#Chicago pd one shot
Whatever Comes
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,147
Warnings: A lot of angst. Mentions of blood, life-threatening injuries, hit-and-run, fracture wounds, and miscarriage.
Summary: Doctor (y/n) (y/l/n) and Jay Halstead are secretly dating when there is a terrible accident involving (y/n) and a lot comes to light.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Okay, so this is my first fic in a long while and I don't think it's all that good but I had to restart somewhere, so I hope you like it anyway!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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You had just gotten out of your car across the street from the side of Med and, as you were making your way through the bit of road that led to the hospital, a car comes into the driveway — screeching tires, in full speed — and runs you over long before you could even see anything and, there, in the matter of a few seconds, everything goes black and you’re left bleeding out in the street.
Almost an hour later, after you had regained consciousness and had begun dragging yourself, very slowly, towards the hospital, Will and Ethan, about to go inside Med, spot you and run your way eager to help you out — even if they hadn’t known it was you at first.
“Oh man, it’s Dr. (y/n) (y/l/n)!” Ethan exclaimed.
“(y/n), can you hear me?!?” You sort of heard Will ask through your dizziness haze.
“Wow, you’re actually shorter this up close than I had imagined at first.” You attempted a joke with your friend, momentarily gaining some clarity.
Ignoring you, Will just asked no one specifically, “oh Lord, how long has she been bleeding out here?”
Decisive as always, you heard as Dr. Choi commanded, “I don’t know but, come on, Will, let’s carry her to the ED!”
As soon as your friends get inside the hospital with you, everybody stays in shock for a moment until Maggie yells: "get her in treatment 4, now!"
Following her lead, Will and Ethan get started on treating you, who has a few broken ribs, and free fluid in your belly besides from a punctured spleen. Having done their best in the ED, they decide to send your upstairs for surgery with Crocket.
Once you're going to surgery, Miss Goodwin tells Maggie and the doctors to call PD and specifically ask for Intelligence, since you were friends with the unit. As the cops get there, one stands out: Jay Halstead. He's frantic, devastated-looking, just completely lost, and desperate to hear more news about your condition. No one really understands why he is reacting like that, but all of them do share the fear of losing a great friend. Voight's giving out assignments to the team, so Jay knows that that's when he needs to speak up.
"Um, sarge?" All eyes are on him. "If you and the team don't mind running one man short today... I was hoping that I could, um, stay here with- with her?" Hank just stares at him, unlike everyone else — who are shocked — the older man's focus is on his detective's eyes, on the way he was so distraught from the moment they got the call about (y/l/n). That was the behavior, the look, of a terrified man. And, as everyone there knew, Jay Halstead — the freaking war vet — wasn't one to get scared easily. "(y/n) and I-"
"It's fine. No need to explain. You should stay here, Jay. Let us know, in case anything changes. And we'll catch the son of a bitch." He said firmly, making Jay feel as appreciative as ever, and, also, sending an implicit message to all the other members of the unit, one that said: we work this with all we got right now, for (y/n), and for Jay, no questions asked.
After the officers left the hospital, there was still a big commotion from everyone who stayed, because it was one of their own up there in the or. But, surpassing everyone else's, was Will's surprise by how distraught Jay looked, especially considering how his little brother wanted to stay at the hospital, instead of going to find who hurt you. So he comes to confront the detective about it. "So... You and (y/n) are a thing?" Will asked, trying to understand. Since Jay just nodded his head, he decided to push a little further: "And... Were you ever planning to tell me? What the hell, man?"
"Will, I-"
"She's one of my best friends, Jay! Not to mention the fact that I'm the doctor who oversees her work here!"
"Will you put it down?" Jay pleaded with his brother, motioning him to a more reserved corner of the waiting room. "I know, okay? I know. And I'm sorry if it upsets you, man, I really am. But this could've blown her career. That's why we hadn't told you yet." It was clear that Will didn't exactly like his brother's explanation, but he knew it was true.
"Just... How long?"
"Um, about six months?"
"Six months?!" The doctor yelled in shock, then repeated it in a lower tone. "But, six months?"
"Yeah, I know it's a lot of time keeping you in the dark, Will. But, trust me, we weren't thrilled about it. And we were hoping to tell you soon. I swear." Jay said, and his brother could, once again, see it was the truth.
"So, that means that when you started seeing each other she was still finishing med school?"
"Yeah, that's right. Which was, like, the main reason for us to keep it under wraps. An intern dating the attending doctor's little brother? Wouldn't look good."
"That's true..." At that point, Will took another look at his brother. Jay looked so worried and scared, even while trying to hide it. "So, uh, you guys are serious?" That question got a little smile out of the detective.
"Yes, we are. I know that it is new for you... But, I love her, Will. I really do." He took a moment to breathe, not being able to hold back some tears this time. “And, I can’t lose her. I just can’t.”
“Jay…” Will started saying but didn’t quite know how to continue. What could he possibly say to comfort his brother right now? “We just… We just gotta stay hopeful, okay? (y/n) is a really tough person and Dr. Marcel is a great surgeon, you know it. She is gonna pull through.”
A lot of disquieting hours later Crocket finally comes out of the surgery, just to be met by a very worried hospital staff and an on-edge Jay Halstead.
"Where is sh- How is she? Is (y/n) okay? Can I see her?" The detective hovers, not even taking a breath.
"Wow! Uh, you gotta calm down a little, buddy."
"Don't give me that crap! Just- just tell me how she is!" Jay shouts again, not giving a damn about what anyone was thinking. You were the only thing on his mind right now.
"Alright. But try to keep breathing, okay?" To that, the other man didn't even bother to answer. "Okay, um, it was a very complicated surgery, I had to do a lot of cleaning and moving around to get to the worst parts and-"
"Can you please just cut to the part where you tell me if she's okay? No offense, but you can fill me in on the details later." Jay stated nervously. It wasn't just that he wanted to know what was the result of all those hours in the or, but, also, because Jay knew he wouldn't understand half of what Connor was saying, even with the simplified language. You would. But not him.
"Right. Okay. She's, um, she's okay for now. We'll need to monitor her on an hourly basis, though." By that point, the surgeon could already see the relief on both Halsteads' faces, so he went on. "We controlled the bleeding, but, with all the blood loss," he stopped to take another look at the detective, "I'm afraid," another pause, because, sure he had delivered this kind of news before, but this time it was a lot harder, because those people were his friends. And, what they had just lost, he had just lost too, in a way, "we couldn't save the baby."
"The baby?" This time he got an answer from both brothers.
"Uh, uh... You, uh, you didn't know she was pregnant?" Crocket asked, kind of already guessing the answer while sharing a look with Will.
"Oh my God..." It was all the youngest Halstead managed to let out. Seeing how his brother was unable to react any further, Will decided to step up and ask the tough questions.
"So, um,  if everything goes well from now on, you think that (y/n/n) will make a full recovery?"
"Ahhh, yes, actually. She was in great health, so, after making it through, uh, through the night, she shouldn't have any major issues." At that point, Marcel himself was trying to be as objective and as doctorish as possible, in order not to make things worse for the man who had just heard that he lost a child he didn't even have a chance to wait for.
"So, is it, um- is it possible that she didn't know about the pregnancy yet?" But, damn it, Will just kept asking all the impossible questions.
"Uh... It is, actually. Very possible." Hearing that, the detective immediately glued his eyes on him. "We estimate that the fetus was about seven weeks. It's very common that women on birth control haven't found out about it at that point." As neither Halstead said anything, Marcel continued, "well, she's up in the ICU now and in and out of consciousness but, if you want, you can see her for a few minutes."
Hearing that, the detective came out of his haze and said: "Yeah, I wanna see her!"
A few hours later, as Will Halstead gathered his things after finishing his shift, he decided to go check on you but got surprised when he realized that his brother was still there, in the waiting room. "Jay, what are you still doing here?"
"I'm waiting," he said simply.
"Jay." Will called again, "you can't do this, you need to go home, get some sleep, eat…"
"I'm not leaving her alone."
"She's not gonna be alone, Jay." Not getting any response, Will decided to lead with something else. "You know, Voight called Goodwin and said that they're hitting a lot of walls in the (y/l/n) investigation…" Measuring his brother's reaction, Will continued: "Maybe they'd have better luck working with the whole team…"
"Yeah, you're probably right. Tomorrow I'll tell Voight that I want in on the investigation." Jay said, not making any sign of wanting to leave.
"Jay, you can't work tomorrow after staying here the whole night!" Seeing his little brother still not intending to leave, he threatened, "if you don't go home right now, I'll call Voight myself and tell him that you're in no shape to work-"
"Oh, c'mon! You're gonna do that!"
"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," Will said, looking as serious as they get. "Look, Jay, you know she's in good hands here. And, whatever happens, you'll be the first to know, I've made sure of it."
"But nothing, Jay! It's time to go, come on!" Will pressed so much that Jay resigned himself to do as his brother told him.
For almost a week, you stayed in the ICU. For almost a week, Jay Halstead passed by Med on his way to work and on his way home from work.
Once you were moved to a room, Jay started feeling like he could finally breathe again, even though there was now the baby that someone had still to tell you. And, after chatting with Will and Crockett, Jay had already decided he was gonna be the one to deliver the news to you. So, one day, after Intelligence had already caught the drug dealers that were running away when they hit you, Jay asked Voight for the afternoon off to take you home from the hospital.
When you were at your place, you asked Jay what was going on: "Hey, you didn't say a word on the way here, is anything besides the fact that I just spent almost two weeks in the hospital and that everyone found out about us wrong?"
"Let's sit down for a minute, babe."
The minute he said that, you knew there was something really wrong.
"Okay, you're scaring me…" You said while sitting down on the couch.
"I just- I have something important to tell you," and, like that, Jay proceeded to tell you the worst thing you ever heard. It's not like you'd been planning on becoming a mother or anything like that anytime soon but it was still a possibility that was brutally taken away… You and Jay cried together for the first time and, consoling each other, you felt your relationship growing stronger. 
So much so that after some time you could start talking about the future that both of you foresaw with one another and, even though nothing was completely decided, there was one thing you knew for sure: as long as you were together, you could face anything.
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halsteadlover · 6 months
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader.
• Requested by @hart-kinsella: Maybe him and mc are working undercover (but they're married in real life) and a guy tries too hard with her (takes her by the arm and invades her personal space as well as trying to flirt with her with words) and then Jay tells him that and punches him. They could be at a club like that one episode when he and Hailey (and Kevin, maybe? I don't remember exactly) were undercover - unfortunately I don't recall which season it was.
• Warnings: mention of drugs, violence.
• Word count: 1543.
• A/N: I know this is not my best work and I apologize 😭 but I managed to quickly write it so I can post something ❤️ and tell me why I stayed for half an hour staring at the wall to think about a title and I ended up with this one 😭 btw love you all and thank you always for your support
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It was no secret Jay sometimes hated undercover missions. Especially if you were involved.
He couldn’t help it. He knew you were an amazing cop, one of the best he ever worked with, capable of defending yourself in any circumstances but since you were also his wife, he couldn’t help but worry about you.
And this case was no different.
You and Jay were undercover due to a drug trafficking case, him as a potential buyer interested in purchasing the drugs, you as his work partner who had set up the connection with Joshua Ryder, the criminal suspected of being the gang’s leader.
Jay was on the verge of losing his mind, not being able to stay still and acting like nothing was happening.
You were both in a club, sitting in a VIP room while you talked with Ryder and convince him to make a deal with you. The rest of the team were instead in some fake company’s vans listening to your conversations in real time.
However, things started to go wrong when Jay noticed one of the traffickers approaching you in a way he didn’t like at all.
“Are you here to do business or watch her like a hawk?” the gang leader had insisted for the umpteenth time while for the umpteenth time Jay directed his gaze towards you who continued to giggle with fake enthusiasm with one of Ryder’s henchmen.
You were uncomfortable, as with any mission that involved getting close to another man other than your husband. You knew it was your job, that you had a duty to fulfill and your private life had to stay out of it but sometimes it wasn’t that easy.
“You sure you don’t want anything to drink, sugar?” Asked the man who insistently continued to hit on you. You didn’t even know his name – or care to know – but you smiled anyway with fake naivety, slightly shaking your head.
You quickly glanced at Jay who was sitting in front of you, noticing he was busy talking to Ryder, but his gaze met yours for a moment. It was brief but in that simple look you understood he too had noticed that guy’s insistence. Jay had his arms crossed over his chest, breathing heavy, his jaw clenched as he saw how this man insisted on getting closer to you.
He was disgusting, he smelled of alcohol from miles away, and you had to repress the urge to vomit and the instinct to punch his ugly face.
The man approached further, sliding on the sofa towards you and you moved back, trying to create further distance but without making it obvious and making him suspicious.
“You know, my boss is quite jealous of his employees, you shouldn’t be so close to me,” you falsely giggled but he didn’t seem to get the hint, in fact, it seemed to amuse him even more.
“We’re all one big family here darling, what’s mine is someone else’s and what’s someone else’s is mine…” He rested an arm on the back of the sofa behind your shoulders and although he hadn’t even touched you, you felt your skin crawl and the urgent need to throw yourself into an acid bath. “If you want to do business with us your boss will have to learn how to share… Especially with such a beautiful and gracious girl like you.”
The desire to kick him in the balls was intense and you wondered what kind of woman would really fall for these words.
Jay was on the verge of losing his mind.
He was trying.
He was really trying but it was so fucking hard to stay still and not react when that son of a bitch was being a creep with his wife. Ryder was talking to him about something he didn’t even care about, but he couldn’t pay attention and process a single word, too focused on you.
He couldn’t help but glance at you every now and then, running a hand on his jaw in frustration and starting to fidget on the spot as he saw the man getting closer and closer to you and invading your personal space, like touching your hair or caress your shoulder.
It wasn’t jealousy, he could never be jealous of a filthy man like him but he deeply hated not being able to do anything to keep you safe without ruining the whole mission. He hated seeing you so tense and uncomfortable although from the way your hands were balled into fists in your lap, he knew you too were itching to punch him.
He hated having to pretend you were simply his work partner and not his wife.
But he swore he saw red when that man’s clammy hand rested on your face and your eyes widened at the contact as your entire body froze in place.
Fuck the mission and these motherfuckers too.
Jay lost control.
That slimy hand on you had driven him crazy and before he knew it, he had stood up and grabbed the man’s hand with his, punching him in the face with all the strength in his body. He didn’t catch the gasp that escaped you and he didn’t even care he had just ruined any chance of doing ‘business’ with Ryder along with the possibility of framing him. While his fist hit that bastard again and again, all he could do was think of those hands on you.
“That’s my fucking wife you motherfucker!” Jay screamed in his face, holding him by the collar of his shirt as the man spat out blood, struggling to keep up with the fury of the undercover detective. “Let me catch you again putting a hand on her or even just looking her way, I’ll enjoy breaking your fingers one by one before throwing you in jail.”
Everything was now chaos.
The team, who in the meantime had witnessed everything through your hidden cameras, burst in when they realized the situation had now worsened to the point of no return. You tried to pull Jay away from the man, but it was totally useless, not when he was so furious that your strength was no match for his.
Ryder was fuming when he realized you were cops and you had tried to frame him, swearing he’d make you pay dearly while Kevin handcuffed him along with the rest of his goons.
“Baby,” you called back but Jay didn’t look at you right away. You stood outside the club under Voight’s orders, a hand on his bicep and caressing him as you tried to get his attention. You were alone in a little corner, waiting for your boss for his inevitable fury.
“You okay?” He asked, his voice low but finally focusing his gaze on you.
You let out a laugh trying to diffuse the tension, you hated seeing him so furious. “You are ask me if I’m okay? I’m not the one who just punched a guy.”
He sighed, tearing his eyes away from you as he ran his hands over his face with frustration. Your heart clenched at the sight of his red and bruised knuckles. “I wish I had killed him to be honest.”
“Jay I don’t want you to get hurt because of me,” you replied, taking his hands in yours and leaving a kiss on the back of them, smiling when you saw his hard features start to soften at the gesture. “I could’ve handled him, I wouldn’t have let him go any further.”
“I know you could baby, you’re amazing,” he softy spoke, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. He took a step towards you, closing the distance enough you had to slightly lift your head up to look into his eyes. “But there’s no way on earth that I would have sat there and watched while that son of a bitch put his hands on you.”
He cupped your face with his hands, his thumbs caressing your heated cheeks. “No one gets to put a hand on you, much less against your will. You’re my wife, I’m the only bastard who can touch you and I will gladly kill anyone who dares to do it instead of me, am I clear?”
You let out a breath, almost on the verge of passing out right there and now in his arms. “God baby I want to suck your dick so bad right now. I love when you get so protective of me, it’s so hot.”
Jay burst out laughing, his stomach clenching in anticipation knowing you would stand by your words. He pulled you into a hug and you rested your head on his chest as you wrapped your arms around him. “I’ll always keep you safe, I won’t let anyone touch a single hair of your head, I hope you know it. God knows I would set the city on fire to protect you.”
“I know baby, I love you so damn much it’s insane,” you deeply inhaled the smell of his cologne, leaving a kiss on his shirt coated chest. “But I hope it’s worth it because Voight is coming and I think he’s ready to take us both out,” you continued when you broke away from the hug and saw your boss coming up behind Jay, a furious look on his face.
“Oh yeah, it’ll always be worth it, especially for the amazing blowjob you’ll give me later.”
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @firetruckstuckley, @23victoria, @buckybarnessweetheart, @fanaticlove16, @ajordan2020, @multi-fandom-lover7667, @klovesreading
Jay Halstead tag list: @nosy09, @Cbaby, @luvreading67, @danielmarie, @Saiyuo12, @annahargrove, @nachodaze, @waywardhunter95, @fighterkimburgess, @ephemeral3, @mads-weasley, @itskellysev, @Lovemedlife, @atarmychick007, @amazedbyitall, @glodessa, @xeleni-dutchnurse, @ossypooh, @itriedtoexplain, @randomwriter1021, @averyhotchner, @ellevandeberg, @junevoidzombie, @nocturnalherb16, @croissantthief, @jayhalsteadsbadge, @youngblood199456, @burgstead, @bebataylor84, @ares-kelani-wayne, @lxna-mikaelsxn, @sande5098, @smoothdogsgirl, @withakindheartx, @Jess2013, @maddu-oliveira, @lovemesomepietro, @onechicagodrawings, @Jinxfan18, @xeleni-nurse, @Firerusher, @ready-hit-it, @Rainroo2, @smutl0ver, @kuroe-san, @caroldanverwife, @dreamss-wavess, @halsteadloversworld, @laaaauuraaaaa, @itserickalove, @slytherlight, @notanordinaryprincess95, @goingwiththewind, @mel0809, @cadyfanninger, @acewritesfics, @wickedlovely121, @iloveest, @instantpizzacat, @novabckly, @thatcrimeshowchick, @wnbweasley, @anaferreira-4, @tkappi
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kiddbegins · 10 months
Neighbors pt.2 - Jay Halstead
Requested: technically yes?
Word count: 1,379
Warnings: nothing really, just kinda cute
A/n: tbh i kinda just winged this
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It had only been a few weeks since your late night run in with Jay, embarrassment still following you when you passed him.
Not that he poked fun at you. Jay halstead wasn’t that big of an asshole. People had fears and he respected that. Everyone had something they were scared of. Even people that swore they didn’t.
Even him. Though his wasn’t as simple as bugs crawling or flying around his apartment. Or even heights. It wasn’t something as normal, as mundane as that. No.
What Jay feared, was being alone. Truly alone. He’d never admit it of course, but having his team by his side always made him feel better. The late nights at Molly’s. Invitations to come and watch a movie or a game, anything.
He grasped at all of it, holding onto it like a life preserver. Especially after tough cases. When the events of the day took a toll on him in ways nobody would ever understand. All he wanted was to ignore it and have someone by him that would keep him sane.
And usually he did. Hailey was a great partner, she rarely let him go home upset, always offering a shoulder to cry on. But this case? He screwed everything up. Got too close.
Took too many risks. And now he was isolating himself. Letting his team cool off before he talked to them, knowing each and every one of them had some choice words that they wanted to say to him.
You knew something was off when he didn’t react to your parking, instead silently getting out of his passenger side, closing the door without even slamming it in annoyance. Part of you even felt bad for possibly making his night worse as he trudged his way to the building.
It felt like an alternate universe had opened up and swallowed you whole. The man had held both the front door to the building open for you and made sure you were in the elevator before pushing the close door button.
If you had been any closer, you would have asked him what was wrong. If there was anything you could do. But you weren’t. The two of you were barely acquainted with one another, enemies if anything. So instead you stood silently, back to the corner.
Once on your floor you went to your door, stopping as you watched Jay go past, a light sigh leaving your lips, “Hey,” Your voice nearly made him jump, slightly looking up with a tilt of his head.
“I don’t know what has you all moody but, if you wanna talk…” You trailed off, the man muttering a thanks before going inside, leaving you in the silence that followed.
Awkwardly, you went inside, heating up some leftover pizza before changing into some pajamas. It was a Friday which meant no work for the next two days which also meant wine and shitty movies.
At least that’s what you expected as you sat, getting almost an hour into the film you decided on and about quarter of a bottle of wine, when there was a knock on your front door.
With a confused look you stood, heading to the door and peering through the peep hole. Jay was standing on the opposite side, hands in his pockets as he stood a reasonable distance from the door.
Instantly you opened it, looking up at him. “I uh, I was hoping to take you up on that offer.” Jay muttered, partially ashamed that he caved, leaving his apartment to come talk.
But he also knew if he didn’t get all of it off his chest then he might implode. Which wouldn’t be very good. “Yeah, yeah of course,” You stepped aside, letting the clearly distraught man in. “Do you want something to drink? I’m currently downing wine but I have beer, and water or something.”
Jay shook his head, “A beers okay, if you’re sure.” He attempted to not feel like a burden to you, clearly not sure what he was allowed to do, or say or touch.
It wasn’t like he was your best friend or something.
You nodded towards the living room, handing him the bottle of beer you grabbed before moving back to the couch. He took the spot on the opposite end, sitting practically on the edge with his leg bouncing.
“Are you okay?” Your voice was soft, the instinct to comfort taking over any sort of feeling you generally had for the detective.
Jay let out a dry laugh as he shook his head, a soft sniffle following that you pretended you didn’t hear. “I would say yes but if that were true I wouldn’t have come over here. So.” He shrugged, answering the question with a non-answer.
You shifted forward, leaning to try and see his face. (Spoiler: you failed) “Is there anything I can actually do? Do you just wanna sit here? Talk about it? Ignore it?” There was no way you could not ask him those questions.
He was on your couch, solemn look on his face as he drank the beer. “My entire team is pissed at me. Not that it isn’t deserved, I screwed up our case today and it’s going to backfire on all of us. But I just,” Jay sighed heavily, “A boy almost died and I had to do what I did.”
There was a moment of silence before he looked over at you. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come here I just… I hate being alone and you’re the only person that doesn’t hate hate me.” Jay shook his head.
“Well, doesn’t hate me enough to kick me out.” He corrected, chewing at the inside of his cheek. “Which you can totally do if you want to.” Jay huffed out, taking a long sip from the bottle.
You shook your head, “You obviously need someone, I wouldn’t kick you out. Not when you’re like this. You can stay here as long as you need to.” Hesitantly you put a hand on his back, feeling him tense under your touch.
“Did whatever you did at least work?” You attempted to make conversation, a small smile cracking on his face as he nodded.
“Yeah, it did. The kid’s safe. Back home with his family.” He took pride in what he did as a detective. Most, if not all, of the choices he made on the job were things he was proud to do.
Jay was good at his job, he knew what he was doing and he didn’t care what happened if it meant the people he needed to get to were safe. “Good, that’s good.” You breathed out, unsure about what to say next.
This was all uncharted territory and honestly, it was weird. One of two times Jay Halstead was in your apartment and he was nearly in tears. Not something you were used to.
A slight chuckle came from the man, pulling your attention back to him, “Are you seriously watching this movie?” He had tried to use the film you had on in the background to distract himself, laughter building up as he shook his head.
“What- it’s my night for shitty movies shut up,” You nudged his side, face scrunched up as you did. Jay held a hand up defensively, nodding as he did.
“Well you sure did pick a shitty one.”
“Yeah yeah, I bet you have great taste in movies.” You replied with a roll of the eyes, Jay sitting back against the couch, actually relaxing a bit.
As he tried to stop the laughter, he nodded again, “I definitely do.” Jay answered matter of factly, looking over at you. For the first time you noticed the slight rim of red around his eyes, like he’d been crying before he even got to yours.
It almost made you want to hug him, seeing people in pain never felt right. “Fine, here,” You tugged yourself out of your thoughts, reaching to grab the remote that was handed to him seconds later. “Put something better on.”
“I will.” Jay took the remote, flipping for a movie he liked and that’s how the rest of the night went. On your couch, watching a movie with the person you least expected.
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Join Jay’s taglist here!
Tags: @everything-fandom, @mrspeacem1nusone, @wnbweasley, @alexxavicry, @halsteadbrasil, @natashamea18, @firetruckstuckley
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justanoasisimagines · 4 months
Fluffy Headcanons
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Requests are open! Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and the banner
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❀If you work with Kevin at the station. He'll purposely stop at your favorite coffee shop to pick you up your favorite hot drink and a pastry.
❀Kevin is someone who will hold open doors for you. He's going to walk subtly quicker so he can reach the door before you.
❀If Kevin leaves before you, he'll take the time to write you a note before he leaves. The notes always contain something sweet; a memory, a compliment or a plan for after work.
❀If Kevin makes you lunch for work, he'll also leave a note within your lunchbox. He wants to provide you with a pick-me-up throughout the day.
❀Kevin's the type of boyfriend to randomly surprise you at work. Kevin rarely gets off early, but when he's able coming to meet you is one of his favorite pastimes.
❀Kevin loves nothing more than curling up on the couch with you watching TV or a movie, especially after a long week.
❀If you don't work together, Kevin checks in with you whenever he can. Some cases are particularly channeling and some leave psychological scars. Kevin checks in to remind himself what's waiting for him at home.
❀Kevin finds himself singing along to the radio quietly. Moments like this often remind him of when you're in the car with him doing the same thing.
❀Kevin struggles to make date night a regular occurrence. However, because of this Kevin makes date nights as special as possible. He'll take you to dinner, to the movies, plan dates out for you etc.
❀Kevin's absolute weakness is when you come up behind him and begin to massage his shoulders. He enjoys the way your hands feel on his body. The softness of your touch while you work through the tension.
❀Kevin uses plenty of nicknames for you; darling. baby, sweetheart, angel etc. Nicknames become so frequent between the two of you, that it catches you off guard when he does use your name.
❀Kevin has a picture of the two of you as his home screen. He likes to unlock his phone so he can look down every so often while he's doing paperwork. The reason you're not his lock screen is to lower the risk of someone coming after you for being associated with him.
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My Heart is Missing
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Jay Halstead X Reader 
My Heart is Missing 
A/N: This is based on the last couple of episodes where Jay left to go back to the army. I’m also gonna be real honest I haven’t seen much sense he left so I hope you all like it ! 
If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work. 
You and Jay halstead where on earth do you even begin with the two of you. He was already in the unit when you started. Voight partnered the two of you up .
It was a match right away. The two of you hit off immediately, and everyone in the office saw it. You both were always joking and laughing. 
You were also the person he trusted the most in the world. Whether it be late night locker rooms or at a old dive bar over a few drinks. 
You never got tired of being with each other. It was like no matter how much time you spent with each other it was never enough. 
The day he asked you to move in with him it wasn't even a second thought. I mean you two were already basically living together. 
Then the day he took you to your favorite dive bar and it was all decorated with lots of directions you knew something was up. 
He took your breath away when he got down on one knee. He looked up at you with those baby blues and your heart stopped beating 
“Y/N the best day of my life was when I meant you and every day after that has been even more amazing. And everyday i ask myself how lucky am i that you choose me. Someone who you think deserves being with you. I don’t ever want to loose that so will you marry me” Jay asked 
“Well it’s about time yes hell yeah” you said. 
He got up and kissed you hard and you both had happy tears running down both of your faces. 
The rest of the night was a huge party filled with laughter and love. 
About a year had passed and you finally both got married. It was in Trudy's backyard. Filled with twinkle lights and flowers. 
You were a simple dress and you felt beautiful. It was casual but something you both imagined it would be. 
Antonio was the one who married you two. The night went surpisingly off without a hitch. You couldn’t help but sit back and wonder how the hell you got this blessed. 
6 months sense then had passed and now it was like your world was completely flipped. 
Jay had been distant these past couple of months. Work has been a lot dealing with everything going on. We didn’t know who we should trust anymore. Our relationship with Voight was always a rocky one but now it felt like it was getting a lot worse. 
He was being really weird and trying to break the team up it felt like. In a time where we all needed to be united it felt like he was dividing us. 
The team used to be so close now it felt like we barely even talked outside of work. It was also taking it toll on me and Jay. we used to tell each other everything now we barely talk.
When we come home we both just kind go our separate ways. Jay will watch a game on the TV and I go back to the room and watch TV. 
We wouldn’t have our dates anymore or morning coffee together. The car rides in the morning were also weren’t even talking about us anymore. 
Before everything happened we were talking about marriage and babies. We were so happy now it was like a empty shell was sitting in the bed. 
You didn’t know what to do because you both knew you couldn’t go on like this. Something was going to break and you were so scared that it was going to be the two of you. 
Jay had to be have thinking the same thing because lately things were extra different with. He was hiding phone calls and being secretive. 
You knew he wasn’t cheating Jay would never he was way to good of a man. You wanted to ask but you were to afraid to ask him. 
So you figured when he was ready he would come and talk to you about it. You were just worried on how long that was going to take. 
Before he was a open book. He would always tell you everything down to what he would eat for lunch. 
It was hurting that what ever was going on he didn’t think it was worth sharing. It made you feel like you weren’t even his partner anymore. 
Right now you were currently laying in bed. Dreading the morning day. You barely gotten asleep and now you had to bring yourself to get up. 
Jay was already up and moving around. You could hear him and the way with everything was going you wanted to try your best and avoid him. 
It was a good thing that today you were both off. And even though  you were off you couldn’t make yourself go back to sleep. At this point there was no use. 
You got your phone off the night stand and started scrolling through your stuff. You were scrolling for a while you didn’t realize how much time had truly passed. 
When the door opened up and you almost broke your neck to see who was at the door. 
Jay walked in and gave you a somber look on his face. It was hard to read what was going on and he looked like he was struggling to. 
Before the two of you would be in bed right now cuddling and laughing and having a blast. Now the bed was cold next to you. 
You struggled to on what to say trying to read the situation before breaking down. You missed the warmth of the broken man in front of you. 
“Hey come sit wit me” you said pulling the covers back and creating a space for him in order to lay. 
He walked over to you and kind of sat up straight. It was like you just meant the man he was being so distant. 
You reached over and touched him and pulled him down so he was laying next to you. 
You both just kind of looked at each other for a moment. No one was saying anything which was really nice at that moment just enjoying each other company. 
“Hey” you both said at the same time making you both laugh 
God you missed his laugh. 
“You go” You said smiling at him 
“I need to talk to you” He said 
Your heart sunk into it’s chest and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
“What’s going on” You asked swallowing the lump in your throat. 
“I’m leaving” was all you said 
You could feel the tears following down your face and he reached over and grabbed your face and wiped the tears off. 
“Why i mean I know things were bad but I was holding out hope” You chocked out. 
You couldn’t even see everything was blurry from the tears. 
“God no hey look at me” Jay said 
You looked at him and he had a sad look on his face. 
“Hey not you i am not leaving you I am re enlisting i’m going to Bolivia” He said 
You sat up and was leaning against the headboard. You took your hand and wiped your face so you could see properly. 
“Why would you re enlist” You ask 
“Because I don’t like the person I am becoming in the unit things have changed and i don’t wanna be that cop and look at us we haven’t been okay and I want us to I love you” Jay said 
“So what you think leaving will help” You asked in a rhetorical voice 
Jays head just kind of dropped before he spoke up. 
“Yes I do I love you more than anyone or anything in the world and if I stay in the unit I’m gonna get worse were gonna get worse we need to do something and this way I can help people and know who the bad guys are” Jay said 
You were struggling to understand how leaving would help wouldn’t you stay and want to fight. 
“I don’t understand” was all you said. 
“Look baby I love you I do and i’m not leaving right away like 2 weeks okay. I was gonna ask you should take some time off of work” Jay said 
“We could go away for a little bit before me and you and go to greece like we always talked about” Jay said. 
“Yeah that sounds amazing we both could use it” You smiled. 
“Why didn’t you talk to me about it thought before deciding to just go” You asked 
“Because you would try and stop me and if you did I didn’t know if I would have the strength to leave” Jay said 
“You are my heart Jay halstead and I support you always and honestly if this is what you need” You said. 
“It is and when i come back when my tour is over we can re group you know. Talk about a family and a life okay I’m just helping out a friend this isn’t forever” Jay said. 
“Okay yeah just for a little bit” You said 
“Just for a little bit” Jay said. 
After Jay laid down and he pulled you close to him. Your head was on his chest and you could feel your heart beating. 
The two of you haven’t been this connected in a while. But for once in a while you finally felt lie some hope was coming back. 
This wasn’t going to be end this was just the beginning. A new chapter was closing and the other one was opening back up. 
You did need the time off first thing in the morning you were taking off you and Jay were always going to go on the dream vacation. 
Maybe it was what you needed to re spark everything.  And as hard it was to let Jay go you know you needed to. 
All you knew while he was gone your heart was going to be Missing.
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annemiek19 · 1 year
You could start a cult - Jay Halstead
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One thing you always knew, was there you were safe with Jay. Whatever you were doing, wherever you were, you were safe with him. If it was a work situation or at home, you were going to be okay with him. He would have your back and you would have his. Neither one of you saw this coming. Neither one of you was prepared for this. A high speed car change during the winter in Chicago changed everything for the two of you. That night, heavy snow fell. It froze so much that the snow was more ice then snow. You were in the car following in a suspect. Jay was driving. You grabbed ceiling roof handle tight as you sped down the streets of Chicago. You saw it happening to the suspect. The car were the suspect was in, slid across the road. There was a plaque of ice on the road, none of you saw. 
“Jay, watch out!” you yelled, but it was already to late. Jay tried to break. You could hear the tires screeching, before you smid across the plaque of ice. Your car hit a car on side of the road and you started to tumble around. That was the last thing you remembered. The next thing you knew, you were looking into the eyes of your friend and fireman, Kelly Severide. 
“She’s awake!” he yelled. He stepped aside and you were blinded by the light from the sky. 
“Jay,” you croaked out. 
“We’re going to get him out too. Right now, Sylvie and Violet will get you to med, okay?”
“Is he okay?” you asked Kelly.
Kelly didn’t respond right away, and with that, you knew how bad he was doing. Tears formed in your eyes. “If you can talk to him, just tell him that I’m alright, please.”
“I will do. We’ll come see you at the hospital,” Kelly said before he walked away. 
Sylvie and Violet put you into the ambulance.
“How bad is it?” you asked Sylvie. 
“It’s a miracle how relatively small your injuries are. You probably have a concussion and a broken leg. Some cuts here and there, but you seem to be doing okay.”
“And Jay? Did you see him?” 
Sylvie looked at you with a sad look. “He was unconscious. His side of the car was pretty damaged. Squad had to get you out first, because they couldn’t open his door. He’s in good hands, Y/N. They will do everything that they can.” 
You looked at the ceiling, trying to blink away the tears. The thought of losing Jay… You couldn’t imagine your life without him. 
When you arrived at Med, everything went by in a haze. Will came to check in you, but you barley said a word to him. Connor confirmed that you had a broken leg and a concussion. You could go home soon. There was still no word on Jay. After a few hours, you were released and you waited in the waiting room with your friends colleagues from Intelligence, your friends from 51 also came to check up on you and Jay. Time went by so slow. Waiting for an update was the worst. You had no idea how the love of your life was doing, and with every minute that passed, you felt your heart breaking more and more. 
“How are you doing?” Trudy’s question snapped you out of your thoughts. 
Immediately tears formed in your eyes. You didn’t look at her. You didn’t want to break down. Not now. Not while he could still be okay. “I’m…” You weren’t fine. You weren’t doing okay. You had no idea how to respond to Trudy her question. 
“We’re all here for you,” she said as she grabbed your hand. 
After four hours of waiting, there was finally an update. Jay was in a coma. He had a lot of internal injuries. He had a brain bleed. They had to put him in an induced coma. 
You were the first one to see Jay. His faced was so pale, it had bruises all over. Other then that it just looked like he was asleep. 
“Do you have a guitar?” you asked Will.
“Yeah, let me grab it for you.” He squeezed your shoulder before walking out of the room. 
A little while later he came back with the guitar. “I’ll leave you to it. I’m right in the hall, same as everyone else.”
“Thanks, Will.”
You grabbed the guitar. You started to play a few notes before you started singing a song you heard on the radio a while ago. When you heard it for the first time, it felt like the song was written for you. It described how you felt towards Jay, that you would do anything for him. 
“Darlin', I will give up everything. Who I'll be and who I am. You can have it all. Baby, you could start a cult, you see. Anywhere you go, I'll be. You are so much more than beautiful to me. Oh, I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow. I’ll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow. I’ll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow. I’ll follow you…”
After you finished the song, tears were streaming down your face. “Please be okay,” you cried out as you grabbed Jay his hand. “I can’t do this without you.”
For weeks, you were in and out of the hospital. Your leg was now fully healed and technically you could go back to work. But you didn’t you spent all your time with Jay in the hospital. Earlier today, Will send you home to take a shower and maybe sleep a little. He would call you if anything would change. You did exactly that. You only wanted to get a nap in for an hour or two, but that turned into a full 8 hour sleep, before you got woken up by your phone. You snagged your phone from the night stand when you saw it was Will. 
“Will, what’s going on? Everything okay?”
“Just get your ass in here, Y/N.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Just come to Med.” With that, Will hung up the phone.
You quickly grabbed your keys and rushed back to the hospital. 
You were running down the hospital hallways in your pyjama, hair in a mess and you were still wearing your unicorn slippers. 
“Where is he? Is he okay?” You asked as you rushed into the ICU. 
Will was waiting for you right by the entrance. “Calm down, he is okay. Just come see,” he said as you rushed over to Jay his room. You stopped in shock when you saw what had happened while you were away. He was awake.
“Hi babe,” he said with a smile. 
“Oh my god,” you mumbled. You looked at Will. “Is this real? Is he really awake?”
Will laughed as he nodded. “He is awake and doing good. The first scans were better then expected.”
You dropped your bag on the floor as you rushed over to the bed, hugging Jay with tears in your eyes. 
“You’re really okay,” you whispered. 
“Yes, I’m okay. I’m right here. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Me too.”
Jay scooted over so you could lay next to him. You snuggled up against him, something that you really missed these passed weeks. 
“How long have you been awake?”
“Two or three hours I think? They did some tests and scans. Will wanted to make sure I was okay before calling you. He said you’ve been here pretty much 24/7?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t leave you alone. I was… I was just so scared I would lose you. And needed to be here.”
“But I’m okay.”
“You are now, but for hours I didn’t know. They got me out of the car first because they couldn’t get to you. You were doing pretty bad.”
“Will also said you would sing the same song over and over. Can you sing it now?”
“Sure.” You grabbed the guitar and sat now on the chair next to the bed. You started to sing the same song, You could start a cult by Niall Horan. 
“We heard that song on the radio, when we were on that stake out,” Jay said. 
You smiled. “Yeah, it just described perfectly how I felt towards you. I would do anything for you. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“Me neither. Which is why I had Will bring this over.” Jay grabbed a little box from the night stand. He opened it and there was a beautiful diamond ring in it. 
You looked at Jay in shock. 
“Will you marry me?” Jay asked. 
“Yes!” You got back on the bed and kissed him. It felt like it was the first time all over again.
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teaandfiction-28 · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could Smut Prompt 9! Even though I love all those prompts this is the one that caught my attention! <3
Hi Anon! 🙂 
So, I’ve had this thought of Hank at prenatal classes living rent-free in my head ever since I wrote Perfect Storm so I really, really enjoyed writing this one. 
Hope you enjoy reading! 
Prompt: “Who knew you were this kinky?”
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Smut, Language, Daddy Kink, Pregnancy Sex [18+ Only]
Timeline: Set just before C39 of Perfect Storm. 
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One word. Two syllables. Five letters.
He’d never really thought about the moniker in a sexual way until it had fallen unbidden from her lips in that sweet, sensual tone and, ever since, he hadn’t been able to think about it without his dick twitching in his pants. 
Not only was it incredibly inconvenient, it was becoming a fairly sizeable problem. 
‘And you must be daddy?’ The spritely, albeit slightly kooky, prenatal instructor had said as she welcomed them to their first class with a warm smile, entirely oblivious to the fact that she had just inadvertently transported him back to a few days prior when Kate had raked her nails down his sweaty chest and breathlessly begged for ‘more, please daddy!’.
He had forced what he’d hoped was a genuine smile onto his face and introduced himself by name but, in his peripheral vision, he could see Kate tugging her lower lip between her teeth in an effort not to laugh at his obvious discomfort. 
There was absolutely no doubt about it; she was going to be the death of him.
Later on as he sat behind her on a garish pink yoga mat kneading the tight muscles of her lower back with strong, nimble fingers, he waited for the instructor to divert her attention to a young couple on the other side of the room before leaning forwards and brushing his lips against the shell of her ear. 
“Is daddy making you feel good, hmm?”
Her response was instantaneous, head falling back to rest on his shoulder with a quiet groan, the familiar warmth of arousal blooming low in her belly as his breath ghosted over the sensitive patch of skin just below her ear. 
By the time they got back to her apartment, he had barely closed the door behind him when she pounced, her fingers gripping the front of his coat so that she could tug him down for a bruising kiss, her tongue immediately demanding entry to the hot cavern of his mouth. Clothes and shoes were strewn carelessly on the hardwood floor as they blindly moved towards the bedroom, hands sliding over warm flesh and urgent lips battling for dominance. 
Within minutes they were completely naked, Hank situated in the middle of the bed with his back against the headboard as Kate settled herself in his lap, knees braced on the soft mattress either side of his lean hips. 
“This how you want me?” He murmured, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the line of her jaw, his lips following the long cord of muscle down her neck towards her collarbones where he sucked a series of deep bruises into the tender flesh, his skin prickling with desire when her appreciative moan echoed around the darkened room. 
“Uh-huh, just like this.” She breathed, sliding a hand between them to align the wide crest of him with her soaking centre, lowering herself down inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt. She paused for a beat, her inner walls pulsing rhythmically around him, their open mouths pressed together sharing short, staccato breaths. After a few moments of stillness, she began to roll her hips in a slow, rocking motion, a tight whine accompanying a zing of lust down her spine every time her swollen bundle of nerves grazed against his pelvis just so.
This late into her pregnancy they were somewhat restricted by her burgeoning bump but, with a bit of patience and creativity, they were having some of the best sex of their lives.
“What do you need sweetheart?” He husked, voice deep and gritty with arousal as he skimmed his hands up and over her ribs to cup her heavy beasts in both palms, the pads of his thumbs repeatedly brushing over her stiff peaks and he couldn’t help but grin at the needy sound that tore from her throat. 
“More what?”
He knew exactly what she needed, he just wanted her to say it. Her eyes were closed, cheeks flushed an adorable shade of pink and her face was beginning to sheen with sweat as she braced her hands on his shoulders, writhing in his arms in a desperate attempt to find that perfect angle. 
Hank had always been naturally dominant in the bedroom but, when it came to Kate, it didn’t matter if he had her pinned to the mattress with his fingers wrapped around her long, beautiful throat, he was under no illusions that she was still very much the one in charge. And, quite frankly, he wouldn’t have it any other way. But hearing her vocalise just how much she needed him was just as much of a turn-on as having her submit to him; perhaps even more so. 
“Jesus Hank...please just touch me.” She whimpered, grasping one of his hands in hers, easing their entwined fingers down over her swollen stomach to where they were joined, guiding his fingertips to brush over her aching nub. 
When she was sure he had understood the assignment, she returned her hand to his shoulder, her nails biting into the rippling muscles as he edged her ever closer to that blissful peak. The pace and the pressure continued to build, Kate’s thighs trembling with exertion as she desperately rocked against him and, sensing she was close, Hank grasped a fistful of wavy locks and tugged her head backwards, forcing a slight change in angle that had bright lights flashing behind her eyelids. 
“You gonna come for daddy?”
His words were like pouring gasoline on an open flame, her entire body going completely rigid as she clamped down on him almost painfully, her hips jerking frantically as the wave of pleasure finally crested, her teeth sinking deep into the flesh of his shoulder. The pinch of pain combined with the impossible tightness pulsing around him was more than enough to tip him over the edge with a muffled grunt, shooting ribbon after ribbon of release inside of her with each upwards thrust until eventually he fell still, sweaty and spent. 
Kate lay completely boneless against his chest, her breath puffing against the damp skin of his throat as she fought to regulate her rapid heart rate. Hank’s fingertips danced soothingly up and down the length of her spine, absentmindedly tracing each vertebrae until eventually she shifted in his lap, a soft mewl escaping as he slipped from her body. 
“So...daddy, huh? Who knew you were this kinky?” He muttered wryly, pressing a soft kiss to her sweaty temple, his chest vibrating beneath her cheek with barely restrained laughter. 
“Let’s not get onto the topic of kinks, shall we?” She eased away from him slightly, lifting a coquettish eyebrow as she cupped his lightly stubbled jaw between her palms. “Not unless you’re ready for another round...Henry.”
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cutielando · 3 months
hey my lovely 🫶🏼 first I LOVE your smut, it's really just as good as your writing in general, so don't doubt that you're a great writer. 🙂‍↕️🫶🏼
second lmao i saw that you are accepting requests for Jay Halstead (my man), could you write one where he and the reader have sex in his truck? as if she rides him 😅
every time saw him get off her i was collapsing, it looked so good 😩
Only if this makes you feel comfortable and like i said if you still write about him, I send you all my love and hugs 🫂💌
in the car | j.h.
warnings!!: smut, p in v, car sex, pet names, daddy kink, degradation, oral sex (male receiving)
my masterlist
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It hadn't been your fault, really.
Ever since you two arrived at Molly's, he had been looking insanely hot and delicious. The shirt that hung onto his biceps a little too tightly, the way his spread thighs looked at you, begging you to go and sit on them. The booming laughter that escaped him every now and then.
Everything Jay was doing was driving you absolutely crazy. You had seen little of him in the past week because of a case he was working, so you were craving him way more than you usually would on a Friday night.
"Are you okay?" Kim snapped you out of your daze, looking at you worriedly. You looked around you and saw that none of your other colleagues were paying attention to you, which you were thankful for.
You cleared your throat, giving Kim an unconvincing smile in reassurance.
"I'm okay, just kinda tired" you explained, making the girl smile and nod in understanding.
You almost sighed in relief when she shifted her attention back to your friends, leaving you alone with your thoughts for a hot minute.
Your eyes naturally shifted towards Jay again, admiring him from every angle your mind could come up with. The way his eyes lit up whenever he laughed, the way he would slap his thigh every time someone would say something funny, the way he was just so effortlessly hot.
Jay knew you were all hot and bothered for him. He knew your body inside and out, so it was easy for him to pick up on the little gestures you always did when you were horny.
He got smug when he would think about it, knowing how much torture it was for you to not be able to jump his bones right then and there.
Half an hour later, much to your relief and excitement, Jay had decided you were both going to call it a night, much to the dismay of your friends.
"Come on man, you barely got here" Ruzek complained, throwing his hands in the air.
"Sorry man, we'll stay some other time" Jay said, taking your hand in his while trying hard not to smirk.
If only they knew why you were leaving early...
You waved at your friends one last time before Jay held the door open for you, the fresh air hitting you instantly as you stepped out of the crowded bar.
You both walked in silence towards Jay's car, just enjoying the quiet and peace of the young night.
"I hope you know you're in for a treat tonight" Jay whispered in your ear once you got to his car, holding the door open for you.
You looked at him and bit your lip, trailing a hand down his chest.
"Can't wait, daddy" you whispered seductively in his ear, biting on his earlobe before getting into the passenger seat.
Jay let out a shuddering breath, his pants tightening even more around his crotch. He cursed under his breath as he rounded the car and got into the driver's seat.
He started up the car and started driving, his knuckles clutching tightly at the steering wheel. You tried to hide your smirk so he wouldn't see it, but were failing miserably.
"You think this is funny? This is all your fault" he said, pointing to his crotch where you could clearly see how hard he was.
You bit your lip as you stared at his boner, licking your lips. An idea suddenly sparked into your mind, making you smile. You unbuckled your seatbelt and scooted closer to the console, a hand slowly running up and down the inside of his thigh.
"Stop, I'm trying to drive" Jay warned you, his knuckles a hot white as his grip on the wheel tightened.
You didn't pay him any mind, your hand now trailing directly over his bulge. You bit your lip as your hands slowly unzipped his pants, your hand massaging his hard cock over his boxers.
Jay let out a strangled groan, trying to focus on the road ahead instead of you touching him where he desperately needed to be touched.
"I know you don't want me to stop" you said nonchalantly as you put your hand in his boxers and freed his aching cock, the tip an angry red and leaking precum all over his pants.
Jay didn't say anything, but the loud moan that erupted from his throat as he felt your warm mouth envelop his cock. You immediately got to work, sucking harshly and playing with his heavy balls. He sucked in a breath as he felt you taking him cock all the way down your throat, your gag reflex long gone by this point.
"Oh shit" Jay moaned out, one of his hands tangling into your hair, pushing your head further down his cock.
You were sucking and slurping at his length like it was your meal, fondling his balls and applying pressure on the thick veins popping out. You were so focused on sucking him off that you didn't even realize he had pulled over on the side of the road.
Feeling him swell in your mouth and his veins throbbing, you lifted your head with a pop, wiping the corner of your lips.
"Jesus Christ, Y/N" Jay said, breathing loudly to catch his breath as he chuckled.
"We're not done, baby" you said, making him look at you hungrily.
You got up from your seat and jumped into his lap, getting comfortable once he pushed the seat back so you had more space.
Smashing your lips against his, his hands were gripping your hips tightly, your panties-covered pussy rubbing against the length of his dick as you grinded your hips against his.
You were so horny, so desperate to feel him that you reached your hand down and pushed your panties to the side before you took his cock in your hand and lined it up with your entrance, moaning into his mouth as you slowly slid down on him.
"Fuuck" Jay moaned, the feeling of your warm walls wrapped around him making his eyes roll in the back of his head.
You slowly took in all of him, stopping when you were sat on his thighs, closing your eyes to take in the feeling of his cock stretching you out perfectly, his tip nudging at your cervix as your walls contracted around him, his protruding veins tickling your insides.
"You feel so fucking good" you whimpered, grabbing his shoulders to steady yourself.
"I can feel your juices dripping down on my cock, so fucking hot" Jay said as he placed open mouthed kisses all over your chest, sucking on the flesh of your breasts while trying to ground himself and not cum too soon.
You bit your lip as you slowly started lifting yourself up and down on his cock, swallowing him whole every time you would go down on him. The angle at which his cock was hitting all of the right spots inside of you made your toes curl and your mind go fuzzy.
Jay held your hips in his hands and guided you up and down, helping you maintain a rhythm. You were now bouncing up and down on his cock, your nails digging into his shoulders as moans kept escaping your throat.
"You feel so fucking good, daddy. So big and perfect just for me" you mewled as you collapsed onto his chest, your thigh burning with exhaustion.
"Such a good girl for me, you're doing so good fucking yourself on my cock, dirty girl" he grumbled as he lifted his hips and started pounding into you, making you scream out in pleasure and screw your eyes shut.
The windows were fogged up, the car rocking with how fast Jay was now pounding into you. His tip was hitting your cervix repeatedly, making the coil inside of you grow hotter by the minute.
"You're gonna make me cum, daddy" you stuttered out, your brain fucked out and your body slumped against him.
Hearing that, Jay immediately brought a hand to your clit and started drawing quick circles on it, applying pressure while doing so. His orgasm wasn't far behind, but he wanted you to cum with him, to fill your cum dripping down from your pussy as he filled you to the brim with him cum.
"Cum for daddy, baby. Let go for me" he whispered against the shell of your ear, picking up his brutal pace even more and his hand speeding up working on your clit.
It only took a few more thrusts before you were screaming out his name, your pussy walls clamping down and pulsating so harshly around his cock that his orgasm hit him with full force, his toes tingling as he shot rope after rope of cum deep into your pussy.
"Oh my God" you squealed when you felt his cum spreading through you, triggering yet another orgasm from your pussy, milking him for all he was worth.
Jay was thrusting up lazily as he emptied his heavy balls inside of you, feeling slightly overstimulated as your pussy kept fluttering against his cock, almost like you didn't want him to ever pull out.
Slowly, you both came down from your thighs, breathing heavily against one another.
You lazily picked up your head from his shoulder and smiled at Jay, leaning down to peck his lips a couple of times.
"That was so hot" you murmured against your lips, making the both of you burst out laughing.
Yeah, it was fucking hot.
And you would do it again anytime.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 11 months
"My daddy has to fight some bad guys". || Jay Halstead x reader and daughter
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
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You woke up earlier than everybody in your house to get everything ready for everyone. Jay would usually follow you a few minutes later and you two would make breakfast and get your daughter ready for school together, along with other morning stuff. This wasn't the day, your husband had fallen asleep and you were doing everything by yourself, trying not to make a lot of noise. You knew he was working a tough case and had come back quite late from work the night before, so you didn't want to wake him up. Even when he didn't want to admit it, he was tired as hell and needed to rest.
You were in the kitchen starting to cook breakfast when you felt his arms hugging you from the back.
-"Did I wake you up?" You asked. -"I was trying not to".
-"I didn't feel you by my side and I couldn't fall asleep again". He answered into your ear and then kissed your neck as he continued talking. -"I'm sorry I haven't been around. We closed this case last night, what's left is a bunch of paperwork. My hope is to be back home early tonight and...". You turned around to hug him back and interrupted him with a short kiss. He rushed to finish his sentence with a heavy breathing : "...I can make it up for you", then proceeded to tenderly kiss your lips as he held you as tight as he could with one of his arms, while fervently holding your head with his other hand, finger all tangled in your hair, pulling it a bit.
Due to the case Jay was working on, you two had barely seen each other during the last week and a half, so things were heating up fast. Suddenly, for both of your displeasure, an alarm interrupted the moment.
-"Time to wake her up". You said having trouble separating from him.
-"I'll go". Jay took your phone to turn off the alarm. -"I'm driving her to school too".
-"Hey, Jay!" You took his hand before letting him leave the room. -"You do remember her Father's Day Festival, right?".
-"Next friday, 10:30, sure".
-"I was thinking...maybe you should talk to her and explain that...of course you will be there, but if you are not able to make it is due to your work".
-"But I will be there".
-"I know, I know, it's just...we never know when a case might pop up. Remember the Spring Festival?".
-"Oh. The bank robbery right before it...".
-"Yes, that's what I mean. That time was easy because I was there, but this time I won't...".
-"I will talk to her". He said after a few seconds of silence. -"But I'll be there, no matter what".
That day, Tessa and her class made a craft for their fathers. All the little kids were drawing in a small paper square that would become a keychain for Father's Day. Some of them were drawing hearts, others were doing stick figures. Tessa drew her dad carrying her over his shoulders and a bunch of hearts around. Her artwork was a little abstract, but understandable for a 5 year old.
-"All right". Ms. Luna said in a sweet voice. Tessa really loved her teacher. -"I am going to take your drawings and we will give them back to our dads as a key chain during the festival!".
-"My daddy said he will come, but he's working and if he doesn't show up it is because he has to fight some bad guys. Bad guys don't respect days or time". Tessa rushed to repeat what Jay tried to explain to her earlier in the morning when he was taking her to school.
-"It's ok". Her teacher laughed a bit. -"Sometimes parents can't make it and it's ok. That doesn't mean they don't want to or that they don't love us".
The class rehearsed the song they would sing at intervals throughout the rest of the day. Tessa never missed the opportunity to repeat the information going around her head: "My dad said he's coming, but if he's not here it means he's working" or "My daddy is fighting the bad guys and bad guys they don't respect days or time" or "He will be here, but if he's not here, that means he's on the streets. He makes Chicago safe". Her friends were amazed whenever she repeated those statements. She did understand what her father told her, but she didn't really comprehend.
The day was here. You dropped Tessa at school, she was all excited. Before she entered the building you reminded her: "If it happens that daddy is not here or he's late, remember he's fighting the bad guys".
Jay was already in the bullpen, everything was strangely calmed. He had talked with Voight about going out to Tessa's school and he gladly agreed.
-"Today is the day isn't it?" Hailey asked Jay as she entered the coffee room.
-"Yeah". He smirked. -"If nothing else intervenes".
-"Let's stay positive". She said remembering what had happened last Spring Festival.
It was 8:30, the day had just started when Trudy came upstairs with an urgent case.
-"That's just my luck". Jay said, rushing downstairs with his partner.
-"Let's try to make it quick". Hailey answered by putting on her coat.
At school, the kids were getting ready to go outside to start the festival. Parents were gathering outside of the building, waiting to get inside.
Students from all schools were lining up around the court. Their parents were supposed to meet them and be in front of their kid's group to hear them sing.
-"Is your dad here?" One of Tessa's friends asked.
-"I can't see him". She answered standing on tiptoe. -"But it's ok, it's because he had to fight the bad guys".
All the kids waved their fathers with excitement, some of them ran to hug them before starting the show. Jay didn't make it, but Tessa wasn't feeling bad about it...yet.
When the song finished, all the kids jumped into their fathers arms and gave them the craft they made in class as a gift for them. Tessa stood in her place, not being able to hold her tears. She was crying in silence, so between the noise and excitement around the little girl, nobody noticed her until a few minutes later. As soon as her teacher saw her, she ran towards her and hugged her tight.
-"It's ok, honey. It's ok. Your dad wanted to be here with you". She said in a very sweet and calmed voice. -"Remember he is fighting the bad guys, you said that before ''.
Some parents were moved watching the scene, but there was nothing they could do. Ms. Johnson, the school's principal, noticed the situation from afar and she joined as soon as she could. By only moving her lips, trying not to be heard, she asked Tessa's teacher if the little girl's father wasn't there. She shaked her head in disapproval when the teacher answered with a sorry face.
-"We can call your dad, Tess. That way you can hear his voice".
-"But, Ms. Johnson, he's fighting the bad guys". Ms. Luna intervened.
-"Oh!" She understood. -"Ok, but we can call him later, we'll tell him to come so you can give him your present. Would you like that?".
The little girl was an emotional mess, but agreed with her head, even though she wasn't really listening to what the adults were saying.
The emergency call for the intelligence team ended up in a shooting and that delayed detective Halstead. As soon as he finished with interviews and all the bureaucracy after this kind of situation, he ran off.
-"Go, go, go". Hailey rushed. -"I cover you".
Jay drove his truck as fast as he could, siren on. It wasn't a police emergency, but it was an emergency after all, he could deal with the consequences later. He parked in the first spot he found, even if it wasn't merely in front of the school and ran as fast as he could in a police mode to get to his baby girl. It was until he entered the building that he noticed he was still wearing the vest, gun and badge on his hip, but didn't care.
-"There he is!" Ms. Johnson pointed to Tessa's father.
-"Come on! Come on!" Ms. Luna took the little girl's hand and started running towards her dad.
-"I'm so sorry". Jay took Tessa in his arms and carried her holding her as tight as he could. She was too emotionally drained to react.
Kids around were already saying goodbye to their parents, going back to their classrooms.
-"We'll give you some time alone". Ms. Johnson informed Jay and he muttered a "thank you".
-"You can go back to the classroom when you feel ready". Ms. Luna told her student.
-"I hate the bad guys". Tessa managed to say when they were finally alone.
-"Me too". Her father said. -"I'm really, really sorry I didn't hear you sing, but I'm here right now". He wiped the tears from her cheeks.
-"I did it real good, you missed it". She said playing with the key chain in her hands.
-"I bet you did". Jay chuckled. -"What do you have there?".
-"It's a present for you. I made it for you". She extended her short arm to give it to her dad.
-"For me? Is it for my keys? I love it!"
-"It's you and me and lots of hearts. I drew it myself".
-"I can see that. It's beautiful. Thank you, sweetie". Jay's phone started ringing and he sighed when he read the text messages.
-"I have to go back to work".
-"But I don't want you to go". She started crying again.
Ms. Johnson came into the scene to help Tessa go back to her class" -"Daddy has to go back to work, sweetie. Ms. Luna and your friends are waiting for you, let's go". And she took her tenderly in her arms as her crying grew louder.
-"It's all right". Jay reassured her with a kiss. -"I love you. I'll see you at home, ok?". And she disappeared through the door.
He peeked through the classroom window to check on her before departing. He witnessed how Ms. Luna was successfully calming her down and felt a little bit more relaxed to go.
-"Thank you for coming". Ms. Johnson told him with a smile. -"For real".
With a heavy heart, he got into his truck and before turning it on, he hung the keychain in his keys. He inspected the tiny drawing and smiled before going back to the bullpen.
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a ♡, comment or share. 😌♡
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callsign-dexter · 18 days
Dr. Uncle Will
Request: Hey I loved your most recent Connor Rhodes x sister!reader!!! Could you write a littlest Halstead one where she gets sick and Jay has to call Will for help?
Pairings: Jay Halstead x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, sickness
Littlest Halstead
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Jay Halstead was a great father to you, Y/N Halstead, and if you asked anyone if he was a good dad they would say that he's not just a good dad but a great dad. He has loved you ever since you were born and he thought he could spot anything since he was a detective but he was wrong and he found that out one night.
You were sick. You just felt run down and just overall felt like shit, especially when it came to playing your favorite sport, softball. Recently your entire 5th grade class had been going through a round of sickness. Some had the flu, some had a viral infection, and some just had a cold. You were lucky enough not to get anything until last week.
Jay had been busy with a case that he admits that he wasn't paying as close attention as he normally did. Even though he wasn't paying as much attention he did pick up some stuff like your lack of wanting to eat and you being really cuddly towards him, a movement that you only did when you were sick or getting sick. He wasn't concerned enough to call your uncle, Will Halstead, just yet but that would all change tonight.
You started to feel sick one Monday morning and it just progressed from there. Jay was in the kitchen preparing for his day at work and preparing your lunch for the day. He looked down at his watch and smiled when he saw that it would soon be time for your footsteps to start padding down the hallway. A few minutes went by and no sign from you which made him frown. “Wonder what the holdup is?” He asked himself as he put down what he was doing and walked to your room. He gently knocked on the door and usually he would get a response but he didn't. “Y/N/N it's time to get up for school.” He said using a soothing fatherly tone as he opened the door.
“Daddy?” You asked lazily looking up at him and he furrowed his eyebrows that's not like you.
“It's me, Baby Girl. It's time to get up.” He said coming to sit by you on your bed and just like a magnet you curled into him. He didn't think much of it, he just thought you wanted to be near him. “Are you ok?” He asked as he cuddled you and you nodded, you didn't want to inconvenience him.
“Yea I'm fine.” You lied easily. He didn't look convinced but went with it.
“Ok. We need to leave in 10 minutes so you need to get up and get ready.” He said and you nodded. He bent down and kissed your head and hugged you then he was getting up and leaving. Once he was gone you were sluggish to get up. It was like your movements were in slow motion and everything hurt but you powered through it. The time you got to the kitchen your father was already packing your lunch in your lunch box and grabbing your bag and waited by the front door. “Khloe and her mom are taking you to practice and I will pick you up after ball.” He said as he handed you some breakfast and your water bottle.
“Ok.” You said as you slipped on your shoes and then your backpack and took the lunch box from him. He nodded and then the both of you were out the door.
Once outside and in his truck that you loved so much you settled into the passenger seat and got comfortable. As you started to move you started to feel better and your dad picked up on this so the concern, he had this morning went out the window. You ate all your breakfast sandwich that your dad made that you loved and drank some of your water. He was really a good cook even though he doesn't like to admit it. The truck ride was filled with low music and quiet laughter and smiles. You definitely felt better after eating something. He pulled up to the school and parked and you got ready to get out. “Remember Khloe is taking you to practice and I will be picking you up.” He said and you nodded.
“Got it, Dad.” You added smiling and he smiled and nodded then you were getting out and opening the backdoor to grab your softball gear.
“I love you.” He said as he looked back at you.
“I love you too.” You said and then closed the door. He made sure you were in the school before driving off. You sighed preparing yourself to start the long boring day and the dreaded practice.
Throughout the school day you were back to feeling sluggish and your nose started to run. You also just wanted to lay down on something cold and take a nap. “Ms. Halstead, are you feeling, ok?” Mrs. Jean asked while everyone was at recess, you had been staying close to the bleachers and the students, which wasn't like you, you took a minute to respond but you nodded your head. She came over to you and sat next to you. It took a minute for you to notice she was there and you turned to look at her.
“I'm ok.” You said in a quiet voice.
“You look a little pale. Why don't you head to the nurse to lay down?” She asked in a concerning motherly tone; she did have 4 kids of her own. You shook your head.
“I'm really ok.” You said and she smiled softly at you.
“Ok. I won't push you. If you start feeling worse let me know and you can go to the nurse.” She said and you nodded at her and then she got up and left.
Lunch came and you didn’t feel like eating so you hardly ate anything. You left the rest in the lunchbox and went on with your day. The rest of the day you just dragged throughout the day not having the energy to do anything. When it came to gym class Mrs. Link let you set out because she could see how much you were struggling today. By the end of the day, you were feeling worse and you just wanted your dad but first you needed to get through softball practice.
“Hey, are you ready to go?” Khloe asked as she came up to you with her bag and gear. You looked at her smiling and nodded.
“Yea, I’m ready.” You said and she smiled and the two of you walked out. You grabbed your water bottle and downed half of it as you got to her mom’s car. Drinking something helped so you weren’t too concerned.
“Good afternoon, girls. Did you have a good day at school?” Khloe’s mom asked.
“It was alright.” You said and she frowned.
“You look a little pale my dear. Are you feeling, ok?” She asked as she looked at you.
“She hasn’t been feeling good since this morning.” Khloe said and you elbowed her. “What? I could see it when you walked in and didn’t say hi to me.” She said and you huffed and sunk into the seat. Her mother nodded but you knew she was still concerned. The car ride to the field was filled with car music and Khloe and her mom talking and laughing. You would comment when needed but you were just trying not to throw up. When you arrived at the field all three of you got out. You and Khloe grabbed your gear and you your backpack and walked over to the dugout and started to get ready.
You went through the motions of practice not really putting in the effort and everyone could see that which is why you had gotten pulled over to the side by Coach Ludgate. “Sweetie, are you feeling, ok?” She asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Yes.” You said and she looked at you in a concerned fatherly look. “No.” You admitted and he smiled softly at you and nodded.
“I can tell. You’re red in the face and you look pale. You also don’t seem as energetic as other times. Why don’t you go sit in the dugout out of the sun and cool off? Can’t have my best player collapsing on me.” He said smiling and you smiled back and walked sluggishly back to the dugout and laid down on the bench and closed your eyes. You don’t know how long you had your eyes closed but you then felt something cool being draped over your head. Your eyes shot open quickly and you came face to face with your dad.
“Dad?” You asked and he smiled, running a hand through your hair.
“Hey, Baby Girl. Thought I would come early and watch you practice. When I asked where you were they led me here.” He said and tears welled up in your eyes. “What’s wrong?” He asked as you sat up.
“I don't feel good.” You said quietly and he nodded, smiling softly.
“Let’s get you home. How long have you been feeling this way?” He asked
“Since this morning.” You said as you got up and grabbed your stuff and he nodded. He turned to look at your coach and he nodded and so the two of you made your way to his car and then home.
“Why didn't you let me know?” He asked as he threw your bags into the backseat.
“You were busy and I didn't want to disturb you or put more on your plate because you had a sick kid.” You said and his heart broke. For such a young kid you were smart and very generous of people's feelings.
“I would do anything for you.” He said and you nodded and sank into the cool leather of his truck. The ride home was quiet and uneventful; you had actually closed your eyes and fallen asleep. The music was down low so as to not disturb you. Jay was beating himself up, he should've seen the signs, he should've asked questions, he's a detective he should be able to pick up on things especially when it came to his own daughter. But you were just like him and you hid a lot of things well and you didn't let emotions show. By the time you got to the apartment you were out. He parked the truck and turned off the ignition. He sighed “Looks like I’ll be carrying you.” He said, chuckling to himself. He opened his door and got out then went over to the passenger side first grabbing your backpack and slung it over his shoulder and then he quietly shut the door and opened the passenger door. He quickly worked to get you unbuckled and then he picked you up, you threw your arms around him out of habit and buried your head into his neck. The moment your head touched his skin he knew how sick you were. You were warm despite having the ac blowing in the truck. As he situated you in his arms, he shut the door and locked it and started to head to the building.
“Good afternoon, Jay. I see you have a sleepy one.” Mrs. Mueller Quell, your elderly neighbor, and Jay smiled and nodded.
“Yea, she's not feeling good at the moment. Going to get her settled.” He said and she smiled and nodded.
“You should make her your famous chicken noodle soup. I know me and Grant love it.” She said
“I just might do that. We'll see you later.” He said and she smiled.
“If you need anything let us know. We've taken care of a few sick kids.” She said as she began to walk away to the mailroom.
“I will be.” He said as he got onto the elevator and pressed the button for the correct floor. He was amazed that you had slept through that interaction. As the elevator went up and eventually dinged, he walked out. In just a few quick long strides he was arriving at the door. He skillfully got his key out and unlocked it making sure to quietly shut it as he walked in. He sat your bag down and kicked off his shoes. He walked over to the couch and gently set you down but you had a grip on him like no other and he chuckled. He gently pried your grip apart and then laid you down, took your shoes off, then covered you up with a light thin blanket. He went into the kitchen to grab the children's Tylenol and pulled up the right dose and walked back into the living room. He hated to wake you up but he needed you to take it. “Baby Girl, can you wake up and take this for me? I promise you can go back to sleep.” He said as you opened your eyes and took the medicine and went directly back to sleep. He walked into the kitchen and put the now dirty cup in the sink. He then went to your backpack and there he sat your shoes down. He picked up your backpack and set it on the table and started to unpack it. At first it was all normal and he saw all the work that was sent home but everything was done and he smiled. You always finished your homework early; he had asked why and you responded casually saying that if you got it done early you could have more play time. He was shocked but he understood it and it was actually smart. As he was going through your backpack his phone started to ring. The shrill of the ringer was loud and he was quick to take it out of his pocket and answer it without looking at it just to get it to stop ringing and not wake you up.
“Detective Jay Halstead.” He said quickly.
“Well hello Detective Jay Halstead.” Hailey’s voice came through with a chuckle.
“Sorry, Hails. I didn't look at my phone. What's up?” He asked
“I just wanted to see if you and Y/N wanted to go out to a movie and ice cream.” She said and he smiled at that and looked over at you still sleeping. He began seeing Hailey when you were 9 years old and had just turned 10 years old. She was making the effort to connect with you and it was working.
“We're going to have to take a rain check on that. She's not feeling all that great. Didn't even practice at softball.” He said
“Oh man she must be bad off. That's not like her. She loves the sport.” She said and he smiled loving the thought that she actually paid attention to your interests.
“Yeah, she does.” He said, chuckling.
“I could pick some stuff up and come over.” She offered
“I would like that and she would too. She's asleep right now.” He said
“Anything specific you need?” She asked
“I think I'm out of children's Tylenol, just gave her the last dose, and cold medicine, do you mind getting that?” He asked
“Not at all! I'll be over there soon.” She said
“Thank you.” Jay said
“Anything for my boyfriend and his lovely daughter.” She replied and he smiled and chuckled and then they were both hanging up the phone.
When Jay got your lunch box, he pulled it out and opened and was shocked that there was most of your lunch still left. You love your food and would take any chance to eat it. All this just told him how sick you were. “Oh, Baby Girl.” He said, sighing. He got all of the stuff out and put the items that needed to be refrigerated in the fridge.
“Daddy?” You asked sitting up and he was over to you in a matter of seconds bending down in front of you.
“Hey, Baby Girl. What's wrong?” He asked and you looked at him. Your eyes weren't as bright as they usually are and you overall just didn't look great.
“I'm hungry.” You said and he smiled and ran a hand through your sweat soaked hair.
“Do you want some soup and crackers?” He asked and you nodded.
“Please.” You said and he smiled and nodded. He had taught you to be polite from a young age. Before he left, he grabbed the remote and handed it to you. You turned it on and turned on Disney+ and turned on Wizards of Waverly Place. You settled in as Jay went to the kitchen to see what soup he had on hand in the meantime. He grabbed the saltine crackers and then some canned chicken and noodle soup. He would have to go to the grocery later, he would've had Hailey pick it up but there was more he needed to get and he didn't want her to pay for his groceries. He quickly got to work on getting your food ready and when it was, he brought it into the living room and you sluggishly sat up and he could see this. He sat down and then gave it to you. You instantly cuddled into his side.
“Careful it's hot.” He said and you nodded and then started to eat. You ate about half of it and 3 crackers before you were handing it back to him and he was sitting it on the coffee table in front of you, you snuggled into him and he instantly cuddled you. As he sat there with you, he could hear now that you had become congested, he brought a hand to your forehead and frowned you were warmer than you were when he got you out of the truck. “You really don’t feel good do you, Baby Girl?” He asked as you snuggled into him more.
“No.” You said in a quiet voice and his heart broke. He kissed the top of your head.
“Hailey is on her way over with some medicine.” He said and you nodded but continued to snuggle into your father. It wasn’t 2 minutes later that there was a knock on the door and he was getting up to answer it but not without you whimpering out for him. “I’ll be right back. I promise. Hailey is here.” He said and you nodded and you let him get up but as he stood up and second later you were standing up and tucking yourself into his side.
“I don’t want to leave you.” You whined, tears welling up in your eyes and threatening to spill and a sniffle from you being sick and the tears.
“Ok ok you don’t have to.” He said as he picked you up and walked towards the door. You snuggled into him and wrapped your arms around his neck and legs locked around his waist. Yup you were definitely sick you were being super clingy. He got to the door and unlocked it then opened it and there stood his girlfriend/partner with bags of medicine and a cup holder filled with three drinks, milkshakes to be exact.
“Hey you two.” Hailey said and Jay smiled but you had already fallen asleep.
“Hey.” Jay said and leaned in to kiss her and she ran a hand through your hair. “I think she is asleep.” He said chuckling and she nodded in agreement.
“Well, she can have her milkshake later. I thought something cold would be nice.” Hailey said and Jay smiled as he led her in.
“You didn’t have to do that.” He said
“I wanted to. I love her like she is my own.” Hailey said having not seen his face since her back was turned to him as she put things away and your milkshake in the freezer. His face was one of love and appreciation.
“I can’t even begin on how to thank you.” Jay said and she shook her head.
“No need.” She replied as she turned around to look at Jay holding you and she practically melted right then and there.
“I’m going to try and go put her down. Then I will be right back out.” He said and she smiled and nodded.
“Take your time.” She said and he nodded and turned heading to your room. Jay walked down the hallway into your room he walked you to your bed and started to gently lay you down and you whimpered.
“No.” You whined as he laid you down and sat on the side of the bed.
“You’ll be much more comfortable here than on me. I promise. I’ll be in the living room with Hailey so I’ll be able to hear you if you call. Ok?” He asked and you looked at him tiredly and nodded.
“Ok. Tell her I said hi.” You said and it ended with a cough and he smiled as he ran a hand through your hair.
“I will. Now get some rest.” He said leaning up and kissing you on your sweaty hot forehead.
“Ok.” You whispered as your eyes closed and you were out like a light. He tucked you in and gave you your favorite stuffed animal and headed out of your room making sure to crack the door slightly. He looked at you one more time and then he was walking back to the living room.
“How is she?” Hailey asked
“She’s warmer than normal and she coughed which was new. She ate about half of her soup and 3 crackers before she was putting it down and snuggling into me before you got here.” Jay said
“What do you think it could be?” She asked and he shrugged.
“It could be anything. There has been some sickness going around her class but honestly don’t know.” Jay said as he grabbed your half-eaten soup and package of crackers into the kitchen. He put the bowl in the sink and the crackers back in the cabinet then he walked back into the living room, Hailey handed him his milkshake “Thank you.” He said and sat down and turned on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, a cop show that they were watching together. Jay slung an arm over shoulders and pulled her into him and they drank their milkshakes. They loved to comment on everything but it was mostly a show they didn’t have to really think about but with them both being detectives they ran the cases that were showing on the TV. They probably got about 3 hours into it, it was 8 PM, before you started to cough more and more and that concerned him. He had decided that he wouldn’t be going into work tomorrow and had let Voight know beforehand and he gave his approval saying family came first. “I’m going to check on her.” He said as he paused the show and Hailey nodded and sat up for him to go to your room. As he was walking to your room you started to cough more and more. He walked into the room and you were still sound asleep but coughing a really deep cough. He walked over and sat down on your bed and rubbed you back as you were turned onto your stomach. “Baby Girl.” He said and started to wake you up and all he got was a cough that he could feel wracking your body. “Hey, wake up.” He said as he started to pick you up and you snuggled into him.
“Daddy?” You asked followed by a cough.
“Yea, it's me. Hey, do you want to come into the living room with us? You coughing is worrying me.” He said and you looked at him and your eyes weren’t as bright as they were when you weren’t sick.
“Please.” You said and she smiled and got up and went into the kitchen to grab the milkshake. She put it in the microwave to soften it slightly and then walked back into the living room and handed it to you as she sat down. You took it but you were shaking and that concerned them both. Whatever you had zapped the energy out of you. “Thank you.” You said and took a sip of it and she smiled.
“Yea.” You said followed by a cough and he nodded and then he picked you up and took you into the living room. He was quick to dim the lights until it was semi-dark and Hailey was already making a spot for you between them. “Hi.” You said when you spotted her but it wasn’t as energized as before.
“Hi Sweetie.” She said with a smile as Jay sat down then he disappeared to grab more children’s Tylenol and come back in. He sat down on the other side of you and you somehow ended up more on him. “I heard you weren’t feeling good.” She said and ran a hand through your hair and you nodded snuggling more into your father and she smiled “I brought you a milkshake. Do you want it?” She asked and you looked up at your dad and he looked down at you and you nodded. You looked over at her and she could see the nonexistent light.
“You’re welcome, Sweetie.” She said
“Here, take this and wash it down with the milkshake.” Jay said and you nodded and said what you were told. Then they were turning their attention back to the TV as Jay pressed play. You watched it but didn’t pay any attention to it, not even finishing your milkshake. You were falling back to sleep and he was taking the cup out of your hands and putting it on the side table.
“She only drank half of it. She’s definitely not feeling well.” Jay said as you let out a cough.
“I hope she feels better soon. I hate seeing her like this.” Hailey said and Jay nodded.
“Me too.” He said
Around an hour later Jay was putting you back into your bed and he was bye to Hailey and he was heading off to get ready for bed and when they were done, they slid in and fell into a somewhat peaceful sleep. You coughed and coughed throughout the night and it seemed like it got worse when you were laying down. Jay being your parent had parent ears on all the time and they never turned off so when you stopped coughing during the night he was instantly awake and sitting up. He walked into the room and he was instantly kneeling by your bedside and he could see you breathing and he sighed but he wanted to wake you up just in case. “Y/N. Baby Girl. Can you wake up for me?” He asked as he petted your hair and you let out a cough and slowly cracked your eyes as best as you could but they were almost like caked shut and he could see that. “Oh, Baby Girl.” He said as he started to take the goop away from your eyes. As you started coughing again you started wheezing and that brought a new worry to your father that was new. It was time to call Will. “Come here.” He said picking you up and taking you into his bedroom and laid you down on his bed while he picked up his phone and unlocked it and pulled up his brother’s contact information and pressing call.
“I’m sorry for waking you up but no everything isn’t ok. Y/N is sick and at first, I could handle it but then she started coughing and just a little bit ago she stopped and now her eyes are filled with goop and she is wheezing.” Jay explained keeping watch over as you slept and wheezed.
“Jay? It’s 4 in the morning. Everything ok?” Will asked, voice full asleep.
“Has she been running a temperature?” Will asked
“She didn’t even practice?” Will asked
“She’s been running hot ever since I picked her up from softball practice where she was lying on the bench.” Jay said
“No, she was pale and sweaty and red in the face.” He replied
“Oh, damn she must be really sick. Go get a thermometer and take her temperature and tell me what it is.” Will said and Jay did just that. “Have you given her any medication?” He asked.
“No, not recently.” Jay said as he walked into this bathroom to retrieve one of many thermometers. “She had a dose of children's Tylenol when we got home and then at 8 PM.” Jay said as he grabbed it and then walked back into the bedroom. “Alright, I'm taking her temperature now.” He said and put it in your ear and you didn't move you were so sick you didn't even care.
“Has she thrown up any?” Will asked, already getting out of bed and getting ready to head over to the other Halstead household.
“No.” Jay said as the thermometer beeped. “102.2.” He read it out loud.
“It should've gone down with the children's Tylenol.” Will said, worrying about his one and only niece. “Let me hear her.” He said and Jay put the phone on speaker and put it next to you. You coughed and started to wheeze and Will sighed. “Let me grab some stuff from the hospital and I'll be right over.” Will said.
“Ok.” Jay said “We'll see you soon.” He said and then they both were hanging up the phone. Jay was worried and now Will was worried. He hated waking his brother up after he worked a 24-hr. shift but he didn't know what to do. Jay laid down next to you and shut his eyes.
30 minutes went by and he was jerking awake by a knock on the door and he was making sure you were breathing before he got up. He was surprised you didn’t wake up to the knock because you were such a light sleeper much like him. You coughed and were still wheezing and that broke his heart. He was quick to get to the door and open it to reveal his brother. “Hey, how is she?” Will asked as he walked in and Jay closed the door.
“Still wheezing and coughing.” He said as he led Will to his bedroom.
“Has she had anything to eat?” His brother asked and he nodded.
“Half a bowl of soup, 3 crackers, and half a milkshake.” Jay replied
“Normally she would eat everything. She has a fast metabolism.” Will said as they walked into the bedroom and you were in the middle of bed.
“That’s what I’m worried about. What did you have to get?” Jay asked
“I went and got a nebulizer with some medicine that will help with the wheezing and hopefully it’ll help with the cough as well.” He said
“What do we do about the coughing?” Jay asked as he stood arms crossed watching you and Will was looking at him.
“You need to be careful not to suppress a productive cough too much, unless it's keeping her from getting enough rest. Coughing can be useful, it can help clear the throat and airway of germs, mucus and dust. If it doesn't go away or comes with other symptoms like shortness of breath, mucus production or bloody phlegm then that could be the sign of a more serious medical problem and would need to be addressed.” Will said giving out medical information easily and keeping it to where Jay could understand it. Jay nodded glad to have a doctor for a brother.
“What should we do first?” Jay asked
“I wanna assess her and then go from there and that means unfortunately waking her up.” Will said and Jay said and nodded and went and sat down on the bed and began to wake you up. When you were awake and looked at him confused you then spotted Will and gave him a weak smile and he sadly smiled back at you. He could tell right away that you didn’t feel good. He approached you and sat on the other side of the bed. “Hey, Kiddo. I heard you weren’t feeling good.” He said in a sympathetic voice he used for his younger patients. You shook your head and cuddled into your father.
“Yea.” You said in a quiet voice and that wasn’t like you. You then coughed and coughed until you started gagging. Will was quick to grab the empty trash can by the nightstand and thrust it under just in time for you to expel everything in your stomach, which wasn’t much. Jay held your hair and rubbed your back.
“It’s ok, Baby Girl. Let it all out.” He said and once you were dry heaving you practically collapsed into your father exhausted. “That was new.” Jay said and Will sighed he hated seeing you in such a state, you were naturally a strong-willed girl much like your father and to see you dwindle down to nothing saddens him. 
“I’m going to listen to you and take a couple of vitals. You don’t have to move from Jay, ok?” He asked
“Ok.” You said in a now hoarse voice. Having no energy you just sat there while Will checked you over, you actually started to fall asleep.
“Is she asleep?” Will asked and Jay looked down at you and your eyes were closed and head resting on his chest.
“She’s asleep.” Jay said, looking back up at his brother.
“She’s really is sick.” Will said and Jay nodded. “I want to get a dose of medicine from the nebulizer in her and I want her to be awake for that but if she falls asleep during it then it should be fine.” Will added and Jay nodded and once again he was waking you up and he felt so bad about it. When you were awake Will explained what the machine was and what it does and he could tell that you were listening but not fully there but enough to understand. He hooked the machine up and put the medicine in and then handed the piece to Jay who put it over your nose and mouth. At first you protested but when you started to feel better and not wheezing you embraced it and leaned into your father and started to fall asleep the brothers talked about whatever came to their mind mostly the recent Jayhawks game. Once the medicine was done, Jay, not having the heart to move you back to your room, tucked you into his bed and then the brothers were heading into the living room.
“How long do you think it’ll be before she gets better?” Jay asked
“I’m thinking and hoping in a couple days but it may take a week or two.” Will said and Jay sighed but nodded. Jay looked at his watch and saw that it was 5 AM. He looked up at his brother.
“I can either make us some coffee or we can try to get some sleep. Guest room is free.” Jay said
“I’m gonna get some sleep and I suggest you do the same.” Will said and Jay smiled.
“You’re the doctor, you know what is best.” Jay said a smile turning into a smirk and Will rolled his eyes but smiled. As they headed for the rooms Jay’s phone pinged and he looked at it. “Her school has been closed due to so many kids sick.” Jay said and Will nodded.
“That’s what needed to happen when all of this started.” Will said and Jay nodded in agreement. They walked into the rooms and Jay got into bed and somehow you sensed he was there because you were cuddling into him. He smiled and cuddled you kissing your head as he was doing so, he noticed that you weren’t wheezing anymore and the coughing had died down. Once he knew you were ok, he let himself relax and eyes closed and he actually fell asleep.
The next morning Jay was waking up and he was expecting you to be next to him but you weren’t and that made him confused until he heard the laughing coming from the kitchen and followed by your cough. He slowly got out of the bed and walked into the kitchen to find you and Will up to now good. “Good morning, Daddy.” You said in a hoarse voice when you spotted him and that made Will look over in his direction.
“Good morning.” Will greeted
“How are you feeling?” Jay asked and you shrugged. He could see your eyes were not as bright.
“Not great but not worse.” You said and coughed deeply and Jay was rushing over to you rubbing your back. After you were done you took a deep breath and nodded.
“You ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“I’m ok.” You said “We decided to make breakfast.” You said and he smiled and kissed your head.
“You’re actually trusting Uncle Will with the kitchen?” Jay joked
“Hey! I can cook.” Will defended
“No, that’s why I’m supervising.” You said throwing a signature Halstead smirk.
“Oh lord, good thing we have Firehouse 51 on speed dial.” Jay said and everyone laughed. The morning was filled with laughter and joking and eating and every now and then your coughs. By the afternoon you were in the middle of them passed out on the couch as they watched a random hockey game. By the end of the day Will had gone back home but he made Jay promise to keep him updated and he stuck to his promise. Throughout the next week you were getting stronger and light was coming back to your eyes. The coughing had subsided. Your school opened back up and Jay went back to work. You were actually able to get through a softball practice.
By week 3 you were back to normal. Your eyes were bright, you were eating like your normal self, and you were energized again. Everyone was currently at your softball game and of course you were winning. “She’s back to her normal self, I see.” Will said and Jay nodded.
“Yeah she is. I’m so glad about it too.” He replied
“She even had me worried.” Hailey said “I never have to worry about her, she is too much like her daddy that she doesn’t need to be worried about.” She added and everyone nodded in agreement. The crowd erupted in a cheer and they looked up in time for you to slide and steal home base to win the game. Everyone cheered and crowded around you. Once everyone cleared out and you grabbed your stuff you walked over to your dad, uncle, and Hailey.
“Great job, Kiddo!” Will said and brought you in for a tight hug.
“Thank you, Uncle Will.” You said and hugged him back.
“You did an amazing job, Baby Girl.” Jay said and hugged you after you got done with Will.
“You were amazing out there. I’m so glad you’re back to your normal self.” She said running a hand over her head and you smiled and looked up from your position from hugging your father and smiled at her.
“Thank you.” You said and then you snuggled into your father’s side and looked at Will. “Thank you for being Dr. Uncle Will.” You said and he smiled.
“Anytime, Kiddo. I hate seeing you so down.” He said
“We all do.” Jay said
You hated being sick and being down for so long. You hated not being up and doing something and you got that from your dad honestly. Hopefully you wouldn’t be getting that sick again but you never know what life would throw your way. Next time could be just a 24-hr. bug or it could put you in the hospital, you just never know.
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Officer Down | J.H.
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Summary: Jay takes a hit to the chest during a shootout and gives you quite the scare. Based on episode 6x2.
A/N: I finally wrote something!! (Shocking I know) it only took me 7 months but I’ve finally got a new fic for yall. I’m sorry for being so slow to write but the last 7 months have been ROUGH.
I’ve been wanting to write this fic forever and was finally inspired to finish it after rewatching the episode. I don’t really like how this turned out but that’s what happens after writers block I guess
Warnings: near death experiences, guns and shooting
Word Count: 637
This case had been difficult for the team, Jay getting hit his hardest with his dad being one of the victims on the fire. The longer the chase for the arsonist, the more you could see him spiraling. You expected it, all things considered. Jay may have said they didn’t have the best relationship, but it was still his father. What you didn’t expect was for Jay to disobey a direct order from Voight and go after the suspect on his own.
After you took his truck and two way, you thought he would be safe, far away from the action. So when you heard his call come in over the radio, your heart sank to your stomach.
“This is 5021 George. Emergency. Shots fired. Offender down, need an ambo. Lower Wacker and Columbus.”
As soon as you heard his location, you took off running, Kevin close behind. Rounding the corner, you saw Jay unmoving on the pavement, his side covered in blood.
“5021 Victor. Officer down. I repeat, officer down. Lower Wacker and Columbus. Get us an ambulance!” You rushed to Jay’s side, leaving Kevin to take care of the offender.
You tried to stay calm as you ripped open his shirt, panic threatening to override your training. You could see he was bleeding from his side, but you couldn’t tell what the damage was from the other bullets.
“Jay? Hey, talk to me.” Your voice wavered.
Jay was breathing heavily, looking at you with wide eyes. You pulled his vest away from his body, feeling under it for the bullet.
“It didn’t go through. It didn’t go through.” You pressed on the wound at his side with shaky hands. “You’re gonna be okay. It’s okay. Just breathe.”
You watched intently as the paramedics patched up Jay in the back of the ambulance. There were officers all around you, blocking off the scene and questioning the other members of the team, but you tuned it all out.
Once the paramedics were done treating him and he had gotten a thorough scolding from Voight, you made your way over.
“Hey.” You took a seat next to him. “You gonna be okay?”
Jay looked at you sheepishly. “Yeah, I’m okay. No serious damage, just a few stitches and some major bruising.”
“I’m really sorry, Y/N. I just couldn’t stop myself.” He said quietly.
You nodded lightly, giving him a small smile and patting his leg gently. “I know.”
The paramedic came back over and you used the interruption to excuse yourself. You could feel the aftermath of the situation setting in and you needed to get away from the scene.
You heard footsteps behind you and Kevin appeared at your side. “Hey, you okay?”
“Yep, I’m good. I’m fine.” You replied, unable to keep the emotion out of your voice.
Kevin put a hand on your arm, slowing you down and turning you towards him. “Woah, woah.” You couldn’t stop the tears from welling up in your eyes as you met his gaze. “Yeah, that’s the adrenaline wearing off. It’s okay.”
“I thought he was dead.” You choked out the words.
Kevin put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close. “So did I.”
As the two of you made it back to the cars, he brought you in for a hug. You gripped his shirt tightly, embarrassed by your crying, but soaking in the comfort after the emotions of the past hour. You knew out of anyone, Kevin would never judge you for being human.
“I gotcha.” He rubbed your back comfortingly. “C’mon, Sarge said we’re done for the day. Jay’s in good hands. I’ll drive you home.”
You spared one last glance back towards Jay as you got into the car, only to find him looking right at you, his face etched with concern.
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thestarrynightslover · 6 months
Maybe We Could Do It Again
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 4,632
Warnings: bickering and fluff.
Summary: Jay meets the Reader as they’re both babysitting Makayla for Adam and Kim and they end up tangled up on the ground and kissing.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Okay, so this is one of the longest fics I’ve written, which might be a little too long but I hope you guys like it and feel free to send feedback! By the way, this is the first time I insert Burzek in one of my fics but I think I got their energy right ;)
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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“Oh my God, Adam! I can’t believe that even when you’re not supposed to do something you get it wrong!” Kim yelled at her boyfriend.
“What the hell-” He even tried to respond but got immediately interrupted for his bad language.
“Adam!” She hissed again, not believing how he could still curse so much now that the two of them had a child in the house.
“Sorry, sorry!” He said, nervously raising his hands, as Kim already peeked through the kitchen doors to see Jay and Makayla pretend like they hadn’t been listening to every word of their conversation in the living room. “It’s just… I remember you specifically telling me to find someone to babysit the kid, so I did it! How is it possible that I’m the one who-”
“Yes! I did ask you two to do that! On Monday! And do you remember what you told me?” He didn’t dare to say anything. “Oh, no? Because I do! I remember you saying, and I quote:” she said, even making finger quotes to emphasize the whole thing, “‘Where the hell am I supposed to find a babysitter for Makayla? None of my friends have any experience with kids!’” Kim shoved it in his face, making a very good point for herself. But, as usual, Adam decided to go against any sign of good judgment and continue to defend himself. He knew he could never let Kim in on it, but Jay himself was one of those who had already heard the officer saying how much he loved bickering with his girlfriend and getting her all fired up against him.
“No, uh! That won’t cut it! You told me, and I quote: ‘Then hire someone! I don’t know! But you’re the one who came up with the date night idea, so don’t come and throw something that should be your responsibility on my shoulders!’, so I knew that I needed to find someone! Kev and Vanessa are visiting his siblings this weekend, so I thought: why not Jay? He’s good with kids, and he offered to help us with Makayla!” Adam concluded, absolutely proud of himself while Kim just rolled her eyes.
“Oh. My. God!!! You do know he didn’t mean that literally, don’t you?” She was already fuming by that point.
“Err-” He had to admit that he’d never stopped to think about that possibility…
“No one means that literally!!” She shouted, this time, making even the neighbors hear their arguing. “No one means that literally, and, now, you’re just making us both look like the cops who can’t take care of their own kid in front of the entire unit.” She stated, in a lower, tone while pinching the bridge of her nose.
“But this is not the entire unit! This is Jay! Our friend Jay, who had offered!” Adam stood by that argument and Kim had already opened her mouth to shoot a remark back when Jay came into the kitchen.
“Makayla’s distracted with the tv.” He started with that so that they wouldn’t be worried. “Uh... Guys, Kim, you don’t have to worry about me telling anyone about this, okay? I won’t. Besides, I did mean what I said before. I’m here to help. Whatever you guys need. Plus, for someone who had plans of watching a game rerun alone at home on a Friday night, babysitting that cute little girl is almost like hitting a jackpot!” Jay assured, giving them a small smile and shiny eyes headed towards Makayla’s direction. Babysitting a kid, when he was probably never gonna have one of his own, was one of the things that he, personally, missed the most about when Will and Natalie were together. Back when Lindsay lived in Chicago, he used to be sure that, someday, he was gonna find someone. Settle down. Build a family. But, now… After everything that had happened, he couldn’t help but feel like his time to do all that had run out. So, instead of mooning over it, he could gladly babysit Makayla.
“Well, um, thank you, Jay,” Kim started, nervously tucking a string of hair behind her ear, “that’s really nice to hear. And we very much appreciate it. But-” She didn’t get a chance to finish as the doorbell rang and Adam rushed towards the apartment’s entrance to prevent his very excited little girl from opening the door by herself. When he got there, followed by the other two adults, Makayla was already standing on her tiptoes, hand-in-handle.
“Hey! Watcha doing, you little adventurous?!” Adam asked while picking her up from the floor and tickling her sides, which made her become a giggling mess. “You can’t just open the door like that, darlin’! You gotta check on the peephole first,” he said, as he lifted her up enough so that she could look through the hole, “like this. See someone?”
“Yes! It’s (y/n/n)!” She squealed out. “Can we open the door now? Please, Adam?” Makayla asked, shooting him pleading eyes, while her body buzzed with happiness.
“Ah, (y/n/n), right,” Adam said simply, opening the door and fearing that Kim would want to restart the whole discussion with him.
“Hey, princess!” And that simple greeting was all it took for Makayla to throw herself from Adam’s arms straight to yours. “Wow,” you laughed at her sudden movement, which had caused you to lose your balance a little, “you excited to see me?”
“Yes!! Did you bring the bakings???” She asked you eagerly, bakings being what she called your cooking utensils.
“No, not today!” Your answer made her face, almost immediately, turn into a sad frown. “But I brought this!” You told her while lifting up a box that read ‘karaoke set’, above a few drawings of a microphone and musical notes. Seeing that, Makayla’s saddened expression shifted in two seconds, eyes lighting up.
“Look, Kim!” The little girl shrieked, more than ready to have what she already knew was about to be the time of her life.
“Yeah, I see that! Seems like you girls are gonna have a blast…” Your friend weirdly trailed off, as her mind tried to find a quick solution to the mess her boyfriend had made.
“Uh…” Was all that a very handsome man you hadn’t met yet managed to let out.
“Jay, um, this is my best friend (y/n). (y/n/n), this is our friend from work Jay. I’m sorry about the mess, guys, it’s Adam’s fault.” Kim spoke again, bluntly accusing her boyfriend.
“My fault??? Are you kidding??? You told me to find someone to watch Makayla 'cause you didn’t want us to keep bothering (y/n)!”
“Guys! It’s no bother at all, really. Hanging out with this little princess is in my best interest, believe me!” You said, quickly defending your case.
“Well, thanks for saying that, (y/n/n). What happened here is that Adam told me he wouldn’t be able to get anyone,” Kim started while shooting daggers into her boyfriend with her bare eyes. “So, since I wasn’t about to just wait for a miracle, I called and asked you to do it. But someone didn’t think about telling me that he had already gotten Jay to come. And now you’re both here, ugh!” She finished, rather dramatically, while pointing a finger at Adam.
That was, seriously, the best couple you knew when it came to bickering.
“Okay, so, um, it’s not gonna be any trouble. I can leave since your colleague got here first and you don’t need to be stressed on your date night, friend.” You tried to bring things to a peaceful ending before Kim turned it into a murder scene.
“Oh, I do need to be stressed! I need to-” She started to debate but got cut off by Makayla’s cute pleading voice:
“But you can’t leave, (y/n/n)! We’re gonna play karaoke!” The little girl clearly had already gotten worked up by your idea for the night.
“Makayla, baby, please don’t be difficult. You hang out with (y/n/n) all the time, and uncle Jay is already here…” You watched as Adam tried to reason with his daughter while she held you really tight.
“No, uh…” Their friend started to say. Was it too weird for you to be thinking about how incredibly cute he looked when scratching the back of his neck like that? “Relax, man, I can go. I bet that you’re gonna have a lot more fun with her than with me, anyways, Mak.” He completed, talking to your little friend with a sweet smile, to which she reacted with a confused frown.
“But- but why does Jay have to leave? Can’t he play karaoke with us, (y/n/n)?” Makayla asked you poutingly.
“Now that’s something I’d like to see!” Adam started to mock but stopped when Kim punched him in the arm. “Ouch! That hurt, you know?”
“I know! That was exactly the result I was hoping for!” She squealed out sarcastically, “Makayla, honey, you can’t just ask both (y/n/n) and Jay to play karaoke, of all things, with you.” It was lovely to watch Kim interacting so patiently with her kid but the young girl still didn’t seem to understand.
“But why???”
“Well, they don’t know each other, Makayla.” Kim tried again but Mak still wasn’t ready to give it up.
“But they know me!” 
“Good luck explaining now, ma.” As soon as the words came out of his mouth, all of you 𑁋 Adam himself included 𑁋 knew what was coming, fortunately, Kim just punched him in the arm again.
“You know, guys, you don’t need to fight over something like this, okay? Uh… Since he’s your coworker, I’m gonna assume that he’s one of the good guys, therefore I wouldn’t really have a problem with hanging out with him…” You said because you were never one to say no to little kids. “I mean if that’s okay with you, too, officer…”
“It’s detective, actually. But you can call me Jay, uh, (y/n), right?”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“Well, I don’t have any problems with hanging out with you either,” Jay said and, Jesus, was that really his smile? “I mean, Mak should get all the babysitters she wants!” He told her with a wink. It was official. You were so done for the night.
“Ha!” Kim nervously let out a laugh, “let’s go easy there, cowboy! You can’t just come into my house offering the kid everything she wants.”
“Okay, okay,” the detective started to say with a gesture of surrender while the couple started to get out of the house to give you the space to properly go in. “Sorry ‘bout that, ma!” You could have sworn that you saw him tremble 𑁋 just a little 𑁋 under the deadly gaze your friend sent his way. Adam, who seemed to be off the hook for the first time that night, took the moment to laugh and hope that his girl would forget she had been so mad at him.
“C’mon, darling. Let’s get going before we decide it isn’t very safe to leave Mak with those two.”
"Yeah… I'm already deciding that but maybe they'll prove us wrong." Kim said, voice absolutely faithless. "You behave, Makayla!"
"It's more than obvious that she's going to be the best tonight. Get outta here already!" You heard Jay yelling a little in response to her, as you and Makayla started to get the karaoke set up.
But you, being the lucky person you were, obviously couldn't find your way around your friend's old stuff.
"Uh, you need any help there?"
“No! No, not all! Um, I got this!” You quickly responded because you could be pretty skeptical when it came to admitting your weaknesses and, from your point of view, not getting a simple karaoke set to work was a huge one.
“Alright, then…”
“Are you sure you don’t want Jay to help, (y/n/n)?” Mak asked, sounding way more reasonable than you, the actual adult there.
“Um, err, I guess maybe I could use some help… It’s just that this TV setup is quite different from mine…” You said, still unwilling to let how confused you were really show.
“Yeah, I can help!” you heard Jay as he left his spot in the corner of the room. “I was just ordering us pizza but I can totally help out 'cause Adam and I actually shopped for these TVs together, so I have the same one!” He said, this time, already gently getting the device from your hands before you could even react, which was probably him sensing that you wouldn’t give it up so easily, like he could see right through you.
“Okay, well, since you already ordered the pizza, I’ll go make us some juice.” As you said that you got both of your companions making weird faces at you, so you amended: “Or not, because you already ordered soda too… Just keep in mind that if Kim gets mad because of all the junk food that kid is eating, I’m telling on you, detective!” You said, making a point to stare right into his eyes 𑁋 God, they were so beautiful, was there nothing but beauty in this man’s body?
“Okay, so I think we’re all good here with the karaoke! Who wants to go first?” Hearing that you came of your very dangerous thoughts and Makayla jumped up and down, screaming:
“Me! Me! Me!”
“Alright, little lady, then come pick a song!” Jay told her and stood by to help her with her choice.
About three hours later all three of you had already sung your hearts out 𑁋 Jay having had gone for ABBA, which surprised you and Mak, to say the least 𑁋 eaten lots of pizza, drunk lots of soda and had begun watching a movie, cause you told Jay that that always did the trick when it came to Mak falling asleep. But, God, it was hard to pay attention to the movie you were supposed to be watching when sitting next to a guy like that. And he wasn’t just really handsome. He was sweet and kind and funny. Also, he was so good with Makayla. It was like everything you’d always imagined the perfect man being like was right there, reunited in the detective’s goof self. But you couldn't be thinking those thoughts about him. Not when he was so close. And definitely not when your best friend's daughter was lying on both of your laps.
So, in order to calm your thoughts for a minute, you gently put Makayla’s head on a cushion as you got up 𑁋 because she was already asleep 𑁋, and said I’m gonna get started on cleaning over there.” It was indeed necessary since Mak had dropped all of the content of a big ice cream container near the dining table, the ice cream being very sticky and sort of liquid 𑁋 which was obviously beyond your understanding but who were you to judge Kim and her preferences? 
"Oh God, lemme help you!" You heard Jay saying, as he quickly made his way from the corridor over to where you were cleaning the floor, by the dining table.
"Ah, there's no need for it. I'm used to spending time with Mak, and, then, cleaning up before Kim sees it." You told him with a sly smile.
"Ha! Well, I don't doubt it! You're really good with her."
"And she's really good at making giant messes."
"Right." He said, chuckling lightly. "But, this time, I bet you felt like there were two kids, huh?"
"Your words, not mine, detective."
"Anyways, I'll help. Don't tell Kim and Adam, cause they might spread it across the district, but I'm actually pretty good at cleaning. Especially, when compared to someone who's doing such a lousy job." At that, you instantly snapped your head in his direction.
"What did you just say?" You asked, pretending to be mad while standing up and raising your sponge, as if it was a weapon you were threatening him with.
"Uh… Uh, d- did you know that pulling a weapon on a cop is a crime?" He asked, trying to play along, but stuttering a little.
"And what are you gonna do?" Now that Makayla was asleep… "Huh? Arrest me?" Jesus Christ, you definitely weren't thinking straight, you thought as you watched Jay drop his mop, also spilling all the soapy water on the floor. He even motioned to take care of it but stopped when he realized that you were, now, standing closer. Closer than it was safe for him to be near a woman like you. So he decided to take a step backward, not remembering the floor situation and slipping. As a reflex, you grabbed his shirt when you were obviously not gonna be able to prevent him from falling.
So, you ended up falling with him. On top of him. Oh God, was that living room always so hot? Your thoughts were cut off by Jay's laugh, it was an open-mouthed laugh, just like when you two were interacting with Makayla. He didn't seem to be the kind of guy who got to laugh too much, especially given his job. But it definitely suited his features. His smile, that bright, was so beautiful.
"So you're seriously not even gonna try and get up? Just gonna stay there staring?" Hearing that, you blushed instantly, because you hadn't even realized you were staring.
"Ah, uh… Right." Now, that was your turn to stutter, and Jay was loving every second of it. He thought you looked absolutely adorable like that. Even more so than you had looked all night.
But you weren't feeling adorable at all. You were embarrassed. By the situation at hand, sure, but, also, by your entire behavior that had, pretty much, gotten the two of you in that position. What was going through your head? The answer was simple: nothing. Or, better yet, Jay's gorgeous face, body, and behavior. Just, Jay being gorgeous all night. Now, what really made you wanna dig a hole and jump right into it was when you tried to get up but the floor was so slippery that you just fell back on him.
Needless to say, he was having a playfield. Laughing like there was no tomorrow. In fact, he had relaxed completely under you, laying his head on the soaked floor.
"You know what? This is pretty comfortable. I think I'll stay right here." It was official: you had no self-shame.
"Are you serious?" He asked, trying hard to hold back from laughing.
"Look, I don't know what else to do, okay? And my brain is clearly affected by your little charm, because I just keep mortifying myself over and over-"
"So you think I'm charming, huh?" Damn it. A thousand times damn it.
"Uh… That's not exactly what I-" You couldn't finish your sentence, as Jay started pulling you even closer to him. Kissing you. Oh boy, how he kissed you…
"Oh. My. God." Both you and Jay jumped away from each other, as much as you could, the second you heard Kim say that, her being followed suit by Adam:
"What the hell is that?!?" He half-asked, half-barked at the both of you, trying hard to not burst into laughter.
"Uh, it's, um, it's not what you're thinking, guys-"
"It's not what I'm thinking?!?" Yeah… It was safe to say that Kim was pissed. "Are you sure it isn't? Because the image actually seemed pretty self-explanatory to me!" As the both of you just kept working out a way to get up from the floor, she continued: "I come back home thinking that everything was gonna be perfect because my daughter had two adults babysitting her! People that I thought were quite responsible but, then, I come home to find those very adults making out on the floor in my living room! My very dirty living room! And, by the way, where the hell is Makayla?"
"She, um, she's in her bedroom. Asleep." Jay finally spoke. "And, about the mess… We were just, uh…"
"Yeah, man, we saw what you were just doing," Adam said, looking like he was having the time of his life.
"No! That's not what he was gonna say-"
"Ah, so the two of you got along so well that now you even know what he was going to say, (y/n)?" Kim said, while glaring at you.
"All I meant was that, well, the place got a little dirty…" Jay started to explain but not fast enough.
"A little???" Kim was really, really mad, you realized.
"But dinner was great!" At that, both you and Kim just stared at him incredulously while Adam started laughing on his way to the kitchen.
"That's what you were going to say???" You ask him, not believing you'd just tried to defend him for some joke. "Kim, I'm sorry things ended up this unfruitful…" You began to tell your best friend, to try and patch things up, when Adam chipped in from the other room.
"You know, darling, Jay wasn't wrong! This pizza is great!" He barked, mouth full. And that's what got Kim to go over the edge.
"Don't you realize what just happened here, Adam??? And, you two! I still haven't heard an explanation on what the hell I just saw!"
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry! We were cleaning up and then it just-"
"It just what, (y/n)??? It just happened? That what you were gonna say?"
"As a matter of fact, yes, it is! It just happened because you and your boyfriend made me babysit with this ridiculously hot guy and I'm human! Now, before you have another crisis, Makayla didn't see anything and I'm leaving because I just humiliated myself more than enough for a lifetime!" With that said, and your flight or flee instinct activated — cause you were never much of a fighter —, you did the smartest thing possible and stormed out of there, hoping to be able to get into some sort of protection program for embarrassment victims.
Meanwhile, Adam and Kim simply had to laugh, even more so when they noticed Jay's shocked twinkling expression.
"Jay! What is wrong with you?" Kim asked, taking him out of his daze.
"Go after her! If I hadn't been so upset about the circumstances, I would've been the first one to say that what happened over there?" She asked, pointing to the floor. "What happened there was hot." The officer finished her trail of thought bluntly, as if it was the most obvious thing.
"But… What about your living room?" Jay asked, still unsure of what to do.
"Are you kidding me? Look, Halstead, if you promise not to break her heart… I won't hold it against you." Kim stated, making her stance on the whole matter very clear. She thought it was a good way to start apologizing to you after freaking out like that.
"Uh, uh, alright!" The detective rambled, looking like he had no idea of what to do next.
“Go!” With that last push, he left his friends’ house to go try and get the girl.
“You know, this is quite a mess but they do have the potential to be a great couple!” Adam happily pointed out, as he kept eating all he could find.
“Ha! If she’s as lucky as I am…” Kim ironically muttered, as she watched her boyfriend impolitely shoving food in his mouth.
“Then she’s a very lucky lady!” He confidently stated with a grin while all Kim could do was laugh at his messy childish ways.
Outside burzek's apartment — burzek being the ship name you used to tease Kim and Adam with —, you had been slowly walking towards the subway. You wanted to move faster but your mind was too full at the moment. And, sometimes, when you needed to get your head back on straight, you couldn't really do anything else, having a hard time concentrating on your flow of thoughts.
It was right when you were beginning to think you had stopped the spirals in your mind that you heard him: "(y/n)!" You recognized the detective's voice on the spot. How could you not, after how he had managed to disrupt your thoughts and actions all evening? But you weren't about to turn back around and have your very own movie ending with him. You just knew it wasn't gonna play out like that and decided to keep walking in order to preserve the little dignity you still had. "Oh, c'mon! Just give me a minute! Please!" That pleading made you turn around, to let him down more politely, which ended up with the two of you almost hitting each other. Once again, that same night, he was too close to you. The proximity with his body sending all sorts of heatwaves through yours. He seemed to be feeling it too, given the way he started to look at you, the damn smirk back on his lips.
"Nu-uh. You don't get to look at me like that. Not after what it did to me the first time."
"Huh. Care to elaborate on that? How exactly am I looking at you?" He asked, moving even closer to you altogether. "And, more importantly, what exactly did it do to you?"
"You don't need me to answer any of that." You pointed out, crossing your arms over your chest — clearly going into defensive mode.
"Maybe not," he started, tilting his head slightly — the damn smirks never leaving his face. "But. I'd like to hear it nevertheless."
"Well, you're not going to."
"Ah, okay." Wait, was he really giving up that easily? "Then maybe I can just try and see what it does to you one more time? For the sake of curiosity." All you could think to say was an enthusiastic 'Yes, please!' but, when he started leaning in to kiss you, you seemed to come back to your senses, pushing him away and taking some steps back of your own.
"Oh my God! Don't you get it? We can't be doing this right now. Not after the way I left things with Kim because of our previous, um, actions!" At that, Jay just gave you a confused look. "I stormed out of there but just because I was feeling too ashamed about it all and I honestly don’t think that I want any more embarrassment for a lifetime.
“Okay, okay. I get that but maybe it would feel less embarrassing for you if you knew that I was feeling all of that too: all of that buzzing energy and the goddamn butterflies and everything. You were doing exactly the same I did to you to me. And, as embarrassing as it was to be caught like that by Adam and Kim, I still can’t say I regret any of it. In fact, I was thinking that maybe we could do it again? You know, minus all the mess and the kid 𑁋 I mean, I adore Mak but that would be-” 
You didn’t care to listen to the rest of all he had to say. Instead, you threw yourself into his arms, even making him lose his balance for a second, and started kissing him, except that this time it was a slow, hot, and thought-through kiss. And the second you did kiss him, you heard clapping and whistling from afar, as you turned to find Kim and Adam there, once again witnessing you and Jay kiss. And that had Jay whispering to you:
“Let’s get out of here?” To which you responded simply with a:
“Yes, please!”
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halsteadlover · 1 year
Exam Buddy
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Female!Reader.
• Requested by anon: Hi! I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if I could please request a Jay Halstead x Detective Student Reader (she’s in her last year of her uni/established relationship) stressed out with her exams and Jay just comforts her kinda like a fluff to smut path? Thank you inadvance! :) loved your writing so I decided to request for the first time!
• Warnings: mention of nudity, oral sex (fem receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (always practice safe sex you guys), cursing, ugly ass writing (yeah that’s a warning too).
• Word count: 5182.
• A/N: PLEASE READ THIS ONLY IF YOU’RE 18+. That’s honestly so bad I don’t know what to think 😭 I hope you’ll like this piece regardless, please let me know what do you think, like, comment and reblog if you want. Thank you so much for your constant support, I will never shut up about it but I’m so grateful for all of you.
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“Baby I'm home!”.
Jay announced as he walked through the door of the apartment you two shared, frowning when he got no response. There was an almost deathly silence in the house and he even doubted you were home for a moment.
“Baby? Where are you?” Jay spoke again placing the bags containing dinner on the kitchen table and then heading to your bedroom. He opened the door and a smile was born on his lips when he saw you sitting on the bed, your back to him. He went out in the afternoon and found you in the same position as he left you in the evening.
Without seeing your face, he already knew you had a pen between your lips as you chewed it in frustration. Your hair was tied up in a messy bun and you were wearing a t-shirt, obviously Jay's.
Numerous papers and notes were scattered on the bed, a sign you were still rehearsing and studying for your next detective exam. Jay walked over to the bed, realizing you hadn't even realized he was there yet.
“Hey,” he said placing his hands on your eyes, roaring as you literally jumped in fright.
“Are you out of your mind?! You scared the shit out of me!” you exclaimed raising your voice, your hand resting on your chest as you waited for your heartbeat to return to normal. “Go away, don't touch me,” you pushed him away when he, while he was still laughing out loud, tried to hug you. “You're a piece of shit you know that? You can't pop on me like that fuck's sake!”.
“Sorry love, I didn't mean to scare you,” Jay tried to justify himself, smiling at you. You rolled your eyes and returned your gaze to the note sheet you were trying to memorize. He removed some papers to make space and sat in front of you, so he could have a good look at you. “Why aren’t you looking at me?” he chucked.
“I'm mad at you now.”
“Why’s that my sweet princess?”.
“Because you almost gave me a heart attack!” you exclaimed looking at him not amused at all.
Jay tried to hold back his laughter and pulled you by your hands, wrapping you in a hug. “In my defense, I called you several times and you didn't answer me,” he kissed your forehead as he stroked your back “Can I make it up to you with dinner? I brought some Mexican, your favorite.”
Your eyes lit up when you heard those last words and in that same instant your stomach rumbled. “Mh, maybe.”
Jay chuckled and squeezed you tighter. “Now woman, are you going to give me a kiss or not? I missed you so much today.”
You smiled and lifted your head, placing a hand on his cheek and drawing him to you in a kiss. He almost moaned into the kiss, having no idea how much he'd missed your lips until they were pressed against his.
His hand stroked the side of your face, and a sigh escaped your lips as he let his tongue slip in your mouth, deepening the kiss and completely taking your breath away.
“Come on love let's go eat, I can't waste time, I still have to study,” you murmured once you pulled away.
“Since when is kissing your boyfriend a waste of time?” he asked rhetorically, raising an eyebrow.
You jostled him playfully. “Don't say that, you know exactly what I mean. I have the exam in three weeks and I'm literally not even halfway through the program, Jay I can't...”
“Hey, hey, hey, stop,” he soothed you placing his hands on your cheeks, “My love, everything will be fine, I know how you feel and I know you're under a lot of stress. How about we go eat now? Let's talk a bit and if you want I'll help you study later mmh?”.
You and Jay sat on the couch eating dinner and talked about how your days had gone. However, your mind was not at ease and you couldn’t stop thinking about the amount of pages you’d have to study and how little time you had. Anxiety was gripping your stomach and by then you couldn't concentrate anymore on nothing else but this damned exam.
Jay was trying to be as close to you as he could. His heart ached to see you so stressed out and worried, and God, he would’ve taken all the anxiety you felt not letting you worry one second of your life. He knew how you felt, he too had been there, but seeing you like this wasn't equally easy and not being able to do anything to make you feel more serene made him feel helpless like few other times in his life.
It felt like your life revolved around this damn exam. You couldn't think of anything else anymore. When you woke up in the morning the first thought was to go to study and when you went to sleep the last thought was how much you should’ve study the day after. You knew it wasn't healthy and you knew you were on the verge of loosing your mind.
It was just after midnight when Jay woke up.
He didn't realize he fell asleep and when he touched the side of the bed, he wasn't surprised to find out you weren't there. He sighed before sitting on the bed and standing up, walking towards the living room where – as he suspected – he found you.
You were sitting on the sofa, countless papers scattered around you as you stared at the notes resting on your legs. You went there to let Jay rest after he fell asleep while you studied. At that point, though, you couldn't even understand what you were reading anymore but you didn't want to give up, you couldn't.
Jay approached you from behind and was careful this time to make sure to let you know he was there. “Baby,” he said, placing his hands on your shoulders and starting to massage them. God, you were tighter than a violin string.
That pleasant touch made you close your eyes for a few seconds, throwing your head back and touching Jay's bare abdomen.
“What are you doing awake? Go to sleep honey, it's been a long day for you,” you muttered, eyes still closed as Jay's hands worked their magic on you. He looked down at you and a small smile was born on his lips when he saw the expression of contentment and relaxation on your face.
“I can't go back to sleep knowing you're here,” he replied and leaned over to give you a kiss on the lips “Why don't you come to bed with me? You need to sleep baby, you can't go on like this.”
“I know, but I can't,” you sighed and then opened your eyes, reality hitting you full in the face again.
“Of course you can baby. Do you really think it's good for you to stay up late? I know for a fact you can't even concentrate right now,” he spoke. He let go of your shoulders and walked around the couch to kneel right in front of you, “Your brain needs to rest now, it needs to assimilate and process the information absorbed so far, it can't do that if you keep bombarding yourself with new notions.”
“I know honey but I don't have time... I still have so many things to do,” you murmured, your voice breaking with tiredness and on the verge of crying. Jay lifted his hand and gently stroked your cheek, smiling when you leaned against his touch.
“I know how you feel but this is not good for you my love. If you don't understand what you're studying, if you don't focus on what you do instead of how to do it in the most appropriate way so you can remember it, believe me, the moment you’ll take the exam you won't remember anything because you would’ve bombarded your brain with so much information and haven’t even given yourself time to make it your own,” he stroked your hair, tucking a strand behind your ear that escaped the bun “Don't think about how many things you have to do, it's the most destructive thing you can do baby. You can’t do anything without the constant thought that you have to do this and that, or am I wrong?”.
You slightly shook your head. He was right about every single word he said.
“Better two things done right than ten things done wrong, always remember that.”
“What if I'm asked eight of the ten things I haven't done?”.
“Y/N you underestimate yourself and your abilities,” he spoke softly as you stared at him and listening carefully to what he was saying, “You are one of the most talented people I know, I know you’re strong and nothing will stop you. If anyone is able to pass this exam, it's you.”
“What if I don't make it?” you whispered, your eyes watering.
“Who gives a fuck,” he replied “If you don't make it – which I really doubt – you'll get another chance, and if you don't make it either then you'll get the next chance. I'll still be proud of you like I've never been of anyone else, because I see how much you're committed, how much you're giving your all. But don’t forget this, you mustn't lose yourself, you mustn't sacrifice your health, your well-being for a stupid exam, it isn’t worth it and it will never be, okay? Nothing is more important than you, you understand me?”.
You nodded, trying to pry every ounce of your being to not to cry. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him like you've never done before. “God Jay, I don't deserve you… I'm so lucky to have you.”
He wrapped his arms around your hips, pulling you close to him and hugging you with all the love and affection he was capable of. His hands drew imaginary circles on your back as he stroked you gently and tenderly in an attempt to soothe you and make all the anxieties and fears that tormented you go away.
You left kisses on his shoulder and then on his cheek, hugging and squeezing him again as if your life depended on it.
“It's okay baby, it's okay, I’ll always be by your side no matter what,” he whispered and your heart made a small jump in your chest, starting to beat wildly. God, you loved that man, so damn much and so intensely you couldn't even describe it.
“I'm so sorry,” you muttered so softly you didn't even know if he heard you. But when he pulled away slightly from the hug and looked at you with confusion, you realized he had heard you instead. “Why, love?”
“I feel like I've been neglecting you these last few weeks because of this damn exam and I feel so guilty… You… You’re so nice and understanding to me baby and I don't deserve you…” You didn't finish the sentence because Jay covered your mouth with his hand.
“Quit this bullshit, okay?” You nodded your head and he removed his hand from your mouth, then placed it on your side. “Don't ever say those things again, do you hear me? I don't know what assholes you used to deal with in the past but it's not a burden to me. God baby, I would kill to make you feel better and get all this weight off your shoulders.”
You smiled. “I love you so much, you know that right?”.
He giggled and he gave you a kiss. “I know and I love you too very much my baby. So how about you come to bed with me and get some rest now?”.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers stroking his hair. You took few moments to admire him, observing every single detail of his face, something you felt you hadn't done for a long, long time.
Jay's hands stroked your lower back as he smiled tenderly at you. His eyes sparkled as they looked at you with so much love you felt overwhelmed.
“Y/N don't look at me like that,” he whispered.
“Like what?” you whispered back, while your gaze alternated between his eyes and his lips and occasionally even on his bare chest.
“With these doe eyes, you know what you do to me.”
“I'm not doing anything,” you licked your lips and that was the point where he lost his mind. He sighed deeply, trying to stop the blood flow to his dick.
“Oh baby you know damn well what you're doing,” he retorted, that panty-ripping grin on his lips. Without saying anything else, you grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss that left you both breathless within moments.
A confused look came over your face as Jay let go of you, standing up. He went around the sofa and positioned himself behind you, then placing his hands on your shoulders again and starting to massage them carefully.
“Mmmh,” you let out a moan as your muscles melted under his expert and careful touch. That little moan went straight to Jay's dick, he tried to keep his composure and not act like a horny twelve year old but fuck, you were so hard to resist.
“Oh baby, this feels so good,” you moaned as his fingers continued to work their magic on your muscles.
“Y/N. Stop it,” he warned you, not thinking he could keep his cool any longer and not literally fuck you right there and then.
“Doing what?” you asked innocently, smiling even though he couldn't see you.
“Moaning like that. You’re driving me crazy.” Before you could answer he leaned close to you, leaving a small kiss on the bare skin of your neck. That simple gesture was enough to send shivers down your spine and make you forget everything.
“How about we study for a little bit honey?” he whispered and another moan escaped your lips as Jay began to leave small and languid kisses down your jaw, your neck where he lingered and began his intense torture. His lips sucked your skin, his teeth nibbled at it, his tongue licked it making you completely lose your mind. “Come on baby.”
“I… I can’t…” you stuttered, not able to function properly.
“Why not? Wasn't that what you wanted?”.
“God Jay… You drive me crazy…”
“And you know how crazy it drives me to see you in just my shirt? It's been so long since I touched you.” Jay's hands slid from your shoulders onto your chest, then onto your abdomen, with an unbearable slowness you couldn't even keep yourself still.
“Can I?” he asked in a whisper and the speed with which you answered was embarrassing. “Yes, oh my god, yes.”
He chuckled and as his lips started nibbling your ear, his hands slipped under your/his shirt, reaching up to cup your breasts. He started massaging it, pinching your hard nipples with his fingers. “Goddamn baby, I love your breast so damn much... So fucking perfect.”
“Jay please…”
He took off your shirt, thus leaving you with only your panties in front of his lustful gaze. He walked in front of you again and didn't even try to disguise the audacity with which his eyes devoured your body. From your shoulders, to your breasts, going down your sides, your pussy - still for a little while - covered, up to your sinuous legs.
On the other hand, you didn't spare yourself either. Jay was there in front of you and he looked like a fucking Greek god. His muscular arms, his chest and abdomen sculpted as if by a sculptor with a hammer and picket, his V-line that disappeared into the gray suit which did nothing but highlight his throbbing erection. Everything about him drove you crazy and the more you looked at him the more you couldn't wait to have him. God you were so lucky.
Being with him was better than winning the lottery.
“Come here,” you said, when you finally brought your eyes back to him. However, though, you couldn't help alternating them between his face and his erect dick that you so ardently wanted inside you.
“Impatient baby?” he smirked, approaching you. He leaned towards you, placing one hand on the arm of the sofa and another on the backrest, effectively trapping you in his arms. You were intoxicated, mesmerized by his scent, his body, by him.
You placed your hands on his chest, feeling how his skin was on fire. He cocked his head to the side, looking at you with such intensity you almost felt like dying. But the way he licked his lips, like he was the predator ready to devour his prey, God, that completely took the breath away from your lungs.
You leaned in to kiss him but when he pulled back a bewildered expression appeared on your face.
“You don’t even want to kiss me?“ you asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh believe me baby, kissing you doesn't even come close to the things I want to do to you. I want fuck every single thing you studied out of your brain,” he replied, making you wetter than you already were. By then you were a complete mess and your pussy was throbbing with the desire to feel his fingers, his tongue, his dick inside you. “But I thought about what I said earlier.”
“Jay please touch me, I can't take it anymore,” you blurted out, not caring in the slightest how pathetic you sounded.
He chuckled, further building the frustration and anger inside you. He kissed you but as you tried to deepen the kiss he pulled back, making you huff with impatience. “I'm hating you so much right now. Stop teasing me like that.”
“Oh my little princess is so impatient, don't worry love I'm not going to leave you like this, fuck, god knows how much I can't wait to have my dick inside you, but I've been thinking about something.”
You rolled your eyes, frustrated and eager. “What?”.
“I think you should continue studying.”
“Wait, what? Are you serious? I'm half naked in front of you and all you have to say is 'you should continue studying'?”.
“Exactly,” he smiled at you, taking the notebook you were studying from and placing it next to you “I'll help you repeat and maybe give you an incentive.”
Jay reached down and placed his hands on your breasts, massaging them vigorously before wrapping his lips around your right tit, sucking, licking and biting your nipple.
You moaned, arching your back to meet his movements. Your hand rested on the back of his neck, as you stroked his hair. A groan escaped your lips when he pulled away from your breasts but your body vibrated with anticipation when his hands descended along your hips, then taking off your panties and throwing them in an indefinite point of the room.
At that moment you were naked, completely at his mercy and you couldn't wait to be used as he pleased.
Your breath died in your throat when Jay, without ever breaking eye contact, spread your legs wide enough to have a perfect view of your wet pussy after settling between them.
“Now you're going to be a good girl and study like you wanted to do and I'll be here to listen to you okay?” he spoke while his hands caressed your thighs as a sign of provocation “In the meantime I will entertain myself by licking this gorgeous pussy of yours.”
“Jay c'mon please. You know very well that… Oh fuck…” you finished the sentence with a loud moan when Jay stuck out his tongue and gave a long, slow lick of your folds.
Just licking you after what he felt like forever was enough to make him moan. The expression of pure ecstasy on your face, God, that vision alone was almost enough to make him come in his pants before you even touched him.
“Shit baby I missed this pussy so damn much,” he murmured in ecstasy, as if he'd just stepped through the gates of heaven, his eyes locked on you as you squirmed under his touch. His thumb drew imaginary circles on your clit, making you moan uncontrollably as pleasure coursed through your veins. “C’mon. Study now.”
“Jay… I… Oh yeah fuck just keep going…” you moaned, your hands resting all over the couch in an attempt to give you some support. Jay, however, suddenly stopped and an unsatisfied groan escaped your lips. “What did I just tell you?”.
“Baby please it's not fair… I can't…” you whimpered like a little girl whose sweets had just been stolen. He nodded at the notebook next to you and, letting out a long series of profanities that made him chuckle, you took it, opening it to any page.
“Now read, I want to hear you talk.”
You did as he said, wanting nothing more than to have an orgasm, and you started reading even if your mind didn't have the slightest idea of what you were saying, too focused on his tongue which then started licking your pussy again.
Jay pressed his nose against your pussy, inhaling your smell, that smell he missed so much, burying his mouth in your folds, making you a mess of sighs, moans and groans, making a mess on his mouth, dripping with your wetness.
Jay never took his eyes off you for a second, licking, sucking on your clit and all your fluids. His tongue alternated slow movements with faster ones, making you lose you mind.
“Keep going. If you stop, I'll stop too,” he spoke but you seemed to be on another planet. He grabbed your thighs, wrapping them around his neck as you spontaneously squeezed him between them. God, he couldn't have been in a better place, he could’ve choked to death like this and still be the happiest man on earth.
You tried to read, you really tried, but it was impossible. Your vision was clouded with pleasure, you couldn't utter a single word without a long series of moans escaping your lips. At that point you were sure that everyone heard you, but you didn't care, you were only focused on Jay, his tongue and the finger he was fucking you with.
“Oh yeah baby you make me feel so fucking good..." you sighed, now out of breath.
“Keep going darling, you're being such a good girl,” he murmured as he ate you as if he was a hungry man who hadn't eaten anything for days. He replaced the finger inside of you with his tongue, fucking you with it. As his tongue went in and out of you, his thumb continued to massage your clit, making you completely lose all ability to think.
You threw your head back, arching your back as you began to feel the orgasm building inside you, your notes now completely forgotten. Your body seemed to go into spasms and you didn't know how much longer you would be able to resist.
“Jay…” you moaned his name and it was so fucking sexy that Jay wanted to record it and put it as his cell phone ringtone. He knew you were close, after a long time together he had gotten to know your body and knew when you were about to come. Your legs were shaking, your breathing was heavy as if you were running, your movements against his face were impetuous, messy. He didn't stop. He started to fucking you with two of his fingers, and as he sucked your clit you finally exploded into an orgasm so intense you thought you were dying.
You didn't know if you could die from an orgasm, have a heart attack because of pleasure, but that's exactly what you felt in that moment and, fuck, it was so beautiful. You felt your vision blur, your body fluctuated as if you were in space and for an instant you lost the space-time conception.
You remained for a few moments with your eyes closed, trying to recover and come to your senses.
Jay was taken aback when after a minute you pulled him to you, kissing him like your life depended on it. His lips and beard were still wet with your fluids and you could feel your taste in his mouth while you deep kissed him.
Your hands pulled down his pants along with his boxers and he kicked them off, standing naked in front of you in all his glory. God you wanted nothing more than to feel it inside you.
“Baby… Oh, holy shit,” he hissed as you wrapped your hand around his dick and started stroking it. “Fuck yes,” his hips began to move in sync with the movement of your hands and his arms struggled to hold him up as the pleasure flowed freely through his veins.
“I need to be inside of you baby, I can't take it anymore,” he groaned, as he tried to leverage all of his strength to try not to come after even a minute.
He settled between your legs, grabbing one and placing it on his shoulder and with almost excruciating slowness he penetrated you, slipping inside you and finally filling that void you felt.
A guttural moan escaped his mouth and he didn't know how he managed not to come instantly. Jay remained in that position, still, trying to enjoy every single moment, feeling your pussy clench, soaking wet, around his needy dick. You started to get impatient, feeling the need to feel him moving inside you growing more and more. “Baby please, fuck me… I need it so bad,” you started moving underneath him, slightly moving your hips to seek some relief, to hit that magical spot inside you and Jay almost had a heart attack, already on the verge of losing control.
“Jesus Christ… Fuck Y/N…” he cursed “It feels so good to be buried inside you… You make me lose my goddamn mind…”
Finally, he began to move his hips, with slow, decisive, calculated movements and the moans you began to make were so hot they could compete with a porn film actress. His dick masterfully fucked you, tortured you and with every single damn thrust he left you wanting, craving for more.
“Jay please… Faster…” you cried out, your hands on his chest. One arm was around your leg while the other rested next to your head on the back of the sofa. Your eyes were fixed on each other, the green of his irises mingling with yours. You never took your eyes off the other even as his dick came out and disappeared inside you with more vigor, more strength and decision this time.
It was a higher level of intimacy, you seemed to be a whole and not only from a physical point of view because it was not only your bodies that made love but also your souls.
“Oh yes baby… Just like that fuck…” you moaned loudly, completely lost in the pleasure Jay was giving you. Your fingers pressed more firmly against his skin, causing him scratches that you didn't even realize at first.
“Baby I won’t last any longer if you keep clenching around me like that,” he breathed out, his eyes alternating between yours and your parted lips. “Please kiss me.”
You lifted yourself slightly and without having him to tell you twice, you fulfilled his wish. It was a messy, wet kiss, both totally lost in each other as he continued to fuck you. You couldn't kiss each other without stopping and moaning into each other's lips, as the sound of your skins filled the room.
“My god… Ah yeah… I love you so fucking much Jay…” you whispered as your faces were still so close, your mouths touching as you swallowed each other's breath and moans.
Jay didn't expect to feel what he felt with that simple statement. It wasn't the words, it certainly wasn't the first time you said you loved him, but it was the way you said it, so vulnerable, in the throes of uncontrollable pleasure while his dick continued to mercilessly fuck you, so sensual but at the same time whispered so softly it made his heart melt.
“Y/N…” he moaned your name like a little prayer “What the hell are you doing to me baby, I love you so much too… Ah… So fucking perfect, shit.”
Jay felt he was close and by the way you clenched around his dick he knew you were too. His movements began to be faster, more disorderly.
“Yes baby you want to come for me mmh? Do you want to fill my pussy with your cum?” you sensually beat your lashes driving him further crazy, while your fingers touched and stimulated your clit.
“Fuck baby, fuck, fuck, I'm coming... Holy shit!” he gasped and with one last thrust he let himself go into an overwhelming orgasm, releasing every single drop of his cum inside you. You came almost immediately too, rocked with the waves of pleasure that continued to course through your body and make you toes curl.
Jay collapsed onto the couch next to you but before you knew it he was pulling you onto him, wrapping his arms around your body and hugging you tightly against him.
If the sex was mind blowing, the cuddles after sex were almost better. God only knew how much you both loved being embraced like this, one on top of the other, your naked and hot bodies in contact.
“Shit if this is how you study for an exam I won't even get up to go to the bathroom,” you murmured, your eyes closed from tiredness. Jay chuckled, his chest vibrating under your head.
“I'll be happy to help you baby, I won't back down you know,” he replied too with his eyes closed as his fingers caressed the bare skin of your back, up and down, from your shoulders to your lower back. “Babe?” he continued when he got no answer. He lifted his head slightly to be able to look at you and a smile crept onto his lips as he noticed you immediately fell asleep.
“My sweet baby,” he whispered, leaving a kiss on your forehead and stroking your now messy and disheveled hair, at the same time letting out a sigh of happiness and contentment. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me you know that? God, I will never stop saying how lucky I was to meet you and have you in my life,” he continued softly giving you another kiss on the forehead, cradling you in his arms, “I'm so proud of you, you can't imagine how much. Now rest okay? I will always be here by your side. Sweet dreams my love.”
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704 notes · View notes
deanstead · 2 years
Unknown Threat
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: no
Summary: When Y/N walks in on a horrific scene in her own house, Jay is determined to find out who's responsible and keep her safe.
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Square Filled: Facing Fears for #resa.3kfiestabingo
Word Count: 4.7K+
Tags/Warnings: mentions of sexual assault, explicit mentions of blood, panic attack
A/N: This is a fic no one asked for lol. Thanks to @creativepromptsforwriting for the confession prompt which got me out of a rut lol. Also, this got a stamp of approval from @sheetsonfire so im posting it, thank you bestie! Any mistakes are all mine.
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You stretched as you climbed out of your car.
It had been a long day running around the city meeting clients and today was just one of those days when you wanted to put your feet up and not move any longer. You’d even regretted putting your make up on because that meant you had a longer shower process before you could finally stop for the night.
“You just getting in too?”
You turned around at the familiar voice, giving Jay Halstead a smile as you watched your best friend sidle up the driveway that the both of you shared, holding a pizza box in his hand.
You’d kind of known Jay all your life, even though you’d fallen out of touch somewhere in between. But by some stroke of luck, you’d found a perfect little house within your budget only to realize that your new neighbor was that friend you’d never totally gotten out of your mind.
At first, you’d been a little worried that it would be awkward, but somehow you and Jay had jumped right back into being best friends, the six years you’d spent without contact almost seeming to fade into the background so much that you’d wondered if those six years had even happened.
Jay noticed your eyes shift down to what he was carrying and smiled. “You haven’t eaten, right?”
You didn’t answer him immediately. You kind of wanted to go right to bed but the temptation of food was a little too overwhelming.
“Can I feed Luna and get into sweats? Please?” You asked, turning your eyes back towards him.
Jay let out a tinkle of a laugh. “Get comfortable. I’ll wait.”
You were quick, sliding Luna her bowl of kibble as she wagged her tail and ate, before you let her out into the back garden while you quickly washed up. As your empty stomach egged you on, you cleaned Luna up, patting her head gently with a “I’ll be back soon” before heading next door to Jay’s.
Jay looked up as you let yourself in, pushing a glass of wine towards you as you slid yourself in the seat across from him.
“Long day?” Jay asked, helping himself to a slice as you took a sip from the glass.
“Don’t even get me started.” You said in a low voice, gently putting the glass back down.
There was a small silence before Jay looked up. “The kid called me today.”
You glanced up. “Dylan?”
Jay nodded, taking another bite. “I think he’s just worried about his sister.”
You nodded quietly. “I’d love nothing more than to get enough evidence to sue that asshole out of his entire fortune and then let you throw him behind bars. But you know these things take time.”
Jay had met Dylan Stevens during one of his cases. He hadn’t even been a person of interest, just a witness that had helped point the team in the right direction. But there’d been something about this kid that made Jay take a second look.
And Jay’s hunch was proven right when it finally got too much for Dylan’s older sister and she’d finally asked for help - her mentor and boss couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
Other than the fact that Leah desperately needed this job so that she could support both herself and Dylan, her boss was getting more aggressive and other than the anger that was always eating at her, she was also getting a little scared.
Cases like this ate at you. All you wanted was to throw the dickbag to the DA but a case like this was complicated. There were repercussions for going forward with a trial, and being embroiled into a he said-she said situation wouldn’t help Leah. But you’d promised her that you’d help her as best as you could and that you’d be with her, every step of the way.
You held back from releasing a sigh. “I’m trying.”
Jay nodded, leaning forward for your hand, squeezing. “I know.”
It was about two seconds later that he realized he was actually holding your hand. Jay cleared his throat pulling his hand back and you reached for your wine glass to take a sip, both of you trying your hardest to ignore the sudden awkwardness in the air.
You stole a glance at Jay who wasn’t looking in your direction, before you looked back at the clock. While the both of you had spoken at length about the Stevens, time seemed to fly by and you were hours behind your intended sleep schedule for today.
“I should go. I have another long day tomorrow.”
Jay nodded. “Leave it, I’ll take care of this.”
You shot your best friend a grateful smile before standing.
“Let me know if you need any help?” Jay asked as he walked you towards his front door.
You turned and smiled. “You know it.”
Jay leaned forward for a hug that felt a little more awkward than normal before you smiled and slipped out the door, shoving your feelings for Jay Halstead back into the small secret box tucked away in your heart.
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The next few days passed in a blur as you threw all your efforts into finding some form of evidence for Leah. So when you arrived at your driveway tonight, you were wiped. You hadn’t even dared to drive home, leaving your car in your regular parking lot and taking a cab from the front of your office building. You figured you could see if Jay could drop you off the next morning or you’d just call a cab again.
The fact that your door wasn’t locked or closed properly only registered after you’d stepped inside and you froze.
The moonlight streaming in through the windows illuminated the darkened interior of your house, where everything seemed to be turned upside down.
Your eyes raked the scene in front of you, where it looked like a tornado had literally ripped through your house and you took another step forward until you froze again.
The tip of the flats you had on grazed the edge of what you were now looking down at - you could see the dark color of red even with just the sliver of moonlight, the viscous pool right at your feet that could only be blood like something right out of a horror show.
You could hear your ears start ringing, feel your breathing pick up, and somewhere in the trenches of your mind, the horrific memories that you’d tried so hard to pack away seemed to be spilling out, starting with the scream of a woman right in your mind.
And then a hand slid over your eyes, interrupting the hold that the pool of blood seemed to have on you for just a second, even though your lungs still felt like they were constricting. At the same time, an arm went around your shoulders.
The rational part of your brain was screaming at you to move but you seemed to be literally frozen, until you heard his voice. “It’s me. Keep your eyes closed.”
Your heart felt like it was pounding in your head and closing your eyes only made it harder to breathe because now the traumatic memories were playing like a reel in your head, as if it was happening in front of you all over again.
You felt Jay turn you around now. “Y/N, it’s okay.”
But it wasn’t. The memory seemed to have taken a hold on you, even though you could hear Jay’s voice, feel his warm hands on your shoulder.
Your eyes snapped back open.
“Breathe. Just look at me and breathe.” Jay said, his voice calm.
You took a short breath and Jay nodded. “Alright, just focus on me, okay?”
Jay studied you as he stood close to you, watching the expressions flash across your face. You’d started having panic attacks back when the both of you were still in school, after you’d walked in to your mother lying in a pool of her own blood. So this wasn’t the first time that Jay had been here for one of your panic attacks, far from it. Even so, you hadn’t had one since you and Jay had reconnected.
Your body shook a little and Jay reached forward and swept you into his arms, your breaths so shallow that it almost sounded like you were gasping for air.
“Just focus on me, alright?” Jay said quietly. You trained your eyes on him and nodded, looping your arms towards the back of his neck for balance before he turned heel and headed out your door and towards his place.
As gently as he could, Jay lowered you onto his couch now, his eyes not missing the beads of sweat that lined your forehead.
Your arms didn’t move from where they were locked around Jay’s neck, even though you felt your body make contact with Jay’s couch.
“Y/N, it’s okay. Shh, I got you.” Jay whispered, not trying to pull away but instead leaning in further to gather you deeper into his arms.
The action seemed to calm you, even just slightly, as your breathing regulated. Before it hit you again.
“Jay… Luna…”
Jay pulled back gently to look at you, nodding his head. “Will has her. He came to get her for the vet appointment this morning, remember?”
You nodded now, slightly calmer, your arms falling gently to your sides.
Jay cast another worried glance at you, but pulled a blanket over your legs. “I’ll be right back.”
Reflexively, your hand shot out, grabbing his. “Jay.”
“I’ll take care of it, alright? Try to get some rest. I’ll be right back.”
You gently let go of Jay’s hand and nodded. Jay gave you a small smile and after a small hesitation, leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of your head, before he headed out the way he’d come as if he hadn’t noticed your surprise at the action.
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“Jay, what happened?”
Jay glanced up as his older brother headed up towards him, Luna by his heel and shook his head. “She’s on my couch. Can you just check her out then put her in my bed and give her something to sleep it off.”
On any other occasion, Will wouldn’t have let Jay get away with a “put her in my bed” without some teasing or a raised eyebrow but his eyes swept across the police cars and crime scene vans before he nodded. “Luna’s gonna be in your place for a while then I guess?"
Jay just nodded. “Can you stay with Y/N?”
Will nodded, raising the bag he had in his hand. “I came prepared.”
Jay nodded his thanks, his eyes resting on his own house before he turned back around to your place and flipped a switch in his head to focus, heading towards Voight who’d just arrived.
Voight nodded at Jay. “We swept the place. The lock has obvious signs of being jimmied and they ransacked the place. There’s a pool of blood in there so the crime lab will take it back for testing but there’s no sign of where the blood came from. I think whoever did this brought it with them.”
Voight nodded quietly as Jay spoke before he looked back at his senior detective again like he was waiting for an explanation. “Sarge, she’s… she’s a good friend of mine. And it could be linked to a case we were working.”
Before either of them could say more, Hailey jogged right up towards them, glancing at her partner before she started speaking. “We’re pulling cam footage, and the crime scene guys have gone over the house twice. We’ve gotten all we can from the scene.”
Voight looked back at Jay. “Talk to her and see if there’s anything helpful she can provide for us. We’ll see you at the district tomorrow.”
Jay glanced up, knowing that Voight was giving him the night to look in on you and make sure you were okay.
Hailey nodded. “We got this, Jay.”
Jay nodded his thanks with a small smile before he turned and left, his eyes flicking towards your house just once more before entering his own place to check on you.
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Will was sitting on the couch when Jay walked in, Luna curled up on the floor at his feet.
Luna got to her feet as Jay walked in, wagging her tail as she greeted him and Jay bent down to pat Luna gently on the head like a habit, even though he was distracted.
Will glanced at his brother. “I gave her something to help her sleep but you should check on her.”
Jay nodded quietly. “Thanks.”
Will smiled. “I’m gonna crash. If you need me…”
Jay nodded, reaching out to flip off the main light in the hall for his brother. “Yeah, thanks Will.”
Quietly, Jay headed up towards his room, where there was just a small dim light still on. Your eyes were closed as you lay curled up in his sheets and Jay lowered himself quietly towards the floor as he reached out and pushed a section of hair off your face, his worried eyes grazing over you.
Your eyes fluttered open and Jay registered a sliver of alarm before you recognized him and he smiled, reaching down for your hand to squeeze. “You’re okay.”
You smiled. “Sorry about this.” You whispered, your voice low.
Jay shook his head with a smile, raising his hand to stroke the top of your head. “Get some rest, we’ll talk in the morning. Will and I are not going anywhere.”
You let out a small smile, which put Jay’s heart a little more at ease. “I get both Halstead brothers? No one has been safer.”
Jay exhaled gently, glad you were at least okay enough to start making jokes. At the same time, your hand curled reflexively around Jay’s.
“I’ll stay until you sleep.” He said, reading your mind in that weird little way he’d been doing for almost all your life.
You nodded, letting your eyelids droop closed again.
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When you opened your eyes to the sunlight streaming in through the small gap in the blinds across the windows, it took you a while to gather your bearings, your eyes slowly widening with alarm when you realized you were sleeping on an arm that wasn’t yours.
You glanced behind you as slowly as you could without jostling too much, even though you were pretty sure your heart was thumping loud enough to wake him. Deep down, you’d already known the quiet even breathing right behind you was Jay, one arm under you and another draped across your waist effectively putting you right in his embrace.
You wondered for just a second why you’d found yourself in this position before the memories hit you again, the fragmented memories of the night before hitting you like a punch in the gut - from what you’d found in your house, the panic attack, Jay offering to stay until you fell asleep and then the long night plagued by nightmares of screaming women or blood.
You remembered Jay pulling you out of each nightmare as gently as he could and maybe a vague feeling of Jay climbing in behind you.
Of course, that was probably why you’d finally been able to get some restful sleep. But now, you were embarrassed. Well, maybe mortified was a better word.
You felt Jay stiffen a little from where he was squeezed in behind you now and you realized he’d probably woken as well.
You knew someone had to move first so you shifted but instead of getting up, impulsively turned to face Jay.
Jay looked a little startled, like he was surprised and then confused.
“Hey.” Jay offered with a smile, taking your cue and not moving, one hand still draped under you. “You seemed like you were having some trouble sleeping last night, I didn’t mean to…”
You smiled. “Thank you.”
Jay’s smile widened a little like he was relieved but neither of you had moved yet.
“Jay, last night, I…”
Jay reached out to cup your face gently. “I’ll always be here. As long as you need… or want.”
Your eyebrows lifted slowly as you tried to read what Jay was trying to tell you.
“You will never lose me. I will always be right here beside you.” Jay whispered.
“Jay… you…”
Jay’s eyes moved across the expressions on your face like he was trying to figure out what was going on in your mind.
You didn’t know what to say, mainly because you really hadn’t expected to find yourself in this situation. Half of you wondered whether you weren’t really awake yet but all this was too real.
Sensing hesitation, Jay pulled backwards, both literally and figuratively. “Y/N, you don’t have to… I just wanted to…”
You didn’t know what to say so you snuggled just a little closer, reaching for his hand. “You can’t take it back, Jay.”
Jay paused for a bit and then smiled, before he moved closer towards you and when you didn’t move away, Jay pressed a gentle kiss on your lips. “Promise.” He whispered, as he pulled his lips away from yours.
“You ready?” He asked.
You weren’t, not really. You knew that when the both of you got up, you’d have to talk about what had happened in your house and you weren’t sure you were ready to relive it.
Jay reached for your hand and squeezed.
“I’ll be with you. All the way.”
That seemed to be enough to get you moving. Jay swung his legs out of his bed before stretching his hand out to you and you fit your hand into his, like it was meant to be there all along.
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Even if Will hadn’t already gone up to check on you in the middle of the night only to find the both of you huddled together in one bed, he didn’t need to be told that things had changed between the both of you.
He just smiled because if he didn’t know any better he would have thought last night had just one of those normal pizza and beer nights. Whatever, he was just relieved that you seemed to be doing okay, considering everything.
“I gotta get to Med, alright? You’re in good hands.” Will said, smirking.
“Shut up.” You growled, punching Will on the arm but leaning in as he gave you a hug.
Will ruffled your hair gently. “Call if you need me, alright? Although I doubt it.” He couldn’t resist another gentle tease.
You just smiled this time before Will headed out Jay’s door.
Jay gave you a smile as he handed you a cup of tea before sliding into the seat opposite you. “Let’s talk here and then we can go to the district, alright?”
You swallowed and nodded.
Jay reached over, putting his hand over yours and squeezing. “I’m right here.” He reminded.
You smiled, nodding once again.
You don’t know how long you and Jay sat there in his kitchen, going over the cases you were working on recently, or had recently wrapped up. The list wasn’t small, but at least it was exhaustive.
“Alright, come on. We’re going to the district.” Jay got up, swinging an arm around your shoulders before the both of you left the house, but not before you assured Luna you’d be back as soon as you could.
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“What do we have?” Jay asked as he closed the pantry door behind him where he’d left you.
Voight nodded and the team took turns speaking. Jay had sent the list of names ahead of them, so both Kevin and Kim had managed to get a preliminary look at them.
“Jay, any idea if we can narrow this down?” Kim asked, even though she kind of knew it was a long shot. “The perp doesn’t seem to be an expert at this, so we got an image to run facial recognition on.”
Voight glanced at Jay.
Jay paused for a moment, thinking. “There’s two people on that list I’d push to the top. Lucas Russell and Jake Lloyd.”
Kim nodded, heading for her computer as Jay turned towards Voight. “Remember that case we handled with the kid? Dylan Stevens’ sister later came in with the harassment accusation and Y/N took her on as a client. They’re smack in the middle of trying to get some evidence to prove their case against Russell.”
Jay paused before continuing. “Lloyd was one of Y/N’s clients but he was hopping mad that he didn’t manage to get full custody and made threats but that case wrapped up months ago. I figured we should look into these two first.”
From where he was standing at his desk, Adam put down the phone.
“That was the lab.” Adam said. “It’s pig’s blood, which is why there was nothing else but blood. They can get those at some butcher shops, I’ll get a list of places in the area.”
Voight nodded, as Adam and Kevin headed out to try the butchers they had on the list who would have and sell a large enough quantity of pig’s blood.
“I’ll scour the pods again to see if I can find anything new.” Kim said, heading back down as Hailey and Jay stayed at their desks and delved straight into both Russell and Lloyd. At least they were starting somewhere.
The monotony was only broken the few times that Jay had gotten up to go check on you. You’d reassure him that you were okay and that you couldn’t feel any safer than you felt now before Jay had thrown himself back into what he had to do.
No matter what, he was going to solve this crap.
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Despite his determination, they were still at pretty much a dead end. Facial recognition had come back with a hit but they still weren’t able to connect either Russell or Lloyd directly to the man who’d broken into your house.
Adam and Kevin had gone to pick him up immediately, but he wasn’t telling them anything useful and Jay was losing his patience.
“Go on home.” Voight warned, stepping out of his office. “Take her home.”
“Sarge…” Jay stood, ready to argue but Voight gave him a look.
Jay knew Voight well enough that considering Adam and Kevin’s progress, Voight was going to go into the interrogation room himself.
Jay glanced into the pantry where you’d dozed off on the couch before he looked back at his sergeant and nodded, giving in.
Stepping into the pantry quietly, Jay roused you as gently as he could. “Y/N.”
You jumped, your eyes snapping open. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s me.” Jay whispered. “Sorry.”
You blinked and then shook your head. “Sorry. What is it? Did you get someone?”
The look on Jay’s face told you everything you needed to know. You reached forward to take his hand and squeezed. “I’m okay.”
Jay gave you a small smile. “Come on, let’s go home.”
The word ‘home’ made you smile.
“We’ll grab some food on the way.” Jay said with a smile as he took your hand, the both of you heading out of the district.
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You’d had had a quick bite in Jay’s living room together before he’d curled up with you on his couch.
“You should get some sleep.” Jay said quietly, even though he didn’t seem to have any intention of letting you go, his arms still wound around you.
You smiled. “But I love it here.”
Jay let out a little chuckle, even though his mind was still racing through the information he’d gone through earlier. There had to be a connection he was missing.
Just as the thought formed in Jay’s mind, the power went off, the lights and television all shutting off at once.
Jay felt you stiffen in his arms as he sat up.
Jay reached for your hand. “Come here.” Jay reached for the drawer and pulled out his gun as you climbed off the couch as well.
Jay led you back towards the kitchen. “Stay low, stay hidden. Don’t come out until I come and get you.”
You didn’t let go of Jay’s hand.
“It could be nothing. Let’s just be cautious, alright? I’ll be right back.” Jay said quickly, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
A little unwillingly, you let go and nodded, crouching low behind the island counter that you’d sat at with Jay countless times for drinks.
You tried to focus on your breathing, focusing on the rhythm and making sure it wasn’t too loud. You’d breathe evenly and softly and just wait for Jay to come back and get you. Everything was going to be okay.
You’d counted to about 80 in your head when you heard the sound of shuffling footsteps.
A part of you hoped it was Jay but you also knew that if Jay was being careful, he wouldn’t walk like this. No way in hell.
The footsteps stopped and you glanced up, the terror gripping you as you looked up into the face of Lucas Russell.
Russell leaned forward and tugged you roughly upwards and out of where you’d been crouched. The scream was stuck in your throat but you needed to let Jay know someone else was here.
But even before you unstuck your own voice, Jay came out of nowhere, tackling Russell towards the ground.
The sudden lift in pressure from Russell's grip on you caused you to lose your balance and you tumbled onto your side, feeling the pain of crashing onto the floor resonate throughout your body.
“Get out of here. Now!” Jay yelled, as he wrestled with Russell, landing a punch across his face before Russell pushed Jay off him.
You didn’t have time to think, stumbling out of Russell’s reach.
But all you knew was that you couldn’t leave Jay behind. No matter what.
“Y/N!” Jay yelled, afraid you hadn’t heard him.
As if pushed out physically from your trance, you started moving but a crash from behind you made you turn.
“Jay!” You yelled, as your eyes registered Jay on the ground a little way away and trying to get to his feet.
Russell pulled out a knife, the blade glistened in the moonlight but before the fear could even register, you heard a chorus of voices that finally made you breathe.
“Chicago PD!”
You let Kim gently pull you towards her as Voight and Adam headed straight for Russell, Voight’s gun hovering dangerously nearer to Russell’s temple than normal as Adam forced him down to the ground to slap the handcuffs over his wrist.
Jay was already by your side. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” He demanded, his eyes roving across you.
You shook your head even though the tears were already gathering in your eyes and Jay pulled you gently into his arms. “Alright, I got you. I got you. It’s over.”
You shook gently even as you were wrapped in Jay’s arms and your legs finally gave way. You felt yourself sinking but Jay merely pulled you tighter against him, a protective hand wrapped around the back of your head. “I got you.”
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The team had filled you and Jay in once they’d brought Russell back in - the guy they’d arrested had finally cracked and given them the information they needed. Even so, they’d almost sped off to his house but not before Hailey had found a message on Russell's phone that hinted at him ending things tonight. So they’d detoured back to Jay’s.
Now, after things were mostly settled, you lay in Jay’s arms, the both of you squashed into his bed that had clearly been meant for one person.
“I shouldn’t have let you get pulled into this mess.” You whispered, your fingers gently tracing his face.
Jay shook his head. “I will always be between you and a threat. I promised and I’ll deliver.”
You scooted closer towards Jay and Jay laid a protective hand on the back of your head again. “It’s over.”
“You know what?” You asked him after a short silence.
Jay raised an eyebrow as he looked down to meet your eyes.
“At least there’s one good thing out of all of this.” You said quietly.
“What’s that?” Jay asked. You could hear the smile in his voice without even looking up.
You shifted. “I get to do this now.” You leaned up to press your lips to his.
Jay chuckled even as both your lips were still pressed together. “No arguments there.”
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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kiddbegins · 1 year
Giggling - Jay Halstead
Requested: yes
Word count: 309
Warnings: none
a/n: sorry it's short
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“You smell real good, love" They say while nuzzling their nose in your shoulder and you start to laugh because it tickles so much but they won't stop doing that to make you all giggly”
Being with Jay was nice. It was safe. It was cozy. You felt truly loved. And every night you were reminded of how much you loved him. Sure he’d come home late sometimes but you were always there to accept him into bed with open arms. 
And days where he wasn’t working, he would find you at some point throughout the day and shower you with his love and affection. 
You were laying in bed, tired from the extra work you had put into your job yesterday, just trying to get your back to rest up a smidge. 
Jay was on his side, eyes closed from the nap he’d been taking for a bit, and you sighed, deciding to flip onto your side and maybe catch some sleep too. 
As soon as you rolled over, Jay looped his arm around you, pulling you to his chest. His breath tickled your neck as he hummed, “You smell really good baby,” He murmured, rubbing his face into your shoulder. 
A laugh left your lips as his breath tickled across your skin. “Stop-“ You managed through a giggle, attempting to cover your neck with your shoulder. 
He chuckled softly, nuzzling his face further into your neck, peppering kisses along with them,”Mmm, no,” Jay muttered, too distracted by the beauty of your laugh to stop himself. 
“Jayy,” You dragged his name out, moving a hand to the side of his face to push him back, rolling over to face him with a wide smile still on your face. “Enough,” You added, firmly but with no actual malice or annoyance behind your words. 
Jay popped his bottom lip out, sending you big green puppy eyes with the pout. Lightly you leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “That’s for you to promise you won’t tickle me again.”
“I make no promises.”
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tags: @everything-fandom, @mrspeacem1nusone
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
New Beginnings
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Requested by @kzgsox
Jay halstead x female greader
Lindsey gets upset at her boyfriend Jay when she finds him comforting the girl he was in love with who served in the rangers with him and mouse,when a guy from the readers past is halled into the station and question the reader has a full blown panic attack having never told anyone what had happened an ends up being the solid source of the reasoning the guy gets put away for good and Jay stays by her side the whole time and they end up together
A/N: I Really hope everyone enjoys this ! And if you like my work please comment like and Reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work
Y/N’s POV 
Things had been hard ever sense coming home from the rangers. You thought the moment you touched down on US soil everything would be okay.
 That you would be able to take off the uniform and put all those bad memories and feelings into the closet and lock it away. 
But that wasn’t the case which seemed pretty obvious now. Things were not doing okay and you were not where you thought you would be in live. 
You thought you would be married with kids and having a career. But that was from the life you had now. 
You were in bad relationship with a guy you had no business being with. He was a piece of crap guy. 
He always took every little thing out on you. And you always just ended up taking it. Not wanting to make the situation worse. 
With your PTSD and other things you had going on you thought life was as good as it was going to get. 
That you didn’t want to burden someone else with the struggles you were going through. Someone else didn’t deserve the weight you carried. 
Everyone you knew from the rangers had gone their own way. You never really kept in contact with them and decided it was best that way. 
Maybe seeing them would be to hard. Or that is what you told yourself anyways. 
The connections you had were just gone and it was honestly hard dealing with the pain of that to. 
You had 2 other people you were close with that you thought you had true connections to. 
Jay halstead and Greg Gerwitz aka Mouse. It was always the 3 of you together  and you seemed to have different feelings for Jay. 
The kind that missed him while he was gone and always got butterflies when he touched you. 
You thought about asking him out but you didn’t want to ruin one of the most important relationships you had. Besides he never seemed to recuperate so you didn’t want to get hurt. 
Once the 3 of you were honourably discharged and thanked for your service you all went back home.
 Conveniently you all lived in Chicago which is what also strengthen your bond. But once you all got home you went your separate ways. 
Maybe it was just hard on them to so you tried your best to understand. So you went into your little box and then just shut out the world. You didn’t even bother trying it all just seemed so pointless
But now it just seemed like someone was taking a hammer and breaking at the box making you come out.
  You tried to patch the holes but it seemed like it wasn’t working and you just didn’t know what to do. 
It wasn’t even a good thing that it was breaking at least right now it wasn’t. You knew your boyfriend was up to no good and know he was getting you involved in it. 
He was running drugs at first. You knew that and against your better judgement you didn’t do anything about it. He wasn’t getting involved so you didn’t say anything. But now he was upping his game. 
He was selling weapons and bomb materials. He was using your name on the weapons so they didn’t check his background. 
You didn’t even know until now because you got a letter in the mail about your background check 
You were shocked obviously , confused and hurt. You kept thinking about what you were going to do ?
 You knew you had a duty to protect the public it was in your blood. But then the other part of you was worried that no one would believe you.
You also wondered what the hell Keith would say ? I mean not that you cared what that horrible man would think but you also tried so hard not to even think about it. 
Right now you were sitting at the table in your kitchen biting your nails. Something you did when you were always nervous. 
Suddenly the door opened up and they slammed the door breaking your thoughts. You also jumped out of fear. 
“Y/n where the hell are you” The voiced barrelled out. 
Keith of course 
“Hey babe I’m in here “ You said quietly 
“We need to leave right now “ keith said. 
“What no i’m not leaving” You said 
“I really wasn’t asking let’s go” He yelled
“Why don’t you talk to me and we can work this out okay” You pleaded 
“I’m not talking about this anymore” He yelled grabbing your arm. 
You snatched it back and then stood up to look him in his eyes. 
“I know okay I know why you want to go” You said 
“How” was all he asked
“They sent me a letter in the mail from my background check” You said 
“Damn it” He yelled knocking stuff on the table.
It shook you up and you just kept starting down at the ground. Not knowing what the hell your next move should be right now. A little to scared to move. 
Suddenly the front door swung open again and you heard shouting 
“Chicago PD No one move” A familiar voice yelled out. 
You snapped your head up to the blonde hair man looking just as shocked as you. 
“Y/N Omg is that you” Jay asked 
“Jay what the hell is going on” You asked. 
“You know each other” A brown haired girl asked she was very pretty. 
“Yeah we were in the military together” Jay asked 
Some brown haired guy walked over and grabbed you 
“Come on put your hands behind your back” He said 
You looked over at pleading eyes to Jay. You didn’t even do anything wrong. This was all on him. 
“No let her go I got her” Jay said. 
He walked over to you and touched your arm slightly and nodded you for him to follow you. The brown hair girl looked at him with a confused and upset look.
He just seemed to shrug it off and walk past her and went straight outside. You didn’t say anything to him thought still a bit shaken up. You were just confused about was going on. 
Jay didn’t say anything either and you had a heart time reading what he was feeling or what he was even thinking. He walked you out to a black car and opened up the door and sat you in the back. 
Then he looked around for a little bit like he was making sure no one was looking and he got in on the other side. 
His face was reading like it was hurt and he didn’t know what to say because he didn’t want to hurt you. You knew he was pretty disappointed in seeing you wrapped in all of this. 
“ Do not say anything okay you hear me” He said 
“What do you mean I didn’t do anything” You pleaded with him. 
“Y/N look i know your name was pulled up in the damn report to buy the stuff” Jay said 
“That’s how far It got and I didn’t even know he was using my name at all I swear okay Jesus I would Never” You said 
“Okay if that’s what you say but when we get there not a damn word to anyone but me” He said. 
“Fine” You said just sitting back and not really saying anything. 
Jay got out and he walked away and you didn’t know where he went because the windows were tinted and you couldn’t even see anything. 
You just laid you head back and squeezed your eyes closed. You just hoped maybe when you would open them back up it would be some sort of dream. That this wasn’t really happening to you. 
You could feel the tears rolling down on your cheek. The salty water hitting your lips. God how did you get here and why. This wasn’t happening not to you. 
Suddenly you sat up and opened your eyes when the car doors opened up. You sat up and wiped the tears away. Jay and the brown haired girl got in. There was a air in the car like you could just tell they were arguing about something. 
You just sat up and put your seat belt on and they took off. No one was speaking and you could cut the tension with a knife. 
You just kept driving on the way to the station. You finally made it there and they pulled up in the front. They both got out and Jay walked over to your side and opened up the door. 
You got out and he kept right by your side without moving, It was hard to tell if it was because he was keeping you from running or was he protecting you. It seemed like the latter but it was hard to tell. 
You walked into the station and it seemed like everyone had stopped what they were doing and just stared at you. Or maybe you were just being dramatic. 
There was a lady at the front desk who looked up and gave a mean look towards your way. You wondered what the hell you did to her. 
Jay didn’t say anything he just walked you up the stairs and keyed in some numbers and the door opened up. 
You walked up the stairs and walked into a office/ work pen area. There were desk every where and you were surprised to see something on what was obviously Jay’s desk. There was a picture on the desk with you Jay and Mouse. 
It made your heart pound. And you can’t believe he kept it. DId it mean something or was it just sentimental ? You felt like you were getting in your head again. 
He walked you to a room and he pointed for you to sit down. He went and shut the door behind him. You didn’t see where the other girl went. She got lost in the crown downstairs. 
He just looked at you with concern in his eyes. Your pride was getting the best of you because you were going to start this conversation. Jay was probably thinking the same thinking because he wasn’t saying anything either. 
Finally he bit his tongue and spoke up. 
“What the hell is going on” He asked in a soft tone. 
You didn’t really say anything just kept looking down at your hands and playing with your fingers.  He grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze and then you finally looked up at him. 
You didn’t know what to say or know where to start really. So you just took a deep breathe and tried to muster up some strength to start. 
“ I wasn’t lying I mean I legit just found he was using my name to buy weapons okay I was gonna say something” You said. 
“ I did know about the dealing and stuff I just figured it wasn’t that big of a deal” You shrugged. 
“Not that big of a deal we fought to protect to keep people safe now your sleeping with low lives what the hell happened to you” Jay yelled. 
You started feeling the anxiety creep up inside of you. You felt like your breathing was staggering and you felt like you were getting dizzy. You thought you were going to pass out. 
You closed your eyes and tried to calm down but it really wasn’t working. Then you felt these hands wrap around you. They squeezed you tight and you heard him whisper. It sounded like it was really far away. 
“It’s okay I’m here for you.” You heard Jay’s voice soften up. 
He didn’t leave your side and kept your hand on your back trying to soothe you. Finally after a few minutes you started to calm down. 
You looked up at him and didn’t even realise you were crying until you felt the tears on your face. 
You wiped the tears from your face and Jay took his hand and placed it on your face in a conforming manner. 
“I’m here I’m not going anywhere” He said. 
“Thank you” You said in a low soft tone. 
“Why don’t we walk through this together okay me and you” He said 
“ I swear okay I didn’t know about the weapons until like 2  days ago. I found out when I got the letter in the mail saying my background was clear” You said 
“What about the drugs” Jay asked 
You looked at him and nodded and just started crying again. 
He wiped those tears from your face and gave you a smile but his face said it was disappointed. 
“How did we get here” He asked. 
“Things just got bad you know I was struggling and thought if i just ignored it then the problem would go away. “ You said. 
“I get that but I’m here okay you don’t have to do this alone and I can get you some help okay but I also need your help as well.” Jay said. 
“I don’t know you don’t know him like I do” you hesitated. 
“That’s a good thing listen to me this is going to get you free and take a bad guy off the street save lives. This is also going to be a good thing for you a new beginning” Jay said. 
“Yeah yeah” You said 
“Its going to be hard and it’s not going to be easy but you are strong and you are brave and you are going to get through this” Jay said. 
“Okay” You breathed. 
“Tell me everything” Jay said. 
“I know he deals to some white people up North soccer moms and stuff but I don’t know about the weapons” You said. 
“You think he would tell you” Jay said 
“No I don’t think he would but his friends might” You said 
“Okay we will set you up with a wire and get the information that way” Jay said. 
“Yeah sure” You said 
“So that brown hair girl is she your girlfriend” you asked. 
“Yeah she is” Jay said
“Is it serious” You asked 
“Not really i guess we just been hanging out” Jay said. 
“What’s her name” You asked 
“Erin Linsday” Jay said 
“ she seems good for you and You deserve to be happy Jay and if she’s good for you” You said. 
“She’s just not” Jay was saying then the door opened and Erin walked in. 
“We need a statement from her and what’s going on” Erin asked 
“Nothing were just talking” Jay said. 
She looked like she didn’t believe him. She just nodded and walked out. Jay also had a look on his face where it was hard to read what the hell was going on. 
“I’ll be back okay” Jay said 
You nodded and he placed a hand on your shoulder and walked out and shut the door.  You just sat there  and took deep breathes.
You heard from the room there was yelling. 
“jay what the hell are you doing you are leading her this is going to throw this case this is way to personal” The brown hair girl yelled 
“It’s not Erin I told you I am helping her out okay she is not some criminal okay She is my family and she doesn’t deserve to be shoved in some box she earned better than that” Jay said 
You tried not to looka them and gave them their space.
There was a part of you that wasn’t sure if this was even the right move but you know you had to try.  Jay was right people’s lives were in danger and you could risk that. 
It was just hard looking in the mirror and seeing how you got here. Going from being a decorated solider to this a heaping pile of mess. 
The silence  was hard it just made you think about everything which is something you didn’t want to do. 
After what seemed like forever Jay walked back in and he looked at you and smiled. He was holding a small box in his hand. 
“I would say yes but your already seeing someone” You said smiling 
He looked at you and smiled and sat down. 
“Well good to know I have options” He said 
“So what is that thing” You asked 
“ A wire made like a necklace” Jay said. 
‘Yeah so this is real” You said 
“You can say no we will figure it out another way” Jay said 
“No I can handle this” you said looking up and smiling. 
“Hear come here” Jay said 
You both got up and he walked over and you turned to him and pulled your hair up. He put the necklace on you. 
You turned back and smiled at him 
“You ready to roll out” Jay said. 
“Yeah let’s do it I can text Jimmy to meet me down at the bar we hang” You said 
“Okay sounds like a plan I’ll let the team know we gotta get ready so you can hang at my desk while we go gear up” Jay said. 
You both walked out the room and you Jay walked you over to his desk. You sat down looking at the picture you saw earlier. Wondering what the hell had happened to you. 
The rest of his team all kind of scattered not really acknowledging you. Then after a little bit Jay signalled for you to come on. 
You walked out with him and Erin and got back into the same car as before. It was  quiet as no one was saying anything. 
After giving Jay address you all left to headed out. 
“Are you sure he’s gonna even be there” Erin asked
“Yeah I’m sure he practically lives there” You said. 
She didn’t say anything after that but her and Jay glanced looked at each other. 
The car ride was silent and the ride took a little bit to get there. It was just one of those neighbourhood bars. That sat on the corner and if you weren’t a regular you sat out like a sore thumb. 
Jay pulled up and you and Erin looked back at you with a serious look. 
“You got this” Erin asked
“I’m fine okay I was a ranger” You said not liking the tone she asked or maybe you were reading into it. 
You got out and walked over to the door. You stopped and closed your eyes for a minute taking a breath. 
Then walked in and looked around looking for Jimmy.  He was sitting at a table already a few beers in. 
You walked over and sat down in front of him. You grabbed a beer and started drinking and Jimmy looked at you and smiled. 
“Y/N how you doing where’s your man” He asked 
“Busy he sent me to talk about the plan” You said 
Jimmy looked up at you with a look on his face. 
“What plans Y/N” He asked 
“Come on man I know about the arms that’s it But Keith asked me to ask you about the plans he was drunk as hell but you know me” You said .
“Your right” Jimmy said 
“I do know you and you never really cared about this before always kept in the shadows why should I believe you” Jimmy asked 
“Fair point but look okay I got denied my VA benefits the one’s I been fighting for. All that trauma for nothing so now there gonna pay” You said.
“I like that so listen we got the weapons. Okay were planning to hit the Recruitment centres and then we got plans for some government buildings” Jimmy said 
“The guns where are they” You asked 
“Down in the basement at my place” Jimmy said 
“Good it’s a plan” You said 
You both sat and talked for a little bit more. To make it seem like you weren’t just fishing. The hate this man talked about it was disgusting. 
After a little bit you pulled out and headed back to the car. Jay was smiling at you and Erin even looked a little impressed 
“Nice job Y/N I knew you still had balls” Jay said. 
“See i told you i Had it” You said 
“So where to now” You asked 
“Were getting you home we deal with the rest” Jay said 
You just nodded and looked outside the window. It felt like you were getting a small part of you back. 
Finally you made it home and Jay got out and walked you out. You both walked up to your front door. 
Jay smiled at you and you smiled back and you both let out a laugh
“So what now” You asked 
“I told you I’m getting you help. I will be here every step of the way for you. I know the old you will come back and I’m so excited for her to” Jay said 
“Yeah I am to and thank you for everything” You said 
“Of course were family and everything that comes after” Jay 
“And everything that comes after” You said. 
You both pulled into a hug and when Jay let you go he kissed the top of you head. 
“Good night Jay” You said 
“Good Night Y/N” Jay said 
You walked in after that. You threw your stuff down and headed in. You looked around the house and cleaned it. From top to bottom. Then you took a shower and washed it all off. Everything felt like it was a brand new start to the next chapter of your life.
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