#Cad Bane deserves better
dalekofchaos · 1 year
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I waited over 20 years for a Boba Fett show and I was disappointed in TBOBF. Seems like the man himself shares my disappointment. The way they've treated both TBOBF and him has been so disrespectful and I am still fuming at how they sidelined Boba in his OWN SHOW to shoehorn in a Mando plot they could have done in s3.
We Fett fans were 100% right. Disney Star Wars did Tem/Boba dirty, and it’s not right whatsoever! At this point it’s so clear that they only used Boba Fett as a catalyst to get Din and Grogu to where they wanted them for mando s3
Boba Fett is the VERY REASON why The Mandalorians exists in the first place and instead of taking his place with his people, he is constantly given the shaft and replaced by Din and Bo.
There was a time when Boba Fett was the most badass bounty hunter in the galaxy before continuing his father's legacy by becoming the new Manda'alor. Boba cleaning up the outer rim and rule through honor and respect had potential, but it's clear the people involved had no idea what to do with Boba Fett. All they had to do was literally everything here. Show Jango's past as Mandalorian, show Boba's change from cold Bounty Hunter to crime lord dispensing justice(and actually doing crime) feature his Bounty Hunter allies and rivalry with Cad Bane(hint hint use Daniel Logan in flashbacks for the cut Bounty Hunter arc) and tease the future with the Syndicate, potential confrontation with Mace and Boba potentially meeting Omega. How is it I know more about Boba Fett than Filoni?
He has a right to be pissed and not just about Boba's treatment(especially considering how much of himself and his own culture he put into the character), but Star Wars/Disney lightens the clones’ skin, that’s HIS appearance the clones are based on. Beyond disrespectful.
Boba Fett deserved better, the Clones deserves better and Temuera deserved better. Fuck Filoni and fuck Favreau.
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sonic-fairyspell · 2 months
Rambles about the recent TBB episodes, actually mostly just episode 10 "Identity Crisis" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This episode really reminded us that the Empire is fucking evil. Kidnapping Force Sensitive children? Testing and experimenting on them? I'm shocked. Jk, no I'm not, of course they're doing this. And of course Cad Bane is the one doing it, the prick.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emerie: Why children? Are there not adults that could serve this purpose? Hemlock: There are few adults left with such characteristics No, really? Gee, I wonder why.. /s Could it be because the Empire had them all murdered and genocided? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And it further reminded us that Force Sensitive kids are in constant danger from being stolen and shit. I mean, gee, it's almost like one of the points of the Jedi Order was to prevent shit like from happening!!!! As proven in the TCW season 2 episode, "Children of the Force"!!!
These poor kids deserve so much better than this! All I can think about is how terrible it is that they're in this place, that they're being treated this way. I also think about how these kids could've/would've maybe been Jedi Younglings if things had gone differently.
I did, though, like seeing Emerie start to realize things. Seeing that what Hemlock is having done to the kids is wrong, that the kids are there at all is wrong. I liked the little peak into her backstory too. And seeing her want to try and help those kids. I really hope she has the full change of heart and maybe helps rescue them and Omega. That would be nice.
To finish: Justice for these Kids. With Emerie's help.
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nateofgreat · 3 months
I've got to say, Ahsoka's cultivated the most excuses for anything she does over the course of her story. And by excuses, I don't mean valid and logical explanations, just the fandom picking up on the way the meta justifies everything she does and doing the same thing in turn.
-Ahsoka acts rude throughout the Clone Wars.
"She's so young and inexperienced. She doesn't know any better!" :(
-Forty-something Ahsoka acting the same way.
"She's been through so much!" :(
-Ahsoka makes herself look super guilty and thus draws the Jedi Council's suspicion during the Wrong Jedi Arc?
"What else was she supposed to do? NOBODY (Except Anakin and the Council initially) trusted her!!!" >:(
-Ahsoka loses all personality and becomes as a dull as rock.
"The Jedi Order BETRAYED HER! How can we expect that to have not wiped out her personality for thirty years?" :(
-Ahsoka forgives Anakin for slaughtering the Jedi, becoming a tyrannical Sith Lord, and trying to kill her. While refusing to forgive the Jedi and implying they deserved their genocide?
"She's completely right! The Jedi didn't trust her one time! So they had it coming!" >:(
-Ahsoka abandons the Rebellion to go off and do her own thing, something that's never specified?
"She had good reason to ditch the Rebellion unlike those stinky old Jedi!" >:(
-Ahsoka encounters and survives every threat in her lifetime? Be it Grievous, Ventress, Cad Bane (I'll give her this one), Sidious, Vader, Maul, Baylan, and even knocking Anakin and Obi-Wan around in the Mortis arc. Either by extraordinary luck or literal magical intervention in the form of the World-Between-Worlds?
"She was trained by the Chosen One! And she's really good for her age." :D
-Ahsoka kills an Inquisitor in one move after lazing around on a farm for years, letting her skills get rusty. After having only received about three years of battle training?
"Awesome!" :D
-Ahsoka holds a spark of the Goddess of Light's power within herself and is followed around by her pet bird despite constantly acting out of passion, fear, rage, etc?
"She's the purest of all Jedi and what they should really be!" :D
At this point, Ahsoka could appear in a pillar of light in the middle of Return of the Jedi and scream; "I AM YOUR GODDESS NOW!" kill Sidious, and rearrange the cosmos into her image and people would find an excuse for it.
Obviously, I'm not referring to normal fans of the character and I honestly don't blame the superfans either. This is just how Dave Filoni's written her and its rubbed off on the fandom.
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
Holy FUCK I was not prepared for this.
As soon as I saw the trailer posted on Instagram, I grabbed my laptop and casted the trailer on the TV and stood in front of the TV like an old asian man; hands behind the back, spine bent, feet planted shoulder width apart.
Cannot believe it's finally here and I've got a lot of thoughts that I'm going to put under the cut because holy shit, this trailer hit me like a brick.
Idk if they will be comprehensive honestly but I'm writing them down as I rewatch the trailer.
In summary though? This season is going to absolutely wreck me and I will never recover from it emotionally and probably financially too if we get a new wave of merch and shit with it too.
Anyways, thoughts and reactions under the cut-
What the fuck are they doing with that transport? They stealing something? Retrieving something? Is it a tank? Hello, where is Echo??? IS THAT FUCKING CROSSHAIR?! IN S1 ARMOR???
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PHEE GENOA!! so fucking great to see her again, I'm going to be absolutely devastated if they show us her reaction to Tech's supposed death.
CAPTAIN REX MY LOVE YOU'VE COME HOME!! "I thought the end of the war would mean the end to losing more of our brothers" <- that better be about Tech and not about Cody, so help me god-
OMEGA'S NEW HAIRCUT :( she looks so much older now :((
STOP CROSSHAIR LOOKS SO FUCKING SAD. I feel terrible actually... this is like,, this is a shell of a man,, like,, this is a man who's got like,, nothing. He looks awful and I swear if he doesn't get some peace of mind I'm going to lose my mind.
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"Omega's been waiting for us a long time." NO NO NO DON'T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME. I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU DO A TIMESKIP, ANY MEASURE OF TIME THAT OMEGA HAD TO BE WITHOUT HER BROTHERS AND WONDERING WHEN THEY WERE GOING TO COME AND GET HER IT'S GOING TO BREAK ME. I fucking hate timeskips so much, I swear if she's been by herself for more than a year, or even just a year, I'm going to be PISSED. If she doesn't get the chance to be a kid like she deserves I'm going to fucking lose it.
PALPATINE?! "There is nothing of greater importance to secure the purpose of this Empire" <- y'all talking about cloning? About cloning Palpatine because you have to explain why "somehow Palpatine returned"???
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Holy shit the animation is really good. Like that whole fighting montage?? The fucking scene on the bridge looks like,, fucking live action to me. Idk how to describe it but the animation is fuckng beautiful and I wish Star Wars did more animation because this is gorgeous.
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"They are coming, for all of you." <- who is this. do not come for me but I cannot for the life of me figure out who this is. It's not Cody, I don't see the scar. Someone help me out here-
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HUNTER ON PABU! Thinking they probably went back after everything and I want to see how they've adjusted and settled in, please, I am begging.
My baby, my angel, myivida, the light of my life. Fuck it's so good to see and hear you again. If anything happens to you I swear to god-
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There are two clips that allude to the fact that they get Crosshair out of there before they get Omega and I'm going feral over it. If this means we get them reuniting with Crosshair sooner than later I'm fucking ecstatic. Like because,, that's Crosshair's rifle and they clearly cropped the screen for the sake of the trailer, right? Right??
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Hey where is the zillo beast?
ASAJJ VENTRESS??!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! You're telling me,, I get a season,, with Wrecker, Wolffe, Fennec, AND Asajj? Oh be still my beating heart. Anyone hear something meowing?
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Also I know in the trailer it seems like she's facing off with TBB but the backgrounds don't really seem to line up so I'm hoping they don't actually face off with each other.
Tech literally only being indirectly mentioned and showing his death scene again but recolored and shit makes me feel all kinds of things.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
3 EPISODE PREMIERE?!?!?!?!?!?! fuck me.
Echo wasn't in this trailer enough and where the FUCK was Cody?!?!?!?!
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sinisterexaggerator · 7 months
I know the answers to like 99.9% of these.
But. Here we go! 👀 ⛔️
⛔️ "Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?"
Hmm, not exactly. I always have the intention of finishing something, even if it takes me a year or more.
Well, I guess there was this one for a young Trevor Philips and Michael De Santa in North Yankton for GTA V. Never got around to adding more to it, and probably never will:
“Jesus, T! Get us the fuck out of here!”
“I’m trying M, but if you’re not satisfied with my driving skills, why don’t you sit YOUR fat ass behind the wheel?”
“Why the hell did you have to kill that guy?! He’s probably got a wife and kids!”
“Hey! He triggered the alarm! That’s why we’re in this mess.”
“No, we’re in this mess because you’re TRIGGERhappy!”
“Nananana… That snitch got what he deserved!”
Flashing lights, red and blue, reflecting off the crisp, white snow; two robbers running from the cops. Always running, forever, until the end of time, or at least that’s how Michael Townley felt, locked in tight by his seatbelt, the getaway car little better than a piece of shit, found somewhere off the beaten path before the job. It was a small-time gig, just a liquor store, but plenty of people warmed themselves by getting drunk; the register loaded down with money while its patrons were loaded down with booze; a typical, cold winter’s night for the pair of two-bit crooks.
Michael turned around, his weapon drawn, a pair of police cruisers in hot pursuit. They were firing their own rounds, aiming for the tires, and Townley knew he had to do something soon or wind up behind bars. “Can’t this thing go any faster, T?!”
“You know what’s REALLY fast? Your God damn mouth. Quit flapping your lips and get those assholes off our tail!”
Michael took a shot simply to smash the rearview windshield, seeing the cruisers clear as day as they were gaining on them, M feeling that all too familiar rush of adrenaline permeate throughout his entire being; he would tell T that he hated it, but the rush he felt made him feel alive, something he rarely felt at all.
On a good day he was half a man, kept alive by petty theft and diner food, skirting from one town to the next, Trevor at his heels like an obedient, somewhat restless puppy that needed to be potty trained – M taking it upon himself to break him in. He was useful, beneficial, however unrestrained and somewhat uncontrollable; he had it in his mind it was an easy fix, but Trevor had other wild ideas.
Michael pulled the trigger, and one cop spun out in a flurry of ice and squealing rubber, the car being buried conveniently in a mountain of thick, white powder, but not cocaine; that would be saved for their celebration later if they made it out alive.
“Whooo! That’s my cowboy! That’s some rootin’ tootin’ damn good shootin’, Mikey!”
“I don’t ever want to hear those words come out of your mouth again.”
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
LOL, you know allllll about my WIPs. Probably before anyone else. I have too many to choose from, but I hope to do these three things first and foremost:
Chapter 15 of Stars Above. Bane is in the bacta tank, forced to endure flashbacks from his past in the form of nightmares, and Zulara is left alone with Todo until he wakes up, however long it takes. But will Cad be pleased to see her there? What will Kayson think about her disappearance over the next few days? What lie or cover story will Hondo make up, if any?
This Hondo x Reader fic, where the reader is a spoiled little rich girl who is the daughter of a weapon's manufacturer. Their fates are hilariously intertwined, and Hondo is going to wind up getting more than he bargained for when he had originally set out to simply steal a little something off her.
A Tech x Reader fic where the Marauder is left in Tech's care during a Separatist attack on the planet Bandomeer. He comes across the reader who is injured and trapped under some rubble. He must help you/her and then pilot you both to safety. An unexpected turn of events causes you and Tech to be stranded until he can repair the ship; you are at the mercy of nature and the elements over the course of the next few days, not to mention any droids who may find you, and the rest of Clone Force 99 is preoccupied and unable to help. Hurt/Comfort/Possible smut. >D
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nieithryn · 2 months
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it's just edit after edit after edit...
either fans really simp for this character, or there's a lot of aesthetic scenes for this character. either way there's like 2 songs fans use constantly for these edits and at first it's kinda cool, but eventually, you grow sick of these songs. im sorry but they'd probably use mother mother songs :((((
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people will not shut up about how they deserve better
this character went though a lot and fans are BITTER they write a crazy amount of fix it fics and just generally talk about how the character deserves way better.
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lots of fanart but in a cool way :o
this character has a chill fanbase !!!! people just make aesthetic art for them !! your character is probably fairly unproblematic
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TAGGED BY: @historiavn
TAGGING: @strcngered @lightfaithed and anyone else who wants to!
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xinambercladx · 2 years
"Figment" CH2: Self Sabotage.
Rating: T Characters: Cad Bane, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu Summary: The job went down hill, fast. Perhaps he lost his footing. Perhaps he had wanted to get caught. The difference between laying a trap and laying breadcrumbs was negligible. He was playing a dangerous game. Chapter warnings: child death (Full fic tags in the # section). ----------------------------------------------------
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Apathy is the death of the heart . Guilt is the proof of a conscience.
Green blood dripped on the metal floor. Bane was surrounded by Clone Troopers and two Jedi. He did his best to act calm, but the adrenaline was threatening to spike.
Calm down, Bane told himself. De gig ain’t up yet.
Cad Bane hid his alien visage within the shell of a dead clone trooper. The clones and Jedi were none the wiser. Bane had staged his demise, swapping his attire with that of the clone, Denal. Lucky for him he was only a couple centimeters taller than the clone so the suit fit over him, if a bit loose. He stayed quiet. Unless he spoke, unless his numerous enemies looked down and saw the blood, he’d be fine.
“Well, it looks like the Holocron was destroyed,” Padawan Ahsoka Tano said. “But at least the Separatists didn’t get it.”
Skywalker concentrated, “Bane’s dead but… I can still feel him.”
Just don’ look down, boy, Bane thought.
“That was close, Master,” Ahsoka Tano said.
Skywalker replied testily, “And if we had jumped off to retrieve the Holocron, we wouldn’t have made it."
“I know, but I didn’t! And you wanted to go after the bounty hunter,” Tano pouted, “I just wish we could have at least gotten the Holocron back. Master Ropal deserved that much.”
“It’s out of Bane’s hands, and the hands of whoever hired him.”
Dock already, Bane thought. The momentum of the Sheathepede transport shuttle shifted. ‘Bout time. The shuttle landed on its four extended, stilt like legs. The door lowered and the two Jedi exited alongside an astro mech.
“… now that he made it off this time,” said a clone to another clone. “Hey, Denal,” the clone said, slapping a gloved hand on Bane’s shoulder. Bane tried not to wince. “Good job frying that bounty hunter.” The clone left down the ramp.
“Yeah!” agreed another who followed and said as he passed Bane, “Let’s get some grub. You hungry?”
Grub? Bane thought, confused. Oh. Food. He means food.
One of the clones in the back, who had removed his helmet, waved him off, “Yeah, I’ll catch up.”
Bane followed them off the ramp but turned left. He made it maybe ten meters before he heard, one of the clones call out to Skywalker, “General! Something I think you should see.”
Not good, Bane thought. He resisted the urge to quicken his pace. He squeezed his arm tightly, trying to stop the blood from trailing more. He was feeling lightheaded, not only from blood loss, but also the entire ordeal. He heard little footsteps behind him.
“Hey, trooper!” Tano called, “Are you alright?”
Not good, Bane thought, still walking.
He heard the girl mutter, “Must have been hit in the head…”
In de arm. By you, Bane thought. I’ll be sure to not let you deflect blaster bolts at me next time, kid. Suddenly the girl was in front of him, blocking his path.
“Wait! Your injured!” she exclaimed.
Not good, Bane thought, hesitating.
“That might be serious,” Tano said with concern, taking his arm for a better look. He would have felt touched by that concern, if not for his own deception, and the fact she was the one who caused the injury. The green blood she found quickly changed her tune. “You’re no clone…” she realized, looking at his stolen helmet in shock.
“AHSOKA!” Skywalker called out, running from the shuttle.
Gig’s up, Bane thought. He didn’t have time to fight two Jedi, especially in his current state. He slammed his knee into her stomach, knocking the wind out of the Padawan. She collapsed, clutching her middle, gasping for air. He went to an all out sprint across the docking bay of the Venator starship. The damn shoes pinched his toes with every step, and the older Jedi was hot on his heels. He headed straight for the star fighters, lined in a perfect row. Two yellow vested crewmen attempted to thwart him boarding. Bane removed his backpack and swung it. The hefty durasteel pack knocked the first clean upside the head and the clone went down. Continuing the momentum, Bane swung a right hook into the other, which also fell. He climbed aboard and hopped into the cockpit. Just as he switched on the engine, Skywalker jumped aboard the wing during take off. Bane flew and turned the fighter toward the docking bay exit. He saw movement and suddenly Skywalker tore his helmet off, unmasking him.
Picking up speed, Bane jostled the stick. The fighter obeyed, jostling the Jedi. Skywalker did not falter, but merely flipped over the cockpit and landed on the other wing with ease. Bane flew the fighter out past the energy shield. Skywalker wisely jumped off as not to wind up getting spaced. Free of the Jedi, Bane looked for the hyperspace controls as the wings lowered into flight position. They were inactive. This type of fighter required a docking ring, he remembered, and quickly punched in the activation command. He followed Venator’s causeway to a cluster of rings ahead. The first ring was released and launched upward, readying departure. The lights blinked on and the fighter’s tail rose and locked into place, just as the fighter connected with the ring. The engines hummed. Stars stretched.
So long, Jedi, Bane thought, now safely away in hyperspace.
Cad Bane guided his stolen ship to a nearby moon. The stop was only brief enough to disable the tracking beacon, which was much easier to find than it should have been. Following a suspicion, he searched a bit more and found a secondary tracker. He disabled that too. Once back in orbit, he considered places in which to store the Holocron and contact his employer. The hideout on Tatooine was too far out his way, however the Rogue Antar System was half the distance, and he had a hidden base of operations there he hadn’t used in a while. He punched in the coordinates. It would be hours before he would arrive. While deactivating the tracker, he had found a medical kit. He reached below the seat and pulled it out. He set the box on his knees with relief. Bane let his head hit the back of the chair and he took a long breath, blinking. He didn’t let himself close his eyes.
The stolen armor of the clone, Denal he had been called, made Bane look more muscular than he was. It was roomy for the thin Duros and was easy to slip on in time for the escape. He slipped the bracer off and grimaced. The Padawan named Ahsoka Tano had deflected a bolt from his own blaster and hit his arm. It had stopped bleeding, but his tussle with Denal and the other clone trooper had reopened it. The dripping blood had nearly given him away. Humans have red blood, he reminded himself. He rolled up the black under suit sleeve. The wound had stopped bleeding again. It wasn’t as bad as he thought it might have been. His own bracer mostly protected him. He was thankful for this given that his custom LL-38 pistols were more powerful than most and could have done more damage. Bane soaked gauze in a cleaning solution and wiped away the dried blood from his blue skin, which was already bruising. Once clean, he looked for ointment. To his surprise he found a small canister of bacta spray.
“Dey actually spend money on bacta for common pilots? No wonder dey’re always complainin’ about funding issues in de Senate…” Bane shook his head. He popped the cap and made a test spray onto the wound. It was cold, but had a nice tingle. He sprayed again more generously. More cold, more tingles. He waited for the microorganisms to soak in and work their magic. The cold and tingles dissipated and the pain slowly lifted. He raised a brow. He had forgotten how wonderful bacta was. He had used it before, of course, but lately he had reasoned against the expense. Bacta was rare and expensive even before the War, but now it was being hoarded by both sides. Access outside of armed forces was limited to hospitals and the rich and powerful. Zaltin Corp and Xucphra Corp were the sole manufacturers of the miracle substance on the planet Thyferra. With rising demand, a neutral political stance, and a monopoly on the outsourcing, the two corporations increased the prices tenfold. Bane capped the bottle and grabbed bandages. The bacta would heal the wound in no time, but a lifetime of treating wounds forced him to finish the process. He wrapped fresh gauze around his forearm. Half an hour later, the pain had ceased entirely.
No longer in pain, his exhaustion took over. The venture on and above the planet Devaro had been a long twenty seven hours. He had orchestrated the largest task force of his entire career. The Sith Lord had given him access to a battalion of battle droids and even a battle cruiser, and Bane had even hired more bounty hunters for extra help taking the surface. The bumps and bruises were numerous from fights with not one, but four Jedi. The blurred starlight lulled his eyelids to drooping. The tired Duros drifted off to sleep, dreaming of fields of grass waving in the wind...
Several Weeks Later.
Bane was surrounded. For once, the Jedi had outmatched him. Two of them questioned him for hours. One was Obi-Wan Kenobi, a bearded man he had outrun once before earlier in the assignment. He seemed prim and proper like a stuck up nobleman. The other was Mace Windu, whom he hadn’t tangoed with before. He seemed even more high and mighty with self righteous arrogance. Both of them were furious, despite their precious code. They hid it well, but Bane could tell it was only boiling under the surface. Force sensitive types were always unhinged, emotionally stunted, prideful.
He tapped his finger pads together, reviewing his capture in his head.
The job had quickly turned from bombastic to sneaky. He went from laying siege to fortresses to kidnapping innocent children. When Sidious had told him that, Bane was almost flabbergasted.
“Kidnapping innocent children? Dat seems like a small time crime for the likes of you,” He had told the Sith Lord.
“Amongst the Jedi, there are no innocents,” Sidious defended, as if he truly believed that.
“Sure, sure,” Bane replied, withholding the disgust and disappointment from his voice. “As long as I get paid, makes no difference to me.”
Bane himself had never hurt the children, only delivered them to Mustafar on Sidious’ instruction. There they would become test subjects for the Sith Lord. Bane had chosen the children at random upon activating the Holocron. The first two children were easy enough to kidnap. He had simply walked in wearing a cloak from one of the Jedi he had killed on his first assignment for Sidious. The first child was a Human baby girl from Antilles, less than a year old. The second child was a Durosian grub, maybe less than two. He delivered the girl first. Then the Duros grub was delivered to Mustafar later. The place stank of sulfur and made the eyes sting. He didn’t blame the Duros grub for crying, but was glad to be rid of it.
Cad Bane was met at the entrance by a femme programmed service droid. The droid beckoned him inside this time. It rolled ahead and led him further into the dimly lit facility. The unsettling feeling was everywhere. It made his hackles go up. The pyramid walls bent inward as it reached the ceiling, pressing down on him. Even indoors the scent of ash and sulfur hung in the air. Leave it to a lava planet to smell like hell itself. His lip twitched above his fangs. He couldn’t help but feel … watched. It seemed every shadow could contain the cloaked Sith Lord. He half expected Sidious to appear out of one, puppet master hands ready to take the child from him. Instead, it was the droid who reached out. He handed the kid off and the droid placed it into a poor excuse for a crib. Made of metal and thin cushion, it did little but confuse the child. Its little blue hands pulled at the blanket.
“Ahhh… another test subject. Excellent.”
That voice. It grated his ears. Bane turned behind him, not surprised after all to see a full sized hologram of Darth Sidious projected from an R4 type astro mech.
“Two more remain, Bounty Hunter. You have served me well. Perhaps this one will fair better. I have high hopes with this one.”
Cad Bane crossed his arms, “I’ll be treadin’ more careful now. The Jedi will catch on soon enough. Don’ wanna push my luck.”
“There is no such thing as luck,” Sidious replied flatly. “There is only the Force.”
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“Dispose of the failure. Begin preparation for the procedure on the new child.”
Bane stopped. Dispose of the failure? One of the droids spoke words of obedience. The hum of the holoprojector ceased. His mouth went dry. He had done his job. He delivered the kid. Sidious had said they were to be test subjects, but he didn’t think… he wasn’t paid to think, not about the outcome of assets. He wasn’t paid to care. Among the Jedi, there are no innocents. The words crawled across his eardrums.
“Excuse me, Bounty Hunter Bane,” said a droid behind him. Bane moved out of it’s way, and froze. In the droid’s cold, robotic arms was a tiny bundle, about the size of the little girl.
He stopped a gasp. He heard the motors of the R4 unit behind him. He was being watched. He knew it. This was the Sith Lord’s lair. The man only trusted him so far. The shadows in the corridor held countless horrors here. That unsettled feeling had been his gut warning him, his skin crawling with the knowledge of danger in the air. Cad Bane forced himself to follow the service droid. The R4 followed him in turn.
Tiny screams echoed from behind him. Duros screams. The procedure had begun. The test subject being subjected to pain. His legs screamed to run. The bounty hunter kept walking. The grub screamed again. He kept walking. The screams faded behind him. The corridor stretched in front of him. The droid ahead of him exited the hatch. He followed. The R4 unit followed him. The door closed behind them with a hiss and a lock slammed down. He forced himself not to jump. He wasn’t out of the lava pits yet. He headed for the Xanadu Blood, the custom Rogue Class Starfighter he had requested as payment for this very job. Bane headed for the ship, trying to ignore the droid that headed for the edge of the platform. He tried to ignore the robotic eye watching his every move. He tried to ignore seeing from the corner of his eye that the droid callously dropped the tiny bundle over the edge.
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The calm, yet angry voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi snapped him to the present. He sat at a cold table, handcuffed and bombarded with questions and accusations.
“We know you’ve taken at least two children. Where are they?”
“Beyond your reach,” Bane replied, telling a truth. Two children would never be found. The other two however…
“Who are you working for?” Mace Windu demanded for the eighth time.
A madman, Bane thought. “I work alone,” Bane telling a truth. The contract had been completed. He was for-hire again.
“It’s only a matter of time before we locate the Holocron,” Kenobi said. He leaned forward for emphasis, “Make it easier on yourself.”
The way his human eyes narrowed wasn’t a very good veiled threat. The Duros would have laughed, instead he mocked the man, “What are you goin’ to do, Jedi? Torture me?” Den you’d be just like dat no good Sith Lord. Just as low as me, torturing your Jedi friend, Ropal.
The bald human, Windu, stood in a dramatic fashion in front of the exit of the holding cell, a dark silhouette in front of a golden energy shield. He said gravely over his shoulder at the bounty hunter, words slow and careful, “I think the fear of whoever you work for outweighs your fear of us.”
The Jedi hit that right on Bane’s nonexistent nose. The screams of the Duros child echoed in his mind. If the Sith had been willing to torture innocent children…
“This conversation is over,” Bane said, sitting back in his chair. The Jedi left him.
The clues were all there. They just had to use their brains instead of relying on the Force. Or was Bane overestimating their competence? Perhaps Skywalker would figure it out. He was a clever one, bold, and had pursued Bane in unprecedented ways. All the young man had to do was look closely over his fighter jet.
‘Xanadu Blood’ he had named it, not knowing he would have the blood of children on his hands. No. He did know. He had just never seen the results of his captures, no, kidnappings before. Nearly thirty years of bloody work. After his third trip to Mustafar he fired up the engines and had returned to the Black Stall Station, eager to rid himself of the sulfur smell from himself and the star fighter. As if it would wash those sins away. The Duros child was nowhere to be seen in the room of four cribs.
“Another failed test subject,” the Sith Lord had lamented.
The last two children were delivered. The job was completed. Cad Bane had fully intended giving his ship a thorough cleaning, wax job and all. Unexpectedly, Sidious contacted him again before he could do so. He offered extra pay for an additional child. Bane wanted to be rid of this client. Kidnapping children was beneath his skill set. He was insulted. He was disappointed. He was angry. He was tired of not being able to sleep at night… But he had accepted the assignment because that was his motto. Once paid his fee, he’d take any job, right? At least, that’s what he led Sidious to believe. That’s what he had fooled himself to believe. After wiping his nav computer he moved to his fuel computer and his hands merely hovered above the deletion routine. The monitor prompted two options.
Fuel Records. Deletion confirmation required:
He considered the question. He considered his options. Bane moved his padded forefinger from above CONFIRM and pressed CANCEL. The monitor lit green and returned to the normal menu, fuel records intact. Bane closed the fuel system back up and left it untouched. He left the ash and sulfur untouched. He put both hands on the fuselage and breathed out. His ship was as a pile of filth, just like himself.
When he went to Naboo, he fully expected the Jedi to be there waiting. He sneaked into the Gungan household, a giant plasma bubble construct. He sprung the trap. The Padawan Ahsoka Tano popped out from her hiding place. Just as he had sworn to himself, he disarmed her before she could deflect another blaster bolt at him. He made for an escape, ran into Skywalker and fought him too and rocketed away. The Jedi caught him. His boots failed and they both fell to the ground. He was captured. He was led away in handcuffs, just as he intended.
“You’re daughter is safe now,” Ahsoka had told the Gungan mother.
Cad Bane snarled, furious, “Do you really believe that?!” Those Jedi fools had no idea. If they didn’t act fast the last two children would be dead too.
And he was still here sitting at a cold table being interrogated, and waiting for them to figure it out. Bane couldn’t give the answers away easily. He had his pride. Also, the Sith Lord would suspect betrayal. He was playing both sides. The difference between laying a trap verses laying breadcrumbs was negligible. The bounty hunter tapped his fingers again, his mouth absent a toothpick to chew. The golden energy door opened and four grim-faced Jedi stepped down into the cell. The unsettling feeling returned. The Duros’ skin prickled. The sense of danger returned and there was nowhere to run. ----------------------------------------- Chapter Links: Chapter 1 Next Chapter
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writingforfun0714 · 1 year
Overhearing A Conversation/Eavesdropping Trope Scene Comparison—Bad Batch/Arcane PART 1/2
Hey everyone, I know I said earlier I wasn’t going to do another scene comparison between Arcane and Bad Batch, but I found another and decided to do one. 
I compared the common trope of the ‘youngest/inexperienced member of the group gets left behind’ between the 2 shows in 2 parts linked below.
Part 1
Part 2
I’ll be splitting this post into 2 parts as well so this doesn’t get too long.
Part 1 will be with screenshots and thoughts about both scenes from both shows INDIVIDUALLY.
Part 2 will be talking about the similarities and differences between the scenes of both shows.
Warnings: Spoilers for Bad Batch and Arcane, not a fic, scene analysis/comparison, PART 1, bad screenshots sorry, LONG AF, contains opinions/headcanons/thoughts not confirmed, lemme know if I need to add more
This time, instead of the ‘left behind’ trope, I’ll be doing the common ‘overhearing a conversation’/eavesdropping trope. I’ll talk about both shows individually in this post. I’ll start with Bad Batch.
This scene is spread out over the Season 2 premiere/first 2 episodes. Set in the 1st episode, the Batch head to Serreno (Serrano? Idk-Dooku’s home planet) to rob Dooku’s war chest (basically the money he had by the time of RotS). Hunter wants to use the money to hide and provide a more normal childhood for Omega, while Echo wants to use the money to help fight the Empire. It’s only in the first episode that we see Omega overhears them and not until episode 2 when she confronts Echo about overhearing them.
The Approach
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The first shot shows Echo nodding to Tech before approaching Hunter. It’s clear from this shot that they’ve at least talked about the future of the group (beyond doing jobs for Cid). I would assume that Tech’s nod of support means that he doesn’t disagree with Echo. In the next 2 shots we get Echo approaching Hunter and telling the sergeant that he knows why Hunter agreed to the job. From an outside point of view, Echo is stating that he understands why Hunter is doing what he’s doing before voicing his own concerns. That’s important because Echo’s not outright saying Hunter is wrong for thinking the way he does.
Echo’s Voice
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Hunter doesn’t make eye contact with Echo, which gives the ARC trooper the chance to tell Hunter that they could do more with the money than hide from the Empire. With the rising Empire, Echo logically thinks that they should buy weapons and prepare for a fight. I think the 2 opposing sides make perfect sense for who they are. Hunter is the leader of CF99, a group who has been told (all their lives) that they are defective and have special enhancements. That they are not like the ‘regs’. Echo, on the other hand, is a reg. Highly accomplished, Echo reached ARC trooper and spent his life w/ the 501st, saving lives. As a reg, Echo is taught that he is expendable/worthless since there are millions more just like him. He’s spent his life helping others and it makes sense he’d want to continue doing that by fighting the Empire. Because he was taught that they were ‘unique’, Hunter believes they should hide from the Empire. Better to hide than to risk something happening.
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Hunter finally looks at Echo and tells him fighting the Empire isn’t the life Omega deserves. Echo argues that their lives ‘are like this because of Omega’. There is some merit to this. They lose Crosshair by going back to Kamino for her in ep1. Cad Bane and Fennec Shand both go after Omega because of the Kaminoans in episodes 4, 8, and 9. Omega also needs the Batch to rescue her (ep1, 2, 6, 7) and pressures Hunter and the others to do what she thinks is right, which puts her life in danger (helping Hera, standing up to the Pykes, nearly drowning trying to save AZ). HOWEVER!! I don’t think Echo is totally right either. Yes, Omega has caused them problems, but I believe that even if Omega wasn’t with them, the Empire would still be after them. They are special/elite clones, of course the Empire would want them. The Kaminoans didn’t seem to care about having CF99 in their possession and only had the bounty hunters go after Omega (so yes, that part would be different if she wasn’t with them) but I believe Rampart would still see the value of having CF99. 
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Hunter immediately glances back towards the gunner’s mount/Omega’s room before pushing Echo back so they can talk. Hunter doesn’t see Omega, but because it’s only a curtain that separates Omega’s room from the rest of the ship, it should be pretty obvious that she can hear them.
Speaking Up
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Echo says that they were right to go back for Omega and rescue her from Kamino. Echo is also right in saying that there are others that need their help. Echo tells Hunter that he’s seen what the Empire’s doing throughout the galaxy and they should be doing more before walking away. CF99 is a a squad known for taking on the ‘suicidal’ missions and succeeding so it seems unlikely that they’d serve long tours throughout the war like Echo/regular clones, especially if their mutations/skills are as valued as they say. Hunter even says in CW S7 that they report to Cody and not a Jedi general.
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Hunter glances at the curtain before sitting back down, thinking Omega didn’t hear. But I’m assuming it’s like a regular cloth curtain and nothing special, so it’s unsurprising that Omega was listening. Plus their ship (Havoc Marauder) isn’t as big as the Ghost (Rebels) or the Millennium Falcon so I’m guessing it’s pretty hard to have discreet conversations. Omega appears upset and hugs Lula, Wrecker’s tooka doll. Her reaction of internalizing what was said to believe that she is to blame for their situation is pretty normal for a kid. I would’ve liked her to be a bit more upset (animation wise) since being a burden is supposed to be a true/real fear for her.
(While I don’t think Omega has any severe mental illness—I do think she suffers from mild anxiety related to abandonment and being a burden along with a fear/phobia of medical procedures). 
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Later in the episode, Omega goes after Dooku’s fortune by herself and Echo goes after her (since Tech’s femur broke). He tells her it’s not important but she argues it is. She tells Echo that she heard him and Hunter talking on the Marauder. She tells Echo that ‘you don’t have a normal life because of me’, internalizing what he said. It’s interesting because that’s not completely true, she’s just focusing on the negative (like Anakin and Obiwan would have to tell him to mind his thoughts). Echo even agreed with Hunter that rescuing Omega in S1 was the right thing to do. It’s a different take on the ‘only hearing half the conversation’ and while it’s an interesting choice, I don’t think Echo is the clone to have this problem with imho. Echo has been tortured and changed so he was never going to have a normal life after the Techno Union (which was before he met Omega). Plus Echo is the newest/latest member besides Omega, and hasn’t been with the group as long. Idk I just think this problem would make more sense if she was with Tech/Wrecker/Hunter instead.
Echo’s Words
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Echo sees how desperate Omega is for the pack full of treasure and pleads with her to listen to him. He tells her that she has to let it go (since the container they’re in is unstable and about to fall).
Realization and Acceptance
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Omega realizes the truth to Echo’s words and accepts that the treasure is gone/unobtainable. She takes a breath during this and I personally think she’s also accepting that she’s not the only reason why their lives are the way they are. 
Clarification Talk
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Back on the ship, Omega tells Echo she’s sorry about not getting the war chest and explains that she wanted to make things better for them. This is an interesting parallel to S1 E10 Common Ground. Omega had to stay behind but ended up winning a lot of money from Dejarik to pay off their debt. She had stated that she wanted to be useful even if she couldn’t go on the mission, so her reasoning in this episode makes sense. 
Echo tells her that if they hadn’t gone back for her, they might be fighting for the Empire instead, or worse. He tells her they made the right choice and that he’d do it all again. It’s important to note that he is just reaffirming what he already stated w/ Hunter. That they were right to go back for her. 
While I think Omega’s reactions are pretty spot on for a kid, I would’ve liked the moment with Lula in her room to have been a bit sadder. It would’ve really made her insecurities feel real. And, as stated above, I personally believe that Echo was the wrong Batch member to have this problem with. He’s too new and because of the torture/permanent change physically/mentally, he was obviously never going to live a normal life after being rescued from the Techno Union (before meeting Omega). 
Now Arcane:
The Approach
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Powder approaches the door and hears Mylo say that she’s the problem to Vi. Vi doesn’t want to talk about it, but Mylo continues, “all that stuff and she just lost it”. Powder is already insecure about herself at this point and listens in. Vi argues that Powder is young (something she said herself earlier to Mylo, and a valid point). Mylo tells Vi to stop ‘bullshitting’ and that she was ‘twice the person at half her (Powder’s) age’, which is clearly an exaggeration, but something Powder internalizes. His words make her feel less than.
Fear is Real
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Vi admits to Mylo that he’s right and that there’s a bunch of things Powder just can’t do. Powder is obviously crushed and walks away, clearly upset. I don’t think much of a pause happened between Vi’s words, Powder walking away and then the 2nd half of the convo. As Powder walks away, Mylo interrupts saying that she doesn’t have to tell him twice.
2nd/Good Half
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Vi continues with her side of the conversation after Mylo interrupts by turning it around on him saying that he complains about everything. Mylo is confused and doesn’t think too much about Vi’s comment at first, continuing to throw his ball. Vi also says that he brags nonstop and Mylo responds with ‘ok-ok-I see where you’re going with this-‘, meaning he’s heard these criticisms before, but Vi catches his ball to hold his attention. She also says that he picks fights with the group when they need to focus and that he tells strangers on the street they got a nice haul and throws the ball at him.
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Vi continues to say that Powder is her problem and that Mylo’s problem is that he never knows when to shut up. She finally puts Mylo in his place by going through a typical older sister ‘see this look? It means shut up’ rant.
Talk Afterwards
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Later, Vi approaches Powder by asking about her interest (asking about her bomb). Powder responds though is still clearly upset from earlier. Vi asks if she wants to talk about what happened, but Powder doesn’t see the point since she ‘ruins everything’.
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Vi tells her that’s not true, but Powder counters with the line she overhead from Mylo (about Vi being twice the person at half her age), revealing she overheard them talking. She continues saying that she isn’t a fighter. Vi argues that she doesn’t have to be because Vi has her fists and Powder has her bombs. Powder argues back that they never work but Vi insists they will. After that, Vi takes Powder outside (I’m assuming up onto the roof) and shows her the times when Mylo and Claggor had it rough before ending on her stuffed bunny up in the power lines. Vi tells Powder that everyone’s had rough days, but they learn, and stick together. I thought it was important to include lots of screenshots because we get to see both sister’s reactions.
Overall the way Powder overhears Vi talking with Mylo and decides to leave mid-conversation is a great choice because it mirrors what happens to them later on. Powder doesn’t hear Vi defend her just like she doesn’t see Vi try to come back to rescue her in the alley in ep3 (cuz fucking Marcus). I feel like whenever this ‘eavesdropping’ trope is used, we don’t know enough about the person it’s about (usually the one overhearing/eavesdropping). In Arcane, we do get to instances that lead up to Mylo and Vi’s conversation. In ep1, we see Mylo’s annoyance at Powder starts when she almost falls when jumping across roofs and Vi saves her. Next, when Powder accidentally causes the explosion at Jayce’s place, Powder insists she didn’t do it and Mylo replies that they can ‘fill a damn library with all the things you didn’t do’. It escalates after Powder is forced to lose the stuff they stole in order to get away. So we actually see what leads up to the conversation Powder overhears.
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one-desperate-duros · 2 years
*Shriv throws the covers off his head the minute he hears @a-big-hat walk away. For a moment he thought he might be a little more persistent, but he had ... left. Just. like. that.
He panics again for the third or fourth time that night, realizing he may have driven off yet another one of his friends.
He didn’t have many of those left. 
He suddenly feels very, very isolated and alone. He has alienated nearly everyone he cares about.
He bolts up; he presses the button to unlock the door. He is faced with empty space. Shriv looks to the left and right - the hallway is empty. He turns one corner, and then the next. Bane is nowhere to be found. 
He thinks of looking for him, yelling out for him. He almost does.*
Kil-! Killer...  * It comes out as a whisper instead. His frown deepens, having never left his face from earlier. He whimpers a pathetic sound, something between regret and longing. He walks unsteadily back to his living quarters and sits down on the edge of the bed.
He’s suddenly terrified.
‘What have you done, you big dumb idiot?!?!’ Not only did Lando walk away from you tonight, but Cad did, too.’
‘You deserve this. You deserve to be miserable.’
‘Just go crawl into that hole you want to live in so bad.’
‘Better yet, throw yourself out the airlock and be done with it.’
Instead, he just ...broods there - he doesn’t know what to do - so he does what seems right. Nothing at all.
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space-blue · 3 years
Me *Excitedly clicks on Cad Bane & original character tag to see what my fellow authors have gotten up to*
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Me : How does this shit happen in the SW fandom?
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And like, one of these is MINE. And I already wrote half the content for Reader x Vanto. Like. Come on!!!
Cad. Bane. Deserves. Friends. Or family! Or enemies! OC ones!
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roguestarr · 3 years
You know who deserved better ?? Cad Bane. All he got was an ambiguous death deleted scene in an unaired episode.
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new drinking game idea: take a shot every time boba fett is onscreen in his own show
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itsagrimm · 2 years
The Un-Maiden
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Cad Bane X she*her afab character
2,7k words
CN: hat, smut, blood, biting, as always a fair share of violence and injury because I can <3, rough sex, dom Bane and general kinkiness, character gets carried, scratching, restricting movements, p-i-v-sex, bit of fighting and teasing, insulting and a minor argument but also resolution of conflict and good ol' communication and setting boundaries
Note: Reader is able-bodied.
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Bane and you became a habit. A casual habit of scratches, bites, moans, and orgasms. You worked at the cantina. He would pass by every few weeks for his mysterious business and later visits at your home or just straight up bend you over whatever available surface there was in the cantina. You both had agreed silently not to talk about his work too much. And you enjoyed having the stoic Duros in your life without changing much about it. It was easy.
As easy as letting yourself fall into the pillows and have Bane thrust into you. You smiled and groaned as you felt his fingers in your hair pushing you down while he struggled to maintain pace.
“Is that all you got, old man?” You teased.
He jerked your head up and pulled you against his chest.
“Careful.” Was all he said.
You smiled in wicked delight, feeling him getting closer to the edge and dragging you with him as he started playing with your already sensitive clitoris.
You arched your back and leaned your head against his shoulder.
“Careful or what, Bane?” you managed before the orgasm washed over you and you forgot how to speak.
Somewhere in the distance you heard Bane hiss and curse before you felt him spill himself inside you.
The sensation still left you comfortably confused even after several times feeling it now. Duros Cum was, just like anything duros, slightly colder and your human brain went blank and devastatingly at loss how to react to the alien sensation.
Bane shuffled behind you, leaning his forehead against you, and licked the biting wound he had given you before.
You shivered at the touch, and you felt him grin before he removed himself from you and got up to leave.
You collapsed back into the pillows of your bed.
“You’re leaving?” you asked with a hoarse voice.
Bane returned with a wet towel and passed it to you before getting dressed.
“Yes. I got work.”
You watched him get dressed.
“See you later at the cantina, lil Lady.” He said before leaving.
You smiled contently and turned around for a nap before you had to go to work.
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Work was draining. The cantina was packed to the brim. You constantly got stopped by hands, claws, paws, tentacles or whatever qualified as a limb to order from you. And after a few hours of serving drinks and food, your head was spinning from the loud voices, stuffy air, and harsh work pace.
Your legs felt like stilts as you closed the door after the last costumer left hours later. Awkwardly you stumbled through the room and started cleaning up the remnants of a very busy night. Chairs and stools felt heavy like crates of beskar in your weak arms. Yawning and fighting sleep you mopped the floor and placed the last cups into the cleaning automat. It felt like a miracle finishing your shift without just collapsing into a pile of tired bones and worn-out skin somewhere behind the bar. All you had left to do was counting and closing the cash register. You sat down with the register at the bar, a flimsi and pen next to you to help you calculating the credits.
The numbers jumped around in your mind like a bunch of loth cats. You massaged your temples and tried to concentrate again, counting the credit chips, and adding number…. Adding number… numbers… numb… nnhhhhh….
…something familiar lifted you and carried you outside. You braced yourself to get wet and cold but despite the humid harsh night air you stayed dry and cosy. Tired you blinked and caught a sight of Banes huge hat shielding you from the elements like an umbrella. You sighed and cuddled even closer into Banes’ chest and the warm Bantha leather coat he always wore.
The Duros chuckled and you felt his words vibrate through his chest.
“Told you before, darlin’. If you just want to be carried like a princess, just say so.”
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You woke up to the feeling of getting lovingly poked by a screwdriver. Confused you swatted at the metal tool and crawled away before fully opening your eyes.
It was TODO, Cad Banes little droid.
“Despite my insistence of not being a nurse droid I was tasked to check on you by Master Bane.” The droid explained. Or complained. You weren’t exactly sure. “You have slept more than 12 hours. According to the holonet information about human sleep pattern I had to make sure you are still alive.”
“I am.” You managed.
“I know now too” Todo replied, his gears visibly working in confusion due to the obviousness of your answer before he turned away.
“Wait.” You called after the not-nurse-droid. “Where is Bane?”
TODO turned back. “My Partner is busy with his work. He had left you here on the ship to sleep after finding you in the cantina.”
You looked around. It was Bane’s bunk and his ship. In the short moments since TODO woke you up, you hadn’t taken that in yet.
“Any idea when he comes back?”
“Master Bane does not react kindly to strangers prying into his private affairs.”
“Hold on.” You managed to give the droid a stern look. “I am not a prying stranger. I AM HIS PRIVATE AFFAIR. So do you know when he comes back or not?”
TODO had his little arms raise in a defensive gesture.
“My, my, …” The droid managed. “I am sure Master Bane will return soon enough. I am not in the position of giving out any further information.”
You grimaced and nodded. No need to pressure a little droid. You were many things but not a bully.
TODO trotted away to busy himself with whatever the fine techno-service droid had to do and left you to your own devices. You leaned back against the wall of the bunk. It was cosy. You preferred more blankets and therefore more warmth, but it made sense for a Duros to have less… stuff in it. You must have been very tired only wake up to TODOs metallic ministrations.
You closed your eyes. The past days had ben rough. You worked every day, running the cantina pretty much on your own. Bane had come by and left your pleasantly occupied but also limited the amount of rest you got even more.
Your current life pace had drained you.
You curled back into the minimal bedding and tried to relax to catch some more sleep. But despite best efforts you couldn’t. After laying around in the bunk for nearly half an hourly rotation you gave up.
Bane’s bedroom was tiny. Just the bunk and a field box fixed to the floor.
Knowing Bane, he never would leave you in his private quarters if he had something of importance in it, so you did not even bother looking.
Instead, you left the room and started exploring.
It was a gunship. But you knew that before. It also was a fast ship according to the machine humming deep in the hull. The ship also had holding cells. You shivered at the sight of chains and handcuffs being extremely sure that Bane did not use them for bedroom enrichment. The rest of the ship was rather unremarkable. TODO worked on something looking like a gun modification at a work bench and the cockpit was closed off by a laser barrier. Taking all this into account you were convinced that Bane was something of a mercenary and that you did not want to know more about it. The less you had to do with violent crime, not just the usual petty thefts or pub brawls you knew from home, the better.
The ship had a little refresher room. You peeled yourself out of your clothes and turned on the sonic. It was not like taking a real shower with hot water at home. This was a spaceship after all. But the warm chemical spray gave you the feeling of cleanliness you craved for.
You sighed and closed your eyes, the warm liquid dripping on your head and massaging your scalp.
Outside of the fresher you heard the ramp of the ship.
You froze.
TODO stayed silent. Was the droid alright? You hardly could imagine the little droid starved for Bane’s attention not to run to him first chance he got.
The fresh memory of all those chains and cages down in the hull crept up in your mind. Someone with this kind of cargo and weapons on board just had to have enemies.
Maybe this wasn’t Bane who walked with heavy steps around the ship now?
Maybe TODO was the first thing killed off by the unknown intruder?
Maybe you were next?
You stepped out of the sonic chamber leaving the spray running to muffle your steps and looked around the tiny refresher room for a weapon. The only thing remotely qualifying as dangerous was the file Bane must use to trim his claws. You grabbed the tiny file and a towel to cover yourself before going into position right next to the door, with your raised weapon.
Outside the refresher room you heard the heavy steps stopping right in front of the door.
A knock.
You swallowed and concentrated. The anticipation made your hands tremble.
Another knock and a growl.
You stood still and waited.
Finally, the door opened with a little hiss, nearly inaudible with the running sonic.
Someone stepped in and you threw yourself at the stranger with the file aimed somewhere at the head of the bipedal intruder. Your bodies collided and the stranger stumbled before catching himself and countering your attack by just pressing your body forcefully against the wall with his own. You felt hands over your own, twisting your wrist until you had to let go the file and finally a hiss so unmistakable it made the hair in your neck stand both in fear and excitement.
“Oh. Its you.” You managed with one of Banes hands pressed against your throat.
“Did you invite someone else, darlin’?” he growled into your ear.
“Wasn’t sure if it’s you. With TODO staying silent and the type of cargo you normally transport, I figured you could have one or two enemies out there interested in your ship while you’re gone.”
His red eyes shifted in movement.
“And the faithful maid protected the castle.” Bane teased.
You tried to laugh but it ended up in a cough due to his hand still on your throat.
“Oh thou has me left waiting. So fearful I grew for the life of my knight in shining armor, that I took up the sword myself.”
Bane rolled his eyes.
“Stop it, woman. We both know you are very much not a faithful maiden.”
Your smile turned wicked.
“You hadn’t mind so far.”
Bane leaned forward, pressing his whole body against you.
“I very much prefer your unmaidenness.”
You smiled in his kiss before biting him.
He groaned and let go of your hands to grab your jaw and pull your head to the side, revealing the vulnerable neck.
You eyed him as he froze, his stare locked at your collarbone with a charmed expression and slightly open mouth.
“I got a good taste last time.” He hissed.
You mewled as he licked the biting marks on your shoulder.
His tongue was rough like fine sandpaper and scraped over your abused skin with a pleasant sting.
The press of Banes body felt hot yet not enough. You tried to snake your hands under his shirt but got lost in the folds of Banes wide coat. He responded by quickly stepping away from you and shaking off his coat. Immediately you clashed into him and pressed him now against the opposite wall, finally able to get under his shirt and touch his skin.
He grabbed you by the neck and forced you to look up at him.
“You want this?” he asked.
“Yes. You?”
Instead of an answer he shoved you back against the wall and undid the knot you had used to hold the towel in place. Naked he turned you against the wall and kicked your legs apart.
“Think you can take me like this?” He snarled close to your ear and placed his left hand over your arms at the wall again.
You considered the question. You felt wet but unsure if it would be enough.
“Try carefully.” You responded while grinding your ass against his hard erection.
“With you? Always.”
You grinned at the ironic answer as you heard him shuffle and fumble with his clothes before you felt the cool touch of his hard dick against your entrance. With familiar movements he swiped through your folds and collecting any wetness before pressing himself slowly into you.
“Yes. More.” You moaned to encourage him going further.
He snarled and grabbed you by the hip to steady you.
The stretch was unusual. You were wet but he was big and without much foreplay you gasped at the sensation.
He stopped and moved back again. Carefully not to hurt you.
“Don’t stop.” You demanded, wanting him inside you despite the struggle.
He nearly clawed his hand into your hip, fighting for control and slowly easing himself into you. You pressed against him and together you managed to fit him inside you. You felt full, impossible to move yet enjoying the feeling of Bane in you.
He leaned forward, his one hand still fixing your arms up against the wall, the other now playing with your clit.
“You take me so well, lil’loth cat.” He whispered now with a raspy voice. “With your claws and teeth away from me, you are so tame. A good woman.”
Your cried out in protest only to get slammed against the wall by his first hard trusts.
“Don’t you dare.” You hissed and knocked back your head in the hopes of hitting Bane in the face.
He growled. “Alright, not that tame. I‘ll make it up to you.”
You hissed an approving warning for him to better deliver on his promise.
He kept his punishing pace and pressed your clit more while circling the sensitive bundle of nerves. Bane knew what he was doing, going steady and rhythmic to shatter you into ecstatic pieces while pressed against the wall.
You felt your sight going fuzzy and your legs weak, but he kept working you closer to the edge until your orgasm hit you hard and you felt yourself falling. Bane caught you and hoisted you up against this chest while slamming himself into you.
Your world felt like it was made from cotton. Everything was soft and nice, and you were boneless in his arms with the feeling of Bane chasing his own release only prolonging your orgasm.
He finished shortly after you. His movements sloppy and finally still as he came inside you. You stayed that way for a bit until he spoke.
“Think you can stand again, lil lady?”
You nodded and he carefully put you back on the floor.
With your hands on the wall, you steadied yourself before turning around to Bane and giving him a mean look.
“Don’t call me a good woman. I am not.” You protested. “I am many things. But I am not a good subservient woman waiting faithfully for you to return. Don’t get the wrong idea.”
He looked up from getting his pants on again.
“Oh, I know.” He snarled. “It’s just too easy to tease you like that.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your clothes. Time to leave. You would not stand for getting treated as the available little girl men tended to see you as sometimes.
You turned back to Bane. He leaned against the wall and watched you collecting your things.
“What, Bane?”
He swallowed and looked at you with a strict expression.
“I mean it.” The Duros repeated. “I don’t see you as something to be tamed and turned into something you are not. I will not tease you like that again. I am sorry.”
He grinned and squinted his eyes.
“But I do think you are a very fine woman.”
You smiled and swatted playfully at him.
Maybe it wasn’t time to leave yet.
next chapter
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@kasianthus @madam-o @rain-on-kamino @longrimmedbountyhunter
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arkham-prisoner · 2 years
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Look, while I’m not the biggest fan of how Ahsoka Tano, The Grand Inquisitor or Fifth Brother look in live action but it has to be said again, nobody has been treated worse than Count Dooku going from Live Action to Animated!
How do you mess up that damn badly??? TWICE?!?!
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cabdane · 2 years
*grabs star wars out of filoni’s/favreau’s/rodriguez’s hands* give me that, you’re not allowed to play with it anymore
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Hi! How can we rank these fine duros? For me Lulo is certified hubs /daddy material. Shriv is golden nominee in hubs/daddy league. Norath is potential nominee. Cad deserves his own category unless there is a surprise in those pants for us... Oh my
I dunno, but...
L'ulo is like, daddy material. Mouse could be a daddy. Would not be down to marry 'cause they're not neurotic enough, but like, hot and drool worthy, stable, and totally capable of being a role model.
Norath Kev is too young and squirrely for me. He's a goofball.
Cad Bane is top tier, like a dominatrix I can't afford, nearly untouchable. I would pay him to be mean to me.
Shriv Suurgav is HUSBAND. I WOULD DIE FOR HIM. Something about a man who is self-deprecating, grumpy, but sweet as can be underneath all his gripes and bitching DESTROYS ME. Like, yes baby, tell me how it is, vent all you want, be a little rude to me, or cry and I will hug you, then come over here and lemmie make it allll better. >D eheheh. He can make me laugh. That's the most important thing. Wouldn't let me walk all over him. He would put me in my place and make me melt all at the same time, yet he would also let me boss him around a little even while sassing me, and the sass is half the fun.
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