#But I really don’t know much about wwdits
ok guys, last week I binged all of good omens and this week I caught up to ofmd
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barren-heart · 2 months
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Okay this is amazing. I’m so excited I’m buzzing.
I’m placing the spoiler tag with my thought below
I have so many theories and comments.
1. I’m so glad to have the Guide on this poster. I love her and it’s incredible to see her character journey.
2. I don’t really see a huge change in Colin, but it pretty obvious that everyone here is hypnotized in some way.
3. I know some spoilers, so idk if I can say that. But I have a pretty good guess who is hypnotizing them.
4. The bats. Three bats in the moon and two bats outside of the moon.
I believe the three always stood for “Nandor, Nadja, and Laszlo.” But I think here it represents “Nadja, The Guide, and Laszlo” as I believe they will be more connected to the house this season.
5. While the other bats represent Nandor and Guillermo (yeah, I do believe they mean him here). Since Guillermo will be away from the house and I suspect Nandor will be following him.
6. The house is central in the photo. Will they be abandoning it in the finale? Will they finally discover vampires are real and be chased out of Staten Island?
7. Nandor and Guillermo being framed as a set here, even though supposedly they are not master/familiar anymore….?
8. October 21! That means we get WWDITS for Halloween! Yay!!
If we get a double premiere and a double finale, that takes us to December 16th.
My theory that the finale would be around Election Day is over. 😞 But we will get an episode on election week (possibly episode 4?)
9. The lighting alludes to a spoiler I’m not sure I can speak about.
10. I really want to see bts of this photoshoot.
11. I’ll need to see the trailer before I can say much else.
Who’s going to San Diego comic con WWDITS panel?
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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The Monsters on Maple Street A What We Do in the Shadows AU
18+Only for mature subject matter, vampire!eddie, vampire!steve, vampire!robin, familiar!dustin, satire, dark humor, use of the term Master, but really no other warnings that I can think of.
Word count: 994
In honor of the new WWDITS season coming out this month, I wanted to a little something silly. The title is a play on one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes ❤️
The windows in the house on Maple Street are dark during the day, until the sun goes down, and the coffins open.
Inside, we are greeted by Dustin, the house familiar, who puts a finger to his lips to let us know to keep it to a whisper.  “My Master isn’t awake yet,” he turns on his heel.  “But, any minute now.”
We follow him down the hall where he pauses at one of the many doors, his hand on the knob.
Directly behind us, there is a stern voice. “Who the hell are these people?”
We turn to find one of the other vampire roommates there standing by the staircase wearing jeans, white shirt unbuttoned to expose a wash of chest hair, hands on hips, fangs out.  
Dustin comes between us and the vampire, who looks a tad on the grumpy side.  “Everybody, this is Steve,” and then Dustin looks directly at us, whispering, “I told him you were coming, he’s just…oh forget it.”
Steve pushes by us gruffly, on his way down the hall, voice bellowing.  “Where the hell is Robin? Did you wake her up, or do I have to do it?”
Steve has already disappeared down the end of the hall and into another room, not waiting for Dustin’s answer.  “I’m sure she can wake herself up, King Steve,” Dustin responds with a strained smile, blinking a few times.  “I changed all of the batteries in the alarm clocks last week.”
Something thuds overhead, on the floor above us, and we all look up.  
“See,” Dustin nods, and then he starts mumbling to himself.  “They need to get their own familiar because this is getting ridiculous.”
“Okay,” Dustin recovers, fingers wrapping around the doorknob again.  “Where were we? So, after we wake up my Master I’ll take you over to show you the—”
“Dustin,” another male voice calls out to your guide, and you turn to see a different roommate appear at the top of the basement stairs.  He is wearing gray sweats and a tie-dye t-shirt, his blonde hair in disarray.  The smell of marijuana smoke fills the hall.
“Yes, Jonathan?” Dustin tries to keep his jovial disposition, but his smile does not reach his eyes.
Jonathan is holding a bag of unopened sunflower seeds.  “Do you know how much salt is in these? I don’t think it says on here.”
“It’s called sodium,” Dustin chuckles just before letting out a hard sigh.  “What does it matter anyway? You can’t eat them.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jonathan grins.  “Doesn’t mean I can’t think about it.”
“Great, well, as you can see, I’m right in the middle of something,” Dustin turns his back on us to hiss through gritted teeth at Jonathan.  “And you can’t get high anymore, so just give it a rest, will you?”
Jonathan goes back down the stairs and Dustin fixes a look of excitement on his face, freezing it there.  “Okay,” he turns the knob.  “I think the coast is clear now.”
We enter behind him into a room with a raised casket horizontal in the middle, surrounded by instruments, metal posters, and a banner along the wall that says Corroded Coffin in red letters.
“Masterrrrrr,” Dustin creeps in, making his way around to the side of the matte black casket with the opening latch.  “It’s time to wake up, Master.  Some nice people are here to meet you.”
From inside the casket, a deep voice says Dustin’s name, and Dustin throws us a smile before doing the work of prying the lid open a sliver so he can peep in.  
“Yes, Master?”
There is whispering between them that we can’t hear, but then Dustin raises his voice, “I told you about this.  Yes I did.  Several times.  I put it on your calendar.”
The lid shuts with a bang.  Dustin looks over at us and cocks his head, winking, giving us a thumbs up.  “He’s coming out, he just needs a minute.”
It isn’t long before the lid creaks all the way open, catching at the hinge, exposing the red velvet interior.  The hand that pushed it open is adorned in chunky, metal rings.
The vampire in question ejects to his feet as if on a spring, standing tall before us now, long, dark wavy hair hanging down, clad in a Hellfire tee and black jeans, exposed arms sprinkled in tattoos. 
He holds the tip of his tongue to one of his pointed fangs, greedy eyes sweeping over our bodies.  “Is this my breakfast?”
“No, master,” Dustin says hurriedly, coming to stand in front of us.  “We went over this a billion times.  You will not drain the guests.”
Dustin introduces this vampire as Eddie.
Eddie jumps from his casket to land on his feet with ease and saunters over.  He moves to grab something off of the coat hook in the corner, but only catches air.
“My battle jacket,” he frowns.  “Where is it?”
“It’s at the cleaners,” Dustin answers.
Eddie narrows his eyes.  “How dare you?”
“It stunk, Master,” Dustin stood his ground under the searing hot gaze of the vampire, unphased by his vitriol.  “You’ll have it back tomorrow.”
“I can’t wait that long,” Eddie mumbles, pushing by us to head down the hall and to the foyer.  We all watch as he opens the front door to reveal the night sky and yells, “bat!”
He turns into a bat right before our eyes and flaps away.
Our attention returns to Dustin who is pressing his lips together in a tight grin, fingers laced behind his back.  “We all care a lot about each other.  It’s like a family here.”
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hannahbisssssss · 4 months
would you be willing to do a nadja (wwdits obviously) x gender-neutral reader perhaps?
Of course~
Nadja of Antipaxos X Gender-Neutral/Non-Binary Reader
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- You meet Nadja as a human fashion designer.
- She came in looking for someone to help her “brighten up the wardrobe,” as Guillermo puts it.
- She’s quite patient and still while you measure her, allowing you to make sure you get all of the proper measurements.
- You tell her that you think she is best suited for neutral tones and/or Halloween-esque colors. Purples and oranges and all that jazz.
- Though she is quite stubborn at first, she eventually gets along with the idea of having a bit of a brighter wardrobe.
- She ESPECIALLY likes the purple shawl you pick out for her to wear over her usual black attire.
- “It’s simple and it’s fitting… I suppose I won’t murder you, human.”
- Okay… odd for her to call you a human when she is also a human (right?) she just has pointier-than-normal teeth (right?)
- Turns out, Nadja is an ancient Grecian vampire with a lot on her plate with all of her roommates
- She breaks the news to you quite suddenly on your first meet-up (date?) after the clothing fitting.
- “I’m a vampire, my sweet.”
- She is quite adamant about letting you know this information, because when you laugh at her obvious joke, she grabs your hand and gives it a tight squeeze.
- “Darling, I’m not lying… I’m a vampire, watch!”
- She goes and take a bite out of a passerby and you try your best not to scream.
- She may or may not have hypnotized you into not freaking out.
- Either way, when she took you home later that night, she gave you the time and space to think through your feelings.
- Before she goes off to slumber when morning comes, you decide to share a bit of information with her.
- “Tit for tat-“
- “You want to see my tits?”
- “No! I mean, kind of, I mean-“
- She takes your nervousness as a sign that you really like her.
- Which is true.
- “Nadja, I just thought I’d share something about myself with you so we can be on a similar level.”
- “Alright-“
- You take a while to get out the information
- “Well, spit it out you silly boy!”
- “Nadja, I’m non-binary.”
- She blinks.
- “Non-binary?”
- “Yes. I don’t use he/him or she/her pronouns. I use They/them pronouns. I’m not a boy or a girl. I’m non-binary.”
- “Oh… well what took you so long to share? That’s not ridiculous.
- Gods help you if you want her to remember your pronouns off the bat.
- Nadja is the sweetest vampire alive (or dead?) but she has a tendency to forget little details on occasion.
- “What is it my sweet girl?”
- “Nadja, I’m not a girl, remember?”
- “Oh right! Non-binary!”
- She gets the hang of it after a month or so.
- You go out on another date and someone misgenders you.
- She’s such an ally after this.
- I mean.
- She literally has a non-binary flag sticker on her coffin to show her support.
- It really is the most adorable thing ever.
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sweetest-omens · 1 year
okay it’s been discussed a million times but I would like to talk AGAIN about the blocking/body language in the 0401 best man scene [wwdits] [long post]
okay first up, we open on nandor drying guillermo’s hair:
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this comes directly after nandor jumping into the water after him to save his life with no hesitation. and then THIS. a complete 180 in their dynamic. right out of the gate all of the erosion of boundaries that was paced so gently in season 3 are completely shattered. but look at the body language!! nandor is still very physically distant. he dries guillermo’s hair with the tips of his fingers and then dumps the towel over his head.
next, we get a bouncy, tentative “how are we feeling?” from nandor
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this is so funny to me because he’s standing there doing his little nervous hands, hovering close but still maintaining distance.
I’m gonna skip over the little water bit because it covers a lot of the same bases. devotion through acts of service, role reversal, blah blah blah. but I do want to point out that all of nandor’s devotional gestures are functionally useless (hair still wait, water full of god knows what etc.) but they serve literally only to reassure guillermo that they are an on equal(ish) footing.
okay after that we get the “will you be my best man at my wedding” ft this beautiful baby boy facial expression:
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and then:
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they are standing... so close. guillermo puts himself in nandor’s personal space by standing up on “you’re getting married!!” but then nandor comes into his personal space with a saucy little “dont be jealous”. I couldn’t quite capture nandor’s mirco-expression after guillermo says “I’m not” but it is RIDICULOUS. a split second of bitchy sulky baby that he very quickly covers up.
anyway. HUG DODGE
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sure, nandor refusing guillermo’s physical affection is a gag throughout the series. but usually nandor calls it out verbally. this, he just avoids, and then...
straight across the room to give the camera this look. I know it doesn’t look like much here but it is a distinct, sheepish(?) glance to the camera, and then he looks away. he deliberately has his back to guillermo to hide a series of small flickers in his facial expression. [also just really noticing how beautiful his outfit is here *cher voice* can we get a little commotion for the dress?]
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and then he reveals his reason for wanting to get married: he’s been lonely. now, I know this has also been a theme through the series, nandor being unlucky in love. but a marriage within the month is a big step. what’s changed? guillermo being absent in his life, that’s what! what’s going to fill the guillermo-shaped hole in his life? oh, a romantic partner! a wife! good thinking, nandor!
the thing is, I don’t think either of them have the will or the words to discuss the massive shift in their dynamic. they are trying frantically to express it, but failing at every turn (this is why the closer they get, the more physical fights they have). but I really, really want to talk about the way their emotional connection manifests in the blocking for this scene:
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HELLO! the closeness of the best man declaration with them literally inches apart, followed by the chasm of emotional distance that nandor creates with the absent wife. and its actually guillermo that rounds to the other side of the coffin. I mean, guillermo is very vulnerable in this scene. he’s in nothing but a little robe, and dishevilled and nandor has just saved his life. but this is the only time he seeks protection for himself in the form of a physical barrier between them. (also it being a coffin, and the unfulfilled promise of vampirism that is the true barrier between them).
I know this has all been said a hundred times before. but I rewatched this scene and was struck by how big the emotions are and how they affect both characters physically. also I apologise endlessly for my shitty little screenshots idk how to gif. BUT please go back and rewatch the scene for all of nandor’s heartwrenching microexpressions. there’s one that the camera barely catches when he’s got his back to guillermo and it drives me insane let me see his whole FACE. anyway <3
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bottombaron · 1 year
for some reason every time I tried to add this to the tags of my last post about the Vampiric Transmogrification Ceremony, BUMblr had a fit and wouldn’t show my post in the official tags and I had to delete and re-post it, like, 5 times
most of this stuff I have been sitting on since the finale aired (like the alchemical symbols, thank you FMA), but here's some additional thoughts on my research journey for The Transmogrification Ceremony (part one):
startingggg with...
how Nandor knows how to read and write Ancient Persian Cuneiform…which would have been out of use roughly a THOUSAND YEARS before he was born 👀 👀
(not for the first time I have a very small suspicion of Nandor being older than he says he is…)
and he definitely knows what the basic alchemical symbols are b/c there’s no way he put the accurate corresponding cuneiform letters spelling english words for those elements on top of the symbols by accident!
the fact that the banners are all properly labeled, with the possible exception of one, is quite frankly both Doylistly and Watsonianly amazing
Nandor knowing at least the basics of alchemy isn’t actually that surprising. The Middle East, specifically Bagdad (which is located on the Tigris btw), was the foremost center of cultural and scientific knowledge (including big developments in alchemy) before the Mongols sacked Bagdad 4 years before Nandor would have been born.
Even after the sack, that knowledge and cultural need for learning didn’t just immediately dissipate and it would have still been an important city. Nandor, probably being born into a noble or middle class family, would have been educated in the sciences which would have included Alchemy. and if he wasn’t, as a ruler he would have had access to teachers and books to learn from. Nandor has always been curious, studious, and likes to read.
transmogrification is an actual alchemical term (webster's dictionary quote: transmute implies transforming into a higher element or thing. convert implies a change fitting something for a new or different use or function. transmogrify suggests a strange or preposterous metamorphosis) there's significance that can be read into this as the chosen title of Nandor’s made up ceremony if you’d like (other than it just sounds funny)
I was really impressed that the crew used actual Old Persian Cuneiform instead of the more popular Sumerian or Akkadian Cuneiform. technically Old Persian is just written with cuneiform-style symbols (much like modern Persian using Arabic-style symbols for their alphabet) and isn't cuneiform proper since it has it's own independently developed alphabet
a little disappointed that the cuneiform translated, not into Persian words, but to a rough spelling of English words for the elements already represented by the alchemical symbols (Earth, for example, would be būmiš = 𐏏, and instead here is just the symbols for 'I-A-R-T/th'. there is no 'E' in Old Persian cuneiform so 'I' substitutes)
tho I was delighted by the discovery that the cuneiform on the 'WATER' banner is close enough to اتر or ‘etir’, Persian for ‘ether’, that I don’t care if it’s a coincidence, i’m taking it
and you may be asking yourself if all the other banners just have rough phonic spellings of the elements the banner represents, why can’t ‘A-T-I-R’ (𐎠𐎫𐎡𐎽) just be a funky 'WATER' without the ‘W’? To that I say: yeah, maybe. There isn’t a corresponding cuneiform symbol for ‘W’ in Old Persian and the substitute of ‘I’ for ‘E’ is also used in ‘Earth’, so that isn’t a huge stretch. However, why not then use a ‘V’ 𐎺 or 𐎻, for 'W' instead of leaving the sound out completely?
Personally, I find the fact that the cuneiform translates more cleanly to an actual Persian word, and one that has huge significance to alchemy and the basic elements, too delicious to ignore. Unless wwdits crew clarifies that (which I would go feral for the opportunity to interview for all the little beautiful details and great work that they do), I’m going with the 'WATER' banner having ‘ETHER’ in cuneiform instead
(and yes i’m aware that ‘A-T/th-I-R’ could just be ‘E-T-H-E-R’ on it’s on and have nothing to do with the Persian word ‘e-t-e-r’ but why ruin the fun?)
I'm using a very loose interpretation for Ether = The Soul which also describes it as the 'Fifth Element' (insert Multi-Pass joke here), or quintessence, and kind of develops into a 'heavenly spirit' kind of essence later. Strictly speaking Ether describes a 'void or nothing, is the material that fills the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial space' but describing it as The Force isn't as significant in the wwdits universe than representing Guillermo's soul
in mythology Aether is the 'pure, fresh air that the god's breathed', different from the air mortals breathed. In Greek mythology he is the son of Darkness and Night and is the primordial personification of the bright upper sky. In Orphic cosmogony he was the son of Time and the brother of Chaos, and he was basically pregnant with the Great Cosmic Egg, of which Phanes the 'First Born God of light and goodness' came from
so there's...that
the use of the cuneiform symbol for ‘new word’ ( 𐏐 ) in front of ‘A-T-I-R’ is interesting and i’m not sure of the significance of it. In cuneiform there is no space between words, so each new word is signified by this symbol, but obviously there is no use of the symbol when each banner only has one word each. and there isn’t any other cuneiform symbol that looks like it either (which makes sense since it’s used for clarification not create typos). it’s an interesting little bit that i’m fascinated with
i did check to see if the (𐏐 ) symbol has a phonic sound to it that might have represented the ‘w’ in Water, but found nothing.
my reading is that it’s being used in the spirit of the meaning and is signifying that the following cuneiform is not related to alchemical symbol of water, like the other ones are. which would track if the cuneiform is translated as ‘ether’ instead
Old Persian cuneiform is read left to right like english, unlike modern Persian, that is read right to left. so that originally confused me, especially since I started with 'AIR' which is backwards to begin with lol
the banner for 'AIR' being backwards is literally only noticeable by the cuneiform symbol for A being inverted 𐎠 (it's the last symbol on the right and has the triangle head starting from the right instead of the left). The same symbol is seen in the 'EARTH' banner turned right. There is no symbol in Old Persian cuneiform that would look like that and sure enough, when flipped, the translation only makes sense as 'AIR'.
that was either a mistake by Nandor, the crew. or on purpose by Nandor, the crew. or some combination thereof. (alchemy having significance with things being backwards does not make that choice easy tbh, but what that significance would be if on purpose ??? idk)
if you’re wondering, I did check to see if anyone else had their bondage-rope-capes-things tied into a bow around their necks like Guillermo. from what I can tell only Nadja and Derek do? Nadja has a big lovely bow which would have been tied by her husband and I’m assuming the awkward limp bow Derek wears is tied by himself. everyone else does not have the Shibari rope completely tied around them. i’m assuming there is wire around the collar holding the shape of them. again, looking into that little detail, if we are taking the Suspiria bondage costume more literally, tracks as Nadja has her loving husband Laszlo to tie her in a beautiful piece, and Derek with his s&m collar, is the picture of a sad sub tying himself up because he has no one else to do it for him
Most importantly however, is that Nandor does not have a tied knot, which confirms to me that he dressed himself without any help from Guillermo and that makes me sad. but then also adds significance to Guillermo being tied in so lovingly:
Nandor makes every last detail here about Guillermo and not himself. it’s almost too much, with how selfish Nandor is in the previous seasons. season 4 especially, what with that ‘you have to make everything in my life about you’ line from Guillermo. but here Guillermo is the special one and Nandor makes sure that every single bit of theater is for, and about, him.
the symbols that I think Nandor is referring to when he says he doesn't know what they mean, are the top symbols, which I will be getting to in my part 2 👍
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honey-boyyoongi · 2 years
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Pairing ➪ Reader x Yoongi||Part 53//??
Word count ➪ 2.7k
Warnings ➪ it’s not beta-ed; any mistakes are mine; cursing; alcohol; toxic family dynamics; if your name is crossed out it’s because I couldn’t tag you;
Summary ➪ Min Yoongi, is a simple man. He likes his coffee black and iced, he enjoys his job, and he loves his baby girl. But what happens when the new neighbor, quite literally, drops into his life?
A/n: Hey besties. Here’s a new one for y’all. I swear we’re not always gonna be angsty, but let’s be real it’s gonna be like this for a bit. Also thank you to all the besties that binge read this fic and WWDITS and my other works. I really appreciate y’all 💕 As always feedback is appreciated and if you want to be added to the tag list please let me know 💕
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I’m dropping Haneul off with Seokjin. 
You can let yourself in.
Yoongi had spent hours in agony trying to muster up a proper apology. His brothers had given him the scolding of a lifetime. He knew his hyung never said he was disappointed in him, out loud, but Jungkook was another issue. His younger brother didn’t have to verbalize his disappointment, his attitude said it all. Jungkook was communicating the bare minimum needed, his face was always neutral. Yoongi felt like he deserved the youngest’s cold treatment. 
They talked as they worked. Yoongi felt like he hadn't spoken to his friends intimately in a long time. Seokjin had offered to be there as a neutral party, but they decided it was a conversation best done alone. His hyung decided to look after Hanuel instead, offering that she spend the night, in case Yoongi needed space afterwards. His brothers helped straighten his thoughts out, suggesting he make a list of his major points as to prevent any further miscommunication. Jungkook also encouraged him to be honest about his parents, Minji, and his feelings about her, if he felt comfortable of course. 
Yoongi wanted to stall going home, but his brothers had left as soon as they finished their part. Seokjin would go to his place first to receive Hani, while Jungkook picked up Jinwoo. He wanted to get lost in the pile of paperwork in front of him, but it was useless. No matter how much he wanted to avoid the situation, it would still be there the longer he stayed sitting in his office. 
Yoongi had spent the drive home calming himself down. He knew he fucked up by lashing out, and he’s not above admitting his wrong doings when he’s called out on his shit. He just hopes it’s not too late to fix things. 
___ has been stress cleaning her house for the last few hours. She had even made it into a game with Haneul, and the toddler enjoyed feeling included. An hour in Hani retreated into her favorite corner on the sectional, burrito wrapped in her favorite halloween blanket. By 5:15 pm Seokjin was waving her off with Hani on his hip. 
By 5:54 pm Bee had vacuumed her living room, rearranged her cutlery, fixed her spice cabinet, made two types of tea, and stress screeched. At first she was dead-set on refusing to speak with Yoongi, but after seeing her tweet, Jungkook texted her: 
“He knows he fucked up, we’ve told him why, and how he fucked up. You guys need to talk. You don’t have to forgive him afterwards, but let him explain some things to you. I’m not excusing him, or trying to apologize for him.”
Knowing Jungkook was in her corner made Bee confident. She’d hear Yoongi out for her best friend’s sake, but after this she was sure she’d be avoiding him for a while. By 6:10 pm the dial tones of her door being unlocked alerted her of Yoongi’s arrival. Bee heard the rustle of paper bags, and clashing containers. She could hear the older man flicking his shoes off, and his keys jingling. It felt like any other night when they would eat dinner together; Lo-fi was gently playing in the background, Bee had cleaned up Hani’s play corner, and was wondering if take-out or a big bowl of cereal was going to be tonight’s dinner. 
Yoongi walked into Bee’s living room, sleeves rolled up and wrinkled, two big paper bags, and his black tote bag. He quasi-lifted the bags, “Sorry for being late. I brought chinese food, and some soju to help us be a little less tense.” ___ nodded in acknowledgement, making her way to her kitchen to grab cups. 
They ate their dinner in silence, little butterflies fluttering in ___’s tummy because Yoongi had remembered her order, and that she preferred peach soju. Neither of them had opened a bottle yet, opting to save them for when their talk would officially begin. Bee pushed her spicy orange chicken around, noticing Yoongi wasn’t faring any better. He had yet to touch his sweet and sour pork, or his black bean noodles. Neither of them could pretend to have appetites. 
___ put their containers back into the take out bags, double checking that the containers were properly sealed. She came back with the chilled bottles of soju, pouring a shot for herself and Yoongi. Bee nodded at him, mumbling a small ‘cheers' downing the large shot. She cringed, waiting for Yoongi to drink his. 
Yoongi hesitated, but eventually drank the initial large shot, and quickly drank another. It looked like ___ wasn’t the only one who needed liquid courage to get through tonight. “I’m sorry,” Yoongi croaked, “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you. I shouldn’t have said that you weren’t my friend. I shouldn’t have said anything horrible to you.”
“Why did you,” she asked. 
Yoongi sighed, “I haven’t been entirely honest with what’s been going on with my parents. We got into a fight, well my mother and I did.”
“What does that have to do with what you said,” Bee quipped. She poured herself another shot, wanting to keep up with the older man. 
Yoongi watched her drink her second shot. He waited for her glass to be placed down to pour another one for the both of them. They clinked their glasses together, mumbling small ‘cheers’. “Remember when I told you about Hani’s birth mom?” ___ nodded. “Well, that was the short, non-shit show version of it.” The older man poured her another shot, drinking his straight from the bottle to get the remnants. “What’s the shit show version, “she asked as she drank her fourth shot. 
Her friend scoffed, “The shit show version? Currently I'm still living it.” Yoongi slouched further onto the floor, back meeting her couch at a curve. “Minji, and I had known each other for a year when she found out she was pregnant. We had been freshly broken up, maybe a month or so when she told me. It was too late for a termination, so she decided to tell me of what she planned. Originally, she was going to give up Hani for adoption. While I respected her choice of not wanting to be a parent, I didn’t want that. I asked for full custody of my daughter. It took a while for her to accept, but she agreed. Around the fourth month mark, when she started to show, we agreed that we had to tell my parents. We did, well, Minji did for the most part. Mom couldn’t fathom a woman not wanting to keep her child, so she tried to convince Minji to stay.”
“Is that why your mom hates me? She thinks I’m trying to replace Hani’s mom,” Bee says. Yoongi shakes his head in disapproval, “You can’t replace what she never had.” 
“Your mom seems to think so,” she replied. 
“My mom,” Yoongi starts, “My mother is complicated. She thinks she knows best, even if you explain to her why you’re choosing to do something and how it's better for you, she still believes she’s in the right.” The older man reaches over for an unopened bottle of soju, wanting to pour himself another shot before he gets to the nitty, gritty parts. 
The pair drink another two drinks back to back to continue. “Mom begged, pleaded, attempted to compromise with Minji, but she wouldn’t change her mind. I always told mom to back off, this was Minji’s choice and we should respect it.”
“Were you ever scared that Minji would change her mind,” ___ asked. 
“Yes, and no,” Yoongi answered. “Back then I would’ve been ecstatic if Minji had wanted to co-parent. We would’ve figured it out, somehow. More than anything I feared that she would give in to what my mom wanted, at the time it was for her to stay against her will. Mom wanted us to be a ‘family’. I think she was trying to save face.”
“What do you mean?”
“Remember when I told you about my grandparents not really being there for my aunt and mom,” Yoongi brought up. Bee nodded, egging him to continue. “Mom had to raise my aunt. My grandmother was always working, and doing who knows what, with whomever she decided was her date for the week. Now those are my mom’s words not mine. From what I’ve always been able to tell, mom always craved some form of validation that she didn’t get from my grandparents.”
“What about her father?”
Yoongi shrugged, “Dunno, s’far as I know mom’s dad wasn’t really there either. Mom said he was always working too. Grandma got remarried sometime around them being older, not really sure, we stopped talking to her when I was really young. I don’t remember much of her. Grandpa passed before I was born, so I never met him.”
“M’sorry,” Bee whispered. Yoongi reached over for the soju once more, “S’kay.” While he was busy, ___ took a moment to really look at the older man. His face had grown flush from how quickly they were ingesting the alcohol. His button up, which is usually crisp, is wrinkled. His left thumbnail has been picked at, and his hair is disheveled. Bee stands up from the floor, a bit wobbly at that, making her way to get her band aid kit. She comes back signaling Yoongi to sit on the couch instead of the hard floor. ___ cleans the picked nails, reminding herself to be gentle every time Yoongi hisses at the sting of the disinfectant wipe. She finishes him off with some hello kitty band aids, specially chosen for her by her niece. “There, now, please stop picking at them. It's bad for you, and Hanuel could pick up the habit,” she says. 
Yoongi nodded, pouting like a scolded child, inspecting his bandages. “Thank you. I’ve been trying to stop. These are cute, did you get them because of Hani?” ___ shook her head, “Nope. My niece likes to give me random things sometimes; rocks, drinks with cute bottles, stickers, cute band aids. She’s like a penguin.” The older man smiled, taking in the little designs, “I like them, might steal them from you.” 
___ scoffed, “The hell you will, those are MY special band aids. You’re lucky I even let you have some.” She watched as Yoongi let out a jovial laugh, “Okay, okay, I get it they’re yours.” In the midst of that Bee hadn’t realized how close she’d gotten to Yoongi. Their thighs were pressed against each other, shoulders were clashing, and she could feel the heat coming off of him. This close up she could see his beauty marks, as well as imperfections on his skin. His eyes were a beautiful color of chocolate brown, and were even more charming with his eyes having mismatching lids. His lips were glossy, a bit bitten, and rosy. In the last few months of knowing the older man he’d grown his hair out to his shoulders, and it drove her crazy with how good it looked on him. He’d put it up in a half bun, from how often it bothered him, but he refused to cut it. His face creeped closer, and she could smell the alcohol and mint from his daily gum chewing. She wanted to give in, to kiss the handsome man in front of her. Get lost in each other for the night hoping that it would solve everything, but it wasn’t just them, they had Haneul to think about. 
___ turned away, picking up the trash from helping Yoongi. The older man sighed, “M’sorry, we shouldn’t be doing that.” Bee nodded in agreement, “Continue with your story.”
Yoongi leaned his head back, trying to remember, “Where were we?” “Minji and 50/50 custody,” ___ answered. He snapped his fingers in response, “Right! So, mom couldn’t fathom a woman, or anyone not wanting to be a parent, she was determined to change Minji’s mind. Obviously that didn’t happen. In the last months of her pregnancy my mom tried to convince Minji that everyone is scared, blah, blah, blahh. It got to the point where my mother told me, not asked, that she would be taking custody of my daughter.”
___ stared at her older friend in surprise, “What? You can’t be serious?”
“As a heart attack dude,” he replied. “It didn’t help that I had fought with her a few days before.”
“Was it over Minji,” Bee asked.
“No,” Yoongi answered, “Remember how I said my aunt has control issues?” ___ shrugged, a little confused, but it could also be the soju not helping her memory, “I don’t, but not to sound disrespectful, if she’s anything like your mother I don’t need the runthrough.”
Yoongi splayed himself across the couch, making sure his head was facing Bee, “If you think my mom is a handful, oof, my auntie is worse. Anyways, I got into a fight with my mom over my auntie being too controlling over my cousins, I’ll tell you about that another day, but the gist of it was me feeling like my mom was trying to control my decisions. Even though I had already made a plan, was executing that plan, and had made that plan with Minji. That fight led my mother into telling me she would take custody of Hani until me and Minji got our shit together. Which made me angry, obviously, I’m a grown man, I knew what I was doing. Knowing my mother we would never get Hani back until we met her terms. She tried until the last moment to convince Minji, but thankfully she never changed her mind. The first 6 or so months of Hanuel’s life, my parents were not involved at all. Ever since I allowed, sorry, ever since my mother decided she would ‘forgive me for not taking her advice’, it has been an annoying fight of back and forth. She was always trying to push the boundaries I set, and I would push back. It hadn’t gotten as bad as it did then, than the current fight we’re in. She’s demanded custody of Hani a handful of times because I won't listen to her.”
___ felt her throat dry a bit, feeling guilty, “I’m sorry being friends with me has caused so many issues with your parents.” 
Yoongi waved his hand in dismissal. “The issues with my mother have been ongoing for gods know how long. Don’t feel bad.”
“Is that why you got mad at me,” she asked, “because I didn’t give you a choice?”
The older man nodded slightly, “I know you were truly only trying to help me, but it made me feel frustrated. I know what you did is completely different from my mother’s actions, but for a moment I felt like I was back in my parent’s kitchen being told that my daughter wouldn’t be with me. I’m sorry for lashing out at you.”
Bee sniffled, “It’s okay, it’s not, but I understand now. I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable. I just wanted to help because I care about Haneul, and about you. I didn’t want you getting stressed out over your work, and Hani being uncomfortable at your office.”
“I’m also sorry for saying you’re not my friend,” he adds. “I don’t know what to call what we are, we’ve gone past being friends.”
“Heh, platonic besties raising a kid,” ___ jokes.
Yoongi chortled, “Sure, why not. Actually, Jungkookie and Jinnie Hyung would probably fight us over that title.”
“Aren’t they dating? I swear Kookie spends more time at Seokjin’s than at his place,” she asks. 
“So get this…” 
They spent the rest of the night trying to figure out if their respective best friends are somehow more, apologizing to each other, and Yoongi spilling his family’s dirty laundry. Not once did they dare speak about the quasi-kiss, but it made ___ more aware of the older man’s lingering stares. The way he clinged to her every word, and how his body leaned more into her. They didn’t know what they were, but they didn’t need to know now. They’d figure it out, eventually. 
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Fic Masterlist
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whomstwedointheshadows · 11 months
Hello, yes you Nandermo shippers, would you like to come along to delulu land?
I have some thoughts on the clickbaitiness of Paul Simms. Reading the transcript of the Nandermo moment (all hail @kyrilu for doing the damn thing on our behalf) and there’s two follow up segments to frame the Nandermo comment from a PR/fuck-around option.
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1) the Kiss card was brought up by the interviewer, seemingly pulling the writer ms back to the topic of the panel, segueing to important, pre-planned questions.
I’m not sure where the information about the existence of Nandor+Guillermo+Kiss was first published. Regardless, this had to be a pre-cleared question. Behind the scenes, these media panels absolutely clear questions and topics in advance.
2) Vulture is posting reviews and materials very, very shippy of Nandermo. This was the ship friendliest possible room full of media explicitly gathered to drum up buzz for the new season. It wasn’t a random instagram stream about their writing process. The interviewer confirms the infidelity theme-then there’s going to be some backtracking to make it ‘sooo not sexual’ - the headline is not ‘Nandermo Infidelity Cofirmed’ now it’s ‘That Moment Wasn’t Sexual’
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[sidebar: I have no idea how the strikes affected the usual publicity cycle and what impact that has on numbers, other than it definitely did. I would imagine those conversations and reactions to their ‘material’ has some sway/inspiration over the next season, from a producing standpoint or the general glee of a creator reading responses. It’s incredibly fortunate for the show there was already a season in process to come back and make due to the two season renewal. At the time of planning this panel it was not known when the actors strike would end, which I imagine changes the plan for promo cycles, especially one they were already adapting. My guess is the season 5 actors promo was completed based on our media, but any ‘soft power’ that comes from writers work/networking/teasing was altered. We missed anything they planned/reacted/tweeted while the show was airing. TLDR: this panel is coming after a long period of not rattling sabers from the writers.]
I put all of this here to say, as much as I don’t know about the business-side of show business, everyone was explicitly in that room to generate media and attention and demand for the show. That’s the actual point of the event, which absolutely has an impact on word choice. They’re comedy writers, with a flair for dramatic also doing the business part with a streak of evil teasing their audience.
Alrighty, foundation established, the big question and the Best Fan Interjection:
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I salute you, sassy audience.
3) The WORDS
Word choice: hook-up
Does ‘the greatest romance on television’ have a one-off hook up, or does it get wrapped in plot and Have Significance and Pay-Off for all of the tension? What’s the most entertaining way in service of the show that’s worth losing the Will-they-Won’t-they dynamic? Can they subvert expectations in a way that makes the writers feel smart and like they’ve spent years building it is worth the investment from the audience? I have theories about A Secret Third Thing for absurdity being the direction they prefer on wwdits. It’s got be a big gambit to land to anyone’s satisfaction.
For an in character analysis of the infidelity not being sexual- I’m just going to put the concept of ‘honor’ and what being a familiar is in vampiric society, that this interpretation is absolutely fair as a breach of trust between Nandor and Guillermo. This response reads as truthful about that specific plot line ignoring everything fucking sexual about vampires, vows and penetration. Yes, he’s right- they didn’t fuck nasty on camera, it was just an intimate betrayal that maps really well giving someone you admire power over you, but realizing what they think is best for you, best for them, and what you want are all different things. That’s another story specific to this plotline. Also super common in anti-sitcom divorce tropes.
Would there be an entertaining story if Nandermo went all-in right now, for these characters? Or would it erase development and stagnate in a hierarchy?
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I do think writers feel a responsibility to their stories and their audiences, even if the audience doesn’t like parts. I think WWDITS is a very smart show that loves/hates vampires and sitcoms, and it is always going to choose the highest setting on the dial for dark comedy on a subverted sitcom trope, which means while it can be an absolute riot with horrendous implications so it has to pull back enough for the next episode to be in the format with a new conceit.
There’s toxic co-dependent idiots Nandermo, and then there’s cruel, abusive, worst impulses working against each other being explicit, which kills the heart of the show.
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4) What’s the Job?
WWDITS Audience: I don’t think the writers actually think it’s a little group of queer fans getting over invested on Nandermo. In fact, I think they are aware of the past Queerbaiting Sins of Network Television based on their serious storylines for queer characters. I think the archetypes and themes of the show specifically court that audience, and each season has only been more to those tastes by laying a solid foundation to explore what hasn’t been the focus of storytelling in the past. I think writers are a tricksy bunch and they’ve got a team who takes the dynamics seriously enough to tell the story of getting to a better place for the characters and entertainment. Hell, there’s a writer from Frasier on the panel who talks about slow burns.
Knowing that shipping has a long history, everyone is absolutely working from previous playbooks on how to tease and shape a story.
Even if a ship goes canon, absolutely no one is going to confirm it before it happens.
[Trickster storytellers, those liars, always wanting us to see their work unfold rather than spoil the ending. Even when they foreshadow or use dread, it’s just so they can feel smart about their lies when we look back, damn writers, emotional vampires. ]
While I shouldn’t underestimate the power of a straight white guy to mansplain some homophobic spice to ‘deeper than sex’ queerness, looking at the media of the actual show, the romantic ship framing is not in question. I’m of the persuasion it’s been great queer representation by having complex queer characters with varied ambitions and obstacles, often their choices driving the story for comedic/dramatic effect, of very selfish, horrible people.
That established, especially because the show has increasingly grown to be more visibly queer, the characters also have to be compelling to watch in their individual journeys even if a ship goes canon. However, no one would be satisfied if the fulfillment of a Nandermo ship was at the cost of the whole household or the characters themselves. The ‘Sunrise, Sunset’ and ‘No One Ever Really Dies in Shadows’ principles lead to an educated guess even if Nandermo becomes canon and carry their own plotlines, the episodes of the show are still going to be the dark, twisted ensemble shenanigans with sucker punches of heart. We love our djinn-curses in the narrative.
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So, if ‘you don’t want what you think you want’ has relevance, I see it as these characters are not at their most compelling to get together-yet, as individuals or in the narrative of what the show wants to tell. That relationship wouldn’t be fulfilling or funny or fair- not that the characters deserve happy endings or an easy road, but to the journey of accepting and receiving love as part of the theme, seeing the love that matters/already exists ties into the conflicts around immortality/meaning. Haven’t we Good Omens fans learned that a kiss is not always the kiss we want?
For a Nandor in Space perspective, central to the vampire in western culture are themes of love/cruelty, class consciousness, the erotic other, transformation/stagnation/decay, inescapable time, the beast beneath the human face, inescapable temptation/indulgence, and cost/callousness of piety.
That’s some inherently kinky romantic shit right there, that necessitates crossing boundaries and abandoning norms. Even if the journey is actually murder-accessory to get what I want at all costs to this guy’s shampoo makes me realize this is a boundary I will not cross today because it reminds me of my own humanity.
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parttimesarah · 1 year
💜My immediate thoughts on WWDITS FX S5E3💚
* Yana Gorskaya always directs the BEST Nandermo episodes!
* I love that we got a fresh, more subtle, “SeanaaAaAaAAy”
* Guillermo’s interview sitting in his footlocker is so sweet! It’s a reminder that Nandor bought him something he really wanted and that Nandor is responsible, in this small way, for helping Guillermo feel more like a vampire.
* Guillermo standing behind Nandor when Sean and Charmaine are in the fancy room is just a subtle reminder of how dedicated Guillermo remains to Nandor. He is not abandoning him.
* AWWWW Nandor, your crush is showing, bb!
* Guillermo’s super speed was… lacking. He seems less strong than when he was slaying/bodyguarding in S2, 3, and 4. Maybe it’s because he is further away from being his true self. Laszlo saying that the turning has been “stymied”, to me, lends credence to the idea that Nandor’s blood could kickstart its completion. Guillermo will come into his full strength when he is finally united with Nandor for eternity.
* I gotta admit, it feels a bit like they just needed to find something for Natasia to be doing. I think she did a great job with the physical performance, but I don’t know how much her/the doll’s story here was needed.
* “Soft after two pumps”, Nandor? Could it be because you’ve just been thinking of Guillermo (the djinn’s wish) while not being with Guillermo. That issue will go away 👏 once 👏 you 👏 are 👏 with 👏 Guillermo!!!
* Nandor demanding he “is wanted” as a reason to spend time with Guillermo (and Laszlo) during their experiments was so telling. Like he needed to hear Laszlo say he is a powerful hypnotist to be happy, he needs to audibly hear that he is actually wanted, even if he’s the one saying it. Guillermo saying “I chose you. I want you.” is going to make this babygirl cream his jeans velvet robes.
* Nandor looking at Guillermo before saying he can fly higher than Laszlo is another obvious tell that he is only concerned with Guillermo’s opinion of him. He is searching for that validation!
* “Grey Boy” is such a good nickname for CR 😂
* Laszlo calling Guillermo “dear boy” is a huge compliment when you consider how their relationship in the series began. Laszlo may not show it (cuz it takes him a long time to show his emotions), but he does care for Guillermo’s wellbeing.
* Awwww Laszlooooo, look at you out living your best beach boy life! I’d say that red face’s sunburn would be worth it! It is interesting that Laszlo is able to take strength from Guillermo. Sure, it’s something Guillermo doesn’t sacrifice anything to give away (just some hours on the treadmill), but the metaphor of using Guillermo’s self-defined weakness (he hasn’t been turned well enough, he isn’t vampiric enough) to help bring a vampire joy is actually quite lovely
* Nandor admitted it! OMFG! I was SO ready for him to deny deny deny that he was just trying to impress Guillermo but HE DIDN’T! Honestly, I still can’t believe it.
* Not the TikTok trainspotting guy Nandor Cam 😂. As I watched Nandor slowly going further and further up, I kept trying to imagine what he was saying to himself in his mind. It had to be something about wanting to outshine Laszlo so that Guillermo will stay with him forever. And then maybe his (usually blissfully empty) mind would have led him to say “Well, there is one way I could make sure we’re together forever…”
* Charmaine’s face when Laszlo said how much Sean has tried to kiss him. 👀 Might we see a jealous Charmaine??
* Naked Nandy! GOOD LORD! Thank you writers. Thank you, Yana.
* What does the Guillermo cough with the smoke mean?! It might have just been his breath in the cold, but it really looked like a bit of smoke or steam escaped him upon seeing his master naked (and with the djinn-dick). He still protected his Master though, even with the surprise, and that tending behavior was sweet. **UPDATE: I don’t watch with subtitles, so I missed the fact that Guillermo said “Oh my God” and then he coughed some smoke. That’s so perfect!**
* The jalopy lives and it looked great! But the best part of the parade was seeing Guillermo being so cute and happy. Yes, he’s owning his identity, but he also knows that Nandor will literally go to space for him!
* And as for that end credits scene…Nonononononononononononononono
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nandorisms · 1 year
Sunrise, Sunset
Pairing: Nandor the Relentless x Guillermo de la Cruz
Rating: Mature
A/N: Decided to write this on a whim, after reading about a headcanon that was shared in the WWDITS discord. I may or may not post it on AO3
Nandor sat in his chair, book in hand, the very picture of aloofness —or so he hoped—, while under his skin it felt like there was a swarm of buzzing fuzzy bumble bees flying around.
Because today was the day!
It was their anniversary!
Fourteen years since that fateful day when the peculiar little bread man stumbled upon Nandor behind the dumpsters, where he had been feeding. And, instead of recoiling in horror or fleeing in terror upon witnessing Nandor's act of drinking from a nearly lifeless victim, the peculiar little man treated him with unexpected affection and familiarity, warmly addressing him as Armand. Who Nandor now knew was from that depressing movie that Guillermo liked so much.
Nandor had watched it once, on their fourth anniversary. He didn't see any similarities between himself and Armand to have garnered such a reaction from Guillermo that night they met. They both had long dark hair and an accent, yes. But, Nandor firmly believed that his own handsomeness far surpassed that of this cinematic counterpart.
Oh, shit he had better pay attention! Guillermo was talking.
“Don’t you feel like nothing ever changes around here?”
You will be soon, Nandor thought, as he fought to suppress a smile, a small upturn forming at the corner of his lips as he read the words on the page. Shit. He quickly settled them, averting his gaze and refocusing on the text.
Aloof. He could act aloof. He had been doing it for fourteen years. No big deal.
Shit he was still going.
"Everyday just leads to the next, and the next…" Guillermo's voice trailed off, carrying a hint of contemplation. He paused, his gaze drifting into the distance. "And before you know it," he continued, his tone heavy with a sense of realization, "years go by."
Nandor couldn’t stop the smile then. Guillermo had no idea just how many years would go by…
"Yes!" Nandor replied happily, while the swarm of buzzing fuzzy bees beneath his skin seemed to dance faster in anticipation of an eternity spent alongside Guillermo. Even as the haunting specter of Marwa and the repercussions of his desperate, shit choices to resurrect his undead wives weighed heavily on his mind, threatening to overshadow his thoughts, Nandor steadfastly held onto his determination to keep Guillermo by his side.
That had always been the plan— to make Guillermo stay.
And he would, after what Nandor had planned.
“Isn’t it wonderful?”
"Okay," Guillermo sighed, as his hands dropped wearily onto his thighs.
Nandor's eyes followed the movement, drawn to the captivating softness of Guillermo's thighs.
He wondered what it would be like to be between them, to have his fingers dig into the bountiful flesh, indents of his fingernails marring that warm tan skin, marking him as his own as he took the length of him into the back of his thr—
“So, what’s next?” Guillermo asked with a small smile.
Shit. Time for words.
Nandor cleared his throat, crossing one leg over his knee to hide his massive erection straining against the front of his pants. “As you may have noticed,” he began, glancing back down at his book briefly, before his eyes strayed over to where Guillermo was sitting. Shit was he always that handsome? Or did it just take him this long to notice. “I’ve really got back into reading books, so…” he trailed off.
Aloof. Aloof. Aloof.
He glanced back down at his book. “I think I’m just going to do this for a while.”
"Oh," Guillermo sighed, the disappointment clear in his crestfallen expression, contrasting with his attempt at a cheerful tone. "For how long?"
Nandor did not glance up, no matter how much he was tempted to, afraid he would give himself away. Guillermo was sad for now, but he would not be so sad when he gave him his anniversary gift!
“Not long. Fifteen years, maybe twenty.” he replied fighting back against the urge to smile once again.
Guillermo abruptly shot up from the settee, a palpable sense of urgency clear in his movements. "Right, well, I should go," he declared, his words tapering off with a hint of uncertainty. "I need to go."
“Okay,” Nandor said, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from spoiling Guillermo’s gift. “Bye-bye.”
Once Guillermo left the room, Nandor closed his book and placed it aside. He looked up at the cameras, a mischievous grin on his face. "Guillermo thinks that I have forgotten our anniversary," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "But fourteen years is special. Even more special than ten!"
Nandor clapped his hands, rising from his seat. "And because it's such a special occasion, Guillermo deserves something more than a glitter portrait," he declared. His voice trailed off as he reminisced, "Even though I put a lot of effort into it, and even ended up cutting my fingers with the safety scissors, not to mention having glitter all over me for an entire month." He smiled. “It was worth it. Guillermo was worth it!”
Nandor gestured for the cameras to follow him, leading them down to his secret room. Where inside, against the wall, rested an intricately carved, sleek black coffin. With a flourish, he lifted the lid, unveiling a luxurious, plush, blood-red silk-lined interior.
He turned towards the cameras with a smile, his eyes filled with anticipation. "So, what do you think?" he asked with excitement. "Do you think he's going to love it?"
Nandor watched as the camera crew exchanged a meaningful glance.
What the fuck?
Nandor's fingers settled down towards the familiar golden band of his cherished ring, nestled securely on his small finger. Absentmindedly, he twisted it, lost in his own thoughts. The once carefree bees, now transformed, altered their playful dance into a relentless attack. What were once graceful dancers now became sharp stingers, inflicting pain upon his chest with each piercing sting.
“Guillermo has been very angry with me ever since the whole Freddie incident,” he admitted. “And since giving up my Freddie has not made him happy, I have resolved to honour my promise to turn my G—” He paused, clearing his throat. “My friend. Guillermo de la Cruz into a vampire.” He straightened up, ignoring the sharp wire-thin pang in his chest, the more the camera crew glanced at one another. “It is the perfect plan. Guillermo will no longer be angry with me, and will be together for all of eternity,” Nandor's voice wavered, as he struggled to swallow around the lump in his throat. “And, then he will have no reason to leave me anymore,” he paused, his gaze drifting up towards the stairs that led up to his crypt, before settling back onto the cameras. “Right?”
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kjthenbee · 1 year
The actors for Guillermo and Nandor are also very on board with nandermo!! Kayaan even said “Nandor’s realising he’s into whatever flavour Guillermo is” or some iteration of that. Idk if it will happen this season but pining Nandor on its own is so funny that I kind o hope they keep this up for a while. Guillermo pined after Nandor for so long that I don’t know if I want then to get together AS SOON as the tables turn. Or if they do, I want Guillermo to have a hot vampire summer as well. Discover his sexuality through vampirism stuff if yk what I mean
Yes!!! And I agree lmao Nandor deserves to pine for a bit. I would also really like for him to finally consciously realize/acknowledge that he has romantic feelings for Guillermo at some point this season because it would make the pining so much better.
While I too would love to see Guillermo have a hot vampire summer, I also feel like he's way too committed to Nandor at this point to do that. He already felt guilty and regretful about going to Derek to do something as intimate as being made into a vampire, and he's sticking around playing the part of Nandor's familiar despite the likelihood of Nandor killing him (and then himself) if he ever finds out. Nandor is definitely the reason he can't stay away or move on.
I'm personally hoping for another fight like the one at the end of S3, except it ends in a kiss this time, and maybe the kiss is the cliffhanger?? Honestly, knowing wwdits' track record I wouldn't be surprised if they straight up just banged lmao. Like I can imagine all the other vamps walking in on it, and the episode just ends with Lazslo saying "What the fuck?!"
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theadoptedfandom · 1 year
Thoughts I’m having as I/We prepare for OFMD S2 inspired by Con’s quote in Vanity Fair saying ‘it “doesn’t follow the expected route”
What is the expected route?! (/gen and /j)
As someone whose watched WWDITS from Season 1 and decided to come back to tumblr after the S3 finale (a time when the first in-show hints of Nandermo happened in what I consider the shows best 2 ep season-opener outside I think this S5 2 ep opener), I have personally learned it’s best to expect nothing from these shows.
And I don’t mean that negatively, I mean as much as I love fanart, fanfiction, meta and fan theories, when I get too into or invested in the plot lines created in our online space I tend to find the actual show a bit duller(?) less concerned with consistent plot lines and character arcs. (Or maybe just less obsessed than we are as the audience vs them as the creator). [[An example for myself was being upset at a lack of any development in S4 from choosing to ship Guillermo and Nadjia of to London at the end of S3, & reading some really fabulous theories of what that would have looked like from other viewers/fans in the year between.]]
I think the main reason for that - to me - is because these shows - OFMD, Good Omens, WWDITS, even Ted Lasso - at the end of the day are comedies. And the meta and ways we analyze and breakdown and hope for what the next season(s) will be are written with so much more drama and seriousness (which I love) than the show actually ever presented itself to have. (Or may have the budget and time for tbh)
[again this is mostly my reading of WWDITS over the years to help me prepare for whatever happens with OFMD this Fall]
Granted I was not into ‘online fandom world’ when SPN or Sherlock were airing (I was a Marvel&Steven Universe teenager) so idk what experiencing SUPERWHOLOCK was like ‘live’/in real time w/ years between seasons. But those were also dramas doing different things (and being less gay) than OURFLAGMEANSGOODOMENSINTHESHADOWS (what a mouth full) so *shrug*
Idk that this ramble has a point, I just had thoughts about making sure to temper my expectations both for myself and for the sake of not “chastising the creators” ala Good Omens* when OFMD S2 starts airing.
I know most of us are just EXTREMELY grateful that another season of this show is real & probably will be happy with ~almost~ anything they decided to do.
*im very aware the folks who didn’t like GOS2 (the ending in particular) & are actively rude about it are a minority btw I’m just using it as an example of expectation vs reality
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space--daemon · 3 months
I was tagged on my main @skydaemon for this game by @i-know-how-my-story-ends
1.) How many works do you have on AO3?
14, but 3 of them are archive locked (only registered users can see them) because I wrote them as an embarrassing 15/16 y/o and I’m not interested in the world reading that.
2.) What is your AO3 wordcount?
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for bmc, taz, black sails, tlt, and dunmeshi on ao3 but I will write for most fandoms I enjoy.
4.) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fuck you (marry me) (tlt)
The audacity of these bitches: an autobiography by kabru of utaya (dunmeshi)
10 things I completely fucking hate about you (no offense) (tlt)
Melting pot: life in second age melini (dunmeshi)
Working up an appetite (dunmeshi)
5.) Do you respond to comments?
As often as I possibly can, even if it’s just <3. I love commenters so much!
6.) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It seems to depend on who you ask. I think it’s And Many More, an ntn fic set before the events of the book. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53502670 But so many people have said that my melini cultural history museum fics (especially melting pot) have made them angsty so… https://archiveofourown.org/series/4190293
7.) What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean… working up an appetite? https://archiveofourown.org/works/56746999 But in terms of happily ever after, I’d say either fuck you (marry me) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50096647 or 10 things I completely fucking hate about you (no offense) https://archiveofourown.org/works/43566183
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Never - everyone who comments is so nice!!
9.) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have now written one (1) smut. It’s a ‘what if kabru and mithrun dunmeshi had sex as besties?’ fic and i am inordinately proud of it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56746999 if ur interested
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest crossover you've ever written?
I don’t write 100% crossovers (as in, two continuities mixing) but obscure fusions (placing characters/details from one continuity into the setting/plot of another) are somewhat my brand, especially in TLT. I think 10 things I completely fucking hate about you (no offense) was probably the fusion nobody expected but i absolutely adored writing it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/43566183
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Never. Or the thief has replaced it with an identical copy.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that’s something I’d love to have done or try doing myself. I think my Spanish and French are just about good enough that I could translate a present-tense fic (my past tense is a lil shaky) and I would love that as a project.
13.) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I ABSOLUTELY would. If anyone wants to co-write something, my DMs are open <3
14.) What's your all-time favorite ship?
Impossible to judge. Perhaps the Mary Celeste. I like a bit of mystery.
15.) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have several jossed wwdits fics that would have been so fun if i’d got them out before certain events. But now, I just don’t think they have the same vibe. Like, you could still enjoy them, but because we know what happens next, it kinda detracts from the overall experience.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I’m pretty good at aping someone else’s style, I try to maintain strong character voices, I’m funny and people tend to like the ideas I have.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
If I’m tired of a fic (not necessarily of the fic itself, but of writing it) I often do the bare minimum. Fuck you (marry me) strikes me as an example. People seemed to really like that fic and there were only one or two chapters left, but I had very little motivation to write. The final chapter was written essentially by pushing through until I’d finished it, and certain things I’d tried hard to do in the beginning (e.g. give harrow’s narration a very distinct and obvious voice) fell by the wayside in favour of getting it over with. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50096647
I also often publish barely edited fic for the same reason.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
Like it, will do it depending on POV. If the perspective character understands the language, i might write it in English for ease of comprehension. If they don’t, i might write it as is. I would usually put translations in the notes, but I don’t think I’ve actually had occasion to do it so far.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3, Be More Chill in 2018. I will not link that, I refuse. (It’s on my page, but it’s archive locked.) In life, i think i was writing self-insert discworld fanfiction around the age of nine or ten.
20.) Favorite fic you've written?
In terms of execution, I think part of everything alive again. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48395794 It was the first time I’d ever written something as part of an event, and the first time I ever got art for my fic - how gorgeous is it, by the way??? I wrote it all without external input (I normally publish at least somewhat as I go, but for BRE, we posted it all at once on one day) and I am so proud of myself for getting it done to a level I’m proud of. But not very many people read it, I think partly because it’s a chunky beast to try and get through all at once. So when it comes to the reader response, I’d say my melini cultural history museum series https://archiveofourown.org/series/4190293. So many people have commented on that and for such short pieces, it’s a lot of positive feedback relative to the effort I put into them. But besides my shameful 2018/19 fic, I honestly love everything I’ve put on ao3.
Anyone who wants to do this, consider yourselves tagged. <333
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anarcho-puppy · 3 months
hiya! welcome to my blog! i mostly just rb or post for myself soooo... don't expect much in terms of consistency lol.
my pronouns are he/him/his, xe/xem/xers, or it/it's; if you misgender me on purpose, you will be blocked >:P
alive but gay
i rb a lost of fandom stuff (basically just whatever media i'm currently hyperfixating on), but these are my favourite media:
DC (mostly batfam)
BBC Sherlock
ATLA (also kinda TLOK, but not as much)
Good Omens
Marvel (debatable, not the new stuff, mostly just AOS)
Jesus Christ Superstar (shut up, i’m a theatre kid)
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (in relation to JCS)
The Dragon Prince
Amulet (i’m allowed to be a kid, okay)
Bluey (…very much allowed to be a kid)
probs more, i just have a shit memory lmao
pls pls talk to me about my interests! send me asks!
just spent two hours organizing my blog so that i can actually find stuff... so here's a guide:
#puppy barks = og text posts, rants, etc. (basically just everything other than rbs, except threads i’ve added to and wanted to save)
#anarcho puppy (duh) = anarchist and an-com shit
#geo nerd puppy = history-related stuff (one of my SPINs)
#pub trans puppy = public transit-related stuff (another SPIN)
#puppy puppy = feral (sometimes) dog boy me
#poet puppy = started out as poetry but now it’s basically just me writing things
#arty puppy = my art and art rbs
#disabled puppy = disability stuff
#neurodivergent puppy = autism/ADHD shit
#nom nom puppy = baking/cooking/food stuff
#conlang puppy = conlang shit
#little puppy = agere/little me stuff
#faggot shit = uhm uhhhhh… yeah…
#mutual aid/gofundme = self explanatory (please donate or reblog!)
#my polls = polls (obviously /s)
#me = pics of me
#ask = my asks
#hehe = ...yeah i'm not doing so hot (memory loss, trauma, etc.)
#dc = self explanatory (#B, #NW, #RH, #RR, #R, #O, #steph, #cass, #duke, #alfred, #clark, #kon, #jon, #talia, #bernard)
#hozier = my MAN
#atla = avatar the last airbender (and spin-offs)
#sherlock = self explanatory
#tdp = the dragon prince
#hannibal = self explanatory
#go = good omens
#ninjago = self explanatory
#sense8 = self explanatory
#assortment of religious hyperfixations = jesus christ superstar, the last days of judas iscariot, etc.
#i’m gonna be a lawyer bitch = my latest hyperfixation; law, specifically landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities (an actually practical hyperfixation?? crazy… /s)
#covid safety = self explanatory and also really important
#L = iykyk
shut up, i know that there’s a shit tons of tags but it’s not for you; i don’t expect y’all to need a tagging system bc you’re probably not doing a deep dive on my blog, but i need to be able to find things, hence the excessive tagging system :)
self-described liberal
biden supporter
transids/whatever the fuck you’re calling yourselves
yes, i know that dni lists won’t stop dirty, disgusting people from interacting, but it makes me feel better when i set clear boundaries.
and remember kids, i block LIBERALLY >:P
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devilofthepit · 1 year
also while i’m at it i just got caught up on wwdits and mannnn i wish it were better. that’s another show that i have so much appreciation for as it was a past hyperfixation and therefore it’s still so important to me but i really cant feel the way i used to about it. this season is better than s4 don’t get me wrong but it still has the same problem which is that there really is no plot. i get that it started out as the funny vampire show but then all of the contradictions and complications that arise from vampirism like guillermo’s familiarhood(?) and nandor’s existential crisis really end up grounding the show and giving it somewhere to go. these plots run throughout the first three seasons and by season 3 it’s evolved past just a funny sitcom about vampires who live together. i say this all the time but the end of s3 was so so well done where it felt like the stakes (hehehe) we’re continually being raised each episode and that was such a good cliffhanger and then it just went downhill. since then there haven’t been any really complex season long arcs that get the attention they deserve. s4 was almost entirely putting the characters in one situation or another without it affecting anything else. s5 feels like that a little as well although the writing is marginally better. at least we have guillermo’s vampirism and laszlo and nadja keeping it a secret i like how this heightens the tension but it always somehow feels like a background thing to all the other silly things that happen in the episodes, it really feels like the writers don’t know how to weight different aspects of the plot. and meanwhile the relationship between guillermo and nandor (and the rest of the vampires too) never seems to change. i know the point is that they’re vampires and they can never see him as one of them but there are sooo many times throughout all 5 seasons where the vampires’ mistreatment of guillermo is brought up but there’s absolutely No evolution which makes sense to some extent bc they’re vampires but at this level is so interesting like truly no one is changing from episode to episode except guillermo (quite literally) and even that isn’t focused on enough compared to like. various characters running for comptroller or nandor making a new friend. and all of this especially after nandor promising to make guillermo a vampire and the way their relationship evolved at the end of season 3. nandor and guillermo’s relationship is the most central relationship, even the most central conflict of the entire show. i love nadja and laszlo dearly but their relationship isn’t really going anywhere except for maybe the antipaxan family storyline which got resolved within an episode. guillermo himself could have been the most central character given that he’s the first person we see, the one we most relate to, etc, but he’s relegated to the background in favor of Vampire Antics. and when i, tumblr user boydykecreature, formerly bloodcreature and thousandyearoldvampire, am complaining about too many vampire antics, it’s a problem. i used to love the novelty of this show and now it feels like the same thing over and over.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 3 months
Well of course I must ask about Much Ado About Nandermo
I've actually already started posting this one but it's been on hiatus for waaay too long, I'm hoping the last season gives me the WWDITS brainworms I need to power through! But it's so so fun to write whenever I get into it - it's script style and literally just a wacky rewrite of Much Ado About Nothing with the WWDITS vamps, with an emphasis on Nandermo and also on a weirdly fun and cute friendship between Guillermo and Nadja, and I really hope I finish it someday bc I haven't even got to the great romantic bits that I pre-drafted like, basically the second I came up with the idea! Like the gazebo/confession scene is my FAVE SCENE and we're not even there yet!!!
Since I have no idea when we WILL be there, and I'm dying to share it with someone, I'm gonna post a sneak peek of said confession scene under the cut. It won't be a spoiler if you know Much Ado but to anyone reading this who doesn't, beware fic spoilers I guess!
NANDOR: Guillermo; you’re crying.
GUILLERMO: (bitter laugh) Yeah. No shit.
NANDOR: Have you been weeping all this while?
GUILLERMO: Yeah. And if it’s all the same to you I’m gonna cry a while longer, so.
NANDOR drifts a little closer, fingers interlinked anxiously at his front.
NANDOR: I… would not wish for you to cry.
GUILLERMO: You don’t have to wish for anything. It’s happening whether you — whether I like it or not.
NANDOR follows in GUILLERMO’S wake, unsure of himself, unsure how to offer comfort.
NANDOR: I understand, Guillermo. You have seen a good friend greatly wronged tonight. It must be made right.
GUILLERMO: Yeah. And who the hell’s gonna do that round here?
Bolder, NANDOR steps closer.
NANDOR: Tell me how, old friend. It will be done.
GUILLERMO hesitates, then returns to evenly straightening chairs, refusing to meet NANDOR’S gaze.
GUILLERMO: ‘Old friend’. You really did bump your head or something, didn’t you? Just… just go away, Nandor. It’s none of your concern. You left, remember?
NANDOR: Guillermo —!
GUILLERMO: You left. It’s just been me, in this house with them for five years, and it’s me who has to pick this fucking mess up off the floor. Nadja’s my friend, and now I’ve gotta be a friend to her. I don’t need — I don’t need any more friends getting under my feet. I don’t need men getting under my feet, tripping me up and confusing me when I have shit to deal with, least of all you; so unless you have something new, or real or useful to say, how about you just get lost?
GUILLERMO turns his back, and NANDOR panics.
NANDOR: (blurting) I do love nothing in this world so well as you!
Silence. Both stand, frozen. Slowly, GUILLERMO turns back around to face NANDOR, stunned.
NANDOR: (softly, flustered) Is that not strange?
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