#Buckynat fluff
elizabethsnuts · 3 months
5 y/o y/n hears the saying 'step on a crack, break your mother's back' and one day when she's playing she steps on a crack on the side walk, the thing is Natasha's on a mission, and Y/N's convinced she just killed Natasha lol
Cracked Concrete
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: A rhyme you had overheard at preschool sent you to believe that you had hurt Natasha when you stepped on a crack playing outside.
It was a quiet morning, you were dressed in your favourite superhero pyjamas, ready to start your day. Bucky sat at the kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee while keeping an eye on you. Natasha had left early that morning for a mission, leaving a kiss on both your and Bucky's foreheads before she slipped out silently.
Your day began with the usual routine: breakfast, a bit of morning cartoons, and then some playtime outside. Outside the Avengers Compound had become your personal playground. You loved hopping, skipping, and drawing chalk masterpieces on the concrete canvas.
As you played, you remembered a rhyme you'd heard at preschool: "Step on a crack, break your mother's back." It had sounded silly at the time, a fun thing to chant while skipping along the pavement. As you played hopscotch, your focus wavered and your little foot landed squarely on a crack in the pavement.
For a moment, you froze, the rhyme echoing in your mind. Your imagination, as vivid as a 5-year-old's is, conjured images of Natasha in peril. Your heart began to race, and tears welled up in your eyes as the panic began to set in. The thought of your mother being hurt because of a silly rhyme was too much for you to bear. “Mama!” You cried.
Without another thought, you turned on your heel and sprinted back into the compound, your small sneakers pounding against the pavement as your tiny legs carried you as fast as they could. You burst through the door, your face streaked with tears, calling out for your father. "Daddy! Daddy!" You cried, your voice shaking.
Bucky was still sitting at the kitchen table with his cup of coffee, he jumped up at the sound of your distress. He quickly knelt down to your level, concern etched on his face. "Baby doll, what's wrong?" He asked, wrapping his arms around your trembling form.
"Daddy, I stepped on a crack!" You wailed, tears streaming down your rosy cheeks. "I broke Mama's back! I broke it, and now she's... she's..."
Bucky gently cupped your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "Y/N, sweetie, listen to me," He said softly but firmly. "That's just a silly rhyme. It’s not real. Mama's going to be just fine."
"But what if she's not?" You hiccuped, your eyes wide with fear.
Bucky's heart ached at seeing you so distressed. He scooped you up into his arms, holding you close. "I promise you, Mama is strong and nothing like that could ever hurt her," He reassured you. "She's on a mission right now, being the brave superhero she always is. She’ll be home soon, safe and sound."
You sniffled, burying your face in your father’s shoulder. "Really?" You mumbled.
"Really," Bucky affirmed, his voice gentle and soothing. "Now, how about we call her together and see how she's doing?"
You nodded, your tears beginning to subside. Though you wouldn’t be at full peace until you heard Natasha’s voice. Bucky pulled out his phone and dialled Natasha's number. After a few rings, Natasha’s familiar voice came through the speaker.
"Hey, Bucky," Natasha said, her tone bright despite the distance.
"Hi, Mama!" You piped up, your voice still a bit shaky but you had calmed down much more hearing Nat’s voice.
"Hey, Malyshka!" Natasha replied warmly. "What's going on?"
You took a deep breath, "I stepped on a crack, and I thought I hurt you," You confessed.
Natasha chuckled softly. "Oh, N/N, I'm perfectly fine. You don’t need to worry about me. Cracks can’t hurt me, I promise."
"Really," Natasha assured you. "I’ll be home soon, and I can’t wait to see you. I love you so much, Y/N."
"I love you too, Mama," You said, a smile finally breaking through your tears.
Bucky ended the call and kissed the top of your head. "See? Mama's okay."
You nodded, your fear replaced by relief. "Okay, Daddy. Thank you."
Bucky hugged you tightly, grateful that the immediate crisis had been averted. "Of course, baby doll. Now, let’s go back outside and play. I'll make sure no more cracks sneak up on you."
You giggled loudly, the sound like music to Bucky's ears. “Sneaky cracks! Tell Uncle Tony to fix ‘em!”
Bucky laughed and took your hand, leading you back outside. “Yeah, we’ll tell Uncle Tony, he needs to get on top of these things.”
Hand in hand, You headed back out into the sunshine. Bucky made sure to steer you away from the cracks as the two of you played some hopscotch.
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“don’t fill your void with me”
“Свою пустоту мною не заполняй”
Pairings: Villain!The Winter Solider!Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: this takes place in an alternative universe where Hydra took over the world and the winter soldier killed all Avengers and he became the leader of Hydra and he’s controlling the whole world. He saw you one day and he determined you were his and he made sure of that. making you live very comfortably as his “favorite” mistress and he turns very very soft with you.
Warnings: heavy smut, some fluff (if u squint), villain bucky turns sweet, oral (f receiving), jealousy, dark themes, dark!bucky to soft!bucky, dom bucky, lots of praise + lots of praise in Russian.
This was inspired by Яд by Erika Lundmoen
please read my author note it’s very important!
AU/N: this is only part one and still working on part two. thought I’d make this only one part but it was too long I had to cut it into two parts. I need to remind you that English is not my first language so excuse any misspelling or mispronunciation of any words or any grammatical mistakes lol. Hope you enjoy this dark fantasy I had of Bucky as I was wondering how he would be still a villain. Also, this was heavily inspired by ‘Yad’ (Яд) by Erika Lundmoen, I love this song so much and it always reminds me of Bucky in his Winter solider era. Enjoy loves xx
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You sighed before swallowing that last sip of the red wine glass that the air hostess brought you. This was already your 3rd glass. You looked through the window to the dark clouds and the night sky as you kept thinking and wondering how you get here in the first place. It was somewhat a normal Friday late afternoon, you were getting ready for the evening, and your –rich new– friends have prepared for you. They were setting you up with a blind date, they said it’s a very handsome guy who's an heir to a big industrial company. You weren’t amused that much as none of them know your secret or your secret lover.
Then you remembered him, your secret mysterious lover, who’s the reason you’re living this lavish rich lifestyle. You remembered six years ago, on the news, you were watching Captain America getting brutally killed by none other than The Winter Soldier himself. You watched the fall of this new organization of superheroes and agents called “The Avengers” and the new world order seeing light under the hands of The Winter Soldier. Hydra ruled and controlled every country in the world, including the USA. It was three years ago when you saw on the news that every leader and all the rulers of Hydra were killed and it was an inside job. The Winter Solider rebelled and killed every single one of them and he, alone, became the new Hydra leader, recruiting super soldiers and making the biggest army of super soldiers known to man.
A year ago, you were just a normal waitress girl, in a hotel restaurant, minding your own business and working just to make ends meet. You weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth and your upbringing was very normal and somewhat poor. Until one day your boss came and told you there will be a very important diplomatic meeting that’s happening in the hotel and he assigned you and two of your coworkers to wait on the leaders and diplomats. On this same very evening, you saw him for the first time. The Winter Solider. Bucky Barnes. Captain America’s best friend who was brainwashed by Hydra and was under control for decades. He was so charismatic, terrifying, very handsome, and absolutely dangerous. Just like a fallen angel, just like Lucifer himself. You were drawn to him at first glance until he noticed you and made eye contact with you. Your heart skipped a beat then, there was a connection between you both, you were certain of this as at first glance, you saw his face change emotion and he was staring at you.
“барышня, only 5 minutes till landing” You were brought back to reality from that memory train you were on by the sound of the bodyguard on your left. you nodded to him with a smile and fastened your seat belt around your hips.
Looking back at your past now made you wonder if you actually deserve to live this life or not, to go everywhere with a private plane like the one you’re in now. To live in the finest, most luxurious apartment in Brooklyn, to have rich friends and live a rich lifestyle, to attend galas and be the face of many luxury brands, all because of him, all because he liked you the first time he saw you, all because he promised you to make all your wishes and dreams come true only if you became his, all because he wanted his “favorite one” to be separate from the other women and to live like a princess whose all her dreams are granted.
In fact, you didn’t ask for any of this at all, but you loved the idea that he made all of this for you just because he thinks you’re worthy of it. In the end, you were “his favorite”.
The plane landed in the small very private airport near his mansion in Russia. you had your fur coat covering you. At least, you were dressed very fancy for the ball you were going to with your friends to meet your blind date. As you were about to leave your apartment, you were met by Bucky’s super soldiers' bodyguards at the front door of your apartment, telling you that The King wants you now. So you didn’t argue, you nodded and just took your bag and phone and left with them. This was your deal with him, him giving you whatever you want and desire in life, and you being available and there whenever he calls for you or want you. He has the plane ready for you and super soldiers protecting you and going everywhere with you, in case something goes wrong.
The guards guided you into the mansion and into Bucky’s suite which took up the whole second floor of the mansion. You walked with them till you arrived in front of the door of his office then they left you there alone. You knocked slightly.
“входить” his voice was deep and calm, you just felt butterflies in your stomach as you were very anxious and excited to see him, it’s been nearly a month since your last meeting with him and you missed him dearly. You opened the door and entered and as soon as you closed it behind you, he looked up from the pile of papers in front of him, his hair was perfectly combed, and he grew his beard, which was a very new look on him but also a very sexy one. He grinned widely as soon as his eyes met yours. “ahhh моя кукла”. he stood up from behind his desk and you walked closer to him and he moved closer to you too.
He kissed you very deeply and passionately before hugging you tightly, you hugged him back and buried your face in his neck. “Missed you so much, кукла” he whispered in your ear and kissed your neck softly.
“Missed you too, James” you smiled softly and he started to rub your back slightly.
You didn’t actually know how to address him, didn’t know if you should call him sir, king, soldier, Bucky, or James. You never actually asked, but you found James to be just perfect as you felt weirded out to call him sir or king. ‘James’ was good enough based on the relationship you both had, you were not actually lovers or boyfriend and girlfriend to be intimate and call him Bucky and yet you both weren’t platonic or had a strict respectful relationship to call him sir. so ‘James’ did the job perfectly.
At least, he didn’t complain about whatever you call him.
He removed your fur coat slowly and looked at your body and your fancy dress. “You look so beautiful,” he held your hand and spun you around to take a good look at the dress. It was a tall tight dress that hugs your curves perfectly with a very long slit on the left that shows your whole left leg from your upper thigh to your left foot. It was burgundy colored with a black sheer silk attached to it that gives the dress a matte look under lights. “did you get all dolled up for me?” he smirked at you when his eyes left your body and met your eyes.
“Well, umm-,” he leaned back on his office desk and sat on its edge and pulled you to him slowly “you didn’t give me any heads up that we were supposed to meet so I was actually going to a ball party with a bunch of friends” you looked down to your hands playing with his black suit’s blazer, trying to hide the truth that you were going on a blind date.
The thing you didn’t know about Bucky is that he is very good at reading body language and the second you broke eye contact and said that, he knew you were hiding something and that’s not the truth. But he didn’t want to confront you yet about it so he took it slowly. “Oh really?” he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as your chests now touching and he has a perfect view of your boobs as it’s pushed up from the tight dress. “what kind of a ball party?” he moved his head and start kissing your neck.
“A normal one.” you bit your lower lip as his kisses now moved down to your shoulders and collarbone.
“normal one? what kind of a ball is that exactly?” he chuckled while his right hand moved down slightly and he started rubbing your left butt cheek as his kisses never stopped and his lips moved down to your chest, leaving more kisses.
“Just a normal ball party, James” you sighed, feeling more frustrated as you are getting more turned on by his touching and kisses and you feel yourself getting wetter, you can’t stand wearing your panties anymore, it’s getting more uncomfortable as you are soaked down there.
“A normal ball party where rich people gather around for whatever reason, stuffing their faces with crab cakes and drinking champagne until they’re passed out,” you said with an annoyed tone as you can’t just stand the teasing anymore.
The relationship you had with Bucky was just casual sex every now and then unless that was what you thought it was until 8 months ago, he started to show more feelings, starting saying “I miss you”, “I want you”, “you are beautiful”, “my girl”, “my favorite girl”, “my doll”, “baby girl”, but never the word “love”. He started being more romantic. Taking you on dates, of course, they were secret private dates as he was a known criminal and he shouldn’t be seen in public at all but with his power and money, he can rent or buy any restaurant or place in the world just so you both could enjoy your time and dates together.
He was very gentle with you, protecting you, getting you a big apartment in Brooklyn which was like 3 blocks away from his childhood home, he didn’t mention that at all but you knew it when you went to the Captain America museum and explored the whole room dedicated to Sargent James Buchanan Barnes, Captain America’s best friend.
You learned a lot about him, actually about the old him. Now, he’s just the winter solider, the cold blooded murderer who killed all his superiors and killed the avengers and is now running the Hydra organization and having the biggest super soldiers army in the universe.
But at least, he had a soft spot for you.
He moved his hands to the back of your thighs and lift you up, your legs wrapped quickly around his waist, which was sort of a habit as he loved picking you up like this, like his small girl. he kept looking at you and murmuring I miss yous and you look so beautiful, against your lips while kissing you and walking towards his bedroom, there was only a wall between his office and his bedroom. he opened the door, and his room wasn’t unfamiliar to you but you were just amazed every time by how big and wide it is. The ceiling is so high up and the walls are filled with paintings and mirrors.
He put you on his king-sized bed and you just laid on your back, looking at him. He smirked at you and moved his hands down your dress and took off your panties, freeing your soaked cunt from the now-uncomfortable material. “So, it was just a normal ball party with normal rich friends, huh?” he held your left ankle and pulled it up, and rested it on his shoulder. you nodded and saw him undoing the straps of your heels and taking them off. “Are you sure about that, кукла?” he gave you a very intense look and at that moment you knew that he knows you were hiding something so keeping it hidden won’t do you any good. “You know I hate it when you lie to me.” he rubbed your ankle and calf slowly, giving it a simple soft massage.
“I am not lying to you” Your tone was serious. “My friend, Emma, she set me up on a blind date with this guy,” you saw his facial expression get more tense and his hand tightened on your ankle a bit harder. “I mean, no one knows that I’m- umm, that we-… you know, together” Your tone was shaky as you started to get more anxious as his grip hardened on your ankle. “they just thought I’m single and wanted me to have a date so-..”
“So you decided to dress and doll up for a strange man, didn’t you?” he cut you off suddenly as you can see he started to get angry.
“No, they don’t know about us. No one knows. So I’m just playing the part. acting it. That’s it.” you said with a sad tone, breaking eye contact with him and looking up at the ceiling and huffing. this is truly what you felt like. Playing a part in Bucky’s world. Being nothing more than his sex doll and his mistress. You hate the fact that you wanted him and wanted to be with him forever and you just can’t handle living this lifestyle anymore. Yes, it’s a blessing but you didn’t want all of that, you didn’t ask for any of that. You just wanted him.
“Well, this dress is no good anymore. Can I tear it apart?” he put your left leg back again on the bed and pulled your other leg by the ankle and on his shoulder and removed your heels from this one too.
“Why isn’t it good anymore? I think it’s pretty.” you looked at him confused, not knowing what the dress has to do with anything.
“It is pretty but now, for me, it’s what you wore for another man’s eyes and not mine. I hate it now.” he pulled it up to your upper thighs and your legs are now bared to him.
“But what am I going to wear when I leave? Can’t just be wearing my fur coat. It’s freezing outside.” he chuckled darkly at your words and looked at you with a dark smirk on his face.
“As much as it would be so fucking hot of you to not wear anything except for a fur coat, I can get you any other dress that you want,” he grabbed the dress from its slit on your left thigh with his metal hand and ripped it open until the dress was fully ripped from the left side. “anyways, you’re staying for the whole weekend with me, I don’t want you wearing any clothes at all.” he moved up to meet your eyes and he pepper kissed your jawline. “and if you got cold, you can wear my clothes, my wardrobe is all yours, милая” he ripped and removed the dress from your body, leaving you fully naked underneath him.
you moaned slightly as his hands roamed your body, massaging and rubbing your boobs while his tongue is attacking your lips and mouth, kissing your hungrily. You opened your legs more for him, signaling to him where you wanted him the most. he removed himself from on top of you to get undressed. He removed all of his clothes and got on top of you again, kissing you passionately then starting to kiss you all over. Leaving marks and love bites all over your body, showing you who you truly belong.
“ты моя навсегда, куколка” his voice is raspy and deep, he moved his head down and kissed and sucked on your nipples, of course leaving marks and love bites on your boobs too. You were so needy for him and a part of you was glad that he was as much as needy for you as you are of him.
“James, please. I need you so bad. Please fuck me” you whined and opened your legs more for him. he pulled his head up and looked at you with nothing but pure lust in his now dark blue eyes.
“No, baby doll. No fucking. I missed you too much to just fuck you. I’m going to make love to you ‘cause you deserve this, honey. you’ve earned this.” he kissed your lips passionately but you were just startled, confused, and slightly shocked. You kept wondering why he would say such things and do such things. It’s the first time you ever see him being like this to you or talking like this to you. You were sick of these feelings you have for him and he was just toying around with them.
“You make love to someone you love, James. What we have isn’t love” You looked directly into his eyes with a concerned look on your face.
“Maybe you are right,” these words went straight to your heart and smashed it. You had a little hope he would correct you and tell you he loves you. “But tonight, just pretend that we’re in love. act it like you just said you’re acting it and playing a part.” you wondered if toying with your feelings like this was his way to punish you for what you just said about playing a part in your new life. “make me make love to you. make me show you how you’re supposed to be loved. Or at least humor me, принцесса” his mouth never left your face or your body. He couldn’t stop kissing you and leaving marks everywhere on your neck and body. You weren’t sure what his intentions were by what he just said. A little part of you hoped he meant what he was saying.
You felt his cock twitch against your thigh and felt him leaking. You couldn’t hold it any longer and you lift your hips up to meet his. Signaling to him that you need him. “I’ll give you whatever you want, just let me take my time with you first. I missed you too much” He said between breaths and kisses as he’s now moving down, kissing and leaving love bites all over your belly. “missed this belly,” he kissed your belly button. “missed my little ladies,” he grabbed your boobs with his hands as his mouth kept going down to your lower belly.
“but I missed this pretty girl the most.” you could feel his hot breath against your soaked cunt now, gushing more at the new nickname he gave to your pussy. he groaned when he saw you gushing and your slick is wetting the bed underneath you, making a mess everywhere. he looked up at you and you locked eyes with him while he slowly licked a long stripe between your folds, never breaking eye contact. This sight alone had you crying out and shutting your eyes while throwing your head back on the pillows.
Bucky kept flicking his tongue over your sensitive bud and sucking on it. He was really taking his time, he wasn’t fast or hard. He was simply just eating you out, slowly, gently, like he actually wants to taste you. You were so needy that you wanted more than that. You started pushing your hips more into his face and grinding slowly. “Greedy aren’t we, my little girl?” He got up and wiped his chain from your glistening slick with the back of his hand.
He got on top of you again and pressed his lips against yours, and you can taste yourself on his lips. he licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance and you opened your mouth happily for him, licking his tongue and tasting more of yourself. “Do you know what do you taste like?” he broke the kiss but his lips were right above yours. you shook your head slightly and bit your lips. “Like fucking peaches.” he pushed his tongue into your mouth again, kissing and licking it all over. “You taste like fucking peaches, especially your pussy.” you moaned into his mouth “You’re driving me insane, принцесса. Guess peaches are my new favorite fruit”.
He buried his face in your neck, attacking the sensitive skin again with kisses, especially that sweet spot that gets you all turned on and horny. As if you’re not going to lose your mind already from how horny you are. You could feel his tip pushing slightly on your clit and you were just a moaning mess at this point. “Ready for me, love?” he lifted his head and rested his head on your forehead, locking eyes with you.
“Always, Bucky” you whispered, his whole expression changed. his eyes widened a bit at the sound of his name slipping out of your mouth like honey. He hadn’t heard this name in so long, and you say it like this had his heart beating faster, if he wasn’t in love with you before, he believes now he is.
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stuckymonkey · 1 year
Help Me
Pairing - buckynat x enhanced!reader
Summary - y/n is having a really rough period and enlists the help of her girlfriend and boyfriend to make the pain go away
Warnings - blood, periods, cramps, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, shower sex
Word count - 2.5k
a/n - I recently had my period, and coming up with this story was the only thing that kept me going
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I was embarrassed. This was possibly the most embarrassing thing I've ever done. I called my partners, Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff while crying on the toilet. In my defense, I am enduring the most pain I have ever been in.
Their arrival was made known to me by my front door slamming open and Natasha scolding James for being so rough. He knocked quickly on the bathroom door, waiting impatiently for an answer. "Y/n/n?" he called, his voice much softer than his hurried actions. "Baby? Come in," I whimpered at the end of my sentence.
"Oh sweetheart," Nat said, following Buck into the bathroom. They sat beside me while I cried and whimpered in pain for close to an hour, taking turns making me sip water and wiping a cool cloth over my forehead. After I felt confident enough to venture out of the bathroom, we all sat on my bed.
I enjoyed the comfort of my room and soft blankets with my two lovers sharing their body heat with me. "Have you eaten yet, med?" Natasha asked. I shook my head in response. She tsked at me before declaring she would go prepare us something light.
After twenty minutes and no return of the redhead, Bucky decided to go check on her, leaving me alone in my room with my hot water bottle. I had time to think about how to make myself feel better when an incredible idea came to me. I tried waiting patiently for them to return so I could tell them my idea.
Ten more minutes passed and neither of them had returned. Had they left? I scurried to the kitchen where I saw the two loves of my life arguing about what to put on my toast. I playfully shook my head and rolled my eyes.
Here they were, the cutest ex-assassins on Earth, bickering about whether I would enjoy strawberry jam or nutella better tonight. "Excuse me," I started. Their heads snapped to me standing in the doorway of the kitchen in one of Nat's old shirts, one that she probably stole from Bucky.
"I have a plan. Nat, you're going to sit on my face while Bucky uses his metal arm to take out my uterus." The redhead's eyes darkened and she let out a low moan at my quest. Bucky's, on the other hand, widened as if I had two heads. "God, please malyshka," Came from Nat's mouth at the same time Bucky's produced a "No, Y/n are you insane?! No!"
I whimpered at his words, smirking on the inside as Natty came to wrap herself around me. "Good girl," I purred in her ear. I couldn't help but wince as a wave of cramps hit my lower abdomen. Bucky's facial expression softened at this and he came to join our embrace, kissing each of us on our hairlines.
"I have a better idea, dekta." He spoke against my temple. Nat looked up at him with curious eyes. "You'll feel good too, don't you worry," He said, pecking her cheek as he walked away, motioning us to follow him.
Bucky led us to the large bathroom and started up the shower. I quirked my eyebrow at him, curious as to what he was doing. This didn't seem very pleasurable and I was not in a mood to wait. Slowly he started stripping Nat, kissing each part of her bare skin as it became exposed. Once he was done he coaxed her into the warm shower where she moaned at the comfort of the hot water.
"You next, kitten." His voice sounded rough, filled with held back lust. I was desperately sucking at his neck and collarbone as he undressed me, taking less time than he did with Natasha, knowing my low threshold of patience. "Good girl," He praised as I stood bare before him. I went to help him undress but he quickly nudged me into the direction of the shower.
Upon entering the shower, I saw Nat soaking herself under the water, sliding her hands all over her glorious and slippery body. I moaned and moved over to her, grabbing a loofa and squirting some soap on it, beginning to run it over her body. She watched me with wide and hungry green eyes, her lip caught between her teeth.
As I was working the soap over her body, I felt something come between my legs and push them apart. I looked down to see Bucky with his head between my legs. My mouth hung open at the sight, he kept his eye contact with me as he licked a testing stripe through my folds. "Bucky, the blood," I whined. "Shhh, it's okay, doll. Trust me." He had barely finished his sentence before his mouth was on me again, working his tongue around my clit and teasing my entrance.
While he worked I finished cleaning Natasha, then started giving her nipples some attention. Her head flew back as I started to roll and twist the buds between my wet fingers. I started massaging her right breast, taking my other hand to grab her hair and guide my face to mine. I swallowed her gasp with my lips, capturing her in a messy kiss.
Her tongue danced with mine while I continued to abuse her hard nipples and Bucky moved me closer and closer to the edge. I started grinding on his face, pulling Nat closer by her hair and working my mouth over hers even more. I moaned and whined into the kiss. Bucky moved one hand up to still my hips and the other to tease at my entrance.
I moved myself off Natasha to moan his name, coming out a little whinier than I had hoped. I kept trying to grind on him but he just held my hips tighter, finally sinking two fingers into my soaked heat. Natasha took the lead this time, grabbing me with both hands and bringing my face to hers.
The kiss was messy and exactly what I needed to be pushed to my first orgasm of the night. I squealed into her mouth at the pleasure and kneaded her breasts gently as Bucky licked my cunt to soothe me from my recent high. I started slowing down our kiss, giving her sweet pecks and Bucky moved his head away from my core.
"Taste so good," He said, coming up to kiss Natasha. She kissed me after, letting me taste myself on her tongue. I moved down to face Bucky's girthy cock, giving it kitten licks while looking between him and Nat. He groaned as I took his length further down my throat, almost reaching the base but not quite. I whined when another wave of cramps hit me.
I used one hand to play with his heavy balls and the other to grasp the remainder of his cock. He started to move his his, earning a slap to the thigh from me. "Looks like our kitten has some sass." Nat snickered. "Shut up." He grumbled, to which Natasha replied "Make me."
This led to Bucky roughly making out with Nat and me groaning at the erotic sight. At the vibrations my mouth sent over his cock, Bucky moaned into Natasha's warm mouth. "Fuck," he said, moving his hips a little more, breaking his kiss with Nat to gauge my reaction.
The redhead kneeled down and started massaging my breasts, "Look at our good girl," She cooed, settling beside me to watch as I took Bucky at a fast pace. His hands threaded through my wet hair, I tried to relax my throat as much as I could, giving him permission to use me how I needed.
Nat's hand went to the brunette's ass, encouraging him to snap his hips into my mouth. His balls hit my chin with each thrust, making me wet all over again.
Bucky started moaning more frequently, letting us know that he was close to the edge. He looked so gorgeous when his cock was down one of our throats. His eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth was slightly parted, letting out the filthiest moans at our actions.
A harsh slap was delivered to Bucky's soft ass from Natasha, which brough him to his release. Hearing the noise her slap created his eyes blew wide and he let out a high whine. I groaned as I felt his hot cum shoot down my throat, doing my best to swallow it all. I kept working him through his orgasm, only stopping when he pulled away with a satisfied shudder.
I turned my head to meet Nat in another kiss which got interrupted by Bucky whining at being left out. The redhead pulled back and shared a look with me before standing up and slowly kissing Bucky. He tried to kiss her harder, to which she pulled back completely.
"Take what I give you," She spat, going back to gently kissing his soft lips. I loved when Natasha dominated him but was soft with me. He gave soft whimpers and moans as she worked her lips over his. I went on my knees and started licking at her cunt from behind. I could hear her give a low chuckle into Bucky's mouth, obviously pleased at my actions. I reached around her to grab Bucky's half-hard cock and give it a few tugs, making him harder just like I wanted.
Nat pushed herself back on my face, enjoying the friction. As Bucky's cock hardened up I moved it towards Nat's entrance, watching as I teased it through her folds. She let out soft and sweet noises as I moved her to stand close to Bucky. After some more teasing I guided Bucky's thick length into her warm cunt, enjoying the pleasureful noises they let out at feeling each other.
I moved off of Nat and stood behind Bucky, watching between the two where their bodies met. I held on to Bucky's waist and started biting and sucking on his shoulders as he thrusted into Nat. He wasn't going to last long, and neither was she. I could tell they were close when Bucky's moans became loud and desperate, and Natasha let her head fall into Bucky's neck.
They both came with cries of euphoria. Nat's nails dug into Bucky's marked up shoulders, adding little half moons to my small bruises and marks. He rutted into her slowly, helping her ride out her climax. "There you go, I got you sweet girl." The brunette petted her hair softly as she came down from her high, smiling at me over his shoulder.
I kissed her lips softly and reached around to rub her back. They seperated and we all shared a few lazy kisses, finishing up our shower in lukewarm water. Bucky and Natasha helped me dry off and then sent me to the bedroom where I found the bed made, fuzzy blankets set out and my hot water bottle. I hurried to the kitchen to heat up my water bottle and to take more advil while I waited for them to come out of the bathroom.
When I returned to the bedroom, I noticed that there were black towels placed over the bed. "Guys, how many times do I have to tell you that wet towels do not belong on the nice, dry bed?" I snapped. "Relax doll, they're dry too." Bucky said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and went to take them off my bed when Natasha's warm hand stopped me. "Leave them, malyshka. Trust me." She kissed just under my ear and let her grey towel fall to the ground, revealing her body in all of its glory.
Her breasts were full and round, nipples still perky from being twisted. I could see her cunt and it was puffy from the activities of the shower. "Come here, y/n." She cooed, laying down on the soft pillows and beckoning me to follow her. "Strip baby." Bucky commanded, walking out of the bathroom with still damp hair and a towel slung dangerously low on his waist.
I started at him as a few water droplets rode down his Adonis belt and into the confines of the towel. My eyes snapped to his as he walked closer, and I quickly started to take off my fresh pajama shorts and baggy shirt.
"Lay on Natty for me." He directed. "Ass up." I positioned myself so my chin rested on the redhead's abdomen. Licking around her chest as I waited for Bucky to tell me what to do next. Instead of speaking to me, he ended up pushing my hips so they met the bed. I could hear him shuffling behind me, and I looked to Nat. She was watching him with dark eyes when I felt him sheath himself into my heat. I moaned at the feeling of him sliding against my sensitive walls.
Bucky thrusted slowly into my pussy, letting his balls slowly hit my ass. I felt that familiar feeling in my core, "B-bucky, harder" he listened to my plea, snapping his hips faster, perfectly rubbing my sensitive cervix. "Ahhh," I wiggled around, trying to ensure that he thrusted into my cervix every single time. "There you go pretty girl," he cooed, rubbing his hands over my back. "Is that what you wanted? Needed us to fuck you nice and good? Hitting all the right places in your tight, sensitive little cunt?" He asked. "Yes! Bucky! Please," my eyes started to tear up, Nat started playing with my hair while I sucked on her sensitive nipples, biting at them every now and then, earning sharp hisses from her small mouth.
"Bucky!" I cried, starting to feel my walls clench around him. "Cum for me, doll." His mouth came to suck on my ear as his hips continued helping me through my orgasm. I cried out as his finger played with my clit. I was a whining mess, and shortly after Bucky's hips stuttered and he emptied his hot seed into me.
"Good girl," he praised. I felt Nat frame my face with her hands, brining me off her boob. She kissed my forehead before rolling me over to cuddle into her side. "Bucky?" I asked, noticing his absence. "Right here doll." He smiled. His hair had dried by now and he pulled on some black boxers. "What's in your hand?" I asked from my spot at Nat's side. "Fresh underwear, a pad and boxers." I cooed, taking the items happily.
Our redhead was quick to snatch them from my hands. Throwing the boxers at Bucky and putting the pad on my underwear. She shushed me when I offered to help, lifting up my hips and sliding on the panties. Then bucky put his extra boxers on overtop. I kissed them both in thanks and cuddled more into our girlfriend's side.
Before we went to sleep, Bucky turned off all the lights and got both me and Nat shirts. "Thank you," I mumbled. "Of course, baby." "Anything for you, kitten."
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missmorwen · 3 months
Chapters: 9/10 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Widow (Movie 2020), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Yelena Belova Additional Tags: Post The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), mostly - Freeform, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Fix-It of Sorts, Black Widow (2020) Compliant, also mostly, Retcon, NATASHA ISN'T DEAD, Steve didn't abandon his friends, Not Hawkeye Compliant, Shameless Smut, Cunnilingus, Hand Jobs, Bucky's favorite meal is Nat Summary:
This was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Someone was messing with her head. “No.” Natasha's voice came out as a whisper. Somewhere far off, a familiar voice said, “A soul for a soul. An everlasting exchange. That’s what you told them.” She knew that voice and the man behind it, but no name came to her, only colors. Garish and bright. Red, white, and blue.
A Fix-It fic where Natasha comes back to life when Steve returns the Soul Stone to Vormir. Now she needs to figure out her place in a world that thinks she's dead and gone.
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thewulf · 1 year
At Odds || James "Bucky" Barnes
Request: hii!! Can you write an enemies to lovers with Bucky x fm reader? They hate each other with everything inside of them (you can make up a reason) and they hate being put together on missions because they don’t get along well but they’re fighting skills are similar so they get paired at times. They’re on a mission to infiltrate a hydra base and Bucky doesn’t know the reader is also from hydra and she starts getting flashbacks bc she has just escaped, maybe a couple years ago. While fighting she gets shot in the stomach and is about to pass out so Bucky has to save her and take her to a safe house to attend to her wound. Super angsty pls.
A/N: Timeline is a little wonky (sorry haven’t watched early avengers in so long) so just role with it. Changed a few things around to make it work! Sorry this took so long, hope you guys enjoy!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 5,700+
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Naivety. That’s what got you into the forsaken mess that you found yourself in. Sold a bill of goods that you would never receive. They promised you that they were the good guys. They even showed you that they were the good guys. That you would be saving the world. They were supposed to be the people that would save the world. Until you learned they weren’t. Until it was too fucking late. No longer you. You were a freak. A half human. A super soldier. Reduced to a fucking weapon.
They weren’t supposed to make anymore. Bucky was supposed to be the last. But once S.H.I.E.L.D. went down and the mask fell off you learned. You were one of five new weapons for them. They learned from Bucky and ‘corrected their mistakes’, whatever that means. You trained to become an assassin for the worst people in the world. Once the facade was exposed and the bricks started to crack you knew you had to run. To get so far away from them that they’d never find you.
It was difficult faking it while you formulated a plan. You still had to present yourself as a loyal agent that’d do anything they asked. You still had to be their super soldier, or they’d put a bullet right between your eyes. They made sure that you knew this.
Keep reading
It wasn’t easy escaping, but you managed. You decided that it was best to go as unseen as possible, leaving in the middle of the night. Only having to neutralize a few Hydra agents you managed to slip out a side door. You had prepared for that. Taking night missions and scoping out the base when you could. What you weren’t prepared for was the trek you were about to go on.
Not having a clue where you were other than being in some underground bunker in the middle of a mountain range you began your journey. Quickly, you learned that you’d ended up in the Swiss Alps at Hydras headquarters. They’d kept you in the dark for so long it shouldn’t have surprised you this was where you’d ended up. There were spans of time you couldn’t remember and account for, why should it be so surprising that you were moved at some point.
You walked and walked for what seemed like forever. Hiding in empty homes and scavenging your way. You’d landed in a small town just south of Munich deciding this would be the best place to land. Keeping your cover low you quietly learned German trying to integrate yourself in. You thought you were good and safe there until you were approached by S.H.I.E.L.D. only a year into your hiding.
They brought you back to America, at your request, and dug into everything. You drew maps and gave them all the details you could remember. One perk of being a super freak is having a super freak mind. You remembered a whole lot that you hoped could take these evil people down.
They had offered you a spot on The Avengers which you turned down. You had forgotten how fucking nice it was to just be normal for a while. That year long sabbatical really changed the way you thought about life. Spending god knows how long trapped with Hydra really put things into perspective.
You were approached again after another year. This time Nick Fury himself showed up at your front door practically begging you to join the cause. They were planning on infiltrating their headquarters and needed you for it. Apparently, it was life or death. So, you agreed, it’d be good to go home anyway. America was such a distant place for you now that you’d lived a completely different life.
They brought you to compound in upstate New York. Your room was better than any room you’d ever lived in. As you laid down in your bed you realized this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Sure, you’d have to go back to that horrific place but at least you’d have backup with you. You had a chance to change your story. To be the actual hero for once. It didn’t take much convincing on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s part, you needed it. You needed that God damn satisfaction of helping instead of hurting. If your life was cursed, then you needed to do some good. To hopefully fix whatever evil you had brought to the world.
Steve volunteered to walk you around the complex so you wouldn’t get lost. Not that you minded, he was very great to look at. Another awful thing about Hydra? There was no eye candy. Everyone was fucked up. This was a very nice change for you.  
“How’d you guys find me?” You asked breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you. He had shown you the kitchen and you were making your way through some hallways before he decided to answer you.
“Bruce did. Don’t ask me how but he’s got some radiation detector thing that does whatever it does.”
You didn’t try and stop the laugh the bubbled up, “Not really the sciency type? Whose Bruce?”
He shook his head, “Not at all.” He smiled continuing to lead you down a few more hallways, “We’ll stop by his lab to say hello. The Hulk. Big green guy.”
“The Hulk?” Tilting your head, you looked up at him, “He’s here? This place is so damn cool.” You’d read up on The Avengers. Hell, you were even slated to take one of them out before you managed to escape. The Hawkeye or some shit.
“Yeah. He’s usually here. Tony comes and goes, I usually stay here, Nat and Clint are never here unless its for a mission. You might even get to meet Thor at some point.”
“He’s real? No fucking way.” Eyes bugging you had a hard time believing him. All of the information Hydra wanted to feed you never included what was happening in the real world. You were immersed in a world of total propaganda the second you signed your name of the dotted line. Your sole purpose in this world, to Hydra, was to be their weapon. A weapon didn’t need to know what was going on outside. Having that weapon actually know what was going on might make that weapon flip. And that’s exactly what you did.
You broke through the hellish layers of propaganda one day when you were ordered to execute a little girl. An innocent little girl who happened to be the child of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that Hydra was trying to break. He apparently held the key to something they needed. You made it all the way to the site and couldn’t do it. She was six years old playing with one of her dolls. You watched as she had a tea party with all her stuffed animals. Sitting there watching her through the windows of the quaint little house in the countryside. You watched as she ran out to go play with her brother. Her mom seemingly preoccupied with making dinner that night.
You were once that little girl. You once had a family just like that. You could have a life just like that but here you were sitting at a window watching and observing. That’s all it took. Dropping your comms, you rushed to the front door knocking rapidly. The mom answered, horrified when she realized you weren’t one of the good guys. The sheer look of absolute terror coming from her broke you. It broke your training. Your propagandized mind was slipping. You told her everything. That they needed to stage their daughter’s death. That if they didn’t you would have to come back and do the job for real next time.
She listened. God bless her soul. She listened and faked her daughter’s death. Hydra didn’t know. S.H.I.E.L.D. sure as hell knew. That was the day everything changed for you. The day you knew you needed to escape. The day you knew you had to put on the greatest show you could. You were going to be the most perfect super soldier until you figured out how in the hell to get out. And that’s exactly what you did. They didn’t suspect a damn thing. Oh, you would pay big money to see the look on their faces that morning you went missing.
The two of you talked to Bruce for a while before he continued the tour of the compound. Eventually you ended in the living room area where you ran into someone you hadn’t seen before. Someone who seemed terribly familiar.
“Bucky.” Steve nodded to the man dressed in all black.
“What’s she doing here?” Bucky pulled Steve off to the side leaving you on your own momentarily.
Of course, you could hear everything. Your stupid hearing being incredible and everything. You sat back into the couch listening in. Might as well use this ‘gift’ as an advantage.
“We told you. She’s here to help. She just got out and it’s been years since you’ve been there…”
Bucky seemingly interrupted Steve as his voice cut in, “I don’t fucking need help. You know it. Fury knows it. This whole God damn team knows it.” He sounded pissed. Was he Hydra too? He sounded like it.
“Stop being so stubborn Bucky! You haven’t been there in years. Things change.”
“She can’t be trusted.”
Frowning you understood why he didn’t trust you. He was definitely Hydra. The famous super solider The Avengers have been hiding. It was hard to trust once you left that place. They broke you down so far you weren’t sure if you could ever build that feeling back up.
“Why? She left there just like you did.” Steve challenged.
“She just can’t!” He yelled making you jump right out of your seat, out of your composed demeanor. Fuck Hydra. Any loud noise and you were ready fight. Fight or flight was engrained into you.
Slowly you made your way back over to them only to earn a nasty glance from the long-haired man. Shooting Steve one last scowl he made sure to hit your shoulder when he left the room.
“Ouch.” You glared at the back of the man that was walking away, “What’s his fucking problem?” Crossing your hands over your chest you turned back towards Steve.
“That’s just Bucky.” Steve gave you a small half formed smile. Pursing your lips, you eyed him with a harsher look than you really should’ve, not really believing the words that came out of his mouth. Even if that was just Bucky it seemed personal.
“And you just deal with that?”
Steve sighed taking a seat at a bar stool, “He’s difficult with new people?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?”
He sighed not sure how to respond. Admittedly Steve wasn’t good at this people stuff. He was good at the fighting and saving people stuff. Not the trying to keep everybody on good terms in the team kind of guy. But he had to try. He knew Bucky needed you on the mission, “He’s just not a people person.”
“Wow,” You laughed harshly, not finding the situation funny in the slightest, “He’s a great person to have on a team then!”
Steve really didn’t know how to respond now. You walked into this place with the utmost confidence. Challenging not only him but everybody in this building. You were confident but not arrogant. Questioning the status quo that Bucky needed to latch onto. He wasn’t good with change. He was good with constants. And you were a change. A big change.
“He’s difficult. You’ll get used to him.” Steve nodded awkwardly, almost as if he wasn’t believing what he was saying.
And boy was that the understatement of the year. Bucky despised you. Not even sure what you did to get him so worked up all the time you just opted on ignoring the dude. It was easier to just pretend he wasn’t there than to try and get him to talk to you. Every single interaction with the man got harder and harder. You tried talking with Bruce and Natasha about it, but they were also at a loss. Even Steve couldn’t seem to figure it out.
Days turned to weeks turned to months and you turned to hate him to. If you couldn’t get a reason from him then you sure as shit didn’t need one then either. Every time the two of you were in the same room some stupid fucking fight had to occur. Sometimes he got the better of you and sometimes you got the better of him. Two super soldiers that hated each other for no apparent reason.
You went on missions together and learned that you fought nearly identically. Not a huge shock considering you were trained by the same supposed masterminds. Often being paired up because it worked the two of you just seemed to click on the battlefield, always coming up with a win. Holy hell did you two hate it though. Every second flying into the mission was met with complaining and nasty looks. Every moment flying home was met with criticisms and complaints about how you fought.
It was exhausting. He was pushing you further than fucking Hydra had just by his measly ass words. You wish you could let them roll off you like you had prior, but you couldn’t. Because of course you couldn’t. You took every fucking word to heart. Every criticism made you train harder. Every complaint made you fight with a little more force.
It was never enough. It would never be enough, and you had to accept it.
Then the day came for the big one. The big mission. The back ‘home’ mission. The mission you knew you were risking your life for. But hey, that’s why you came. Too late to back down now. You, Bucky, Cap and Nat were on the mission. You and Bucky would be the ones infiltrating with Nat and Cap ready for backup and ground cover.
You were ready for this. You’d trained for this.
You’d gotten in flawlessly. You just had to get to the damn office and go. Always easier said than done though.
“Y/N!” You heard the one voice you were praying you weren’t going to hear. The motherfucker that tortured and brainwashed you for all those years. Your bonafide handler if you will.
Instead of turning you pushed on behind Bucky, “Levi.” You muttered to Bucky. Get in, shoot the target, grab the goods, and go. It should’ve been simple if you were in the right headspace. But you weren’t, not just having a blowout with Bucky twenty minutes before. You’d argued the best way in because the two of you could never agree. Not until it was life or death.
“Y/N stop!” You shouldn’t have paused. That was your first mistake. Enough time for him to aim a bullet right at your hip. Luckily you were in stride, so it didn’t embed itself, just grazing your side deeply. You yelped out in pain. He knew where to hit. Of course, he had the right guns to get through your shield. You knew it you just refused to believe it. Push on, keep running.
Bucky only grabbed your hand when he saw your speed slowing. He knew better than to leave a soldier behind. Even if it was you.
“Come on, keep up!” He grunted pulling you along faster.
You face crinkled up in pain as you tried to keep up. Each step hurting slightly more than the last, “Sorry, Bucky. ‘M trying.” You could barely get out. Trying to focus on your breathing rather than the pain you hadn’t realized he nearly stopped to a halt. Hands grabbing your shoulders he shoved you behind him as he pulled out his own gun.
With movements faster than even you could comprehend he fired a shot to his head before he even realized what was happening.
“Holy shit.” You muttered watching the man that had tortured you for so long drop to ground like a bag of bricks.
“You’re welcome.” He smirked looking all too proud of himself.
You huffed, “Thanks, I guess?”
“Don’t get used to it. Let’s go. We’ve made a scene.” He dramatically rolled his eyes before continuing on running, just not as fast this time.
“Fuck.” You groaned trying to keep his pace but failing miserably. The wound starting to hurt more and more with each passing minute. The adrenaline was fading faster than you would’ve hoped.
“Gotta keep up now, we’re almost there.” He slowed down to a walk to keep pace with you. That was embarrassing.
You stopped when you couldn’t take it any longer, “I can’t, sorry. My side. It’s hurting. You go and I’ll keep cover or something. I’m useless right now.” You admitted as you moved you bloody hand away from your side.
“Ouch.” He raised an eyebrow in surprise. It must’ve been pretty bad if you got that reaction out of Bucky, “Right through the armor.”
You sighed, “Some special bullet. They were working on it when I was escaping. I’m sure they’ve perfected it by now. Lucky it hit my side, or it’d be right through me.” Laughing nervously, you observed a new reaction from him, actual empathy? He looked concerned as he walked around you, making sure you weren’t hurt.
“Who was that anyway?”
You shrugged, “They called him Levi. Not sure. He was my scientist and handler if you know what I mean.”
He nodded, “Sure. I had one myself.”
You sighed placing pressure back on the still seeping wound, “Guess they don’t change. Even eighty years later.” You leaned back on the wall, “Go. Finish the mission.”
“Yeah, one problem though. Can’t leave you. Boss’s orders.” He tapped his microphone in his ear before making his way over to you.
“What?” You could barely get out before he picked you right up, “What are you doing Bucky?” You didn’t want to admit just how fucking good his embrace felt. Not now especially. Not in the middle of the damn hydra base. Not when you knew he fucking despised you.
“Boss said nobody left behind. Off we go.” He ran with you easily. You knew you could likely do the same. Being super soldiers and all.
“Who?” You challenged him. Why? You didn’t really know. Maybe it was your defensiveness kicking in. More so it was that you were confused as to why he was helping. You were sure he was going to sprint right away once you gave him the go ahead.
Thinking for a moment you realized that it was plausible. Steve had been very protective over you from the get-go, “Guess I’ll have to thank Cap later then.”
“Sure.” Bucky refused to look at you and kept his eyes ahead. Bucky knew these hallways just as well as you did. You were right after all, not much had changed in the eighty or so year timespan between the two of your stays.
Realizing his one worded answers were a tactic you quieted down. He wasn’t a terribly chatty guy to begin with. Then add you to the mix? He couldn’t stand it. What was his reasoning for disliking you so? He knew deep down you were fine. You escaped the Hydra hell hole just like he did. But he knew how fucked up you likely were. Even if you were just a quarter as fucked up as he was you were in a bad state. Hydra had no limits. They’d kill for far less.
He didn’t trust you. He didn’t trust himself so how in the hell could he trust you? It was easier this way. Keep the Hydra girl far, far away. What’s the easiest way to do that? Be the biggest dickhead he could be. It was successful. He even had his best friend stumped. He wouldn’t budge. Couldn’t budge. It was best for both of you.
Then you had to go and get yourself shot. He’d never leave you behind. Even if he didn’t trust you fully, he couldn’t let a member of his team stay back when he was more than capable of helping.
He set you down in the office chair once he made it to the main office where all the documents were kept, “Keep watch, alright?”
“Yes sir.” Giving him a more than sarcastic salute you nodded him to look for the files needed.
He turned concentrating on finding what he needed. You heard footsteps from down the hall. You didn’t think much of it as you started to feel a little funny. The sound of those footsteps marching in such a manner brining you right back to when you were a prisoner in their system only two years ago. The sights, smells and now sounds flashing you back to those horrific days.
You heard the steps stop at the door. You fucked up. You lost concentration. You were supposed to be keeping guard and you couldn’t even do that. Fuck, the footsteps should have started up again, but they didn’t. They stopped right in front of the door.
“Bucky!” You yelled getting his attention, your cover was blown anyway. It didn’t matter, “Door. 2 people.”
He nodded grabbing his gun a little too late. As did you. Hearing a faint, “It’s her.” Before a bullet ripped right through your lower half. You immediately let out a pained cry as the bullet hit you straight in the abdomen. Fuck. How unlucky could you be?
Quickly, Bucky shot them both a second too late. Realizing you were the target he rushed over to you. Your eyes felt far too heavy to know you probably weren’t making it out of this one. Not without help at least.
“Oh, no, no, no, no.” Bucky’s eyes widened seeing the blood drip down you side, staining your suit a nasty crimson color. Slumping back into the chair you were already sitting in. You closed your eyes before opening them very slowly.
“Damn.” Looking down you covered your stomach as best as you could, but this was a whole lot of blood. You’d never seen yourself this bloody before. The worst was the smell of it. The nasty metallic stench was a smell you could certainly live without. It smelled even worse knowing it was your own fucking blood.
He ripped off a pant leg quicky tying it around your waist as quick as he could, making sure the bulk of it sinched your abdomen in, “Good enough.” He grumbled before lifting you bridal style, “I need you to stay with me now, Y/N. Eyes on me now.”
“Okay.” You spoke as best as you could.
Your eyes felt too heavy though. It was getting hard to keep them open. You knew this meant you lost too much blood. You’d only felt this a few times prior, each time just escaping by the skin of your teeth. This seemed different though, a little more severe.
“Shit, Y/N. You’ve gotta keep your eyes open.” You felt like he was climbing now. Was he really about to get you out of here safely?
“’M trying.” You mumbled.
What came out of Bucky’s mouth shocked you right back into the present, “And you’re doing so good. But I need to see them open right now yeah?” Was Bucky, of all people, praising you? You hated to admit it, but it felt too damn good.
Opening them just a bit more you saw Bucky’s now anxiety riddled face, “Thank you.” He sighed while squeezing you softly, “Just a little bit further. There’s a house on the mountain side with some suppliers. I hid there not too long ago when we were scoping the place out.”
“Sure.” You coughed, immediately regretting the reaction. You let out a guttural cry feeling the pain ripple from your abdomen all across your body.
“Almost there. Just a little longer.” You saw him tap his comm’s continuously trying to get ahold of anybody.
“Cap, oh thank God.” He sped up seeing your eyes begin to shut again softly, “She’s shot… yeah… no, it’s not good. I’m heading to the bunker now. We need backup right away… Yes, got the documents. Copy.”
He looked relieved when he saw the house on the horizon only to be shattered when he saw your eyes closed completely, “Y/N! Wake up!”
You faintly heard him but couldn’t seem to care. It was too fucking hard to open your eyes, “Come on Y/N!” He tried shaking you gently once he got to the side door.
You hummed trying to let him know you heard him.
“Fuck.” He kicked the door in not really giving a damn about it now. He laid you down on the couch checking your back to see if there was an exit wound. He was a little relieved to know there wasn’t one, which meant the bullet was in you still. That sucked for you later but for now it meant he could get you back into a survivable state.
“This is going to hurt.” Bucky frowned pulling the stitch kit out of the bathroom along with the first aid kit. Bucky opted for the stapler as it was quicker and slightly less painful than stitching you back up without any numbing.
He went ahead without your acknowledgement. Your eyes shot open as the first staple began to close the wound. Letting out a quiet whimper you knew you needed to stay as still as possible for him but damn, did that hurt
“I’m so sorry. Here squeeze my leg. But don’t break it.” He shuffled around so his leg was near a hand offering you something to grasp onto. He knew just how painful this was. He’d been through it a few times before. Just like you had. It didn’t make it hurt any less though.
“Shit.” You let out a soft cry as he placed the second staple through your skin.
“I know. Fuck. Only a few more.” His hands trembled as your blood coated his hands. He paused only to wipe it clean so he could see. He didn’t want to put you through any more pain than necessary.
You nodded blinking back tears. For whatever reason this was worse than the Hydra torture. This felt like you were being cared for by somebody who actually did care. Not just an asset. Even if he hated you at least he had an emotion towards you. He noticed you.
You groaned when you felt another staple bring your skin back together.
“Two more.” He sighed wiping away the seeping blood that didn’t want to stop.
“Go fast.” You bit your teeth together grabbing onto his leg. He nodded hitting the last two back-to-back.
You sighed knowing the worst of it was over. Placing a pack of gauze down he pressed down firmly before wrapping and bandaging you up, “How do you feel?” He asked nervously not sure what to expect from you. Things were going to get awkward now. He just knew it. He couldn’t go back to treating you the way he had been before. Not after this trip. You’d gotten too close. Shared a little bit too much to act so cold.
“Better.” You gave him a soft nod thankful that it was closed up. But you were still feeling it. You still had a wound, a bullet lodged in you.
“Cap and Nat will be here soon.” He broke you out of your thoughts.
You closed your eyes focusing on breathing. It hurt, really fucking bad. But at least you weren’t bleeding anymore. Bucky had taken care of that for you.
“Wake me when they get here.” Your eyes felt too heavy now. The adrenaline all but worn off all you wanted to do was sleep.
He didn’t like that answer. “Y/N.” He shook your shoulder forcing you to open your eyes before he would stop, “Just keep them open for a little longer. Once you’re hooked up to a monitor then you can go to sleep. Okay?”
“I’m just... so tired.” You sighed, trying your best to stay earth side.
“I know.” He paused before speaking to Cap again, “We’ll be right out.”
He didn’t wait to explain anything before he picked you right back up hauling you out to the jet, “Get Banner on the line!” Bucky shouted before gently setting you on the first aid gurney they had stashed for injuries. It was used more often than the team wanted to admit.
“Nat’s on the phone with him now. What happened Bucky? I told you…” Steve gave him a frustrated look. A look that let Bucky know he was angry.
“You don’t think I fucking know?” He growled feeling terrible about what happened, “It happened too fast. They had these special fucking bullets, Steve. I stapled her up. Fuck. She lost so much blood.” He slammed his fist down on a table next to you making you jump slightly. Bucky mumbled some half-baked apologies before walking away. Running his hands through his hard trying his hardest not to rip some of it out.
He should’ve been quicker. He knew you were injured and weren’t on your best game. He had no excuse. You even gave him a heads up and he still failed to protect you. He felt like he was the worst. Always seemingly failing.
“She’s fine. She’ll make a full recovery. Bruce is sure of it. He’s reading her vitals right now and he’s saying she’s right where she should be. You did exactly what you needed to..” Nat placed a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder. She knew he was tearing himself up over this.
“Hey, you heard Nat, right?” Steve asked. He didn’t like the way Bucky didn’t seem to respond, “What’s going on? You don’t even like her?”
Letting out a frustrated sigh he turned to face Steve, “I don’t trust her. It’s not that I don’t like her. And then she was so fucking helpless. I haven’t seen her like that. Not in the months of training we had back and forth. I thought she was going to die.” Bucky admitted to his best friend.
“Well she didn’t and she’s not. Let’s get her home first and we’ll talk later.”
Bucky nodded, too afraid to go back over to you he took a seat at the front of the jet. Nat and Steve were right there for you anyway. It’s not like you wanted to see him away, or so he thought.
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A soft knock at the door drew your eyes away from the book you were reading. The only thing that seemed to pass the time as you waited for Bruce to let you go back to your room. So far, you’ve been confined to the damn hospital wing for three days, three very long days.
“You came?” You asked a little confused by your guest.
Bucky hummed letting himself in, “How are you?” He stood at the foot of your bed not sure what to do with himself.
“I’m good. Thanks for saving my life and all.” Smiling at him for the first time ever you didn’t mind it. You didn’t mind not yelling at him. Actually, kind of enjoying it.
“Yeah sure. Need somebody to argue with.” He tried to joke only to be met with a frown by you.
You sighed, “Can we not? For once? Please. I’m so tired.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m sorry. I was joking.” He looked away pretending to be captured by the painting on the wall.
“Yeah.” You nodded not sure what to say. How awkward was this. You’ve known each other for months but didn’t know each other at all. All you’ve done was argue. Fight. Yell and scream. But now? This was weird.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky leaned back onto the wall, “Really. I would understand if you don’t want a thing to do with me Y/N. Really. I’m..”
You stopped him by placing a hand up, “It’s okay. I wouldn’t trust me either.” You breathed out, “Just can we not fight? It’s exhausting.”
He nodded, “Sure, yeah.”
“Okay, good.” You let out the breath you’ve been holding for a while. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Sure, it was awkward, but damn did it feel good to talk to him for once.
“You sure you’re, okay?” Bucky asked again. He was at a loss for words, but he decided to try. Maybe he could find some commonality with you. You’d been through the same shit after all. He didn’t blame you if you wanted him to go far away though, he treated you so terribly.
You nodded sincerely, “I’m great. Bruce just won’t let me go.” You watched his face full of skepticism, “Really, I’m good. Surgery went well and I’ve been out and about all morning. Bruce made me rest.”
Bucky smiled for the first time in a while. Enjoying hearing your explanation even if he didn’t fully believe you, “I’ll tell you what. Once Bruce gives you the okay… since you’re so fine. Me and you spar in the weight room?”
You laughed. It didn’t surprise you. It seemed like him. His way of apologizing to you as best he could, “Sure thing James.”
“What? How’d you know?” He thought back to anytime anybody had called him that name he so rarely heard.
Grinning you couldn’t stop the sudden smile that graced your face, “Rodgers.”
“Bastard.” Both of you joined in laughter for the first but definitely not last time.
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naoa-ao3 · 11 months
The Intimacy of Kindness
He doesn't need her help. But he wants it and she wants to give it. It started out as as a necessity. He'd broken his wrist and she'd had to help him bathe but it was sensual and it was kindness without reward and somehow that was it's own reward. Somehow that was better. Now she helps him bathe whenever they're alone with the chance. He doesn't need her to wash his hair but she likes to. She likes to run her hands through it when it's full of soap and likes to feel him relax beneath her and he likes to feel a gentle touch just as much as she likes to be able to give it.
She hasn't told him how damn much she likes it. Doesn't want to make it awkward. It's not even sexual to her but it's a kind of stimulation just the same. It's a kind of vulnerability she never allows herself and he understands exactly because it's the same for him. They're practicing kindness because in life they've never been able to give much and somewhere deep inside they're both scared that they'll lose the ability. Maybe it's something maternal, she can't have children and so she thinks that's what it is. A weird blend of maternal instinct and sensuality and she lets herself feel all these strange emotions because when they're together in a tiny bathroom full of steam, naked and bare to the world, bare to just each other it's a kind of intimacy that surpasses sex.
It's intimacy of the purest form, two people together. Past the childish blushes and second guesses, past trying to figure each other out. He trusts her and for him it's about receiving kindness just as much as it is about giving. He lets her with total trust, a kindness in it's self. She thinks he doesn't realize how much she enjoys these moments but he does and it makes him happy because it's a chance for him to be vulnerable too. A chance to let another person have the upper hand. His nakedness in the bathtub is only a physical manifestation of his vulnerability to her but it's a part of it. When he closes his eyes and lets her rinse the soap out of his hair, it's another. It's so intimate that if they let it it could easily turn to sex but somehow the moment seems too sacred and it only seldom does.
Sometimes he pulls her into the tub with him and once her clothes are gone and she's settled they sit and enjoy one another's company, enjoy one another. Enjoy the fact that there are two of the, that there's another person to enjoy at all. To share enjoyment with. Sometimes they don't talk and the intimacy of it becomes overwhelming. To the point where they don't want the moment to end or break and the one who breaks it will hate them-self for doing so. Sometimes it ends with tenderness and that's the most beautiful thing in the world. They go to bed, glowing form the moment of gentleness, glowing form the knowledge that they can both still give kindness. Happy that they have each other to give that kindness too. Happy that there is kindness left to give.
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hoppers-babygirl · 1 year
hoppers-babygirl's Masterlist
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Sleepless Nights
Beat his ass
Life In the Upside Down
Like A Virgin
Saving Grace
Bells will ring
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Prima Ballerina
Children of HYDRA
Keeping up with the family
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Skin to skin
Barton Family Christmas
Punching Bag
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Forget It.
You’ll Go Far, Kid
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It took a little while, since I really want to take my time with these next few chapters, but here’s the next installment! Hope you enjoy, and have a very happy Easter!
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wntrsnat · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel 616, Marvel (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Widow (Comics), Winter Soldier (Comics), Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Earth-616 (Marvel Comics), Earth 616 - Freeform, Marvel Comics - Freeform, Car Sex, Unspecified Setting, winterwidow - Freeform, buckynat - Freeform, Bucky Barnes Feels, Natasha Romanov Feels Summary:
This is a repost from my Tumblr, October 6th, 2020.
Following drabble was not proofread or beta-read.
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elizabethsnuts · 5 months
Can I request where nat and bucky do that thing where they place young r on the floor and run the opposite Way and see who she follows and then the other parent being disappointed
Mama or Daddy
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Bucky and Natasha decide to see who you will crawl to first.
You had just recently learned to crawl, a new skill that you greatly enjoyed. Every chance you got you’d be crawling, around the living room, the kitchen, and sometimes even finding yourself in Tony’s lab.
On one particular day, Natasha set you down on the soft rug, knowing that you’d start to try and crawl around. You watched as Nat and Bucky stood further up ahead of you, both their arms out and making grabby hands at you.
“Come on Y/N! Come on baby, come to Mama! You can do it!” Natasha grinned, speaking in a higher-pitched voice.
“No, N/N! Come to Daddy! Daddy! You know you want to come to Daddy.” Bucky smirked, trying to get you to come to him instead.
You looked at both of your parents curiously and giggled, getting up on your hands and knees to start crawling. Your little arms and legs propelled you forward as you giggled in glee, loving the feeling of getting to move around.
Natasha and Bucky took a step back, letting you explore for a little longer while also persuading you to come to them. They watched intently as you made your way across the rug, your little legs churning with effort. Every now and then, you’d pause to inspect a toy or try to reach out and grab a stray sock.
“Come on N/N! Come to Mama!” Natasha smiled and knelt to your level. You made your way closer to Natasha, smiling as you did. Though at the last moment, you veered off course.
Your face lit up in a toothless grin as you crawled quickly over to Bucky. He knelt down and quickly scooped you up.
“Yes! You just love your daddy so much, don’t you? Yes, you do! That’s why you came over to me!” Bucky grinned and kissed your cheeks.
Natasha looked over at the two of you, she was a little disappointed but she quickly masked it with a smile. “N/N you were meant to come to Mama!”
You just giggled, playing with the sock you found. Bucky smirked and turned to Nat. “You won with her first word being Mama! She wanted to let Daddy win this time.”
Natasha chuckled, shaking her head fondly. Despite her initial disappointment, she couldn't deny the smile on both your and Bucky's faces melted her disappointment away. You may have chosen Bucky at that moment, but Natasha knew that no matter who you crawled to first, you’d love the other just as much.
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xmcu-fietro · 1 year
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
@whumpril Day 5 Prompt: Defiance/Alt Prompt - Un/Forgiveness
Bucky tries to apologize to Natasha for what happened the night before during a nightmare.
Warnings: basically none other than reference to past accidental injury
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
oooh can’t sleep with thoughts of a dom!buckynat with sub!reader not sure if you’re taking requests but….
Stop Teasing Me // Bucky/Natasha x Fem!Reader
Summary: You were close with Bucky and Natasha, admiring their relationship but one day, when the three of you were alone during a power cut, your friends had decided on other ideas as to the nature of your relationship with them.
A/N: hello lovely anon, thank you for the request! Sorry it's taken me so long to write.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome, dom/sub, fluff, friends to lovers, dom nat/bucky, sub reader, teasing, begging, hurt/comfort, rough kissing, oral, vaginal sex, face sitting, cum sharing, flirting, pet names
Words: 6.9k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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The Avengers tower was oddly silent today which was your favourite way for it to be as you sat at your desk, wiping away the crumbs that had fallen from your recently eaten muffin. You knew that the silence was due to it being a Saturday and therefore, the offices were closed in the tower but there was still research to be completed that you’d not finished through the week so some extra quiet hours were fine with you.
Emptying the crumbs that were in your palm, into the trash can under the desk, you returned your gaze to the screen, fingers moving across the keyboard with natural speed but then you were interrupted again as your phone began to ring for face time, Natasha’s name written on the top of the screen.
A smile spread across your face, your heart beating a little faster as you declined the fame time and selected audio instead, not wanting her to see that you were at work on your day off. “Hey”.
“Um excuse me, Milaya, I want to see your pretty face”, Natasha’s smooth voice through the phone had your face heating at both the nickname, translating to Darling, and the compliments that always came so easily from her.
“Sorry, I can’t at the moment”, you balanced your phone between your shoulder and ear, continuing with your work.
“Oh yeah? And why is that?”, she asked, her voice lowering slightly in a teasing tone.
“I just can’t… so are you ok? I thought you had an event today?”. Tony had arranged a luxurious event in DC for the Avengers to celebrate their latest victory on that side of the US.
Natasha pondered for a moment, “You just…can’t? I don’t believe that for a second, where are you?”, she asked, completely ignoring your questions.
Trying to think of the first excuse you could, you blurted out, “I’m at home and uh… naked, so I can’t face time”. Biting your lip at the excuse, feeling warm suddenly but not understanding why.
“Naked huh? Then maybe you should definitely face time me, baby”, her voice took a sultry tone as she continued to flirt and you had to cross your thighs over each other, arousal pooling in your underwear. Shaking your head and returning to holding your phone so it didn’t fall as you attempted to ignore the way your best friend was turning you on with only a simple flirt.
Natasha was your best friend but she was also in a relationship with your other best friend Bucky, you blamed your horniness on your lack of being touched and craving for attention, something that both Natasha and Bucky always seemed to give you.
“Stop teasing me” you reprimand her like usual, hearing her chuckle on the other end of the phone, “so where are you? Are you in DC?”
“I’m behind you”, Natasha whispered through the phone and you instantly craned your neck, swivelling in your chair to look around the empty room, not seeing anyone around.
“Ha ha, very funny Natasha”, you sarcastically say, followed by a heavy sigh as you pulled your chair close to your desk again. When she didn’t respond, you pulled the phone away from your ear to check it was still connected, “Natasha?” you asked seeing that it was still connected.
“Found you!”, a voice not on the phone but directly behind you, whispered delicately into your ear, causing you to jump up from your seated position, screaming and dropping your phone onto the desk. As soon as you saw the red-haired assassin, you groaned, gripping your chest to try and calm your pounding heart.
“You can’t do that, you’re going to give me a heart attack!”
Nat smirked devilishly, hanging up the call and placing her phone into her jean pockets, “I knew I’d find you here, are you some kinda masochist who likes working for free on their days off?” Her green eyes sparkled brightly in the bright overhead lights of the office as she sat up on your desk as you returned to your office chair, finally relaxing from being jump scared.
“It’s not like I have much else to do and anyway, I thought you and Bucky were away this weekend so what better time to finish my work than when my two friends are away?”
“Well luckily for you, our late-night flight has been cancelled due to the storms so everyone is over there partying up in DC and we are both free and wanting to see our favourite girl”.
Your face heated and you turned away so she couldn’t see your excitement but also had a quick look around for the other person mentioned.
“He’s not here, he’s waiting upstairs for us and cooking your favourite”.
You swallowed hard at her sentence, seeing her smile turning into a dark smirk as she looked at you through her eyelashes as you asked, “Why are you so sure that I’m going to join you both? I do have lots of work to do…”
Your friend jumped down from the desk, turning your swivel chair to face her and then knocked your knees apart so that she could stand between them, bending down, close enough that her sweet perfume invaded your nose, her hair falling against your cheeks as she hovered closely. Your fingers twitched to run through her hair, and stroke it behind her ears as she silky stated, “Because you can’t resist us”.
“Stop teasing me”, your voice was no louder than a whisper as you had to force yourself not to look at her lips. Once again, this was always what Natasha and Bucky were like always flirting with you and on the borderline of being too far.
Natasha takes a step back, standing to her full height with a large grin, showing her pearly white teeth, one hand raised and open in offering, a single sleek eyebrow raised in question, “So is that a yes?”
You couldn’t help but match her smile, taking her hand, “Of course it is”.
The two of you took the elevator upstairs to the Avengers floor which was the quietest you’d ever seen it other than when they were on a mission. Glancing out of the windows, you could see and hear the storm, rain pelting against the window, lightning brewing in the distance and due to the late hour, it was hauntingly dark. 
Bucky was standing in the kitchen that opened up to the large living room area, the couches stretching across the length of the room, a TV somehow hanging from the windows that stretched from floor to ceiling, looking out over New York City.
“Ah, there are my two favourite girls”, Bucky shouts without looking over his shoulder as he continued to cook the delicious-smelling food. Natasha rushed over, sliding between him and the stove, leaning up to kiss his lips quickly, her eyes wide with love to match his. Bucky looked over his shoulder, wiggling his eyebrows as he looked at you, “Room for one more”.
This was what it was always like, always feeling like there was no line between friendly flirting and being serious. You didn’t mind though, being best friends with two Avengers and assassins had its benefits as they made you feel safe and protected and they weren’t exactly bad to look at. They could continue to flirt with you and you could then go home and think about them whilst you pleasured yourself, it was a win-win really.
Bucky was always the better chef out of the three of you so all of you ate happily around the table before settling onto the couch with a couple of drinks that were helping to relax you. There, you and Nat decided on a suitable film to show Bucky that he hadn’t seen but none of you was actually paying attention, spending more time chatting as you sat in between them, Bucky to your left, his arm over your shoulders so he could play with Nat’s hair who was sitting to your right, he body turned towards yours. 
The topic always seemed to turn seedy as Nat quizzed her boyfriend, “You’re Steve’s best friend, James, do you know anything about him sleeping with Sharon? You can trust us”.
Bucky took a hefty swig of his beer as you watched him closely, particularly the way his throat moved as the swallowed. Realising what you were doing, you glanced down at your lap as arousal pulsed in your core, no you needed to get a hold of yourself so you took a sip of your own drink.
“I’m not saying anything”, Bucky says next to you with a not-so-subtle smirk on his face that made Natasha squint her eyes with a knowing look.
“You definitely know something Barnes, you can’t hide anything from me”, Natasha mumbled, shifting where she sat so she could lift her hand a stroke a strand of your hair behind your ears, making you look at her from the corner of your eye with a small smile. “What about you?”
“I don’t know who anyone else is sleeping with other than you two, I don’t even know who the office romance currently is”, your heartbeat quickened as she gave you a knowing look, her fingers stopping their exploration against your scalp.
“You know that’s not what I meant”, Natasha encouraged, moving a little bit closer on the seat so that her thigh brushed against yours, just as Bucky’s did the same, and you didn’t realise that he also had moved closer so that you could feel his warm body.
“Yeah tell us, surely you’ve got someone to call when you’re feeling a little warm under the collar”, Bucky asked with a teasing but casual tone that helped to keep you at ease but you had no juice gossip for either of them, your sex life completely dried up.
“You’re both so nosey but sorry to say there’s nothing to tell, which you both should already know anyway considering I spend all of my spare time with you both. There’s no one keeping my bed warm”.
Bucky wasn’t satisfied with this answer, “There’s got to be someone though”.
Your only answer was a shrug of the shoulders and a shake of the head no.
“Wait, so when’s the last time you were with someone because we’ve known you for a year and a half”, Natasha asked.
“Ummm”, you pondered, thinking about the exact dates whilst taking another sip.
“Oh no, it can’t be good if you have to actually think about it”, Bucky hesitates, looking at you with unease, dreading your answer.
Rolling your eyes at his dramatics, “It's not that bad, I’d say two years, maybe give or take a few months”.
“TWO?!” Natasha shouts causing you to flinch at her high-pitched cry.
“YEARS?!” Bucky continued with the shouting match in disbelief. “You can’t be serious”. Again, you shrugged your shoulders, taking another sip only to find your drink empty so you placed the glass on the small table in front as a flash of lightning illuminated the room as the storm drew closer.
“It’s not that big of a deal, I’ve got my toys and stuff”, you say casually, sitting back against the cushions and realising that both Avengers had inched forward more so their chests were rubbing against your arms.
“Even so, sometimes a toy can’t quite itch that spot”, Natasha says playfully, and she's so close now that you can feel her warm breath against your cheek.
“I guess, but it’s all I’ve got, it’s not like I’m meeting new people every day, I’m either in the office or with you two”.
What you hadn’t expected was for Bucky to reach with his metal hand, one of his cool fingers sliding beneath your chin, forcing you to look away from your lap and up to his handsome face. “But what if it’s not all you’ve got, what if you don’t need to meet someone new”.
Your thoughts seemed to vanish from your mind completely, white noise replacing any sane thoughts at Bucky’s words, his mannerisms, as well as Natasha. Was he still just flirting and toeing that invisible line of friendship, or was this something else? Your palms began to feel clammy as you weren’t sure what to do or what to say.
This was then a crash of lightning illuminated the room in a harsh white flash before being plunged into complete and utter darkness, the side lights that had brightened the room, the TV and all other brightness extinguished over New York as the storm caused the power to be cut.
It was an immediate defensive response that your body seemed to go into, heart pounding in your chest, as panic surged through you, a lump forming in your throat making it difficult to breathe as you stood, not sure as to why, probably being safer on the couch with two assassins but you needed to be on your feet, in preparation to run from the horrors the lurked in the shadows. There was nothing you hated more than to be in the dark.
It was disorientating to have your eyes wide open but not even make out the hand you held in front of your face, taking a step forward, forgetting the small table was there and tripping along. Thankfully Bucky could see better in the dark due to his serum and was on his feet, metal arm around your waist to catch you from falling, “careful Doll, it’s ok, the power has just been cut, you’re safe with us”.
Bucky pulled you flush again his body, the warmth giving you something to cling onto and that's precisely what you did, turning until your face was pressed against his muscular chest, hands tightly gripping onto his plain black t-shirt until your knuckles ached. From where you were hiding your face in the safeness of Bucky’s chest, you weren’t able to notice Natasha putting on her phone light, it wasn’t much of a light but it was better than nothing as she soothingly stroked down your spine as Bucky’s arms rubbed against your arms.
“It’s ok Milaya, you’re safe, there’s nothing here that can hurt you”.
Of course, somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew this was true but when you’re in ‘fight or flight mode’, your thoughts weren’t being rational. You hadn’t even noticed how hard you were breathing until Bucky took a step back from you so that he could cup your cheeks, forcing you to look up at him. From where Natasha had placed her phone torch on the table, the white light mostly illuminated his hair, his handsome face hidden including his calming blue eyes. “Listen to me, you’re safe with us, there’s no one else here I promise. I want you to sit with Natasha whilst I look for some candles, alright?”
You’re staring into the blank void of his face, scared that if you looked to the corner of your eye and into the darkness it would consume you whole. Bucky’s rough pad of his thumb brushed against the tip of your chin, tilting your head further up as you realised you hadn’t answered him, not trusting your voice and only giving a scared nod before turning to Natasha.
“Sit down with me, Sugar”, Natasha’s voice sounds like rich honey, thick and smooth and seemed to snap through your fear in an instant, sitting as if she enchanted you, her hand, equally as rough as Bucky’s from training wrapping around yours. She made you feel safe, they both made you feel safe, even if the darkness around the room still threatened to swallow you whole.
Again, like Bucky, Natasha tilted your face towards hers, making sure you didn’t look away and as she was closer to the torch, you were able to see more of her beautiful face, the plumpness of her lips, the rouge tint to her cheeks that always occurred when she drank alcohol and her eyes that looked at you with such softness had you shifting closer in on the cushions.
“Distract me”, your whispered urgently, “make me forget what’s in the darkness”.
Natasha smiled softly, letting go of your hand so that she could now cup both of your cheeks, encouraging you to, “close your eyes”.
Your eyes however did the opposite and widen, chewing on the inside of your lip with anxiety, wishing not to be thrust into complete darkness again.
Natasha noticed every sign of your distress, her thumb quickly brushing across your cheekbones, “trust me, close your eyes”.
Releculetnly you did as instructed now, hands lifting to hold onto her wrists for some sort of support and comfort as you closed your eyes, trying to concentrate on your other senses. The noise of Bucky walking around the room, gathering the scented candles scattered throughout the room and bringing them over to the table. Closer, you could hear Natasha’s slow, steady breaths, a stark contrast to your fast-paced ones so you tried to match hers, helping to slow your heartbeat as well. Then there was the touch of hers, the warmth of her wrists that you held, and the comfort of her hands crowding on your cheeks.
“Good girl”, Natasha praised meaning for it to be casual but the tone of her voice continued to be silky and almost intimate causing your body to warm, which mean that she could feel the reaction with where she was holding and therefore only made you heat more with embarrassment, shifting on the couch. Thankfully your eyes were still closed so you couldn’t see Natasha smirking, before continuing with her plan to calm you down, “Remember Milaya, you’re always safe with us.”
“I know I am”, your say under your breath.
“Then let’s distract each other, maybe we should continue the conversation we were having before”. Through all of the panic, you’d completely forgotten about Bucky’s seemingly flirtatious advances, his subtle touches and his low questioning voice. You weren’t entirely sure what to say and instead continued to chew on the inside of your mouth with nerves. Luckily, Natasha continued for you, “Two years is such a long time without being touched, why haven’t you said anything to us before?”
You frowned in confusion, “Why would I tell either of you? It’s not exactly something to brag about”.
“Not like that…”, Natasha let the words hang in the air for a moment before slowly saying the next few words, “We could have helped you, Sugar”.
The lump formed in your throat again, and you tried to swallow it but it didn’t seem to budge. “What… What do you mean?”
The couch cushions shifted behind you as Bucky finally returned. With your position, he was mostly facing your back as you could now make out the faint orange hue from beneath your eyelids and the different array of scents from the candles he had lit. You could feel him, a lot closer than he was before, his chest bumping against your back, but this only caused you to lean back into it, needing to feel him crowd around you with Natasha at your front.
When Bucky spoke next, it was near your ear as he leaned down to gruffly whisper, “I think you know what we mean, Doll”.
Again, it was instinct that had you trying to turn and look at him, your eyes opening for half a second before Natasha’s hand moved to cover them so you were still kept in darkness. “What?” you tried to ask, pulling on her wrists but she didn’t budge.
“I know what you’re like, you’ll panic if you look at us. Keep your eyes closed, let us look after you”, Natasha explained, she too had moved forward next to your other ear and her breath whisping against the shell of your ear caused you to shiver in anticipation.
“You’re teasing me again”, you say more as a defence for if they suddenly admitted that they were joking because there was no way that your two best friends, who were in a happy relationship, we actually being serious.
Natasha lowered his hand away from your eyes and you were quick to make sure your eyes were still closed, she was right, keeping them closed kept some sort of safety barrier from you, even though it was still darkness that surrounded you, their touch and voices were enough to distract.
The Black Widow was now tilting your face back towards her, “I would never tease about this Milaya, I’ve wanted to do this for so long”, she admitted, her thumb brushing against your lower lip, tugging on it gently. “Tell me you want this too”, her voice was smooth and familiar.
You pretended to think for a minute, maybe it was a good idea to actually weigh up the pros and cons of the situation but there was not a single rational thought in your brain. You wanted this, have wanted this for far too long.
“I want this”, you say with the most confidence heard thus far. Before you could process that you’d admitted this, Natasha closed the gap, her full lips pressing against yours. They’re softer than you had imagined, all of the tenseness from your muscles melting into the embrace, a sigh breathing out of your nose as you leaned into her touch.
Natasha took control and you were thankful for that, trying not to overthink if you were doing the right or wrong thing but the two of you moved together perfectly. Lips moving together, her tongue sneaking between to stroke yours and you could taste the alcohol and something that was uniquely her.
Just as you moaned into her mouth, another large hand was cupping the back of your head, tilting it in a different direction and then you were kissing Bucky over your shoulder. His lips were firmer than Nat’s but still full and plump but the facial hair rubbed around the skin of your face as he was immediately begging for your mouth to open with a swipe of his tongue against your top lip.
As Bucky is devouring your mouth, Natasha is clearing your hair away from your neck so that he could kiss the exposed skin, causing another shiver to ripple through you as more thunder continued to boom outside.
Bucky’s touches were softer than you thought, moving slowly, kissing your lips a few times before pulling away so you could both catch your breath. You tried to follow after him, spontaneously opening your eyes without thinking, and were blessed with the sight of Bucky looking lustfully at you, instead of Natasha who had begun to nibble on your ear lobe, causing a moan to rumble in the back of your throat.
“This is really happening”, you whispered in awe without thinking, the words causing Bucky’s mouth to tilt into a smile. From the corner of your eye, you could see the candles reflecting off of the metal of his left arm as he inched it around your waist, settling over your stomach, his fingers spreading over the area, pulling you back gently even closer.
The man chuckled under his breath, the noise travelled straight to your core, warmth and wetness forming more. “Yes, this is really happening, we’ve wanted this to happen for so long”, he admitted. 
“You have?” you couldn’t quite believe what he was saying, why would two Avengers of all people, who were both in a happy relationship, ever want to be with you romantically?
Natasha eased your face towards hers again, “more than you could ever know. Have you wanted us to?”
Of course, you had, who wouldn’t want to be especially with how attractive they both were but your nerves were starting to increase again as you were actually looking at her and having this conversation, this wasn’t just a fantasy. Eventually, you mustered up the courage to stutter, “Ye-Yes, I’ve wanted you both too”, your throat felt suddenly dry as your fingers continued to tremble slightly. “But I uh- I don’t know um…”. You weren’t exactly sure how to say that you had absolutely no idea what to do. You’d never been with two people. Where do you touch? Who do you touch? It had been such a long time that you’d only had to look after yourself, maybe you should have just kept your eyes closed.
“Milaya”, Natasha cut you off, “now what I don’t want you to do is worry. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself.”
Bucky had returned to whispering into your ear, “Let us look after you”.
You don’t trust your voice so you nodded your head and Natasha closed the gap between you too as she kissed you with such passion that it took your breath away. She was quick to dominate, gripping your face to keep you in place and then tilting her own head to deepen the kiss.
Just as you’re about to moan, wanting more from her, Bucky is pulling you away from her so he could give you a just as fierce kiss, his teeth scraping against your lower lip, tugging it away to allow it to snap back again. It felt so good to feel both of them, one of your hands reached behind Bucky’s head and the other hand rested against Nat’s cheek but she was soon turning to kiss the inside of your wrist, stroking up your arm.
“Where can I touch you?” Natasha asked, her lips tickling the sensitive skin.
Bucky pulled away so you answer, “Anywhere!”
“Thank god”, Bucky praised before shifting to kiss your neck, teeth grazing underneath your ear as Nat’s fingers travelled up the jean covered inside of your thigh, cupping in between your legs. You mewled at the touch, grinding your hips into her hand then a thought came to your mind.
“Can you both still touch each other as well”.
Natasha fully grins, which Bucky matches, and as they both leaned towards each other, your arousal increased as they began to kiss hungrily. Sitting back on the couch, you could enjoy the sight before you but also get your bearings a little bit, catching your breath.
Both of the Avengers slowly came to a stop from where they leaned over you, turning their faces towards yours, making you feel a little bit like a deer in headlights but you didn’t have time to freak out as both leaned into opposite sides of your neck, kissing and nipping the area. You pushed your chest up, tilting your head back to give them more room, a hand of yours gripping each of their shirts.
As Natasha began pushing her fingers on your shirt, another thought came to your mind.. You were still in the Avengers’ shared living room, what if there were cameras, even in the darkness without the power, JARVIS still worked so maybe it wasn’t the best idea to fuck in here.
“Could we move to somewhere else?” you asked before quickly groaning as Bucky sucked the junction between your neck and shoulders.
“Mmm, as the lady wishes”, Bucky responded, kissing your cheek, standing from the couch and offering his hands for you and Natasha to take. Standing up again, you remembered that the room was still very much in the darkness outside of the candle halo that Bucky had created so you stayed close to them both. Natasha gave you her phone to use the torch on that and then she led the way to her’s and Bucky’s shared bedroom/
If felt intimate to be in this space that was meant for just the two of them. You had been in here before briefly on passing but nothing like this, only half aware of the layout of the room before Natasha is taking the phone from your hand, leaving it on the table in the corner, it only half-illuminating the room but before you could begin to panic, she was dragging you over to the bed.
She pushed against your shoulders gently, allowing you to topple into the centre of the bed, the smell of them both overwhelming as you unsettled the sheets but before you could fully relax into the soft material, Natasha had started to crawl up your body, eyes dark in the low light as they didn’t move from your face.
You lifted your head to meet her lips, as she thoroughly distracted you from the other hands that were on your body as Bucky had started to remove your clothes, starting with your shoes, and socks, then undoing your jean buttons between Nat’s legs and easing them down your body.
He then did the same with your shirt until you were left in your underwear and this was when he moved on to Natasha who still managed to kiss you gently whilst easing her clothes off but he didn’t stop until she was fully nude. Natasha straddled your hips, sitting up in all of her beauty so you could take her in, only half away that Bucky was also in the process of removing his clothes but you couldn’t look away from Nat. From her beautifully sculptured body, her peaked breasts, the muscles that you could feel in her thighs as you run your hands over them, she was just as you imagined.
And then Bucky was leaning across you, his mouth sealing around your still-clothed nipple, his other hand squeezing the other breast as he blocked your view of Natasha as you could feel her moving off of your body. This only meant that you could look over the man who was causing you to feel flutters in your core from his wicked mouth. His muscles were toned everywhere, and then he shifted so that his hard cock was in your eye line, he was thick and hard, precum gathering at the tip.
Your hands moved into his hair, scratching his scalp as he moved between both breasts, tugging on the material of your bra with his metal fingers and feeling it snap easily so that it exposed yourself, Bucky grinned cheekily having ruined your bra, “Oops”, he laughed before sucking greedily on your nipple.
“Bucky!” you groaned, arching your back as a smaller set of hands slipped your underwear down your legs. You tried to lift your head to watch Natasha but Bucky still crowded over your chest, making sure that you couldn’t see, his mouth and hands worshipping your tits.
Your legs were moved by the red-haired woman, spreading wide and your cheeks warmed at being exposed to her but then not being able to see her, maybe this was like before, it was better to now see and therefore not overthink.
Then you didn’t care anymore as her tongue teased against your folds, licking up the juices that had seeped out and she groaned at the taste, already wanting more, slipping her tongue deeper.
Natasha Romanoff was a master at work, always seemingly having a way with words and now her tongue was being put to other uses as she pleasured you, taking her sweet time to circle your hole that tightened and clenched with the need to be filled. Then there were the strokes against your clit, twirling in sweet circles before pressing hard and sucking.
“Nat- that feels so good”, you tried to lift your head to look at Nat but Bucky continued to block your view as he smiled around your perky nipple.
“She feels good, doesn’t she? Her tongue always knows just the right spots to have you quivering”, as Bucky finished his word, Nat pushed her tongue into your cunt, delving in and out like a starved woman.
You cried out, arching your back and Bucky now shifted with your movement, now kneeling over your upper body, his face hovering over yours as he gripped both of your hands into his wrist and held them above your head.
“Keep your eyes on me”, he instructed and you did, needing something to concentrate and hold onto as you looked into his shadowed face.
Your hips rolled against Nat’s face, feeling her nose bump against your clit as she concentrated on your hole, working it open with her muscle before she shifted slightly and she was removing her tongue and instead pushed her index and middle finger into your cunt as she began to suckle on your bundle of nerves. She scissored them out, stretching you slightly before doing a ‘come here’ motion, stroking against your spongey spot within, and your entire body seemed to light up, thighs trembling, toes curling and eyes wide as you didn’t look away from Bucky.
You could feel it, the tightening in your abdomen, your pussy walls clenching in anticipation as she didn’t change her pace, keeping it nice and steady as you become a blubbering mess.
“Are you going to cum for us?” Bucky asked, seeing the noticeable changes in your reactions and the way your tone became higher and needier.
“Yes… please! Feels so good, don’t stop Natasha!”. The only response you got from her was a moan directly against your clit and you couldn’t hold it back anymore, feeling like you were going to explode before the tension snapped, your pussy convulsing as you came.
“That’s a good girl, you’re doing so well for us”, Bucky praised into your ear before kissing you desperately, absorbing all of your moans onto his tongue, making you breathless. He pulls back as you suck in deep breaths, trying to calm your pounding heart in your chest but then as Bucky continued speaking, you thought your heart stopped altogether with anticipation. “I’m going to fuck you now, Doll”.
You only groan in response, continuing to lie there as Natasha began to kiss up your body, her cheeks, nose and mouth noticeably damp as she trialled up towards your face, replacing where Bucky had as he shifted down the bed to between your legs.
You felt bad that Bucky was able to find pleasure and Natasha had yet to find any so without overthinking the demand you quickly requested, “Please sit on my face”. 
Both Avengers paused, looking back at one another before Nat’s looking down at you with a smirk, a single finger that had been inside of your cunt only moments ago, now stroking down your cheek as she asked, “Is that what you really want? You don’t have to do anything-”
“Please, I want you both, I want to try and make you feel good too”, you insisted, reaching for her and Bucky gripped each of your calves, lifting your legs to wrap around his waist, the tip of his cock delicately brushing against your thigh.
“Ok, Milaya, just let Bucky take a moment ok, want to make sure you’re ok and we aren’t hurting you”. You looked down your body to Bucky, you did appreciate how much they were checking in with you, especially now as he slide a hand up your abdomen, over your sternum between your breasts to cup your jaw, Nat moving out of the way just as he leaned down to kiss you slowly.
“You’ll tell me to stop if it’s too much, won’t you Doll?” he mutters against your lips and you nod in response, leaning up to kiss him again.
Slowly and carefully, Bucky’s cock starts to penetrate your cunt. He’s so bit but you expected nothing less from him and you have to remember to take deep breaths as the pleasurable burn surrounded your pussy, it had been so long since you’d had a real cock inside of you and god, did it feel so good.
As you adjust to him, you groaned when the pleasure started to increase and he then stands back up to his full height, holding onto your thighs, so he has something to pull on as he moved his hips with slow, shallow thrusts, getting you used to it before deepening the strokes.
This was when Natasha finally moved, knowing you were enjoying being fucked by Bucky as she straddled your face, in the direction so that she was facing down your body and towards Bucky.
Your arms wrapped around Natasha’s thighs, really feeling how her muscles tensed from their spread position. You weren’t sure whether you should pull her down and take some control but it was hard to think properly with Bucky’s cock rocking in and out of your cunt but luckily, it seemed Natasha was more than happy to be dominant as she lowered herself down onto your awaiting tongue.
She tasted perfect, salty and yet sweet and you were happy to find that she was just as wet as you were when she ate you out. Your tongue stroked the length of her, audibly swallowing everything that poured into your mouth, before pushing further, lifting your head slightly to connect with her clit.
You were graced with a sultry groan from the woman which in turn caused Bucky to moan as your cunt clenched in response. Firming your tongue so it pointed at the end, you felt Natasha continue to take control as her hips moved of their own accord, back and forth, grinding against your tongue so all you had to do was lie there and drink her juices.
Natasha leaned forward as she got off on your tongue, her hands grabbing Bucky’s face so that they could kiss, not that you could see from the angle but you could hear them both moaning into each other's mouths.
It felt so good, you were being so stimulated, knowing that Natasha was feeling good from your tongue and then the pounding that Bucky was giving you, his thumb rubbing slowly against your clit, it was perfect.
The rain from the storm was continuing to pelt against the window, and the lights outside from the city had begun to switch back on as the power was restored, so that the room was now further illuminated by the city lights but once again, you didn’t notice as your eyes were closed, fully hypnotised by the pleasure that was pouring through your body. 
“Feels so good Doll, you’re so tight and wet”, Bucky grunted, lifting your ankles onto his shoulders and then massaging your calves as he fucked you harder and deeper.
You were mewling in ecstasy against Nat’s pretty clit, which in turn made her moan, tipping her head back and pushing up her tits for Bucky to stare at in awe.
The woman’s moans began to change, hips moving with more urgency and you knew that she was getting closer to her orgasms so you tried something different, copying her moves and began to suck on her clit, stroking your tongue against it in your mouth as you moved.
Natasha screamed out in ecstasy and a gush of juices coated your face, dribbling down your cheeks as she came, your name frantically coming from her lips as she slowly stilled her hips.
She’s breathing heavily as she moves to lie next to you on the bed, watching you with her head resting on her fist, her cheeks were even more flushed than before, her lips slightly swollen from eating you out and the kissing, she looked beautiful, you decided.
“That was so fucking hot”, Bucky praised, his eyes wide and hungry from watching his girlfriend cum against your mouth. He eased your legs down so that they were spread, giving him room to lean over you, kissing you with desperation, wanting to taste Natasha against your tongue.
Then you felt a slender hand rubbing against your slightly sensitive clit and you grunted, eyebrows furrowing as Nat began to help you reach your orgasm, as Bucky didn’t hold back with his thrusts, your hips pounding together.
Your orgasm took your breath away, and your legs shook as the waves of pleasure pulsed through your cunt, suffocating Bucky’s cock and making his eyes roll in euphoria then finally pull out as he was close to cumming himself.
Looking down between your bodies, trying to catch your breath from your orgasm, you tiredly watched as Bucky’s hard cock landed on your abdomen and Natasha began to feverishly wank him off, your juices gleamed over his shaft as he closed his eyes, concentrating on his pleasure.
You expected him to say Nat’s name so when your name was being moaned, your eyes lit up, biting your lip as Bucky’s seed spurted from the tip of his cock in thick ripes, coating your stomach before he finally relaxed, half collapsing onto the bed.
“That was so fucking hot”, Natasha whispered, her voice a little huskier from all the moaning. You watched with wide eyes as she leaned over your body, scooping up her boyfriend's cum with her tongue, before crawling towards your face and then kissing you slowly, passing his seed into your mouth where you hungrily drank him down, happy that you’d been able to taste both of them.
Bucky groaned again watching the act and then Natasha finally collapsed beside you on the bed, the three of you actually taking the time to catch your breaths and let the thrill of the pleasure and orgasms hum in your veins.
Cool metal fingers stroked against your temple, catching your attention, you looked towards Bucky as he asked, “How are you feeling? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m really fucking great right now”, you say almost giddily, “ that was um.. That was wow”. You could hear Natasha chuckling beside you as Bucky looked affectionately at you.
You’d never felt so alive before, completely at ease with two of the most dangerous people in the world and you hoped more than anything that this wasn’t the last time that you saw either of them naked.
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yelenasdiary · 4 months
Hello 👋
I saw your requests say open, but I know you're struggling with motivation to get content out so no worries if you cannot or don't want to fulfill this but I'm having a surgery soon so I'm requesting from some of my friends/fav writers hoping it helps me out in recovery.
Anyway sorry for the rambling lol, here's my idea. I was thinking like something with BuckyNat and R where Reader has to undergo surgery for something (maybe an old injury became too bad to deal with or maybe something happened on a mission that needs attention) and they're super nervous about it and hesitant to agree so Nat and Bucky sit down with them and just offer lots or love and support (even though they're both nervous too cuz that's their girl) so when Rs getting the surgery they're a bit of a mess until they know she's alright and then they help her settle into their room and help care for her as she starts to mend.
If you decide to write it I thank you lots in advance ☺️
Drabble || It's All Gonna Be Okay
Pairing: BuckyNat x Reader
Summary: When a mission goes wrong, you're told you need realignment osteotomy surgery, the idea of it makes you worried and full of nerves in which your partners help you overcome.
Tiny Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Medical talk, she/her pronouns used (I hope that's okay!!), This is not corrected or proof read. | 0.6K
Translations: detka (baby),
AC: I hope your op goes well!! I also hope this helps, sorry I made it a Drabble, I wanted to get this posted asap for you x
Bucky smiled softly at you, "what's on your mind doll?" he asked seeing your mind was a million miles away. Natasha sitting on the right side of your hospital bed, she looked up at the two of you.
"The thought of being put to sleep and some stranger playing around inside my body and touching my bones is freaking me out" you replied honestly. Bucky let out a soft chuckle, "doll, they are professionals" he reminded you.
"Yeah, they're not even thinking about how weird it is that they're touching somebodies bones" Nat pitched in. Sure, they had a point the thought of it was still uncomfortable. "Okay but what if something goes wrong?" you questioned. Nat placed her hand on top of yours, "detka, I promise you nothing is going to happen"
"That's right doll, nothing is going happen to my darling. You'll be in and out in no time and Nat and I will be waiting by your side" Bucky added. You looked over to him on your left side, "do you promise?" you asked.
"Have I ever broken a promise to you before?" he questioned with a soft smile. The support from the two of them did help ease some of your nerves and finally you agreed with your surgeon that you'd have the surgery on the condition that both Nat and Bucky were able to watch from the viewing room. At first your surgeon wasn't onboard with the idea but with a little sweet talking from Bucky and the two of them were sat in the view room watching the surgery unfold from above.
"She'll be okay" Natasha places her hand on Bucky's knee when she noticed the worrying look in his eyes. "I know but still, that's our girl down there, I can't help but worry" he replied. Nat rested her head on Bucky's right shoulder, "I know love, I'm worried too" she admitted.
They watched for what felt like forever until the operation was a success and you were returned to your room when both Nat and Bucky waited patiently for you to wake up, both of them holding your hand. When your eyes finally fluttered open, smiles filled the room. Bucky was relieved and Nat was just happy to see your beautiful eyes once more.
"How are you feeling detka?" Natasha asked, placing a kiss on your temple. "Tired" you replied, struggling to keep your eyes open, the last of the anaesthesia winning the battle making your partners lightly chuckle.
"I'll go get us some dinner, what do you want?" Nat asked Bucky knowing full well he wasn't going to leave your side for a second. "Burgers?" he replied, looking up at Nat as she placed a hand on his left shoulder, "you've got it soldier" Nat said, placing a kiss on his cheek.
A few weeks after your operation you started PT. Natasha made her it mission to make sure you had the best physiotherapist in the county, although you told Natasha it wasn't necessary but Bucky was on team Nat and you lost that battle.
Bucky basically waited on you hand and foot, he just wanted to make sure you were okay and in no pain. Night was one your favourite time of day because Natasha would somehow have dinner ready, by somehow you mean you were sure that Wanda cooked and Nat took the credit but you thought it was sweet she wanted to do something nice each night and let it slide.
After dinner, the three of you would snuggle up in bed, carefully of your knee of course but with the two people you love the most beside you, the pain from your knee was the least of your worries.
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ravenromanova · 1 year
Missed you
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Pairings: BuckyNat x Female reader
Warnings: Nothing really just fluff and light smut 18+!
Summary: Bucky and Nat come home from a two month long mission and just need their girl.
Word count: 1.k (Just a little drabble of my babies)
Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!
As the sun rose through the window and hits your face you groan as you come to. Rolling over you grab your phone and check to see if there’s any messages as you rub your eyes. That’s when you see that your lovers have blown up your phone while you were asleep.
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You cant help the smile that forms on your face at their messages. You text both of them back within a couple of seconds before you put your phone a down and get up. Finally you decided as got up that you wanted to surprise your loves when they got home.
So you sauntered over to your shared closet and pulled out a black and a red tie dye like lingerie set and walked into the bathroom. You turned on the shower along with some music before stripping down and getting in. It felt nice under the warmth of the shower and for a moment you were calm. That was until you realized that you were seeing Bucky and Natasha for the first time in two months.
Sure you’d been with them for two years now but you’ve never been away from them this long. For some reason you felt nervous as you washed your body but quickly realized it was a good nervous. The kind of nervous you would feel as a kid looking at her crush. The kind of nervous that made your heart yearn for them.
Once you finished exfoliating, shaving and moisturizing you turned off the shower and dried yourself off. As you dried yourself off you quickly looked at the time and saw you had about an hour til they got back. You were quick to dry off and put on the lingerie as well as a small black robe that stooped at your knees.
You hummed along to your music as you straightened your hair and put on some light makeup. As you looked at yourself in the mirror a spark of confidence grew within you and you thought ‘damn i look good’. Your thoughts were quickly cut off as you felt a pair of hand wrap around your waist.
“Hi babydoll” He whispered and you looked in the mirror to see your beautiful super solider behind you.
“Hi” You smiled and turned around in his arms to face him. Quickly you were met with your gorgeous redhead coming into the bathroom. And you were quick to leave Buckys arms and run into hers.
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“Mmm hi dekta” Nat whispers into your hair as she kisses your neck. She pulls you out of the bathroom with bucky in suit. Natasha stopped walking as the back of her thighs hit the bed. Before you get get any words out her lips were on yours. Bucky came up behind you and wrap his hands around your waist as you kissed Natasha. He grabbed your hips and pressed it back on his hard cock and groaned at the contact.
“Need you dekta” Natasha moaned into your mouth as your hands found their way to her nipples under her shirt. You were quick to push her on the bed and step in between her parted legs. Bucky moved to sit next to her and you kneeled in front of her. He was quick to smash his mouth into hers as you took off her pants.
Natasha groaned as Bucky left a dark mark on her neck and you kissed her clothed pussy. Before you continued you slipped off your robe and let it pill around your feet before throwing it to the side. Bucky groaned at the sight of the lingerie set him and Nat picked out for you clinging to your body.
After you took the robe off you placed your hands on Natasha’s soft thighs and left wet kisses trailing up. She moaned at the contact and grabbed onto Bucky as your fingers brushed her clothed clit. You leaned in so you were mere centimeters away from her and then you licked her clit. Natasha’s back arched at the contact and you kept teasing her as you smirked.
“Oh come on babydoll stop teasing the poor thing” Bucky chucked as Natasha keep squirming under your touch.
“Awe but its so much fun” You pouted in response and she just groaned in frustration as you kept teasing.
“Dekta please” She finally spoke as your teasing got to much. You simply nodded your head and finally took off her panties in one swift motion. From there you were quick to lick her wet folds. You spread her pussy with your fingers as you sucked her clit. Both Natasha and Bucky moaned at the sight of you eating Nat.
You flicked your tongue up and down her pussy and she gripped on to Buckys hair as he sucked her nipple. Natasha screamed as you added a finger into her and started fucking her at a slow pace.
“Oh fuck dekta” She moaned as you sped up and added another finger. Within seconds Natasha came undone on your fingers and tongue and you smiled.
“Bucky did you not fuck our poor baby while you were away?” You taunt Bucky before you kiss him and both moan at sharing Natasha’s taste.
“Oh no i did but we both know how insatiable our little slut can be” He responds and kisses Natashas head and moves her to the head of the bed.
“It’s not my fault, Look at the two of you” She giggles as she gets under the covers and Bucky gets a rag to clean her. You let out a laugh as you lay with her and pull her into your chest. A minute later he comes back to clean her up and laying on the other side of you.
“Missed you babydoll” He husks in your ear as his cock presses up against your ass. You moan at his movements and then you notice Natashas hand trailing down your body down to your pussy.
“You two will be the death of me” You say preparing yourself for the day ahead of you.
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i do not give permission for my work to be spoiled or translated on other cites
Hi lovebugs! i decided to post this a little early since i wrote it within 10 minutes and thought it was cute 🥰 lmk what yall think and i’ll see you later ❤️🖤 Dont forget to like and reblog ;)
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naoa-ao3 · 1 year
The Intimacy of Kindness
He doesn't need her help. But he wants it and she wants to give it. It started out as as a necessity. He'd broken his wrist and she'd had to help him bathe but it was sensual and it was kindness without reward and somehow that was it's own reward. Somehow that was better. Now she helps him bathe whenever they're alone with the chance. He doesn't need her to wash his hair but she likes to. She likes to run her hands through it when it's full of soap and likes to feel him relax beneath her and he likes to feel a gentle touch just as much as she likes to be able to give it.
She hasn't told him how damn much she likes it. Doesn't want to make it awkward. It's not even sexual to her but it's a kind of stimulation just the same. It's a kind of vulnerability she never allows herself and he understands exactly because it's the same for him. They're practicing kindness because in life they've never been able to give much and somewhere deep inside they're both scared that they'll lose the ability. Maybe it's something maternal, she can't have children and so she thinks that's what it is. A weird blend of maternal instinct and sensuality and she lets herself feel all these strange emotions because when they're together in a tiny bathroom full of steam, naked and bare to the world, bare to just each other it's a kind of intimacy that surpasses sex.
It's intimacy of the purest form, two people together. Past the childish blushes and second guesses, past trying to figure each other out. He trusts her and for him it's about receiving kindness just as much as it is about giving. He lets her with total trust, a kindness in it's self. She thinks he doesn't realize how much she enjoys these moments but he does and it makes him happy because it's a chance for him to be vulnerable too. A chance to let another person have the upper hand. His nakedness in the bathtub is only a physical manifestation of his vulnerability to her but it's a part of it. When he closes his eyes and lets her rinse the soap out of his hair, it's another. It's so intimate that if they let it it could easily turn to sex but somehow the moment seems too sacred and it only seldom does.
Sometimes he pulls her into the tub with him and once her clothes are gone and she's settled they sit and enjoy one another's company, enjoy one another. Enjoy the fact that there are two of the, that there's another person to enjoy at all. To share enjoyment with. Sometimes they don't talk and the intimacy of it becomes overwhelming. To the point where they don't want the moment to end or break and the one who breaks it will hate them-self for doing so. Sometimes it ends with tenderness and that's the most beautiful thing in the world. They go to bed, glowing form the moment of gentleness, glowing form the knowledge that they can both still give kindness. Happy that they have each other to give that kindness too. Happy that there is kindness left to give.
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
Not By Blood
♡ Pairing: Platonic!BuckyNat x Enhanced!Teen!Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: After a mission gone wrong, Natasha returns with an injury. Steve of course blames you.
♡ Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of gunfire/gunshot, injuries, vomiting, dissociation, anxiety attacks, steve being an asshole
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You sat on the edge of your bed, having a staring contest with the wall. Seeing as the color of the paint was doing an okay job at distracting you from your thoughts. But it didn’t matter anyway, Steve’s words rang in your head.
It should’ve been you.
You tried to play it off as Steve just being concerned for his dear friend Nat. But you couldn’t brush off the hostility laced into his words.
It was a typical mission gone wrong, mistakes were made. People ended up getting hurt. But it was all an accident. Although Steve, didn’t see it that way.
Most of the time, you were seen as a helpful addition to the team. The power of invisibility making you stealthy, being able to retrieve important information without ever being seen. You had quite the advantage of taking down enemies when you weren’t visible.
While you were actively unseen, light and objects could pass through you. Explaining why the bullet passed through you, into Nat’s side.
You had been spooked by the gunshot, instincts swift as you vanished, leaving Nat exposed. Bucky had acted fast, downing the hidden sniper as you reappeared. Immediately being sent into panic, shakily applying your hands over her wound.
Bucky had immediately shoved you away, tending to his lovers wound. It was merely a push out of adrenaline, him needing space to help Nat. But you couldn’t help but feel the shove come off too strongly.
Many hours later, Nat was rushed back to the compound, into the medbay where she was taken immediately. The doctors, including Bruce had done their magic, announcing to everyone waiting, that she’d be okay after some rest.
The announcement eased your anxiety, the waves of nausea drifting finally. Standing up, you headed for Nat’s room.
That was until Steve’s strong arm blocked your path, nearly having you fall backwards in surprise.
“Steve! You scared m—”
“Where do you think you’re going?” He interrupted you, looking down at you with a quizzical glare, making you feel small.
“Um… To Nat’s room.” You told him, shrinking back a little more at his glare turning frustrated.
“Haven’t you done enough? She needs rest.” Steve scolded you, the nausea starting to make its return.
“I know, I just wanted to see her.” You begged, needing to see for your own eyes that Nat was okay.
“You think you should be allowed to? After what happened? She trusted you (Y/n), but not after you used her as a human shield!” Steve raised his voice, crossing his arms. His stance made it clear you weren’t allowed to pass.
“She doesn’t deserve to be in there…” He paused, looking at you up and down in disgust, “It should’ve been you.”
You were taken aback at his accusation, like you would ever purposely hurt any of your teammates, especially Nat and Bucky. Steve’s words cut deep, leaving you speechless. The sob bubbling up in your throat leaving you unable to defend yourself.
But it was the lowly muttered last words that had you wanting to crawl into a hole and hide away from everyone. You looked up to Steve, he had belived in you. What had changed?
Steve just shook his head, a flash of guilt marking his features before his harsh glare returned.
“Go to your room and clean yourself up.” He commanded.
You didn’t have any energy, nor did you trust you voice enough to respond. If you did, you would’ve scolded Steve for speaking to you like a child. You were the youngest in the whole facility, but you weren’t a child.
That’s how you found yourself sitting in your room, staring at the wall, in hopes you’d disappear if you sat still long enough.
The guilt was consuming you completely, maybe Steve was right. Nat had done more than enough to prove herself worthy, she was a valuable teammate. You were… You were just additional baggage. Not necessarily needed.
The thought that you had gotten Nat injured was making you sick, dizzy with guilt. Before you knew what was happening, you were sprinting to the bathroom, sliding just in time to empty your stomach in the toilet.
After a few more moments of dry heaving, you leaned back against the wall next to the porcelain, using the coolness from the wall behind you to calm your clammy skin.
It should’ve been you. It should’ve been you.
The words shouldn’t of bounced around in your head as much as they are, but you couldn’t help but feel they were true. You didn’t belong. They were a family, they had each other. What gave you the right to walk in and mess everything up?
Tears started trailing down your cheeks, shamefully wishing for Nat’s forgiveness, knowing you didn’t deserve it. You hoped Bucky didn’t hate you as much as he should, you don’t think you could live knowing he didn’t like you. You weren’t sure there would be a chance to win Steve’s trust back, you hoped he’d forgive you eventually.
The compound had started feeling like home, with the help of Nat and Bucky. But now, as you sit balled up in the corner— You’ve never felt more out of place.
Nat had woken up hours ago, getting through a bunch of hello’s, and appreciating everyone’s concern. Besides Bucky, there was someone who she hadn’t seen greet her yet.
“Where do you think she scurried off to?” Nat asked out loud, Bucky muting the TV and facing her.
“I don’t know. I can’t stop feeling bad for pushing her.” Bucky muttered, remembering the shock on your face after the action.
“James, you didn’t mean it. You were just in mama bear mode.” Nat teased, watching some light return to his face.
“Of course I didn’t mean it, I would never do anything like that to her on purpose… I just— you should’ve seen her face. She looked upset.” He admitted.
“It was a stressful situation, I’m sure she was upset. Just not at you. Stop being so hard on yourself, and go find her and bring her here.” Nat told him, watching him nod and smile.
“Yes ma’am.” He said teasingly, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
“Now go! I want my girl!” Nat scolded playfully, making Bucky chuckle at her goofiness.
Bucky had searched the whole compound, not finding you anywhere. He asked around, but nobody had seen you since Bruce gave everyone the okay on Nat’s condition.
The last place he’d yet to check was your room, but you hated being holed up in your room unless it was bedtime, so it seemed out of character for you to be there.
Making his way to your room, he knocked on your door, leaning his ear to the wood, not hearing any noise from inside. No music, movie, humming— nothing. But he knew you were in there because he could hear your heartbeat.
“Doll, it’s me! Can I come in?” He spoke loudly through the door.
After hearing nothing, he started to grow worried. Turning the knob and opening the door slowly, scanning the room for you. Your bed looked a little wrinkled but otherwise untouched, and everything was turned off, the only light coming from the bathroom.
“(Y/n)? You alright? I’m coming in if you don’t say anything.” He warned, trying to keep his tone lighthearted, but he was panicking internally.
Turning towards the doorway, he walked through the frame, spotting your curled up form next to the toilet. Immediately he squatted down to you, concerned at the way you were blankly staring at the wall.
“Hey, hey! (Y/n)? What’s wrong baby— are you hurt?” He rushed out, gently grabbing your arms, twisting you slightly so he could check for wounds, worried that the doctors had missed something.
“Baby what’s going on? You’re scaring me.” Bucky whispered softly, your state making him panic.
After finding no wounds, he relaxed slightly, fully sitting on the floor, cradling your face in his hands. Hoping the metal hand grounded you, like it usually does when you are having an attack.
“(Y/n), you need to talk to me.” Bucky tried again, getting no response, just your vacant stare that felt like it was going right through him.
Keeping his metal hand on your cheek, he reached into his pocket with his free hand, pulling out his phone and dialing.
After a few rings, Steve picked up.
“Steve, I need you to send—”
Bucky couldn’t even finish his sentence, feeling your jaw clench, finding your eyes wide with guilt.
“(Y/n)?” Bucky tried, watching your eyes dart all around the room, ending up on his phone.
“No…” You mumbled, barely audible if it weren’t for the super serum.
Bucky perked up, relieved to hear you talking, but his heart was breaking at how broken you sounded.
“No what baby?” Bucky asked you softly, hanging up on Steve and placing his hand back on your cheek, cradling your face.
“It should’ve been me… It should’ve been me…” You started mumbling in a chant, eyes clenching shut, tears escaping and trailing down your cheeks.
Bucky was concerned and confused, wondering what had happened to have you in this state.
“What do you mean?”
It was a simple question, gently asked by him. But it seemed to trigger you, fully bringing you back with him, but hysterical.
“It’s my fault Nat got shot— I’m sorry Bucky, I’m so sorry please don’t hate me, please! It should’ve been me… It should’ve been…” You sobbed, throwing yourself into Bucky’s arms, knowing you didn’t deserve his comfort, but desperately needing it.
It dawned on Bucky suddenly what had you acting like this, and he didn’t think it was possible for his heart to break anymore.
“Hey, it’s okay baby. It wasn’t your fault, okay? And I don’t hate you, you’re my girl.” He whispered into your hair, softly rubbing your back, holding you tight, letting you cling to him.
“It should’ve been me…” You mumbled into his chest again.
Bucky pulled you back from his chest, cradling your face, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“I don’t wanna hear you say that. It was a mistake, and mistakes happen. But don’t you dare say that. Nat’s okay— and i’m happy that you’re okay too.” Bucky told you, tone gentle.
You sniffled and nodded your head.
“Now, you wanna tell me why you are hiding in your bathroom? You always come to Nat and I.” Bucky asked, slightly offended that his girl found more comfort on the bathroom floor than with him.
You looked down shamefully, your head getting tilted back up by Bucky.
“I tried to visit Nat but… Steve said I shouldn’t.” You admitted quietly.
Bucky’s jaw tensed, leave it to Steve to makes things worse.
“He uh…” You started but got nervous, growing silent.
“He what baby? You can tell me.” Bucky urged, wiping his thumb under your eyes, drying the skin of moisture.
“Don’t get mad at him okay?” You told him, and Bucky rolled his eyes.
He was already mad. Steve messed with his girl.
“Promise?” You asked again.
He huffed in frustration, wishing he could just go yell at Steve. But otherwise nodded to you.
“He said that Nat didn’t deserve to be hurt… That it…” You paused, swallowing through the tightness in your throat, tears returning, “He said it should’ve been me.”
“That little punk, I’m gonna—”
“You promised!” You told him.
Bucky took a deep breath in, trying to let his anger melt away. But he couldn’t relax knowing Steve had said that to you, it was far from okay. You didn’t deserve that, you were the sweetest person to exist.
“Doll, he shouldn’t of said that to you. It’s not true. He sure as hell didn’t mean it, and I’m gonna have a talk with him about why he said it— but it’s not true.” Bucky told you, watching you relax at his words.
“Still hurt to hear though.” You whispered, burying yourself into his arms again.
“I know baby, I’m sorry you had to hear something like that.” Bucky uttered into your hair.
“So is… Is Natty okay?” You meekly asked, still feeling guilty from everything that had happened.
“She asked for you.” Bucky told you, watching you lean back, gazing into his eyes with happiness.
“Yes baby, she’s not mad at you, She just wants to see you. She loves you.” He told you, hating the way he had to convince you. “Wanna go see her?”
You nodded eagerly, needing to see Nat. See that she was okay.
The door to Nat’s room opened, she turned her head, smiling lovingly when she saw you standing with Bucky.
“There she is!” Nat called out, holding her arms open.
You ran over to her, jumping into her embrace. The guilt was still lingering and you couldn’t help the tears from falling again, dampening Nat’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry Nat, I’m so glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do without you —I”
“Calm down (Y/n), I’m okay. It wasn’t your fault.” Nat cooed, running her fingers through your hair as you cried into her shoulder. “Oh baby, don’t cry. It’s okay.”
You leaned back just enough to look Nat in the eyes, relieved to have her here with you, safe. You suddenly felt a much larger body press from behind you, caged in between Nat and Bucky.
They wrapped their arms around each other, circling you with their warmth. They weren’t related to you by blood, but sometimes they felt like they were your true family. The family you had been missing.
“I love you guys.” You whispered to them.
“We love you baby.” Bucky mumbled into your hair, “You’re our girl.”
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