#But these fucking white people were talking shit about the homeless
downfallofi · 10 months
Im all partied out after the last two days 🙃
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ticklepinions · 6 months
Everyone should read the following. If we are a community you need to understand a few things.
Are you entitled to say anything you want due to "free speech"? Hell yeah!
Should you? Absolutely the fuck not!
The blatant racism, anti-queerness, transphobia, misogyny and fatphobia I have seen is down right abhorrent. And if you display any of these ideologies or opinions, you simply do not belong here. You shouldn't be comfortable making a safe space for yourself as you make this lovely community unsafe for the rest of us.
There is nothing political about human rights. But unfortunately that's where we are in this life. I'll try not to be biased but certain political leanings tells me all I need to know about you. POC conservatives will always make me laugh. You are nothing but a pawn for the cis/hetero/whites who don't give a shit if you live or die. Nothing but a slur, a body to dispose of. You may share their views but they are not sharing the power and privilege they have with you.
Let's talk about certain individuals who act so tough under the "big strong amurican sharing their views just to get shitted on, fucking snowflakes". Why do you want to be oppressed so badly? Why do you purposely antagonize people and then when they defend themselves you try dismissing them by saying how they're wasting their time... The irony of it all. The sheer ignorance.
I feel sorry for you people. Truly, I do. But I'll be damned if I let any of you try to tear any of us down for having opinions and ideologies (hint hint see the irony?) that fight for the rights of people who don't have them.
And let me get something clear- from the river to the sea. We all should not stop fighting till all of us are free. There are so many resources out there to educate yourself, yet you choose to remain ignorant. You do not belong here. You act as though you are better than everyone else because you have "edgy" opinions, opinions that literally call for the deaths of the marginalized and oppressed. You do not belong here. You have the gall to tell people they are wasting their time, when their sheer existence alone is putting them at risk for isolation and death (by the same bigoted people you support). You do not belong here.
If an elephant (Israel) has it's foot on a mouse's (Palestine) tail, tell me which one is truly the one at risk. There is a gen0cide going on. If Israel is trying to reclaim it's "land" why bomb it? Why destroy it? With a military with their degree they should be able to eliminate all these "terr0rists" with minimal to no "collateral damage" (aka the 30,000 innocent Palestinians, 2/3rds of which were woman and children, with countless injured, orphaned, homeless and starving). Why bomb hospitals, mosques, sacred places? Standing with Palestinian people is not antisemitism, it's anti gen0cide and war crimes (a multitude of which Israel has shamelessly committed).
And I'm not on anon. I stand for the people of Palestine. I stand for justice. I stand for equity. I stand for the freedom of all oppressed people.
And I implore everyone who follows me to educate themselves. The right path does not lead you to discriminate against the marginalized. Continue to fight my friends, continue to amplify the voices of those unheard, continue making this community and those you belong to, safe for all and unsafe for those who think otherwise.
For you @knismosexual + @littleonelee
I hope you truly reflect on how your actions impacts this entire community and the communities you live in. Until you learn how to act right, unfortunately this community isn't for you. You shouldn't feel welcome here. You shouldn't feel like you belong here. DMs are wide open if you have any thoughts. But again I say, supporting transphobic, racist, anti-queer, misogynistic, discriminatory views is not simply an "opinion" or personality to adopt. You are hurting real people, accepting the deaths and harassment that plague them every single day. You have no place in this community.
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drdemonprince · 1 year
That ask about small talk and fear reminded me: a few days ago my partner and I were at our local café. I went to use the restroom and found the toilet seemingly backed up, so went and told a worker since I didn't want to try using it and then make it worse. A random guy who'd been there for a while came over and said "Want me to take a look at it?" We all thought it was Weird and Creepy but he genuinely just wanted to help, and managed to fix it! It was great! He was just a kind stranger wanting to help. And as we left later it hit me how sad it is that fear was our initial reaction. I wish I would've thanked the guy instead of being awkwardly frozen. But it also gave me a little hope and a reminder that most people are just like me, just a person trying to enjoy the life we have and be nice to others.
Yes, I really do believe that if we are invested in mad pride and disabled liberation at all, we gotta take that initial knee-jerk reaction of "this person is weird" or "this behavior is breaking unspoken social scripts" and throw it into the fucking garbage.
No one is a bad person for feeling wary in that way, it is a socially conditioned response -- but it is very dangerous. It's the same kind of thing that leads to people covering their homes in security cameras and calling the cops on children knocking on their neighbor's doors in search of their missing cat. You probably would never do anything of that nature, of course! But it's all part of the same social ideology. And that ideology keeps you isolated and less likely to seek help -- it doesn't keep any of us safe.
Personally I LOVE talking to fucking WEIRD PEOPLE. I spent an hour this summer at a picnic table talking to a tweaked out guy covered in facial tattoos and scales about my aura and the psychic journey he was on and shit. It turns out that he was a trans woman in the 1980s but he didn't have the language for it! He was drawn to me because he could tell I was gender-weird too, and because he said I had a very open looking soul. I could scoff at that or I could be afraid of him, but why??? He was fucking cool! he had a ton of fascinating life experiences and is friends with a lot of the other people I see on the streets in my neighborhood. Turned out we were both Aries' and we talked about that a ton too.
I also met a guy in a dusty old cowboy hat in the park by Loyola beach who told me he is the official 'patriarch of the park' and gets to decide who he allows to pick up litter there. He pointed to a very clean-cut white woman stabbing at trash with a stick and a needle and told me that he had given her personal clearance to clean up "his" park. She might seem like a fussy white suburban type lady, he conveyed, but she was interested in making the space better for everyone and wasn't doing any Kareny shit, so she was welcome.
Last weekend I was going to a free concert in Ping Tom Park and edgy 19 year old punk kids danced next to 70 year old Chinese retirees and middle-aged yuppie parents and their toddlers and homeless people and 50 something Mexican old head techno fans and it was the loveliest fucking thing in the world. A guy up the street from the park was selling dozens of old back packs and coats and electronics on his front lawn and I dug through them and chatted before getting there.
Living in a city and spending a lot of time outside, I meet people like that a lot, and my life is immeasurably enriched by it. It makes me sick and sad that so many human beings never get to talk to strangers like this, recoil from homeless people or people on drugs, and fear any stranger's intrusion into their life. I think even a lot of left leaning, queer people harbor these reactions and chalk them up to things like "being afraid of men" or "being afraid of straight people" and we even promote that kind of thinking within our communities at times. I find it very damaging. Some of the most wholesome experiences in my life have been random nice/warm things cishet men on the street have done for me.
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nerves-nebula · 5 months
Going from living in the southern US to moving to the northern US for work is insane bc like. White people seem to think the racism is all down in alabama and kentucky and shit and like. Yeah its there. Theres sundown towns and klan shit and my daddy got his ass beat for looking at a white woman too long.
But up north, man....People are just MEANER about it, idk what it is. Its like theyre more snide. They talk behind their hands and shit. They do the more like...quiet, insideous. They still have klan meetings, theyre just quiet about it. They quietly poison you. They ask me if I like henny or if I'm more of a lean girl and act shocked when I say I dont drink. They stare at a homeless white man and say "oh man he was a veteran, thats awful" but flip and say "ahhh that black dude over theres just a druggie its fine, pass him by."
White folks walk up to me and start like, bitching about the arabs and the indians thinking that because im not one of Them that I'll be on their side and say its okay.
Idk. Its very bittering. I wanted to move up here because I hoped i would escape it. But. Well.
But well indeed!!! I admit I’m not the best at being able to tell when racism is happening to me due to neither of my parents really being able to help me in that regard
(white mom who insists racism doesn’t happen anymore + African dad who is always away and is hyper vigilant about racism but doesn’t exactly understand the intricacies of antiblackness in America. They are both racist against black Americans and I never left the house growing up. also i might be autistic so picking up on when i'm being discriminated against is a bit of a battle too.)
But I do know that when I moved out to the east coast (california to be specific) for art boarding school I wasn’t invited back the next year because there were "concerns about my ability to keep up with the hygienic requirements" AKA: I was too dirty.
The dean of students (who later resigned because we all hated him) said I was dirty to my FACE and blamed me for bedbugs when there was literally no logical way they could have been my fault, and we had a ton of foreign students who could've gotten them while traveling, and they were also in dorms I’d never so much as stepped foot in. I was one of very few black students on that campus and I'd never been called fucking DIRTY to my FACE by a group of white people who acted as if that was a totally reasonable thing to say- and been blamed for something i could not possibly have done- by a member of my schools faculty before.
edit: got this on april 10th and saved it as a draft, then forgot to publish it.. sorry king !!
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tojisbbygworl · 5 months
Y’all wanna know why marginalized communities don’t want to hear about how film studios only care about diversity? I’ll explain.
INTENT vs OUTCOME. When someone gives you unsolicited advice, it irritates you even though it was from a good place, right? When someone says something that offends you, even when they weren’t trying to, are you not still offended? They didn’t mean to make you feel the way they did, but they still did and they still owe you an apology, right? It doesn’t matter what they meant or the point they were trying to make, what matters is the words that came out of their mouth and how you feel. What matters is what HAPPENS not what was SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.
People are always talking shit abt those who do community service and record to post online because there can be an argument made about only doing it for clout. To that I say, Homeless ppl are being fed, trash is being picked, who cares that you can see it on tik tok? Who cares that you’re hearing about it?
Intent doesn’t fucking matter. At the very least, it will NEVER be more important than outcome PERIOD. STOP TRYING TO CONVINCE US OTHERWISE. Poc don’t care that diverse casting is trend bcs guess what? We’re getting representation. We’re getting jobs that we were barred from. We have a bigger voice now, we have more influence, we have more power.
But you, as a white person, can’t see that nor do you give a single fuck. Nah, you just sick and tired of seeing all these ppl who don’t look like you and want it to stop. You’re uncomfortable bcs u can’t relate, not even realizing that what you’re feeling is only a fraction of the community you’re actively trying to fuck over. And you are trying to fuck us over.
Stfu with ur bs abt how these film studios don’t actually care. Do you?
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red-might-be-dead · 6 months
hello.! could you spare some bitb headcanons? i'm planning to start writing some stuff for it in the coming months and you seem like the expert so :3
sorry this took so long to reply to.... jkghksfjhgkjfha
KIAN!! -
i like to think that he was the smartest in the group, he would always do well in tests and classes and shit and he would bunk off most of the time, it would really piss off his teachers because he would fly through school and get As on everything
he left just after finishing highschool, probably before rolan left, his parents didn’t even notice he was gone
he was homeless for a while after music didn’t work out but eventually made money through stocks or whatever the fuck he had going for him lmaoo
his monster is always some kind of tarantula to me, the fur or hair or whatever is the same as the animal pattern on his jacket and he has lots of reds and hot pinks all over :33
he moved to town when he was about 5 or 6 and made friends with rand and kian (they were already friends)
he was the least book smart but he tried really hard in school, unlike the other two, and although he still skipped some classes he was definitely a teachers pet (i feel like he would just seem very trustworthy even if he had just been smoking weed with his friends behind the bleachers)
he left highschool and then stayed with rand after kian left, he didn’t really talk to him he more just stayed in galloway, after rachel died (or went missing) he stayed away from rand but he couldn’t bring himself to leave him behind
when he left he told rand he was going (this was the first proper interaction that they’d had since highschool ended) and rand got so pissed off at him
in college he was quiet but lots of people gravitated towards him, he was a sweet guy with a nice energy so he made lots of friends very fast
he did a lot of sports in highschool, i think he carried on doing some of them until he went back to galloway (probably running)
his bug arm always reminds me of a preying mantis, i think if he had gone full bug-o-mode he would have been some kind of preying mantis creature with whites blacks and blues
RAND!! -
okay so this fucking guy, this guy, this greasy freak is my favourite ever jrwi character and i will NOT be able to get all of the shit down i want to for him because there is SO. MUCH. i’m definitely gonna write this more concisely than i did the shit for the other two
okay, he was smart in highschool, the teachers all hated him so much (he was a less charismatic version of kian) he did well in exams because he actually did study out of class unlike kian BUT he was 10 times more distributive (really he was just doing anything to make his friends laugh)
spent a lot of time IN school writing the d&d campaign and a lot of time OUT of school catching up on the stuff he should’ve been doing IN school
he had a girlfriend for a time, they kissed, he didn’t like it, he realised he liked men, he realised he liked rolan, he repressed all of that and moved on, him and his girlfriend broke up (due to him not spending any time with her, ignoring her in school and spending all the time they did have together talking about rolan or kian, basically him being an overall bad boyfriend), he moves on with life, basically forgets she ever existed
all through all of this time he has also been constantly getting into arguments with his parents and trying to do everything he could to NOT be with his sister (not that he didn’t love her it’s just he didn’t want to spend every waking hour with her)
his parents liked rachel more than him, it wasn’t her fault, rachel was always the most perfect child ever, she admired rand so much she really wanted to be as cool as him (she didn’t understand much about her brother but she loved him anyway)
after rachel was kidnapped rand started to ignore kian and rolan, he started slipping behind in classes and he stopped distracting people in classes, then he stopped coming into school at all, he never graduated
he locked himself in his room during the day and spent all night looking for rachel in the bayou (miracle he didn’t get turned lmao, maybe rach was protecting him in some way) he regretted everything and he would do anything for just another minute with his sister
kian left and didn’t even say goodbye, rand thought he deserved to be ignored for being such a bad friend
it was rolan leaving that broke him, everything was falling apart, he screamed and cried and cursed at rolan as he was driving away, the last thing he said was “i love you” but rolan never heard
he didn’t leave galloway, he couldn’t leave his sister alone again
if he ever went bug-o-mode i think he would be some kind of scorpion creature, or like, idk, a cicada lmao
honestly this is just how i thought the campaign ended canonically but idk anymore: when he talked to his sister he was hallucinating (the same way as when he was talking to dead kian) and he bled out floating in the swamp looking up at the sky
OKAY THATS IT…. BUUUT i do have a shit ton of conflicting headcanons and also smaller character headcanons that i might just drop in your inbox sometimes if that’s okay with you :DD!! sorry this took like one billion years… i didn’t even get everything….
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t4tails · 1 year
i took a class to cover a religion credit specifically about what the bible's outlook on economics and the ideal is. firstly not only is it shitting on rich people so hard it's hilarious, but if you had said just certain things w/o biblical context most people would be like "oh that's socialism." like the bible's ideal is socialism. (we also went into the history of morality when it comes to believing in good deeds causing wealth and how much that still prevails and how jesus desperately tried to deny this myth)
the important part is that, bc it was a gen-ed, i wasn't in my usual circle of art students, meaning a lot of wealthier white frat kids bc that is usually who you see in my college.
the funniest thing was watching them cruMBLE and their entire worldview be questioned. me, the professor, and a few select other classmates actually knew what we were talking about when it came to billionaires and morality, and how america functions. watching the votes on the first day majority saying not to help the homeless man if you don't know why he's homeless, to kids floundering learning how homelessness ACTUALLY happens and how horrible and morally bankrupt billionaires are was honestly a class in itself.
certain times (for group things) i felt like i was the one teaching, but nonetheless a bunch of rich christian kids' worldview got shaken and all it took was, shocker, actually reading the original bible in context.
anyway. if anyone in your class brings up biblical viewpoints let me know i'll shake their entire fucking world
honestly i admire you whenever im forced to step up as the only leftist in the room i just get really annoyed because so many people refuse to understand what the hell im saying 😭 im glad you were able to burn those ppls brains
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northwest-cryptid · 1 year
I hope you all know you're allowed to simply care about your own lives, the lives of your friends; the things in your immediate circle that you have control over.
It doesn't make you a bad person to be happy while there's shit going wrong in the world. It doesn't make you a bad person if you don't stand behind every single cause ever. It doesn't make you a bad person if you are happy living a life focused on you and those important to you.
You're not arrogant for caring about the things that matter to you, in your life. The internet has given us such a wider scale of understanding on the world, and the social culture "forces" people to care about the bigger picture.
It's so stupid, yes it's nice to care about important things from around the world; yes if you can make a difference, doing so is always going to be appreciated. However getting upset with someone or calling them arrogant or saying they're naïve and "live in their own optimistic world" as if that's some kind of bad thing, would be like if I said "I have no money for rent, and if you don't have money to give me you're a real piece of shit."
It just doesn't ACTUALLY make sense. I don't blame a 16 year old, a 25 year old, or even a 45 year old for not being able to muster the energy to say "I care so much about climate change and poverty" every fucking day of their lives. I'm sure that if you approached them and asked "hey this dude is homeless even though there's thousands of houses available but the government won't let him live there rent free should we fix that" they'd likely say "yes of course?" Like just because they're not vocally and actively preaching their support or hatred of something doesn't mean they don't have an opinion on it, nor does it mean they don't DO ANYTHING. For all you know this dude volunteers at a soup kitchen and donates to charity fuck off.
If you ask me what I dislike in life I'd sooner say "when I order coffee that's supposed to be sweet but it's still way too bitter" instead of "the economy being so fucked that I will never own a house within my lifetime and billionaires keep polluting the planet and creating sweatshops and killing people, money is so fucked we shouldn't have to have money to survive" LIKE COME ON DUDE WHO ACTUALLY TALKS LIKE THAT? Someone out there said "me" and they're probably a self proclaimed activist who thinks I'm so wrong for this
but here let me flip the script for a sec alright? Do you care about Indigenous people? Of course you do right? It's morally correct after all, so then why haven't I seen you post about the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women movement? What do you mean you didn't know MMIW was a thing? I thought we were all meant to be aware of literally every single problem for every single person in the whole world and be vocal and active about it. Now sure I could educate you about MMIW but instead isn't it easier if I say "I don't know man I think if you actually cared you'd have taken 2 fucking seconds to look up every single problem my people face so that you could actively and vocally hate white people because that's the only way to stop people from dying."
If you're not picking up on what I'm saying here, it's fucking impossible to care about literally every problem on a global scale all the time every day of your life, it's exhausting to have to live in fear about how everyone is going to see you if you're not vocally and actively speaking out about this or that or the other. Or if you're not as active about doing something about it as they are, or if you're not doing the "RIGHT" thing about it.
It's okay to focus on your own life. It's okay to care more about this fucking mid-term or final you have to take than about a war or about some movement. Do those wars and movements still MATTER? Sure, and I'm sure you probably do care about them if the topic comes up but come on man should I really expect you to just constantly bring it up?
Like hell if we're out at dinner and I say "how was your day" and you tell me "well I mean I would be happy but with climate change being what it is; you know-" I'm just going to get up and leave, not because I don't care about climate change; believe me I do. I've been a damn activist my whole life I care plenty for it; but because no one wants to talk about that shit over dinner man! You're preaching to the choir! I already know this shit I don't need to hear it every day.
We live in a time where information is available and therefore we expect everyone to be educated on everything, to care about everything, to do everything we do, to say everything we say, to prove to us that they're worthy of being a "good person" over and over and over again.
Fuck it all man, live your life. Live YOUR life.
I'm not saying you shouldn't care about the problems of the world, they matter all the same, and again if you can do something then great get out there and do it! However I don't expect you to prove your worth to me, I don't expect you to feel this social pressure to be some "good person" in MY moral code.
That's exhausting, that's impossible.
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holocene-sims · 1 year
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july 7, 2021 1:15 p.m. grant's house
[colm] wait, how do you have this recipe then?
[grant] i literally don't know. i found the note with it when i moved to los angeles before and, uh, it just said "xoxo, your boyfriend" at the bottom. like i know vaguely where it came from but my memory stops there.
[grant] now stop deflecting!
[colm] you first.
[colm] but alright, alright. you know the basic shit about my life, right? single mom, dad out of the picture, three siblings all with different baby daddies, and no other family because they disowned my mother for getting pregnant with me as a teen. the white trash experience. but wait, it gets worse.
[colm] my mom’s oldest brother was kind of still there, but not in any real fashion. more like: “sure, ellen, i suppose your son can sit at the back table at my pub and watch hurley on the television until his sisters are done with their after school activities and can walk them home.”
[colm] bastard. hey, ellen, i know you’re nearly homeless and your nine year old son is reading on the internet at the library how to make macaroni and cheese for dinner for all of you while you're busy waiting tables, but i won’t come over to babysit or nothing.
[colm] still, he let me over in the afternoons and was nice enough to teach me how to pour beers and such when i was the right age to do it, so here i am.
[colm] it’s really the only skill i have. despite my degree in philosophy, i was always a terrible student. i have the worst dyslexia known to man and my other jobs in the past were doing security at an airport and moving furniture. real impressive. so, this is miles better in pay and for my sanity.
[colm] besides, if we’re getting real emotionally squishy here, i was so lonely all the time growing up. nothing’s better for your social life than your mom always out working, no other family around, and having to turn down your friends’ invitations to hang out most of the time because you have to look after your siblings.
[colm] going to my uncle’s place was the least lonely place i ever was because all the old men who came as regulars felt bad for me and would talk to me. mostly about sports, but i like sports, so that was fine. i suppose you could say this place i own makes me feel a little less lonely as well.
[grant] i'm sorry things were so–
[colm] ahh, cut that shit out, it’s fine! i'd rather the man with a mammy who beat him not apologize to me about my childhood. i'm over it. fucking sucks but whatever. at least my guardian wasn’t my biological father. that piece of shit’s in prison for life for murder.
[grant] mur–
[colm] he got in with organized crime because he was broke and out of work. oh, and he was way older than my mom. surprise, surprise. classic stab city in the 90s. he actually tried to murder my mother once after she broke up with him, too. that day's hard to forget.
[grant] man, that sounds pretty bad. like egregiously bad. major childhood trauma bad.
[colm] old ellen’s alive.
[grant] uhhhhh, well, some person out there isn’t.
[colm] people.
[grant] oh.
[grant] oh my god.
[grant] anyway, uh, i was just going to say that i'm sorry you suffered. you deserved to have your needs met and you deserved stability and safety. i know nothing can be done about the past but that’s not a fair way for a child to grow up, even if your mother has reasons and explanations for it. and you don’t have to minimize it on grounds of other people’s experiences. bad is just that: bad. it’s not the sad childhood olympics here.
[colm] i really don’t care. i left all of that behind when i came here to live with shannon. you all are very nice to me. you’re my replacement family. you all mean a lot to me.
[colm] maybe replacement sounds bad...but, ah, well...
[colm] i can't believe i'm telling anyone other than shannon any of this bullshit. i feel absolutely disgusting.
[colm] sometimes when i was younger i'd look at other families and wish i had that. i used to wonder what it was like to have a family, and i suppose i finally understand. and it's nice.
[grant] i'm glad that you know we love you. you are a part of us. you are family. hell, i love you dearly. you're a great friend and a great person and you make shannon happy, which is important.
[grant] do you ever talk to your family? like your biological family?
[colm] yes and no. i invited them to the wedding and clearly you know they came. you were there. the only one i talk to often is molly but it’s because they’re the youngest and, well, the most like me, so i try to steer them away from making the same mistakes as me. that is, please don’t become a delinquent and please tell someone you think something’s wrong with your brain when you think there is.
[colm] my mother just pisses me off. i know she loves me and always has but she tries so much harder to show it now that i'm an adult and i can’t stand it. it’s overbearing. it's like, where was all this affection twenty years ago, ellen? and my other siblings...one’s fine, the other i don’t get along with.
[colm] don’t go apologizing about that either.
[grant] i won’t. but i get it. family relationships are complicated. siblings are difficult sometimes.
[colm] do you have–
[grant] i have two sisters. and yes, i don’t talk about them, like, ever. now continue what you were saying!
[colm] don’t get me wrong, i love all of them. i'd die for them. i might not want to talk to them much but i'm not disloyal or nothing. but because i love them, i reserve the right to admit when they’re obnoxious or what they’ve done wrong. it’s a disservice to all of us to lie and say i'm so happy with them and that we get along swimmingly.
[grant] so...you’re admitting things weren’t great.
[colm] i'm alive and not all the way fucked up. that’s good enough.
[colm] but thank you. i know you mean it. you’re like shannon and you say it because you care, not because you pity me, which is what a lot of others do. i do appreciate it.
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galaxae · 11 months
if youre still doing the ocverse ask game, 3 and 19? 🥺
ougghhh i so totally still am. i'm mainly fixated on my stupid ass video game idea (working title is gods don't bleed but i want to change it bc it doesn't fit as well anymore)
forgive me if this is incoherent, my boyfriend dislocated his knee so i have to care for him, and work has been terrible and burned me out, so i'm definitely leaving some stuff out of my answers :(, but whatever!!
3.) any recurring images/elements?
absolutely yes. lots of imagery of plants and animals, for one. fire vs. ice too, yes i know it's a very commonly used trope but i like playing around with those two things, especially when i get to kinda subvert expectations with them. similarly with light vs. dark. and also colors vs black and white, both in terms of morality and in terms of actual visuals
19.) describe the sillies you think about but that dont go in the story.
in my mind, charity and fabian (the first two playable characters, and close friends) are exes. it's probably not going to be canonized, but it's also not going to be explicitly denied, so...
their first date was incredibly awkward, by the way. fabian was an ignorant rich kid who loved to pry and stick his nose in others' business and not let up until he knew everything about a situation, while charity was freshly in the "my mom and i were homeless, got taken in by a man, and then that man turned out to be very very bad so we had to flee the state and come to this small piece of shit town where no one realizes how privileged they are, and this all sucks, and i don't want to talk about it" mindset. they were also both 14-15 which is the worst age to be. they broke up so fast after this but now they've got a really solid friendship going a few years later, and charity has a different (cooler) partner
also, so many silly bits of dialogue that... i'm not sure they'll go into the game at all, or if they do, whether they'll just be optional bits. but some favorites include (formatted sorta like they would be in my script document):
KIMBERLY: Oh, hey, Fabián, you're in French 2 with me next semester. JAMAL: Wh... what? People actually take French? I thought that was a myth. FABIÁN: Well, I already know Spanish since everyone on my mom's side and, like, half of my dad's side speaks it. So I thought taking Spanish would be way too easy. CHARITY: You stupid son of a bitch. That's exactly why you should take Spanish.
ACE: Holy shit, I just got stung by a bee! FABIÁN: Are you ok??? Ace pulls the stinger out of their face ACE: LOOK! It's still pumping venom! That's so cool! CHARITY: What the fuck is wrong with you? ACE: What's wrong with you? Lookit!
JAMAL: Hey. Kimbie. KIMBERLY: Don't call me that, please. What is it? JAMAL: Spell ICUP. KIMBERLY: "ICUP?" JAMAL: Spell it. KIMBERLY: That's not a real word. Fake words don't have spellings. JAMAL: Can you at least try? KIMBERLY: Oh. Wait. I see. I-K-U-P. JAMAL: ... KIMBERLY: Does that suffice? Jamal looks as though he's about to cry. [Later that same day] JAMAL: Hey, uh, hey Kimbi-- Kimberly. Is it just me, or is your outfit kind of, uh, "updog?" KIMBERLY: What? JAMAL: Your outfit's kind of "updog." KIMBERLY: What does "updog" mean? JAMAL: ........Can you........... rephrase that, please? KIMBERLY: ? No. JAMAL: :/
also, there's a period of time when kimberly is in 9th grade where she gets really intensely into astrology. specifically so that she can Know A Lot About A Thing that other people don't know as much about. she'll see someone doing something, walk up to them and be like "what are you, an aries venus?" and when they don't understand the reference she'll be like "never mind :)" and feel smart. she no longer does this in the game because she realizes that's so cringe. and she has OTHER science to do, dammit!! (like proving the Weird Kid at school is a literal alien)
another fun fact: kimberly (resident genius) and jamal (who does not give a shit about academics) play chess together one time and jamal wins because kimberly is so perplexed by his newbie moves that she doesn't know how to respond to them.
oh... i didnt realize i had this many sillies... cool :)
yall are encouraged to send more asks if you want i love these blorbos
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kuzcosources · 2 years
Bullet Train (2022) Sentence Starters
pronouns and context can be changed as you see fit. swearing, blood, violence, etc below.
You never know what horrible fate your bad luck has saved you from.
You are getting the new and improved me.
You put peace out in the world, you get peace back.
Ladybugs are supposed to be lucky. Ha, ha.
My bad luck is biblical.
I’m not even trying to kill people and someone dies.
I mean, talk about a candidate for self-improvement.
_____ says every conflict is an opportunity for a peaceful… what was it?
Bloody fuckin’ hell. Do you mind?
What is he, fucking blind or something?
Oh, come on, nicking…? No.
You don’t have to nick the biscuits, man.
Why’d I do that? It's like I've got a compulsion or something. I have to take it if I see it.
Need to talk to someone. Serious.
Briefcases have owners. Owners are not simple.
You’re bleeding, mate.
Oh, shit, man. Oh, fuck.
Who the fuck did I kill?
Get a wet one on it or something.
Yeah. I don’t bleed. Oh, in that case, just leave your jacket open, let everyone have a good old look.
Holy shitbox.
What’s the catch? There is no catch.
There's always a catch.
We could deliver you back to your pops in a box.
You ever watch Thomas the tank engine?
Everything I learned about people I learned from Thomas.
Fuck me!
Yeah, you seem like a Percy. Young. Sweet. Not all there.
Your daddy hired us to get you out of the trouble you got yourself into, didn’t you, naughty boy?
_____, you’re startin’ to get on my tits.
The fuck is wrong with you, man?
Why do you always bring swords?!
That's really mean.
Our job is to keep you safe and to recover the briefcase with the ransom money inside.
Maybe my luck is starting to turn.
You’re going to want to hear the whole story, or you’ll be very… Very sorry.
Three words describe our situation right now.
Why do I even bother forwarding you the briefings?
So let me put this bluntly: there’s this soulless psychotic leader with the largest criminal organization on the planet shoved right inside our fucking ass cheeks.
Three words, _____: we are fucked.
People think that I’m just some young girl.
But I’m not in someone else’s story. You're all in mine.
You still got that vest on ya?
Oh, no, vests give you a false sense of security.
Yeah, it also stops you from getting shot in the chest, but I guess you missed that episode of Thomas, did ya?
Nut up or shut up, bruv.
You ruined my life.
I don't even know you!
Let this be a lesson in the toxicity of anger.
The fuck is a Momonga?
I don’t know, why don’t you tell him about the story about how Gordon met Percy and how Percy’s now bleeding from his fucking eye sockets!
I'm really good with faces.
We have to have a hard discussion about the caliber of people we are surrounding ourselves with.
I didn’t realize I was gettin’ a babysitter to come cut my bollocks.
This rude enough for ya, ya fucking prick?
Fuck this job.
I’m just fuckin’ with you, mate.
You look like every white homeless man I’ve ever seen.
Real quick, um, every day is a fucking headache with you, innit?
It’s like Thomas the Tank Engine always says; “Simple is better.”
Eat a bag of dicks, lady.
Would you describe me as someone who lives in perpetual anxiety?
Is this like a...sex thing?
I-I do love an accent.
The innocent young girl act doesn’t really get you very far if you’re holding a loaded gun.
Oh, man, when this train’s a-rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’, right?
Are you hiding in a bathroom?
Yeah. Have you tried these smart toilets? They're... a pleasure to the senses.
Come here, you-you dirty fucking scum!
You know what? Do you have, um, anything sparkling?
How much for the bottle of water, love?
You fucking bastard! Fucker!
Come here, you little fuck!
For what it’s worth, you seem like a right fucking asshole and I’m glad you’re gonna fucking die with me.
I was trying to sell it. I was selling it.
Well, I don’t think they were in the market for fucking dildos and pantyhose, were they?
Sorry. Pardon me, I don’t mean to interrupt what’s, uh, going on here, but, uh, you wouldn’t happen to have seen a tiny white prick with a pair of glasses come through here, have you?
It’s a bit of a conundrum, really, ’cause, you know, I’m thinking, “do I hand him back in one piece or do I chop you up into little pieces and stuff you inside a fucking Momomon or not?”
God, he’s got a great walk.
Fuck, that thing is hot.
You want a blanket? Want me to hold your hand?
Are you lying on the ground in the fetal position?
Keep your fucking knickers on, all right?
Please! What the fuck are you doing, you bell end?!
Make sure you do something that brings you peace, ’cause everything else is a pain in the ass.
And if you run into a guy named _____, he’s a dick. You can tell him I said so.
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thessalian · 11 months
Thess vs Far-Right MPs
Apparently some of the very far right-leaning Tory MPs are bitching about Suella Braverman being sacked, saying that Sunak is "turning his back on the voters who gave the Tories their majority in 2019". Which ... well, that's a stupid thing to say for a lot of reasons.
First of all, this is not what the Tory majority of 2019 was about. That shit-show was about Boris Johnson having made himself The Face Of Brexit during the run-up to the referendum, and people thinking that since he was so much for it, he could keep all the promises that he, Farage, and the ERG were making about it. (Narrator's note: they could not, and did not.)
Second of all, none of Braverman's talking points were on the table in 2019, beyond Brexit. Please keep in mind the list of things that Suella Braverman has done and said the last little while:
Calling the Human Rights Act the "Criminal Rights Act" and being a big part of the push to get the UK to leave the European Court of Human Rights.
This she did largely to fulfil her "dream and obsession" of sending refugees to Rwanda, which is very much illegal in a human rights sense.
Her entire take on refugees (or, as she puts it, "illegal migrants"). This includes: "Look, the threat of being arrested or executed for being LGBTQ is not a good reason to refugee out of a country so if you're here because your country hates gay people, we want to send you back there" (subtext: because we don't really like you people either), and "We want to be able to lock pregnant women and unaccompanied minors up for more than 72 hours if they managed to get here and we caught them".
Oh, let's not forget the recent "Multiculturalism Has Failed" thing. Lady, not only are you distinctly Not White, and also first-generation British, but you took advantage of the Erasmus programme (which used to help British people study abroad, which we can now no longer be in because fucking Brexit) and studied at the Sorbonne for years. You are a self-confessed devout Francophile. There is no way in hell you can start preaching about British values and multiculturalism having failed, you silly moo. Imagine going from an Erasmus-sponsored programme to study in France and then join the ERG, which is terrifyingly anti-EU.
She recently referred to homelessness as a "lifestyle choice", and was all for imposing fines on charities who donate tents to people sleeping rough. Thankfully none of this made it into the proposed King's Speech, but it was still very prominent in the headlines.
She's been the main force behind the continued criminalisation of protest in this country. She actively tried to get police to ban pro-Palestine protests this weekend just gone, citing "It's disrespectful to the Armistice Day events and they might damage the Cenotaph!" This despite the fact that the pro-Palestine protests agreed to not go anywhere near the Cenotaph. Anyway, the London Metropolitan Police stood their ground and refused to deny people the right to peaceful protest, and Sunak rolled his eyes and sighed but agreed that their current Human Rights Act did allow for that sort of thing, and the only people around the Cenotaph were the ultra-right, who mostly used it and the surrounding areas as a toilet as they tried to "protect" the Cenotaph from "a wave of destructive tofu-eating wokerati" (Braverman's own words to describe the left) who never actually arrived.
Which brings us to why Braverman was sacked in the first place, and the pro-Braverman MPs really should shut up when it comes to this one. See, sometimes MPs will write editorials for newspapers, stating their views. After the London Met stood their ground and let pro-Palestine protests happen in London on Armistice Day, Braverman wrote a piece for the Times about the whole thing, accusing the London Met of discriminating against "good British people" (read: the ultra-right) by being more forceful with them than with protests from "folks like Just Stop Oil etc, "lefty" causes, and calling the pro-Palestine protests "hate marches". The thing is, when MPs write editorials for the paper, they go to 10 Downing Street to get vetted, to ensure that they're not going against the party line or getting too ... erm ... confrontational, I guess? Well, Braverman's little editorial was deemed too confrontational and too much against the party line (summed up as, "I guess we can't technically prevent you from peaceful protest since we're still with the ECHR..."), so they came back to her with changes she was supposed to make to the editorial. She did not make those changes, and sent out her frothing, Trump-speak editorial as written. I don't care how pro-Braverman these MPs are, they have to understand that if you ignore a directive from your party leader and Prime Minister, your job is at risk. She fucked around one time too many, and she found out.
And yet the pro-Braverman crowd are still baying, calling the PM "Suicide Sunak" and lamenting things like Johnson being forced to resign over shit like throwing massive parties during Covid lockdown when people couldn't even attend their families' funerals. I don't know if there's enough of those to make a difference, given as how reading too much of their froth makes me sick. Which means I don't know if there's a chance that, assuming the Tories lose the next general election (2024-2025, I think? Sunak's going to try to put it off as long as possible, particularly given that he knows as much as anyone that the odds of the Tories losing the next general election are very, very good), Braverman might get the Tory party leadership after Sunak's done.
If she does...
Well, if she does, I've probably got about five years of safety before I have to start really worrying because of her keen desire to throw human rights out the window in favour of extreme boomerang bigotry and the kind of hypocrisy that I can barely even describe. But I can't believe that her views are so palatable to enough of the general public to make her an actual contender for the party leadership. ...Probably because I still have some tiny shred of faith in humanity. Which may be displaced, but to believe otherwise is to be in a worse mental health place than I can afford right now.
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mrstsung · 7 months
I will die on this hill.
Ok ok so i keep seeing people be hating unnecessarily on the new shang tsung. Now he isn't the BEST shang but he's not the WORST either. In fact,he's alright. I like him. The only good thing about mk1/mk12 period. Mostly from god liu kang stans. Im not the one for this bullshit but the reasons they give are absolutely fucking stupid and can be immediately countered with by several points and potholes.
So how dare some of y'all.
For the people who say they dont feel sorry for shang tsung in mk12/mk1.
They (the god/"titans"characters) talk about choices but when it's the one they dont want them to make or have no other choice but to make to make ends meet or survive. Suddenly their the "bad guy" and made the "wrong choice"
Yeah just say you hate shang tsung because he was poor. Just say you're fucking an ableist pos and what you really wanna say.
You say shit about the new shang tsung (mk12/mk1) like you know what that would be like. Foh.
Nah i feel bad for shang. But now more so because he has legitimate reasons to hate the gods. And liu kang.
If you aint kissing boots or playing "nice" or being a "good doggie" suddenly you're the bad guy?
Shang tsung is now tge epitome of a character that if he had a genuine support system. Maybe he could have been nicer. Maybe wouldn't think about even going down a dark path.
You blame it on his past self. But if the new shang was fucked over by the gods. Whos to say he wasn't in other timelines too? If this is supposedly true.
Nah you want someone to blame to put all neatly in a box when it's not so black and white. The actor,alan lee, himself said shang tsung got fucked over by God liu kang in this game,and how could you not feel for shang even a lil bit.
Even if his other self helped fuel that. How could you not feel the same.
Shang has no choice but to steal souls in that timeline. The gods cursed him. Because they were salty. There are darker magics but somehow...shang is the problem? Shao kahn exists. Quan chi exists. But shang is the problem?
Yeah bias reeeeeeeks.
Shang tsung isn't a fucking punching bag. And I'll be damn if someone hates on a character thats supposed to be a "better the devil you know" and "i take no pleasure in this but i have to to survive" type.
Dont hate shang tsung for the shit he had to do. Hate the fucking gods that put him in that situation in the first place without genuine friends and help.
Liu kang had help. Raiden. And he takes that for granted. Never gets called in the narrative for when he does fuck up. But because shang is a "bad guy" suddenly we have to find someone to blame.
When the world of mortal kombat is brutal in the first place. Gaslighting shang tsung wont absolve liu kang for fucking up shit. Nor stop god shang tsung from (rightfully so) hating liu kang.
Shang tsung from mk12/mk1 is actually valid in being pissed. Just because you wouldn't do it. Dont mean that the character shouldn't. Or should be punished for his behavior.
Until you have been at the bottom of the barrel. Treat homeless people with respect and human decency. And know what that's like.
You can piss off with your hatred of this version of shang tsung.
I dont wanna hear a peep outta shang hatin ass jerks.
My man has done horrible shit in previous version. but holy crap he is so fucking valid this time for being pissed at liu kang this time in mk12/mk1. And i dont blame him.
So liu kang stans kick rocks. (Im not talking about those that actually have a brain. I'm talking about "those" fanboys specifically. Those "well actually *insert fave here* is better because he's swongest bestest guy here and i said so because he's the main guy and* like it's childish. Schoolyard rules. Like i love liu kang but not in this narrative,at all but mostly people who wanna suck his boots so damn bad and ignoring the shit he has done WORSE than dark raiden ever did and leaving shao kahn and quan chi alive....you know...the guys supposedly "worse" than shang tsung?! Ffs man. And it's worse because liu honestly hasn't earned a win past the very first mk game. It's just been handed to him. But especially godhood. I dont feel he's earned a damn thing and the narrative certainly hasn't made me lately feel remotely sorry. More so sorry raiden didn't discipline his bratty ass more. I feel sorry for the raiden enjoyers. Fr.)
Like bottom line. Mk12/mk1 shang tsung is poor,down on his luck,has to resort to lying because he trusts nobody. Has no friends. Has nothing. Has no other way. Even if he was honest. People would find an excuse to hate him for other reasons and excuses. Just admit that you fucking hate shang for no other reason than he's the "antagonist" and because daddy boon warner bros said you should. Go ahead lick those boots clean because there is definitely some bullshit among fans. But more so this pisses me off because the reasons they hate shang is based soley around plot. And because "bad guy" nothing actually fucking valid. Forgetting that shang tsung is just as valid(if not more because he lives under a corrupt regime)
Look i may not always see eye to eye with other shang tsimps. But one thing is for certain i won't tolerate disrespect from people who treat characters who are in the gutter in life like trash. Because i know for a fact they'd treat irl people like that.
"Evil" shang or not there is no excuse to treat him like shit because you didn't like how he did things. Because he wasn't "nice" enough for you.
And dont give me that dumb ass "tArKaT disease" subplot. You know that was horseshit. And is a disservice to mileena. That was plot convenience and you know it.
Same shit with quan chi. Tho i hate his guts,he don't deserve that. Basically treated like a slave. Wtaf nrs?! And people just accept this?! All the villains have been turned into jokes and y'all dont care. Y'all let it slide for some reason.
It's worse because this man is by all technicality an ASIAN MAN. And is othered so damn hard in the narrative it makes me sick. The amount of micro agressions i see in this game is astonishing. Fans dont help that. They just let it happen! Did y'all forget what they did to sub zero n scorpion?! They legitimately cucked hanzo and swapped clans like there isn't a difference between chinese and Japanese cultures?! It's irritating. It's more than irritating. It's infuriating. And downright disrespectful to the character,the VAs,and the fans who genuinely love the game series. New and old alike. If new fans are saying it sucks and they are taking creative liberties. That's not good. If new fans are saying the gameplay is boring and stiff and leaving the servers. Thats bad. When old fans be saying "we told you so" and saying they'd rather deal with mk11's crap despite everything. Yeah. Thats bad!
So if you even remotely call yourself a mortal kombat fan. Dont ever say shang deserves to be treated like he does in my face again! But especially mk12/mk1 shang tsung. Because that version is valid in his spite and deserves revenge. Period!
Vent over 🔥🔪🔥🔪🔥💀
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"Baby,sweetie,my beloved sorcerer. You don't deserve this shit. At all"
Legitimately me the whole time seeing all of shang tsung's parts in mk12/mk1 cutscenes (like holy shit)
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Seeing as my parents are visiting this month, I scheduled counseling for the week after. My mother is anti-max and refuses to wear one...which means she's not entering my home. She and my dad are flying here, and planes are a great place to catch all sorts of illnesses. I don't want covid (or any other sickness) for my birthday, tyvm.
Oh, they're gonna throw a fit about. We also have a no shoe rule. No outdoor shoes are to worn indoors. Bubby's D&D players bring slippers and don't make a big deal out it. The first time my parents visited us after the first was in 2018...and it was Not Good. Started with them getting rude and angry about being barred entry. When they said bending down on the porch was unacceptable...and got angrier when I brought chairs out for them. The house we were living room had white carpeting! Shoes are filthy!
We have no carpeting now, but I don't wanna mop the floors. Again. I'm doing that before they visit.
If they agree to wear a mask if I permit shoes, then I work with that. Let's see what sort of Karen fit they throw.
Needless to say, there's a very good reason I'm seeing my therapist the week after the visit. She's got notes marked that I may call her before then. I'm low contact with my parents. Conversations with my mom are almost exclusively about quilts, with a professional and less personal tone. I rarely speak to my dad because I have no idea what we can talk about seeing as all his hobbies and interests involve sports (he went damn near mad during lockdown).
Oh, and my dad is a Trump-Humper. It's absolutely bizarre seeing as he worked in military intelligence (that's an oxymoron right there). When they visited, my dad got really aggressive and hostile when it was very fucking clear we're not. His aggression and anger was very prominent. My mom expressed fear and anxiety because he had even watching Foxaganda all day everyday since Dumbass Agent Orange began his campaign. Folks, my dad thinks the guy is brilliant and must be respected.
Then they dragged me to an area almost two hours away, to have lunch with my bigot aunt and uncle, who lived several hours away (they have since moved far away, likely due to the PNW being too blue). It was a restaurant where I couldn't eat, and all four of them ignored this. No one spoke to me, and I was trapped between the window and my parents because they chose a booth. Oh, and they got upset about me bringing protein bars. The waitress heard me state I can't eat anything due to celiac disease and cross contamination. She said her son is the same way, and told me she'd have all the dishes used to prepare a salad washed, as well as the countertop. I didn't get sick, and my mom tried the whole "gotcha" nonsense.
I have issues with being trapped. Not claustrophobic, but being trapped and unable to leave. Bubby was working and couldn't come pick me up, my parents told me to "get over it." My anxiety was sky high, and I was fighting panic attacks. It got worse the longer everyone talked. The more they talked, thr more hateful their words got.
My uncle firmly believes all drug addicts and homeless people should be put on boat and taken to a deep part of thr Pacific ocean. Then have the authorities put a hole in the boat and let it sink. Yeah, he's that kind of guy. My dad said it's a good plan. I didn't say a fucking thing because it would've been dangerous.
The next several months were spent recovering from that.
This time, my parents are going to discover how much stronger I am. I will not cower, I will not bend to their demands, and I sure as shit will not be getting I'm a car with them. We're buying some cheap lawn furniture to put in the backyard. If they're gonna throw a fit, they'll be barred entry. Therapy has done wonders for me, and standing up to these bullies will be a good way to see how far I've come.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Let me get this straight.
You were accused of several phobias based off of defense of a trans person that genuinely needed support? I just caught up on the posts and the responses and it looks like that person held some very problematic (cliche right-wing bs) beliefs but I can tell you didn’t support those beliefs per se. You wanted to prevent a trans person from being attacked during a bad spot in their life. You also didn’t mind sharing their fandom posts and being their friend because you knew that what they really needed was someone to help them. And it looks like they’re gone now?? Un-fucking-believable.
Now all of your mutuals are getting anonymously targeted by the same person that called you out? I am just a lurking witness but this person attacking you is the latent tr*nsphobe. They bullied and isolated someone for trying to help a struggling trans person. That is vile and I hope they rot in hell. Disgusting pos. Weaponizing tr*nsphobia is the number one no-no in fandom spaces and it’s a dead giveaway for who really care and who doesn’t. Helping a trans person through shit even when they are sharing harmful rhetoric takes balls. Good for you.
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Gosh... This is always a heavy topic to talk about for me, especially when you put it THIS plainly. I think this is the most direct way to summarise the situation I've seen yet from a person that's not close to me (it is a compliment).
I must specify though - the "trans person" identified as trans man for about 13 years but since then revoked the term and now prefers to simply be described as GNC. In the end, he doesn't find the label he feels truly comfortable with, but this is still a person that is female in documents but male in fact and this IS an important bit in the whole story. Some people might argue that no matter what, but anyone not identifying with assigned gender counts as trans, that I get, but he has strong reservations and negative experience with the community that he shared multiple times - something the bully stalker you're referring to chose to ignore.
I think feeling identically homeless is an awful thing - he cannot line with the cis heteros (you can't just will yourself to identify as a straight girl when you are a gay man lol), but queer community has become ridiculously toxic with infights, imposing stereotypes on each other, ruining each others' spaces, cancelling each other over thoughts 'out of line', claims that someone's different experience harms the rest of the demographics upon being spoken of and god knows what else. You could figure that even in his younger years, he was excluded from his own identity and grossly bullied and misgendered because of the notion of "you do not belong in the queer community / you are not a REAL trans person if you support the [insert an opinion that has nothing to do with being trans]".
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This is absolute fucking HELL from the sound of it, and I can't imagine LIVING it. You are so RIGHT for calling Alfred-chan (aka Clod Frollo, aka Slander Man) a latent transphobe. That they absolutely ARE. They do not see trans people (binary, nonbinary, generally GNC, whatever) as PEOPLE, as human beings with their own lives, history, opinions and differences. They see them as ideological soldiers in the "war" against them nasty white cissie hets and they are the EXACT garbage type that will exclude someone from their own gender/sexuality if they fail to match the checklist of strictly western libertarian opinions. They believe that to be trans or gay/lesbian is to have only certain beliefs on everything else that is not relevant. If not seeing trans people as people is not REAL transphobia, then I don't know what is.
From how you're talking you must be familiar with the cases of imposing very suffocating and concrete opinions and behaviour standards on a person for them to not be bullied as "not real" or "not proper" queer person. Some trans/GNC people will be conservative, some will be Christian, some will say 'instead of making 60 abortions just exercise protected sex already because abortion is a murder'. Because they're people, they come to different conclusions in this life, and no one should be put under obligation to assume only certain values to simply have their identity acknowledged.
ALSO from how you're talking you must be familiar with the situation of abusing the sympathy pool for selfish goals. This is exactly how #metoo got a dirty name. Alfred-chan used a very painful, vulnerable topic (transphobia) to fabricate lies and manipulate narrative with the goal of removing the bitch they disliked (yours truly) from the fandom. In general they are ridiculously nasty towards anyone that speaks against them trying to bully certain group of fans - people that clarify nuances on G3hrman as a character, insist that Maria is not "canonically a masculine lesbian" but instead is up to interpretation (that she is) or simply like G3hrmaria ship. They are terminally unable to see people (or fictional characters) outside of stereotypes and cannot acknowledge variety of identities and experiences. Yeah, I was proclaimed a witch to burn over the awful sin of trying to listen and help someone instead of throwing them away like a trash, but even before that they had quite a beef against me; they joined the fandom, lured some audience with cute mari4deline art and then decided to divide us into "normal fans" and "nasty misogynist lesbophobes without media literacy" just after the disco horse in the fandom started to die down. And I said NO YOU DON'T. Still, when they cannot harass people over reblogging a meme from me, they harass them for having an opinion on Maria that isn't 100% like their.
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They do not care about trans PEOPLE, they care about trans 'identities'. These are different things. They appreciate diversity of flags and labels, but not diversity of experiences, opinions and backgrounds. And if you do not fit - you are a broken gear in the machine, you are not a proper 'soldier', and you must be thrown away. And if someone picks you up? They are the evil one, if not MORE evil. Kindness, patience and understanding are the bad things, but violence, cruelty and exclusion are what makes you trustworthy and good by their logic! True face of the fighters for "acceptance and kindness" as you can see! Fuck the Golden Ord- errrr I mean fuck this hypocritical corrupted witch-hunting nonsense.
I'd also not say that his rhetorics were "harmful". Again, Alfred-chan likes to twist what someone says to benefit their witch-hunter narrative. You can explain yourself with maximal logic, nuance and clarity, only for that person to ignore absolutely everything you said except for ONE thing they COULD twist against you, base everything around that thing and then play a victim. If you had the misfortune of knowing a 'narcissistic abusive mother' - the type of manipulation is shockingly similar. He was always ready to explain things properly but witch-hunters are not interested in removing the conflict - they are interested in removing YOU.
I also believe that free speech reveals the opinions, not creates them. Basically, opinions do not cause harm - PEOPLE do. If all it took someone to support this or that right-wing opinion is to read a post from a stranger online? Congratulations, a person found their tribe. It is GOOD if everything is revealed and everyone takes their place, it is GOOD if groups define their territories so you know where they are,. If many people believe in a "bad thing" - this means that many people ARE bad, and dividing and silencing them won't change the truth, only conceal it until it inevitably breaks through. Scaring people never changes their hearts, only makes them strike HARDER when they're ready to do so. Like what in the Brador people try to say with hating the truth revealed SO much? sdfjhdshghds
Me and him argue quite often, but when you befriend someone, it is a very bad thing to argue with them publicly. It borders the level of abusing a friend. If you have a friend that consistently shames you on public - this is not a good friend, and you should inform them that you are not their means of looking virtuous before some strangers/guests. On the brighter note - yes, the person is gone from Tumblr, but he is living his better life now. He got a therapist, he goes outside more often, he found a new passion that gave him sense of purpose, overall his life is getting better.. and he is happy that I get to be a part of it!
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butch-bakugo · 1 year
I hope the christians and Christian sympathizers who throw fits because of a piece of nun lingerie or because someone joked that they'd give hand jobs in the pews or some other thing being "disrespectful to christianity" die a horrible death.
Like I'm sorry but LGBT people are allowed to shit on christianity, Poc are allowed to shit on christianity, Disabled people are allowed to shit on christianity, Poor people are allowed to shit on christianity, Ex-christians are allowed to shit on christianity, Women are allowed to shit on christianity, Children are allowed to shit on christianity, the elderly are allowed to shit on christianity, fat people are allowed to shit on christianity, People of other faiths(and even no faith at all!!) are allowed to shit on christianity.
I litterally can not think of a single, if only even slightly, oppressed demographic that isn't shat on by christianity. Litterally not one. You dress weird? Christians hate you. You wear something they think isn't "appropriate" for any reason? Christians hate you. You speak a language other than English? Christians hate you. You believe in anything scientific? Christians hate you. You listen to rap/rnb/hip hop/emo/alternative/pop/country/litterally any music genre that isn't faith based? Christians hate you. You literally can not exist as a gay, trans, bi, nonbinary, black, brown, red, yellow, physically disabled, mentally disabled, abused, raped, poor, homeless, prostitute, Ex-christian of any sector of Christianity(even ones other Christians think are crazy like the Amish, Mormons, flds, Jehovah's witnesses, etc.), Women/afab, intersex/hermaphrodite, young, old, fat, thin, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, pagan, taoist, diasporic, alternative, emo, punk, autistic or non-modest person around them or at least a solid bunch of them will beg the government to straight up eradicate you.
I can garentee there's fifteen billion other specific things I can mention that christians don't like. Christianity as it stands in America and many other white countries today is an oppressor group almost inherently, same as cisgender people and white people and abled people. So many oppressed people will continue to be oppressed as a result of white Christianity and I'm sorry but if you're throwing yourself on the ground screaming and crying about how someone hates your god and hates the Catholic church, expect your body to get stepped on. So many people, uncountable numbers of people, have died as a direct result of white Christianity. Period. That is an immutable fact. I don't care if it hurts you are scares you or upsets you. Their are stories about the crusades of Jewish and Muslim women killing their babies in temples so that white crusaders wouldn't take them. These crusaders who wrote lovingly about how when they were in said temples, their horses were up to their knees in blood and viscera. Christians have killed millions and millions and millions and MILLIONS of people.
My entire race of people cease to exist because white christians decided their religion was more important than native lives. They killed over 7,000 of our children because they wouldn't become English speaking, white acting Christians.
So sorry not sorry but I'll wear an upside down cross and talk about spray painting cathedral walls and fucking on alters and doing heathenistic things just to spite your dead god because even if he was real, he wouldn't want my kind dead, he'd have your fucking Pope's head. You suck 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽
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