#Carol x Gaz
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On these joyful summer days May no sorrow befoul our spirits For the sun shines bright And our cups are filled with wine And with your hand in mine we wander through the golden fields Alas heaven just might be this
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syoddeye · 5 months
the christmas party
ceo!price x reader / smut free / ~2.8k words
A very belated Christmas drabble thing. Definitely not inspired by real life events. 👀 Featuring a fem!Reader x Price, background Ghost x Soap, and Gaz, the incredi-boss. Might fuck around make this a series, we'll see! Maybe I'll clean it up and throw it on AO3, too.
CW: alcohol, substance abuse (mentioned) inappropriate comments from coworkers
You came to expect drama at the company Christmas party. It was as traditional as the optional White Elephant gift exchange, the hired group of carolers, and the ugly sweater competition.
Last year, a 'mystery' baggie of powder and a credit card belonging to the former Head of Sales was found in a bathroom stall. Two years ago, it was the unexpectedly raunchy dancing between an engineer and a project manager you swore hated each other. Three years ago, a division head went home with someone who was definitely not her spouse.
You'd seen a lot in your tenure. The good, the bad, the ugly, the hilariously mortifying.
Coming up on your fifth year with The 141 Group, you were a rarity. Most folks job-hopped. More power to them, no shame in gaining good experience after a year or two to leave for greener pastures. The fact you stuck around labeled you a 'veteran', a cheeky if not sensational label, though there were times you certainly felt like you'd seen war. Acquisitions. Rebrands. Reorgs. Yeesh.
But life at 141 suits you. You are an executive assistant, a good one. It helps that your direct supervisor and the VP of Finance, Kyle Garrick, a fellow 'vet', was an incredible boss. He lets you work from when you need to, doesn't micromanage, and treats you like a person, unlike other execs. He had faith in your ability to manage his calendar, prep materials, book travel - in short, you organized his work life. In return, whenever some new hire got too fresh with you, all it took was one teensy mention in a morning meeting, and by lunch, the offending party had only apologies for you. Most importantly, though, the job nets enough money to make rent and let you pursue your hobbies.
With years of Christmas parties under your belt, you were looking forward to tonight's low-grade yet cataclysmic event. Pre-gaming and primping at a fellow assistant's house, Jordan, you clasp the silver holly leaf pendant around your neck where it lies just above your modest cleavage. The dress code was simply 'Christmas Color', another tradition. Formal attire was expected, if not an unsaid requirement, which meant slipping into a gorgeous dark green dress you spied weeks ago in a boutique window. You thank yourself for earning that last pay bump to afford it because you look fantastic, in your humble opinion.
Lacing her leather Oxfords, Jordan gives a low whistle when you turn away from the mirror. "Like a big, sexy pine tree."
You smirk. "Thanks. Remind me why we both couldn't wear red tonight?"
"Because of the two of us, red is my color. Do I not look like some kind of holiday vampire?" She asks, standing with a sweeping gesture down at her deep, red velvet suit.  
"More bellboy, but-"
The two of you lovingly bicker all the way out to the awaiting car. The 141 Group, ever mindful of its image, always reimbursed rideshares for its company parties. Given the amount of liquor that flowed at these events, it wasn't only generous but smart. Like the higher-ups needed a scandal. The car ferries you across town to the ritzy event space at a local art museum. Leaving your coats at the complimentary bag check, you enter the well-underway party.
The events team needs a raise, like yesterday. The sprawling space was completely done up. Several open bars, a champagne wall, a photo op with a to-scale Santa's Sleigh, and dining tables with place settings that probably rival a monarch. Silvery white birch trees enveloped in lights line the walls, with clusters of small fir trees fully decorated dotting the space. The dancefloor was already busy with a DJ fully dressed as Santa.
Four going on five years, and it was still quite the sight.
You gently elbow Jordan. "So. Cheesy themed cocktails first or canapes?" 
"Obviously drinks. I just saw one with an ornament in it!"
Three hours in, it was a dead heat for Most Dramatic Event. Two separate calamities slowly built throughout the night.
At the nexus of the first, Chad from marketing was almost blacked out. After winning the ugly sweater with a true abomination of a sweater (working lights, a mini speaker, and an ungodly amount of sequins), he celebrated. A little hard. He bopped from open bar to open bar as the bartenders cut him off one by one. He was trying to convince a coworker to grab him another Mistletoe Martini, and it was progressively getting louder.
The second was from the rumor mill more than anything. Apparently, a developer named Scott brought the wrong gift for the exchange. As the story went, his wife used the same paper for an identically sized gift, one of a titillating nature, and now he was visibly paranoid that he nabbed the wrong one on the way out the door. The man stalked the pile of gifts as folks drew numbers.
Jordan bet on the first, and you bet on the second. From the corner, you watch, giggling behind a cup of Prancer's Punch.
The sound of your name drew your attention. Kyle, in a charcoal gray suit with a sleek snowflake tie bar and green tie, approaches with a Tiny Tim Collins in hand. Though you waved hello earlier in the night, he spent most of the evening in the company of who you deemed his 'buddies' - Johnny MacTavish, VP of Technology and Jordan's boss, and Simon Riley, the Chief Security Officer. You learned in your first month to leave the trio to it. 
"Having fun, are we?" Kyle grins and turns to observe the twin events. 
"I love this party. Every year, delivers just like Santa," Jordan gleefully said.
"Someone should stop them," You add, knowing nobody would. At least not Kyle.
And as if on cue, the man chuckles. "Not my circus, not my clowns."
The three of you chat, swapping bits of office gossip collected through the night. Not the most appropriate, but not the worst social crime, surely. You're the right amount of tipsy: warm and relaxed but solid.
The wager came up naturally.
"What do you want if you win, my pine tree?"
"Hmm. It's gotta be something outrageous but not a fireable offense. Hmm. Maybe I'll have you sing on a video call, pretend you thought you were on mute or something."
"...That's boring."   
"Do I want to know?" Kyle asks, sipping his drink. 
"We have a bet on who's gonna be this year's drama - Chad or Scott." You explain.
"Maybe I ought to get back…" Your boss said with a laugh. "Better not witness to whatever you two plan." 
"Might be for the best. Night, Kyle," You accept the brief hug from the man, then poke a finger against his chest. "Listen, if I get one DM about work during the holiday, I'm switching your coffee to decaf."
Kyle claps a hand over his heart as if he's been shot. "Monstrous. Fine, have it your way, no work during Christmas…Now, behave yourself, both of you." 
Watching him retreat back to MacTavish and Riley (who look quite cozy - perhaps another piece of gossip?), Jordan nudges you. "If I was into guys, that's who I'd be into."
"You and like fifty other people here," As Kyle's assistant, you're more than his Girl Friday; you're also a professional gatekeeper. You could wallpaper your apartment with the amount of cringy notes you've stopped from reaching his desk. 
"Not your type, then?" 
You whip your head back to Jordan, utterly horrified. "No way. Not that Kyle isn't an absolute dreamboat; he's just not my dreamboat. Plus, at this point, it would be so, so weird."
Jordan laughs. "Y'know, even though we've been work besties for a year, I don't think we've ever discussed this. What is your type? As dudes are not my specialty, I have no clue."
Your type, huh? As if you don't know. Your type's been the same for as long as you can remember. Big and brawny, the kind of guy who could haul you around. Dark hair. Well-groomed, well-dressed, well-endow–You could still make it onto the naughty list. 
Using better and cleaner terms, you relay this information to Jordan. 
"Huh. A man's man. Whodathunk–oh! Oh shit, look who it is!" The other woman pats your arm and gestures with a nod.
Joining Kyle and his buddies, is none other than John Price - CEO of The 141 Group. Fashionably late (very fashionably late), yet another tradition. Adorned in a Santa red suit jacket and a matching red tie, he somehow makes the boring dress code dashing. Flanking him is a pair of bodyguards. He's just in time for the wager to come to a head. 
God, he looks good. 
As Kyle's assistant, you see John fairly regularly. Not that he sees you. No one above a certain pay grade sees assistants. You kind of just blend right on in. Not even Mr. Riley, whom you've been introduced to a dozen times by Kyle himself, recalls your name. When you tag along to meetings to take notes for the boss man, you assume you're on the same level as a lamp or plant. That doesn't mean you haven't ogled John Price before. Kind of hard to not to, what with his commanding presence. You're kind of ogling him right now.
"Wow, you really do have a type," Jordan hums with a shit-eating grin.
"Shut up," You hiss into your drink and look away, just in time to see Chad from marketing lift a gift box-shaped ice sculpture and smash it onto the ground next to one of the open bars with a frustrated yell. The poor bartender and caterers jump back, and the music scratches to a halt. A thick silence fell over the party, impressive for a crowd of over a hundred, and your eyes flick to Mr. Price.
He glares daggers in Chad's direction, then nods at the taller of his bodyguards. Without hesitation, the man crosses the event space toward a petrified, drunk-crying Chad. As the guard hauls him away, your coworker, or former coworker, you assume, bursts into ugly tears and then disappears from sight. But your eyes are still on John, whose gaze turns to the DJ. The music starts again, as does the chatter. 
"Fuck yes," Jordan giddily whispers. 
"Well, shit."
"You know what this means, don't you?"
"...Unfortunately, yes. Yes, I do," You sigh and down the rest of your drink. "Before you swing the axe, let me grab another punch."
"Hurry back, I've got my thinking cap on," Jordan impishly smirks. 
With a groan, you make your way to the nearest open bar. One far from Chad's little tantrum. Most folks are on the dance floor at this hour, leaving this particular bar quiet. Waiting in line behind other tipsy coworkers, a clearing throat behind you grabs your attention. 
"D'you have a recommendation?" A low, gravelly voice from all your best dreams asks. 
You turn, and the sweet Hallmark-worthy image that blossomed in your mind in the last two seconds promptly morphs into a nightmare. Not a running-for-your-life nightmare, but a you're-the-only-naked-person-in-class nightmare. Laughable, considering the topic of conversation not three minutes ago.
John Price stands tall behind you, arms crossed, testing the fabric of his red suit jacket. He smells like tobacco and something spicy, and his eyes are a shade of blue you hadn't noticed before. You never got this close. They narrow slightly, and you realize you haven't answered him.
"Prancer's Punch." The name sounds cornier aloud.
"Hmm. Brandy or rum?" He sounds unimpressed. Was he unimpressed?
You're quicker to answer this time. Except, you babble. "It's, uh, made with dark rum. It's delicious. I've had a few. The cranberry juice isn't too tart, compliments the sparkling wine and–It's good."
Santa, run me over with your reindeer.
Kyle would be humiliated to have heard all of that. You are humiliated for having said all of that.
To your surprise though, the corner of John's mouth hooks in a smirk, then he chuckles. "How many qualifies as 'a few'?" 
You, apparently committed to acting moronically, answer honestly. "Five." 
It gets you an actual laugh this time. His hand raises up to scritch at his cheek, flashing the band of a watch you're certain is worth more than your life, then juts his chin forward slightly. "You're up, miss."
"Oh, no, Mr. Price, I insist, please-" You start to sidestep to let him up in line, but his hand lowers immediately and stretches out to stop you. He doesn't touch you, but the hair of your arm stands up at the proximity. 
John smiles again, and his head tips toward you. "I insist. Join me, Miss…?"
"Mr. Price?" A voice suddenly interrupts. The taller bodyguard that removed Chad steps up and steals away Mr. Price's attention. "The problem's been dealt with. Regarding…"
You don't hear the rest of the conversation because you hurriedly ask for a punch and bolt back to Jordan. 
And Jordan saw everything. Your heart is racing, and you miss half of her teasing. 
"You made him laugh. Twice. I don't think I've ever seen him smile, let alone laugh." 
"Because I basically admitted to being drunk!"
"Calm down, you're not, you're solid," She reassures. "Besides. You saw that death glare at Chad. If he was upset, I reckon you'd be on the receiving end of one of those."
You groan and take a swig of punch. You hope you've had enough of the good stuff to burn away the memory of your embarrassing rambling. You look back to Jordan to say something and find your friend once again grinning devilishly at you.
"I just thought of what I want for my victory."
Any time, Santa. Put me out of my misery.
"So…You know #AskPrice?" 
You know where this is going, and your eyeballs nearly bulge out of their sockets. "Jordan. Please. No. Do not make me post something stupid there." 
#AskPrice was the name of the open channel at work. Anyone across the company could post questions for Mr. Price to answer. More often than not, it was a venue for bootlickers and kiss-asses to rain praises and share bad proposals. Rarely was there a legitimate question or a good idea.
"Darling, of course not. I have something far funnier in mind," She started, and you swore you saw the flames of hell itself in her eyes. "You're going to direct message Mr. Price and ask what he wants for Christmas." 
Jaw, meet floor. "Absolutely not!"
Jordan laughs and hooks an arm around your neck, pulling you in. "Come on. It's harmless. Believe me, I considered making you send a selfie or asking if you're on the naughty or nice list."
"He could fire me!"
"For what? It's just a question! He always says we're welcome to DM him."
To be fair, Mr. Price did say that at the end of every company-wide call or in email announcements. He always harps on 'transparency' and 'open channels of communication', hence #AskPrice. To your knowledge, however, no one ever takes him up on that, at least at your level.
"Jordan…Mercy. Please."
"My sweet pine tree, you lost fair and square," She releases you and pats your shoulder. "If it makes you feel better, I bet he gets a thousand messages a day. The notification will get lost in the noise."
It doesn't take much more prodding and encouragement from Jordan. Your phone ends up in your hand, and you tap into the chat app. Your hand shakes a little when you pull up John's username and open the message dialogue. 
johnprice - invisible Hi, Mr. Price. I was wondering what you want for Christmas?
Short and to the point. Jordan calls it 'boring', but you're already putting your neck on the line for a stupid wager. You're not risking anymore by dressing it up. Bet fulfilled, you press send, quickly turn notifications off, and shove your phone back into your little purse. Jordan rewards you with a squeeze to the shoulder.
"That was terrifying." You whine.
"That was a rush. Come on. Let's dance." 
The next morning, when you're all but molded to your couch and housing takeaway, there's a little ping from your phone. It's the chime of the chat app.
"Kyle, for the love of everything, it's Sunday–"
You nearly drop your phone.
johnprice - invisible Hi, Mr. Price. I was wondering what you want for Christmas? > World peace. > I'd settle for a drink, though.
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your-averagewriter · 2 years
Request rules.
I don't write smut but I will write steamy make-out scenes and all that.
I will write fem!character x fem!reader, male!character x fem!reader, male!reader x male!reader. All of it including gender neutral reader.
I also only really write x reader fics.
My Masterlist - What I've already written, I update when I post.
- Thanks for the requests though! :)
Keep an eye on this as I add more characters as I watch more shows/movies!
People/characters I will write for:
- Hunger Games - Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen, Haymitch Abernathy, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta, Lucy Gray Baird, Sejanus Plinth.
- Maze Runner - Thomas, Newt, Gally, Minho.
- Kingsman - Harry Hart (Galahad), Gary "Eggsy" Unwin (Galahad), Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Jack Daniels (Whiskey).
- Zombieland - Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita.
- Luther - John Luther, Alice Morgan, Justin Ripley.
- Call of Duty - John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, König, Alejandro Vargas, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Valeria Garza, Keegan Russ.
- The Boys - Homelander, Starlight, Soldier Boy, Black Noir, Billy Butcher, Hughie Campbell, The Deep, Queen Maeve, A-Train, Translucent.
- Gen V - Marie Moreau, Emma Meyer, Jordan Li, Andre Anderson, Cate Dunlap, Luke Riordan and Sam Riordan.
- Fallout - Cooper Howard (pre and post Ghoul), Lucy MacLean, Maximus.
- The Walking Dead (I've only seen the first season so no spoilers please!!) - Rick Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Lori Grimes, Andrea
- Scream - Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Dwight "Dewey" Riley, Randy Meeks, Richie Kirsch, Sam Carpenter, Tara Carpenter, Chad Meeks-Martin, Mindy Meeks-Martin, Ethan Landry.
- The Lost Boys - Michael Emerson, David, Star, Marko, Dwayne.
- What We Do in the Shadows - Nandor the Relentless, Laszlo Cravensworth, Nadja, Guillermo de la Cruz.
- Late Night with The Devil - Jack Delroy
- Renfield - R.M Renfield.
- A Quiet Place (1&2) - Lee Abbott, Evelyn Abbott, Emmett.
- The Boy - Brahms.
- Fight Club - Tyler Durden, The Narrator.
- Alien - Ripley, Dwayne Hicks, Hudson.
- Saw - Adam Faulkner-Stanheight, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm, Mark Hoffman.
- The Crow - Eric Draven.
- Midnight Mass - Sheriff Hassan, Father Paul, Riley Flynn.
- MCU - Tom Holland!Peter Parker, Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Steve Rodgers, Tony Stark, T'Challa, Stephen Strange, Logan, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Matt Murdock, Valkyrie, Carol Danvers, Peter Quill, Bucky Barnes, Phil Coulson, Gamora, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, James Rhodes, Pietro Maximoff, Druig, Sam Wilson, Shuri.
- Spiderverse - Hobie Brown, Miles Morales (both variations), Gwen Stacy, Miguel O'Hara, Pavitr Prabhakar, Peter B Parker, Spider Noir.
- X-Men and others (Deadpool etc) - Young!Charles Xavier, Young!Erik Lehnsherr, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Nathan Summers, Wade Wilson.
- The Dark Knight Trilogy - Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne, Jonathon Crane.
- The Batman - Robert Pattinson!Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle.
- Justice League - Diana Prince (Wonderwoman), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Clark Kent (Superman).
- Gotham - David Mazouz!Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jerimiah Valeska, Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Selina Kyle, Ed Nygma, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Zsasz, Harvey Bullock, Jonathon Crane, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries.
The Suicide Squad - Jared Leto!Joker, Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Chris Smith (Peacemaker), Robert DuBois (Bloodsport), Chato Santana (El Diablo).
- Attack on Titan - Eren Yeager, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, Sasha Braus, Erwin Smith, Miche Zacharius, Hitch Dreyse, Kenny Ackerman, Marco Bodt, Pieck Finger, Porco Galliard, Colt Grice, Bertholdt Hoover, Nicolo, Ymir, Zeke Yeager, Floch Forster.
- Demon Slayer - Giyu Tomioka, Mitsuri Kanroji, Obanai Iguro, Muichiro Tokito, Shinobu Kocho, Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Kanao Tsuyuri, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Gyutaro, Daki, Enmu, Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma.
- Castlevania - Alucard, Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont, Carmilla, Lenore.
- Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Juuzou Suzuya, Touka Kirishima, Kuki Urie, Ayato Kirishima, Itori, Uta, Hideyoshi Nagachika.
- My Hero Academia - Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Tenya Ida, Ochaco Uraraka, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Itsuka Kendo, Tamaki Amajiki, Hitoshi Shinso, Keigo Takami, Mirko, Dabi, Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara.
- Obey me - Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon.
- Haikyuu! - Daichi Sawamura, Kōshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Tobio Kageyama, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kiyoko Shimizu, Keishin Ukai, Tetsurō Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Tōru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Kōtarō Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Satori Tendō, Yūji Terushima, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya.
- Avatar the Last Airbender - Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Aang, Azula, Ty Lee.
- Avatar: Legend of Korra - Korra, Asami, Mako, Tenzin, Iroh.
- Waterparks - Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, Otto Wood.
- My Chemical Romance - Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero, (all the killjoys).
- Pierce The Veil - Vic Fuentes, Tony Perry, Jaime Preciado.
- All Time Low - Alex Gaskarth, Rian Dawson, Zack Merrick.
- Ice Nine Kills - Spencer Charnas, Ricky Armellino, Patrick Galante, Joe Occhiuti, Dan Sugarman.
- Palaye Royale - Remington Leith, Emerson Barrett.
- Others - Oli Sykes, Ronnie Radke, Andy Hurley, Brandon Flowers, Chris Motionless, Kellin Quinn,, John O'Callaghan, Josh Franceschi, Lzzy Hale, Hayley Williams, William Beckett, Noah Sebastian, Will Ramos, Will Ghould, Dave Grohl, Vessel (Sleep Token).
- Metal Lords - Hunter, Kevin, Emily.
- The Sandman - Dream, Corinthian.
- Prey - Naru, Taabe.
- Stranger Things - Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathon Byers, Max Mayfield, Robin Buckley, 001, Dimitri, Eddie Munson.
- Star Wars - Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Rey, Kylo Ren, Boba Fett, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cal Kestis.
- Barbie - Barbie, Ken.
- Monster High - Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Cleo de Nile, Deuce Gorgon, Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Abbey Bominable, Clawd Wolf, Gillington Webber, Heath Burns, Holt Hyde, Jackson Jekyll, Neighthan Rot, Operetta, Robecca Steam, Rochelle Goyle, Venus McFlytrap, Kieran Valentine, Porter Geiss.
- Euphoria - Rue Bennett, Jules Vaughn, Maddy Perez, Cassie Howard, Fezco, Lexi Howard, Nate Jacobs (nothing abusive).
- Wonka - Willy Wonka, Fickelgruber.
- Saltburn - Oliver Quick, Felix Catton, Farleigh Start, Venetia Catton.
I know that's quite a long list and if you want me to write for a character not on there then just ask :)
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wutheringhearts2275 · 6 months
Requests and asks info
All my writings will be fandom based. I will be taking requests as I receive them and can think of something to go along with said request. My writings will be x reader unless otherwise specified.
When writing requests please specify your chosen character, readers gender, readers relation to character (platonic will be assumed if not specified) and your story request (if not in enough detail I will fill in the gaps)
I will also do headcannons and headcannon requests. For these please specify the fandom and your chosen headcannon you want
All characters are assumed pansexual unless otherwise specified.
Fandoms i’ll write for:
John ‘Soap’ Mactavish
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
John Price
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
Kate Lanswell (WLW ONLY)
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra
Valeria Garza
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Steve Rodgers
Sam Wilson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Carol Danvers
Marc Spector/Steve Grant/Jake Lockley
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black
Narcissa Malfoy (formerly Black)
Belatrix Lestrange (formerly Black)
Lilly Potter (formerly Evans)
Peaky blinders
Thomas ‘Tommy’ Shelby
John Shelby
Arthur Shelby
Michael Grey
Ada Thorne (formerly Shelby)
Isiah Jesus
Polly Grey
Greys Anatomy
Christina Yang
Merideth Grey
Alex Karev
Marc Sloan
Jackson Avery
Nathan Riggs
Derek Shepard
Addison Montgomery
Stranger Things {Reqs closed for now}
Robin Buckley (WLW ONLY)
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Fast & Furious
Letty Ortiz
Han Lu
Brian O’Connor
9-1-1/Lone Star
Evan ‘buck’ buckley
Eddie Diaz
Howard ‘chimney’ han
Athena Grant
TK Strand (MLM ONLY)
Carlos Reyes (MLM ONLY)
Please note that this list will be added to as time goes on and if you have someone else from a listed fandom you wish to request please do so and i’ll consider it.
What i’ll write
Heavy angst
Violence & Gore
Platonic pairings
What I outright refuse to write
Non-con (I may imply it but it will never actually be written as a canon character doing it)
Age gaps (Characters will always be close in age, its just something I personally don’t like)
Explicit smut (I have nothing against it and I do read it but I am not comfortable writing it)
There is very little I won’t write for but I expect this list to grow as (if) I begin receiving requests and such.
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multimusesblog · 3 years
Current Muses
A list of the current characters I play on this blog, organized by the first letter of their names
Abigail Lincoln (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Andy Hatsune (My portrayal of the Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin)
Angelica Pickles (Rugrats: All Grown Up)
Articuno (Pokemon)
Ashley (All That)
Ashley Spinelli (Recess)
Arnold Shortman (Hey Arnold)
AJ (The Fairly OddParents)
Angel (Lilo and Stitch)
Annie Knitts (South Park)
Android 18 (Dragonball Z)
Android 17 (Dragonball Z)
Android 21 (Dragonball Z)
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Adyson Sweetwater (Phineas and Ferb)
Alejandro Burromuerto (Total Drama)
Alice Angel (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Alice Hatsune (Friday Night Funkin)
Arcanine (Pokemon)
Aquamarine (Steven Universe)
Aoi Asahina (Danganronpa)
Amy (Total Drama)
Artemis (Greek Mythology)
Athena (Greek Mythology)
Anne Marie/Rogue (X-Men)
Ami Onuki (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi Show)
Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)
Benjamin Fairest (Friday Night Funkin: Soft Mod)
Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bunny (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bliss (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bill Cypher (Gravity Falls)
Bebe Stevens (South Park)
Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb)
Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
Brick (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bradley Biggle
Boomer (The Powerpuff Girls)
Butch (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bell (Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi)
Bendy the Dancing Demon (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Brittney (Alvin and the Chipmunks)
Ben Drowned (Creepypastas)
Buster Bunny (Tiny Toon Adventures)
Babs Bunny (Tiny Toon Adventures)
Bulma Briefs (Dragonball Z)
Clyde Donovan (South Park)
Craig Tucker (South Park)
Chara (Undertale)
Chris McLean (Total Drama)
Connie Maheswaran (Steven Universe)
Crosshatch (Creepypastas)
Chloe Carmichael (The Fairly OddParents)
Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)
Carol (Friday Night Funkin)
Carol McCormick (South Park)
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Camillia/Monday Dusk Monolith Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Courtney (Total Drama)
Circus Baby (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Cornelia Vale (W.I.T.C.H.)
Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Damien Thorn (South Park)
Dick Grayson/Robin (Teen Titans)
Disgust (Inside Out)
Duncan (Total Drama)
Dwayne Junior (Total Drama)
Daria Morgendorrfer (Daria)
Desiree (Danny Phantom)
Dark Magician Girl (Yugioh)
Dovahkiin (South Park)
Dot Warner (Animaniacs)
Dora Marquez (Dora the Explorer)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Elsa (Frozen)
Eliza Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Elmyra Duff (Tiny Toon Adventures)
Eric Cartman (South Park)
Eevee (Pokemon)
Ember McLain (Danny Phantom)
Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Fifi La Fume (Tiny Toon Adventures)
Frank/Saturday Night Swappin Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Firkle (South Park)
Flippy (Happy Tree Friends)
Fetch (Fazbear Frights)
Freddy Fazbear (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Frisk (Undertale)
Gregory (South Park)
Gretchen (Phineas and Ferb)
Ginger Hirano (Phineas and Ferb)
Giffany (Gravity Falls)
Gaz (Invader ZIM)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
Gatomon (Digimon)
Growlithe (Pokemon)
Grace Dearest/Soft Mod GF (Friday Night Funkin)
Gerald Johanssen (Hey Arnold)
Helga Pataki (Hey Arnold)
Holly (Phineas and Ferb)
Hecate (Greek Mythology)
Hestia (Greek Mythology)
Hades (Greek Mythology)
Hay Lin (W.I.T.C.H.)
Heidi Turner (South Park)
Heather (Total Drama)
Heather (South Park)
Houndoom (Pokemon)
Henrietta Biggle (South Park)
Hank J. Wimbleton (Madness Combat)
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Ino Yamanaka (Naruto)
Itsumi (Salty's Sunday Night)
Inez (Cyberchase)
Jeremy Johnson (Phineas and Ferb)
Jenny Simons (South Park)
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Jimmy Valmer (South Park)
Jimmy Neutron (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)
Jorgen von Strangle (The Fairly Oddparents)
Jackie (Cyberchase)
Kyle Broflovski (South Park)
Kenny McCormick (South Park)
Karen McCormick (South Park)
Kevin Levin (Ben 10)
Kevin Stoley (South Park)
Kevin McCormick (South Park)
Kim Possible
Koriand'r/Starfire (Teen Titans)
Komand'r/Blackfire (Teen Titans)
Kris (Deltarune)
Liane Cartman (South Park)
Lexus (South Park)
Lola Loud (The Loud House)
Lucy Loud (The Loud House)
Lord Dominator (Wander over Yonder)
Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons)
LeShawna (Total Drama)
Lila Sawyer (Hey Arnold)
Lilo Pelekai (Lilo and Stitch)
Leopold "Butters" Stotch (South Park)
Lola (South Park)
Luna Loud (The Loud House)
Leopold "Butters" Stotch (South Park)
Mickey Mouse (Disney)
Mickey Mouse (South Park)
Matt (Cyberchase)
Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
Mark Cotswolds (South Park)
Nelly (South Park)
Nights (Nights into Dreams)
Nichole Daniels (South Park)
Nene (Pico's School)
Olga Pataki (Hey Arnold)
Ororo Munroe/Storm (X-Men)
Phoebe Heyerdahl (Hey Arnold)
Porsche (South Park)
Pete Thelman (South Park)
Princess Morbucks (The Powerpuff Girls)
Pepper Ann Pearson (Pepper Ann)
Pico (Pico's School)
Pan (Dragonball GT)
Red McArthur (South Park)
Rachel Roth/Raven (Teen Titans)
Rebecca Cotswolds (South Park)
Sky (Friday Night Funkin)
Stan Marsh (South Park)
Stacy Hirano (Phineas and Ferb)
Shelly Marsh (South Park)
Sparky (South Park)
Sharon Marsh (South Park)
Scott Malkinson (South Park)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Timmy Turner (The Fairly OddParents)
Trixie Tang (The Fairly Oddparents)
Timmy Burch (South Park)
Tweek Tweak (South Park)
Tootie (The Fairly Oddparents)
Tori Vega (Victorious)
Vegeta (Dragonball Z)
Vicky (The Fairly OddParents)
Vendetta (Making Fiends)
Wendy Testaburger (South Park)
Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Zim (Invader ZIM)
Zapdos (Pokemon)
Zeno (Zatch Bell)
More will be added later
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Staring back at me
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for @idrewbedraggledbreaths​: Carol/Therese with top Carol and mirrors. 
Summary: Carol gets what she wants.
Characters: Carol x Therese
Word Count: 2,254
Warnings: mirror sex! strap ons :) Carol being a raunchy girlfriend, as always
Therese heard the dressing room door clicking shut before seeing her blonde lover in the reflection. Her perfume drifted slowly towards her as Carol stepped into the space, watching Therese tidy up after her most recent model had come to the studio for a modelling session.
Carol had shown up a tad too early to pick Therese up, but rather than waiting in her car, she lingered by the door and watched Therese submersed in her work. 
The model was some tanned, European beauty who giggled with a twinkle in her eyes and enamoured people with the gap in her teeth. But Carol didn’t care much for her, because Therese was wearing a button-down and vest, with loose jeans cuffed at the bottoms and in just her socks. She sat cross-legged on the studio space floor, so that her camera tilted up towards the model arching her shoulders and arms in numerous sensual and bewitching poses.
When Therese noticed Carol watching patiently with her arms crossed and eyes glittering, she had only stuttered a moment before finishing the shots. And as the model had gotten her things and changed her clothes, Carol nearly pounced on Therese right there on the floor, because the brunette had to gall to undo one of her top buttons.
Therese introduced Carol -her roommate- to the model, who amicably shook her hand, said they should all go out for drinks sometime, and was eager to see the finished product soon. 
“I’ve got to clean up,” Therese said to Carol once they were alone, pecking her cheek. “Give me 15 minutes?”
Carol had contently hummed in the back of her throat and watched her lover scuttle back to the studio, putting away equipment and tidying up, then going to the dressing room and making sure nothing was left behind. Though Therese used the space for her work throughout the week, it didn’t belong to her, and the owner rented it out over the weekends for other creative minds. So, she liked to be thorough and not leave anything behind at the end of the week.
Now, it looked quite bare. There were no windows, and only the bulb lights framing the mirror were on, bathing Therese in warm light as she wiped down the desk space. That’s when Carol noticed the photographer had rolled up her sleeves, and her nostrils flaring at the sight. 
“What do you want for dinner tonight?” she asked, seemingly oblivious to Carol’s reaction. “I was thinking we could stop by that Chinese place, the one Dannie recommended, on the way home?”
“Oh, sure,” Carol replied. Therese ran a cloth over the mirror, stretching up to catch the top edge of it. Her shirt rode up, revealing milky skin underneath. Carol came closer.
“Was it very busy today?”
“Hm, not really. I’ve managed to finish a lot of print orders. The last appointment only ran late because that girl was such a talker.”
“I bet,” Carol was practically flush against Therese’s back at this point, distracted by the way she seemed to glow in the lights. Therese was teetering as she tried dusting the top lights off. She nearly tipped forward had two hands not gripped her hips, making her squeal but holding her steady.
“I don’t think your landlord will care much about the dust on the top lights, darling,” Carol brushed her lips over the shell of Therese’s ear. 
“I know, but you know me,” Therese protested, “I like to be-”
“Thorough,” Carol finished, before nudging Therese’s head to the side with her nose and pressing a firm kiss on her neck. She felt the muscles tense and quiver underneath her mouth and couldn’t help but run her teeth along the skin as well, making Therese gasp, and press back entirely against her. 
The brunette stilled, breathing heavily as she realized what the firmness was that she felt underneath Carol’s slacks. And when Carol caught her lustful gaze in the mirror, with her mouth hanging slightly open, she knew that Therese was done for. Chuckling, Carol kissed her neck again, leaving a second bright red lip stick stain on the fair skin.
“You didn’t come all this way to pick me up just to-” Therese trailed off as she rocked her hips back against Carol, feeling the strap through the fabric of their clothes.
“No, I wanted to surprise you when we got home,” Carol mumbled, her fingers making quick work of the buttons on Therese’s outfit, “..you know how much of a hassle it is to put all those buckles in place. But when you took so long with your last client, I was thinking...”
She finished her thought with a sharp grind of her own hips against Therese, whose hand flew up and pressed against the mirror to catch herself before she fell forward, barely balancing on her tiptoes. When she slipped her arms out of the shirt with Carol’s help, her hand left a print behind on the newly cleaned mirror, and Carol clucked her tongue.
“Oh, dear, looks like we’re not done cleaning here yet,” she said. “You’ve made a mess of your work.”
“You’re lucky no one else is booked for the evening,” Therese gasped. Carol ran her fingers over her breasts, teasing at the edges of her bra, before tugging it down and using her fingernails to raise goosebumps on her skin. 
“I don’t think you would’ve said no either way,” Carol whispered cheekily, making Therese huff out a laugh, quickly replaced by another grunt of pleasure as Carol rocked her hips again. 
Carol let Therese go only for a moment, to unzip her own trousers and clumsily untuck her blouse, lust beginning to cloud her mind. Therese threw off her bra and spun around on the spot, dropping to her knees before Carol could protest.
“Baby-,” the blonde began, but Therese had already yanked everything down and took the toy in her mouth as deep as she could. Carol let out a low groan as the sudden push against her made her clit throb. 
Therese knew how to make her quiver, knew how to make her beg, but Carol wasn’t having any of that today. Not even when Therese spat on the strap and sucked so loudly that Carol’s ears flushed red at the sound of it. 
She put a hand in the fine brown hair and pulled, sharply, letting the strap go with a ‘pop’. Therese pouted at the loss, and her hands, which had been gripping Carol’s firm thighs, traveled up towards the harness. Her fingers wiggled underneath the contraption and brushed lightly against Carol’s clit, making her curse loudly. 
Therese took the distraction to her advantage, dipped her fingers to her entrance, and took the toy in her mouth again. Carol could become addicted to the way her cheeks hollowed as she sucked in, the way her green eyes stared at her hazily. But when Therese’s fingers started rubbing and prodding a little too confidently, she knew she wanted control again.
She yanked Therese up, her chin wet with saliva, and attacked her mouth with a vengeance. They kissed roughly, Carol pressing Therese up until she was teetering on her toes again and she had to fling her arms around the blonde to keep from falling.
Carol pried her away and let her catch herself to pull Therese’s jeans down as far as possible, running her fingers over her panties and chuckling at how damp they were. 
Therese mewled, her neck and chest shining with beading sweat. She wanted to spread her legs, wanted to wrap around Carol, open herself up, but Carol kept rubbing firmly but slowly, and she could only tremble.
Her legs still confined with her jeans up to her mid thighs, Carol urged her to turn around again for her, her torso completely exposed in the mirror’s reflection.
“Oh my...” Carol breathed in Therese’s ear, rolling her nipples between her fingertips. “Someone should be photographing you, my dear.”
She was a vision, dark eyeshadow smudging, her stomach rippling with tremors and hasty breaths. And then Carol tugged her underwear down and slid two fingers against her, and she cried out. 
Carol sucked her fingers, tasting the musk of her lover and smelling her heavenly scent before reaching down again, from behind, and firmly pushing those two teasing fingers inside.
“Oh!” Therese gasped at the intrusion, and Carol’s other arm wrapped around her middle, enamoured by the little twitches in Therese’s eyebrows that she could watch in the mirror.
“You’re so tight, angel,” Carol growled. “Do you like it like this? Like how tight it feels?”
Therese nodded. Carol had her hoisted up where she could feel the edge of the vanity desk nudge at her clit with every thrust of Carol’s hand, shooting shivers of pleasure up her spine.
“I’m almost tempted to urge you to be one of those Playboy models,” Carol groaned, “take photos of how gorgeous you look, especially when you're like this. Why no one has taken you on as a model yet, I’ll never understand.”
“Because I’m much better behind the camera,” Therese huffed. 
“Oh, I beg to differ,” Carol gripped her jaw, and Therese opened her eyes, staring into the mirror, into Carol’s sultry eyes. “Look at how fine you look; how elegant, yet disheveled. I’d pay a fortune to have this look hanging on my wall forever. You, coming undone; absolutely perfect, my perfect angel.”
Her fingers thrust hard, and curled up, and Therese felt her clit grind against the wood, and she came. It was a sharp, short orgasm, one that faded far too quick, but left her incredibly wet and aching for more. 
Carol, impatient as ever when she was aroused like this, pulled Therese’s jeans down to below her knees, to allow her legs to spread, but only a little more. And then, with the slick from Therese’s cunt and her saliva, she pressed the strap inside, filling her up with a hasty, inelegant thrust. They both groaned as their bodies joined together, and Therese could barely hold herself up as Carol set a furious, demanding pace, jaw clenched. The brunette pressed both hands flat against the mirror, looking at how Carol grabbed her hips, how her eyes raked up from her ass, to her back, and then met her gaze in the mirror. 
It was such a tight fit, such a deliciously tight fit, and Therese felt herself losing her mind with how dirty and ferocious it felt. 
Carol wormed her hand around and between Therese’s legs, finding the hard tip of her clit with ease. The thrusting must have hurt her hand at least a little as it came in contact with the desk, but it barely took three thrusts for Therese to tip over again, because the consistent rubbing of Carol’s fingertips made her see stars. 
Carol didn’t stop, chasing her own release as she kept pounding, and Therese choked out incessant whimpers as the toy kept rubbing inside her. 
But Therese knew she wouldn’t be able to come like this; the angle wasn’t right and the harness wasn’t enough friction against her clit. She pushed up with what little strength she had, halting her lover’s thrusting. Carol watched her questioningly, barely containing herself, and then Therese reached around to push her fingers underneath the harness, until it was between the base of the cock and Carol’s mons. 
Carol cried out, biting Therese’s shoulder as her young lover reached for her clit, rubbing firmly and as quickly as she could in the confined space she had. Carol seemed to lose her control, forehead creasing and hands grabbling at Therese’s waist. She managed to thrust against Therese’s fingers, making her whimper at the cock pressing deeper again, but the brunette didn’t relent until she felt that familiar tremble, and then the gush of warmth over her fingers. 
Carol’s hands were nearly gripping her hard enough to bruise. It took several moments for the heat in them both to settle, and Therese kept her fingers pressed against Carol’s clit for as long as the shocks racked through her body.
Then, Carol tugged her hand away and slipped out the toy before practically ripping the harness apart and shaking off her pants in the process. Her naked form bracketed Therese’s in the mirror, rubbing soothingly up and down her arms, her back. 
“Fuck,” was all she managed to say. Therese giggled, pressing her head back onto Carol’s shoulder as the blonde enveloped her, “love you so much.”
“Love you too,” Therese whispered, her throat dry and feeling exhausted. 
Prying away, Carol grimaced at the sound of her body unsticking from Therese’s, their sweat and juices making them gleam in the light. Therese laughed at the expression, the feral sex beast not as present anymore as Carol checked her smudged makeup. She turned and grabbed Carol’s face, tearing her gaze away from the mirror as she began kissing her languidly and slowly, until Carol melted in her hold again.
“There’s a bathroom down the hall on the left,” Therese suggested as Carol fanned herself, trying to get rid of the flushed look spread over her chest and face. “You go first, I have even more things to clean up in here now.”
Carol grinned lovingly, putting on her underwear and blouse as Therese hoisted her jeans up again. They were sticky and uncomfortable, but it would have to do, at least until they got home. Chinese takeout would have to wait.
A/N: WHAT’S UP, i’m alive. Yeah if you’ve been here for a while, you’ll probably see that I tend to go through phases of *very present online and posting lots of content* to then *disappearing for days or weeks at a time*. I always come back, I promise! Sometimes it just takes a while to crank up the motivation again, but I appreciate all of you who have stuck around thus far <3
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farjadedragon · 3 years
Blog Tag List
Since this is a reblog archive, I figured I may as well list the tags that pop up very frequently to make it easier to navigate. If you have any I missed, let me know.
Also, I will organize this eventually, but right now it’ll just be a random list.
Keep in mind this won’t include every single tag, just the ones that are very common on the blog, or the ones that I use very frequently.
Not Fandom Tags
#Ref: References for drawing and things like that. Usually I’ll have the specific thing in the tags of the post.
#Face: References for faces and facial expressions.
#Expression: References for facial expressions and expression memes.
#Funny: Something funny like a meme or the like
#Meme: Memes.
#Comic / Comics: Comics, although it might not be tagged if it’s a short one.
#Hug: Characters or people hugging. might also be a reference.
#Therapy: You guys probably need this
Undertale/Undertale AU Tags
Friday Night Funkin’ Tags
#fnf: Shortened version of Friday Night Funkin’
#Boyfriend x Pico x Girlfriend:
#Pico x Boyfriend:
#Whitty x Boyfriend:
#Whitty x Boyfriend:
#Week 7:
Team Fortress 2 Tags
Don’t Starve/Don’t Starve Together Tags
Tankmen Tags
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Tags
#Angel Dust:
Invader Zim Tags
#Professor Membrane:
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Relationship Headcanons
A/N: I found this skimming through my notes. Kinda tried sorting it into thematic chunks and some of the thoughts didn’t make it on the list.
They both have horrible horrible work ethics. All nighters? Pulling through despite needing a break? Yeah, completely normal for them.
When they do a group project (and they do quite a lot) you will now and then find them asleep next to each other at their workspace. Sometimes one of them will wake up and tuck the other to bed, but most time they just stay like that for the whole night.
Once in the "flow" they wordlessly work in sync together. Someone's quill is dry? That ink is going to get passed without anyone looking up.
When conflict arises, due to different ideas/ problem solutions, they would know it was time to take a break and do something else until both parties cooled down. (But when it does come to a heated argument it mostly will end up with Carol storming off)
Sometimes to ease up the mood after some hours of being stuck in a dead end, or a little quarrel, someone would initiate something silly. Like a paper ball fight, sketching silly faces (if they had a little quarrel then it'd be a face that says: I'm Sorry), or winding up a clockwork toy.
Snuggels, lots and lots of snuggles...
When in private, Gaz cannot keep his Hands off Carol, whether it is holding Hands, putting an arm around her shoulder, etc., he needs to feel that she's there and not just a sweet daydream.
Gaz playing the violin while Carol plays the piano
Slow dances while Gaz humms a tune
Teaching each other their respective languages
Gaz giving Carol nicknames like: Raggio di sole, Tesorina, Scimmietta 
The Insecurities badum dum dum.... (Stuff like this is more likely in a Valencia after Kane's reign)
Age Gap relationships were always a more odd thing through time, although they were probably not very uncommon in during the time pirate101 plays, when it comes to Carol and Gaz people were a little more judging.
Carol wouldn't really mind the weird looks and whispers some people would give and share, being judged for who one is was pretty normal for a pirate, but different than in her pirate life she couldn't shut people up like she wanted. "Endure it in deadly silence and smile" is her motto. She might act like she doesn't care, but things still wear her down, but she pushes through it no matter what, because in the end Gaz is what matters.
Gaz though, oh por ol Gaz..... He's already a guilt ridden man with broken confidence in himself and any weird look and mumbled comment will hit him hard and make him contemplate the relationship for quite a while. It takes a lot of small gestures from Carol to bring in some sense into his mind again and remind him that the opinion of others don't matter. He's a little stuck in limbo. He feels guilty for being who he is, but also feels guilty for being guilty.
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Content warning: Mention of torture and abuse.
“Hey, Gaz!” Carol smiled stepping out of the painting, expecting to be greeted back, but there was only silence. Confused she looked around the room not finding him. “Maybe he’s asleep?” She thought, until she heard a hitched breath. Carol’s throat went dry, listening a second time to confirm that it was what it is. “Of course it was sobbing!” Carol mentally slapped herself, frowning. Silently she hurried up the stairs with mixed feelings, not wanting to alarm him. Her gut churned at the sight in front of her when she finally met the top of them. 
Gazpaccio sat all curled up in a corner, crying and badly bruised. Carol froze in place, all colour leaving her face. “Gaz-… W-what happened?” She asked, her voice trembling, but he didn’t seem to notice her. Carol examined Gazpaccio for a moment. Bruised knuckles, a black eye, chapped lips, his shirt was stained with blood and for the worst, he couldn’t stop trembling. Carol gulped hard, clenching her jaw, anger boiling inside her. “Who could have done this?” she asked herself, trying her best to keep her composure. “No, let’s rather not think about that.” She took a deep shaky breath. “I mustn’t lose… god damn it!” Carol cursed, feeling how a tear fled her eye. She frantically brushed it away with her sleeve, composing herself for a moment, to finally approach Gazpaccio. “Hey… it’s me…” She whispered, laying a hand on his shoulder with caution. The sobbing stopped for a moment as Gazpaccio looked up. “C-C-Carol?” He asked, bloodshot looking at her disbelieve. “Carol!” Out of the blue Carol was drawn into a tight embrace. Gazpaccio buried his face deep into the crook of her neck and continued to cry. Carol was taken aback by his sudden action, but soon returned the embrace. She slowly stroked his back, cradling him in her arms. “It’s alright, you’re safe now.” She hushed, softly kissing his head, feeling that tears were prickling in her own eyes. “You are safe now…”
Carol bit her lip trying to hold back. “I have to be strong. I have to be strong for him!” She tried to convince herself, but it was simply too much to bear. Never had she thought to see her beloved like this and never had she thought to ever see someone experience such dreadful terror too.
It felt like an eternity had passed until Gazpaccio calmed down. He still trembled badly, but his breath and heartrate have steadied to a less concerning pace. Carol made no move, simply continuing to cradle him in her arms and shower him in kisses, until he finally gathered the strength to look at her. Carol tried her best to put up a smile at the sight of her darlings face. “C’mon try it again! Put on a brave face!” She tried convincing herself, taking a deep breath. “Do it for him!” But again she helplessly failed. Angry and heartbroken tears rolled down her face as she looked him straight in the eyes. Carol cursed, rubbing her eyes with the edge of her sleeve. The rough texture of the fabric chafing her face. A hand reached out to her, silently stopping from doing more damage, while the other tenderly brushed away her tears. A small exhausted smile sparked onto Gazpaccio’s face. “You are only going to hurt yourself like that.” Gazpaccio said, earning a sad chuckle. “Darling… Look at you, stop worrying about me.” Carol countered. “I’m used to this.” He reasoned a little bitter, without knowing how much his words stung. “You shouldn’t.” Carol spat, frowning, fury burning in her eyes, but Gazpaccio gave her hand he was holding a shaky squeeze. “This anger doesn’t suit you my little sunshine.” He tried to console, shooting her another tired smile. Carol wanted to protest, but looking him in the eyes, all anger faded. Another flood of tears washed over her before she could compose herself. “L-lets patch you up then.” Carol suggested after a good moment of silence, her gaze dropping onto the ground. “Before these wounds start to inflame.” Gazpaccio simply nodded in agreement. “Can you walk?” She asked unsure. “I can just run down and get us the painting though, if you can’t!” She quickly added.
“It’s alright I-“ Gazpaccio tried to stand up, but he was quick to realize that his muscles were not going to let him. “I’ll get the painting then.” She decided. He gave her another nod and Carol hurried down to do so.
After a chain of teleports they ended up in Carols apartment. Carol made Gazpaccio sit on her bed while she got a med-kit and a spare shirt. “Alright.” She said, rolling up her sleeves. “Let’s get this over with.” First, she started with his black eye, cooling and cleaning the affected area with a cold wet towel, before putting a healing salve on it, finishing the job with a bandage. “It should be healed by tomorrow then you can take them off.” She noted, swiftly getting over to the next area of work, his hands. Again it was cleaning the wounds, applying healing salve and bandages.
“This is going to sting a little.” Carol warned, taking a bottle of frost flower essence and soaking the tip of a fresh cloth in it. She gently took one of his hands, dabbing the bruises with the cloth. Gazpaccio inhaled sharply as he felt a chilly sting, but it only lasted for a second, before a comforting coolness took over. “I never knew you could use that too to treat wounds.” Gazpaccio noted, breaking the silence. “Yeah it’s an uncommon practice.” Carol agreed, finally easing up. “But let me tell you, it’s a bunch of times better than raw alcohol.” Carol sank back into her work and Gazpaccio watched her. His trembling made it a little more difficult, but she was done nonetheless in a matter of minutes. Next up was his chest. Absorbed in her work Carol took off Gazpaccios shirt, earning an unnoticed shy blush. She mustered it, trying to estimate by sight how bad the damage was. His skin was intact, and his bones were not visibly broken, but after earning a sharp inhale of pain from him after applying some soft pressure onto his ribcage she knew what was up. Silently she ruffled through her med-kit, pulling out another strange bottle of salve. A strong and stinging smell came from the substance and Gazpaccio grimaced when she applied it. A chuckle escaped Carols lips. “I know it smells horrendous, but it does an amazing job.” She noted, while covering it up with bandages. After that she made him wear the fresh shirt, that surprisingly fitted him quite well.
“All done.” Carol smiled after buttoning the last button. A moment of silence filled the room, while Gazpaccio mustered his patched-up body. The salves were slowly doing their work and he could feel the pain dulling. “Thank you.” Gazpaccio shot her a tired grateful smile. “It’s the least I can do.” Carol returned, a hint of guilt flashing over her eyes. It was then when Gazpaccio realized how exhausted he was. His eyelids felt so heavy and he knew if he closed them, he would fall asleep. “My little sunshine, I- “He still wanted to tell her something, but his body just shut down on him. Carol caught him before he could fall over, carefully tucking him in before she went to put the med-kit back and went to wash the stained cloth and his shirt. “I really hope this’ll be dry tomorrow.” She sighted, putting the things on a drying rack. A yawn escaped her lips and she took a look at the clock. It was still late evening. “Damn early to already go to bed, eh?” She chuckled, slumping back to Gazpaccio. For once she could make good use out of that king-sized bed. “Just a little nap won’t hurt…” Her head felt heavy and she plopped down on it, lazily pulling over a blanket and in a matter of seconds she fell asleep too.
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There is only one thing to do when you’ve had enough of studying and it is wrecking SAI with Carol and Gaz chillin on the river in a gondola.
But I lost the SAI file in the process, so.... ༼ノ◕ヮ◕༽ノ︵┻━┻
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The blog sports a variety of content, so if you have trouble finding a certain type of post, you’re at the right place! 
This page is under construction so some thing might miss by the time you’re visiting.
Art  #[ art ]
If you’re looking for finished pieces:
When The Wind Blew West | Pirate101
  | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 |
Pawns And Feathers | Pirate101/Wizard101
  | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 
Writings  #[ writings ] (This tag is basically just Carol x Gaz Stuff)
From what stars have we fallen?
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