#Children's ministry
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softlyfiercely · 2 years
free coloring pages of jesus's baptism ranked by me, a youth minister who might just give up and take a drawing class
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Why are they just standing there. Why does the water look like men's dress shoes. Why is the holy spirit suddenly a flying fish. 6/10 at least it would be easy for kids to color
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"boss, I drew an image of jesus getting baptized. he was dragged into the water against his will by nigel thornberry, right?" "yeah, perfect. but wasn't there also a descending dove?" "oh, right. lemme just...there we go." 3/10 for crimes against clipart
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malnourished jesus getting baptized by a scallop. 4/10, but 6/10 if it turns out he's a merman and those are his gills
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Does this provide children with any scriptural context? No. Does it look like they are about to make out? Yes. 10/10, homoerotic energy in christian imagery is a time honored tradition
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is that Biff from Back to the Future? palm trees do not grow on the banks of the Jordan. 0/10
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JESUS CATCH THESE HANDS! 8/10, they were cousins after all
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I unironically love this one. They are having a great time. Not sure the Episcopalian method of baptism had quite been invented yet, though, but A for effort. 9/10
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mikibagels · 9 months
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Be kind to your elders, Jolyne 🫂💛
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I don't think I've ever been this reluctant to teach Sunday School in my life, and that's probably because a) I was so burned out by constant and frequent involvement in ministry from my previous church and I'm not over it, a year later, or b) I feel pressured into it. which is bizarre, because it's not like the pastor told me to volunteer. He just asked me three times, because he knew I had leadership experience in ministry, and said they needed people. which. How am I supposed to say no when you tell me there's a need.
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its-zaina · 7 months
This truck was supposed to be used by Gazans to put bags of flour on it, But the Israeli army had a different opinion. Where this truck returned loaded with bodies!
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The terrorist Israeli occupation army opens fire on Palestinians waiting for the arrival of flour trucks in the northern Gaza Strip, killing more than 109 martyrs and wounding others..
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vintagepromotions · 8 months
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'Milk - the backbone of young Britain'
British Ministry of Food health poster (1951). Artwork by James Fitton.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
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eddis-not-eeddis · 28 days
Prayer Request 8/25/24
Could I get prayers for Y, the wife of a Christian brother in one of my prayer groups who went overseas recently? She suffered a miscarriage just before they left, and they had to return early because her mother is dying. She is going through so much right now. She was faithful even through the deeply painful circumstances and supported her husband's ministry, but her losses are indescribable. Please pray that the ministry they took part in bears rich fruit, and give thanks that this family continued to serve through everything Satan is throwing at them, and pray that they will continue to persevere, and that these trials won't break them, but will instead refine them and make them stronger.
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Some "nursery" Papa headcanons based on a post by the awesome @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe
Fic maybe coming soon 😎
Babies/children of the Papas headcanons:
(Before conception) Papa's and their chosen Prime Mover have a ritual ceremony where they consummate the agreement between them to conceive a child. A lot of times, due to Lucifer's blessing, these rituals are effective in the task at hand 😏
(During pregnancy) Prime Mover's also go through a ritual blessing, just prior to the birth of the child. This is to bestow blessings from each of the living Papa's upon the baby while still inside the womb and to bestow offerings to Lucifer for a safe birth and healthy infant.
(After birth) a ceremony is held in celebration of a new heir born into the Papal legacy.
Papa's also performed their own blessings and baptism rites on their children.
Their children attend the same classes and lessons that all the other siblings and ghoul children do within the Abbey.
Babies/children in the Abbey headcanons (general siblings kiddos):
Papa's perform "blessings", not baptisms on the babies after they are born...each and every one. It's only when they are old enough to decide to continue their faith that a "baptism" is performed.
The children attend school within the Abbey and have clergy members as their professors.
Her is an ample playground located on the grounds of the Abbey for which all the children play.
The Papas, especially Copia have been known to frequent the nursery and help tend to the babies.
All the Abbey children for the most part considered Primo like a grandfather.
May add more later lol but I figured this was a good start. 🥰
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copia · 3 months
the little kids are also dead? rest in peace i guess?
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itzswaggypeep · 3 months
Chapter 3 of IMMUNITY INHERITED is out!! :)
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making milk bread 👍 my mom (a hobbyist baker) said to let it rise w/ plastic wrap bc it traps in moisture
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xeline · 1 year
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An alcove led to a classroom, led to a last encounter at a seedy establishment that'd forever change Hermione's life.
Eleven years later, she finds herself in an impossible situation when, despite her best attempts to disappear from the limelight and Draco Malfoy's life, an inevitable meeting at Platform 9 ¾ threatens to undo all of the precautions surrounding the fact that her tryst with Malfoy left her with more than fond memories about a good shag.
A multi-chapter continuation of the Dramione Laws of Attraction series by Lucidlucy / Xeline.
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greencarnation · 11 months
A nation whose existence requires the mass murder of children every few years is not a nation that should continue to exist. How many dead children is too many dead children? Where do we draw the line?
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
Hey Hannah, how would you describe Lily and Ruby’s relationship with James? We know the girls are close but are they close with James or is more of a lone wolf? If you want to write a one shot of this… I wouldn’t mind at all 😉
first of all, i love you for asking me this. second of all, i think like with most sibling relationships it evolves. Lily definitely considers herself james' protector for a time until he grows up enough and starts annoying her. i think once they reach late teens and adulthood though, all three of them are pretty tight knit. having harry potter and ginny weasley as your parents isn't a universal experience so it'd be hard to find other people who could relate to something like that and understand it.
so, more than being siblings, they have unique and shared history they bond over and support each other through <3
and since i am literally incapable of saying no to a next gen oneshot, here ya go:
"It's just so unfair!"
Ruby snorted at the whinge in Lily's voice and reached for another spoonful of batter.
"Look at this," Lily grabbed for where Dad sat on the sofa. Placing her hands on either side of his head, she wheeled him around to face the kitchen. "This is what I have to work with!"
Dad shrugged her off with a grimace.
"Hey!" Mum grinned as she pulled a tray of fully baked biscuits from the oven. "I like your dad's hair."
"Me too," Ruby chastised.
Lily's answering scowl was full of impatience. "Easy for you to say! Your hair lies flat!"
Unable to disagree, Ruby finished placing her dough on the sheet and handed it over to Mum.
"It grows in every direction," Lily turned her attention back to the top of Dad's head, pulling his locks side to side and back and forth. Dad staunchly ignored her, continuing to read the paper as if she wasn't even there. "And this bit here, what's the point of it growing upwards on the back?"
Brushing the dough from her hands, Ruby let out a resigned sigh. "Will you stop complaining and come here?"
Lily rolled her eyes, but crossed the room and collapsed into a dining chair anyway. Ruby set to work separating her sister's hair into two sections, and she had to admit it was rather chaotic, especially when left on its own for too long. She didn't dare say this aloud, however, for fear of increasing Lily's already jittery mood.
"Make it tight," Lily instructed as Ruby began to plait. "I don't want it falling out halfway through the night."
Ruby hid her smile behind Lily's back and started all over again.
The smell of fresh out of the oven dessert soon lured James into the kitchen and he took three biscuits off the tray before sitting down at the table. Mum ruffled his hair, so similar to Dad's and Lily's, as she began clearing away the mixing bowl and baking mess.
"Hey, Dad?" Lily asked once Ruby had finished tying off the first braid and began on the second. "Can you take down the wards before they arrive?"
Dad looked up from his paper incredulously.
"Please?" Lily begged in a sing-song voice.
"Absolutely not." Shaking his head, Dad turned back to his Evening Prophet.
"But you have to!" Lily implored. "Otherwise it'll look to them like I'm standing in front of an empty field!"
"Tell them the house is behind the trees," Ruby suggested.
"Or that we live in a commune that doesn't believe in houses," Mum added unhelpfully.
"Or," James chimed in, "Don't go on dates with Muggles in the first place."
The room went deathly quiet, Ruby's fingers stilling in Lily's hair while Mum froze with dish soap and a scrub brush in her hands.
Dad turned slowly in his seat, looking over the four of them in turn and focusing on James last.
"What did you just say?"
James, who seemed to know he'd just blundered horribly, stammered, "I- I- I mean... I was just... What do I know?"
He chuckled uncomfortably, but Ruby could tell Dad didn’t buy it.
Turning to Mum, Dad raised his eyebrows. “She’s going on a date? You said it was a group of kids from the village.”
"It is a group of kids from the village," Mum reassured quickly, but she didn't quite meet Dad's eye. She set the sponge to work with a tap of her wand and finished, "She just so happens to like one of those kids."
"MUM!" Lily roared, her face flushing pink in embarrassment.
James covered his mouth to hold in his laugh; Lily reached around to swat him.
"Hold still!" Ruby ordered, almost losing her grip on Lily's hair.
Dad continued to stare at Mum like he'd just been stupified.
"Oh, don't look at me like that," Mum huffed impatiently. "What did you expect?"
"I didn't expect to find out our daughter was going on a date from a nine year old! You're supposed to tell me this kind of stuff."
"It's not a date!" Lily cried, clearly mortified.
"She's fifteen," Mum replied matter-of-factly. "She likes a boy, so what? Should we tell them what we got up to when we were fifteen?"
Ruby, her sister, and her brother all let loose sounds of utter disgust.
"Not like that." Mum waved them off. Dad didn't seem all that cowed by her threat to reveal their teenage years, but eventually he grumbled something that sounded like a swear word and turned to Lily with a serious look on his face.
"You're home by ten," he snapped. Lily breathed out a sigh of relief that was a bit premature, because then Dad added, "And no snogging!"
Ruby and James gagged out more revulsion, while Lily buried her face in her hands and groaned.
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cablestwisted · 1 year
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A collection of Festival of Thrills images! More coming over the course of this month. The lore surrounding this event is Phenomenal and I'm having a fantastic time!
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