#Church camp
unforgivablengk · 2 days
I have experience in youth ministry, both as a youth, and a leader, and working at Christian summer camp. There is a common camp rule, especially in evangelical spaces, known as "no purpling." It's very similar to the rule for dancing "leave room for the Holy Spirit," but it's very specific. Here is a photo of some camp rules I found online that are very common. It was difficult to find it actually written out. I found one camp that had it written, but the font color was atrocious and difficult to read, so I'll spare you. Usually this rule is spoken, again like the "leave room for the Holy Spirit." And, like that rule, is often said in a joking tone and gets laughs, but the concept is taken very seriously. #4 is "Boys are blue; girls are pink. Combined this makes purple. Purple is bad before marriage, especially on high school retreats. No girls in guy cabins, no guys in girl cabins. Girls, even if the boys side of the cabin is on fire, don't save them. They probably started the fire anyway."
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And now, some rhink Purple. Also - bi colors anyone?
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alterici · 3 months
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The first time I remember being called "cute" and liking it.
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femliq · 3 months
I'm at church camp please stop posting otasune
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
My two friends and I went to a church camp in the Bahamas. The plane was a ferris wheel, and when we got there, we realized that church camp was in one year from now.
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beax-xp · 6 months
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Orel doodles from church camp :3
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lady-ethne · 3 months
So I went to Church camp over the past week. Here's a bunch of random stuff I did.
I drew Pomni on this block with pens in arts and crafts. Even did this sides. Honestly this looked better in my head.
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Also I won best Female Bible student? I still have no idea how that happened. Also the plaque got messed up so they gave me a paper one instead until the new one's ready.
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One last thing, on the last day my cabin and me decided to make our cabin absolutely terrible and crazy. This was my addition:
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Anyway that's all lol.
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nowaytoheaven2 · 2 months
Only just now realizing that I was an oblivious child because I didn't even know that everyone else at camp called the last day of the whole thing Cry Night and were at least semi-aware of what the counselors were doing.
Meanwhile I'm over in the corner trying not to die of overstimulation because the music is too loud, the campers were crying, and completely unaware of what they were doing to emotionally manipulate us.
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bbabybluelovee · 6 months
me: “wow this book is really interesting i love it more people should read it”
the book:
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kelly-danger · 4 months
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber is kinda making me go "wow he gets it" cause my deep seated hatred for reform calvanistic theology goes all the way back to when I was like 9 at a anabaptist christian camp and they hired a bunch of nazarines for some reason and they were all like, strict and boring losers!!! They beleived in predestination which anabaptists arent about and also I feel that the music that year was lacking as well for that reason. Also id bible quiz againt nazarines and they just like, were taking it way to seriously. Im Like bruh fr lighten up, acting like youre gonna get paddled of you dont know the answer to a situation question (who said it...and to whom? "Feed my lambs") but they probably would. Thats just the vibe of the nazarines
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sailing-ever-west · 10 months
shoutout to the church camp counselor in middle school who asked me very seriously "did somebody do something to you?" after I came into the worship service crying and didn't want to tell her why.
I was actually just consumed with moral guilt over having (maybe?) cheated in a ball game I played earlier that evening and was convinced I had to tell my parents my Great Sins but I'm glad she was prepared for more than my 13yo anxiety nonsense 💀
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juliuscider · 2 years
Michael is the king of church camp. He doesn’t believe in God, but a week away from William, AND mostly outside, he’s all over it. Michael been there every year since he turned 10. He is friends with the entire staff, and all the regular campers.
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a-writers-blurbs · 3 months
My son needs a Sponsor...
Hi everyone, I'm posting this on all of my social media pages in hopes of finding some help for my son.
He requested to go to summer camp. It's a week long. I managed to get his spot secure, but we are short on what we need for activities & supplies.
We are trying to raise $275 by the 20th for church camp. If you'd like to help, you can DM me or donate directly to us via
Cashapp: $AuroraLunae
Venmo: Aurora_Lunae
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gay-xylophone · 2 months
helppp i’m not diagnosed w bpd or anything but if i understand what an fp is im pretty sure my church camp pastor is my fp
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popcorn-plots · 2 months
my fears for camp:
I will have to explain to my leaders/camp mates why I don't want kids and/or get married
I'll have to explain what it means to be asexual, and then get confronted about trying to figure out my sexuality while I'm 'still too young' like it's not the church norm to get married and start having kids at 20 years old
I'll say something about being queer, or the LGBTQ+ community will be brought up and I'll have to sit through a lecture on why trans people don't exist
I'll have to explain the BoM and the Bible to my ward and explain that Jesus literally said to 'love they neighbor as thyself' and then sit through more lectures on how LGBTQ+ people don't fit into that category
Someone will ask me if I have any crushes, say it's fine if I like a girl, so I talk about a girl I've had a crush on for a while, and then everyone either ignores me for the rest of the conversation or I get interrogated on my life choices
Someone goes through my sketchbook and finds all my nude drawings and interprets it as porn (or they find all my ship fanart and don't talk to me the rest of camp)
I get interrogated on all my views of everything happening in the world right now and then I get questioned on why I didn't watch the Olympics, or why I don't want to listen to the news (or why I want my parents to vote Harris because so I and every other trans/LGBTQ+ person, especially minors, can actually have rights)
I get really bad dysphoria and have a panic attack in front of everyone because someone called me a girl.
I have a panic attack over something, and then get treated like a child for the rest of camp
I'm forced to bear my testimony at testimony meeting, or I get shunned for not bearing my testimony (in the past, I've tried to share my honest thoughts and they're 'too weird' for everyone around me)
I won't fit in, because I've never fit in with my ward and I've tried to hard to make friends (I'm the first councilor, for heaven's sake) but it's so incredibly hard when there's almost no common interests, they all have their own friend group, and I suck at making friends
people find my interests weird (like always) and I end up shunned, once again, because no one understands my rambling, or gets why this middle-aged man is all I can think of (hyper fixation)
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nowaytoheaven2 · 2 months
What do you mean the overstimulation, sleep deprivation, bad/wasted food because we didn't eat much, and weirdly manipulative trauma conversations with the counselors were brainwashing techniques?
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