#Catherine Leach
ozu-teapot · 1 year
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A Christmas Carol (AKA Scrooge) | Brian Desmond Hurst | 1951
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scenesandscreens · 2 years
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The Last Starfighter (1984)
Director - Nick Castle, Cinematography - King Baggot
"Things change. Always do. You'll get your chance! Important thing is, when it comes, you've got to grab with both hands, and hold on tight!"
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willstafford · 2 years
Man-made Man
FRANKENSTEIN The Attic Theatre, Stratford upon Avon, Saturday 15th October, 2022 Back in 1818, young Mary Shelley invented the science fiction genre with her gothic novel that deals with those little things like creation, life and death.  By creating life and thereby usurping God, Victor Frankenstein then shirks his responsibilities as a creator.  His creation, unguided, has to find his own way…
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alwynslove · 1 month
Travis been a dude bro is still a millions miles away from being a leach, a deadbeat and a cheater. Also, know on twitter we will expose Joe, Emma, Allison and yes, Catherine too
A leach, deadbeat and cheater? Joe has enough money to sustain himself and his family without Taylor. More money than you will ever see in this life. Also sorry I didn’t know suffering from depression means you’re a deadbeat. Just goes on to show how insensitive you swifties are when it comes to anybody who is not Taylor Swift. And if you ever listen to Taylor’s music and read her lyrics you will realise she is the one who cheated, at the very least, emotionally on Joe. Get your facts straight.
Joe is a far better man than Travis could ever dream to be. If you like your men racist, sexist, fat phobic and xenophobic with just a dash of stupidity Im sure Travis is the man you will root for. Some people do have more class than you though, we love Joe in this household.
And threatening female co stars of Joe shows how insecure and insane you all are. This ask shows that you swifties are complete shitheads. You all have as much integrity as your idol does and in her own words, it’s way smaller than Joe’s :)
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catherine-white · 5 months
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Catherine White Moon Vase
As a young potter, I was inspired by pilgrim flasks, first encountering those made by Bernard Leach. Searching for the seeds of this idea, I found resonant historical Korean and Chinese forms. My training had focused on bowls as the basis of throwing, so I thought of these shapes as the combination of two bowls turned on edge with an added rim and foot. As I began wood firing, I was attracted to broad, shallow surfaces as a canvas for ash deposits. Though not as spherical as a traditional Korean moon jar, I have called my flatter forms “moon vases” for their moon-like allusions. We built our anagama in 1996 and for 25 years I have made these shapes, altering the feeling by exploring variations in scale, texture, rims, edges, and feet. Each firing has its own nuances, and each series of moon vases has its own focus.
from Pottery Making Illustrated  Jan feb issue 2024
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playsgods · 6 months
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*   ◟   :   〔 KIOWA   GORDON ,   CIS   MAN   +   HE   /   HIM 〕  HUGHBERT   '   HUGHIE   '   HARDINGS  ,   some   say   you’re   a  THIRTY   YEAR   OLD  lost   soul   among   the   neon   lights.   known   for   being   both  INDOMITABLE  and  OBSTINATE ,   one   can’t   help   but   think   of  SCAREDY   CAT  by  DPR   IAN  when   you   walk   by.   are   you   still   a  FBI   AGENT   (   ACTIVELY   UNDERCOVER) ,   SOLDIER  for  THE   GOVERNMENT ,   THE   BURNING   GODS ,   even   with   your   reputation   as  THE   ICARUS?   i   think   we’ll   be   seeing   more   of   you   and  LIVING   IN   A   CONSTANT   STATE   OF   RECOVERY   (   YOU   BOY   WITH   TOO   MANY   WAR   WOUNDS   ,   AND   NEVER   ENOUGH   WARS   )   /   WATCHING   THE   SAME   THREE   SHOWS   OVER   AND   OVER   AGAIN   BECAUSE   THERE'S   COMFORT   IN   KNOWING   HOW   THINGS   END   /   A   MULTITUDE   OF   MASKED   BEHAVIOURS   (   SERENITY   ON   YOUR   FEATURES   AS   YOU   SCREAM   IN   PUBLIC   BATHROOMS   ALONGSIDE   THE   SOUND   OF   XLERATOR   HAND   DRYERS   ),   although   we   can’t   help   but   think   of  JAKE   PERALTA   (   B99   )   +   SASUKE   UCHIHA   (   NARUTO   )   +   BELLAMY   BLAKE   (   THE   100   )   whenever   we   see   you   down   these   rainy   streets.
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*    &  ◞    𝐢    .    𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒    .
 full name : hughbert   henry   hardings.  nickname(s) : hughie   ,   hugh   ,   hugo.  age + bday : 30   +   oct  25th.  gender + pronouns : cis   man   +   he   /   him.  sexuality : pansexual   +   panromantic.  birthplace : brooklyn   ,   new   york.  languages : english   ,   spanish   +   conversational   levels   of   french   ,   mandarin   &   russian.  accent : has   a   bit   of   brooklyn   in   him   when   he   gets   angry   or   excited.  current location : harlem   ,   new   york.  occupation : fbi   agent   (   currently   undercover   )   ,   soldier   for   burning   gods.  loyalty : himself.  family : howard   hardings   —   father   (   †   )    ,    catherine   hardings   —   mother   (   †   ).
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*    &  ◞    𝐢𝐢    .    𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃    .
  — linked here bc tumblr said stfu bee </3
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*    &  ◞    𝐢𝐢𝐢    .    𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒    .
  —  is   deep   undercover   with   the   burning   gods   gang   as   we   speak   !!    it's   got   him   feeling   a   million   and   ten   different   ways   ,    most   of   them   bad   bad   BAD   ,    but   he's   damn   good   at   his   job   ,    and   dedicated   to   eradicating   gang   life   (   or   at   least   one   gang   in   particular   )    !!    considering   his   emotions   ,    however   ,    that   are   usually   hovering   slightly   above   shaky   ,    at   best   ,    he   probably   Is   and   will   be   emotionally   compromised   at   a   single   gentle   touch   <3   will   he   betray   the   fbi   ,    or   will   he   actually   stick   to   his   guns   for   once   and   see   his   assignment   thru   ??    #chooseyourownhughieadventure   begins now   !    —  𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌   𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏   𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒔   include   :     burning   gods   members   ,     especially   someone   who's   suspicious   of   him   ,     perhaps   ?   but   also   someone   who's   taken   him   under   their   wing   ,     someone   he's   latched   onto   like   a   leach ...  fbi   agent(s) / gov't workers   ,     his   mission handler   ,     perhaps   ?    someone   who   he   considers   a   parental   figure   bc   he   has  so   many   mommy   -   daddy   issues.  friends   ,     neither   related   to   his   job   or   revenge   mission   ,     just   pls   give   him   some   silly   goofy   pals   for   him   to   drive   up   the   wall   <33   who   accept   him   for   who   he   is   ,     in   all   his   painfully   messy   glory.  enemies   ,     either   related   to   gang   stuff   or   maybe   hughie   just   accidentally   spilled   an   iced   americano   on   them   and  he   ended   up   being   the   one   to   yell   at   them   for   being   in   his   way. fwb(s)   ,     except   there   are   no   benefits   to   either   sleeping   w   or   being   friends   w   hughie   </3   how   did   you   end   up   in   this   situation beloved   ?    pls let me   show   you   the   quickest   way out.
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thesandsofelsweyr · 1 year
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When Jason saw that photo of Batman and his new Robin, the thin cord of hope holding him together had snapped and he had broken into a million pieces. No one was coming for him. Not one single person on the planet cared whether he lived or died, or how much he suffered, or how loud he screamed. No one except the Clown. He was Joker’s now, and he would say or do anything to get a reprieve from the torment and the pain, even if it meant letting himself be reduced to something less than human.
《RATING》 🔞 Mature 《WORDS》 1,230 《CHAPTERS》 3/6
《CHARACTERS》 Jason Todd/Robin, Joker, Original Male Character, Bruce Wayne (mentioned), Catherine Todd (mentioned)
《TROPES》 Hurt No Comfort, Angst, Whump, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
《WARNINGS》 Dehumanization, Bathing/Washing, Master/Pet, Collars, Ownership, Brainwashing, Humiliation, Non-Consensual Touching, Torture, Mindfuck, Scars, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Loathing, Past Child Abuse, Daddy Issues, Forced Nudity, Swearing
《SERIES》 Part 4 of My Arkhamverse, Part 4 of Ruined
This fic is my pride & joy! It was the first thing I published after a 5+ year hiatus, and the longest story I've ever written by far!
This fic is also dark so be aware of the tags (especially the DD:DNE tag)
My Arkhamverse canon is a mix of game canon and Arkham Knight: Genesis canon. I pick and choose what I like best 😉
If you enjoy the read please consider kudosing, commenting, and reblogging ❤️
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《 ALSO ON AO3 》 (comments & kudos there are very much appreciated)
When the Clown finally put the bath brush down again it felt like all of his skin had been flayed away, leaving behind only raw, bloody meat. Whatever energy he had regained from his bowl of soup was gone now, leached from his body by that brush, and he barely had the strength to hold himself upright. Rivulets of blood, pus, soap, and watery filth trickled down his naked body. The putrid slurry collected in the grout between the shower tiles, swelling the humid air with a cherry-reeking miasma that turned his stomach and almost brought that soup screaming back up his throat. He slumped forward over his outstretched legs while he sobbed softly.
Joker stood, and Jason cowered at his feet, trembling like a kicked puppy. He still expected the man to pull out his scalpel and start carving fresh artwork into him so he was relieved when he heard the metal knob squeal again as it was turned. That relief was short-lived. Hot water splashed down like battery acid on what was left of his back. He cried out as his body bucked forward instinctively, trying to arch his poor back to safety, away from the punishing water, only to be greeted by even more pain as the shift in position tugged at all of the freshly opened wounds. He could only moan as the water beat down on him, a steady stream of misery. His bruised ass and broken tailbone ached, his shredded foot and fractured ankle throbbed, his back was a pulsing, shredded mass of agony made flesh; he was sinking once again into that quicksand of suffering that had become an all-too-familiar part of his life, like school had once been, like running had once been, like suiting up for nightly patrols had once been…
Why had he ever put on the suit? What had Gotham ever done for him? He knew the answer, and it had nothing to do with fighting crime in this shithole city. I wanted a family, a father who didn’t beat the shit out of me. I thought he wanted that too. The memory of the day Bruce took him to the courthouse to become his ward was as clear as it happened yesterday—all of the toys in the Clown’s torture chamber couldn’t take it away from him. He had tears in his eyes. Jason had cried later, too. That night, when he was alone in his new bedroom, too giddy to sleep in his new bed, in his new home, with his new family. He hadn’t experienced happiness like that since before his mom died. Now he desperately wanted to curl up inside that feeling, snug and warm and safe, like when he curled up beside his mom when he was a kid. I wish she were here. He’d failed her too, though. He should never have left her alone that day. If he’d been there he could’ve rolled her over so she didn’t choke. But instead, he’d fucked off to the library. He’d failed her like he failed at being Robin, like he failed to kill the Clown, like he failed at being the son Bruce wanted… the son Bruce would’ve saved.
When the water shut off again, the pain loosened its grip and Jason nearly collapsed against the tile in relief. He only dimly registered the return of the orderly from his errand by the reek of cigarette smoke clinging to the man’s scrubs, following him inside the small bathroom. Jason clenched his jaw, his body tensing as he tried to ignore the nicotine craving crawling beneath his skin. He stared pointedly down at the pink water swirling around the drain between his legs, not wanting to meet the mocking eyes of the orderly. He was all too aware of how fucking pathetic he looked, sitting here naked, shivering and snivelling like a whipped kid.
“Here ya go, boss,” Right said. His voice dripped with a cruel amusement that made the rejected sidekick part of Jason want to strangle the man and steal his cigarettes.
A bright burst of pain suddenly rang through his skull as the wooden bath brush cracked against the back of his head. He ducked his head between his shoulders, shrinking away from the Clown.
“Now, don’t be rude, Jason,” Joker chided smoothly in his deranged dad voice. “Tell the nice man thank you.”
Jason ground what was left of his teeth before begrudgingly grumbling, “Thanks,” to the filth-streaked shower floor.
The brush whacked the back of his head again, even harder this time. “I’ve taught you better manners than that,” Joker tsked. “Perhaps your memory needs a little jump start!”
Sharp metal prongs stabbed into the gash across his lower back, and Jason barely got out a yelp before a lightning bolt of current zapped into the raw center of that bloody furrow. Thousands of volts of white-hot agony surged through his flesh, searing every nerve along its path, branching from his lower back, up and down his spine, and out to his limbs, which jerked violently in response. His vision flashed to white as his fractured ankle cracked against the tile.
He threw back his head as a half-wheeze, half-squeal tore from his throat: “Thank you sir!”
Joker cackled in delight. “Much better!” he exclaimed with a wet slap to Jason’s lacerated back that doubled him over. “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
Jason moaned in reply, getting a chuckle out of the orderly. “Whatever. I’m out.”
“Toodles!” Joker said gleefully with a dismissive wave of his hand that Jason didn’t see because his eyes were still clamped shut while he panted and reeled from the shock of that fucking prod. Of course the Clown wouldn’t miss the opportunity to use that thing while he was sitting in a puddle of bloody water, dripping wet.
Joker sprang to his feet again, shampoo and conditioner bottles in each hand. He whistled his same grating song while he squeezed out the fragrant contents high above Jason’s head, like a kid squirting mustard and ketchup onto his hot dog. The generous amount of pear and coconut scented mixture oozed off of Jason’s head and into his wounds, which reignited with fresh pain. I’m gonna smell like a damn fruit basket, he thought, grimacing from the sting, but that’s a step up from piss and shit at least.
“I should really do a better job of keeping my boy clean,” Joker muttered as he rolled up his purple pin-striped sleeves. He then jabbed both pasty-white hands into Jason’s tangled nest of greasy black hair and tried to work up a soapy lather, nearly ripping Jason’s hair out of his scalp in the process, before moving on to the comb. The comb worked no better against the knots and clumps so he tossed it over his shoulder, picked up the scissors, and gave Jason his promised haircut.
Jason sat marinating in fruity, oozy, stinging filth, letting this madman prune him like he was a garden hedge, wishing that the earth would open up and swallow him down to hell, which would be a vacation compared to this house of horrors. Twin tears crept down his scarred cheeks at the thought of what he’d let himself become. Or maybe… maybe this was who he was—who he always was. Maybe this was why Batman needed a new Robin.
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delicatenarwhal · 2 years
Music Tag Game!
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
Thanks @amusingelf for the tag!!✨
1. Leach - BONES UK
2. Trash Pandas - Judge Bitch
3. Play with Fire - Sam Tinnesz
4 Jig Runrig / The Ramnee Ceilidh - Alasdair Fraser, Natalie Haas
5. Guard You - MIYAVI
6. U.n. Owen Was Her/Death Waltz - Rush Garcia
7. Sleeping in the Cold Below - Freya Catherine, Jack Victor
8. Persephone in the Garden - Aidoneus
9. The Darker the Weather // The Better the Man - MISSIO
10. Making Love to the Dead - BEGINNERS
All of them from my writing playlist, which is wholly based on vibes (one of these is actually the song my current WIP was wholly inspired by lmao)
Okay I'm tagging @the-golden-dragoness @batbrucewaynes @asexualarkhamknight @tiltingheartand and @alishatheninth (no pressure ofc:)) and whoever sees this and wants to give it a try!
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Clone High reboot fan cast
Since Clone High is getting a reboot, I thought I should give out an idea cast list of old characters returning and new ones I'd like to see join.
Characters returning:
Will Forte: Abe Lincoln
Nicole Sullivan: Joan of Arc, Marie Curie
Christa Miller: Cleopatra Smith
Chris Miller: JFK, Mr. Lynn Butlertron
Phil Lord: Principal/Dr. Cinnamon J. Scudworth, Genghis Khan
Donald Faison: Martin Luther King Jr., George Washington Carver
Neil Flynn: Julius Caesar, Buddy Holly, Moses
Andy Dick: Vincent Van Gough
Murray Miller: Catherine the Great
Debra Wilson: Harriet Tubman, Eva Peron,
Sarah Chalke: Marie Antoinette
Zach Braff: Paul Revere
(Unfortunately, due to the Gandhi controversey, Gandhi cannot be brought back)
And for new deceased celebrities/historical figures enrolling:
Chelsea Peretti: Carrie Fisher
???: Jim Henson
Jeff Bennett: Adam West
???: Mel Blanc
Jim Meskimen: Robin Williams
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Mickey Rooney
???: June Foray
Nick Kroll: John Candy
???: Bea Arthur
???: Betty White
Nicole Sullivan: Ethel Merman
Keegan Michael-Key: John Belushi, Robin Leach
???: Dom DeLuise
???: Burt Reynolds
???: Buddy Hackett
Will Forte: Gene Wilder, Tim Conway
???: Judy Garland
Alan Tudyk: Ed Wynn, Jonathan Winters
???: Don Knotts
???: Phyllis Diller
???: Phil Hartman
???: Stan Lee
???: Michael Jackson
Will Sasso, Sean Hayes and Chris Diamantopoulos: The Three Stooges
Any ideas on what actors could voice the new ones?
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duaneburnett · 2 years
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MakeShift, a cloud-based employee scheduling and time tracking platform, is excited to announce the launch of its “#WhatReallyMatters” campaign which will support three key organizations with a focus on solving community crises impacting housing, labour, and healthcare.
The first organization MakeShift is supporting is the Sunshine Coast Community Services Society (SCCSS). MakeShift will donate all implementation fees from local businesses that sign-up for its award-winning employee scheduling app to SCCSS’s “Building Together” project. Over 1,100 families and their children on the Coast struggle with finding affordable housing every day. The “Building Together” project aims to deliver 34 housing units for women and children.
“We are excited to be part of the MakeShift campaign and grateful for the contribution of businesses such as MakeShift for their commitment to the health and wellbeing of the communities in which they work. The support from this initiative will help to increase affordable housing for women and women with children living on the Sunshine Coast,” said Catherine Leach, Executive Director, SCCSS.
In Whistler, British Columbia, MakeShift is sponsoring the “Whistler Business Excellence Awards” in October and plans to help the Whistler Community Services Society with its goal of supporting 25,000 lives over the next 3 years.
MakeShift is also raising funds in support of the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation. The company will match employee donations. All friends of MakeShift are welcomed to donate.
The #WhatReallyMatters campaign was born out of CEO, Adam Greenberg’s vision of business being a force of good in society. The idea was unanimously backed by MakeShift staff.
“Our team is spread out across Canada. As I travel to meet staff, clients, and partners, I see the challenges our communities face," said MakeShift CEO, Adam Greenberg. “Access to food, healthcare, jobs, and housing are important for a strong and vibrant community. The MakeShift team felt that we could do more. Our scheduling app helps businesses across healthcare, retail and other industries tackle the labour shortage by giving employees more control over their schedules. Flexible scheduling can make a huge difference with hiring and retention. And now by donating implementation fees to local communities via these organizations, we can do a little more to take on these other challenges. At the end of the day, that’s what really matters.”
The #WhatReallyMatters campaign will support various communities throughout the year. Local area businesses are invited to try MakeShift for free for fourteen days.
ABOUT MakeShift
MakeShift (www.makeshift.ca) is an online employee scheduling app that empowers businesses to build employee schedules in less time with none of the hassles of clunky, error-prone systems of the past, creating happier teams that drive growth.
Established in 2014 to address the need for web and mobile-based scheduling for the healthcare industry, MakeShift has grown to serve organizations of all sizes in healthcare, hospitality, retail, and recreation. MakeShift is known for its ease of use, easy setup, robust functionality, and excellent customer service.
TAGS #makeshift #whatreallymatters #sunshinecoastbc #britishcolumbia #canada #sunshinecoast #fundraising #fundraiser #buildingtogether #makeshiftapp
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch of the UK, died on Thursday, aged 96. "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow," the Royal Family mentioned in an announcement. Several actresses have essayed the position of the British monarch, who reigned over England for over 70 years, on small and large screens. Two of the actresses, Helen Mirren and Emma Thompson, had been additionally honoured with the title of Dame by the Queen. Here, check out the actress who performed the position of the Queen: Helen Mirren: 'The Queen', a biographical drama movie was launched in 2006. Written by Peter Morgan and directed by Stephen Frears, the movie starred Helen Mirren within the title position of Queen Elizabeth II. Emma Thompson: Emma Thompson portrayed Queen Elizabeth II within the 'Playhouse Presents: Walking the Dogs'. The British TV movie showcased the 1982 Buckingham Palace break-in by Michael Fagan. Sarah Gadon: Sarah Gadon performed the position of Princess Elizabeth in 'A Royal Night Out'. The film showcased the younger princess alongside together with her sister Princess Margaret (Played by Bel Powley) having fun with an evening away from Buckingham palace on the event of V. E. Day (Victory In Europe Day). Claire Foy: Claire Foy gained a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award for essaying the position of the Queen within the sequence 'The Crown'. Olivia Colman: After the primary two seasons, Olivia Colman featured as Queen Elizabeth II for the fourth and the fifth season of 'The Crown'. She bagged the Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award for her portrayal of the Queen. Imelda Staunton: For the fifth and the sixth season of 'The Crown', Netflix obtained Imelda Staunton on board to star because the Queen. Freya Wilson: The actress starred as Queen Elizabeth II within the film 'The Kings Speech' which relies on her father, the longer term King George VI (Essayed by Colin Firth). Jane Alexander: The movie 'William & Catherine: A Royal Romance' showcased the romance between Prince William and Kate Middleton. Jane Alexander gave her efficiency because the Queen within the movie. Jeannette Charles: Jeannette Charles performed the position of Queen Elizabeth II in a number of films like 'The Naked Gun: From the Files of the Police Squad!', 'National Lampoon’s European Vacation', 'Austin Powers in Goldmember' and 'All You Need Is Cash'. Maggie Sullivan: Maggie Sullivan featured as Queen Elizabeth II in 'Harry & Meghan, A Royal Romance' and its sequel. Barbara Flynn: Barbara Flynn, Samantha Bond, Emilia Fox, Susan Jameson and Diana Quick portrayed Queen Elizabeth at totally different ages in UK Channel's 'The Queen'. Rosemary Leach: The actress performed the position of the British monarch within the movie 'Margaret'. The movie was in regards to the former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom. [ad_2] Source link
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pruzzels · 4 years
Artifacts of Reference, No. 70
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Sources: Czaykowski, Bogdan. “The Collective.” Volvox: Poetry from the Unofficial Languages of Canada in English Translation, edited by J. Michael Yates, Victoria, British Columbia, Can: Sono Nis Press, 1971, p. 61.
Coulthart, John. “Howl from Beyond.” 1997. Trading card. Wizards of the Coast, Renton, Wash.
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literameera · 3 years
Right after the war, Kazimierz Wyyka [Polish historian, literary critic and politician], trying to find a label for a certain generation, spoke of those who were ‘infected with death’. But man forgets, even to the extent that he gradually begins to doubt the reality of what he saw with his own eyes. He knows that this forgetting is vile, yet if he were constantly thinking ‘about that’, everything except this one matter would have no meaning for him. That is why ethical poetry and prose arose on that hazy borderline where one is already beginning to forget but one still remembers.
- Czesław Miłosz, ‘From Notebook’ in Proud to Be a Mammal: Essays on War, Faith and Memory, trans. Catherine Leach, Bogdana Carpenter, and Madeline G. Levine
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tinysupergiant · 3 years
The Lost Phoenix of the Netherworld
Dear charred little thing,
nestled in your pile of spent ashes,
smouldering in the sulphurous cauldron
beneath the surface where you once
burned so bright,
How did you get to be
so small? How did you, here, arrive at depths
where souls survive by leaching life
from one another?
Your diaphanous skin, wrinkled and
veined with blue, your smoked over eye,
tarnished and opaque with soot:
How did it come to this?
I imagine your fire
melting rock and metal and bone
and you sinking through the glittering minerals of
Earth’s crust.
I imagine you running out of fuel to burn
starved, in the underground,
of the fissionable elements you need;
a dwindling, phosphorescing star, tumbling like
a Catherine wheel through the deepest reaches of
that cavernous inner space
unknown to all but you and I and
the devil itself.
Dear ash feathered friend, no more
than an ancient deposit of coldest
Where will our warmth come from now
that you’ve been buried in our amnesia,
your life force, old as old?
Let us hear the rumble arriving now,
the quaking voice of the mountains high.
Bring forth our shining guardian of
the flame,
the eternal fire of our longest nights.
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sinceileftyoublog · 5 years
Joni Void Interview: Wordless Stories
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Photo by Thomas Boucher & Sonya Stefan 
Mise en abyme refers to putting a copy of an image within itself, but for the Joni Void album of the same name, it’s more like a story within a story. So it normally goes for Montreal-based producer Jean Cousin. Like his debut under the Joni Void moniker (he previously went by johnny_ripper), 2017′s Selfless, Mise En Abyme includes vocal samples of Cousin’s various friends and collaborators in music, though their output is wordless, their voices chopped and screwed and pitch-shifted out of recognition. What he truly experiments with on the second half of the album is including his own voice, also highly processed and at one point funneled through a text-to-speech generator. In a Skype conversation last month from his home in Montreal, Cousin referred to the album as, simply, his “most personal,” and while you may have a hard time believing that an album without a human-sounding voice is “personal,” that’s not the point of Mise En Abyme. “It’s an album about spaces and places in your life, which is why the songs have room sounds and an atmosphere,” Cousin told me. “They were in specific rooms, and some of them have a deep meaning for me. It was more that I was trying to go for: the meaning of space and time enclosed in one room.”
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Yet, Cousin knows that as listeners, our associations transcend a physical area. On Mise En Abyme, he uses elements that are recognizable, generic, and borderline stock to an advantage, allowing the audience to make their own new or memory-based associations with the music while fully knowing he’s expressing his own. “Non-Dit”’s primary percussion is spoken clicks, sounding like they’re coming from a human. “No Reply”, which according to Cousin acts as a transition between the two sides of the album--“communication by phone, isolating yourself”--includes those ever-anxiety inducing DSL connection and busy signals, plus the utilitarian “You have no messages” voice. The voices on “Voix Sans Issue” sound like sirens; over a shuffling, sneezing beat, you just want to dance, the song turning into wild techno.
Even further, the self-referential aspect of Mise En Abyme makes it not only a story within a story but a sort of self-sustaining environment. Catherine Debard’s voice on “Lov-ender” sounds a lot like Ayuko Goto’s (aka Noah) wordless melody on “Dysfunctional Helper”. Closer “Resolve” samples bits of previous songs; Cousin attributes that pattern, which appears in many of his releases, to the influence of film on his work. “It was always important to me for the closing track to have a self-referential, end credits feel,” he said. Overall, it makes for a more democratic listening process. “I always want my music to be accessible in some form,” he said. “I am definitely against academic notions of music.”
Still, it’s not like doing research takes away from enjoying Mise En Abyme; knowing nuggets of context, from unexpected samples to strange composition processes certainly makes you appreciate its idiosyncrasies more. It turns out Cousin’s a pop punk fan; “Safe House” samples an unrecognizable version of the title track from Lagwagon’s 2005 album Resolve. “That album was really one of the most important albums for me,” said Cousin. “One of the rare pop punk albums from my childhood that I still listen to. I actually have a vinyl copy. They wrote it after their drummer committed suicide. It’s this pop punk band writing pop punk songs about girls writing a very mature album, and experimental sound-wise.” “Persistence”, meanwhile, features a minimal, melancholy Rhodes line taken from an in progress johnny_ripper track that ended up being the only survivor of a corrupted hard drive. “Deep Impression”, the bleakest track on the album, where Cousin raps his anxieties and self-doubt through a text-to-speech generator, was originally supposed to feature his voice unedited. “I wanted to make sure there were enough syllables to fit with the beat, so I exported the text to voice and placed it on the meter and realized it sounds much better than if I tried to record it by myself,” he laughed. “There was also the aspect of having the computer voice say the lyrics--it represents this digital abstract entity that is my music,” he said. “It’s not technically this human voice, but it is one.”
Many of the songs on Mise en Abyme do have a beat, though to Cousin, it’s his most ambient album. He comes from a line of hard beat making influenced by instrumental hip hop and Boards of Canada but enjoys using beats that are progressive, emanating from field recordings or live drums rather than a loop. “Ambient music is perceived as being passive, but almost the absence of having that beat, you’re imagining your own feeling to it,” he said. He’s been doing much more live performance and improvisation and exploring deconstructed songs. He’s not totally abandoning beats--his next album is apparently going to be an experimental rap album--but “no BPM” songs is something now firmly in his arsenal. He’s continuing to perform live, coming up specifically at home and in Japan, collaborating with N Nao opening for Mary Jane Leach at Église Saint-Édouard in Montreal next month, which will include a performance of their Mise En Abyme collaborative track “Non-Dit”. As Cousin continues to add to his story, so too does he expand his universe, open enough to let everybody in while still remaining tightly knit and intimate.
Mise En Abyme by joni void
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ligbi · 4 years
Hecate or Hekate
Usually a titan goddess daughter of perses and asreria, though sometimes of zeus by asreria, or zeus and demeter, goddess of crossroads and magic, sometimes the dark moon Has a pack of dogs, controls ghosts, can impart wisdom and magic but hell hath no fury like a goddess who does not believe you are deserving Hecate suppers are held by worshipers of black female lamb, Honey, and dog, and the leftover are left at crossroads on a full moon She is often times seen as a triplicate goddess, both the new moon with selene the full moon and artemis of the cresent moon, and the sky goddess with artemis's earth and persephone's underworld Hekate is associated with the underworld and saw persephone's capture by Hades from a cave Pre hellenistic time she may have come from an asia minor country before becoming a respected titan during the hellenistic era, and worship of her persisted through the medival era when she was villainized by the church
Source 1: early greek myth timothy gantz Daughter of Peres the ravenger titan (noted for his wisdom) and Asreria a titan of the stars, though sometimes zeus is stated to be the father, she is goddess of the crossroads Hesiod says she helps men in victory and success If She Wishes it, is honored by zeus, general helper of men, but no early association with the moon Usually ahows up in any given telling of the rape of persephone to tell demeter of what she saw when persephone was taken away by hades Homeric hymn to demeter ends with hecate becoming attendant of persephone, and shes been seen on pottery escorting persephone back from the underworld She is also associated with iphigenia the daughter who was being sacrificed at the start of the war with troy that was saved by artemis, as iphi is sometimes called artemis of the road or artemis einodia, an enoida by the 5th century was a title of hekate Some sources seem to link hecate and artemis in a one and the same capacity, like how she has been said to be the child of leto who is traditionally the mother of artemis and apollo Euripide's Medeia calls her a patronness of drugs and poisons A 5th century piece portrays her as a tripple goddess, but with herself not in the lunar triplicate we usually associate with her. Theres a suggestion of the triple form having her lower body turned into black dogs, much like scyllas lower half was transformed to, and in some sources she is the mother of scylla, and sometimes is hecate is deemed the child of nyx the primordial night goddess, though she is called a daughter of demeter in orphoc tradition Tl;DR for all this, crossroads goddess heavily associated with persephone and artemis, not the moon, yes poison, helps people when she wants to, lineage as with all gods a questionable mess Going back to source 1 for a moment-oops- iphengenia was a sacrifice for a fast expedition to the war at troy/because her dad agamemnon pissed off artemis through bragging,, and artemis swapped the girl for a deer last second, and in some tellings is made immortal, and the author pausanias says she was turned into hekate  The einodia term associated with hecakte is also used of demeter and persephone Hekate has long standing association with artemis but not as an aspect of Bonus the term hekatos means far darter is is sometimes applied to apollo 
Source 2 Guide to the gods- marjorie leach Goddess of underworld and the night, daughter of nyx and tatarus or asteria and peres, mother of scylla Magic powers and sorcerery bestows prosperity and wisdom, this cites her as an early thracian moon goddess A goddess whose powers extended to all regions ( heaven earth sea underworld), protective of doors and gates, crossroads and travelers, can be malevolent scares men w/ghosts and demons, can bestow honor victory fortune wealth but witholds them from the undeserving in her eyes Magic includes divination and oracles Source 3 dictionary of comparative religions s.g.f. brandon Cthonian and pre hellenic, 3 faced, associated with the uncanny and ghosts, worshiped at crossroads which are traditionallh haunted by the dead, hecate suppers are monthly offerings made at the crossroads usually included dog flesh Her cult survived till the middle ages It was mentioned in source 1 a woman(hekabe) during the fall of troy was turned into a dog and is sometimes said to belong to hekate
Source 4 the new book of goddesses and heroines patricia monaghan Crossroads, sacred dogs, bearing a torch, night, offerings left at three way crossroads, some say she has 3 heads serpent horse and dog While hecate walked, followers gathered insidd for their hekate suppers over which they swapped magic knowledge and secrets of sorcerery, sacrifices of dogs honey and black female lambs. This implies you had a meal and then offered leftovers at the crossroads Calling her a snake goddess Another mention of thracian origins, argument that she is a form of demeter, argument she is a form of persephone Sometimes a titan but still respected by zeus which basically never happens so shes a big deal Mention of worship into classical times, both hekate suppers and public sacrifices celevrated by great ones (caberioi) of honey black lady sheep, dogs, and oh yikes black human slaves Said to be the crone of persephone demeter trio or the dark moon in the artemis and selene trinity, rules spirits of the dead, powers of regeneration,can hold back ghosts, greek women evoked hecate for protection when they left their houses by putting up a threefold image at their door Trying to find more qbout caberioi but so far google only gives me this exact source as source. Look further into later....
Source 5 the women's encyclopedia of myths and secrets barbara g walker Trinity, deruved from the egyptian midwife goddess heqit/heket/hekat, who evolved from the tribal matriarch of pre dyanastic egypt heq, a wise woman in charge of mothers words of power Heqit delived the sun god every mornong from his mother hathor, her totem is the frog, symbol of the fetus, still associated with her when christians 4k years later declared her queen of witches Trinity crossroads underworld, hekate trevia or hecate of the three ways Offerings left on full moons Invoked by those setting out on journies Called the most lovely one, which is a lunar title, this says her triplicate is hecate selene of the moon, artemis the hunter on earth, and persephone the destroyer in the underworld Hecate selene the far shooting moon, mother of dionysus (who while eventually having the mortal mother semele, is a child of zeus and persephone zagreus which is a whole thing i like to yell about ) which is a wild pull but if you say hekate/selene/artemis/persephone are the same person then I Guess Here shes mentioned as the crone to hebe the virgin and hera the mother Symboyl of the new moon figure in white robes, golden sandals, torches lit, a basket of crops she made grow Middle ages queen of the ghostwprld or queen of witches, diabolized by catholics who hate midwives And now for anoter wild pull: hekate was helping a woman in labor, the gods feared magical contagion and put her in the river acheron to wash away birth mana, the river took her underground where she married hades. ...what also a mention that hecabe the queen of troy transformed into hekate's dog, a black female one names maera mara or moera (the destroying fate) Source 6 the new century classical handbook catherine b avery Triple goddess with persephone and artemis, persepbone attendant, powers over ssa eartj sky, gave riches and good fortunes, lead the souls of the dead, associated with ghosts magic and witcjcraft Invisible to mortals but dogs can see her, passes through the night with spectral hounds, dogs sacred to her, crossroads goddess, triple bodied back to back, romans call her trivia, also associated with demeter rhea and persephone Rhea of course being mother of zeus hades posideon hestia hera demeter Cult of rhea associated with fertility rites, has her own mysteries like dionysus, helped her persephone topside after the hades thing, associated with the asian mother goddess cybele, roman magna mater and ops Trivia: roman epitget of hecate and diana when shes associated with hecks Guide to gods called trivia goddess of crossroads streets and highways can be malicious
Source 7 Whos who in greek and roman mythology david kravitz Goddess of underworld, daughter of asteria and perses or zeus and demeter, taught magic to medea her priestess, pictured with torch, epithet for luna, diana, and persephone, other eputhetos enodia the wayside goddess, trioditis goddess of meeting of three routes, also possible crantaeis whose the mother of scylla Trivia is mentioned here as epithet of diana
Source uhhh 8? Dictionary of ancient deities patricia turner Underworld night darkness queen of ghosts and shades, controller of hidden things of nature, presides over birth life death streets and gates, taught medea her pristess magic, only worshiped at night by torchlight, dogs sacred, has a pack of hounds, sacrified to her are black lambs and dogs, shown sometimes with 3 heads: dog horse and Lion Possible moon goddess, standard perses are asteria and zeus and demeter maybe heritage May be the indian Ekata Associated with artemis and persephone and selene The name Brimo used for hekate persephone demeter and rhea Hekate used as epithet of luna/selene and diana and persephone Also known as akitiophi artemis brimo crantaeis diana enodia proerpina selene trioditis Crantaeis loops back to hekate, more redirects for brimo as with aktiophi No entry in here for ekata Just says trivia is name for artemis No mention of ekata in previously sourced books and my only indian myth books are stories and mythology of all races: 6 indian iranian which has no index and isnt a handy alphabetized list .....might have meant native americans let me cross check those Also naught India india has three water god brothers one names ekata Googling qnd saying a goddess from asia minor carian so says a guy whose book from 87 i dont have
Source 9 classical mythology mark p.o. morford Hekate put the fury tisiphone in charge of guarding the grove of avernus Hekate sometimes resembles the furies in appearance and character Medea met jadon at a shrine to hekate Source 10 lost goddesses of early greece charlene spretnak Dark moon cthonic associations gjosts, hekate suppers, food offered as a form of purification, image used above the house to ward off evil, mother of witches, some sites in greece her torches carried around freshly sown fields to promote fertility Zeus and hera kid (???) She gives heras rouge to europa and hides in a house where she midwifes which makes her impure (hey this story again) Standard stuff but covens await hekate near drooping willow trees where she appears and imparts magic knowledge, nest of snakes in her hair, her form became human and animal, favored herbs black poppy, smilax, mandragora, aconite Without death there is no life gonna skim a few more to see if anything else not already mentioned but... Nope.
Source 11 myths of the female divine goddess david leeming From the dark moon she brings soma, unwelcome truth Was in a cave when she saw persephone kidnapped She can heal and teaches magic, more snakes in hair, a necklace of testicles...... once showed up as a boat to kill her love /son and restored him on a new moon
Source 12 a guide to the gods richard carlyon Goddess of moon magic riches wisdom victory flocks and navigation Defends children, associated with regeneration, honored in asia minor and boetia, shows up as crossroads tombs and scene of crime
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