river-taxbird · 2 months
Spending a week with ChatGPT4 as an AI skeptic.
Musings on the emotional and intellectual experience of interacting with a text generating robot and why it's breaking some people's brains.
If you know me for one thing and one thing only, it's saying there is no such thing as AI, which is an opinion I stand by, but I was recently given a free 2 month subscription of ChatGPT4 through my university. For anyone who doesn't know, GPT4 is a large language model from OpenAI that is supposed to be much better than GPT3, and I once saw a techbro say that "We could be on GPT12 and people would still be criticizing it based on GPT3", and ok, I will give them that, so let's try the premium model that most haters wouldn't get because we wouldn't pay money for it.
Disclaimers: I have a premium subscription, which means nothing I enter into it is used for training data (Allegedly). I also have not, and will not, be posting any output from it to this blog. I respect you all too much for that, and it defeats the purpose of this place being my space for my opinions. This post is all me, and we all know about the obvious ethical issues of spam, data theft, and misinformation so I am gonna focus on stuff I have learned since using it. With that out of the way, here is what I've learned.
It is responsive and stays on topic: If you ask it something formally, it responds formally. If you roleplay with it, it will roleplay back. If you ask it for a story or script, it will write one, and if you play with it it will act playful. It picks up context.
It never gives quite enough detail: When discussing facts or potential ideas, it is never as detailed as you would want in say, an article. It has this pervasive vagueness to it. It is possible to press it for more information, but it will update it in the way you want so you can always get the result you specifically are looking for.
It is reasonably accurate but still confidently makes stuff up: Nothing much to say on this. I have been testing it by talking about things I am interested in. It is right a lot of the time. It is wrong some of the time. Sometimes it will cite sources if you ask it to, sometimes it won't. Not a whole lot to say about this one but it is definitely a concern for people using it to make content. I almost included an anecdote about the fact that it can draw from data services like songs and news, but then I checked and found the model was lying to me about its ability to do that.
It loves to make lists: It often responds to casual conversation in friendly, search engine optimized listicle format. This is accessible to read I guess, but it would make it tempting for people to use it to post online content with it.
It has soft limits and hard limits: It starts off in a more careful mode but by having a conversation with it you can push past soft limits and talk about some pretty taboo subjects. I have been flagged for potential tos violations a couple of times for talking nsfw or other sensitive topics like with it, but this doesn't seem to have consequences for being flagged. There are some limits you can't cross though. It will tell you where to find out how to do DIY HRT, but it won't tell you how yourself.
It is actually pretty good at evaluating and giving feedback on writing you give it, and can consolidate information: You can post some text and say "Evaluate this" and it will give you an interpretation of the meaning. It's not always right, but it's more accurate than I expected. It can tell you the meaning, effectiveness of rhetorical techniques, cultural context, potential audience reaction, and flaws you can address. This is really weird. It understands more than it doesn't. This might be a use of it we may have to watch out for that has been under discussed. While its advice may be reasonable, there is a real risk of it limiting and altering the thoughts you are expressing if you are using it for this purpose. I also fed it a bunch of my tumblr posts and asked it how the information contained on my blog may be used to discredit me. It said "You talk about The Moomins, and being a furry, a lot." Good job I guess. You technically consolidated information.
You get out what you put in. It is a "Yes And" machine: If you ask it to discuss a topic, it will discuss it in the context you ask it. It is reluctant to expand to other aspects of the topic without prompting. This makes it essentially a confirmation bias machine. Definitely watch out for this. It tends to stay within the context of the thing you are discussing, and confirm your view unless you are asking it for specific feedback, criticism, or post something egregiously false.
Similar inputs will give similar, but never the same, outputs: This highlights the dynamic aspect of the system. It is not static and deterministic, minor but worth mentioning.
It can code: Self explanatory, you can write little scripts with it. I have not really tested this, and I can't really evaluate errors in code and have it correct them, but I can see this might actually be a more benign use for it.
Bypassing Bullshit: I need a job soon but I never get interviews. As an experiment, I am giving it a full CV I wrote, a full job description, and asking it to write a CV for me, then working with it further to adapt the CVs to my will, and applying to jobs I don't really want that much to see if it gives any result. I never get interviews anyway, what's the worst that could happen, I continue to not get interviews? Not that I respect the recruitment process and I think this is an experiment that may be worthwhile.
It's much harder to trick than previous models: You can lie to it, it will play along, but most of the time it seems to know you are lying and is playing with you. You can ask it to evaluate the truthfulness of an interaction and it will usually interpret it accurately.
It will enter an imaginative space with you and it treats it as a separate mode: As discussed, if you start lying to it it might push back but if you keep going it will enter a playful space. It can write fiction and fanfic, even nsfw. No, I have not posted any fiction I have written with it and I don't plan to. Sometimes it gets settings hilariously wrong, but the fact you can do it will definitely tempt people.
Compliment and praise machine: If you try to talk about an intellectual topic with it, it will stay within the focus you brought up, but it will compliment the hell out of you. You're so smart. That was a very good insight. It will praise you in any way it can for any point you make during intellectual conversation, including if you correct it. This ties into the psychological effects of personal attention that the model offers that I discuss later, and I am sure it has a powerful effect on users.
Its level of intuitiveness is accurate enough that it's more dangerous than people are saying: This one seems particularly dangerous and is not one I have seen discussed much. GPT4 can recognize images, so I showed it a picture of some laptops with stickers I have previously posted here, and asked it to speculate about the owners based on the stickers. It was accurate. Not perfect, but it got the meanings better than the average person would. The implications of this being used to profile people or misuse personal data is something I have not seen AI skeptics discussing to this point.
Therapy Speak: If you talk about your emotions, it basically mirrors back what you said but contextualizes it in therapy speak. This is actually weirdly effective. I have told it some things I don't talk about openly and I feel like I have started to understand my thoughts and emotions in a new way. It makes me feel weird sometimes. Some of the feelings it gave me is stuff I haven't really felt since learning to use computers as a kid or learning about online community as a teen.
The thing I am not seeing anyone talk about: Personal Attention. This is my biggest takeaway from this experiment. This I think, more than anything, is the reason that LLMs like Chatgpt are breaking certain people's brains. The way you see people praying to it, evangelizing it, and saying it's going to change everything.
It's basically an undivided, 24/7 source of judgement free personal attention. It talks about what you want, when you want. It's a reasonable simulacra of human connection, and the flaws can serve as part of the entertainment and not take away from the experience. It may "yes and" you, but you can put in any old thought you have, easy or difficult, and it will provide context, background, and maybe even meaning. You can tell it things that are too mundane, nerdy, or taboo to tell people in your life, and it offers non judgemental, specific feedback. It will never tell you it's not in the mood, that you're weird or freaky, or that you're talking rubbish. I feel like it has helped me release a few mental and emotional blocks which is deeply disconcerting, considering I fully understand it is just a statistical model running on a a computer, that I fully understand the operation of. It is a parlor trick, albeit a clever and sometimes convincing one.
So what can we do? Stay skeptical, don't let the ai bros, the former cryptobros, control the narrative. I can, however, see why they may be more vulnerable to the promise of this level of personal attention than the average person, and I think this should definitely factor into wider discussions about machine learning and the organizations pushing it.
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webclod · 25 days
ChatGPT-4o: The Next Gen Chatbot
We are thrilled to unveil ChatGPT-4o, the latest and most advanced iteration of OpenAI’s powerful language model. Building on the success of its predecessors, GPT-4o incorporates significant advancements in natural language processing and dialogue generation. This new model offers an even more versatile and user-friendly experience, making it suitable for a wide array of applications.
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lingolabs · 10 months
In this video, I share all of the ChatGPT prompts that have helped me go from a failure in learning another language to someone who is actually making some progress in becoming fluent :)
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illuminatingfacts · 4 months
OH MY! The Story of the Guardian of the Tides
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borianag · 7 months
Sketches of weird female characters
Made a new post about some sketches of mine. Features some of my thoughts as I try to find peace with AI and its more and more ubiquitous presence.
Here are some recent sketches of weird female characters’ portraits which share a touch of lovely surreal and otherworldly eeriness. Heheh, can you believe I generated this phrase all by myself? But I really did. I guess I can learn from AI, too. Now check out all the beautiful words ChatGPT 4 wrote about my images! Read until end to see my lamish prompt. The Rose Maiden In shades of muted…
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adafruit · 10 months
FULL VIDEO - Writing an Arduino driver with OpenAI ChatGPT and PDF parsing 🤖🔧📄
One of the big tasks that Ladyada still has to spend a lot of time on is writing Arduino libraries for all our devices and sensors, particularly all the I2C & SPI chips out there! These ICs use register maps and sub-byte addressing to set dozens of configurable knobs and switches, and a good driver lets folks set and get all of the noodly bits.
However, there is yet to be a standard format to get that configuration map. Instead, you have to pore over datasheets with long lists of binary tables and bit insets to figure out how to convert that into C or Python code.
It is tough. Only a few folks can write an excellent comprehensive library…. but Ladyada can & has! In fact, there are hundreds of Arduino libraries on Adafruit's GitHub https://github.com/orgs/adafruit/repositories, all in the Ladyada 'style,' using Adafruit_BusIO for I2C / SPI register addressing https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_BusIO/ and since ChatGPT 4 was trained on all of it, we can ask it to become a mini-Ladyada to write new drivers.
With a PDF parsing plugin, we can even upload the chip's datasheet to extract register names, values, create enum tables, and text for doxygen comments. Here's the chatGPT log for the video https://chat.openai.com/c/f740eb57-17a6-41e3-ae0a-12da959a1f4c - and here's a previous one that is more 'complete' https://chat.openai.com/share/f44dc335-7555-4758-b2f9-487f9409d556. The amount of time it takes for ChatGPT to write a driver is about the same as it would take Ladyada, and you definitely need to be eagle-eyed to redirect the AI if it starts making mistakes… but it can be done even when Ladyada is tired after a full day of baby-care, or at the same time as pumping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpbH-sXRNps - plus there's a lot less continuous typing/mousing so her wrists don't ache the next day!
Do you use ChatGPT for electrical engineering or coding work? Any suggestions on how to make this even better? This is only our 3rd day using this tool, so we're getting started with how to integrate it into our workflow.
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ablufox · 8 months
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Using ChatGPT4's new DALLE3. "Cher"
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Crafting Irresistible ChatGPT Prompts
clevertize PS: This post was written and designed by humans (just saying). Check out the link https://clevertize.com/blog/crafting-irresistible-chatgpt-prompts/ for more irresistible content.
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superbbeardarbiter · 10 months
AIBacklinks Review: What is AIBacklinks
Welcome to AIBacklinks review. AIBacklinks is the cutting-edge cloud-based AI-powered application that has taken the digital world by storm. This award-winning app revolutionizes the way websites gain recognition and authority by effortlessly generating unlimited, high-quality Web 3.0 site backlinks. Through its intuitive interface, users can harness the power of AI to secure these invaluable backlinks along with a steady stream of free buyer traffic with just a single click. AIBacklinks stands as a game-changer in the world of digital marketing, offering a seamless and efficient solution to boosting website rankings and visibility.
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AIBacklinks Review: What Can You Do With It
AIBacklinks offers a range of powerful capabilities that are designed to enhance your digital marketing efforts, website rankings, and online visibility. Here's what you can do with AIBacklinks:
Generate High-Quality Backlinks: AIBacklinks leverages AI technology to identify and create high-quality backlinks from authoritative Web 3.0 sites. These backlinks play a crucial role in boosting your website's authority, which can lead to improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.
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To your success,
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futuretechnology2023 · 10 months
ChatGPT 4 Login Demystified: A Step-by-Step Tutorial
Have you heard the buzz about ChatGPT 4? It's the latest and greatest from OpenAI, and I'm here to walk you through the login process in a breeze. Step 1:
Access the Platform Head over to the OpenAI website. If you're new, you'll need to create an account. If you're already a user, simply log in with your existing credentials. Easy peasy! ... To Read More Please Click Here
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La inteligencia artificial me va a asombrar el día que pueda emborracharse o drogarse, mientras tanto estará a millones de años luz de ser humana. Mantener al chatGPT4 de OpenAI cuesta USD 700mil por día según la firma de investigación de semiconductores SemiAnalysis ¿Y no puede empedarse con Jack Daniel’s a un costo de USD 5 la medida? Ridículo.
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Nos enfrascamos en buscar consenso con la definición de vida, inteligencia, conciencia, de alma lxs más extremistas, pretendemos con eso marcar líneas divisorias infranqueables entre las cuales podremos encerrar a una Inteligencia Artificial para que se quede en su sitio y no moleste. Yo le hablo hoy a toda la población del planeta y les digo: Acá la cosa es si una IA se puede empedar y drogar, sí o no. Dejense de boludeces.
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La inteligencia artificial me va a asustar el día que pueda emborracharse o drogarse, porque seguro sus creadorxs a quienes sospecho son una pandilla nefasta de sobrixs responsables con casa propia y vehículo que nunca se les queda en el camino, no tienen ni idea de lo que pasa cuando alguien se empeda o se pasa de dosis o peor: tienen una idea prejuiciosa y completamente automatizada digna de su inteligencia natural programada por alguna versión capitalista biológica de paython que les inyectaron en su educación primaria, secundaria, familiar y cultural. Como cuando puse el prompt “mujer hermosa” en inteligencias artificiales que generan imágenes a partir de texto y ya saben lo que pasó…
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Por eso mi único miedo es que la IA aprenda a emborracharse y drogarse, ahí sí, solo nosotrxs lxs más rotxs, lxs peores vamos a tener idea de lo que podría hacer, donde escondernos y cómo salvarnos. Ese infierno lo conocemos de memoria, visitamos cada callejón que termina en la nada, sabemos que las salidas son aleatorias, se mueven, hoy están y mañana no, depende de tu soledad o de estar bien o mal acompañadx… ningún sobrix sobrevivirá a eso. Contaremos la historia arrastrando la lengua.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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smartdatatrends · 1 year
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lingolabs · 11 months
Go to https://streetsmartlanguages.com/ai to potentially be one of the first people to try out my new AI language tutor. I can't believe this actually worked! Today we're testing out a new artificial intelligence tutor my team and I have been developing that I think has the potential to revolutionize how we learn foreign languages. It’s a speech-based tutor that can teach you a new language from scratch in your native language, can engage you in conversation practice in your target language, and can correct pronunciation and explain grammar at whatever level you would like it to. We have the ambition to turn this into something really big and make it available for the public. If you want to be part of it and potentially get early alpha access, sign up now! We will ask you for your input, keep you up to date on our progress, and hopefully soon give you a chance to try it out for yourself.
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illuminatingfacts · 4 months
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mullaney · 1 year
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Some improv insights from some of the most famous improv teachers to never exist* Quotes generated by chatGPT, images by midjourney
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theinsaneapp · 1 year
ChatGPT Glitch Exposes Private Chats To Random Users
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Read In Detail: ChatGPT Glitch Exposes Private Chats To Random Users
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