#Censored Dialogue
aholefilledwithtwigs · 2 months
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ardl · 1 month
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tomb-mold · 2 years
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dogeatspine · 2 months
I wonder if I’m in love with the shame I numb it away, but I always got somethin’ to say Back then I took a bump in the face To feel dead like my government name
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v4d4v4d4 · 2 years
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valcaine · 1 year
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tfw you just killed your son and find your friend who you haven’t seen in several years (decades) committing terrorism
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frostywisp · 4 months
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and if you thought Boothill's EN curse-censoring was funny, check out *THIS* awesome move!
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frankenruth · 1 year
I am a Ride the Cyclone high school edition defender
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novantinuum · 1 month
Just as an FYI to my followers, I'd like to remind folks just in general that while I mostly post/reblog SFW content, this is not a strictly SFW blog. I am unable to tag NSFW content as such without my blog being nuked to the shadow realm and all my posts being hidden from search functionalities, and so as such, please know that this blog has a blanket warning for "may contain NSFW humor and written content."
Any NSFW content I share will be limited to memes and writing- at this point, given how risky it is I will never post or reblog NSFW artwork on this particular website.
I will, however, do my best to continue to thoroughly tag most all the pairings I can. I have already gone back and added tags to a few posts to ensure everyone can blacklist properly as they please.
My pairings tag system on this blog has changed a lot over the years, but what I generally use now for my own ease of sorting is Character A/Character B. The exceptions to this are pairings that I am aware are commonly seen as taboo and some would like to avoid entirely, such as Billford and Stevencest, which I tag as simply 'billford' and 'stevencest' since I know it will be easier for people's blacklists to pick them up.
At the end of the day this blog is MASSIVELY multifandom and multi-pairing focused (when I do choose to explore anything beyond gen topics)- so don't expect a lot of any of the above, but yeah. Just wanted to issue a bit of a reminder here so everyone's on the same page.
Thanks, folks.
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ardl · 1 month
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tomb-mold · 2 years
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sanddusted-wisteria · 8 months
Wisteria NPC dialogue
Dialogue if Wis was an NPC in MTAS! I've written some of these lines before, but since a couple other people have been doing it, I decided to write moreeeee! I've fleshed out most of the basic dialogue types.
[Very long post below the cut, heads up :P]
Intro: "Oh hey, you're new here? I'm new here too. I'm Wisteria. Or Wis. Or Wisty. Your pick. I'm still getting used to getting around here, but maybe we can learn together."
Oh, hey. What’s up? Me? Oh, not much.
How are commissions? Busy? Yeah.
Need any help with anything? No? Okay. Feel free to ask if you do.
"Ughhhhh, this heat. Whyyyy did I move to the desert...?! Oh hey, sorry. I'm just busy dying... Ughhhhhh...."
"I keep running out of water... No, not with the machines, it's my garden. Think I got a bit overzealous..."
“Hey, you explore the ruins lately? Find anything cool? I mostly turned up a bunch of cheap plastic junk, but there are some interesting things here and there.”
“If you wanna use the telescope without risking Qi giving you the stinkeye, he never uses it between 3 and 4 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Yeah, odd hours. But this is Qi we’re talking about, remember?”
“I don’t mind taking up something extra if it’ll help you out. With a guy like Yan at the helm, we need each other’s backs as much as possible…”
“Slow going machine? Hmm… Here, let me. I know a trick to make this a little faster…”
Good Friend:
“Quick question: what’s your favorite plant? …I see, I see. Lemme see if I can get my hands on it and we’ll see if it can grow out here!”
“Do I miss Highwind? Eh, yes and no. I’ve still got a chip on my shoulder about the place, but…it doesn’t matter now. I’ve got Sandrock. And I’ve got you.”
“My aunt Solanum sent me more pomato seeds again… You want any? No? Okay. …You want any potatoes or tomatoes? Swing by my place if you do. I have…many.”
I always keep my screwdriver set on me. You probably should too. You never know when you’ll come across something that needs screwing, or something that needs a little leverage, or a time when you need a stabbing weapon! …What? Never an impossibility.”
Sandstorm: “Careful out there. It’s already hard to see and the sandhat only makes it worse. Stay close to landmarks you recognize.”
Rain: “Raaaaaain! Oh man, I don’t have to water all gajillion of my plants today! Yaaaaay!”
Player has a new haircut: “Hm? Oh, new hair! Looks good.”
Player has panda eyes: “Hey, you good? It’s not really worth it to try and squeeze out work past like, 10 PM. Trust me, I would know.”
Player cuts a tree in front of Wis: “Oi, oi. That was a nice tree, I’ll have you know. Not many of those around here. Now it’s dead.”
Player attacks Wis with a weapon: “Ack! Be careful! That’s not a sparring weapon!”
Birthday: "My birthday? Fall 26. Born just before the end of the best season. Yes, fall is the best season. Objectively true."
Day of the Bright Sun: “I wanna take a closer look at the airship, but every time I look up, I’m conked in the head by a present…”
Showdown at High Noon: “Sparring is supposed to be safe, but we’re still swinging stone weapons around… Oh, and Qi might be slow, but that hammer is still 100% steel. Don’t get bonked.”
Day of Memories: “Who am I remembering? Well, I don’t know what kind of person they were. I don’t even know their name. All I know is that they lived a long, long time ago…and I see their face every time I look in the mirror.”
Tour de Rock: “I think most of the budget for Sandapalooza goes into injury compensation. And lawyer’s fees. For uh, the injury lawsuits. But um…you didn’t hear that from me.”
Running of the Yakmel: “Horses, I can handle. Yakmel, I can’t.”
Winter Solstice: [with a full mouth] “Mmm, hey. Have you tried this kebab? It’s really good!”
Loved gifts:
Floating galaxy: “Oooooh, look at this! It’s so pretty! You can look at the stars whenever you want! Thank you!”
Potted plants: “Aw, look at this little guy. I’ll be sure to take good care of it. What? Am I gonna give it a name? I’m a human named after a plant. Little guy’s already got a name, haha!”
Liked gifts:
Other relics: “Oh, this is cool. Where’d you find it? What do you suppose it was used for?”
Dishes she likes (e.g. beef noodles, sour and spicy potato): “Did you make this yourself? Smells really good. Thanks.”
Tea leaves or summer sand tea: “Never drank that much tea until I met Qi. Now I actually really like it. Thanks! I’ll be sure to share some with him too, if you don’t mind.”
Materials she likes (e.g. steel bars): “Oh, sweet Sunlight, you’re my savior. These things are a ton of work to get for how much I need.”
Neutral gifts: “For me? Oh. Thanks…?”
Disliked gifts:
Desert mushrooms or dishes with mushrooms: “Eh…mushrooms? Not a big fan, sorry. Beans might like it, though…” 
Most accessories: “Hm… Looks cute, but it’s not really my thing. Sorry.”
Hated gifts: “…There are more civil ways of sending a message. Like using your words, for instance. Like an adult would do.”
Complimenting appearance: “Aw, thanks! Pablo says my hair and my fashion sense are boring, but maybe I like it boring, Pablo! It’s practical. And my hair is already great without anything extra.”
Complimenting work: “Hey, that…that really means a lot. Back in Highwind, being a small fry builder was such a thankless job to have. Even if one person is appreciating what I do…then it’s all worth it. Thank you.”
Complimenting personality: “Oh! Uh, thank you! Not sure what else I can say. I’m just me, y’know?”
Asked about her past:
“I’m a clone. Test tube baby. No, seriously! Some researcher found an Old World lab one day and there was baby me, chilling in a tube of goo. There were a bunch of other babies exactly like me in the same place. We were all adopted out eventually, to my knowledge. There’s another Wis in Portia, but I don’t know where the others ended up…”
“I had another workshop back in Highwind. Wasn’t very much, just a humble little shack. But it was mine. And I loved it. …And then I ran out of money.”
The first thing I made when I graduated from the Builder Academy was the sign outside my workshop. Made from local pine wood. I kept it even after my old workshop closed. Now it’s hanging outside my new workshop!”
“Things started getting kinda heated back in Highwind a year or two after my workshop went out of business. Apparently a lot of us newcomers were pretty quickly getting run out of business. We yelled and screamed at the Commerce Guild and the city government, but it only amounted to an audit of the Commerce Guild. An internal audit. Surprise surprise, nothing wrong, apparently.”
Asked about work:
“You ever notice how some people always want certain things commissioned? Like how the Civil Corps always needs canvas for some reason? I usually keep a stockpile of those materials so I can crank the stuff out a lot quicker when the commissions hit the board.”
“I always keep my eye out for anything that looks like a relic piece when I mine for ore. That and the rats…”
Asked what she likes to do:
“I thought I wasn’t going to be using my camera a whole lot after I restored it, but I’m actually kinda into using it these days. I like to take pictures of the plant and animal life around here. Makes it seem like less of a wasteland. Okay, most of it is a wasteland…but not all of it.”
“It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I honestly like reassembling relics by hand. Yeah, yeah, the restoration machine does a better job of it, but it’s fun trying to treat it like a puzzle, y’know?”
“Some nights, I like to park myself somewhere quiet and with a good view of the sky. And I just watch the stars for a while. Good thing about living in a desert is that ‘somewhere’ is pretty much everywhere.”
“I got so excited about gardening that I planted all the seeds I had at once. Uh…pro tip: don’t do that. Unless you want to spend hundreds on water every week. At least Burgess knows it’s all going to growing stuff and not getting wasted.”
Asked about her favorite things:
“I really like relics. Finding them, restoring them, studying them… Most of the stuff in the ground is pretty benign, unlike what some people think. And even if it wasn’t, it’s still important to acknowledge that they exist.”
“Um…I’d say plants, but I’ve got plenty of those to take care of already.”
“It’s always a good day whenever I can get my hands on extra materials.”
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
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Part two of me being pedantic about nuance because I can
While the official translation isn't wrong at all, I feel like the phrasing chosen here makes Nagi appear more distant than he actually is. In japanese, his inner monologue is more akin to "I'm sorry, Reo. Please, let me say something a bit selfish"
He's using causative. He's asking Reo's permission. And sure, we could make a case for how he doesn't say that aloud, so it's a moot point... But the implication is that he knows Reo won't like this but he wants Reo to be okay with it. For his sake. Just this once.
And "I'm gonna say something selfish" doesn't convey that at all. If anything, it makes it sound like he knows Reo won't like it and he doesn't care
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clay-pidgeon · 1 year
every time i see a yt video without captions i get closer to the end of my metaphorical rope
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Riot Kings AU, Page 1
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Tag List:
@appy-polly-loggies , @shydragonrider , @professional-idiocy , @burtlederp , @unicornscotty , @whumpwillow , @transjenderdeanjail , @bliss757 , @grizzlie70 , @whatwhumpcomments , @madrono-but-i-am-not-a-fruit , @whumpzone ,. @maracujatangerine , @whump-em , @crystalquartzwhump , @outofangband , @onlywhump , @myst-in-the-mirror , @badluck990 , @kixngiggles , @bluebadgerwhump , @whumpy-catfish , @throwawaywhumper , @dont-touch-my-soup , @uvanuva , @kiichu , @dreamsofwhump , @valiantphantomturtle , @voidviewer , @whumpsday , @kira-the-whump-enthusiast , @neverthelass , @poorlittlekittycat , @finaldreams1106 , @slimesheep , @redwhump , @whumpyzombie , @wolfeyedwitch , @emmanemanemm , @briars7 , @stuffmyfriendssay
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steakout-05 · 5 months
ok i wanna say something real quick. i feel like the way Barry Steakfries is written in his more newer appearances is lacking a lot of the edge he used to have in the older games. like, i'm not saying his newer appearances are bad or anything. not at all! i love every bit of new stuff we get of him! i just feel like him being a hero doesn't really fit him and he's not really as mean as he used to be. i personally love the idea of him being less of an action hero who wants to save the day out of the good of his heart and more out of stroking his own ego because that's an interesting flaw he could have. i feel like in JJ2 he's too good-natured and kinda washed down a bit, you know? chronologically, JJ2 feels a little too early for Barry to be acting as a hero, but it'd be a perfect time for him to be kind of a jerk. i of course don't want him to be like yelling slurs at scientists or anything, but i feel like it'd be better progression to have him be more heroic around the time AOZ takes place and more of an ass around JJ and MD. at this point, Barry's still just some guy with a jetpack. he doesn't really have that "action hero" status like he does in AOZ. Red Photon even points this out in the Robo-Barry short. i think it'd be fine to have him be some Australian guy who's a real jerk sometimes! and i want this to go beyond just simple teasing, i want him to insult people. i want him to really chew them out and give them a piece of his mind, y'know, as a treat. i want him to actively endorse crimes and theft more. i want him to be kind of a bully to the scientists. or maybe have a bit more balance between his nicer side and his asshole side. i feel like he treats everyone a little too nice now and i'd like some more meanness.
and like,, i know Halfbrick's games are more casual and appropriate for all ages, but i'd love to see a Barry who still swears occasionally. even if it's censored. like, in the original AOZ, he's a gruff and tough Australian guy with a shotgun and a lit cigarette, he's definitely the type of guy to say fuck and shit and ass. i found that edge he had to be pretty entertaining and made him feel more like an adult than he does now. i mean, the third word he's ever said was literally "shit", and it was when he was insulting Professor Brains in the original AOZ. he's a 30 year old man with beard scruff and a jetpack, he should be allowed to say shitballs every now and then, lol.
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