#Carlton now carlton forever
phantompoguefangirl · 4 months
Rewatching Switched At Birth AGAIN.
One really frustrating thing that I haven't seen many people talk about is that there are several times where it is brought up that Carlton School is struggling financially and the Kennishes witness them lose programs and the school itself almost close, but yet NOT ONCE do they offer to donate money to the school BOTH THEIR DAUGHTERS GO TO.
John gets so upset when they cut the basketball team but then a few episodes later complains about how much money he gives to Buckner sports or whatever. Like DUDE ARE YOU DENSE??? You have one child still attending the rich white people school and he gives exactly zero fucks about going there so what are you even giving them the money for?
And Bay remarks that Kathryn could fund raise $5,000 out of mission hills in minutes but yet she never thinks to fund raise for Carlton? Even when she is literally at the school fighting to keep the play going? Not once does this ever occur to her??
I know it is mentioned in the episode where Daphne talks to the school board that the board is just full of bigots who only give money to the schools they favor but the Kennishes had so much power and could have done so much but they didn't and it makes me so upset.
To be fair, I guess we wouldn't have had the occupy carlton storyline if they had helped and that storyline was SO important for Deaf representation and raising awareness for how Deaf people are treated in the educational system.
But still. John and Kathryn suck for being rich and not using it to help Carlton.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 month
If you don't mind can I request any yandere you want and see reader in a wedding dress they thought reader was planning a marriage turn out she just like the dress
A/N: BAHAHAHAA this is so funny. Yes of course, im *assuming* you are referring to the MK guys? Just send in another request if not😭😭
Characters: MK1 Johnny Cage, MK11 Kung Lao and MK11 Erron Black as a wild card lol.
Warnings: buffoonery and Johnny Carlton 😖
Requests: always open 24/7
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Johnny ca(needs to be arrested asap)ge
Oh boy…why did you have to get this man started?? I'm going to assume you just thrifted a pretty white dress, not realizing it was a wedding dress in the impulsivity of the buy.
When you got back home to try it on, it unexpectedly fit like a glove. Accentuating every nice thing about your body. The lace and embroidered rhinestones made everything just 100 times better. A gorgeous glam dress that you’re sure Johnny would love just as much as you do.
Excited, you waited by the front door for his arrival to show off your new purchase.
Immediately he froze at the doorstep, the sight of you in this little git up took him aback.
You stuck a cute pose and did a full body spin to show him every detail, egarly asking him what he thought.
“Ta-Daaaaa! So, what do ya think? I picked it out at the charity shop down the street. I figured it’d be perfect for a special occasion..”
Girl you are so damn foolish😩 that man is going feral now
Johnny had been playing his obsession very cool this entire time. Only maybe slipping up once but now…???
That “special occasion” is obviously the day you’ll become his wife. What day is more special than that?! He’s so happy that you initiated this first. He’s been wanting to make you his forever since he’s met you and obviously you feel the same way too.
See, you’re perfect for each other! He knew you were the one. Only a bit sad he didn’t realize your feelings sooner or else he would’ve taken you to Vegas months ago.
“When I gave you my credit card to get something nice I didn’t expect for you to buy a wedding dress. I’m not complaining tho~ it was only a matter of time until it happened.”
You had looked back down at your dress and realized that it did look oddly similar to one…but that was just a coincidence.
You explained to him that no, it wasn’t supposed to be a wedding dress. You had picked it up because of the detailing, you figured it’d be perfect for the next red carpet.
Ohhhhh he sees what you’re doing here. You’re playing dumb, this was only a hint that you wanted him to claim you. He’ll promptly propose. It’s the traditional way of doing things. ;)
You reiterated again, more seriously this time that this was only a dress for his red carpet. Honestly more of an impulse buy if anything. You hadn’t realized what the dress actually was. It was far too soon to get married and you wasn’t even certain if Johnny was who you wanted to be with in the long run.
His vision of you walking down the isle in that snatched, sexy little dress was shattered… for a mere moment he became overwhelmed with sadness. Wha— what do you mean that you’re not sure you want to marry him? Who else would you marry in place of him? You’ve been planning to leave him, haven’t you?..
Quickly that sorrow turned to anger and a side of Johnny you’ve never seen came out to bite.
His eyes were narrow and sinister as he peered down at you, over his expensive sunglasses. His voice was low yet venomously brash.
“You don’t get to play silly little games like this and get my hopes up for nothing. We’re getting married, there’s no other option better than me. And if you think for a second that you’re going to leave me—heh—-I’ll make your life agonizing.”
It wasn’t long after, that he held you down and shoved a ring on your finger…ahem romantically proposed and you were eloped with an insane contractual agreement.
Poor thing…use critical judgment next time you’re out shopping.
Kung lao
You were out at the markets getting some groceries and household items. Normally Kung Lao would accompany you, but after much negotiation, he decided to let you go out alone. He was well familiar with the shopkeepers and locals so there wasn’t much to worry about. And he didn’t fear you being hit on there as everyone in the town knew who you belonged to. Any man who was stupid enough to talk to you was a man who was certainly going to die.
Of course like any woman, after your necessities were brought, you decided to do a bit of window shopping of vendors that were in the area.
Nothing new or interesting caught your attention until an older woman pulled you into her store to show you her selection of dresses. They were all so gorgeously designed and hand crafted, they must’ve taken ages to make.
“I have something very special for you. I think this will make that man of yours very pleased.”
After searching through a few boxes, she found the one she was looking for and displayed it for you. The dress was a striking red with gold embellishments and pleats that were colorfully embroidered.
It was so well done that it almost appeared painted on. It’d kill you to have that dress, even trying it on would be a dream in itself. But sadly, you knew that anything at this level had to be exorbitant in price. There’s no way that you could afford, let alone justify paying for it.
Thanking the shop keeper and complimenting the dress, you shook your head and declined. Explaining to her that this purchase would make you struggle for a couple of months.
The old lady wouldn’t take no for an answer and pushed the box towards you.
“My dear, this one was made for you. I must let you have it, don’t worry about payment. Just make sure I get to see you in it.”
Shocked, you asked a couple of times if she was serious and she was very adamant about you taking it home with you. She winked at you and sent you on your way.
Excited, you rushed home and into your room. Entirely running past your boyfriend in the process to hurried try the dress on.
It was exactly your size. It was almost as if if was made exactly to your measurements. You spun around in the mirror a million times so happy to be able to own something so luxurious.
“Y/N? What’s going on in there?? Are you okay? You didn’t even greet me when you came in.”
Opening the bedroom door you surprised him with the dress.
“Can you believe it, Kung Lao? Some lady at the market gifted this to me. She said it was made for me and insisted that I take it home.”
That “random” lady wasn’t so random. He’d been planning this moment for over a year. He took out half of his savings to purchase it and have it custom built for you. All of your favorite colors and style preferences were put into this. He told the lady that whenever she was finished with it, to give it to you the next time that she sees you.
It was a surprise seeing you in the dress though. He knew you’d look beautiful but not this damn good. All of the details brought out the best in yourself. It wasn’t form fitting as it was a traditional xiuhuefu but it still such a perfect fit on you. He was proud that did exceptionally well in designing this for you.
Acting dumb, he asked many questions like who the lady was and was you sure it was truly for free. So manipulative…
“I guess this is a sign of fate…that we are destined to be married soon.”
You laughed and explained how it was just a traditional dress that you plan to wear at a festival or something. What was he talking about marriage? It’s just a pretty dress right??….right?
He explained that no, it was actually a traditional dress only worn by brides. —And that since you was not only “gifted” it, but that it fit you well must mean that you’re ready to be his bride.
“Oh…no…I had no idea, Lao. I just like the dress, I don’t wanna be married to you.”
Let me take a sip of my drink😪
Immediately his face scrunched up in anger and he backed you into the wall.
“You don’t wanna be married to me?! Don’t you know how much money I spent on this dress? Do you know how many hours that poor old lady spent on this, customizing everything for you? I even tried to make the experience receiving the dress special. And you don’t want to marry me?”
He harshly grabbed your chin and pulled your face closer to his
“You don’t get a choice in this, my precious flower. Any other girl would kill to even be noticed by the great Kung Lao..don’t be such a fool and make this difficult.”
Yeah..we’ll at least your wedding was absolutely massive and filled with tons of yummy foods.
Erron Black
(Yes I know Erron’s mom was crappy but for plot purposes please let’s pretend he lovvveeeed her okay.)
Erron had left you back at home while he took care of some business and agreed to let you go through the attic. It was very very old and cluttered and he couldn’t care less about what you did with most of the stuff. He hasn’t seen most of it since he was a much younger fella anyways.
He told you there might be a few old clothes that were his mothers and sisters and you were free to take anything you’d like. You're about their size anyhow and he’d rather them on you than to be rotting in a box any longer.
You made your way through tons of old nicnacks and relics, it took a few hours of searching to find any of his old childhood things since they were in the faaaar back.
Eventually you found a hefty box that read women’s name on it and brought it back downstairs.
Hats, blouses, skirts and accessories were all in there. Not much that you’d wear since they were all a little dated and too mature for you—but there was one thing that caught your eyes. Something wrapped in dainty floral wrapping paper and tied with a pretty bow.
……Erron did give you permission to open whatever you’d like so I’m sure this wouldn’t hurt him.
Upon carefully unwrapping the delicately wrapped piece, the most gorgeous vintage wedding dress was revealed. Yes it was rather dated like most of the clothes with big puffy sleeves and a high neckline for modesty. Kind of gaudy as well but still an eye catching design nonetheless.
You held it up to your body and it looked like it'd be a perfect fit. This isn’t too surprising, but it fit you rather well. You looked straight out of the 19th century but it was cute, you put your hair up really nice and added some of the accessories from the box to complete the look.
You strutted around the house and pretended to be some snobby rich woman on her wedding day.
“Why yes. The orderves were made by Frederic, the renowned chef and the silk table cloths were imported from across the seas….hohoho.”
In the middle of your play time, Erron walked in and saw you in the dress. He paused and observed you up and down. It seemed as though he was a bit upset by the sight of you.
Maybe it was the wrong choice to put on this dress of all things. This was probably the one thing that was unspokenly off limits.
You quickly try to deescalate the situation and explain yourself. That you just thought the dress was pretty and you wanted to fool around in it. That you didn’t think much of it or that he’d be home so soon.
“I’m not mad, y/n. For a second I got a glimpse of my ma again. This dress is perfect on you.”
You twirled around in place and asked him if he truly thought so.
“I’m as honest as I’d ever be right now. What do you say we go down to the chapel right now?”
Thinking he wasn’t being serious, you laughed and began to take the dress off
“You’re not the marrying type, Erron.”
His demeanor turned from a sentimental bliss to a pissed off cowboy in seconds.
What did you mean he’s not the marrying type? He ain’t no saint but he’s been good to you and planned on being so for a long while.
“What did you mean by that, darlin?”
He stared straight and menacingly at you with his drawing hand on his holster. Your next words better be catious.
“N-nothing. Just figured you weren’t into the marriage thing because neither am I. That’s all.”
That’s all? You think you can just wear his deceased mothers wedding gown without any plans of commitment.
He suddenly pulled out his pistol out of his holster causing you to flinch. He didn’t point it at you but he inspected it before putting in a cartridge that was stored on his other hip.
“Dear, I know I ain’t no romantic but if you think for a second I’d let you walk out of this relationship alive…you must be one dumb broad.”
A chilling smile plastered his face as he pointed it towards you
“So what do ya say? You going to come down to the chapel with me or go have tea with the queen in purgatory? …your choice.”
Of course you had to say yes. That proposal was so…romantic? Hey, at least the priest down at the old chapel prayed over your soul and gave you a cross if you so ever shall need it dealing with a devil like him.
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 months
Fuck it Friday
I had inspiration for bucktommy date night where Buck is in a dress so here's more (who forgot/doesn't know how dress look under cut is the photo)
“What are you doing?” 
Evan raises his eyebrow with adorable head tilt and Tommy just smirks at him, when he drips the remains of a cocktail, the name he doesn’t remember, onto Evan's exposed neck, enjoying the way the drops flow closer to the neckline on his chest. Licking all the tracks from the skin with his tongue, Tommy revels in the sharp intake of breath and the way Evan's body shudders under his tongue. Tommy grins. Evan's skin smells like floral shower gel and a little sweat from being in a slightly stuffy room. This blend with tart-sweet alcohol turns Tommy's head better than rum and tequila in their cocktails.
“Enjoying my cocktail and my hot boyfriend. Two in one,” Tommy winks and Evan smiles at him. “Tell me more about cocktails and its history.”
Evan beams and pushes his body so now he sits on his lap, having easy access to his ear.
“The most expensive cocktail in the world costs $22,579.”
Tommy chokes on his beverage.
“Yeah, I had the same reaction. It’s a Diamonds Are Forever Martini at the Ritz Carlton in Tokyo. It’s made from vodka, lime juice, and a one carat diamond.”
“Will you make this at home for a cheaper price?” Tommy nuzzles Evan’s neck.
“When l will propose to you,” Evan nods.
“What if I do it first?”
“Then I’ll do it for our first night as husbands, before fucking you like a king.”
Tommy growls and grinds his again half hard cock into Evan’s perfect little ass.
“It’s a deal, baby,” he bites Evan’s earlobe. “Tell me more.”
“One last fact and we’re dancing, right?” 
Evan bats his eyelashes, pouting, and his blue eyes getting so adorably soft and pleading, that Tommy would kill a man or steal the moon if Evan just asked him like that.
God, this fucking kid. He can make a man do anything he wants with just his pretty face.
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Np tagging @wikiangela @bewilderedbuckley @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @diazheartsbuckley @queerbuck @queerdiaz @watchyourbuck @epiphainie @evnnkinard @evansboyfriend @evanbi-ckley @eddiestummy @repressedqueen @rainbow-nerdss @rogerzsteven @racerchix21 @pirrusstuff @underwaterninja13 @saybiwithme @devirnis @lavenderleahy @loveyouanyway @monsterrae1 @cal-daisies-and-briars @buckera @bi-buckrights @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @theweewooshow @eddiebabygirldiaz and you if you want to
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imtooscaredforthis · 11 months
Chapter Twenty Four: Unexpected
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Mentions of: Dubcon/noncon themes, stabbing, death, and murder, etc.
A/N: some more pervy Johnny for you lmao
Tags: @dead-bxxxtch-walking @mama-miya @moonshineinasippycup @stwbwwychan @vandeaad @the-fandoms-georgie
“I feel like we haven’t talked in forever. How are you? How is everything?” Rachel asked as the two of you exited the building together and walked to the parking lot.
“I’m good. Work has been pretty good. Jed is a great partner.” You admitted with a shrug.
“I’m sure he is. You guys getting along good?” She asked with a teasing grin. “Yeah- what’s that look for?”
“Nothing. So you guys are close?” You don’t like where this is going.
“I mean, yeah- but..” You scoffed when you noticed Rachel’s smug grin. She’s onto you.
“Will you quit it? He and I are just friends. He’s like a brother to me.” You lied.
Rachel laughed at that. “Bullshit. I’m not dumb. I can tell when two people are fucking, and you and Jed totally are. But don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. No judgment here.”
Before you could finish your conversation, the two of you split up, and she went to her car, while you walked home. You looked over your shoulder to make sure the coast was clear before you called after her.
“Jed and I aren’t- we’re not fucking, okay?! We’re just friends.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night, babe!” She called back. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you walked off, trying to ignore how flustered she had gotten you.
It’s fine. She won’t tell anyone. At worst she’ll just keep teasing you like this. Even if it was annoying, there wasn’t much you could do about it.
Once you got back home, you changed your clothes and had a glass of wine to wind down. But you didn’t relax, no. You never relax anymore. How could you when you know he’s still out there, harming more innocent people? Jesse, Lucia and Nate all deserved justice. You weren’t going to rest until you got it for them.
As you ate your dinner, you stared at the bulletin board you put up on your wall, with pictures of Ghostface’s victims, reports of his last sightings, and anything you could find. You managed to make some connections as to where he would find his victims.
You did find quite a few that went to Walleye’s but there were still inconsistencies here and there. All you knew was that most of them were average people, middle class and normal, which makes it even harder for him to figure out who he’s after next.
You stared at the board for a little while, before sitting down on your couch, running a hand through your hair. With all the time you had been spending with Jed, you haven’t been able to focus much on this. But today, he was out sick, giving you more room to think about Ghostface, even if you didn’t want to.
With a frustrated sigh, you grabbed the remote, clicking on the TV.
“Breaking news: Couple Marie and Carlton Thomas have been found dead in their home this afternoon.”
You stared at the screen in complete shock as a photo of them flashed onto the tv, listening as it continued. “The couple was found by a neighbor this evening when they noticed that their back door was open and their dog had escaped. They were stabbed to death, both having almost twenty wounds each. So the question we’re all wondering is: could this be another Ghostface murder?”
“We’re still figuring out motives, but the possibility is there. We’re working as hard as we can to catch this guy and all we can say right now is follow the curfew and lock your doors at night, and if you see anything suspicious, don’t be afraid to say something.” The sheriff said.
You couldn’t watch any more of this bullshit. You reached over and shut off the tv, sighing softly. Staring at the black reflection of the screen, you realized someone was standing behind you.
“Boo.” You sprung up from the couch, gasping in surprise. You turned on your heel trying to face him straight on. You moved so fast that you stumbled forward, causing him to catch you.
“Careful there, sweetheart, we don’t want you getting hurt do we?” Ghostface cooed in that same condescending tone. You tore yourself from his grip, glowering at him.
You stepped back into the kitchen, grabbing a knife and raising it threateningly. “Stay the fuck away from me.”
How did he even get in? How did you not notice him? He has been standing behind you while you were watching, and you were completely vulnerable. He could’ve easily killed you, but he didn’t. He was toying with you.
“Oh, come on, Dollface. Don’t be like that. I missed you. And from what I can tell, you missed me too.” He gestured to the bulletin board on your wall, before walking over to you. He took slow steps, like a predator ready to pounce.
Just because he didn’t want to kill you didn’t mean he didn’t want to hurt you..but you knew attacking him would only end badly. You lowered the knife slightly, but didn’t let it go.
He moved swiftly, grabbing your wrist and slamming it against the wall, making you drop the knife. “There you go. Good girl.”
“What do you want from me?” You couldn’t help but ask, angry and fearful. “What? Can’t we just have a nice little chat? You’re the one who pulled out the knife.”
He released your wrist, letting you go. “I think it’s time we catch up. You’ve been doing a lot lately, haven’t you? Had a lot of fun with your little Boy Scout?”
“Boy Scout? You mean-”
“Your little boyfriend? Jeb or Jed or whatever? The one who’s helping you write articles on me? Yeah, him. I’ve been watching you two..and you really seemed to be enjoying yourself, slut.”
You felt yourself grow flustered from humiliation and embarrassment. “Don’t hurt him.”
“Awww you want to protect him, how sweet. Don’t worry, toots. I’m not planning on it. As long as you behave, that is. Though I will say, I am jealous.” You felt his other arm hook around your back, the cool blade pressing into you and making you arch forward and into his touch, and his hand moved from your wrist to your chin, tilting your head upward while he examined your body.
“Such a pretty thing. I wouldn’t mind having you myself.” He pressed his knife into your back, forcing your waist to press against his, feeling his hardness.
He forced your shirt upwards, and you tried to stop him, but he smacked your hands away. He smirked. “No bra? How naughty.”
He eyed your tits, while you squirmed slightly in his grip, trying to get him to stop, but the harsh press of his knife and his groin managed to get you to still. His gloved hand caressed your breasts, before sliding down to your stomach.
“Yeah, we’re definitely gonna have some fun later.” You could hear the lust and smugness in his voice.
“What makes you think I would want to do any of that with you? I don’t even want to touch you! I hate you!” You hissed in disgust.
“Oh, I know you do. But you don’t have a choice do you? Not if you want your friends to live.” He leaned over and pressed his mask to your ear, his voice lowering. “You think Jed’s good? I’ll have you screaming and crying for me. And you’ll love it like the good little whore you are.”
He slightly ground his hardness against you, and you bit your lip to hold back a whimper. He removed his knife from your back, pressing it against your front instead. With the flick of his wrist, he cut your stomach, causing you to cry out.
“Just something to remember me by. Don’t worry, I’ll be back, and we’ll have fun very soon.”
He let you go, stalking off into your bedroom, and leaving out the side window onto the fire escape.
Yeah, you need to change your locks.
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alexandriastark76 · 2 months
What is haunting alison or whatever it was in your tags?
Thank you for asking! I’ve been waiting to rant about this for a while now!
Beware though, dear OP cause we go into a deep dive about abusive behaviours, non consensual acts, stalking, obsessive behaviour, psychological manipulation, gaslighting, rape, and overall graphic themes which (sarcastically) is dark romance for you.
Please do not go further if you are a minor or are triggered by heavy topics like these
Stay safe <3
So, Haunting Adeline is a mature themed book written by H. D. Carlton.
According to the summary at the back, this is what you get:
The Diamond.
Death walks alongside me but the reaper is no match for me. I'm trapped in a world full of monsters dressed as men, and those who aren't as they seem. They won't keep me forever. I no longer recognize the person I've become. And I'm fighting to find my way back to the beast who hunts me in the night. They call me a diamond. But they've only created an angel of death.
The Hunter.
I was born a predator, with ruthlessness ingrained in my bones, when what's mine is stolen from me in the night, like a diamond hidden within a fortress. I find that I can no longer contain the beast. Blood will paint the ground as I tear apart this world to find her, and bring her back to where she belongs. No one will escape my wrath, especially not those who have betrayed me.
(In my opinion, this already gets very cliche but let’s carry on I guess)
Actual summary however, is:
The book is about how Adeline forms a “relationship” with her stalker while she discovers who killed her great-grandmother (who also had a stalker), while from the stalker's point of view, he is looking for an organization that kills children while stalking and searching.
This isn’t bad, per se, but it is a very hypocritical setting for what happens later on.
Now, as we move onwards with the book, we see that Adeline Reilly lives in her gran’s house where she is being stalked by her stalker Zade Meadows. She seemingly goes on date (and has sex) with a guy who (she doesn’t know about it though) is a very intimately involved personnel in a child trafficking ring. Zade knows this, so, he kills him (if i recall correctly), cuts his hand off and mails it to Adeline with a rose and warns her to not go on a date anymore.
This happens a couple of times, her doing things (not specifically just going on dates, because she doesn’t go on dates anymore either) that grates him, and so on.
Direct excerpts:
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This isn’t disturbing, at least according to the range of ‘dark romance’.
But this is where it gets bad.
One day, Zade comes over blinded by rage that Adeline let another man touch what is “his” aka Adeline herself (let’s not even talk about how dehumanising that is), and rapes her.
And I’m saying rape, because there is no other word with which you can describe it.
He walks in dead of the night, holds her at gunpoint and forces her to undress and then forces himself on her. And proceeds to assault her with that very gun.
Excerpt if you want:
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This is where shit gets disturbing and frankly, disgusting, even by the dark romance standards.
Note that I keep saying the dark romance standards because readers have a habit to excuse such behaviours and actions by claiming that it is “dark romance” this is what means to read “dark” romance. That such disturbing themes are going to be there, and we should’ve “read the trigger warnings”.
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Now, one might wonder, that there should not be any issue with CNC, but, let’s go back.
The question that rises is, is it truly CNC?
CNC is a kink among the BDSM community, which features Consensual Non Consent.
CNC, is a role play of sorts, which has pre-discussed boundaries, safewords, and proper communication between the people taking part in it. Which, might I remind, did not happen.
Zade storms in, there is no discussion, and assaults the girl who he calls “his” by the way.
Common argument against this made by fans are, “Adeline liked it, so it isn’t actually non consent.” Does reading Exhibit 5 make you feel like she liked it? She literally describes it as:
“My body is full of rage, humiliation, and shame—I know this. But it’s like my brain can’t process those emotions, so it’s just choosing to feel nothing at all.
Is this what trauma does? Knowing you’ve been violated but your body chooses to go numb instead?”
I beg your finest pardon but this does not sound like a person having enjoyed a deliberate sexual assault.
Finally we come to the topic that what is the issue of people with this book.
People, fans, readers, are not only idolising this behaviour (stalking, the apparent “CNC” and the rough way of assault) and before anyone comes to blab that “no one is idolising this blah blah blah”— one simple search on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and the BikerTok apparently with Haunting Adeline edits will show you how much teenage girls and other people are fawning over a rapist. (If you still have doubts that Zade is not a rapist simply on the account that he helped trafficking victims, then you need to seriously re evaluate your moralities)
Such toxic/stalking behaviours have been labelled “sexy and hot” which frankly disgusts me that there are so many young people seeing this and becoming susceptible to abuse and toxicity.
No one wants to ban this book, we simply want people to stop romanticising it. What he does is not right, and to hold that shitty behaviour on high accord simply because the Stockholm Syndrome setting sets a rapist and his victim together, does not make it right. Real life stalkers are not pretty or sexy, why should we not hold the fictional ones accountable and then?
People will torch up actual morally grey characters for much less and then go lust over a fucking rapist.
Just because other readers are holding him accountable and criticising him does not make them snowflakes, it makes you look like a fan blind to the pretty privilege.
Booktok has developed a bad reputation because of readers like these, and considering most of the booktok does act as an apologist, it isn’t wrong to say that most of the booktok is ignorant to such characters and their atrocities.
In conclusion, we don’t want to censor the book, or criticise rhetoric writer for writing themes like these, it isn’t the worst of the “dark romance”, we simply want the author to tag it properly (it was NOT CNC) and for readers to not romanticise a rapist.
Hope that answers your question OP! Also, note that when I said You so many times, it was simply about the fans of this book series.
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msmargarita · 1 year
✨🤓Johnathon/🕳️ Spot Headcanons✨
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These are some headcanons I wrote for my two fics:
i'm not going to turn into a cosmic anomaly and leave you forever
i'm really serious this time, baby
It has !!spoilers!! for both of those fics!
It's basically an AU unless I somehow foresaw the future and guessed what happens in BTSV!
Beware the keep reading button. This is HUGE.
🤓 Johnathon HCs!
HE IS A GEMINI. Like come on. Talks a lot, nerdy, silly guy. He is a canonically silly guy! In his first fight with Miles he pretends to have hurt his nose (he doesn’t have one) to trick him. So silly! I would bet there's Capricorn somewhere in there too. And Pisces. I’ll make this man’s whole birth chart if you dare me. Just dare me. I’m insane.
Jason Schwartzman used to be in a band in the 00s. I think it would be cool if Johnathon also had some sort of interest in music. I think he would have tried to learn guitar in college but only got a few chords in before life got too chaotic and every now and then he thinks of picking it back up. 
He is also one of those guys who fanboys over old ass music, especially from the 60s and 70s. Loves Jazz, Funk and Prog Rock. Look at this man and tell me he is not a prog rock guy. He is a nerd, he might even be *shudders* a math rock guy. I also think he would have one completely random favorite artist that has nothing to do with the things listed above, like, idk Lizzo. Or Princess Nokia. He just looks like the type.
I think everyone agrees Johnathon is at least in his thirties, but I put him down as thirty-three in the end. I did that because Olivia is thirty-five tops in ITSV (according to Peter) and since he was her subordinate it makes sense that he would be just a little bit younger than her. 
“But hey! That's too young to get a PhD!” you might say, but I think Johnny is an overachiever. I think he was one of those super genius kids that got in early in college and lived for academia. A teacher's pet even.
He is a workaholic, so when he quits his job he gets really lost and doesn't know what to do with himself. He might have a new job soon doing what he loves, so you’re going to need to be on his ass so he doesn’t fall back into his old habit of overworking. 
I like to think that Miles would get an internship under Johnathon a few years in the future and they would learn a lot together. Jonathan would probably take a week to figure out he is Spider-Man and would cover for him when the boy needs to disappear. This actually sounds like a fun drabble to write about.
Johnathon may be a genius, but like he said, he is not too familiar with relationships. I think he might've had one or two in the past, but everything slowed down when he started working at Alchemax. “I’ve been told” is referring to those past relationships, in which he was probably told that he works too much and never has time to spend with his partners. He’s not been with anyone for a long time and his game consists of buying the first comic book he saw on a shelf in order to ask you out.
But that doesn't mean he is cold. Quite the opposite really, Johnathon is very touchy-feely. He hasn't been with anyone for a while and misses touching and being touched. He is most comfortable when being at least 70% curled around you. 
He smokes Dunhill Carltons (he likes to feel fancy), but less now that he isn't as stressed from work. Like he said, he used to go on walks to smoke and pass by the comic book store you work at before you guys had even met. I like to think he developed a little crush back then.
Had his tattoos done in college, so they are very faded now. He doesn’t think of redoing them because the mere thought of having to stay seated for hours in the same place feeling pain stresses him out. He was a lot more easygoing when he had them done.
He did have a superhero phase when he was a kid. He would fantasize a lot about having superpowers and flying away when the bullies showed up. Never thought about fighting back. Before becoming the Spot, he wasn't the confrontational type. The hero thing fizzled out as he grew older, but he would always dream about being stronger. Being a better version of himself in a kinda superficial, but understandable way.
He still has a bunch of action figures, he thinks they look cool. If you give him one, he won't even care if he knows the character or not, he just likes them.
Even though Johanthon says he is “good-looking”, he does add “for a scientist” in the end. I think he tries to mask his insecurities with humor, always putting himself down with a joke, always saying he’s too old, too corny, too nerdy. In the back of his head he knows the hair and the glasses are kind of a look, but he doesn’t feel handsome. You help as much as you can, but that’s an obstacle for him to overcome by himself. I think after i’m really serious this time, baby he gets better at this.
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🕳️ The Spot HCs!
For clarification: the story of i’m not gonna turn into a cosmic anomaly and leave you forever stretches the plot of ATSV to a few weeks instead of a day. Just think of it like Spot taking a little longer to power up instead of a few hours.
Since he was forced to do crime to survive, I think he would've thought to himself: "Well, since I have to go rob a store anyway, might as well be that one where that cute cashier works at." 
Yes, Spot starts tracking and following you after you two meet. He uses his computer nerd powers for evil. A very unhealthy way of dealing with a crush, I think.
Spot can eat but he doesn't get any nutritional value from food. When you drink wine together or when he burns his tongue (?) from tea it's just a placebo effect. I like to think that Johnathon's mind is still inside The Spot's body, so he eats just for habit. He says he gets hungry all the time, but it's actually a deep need to consume everything around him. The little rascal.
As he powers up, Spot gets more confident in himself. He thinks the stronger he gets the further away he gets from Johnathon, his old self. Which, in the end, turns out to be true.
I think at first you don't really believe Spot is an actual supervillain which is why when you see him after the fight in Mumbattan it's such a shock. In a way, you did the same thing Miles did when he underestimated him, even if for whole different reasons. I think even though he knows you care about him, Spot knows you don't see him as a threat and that makes him want to impress you more. 
Spot knows that the reason you keep getting new jobs is because his own crazy supervillain life keeps interfering with yours, so he tries to keep it as much hidden from you as possible. He thinks what you don’t know can’t hurt you! As Johnathon, he feels guilty at first that you’re changing your whole life to go with him to New Jersey, BUT this time it was your choice! Not because of supervillain shenanigans!
He does love you (even if it was too early to know) and wants to be with you, but his head is so lost in the supervillain game, he thinks he can’t stop now. You never really realized how serious he was about “being stronger”. Which is why you never tried to stop him.
I chose I’d Rather Be With You as a theme song because I think it’s a song Johnathon/Spot would enjoy. But I also like how the lyrics match both their feelings towards you, in both fics. He wants to fly away with you once he gets all powered up, he loves your smile, etc. He does want to be your friend until the end as the Spot, but as Johanthon he is really committed to work on his bad habits in order to be with you. We gon' make it this time, baby! I cry, damnit. 
It’s also a surprisingly gender-neutral song, with no physical descriptions in it! Anyone can put themselves in the lover's place. Bootsy Collins is cool like that.
I like to think that, in the end, Spot didn't erase himself from the timeline. He just reloaded an old save. Does that make sense? Like you said, your relationship will always have happened, just in an old, non existent dimension. And since Johnathon and you still get dreams and deja vu about the whole thing (think of it as dimensional residue or whatever), you do have all the EXP of the old save. Johnathon, after going through the literal end of all existence and then forgetting about it, feels something compelling him to finally take a chance and enter the comic book store. It’s like when your body goes through something and it remembers later, even if your mind doesn't. Here's a (hopefully) comprehensive timeline:
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the end.
Thank you for taking an interest in my weird AU! I would kill for you 💖
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daydreamwalker13 · 6 months
Mk1 Random Drawings # 25
My au of mk1 teens still continues. Kinda busy this days. Don't be bored, it's kinda long but worth to read. For making it better, I advice you to zoom Johnny's face at the colored one. If you feel sad, that's the purpose, enjoy.
Protectors of Earthrealm:
Forever, Together
A love letter to Johnathan Carlton by Kenshi Takahashi.
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You always smile, you always laugh and jokes around every damn time.
You can take things seriously, but of course, you have to crack a joke or rant some movie references in between.
Always happy and energetic, always annoying, the one who lives his best life in a colorful world.
Always the center of the attention.
But in reality, you live in black and white. Like those silent movies from an old tv. Quiet and static.
I never thought I'll see such face in you.
Never seen you cry before, never seen you stressed so much that your eyes didn't glistening anymore.
There's no life in there. Just a porcelain mask.
Back then, I don't like you as a kid.
Now as a teen? I love you.
So much that I can loan Sento for you, but my ancestors will hate the idea and wack me in the head.
You were always tired, but you hide it so well.
I'm tired too, tired of seeing you like this.
I'll wipe that tears in your eyes because I can, I have hands. I'm not crippled.
Reaching your hand, kiss it and prayed, for all the stress you had will washed away.
I want to see you smile again.
As I hold you,
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I'll be your color and you'll be my vision for this world.
You can fight, and I like that about you. But let me, protecting you from the dangers that you can't handle anymore.
In this trial times, for you and me, I'll do my best to always help you, support you and always be on your side.
As you already did to me back then, when we met for the third time.
So, hold on to my hand too. As I already hold yours, but a bit tighter. Just making sure that I'm not letting us go.
You're really a star, a starlight crafted by the elder gods.
I'm yours, truly.
Even the world gone mad, I always choose you.
As my fighter, as the love of my life.
Forever, together.
I just found this reference on twitter, and I forgot who's post is it.
Combining Mk11 and Mk Legends for teen Johnny's outfit. And inspired by Mk1 Kenshi's suit at chapter two storymode for teen Kenshi's outfit.
Last time I said I'm not good at coloring, now I'm kinda crap doing backgrounds. Still learning tho.
I'm giggling when I writing this, now I'm crying. I didn't expect that it will turn out like this.
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fiend-streak · 6 months
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I wanted to pick up new screenshots, right? I barely play recently due to AI chat and Adeline book (started 2nd part). And I started new semester in college and I have "Creativity" subject. This is going to be gold. All was good, cute and stuff until I rotated the camera on my character.
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What is that face? Now, now. That's not a "happy" face, although yes - it's happy. It's exactly the same expression when meeting Astarion as Dark Urge when he thinks of Astarion as "perfect pretty corpse". Merxes, my man, please calm down or I'll sacrifice you to AI in RP.
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"When you make someone fall in love with the darkest parts of you, there’s nothing you can do that will scare them away. They will be yours forever because they already love all the fucked up bits and pieces of you." - H.D. Carlton
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megamaster64 · 2 months
Oooooooh boy! It's unfinished art time!
Now, I just want to preface this with these pieces are unfinished for a reason...
A personal reason...
I'm not doing fnaf stuff anymore. It has been 8-9 years since I first started following the fnaf franchise. And I feel like I need to move on.
Not that I've 'matured' past it, but I've grown apart from it. As I got older, my relationship with the franchise just started to feel like a bad long-distance romance.
I can't feel for Fnaf the same way I did when I was a kid.
Especially after so much shit went down with people from my childhood in like the past 4-6 months.
This doesn't mean that I won't still follow and support the fnaf artists that I currently do (you guys are awesome, btw!). It just means that I myself will be taking a step back.
The last fnaf post I will make is a sun/moon redesign. And after that I'll be done, maybe for now, maybe forever. Who knows? But while some things are best left forgotten, I don't want to forget the time I had at Freddy's.
Because for all the blotches and blemishes, it was beautiful.
Anyways, it's art time! The first one was supposed to be a crossover piece between my aus FNaF: Ties that bind, Transformers: Armageddon, and FNaF: Extraordinary.
Each villian confronting a different Charlie in all three parts of the image.
@soniccrazygal 's take on the character would be looking at Tf: Armageddon Shockwave in his 'M.X.E.S' form as he invades the Pizzaplex's security system.
@nachosforfree 's Charlie would be evading the murderous version of herself in Fazbear Frights.
And @north-noire 's Charlie would be confronting FNaF: Extraordinary Carlton as his spirit piloted the creation.
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Im sorry I couldn't finish these love letters to your aus. I just lost the motivation.
There's one last image related to ties that bind, and nachosforfree's au.
I didn't finish it for all the reasons above, plus I hate Sonic.exe. and in this au, Andrew was meant to take that role.
It was just a thought experiment, though, spooky Sonic is just kinda blase to me now. Unless the person is doing something cool and new with it.
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(Yes, I know that ref sheet is outdated.)
Anyhow, like always!
✨️Reblogging is always appreciated, and my commissions are open! You can find more info about them in the pinned post on my profile!✨️
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (15)
*The time when the 24 OG Mentors played the “Bring something forbidden to school” game*
Festus: As your ✨Class Representative✨ and the best player of this game, please present your “Forbidden Goods” to the class!
Palmyra: *Raises her hand* Let me start, Fest! You guys will like this! I swear!
Festus: Fire away, Palm!☺️
Palmyra: *pulls out an expired bottle of Nutella* I brought my mother’s secret stash of chocolate spread!
Lysistrata: Is it safe to consume?
Palmyra: Yup! I even saw her eating it yesterday!
Lysistrata: Fascinating! Let me see! *grabs the bottle* It says here that this product was made in 2012.
Festus: 2012?! That was centuries ago!
Clemensia: WTH, Palm! That’s basically poison!😱
Gaius: Does your mother secretly have a death wish?!
Palmyra: Who wants to go next?🙂
Pup: Me! *pulls out a bloody sword* I present you my great great grandfather’s saber!
Juno: Why is there fresh blood on that thing, Pup?!
Apollo: *suddenly licks the sword* Calm down. It’s just ketchup.
Pup: It’s not ketchup.
Diana: Ew! Why did you lick that, bro?! I’m telling mom!
Clemensia: I’m next! *Pulls out the last copy of the 2004 movie: White Chicks* I present you my father’s favorite banned movie!
Livia: Clemmie, you witch! How did YOU get that?!
Sejanus: That was banned ages ago!
Arachne: I’m so jealous!
Coryo: Now that’s really illegal!
Juno: Felix Ravinstill, you better not tell your granduncle about this!
Felix: But-
Juno: Don’t you dare tell the President!
Felix: Why not? My crazy granduncle likes White Chicks.
Coryo: Then why did our government banned it?
Felix: Because it featured Vanessa Carlton’s iconic ✨A Thousand Miles✨ song.
Coryo: And that song is illegal?
Felix: To be fair, any song that’s not praising Panem or the Capitol is automatically banned in my crazy family’s book.😞
Coryo: That’s rough, buddy.
Felix: But who cares! I still secretly love to watch White Chicks with my crazy granduncle.
Juno: Good. Because we are all gonna watch it later!🥳
Lysistrata: Me next! *pulls out 24 illegally manufactured morphling bottles* I stole these.🤫
Persephone: Bestie, you brought drugs?!
Coryo: Again. She brought drugs again.
Lysistrata: Yeah. My parents are doctors. I can get away with these.
Androcles: You better hide that from “You-Know-Who” or he’ll hunt you down and strangle you.
Lysistrata: Noted!😉 Coryo, you’re next!
Coryo: Ok. Don’t laugh. I traded 5 cabbages for these years ago.
Domitia: Just show it already!
Coryo: *Pulls out two very famous banned music albums from the 2020s* I present you the last copy of Taylor Swift’s Midnights Album!
Hilarius: What’s the other one?
Coryo: 1989.
Hilarius: Taylor’s Version?
Coryo: Taylor’s Version.
Hilarius: *starts screaming like a crazy fangirl* Coryo Snow, I love you!
Sejanus: Back off, Hilari! Coryo’s mine!
Vipsania: Where the heck did you get those, Snow?!
Felix: You beautiful gorgeous man, give those albums to me!
Festus: Coryo, my bro, I’ll feed you forever if you give them to me instead!
Io: Coryo, I’ll pay you two more cabbages!
Livia: You lying thief! Where did you steal those treasures?!
Coryo: Black Market.
Dennis: I knew it! I knew my mama really does sell banned music albums for cabbages!
Hilarius: Yo, guys, you don’t have to fight. I brought a banned compatible CD player for this game. So let’s just listen to the songs together.
Coryo: Fine. Let’s listen to my favorite song first.
Sejanus: Snow on the Beach!
Felix: Can I be Lana Del Rey?🥺
Coryo: Sure. Whatever you want, Class Pres. *clicks the play button* Here we go.
Felix: Yey!
Everyone: *skips to the chorus, and sings like no tomorrow* 🎶And it's like SNOW at the beach, Weird but f*ckin' beautiful, Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful-🎶
Sejanus: Wait! Stop! I haven’t shown mine yet!
Florus: Fine! The stage is yours, Plinth. *clicks to pause*
Sejanus: *pulls out a whole ass body bag from the corner and opens it* This is Marcus! My classmate and friend from District 2!
Livia: What the actual fu-
Sejanus: Say hello, Marcus!☺️
Marcus: *bored AF* Hi, I’m Marcus.
Festus: You freaking brought your Tribute to school?!
Sejanus: To be fair, you said something forbidden.
Domitia: SOME. THING. Not Someone!
Coryo: Not again!
Urban: We’re all getting a demerit from Sejanus Plinth’s stunt!😫
Iphigenia: Or expelled!😭
Arachne: You idiot Plinth!😡🔪
Marcus: Where’s the food?
Livia: *faints from the shock*
Everyone:. . .
Marcus:. . .
Coryo: So should we continue?
Dennis: Yeah. Sure. Why not.
Coryo: Festus, play the song!
Festus: Got it! *clicks to play*
Everyone+Marcus: *nervously starts singing again* 🎶You wanting me tonight feels impossible, But it's comin' down, no sound, it's all around, Like ✨SNOW✨ on the beach, Like ✨SNOW✨ on the beach, Like ✨SNOW✨ on the beach, Like ✨SNOW✨, oh, oh oh🎶
*Drunk!Casca Highbottom lurking in the shadows (again)*
Drunk!Casca: *Sees Marcus inside the classroom* I swear, Sickle! I swear that there were only 24 Mentors in that room! Not 25!
Prof.Sickle: 24 again. Livia Cardew just fainted.
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cintasfics · 2 months
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OC profile - Marley Williams
Relationships and dynamics
Misc. ideas and headcanons
The People You Meet at Happy Hour - Carlton Lassiter x oc during a night out with some friends from work, marley runs into lassiter, who is at the same bar under similar circumstances. growing tired and her social battery draining, she excuses herself from her group to hang back with the detective at his table.
Hear Santa Barbara, I swear it's calling me - Carlton Lassiter x oc a private case leads the three members of psych detective agency to a nightclub, where marley goes undercover as a dancer to find out more information. the head detective at sbpd enters the same club one night following a tip called into the station and is taken aback by what he sees.
Nothing some (eye) candy can't fix - Juliet O'Hara x oc (platonic) while visiting the sbpd, marley stops in to check on juliet, and finding her friend overworked and under stress, resolves to do something about it
Blue eyes and the tie to match - Carlton Lassiter x oc a case involving models and a fashion designer causes some changes to occur within the group style-wise, and marley can’t help but voice her appreciation
Soft Spot - Carlton Lassiter x oc needing a favour from lassiter to make progress in their case, shawn and gus decide to take advantage of the man’s feelings for their friend, encouraging her to be the one to ask for his help
One of you is going to have to change - Shawn, Gus and Henry x oc (platonic) waiting outside a restaurant for the rest of their party to arrive, shawn wishes he never came up with the idea of going out to eat after being met with a horrific sight
Series - First Meetings
A match made in the emergency room (and again in a cafe) - Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster x oc (platonic) when shawn ends up in the emergency department after being run off the road while investigating the murder of the regional spelling bee spellmaster, he finds a new friend in the nurse that looks after him, even if she doesn’t know it yet
Another thorn in Lassiter's side - Carlton Lassiter x oc shortly after becoming friends with shawn and gus, marley attends (read: is dragged along to) her first crime scene and her presence gets a mixed reaction from the two detectives on the scene
When Marley Met Henry - Henry Spencer x oc (platonic) marley's car breaks down on the way home from work, and unable to respond to her request for help personally, shawn sends his dad in his place
Episode outlines
Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Piece - 1x03 Woman Seeking Dead Husband: Smokers Okay, No Pets - 1x04 9 Lives - 1x05 Weekend Warriors - 1x06 Shawn vs. The Red Phantom - 1x08
Kneel - Erik Lehnsherr x reader It’s Halloween at the school for gifted youngsters, and Erik is more than happy to indulge you in a certain interest of yours
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littlestarlost · 2 years
Ten Great Cover Songs That Aren't "Hurt" By Johnny Cash
I have a spotify playlist called "Total Coverage" and it's where I put the covers I collect. My parameters are strict but, I feel, fair: the song must be covered by a band that does its own material (so no covers-only bands), and they have to do something more interesting with the source material than slowing it down on piano and/or ukulele. There are over 100 songs on the list by now, and I do go back to add more when I find them, but apropos of nothing but my desire to procrastinate here are ten of my favourites, in no particular order, which are NOT the same old covers you see on every single covers list.
1: "Bittersweet Symphony" Originally by The Verve, covered by The Knocks and Foster the People
This track ended up on my most-listened to list of 2022, because it fucking rules. The original is fine, but there's something about how Foster the People elevates the vocals that just makes it catnip for my ears. It's great.
2: "Rosanna" Originally by Toto, covered by Weezer
I'll never forgive Weezer for what they did to "Africa", also by Toto. That cover sucks balls and I hate it. But equally as appalling is how great their cover of "Rosanna" is; they turned up the grit on the guitars and infuse it with edge and energy that the original simply lacks. Goddammit, Weezer.
3: "Jackie and Wilson" Originally by Hozier, covered by Jazz Morley
The golden rule of Hozier covers done by women is that you cannot, under any circumstances, change the pronouns of the song. Hozier writes about women like a lesbian, and either you respect that or you shouldn't cover his stuff. This version of "Jackie and Wilson" is gorgeous and lush, Jazz Morley's voice is great, and she sings it the way it should be sung: sapphically.
4: "Freedom" Originally by George Michael, covered by Christine and the Queens
As my friend Jill put it, somehow this is chill as hell and goes hard as fuck at the same time. Christine and the Queens needs to do more stuff like this; recontextualizing gender and sexuality is basically their bread and butter.
5: "Flagpole Sitta" Originally by Harvey Danger, covered by Elohim and AWOLNATION
This is the only reason I know the lyrics to this song and it's worth it. It's a very Lana Del Rey approach to the tune, with twinkling piano and sultry vocals, and it works incredibly well.
6: "Higher Love" Originally by Whitney Houston, covered by JR JR
Another one that I've listened to so much that it's crept into my regular rotation. Indie pop boys taking on the greatest voice of the generation might not sound very good, but as an OG hipster I can tell you that this is exactly the sort of bright poppy nonsense we ate the fuck up in 2012.
7: "I Think We're Alone Now" Originally by Tiffany, covered by Billie Joe Armstrong
I think Billie Joe always wanted to be a pop princess girlie, and now that Green Day is in the "whatever the fuck we want" phase of their career, he gets to do great covers like this one. Takes a somewhat dated classic and makes it sound absolutely timeless.
8: "Needle in the Hay" Originally by Elliott Smith, covered by Vanessa Carlton
As someone who had both an Elliott Smith and a Vanessa Carlton phase, this is just good synergy for me. But also, more women need to do covers of Elliott Smith. Let's get a trend going. He deserves to be reinterpreted that way.
9: "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" Originally by ABBA, covered by Zachary Staines
This man really took a disco classic and made it sound like the best Ed Sheeran song that Ed Sheeran could never do. Outstanding.
10: "I Love You Always Forever" Originally by Donna Lewis, covered by Betty Who
I can't believe Betty Who didn't originate this song. It's literally perfect for her. A+, no notes.
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lifewithaview · 11 months
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Psych (2006) Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Piece
Attorney general Maxwell demands a discrete investigation into the theft from a hotel safe of his family's heirloom ring just before his son Dylan's wedding with possible gold-digger Bethany Cadman. Shawn can't resist volunteering his services, accepted by the couple, not Carlton Lassiter, yet his suite is invaded as base for an inquest Gus is suckered into because of the state-of-the-art safe. Shawn discovers a missing hotel executive's bloodily murdered corps and brilliantly works trough wedding party suspects while joining bachelor - and hen parties.
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lilborealis · 7 months
The mortal Kombat fixation is at an all time high, I have caved, here are the sillies
Mortal Kombat Oc’s!!!-Part One!
Claudia La Rue
(Warning:child abuse, general angst up ahead)
Real name:Claudine Gertrude Carlton
Age:Mid to late twenties
Birth place:Red Hills, Indiana
Current Residence:New York City, New York
-Father:Robert Carlton(deceased)
-Mother:Rose Carlton
-Brothers:Franklin, Jonathon, Jimmy
-appearance:standing at 5’6, Claudia has a pale complexion with a roundish face, thinnish brows, hooked nose and brown eyes. Her black hair goes a bit past her shoulders (think a bit like Jessica rabbit but less wavy) and swoops over her left eye.
She has somewhat of a triangular body shape, where her hips are a bit wider than her shoulders. She’s reasonably fit from exercising regularly and getting into fights growing up, so there some noticeable muscle that is usually hidden by her clothing. She’s got small scars on her hands from fighting as a teen, a long scar on the back of her left thigh from a childhood accident, and several cigar burns on the back of her neck brought on by her dad in childhood, usually covered by her hair.
Her default outfit is a white, dressy sleeveless top, a leather jacket, black slacks and black heeled boots that stop just below her knees.
-Backstory:Claudia LaRue can only be described as a young prodigy in the world of fashion. An accomplished fashion designer all before the age of thirty, she took the world by storm, appearing in all sorts of magazines and interviews. Yet, she is also seen as cold, cut throat, and a workaholic, many believing she stepped on many people “clawing” her way to where she is now. Her background is also one of question and people can only guess that she came from old money or maybe even European royalty by her last name and the way she just is. The only rumor that was entirely accurate was that she has had to fight for a long time.
Claudia was born Claudine Gertrude Carlton in the tiny farming town of Red Hills, Indiana. The forth out of five children, she was the second daughter born to deputy Rose and farmer Robert Carlton. Her childhood was one of strife as Robert was an angry man, often taking his rage out on his children. Claudia could only really find comfort in her brother Johnny, as they were the closest in age.
They’d could often be found making movies in the backyard. Then whenever their parents could be heard arguing, they’d hide under Johnny’s bed for hours, talking about anything. Mostly how they would leave home for good, together. Robert’s abuse would continue to escalate, including burning Claudia with his cigar, until one night, Rose would unalive Robert in self-defense during an argument. She would be cleared of all wrongdoing in court, but the Carltons would forever become pariahs in their tiny town.
Claudia would be picked on and in response to this, she was sent up north to a fancy, all girl’s boarding school in New York on scholarship. Yet, she would continue to get bullied up there, for even being on scholarship. Rose had already taught Claudia how to fight a little, which was an advantage against her bullies. She would write often to her mother and Johnny. Claudia would excel in her studies and would make friends, but that still wouldn’t stop her from getting picked on. To finally try to get her bullies to stop, one of her friends told her about the school’s secret fight club. Many of the girls would be in the basement after school hours, beating the crud out of each other. Most of Claudia’s bullies participated within the club and she saw this as a way to get her bullies to leave her alone for good.
Claudia would rise to become the undefeated champion of her entire time at school, succeeding in getting her bullies to stop. Yet, over her time in school, Johnny slowly stopped writing to her. Confused, she went home after she graduated to find that Johnny had changed completely. He had become more obsessed with fame and much more full of himself. He didn’t want to spend time with her anymore as he spent a lot of his time trying to get his start in Hollywood. She wanted to be supportive of him, but it was difficult due to how poorly he was treating her.
She would confront him over his behavior when she was 18, and the two would have a heated argument, where some hurtful things would be said. Johnny would leave home the next day, leaving Claudia hurt and angry. She wasn’t able to leave until a year later. Once she did, she vowed to never return. It was then she would return to New York to get a start on her own career, eventually becoming a fashion designer.
It was years later when Liu Kang would go searching for his champions, Claudia being one of them. She hadn’t spoken to Johnny in years and definitely wasn’t happy to see him. After some reluctance, she eventually agreed to join Liu Kang.
-Cool Girl by Tove Lo
-Problems by Mother Mother
-West End Girls by Pet Shop Boys
-Maneater by Nelly Furtado
-Telephone by Lady Gaga ft Beyoncé
-Mary by Alex G
-Nobody by Mitski
Real name:Seraphina Amin
Age:mid twenties
Birth place:the village of Madinat, Outworld
Current Residence:Lin Kuei Fortress (formerly), Shirai Ryu Fortress (after the events of MK1)
-Father:Ignatius, High Mage of Outworld (deceased)
-MotherBasma Amin (deceased)
-Brother:Harad (deceased)
-Sisters:Panya, Rasvi (deceased)
-appearance:at five feet and eleven inches, Seraphina is a well-built and intimidating looking woman. She has brown-tinted terracotta colored skin, dark brown wavy, bouncy hair that is a normally worn up but is shoulder length and has hazel eyes.
A more rectangular body-type, she is muscular due to her intense training in fighting and magic. Her most noticeable feature is a large, star-like burn scar, reaching from the tip of her left shoulder, covering half of her neck, the a little bit of her chest, the left side of her jaw and most of her left cheek. She’s also got a few scars on her torso from training as a Lin Kuei.
Her default outfit is the standard Lin Kuei/Shirai Ryu uniform but in seafoam green. Her mask is also seafoam green and somewhat resembles coral in its texture, covering up most of her scar.
Backstory:Seraphina Amin was born in a wealthy, but small and remote village up in the mountains of Outworld called Madinat. She was the youngest child out of four siblings, one boy and two other girls, to the high mage of Outworld at the time, Ignatius and his wife Basma Amin. Being the daughter of a high mage, she and her siblings were trained in magic as early as possible. Ignatius was particularly strong in water and ice magic, him teaching his youngest the former. She would live with her family in luxury until one day, it was all taken away in the blink of an eye.
At the tender age of eight, her village was beset upon by an army of unknown origin to her. They were lead by a younger Shang Tsung, who was in the process of starting his experiments. He had been given orders by Damashi to destroy Madinat and to end Ignatius by any means necessary. Due to Madinat being so isolated, they were powerless to stop the attack. Their best bet was Ignatius. Despite being high mage though, he had clearly underestimated Shang Tsung’s power. Ignatius would die, not knowing the fate of his wife and children.
During the chaos, Seraphina would be separated from her mother and siblings. She would witness Shang Tsung striking down her father, and in her anger, would release a powerful wave of magic against Shang Tsung. Her magic was unusually powerful at such a young age, most likely caused by her anger at seeing her father killed, but erratic and unfocused. Shang Tsung would easily win against her, giving her the large scar she now covers with her face mask. Seraphina would seemingly be left to die in the snow.
Fate would intervene, as the girl would wake up in a warm bed, bandaged and taken care of. Also with three random little boys standing over her.
Naturally, she was terrified out of her mind, waking up in an unknown place. She ran out of her room screaming and crying and would disappear. Those three little boys would turn out to be Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Bi Han. And they would be forced to help search for their little guest by their parents.
Unbeknownst to Seraphina, the Lin Kuei had stumbled across the smoldering ruins of Madinat while coming back from a mission in Outworld. Led by the second in command, Zi Rui, he would order his men to search the village for survivors. Zi Rui would find Ignatius, who was amazingly still alive but was quickly being overtaken by magical rot. Ignatius’s last words to Zi Rui were to “find them….keep them safe”. Zi Rui could assume it was the man’s children by a faded portrait on the wall. Seraphina would be the only one he found alive.
Zi Rui and the grandmaster’s wife would be the ones to find Seraphina, hiding out in a pond. It was then that it was realized she could turn into water and had a better grasp of water magic than first assumed. She would be coaxed out primarily by Zi Rui, who would go onto to primarily raise and train her to become a Lin Kuei.
As she grew, she would particularly grow close to Tomas. Both had lost their families at such a young age and could find comfort in each other that both of them had found a new home. Yet, the one person she didn’t get along with, no matter how hard she tried, was Bi Han. He was particularly cold towards her and Tomas and she couldn’t understand why. She would frequently get into scuffles with Bi Han, especially when he was being mean towards Tomas. She would also be witness to the birth of the final child of the grandmaster, a daughter named Min Le. Min Le was difficult pregnancy for the grandmaster’s wife and was born prematurely, so everyone among the Lin Kuei would hold their breath to see if either baby or mother survived.
Thankfully, baby and mother would live, but the latter being severely weakened. Seraphina and Min Le would develop a very sister-like relationship and would be the first one to comfort Min Le when her mother died from illness. She would also protect Min Le from Bi Han as he partially blamed his sister for “taking their mother away” because Min Le’s birth is what “weakened” their mother in the first place.
Eventually graduating to a full Lin Kuei, she would actively be against Bi Han ascending to grandmaster as she didn’t trust him. Yet, she would be in the minority and would be powerless to stop his ascension.
-Bellyache by Billie Eilish
-A L I E N S by Coldplay
-Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
-Last Words Of A Shooting Star by Mitski
-You’re Dead by Norma Tanega
-4:00 A.M. by Taeko Onuki
-Ribs by Lorde
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yuexuan · 2 years
[Review] 将军,你不能娶他!
Title: 将军,你不能娶他!General, you can’t marry him!
Author: 夏虫语
Length: 90 chapters + 1 extra
Rating: E
Tag: interstellar, rebirth, sentinel/guide
Zhuo Yifan is a guide - that is, a medium guide. His only ability is to find the best match for other guides and sentinel. In other words, he is a matchmaker. 
Due to the unique characteristics of medium guides, they can’t pair with other sentinels, and are destined to be lonely forever or to pair with a normal human. 
In his last life, Zhuo Yifan was the Empire’s War God’s - Carlton Rhein’s - personal medium guide. In order to fulfill his duty to find a partner for the strongest man in the Empire, he spent eight years and an endless effort to locate three guides. But none of the three guides fulfilled their responsibility and duty as a partner, causing the general’s mental faculty to increasingly destabilize, leading to the overloading of senses and eventual death.
Reliving his life, Zhuo Yifan’s biggest wish is to amend his mistake and assuage his regrets, by finding the best guide for the general! 
The esteemed Rose Princess, the dazzling celebrity, the gentle and understanding doctor…No! None of you are suitable for the general! Who would have thought that in the end, the person that is most suitable for the general…is…!?
Comments **contains spoilers**:
I came across this danmei because I was fishing around for some sentinel/guide story. For those who aren’t familiar, the basic premise of the sentinel/guide trope originated from The Sentinel fandom, where sentinels are people with super-heightened senses that could lead to sensory overload, and guides are those capable of helping them deal with their overloads. 
Anyways, the story starts with the rebirth of Zhuo Yifan. In his previous life, Zhuo Yifan was a prominent researcher who sought to understand what makes guides and sentinels attracted to one another and their compatibility, all so he could find the perfect match for his employer: Carlton. Carlton is the Empire’s war hero and a sentinel, but due to his unique characteristics, he isn’t able to find a guide that could successfully reduce his overload. As such, he ultimately died, leading Zhuo Yifan feeling guilty for being unable to fulfill his duty. In desperation, Zhuo Yifan’s spiritual guide, a phoenix, transported him back in time. Now, he has a second chance of saving the general’s life, only to realize that he is the destined one for the general. 
The story itself is pretty short and a quickread. I like the concept of a medium guide whose only role is to…well, matchmake. The scenes of Carlton trying to woo Zhuo Yifan are fluffy and cute. That said, there are many parts of the story that made me go: hmmm…the antagonists are portrayed as overly jealous and dumb; certain love interests serve no purpose other than to help the main pairing together and they are killed thereafter; the main character at the end suddenly went out of character and became super petty; and the list goes on and on…I guess it’s an okay read for when you have extra time. Or, if you are like me, who is just desperate for some sentinel/guide stories ^^;
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jamyreads · 2 years
cr: Haunting Adeline & Hunting Adeline
[Cat & Mouse Duet]
H. D. Carlton
Haunting Adeline on Goodreads
The Manipulator
I can manipulate the emotions of anyone who lets me.
I will make you hurt, make you cry, make you laugh and sigh.
But my words don't affect him. Especially not when I plead for him to leave.
He's always there, watching and waiting.
And I can never look away.
Not when I want him to come closer.
The Shadow
I didn't mean to fall in love.
But now that I have, I can't stay away.
I'm mesmerized by her smile, by her eyes, and the way she moves.
The way she undresses...
I'll keep watching and waiting. Until I can make her mine.
And once she is, I'll never let her go.
Not even when she begs me to.
Hunting Adeline on Goodreads:
The final installment to the Cat and Mouse Duet...
The Diamond
Death walks alongside me,
But the reaper is no match for me.
I'm trapped in a world full of monsters dressed as men, and those who aren't as they seem.
They won't keep me forever.
I no longer recognize the person I've become,
And I'm fighting to find my way back to the beast who hunts me in the night.
They call me a diamond,
But they've only created an angel of death.
The Hunter
I was born a predator,
With ruthlessness ingrained in my bones.
When what's mine is stolen from me in the night,
Like a diamond hidden within a fortress,
I find that I can no longer contain the beast.
Blood will paint the ground as I tear apart this world to find her.
And bring her back to where she belongs.
No one will escape my wrath,
Especially not those who have betrayed me.
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