#Charlotte has a big sweet tooth
sweetsndreams · 4 months
“Hi Miss, would you like some cake?”
Kenneth hand over a bag towards the baker
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🍪: "Awww dearie, I simply can't deny a treat when offered! Thank you"
- Charlotte gasped, eyes lighting up with a youthful sparkle as she gentle took the bag from the young man with a more than thankful smile for the treat.
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🍪: "I'll be sure to have a slice as soon as I get back to my apartment!"
((She loves the piece of cake! thank you @askthefitzgeraidfamily))
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jamdoughnutmagician · 7 months
Tiny Match-maker
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Bucky Barnes x Single mom!Reader Fluff
Adjusting to his new life outside of the superhero business, Bucky makes the acquaintance of a very young, inquisitive girl.
Just a meet-cute scenario with Bucky, that I might just write a part 2 for if people are interested in it.
Word count:1,853.
Masterlist // Bucky Barnes Masterlist
It wasn’t often that Bucky found time for himself. Between the busy and at times chaotic line of work he found himself in, it didn’t leave a lot of time to do the things that the average person could do.
Doctor Raynor suggested that taking a step back from the heroic, android, alien, wizard-crime-fighting lifestyle might be just the thing that he needed. To take some time to do the things that the everyday person took for granted.
So that’s why Bucky found himself for the first time in a long while browsing the aisles of his local grocery store, standing in the middle of the dairy aisle, pondering if there’s any real difference between getting oat milk or almond milk. 
He’s brought out of his thinking when he feels something collide with his shins. Something, or rather someone. A young girl, she couldn’t have been more than three, maybe four years old. Her hair that is tied up into two bunches on either side of her head bounce slightly as she crashes into him.
He looks around himself, apart from him and this little girl, the aisle was otherwise empty. 
What was he supposed to do? He’d rescued thousands of civilians time and time again, but this little girl was just standing there, wide-eyed and innocently looking up at him.
“Hi! My name’s Lottie!” the little girl introduces herself with a big gap-toothed smile.
Bucky crouches down ever so slightly to meet her smaller stature. 
“Hi there, Where are your parents, huh? Are you lost?” he asks, keeping his voice soft when talking to her.
 Just as the little girl opened her mouth to answer, a woman came running down the aisle, slightly out of breath and with a look of panic on her face.
As she gets closer, Bucky takes in her appearance, she's pretty. Really pretty. The kind of effortless beauty that has a faint blush rising to his cheeks. 
“Charlotte!” the woman calls out as she comes closer to the little girl before scooping her up in her arms and hoisting her on her hip. “What have I told you about running off like that?” you gently scold her, although the scolding is more out of your own worries about your little girl.
“Sorry mommy.” she murmurs quietly as she tucks her head into your shirt.
“I’m so sorry, sir, I hope she didn’t bother you too much.” you smile apologetically at the man in front of you. He was tall, broad and far too handsome for his own good. With soft dark brown hair that fell along his jaw, pretty pink lips, the most beautiful stormy grey-blue eyes, and just the right amount of stubble grazing across his angled jaw to have you blushing as he looked your way. 
“Oh, hey, no harm done, she seems like a sweet kid.” he smiles, his voice is deep and rich, with a slight raspy gravel.
“Yeah, she is, although it would help if she wasn’t so much of an explorer, it’d be a lot easier to keep my eye on her otherwise.” you laugh.
“No, the world needs more explorers I say!” the handsome stranger joins in with a friendly chuckle of his own. 
“Well, I can see you’re busy, so we won’t keep you any longer..” you string out the end of your sentence, when you realise that you don’t actually know your new friend’s name.
“James. My name’s James.” he says, gesturing to himself. You tell him your name in return with a friendly smile.
“Well, it was nice talking to you, James.” You smile before turning back down the aisle. 
Bucky watched as you walked away from him, and he couldn't  help but hope that he might run into you again.
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“Look, all you gotta do is go down there, tell a few old man war stories, answer some questions, maybe have your picture taken a few times and that’s it�� Sam explained.
Sam had signed Bucky up to tell a few stories to the kids at the school downtown. A few about his life back in the day, and his life now. Sam thought it might be good for his public image.
“Just because you’re Captain America now, doesn’t mean you get to tell me what to do, Sam.” Bucky grumbled.
“When Steve gave me the shield, he did warn me it came with the custody of one grumpy super-soldier.” Sam laughed a wide, gap-toothed smile at his friend.
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“..And that’s why you don’t let your best friend sign-up to be a government ordered science experiment.” Bucky smiled, as he finished his talk with the assembled group of young students in the small, but colourful classroom.
“Wonderful, and does anybody have any questions for Sergeant Barnes?” The teacher asked, as she stepped out beside Bucky.
“How did you lose your arm?” a young boy blurts out, quickly raising his hand.
“Timothy!” The teacher is quick to gently scold the young boy, but Bucky quickly steps in before she can make her point.
“It’s quite alright, I don’t mind answering this question.” He assures the teacher, before turning to the young boy. “I-uh-I kind of lost it when I came up against a bunch of bad-guys, who weren’t very nice at all.” Bucky thinks carefully about how he was going to word his answer, especially for this 5-year old kid. “..But it’s all good now, because I’ve got the super-strong metal one.” he shows off by rolling up the sleeve of his deep-red henley shirt.
“Are you and The Falcon really friends?” another young boy asks from where he’s sat cross-legged on the carpet in front of Bucky.
“Well, we’re team-mates, so I guess I’d call him a friend, but really he only hangs out with me because I make him look cool.” Bucky jokes with ease.
“Mr. Sergeant Barnes.” A tiny hand shoots up amongst the group. 
Bucky looks out and there sat at the back of the class is the little girl who ran into him at the grocery store at the weekend. Her bouncy curls tied up in two bunches on either side of her head.
“Yes, Lottie, you have a question for Sergeant Barnes?” The teacher prompts. 
“Are you single? I think my mommy would really like you.” She smiles in that innocent way that children do, unaware of the slightly impertinent question she was asking.
Bucky flushes scarlet all over, a blooming heat settling over his features. 
With a laugh and a nervous scratch to the back of his neck, he gathered himself together enough to answer the young girl.
“I am, and I’m sure your mommy is a wonderful lady, but I think it's best that we don't talk about her private life when she's not here.” Bucky stutters out, chosing his words very carefully. 
The school bell suddenly rings into life, signifying the end of the day, and the children are all quick to get up from the carpet and make their way towards their coats and bags that are stowed away in their cubby holes.
“Ah ah, kids! What do we say to Sergeant Barnes?” The teacher prompts
“Thank you Sergeant Barnes.” The children say harmoniously. 
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Bucky shrugs on his dark leather jacket as he makes his way out of the school, watching as all of the kids rush off to find their parents.
He was just about to head off to the school’s parking lot, where he’d parked his motorbike, when he sees the same girl from the classroom, the very same one who had bumped into him at the grocery store, this time her tiny hand tugging her mother across the playground and straight towards him.
“Mommy! This is the man who came into class today to tell us stories!” Lottie bubbled excitedly. 
You stepped closer to Bucky and he swears that you got even more beautiful than when he last saw you for that fleeting moment. 
As you get close enough to him to fully see his face you are met with the piercing blue eyes of the familiar stranger who you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since you’d bumped into him at the supermarket.
“Mommy! This is Mr. Sergeant Barnes! He told us all about working with his friend Captain America!” Lottie blurts out.
You had recognised him from the moment you saw him in the store, but out of courtesy to not embarrass him, you pretended that you didn't know about his life as an avenging super-soldier. 
“Mr. Sergeant Barnes?” Your voice raises in a teased question.
“Just James is fine, Ma’am.” Bucky clarifies, extending a warm hand out in a friendly greeting.
In return you shake his hand and tell him your name.
“So, it seems that we’re meeting again, James” You smile
“Hah, yeah.” He smiles back fondly with a warm chuckle.
“So you’re the one who’s been telling my daughter all these fantastical stories?” you pose, eyebrow arched.
“Just something I do as a way of working with the local community. Helping young kids to learn about their history from first-hand accounts.” he explains.
“Well, that's a very sweet thing to do.” you smile. 
“Mommy.” Lottie whispers as she tugs at the sleeve of your jacket. “He said he was single too!” 
“Sorry about her, she likes to play match-maker.” you apologise, hoping that things hadn’t taken a turn for the awkward. 
“It’s okay.” he laughs it off. “She’s a cute kid.”
“Yeah it’s just been me and her from the start, it’s been tough at times, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Oh? Well she seems like a wonderful young girl, and that’s only testament to having you as her mother.” he says with an earnest smile tugging at his pink lips.
“Come on now, Lottie, let’s head home, and let Mr. Sergeant Barnes get back to his life.” you say to your daughter as you begin to make your way out of the school’s playground.
“Wait!” He jogs across the school years to catch up with you before you can leave. “and you can absolutely tell me if I'm just reading this whole situation all wrong, but I'd be a fool if I didn't at least ask you if you perhaps fancied meeting up and getting coffee..at least meeting on purpose this time.” he blushes adorably.
“You know what, I'd like that actually.” You nod. “Let me give you my number and you can text me whenever you're free and we can set something up.”
He hands you over his phone and you enter your number in and text yourself so you have his number on your phone too.
“Here you go,” you say as you hand him over his phone. “It was nice seeing you again, James.”
“My friends call me Bucky.” 
“Well, Bucky, I hope to see you again, sooner rather than later.”
“You can count on it.” He grins back with a cheeky wink.
Bucky walks back to his apartment with a confident stride, he'd have to thank Sam for signing him up for this gig, that's for sure. 
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@penguinsandpotterheads @paybacksawitch @impmunson
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
Sunday Broadcast Crew
A quick run through of the (existing) cast for Sunday Broadcast - a T.V Show in which Sunday (Clown Reader) is the star. Lemme know what y'all think-
Sunday the Clown/Clown Reader - Silly, Kind Hearted Clown. Only wants the best for everyone.
Telly (he/they/it) - Sunday's tag along and (second) best friend. A slightly mischievous television who always comes around when needed. Knows more than he's willing to tell, but as long as Sunday is safe he keeps his big mouth shut.
Gus (he/they) Sir (he/it) - A silly clown and his best friend, an anthropomorphic rabbit with a bad habit and a bad attitude. Sir can often be found chewing gum as smoking is forbidden during show hours. Low-key hates Gus, but is his best friend. Gus is unaware of his bed friends true feelings - loves everyone one and thing, but loves Sunday the most (please keep that a secret)
Melan (she/they) and Holly (she/her) - A sad jester and her best friend, a sweet housewife clown who tries her best to cheer her dear up. Melan is an unlucky girl who has little success with her tricks, often can be found sobbing in her room until Sunday, Holly or her siblings can convince her to come out.
Ventri (They/them) and Tres (they/it) - A playful mime and their.....friend? Pet? Ventri is a mime who doubles as a ventriloquist to some extent. Enjoys making hand puppets of their friends and can never be seen without one. "Speaks" solely through their puppets, their ability to mimic voices is scarily accurate. Tres is a giant wood puppet with a candy dispenser fitted into their stomach/chest. Gives candy to those who deserve it, bites those who don't.
Gus, Melan, and Ventri are all related. Sir, Holly, and Tres are their "imaginary friends" who are only visible to those who believe in them/they trust.
Thirteenth (they/them) and Wishbone (they/them) - An unlucky cat and a fortune rabbit shoved into a miserable companionship. The two cancel each other out in terms of their unnatural luck/unluck leading to them being unable to be apart for long. The two can hardly stand each other, their only common interests being Sunday. Wishbone has a permanent limp in their right leg following an accident they don't like to talk about. Thirteenth had their eye torn out by a broken shard of glass.
Margo Maggie (she/her) - An apple girl sweet as can be. Can easily be found in her garden tending to her crops. Her name is not "Margo Maggie" as much as it is Margo and Maggie as Maggie is her best friend abd biggest helper. Maggie has never been seen by anyone else due to how shy they are. If you happen to find a single tooth in an apple Margo gives you, please return it. It isn't not ripe yet.
Ferret (he/him) - A timid doll boy with an intense jealousy streak. Jealous of his peers for being able to feel and eat, and do everything else a normal human can do. The only reason he can "see" is because his eyes are glass. The empty cavity of his body is filled with fake organs and bones. If he is to ever loose a part of himself.... The best thing to do is hold your breath and hope he mistakes you for a doll like him.
The Handyman (It) - Keeps things in order, tolerates Sunday alone, very handy, likes balls of yarn.
Charlie - Charlotte? Charles? Charlene? Sunday's best and only friend :)
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ernestnott · 2 months
Sirius : They have a sweet tooth. Sirius often crave sugary snacks like candy, the fruity one hehe. They’re not against chocolate but don’t like caramel.
Remus : He loves chocolate obviously. But if there is no chocolate he prefers salty snacks.
James : He loves to cook big meals and enjoy eating them ! If he wants a snack he will choose crips over biscuits.
Peter : Everyone think he is team sugar snack because he bakes a lot (chocolate cake for Remus mostly). But he just loves to snack, no discrimination here. Although he will have salty snacks more often than sugar ones.
Dorcas : They love salty snacks !! Barty and her bicker a lot about there different taste. They’re favorite are wasabi peanut and she often trick Barty so he ends up eating it too (he hates it).
Pandora : She always have some food with her. But it’s vegetables and fruits. Like, she can be seen eating an entire tomato or cucumber, out of nowhere. Evan always need to reminds her to eat a proper meal because otherwise she will forget that raw fruits and vegetables are not consistant enough.
Lily : She loves all kind of sugary snacks. She steals out of Remus’ chocolate stack a lot (he thinks it’s Sirius) and Dora often gifts her some fruits.
Regulus : Wants everyone to think he is team salt but he is not fooling anyone with him caring around chocolate candy and biscuits in his bag.
Barty : Always has a gum in his mouth. He needs to occupies his tongue and if he is out of gum he suck on some caramel candy instead. This guy has a lot of cavity on his tooth…
Evan : He doesn’t really like to snack. Prefers meal that satisfy his hunger fully. He doesn’t like sugar very much and often say that Barty’s mouth as enough sugar for the both of them. If he eats sugar it’s because it’s a charlotte (cake with fromage blanc and fruits and biscuits like boudoirs).
Mary : She likes crips a lot. This is a problem. She likes potatoes, really. Anything made out of them and she is happy.
Marlene : She almost always have a can of monster or other drink like that with her. But she hates coca (she boycott it). And she likes to have some tête brûlée (candy that are very spicy) with it.
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strawberrydragonart · 1 month
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Everyone say hello to my One Piece OC Charlotte Bon Bon, one of Big Mom’s many daughters! Information about her below!
Age: 39
Height: 5ft 7in
Devil Fruit: Kēki Kēki no Mi (Cake Cake Fruit)
Position: Minister of Confection
Power: As the user of the Kēki Kēki no Mi, she has the ability to form creme puffs in the palms of her hands. There are three different types of creme puffs she can create. The first type are creme puffs that when thrown explode upon impact. This variant is called Flavor Bombs. The second type when consumed the person who ate it temporarily gets a boost in their physical abilities; gaining strength, speed, and stamina. This variant is called the Caloric Boosters. And the final type has the ability to heal, when the creme is applied to a wound or the puff eaten the healing process is accelerated by almost 50%.
Power Drawback: With every creme puff she creates her body temperature rises by a small percentage. If she uses her power too often she will overheat causing her to have a sever heat stroke.
Background: Born into the infamous Charlotte Family, Bon Bon quickly found her niche in the art of confectioneries. Her unique abilities made her a valuable asset to her mother, Big Mom, who appointed her as the Minister of Confection. Bon Bon's role involves overseeing the production of sweets on Whole Cake Island and ensuring that every creation meets her mother's exacting standards. Despite her privileged position, Bon Bon often finds herself at odds with some of her more aggressive siblings. Her sweet nature makes her a favorite among the younger siblings, and she often uses her powers to entertain and care for them.
Goals: Bon Bon's primary goal is to perfect her confectionery skills and create the ultimate cake that will satisfy even her mother's insatiable sweet tooth. She also dreams of one day opening her own sweets paradise, where people from all over the world can enjoy her creations.
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bruhstation · 7 months
I'm interested in what the trains in your humanization prefer to eat (What if Henry loves apple charlottes?)
yes!!! eating is one of life’s biggest joys! always love talking and learning about food and watching people cook and eat and express their happiness, so this was a fun one to answer.
thomas a. billington: thomas needs something to chew or suckle on in the break room. think of any candy that your grandma would store on her detailed glass bowl. tootsie rolls, werther’s hard caramel candy, jolly ranchers… you get it. he doesn’t have any particulars when it comes to filling dishes and most of his diet consist of snacks and candies hence his thinner and shorter build.
edward pettigrew: he loves a good hot black tea with a side of rich tea biscuits or scones. he’s the guy who knows too much about tea. stomach ache? ginger tea. sleep aid? chamomile’s the way. for the more filling dishes, edward prefers light savory dishes with feta cheese involved. he’s really fond of fërgesë from his home country, but there’s no place on sodor that could make a mean one, so he settles with making it at his own home.
henry stanier: sliced apples! when he’s in a good mood, he’d shape them into little bunnies. he likes anything savory with a strong taste too, like his mother’s curry. henry loves a full course, hearty meal that tastes and feels good, and growing up, he’s always had a large appetite (fast metabolism). henry doesn’t like anything greasy or deep fried because it’ll make his stomach acid flare up. I had to look up what apple charlottes is, and yeah, I can tell you that henry would love it.
gordon j. gresley: gordon has a sweet tooth but he’s self conscious about it and has an image to uphold so he’ll tell anyone who’s making him coffee to make it black (he adds a packet of cream and sugar when nobody’s seeing) without anything added (his friends see right through him). his favorite dessert is orange float with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. gordon also likes food that is usually eaten together with friends or family (something something lazy susan) like pork roast or kway teow or thick beef stew with mashed potatoes. big portions are necessary!
james a. hughes: sweet margarita is james’ favorite drink to have during outings with his friends. he also loves a good french onion soup, especially paired with croutons (do not make them too hard or he’ll riot!!). speaking of croutons, james loves fondue and he always fights over it with thomas. really, any food that looks good and makes him look well-off would be on his favorites list (please, james, why does most of these dishes involve alcohol in one way or another). he also likes sweet danish pastries.
percival “percy” avonside: he’s a simple man when it comes to food he likes. sandwiches are the way to go! carbohydrates, proteins, the tasty stuff — it’s all there! eggs benedict (he puts another english muffin on top so the sauce won't spill everywhere) is his most favorite since it makes him feel special and fancy. percy also loves good coffee, usually mixed with condensed milk or mocha, since he delivers the night mail train.
tobias “toby” holden: tiramisu is his favorite dessert and he prefers it made with more coffee content. he has helped out henrietta many times with making it to the point he’s has the process memorized. for savory dishes, he loves some good lasagna with extra beef content in the sauce. it’s gotta drench. really, toby loves his layered food huh
montague “duck” collett: he’s not picky when it comes to food given to him, so he just eats what any average joe would eat (eggs on toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, sausage with potatoes and peas for dinner). normal person food. duck makes sure he has his meal three times a day and follows the motto; “eat before you’re hungry, stop before you’re full.” also diesel made mango panna cotta once for him as a desperate token of apology and duck fell in love with it.
donald and douglas dunalastair: like thomas, they don’t really have much preference for filling meals. dessert, though? now that’s the stuff. donald loves cranachan so SO much he wishes he could eat it every day. douglas likes candies more instead of softer, silkier desserts, like black licorice or peppermint candy. they also eat only twice a day since they get full super quickly. amazing how so much strength for shoveling snow is stored behind their lanky bodies. they also drink irn bru
oliver t. swindon: oliver loves shepherd's pie because it’s practical. everything he needs is right there, fitting for someone who doesn’t like complicated things. as for the sweet stuff… even after forgetting some of his memories after his rescue, oliver remembers the feeling and taste of halo-halo on his tongue clearly, something he missed dearly.
giovanni vin diesel: diesel loves bruschetta. he puts some pepper flakes on top for that spice kick. he also loves sfincione, specifically the way his family would make it, but, like edward, nobody on sodor knows how to cook a decent one (too much sauce, too thick of a bread, or too soggy) which makes him a bit sad. diesel’s kind of picky when it comes to the meals he can consider “favorite” because he believes he’s the most qualified in the culinary field on sodor due to his upbringing.
mavis hawthorne: a slice of blackforest cake always makes her heart sing. not too heavy on the whipped cream, though, because she doesn’t like her desserts too sweet. she also likes baumkuchen. whenever toby cooks lasagna, he’d make another portion to give to mavis, which quickly became her favorite and something she looks forward to during lunch breaks.
rebecca nassif: rebecca likes snacking a lot. she finds joy in eating! she grew up surrounded by meals. like diesel, because of her upbringing, she’s always been an enthusiast of not only food, but culinary arts as a whole. she loves cold desserts that usually remind her of her old neighborhood like this pistachio kulfi that she would made when she was younger. rebecca also missed having knafeh and mafruka since moving to sodor (it’s been like... a week.)
nia e. wanjala: whenever nia feels like treating herself to something good, she’d make her own version of the gatsby sandwich at her house. she’s especially keen on the french fries and enjoys extra hot sauce with it. it’d take two meal times for her to finish it all. lately, nia’s also been enjoying pastries like chocolate muffins and bombolone (chocolate fillings are her favorite).
lady: as part of her mission to understand humanity and their intrapersonal relationships, lady developed an affinity to eating. she’d eat anything as long as it’s acceptable by human standards even though she doesn’t have to. lady wants to understand that people eat not only to survive but as a way to show their love and culture. isn’t the greatest blessing to be bestowed upon living things the ability to consume to their heart’s content? does her lack of mortal needs indicate her lack of personal desire? anyways her favorite foods are fish and chips with sweet mayonnaise on the side and soft serve vanilla ice cream.
diesel 10: his go-to is black coffee mixed with red bull (added with some other weird concoction if he feels like it). some scrambled eggs with a dash of hot sauce for breakfast. some fried bacon if he has some self respect for the day. some dried sardines if he wants to feel miserable. some baklava with extra syrup and pistachio if he wants to treat himself because the sound of the crunch eases his stress
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extrashortshorts · 1 year
*Bursts down from the cieling covered in blood*
Okay hear me out-
sharkatakuri. Seriously, I think it’s be fun.
legend has it all of big moms children are hybrids of some sort, weird amalgamations of animals from all over the grand line. One of the most horrifying being Charlotte Katakuri, the supposed “Sweet Levithan” of the seas, who’s jaw is as big as an island, and teeth sharper then Yorus blade..
idk, I think that’s be pretty neat :D
Giant shark that has a sweet tooth for donuts?? Seems like him
I kinda forgot what fish he was compared in canon, was that even a fish? 🤔
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bhuxu · 9 months
Did you ever make a post talking about your ocs? I love their designs and I wanna learn more about them
no, i've never made a proper post or anything. i feel like these days people aren't interested to read long posts about people's thoughts, opinions, etc. so i never felt like making proper post about her. but i'm so flattered with a lot of the nice asks i've been getting lately about charlotte that i decided to answer this and piggyback off it to make a proper profile post and share more about her ヽ(o^ ^o)ノ
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Name: Charlotte the Rabbit
Species: Rabbit (Holland Lop)
Age: 16
Height: 85cm
Attribute: Speed
Alignment: Hero
Weight: Secret! ♥
Likes: Singing, Dancing, Karaoke, Shopping, Fashion, Dark Chaos, Sweets, Mina Mongoose and the Forget Me Knots
Dislikes: Fighting, Bullies, Vegetables (especially carrots)
Favorite Food: Donuts
A kind hearted, sweet girl who loves to perform. She is an underground idol who dreams of making it big. Inspired by her love for Mina Mongoose and her band the Forget Me Knots, she decided to come out of her shell and pursue becoming an entertainer. Her fans have coined the nickname "Cha" for her. Loves to sing, dance, and make everyone smile! When she's not practicing for lives and performances, she loves to go karaoke and shopping and spend all her rings on cute clothes. Has a big sweet tooth!
She isn't much of a fighter, but she is speedy and agile and will throw punches if under a threat. Her songs and voice can give vitality and spirit to those she sings to.
She has a great affinity for dark chaos, but her sweet disposition makes them avoid her. Nevertheless she adores them!
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auxiliarydetective · 6 months
Evie's One Piece OC Compendium
SO @eustasskidsfattits asked me to make a post about my One Piece OCs, so here it is! I wanted to make this way sooner, but then stuff happened and then I got to show one of my friends OPLA and 8 OCs turned to 9 (oopsies...). Also, the perfectionist in me would not shut up. Yes, this is technically the intro for the three newest ones, so buckle up!
I'm gonna list them in the order that I created them, simply because listing them in the order of their appearance in the story would be fairly impossible with how OPLA likes to introduce characters earlier on lol - These OCs also all exist in their own separate universes, by the way...
So yeah, long post incoming and, for any OPLA-onlies reading this post: Spoiler warning!!!
Not proofread because I just wanna finally get this post out and I am lacking energy
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The Guardian: Aether S. Luna
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The original One Piece OC and also the one who has gone through the most changes. I revamped her only recently!
Luna is convinced that she's the daughter of the moon goddess aka of Mother Moon herself, and there are some very odd things about her that make that very plausible. She looks like how you would imagine the daughter of the moon to look like, with very pale skin and very light blonde hair, she has magical powers that are charged by basking in the moonlight, she needs very little sleep as long as the moon is out, her strength is based on the moon cycle... Oh, also: Wings. Large, white wings, that don't fit in with any other humanoid creature in the world. So, nobody really has any solid evidence against it either. Well... Nobody who hasn't been to Egghead Island.
She's introduced into the story at Long Ring Long Land (I actually have two fics for that) as a part of Foxy's crew because he won her in a Davy Back Fight. Before that, she was sort of aimlessly travelling the seas with various crews, just trying to find a place to belong. Throughout the Davy Back Fight, Luna ends up befriending the Straw Hats and Luffy, being Luffy, of course won't pass up the opportunity to have someone as weird as her on their crew, so she joins!
Sanji is, of course, very enamoured with this literal goddess. Even more so than usual. Luckily for him, his charm seems to be working on Luna too. She essentially goes from "Oh, you're adorable. You're funny." to "Oh. Oh no. That's the love of my life, isn't it?", at the very latest when she sees Sanji after he absolutely decimates the people on the Sea Train.
I can't really talk too much about her because a lot of my ideas for her are very visual, but I guess I could give some more little facts? First of all, Luna is 18 and her blood group is S. You can take a look at my animanga character sketches for her here and here if you want! Her wings haven't grown to their full size yet pre-timeskip, and she molts like a bird as she grows, so whenever that happens, she's essentially grounded and chronically exhausted. And that happens around the time of Sabaody. Perfect timing, right? Also, she has to preen her wings, especially after battles, and her crewmates keep around her feathers either for practical or sentimental reasons. And in case you were wondering, of course she heads to Whole Cake Island to go after her boyfriend. Big Mom takes an interest in her, Judge wants to steal her lineage factor, it's a very fun time for everyone involved.
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The Sweet Tooth: Charlotte Inari
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Ah yes, sweet little Inari. Inari is Pudding's twin sister, she's also a member of the Three-Eyed Tribe and she's named after inari-zushi (if you were wondering how she fits into the Charlotte Family naming scheme). She ate the Kami Kami no Mi, Model: Shikigami, which has a very complicated way to how it works, but, essentially, it binds her to a master whose orders she has to follow and, in turn, gets special abilities from based on her master's. That master is the person who last saved her life. The problem with that situation is that she got the devil fruit when she was still very young and travelling at sea with one of her siblings, and a sea battle ensued where chaos happened and she got herself kidnapped. So, she ends up being passed around from master to master for years until finally ending up with Enel. That is, until Luffy defeats him, and she joins the Straw Hats.
Inari, being that she spent her early formative years on Totto Land, has some very interesting ideas of what's considered normal for animals, plant life, people... for everything, really. She fights with two war fans (as well as her devil fruit, of course) and knows how to play the shamisen, both of which she picked up while travelling with a crew of Wano ancestry for a while. Also, she naturally has a huge sweet tooth and loves to make sweets too. It runs in her genes.
Inari's goal while travelling with the Straw Hats at first is to get back home. She's just a kid, she wants to go home, at least to let her family know that she's okay. And her family and her friends will totally get along, right??? That's also why she doesn't fully consider herself part of the Straw Hats for the longest time. She's a member of the Big Mom Pirates, simply by birth right. However, this all gets a bit thrown on its head with the Timeskip and everything after that. Because, during the timeskip, Kuma sends her to Totto Land, and she officially joins the Big Mom Pirates. So, she has everything she has ever wanted, right? Well... She still ends up coming back. She loves her friends too much not to go back to them. And then Luffy ends up starting a war with Big Mom, which is... not ideal? Whole Cake Island is especially fun. And Wano? Oh boy!
Also... remember the special ability of the Three-Eyed Tribe? Yeah. Inari awakens her third eye when she hears the Drums of Liberation, but nobody notices and she doesn't tell anybody until the battle is long over, and even then she only tells Sanji and Robin.
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The Tailor: Akaito Coraline
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My dear, sweet Cora... We're entering the live action era now! Aka when everything started to escalate and I started drowning in OCs. I freaking love the live action, man... Maybe a little too much.
Anyways, Cora! Cora is the last living member of the Akaito Clan, a tailoring family from the North Blue of world-class fame who was eradicated by Germa 66 when they didn't want to work for their evil plans. Their main identifier is a sewing needle pierced through the left ear, and they can tell a person's measurements just by looking at them. Of course, there are many imposters around because Akaito-made clothes sell for a fortune, but they usually fail at these criteria. Cora was only a baby when the attack from Germa happened, so she doesn't remember anything from that day or about her family, except for her mother, who was selected as the sole adult survivor of the massacre, because she had Cora, and Judge had plans for Cora. Little did Judge know that her mother also had plans for Cora, and that she had given the baby the Akaito Clan's most prized possession: The Sew Sew Fruit (Chiku Chiku no Mi), which gives its user mastery over the entire clothesmaking process and its tools and materials.
I don't want to get too much into Cora's backstory here, but she befriended Sanji and thought that he had died, and then her mother died, she helped create and designed the Raid Suits and then she ran away with the help of Reiju at 16 years old. Afterwards, she rose to considerable fame as a tailor in the East Blue, until finally stumbling across Sanji at Baratie, the same day that the Straw Hats also show up there. Shenanigans ensue.
I think, if I were going to describe Cora's personality in only three aspects, it's trauma, kindness, and a huge double crush that she doesn't like to admit. Because not only is she wholly unprepared for Sanji being not only alive but also a pretty and charming young man, there's also a swordsman who she has to stitch back together after a big fight and who she ends up falling head over heels for. The two boys constantly bickering doesn't help much either, and they also bicker over her, constantly trying to out-boyfriend each other. In case you were wondering whose side Cora usually takes in these fights, the answer is: She joins in on the side of entertainment. Whichever side would yield the funnier result. She just thinks their fights are way too funny and stupid. Also, she's constantly touch-starved and also scared of touch. And sleep-deprived. She gets better in the "scared of touch" category over the course of her journey with the Straw Hats, so... Sleepy cuddles. So many sleepy cuddles. If Zoro's taking a nap, she's taking a nap too, no buts. And Sanji eventually ends up with his arm around her waist 90% of the time. His personal space is also her personal space.
So, uh, fighting style! She uses a rapier and keeps explaining to people that, no, she's not a swordsman, she's a fencer. There's a difference. Also, she uses strings a lot, and plagiarizes Doffy's travelling method after Dressrosa. The thing with strings and dyes and whatnot is a whole new can of worms that I won't get into right now but it's super cool.
One more fun fact: Cora is short. She's tiny. And she wears heels to compensate, which Zoro hates because they're not practical at all. Her entire fashion sense gives him minor aggressions, partially because a lot of her clothes are a lot more fashion than function, partially because she looks too damn gorgeous in them and he's constantly reminded of his embarrassing crush and has gotten so distracted by her that he has walked into tables and doorframes multiple times. Sanji, on the other hand, fully supports her fashion choices. Maybe show a little more skin next time..? Pretty please? I have concept art for her and one of the more distracting outfits :)
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The Scout: "Desert Fox" Felicity
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The baby of the crew. Yeah, she's younger than Chopper. Inari is already young, being 14, but Lily? Lily is twelve. Absolute baby. How did she end up with the Straw Hats? Blame it on Buggy kidnapping her and then kidnapping the Straw Hats on top, letting them bust her out with them. Nami and Zoro pretty much become her caretakers on the spot, Nami consciously and Zoro... well... Turns out he has a bit of a soft spot for little scared kids with fox ears. They bring her back home to her "sister" Kaya at Syrup Village, but then she almost gets murdered by a killer butler, and Kaya asks them to take Lily with them, so... Well, she's with them now! Only about a few days later though, one of her caretakers gets himself almost killed and the other decides to abandon the crew. Good thing that Sanji has pretty much decided to adopt her, because otherwise she'd be crying her eyes out.
Lily is actually half mink! That's where she got her fennec fox features and some of her behavioural patterns (i.e. cuddliness, switching between napping and getting the zoomies...) from. But her behaviour could just as well be caused by her devil fruit, because she ate the Jōi Jōi no Mi, which gives her emotions magical properties. Which ones? No one knows! You'll find out when it happens. Pretty much the only really predictable effect back when Lily joins the crew is that she turns back into a nonverbal five-year-old when she gets too scared. She also has a pretty good success rate of turning into a more anthropomorphic fox creature when getting into the spirit for a battle. She's a mink after all, and minks are born fighters! And in case you're wondering: Yes, she does have electro! And sharp teeth. You do not want to make her upset. Best case scenario is that she bites you, worst case is either some magical shenanigans or she starts crying and her crewmates come to kick your ass.
I haven't developed her too much beyond the first season of OPLA, but I just know that she has to go absolutely feral at Alabasta, because that's a fennec fox's natural habitat and her epithet is "Desert Fox", so it only makes sense for her to get it at Alabasta. Also, it would be peak funny for Crocodile to complain to the Marines about a literal child messing up his plans, and peak funny is also peak One Piece, so you best believe I'll do it. Also, her being this young means I get to watch her grow up over the timeskip. I imagine she maybe gets sent to Zou and starts to really master her electro and devil fruit attacks? Something along the lines of "I'm all grown up now! I have my powers under control!" and then immediately turning back into a kindergartener in the face of danger would probably be her running gag post-TS. Also, I'm so soft for her relationship with Sanji. I could go on for ages about Whole Cake Island, but I'll leave it at that for now. This post is already getting long enough...
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The Matron: Dracule Aurelia
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Oh boy, you're not ready for her. She's the daughter of Rayleigh and Shakky. Trans queen (thanks, Iva). Raised as a Kuja, got love sickness just like her mother and fell for a red-headed idiot first, then for a certain swordsman. Ended up marrying the swordsman in the most dramatic way possible. Also maybe the second most beautiful woman in the world, after Boa Hancock of course.
Aurelia is essentially the fusion of a mafia boss, a mob wife, and an Ancient Roman patron. She has unbelievable amounts of money and an invisible net of connections that makes her almost untouchable. She's allied with Emperors, Warlords, kings and queens... Her main deal is providing smaller, more inexperienced pirate crews with her protection and support and getting their services in return, for example as soliders, for transportation... Whatever she needs at that moment. She can be as kind as she can be cruel, and people are generally both in awe and scared of her. Her epithet is "Black Widow" both because of her spider net of connections and because all of her lovers keep mysteriously dying as if through some sort of curse. Mihawk is the only one who has been able to resist that curse. Shanks doesn't count because Aurelia claims she never truly loved him.
One of the places under her protection is Baratie, and so she gets caught up in the Straw Hats' shenanigans. First, Nami asks her for help, then she returns to Arlong ransacking the place and essentially kidnapping Nami, then she finds out that Zoro was almost killed by her husband... Also, Sanji is the closest thing to a son that she has, so Sanji joining the Straw Hats is pretty much the final nail in the coffin to her deciding on her own terms that she's going to protect those kids to the best of her ability. You can kind of imagine her as the rich aunt, but a lot more deadly. Generally, she spends a majority in the story picking up her den den mushi and going "Luffy, what did you do this time?" The boy pretty much becomes her most effective portégé when it comes to expanding her territory, because he keeps punching tyrants and asking her to put the newly freed kingdoms under her protection. She also kicks ass at Marineford, of course, helps protect the Sunny during the timeskip, and becomes decorously unhinged when Whole Cake Island comes around because of her own personal history with Big Mom and "That's my son!" and "Luffy, you are not going to kill an Emperor." - so yeah, she pretty much has to follow the Straw Hats to Wano too, lest they get themselves kicked. She's both the queen of the literal universe and the exhausted mother of a crew of literal toddlers. Or. Well. Children and one supercharged toddler who will not stop causing chaos.
Her entire backstory is so freaking great. Growing up as a Kuja, running away from home because she's mad at her mother for leaving the Kuja tribe, her very first murder of a lover who also happened to be a nobleman, her bond with Iva and speedy hormone therapy, whatever the hell was going on between her and Shanks, her relationship with Mihawk, the whole situation with Big Mom and her rules for alliances, Mihawk literally fighting for her hand in marriage, her meeting Sanji and essentially adopting him... There's a lot going on. Wish I could write it one day.
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The Mechanic: Lux Jirou
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Lynx boi! Kuro tricked him into thinking he had Amber Lead Snydrome but it's actually just vitiligo. Used to be a member of the Black Cat Pirates (posing as the mansion's security guard) but liked Kaya a little too much and figured out Kuro was lying, so he teamed up with the Straw Hats to take him down. Also has the worst crush on Zoro and Zoro has the worst crushback, but they're both too stupid to figure it out. He goes by Jirou while with the Black Cat Pirates but starts going only by his last name Lux once he starts rebelling. Ends up joining the Heart Pirates and working as a mechanic on the Polar Tang.
Once again, so many of my ideas for him are more visual because... big kitty! Huge freaking paws! Cuddly cat naps! Involuntary purring because he has a crush and he's a cat and... Yeah. Also, he's absolutely thriving at Punk Hazard. Lots of snow? No problem! Lynx have built-in snow shoes. Also, his devil fruit (Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Lynx), much like the dinosaur SMILEs of the Beasts Pirates, works with Zoan logic. "Lynxes can walk on snow, so they can also walk on water, right? Since water is just frozen snow. And then maybe they can walk on air too if they train hard enough? Because of the humidity?"
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The Siren: Kanyalani
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Also known as Kan-chan, because Luffy is not pronouncing her full name. She's a betta fish mermaid and former slave and joined the Sun Pirates after being liberated. She has a romance with Jinbe which eventually turns into a polycule with the addition of Robin and Franky when they both join the Straw Hats. Kan-chan fights with chakrams and uses Merman Combat as well as some Fishman Karate.
Now for some mermaid characteristics: Since she's a betta fish mermaid, she shares betta fish characteristics. This means that she loves her color when she's unhappy and becomes more vibrant when she is happy. She also has a unique ability. Whereas all mermaids have beautiful voices, Kan-chan's singing can lull anyone to sleep, even in the midst of battle. Also, she's over thirty, so her tail is split, but she has trouble walking, so she practically never does it. She prefers using Bubbly Corals to navigate and claims that her very frilly fin makes for bad legs anyways.
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The Archer: Shimotsuki Kaede
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A Kuina look alike from Ebisu Town who nearly gives Zoro a heart attack when he sees her with her mask off for the first time. The concept for this OC basically came to me in the concept of many What Ifs. What if Kuina was still alive? What if Kuina was even more gender? What if there was a flying squirrel? What if someone pulled a Robin Hood on Orochi?
So, here's Kaede. Regular Ebisu Town citizen by day, dying and mending kimonos, stealing food and shooting arrows at people by night. As Ebisu Town gets the leftovers from the Flower Capital, this also includes the half-eaten SMILEs, and Kaede had the one-in-a-million luck of one of the SMILEs, finicky things that they are, still having traces of the power it once gave. And so, she got the power of the flying squirrel SMILE, making her the "devil fruit twin" of Bao Huang. She practices kyūdō in secret and almost runs an arrow through Orochi's head after Yasuie's execution. She would've hit the bastard too if someone hadn't hit her bow and made her miss.
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The Soldier: Roronoa Sonoko
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Ah yes, the reason why this post took me so long... She just appeared the moment I saw the scene in OPLA where Morgan tries to get Zoro to join the Marines. Because my brain went: Y'know, what if he actually had? So, I bring to you: Zoro's sister. No, not biological sister. They're siblings the way the ASL brothers are siblings. By exchanging sake cups. They got in trouble for stealing the sake and the cups but it was all worth it. What makes the situation even funnier is that Sonoko keeps on telling people that they're not biological siblings but nobody believes her because she's pretty much Zoro's spitting image. And it's her fault, too! Because she chooses to wear those earrings (more or less, but that's a bit of a longer story) and she chooses to dye her hair green! Yes, among the thousands of people with naturally funky hair colors, Kaede is pretty much the only one who actually dyes her hair.
So yeah, she's a Marine! Freshly promoted to Ensign when Koby and Helmeppo join and Garp's protégé. Her sword training comes from Bogard but she uses Two-Sword Style, so it's more her figuring out techniques and Bogard putting up with them. That is until Garp calls on Mihawk to go catch Luffy. Hawk Eyes comes to the ship to say that he decided not to do just that and Garp, as a payment for not reporting this to the World Government, asks Mihawk to take Sonoko on as a student. Mihawk, being Mihawk, is about to remind Garp that he does whatever he wants and doesn't need a deal like that. But then he sees the spitting image of Zoro in front of him and hears the same last name - and he changes his mind. Maybe it's worth a shot?
Following that, I don't have that many ideas except that Sonoko gets a bunch of promotions, only to go AWOL to warn Mihawk of the dismantling of the Warlords system during the Reverie because, at this point, she's far more loyal to him than to the Government or the Marines. She then completely deserts and dashes to Wano to help her brother and his crew defeat Kaido. In the process of the Raid on Onigashima (possibly while protecting either Hiyori or Zoro), she loses an arm and one of her swords and is just... overcome with guilt and shame. So much so that she can't bring herself to return to Mihawk after this incredible failure. Franky does replace her arm with a robotic one and everyone is super nice and supportive to her, the samurai step in and try to reason with her, but she's completely blinded by shame and anxiety. She keeps training, of course, she keepy going, but she just doesn't see herself as worthy anymore of being the student of the World's Greatest Swordsman. But then Mihawk himself shows up at Wano, looking specifically for her and tells her that she isn't a failure, that he's proud of her for her sacrifice for her cause and, most importantly of all, because she kept going. So, all is well and she joins the Cross Guild. Maybe befriends Cabaji, I dunno.
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats @supermarine-silvally - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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writingonleaves · 6 months
meet our oc - amelie fishel
reckless driving au masterlist
**spoiler free!!**
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The basics!
Amelie Iris Fishel was born on June 11, 2002 in Detroit, Michigan
Her mother, Elise is of French descent and her father, Thomas is a quarter Filipino on his mother’s side. 
Amelie studied at the University of Michigan from 2020-2024 on a full scholarship, graduating with a double degree in communications and design. 
She worked with the Michigan Athletic Department as a photographer, photographing practically every single sport at the college. She was assigned to photograph the men’s hockey team a good amount, thus becoming familiar with the players.
In her last two years, she was the TA in classes that Adam Fantilli, Rutger McGroarty, Gavin Brindley, Luca Fantilli and Nick Moldenhauer took. 
With her time photographing the hockey team, she became the closest (relatively to the others) to Ethan Edwards
Dated twice in college
First time was more casual with a girl named Sara that she met in one of her classes freshmen year. Ended up just fizzling out. They’re still friendly
Second time was more serious with Cooper Volt, a guy on the baseball team
Dated for a little over a year; broke up January of her junior year
Hoping to photograph sports at the professional level
She has two older sisters and is close with both of them.
Colette Susanna is six years older than Amelie. She works for Kate Spade in New York City in fashion merchandising. 
Charlotte Marie is four years older than Amelie. She is studying at Stanford University for her PhD in Physics. 
Danced all throughout her childhood until she graduated high school. At her most intense, she was dancing close to 20 hours a week. She danced a bit in college, but not as intense. 
Nicknames include Ami aka ah-mee (by Ethan and her sisters), Mimi (by Adam)
Key character traits: stubborn, ambitious, rational, blunt, loyal
Clothing style: headbands, bows, hair scarves, etc etc. Amelie loves having some sort of fabric in her hair. 
Meets Jack Hughes during the summer of 2024, when she’s staying at Stanley and Ruth’s — her grandparents — new lakehouse that’s located on the same street as Quinn and Jack’s lakehouse in Bloomington, Michigan. 
She had already known Luke from when they overlapped in college.
Random fun tidbits!
The kind of person who has very few close friends than a bunch of friends (quality over quantity vibes)
Attaches memories to place a lot, to the point where it’s sometimes detrimental
Textbook introvert
Observes and adapts very seamlessly to her surroundings, which helps her photography career
Beer hater
Very good pool player
Sweet tooth - always has some sort of chocolate with her at all times
Favorite musical artists: 5 Seconds of Summer, Chelsea Cutler, Lizzy McAlpine, Miley Cyrus, Maggie Rogers, Noah Kahan 
Big musical theater fan — some of her favorite musicals are The Last Five Years, Dogfight, Waitress and In The Heights
Out of the three Fishel sisters, Amelie is often seen as the most emotional yet hardest to crack.
Will always sing in the car
Loves La La Land
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Pâtissier Warlord's Sweets Operation EP 1
The warlords were gathered at the port of Sakai under a clear sky.
Sasuke: "Actually, I gathered you all here because I wanted to talk to you about something."
Sasuke: "I found out that Mai has a big craving for sweets from back home."
Kenshin: "What are these sweets?"
Sasuke: "Charlotte cake, maritozzi, and crème brûlée."
Yukimura: "Ha? Are those some kind of spells?"
Sasuke: "These are famous sweets from foreign countries in our time. By the way, when I say sweets, I mean desserts."
Nobunaga: "Does it exist at this time?"
Sasuke: "That's a good question. The answer to that is no. None of them are available at this time."
Masamune: "Then why don't we make it? I think we can get the ingredients here."
Shingen: "So that's why you gathered us here. Well, this is my chance to make my goddess happy."
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Ieyasu: "We all want to make that girl happy."
Kennyo: "By the way, Sasuke. Do you know how to make these sweets?"
Sasuke: "I know their shape and taste, but I don't know how to make them."
Sasuke: "But we all want to please Mai, so why don't we all work together to make them?"
Kicho: "Then let's split into three groups."
Kicho: "Each group will make one dessert. Mai then will decide which group has the best-tasting food."
Sasuke: "Well then, let's get started."
Kanetsugu: "Sasuke, wait."
Sasuke: "Yes?"
Kanetsugu: "You're from the same hometown as her. The group you're in will have the advantage."
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Kenshin: "He's right. How are you going to decide on the groupings?"
Ranmaru: "You said that, but isn't it unfair that Lord Masamune is also an excellent cook?"
Sasuke: "For this year's grouping, I'm going to introduce a draft system."
Yoshimoto: "What is it like?"
Sasuke: "It's a method in which each representative, in turn, selects the people he wants in his group."
Sasuke: "Now, to the representatives, Lord Nobunaga, Lord Kenshin, and Lord Motonari. Please play rock-paper-scissors. We'll set the order in which you select your members."
Following Sasuke's instructions, the three played rock-paper-scissors and selected their members in the order of their victories.
Kenshin: "Masamune, Yoshimoto, Shingen, Kennyo, I'm counting on you guys."
Masamune: "Since you chose me, I'll make sure we'll win."
Shingen: "I have a sweet tooth, Yoshimoto is a gourmet, and Kennyo has his wisdom. I don't think we will lose."
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Nobunaga: "We also have Sasuke here. It's too early to think you've won."
Sasuke: "For Lord Nobunaga's group, Hideyoshi, Ranmaru, Mitsunari, Ieyasu, and me."
Nobunaga: "Hideyoshi knows a lot about food, and Ranmaru is a talented page."
Hideyoshi: "I will definitely be useful to you, my lord!"
Ranmaru: "Me too!"
Nobunaga: "Mitsunari will serve as the brain of the group. As for Ieyasu, well, it's good to have more manpower."
Ieyasu: "I disagree. Why are you treating me like I'm a burden?"
Nobunaga: "You, a spicy person, won't go well with sweets."
Mitsunari: "I'm counting on you, Lord Ieyasu!"
Ieyasu: "*sigh* I don't care about anything anymore."
Motonari: “Well, then, I choose Kicho, Mitsuhide, Kanetsugu, Yukimura, and Keiji.”
Kicho: “You’re right about choosing me, but I’m surprised you guys didn’t pick Mitsuhide first with his skill as an info-gatherer.”
Yukimura: “Not to mention, Kanetsugu is solid, and I’m confident in my dexterity. Keiji seems to be resourceful as well.”
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Yoshimoto: “But I still think it’s not fair that Sasuke is here. He’s the only one who knows what sweets are like 500 years from now."
Ranmaru: “Hey, Sasuke. Can you give us some advice?”
Sasuke: “I’ll tell you what I know later.”
Sasuke: “Now that we are all sorted, let’s decide the type of sweets by drawing lots. Representatives?”
Kenshin: “Maritozzi.”
Motonari: “Charlotte.”
Nobunaga: “Crème brûlée.”
Thus, the dessert battle between the Pâtissier warlords began.
❣ Next Episode
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dreamerwitches · 1 year
What are the witches’ favourite foods?
I personally think Gretchen would be fond of cream stew. It is Madoka’s canonical favourite food.
I'm not a very foody person but I'll do my best
Gertrud likes light sweet things like cheesecake or creme brulee. She has a sophisticated and adult palette. Her favourite is white chocolate and ginger cheesecake
Sulieka likes bitter and spicy food. She has a high spice tolerance. Her favourite is high percentage dark chocolate
Charlotte loves cheese but also does like sweet things. She's the kind to like odd combinations such as cheese and sweets. It's certainly strange but at least she'll eat almost anything. Her favourite is goats cheese
Elly has a sweet tooth but also likes quick ready meals like instant ramen. She hates cooking so just likes snacking on things and cooking things that simply go in the oven or microwave. She either eats far too much or not enough, she's desperately underweight. Her favourite is ajitama soy sauce ramen
Albertine has a very immature palette. Won't eat vegetables except carrots. She loves sweet things so much but doesn't have very good teeth... Her favourite is strawberry shortcake
Gisela doesn't really care about food so eats whatever. She prefers bland tasting things and can't really stomach things that are too spicy or rich. Doesn't eat in public as she has a strange way of digesting things. Her favourite, if she had to choose, would be a turkey sandwich.
Elsa Maria is the kind of person to eat anything just to please whoever has cooked for her so doesn't have anything she really doesn't like. But her favourites are ice cream and milkshakes, strawberry flavour for both~
Uhrmann is a picky eater and likes sweet things the most. She's underweight because she eats such few things. Her favourite is anything rhubarb and custard flavoured
Oktavia likes warm meals and spicy things. Really likes to eat meat. Her favourite is chicken curry
Izabel is another picky eater. She hates cooking but is also very judgemental of when other people cook for her. She hates anything that takes a long time to prepare. Her favourite is tart tatin (but she won't make it herself)
Patricia has a fondness for bento boxes and sushi. They make her feel nostalgic and she can make her own maki rolls very well. She loves to make food for others, especially her Mathieu. Her favourite is california rolls
Roberta is far more partial to any alcoholic beverage than food. But if she had to choose it'd be something fancy and expensive. She loves to spoil herself and to be spoiled. Her favourite is sachertorte
Kriemhild Gretchen's tastes are indeed similar to Madoka's. She loves home cooked food and eating meals with her friends. Her favourites are cream stew and hot chocolate
Walpurgisnacht likes warming food like a curry or stew and likes to make big meals for her daughters. Her favourite is beef bourguingon
Candeloro's tastes are similar to Mami's. She loves tea and cake and especially throwing tea parties. Her favourite tea is green tea and her favourite cake is red velvet cake
Ophelia is more picky than Kyoko but not desperately. She's a sucker for Japanese food and will gladly try anything new from the genre. Her favourite food is tempura
Homulilly likes sweet things, especially pastries and things with fruit in. Her favourite is strawberry tart
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grcveyacd · 6 months
🩵 for aiden and charlotte
send me a 🩵 and i’ll answer the following regarding our muses’ relationship! if you can’t see the emoji, send ‘light blue heart’!
who curses more? — aiden, obviously. 
who is more patient? — charlotte, aiden doesn’t even know what patience is lol
who does the driving? — aiden mostly but, only because he doesn’t trust her when she drives. 
who is louder? who is quieter? — i do feel like this is split between the middle on both? aiden can be loud but, he also has a lot of moments when he’s quiet as well. i think it would just depend on the context for both of them. 
who is more physically affectionate? — charlotte, aiden tries to be but, he’s always scared shitless of showing any physical affection towards her. 
who is more likely to tease the other? — aiden, hands down. it’s his mission in life.
who is better with time management? — charlotte, aiden has always been terrible at time management.
who wins the arm wrestling matches? — this really only happen when they have been drinking, and they are being dared to do it. typically, aiden will win but, there are times where he lets her win.
who controls the music in the car ride? — mixture of both, aidan doesn’t hate her music taste but, he will complain about it / vice versa. 
who covers dinner when they order in? — aiden, it’s his way of being a gentleman without actually making a big deal about it. 
who is more outgoing? who is more shy? — i feel aiden is the more outgoing one but, i feel like charlotte isn’t the shy type either. she is just more into her study’s than aiden is in his so, he is typically the one that tries to get her to go out but, i wouldn’t think she declines because she’s shy. 
who has the more outlandish fashion sense? — charlotte, aiden doesn’t really care about fashion and wears muted tones that he’s comfortable in. 
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them? — both though, aiden tends to start them more than she does because again, it’s his mission in life to annoy her. typically she ends them or he gets distracted enough and stops. 
who has the darker/more “edgy” sense of humor? — aiden, with all the emotional and physical trauma he’s dealt with throughout his life, he has developed a darker sense of humor. which at times, is a little darker than it needs to be. 
who is more competitive when it comes to games? — they are both competitive. 
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth? — aiden has the bigger appetite but, doesn’t like sweets all that much so, charlotte is typically the one that mentions getting ice cream every so often. 
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public? — aiden…. 
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them? — he doesn’t really host parties but, his fraternity does so, his frat house is typically the source of all their parties. but actually hangouts is a mixture of both of them. 
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other? — given that they are in college, i doubt that they cook a ton, especially since aiden lives in a frat house. but, i feel like charlotte would be the better cook out of the two of them. aiden really only knows how to make cereal and microwaved ramen. 
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior? — aiden…
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other? — i feel like this could be a mixture of the both of them? however, aiden is more in tune to it because due to his upbringing, he can always sense when something is off, and will constantly think it was his during. 
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)? — both, i don't think either one of them would care about talking to a waiter or anything. he’s not the type that would try to order for her. 
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support? — charlotte, always but, he has gotten a little better with being there for her when she needs it. 
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it? — ugh, aiden but, charlotte has started getting him back, which he secretly enjoys.
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lovely--lori · 2 years
Azrael Clay
Name: Azrael Clay
Age: 48
Species: Werewolf
Personality: Azrael is an arrogant and rude individual who always fights dirty and cheats in any way he can. He flirts with women regardless of whether they have a significant other. However, Azrael is also intelligent, cunning, and quick-witted. He can deduce things and come up with clever plans based on very little information. His father had expected him to get top marks in school after his first year but was disappointed when Mariana beat him. Azrael's arrogance hides a very broken and touch-starved individual in dire need of love and affection. He is extremely jealous and protective of the individuals he holds closest to his heart and has taken measures to ensure their safety. Despite his tough exterior, Azrael is actually a very sentimental and emotional person. He has a soft spot for animals and often takes in stray cats and dogs.
Family: Seth Clay (Brother, alive), Samuel Clay (Father, alive), Belladonna Clay (Mother, alive), Rosie Clay (Sister, alive), Charlotte Thomas (Ex-wife, alive), Sophia Thomas (Daughter, alive)
Backstory: His parents raised him to be the perfect heir to the Clay family. When he was a child, he became Gabriel's first servant and childhood best friend. He attacked Raphael when he was 16, scarred his face, and took his eye as a trophy. Later in life, he formed his own motorcycle gang, The Howling Wolves, which became so successful that it took over four towns in a few months (Redshore, Gray Beach, and Deerston). How He is maintaining his gang's effectiveness in Redshore.
Look: He's 6’11 feet tall, has dark gray-brown medium-long hair, and emerald green eyes like his father, brother, and sister. He's muscular and has very big man tits, he has some scars on his body. Cock size is 14 inches in length size, 11 in girth size, and two veins on both of his sides, he has a lorum piercing and some tattoos, one on his shoulder and one on his thigh.
Pronouns: He/Him
Facts about him
Azrael's favorite subjects in school were Home Economics and P.E
He barely eats any vegetables and everyone wonders how he stays alive
He goes to the gym every day
Azrael can skateboard, and he’s really good at it
He stays up until 7 am and sleeps in until 3
Azrael lies about his birthday for free food
He is bisexual
His birthday is Jan 15, 1975
Azrael has back pains from his height
Azrael used to shoplift as a teen, but he doesn't see a point to do it anymore
His motorcycle is Yamaha V-Star 250
He loves spending time in nature, especially near bodies of water. He finds the sound of running water to be very calming and often goes fishing to clear his mind. Azrael is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and has a black belt in multiple martial arts. He is a force to be reckoned with in a fight. Growing up, Azrael was not very academically inclined and struggled in school. However, he is a quick learner and has taught himself various skills, including woodworking and mechanics. He has a love for old-fashioned things, such as vinyl records and vintage cars. He often spends his free time restoring classic cars and listening to music from the 60s and 70s. Azrael has a fear of heights and will avoid situations that involve being up high, such as flying in airplanes or going on roller coasters. He has a sweet tooth and loves indulging in sugary treats, especially chocolate. He is also a fan of spicy foods and enjoys trying new and exotic dishes.
Character trope(s):
Bad boy
Badass biker
Dark and Troubled Past
Face claim:
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Body claim:
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Teeth Claim:
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Voice claim: Vanitas From Kingdom Hearts
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Eden Glazier's Profile
"What a perfect fit!"
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"Stepbrother to Damien and Adrian. A pretty idol-like student who attends Royal Sword Academy. He's considered the golden child of his family and would do anything to make others happy."
Introducing my Twisted Wonderland OC, Eden Glazier! He's twisted from Cinderella
Close Up + More Info Below
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Technical Information
Name: Eden Glazier
Japanese: エデン・ガラス屋
Other Names: DenDen (His Mother) Kitty/Kitten (Che'nya) Songbird (Neige)
Meaning: His first name, Eden means "place of pleasure and delight" His family name, Glazier means "glass maker"
Voice Claim: Shunya Hiruma
Biographical Information
Gender: Demiboy
He partially identifies as male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Bisexual
He has a slight lean towards men
Age: 18
Birthday: December 15
Starsign: Sagittarius
Height: 165 cm (5'5)
Eye Color: Astral Blue
Hair Color: Bermuda Gray-Blue
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Eden was born in the Queendom of Roses but when his father remarried, he moved into his stepmother's house in the Land of Pyroxene
Family: Mother (Deceased), Father, Stepmother, Damien Marwood (Stepbrother), Adrian Marwood (Stepbrother)
Professional Status
School: Royal Sword Academy
School Year: Third
Class: 3-E, Student No. 24
Occupation: Student
Club: Pop Music Club
Eden loves all things music. And since his hobby is singing, he thought it was fitting to join a club about music
Best Subject: Art
Eden paints during his free time and finds it enjoyable. Along with this, he has a deep appreciation for all forms of art. His passion made his excel in art class
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Charlotte Russe
Eden has a big sweet tooth and loves all types of cakes. But the one cake that he finds the most enjoyable to eat is Charlotte Russe
Least Favorite Food: Licorice
Eden finds the taste of licorice to be bitter and unpleasant
Dislikes: Pushy People
He has a hard time saying "no" to people and tries his hardest to put his foot down. But when people really push him to do something for them, he finds it even harder to reject their request
Hobby: Singing
As a kid, Eden loved to sing with his mother. And even after his mother's passing, he continues to sing whenever he can. He tends to sing as he paints or cleans
Talent: Charm
Eden is able to easily charm others. He can use his charm to persuade others, get out of trouble, and can talk himself into places he wants to be
Eden is a beautiful and pretty man. He has fair skin and both blue eyes and hair. His hair is fluffy and his bangs are parted in the middle. He also has freckles across his cheeks
He wears his school uniform with the coat open, exposing the light blue button-up that he wears underneath. To accessorize this, he wears a white jabot with gold ends. On top of the jabot is a gold chain with a pink gem. He pairs his uniform with light blue loafers
Compared to his stepbrothers, Eden is beautiful inside and out. Though he was brought up in a wealthy household, he is kind and generous. He's caring and helps those in need of being cared for
Despite his stepbrothers' obvious disdain for him, he still shows them love. Though this often comes off as being oblivious. But he's the exact opposite of that. He doesn't care if people hate him and still shows them kindness, even if they don't really deserve it
Though at times Eden can space out. He has a big imagination and often daydreams. He often loses track of time. He is also not the cleanest student. He tends to accidentally get his uniform dirty when painting or cleaning. But this caused him to perfect cleaning spells
Eden has a hard time being firm and putting his foot down. He does whatever people tell him to do, even if he doesn't really wanna do it. Though he attempts to refuse, he ends up doing what the other person says anyways. This causes him to get frustrated
Skills and Magic
Painting: Eden is very skilled at painting. He's often seen around campus painting the scenery
Flora Magic: Eden is very adept at flora magic. Most of the spells he's mastered are flora spells
Unique Magic
Eden's Unique Magic is "If The Shoe Fits" He's able to use his UM to make anyone fit something for a short amount of time. He can make a person shrink or grow to fit into a place or item. He can also use it vice versa. He can make something fit a person. He can reverse the effects at will, but usually it only lasts a few hours
The amount of magic used depends on how big the alteration is. So if he shrunk a person down to fit into a small hole, it would take a large amount of magic. But if he were to change a large shirt to fit like a medium, it would take a small amount of magic
Eden doesn't like using his UM, especially on other people. Since he tends to lose track of time. And since his UM is time sensitive, he would hate for something bad to happen due to the effects of his UM reversing at an inconvenient time
Eden was born the only child of two wealthy parents. Though he had everything he needed at a moment's notice, his parents raised him to be a kind boy. He was homeschooled growing up so he didn't have many friends, but this just made him closer to his parents. Eden believed his life was perfect, but that changed when he was 8 the day his mother died. The shock of losing his mom caused Eden to lose the light in his eyes. He was shyer and more hesitant to do anything. While going through this time in his life, he was by his father's side, doing whatever he wanted in hopes it'll make him happy, even if Eden himself wasn't happy
This started Eden's mindset of wanting to be a people pleaser. He kept that mindset even after his father remarried. Eden was excited to have other boys his age to play with. But that excitement quickly disappeared when he saw how mean and foul his stepbrothers were. But Eden didn't let their view on him stop him from trying to become closer to them. He'd try to do nice things for his stepbrothers but he was still met with the same treatment
The divide between Eden and his stepbrothers only grew the older they got. Eden became the golden child and the one that was favored by both his father and stepmother. This caused his stepbrothers to become jealous of him. When he got into Royal Sword Academy, he was convinced that he would never be able to form a good relationship with his stepbrothers. But he still treated them with kindness whenever he got to see them during holidays and breaks. He'd text them though he rarely gets responses
Upon entering RSA, Eden became really popular due to his looks and kind heart. He finally got a social media account. He started posting videos of him singing which gave him a pretty big following on social media.
In his second year at RSA, Eden was able to make a breakthrough with Adrian. They began to form a good relationship with each other, which is what Eden wanted for years
(TW for harassment in the next paragraph)
But his second year wasn't all good. RSA was visited by an all-girls school for a 2 week-long assignment on how to act like a gentleman. The girl he was partnered with was very pushy and touchy. She constantly made advances on him, it started as flirty touches that Eden would brush off, but it slowly started turning into something more. She tried kissing and touching Eden in ways that made him uncomfortable. When Eden tried telling her he was uncomfortable, she stopped, only to continue a while later. When the 2 weeks were almost up, the girl made one last advance which caused Eden to snap. He yelled at her that he was tired of feeling uncomfortable and unsafe when he was around her. Eden snapping caused him and the girl to receive a failing grade. Some people viewed him negatively and thought he could've handled the situation better and politely told the girl to stop, even though Eden had already tried that several times. This event caused Eden to become wary of physical affection and develop a fear that people won't listen if he says no
Notable Relationships
Damien Marwood: Eden's relationship with Damien is the most strained. Damien has made it clear that he does not like Eden numerous times. But the more Damien insists that he doesn't like him, the more Eden tries to get on friendlier terms with him. Eden tries to do nice things for Damien, such as making him tea or giving him snacks, but he is yet to make a breakthrough with him. Though Damien doesn't express it, his hate for Eden has lessened over the years. He still dislikes Eden, but not as much as he did when he was a kid. He is watching over him secretly, as he feels like it's his duty as technically the oldest kid in the family. Damien got the girl who harassed Eden in his 2nd year expelled after he heard about what she did. Eden calls Damien "Dami"
Adrian Marwood: Though Eden and Adrian's relationship started out similar to how Eden and Damien's relationship was, Adrian learned to let things go. Though it took years, Adrian realized that hating Eden was pointless. When they got on friendly terms with each other, they realized they had a lot in common. They spend as much time together as possible when they're both home for break in order to try and get closer. Adrian turned to Eden when he realized he liked Trey and Eden encouraged him to pursue him. Though Eden texts both of his stepbrothers during the school year, Eden usually texts Adrian more and asks him for updates on how he and Damien are doing since he knows Adrian is more open to talking than Damien is. Eden calls Adrian "Adri"
Neige LeBlance: Neige is one of Eden's closest friends. They first met when Eden showed Neige around campus as sort of a mentor. The two were big fans of each other. Eden admired Neige's acting skills and Neige admired Eden's singing skills. The two became closer over time and often appear on each other's social medias. The two developed a mutual crush on each other the more they hung out. And though they haven't outright confessed to each other, they often act like a couple. They do couple things together and still call each other a good friend. But that's because they don't know how to approach the subject. People on social media often post about the two of them and speculate if they're dating. Neige calls Eden "Songbird" due to how pleasant his singing is and how much he sings
Che'nya: Che'nya was the first friend Eden made at RSA. Because Eden had never been to an actual school before RSA, he was fairly nervous when it came to talking to other people his age. But Che'nya was friendly towards him right away. It was comforting and ever since then, Eden has been attached to him. Over time, Eden developed a crush on him. Eden hasn't told Che'nya anything, but he already knows. Che'nya makes Eden feel comfortable and he enjoys the amount of chaos he brings into his life. Sometimes, Eden asks Che'nya to check on his brothers whenever he goes to sneak onto NRC campus. Che'nya calls Eden "Kitty" or "Kitten" because Eden was small and timid when he first met him, which reminded him of a kitten
Neige and Che'nya know that Eden has a crush on the other as well as themself, but don't consider the other competition. They often talk about Eden when they hang out with each other (good things of course)
Eden really likes shoes and has many pairs of them
The pink gem Eden wears came from one of his mom's necklaces that he repurposed to be an accessory he can wear
Eden is one of the school's best magift (spelldrive) players
Eden has a lot of animal friends. He got in trouble a few times for trying to sneak some into his dorm
His middle name is "Clarus"
Eden found his Unique Magic when he accidentally ordered a pair of shoes in a size too small. He tried different spells to change the shoe's size and after many failed attempts, he suddenly got his shoes to fit with magic. But of course, he found out that the spell didn't last as well that day
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yanderelucy2 · 2 years
This is my first time posting on Tumblr so... help. Anyways this is Ikepri kids and how I think their kid/s would act. Note: I suck at English and languages in general. (Only Rhodolite princes btw!)
Chevalier Michel:
Either has one kid or seven. I only say seven because I think it would be cool if each kid represented one of the seven deadly sins. (I'm an obey me fan ok?!)
The first kid would be a badass daughter, no debate there. She would be just like her dad with the whole beast thing except she'll be a little more human with MC. I always think of her as Charlotte Roselei from Black Clover, so yes there will be a man that will make me more human than a beast.
I can do the seven deadly sin kid thing on another post or something.
Leon Dompteur
I headcanon maybe two kids but with a pretty big age gap. I think it would be a son and then maybe like 10 years later or something they have a daughter, only because I think it would be super cute of a dynamic where the older brother keeps his sister safe and takes her to have a bunch of fun.
The son would be a semi-troublemaker because Jin and Clavis encouraged the bad behavior. He will grow out of it and end up training under Licht to then rule Leon's army. He would look like MC but with Leon's color palette.
The daughter will look almost identical to Leon. She has MC's personality though and they often read together, when she's older though she likes to read stories at an orphanage. She seems like a popular well like a princess in Rhodolite, she will also praise her brother any chance she gets.
Jin Grandet
Probably have like four kids. Three girls and then the last is a boy. The girls though give very big sister energy and are very protective over their little brother.
The first two would be besties because they would have maybe a year or months apart of an age gap, then the third sister would be born three years later. The youngest little son would be born two years after.
All the girls grow up with a pretty big bust because of Jin's genetics. The second would look like MC while the rest of the kids look more like Jin. The boy grows up to be a lot more respectful to women than his dad was, mainly because his sisters beat the respect into him.
(This one was so difficult!)
Licht Klein
Probably one son at first, plan for one until three years later because he seems a little lonely. The second would be a boy although Licht was hoping for a girl.
The son would be very energetic and happy a lot, has his dad's sweet tooth though. Really likes to bake with Yves, but doesn't like how Yves shows affection so will always be sassy back. Looks like MC, but with Licht's color palette.
The other son would look like MC in every aspect, but the eye color. This kid is a little quieter, but the second you talk about swords or military things he will be so content and talk with you a lot, he has Licht's singing skills. Sadly he has bits of Nokto's personality with women when he's older. Overall he and his brother will just hang out in town and spar for practice sometimes... this normally is done without Licht knowing.
Nokto Klein
A pair of twins. It's a pair of boy twins, they're fraternal though so one looks like MC, and the other looks like Nokto.
Nokto told them not to tell others they're twins. Nokto was also really scared about the whole twins' thing after what happened when he was younger, but it ended up fine because MC was the most gentle mother ever.
The older twin is a little arrogant child because he has his dad's looks and when he's older he's a bit more shy and timid because he was rejected by his crush when he like like 14. He has Licht's sweet tooth though, so they often eat MC and Yves' sweets.
The younger twin is a very kind child that loves animals, especially rabbits because they remind him of his mom. He grows up to be a favorite of the town folk and he's known for being gentle. His enemies think he's aggressive though and he and his brother get really aggressive when in battle. They have the best coordination though and will always make sure the other is safe.
Luke Randolph
One girl, that's it. Luke is a wonderful dad, but he got kind of overprotective and aggressive with the first kid, Luke was too worried for her.
She would look like MC in many aspects but would have Luke's ferocity in her eyes which would fear some people, this made her tend to avoid eye contact. She was still a very gentle girl, but also very beautiful and Luke wouldn't stop worrying about other men doing something to her, so anytime she would go out he would accompany her. She once told him off and he realized "Maybe I am doing a bit much."
Overall a wonderful beautiful girl, but her Dad has some issues to fix... when she was young they would play a lot though, and got along he just needed to loosen up.
Clavis Lelouch
Three kids, two boys, and one girl. The girl is the middle child, but do not be fooled she is just like her dad and her brothers want a break. They all have a 2 year age gap.
The oldest looks like MC and acts like MC, the only thing is he hates his dad's pranks and will often hide with Chev in his private library to read in peace. He would get along with Chev, but he would get jealous of Chevie's abilities and at times would avoid him.
The middle girl is in absolute chaos. She loves pranking people with her dad, she loves to see a reaction from people. She used to prank her brothers a lot but realized that they distanced themself from her and excluded her a bit so she stopped. She likes attention like her dad, I mean she looks exactly like him except for her smile that shines just like her mom's smile.
The youngest son looks like his dad, he enjoys the attention from girls, but he would never tell. He likes to seem like his older brother, all cool and mysterious disappearing at night and everything. It wasn't his thing though he would fall asleep after reading a book. He tried pranking but didn't like how people reacted toward him. He then just drowned himself in training and realized that a lot of ladies like a strong man.
Yves Kloss
He wanted a boy at first but ended up having a girl. Didn't complain though he's appreciative.
She is a very pretty woman, but as a girl, she was very sad because kids would make fun of her weight from all the sweets she ate. Luckily her dad would comfort her, and teach her everything he knew. She grew up, not skinny like everyone else but that's what everyone loved about her. How fresh and healthy she looked. She was a very kind gentle soul, but if you were to disrespect anyone in her family she will turn into the sassiest woman in town. She looked like both MC and Yves combined into one beautiful goddess.
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