#Caramel Film
badgaymovies · 2 years
Aline (2020)
Aline by and starring #ValerieLemercier, " it’s not unreasonable to demand to know what exactly she’s going for in presenting this sometimes amusing, sometimes even touching but mostly weird experience,"
VALERIE LEMERCIER Bil’s rating (out of 5): BB France/Canada/Belgium, 2020. Rectangle Productions, Gaumont, TF1 Films Production, De L’Huile, Caramel Film, Belga Productions, Canal+, Cine+, TF1, Télé Monté Carlo, TFX, Entourage Pictures, Sacem, NJJ Entertainment, Tuco, Ondamax Films. Screenplay by Valérie Lemercier, Brigitte Buc. Cinematography by Laurent Dailland. Produced by Sidonie Dumas, Alice…
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fullcravings · 8 months
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Salted Butterbeer Cookies with Butterscotch Frosting
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chai-berries · 8 months
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sharing an autumn with abby <3
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fairyofthehollow · 17 days
I watched Challengers (finally) and oh my god
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reveteen · 9 months
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nana for netflix
photographer: go wontae
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buttery-spoooons · 2 years
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so-sweet-nana · 2 years
New stills for Glitch
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📡 Glitch will have its world premiere at the Busan International Film Festival, that will happen between the 5th a14 October
🗓️ Air Date: 7th of October (on Netflix)
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nanaglobal · 2 years
[INFO] <Confession> Invited to the 2022 'Leeds International Film Festival! 🎥
<Confession> has been invited to the 2022 'Leeds International Film Festival', the largest film festival in England outside of London! The film will premiere in the UK from 11.14 to 11.16 and will be shown under the 'Fanomenon' section, "home of cult & fantasy cinema".
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richerlandtv · 3 months
It has been a long time and a lot has changed since I made this, but I'd like to share it again because it was the last big animation project I worked on and I'd really like people to see it.
I could have done something more experimental for my final student film, and from some of the reactions I got I maybe should have, but I really wanted to create something with levity and just have fun with it. I think I gave some people the impression I see animation as "just cartoons" but honestly I feel quite the opposite - that "just cartoons" are as deserving of artistic acclaim as serious films. Part of art is stirring emotions in the viewer, and joy and laughter are emotional responses. I don't like that we treat them as cheap in the art world.
Unfortunately, though, this... Failed on all fronts haha. Still, I hope someone out there enjoys it.
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fullcravings · 1 year
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Homemade Butterbeer Ice Cream
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Danny, in his forties, knows he passes for two people; Bruce Wayne and some randomass reporter named Clark Kent. Which is great, because he's about to defend Bruce Wayne's son, and it'd be weird if the press thought he was just some rando.
Danny didn't want to know who the fuck Bruce Wayne was, but Sam's parents would not shut up about the guy as Danny was growing up.
So, yeah; he can recognize Bruce Wayne on site. And his children.
Not because he stalked them! It was all Sam's fault, her and her parents! Her for complaining about the Waynes, and her parents for idolizing them!
Anyways, he's pretty sure he just saw some chick drug Dick Grayson's quadruple sugar caramel frappe, and Dick drank it.
Danny doesn't really think? He kind of just moves.
Dick Grayson barely gets out a "Uh, hey-?" before Danny decks the bitch in the face hard enough to throw the woman back five feet.
She's definitely going to need a hospital.
Danny doesn't give a fuck.
Danny gives so little fucks that he just puts a very carefully gentle hand on Dick Grayson's shoulder and steers him away from the scene.
"She roofied your drink. I'm taking you to the hospital."
Or; Dick was going to allow a Trafficker to drug him, so that he could play bait. The trackers he'd swallowed would absolutely lead Jason to where he was taken, as Jason was working with him on this, but didn't meet the traffickers "type". He didn't tell Bruce he was going to do this. So when the Rohypnol starts to kick in, he's absolutely sure he sees Bruce come in out of nowhere and wreck the Trafficker's shit. The randos filming the incident think they just saw someone's dad almost murder a bitch, and then heard said dad mention roofies. When the videos are posted online, and the dad is "identified" as Bruce Wayne, Bruce has three things happen. First; he's getting a lawsuit from the woman. Second; he's also getting notified through this that he has a doppleganger or clone. He will need to investigate, as he needs to thank the man. Third; his image has become pristine in the eyes of Gotham, and has also become yet another wholesome meme.
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forlix · 2 months
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𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀・0.6k / 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴・lee know x gn!reader / 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲𝘀・tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship. lazy kisses & mutual obsession. / 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲・for my @rachalixie: you've done well today (♡´ ˘ `)⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
𝟭𝟴:𝟮𝟮 — There’s a certain novelty to experiencing something for the first time.
Sure, the magic lives on as your love for the thing grows, but no sensation will quite beat out the first time the opening riff of your favorite song hits your ears, the flavor of your favorite fruit splashing onto your tongue, the climax of your favorite film rendering you a sobbing mess in a public theater.
But you walk into your room one Saturday afternoon to glance at the man lying face-up on the bed you share, scrolling absentmindedly with a mackerel tabby curled into his side. Cordate, coral lips that you know by now feel like satin and taste like home, catlike eyes framed by thick lashes that could run makeup conglomerates into ruin; perfect, prim nose and chiseled, angular jaw, strong and sharp enough to draw blood should you run your finger along the pretty perimeters.
You clamber onto the mattress as delicately as you can. Not delicately enough, by Dori’s standards. The cat tosses you a disgruntled look before landing noiselessly onto the hardwood, departing from the room in search of his less disruptive siblings.
Moments later, Minho’s phone is face-down somewhere out of reach; you are straddling his waist and leaning over him, your hands cradling his face so tenderly they’re barely there. You come close enough for wisps of your hair to catch onto the delicate curves of his lashes, for the tip of your nose to bump against his like a greeting from a butterfly.
His soft laugh puffs against the seam of your lips like a breath of your own. “What’s the matter with you?”
He threw the curtains aside and cracked the windows open earlier, letting into the room a shower of late-afternoon sun. It now dyes his skin a dewy caramel, lightens his eyes to pools of molten amber. For some time, you are unable to respond, enraptured by all the wonder that he holds. 
Eventually, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, dip down, rid of the distance between you with a soft seal of your mouth his. He doesn’t move until he’s overcome his surprise, but then he brings one hand to your waist, slipping beneath the sheer fabric of your top to press your hips down onto his, and wraps the other around the base of your neck, the pad of his thumb settling over your jugular like a gossamer wing.
You sigh in pleasure and part your lips; he pursues this opening with a fervor, pliant tongue keeping your mouth ajar, head tilting to one side to better savor you, your teeth knocking and limbs entwining in this passionate fray.
By the time you come up for air, the world around you has changed. You’re underneath him now, his hands positioned on either side of your head. His eyes are no longer amber but obsidian, his mouth ravaged and raw in the aftermath of colliding time and time again with yours. The sun has largely vanished beneath the skyline.
You collect yourself just enough to procure an answer to his question.
“Every time I look at you feels like the first,” you whisper.
Minho doesn’t blink, doesn’t breathe in spite of how you’d just kissed the air straight from his lungs, doesn’t believe his ears. For that is the exact way he feels about you, always has been and always will, though you have always been the one to first verbalize the feelings that he doesn’t have the words for.
For some time, he is unable to respond, enraptured by all the wonder that you hold.
Eventually, he combs a hand through his hair, dips down, rids of the distance between you with a hard crash of his mouth upon yours, and there the two of you will remain until it’s no longer light from the sun that sets your room aglow, but that of the moon and a hundred thousand stars.
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© 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐱 (est. 090323) · liked this work? please consider reblogging, commenting, or sending me an ask to let me know; or, read my other writing here. thanks so much for the support ♡
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wroteclassicaly · 8 months
For The Record
(Steve Harrington x Female Reader)
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Summary: You have a surprise for your best-friend Steve.
Word count: 1,647
Warnings: Language, NSFW, creampie, vaginal sex, slight choking, slight breeding kink if you squint, and fluff.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Female Reader
A/N: Just a filthy little thing that I’ve been nurturing for a few days. No point to it, just showing Stevie some love! Haven’t written anything this lengthy in a while, but I hope y’all enjoy? ;P 💕❤️🥰♥️
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Steve. Steve-fucking-Harrington. The heart of your group with a head of hair (that you’d washed, brushed, picked monster guts out of, and pulled, one too many times), a comforting smile that reminded you of Summer’s fading sunsets that give way to fall colors. All copper, rust, orange, mossy caramels swirling together, deep browns that look like cinnamon (smells like the gum he chews, or the breath spray he carries in his back pocket), sometimes even red in how his cheeks tinge on cold days, the way he makes your body warm. To his protective - fighter mode, like a crafted out of the finest marble guardian-angelic-god.
You’d worship at his temple. All day. Every single day.
His mouth has been in as many places as his hands. He knows every scar, just as much as he’s aware of spots, in which kissing you will cause goosebumps to electrify, sparking themselves known across your skin, or where his fingers will cause that high pitched whine to come from between your lips. You can’t really fathom that it’s been happening, especially for how long. There’s been no talk of labels, what anything means, it’s just been two friends crossing a line and fucking one another on it. You don’t know what you would’ve done, had it not been for Steve-the-hair-Harrington, King Steve, your extra heartbeat, your best-friend, your everything.
And that’s what led you to your current predicament, your planned leap of faith. Wrapped in a maroon colored mini gift bag, you had placed the packet. Steve arrived not long after, movies and pizza balanced in his massive hands, keys dangling from the middle finger of his left hand, a cheesy grin pressing into that beautiful mouth. “Hey, honey,” he had said. “Really missed you today, you know that?”
You’d taken in his appearance of dark Levi’s and a black belt, his signature Nike’s, and a low dipped white v-neck that he’d thrown a plain blue button over, leaving it open, his gold chain visible, nestled in that patch of chest hair. Salivating more at him than the food, it took you a second to help him inside.
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You ate in avid chatter, watched one of the lamest, but most comforting horror films Steve could find on the shelves (that no one rented but he knew you’d appreciate), whilst being tucked beneath his bicep, warmed at his side. That’s when you’d retrieved the gift off your coffee table, his palm rubbing circles across your spine, kneading tension until you returned to your position. You handed him the bag and his bushy brows had pinched together, an adorable confusion clear. “For me? What did I do?”
“Just open it, Harrington. Before my nerves make me take it back.”
He cradled the parcel protectively, a pout forming as his watch strapped wrist dips inside. “No way, no how. Nope, not now.”
“Steve…” you laughed lightly, suddenly swallowing as he pulled the packet out, trying to make sense of the name.
“Contraceptive? I don’t… Isn’t this birth control?” He shook the packet before planting it in his massive palm.
You could feel your heartbeat in your throat, choking you like a vice, preventing you from answering in a full sentence.
“So, it’s yours? Why did you wrap it up and give it to me?”
“There’s a few missing already, Steve. I just wanted to get used to them before… Before I told you.”
“Told me, what?” He still looked puzzled, seeking out where you’d opened the package and taken a few tablets.
“That I just wanna use these from now on. Nothing else. If you, if that’s okay with you...?” You had felt the sharp claws of the butterflies, threatening to demolish your remaining courage. But this was Steve, you needed to remember that.
It took him a few moments, but then his pupils expanded within the enriching mossy flecks of his irises, at a rapid pace. His tongue licked at the five o’clock shadow above his upper lip. His voice, you’ll never forget how it sounded. Honey-hot and hoarse, raspy with bitten want, raw fucking desire. You’d clenched your thighs together, tongue eager to lick him… every-fucking-where — the burn of it felt on the muscle’s tip.
“Isn’t that something you do with a boyfriend, though? Not casual sex with a good friend, one of your best-friends?”
And you nod, vision swimming with shapes. Had you messed up? Fuck it. “It is.” Is what you’d responded with, taking the packet from him and tossing it with the bag back onto the table. The movie was rolling credits in the background and you were watching Steve’s dotted jugular as he swallowed, showcasing those tendons, all the way up to that stubble bitten jawline, dotted with freckles and moles.
“And who is your boyfriend, honey?” He had to hear you say it. If it’s what he thought it was, or you’d simply break his heart and move on to this guy. Could he really believe in a good thing again?
You leapt off that faithful precipice, years and feelings following, eyes locking, gaze unrelenting. “I was hoping it would be you.”
He was obviously choked up, orbs alight with mirth and excitement, among other things. “Funny that you mention that, because I’ve been hoping for the exact same thing.”And he’d fallen into your arms, seizing you with a kiss, noses nudging, tongues eager and messy. Clothes couldn’t come off fast enough.
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The king sized condom lays unopened on your plush blush rug. Having fallen out of Steve’s wallet, that had also tumbled from his jean pocket in haste. Everything was out of control in the best possible way. You could’ve sworn you died a few minutes prior and came back as immortal — able to see through particles that floated on the air, hear cars, horns, music from houses all across town, smell the leaves that clung to the trees, damp with rain water and Autumn air. Your eyes roll back, perspiration damp behind the backs of your knees, where he’s got his current pinching grip, the fat of your thighs pressed into your tits, squishing them.
You realize in the moment, that you truly loathe condoms. Because this? Feeling that wet pre-cum smear down his shaft and around your opening as he pushed himself into you without a barrier for the first time, it was an indescribable experience. Each ridge, every vein, so hot, soft, and fucking, soaking wet. You aren’t sure where he ends and you begin. It hurts like hell, aches in the deepest parts of you, a place you know that he could easily put a child if you slipped up on your only remaining protection.
That thought makes you tighten around him, cream spilling out and further slicking back the curls gathered at his base. He drops your thighs, sweat-slick pelvis smashing into yours, stimulating your swollen clit. His chest hair scrapes against your pebbled nipples, making you arch your back and your toes curl, legs locking around his lower waist. He whines, palm coming up to grasp at your breast, calloused thumb strumming around your areola. “God, honey, your fucking nipples were made for my mouth to suck on.”
And he’s descending, his lips closing over one, tongue flicking and stimulating. You cry out, hand fisting into his honey streaked, chestnut locks. His shoulders work and bend, the dips and freckles and moles visible, glittering with the salt of sweat, his gold chain swaying out from his hairy chest and back again when he stops, nose bumping yours, hot breath on your mouth. “This pussy was made for my cock.”
And holy hell, his vocalizing focus doesn’t cease. “Who took your virginity, honey?” You both know it wasn’t him. But you are well aware what he’s getting at, and as he gives a harsh snap, those full and fat balls smacking your slick ass, you lose further coherency. “That’s right,” he’s speaking again. “They don’t matter, but I do.”
You weren’t aware that you could make the noises that you are. Only able to speak once Steve’s tugging himself and pulling out, stringing from your cunt to his shaft, a squelch echoing. You both groan, emptiness already jumpstarted. You plead for him. “Please, Stevie, need you! Put it back in —“
“Say it, say you’re just a hole for me to fill. That you’re only mine, baby.”
“I… Fuck! Stevie, all my holes are only yours, I’m only yours!”
He sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, before his jaw drops open and he whimpers. His hand leaves your breast and slides across your sternum, your collarbone, and settles at your neck. You nod to encourage, and those defined digits wrap around your throat.
“Tell me you love these big hands, sweetheart. Because they’re for you. They belong to you!”
“Want them all over me, Steve. All the time. Can’t get enough of you.”
He’s holding firm to his cock, stroking and teasing. You lick your lips as you stare at it, drooling. Reaching down, you tap his wrist (his arm, all muscles and tendons, thick and available to trace with your tongue), as he presses the thick red head into your clit, smearing the combination of you two all around. You mewl in appreciation, legs stretching so far apart that your muscles protest. He’s speaking next, panting out, “Like that? Hey, look at me. He grabs your chin, thumb tugging down your bottom lip. “Like. That?”
Your lip releases with a plop.
“Yes, yes! Don’t stop, Steve, never wanna not feel you again, baby boy!”
“That’s a good girl, that’s my girl.” He circles your sore opening and slips back inside with a loud, wet ease. You bite back the burning pain, welcoming the damp tears of pleasure along your lashes.
Your manicured nails cling to his back, his chest gliding along yours, heartbeat to hammering heartbeat. It’s frantic whispers and begging cries. And when he’s close to coming, you find his cheek with one hand, holding. “For the record, you’ve never been casual to me, Steve Harrington.”
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// Eat me paragraph //
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so-sweet-nana · 2 years
Glitch new stills of Nana and Jeon Yeobin
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📡 Glitch will have its world premiere at the Busan International Film Festival, that will happen between the 5th a14 October
🗓️ Air Date: 7th of October (on Netflix)
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cheolism · 10 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ GREED
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✧ hoshi x f!reader ✧ summary: you go to bed feeling horny and decide to try and be quiet while you fuck yourself with your fingers while watching a video of soonyoung. too bad you're not as quiet as you think you are. ✧ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
✧ warnings: mean!dom!hoshi x sub!reader. messy sex, masturbation while he sleeps next to you, he films his own porn videos for you <3 true romance <3 pussy n tit slapping, spanking, rough handling. degradation (slut/whore), reprimanding. possibly free use, dumbification, cock-drunk reader, crying during sex n dacryphilia, spitting, missionary and doggy. cumming inside, unprotected sex. aftercare and cuddling!!
tagging @the-boy-meets-evil and @shuadotcom ; tag list: @coffeestay @tinkerbell460 @hyneyedfiz @wonuhour @sweet-like-caramel
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with a groan you pushed the covers off of you, baring your skin to the cool air of your bedroom. soonyoung was quiet next to you, pillow in his arms. usually his soft snores helped guide you into sleep, helped your body ooze into slumber, but tonight seemed to be the exception. despite his snores, despite how the moon was high in the sky, you just couldn't sleep.
you were restless. despite how night blanketed the city, your body was wide awake and with no signs of sleeping.
soonyoung shifted next to you. you moved onto your side, watching as your boyfriend jostled the pillow in his arms. he moved to hold the pillow in one arm, his other reaching up towards the wall. he stretched, a low groan leaving his lips, and then he was still once more.
you let your eyes roam over him. soonyoung didn't wear clothes to bed -- tried to encourage you to do the same, saying that nothing made him more comfy than the feel of your skin against his. and because of his tendency towards sleeping in the nude and his stretching only moments prior, his lithe body was on full display for your eyes, the blanket having fallen to his waist.
though, you reflected, soonyoung wasn't exactly lithe anymore. his arms were thick with muscle and only growing by the day, veins on his forearms so delicious took look at. and his tits were growing more and more noticeable too, so much so that when he wore loose shirts they clung to his tits, to the shape of them, drawing your eyes and making it hard to look away.
and of course there were his abs. you weren't a shallow person, usually -- didn't drool over random men and their six packs, didn't get wet panties just from watching a man wash dishes.
but soonyoung? he was truly the exception.
just looking at his chest, watching his abs move up and down with each breath, eyes flickering over his tanned skin and taking in how the shadows of the room painted them even more prominently than they usually were, you couldn't help but feel wetness begin to stain your panties.
and just as visible as his abs and tits and face was his cock. it was flaccid, but even then soft his cock was thick and pretty. and his thighs, just as pretty as the rest of him with, thick muscle and your favorite seat to rest on.
god -- here your boyfriend was just sleeping and you were getting wet over his body. what did that say about you, you thought, hands drifting down to your sleeping shorts. what did that say about you, getting horny over your boyfriend while all he did was lay there and snore.
you cursed softly, and then you turned on the bed. you grabbed your phone and earbuds off of the nightstand. quickly you shoved your earbuds into your ears, unlocking your phone and going to that secret shared folder between you and soonyoung.
you went to a favorite one he had sent. his phone was propped up on a counter, pants shoved down underneath his dick and chest bare. his voice, deep and sly, filled your ears. "miss you, baby. gotta do what i do, okay? be a good girl for me and follow along."
if soonyoung asked for your obedience, even if it was past-him, you would give it. you adjusted yourself, fingers framing your clit. two of his own hands went to his dick, thick and dark; his thumb and forefinger focused on his head, softly rubbing, gently torturing himself.
you followed along. your forefinger and middle finger delicately dragged along the sides of your clit. as his fingers quickened, so did yours; as his cock leaked, your cunt followed suit, though your pussy leaked considerably more than his cock. soon enough, though you couldn't hear it due to your earbuds, your cunt was squelching with every move of your hand.
"fucking miss you," he growled, sucking his lower lip into his mouth for a moment. his dark bangs hung over his eyes as soonyoung bowed his head, thumb meanly pressing down on the slit of his cockhead. you followed suit, harshly thumbing at your clit in rapid movements.
"want your cunt so bad," he grumbled, one of his hands bracing against the counter. his veins in his arm bulged, thin hills running up his arms. "wanna fuck you so hard, fuck your sweet little puss -- fill you with my spunk, make sure you take every single fucking drop."
you swallowed, eyes zeroing in on his cock, knowing what would happen next, having seen it perhaps a hundred times before. he would keep his face low; his mouth would pucker. he would spit on his cock, saliva dropping and covering his tip. soonyoung would laugh, hand smearing over his dick. "wish it was your cunt covered in my spit and spunk instead of my dick."
but before any of that could happen -- before you were blessed with that image -- your phone was ripped from your hands.
you gasped, eyes shooting to soonyoung. he was moving against you before you could fully comprehend that he was awake.
"soonie --"
"what are you doing?" he demanded, voice deep from sleep. it did nothing to help the dampness in your underwear -- nothing could. your heart leapt and thudded with excitement as your boyfriend took your earbuds out and threw them onto the bedside table, his hands rough and quick.
originally you had just wanted to reach an orgasm so you could sleep, you thought; but this was a much better outcome.
his hands yanked down your shorts, and then they were being thrown across the room. next went your panties, discarded onto the bed. soonyoung's hands went to your top and then he was yanking that too, though he just shoved it up above your tits so he could palm at them.
"fucking yourself while your boyfriend sleeps," soonyoung answered his own question in a growl, thumbs pinching your nipples meanly. you whimpered softly. "oh -- don't try and be pathetic now," he snapped, "not after i've caught you."
soonyoung released your tits with another mean pinch, moving down your body. he shoved your thighs up, and then his hand was slapping on your cunt. you cried out, toes curling, followed by another heavy slap. soonyoung hooked his finger into your hole, pumping quickly.
"fuckin' greedy," he spat. soonyoung's dark eyes were narrowed, glinting with dangerous and delight. he was happy to have found you in such a situation, happy to have an excuse to be mean. and, despite having originally planned on letting him sleep, you couldn't help but be thrilled at the realization of the bullying he was about to put you through.
soonyoung slid his finger from your cunt and delivered another slap. the sharp sting shot sparks of pleasure and pain through your spine, toes curling and mouth dropping wide.
soonyoung shoved two of his fingers into your hole, rough and fucking up into you. every single pump was joined by the horridly wet squelching noise of your cunt, your cunt leaking so much that you could feel your juices slide down your rear and onto the bed.
he moved his free hand back to your tit. soonyoung pinched it again, your responding whine loud. he punished your whine with a sharp slap to the underside of your tit. "fucking desperate little whore. fucking yourself in our bed like a goddamn slut desperate for a cock. is that it, baby? you a fucking slut?"
you bit down on your lip, eyes watering at the edges from the roughness of his touch and the sharpness of his words. you loved it. "'m a slut, soonie, 'm sorry --"
soonyoung growled, and then he was slapping your cunt again. you cried out, thrashing in his hold, the pleasure-pain igniting every single one of your nerves on fire. he began to thrust three of his fat fingers into your pussy, the dull slapping sound of his hand as he fucked his fingers into you filled the air; coupled with the noises from your wet cunt your room was filled with obscene, sinful noises.
"you're not fucking sorry," he hissed. soonyoung's dark eyes were narrowed, their usual bright spark gone. instead he was a predator and you were the prey that wandered right into his trap; the tiger and the mouse that walked right into his paws.
"only sorry you got caught," soonyoung grumbled. he grabbed at your tit again, massaging it roughly, watching as your flesh molded around his fingers.
"i'm sorry --"
"no you're fucking not," soonyoung shot back, voice doused in poison. "fucking your little cunt when i'm sleeping right next to you. un-fucking-believable. can't fucking believe --"
soonyoung ripped his hand from your cunt. you let out a cry, trying to buck your hips back up to his hand. he laughed meanly, and then he was slapping your thigh. "eager little slut," he said. soonyoung was smiling, white teeth glinting in the moonlight. "just wanted something in your little cunt, yeah? just were so goddamn desperate --"
"wanted you," you sobbed, trying to reach for him. soonyoung pushed you back onto the bed, his hand pressing down on your shoulder and keeping you still. his arm flexed as you strained against him, and you couldn't help but watch as his muscles bounced, veins popping.
soonyoung moved to grab your hips. you immediately opened your thighs wide, letting him press against you. he lifted your lower half, fingers digging into your thighs. "opening your legs like a little whore in heat," he said, tilting his head, smirking. "that it, baby? you my little whore in heat, desperate for my dick?"
your eyes widened, all air leaving your lungs. soonyoung was still for a moment, just watching you, gauging your reaction to his words. but then you whined, high and needy, legs tightening around him, feeling nothing but arousal and thrill. "wanted you, soonie, wanted you so bad --"
"so you decided to fuck yourself in the bed next to me?" he asked, raising his brows. soonyoung released his grip on one of your thighs to run his hand along your cunt. the slide had you groaning, lashes fluttering and hips trying to seek out more friction. instead soonyoung moved his hand to your stomach; there he spread your slick over your skin.
"look at how fucking wet you are," he laughed. "fucking whore. so goddamn wet from just a fucking video."
then his sharp eyes snapped up at your face. your cunt clenched in response to his dark look. he used his free hand to grab his dick. soonyoung slapped the tip of his cock, a little spurt of precum shooting out in answer to his tease.
he moved forward, the tip of his dick rubbing against your pussy lips. you moaned, and then you were moving your hips, seeking more friction, trying to get his cock to slip in to where you needed it most.
"dunno if i should give it to you," he taunted, tongue poking out. his eyes were on your cunt, watching as he dragged the tip of his cock through your cunt, soaking it in your juices. "what was it, baby? decided a fucking video and your cute little fingers were enough? didn't need me? didn't need my dick?"
"need it," you sobbed. and you did. you needed his dick in you, needed him to shove his cock inside of you and fuck you. it was all you wanted needed. you needed him, needed kwon soonyoung.
"needed you," you cried, water stinging at the corners of your eyes. "needed you so bad, soonie. wanted your cock -- so so bad! didn't want to wake you, didn't want to -- soonie --"
and then you bursted into tears. you weren't sad, weren't crying from anything bad. you were just so desperate. you wanted soonyoung, you wanted him, you wanted, you wanted, you wanted.
soonyoung sighed, and then he was fucking his cock into you.
a loud cry escaped your mouth, and you arched your back up into him. soonyoung kept pressing, pushing his cock further and further. it stung, especially as his cock was so fat, fatter than even three of his fingers. but above that, above any pain that possibly could've come from it, you were wanton for it. you wanted it. you wanted his cock, wanted soonyoung's dick and any pain that might have come with it.
"take it," he urged, slapping your thigh. "take my cock, baby. gotta take it all. you were so desperate for it, yeah? wanted it so bad? wanted it so bad you were gonna cry like a little fucking slut. so now you gotta take it."
"want it," you gasped. you let your mouth hang wide open, brows knit in pleasure from the sting of his cock forcing your walls to accommodate him. wetness dribbled from your mouth, though you didn't quite realizing you were drooling. "soonie!"
"fuck," he hissed, and then he was bottoming out, his pelvis pressing against your ass. soonyoung's eyes were trained on your pussy, watching as your hole fluttered around his dick. "fuck, baby."
and then soonyoung was pulling out. the drag of his cock against your pussy walls had you keening, thighs tightening around his hips. it felt good, felt delicious. it was all you wanted and more, it was as if his cock inside of you was the missing piece to the universe, as if only now that his dick was in your gummy walls could the planets align and harmony be achieved.
(future you would cringe at the dramatics of cock-drunk you, but really; you were kwon soonyoung's girlfriend. it was a requirement for you to be somewhat dramatic.)
"fuck me," you begged, using your legs to try and force him to fuck back into you. "fuck me, soonie, fuck me."
he laughed, hands tight on your hips. as he spoke his grip continued to flex, as if the only thing keeping him somewhat composed was your body in his hands. "fucking desperate for me, aren't you? desperate for whatever i give you."
you blinked rapidly, lashes wet from your tears. "whatever you want," you echoed, excited at just the thought of him and his dick. "whatever you want, soonie."
soonyoung grinned. he grabbed your thighs and forced them to your chest. soonyoung used the new position to grab your jaw, and then he was spitting into your mouth.
"swallow," he commanded, smirking still. "want whatever i'll give? swallow my fucking spit."
you did as he said, mindless. soonyoung, delighted, wedged his thumb into your mouth and kept it open so he could spit again. you could feel his saliva hit your tongue, little droplets of spittle hitting your lips.
you did as he said, licking your lips after doing so.
soonyoung laughed, and then he was pressing his mouth to yours. you gasped, hands scrambling along his shoulders. soonyoung didn't kiss you as much as he fucked your mouth. his tongue slid in and out, shoving more of his saliva into your mouth, claiming even this part of you as his own.
then he snapped his hips into your cunt, sheathing his dick in one movement. you cried out, teeth nipping at his mouth on accident.
soonyoung pulled away, using one of his hands to wipe at his mouth. he then wiped the spit and drool from your kiss onto your shoulder. "gonna fuck your cute cunt so good," he said.
soonyoung went to his knees, keeping his pelvis pressed to your ass. he gripped your thighs and, using them as anchors, began to fuck you. soonyoung's hips slapped against you harshly, the sharp drive of his fucking making the skin where his hips met your ass sting, though this was drowned out by the pure ecstasy of his cock striking deep within you.
"take it," he growled, pushing your thighs to your chest, eyes dancing over your figure. "take my fat cock in your tight little cunt, fucking take it, take it all."
"please," you sobbed, wanting nothing more than to do as he says, "please --"
"begging so prettily," he continued, mouth just as fast as his hips. soonyoung fucked you urgently, desperately. it appeared, on the surface, as though he was just after his pleasure, uncaring if you found any. but he kept adjusting your thighs and ass, searching for that one gummy spot in your cunt that would bring you pleasure.
then, with a harsh fuck into your pussy, he found it.
you shouted out, hands shooting out and grabbing at him. one of your hands found his hair and gripped it tight.
soonyoung shot you a sharp look. and then he was grabbing your hand and forcing it to the bed, keeping you from touching him. "i said to fucking take it," he snapped. "fucking take my cock. you decided to fuck yourself in the bed, decided to go behind my back. now you gotta lay there and take it like a slut."
you sobbed, nodding. soonyoung moaned, hips stuttering for a moment. then he managed to control himself and resumed, cock slamming against your core in a rushed, harsh rhythm. "fucking pretty," soonyoung grunted. "so fucking pretty when you cry, fuck --"
soonyoung withdrew from your pussy, making a loud, horrible sob escape you. with quick, strong hands he was flipping your body over. your hair fell into your face as he shoved your shoulders down to the bed, his other arm looping around your middle and wrenching your ass up.
he swiftly entered your pussy once more, impaling you on his dick in one swift move. you cried out, hands fisting the sheets. your cries were somewhat muffled from the bed, lips pressed against the sheets.
"fuck," he hissed, his hands moving to your hips and gripping you. soonyoung fucked you with earnest, using his strength to bring your cunt back onto his dick again and again. "fuck --"
you cried, mouth wide open from pleasure. he was reaching so deep inside of you, dick reaching so fucking deep inside that you swore you could feel it in your throat. you felt like you truly could -- he was filling your senses, from his dick to his hands to his voice, and you felt like you were drowning in kwon soonyoung.
"good girl," he growled, shifting. "am i making you feel good? huh? your soonie's dick making your little pussy feel good?"
you sobbed out an answer. your face was just as wet as your cunt, though soaked with your tears and drool. you tried to speak but all that came out was a moan, muffled by the bed.
soonyoung's hand left your hip, and then he was grabbing your hair. he forced your face from the bed, a loud gasp tearing from your throat at his roughness. "fucking speak," he demanded, hand leaving your hair to slap at your hip. "told you to fucking talk, princess. think you're too good to talk while i'm fucking your pussy?"
"no," you said sobbed. "no -- just -- soonie --"
"what? fucking you so good you can't speak?" he laughed meanly, slapping your ass. "use your words like a good girl. be a good girl, baby."
it took a moment to gather yourself, trying to get your brain to flick back online. it wasn't like soonyoung helped, either. he continued to fuck you, balls slapping against your ass.
finally you managed something. your words came out in a slop. "good," you moaned, "fucking me sooo good!"
"fuck yes i am," he taunted, draping himself along your back. the change in angle had you squealing, driving your hips back and forcing his cock further. soonyoung let out a strangled groan, nails digging into your skin. "fuck -- baby --"
you fucked back again, eyes furrowing from how delicious it felt. soonyoung moved his hand to your cunt. he slapped over your clit once, and then he was hurriedly grinding his fingers around it, sending your body into overdrive from all the pleasure he was inflicting on you.
"such a good girl," soonyoung breathed, thrusts turning quick and short as he neared his peak. he refused to cum before you, however, and so he focused on your clit more than he did thrusting. "my good girl, yeah? my good girl, my baby."
"yours," you whined, and then he was slapping your cunt once more, sending you into orgasm.
it was loud, your orgasm. it rushed your body like a wave intent on drowning you, roaring in your ears and forcing your eyes shut. you couldn't even move, fingers and toes splaying out, limbs stretching. soonyoung didn't let you go far, forcing you still to fuck into you a handful of more times before he, too, reached his peak.
if your brain had gone offline from soonyoung fucking you, it was now floating in space from your orgasm. you weren't even on this plane of existence, your body reaching heaven.
when you returned, your brain deciding to reinhabit your body once more, you were on your side. soonyoung was pressed against your back, his arm thrown over your waist, keeping you close. both of you were covered in sweat and you could feel the mess between your thighs.
you let out a weak moan, and then soonyoung was rising from behind you. he smoothed your hair back from your face. he was just as sweaty as you, his bangs stuck to his forehead, face red from exertion. despite it all, despite how exhausted the fucking let him, despite how he had spewed such filth what seemed like only moments before, soonyoung gave you a bright smile, eyes crinkling.
"hey baby," he cooed, hand cradling your cheek. soonyoung ducked down and pressed a chaste kiss to your mouth. "how you doing?"
you groaned again, trying to work your sore throat. "good. tired."
soonyoung hummed, pouting down at you. "my baby's throat is sore, isn't it? let me get you a water."
you braced himself to retreat from you, to get up and leave the room to fetch you fresh water. instead your boyfriend stretched over your body, reaching onto the nightstand to grab your cup of water.
he guided you into a sitting position. "here you go, baby."
you blinked at him. "soonyoung," you croaked, "it's old water."
soonyoung pouted, sticking out his lip and making his eyes sad. "don't wanna leave you to get new water," he whined, pressing close. he moved his hand to cup your neck, raising the water cup to your mouth. "c'mon, baby. it's as good as any."
you took a sip but immediately pulled away, making a face. "soonie, i'll just go and get --"
"no!" he shrieked, hurriedly putting your water back on the nightstand. soonyoung pushed you back down onto the bed, and, despite how sweaty you were and your body was drenched in fluids from every end, soonyoung laid down on top of you. he pressed quick kisses to your face.
"no moving," he whined. "cuddles only."
you sighed, eyes sliding shut as his kisses neared your eyes. "we'll have to shower, soonyoung," you said, already feeling discomfort from where your cum and his cum was beginning to stick your thighs together. "we're all sticky and nasty --"
"can't we just cuddle and sleep?" he begged. you threw him a glare, not willing to sleep in a puddle of cum. soonyoung sighed, loud and exaggerated, and then he was lowering himself back onto your body, arms wrapping around your waist and pressing his face into your neck.
"just five more minutes," he whined, nose gently poking against your neck. "please?"
you were quiet for a moment. soonyoung hummed happily, thinking he won the spat. but then, projecting your voice, you called out: "siri! set a timer for five minutes!"
"baby, nooooo!"
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arminsumi · 8 months
Scary Movie Night
G. Satoru — さとる ⋅ fem reader
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🔞 mdni / nsfw / smutty
NOTE : i have no idea, i just wrote and wrote and then a 4k fic came out. i was supposed to be watching scream and totally got sidetracked with this daydream of watching a horror movie with stsg and then you and gojo just start making out when he leaves 🥴
SUMMARY — the three of you planned to watch horror movies all night, but instead you started making out with Satoru on the couch after a long tension built up between you.
WARNINGS — not proofread pls ignore errors, cheesy, spicy make out, dry humping, smutty, sexual tension, heavy flirting and teasing, something between u and Suguru 🤭, lighthearted jealousy, nicknames (sweetheart, baby, princess etc), gojo is so bratty, kinda sub!gojo stuff but he's also a bit dom??, lap straddling, Suguru walks in on you two
🍒 — J ⋅ reblogs and comments help a lot ! enjoy reading :)
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"AAA ~ !! "
And the first character of the movie dies, of course, you already knew that because Satoru so kindly spoiled it minutes earlier.
"Seriously? I could scream more convincingly than that."
"I need proof." Suguru jokes teasingly, arm draping sultrily over the couch riiight around your shoulders. He stuffs some caramelized popcorn in his mouth. How can he make even the act of eating popcorn look so sultry and attractive?
"Shut up." you shake your head and smile. "This movie's so cheesy, which one of you picked it out again?"
"Hey! Cheesy isn't bad. And besides, the killer's a hottie."
You chuckle with Suguru. "So we're watching horror movies because the killer is hot?"
Satoru shrugs like it's obvious, scooting closer to you as inconspicuously as he can. But he's not smooth like Suguru; you notice the increased proximity and roll your eyes.
"Yeah, why else would you watch a horror film?" Satoru says.
Suguru responds, "Ah... maybe because you want to get scared?"
"Eh!" Satoru waves his hand dismissively.
You decide to tease him a bit just to get a reaction out of him. He's so easy to tease. "I get it. Satoru's too scared to watch something that's actually scary."
He glares at you immediately. You laugh, Suguru stifles his laugh and habitually rubs his index finger back and forth across his upper lip. (And he even manages to make that attractive.)
"I'm not scared of anything! I can watch any horror movie, no problem." Satoru boasts.
"Okay, big boy, let's put in something that's actually scary." Suguru teases.
"Ooh, how about the Grudge?" You suggest.
"Nah, too scary for me." Suguru admits.
"Can't handle a real scary movie, huh big boy?" Satoru mocks spitefully.
Suguru looks over at him and raises his brows very high. There's a tension between them, but then it breaks when Suguru decides to swap out the movies. The cheesy one is tossed, and hello the Grudge; you're nervously fidgeting and curling up in anticipation when the intro starts rolling.
"Be right back, getting refills. Satoru don't eat too many sweets you're gonna go into a sugar coma." Suguru sighs right after he says that, because the white-haired menace shovels a handful of sweets into his mouth and chews.
And he chews as loudly as possible right next to your ear. Chew chew chew.
"Satoru, I swear to god."
He giggles mischievously, stealing a sideways glance at you.
Why does she look so good tonight? This isn't fair.
The movie's starting, Suguru's trying not to make too much noise as he rifles around in the kitchen for refills. Such a sweetheart, he's refilling your drink without you even needing to ask.
Before his best friend can reassume that suggestive arm-draped-over-the-couch-but-really-over-your-shoulders position, Satoru does it; you feel the warmth and slight plush press of his toned arm against the back of your head.
Suguru doesn't think much of it and just sits back down normally. Though you do feel a bit sandwiched between them. But that's not uncommon in your friendship; they've been sandwiching you between them since highschool.
Satoru audibly swallows, but covers it up by making obnoxiously loud noises; shifting his legs, tucking them, untucking them, putting them over your lap and cheekily smiling until you scowl and push his legs off and then he pouts. He pouts so genuinely that you apologetically allow him to put his thigh over yours, just how he likes to do when the both of you are sitting side-by-side.
The movie's rolling. All three of you have your eyes glued to the screen. Satoru can feel you start to scrunch your shoulders up, so he teases (and talks during the movie, like he always does).
"You gettin' scared, princess?" he smirks. "Should I hold you — "
"SHHH!!" you and Suguru hush him in sync.
Satoru rolls his eyes and shuts up, but only for a little while. Then he pipes up again.
"Man, this isn't even scary, we should put something else in — "
He shuts up. And then, the funniest thing happens.
Satoru starts getting scared. Suguru notices it, but you don't; and it makes him quietly smirk. He would never expose his friend like that right in front of his crush, though. So he doesn't tease and just casually watches the movie, completely immune to the horrors.
You can feel Satoru tensing up, but then as if he notices you noticing, he relaxes his muscles. Then he clears his throat loudly.
"Sorry! Jesus I can't even clear my throat? Bleh."
"Satoru, quiet."
He pouts. Now it's silent again, except for the movie playing and the rain beginning to hit the window softly. The room is dimly lit, and the atmosphere isn't eerie but horror movies always change that.
It's raining, raining, raining, the movie is playing, the three of you are sinking into the couch, invested.
Then there's a small, sudden thunder crack and it makes Satoru jolt like a cat.
"Haha." Suguru stifles his laugh.
Satoru pokes hard at his cheek. "Shut up."
You tease, "Gettin' scared, princess?" you mimic mockingly.
"Yeah right! I can feel you trembling besides me." Satoru grumbles, unexpectedly defensive.
"Oh yeah. I'm just so terrified. Hug me, Satoru, I'm scared." you joke sarcastically. But sarcastic or not, his heart lurches.
You don't notice until you're halfway through the movie, but Satoru was the one trembling; very subtly. You can even feel the thighs of his muscle tensing up — he's still resting his leg on top of your thigh, unmoving. Why would he move? He's comforted by your body warmth. He needs that right now.
There's another thunder crack, and it makes both you and Satoru jump this time.
"Haha. Wimps." Suguru laughs, playfully mocking the both of you.
"Ah shut up!" you furrow your brows.
"Y/n, if you're scared you can cuddle m — "
" — meee, you can cuddle me, baby." Satoru interrupts Suguru, resulting in a funny side-eye moment between the two of them. Suguru shakes his head.
Satoru's scooting even closer, pressing his body against yours. Side by side. Warm. Firm and soft. Basically cuddling. You're sure you couldn't be any closer, but then Satoru manages to become even closer.
Your words echo in his head and for some reason, get him feeling hot beneath the hem of his pajama pants.
Hug me, Satoru, I'm scared.
Seriously? Did you realize how hot you were? How dare you say something like that?
He craves more intimacy with you. And he's no stranger to just randomly rearranging your body or playing with it, he's always been touchy since high school. Like a cat, he only gets physical and comfortable with calm people like you and Suguru.
So he takes his thigh off your thigh, right? And then two big hands grab your thighs, press them together and put them right over his lap.
"What the hell...?" you laugh under your breath.
"Isn't this comfier?" Satoru murmurs sensually, lips grazing your cheek.
"Augh, get a room you two. Gonna make me nauseous." Suguru grimaces.
"You're just jealous!" Satoru giggles, trying his best to not look at the TV screen.
"SHUT... up and watch the movie. Your talking is distracting me." Suguru complains.
"Ughhh, but it's so boring I don't even wanna — " he pulls up the blanket over yours and his head. " — watch it anymore. Oh hey, this is intimate, isn't it? Hehe."
"Satoru! I wanna see the movie!"
"No you don't, you're scared shitless."
Suguru's just sitting to your left, shaking his head as he listens to you two flirt under the blanket as if it magically enclosed you into a space away from the world.
"I can hear you two." he grumbles. "If you're gonna make out, at least do it quietly."
"We're not making out!" you squeal embarrassedly, even though Suguru was clearly joking. There was no sign of making out happening under that blanket.
"...yet." Satoru winks, but you miss it because it's so dark now with the blanket draped over the two of you.
You can almost feel him blinking at you. Even if it's dark and impossible to see you, Satoru will still try to; he's just always been like that, ever since you first met him. In fact, on the first day you met him, he wouldn't stop staring at you, as if he was captivated or fixated on some aspect of your face or behavior. Completely spellbound, starstruck, heart-eyed...
Suguru excuses himself to the bathroom so you two can have your little moment.
You ripple the blanket off your head to look at him as he leaves. "Bring back those pretzel snacks."
"M'kay, angel." Suguru hums.
"Thanks, my boy."
Satoru looks at you very dramatically.
"What the hell? I'm right here! You know I'm the one who's had a crush on you all these years, not him! RIGHT SUGURU?"
There's a hesitation, then Suguru confirms from the bathroom even though he didn't hear a damn thing. He just agreed because it's his best friend asking for a confirmation.
"See! What, why are you laughing?" Satoru starts to smile because you're starting to break down into laughter.
He's facing you now. And it makes the both of you aware of just how much bigger he is, and how much smaller you are. Daddy long legs aside, he's just bigger than you; the broadness of his shoulders, the size of his hands — even his ears, which he remembers you used to tease him about in high school. He's got those cute ears that poke out a bit.
"Satoru..." you murmur against his face.
His heart pangs. "Huh?" he's so caught off guard, expecting you to lean in for a kiss. So he surreptitiously wets his lips with a swift swipe of his tongue.
"...you know, I'm sorry for always teasing you about your ears in high school. Looking at them now, they're really cute." you admit, hand coming up to caress his ear; fingers just grazing his sharp undercut.
His stomach knots up, and he goes silent, too stunned to respond. "Oh... thanks..."
You're side-eyeing the movie for a moment, and poor you; it's at just the right moment for a terrible jumpscare.
You reactively grab for Satoru's shirt and arm, squeezing tight and nearly yelping because you were caught so off-guard. Your heart is racing and so is his; but not because of the movie.
"I hate this film!" you whine into his chest, and he thinks he's in heaven right then. Is his crush really holding onto him during a scary movie? Um, hell to the yes. This is his dream. This is exactly what he wanted out of this experience, as cheesy as it is, he doesn't care that it's cheesy in fact he likes that it's cheesy.
"Tell me about it..." he huffs under his breath, and it fans your face and he can feel it come back to him. That excites him so much.
"And it's all your fault we're watching it, 'cuz you had to show off your 'manliness' or whatever! So Stupid!"
"Yeah, but, it got you in my arms, so it wasn't such a bad idea." he flirts with a slight nervous shake in his voice.
"Huh?" you look into his eyes. Ooh boy, he's holding it in. He's refraining. He's tying his hands behind his back, metaphorically; but not for long...
"What? I've got a pretty girl clinging to me 'cuz she's scared of a horror movie. And it's a rainy night. Bonus points." he smirks.
"Oh shut up... stop flirting with me or I'll — "
" — you like it, don't you? Being this close?"
You look at him in surprise. Where did that serious tone come from? It's laced with something sexual that just raises the excitement in the air between you and him. He's on edge. He has to kiss you. He's thinking about it so hard that he's sure he'll just snap at any moment.
"Y-yeah..." you admit.
You're suddenly so conscious of the closeness. The slight press of his biceps as his arms ensnare you, how you're practically sitting on top of him — when did that happen? His breath smells like the sweets he's been snacking on all night.
His breath fans your face and now he's really thinking about it as he stares at your lips.
"You sooo wanna kiss me." he cheekily teases you.
"Ew, cheesy." you cringe at him. You playfully shield yourself by putting your hand over his lips. His pretty nose peaks over the edge of your palm.
When you cover half his face like this, you realize just how striking his eyes are. Even in the dim light, they're capable of holding your whole attention. The movie is just another background noise.
"What was that, loser? Can't hear what you're saying. Speak up." you tease.
"Mmf mm-hmmf-hmf? hmf hmf." it sounds like he's offended, and then he's snatching your hand away and climbing on top of you.
He's soaking up your every giggle. And underneath his playfulness, he's trying to show off his strength. Not like you notice, you're just enjoying it; being pinned under him like you're the tiniest thing on the planet to him.
Now he lifts his hips away from you, so you don't feel how hard he's getting. He can feel himself throbbing in his pajama pants. Such cute pants for the fact he's got a big cock underneath them
There's very little space to think when he's so chokingly close to you. His scent pervades your senses. His whole essence invades your space. It's just Satoru Satoru Satoru, nothing else is in your head. And for him, it's just you you you, nothing else is in his head, either.
His eyes roam up and down your body in one small moment, it excites his fantasies. Now he's wondering not just about what your lips taste and feel like, but also about what your body tastes and feels like; he knows one thing's for sure, and that's your softness. He's hugged you like he's trying to crush your bones in the past, and muttered praises about how impossibly soft your little body is in his.
"See that?" he murmurs, blurting out his thoughts without thinking, "Our bodies fit together perfectly. 'sure our lips would, too."
"Wow... where did that come from... you just gave me butterflies, Satoru." you chuckle nervously against his lips.
He's so tempted. He's right on the edge. Why's he holding back? He's forgotten by now.
"Good..." he mutters suggestively against your lips, eyes beginning to become lidded with sultriness as he leans in for a kiss.
And oh wow... that's a kiss he won't forget for the rest of his life. It's soft. He melts against you like butter in the sun. He was so right; your bodies fit together perfectly, and so do your lips.
" 'Toru..." you mumble his sweet nickname into his mouth and it nearly makes him moan, but he holds it in and kisses you like a gentle boy.
He's trying so hard to mask his horniness, but it's showing through; he's starting to shake from how bad he wants you. This kiss is enough until it's not; and then he turns up the heat. His lips glide over yours, wet sounds fill the room and the horror movie keeps playing in the background.
Kiss kiss kiss. He's kissing you like he's scared he'll never be able to after this moment, like this is the only time he'll have the courage to kiss you. And that courage and confidence falters mid-kiss, because he wonders worryingly if you crave him as badly as he craves you.
"Don't pull away... " you mutter against his saliva-wettened lips.
He breathes excitedly, eyes lighting up at your words. "Nah, if you want more kisses... 'gonna have to come get 'em." he pulls back, and you immediately miss the feeling of his torso pressing against yours.
"Teasing bitch, damn!" you complain, "Come back — kiss me more — oh you're so annoying!"
He giggles, lips feeling tingly. His heart is beating so hard he can feel it all over his chest and cheeks. And those poor cheeks. He hasn't blushed this boyishly since the last time you gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Come get your kisses ~ " he teases, beckoning you with his finger. Oh you hate when his confidence swells so suddenly like this, he becomes a menace. Well... 'hate'. You love it. He knows it. That's why he does it.
"Don't wink at me, you freak..." you crawl on top of his lap, and he didn't expect that even though he should have.
So now your face drops in surprise and amusement. "Oh... oh. Getting a lil' excited, big boy?"
A noise comes out of him, his face stuck with this embarrassed smiling expression. "Uh... uhah. Haha. A little bit? Shit don't blame me, you're fucking hot."
"Mmm, am I?" you lean close, lips grazing across his lips, eyes staring into his eyes. He feels electrified.
"Wow... uh..."
"Speechless, 'Toru? That's so unlike you." you tease him in such a low voice that he leaks a little precum. And you can feel it.
"W-wow... what... no... I'm not... holy shit... haha..." and then he laughs it off, nervously placing his hands on your hips. "D-don't straddle me like this, you'll make it worse."
"I'll make what worse?" you tease dirtily.
You give him so many butterflies right then that he starts feeling a bit lightheaded.
"My... uh... nothing..."
"...your? Continue. What were you gonna say? Now you've got my attention and we're all alone..." you keep teasing and it keeps making his heart flutter.
Wow. Call me lucky. She's straddling my fucking lap and teasing me? Am I dreaming?
"Wow... you're so speechless." you chuckle.
"Fuck off... what d'you expect... you're the one sitting on my dick..."
"... oh, sorry." you mutter a teasing apology and begin to move away, but his hands grip tightly and refuse to let you go.
"Ooh, now you're dom? Really thought you were sub for a second there." you cheek.
"Cheeky bitch..." he mutters before crashing his lips haphazardly against yours.
And surprisingly, the second kiss feels better than the first. It's electric. Your bodies are on fire and all the two of you are really thinking about is taking this to the bedroom.
Subconsciously grinding on his lap, feeling the outline of his cock, even feeling the wetness a bit as his tip digs between your thighs. You're starting to feel lightheaded now, too, with how he's kissing you.
"Trynna... t-turn me on or something...?" you giggle into his mouth.
His big hands come to cup your cheeks, trusting that those hips won't attempt to move off his lap again.
"... yeah..." he breaths heavily, looking at you so deeply that you feel like he's staring into your soul.
The moment is so hot and steamy that you feel like there's visible heat clouds hanging over the two of you. But then the moment is interrupted —
"Are you guys done making out — OH HAHA WERE YOU ACTUALLY MAKING OUT? I was just kidding — WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE YOU GUYS ON TOP OF EACH OTHER! THIS IS HORROR FILM NIGHT NOT PORN NIGHT!" Suguru starts laughing, clutching his stomach.
"Party pooper!" Satoru frowns over at him from underneath you. You're mortified and laughing like a seal, slowly getting off Satoru's lap which makes him whine.
"What the hell! That's funny, were you two seriously fucking in front of a horror movie. Satoru, that's not classy at all."
"Shut! Up!" You throw a pillow at him, and he comes over to throw a snack packet at you, cheekily smiling. "We were not fucking!"
"Sooo... just dry humping?" Suguru teases.
"SHUT UP!" you and Satoru yell in unison, both completely embarrassed. Suguru laughs so hard that his cheeks hurt.
"And anyways, take this damn movie out, it's creepy! I'm not gonna sleep tonight..."
"...aw, big baby's scared of horror films after all. I knew you were bluffing. Y/n, will you sleep with my best friend tonight? I think otherwise he'll be sucking his thumb and not getting any rest."
"Oh you're sooo dead, come here." Satoru glares playfully at him and climbs over you to get to Suguru.
And the boys start playfighting, and you shake your head and get up to take the movie out yourself.
"I'm getting my own apartment one day, I swear. Living with you two is a nightm-AAAAHH!!' you whine, seeing the creepiest thing yet on the TV.
They laugh at you together, and it reminds you of high school so much at you feel a wave of nostalgia.
"No more scary movies!" you declare. "Never again!"
"Aw, but they brought you and Satoru closer together. I think next time you guys are too shy to kiss or fuck, just put in a horror film and it'll get the atmosphere right."
"Suguru, be careful what you say. Remember you don't pay rent."
Satoru cackles. "That's right!"
"Wow, what the hell... I'm never letting you borrow another hoodie." he retorts, purposefully bringing up the hoodie thing just to catch you and Satoru off-guard.
"WHAT! You what?! What??" Satoru is in between being playfully jealous and genuinely jealous.
"Suguru!" you cover your face out of embarrassment. You feel lightheaded from all the butterflies that the both of them cause in you.
"I didn't say anything." Suguru acts nonchalant, tearing into the snacks that were supposed to be for you.
"You! Gave her! Your hoodies!? This isn't gonna be a polyamorous thing, I'm possessive you know that!" Satoru's playfully battering his friend and his friend isn't reacting to it, which makes it all the more amusing. He's just languidly chewing on snacks.
"She asked for them." Suguru exposes.
Satoru stops and looks at you like he's been betrayed.
"Suguru!" You squeal, "Nono, Satoru he's lying — "
"YOU CAN HAVE MY HOODIES, WHY WOULD YOU WANT HIS!!" Satoru's getting louder and funnier by the minute.
"I'm sorry I didn't know I could ask for your hoodies." you blabber.
Suguru's watching you and Satoru like you're a comedy show, dusting the sugar coating of the candy off on his pajama pants.
"Of course you can have my fucking hoodies you idiot! I'll give you this one right now, damn it!" Satoru says.
"STOP TAKING YOUR SHIRT OFF — " you cover your eyes.
Suguru laughs, "As if you weren't planning to take it off earlier?"
"Exactly! Here, take it." a shirtless Satoru is shoving his red hoodie onto you.
"You two are ridiculous. I'm going to bed."
Suguru's caving in with laughter after Satoru says that. His laughs always become soundless after a while, it's the cutest thing. His whole face is stressed into amusement.
"You love me!" Satoru's darting behind the couch for protection.
"You're so dead!"
"You're turning me on with this serial killer role you're playing right now!"
Suguru looks at Satoru, "Oh no, sh-she government named you, boy. Better run." he speaks through his laughter.
"I haven't done anything!"
"Aw." Suguru blushes for you a bit, "Cute."
Satoru stops, looks between you two, and gets riled up again. "What the hell!"
"I didn't mean it like that!"
And it goes on and on like that, until the three of you are too tired to keep laughing; and you're collapsing tiredly on the bed with Satoru after chasing him there. He said a lot of embarrassing things, but you got him back for each one.
You catch your breaths, and Satoru looks over at you, suggestively wiggling his brows.
"You scared from the movie? Need a big strong man to hug you 'n kiss you?"
"Satoru, kindly shut the fuck up."
"Wow, is Nanami rubbing off on you? You sound like him."
"You're a menace."
"My dick's a menace, too."
"Hahah, yeah right."
"I'm serious!"
You giggle, looking at him enticingly, "Then, wanna prove it to me?" you say just barely above a whisper.
Satoru's face gets hot, and what do you know he's already got a tent forming in his pajama pants.
"Yeah... come here. I'll show you."
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© arminsumi
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