I could scrounge up from our neighborhood. It wasn’t always easy but it forced me to get creative. It helped that my main test subject is a human garbage disposal.
Wait_SayThatAgain987: What else can the Cake Boss bake? PunkNeverDied69: I can make a swiss roll😊
A_Hoe_Never_Gets_Cold:  Shooting my shot. Scream_Maim_Fire, can I climb you like a tree? Scream_Maim_Fire: You better be fast spider monkey. If I catch you, I’ll throw you like a baseball.
N0$33: What did PunkNeverDied69 write on the back of the cake👀 FlamingHot420: Deez nuts joke probably. Raven thinks they’re funny for some reason. Scream_Maim_Fire: Hieroglyphics of some kind. It looked like: 🔧+⚙️=🔩 KillerCook: His (real) body count. PunkNeverDied69: Screw you all.
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simphellscape · 11 months
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processing // losing all of it // next | tw: cursing, suicide mention, violence mention
A tense silence fills Armin’s Prius, so much so that he’s actually struggling to breathe. In the time since the worst meeting he’s had in his career, he’s had to stoop to some pretty low places. Having Eren disregard his apology was tough, but this car ride has been excruciating.
No one has heard from Eren in four days. Of course, Armin knew something like this would happen soon after their meeting, but he was hoping it would just be him that was left out in the cold. Unfortunately for him, Jean, Mikasa, and Connie were also a part of that and, naturally, became concerned for their friend. Which leads him to this moment: the band members shifting in their seats and Armin suffocating under their gazes.
Jean breaks the silence: “You promised us an explanation, man.”
“I-I know, just.. give me a second”
Armin inhales deeply. He wishes he had a screen to protect him like last time.
He spends the next several minutes explaining the worst idea he’s ever had. It’s reflex, robotic, and emotionless. It’s how he survives the shame.
He glances in the rear view mirror periodically throughout. The disappointment on Mikasa and Connie’s faces is plain. Unignorable. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see every sigh Jean lets pass his lips, even if the sound doesn’t quite make it to his ears. Yes, this is remarkably worse for him than last time. Yes, he knows he deserves it.
“I can’t believe that you trust us that little, Armin,” Mikasa mutters.
“It’s not that, I—“
“But it is, man,” Connie interjects, “If you did, you’d let us help you.”
“That’s definitely why Eren’s so pissed,” Jean sighs.
“What I don’t get is why he’s so upset with us,” Mikasa mumbles.
Armin can tell that Eren’s vow of silence has bothered her most. Based on the angry red rings around her eyes, she’s worried. Perhaps for his life.
When they arrive, Eren’s apartment is dark. There are Amazon packages on the stoop. It’s clear that no one has been in or out for a while. Shuffling up the walkway, Armin’s heart beats ever faster, afraid of what lies behind the door. He has never faced a consequence so daunting before.
Jean knocks on the door three times in rapid succession. They wait, praying for some sign of life. Nothing happens.
Jean sighs and tries the doorknob. Surprisingly, it’s not locked. They tiptoe across the living room, wordless.
Eren’s bedroom looks as though a bomb went off inside of it. There are bits of paper, torn and crumpled, strewn across nearly every surface. Splintered drumsticks litter the floor, and so do the remains of Eren’s cell phone. It’s clear he demolished it, it’s possible it was with his own two hands. Everyone’s eyes scan the room, finally landing on Eren’s bed. He lays there, face down.
Mikasa’s breath shudders as she nudges Jean forward into the room.
He clears his throat.
“Eren? Hey bro, you alright?”
A pillow flies across the room, landing squarely on Jean’s chest.
“Get out,” Eren asserts, voice muffled by his mattress.
“Really? Armin told us everything, he said he’s sorry, so just—“
“Oh, yeah, Armin’s sorry! Everything is just fine now because Armin’s sorry.”
Eren, now sitting up in his bed, looks terrible. His hands, cut and bruised, toss his comforter to the floor. His hair clings to his sweaty forehead. Bloodshot eyes, wide with fury, scan the posse of people standing at his door. With every heave of his chest, the smell of alcohol wafts closer to their noses.
“Oh, fantastic, you’re here too,” he mutters in Armin’s direction.
“I am sorry, Eren, for the record,” Armin adds, shakily.
Eren rolls his eyes.
“I don’t believe you, and it’s way too late for you to be sorry.”
He regards everyone, his expression unchanging.
“I quit. Find a new drummer, and go home.”
“You don’t mean that,” Mikasa stammers, through freshly brewed tears.
“I do, I really do.”
“So you were just gonna ghost your best friends instead of telling us you didn’t wanna be in the band anymore? That’s mature,” Jean fumes.
“We thought you were dead!” Mikasa cries.
“If you guys were my best friends, then maybe you would have noticed I was miserable enough to kill myself a little sooner.”
“Are you serious? You think we didn’t notice?,” Mikasa takes a breath to steady herself, “We thought that making more music would fix that.”
Eren stares at her, so intensely that she starts to shrink underneath his gaze.
“Nothing would make me happier than never seeing any of you again. Fucking traitors.”
With that, he returns to laying face down on his bed. The band shares a look — dumbfounded and heartbroken. All of them know how impossible it is to change Eren’s mind. In tandem, they leave his apartment, lifeless and defeated.
He’s not so sure about everyone else, but Armin can practically see his future crumbling in real time. It was once so bright and clear, but now it is nothing but darkness. He knew he would lose something today. He knew his pride was long lost. His relationship with this band, their trust in him, and his standing in the industry, hangs in the balance. Losing Eren, however, is losing his life. It’s losing all of it.
Mikasa interrupts his mental flogging. All he can do is look at her.
“Do you still have (y/n)’s number?” she asks.
“Yeah, why?”
“I think we should give her a call.”
She’s right. If there’s anyone left who would get through to him, it’s (y/n).
He immediately fishes his phone out of his pocket and begins to dial.
“Put it on speaker,” she adds, “I want to talk to her too.”
(a/n): triple update, triple ouchie. sorry :(
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