#Bye Gemma
madebysimblr · 10 months
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[Gemma still singing off key] d-doWnTown, whERE the GUys are dRIPS
Mr. Mortimer: Cut.
Diamond: No-no wait! Just let her get into it!
Mr. Mortimer: Nope. You clearly just give her the lead because she's your daughter. She can be in the ensemble if she can learn a part. Says here the understudy for Audrey is a Sorella Cortes? Where is she?
Sorella: Uh, Mr. Mortimer, I'm Sorella.
Mr. Mortimer: Ah, well I know you sing well in a group. Mind picking up where Gemma left off?
Gemma: This is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous!
Mr. Mortimer: Quite the opposite. You can still be in the show, just as a background dancer perhaps.
Gemma: No way, either I'm the lead or I'm OUT.
Mr. Mortimer: Then you're out. Miss Cortes, if you wouldn't mind.
[Sorella singing like an angel lol suck it gemma] Downtown, where they rip your slips…. Downtown, where relationships are no goooo~ Down on Skid Row...
Mr. Mortimer: Excellent. Clearly you're our Audrey. Let's continue with the rest of Act 1. Hopefully we'll be able to stick to opening night!
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sandsstorms · 2 years
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current project: Glimmerbrook
first victim: the Charm Family
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womansound · 1 year
imessage          ›          AAA dani
MINHYUK: hey!! MINHYUK: sorry for the late reply i was running lines haha MINHYUK: did u wanna grab dinner actually? im starved
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danthropologie · 1 year
I’m screaming into the void after listening to the Pad-hoc podcast. Particularly cos there’s a real sense that THIS has been the conversation in the paddock for months now amongst journos and team personal, despite the ‘Perez is the next Rosberg’ drivel that actually gets published. Not that it’s a done deal or anything, but that it’s a perfectly plausible outcome.
Also Gemma panicking! What does she know? What has max already told her and what the fuck is in that contract?
right exactly!! they're all just a little bit too casual in discussing the idea of checo's seat being up for grabs as soon as fucking NEXT YEAR. it's also interesting going back to karun in baku talking about it being good to go into contract negotiations with a couple wins under your belt... what IS the chatter in the paddock 👀
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iloveyouimsorrry · 26 days
sadly i’ve never met someone who talks as much as me but if i did i think i would find them rather annoying
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suzypepper · 2 years
I do definitely agree with criticisms about how the character of Margaret is used in the movie. Kind of a sacrificial lamb, her trauma and her “death” is kind of just a plot device to propel our lead’s journey. Like I was actually surprised that they really did have the Black character “die” first given how that’s obviously a very classic racist horror movie trope. But also I don’t think it was a just diversity checklist type hire, I don’t think her place and her death in the story is just an accident, and I don’t think this was race blind casting I think it’s very intentional that the first women we know of to realize something’s wrong is a Black woman.
However I really greatly disagree that the cut scenes would’ve helped that particular issue, I think the whole story would need to be reworked. The cut scenes were just going to be Margaret acting weird and brainwashed after her incident and looking at Alice like she’s crazy the way they all did to her. I don’t think that would’ve “made it all make sense” personally, it might’ve been interesting to see but we already have that when Alice comes back from treatment. Plus that whole element of “do you die real life or not and the men do die but the women don’t die but they’ll kill your real body” is already confusing enough.
I also really don’t think that would’ve made Margaret a stronger character or a more impactful role. No idea what they actually filmed, but from the revised script it seems like Margaret just turned back into yet another mindless gossiping housewife, not exactly a strong meaningful character. While we don’t see anyone else’s trauma so explicitly used as a plot device like that, everyone who isn’t Alice, Jack, or Frank (or maybe Bunny) is quite firmly a supporting character, everything they say and do on screen is clearly only in service of Alice’s story. In my opinion, Margaret as a character is really most meaningful being an ominous mystery for Alice to feel worried and guilty over.
Honestly I think this movie probably could’ve and maybe should’ve been told from Margaret’s perspective instead—for a stronger take on that “women upholding the patriarchy themselves” “you have to be so brave to stand up” thing that they’re obviously trying to do.
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The Better Man
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Warnings: fluff, minor angst
Summary: You're a single mom who hates bringing men into your life only to have them leave. Your daughter deserves better than that. You're currently dating Spencer, and you're wondering if it's the right time to bring him into her life. Will it be worth it?
Square Filled: “you want? you want? you want? what about what I want?” for @anyfandomgoesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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I can do this. I’m more than capable of getting breakfast ready for both me and my daughter. Even if she is screaming her head off. Oh, please be quiet. Please make it stop.
“Gemma, please stop crying. I am getting your food.” She continues to cry. “Baby, please. I’m working as hard as I can right now.”
If anyone were to look in your kitchen window, they would see a woman who is just trying to feed her child while looking like a raccoon with messy bedhead hair. The bags under your eyes don’t help your case, either, but you haven’t gotten much sleep this past week. Gemma has been sick and has been keeping you up at all hours of the night.
Sometimes you feel like a shitty mom because it seems like whatever you do isn’t enough. Being a single mom is hard. No one told you how to do this. No one gave you a rule book and said, “Here you go! Study for the final exam!” where the final exam is actually having a kid. You’re doing the best you can do even if it doesn’t feel like it.
Before you can start crying because Gemma is crying, you plate some bananas, cereal, and small strawberries on a plate for her. She immediately stops crying when the food is in front of her, and she digs in. You chuckle tiredly and kiss the top of her head. She is getting so old. It seems like yesterday you birthed her when really, it’s been eight months.
Your phone rings and you light up at seeing Spencer’s name.
“Hey,” you answer.
“Hey. I’m off this weekend if you want to hang out.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to get a sitter,” you sigh. “I’m pretty low on money right now.”
“That’s fine. I don’t mind if you bring her along. I understand if you don’t want to, but I’m really great with kids. I’d love it if she came along.”
You and Spencer have been seeing each other for a few months but he hasn’t met your daughter yet. You don’t want to introduce her to someone new if they’re not going to be in your life for very long. You really like Spencer and you hope he’s going to be in your life for a long time. He’s been very patient when it comes to your daughter, and maybe it’s time they meet.
“Why don’t you come over? I’d feel more comfortable having a date here.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I think it’s time you meet Gemma.”
“Okay, yeah! I’ll bring some food over and we can cook together.”
“That’d be amazing,” you smile.
“I gotta go. I’ll see you Friday.”
“Okay. Bye.” You hang up with a huge smile on your face. “You hear that, Gemma? You get to meet Spencer. He’s a sweetheart. You’ll love him.”
She squeals in response but it’s mostly because she wants more bananas. You’re not worried that she will love him, it’s if Spencer will love her. You can’t think about that. You have work to get to. The call center you work at has a daycare attached to it for parents who can’t get someone to watch their kids, so every day is Bring Your Daughter To Work Day.
The weekend comes faster than you expected but that means Spencer gets to come over. He might even spend the night if all goes well. When Spencer comes over, he is nothing but sweet towards Gemma. She is playing in her playpen but as soon as Spencer walks in, she squeals and crawls over to him.
“Spencer, this is Gemma. Baby, this is Spencer.” Spencer grins and picks her up once she gets to him. “I’ve been trying to get her to walk lately. She turns eight months next week.”
“Hi, Gemma. Do you want to walk for Mama? Yeah, I can see it. You’ll get there,” he chuckles.
Spencer brings in the groceries he bought so you two can cook lunch while Gemma plays and watches Spongebob. While you don’t know how to be a single mom, and learning every day to be better, you’d rather do this than be with the ex who knocked you up. He left you when you were pregnant so it’s just been you and Gemma for a long time now. It’s hard to let men in your life, especially with a kid so young, but Spencer has been nothing but a complete gentleman to you. He takes things at your pace, never does anything to make you uncomfortable, and always puts you and Gemma first.
Dinner is spent talking about your week and the plans you have this weekend and afterward, Spencer goes to the living room to play with Gemma some more. He’s really warming up to her. Maybe this is going to be a good thing. Your phone rings and your blood runs cold when you see who is calling you. You excuse yourself and step off to the side while Spencer tosses Gemma in the air a few inches only to catch her. Her laughter makes this night all the better.
“What do you want?” you ask when you answer the phone.
“Hey, you got any money to spot me? I’m in a bit of a pickle,” your ex asks.
“Are you kidding me right now? You call me up after how many months only to ask for money?”
“Can you do it or not?”
“Fuck no,” you hiss on the phone. “This might be in your grand plan, but I want you to actually start acting like a dad and be there for Gemma. You know, the daughter you have?”
“You want? You want? You want? What about what I want?”
“You’re a piece of shit.”
“Fuck this. I can’t believe calling you was ever a good idea.”
He hangs up after those harsh words, and you try your hardest not to cry. He’s fucking lucky you’re not going after him for child support, but maybe you should.
“Y/N! Look!” You look at Spencer and Gemma to see her walking toward him on wobbly legs. “She’s walking!”
“Gemma!” you gasp and rush over. “You’re walking, baby!”
Before she can fall to the ground, Spencer scoops her in his arms and kisses her cheeks. She has no idea what is going on but she loves the attention. Spencer looks like he doesn’t want to be anywhere but here. Seeing him with Gemma today has only made you realize that he’s the only man you ever want in Gemma’s life.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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brunettemarionette · 2 months
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Gemma sighs as she talks over the phone. "…no, she doesn't have any open appointments for the next few months. I have Tig, Juice, or Opie free?… okay well, I'll book you in with her if anything opens up. Bye." She sighs putting the phone down walking outside.
The guys were all standing watching you bent over the hood of a car, looking into the window, with your overalls on, arms tied around your waist, and a cropped vest. "Does anyone work around here?"
They all scurried away in case you turned and notice them staring.
The matriarch of the club sighs before giving you a once over and staring at your ass until she notices Clay staring at her with a smirk. "Stop staring at the kid's ass while she's working," he says teasingly.
Gemma just smirked, whispering in her husband's ear as he rubbed a hand over his chest, "I will when you do, baby."
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alonetimelover · 1 year
...marry me?
pairing: Harry Styles x polish!reader
summary: Harry's drunk and YN is the angel that he dreamt of.
word count: 1,2k
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“Are you gonna be able to take him back home?” Gemma asked YN, concerned with Harry’s current… state. 
“I think I’ll be good.” She smiled at her soon to be sister-in-law. “If not, I’ll call my cousin. He said he wanted to observe the stars tonight, so he won’t be asleep.”
“Okay. Take care and be careful. Bye, bye!” Gemma bidded YN goodbye with two kisses on both of her cheeks and, together with her long-term boyfriend, moved towards the Taxi. 
It was well past 2 a.m. and the party was coming to an end. The younger part of the people staying with Harry and YN at their house, decided to go out and enjoy themselves in the city. Starting with late dinner at the coaster restaurant they moved to the heart of the city - to seek pubs with live music. Arriving at one, Harry caused quite the appeal - 'English Harry is back!’ - was shouted from behind the bar. A lovely older man - Sergio, the owner of the pub - greeted them warmly and announced that all drinks were on the house.
Tonight the band was playing blues and Harry was in love. With five drinks in his system (plus two glasses of wine he drank during dinner) Harry was drunk. And drunk Harry meant even more social, friendly and extroverted Harry. 
With a glass in his hand, and a kiss lingering on his lips from his fiancee he moved to the band, promising to ‘just congratulate them’. Soon enough Harry forgot his drink on the nearby table and sat behind the piano, starting to improvise with the band. They found rhythm immediately and played for fifteen minutes non stop. 
“I’ll order one more,” Harry screamed on his way from the piano to the bar, motioning to the now empty glass. 
After that he got lost around people that seemed to be congratulating him on the performance. It all was a sight to see. A sight that YN wanted to look at for the rest of her life - content Harry.
When Gemma left the pub, YN made her way towards the bar, where Harry was sitting alone by the almost empty glass. Approaching him, she slowly placed her hand on his shoulder, causing his head to shoot up and confusingly look around. When finally found, Harry's eyes lit up. He straightened his back and dusted his linen shorts, cleaning his throat. 
“Ciao,” he greeted her in italian, flirtatious smirk on his face. His eyes were bloodshot, pupils dilated, cheeks red and forehead with droplets of sweat. A sight of drunk Harry Styles. A state of ‘if he drank one more drink, he would be on the floor’. 
“Ciao, caro.”
“Caro? Are you an angel? Wait! Don’t answer. You are. Renaissance angel, not biblical. Those were - pfff - freaky,” the last word he whispered, scrunching his eyebrows in disgust. “But you - oh lord - you are the most exquisite angel I’ve ever met.” 
YN wanted to laugh, but bottled it up, putting her lips in a thin line - the corners daring to move up. Drunk Harry was the one to later tell tales to your relatives and friends - always unpredictable. She loved to engage with the world he seemed to be in those times.
“Come closer,” he once again whispered, motioning with a finger for her to bring nearer. “I actually met an angel once.”
“Did you?” She whispered just like him.
“I did! She - she looked just like you.” Harry came to the conclusion after looking at YN for a few seconds. “Maybe I’ve dreamt it? Did you come to my dreams?”
Harry then fell back into his chair, leaning back on it. The rest of his drink was now like waves hitting against the glasses’ edges. The look on his face told YN one thing - he was deep in his thoughts. 
“You must have. There is no other way. I wouldn’t know your face, if you didn’t. Couldn’t forget your face. No, no I couldn’t. Too glorious to forget, too out of this world.” He was looking straight ahead, at the line of bottles behind the bar, but his eyes searched for the memories of that angel. 
“Will you let the angel take you home?” 
Harry shook his head, “no, no. I need to do something first. I need - I need to run!” 
Before YN could say anything, Harry left the wad of money and ran out of the bar. She, as quickly as she could after all those drinks, ran after him. 
“Harry! Harry!”
When she ran out to the street, she looked around, trying to figure out which turn she should take. On the right was him, jumping up and down with his hand held high, trying to pluck the flowers of the flowerpot outside somebody’s window. When he had five in his hand, some with roots and some with broken leaves, he jumped for the sixth. He didn’t, though, see that those broken leaves fell to the ground, making it much more slippery. The thing he felt was that his bottom hit the ground hard. 
“Fuck!” He cursed, starting to move around, trying to get up. 
“Harry, what in the world are you doing?”
Harry’s eyes shot up, “angel. Angel you - you were just in the pub!”
“I ran after you.”
“You, you ran after me?”
Harry accepted the hand YN was offering and leaning on it he sat on his heels. YN in the same position right in front of him. 
“Of course I did, my love.” She caressed his cheeks with a smile. “I’ll always run after you.”
With hope in his eyes, sniffing, he placed a hand with the flowers in front of him. The colourful petals, a little bit beaten by the fall, were leaning to the sides. 
“Angel,” he started slowly. “Marry me?”
YN’s eyes watered. She held up her right hand, showing the ring she received almost a year ago. 
“No, no, no. You - you cannot,” Harry started rambling, shaking his head. “It’s - it can’t be. No, no, no.”
“Harry, Harry. It’s okay.”
“No, no, it’s not. Marry me? Please. Please, I’ll look after you. I’ll cherish you. I’ll love you.”
“Harry,” she tried one more time. “I dreamt of you too.”
He calmed instantly and gazed into her eyes. 
“I dreamt of you and you, you asked me then. You gave me this ring. Look -” she took it off and placed it in his palm - “it has your initials inside, see?”
Harry inspected the ring carefully for a moment, squeezing his eyes trying to see better in a night’s lights. He caressed the engraved letters, a tiny smile showing on his gorgeous face. 
“You said yes?”
“I did.”
“Angel will marry me?”
“Yes. Angel will be the happiest creature on earth to marry you.”
Harry not losing any more seconds closed the gap between their lips and connected them in a sweet but deep kiss. Simultaneously, he placed the ring back on YN’s finger, moving then his hands to the sides of her head. He ended the kiss with a loud - muah - and stared at her. 
“You know that the angels don’t come to earth?”
“But I’ll be the happiest one regardless of that.”
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alittletaste · 2 years
↳ In which Y/n and Harry have a whole day just to themselves and they couldn’t think of a better way to spend it than having sex. However, not everything works out how they want it to.
Warnings: 4.1k words (longest fic I’ve written! So please show some love and support) 18+ as there’s a lot of mention of smut. Dad!harry (ygmd universe) Enjoy 🫶
The January chill made it near impossible not to layer up. Y/n tugged a jacket onto Indi, his arms easily slipping in, a smile on his face as Harry worked on wrapping up their youngest, Stella with a scarf. The oldest two of the Styles clan, Jude and Beau, were already all wrapped up and warm, ready to go.
Schools were back on and the mornings were once again the busiest time of the day. The kiddos, now all nice and ready for school, were lined up by the front door. Y/n lays a soft kiss on each of their foreheads as Harry goes to grab his car keys off the hook. He walks back to y/n with a smile, “ready to go my little loves?” He asks the kids, before coming into drop a quick kiss onto y/ns lips, catching her off guard. He winks as he pulls away, y/n already feeling her face warm up.
Jude groans upon seeing the affection between his parents whilst the younger kids giggle. “Right, have a good day at school, my angels! Learn lots!” Y/n speaks, as she practically shoos Harry and the kids outside, if they weren’t gone within the next few minutes, they would be late and the last thing the parents needed was a telling-off from one of their kiddo's teachers.
An influx of “bye mum!” came from her kids as she makes her way back inside. Once she was alone in the house, she couldn’t help but replay the kisses Harry gave her this morning, it was obvious he was hinting at something. Especially since they finally get to spend a full day together. Gemma had decided on collecting the kids from school (and Stella from her nursery) so she could take them over to her place tonight and Harry had a day off. A full day together was something that hardly ever happened now that the couple had four of their own kids and whenever they did have one, the day was spent catching up on some much-needed sleep.
But this time, y/n didn’t want that. Y/n wanted. No, she craved her husband. She needed his touch, she felt as if she went way too long without it so today, she was set on changing that. She rushed to her bedroom, finding the lingerie she got gifted for Christmas from Harry and tugging it on.
The material of the lingerie was lace, the sheerness meant that nothing was left to the imagination and y/n knew Harry would be drooling once he saw her in it. Especially since the lingerie was in his favourite colour on her, black. She was the sight of seduction, a sight for sore eyes. Y/n actually felt confident in herself, and proud of her body, something she hadn’t felt since she’s given birth to Stella, two years ago, despite Harry trying his hardest to show her and convince her that she was and is the most beautiful woman to him.
Her thoughts are cut short as she hears a whistle come from the door of her bedroom, she looks up to find Harry leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his midsection. He shifts his weight back onto his feet once he realised he’s caught his wife’s attention, his eyes dark and scanning over her body. “This is a nice surprise” he hums as he makes his way over to y/n, biting his lips, “wow”
“You like?” Y/n asks, despite feeling confident, she still wanted his approval.
“Lookin’ fuckin’ gorgeous peach” he speaks, his voice rough with lust. His eyes were still scanning her body, hungrily. His hands going to grab at her hips. “Makin’ me so hard”
“Hmm, wanted you all morning” y/n replies, her hands dragging up and down Harry’s arms, she squeezes once she gets to his bicep. Despite being 38 and a dad with a full-time, sometimes demanding job, Harry kept up with his health /fitness regime; never skipping any gym sessions and always trying to eat healthy food though he definitely did have his cheat days. Harry was still fit and the sight of his beautiful body had people all around the world, screaming.
“Yeah? What did you want me to do, love?” He asks, guiding y/n back to their shared bed. He pushes her onto the mattress lightly before climbing on top, kissing her neck. “C’mon peach, don’t get all shy on me. Tell me what you want me to do” Harry asks again before going to suck and lick at her exposed skin again. He loved teasing her, getting her to speak and tell him what she wanted was one of the sexiest things for Harry. He loved knowing his wife wanted him to do all these things to her.
“I, I want you to fuck me” she whines, her hands tangling into his hair. She keeps Harry there, against her neck and he continues licking at the skin, dropping a kiss here and there. He didn’t want to suck too hard, scared of leaving a hickey which he knows y/n hates having to cover up.
“And how shall I fuck you?” Harry asks, pulling away breathlessly, he begins to trail his kisses down to y/ns chest, showing her barely covered breasts some love. His tongue was working skilfully on top of her lingerie, the wetness seeping through the material making y/n's eyes roll back.
“Want you to fuck me hard” she half moans as Harry continues to assault her breasts, the sounds of his mouth against her skin filling the room. “Like, like you used to before”
“I’ll do whatever you want baby” he smiles, a fuzzy look in his eyes as he pulls back and moves towards her lips. He was intoxicated with her, obsessed with everything about her. Obsessed with the fact that she was his wife, a woman he could call his own and share everything with, a woman who blessed him with four of their babies, a woman that was with him every step of the way.
Just as Harry’s lips met y/ns, he groaned “love when you scratch my back” he speaks, pulling back, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Harry, I didn’t scratch your back” y/n giggles, confused about what Harry’s on about. Upon hearing that, he quickly turns to look behind him, his hand coming down to press against the mattress unknowingly pulling y/n's hair in the process. They both scream however not from pleasure, more from agony if anything.
“Harry you’re on my hair!”
“Bella get out of the room!”
They both shout, Harry quickly pulls off her, reaching over to pick Bella, their cat, up as Y/n gathers her hair, rubbing at the sore spot on her head. Bella had been the one scratching Harry’s back.
“Bella, out!” Harry says sternly, but instead of moving, she leaves Harry’s grasp and finds herself a comfy place to sit on their bed. Just as Harry goes to grab her again, their dog, Oakley makes his way into the room, finding himself a spot to lie down on their carpet.
“Oakley, out boy” Harry speaks, pointing at the door so his pets catch on and leave but they stay sitting there nonchalantly, acting as if Harry and y/n do not exist.
“Harry, leave it, we can do this later” y/n speaks up from the bed, she was still massaging her head as Harry walks over to her with an annoyed look on his face.
“I love those pets to death but damn, they’re just as bad as our kids when it comes to cockblocking us” Harry laughs making y/n giggle as she moves to plant a kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry I pulled your hair, I didn’t realise,” he says against her lips as y/n sneaks her fingers into his hair, she scratches at his scalp lightly.
“Don’t worry babe, just caught me off guard is all” she replies, leaning in for another kiss. Just as they pull away the front door rings.
“Guess I’ll get that” Harry speaks, pressing a kiss onto y/ns forehead.
“I’ll go have a shower” his wife replies and he nods before leaving to get the front door which happens to be the postman dropping off some bits and bobs Harry ordered for the kid's bedrooms.
As he made his way back up, he decides he’ll carry on what he started earlier with y/n in the shower. He slips into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door this time so no unwanted guests showed up, he starts stripping before joining his wife under the hot stream of water.
“You love your boiling hot showers” he chuckles as he feels the scalding water glide down his back, his muscles and defined body looked extra good wet. Y/n licks her lips as she moves her hands up and down his body.
“Better than your ice baths” she replies and he growls playfully.
“Touché” Harry says, leaning towards y/ns ear, “guess what?” He whispers, his voice sending a pleasurable shiver down y/ns spine.
“What?” She asks breathlessly as she feels Harry’s hands trail up and down her naked body, stopping to squeeze one of her breasts before finding purchase on her ass and he groans, whimpering out a fuck.
“The doors locked. I can finally give you what you want” he replies to y/ns question in a playful whisper. “I’m going to fuck you so hard” he groans, his voice gravelly and dripping in lust. His eyes were dark and his cock was hardening as he spun y/n around, bending her over.
He angled the shower head to her ass, to where they’d soon be connected. Harry’s hands travel up and down her back, he leans down to press kisses to her shoulder “you good?” He asks and she nods, wanting nothing more but for him to enter her and fuck her stupid.
“Tell me you need my cock” he growls against her skin, his hands trailing down her back to spank her ass. The force of Harry’s hand against her ass sends y/n forward, making her squeal. He didn’t realise the force and before he knows it, y/ns heads hitting against the side of the shower wall after she loses her footing.
“Fuck” she whimpers, standing up to her full height as she rubs her head for the second time today. “Ouch, that hurt.”
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to spank you that hard” Harry rambles, feeling guilty for causing any sort of pain to his wife. He pulls y/n into his chest, his hand rubbing up and down her back. “Are you okay? Not feeling dizzy or anything?” He questions, worry in his voice which y/n soon dismisses.
“I’m ok, just lost my bearings” she giggles, kissing Harry’s chest. Y/n leans her head against him, her ear placed right over his heart, she could feel his rather fast heartbeat. “Baby, I promise, I’m ok. Maybe shower sex isn’t for us, but I’m all good. No concussion or anything” she reassured her stubborn husband.
“Ok, I’m glad love. I’m sorry once again, let’s just go cuddle, you can be the big spoon if you want” Harry suggests to which y/n is quick to agree on. They swiftly finish off their shower before making their way back to their bedroom to have a cuddle.
“Have we truly been out of practice for that long?” Y/n asks, as Harry pulls her closer towards him. She tucks into his armpit, her arm going over his broad chest as he leans to kiss into her hair.
“What do you mean, peach?” He asks, his fingers drawing soft and delicate patterns onto her arm.
“Like, have we lost our passion? We’ve tried to have sex twice so far and they’ve both failed. And It’s only 11 am” she questions, her eyebrows furrowed, something Harry loved about her. Every time she got angry or confused, her eyebrows furrowed and he believes it was the cutest thing ever.
“I wouldn’t say we’ve lost our passion, I mean I was dead set on fucking you into oblivion. We’re perfect but sex isn’t. It’s never perfect, you know that, sometimes I get a leg cramp from all the thrusting or your boobs get way too sensitive. Shit happens, we can always try again later, we’ve got the day to ourselves love, don’t worry over it” he speaks, slowly and gently, trying to find the right words to make y/n feel better. She nods and kisses his bare chest, nuzzling her face into his side.
“You’re right, I’m sorry, just get too into my head” she sighs and Harry kisses her hair once again before moving to lift her face towards him.
“Peach, don’t be sorry. It’s ok to feel anxious about stuff like this, I’m glad you spoke to me about it. We’ll have sex don’t worry” he smiles and she nods, cuddling closer towards him. Harry doesn’t let up on his promise from before and he’s turning on his side so y/n can spoon him from behind, the two slowly drifting off to sleep in the position.
After a good hour's nap, the two woke up feeling nice and refreshed. Harry gazed sleepily at his wife, his fingers moving to push her hair back behind her ear. “Hey, you” he spoke groggily, smiling lazily.
“Hi” y/n squeaked, her eyes drowsy and voice soft, “that was a nice nap”
Harry smiles down at her, his hand beginning to rub soothing patterns onto her back, he was fully facing her now. “Yeah, I’m feeling nice and awake now,” he says, “think we should have sex”
“Hmm, should we now?” Y/n teases, running her fingertips up and down Harry’s chest whilst biting her lip. She looks up at him, excitement in her eyes, she really wanted this. She craved it and she didn’t want anything to ruin it.
“Yeah” he murmurs, a slight groan and strain present in his voice. “want your pretty mouth wrapped around me. Be a good girl and show me some love”
“Hmm, guess we should lock the door first” y/n spoke, leaving the bed to lock the door, she walks back graciously, her hair a mess from the nap but nonetheless she looked amazing. Once she’s back on the bed, she begins to slither her hands down Harry’s body, feeling the ridges of his toned torso before finding purchase on his boxers. Harry lifts his hips and she pulls down the boxers, freeing his already aching and hard cock.
She curled her fingers around his thick cock, a breathy exhale leaving Harry’s perfect lips as she started sensually tugging at it. Y/ns lips slowly come to close over his tip, eyes focused on his as she drags her tongue over the head of his shaft, licking it lewdly and sliding her tip around it. The sensation of the teasing, has Harry moaning, voice low and brimming with lust.
Y/n slowed the movement of her stroking hand as she started to take him in deeper, her kissable lips wrapped around his shaft, sucking sensually. Harry moaned deeply at the feeling of her lips sliding over the head of his shaft repeatedly, he was big and filled her mouth out perfectly.
Y/n was moving her head up and down, slowly beginning to take more of him into her mouth, tongue lavishing the head of his cock with a slew of wet licks, teasing the tip repeatedly as her hand comes up to play with his balls. She squeezed lightly, watching as Harry’s mouth parted in a silent scream and his head fell back. His hand comes to cup the back of your head, nudging her down a bit. “Stop teasing me peach” he groans, taking his lips in his teeth as she looked up at him.
He’s greeted with a soft hum, the vibrations making him buck his hips up a bit, wanting more and she obliges, taking him in even deeper as her tongue pressed against the underside of his cock. Y/n pursed her lips snugly around his shaft and slurped right back to the tip before going back down again, repeating this motion a couple of times all whilst her hand continued to play and tease his balls. He was hissing and groaning at the contact-making her smile against him. Y/n took pride in the fact that she was the reason he was a withering mess.
Her other hand left his cock, now resting on his thigh to keep herself steadied as she continued bopping her head up and down, her drool running down his girth and making wet-sounding slurps.
Pushing down on her head more insistently Harry got y/n to move faster, a shudder of pure ecstasy travelling up his cock as she sucked him off. He leaned back onto his hand, groaning as he looked down at y/ns nearly bare back, only her bra straps present. Harry reached forwards and undid the bra in a second, freeing her breasts from the constraint. He threw the bra off the bed.
His cock twitched deep within y/ns mouth and he groans, “fuck, I need to be inside of you right now”
Y/n pulls back, a line of saliva still connecting her to his wet cock and speaks “please, fuck me” she begs causing a growl to escape from Harry. He was quick to lift her, flipping them over, trapping his wife beneath him.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard” he rasped, grazing her nipple with his teeth, pulling a gasp from her. Harry was ruthless when it came to the bedroom, a man that knew what he wanted, a man who had someone that would give him exactly what he needed. In a sense, that would make him dangerous, pulling orgasm after orgasm from his lover, watching and loving the way she squirmed on the bed, overwhelmed by the pleasure.
Licking. Sucking. Biting. Harry did whatever he could to satisfy y/n's needs, loving the way she threw her head back at the sensation of his warm wet tongue gliding over her soft skin, her fingers getting lost in his hair. His hands smoothed their way down her legs, caressing the skin, he positioned them over his hip, his hard-on coming in direct contact with her dripping core.
“Babe, please” y/n moaned, her head resting against the pillow, giving him more access to litter her skin with kisses.
“I’m getting to it” Harry murmured against her neck, continuing to leave a series of light kisses there, teasingly. “I fucking love you” he spoke, his hand sliding up her body, gently cupping a breast and then tugging at the nipple making y/n squirm and take his cock into her hand. She’s had enough of the teasing and needed him. She quickly discards her panties, whimpering upon feeling the weight of his cock in her hands.
“Need you in me” she whimpered, guiding his leaking cock towards her entrance. Harry looked down, his eyes on the way y/n had a tight grip around his cock. He loved watching the way she ran the head of his shaft up and down her weepy core, gathering some of her wetness, to make the first thrust easier. It was in these moments, that Harry was glad he had a vasectomy, no longer worrying about having to use condoms or the effects birth control pills had on y/n. He was free to enjoy the warm and wet walls of y/n engulfing around him, and what bliss that was.
“You’re always so wet for me” Harry observed, watching as y/n bit her lip upon hearing him. “Love watching this cunt take me, you always take me so well baby” he speaks lowly, as y/n finally places his plump cockhead where it needs to be. Harry slowly thrusts his hip forward, pushing into her, earning a gasp from his lover.
Y/n squeezes her eyes shut, her head thrown back as Harry begins his steady rhythm of thrusting, withdrawing slowly before pushing in and bottoming out again, profanities slipping from her lips. Her hands were clasped around his back, and her legs wrapped around his hips.
Harry flattened his tongue against the base of y/n's neck and licked all the way up to her ear “fuckin gorgeous” he moaned, his hips still keeping up with the pleasurable pace. His thick cock was engulfed with y/n's warmness, he felt as if he was in heaven.
The burning friction from Harry’s powerful thrusts. The bang of the headboard hitting against the wall. The scent of their combined sweat. The slapping sound of skin against skin. Her fingers drawing blood from his shoulders. The sensation was powerful and the couple have never felt better. Y/n feels a little stupid, thinking she lost her passion with her husband, she knew now for sure that, that would never ever happen.
Harry’s heavy breathing soon turns into grunts and y/n's soft moans into squeals, they were both so close to falling off the edge and into the pool of absolute pleasure. “M’so close. Fuck, you’re so good to me” he growls, his thrusts picking up in pace and force. His pelvis was hitting against y/ns repeatedly, her walls clenching and getting impossibly wetter for him and him only.
Harry shouted her name as he starts to come, his hips slamming against hers as liquid heat begins to fill her up. Every one of his thrusts was punctured with a loud groan and profanity. Y/n lay there as she took his cum, watching her husband shudder and whimper in front of her made her lose her mind. She was so obsessed with him and so was he with her.
He slowly pulls out, watching as his cum leaks out of y/n's puckering hole. “Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me” he growls playfully making her chuckle breathlessly. Harry leans forward to kiss her lips, he slowly sucks on her bottom lip before pulling back. “Can’t let you go without giving you an orgasm m’love. What sort of husband would that make me?” He asks as he begins to move down the bed, back to y/ns core.
He lowers his head, sticking his tongue out and pressing it flat against her clit, he kitten licks it, his eyes closing as he laps up her sweet wetness. Harry wasn’t the type of guy to shy away from cum, even his own, so he had no problem with slowly bringing his fingers to her entrance, pushing his cum back into her.
Y/n's lips separated and a string of profanities spilt from them at the feeling of Harry’s long fingers slowly dipping inside of her and his tongue teasing her clit. He lapped up her juices, his tongue expertly knowing exactly what to do to get y/n to orgasm. He circled her bundle of nerves, over and over with his tongue, occasionally sucking, sending tingles up her spine making her shiver with ecstasy.
She was so close already and with a few more thrusts of his fingers, the lap of his tongue sliding against her clit and the suck of his mouth she came, her legs shaking. She was breathless, completely overtaken by pleasure.
Y/n lay limp against the bed once she came down from her high, Harry slowly pulled his hand out of her warm and deliciously wet cunt and bought his fingers up to his mouth to suck them clean. “I love you so much” she heaves, “didn’t know me looking half sleepy was such a turn on” she joked making Harry chuckle as he fell to the space next to her on the bed, his body heaving with each breath he took.
Harry nipped her ear, pulling her closer to his own body, “you turn me on in every way imaginable, peach” he confessed, pulling a soft smile from y/n. “I love you so much, glad I got to fuck you again”
“I’m glad you fucked me too” y/n giggles, reaching up to press a soft kiss, a complete contrast to how fast and hard they were previously fucking, “you’re the best husband ever” she speaks just as her phone rings. Y/n lazily reaches over to grab it, reading the caller ID with a playful frown, “you got them late again didn’t you?”
“Heyyy, the kids wanted some snacks and who am I to deny?” Harry defends making y/n chuckle. She not only got the best husband ever but she also got to give her children the very best father, a man who would do absolutely anything for his family.
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madebysimblr · 1 year
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Summer: Everyone, this is Rebecca! My little sister.
Rebecca: Not that much little! It's really nice to meet you all, Summer spent all weekend telling me all about her friends.
Gemma: I'm sure. But we ARE Seniors don't forget that.
Otis scoffs, oh please.
Matty: Haha! She's just joking, don't mind her. You are more than welcome to hang out.
Sorella: .... I need to get to class.
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willowsages-blog · 4 months
your pregnant: Tig Trager x female reader
Warnings: none
description: You were feeling different, your mood swings, and having these weird cravings, you decided to take a pregnancy test.
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you were standing by the sink looking down at the pregnancy test, in your hands. shaking'' positive was all you could see, oh my god,' you breathed heavily.
you and your husband Tig were married for almost 8 years, and you always wanted to be a mother, but there were bad times when it wasn't just the right timing to have a baby. you see him around children, he is loving like a father would be.
but here you were looking at a positive test in your hands. not knowing what to do, sweetheart I'm home,''
you started to panic not knowing where to hide the test so bending down and putting it under the sink behind some cleaning supplies so no one could find it,
and walked out of the bathroom towards the living room and seeing him. coming through the door,
hey darling' he walked closer setting his keys down. how did the club go? you gave him a kiss. and then he went to grab a beer, from the fridge.
like any normal day" SAMCROW had trouble because one of the prospects couldn't do their fucking job tig says. "How about you darling?"
You smiled. "Oh, it's great just keeping the house cleaned and I had so that's it really you say" he nodded. opening his beer and taking a sip of it,
You nodded.
Tig nods kissing your head,
Gemma is on her way over here' just needed to talk to her about something if that's fine with you, you smile
Thats fine darling' you know that. he smiles
I know Tig I was just making sure, smiling at him and giving him a kiss, why don't you go up and take a shower, you have a long day babe patting his chest,
his blue eyes, watching agreeing with you. tig was now upstairs, just waiting for Gemma to arrive, needing to talk to her about the positive test,
20 minutes later Gemma knocks on the front door of your house when you get home. You open it. "Hey Gem"
Gemma smiles. "Hey babe!" She hugs you and you speak. "Oh, come in" She walks in and says. so, I thought I'd come over and sit with you...I know today you had something important on your mind,
i had noticed you have been different lately she explains,
Gemma' I'm pregnant' blurting out to her, looking back and making sure Tig wasn't coming,
You smile and say. looking at her nervous, babe that's so great she smiles,
thank you, but I'm so scared to tell Tig what do I do Gemma',
Gemma sits by you and grabs your hands babe look at me it's okay to be scared, but keeping this from him that your pregnant, he needs to know,
it's okay to be scared, you look at her. Of course, thank you for coming over, I'm going to tell him, okay babe, she says I'll call you later. see you gem, love you, bye babe Gemma said.
You chew on your lip thinking, on how to tell Tig without hearing him come down,
sweetheart, I've been trying to call you are you okay?'' Tig asks,
hmm I'm sorry, I'm just a little tired that's all you smile, is there something going on he asked concerned.
Tig, there is something I need to tell you, telling him.
what is it darling? breathing out I will be right back let me go upstairs,
quickly running to the bathroom, you open the door to the sink and moving the supplies and grabbing the test,
holding as you're walking down the stairs and Tig was right there he looked down at your hands staring at the pregnancy test.
I'm pregnant' Tig you say softly.
'fuck' are you serious he breaths out, nodding your head smiling, handing it to him,
we're having a baby' Tig you smile
he grabbed you and spun you around laughing.
kissing him giggling, were having a little baby'
don't say another word darling,' he smiles
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bloomingkyras · 5 months
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@theosconfessions , @simsinfinitylt , @aniraklova
Finally, after the shenanigans at the BC house, We finally have our final 3. Congratulation Felix, Odin and Max for fighting in Gem's For Gemma Stone BC. Eh,wait. How about their solo date R2 point? Who is in the 1st place and who is bottom 3? Nah, lets keep it secrets 1st.
Let's me tell u guys, that this 3 Gentlemen will have their final challenge including solo date. The challenge will test their patience, tempered and jealousy. If one of them failed the challenge he will be eliminated. What is the challenge? Patience guys..I'm still checking back the rules for challenge lol. So, I'll see u guys in Solo Date R3 with the contestant who got max both friendship and romance bar. bye for now ❤
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mymelodymia · 1 year
I love it when you do that! Dad!Tony stark x daughter!reader
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Summary: you're an actress filming a emotional scene, tony's used to this, Peter definitely isn't 🫤
Warnings: crying, emotional madness, little talk about your acting character dying, peter being a emotional wreck,
A/N: so I wanted to make a fic where Y/N is an actress and a emotional scene comes on and tony's used to it because he usually stays until the end of your shift, but he brings peter this time, and peter isn't used to this, so all the emotions come rushing in.
your cast had just finished a scene where they find a video on your laptop, your character is dead btw '-' they were all taking 5, when you saw your father on the phone, slightly hearing his conversation
"Well if your bored just come in........yes thats allowed why do you think im here?" You giggled slightly from his sudden frustration,
"Who was that?" You asked him smiling
"Just the kid," he said messing with something in his phone, looking nervous for some reason, you walked over to the burger king bag which was your lunch, and took out the half eaten burger, then noticed something weird, your 2nd burger was MISSING.
You snapped your head up, jaw agape looking at your father who had accepted defeat in shock, anger, disappointment, betrayal as he laughed at you peter walked in, he waved to you awkwardly, (haha classic peter) you waved back then continued to stare down your father.
"Why is my second burger M.I.A??" He only laughed as you hit him playfully, when you heard your director call you, you shouted
"One sec! That's my queue, gotta go, hold it together kid" you whispered that last bit, knowing what would come from it. 😈
As gemma (other character) opened the laptop where you had made a video before your tragic death, you were now shooting said video, (here it comes be ready people!)
"Hey, so, some things are about to go down, and i just wanted to say that your gonna be okay, you'll heal, everything will be okay, I'll go knowing i was loved, and i just wanted you to know, that i love you, and it'll be okay, mm-k bye." Gemma was sobbing about this, (so was peter)
and when you heard a loud "CUT!" Everybody started clapping, this was the season finally, the air was filled with "yayy" and "whooo" and "lets goo" lots of that,
when you walked toward your father and your best friend your dad engulfed you in a big hug, while peter was boo-hoo crying over here 💀
When you pulled away from your father and turned to your best friend and saw his state, you immediately went in to comfort him, hugging him, him holding on as tight as possible, sobbing into your shoulder, you cackling at his sudden vulnerability
"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU OKAY!?" you said in between your laughter
"YeAh, i just reAlly love y0u" he said sadly, you rubbing his back to try and calm him down, after a few moments of you comforting him, and trying to hide your laughter, failing miserably 💀
"Are you okay?" You asked seriously this time,
"Yeah, yeah im okay" your dad was smiling and nodded hid head in direction of the main door. You cracking jokes and cracking that whole way home. Peter squeezed into the middle seat, in between you and your father, constantly getting hit by verbal crossfire.
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forabeatofadrum · 3 months
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EL WOOWOO! Hello everyone. Thank you @that-disabled-princess, @blackberrysummerblog, @bitbybitwrites and @artsyunderstudy for tagging me in the past week and a half or so. I didn't post anything cause I was sorta off-the-grid on the other side of the world. Okay, not really, cause all of Bali thrives on data roaming, but I was barely on social media during my vacation.
I actually planned on reading fic during my trip, but my sister (who I was visiting) had a jam-packed programme and I didn't have time to read. And during the flights I was too tired and afraid (I'm scared of flying) BUT as the banner says, I have read fic!
Ire @urban-sith posted a new deathcember fic and and one will bring his fall. As the term DEATHcember implies, everyone dies in this series! This is the grand finale where both Simon and Baz die. As the summary says: "Things are worse than they should be." and as my comment says: "IRE WHAT THE FUCK HOLY SHIT!!!!! YEAAAAHHH". I am not always the biggest MCD fan (Major Character Death, not Matt Christopher Davis, I do love him.), but GOD I do love angst at times and also, the ending with the Veil thing... yeah.... good shit.
And I also read all of the @carryonpicturebook fics! There are so many people who worked on this, I cannot fit them all here, so I'll direct you to the credits page. It's all the stories before Carry On, based on the "original" Simon Snow series by Gemma T. Leslie. I loved it a lot and as the "picture book" aspect implies: it's illustrated! It is so well done.
So yeah, that's it for now! Bye bye.
And now, the Dutch weather: it sucks, especially after spending time in Indonesia where it was "cold" for the locals. It was 30 C there. @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @caramelcoffeeaddict @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @cutestkilla ​ @wellbelesbian ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @whatevertheweather @theotherhufflepuff @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @esilher @kurtsascot @nightimedreamersghost @ivelovedhimthroughworse @thnxforknowingme
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mar3ggiata · 4 months
professional help, c9. Reign of Terror.
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs.
song to listen to when reading this: Cool about it, boygenious
abstract: listen, I don't even want to hear it. yes, it's Simon. I told you already, I'm gathering intel during this part. don't think too hard about it, this doesn't mean anything. and yes, I think she was telling the truth. I follow my instincts and they only failed me once or twice…
When the routine settled back in, she felt like the Al-Jareena mission was a thing of the past. A week had gone by, she had no news about the mission. Or Arash. She was snapping her fingers following the rhythm of the music. 'And one, two, balancé!' She watched as the girls rehearsed in front of her, moving in pairs, one from each side of the room. They had been going on and on for an hour, the poor girls were exhausted. 'Okay, from here, piquè', she had been demonstrating everything, trying to remember her notes and the changes she had to make to the original choreography. Her blue leotard was sticking on her skin, she could feel sweat dripping down her back and in between her breasts. Her bun was starting to come untied, she kept fixing some shorter hair behind her ears. 'I don't want to see those stiff hands Jenny, please', she resumed, 'piquè, finish on your right leg. Sam and Gemma, you're going to go stage left with two saut de basque'. She stopped talking to demonstrate the jump, which was quite difficult, she had to admit. 'You finish on relevè, arms in fifth position, then repeat to the other side'. She was too old for all this activity, (Jude is delusional, she's 26). She had to catch her breath without letting the girls know she was getting tired. 'Then, Kyla, Cassie and Luna, same thing to the right as soon as the first two finish jumping, same thing to the left with group three.' She instructed and approached the mirrors in the front of the room. 'Let's see it, please'.
She packed her bag while the girls said bye to her. God, did she love being called 'Miss Alba'. She put on sweats, lifting them up over her legs without bothering to remove the pink tights she hated so much. She preferred black ones, they concealed stretch marks, cellulite… See, if the school was hers, she would let her ballerinas pick the colour they wanted. She could see during the lessons some of them were self conscious about their bodies, like she had been for years when she was younger. The way they looked at each other in the mirrors, like they were comparing themselves to the others. Some were thinner, some had bigger bums, bigger breasts, some had more muscle, some you could see their whole ribcage sticking out. School policy, black leotard and pink thighs. They were too young. But still, even Alba herself had some serious issues with her figure, demonstrating in front of everyone was challenging and took a tool on her mental health sometimes. She knew she was fit, don't get me wrong, she had worked fucking hard for years to get to where she was. Strong, lean quads, a good set of abs. She had followed every diet in the world, she learned so much about what foods not to eat, how to get the perfect body… How to be slim and toned and have fat in the right places. She gained back weight after the 'bad year' when she didn't work and decided she was not gonna feed herself anymore. Cooking was just too much back then, she spent hours going on walks with headphones in, on the verge of passing out. She was better now, she only had those thoughts every now and then. They were under control, she was healthy. Let me tell you, her legs, arms, her hips, a fucking work of art. Still, being watched by those young girls who probably spent way too much worrying about their weight and having to be the representation of perfection was daunting. Keep your abs thigh, your foot straight, your hips aligned. Hide how painful it is, hide the fact your calf is cramping and you're losing balance. A game of pretend.
When she got to work the next day, she was surprised to see a special someone waiting for her beside her door. No fucking way. She stopped in her tracks when he saw him, bag hanging from her shoulder, boots clicking on the floor. What are you doing here, how do you know this is my office? Did you ask around? Are you following me? She approached him and he took a step towards her. He had a blue jacket on, no skull mask today, simple black one. She could finally see his hair colour, dirty blonde. He needed a trim. 'Can I help you?' she said. Well well well. 'Not really' he replied, crossing his arms against his chest. He was tall, he was scarily tall. She had to tilt her head to look at him. That position made his arms look even bigger. She no problem admitting how good looking he was. 'Am I in trouble?' she asked tilting her head to the side. His mask moved slightly, but his eyes didn't exactly show a particular emotion. Was he smiling or about to punch her, she didn't know. She had always loved risks. 'You're not' he answered. He wasn't in the mood for jokes maybe. Noted.
She nodded and took a step towards the office door unlocking it and getting in, supposing he would follow. Being in there made her feel slightly more secure. It was a place where she normally had some authority. Not with him she didn't. He closed the door behind him as she put her bag on the desk. The office had two big windows which let in few shy rays of sunshine. She had a couch with a few pillows for the patients and a chair for her. She looked at him and indicated the couch, as to say 'sit'. He really didn't want to. He felt like a patient. He went to therapy before, he just didn't want to be her patient. He stood there in the middle of the room watching Jude take off her coat and hang it on the chair. She wore jeans today. Tight jeans and a jumper. He could see her boots clearer now, they were shiny and the tip of the shoe was round. They looked from the 80's. She had cream coloured socks. She looked younger dressed like that. She looked less professional and more… a civilian, a normal 23 year old girl. He had settled that was her age. Her hair loose, her casual outfit, she looked ready for a walk in the park. He wondered if she walked in the park with her dog. She looked like she had a normal job, like waitressing or maybe she was a painter or a student. She looked like she could go to the movies dressed like that, or play bowling. She looked like she was about to sit down, take her shoes off, get comfortable and tell him about her day, talk about nothing for hours without ever boring him.
She finally spoke, sitting down in her leather chair. 'Why are you here?' she asked, her hands on her thighs. 'You can sit if you want', she added. He still wouldn't move. 'I wanted to apologise for asking about last year, I realised it might be a sensitive topic'. His voice was low and soothing, his British accent heavy on every word. She didn't expect that. That was very considerate of him, the 6 foot soldier standing in the middle of her office like the representation of death that comes knocking at your door. What a strange thing to say man, did you hear stories? Did you hear your friends say I faked it? Cause I know they're saying it. 'Thanks', she said softly, a tone she had never used with him. She tried not to get triggered by his words, not to let her mind wonder back to the event he was referring to. She had to fight hard to not let her brain spiral, a fight against herself. She always seemed to lose. 'It's just something really bad, I don't like to think about it more than I already do', she explained. His eyes were fixated on her like she was a wild animal about to go extinct. He nodded and silence filled the room.
'How did the mission go?' She asked even if she already knew the answer. She was just making conversation. He didn't want to stay too much. He thought about seeing her, he thought about talking to her again and now that she was there, now that he purposely went to her office to talk, he wanted to run. 'Good. Good, yeah, thanks to you, actually'. He finally sat down. That was what patients saw then. The desk behind her, the windows and her, on the leather chair. He tried to imagine her during sessions. Her back straight, compassionate eyes, maybe a notebook on her lap. The window on her right illuminated only half of her face. Making her half an angel. She wasn't commenting on his answer, she squinted her eyes. 'Are you saying I was right and you were wrong?' she asked. Cheeky. She wasn't smiling, cause she knew she was right all along. 'I'm saying you got lucky.' She made him weak, his mouth was dry. 'So what are you gonna do next? I might get lucky again', she said. Could he tell her? She already knew so much. He decided he could share, vague answers only. 'We find where they took Khorram, we'll probably find Arash as well. We leave in a week.' She kept biting her lower lip, not in a provocative way. She was thinking. 'What did he do exactly? He's the one with that snake flag right?' she asked. She was informed. She had seen the flag she was referring to on the news and on social media. It was a green flag with a snake print, with red eyes. A symbol. 'The viper, yes. We've been following him for some time. Human trafficking, mainly.' Her expression was of disgust. 'He formed an army, he controls the main cities, he lets people starve, public executions…' he decided to stop there. She nodded, she got the gist. 'Makes sense…' she murmured. 'Reign of Terror kinda thing.' There was silence again between them.
'Reign…' he felt bad that he didn't know what she was talking about. He didn't have a degree. Jude had probably 4 or 5. But no, he wasn't that cultured. It made him feel small. Guns and war, he was the best. It was the second time he didn't know what she was talking about, she said something about a Little King or some shit. (It was the Little Price, the book). 'French Revolution, doesn't matter', she cut him off. Don't make me feel stupid Jude. He got up saying he better be going, she did too, she said 'of course'. She offered him her hand to shake. You're Italian, he decided. The hand gestures, the physical touch. Yes, to Simon shaking your hand twice was considered physical touch. She wasn't British, she was too polite and beautiful for it. How do you speak English so well then. What made you come here? What's your real name something Italian like Julia or Sarah? He reached for her hand, glad he was wearing gloves this time so he couldn't feel her skin. Less of her to think about. She looked at him, then looked down to their hands, still holding it. Her soft, caramel skin, with those dainty black nails against his skeleton printed gloves. She turned his hand so she could see the skeleton print and smiled, with her head tilted down. A smirk. She had dimples. Her eyelashes were almost touching her eyebrows. He let go of her hand and turned around, regretting he didn't wear his other mask. Would have hidden the fact that he was blushing.
notes: I was listening to 'cool about it' by boygenius when writing this. also, writing ballet is fucking hard… how do I describe the pain. also also, Jude's shoes are those chunky coquette Mary Jane shoes that you wear with socks.
notes: Julia and Sarah are not correct spellings of Italian names, more on the American side. makes sense Simon doesn't know how to spell the Italian versions. (they are Giulia and Sara). How are you guys doing, you all good? You guessed it I'm still taking my exams and working and being clinically insane and unbelievably tired.
love, mare.
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