#Christmas Messages For Mom With Images
s-4pphics · 9 months
click! finale (e.w.)
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SYNOPSIS: you need a roommate, and you love eggplant. [college au]
WARNINGS: photographer/roommate!ellie, ocs an artist with a rep and black, parental trauma, self-worth issues, slight disordered eating, brief alcoholism and hypersexuality, heavy grief, pining but depressed
A/N: finally on break yaassss….. sequel? LOL 
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The air around you is strangling. You haven’t left your room in two days. You’re not passing this semester. 
The room next to yours, however, is filled with life. Ellie’s back to blasting her music and banging on walls, but you have yet to cross paths. Not in class, not at home; You haven’t seen her. Pickle never hesitates to scratch at your door for hugs. And kisses. She’s brought you so much comfort, even in times where you feel like you’re undeserving. 
Christmas is around the corner, and you’re alone. Amaya never shied away from taking you home for her breaks, but she’s gone. She hasn’t called in a while; You hope she’s doing okay. 
So, you seek escape in a different way and do what you haven’t in a long time. 
Tears flood your vision, your thumb hovering over a number you haven’t touched in ages. Your hands won’t stop trembling. You’re going to regret this. Your heart's already breaking into pieces at the heart and cloud emojis of the contact. 
Soft paws knead your thighs and you kiss kit-kat’s tiny head as she nuzzles your chin. You’re trying to keep your sobs to a minimum, but they’re tearing your throat to shreds.
Your thumb comes down on the contact and the line rings. And rings… and rings until the dial tone sounds. 
“At the tone, please record your message. When you are finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options.”
You knew no one would answer. No one ever answers, but still, you listen for her voice. The steadiness of her breathing. You take a shaky breath, “Hi, mom.” Mindless sentences pour out of you like a waterfall. You just sit there and allow Pickle to playfully bite your finger. 
“I, uh… I’m not…” Another sob, “I’m not doing well.” 
You would never say that if she were here. You always masked your true feelings for her sake; She never needed any additional stress. 
Void images of your father reoccur in your memory, “I think there’s something wrong with me… I don’t think I’m a g-good person.” A barbed tongue affectionately licks at your finger, and you try to smile. 
“I… We found a kitty in the snow,” You whisper, “She's the cutest thing ever.” Pickle looks up like she knows what you’re saying, and you weep at her delicate eyes. 
“It was the weirdest thing…” You huff wetly, “It felt like you put her there to stop me from making a mistake.” More tears flood your shut eyes. 
“I just miss you…” Your palm digs into your eye, “and I wish you w-were here. I’m not…” Pickle climbs to rest in your lap; You always did that with your mom for comfort. Another loud sob. 
“I lov— “
You jolt at the loud dial tone, and the line ends. You drop your phone on your blanket and search around your room, the portrait of your mother standing tall on your desk. You need to make another one for her birthday. 
Your eyes travel over your space, and for the first time, you don’t feel comfort. Your mind is racing with thoughts that expose your truth; They’re vile and dirty and they make you feel like scum. A disease walking. 
The dark nights are restless and the days are silent, halls only filled with soft purrs and pattering paws. 
Your home no longer holds the joy that it once did when Amaya was here. Excitement used to burst through you whenever she prepped your movie nights after work, the living room filled with laughter and corny love lines that made your stomach secretly twist with warmth. 
You’re not happy anymore. Anxiety brews in you whenever you walk into the kitchen, the living room, go to feed and snuggle Pickle. It’s fucking miserable in here, and as difficult as it was for you to admit, it’s all your fault. 
It’s almost finals week, and you’re nowhere near prepared. You can’t focus on anything except the treacherous silence of your space. It’s almost like Ellie’s already gone. 
You should be anticipating her departure, antsy to have your space to yourself again, but your chest aches. This past month was anything but smooth, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. For some reason. Maybe it’s because you got to live your main character moment, even if it was just for a few hours.  
Ellie, as much as you hate to admit it, deserves better. Just like how you deserve to spend your life alone, trapped and secluded with your own thoughts. She should want better for herself; Nothing is worse than being in your presence; Maybe that’s why you have no one. 
You desperately want to do better for yourself, but you’re tired. Your mother would be so disappointed in you. You retire from wallowing and climb under the covers, Pickle clutched tightly to your chest. You hope she doesn’t mind the tears from your tee.  
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The portfolio is finished. Ellie can’t stop staring at the booklet enclosed in leather on her desk. 
The online submission process was infuriating, mainly due to her laptop dying during the portfolio render, but it’s done. Her ticket into a life-changing position is no longer hers to judge; It can only go up from here. 
All she needs is that phone call from the recruiting manager and it’s over. She’ll be in the city in no time. She’s excited and jittery; Every buzz from her phone is met with clenched hands and a sweaty forehead. Her disappointment heals when she sees her father’s classic thumbs up emojis surrounded by black and red hearts; Even from miles away, he knows when she needs support. 
Ellie lays her forehead on the leather, sighing in relief for what seems like the billionth time. It’s a surreal feeling, relishing in accomplishments. She's never done it, mainly because her mother never wanted to acknowledge happenings she wasn’t the center of. Hearing congratulations is still a mindfuck years later. 
… Your photos looked stunning. You’re made for this, even if you don’t believe it. 
Ellie will never admit how much energy she put into editing those pictures, specifically the ones you’re in. She spent hours recoloring, scaling, sharpening those photos, and they turned out incredible. Probably some
of the best shots she’s ever taken, and you’re in the center. And your eyes… There’s so much light in those hazel specks. 
Another mindfuck. 
Whenever Ellie comes home, she checks the small space between the floor and door of your bedroom to see if you’re awake. If you’re alive. The relief she feels when she sees a lamp light or shadow eases the tension in her shoulders. 
She never knocks, though. Never. 
So why are you? 
Ellie’s back instantly straightens at the soft pats on her door, heart pounding in her ears. You never knock. 
She’s embarrassed at how fast she stands, chair nearly falling over as she flies to pull her door open. 
She’s met with you; She hopes you can’t hear the shatters from her chest at the sight of your disheveled appearance. Your hair is matted and the brunette river in your eyes are surrounded by redness
“Sorry, I—“ Your voice cracks like you haven’t spoken in ages, “She was lying there and I felt bad. She missed you, I think.” She’s never heard you sound so tedious. You’re always the loudest, goofiest person in the room. Ellie’s brows furrow before following your line of vision. Pickle’s sleep in front of her door, curled like a cinnamon roll. Ellie sighs as picks her up as fluidly
as she can, trying her best not to wake her. 
“You’re gonna have to take her when you leave.” 
Devastation sets in your tone as you stare at the little fur ball, “Why?” She asks. 
“My dad’s allergic.” You whisper.
Ellie peers down when Pickle stirs, “Is… is he visiting?” She asks, just as quietly. 
Your head shakes, “I’m going home.” 
Ellie does an impeccable job of hiding her shock. So many questions race in her mind: going home? Where’s home for you? Is it permanent? Are you moving out? When? Are you and your dad close? 
You’re turning away back into your room, but Ellie blurts out before you can shut the door. “I finished my portfolio! It’s… it’s done. I turned it in.” 
You turn, and your eyes are watery. Your smile is tiny, but genuine. “Congratulations,” you’re so quiet and your voice shakes. Ellie’s mind whirls, “They’re gonna love it.” You take one last look at Pickle, and your bottom lip wobbles. You shut and lock the door before Ellie can say thank you for helping me. 
Ellie’s eyes lock onto the floor, watching your lamp turn off, ears honing in on the shuffling of blankets. She swiftly scurries inside her space when she hears crying. 
Her chest concaves at the sobs echoing through the dark, silent halls. Through the thin wall as she sets the kitty on her favorite pillow to sleep on. She paces around her room and yanks at her pinky. How she wishes to be a fly on the wall; She wants to knock on your door so badly, but she doesn’t know what to say. How to comfort. She's always relied on her father for that. 
So, she just listens with regret and makes her final decision.
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If you move from this counter, you’ll faceplant into hardwood. You don’t like the blaringly loud song coming from above, so you down another seltzer. It’s distracting enough. 
You feel yourself leaning forward, so you force yourself back up, practically flung over the counter. You’re never drinking again, you promise yourself. How many times has that one been broken? You don’t remember. You miss Ellie. 
You’re going to fall again, but this time, you’re supported. And not by the counter. You instantly relax at the familiar scent. 
Abby’s mumbling something about something, but it sounds like gibberish. You throw your arms around her neck, inhaling deeply; You miss Ellie terribly. 
We gotta get you outta here. You frown; You don’t want to leave! The party just started! 
Her strong arms wrap around your waist to maneuver you. You’re not sure where she's taking you, but you don’t fight. You simply allow her to snatch your heels off and carry you into the piercing-sharp cold. Just allow her to drag you to safety. You wish it was Ellie. 
The world around you moves in a blur; The pace is making you dizzy. You don’t want to vomit in Abby’s car. When did she get a car? 
“Yeah, hun? You good?” She sounds so far away. Your mumbles are incoherent. She's so confused, so she asks you to repeat it. 
You face her from the passenger seat with a sultry grin. You miss Ellie, “I missed you.” Your words are garbled and your hands are as loose as your tongue, shakily landing on her muscular thigh, massaging the skin. 
Abby tenses with a sigh, planting a gentle hand on your traveling one. Her grip tightens when you try to move. “Did you really?” 
That's your green light. Your smile grows as you clumsily unbuckle your seatbelt, “Stop… stop the car.” 
Abby’s foot plants on the break, and you jerk forward. Like the night you found Pickle. Like when Ellie… 
“What’s the matter?” 
I miss my roommate. “I’m horny.” 
Your friend scoffs and shakes her head. Either you’re too drunk or she’s disappointed… Not the reaction you were seeking. Your smile tries to fade, but you force the corners of your mouth back up. 
“No, you’re not.” She snaps, and it takes you a second to catch it. Abby’s upset again. What the fuck did you do this time? Your facade finally falters. Now you’re irritated. 
“How’re y… how’re you gonna tell me what the fuck I am?” You sound like a fucking idiot, but your rage ignites your slurs, “If you don’t want me, why’re you here!” 
“Because you fucking called and I’m your friend! I didn’t wanna leave you by yours— “
“You should’ve!” Your shriek is piercing; You’re shocked the windows didn’t shatter and slice you both. 
“That’s how you fucking feel? Really?” 
You try to swallow tears, but they flow. The words you want to say are on the tip of your tongue; Thank you for coming to get me. I’m sorry for being awful. Don’t leave me by myself. 
But none of them escaped. They sit and rot in your throat. You’ve never seen Abby so… 
And she doesn’t let up, “Now you wanna cry? Are you serious?” There’s fire in her eyes; It burns in a way you’re not used to, especially not her, “This victim shit is getting very old— “
“I don’t care!” 
“I don’t fucking care, either! If you wanna keep getting used like a piece of meat by random bitches, then do that! Leave me the fuck out of it!” Abby slams her hand down on the armrest, and the car doors unlock, “Matter of fact, get the fuck out!” 
“Fuck you!” 
“Fuck YOU! Get out! Get the fuck out!” 
Curses and heated exclamations leave the two of you until you wobbly exit the vehicle, slamming the door as hard as your brain would allow. The wind blows like tacks, stabbing through the skin of your bare arms and chest. Abby zooms off, and you scream. 
You dig in your pocket for your phone, ineptly dialing Ellie’s number. It’s fucking one in the morning
“… Hello?” She was asleep. Your heart eases at the steadiness of her tone. 
You’re shivering, “… E—Ellie?” 
“I’m… I’m really cold and I don’t,” sob, “I dunno where I am— “
“What do you mean?” She asks abruptly, alert. Your heart flutters. 
You whimper, “I’m lost, I don’t… I’m a bad person— “
“Send me your location. Where’re your keys?” 
“I— I don’t remember— “
“Are you drunk right now?” 
“Yes,” You mumble meekly. This is so fucking embarrassing. 
Ellie sighs heavily, “Just… Is there somewhere you can wait until I get there?” 
You search through tears, finding mostly dark retail stores and restaurants across the street… Except Jack in the Box! The munchies hotspot never fails you. 
“There’s a Jack in the Crack over there.” You point like she can see you. She snickers softly. 
“Go, then. I’ll be there soon, okay?” 
“Wait! Don’t… don’t hang up, please, I’m scared— “
“I wasn’t going to.” 
You closely listen to the shuffling on the other line as you wobbly trek across the street. You sharply inhale at every slip and stumble on your journey, almost sobbing through every confirmation to Ellie’s small are you okay? 
You finally make it inside and thank God that it’s warm. You take a seat and sigh at the familiar jingle of keys. 
“You in there?” 
“I’m coming, send me where you are.” 
It takes you longer than it should’ve to get her the location thanks to the Casa in your system, but she’s on the way… You really want curly fries. Fuck. 
You hate how your thoughts wander, self-loathing at the forefront of your lobe. You take after your father more than you thought: a filthy, lying train wreck. You’ve ruined every glimmer of hope, of positive influence around you, and you’re forced to bathe in the treachery you’ve created all over again. 
You leap out of your seat at Ellie’s raspy tone, seeing your hoodie draped over her forearm and keys dangling in her hand. Your tummy growls when you wave. Ellie’s gaze softens. “Hungry?” She hands you the hoodie for you to throw on. You nod. 
“What do you wanna eat?” 
“… Fries,” you croak, “Curly, please.” 
Ellie nods and waddles to the service counter. You watch her backside under her puffer as she pays and collects a small baggie and water before nodding towards the car. You follow close behind her in silence, munching on your snack. 
The ride back home is silent, but for once, the air isn’t deadly. You’re eased back from your breakdown, and it’s definitely not due to the forest in your roommate’s vision. 
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You enter your warm apartment and get greeted with soft purrs, Kit-Kat skipping over to rub against your leg. It’s almost enough to make you break down all over again; You can’t believe you have to say goodbye to her next week. 
You kick your sneakers off and squat down to her level, “I love you so much, baby girl. Thank you for taking care of me.” You whisper and pet her head, all the way down to her tail. She meows like she loves you. Ellie shuts the door and watches you silently. You turn to face her. For the first time, she doesn't fidget at your inspection.
Her eyes are much glossier and she’s picking at the skin on her pinky. She wants to say something. 
“You okay?” You murmur, and Ellie nods. You don’t believe her. Her eyes are downcast. Why does she look so nervous? 
The silence is killing you, so you speak. 
“Ellie, I’m… I’m sorry for everything,” You stand and ramble. “I’m the worst roommate imaginable and I-I’m terrible and impulsive and I fucking suck, but I’m sorry… I’m sorry.” 
I also kinda like you. 
Not even your word vomit lets that slip. So, you apologize, sloppily and snot-filled. Tears drip down your face in waterfalls, “I’m— I don't wanna go... and I don’t want you to go…”
Ellie’s timid facade breaks, only slightly, eyes closing gently as she listens. “I know I don’t deserve t-to ask that and it’s not… I wasn’t apart of your plan— “
“You’re drunk.” 
You’re plummeting into the void all over again, succumbing to a familiar, oddly comforting darkness. 
Ellie’s as firm as a tree, unmoving. Strong. Still. You’re transported back to your first conversation and how intimidated she made you feel. “You’re drunk… and I leave in the morning. I got the job.” 
Drowning. That’s what this feels like. Strangely proud. Oddly suffocating. You’re underwater, but refuse to resurface. “I-In the morning?” 
Her head jerks. “I, uh. I got rent covered. Sorry for the late notice.” She shoves her hands in her pocket. You shake your head, wiping your face with the back of your hand. “It’s okay.” You whisper. “Where’re you gonna go?” 
“My dad’s. He’s a few hours out. The truck comes tomorrow.” 
Your head bobs in acknowledgement, “H-How was the stats final?” She pauses; Her eyes sadden, tilting like an unwatered rose. “You’ll do fine.” She whispers. 
“Promise to take care of my daughter?” You blurt between sniffles, already moving down the hall, ignoring the loud shattering in your heart when you peep all her boxes in the now vacant room beside yours. 
Ellie mumbles your name but you’re sick of ugly crying in front of people. “Good luck with everything.” You mutter with hot feet.
And with the last click of your bedroom lock, you shut out the vine who entangled your heart for the last time. You give into the feelings of loss, the emotions that come with failure, and release them into your hands. 
What could’ve been, your brain hollers while your heart wails. What could’ve been if you weren’t you. 
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You don’t remember waking up, but you’re in pain. Physically, mentally; You're hurting. The intensity of it somehow gets worse at the sound of Ellie dragging boxes out of her — the room. 
You just cry. There’s nothing to do but cry. Your phone has been ringing all morning, but you don’t have strength to reach for it. You relish in the deserving pain of your hangover. Tequila hasn’t done shit for you. 
Hours pass, and your home is silent. Ellie’s gone. Pickle’s gone. Amaya’s gone. Abby’s gone. Your mother’s gone. You take their departures as signs. It’s probably time for you to go, too. 
Your shower is incredibly long. You wash and wash and re-wash, wanting the feelings of cleanliness to cascade down your skin, but it never comes. You tearfully accept your lecherous nature and every vile entity attached to it. You’re a vessel for heartbreak and villainy. Forever your worst enemy. You look in the mirror for the first time in days. Just for a second. You can’t stand to see yourself for longer than that, your naked form a reminder of every violation you’ve had to endure since you were fifteen. 
Ellie isn't thinking twice about you, and yet, she terrorizes your mind, trying to convince yourself that your time together wasn’t all bad. You’ll never forget the color she brought to you. Her seed is forever planted and growing in your heart, her roots forcing their way into your system, intertwining with your rough, cracked bones, enclosing around your lungs with each breath. 
Too bad you impacted her in the worst way. You couldn’t even manage to give her a sober apology before she left. It’s hard to accept the fact that you’ll never see her again, but there’s nothing you can do about it now. 
Once again, you’re too late. 
The short lap around your living room crushes your spirit. Somehow, all of your memories are shrouded in emptiness. All the proof of Ellie’s residency is gone… Except the indent of her body on the couch. She always loved sleeping there.
One last heavy exhale. That’s all you can manage before you grab your coat and beanie and exit, locking the door behind you. You keep your head down on the way to the parking garage, hopping into the driver’s seat. The ride to the academic advisory office is silent and swift; It matches the finality of your meeting. 
Tears glaze your eyes when you ask your counselor, “What’s… What’s the first step of withdrawing? Like, from school.” 
Your fork picks at the pasta noodles on your barely touched plate. The wine is delicious. 
“Honey, are you…” Your dad says softly before sighing, “How’s the meal?” You blink up at him, focusing on the crinkles in his eyes. He seems youthful somehow. Healing looks good on him. 
You gulp down more maroon, “… It’s great. Thank you.” You mutter. You’re not used to talking to him; You’re glad the feelings are mutual. He only nods, head downcast onto his plate. At least he’s eaten. 
He sets his fork down on his plate and wipes his mouth with a napkin, “I hope you like your gift.” He says before standing to place the dish in the sink.
A dark smile spreads behind your glass. 
“Never thought you’d buy me anything.” You snicker sarcastically. “Don’t start.” His voice slices through the kitchen. You hold back your flinch. You’re not ten anymore. 
You shrug, shoulders heavy, “Just saying.” A glass shatters in the sink, and he curses and storms off, the bedroom door nearly swinging off the hinges with a slam. Your smile grows at the booming echo. Like father, like daughter you suppose. 
“Are you ready, kiddo?” 
Ellie’s heart is pounding through her chest as she stares out the window. She can’t believe her father hasn’t commented on the bursting organ. “No.” She whispers, adjusting the camera strapped around her neck. She's fighting not to bite her nails; Her dad hates that. 
He chuckles softly, “Yes, you are.” 
No, she’s not. 
The photography studio is fucking huge and surrounded by tall windows that display suited individuals laughing, conversing, perfecting their lenses. She can see the bright specks of neon color on the white floors, white walls, white couches. It’s so much brighter than she ever imagined.
The colors are reminiscent of you. Vivid. Captivating. Beaming like your smile. There are flashes coming from all directions inside the studio and it’s making her shake in the passenger seat. A strong hand plants on her blazer, giving an encouraging squeeze. “Look at me.” 
Ellie’s head turns, eyes locking with her dad’s. 
“I love you. You got this.” He says with confidence. Ellie nods in agreement, but he doesn’t accept it. “Say it.” 
“I got this.” Not as confident. A lot quieter, but getting there. 
“Eh?” Her dad leans in closer, ear pointed at her. She giggles and repeats herself. A little louder. He decides that it’s good enough, pulling her close over the center console. Ellie inhales as deeply as she can, right in the crook of his neck. He plants one last kiss on her cheek before releasing her. She grabs her bag from the floor and pushes the door open, looking over her shoulder one last time. “I love you.” She whispers. He bops her nose with the most delicate grin. Pride is radiating off him, and it warms her from the cold outside. 
Ellie departs with one last wave, shutting the door and skipping onto the sidewalk, walking right up to the front door of the studio. A final peek at her dad; He sends her two thumbs up. She smiles. 
Breathe in, one… two… three… 
When the door pushes open, she's greeted with wide grins and warm hugs. It feels like home already.
Finally... Finally.
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BIG ASS TAGLIST LOOOOOL LOVE YALL: @starologist @hrtmal @ohlawdthebirds @villainousbear @timmy-27 @inf3ct3dd @aouiaa @shurisbigtoe @emothurman @lonelyfooryouonly @imelliesgf @baumbii @brackishkittie @littletinyladybugs @r1miese @horror-whoree @elsbunny222 @elliesatchel @makemescreamel @lav3nd3rhaze @elliezflower @ellieloml @ellies-princess @saverdelrey @womenofarcane@muthafuckingstargirl @mina-281 @yuckyfucky @aimformyheartt @elstoy @skylerwhitwyo @sawaagyapong @nil-eena @dewylittlestars @sakiigami @feelsoseencantdream @ellieslittlegf@fictionalgap @liabadoobee @whooknooows @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @qtgaslighter @p4ison1vy @eviestevie-14 @weaselot @elliewbbg @elsmissingfingers @lmaoo-spiderman @lyssaspengler @elliewilliamsmunch @gummydummykj @kiwikeysblog @juniorsfav @louleele @alittlextrahoney @tohoko@333-starhotline @girlkissersco @saplingkoi @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @elliew-illiamsmissingfingers @diddiqueen @alexisvs-world @mostlyhornyandsad @lolaaa699999 @elsblunt @niyahlovesu @randomhoex @sunnmoon @elliesaesp @callmewhenyoukan @rubycruzsbitch @deathby1000sluts @skylerwhitwyo
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614 notes · View notes
heartbreakprincehbk · 8 months
Lucky (Kerry Von Erich x Reader)
Words: 2401
Summary: Requested by anon! Reader isn't into Valentine's Day, but Kerry insists on giving her a surprise Valentine's Day date at home. Thanks for the request, hope y'all enjoy!
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*images from pinterest
“Any plans for Valentine’s Day tomorrow?” You looked up briefly in mild annoyance and had to remind yourself it wasn’t the grocery store clerk’s fault that they happened to be the third person to ask you that this week.
“No.” You said, giving a stiff smile as you gave them the cash for your items. 
“Yeah, I understand. This time of year is no fun single.” They said, continuing the conversation as they counted out your cash. You debated whether it was worth it to correct them before deciding to keep your mouth shut. “Well, have a great day anyways.” You mumbled something of the same and grabbed your groceries, purposefully looking away from the big Valentine’s display of candies and flowers on your way out of the store.
It wasn’t that you hated love, or even that you were single, it all just seemed kind of pointless. A big over-commercialized competition to make everyone feel bad as though they had to quantify their love with big expensive displays of affection. You simply believed that showing your love in other ways every other day of the year meant more than a big show one day of the year.
Besides, with Valentine’s Day falling on a Saturday, you were more than certain your boyfriend, Kerry Von Erich, was going to be slamming other men into the wrestling mat. You were used to that sort of thing, and it was much worse not having him around on Christmas or Thanksgiving. It was nearly impossible to complain; you knew it bothered him more than you from the pained look in his puppy dog eyes every time he had to leave. You did your best not to make him feel any worse about it. You could handle one Valentine’s Day alone compared to those.
Kerry knew you weren’t a big fan of Valentine’s Day. The very first one you spent together, Kerry had given you a dozen roses, a giant teddy bear, and chocolates, and while you thanked him, you very quickly let him know your preferences. 
“You don’t have to spend all that money on me, it’s not a big deal.” To say he was confused was an understatement.
“Is this a test to make sure I actually still buy you gifts next Valentine’s Day?” Kerry checked. 
“No!” You giggled. “I just don’t think it’s necessary to make a big deal out of one day and waste money.” You hoped he got the message. Really, just being with Kerry was a gift of its own. 
Now, another Valentine’s Day was upon you. So far so good as you woke up with no fanfare. Kerry had already gotten up and was working out in the garage as per usual. When you finally made it downstairs to make some breakfast, Kerry made his appearance. He froze when he saw you.
“Good morning,” you greeted him. He hesitated, looking you over like you were a word puzzle he was trying to figure out. Eventually, he was able to speak. 
“Hey–oh, good morning. So hey, baby, uh…so, my mom and Mike wanted to take you to lunch today.” He explained somewhat awkwardly. You frowned a little.
“But I just saw her for lunch yesterday. She didn’t mention it.” You said. Kerry scratched his head, avoiding your gaze and giving a half-shrug.
“Yeah, uh…well, I think it was last minute. Maybe, uh…Mike’s idea.” You frowned a little. “I gotta shower and go meet Kev. My mom said she would pick you up around 1 pm.” Your frown deepened.
“Okay.” You said, smiling slightly when he pressed a kiss to the side of your head on his way out of the kitchen. 
Doris was right on time with Mike in tow. The three of you went into town to the local deli, where Mike proceeded to take much longer than normal to eat his sandwich. 
“Are you feeling okay?” You asked him. Normally, Mike inhaled his food in three seconds. He looked panicked at your question and took a big bite of his food, prolonging his response.
“I’m fine. Why?” He asked, eyes shifting. You laughed a little. “I’m not acting weird.” From the corner of your eye, you saw Doris shaking her head.
“I didn’t say you were acting weird, but I’m wondering if I need to go complain about your sandwich because normally it would have been gone by now.” You said casually, smiling as Mike’s eyes grew even more panicked.
“No, no! It’s uh, good. Really. I’m just…trying to eat slower. You know, um…avoid choking.” You were biting back a laugh. “Um. Do you have any plans tonight?”
“Mike.” Doris reprimanded. 
“It’s okay.” You said, smiling. “No, I’m just planning on catching up on cleaning and maybe I’ll treat myself to a hot bath and tea or ice cream or something. I know Kerry has his show; if it were closer I would be there.”
“You know, it’s been nice weather the last few days for February. I haven’t had to worry about the plants freezing.” Doris said suddenly with a smile. You nodded, listening pleasantly to her latest tale of trying to keep her vegetable garden alive. 
After lunch you assumed you would all go separate ways, until Mike blurted out. “Uh, Y/N, I was gonna meet Kev at the record store down the street. Do you want to come?” You frowned a little.
“I thought Kerry was meeting Kevin somewhere today?” Mike swallowed.
“Oh, uh…maybe, maybe earlier for a second, but Kev said he was free this afternoon.” 
Your mind was turning. Had Kerry lied to you? You did your best to hide your thoughts as you said goodbye to Doris and walked with Mike to the record store. 
You were positive Mike sifted through every record in that store, but you knew how much music meant to him, so you said nothing and waited patiently, flipping through a stack on your own here and there. You noticed after a while he was hanging on to an Eagles record. 
“Is that a good one?” You asked. Mike shrugged shyly.
“I’ve had my eye on it for a while.” You smiled and took it from his hands.
“My treat. Come on,” his eyes stretched wide. 
“What? Really? But Y/N, you don’t…”
“Tell me if it’s any good.” You insisted as he followed you to the checkout line. “You know, you’ve shown me some great stuff already. I always go to you if I want something new.” You smiled at the way the youngest brother averted his gaze with a bashful chuckle, his cheeks already turning red. Right as you were paying, Kevin walked in the door. 
“Hey you two. Mike, what did you find this time?” Mike excitedly showed his record to Kevin who nodded in approval, before he looked at you. “C’mon, you two. Let’s get you home, Y/N.” He seemed to be in a hurry; that made sense due to the brothers having a wrestling show a town over that night. 
You wanted to ask Kevin about Kerry, but you knew it wasn’t really Kevin’s place or fault if Kerry was lying to you. Was it possible that he had met someone else, was he using the holiday to woo some new girl, maybe a fan he had met? Suddenly, the idea of Kerry waking you up with a dozen roses sent a longing pang through your heart, but you pushed the thought away. You would simply ask Kerry later. 
For now, you focused on the moment you had with Kevin and Mike, laughing in the car together about the last time Ric Flair was in town and the less than welcoming reception he had received, and how Kevin had nearly taken the win and trying not to give into the disappointed feeling creeping up on you.
“See you boys,” you said as Kevin’s truck pulled up in front of your house. “Good luck tonight, Kev. Enjoy that record, Mike!” They both waved and you sighed a little, walking up towards the sure-to-be empty house. The sun was beginning to set ever so slightly, the sky growing more orange and casting shadows over the lawn. Now alone, you allowed yourself to feel crest-fallen. 
You pushed your key reluctantly into the lock, resigning yourself to the evening you had described earlier, only to stop once the door swayed open. In the distance, you could hear faint music playing. You listened for a moment, frowning in confusion. It was a cheesy ballad—Cyndi Lauper’s “Time After Time.” The lights were off, and you made your way towards the kitchen, where the music was loudest and a hint of warm light was spilling into the hallway.
“Kerry?” You called, gasping at what you saw. Kerry was standing waiting next to the dining table, fighting a big smile, his chin raised and hands behind his back. He was wearing jeans and an apron designed to look like a tuxedo with nothing underneath. The table was covered in a white table cloth and at the center was a big vase of cascading roses, along with more scattered rose petals and two dinner plates. Candles were everywhere, from the table to the kitchen counters, and even a few tea lights on the ground.
“Kerry! What is all of this?” You demanded, frozen on the spot, laughing at his apron. An overwhelming sense of happiness, love, and surprise filled you as you looked from him to the area surrounding you.
“I cooked dinner.” He explained, as if he were discussing the weather, laughing finally as you laughed.
“But why? Kerry, you should be halfway to Tyler right now for the show!” His grin widened.
“Yeah, I know. But Kev’s covering for me; he’s gonna wrestle the tag match and take my spot in the main event too.” 
“What! Why?” You repeated. Kerry laughed again as if you were missing the point and walked closer, wrapping his large arm over the top of your shoulders to pull you closer and kiss the top of your head. 
“You sure do ask a lot of questions.” He noted into your hair, making you chuckle. “Because you’re important and I love you.” He grabbed your hand and led you to the table, pulling out your chair for you to sit before sitting across from you.
“Kerry…” you breathed, looking down at the plate. It was a very impressive looking chicken Parmesan on a bed of pasta. “This looks amazing.” He smiled.
“Thank you. Just don’t look at the sink.” You giggled, imagining a mountain of dishes and utensils. “I’ve been practicing with mom the last two weeks. I think it turned out perfect this time—the first time the chicken was too tough. Anyway, I think I’ve nailed it now.” You were blown away by the effort; Kerry could cook simple and remedial dishes, but an entire entree was surprising. “Try it and tell me what you think.”
He seemed to be waiting to take a bite of his own food until you took yours. You stared at his anxious face as you took the first bite.
“Kerry, this is so good. Wow. You’re definitely gonna have to make this again.” He was back to glowing from your praise. “But, I mean, I still don’t understand why.” His smile softened.
“I know you always said you don’t want a big deal made out of Valentine’s Day and not to fuss over you, but…I can’t help it. I love you, Y/N. I want to do these things. You always said you don’t want me to buy anything, or go out anywhere, so I decided the best way to show you how much I love you is to treat you at home.” 
“And your mother and Mike? Were they in on it too?” Kerry laughed.
“I asked them to hold you up for as long as they could to give me time to decorate and cook.” Suddenly, everything made sense–Mike taking his time eating, dragging you through every corner of the record store, Doris trying to keep your mind off of Valentine’s Day, even Kevin. Suddenly you wondered how you missed all the signs. 
“And you didn’t actually go to meet Kevin.” He looked almost sheepish.
“No…I went to buy the flowers and everything else I needed. But I couldn’t tell you that.” You laughed, shaking your head at how silly your prior worries suddenly seemed. 
“I’m a little embarrassed, but…I was afraid you lied about meeting Kevin because you were meeting someone else and spending the day with them.” You admitted. Rather than getting angry or defensive or even offended, Kerry only looked confused. 
“What? I’d never do that to you, baby. I just wanted to surprise you. I’ve been trying to plan this out for weeks now, I think since Christmas.” A feeling of utter peace and contentment filled you. How lucky were you?
“Oh, Kerry…this is perfect. This is everything I could have wanted. Thank you.” You smiled, and he reached across the table to grab your hand with his much larger one. 
“No, thank you. I just wanted to make sure you were treated right on Valentine’s Day. Because I’m here, and as long as I’m here, you will be.” 
“And every other day?” You teased, laughing. Kerry grinned broadly, his thumb rubbing across your knuckles. 
“Especially every other day.” He promised. “Boy, cooking really gets you hungry.” He said as he picked up his fork again, making you laugh. “I rented a movie too for after, and maybe we can make some ice cream floats. Oh! I’ve been meaning to tell you, the funniest thing happened the other day. The last time Ric Flair came to town, he had a rough time. There was a kid chewing gum in the front row, and he didn’t like Flair, so he took the gum…” 
You listened enthusiastically to Kerry telling the story, despite the fact you had already heard the tale from Kevin. Instead, you settled into your chair and picked up your fork, focusing on the sparkle in Kerry’s eyes, the way the glow of the candles warmed his handsome features as the flames danced, the way his perfectly tousled curls framed his face. Your cozy little kitchen felt warmer than ever and so full of love that it radiated from every nook and cranny. Really, how lucky could you be?
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your gift ~ pete davidson
word count: 1211
request?: yes!
“Could I request an imagine where you and pete are spending christmas together and you come im just wrapped in wrapping paper like you’re his gift and he just bursts out laughing because he’s awkward like that?”
description: for their first christmas together, she decides to give him an extra special gift
pairing: pete davidson x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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It had been many years since I had spent Christmas with a romantic partner. I didn’t expect too much for my first Christmas with Pete. We had only been dating for a few months, so I figured at most we might go see some Christmas lights and drink some hot chocolate. Imagine my surprise when he asked me if I wanted to spend Christmas Eve with him.
“If you didn’t already have plans with your family that is,” he said. “I know Christmas is supposed to be, like, a family thing.”
“I was going to ask you the same thing. You don’t want to spend it with your mom?”
He waved away my comment. “Please, she is basically insisting I spend it with you. Anything to get me out of the house.”
So, we agreed that he would stay to my place on Christmas Eve before we went to spend time with our respective families. From the moment Pete asked, I found that I was very excited for this Christmas.
We did way more of the cutesy couples Christmas stuff than I anticipated. We went to look at the Christmas lights around my neighborhood, got candy cane hot chocolate, got matching Christmas pajamas (well, I got the set, Pete just got the pajama bottoms). He even insisted on us decorating my Christmas tree together.
With every memory we made, the happier my heart became. It was probably the best Christmas I had ever had.
The night of Christmas Eve, Pete and I were curled up on the couch eating pizza we had ordered and watching some classic Christmas movies. I had a warm blanket thrown across my lap and that, plus the heat from Pete’s body, was enough to feel like I was going to be lulled to sleep. I closed my eyes and was close to drifting off until I felt Pete move under me.
“You’re not falling asleep already, are you? It’s not even 9pm,” he said.
I opened my eyes and looked up at him, sheepishly. “Can you blame me? I’m just so comfy, I could fall asleep right here.”
“You can’t fall asleep before presents.”
This sparked me enough for my eyes to open wide and to sit me upright on the couch. “Presents, you say?”
“Yeah. Haven’t you ever opened at least one present on Christmas Eve?”
“Not since I was a kid.”
“Well, if you don’t want to we don’t have to exchange gifts yet.”
“Now, I didn’t say that.”
Pete chuckled and stood from the couch. I watched him go, nearly bouncing with excitement. When he came back, he had both hands behind his back.
“I tossed it in a gift bag because my wrapping skills suck, so it won’t be that fun to open,” he said.
“All presents are fun to open. Just gimme,” I said, extending my arms and doing the grabby hands at him.
He laughed and pulled the bag from behind his back. I took it and ripped the paper out to reveal a stuffed bear inside. When I took the bear out and squeezed it, Pete’s voice came out of it saying, “Merry Christmas, baby.”
I looked up at Pete, who was smiling brightly at me.
“It’s from Build-A-Bear,” he said. “They had a Christmas line of bear clothes or whatever, and the workers there said that people usually recorded voice messages for whoever they were gifting to. Do you like it?”
It was a sweet brown teddy bear with a red and green Christmas sweater and little images of candy canes on its feet. I hugged him close, Pete’s voice repeating the earlier phrase.
“I love it,” I said.
“I thought you might. Just in case, though I did get you something else with the bear.”
I held the bear out to see a golden locket around its neck. When I opened the locket, there was a picture inside. It was one of the first pictures Pete and I took when we started dating.
I stood from the couch and wrapped my arms around Pete. “Thank you so much. I love them both, Pete.”
“I’m glad you do, honey.”
Now was the part where I had to make up some reason why I didn’t have Pete’s gift.
I had meant to tell him when he came over. I had gone to my sister’s place to wrap presents and left them there so she could bring him over to our parent’s place. I realized only after getting home that Pete’s gift was left there, too. I was planning to give it to him on the day after Christmas after spending time with family.
And now, after he had given me the best gift I could’ve ever received, I had to tell him I didn’t have one to give back to him.
I pulled away from our embrace to look at Pete. “I have to go get your gift. Stay here.”
I went to my bedroom and dug wrapping paper out from the back of the closet. I unrolled a very long strip and ripped it from the roll. I managed to wrap it around my torso and legs, taping a few pieces down so it stuck to me. I grabbed a red bow as well and stuck it to my forehead for effect.
“Okay, make sure you close your eyes!”
I heard him laugh but got no further response.
“Are they closed?” I asked.
“Yes (Y/N)!”
I quickly shuffled out form the room, trying not to rustle the paper too much. Pete was sat back down on the couch, his eyes closed and the bear he had given me sat on his lap as they both waited. I positioned myself in front of him, making sure the wrapping paper would stay up and the bow stayed on, before saying, “Okay, you can open your eyes.”
The minute he looked at me, Pete burst out into laughter. I started laughing with him, knowing how ridiculous I looked.
“I think I already have this gift,” he said, standing from the couch again. “Did you keep the receipt? I may have to return it.”
“Nope. You’re stuck with it.”
“Oh well, I like it enough.”
I giggled as Pete leaned down to kiss my lips.
“I do have an actual gift for you,” I assured him. “I just left it at my sister’s. I meant to tell you and totally ended up forgetting. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. I don’t mind waiting to get it. And besides, this gift is the best thing you could’ve ever gotten me.”
Oh, how he makes my heart flutter.
He kissed my again, the crinkling of the wrapping paper reminding us that I was still “wrapped up”. Pete looked down at me and started laughing again, shaking his head at me.
“Can I unwrap more than just this paper?” he asked.
“Well, we do have all night.”
Pete made quick work of ripping the paper from around my body and tossing it to the floor, along with the red bow on my head. He picked me up in his arms and carried me back to my bedroom, our pizza, the movie, and my new stuffed friend forgotten on the couch.
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onmyyan · 2 years
i humbly and respectfully beg for a crumb of Ricky content, i need more of this man (holiday drabble like his brother perhaps?) i love, love, love your writing and your characters!!
Ricky's heart grew three times that day.
A/N: Ricky is baby also took a different approach with this one because our boy is troubled but we luh him all the same. Also Coquito(1) is like this boozy eggnog that has like three different types of Puerto Rican rum in it and it gets you SLOSHED lmao my family on my mom's side always makes it around the holidays, do y'all have any fun traditions?
TW'S: Ricky, Yandere, he has the holiday blues, cursing, suggestive
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Ricky hated winter. The snow in New York was brutal, he was always shivering no matter how many thermals he wore, and everyone got on his nerves even more so than usual. These thoughts were at the forefront of his mind as he stared down at the daunting message from his Father, the invitation to the Christmas party was more of a command than an ask and he felt his blood pressure rise at the idea.
Checking to see if you were still sleeping, his tired eyes raked over your blissfully unaware form and the sight pacified him almost instantly. He began to gently pet your hair, the soft motions self soothing as his mind became a battlefield.
While not inherently terrible, being surrounded by his loud extended family always left him with a migraine. Be it the judgmental tones and stares or the backhanded compliments, he'd be forced to interact with them, forced to save face and make his dad look good even though he was tearing them apart in his mind.
He hated small talk, especially with people he couldn't give less of a shit about. And his nature was far too blunt and aggressive to mesh with the rest of his kin, he felt the sneer on his face at the though of all the tongue biting he was gonna have to do tonight, and he must have been thinking too loud because you began to shuffle awake.
"Sleep. It's way too early for you to be up." His morning voice was shiver inducing, the tremble in his words had a smile curling on your half asleep form, the small kiss he pressed to the center of your forehead made you fully open your eyes.
"Mm but you're way more fun than sleep." You responded, nearly cutting yourself off with a yawn. He couldn't help but grin down at you, all tension evaporating from his body, his semi cold hand drifting from your waist to your own, had goosebumps rising on the skin, he smoothly interlocked your fingers with a content sigh.
He allowed himself to be swallowed by the peace of the morning. Waking with the love of his life was something he'd never get used to, far too often he had nightmares where you were gone or worse, all in his mind, then he'd jump awake with a pounding heart, only to find you peacefully drooling on his chest, the image making him fall somehow deeper in love.
"Why ya up so early anyway babe?" You asked snuggling closer to his chest. He'd have to force himself not to shiver when you began playing with the gold chain resting on his neck. He'd bought it to match with a necklace he gifted you on your one month anniversary, inhaling your scent deeply, trying to ground himself further in the moment, he took a second before responding.
"Dad texted me." He started slowly, as if not saying it would somehow negate his need to attend.
"Every year my Ma' throws this ridiculous Christmas party and every year I gotta go and deal with my whole family- it's a mess and I hate it." He all but whined.
"All I wanna' do is snuggle and watch those shitty cheesy movies you love so much-" he punctuated this with a soft kiss, "But nooo. Now I gotta play nice with a bunch'a assholes just cuz' were related." You smiled up at your grump of a boyfriend and tried not to laugh at his dramatics.
"Okay big guy- those cheesy movies? Yeah you love em' too don't even try to play with me I seen you cry and second," you sprung like a cat to sit up, throwing a leg over him to straddle his waist, he gave a wicked grin at the action, hands instantly finding home on your hips, "You got back-up this year, anyone gets too cunty and I'll handle em'." Sliding your thumb across Your throat in a mocking gesture, he couldn't help but laugh at the image, the cute little giggle you let out was contagious, leaning down to seal his lips in another kiss, this one much longer than the last, when you pulled away to breath he followed, sitting up and wrapping your legs around his middle.
"Oh you're gonna take my aunt Susan out back if she gets snippy huh?" He laughed against your mouth, his thumbs began to circle the skin of your hips sending sparks up your spine.
"Really though Rick, I got you. We show up, razzle the parents, totally upstage your brothers by bringing your mom flowers and then get home in time to bone to whatever cliché movie they got on TV."
His eyes softened at your very clear attempts to cheer him up, the action only further proving to him you were his forever person. "Come on ya Grinch. It might even be funn." You whispered the last part, as if a secret.
He sighed through his nose before interlocking your pinkies. "Okay but if I call it we're outta there you dig?"
The way your face brightened made the party suddenly seem actually appealing. "Dig. We can say I got the meat sweats or ooh- I can make myself pass out?"
The rest of the morning was spent in between the sheets. When you'd finally wrestled him out of bed he, like the brat he was, claimed he wasn't showering unless you joined him.
After your rather steamy shower he found his place snugly sat between your legs, his finger tips gently tracing your guy's names on your calves, you'd been softly singing along to the Christmas song thrumming through the morning air and gently brushed out his long mane. The ends got curly when he was fresh out the shower like this, the strands bounced around your finger as you began to braid.
He was practically drooling from the incredible sensation of your fingers threading through his scalp. It was as if you had magic in those hands.
He discovered a few things about himself that day, he didn't mind Christmas music if it was coming from your mouth. He also found the idea of showing you off way too good to pass up, sure his possessive nature usually didn't allow for such feelings but every year someone commented on his lack of partner, he couldn't wait to walk in with the most enchanting creature to ever grace the earth on his arm. He also couldn't wait to see the look on his siblings faces when they realized he wasn't lying and you were in fact real, he had yet to introduce you to anyone but his parents, sure the other boys knew of you, but Ricky is so stingy with your information, so hesitant to speak about you, they'd begun teasing him, as if you were made up.
You both looked to die for as you put the finishing touches on your look. Ricky was fussing with his tie, his nerves picking back up as the clock marched on. His brain was running faster than usual, running through all the ways it could go wrong, all the ways you could end up hurt, but then your hands slid around his midsection from behind, your shorter form peaking out to meet his gaze in the mirror.
"Hey, you okay over here? I can't remember the last time you looked this uncomfortable." His hands instantly stopped fussing with the undone tie, eagerly encompassing your own with his larger ones, focusing on the warmth you provided instead of the nagging anxiety in his gut was easy.
"I'm- I'll be okay." He reassured you, bringing your hand to his lips so he could kiss each finger. "I got you- I'll be okay." He repeated like a mantra, you smiled sadly at the taller man, knowing just how hard he worked for his Father's approval, you're not sure he even could say no to the man, turning him to face you took little effort, you cupped the sides of his face as softly as you could, thumbs gently rubbing his flustered face, "Say the word and we're telling your mom I got food poisoning." He huffed a laugh through his nose, leaning his forehead against your own, his eyes closing in concentration as he held you closer to him.
"Thank you Love." His eyes opened with such raw passion is took you aback a little.
"You're like my morphine tonight okay? No straying too far, if my creepy cousin says anything to you come tell me- who am I kidding you're not gonna have to I'll be right there." He quickly shook away his storm cloud and began running down his mental list of rules for a successful night, his usual attitude was back making you return his grin.
"And don't let Manny goad you into drinking the coquito*, he made it this year and the little bastard is heavy handed with the rum." He continued talking while you began to fix his tie, the ginger not skipping a beat. "Ma will try to feed you until you can't move so when she asks if you're hungry say no- it is a trap." You snorted at this, much to his amusement. "I'm so serious- anyway my Pop's a real hardass, don't take his face personal I swear he just looks like he hates you." You'd finished his tie with a pat to the chest and he pressed a brief kiss to your knuckles as thanks, "-but he knows how much you mean to me and promised he wouldn't scare you away."
"Don't worry my love, nothing you do could scare me off." You said lightheartedly, walking back to your mirror to double check yourself as it was time to go, not knowing just how serious he was taking those words.
"That's good to hear." His smile would be so genuine you'd completely miss the dark look in his eye.
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topwan-obikin · 9 months
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Here it is the second half of reveals for the first deadline of our fest. and the official conclusion of our first deadline!
We are so happy about all the engagement and love you have showed us, and we can't wait to see even more submissions for our second deadline!!
From this moment on, the authors mentioned in this post will be able to promote their creations however they like! You are free to post your work on your own social media and we will promote it alongside the reveal of your fic. You can include moodboards or other creative images in your promotion! Just be sure to tag the fest in some way.
If instead you didn’t have the chance to look through the creations revealed, now it’s a great time to do it. Give them some love and share the ones you loved more!
From next week, the blog will restart our weekly recs friday and wips wednesday, plus our games. And look out for the 26th because we'll drop a Christmas present for our 300 followers milestone!!
For all who'd like participate in our second deadline, all infos are pinned on our blog!
Now let’s dive in!
☆ Show Their Truth by dragons_and_angels
 [Explicit - 2,270 w]
With every action, Kenobi proved Vader's Master a liar.
☆ Tied Together With You by dragons_and_angels
 [Explicit - 4,375 w]
Anakin Skywalker is bad at sex. He knows this, but that doesn't mean he wants his boyfriend to find out.
☆ Snake in the Grass by KnockKnockOut @knockknockoutblog
 [Explicit - 6,718 w]
Anakin has been in love with Obi-Wan for as long as he can remember. And because Obi-Wan is a Jedi's Jedi, he knows Obi-Wan will never love him back. But that's okay. Anakin has enough love for the both of them. When Obi-Wan comes to Anakin asking for help with a mysterious problem right before they're deployed on their next mission, Anakin knows it's his only chance to show Obi-Wan just how much he loves him.
♥ Yours, Mine, and Ours by MutteringRetreats @mutteringretreats1
 [Explicit - 6,169 w - chapters 2/?]
In a world in which unmated omegas are free for anyone to use—any time, any place—newly presented Anakin is ecstatic that he finally has his alpha master’s attention. The problem is, he wants Obi-Wan’s attention, not everybody else’s. Good thing his attentive master is there to help him perform his duties.
♥ there is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable by veloursdor @veloursdor
 [Explicit - 1,610 w - chapters 1/?]
Anakin begins receiving dick pics and sexts from Obi-Wan, unsure of what to make of them. He has always felt something towards the older man, always wanting more and more from him, but the spicy text messages weren’t something he had ever thought he’d get from the man that married his mom.
☆ Unexpected Surprise! by StarryAri (damndameron) @starryariart
 [Explicit - Fanart]
Obi-Wan Kenobi has had a long day doing various Jedi things. Anakin is waiting for him to get back with a special surprise!
☆ keep a stern hand by faultlessly
 [Explicit - 5,662 w]
“Captain Kenobi,” Prince Anakin breathed, his eyes still wide and blown black in the candlelight. A memory came to him of the first time he’d caught the prince in the act. Anakin had only been sixteen years old at the time, but the stable boy whose hand was moving in the front of his trousers was equally as youthful, and it was that tiny detail that kept Obi-Wan from promptly putting his sword through his gut. He’d said the same thing back then, and his title upon the prince’s lips had sounded like an apology; as time passed, it morphed the syllables into an expression of insolence. Now, it sounded like a plea. * * * Or: Obi-Wan is a little too good at being the head of the crown prince’s guard.
☆ and the sun will shine upon us again by Viraha @virahaus
 [Explicit - 2,363 w]
Anakin reveals to Obi-Wan that he's married. Obi-Wan doesn't take it well and decides to teach him a lesson. And if the lesson includes multiple orgasms, well, that's just to drive the point better into Anakin's brain.
If you know the handles of any of the authors we revealed today we did not tag, please let us know and we’ll add them!
You want to join our community and chat a bit? Join our discord server, invite here.
Twitter thread here.
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coco-bean-1218 · 10 months
Well-Behaved Women Never Make History
Prologue: Part Two: "A State of War"
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Chapter Soundtrack
Summary: Claire realizes her future is about to change.
A/N: Hi everyone! Welcome to Prologue: Part Two of Well-Behaved Women Never Make History. Just one more part after this one, and we get to the main story!!!! Just a reminder, Claire and her family are ahead of their time, so her mom is kinda like Polly Shelby, personality-wise if you've ever seen Peaky Blinders. I hope everyone enjoys and please feel free to like, comment, and reblog, but do not repost!
Warnings: Claire's parents being done with the world's shit, swearing, mentions of Nazi Germany, the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor,
Taglist: Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
Monday, December 8, 1941 ---
The following day, newspapers were filled with headlines about Pearl Harbor. The attack had captured the attention of the entire nation, with local, national, and world news sections all dedicating significant coverage to the event. The newspapers were filled with vivid images and descriptions that left readers feeling a mix of shock and sadness.
Pictures on the front pages and throughout the news sections depicted the aftermath of the attack. There were images of casualties, both military and civilian, lying lifeless on the ground. The smoke from the explosions billowed into the sky, casting an eerie pallor over the scene. The papers showed the destruction caused by the attack, with planes and ships lying in ruins after being struck by bombs and torpedoes.
Claire and her parents all sat at the kitchen table, engrossed in the newspaper articles and pictures spread before them. They shook their heads in disbelief, unable to comprehend the sheer horror of what lay before them. Periodically, they would mutter comments under their breaths, expressing their shock and dismay.
It was all too familiar for Claire's parents. They had lived through a similar experience once before, during The Great War. And now, here they were again, 23 years after its end, facing another conflict that seemed to be just as devastating.
"This is...Oh my God..." Mrs. O'Connor finally spoke up.
"Unbelievable," Claire echoed, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Makes you really think about what will happen next, doesn't it?" her father commented, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room.
"Yeah, that's for sure," her mother agreed, "23 years later, and here we are again. Jesus."
It was as if history was repeating itself, but this time, the consequences were even more dire.
"I just hope they take out that damn nutcase in Germany. He's got to go," Mr. O'Connor remarked.
Mrs. O'Connor shook her head, her voice filled with exasperation. "Oh, don't even get me fucking started on that one," she said, her eyes rolling with a mixture of amusement and frustration.
"Happy freakin' Holidays...," Claire uttered.
In the early part of the afternoon, the O'Connors sat in their family room with the radio on. The room was cozy, with a roaring fireplace and adorned with Christmas decorations. According to the paper, President Roosevelt would address the nation that afternoon.
At precisely 12:30 p.m., the radio crackled with static, followed by President Roosevelt's familiar voice. The O'Connors fell silent, listening intently to his words.
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. 
The United States was at peace with that Nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American Island of Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armedattack. 
It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. 
The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu."
Claire exchanged glances with her older sister. They shared a look that seemed to convey a shared understanding. As they gazed at their parents, the President continued talking, his voice carrying through the room. 
"Yesterday, the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong, Guam, the Philippine Islands, and Wake Island. And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.
Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our Nation. 
As Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. 
But always will our whole Nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. 
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory. 
I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. 
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. 
With confidence in our armed forces with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us, God. 
I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire."
The President's speech concluded with a resounding round of applause that echoed through the room.
As the noise dissipated, Claire found herself in a state of contemplation. There was something nagging at her thoughts. It was as if she knew there was something she needed to do, but she wasn't quite sure what that something was. The President's words resonated with her on a deep level, leaving an indelible mark on her soul. She knew that she had to take those words and do something with them.
In addition to encouraging independence and intellectual growth, the O'Connors also emphasized to their daughters the importance of standing up for themselves and never allowing anyone to walk all over them. They taught them to recognize and challenge any form of mistreatment or injustice. By instilling this sense of self-worth, they hoped that their daughters would become assertive and resilient individuals.
Claire, of course, took emphasis on the assertive part. She knew what she needed to do.
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felicity38fornow · 1 year
Kate Bishop | Priorities
Summary: Reader comes face-to-face with his girlfriend, whom he hasn't heard from for days.
Kate Bishop x Reader
Warning: Angst, longing, little cries, some tantrums.
You were so worried that Kate hadn't returned any of your calls in the past week and her mom was arrested yesterday. You had your eyes and ears on the phone. You've been watching the news channels so much lately that you didn't care about the gangs that spread terror everywhere.
All you wanted was a message that your girlfriend was safe.
Even you yourself were tired of torturing yourself by remembering your last fight.
Your eyes are filled with tears. Your nose twitched again. You thought your tears had already run out. You're so tired and worn out, but you haven't heard from Kate.
You left the balcony floor where you collapsed with a tired sigh. Maybe even if it was Christmas, Kate wouldn't be near her. Your heart clenched and you stood for a moment on the doorframe. You've been beating yourself up for days and thinking of possibilities that should never have occurred to you, but it had never occurred to you. You didn't even give a chance. Because that's not what your Kate does. She was someone who always loved to give her love and attention. She was never a coward, she stood up and never gave up.
But ... what if she gave up?
What if she's gone?
"No, no," you said, trying to console yourself. Blinking your tired and sore eyes, you tried to get rid of the scary scenarios in your mind. "She will be back."
Kate didn't come back that day.
And in the last three days ahead of it.
When Christmas passed, you apologized to your family and made the excuse that you were too busy at work. You also added that you are planning something special with your girlfriend. They never made it a problem since they've known Kate since you were kids, and they invited you both on their next vacation.
'If she's here,' you stipulated. You didn't even know if she was alive or not.
The cops weren't very helpful to you. After people who returned five years after the blip, there were so many reports of missing persons that no one was even going to be given priority. Of course you were pissed that Kate wasn't on the priority line, but there was nothing you could do. She was all you could do, she.
In your shared flat, the house actually belongs to Kate, it had been a day or so since she had packed some of her belongings into the suitcases. You never gave up on Kate, but standing in a house full of her memories for twenty-four hours was torture. Also, the thought of her leaving you was growing stronger with each passing hour. You just hoped she wouldn't at least do it unawares. Even though she was never like that in all the long years you've known, you both became different people as you grew up. Maybe it was because of her college friends; Could she have hit her head? But you talked to all her friends. Maybe it was because your last fights were so violent? But each time you won each other's hearts.
God... Then why? Why hasn't your girlfriend been around for the last week and a half?
Didn't you do anything? Or have you done something wrong? Forgot to take out the trash? Did you hurt her? Did he think she had given up on him?
Or ... Did something happen to her?
Your heart is tight, you tightened the cabinet doors you were holding. The scattered image you could see in the mirror made you grimace. You looked awful. You're so devoted to finding Kate that you can't even remember if you ate a few hours ago. You didn't eat. Your weight dropped, your face sunk, and you always felt sad. Maybe you didn't realize that much until now, but Kate was the center of your life. She was by your side all your childhood. You grew up with it.
But she is no more.
You sighed.
You took your backpack from your bed, which had been tidy for days, and started pulling the suitcase that had been standing by the door. You didn't want to leave here, but the loneliness began to feel very difficult.
You closed doors that you left open. You're starting to check the windows for the last time. As you walked towards the hall, you heard low voices. Your heart pounded with fear and excitement. Could it have been Kate? Then who was the other person? You tried to maintain your composure.
Kate, who was arguing quietly with Clint, watched your arrival with longing. You stood at the entrance, looking at her expressionlessly. Kate wasn't used to you acting this way. However, she missed you so much that your actions did not go unnoticed. "Baby," she started to pace you.
But suddenly you took a step back, glaring at her sternly. At the same time, you didn't understand what you were doing. Kate hesitated at your movement. "Hold back." You said calmly.
"I know it's very confusing, but I'll explain everything to you-"
"I'm going,"
"You wouldn't believe what happened with Clint - What?" She didn't hesitate. "What do you mean I'm going?"
Your eyes touched the man she called Clint for a few seconds. "You stay with Clint. I mean, I'm going." You said keeping your calm. You weren't sure what to feel. "I'm sorry about your mother. Really. And if you have time, give my family some excuses, please."
"Thanks, Kate. Anyway. Nothing matters anymore, right? Besides, there's no excuse for me lying at the police station for a week and a half thinking something happened to you, right?" You mocked. "Oh, or it could be. I'm not worth it after all, huh?"
She gasped for thinking that way. Clint turned to Kate, realizing that the two of you were going to have a private conversation. "I'll be waiting downstairs." He left saying.
You looked behind the man with your mocking eyes. Besides being with the former Avengers member for weeks instead of being with you, she had even seen a message a lot. You couldn't forget that you slept in police stations at night. It's not that easy.
"Honey, I understand that you are angry." Kate began, but couldn't go on when you laughed nervously. Being angry? She really couldn't think that she was just angry. Disappointment burned all her cells. Weren't you justified in being angry?
"Anger? You think I'm angry?" You said with your voice getting louder. "Am I really angry? I've been running around for you for days, dead or alive, to find you. Just texting me was all it took."
"Everything happened so fast and dangerous. I didn't have time to tell anyone, I couldn't communicate with anyone."
"Then how did they arrest your mother?" ' you asked in a calmer tone. You weren't sure how to feel. Even being angry made you tired. Kate was tiring you out right now. Even if you're going crazy with longing, you can't ignore the part where you were wronged.
She didn't answer. Kate pushed you out of there as she started to put heroism at the center of her life. She didn't notice that. Right and wrong became the only thing that mattered to her as she faced the hero she had followed for years and fought back to back. Kate didn't really realize it, but she would understand that it was losing you. She had to set new priorities while you held her before her. Especially if he's going to keep doing this.
"I'm going, Katie," you said softly. You gripped your suitcase tightly and supported yourself from within. "Maybe it's your turn to think."
First but not bad? Share your views with me! ^^
I'm taking requests and will definitely try to write.
(English Version)
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up-in-space-reading · 1 month
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 5: Happy Holidays
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 1323
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: This is a bit of a shorter one but I wanted to get something out before the previously talked about NYE party!
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[07:12pm, Saturday]
Cameron: 1 image attached Cameron: It’s delicious in case you were wondering
Ferris: SO mean to send me pics of soup rn
Cameron: Haha sorry, not sorry Cameron: If it’s any consolation the soup comes at the cost of my sanity
Ferris: do elaborate
Cameron: My nieces and nephews are ensuring there is not a moment of peace and/or quiet in this house
Ferris: one day we can trade spots Ferris: u can sit with my mom and d a d (gross) all by urself
Cameron: Your dad is there??
Ferris: worst christmas present ever tbh
Cameron: That sucks, I’m sorry.. Cameron: And sorry for complaining
Ferris: nah that’s okay Ferris: im handling it by giving him dirty looks whenever he turns away from me
Cameron: If it gets you through the day then I support that Cameron: I used to do that to my brothers sometimes (and maybe still do)
Ferris: am i surprised that you do that? no lol
Cameron: Hey! I’m not that predictable
Ferris: not entirely but a little bit lol
Cameron: Sorry, gotta go. My mom asked me who I’m texting and when I said ‘my friend Jake’ it opened a whole can of worms
Ferris: hahaha have fun with that one
Cameron: Thanks lol
Jimmy Jabbers
[08:35am, Monday]
Four Eyes: Happy Christmas guys
Pineapples: merry chrimmas
Mr Grapes: thanks Amy! Merry Christmas everyone :)
Queen G: yeah same
RoRo: cool
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[07:45pm, Thursday]
Ferris: when r u coming back?
Cameron: Tomorrow, why?
Ferris: just wondering
Cameron: The time will fly by, I promise
Ferris: if u say so
The time wouldn’t fly by. He was convinced time was moving slower without her. It was pathetic, he was fully in it now, even his mother said he talked about her a lot and he didn’t even notice he was doing it.
Having his dad home was hard, and his mom seemed to be fine with it but Jake didn’t come around as easily anymore. You can only be fooled so many times he’d say to himself. He wanted to talk to Amy, he wanted to forget his dad was back and just be with his mom. Jake from a year ago would’ve kicked himself for thinking this, but he missed studying in the library with her.
Jake just wanted to be back in the environment he’d gotten so comfortable in so quickly, with his friends and his dorm and his Amy. He was going back on the same day as Amy, he asked when she’d be back because he missed her, and in a moment of weakness after too much spiked eggnog he actually messaged her.
It took a lot of will power to resist calling her, eventually putting his phone under his pillow and going to sleep just to stop himself. When he woke up the next morning he realised how hard New Years is going to be; his walls come down when he drinks, and right now the walls were the only thing stopping him from just pouring his heart out to Amy.
He missed her so much.
She missed him too much.
Amy didn’t want to admit it to herself at first but it didn’t take long, when she found herself messaging Jake about soup of all things. She just wanted to talk to him about something- anything! She kept thinking about how her brothers would love Jake, he’d fit right in despite the crazy atmosphere being so different to his own family holidays.
A few glasses of wine too many finally let her think about her feelings for him, and that’s how she ended up shedding a few tears on the floor of her childhood bedroom deciding that she really did like Jake – a lot. But after some hours of being frustrated Amy let go, she decided to give in and let herself miss Jake.
She let herself laugh at his messages, she let herself smile at the thought of him and look forward to the study dates after the holidays. She even let herself be excited for the day she went back to campus and the New Years Eve party, and in the middle of the night when she couldn’t sleep and everything was quiet, she considered being with him.
Only one more day until she saw him again.
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[02:07pm, Friday]
Cameron: Finally on my way back to campus!
Ferris: i just got here like 10 mins ago Ferris: have u had lunch or do u wanna get something?
Cameron: My mom made me eat before I left, but if you’re going out I’ll tag along
Ferris: cool cool cool
Cameron: When does everyone else get back?
Ferris: tomorrow
Cameron: Cool cool
[02:40pm, Friday]
Cameron: Back now, sorry I was so long. If you’ve already eaten and don’t want to go out that’s fine
Ferris: thats fine Ferris: im good to go!
Cameron: Meet you in the courtyard then!
Ferris: see ya
[04:27pm, Friday]
Ferris: 1 image attachment Ferris: when u see this when u get home: sorry lol
[06:48pm, Friday]
Cameron: You’re so evil for that! Cameron: I was in the middle of sneezing
Ferris: hahaha im sorry ames it was just perfect timing
Cameron: …it IS a bit funny..
Ferris: you have full permission for payback
Cameron: Didn’t need permission, already started plotting
Ferris: oh no…
Cameron: :)
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:23pm, Saturday]
Queen G: guess whos back on campus and still hot af
Pineapples: ginaaaaaaaaa girl I missed u
Queen G: i know Queen G: everyone misses me when im gone because im wonderful to be around
RoRo: good god what did the holidays do to you
Pineapples: i dont notice a difference??
Four Eyes: Welcome back everyone!
Mr Grapes: Back in town and ready for new years tomorrow!
Pineapples: cant believe the year is over already Pineapples: anyone got new years resolutions?
Mr Grapes: I wanna raise my average grade
Queen G: im literally perfect so no
Four Eyes: I haven’t thought about it to be honest
Pineapples: mine is to actually finish my work as i get it
RoRo: fix up my bike
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[01:28pm, Saturday]
Cameron: draft message: My new years resolution is to ask you out
Ferris: draft message: kiss me tomorrow at midnight??
Cameron: Excited for the party tomorrow?
Ferris: of course! Ferris: you?
Cameron: Surprisingly yes Cameron: draft message: because you’ll be there
Girls, Girls, Girls
[10:30am, Sunday]
Amy: Quick question, what are you guys wearing tonight?
Rosa: black Rosa: something warm, its fucking freezing
Gina: i was thinking a fur coat but idk Gina: i dont want a drink spilling on it and ruining it
Amy: Right okay Amy: Could I get away with jeans?
Gina: depends what jeans and what top Gina: if ur gonna go jeans then go black
Amy: I can do black
Gina: what r ur top options??
Queens, Legends, Icons
[10:35am, Sunday]
Rosie: what are you doing gina?
Ginaa: what?? Ginaa: im helping amy
Rosie: you’ve never offered Amy fashion advice before Rosie: why now?
Ginaa: because theres a party tonight rosa
Rosie: oh my god
Ginaa: idk what ur accusing me of????
Rosie: you want them to kiss at midnight
Ginaa: i said no such thing!
Rosie: what about your bet? Rosie: they get together tonight and you lose
Ginaa: i dont even care that much about losing anymore im so invested
Rosie: no meddling gina
Ginaa: this technically isnt meddling ;) Ginaa: im just being a good friend
Girls, Girls, Girls
[10:43am, Sunday]
Amy: 1 image attachment Amy: 1 image attachment Amy: These are some of my options at the moment, thoughts?
Gina: im coming over
Amy: What??
Gina: im coming over Gina: im bringing more options and we r gonna workshop this
Amy: Uh okay then Amy: Thanks Gina
Gina: np
Queens, Legends, Icons
[10:47am, Sunday]
Rosie: fucking hell
Ginaa: love my life
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: Thanks for reading and for commenting and leaving kudos, everytime i get a kudos notif it motivates me to write more so I appreciate all the love <3
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bexreadstoomuch · 1 year
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Magic Man - Chapter 17
NSFW — slow burn, fluff, flirting, reader has weight/image issues light angst, 18+ overall for eventual smut, drug/alcohol mention/use/language, EddiemunsonxFemReaderHenderson
Part 17/? [wc 3.7k] a/n - IM BACK -please please like, share and comment, your comments make me so happy and encourage me to write more! thank you <3
Extra special thanks to @whoahoney and @corrodedcoffincumslutfor your helping me with this chapter!
Here is the song for the chapter - I love this song and thought it would be great for our pair to perform.
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17 - Close Your Eyes Forever
You only had three things to do over the next few days.
Call you mom. You needed the truth, you needed to find out if it's true that she was keeping messages from you, and why.
Talk to Jack. What did she know? What was she keeping from you? 
Perform your duet with Eddie. You didn't know which of these things scared you the most.
After spending the afternoon with Eddie after your confrontation with Kelly, you learned more about what happened after you left Hawkins. He tried so hard to graduate, took him 2 attempts but finally did it in 86. You were more shocked to find out it was actually Steve who helped him graduate in the end. Dustin would go on and on at Eddie that Steve was a good guy. Obviously Eddie didn't believe him, but after a few trips to Family Video with Dustin, and Steve driving Dustin to The Hideout to go watch Eddie play, Eddie gave in and in his own words “I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude”
You told him all about college, how you met Lula and Jack and how nervous you were about auditioning for them. He would sit there and listen to everything you said, never interrupting you. He would be resting his hand on your knee, or brushing a small piece of your hair behind your ear that had fallen. Everything felt so right, but you couldn’t shake the thought swimming around your head. The same things over and over again, mainly ‘why me?’
The show that evening couldn't have gone better. Opening up more to Eddie definitely helped but you just couldn't shift that feeling of betrayal from your mom. 
You decided you were going to call her that night after the show. Eddie wanted to be with you when you did, but you told him it would be ok, but you would say hi to Dustin for him.
Staying in New York for a few days had its benefits. No more basic motels, no staying in the buses. The label had secured you a hotel a short drive away from the venue, which meant private cars to and from the venue, trying to avoid the crowds of fans you had seen lining up outside the venue early that afternoon, vying for the best spot.
After saying your goodbyes to everyone for the night you made your way into your hotel room. It wasn’t a large room, a twin bed situated in the middle with crisp white linens, a little folded towel at the end of the bed, which you think was meant to look like a Swan but a rather sad looking swan, its head had fallen down.
Checking the time before you dialled, not wanting to risk it being too late, you picked up the phone on the bedside table, laying back on the bed dialling your old home number.
“Good Evening Henderson residence” Dustin’s voice filtered through the receiver.
“Hey butthead!”
“Sis! Hey! Thought you were forgetting about me! Not heard from you since you got back after Christmas! Where are you? Why haven’t you called sooner? oh oh did you talk to Eddie?” Dustin blurted out.
“Woah, woah big guy, one question at a time! Look I called as I need to speak to mom about something, but hey you may know this too” 
“This about Eddie?” Dustin's voice was quiet 
“Yeah, look, remember you said he would ask you about me? Do you know anything about phone calls? Messages?” You kept your voice as level as you could not wanting to get angry at your little brother.
“Y/n/n, I think you need to talk to mom about this, I don’t know much but, yeah I believe he may have tried a few times” Dustin’s voice grew quieter as though he had his hand covering the bottom half of the phone.
Letting out a sigh through your nose, you could feel the betrayal wash over you. All this time wasted hating someone who didn’t deserve to be hated. 
“Y/n? Are you still there?” Dustin's voice seems a million miles away, you were too focused on trying to control your anger.
Snapping back suddenly, blinking hard you suddenly realised you couldn’t do this right now, least of all over the phone.
“Hey, yeah yeah I’m still here, look I’m sorry I’m gonna have to go, it’s late and we got a big show tomorrow, look about you coming to see us, I’ll see what I can do yeah?” You couldn’t get the words out fast enough, you needed to get off the phone.
“Y/n/n, you sure you're ok? I can go get mom?” 
 Before you could let him answer his own question you shouted back.
“No! No, it’s ok, I’m ok, no, look Dusty I gotta go, I’m sorry, I love you little brother” 
“I love you too y/n/n, say hi to Eddie for me?” You could tell in his tone he was worried, you hated to make him feel that way, but you couldn’t think of anything other than ending the call quickly.
“I will, bye Dusty” at that you hung up the phone with a bit more force than necessary, making the whole bedside table rattle.
Rolling over on the mattress you bury your head I’m into the plush pillow screaming your frustration out.
You needed to speak to your mom, you knew you did but not over the phone. She needed to see how hurt you were, needed to see what pain she put you through denying you the truth.
Pacing up and down your room you find yourself grabbing onto your blanket you brought in from the van and storming down the corridor, knocking furiously into the high gloss white door in front of you.
A flurry of messy curls came into view from the crack of the open door.
Eddie's face suddenly changed from joy to concern as he saw your tear stained face before him.
“Sweetheart, hey c’mere” his arms are suddenly pulling you into his embrace, ringed hand cradled the back of your head, your cheek pressed into his bare chest. You suddenly feel safe and warm. Your arms automatically wrap around his back, palms flat against his back holding him tight.
Your both stood in the doorway to his hotel room, saying nothing, just holding each other. Nothing needed to be said at that moment. He knew what you needed, knew you needed to be held, to feel cared for.
He didn't want to disturb you, move you from your position pressed against him, but he could hear you mumbling something into his chest.
“I couldn't do it, I ...I tried but I couldn't” your words came out in muffled sobs, your arms gripping to him tighter and tighter not wanting to leave his safe warm clutches.
Moving you into the room Eddies leads you over towards the bed in the centre of the room, sitting you down on the edge. Dropping to his knees in front of you, he looks up at you, brings a hand to rest on your face, his thumb lazily stroking your cheek brushing away the slow fall of your tears. “Did you speak to your mom? Is that why you're upset?” His voice was quiet as though he didn't want to spook you.
Stuttering you replied “I couldn't do it, I, I tried, Dustin, He, he said, he said, mom might know something, but I would have to speak with her, but, but, I, I couldn't do it. I was too scared to over the phone”
More sobs retched from your chest, you felt so small, pathetic. Any self worth you had disappeared. You couldn't comprehend that someone who supposedly loved you would keep happiness away from you.
All you wanted was the truth but you couldn't do it. You couldn't ask.
“Its ok sweetheart, shush, it's going to be ok, I'm here, i'm right here. I promise you i'm not going anywhere ok?” Eddie had risen from in front of you coming to sit next to you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders pulling you impossibly tight to him.
“Do you want to stay here tonight? I don't want you to be alone.” Eddies question was uncertain. He didn't want to cross over a line with you, only wanted to protect you. Show you how much you meant to him without pushing you too far when you were this fragile.
He hated seeing you like this. Wanted to protect you from everything and anyone who wanted to hurt you. 
You were his. You were always his to him. He just hoped he would be yours too.
Nodding, you allowed him to menover you up onto the bed more, pulling your blanket over you and crawling into the space behind you, pulling your back to his chest. Resting his chin on your shoulder he would whisper sweet quiet affirmations into the shell of your ear, stroking your hip with his hand that was resting there.
Your breathing has started to calm, and you could feel sleep take over you. Melting into the plush white pillow beneath you, you didn't hear his last words to you before you drifted off into a deep sleep.
“I’ll always protect you, my love. Your mine to protect. I adore you”
* * * * * * * * * * *
You woke up to the sound of running water and soft singing drifting through the room. Feeling suddenly disoriented you had to take a moment to take in your surroundings. 
A heavy weight surrounds you, which you discover is a huge white duvet with your blanket on top. The room looked the same as your hotel room, but set up in the opposite direction.
Looking around you see a guitar case resting against a chair in the corner of the room but a large window looking out onto the city.
It suddenly dawned on you, you were in Eddie's hotel room. Which would mean that it was Eddie in the shower. It was him singing, this thought made you smile and giggle to yourself throwing yourself back down into the plush bedding. 
The bathroom door opens, with a flurry of steam, Eddies emerges, long wet hair dripping past his shoulders, white fluffy towel hanging low on his hips.
“Hey there sleepy head, how are you feeling today?” he asks as he sits on the edge of the bed next to you, leaning in to kiss your forehead, hair dripping into your face.
“EDDIE! STOP! You're dripping water on me!” You laugh trying to pull the duvet above your head to hide.
Climbing up more onto the bed Eddie starts pulling the covers down and brings you in for a big hug ignoring your shrieks of laughter. 
“OK, Ok you win big boy!”
“Big boy?” Eddie pulls away from you a little to look at you laughing at your comment and smirk pulling across his lips.
“Yes Eds, and yeah I'm ok, thank you for looking after me last night. I felt so lost and perfetic I didn't want to be alone” shifting into a sitting position leaning against the headboard, you lift your knees up under your chin. 
“I’ll always be here for you sweetheart” Eddie shifts his position to come sit next to you, adjusting the towel still wrapped around his waist.
Turning your head you look into Eddie's eyes, words were not needed right now, just a look spoke a thousand words. 
Tonight was the night of the duet and to say you were nervous was an understatement. You'd spent the rest of the morning with Eddie in his hotel room, going over some notes you'd made about your performance and what needed work.
Rehearsals that afternoon were no better. You'd miss notes on the piano, your mic didn't work, you were starting to spiral and Eddie noticed. 
“Sweetheart, look at me” Eddie came to sit next to you on the piano stool, reaching over and taking your hands into his. “Everything is going to be fine, I promise you” His thumb stocking across your knuckles to calm you.
The feeling in your gut isn't helping matters, but you looked up at him and nodded in agreement, giving him a small smile in return. The plan was for Paradox to perform as usual, introduce the boys and at the end of their set Eddie would talk to the crowd as the stage was reset for the duet. Watching Eddie interacting with the crowds always gave you joy. This is where he belonged, up on stage, entertaining hundreds if not thousands of people. You couldn't help but not be drawn to him.
This seemed to be the same for a small group of girls front and centre of the stage. Trying their best to grab his attention. Leaning so far forward across the barrier that and further they would topple over it. Tops incredibly low they left little to the imagination. And slim, proportions all in the right places, curves, where curves should be. You must have been staring hard as you jumped when you felt a small hand on your shoulder. 
“You ok hun?” Lula followed your eye-line and let out an annoyed sigh at the sight of the girls, arms now reaching over trying to grab at any part of Eddie that they could.
“Don't worry about those girls y/n, He's only got eyes for you, that's obvious, hey I nearly had to beat down on a girl the other day for trying to touch Gare” This you could easily believe.
Jack had still been avoiding you since the blow up at rehearsals the other day, it wouldn't be a lie to say that you were too. Honestly you were lost at what to say to her. Yes you wanted to know the truth but never found the right time to do so, as everytime you would approach her she would run off in the opposite direction, or lock himself away in her hotel room. She was even avoiding Lula.
Looking across the stage from where you were standing in the wings, you saw Jack, guitar strap already around her shoulder, tuning up. You tried to catch her eye but got nothing. After the show you thought, after the show i will go and talk to her, just you and her. “So it looks like everything is ready behind me, so we have a little surprise for you all. You are the first to hear this!” Eddie's voice was booming over the speakers, it pulled you out of your daydream and your eyes met as he beconded you onto the stage, to stand next to him. “You all no doubt sawe the news in the papers last week that the girls of Paradox have gladly agreed to be a part of the family with us, so to celebrate this we decided to do a special performance for you together!” Eddie's arm was now tight around your waist keeping you close, which you noticed got the attention of the girls at the front of the audience. He could feel you tense up next to him and gave your sides a little squeeze.
You had decided to change from your previous outfit into something different for your duet. As you were mainly hiding behind a piano you thought you could try something a little different. Opting for your doc martens, a long black skirt, with a double buckle belt, and an old Sabbath tee you had, which Lula had “Altered” for you. By this she had cut a large v into the front, which in her words “accentuated the assets” and would “drive eddie crazy”
The latter seemed to be true, as he seemed to now not be able to take his eyes off your chest. Leaning in towards you away from his mic, he whispers “you look absolutely amazing sweetheart”
All of a sudden a loud giggle erupted from you and echoed around the venue. 
The girls up front had faces of thunder but there were a few audible “awws”. “Right guys we hope you love this as much as we do! You ready Y/n, Eddie?” Gareth's voice cut through the noise of the audience, bringing you back.
Taking your seat behind the piano, you adjusted your mic. Taking a deep breath in you took a deep breath and gave the nod to the light tech, letting him know you were ready for the spotlights.
The performance couldn't have gone any better. Jack's acoustic intro, the lights, the audience's eruption to the recognition of the song gave you that confidence boost you needed most. Leaning into your mic you began to sing, you felt the world around you melt away and it felt like it was only you and Eddie on the stage. Singing to each other. No one else was there. No one could ruin this moment for you. All thoughts of your phone call home yesterday gone, the girls trying to get Eddie's attention gone, it was just you and him. Your confidence sawed the more into the song you got. Pushing your vocals to places you'd never gone to before. Eddie could see a change in you and couldn't stop beaming at you. He couldn't have done this with anyone else.
The lyrics spoke to you both, calling out to each other asking for answers, you ask if things will stay the same if you close your eyes forever. Will what you have with Eddie change now that you have expressed how you feel towards each other. The pain of love you were scared of. You didn't want to be hurt by him again. It also felt like a warning to him too, which you could see he fully understood.
“If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain the same?” Eddie's voice ripped through you as he belted out his interpretation of Ozzy's lyrics. Your heart souring as you watched him perform, not once taking his eyes off you. You had only then noticed he didn't have his guitar with him. Frowning at him as it was getting close to his solo he gave you a wink and his toothy grin as he turned to the side of the stage arm out as a tech passed him his “sweetheart” a beautiful red and black coloured B.C Rich Warlock. Throwing the strap over his head he suddenly jumps on top of the grand piano you're playing, falling to his knees in front of you. Letting out a gasp of both astonishment and shock you couldn't keep your eyes off him. His knees parted so the body of his guitar was between his legs, his eyes squeezed shut playing his heart out. You watch as the muscles in his arms flex under his pale tattooed skin. Sweat beading under his bangs from being under the stage lights. His hips would lift slightly as he got more and more into the solo. 
Having him this close to you, playing like this, basically thrusting in your face, had you flustered, nearly missing notes. Oh and he could tell he was having an effect on you. 
This was his plan all along. 
This wasn't a part of the rehearsal. No one knew he was going to do this. His plan worked too, he got the reaction he wanted from you.
“I know I've been so hard on you
I know I've told you lies
If I could have just one more wish
I'd wipe the cobwebs from my eyes”
You nearly missed your lyrics from staring at Eddie who was still atop the piano, playing a longer than usual reverb in your direction, locking his dark brown eyes with yours, the holes in his jeans staringin under the pressure of him being on his knees.
Nearing the end of the song he slides off the piano to the side, taking his guitar off carefully leaning it against the piano, to come and sit next to you on the stool to close off the song singing together. 
Your head comes to lean on his shoulder, his arm coming to wrap around your waist, holding onto you tight, leaning into your mic to sing the last bars -  “Close your eyes, Close your eyes. You gotta close your eyes for me”
The audience went crazy. Whoops, whistles, and hollering could be heard bouncing off the walls. You couldn't believe what just happened. You did it! But you didn't hear anything. Your full focus was on him. You couldn't take your eyes off him. His stupid grin looking back at you.
You launch towards him, throwing your arms tightly around his neck, laughing and crying at the same time. 
“Hey babe, are you ok?” Eddie tried to pull you back to look at your face, his voice full of worry.
“Oh my god Eddie we did it! I'm honestly ok! This was the most insane thing! Thank you! Thank you so much” His use of the new pet name you didn't miss. It made the butterflies in your stomach stir violently, but gently, softy.
“Come with me” he grabs you by your hands, lifting you from the piano to the front of the stage where the rest of the band meet you. 
Lula had jumped onto Gareth's back, holding onto him like a spider monkey, leaning forwards leaving big kisses on his cheeks for the world to see.
Flashes of light were suddenly blinding you from hundreds of press cameras, vying for the best photography. Eddie still had a tight grip of your hand, not wanting to lose you in the madness.
“Y/n, I couldn't have done this with anyone else. Thank you.” Eddies suddenly leans over and kisses you on the cheek, flash bulbs erupted again. But you didn't care. Not at that moment. You didn't know what would happen next but right now, you were on cloud 9.
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taglist -
@corrodedcoffincumslut @bohemianrhapsody86 @themrsmunson @jennk182 @whoahoney @eddiemunsonsgf2 @strangerthingsstories5255 @emsgoodthinkin @emotionaldreamer @making-the-most-0f-it
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burningtacozombie · 8 months
I need to vent
for the most part I like exploring new fandoms, meeting new people with the same interests, and just have a fun time. but every fandom has that one faction. that one group of people you mention to others and everyone instantly starts rolling their eyes. that group of people who, for whatever reason, seems to have completely lost touch with reality. they are happy among themselves but no one in the larger scale of the fandom as a whole wants anything to do with them, and for good reason. and here is what I have witnessed the last 3 days, the reason I need to vent before I pick up boxing gloves and buy a plane ticket:
it started when Dan went on The Voice Ukraine as a coach in 2019. the producers of the show thought it would be good for ratings if he and Tina, the only woman among the coaches in his first season, played it like they were a couple. or more like, becoming one over the course of that season. they didn't have much of a choice in the matter so they did, and well… the producer was right, it was good for ratings. people started shipping them, worshipping them actually, as if the two as a couple are some godlike deity. they've been doing it ever since.
and while Dan and Tina did become close friends, having to deal with the utter madness of it all together, he explicitly explained that it was the producer's idea in the first place. over the course of two seasons they did two duets together, interviews and a bunch of performances and they, still today, talk about how close they are BUT they never confirmed an actual relationship. for all we know, they've never been together to begin with. but these worshippers don't want to hear it. these "fans" act like a straight up cult, celebrating the "couple's birthday" with cake and parties, at separate concerts they give Dan and Tina gifts that they want them to pass on to each other, they write fanfics about them (I'm sorry, fanfics about real people generally creep me out) and create fake images and videos with AI of the two with babies and whatnot. and anyone who says anything against the couple is evil. I'm serious, it's a cult at this point. there are literally hundreds of accounts on social media with AI pictures like this: and that's a harmless one…
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cut to the Christmas concert: his pr manager brought a female plus one to the show who's an influencer on social media or something. that woman happened to be sitting next to Dan on the couch in his dressing room after the show, in a video he posted himself. his band, his mom, his also female pr manager, his opening acts were all there too but for whatever reason, 3 days ago people found her personal account on instagram and started insulting her for sitting next to him!!! these people started assuming he's in a relationship with this woman out of fucking nowhere and now they're dragging all three of them. her for breaking up a couple that for all we know never even existed, Tina for "letting it happen" and Dan for "allowing himself to do that". they're taking it personal as if someone killed their dog, they're so fucking offended… and all of that because SOME WOMAN SAT NEXT TO HIM!!
worshippers within this cult are sending messages to "regular" fans to get them to discuss the situation, they are literally mourning the death of the couple and the wording in this one screenshot alone has me at a loss for words. like… oh my god the man sat next to a woman who is not Tina, the audacity! (translation isn't perfect but it gets the point across)
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they also demand all three of them make a statement because the fans deserve to know what's going on! with the exception of clarifying the show producer's ratings idea, Dan NEVER ONCE made any statement about his current love life, not 20 years ago, not anywhere in between. I'm not even getting into how incredibly invasive it has been for him and Tina and their private lives all these years but the insanity has reached a whole new level over the last few days and it is fucking infuriating.
these people are so obsessed in a straight up disturbing way, I'm not joking when I say they're insane. and I feel so horrible for Dan and Tina and this random woman who just happened to be there. none of them deserve any of that bullshit, recent or otherwise.
there is so much more to say but this rant did exactly what it was supposed to, I'm calming down. for the moment anyway.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 10 months
Last night a tree fell in a storm, taking out two smaller trees that were thick with vines. The whole tangled mess came down, completely blocking the way to get out back, which meant to feed Ryoga I had to scramble through a jungle of an overgrown area and go way, way around.
I spent hours and hours, cutting with clippers and a handsaw. This was made tricker with one of the trees not falling but hanging in the tangle. A wee bit dangerous and involving careful cutting. On the plus side I just ( by like five minutes) did manage to make a tunnel through it all in time to get the wood shavings in the animal houses before it was fully dark.
So I go in, eager to flop and maybe watch a movie (I really should work on Mom’s gift and that letter I have to add to one of the Christmas cards)
There had been a message about a problem with my debit card. Okay, not the card but my funds. So I needed to frantically needed to do something, mainly a scramble for $50 and a transfer…
Oh, my internet was out. Of course.
A half hour of work my internet was back, albeit half speed and no images loading. I just needed to go to the website and…
The ipad won’t work.
Ok, to the computer!
Which is now so out of memory it didn’t want to work. I’d need to delete MORE of my photos in a frenzy, completely unable to see what they are since it hadn’t the memory to show me.
OK, crisis averted, well, except for the $50 I now need to find for the place I moved it from….But that can be tomorrow. I can just eat my cold leftovers (microwave doesn’t work and I am too tired and sore to wait around for the oven) and watch a movie…
Recently I foolishly let my tv know about the internet, in an attempt to use it to stream Disney + when I got it to watch Doctor Who. This did NOT work (yeah, it’s pre D+, but you’d think it would be updatable) , nor did trying to get my ipad to “talk” to the tv. But now every time I turn it on I have to manually disable the internet stuff, because the system couldn’t be rebooted without a PIN that I assume came with the tv but has been lost). If I don’t writing appears across the screen demanding I either finish setting it up for a “service” that monitors your viewing to “help” you find stuff (HELL NO!) or disable it (but only until the next time). This should just take….
Oh, great. Turns out you can’t disable it without internet access, and my wonky internet isn’t good enough for it to consider me connected. I can’t even watch a DVD without researching how to get my tv to act like a good old fashioned tv attached to a player.
At least I had a pleasant 2hr break from aggravations in the middle of the day while I talked to/read** to Mom over the phone.
**Still on Going Postal. Mom, the Terry Pratchett fangirl (80+ years old is still a girl!), was also a post master (as was my grandmother, and grandfather, and Pop was a clerk for a while!) so we are having a little extra fun with this one. Seriously, I mean, it’s like every time we watched Miracle on 34th Street. Certain depictions of postal work, either reminding her of her old devotion to her work (we actually made Christmas morning deliveries a couple times, just in case they were gifts) or the reasons she was very glad to finally retire (you do not want to hear about all that, besides, the structure of the system might be different.) I dunno what book I will read to her next, but I know there will be one.
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hub1jokes · 1 year
Funny Day Joke
sarcastic quotes funny - husband quotes funny - wisdom quotes inspiration - friends quotes - picture story - dna test results - rorschach test - jokes - geezer - high jokes - funny mom quotes - pickles funny - bravado - lion - let it go funny - happy good morning quotes - no way out - restaurant humor - peaceful life - clean blonde jokes - graduation jokes - when someone hurts you - tarzan funny - catholic humor - short story about animals - talk - did you know funny - a good man - welcome letters - cute animals - funny advice - getting older humor - honeymoon jokes - god - grandma funny - pets - beautiful heart - fine ceramic - husband humor - bad mom quotes - money stories - 40 year anniversary - being there for someone quotes - funny fast food - how to order coffee - primary school - weird quotes funny - wedding anniversary humor - skeleton jokes - white beard - citizen - engineering student humor - ink blot - cute cats and dogs - go shopping - funny animal videos - chocolate chip cookies - marriage humor - turn ons - family jokes - funny wedding anniversary quotes - sleepless - short inspirational christmas stories - buddha face - christian short stories - sunday school teacher - wolf - happy birthday teacher - dinner bread - ceramic pottery - memories quotes - math humor - passbook - beauty tips with honey - alien - pray - i do love you - take that - letters to god - money humor - vocabulary lessons - good knight - shoe repair - catholic jokes - funny italian jokes - grandmother jokes - language jokes - funny good morning quotes - the monks - millie - it hurts - father son quotes - character quotes - temper quotes - prison jokes - teacher humor - so called friends - farm yard - how to wake up early - funny picture jokes - work jokes - mirror jokes - catholic men - cat jokes - pregnancy jokes humor - joke stories - happy quotes inspirational - good marriage - how to plan - broadway shows - boyfriend quotes funny - work quotes funny - funny questions - grape jokes - poultry farm - canada jokes - old man quotes - envelope - frugal - dad jokes funny - beautiful scarfs - english jokes - the silent treatment - chocolate chip - drought - party quotes funny - cookies recipes chocolate chip - lady godiva - port - bartender funny - funny diet jokes - master - female presidents - wake me up - amish men - funny tombstone sayings - laugh out loud jokes - very funny jokes - life lessons - drive all night - fart jokes - bad attitude funny - funny inspirational quotes - english vocabulary words - adult dirty jokes - famous scientist - pearls - funny life lessons - names - horse jokes - pizza jokes - funny feelings - guy names - kintsugi - father - police humor - homemade fudge - funniest short jokes - funny ugly people - marines funny - anniversary funny - funny one liners - shopping humor - jackdaw - hotel humor - mommy quotes - corny jokes - famous names - baseball jokes - clean funny jokes - red dress - good jokes - funny fun facts - irish men quotes - fresh fish - funny long jokes - pastor - funny stories with morals - man - sherlock holmes funny - inspirational quotes about love - sympathy bouquets - driving - engagement quotes - ring doorbell - school essay - cleaning quotes funny - pottery - pizza funny - lion and the mouse - inspirational good morning messages - text jokes - old man jokes - summer jokes - sunday sermons - friends quotes funny - funny truck quotes - funny english jokes - bar jokes - singing funny - inspirational quotes with images - red riding hood story - united way - hens - monkeys funny - travel - romantic text messages - the donkey - morning quotes funny - girlfriend humor - time with friends quotes - good jokes to tell - motivational poems - work humor - presidents - buy curtains - candle light dinner - marriage counseling funny - gym fails funny - first date funny - some jokes - russian restaurant - math jokes - farmer quotes funny - nurse jokes humour - funny sketches - funny facts - country jokes - christmas short stories
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inthealpss · 2 years
something i wrote for school, but i am now sharing on a new account... where it all started. CW --
“Tight fitting cropped shirts in every girl’s favourite shade of pink. Itchy drugstore hair dyes, and clumpy mascaras that often ran down my sad face. I learned quite young what it meant to be a ‘woman’.  Bottles of stretchmark creams were gifted in my Christmas stockings. I was young enough to not know what a calorie actually was, but that they were to be avoided. And young enough to wonder how Santa knew about the small scars beginning to decorate themselves across my waist and thighs. They were marked onto me like the burns placed on my scalp every morning, after my mother wakes me early to straighten my bleached blonde, overprocessed, and disheveled hair. Awake early enough to see my brother still fast asleep in bed, similar to how I see him on Christmas morning with a stocking full of calorie-rich candies, with no creams in sight. ‘Santa must know chocolate goes straight to a girl’s hips - just like my Mom tells me.’ It wasn’t just Mom, either. 
3285 days, or 9 years old - far too young to be consumed by body image issues. But in reality, I look around now and see that’s all a young girl is exposed to. Its in our forms of play, our toys, and entertainment. Its even the way we are taught to behave. Dolls and outfits, makeup and princesses, all with exaggerated proportions and surface-level priorities. Girls should be tidy, polite and ladylike - and always order the salad. It’s rude to eat. You’re not hungry, you’re just thirsty. It took me another 3285 days to understand how damaging this environment is. 3285 days of restricting. Of “Not feeling hungry”. Of “I actually ate earlier”. Days full of diet guides, hours of workouts, scales and tape measures. Until even that wasn’t enough. Days lost scrolling endlessly on blogs, encouraging you that you’re doing the right thing. This is good, this is normal. Because these messages are everywhere, they must be right?!?  3285 days of finding validation in meaningless numbers that we become conditioned to obsess over. Until, the obsession eats away at you from the inside out, and your body gives up. At 18 years old, I decided on recovery - and I met who I really am. 
Yellow is actually my favourite colour; I wear it all the time now, with the comfort that is felt wearing hoodies that don’t require me to display my body, or a number size. I finally remember what my natural hair colour looks like. And, I prefer the look of red lipstick on my smiles. Did you know that all this time my hair was curly? That took me 21 years to learn about myself, and I don't miss the flat-iron burns. When you only are taught what you're supposed to look like, how do you know who is actually "you"? I can look in a mirror again, and scroll online without constant comparison. Even though this battle has caused me irreversible illnesses, I have come out stronger. Now that I am finally learning who I truly am, it is a gift that I will always remember. I can now see those stretchmarks I was taught to get rid of as the ribbons that embellish my healing body. Recovery is the gift I give to myself every day, not just on Christmas.”
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leolaroot · 2 years
i know nothing about zoo tycoon in the slightest but its so fun seeing the images and stuff you have to tell us about it neelix! i love the way it looks. hope ur having a good one
TAHNK YIU!!!! I love zoo tycoon 2 soooo much I first discovered it from the official demo download webpage (I've tried to find it in Wayback but I'm not very good at finding those sorts of things) I used to download the demos and play them through over and over like for YEARS of my childhood. and one year for Christmas my mom asked one of my brothers in law and he downloaded a pirated copy for me and I literally cried it made me so happy to have the full game.... I can literally remember the rush of excitement when I realized. there was an alligator available for purchase? jaw DROP.
sorry I didn't get to this I kept rereading it to SMILE ! thank you for nice nice message I hope you have an awesome day .. ‼️❤️😸
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walrus family ⤴️
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jasperose · 2 years
> -- [ You, Jasperosesprite², don't do much for the holidays. Your dad, you think, was Jewish. Your mom, you think, was a non-practicing atheist. At least, in the versions of the world where you were not an cosmic stork delivery.
So, on a day the falls SOMEHWERE on Hanukkah that is also Christmas, you send gifts out. It's not something you do for any cultural significance, you feel too much a Cat and a Game Construct for that, but you love seeing how people react. Usually it's incredulous, sometimes it's glee, mostly confusion.
Now that everything has been delivered, you just cozy up and watch some more B-movies.]
((The following gifts have been sent:))
Everything is wrapped with some form of alchemized wrapping paper that looks like a cat, but off. Catcrabs, catcats, catsnowflakes, catburglers. Everything else has also been alchemizedx as well.
@candyapplecarcinogen will revice a crab that looks like a kitten. Imagine it, that's what it is.
@artificialgrievand will get a message that contains that following image:
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@rpwithroxy gets a cat that is also a squid.
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TG: i know i cant send you a real gift so i hope you like this one
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melody-everbelle · 2 years
Blue Christmas (Nathan Chen x Reader)
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Title: Blue Christmas
Pairing: Nathan Chen x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 1,563
Warning(s): Separation angst and fluff at the end
Summary: Despite Christmas being the happiest time of the year, you and Nathan spend the day missing each other.
Author's Note: This fanfic was inspired by both versions of Blue Christmas (Elvis Presley’s and Austin Butler’s from SNL).
I know this image (which belongs to Character Media, btw) doesn’t give off Christmas vibes, but I thought it matched the mood for this fanfic.
This is the first fanfic where I’ve decided to include Nathan’s siblings in this one. Please keep in mind I do not know Nathan or his siblings personally, so I apologize if I got some things wrong about them.
I'll have a blue Christmas without you I'll be so blue just thinking about you Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree Won't be the same dear, if you're not here with me
And when those blue snowflakes start falling That's when those blue memories start calling You'll be doing all right With your Christmas of white But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas
Blue Christmas by Elvis Presley
You were in the living room, helping your mom decorate the Christmas tree, all while Christmas music was playing in the background. Tomorrow was Christmas, and you were excited for that day, not only because of presents or the fun that came out of it, but also because it gave you a chance to spend time with your boyfriend, Nathan, just like every year. As you were applying the red tinsel garland onto the tree, you heard your phone chime.
You took a brief break from decorating the tree, and opened up your phone to check your notifications. An Instagram DM, you thought. Who could that be? As you expected, it was from no one other than Nathan. To your surprise, however, the message read something that was opposite of the Christmas vibe.
"Bad news, Y/N. I won't be able to spend time with you tomorrow. I'm sorry. Merry Xmas."
"Really?" You texted back, tears starting to fill your eyes as you read the message. "But why?"
"Is something wrong, honey?" Your mom asked as she noticed you had been paying attention to your phone more than the tree.
"It's... nothing, Mom," you spoke hoarsely due to a painful lump in your throat. "It looks like Nathan and I... won't be able to spend Christmas together this year." Tears finally fell from your eyes down to your cheeks, and you covered your mouth with your hand to hide your emotion.
"Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry," your mom walked over to you to wipe the tears from your face and wrapped her arm around you as a sign of comfort. "I know it's hard to celebrate Christmas without the ones you love, especially Nathan."
"I... just don't believe it," you wept, still waiting for Nathan's response. "Nathan and I literally spend Christmas every year, but this year... just won't be the same without him." You wiped the tears with one of your favorite Christmas sweater's sleeves.
To stop yourself from crying, you breathed deeply several times while your mom caressed your back. "Feeling better?" She asked.
"Not until I find out what's going on that's preventing us from seeing each other," you started walking away from the tree, about to leave the living room and head to your bedroom for some privacy.
"But wait," your mom called. "Aren't you going to help finish the decorating?"
"Honestly, I don't feel like it anymore," you exhaled. "You can get Dad to help you finish decorating it or whatever. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room," you dejectedly made your way to your bedroom, your mom watching as you left.
You spent the rest of the day in your room, sulking over the fact that you and Nathan weren't going to spend the best holiday of the year. But you also wondered, what could possibly be going on with Nathan right now?
Nathan's POV
Nathan was at home, spending Christmas with his siblings, Alice, Janice, Tony, and Colin. Prior to this, he messaged Y/N on Instagram saying that he wouldn't be able to spend time with her/him/them. Despite Christmas being the happiest time of the year, Nathan spent the day internally feeling remorseful over not being able to spend time with Y/N together.
Throughout Christmas Day, he managed to get through it by chatting and laughing with his siblings. However, he suddenly thought of Y/N and the memories they shared together, causing him to sigh and stare out the window, admiring the falling snow.
Nathan's siblings noticed as his emotions shifted from cheerful to despondent, with Alice asking, "Nathan, what's wrong?"
"Well, a lot, to be honest," he exhaled after a moment of pause. "But to sum it up, do you guys know the song Blue Christmas by Elvis Presley?"
Nathan's siblings nodded in response.
"Well, that's exactly how I feel about Y/N right now," Nathan explained. "Christmas just doesn't feel the same without her/him/them."
"Nathan, we all understand how you feel," Janice spoke with sympathy. "I remember when I couldn't spend Christmas with my husband Orestes when we got together."
Nathan and the rest of the Chen siblings listened as Janice continued, "But luckily, we managed to see each other through video chatting, texting, and phone calls. So even if you can't see Y/N right now, that's okay. There's always next year."
"That's true," Nathan agreed. "But if only there was a way to make it up to her/him/them. Just an Instagram DM isn't enough." He suddenly remembered the local park that he and Y/N frequented, whether it was for romantic dates or when Y/N needed some time to cool off. "Wait a minute, I think I've got an idea," Nathan got up to grab his jacket and scarf.
"Dude, where you going?" Colin questioned as he and the rest of the siblings saw Nathan head out.
"I'm gonna go outside for a bit," Nathan replied as he lightly wrapped his scarf around his neck. "I know there's a good chance I won't be able to see Y/N, but I just need to get this guilt I'm feeling off my mind."
"That's understandable," Janice replied, "but Nathan, please be careful out there."
"I will," Nathan nodded. "I'll be back soon, you guys."
Nathan's siblings wished him luck as he left to the park.
You spent most of Christmas Day in your room, grieving over not celebrating the day with Nathan. In fact, it was your first Christmas being away from each other ever since the two of you got together. You barely unwrapped your presents, you refused the holiday food your parents made, and partaking in these activities made you feel depressed. While lying alone in bed, you were on your phone, gazing at Nathan's Instagram photos, his most recent ones portraying him celebrating with his siblings. He must be doing alright, you thought. At least you felt slightly better knowing about this, but you still wanted to know why Nathan couldn't spend time with you. Since all the Christmas vibes taking place at your house were stressing you out, you decided to head out to the park, since that's where you usually frequented when you were stressed, but not before you had to put on your hoodie to make yourself more comfortable. It was also the same park where you and Nathan shared romantic walks together. On your way to the park, you finally felt some freedom from the Christmas mood and the grief you were feeling.
You arrived at the park, all while admiring the snow that was falling lightly. To your relief, the park was empty of people, which allowed you to have some time alone in your thoughts while gazing at the park's large Christmas tree, with blue glowing lights, that stood in the center. Unbeknownst to you, however, someone was also there alone, but you barely acknowledged each other's presence. You softly treaded towards the tree and let out an exhale.
"With Nathan and I not celebrating today together, this wasn't the best Christmas ever," you began to spoke to yourself. "While I don't care if we don't see each other physically, all I want for this year is just an explanation for why this happened." You looked around the park to make sure there was no one around. Without hesitation, you began to sing tenderly.
"I'll have a blue Christmas without you I'll be so blue just thinking about you Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree Won't be the same dear, if you're not here with me"
"And when those blue snowflakes start falling," you stopped to hear a familiar voice sing this lyric so beautifully, but you refused to turn to who it was for the sake of surprise. "That's when those blue memories start calling."
"You'll be doing alright, with your Christmas of white," you continued.
"But I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas," you both finished before turning around. You froze in surprise to see his familiar but beautiful face. "... Nathan?"
He nodded while grinning to know that he was right here in front of you.
Tears started welling in your eyes as you quickly rushed over to embrace him. "I missed you so much!" Your voice muffled as you sobbed.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," Nathan said as he passionately kissed your cheeks, which were wet from the tears.
"So, why couldn't you spend Christmas with me?" You asked hoarsely due to the painful lump in your throat after pulling apart from the hug.
"Well, it's a lot," he replied, "but most of all, with everything that was going on, I just didn't have the time to spend today with you." His apologetic eyes flickered as you gazed into them. "I hope you can forgive me, Y/N."
"It's alright, Nate," you whispered. "But I just learned that even if we can't see each other, what matters more is that we love each other."
"And that's what Christmas should be all about," Nathan commented. "I love you so much."
"Love you, too," you said before placing your hands on his cheeks and giving him a loving and passionate kiss on the lips, all while being engulfed in blue light and feeling the snow gently fall on you.
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