#Build your immunity in a cost effective way
mariacallous · 3 months
Can a video game teach you to resist disinformation?
The U.S. government certainly thinks so: In May, the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC), the government agency tasked with countering foreign disinformation, released a request for proposal offering $1 million for “an evergreen game in a sandbox platform, with an existing fan base, in which participants play a game that builds cognitive resilience to authoritarianism and promotes democratic norms and values.” The call for a sandbox platform refers to open, multiplayer game spaces such as Minecraft, Roblox, or Fortnite, which allow players to build forts, explore virtual worlds, experience short stories, and share experiences. This request is asking for proposals to use creative mode in Fortnite (or a similar platform) to design a custom game experience—only instead of being fun, it is meant to train people to resist Russian disinformation.
It’s an intriguing way to combat an existential challenge for democracy. Can play undermine lies more effectively than speech does? There is a lot about this idea that is compelling, but there are just as many reasons to be skeptical.
The GEC’s idea certainly has some validity. It wants to leverage the emerging field of prebunking—the art of making people aware of disinformation before they encounter it—to help build media literacy skills and contribute to online safety. This is a process that researchers call “inoculation,” which treats disinformation like a virus: You need to train your psychological immune system, so to speak, to learn how to identify and reject bad information. Researchers have suggested different methods for this, ranging from a very literal metaphor of exposing people to “weakened” forms of common disinformation up to complex media literacy training intended to prepare people to identify disinformation on their own.
Using games as part of the battle over information isn’t new. The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism has an entire project devoted to understanding the role of video games in what the U.N. calls “countering violent extremism.” Late last year, the Swedish Psychological Defense Agency—which, like the GEC, is empowered to combat foreign disinformation—sponsored research into foreign political interference that uses video games. And the European Journalism Observatory has highlighted video games, specifically, as a vector for disinformation during Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
So, the GEC is addressing a serious problem with global implications. And the sandbox anti-disinformation proposal is not the only video game program that the agency is funding. As Aftermath reports, it is also offering $250,000 for a program at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine that will use the process of building an esports team and hosting an esports tournament to provide “counter disinformation/conflict resolution training to confront foreign propaganda and disinformation in competitive online gaming spaces.” While these sums may seem high, a typical “indie” game (one that is not developed by a major studio) can cost a million dollars or more, and so-called AAA games (such as Grand Theft Auto, Fallout, or Call of Duty) can cost hundreds of millions of dollars to develop.
One challenge that inoculation programs face is establishing success conditions. After all, how do you know when someone is successfully protected against disinformation? There is no good answer for this yet—we can design experiments and surveys to measure how messages are being accepted or rejected by a population, but—like other preventative measures—success is negative. You know the program worked if you don’t see people repeating disinformation, rather than knowing it worked because some tangible finish line has been crossed. It is a problem requiring constant vigilance. In that sense, the GEC’s call for an evergreen (permanent) game to counter disinformation is aligned with broad aspects of disinformation research.
But is a game the best way to do this? For decades, games studies have adopted an argument put forth by Dutch cultural historian Johan Huizinga in the 1930s: Games and play are essential to civilization, because they (however unintentionally) teach children how to socialize and move within rules-based systems in a mirror of society.
Building on those ideas, media theorist Ian Bogost coined the term “procedural rhetoric” in the 2000s to argue that video games instruct players to view the world through a certain set of rules and to discard others—even when trying to “break” a game system, he argued, players are still learning how rules and games work. If one accepts this line of argument, then it would naturally follow that an effort to design a game to inoculate against disinformation has the potential to be highly effective.
There are some problems with this approach. The research into so-called serious games, which are games intended to do something other than entertain, suggests that they are the most effective when they are also fun to play. This is a bit of a contradiction, since a serious game is not made with entertainment as its primary purpose, and that is reflected in the GEC’s call. There is no mention of the evergreen game being fun for its players. The agency, understandably, is focused on the outcomes of the game, not the game itself. But making serious games fun is a hard challenge that researchers are still working on, and without it, the effectiveness of any serious game will be limited.
The fun challenge has plagued efforts to use video games to do achieve goals in foreign policy, statecraft, and human rights since the start of the 21st century. Games such as the International Committee of the Red Cross’s LifeRun (2020) or 11 Bit Studio’s This War of Mine (2011) try to cultivate in players a concern for civilians in warfare. The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah released Special Force (2003) so players can battle against Israeli soldiers in South Lebanon, and Fursan Al-Aqsa (2022), places players in the shoes of a Palestinian student who seeks revenge on the Israeli soldiers who tortured him in prison. Fursan is available on Steam, an online video game marketplace used by players around the world that (relevant for the GEC grants) also restricts sales in Russia and Belarus due to sanctions stemming from Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
Militaries have used games for propaganda, too, from America’s Army (2002) to China’s Glorious Mission (2011). Some of these games went nowhere. (Hezbollah, for instance, did not make a fun game.) But others, such as America’s Army, endured for decades because they were fun—and that game became fun by abandoning some of its more serious pretensions as new editions were published.
While it is clear that the GEC is drawing on a large number of precedents, ideas, and projects, is there evidence that any of it works? After studying the Red Cross’s LifeRun game, which seems to be a close analog to the GEC’s call for proposals, scholar Jolene Fisher concluded that there are structural limits to what these games can be expected to do, given their small distribution and limited scale. In a recent report, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace observed that initiatives to support local journalism and media literacy education were far more effective at undermining disinformation than statecraft or counter-messaging, but the former are also much more difficult to fund, implement, and scale.
Bogost, the media scholar, reflected in 2018 on his experience trying to make “persuasive games” and concluded the concept was more promise than delivery. “It was emotion and novelty that drove much of the interest in this work,” he wrote, not concrete or supportable projects. It could be that games are just an accessible channel to do this work compared to more effective methods.
There are broader issues with the GEC’s plans, too. I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation on the U.S. Army Esports (USAE) team, an effort launched in 2018 in an attempt to use esports to bolster years of flagging recruitment. The U.S. Defense Department certainly seems to be convinced that the team has been effective in growing its recruiting pipeline and boosting morale, however controversial it may be. But it also does not release data to support its claims of effectiveness, and in 2023, the Army announced a major overhaul of the recruiting process due to multiple consecutive years of missing enlistment goals. If the USAE is effective at growing recruitment, that growth was hard to see. (The service claims that it is on track to meet a much lower recruiting goal in 2024).
I wasn’t alone in observing the limited effects that games on influencing thinking. A couple of years ago, games scholar Philip Hammond observed that decades of U.S. military influence on video games has coincided with declining recruiting and less public trust. If games can persuade people, it’s hard to see how.
This does not mean that such programs are a failure, nor does it mean that the GEC’s program is futile. Rather, it indicates that, as Bogost cautioned, we should be clear about the gap between promise and delivery, and mindful of where that gap emerges.
The GEC’s success in persuading social media companies to moderate away Islamist extremist content on their platforms (the most effective way to counter disinformation, according to researchers) suggests that it sometimes can do this work effectively. After all, while the growing presence of extremists in video games is a real concern, it is the community and discourse around games where that extremism tends to emerge, not within the storylines and play of the games themselves.
Games scholar Sky LaRell Anderson calls these conversations “extraludic narratives,” and in studying them found that they form an important basis for building communities around sharing gameplay experiences. Such a dynamic leaves open the potential for the GEC’s sponsored esports team in Ukraine to influence some of those narratives about Russia, or even to cultivate a community of resistance against Russian narratives in Ukraine’s Esports spaces. But researchers find this dynamic hard for outsiders to understand in real time, much less to intentionally shape beforehand. Governments just aren’t cool, and the USAE’s own engagement scandals point to the many scenarios where government sponsorship might be a poison pill.
The GEC has experienced this with its other efforts to counter disinformation. Its successful campaign to contain Islamist disinformation online, when applied to countering Russian disinformation, resulted in the center being subjected to unfair, partisan attacks by far-right politicians in the United States. Republicans in the House of Representatives tried last year to block the center’s budgetary reauthorization, falsely claiming that it targeted conservatives for censorship. Embattled Rep. Darrell Issa disputed the need for a counter-disinformation agency and claimed that the GEC had no successes to justify its budget despite the agency’s successful work countering disinformation.
The dishonest nature of these attacks points to a difficult political environment emerging for the agency. It could be the case that sponsoring games and gaming events is all that the agency has left if platform governance has become closed off by toxic right-wing politics. The GEC is a meaningful organization that treats the threat of disinformation with the appropriate seriousness.
But if politics prevent the agency from responding effectively to disinformation in the venues where it can be the most effective, it is hard to blame it for trying something else. Still, we should be cautious and keep our expectations in check: As unfair as the right-wing attacks on the agency are, and as hard as it works to address disinformation globally, those same attacks will also be carried over to the teams and games the agency sponsors.
Even in an ideal environment, there would be modest expectations for such a small program, but those may be impossible to meet. Disinformation is ultimately a political challenge, not a technical one, and the politics of disinformation in the United States have already tied the GEC’s hands. It’s just not clear how this political problem can be solved with a video game.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
new life smp: second origins
scott: fungal mage
fwhip: hare
gem: blazeborn
joey: TBA
katherine: TBA
lizzie: TBA
sausage: phoenix
seapeekay: beach crab
shubble: TBA
joel: dullahan
jimmy: monkey
stacy: TBA
strawburry: TBA
oli: TBA
owen: copper golem
scar: human
pearl: star
pix: TBA
martyn: TBA
full origins descriptors under the cut!
scott: fungal mage [impact - •••]
an explorer keen on knowledge and adventure, fit to travel the under and overworlds.
fungal hop [+] *
you can summon clouds below you and hop on them. cost: 10 fungus mana
dash [+] **
you can enter a veil of magic, throwing you forwards and making you invulnerable, invisible, and unable to activate plates. cost: 10 fungus mana
sporous relocation [+]
you can channel and condense warped spored into a magical laser, infusing them with magic. you will be teleported where they land, or where the laser stops. cost: 10 fungus mana
fungus mana [+]
the mystic aura that all fungi contain. you can harness it and use it as magic energy, but without it, you are powerless. gain fungus mana by standing on mycelium, warped nylium, or crimson nylium.
detrimental [-]
the combination of your fungus mana and your body makes food mostly useless to you. while you can still reap the benefits of shimmering foods, your hunger bar has no effect on your health. you must instead rely on your fungus mana to heal you.
magical essence [+]
you are naturally protected from fire and poison, as long as you have fungus mana.
shroom stature [-]
you have only 8 hearts, because you care little for your physical form. you will be reduced to 6 when without fungus mana. berry bushes will not puncture your fungal skin.
bioluminescence [+]
you glow to other players when in a light level of 0.
gaia's frequency [+]
you have mastered way of the earth, allowing you to mine red and brown mushroom blocks when sneaking as if you had silk touch.
bookworm [+]
you can craft mushroom blocks and bundles, ride mooshrooms, and you can brew up a killer mushroom stew.
fungal infusion [+]
you can fuse the magi mushroom with certain item, granting them power. create the magi mushroom by right clicking blaze powder atop red mushrooms in your inventory.
* you can use similar magic to boost yourself while gliding with an elytra, and use fireworks to assist flight. cost: 20 fungus mana
* you can also stop yourself mid flight, by crouching and pressing- cost: 5 fungus mana
** you become immune to fall damage if falling from a height of 5 blocks or more. however, you must have fungus mana.
fwhip: hare [impact - •••]
a race of burrow dwelling rabbits that had attained a level of awareness akin to humans. they inherited their proficient mobility.
bunny hop [+]
you build up momentum while in the air which is added to your movement speed. you keep built up momentum momentarily while on the ground. you may also gain momentum with your active ability.
photophobia [+]
note: fwhip didn’t show all the descriptors for his origin. he has more abilities, but these are the only ones with the official description shown.
gem: blazeborn [impact - •••]
late descendants of the blaze, the blazeborn are naturally immune to the perils of the nether.
fire immunity [+]
you are immune to all types of fire damage.
nether inhabitant [-]
your natural spawn will be in the nether.
burning wrath [+]
when on fire, you deal additional damage with your attacks.
hotblooded [+]
due to your hot body, venoms burn up, making you immune to poison and hunger status effects.
hydrophobia [-]
you receive damage over time while in contact with water.
sausage: phoenix [impact - •••]
flying from the pages of mythology, the phoenix is a legendary firebird that can never truly die.
rebirth [+]
in your normal form, you have more health and can use flight and ascent. if you lose your health, you shrink to your rebirth form. this form is 1 block tall, can use glide, and has low health. you return to normal form upon rejuvenation or death.
rejuvenation [+]
if you were in your reborn form, you will slowly return to normal form provided you are directly under the sun. standing in teh rain or in water will reduce progress towards rejuvenating.
roost [+]
while sneaking and not moving, you will gain progress towards rejuvenating in reborn form, regardless of there being sunlight or not.
radiant call [+]
full heals every player and mob within a 12 block radius. triggers automatically every 2 minutes. if you are in reborn form, regain some progress towards rejuvenation when this triggers.
helios' blessing [+]
when under direct sunlight, you receive a speed boost on land and in the air.
flight [+]
you have wings. only available in normal form.
ascent [+]
you are able to launch yourself into the air. only available in normal form.
fireball [+]
launch a fireball that deals damage and ignites the first entity it hits.
gliding [+]
you gain slow falling and jump boost. only available in reborn form.
fiery death [-]
your body sets the ground on fire when you die.
golden diet [-]
all foods restore very little hunger and saturation, except for golden foods, which function like normal.
water weakness [-]
you have decreased speed in water.
brittle bones [-]
you take more damage from falling and flying into blocks.
fire immunity [+]
you are immune to all types of fire damage.
seapeekay: beach crab [impact - •••]
crustaceans who like to rave, preferably on beaches.
home! [-][+]
beach biomes provide you with immense strength and fortification. you feel weaker outside of beach biomes if you stay in them for over 15 minutes.
rave! [+]
play the song of your people, and rave for your valor!
krusty [-]
you are a bit shorter and much wider than a human. your arms are 35% shorter than a human.
legs n' chelipeds [+]
your legs move much faster when in water, and you deal additional damage when wet.
crawler [+]
you descend down to the water until you stand on and walk on its floor, but move quite fast while walking. you can occasionally muster the strength to swim for a brief period of time.
pincers [-]
melee weaopns are half as effective because of your pincers. you deal more damage with your pincers.
shell [+]
you have a natural layer of armor.
crustacean gills [+][-]
you have a much higher oxygen capacity, but you require moisture to breathe. you lose your breath in very hot climates, including the nether. four levels of fire protection will allow you to remain cool and maintain moisture.
kelpomaniac [+]
you can eat kelp, which empowers your underwater vision, and oxygen capacity.
aqua affinity [+]
you may break blocks underwater as others do on land.
unwieldy [-]
the way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
joel: dullahan [impact - •••]
an accursed headless horseman, who uses their nightmarish powers to trap the souls of their prey in lanterns.
binding chain [+]
you can impale a target with a barbed chain, immobilising them and inflicting wither.
behold a pale horse [+] *
conjure a speedy nightmare steed that will remain for 2 minutes in the mortal world. this has a 5 minute cooldown.
spectre’s dismay [+]
shoot an explosive wither skull projectile at your prey.
cower, run [+] *
even your presence is scary, making enemies blinded with fear.
death’s tools [+] *
you always carry items with you gathered on your journeys as a horsemen.
the pact [+][-]
your contract to hunt souls empowers you under the light of the moon, but during the day you are weskened, making your thirst for souls insatiable.
soul devourer [-] *
food does not satiate your wretched form. as a horsemen, you can't eat anything - only being able to absorb the souls in soul lanterns to give you nutrients.
boned [+] *
when hit, you have a chance of dropping bones.
cursed [-] *
any items imbued with a curse can seal you inside the weapon and kill you.
note: joel didn’t show all the descriptors for his origin. the rest were taken from the wiki here, although the wording of the descriptions he did show differ from the wiki. they're all the same core abilities, just with different wordings, although it's possible there could've been some tweaks done as well. wiki-based descriptors are labeled with a *.
jimmy: monkey [impact - •••]
rulers of the jungle and cousins of the humans, these mammals have a great mobility but not a big brain.
vine hook [+]
you can throw a vine to move around the trees.
master climber [+]
you can climb everywhere by shifting at the cost of stamina. you can also hang up from ceilings
small but agile [+]
you are 1 block and a half tall in order to move swiftly through the jungle.
tailwind [+]
you are a little bit quicker on foot than others.
stamina [-]
you have a stamina bar that runs down whenever you are climbing.
strong body [+]
you take 80% less velocity based damage.
not a good swimmer [-]
no monkey has ever been able to swim.
monkey jump [+]
you can lunge at the cost of stamina.
monkey brain [-]
you are unable to use either a bow, crossbow, or shield.
owen: copper golem [impact - •••]
the copper golems are a curious automaton, designed to improve the lives of others. since they were initially prototyped, they have gained a greater knowledge of redstone components and ways to utilise them.
repairs available [-]
your body cannot be naturally or magically mended. you instead repair by consuming copper ingots.
oxidation [-]
your copper body makes you susceptible to the elements, oxidising you over time. oxidation can be removed with an axe.
galvanise [+]
honeycombs allow you to wax yourself, staving off the effects of oxidation for several minutes.
lightning rod [+]
while in thunderstorms, you’re much more likely to get struck by lightning. you are immune to lighting, and de-oxidize when struck.
copper plating [+]
your chassis is made out of copper. as a result, you passively have resistance.
local area networking* [+]
you have modified an antenna to fit to your head permanently to recieve radio signals.
micro machine [-]
you are only one block tall, and your maximum health is reduced.
automaton [+][-]
your body doesn’t experience hunger, and you don’t benefit from natural regeneration.
button masher [+]
your programming gives you an overwhelming urge to press buttons. every time you press a button, redstone dust will drop.
tinkerer [+]
you can quickly convert a redstone component into its similar counterpart.
transmute [+]
you are able to transmute copper into other metals, allowing you to craft more metal items.
toolsmith [+]
you can also use this skill to create various metal tools.
circuit corrosion [-]
being submerged in water will damage your internal circuitry. your plating will protect you from rain, however.
heavy metal [+][-]
you don’t need to breathe underwater, but your dense body holds you down.
* active ability. when standing within 5 blocks of unwaxed copper, emerald, or diamond ore and blocks, you will beep. you oxidise faster while this is active.
scar: human [impact - •••]
a regular human. your ordinary minecraft experience awaits.
pearl: star [impact - •••]
you are absolutely glowing!
luminant glide [+]
you are able to launch up into the air, and will slowly glide until you reach the ground.
luminant [+]
you light up the area around you.
starlight [-][+]
you’re smaller during the day, but larger at night.
gravitation [+]
the gravity of the earth is less taxing upon you at night.
immaterial [-]
you have 2 less hearts.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Hey Shutters. I'm a sucker for thematic team comps, and I had Gnosis E2 already, so I started building Kjera, Aurora, (& Pramanix) for that Freeze team comp, but after looking closer at it, I'm puzzling over how to actually use them. Do I just use Liskarm as a battery for Kjera & Aurora?
Also I was quite annoyed to find Degenbrecher immune to freeze, which seems to be a trend among bosses. For one of this game's 2 Duelists to be freeze-dependent when many bosses are freeze-immune is.... a choice.
Have I made a huge mistake? Pls help
Not at all. Individually, Gnosis, Kjera, and Pramanix are all powerful units who can hold their own even outside a freeze team (especially Pramanix, who didn't even originally have Cold and only got it after modules), it's only really Aurora who relies on the help as her physical damage is heavily reliant on the enemy being frozen in order to be competitive, and it takes her 2 ammo shots to freeze an enemy by herself, which is a waste of her nuking potential.
While it's true that many bosses are immune to Freeze, most Elite enemies aren't, which comes in handy during events like Contingency Contract where Risks can make Elites almost as dangerous as a regular event boss (example: Tiacauh Champions) where Aurora's ability to threeshot most enemies as long as they're frozen can be handy. Certain powerful bosses such as the bane of Stulifera Navis, the Endspeaker, are vulnerable to Freeze as well (in fact one of the easiest ways to cheese that complex bossfight was to equip the increase Cold duration mod then permafreeze the boss)
Now, if you want to use SP batteries to charge Aurora, you're going to need her module. Duelists are coded to not be able to gain SP unless they are blocking, but with their module equipped they instead gain SP very slowly while not blocking. This has the side effect of making them eligible for SP charging by allies, so Ptilopsis, Warfarin, Liskarm etc can now work on them.
Kjera doesn't have much need for SP charging. At S2M3 the SP cost is lowered to 40. While not cheap, it is at least low enough (and lasts long enough) for Kjera to be ready to take on most waves that actually needs her to freeze enemies. Take note that Mech Accord Casters look a lot weaker on paper than they actually are: their very low stats are because both the Caster and their drone fire individual attacks, and the drone ramps up in damage when attacking the same enemy as its Caster until it's doing 110% ATK. This means the Mech Accord is actually hitting for 100% + 110% when ganging up on one enemy (and Kjera's S2 brings out TWO drones for double the fun)
Your biggest challenges when running a Freeze team is your reliance on range tiles (since Aurora is your only melee Freeze operator), and large groups of enemies (since Aurora is only block 1). The latter can be solved by running Gnosis with S2, but the first problem is why this team can be pretty map dependent, but again, individually all three ranged Freeze units shine on their own outside Freeze teams anyway.
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dailycharacteroption · 10 months
Hagbound (Witch Archetype)
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(photography by NataliaDrepina on DeviantArt)
The last of the hag-themed archetypes for a while, today we’re looking at a subject that explores a bit of what exactly being a hag means and how they relate to mortal peoples and dark magic. I present, the hagbound witch!
Whether they are changelings being influenced especially strongly by their mother’s call, or were a witch cursed with power directly connected to hags (be it by direct curse or by the backlash of reaching too far for forbidden magic), some witches find themselves infected with the cursed power hags wield, and find their forms twisting to match.
One might speculate that this twisted power might have been the origin of the first hags, powerful early mages that became twisted by corrupt power and became monsters, which bred true to create the pan-species cursed lineage of changelings and hags.
In short, this archetype is one part the punishment for reaching for things not meant for mortals, and one part a curse that grants great power while still being explicitly a bad thing, which I find fits very nicely with the magic that witches normally possess.
Becoming Hagbound is so intrinsic to their powers that the power of this dark magic overwhelms them, keeping them from training in other vocations until freed from the curse. What’s more, their patron always has some power over an area that are associated with hags, such as deception, jynx, moon, occult, plague, shadow, strength, vengeance, or winter. If the curse is ever broken, they become a normal witch.
The first signs of their change take the form of wicked claws, their nails lengthening and hardening into lethal tools of death.
What’s more, their body slowly twists into a malformed, but dangerously powerful state, making them much stronger.
They are, however, adept at hiding their monstrous form, able to cast illusions and later transform themselves to appear normal, even beautiful.
True to the nature of their magic, they can also lay curses at a touch without expending magic, though such afflictions lack staying power, only lasting a day. However, they can only affect a person once per day with such a curse, but they can make it harder to resist if they find a way to tailor it to some vulnerability in their heart, such as a dark secret or fear.
The most powerful of these mystics transform into true hags, gaining many of their protections against magic (which somehow includes immunity to “spell” effects despite also having spell resistance which they grant to fellow coven members. That is definitely a mistake in editing, do not let your 20th level hagbound player have total magic immunity. Immunity to charm and fear are already good enough.)
This archetype… is definitely built for a very specific thing that the witch is not naturally good at: a melee attack build that can lay down curses at the cost of… pretty much all of your witch hexes. What’s more, you’re limited to a very small selection of patrons, most of which are ok at laying down debuffs and battlefield control for setup, but strength is probably top-tier for all the buffs it can give you to make you actually decent in combat. Deception would be better if the archetype explicitly didn’t prevent you from multiclassing into rogue or other class with sneak attack. Honestly, unless you’re specifically going for this strange little close combat witch, this archetype feels more like a story thing that you take for the flavor and try to get rid of as soon as you can via powerful magic as some quest reward.
As mentioned above, this archetype is either something that you quest to get rid of but utilize in the meantime, or allow it to remain and become twisted into a violent monster by it. It’s no wonder that the archetype mentions the accursed corruption in it’s flavor text, because this feels very much like a monstrous transformation you can use to your advantage at the cost of your humanity.
Strange occult practices took place on Ghosthollow Hill, once the sight of a mighty wizard’s tower who did strange things like partially invoke the hag nature of changelings to study their twisted magic, to binding the outsiders known as shining children to lynxes and other animals. Though the tower and the wizard are long destroyed, the echoes of that power remain, and some speak of a hermit like a hag but also not with a pet lynx with a collar of glowing orbs.
While not impossible, changelings are uncommon among the catfolk, but they do occur. Such ammurun are often born with black fur with a single white spot on their throats. While most either live relatively normal lives or succumb to their mother’s call, a rare few find their heritage manifesting of its own accord, giving them uncanny power over luck, particularly the misfortune of others.
When Koria Stonemiller began to manifest magical power and monstrous form, it became impossible to hide her changeling nature, and her neighbors turned on her, lynching her for the crime of being born different. However, this was not the end for her, for now she lingers in her family home as a spectre, dreaming of revenge on her neighbors and on her hag mother.
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healthy444 · 4 months
What are the benefits of HIIT (High-intensity Interval Training)?
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High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is like a fitness hack for busy people. Here are some of the key benefits:
Time-Efficient: One of the biggest perks is that it saves time. You can get an intense, effective workout in just 20-30 minutes, which is perfect for those with jam-packed schedules.
Burns More Calories: HIIT keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time compared to steady-state cardio. Plus, you’ll continue to burn calories even after you’re done, thanks to the afterburn effect (EPOC).
Improves Cardiovascular Health: It’s great for your heart. Regular HIIT sessions can boost your cardiovascular health, making your heart and lungs stronger and more efficient.
Increases Metabolic Rate: Your metabolism gets a serious boost, which can help with weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight. This higher metabolism can last for hours after your workout.
Builds Muscle: HIIT isn’t just about burning fat; it also helps build and maintain muscle mass. This is because the intense bursts of activity often involve bodyweight exercises or weights that challenge your muscles.
No Equipment Needed: Many HIIT workouts can be done without any equipment, using just your body weight. This makes it easy to do at home, in a park, or wherever you have a little space.
Boosts Endurance: Even though HIIT workouts are short, they’re tough. This toughness helps improve your endurance over time, making you stronger and more resilient.
Improves Mental Health: The intensity of HIIT can release a ton of endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones. It’s a great stress buster and can significantly boost your mood and mental clarity.
Adaptable for All Levels: Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, HIIT can be adjusted to fit your fitness level. You can start slow and gradually increase the intensity as you get fitter.
Enhances Insulin Sensitivity: HIIT can improve your body’s insulin sensitivity, which helps your muscles use glucose more effectively. This can be particularly beneficial for managing or preventing type 2 diabetes.
Improves Oxygen Consumption: Regular HIIT sessions can enhance your body’s ability to consume and utilize oxygen, improving your overall aerobic capacity without the need for long, tedious cardio sessions.
Supports Brain Health: HIIT can boost brain function, improving cognitive abilities and memory. The intense exercise increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, stimulating the growth of new brain cells.
Reduces Blood Pressure: For those dealing with high blood pressure, HIIT can be more effective than moderate-intensity continuous exercise in reducing blood pressure levels.
Increases Fat Loss: HIIT specifically targets abdominal and visceral fat more effectively than other types of exercise, helping you achieve a leaner physique.
Enhances Flexibility and Balance: Many HIIT routines incorporate movements that enhance flexibility, coordination, and balance, which can reduce the risk of injuries.
Boosts Immune System: Regular intense exercise can strengthen your immune system, making you less susceptible to illnesses.
Improves Skin Health: The increased blood flow and sweating from HIIT can promote healthier, clearer skin by helping to flush out toxins.
Promotes Better Sleep: HIIT can help improve sleep quality. The physical exertion can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Increases Longevity: Regular HIIT workouts are linked to longer life expectancy due to the comprehensive health benefits they provide, from improved heart health to better metabolic function.
Cost-Effective: Since you don’t need a gym membership or expensive equipment, HIIT is a very cost-effective way to stay in shape.
Social and Fun: HIIT can be done in groups, making it a social activity. The variety of exercises also keeps it engaging and fun, reducing the likelihood of workout boredom.
HIIT offers a well-rounded approach to fitness, addressing various aspects of health and wellness efficiently and effectively.
In short, HIIT is an incredibly efficient way to get fit and stay healthy, especially if you're short on time. Plus, the variety and intensity can make workouts more interesting and fun!
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sac-bestsupplements · 5 months
Are there Protein Pills? And do they make Whey Protein Capsules? Fitness Industry Secrets Revealed!
Discover the best Protein Pills supplements + FAQ & Tricks:: https://super-achiever.com/best-protein-pills
#proteinpills #wheyprotein #proteincapsules
Hello Achiever Fam! 💪 Tired of lugging around that massive tub of protein powder? Over 70% of gym enthusiasts are seeking more convenient ways to get their protein fix.
Could there be a better solution? Let's find out if protein pills are the answer and if whey protein capsules exist in “Are there Protein Pills? And do they make Whey Protein Capsules? Fitness Industry Secrets Revealed!” The Scoop on Protein Pills: 🚀 Yes, they exist! But hold your horses, they might not be the silver bullet you're hoping for. Most protein pills contain significantly less protein compared to a scoop of powder and can be pricier. Whey Protein Capsules: 💊 Indeed, they're real! These nifty capsules are packed with whey protein powder for a quick and easy protein boost.
But, are they the muscle-building miracle they seem to be? Muscle Building & Weight Loss: 💪 Whey protein aids in increasing muscle protein synthesis and promoting lean muscle growth. It's also linked to effective weight management by enhancing satiety. Cholesterol Control: ❤️ Studies suggest whey protein can reduce total and LDL cholesterol levels, offering a potential boon for heart health. Asthma & Immune Boost: 🌬️ Early research indicates whey protein might improve the immune response in asthma patients, though more investigation is needed.
Types of Whey Protein: 🥛 From whey protein concentrate (WPC) to isolate (WPI) and hydrolysate (WPH), there's a variety to fit different dietary needs and preferences. Potential Downsides: 😬 Though generally safe, excessive whey intake can cause issues like nausea or headaches for some. Reality Check: 💡 While whey protein capsules provide convenience, they often can't compete with shakes in terms of protein content and cost-effectiveness. But they can be handy for travel or quick fixes. 🤔
So, are protein pills the future, or should we stick to our trusty shakes? Remember, supplements can't outperform a balanced diet and regular exercise. What's your take on protein pills? 💬 Share your thoughts below, and stay tuned for more fitness revelations in our upcoming videos! See you next time, achievers! 🌟
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that-house · 1 year
22? cheers.
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Without a Trace
Cost: requires 4+ Perfection, costs 2 EXP Rules text: 1/combat: you may become Hidden at round start, regardless of if you were Hidden last turn Translated rules text: once per combat, you can gain the Hidden condition, which gives you immunity to being Hit by enemies unless they get a critical hit or until the end of your next turn. You can't normally Hide two turns in a row, but this Power lets you get around that.
The Hidden condition is one of the many, many ways the Perfection tree avoids the consequences of their actions. Perfection as a Stat is all about staying seventy steps ahead of your opponent and sounding like a kid on the playground with your “nuh-uh you didn’t hit me” shenanigans. Hidden lets you stay safe until you’re ready to act, but then it leaves you open for a second. Without a Trace lets you extend the duration of one Hide effect for another turn once a combat. It’s not the flashiest ability but it’s cheap and can effectively translate to one or more extra HP in a system where everyone goes down in a few hits.
Additionally, it has a lot of synergy with a Power from the Aggression tree, Red in Tooth and Claw, which empowers all your attacks while you’re Hidden. Ordinarily a RiTaC build has an “on-turn” and an “off-turn” where they alternate between doing something big and hiding again. This power can get you two “on-turns” in a row, boosting your effectiveness by a lot.
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Meeting Your Daily Protein Needs: A Guide for Diabetic Patients
Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including building and repairing tissues, producing enzymes and hormones, and supporting a healthy immune system. The amount of protein one should consume daily depends on several factors, such as body weight, activity level, and individual goals. In this article, we will explore the recommended daily protein intake based on these factors and highlight 10 excellent vegetarian and non-vegetarian sources of protein.
Know more details of PCOS Diet Chart at our official website…
Additionally, we will discuss important considerations for individuals with diabetes.
Determining Daily Protein Requirements:
When determining your protein needs, it's important to consider your body weight and activity level. The general recommendation for sedentary individuals is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. However, for those who engage in regular physical activity or strength training, higher protein intake may be necessary to support muscle repair and growth.
For active individuals, a range of 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is often recommended. Athletes or those engaging in intense training may require even higher amounts, typically around 2.0 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the ideal protein intake based on individual needs and goals.
Top  Vegetarian Protein Sources:
1. Legumes and Pulses: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and other legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein. They also contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious choice.
2. Quinoa: Considered a complete protein, quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids. It is also rich in fiber and minerals like iron and magnesium.
3. Tofu and Tempeh: Made from soybeans, tofu and tempeh are versatile sources of protein. They are low in saturated fat and can be used in a variety of dishes.
4. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds are packed with protein, healthy fats, and other essential nutrients.
5.  Yogurt: This dairy product is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. Opt for low-fat or non-fat varieties and avoid added sugars.
6. Cottage Cheese: Cottage cheese is a low-fat dairy product that is high in protein and calcium. It can be enjoyed on its own or added to salads and recipes.
Top  Non-Vegetarian Protein Sources:
1.. Chicken Breast: A lean protein source, chicken breast is low in fat and high in protein. It is versatile and can be prepared in various ways.
2. Fish: Options like salmon, tuna, and trout are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein. They also provide essential nutrients like vitamin D and iodine.
3. Lean Meat: Lean cuts of meat, are excellent sources of protein and iron. Moderation is key due to their higher fat content.
4. Eggs: Eggs are a convenient and cost-effective protein source. They contain all essential amino acids and are also rich in vitamins and minerals.
Considerations for Diabetic Patients:
Individuals with diabetes should pay attention to their overall carbohydrate intake when incorporating protein-rich foods into their diet. It's important to choose protein sources that are low in saturated fats and added sugars. Here are some additional considerations for diabetic patients:
Balanced Meals: Include a variety of protein sources along with complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and fiber to help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid excessive calorie intake. A registered dietitian can provide guidance on appropriate serving sizes.
Timing and Distribution: Spread protein intake throughout the day to support blood sugar control and enhance satiety.
Protein Powders and Supplements: If necessary, diabetic patients can consider incorporating protein powders or supplements into their diet, but it's important to choose those specifically formulated for diabetics and consult with a healthcare professional.
Protein is an essential component of a balanced diet and plays a vital role in overall health and well-being. The amount of protein needed daily depends on factors such as body weight and activity level. By including a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, you can meet your daily protein needs. For individuals with diabetes, it is crucial to consider the quality and quantity of protein sources while maintaining an overall healthy eating pattern. Consulting a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized recommendations to ensure a well-balanced diet that meets individual needs.
Visit our official website: https://www.bestdiabetologistindelhi.com
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cyberkevvideo · 2 years
Hello you talented and wonderful blogger! I'm rolling through Way of the Wicked with friends, and as DM I've run in to a bit of an issue. It's mostly because we have all played PF1e for so long and the game resources and combos are bananas now. But anyway, we have reached book 3. They recruited the medusa. She's broken. She turned 2 dozen horses and knights to stone in seconds. She was Dim-Door'd to the archers and stoned all 30 in 3 rounds. She's unstoppable. Help?
Are you using mine or are you using the one from the book? If it's mine, definitely sorry if I broke your game with my build that I changed for my group.
If it's the one from the book, then there are a few different ways to beat her.
It feels weird that so many were stoned in so few seconds. Remember that you can have the NPCs avert their gaze for a 50/50 chance of avoiding the save, or they can close their eyes altogether. Also, given the range is only 30 feet, how fast is she moving to get that many NPCs in the effect? Be mindful of range.
Izevel the Accursed has a DC 18 gaze attack. That's not nothing. However, you can add Blind-Fight to all the guards.
The clay golems are commanded to attack the medusa. They are immune to her gaze.
There are NPCs with rogue levels and took the dark lurker archetype (at least up to level 2).
Add a new NPC. Someone that's essentially Daredevil (or Fujitora from One Piece). Have it be an older guard who was sent to this outpost because he's an old friend of king and this area was supposed to be a peaceful retirement. Race of your choice, but give the NPC the Blind Zeal trait (Gary's added enough NPCs with traits already). Take either the Unarmed Fighter fighter archetype or the Master of Many Styles monk archetype. Take the Blinded Blade Style feat tree and Pummeling Style feat tree.
Change Captain Fidelis to a fighter and give him the Blind-Fight feat tree. Or, he could have the blind man's fold from Ultimate Equipment.
There's a new recruit. That NPC is a mesmerist with the Gaze Reflection feat.
The shield archons immediately attack. A fiendish medusa is on the battlefield petrifying everyone? They're immediately going after her. They will buff themselves and then pounce. They're completely immune to her gaze attack.
Give Captain Fidelis a vice-captain with a shield that has the assiduous property, making that NPC immune to gaze attacks. Or, same idea, but give Captain Fidelis, who has a greatsword, a +1 animated wood heavy shield with that property. It circles around him for a shield bonus, but can still use the greatsword without issue.
Give Sir Giles of Tell a veil of fleeting glances.
Give NPCs the Equipment Trick feat and take "mirror" or "shield". They can use it for reflecting gaze attacks as an immediate action (requires Combat Reflexes) or improved their defenses against the gaze (Perception 5 ranks). A few people do have the Combat Reflexes feat already, but it's mainly the monks who can't use shields. However, lots of people have Perception ranks so that should work. The "heavy blade scabbard" trick also technically works, as your opponent is "invisible" if your eyes are closed, so if the character has Blind-Fight then this also works.
Add the mirrored property to someone's armor or shield. Sir Dallidan the Bold, with his brightly crimson tabard and personal crest feels like the kind of person who'd have that.
Give someone or a lot of someone's, the Weapon Trick feat and go shielded view.
Someone has the glarecutter goggles.
There are dozens of creatures with gaze attacks, and one of them could come and attack the place at any time. The complex has a massive supply of smoked goggles (from Advanced Player's Guide; costs only 10 gp) and practically everyone has a set just in case. The -4 penalty to Perception isn't great, but that +8 to saves vs. visual is amazing.
The named NPCs each have an eversmoking bottle that's used as a signal to others that there are enemy attacks. That can be used to obscure the gaze.
Add more levels to the dwarves and give them Improved Stonecunning and Stone Sense (both in APG). This will give them tremorsense 10 feet. Not great against ranged attacks, but they're all melee anyway.
One of the treasures that Brother Nicodemus has access to in the Serene Order is the amulet of proof against petrification.
The dwarven priestess has two scrolls of Summon Monster IV and calls for hound archons. Possibly even to aid the shield archons. They'll only stick around for 7 rounds, but it's something.
Adding to what I said in point 14, there are many creatures with gaze attacks, and some even petrify. A few even bite and cause petrification, and they’re a low CR that any mook could fun into. As such, there’s probably a small supply of stone salve laying about. Those who are able to sneak around can take the salve and use it on those who have been petrified.
3.5e had a magic crystal in Magic Item Compendium (crystal of bent sight) that cost 500 gp. When attached to shields, it allowed the wielder to avoid gaze attacks without having to worry about the miss chance. A lesser mundane version could attached to helmets that give a static +2 or even +5. This way not everyone has to wear a shield. This could stack potentially with the smoked goggles.
There could be those with one time use items (wondrous or scrolls) that cast fog cloud or obscuring mist. That would also stop gaze attacks. Could even be lesser versions that only affect a 5-foot area.
Beyond that, two more magic items that can help against gaze attacks are the medusa mask and the kohl of uncanny discernment. Not sure how you'd fit those in, but the medusa mask could be a vigilante style mask for a ranger, slayer, or inquisitor who has been looking for Izevel.
Hopefully these will give you enough ammo to take that medusa down, or at least stall her so that others can come in and attack from range, as well as challenge the PCs and the rest of their minions.
EDIT: Added a few more.
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felispatronus · 2 years
Outside Garden Rugs
Exterior rugs are commonly manufactured from weatherproof material, such as polypropylene, a synthetic resin that's affordable, durable, as well as simple to tidy. It's handwoven to form an immune surface. There are likewise natural products such as jute and hemp which can be utilised outdoors. Alternatively, you could opt for a cleanable rug, and also you'll typically locate several rugs double up for interior and also exterior use. For the eco-conscious, it's certainly worth investing in a recyclable rug. Reuses plastic right into floor rugs for indoor and also outdoor use, as well as they're very fashionable, as well. Unless an exterior rug is immune to mildew, it needs to be appropriately taken care of to stop a build-up of mud as well as mold to extend its life, so it's a good idea to keep your rug inside or in water-proof storage when not in use for prolonged periods of time. You need to constantly shake off your outside rug to get rid of any type of debris, grass or muck. Inspect the treatment instructions on your outside rug prior to trying to cleanse it. Mud is simpler to remove when it's completely dry, so merely shake or brush off. Large garden rugs can likewise be vacuumed yet ensure they're dry and also be sure to get rid of the most awful of the dust first. For outdoor rugs that can be washed, The Rug Vendor recommends using a combination of depleting fluid and cozy water to carefully massage away dust and also stains making use of a sponge or soft cloth. Carefully tube off the dirt and also hang the rug bent on dry later. Bringing the within outdoors is a prominent style trend that's definitely right here to stay. Making an outside area like a porch, outdoor patio or deck an extension of the home is a wonderful way to utilise these locations for more than a backyard vacation bbq. Exterior rugs immediately secure an outside room, including heat, design, as well as appearance. Unlike interior rugs which can refrain from doing dual responsibility, outdoor rugs can. This reality makes an outside rug a lot more enticing especially when you consider its budget-friendly price. Considering that outside rugs have actually become a house style staple there's a wealth of layout alternatives to offer an exterior space an unique appearance. As the weather condition gradually starts to warm up and also ideas wander to appreciating outside time, locating the ideal outdoor rug to define a patio, deck or porch sneaks to the top of the order of business. Prior to you begin your search, check out the 6 finest outdoor rug products that deliver on both design as well as function. Polypropylene is a prominent synthetic rug material that is a perfect suitable for the outdoors. Immune to UV rays, a polypropylene outdoor rug will not discolor under the glare of the hot sunlight. The product is additionally stain-resistant as well as relatively low upkeep so you can feel comfy placing a polypropylene rug beneath a yard dining collection. Polypropylene sports a cost effective cost as well. With a wealth of fashion-forward alternatives, polypropylene makes for an excellent exterior rug that can be enjoyed season after period. There's more at https://www.rugsluxury.co.uk
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luncheazy · 15 days
Top Reasons to Implement Online Food Delivery System Your Restaurant
No industry, from hospitality to food & beverages manufacturing or entertainment is immune from digital disruption — restaurants especially benefiting greatly from digital solutions that cater for both customer satisfaction as well as provider fulfillment. Given this dynamic digital atmosphere, if your restaurant does not yet offer online free food delivery systems without depending on third-party aggregator partners you could be missing out at one of its most crucial moments!
In this article, we have explored all the advantages that accompany creating online food ordering and delivery applications of your own. However, let’s start at the very basics first.
What is the purpose of an online food delivery system?
Online food delivery systems allow restaurants and food businesses to deliver meals directly to customers’ doorsteps, while restaurants can manage a digital menu, take orders online, accept payments securely online and automate other processes using mobile food ordering apps for lunch delivery services.
An Online Food Delivery System offers restaurants and food businesses numerous advantages, with one key one being reduced reliance on third-party aggregators such as Swiggy, UberEats or Zomato for order fulfillment. By having their own ordering system instead, they are no longer forced to give away profits to third-party services like Swiggy or UberEats; plus creating their own brand image while increasing revenues in the process. Investing in an Online Food Delivery App could bring higher revenues over time!
Benefits of Online Food Delivery Systems for Restaurants
Running a restaurant requires many assets; among them an online food delivery system is unquestionable. When implemented with its own app, these benefits only increase. Here are the top advantages to using one!
#1: Increased Orders
Every restaurant owner who invests in an online office lunch delivery app hopes that doing so will increase sales and attract more orders; 63% of consumers find getting delivery more convenient than dining out with family.
Customers can have their favorite meals delivered safely and hygienically right to their couch, plus take advantage of discounts and special offers to assist their budgets.
Second, images of delicious food items on the menu attract more food orders, giving restaurant owners greater opportunities to increase sales and revenues.
#2: Improved Order Accuracy
Traditional restaurants face difficulty keeping track of daily insights such as customer numbers. An online ordering system gives your kitchen staff access to know how many orders are coming through so they can prepare food efficiently. They have time to do so and double or even triple check to ensure zero delivery fee of high-quality meals to every guest.
#3: Deliver an Outstanding Customer Experience
Your online ordering system provides your customers with an effortless experience that allows them to purchase food online when needed and reorder when necessary. As we discussed, more customers prefer purchasing their meals this way; offering them with an intuitive system will build customer trust and confidence.
4: Easier Ordering and Delivery
Online office food delivery systems provide customers with an easier experience in placing their orders and having it delivered at their convenience, while keeping your restaurant organized so you can service more customers.
#5: Reduced Order Abandonment
Inadvertent order abandonment has long been an issue. With an online ordering system, however, customers can reach your products more directly, providing offers, discounts and quality food products directly. This helps lower order abandonment.
#6: Payment Comes First
With an effective system in place, customers pay online directly prior to placing an order online or cash on delivery services are offered, providing instantaneous benefits from having such a system in place.
#7: Cost Savings
When ordering food through third-party delivery apps, either you or your customers face additional costs of between 30–40%. Third party food delivery charges such as DoorDash fees add extra costs; your in-house food delivery app helps your customers save these costs; furthermore, investing in an online ordering system is less costly and beneficial in the long run.
#8: Improved Customer Data
With third-party corporate lunch delivery apps, the scope and terms of their agreement dictate whether customer insights and data can be shared with you or not. But with an in-house food delivery system, customer insights come at no extra cost; thus enabling informed marketing decisions as well as steps taken to enhance services. Plus, having such a system provides daily, weekly, and monthly insights, which provide an overview of restaurant management as well as customer management!
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Hostile Power Takeover? Learnings on Urban & Domestic Warfare I :
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Covering the dreaded & borderline sacred building: the hospital.
This is not an exhaustive list, but it covers some very important points about the selected topic.
Hospitals when used correctly can be beautiful places of healing, but when studying military history & warfare it’s important to remember that these special qualities are ALSO the reason hostile powers like to abuse this trust. It doesn’t mean all hospitals are bad, it just means people should be aware of how some very harmful people think.
One of the biggest resources that this type of Hostile Power would want to dominate would be hospitals. This is a method already done in the modern day during land warfare that we have see practiced even as recently as Hamas taking over Palestinian hospitals.
Hospital offer many benefits. The biggest obstacle is usually resources & staff. But, once you are able to front these types of costs then it’s an incredibly difficult type of practice to root out.
>The first advantage is medical care that can be provided to injured members of your group without anyone else being aware. When this is done on “enemy” territory and you are providing medical care for spies then it helps avoid a chance for this individual to get caught.
> But a lot of this information can be found through public record or through insurance companies or other ways, right? Nope. The second advantage with this type of system is that you have let’s say for example 100 spies. If 100 spies have 100 different names & like 100 different lives with 100 different medical conditions, if you have the ability to move consciousness into different bodies you could effectively move 1000 people in and out of the country with your 100 spies in the hospital through rotating. Rotation of people allows seemingly silent movement in and out of countries that could bypass customs & immigration. Things we currently consider to be unhidable unique identifiers per person, like let’s say an allergic reaction, can actually be explained very easily. If an entire body is organic except for “consciousness”, everytime you are in a new body then you’d really have those new diseases and those allergies. This is because your bone marrow & immune system is determined by the organic tissue/body you occupy. With an advanced technology like this, the allergies & diseases you currently have would only be experienced when inside certain bodies. Foreign spy agencies do elements of this practice already CONSTANTLY. Using fake identities that are established in a country since birth & rotating people through them is a foundation of spy culture since its very beginning (they just used costumes & disguises instead!) “well they ask you what your name is and all this other information! How would they know” Please reference the FBI’s investigation on Russian telepathy/Havana syndrome weapons. Unfortunately there’s technology to speak to people inside their heads & they are being disoriented & then fed information.
> The third advantage would be as a “pit stop”. This means you could transfer someone into a new body without their awareness & then transport/human traffic them to the location you need them to be at as a patient. They would wake up drugged & disoriented & there is a high chance they would just go along with it. This allows movement of people without the ability to track.
> The fourth advantage if you are a hostile power that produces half robot/half organic beings is that you can potentially siphon resources. This means organic materials hard to manufacture, such as blood, can be covertly stored. Lab draws & wasting blood is a process that could harvest blood, which then can be sent to a lab or other area, & then traded out with a blood substitute. For example, This doesn’t necessarily mean this type of hospital wouldn’t be seen giving blood- they could give the equivalent of IV fluids/plasma with dye & thickener that is just labeled blood. ***This is a rough example to display its possibility & not necessarily an exact replica of how this process would work***. This could be done with multiple organic materials. If this hostile power also produced fully mechanical bodies with synthetic skin then a blood transfusion that you were to give on another patient would potentially be going into the equivalent of a reservoir for storage instead of into the circulatory system of a body. As long as you have the capacity to physically move people around, two people that look alike could occupy a bed at different times. This type of system actually could have quite a few ways to avoid detection & accomplish its goals.
> The fifth advantage is that you can control/alter scans to prevent detection of body modification. Any potential media/news/investigative service would have to use that building as their point of contact to access medical records. If they thought there was some sort of body modification occurring then imaging would have to be used & if taken to certain hospitals then it would be continuously covered up until the hostile power eventually controlled all the hospitals. Another important reminder is that other methods to avoid detection exist. Imaging on scans is not 100% accurate & there would be ways to hide things on scans that you’d only be able to actually see by cutting open inside someone’s head.
> The sixth advantage is if you control at least an entire unit of a hospital, you’d be able to use it to get away with various crimes with a built in coverup system relatively undetected. Screaming, blood, bodily fluids, messes, & privacy are all common place in these types of areas. Screams with no response are common. Lots of irregular behaviors are a lot more common in these types of places & allow lots of people in and out at all times of day & night with a reasonable explanation. This is a highly volatile mix that can be abused. Unfortunately this type of system can lead to very horrible outcomes.
> The seventh advantage is unfortunately another horrific one. The actual patient’s bodies could be used as torture apparatuses. Instead of GITMO, your torture would be *having a specific medical condition*. It’s actually one of the most gut wrenching on the list in terms of what that means for the people that would have to endure this. An exhausting & emotionally draining thought.
>The eight advantage is the ability to constantly be aware of pathogen strains with production of blood cultures & the ability to produce super pathogens. There are certain practices that encourage the development of antibiotic resistance bacteria & novel viruses like COVID- it is currently NOT that difficult to encourage pathogens to develop to be more harmful. THERE IS ALMOST NO OVERSIGHT IN AMERICA IN REGARDS TO THIS FOR ALL HOSPITALS. There is currently NO federal organization or law that does universal & consistent oversight on this topic. Without that oversight or enforcement, pathogens will continue to get worse & we are all going to get sicker… this is perhaps one of the most scary. But it’s probably the most reflective of how serious & deadly things can spiral out of control without regulation, oversight, & the proper safety mechanisms.
Almost always when these types of events occur vulnerable & innocent people get hurt. Exhaustive systems & bureaucracy exist to help prevent these abuses. Illicit practices almost always are rampant with abuses because they fundamentally lack those protective elements by their very nature. When life & death hangs in the balance, desystemization can lead to catastrophe.
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jacksandy28 · 1 month
Ayurveda treatment for Autoimmune arthritis
 Autoimmune arthritis is the name given to a group of arthritis types where a person's immune system attacks itself. The most common example is Rheumatoid arthritis.
World Autoimmune Arthritis Day was established in 2012 by the International Autoimmune Arthritis Movement (IAAM) and is celebrated each year on 20 May. Lack of awareness leads to delayed diagnosis, compromised quality of life, and elevated healthcare costs. Educating about these diseases, including the fact they can affect many parts of the body (joints, tissues, organs) is necessary to improve the lives of the 450 million worldwide affected. According to international foundation of Auto immune and Anti-inflammatory Arthritis the main goal is to:
Educate the public and medical community about key disease features that can lead to early detection, referrals, and diagnosis.
Address misunderstandings associated with these diseases.
Let's understand more about arthritis and management using Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Yoga therapy.
Types of Autoimmune arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis: It is one of the commonest autoimmune condition which can affect other parts apart from joints. Immune system attacks its own body tissues. The immune cells are found in the lining of the joint and these cells attract other immune cells and together lead to thickening of the joint lining, new blood vessel formation and damage to joints. This is termed inflammation. This makes your joint swell as fluid builds up inside it. Your joints become painful, swollen, and warm to the touch. Which usually causes swelling and pain in the hands, feet, and wrists.
Psoriatic arthritis: Psoriatic arthritis is a form of inflammatory arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis can occur in people with a skin condition called psoriasis. Psoriasis causes scaly, patchy areas to build up on the skin. The affected joint areas due to psoriasis can be almost anywhere on the body, including the spine, knees, fingers, toes, or more.
Reactive arthritis: It is inflammatory arthritis that manifests after several days to weeks after a gastrointestinal or genitourinary infection. Reactive arthritis occurs in people who have a history of certain bacterial infections, such as Chlamydia, Salmonella, Shigella, or Campylobacter. The disease is recognized by various symptoms in different organs of the body that may or may not appear at the same time. It may come on quickly and severely or more slowly, with sudden remissions or recurrences. Along with pain in the joint and inflammation, mouth ulcer and eye infection, burning micturition is common.
Juvenile arthritis: is the most common type of arthritis in children under the age of 16. Some types of juvenile idiopathic arthritis can cause serious complications, such as growth problems, joint damage and eye inflammation.
Management through Ayurveda
Ayurveda, the ancient traditional system of medicine treats Autoimmune Arthritis with following principles
Balancing the Doshas
Increasing the digestive and metabolic fire or Agni.
Stopping the formation of Aama (metabolic waste) at different levels.
Increasing digestion and excretion of Aama.
Restoring the damaged intestinal mucosa and absorption.
The above can be achieved with the help of medicine, some external treatment and management of lifestyle especially diet.
Yoga: Yoga apart from reducing stress, can help in many other ways, especially in reducing pain from inflammation. Research proves its effectiveness in dealing with autoimmune disorder. Yoga can significantly reduce psycho-somatic symptoms of the disease, including pain perception, joint flexibility and disability quotient, thereby improving range of motion, posture, coordination, and muscle strength. Yogic exercises help in regaining strength, correcting deformities and improving posture. Pranayama, breathing exercise meditation helps in managing stress.
Naturopathy: Accumulation of morbid matters in the body is the cause of disease according to naturopathy. Removing disease causing free radicals is management for autoimmune disorder. Lifestyle choices that we make in terms of food causes accumulation of toxins. Simple detox based on the principles of fasting is helpful in management.
Acupuncture is another effective way to manage pain and inflammation in joint pains. Acute phases of pain can also be managed with Acupuncture.
The awareness on autoimmune arthritis can help prevent and manage the condition effectively.
Article By : Dr.Vasudha Sharma
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First World Innovator (Alchemist Archetype)
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(art by Abby Ellis on Artstation)
 A good while back we covered the mad scientist archetype for alchemists, which promised random and chaotic effects at the cost of mental stability. Whatever your thoughts on sanity systems in games might be, there is a genuine love for random effects in games. Else items like the rod of wonder, the deck of many things, or even the Wabbajak wouldn’t keep coming back in games both tabletop and video.
Today, we’re looking at another randomizing archetype, but rather than command random effects with a cost, this one instead replaces certain abilities and weakens others in favor of a resource that can add a bit of randomness to your abilities. I present, the First World Innovator!
The First World, that primal land of the fey behind conventional reality, is ever shifting, changing to reflect the whims and memories of possibility of the plane itself and it’s most powerful denizens, and that chaotic energy sometimes leaks out through thin spots, infusing nearby reagents such as small plants or fungi with a bit of that energy.
By collecting those reagents and subjecting them to refinements that bring out that potential, these innovative alchemists can change their other brews in strange ways. However, it is nearly impossible to replicate the same effects over and over, which technically makes it not a true scientific research. This may frustrate some, who desperately seek ways to impose that stability and replicability. Others, however, may not care so much, focused on the practical effects instead.
The result is an alchemist that has to think on their feet to adapt to the new wonders they unleash, and must decide how and when to apply the abilities of the archetype.
 At their core, these innovators revolve around their supply of reagents that they collect each day as part of their preparations. With this daily supply, they can choose to add them to their various concoctions. By adding them to a bomb, they can boost the potential damage at the cost of reliable damage, or randomly change the damage type; By infusing an extract or potion, they can boost it’s potency; and by using it in a mutagen, they can add random effects ranging from being weaker than a standard mutagen, healing them upon drinking; bolstering their internal organs and vitality; or even gaining temporary mutations. They can even add more reagents to increase the effects further or gain two effects at once.
Later on, the possibilities increase, with bombs adding new damage types, and mutagens could provide protection from poisons or bolster a random normal effect the mutagen normally grants.
They do, however, tend to prepare fewer bombs each day, however.
Additionally, they can add an extra dose to a bomb or mutagen to change the potential effects if they are not to their liking.
This archetype trades poison and the number of daily bombs for random schenanigans, which can admittedly make these alchemists somewhat unreliable once damage type immunities come into play. However, the reliable bonus to extracts and potions, as well as random mutagen effects being generally good means that there is still plenty of good to be found within. I recommend a mixed mutagen melee build and ranged bomb build, potentially taking the Extra Bombs feat to bring your bomb total back to something a bit more serviceable.
 While it’s totally possible to combine this archetype with the mad scientist for maximum randomization, by themselves, the two archetypes have different feels. The mad scientist, being from horror adventures, taps into themes of pushing oneself and the bounds of science past safety and sanity, while today’s archetype focuses instead on feylike whimsy and chaos. Which isn’t to say you can’t blend the two, but just remember how easy it is to fall back on harmful tropes about mental illness.
  One might assume that an alchemy lab grown into an ancient tree would have safety and ecological protection in mind. However, the Arboreal Alembic, created by the eccentric Dr. Sparkcatcher, is a place of wild magic and volatile chemistry. Now it is the party’s task to navigate the late doctor’s fey-touched maze of a laboratory and catalogue it all for the will. Out of control experiments and chaotic wonders promise to make the task far from mundane, however.
 Rather than having been blessed by a kindly druid, the awakened megatherium Reacher was the product of an alchemist’s experiments into strange substances only found in the fey realms. Still, the old sloth enjoys his newfound intellect, and meditates often on the beauty of the world around him.
 An academy dropout, Milva the vanara would rather keep testing new concoctions than record and replicate results, a fact that vexes his peers. One day, he hopes to open a potion shop that caters to those eager to see what wondrous effect occur in addition to the advertised function of his wares.
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prestige2022 · 1 month
Pigeon Safety Nets in Bangalore: The Ultimate Solution by Prestige Safety Nets
As urban living continues to expand, pigeon-related problems have become a common issue in cities like Bangalore. Pigeons are notorious for creating a mess, damaging property, and posing potential health risks. If you're facing this issue and looking for an effective solution, Pigeon Safety Nets in Bangalore offer a practical and long-lasting option. At Prestige Safety Nets, we specialize in providing high-quality pigeon safety nets that protect your space without harming the birds.
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Why You Need Pigeon Safety Nets
In areas like Bangalore, pigeons often gather around residential and commercial buildings, leading to a series of challenges:
Health Concerns: Pigeon droppings can carry harmful bacteria and fungi, which may result in diseases like histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. These infections can cause respiratory problems and other health complications, especially for individuals with weakened immune systems.
Property Damage: Pigeon droppings are highly acidic and can cause significant damage to building exteriors, windows, and even vehicles.
Aesthetic Impact: A flock of pigeons constantly perched on your balcony or roof not only creates an eyesore but also makes the area unhygienic and unsanitary.
By installing pigeon safety nets, you can avoid these issues while ensuring that the birds are kept at a safe distance from your living or working space.
Benefits of Installing Pigeon Safety Nets
Opting for Prestige Safety Nets in Bangalore offers numerous benefits:
Durability: Our pigeon nets are made from high-quality, UV-stabilized materials that ensure long-lasting durability, even under extreme weather conditions.
Customized Solutions: We understand that every space is unique, which is why we offer customized pigeon netting solutions to fit your specific needs.
Cost-Effective: Investing in pigeon safety nets is a cost-effective way to protect your property from damage and health risks in the long run.
Easy Installation: Our team of experienced professionals handles the entire installation process efficiently, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.
Eco-Friendly: Our nets are designed to provide a humane solution for keeping pigeons away. The nets prevent birds from entering restricted areas without causing them any harm.
Where Can You Install Pigeon Safety Nets?
Prestige Safety Nets provides pigeon netting solutions for a wide variety of locations. Some common areas where pigeon safety nets can be installed include:
Balconies: Pigeons often choose balconies to roost and nest. Our pigeon safety nets provide an effective barrier, keeping your balconies clean and pigeon-free
Windows: Windows and ledges are common spots where pigeons perch. Installing pigeon nets here helps to keep the birds from causing damage or creating an unsightly mess.
Duct Areas: Pigeons are known to nest in building ducts, leading to clogging and unsanitary conditions. Pigeon nets offer an ideal solution to keep them out of these spaces.
Terraces and Rooftops: If pigeons are a problem on your terrace or rooftop, pigeon nets can be installed to cover these large open areas, providing complete protection.
Warehouses: Commercial spaces, especially warehouses, are prone to pigeon infestations. Installing pigeon nets ensures that your goods and inventory remain safe from bird droppings and contamination.
How Pigeon Safety Nets Work
The pigeon safety nets provided by Prestige Safety Nets work as a simple yet effective barrier. The nets are made from high-strength material with a fine mesh structure that prevents pigeons from entering the protected area. The design allows adequate ventilation and light while preventing birds from accessing the space.
Our expert team ensures that the nets are securely fastened with high-quality hooks and fasteners, offering a long-term solution to your pigeon problems. The installation is quick, and the nets require little to no maintenance, making them a convenient choice for any property.
Why Choose Prestige Safety Nets?
Choosing Prestige Safety Nets for your pigeon control needs in Bangalore comes with several advantages:
Experienced Team: We have years of experience in the industry, providing the best pigeon netting solutions across Bangalore. Our team understands the local pigeon-related challenges and offers expert guidance.
Superior Quality: We use only the highest quality materials to ensure that our nets are durable, weather-resistant, and long-lasting. The nets are designed to withstand Bangalore’s unpredictable weather conditions, including strong winds and rains.
Affordable Prices: At Prestige Safety Nets, we believe in providing top-notch pigeon safety solutions at competitive prices. Our cost-effective services ensure that you get the best value for your investment.
Excellent Customer Service: Our team is committed to providing exceptional customer service, from consultation to post-installation support. We ensure that your pigeon netting solution is perfectly tailored to your requirements.
Safe and Humane Solutions: As a company that cares about animal welfare, we ensure that our pigeon nets are safe for the birds. They effectively keep pigeons away without harming them, making our solution ethical and environmentally friendly.
Steps to Install Pigeon Safety Nets
At Prestige Safety Nets, we follow a step-by-step process to ensure the best results for our customers:
Site Assessment: Our team will visit your location to assess the area and determine the best netting solution for your needs.
Customization: Based on the site assessment, we will design and customize the pigeon safety nets to fit your space perfectly.
Installation: Our experienced technicians will carry out the installation process, ensuring that the nets are securely and neatly fitted.
Post-Installation Check: We conduct a thorough inspection after installation to ensure that the netting is functioning properly and provides the necessary protection.
Customer Support: Even after the installation is complete, our team is available for any questions or support you may need.
Contact Us
If you’re dealing with pigeon-related problems in Bangalore, Prestige Safety Nets is here to help. Our expert team is ready to provide you with the best pigeon safety nets tailored to your needs. Don't let pigeons take over your space—get a long-term solution today!
Contact us now at +91 9108974473 to get a free consultation and protect your property from pigeons with our high-quality pigeon safety nets.
Call Now FREE Installation
Mobile: 09108974473
Website: Top Safety Nets in Bangalore | Call Now 9108974473 Catch Net Prices
Link: Call 9108974473 | Pigeon Safety Nets Bangalore with Best Price
Address: D No, 72, 2nd Cross St, Sri Satya Sai Baba Layout, Bethel Nagar, Krishnarajapura, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560036
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anniekoh · 1 month
elsewhere on the internet: Ex Urbe | Ada Palmer
https://www.exurbe.com/black-death-covid-and-why-we-keep-telling-the-myth-of-a-renaissance-golden-age-and-bad-middle-ages/ The Black Death contributed too—in school they talk as if the plague swept through in 1348 then went away, but the bubonic plague did not go away, it remained endemic, like influenza or chickenpox today, a fact of life.  I have never read a full set of Renaissance letters which didn’t mention plague outbreaks and plague deaths, and Renaissance letters from mothers to their traveling sons regularly include, along with advice on etiquette and eating enough fennel, a list of which towns to avoid this season because there’s plague there.  Carlo Cipolla (in the fascinating yet tediously titled Before the Industrial Revolution) collected great data for the two centuries after 1348, in which Venice had major plague bursts 7% of years, Florence 14% of years, Paris 9% of years, Barcelona 13% of years, and England (usually London) 22% in the earlier period spiking to 50% in the later 1500s, when England saw plague in 26 out of 50 years between 1543 and 1593.  Excluding tiny villages with little traffic, losing a friend or sibling to plague was a universal experience from 1348 clear to the 1720s, when plague finally diminished in Europe, not because of any advance in medicine, but because fourteen generations of exposure gave natural selection time to work, those who survived to reproduce passing on a heightened immune response, a defensive adaptation bought over centuries by millions of deaths.
while the Medieval Inquisition started in 1184, it didn’t ramp up its book burnings, censorship, and executions to a massive scale until the Spanish Inquisition in the 1470s and then the printing press and Martin Luther in the 1500s (Renaissance); similarly witchcraft persecution surges to scales unseen in the Middle Ages after the publication of the Malleus Maleficarum in 1486 (Renaissance); and the variety of ingenious tortures being used in prisons increased, rather than decreasing, over time.  Rule of thumb: most of the scary practices we think of as “Medieval” were either equally true of the Renaissance, worse in the Renaissance, or only started in the Renaissance.
Intimidating palaces, grand oratory, epics about the great deeds of a conqueror, expensive tutors so the prince and princess have rare skills like Greek and music, even a chemical treatise whose dedication praises the Duke of Such-and-such, these were all investments in legitimacy, not fruits of peace but symptoms of a desperate time.  In an era when a book cost as much as a house (it really did!), and Florence’s Laurenziana library cost more per GDP than the Moon Landing, you don’t get that level of investment unless elites think they’re going to get something out of it.  Just as today giant corporations fund charities or space tech because they get something out of it, publicity raising their stock prices, so a mighty merchant family might repair a church or build a grand public square and put their coat of arms on it, drawing investment and intimidating rivals.
Pretty-much every culture, when it tells its history, divides it into parts somehow (reigns, eras, dynasties).  These labels may not seem like a big deal, but they have a huge effect on how we imagine things.  Think of how the discourse about boomers vs. Gen-X vs. millennials affects people’s self-identities, who associates with whom, and the kinds of discourse we can have with those terms that we couldn’t have with different ones.  The lines and labels in our history are powerful.  In my Terra Ignota science fiction novels I mention that the people in my 25th century society debate whether World War I ended in 1945 or 1989, and it always blows readers’ minds for a few seconds, and then follows the reflection: yeah, I could see WWI and WWII being considered one thing, like the Wars of the Roses.  My first exposure to the way this makes your brain go *whfoooo* was as a kid and hearing Eugen Weber provocatively call WWI and WWII “The Second Thirty Years War”.  Feels weird, right?  Weird-powerful
And if we zoom into this long, vague period, when was the “high Renaissance” i.e. the best part, the most characteristic part?  If you ask a political scientist it’s usually the very early 1400s, when Bruni and other innovative political thinkers were writing; if you ask an art historian it’s the decades right after 1500 when ¾ of the Ninja Turtles overlapped; if you ask a theater scholar it’s Shakespeare who was born fully 200 years later than Bruni and his peers discussing politics.  It all depends on what you think defines the Renaissance, so if you have a different focus then different dates feel like periphery or core.
The idea that the Black Death caused a prosperity boom comes from old studies which showed that wages went way up after the Black Death, creating new possibilities for laborers to gain in wealth and rise in status (like the golden 1950s).  But those were small studies from a few places (mainly bits of England), and we have newer studies now that show that wages only rose in a few places, that in other places wages didn’t rise, or actually went down, or that they started to rise but elites cracked down with new laws to control labor, creating (among other things) the first workhouses, laws limiting freedom of movement, and other new forms of unfreedom and control.  What the Black Death really caused was change.  It caused regime changes, instability letting some monarchies or oligarchies rise, or fall.  It caused policy and legal changes, some oppressive, some liberating.  And it caused economic changes, some regions or markets collapsing, and others growin
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