#Canon: Eggsy Unwin
Listen To Your Hart Introduction
Getting caught hacking into an organisation that prides itself on secrecy probably wasn’t Lily’s best idea, even if in her eyes there was a good reason for it. She’d heard rumours of people being recruited after that kind of thing, but she never expected it to come true for her. Only after joining did she realise that perhaps that wasn’t exactly the thing she’d needed to do. But, while she loves being part of the tech team, part of her longs to be doing something more. To become an agent even if somebody blocks her way every time.
Being recruited for the Kingsman tests wasn’t something that had ever been on Eggsy’s radar; even after his meeting with Harry, he wondered if perhaps the whole thing hadn’t been a dream. And yet, as he starts the training with other candidates, Eggsy realises that perhaps actually getting the coveted place with Kingsman wouldn’t be so bad. Sure, he might miss some of the other candidates come the end, but he’d be doing something good. Something that would make his parents proud and help him make sure his family was safe. And that was important.
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Lily Tag
Eggsy Tag
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justmoreocs-edits · 1 year
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Listen To Your Hart Introduction
Getting caught hacking into an organisation that prides itself on secrecy probably wasn’t Lily’s best idea, even if in her eyes there was a good reason for it. She’d heard rumours of people being recruited after that kind of thing, but she never expected it to come true for her. Only after joining did she realise that perhaps that wasn’t exactly the thing she’d needed to do. But, while she loves being part of the tech team, part of her longs to be doing something more. To become an agent even if somebody blocks her way every time.
Being recruited for the Kingsman tests wasn’t something that had ever been on Eggsy’s radar; even after his meeting with Harry, he wondered if perhaps the whole thing hadn’t been a dream. And yet, as he starts the training with other candidates, Eggsy realises that perhaps actually getting the coveted place with Kingsman wouldn’t be so bad. Sure, he might miss some of the other candidates come the end, but he’d be doing something good. Something that would make his parents proud and help him make sure his family was safe. And that was important.
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Lily Tag
Eggsy Tag
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lady-bess · 5 months
Fallout - Prologue
Jack Daniels x F!Reader Explicit/18+ (Minors DNI please) Chapter Word Count: 2.6k Chapter Tags: Graphic Description of Violence, Graphic Description of Injuries, Comatose Patient, Grief, Angst, Trauma.
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Next Chapter (Into The Ether) ->
Jack gets seriously injured in Cambodia after attempting to stop Eggsy and Harry from releasing the antidote for Poppy's narcotics. Ginger works around the clock to try and save him - but is it too late?
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“Fallout [noun] - the adverse side effects or results of a situation”. 
20th of September, 2017.
“Viva Las Vegan,” Eggsy said, typing the code into the red briefcase he and Harry had retrieved from Poppy. “This one’s for you, Merlin.” And, with the push of the enter key, the antidote to Poppy’s tampered narcotics were released worldwide.
“Thank goodness that was the right code,” Harry joked, “We’d have been in a right mess if it wasn’t”.
“I think we’ll still be in a mess either way, Harry. This is gonna take one hell of a clean up team,” Eggsy said. He pivoted on the spot to survey the diner. All around the two men was a scene of destruction, extending out beyond the large glass windows into the jungle. Poppy Adams had made something unique here, they had to admit that. But now it lay to ruin, littered with the bodies of her accomplices, damaged beyond repair.
“You’re right about that. I’ll go ahead and call back to Ginger, let her know we’ll need a team out here as soon as possible. You tend to Whiskey’s head wound. He got knocked badly back there,” Harry said, tipping his head towards the other side of the counter, where Whiskey lay crumpled over in a heap on the ground.
Eggsy grimaced as he looked at the senior agent laid out on the floor, his mind flashing back to just minutes ago. One wrong move and he would have been in the machine, well beyond saving . The knock to the head wasn’t ideal, especially as it looked to be where he’d only just recovered from Harry having shot him, but at least with the alpha gel it would stop him from having anything wrong long term.
“You think we can trust Statesman now?” Eggsy asked, turning back to Harry. The senior agent nodded as he pulled a phone out from his inside jacket pocket, beginning to dial a number to get the clean-up team out.
“I’d safely assume so. It was clear that Whiskey was working for himself, and himself only . I don’t believe his actions are representative of the organisation he works for. He went rogue, Eggsy. We can trust them now, I’m sure of it,” he said, lifting the phone to his ear.
Eggsy nodded. He had learnt to trust Harry’s instincts, especially given that he was right on the money about Jack in the first place. A part of him would probably always regret not listening to him about his hunch, and asking Ginger to keep Whiskey sedated until the end of the mission. Then again, would he have ever shown his true colours had it not been for this fight?
Eggsy headed over to Jack while Harry placed the call. He overhead him connect through to Ginger, so help would be on the way soon. He knelt down next to Jack, smiling taut and sympathetically as he surveyed the damage.
Jack had a knock to the side of his head, right by his temple. Bruising was already spreading around his eye socket, and Eggsy wouldn’t be surprised if it transpired that he’d cracked his skull. The gunshot scar which he’d walked in here with not twenty minutes ago was already no longer visible under the new damage he’d sustained.
Blood had begun to pool under the agent’s head, and a small trail leaked from the side of his mouth from where he’d taken several hits to the jaw. Eggsy hated that he and Harry had needed to take such action, but it was clear that without it there was no way they were walking out of here alive, let alone releasing the antidote. The mission had to come first, always. 
Whiskey’s hat had already come off in the scuffle, knocked off after he smacked his head, and before he went down on the hard floor line a tonne of bricks. His dark brown hair lay unruly all around his head, the usual neat style he maintained beneath the stetson completely ruined. Eggsy leant over to the hat beside him to retrieve the alpha gel, hoping that he still wasn’t too late to apply the alpha gel now. The injuries looked serious, and Whiskey was losing blood fast. His breathing was already shallow, and the colour from his face was slowly fading away.
Eggsy turned over his hat, and his eyes widened. Panic rose within the agent as the safety net was virtually pulled away from him, like a rug had been dragged out from beneath his feet. Ginger had shown him how to use the alpha gel, and it had come in handy in Italy, saving Whiskey from Harry’s gunshot. He was so calm this entire time because he knew that there was more of this gel to help Jack again. But this time, he found that the hat was empty. 
There was no saving him so easily this time. 
“ Shit ,” he cursed, “There’s no fucking alpha gel!” he said, voice raised to get the attention of Harry on the other side of the counter.
“What?” Harry said, turning to face Eggsy, the line to Ginger still open.
“I said there’s no alpha gel , Harry. His hat never had any restocked after the last batch got used… fuck !” he shouted. Harry’s eyes widened as he saw Eggsy standing up, a look of panic across his face. It was never their intention to kill the agent, merely wound him enough to get him out their way, and then get him back to Statesman for questioning. Neither of them had stopped to consider that their fight could have actually had fatal consequences.  
“Fuck, indeed,” Harry said, “…Ginger, did you get that? We’ll need medics here, too. Whiskey has been hurt, badly, and we’ve no alpha gel to give him,” Harry relayed. Eggsy couldn’t make out what was being said on the other end of the line, but he saw Harry nodding along at whatever was being said.
While they waited for a response, Eggsy set to work. There wasn’t much he’d be able to do, given that this damage was certainly severe around the head, but he’d feel remiss if he didn’t try. He knelt back down next to Jack and took off his jacket, bundling it up to use as rags for the wounds that were visible. He pressed the most injured side of his head against the material, giving the blood he was losing something to soak into. He hoped that if he could at least stop the bleeding, it would give him a better chance at surviving this.
He wanted to put pressure on the wound, but he didn’t dare. The more he cleaned away the blood that had already left his body, the more visible the damage underneath was becoming. Eggsy could see a distinct mark under the thin skin around his eye, indicating there was a pretty nasty fracture there. It was hard to tell if there were any more, but given how hard he’d smacked his head, it wouldn’t be a surprise.
“There’s a team close by who are on their way now. Part of the team are medics, who will treat Whiskey as best they can while here, and then send him back off to America for Ginger to continue treating. The rest of the crew will stay and clear up here,” Harry said, jogging slightly to get over to Jack and Eggsy. He grimaced as he saw Jack’s injuries, now in full view.
“Bloody hell,” he muttered under his breath.
“Yeah, quite ,” Eggsy said, continuing to try and stop the bleeding, “Have we got anything on us that might help him?” he asked. Harry shook his head, his shoulders dropping slightly.
“Merlin did,” he said quietly. Eggsy sighed, dipping his head down in sorrow. Everything had happened so fast that he’d not really stopped to register that Merlin was truly gone now.
“Alright. Well, let’s do our best with what we’ve got. Then, tonight, we’ll raise a glass of Scotch for him,” he said, a faint smile on his face. Harry nodded, smiling back, and then knelt down next to Whiskey to help Eggsy with stopping the bleeding.
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Hours had passed since the antidote had been released, and everyone in Kingsman and Statesman had been receiving alerts for most of the afternoon about the “miracle cure which came from the sky”, saving hundreds of thousands of people. It should have been a proud moment for both organisations to come forward and celebrate what was a momentous victory. But all that had to wait.
Statesman medics did their best with Jack on the scene, applying alpha gel immediately and then carefully getting him onto the transport carrier to take him back to Kentucky. The jet got him, Harry, and Eggsy, back stateside within just a few hours, and the second the wheels touched down everyone was scurrying off down to the asphalt.
Champ had arranged for Ginger and her team to be on the ground waiting for Jack when the plane arrived, and Eggsy marvelled at the speed in which the transition happened. Jack was safely in Ginger’s escort vehicle about three minutes after the pilot turned off the engines.
She didn’t stop the entire journey back, and this same efficiency continued once they were back in Statesman’s grounds. It was clear that Ginger was panicking, not wanting to lose a colleague like this. She’d already noticed that Merlin was suspiciously absent from the team, but didn’t stop to ask anything. The time for questioning could come soon; right now she needed all her focus on Jack.
Harry and Eggsy stayed out of her team’s way while she worked, hooking Jack up to all kinds of weird and wonderful machines. If there was any hope for him to ever wake up again, and to have a chance at living, it would only be in this facility. That was the one silver lining here, that at least he was in the best place possible on the planet.
But eventually, Ginger gave up. Broken, exhausted, and defeated after trying everything imaginable for hours, she stepped back from his bed. She’d only handed control over to her assistants once for ten minutes as soon as a dose of the antidote reached Statesman, and she went to administer it to Tequila. But other than that, she was flat out working on Jack.
Harry and Eggsy approached her slowly as Ginger dismissed everyone else in her team of lab assistants.
“How’s it looking?” Eggsy asked, wrapping one arm across Ginger’s shoulders for comfort. She sniffled, leaning into him, and shrugged.
“There’s nothing more I can do. He’s completely comatose. Only time will tell if he’ll recover. But there is a strong possibility that he might never wake up,” she said, her voice cracking from trying not to cry.
“We are so sorry, Ginger,” Harry said, standing at the other side of Jack’s bed, looking across at Clara. She smiled faintly.
“You did what you had to do. If he had his way, there would currently be hundreds of thousands of people dying out there, our Tequila included,” she said. “That’s what I’ve got to keep telling myself, I think”. 
“How is Tequila?” Eggsy asked.
“Groggy,” she chuckled, “But he’ll be fine. Told him to stick to the booze from now on,” she said. Then a silence fell across the three agents – words couldn’t fill the void that encompassed them all, but a question burned in the back of Clara’s mind.
“What happened to Merlin?” she asked quietly. Eggsy sighed softly, the reality of having lost a dear friend now catching up to him. He squeezed Ginger tighter and looked to Harry, hoping he would explain the events of Merlin’s passing, unsure that he himself had the strength to do so. He noticed, for the first time in his life, that Harry was starting to tear up. But still, ever strong, Harry spoke. Chest out, standing tall, like he was trained to.
“You can shed a tear in private”, as Merlin always said.
“Agent Merlin, unfortunately, passed away on our approach to Poppy Adams’ base. He got killed when a landmine exploded,” he said, missing out the crucial detail that he took Eggsy’s place. Deep down he knew that she’d never forgive Eggsy for it, and that wasn’t fair on him. 
“I’m sorry, Ginger. I know the two of you had grown fond of one another since we came to the States. Eggsy and I will be raising a glass to him tonight. We’d love for you to join us,” he paused briefly, gauging her reaction, then continued on, “I think he’d like that, too,” Harry said.
Ginger nodded slowly, a single tear trailing down her cheek.
“Thank you. I think I’ll take you up on that,” she said.
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The three agents headed out that evening, an array of monitors and life support machines all hooked up to Jack. There was already a rota in place with a team of staff being in the lab 24/7, so Ginger didn’t have to worry about him being alone, in case anything happened while she was out. What he had done was unforgivable, but at the end of the day they had worked together for so long, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t care about him.
Weeks went by, and with Jack showing no sign of life, Champ made the executive decision to take Clara on board as the new agent Whiskey. He’d lost his moniker, and may never find out. Clara adopted the new alias, but it would take a while for everyone to adjust to the change.
Even though her role as Whiskey now had her out into the field more, finally doing what she wanted, what she had told Merlin she dreamt of doing, she couldn’t quite leave the labs behind just yet. They were Clara’s labs, no matter what moniker she had, or what her new role required of her. The assistants and other technicians wondered if she might be able to leave them behind if he weren’t there, lying in wait for life to come back to him.
Clara carried a lot of guilt since his accident. He was in such a hurry to get in the Silver Pony that she didn’t even think to check that his signature Stetson had been refilled after Eggsy used the alpha gel in Italy. Every time she saw his lifeless body in the lab’s bed, still peacefully sleeping, a pang of guilt ran through her.
Months went on, and over time it got easier to accept what had happened. Jack did wrong, at the end of the day. The Kingsman agents only acted how they needed to in the situation, and for as brutal as the outcome was, she could understand that. It was all in the past now, and she just hoped that he’d be able to forgive everyone involved if he ever woke up. Although, she figured he would probably have to forgive himself first.
Clocking out for an evening, Clara said her goodbyes to Jack. It was a habit she’d gotten into, and as he healed over time and started to look more like himself again, it became a little easier to not grimace every time she looked at him. She’d even been able to bring herself to keep him clean shaven, except for his signature moustache. His hair had grown longer, more grey and curly as the months went by, but she didn’t quite trust herself with his hair. 
But for as much as she hoped and prayed that one day he’d be back with everyone, she knew the chances were slim. Especially after all this time. It was now just a waiting game to see when they’d ultimately pull the plug on the former agent, releasing him into the goodnight forever. 
Until one night, when her emergency phone line rang.
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Next Chapter (Into The Ether) ->
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elletromil · 11 months
The Way of the House Husband
For @honey-bee-britt
Some crack we talked about years ago set in the Come Back (Home)
The Way of the House Husband
Harry would like it noted that, for once, he didn’t start it.
He had been doing his best to completely ignore the men that had been following after him for the better part of the day.
He even sent a text to Merlin about them, trusting that Kingsman would deal with whatever that was about in the next few days. It’s not anyone’s fault that the henchmen had proven themselves to be complete amateurs by deciding to act a mere hours after starting to stalk him.
Of course, Harry knows that he looks rather unassuming now, out of his suit, with his beard and his eye-patch. But had their roles been reversed, he would have waited at least a few days to properly establish his mark’s routine before attempting anything.
And if he walked into a deserted alley that isn’t part of his usual itinerary, it is simply because the men following him had already been closing in on him and he hadn’t want to accidentally involve any innocent bystanders in whatever was going to happen.
He had not been goading them into action. Not at all.
One of the men suddenly grabs him by the elbow to stop him and Harry sighs inwardly as he dubs that man ‘Amateur #1’. If he had had an ounce of intelligence, he would have waited for the rest of his group to properly block all of his target possible escape route before making his move. The alley Harry lured them into isn’t quite so narrow that at least one of them couldn’t have made it in front of him
But no, the five of them are all still behind him. A good push on Amateur #1 and a short run towards the nearest busy street would be all Harry needs to escape them.
If he had felt like he was in any actual danger at all.
So instead, he turns around to face the men, easily slipping out of the grip on his arm in a way that feels entirely coincidental, offering his most polite smile. “May I help you gentlemen?”
It’s Amateur #2 who answers, which might mean he’s a a leader of some sort for this group of thugs, but since he seems as much of an idiot as the others, Harry doesn’t bother relabelling him as such in his mind.
“You’d better follow us quietly gramps.”
A couple of them smile in a manner that is probably meant to be menacing, but Harry has seen fiercer expression from Daisy the last time they played pirates. He does take offence at the ‘gramps’ however.
He knows his hair is more grey than brown now, but surely he doesn’t look that old, does he?
He’ll have to ask Merlin next time he sees him. Or maybe Roxy. Eggsy, no matter how much he loves him, cannot be trusted on this.
“And why should I?”
He’s still going for hapless innocence, but judging from the worried look Amateur #5 throws over his shoulder, the mask is probably starting to slip. Or maybe that man has better survival instincts than the others and can subconsciously feel that they ’re the ones currently facing a predator.
“Let’s just say it would be better for your health. It’s your boy toy we want.”
He can feel his eye twitch lightly at what the man just insinuated about Eggsy. It wouldn’t be the first time people make an assumption about them after seeing them together, but that doesn’t mean Harry’s blood will ever stop boiling over such comments.
“Yeah gramps,” Amateur #3 continues, without noticing how Harry’s smile has hardened into something that is definitely less polite, “just don’t make a fuss. We don’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh well, that’s a relief. Unfortunately for you, I have no such reluctance.”
His smile is all teeth now and before any of the men can process what he just said, he swings the grocery bag in his left hand at Amateur #1’s face.
The fight is over quickly, leaving five unconscious men laying on the ground and Harry barely out of breath.
Either he’s kept in a better shape than he expected since retiring or whoever hired those men truly scrape them from the bottom of the barrel.
What a waste of his time.
He sends a new text to update Merlin on the situation and ignores his friend’s attempt at calling him. He’s already too late to start on the lasagna he had planned for dinner tonight and if wants a chance to finish plan B before Eggsy’s return, he can’t allow himself any further delays.
Whatever Harry is cooking tonight, it smells delicious, not that there’s any surprised there.
Eggsy deftly avoids stepping on the dogs trying to jump on his legs as he beelines to where Harry is standing at the oven in his apron, pressing his face between his shoulders and wrapping his arms around his waist. Harry, as always perfectly aware of his surroundings, relaxes into the embrace for a moment before his attention is taken back to the pans in front of him.
After the day he’s had, Eggsy doesn’t mind and just lets himself follow whatever movement Harry is making, basking in the silent domesticity of it all.
When he finally steps back after a quick kiss under Harry’s jaw, he notices the bags full of grocery sitting on the counter.
“Busy day on your end too luv?” He asks as he starts putting away the items.
“Hmm. No, not really. About the same as usual, I’d say. Tell me about yours instead.”
Eggsy knows a deflection when he hears one and usually he wouldn’t insist. Whatever it is Harry doesn’t want to say, either he’ll resolve it on his own or he’ll come to Eggsy when he’s ready to talk about it.
But then he gets to the cans and, considering how Harry has been doing most of the shopping since his return to London because he has much higher standards over quality than Eggsy does, seeing the state they’re in is kind of worrying.
“Harry? Why are these cans so dented?”
Most people wouldn’t notice the way Harry grows slightly tense at the question, but Eggsy isn’t a Kingsman spy for nothing.
“Let’s just say I had a little incident today.”
Unimpressed, Eggsy raises an eyebrow in Harry’s direction, even if the other man is still keeping his back to him. Given the fact it’s a habit he’s picked up from Merlin whenever the handler is reacting to Harry’s bullshit, there is no way Harry doesn’t know what expression he’s making right now.
“Does that ‘little incident’ have anything to do with Merlin asking me to tell you to stop ignoring his calls and also that you owe him a whole batch of baklava?”
He hadn’t worried when Merlin contacted him via his glasses when he was making his way home, mostly because the handler had only sounded exasperated, but maybe he should have. With their decades of spy work, even taking Harry’s few years of retirement into consideration, sometimes the two men have a rather skewed judgment.
Harry has the decency to turn away from the stove at that point and offer him a sheepish smile.
They look at each other for a moment, until Eggsy decides that if Harry isn’t telling, then he doesn’t really need to know. If Merlin hasn’t gone into the details with him earlier, the issue has probably been dealt with already. And as long as Harry isn’t hurt, which he doesn’t seem to be, Eggsy is finding it hard to muster the energy to care.
Until he gets to the last bag, that is.
“The fuck you did to those carrots Harry?”
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wilsons-corner · 2 months
Regarding the Kiss Me, I’m Irish fanfiction: Chapter should be out in the next few days. Since becoming a fanfic writer, the craziest shit always happens. I’m calling it a curse.
Watch this space!
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justsomerandomfanfic · 5 months
We Meet Again - Eggsy Unwin X Female Reader
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Title: We Meet Again
Eggsy Unwin X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's boss
| Part 2 |
WC: 3,004
Warnings: Kingsman canon violence, guns, Reader is also a spy, spy stuff, suggestive (not a lot, but references a few suggestive things, none play out), teasing, banter, flirting, cursing, nicknames, slight angst, and fluff
"Target's turning the corner," You muttered, pushing your shades up, the sun blinding, as you briskly walked down the sidewalk, easily maneuvering past pedestrians as you followed the man a couple of hundred feet in front of you. You stuffed your hands into your overcoat pockets, eyes trained on the man whom you had been following for the past couple of days.
"Don't lose sight of him, Agent." The voice in your ear spoke just as the man you were following turned down another corner. "We need to know where he's going."
"I'm on it, calm yourself, would you?" You grumbled, your hand brushing against the rough brick wall of a building as you turned the corner, pausing as your eyebrows furrowed. "He's... He's entering a bookstore?" You relay, confused.
There was silence on the other line as you began walking towards the small, hole-in-the-wall bookstore, "Proceed with caution." Your boss then spoke.
Rolling your eyes, you let out a sigh as you pressed your hand against the swinging door, pushing it open as a bell rang from above you, signaling the workers or owner of your arrival. You lightly surveyed the room, taking in the small bookstore. 
You took note of the two workers behind the counter, lightly chatting with one another - eating their lunch, and the old woman sitting at a small table with a coffee in her hand, book in the other. It was actually a really nice-looking bookstore, and if this was any other day - when you weren't working - you probably would've enjoyed reading a book or two; you could easily imagine yourself sitting at one of the tables, reading a mystery novel. But today was different. Today, you wanted to reach your target, find out what you needed, and leave without getting caught.
The bookshelves in the little shop lined up in rows, giving way to the back wall where there were a few more tables and chairs, all covered by a white cloth. A large sign hung on the far wall, proclaiming 'Bookstore' in big, neon, red letters, and 'A Place Where Dreams Come True!' was written on a poster below in swirly orange letters, to the right side of it.
Slowly, you walked to an aisle beside your target, watching him from your peripheral vision as you tried to blend in and pretend that you were just any other regular, day-to-day, human being looking for a book. As you walked down the aisle, you let your fingers brush from spine to spine; you spotted several novels about time travel, some sci-fi, fantasy, and even an entire section dedicated to cowboy romance novels.
You then turned to look at the long bookshelf behind you, while allowing your gaze to peer through the tops of the books. You surveyed what you could of him, tilting your head slightly as you watched his hand reach out and grab a book from his side of the shelf, opening it, and placing it back a moment later. He was looking for something... But, the question was... What was he looking for?
Turning around again, you faced the previous shelf, grabbing a handful of random books before piling them in your arms. Then, you made your move, walking down your row of bookshelves and turning into his. Looking down at your books, you tried to pretend that you weren't paying any attention before bumping right into the target. You and the target staggered back slightly, your books falling from your arms - and the few in his - as you gasped.
"Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry for bumping into you like that," You dropped to your knees, beginning to grab some of the books that you had 'accidentally' dropped. "I am such a klutz."
The man bent down on one knee, shaking his head as he began to pick up some of the books with you, "It's no problem. You like thrillers?"
“Hmm?” You paused at his question, looking up slightly to see the book in his hand that you had randomly grabbed, "Oh, yeah... I find them... Thrilling." You answered, feigning nervousness and embarrassment as you finished collecting the books in a neat stack in front of your knees.
The man was silent, as you felt his eyes on you, staring. You took a chance, glancing up at him above the rims of your sunglasses, your gaze finding his. His head was tilted to the side slightly, like some confused puppy, as his lips turned downward in a frown. It took only a split second for him to realize who you were, both continuing to stare at each other as your lips twitched; threatening to turn into a mischievous grin. With a flicker in his eyes, a knowing look soon found its way upon his face. 
But before you could even say a word, he swiftly pulled out his handgun, silencer at the ready, from his satchel. You let your smirk falter as he raised the gun to point directly at your chest, “You finally remembered to bring a silencer. Good for you…" You trailed off softly, quietly so as to not draw attention to the both of you, but deadly enough as you gave the gun one glance before slowly sitting up, raising your hands in the air beside your head. Why did he have to be so good at his job?
"Y/N... Long time, no see." He tried to play off, a grin creeping across his face. It had been a long time, seven months long. You hadn’t seen him since Rio. “You seemed to have forgotten how to properly tail someone. Miss me or something?"
"I'm not here for a reunion, Unwin." You responded, "Now, I'm going to stand up, slowly." You carefully demanded, your eyes never leaving his as you both slowly stood.
"Now," He began, as he took a few steps closer; a foot or so distance between the both of you. "Hand me the file, love."
"File? What file?" You asked, feigning innocence as you widened your eyes and tilted your head to the side. Blinking owlishly, “I don't have a file.”
His furrowed brows lifted slightly as he gave you a lopsided smile, letting out a small awkward laugh - between a laugh and a scoff; you could tell that he was clearly in discomfort, trying to lift the tension with his words. "This is quite the predicament you put me in here." There was no point in lying anymore. He knew you had it… Somehow.
"And I assure you, it'll be much worse if you don't put down that gun." You threatened, hating how much your arms were beginning to ache, "I'm not giving you the file, Eggsy."
"Oh, how I love it when you say my name, love." He sighed out, his tone almost taunting as you narrowed your eyes.
Clicking your tongue to the roof of your mouth, lowering one of your hands, pressing the small button on your earpiece, silencing it; allowing you to speak freely without your boss hearing. "Why do you have to be so frustrating?" You exclaimed, glaring daggers at the man before you.
Eggsy only shrugged, "I'm just trying to do my job." He answered before you caught him by surprise when you grabbed his wrist. In a matter of seconds, you moved your forearm over his, forcing him to bend at his waist as the arm that held the gun pressed horizontally against your stomach. With a sharp tug of your free hand, you pulled the gun from him, watching as he stumbled back. Blinking slightly, he frowned - obviously upset with himself at the fact that you so easily took his gun, "... Which you are delaying." He added, voice sounding a bit strained as he glanced from you, to the gun, and back. "I see you still got the moves." He mimicked your previous stance, raising his hands in the air.
"I'm just trying to do my job too," You lowered the gun slightly, resting it against his gut, "And taking your gun was almost too easy, Eggsy." You countered, trying to ignore how close you were to him; your eyes subconsciously drifting down his body, your heart beginning to hammer against your ribcage as you again met his gaze, "I just want to know what you know." You lowered your voice, your expression softening ever so slightly.
"What I know?" Eggsy huffed out a laugh, "I don't know any more than you do." He paused, letting his eyes flicker over your face for a moment - seemingly thinking - before continuing, "We could always come together and exchange notes-"
You narrowed your eyes, feeling your face flush slightly, "I am not going to let this turn into the last time we met."
Last time? Last time in Rio. That night that was filled with dancing, drinking, and getting intel. You were on a mission, a mission that crossed over with Eggsy’s. There had always been that palpable tension that had kept you drawn to each other. Something you'd never experienced before. It had been months since the two of you had run into each other - not even your missions could keep you both apart for long it seemed - ‘It was fate,’ Eggsy said one time - and you had your high doubts, but you were beginning to believe it. It was kind of strange just how many times you bumped into him, the sight of him still got to you every single time though.
There were so many times that you and Eggsy would meet on these missions and things would inevitably end up with the two of you in compromising positions together. You hated how wrapped around his finger you were, you hated how much he affected you. So, you pushed him away, trying desperately to stay distant. But, it was hard, hard to forget about him, hard to pretend that what you were feeling wasn't real, hard to forget his face, his voice, his scent, and his touch. Even now, you had to force yourself to stop from just smiling. You had to admit, despite yourself, you were almost glad to see him again. But, that night could never repeat itself. Not now, not when you were trying to get your job done.
You shook your head, "Stop playing around." You admonished, not wanting to admit anything to him. You hated the fact that you couldn't even act naturally around him. You hated the fact that you could barely breathe around him. You hated the fact that, whenever he was near, you found yourself flustered and nervous. And you especially hated the way your heart raced whenever you were near him... Eggsy was making things difficult, as always.
"Well, if you must know..." Eggsy began, "I think you liked it just as much as I did, love." He continued, his voice low and husky as you tried your best to remain calm, but your heart was racing. You didn't want this conversation to end up anywhere near the bedroom... Or the shower... Or anywhere else where things were more intimate with him.
You ignored his comment, your eyes snapped away from his, and glanced down at the satchel that he was wearing, "I can't let you jeopardize this mission for me, Eggsy."
Eggsy said nothing, still grinning as he quickly grabbed a hold of your gun, forcing your arm up, and spinning you around; your back hitting his chest and expelling a small ‘umph’ from you. Locking you against his body with his other arm and yours, he used his free hand to expel the magazine before pulling back the slide barrel; you watched in anguish as the bullet flew through the air almost in slow-motion and onto the ground with the magazine.
Sighing deeply, you finally acknowledged the way his hot breath tickled your neck, how the muscles in his arms flexed as he held you tight against him. "You never make things easy, do you?" You huffed, "I should have known better than to expect anything different."
Eggsy chuckled, nudging his nose to the hair on the side of your head before muttering, "Well, I guess that's one thing we've both got in common." Goosebumps began to rise from your arms at the feeling of his warm breath against your skin, causing a familiar heat to build between the two of you.
"I really don't have time for this." You tried to push out of his arms, but his grip tightened around you, keeping you pinned to his chest.
"You were the one that has been following me." He pointed out, a smug grin on his lips as you felt your heart begin to pound in your ears. The warmth from his body bled into your clothes, sinking into your skin the longer you stayed pressed up against him. You were struggling to focus. "You wouldn't want to tell me why, would you?"
Oh, how you hated him sometimes, how cocky he got. Though you also knew that he was just confident in his capabilities, it still irritated the hell out of you. You could already imagine the expression on his face. You could already picture the smug smile plastered on his handsome features as he held you so close to him. You could already see his eyes glimmering as they gazed down at you. He was loving this…
It was hard to concentrate, trying to think of a way out of this predicament as you felt as if your entire being was being engulfed in the smell of pine, and musk that was so incredibly intoxicatingly him... And... And...
And then, after all those thoughts ran through your mind, you snapped yourself out of it and back into action. Lifting your shoe, you slammed your heel down onto his foot, hard. You heard his breath catch in his throat as he groaned, and as his arms loosened around you, you quickly used your momentum to spin around. Raising your free hand, you grabbed the back of his neck, pushing his head towards yours; discomfort all over his face from the sudden pain to his foot.
You tilted your head slightly as you stared into those ocean-blue eyes of his, watching as his scrunched up face slowly softened as his eyes met yours. You then became acutely aware of how his tongue slid out between his lips to wet them, and how his eyelashes fluttered as he blinked several times - knowing full well what you were doing to him.
"I'm not telling you shit, Eggsy." You spoke, your voice barely above a murmur as the corner of his lips twitched up slightly.
He leaned into you a little bit more, moving his hands to rest on your hips. "It's alright, love." He answered, his voice low, matching yours, "I already got what I needed."
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Eggsy pulled away, giving you one last grin before speeding his way out of the aisle and out of the bookstore. Mind racing, you patted down your jacket, eyes widening as you opened your jacket; only to find the file that was securely placed in the large inside pocket was gone.
Turning towards the window facing the outside of the shop, your eyes flickered from person to person before you spotted Eggsy. A mixture of disappointment, inner pain, and anger crossed your face as you watched him hurry across the street and start climbing into the passenger seat of a black car parked on the curb.
"... Oh, gosh." You muttered, shaking your head as you clicked your tongue to the roof of your mouth, "This is a damn mess..." You sighed, gritting your teeth as you clenched your fists tightly in frustration as you reached up and turned your earpiece back on; the fear of disappointing your boss rising once more. "I got some bad news, boss." You relayed, "He stole the file."
It was silent on the other line for a moment, and you felt a sense of dread creep down your spine. "He got the file?" Your boss's voice was calm, unnervingly so. "How the hell did he get it from you?" His tone suddenly became more annoyed, "I told you to watch him and just find out what he knows."
"I understand that, sir," You huffed, "I thought I could just talk it out of him... I wasn't expecting the gun-"
"Agent Montgomery." Your boss cut you off, "How long have you been an agent?"
You sighed, rubbing your cheek before getting down on your knees and collecting the gun, magazine, and stray bullet, pocketing them. "Six years, sir."
"Then you already know that you should always assume another spy has a gun or any other weapon, no matter where you go or what you do." You nodded, even though he couldn't see; his voice was stern as he continued, "Even if you think your target won't be armed, you should always assume they will be. I shouldn’t have to say this. If this happens again, you’re back on desk duty."
Running a hand through your hair, you pinched the bridge of your nose, "I'll get the file back, sir." You assured him before grabbing the books on the floor and taking them into your arms once more, "He can't get any further without the key." You finished, placing the books back on the shelf that you had gotten them from.
"Good." Your boss responded. You took a deep breath and wiped your still-warm cheeks with your palms, sighing as you straightened out your attire.
"He left in a black car, the license plate is '2FD224.'" You added while proceeding to leave the small bookstore that you made a mental note to come back and visit in the future.
Slipping your shades securely upon the bridge of your nose, your boss spoke up, "Do you know where he's heading next, Agent?"
You pursed your lips, stuffing your hands in your jacket pockets, as you venture out into the bright sun. "Italy."
Main Masterlist | Kingsman Masterlist
Should I make a part 2?
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philcoulsonismyhero · 3 months
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This is a low effort contribution to @aggressivelyarospec's Aggressively Arospec Week, but here, have the scene that led to a beloved headcanon (which might as well be canon tbh, that's probably as close to confirmation as you're going to get from someone Harry's age who probably doesn't even know the word 'aromantic')
One of the many things I love about this scene is that Harry seems genuinely broken up about the "never experienced companionship" bit, but is almost casual about "never been in love", like he's only mentioning it for the sake of full disclosure rather than something that actually bothers him
*points at Harry Hart* That man is aromantic
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[Image ID]: A series of screencaps from Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Harry Hart makes himself and Eggsy Unwin martinis at the bar on the Statesman plane while they have the following conversion:
Harry: When I was shot, can you guess what the last thing was that flashed through my mind? It was absolutely nothing. I had no ties. No bittersweet memories. I was leaving nothing behind. Never experienced companionship, never been in love, and in that moment all I felt was loneliness, and regret.
Eggsy: I'm sorry.
Harry: Don't be. Just know that having something to lose is what makes life worth living.
One last screencap is a repeat of the moment where Harry says "never been in love", and the green, white, grey and black aromantic pride flag has been overlaid on the background. [End image ID]
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winchquinn · 1 year
Hi everyone! I took a break from taking on new roleplay partners, but now I’m open to taking on a few more!
I will give you:
An incredibly patient 30-year-old partner who likes to plot and chat
Plots that are a mix of romance/humor/angst/drama
Any balance of plot to nsfw that you want
Discord-based roleplays (add me there as winchquinn)
Please give me:
A partner who is 18+ and also likes to contribute to the plot & actually reads my pairings & AU ideas (though please feel free to suggest your own!!)
Characters that are over 18+
Lazy-lit posts (I used to go for novellas but I am craving 1-3 paragraph posts, more for intros)
Canon characters
What I’m craving more than anything is taking canon characters and shoving them into AUs, whether other fandoms or just other AU settings.
My preferred character in italics. If neither is italicized, I’ll play either!
The Kingsman
• Eggsy Unwin / Harry Hart
• Peter Parker / Tony Stark
• Peter Parker / Bucky Barnes
• Peter Parker / Wade Wilson
• Eddie Brock / Venom
• Tony Stark / Stephen Strange
• Loki / Thor
• Loki / Mobius
Sherlock (BBC)
• John Watson / Sherlock
• Dean Winchester / Castiel
• Dean Winchester / Sam Winchester
• Gabriel / Sam Winchester
• Dean Winchester / Castiel / Sam Winchester / Gabriel
Teen Wolf
• Stiles Stilinski / Derek Hale
What We Do in the Shadows
• Guillermo De La Cruz / Nandor the Relentless
AU Settings
• The Hunger Games
• The Last of Us
• Harry Potter (where Hogwarts is university-age or they’re professors)
• Place them in one of the fandoms above
• Crime boss / undercover cop
• College roommates
• Creature / hunter
• Escort / client
• Famous / body guard
Word Bank
• Misunderstandings
• Jealousy/Possessiveness
• Enemies/rivals to lovers
• Unhealthy codependencies
• Near death experiences
• Sneaking around
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retiredficwriter · 2 months
me? being tagged by @jetsteelyourheart ?? what an honor!
just like the top 5 favorite characters: Make a poll with 5 of your favorite rarepairs/crackships. See which one is everyone's favorite!
i became too invested in this. some of these ships i haven't thought in years, so it was nice to relive the times i was obsessed with them. i narrowed it to one ship per media/fandom and just like my tag-buddy, I'll provide my questionable reasons/propaganda.
Sydney Sage/Trey Juarez:
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so when i was first reading bloodlines, i read online that sydney gets a human boyfriend in book 2. i had heard about brayden but never in the context of HIM being the boyfriend, so i thought he was the random dude in book 1 (wasn't he, unironically, called hayden??) who asked sydney out. i was theorizing who that boyfriend would be until my brain went: "omg.... IS IT TREY??" and got soo hyped. i loved their interaction in book 1 and thought exploring them in a romantic setting would be so interesting, especially with the implication of trey having a major role. they are so similar (growing up in a cult, daddy issues, both being smart) and yet, trey has some adrian-like traits?? charming, popular in the dating pool, laidback... and it would create some tension between sydrian??? imagine adrian watching trey and sydney date and feeling discouraged because she found a human "version" of him?? and with trey being a warrior, he would try to get sydney to have the alchemist side with them and push the "moroi are evil" narrative, creating more doubts for sydney to rebel! BUT THEN SYDNEY HELPS TREY REBEL AGAINST THE WARRIORS!!
i love their friendship as is, and know for a fact they wouldn't last that long but man... i would have eat up their failed romance.
bonus point for an adrian/sydney/trey polycule
Rachel Berry/Sam Evans:
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ah yes. my first ever rarepair. since that one episode in season 2 where she and finn helped sam with his young siblings, i fell in love with them. if you were in the glee fandom, you know every single couple was problematic one way or the other (this is the writers' fault). yet somehow, every relationship sam was in, it was the healthiest the woman he was with ever had. and i wanted that for rachel! i ate all the crumbs this show gave me, which were... almost nonexistent. the big difference between this rarepair and the others on this poll is that, in the show's final season, THEY BECAME CANON. I WAS SO HAPPY. they were very unpopular because it came out of nowhere and the writers only put them together to give rachel a love interest for the final season (and give the storyline they planned for finn to someone else), which... fair. but he was so caring, encouraging her to follow her dreams and telling her the tough truth about things she didn't want to hear. it was so good to see rachel heal from finn and her failed broadway dreams while with sam. (also she was less insufferable with him).
but then, ha... they broke up on the third to last episode of the series. so she could be with jesse who showed up out of nowhere on that same episode, after he "left" 4-3 seasons ago. don't get me wrong - i love st. berry! jonathan groff and lea michelle have chemistry! love ambitious broadway wannabes being a power couple! but why not, i don't know, put the storyline she had with sam with jesse instead so it could be more organic and avoid crushing my dreams???
i'm fine. not bitter at all. I'M FINE. I'M F-
Clarisse La Rue/Silena Beauregard (PJO):
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this isn't a rarepair compared to the previous two, but within the pjo fandom, it isn't as popular (surprisingly?? at least in ao3. i'm so out of the loop). first time reading pjo, little old only thought of clarisse and silena as best friends. but as i got older and read more fan analysis of the series, i realized the tragedy of these two. either 1) clarisse had an unrequited crush 2) they dated and didn't work out 3) it was a failed situationship. the daughter of ares, the girl people in camp-half blood are so scared of because she is mean to everyone and can (and will) beat the shit out of them, had a wholesome friendship with the daughter of aphrodite, and one of the nicest people in the camp?? and this friendship appeared because silena helped clarisse with her "boy problems"??? and then clarisse basically protected and comforted silena after what happened with charlie?? no spoilers for those who haven't read the books, but they parallel a famous greek mythology couple and their ending hurts. still love silena/charlie, but god... poor clarisse...
can't wait to keep rereading the books and suffer once i get to their part!
Gary "Eggsy" Unwin/Roxy Morton (Kingsman)
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everyone prefers hartwin and merlin/eggsy, but i can't help but love mortwin. i watched the first movie and loved their small moments. loved how they bonded over being the underdogs in the competition and, instead of becoming sworn enemies, they recognized each other as worthy opponents. their small fun, friendly-rivarly banter was cute. part of me was relieved they stayed as friends in the end... but i couldn't help but be soo disappointed. the chemistry? it was there!! even taron egerton said there was potential to explore a romance if given the chance! plus, i'm a sucker for well-developed friends-to-lovers.
never watched the sequel but after reading what the writers did to roxy, i'm glad i didn't and never will. i can now create my own sequel in my head and read fanfics of the story they deserve 😌
Bella Swan/Leah Clearwater (Twilight):
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i want to thank this one brazilian fanfic i found years ago (and never wrote down the name and lost it 😔) for presenting me with this ship. everyone talks about bella/alice, bella/rosalie, bella/carlisle... but what about bella/leah??? think new moon, when bella has just been abandoned by edward, meeting the werewolves through jacob and therefore leah, who is still dealing with the whole paul/emily thing. they can still start out with leah hating bella but they can bond over being abandoned by their boyfriends and heal from it, and in the end realize they don't need them anymore - they can have each other!
i also love if edward still comes back and bella is conflicted, and it's a edward/bella/leah love triangle (apparently people ship edward/leah and how i never heard of it?! imagine the drama!!) i will take anything where jacob isn't involved
tagging @morocorra @forcebookish @artianaiolanthe @sydneysageivashkov + anyone who wants to do this!
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sunnflow3rshowers · 11 months
Rp Search
In this year of Our Lord 2023, Omegle has fallen. (RIP) So here I am, laying all of this out, desperate to find more rp partners. I am 27, so I am only really interested in rping with people that are 21+. I am interested in both fandom and OC rps, depending on the mood and all of that. I will list the fandoms I'm looking for, as well as who I play, and general themes. I am a third person, literate roleplay, I stick to 1-2 paragraphs, but the length can always fluctuate depending on the roleplay and my roleplay partners. When it comes to RPs, I like them light and soft. I also like them dark and heavy, with lots of Whump, Angst, and Hurt/Comfort, as well as some darker themes that would require trigger warnings, all of which will be discussed privately, of course.
I prefer MxM for fandom rps, although there are some small exceptions for specific ships. I"m more open to MxF and FxF, and other pairings with more OC rps. With most Fandom Rps, I am looking for Shipping Rps, aka a Merthur rp, Kylux Rp, etc
Fandom: Who I play
Teen wolf: Stiles Stilinski The Old Guard: Nicky Star Wars: Luke Skywalker, Armitage Hux Umbrella Academy: Klaus Stranger Things: Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins The Witcher: Jaskier Kingsman: Eggsy Unwin ATLA: Sokka Our Flag Means Death: Lucius Spriggs Gotham: Oswald Cobblepot Merlin: Merlin Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid Hannibal: Will Graham Arcane: Viktor Spider-Man: Peter Parker (NOT MCU) GOT: Sansa (only paired with Sandor Clegane) The Eternals: Makkari (only paired with Druig) Detroit Become Human: Connor Good Omens: Aziraphale Agents of Shield: Fitz (as gay and not paired with Simmons) FAHC: Jack (fem) Yugioh: Joey Wheeler Person of Interest: Harold Finch Haikyuu: Suga, kenma X-men: Charles Xavier The Boys: Hughie White Collar: Neal The Goldfinch: Theo Hunter X Hunter: Kurapika, Shalnark Barry: No-ho Hank IT: Eddie Hawaii 5-0: Danny Daredevil (netflix): Foggy, James Wesley Fantastic Beasts: Credence Vikings: Athelstan OC Fandoms! Hit me up if you want to talk about rps in any of these. In these sorts of rps I am 110% down to double up if you play canon against my oc, all of which can be talked and discussed privately! Marvel Xmen GOT Star Wars Barry General Rps! I am a huge fan of brainstorming rps with general themes! Fantasy Horror Drama Sci-fi Cyberpunk Etc! Please please just reach out and I'm always going to be happy to brainstorm! If you made it this far, thank you so much! If you are interested, like this, leave a comment, send me a dm, or add me on discord @ sunnflow3rshowers !
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firstprince-ao3feed · 5 months
you could be my perfect disaster; i could be your ever after
by dreakawa To say the tension is palpable would be the understatement of the century. Alex and Henry don’t speak in the car. They don’t speak in the elevator. They don’t even speak when they enter the penthouse suite they were forced to share, each brooding as they move to change out of their ruined suits. If he’s being honest, Alex had known that being paired with Henry Fox would be a bitch and a half after their humiliating first meeting. He hadn’t expected the two to be thrown into an ambush. They’d barely made it out alive. And now, Henry was brooding, and Alex was ready to smack that pretty -- er. That stupid scowl off of his face. OR: the kingsman x firstprince au that hasn't left my mind in months Words: 6241, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 15 of FirstPrince Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023), Kingsman (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Harry Hart | Galahad, Champagne "Champ" (Kingsman) Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Kingsman Fusion, Kingsman Family, Rivals to Lovers, Sexual Tension, Explicit Sexual Content, Shameless Smut, Porn with Feelings, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Eggsy Unwin is a Little Shit, Eggsy is a good friend, Anal Sex, Hand Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, First Kiss, Bisexual Disaster Alex Claremont-Diaz, POV Alex Claremont-Diaz, Top Alex Claremont-Diaz, Bottom Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry uses his authority, Alex Claremont-Diaz Has a Praise Kink, Patching Each Other Up, Getting to Know Each Other, Happy Ending via https://ift.tt/PcwGou6
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justmoreocs-writing · 5 months
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‘Why’d you do it?’ Eggsy’s voice was barely more than a whisper in the darkness, and yet I found myself shifting in the bed, trying to sit straighter.
He rested a cautiously gentle hand on my shoulder briefly. I stopped fidgeting as he took up the plastic seat beside my bed.
‘My partner was in danger,’ I remind him, grateful for the dim lighting. At least this way he won’t see my pulse beating a tattoo against my throat. ‘I had to do something.’
‘Not jump right into the fucking danger, Lil.’ His voice is harsh, and he forces himself to take a shallow breath. I hear it stutter slightly, but force myself not to apologise. I was merely doing my job. If I could’ve avoided injury, I would’ve.
‘You could’ve died.’
‘So could you,’ I remind him. ‘But neither of us did.’
Silence settled between us, for once awkwardly uncomfortable. We both know the other has a point, and yet neither of us wants to admit to it. Because the truth is hard, and the consequences of our actions suddenly mean so much more.
‘Perhaps this was a bad idea,’ he murmurs.
‘Which bit, exactly?’ I ask, hearing the defensive edge to my voice. I don’t mean to let it get to me, but after everything it’s impossible not to let emotion play some part in all this. ‘Letting me come along? Coming to see me? … Starting something?’
‘No,’ he assures me hastily, taking my hand carefully. ‘I ain’t ever gonna regret that.’ He speaks with such vehemence it’s almost impossible to question it. ‘Just maybe I should’ve waited until after we’d saved the world.’
‘World’s always gonna need saving,’ I remind him softly.
He gives my hand a squeeze. ‘You’re part of the world too though, Lillian Robinson.’
Despite the darkness, I shoot him a small smile I hope he can actually see. Maybe this thing was the worst decision we made, but I can’t say I regret it, and by the sounds of it, Eggsy doesn’t either.
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justmoreocs-edits · 1 year
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Listen To Your Hart Perspective [Canon] Character Introduction: Eggsy
Name: Gary Edward Unwin
Nickname(s): Eggsy / AKA Galahad
Birthday: 3rd of June
Age: 22 years old
Height: 175cm / 5’8’’
Dominant Hand: Right
Occupation: Kingsman Candidate
Species: Human
Canon Character Faceclaim is Taron Egerton
Character Tag
Story Tag
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myfandomrealitea · 7 months
Do you ever remember they established in canon that Eggsy Unwin is into anal because I just did
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elletromil · 9 months
look behind (i trust that she is there)
So there was this poll on tumblr a while back and something you might know or not about me, is that i absolutely love the eurydice&orpheus myth, so of course that poll was great to me. And then it came back on my dash with added tags and comment and well... I couldn't help myself. I wanted to write it. And try to give it the same impact as the results from the polls.
I don't know if i succeeded, but i loved writing it anyway. hopefully, you will enjoy reading it
I would like to thank @honey-bee-britt @solrosan @insanereddragon and @oggalahad for the cheerleading and just listening to me losing my mind about this as i was writing
Also a big thank you to @artknifeandglue because it was great to know at least one person outside of my friend group was interested in reading the whole thing once it was done
If you all want to know what i listened to on repeat while writing this, go give a listen to It's Never Over (Hey Orpheus) by Arcade Fire.
look behind (i trust that she is there)
(also here on AO3)
Eggsy feels himself turn without meaning to.
He has faith, he really, really does. He truly trusts that she is behind him.
(lies again. he doubts. he is weak.)
But like almost everything he did in life, he’s fucking it up again. Even the best thing that ever happened to him, becoming a Kingsman Knight, he very nearly messed that up entirely.
(lies, lies, lies. the best thing that ever happened, it was her friendship. he hasn’t messed that up. yet.)
Eggsy feels himself turn and scrunches his eyes close even if he knows it’s already too late.
He’s failed already.
He turned to look behind.
His one chance and he messed it up.
She would be so mad at him.
(lies. she would understand. she’s his best mate. she would forgive him instantly.)
He’s so angry at himself.
He shakes his head, eyes still closed, because no.
It can’t end this way.
If there is one thing he has always been good at, it is stubbornness.
It can’t be too late.
He turned, but he didn't look.
There is still a chance.
She deserves his best.
If it comes to it, he’s willing to stay here until the end of time until he gets it right.
Eggsy simply refuses to give up.
(and so the trial starts anew)
When Eggsy first heard the conditions that would allow them to leave the underworld, they had sounded underwhelmingly easy.
He had to trust that she was walking behind him? Of course he would. He had always trusted her with his back.
(it is others he does not trust with hers.)
Not looking back to check shouldn’t be too much of a hardship either.
Or so an idiot would think.
And Eggsy is guilty of many things, but being an idiot is not among those.
He’s fought too hard to survive over the years so he could get to where he stands today to believe that anything can truly be easy.
There has to be a catch somewhere. Everything worth doing has one.
(she is worth everything. she is worth more than he could ever aspire to be.)
And now, as he walks the path that will lead him out of the underworld again, he knows that he was right.
There is a catch.
He is the catch.
Eggsy trusts her more than he’s trusted anything in his life before.
He trusts her more than he trusts himself.
And so he doubts.
(he is weak.)
He believes that she is behind him. 
The deal that has been struck is fair. 
Even if he did turn-
He didn’t look. He didn’t see.
He doesn’t know for certain that she walks behind him. That she ever was there in the first place.
He is starting all over again.
It could still be his first attempt for all that the path he follows never seems to change around him.
Maybe he did fail already.
Maybe this is punishment for his failure.
Forever walking alone in this purgatory, crippled with doubts-
No, that wasn’t the deal.
He didn’t look. He didn’t see.
He keeps walking.
(he doubts.)
She has to be behind him. She has to.
He’s not above begging. Not when it comes to her.
He starts turning around to see if for once in his life his pleas have been answered but closes his eyes before the truth can be revealed.
That is not part of the deal.
He takes a deep breath to calm is racing heart.
It is not over.
(not yet.)
(and so it starts once more)
Self-confidence has always been easy for Eggsy. There has simply never been any other alternative.
Whatever he sets himself to do, he’ll succeed at.
Right until the point where he fucks up spectacularly and suffer the consequences of his failure.
But that’s the lot of anyone who isn’t born with a silver spoon up their arses.
Not that they can’t fail. They just rarely have to deal with the resulting consequences.
Take Harry Hart for example.
Eggsy doesn’t blame him for his father’s death. He doesn’t even blame Harry for not trying harder to help his mum, not when she had refused him once already. She might have changed her tune a few months later, but Eggsy rather doubts it. His mum can be just as stubborn as he is.
But that also means Harry isn’t the one who drew the short stick regarding Lee’s death.
And later, when Eggsy failed to become a Knight after Harry recruited him, well… Harry died.
Not that it stuck for long.
But all this to prove that, no matter how much Eggsy loves his mentor, some people are unburdened with the consequences of their decisions.
Further evidence to this point is how, unlike Eggsy, Harry hasn’t lost his best mate during their show-off against Poppy. Not that Merlin has come out of his meeting with a mine unscathed, but at least he is still there to snark at Harry.
Eggsy hasn’t been so lucky.
Even the version of Roxy he keeps in his mind since he met her has been rather silent since he learned the manor exploded while she was still inside.
But he’s going to fix this.
(if he can fake it for long enough.)
He’s confident he can.
(lies. lies. lies.)
Roxy is counting on him and he’s not going to fail her.
He trusts that she is there, following after him. After all, she always has been smarter than him. She would know he’s her best bet out of here.
(he thinks he is.)
He bites down on his lower lip hard as he feels his body turn back and keeps his eyes shut through the pain.
He’s not given up.
Not ever.
(and it starts again)
Eggsy keeps on walking the path leading out of the underworld.
It’s not like he could do anything else.
Not when the alternative is giving up.
That’s not something he’s ever been good at.
(lies. oh how much he lies to himself even to this day.)
So he walks.
Because it is the only thing he can do.
Because he doesn’t want to give up.
Because he’s not ready to let go.
(that is what he is really good at. not letting go. this is why he carries so much anger. he clings and clings and clings. even after it’s already too late. and it is always easier to be angry at how empty his hands are than to acknowledge the hurt and loneliness.)
(the despair.)
He wishes he could reach behind and clasp her hand in his.
But that is not the deal.
The deal is about trust.
Trust that she is there.
(oh how much he doubts.)
Trust that he is doing the right thing.
(there has never been any doubt about that.)
(the truth.)
Trust in her.
In himself.
(he is weak.)
So what if he cannot see her shadow next to his on the wall? He’s not seen anything that would explain the warm eerie glow by which he’s been travelling. Who is he to pretend knowing the laws that governs anything in the underworld?
He’s only passing through this realm, an intruder on a mission.
That’s a feeling he’s intimately familiar with.
That lack of belonging.
It has been easier to ignore since he met her. Since he started borrowing some of the inner strength she had always seem happy to share with him.
Eggsy could use some of that now.
His body starts to turn like a flower towards the sun.
He closes his eyes before he can catch a glimpse, before he can be blinded by the knowledge of who stands behind him or not.
It’s not over yet.
(and starts again)
The worse part of it all, is the deafening silence around him.
Eggsy strains to hear anything, any sounds that doesn’t come from his own disruption of the underworld.
Even his own presence is barely audible, his footsteps not making any echo and his suit barely rustling around his body.
He could come to doubt his very own existence if it wasn’t for his pounding heartbeat in his ears.
He wonders if it is the same for her.
Wonders if she has a heartbeat at all.
(she does not.)
(he hasn’t succeeded yet.)
(she is still d-)
Has she noticed its absence?
Of the two, she always was the more observant.
She can probably hear his own thundering heartbeat from where she stands behind him.
(if she is behind him.)
Maybe this is part of it. One that went unmentioned, but nonetheless important.
Perhaps even essential.
A reminder to her of what it is to be flesh and blood.
Something to inspire in her a yearning for what she lost.
The reminder of what it is to be alive.
(of that, he is not the best example.)
He hopes he is enough.
He has to be.
Let her be behind him.
Let his trust in that not be in vain.
(he trusts-)
(he tr-)
He pleads his own body so it won’t betray him.
So it does not to turn around.
She is there. He knows it to be true.
She has to be.
Unlike his footsteps, the sob he doesn’t muffle in time echoes around him when his body twists towards where she should be standing.
He keeps his eyes shut, not caring about how it precipitates the tears rolling down his cheek.
He didn’t look.
He didn’t see.
Eggsy hasn’t failed.
(and starts again)
Eggsy walks, gritting his teeth.
Wills himself to stop feeling sorry for himself.
This is not about him.
It’s about her.
(the truth.)
Eggsy’s life has never been fair. He’s made peace with that. Even now, with more privileges than he knows what to do with, he doesn’t expect much out of it.
But Roxy deserves better. That is a belief woven into the very fabric of his being. Suffusing him to the last of his atoms.
It doesn’t matter if he’s the only one who thinks so.
He’s fought and rave against the world for much less before.
For her, he would go even further.
(truth again.)
He wonders if she knows.
She must.
He’s never said it out loud, but when have they ever needed words between them?
(he should have told her anyway.)
When this is all over, he’ll make sure to tell her. Even if she thinks it’s unnecessary. It’s not. It’s the most important knowledge he’s ever hold within himself.
He could even tell her right now.
Why not?
What difference would it make?
After all, he trusts that she is there.
As he opens his mouth on her name, he feels himself turn to look behind.
He closes his eyes before he can see.
This is not how he gives up.
(he never will.)
(and starts again-)
Maybe he is becoming mad.
Maybe he already is.
Already was.
He remembers vaguely a saying that insanity is about doing the same thing over and over and over again while expecting a different result.
Put in those words, insanity sounds a lot like hope.
And Eggsy… Eggsy is no stranger to hope.
It is why he has been angry for so long.
Why waste your time in anger if you do not carry even a seed of hope anymore?
It’s why he would always get up again after being beaten down and brought to new lows.
Because he was angry. Absolutely mad with it.
Because he dared to hope.
Is it any wonder then that he is still trying to discern her shadow on the wall?
He trusts that she is there.
(... maybe.)
Eggsy doesn’t think he’s ever fought a harder battle. His senses against his faith. What he sees against what he believes.
The sight of his lone shadow should not matter.
It isn’t part of the deal.
And the deal that has been struck is fair.
(but the world isn’t. not to him.)
With a growl of frustration, he stops walking.
He’s losing sight of what matters again.
She’s supposed to be his priority.
She is his priority.
But his momentum is lost and already, he feels himself turning-
His eyes shut so that he cannot see his own shadow anymore.
This is not how he fails.
(and again)
While they’d grown past the need for words to understand each other, it doesn’t mean they never talked.
In fact, it would have been rather sad to be best mates with someone and never exchange a word with them.
It just means that the silences between them were moments of peace shared.
It is nothing like the oppressing silence he has been forced into since accepting the deal.
(lies. it started well before that. since he learned what happened to her.)
He wonders what she would think of his current endeavour.
After dealing with Poppy and the direct aftermath of her actions, he hadn’t really stop to think. He had just known that she wasn’t at his sides and that it was wrong .
What is she telling him that he cannot hear?
If their roles had been reversed, if he had been the one following Roxy out of the underworld, he knows he wouldn’t have shut up the whole way.
Even if he had known she couldn’t hear him, he would have tried anyway.
There are no reasons why he wouldn’t want to. And he doesn’t want to imagine why she wouldn’t speak to him now.
Because he trusts that she is there.
(... probably.)
“Would you talk to me if you could?”
The words fall out of his mouth before he can stop them and he hates the sound of them, how they drip with doubt.
He doesn’t need to turn around to know she would be rolling her eyes at him in annoyance.
He doesn’t need to and yet he feels himself do so anyway.
Mouth open on an apology, he closes his eyes.
This is not part of the deal.
(and again )
Eggsy cannot stop thinking about it.
The deal is fair. The deal is simple.
(it is not easy.)
There is nothing that should stop them from talking.
So if there is nothing against it, why isn’t Roxy saying anything?
Maybe she thinks she is helping him.
If he heard her voice again, he doesn’t know if he could keep on looking forward.
The temptation to look at where she stands would be hard to resist.
(he is weak.)
But the deal is to not look back. Not until they walk out of the underworld.
Is there anything she could say that would make him look if it means failure?
(he is stubborn.)
He hasn’t given up yet. He never will.
If it means getting her back, he can be strong.
(not a lie.)
But what if she stays silent because she doesn’t have anything to tell him?
What if the real price to pay is the friendship they share?
Roxy would get her heartbeat back, but never speak a word to him again.
Could he do it?
(he is selfish.)
(he will do everything he can even if it means destroying himself in the process.)
He shakes his head.
This wasn’t the deal.
There are countless reasons why she wouldn’t have uttered a word. It’s not important.
(and yet-)
He doesn’t need the reassurance.
He doesn’t.
Eggsy feels himself turn to beg her to say something anyway.
He bites down on his tongue hard until he can taste the blood in his mouth, keeping his eyes shut the whole time.
Eggsy is stronger than this.
(is he?)
(and again-)
The thing is, even if Eggsy’s life hasn’t been easy, he’s reached a point where he wouldn’t change anything about it.
The good and the bad has made him into the man he is today.
A man he is proud to be. A man he can believe others are proud of.
(the truth.)
It’s Harry who had first set him on that path. Merlin too, in subtler ways that turned out to be just as important.
But it’s Roxy who kept him on the right track in the months since.
She is worth his best and more.
She never let him forget that he is worth the efforts just as much as she is.
She reminded Eggsy that he deserves his happiness.
(not the truth. not a lie.)
He is starting to understand why it has been such a challenge to imagine what she would be telling him as they travel the underworld.
It’s not his fault, not really.
(a lie.)
But it is becoming harder and harder for him to discern who she is from what she means to him.
And with that realisation, comes another fear.
Which version of her walks behind him?
What if it’s a lie?
Would he even care?
He turns around because just a glimpse of her it would let him know if it is truly her standing behind him or if is only a construct of his own mind.
Jaw clenched tight, he closes his eyes.
Now is not the time for doubts.
It is her.
That is the deal.
He wouldn’t have settled for anything less.
He trusts that she is there.
(not a lie.)
(and starts one more time) 
He can’t tell anymore how long he’s been walking.
Days? Weeks?
(no time at all.)
It’s not enough to make him give up however.
As long as there is a chance, he will never stop.
A chance is all he’s ever needed.
It doesn’t matter if it takes all of eternity.
It’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make.
Roxy… Roxy probably wouldn’t agree with him on that one.
Not that she would try to stop him now that his mind is set. At least he doesn’t think so. But she would never ask him to do anything for her if the cost is his life.
It’s a good thing that this is not the deal that has been struck, so she has no reason to be angry with him.
(she will be anyway.)
Not when she would have done the same had their roles been reversed.
Roxy is usually more reasonable than he is, but if she had been offered the chance to lead Eggsy out of the underworld,  after he had died so senselessly…
Eggsy would be the one getting angry at Roxy for her reckless behaviour.
It’s easier to be angry than it is to be afraid. To be worried.
Even if he’ll never regret taking the deal, he’ll have to apologize to her once they make it out of the underworld.
(even now he is angry. even now he hopes.)
Not because he shouldn’t have done it. This was always the right decision. He truly believes that.
But because he didn’t leave her with any other choice.
He trusts that she is there… But she’s probably very cross with him.
It makes no difference whether she had accepted her fate or not when he made the deal. It doesn’t change the fact that she had no voice in the matters.
That is the one thing he would change if he could go back in time.
He would ask that she be heard.
(would he listen?)
Even now, he wishes she would say something. Even if she is angry.
Or worse.
Even if she is indifferent.
He just wants to hear her voice again.
But the time for bargaining is long past.
A deal is already in place.
And Eggsy really should know better by now.
He should, but still his body starts to turn towards her. He closes his eyes before he can look behind.
It’s not the time for that yet.
A thought crosses his mind, unbidden.
This is a trial for her too.
It is about him as much as it is about her.
She wasn’t given a voice, but she was still given a choice.
To believe otherwise just shows how self-absorbed Eggsy can get when she isn’t there to slap some sense into him.
He trusts that she is there, but she doesn’t have to be.
It’s not easy for Eggsy to lead the way without looking back.
(he is weak. this is why it is hard.)
But having to follow after him without having a say in the matters must not be easy on her either.
(she is strong. this is why it is hard.)
She sees him, she has to.
But can she hear him?
Earlier, what seems like ages ago, he was convinced she could hear his heartbeat. How could it be otherwise when it is thundering loudly in his own ears?
But now he’s not so sure.
Without looking back, he has to believe that she is behind.
Without any other proof, she has to believe that he came to guide her out of the underworld.
How can either of them know that they aren’t being deceived? How can they be sure while they are also being kept isolated from each other?
The deal is about trust.
And real trust is a road connecting two hearts. A road that is travelled in both direction.
Roxy is strong. Stronger than Eggsy.
(that is how it always felt at least.)
But after being confronted with his own doubts, with his own flaws, Eggsy wonders what she must have been going through.
She is strong, but she is not without any weaknesses.
He’s always known that before.
It was just more convenient to forget for a time.
He shuts his eyes just as he starts turning so he can reassure her that she is not alone. That he is not giving up.
Not now, not ever.
He can’t see her, but she can see him.
He smiles briefly before taking a deep breath.
It’s time to show the world how stubborn he is.
(how stubborn she is.)
( again )
By now, Eggsy should rightfully be exhausted.
He’s certain he’s walked more than he ever did in his entire life.
But the walking isn’t the hard part. There is no effort required for putting a foot in front of the other again and again in an endless loop. There is no exertion in the underworld.
Nothing physical anyway.
What is taking its toll are the thoughts swirling in his mind without any reprieve.
(he doubts.)
(he trusts.)
He’s not ashamed to admit that he’s not used to that level of introspection.
Not on his own anyway.
But here in the silence of the underworld, there’s no escape from it. From himself.
He thought he had a pretty good idea of the man he wanted to be. Who he had become.
And he does.
Except he’s come to realise just how much of it depends on what others think of him.
Maybe this should make him angry too. He’s spent so long trying to prove people wrong when they thought he would never amount to anything.
But there’s a difference between wanting to prove someone wrong and wanting to prove someone right.
Roxy’s opinion of him will always be important. Valuable. A scale on which he can judge his own actions.
Because the thing about Roxy is that, besides his trusts, she’s never made any demand of him. She always seen who is and never found him lacking.
And so he wants to continue to be this man for her. Doesn’t want to disappoint her. Because disappointing her would just be disappointing himself. And he’s done enough of that for a lifetime already.
That’s why he trusts that she is there.
(she must.)
Because he believes he’s doing the right thing.
(he is.)
And Roxy has always trusted him. Has always trusted his judgment.
He cannot think of a reason why either of them would ever come to regret his actions now.
But a reassurance would be appreciated anyway.
Not because he is weak. But simply because that’s what friends are for.
He really wishes she could say something. Anything at all.
He misses her.
Eggsy closes his eyes with a sigh, knowing already what is coming.
He turns to where she must be standing.
But he doesn’t look, he doesn’t see.
Not yet.
Eggsy keeps on walking.
How long has it been, he can’t tell.
He just knows that he hasn’t failed yet and so he must carry on.
More and more, it feels like he’ll be stuck in the underworld forever.
Not because there is no way out.
Eggsy knows there is one. The path is clear and he hasn’t strayed from it.
He just doesn’t how long it truly is.
He’s started over so many times.
Because he refuses to fail. Because he is stubborn. Because he is strong.
Yes, he made this deal because he was weak.
He lost Roxy and he felt so alone. Vulnerable.
It’s not something he was prepared to face again, not so soon.
He had finally found someone who never doubted him and who would always stand by him. But the world has never been fair to him and he lost her.
And Eggsy is selfish.
He made a deal to get her back because he could and he didn’t really think of the consequences. It’s never stopped him before, it wasn’t going to stop him then.
He is strong. Strong enough to deal with whatever consequences might result of his decision.
If he succeeds, he knows he’ll never come to regret it, no matter what happens.
Because Roxy is too important to him.
And if he fails…
He won’t regret it either.
Because at least he would have tried. Tried so many times that he can’t hide from himself anymore.
(at long last.)
(the Truth.)
Eggsy made a deal because he was too weak to let Roxy go.
And he’s getting her back because with her at his back, he is strong enough to conquer death itself.
He should tell everything.
But every time he opens his mouth to say something, words fail him.
He doesn’t know where exactly to start.
And telling her like that doesn’t feel right. It feels like he doesn’t really want to face her. Like he prefers to keep whatever idealistic version of her he’s built in his mind over the course of their friendship and doesn’t really care about what the real her thinks of his confession.
It feels like he’s a coward.
But he’s not.
He’s many things, but he’s never been that.
Eggsy made a deal to bring Roxy back to the living without thinking of the consequences.
He made a deal because he couldn’t deal her loss.
He believes it was the right thing to do.
Roxy might think differently. Who can ever say what others think?
Maybe getting her back will mean losing her in a more terrible way than simple death.
He still won’t regret it.
He starts turning around to tell her everything, but remembers himself just in time.
His eyes shut and her name falls from his lips.
There will be time for all of this when they make it out of the underworld.
Or maybe there won’t be.
It doesn’t matter.
This is not part of the deal.
And the trial isn’t over yet.
Time has lost all meaning.
If it ever had any in the first place.
Eggsy can’t quite tell anymore.
He just knows that he needs to keep walking.
That’s the deal he’s made.
That he may walk out of the underworld with Roxy, as long as he trusted that she was there. As long as he never looked behind.
So he walks.
He trusts that she is behind.
(Truth. Lie.)
He doubts.
That’s the only reason he can be certain he hasn’t failed yet. That he hasn’t looked behind no matter how many times he’s turned around.
He thought he had finally figured out why he was doing all of this.
That it was all for her.
That it was all for himself.
He doesn’t know anymore.
The why of it isn’t important anyway.
The important thing is that they’re doing this.
If anyone can succeed, it’s them.
That he doesn’t doubt. Not even for a moment.
Everything else can wait until they’re out of here.
Whatever comes next, it will be its own challenge. But they’ll weather it together just like they always do and they’ll be all the stronger for it.
Because that’s the one thing Eggsy is coming to realise from it all.
You’re only as strong as the people you chose to stand with.
And even if they’re gone, that doesn’t mean they’ve left you.
Eggsy brushes away the tears that have been rolling down his cheeks.
He trusts that she is there.
Even if he lets her go.
He won’t lose her.
Not ever.
It’s a plea.
It’s a prayer.
To whom, he’s not sure. It’s not like he believes anyone is really listening.
But for her, for Roxy, he’s always been willing to do anything.
Even begging.
He feels himself turning around.
Closes his eyes.
He hasn’t looked.
He didn’t see.
(one last time)
They walk a long time on the road of the underworld.
Eggsy leads the way while Roxy follows behind him.
They don’t exchange words. They have never needed them before. They don’t need them now either.
It would be a comfort of course, but it is not the time for comfort.
This is a trial.
A fair one, but not an easy one.
And so, they keep on walking.
They walk because they are too stubborn to give up.
They walk because there is still a chance.
Dawn is breaking when they finally make it out of the underworld.
The light is enough to hurt his eyes. He would close them, but he doesn’t want to miss a single moment of this new day, even when tears start blurring his sight.
Eggsy takes a deep breath.
Lets himself smile at the sound of the birds chirping in the trees, the sound of the wind playing in the leaves.
He smiles at the world living and breathing all around him.
And, because he trusts that she is there-
He looks behind.
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wilsons-corner · 2 months
so I caved.
so, I decided not to wait for the end of the poll, and write my first (published) fanfiction, regarding my Irish agent OC Finch, who works for an agency I completely came up with, Goodsman.
Please enjoy, don’t bash me for it, I’m just trying to have fun.
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