#Caregiver Call Button
adaptivetechsolution · 8 months
Taking the Confusion Out Of Assistive Technology
What is a switch adapted toy/device and who would use it?
If a person has an inability to use their hands to push buttons or manipulate toys, then those items need to be adapted so a switch can be plugged into them. A switch is a button, lever or device that senses movement. These allow people with disabilities larger buttons to push, or in some cases even sensitive levers or sensors that recognize very small movements. Some users activate these switches with their hands, some with their heads, knees, feet, or other body parts that they can consistently move.
Toys or devices, such as caregiver alerts, that have been modified electronically to let you plug the switch into it. Then when the switch is pressed, the toy or device will begin working. Depending on the toy or device, some will work only when the switch is pressed, and some will continue working for a limited amount of time after the switch has been released. (These are usually toys that play through a song before stopping.)
Switches come in a variety of styles, sizes, and colors. We happen to carry several styles of switches. Usually the choice of switch is dependent on the user and the circumstance of the use. Brightly colored switches are best for individuals with limited attention, CVI, or visual impairments. For users with poor motor skills who can’t accurately locate a smaller target area, try a switch with a larger surface area such as the Big Mack. If fine motor skills are intact, you can look at a switch with a smaller surface area. Our Switch It Up! is perfect for switch users with adequate ability to locate a 3” surface and apply a moderate amount of pressure. For individuals with extremely limited movement (such as SMA, ALS) try a micro switch such as our Micro Switch or Micro Light. Some switch users can’t use their hands. So, other switch placements must be explored. There are chin switches, pillow switches (which are great for head activations, especially while in bed), and many other switch types. If you have a special situation and can’t decide which switch would be best, contact us for assistance. Below are some examples of switches.
Switch Adapted toys or devices:
These are toys or devices that have been adapted to allow a switch to be plugged into them. Nearly all of our toys or devices are already adapted to accept a switch. They are designated by this symbol:  The few that aren't adapted will be listed as such on our site. Some toys only play while the switch is being activated, while others will allow the user to press and release their switch to activate the toy for a short duration before it stops on its own. Since each toy is different, we try to give information in the description of the toy and also provide videos of most toys. In the videos, you will see the switch either being pressed and held, or pressed and released to make the toy "go". 
Interfaces that go between a switch and a toy/device allow a user press and release their switch to keep the toy "going" once they release their switch. This is called latching. Or, you can set it to timer mode where once the user presses and releases their switch, the toy will continue to activate for a preset period of time (as set by the interface). For battery operated toys, this interface is a Switch, Latch, Timer (SLAT). For items that plug in, the interface would be the Powerlink. These interfaces do not work with toys that go for a short duration on their own (i.e., recite a song or story, or otherwise 'go' even after the switch has been released) and they do not work with items such as CD players.
Battery interrupters:
Battery interrupters allow the adaption of a battery operated toy to be easily adapted to use a switch. Simply insert our battery interrupter between "AA", "AAA", "C", or "D" batteries and make most items switch activated. This is a great option if you have a favorite toy or vocational-related device that needs to be adapted. They work with devices that have an on/off switch. and do not required the pressing of a button, squeezing or remote controlled. Choose the size based on the battery size your device uses.
For more information about Switch Toys For Special Needs and visit Adaptive Tech Solutions
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 3 months
No one talks about the Chapter 1 FTE's with protag Kaede and thats a real shame, some highlights from each person
Shuichi talks about climbing mountains and swimming upstream to find a missing pet alligator
Kirumi gets warned if she doesnt stop spoiling people will call her mom, truly a prophecy ignored to Kirumi's detriment
Kaito offers to get her forged paperwork like he did if she wants to be an astronaut and also wants to learn piano to communicate with aliens
Angie has a horrible nightmare after Kaede's music puts her to sleep where she cries out in terror for something to stop and about how theres not enough blood and then completely plays it off when she wakes back up
Himiko accuses Kaede of being a lesbian
Ryoma got to talk about cats for a whole free time event good for him
Maki just straight up makes a pedo joke at Kaede when she mentions how a caregiver has to love children
Rantaro calls Miu a top
Tenko cannot take a compliment in the slightest
Gonta reveals how he sleeps nude
Tsumugi wont stop saying things like fiction
Kokichi reveals he can speak multiple languages
Korekiyo gets mad when Kaede asks if he has a sister complex
Miu wont shut up about tits
Kiibo has a fucking shut down button and Kaede just has no goddamn impulse control and shut him off for like a solid minute?? Kiibo gets her back though by calling her mom
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multifandomenjoyerr · 4 months
If Lucifer Morningstar was a cg ★☆
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★ let's be honest, he'd be a very sweet caregiver when he's taking care of his little one. He has a daughter of his own, he learned a thing or two with Charlie.
★ his patience is ^^^^ really up there. If you wanted a CG who has patience, this is your guy. He'll sit there for hours just for you to make a decision on something. No rush here!
★ As a cg, he'd be of course, patient. As well as somewhat soft spoken, nervous and nonstrict. He has no heart in even trying to be stern with you- he's just a soft man no matter what he tries to deny it
★ he's a nervous caretaker because: his flaws. What if he messed up? What if he did something that upsetted you? So I'd imagine he'd always be somewhat on edge and careful what he says to you, not wanting to upset you in any way (he's a bit of a slow talker as well. If he lets his nervousness get to him, his speech would be slurred)
★ not an active baby spoiler, but will get you anything you'd ask for. that doesnt make him a spoiler.... right? Want something? hes on it! Need someone to fill your cups? Yep! That's him! But he won't constsntly buy you things— well, sometimes!
★ piggy back rides kinda papa! He loves carrying you around if you let him. He's also the kinda cg to let you sleep on his stomach while you both are laying down. He slso loves trapping you in your favorite blanket before scooping you up into his arms
★ general hc: when he laughs, he snorts! You can easily make him laugh. And when you do he'll snort. He gets embarrassed for it but usually if he's in the midst of a giggle fit he'll forget about it
★ his preferred petnames are: papa, bubba, dad, etc! He usually doesnt mind any you wish to give him! He also loves to call you his "button nose", "kiddo/kid", "bunny" and "bubs" If you like to be called petnames
★ bought you a stuffie named "Ms Vee" who is a stuffie ragdoll cat with a voice box inside! Bonus, the voice box is Lucifer's prerecordings. If he's away, busy or just not current; Ms Vee gotcha covered. Just press her stomach and his voice will be heard ^^
★ his pre recordings includes: him saying good morning/afternoon/night, him asking how you're doing and saying something positive towards you,, there's also a few others like him humming a lullaby, reading a small story book, and telling you that you should sleep. There is over 200 recordings as of currently, so there's too much to say!
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ahsokaismyqueen · 2 years
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Hold Me Tight
Pairing - Steve Harrington x HendersonSister!Reader
Summary - Ever since Prom, Steve and you had been growing closer to crossing that line from friendship to something more. During a hot summer day, a little more of that line gets crossed. 
Word Count - 3.3k
Warnings - Basically two idiots being in love, but neither one of them ready to admit it and some language. 
It was out of sheer desperation that you found yourself pulling into Steve Harrington’s driveway and almost cheering when you discovered that he had the day off as well. Of course, even if he had been working, ice cream would have been a great treat on this sweltering, humid day, but there was something about taking a dip in a cool pool that was calling your name. 
And there was one person you knew that could provide you with that. 
You were giddy as you walked to knock at his door, a large tote bag in one hand and a six pack in the other, a bribe if needed. You rang the doorbell, once, then twice when he didn’t answer, and your finger was about to press the button for a third time when the door creaked open and a very disheveled, shirtless, Steve Harrington answered the door. 
Your mouth went dry as your eyes took in the gorgeous sight in front of you. It was obvious that you had woken the guy up. His hair was all over the place, stuck up in multiple different directions, and his eyes were blinking at you like his brain had not quite caught up with the fact that you were at his door yet. Your eyes on the other hand, continued their path down his face and neck, widening somewhat at the hair covered chest in front of you. 
Guess they didn’t call him Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington just for the hair on his head. 
Then he said your name in a raspy, sleep filled voice that made your heart clench so hard in your chest you were worried for a moment you were having a heart attack. “What are you doing here?” He asked, rubbing his eyes, and you couldn’t help but be grateful he hadn’t seemed to notice your ogling. 
Focusing your gaze back on his face, you bit your lip as you concentrated back on the reason you were here. “We’re friends right? I mean I would even go as far as to say great friends.” 
Steve was becoming more awake every second, it was clear in the way that he raised his eyebrows at you in confusion while a small smirk started to form on his lips. “Yeah . . . Any particular reason you’re declaring this at 9:00 a.m. on a Tuesday?” 
You gave him the most charming smile you could, and pulled out your towel out of the bag you were carrying. “Do great friends get pool privileges? If they don’t -” You lifted up the six pack. “I brought a bribe.” 
Steve took the six pack from you with a shake of his head, taking a step back to let you inside. “You didn’t have to wake me up for that. You can come use the pool whenever you want.” He said, putting his hand on the small of your back to lead you outside. 
You tried to ignore how that made you feel. Instead, you beamed up at him, excited at the prospect of having a pool you could go to any time. “Are you serious?” Most of the time you had been stuck swimming at the public pool which was always too crowded. Steve’s nice, private pool would be a welcome change.
“Yeah, you can go in the back like you guys did for Dustin’s party.” He said, running a free hand through his messy hair as he stopped in front of the door. The warmth of his hand left your back as he held the door to his backyard open for you. “Have at it.” He said, gesturing out to the empty pool. 
Even though a small part of you couldn’t help but be a little disappointed that he didn’t seem to be joining you, you were excited to be in the water again after working a ridiculous amount of shifts at the hospital. You weren’t doing anything medical yet, having just graduated high school, but the caregiver job still took a lot out of you. Swimming had always been a way for you to relax, and that water was calling your name. 
You didn’t hesitate, slipping the dress you had been wearing over your head, leaving you in your black one piece, and after dropping your bag off on a chair, dove in. 
As soon as the cool water engulfed you, you felt better. You took a couple of laps, stretching out the muscles that had been neglected for far too long before you grabbed a book from your bag and a float that was already in the pool, laying on top of it.
You tried to focus on the pages in front of you, knowing you hardly ever got the chance to read and that you should be enjoying this time, but your eyes wouldn’t stay fixed to the words. You kept glancing up at the window that you knew was Steve’s wondering what he was doing. Had he gone back to sleep? Was he taking a shower? Watching something on the television? It was frustrating and all your mind seemed to be able to think about was how you craved to be around him right now. Which was ridiculous because if you wanted to, all you had to do was get out of the pool and find him. 
But you couldn’t shake the way you thought it might make you look desperate, so, for the twentieth time, you tried to focus on your book once more. 
“Did you really come over here to read?” 
The amount of happiness that was bursting through your chest at the sight of Steve grinning at you, the picture of ease in his sunglasses and swim trunks was a little embarrassing. “Already did twenty laps in the time it took you to fix your hair.” You teased, a smirk on your lips. 
“Oh, I call bullshit on that one.” He replied, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Are you forgetting who made the Swim Team Captain, and who didn’t?” You asked pointedly. 
Steve tilted his sunglasses down so that you could see him roll his eyes. “You beat me by .3 seconds. Not exactly a landslide.” 
“Sounds like something someone who was a sore loser would say . . .” You said in a sing-song voice. 
For a moment Steve stared at you, and having all of his attention made you fidget. “Get rid of the book.” He said finally. 
Your brow furrowed in confusion. “What?” 
“Well I’m going to jump right in there beside you in about .3 seconds, and I don’t want to get your book wet. So I’m giving you a warning.” He said, pulling his sunglasses back up to cover his eyes. 
“.3 -” It was a good thing you had excellent reflexes, because the second you saw Steve start to jump, you threw your book to the side, landing on the concrete several feet away as the water from his jump splashed all over you. “God, you’re such a dingus.” You said, giving him a shove as he popped up beside you. 
He ignored your movements, grinning at you and settling his arms on top of the float beside you. “You’ve been hanging out with Robin too much.” 
“I love Robin. I can trust her to give you shit when I’m not around.” You said, trying not to think about Steve’s arms kept brushing against your side. 
“I think she actually gives me more shit than you do.” Steve admitted, shaking some of his wet hair out of his eyes and once again getting it on you. 
A mischievous smirk started to form on your lips as you looked at him. “Oh, well I’ll have to remedy that immediately.” You said, sitting up on the float, getting in a better position. 
Steve seemed to sense you were up to no good, taking a step back and an uneasy tone coming into his voice. “What do you mean?” He said. 
You gave him a now full blown smirk, and without any warning leapt off the float to the best of your abilities, latching your arms around his neck and dragging him under. 
After a couple of seconds of grappling under the water, you let go of him, coming back to the surface a few feet away with a loud laugh on your lips. “I wish you could have seen the look on your face.” You told him, choosing to giggle about the surprised expression instead of the feeling of his hands on your waist and hips. 
He was trying to look annoyed at you, but you knew Steve pretty well now, and could see the playfulness in his eyes as he looked at you. “Oh, it’s on now, Henderson.” He said, taking a step towards you. 
“Only if you can be .3 seconds faster.” You teased, and dived back under away from him. 
Turns out he still wasn’t faster than you, but you let him think he was. Selfishly you wanted to feel his arms around you again. When he pulled the two of you up above water once more, he didn’t let go, and you didn’t make any move to pull away. “I think you’re getting slower with age.” He said, smiling down at you. 
Narrowing your eyes at him, you punched his bare chest. “You’re older than me, Harrington.” 
He rolled his eyes. “By like two months and a few days.” 
Though he said the words so casually, they made you feel like your heart had skipped a beat. “You know when my birthday is?” 
Steve looked at you like you were crazy. “Of course I do.” 
It seemed ridiculous when you thought about it, to get so emotional over someone remembering your birthday, but it was such a small thing, something even your best friend had to be reminded of, that he needed no prompting for. It left you feeling a little speechless. 
The two of you didn’t separate, the quiet becoming something more as you looked at each other. Your hands spread across his chest, almost as if they had a mind of their own, wanting to feel the heat radiating from his skin. You felt the breath leave your lungs as Steve pulled you closer, seeming to be trapped under the same spell you were until the two of you were chest to chest. You watched, unable to take your eyes off of him as his gaze drifted down to your lips. “Steve . . . ” You whispered. You had meant to make it sound like a question, but instead it came out more like a request, and his eyes darted back up to yours. 
He was going to do it. There was no doubt in your mind that at that moment, Steve Harrington was about to lean forward and kiss you. 
Then the first rain drop fell. 
The spell broke, and the two of you swam over to the edge, Steve grabbing his towel while you grabbed your things, and hurried back inside, Steve covering your head with his towel as you ran. As Steve shut the door behind the two of you, you shook your head. “I thought that storm wasn’t supposed to hit until tonight?” You said, wrapping your arms around yourself. 
“Yeah, me too.” Steve said, looking out at the darkening sky before turning back to you. “Hey, you wanna stick around for a bit? Dustin found out I hadn’t watched this movie and freaked out on me.” He said, holding up a VHS copy of Ghosbusters.  
Your mouth dropped. “You haven’t seen Ghostbusters yet?!” You asked in disbelief.
“That’s what your brother said.” He replied, shaking his head. “So you wanna watch with me?” 
Putting a finger to your chin, you pretended to think about it, but it wasn’t even a question. You would take any more time with Steve that you could get. “I’m assuming food will be provided?” You bargained. 
It wasn’t fair that something as simple as a smile could make your heart give such a reaction. The thumping in your chest when he looked at you like that was so hard and heavy that you were sure he could hear it. He gave no sign of that though, leaning against the wall and watching you. Surprising you once again, Steve said your favorite pizza toppings. “I can have it here in twenty.” He said. 
Taking a few steps towards him, you took the VHS out of his hand with a bright smile. “Say less, Harrington. Say less.” 
Your stomach was full, the living room was dark, you and Steve had finished watching your third movie, and the rain outside showed no signs of stopping. In fact, the longer you stayed, the worse it became. 
Another flash of lightning and a small crackle of thunder lit up the room, and you sighed, sinking back further into Steve’s comfortable couch as the credits to Gremlins played. “I don’t want to get out and drive in that.” You admitted, looking out the dark windows into the heavy rain illuminated by the lights around the pool. 
“Uh, you’re not driving in that.” Steve said, matter of factly. “I’ll drive you home when you’re ready.” 
You looked at him incredulously. “I don’t want you driving in that either!” 
“Well you’re not driving in that, so unless you want to stay here -”
From the expression on Steve’s face, you don’t think he realized what he was going to say before it came out of his mouth. The two of you stared at each other in awkward silence for a moment, neither of you sure of what to say. 
Steve broke it first. “I didn’t mean for that to sound creepy.” 
You were quick to reassure him. “It didn’t sound creepy.” 
“I just think it’s dangerous for you to be driving right now -”
“I get it -”
“And I like hanging out with you.” 
“I like hanging out with you too.” You did. A lot. Between both of your work schedules and your brother’s demanding attention, it wasn’t often that the two of you got to do things by yourselves, and you were finding that you enjoyed every second of being around him, whether you two were swimming, arguing over characters’ intentions in a movie, or sitting in silence. It was nice, it was quiet, and it was peaceful. You didn’t want to leave. 
A shy smile formed on his face as he looked at you, “Then stay.” 
Ever since Prom, the two of you had been toeing the line of friendship and something more than that. You could feel the two of you teetering right now on the edge, because this invitation and his soft smile was a toe over the line. 
And you were scared. Scared of losing the friendship the two of you had grown into the past few months, because ever since Eddie had left that gaping hole in your life, Steve had been the one to help fill it in. You feared that if the two of you started anything romantic, no matter how desperately you wanted to . . . you’d end up with another crater. 
So part of you wanted to say no, while the other part, the part that was mainly controlled by the fast beating heart in your chest, said no harm would come of staying over. Steve would never try anything without your permission. You might end up falling for him a little more, but hey, what was a little more heartbreak? 
Your heart, as it always does, won. 
“You know, that thing’s kinda cute.” Steve admitted with a mouth full of popcorn, leaning over to hand the bowl back to you. 
“Falkor? Oh yeah, he’s adorable. I’d pay good money to cuddle him.” You said, grinning as you watched Steve. His eyes were glued to the screen in front of him. You never would have imagined Steve getting into a fantasy movie, but here you were, watching it before your eyes, and it was one of the most adorable things that you had ever seen. 
“Bet he wouldn’t smell good though.” Steve teased. 
“He’s the luck dragon! He smells like chocolate and magic and everything good in this world!” You argued, poking him in the side with your foot. 
“Look at all that fur! There’s no way he doesn’t smell.” He said, grabbing your foot and starting to massage it almost absentmindedly. 
The movement of his fingers made your whole body start to melt further into the couch. You were so relaxed it almost took a moment to remember what he had said, but then you shook your head at him. “Nothing smells in fantasy, Steve.” 
“Bullshit! There’s no way -”
At that moment the lights, television, and everything else in the house plunged into darkness. You jumped up, scrambling forward to grab a hold of Steve’s arm, the popcorn bowl falling on the ground as visions of demogorgons danced through your memories. “Steve -” You whispered, clutching at him. 
You couldn’t see him in the darkness, but you felt his hand, that wasn’t attached to the arm you were holding, rest reassuringly on top of yours. “Hey, it’s okay. Storm, remember? It knocked the power out.” His hand gave yours a squeeze. “I’ve got you.” 
Logically, you knew that Steve was right. In the time that you had been here, the storm had seemed to get worse, thunder and lightning crashing in a never ceasing rhythm while the wind howled against the windows. There were no monsters from the Upside Down responsible for this storm, but still, your mind attempted to play tricks on you, every scratch of a branch sounding like a monster creeping towards you. 
Steve sensed your unease. “Come here,” he murmured in a soft voice, and you allowed yourself to be tugged into his lap. “You’re safe.” He whispered in your ear, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace, grounding you to this moment and not the monsters inside of your head. 
He was right, and your brain started to let you out of that flight or fight mode as Steve’s hand began rubbing up and down your back in a comforting motion. You took a deep breath, and your hands slid around him, burying your face in his neck and inhaling his scent, reminding yourself where you were. 
It was impossible to say how long you laid in his arms. No matter how long it was, neither one of you showed any signs of wanting to let go, even when the lights did flicker back on and the thunder and lightning stopped being so consistent. Instead, you stayed there, breathing deeply and nuzzling your nose further into his neck while Steve moved the both of you into a more comfortable lying down position. 
You never thought that you would be someone who loved to be cuddled, wrapped in someone’s arms for long periods of time. You thought it would get hot and uncomfortable, and you had never been too big of a fan of touch in the first place, but this was proving you might have been wrong. Or maybe it was because it was Steve. Either way, you had never felt more safe, comfortable and at ease than you were right now, curled into Steve’s body. 
“You okay?” He whispered sometime later, after the lights had returned and you had to fight harder and harder not to close your eyes. 
“Yeah,” you whispered back, and after a moment asked a question you were anxious to hear the answer to. “Do you want me to get up?” 
Steve’s arms slid from your back to your hips, and maneuvered you onto your side, with little to no effort. A small smile formed on your lips as he turned as well, spooning your back against his chest. “Not a chance,” he murmured in your ear, the fingers of his hands splaying across your stomach. 
Forget the toe over the line of friendship, this was pretty much the whole foot, but cozy and content in his arms . . . you willingly let it hang there.
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littlespacereader · 2 months
Hi! I just found your blog and I’m so glad I did!!! Can I request some more cg!Hotch if you have the time??
Thank you for the request! I hope you don’t mind if I took your inspiration and turned this fic into an Easter fic! I love me some Cg! Hotch! He’s so sweet and gentle with a reader that is maybe unsure of themselves. So I wanted to make him extra encouraging and kind in this fic. Thank you for the request!!
Happy Easter Everyone!
The Egg Hunt🥚🐰🐣
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Caregiver! Aaron Hotchner & GN Little! Reader (SFW)
Tags - Easter Day fic, Easter egg hunt, low key mention of diapers, BAU family dynamic, gentle Cg! Hotch🥺
Nicknames - Dadee for Hotch, little Easter bunny
“Y/N…Y/N wake up…”
I groaned and turned to the other side of the bed, away from the hand shaking me awake. Why were we getting up early on the weekend?
I could hear Dadee chuckling before shaking me awake again, “I know you don’t like to get up early, but you have to go downstairs and see what the Easter Bunny left you.”
Easter Bunny…WAIT A MINUTE!
I jumped up and looked at Hotch surprised, “The Eater Bunny came here?”
“Yeah! I can’t believe I didn’t wake up and hear him last night but when I went downstairs I saw this big basket with your name on it.”
I gasped and started to jump off the bed. Hotch stopped me for a minute,”Hey, hey, just wait a minute. We need to get you change first.”
I looked down at myself then realized what he meant. “Oh, yeah…sorry.”
Hotch smiled and kissed the top of my head before lifting me up into his arms, “There’s no need to be sorry. That’s why you wear them. We’ll get changed and then we’ll head downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny brought okay?”
I just nodded my head, resting it on Hotch’s shoulder as he took me to the bathroom.
Finally! We were both changed and ready to head downstairs! I ran over to the top of the stairs but waited for Hotch to join me. He took my hand in his and helped me walk down step by step.
“There we go, just one step at a time.”
“But we’re going too slowwww.”
“Yes but we don’t want to trip and end up in the hospital before we see our Easter basket now do we?”
I just sighed in response…he was right…but I don’t like it.
FINALLY we made it to the bottom of the stairs. I ran over to the kitchen table where the giant yellow basket stood on top.
“Oh my gosh! Dadee! Look!! Look!!”
Hotch chuckled joining Y/N at the table, “I know! It looks amazing! Why don’t you start looking through?”
He didn’t need to tell me twice! I started digging through the basket looking at all the cute items.
There was a small chocolate bunny, a bag of gummy bears, and some pieces of gum shaped like small eggs.
“Candy!!” I immediately grabbed a handful of gummy bears and threw them all into my mouth before Hotch could say a word.
Hotch just shook his head, “Taste good?”
“Just go easy on it. I don’t want a repeat of last Halloween.”
I swallowed the gummy bears and shook my head, “It wasn’t my fault!”
Hotch just raised an eye brown in response.
I crossed my arms, “I can’t help it if candy is just so good.”
“What else did you get besides candy?”
I looked back to my Easter basket. There was a little chicken that you wind up and it pops around the table. I giggled as it circled around.
But best of all was just in the center of the basket. A big brown bunny stuffie sat in the middle with button eyes and two small bows on each ear.
I immediately grabbed the bunny and brought it close. “She’s so fluffy!! I love her!”
“She’ll be a great companion for later.”
I looked up at him confused for a minute then it hit me. The big egg hunt at Uncle Rossi’s house! Everyone will be there for the giant search!
“Yeah! She can come with me! She’ll help me find all the eggs.”
“I’m sure she’ll be a great help.” Hotch smiled back.
“Wait! I have something for you.” I jumped off my chair and ran into the kitchen.
“Something for me?
“Yeah!” I called back, “I got you something.”
“Y/N you didn’t have to-.”
“Happy Easter Dadee!” I ran back over to the table with a giant chocolate Easter bunny I hid away for this occasion.
Hotch’s face lit up seeing the surprise candy. “Thank you Y/N! You know how much I love these.” He smiled.
I took a seat next to him and grabbed my chocolate bunny. Together we cheers our bunnies together and take a big bite of the ears. Hotch wrapped around my shoulders and that’s how we spent the rest of the morning, cuddling right next to each other eating our chocolate bunnies.
“Y/N!! Happy Easter sweetheart!!” Rossi opened the door wearing a big pair of Easter bunny ears. He gave me a big hug as Hotch and I entered his house, “You’re just in time! Come on! Everyone is in the backyard all ready for the big Easter egg hunt!”
I held my basket tightly in one hand and Hotch hand in the other as we walked out and joined everyone in the backyard. Rossi, of course, announced our presence, “Look who finally arrived!”
Soon everyone was coming over hugging and welcoming me. Everyone was dressed so nicely, in pastels and floral patterns. Of course the only one who wasn’t was Hotch who doesn’t do pastels and such. He’s definitely a dark color tones kind of guy.
Then all the Caregivers got to talking while all the Littles got together. Morgan, Spencer, Garcia and I all gathered around with our Easter baskets.
“What did the Easter Bunny bring you guys?” I asked the group. “I got this bunny!” I held her up.
“Wow!! She’s beautiful!” Garcia said.
“And fluffy!” Spencer added.
“I got a bunch of candy!! And a new jump rope!” Morgan happily replied.
“I got new jewelry!” Garcia held out her hands to show everyone her new plastic bunny rings and matching bracelet.
“Wow! Nice!”
“I got a bunch of new book!” Spencer happily added.
“Book? For Easter?” Morgan teased.
“Which ones?!” Garcia and I said at once, always encoring Spencer.
“I got Peter Rabbit and an encyclopedia about rabbits and how they survive in nature. I’m gonna have Mama and Mom read it to me tonight!” Spencer said, gesturing to JJ and Emily his Caregivers.
“That’s cool and all…but let’s get back to what really matter here.” Morgan gestured to the backyard. “Papa said he hid the eggs really well so we have to come up with a strategy.”
“Shouldn’t the strategy just be looking around for colorful eggs?” Garcia joked.
“Ha ha, very funny. I’m serious! I think I’ll take Spencer with me and we’re looking on the right side.” Morgan added locking arms with Spencer.
“Huh? Well then I’ll take Y/N with me on the left side!” Garcia did the same as Morgan, just locking arms with me. I smiled, honored to be a part of her team.
“Then it’s settled.” Morgan smirked.
“Alright kids! Ready for the Easter egg hunt?” Rossi announced.
We all lined up ready to run further into Rossi’s big backyard. I held onto my Easter basket tightly as I stood next to Garcia. I didn’t want to let her down but I wasn’t really the best at these things. I looked to Hotch who encouraged me with a smile and a big thumbs up.
“3…2…1! Go!”
And we were off. Morgan grabbed Spencer’s hand and took him to a certain spot while Garcia and I went to the opposite side. Garcia was finding eggs left and right while I was finding nothing.
I looked into my basket at my bunny stuffie in the hopes that maybe she could help me. Then suddenly there it was! Right in front of me stuck on the fence was a small green egg!
I grabbed it and showed Garcia happily. “I got one!!”
She smiled back, “Great job! Keep it up!”
I turned back and held it up to show Hotch and the other Caregivers, “I found one!!”
“Great job Y/N!” Hotch clapped.
After that it was easy as ever. I helped Garcia look high and low for the Easter eggs. One was in a tree, another was in a flower pot, another was hiding behind a statue. Once all the eggs were done we ran back over to everyone.
“Dadee!!! Look at all the eggs I got!” I ran over to Hotch sitting on one of the patio chair.
“Wow! Look at all the eggs you found!!”
“You were right! My bunny helped me!”
“I’m sure she did help you, but I think you’re a better Easter egg hunter than you think.” He winked.
“Alright everyone let’s go inside and have some dinner.” Rossi announced.
“Come here my little Easter bunny.” Hotch lifted me into his arms and carried me inside to join everyone else.
“You think you’d ever wear bunny ears like Uncle Rossi?” I asked.
“Not in a million years.” Hotch and I laughed.
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agerefandom · 6 months
Caregiver!George Weasley Headcanons
so many treats from the shop! 
endlessly creative and makes things just for you: cute little stuffed animals that come to life and nuzzle into your arms, paper birds that flutter above your crib and put you right to sleep, pacifiers that taste like lollipops but don’t hurt your teeth at all 
obviously the most devious tickle monster, you simply cannot escape from him 
knows the best spots around the Burrow to go to if you want to escape, or sunbathe, or swim in the clearest pond you’ve ever seen 
calls you ‘kiddo,’ and ‘troublemaker’ if you share his penchant for mischief, or ‘little angel’ if you don’t: both are with the same amount of affection 
silliest voices when reading stories: and always picks the best interactive books like ‘press this button’ or ‘the best book ever’ 
not the best singing voice, but he sings the best bedtime songs anyways: he knows that you don’t need him to be perfect and it’s all the sweeter that he sings to you 
ruffles your hair into your eyes to make you laugh 
smells like sugar and burnt wool, a lingering mark of his experiments for the shop 
blanket fort master: he can turn the whole house into one big fort for the two of you to crawl around inside
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candy-ishu · 2 years
tough love
pairing: austin!elvis x little reader
summary: little reader is jealous and ignores her daddy, but elvis will always be there to put her in her place.
warnings: angst, comfort at the end, caregiver elvis
word count: 2,344
note: this is my last little reader fic for a little while, and once again i understand if everyone is not comfortable with these type of fits, but they bring me comfort and hopefully comfort others as well. if you dislike it, please just skip and do not spread hate or negativity on my page. i hope you all enjoy and thank you for the support on my previous fics!
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you had decided that everything was stupid.
the wall you were staring at was stupid, the pillows next to you were stupid, vegas was stupid, the international hotel was stupid, daddy was stupid, press conferences were stupid, meet and greets were stupid. you heard the phone ring again. the phone was stupid too.
you hadn't picked up almost all day. it just had been against the wall, vibrating constantly, as you did mindless chores around the suite until you finally gave in and let yourself sit next to it. 
it started ringing again and after a few seconds, you realized you were getting a phone call. you sighed dramatically and picked it up, deciding to answer.  
"hey hun," jerry greeted.
"hi jerry. what's up?"
 "EP told me you weren't answering the phone and he was starting to get worried so i wanted to call just to make sure everything was okay." 
you smiled at his tone. he was trying to be nonchalant but you knew him long enough to hear the concern underlying in it.
"everything is okay jerry," you answered into the phone. "thank you, though. don't you need to make sure elvis is situated for the press conference?"
"yes ma'am, it starts in a few minutes," he replied sheepishly. i just wanted to check in real quick so i can get boss to relax. oh by the way, EP is heading back to the hotel immediately after the meet and greet is over, he was going to do an interview afterwards but he decided to reschedule."
"oh, okay well i'll see you guys soon then," you said, trying to keep your smile out of your tone.
"alright, i got to go but i'll see you soon. and," jerry paused for a second. "reply to EP's voicemails yeah? you know i try to stay out of your relationship but he does get really worried when he doesn't hear from you and he's already stressed cause of the-"
"i know, jerry," you cut him off before he could finish. "i will, have a good time, okay? don't let the press go too hard on him." you heard his laugh echo through the other side of the phone and you couldn't help but smile. 
"thanks, talk to you soon," he said before finally hanging up.
you stared at the phone for a moment, contemplating before finally checking the voicemails. you had five new ones all from elvis. 
"good morning, baby doll. don't forget to eat breakfast okay? i have a press conference and a meet and greet today but i'll be back at the hotel right after and we can watch a movie or bake cookies, how's that sound? be good while i'm gone and try to call me back soon okay? i love you baby i'll be back soon."
you pressed on the button to listen to the most recent voicemail.
"hey doll, is everything alright? i'm about to go into the conference room but i wanted to call you first and you're not picking up. i can send jerry over to check on you to make sure you're okay. try to get back to me baby, please i'm gettin worried. i love you little one i'll see you soon."
you played with the idea of not responding at all for a moment, but you couldn't do it. you already felt guilty for worrying him, but you were upset and frustrated and you wanted him to be at home cuddling with you, not at some press conference answering stupid questions for nosey people, not at some meet and greet talking to random girls. you pursued your lips as you pressed the record voicemail button.
"hi daddy i'm okay, i just took a long nap during the day so that's why i didn't respond earlier. i love you too, see you later daddy." 
you hung the phone back on the wall before marching to the living room. you plopped down on the couch and turned the tv on to some random cartoons, hoping to distract yourself until elvis got there. 
the time passed by quickly, different cartoons came and went across the tv screen but you were only half paying attention. you had decided to lay down across the couch and were just starting to fall asleep when you heard the door unlocking. 
you stood up with a sigh, not wanting to face him right away and dragged your feet to your shared bedroom and sat on the bed. "doll?" you heard him call out from the front door. "in the bedroom," you quietly answered. you heard his firm footsteps draw closer and he slowly opened the door. 
"hey baby girl," elvis greeted gently, giving you a small smile. he removed his expensive glasses and placed them on the dresser. you were finally able to notice the obvious concern laced into his expression. 
"hi," you responded. 
"did you have a good day today darlin?" he asked and came to sit next to you on the bed.
you just nodded and stood up to walk towards the drawer, pulling out a nightgown. you walked to the bathroom and left the door open and you started to quickly change out of your shirt and leggings. it was quiet for a few moments and you tried to ignore the way elvis was watching you, probably trying to figure out if you were in little space or not. once you finished changing, he eventually spoke up. 
"baby c'mere," he called out.
you let a small sigh and walked towards him, trying to hide your frustrated expression. once you were in front of him, elvis brought his hand up to your hips and tried to pull you down on his lap but you took a step back. he grabbed your hand to stop you from backing up anymore. 
"why are you upset?" he asked.
"m'not," you responded shortly. 
"sit down, doll" elvis demanded, standing up. you sighed again and sat down obediently. you hated how easily you could submit to him. you kept your gaze downwards, not wanting to look up at him.
"baby doll," he said slowly. you didn't say anything so he continued. "tell daddy what's wrong."
you felt your resolve crumbling, but you weren't ready to admit it yet. "no," you said stubbornly, shaking your head. 
"if you don't tell daddy what's wrong, how is he supposed to help you?" he asked in his very best daddy voice. you stared at the floor so you wouldn't have to look at him.
"don't want daddy to help me," you mumbled unconvincingly. any willpower to resist or argue has completely melted away. instead of trying to keep up any act of being a frustrated young women, you had given in to being a frustrated and bratty little. elvis had caught on quickly.
"and why not, little one?"
"because," you muttered under your breath, "daddy's busy. daddy has stupid questions to answer for stupid people. daddy has fan meets with pretty girls to go to. daddy doesn't have time for me." 
his response was quicker than you expected, and it actually wasn't the reaction you were expecting at all. "look at me." elvis said, his voice carried a tone of authority with it that made you hesitant to disobey, but you weren't sure you were ready to listen yet. "now, little girl." you looked up at him cautiously. his expression was calm, but you could tell it was tense. you weren't sure if his patience or sympathy had run thin, but it didn't seem like he was going to let you be a brat any longer.
"have i ever put my career before my relationship with you?" he asked in the same authoritative tone.  you both knew he hadn't, he always balanced being a celebrity and being with you amazingly, you didn't say that though. you didn't say anything. "have i ever forgotten to check on you during the day? or not call you regularly when i'm on tour? have i ever not been there when you needed me? have i ever not made time for you?" 
you shook your head at him and looked down once again. he reached his hand to grab your face and forced you to look up at him. "look at me when i'm talking to you, little girl. answer my question. have i ever gone a day without telling you i love you?"  
"no," you said begrudgingly, your voice barely a whisper.
"then don't you dare tell me i don't have time for you. listen to me, i understand if you're upset that i have to give my attention to other people. i know how hard it is for you to be dating someone like me and you're allowed to be upset about it sometimes. you're allowed to not like my work schedule, or that i go on tour for weeks at a time without seeing you. you're allowed to get upset and frustrated and jealous at all of those things, that's okay. but you are not allowed to be a brat because of it. do you understand me?" 
you could feel your eyes beginning to fill with tears and you suddenly felt very small and fragile. elvis was right and you hated it. all the guilt for the way you acted rushed in at once and you couldn't argue with him anymore. "yes, daddy," you whispered, trying to blink back the tears before they spilled over, "i'm sorry."
elvis watched you for a moment before sighing in resignation and opening his arms towards you. "c'mere," he said. he placed his hands under your arms and lifted you up, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. he turned around and sat back on the bed with you straddling him. you pressed your face against his chest and the tears slipped out. he held you against him tightly, using one of his hands to rub gentle circles around your back. "shh you're okay baby. you're not in trouble." 
"m'not?" you sniffed quietly. "you're not mad at me?"
"no, baby doll, i'm not mad at you," elvis reassured you. "daddy will never get mad at you for feeling upset about something, okay? but you need to use your big girl words next time. you can't ignore daddy and make him worry about you all day because you're upset, you hear me?" 
you were starting to relax a bit under his touch and the feeling of his hands caressing your back always soothed you. "it's hard though," you whined quietly. 
"i know it's hard, baby girl. c'mon, look at me real quick." he removed his hands from your hips and reached up to gently tilt your head so you were looking at him. his expression was one of pure patience and compassion. you almost wanted to hide just because of how gentle he was being with you. "let's practice, okay? what could you say next time time you feel this way." 
"i don't know…" you admitted. he waited patiently as you thought about it for a moment. "umm, meet and greets are stupid and all the pretty girls there are stupid and i don't want them anywhere near my daddy?"
elvis was trying not to grin at your response but he wasn't doing a very good job. you were glad that he could still find the situation amusing if nothing else. "is it nice to call people stupid, baby?" he asked, trying his best to be serious.
"no," you sighed. "but it's true, daddy." he raised an eyebrow and you sighed again. "okay, it's not true. they're not stupid, i just… i know meet and greets are really important and i'm really glad that you have so many fans and that you're music is doing so amazingly, it's just… frustrating sometimes because they really like you but i really like you and i just get… jealous."
"i would hope you would like me considering i'm your boyfriend," elvis teased and you rolled your eyes at him. he graciously chose to ignore it.
"you know what i mean."
"i know, baby. i'm just teasing." you could feel yourself starting to smile a bit despite how upset you were. you had no idea how elvis always knew exactly what to say to fix it, but he did. he thought for a moment before speaking again. "what if next time you felt jealous you said, 'daddy, i feel really jealous right now and this is what i need from you?'"
you stared at him hesitantly for a moment, feeling unsure of yourself. "i'm allowed to say that?" you asked.
he grinned down at you. "of course you are, doll." 
you closed your eyes and took a deep breathe, trying to work out your throughts before very slowly saying, "daddy, i'm feeling really jealous and sad and guilty right now and i really need… i think i need you to cuddle me and tell me everything's okay and you're not mad at me and you love me." the words all rushed out at once and you kept your eyes closed until you felt elvis' hand cup your cheek. when you were confident enough to open them again, you saw he was smiling at you proudly. 
"i love you so much, baby doll," he said gently, "and i'm not mad at you. i am so so proud of you right now. i know that was probably really hard but you did amazing. and you're okay, and we're okay and everything's okay right now. so i would love nothing more than to hold you super tight in my arms and watch a movie with you. how's that sound, darlin?"
"that sounds good, daddy," you responded shyly, blush coloring your cheeks. "i'm sorry i was being difficult earlier. i love you."
"its okay, sweet girl. i forgive you and i love you more than anything. c'mere give me a kiss." he leaned forward to kiss you softly on the lips. "now, go pick out a movie." 
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dragon-queen21 · 7 months
Caregiver Ragatha Headcanons
I don't see a lot of posts with vent regression and even less about caregiver who have trauma so I decided to write a couple things to make up for this :3 Plus I'm having a rough go at life right now so maybe I'm just using this as an excuse to vent
Tw: insecurities, trauma caregiving
~Vent caregiver
~Overly apologetic. She wants everything to go perfectly and her little one to be happy. Even if she rationally knows that can't happen all the time it doesn't make her feel any less guilty if something doesn't go quite right.
~Always trying her best to look after someone regressed even if she doesn't know what exactly she's doing.
~She wants to call her little one cute nicknames like baby doll, darling, button, or any other fitting nickname. She's too afraid that they will come off sounding forced or that her little one won't like the nickname but she's too scared to ask so she just sticks to safe ones like 'Kiddo' and 'Little one'
~Considering what happens when a person give up hope within the digital circus Ragatha easily prioritizes the well being of her kiddo over her own sanity. Often times she finds it helps her as well, knowing she has a purpose to fulfill.
~Goes into caregiver mode and really wants to watch over her little one, but at that same time over thinking that maybe they don't want to regress right now or if she's the one being clingy.
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strawberryfloofs · 3 months
Caregiver Ibuki Mioda headcanons!
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Ibuki plays you songs on her guitar and even makes up her own to keep you entertained while you're small! If you're not too little, she'll even let you fiddle around with her instruments! If you're a bigger kiddo, she'll teach you simple songs or some cool chords! She loves playing childish songs like "Mary had a little lamb" but with her own metallish shred!! :))
She is ALL about you having fun in your littlespace! If she knows your little age, she DEFINITELY researches age-appropriate activites for you and sets up stuff and games according to that! Anything from arts and crafts to competitive video games, she's got you! You'll be having a blast with her!
Ibuki isn't really a strict caregiver, she doesn't wanna seem like a pushover, but she actually thinks punishments are pretty boring and lame! That's why she only has the essential rules like eating enough, drinking water, etc. Whenever you're in a fussy mood or upset, she tries to talk to you or distract you by being silly, it usually works!
When you're little, she calls you her little rockstar or superstar! She also likes kiddo, rascal, muffin, munchkin, and other silly names like that! She absolutely loves being called Mama as a caregiver name, but Mimi also melts her heart!
Definitely the type of caregiver to give you piggy back rides and ruffle your hair! You think you're safe from tickles? NOPE, tickle monster Ibuki is on your back! WILL also smother you in kisses, hugs, and affection in general!
I think she'd be really good with kiddos aged 4 and older, because she can do a huge range of things! You wanna do pretend play? She's the goofiest actress around! Play outside? She's already packed your bag! Video games? She's got the snacks and everything!
She absolutely adores younger regressors though! Ibuki would give a ton of noise-making toys like rattles, button ones, and more! (She might end up using them more than you...I mean how else will she show you how awesome music is?!) She'd be happy to make your stuffies talk and build blocks with you! And yes, she'd even let you pull on her cool looking hair!
LOVES to dress up her little one in colorful looking ways! If you'd let her, she'd dress you just like she is!
If you're upset or something is wrong, it might take it a little to notice, but once she does, you'll be attacked with ALL the comfort! Snacks? Cuddles? Words of affirmation? Whatever you need, she'll be there and won't leave your side!
Ibuki's pretty possessive over you, getting a little jealous if you're happy with a babysitter, but she tries not to show it!
Definitely prepares little snacks for you in character themed plates or containers. (Yes she does take notes of your favorites!)
Bath time is SOOO much fun because she's got bubbles and toys everywhere! Rubber duckies, floaties, turtles, boats, you name it!
While you're playing with your toys, she air guitars to get some giggles and smiles out of you!
Ibuki puts so much effort into making your regression as comforting and enjoying as possible because she really cares about you! She wants you to have the treatment you deserve and it makes her happy whenever you're happy. The warmth she feels from your smiles and giggles melts her heart in a way she didn't know was possible
"Okay, rockstar! Bathtime's over....BUT how about we get your favorite cartoon playing! That's my baby!"
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 17
Read Chapter Sixteen here.
Sammy sheepishly waddled out of the changing area, hyper-aware of how thick the nighttime diaper between her legs. She sucked on her pacifier, fully aware of how childish it made her look but needing the newfound soothing power it held over her. She had never looked—or felt—so little.
She found it significantly more challenging to keep up with Allie. Every step required her to swing her legs awkwardly to move around the mountain of padding between her legs. It was slow, humiliating work.
Alyssa couldn’t help but smile as she watched Sammy. Nothing could have prepared her for something this cute. With Sammy distracted, looking around at the other shoppers, hoping to avoid being spotted, Alyssa took a video of Sammy waddling behind her, a pink pacifier in her mouth and a matching pink diaper peeking below her skirt. She immediately sent it to her Mom.
They finally made it to the clothing section. Unlike the other sections, the clothing section was open and easier to maneuver. Far less oppressive than the massive rows of goods elsewhere. Though the section was sprawling, taking up at least half the store.
To Sammy’s horror, the first section they arrived at was onesies. She knew Allie would buy them, but, as with every other aisle they passed today, seeing them in person made it much more real. For some reason, they looked far more babyish to her than the diapers or even her pacifier.
It was the uniform of the babies—of Littles. Engineered to make a Caregiver’s life easier, with easy access to their Little’s diaper. Her diapers, now. The snaps at the crotch were visible proof of her new status in life.
“Which ones do you like, Sammy?” Allie’s voice echoes into Sammy’s ear.
Sammy ultimately opted for solid color onesies, unable to bring herself to choose ones that say “Lil’ Stinker” or “Diapered Princess.” At least the solid colors would give her some dignity, she hoped. She was, however, disheartened as Allie scanned at least 15 onesies. So many, she thought dejectedly.
Next up came shorts, skirts, and pants. At least these, Sammy noticed, didn’t scream Little like onesies. Sure, they didn’t have anywhere near the sophistication that she preferred from her favorite stores like Zara or Abercrombie, but they didn’t feel like they were made for actual toddlers.
Of course, there were still plenty of reminders. None of the jeans or pants had buttons or zippers, opting for elastic waistbands that Sammy knew would make it easier for Caregivers to access their Little’s diapers. And, it was hard to miss the signs indicating that the crotches were designed with diapers in mind, capable of fitting even the bulkiest diapers comfortably.
Sammy was surprised when Allie, without warning, pulled down her skirt. “Sammy, can you put your leg into these? I need to see if they fit.”
“C-can’t we use a changing room, Allie?” Sammy moaned.
“There’s nobody here, Sammy. Besides, they’ll know you’re in a diaper anyway.”
Twenty tedious minutes later, Allie was satisfied they found enough jeans, skirts, and shorts—even a few pairs of overalls with more snaps on the bottom. Sammy wasn’t sure she liked the idea that they could all fit over her overnight diaper but decided not to bring that up to Allie. At least she found skirts that covered her diaper, unlike the one she had on.
As they moved on to tops, Sammy realized she’d never wear any tight-fitting or fancy tops she preferred. From the looks of it, she’d be expected to wear cute T-shirts and—even more gut-wrenching—something called diaper shirts, meant to be worn without pants. Sammy did her best to find the least Little Little clothes, but nothing she found would truly hide her Little status.
“What will happen to all my old clothes, Allie?” Sammy wonders, taking out her pacifier.
“Well, I think we can donate them to charity.”
“Can I keep some of my clothes?”
Allie sighs, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, sweetie. I don’t want you to have reminders everywhere of your old life. It will only make things harder. I know it sounds harsh, but it’s what I think is best for you.”
“So I don’t even get a say?” Sammy says, defiance rising in her voice.
“Not in this, no. It’s my job as your Caregiver to do what I think is best for my Little. So, I’m sorry, but the answer is no.”
Enraged, Sammy chucks her pacifier on the ground, “that’s bullsh*t! You don’t get to decide what to do with my things, Allie!”
“I’ll let that slide for now, Sammy, but I will not allow you to throw things or cuss again. Do you understand me? I know you’re angry, but that is not how you handle your feelings.”
“Or what?” Sammy seethed.
“Or you’ll end up with a red bottom or spend the next 20 minutes in timeout.”
Sammy stared at Allie, trying to decide if it was a bluff. She wouldn’t really spank me? Sammy thought. All she knew was that now wasn’t the time to find out. She’d fight this battle later, in private.
“Fine,” Sammy whined.
“Can you pick up your pacifier, then?”
Sammy huffs as she walks over to it. As she grabs it, she gives it to Allie, unwilling to put it back in her mouth.
“Thank you, Sammy. Do you want another paci?”
Sammy was torn. She hated that she did want another pacifier. But also wouldn’t admit that to Allie when she tried, and failed, to act like anything but a Little. Allie decided for her, opening a second box for a new, white pacifier with pink polka dots. As angry as she was, Sammy accepted the new pacifier. Unlike the last pacifier, this one came with a tether attached to Sammy’s shirt.
“We're almost done, okay? You just need to pick out a car seat, and then we can go to the toy section, as long as you behave. Can you do that for me, Sammy?”
“Yeth, Awwie,” Sammy said sheepishly through her pacifier.
Sammy did not like the idea of a car seat. She didn’t understand why she needed one anyway. Just because she was a Little didn’t mean she physically shrunk. She wouldn’t need a car seat if she were a Neutral. But Sammy assumed they would be nothing more than a glorified booster seat, nothing too embarrassing.
That thought was immediately thrown out the window as they reached the L2 car seats. They were definitely not booster seats, Sammy realized dejectedly. No, these were massive. The car seats didn’t sit on the regular seats; they must be the seat.
“W-why are they tho big, Awwie?” Sammy fretted.
“Well, you’re too big for a regular car seat. These car seats are installed into the car itself.”
Sammy spit out her pacifier and pointed to the L3 car seats, which were the glorified booster seats she’d imagined, “why can’t I use those?”
“Those are for L3s, Sammy. You need an L2 car seat unless you want me to get a ticket every time we drive anywhere.”
“B-but these ones are so big. They look the ones babies use,” Sammy protested.
“I know, but look at all the cool things they have! They have cupholders, pockets for your toys, and even have the same foam comfort lining as all the nicest mattresses. You’ll be traveling in the pinnacle of comfort!”
“I’ll be traveling strapped down like a baby,” Sammy grumbled.
“Well, that’s just to keep you safe, Sammy. I can’t have you moving around the car getting into trouble.”
Sammy huffed but didn’t push it any further.
“Now, want to test a few out?”
Sammy waddled down the aisle, looking at the different options. If she had to choose one, she would choose the most expensive. That would show Allie, she thought. She found one that had all the bells and whistles. “This one.”
“Well, sit down in it to see how it feels.”
Sammy did. She would never admit it to Allie, but it was significantly more comfortable than any other chair she’d ever sat in. Her body fit it like a glove; it was like sitting on a cloud. Maybe this wasn’t so bad…
At least until she felt Allie strapping her in. The sudden loss of freedom startled Sammy. She felt like a prisoner, unable to escape. This wasn’t as comfortable. Allie stepped back to take it all in. Sammy desperately tried to unlock herself, fidgeting with the belt to unlock it.
“Sorry, Sammy, but only I can release you. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose.”
Anger brewed in Sammy. “Let me o—,” Sammy suddenly stopped midsentence. A violent cramp shocked Sammy into silence. Before she could even react, she felt her body tense as she pushed.
“No, no, no, no,” Sammy whimpered in her head.
But there was nothing for it. She could feel the mess sliding its way into her diaper as she helplessly pushed against her own will. A grunt escaped her mouth as she stared straight ahead in shame.
There she was, trapped in a car seat, pooping herself. Her body defying her attempts to look and sound like a mature woman. Forcing her to look every bit like the Little she was. She pushed again, grateful that Allie pretended to be interested in another car seat. A few minutes later, she was finished.
“A-allie…I’m done.”
Allie came strolling back, her face both sympathetic and worried. “I think we need to get you back to the changing table, Sammy.” Allie unlocked Sammy and picked her up, standing beside her.
Sammy felt herself turned around as her skirt was lifted. Another ignoble diaper check. Sammy felt her waistband pulled back as Allie peered inside.
“Looks like these diapers work,” Allie says cheerfully, trying to diffuse the tension in Sammy’s eyes.
“Why d-do you need to check me when you know I-I…went?” Sammy whimpers.
“I just need to see if we have a blowout, Sammy,” Allie says as she slings the diaper bag over her shoulder. Returning to Sammy, she places the pacifier back in her mouth. She carefully picks Sammy up, hand skillfully resting under Sammy but avoiding the mess in her diaper.
Sammy once again found herself in another humiliating position on the way to a changing table. She hid her face in Allie’s neck, fully aware that her messy diaper must be entirely on display. Just when Sammy thought she couldn’t feel more Little, she finds a way. All she could do was lean forward to avoid touching the rapidly cooling mess in her diaper.
The one saving grace for Sammy was the changing tables were empty. She didn’t know if she could have handled a messy diaper change in front of anyone else. Sammy hated messy diaper changes. It never went quickly. All she could do was silently lay there as she felt Allie wipe her bottom, wishing she went faster. To Sammy’s delight, Sammy saw Allie fluffing a daytime diaper.
A few minutes later, they were back at their cart. Sammy tested several other car seats but ultimately chose the first one she tried. Allie scanned it and they headed off to the toy section.
Before they got to Littles’R’Us, Sammy looked forward to choosing some new toys. But after seeing how infantile everything in the store was, Sammy now dreaded it, assuming it would be only toddler toys.
So she was pleasantly surprised when she got there, realizing the toys were cool. Well, except for the L1 toys. She felt a pang of sympathy for the L1s. But her toys, at least, were fantastic. There were awesome, complex Lego sets, board games, things she’d actually play with.
Naturally, she leaned towards the Legos. She chose a bunch of sets and a box of assorted pieces to help round out her collection. She always loved Legos; now she can play with them whenever she wants and not have to worry about people thinking she’s childish anymore. The one good thing about being a Little.
“Okay, Sammy, I think we got everything! You ready to head out?”
Sammy nodded.
After Allie paid the bill, they went to the service desk to schedule the installation.
“We can have everything installed today by 3 PM, ma’am,” the service worker said, “and you can leave your car with us. We will install and deliver your car seat when we install your furniture. Our courtesy shuttle will take you home now.”
“Great!” Allie responds. Sammy smiled. She made it through Littles’R’Us. One step closer to a puppy.
Go to Chapter 18.
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adaptivetechsolution · 9 months
Teaching Beginning Communication with Inexpensive Single Buttons
If you’re reading this, you most likely know someone who is non-verbal or has very limited communication skills. They may communicate through grunts, pushing things away, or throwing that tantrum in the grocery store isle that seems to last waaaay too long. As a caregiver, therapist or teacher, our job is to replace those methods of communication with functional, socially appropriate communication that is understood even by unfamiliar listeners. Inexpensive, single button communication devices are a great way to begin this process.
Single button communication devices are portable and can be mounted on various surfaces. It’s easy to change recordings “on the fly”. Additional buttons can be added as the user’s skill level increases. Single button communications device prices vary from under $30 for the Talk About! Communication Button from Adaptive Tech Solutions to more advanced multi-level communications buttons like the Little Step-by-Step with levels from AbleNet.
For beginning users, how do you choose a message to teach single switch communication device use? Think of the most motivating, meaningful activity for the user. Make sure it is something they love, love, love! It could be something like “I want chocolate milk” or “I want to go outside and play”. Place a picture or representational object on the button, record your message, and make the button available for the user. Don’t give them the desired activity or thing unless they press the button. When first starting out, you may have to place their hand on the button, let the button speak, and then say “Oh, you want  and then give it to them immediately. Don’t offer a choice that isn’t realistic. If it’s 20 degrees outside, don’t give them a button that says “I want to go outside and play.”
Some users understand pictures, others may need representational objects or to have one of these paired up with the location of the button. For instance, a beginning user may not quite understand that a photo of the playground represents going outside to play. But, put that picture on it and mount the button next to the door that leads to the playground. Every time you are going to the playground, have them touch the button that says “I want to go to the playground” (or provide hand-over-hand if they don’t initiate pushing the button on their own). Once that button is pressed and it speaks, take them right to the playground. For more information about Disabled Call Button and  Call Button
Visit here https://www.adaptivetechsolutions.com/blog/teaching-beginning-communication-with-inexpensive-single-buttons-/
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kazzy-boo-baby · 3 months
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•Gotta watch the Movie!•
CG! Bruce Banner
CG! Natasha Romanoff
Little! Y/N (She/Her)
Y/N contemplated everything as she looked above at the dark ceiling, the only source of light coming from the small stars that shined in many different colors.
Despite how calming it was in the room, she felt so bored. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't! Bruce and Natasha got to watch a movie while Y/N was stuck having to go to bed since it was "a rule" that she had to be in bed by 9pm.
Y/N wasn't having any of that though. She didn't want to be by herself with her stuffies! She wanted to be with her papa and mama, and that's exactly what she was going to get.
She huffed and got out of her bed with her favorite blankie, making sure to be quiet so Bruce or Natasha wouldn't hear. Y/N quietly opened the door and peeked her head out, Bruce and Natasha were on the couch talking. She smiled and started to tip toe closer to them.. until she suddenly tripped over her blanket. It made a loud bang noise that echoed throughout the whole room.
A voice called out, the tone didn't sound too happy either. Before Y/N knew it, both Bruce and Natasha surrounded her. Natasha looked the most upset while Bruce was more upset that you fell.
"Oh, honey.. did you fall?"
He picked her up and cradled Y/N a bit, placing a kiss onto her forehead.
"Bruce, you can't coddle Y/N because you feel bad for her. You know she isn't supposed to be out of bed."
She said sternly. Usually, she wasn't too much of a stickler for rules when it came to Y/N. But bedtime was something that she made sure that Y/N followed daily.
"I know, I know.. but let's just hear her out. You never know what could be wrong. A nightmare, maybe she's cold, maybe she's too warm, or maybe even-"
Natasha chuckled and shushed Bruce a bit, he was always such a worrier. "Okay, okay.. I get it." She turned over to Y/N with a raised eyebrow, "Want to tell me and papa why you're out of bed?"
Y/N pouted a bit, holding onto Bruce tighter for support. "No wanna be in bed cause you and papa watching a movie without me.."
She mumbled, a small pout starting to replace her little frown. "I no wanna be by myself. Wanna be with mama and papa. Please?"
Y/N made puppy eyes at the two of them, Natasha was un phased by this, but Bruce? He was already breaking from just hearing how sad she was.
"Oh poor baby.. you felt lonely huh?"
He held onto Y/N tighter, rocking her gently to help her feel relaxed. "Cmon, Natasha.. she doesn't need to follow the schedule all the time. She can watch the movie with us. It'll be fun for her. Decides, how could you say no to her face?"
He held Y/N close to Natasha's face. Y/N was just giggling and making grabby hands towards Natasha with a silly smile on her face.
Natasha sighed and held Y/N tight, "You know how to push the right buttons, don't you huh?"
She booped Y/N's nose and carried Y/N over to the couch, "Once she falls asleep, you'll be putting her back to bed, Bruce."
Bruce just chuckled and smiled, slowly following behind the two.
"Sure thing."
He sat on the left of Y/N while Natasha sat on the right, Y/N was snuggling between the two happily. She absolutely loved when she got to be with both of her caregivers together. Y/N was always going to love them.. no matter what.
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multifandomenjoyerr · 11 months
This is my first time doing requests but like I adored your cg! Miles headcannons and can you do sumth similar for Pavitr?? Ugh just imagine babying you, need.💔
Pravitr Prabhakar As a Caregiver HCS 🕷️ !!
🎀 : thank you for your suggestion, anon! You're my first:D ugh we need more agere content of pravitr 💔
🎀 : warnings! : Panic attacks mentioning, petnames, physical touch
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🕷️ : “Hello my little button! Aren't you the cutest thing!"
🕷️ : His most common petname is calling you "Button" also as "बटन"! He also loves calling you "his little button/button nose"
🍵 : instead of milk (or whatever you like to drink) he'd usually make you tea in a sippy cup or bottle! If you drink in a "big kid" cup he'd happily give you that. But he is always on edge, afraid you'll accidentally spill it
🍵 : BENDY STRAWS ALL THE WAYYY, just so there's no tea spills ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ
🧸 : BIGGEST BABIER EVER— Praising you whenever you do literally anything, and will give you piggyback rides even when you didn't ask for them
🧸 : speaking of him being a babier, he loves watching cartoons with you while you're on his lap. He'd usually always end up braiding your hair in the end and call you "his everything"
🪀 : if you have no hair/little hair for braiding, he'd usually cover you with stickers of your choice! Sometimes he'd even face paint with you
🖍️ : out door activities is something he adores doing with you. He loves to chalk the sidewalk with you, he also loves to bring you to parks and help you around (pushing you on the swing, meeting you at the end of the slide, etc!)
🕷️ : when on his spiderman duties, he can't bring up the courage to bring you with him when you're little. You're too important to him and he doesn't want you to get hurt while he's on the job. When he has to go do that, he tells you he loves you and leaves the TV on for you, sometimes having Gayatri babysit while away
🕷️ : though that doesn't mean he won't spend time with you while he's in his spiderman suit per say. When it's around night time, he loves Taking you up on the roof and show you around the city. He loves to take you flying while holding you close to him the whole time
🧸 : being a babier, he's also the most sweetest and sensitive caregivers out there. If you're crying he'd also tear up. Sometimes even crying with you, but he tries not to show it, afraid he'll upset you more
🧸 : if you're upset, having a panic attack or maybe other reasons you may be upset, he lets you cry into him while he holds you close to him. He whispers reassuring things and asks if you'd like to talk about it
🧸 : on the lighter side of things, he's one of the best cuddlers. Even though he might not show it at first. he loves when you sit on his lap so he could arm lock ya close to him
🕷️ : "aw, where ya goin, button? Don't ya like papa pravitr's love? Oh! No!- you're not getting away!>:D" (while proceeding to have a laughing fit, finding you adorable)
🕷️ : he loves the nicknames/petnames you call him. If you were to call him "papa pravitr" he'd just melt right then and there
🕷️ : he's a teen, so he's a little bad at rules and time. Meaning you don't directly have a bedtime or anything like that. But if you happen to do anything like getting in trouble of any kind, the only thing he'd do is having a long talk with you, but that's the end of it
🖍️ : he's obvious, so when it came to knowing of your age regression, he never caught on... At first of course. Once he noticing you Regressing and behavior changes, it took him weeks until it just snapped in his mind like a light switch
🖍️ : even when becoming your caregiver, he hit a few rocks in the road. He didn't know what to do, but after talking to you for hours about it, he slowly started to get more and more good at the whole caregiver thing
🕷️ : Miguel : "Pravitr, are you sure they need these many stuffed animals? You literally got over 20 of them in one day..”
Pravitr : "... elaborate?.." *proceeding to give you a 4 foot Pikachu stuffie*
🧸 : "you can NEVER have enough stuffie friends!"
🧸 : He memorized every one of your stuffie friend's names! Afterall, he considers them friends too!
🎀 : this is my first suggestion, so I hope you like it anon! Thank you for suggestion, you can always suggest again anytime ^^ (SUGGESTIONS ARE ALWAYS OPEN FOR EVERY FANDOM!) 📢
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bung0u-pr3sch00l · 3 months
Ranpo Caregiver Headcanons!
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These are just what I came up with on the spot because I was bored! If you wanna request a character, click on the Asky Button and I might do it if I wanna! This is my first time making CG headcanons so be nice please!!!
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He’d still be childish but make room to act more mature, understanding that that’s the best way to deal with your regression
Despite never sharing his sweets, he’d spoil you and let you have your pick but obviously he wouldn’t give you too much (he needs his own supply) but he’d buy extra of your favourites
Keeps blankets, bottles and pacis in his desk near where he stores his candies so that he can be prepared
If you throw a tantrum or he doesn’t know what to do, he calls Fukuzawa to give him advice or to help him deal with stuff
Movie nights and snacks galore!
Knows the name of all your stuffies
Whenever he gets you milk, he mixes sugar in it so it’s nice and sweet! He also warms it up
He puts his hat on you a lot and laughs at how silly you look
He stores apple sauce pouches, mainly to keep you from being hungry and eating his snacks instead of your own. He finds it fun to feed them to you!
Colours with you and gets ink all over your face
More of a hyper caregiver than a calm one, he’s bad an enforcing rules but you get to be a little rebel with him!
Sometimes he realises he should be enforcing rules and then calls Fukuzawa over to help him
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buckybabieboy · 2 years
cg!bucky being insecure about his arm
so the little!reader buys magnets and decorates them along his arm and says "look daddy! now you see what i see!" 🥹🥹
Now You See What I See <3 <3
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⚠️TW: daddy!caregiver!bucky, fem!little!reader, Bucky calls reader ‘Kitten’, cuteness😭.
☁️Summary: cg!daddy!bucky is insecure about his arm, so you buy magnets at the beach to make him feel better.
📝A/N: This is sooo cute babie🥹!! I really hope you like what I did with it! I don’t usually write little!reader fics but I really like this suggestion lol. Pls keep the requests coming guys I love doing them :) (I hope it’s okay that I put she/her pronouns. Feel free to replace those with anything you’d like)
“Y/n, kitten wake up.”
You wake up to a pair of beautiful big turquoise eyes, staring down at you sweetly. Bucky has his flesh hand cupping your cheek and stroking it lightly with his thumb.
“Da-Dada, still tired..” you mumble as you lean into your daddy’s touch.
“But we’re going to the beach today, kitten. It’s gonna be so much fun!” Bucky responds, voice enthusiastic. He kisses you on the forehead and you sit up slowly and rub your eyes, trying to wake yourself up.
“Can you be a big girl and wash up for me?”
You nod your head yes and squeal, wanting to prove that you’re a big girl. After you wash up and get dressed in your beach clothes, you see Bucky standing in front of the mirror, examining his arm intently. He notices you, and gives you another warm and vibrant smile.
“Wanna choose out Daddy’s outfits?” Bucky asks as he turns around in the mirror, inspecting his outfit. In the corner of the mirror, he sees how wide your eyes got as you let out another squeal of excitement.
“Yeeaaah!” You exclaim as you dash to the closet. You search for some shirts that you think will make him looks sexy, but are also comfortable enough for the beach.
You return with 6 selections in your hands, all of them being short sleeved, button down shirts.
“These are my favorite ones daddy!” You exclaim as you lay them all out on the bed for him to see.
“I also picked out some shorts f’you and-” you look up to see Bucky’s face. You expected him to be as excited as you were, but instead his expression was blank.
“Y-you don’t like what I chose f’you?” You ask, hoping that you didn’t disappoint your daddy. You look down at the shirts, trying to figure out what was wrong with your selections.
“It’s not that, baby. It’s just I can’t show my arm out in public.” Bucky responds as he moves his fingers in front you.
“But your arm’s so cool, daddy.. why wouldn’t you want anybody to see it?”
Your eyes stay locked on his fingers as you watch them extract and retract in awe.
“Well not everybody thinks that, darling.” Bucky says in a soft tone.
You look up at his eyes, down at his arm, and up at his eyes again. You give him a wide eyed and confused look, because you couldn’t think of one reason why anybody would think his arm wasn’t cool.
Bucky takes the shirts you picked out for him and places them back as they were in the closet. He picks out the same-old boring long sleeve shirts and places them in his bag.
“Let’s go, baby.”
You nod your head and grab his hand as you head to the car. He buckles you up in your seat and you guys head to the beach.
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“Daddy, look at the waves! I can’t wait to get in!” You giggle as you jump up in down.
“Go ahead, baby. I’ll be watching you from here.”
You frown at Bucky’s words. His facial expression was hard to read again, which frustrated you a lot.
“Get in with me! Don’t wanna go in without my Daddy.” You grumble as you try to tug at the bottom of his shirt.
“What did I say earlier, kitten? Daddy doesn’t want to show his arm, okay?”
Bucky’s tone was stern and you didn’t like it. What could you do to show him how cool his arm was? To show him what you see?
“Daddy, I have to use the bathroom. Im gonna be a big girl and go by myself! ‘Kay bye!” You say quickly, not even giving him a chance to respond.
Instead of going to the bathroom, you ran to the gift shop which was right next to it. You found these cool magnets, which were sure to make Bucky feel good about his arm. Some are waves, some are the sun, and you even found Captain America’s shield! You quickly pay for them and run back to the beach, the bag of magnets in your hand.
“Where’d you run off too, baby?” Bucky asks as he watches you approach him.
You giggle in response as you sit down on the sand. He follows suit and watches you as you take the sun magnet from the plastic bag. You grab his vibranium arm, and roll up his sleeve. You feel him try to to pull away, but you don’t let him.
“Daddy, let me see it…” Your tone was soft and innocent. He hesitated for a moment, but he finally gave into you. You put the sun magnet on his upper arm. Then you put the beach magnet under that one, and the Captain America magnet under that one. You put a few others on his shoulder, and when you’re finally done you smile at your work. You hoped that he liked his newly decorated arm, because you decorated it with allll your love.
“Look daddy! Now you see what I see!” You smile at him. The biggest and purest smile that he loves so much. Bucky looks down at his arm, and he laughs at how silly and adorable it looks. It has you written all over it, which makes him even more happy.
“I love you, baby. So, so, so, much.” Bucky said as he looked at you like you were the most precious thing in the entire world. He smiles before kissing you softly on the lips.
“I love you the mostest, daddy!” You smile back at him and tug on his shirt.
“Wanna swim with me?” You asked with a hopeful tone.
Bucky nods his head and takes off his shirt.
“Of course, kitten.”
You squeal at his response, excited and happy that you made your Daddy feel better. You run into the crashing waves and turn around to see Bucky, and his cool vibranium arm that you love so much.
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baby--charchar · 3 months
(Hazbin Hotel OC/Parame)
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I finally made a character sheet up for Rhea~! She's very dear to me, and this helped me really flesh her out within my paracosm.
Her Details:
Rhea is both autistic and Deaf with moderate hearing loss; some sounds are meaningful for her (such as the sound of Vaggie's voice when she's sitting beside her), but her native language is American Sign Language and she is by all means a visual learner/communicator. Functionally, she is nonverbal because few people in Hell know ASL, and there's just no culture of people wanting to better themselves by learning something new (Charlie will change that). She does have communication cards, gestures, and tantrums/meltdowns to let others know what she needs.
She is an age regressor/has a "mental age" that is triggered when she is stressed or scared, usually putting her at 4-5.
Rhea's household never learned ASL, and sent her to a residential school for the Deaf from a very young age. It was a mediocre place, but she had community there. She avoided going home for the summers at all costs.
She is an AVID SWIMMER. Her school was situated in a small beach town, and she spent any warm-ish day out on the water.
She died by suicide, making sure she was in the water. Home. Hence, her regeneration in hell as a fish demon.
She appeared in the pool of the hotel at dawn, alone, naked, and feeling numb. She stayed there in a stupor until Vaggie discovered her. Naturally, like a baby bird, the first person she saw = mama.
Vaggie bonded back quickly. Some of it was pity; this new sinner at their hotel had a really fucked up backstory. Some of it was necessity because this girl could go totally out of control on her worst days, and Vaggie's strength/directness really helped her settle down. But at the heart of it, she's totally charmed by Rhea and thinks she's a sweetheart.
Of COURSE Vaggie and Charlie are trying to learn sign language! It did require smuggling some books and DVDs in from the human realm. Self teaching is hard, but it works.
They already have a few signs that are very helpful, especially when Rhea's regressed: yes/no, stop, help, eat, sleep, sad, and hug. The last one they always use when she's upset. Cuddles are very calming.
Vaggie calls her "cariña" (dear) and mi amor. Occasionally she'll use "Reina" (Queen) sarcastically when Rhea's in a bratty mood.
Rhea can be very volatile. Her aquakenesis means that when she's having a meltdown by the pool, she can make tidal waves so large and powerful they could shatter the glass windows, and all the meanwhile she's screaming and sobbing her lungs out. Vaggie's had to brave this storm twice and drag her out of there sopping wet. It was not fun. Occasionally she bites herself or hits/kicks others, but this is more manageable.
Rhea is an involuntary permaregressor since landing in Hell. She has typical intellect, but her regression causes her very low social/emotional development. She's very cuddly, affectionate, and sweet, however, she is prone to very severe tantrums and meltdowns. She can also be very attention-seeky, and likes being "the baby" of a group.
She has a favorite sippy cup, loves her sensory swing in her room, and has a beloved stuffed orca that Vaggie gifted her. She's also a frequent wetter/comfort voider, so she needs to stay padded.
Vaggie is a no-nonsense caregiver. She is super strict about wake up/bed times, eating meals, taking care of her hair, and behavior. Rhea likes to push Charlie's and Lucifer's buttons when she's feeling bratty, but that's just not gonna happen with Vaggie. If she hears Rhea acting up in the other room, she walks over, STARES HER DOWN WITH THE MEANEST MAMA BEAR LOOK, then signs "...NO." Rhea immediately gets her act together.
Rhea is also bioluminescent!!! She glows softly at night! Vaggie thinks it's very beautiful.
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