themculibrary · 7 months
Tony Takes Care Of Sick Peter Masterlist
Am I A Dying Man? (ao3) - Odd_I G, 5k
Summary: Peter Parker didn’t get sick, not any more. He hadn’t been really sick since before the bite, and that was what? Three years ago?
He was pretty sure it had something to do with his super healing, but he wasn’t completely sure. They never really had to test it out, after all. But he healed fast, so it generally made sense that his weird radioactive spider system also fought off any infections and illnesses.
— OR —
Peter gets sick, is a dramatic little shit, and Tony is just done with everything.
Appendicitis (ao3) - tommyparkerr T, 15k
Summary: In which Peter doesn't realize until too late that the flu shouldn't be this painful, and Tony Stark is right there to both lecture and comfort him (and accidentally call him his kid in the process).
Blankets (ao3) - kiwifeather G, 1k
Summary: Tony cares for an under-the-weather Peter the best way he knows how (which is pretty good, because he's a Dad™ now).
et tu, brute? (ao3) - turtle_bean G, 3k
Summary: Peter rounds the corner and gives a half-hearted hop. “All ready for the mission, Mr. Stark!”
Yeah, no.
“FRI, give me a read.”
“What -”
“101.7 degrees Fahrenheit, Mr. Stark,” Karen announces from Peter’s suit.
or, peter is sick, ned’s worried, and tony is... well, tony.
Extra Noodles (ao3) - duskblue G, 4k
Summary: Peter is staying with Tony while May is out of town. Unfortunately, Peter doesn't feel the best, so Tony is on a mission to figure out what's wrong so he can take the best possible care of him. He enlists his good friend, Bruce Banner in this task.
flushed away (ao3) - underpassgraffiti G, 2k
Summary: "I'm dying," he decides, flushing the toilet and resting his forehead against the rim. He feels disgusting. "I'm dying, I'm gonna die. Spider-Man dies to ravioli."
"Should I alert Boss?" Friday chirps, and Peter groans, waving a hand uselessly.
"No, m'fine," he grumbles. "WebMD will save me."
or: peter gets food poisoning & tony takes care of him.
Into the West (ao3) - ChocolateAndRedbull G, 1k
Summary: When a feverish Peter lets himself dwell on the past, Tony makes sure that he’s there to talk him through it
it's in the job description (ao3) - iron_spider_suit G, 8k
Summary: Peter gets sick just in time for movie night with the team. Tony does his best.
lessons in the metric system (ao3) - akapeterman G, 2k
Summary: “Pete,” Tony said slowly, “You’re sick.”
“No!” Peter said more urgently. “I’m hyp’thermic.”
“Trust me, you are the opposite of hypothermic right now, kiddo.”
or; Peter and Tony decide to road trip to Canada. Unfortunately, a peppermint air freshener happens to be Spider-Man's kryptonite. Confusion ensues. And honestly, Peter blames the American school system. They really should be more clear about the difference between Celsius and Farenheight.
Of Chicken Soup and Brooklyn-99 (ao3) - AnnabelleBlack20 G, 2k
Summary: Peter hadn’t gotten sick since the spider bite. But then again, his rotten Parker luck had a mind of its own. Lucky for him, he’s got a superhero in his corner. Nothing but pure fluff between IRONDAD and his SPIDERSON!
shaken up realities (shaking up reality) (ao3) - lemonlillybee M, 5k
Summary: This takes place after Endgame, and it’s a bit angsty, but everyone lives!
Written for the following Sicktember 2022 prompt: Cold Sweat
Sick Puppies (ao3) - OllieCollie G, 7k
Summary: Tony has been through a lot in his lifetime—from being kidnapped by terrorists to saving the world multiple times and just about everything in between—but he may be facing his toughest challenge yet: taking care of two kids with the flu.
Since I Have You (ao3) - lunasquared G, 2k
Summary: He didn’t register the fact that he started falling until he was caught by a pair of arms right before he hit the floor.
“Whoa there kiddo,” Tony said, helping Peter over to the couch. “What’s going on?”
“‘s hot.” Peter mumbled as he laid down on the couch thankful to finally be off his feet.
Peter gets sick and Tony helps take care of him.
we all have a hunger (ao3) - MotherKarizma G, 6k
Summary: “Morgan,” he croaked, throat afire, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Hey – hey, it’s okay, I’m just…”
“You’re sick.” She mustered up something like bravery, using it to straighten her back and plaster a very grown-up look on her face. “I’ll get Daddy!”
“No!” Morgan jumped, eyes wide. Peter fought to calm his voice. He offered her a smile that couldn’t have been convincing, not even to a five year old. “No, you don’t have to. I feel better now. You don’t have to tell him.”
Morgan’s lips wobbled. Peter knew what her fake pout looked like well enough to know this wasn’t it. “Petey…”
Peter had a lot of reasons to feel guilty. He felt guilty for scaring her. He felt guilty for forgetting to lock his bedroom door, for making scaring her a possibility. He kind of, in a way, felt guilty for doing it in the first place, though not nearly enough to stop.
But more than anything, he felt guilty for this: “Morgan, promise me you won’t tell him. He…he won’t let us swim anymore if you do. And I’m not sick, my tummy just hurt a little bit, but I’m all better now. Promise me you won’t tell him, okay?”
“Morgan. Promise.”
When I'm Sick Or Suffering (I'll Still Call You) (ao3) - l_u_c_k_y_c_l_o_v_e_r G, 2k
Summary: Peter comes down with the flu, but a certain superhero makes sure he doesn't have to deal with it on his own.
Wingman (ao3) - Sahiya G, 4k
Summary: Holy shit, Rhodey thought. Tony’s a dad.
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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All the One Direction fics I read and enjoyed in September 2023. You can listen to my podcast to hear me talk about each of these fics as well as an overview of what was posted on ao3 including the fics on this month’s fic roundup which you can find here! Please let the writers know if you liked the fics by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
Fanfictional Podcast #54 |  ko-fi | fic recs
🍁 And What If I Were You by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 109k, famous/not famous) For Louis, will losing his sight give him the clarity to realise what is right in front of him? For Harry, will losing the love of his life give him the strength to finally open his heart? And can they find their way back, before they lose each other forever?
🍂 Suddenly Last Summer by @disgruntledkittenface
(E, 44k, mystery) Suddenly he has someone who listens to him and cares about what he thinks. Someone who really sees him. But their happily ever after is forever marred by an incident at a party during Labor Day weekend, and Louis is left with a choice to make.
🍁 Endgame by @brightgolden
(E, 38k, royal au) Where omega Crown Prince Harry Styles is trying and failing to get pregnant for four years, but all that is about to change when courtesan alpha Louis Tomlinson comes into the equation.
🍂 That Howling Infinite by @sweettartine
(E, 27k, uni) the one where Louis and Harry fall in love while reading Moby Dick.
🍁 Might've Took The Long Way by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove
(M, 21k, exes to lovers) Now Harry is back in town, and no matter how many times Louis tells himself they can't be together, they keep falling right back into each other.
🍂 Ace of Hearts by @allwaswell16
(E, 10k, historical) Louis Tomlinson, the alpha Duke of Yorkshire, had returned to England to stay now that he’d married and mated. But since his husband was also the omega he’d once held captive aboard his half-brother’s pirate ship, he held back from pushing Harry into parenthood. Part 3 of Ace of Spades
🍁 Feels Like Magic by crimsontheory / @ireallysawanangel
(M, 10k, Marcel) It's been two incredible years with the best boyfriend Marcel could ask for, but is his biggest fear starting to become a reality? Has it really all been too good to be true? Part 2 of Marcel
🍂 Light Up Any Room by crimsontheory / @ireallysawanangel
(E, 10k, Marcel) Marcel is a little nervous about having to give a speech at the library’s annual charity gala, but thankfully he has Louis right by his side supporting him. And later that night, Louis shows Marcel just how proud of him he is. Part 3 of Marcel
🍁 In Shining Armour of Trackie and Trainers by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 9k, famous/not famous) Online dating isn't exactly working for Harry. In fact, it couldn't really be going much worse. But then the door of the bar opens, and the pack of friends walking in parts and - that’s Louis Tomlinson.
🍂 Court Wine by @enchantedlandcoffee , red_panda28 / @red-pandaaa
(T, 7k, a/b/o) after a misunderstanding during a scrabble game, Alpha Louis starts courting Omega Harry without the latter being aware of it.
🍁 I Remember (The Distances We Covered) by @lululawrence
(NR, 5k, famous/not famous) @ColleenisStylish: @LouisTomlinson my dad thinks he’s sat next to you on a train from Edinburgh right now, so if you could confirm that would be amazing. His name is Harry and he’s just had white wine and says you’re on red
🍂 U-Pop Truck Stop by @kingsofeverything
(E, 4k, truckers) After driving their big rigs all day, Harry and Louis park at the same truck stop.
🍁 Eyes so blue, Shorts so red by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense
(G, 2k, alien Harry) Alien Harry discovers poetry.
🍂 Tongue Tied by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(G, 1k, roommates) “I wish that I could tell Harry that I love him, instead of getting all tongue tied and chickening out.” The Irishman winked. “You never know, your wish may just come true.”
🍁 Enemies to Lovers by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(G, 1k, poem) There's something happening at Styles' place. Louis can sense it. He's good like that.
🍂 My Muse by skipper / @skipperxao3
(NR, 1k, older Harry/Louis) My love, my life, my everything. Until the day I die, you will never cease to be my muse.
🍁 The Lovers by @reminiscingintherain
(T, 1k, tarot cards) “Come inside,” an eerie voice seemed to echo from the darkness. “Come inside, and seek your destiny.”
🍂 Are We In the Clear by asphodelknox / @iamasphodelknox
(M, 1k, historical) Louis and Harry meet across a crowded court at a time when falling in love would mean their destruction. With help from a friend, they run for their freedom.
🍁 Gaydar Lessons by @homosociallyyours
(G, 1k, girl direction) While standing around after softball practice for the company's women's softball team, Harry gets caught (and caught up) in staring at Louis as she eats a ripe, juicy peach. If only she could be certain that Louis was into women.
—Rare Pairs—
🍂 You Are A Song by @lululawrence
(NR, 3k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) To Louis, Nick felt like poetry in motion. He was a bit of chaos surrounding Louis’ otherwise monotonous days, and Louis was quickly becoming addicted.
🍁 bet on it by @nouies
(E, 2k, Louis/OMC) a fic inspired by Louis at the barricade during AFHF
🍂 you are the magic in me by @beardyboyzx
(NR, 2k, Zayn/Liam) Zayn is eight when he meets the Prince for the first time. His dad is being knighted — the King has seen the way he fought to defend his village from the enemies of the Kingdom and has decided to gift him a piece of land and a title.
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This has been a worse than average endgame (to say the least), but I want to acknowledge the highlights of bb25. I’ve been watching since bb16 (been a feedster since bb17), and this has truly been the most invested I’ve been. Despite how frustrated I’ve been with production this year, I really think this season has some really stellar stuff in it (especially pre-jury). So here is a (lengthy) list of how I’ll remember this season:
Cirie motherfucking Fields showing up!!
Izzy immediately clocking that Jared was Cirie’s son before the live premiere even ended
Izzy immediately clocking that Cameron gives serial killer vibes
Felicia destroying four mics by the end of the first week
Felicia falling into the hot tub
“Clean that shit up a bit”
Cameron thinking Felicia was related to Denzel Washington
“Izzy Fields” and the beautiful friendship between her and Cirie
Hisam’s villain arc
Cory in Blue’s pink outfit (and later Americas jumpsuit)
(Honestly just Cory being a genuinely good dude who would call out things that crossed a line and fought against toxic masculinity)
The target flipping every other hour for like the first six weeks of the game
Every time Zach Wurtenburger tweeted about BB
The nickname “fucking Bowie Jane” which was then just shortened to fbj
The still of Cory’s mouth wide open while he was saying “what the fuck” when they were thinking of keeping Hisam
Meme’s storage room rants
“If I’m a have not next week, I’ll self-evict” “I’ll be a have not with you” *america leaves* “(to self) Cory, are you the most pathetic person? They were right about you — you’re a pick me”
Felicia yelling at Jag while he was in a chicken suit
Felicia and “Mr. B” (smooches!)
The slow burn Americory showmance (I could write a thesis on how much I love it but I’ll spare you)
The fact they brought the pressure cooker back
Izzy crying about how much she hates being in the same room as Cameron
“Fuck jag and I said that shit” -America Week 4, a prophet
When Matt used the power on jag and even live feeders were shook because we had no idea
The fact that Cameron’s 14 hours in the pressure cooker didn’t matter because jag was just brought back into the game
Blue sucking up to Felicia bc she thought she was Jared’s mom for a solid 24 hours
Felicia’s sleep screaming/singing
The dramatic and out of no where red/Cameron break up
“Cam thinks he’s like a father to me, but really he’s like an absentee father who wants to sleep with my girlfriend”
Blue volunteering jag to go up as a “pawn” during Jared’s hoh
Cam winning hoh after being blindsided by the red vote (hate him but the absolute silence and his thumbs up is so funny)
“Okay Jasmine” “*crying* who’s jasmine?” “*singing* a whole new world”
Cam not telling anyone including production who he was putting up
Matt winning the prize swap veto but choosing the punishment bc he thought he’d get to hang out with the real Josh Duhamel
The Josh Duhamel punishment in general
Izzy’s kick jump during the piggy pals punishment
Jared destroying his game because Cirie was stuck in a kayak with Felicia for 48 hours
(The fact the izzy flip happened bc she told Cory that he couldn’t sleep in the same bed as America anymore lol)
The Cory/Jared humiliverse fight
“To all my friends and family, trust I know that they are all liars and snakes… and cowards!”
“See you soon, pig!”
The Cirie/Felicia fight post-Jared’s eviction
Peak Unreliables when Jag fought for Cory’s LIFE against cams plan to backdoor him
People retweeting Meme’s tweets from over ten years ago that were weirdly relevant to the season
America lifting Cory after it was confirmed that they made jury
The musical that Cory got for his zing
The one time all the different stans came together was to celebrate Cams eviction
The “exquisite” bit
America causing Jag to want to shit his pants after telling him to “literally fuck off”
“Literally in this world, I am your biggest fan” 😭😭😭
Felicia being Cirie’s best friend and worst enemy (aka when she shaved her foot on her bed)
Americory saying “I love you” on Cory’s way out the door
Americas shrine to Cory/transforming into him
Cirie’s DR of her flipping off Jag, Matt, and Bowie
Izzy/Paige going as Americory for Halloween
The Americory “cradle robber” Halloween costume
“I’d be more impressed if [the wins] weren’t against two senior citizens, an airhead, and an idiot”
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kaorusan241 · 2 years
ok so, summer holidays after endgame. anne's admitted to st. mungo's to be more comfortable. fig was MC's legal guardian so she and sebastian are both orphans. so they're allowed to stay at hogwarts just for this summer, but they cannot leave the grounds apart from hogsmade and during day hours. also due to being extremely watched, they cannot fall to their shenanigans again, so they're forced to be good. this brings them together even more. so a lot of fluff, healing and a first kiss? no smut
I’ve given this a go, sorry if it’s crap! For wider reference, my call for prompts is HERE.
Sebastian Sallow x Slytherin! MC | When Term Ends
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The concept of a ‘summer holiday’ doesn’t mean much to you. Having grown up in the abject poverty of east London, the idea of relaxing happily with family, swimming in lakes and frolicking in fields, is entirely foreign.
When you first came to Hogwarts, you’d done your best to control your shock and delight at seeing entire tables stacked with chicken, vegetables and gravy, beef stew, freshly baked bread and a variety of soups - to be able to eat like this every day is something you’re still getting used to.
How funny, that despite the immense power you hold, the sight of a simple meal is still the thing that brings you the most comfort.
Hard benches, strict lines, attendants in monochrome uniforms, no curtains, floor coverings, or privacy. The constant sense that everyone around you on the street while you sold matchboxes or paintbrushes considered your poverty a choice - a result of a fundamental lack of effort.
You wish with all your soul that you’d been aware of Hogwarts sooner - to experience this level of freedom and joy for just three years feels cruel.
You wish you could curse the bastards who visited the slums for sport, to hell with the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.
You sigh, putting your book down on the table and watching the flames flicker in the dull green light of the common room. You look at your hands, so different to someone like Imelda’s. Your skin bears the evidence of all that you’ve been through, everything that makes you who you are.
You don’t know if it’s because of the ancient magic that bristles under your skin, but since the holidays began, you’ve struggled to keep a lid on your anger. You feel restless, caged in by the weight of fixing everyone else’s problems.
Take Sebastian, for example. You know that you’ll never fully understand the depths of his devotion to Anne, as an only child yourself. Your own feelings about the situation are so conflicted, you can scarcely imagine how Sebastian must feel.
Solomon was complacent in his search for a cure, you agree with him on that much. But Solomon was only doing what Anne had asked him to do, to stop looking, to let her cope with the symptoms by herself. Given the amount of suffering she’d experienced at Rookwood’s hands, shouldn’t Anne have been allowed that choice?
A life dictated by a feuding brother and uncle, on top of everything else… you grit your teeth, irritated again.
Sebastian is your friend, someone you want to trust to protect you. But he’s also a complicated character - it’s part of what drew you to him in the first place. You could sense something under the surface, even before you spoke to him. A languid charm that hid something much darker underneath.
Sebastian had a family who loved him, who wanted to protect him from the dark arts. A family who cared about what happened to him, who didn’t dump him in the streets and leave him to fend for himself.
He’d thrown all that away, for what? Knowledge?
You don’t believe for a second that Sebastian had done it with entirely pure intentions. He might well believe that everything he’s done, every curse he’s cast, was for his sister’s sake. He might even try to pretend that killing his uncle didn’t matter.
You know him better than that.
Speak of the devil and he doth appear.
“Didn’t expect to see you here”, Sebastian drawls, taking a seat next to you with a tired huff. It’s supposed to be a joke, but falls flat.
You were the only two Slytherins asked by Headmaster Black to stay in the castle over summer. Ominis was free to go, probably because he hadn’t witnessed two deaths in the span of a week. Thestrals might even start to pity you at this point.
“I have nowhere else to go.”
It’s honest, maybe too honest, and slips out before you can stop it. Sebastian just nods sagely.
You’ve never gone into detail about your past, but you know he senses the darkness in you, too.
“It’s been over a month, and still no invitations to join you on a quest. Don’t tell me you’re back on the straight and narrow?”
“Ah yes, because you’d know all about that.”
Sebastian laughs, and you feel yourself smirk. Anyone else listening would have been horrified at how flippantly you just referenced Solomon’s murder, but you weren’t about to argue about it, and you certainly couldn’t ignore it.
“Fair enough.”
Sebastian kicks his feet up onto the table, stretching his arms out behind him and crossing them behind his head. He glances at you, trepidation clear in his eyes.
“So… Professor Fig. How are you holding up? I didn’t spend much time with him, but I know you two were close.”
You feel hollow at the mention of Fig, empty after the promise of a stable home had been snatched away from your grasp.
“I’m fine. Neither of us are any stranger to grief, Sebastian.”
A pause. Sebastian sighs, sitting up from the sofa and leaning his arms on his knees.
“I know what you must think of me, now. I did this for Anne, but even she won’t speak to me. Thinks I should dwell on the consequences of my actions for a while.”
“Even if I had been sent to Azkaban, even if you’d all turned me in, I doubt she’d have visited me. Maybe a fate entwined with the dementors is what I deserve.”
Sebastian jumps at your insistence, turning to look at you in surprise.
“I don’t agree with you killing Solomon, but I also know that it was accidental. You let your anger get the best of you. The dark arts are powerful, but need to be wielded with care.��
“Do you think Anne might come to understand, with time?”
“Understand what? That you had to do it? No. Until you recognise that your inexperience with the dark arts led to this, she’ll never understand you. The only way she’ll ever come around, is if you frame it as a terrible mistake.”
Sebastian laughs again in surprise at that, and you turn away slightly, blushing.
“Sounds a little… manipulative? To twist recent events in my favour? Perhaps I’m rubbing off on you after all.”
You can’t help but smile. “Regrettably, yes.”
“In all seriousness though, I’m grateful to you for standing by me, through it all. I don’t know how to repay you.”
You look at him fully, noting the sincerity in his dark eyes, the bags underneath them. It’s been weighing heavily on him, you realize. The idea of being left alone.
“Are you afraid that without Ominis and I in your corner, you might get drawn into something worse..? Something you’d regret?”
“Maybe. I still intend to study the dark arts, to get better control over it. But without Anne I don’t have the same motivation as before. She was my other half, my best friend.”
You wince sympathetically, placing a hand on his shoulder, drawing it up and down the soft fabric of his robes in an attempt to comfort him.
“I can’t pretend I understand. Anne is wonderful, but I didn’t do all this for her.”
Sebastian furrows his brows. “If not for her, then why? Why did you go to such great lengths to help me?”
“Everyone I’ve ever cared about, has abandoned me, or died.” You don’t know where the words are coming from, but it feels like a dam has burst. “Everyone.”
You lift your hand from his shoulder, standing to pace near the fire, feeling its heat gracing your ankles as you walk.
“I know that you cared about Anne, that you love her. But she’s not dead yet, Sebastian. There’s still time for us to find a way to cure her, something that doesn’t involve blood sacrifices, or dark arts we can’t control. The people I’ve lost? They’re gone. I’ll never understand what it feels like for you, watching a part of yourself suffer in that way. But I do know what it feels like to be betrayed by family.”
Sebastian approaches you cautiously, as if you’re a wire about to snap.
“You’re talking about your childhood, aren’t you? The orphanage?”
“I’m sorry. I know you’ve kept parts from me, but it can’t have been easy.”
“It wasn’t. I just-” your voice cracks, and you turn away, hiding the tears before they fall.
“I just need to feel wanted. Like someone cares about me. I want to find someone I can trust completely, who won’t force me to stand on my own.” You swallow, steeling yourself.
“When you drifted away, out of my reach, towards magic that I don’t understand, it broke me. It felt like I was right back to where I started. Back to reaching out in my sleep, begging my parents not to leave me behind.”
“I could be that, for you.”
“What?” you quickly wipe your eyes, looking back at him. He’s standing straight, staring at you with a steely resolve that you’ve rarely seen on him.
“I could be the person that stands by your side. That you could trust. I know I’ve made some mistakes…” Sebastian rubs the back of his neck, guilt still radiating off him in waves. “I’ve made mistakes, but…”
He comes closer to you then, gripping your forearms tightly.
“Listen to me. I would never hurt you. You can trust me. After everything you’ve done for me, everything you are… how could I ever leave you?”
You suck in a breath. Here is Sebastian, admitting that you’re one of the three people in the entire world he cares about. That he wants you by his side.
“I.. thank you, Sebastian. I appreciate it.”
Sebastian stares at you, looking for something. You feel yourself heat under his gaze, wondering whether or not he believes you.
“Why do you think I go on quests with you? Spend so much time with you? Do you think it’s out of the goodness of my heart?”
“No… I thought that maybe… you wanted to learn more about ancient magic? That you needed it for something, thought it might help you cure Anne.”
He looks slightly affronted at this. “You think I was just using you? This whole time? That I don’t care about you?”
“No, that’s not it. I know you care. We’re friends.”
“Friends.” Sebastian laughs, incredulously.
“Have you not been paying any attention to the way I’ve been looking at you, this entire school year?”
Your heartbeat races. Are you about to have a heart attack? You don’t know where to look, the eye contact is too intense and you need to leave, you need to get out of here -
“Look at me.”
Sebastian lifts one hand to your face, turning your head, so gentle, despite all the anger you know simmers inside him.
“It’s different with you. I … like you. I want to be there for you, for you to depend on me. You can depend on me.”
It feels like every muscle in your body has frozen. You don’t attempt to speak.
“If you choose me.. I promise, I will never let you down again.”
It overwhelms you, the feelings you have for Sebastian. Everything that you would do for him. It feels all-consuming, the way that you take on his problems as if they were your own. Now he’s saying you can depend on him, that you don’t have to struggle through this alone.
You gently place your hands above his where they rest on your face, and lean forward. The kiss is feather-light, Sebastian doesn’t even seem to register it at first, but then he grips on to you. You feel like you’re falling.
Author’s Note: I don’t have a PS5 myself / have been using my friends, so my knowledge of this game is going to be a lot more limited than other writers. I can only write the characters as I see them, and I enjoy doing so, but things like detailed lore, specific plot points etc. might have inaccuracies. So if that’s vital to people, they should look for writing elsewhere.
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gangrel-pride · 5 months
My wishlist for part 3:
-VAST SILVER still being around, joining the fight against Nemesis and becoming best buds with Erend (brought to you by this one datapoint)
-Seyka joining Aloy at The Base
-Erend listing off everyone who would be disappointed now that the Savior of Meridian is taken (to Seyka’s amusement it’s a pretty long list, the only one Aloy was even aware of was Avad cause of, like, the whole rebound thing)
-Beta gaining more confidence, Aloy teaching her how to hunt. More Aloy and Beta bonding in general and more of Aloy getting used to being an older sister (with some help from Alva and Seyka)
-Beta and her imposing 100-pounds-soaking-wet frame trying to intimidate Seyka
-Zo earning Sona’s respect cause she’s a badass
-Teb the stitcher coming back as a permanent store at The Base that gets all of the cool gear near endgame so I don’t have to run around every fucking settlement tryna figure out who has the good shit
-Teersa meeting GAIA
-Morlund and Gildun becoming friends cause they’re both nerds, complete with side quest. And huge dangerous machines. Like idk mega thunderjaws or regular fireclaws or some shit
-CYAN and Aloy’s former werak (plus Ikrie and Inatut) joining up, no one is even surprised to hear Aloy was also a Banuk chieftain. Focus for Aratak
-Erend, Kotallo, Beta, Alva and Seyka listening to Aratak tell stories (extremely exaggerated stories in Aloy’s opinion) about Aloy’s exploits in The Cut
-CYAN and GAIA becoming AI friends
-Aratak, Sona and Hekarro meeting. That sounds like a party
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spicyvampire · 2 months
Hi, since GMM has many Thai BL series, just wondering, do you have favorites from them? If you do, do you have 10 you like most so far?
I do not have the best relationship with GeeMeeMee but over the years they have provided some tasty bls here and there, I'll try to give you a little top 10
1.Not Me (2021)
To me that's like the best GeeMeeMee show ever made, great activism story, all the storylines are compelling, it gets accidentally funny with the twins stuff and the fact that Yok the resident arsonist is tryna fuck that cop so bad, but with Yok's help Dan finished realizing that he was part of a system that was beyond fixing and it was better to get himself free of it than staying, honestly has one of the best storyline and character development ever written in a bl
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2. 3 Will Be Free (2019)
A gay mafia son, a stripper and a gogo bar manager walk into a bar, shenanigans ensue. To this day, the only GeeMeeMee show to have given me an endgame throuple and frankly one of the only cannon throuples we have in bl
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3. Moonlight Chicken (2023)
By god Wen fucked that old man in the chicken shop, but in all seriousness this bl probably has the best breakup storyline I've ever seen in any media ever, it's a truly masterpiece; also we saw the story of a deaf character who uses sign language and that's not something you see often in bl tbh, wish we had more Gaipa and Alan but you take what u can get
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4. Cherry Magic Thailand (2023)
Honestly this one took me by surprise, I'm not a fan of remakes but they did a really good job adapting those japanese characters to a Thailand setting while keeping some of the japanese background there, and go a bit further and deeper than the original did with some of the characters
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5. Wandee Goodday (2024)
This one was my obsession for the last few weeks, unfortunately I think the show lost some momentum around the middle of it, and it needed more balance on some stuff, like one of Dee's big trauma wasn't even resolved even if they showed it affecting him pretty severely at least twice, while we spend like almost the whole 2nd half of the show on Yak's, overall very silly and enjoyable and also nice asexuality representation which is not something you see often in bl
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6. The Eclipse (2022)
I'm not really a high school boy bl type of person and I usually avoid them but they got me with this one, I think Akk's storyline ressemble Dan's a lot in the sense that he had to realize he was part of a system that is bad and is using him to maintain a bad status quo and then had to free himself from it even if that's all he's ever known, Ayan is of course of a great help with his flirtiness, shenanigans and overall fuck the rules attitude
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7. Bad Buddy (2021)
Thai bl's Romeo and Juliet, what I loved the most about this one was the attention put on the dynamics of Pran and Pat and their respective families, and how even if they didn't succeed in changing their fighting parents minds, they stayed together and continued to love each other because at the end of the day, the love was between them and it had nothing to do with their parents
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8. He's coming to me (2019)
I love me a ghost story like any other guy, so this was right up my lane, I gotta admit it's been like 4 years since I've seen this so I don't remember the storyline clearly, but it left a good impression on me, so much that years later I still think of it as good
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9. Only Friends (2023)
Top 10 messiest friend group ever created, this could have been higher on the list if they didn't do Boston dirty in the very last goddamn episode of the show
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10. Dark Blue Kiss (2019)
I honest to god remember nothing about the mains but this show has the best coffee shop au in the ql universe and it's from 2019, SunMork chemistry is just firing all over the place, definitely my favorite Gawin ost too
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into-the-clintoris · 2 years
Taagnus not as endgame but as meeting your high school sweetheart at the reunion and thinking about what could have been.
Like imagine them falling so completely and utterly in love during the stolen century that when they forget each other its a hole in their chests, raw and stinging when prodded so they leave it alone. Then they meet again and the hole is filled? Probably? I mean, it doesn't hurt quite so much and Magnus's heart glows when Taako makes him chicken soup and Taako's chest feels like it's full of something warm and heavy when he tucks under Magnus's arm to watch the stars but Merle...kind of makes them feel that way too so it must just be having friends for the first time in so long.
And then they remember. And it's like...you were my first love. I forgot you. But I didn't really. I loved someone else but I knew how to love them because of you. And I still love you. But...neither of us is the same person. Julia. Sazed. Raven's Roost. Glamor Springs. It's not even about the fact that Taako has Kravitz now. Its...I don't think I could love you the same way any more, even if I had the energy to try. I think too much has happened. I think too much of me has changed.
Like I just think that Magnus will never be ready to love someone like that again, after Julia. Not even Taako. And it's easier to let him be happy with Kravitz than to untangle this mess.
And I think Taako wants uncomplicated, for once in his life. I think he wants to start over, one last time, and for this time to last, instead of 100 years of wiping the slate clean every year.
And on top of all that, one of them is a human and the other is an elf!! It didn't matter when they died and came back every year, but it does now. It all matters now and--
I think they kiss. Once. I think they gain their memories back and they can't fucking help but squeeze each other tight and kiss each other like they're oxygen. I think they cling to each other, because they forgot, and now they remember and its so good to have you back, I missed you even though you were right there almost but not quite.
I think they kiss. And then they look at each other and realize that this part of their lives is behind them. I think they decide, I can love you, but not like this. I want my best friend back. I thought you'd be the only love I'd ever have but look, I found it again! It hurt to lose you,, but I found love without you. But you... I'll never have you again. So let me have you. As a friend. Different, not less.
Taagnus, not as endgame, but as a memory.
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karkkledoodle · 4 months
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a girl and her girl
i could actually talk about Mazonite for hours i hold her so dear to me for no reason.
so i shall lore dump. all of this is subject to change but i feel like yapping rn.. anyways
Mazonite's the drummer for her sex rock band Eudialyte! She does most of the writing for the band but her voice is a little too, in her opinion, raspy and yucky to sing. ): What you get for 10+ years of chain smoking ig
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She's in her mid-lateish twenties and acts like a college student who has no sense of self preservation. Her kitchen usually has nothing but juice, cereal, sauce, and leftover local restaurant food. Sometimes theres a bagged precooked chicken if she's feeling rich. Also the baked goods her girlfriend brings her!!! Those go fast though.
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Mazon met Floyd outside of a bar one night. He was in his mid-late teens, playing guitar for money in desperate attempt to get back on his feet after his solo career failed. Don't worry, he gets another shot at it later.
She offers to take him in! Floyd's a little hesitant, as one should be when an intoxicated woman comes out from a bar after her band's performance and offers you a place to live. Eventually he accepts when she offers to take him to get something to eat. They go to some dingy local joint and she gets a burrito (VERY IMPORTANT(not really(i would kill for a burrito rn(thats all)))). She mentions her girlfriend over dinner and the wlw mlm solidarity is enough to convince Floyd he's safe with her. Maybe not the best logic, but he's a queer teenage boy and that's more or less the logic we all had at some point.
Mazonite has no recollection of the events the next morning but is chill with this new roommate. He's sassy but they get along. She dubs him her "nephew", which he doesn't exactly love.
Floyd: I'm not your nephew.
Mazonite: Why can't I be? ):
Floyd: For one, you're as old as my eldest brother. For another, we aren't related.
Mazonite: Consider, Flo, that I am like the cool sexy lesbian aunt you have been missing your whole lifey-wifey?!?
Floyd: D- .. Don't ever say sexy and aunt in the same sentence.
Mazonite: I buy you black hair dye and this is how you treat me??? ):
He learns to stop caring about the nephew title.
Eventually Mazon introduces Floyd to the band and he maaaybe has a little crush on their guitarist/singer, Aveil. What gay emo teen doesn't love a guy with long hair, a little facial hair, and tattoos. Anyways, the band loves him! Mazon's girlfriend, Renée is a bit worried that she isn't feeding him properly. He assures her he's fine. Renée starts sending more homecooked dishes.
Floyd joins Eudialyte when Aveil gets arrested for smth stupid a few days before the band has a show. Mazonite begs him to sing, just for one show, just one night. Floyd's against it just because he's really set on being a soloist, but Maz pesters him into one show. He ends up really enjoying it. Who knew being a band could be fun? Just like back with...well...nevermind. He'd rather not talk about it.
Floyd stays singing for Eudialyte when Aveil returns and he helps Mazonite write some of the music! Way down the line Floyd leaves Eudialyte to pursure his solo career, and the band couldn't be more thrilled. They are his biggest fans (: Mazon goes to every show she can and screams as loud as possible as close to the front as she can get. Bro owns all the Floyd merch she can get her sharp little fingers on.
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She's my silly meow meow
Anyways idk what else to say there's def more to her but I'm drawing a blank lol. Mazonée endgame tho they are so in love and I could make a whole post on their relationship. They get married one day and have a daughter!!! :D
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First off, the outline of everything we will be using in our creation of book 10, or Elysian (Endgame is a great name, but Marvel), as I call it.
Next, everything I'm using in Elysian.
I am also tagging everyone who has helped me come up with ideas, as well as edited, since we share one braincell, and have a lot of similar things.
Sorry for cut it's LONG
Council gets overthrown
Sophie gets to kill Mr Forkle
Alvar dies in Fitz’s arms
Sophie starts an human outreach program
Jensi remains Talentless and helps other Talentless
Exillium gets to be relevant
Tiertice adopt Tam and Linh and Rayni
Ruy appears and does something idk
Trix joins up with the gang
Biana, Stina, and Dex team up
Biana has a sword
Sophie teaches the rest of the keeper gang about lgbtq+ people
Crazy fights
Gethen and Ruy show up to do stuff
They/them Elysian
All the mysteries are finally revealed
Lady Gisela to die
Amy to have a bigger role
Lord Cassius to either formally apologize to Keefe or else shove a stick in it
T h e r a p y
Ships to finally sail
Elysian’s big naturals
frognate rings
explicit language
vertina pagetime
more void lore
Sophie strikes out on her own and forms her own group
we learn about Keefe’s human friends
Details on some of the parents top secret missions (mentioned in their unlocked files)
Embarrassing middle name for keefe
foot power
Sophie channels someone’s heart/skull, or uses telekinesis on someone’s neck (it’s them or her friends. And she’s already lost enough.)
Biana and Sophie commit arson again (Neverseen)
the triplets
Elwin officially adopting Keefe
Biana kills somebody (can we just bring Vespra back so she can kill her)
Tam gets hurt and Linh goes batshit
Bronte with curly hair
Sophie eats sweet and sour chicken to everyone’s horror
Alina redemption arc (literally wouldn’t suggest this but Ciara is the one running it and they’re part of the Alina deserves redemption club)
Dex losing an arm (his name means right handed it’s ironic oaky!)
Tiergan punches Quan song when he tries to say something to the twins
Sandor and Giselle scenes
Juline and Edaline being sisters
Keefe and Grady bonding
Alvar isn’t dead and gets redemption
Caprice is relevant other than just being the crazy lady
Sophie loses it during a battle to fulfill the whole "the moonlark could tear this whole place down" thing
Sandor finally has to dance in sparkly pants
Someone punches Alden
Or Cassius
Or both. At the same time.
More of Grady's mesmerizing please and thank you
Gradaline moments
Sophie's dad reveal (maybe do a poll on who people think that should be? I'm hoping for Fintan)
Oralie actually fights in a battle
Someone finds out about Oralie and there's a bunch of drama with all the people
more jensi, dex and rayni
jensi not manifesting an ability yet playing more roles in the story (eg. fighting the neverseen with a weapon or something)
keefe and fitz friendship moments/actually being best friends again
more backstories? tinkers maybe?
blur or wraith or tinkers identities
the return of the amazing amy foster
keefe’s human friends (hoping at least one is a celebrity) and human world adventures
Next, breaking this up. Anyone can join, I just need people to help organize this, and the plan is we sort it up by character/group, and eventually break it down into chapters, ordered by what would make sense in a basic plot structure. Then we will start figuring out technical things such as who is writing what.
Simply send me an ask or message if you're interested in helping me organize this!
And, if you have any and all suggestions, feel free to tell me!
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - April 2nd
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It’s been a quiet reading week for me, but I reread a favorite fic which was nice. Give a look see to all of this week’s stories and be sure to leave a comment/kudos for your author. 
given you a number, taken away your name by janonny 
As Tony behaves more erratically, S.H.I.E.L.D. sends in Steve as an undercover agent in S.I. to be Natasha’s back-up. Except Steve is really, really not cut out for this undercover business.
Before the lift’s doors closed, Stark suddenly grinned and said, “Call me Tony. Have a better rest of the day, big guy.”
Awkwardly, Steve lifted his free hand and waved as the doors slid shut between them.
What...what was he doing? Why was he waving? Steve hurriedly put his hand down and turned around sharply.
Second Opinion by Annie D (scaramouche)
Written for an anon on tumblr, who requested "short domesticity fic where you can tell that Steve and Tony have been together for THAT long".
I kinda failed at at the domesticity portion, but this Steve and Tony are very, VERY together.
Dreamboat to the rescue by shetlandowl 
When the last single person in Tony's close friend-group finds her special someone, said person makes it her personal mission to make sure Tony doesn't die alone. Getting her off his case will take a miracle, so Tony tries to fabricate one. It doesn't go according to plan.
The Stolen Shirt by RiotFalling 
Tony steals Steve’s shirt. It has an effect.
Ripple Effect by sabrecmc
After the events of Infinity War, Steve is sent back in time on a desperate mission to find the Tesseract. Instead, he meets up with 21-year old Tony, still reeling from his parents' deaths. Who, naturally, tries to climb Steve like a tree. Somehow, this fixes everything.
Fuse is Fireside by GotTheSilver
if Tony lived post Endgame au.
Because, here’s the thing, he loves Pepper. He does. He’s not so much of an asshole that he’d marry her if he didn’t.
But Steve.
Steve is like gravity. Always has been.
We're Dating by Whothefuckyduckyisbucky
Tony thinks they're dating. They totally are. Someone should tell Steve.
Set after The avengers movie. In the 1940's male friendships were a lot more affectionate, so Steve doesn't always get that the affection Tony shows him isn't platonic.
of dreams, ice and scales by janonny
Tony is Iron Man. He’s also a dragon who has learned that you can’t keep everything you love.
Steve is Captain America. He’s also a knight who falls into deep sleep for decades and wakes to a different world.
Together, they rescue each other.
At nine, Tony trembles when Maria comes to him and says with hushed urgency, “Never give your scales to anyone. You’ll only regret it.”
At sixteen, Steve trembles when they lower Sarah into a hole in the ground. 
A Moment In History by itsallAvengers 
Everything was going fine until Tony Stark from ten years in the past landed on his ass in their kitchen.
Present-day Tony supposes this is just another Sunday Morning.
The Goddamn Suit by orphan_account
Steve is attracted to Tony's suits. Tony finds out that the Captain is a slut.
Ride by FestiveFerret
“Oh god,” Steve’s hips jerked in their confines. His cock was so hard it hurt, his jaw ached in the best possible way, and it was all too much. “Tony, please.”
For A Good Time Call by BeenAsleepFor70Years
Steve explores his sexuality by trying out a phone sex service. He may just leave the situation crushing on the guy at the other end of the phone. He already had feelings for his teammate Iron Man, now a new crush gets thrown into the mix. What ever shall he do?
couldn't whisper (when you needed it shouted) by only_more_love 
Steve still can't let go of that damned flip phone. (Really, he can't let go of Tony.)
i want the green grass and the tomato plants by Anonymous
When Tony arrives to Stardew Valley, he spends the first five minutes staring.
(Or, a Stardew Valley AU. Tony rebuilds a farm and owns chickens. Steve paints.)
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
like the dawn
part xix- the endgame
“just because you are soft doesn’t mean you are not a force. honey and wildfire are both the color gold.” - victoria erickson
summary: you’re in the endgame now, and you’re making it out alive. even if you have to take on an army.
wordcount: 4.2k
warnings: violence, cussing, angst, endgame events, um idk what else
taglist: @whelvedfeelingsstuff @sebsgirl71479 @rebloggingmyrecs @babyblublossom @local-mr-frog @thenyxsky @capsiclesdoll @moonlightreader649 @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @itsprashimusic @yourfavunsub
a/n: one more part left! i’ve really enjoyed writing this series and i’m very sad to see it end, but i’m excited to see what’s next. hope you all enjoy, and i love u so much 🫶
previous part | series masterlist | next part
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When everyone arrives back on the platform and safely in 2023, you’re more than excited.
You haven’t been so close to your boys in five years. But now there’s a glowing cube in your hand that you haven’t seen since the 40s and everyone’s here-
“Where’s Natasha?” you ask, watching Clint fall to his knees.
He says nothing, staring into the ground.
And that’s answer enough.
The funeral is the next day. Just you, Tony, Thor, Bruce, and Clint.
Tony is just more determined to bring everyone back. Thor’s convinced you can bring her back. Bruce is… angry in a way that’s more human than Hulk.
Barton is heartbroken.
The grief rolls away from him in waves, and it’s impossible to ignore.
After the service at the compound lake, you head back to your old room, sitting down and staring at the blank walls.
A knock comes from the door.
The archer himself, still in the outfit from the funeral and tear stains still streaking down his face.
He sits next to you, looking around the room. The bed that’s larger than needed, the three pillows. The way you keep glancing at the walls for pictures that don’t hang there anymore.
Or maybe you’re looking around for people. For ghosts.
“How do you do it?” he asks. Live with the ghosts, he means.
“You’ve been doing it, too.”
Clint knows you’re right. He lost his entire family, and now his best friend. But he had Nat for those five years, and even then he went berserk.
He killed with no morals, just crude vigilantism for five long years. All over the world, he left dead bodies and power vacuums waiting to be filled by the next person corrupt enough to take on the role. He was a plague, sweeping through gangs and mobs and cutting them off at the knees with bloody tactics better left in foggy memory.
You hid in a cabin in Romania and adopted chickens.
And you were completely alone.
You shrug, mouth opening and closing a few times as you struggle for the words.
Swallowing, you take a deep breath. “I don’t. The pain hasn’t gone away.” He nods. “I think of them every second, every day. Even if I don’t want to admit it.”
“Do you know I dream of them?”
Clint pauses. “What do you mean?”
“Of our life before the war. Sometimes it’s memories, sometimes it’s all made up.” You chuckle a bit. “I dreamt that we were back- back then, one time. And I woke up convinced I was back in that little apartment.”
He can’t relate. Clint wishes he could have dreamt of his family, but he never saw them other than in pictures.
“I think those dreams were worse than the nightmares,” you finally say.
The hole Natasha Romanoff is leaving proves to be bigger than can ever be filled. For now, it feels bottomless. But one day, the hole won’t be so deep. Until then, you have to keep your head above water, even if you’re barely treading.
The two of you sit in silence, waiting for something that doesn’t come.
“All right, the glove’s ready.”
Tony and Rocket carefully lift the new gauntlet. It’s Stark tech, hot-rod red as usual.
“Question is, who’s gonna snap their freakin’ fingers?” the raccoon asks. You go to speak, but Thor beats you to it.
“I’ll do it,” he says, hands shaking. In one hand, he’s clinging to Mjolnir, retrieved from the past. You’ve never touched the weapon. Ever since you learned how the hammer works, you’ve avoided it. You don’t need Asgardian magic to remind you of your crimes.
Despite Thor’s gumption, it’s clear to everyone that he’s in no state to even be awake, much less wielding the most powerful things in the universe.
“It’s okay.”
He hurries towards the glove, but you and Tony stop him before he can snatch it up.
“Thor, just wait,” you say. “We haven’t decided who’s gonna put the glove on yet.” The god laughs.
“Oh, I’m sorry. What, we’re all just sitting around and waiting for the right opportunity?”
“We should at least discuss it,” Scott agrees. Thor doesn’t relent, growing desperate as he rambles.
“I’m the strongest Avenger, okay?” he says. “So, this responsibility falls upon me. It’s my duty.”
When Tony steps in to talk him down, you turn your gaze back to the gauntlet. Just like in Wakanda, power flows off of it in waves. Without a wielder, however, its power is more of an ambient thrum than an overwhelming force.
If anyone else snaps, they’d be left with permanent damage. It could kill someone. Another friend, gone. Just like that.
The gauntlet is in your hands faster than you can blink.
“(Y/N)?” Tony’s voice is muffled.
You know that your healing would save you from any injuries.
You could bring everyone back.
Your boys.
“What are you talking about?” Scott asks. You didn’t even realize you were talking out loud.
Tony carefully grabs the gauntlet. “(Y/N), put the glove down.”
And you snap out of it, letting him take the stones away. Your fingertips pulse with power.
“I would survive,” you mutter. “I’d heal faster than I’d die.”
“Healing isn’t gonna do much for you,” Bruce says before nodding to Thor. “And neither will lightning. It’s gotta be me.”
“You saw what those stones did to Thanos. They almost killed him,” he continues. “The radiation coming off the stones is mostly gamma, though. It’s like… I was made for this.”
Everyone glances at each other. He makes a good point. Finally, Tony sighs and relents.
With everyone in place, Bruce picks up the gauntlet.
“Good to go, yeah?” Tony asks. When Bruce nods, the genius finalizes the plan. “Remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago, you’re just bringing them back to now, today. Don’t change anything from the last five years.”
“Got it.”
The room begins to go on lockdown, and you summon a shield of light in one hand, while readying your healing with the other.
“Everyone comes home.”
The glove expands to fit Bruce’s hand, and as soon as it’s locked on, that endless power returns. The doctor screams in pain, falling to one knee as his skin starts singeing under the heat.
“Take it off! Take it off!” Thor shouts, but you hold a hand out.
“Bruce, are you okay?” you ask. Eventually, he nods, lifting his hand.
And he snaps.
…then immediately collapses on the floor.
You start healing his arm as soon as possible, struggling to contain the damage. There are so many burnt nerves, so many blisters.
It takes a few minutes, and even then he’s still passed out.
You stand up as the team hovers around him, watching the doors open again. Your heart feels lighter.
Clint’s phone starts ringing, and everything starts to feel right again. From the windows, Scott pipes up.
“Guys… I think it worked.”
You smile, before the hairs on your neck rise.
A quick glance up is all you need to spot Thanos’s ship, giant and covering the compound.
You barely manage to throw a shield over yourself when the missile hits. When the rubble stops, you’re the only one atop the ruined building.
Flinging a hand to your earpiece, you take a shaky gasp. “Guys? Anyone, please. Are you all okay?”
All you get in response is vague screaming, so you huff, shake out your hands, and get ready for the fight of your life.
From your hiding spot, you watch Nebula, definitely not your Nebula, head towards a returned Thanos. Whatever happened on her excursion to the past, it brought them here.
The Mad Titan sits, sword planted in the ground, and waits.
Rage boils under your skin as you watch him. He’s nonchalant, calm, and confident. Maybe he’s not the same Thanos, but he took the loves of your life. You want nothing more than to kill him again.
However, as far as your rage will carry you, you know you’ll need help.
You take your place on a hill, shortly followed by Tony and Thor.
“What’s he been doing?” the former asks.
Thor shakes his head. “Absolutely nothing.”
“And the stones?” you ask. Tony points to the ground.
“Somewhere under all this. All I know is he doesn’t have ‘em.”
When you suggest fighting him, the god of Thunder sighs again. “You know it’s a trap, right?”
“Yeah. I just don’t care all that much.”
“Good. As long as we’re all in agreement.”
Thunder crackles as the clouds begin to spiral and Thor reaches out each hand. With the lightning come Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, flying into his hands. He doesn’t even flinch as the electricity dances across his body.
“Let’s kill him properly this time.”
The three of you descend, slowly approaching Thanos.
“You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you?” He nods, smirking. “Back to me.”
“I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you’ve shown me that that’s impossible. As long as there are those who remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.”
“We certainly will,” you say.
“I’m thankful. Because now I know what I must do. I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then, with the stones you’ve collected for me… create a new one, teeming with life, that knows not of what it has lost but only what it has been given.” He grabs his sword. “A grateful universe.”
You shrug your bow into your hands. “Born out of blood.”
“They’ll never know it. Because you won’t be alive to tell them.”
You, Tony, and Thor all strike at once. Flashes of electricity, light, and repulsors flicker in time to clangs of metal.
Even if Thanos is huge, the three of you are nimble. You dart and weave around his blade, firing at weak spots as the other two sink everything into their strikes.
Thor charges up Tony, who attacks and in turn gives you an opening. But then Tony’s knocked out and tossed to the rubble. The god rushes in to help, but gets pinned and Thanos starts sinking Thor’s own axe into his chest.
You have to hold the line.
Tossing the bow to the side, you charge the titan. A flash of light in his eyes distracts him, and something pulls your hand.
An instinct? No, that’s not the right word. The action isn’t familiar, or a usual response.
It’s an intuition.
The unfamiliar tug extends your palm, and something comes flying to your outstretched hand. Closer, closer, until you don’t have to look over to know what lands in your grip.
The hammer crackles to life and you feel like you’ve just been injected with pure caffeine. It’s a high like no other. Absolutely euphoric.
In the reflection of the weapon, you can see your eyes glowing in gold and blue.
The rest of the universe falls away. It feels selfish to admit, but you don’t give a damn right now about what happens to the rest of the galaxies. You’re doing this for Earth. For your friends.
For Natasha. For Wanda, and Sam, and T’Challa. For Steven Grant Rogers and James Bucky Barnes.
You fly up, watching Thanos ready his sword. Your powers combined with Thor’s are too much to even contain, and residual energy starts escaping your hands and seeping into the hammer.
You bring down Mjolnir on Thanos with such force that it knocks his sword from his hands and drives him into the dirt.
With a twirl of the wrist, you strike him across the jaw, flipping away as he jumps up.
It’s a careful dance as you fight the man destined on destroying this entire universe. Not just you, not just the Avengers. Everyone. And you’re standing between him and his goal.
Gold light and light blue electricity dance around your body as you move, radiating from you like a deadly whirlwind.
With a flying blow that knocks him onto his back again, you set a foot on his chest.
“I killed you once. I dragged it out that time.” You shoot a pulse of electricity through your planted foot that you can feel shock his nerves. “That was before I had five years to think about it. Alone,” you snap.
“I won’t take so long this time.” When you flash a smirk, you think you can see a bit of fear in his eyes.
One hand flies down to Thanos’s forehead and you unleash the pent-up energy.
His head starts overheating and he screams, clawing at your hand. It doesn’t do much, seeing as every time his fingers touch you, lighting burns his hands. But then he manages to grab his sword and slam it against you, sending you flying back.
Your wings take the brunt of the landing, but you stand anyway. It’s not like you have any other option.
Now that Thanos has his sword again, you’re on even footing. Blows are parried and your hands are lightning-quick, literally and figuratively.
But you’re human beneath everything.
And you’re tiring.
He sneaks in a blow that cuts your arm and lays you out in the dirt yards away, Mjolnir flying from your hands as you cough.
You gasp for air as he slowly stalks toward you. Fighting to get up proves harder than ever.
So instead, you roll onto your side, healing the gushing wound.
“In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter… it was never personal.”
You lift your head to glare at the titan.
“But I’ll tell you now, what I’m about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet? I’m gonna enjoy it very, very much.”
Behind him, an army descends from his ships. Thousands of soldiers.
Tony isn’t getting up. Neither is Thor. For all you know, the rest of the team is dead under your feet.
You rise, reaching your freshly-healed arm down to your side and feeling the familiar thrum of your powers.
You extend your wings to their full reach, casting a soft shadow behind you. For once, you appreciate their darkness.
The neverending enemy in front of you is an omen of death.
But so are you.
For once, the Angel of Death doesn’t seem like such a horrible title.
You only hope your boys will be okay when you’re gone.
With a long-suffering sigh, you slowly start your way towards the enemy line, when the silent comm in your ear crackles to life.
“I thought you knew better than to do anything stupid until we got back?”
When you whip your head back to where a soft glow is growing, that adrenaline rush is back all over again.
The first to emerge from the portal are T’Challa, Shuri, and Okoye. The king nods to you, and you can spot the full Wakandan army behind them.
Sam flies out as dozens more portals emerge, dotting the sky.
Dr. Strange, the family of Rocket. Peter’s with them, smiling as if he’d never died.
You watch in awe. Some of the people emerging from the rings, you don’t even recognize. But you’re all here for the same reason. You held the line.
And then you see them.
Up until that point, you’d stayed calm. You’re tired, bruised, and relieved beyond imagination.
But as soon as you make eye contact with Steve and Bucky you’re running towards them.
When you finally reach them, they catch you with open arms.
“Welcome back,” you whisper, clinging on and never intending on letting go. You pull away anyway.
“I’m sorry,” Steve asks. Bucky agrees, still holding your hand.
You laugh, tears spilling over. “What for? Your back!”
“We’re sorry you had to be alone,” Bucky presses. Nodding, you turn back to the army that you quite honestly forgot was there.
“All that matters now is that you’re here,” you conclude, reaching out a hand. That same tug, and Mjolnir returns just like before.
You gesture to Steve, who’s gaping at the weapon in your grasp.
“Go on. You do it better anyways.”
He nods, shouting over the noises of both sides.
Everyone surges forward at once, the two sides colliding in a mess of yelling and blasts. You spot Tony and Pepper in complimentary suits, destroying Thanos’s smaller ships.
Thor takes out waves of aliens with lightning strikes, and the Dora Milaje take down enemies with strategic precision.
You join the god, catching his ax when it comes towards you instead of the hammer.
He frowns. “No, no, give me that. You have the little one.” You oblige, swapping weapons and taking to the sky as lightning trails behind you.
A Leviathan veers in your direction, sharp teeth glinting as you speed up. You toss Mjolnir down its throat, conjuring lightning that explodes the whole creature from the inside.
You reach out for the hammer to return to your hand, but just as it reaches you, it flies away.
“Dammit, I was using that, Thor,” you mutter, watching it sail to his hand.
You summon an arrow, tossing it into the fray and manipulating it from the ground. It cuts through the air faster than energy blasts, and you send it straight through a larger ship that crashes to the ground.
“You need to keep up with this, it’s vintage.” You whirl around to see Steve holding up your bow. He smiles. “C’mon, I’m more of a shield guy, myself.”
You roll your eyes, smirking and taking it.
“We’re vintage, Stevie. Where is Buck, anyway?”
The blond points a bit away, where your other lover is furiously struggling to tie his hair up in a half-bun.
“Cap!” Clint shouts over comms. “What do you want me to do with this damn thing?” The glove.
You block an alien charging you two, holding it off as Steve responds.
“Get those stones as far away as possible!”
You fire a blast down its throat as Bruce yells from nearby.
“No! We need to get ‘em back where they came from,” he says.
You grunt, shoving more enemies back. “We can’t do that. Thanos destroyed the machine.”
“Hold on!” Scott towers above the battlefield, but shrinks down as soon as he talks. “That wasn’t our only time machine.”
A distant melody plays.
You press your earpiece. “Anyone see an ugly brown van out here?”
An unfamiliar voice responds. “Yes, but you’re not gonna like where it’s parked!”
Scott and Tony start talking, hashing out a plan to reactivate the tunnel. Meanwhile, you hurry towards Bucky.
He ducks long enough for you to shoot an arrow at a hoverbike flying at you both.
“You’re bleeding,” you scold. He willingly offers up his flesh arm, letting you mend the skin with ease.
“You look the same,” he whispers. You glance up in confusion. “Everyone else looks older. Stark. Barton.”
In the midst of the battlefield, he kisses your forehead.
“You haven’t changed one bit.”
You shrug. “Well, at least that serum’s worth something.”
Across the field, you see a red glow. Thanos rises in the air by Wanda’s magic, and he starts screaming in pain almost immediately.
He shouts out, and you can see the main ship above readying its guns.
“Steve!” you yell, beckoning the blond over. You throw up a shield just as fire rains down on both sides, explosions racking the ground.
Suddenly, the guns turn to the sky.
A beam of lights shoots through the main ship, exploding the inside.
A saving grace.
“Danvers,” you pant into the comm. “Welcome back.”
“Good to be back, Agent.”
Steve and Bucky both raise an eyebrow.
“‘Agent’?” the former teases. You push him, running to where Carol landed.
You gently help Peter to his feet as he passes the gauntlet off to the veteran, healing his scratches.
“I don’t know how you’re gonna get through all of that.” He winces as you heal his nose.
“Don’t worry,” Wanda says as she lands beside him. On a winged horse, a woman descends as well.
“She’s got help,” Okoye finishes. Along comes Pepper, Hope, and Shuri. You grin and turn back to the teen.
“Stay safe, okay? You’ve done a great job, now let us finish this up,” you tell him as he nods. “Steve and Buck are over there, keep an eye on them for me?”
He dutifully runs off and you tap your earpiece to speak just to your boys.
“I sent Peter over to you two. Keep an eye on him, please.”
They respond in the affirmative, and you return your focus on the task at hand.
As the group charges forward at the titan, you all attack at once. You and Wanda sling twin blasts, gold and scarlet colliding against the enemy line before Gamora and Okoye go in with a sword and spear.
The valkyrie slices down the side of a leviathan as Carol blasts through the explosions. She collided with Thanos, and the resulting explosion rocks the ground.
The gauntlet is on the ground. Tony and Thanos both run for it, and when the genius is tossed to the side, Thor takes his place. Even the god is shrugged off.
Steve and Bucky are beside you in an instant. The shield, the gun, the bow.
Just like before.
You don’t have to speak to move in tandem.
Steve tosses the shield and you blast it forward. Bucky throws a knife that you retrieve. Steve distracts Thanos long enough for Bucky to kick the gauntlet further away.
It’s a triad of blows, and you manage to fight the titan to a standstill for a while.
But the moment you slip up, he takes the advantage again. Bucky is tossed at least 20 feet, and Steve is punted into the ground and punched in the face.
With a swing of the arm, you push the titan back before shooting out a hand.
Alien anatomy may be strange, but it’s not hard to locate a knee.
You focus your powers on the bone, and you pull.
The bone pops out of the socket with a sickening pop, and Thanos screams. Before you can give the other knee the same treatment, he grabs one of your wings and throws you.
You shout out as you hit the ground, rolling to a stop a few feet away. Cussing and groaning under your breath, you try to blink away the tears.
As you lay on the ground, you fire random bursts of light in hope to keep the gauntlet away from Thanos.
Tony takes over when you can’t anymore. You watch the man, more human than any of the rest of you, wrestle with the titan. He gets flung away, but you see him cradling something in his hands.
Thanos raises his arm, but you can see the back of his hand. The stones are missing.
“I am inevitable,” he hisses.
When he snaps, all that comes is an empty clang.
Tony sits up, and the Infinity Stones take their places on his hand in a gauntlet of his own.
“And I…” he pauses to gasp for breath. “…Am Iron Man.”
All around you, Thanos’s army starts dissolving to dust, just as half of the universe did five years ago. The titan sits down, but your focus is on the billionaire.
He stumbles towards you and you guide him to a nearby rock. Tony sits down, or rather, collapses on the ground as you kneel beside him.
You’re tired, but you push through the fatigue.
“What’re you doing, kid?” he whispers. If not for your enhanced hearing, you wouldn’t have been able to make out the words.
“You saved me.” You wince as your wing, still broken, twinges. “So I’m saving you.”
The damage on his right arm is too much. You can heal the worst of the injuries, but the damage in the arm is too great to save. And he’s too human.
The burns on his face are healing, and his pulse is weak, but you’re confident that it’s not stopping any time soon.
“Tony? Oh, thank fuck.” Rhodey, Pepper, and Peter come running as you step away, stumbling slightly.
You turn around to meet the gaze of Steve and Bucky. It’s a sigh of relief every time you see them. They both pull you into a hug, pausing when you wince.
“Are you hurt?” the former asks.
You nod, head resting against this chest. “Big purple bitch broke my wing.” It's fully healed by now, but the soreness will last.
The brunet chuckles, carefully running a hand up and down your back.
“You poor thing,” he chides.
You shrug. “I’ll be alright. Plus, I’m going to be using it to get breakfast in bed for at least two weeks.”
“You were alone for so long,” Steve says, tone growing serious before he laughs. “I think breakfast in bed is guaranteed for the next two months.”
You both slyly glance at Bucky, who’s still fussing over your non-injured wing.
“I’ll make as many pancakes as you two want,” he says.
Thor and Rhodey help Tony limp to a jet, and the rest of the massive army disperses in kind. Peter waves to you three from the quinjet.
“Come on! We’re gonna head to the tower.”
You and your boys link pinkies, and head towards the jet.
Hand in hand, heading home.
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spyroforlife · 1 year
Hotguy and Poultry Man - Prologue
Ex-hero Hotguy, better known these days under his civilian name of Scar, has still been doing his best to engage with his fans since the incident with his nemesis that pushed him into his early retirement. He attends conventions, chats with people on social media, has even written a couple books, but generally, he sees his hero days as behind him. Until he's approached by an eager young man named Grian, who dreams of being the hero Poultry Man and wants Scar to train him. Hesitant, Scar gives him some pointers, and when he sees potential in Grian's powers, he agrees to mentor him. He just hopes the impulsive lad won't get himself into too much trouble before he's ready.
Rating: Teen
YEAH started something new, that hero AU I mentioned a while back, idk how long this’ll be but it’s a fun lil thing I want to work on. Gonna be endgame Mumscar but as for how we get there, well. It’ll take some time. And along the way we’ll have Scar training up Grian, who has all the powers of a chicken, apparently
What are those powers? Grian doesn’t even fully know but Scar can help him figure it all out :’)
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paintedwithwords · 2 months
Hi... I have read a lot of your fics on A03 and fanfiction net and first of all I wanna say; You are a truly amazing, gifted, masterful and captivating author. And I love you. I'm never able to move on from your fics. Of course I go about with my life but the stories are there in my mind, eating at me...in a good way. You know... I finished entire TVDU altogether, like I started watching Originals right after finishing TVD and Legacies after Originals. So, I never really stayed too much on TVD. Also personally, I never liked TVD because of all the love triangle drama. A love triangle is my least favorite trope, especially when it comes between 2 best friends or siblings. And the whole drama was so unnecessary. I'm not saying Delena is irrelevant. But it was 100% over-hyped. Even then, I've noticed Bamon. I was a fan of Klaroline. And in the middle of searching for Klaroline fanfics I found myself typing Bamon in the search bars of wattpad. I never dwelt upon on it. I saved a lot of different type of fics to my library then deleted it all during on of my breakdown sections. Then I got into BL fandom. That was so random and I was a devoted jikook fan for a year. I still am. But about a month ago I randomly searched for Bamon fanfic on A03. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT INSPIRED ME. I wasn't even thinking about rewatching TVD or anything. I just opened A03 and searched Bamon. And your "guilty ones" is the first that I came upon. It was a ride ever since then. Every time I read one of your stories I'm hit with a whole of emotions. When I started reading bamon I intended to binge watch TVD. But now, it physically pains me to watch it knowing that we'll never get a bamon endgame even when they had such STRONG CHEMISTRY, PLOT LINE AND POTENTIAL. And watching him go after Elena as her loyal dog just hurts and irritates me beyond words. Damon saying "I love you" to bonnie and then adding "just like Elena did"... I never hated a fictional scene so much. THE BETRAYAL. You don't even wanna know how much I bawled my eyes out after reading "Preludio". I know it had a happy ending. But still, all the death and unrealized feelings got the best of me. Your stories evoke a lot of feelings in me. And I can't seem to get enough. I just hope you are doing well and will find your inspiration for all the halfway stopped Bamon fics. Love you.
Hi there, thanks a lot for reading my stories and for reaching out. I am just so happy whenever I get to open people's eyes to the untapped, beautiful potential of Bamon. The show basically spelled out they were soulmate and enemies to lovers but then chickened out of it because they were cowards and other things I won't mention because it just makes it all worse. I hope I don't sound mean or cruel, but I love when people cry over my stories lol, it's just that it's such a visceral reaction that tells me you were really captured by it and lived the feelings to the fullest, so that makes me really happy.
Every now and again the thought of going back to finishing my stories cross my mind, but work and poor ispiration gets in the way usually. People don't seem to engage with my stories as they did before, since the show is not on anymore, so part of me is not sure it wouldn't be just wasted time/effort, still, I am aware I haven't give up on them, so I suppose it's just a matter of time. Stick around if you can.
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sburbian-sage · 3 months
addendum to brellakind tip 3: best to try and alchemize a better umbrella with a sturdier canopy that won't tear or burn easily
Well of course. You should be alchemizing all of your weapons. I feel like most umbrellakind weapons that aren't starter or literal-beginning-of-game items should be able to stand up against most projectiles as long as they aren't disproportionately strong. So don't try to tank a Battleship laser blast until you have endgame equipment. Match the quality of your items to the quality of the danger, in the same way you wouldn't try to kill a Lich with an unalchemized rubber chicken.
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mavigator · 3 months
what’s ur personal thoughts on peter x flash? i don’t see you talk about it besides that one time you reblogged some really pretty fanart
THAT WAS @vuldarian ‘s!!!!! i find it compelling. i don’t think they could ever be endgame due to their separate issues i think it’s more of, like, endless gay chicken. i don’t think it’s necessarily healthy romantically due to flash’s idolization of spider-man and peter’s many mental problems But they are best friends forever and always. and peter has always been at least a little in love with all of his friends
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Snippet Sunday
Tagging @tkwritesdumbassassins @outtoshatter @missanniewhimsy @whimsyswastry @westernlarch @quietborderline @monsterrae1 @alyxmastershipper @rosieposiepuddingnpie and anyone else who wants to for a seven sentence snippet Sunday. No pressure lovelies, this is all in fun.
Snippet sunday banner by radiochatter
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From: Arrival in Andromeda, Chapter Three
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Pairing: endgame MReyder. Will have some Reyes/OMC and Reyes/Zia before he meets Scott.
Fic summary:
Scott Ryder never saw his life going this way, not that anyone ever asked him his opinion. Now he's pathfinder with too many people depending on his young shoulders and trying to figure out what he wants for himself.
Reyes Vidal, man of mystery, former pilot and now sometimes smuggler. Who knows where he came from or his motivations but he's come to Andromeda to change his destiny.
What neither Scott nor Reyes could have predicted is what their lives would be once they came to Andromeda.
Tags/warnings: Reyes and Scott are aged up slightly just to give time for character development/training. Not exactly canon compliant where it suits the story. Reyes Vidal backstory heavy so lots of OCs in Reyes’ parts.
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As they have no chips or anything to use as wagers except empty protein shakes and wrappers, Reyes has rigged his omnitool to project a monetary total for everyone on the center of the table. At first, they had played for fake credits as none of them really have a lot of extra credits to spend. This had quickly devolved into other bets, such as promises of second best vibroblade knife from Vestus, extra dextro-protein rations, and, curiously, from Alzik, a promise of genetic manipulation of firstborn to be harder to kill. 
Both Turians have been ruthlessly trading Alzik’s debt marker between them. Reyes would never have guessed that Kenax has had thoughts about having children—let alone a spouse, as he’d always struck Reyes as a Lone Ranger type—but evidently, it is something both Turians are deeply invested in. 
A mini-Kenax will be a terror as a teenager—with or without a bit of genetic manipulation. 
Reyes had just won a large pot that included the genetic bet marker and the vibroblade, which Vestus has stabbed into the counter from when he first offered it as a bet. Alzik, the traitor, has folded and is amusedly watching as the Turians stare Reyes down, trying to find his tells. 
The only thing of value Alzik retains is the extra rations marker from Kenax, which is no great loss from Reyes’ point of view. 
Reyes has a full house in his hand—three kings and two jacks. There is no way he is losing this hand, but he’s seriously debating folding because of the hostile competitive stares across the table. 
However, where would the fun be in that? Reyes is no shrinking violet, and wrestling with Kenax might be fun. He adds the blade back into the pot. “Raise.”
It’s his co-pilot’s turn, call or raise. 
Kenax waits two minutes, staring at Reyes and trying to make him reveal what’s in his hand. Vestus shifts restlessly in his chair but allows them to have a silent staring contest. 
Reyes doesn’t let anything show on his face. He waits patiently to see what Kenax will do. 
The Turian suddenly gives an enormous smile that is way too vicious looking before settling back in his chair in a lazy sprawl. “New marker to offer. Sexual favors of whatever variety winner chooses to claim.”  
Kenax’s gaze on Reyes is positively gleeful. He might as well be calling out, ‘Bok bok, chicken’ as he taunts Reyes to come for him. 
Whatever, fucker, Reyes thinks, showing no response even as the omnitool notes the new marker. Kenax still has a small reserve of credits he could have betted instead of making the ridiculous offer. 
“What are we supposed to value that at?” Vestus asks, perplexed. “You’re not that good-looking for a Turian.”
“Reyes knows how to value a good time,” Kenax replies with a salty wink aimed at Reyes.
Annoyed now, Reyes motions for Vestus to bet but doesn’t verbally respond, letting his irritated stare speak for him.
Vestus, also now glaring at Kenax, pulls a second vibroblade which he stabs into the counter in approximately the same spot he’d stabbed the first one, making the blade stand up straight, the sharp edge dull in the artificial light. This knife is thinner, more wicked looking than the first, but they are obviously designed to be sold as a pair. “Raise.”
Drinking the last of his protein shake, Reyes arches an eyebrow at Vestus. “Your first best blade?”
Not turning his gaze from his fellow turian, Vestus replies in the affirmative. “They’re a matched set.”
The odds are in Reyes’ favor. There are very low odds of either turian having a hand that could beat his. He doesn’t think of Kenax that way and has no use for his bet. But it is the principle of winning at this point. 
He wants to beat them. 
It’s a personal fault that he’s terrible at giving in. 
“All in. Don’t worry, Kenax. I’m a generous lover.” He purrs, trying to unsettle his friend. 
They’re both playing chicken now, committed to a head-on collision. 
Excited chittering from the Salarian surprises Reyes and draws everyone’s attention. Alzik is enjoying this way too much, and his eyes shine with amusement.
“Something funny?” Reyes drawls.
“No,” Alzik says with emphasis. “Continue, please. I have not seen such a game as this.”
Reyes returns his attention to the game.  
Kenax has straightened in his seat at Reyes’ declaration of being all in and does the same. Reyes’ copilot then gleefully turns to Vestus, whose arms are crossed over his chest, crest flattened in frustration, and mandibles tight. 
“All in,” Vestus agrees, calling it. 
“Hands, gentlemen,” Reyes says as he carefully flips his cards to show his hand. 
There’s an immediate groan of frustration from Vestus, whose hand, while good, is not as good as Reyes’. The security officer has two pairs, kings and nines. 
Kenax, looking directly into Reyes’ eyes, gives him another exaggerated wink as he turns over his own cards. 
A pair of Kings. 
His copilot has been bluffing the entire hand. 
Rolling his eyes, Reyes collects his winnings as well as his omnitool to put an end to the game as he’s cleaned them all out. His Tío would be proud of him. 
The blade is a work of beauty, a slim, razor-sharp, tapered stiletto with a channel down the blade’s center that can be filled with the poison of the bearer’s choice. Reyes has only seen pictures of this type of knife while being briefed on missions that involved going to Omega. It’s an assassin’s weapon that will fit perfectly into the slots of Reyes’ workboots. 
Why would Vestus have a blade like this concealed on him on a random walk toward the docks? Reyes’ instincts tell him there is more to both Turians than they are letting on, but they seem friendly so far. 
His omnitool pings to ask where he wants to store the promissory note for sexual benefits. Reyes is hit by a bolt of inspiration for the perfect way to get revenge on Kenax for promising something so embarrassing. 
“Vestus, as I’m taking such a beautiful set of knives off you, I must give you something in return.” With a few taps, Reyes transfers the sexual favors promissory note to Vestus. He then turns to Kenax, “I’m sure you’ll have no difficulty fulfilling the marker now that it’s been transferred to someone who will be more appreciative of your, ahem, charms.”
Both turians flare their crests in surprise, Vestus with dismay and Kenax with shock. They both try to argue ineffectually simultaneously but are interrupted by the intercom bursting to life.
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