#Castiel and Bobby to the rescue
icaruspendragon · 1 year
hey berk :/ i’m in dire need of a reminder that healing can happen and that there is such a thing as a soft sequel to a harsher story—and i have come to humbly ask for, as one does, any destiel fic recs that you have where they just. get to go somewhere quiet and sunny and slow and. heal. and grow. and have a gentle epilogue.
so if you have a spare moment at some point… please send some my way <3
hello! here are some stories that make me feel soft!!
the lovers choice : “Give me the short version,” says Bobby, and Dean looks at Cas, and Cas just shrugs.
“Uh,” says Dean. “I kind of adopted God.”
or: andrew dabb i see your request for the return of fan favourites and i raise you “jack resurrects them all bc he thinks his dads should have more friends”
things happen (they do, they do, and they do) : So, the first thing that happens is Castiel comes back.
"Right," Dean says eventually, gruffly. He looks down at his shoes. "I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life, man. It's—you know, yours. Do your thing, love who you love, whatever. I can't really stop you from loving me, if that's what you've decided to do, but I don't—I can't—"
"I know," Castiel murmurs, still just smiling a little, not looking heartbroken at all. "Don't worry about it, Dean, that's all I ask."
"So we're—" Dean risks a glance up, swallowing thickly. "We're good?"
Castiel hums. "We're good."
for which no words exist : 'a prayer for which no words exist' // richard siken
"Dear Cas who art in my bathtub, give me the strength to be honest about how I feel. For your sake and for mine. Forgive me all the times I wasn’t in the past, all the words I should have said but didn’t. And please stay. Please stay with me when all is said and done. Amen. "
Dean rescues a newly human Cas from the Empty. That's the easy step.
until the end and after : A year ago, the world didn't end. Now it's summer and the cicadas are buzzing, and something is changing. Something is going to give.
and this one is my own fic, but it fits what you’re asking for nearly to the letter so i’m including it.
one more sweet boy to be butchered by men : Daddy’s blunt little instrument.
It’s all he had ever known because it’s all he was ever shown. He was only as good as his last kill. His worth came from his ability to take care of Sam. He existed to take care of others. And Dean had been okay with that, or at least he thought he had been.
Everything changed for Dean when he met Castiel. And everything changed again with the love that came from knowing Castiel.
or; love changes everything, doesn’t it?
i hope you enjoy these!!
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ruinedsam · 2 months
Hallucifer arc but it’s not purely a hallucination and a little bit of Lucifer’s Grace came along for the ride when Sam was freed from the Cage. Sam doesn’t realize at first, it’s just little things that would only be apparent to an eagle-eyed viewer or a rewatch, but there are times when the hallucination knows things Sam can’t know. Sam at first dismisses it as his subconscious noting things he didn’t consciously realize or the demon blood making him have sharper senses that let him pick up on things/allowing him to sense demons (he pointedly ignores this didn’t happen before and wills himself to believe this is a side-effect of the Cage/losing and regaining his soul) or subconscious memories he picked up from Lucifer while being possessed, but eventually, Sam is unable to dismiss it and must acknowledge this is a much bigger problem than they thought at first. Dean is kidnapped or something and Hallucifer temporarily disappears, only to reappear when Sam is about to get him and warn Sam of how many people are inside and what the traps are. Sam has a sinking feeling and in his chest as he enters the building and sees proof this was true, because Sam knows he couldn’t have known this. Dean asks how Sam saved him and Sam says they need to talk to Bobby because they have a problem. Sam has Dean tell Bobby about his capture and when Bobby asks Sam just how he rescued Dean, Sam reveals that this is the problem: he was only able to successfully enter because Lucifer gave him important information, information Sam had no way of knowing. They frantically call Castiel, who’s real annoyed over being disturbed until he finds out just why they’ve called. Everyone has to find a way to deal with the fact that part of Lucifer is here after Castiel confirms that now that he’s looking for it, he can see some of Lucifer’s Grace attached to Sam. They ask if it can be removed and Castiel grimly replies that it would kill Sam in the process and send him straight to the Cage. I want it to be that Lucifer tagged along when Castiel freed his body, so everyone now must wonder how much things like Sam not sleeping anymore was actually the lack of a soul and how much was Lucifer’s grace rendering Sam just a little bit more inhuman. This adds a whole new layer to Castiel breaking his wall, because it means Lucifer’s Grace being there in the first place is Castiel’s fault. Oh, Jack considers Sam a father and part of this is because he can sense Lucifer in him but doesn’t know why
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Anyway I love Lucifer, or a part of Lucifer, clinging to Sam as he's pulled out by Castiel. Sam may be able to escape the cage, but not Lucifer...Lucifer's a part of Sam now and there's no undoing that. Now Sam has to grapple with the question where he ends and where Lucifer begins 😈
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dwonfilm · 4 months
Come hell or high water. | Dean Winchester x Reader.
Summary: Looming over the Winchesters and [Y/N] is the war between heaven and hell. Dean will ultimately be faced with a choice he’d never be able to make. What will happen?
This will be a multi-part story, not necessarily set in a specific season but around 4-5 would be the best fit.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Mentions: Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, Azazel (yellow eyed demon).
Warnings: angst, supernatural level violence, season 2 spoilers in flashback.
If you missed it, here’s Part I.
Flashbacks are in bold.
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Part II:
Here our trio sits, all tied to separate chairs and bloodied. Each unconscious at the moment, at the mercy of whoever held them captive—though right now it seemed they were alone. Not that it was helpful, none were in the state to simply bust out of their restraints.
Two days earlier.
It was the crack of dawn and for a change, [Y/N] was the first awake. Though in saying that, it would imply she got much sleep to begin with—which she didn’t. If she had to count the hours, she’d guess maybe two out of the numerous hours at night she’d spent sleeping. Every other hour was spent snuggled into Dean who was for a change fast asleep and remained that way all night long. For [Y/N], she was restless and worried and that never ended well when it came to a hunt. There had been a handful of times where she’d just.. known something bad was gonna happen. She couldn’t tell anyone how she knew but her intuition was rarely wrong. She’d felt off about their rescue of John Winchester from those damned Sunrise apartments. Lo and behold he was possessed by the yellow eyed demon that we now know was called Azazel. All of those events spiralled and led to John ending up dead and in hell—a deal made, a trade, his life for Dean’s. There was one other instance in which it was the day that her beloved Dean made the deal that would eventually send him to hell himself.
Tears had been flowing so long their tracks had stained [Y/N]’s pale cheeks. Everything had happened so fast—weeks, hell maybe months had been spent tracking these.. other children that the yellow eyed demon had planned a future for and now.. it all felt as if time froze. They’d found this guy, Jake, but something had been incredibly off about him—more so than the other children really seemed to present at first. It wasn’t long before Sam found himself physically fighting with Jake. After a couple blows that would definitely hurt in the morning, the younger Winchester had knocked the man unconscious. Holding the pipe he’d used to nail the final blow above an unknowing Jake. Inner turmoil clearly tearing at his brain. This constant battle of how far was too far, which had been brewing within Sam Winchester for the last year or so. Ultimately, he just couldn’t kill Jake, despite the fact that he had been trying to kill Sam. Tossing the pipe to the ground before hearing both Dean and [Y/N] yelling for him. “SAM!” Dean had been searching for his little brother, frantically at that. “SAM!” [Y/N] yelled immediately after, her body right behind Dean’s. Turning in the direction of their voices Sam would sprint off, leaving the unconscious form of Jake lying on the gravel. Now they could see one another. Dean, [Y/N] and Bobby had all come into sight. “Sam.” Dean said, voice sounding exhausted. “Dean..” Sam spoke, also sounding exhausted while holding his left arm with his right. All three hunters dropped their shotguns from the aimed position but [Y/N] however, she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that something was lingering. Seconds, mere seconds.. and Jake had appeared behind Sam. “Sam look out!” Dean warned, but it had been too late. Jake had grabbed a knife from the earlier battle and plunged it deep into the back of the younger Winchester. Dean, [Y/N] and Bobby frantically began sprinting towards Sam. “NOOOOOOOOO!” Dean yelled with one of the most pained and strained voices that [Y/N] had ever heard. Rushing towards Sam, who’d fallen to his knees, Dean threw the shotgun onto the gravel before him and gripped Sam’s white shirt tightly in his fists. Bobby and [Y/N] didn’t stop—couldn’t stop. They chased Jake as he ran away from the horrific scene he’d just caused. Sam fell limp, only being held up by his older brother’s grip on his shirt. It was clear this was bad, beyond bad, it was.. criminal. “Hey, hey, hey.. c’mere.. lemme look at ya’..” Dean cooed as he moved his brother into a hug. Placing his hand on Sam’s back he felt the wound, his little brother’s blood now coating his palm. Panic filled him as he stared at it, before trying to keep Sam responsive. Pulling back, he’d look Sam in the face but his brother was still like a ragdoll in his hands. “It’s not even that bad, it’s not even that bad.. alright?” Dean lied, looking into his little brother’s eyes. They weren’t fully open, Sam was clinging to the last string of life and Dean knew it. “Sammy… SAM!” He cried out, shaking his little brother out of sheer desperation to keep him awake. “Hey, listen to me.. we’re gonna patch you up okay?” Dean’s breaths were heavy, panic setting in but he’d keep it at bay as much as he could. “You’ll be good as new..” Another lie. Yet he said it anyway, at this point he didn’t know if it was to comfort Sam or to comfort himself. Here he was kneeling in the gravel, holding his little brother’s near lifeless body in his hands. “I’m gonna take care of you, I’m gonna take care of you.. I got you. That’s my job right? Watch out for my pain in the ass little brother.” By the end of that sentence Dean’s emotions had began to put cracks in the dam of his repressed emotions. “Sam. Sam. Sam.. SAMMY?” Dean wailed with his hand on his brother’s face. Sam’s eyes had closed now, there was no sign of life present in his brother’s body and he knew it. He realized it. Eyes widened with the realization and the fear that came with it: Sam was dead. “..no.. no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no..” Dean was pleading, with who.. with what.. he didn’t know.
Bringing his little brother back into a hug he stared off at the ground just behind where they were. Hands gripping at his little brother tightly, frantically, inwardly hoping this was some kind of sick nightmare. “Oh god..” he pleaded, just holding up his brother who was no longer living. Both knelt there in the dirt and the gravel, silence overtaking the area. Eery and calm were their surroundings but the emotions within the eldest Winchester were anything but—“SAM!” he cried out, breaking the silence that had briefly settled. Finally he broke, leaning into his brother’s hair and beginning to weep.
Sam’s body was now laid on some mattress at Bobby’s, on the ground and undisturbed. Dean, and [Y/N] kneeling beside him. “I just wanted you to be a kid.. just for a little while longer. “I always try to protect you, keep you safe. Dad didn’t even have to tell me, it was just always my responsibility you know? It’s like I had one job.. I had one job and I screwed it up..” Dean’s voice broke at the end of his words, as he leaned forward, just looking at his brother’s body. [Y/N] was close behind him, didn’t want to be far because this.. this was something that no one was prepared for, no one thought it would happen. This truly was in all facets the worst case scenario. “I blew it.. and for that I’m sorry.” Dean spoke, tears falling from his eyes and slowly rolling down his cheeks. He reached up to wipe his eyes and [Y/N] finally hooked her arm around his, leaning her head against his shoulder. “I guess that’s what I do. I let down the people I love.” She squeezed his arm, not wanting to interrupt his emotional words to his brother but wanting to let him know that wasn’t true. Head turning to face him with tears in her eyes while Dean’s vision remained on Sam. “Yeah I let Dad down.. and now I guess I’m supposed to just let you down too? ..how can I? Am I supposed to live with that? What am I supposed to do? Sammy..” emotions break and she held onto him tightly, despite the fact that he never acknowledged that she was there. “What am I supposed to do?” These words were a little more angry, but still ultimately just.. sad. Anger came out again as he yelled towards the sky. “WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!” [Y/N] ran out the front door to hear the impala’s engine revving and the bright headlights turning on. “Dean! ..DEAN WAIT.” She called after him, but he was already pulling out of the driveway and taking off down the gravel road. Tears were still rolling from her cheeks and bits of her makeup had dried, others wet and smudged from the constant flow of tears. Bobby stepped out, placing his hand on her shoulder. “C’mon girly, we’ve just gotta let him go for now.” He sighed, looking at how much of a wreck [Y/N] was and dealing with the sadness of his own. He guided her back inside and closed the door, getting a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. She was on edge, not only from Sam’s death but from the feeling that things weren’t over yet.
Daylight came and [Y/N] came downstairs to find.. Sam was alive. She couldn’t believe it. Running down the stairs she hugged him tightly, which he protested after a moment or so because it was hurting him. “I’m sorry, ..I’m sorry. I just. You’re okay?” She asked, to which the youngest Winchester nodded. It was a miracle, a miracle.. suddenly she felt that same pit in her stomach remembering what happened the night before and the feeling that kept her up most of the night. From the corner of her eye she saw Bobby and Dean walking out towards the cars—that was never a good sign. Sam had been eating some breakfast and so she smiled over at him. “I’ll be right back, Sammy. I’m gonna go talk to Dean and Bobby.” Sam nodded, continuing to eat his food. [Y/N] made it out there rather quickly but more importantly? Quietly. She wanted to see what they were talking about before they were alerted to her presence. Hiding behind a broken down car, she heard the whole speech. Every single word. Just as Bobby had his hand on Dean’s face, [Y/N] stepped out from behind the car. Dean’s eyes widened and Bobby was confused until he turned to see her standing there. “I’m gonna.. leave you two alone.” Bobby said, offering a sympathetic look to [Y/N]. She was shaking, tears again staining her cheeks and the makeup she wore yesterday became a bigger mess—both because she slept in it and from the fresh tears upon her skin. Bobby walked away and there was silence that surrounded them. Tension that you could cut with a knife. “Baby..” Dean spoke, voice low. It was in that split second that her gaze pointed like daggers at him. “..please say something.” He pleaded, holding her gaze even though he knew there was pure anger on the other end. [Y/N] was still shaking, hands clenching to form fists and she was holding them so tight her hands began to turn white. Dean made the mistake of taking a step to close the distance between he and his girlfriend—immediately being met with a punch to the face. He staggered backward but he wasn’t mad, he knew he had that coming. “How could you!” She yelled, taking a step towards him herself only to shove him in the chest. “One fucking year?! ONE YEAR DEAN?!” She yelled again, shoving him again. Dean’s voice was kept low. “Baby I tried.. I tried for ten, hell I started counting down to five. She wouldn’t budge. Baby I couldn’t let him die..” He choked out, tears running down his face again. “I didn’t want him to die either Dean, we could’ve found another way!” She cried, tears searing her face and her body aching already from the violence the sobs had brought upon her. “What other way, [Y/N]?! There was no other way, dammit!” Dean yelled, but the look he got back removed the irritation and only broke his heart further. “..what am I gonna do, Dean? What am I supposed to do, what am I supposed to say..” her voice broke from the sobbing and all Dean wanted to do was hold her in his arms. Tell her things would be okay, but he didn’t know that they would be and she clearly didn’t want him to touch her right now. Silence overtook them again, only broken up by her sobs. “You really thought your life meant nothing? You really feel like our life together means nothing?” [Y/N] sobbed the words out, turning away from her boyfriend. “Baby I didn’t say that..” he spoke lowly still, both because he didn’t want to cause more commotion and because for the first time he realized just what he’d brought down on the woman he loved. “YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO!” She cried out, her sobs felt like stabbing in her lungs. Each and every one of them felt like bullets to Dean’s heart, but he had to reaffirm what he’d told Bobby. “You can’t tell him..” he choked out. [Y/N] scoffed, looking up at him with that same daggered gaze. Laughing the most dry and uneasy laugh that he’d ever heard. “Right, I just got my still beating heart ripped from my chest and I have to smile and pretend like everything is fine? Because you asked me to?” She was angry and it was the kind of anger that was turning calm.
Perhaps the most scary kind of anger that there was—but Dean’s eyes held so much emotion that she just scoffed again. “Fine.” It was all she could say. “Baby please let me..” Dean started, reaching out for [Y/N] but she backed away before he could touch her in any way. “Don’t. Don’t you dare.” She spoke, turning around and walking off.
Dean had rolled over in his sleep, so [Y/N] figured this was the time to just.. get up. There was no point in even trying to get more sleep, it wouldn’t happen. She just had to accept it. Slowly pushing herself up from the mattress she’d run her hand over her tired face. Turning around she looked at Dean, smiling at how peaceful he looked while he slept and she couldn’t help herself—she leaned down to press a light kiss to his forehead. It wouldn’t wake him up, he was the heaviest sleeper she’d ever met when he actually got to sleep. Running her hand through her [Y/H/C] hair to push it from her face, she turned and moved towards the door to the motel room. Sam had still been asleep and so she made sure to be extra quiet, unlocking the door and taking the key with her, holding it in her hand. Once she was out of the room and had relocked it, she slipped it into her jacket pocket and sighed. Maybe this walk in the crisp morning air would give her some clarity, make her feel better. It isn’t that she was intent on going far but she’d needed some alone time to sort her thoughts. There was a coffee shop not too far from where they’d been staying and she figured she could grab everyone’s usual before they’d woken up. Despite the crisp air feeling fresh in her lungs, it wasn’t doing anything to calm her mind. As much as [Y/N] tried, she couldn’t figure out what was bothering her so much about this case—other than the fact that it had seemingly been dropped in their laps. Sure there could be some controlling of the evil in the world but to have such a gap in potential cases.. could something really control all of species of evil? Truly make them pause any and everything? She wasn’t sure even Lucifer had that kind of pull. Before she knew it, she was at the coffee shop and they had just opened a few minutes prior to her arrival. As she opened the door, the little bell rung out to alert the workers to a customer. [Y/N] smiled and ordered two caramel lattes and a black coffee—all with a shot of espresso. Eyes flicking around the interior, it was quaint and it was very much what you’d expect from a smaller town’s local coffee spot. Leaning against the half wall by the counter, she was lost in her thoughts again. It wasn’t a day she wanted to relive but this pit in her stomach was growing and it reminded her too much of that day—the day Dean made his deal. Sure, things had worked out in the long run with that but.. it wasn’t easy. “[Y/N]?” She smiled as the woman behind the counter called out her name. “That’s me.” She smiled, taking the tray with the three coffee cups settled snugly into it into her hands after paying with the card she’d brought. Thanking the worker she turned on her heel and walked back out of the door, by now the sun had fully risen in the sky. It took less time for her walk back towards the motel room, probably because she wasn’t using the walk to think anymore. Now she just wanted to get back to Sam and Dean so they could get this day started.
Using her free hand, [Y/N] grabbed the keys from her pocket and moved towards the door. However Sam had opened it, smiling at her and stepping aside to allow her to reenter the room. “Dean’s in the shower.” He said, noticing you seemed a little puzzled when you looked at the bed you’d shared with him only to find it empty. “Ahh, makes sense.” She replied, placing the coffee tray on the table and slipping her jacket off. After tossing it onto the bed, she smoothed back her [Y/H/C] hair which the wind had messed up a little. “Is everything okay, [Y/N/N]? You’re never up before me and if you are you’re damn sure not in a good enough mood to be around other people.” Sam chuckled, which made her chuckle too. “I didn’t really sleep much. Probably two hours but that’s being pretty generous.” She admitted, pulling the cups from their respective holders and setting Dean’s on the table. Grabbing Sam’s drink she extended her arm outward to offer to him, which he happily took. “Thank you.” He spoke softly, smiling at her before taking a sip. “You’re welcome.” She replied before mirroring him and doing the same from her own cup. “You that worried about this case?” He asked, eyes glancing back to her with concern in them. She nodded, sighing. “I can’t shake it, Sam. No matter how much I’ve tried since yesterday it just.. it feels like..” she was cut off by the door to the bathroom opening and Dean walking out. “Oh hey baby, good morning.” He said, smiling to [Y/N] as he walked over to her and gave her a gentle peck of a kiss. “Good morning honey.” She replied, returning the peck and offering up his coffee. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He said as he took the cup from her hand and immediately took a sip. There was a momentary silence before the eldest Winchester spoke up again. “Since when are you the one that goes for coffee in the morning by the way?” His eyes moved between Sam and [Y/N], who sighed softly. “I couldn’t sleep.” She said before sipping her coffee again. “She was just telling me that she only got two hours, being pretty generous.” Sam added, which had [Y/N] choke a bit on her coffee. Dean always worried when she got like that. “Babe.. two hours? That’s it?” Of course he knew that hunters didn’t get as much sleep at times as others did. Dean himself struggled with sleep, usually being riddled with nightmares or just worrying about things. “That’s it.” She repeated, sighing again. “I’m gonna grab next shower if that’s okay Sam.” She looked to the younger but taller Winchester and he nodded. “That’s fine, [Y/N.] Go ahead.” She began gathering her things and headed into the bathroom, shutting the door. “Dean she’s really worried.” Sam said, turning to his older brother. Dean ran his hand across his face, sighing himself. “Yeah, Sammy, I know.” Placing a hand on his older brother’s shoulder, he lowered his voice a little bit. “No, Dean, I don’t think either of us realize how bad it is for her.” This made Dean raise his eyebrow, but his eyes began searching his little brother’s eyes for answers. “What did she say?” He asked, looking at Sam. “She didn’t fully get it out, because you came into the room.. but she said it feels like something else and with the look on her face Dean.. it’s bad.” Both brothers wore looks of concern as they settled into a silence. All that could be heard was the distant sound of the shower running behind the closed bathroom door.
About ten minutes passed, the water turned off and [Y/N] emerged from the bathroom already dressed for when they’d inevitably leave. Sam had finished his coffee just now tossing the cup into the bin. Without a word he gathered his things and headed into the bathroom to use the last bits of what he hoped was hot water. Once the bathroom door closed, Dean would approach [Y/N] and take her hands into his and squeeze them gently. “Baby.. look at me.” He spoke softly, she didn’t want to meet his gaze at first mention. “Baby.” He repeated, gently easing his index finger underneath her chin and pushing her face upward. Finally she met his gaze and his stomach and heart sunk. All that he could see in her eyes was sadness and worry. It broke him a little. “Talk to me.” He said softly, running his thumbs over the top of her hands. “I’m just.. something really doesn’t feel right, D.” She spoke, her eyes glassing over a little bit as she attempted to hold back the tears. “This case?” He asked, letting go of one of her hands to bring his now free one to her face. Thumb easily caressing her cheekbone which makes it harder for her to hold back the tears. “Everything about this, Dean. It feels like.. like..” she trailed off and tried to look away from him but gently he kept her gaze on him. “Like what, sweetheart?” He asked, letting go of her other hand to bring his up on the other side of her face. His hands were cupping her face now, so she gripped his forearms firmly. Taking a deep breath she attempted to steady her breathing. Dean leaned forward to press a kiss onto her forehead to help calm her down. “All of this has that pit in my stomach like the day you made the deal to save Sam.” She was quiet, she didn’t wanna say it too loud—she didn’t wanna say it at all. Finally he understood why she was so worked up, why she couldn’t sleep and why she’d been stressing so much. “C’mere.” That’s all he said, pulling her as close to his body as he could. She wrapped her arms around his midsection and he wrapped his own around her shoulders. [Y/N] buried her face into his chest and quietly sobbed. “It’s not gonna be like that day. I promise.” He spoke lowly, pressing a kiss to her temple, followed by another one. She lifted her head to look him in the eyes with the tears all along her face. “Don’t promise me that, you know you can’t keep it.” She whispered. He sighed knowing she was right. “I know.” It was all he said, but she knew it was his way of saying in this moment that he’d do anything to protect her. They knew Sam would be out of the shower any moment and so [Y/N] began to rub her eyes, wiping away the tears and hoping her eyes weren’t too red and puffy. Dean pressed another couple of kisses to her forehead, soothing her as best he could.
“Did you try praying to Cas yet?” She asked, her voice sounding more stable than it had earlier. “Yeah, he’s not answering me.” It was clear that Dean was frustrated but surely the angel was just.. busy. “It’s okay, he’s probably doing something.” It’s like she could read his mind sometimes, which he mostly loved about [Y/N]. “Why don’t you sit and finish your coffee? I’ll pack the car up so we can just head out. That okay?” He asked, looking at her with a little smile but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. She nodded, slowly letting go of Dean and moving back to the table and grabbing her coffee. [Y/N] sighed before taking a sip, slowly picking at the cup with her eyes down. It didn’t take long for Sam to reenter the room after his shower. [Y/N] didn’t really look up, just sat there trying to keep her composure. He’d made his way from the bathroom directly to his bed, packing up all of his stuff into the couple bags he owned. “Dean taking the stuff to the impala?” Sam asked, which she barely realized. “Huh? Oh yeah, he’s running everything out now.” [Y/N] replied without really looking up. Now the younger Winchester was furrowing his brow, turning to approach where she was seated. Fingers with a semi-grown out manicure still picking at the material of the cup. Sam gently placed his hand upon her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. [Y/N] placed her hand atop of the man’s, the man who’d been like her younger brother too. Not that she always intended to, but often times she was like Dean in the fact that she tried to shelter Sam from how bad she was feeling. He’d given her shoulder another gentle squeeze. “It’s gonna be okay. Whatever it is, we’re gonna make it through this, [Y/N].” She couldn’t help but smile up at Sam and hope he didn’t notice her eyes and how red they likely were. “Thank you, Sammy.” She replied with that same smile that stopped at her cheeks. Just then the door to the room opened and Dean walked back in, offering a lopsided half-smile at his girlfriend and his brother. “You guys ready to go?” Dean asked rubbing his hands onto his jean-covered thighs—both Sam and [Y/N] nodding. First to leave the room was the younger Winchester, wanting to get settled for the long drive between states. This left [Y/N] and Dean alone in the room for a moment as she slowly got up from the chair. One medium length drink had the rest of her coffee gone and she threw it in the bin before stopping to stand by her man. “I love you, [Y/N/N].” He said taking her into his arms once again. “I love you too, D.” She replied, burying her face in his chest for a few seconds before both made their way out of the room. Dean reached behind him to close the door again. “I have the key, I’ll drop it off.” [Y/N] spoke before giving Dean’s side a little squeeze. She broke away from the hug and made the short walk towards the office, so he took that time to get into the impala. After offering one last wave she made her way back towards the car, looking around for a couple of seconds before stepping towards it. Soon enough she was tucked away in the passenger seat of Baby, Sam in the back with his face in a book of lore. Turning her head would have Dean come into view, gripping the steering wheel and turning the key—putting the impala into motion. Reversing out of the parking lot and taking off down the road as Baby’s engine roared freely.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 5 months
Summary: With Castiel having set himself up as the new God, drunk on power and volatile as a nuclear reactor, Dean, Sam, and Bobby find themselves on the run from the jealous, capricious monster wearing the face of their friend. Desperate for protection and wary of his brother’s mental state since Castiel unlocked Sam's memories of Hell, Dean knows Castiel must be defused before he can wreak further havoc in Heaven or on Earth. Although Bobby advocates for destroying Castiel by whatever means necessary, Dean is convinced the Cas he once knew still remains, buried somewhere beneath the mass of poisonous souls and calling out for help. Determined to save the angel who once rescued him from Hell and redefined his purpose in life, Dean himself must resist the allure of the false deity vying for his obedience, and come to terms with the knowledge, long-suppressed, that his feelings for Castiel run much deeper than brotherhood. It is this bond, and the dubious distinction of the Righteous Man, that will ultimately grant Dean access to where Castiel’s grace languishes in Purgatory. However, what Dean brings back with him is broken, angry, and only half-angel, certainly not the Castiel he remembers—and nor is it the only thing that returns to Earth with them… Redemption Road is a LJ-based virtual season – a fan-generated, large-scale AU project created by members of the SPN and Dean/Castiel fandoms.
Authors: The Redemption Team
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ananke-xiii · 5 months
My ranking of SPN seasons (based only on their PLOT) pt. 1
Okay so I've finally watched all 15 seasons of Supernatural and, I must say, what a journey!
The show has releaved itself to be a pleasant surprise, I've learned a lot thanks to it. I must confess that I had strong prejudices against it and had been avoiding it all these years because I thought it was... well, tbh not worthy.
Of course, since now I am here writing about it, it's useless to say that I was wrong. It's not the perfect show, sometimes it's not even a good show, but for sure it's an enjoyable, interesting and exciting show.
The following ranking is based solely on the plot (and subplot) of each seasons and my personal opinion about it.
15. Season 14: Frankly, I don't know what to say about this season, LOL. There is no real plot. We are led to believe that the story will revolve around Dean being possessed by Michael, okay. Basically Michael!Dean from the AU goes to Earth 1 to create an army of monsters (?) but then says bye bye to Dean and leaves (??), but oh wait, no, he re-possesses him (???), and then the army disappears (???) and then he gets trapped in Dean's mind and then he posseses Rowena (???????????). In the mean time, Jack is sick, dies, gets rescued by Castiel who makes a crazy deal with The Empty, then kinda goes crazy and starts killing angels (?????) and then gets killed by God. He also accidentally kills Mary Winchester (???????) in the process. I dont' get it, okay? Maybe it's just me! At any rate, we discover that Michael can possess whoever he wants since he easily changes his vessel without consent multiple times. This fact alone contradicts the whole of season 5 (Dean is the chosen one, the one and only Michael's vessel, hello writers?). Finally, the whole Nick/Lucifer thing. I get it, Mark Pellegrino was GREAT as Lucifer, I loved him, I wanted to see more of him. But his subplot was nonsense and meh. So, yes, the plot was bad. Reeeeeal bad.
14. Season 15: One of the the fun things about Supernatural is, for me, the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Throughout the whole series we have continuous meta incursions and I find that extremely interesting. However, I think that with the final season they went too far. The plot (kiling the manipulative and frankly insufferable God) is stimulating enough until the episode named "The Trap". After that, I felt like the writers didn't know how to fill the remaining episodes until the end and just wasted half of the show on basically nothing really noteworthy. Also, one could totally see that the main worry was not the plot but trying to tie all loose ends off. It was unsuccessful. I would have preferred a well-executed plot rather than a plot that aimed at"filling in" all the gaps of a 15-year-old TV show (read: it's almost impossible, also unnecessary). The final episode was just bad, like really really bad. The plot was resolved by episode 19, so the last episode really felt like something made to end the show forever, kill everyone off and never talk about them anymore. It didn't make any sense at all.
13. Season 7: I didn't hate season 7 per se, but the plot was not great. Like season 15, the season starts off strong with the main event but then it drags itself out until the end. There's no meat in between. The gist is to kill the Leviathans, the subplot is Sam's confronting Lucifer's mental abuse. The most interesting stuff (aka the introduction of the Word of God) happens around the last 3 episodes. This is one of those seasons that are needed to "connect" different points in the myth-arc, however it was not done brilliantly. I felt like Bobby's death was not necessary to the events, it was poorly done for emotional sake. The"Dick jokes" are funny at first, then they are tiresome. After a while I couldn't take the characters seriously, it was all one big dick joke after another, please stop. At the end, we find out that the whole subplot was utterly useless: Castiel shifts the Sam's mental problem from Sam's mind to his, goes crazy in exchange, ultimately to be cured once he's in Purgatory. I'm sorry, what? Also: the Leviathans (the close-to unkillable monsters the heroes have been fighting for the whole series) become just "regular monsters" and that's it. I'm sorry, WHAT?!
12. Season 3: This season contains arguably some of the best episodes of the whole show. The 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America Strike affected the way the plot was planned (I presume) but I think it was for good. As a result, the plot is clean, simple, easy: the heroes need to rescue Deam from the demonic deal he has made. I like when there's a sort of "deadline" in the plot, it keeps things interesing for me. That's it, that's the plot. There's no subplot either. So why this low in the ranking? WELL. The first half of the show made me very uncomfortable. The jokes sounded very, very problematic and I had a very hard time finishing the episodes. Now I know this has nothing to do with the plot, but hey. It made me feel uneasy and the ranking is mine so ranking n. 12 it is!
11. Season 6: I appreciated the writers' attempt with this season. Basically, both the plot and the two main subplots make zero to no sense until the end, when we discover "the truth". As a matter of fact, until episode 19 we don't really understand what's going on. The plot seems to be the hunting of the Alphas and, eventually, of the Mother of them all: Eve. One subplot seems to be a civil war in Heaven, although we are only told about it and never see anything. The other subplots is Sam being soulless + the fact that now he's been hunting with his resurrected grandfather who, in turn, was resurrected by Crowley and now works under him (LOL). For the plot and the first subplot to make sense the missing link is this: Castiel and Crowley have been pulling the strings all along without the heroes' knowing. For the subplot... well, for the subplot (Sam being soulless), too LOL. Cas and Crowley are having an "affair of sorts" and plan to open the door to Purgatory to take souls from there and use them as... energy? Yeaaah. I liked the "whoaa I didn't see it coming" factor. HOWEVER, for it to REALLY make sense one needs to acknowledge Cas and Crowley relationship. Like, seriously, the reason why everything starts to go wrong (and interesting) is because Dean feels "betrayed" by Cas. Which makes zero sense. But I digress. What I want to say is that the turning point of the plot is understated unless you get the "romantic" implications. It's left to the audience to get it but, honestly, I didn't get it at first so I didn't get why the characters were so angry at Cas and why Cas didn't tell Dean about his affair with Crowley. Then when you get it, you get it but anyway the plot is not the best the show has to offer.
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jdeanmorgan · 10 months
if you are willing to share, what is one of your most favorite dark fics??
well... normally i wouldn't entertain the idea of posting my faves on here bc you know... it can get depraved but honestly i don't care anymore so let's do this.
i know you're most likely looking to know my fave 9-1-1 ones but i'll also add a few from other fandoms.
disclaimer: i will not tolerate any hate for any of these fics i'm about to say I like/love. My tastes have always been depraved, and will continue to be depraved.. That said, I will say to heed the tags, and mind the trigger warnings!!!
These are in no particular order btw, now without further ado, here are some of my faves that i've read.
9-1-1 FICS:
Morning's Echo ★ BuckMaddie ★ 3K ★ ➢ this is an incest fic. they're only two years apart in age in this one. I think the dynamic was very interesting, and i defo wish this had been longer, let me know more about their past and how they became entangled like this.
The Long Way Home ★ Buck-centric ★ 100K ★ sequel here ★ ➢ during the tsunami, Buck is kidnapped by a sexual trafficking ring and forced into sex work. this is basically his journey from when he's kidnapped to when he's rescued, with some glimpses of how the 118 handles it all, multiple pov's. there's things I love about this fic and things I don't, but ultimately, I would consider it a fave because I really couldn't put it down. I think I read all of it in like... a day or two.
The Way You Did (Once Upon a Dream) ★ Buddie ★ 2K ★ ➢ Sleeping Beauty curse. Buck is in a coma, or in a deep sleep, or however it worked in sleeping beauty, and Eddie has to take it too far to wake him up. the writing is really good, and i am still awaiting a sequel so we can see the aftermath. (rape/noncon)
will you hit me where it hurts (i won't feel anything otherwise) ★ Buddie ★ 18K ★ ➢ Buck is a serial killer. Eddie has an encounter with him. very interesting and well written. I don't wanna say anything more than this lest I spoil anything.
still ★ Buddie ★ 9K ★ ➢ Eddie steps into a trigger. Has to stay still. He and Buck grapple with the fact he might die that day.
hurt locker ★ Buddie ★ 77K ★ ➢ I personally don't really consider this a dark!fic per se, but I still think it's emotionally heavy and packs a punch at times. Buck and Eddie are childhood friends, and when Shannon gets pregnant, Buck enlists along with Eddie.
Broken Like Me ★ BuckBobby ★ 15K ★ ➢ Buck and Bobby meet a year before Buck is assigned to the 118, and neither of them have good coping mechanisms. I genuinely really enjoyed this fic, and how it explored their dynamic had they met before Bobby was Buck's boss, and it's take on Buck's 1.0 days.
Eight Drinks a-Roofied ★ Buck-Centric ★ 21K ★ ➢ shows how Buck's gotten roofied eight times. what can I say, it was a fun read for me.
desire, i'm hungry (I hope you feed me) ★ BuckMaddie ★ 5K ★ ➢ Maddie has never had an orgasm. Buck is the one to change that. Very hot fic.
the devil wants to fuck me ★ BuckJosh★ 4K ★ ➢ Josh blackmails Buck into sex.
Get Down, Make Love ★ BuckBobby★ 5K ★ ➢ A/B/O fic. Bobby and Buck are dosed with a drug that induces their heat/rut to kick in. They fuck it out. s1 era.
Trust me, Darlin’ ★ Buck/Dean, Buddie ★ 77K ★ ➢ this was honestly just a really fun read. a 911/spn crossover fic where dean "kidnaps" buck. they have hot ambulance sex. very very fun fic overall.
With Understanding ★ Destiel ★ 427K ★ ➢ Sam is dead. Dean's told that Castiel Novak is his soulmate by Anna (the angel that rescued him from hell in this universe) and he decides to kidnap Castiel so they can meet and thus know they will share a heaven. this is genuienly my favorite dark fic. hands down one of the best i've ever read.
They Think I'm Possessed ★ JohnDean, Wincest ★ 27K ★ ➢ John decides to make Dean a replacement for Mary. Dean becomes Sam's mommy, and John's partner. He's essentially John's housewife and Sam's mother. I don't wanna give anything away but this was literally so well written and I read it all in one sitting, I could not put it down, it was so disturbing and depraved and I loved every second of it.
Ninety One Whiskey ★ Destiel ★ 401K ★ ➢ Castiel and Dean are both soldiers in WW2 in the same infantry. Dean is a medic, and if i remember correctly, Castiel is a sergeant. very well written, very slow burn, very good. haven't read it in years though, i just remember it really being good.
Fever Where You Run To ★ JohnDean ★ 3,9K ★ ➢ John gets hit with a lust spell / sex pollen. He either has to fuck it out or die. Dean offers himself up. (John has been having inappropriate thoughts about dean for years at this point, though)
mother is pretending ★ Wincest ★ 19K ★ ➢ basically them developing a mommy kink in the course of season 2. i am not into mommy kink, but i absolutely loved this fic. that's saying something.
because you want to die for love ★ Wincest ★ 27K ★ ➢ Sam joins Dean in heaven after the finale of s15. Dean slowly but surely starts to accept that he can want and have Sam. Originally I wasn't gonna but this in the list but there's just two scenes that I was like giggling, kicking my feet, twirling my hair all teehee. So good. Very well written, too.
The Truth Shall Set You Free ★ Ziam ★ 34K ★ ➢ They're lawyers and enemies and they have to solve a crime together.
Birds in Gilded Cages ★ Larry ★ 157K ★ ➢ Harry got kidnapped as a teen and forced into sex work. Louis becomes a client. they fall in love. brutal and dark but i routinely read the last chapter bc I love certain scenes in that one.
Love Will Tear Us Apart ★ Larry ★ 103K ★ ➢ I don't remember much about this one, I just remembered really liking it and how it showed that you can make mistakes and be flawed and still come together and forgive and be happy together.
Run Like the Devil ★ Larry ★ 139K ★ ➢ Harry is a demon. Louis is a hunter. Can I make it any more obvious?
at last, at last ★ Larry ★ 41K ★ ➢ Harry is born into a cult in a post-apocalyptic world, and Louis is the leader of the rebel group tasked with the mission of shutting them down. Together, they make a rather effective team.
once upon a dream ★ Larry ★ 33K ★ sequel here ★ ➢ Louis is psychic and gets caught in the middle of a murder investigation led by FBI Special Agent Harry Styles.
Landslide ★ Larry ★ 143K ★ ➢ a true fave of mine. I also routinely reread this one. Harry goes undercover to try and uncover what's going on on Louis' farm. Louis is the cult leader. It's so interesting and well written.
A Tear in the Sky ★ OT4 ★ 27K ★ ➢ Niall Horan is a consultant on cases that need a personal touch, someone to get close to prey and predators alike to discover the truth, and he's eager for the chance to work with old acquaintance Zayn Malik at Station Twelve. His attitude shifts when he discovers what waits for him is more than just three boys caught in the midst of a cult. A tight deadline presses on him to complete his report, yet the more he learns about the unique dynamic between these three, the more he starts to question his own sanity. Professionalism is hard to hold onto as the case and Niall's mind begin to unravel.
A Political Romance / A Legal Romance ★ Klaine ★ 119K / 216K ★ ➢ Blaine has this darkness in him, a power of sorts. He sees Kurt and instantly falls for him and decides that Kurt will be his. Hard to explain this one but it did have a chokehold on me when I first read it as a wee teenager first discovering fanfiction. 10/10!
Dead in Ohio ★ Puckurt ★ 93K ★ ➢ zombie apocalypse. Kurt and Puck are stuck with each other and they fall in love. kinda enemies to lovers but also kinda not. this is a fic that I have not reread in years due to the actor who plays puck. but it's still a good fic and I wanted to include it for that reason.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 month
Stanford Era Supernatural Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
what's there to talk about by FagurFiskur - Rated M
Dean has a friend.
Of Big Brothers and Strange Dreams by DisasterDungeonMaster - Not Rated
Dean Winchester shows up at Stanford looking for Sam. Reunions, revelations, and a heap ton of pie follow. Somewhere in the midst of the mess, two brothers fix the broken parts of each other that had cracked open long before either them had realized.
lost by foolondahill17 - Rated T
Dad’s in Minnesota doing God-knows-what, Sammy’s at Stanford, and Dean’s twenty-two when he thinks about killing himself for the first time. In which Dean’s on a hunt in Rapid City, South Dakota, and everything goes to shit. Bobby comes to the rescue. Eventually.
How Long? by pricelesstrashpanda, Trekkiehood - Rated T
"All of his sorrow won't fit in his chest It just burns like a fire in the pit of his chest And his heart is a bird on a spit in his chest How long, how long, how long?"
- Persephone (Hadestown)
Dean hasn't seen or heard from his family in over a year. After one too many ignored phone calls, Dean decides he's better off dead than alone. Bobby disagrees.
"I'm Not Going to Hit You" by Trekkiehood - Rated T
Three times Dean was told, "I'm not going to hit you." Three times the people in Dean's life realize that there might be more going on in Dean's life than the kid is willing to admit.
Get out of jail for free-card by schrijverr - Rated G
Stanford-era Sam gets a call from Dean, who has been arrested and needs him to bust him out. Jess insists on coming with him and is in for a bit of a surprise with the revelations that come with meeting Dean.
Poughkeepsie by aeli_kindara - Rated T
“Sammy,” says Dean again, urgency cracking his voice. “We gotta — we really gotta go. I need you to — just — remember Poughkeepsie? Drop everything, no questions asked, and run? This is a — a Poughkeepsie situation. Please, man, I need you.” Sam remembers Poughkeepsie.
no one knew me, look right through me (the dreams in which i'm dying are the best i've ever had) by hishn_greywalker - Rated G
There are some things the kids at Stanford knew about Sam Winchester, and some they didn't.
(Un)Wanted Guest by schrijverr - Rated G
Sam is at Stanford when Dean bust in with the police on his trail after a salt ‘n burn. Sam knows what’s going on, but his friends are a bit suspicous of his brother.
Do Not Meddle by The_Bookkeeper - Rated T
Three times an ordinary citizen bit off more than he could chew.
Remember Tomorrow by MarmeLady_Orange - Rated M
Dean went to bed in 2021 but wakes up in the backseat of the Impala in 2003. John and Bobby are alive, Sam is in Stanford and no one has never heard of Castiel.
bloody, but unbowed by shootingstarcas - Rated T
Sam doesn’t know what to expect when he walks into the courtroom. But of all the possibilities, he would never have imagined this one: his brother, grinning like the devil, in the defendant’s chair. Or, the one where Sam never goes to Jericho with Dean, but instead pursues law school and a life with Jess. Dean falls in love with a gas station attendant named Castiel. Six years after they last saw one another, Sam and Dean meet again in a courtroom. A lot can change in six years.
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Requests for Writing and Artwork
Anonymous welcome!
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Note: I write about how the characters interact with the world and each other. I focus on the characters, not necessarily the conflict unless it is interfering in their relationship or stopping them from being around each other. It’s all about the people.
Word count: 1,000 minimum
Rating: Any
Types: NSFW or SFW
Kinks: Yes (it’s easier to say what I WON’T do—No Vore except blood drinking, No necrophilia unless sex with vampire—they gotta be able to consent, No Incest, No pee, no poo)
Tropes: meet cute, meet ugly, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, boss/employee, polyamory, **a/b/o**, kid fic, parent-focused fic, mpreg, apocalypse, damsel in distress (rescue), canon divergent, sex worker/prostitute/stripper, interspecies relationship, imbalanced power dynamics, love at first sight, hurt/comfort, shifter/skinwalker, roommate to lovers, or ask.
There are a handful or two of tropes I’m not ok with, so please select at least **3** options.
Plot or premise: please feel free to give me your prompt in as much detail or as little as you’d like.
Pairings: Any from the acceptable characters. Polyamory is acceptable too.
Reader insert: If you select Reader as a character, please advise the POV, such as first person (I am), second person (you are), or third person (she, they, he, them).
Acceptable Characters:
Reader—male or female, LGBT+, Chronic Illness, Mental Health, Winchester sibling or nibling, supernatural being, MoL Legacy, Rowena’s child, love interest to Team Free Will, Hunter, psychic, witch, etc. (Just ask)
Moon Knight system (Jake, Steven, Marc; Moon Knight)
Khonshu (Moon Knight)
Beau Arlen (Blue Sky)
Alec McDowell (Dark Angel)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
Dean Winchester (No Incest;Demon, Possessed, Etc)
Sam Winchester (No Incest; Samifer, Lawyer, Professor, etc)
John Winchester (good parent, yes! No incest)
Mary Winchester (good parent, hunter, yes! No incest)
Castiel/Jimmy Novak (Wings, yes! True form, yes! Unrelated, yes! No Twincest)
Arthur Ketch
Emma Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Gilda (Fairy)
Dorothy Baum
Billie (Reaper, yes! Death, yes!)
Death (YES!)
Lucifer/Nick (Wings, yes!)
Gabriel (Wings,yes!)
Balthazar (Wings, yes!)
Bobby Singer
Rufus Turner
Ellen Harvelle
Jo Harvelle
Jody Mills, Sheriff
Donna Hanscum, Sheriff
Claire Novak
Kaia Novak
Patience Turner
The Barnes Twins (no incest)
Missouri Moseley
Rowena MacLeod (Witchy, yes!)
Crowley/Fergus MacLeod (Demon form, yes)
Pamela Barnes
Adam Milligan
Michael (Archangel)
Horseman Death (portrayed by Julian Richings)
Meg 2.0
Jack Kline
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apocalypseornaw · 11 months
Resurrect (Pt 1/4)
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Benny Lafitte x reader (Reader has Nickname of Nix)
When the portal opened to pull the souls out of Castiel you were caught in the wake resulting in you stuck in purgatory. You figured that would be it, you'd fight as long as you could until some monster got the better of you that is until you met Benny.
Warnings: cursing, the usual violence
"Don't go too close!" You heard Bobby's warning a second too late. You jumped forward when Cas sagged, helping him to his feet just as the portal opened. You felt the pull of the magic and tried to get out of it but it was useless, this spell was ancient and the power fueling it was too much. You heard Dean call your name before a bright light flashed, engulfing your vision and the room around you seemed to fall away.
You must have passed out somewhere along the way because the next thing you knew you were waking up in a dark forest, tall trees stretching towards a grey sky surrounded you. You slowly got to your feet, checking yourself for injuries.
You patted yourself to find that your gun was still at the small of your back and the blade at your side was still there. The only problem was you had no idea where you were or what the hell had happened. A growl drew your attention and you spun to see three looming shadows getting closer to where you stood. The portal was to put the souls back in purgatory, if you'd gotten sucked in....fuck that meant you were in monster land alone and with very few weapons.
You took off at a run, hoping the things wouldn't give chance. You had no clue what the hell they were, meaning you had no clue how to kill them. You could hear them gaining ground and decided to try your luck with the silver bullets loaded into your gun.
You spun, taking aim at the first one and pulled the trigger. It fell with a heavy thud. You quickly shot the other two, knowing that your scent mixed with the sound of the gunfire would draw attention to your location from only God knew how far.
You needed to put some distance between this spot and you. You needed to find cover and figure out some sort of a plan. Certainly the boys would look for you right? Bobby or Cas would figure out what had happened even if Sam and Dean couldn't. You just needed to stay alive until the rescue team showed up. Hearing branches breaking, heading in your direction as you ran told you that plan may just be easier said than done.
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You hit the ground hard, managing to roll into the movement which meant you'd avoided the set of teeth chomping wildly at your arm. You put enough space between you and the feral looking werewolf to land a solid kick to his chest, when he stumbled backwards you grabbed for the large black blade he'd dropped and spun it in your grip. With a solid swing you separated his head from his neck and was rewarded with the sound of it hitting the dirt.
Your moment of celebration was short lived because you could hear the rugaru who'd been tracking you for the better part of the last two days let out a cackle "Oh little huntress. Come out, come out wherever you are" you took a deep breath before calling back "First that's sexist, I'm a hunter not huntress. Second I'm tired of this game. Come and get me you asshole"
You recognized him, you'd killed him some years back with Dean. You never would've thought you'd be facing him at a later date but then again since landing in monster world you'd been faced with quite a few angry ones who recognized you from hunting at Sam and Dean's side for so many years.
He stepped out the tree line and laughed "There's that false bravado I love about you hunters. I can smell your fear, hell I could smell it when you killed me with the Winchesters"
You shrugged "Never said I was fearless, just dumb enough to do it anyways" he charged for you and you let him, jumping out the way at the last moment.Bastard hadn't realized you'd made it to the edge of one of the many cliffs littered around the landscape.
You walked over to the side and laughed to yourself when you saw that he'd splattered his own head on one of the jagged rocks at the base of the cliff. "Dumb enough to do it but smart enough to know my surroundings asshole"
You bent to grab your blade, glancing around to see if anything else was stalking you. Something was tracking you but you weren't sure what. Days had passed with you feeling like you were being watched but you'd gotten used to that feeling. Some creature feature was always close at hand.
You weren't sure how long you'd been stuck here but it was long enough you had gotten used to having blood caked on your face, used to keeping an eye in every direction and used to knowing at any given second you'd be in a fight to the death and stood the chance of not winning.
With a final glance to your surroundings you started moving again, best not to stay in one place.
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Benny knew within a few days that something new had hit purgatory. The electricity in the air ran wild from the news of a human lurking among the shadows. It was a woman, a hunter and a damn good one from what he'd heard.
Of course he'd be curious, who wouldn't? When he first tracked her down she'd been cornered by a couple ghouls. They were taunting her, saying how they were going to enjoy tearing her apart. He'd moved to help her but then saw the smirk pulling at her lips and his curiosity kept him back. He'd move if the tide turned against her but he was curious to see how she handled herself.
She tilted her head to the side slightly "Well cmon then fellas. Don't keep a lady waiting" he watched as she threw a smaller blade at the bigger of the ghouls, it buried into his neck, not a killing blow but enough to drop him. She winked at the other one before swinging the larger blade she had, decapitating him then ran over to finish off the one who laid on the ground clutching at his throat.
When she stood up to wipe the blades clean on her leg he got a good look at her. Her hair was up in a haphazard looking braid, the flannel she had on had seen better days, the black tshirt under it still looked solid. She was curvy to say the least, and was beautiful if he must admit.
The thing that pulled him to her wasn't that though. She was a human, in a place like this yet standing her ground and surving....she'd been here for months if the rumors were true yet besides the scar on her cheek there was no noticeable injury. He was impressed.
Her eyes flickered towards where he was but he knew she couldn't see him. Maybe she could feel his eyes on her? She visibly shook herself then started moving again. She'd learned one rule already, always stay on the move.
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You were leaned against a tree, trying to do a mental check list of where you were. The scenery mostly looked the same but the river that cut through the center of purgatory was your main land mark. It gave you some sort of means to map out locations. You knew what monsters were in what areas the heaviest, you knew where the cliffs were and you could still pin point the area you landed for what good it'd do you.
The sound of branches breaking hit your ears and you dropped into a fighting stance, deciding if you had enough time to make a run for it or if it would be a fight. Five vamps came out of the trees and you cursed yourself. How had you gotten so careless to let so many catch you in one place?
"Hey fellas" you greeted, glancing towards the two women "and ladies" they spread out to surround you and you tsk tsked "Cmon now. Where's your manners? Can't say hello before you kill me?"
The clear ring leader laughed "Told you, she's hunted with the Winchesters for so long she acts like them" you grabbed your heart "Ouch. I don't drink anywhere as much as Dean and Sam's got a few more issues then me, I was never fed demon blood!" You tried to keep all of them in your eye line but that was easier said than done.
The ring leader nodded and that must have been the cue. They all charged you at once so you swung wildly, your blade biting into the nearest ones neck. You snatched it free and kicked his body towards them "Cmon then!" A flurry of motion put three vampires pining you down.... wait...there was four?
You struggled against their hold and felt the weight on you lighten as a hand wrapped around your arm, snatching you to your feet and shoving your blade handle back into your hand. You were back to back with your savior but couldn't concentrate on that. The vamps circled around the two of you and an accented voice came from over your shoulder "Let em come to you, stay close"
When the final vamp fell you turned to face who'd come to your aid and saw fangs sliding back into place. You took a step back, he had a broad build, shoulders wider than Dean's with muscles and a solid frame from what had to have been a physical life before he'd been turned and only God knows how long he'd been here for.
Blue eyes studied you for a moment before he spoke "You good?" That accent that had you guessing Louisiana as where he was originally from threw you for a loop along with his looks. You never would've really said a vampire was good looking but then again you never would've guessed you would get stuck in purgatory either. You nodded after a moment "Yeah. I'm good but can I ask why intervene on my behalf? I'm a human"
He smirked "and a hunter too darlin don't forget that one" you raised an eyebrow "So this place has a rumor mill. Nice to know" he chuckled before holding out his hand "Name's Benny" you hesitated for a moment before shaking his hand "Name's Y/N but everybody calls me Nix,You still didn't answer why you helped me. Doesn't that put a target on your back?" He shrugged "I've done dumber things for worse reasons"
You shook your head with a small laugh "Ok then" he motioned through the woods "We moving or staying here and letting more find us?" You shrugged "How do I know this ain't some kind of game you're playing?" He held your gaze before a smile slipped onto his face "You don't but I did just save your hide after all" you stood stoic for a moment then nodded "Lead the way. I'm sure you know this place better than me"
You weren't sure what made you trust Benny at first besides the initial part of him intervening for you when he very well could've sat back and watched you be ripped to shreds.
The first few weeks after the two of you decided to join forces you kept your distance from each other, both of you rightfully wary of each other. He was still a vampire and you a hunter, meaning your kind was a threat to the other's kind.
The way you communicated was a whistle Benny taught you. If he heard it he knew to come running and you did the same. Was it strange at first backing a vampire in a fight if it came to it? A bit but the longer you fought alongside him the more you began to see him less as a vampire and more as just Benny.
A couple months passed or what he said was a couple months anyways. You still had no clue how he managed to have any sort of hold on keeping time that had passed.
You'd learned he'd been in purgatory for about fifty years, give or take. He told you how by the time he was killed he hadn't fed off a human in years, he'd simply survived off blood bank blood. He'd also told you about how he'd been killed. The fact that he'd walked away from his nest and the vamp who turned him when he'd fell in love with a human named Andrea Kormos.
The more you learned about him, the more it made sense for him to intervene for you. No one had been there to intervene for Andrea when his nest had attacked them.
You started to open up to him as well. You told him about the uncle who'd raised you, about Bobby who'd stepped into the role of a parent as well when your uncle was killed. You also told him that Nix was short for Phoenix, a nickname Dean had saddled you with after your first car get wrecked on a hunt and you climbed out while it was on fire.
You also told him about Sam and Dean, that conversation had been unavoidable considering how many monsters had come after you due to your affiliation with the Winchesters. You'd saw how his jaw had tightened when you said you didn't know why no one had come after you, you knew the anger had shown in your eyes because a part of you felt betrayed.
You never gave up on Sam or Dean. You always fought for them and they'd left you for monster feed. Not only them but Bobby and Cas too. You loved them all, they were your family yet it seemed they'd forgotten about you.
"Darlin I don't know how anybody could forget you" Benny told you one day while the two of you were catching a breather at the river that flowed with cool water amidst the constant humidity in the air. Even when the temperature dropped the air felt solid.
You glanced up from where you'd been squatted, washing your face clean and smiled "Cmon now Benny don't act like I'm not a pain in the ass" you teased and saw a smile pulling at his lips "Oh I never said that. You're a tremendous pain in the ass and your humanity is a damn magnet for every son of a bitch in this place"
You straightened up and stared at him for a moment "There better be a but somewhere in there Lafitte"
He took a step towards you, pushing the little pieces of hair back that'd fallen into your face "But I damn sure don't regret saving your backside and I'd do again and again. You make life a lot more interesting down here" the moment seemed a bit too intimate, it was the calmest things had been in weeks and if you were being honest you and Benny had grown closer and closer.
You swallowed hard then laughed lightly "I see just how you managed to smooth talk your way onto a yacht with an heiress" he smiled that smile that you'd learned to look forward to seeing. It made the corner of his eyes crinkled slightly and they seemed to brighten a shade or two with the action "Well a man's gotta have a few different talents"
He motioned towards your hair "Speaking of, turn around. I can manage a braid" you turned around, taking his blade when he held it out for you to hold.
You felt his fingers working their way through your hair, easing the knots out "Don't tell me you can cook too or I may propose" you teased as he worked your hair into a tight braid. He leaned up close to your ear and you felt his breath on your neck as he said "Well I suggest we find a jeweler around here cause I'm a pretty decent cook too"
You felt him tie the braid off before he took his blade back "That should hold" you ran two fingers down the braid, amazed at how smooth it was.
"Thank you" you told him and he nodded "Any time" growls hit your ears and Benny cursed under his breath "I think they've found our scent again honey" the two of you moved step for step away from the growls and deeper into the woods. The river didn't have solid ground around it, the wet rocks were a bitch to fight in if you could help from it. That lesson had been learned a few times over.
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A year or better had passed since you landed in purgatory, a year of constantly being on high alert, of fighting every monster that God ever made. At least nine months of that year had been spent at Benny's side. The two of you made one hell of a team, it'd been a while since you were actively hunted so you only had to deal with fights as you stumbled across them.
You were resting in a cavern that Benny had found. You didn't actually tire down here but you'd discovered if you were injured getting off your feet for a just a little while helped you heal. You'd barely gotten slashed but Benny had insisted.
Something was going on, the population was more on edge than they'd been in a while and the air was pure electricity. The problem was Benny couldn't exactly try to get a bead on any rumors with your scent lingering so here you were waiting for him to return.
A couple hours had passed when you heard a loud whistle ring out. You snatched your blade off the floor of the cavern and ran out to meet Benny "What did you find out?" You asked and he smiled "A damn portal opened up sweetheart...a human portal"
"What are you saying Benny?" You asked and he grabbed your chin gently "You can get out. God finally figured out a live intact human was stuck here" "What about you?" You asked and he shrugged "There's a spell, if you're willing you can drag my soul to the other side with you" you felt your stomach flip with excitement "Then let's find the damn portal"
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You and Benny had been fighting your way across the land for three days when Benny stopped short enough you ran into his back "What the hell?" You grumbled and he glanced around "Leviathan are back" your eyes widened as two globs landed not three feet from you "Incoming!"
The two of you fought side by side taking out the two Leviathan and you were grateful they were easier to kill here. You cut your eyes at Benny and he was looking through the woods "Benny?" "Something else landed. I need to find Angelo"
Angelo was another vampire. He wasn't like Benny. He'd fed off humans up until a hunter had caught up with him. He hated you but feared Benny worse.
"Angelo!" Benny's voice was deep when he called his name. Angelo turned, grimacing when he saw you "Benny and his pet human!" You didn't want to push a fight but rolled your eyes "What landed?" He looked from you to Benny and an almost nervous wave rolled off of him "One of her kind, a human...a hunter and an angel"
Hunter and an angel? Along with the Leviathan being sent back? Could it be Cas and one of the boys? "What area?" You asked and Angelo glared at you before giving the basic direction. "The portal.." Benny reminded you but you shook your head "Please. I need to know" he sighed "Woman you're gonna be the death of me yet"
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Dean had turned just a bit too slow, the vamp coming out of nowhere. He dodged the fangs chomping at him, trying to find the handle of his blade before the weight was gone off of him. Another body had tackled the vamp and sliced his head off. To his surprise when he got to his feet the other body belonged to another vamp who was watching him carefully "What? No thanks for saving your hide?"
He held up the blade "Sure. I won't stick this up your ass" a voice he hadn't heard in years and that he'd thought he'd never hear again called out "Dean Winchester, you always were a kinky son of a bitch"
He thought his eyes were playing tricks when you ran out of the woods and to the vampire's side? He spoke your name softly as you whispered to the vampire before turning to face him "Live and in the flesh"
You could feel Benny's presence heavy at your back at you turned to face Dean "Live and in the flesh" when you'd said Dean's name Benny's anger had flared, fueled by his want to know why you were left in this place. You'd told him to let you handle it and he promised he would.
Dean looked from you to Benny "How?" He took a step towards you and you felt Benny stiffen slightly "the portal sucked me in Dean. None of you thought to look for me?" "We didn't know sweetheart. I mean everything happened so fast. You disappeared, Cas exploded and we were fucking scrambling"
Angelo said an angel was here? "Cas is dead?" He shook his head "He's here. Somewhere" you nodded "What about Sam, Bobby?" His eyes dropped "Bobby got killed a while back" you felt your knees weaken and Benny's hand shot out to steady you "I'm sorry sweetheart"
Bobby was gone. You'd spent so long thinking he abandoned you and he was dead. "How?" "The head Leviathan shot him" you nodded slowly, pushing tears down. Survival first.
"We know a way out. A portal for humans. I thought God had realized I was here but maybe it reacted to you, the righteous man and his angel" you knew the bitter tinge held to your voice but despite your urge to run to Dean and hug him you couldn't quite help it. "You gotta know I would've come for you. We never would've left you behind.."
You took a step back, bumping into Benny's solid frame "Dean, you're one of my best friends. I absolutely love you but I can't. Not right now. We'll help find Cas then we're getting out of here"
What the hell had you lived through to trust a vampire over him? Dean was happy as hell to see you alive, he'd thought he'd lost you. They all had. They'd mourned you, Bobby had blamed himself. You had to know they hadn't abandoned you without a second thought. He watched the vampire you'd introduced as Benny whisper something in your ear and you nod.
He'd find Cas and maybe earn your trust again in the meanwhile too. You called his name and he glanced your way so you motioned around "Benny can kinda get a sense for Cas when we get close enough but we gotta get close enough so our best chance is to hunt, try to find a lead"
He nodded "Sounds like a plan" you glanced back towards Benny then motioned towards the woods "We keep moving"
Benny moved first, keeping you within arm's reach Dean noticed so Dean fell in step next to you "Nix...I'm sorry" you shook your head "We'll talk about it when we get out of here. Guilt, worry... that shit can get you killed. Just stay alive. That's how you can make it up to me"
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"Incoming!" Your voice hit Dean and Benny's ears, both men going back to back as you slid into sight a pack of werewolves nipping at your heels. They moved to let you between them before facing the threat.
You and Dean together in this place was proving too much for some of the monsters. Days were turning into 360 combat. Luckily between the three of you, a dance of sort had developed. If you weren't busy fighting yourself you would've been tempted to watch Dean and Benny fight. The two of them together? Was a thing of beauty. They moved like a well oiled machine despite hating each other weeks before.
The pack was quickly put down, the three of you getting a moment to catch your breath and clean blood off your weapons. "Why aren't Leviathan attacking?" You asked and caught Dean shoot Benny a look which was clearly "She really gonna question a bit of good luck?" And nearly laughed "What? Both of you have thought it. You just ain't voiced it"
Benny shrugged "What's it matter Nix? We ain't having to fight those assholes so why question it?" Dean nodded "What the dental apocalypse said" you rolled your eyes at them both "Cmon before that damn rugaru gets away again"
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The rugaru ended up being the break you three needed. You stood back next to Benny while Dean "questioned" the rugaru.
You flinched slightly when he screamed out. Killing, you didn't mind but damn Benny had already done a number on the mutt and it hadn't said shit. When Dean twisted the blade the rugaru stammered out that Cas was near the river. Dean looked back at you and you nodded "We know where it is"
He turned back to the rurgaru and slammed a blade up under its chin before it could blink. Dean snatched the blade free once the rugaru went still then looked back at you "How far?" "Bout a day" he nodded "Then lead the way"
When you got to the clearing the rugaru had pin pointed you spotted a fugure crouched by the water and nudged Dean. "Cas!" He called out before moving towards him.
You followed Dean, feeling Benny's hand at your lower back to keep you steady should you slip. You watched while Dean hugged Cas. When the angel's eyes found yours they widened so you smiled "Hey Cas"
"How are you here?" He asked and before you could open your mouth Benny replied "The portal you got her sucked into?" You shot him a look so he quieted down.
Dean introduced Benny to Cas and the moment he did Benny asked "Next question, whyd you bail on Dean?" "Dude!" Dean warned but Benny shook his head "Way me and Nix heard the moment you two hit monster land, hot wings here took off. I figure he owes backstory" you had to admire how Benny went from holding you being stuck against Dean to questioning Cas on behalf of Dean.
"I'm sure Cas had his reasons" You tried and Dean nodded "We were surrounded, some freak jumped him and he kicked its ass, right?" your smile fell when Cas replied "No. I ran" "You ran away?" Your own anger flared at that.
Cas explained how Leviathan were hunting him, that he had a price on his head. When Dean got Benny to explain the escape hatch Cas said he wouldn't go until Dean said he wasn't leaving without him. Benny spoke up "One thing clear" he pointed to you "I'm getting her out of here no matter what" you felt both other men's eyes on you and after a moment met their gaze Cas nodded "Ok, I'll go"
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You honestly were on the verge of screaming. Benny and Dean argued like children, sprinkle in Cas going on ramblings about the metaphysics of killing a monster in monster heaven you were starting to wonder if whatever kept you from having to sleep in purgatory would also keep you from getting a migraine.
After comments like "undead blood junkie" and retorts of "Scared I'm gonna eat your little piggies?" you finally stopped dead in your tracks causing all three men to look at you "Nix?" Benny and Dean both questioned, assuming you'd heard something they missed.
You crossed your arms "I'm sick of you two. Dean, Benny has kept me alive for this long. I know his past, I know why he quit drinking humans and I fucking trust him. He'll do the right thing when we get out of here"
Before Benny could let the smug smirk slip onto his face you spun on him "Benny, Dean has known me my entire adult life and most of my teens. You have to admit I was skeptical of you at first. He has reasons to be cautious about springing a vamp. Now both of you shake hands or I swear I'm kicking the shit out you both and Cas will take my side"
The fact that both of them cut their eyes at Cas only for him to shrug "I agree with her" a sigh left them both Dean and Benny before they offered their hands at the same time. You smiled when they shook "There? See"
It took a total of two months after you found Cas to make it to where the portal was supposed to be. It wouldn't have taken so long but the constant run from Leviathan hadn't helped.
You stood there as Dean pulled a blade out of his jacket "You two ready? Like we talked about?" You nodded so Dean handed you the blade while him and Benny both rolled their sleeves up. Somewhere along the way, the mistrust and inherit hatred turned into a deep bond between the two of them. They were actually friends. They'd also decided together they'd rather risk Dean dragging Benny's soul over should something go wrong.
Benny looked at you and smiled slightly before telling Dean "Putting a lot of trust in you here brother" Dean smiled "You earned it" they gripped each other's arms and Benny winked at you "See yall on the other side"
Watching Benny disappear into Dean's arm was kind of weird but then again what wasn't weird in your life. Dean rolled his sleeve back down despite the glow under his skin that was Benny then nodded to you and Cas "Let's go"
You'd almost made it to the portal when Leviathan attacked. You all three were thrown in different directions. You rolled to your feet, slashing the nearest Leviathans head off as Dean and Cas took out the other two.
Dean grabbed your arm "Cmon!" He nodded to Cas. The moment you got close enough to the portal Dean told you to go. You ran through it and after a moment Dean appeared behind you..without Cas. "Where's Cas?" He looked backwards where the portal had disappeared "He didnt make it through"
Tags @123passwort @valeks-star
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dean-isms · 8 months
“He is the Balki Bartokomous of Heaven. He can make a mistake.”
Reference: Perfect Strangers
Episode: 6x20 “The Man Who Would Be King”
Writer: Ben Edlund
Spoken To: Bobby Singer (About Castiel)
Media Type: Television - Sitcom
Timeframe: 1986-1993
Description: A high-strung and cynical man's life is never the same when his naive but good-natured cousin comes to America to live with him. Balki is a naive, optimistic, well-meaning person. The traits, along with his ignorance of American culture, sometimes get Balki into difficult or dangerous situations, with his cousin Larry Appleton invariably coming to his rescue. However, Larry soon realizes that for all of Balki's naivety and cultural malapropisms, he otherwise is a very intelligent and courageous man of many talents who often saves the day himself.
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vaicomcas · 1 year
There are gifsets about this. But sometimes words show things more clearly.
Bobby: About that. I liked the kid. We fought together. But there's only one way this ends. Castiel: Bobby's right. We have to find Jack and help him. Bobby: What? That kid -- he killed Mary! Castiel: I know that. Bobby: Ah-ah. Don't say "but. Castiel: But he -- Jack may not even realize what he did was wrong. Bobby: If his human side is gone, you know what's left -- Lucifer. Now, if you boys want to sit around and talk, fine. But me? I'm gonna get on the horn to some of my people and go find that boy. Castiel: And what then? Bobby: An unstoppable monster who don't know right from wrong gets put down -- or the closest we can get to it. And anybody who don't know that needs to go back to school.
It's not just Dean Winchester the big hero, some random hunter from another world that Jack (and Cas) helped rescue also gets to talk down to Cas and "school" him? About how he should be on board with murdering his son? Cas wasn't given the chance to say a word back to this?
Dean: He's locked up, safe. He's in the Ma'lak box. Castiel: No! Dean: And that's where he's gonna stay. Castiel: Even after hearing what I said, you want to keep Jack sealed in a living death? Dean: He agreed to it. Because deep down, I think he knows it's best. Castiel: No. You're doing what Dumah -- You are manipulating him. Sam: Cas. Castiel: What? You just want to forget about him? Dean: I wish I could forget about him! After what he did? And you know what he can do. This is our only play.
SAM: Okay, the last time we found Jack, it wa—it was by praying to him, but that's not gonna happen again. DEAN: Yeah, you think? CASTIEL: You should never have tried to lock him away. DEAN: You know what? You're right. I never wanted to put him in that damn box. I wanted him dead. DEAN: He's dangerous, Cas, and you knew it! You've known it for a long time! But that's okay. You know why? Because me and Sam, we've killed just about everything there is. And this -- Jack -- oh, we'll find a way. Because he's just another monster. CASTIEL: You don't mean that. DEAN: The hell I don't. (Dean and Cas stare each other down for a moment and then Cas storms out of the room) DEAN: All right. So, I guess we got to find Jack. SAM: Yeah. Then what? DEAN: I don't know. Maybe we call Rowena, see if she can put together one of those, um, "soul bombs." SAM: The...thing you were gonna use against the Darkness? DEAN: Yeah, might actually put a dent in the kid. SAM: (looking troubled) Okay. (quietly)
Dean and Sam were going to kill Jack with a soul bomb.
They threw out the red herring of Chuck to erase all this. But I am not fooled. After this, there is no way Cas doesn't take up arms to defend Jack. Against the apocalypse world hunters, against the Winchesters.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 6 months
To Sell The Stars
To Sell The Stars https://ift.tt/A2f5ysz by meadowmyangel1 Castiel Novak is an angel with many faces. First and foremost, he runs his territory with kindness and grace. However, there are times when he has to be heavy-handed, especially with lowlifes like John Winchester.   Castiel soon discovers that the boy with bright green eyes is more than just a child; he wants to rescue him from his father’s torment. He realises that he feels a deep connection with him, as if they were destined to be mates. However, Castiel is unprepared for such a young mate, and his life is suddenly turned upside down.   With an impending war and a troublesome young mate, Castiel strives to bring some clarity into their chaotic world, making their lives even more challenging. Words: 4535, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Ellen Harvelle, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Kevin Tran (Supernatural), Ash (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Michael (Supernatural), Adam Milligan, Gordon Walker, Balthazar (Supernatural), Ion (Supernatural), Other Supernatural Characters, Original Characters Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Betaed, Crime Boss Castiel (Supernatural), Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Omega Dean Winchester, Blood and Violence, Grace and Violence, SMITE, Older Castiel (Supernatural), Angel Castiel (Supernatural), Nephilim Dean, Gun Violence, Gambling, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Abuse, John Winchester Being an Asshole, Overprotective Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, But needs to show it., Enochian-Speaking Castiel (Supernatural), Enochian-Speaking Dean Winchester, Slow To Update, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Sexy Times via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/5Xsy4FU December 16, 2023 at 06:41AM
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talesmaniac89 · 1 year
Charity Heist 11 - aka. The Reluctant Rescue Team
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A Supernatural Heist AU - Masterlist
Pairing: Hitter!Dean x Thief!Reader
Summary: The Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency is the best group of con artists in the world. But even though Y/N can crack safes, scale buildings and infiltrate even the most secure locations, she still can't find a way to deal with her all consuming feelings for the group's greek god of a hitter; Dean Winchester. How will she handle their next big heist, when she's forced to get up close and personal with the man of her dreams?
Warnings: Idiots in love, smutty thoughts, a lot of swearing and a ton of bad jokes.
Watch the trailer here
A/N: This story is 50% jokes and 50% dirty thoughts. No deep angst, just fun and action! Inspired by the series Leverage.
Y/N = Your Name
Start Here - Last - Next
A/N: Sorry for the delay here! Had a bit of a weekend 🤣
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For a few seconds, the room was completely quiet except the soft sound of traffic coming through the speaker in the middle of the table showing that Bobby was out and about. None of you dared speak as you took in the news. 
Crowley, the damned idiot, got caught because he had to visit his fucking tailor? He couldn’t even go one job without ordering another stupid black suit? 
Fucking perfect. 
Yet, just as soon as the silence had settled over the War Table, all hell broke loose, with every member of your rag tag group of master criminals speaking over each other. Sounding less than the well-oiled con machine you were and more like a room full of school children. 
“He’s an idiot, that’s why I always say we shouldn’t work with him…” Dean growled from next to you, just as Charlie made some very apt comparisons between the mobster and a chimpanzee. Though you barely even caught either’s words over your own tired groan. 
“Holy… God, how the hell did he get caught?” You shot towards Sam, though you knew the youngest Winchester wouldn’t have held back on the details if he knew anything else. 
“You know Crowley. If nothing else, the man believes he’s untouchable. The king of the underground. So of course he had none of his own men with him,” Sam just sighed with a tired shrug of his shoulders. Leaning forward, your intelligence guy seemed just as lost as you as his big hands splayed against the wood of the table to steady himself as all his perfectly laid plans were shaken off kilter by Crowley’s antics.
“So… What now?” Castiel spoke up, keeping much more calm than the rest of your group. As always, your grifter was the most composed one among you as he leaned back in his seat. The last remnants of his latest role still shining through in the cocky hold of his shoulders and the slightly bored look in his eyes. Damn it, you hated it when he stayed in character. But the job was still on, and nothing could shake him from his role. 
“Now… We have to change our plans,” Sam gritted the words out through clenched teeth. If there was one thing your intelligence guy hated, it was anyone messing with his carefully laid plans. After all, he didn’t have a folder for ‘what to do if your idiot collaborator decided he feels like being kidnapped’. 
“We have to save him… Don’t we?” Charlie said with a sigh as she let her head drop to the desk with a dull thud. 
Pouting at your best friend you let out another annoyed groan. 
You knew she was right. But that didn’t mean you had to like it. After all, the problem with being an actual super thief with a heart of gold was that you actually had a heart. So you felt bad when you did bad, even if it was still kind of part of the job description. Maybe less so now than before, but you were still technically breaking the law. The devil and angel on your respective shoulders were mortal enemies, yet somehow also friends with benefits. Which wasn’t really great for your moral compass. As Charlie had said earlier that day; your rag tag group all had questionable morals. 
And though Crowley was an absolute ass, you knew you’d feel bad if he ended up with a brand new shiny pair of cement shoes at the bottom of a bay somewhere just because he was helping you out with a job. Even if he’d made sure to squeeze as much money as he possibly could out of you. You all would, unfortunately. 
“Do we have to?” Dean’s groaned, tired voice echoed your thoughts perfectly as he finally spoke up again. Though you knew your hitter wouldn’t leave anyone he was working with hanging out to dry. Even if the person in question kind of deserved it. 
“I guess we have to…?” You sighed, the statement coming out more like a question as you looked up at Sam. After all, him and Bobby made all your plans. At the end of the day, it was all up to them. You wouldn’t move without his green light. Even if you would drag your feet moving when he finally gave the signal. 
“Yeah, we need a revised plan, one including getting Crowley out of his own mess,” Sam confirmed, though he didn’t look all that happy with his own words either, sinking back into his seat from where he’d stood up to deliver the bad news.
“He annoys me though…” Charlie shot in as you all went silent, looking at the speaker as you waited for Bobby to talk some sense into you. 
“He annoys all of us kid, but we have to save him. If nothing else because he’s a liability,” Bobby’s voice finally spoke up through the speaker with a humorless laugh. 
“Ok. So what’s the new plan then?” You shot in, before another chorus of groans could shave even more time off of your planning. Hell, even though you were annoyed, maybe this was for the best? You had energy to burn through, and as the team’s retrieval expert, it would most likely be up to you to… Retrieve, the mobster. 
Plus, a job would mean you wouldn’t have time to think about the gun range. Or Dean. Or what the hell all of that was. Which the little escape artist you called a heart really appreciated.
“We need to hit them from multiple angles,” Bobby said through the speaker after taking a beat to think things through. Your mastermind was coming through for you once more. You could almost hear the gears grinding as he threw together a new rescue plan on the spot. Or, hell… That was probably still just background traffic, or Bobby changing the gears of his beat up truck, but it sure as hell sounded like gears grinding. 
“Crowley might be a bastard, but he’ll be true to his word. At least as long as the bad guys don’t offer him more money than we already have. Which, knowing their type, I doubt they will. They’re a miserly bunch of bastards,” Bobby continued as you all just nodded at the speaker. Still acting like the little piece of plastic and wiring could see you. 
“But, we can’t let them catch us. And we can’t let rescuing our damsel interfere with our plans,” He mused, as he worked out the kinks in his new plan out loud. Leaving you all to hold your breath, muscles tense as you waited for him to pull the trigger; firing you all into action. 
“Castiel, you need to hit them on their home turf. I want you to use your new persona to pay them a little visit at their white washed headquarters. Keep the bigger guys busy while we save our man,” Bobby finally said, earning a little nod from Castiel, who was quickly falling fully back into character. 
“They won’t be expecting me though… Might pose a problem,” Castiel’s voice was flat and void of emotion as he drawled the words. Making you shiver as you realized it wasn’t Cas speaking anymore. He was once more fully in character. 
“True.. Charlie, you go with him. Sneak into the IT department and set up some meetings in their calendars with Castiel’s cover. While you’re there, take this opportunity to plant some surprises in their system. A nice little bonus for messin’ with our plans,” Bobby easily corrected his own plans without breaking a sweat as you all sat waiting for your own orders. 
Watching your red headed hacker across the table, you cocked an eyebrow as Charlie’s cheshire cat grin replaced her former annoyance. Your best friend was nearly bouncing in her seat as Bobby gave her her role in the new plan. A wicked look in her eyes that… Honestly? Kind of scared you. She clearly had something up her sleeve, since she was normally not that happy to do field work. 
“Finally! I made this little virus a looong time ago. I can hide it in their servers and set it off with a click of a button whenever we want. It’ll cripple them, send their client’s data to a competitor of our choice and wipe their whole server clean. Their expensive computers and servers will just be overpriced paperweights when I’m through with them,” The red head was close to laughing maniacally as she let you all in on whatever it was she found so funny. 
“Good, sounds like just the thing we need kid,” Bobby didn’t even try to hide the pride in his voice as he responded to Charlie’s delight. A small chuckle escaping your normally tough-as-nails boss, before he cleared throat and fell silent, trying to formulate the actual rescue mission. 
“Alright… So while Cas and Charlie keep the higher-ups busy, we’ll need to get Crowley out as soon as possible. Dean, (Y/N) and Sam, I want the three of you to hit the spot where they’re keeping ‘im,” He finally continued after a brief pause, where you swore you could actually see him entering his own little mind palace through the small speaker. 
“Sammy… They might have some mid-level guys there. Crowley’s a pretty big mark for them after all. So they might have brought in someone a bit higher up than just your common muscle to keep an eye on him. Though if we’re lucky they haven’t gotten there yet. I want you to play the role of mid-level boss yourself or distract them if the bosses are already there. I trust you to figure out how,” 
“Quietly?” Sam shot in as he rolled his shoulders, his jaw set and clearly ready for a fight. Nothing pissed off the younger Winchester more than having someone mess up your jobs. Though you didn’t miss the way his hazel eyes softened from the trust his adoptive father placed in him. 
“Quietly, if possible. But feel free to get rough if the situation calls for it,” Bobby said after only a moment of deliberation. You weren’t worried that your mastermind was sending the youngest Winchester after the area bosses, hell, you’d seen Sam fight. And though Dean normally took on the role as the loud and violent distraction in any of your jobs, you knew his younger brother could more than hold his own in a fight. 
“So you want me to go get our damsel?” Dean sounded nearly nauseous as he asked the question. Seeming no more willing to go save the Scotsman than you were. 
“No. Your job’s a lot more important than that Dean,” Bobby shot back, causing Dean to frown as he leaned closer towards the speaker, waiting for his orders. 
“You need to keep our retrieval expert safe. (Y/N) will be the one infiltrating. If everything goes as planned, she should get in and out quietly with Crowley in tow while Sam poses as one of the bosses, or at least a mouthpiece for one to draw their attention. And you stand at the ready to help our girl out if something goes wrong,” Bobby shot back, leaving no room for arguing in his words. Though you could see Dean’s jaw tick in annoyance at the thought of you going in alone to save the greased up mobster. 
“Alright, I’ll go play knight in shiny harnesses and save our damsel. Dean will have my back, outside. Right?” You shot in, wanting to cut Dean off before he still tried to argue with your mastermind’s orders. Which, by the look of his eyes burning into the speaker, he was moments away from doing. 
Moving those same burning green orbs off of the speaker, Dean’s eyes settled on you as he tried to make you back down. But there was no way you would. You were the retrieval expert. Bobby’s plan made sense, even if Dean for some reason refused to see it. 
This was a job. Whatever had happened in the gun range took the backseat when there was a job to do. So even though your body was still heated from the feel of your hitter devouring you only 30 minutes earlier, you were not backing down. You were a big girl, and retrieval was your thing. 
“Right,” After a beat or two of silence, Dean sighed in defeat as he spat out the single word between gritted teeth. His eyes resting on you for just a second more before quickly standing up to get ready. 
It was time to go save yourself a damsel.
The ride to the job in Sam’s beat up truck was awkward, for the lack of a better word.  
Not only had Dean not-so-subtly been sending you burning looks through the rear-view mirror that made it very hard for you to focus on your rescue mission. But Sam and Dean kept arguing the finer details of the case. Mainly surrounding you and your role. 
And by that you meant Dean kept arguing the details.
Your hitter kept suggesting changes to the plan, which coincidentally all involved him going in first to clear a path for you, which you swiftly ignored. You didn’t need a damn babysitter. Dean had seen you in action before. Hell, you’d nearly knocked him out the first time he came to recruit you. But, you had no choice but to keep your mouth shut, or risk getting dragged into a shouting match with the two most stubborn men you knew. After all, no matter what Dean said, Bobby had made your roles crystal clear. 
You were the retrieval expert. You would be going in to save the idiotic Scotman with a suit fetish and a hard-on for his personal tailor. No matter how much your green eyed hitter batted his long lashes at you or pouted like a giant man baby in the shotgun seat. 
“I wish we could just turn this damn car around and leave the bastard to rot,” Dean groaned from the front seat after another round of arguing about who should do what during the job.
“Well, we’re basically here, so a bit too late for that Dean,” Sam sighed, sounding like he wished for nothing more than to turn the beat up truck he refused to part with around too. 
“We’re here? Good, let me go do my thing,” Cutting off the new round of arguing over the plan that you knew Dean was gearing up for, you spoke up for the first time since the car ride started. Both to at least get one shot in against Dean, but also because you were beyond ready to get your thieving on. Finally perking up at the idea of being out of the tense atmosphere in the car and away from Dean’s burning eyes, you nearly bounced in your seat from the thought of some much needed action to burn off all the dirty energy in your body. 
“You seem weirdly eager to rescue Crowley (Y/N),” Sam said as he pulled up and parked just half a block from where the mobsters had locked up your ‘damsel’. The hazel eyes meeting yours in the rear-view mirror looked at you in concern, as if you were possessed or losing your mind just because you were happy to work. 
Though, hell, if you had been possessed you would have ‘jesus take the wheel’-ed the shit out of that. With the way your life was going, you were just about ready to issue an open invitation to any demon who wanted to come take control of your life. Whichever demon was brave enough to come sort out your mess would have earned their permanent residence in the husk you called your body. You could be roomies. 
Maybe Netflix would give you a movie deal; a whimsical sitcom about you and your demon roommate. You’d name it ‘Doom Mates’ and Charlie would hate it.  
But, unfortunately, there was no demon willing to possess you and sort out your messy relationships. So, you were forced to do it yourself (or at least avoid the hell out of it) as you once more ignored Dean’s eyes in the rear-view mirror and wrenched open the truck door to jump out as soon as Sam had brought the car to a full stop. 
“I’m not thrilled about the… Subject of the retrieval. But it’s been a minute and a half since I last got to stretch my infiltration muscles. Plus, Charlie made me a new harness, and I need to play with it,” You shot back at Sam as he followed you out of the truck. Swallowing the many other reasons as to why you nearly needed the gig. Like the forest fire burning in Dean’s eyes, or how you could still taste the ghost of spiced peppermint on the tip of your tongue. 
Taking a shaky breath, you plastered your best imitation of a smile on your face and turned to squint down the street as Sam pointed out the building where Crowley was kept to the rest of you. The sight of the unlit neon sign outside of the business in question had your smile fall as you grimaced at the damned cliché. 
They had Crowley locked up in an empty, closed down nightclub. 
Because of course they did. 
Would it kill the bad guys to be fucking original for once? Why was it always warehouses, empty buildings or abandoned lots? Why couldn’t you go save someone from a fun place for once in your life? Like DisneyLand, or an active water park… Or at least somewhere with an open bar. Because, fuck, you could use a drink. 
Frowning at the building from half a block away, you busied yourself checking your equipment as the Winchester brothers continued their circular argument about the plan. Meanwhile, you were busy making plans of your own. From what you could see, the baddies had all congregated around the front of the building based on the few cars you could just about glimpse peeking out around the corner. Clearly not seeing Crowley as a big a threat as he thought he was. Which didn’t really damage your infiltration options much, as you’d usually never choose the front of the building as an entrance point anyway. 
Hell, from your vantage point, you could clearly see multiple ways into the nightclub. Including an unguarded rear entrance just begging you to walk in and sneak Crowley out from right under their noses. Still, as Sam had pointed out more than one time in his argument with Dean on the car ride over, you should be prepared for the worst. 
The unguarded rear entrance could be a trap. You had no way of knowing. So an infiltration plan was still needed. 
“Do you think you can get in from the roof (Y/N)? Charlie got us the blueprints, and there seems to be a skylight up there. Might mean you’ll get eyes on Crowley as well before you make your way inside,” Sam seemed to finally get sick of shooting down all of Dean’s ideas as he directed his next question at you instead.
After all, Bobby wanted this to be done quietly. And Dean going in first to loudly, and most likely violently, clear a path for you wasn’t exactly quiet. 
“You want me to throw myself in through a skylight and rappel into mobster territory? That’s a crazy idea… Insane!  I mean, there’s a perfectly good door right there,” You stage whispered, acting it up for the non-existent cameras as you pointed towards the unguarded rear entrance to the abandoned club. 
Ok… So maybe you were playing it up just that little bit extra to annoy your hitter. Who suddenly seemed to think you were incapable of performing even a simple retrieval mission. As if you’d lost all your hard earned skills after one makeout session. 
Who the hell did he think he was? Some sort of fucking dementor? Sucking out your ability to scale a wall with just one kiss?
The man was a damned good kisser, sure, but just because you could be someone’s good girl and be willingly shaped up against their body one second that did not diminish your skills as the fucking awesome super thief you were. You were fully capable of being a goddamn professional, and drown in peppermint spiced kisses thank-you-very-much. 
“So… You’ll do it?” Sam asked, the small tight smile of his lips tinged with mirth as he rolled his eyes at your drama queen act and the subsequent low growl that left his older brother in response. Though you knew he was just asking for the sake of a verbal confirmation, as you could see him gearing up to go distract the guys out front and buy you some time. 
“Of course I fucking will. This is gonna be awesome,” You grinned as you dipped back into the back of Sam’s truck to stuff a few additional toys and gadgets, courtesy of your awesome best friend, into your backpack. Including the new harness you had to take for a test spin.
“(Y/N)...” Dean tried, though you could tell the fight had gone out of him as his tense shoulders fell and his hands busied themself with double checking his own little arsenal. Still, for a second you froze. Taking a few deep breaths before stepping out of where you’d been halfway inside Sam’s car to fully see the Winchester brothers again.
Saying nothing, you simply raised an eyebrow at your hitter as you hoisted your go-bag up on your shoulder. Lips drawn in a thin line as you waited for whatever argument he had planned to stop you from doing your favorite thing in the whole damn world; throwing yourself off of a roof and into a building, however absolutely batshit insane that sounded. 
“You got this, just stay safe,” He finally sighed in defeat, giving you a soft smile which you returned with an enthusiastic grin. 
“You know I will,” You shot back, throwing a quick wink at both boys before quickly and quietly making your way towards the back of the building. Only throwing a glance back to see Sam get back in the car, ready to drive up front, and Dean setting out after you, just slightly to the left. Moving towards the building from another angle to set up camp near the rear entrance. 
It was go time.
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Supernatural Masterlist
In an attempt to organize the blog and keep everything in order, masterlists are being made to join together into a masterlist of masterlists to make it easier for those on mobile. Thanks for being patient!
Smut is indicated by ⭐
Dean Winchester
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Get Hurt
One Thousand Cheers
Imagine forcing Dean into a ‘Slumber Party’.
Imagine getting drunk with Dean Winchester.
Imagine reminiscing with Dean Winchester.
Imagine baking for Dean Winchester.
Imagine playing videogames with Dean Winchester, and taunting him when you win.
Imagine Dean Winchester not being able to understand you when you undermine yourself.  
Sam Winchester
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I’m Home
Take Care of Each Other
Imagine videochatting with Sam Winchester after a particularly hard case.
Imagine being astounded by all of the frauds Sam has done.
Imagine Sam Winchester trying to think up a romantic compliment.
Imagine losing your usual tomboy style to wear something dressy to go undercover with Sam Winchester on a hunt.
Imagine playing a prank on Sam Winchester by making it seem like vampires got to you.
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Imagine Castiel growing confused by your sarcasm.
Imagine introducing Castiel to Halloween candy.
Imagine Castiel meeting you and feeling sexually attracted to you - and not understanding it.
Adam Milligan
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Imagine Adam Milligan giving up on the angels and praying to you while in Hell.
Imagine finding a way to communicate with Adam while he’s stuck in the pit.
Imagine trying to convince Adam to say no to being Michael’s vessel.
Imagine being the first person Adam looks for when he escapes the pit.
Bobby Singer
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Imagine Sam and Dean leaving you with Bobby, and so you amuse yourself by playing pranks on him.
Imagine taking care of Bobby Singer while he’s in a wheelchair.
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Imagine Garth coming out to you as bi-sexual.
Imagine being given the task of taking care of Garth, and dealing with his nightmares.
Charlie Bradbury
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Imagine being a Reaper, and Death letting you have a day off, and you spend it with Charlie.
Imagine surprising Charlie with a Harry Potter marathon.
Imagine Charlie Bradbury taking you for a ride on her bike.
Imagine asking Charlie Bradbury out on a date, and her being too shocked and shy to verbally say yes.
Benny Lafitte
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Imagine kidnapping a criminal and gifting him to Benny Lafitte when he gets hungry.
Imagine being stuck in Purgatory and Benny tries to stop you from getting yourself killed.
Imagine getting stuck in Purgatory and Benny finding you.
John Winchester
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Imagine stepping in to help John Winchester with the boys, but knowing that you’re always second best.
Imagine pulling John Winchester away for a camping trip after a rough hunt.
Imagine having to drag John Winchester out of a bar after a rough hunt.
Imagine having to rescue John Winchester after he falls through the floor in a haunted house.
Imagine being John Winchester’s daughter and him pranking you to toughen you up.
Imagine being everything that John Winchester was looking for.
Imagine being caught in an intimate moment with John Winchester by Sam and Dean.
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Imagine Samandriel waking you up with Sparrows.
Imagine Samandriel’s reaction when you tell him you know he’s an angel.
Imagine Samandriel being your guardian angel.
Imagine Samandriel worrying about you while his own life is in danger.
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Imagine Balthazar taking care of you after a particularly tough hunt.
Imagine being Sam and Dean’s sister, and dating Balthazar.
Imagine naming your pet after Balthazar and he’s secretly pleased.
Imagine Balthazar seeing you get flustered.
Imagine Balthazar wanting some alone time with you, so he teleported you into his favorite nature spot.
Imagine Balthazar losing his grace so he tries to watch over you as a human.
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Imagine spending a snowy evening inside with Gabriel.
Imagine Gabriel seeing you on a date with someone else.
Imagine Gabriel realizing that he hurt you when he was playing around as the Trickster.
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Imagine being put in charge of Gadreel.
Imagine kissing a stranger to make Gadreel jealous.
Imagine telling Gadreel about your adventures with the Winchesters and he doesn’t approve.
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Imagine Michael trying to use you to make Dean say yes.
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Imagine Crowley approaching you with a deal.
Imagine Crowley kidnapping you, but you end up gaining the respect of the demons, more so than Crowley had.
Imagine summoning up Crowley, after hearing about him from the Winchesters, just to force him into a tea party.
Imagine Crowley confessing to the Winchesters how he feels about you.
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Imagine being a fallen angel, and looking to Lucifer for comfort.
Imagine Lucifer rejecting your soul when you offer to give it to him in exchange for ‘not being broken.’
Imagine Lucifer never forgetting your birthday.
Imagine getting a cold while being trapped with Lucifer.
Imagine forcing Lucifer to sit back and enjoy the sunset.
Imagine being abused by one of the other Gods, and Lucifer standing up for you.
Imagine Lucifer tagging along on one of your dates to try to ruin it.
Kevin Tran
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Imagine stumbling across the bunker while running away.
Imagine buying a secluded cottage for yourself and Kevin to live in, to attempt to escape from the madness of the world.
Imagine helping Kevin Tran decipher the tablets.
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Imagine Chuck acting shy when he first tells you he loves you.
Imagine Chuck surprising you with breakfast of fruit from around the world.
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Imagine showing Cain a birthmark that looks just like his mark.
Imagine visiting Cain’s bee-farm.
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Imagine Rowena giving you a witchy bath.
Imagine Rowena noticing you casting a simple spell.
Imagine trying to get Rowena to come with you to a ‘haunted house’.
Imagine Rowena taking you in and adding you to her small coven.
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a-crumb-of-whump · 9 days
what sort of whump is in supernatural? i've been trying to decide if i want to watch it for ages.
Massive spoilers for supernatural
Content: Major character death, near mouth whump, hand whump, torture, religious whump, begging, PTSD/trauma, hallucinations, self-sacrifice, restrained, body possession, forced to hurt, impossible choices, blood, mild eye whump.
There's multiple instances where one of the brothers is beaten up by the other, whether that be because a shapeshifter has taken on their form or they've been possessed in some way. Dean, I think, gets it the worst.
Dean goes to hell after making a deal with the crossroads devil. He's there for about forty years (several months in real time). During that time, he is tortured daily and forced to make an impossible choice at the end of every session. Remain on the rack or be released in exchange for torturing other souls. He holds out for thirty years before accepting the deal.
Sam's soul is trapped with Lucifer in the cage for 160 years (16 months in real time) before it's pulled out. A mental wall has to be put up to prevent Sam from remembering what happened during his time there, because the trauma is so bad that it could kill him.
In a later episode, Sam starts to hallucinate. He sees Lucifer, who messes with his head until he can no longer tell what's real and what isn't. This leads him to nearly shooting Dean, who has to talk Sam down with a gun pointed at him.
A trickster has Sam living out the same day on repeat, and every day he is forced to watch Dean die in different ways. When Dean dies, the day starts over.
Sam's dad is possessed by the same demon that killed his mother, and as he stands there with a gun pointed at John (who is in enough control to yell at Sam to shoot), he can hear Dean begging him not to do it.
Dean has to live with the knowledge that his father sacrificed himself so Dean could live.
Dean is tied to a chair, gagged and has to listen as Sam walks right into the trap set out for him by Gordon. He can't see what's going on, but he hears the explosion and is under the impression that Sam is dead. You can hear Dean scream.
Dean tries to sacrifice himself to the angels who want him, which leads Castiel to beating him up. It's one of the rare moments that appear in the show, in which Dean begs for him to stop.
In a christmas episode, Dean and Sam are tied back to back and tortured. Both of them get cut up, Sam gets a fingernail ripped out and Dean very nearly has his teeth pulled.
Jimmy, the vessel that Castiel uses, dies trying to protect his family. It's a very pretty scene. Lots of crying and begging, and Castiel talks to Jimmy using his daughter, which had to be hard for him.
John's last few words to Dean are that he has to kill Sam if he can't be saved.
Castiel is found, collapsed, by a car with a bloodied nose. In that same episode, he appears behind Sam and has to be caught as he falls.
Dean is cursed and sent to a world (dream) where his mother never died, Dean and Sam never became hunters and both of them had partners. Once he figures that out, he has to make the very hard choice of leaving all that behind for the real world. When he comes back, Sam is there and trying to wake him up.
Both boys die multiple times throughout the show, but the first time it happens, it's when Sam gets stabbed in the back as he's walking towards Dean and Bobby, after not having seen them in an extended period of time. Dean holds him until he's gone, yells out for him through tears and gently rocks them both. A little while later, Dean makes the deal that sends him to hell - the deal for Sam's life.
Dean has a year before he's sent to hell, and as he gets closer, he begins to realise that he doesn't want to go.
Bobby is forced into a nightmare that he can't wake up from, where his worst memories and fears come back to haunt him. Dean and Sam manage to figure out how it happened and joined the "nightmare" in an attempt to rescue him. Makes for a rather heartwarming scene between Bobby and Dean as Dean tries to convince him that it's not real.
When Sam and Dean arrive in heaven after getting killed, Dean starts to relive some nice memories with his mother. Sam can only watch because they're not his memories, so Mum won't acknowledge him.
After getting attacked by hellhounds, Jo sacrifices any chance of her own survival so the brothers can escape by choosing to set off the bomb that they've set up. Ellen, her mother, wants to stay with her. Jo dies in her mother's arms moments before the hellhounds get in.
During Dean's last moments alive, he pleads with Sam to tell him that it's okay to go.
After Lucifer takes over Sam's body, he beats Dean up. All Dean does is reassure Sam, who he knows is still in there somewhere, that he's here and that it's okay.
A lot of the choices Sam and Dean make throughout the show are the cause of bad things. It's because of Dean that the first seal to Lucifer's cage is opened, and Sam was the cause of the last seal. Many people have died around them, both loved ones and acquaintances. They have severe issues with getting attached to people as a result. Have even tried to distance themselves from each other on more than one occasion, but it hasn't worked.
Dean is made a vampire and nearly kills his girlfriend and her child while trying to say goodbye to them.
Dean has to watch Sam walk around without a soul for weeks before he gets it back. During that time, Sam is unable to care about things that he normally would and nearly gets Dean killed for his own gain.
After Sam gets his soul back, he has to confront the consequences of everything he did without it.
Sam is choked with a chord until he's on the verge of passing out. Dean holds his head against his shoulder as he unties it.
After Sam is hit with a curse, the image of himself in the mirror starts to speak on its own, telling him that he was the reason his girlfriend died. The curse causes blood to drip from his eyes, very nearly killing him, and it doesn't stop until Dean smashes the mirror. He cups Sam's face in his hands and wipes the blood from his eyes, calling his name until he knows Sam is okay.
Dean is forced to watch the night that his mother died all over again.
These are some of my favourite moments, but there's plenty more.
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maddiehu7 · 5 months
Chapter 5
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( Btw this story is set in the somewhat beginning of season 4, hope you enjoy this chapter feel free to comment how I could improve as a new writer! )
"Absolutely not" deans says
"Are you crazy" Sam follows up
"Please just listen to me for a second before you get all weird" I say pleadingly
"Fine" Sam sighs Dean looks at him like he's crazy
"Uh no no listening it's a no" dean says shaking his head dramatically
"Dean please" I say stepping closer to him pouting he looks at me for a second before sighing
"Well when you look at me like that how am I suppose to say no" he rolls his as I smile thankfully
"Ok as I was saying I think Crowley could be useful wether anyone likes him or not and he seemed like he really doesn't want Lucifer to rise I believe him when he says he wants and could help" I say clasping my hands together in front of me looking at there reactions
"Yeah still no" dean says looking at me seriously I shrug my shoulders slightly defeated
"Maybe we should hear him out" Sam says looking at Dean
"Are you joking Sam he's a demon the king of hell and you wanna play nice with him after everything" he stares at Sam angrily
"Dean come on I'm not saying that I'm just saying we give it a shot I mean do we have any other plan, Bobby can't find anything, cas is awol maybe we need this" he huffs out I look at him confused
"Cas who's cas?" I say looking between them
"Oh yeah I guess we never told you" Sam says
"Tell me what" I whine out looking at him expectingly
"We meant an angel his names castiel he's the one that brought Dean back from..."
"First off all angels are real and you kept it from me what the hell" I say in disbelief
"Sorry" Sam mutters out looking apologetically at me i turn around and run my hands through my hair processing all the information just thrown at me angels are real, one's name is cas, is he helping or hurting, I mean he must be helping if he brought Dean back from... wait where'd he bring Dean back from I turn back around looking at Dean then Sam questioningly
"Wait where was Dean that an angel had to rescue him from" I say crossing my arms looking at them back and forth
"That's not really something we talk-" Sam says but Dean interrupts him
"Hell, I died went to hell cas pulled me out" he says looking away I could see the pain in his eyes just talking about it
"Dean...I'm so sorry" I say walking towards him going to hug him but he puts his hands out to stop me
"It's fine really no need for a pity party" he says harshly I stop looking at him like he slapped me across the face he's never been like this with me before he looks at me seeing how hurt I am his face softens for a second before going back to normal and going to walk out the door
"I'm going on a beer run this king of hell bullshit conversation needs alcohol" he says gabbing his coat of the hook and walking out closing the door behind him I still stand in the same spot shocked, embarrassed and overall hurt
"Em I'm sorry about him every sense he came back he's been different and he hates when you bring it up or anything around it including hell I mean we barely even talk about it" he says coming towards me smiling hoping to make me feel better I look up at him the corners of my mouth upturning a little at his contagious smile
" it's ok really I shouldn't have brought it up I just can't believe he went to hell that must have been terrible, for you both" I say looking at him sorrily losing his brother must have been terrible and from his eyes welling up with tears I can imagine how terrible
"I'm not gonna lie it wasn't easy" Sam says smiling fakely I smile up at him sadly
"If you ever wanna talk about it I'm here for you I hope you know that" I say putting my hand on his shoulder squeezing it
"I know" he smiles appreciatively
"So..what do we do now" I say
"Wait for Dean to come back I guess" Sam says sighing all of a sudden he looks at me seriously
"You don't know Crowley like we do he's bad news em" I look at him questioning wondering the history they have
"But I trust your judgment so if you think he can help I'll try to be on board and help try to convince Dean" he says smiling supportively at me
"Thank you Sam it means a lot" I say smiling back, we settle into a comfortable silence as we wait for Dean to get back as I sit on deans bed I think how to handle the hell situation or if I even do, if it's any of my business, I feel bad for reacting how I did because its not about me it's about Dean and his clearly traumatic past, I guess I'll just see what happens when Dean gets back if he wants to talk about it or not I just hope he doesn't hate me forever
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