#COVID Relationships
wheneverfeasible · 3 months
He should probably get a new car.
He didn’t want to. He loved his car, but it wasn’t really cool, was it? Preppy cool, maybe, but not my-boyfriend-is-in-a-metal-band cool. It had certainly seen better days too.
He’d used to reprimand the kids whenever they trailed in dirt and food crumbs or spilled their milkshakes or whatever, but after he stopped doing the same to Eddie, he couldn’t really do it to them either. Besides, he didn’t want to be a stick in the mud.
It was why he’d thrown out all his Wham! and Tears for Fears cassettes, threw out anything that wasn’t Judas Priest or Iron Maiden or whatever else Eddie liked. It was why he boxed away all his brightly colored polos and now just wore the band tees that Eddie let him borrow, why he’d bought some of his own, as well as skinnier dark jeans that he knew Eddie liked the look of his ass in. He even got some bracelets like Eddie’s, and now he actually looked the part of Eddie’s boyfriend and not so much like a sore thumb when he went to all of Eddie’s shows.
The only thing he needed to change, besides his car, was his hair. He’d been putting it off the longest. He loved his car, but he loved his hair more. He didn’t make it quite as styled nowadays, but it was the last part of him that spoke of his former personality. Because he had to change, didn’t he? He knew what happened when you didn’t make your partner happy. Knew what happened when your love was bullshit and he never wanted Eddie to find him unworthy.
So he liked the things Eddie liked now, he dressed the way Eddie dressed, and he did what Eddie did. If he made Eddie happy, if he didn’t make Eddie do anything he didn’t want to do, then Eddie wouldn’t find fault in Steve. It was simple as that. He knew better now. Because Nancy had broke his heart, but losing Eddie? It would break his soul.
So he needed a new car. Maybe a van like Eddie’s, or would that be too much? A BMW was hardly metal, after all. He needed something cooler. And then…then he would change his hair.
He would need to figure out what Eddie thought was cool. Needed to figure out what Eddie liked. Should he buzz it? Should he grow it out? He didn’t know. Eddie had never brought up hair before. He didn’t know what Eddie would prefer. Maybe he could ask Jeff. He’d known Eddie the longest, after all.
Maybe he should dye it. That would look cool, right?
The others had noticed, of course. They’d commented on his new attire, the fact that he didn’t listen to his favorite music anymore, that he only seemed to be doing what Eddie wanted to do nowadays. But Eddie just looked happy whenever Steve agreed to whatever movie Eddie wanted to watch, or what to have for dinner, or what to do on Steve’s days off. That was the important part: making Eddie happy.
So Steve just brushed off their concerns, explained it away as saying that he was growing up and his interests were growing. He even played stupid Dungeons and Dragons now, always making certain he got the names correct, always doing his best to play it how Eddie would want him to play it, even if it always gave him a headache afterwards with all the numbers and words and strategizing.
He always put Eddie’s needs first, be it physically, emotionally, or even just recreationally. If Steve did that, if he was good enough, if he became exactly what his partner wanted, maybe he wouldn’t lose this. Wouldn’t lose Eddie.
Maybe, if Steve made his love good enough, Eddie wouldn’t ever say it was bullshit.
Now with a part two
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moppets · 2 months
actually since i have now read the devil's minion chapter, book readers are right about show adaption. you cannot divorce daniel's humanity and mortality from armand's vampirism. it is the crux of the entire relationship. it's how the love starts and why they struggle after daniel is turned.
but like, i mean, isn't it just so interesting that both times vampires are shown with human companions, armand is right dab in the middle with an opinion. almost like it's being set up to parallel something...
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tomasz-the-hater · 3 months
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me when the guy who consistently fucks up my marriage each time he's around says he wants my husband to answer a couple of follow-up questions (i'm not even getting into the guy's thoughts because it sure must be harmless, nothing wrong can happen to my marriage this time)
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sealbuffed · 2 years
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post covid south park game where everyone still calls you the new kid but you're a grown ass adult who has lived there for thirty years
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A little note for some partners, friends and family of people suffering from a mental or chronic illness- One of the most kind, supportive and loving things you can do is spend the time to educate yourself in better understanding what they are going through. Showing them that you care enough to spend time and energy reading up on how the illness works (and not just relying on stereotypical or general knowledge that can inadvertently be harmful) and different coping strategies/helpful management tips.
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stardust-goddess · 1 year
Covid Sucks
Dean Winchester x Sick! Reader
Summary: Reader has covid and Dean takes care of her.
A/N: The universe might be out to get me or looking out for me by giving me covid the day after my birthday lol. Since I’ve been stuck in bed I decided to write this up. I apologize if it isn’t as good as usual, I’m still not feeling that great. Thank you as always for the support,likes, reblogs, etc. it means so much to me. Enjoy💕
Warnings: Should be mostly fluff. Mentions of being sick and covid.
You really didn’t think anything of it at first. You had always had seasonal allergies, especially when the temperature liked to change from hot to cold and back in the span of days. When you woke up this morning with congestion and a slightly scratchy throat, you chalked it up to just that. You had been in the bunker all day, specifically in the library. You hadn’t been a hunter for as long as the boys have, so you tried your best to research when you could on all the different supernatural creatures out there.
As the day progressed, you started feeling a little worse. By dinner time, you were starting to think that maybe it was more then just allergies. In addition to your congestion and sore throat you now had a headache, body aches, and chills. Rubbing your hands up and down your arms discreetly to try and get some warmth, you knew the boys would notice soon, especially Dean. You and Dean had only been dating for a few months, but he was very attentive and good at reading you. You had always been a little sensitive anyway, having trouble masking your emotions. You were pretty much an open book, and Dean knew you very well. You hated getting sick, and you hated worrying Dean, but you knew that once he noticed there was no trying to hide it.
Eating small bites of your dinner, you are vaguely aware of the conversation the boys are having about a possible hunt. Feeling a little out of it, you don’t realize right away that Sam is trying to get your attention.
“Y/N, you ok?” Sam looks at you confused and a little concerned.
“Sorry, yea must of zoned out. What did you say?” You replied, trying to sound more cheerful. But you knew it was only a matter of time before you were caught. Dean’s eyes zeroed in on you, giving you a once over as you answered Sam’s question. You looked a little paler then usual, the skin not covered by your t-shirt and pants covered in goosebumps. Every now and then you’d give a little sniff that sounded like you were trying to clear your sinuses.
“You feeling alright baby” Dean speaks up, watching you carefully.
You tensed slightly, yup you were caught. But in your foggy headspace you still tried to cover it up.
“Yea my allergies have been bugging me today, but other then that I’m good.”
“Allergies huh?” Dean says in disbelief. He gives you a no nonsense look before leaning over placing his lips on your forehead for a minute before leaning back “Do your allergies usually give you a fever? You’re warm.” Dean said with a look of concern. Slumping in defeat you let out a small sigh that makes your breath catch and causes a cough. Quickly turning away to cough in the crook of your elbow, Deans suspicions are confirmed.
“Ok so I might be getting sick, but I’m sure it’s just a cold or something.”
Standing up Dean takes your hand and helps you stand, before guiding you to the bathroom. Sam following along behind. Dean flicks the light on and has you sit on the closed toilet seat, rummaging through the medicine cabinet. Sam leans up against the door to watch. Grabbing the thermometer Dean turns to you, gesturing for you to open your mouth. You do so and Dean gently places the thermometer under your tongue. Muffled you try to speak.
“Guys I’m sure it’s nothing, really-“
“Baby stop, don’t jostle the thermometer” Dean says, cutting you off and giving you an exasperated look. Pleading with his eyes to let him help you.
Defeated you sit quietly. You knew he was doing all of this because he cared, you just didn’t want to be a bother. Finally hearing the little beep, Dean grabs the thermometer and looks at the digital screen.
“100.5, let’s make sure it doesn’t get any higher.” Turning back to the medicine cabinet, Dean grabs the bottle of ibuprofen. Shaking two in his hand he passes them along to you, grabbing a glass of water for you as well. Crouching down in front of you Dean watches as you take the medicine. When your finished, he moves the glass on the counter for you and then places a hand on your thigh, rubbing his thumb in soothing circles.
“What are you feeling right now baby?” Dean hated when you got sick. He was already protective of you, and you being sick increased that feeling tenfold.
Not trying to hide it any longer you reply. “I feel cold, my head and body hurts on and off, I feel congested, and just gross all around.” Raising two of your fingers to your temple when you start to feel the ache come back, you rub at it gently. A slight look of discomfort takes over your face, that doesn’t go unnoticed by Dean. Replacing your hand with his, Dean takes over rubbing before turning to look at Sam in the doorway.
“What do you think Sammy?”
“Sounds like covid to me. The store in town should still be open, I can run and get some tests to make sure.”
Groaning you slump forward pressing your forehead against Dean’s shoulder. “Covid sucks.”You whine. You hated this. Dean holds in a chuckle at your outburst. Even when you were sick you were still adorable.
“Alright, come on let’s get you into bed while we wait for Sammy.”
After getting you settled, Dean sits next to you. Grabbing your hand and running his thumb along your knuckles. Deciding to ask the question that had been on his mind.
“Y/N? Why did you try to hide this? This could’ve ended up being so much worse if left unchecked. You’re health is important and I don’t want anything to happen to you”
You looked at Dean, seeing deep concern in his eyes. “I just hate worrying you and having you take care of me like I’m a child or something. When I woke up this morning I really did think it was my allergies, but I just felt worse as the day went on. I figured I could just handle it on my own. I’m sorry if I made you mad.” You look down at your lap, embarrassed that you tried to lie.
Tilting your chin up so you’re looking back at him, Dean tucks some hair behind your ear that fell forward when you looked down.
“I’m not mad baby, I just don’t want you to feel like you have to hide things from me. I know I’m not the best at that myself, but I’m trying. You are never a bother to me and I don’t want you to have to go through things by yourself. You, your health, and your happiness are my priority. You can tell me anything and everything and I’ll always be there to help you. I love you and I’m not going to be mad or annoyed if you need me.”
You feel your eyes well up at his sweet words. He may not have always expressed it but you knew deep down he was a nurturing person. That was one of many reasons as to why you loved him. He had such a good heart.
Wrapping your arms around him you burrow your head into the crook of his neck. “I love you, Dean. You’re my priority too.” Wrapping his arms around your waist Dean pulls you into his lap, making sure your comfortable. He kisses your temple then places his chin on your head. Holding you close as you continue to wait for Sam.
After taking a test it was confirmed, you had covid. Dean had already gotten it a few months prior, luckily before you were dating so you were safe back then. Since you were dating now and sharing a room, there was no issue with him being in bed with you and taking care of you. Sam however hadn’t gotten it previously, which meant you were confined to your bedroom. You knew you were going to be bored, but you didn’t want to risk Sam getting sick and knew that this was necessary. Dean had also made it clear that he wasn’t going leave you alone, so at least you had him to keep you company.
Waking up the next morning, you let out a little groan. You felt worse then yesterday. There didn’t seem to be any new symptoms, but you’re current ones felt more intense. Trying to get more comfortable you take note that your by yourself, Dean’s side of the bed cold. He must’ve gotten up before you. Slowly pulling yourself up you lean against the headboard. Cradling your head in your hands and rubbing your forehead to ease the intense ache. Hearing the door open you look up, Dean coming into the room with a tray in his hands. Placing the tray on your night table, Dean takes a seat at the edge of the bed on your side facing you.
“Morning baby, how are you feeling”
“Not great, honestly I feel worse then I did yesterday.”
Frowning a little Dean leans over and grabs the thermometer off the tray he brought in. Taking your temperature you wait for the beep.
“101 still not terrible but hopefully it doesn’t get any higher then that.”
Grabbing the ibuprofen next he gives you another dose to take.
“Are you hungry? I made breakfast.”
“A little bit.” You reply slightly surprised that despite all your symptoms you still had an appetite. Dean takes the tray and puts it on your lap, before standing and rounding the bed to go back to his side. You notice two plates of eggs and toast, one for you and one for him.
“Don’t force yourself to eat it all if you don’t feel up to it, but at least eat a little. Do you need me to help you?”
“I can do it, thank you though.” You reply picking up your fork and starting to eat. Satisfied that your ok, Dean grabs his plate and eats as well. You get through about half of your plate before your feeling full. Taking the tray to move it off the bed, Dean beats you to it.
“I got it, let me clean this up and I’ll be right back.”
Watching Dean leave the room you scoot down a little further into the bed. You don’t want to fully lay down due to your full stomach but don’t want to be fully upright either. Entering the room again Dean gets back in the bed pulling you closer and wrapping his arm around you so you can burrow into his side.
You nod against his chest, relaxing into his embrace further when his hand starts rubbing up and down your back.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You nod again and Dean grabs the remote for the TV. Scrolling through the options and settling on your favorite. Dean keeps the volume a little lower then usual so it wouldn’t make your headache worse. You smile at Deans actions “Thank you Dean, I love you.” Dropping a kiss to your forehead Dean gives you a smile in return.
“I love you too baby, now rest up. I’ve got you.”
Relishing in his warmth you felt content. Yea covid sucked, but Dean would be there to make it better.
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4raykage · 5 months
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Kyle x Stan (Style) 🫶✨✨
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ecoqueer · 2 years
I wish that people gave a shit about nonbinary people who don’t use they/them pronouns. You can literally give your friend group (which includes another nonbinary person) a list of your favorite pronouns, none of which include they/them, and mention several times that you don’t like they/them pronouns for yourself, but they’ll make the switch from she/her pronouns to…they/them. And feel super proud of themselves for being sooo progressive as to use they/them pronouns for you….when those aren’t your pronouns.
I think that saying “he she and they are my least favorite but are fine in combination with other things…I’m really fine with any neos but here’s a list of my faves that you can choose from!” Is polite and not a difficult request. I’m not good at being a pushy person, and I shouldn’t need to be.
#it screams#i guess I’ll pull the lists out again and re-link them#but the aforementioned friends view messages from me as a chore and check them rarely so when they do they’ve built up and so just skim#everything#which I’m fucking tired of#I’ve been going back and forth on whether it’s better to have no friends or a few friends who make you feel shitty#dunno which is worse#they also are extremely cavalier with covid while knowing I have no health insurance#and have supported some statements/actions that really make me sad#so idk I might be basically friendless at this point#i hold on for too long to people who have clearly moved on and don’t much care about being my friend anymore#I’ve tried reaching out a few times to no avail so idk I might just give up#try to cultivate online relationships more#which feels pretty impossible to me#sigh#I’ve been not able to sleep well#because of issues in my life with…all of the few people in it#issues that could be solved if I had kept a wider support network#instead of getting trapped with someone who was abusing me and my friends who don’t seem to give a shit about that and expressed more#concern for him than for me when the news was revealed to them#again I don’t have health insurance so no therapist#which I fucking desperately need right now#i have no one separate to talk to#the one who knows all of the different factors from all of the angles…is the abuser#i feel like I’m in so much fucking pain and I feel so alone and all of the people in my life who are supposed to be my loved ones#are standing around me ignoring me completely and acting like everything is okay#just causing me more and more pain#well this didn’t start out intended as a vent but it sure turned into one huh#i wish I could convey to y’all the desperation and loneliness and aching that I feel#vent
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taikk0 · 1 year
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i suck at ship art but i like style so uh yea
this was supposed to stay a sketch to learn how to draw pc kyle 4 the first time but i liked it a lot and thought it came out okay so i ended up actually finishing it :>
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whirlybirbs · 1 year
plotting out beyond the void like a good little writer, thinking about how i had to be on some sort of amphetimine trip when i wrote from the void, with love
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realian · 23 days
the Hulurama episodes suck so bad holy shit.
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astromechs · 6 months
meanwhile, jyn while sick:
I’ll kill him, Jyn thinks. It’s not a thought that has much in the way of teeth, considering that it’s been at least three hours since she’s been able to lift her head from the pillow, but she holds onto it with all the strength she has as she watches Cassian settle into a chair on the opposite side of the room. Cassian, who can actually do things like walk around and sit down in a chair without losing his balance or collapsing, like she already has twice today. The nerve of him. How is it that they can have been on the same assignment, and therefore have exposure to all the same things, yet she’s bedbound and he doesn’t appear as though anything has happened at all? This isn’t fair. This is the biggest pile of bantha shit she’s ever seen in her life.
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realpontchartrain · 1 month
So the three of us just had the official talk about all moving in together when Robbie and I finally buy a house, in front of James no less lmao
#000#i hope when the three of us move he gets three other roommates who are faggier and weirder than we could ever dream of being lmao#i’m talking some neopronoun demisexual purple hair tumblr homestuck bitches!#but anyway — whether we plan on staying in Texas or buying a home in New Orleans or Massachusetts/Connecticut is up for debate#i mean i basically run this brothel i mean polycule so if i wanna move to New Orleans then we will lmao#Robbie wants to go back up north to be closer to school and his hometown#which… fair#i mean if we play our cards right we can buy multiple homes and everyone is happy#but my soul calls me back to New Orleans so that’s where we’re headed first tbh#i’d love to live in the french quarter but it’s nothing like it was before. gentrified to fuck and back lmao#i’d say another year in this boarding home and we’d have enough saved to buy it straight out#BUT. we’re also thinking about getting an apartment here in Dallas just to have our own space until then#but that’s like… a waste lmao#we’re comfortable here — despite having to put up with our roommates and all these kids running around#we have a good relationship with our house manager (except the one with cancer lmao) and we get three meals a day (most of the time at least#gosh this is a lot i’m ngl#im very intimidated by this but we technically closed in on a home before robbie’s job sent him to the gulag (siberia) and left him for dead#and my mom started pimping my ass out to make ends meet when covid fucked everyone over#oh man…
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
#<- got lazy (knew if i started i would be documenting every single scene)
aha... well
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ID: file properties window for a folder labeled "the prisoner" 114 files, 97.7 mb END
so it goes...
...these guys truly have nothing to do w each other i dont want to. assign them #more than is warranted? i suppose? there is nothing deeper to this...
oh i will. i want them to fuck nasty, scheduled reunion style basis. (Fuck, defined as: god honesty whatever the hell they wanna do. i guess)
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k-illdarlings · 24 days
how does one get a boyfriend
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