#But thinking back is this truly a glimpse of his vulnerability
lirotation · 1 year
I Hail from Silverymoon: The Mirror Image
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Pov my little fanfiction: Astarion x Amaara (my human wizard Tav). At last, some fluff, even if he is not quite there yet.
Amaara approached Astarion's tent and paused, her eyes drawn to his back as he gazed into a small mirror. Sensing her presence, he asked without turning, "See something you like?"
Flustered at being caught staring, she stammered, "How did you…"
"The only benefit to a mirror when you have my condition. It doesn't quite make up for the lack of a reflection, mind you." he said wryly.
"Do you miss it? Seeing your own face?" Amaara asked gently.
He turned to her, bitterness in his voice. "Preening in the looking glass? petty vanity? Of course I miss it." His tone gained an edge as he went on. "I've never even seen this face, not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned red."
"What color were they before?" Curiosity was piqued. She had trouble picturing him with any but his striking red gaze. Maybe he had elf-spring colored eyes just like herself?
"I…I don't know." He looked down, shocked by the fact, pain flickered across his features, "I can't remember." Angrily he flung the mirror away. "My face is just some dark shape from my past. Another thing I've lost"
Seeing his anguish, Amaara's heart ached for him. She sensed the sadness and frustration he felt now that this simple mundane act of seeing oneself is denied to him. She could see that this is more than about petty vanity - he felt a sense of loss - of his old mortal self and identity that he can no longer see or recall clearly. She offered a reassuring smile. "For what it's worth, I find you have a very fine face, with piercing eyes and a dangerous smile. You fear this face a stranger's, but in my eyes, it is the beautiful visage of one who persevered." A blush colored her cheeks. "I could conjure a figment of you if you wish?"
Surprised, Astarion nodded. With a graceful gesture, Amaara conjured a mirror image of him. He examined it intensely, as if struggling to recognize himself. Slowly, he reached out a hand to the illusion, not quite touching it. For a moment, raw vulnerability crossed his face.
"You have not changed as much as you fear," Amaara said gently in Elvish, her voice filled with warmth and reassurance, "am I right?" Stepping closer, she planted a gentle kiss on the illusion's cheek. "I have the most beautiful man in the realms all to myself." Her smile grew even brighter as she saw him slowly relaxing, "I am the luckiest girl on Faerûn."
The tension in Astarion's frame eased as Amaara regarded the illusion fondly, her affection palpable. Though the figment was but a spell, it had stirred long dormant memories within him. Amaara's gentle reassurance was enough to banish the bitter shadows of all he had lost, if temporarily.
Her hopeful gaze seemed to see past his walls to hidden depths he wished kept concealed. But for this moment, he let down his guard and simply enjoyed her soothing presence.
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pinchofhoney · 1 year
broken promises, part one
part one | part two | part three »
coriolanus snow x fem!reader
word count: 1.8k
warning: none
summary: In Snow's world, only one thing mattered more than his family's reputation—you. But that was before he met Lucy Gray.
a/n: coryo is the type of person i sincerely hate and i'm glad that there are no such arrogant people in my life, who think they are better than others and who in crisis situations only care about themselves and to save their own arse. but at the same time i'm aware that young snow could be someone i'd catch a crush on at school. so why shouldn't i hate him even more?
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
taglist: you told me to tag you everywhere, so i'm back to doing it again; @wolfmoonmusic
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
The problem with snow is its tendency to melt, mirroring the way we once thought our feelings would endure forever. Yet, shouldn't emotions, particularly those nestled in our hearts, last longer?
You had known Coriolanus since childhood, and your families had always been close. You had grown up together, surviving the hardships of the war-torn Capitol side by side, and now, in the post-war era, you were still inseparable. There was an unspoken understanding between the two of you going above a simple friendship. Your connection ran deep, like the roots of the oldest trees in the Panem's forests.
Coriolanus was an intriguing character, a puzzle you had been solving together since you were children. He was the embodiment of Capitol charm, with his perfectly tailored suits, polished manners, and charismatic smile that could sway even the most skeptical of Capitol elites. But you knew that beneath that carefully constructed facade was a mind as sharp as a blade and a heart that carried the weight of his family's fallen reputation.
Yet, when he was with you, it was as if a different side of him emerged. The hard lines on his face softened, and his icy demeanor melted away. With you, he could be himself, unburdened by the expectations of Capitol society. It was a rare glimpse into the man behind the mask, and you cherished those moments even more than your favorite jasmine tea and the cat you found shortly after the war had ended.
You couldn't help but admire his intelligence, his quick wit, and his relentless determination to succeed in a world that often seemed stacked against him. His family's name might have been tarnished, but Coriolanus was determined to reclaim their lost glory. He was driven by a burning ambition that flickered like an eternal flame, and you were his unwavering support, the one who fanned that flame to keep it burning bright.
In your eyes, he was more than the sum of his flaws and ambitions. He was the boy you had shared secrets with under moonlit skies, the man who had held you when the world crumbled around you, and the person who knew you better than anyone else. With him, you felt safe, cherished, and loved in a way that no one else could replicate.
Your love for him was boundless, and you were content in the knowledge that you were his confidante, the one person he could be truly vulnerable with. Your relationship with Coriolanus was the envy of many in academy, a seemingly perfect match of two souls intertwined by fate and affection. You were the golden couple, a shining example of love and devotion in a world that often lacked both.
But you wished you had known sooner that it's often the things we love most that destroy us, as Coriolanus Snow's world was about to collide with that of a girl named Lucy Gray and you were not ready for it to happen.
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As the day of the tribute's arrival approached, you had been by Coriolanus's side more than ever. The weeks leading up to this moment had been filled with your unwavering support. You had reassured him countless times, sitting together in your cozy bedroom, his head resting gently on your thighs while you combed your fingers through his soft blonde curls. It was a calming gesture, one that had become a comforting routine. You listened to his concerns, his fears, and his ambitions, and you were sure that everything would be fine, that he would be just perfect as a mentor, and that his scholarship and dreams of continuing his studies at the university were within reach.
Your words were like a soothing melody to him, a reminder that he wasn't alone in this daunting new role. He would look into your eyes with his cold ones, filled with gratitude, and you could see the weight lifting from his shoulders, if only temporarily. And in those moments, you felt like his anchor, the one who kept him grounded amid the chaos of his own thoughts.
Now, you both stood at the nearly deserted train station, the oppressive heat of the day hanging heavily in the air. The scorching sun beat down relentlessly, casting shimmering waves of heat across the empty platform. It seemed that most of the Capitol's citizens had chosen to stay indoors, seeking refuge from the sweltering weather.
The only other souls present were a handful of stoic peacekeepers, their pristine white uniforms stark against the dull backdrop of the station. The silence was broken only by the distant hum of the city beyond, a reminder of the bustling Capitol life that lay just outside the station's borders.
Coriolanus tightly held a single white rose plucked from his grandmother's garden, a symbol of his intent to make a lasting impression on his tribute. It was a stark contrast to the vibrant colors of your academy uniforms. The simplicity of the white rose spoke of his sincerity and dedication to this new role as mentor.
With no clear timetable for the tribute train's arrival, the two of you stood patiently, pretending that the day's weather didn't bother you, the weight of uncertainty hanging over you like a heavy cloud. Coriolanus shifted his gaze between the tracks and the single white bloom in his hand.
You observed him closely, and when his gaze finally met yours, you offered a reassuring smile. “Remember, Coryo,” you murmured, “no matter what, you'll be the mentor she needs; your sincerity and kindness will shine through.”
“I hope you're right, Y/N,” he replied softly, his voice filled with a hint of doubt. “I need her to survive on the arena as long as she can,” he added, as if the idea of a group of vulnerable youths engaging in brutal competition in just a few days were the most ordinary occurrence in the world.
But that was precisely what it represented for the Capitol residents – the Hunger Games, an annual spectacle of entertainment.
Time seemed to stretch endlessly under the unrelenting sun, and the station remained eerily devoid of any signs of life. It felt as though hours had passed, but in truth, you couldn't be sure. Beads of perspiration formed on your brows, and you could feel the heat radiating from the platform's surface.
You and Coriolanus were on the verge of giving up and returning to the cool embrace of your penthouses when, at long last, the distant rumble of an oncoming train reached your ears. The sound grew steadily louder, and you looked at each other, exchanging tired glances.
Coriolanus's grip on the white rose tightened as he turned his gaze towards the approaching train. As he rose from the bench where you had sat, his anticipation peaked. You stood beside him, wanting to be his support, but you had no idea that your role was about to change very soon.
The train pulled into the station with a hiss of steam and the screech of brakes, billowing clouds of moisture and smoke into the scorching air. The two of you watched the machine in silent, your heart pounding in your chest. This was the moment when you would come face to face with people from the Districts, individuals whose lives were so far removed from the opulence and extravagance of your own. It was a rare and humbling experience, one that left you with a slight quiver in your step as you clung to Coriolanus, seeking solace in his reassuring presence.
For what felt like an eternity, nothing happened. The train's doors remained sealed shut, as if holding its cargo of tributes in a reluctant embrace. The only thing that reached you was an unpleasant stench wafting from the carriages, a stark reminder of the grim reality that these young souls were about to face.
Finally the impatient peacekeepers took matters into their own hands. They descended upon the train, their authoritative presence enough to scare the tributes out of their temporary sanctuary. One by one, they were herded onto the platform, their expressions ranging from fear to defiance.
And then, your eyes locked onto a figure unlike the others. A girl stood there, her presence a stark contrast to the muted palettes of others tributes. She wore a rainbow-colored dress that shimmered with vibrancy, a flare of color and individuality amidst the sea of old attire. You recognized her immediately from the television screens, a girl whose name had already become a part of your daily life even before this encounter.
Lucy Gray Baird.
The very name whispered in the hushed tones of Capitol citizens as they watched her on the screens, intrigued and fascinated by her enigmatic presence from the Reaping. Her gaze swept across the platform, and for a brief moment, your eyes locked onto each other's.
You couldn't help but break into a warm, welcoming smile. With a cheerful wave of your hand, you signaled to her that both you and Coriolanus were eagerly awaiting her arrival, hoping to ease the initial tension of this life-altering moment.
Lucy Gray's response was a hesitant yet appreciative smile in return. Her steps were slow and cautious as she walked slowly toward you, a palpable sense of curiosity radiated from her, her eyes flitting between the unfamiliar faces that lined the platform.
Your gaze briefly shifted to Coriolanus, a subtle expectation in your heart that his eyes would mirror the warmth you felt. But when you looked at him, you noticed something different. It was as if his eyes were magnetically drawn to Lucy Gray, locked onto her with a nearly unwavering intensity that bordered on fixation. Those eyes, usually so sharp and calculating, now held an expression you had never quite seen before. It was as though he had stumbled upon a priceless museum exhibit, left captivated, awestruck, and undeniably intrigued.
A soft, knowing smile played at the corners of your lips, silently acknowledging his reaction to the girl before you. You gently squeezed his hand, a gesture of affection and solidarity. You understood that this moment bore immense significance for him, that he was on the corner of a journey filled with unforeseen challenges. Lucy Gray was the keynote of this new chapter in his life, and you couldn't help but admire her from a distance, captivated by her unique presence and the aura that surrounded her.
Before you could utter a word, Coriolanus took a determined step forward, his eyes still locked on the girl. He extended his hand, offering her the pristine white rose he had clutched throughout the wait and with a subtle nod, he greeted her in a tone that resonated with formality and welcome.
“Welcome to the Capitol.”
part two »
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Now that we have confirmation from Colin's mouth how much Pen not answering to his letters affected him and his behavior because he felt alone, missing her, abandoned by her and his family, their interaction in S3 part 1 becomes fascinating. I recommend you all to watch the entire season. With the knowledge we have, now that we know his feelings were already confusing him, it adds so much depth to his actions. We know now that he was truly peacocking towards her when he went to find her and she was cold to him because of what happened S2E8. We know he was using his charm to try to work on her - because he hoped it worked, that it would charm her too - but was truly being genuine when he said "I Miss You". He had missed her, he misses her and he feels quite empty. His apology and need to connect with her. Thinking that helping her would make her but also him, specially him, feel better, as she was with him, he felt good with her around. His vulnerability talking about LW shading him. Then we see him realizing how much he loves her company, how much it bother him when her attention is on any other men. Him realizing that yes, missing her so much has a reason...Can you imagine his mind? And when he received praise and admiration from the very person he was craving attention? And it makes the hard fall when he discovers LW harder for him to swallow...because everything she said to him and that pleased him so much was a lie, because she's LW and LW talked badly about him. I'm rewatching all episodes of season 3 and i'm having so many great moments with what we know about him now. and It makes his reticent behavior to kiss her even more sweet because it's almost like he's afraid it will confirm something to him, confirm he does have romantic feelings for her. He is insecure there too, because he already knows by then he's feeling something but she's asking for a kiss that will mean nothing, that she says it's just because he's a friend and she has never been kissed, nothing special to her, something practical. He wasn't down fast, i already didn't think so without knowing with spoken words, but now it's confirmed to us, he had been musing about his feelings for her for quite some time. He thought he lost her and then he though he got her back and maybe even more so now that he can understand his feelings and have a chance to make her feel that way too, but she wants distance and that their kiss, that meant everything to him, will never happen again. And with Debling showing up and trying to take her away, to distance her even more, and she seems to like his attentions, must have been hell and Luke played that so well, the longing, the loss and the understanding. Do it, watch it again with everything we now know about Colin, it makes everything so bloody great. There is whole summer where Colin was our Pen and now we have a very good glimpse of that, when we look at everything now with his perspective in mind.
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catsteeth · 3 months
The Caged Bird & The Leashed Dog
Sandor Clegane x reader
+:✿ Chapter - 13 ✿:+ What is Loyalty?
Chapter Index | next chapter
Summary: You are the daughter of Jon Arryn, you and your father travel to King's Landing with the intention of arranging a marriage for you. You catch a glimpse of The Hound during your first night in Kings Landing and it creates a mutual fascination even if he won't admit it. 
CW: MDNI, SMUT, NSFW themes, Sandor “my wife” Clegane, Unprotected P in V sex, Oral sex (Fem rec), multiple reader orgasms, insecure reader, misogyny, angst, emotional unavailability, emotional vulnerability, The Hound being abrasive, mention of death, blood, threats of violence, mentions of arranged marriage, 
A/N: We're back at it again. A longer chapter for the come back lol
Word Count: 8.2K 
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Sandor was part of Jon Snow’s party as they traveled through the lands beyond the wall on their mission to capture a wight. The party walked many many miles. Sandor contemplated what he was doing, he hated the extreme cold, but he reminded himself he was doing it for you. 
As he stopped to retie his boot, a tall, but much shorter than Sandor, red haired man approached him.
“You’re the one they call the dog!” The man shouted as he approached Sandor.
Sandor finished tying his boot, “Fuck off.” He huffed casually as he continued on.
The attitude did not deter the man as he followed Sandor, “They told me you were mean. Were you born mean or you just hate Wildlings?” 
“Don’t give two shits about Wildlings. Gingers I hate.” He said scowling at the red haired man.
The man amused by his words continued to talk despite Sandors obvious wishes for the conversation to end, “Gingers are beautiful, we’re kissed by fire. Just like you-“ The man said pointing a finger at Sandor's burned face.
Sandor hit the mans hand down and away from him, “Don’t point your fucking finger at me.” He barked at him.
Sandor walked away and yet somehow the man was not put off. He smiled and continued to walk alongside Sandor.
“Did you trip into the fire when you were a baby?” The man pried into Sandor's past.
“I didn’t trip, I was pushed.” Sandor huffed as he kept walking, not looking at the man.
“And ever since you’ve been mean.” The man surmised. 
“Will you fuck off?” Sandor annoyingly barked at him.
“I don’t think you’re truly mean. You have sad eyes.” The man tried to understand him, it struck a chord somewhere deep within him. He remembered how you once said something like that to him a long long time ago, whispered in the night as you held onto him. It was his final straw. 
Sandor stopped and scowled down at the red haired man, “You want to suck my dick is that it?”
“Dick?” The man asked, unfamiliar with the term.
“Cock.” Sandor translated. 
“Oh, dick... I like it.” The man shrugged, amused by the new word he had learned. 
Sandor scrunched up his face, now just confused by the entire interaction, “Bet you do.” He mocked, as he continued to walk.
The man still followed him, “No, it’s pussy for me. I have a beauty waiting for me back in Winterfell, if I ever get back there. (Y/H/C) hair…(Y/E/C) eyes…About this tall,” He gestured to your height. Sandor thought for a moment how similar his description was of you. But he was convinced it was a coincidence. “The perfect height for me. .” The man continued on, “Sharp tongued, bravest woman you’d ever seen. A high bred southern bird from a castle in the sky they say.” He said as if the memory of you was a breath of fresh air. However the description of you ran cold through Sandors body. 
Sandor stopped, and turned to the man, “(Y/N) Arryn?” 
“You know her?” He asked, happy to hear your name.
“You are with (Y/N) fucking Arryn?!” Sandor stepped closer, his words dripping with violent anger. 
The man almost shrunk as he explained, “Well not with her yet… but I’ve seen the way she looks at me.” 
Sandor scoffed, “How does she look at you?” He stepped closer to him, his words were dark and heavy, “Like she wants to carve you up and eat your liver?” His eyes narrowed onto the man.
“You do know her.” He said, narrowing his eyes back.
“Aye, I know her.” He scoffed as he kept walking, angry and jealous.
“You seen her fight?” He asked, following along with still.
“Fight?” Sandor practically spit his words at him.
“She’s a killer. I saw her take an arrow to her leg, while she bit a man's finger off, then she took that arrow, snapped it in half and stabbed that man in his eye with it.” He spoke of the violent act you committed, as if it were romantic.
Sandor shook his head and scoffed, “You’re a mad fucker you know that?” He knew now for certain you had too much good sense to be with a man like him, too much good sense to even entertain the idea.
The man continued, “It’s true. Cut through four men. Rode an entire army into battle. And fed a man to dogs.” Sandor thought of it, the last he saw of you you were a girl alone with no money, no army, no family, and the iron throne as an enemy against you. How could you have done so much, accomplished “I want to make babies with her. Think of them, they’d conquer the world!” 
Sandor snapped, turning to the man and grabbing him by his fur coat, “If you say the word babies again I'll strangle you with your own guts.” He barked loudly at him.
“There will be no fighting on account of my cousin. Not while she’s resting and not while we are on this mission.” Jon said, making Sandor huff and let go of the man.
“She’s your cousin now?” The man with red hair asked. Remembering when he told you you were not his cousin when you first met.
Jon looked down, somewhat regretful of his words, “She showed great loyalty to my blood, her blood. Cousin is close enough.” He said as he continued to walk, “And I will not have any of you fight over her favor when we’ve a matter of great importance to see to.” 
Sandor reluctantly continued on, angry and jealous. But now he knew where you were, and knew you were alive. That was enough for him to continue.
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You lost so much in the war. Lika was your horse sense you were but a child. She was the first horse you’d learned to ride. You lost the last man who was eternally loyal to you, the last man who loved you in the way only a father could. As if that weren’t enough, your body was now littered with healing scars. A constant reminder of the price you paid.  
You sat by the fire in your chamber. You wore a white chemise and wrapped yourself in a fur as you examined the scar on your thigh. Running your finger over it, going over the memory of the pain. 
As you did, your chamber door opened suddenly. Making you pull your chemise down and covering your bare legs. 
Sansa walked in, closing the door behind her. “You’ve not left your chambers in some time.” She said, gently.
You let your guard down, relaxing. You looked into the fire, “Resting. Rest is needed to heal.” 
“You're healed.” She said bluntly, you looked at her, “Well, your leg is healed.” She replied plainly. 
You sighed, you knew she was right. You had used your injury as an excuse long enough. “Time they say.” you said dispassionately, “It heals all, though I am not sure of that.” You said gloomily. 
Sansa approached you, sitting beside you, “You never told me.” You looked at her confused. “The man you said you loved, that Baelish took from you.” She clarified. 
You took a deep breath, looking into the fire, “Sandor Clegane.” A small smile tugged at the corner of your mouth at the sound of his name.
“The Hound.” She spoke calmly. 
You shook your head slowly as you thought back to it, “I just called him Sandor.” You looked into the fire again. Sansa’s silence made you feel uneasy. You didn’t dare look at her, fearful of her reaction. You knew she and he were in Kings Landing at the same time, maybe she’d only seen the cruelty that was demanded of him. “I know many think he was cruel-”
She interrupted your words, “He clothed me once. When Joffrey ordered his men to strip me while they beat me in the throne room. He didn’t.�� You looked at her, you listened to her story as warm tears began to rise in your eyes, and your nose and cheeks began to flush with heat, “He gave me his white cloak.” She placed a hand on yours, “He was kind.” She smiled softly as she spoke kindly of your beloved rather than pass any judgment. You were grateful for that. 
You smiled, and sniffed your now runny nose, “Thank you.” You said as she wiped a tear from your cheek, forcing you to realize your tears had begun to fall. You breathed a laugh as you wiped them with the back of your hand. You looked down at the of yours hand that Sansa held, “I miss him.” You nodded, your smile falling, replaced with a frown, “His pain has ended, but… I am in agony.” You covered your face with your hands as you sobbed. 
Sansa held you. It reminded you of when you both were in Kings Landing and the roles were reversed. You always held her when she cried, you tried your best to comfort her but it never worked. Now you understand. 
You pulled away and swallowed your sobs, wiping away the rest of your tears with it. You took a deep breath. 
Sansa tucked your hair behind your ear as she spoke softly, “You hide it well enough to the others.” 
You huffed, tired of your emotion. “I have to have my moments of misery. If not I would throw myself from the highest tower I could find.” You let out one deep breath “You’re the only one I’d ever tell that to.” 
“I understand the feeling.” She nodded, 
You looked at her and focused on her experiences, “You’ve grown so much, you know. Not that you'd have any choice. Girls are beaten into women. But all the same, you’ve grown.” You forced a smile.
“In King's Landing I watched you closely. Every Time I was scared I thought of what you would have done. I learned how to carry myself from the strongest woman I know.” She smiled at you, and you smiled back, gripping tighter onto her hand. “Speaking of, I received this,” She looked down at the letters she received earlier that day. 
You opened it, your brows furrowed, “An invitation to King's Landing?” You scoffed at such a ridiculous idea. 
Sansa rolled her eyes in agreement, “For the both of us. For the Ladies of the North and East.” She sighed, “I know it is a part of Jon’s plan. But I can’t go back there.” She said defeatedly.
“I won’t leave you.” You said throwing the invitation into the fire you sat beside. “Send Brienne as your representative of the North. I will send Ser Leon in representation of myself.” You said confidently. 
She nodded, looked down then back to you, “There is more than this. Bran and Arya have returned to Winterfell.” 
You smiled, genuinely. You felt happiness for once in a very long while. Knowing Arya was safe gave you great happiness. You looked at Sansa, grinning from ear to ear. You grabbed ahold of both her hands, “I am happy for you.” You spoke earnestly.
Sansa however looked conflicted “He says he is something called the three eyed raven.” 
“He sees visions?” You asked, you’d heard tales of such a thing but did not know if it were real. 
“Of the past and the present, it would seem.” She explained, she looked at you with sympathetic eyes, “You should talk to him. Relieve yourself of some of those uncertainties.” You nodded. 
You stood and looked out the window, you saw your men stationed in Winterfell. You felt once more the sting of responsibility. Then once more, I felt the weight of your sorrow. Conflicted with what others must have been saying. The maddened lady of grief. 
“What are they saying?” You asked, you looked behind you towards Sansa, “About me?” You clarified. 
“Stories of your bravery and loyalty towards your men and people have traveled far. They are calling you the relentless lady of the mountain and vale.” She smiled as she stepped towards you. 
“A generous lie.” You said, still convinced otherwise. 
She shook her head, “I’d not lie to you.” She said as she stepped closer, placing her hands on your shoulders, “Let’s dress you. I believe it is time you continued with your journey.”
You smiled, and nodded. You knew your duty. You knew your oath. 
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You walked along around the high walls of Winterfell. You looked down upon your men who had camped out front of the walls. Helping Northern houses with the preparations of the coming war. You smiled upon the Knights, you felt pride in them. You were not a northerner and yet still, you could feel the North's appreciation of your mens labors. 
“You’re a woman now.” You heard from behind you. As you turned around you saw Arya. She stood taller than the last time you'd seen her. Dressed in black leather and fur. 
You smiled, as you approached her, “I could say the same to you. Though you look more like a knight. It suits you.” You placed her hands on her shoulders, then ran them down to her hands. 
“Thank you.” She smiled and nodded. 
“I often wondered on you. How you were and what you were doing.” You spoke softly as your eyes took her in. Still surprised by how much she’d grown since you’d last seen her.
“If I was dead?” She asked bluntly, 
You stifled a laugh, “No. No, I knew you and your needle would survive. You’ve a brave heart.” You said as you looked at her sword.
“As do you.” She said as she removed her sword, handing it to you. You took it in hand and examined it. “Only a brave heart could love a Hound.” She said as you looked at it. Your eyes darted from the blade back to her,  
“Did Sansa tell you this?” You questioned her with narrow eyes.
She grinned as she shook her head, “No. He did.” You looked at her with interest as you handed her sword back to her. She put her sword back in its sheath “He took from the brotherhood. To sell me off to my mother and brother, then to aunt Lyssa. Though I suspect it was simply a ploy to get to you… I see it now.” She said as though she were proud of her observation. 
You looked down, “What did he say?” You asked, almost embarrassed to ask it. 
“He didn’t go on about it. Only that he failed you, and he cared for you.” 
“Were you there when he died?”
Her ever present grin faded, “I left him there.” 
You looked down, “It has taken a lot within me to hold my own bias aside. I understand he could be… abrasive. Hard for others to understand.” 
Arya felt herself feel a slight tinge of guilt, “He fought for me harder than I’d ever seen anyone fight.” She said, attempting to comfort you, “I didn’t like him. But I can respect that.” She nodded, you smiled softly. 
“You cannot tell anyone.” You commanded but it was practically a plea as you held onto her hand. 
“I won’t.” She shook her head. 
“I am so happy to see you.” You said with a smile, finally taking in the fact she was here. 
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Later in the courtyard you found Bran under the tree. You remembered what Sansa had said to you. You decided to see for yourself.
“Bran,” You announced your presence as you walked closer to him.
Bran looked over to you, “Cousin.” he stated stoically. 
You smiled at him, “How you’ve grown. You’re a man now.” 
“Almost.” He stated, again without emotion. 
You sighed uncomfortably. Unsure of how or if you could comfort him. So you decided not to. “Sansa tells me you called yourself the three eyed raven.”
“I am.” He stated confidently. 
You sat beside him, you smiled as you recounted a memory “I’d only heard stories of it, when I was a child. The ladies would tell me of it. Threaten that the three eyed raven would know if I were lying.” You looked at Bran, 
“I would.” He stated plainly. 
Your eyes narrowed in curiosity “Prove it.” you nearly whispered, 
You looked upon you for a moment, “You were with child. Once.” Your blood ran cold. You stared at him with shocked and horrified eyes. “Forced to drink a tea to end it. You wore a blue velvet robe, it had silver flowers embroidered on the sleeves.” He spoke emotionlessly.
“I was?” You asked, your voice wavered as you ignored the rest of his statement. You need not hear anything more. 
He nodded slowly “You were.”
You swallowed any emotion that rose. “Thank you.” You nodded. Now fully convinced in his ability, you knew what you had to ask him. “I need to know of my father.”
He looked at you, as if he was surprised you asked. “Littlefinger conspired with your aunt Lyssa to poison and kill your father. But you already knew that.”
You let out a huff, fighting tears, “I did.” you said softly.
“I’m sorry for what's happened to you.” He said earnestly,
“As I am for you.” You said mournfully.
He shook his head, “Don’t be. Or I’d not be what I am now.” You looked at him with concern, and confusion. But you soon understood what he meant. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
Sandor and Jon’s mission was a success. However it did have its losses. Daenerys Had lost a dragon and Sandor had lost Thoros. It was hard but they captured the Wright as intended. 
Sandor traveled with Jon to be sure his mission was completed and your cousin arrived safely. Soon enough he would be returning to Winterfell. 
At the front of the ship Jon and Tyrion stood as they looked upon Kings Landing approaching in the distance. 
“How many people live there?” Jon Asked,
“A million give or take.” Tyrion stated coldly.
“That’s more people than the entire North, crammed into that. Who would want to live that way?” Jon asked in disbelief.
“There's more work in the city. And the brothels are far superior.” Tyrion said as he scanned the other ships that had arrived for the meeting. He saw an Arryn ship in the distance. “I see Littlefinger has arrived.”
Jon shook his head, “That ship sails for Lady Arryn.” Tyrion's uncaring demeanor dropped, “The colors are inverted, it’s her claims support.” Jon stated.
“So the stories were true?” Tyrion takes a step closer to the edge of the ship to get a better look.
“Aye.” Jon said, he looked at Tyrion looking off at your ship longingly “You were betrothed to each other?” He asked, uncomfortably.
“We were.” Tyrion stated stoically, 
“You loved her?” Jon questioned.
“Might have.” Tyrion said, though he knew he did.
Jon huffed, “You and the rest of the men on this ship it would seem.” 
Tyrion, not knowing what he meant, looked behind him at Tormund and Sandor who looked off at your ship longing just as he was. Though all three would be equally disappointed to find out you sent a Knight to represent you rather than appear yourself. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈
When in KingsLanding Sandor was in charge of transporting the Wright.
A Lannister Guard approached Sandor,
“What's in there?” The Guard questioned,
Sandor looked back at the man, surprised someone was questioning him, “Fuck off.” He said annoyingly. 
Sandor then saw a tall blonde woman, the very one that almost killed him. 
Brienne approached him as they walked, 
“Thought you were dead.” She stated bluntly,
“Not yet. You came pretty close.” He acknowledged her ability.
“I was only trying to protect her.” Brienne tried to defend herself.
“You and me both.” Sandor sighed, 
“She’s alive.” Brienne said, Sandor looking at her in surprise, “Arya.”
“Where?” He asked looking ahead, pretending not to care.
“Who’s protecting her if you're here?” He questioned, 
“The only one who needs protecting is the one that gets in her way.” She said with a smirk, shared by Sandor at the thought. Brienne then looked at Sandor once again, “As the same goes with Lady (Y/N).” He looked at her with surprise, “She’s scowled at me ever since she heard I killed you. I assumed it meant something, but I was right.” She sighed.
Sandor looked away trying to remain composed, “She alright?” He questioned, 
“No. Though you don’t get names like (Y/N), the brave, the unrelenting, the unconquerable, or the Inured without suffering a great deal.” Brienne said, Sandor felt guilt wash over him again,
“What happened?” Sandor asked, still looking ahead. 
“You’ll have to ask her.” Breinne said, knowing that soon he and you would meet again. 
Sandor looked at her once more and smiled.
That was until the Lannister guards approached Sandor and the Box the Wright remained in.
“Anyone touches it, I’ll kill you first.”
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
You looked out of your chamber window to see Jon Snow and his armies returning. You tried to look for Ser Leon through a voice behind you interrupted your attempt to do so.
“My Lady,” You turned around to see another knight of the Vale, you smiled and nodded for him to continue, “I am to announce the arrival of Jon Snow and Daenerys Stormborn.” He said, 
“Where is Lady Sansa?” You asked, knowing she’d not be happy with the arrival of an outsider. 
“Already waiting at the gates, my Lady.” He said,
“We shall join her.” You said as you continued on through the door, on your way to join your cousin.
The Knight nodded, “Yes, my Lady.” He said as he followed you.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・
You saw Sansa alongside Bran waiting at the Gates. You approached her, 
“You don’t look happy.” You said as you locked your arm around hers. 
She smiled slightly at you, “Neither do you.” 
You shrugged, “I am hard to please, I suppose.” You looked out at the crowds of men entering Winterfell, “But your brother has returned with a large army for your people. That should please you.” You said as you rubbed her arm with your hand. 
She sighed, “He returned with a new Queen, one I don’t know and do not trust. One who wishes to rule this very Kingdom.” She scoffed. 
You shrugged again, “Yes, well I suppose that is problematic.” You said as two large dragons flew overhead. 
You’d never seen anything so large and magnificent take to the sky. You smiled as you watched the three dragons fly with one another through the sky. 
“Hard to please?” Sansa said looking at how taken you were by the sight. 
“I’ve never seen one before, much less two. You must admit it is extraordinary.” You said without looking at her, still looking at the dragons in the sky. You finally looked at her, “A little.” you shrugged, 
“A clear presentation of her power.” She said irritated. 
“Well… If you got it…” You attempted to reason but she gave you a scowl that made you stop. “Apologies.” You said. As you saw your cousin ride into Winterfell, you felt it was not your place to welcome an outsider into Winterfell. Especially since you yourself were outside. “I’ll leave you to make a proper introduction.” You smiled at her, trying to get her to lighten up. 
As you walked back into the castle you heard a familiar voice speak, 
“(Y/N)?” Tyrion spoke, “Or, do you prefer Lady of the Vale, now?” He breathed a chuckle but he was fighting back heartbreaking emotion.  
You felt the guilt you felt long ago surge again, “Tyrion. Or do you prefer Hand of the Queen?” You jested in return. 
He took a step towards you, “It would seem you are acting as hand to the Queen of the north said by some.”
You shook your head, “We are kin… we are close. But that is all.” 
“Two women betrothed to me who ran away.” He jested, self deprecatingly. 
“Don’t feel too bad about it. We both suffered for it.” You said earnestly.
He shook his head, “I did not want you to suffer. I never did.” 
“I know. I did suffer though. I still am.” You said quietly. 
“You don’t have to. You don’t have to stay here.” He said walking closer to you.
“Where would I go?” You asked, as if his idea were ridiculous. His eyes however told a different story. You could see the emotion, the longing, “No.” You said recoiling from him. 
He followed you, “I have loved you since I first saw you.” He pleaded
“Please don’t.” You winced at the word ‘love’.
He grabbed your hand, “I have to know where you went, and why.” 
You huffed, not wanting to do this. Not wanting to have this conversation. But knowing that the truth would hurt him, it would also set him free. “I left with Sandor Clegane. He took me with the intention of delivering me to my aunt Catelyn Stark.” You said bluntly.
“Why would he take you?” 
“You know why.” You said with furrowed brows, he then looked down, you could see the pain that he felt wash over his face. You sighed “I’m sorry. I am, I tried to love you in the way you wanted, the way that was demanded of me by duty and I couldn’t. I have no doubt that you would have been a doubting and loyal husband. And maybe if we were married I would have found peace. But when he asked me to leave with him I couldn’t help it, I loved him. I never felt that way for anyone.” You walked towards him once more, “You were a dear friend to me.” You held his hand, “Very dear, you gave me consideration no else did.” 
“I would have given you everything- anything.” You couldn’t tell if he was angry or sad. Perhaps both. 
“I can get it myself.” You said. Never willing to ever use your hand as a bargaining chip for land or armies again. 
“That is your way, I suppose. The reason I-“ 
You interrupted him before he could say he loved you once more, “You wouldn’t want me. You wouldn’t, not really. I am pigheaded and my ambitions are large. We would argue all the time, every time we spoke in Kings Landing it was a debate. Neither of us would be happy.” You blurted out. Just wishing he would see it your way.  
“Anything more?” He asked pained, 
“No.” You said. He began to walk away, “Except that-” You called out, making him turn around towards you. He nodded wanting to hear what you had to say. You took a breath, “With him gone, Tyrion… I do not believe I will ever wed. Ever find love truly. I don’t believe I will ever carry a child in me, and I don’t believe I will ever be happy.” You shook your head. 
He smiled, though clearly upset. “I think you are very wrong about that. I think you will see that very soon. And I will watch.” His smile faded and he walked away. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
Later that day Podrick walked with you on the high walls of Winterfell. You and he were tasked by Lady Sansa to take further inventory of the new armies for the coming war. As you walked along the wall you heard a loud Caw! Of a Falcon. You looked to the sky and saw Lenaera. You grabbed an armored glove that laid against other supplies by the wall. She landed on your gloved hand. She fluttered her wings happily and you smiled as you pet her feathers on her head. 
By chance you peered down at the courtyard to see a tall and large man staring at you. A man who thought was dead. 
“Podrick?” You said, your eyes wide.
“Yes, my Lady?” Podrick asked,
“Am I dead?” You asked sincerely, 
“N-no, My Lady.” Podrick responded concernedly 
“Dreaming?” You asked again, bluntly. 
“No, My Lady.” Podrick again responded with concern, 
“You told me the Hound was dead.” You said, Podrick looked down to where you looked and saw the man standing there. Soon his eyes went wide as well. 
“I thought he was.” He said shocked. 
“Take Laenera.” You said placing her on his arm.
“Yes, my Lady-” He said before Lenaera’s talons dug into his leather sleeves, “Ah!” He hissed as you dropped the glove and ran into the castle. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈
You gathered your skirts up as you made hast down the stairs within the castle. As you were running down the hall, you saw a tall and large man running down the same hall from the opposite end. You both stopped at the same time, as if the sight of the other paralyzed the other. You felt like you were looking at a ghost of the man you loved. Your hands released your skirts as you let out a sharp and painful breath. 
He stared at you, his eyes filled with emotion, “That fucking birds yours?” 
You didn’t respond, still in shock by the man before you. Sandors demeanor calmed, became more earnest, “I heard you were here. Didn’t want to let myself believe it. ‘Case it were horse shit.” He said taking some steps towards you, though he stopped when he saw the tears in your eyes well.
You let out another curt breathe as you held in your tears, a wave of emotion crashed against your form as you heard his voice for the first time in so long. “I heard you were dead.” You said walking closer to him, “I thought you were dead.” A tear fell from your eye, stepping closer “I believed you were dead.” You stopped, your emotion taking hold of you, “You were dead, I-I-” You shook your head unable to understand. 
Sandor stepped towards you, closing the space that remained, “I’m not.” He held your face in his hands, you noticed they were rougher than before. “I’m here.” He said gentler than you were used to. You placed your hands on top of his that held your face. “I’m not leaving.” He continued to comfort you. 
It took you a moment to realize you were somewhat out in the open. Any Lady or Lord could walk down the hall the two of you stood there. You weren’t used to that. Being in the open with your affection. He would sneak into your chambers in the early hours of the morn or the late hours of the night. Never this. But, there were no more Lannisters, no more Littlefinger, no more Bolton, there was no other person or house that would threaten your status or standing. No one to hold your virtue over your head. So, you did not care.
“You needed me.” He said assertively as if he were angry with himself.
He wiped the tear from your cheek with his thumb, You blinked hard. Swallowing your emotions and taking a breath. Grounding yourself. You nodded, “I did. But I had myself.” You placed a hand on his cheek, “But, I still need you.” You nearly whispered, You looked around for a moment, the hall was still empty but for how long? You looked to your side and noticed you and he were coincidently standing beside the door to your chambers. You held onto his wrist with one of your hands, you pulled him along. “Come inside and be alone with me.” You said in a quiet voice what some might think of a seductive voice. 
As you entered your chambers, he closed your door, “Lock it.” You said not realizing how bold it seemed, “Many forget to knock on my door.” You explained as you took a pitcher of water from a table by your door, walking over to the fireplace and extinguishing the fire, to make him more comfortable. 
“I can make sure they don’t forget.” He said with a possessive and protective tone. 
You missed it, you hadn’t heard it in so long. You walked with haste towards him, throwing your arms around his broad shoulders. He in return, wrapped his thick arms around you. He lifted you up as your lips met. 
They met for the first time in so long. Your lips, as well as his, were cold from the northern air. But the heat from his tongue warmed you. 
“Are you staying?” You asked breathlessly as you pulled away from his kiss. You searched his eyes, with your own. You missed his gaze dearly.
He nodded, breathless, “With you.” He said, putting you down, “I’ll go where you go.” He vowed.
“I’ve never seen you without armor.” You smiled looking over him as your hands ran over the leather top he wore. 
“You have.” He said candidly
Your gazes blinked up to his, “I mean… real clothing.” You said holding back a laugh, “You look handsome.” You said earnestly.
“Fuck off.” He said dismissively, looking away from you, assuming you were lying. 
You placed a hand on his scarred cheek. Redirecting his gaze back towards you. His eyes looked into yours seeing that you were honest “I missed you.” You said almost dreamily with an absent minded smile as you gazed upon the face you thought you’d never see again. Your smile faded a bit, you shook your head, “I can’t begin to… explain how terrible it was.” 
He closed his eyes for a moment, then looked down. “I know.” He was disappointed in himself, “I thought of you.” He said looking back into your eyes, “A lot.” He admitted.
As you gazed into his soft eyes, you knew he should know. He should know about the babe. He should know the things LittleFinger did. The kiss he forced on you. He should know of Ramsay, he should know of your journey. “There’s things I should tell you.” You said almost shamefully.
Sandors eyes hardened, “You fuck that ginger?” He questioned, 
“Gods no!” You said with disgust, you answered quickly, surprised by the question. “His attempts at wooing me have grown constant and boring.” You rolled your eyes, then settled your gaze on him once again “I’d only ever thought of one man.” Your tone is softer.
“He said he wants make fucking babies with you.” He sneered, not angry at you but at the man. He loved you like he loved no one, and he knew he was not the only one.
“You sound jealous.” You said teasingly.
“I am.” He said with a snarl. 
“You needn’t be.” You said in a whisper into his lips as you kissed him again. “Let me look at you.” You said running your hands from his face, down to his chest, “you’ve let your beard go.” You said in a melancholy tone. 
All the time that had passed truly had gotten away from Sandor. It was then that the emotion hit him. Sandor dropped to his knees. Placed his hands against the small of you back, pushing you forward as he rested his head against your belly. 
he was desperate, 
you’d never seen him like this. You held his head in your hands, running your fingers through his hair. 
“It’s alright.” You whispered, you understood how he was feeling. Feeling that he failed you.
“It’s not.” he whispered back. 
“We can start again.” You said as you petted his hair,  “We could be together, truly, never hiding.” You said like you were dreaming of it right then and there. 
He hummed against your stomach, “I’m not a man of honor.” He said as though he were shameful of himself.
“Men of honor die all the same, I’d rather be with you.” You spoke softly as your hands sweetly ran through his hair, and your other rubbed circles against his back, “Do you not wish for me to be your wife?” You asked, scared for the answer, but needing it all the same.
He shook his head, “I wish it for me, not for you.”
You shook your head and huffed, “Look at us. this isn’t wrong. how could something that feels so good be wrong? You are no longer a piece on a board in Kings Landing. Nor am I. I don’t know about you but I refuse to be one again. Let me be yours and be mine.” You felt silly for  opening yourself up like this, in a way you’d never had before. But it was something you had to do. You couldn’t allow for the same cycle you and he fell into King's Landing to continue. “When you were gone, I went to war and felt no fear. No fear because if I died I would see you. I’d be with you again. I cannot go back to wishing for moments with you. I wish for a life with you because I love you and I need you. If you love me then don’t leave me again.” You pleaded softly.
He was silenced for a moment, but then, his hands traveled tighter around your back. He looked up at you, “Be my wife.” He pleaded, his love seeping through his gruff tone.
“Yes.” You said, sweetly. You let out a small gasp as you felt his rough, large hand trail up your leg, “Yes,” you whispered to him, his eyes remaining connected to yours, his hand trailed up to your inner thigh, “Yes… yes” You continued to whispered against his movements, his fingers sneaking their way under your small clothes and toying with your sex “Yes…yes…yes-“ your whispers becoming louder, more breathless and closer to a whine. You ran fingers from his hair to his scarred cheek, you carassed it as you moaned, “My husband-Ah!” you were cut off as his finger slid inside of you, forcing a moan out of you. You grasped his scarred face harder as he did so, 
“Say it again.” He rasped as he pumped his fingers in and out of your cunt.
You caught your breath as he hiked your skirts up and over his head, You could feel his beard scratching at your inner thighs, “My husban-nnnd” your voice hitched and drawn out into a moan as you felt his breathe graze across your cunt, soon feeling the heat of his tongue as it lapped up your sweetness. He sucked on your clit as his fingers found your sweet spot, pushing against your velvet walls. It had been so long since you felt someone know your body so well, and he didn't forget a thing about it. You felt the tightness in your belly finally release. As you reached your peak you cried out. Sandor drank you in groaning and fucking his fingers even deeper into you. “Sandor,” you whined, “I need, I need more.” You said with furrowed brows as you gripped onto his head beneath your skirts.
As he stood, his mouth crashed into yours. You could taste your own release on his lips.  His kiss was desperate, and passionate. Making up for all the times he wished he could have done it. His hands roamed your body erratically and roughly. 
He began to kiss down your jaw and neck, “I’ve missed your tongue.” you said breathlessly with a smirk and heavy eyes. 
He licked up from your neck to your ear, making you moan. “Let me see you.” He spoke in your ear as he untied the back of your dress, though his large hands could hardly figure out the fragile ties.
You felt a sting of insecurity. 
You looked down, as your hands aided Sandor in untying your gown. He continued to kiss and lick at your body slowly as more and more of your skin was revealed. Until you were left in your small clothes. Your scars showed, the one on your thigh, the one on your forearm, and even others that had come with time and war. Sandors eyes trailed over you, longingly. 
“You don’t have to look.” You said as you looked down, somewhat ashamed of the scars you had earned valiantly. “I know I hurt to look at.” 
Sandor stepped towards you, his eyes confused and bewildered. “Fuck are you on about? Feel me.” He said with furrowed brows. You looked confused for a moment until your hand trailed down from his stomach to his mounting bulge, he let out a groan. He hadn’t felt your touch in so long, and you hadn’t felt a man's body in so long, or wanted to. Your eyes snapped from his hardening, hot, and throbbing bulge that your hand caressed, to his gaze. Deeply lustful and full of longing. “Does that feel like you hurt to look at.” He asked as his hand grasped your jaw. His lips connected to your own, his facial hair tickled in a familiar and delightful way. As your mouths danced together you felt his tongue aching for the warmth of yours. To which you happily complied. You could taste yourself on his tongue, it made you all the more wet. As you did he pulled off your small clothes, practically ripping them off. 
He stood there looking at your naked body, he let out a groan and you rubbed his hardened cock through his pants again.
“You’re not a woman, take your own clothes off.” You said assertively as you brushed past him laying down on your bed. He let out a dry chuckle as he obeyed your command. 
You laid on the bed, propping yourself up on your elbows as you watched him. You bent one of your legs bringing your knee close to your chest as you pressed your slick thighs together.  
He climbed on top of you. Kissing you once more. Passionately, slowly. Taking in the pleasure of your soft and plush lips, relishing in the taste that he missed so deeply.  His tongue met yours in tandem as his hands ran over your body erratically. As if he couldn’t believe you were underneath him again, he didn’t know where to start with you but he knew how much he wanted all of it. His attention was soon directed to your breasts. He’d missed them dearly. Thought of them as he worked himself in the late hours of the night. 
He slid down and took them in his mouth. Sucking at your breasts, biting them in just the way you liked. As he did you wrapped your legs around his hard back, and rocked your hips against his hard stomach, attempting to soothe the growing ache in your core. 
The sounds of your moans created made him even harder than could bare “I can’t wait anymore, I want my woman. My wife.” His voice was dark and deep.
You nodded as he kissed your lips, 
You kissed passionately, your lips swollen and wanting. As your lips met, and your tongues found one another again. You felt the head of his cock, already leaking, begin to press against your entrance. As he pushed in you felt the burn of the stretch. You  almost forgot how large he was. You gasped and winced, Sandor stopped himself from moving for a moment, looking at you to see if you were alright.
You gripped onto his shoulder digging your nails into him, “It’s been a long time.” You explained. 
He nodded as he brushed your hair out of your face, “Too fucking long.” He said, holding back a moan from the pure euphoria of your cunt.
“You haven't taken another?” You asked breathlessly, possibly not the best time. 
He shook his head, and in return you held his face and kissed him deeply. “I want all of it.” You whispered into his ear. 
He complied, happily. Pushing his cock into your until he was completely inside of you. 
You muffled your moans into his neck as you clung onto his shoulders and wrapped your legs around his back. “Fuck!” He barked, “Gods you’re tight, does it hurt?” He asked. 
It did, it burned, and you were almost overwhelmed. But Gods, it was perfect. You needed it, badly. 
“Husband,” You pleaded into his lips, the words made his cock twitch inside of you, “fuck me.” You whined as you kissed him deeply. 
As he thrusted in and out of you with the built up lust and longing he had inside of him. You bit down on his lip as he moaned out. You threw your head back, unable to hold in your moans any longer. 
He took pleasure in thrusting in you harder to hear you cry out even louder. “Fuck! I missed your cunt, your sweet fucking cunt!” He grunted, he felt you clench around him harder and harder, “Give it to me!” He groaned, “I want my wife to cum.” He grunted through gritted teeth. 
“Yes!” You pleaded as his pace only became more and more furious and erratic, “Ah!” You shouted as you felt yourself release a second time,
“That’s it-” He groaned as he felt your release cover his cock, making it only easier for his cock to slip in and out with ease. It made your cunt even more euphoric, he could hold himself in any longer, 
“I want it inside of me,” You begged breathlessly, 
“Good.” He groaned against your skin, “Cause I want to fill my wife with my seed.” He said through gritted teeth. 
You kissed him deeply as he did just that. He moaned into your mouth as he spilled his hot seed inside of you deeply. Driving you towards another release you didn’t know was there.
After... You laid there, breathing. Trying to catch your breath. Sandor laid there with his head resting against your chest. Listening to your heartbeat. You ran your fingers through his hair. 
You laid there in each other's arms for what felt like a lifetime. But you didn’t want it to end.
Soon Sandor spoke again, “That ginger cunt says you killed a man.” His voice was so gruff and deep it almost startled you after basking in the silence for so long.
“I did.” You said stoically.
“That makes two men you’ve killed.” He said as if he were proud.
“Five.” You corrected, he looked up at you from your chest, “Six if you’re counting the one from the riot.” You said petting his cheek,
“I am.” He said, he looked surprised by you.
“Six then.” You nodded, “Killed four men in the battle. Then I killed Ramsay.” 
“How’d you do it?” He asked, genuinely interested. 
“Ramsay? Hounds.” You smirked, noting the irony. 
Sandor chuckled at it as well, “You’re different now.”
“Is that bad?” You asked, running your fingers down his back comfortingly.
“No.” He shook his head, “None of it would have happened if I was there.” He said as though he were disappointed in himself.
“I know.” You were confident it wouldn’t have. But it did, and it was no one's fault but those who committed the acts against you. 
Sandor took your forearm, looked at the scar, Lyssa left you with. 
“What happened?” He asked protectively, wanting to know who he’d have to kill.
You sighed, “It’ll be a hard thing to hear.” You said sitting up. You wrapped yourself in fur as you laid beside him once more, “You’ll be angry. Furious even. I know because I feel the same way. But this once, just feel the sorrow with me.” You asked him, he nodded. 
And so you did. You told him your story. How you were attacked by Lyssa. How Baelish forced you to end your pregnancy. How he attempted to force himself on you. How he killed your aunt. How Ramsay tormented you. You told him of the Battle, you told him of Ser Cole. You told him everything. 
Sandor was silent for just a moment. Until he sat up “I’ll kill hi-” 
You interrupted his anger as you sat up with him. “No anger. Not here. Not our first night.” You pleaded as you held his face in your hand. Calming him. 
He held onto your wrist, “I will take care of you.” He said earnestly, “I’ll protect you.” He vowed.
“You can’t. No one can.” You shook your head. 
He looked at you. Saddened that you’d no longer believe in that promise. “I will.” He vowed.
You, still, unbelieving, nodded. You leaned towards him, and rested your forehead against his own.  
You didn’t want to love him this much. And he didn’t want to love you this much. And yet here you both were. Your love was formidable, unrelenting, and merciless. There was not a thing in the known world you’d not do for him. And not a thing in this known world that he’d not do for you. 
You had an army and now, you had your man. Now that all left to do was to go and get what you were owed.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
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NOTE: It's no use (Y/N) we gotta have it out.  Also you cannot tellll me that mf wouldn’t pull out the “My Wife” card every chance he got like…. That's all. Also got I feel like I am finally free and can write smut again thank god. We are about to have our own version of the royal wedding lmao K love you, xoxo
Beloved Tags:
@dontfollowjuststuff @merfic @broadsdrinkwhisky  @vikingswhore0
@the-queen-of-sorrows @eddiesbongwater @not-neverland06  @symonedoesart 
@wyvernnest @bdudette @frosch-thefrog @patrick-hockstutter @vikingswhore0 @drymushroomfics @dream-a-little-nightmare @lavenderbreeze3
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cobaltperun · 4 months
Hi! Could you write one where GN!reader has an arm sleeve tattoo but would always cover it up by wearing long sleeves, and Tara has a massive crush on them and would always see it peeking out of the sleeves and when they would hook up(or not it’s up to you!) she would trace the tattoos and falls in love with the reader more? Just a request and it’s up to you to write it or not, love your stories btw!
Heart on Sleeve
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Tara Carpenter x GN!Reader (Request)
Tara was never all that interested in tattoos, aside from thinking some of them were cool, until you came along. You were proud of your tattoo, but you didn't feel like showing it off to just anyone, and then Tara came along.
Word count: 1.8k
Being betrayed more than once, by people she was supposed to trust left more than just physical scars on her body. The emotional scars went even deeper, and she was almost certain she would never truly trust anyone enough to open up and act vulnerable. So, it came as one hell of a surprise when you approached her and somehow flipped it all around. It was an accident, really, you asked if the seat next to her was taken just before the class started and she just stared.
"Is everything okay?" you asked her, a worry so genuine in your voice she almost thought her mind was playing tricks on her.
Tara blushed, embarrassed by her silence. "Sorry, yes! For both! I mean, no, the seat isn't taken and yes, everything is okay," she was tempted to look for another seat because there was no way she could sit next to you for the next hour and a half after that blunder.
You didn’t look like you minded though. "Thank you," you smiled, sitting down next to her and getting your notebook out of your bag. "I'm Y/N, by the way," you twisted in your seat to offer her your right hand.
"Tara," she accepted the handshake and returned your smile. She didn't quite believe in instincts anymore, they tricked her more than once, but the kindness and gentleness radiating from your eyes and smile made her reconsider if maybe her instincts were right this time.
Not that the two of you got the chance to talk much after the introduction, as the professor arrived and both of you had to turn your attention to the class.
Halfway through the class you reached into the bag, pulling a bottle of water and taking a sip. Tara just now realized how long it's been since she had the chance to drink anything and she caught herself staring at you as you swallowed the water.
"Want one?" you asked as quietly as you could and gestured at the bottle.
Tara shook her head slightly. "It's okay, I don't want to be a bother," the offer was tempting, but she still refused.
But you still reached into your bag and pulled another bottle. "It's not a bother. Besides, it's too hot not to drink anything," you offered the bottle to her with your left hand and she caught a glimpse of a tattoo just barely peeking out of the long-sleeved shirt you were wearing.
"Fifth row, settle down!" the professor chastised the two of you, causing both of you to flinch a bit and lower your heads in embarrassment. Tara's eyes still met yours as you sheepishly scratched the back of your neck, and you grinned as she took the water with a small smile of her own.
That was how it started, and that was how it continued for a long time. She would see you during classes, you'd sit next to each other and slowly but surely you won her trust. It was scary how effortlessly you were doing it. She missed class, you'd sent her notes before she even had the chance to ask you, and vice versa. She even started hanging out with you outside of class, away from her friend group.
God, when Sam finds out she'll go ballistic.
But Tara didn't care. She felt good when she was with you, she felt free from the past in a way parties never made her feel. You noticed her scar, but didn't ask, your eyes showed her that, while you didn't know what caused it, you understood by her reaction that it was a painful memory. Tara still remembered how your arms felt around her that day, as you just hugged her, showing nothing but support to her.
Your eyes never showed any hint of deception, you wore your heart on your sleeve, and Tara found herself trusting you more than she trusted anyone she met ever since Amber betrayed and tried to kill her.
And so, day by day, time after time spent together, she found herself crushing on you, hard.
When you met Tara, you really were just looking for a seat, seeing as you were running a bit late and didn't get the luxury of choosing a seat. You didn't think that choice would have such a profound effect on you. You saw her eyes and you were struck by them, by the deep-seated doubt and mistrust in them, and a paradoxical desire to be loved hidden behind all of that.
You didn't wonder what caused her to feel like that, like everyone could turn into her enemy, and you had no desire to guess. It was her past, and if she wanted to tell you, you'd listen, otherwise you'd just be by her side here and now. You did feel a strong urge to make sure no one would hurt her again, to make her feel that she was safe with you.
At the moment you and Tara were having a quick bite between classes, and you caught her curious gaze aimed at your left wrist. She was being adorable, trying to subtly find a better angle to figure out what the tattoo was. "You're really cute right now," you reached for the side of her lips with your right hand, just to wipe a bit of hot sauce that remained there.
Tara scoffed. "Whatever, Y/N," she muttered, but the corners of her lips were tugging upward, showing she was trying to restrain a smile. "Are we going to work on the assignment at your place tonight?" she asked, it's been about three months since you met Tara and she definitely relaxed during that time, she even came over to your place a couple of times. Just to work on assignments of course, but she still went to your place. And it didn’t take knowing her past to know that it somehow meant a lot for the girl in front to do that.
You nodded. "If you're okay with that," if she wanted to work on it somewhere else, you were more than happy to go there as well.
Tara's eyes shone with appreciation, and she blushed a bit.
As the night went on the summer heat was getting unbearable and if Tara could dismantle your fridge and go rest inside of it she would. She would probably fit as well. Seeing how small she was. Why did she have to be so small if she couldn't use that to her advantage and sit in the fridge?
"Fuck, it's too hot!" you complained, falling back onto the bed and covering your face to muffle a loud, completely understandable groan. "That's it!" you sat up so abruptly you nearly startled Tara in the process, but nothing prepared her for you just taking the arm sleeve you had covering your left arm off.
She's been curious ever since she noticed you had the tattoo, seeing as she thought some tattoos were cool, but she never got to see it. It always peeked out from underneath your clothes, just teasing and taunting her, the mystery of what was underneath the clothes plaguing her mind. If you weren't wearing long-sleeve shirts or jackets you were wearing an arm sleeve to cover it up. She had her suspicions, that it was at least a bigger tattoo, if not full-on arm sleeve tattoo. And her guess was right, though the sleeve of your T-shirt still covered some of it up Tara saw the bodies of two Chinese dragons surrounded by flames tangled up on your arm.
Without thinking she went and touched your forearm, tracing the body of one of the dragons and leaning closer to you. It wasn't until she heard your breath hitch that she realized what she was doing and backed away as if burnt by the flames on your arm. "Sorry, that was inappropriate," she apologized.
You scratched the back of your neck, a gesture she learned was something you did when you were a bit embarrassed. "No, it's okay, I just didn't expect it. Do you wanna see the rest?" you offered, that same smile she fell in love with once again gracing your face.
Tara scooted closer to you and nodded. You lifted up your sleeve and the dragons went up, almost to your shoulder, and there, between the dragons, she saw a heart, protected by the two dragons.
"Uh, my parents were born in the year of the dragon, so I feel like they watch over me no matter the distance between us," you explained, your expression softening as you thought of your parents. "Guess I got lucky with the year they were born in, I mean, can you imagine if they were born in the year of the rat?" you laughed.
Tara laughed right alongside you. Rats really wouldn't look nearly as cool as the dragons. "I think it's beautiful," she said as you stopped laughing and slowly reached toward it again. She bit her lower lip, you hid it, maybe you didn't like it being touched.
"Go ahead, I only hide it because it's more convenient," you moved so you were closer to her, and Tara placed her hand on your knee as she leaned over and touched your arm. She started from your wrist, tracing the right dragon all the way to its' head, and then moved on to the left dragon.
Somehow, the tattoo, and the explanation made her fall in love with you even harder and she glanced up to look you in the eyes. She wasn't sure where the sudden boldness came from, but she moved closer, parting her lips. And you understood, her gaze, her intention, not that she was trying to hide it. You closed the distance between the two of you, as her fingers stopped on the heart tattooed on your arm, and as her own heart pounded against her chest the two of you kissed.
Softly, gently, filled with so much love and trust, her lips moved against your own, as the two of you got tangled up much like the dragons on your arm. And she felt safe, her body pressed against yours, her other arm hugging you tightly as you held her, pulling her closer. She never thought she could trust someone besides Sam, Chad and Mindy as much as she trusted you, that she could never be completely vulnerable; yet she was wrong, with you she didn’t need to keep her guard up. With you the horrors of Woodsboro and Ghostface didn’t haunt her.
You’ve given her what she wanted her entire life, love, acceptance, safety, and she would give it back to you with all of her heart.
A/N: Right, I got a lot more requests than I expected and I didn't quite feel like writing Genius tonight, so, I figured I might as well knock a request out of the way. Hope this is what you wanted Anon! Thanks for the request and the compliment! 💙💙😁😁
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lilacwants · 3 months
love is a bitch.
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18+ notes: based on the recent poll, angst with a happy ending & gibson girl won for part 2!!! so enjoy the food <3. gif is from pinterest. summary: as echoes of the past resurface, Homelander confronts his longing for love amidst escalating tension. warnings: angst, mature/explicit content, rough! homelander. discretion is advised.
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part 2. part 1.
Homelander stood at the edge of the balcony, looking out over the city that lay sprawled beneath him. The night air was cool, but it did nothing to temper the fire that raged within him. He had everything: power, adoration, and control. Yet, in the midst of it all, there was one thing he couldn't grasp, one thing that slipped through his fingers no matter how tightly he tried to hold on.
You were his sanctuary, the only person who saw him for who he truly was beneath the mask. But lately, the tension between you had been growing, a simmering conflict that neither of you could ignore. And tonight, it had finally come to a head.
Homelander’s eyes scanned the horizon, his jaw clenched as he replayed the argument in his mind. Your words had cut deep, piercing through his carefully constructed facade. You had accused him of the thrill of power consuming him. And worst of all, you had said you couldn’t do it anymore.
He heard the soft click of the door behind him, and he knew it was you. He didn’t turn around, didn’t acknowledge your presence. Instead, he let the silence stretch out, a chasm between you.
“John,” you said softly, your voice trembling with the weight of what you had come to say. “We need to talk.”
He took a deep breath, his hands gripping the railing until his knuckles turned white. “What is there to talk about?” he replied, his voice cold and distant. “You made yourself perfectly clear.”
You stepped closer, your presence a mix of comfort and torment. “Please, just listen to me.”
He turned then, his blue eyes blazing with a mix of anger and desperation. “Listen to what? More accusations? More of you telling me how I’m not good enough?”
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you stood your ground. “No, that’s not what I’m here to say. I’m here because...because I can’t lose you.”
For a moment, his anger faltered, replaced by a flicker of hope. But then he remembered the pain, the words that had cut him so deeply. “You already did,” he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. “You walked away.”
You reached out, your hand resting on his arm. “I’m sorry,” you said, your voice breaking. “I was scared. Scared of what you were becoming, and scared of losing the man I love.”
His heart ached at your words, the conflicting emotions tearing him apart. “You think I wanted this?” he asked, his voice raw. “You think I wanted to become this...this thing?”
You shook your head, your tears falling freely now. “No, I don’t. But I know you’re still in there. The man who loved me, who cared for me. I see glimpses of him, and I can’t give up on that.”
He closed his eyes, the weight of your words pressing down on him. “What do you want from me?” he asked, his voice trembling with a vulnerability he rarely showed.
“I want you,” you said simply. “All of you. The good, the bad, and everything in between. But you have to let me in.”
He looked at you then, really looked at you, and saw the depth of your love and pain. And for the first time, he allowed himself to hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a way back.
Without another word, he pulled you into his arms, his grip tight as if he was afraid you might vanish if he let go. The feel of you against him, the warmth and softness of your body, stirred something deep inside him - something raw and primal.
"I can't lose you either," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. His hands moved to your face, tilting it up so he could look into your eyes. "I need you."
You nodded, unable to tind the words, your heart pounding in your chest. The intensity in his gaze was overwhelming, a mix of anger, desperation, and something darker that made your pulse quicken.
He kissed you then, fiercely and possessively, as if he was trying to reclaim something that had been slipping away. You responded in kind, matching his fervor, your hands clutching at his suit, desperate to feel his skin.
In a flurry of movement, he had you pressed against the wall, his hands roaming your body with a need that bordered on violent.
You gasped as he tore at your clothes, his lips never leaving yours, the kiss deepening into something almost savage.
"You're mine," he growled against your mouth, his voice rough and commanding. "No one else gets to have you."
"Yes," you breathed, your own desire mingling with his. "Only you."
His eyes blazed with a fierce satisfaction at your words, and he wasted no time in taking what he needed. His hands gripped your hips, lifting you so you could wrap your legs around his waist. You could feel his hard on pressing against you, the anticipation almost unbearable.
With a roughness that sent shivers down your spine, he thrust into you, the force of it driving a cry from your lips. He didn't pause, didn't give you time to adjust, his movements hard and unrelenting. It was as if he was pouring all his anger, his pain, and his love into each thrust, a desperate attempt to make you understand how much you meant to him.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, the intensity of his possession driving you to the edge. Every sensation was heightened, the roughness of his touch, the heat of his body, the way he filled you completely. It was almost too much, a mix of emotions and physical need that threatened to consume you both.
"Fuck, I love you," he growled, his voice breaking. "I need you so fucking much."
"I love you too," you gasped, your words mingling with cries of pleasure. "Don't stop, please."
His pace quickened, each thrust sending shockwaves of ecstasy through you. The world narrowed down to the two of you, the raw connection that bound you together. You felt yourself nearing the edge, your body tightening, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
With a final, shuddering thrust, you came undone, your orgasm crashing over you like a tidal wave. You cried out his name, your body trembling as wave after wave of pleasure washed over you. He followed moments later, his own release tearing through him, his grip on you tightening as if he could somehow fuse you together.
For a long moment, you stayed like that, wrapped around each other, the intensity of the moment slowly fading into a profound sense of connection and peace. When he finally pulled back, his eyes were softer, the anger and desperation replaced by something gentler, more tender.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice hoarse. "I didn't mean to hurt you."
You cupped his face in your hands, your thumbs brushing away the tears that had gathered in his eyes. "I know," you whispered. "And I'm sorry too. We'll get through this, together."
He nodded, his forehead resting against yours. "Together," he agreed.
You smiled softly, feeling the warmth of his breath against your skin. "Together," you echoed, sealing the promise with a gentle kiss. The world outside might still be uncertain, but in that moment, you knew you had each other, and that was enough.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Ladies and Gentlemen
Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Female Reader Summary: Bucky reflects on you and your date the morning after. Word Count: Over 1.9k Warnings: Tension, flirting, brief moments of insecurity, implied sexy times, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). Graphics talent and thanks: Banner by @sgt-seabass. Divider by @firefly-graphics. Bucky edit by Nix. Moodboard by yours truly. Previous Part of AU: Technically Innocent and Sinful, but posted part is Sundresses and Leather A/N: A bit more Hottie and Sugar from our Sin on Skin AU and you voted to go to his place! ❤️ I realize that I've skipped over Innocent and Sinful for now, but I really wanted to showcase Bucky and his feelings regarding the date and you. Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby (thank you for spitballing), but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky hummed to himself as he made breakfast, doing his best to move quietly around the kitchen. He normally only hummed along to the radio in his car, which you discovered during your date the night before, but he couldn’t help himself today. He was happy. He had a spring in his step he hadn’t realized was missing.
Turns out, the thing he was missing was you.
“So. My place or yours?”
Tiptoeing back to his bedroom, Bucky saw you asleep peacefully in his bed. It was a sight he could get used to. Your gentle breathing and serene expression brought a small smile to his face as he leaned against the doorframe. When he woke up earlier with you in his arms he feared for a moment that he was dreaming again, like he had in his shop. But when he placed a kiss on your forehead and received a sleepy moan in response, he knew it was real.
So was the night before.
Bucky held back a groan as some of the images of the two of you together replayed in his mind, his eyes closing and only serving to enhance what he was already thinking about. He wanted to be a gentleman to you. He tried. After your last prick of a boyfriend, you sure as hell deserved that. Which was one of the reasons he was making you breakfast, as tempted as he was to climb back in bed and wake you.
Told you I’d take care of you, Sugar.
You opened up to and for him so beautifully. You were nothing short of an angel. His angel. His Sugar. It was crazy to think like that after one date, but there was something there and that was before he took you out. And you already planned what the next two dates would be, which he was looking forward to.
Even if our first date didn’t go as planned.
It turned out for the best. Even better than he could’ve imagined. He refrained from leaving a negative review online at that restaurant for mixing up his reservation, which was a blessing in disguise. The place was far from his style, but he saw it as a chance to impress you when his other plans fell through. He should’ve known better and gone with his instinct to take you to a place like Antonia’s from the start.
The smile slipped from his face as he remembered you talking about your mom, his fists lightly clenching. If he ever had the chance to meet her, he’d have a hard time staying silent about how she treated you. As if you sensed the sudden tension rise within him, you shifted closer to his side of the bed and rubbed the spot with your hand. The sight soothed him. For you to tell him something so vulnerable, to trust him, gave him a glimpse of how strong you truly were. Because it took strength to open up and stay kind when others tried to knock you down.
I’ll catch you.
Silently dashing back to the kitchen so he didn’t burn anything on the stove, he pushed the thought of your mom out of his mind as he finished up. He wasn’t going to focus on the negatives today. Not when he had you at his place. Maybe he could convince you to stick around for a bit after breakfast if you didn’t have plans.
Before he had a chance to wake you, someone knocked three times on the front door.
He wondered if the noise woke you as he glanced down the hall, but he didn’t hear any movement as he headed toward the door and yanked it open before Steve could knock again. Sure enough, his best friend had his fist closed and ready. “Not dressed?” he asked as he lowered his arm.
With a shrug, Bucky glanced down at himself. “I’m wearing sweatpants,” he said, which he only put on to cook for you. “What are you doing here? It’s my day off.”
“Is that how you greet your best friend, jerk? After I came all the way over here?” He asked, looking back and forth as he pushed his way inside. “You weren’t answering your phone and you usually don’t sleep this late.”
“Come on in, punk. And don’t act like you drove across town to see me. We live in the same building,” Bucky said sarcastically as he shut the door. “So because I didn’t answer my phone on my day off, you decided to come over? Really? You’re spying, which you’re terrible at because you’re a terrible liar.”
The blonde pushed his hair back as his gaze swept the apartment. “I’m not spying, but come on. You have to tell me something. Jake and Hal won’t shut up in the group chat. Even Andy asked about your date and you’ve ignored everyone,” he argued, following Bucky to the kitchen.
Bucky couldn’t find it in himself to feel annoyed at Steve showing up or at the rest of the guys for wanting to know how the night went. They looked out for and supported each other. The fact that they all liked you made them root for the two of you more. “I wasn’t trying to ignore you guys,” he said, not saying he didn’t answer anyone since he was preoccupied with you.
“So, how did it go?” Steve asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
Perfect because it was with Sugar.
“Minus getting rained on and the restaurant screwing up the reservation, just fine,” he said, giving a quick rundown of some of the details. He left out the heart-to-heart conversation in your bakery. Steve was his best friend, but that wasn’t any of his business.
“It didn’t go the way you wanted to, but it was ‘just fine’? Judging by that smile on your face, I take it the date went well,” Steve said.
Very well.
Bucky managed not to smirk as he set out two coffee mugs. “A gentleman never tells. Now do me a favor and get the hell out of my apartment. My breakfast is getting cold.”
“I know you have an appetite, but this much food?” Steve said, nodding to the two plates. “Considering I showed up unannounced and you already had two plates out, I’m guessing you weren’t planning on feeding me.”
“Mmm. Something smells delicious. Oh! Hi, Steve.”
Bucky sucked in a breath when he turned his head and drank in the sight of you. You had a sleepy expression on your face, which was adorable, but it was the fact that you were wearing one of his shirts that made his heart stop in his chest. You toyed with the hem as you smiled, your gaze on him and not on Steve. He wondered if it would be too much to ask you to wear one of his shirts while you worked in the bakery.
I can have a dress made out of one of my shirts, right?
“Good to see you.” Steve smirked before he looked at his friend. “A gentleman never tells, huh?”
Bucky allowed himself to smirk this time. “I didn’t say a word.”
“Oh, he’s very much a gentleman,” you said as you joined Bucky and slid an arm around his waist. His arm instinctively went around your back, his fingers gently touching you through the fabric. “He’s also a sorcerer. Or maybe a magician. I’m not sure which.”
Steve’s brows furrowed as he glanced at Bucky. “You’re a what?”
“Well,” you said slowly, biting your lip before you looked at Bucky. “There’s this magical thing he does with his tongue where-”
The blonde held a hand up to stop you. “And that’s my cue to leave.”
Yeah, because my cue of telling you to leave wasn’t enough, Punk. Now go so I can do that thing with my tongue again.
“Told you a gentleman never tells,” Bucky stated, pulling you closer by the waist. It amazed him how perfectly you two fit together. “I never said anything about my girl speaking.”
Your eyes lit up at the small endearment, making his heart race. “Should I tell him about your massive-”
“Text me later!” Steve said, giving you a small smile before he quickly showed himself out.
Bucky chuckled when the door shut. “Don’t let his modest act fool you. He’s far from innocent,” he joked. Steve respected women though.
“I think he was trying to act like a gentleman for my sake,” you teased. “And if Tess knew where you lived, she probably would’ve shown up, too.”
With a chuckle, he nodded in agreement. “How’d you sleep? I would’ve stayed in bed with you, but I wanted to make you breakfast.”
Are you sore? Do I need to take care of you?
“I slept very well, thank you. And breakfast in bed sounds like the perfect way to start the day,” you said, touching his cheek. He could stay wrapped up in bed with you all day if you'd let him. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Best night of sleep I’ve had since I can remember,” he answered honestly, his eyes soft as a full blown smile spread across your face.
You leaned in to brush your lips against his before you stopped yourself, some of the light fading from your eyes. “Sorry. I haven’t brushed my teeth and my breath probably stinks-”
Bucky closed the gap to kiss your lips. He didn’t care if you brushed your teeth or not. “Taste sweet to me, Sugar,” he whispered, taking possession of your mouth again to leave you breathless. He wanted to taste every part of you and sweep away any insecurities or doubts that tried to take over.
You pulled away to take a breath. “Keep kissing me like that and I won’t eat this breakfast you worked so hard on.”
“Did you purposely say ‘hard on’?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at you. “And I don’t mind feeding you my-”
You covered his mouth with your hand, giggling. “Don’t you dare say what I think you’re going to say.”
He licked his lips when you moved your hand away. “I was going to say I don’t mind feeding you my food,” he told you with a blank expression since he couldn’t feign innocence. “You’re a dirty girl for jumping to conclusions.”
“I’m not a dirty girl. I’m a lady,” you protested, inhaling sharply as he began to back you up against the counter.
“You look good in my shirt. Really good,” he said, his voice gravelly and low as he flexed his fingers on your hips. “Tell me to stop, Sugar. I already wore you out once and you need to eat so you have your strength.”
Because I want to ruin you all over again.
“So I have my strength? You sure I didn’t wear you out, Hottie?” You questioned.
He found himself laughing as you tilted your chin up. Not at you. Never at you. No, it was that happiness creeping back in at how the two of you fell in sync. The banter, the ease. He wished you could see yourself through his eyes and feel what he did.
He’d continue to find ways to show you how special you were.
“How about we agree that we wore each other out? I think that’s what happened.”
You gave him a single nod. “Looking forward to us wearing each other out again.”
Me, too, Sugar. Me, too.
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He's a dream, isn't he? Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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moonxytcn · 2 months
Hellooo, here is my request! We are a new upcoming artist in the industry and we attend the grammys for the first time. Some guy is interviewing us and asks a really inappropriate question which makes us uncomfortable. And before we could even attempt to answer the question billie so happens to notice how uncomfortable we are and steps into the conversion saving us just on time. This is the first time we ever meet billie, and some how by the end of the night billie gives us her number in hopes of being able to see us again 🫶🏻
rescue on the red carpet
| Billie Eilish x fem!reader
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summary – Billie saves you from an uncomfortable interviewer question
tags & warnings – just fluffy
a/n – hiii <3 it's been a while since I wrote anything hihi, but I'm back, and thank you so much for the request anon!! and I'm sorry it took so long to post, I hope you enjoy this <3
| English is not my first language so there may be some errors.
| Masterlist —✽— Pinned Post
   ㅤ✯ ━━━━━━ ✿ ✫ ✿ ━━━━━━ ✯
The lights of the Grammy Awards shimmer and sparkle like nothing you've ever seen before. You're standing on the red carpet, the air electric with excitement and anticipation. It's your first time here, and the grandeur of it all feels almost surreal. You're a newcomer in the music industry, and being nominated for Best New Artist is a dream come true. Your heart races as you take in the dazzling sea of celebrities, flashing cameras, and enthusiastic reporters.
The crimson carpet under your feet seems to stretch on for miles, lined with eager fans and journalists clamoring for a glimpse of the stars. You feel like you're in a dream, walking amongst giants in the music industry. Your dress, an elegant blend of shimmer and sophistication, clings perfectly to your form, making you feel both powerful and vulnerable at once.
As you make your way down the carpet, a charming interviewer from a popular entertainment network beckons you over. His smile is wide, his demeanor polished, but something about his eyes makes you uneasy.
"Welcome to the Grammys!" He exclaims, holding the microphone out toward you. "How does it feel to be here tonight?"
You smile graciously, taking a breath to steady yourself. "It's truly an honor to be here among so many talented artists. I'm just grateful for the opportunity."
The interviewer nods, then leans in slightly, lowering his voice as if to share a secret. "You've had quite a rise to fame this year. Many are calling you the next big thing. How are you handling all this attention? And." He pauses, his grin turning a shade sharper, "there have been rumors about your personal life. Care to comment on any of those?"
The question catches you off guard. Your mind races as you try to think of a polite way to deflect. Rumors? About your personal life? You’ve tried hard to keep your private life out of the spotlight. Heat rushes to your cheeks, and you feel your confidence begin to waver.
Before you can find the words, the interviewer presses on, his smile now verging on predatory. "There's a particularly juicy one about a certain collaboration turning into something more... intimate. What do you have to say about that?"
You freeze, acutely aware of the cameras zooming in, capturing every moment of your discomfort. You can hear the crowd's murmurs, feel the eyes of countless onlookers on you. You’re cornered, and the vulnerability is almost paralyzing. Your pulse quickens, and your rehearsed poise starts to crumble.
And then, like a bolt of lightning, a voice cuts through the tension.
"Hey, I think that's enough of the tabloid questions, don't you?"
You turn to see Billie Eilish stepping forward, her iconic green hair and bold fashion sense unmistakable. Her expression is calm yet commanding, her gaze steady as she addresses the interviewer.
The interviewer falters, momentarily taken aback by Billie's intervention. "Oh, Billie! Of course, it's great to see you. I was just asking about—"
Billie interrupts smoothly, her tone firm but friendly. "I know what you were asking, but tonight's about celebrating achievements, not spreading gossip. Why not focus on her incredible music instead?"
Her words hang in the air, a lifeline thrown your way. You catch Billie's eye, and she offers you a reassuring smile. It's like a wave of relief washes over you, the tension easing from your shoulders.
The interviewer, now visibly flustered, clears his throat and shifts his attention back to you. "Right, right. Apologies for that. So, tell us about your album and the inspiration behind it."
You take a deep breath, grateful for Billie's timely intervention. With renewed confidence, you talk about your work, your passion for music, and the journey that led you here. Billie stands by your side, her presence a comforting shield against the prying questions that had threatened to throw you off balance.
As the interview concludes, you thank the reporter and turn to Billie, who is already flashing her signature grin.
"Thank you." You say, gratitude evident in your voice. "I didn't know what to do back there."
Billie chuckles softly, shrugging off the praise. "No worries. I've been in this industry long enough to know how these things go. You handled it well."
Her words are genuine, and they bolster your spirits. You find yourself smiling back at her, the tension from earlier fading away.
The rest of the evening passes in a whirlwind of excitement and celebration. You watch performances that leave you awestruck, rub shoulders with artists you've admired for years, and even manage to snag a selfie with a few of your musical idols.
As the night draws to a close, you find yourself once again crossing paths with Billie. She's surrounded by a small group of admirers and friends, but when she spots you, she waves you over.
"Hey! How was the rest of your night?" She asks, her energy as infectious as ever.
"It was incredible." You reply, feeling more at ease than you had at the start of the evening. "Thank you again for stepping in back there. It means a lot."
Billie dismisses your gratitude with a wave of her hand. "Seriously, don't mention it. I've been there. And besides, we're all in this together, right?"
You nod, feeling a connection with her that goes beyond just the shared experience of the industry. There's something genuine about Billie that makes you feel seen and understood.
As the crowd around you begins to thin out, Billie leans in slightly, her voice dropping to a more private tone. "Hey, if you ever want to hang out or need someone to talk to about the craziness of this industry, here's my number."
She hands you a small card with her number scrawled on it, the gesture both casual and meaningful. Your heart skips a beat at the thought of having a direct line to someone as renowned and talented as Billie Eilish.
"Thank you." You say, tucking the card safely into your purse. "I’d love that."
Billie gives you a nod, her eyes twinkling with sincerity. "Great. I hope we can catch up soon."
With that, she waves goodbye, disappearing into the remaining crowd, leaving you with a newfound sense of hope and excitement. The night may have started with uncertainty, but it's ending with the promise of friendship and the potential for so much more.
As you make your way out of the venue, you can't help but smile. Your first Grammy night has been unforgettable, not just because of the awards and performances but because you've found an ally in one of the industry's brightest stars.
And as you step into the cool night air, you know this is just the beginning of an incredible journey.
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joonieskinks · 8 months
i got my red dress on tonight
simon ghost riley x reader | fluff, some swearing. just a nice, sweet confession <3 | 3.7k
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Hair freshly cut, make up done, red dress adorned and high heels slipped on. 
You felt and certainly looked like a new woman. It was however a necessary effort tonight as this was no casual event. You, the 141, everyone in the unit was invited to a rather fancy gala. A reward of sorts for your efforts in taking down Makarov, a thank you. Your appearance tonight was certainly something you weren't used to anymore. Not when it came down to 5 minutes to get ready in the morning when the Sergeant calls at 4 AM. But this time was different, and no one could deny that you didn’t look elegant, enticing and beautiful. Maybe it was the outfit and your appearance this evening giving you the confidence, or maybe it was your desire for a certain Lieutenant. 
Perhaps both. Both in the sense that you wanted to see what he would think of you.
Nothing big has really ever happened between the two of you, besides the longing stares, lingering touches and laughs in private occasionally. You two were friends, you stitched him back together when he needed it, you were a confidant. You trusted Simon, and he trusted you. Enough to even tell you his name overtime, it was a memory you treasured deeply…
One year prior…
Simon had a blow to his back, grazing by his shoulder, it was truly a miracle the bullet didn’t rupture deeper with lasting damage. He was fortunate, and trusted you to take care of him. You plopped him on a bed and got to work, carefully extracting what you could without hurting him. It was in these moments of exposure, his back bare to you, trusting in you, that Simon would talk. He would thank you, compliment your skills, ask you about your day. It softened you right up, and you would smile, enjoying his voice. Seeing him so relaxed, it was refreshing and certainly endeared you to him. Yes, he presented a tough exterior, but underneath the mask, he really was just a man. 
“Ghost, can you move a little to the left here, I need the angle to-”
You paused at the sound of his deep voice.
“Simon, can you move a little left…” He muttered out, you could see his confidence rapidly dissolving before you. But you quickly realized and smiled. As he glanced back your way, shuffling to where you needed him to be, your eyes met briefly and you nodded encouragingly. 
“Simon…” Trying the name out for the first time. You liked it. He liked you saying it too.
You wondered if it would suit his bareface... “Thank you for telling me.” 
“I wanted you to know.” He admitted, feeling a rising blush settle upon his cheeks, and one on yours. It was moments like these where he was thankful for the mask. 
Slowly but surely, you fell in love with the tall, broody Brit, you just didn’t know how he felt on his side of things. Apart from quite literally being unable to see his face, he was hard to read. But Simon did have his moments, it brewed hope deep within you. He could be soft, even in his most vulnerable moments where anxiety might overpower all- he was nothing but kind to you. He was an enigma, a blend of both steadfastness and sweetness but you loved it. It took some time to warm up to him, but now that you’ve seen the glimpses of Simon, you couldn’t help but want more. 
So tonight felt huge for you. You felt good, your best, finally clean and put together. It certainly was a nice break from the dusty old uniform. You wanted to see his reaction to you, to see if maybe, just maybe, he would be interested too. 
With one last nod in the mirror, you were out the door downstairs to the hotel ballroom. Perhaps a little late, you would at least make an entrance. Approaching the doors to the hall, they were opened up upon your arrival, revealing a marble, descending staircase to the floor. 
One foot in front of the other, you started to make your way down, treading a little carefully in those heels…
Meanwhile the rest of the 141 were standing around their table, finally enjoying a night out and relaxing with one another. 
“Do you think she’ll even show at this point?” Johnny asked, looking around the group for opinions, rolling up his sleeve to check his watch. John was barely engaging, more like surveying the room, Kyle was knocking back a drink, while Simon kept to himself, standing by his lonesome. Hands resting against the back of his chair, face and emotions hidden behind the mask. Events like this were a lot for him, but he was doing his best by just being here. He couldn’t quite get all dressed up without it tonight, just a little too vulnerable. 
“I don’t know. But she’s usually quite punctual, ain't she?” Kyle returned, grabbing another glass of champagne from the waiter walking by. 
“You know how gals are, hair and makeup, fashionably late.” Johnny teased, but Kyle just shook his head.
“Not our girl, mate. Have you met’er?” He laughed, hitting Johnny gently with his elbow. He could only roll his eyes, ready to knock one back himself. His eyes surveyed for a waiter, turning towards the stairs he spotted red. 
A beautiful woman in red. One he actually recognized, one that- 
“Uh- Are you sure about that, boys?” Johnny chuckled into his glass, staring at a certain someone in particular to see what he’s seeing.
They all turned at once, glancing over in the direction where Johnny was currently nudging his head. Kyle was the first to produce a low whistle at the sight of you, while John was squinting his eyes, not quite clear yet. 
But it was Simon that couldn’t stop gawping. It took him a second as well, thinking Johnny was just eyeing up another girl he could possibly take home tonight. But it really was you, looking like a goddess. Your hair was shorter than it used to be, your figure outlined beautifully in your dress. A waist he wanted to get his hands on immediately, claiming you as his. A smile of confidence on your face. You looked truly beautiful. Simon would argue that you’ve always been beautiful to him, but there’s a certain glow about you tonight. You made an effort, he hoped in part that it was all for him. 
You approached the table smiling, all the boys still looking at you. 
“Well well well, Charmer. Don’t you clean up nice.” Johnny said, eyes still wandering along your frame. Kyle could only pat his Scottish friend on the back in defeat. “Alright, alright. Maybe I owe you one”. Price was smiling too, almost like a proud father, happy to have all his kids together again.
That left you with Simon. You could feel his gaze on you, but you felt too embarrassed to look. It was suddenly like the weight of the world was on you, and you were almost scared. 
What if he was staring in disappointment? You grandstanding like this to get a reaction. It was unlike you, maybe he wouldn’t like this. Fuck. 
You pushed the thoughts to the side as you finally looked up, trying to be brave and smile. The boys were looking on as well, sipping and chatting quietly. They all knew what was going on here, all except the two of you, of course. 
You met his eyes for a second before they left you and studied the ground. Your smile dropped when he excused himself, walking away abruptly, not bothering to look back for a second glance. You watched him as he walked away, his suit fitting him just right. He looked handsome, proper like this. Even when he walks away from you, you’re still thinking about how he affects you… Gosh.
His feet carry him up the stairs and out onto the balcony outside. 
You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to choke back your own disappointment. 
Did you look bad? Was he unimpressed? Was he not attracted to you? Was he embarrassed by you? Were you too much?
“Lass, listen. You look great,” Johnny started, taking you out of your thoughts. “He probably just needs a moment. You know how he is.” 
You nodded with a defeated look, accepting the flute full of alcohol from John as he made his way to stand next you. He let you take a sip to calm your nerves a bit before he drew you into a small hug, whispering in your ear. 
“I’ve been around him too long and seen you two enough times to know when he needs you. I think maybe you know it too. Go.” He encouraged, pulling back with a reassuring stare. John searched your eyes, hoping the message would sink in. You could only nod as the thoughts overwhelmed you, patting his shoulder as a thank you. 
You raised your cup to the boys around you before taking a hefty swig. 
“Gonna need this I reckon.” You quipped before you lifted up your dress to walk across the room, heading after Simon. 
Your emotions are swirling. You’re still a little self-conscious, yet determined as you climb the stairs in your heels. Numb, but feeling absolutely alive at the prospect of Simon needing you too. You’ve always felt something there for him, of course. But with the way Price talked, it was like you too had an effect on the Lieutenant. Your heart swells at the thought and you pick up your pace to the door, hands resting against the cool, metal bar. 
You move to open it slowly, catching a glimpse of Simon’s back turned to you, hands gripping the balcony railing tightly, clearly lost in his own head. You slowly make your way over to him, ready to turn if he decided he wanted to be alone instead. 
“Simon?” You softly prod as you approach him. “Are you okay?” 
He scrunches his shoulders up at the touch of your hand, your body threatening to lean against his at any moment. You’re trying to meet his eyes beneath the mask but he keeps staring straight on ahead at the gardens. You two stay like this for a couple moments, Simon still unable to answer, lost in his own mind on how to deal with this. 
“Si, I just wanted to check on you, make sure you were alright.” 
Your thumb brushes his jacket, moving soothingly back and forth. You’re trying to comfort him, show him you care, that you’re always going to be there for him. That you know him now, that you can read him even beyond Ghost’s persona. You’re trying to help. All he has to do is talk. Open up, his mind is racing. Say something, you fool. Say something. 
You pull your touch away from him, flattening out your dress anxiously. Your gaze defeated and falls to the floor. 
He doesn’t want you here, he just doesn’t know how to say it. Take a hint, Y/N. John was wrong. 
“I’m sorry, Simon, if I’ve done anything to upset you. I didn't mean it, whatever it was.” You mutter, your chest growing heavy. “I’ll see you around, okay?” Biting your lips back, you remove yourself from his presence, his smell, him. 
The tears start to prick at the sides of your eyes, you feel ridiculous and crushed and gutted and-
Simon turns to grab your arm, halting you from moving away from him any further. You turn your head at the feeling. His large, warm hand completing wrapping around your arm. He was so big, comforting. It made your heart leap into your throat.
You meet his eyes once more, and this time he holds it. Looking between yours, you can tell he’s thinking, he’s searching, he’s calculating. You understand, and move to stand in front of him. Your hand coming to rest on top of Simon’s, you smile. Nodding, reassuring him that you’re here, you’re patient, you’re willing. You squeeze his hand. All for him.
All for him and his stomach is flipping, his brain is haywire. He wants to pour his heart out to you, he wants to tell you how much you mean to him. He does, he adores you to pieces and wants you all to himself. The Charmer and the Ghost, he wants you, all of you and he needs to know you want all of him too. It just takes a bit to draw it out. But you’re worth it. You’re wonderfully you, you want him and you’re worth it. 
“You look beautiful tonight.” He whispers, and his voice is music to your ears. Just at the sound, you’re smiling like a kid all over again. It causes a tear to escape down your cheeks, and he notices immediately, moving his hand to wipe it away.
“Don’t cry ‘cause of me, love.” You shake your head.
“I’m okay now. I’m here with you.” Leaning your head into his touch, he caresses your cheek. Your eyes flutter closed at the feeling. He’s warm, he’s comforting, he’s all you want, he thinks you’re beautiful and he’s finally touching you like you’ve longed for. 
If this moment could last forever, you’d surely find a way to become immortal.
“Forgive me.” Simon whispers, his body moving closer to yours. “M’not any good at this.” 
You brush his insecurity off without a second thought. 
“I think you look beautiful tonight too, Simon.” You bite your bottom lip, shy under his gaze. But neither of you let up. His eyes flickering down to your mouth at your movement. Simon clears his throat at the sight, bringing up his other hand to cup your face. He opens his mouth to respond, but you beat him to it.
“I mean it. Very handsome to me.” You breathe out slowly, trying to focus on your thoughts as the proximity to him makes your head woozy. 
“Ghost is handsome to me, and he looks very good this evening.” Your hands move to copy his around his face, touch gently colliding with the mask. “But I think Simon does too… Even if he’s hidden away.” Your thumbs are palming at the material, you move closer to him until your chests meet. A small intake of air can be heard from the soldier, and as you move your head closer to his. He then wraps his arms around your waist to keep you there, acting on impulse. At first he surprises himself, unsure if he made the right call, but your gorgeous smile is there to reassure him. 
Simon lets his forehead rest against yours, the cool material against your skin, calming your aching fever for him, centering your world. 
“I adore Simon. I want you to know that.” You look to his chest, his lips, then settling on the eyes you fell in love with.
“Even if I never get to see him, I choose him.” You remove your hand from his face, but only to make room for your lips. You gently touch them to the mask, lingering as you cherish this moment being so close to the man you love. 
You pull back and his eyes are glued to yours, taking in your action, your kiss, your confession. It’s all he’s wanted and more for years, and now he finally has it right in front of him. But you all too quickly move. You release your hold on him, going to move away. You want to give him his space as you know this is a lot for one night. The last thing you want to do is overwhelm him. The fact that he knows how you feel for him, is enough for you. In time, he will let you know how he feels. And yes, maybe that can be enough for now.
You give him a polite, small smile before going to move away from his grasp again. But he holds you still to him, refusing to let you go. You two remain in each other's embrace for a moment, trying to read one another’s eyes. 
“Simon?” You whisper. Asking him, urging him, encouraging him. He’s trusted you for a long time, he adores you, fuck- he loves you. This is honestly a long time coming at this point. 
Hands move to his head, pulling off the mask hiding his face. You can only watch him as he drops his guard before you, the trust evident. The gesture is a shock to your system, but only love and adoration for his bravery flows after. 
It slips off into his hands and it takes Simon a minute before he can look you in the eyes. He’s both afraid and he’s over the moon. He’s happier than ever but also feels like his heart could stop, he’s everywhere and in between. His soft eyes finally land on your face, your own scanning him for the first time, drinking him in. His heart races a mile a minute, ever waiting for your reaction. 
“Simon…” You whisper. Your hands coming up to finally unite with his bare skin. You hesitate at first, hovering above briefly, silently asking for permission. He nods slowly, eyes still scanning yours for any sign of rejection. 
But you don’t have any. In fact, you think he’s rather gorgeous under the mask. Your thumbs caress his cheeks, whisk delicately over his scars, adorning his soft lips. You’re in his hair, tracing his jaw…
“You really are beautiful.” Another tear slips down your face as the smile erupts. The gesture, his trust in you, his gorgeous face. Your Simon.
He lets the breath he was holding slip from his lungs, relieved. 
“Thank you for trusting me with this, Si.” You whisper once more, eyes moving between his and his lips. At just the sight, you feel a fire starting to burn in your stomach. And he feels the same. The girl he loves isn’t repulsed by his scars, by the man behind the Ghost. Of course he’s overwhelmed at the rush of emotion and support and love he feels from you. He doesn’t waste a second more and brings his hand to the back of your head, bringing your lips to his. 
He’s soft, he’s hot, he’s everywhere. On your mouth, your waist, your head, his chest against yours. It makes your head spin and your body ache for him, more and more. Simon attempts to pull you closer to him, tight, reassuring you he won’t let go. Fuck, and he feels good against you, your nails slightly digging into his shoulders. He’s palming at your waist, fingers slipping down to just above your ass. He can barely resist. 
Simon breathlessly releases you, bringing his forehead back down to touch yours. You hum contently, staring up at the gorgeous man you’ve come to know and love. He refuses to let you go, enraptured by this moment. 
“Si,” You start, still catching your breath. “I want you. All of you. I have for quite some time now.” You laugh a little at your school girl confession, finally admitting your feelings for him. 
“You have me. You’ve always had me, m’just shit at showing it.” You bring him in for another kiss, unable to resist as you watch that gorgeous face produce that deep, deep voice for the first time. It could bring you to your knees, you’re so wrapped up in your love for him and he is too. 
“What do you think the boys will say?” You jokingly inquire. Simon just huffs and smirks. 
“They’ve known for a long time. If anything, I reckon they’ll be relieved, love.” Your eyebrows shoot up and he chuckles, kissing your shocked expression.
“Wait- this whole time?” He nods in confirmation. 
“Since you showed up on base and charmed your way into the 141. Sarcastic but persuasive one, you are.” Simon’s staring down at you, lovingly. Reminiscing, but also thankful for the road walked to get to where you two are now.
“Charmer… Is it you who gave me that? I never figured it out.” 
“Yes, mam. That’s what you are.” 
“My, Simon Riley. Are you flirting with me?” You teased, propping up an eyebrow. Your confidence, your beauty, your love for him- it makes a man do wild things. He didn’t even know he could dip a girl until he tried. 
“Si!” You grasp your hands around his neck, clinging to him for support. But he’s not wavering in the slightest, just gazing at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. 
“I love you.” He confesses, touching his nose to yours. He’s waiting, patiently. He hopes you’ll say it too. 
Your eyes begin to well up with tears again because finally. The man you’ve longed for after all these years…
“Simon, I love you too.” His gorgeous smile cracks onto his face once again, and you bring your lips to his. He may not be much of an expressive man, but he certainly is with you, here with his hands all over you and kissing you like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. It’s the happiest he thinks he’s ever been, and it’s all thanks to you. 
His Charmer in that gorgeous, gorgeous red dress. 
“Where the fuck did they get off to?” Kyle asks the boys, utterly perplexed. You two missed the whole gala and for what? Price just chuckles. 
“Don’t you think you two already know?” Johnny just rolls his eyes at Price’s comment, motioning for Kyle to follow as he gets up from the table. 
They make their way up to the balcony, spotting your red figure through the glass, stopping as they see you pulled horizontal. The boys take a second and look to see that a man has indeed dipped you, and is indeed kissing you. 
“Who the fuck is that?” Johnny asks menacingly, squinting through the glass. But Kyle just smiles, nudging his friend to glance at the floor.
The mask.
“Well, fuck me- He did tell us he was a handsome fella, huh? Sneaky bastard…”
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 10 months
Nothing's New...
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Can't help but think of:
"You were a wonderful experience.."
"And you were... everything..."
With Sunshine!Reader and Ghost
To you, he may have just been an experience, but you were everything to him. Doing everything he never expected anyone to do. You were new, something different from what his whole life had offered him.
You were safety, you were warmth but most of all.. you were his. You were there when he needed you the most, his safety net. Taking care of him when everyone else was busy fending for themselves. You took care of almost everyone but who took care of you?
Though he never was blatantly obvious, Simon cared. Maybe too much, finding ways to make your life easier or at least make you smile. Simon who took it upon himself to make your safety his priority despite all the risks that come with working along side you.
You meant the world to him, he'd do anything to rewind time. To see you, talk to you and be with you for so much more than he already had in hopes it would be enough.
A petty fucking argument, that's what caused this, it wasn't your fault. It was an accident, yet he called you carelesss. Maybe it was true, what people used to say...
No one would ever truly care if you were gone, you thought about it, how it seemed like they cared very little, how he cared very little. Not bothering to even acknowledge you exist even when you're trying so hard to communicate, he went cold, like he never had before.
You knew 141 cared but not enough, that your disappearance will be easily taken and that at some point they'll replace you and be content there.
if only he can take back the shit he said.. It was too late, the last words he heard from you...
"Bomb my location, Captain.."
Unbeknownst to your static radio, you didn't hear how Simon begged and pleaded Price not to. Never had Price seen Ghost so vulnerable, but that wasn't Ghost, it was Simon.
Those dreaded letters next to your name..
He thought he was used to it by now, but like in old fashion you proved him wrong. Just like how you proved him wrong when he thought he himself was unlovable.
He failed you, he fucking did. Just like everyone else in his life he lost, just a glimpse of it all. You felt like a distant memory, he is never going to be as happy as he was with you. Never again will he see that smile that lifted the world from his shoulders. That's the second time someone left his life... Yet the feeling was far worse..
Nothing's new..
A/n: Apologies to everyone, I wanted to write something good but this seems so half-assed.
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koenigami · 10 months
tags : fem!reader, fluff, little angsty because pining wrio scared of being vulnerable a/n: happy birthday to juicy buttocks man 🩶
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WRIOTHESLEY didn’t get the chance to experience copious amounts of love throughout his life. And the little that he received, he’s not sure if any of it was ever real. Whether his foster parents’ I love yous were ever uttered with sincerity, he will never know. Even if he could, he probably would not care, because the things that they made him feel were real, even if only temporarily. 
But the things that you are able to ignite inside him- they’re terrifying him. Yes, good ol’ Wriothesley being scared. Not something that you get to see quite often, right? But it’s true. Because everywhere he goes; you’re there. While taking a lazy stroll through the Fortress of Meropide to ensure its order, Wriothesley seems to look for you in every nook and crevice of it. Your smile, your eyes, the sound of your voice. In every room that he steps, he seems to find glimpses of you. It gets worse when he realises that he cannot think straight anymore. Signing documents and reading through reports, simple and almost daily tasks for him, all of a sudden feel like hard manual labour. All due to one single person invading his thoughts and not letting go of him.
It’s a day like any other when you visit him, unloading another pile of paperwork for him on his desk, yet what you don’t expect is the sudden proximity between the both of you when he suddenly stands right in front of you. Your forehead wrinkles slightly in worry, noticing his scowl and ragged breaths. “Wriothesley-” “Get out.” Your eyebrows lift questioningly. Taking a step back, you wonder what might have led to his sudden request and rude demeanour as you’ve been getting along more than well the last few weeks. So well that you thought there might actually be something between you-
Warmth envelopes your wrist once you attempt to take the staircase, vainly trying to fulfil his wish, not even wanting to question it, only for him to pull you back. “Here.” with a gentleness that you haven’t gotten the chance to witness from him before, he guides your hand up to his head, lightly tapping the pads of your fingers against his temple. “Get out of here.” It’s only now that his tired looks become more evident. Wriothesley is desperate. He can’t hire someone to solve this problem for him, there is no one who can deal with this mess inside his head and heart except himself. 
“I would, if that is what you truly wished for.” you sigh, gracing him with that soft smile of yours before letting your hand settle on his cheek. Delicately, you trace the light stubble along his jaw with your thumb and Wriothesley, for the first time in forever, feels weak. “But the issue is that you won’t let me go.” 
And Wriothesley recognises that resisting these feelings, fighting against himself; all of it is futile. Sometimes the remedy can be worse than the disease, so letting you go without confessing his devotion to you would only torment him further. Gingerly, as if assessing whether his next move would scare you off, he leans his forehead against your shoulder and buries his face into the crook of your neck. Like a child seeking warmth and comfort in its mother’s bosom. And you let him. 
Embracing him and placing a hand on the nape of his neck, playing with his messy strands of hair, you ask softly, “Does the prospect of loving me seem that unpleasant to you?”  
That’s not it. And he’s sure you know that too but are merely trying to tease him in order to lighten the situation. It’s the fear of not being good enough, not being able to love you the way you deserve it, not being able to protect you from any possible harm, or even from himself. It’s the fear of causing you pain and sorrow instead of providing you with a happily ever after. 
He gulps audibly before lifting his head to look at you again, despite the lighthearted grin that he flashes you, his face carries a desolate expression. 
“Sweetheart, I’m not a man worth-”
“You truly are a scumbag, Wriothesley. You know that?” As always, you manage to leave him speechless but despite your insult, he leans back into you when you lift one of his hands and place it on your cheek. Your silky and soft skin a contrast in comparison to his rough and scarred self. “I think I should be the one to judge whether you’re worth it or not. Don’t you think so too?”
With a defeated sigh, Wriothesley can only nod before he leans his forehead against yours. Resisting you is hard but opposing you? Impossible.  That's why he lets you see past the cool and cocky walls that he has built up since his adolescence. Like a newborn lamb on shaky legs, ready to fall and get back up again, he allows himself to indulge in this newfound situation of defencelessness.
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pppeachyyys · 1 year
the hassle i love
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itoshi rin doesn't want you to go for anyone else but him.
badboy! itoshi rin, mention of blood / violence, comfort, confessions (?), gn reader
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itoshi rin was not one to be a rowdy teenage boy.
at least that’s what everyone in his school thought. ‘he was the complete opposite of those kind of people’, they claimed. he was a quiet and gentle student, the kind that girls would swoon over for being so mysterious.
but deep behind that facade, you would know what he truly was like. itoshi rin was indeed a rowdy teenage boy that loved soccer and horror more than anything else. he got into fights every other day and won every single encounter he’s gotten into. he has a sour mouth, spitting words that only those with a cold heart could say. 
itoshi rin was the complete opposite of a quiet and gentle student. 
yet somehow, the way he would be careful with his words around you was different compared to the insults he threw at his blue lock teammates. he would always look out for you (claiming it was just for his own good) and almost look at you differently. 
“that burns.” rin hissed the moment the antibacterial wipe made contact with his wounded skin, once porcelain and clean. you rolled your eyes in response. 
“it’s your fault for doing this to yourself. why’d you even get into a fight this time ?” you complain. he averts eye contact, rather placing his gaze on the stack of bandages and gauzes. 
sweat is still remnant on his forehead, black hair frizzled and messier than normal. his lashes bat up and down, giving you a glimpse of his jewel-green irises. 
he mumbles something to himself that you cannot discern. choosing to ignore him, you secretly rip open a hello kitty plaster while he’s looking away and lean closer to his face, aiming at the cut under his turquoise eyes. your whole body is shifted from your chair to his, legs grazing against each other and arms touching.
that’s when rin comes to realize that you were awfully close to him this time. your hands cold against his warm cheeks, eyes concentrated on his cut. he quickly decides to himself that now would be perfect to tell you with no warning. 
“it’s cause some dude was talking about you.”
you stop for a moment which signals for him to continue talking. “he was talking about how he was gonna try and get your number from a friend…” his eyes slowly move from the table to your own e/c eyes. “... and he just kept on going on and on, saying you were probably easy and all that bullshit. so of course i had to tell him otherwise.”
he huffs. “i hate when guys assume that stuff about you. it’s like they think they can just take you like that. makes me annoyed.” 
had to tell him otherwise. makes me annoyed.
rins words go through your brain and you blink. once, twice. you’re quick to slap the bandage onto his face with a flustered look, clearly catching him off guard. now it’s his turn to blick once. twice. 
“what is that even supposed to mean ?! also, as much as i appreciate you looking out for me, i would rather you not get into fights every other day.” you scold him and the spot you hit him in becomes a bit red. 
“i can’t help it. lukewarm guys like him don’t deserve anything. plus they don’t even go to our school so it’s more of a reason to beat him up.” you roll your eyes at his words and stay quiet. 
he places a hand on the plaster, running a finger over the material. “am i a lukewarm guy, y/n ?” rin asks quietly, almost like he is scared to ask you such a question.
you aren’t sure how to react. he looks more fragile than normal. the way you had such a hold onto him, making him so weak at the sight of just you. turquoise eyes are laced with yearning. “you’re anything but a lukewarm guy rin.” you say. 
“do you prefer guys like him then ?” 
his words are cautious. you look straight back at him. it’s the first time you’ve seen him so vulnerable and you can’t help but yearn for it more. 
you’re quick to nervously place your hand against his cheek and he leans towards it in an instant, sighing. “nope. i prefer guys like you actually.” 
there’s a sudden flash inside rins eyes. “actually it’s more like i just prefer you, even if cleaning you up is a hassle sometimes. you’re my favorite, rin.” you say with a smile, praying he wouldn’t shake you off or ignore you after hearing your words. 
“your heartbeat.” 
“huh ?”
suddenly rin presses his lips against the pulse of your wrist. without another word, he kisses the spot with such gentleness, catching you off guard. 
“your heartbeat is just like mine right now.” he then takes your hand and places it to his chest. you can feel the quickening of his heart, rapidly beating against the warmth of his body. his whole face is flushed cutely. 
you attempt to not stammer over your words but the way he looks up to you was too hard to resist. his ears were burning red and you swore that your pulse was synced with his from how fast it was beating. you whisper. “rin…”.
“there’s a reason why i can’t stand when other people want you. i want you to only treat me like this. so don’t go to other guys, y/n.” 
he wraps his arms around your waist, the grip strong as though it refused to let you go. the whole room smells like rin (or was it because you were so close to him?) and your head is spinning with what you were supposed to say. 
“well… it’s not like i’ll ever treat anyone else like this. you yourself is too much of a hassle anyway.” you reply. slowly, a smile grows on your face.
“but you’re my hassle to deal with.” 
sure, itoshi rin could be considered a bad boy. but he would always be the best for you.
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satoruhour · 1 year
🪻ugh your drabble about sore reader reminded of this one hc I think of so much that it’s embarrassing. Imagine gojo getting on sorcerer!reader’s nerves to the point that she and utahime almost have an anti-gojo hate club, and one time while bantering with him she jokes about his size or how he’s so self centred he probably can’t even make a woman cum.
Satoru only says “wanna see what I’m all about?” and safe to say she gets dicked down like there’s no tomorrow. Throughout the night he also makes fun of her for being all talk in the beginning but cumming so easily, makes her beg for it, will never let her live it down. Next day Utahime’s real pissed she lost her club’s vice chairperson.
My kitty isn’t even purring atp she’s meowing loud and crystal clear. Satoru who’s smug and a big tease in bed is so unbelievably sexy to me
a/n: discussions of incompetent dick game LMAO, oral f! receiving, fingering, p -> v sex, unprotected sex, creampies, multiple rounds
OHHHH MY GOD YOURE SO RIGHT ACTUALLY HYACINTH ANON sorry i took so long to get to this sobs. yes yesyes id like to think sorcerer was with them before but left the scene like nanami and never truly kept in touch with the students at tokyo high. id also like to think this happens before the actual series starts (ages 24 - 25) bc gojo might still be honing his technique and theres still that playful banter at that age. god and they have a school reunion and he does some annoying crap dude.... utahime is DEFINITELY debriefing with you after that whole thing. shes by your side the whole night recalling on the stupid shit gojo did as a hs kid, when he collapsed that mansion without putting up the veil. you had to calm her down LMFAO
but at the reunion there was alcohol and you both get hiiiiigh and all things get 18+ almost immediately, talking about how gojo def cant find the clit and he fingers women wrongly and cant make any use of his dick thats probs small 😭😭😭 which is like ... you also have an inkling that he might not be that small because he is .... 2 metres tall but ya never know with how cocky gojo is. and that inkling is gone instantly when u hear him talk cause his voice is so ANNOYING and dripping with cockiness. he also has that certain lilt in his voice that you realise he uses only with you, overly teasing and silky smooth and u hate how you notice that
gojo is fucked up as well, u know he doesnt hold his liqour well but hes sober enough to ask “wanna see what im all about?” and you especially hate how you look around to see where hime is at and when u just catch a glimpse of her heading into the bathroom, youre nodding slowly and you do nooooot know what youre getting urself into !
needless to say, gojo is already getting u so hot and bothered just from a simple kiss. he warped you two back to your apartment (bc he rather die than get found out by megs and tsumiki), which he has been to before !!!!! gods even the tension back then was so palpable but gojo was in a vulnerable place with geto and everything and didnt want to do anything that would hurt his heart more. you two make out for A WHILLLEEEE and if ure wondering if hes alr so good at kissing, what else is he good at ....?
youre proven wrong time and time again when gojo goes striaght for your clit, rubbing slow circles and he has u begging for more, more something just mere rubs. gojo has the gall to lick a stripe up your soaked panties and sucks a little at your clit and god he is LOVING the way all your previous insults about him fall short of your lips and doesnt have the same punch: “still doesnt prove your dick’s b-big—” gojo lips your panties to the side and eats you out. he eats. you. out. to prove a point but also he falls in love with your pussy, slobbering all over it and shit. “didnt tell my your pussy was so good, baby.” “cat got your tongue? do i live up to your standards?”
you realise hes cocky for a reason and that his tongue game is fucking insane. the same goes for his fingers, locking eyes when he first inserts his digits in and your moan is like heaven to gojo bc he likes nothing more than to prove people wrong. and this is the best way to do it !!!! “cum on my tongue, sweetness.” oh YOU DO !!! YOU DOOOOOO
and then you think gojos done with making his statement. nah. youre so fucked out just from oral and hes smirking down at you, bringing your hands to his crotch.
“wan’ you to open my pants yourself.”
“so it’s small?”
gojo scoffs with a smile, he already finds himself addicted to you and your taste. “no. just curious to see your surprised face.”
it gets him off every time (even after dating. and cmon dont tell me you WONT be his gf or at least his fwb after this?) you react like that, mouth open and eyes never leaving his exposed cock that he could probably slam it inside.
wee woo and once he starts to fuck you ooohhhhhhggggghhh eveyrthing you say is INCOHERENT. you try to string words together, insults and name calling here and there but it’s always interrupted by moans and whines. “you’re so— mmhfuck— insanely anno— satoru!” its words and words but none of them make sense. youre drunk on his cock. he fucks you in every position imaginable and the first time he wants to pull out bc he isnt an asshole, you're trapping him between your legs and begging him to cum inside, inside, inside WOOOOWWW HE GOES INSANE.
“i’m on the pill, s-satoru! wan’ your cum inside, please, please—”
“you’re driving me fucking c—crazy. i will, i will.”
anyway yeah you guys go multiple rounds and youre rendered speechless at every turn, surprised at yourself that even when youre spent youre sinking down on his cock and riding him yourself right after you both came. everythings sticky and gross and gojos still sensitive but hes hooked on your pussy and lets you do whatever <33
the next morning u wake up caged in his arms and hes saying something annoying again. “wanna make this a regular thing?” and you attempt to reject him, pushing him away and getting up from your bed but youre sore everrywherreeee and he swoops in just as youre about to fall. “dick too good, huh?” you roll your eyes and just let yourself be pampered by him. you spend that next day just making out and being close to each other and u wonder what to tell utahime LMFOAAOAOA
you end up getting a few missed calls after gojo had sent a selfie of you both, blanket covering your naked bodies after doing the obvious and he just chucks ur phone to the side and continues to kiss you LMAOAOAOAO. oh sigh thats such a nice scenario maybe ill write it properly one day
hello hello!
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secriden · 25 days
well that was lovely. i love that we got to see them so long after the finale, after they've mellowed and settled into their relationship and their dynamic.
tongrak has come so, so far. he could barely confess his love to mahasamut in ep 10, and now we see him completely unashamed about being head over heels for mahasamut. there wasn't a single instance of denial or embarrassment about his love and desire for and eagerness to be with mahasamut - even when vie straight up accused him of having a kink for angry!mahasamut, his response isn't denial but "are you psychic". oh, how safe he must feel in this relationship to be able to fly so freely with this after everything we saw in the series, because to show this kind of devotion must feel so vulnerable.
and i love that mahasamut truly gets to be true to himself. i love that he still gets to do what he cares about; gets to live on the island, continue working, presumably take care of all the people on the island he protects and provides for. i also really love that tongrak never at any point dismisses the importance of mahasamut's work (which would be so easy to do by arguing that tongrak's rich enough that mahasamut probs doesn't actually need to work). but he knows that mahasamut loves what he does, and loves the island and the people so he's never dismissive of it.
and its so beautiful how they accomodate each other into their lives. mahasamut just spoils him so much and is so enamoured by everything tongrak does but there's subtle, more hidden things too, like how he knows tongrak likes things neat and tidy so he makes sure their home is neat before he comes back; how he knows tongrak was secretly enjoying his time with vimook even though he also wanted to rush back to mahasamut. he plans to take tongrak out to the sea because he notices a pattern of tongrak only settling after he's been to the sea even before he learns why tongrak loves the sea. and tongrak wanting to run back to mahasamut's side finishing his work early so he could but not pushing for mahasamut to come back with him, learning to cook for mahasamut, looking at furniture but refusing to buy it until he discusses it with mahasamut even though it's his money. like this is such a stable, loving, considerate relationship. they think of the other person and genuinely want what's best for the other even if it's not necessarily their preference.
i also love that as much as mahasamut's very 'dom' coded to tongrak's 'sub', there's glimpses of their true ages in moments like when mahasamut asks tongrak to "just see me off like this from time to time" and tongrak's face just softens into this overwhelming fondness and he kisses mahasamut on the forehead. mahasamut asks for so, so little but somehow tongrak's reaction shows us that he holds those instances with the reverence and adoration they deserve.
their love is so deep and sweet and tender and lovely and warm and i'm so grateful we got this.
fortpeat's performances were breathtaking. i'm desperate for a gif of mahasamut looking at tongrak as he turns away with the sparkler to kick at the water because fort captured 'besotted' beautifully in that 1 second (screenshots don't quite capture it somehow). it really felt like they immersed themselves fully into the roles, like there wasn't even really any awkward moments or interactions that made me second guess that they were 2 people very much in love and very, very sure of the other's love for them.
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wanderersbell · 2 years
wanderer x reader
summary: sometimes, when he thinks you aren’t looking, he makes his vision glow and dim softly in a steady rhythm. the illusion of a heartbeat.
genre: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 1,175
a/n: hellooo first time posting i am terrified of my writing being percieved but i’m full sending it and might never do this again so slay ig. scara is kinda ooc (he is not being a jerk lmao)
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sometimes, when he thinks you aren’t looking, he makes his vision glow and dim softly in a steady rhythm. the illusion of a heartbeat. 
it’s one of the many things you’ve noticed he does in the time that’s passed since you met him. he’s complex, stubborn, hard to read, prone to outbursts, and yet it’s the small actions and glimpses of vulnerability that remind you how truly human he is. no matter his origins, what his body may be made out of, or how many lies have poisoned his consciousness, he feels everything the way a human does. 
you don’t get to see it often, whenever he knows you’re looking he makes a huge show of being a brat and flaunting an arrogance that seemingly never left him after his loss of divinity that he knows irks you to no end when you just want a solid answer out of him, but there are times he isn’t aware he’s being perceived. 
you have a tendency to become so absorbed in a task that you lose all situational awareness and he knows this well by now, choosing those moments to let his guard down while you don’t pay him any mind. he’s shown you a side of himself that’s remained previously undiscovered until he grew undeniably fond of you over time. he shows this in the way he bounces his leg when you’re hurt or not feeling well, the way he disappears off to sumeru city when you claim that nothing sounds good to eat only to return with the pita pockets he knows you’ll eat no matter what, in the way he lets you stroke and place featherlight kisses against his knuckles when he wakes up from a nightmare and looks down at his hands that have done so many cruel things and calls himself a monster. 
that last one has only happened twice thus far, and he always refuses to meet your eyes for a while the next morning, but his tolerance for your small shows of affection and comfort are welcome progress in comparison to the offense he used to take from it when he only saw it as pity. after all, he hates being looked down on. however, actions often speak better than words. 
you know he doesn’t understand why you seem to care for him, and you know that it’ll take time for him to fully open up, which is why you make sure to give him the moments you’re occupied with other things to unmask and decompress and never interrupt him when you accidentally tune back into reality, but it’s only a matter of time before you give yourself away. 
and now, while you watch him from where you sit at the bank untangling a fishing net, you think this might be the day you finally do. 
he’s standing a short distance away under the shade of a tree where he was initially scrutinizing your work and making snarky comments about it that fell on deaf ears as you paid him no mind, but had at some point fallen silent and let his tense shoulders drop as he watched the wildlife around him. 
the dappled sunlight through the leaves above him dance along the top of his hat with the movement of the wind and soft metal chimes can be heard as the ornaments on his hat sway with it, but it’s the soft sound of elemental energy that had taken your focus away from the net and when your attention fell on him, he was doing it again, making his vision beat lightly against his chest. the sight makes your heart clench and a lump form in your throat, watching him gaze so softly down at the item hanging down from his shoulder. he holds his right hand underneath it gently, almost as if even the slightest of touches would throw off the rhythm, and it’s in this moment that you release a sigh a bit too loud that has his eyes snapping to yours in an instant. 
for a moment he looks like a child that got caught stealing sweets, eyes wide and body frozen in place, before he eventually frowns and sends you a sharp glare while turning his body away from you and crossing his arms with a huff, pretending to go back to staring off into the distance. 
your feet start carrying you to him before your mind can even process the movement but he keeps himself faced away from you until you move in front of him. he looks unsure and hesitant, but there is an undeniable level of trust that had built up between you two that kept him from growing instinctively defensive. 
“what?” he demands, refusing to meet your eyes. 
“do it again.” 
when his gaze finally lands on you he looks almost taken aback. “why?”
you shake your head. “just do it, please.”
he looks like he wants to argue, but decides to keep his mouth shut and lets his arms fall back down to his sides in defeat when he realizes you’re dead serious. slowly, almost shyly, his vision starts glowing with anemo energy again, steady and strong. when you reach your hand up softly to touch it he tenses up and almost backs away, but after a reassuring glance from you holds himself in place and nervously waits to see what you’re trying to do. 
you lean closer as your fingertips make contact with the metal casing around it, feeling the rush of energy against your hand every time it brights and dims again. you might be imagining it, but the rhythm seems to pick up the closer you get. 
when your warm lips meet the cool glass against his chest, it reacts immediately; the elemental energy starts pulsating faster and faster inside of the vision while the wanderer stiffens before you, entirely frozen on the spot as his ‘heart’ beats wildly at your boldness. his expression remains almost entirely neutral, so much so that you probably wouldn’t have been able to tell he was even flustered had his vision not given it away, and the thought makes you smile softly knowing he can’t hide how these small shows of affection get to him now. the flush rising in his cheeks is proof of the fact that he’s more than aware of this, and he wastes no time shoving you away and yanking his hat down to cover his face while he turns away in embarrassment. 
instead of saying anything, you clasp your hands behind your back and return to the riverside where you left the tangled net, and you can literally feel the way his eyes are burning holes into the back of your head when you pick it up and start picking at the knots again. 
what you don’t see is the way he stares at you with pure wonder and adoration spilling over in his indigo irises, hand resting over the place your lips had just been as if he can hold the feeling there forever.
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cherrychilli · 8 months
Steve Harrington x AFAB reader, established relationship, brief mention of phone sex, consensual somnophilia, PIV sex, unprotected sex, creampie
A/N: Hit shuffle and Miss you much by Janet Jackson came on. Let's just say the lyrics spoke to me.
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I just know that it feels wrong when I'm away too long it makes my body hot.
He can hear the difference in every soft huff of labored breath you release in the afterglow of your orgasm, a sound so sweet that he stills his own breathing to savor it clearly through the phone.
"You're gonna make me hard again if you keep that up", Steve warns, playful but there's some truth there too, stomach still warm and sticky with the pearlescent splatter of his own release.
You giggle back in response, pulling your slick fingers away from your clit, feeling your pulse beat down to your toes from the crescendo he'd talked you through.
"Can't wait until you're back home", you sigh into the phone, turning onto your side so that your cheek rests against the pillow that belongs to him. If you close your eyes, the lingering smell of him is enough to fool you into believing that he's right there beside you, even if only momentarily. "I miss having your hands on me."
A week away from each other shouldn't have felt as irksome as it had been but for a couple as active as the two of you were, those seven days apart had been harder for you to get through than you'd like to admit.
"Me too. Wish I wasn't getting back so late though", Steve groaned, reminded of his 3AM arrival time when he turns to eye the bedside table on which sat his passport and a plane ticket wedged inside.
Every dirty text, every lewd selfie and every nightly phone call that ended with the two of you touching yourselves to the sound of each other had him aching to get back to you.
The first thing he wanted to do after crossing the threshold of your shared home was pin you down and take you on the closest surface he could find but he's mindful to withhold himself because he knows how tired work has left you lately.
"Gonna take care of you just how you like when you're awake", he promises with a fond drawl.
There's a pause and when you don't respond he wonders if the line had disconnected again, something that happened semi-frequently and usually when he happened to be mid stroke. These long distance calls had been heaven and hell on his dick.
A quick glimpse at his phone screen shows there's no such interruption this time and your voice finally carries through, a slight but noticeable hesitancy coloring your tone now.
"We don't have to wait till later in the morning..."
Tell you on the phone I'm not the kinda girl who likes to be alone.
Steve listens to you trail off, a tender smile tugging at his lips. "Baby, I want it too but those shifts knock you out at the end of the day. I'm gonna need you all rested up okay, beautiful?".
As he always did when he felt you growing meek, he tries to assure you in that powdered sugar tone of his, all soft and sweet you sometimes worried he might dissolve on your lips were you to kiss him.
Another pause and this time he can hear you shifting in bed. He pictures your sweat glistened bare skin gliding along the sheets as you try to get more comfortable and fail because he knows you're the kind of person who can only truly be comfortable as long as your mind is at ease too.
"You don't have to wait, Stevie. I don't want you to wait."
The way you say it, though quiet, feels urgent. The crux of what you mean is scratching its way to the surface — not quite there yet but nearly so. Just a little ways more to go.
"Honey, I'm not following", he coaxes you gently for more details, sensing your vulnerability through the phone.
"I've been thinking about this for a while and there's something I want to try."
Steve listens intently, interest piqued. "Oh?"
"Sometimes I've thought about waking up to you— like, finding you on top of me..."you gulp, fingers tightening around your phone.
Steve remains silent but you know he's still listening, rapt.
"...finding you already inside me...", you add quietly.
Even when you're an entire time zone away, even when you're not able to see Steve's feelings reflected in those mossy hazel eyes of his, you can read his silence perfectly, able to tell the difference between the kind of pause that means he wants to inch away and one that means he wants to lean closer.
"You'd really be okay with that?", he finds his voice again, a little strained but hopeful.
Forget butterflies. You stir something much more fervid in him, rousing a cluster of sleepy dragonflies resting at the pit of his stomach to unfurl their opalescent wings and take flight within the confines of his chest.
Smiling hard, you feel your nerves dissipate, reassured by his excited lilt. "Yeah, I want to do that with you."
The next half hour was spent putting rules in place for the remainder of the phone call. Boundaries were discussed before you hang up after exchanging 'I love you's', both of you certain that sleep wont come easy tonight, the thrill of trying something new leaving you buzzing beneath your skin.
I'm rushing home just as soon as I can, I'm rushing home to see your smiling face and feel your warm embrace.
Steve leaves his hotel room the next day with you on his mind all throughout his flight and the way your soft, shy voice had described the way you'd wanted him to handle you when he returned home.
I want you to, Stevie. I promise, I want it, echoed like a melody in his mind.
You'd even sent him another message hours before while he was on the plane, phone dinging with a notification as soon as he'd landed and entered the cab.
I'm sure. Just like we talked about.
I'll be waiting.
I love you.
Steve's bags become an afterthought once he's inside your home, abandoned at the bottom of the staircase as he speeds upstairs to find you in the darkened bedroom, sleeping on your side, sheets pulled up to your shoulders. His stomach flips at how peaceful you look, knowing that in the hours before you had returned home you'd been on your feet all day, running between meetings, chasing that promotion you were up for.
Was this really okay? he wondered as he quietly unlaced his shoes and began to undress.
He scanned the bedside table for one last sign that tells him you've given him the green light, that you hadn't changed your mind since sending that last message.
He finds his answer.
Last night you'd told him — glass placed upside down on top of the coaster meant that you no longer wanted to go ahead with the plan you'd proposed. Glass placed right side up with the coaster placed over the rim meant you wanted him to touch you.
Seeing that glass placed right side up with the little black coaster balanced on the rim made his boxers feel tight and the dragonflies begin to beat their wings again.
Ridding himself of his underwear happens less smoothly than he'd intended, bumping his knee against the nightstand before he's able to get them off and kick them aside in an ungainly way. If you had been awake to see it it would have made you laugh because the excitement welling inside him had gotten the best of Steve, his veins pumping something electric through his livewire body.
He's more careful when he gently pulls the sheets off of your sleeping form, his throat feeling tight when he finds you dressed in a strappy, silky slip nightgown that barely concealed the curve of your ass.
Oh you had gone all out for this fantasy.
Placing a tentative hand on your knee, he slides it up to your thigh, inching the lacy hem of your slip up and swallowing hard when he finds that you're not wearing any panties underneath.
It's with a feather light touch that he reaches out and traces a finger over your folds, pulling the digit back to find your slick glistening on it like nectar, clear and glossy and slippery wet. Pressing the pad of his finger to his tongue, Steve salivates from the week long wait of wanting to be inside you again, sucking the taste of you down with a groan that rumbles in his chest.
His lips find your shoulder first when he climbs into bed, open mouthed kisses nearing your neck as his hand rubbed over your waist and hip. Growing more daring, he inches closer to spoon you, pulling you back gently so that he can grind his hard cock against your ass.
It's then that he can feel you start to stir, eyelids fluttering open, lips parting in a dreamy sigh.
"Don't stop"
Hearing the want in your voice, feeling your hand on his cheek and the way you push back against him for more was everything he needed to continue.
"Missed you", he whispers, squeezing the soft fat of your thighs.
He pulls your leg up over his hip, guiding his cock to your waiting entrance, pushing in slowly to feel your wet, satin smooth heat stretch around him and suck him in like you were made for him.
"Oh god, Steve— fucking missed you too", you moan, slowly departing the clutches of sleep.
Your movements are less precise than Steve's, still blinking your heavy eyelids to rid your vision of that sleepy haze, rolling your hips back in a rhythm that's falls just short of matching his.
It's a messy but passionate few seconds until you're both moving in sync, his cock dragging over that spot that makes the cadence of your moans climb high.
Steve curls a hand over your chest, squeezing your tits, pulling at your nipples just how you liked over your slip. "I'm not going to last long — fucking losing it...you're so goddamn wet and tight", he grunts into your shoulder, hiding how his cheeks have turned pink already, teeth grazing your skin.
Your own orgasm feels further away, still growing roots in the pit of your belly with every stroke of Steve's cock along your walls, yet to bloom into that spine tingling release you've missed so terribly during the past seven days.
"It's okay I want you to cum", you assure him but you know Steve too well. He's always going to make you come undone one way or the other.
It's with a knowing smile that you sigh contently when he brings his hand down between your legs, pressing circles to your clit urgently.
"Wanna feel you cum around me", he grits out, making you whine into the side of your pillow.
His touch lacks his usual gentle approach but it's what both of you need right now, a quick climb and a steep plunge to satiate that mutual ache.
"Fuck— okay, keep touching me there", you roll your hips back to meet his thrusts seamlessly.
His hips keep snapping into yours, pace faltering slightly and its not very long after that you feel him cumming inside you, spurts of creamy, tacky warmth pouring into your channel before you've reached your own climax but he doesn't stop, fingers still circling your clit to tip you over the edge, continuing to rut into you while he fills you up.
"Oh— Steve, yes", you whine out, eyes squeezing shut, nails threatening to rip your pillow case apart. You freefall into it, cumming with a strangled cry, hips twitching and jerking as you lose the rhythm you'd settled into, not that it matters anymore.
Cries turn to whimpers, then to gasps and breathy panting. When you come to it's the feeling of his lips on the back of your neck that tethers you to reality and brings you back down to earth, soft gentle kisses trailing down to your shoulder.
"Missed you", he keeps repeating, his cock starting to soften and slip out of you as he pulls out, hand damp on your waist.
You loathed sleeping next to that cold empty space those last seven days but he was here now to occupy it, so wonderfully warm and glistening with exertion, the same as you.
Your thighs shake when you begin to untangle yourself from being spooned so you can turn around to face him, his spend leaking from between your legs, his soft cock warm and wet against your thigh as your wrap yourselves up in each others arms. It's messy and sticky but you've never known a nicer feeling, cupping Steve's cheek as you kiss him tenderly.
"Welcome back"
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