#Christmas was a mixed bag of emotions and it took a lot out of me
self-shipfromtheeast · 8 months
Hello, hello!
This is my official -I’m back from the holidays- post! Despite interacting to some degree, time still was needed to be taken to get back into the swing of things back home. Especially getting back into the rhythm at work. 😅
Now that things are manageable, I should be more active here, including FINALLY sharing my secret crush!
It feels really good to be back and catching up with everyone and their lovely ships. Missed y’all a lot. ☺️
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stusbunker · 8 months
Spotless: Lilt
Chapter Eight
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Ash, Sam/Madison, Pamela, Lee, Kevin, Bobby, Frank, Tiny, Annie, and Dawn the bartender (Adam, Ellen and John/Kate mentioned)
Word Count: 2116
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, mild drug use, minor jealous Dean, drinking, Dean gets a little existential and realizes he might have fucked up, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
Divider courtesy of @cafekitsune
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The haze of the control room wasn’t noticeable the longer they sat in the small room facing Pam, Lee and Sam getting down the new track Lee wrote through the glass. Dean bobbed his head, bong braced against his lap, as Ash hummed in appreciation, eyes closed and headphones on. Kevin had wandered off to a smaller studio to work out a solo they wanted to put into “Prophet and Loss”. After that and "Hand Me My Axe", which Lee was shredding on at the moment, they’d have a full thirteen for the album. They’d already recorded the bonus acoustic versions of “Brother’s Keeper” and “Baby” for the deluxe editions.
Thank fuck those were behind him, because Dean cried through both of those sessions and Sam would never let him live it down, despite the sasquatch also getting misty during his verses. The fact that Sam wrote his own part and Dean didn’t know what it was going to convey until they were in the box, well, that was just unfair. He blamed it on Sam’s singing, because dude was not a vocalist, but really it had been a lot to hear what Sam went through when Dean was busy self-destructing. 
Whatever, Dean was in touch with his emotions now, who cared?
The finish line on this album was rapidly approaching and Dean was more stoked than he thought he’d be at doing something completely without Cas’ influence. Though he still heard Cas’ voice admonishing him sometimes, it had taken on a nostalgic tone the last couple of days. The music wasn’t the same without Cas, but it didn’t make it worse. 
God, did he miss him though.
Dean cleared his throat and took a hit, letting the mixed emotions have their moment until he carefully blew them all away. Lee was on fire and it was such a mesmerizing thing to watch him play as an audience member and not a collaborator. Sometimes he forgot how good his band was objectively speaking. The music and the energy of performing took over and they meshed making something magical, but beyond that Lee was a fucking genius on six-to-twelve strings.
They spent another twenty minutes laying it down and then broke for lunch. Dean checked his phone as Kevin and Ash hauled in the bags of take out that had been delivered to the front desk. Frank only let the local Chinese place deliver directly to the building, so it had become a weekly ritual instead of them constantly having to go out and find themselves sustenance in the middle of recording. Though Dean was slowly getting sick of it.
He had a couple of messages in their brother group chat from Adam about Christmas. The poor kid was stuck playing the messenger because Kate couldn’t bother to call him or Sam herself. There was a meme from Bela, of all things, and a check in from Ellen. Nothing from you. He thumbed down to the band business chat to see if you had at least been active there, but there was nothing since the shot of Crowley’s flowers.
At first they had thrown Dean for a loop, or a mild case of envy. Because he thought they were from that stupid gym rat waiter that had been hitting on you when he was trying to get to know Bela. But once he realized what chat it was in, it all made sense. Even if the weight of the flowers’ significance was lost on most of the band. 
Huh. Dean thumbed to your one-on-one conversation and sent out a simple “Everything going okay?” It was weird he hadn’t heard from you, especially after you bowed out of his home cooked, post-adoption-event dinner. He squinted, realizing he hadn’t talked to you in over a week, since the morning of Bela’s charity gig.
Since he’d gone down on your best friend in the back of a limo.
Christ, way to be an entire dumbass.
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The energy in the studio rallied, laughter and teasing rebounding after a slow start to their final day. Kevin had somehow got everyone to gang up on Sam, who now had a collection of post-it notes both insulting him and begging for violence slapped across his back. Dean took a pull off the bottle Lee had handed him and smirked as they watched Pamela saunter over to where Sam was checking his phone. 
She pinched Sam’s waist, which made him turn and back away from her, hands up in defense as she muttered some of her bullshit. Which left Sam’s back undefended.
“Oh, man, this is almost too easy,” Lee whispered.
“Tell me about it,” Dean agreed, chuckling as Kevin slipped another square of embarrassment onto Sam’s shoulder, butting into Sam and Pam’s conversation with a smoothness Dean had never expected out of the Juilliard graduate.
He handed the bottle back to Lee and pulled his guitar around and laid on a G chord, bringing everyone back to reality. “Alright, last song. Let’s fucking do it.”
The bass and drum parts were already locked in as far as Dean was concerned. Vocals finished yesterday. but hearing it all together made the music what it was. He wanted this one all at once, the final piece to the puzzle of this impossible album. Ash was at the controls, behind him was Bobby and Frank, who had shown up for the last leg of recording. Each nursing their own glass of stupidly expensive Scotch.
It was so close to done, Dean couldn’t help the smile that pulled at his lips as he stepped up to the mic that wasn’t even recording. And waited until Pamela counted them in. Every sensation zeroed into that moment, the strings beneath his finger tips, the weight of his guitar strap, the earpiece in his ear, the carpet beneath his boots and the pick in his right hand. He closed his eyes and felt it. 
And when he hit his entrance, he unleashed, nailing the take with his band at his side, crossing the finish line together.
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“Charrrrlie!” Dean purred into the phone. “Your presence is requested at that one dive bar you like so much past Silver Lake. We wrapped today and you owe me a few rounds, your highness!”
Sam shoved Dean playfully and reached past the backseat for a bottle of water out of the cooler. Nerd. 
“Sam says hi. Oh! Pick up Trouble and bring her with you, will ya? She’s been radio silent all week. Anyways, this message is about to cut out. But I know where you live and I will—” Dean lost the race with the time limit. He pressed the button to accept the message, however truncated and hung up.
Sam wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand. “The other driver knows where to go?”
“Don’t worry, Tiny will get everybody there and back safe, won’t ya big guy?” Dean teased the unamused man that sometimes doubled as security for the label.
“We’re all set Mr. Winchester,” Tiny answered Sam with a glance in the rearview mirror.
Fifteen minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of an unimpressive neighborhood bar ten blocks east of anything that had gentrified. Not a bouncer or a pap in sight, thank fuck. Dean plunked his half finished beer into a cup holder and held the door open for Sam to get out, still giggling at the few remaining scraps of paper that had made it back onto his shirt after he found them when he unhooked his bass.
They met Lee, Kevin, Pam and Bobby at the other provided black SUV before heading inside. The bar was dark for a sunny December workday afternoon in southern California, but the stale beer smell and the sight of well worn pool tables felt like home more than any vegan, new age-y, upstart lounge ever did. 
“Dibs on first game!” Dean called over his shoulder as he made his way to the bar to open a tab before Bobby could beat him to it. Wisely, Sam followed and plucked a menu out from a condiment tray, food was needed if they were gonna stay on their feet. Dean smiled at the bartender, a grizzled woman probably close to Annie’s age.
“Whatcha need sugar?” Her smokey greeting. 
Dean instantly thought of Ellen back home and he knew they made the right call coming all the way out here. He dragged out his credit card and slid it over.
“Open a tab, food and drinks on this card for any of those assholes by the pool tables, all night. Got it? The guy in the trucker cap is gonna try and outrank me, but don’t let him, capische?”
“You got it, handsome. What’s your poison?”
Dean cooed, “Oooo, careful, it’s still early. I’ll start with some wings if you got ‘em and a couple of baskets of fries, gotta ease into it. Then a round of shots of your choosin’ and a couple of pitchers of beer if you’d be so kind.”
“You got it. I’ll bring ‘em out when they’re ready. Anything for you big fella? Or is he sharing?” She asked Sam.
“I’ll have the club sandwich, but yeah, I think that’s it for now,” Sam smiled without teeth, but tucked a twenty into the tip cup to start off on the right foot.
“Sounds good boys, it’ll be right out.”
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Madison and Annie showed up together sometime after six, but as much as Dean liked giving Sammy shit for having a legitimate girlfriend and everything, they weren’t who Dean was watching the door for. Annie grabbed him for a tight hug, ruffling his hair as she pulled back. 
“Feel good, don’t it?” 
Dean grinned, almost blushing, but knowing she got it, not just the rush of finishing an album, but doing it as he was trying to drag himself up a hill too. “Couldn’t have done it without you, you know.”
Annie smacked her lips and turned on an aloof air, “I know. I mean, of all the many washed up power ballad divas out there, you got pretty lucky.”
“Shut up. Nobody is gonna call you washed up, not if I have anything to say about it.” Dean gestured the bartender over, who he learned was named Dawn, wanting to get Annie and Madison onto the massive bill they were racking up.
The night continued with the band and their significant others drinking and playing pool or pinball if you were Kevin. Dean was feeling pretty loose when Pam stagger-stepped over to him and threw her arm over his shoulder. 
“This was a good call, miss those seedy dives we used to play in,” she said with a drunken kind of nostalgia in her voice.
“Hell, we wouldn’t exist without places like this,” Dean nodded in agreement, clinking his bottle of beer with the empty dangling shot glass in her hand.
She licked her lips. “Where’s your lady friend, hmmm? I wanna meet her already.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Tonight is just for the band. And, well, Madison. But last thing I need is to ruin poor Dawn’s night with a bunch of fucking piranhas in here chasing the right shot.”
“Still—- doubt she’d show if it meant living it up in the low places,” Pam snarked.
Dean cleared his throat. “Hey now. Don’t go judging a book by it’s cover. Bela’s tougher than she looks.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Pam huffed and slapped him on the back just as he tried to take a sip. 
Dean glared.
Pam laughed. “Okay, boss, let me know when you’re ready for a rematch, I’m gonna go find the little girls’ room.”
“Don’t fall in!” Dean called after her, which earned him a middle finger and a nice view of her walking away in her low cut leather pants. 
Yeah, Dean was feeling the alcohol among other things. He decided he had waited long enough and checked his phone again when suddenly somebody punched him in the arm.
“What’s up bitches?!” Charlie shrieked.
Dean’s entire mood lifted and he let her pull him off his stool into a big brother little sister hug. “Glad you could make it, red.”
“And, look, she lives!” Charlie stepped back and presented Trouble to him like a game show prize.
Dean swallowed. He felt lost looking into your eyes, searching for any hint of hurt or anger. Luckily, you weren’t drunk yet, so you slipped easily into his arms and gave him a hug of your own. “Hey.”
“Congratulations,” you said against his chest.
Dean squeezed tighter. “Thanks,” knowing he meant it more than he could ever say.
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Tagging: @deans-spinster-witch
Chapter Nine: Giocoso
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reblogging4thewin · 2 years
Personal stuff; mostly just writing for catharsis
receives text from my mom asking if I have plans for the weekend
mood: 8 ----> 6
stress: 2.5 ----> 5
the debuff is temporary; it just brings down the mood because maintaining boundaries (and just other things I don't feel like getting into) is emotional labor, and because I really don't like explaining anything to them.
Not that there's anything to explain in this instance. "Yes; I have a lot to do over here; sorry." is how that generally goes. But this week, like, there was a lot of stuff that led to the (workplace) suggestion that I swap out a weekday this week and work Saturday instead.
So although I don't have to explain all that backstory that led to that being a good idea here, or even say what I'm doing at all, the prospect/the idea that I may be facing an interaction where I'd be explaining something to her immediately knocked my mood down and my stress up.
I came up with a one-sentence reply that satisfies the urge of communicating that 'I have a specific obligation that I don't normally have, so don't try to guilt trip me into changing my plans for you.' And there was no issue. So that was good. But the mood hit is a gut reaction before anything at all happens conversation-wise. It's like a fight or flight response to the "do you have any plans" text.
Like, even the thought of having to do that, even worse with my dad (in that case having any conversation with him at all does this), typically just zaps my energy and makes it a struggle to say anything because I'm holding back and speaking (or typing) around the powerful urge to be really short about it because I very much just want the conversation to be over and would rather not have to have it again.
The holidays were a setback that took a little while to bounce back from. Coming back from the holidays was like having been stuffed in a box and having to unfurl and uncramp all my limbs - having to fluff my feathers back out. Like I feel it a little right now just from this text situation. The physical stress in my chest. It's hard to believe that every day of my life used to feel like that. Never having peace.
Thank God I have a place to live. That was one thing that struck a cord one morning - I don't remember if it was Boxing Day or New Year's Day, but we were at the breakfast table, and already things were going south that morning. I had the familiar feeling that I wanted to go home.
Except, unlike all the other times I've felt that feeling throughout my life, it's no longer a meaningless un-attainable phrase cycling in my mind. It was actually an actionable thing. Because I no longer live there - I do have a home to go to.
Making myself cry here, but actually I feel a lot better. Coming down from the feelings after interacting with them is always a trip.
Anyway, I have to clear out some leftover stuff from their house at some point, but I definitely need a couple of more weeks away before I can go back there. And I have no intention of ever staying more than one night at a time until Christmas if I even stay more than one night then. (I was thinking this past new years will also be the last one I spend there. I had already planned my own new traditions for this year, but decided to go there and do our usual traditions. Next new year I may have my bonfire. We'll see.)
That's the only healthy way to do this. One single day usually goes perfectly fine. (The holidays going south on day 1 were an exception to that general rule.)
I know this won't be sustainable forever. That's a mixed bag of course but mostly a good thing. I'm just not at a point in my life overall where I'm ready for that yet. There's some tangly little bits to unwind first.
Also once my bf moves in, it will be a lot easier bc I'll have a little serotonin tap on hand, for one; two - it's easy to reply to assumptions that if I don't have specific plans my time is for them and not for me - by saying that if they'll have us both over (and let us sleep in my old bed) then great but if not I'm not going. that'll be a conversation-ender.
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angelmavmurdock · 4 years
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summary: you and tom haven't seen each other in months and he surprises you.
SUPER fluffy !requested one shot!
you can either listen to the song while reading or start listening to it when it tells you to! Home by Caite Turner - the song in which this is based off of :).
5 months.
5 months since I've seen Tom.
He's been in Atlanta for filming Spider-Man No Way Home and at Christmas he spent time with his family before going back.
I hadn't seen him in so long. Facetiming and phone calls could never come close to the feeling of being with him. It feels like such an alien thing now, even thinking about us spending time together. Like it's something of the past...
We tried to call every day but that became difficult as Toms only day off is Monday and I'm working and the time difference. Everything just seems so difficult and forced. But we still do it. Because we want to see and talk to each other but it's just so exhausting with the time difference.
I'd wake up earlier to call and say good morning and I'd end up staying up late on Facetime with him. So my sleep schedule was completely messed up, along with all the emotions that come with a long distance relationship. Then it's heightened even more because Tom is famous and tabloids follow him everywhere. The recent buzz for Cherry has had people asking about his love life - or rather our love life but they don't know we're together. No one apart from our friends and family do.
I missed him. I really missed him. It hurts my heart every time he posts to Instagram or I see interviews from him.
We had scheduled a Facetime for tonight. It was 10pm for me and 6pm for him. Not too bad.
I was absolutely knackered so I was just getting ready for bed when my phone started ringing.
I grinned, picking the phone up and answering the call.
"Hey, handsome." I giggled at the phone screen, sitting it up on my dresser as I got changed.
"Hey, darling. How are you?" He asked, placing a forkful of pasta into his mouth.
He was in his signature pink hoodie with a baseball cap on backwards. His phone was rested against something on his dinner table and I watched as he ate his tea.
"I'm good. Tired but good. How about you? How was work?" I asked, taking some makeup wipes out.
"Oh, sorry baby." He pouted.
"No, no, it's okay. M'used to it." I laughed lightly.
He furrowed his brows slightly as I wiped my makeup off.
I looked at him. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry-
"I love you." He said with a slight smile.
Don't cry, don't cry-
"I love you too, babe. I miss you." I swallowed, trying to keep the lump of sobs from bursting out.
"I miss you, too. It's been 5 months since we've seen each other. I left for Atlanta 5 months ago today." He sighed, taking another forkful of food.
I took a deep breath, throwing the makeup wipes into the bin, "It's been so long."
"I know, darling, I know. But..."
He reached over the table. I heard papers shuffle and I quirked a brow as I got into bed, only my bedside lamp giving me a warm light. I snuggled into my blankets, propping my phone against a pillow.
"I just happened to be coming to London next Friday." He said nonchalantly, fiddling with a plane ticket.
My eyes widened and I stared at my phone screen.
"Y-you're kidding." I felt my heart rate rise.
He grinned, "Nope. Filming finishes next week. I'm coming to you next Friday, love."
I gasped, sitting up and squealing into the phone.
"Oh my god! I can't believe it! We're going to see each other! For real!" I exclaimed.
"For real." He laughed.
"Oh my fucking god...well, I don't know how you expect me to sleep or work until then." I smiled widely, settling back into bed.
"I can't wait. Can't wait to see you again." He bit his lip.
I raised a brow, "Can't wait to see what part of me?"
He laughed, "Hmm, I'll leave that to your imagination. But I'd definitely call your work and tell them you won't be able to come in the whole week because your legs will be too sore."
I spluttered a laugh and got myself flustered.
God, it had been so long since we touched...
"I can't wait to fuck you again." He said lowly.
I widened my eyes, "Are Racheal and Harry not there?" I hissed.
He shook his head, "Racheal's not here and Harry's working in his room."
I shifted onto my side to face him completely.
"Okay then...if you want to fuck me so bad...tell me what you'll do to me when you get here."
It was the next night. Friday. Finally. Tom had said he wouldn't be able to call tonight because he was on set all day. I was fine with that, though. Last night was an extremely heated Facetime call.
I went into work and sat at my desk, staring at a blank word document just wishing words would start typing themselves onto the page. My mind was somewhere else. It was with Tom. I didn't sleep much last night as it was an eventful night so I was absolutely knackered by the time I got home from work.
I managed to stay awake long enough to make myself some mac and cheese. I managed one episode of friends, I ate my dinner and I snuggled on my couch, stripping my jeans and top off to leave me comfortably in my underwear with blankets draped over me. I didn't particularly mean to fall asleep at 7pm on a Friday night. It just happened.
Toms POV
"Good luck, mate. Have fun." Harrison laughed cheekily on the phone as I entered y/n's flat building.
"Div. Bye." I chuckled, ending the call.
I hyped myself all the way up to y/n's flat. I looked at myself in my phone camera to check how I looked. I couldn't hear anything from inside but I knew she was in. The bouquet of flowers in my hand kept crinkling loudly and I tried to shut them up seeing as it was midnight.
I could feel some jet lag already hitting me but the nerves and excitement completely cancelled it out.
I was surprising her. Filming finished a few days ago, not next week. I had everything planned out. And she had no idea.
I took a few deep breaths and sat my suitcase and bag down. I lifted a hand to her door and hesitantly knocked. Adrenaline rushed through me.
She was going to open the door and we'd have the best moment, then we'd kiss and then...
She wasn't answering the door. Her car was outside and it was midnight so she should be in.
I gritted my teeth anxiously and knocked again.
Still nothing.
I looked around in slight panic, not knowing what to do. But then I tried her door handle. It opened.
I'll have to tell her to lock it next time, I reminded myself before opening the door slowly. The flat was quiet, only the sound of traffic coming in from the open windows filled the room. I wheeled my suitcase and bag in quietly then shut the door behind me equally so.
I walked further into the flat and that's when I finally saw her. And why I finally saw why she wasn't answering the door.
y/n was curled up on the couch, blankets sprawled across her basically naked body and the couch. Her hair lay messy on top of her head and her mouth hung open slightly as she slept.
My heart filled with love and joy as I watched her. 5 months since I had seen her and she was like this. In her most perfect form. Natural and messy and cute but also hot because the underwear she was wearing and the fact I hadn't seen her body in nearly half a year made me nearly get a full hard on.
I walked closer to her, placing the bouquet of flowers next to her abandoned bowl of mac and cheese. I caught a glimpse of the TV.
Are you still watching?
I smiled and turned back to her, kneeling to come face to face with her. I could smell her signature perfume and it made my heart swoon so massively.
I smiled uncontrollably as I reached my hand to her cheek, brushing my fingers over her skin. I missed her skin on mine. I brushed some of her hair behind her ear and then cupped her cheek softly, rubbing my thumb back and forth to gently awaken her.
y/n POV
I felt a hand on my face, a thumb delicately brushing my cheek. It felt familiar and suddenly I could smell something that made my heart ache. Whatever it was smelled like Tom. Like his natural scent mixed with his usual aftershave.
I heard my name being whispered. I hummed and nuzzled into the pillow more, enjoying whatever dream about Tom I was having. His hand was warm on my face and it was like it was really there.
"y/n, darling..."
Mmm, the nickname. I missed his voice.
"Love...you awake?"
I furrowed my brows. What? Tom didn't say that in my dream. I felt myself being brought back into consciousness gradually and the heat and weight of a hand on my face was very much there, along with the prominent smell and the literal presence of someone.
I slowly opened my eyes, blurry at first but then everything came into view.
He was kneeling in front of the couch, his hand still stroking my cheeks, his face in a soft but wide smile, his skin tanned and glowing but the bags under his eyes were visible.
"T-Tom?" I stuttered in a whisper.
Was I dreaming? Was I hallucinating? I mean, I had been thinking about him a lot and I was exhausted so it made sense.
"Hey, darling," He chuckled softly.
"I- what the- are you- what?"
My eyes were heavy, my voice was quiet, in fear of it breaking and I was so incredibly confused.
"Surprise." He chuckled, tucking a hair behind my ear.
I blinked a few times to clear my vision and I saw a tear run down his cheek.
He was here.
"Tom," I whispered, grabbing him and pulling him into me, my arms wrapping around his neck.
He held me just as tightly around my waist. His skin was on mine. He was here. He was actually here. We were actually touching.
He slowly pulled me off the couch and onto the floor with him, welcoming me onto his lap. I wrapped my legs around him and nuzzled my face into his neck. I fisted his light jacket, trying to get a hold of every part of him.
Suddenly it was as if every emotion I felt in the past five months came flooding to the surface. Sadness, hopelessness, excitement, happiness, love. His hands wrapped completely around my waist, holding me flush to his chest. I felt tears tickle down my face but I didn't care.
His face was nuzzled into my neck, too. He moved a hand up to cradle the back of my head when he realised I was crying. I was actually sobbing. Audibly. But so was he now.
We both pulled away at the same time then immediately crashed our lips together. A new wave of tears pooled into my eyes. He tasted good. He tasted like him. Minty and perfect. I ran my fingers up and into his hair. God I missed his hair.
Our tongues pushed into each others and we both moaned slightly, revelling in the feeling of one another again.
He was here.
We pulled away breathlessly and stared into each other's eyes. I cupped his face and he did mine. I wiped the tears from his face, he wiped the tears from mine.
"I missed you so much." I croaked.
"I missed you too, darling."
"Please just promise me you'll never do that again. I can't live without you for that long again. I can't." I half-joked.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here with you." He rested his forehead against mine.
"I'm home." He whispered.
I sobbed happy cries at his words. He suddenly pulled away and brought his phone out, shakily going onto Spotify and playing 'Home' by Caite Turner, turning it all the way up.
"Dance with me." He whispered.
I stood off of him and he joined me. He held my hand and twirled me around, inspecting my body.
"I feel so naked," I laughed.
He shed his jacket off and then he pulled his t-shirt over his head. I widened my eyes at him. He had gotten fitter over filming, along with a new tan.
"That's better." I sniffled with a smile.
He brought me into him and held me by my waist with one hand then my hand in his other. I had my free hand on his cheek. I traced up and onto his sun freckles, down his crooked nose and then back to his left eyebrow and down to his jaw then back into his hair.
He leaned his head down and encased my lips in his. It was soft and breathless. One of those kisses you wish you had a picture of to capture the moment. I missed kissing him. Our lips slotted together perfectly like they were made for each other.
He slowly pulled away and we rested our heads against each other's, still swaying in time to the music.
"You're my home, y/n." He whispered.
I closed my eyes, feeling a few tears escape my eyes.
"Wherever you are is home to me. I can't be without you again." He spoke quietly and shakily, on the verge of another sob.
"I feel the same. I'm going everywhere with you now."
He chuckled lightly and we pulled back. He brushed my hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes with his gorgeous brown ones. I cupped his face and me sighed into my touch.
"I love you." He stated quietly.
"I love you." I replied.
"You're the one, y/n. No questions. I can't fucking live without you."
I felt my chin quiver at his words. I didn't know how to even respond verbally.
I pulled him down to my lips, my tongue slipping into his mouth almost immediately. He hummed and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You're it, Tom," I whispered between kisses.
He pulled away slightly, our lips just ghosting over one another's.
"You're my home."
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white-hemlock · 3 years
For @drarrymicrofic
Prompt: First Time (am I late?)
Words: 3 238 (micro lol)
He woke up at the sound of people arguing. He couldn’t make out much though. Pain was coursing through his entire body. His head in particular.
He felt someone moving by his side and soon after the pain began to fade away.
"You have to leave. I'll come back later to inform you of his condition but right now I need to take care of my patient."
"I have been waiting for twenty hours. Twenty hours! You had plenty of time to inform me. So if you want me to leave this room you will have to give me answers, and satisfying ones. Otherwise you can be sure I'll be in your way until I lose it and finally strangle you!"
He opened his eyes. He saw two men in front of him. The one with the white coat and tired and disapproving look was obviously a doctor. The other one was tall with short blond hair and a very classy suit. The doctor noticed that he was awake and gave the other man an even more disapproving look.
"Mr Potter, I apologize for the noise. I'll lead Mr Malfoy to the exit and be back for you."
But the so-called Mr Malfoy was already by his side: "How do you feel?"
He looked at him for a few seconds, trying to figure out what was going on: "I'm fine but who are you?"
The man raised an eyebrow and gave him a look of pure confusion.
The doctor sighed: "That is precisely why I wanted to speak to you before allowing you to see him... Mr Potter, you had a serious accident. We believe that the trauma on your head may have resulted in a partial, if not total, memory loss."
He paused, allowing the two men in front of him to assimilate his words.
"Can you tell us what you remember?"
He opened his mouth to answer. But the words didn't come and he closed it. He couldn't think of anything. It was not really a blank. He felt as if the memories were right there but as soon as he wanted to grab one, it eluded.
Feeling his confusion, the doctor tried to help him: "Can you tell us your name?"
That should have been easy. But again, it slipped away. So, in embarrassment, he replied: "You called me Mr Potter."
The man at his side snorted and with a cold and most unpleasant voice he hurled: "If this is a joke, you'd better put an end to this because it really doesn't amuse me and you might not like the consequences."
He started to feel irritated by the way this man was behaving. He was arrogant and presumptuous, nothing very likable.
"I'm afraid this is no joke… Sir, your name is Harry Potter, you are 34 years old, you work as an Auror and were injured on duty. The man by your side is your husband. " He paused, aware of the awkwardness of the situation. "Now rest assured we will do everything to assist you in your recovery. There are many ways to help people suffering from amnesia. But for the moment, you need to rest. Mr Malfoy, please follow me."
Harry had felt a wave of horror when the doctor had told him that this tall blond man was his husband. He had never imagined he could be someone so close. If this man was sharing his life, how could he feel nothing looking at him? How could he not remember his name? Then he realised he couldn't even remember his own name. He looked into Mr Malfoy's eyes and saw a reflection of his own shock and fear. But the blond man said nothing as he slowly got up and followed the doctor, leaving him all alone with his thoughts and his fleeing memories.
The couple had just left. Hermione and Ron they called themselves. They seemed really nice. He was glad to know he had friends like that. They told him a lot about his life. The life of the Boy who lived, twice. Three times now, they said as a joke. But their laughter never reached their eyes.
Everything seemed so unreal, as if he were told the story of someone else. He, the hero who saved the world? Really?
He asked them about his husband as well. Draco Malfoy. There was a very awkward silence before Hermione started to share the story of the young boy, raised in a pure blood family, son of the closest ally to the one who killed his parents. They told him plenty about their rivalry at school and his difficult position during the war. Not so much about how they ended up together. He didn't insist. It was already a lot to process. He was exhausted.
He woke up an hour later when his husband entered the room. The man saw his sleepy face and offered to come back later but Harry declined. He was uncomfortable when Malfoy was around. That man was his husband but didn't behave that way. Not once had he made an affectionate gesture, nor told him he loved him, nor called him by a nickname. He didn’t even smile at him. He was distant but also embarrassed and Harry couldn't blame him for that.
This time he came with a bag from which he took what looked like a large and heavy book.
"The doctor suggested that pictures could help. We never really took time to create a proper album so I tried to gather a few pics…"
He looked exhausted, his eyes were red and his shirt was creased.
He sat on the chair by his side and dropped the album on his knees. Harry stared at the cover with apprehension. It was one thing to hear his story from the mouths of others, it was another to see images of himself living a life he couldn't remember.
He took a deep breath and opened it.
The first photo he saw was one of a couple dancing near a fountain.
"These are your parents. Don't bother trying to remember them, you were one when they died. I thought you might want to know what they looked like though."
He had shifty eyes and seemed even more uncomfortable than usual. Harry didn't comment and listened to his explanations as he browsed through pictures of his parents, their friends, his godfather. Eventually he started to see pictures of him, as a young boy with a young Ron and a young Hermione. Him with other friends. Malfoy even added some articles from the newspaper. And as he turned the pages he saw himself becoming older. He saw himself with a baby making his first steps. His godson apparently. He saw himself at Hermione and Ron's wedding. Then himself holding another baby. Rose he said, his friends' daughter.
As time passed he was less and less talkative. But Harry didn't mind. He didn't need more, that was already a huge amount of information to assimilate. It was hard to accept that the young man with messy dark hair in those pictures was himself.
Soon after he started to see pictures of him and Malfoy. And his husband fell completely silent. There was a picture of Malfoy rolling his eyes in some restaurant, a picture of him struggling with a tie, fancy-dressed for some occasion, a picture of the two of them at Christmas where he was watching Malfoy unwrapping a present, a loving smile on his face.
He paused a long time at the sight of him in a prestigious black and gold wizard dress, Malfoy by his side in full white and silver, flowers falling all over them. Malfoy was whispering something in his ear, making him laugh out loud. They seemed genuinely happy, both of them.
He glanced at Malfoy but the man was looking somewhere else, his jaw clenched. Harry felt sad and a bit angry. None of these pictures were bringing any memory, not any emotion, not even a vague feeling of déjà-vu. He could only imagine his husband's disappointment.
He kept browsing through the pictures of his wedding, hoping one of them would trigger something. There were pictures of them in an exotic country, on a white sand beach. More Christmas. A picture of him holding another baby. A picture of his husband holding that same baby. And more and more pictures of this baby, turning into a white blond hair child, always smiling from ear to ear. He felt a shudder of horror crawling down his spine as he turned the pages and kept seeing that kid playing with him, hugging him.
Unable to continue, he put the book down.
"Malfoy…” He took a deep breath, shivering “Draco?"
As he called him by his first name for the first time since he woke up, his husband turned his head slowly to face him, demons in the eyes.
"Do we… Do we have a child?"
Draco didn't answer right away. First he leaned down to turn a new page of the book, revealing the picture of them with the young boy holding a tiny baby the best he could, his smile wider than ever.
"Two actually…"
Silence fell as Harry froze. He felt nauseous. How could he? How could he forget something that important, forget that he was a father, that he had a family?
He stared at his husband, hoping for an impossible answer.
Draco tried to explain, his voice broken:
"I didn't know how to tell you… I'm sorry."
And he burst into tears.
And for the first time he saw that proud, lordly man in all his vulnerability. For the first time, what was a mask finally fell down.
He squeezed his arm, hoping to provide some sort of comfort as the tears kept falling down.
A weird thought crossed his mind. He surprised himself thinking of a bathroom and leaking water, of coldness and red blood running on white tiles. Definitely not an appropriate thought for the situation, so he pushed it away.
Harry was waiting in front of the main chimney. Draco came toward him, showing a file in his hand:
"All done! Are you ready?"
Harry breathed deeply; he was not ready, he was terrified.
"No, but I don't think I'll ever be."
Draco grabbed a pot filled with floo powder before handing it to his husband:
"I told you everything you need to know. Even if you miss a few things, they'll forgive you. They know about your accident and they are so eager to see you that details won't matter."
Harry nodded and grabbed a handful of the green powder before entering the chimney. He gave a last look at his husband and gathered all his courage to yell the address Draco gave him before dropping the powder.
The first thing he noticed when exiting the floo was the smell. A complex mix of wood, coffee, hot bread, lemon, herbs and so many things indescribable. But a somehow very familiar smell. He knew that scent. He knew it so much it moved him. It was linked with a feeling of safety, of love and happiness. It reminded him of relief when coming back from work, busy mornings, animated lunch… it smelled like home.
Draco joined him right before a tiny blond storm rushed toward him, yelling:
Unconsciously, Harry kneeled down and opened his arms, catching his son and hugging him tight. The boy started to cry and Harry felt overwhelmed. A few tears rolled down his cheek as he realised that for the time he understood, deeply understood that the story people had told him was true. This was his home, this was his child. He may not remember everything but he knew all this was part of his life.
He raised his head and noticed a little boy hiding behind Draco's leg. He moved an arm to invite him to join the hug but the child didn't move. With a very small voice he asked:
"Are you still my daddy if you can't remember me?"
The question hit him like a punch in the stomach. Draco had warned him. Albus didn't talk much but when he did he always surprised them with a maturity way too advanced for his age. He tried to compose himself and answered:
"I may not remember everything, I may have forgotten the day you were born, your first words, your first steps... but nothing, you hear me, nothing will ever stop me from being your father. I am still here and we'll make new memories together, I swear." His voice broke. It wasn't fair. A child shouldn't question his father's love. Especially not his own child.
Slowly, one tiny step after another, Albus reached for his father, hugged him and grabbed his t-shirt so tight, Harry felt as if it was his heart that was squeezed by this tiny hand. He suddenly remembered staying up all night, trying to soothe a terrified baby Albus holding his finger as if his life depended on it while a thunderstorm was shaking the windows.
Finally, he thought. It wasn't much but it was a start.
Harry was enjoying a glass of firewhisky in front of the fireplace when Draco came in, poured himself a glass and sat by his side on the sofa, obviously exhausted.
"Two hours later, they are finally asleep!"
Harry giggled softly:
"I could have done it, you know. It really doesn't bother me."
Draco frowned.
"Of that I have no doubt. But it's been weeks since you came home and it's time they accept being tucked in by their other father."
Harry smiled but didn't answer. Draco was right of course, but he really liked sharing that moment with his two sons.
His husband suddenly stood up and took a letter from the coffee table.
"The minister asked me to give you this. They want you to come back to work quickly. Again. I don't understand how they can harass you like that after what happened. What would it take for them to give you a break? You losing an arm?!"
He sat down on the couch and emptied the glass in a single shot.
Harry didn't even bother to open the letter. He made it fly directly to the fireplace. His husband raised an eyebrow, silently asking for an explanation.
"I'll answer by telling them that I quit. That should calm them down."
Draco couldn't hide his surprise.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I certainly had very good reasons to do this job but I think I've done more than my part. It's time I get a bit more selfish and focus on myself."
"So what are you going to do?"
"I don't know yet… something far less dangerous, that's for sure."
They fell silent as they both watched the flames devouring the paper. Draco was obviously concerned but Harry gave him time to put the right words on his feelings. When he finally spoke, Draco avoided his eyes, like he did when he felt vulnerable.
"If you ever want to ask for divorce I would understand… All the reasons you married me probably disappeared with the rest of your memories."
Harry couldn't help but smile and took a sip of his drink before answering.
"You know when I first woke up, I thought that you were an arrogant little prat."
His smile widened when he saw a faint blush on Draco's cheeks.
"Then I realized that there was more to you than met the eye. Every passing day I understand a little more why I married you in the first place. It would be a shame to end things now, don't you think?"
His husband didn't answer right away and Harry added, suddenly more serious:
"That is if you want to give it a try as well. After all, I probably changed and I may not be the man you married anymore."
Draco took a few seconds to consider the matter, his eyes lost in the dancing flames of their chimney.
"You did change. You seem more… peaceful. I guess some memories are best forgotten."
He stopped and Harry turned toward him, his arm laying on the back of the sofa.
"You didn't answer the question."
Draco smirked and Harry noticed that he really liked the curve it gave to his thin lips when he did so.
"In sickness and health. Those were my vows. And I still remember them. Sure I wasn't expecting amnesia but I still knew that with you it was far from being empty words."
He opened his mouth as if he were about to say something else but closed it as he changed his mind.
Harry exhorted him to keep going.
Draco bit his lips and stared at his empty glass.
"No but. I still want to believe in us. It's just… complicated. In the beginning I felt as if you were a complete stranger. Almost as if my husband was dead and his body was being possessed. And yet sometimes you do or say something and I feel like nothing ever happened. The weirdest part is that it makes me feel… guilty. Almost as if I was cheating on my husband with you." He paused and nervously tapped his glass with his long fingers. "Sorry, that's ridiculous."
Harry smiled tenderly. There was something about Draco's vulnerability that was touching and addicting. The fact that he chose to expose himself to him and only him was the only thing really making him feel like the Chosen One.
"It's not ridiculous. I myself am struggling to make a connection between who I am and who I was." He added with amusement:
"You know what's ridiculous? The links my brain makes sometimes! I mean, the smell of wet grass makes me think of Quidditch games with Scorpius. OK, I get it. I must have played with him many times while it was rainy. The smell of your shampoo under the shower makes me horny. I think I can get that one too. But why on earth would I think of cinnamon cookies when I see you smile?"
And to his greatest surprise, Draco burst into laughter. A real, uncontrolled laugh, brightening every cell of his face. For the first time since he woke up, Draco let go of the fears, the doubts and the sorrows, only to fully embrace the moment. And he was gorgeous that way.
Draco bit his bottom lip to regain control and explained with a mischievous smile: " Well I may have tried something called positive reinforcement to make you like me when we both started working for the minister. But damn, I didn't know it worked that well."
Harry didn't listen, still mesmerized by Draco's smile. He felt a sudden burst of heat as his heart missed a beat. The words left his lips before he could even understand them.
"I think I'm falling in love with you again."
He almost regretted his words when Draco's smile froze. But then a small blush colored his husband's cheeks and as they closed the gap between them, nothing else mattered.
Their kiss was soft and shy. A light touch of their lips, asking for a permission to hope, slowly getting firmer as if to anchor the moment into reality.
It was far from being their first kiss, but it definitely felt like one.
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redgillan · 4 years
Under Pastel Skies - 6
Sugar daddy!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Modern!AU Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate… but she smiles so sweetly and she’s endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
Word Count: 4,327
Warnings: panic attacks, Bucky recalls his accident
A/N: I don’t have much to say, Bucky’s real emotional in this one. I hope you enjoy this chapter :’) 
Wannabe sugar daddies don’t interact, idc if you have money, eat it and leave me be.
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Everywhere Bucky looked his eyes and ears were assaulted by a cacophony of sounds and colours. Red and green baubles hung from the ceiling, shimmering like disco balls and sending sparkles around the mall.
The air smelled like pine and cinnamon, something he usually liked, but it was so pungent and unpleasant that it made his stomach churn and bile rise up his throat. He tried to breathe through his mouth, forcing oxygen into his lungs.
Flashes of silver and gold momentarily blinded him, and as someone walked past him, their shopping bag knocked against his leg. It didn’t hurt but it made him seethe with misplaced anger. Beads of sweat broke out on the back of his neck.
Christmas carols played over the mall speakers, more specifically Jingle Bells which they played three times in less than an hour. Enough, enough, enough. He was suffocating, unable to breathe. He felt too big for his own skin, he needed to escape.
Then he felt your hand at the small of his back, guiding him toward what looked like a furniture store. He followed blindly, his vision blurry and unfocused, and sat down when you gently pushed him down onto a sofa.
Bucky shut his eyes and let his head fall back against the cushion. A woman came up and asked if you needed help but you told her that everything was fine. The buzzing in his ears made the voices around him strangely soothing, as if he was underwater. Now that he was sitting down, he felt a lot better.  
You didn’t try to touch him, something he was very grateful for. He could feel your weight shift next to him and knowing you were there was enough. He focused on you –your heat, your voice, the smell of your shampoo- and his breathing slowly returned to normal.
“Sorry,” he breathed out with a small smile, his head lolling to one side to look at you. “I ruined our shopping spree.”
The fear and panic had dissipated, leaving him cold, exhausted and craving skin to skin contact. He took your hand and linked your fingers together. Your hands were freezing cold.
“You didn’t ruin anything.”
He snorted. “Yeah, I did.” A sad smile curved his lips, he needed to change the subject. “Do you celebrate Christmas?”
You sank further into the sofa cushion sitting shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand.
“We celebrated so many different holidays,” you said. “Perks of growing up in a multicultural family. Christmas was wild though. One tree, five kids. That poor thing never stood a chance. Now I don’t really celebrate anything. December used to be so much fun, now it’s just not the same.”
“We should create our own holiday,” Bucky suggested, squeezing your hand.
“Aren’t you going to see your family?”
“Nah,” he replied with a yawn. “My sister is taking her kids somewhere warm, and my parents are traveling the country in their RV. You can invite your siblings if you want.”
“They’re not available.”
Bucky tried to decipher the expression on your face. Every time you talked about your siblings, you had a faraway look in your eyes, as though you were reliving a memory. He couldn’t tell what you were thinking but your face twisted into a painful grimace. Then suddenly it was gone.
“I want a tree.”
He watched you with a lazy smile. “I’ll get you a tree.”
You pulled him up to his feet and decided it was time to go home. Home. It still made Bucky weirdly warm inside when you called his apartment ‘home’. You crossed the mall, your arm looped through his as you walked, and took a cab to Brooklyn.
He almost fell asleep from the gentle rocking of the car moving through the streets of Manhattan. When he glanced at you, you were looking out your window watching the snow fall.
You’d been living together for almost two months now and Bucky couldn’t have picked a better roommate. He liked the way you sang in the shower, loud, cheerful and most definitely off-key. He liked that you had more pyjamas than every day clothes. He liked watching you paint from the living room, and it always made him laugh when you added weird things to his grocery list.
He could go to bed and sleep the whole night without waking up, feeling safer knowing someone else was there. Of course, not everything was perfect but it was close enough.
He woke up on the sofa a few hours later, still dressed and with a fluffy blanket thrown over him. The sun was setting, painting the sky with reds and oranges. He basked in the setting sun, a content smile on his face, before he sat up.
The TV was on, the volume low, and you were sitting cross-legged on the floor between the sofa and the coffee table going through a bunch of old photographs. Bucky looked around the room, taking in the new furniture and decor.
There was a comfortable armchair in front of the gas burning fireplace. Your book was resting on the seat of the armchair. You had also bought a lot of decorative pillows, some were pretty funny like the one that looked like a giant cookie.
“Whatcha doing?” he asked, his voice gruff with sleep.
You looked over your shoulder at him. “Hey, you’re awake! I bought some picture frames. I thought it’d make this place look less like a high end furniture store.”
“I liked it better when you thought this apartment was amazing.”
You laughed. “I still do, but it’s a bit... soulless.” You tilted your head back, looking at him upside down. “Sorry.”
“Gotta call a spade a spade,” he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “All right, well, while you do that I’m going to start dinner.”
He pushed off the sofa but you caught his wrist before he could leave. “I’m already done. I’ve left some frames for you.”
“I already have lots of pictures upstairs.”
“I know, but no one ever goes upstairs,” you replied, letting go of his wrist. “And you’re not in any of the photos.”
Bucky’s eyes were drawn to the picture you were holding. It must have been taken on the day of your high school graduation, you were dressed in a cap and gown, smiling with your whole face. He’d never seen you smile like that. He recognized Peggy Carter right away, her hair was more silver-white than brown and there were deep wrinkles around her eyes.
Your mom wasn’t looking at the camera, she was scolding the young man who was giving you bunny ears. The man was grinning mischievously at the camera. Bucky couldn’t tell how old he was, he appeared to be either twenty or fifty.
There were two other women wearing sundresses, one had long brown hair, the other had twisted her hair into Bantu knots. A young man with dyed silver hair and dark roots was squatting in front of you, his arms crossed over his chest à la Backstreet Boys.
“You should frame this one,” he said, sitting on the floor next to you.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. It makes me kinda sad.”
Bucky learned not to dwell on the past. It hadn’t been easy but it would have been impossible to heal without the support of his friends and family. Grief manifests itself in a number of ways, it’s raw and complex, and comes from your soul. 
Bucky had a deep love for his childhood, especially his college years, but while he would cherish this time forever, he had accepted that he was a different person. He wasn’t the same naïve, youthful man he used to be, and it wasn’t a bad thing.
But he also knew that some people live in the past. It makes them feel alive.
“Y’know,” he started, meeting your eyes with a smile. “My hair used to be pretty long. I think I still have some photos in a folder somewhere.”
You clasped your hands together in a silent prayer. “Bucky, I’m going to be honest with you,” you deadpanned. “I need to see those pictures. I need them now. It’s a matter of life and death.”
He rolled his eyes while he got to his feet. “You’re so dramatic. I’ll go get ‘em.”
Bucky took the stairs up to his office and came back a few minutes later with a laptop under his arm. He sat on the floor next to you and set the laptop on his lap.
“You promise you won’t make fun of me?”
“Absolutely,” you replied, mimicking a Cheshire cat grin.
He sighed and tried to look stern but it was nearly impossible. You were too lovely, and he couldn’t help but smile. He opened up the laptop and glanced at you from the corner of his eye; you were practically vibrating.
He started going through the photos when he found one of himself at a party. He was in his early twenties, slumped in a chair, his eyes glassy and unfocused. In the next one he had been joined by two equally drunk women, and he was now roaring at the camera.
“Early twenties, two arms, and not a care in the world,” he said with a little sigh.
You leaned forward, your elbow resting on the coffee table. “Looks like you were having fun.”
“College was a lot of fun,” Bucky said, grinning to himself.
“What was your major?”
“English,” he replied. “I was a really good student, I could have chosen anything but there were more girls studying literature so I enrolled as an English major.”
“Wait!” You recoiled as if you had misheard him. “Did you really choose English because there were more girls?”
He made a funny grimace, and his nose scrunched up a bit as he mulled it over. “Yeah... my priorities were a bit mixed up. Hormones and all.”
You lowered your face into your hand and laughed. When you looked up at him, he was sporting his boyish grin and you shook your head at him.
In the next picture, he was clad in a black university graduation gown standing next to a blond man also dressed in a black gown. They were smiling, sunglasses perched on their nose.
“When I graduated, I had no idea what to do with a BA in English,” Bucky said after taking a long look at the photo. “The thing is, I never found my life’s calling. In high school I didn’t know what job I wanted to do, or what really motivated me, and to be honest I never really thought about it. I figured I’d find my passion in college but...” he trailed off with a shrug. “You’re lucky to have found your passion.”
“Is that why you want to help me?” you asked. “Because I found my calling and I wasn’t pursuing it.”
He tilted his head to one side, considering. “Yes, I guess that’s part of the reason why I want to help you.” He took a shuddering breath.
“Turns out I wasn’t the only one struggling to keep my head above water.” He pressed his index finger to the computer screen. “This is Steve, my oldest friend. He had just started working as a professional freelance photographer. I had nothing to do so I decided to help him build his portfolio. You’re an artist, I’m sure you know that a portfolio will make or break you.”
“It shows what you’ve accomplished, the skills you mastered,” you said, nodding. “Your potential employers will want to see your portfolio.”
“Exactly, and you have to show them your best work. In Steve’s case, it meant taking risks. No matter how talented you are, no one’s gonna pay you for a shot of the Brooklyn Bridge. It’s gorgeous but it’s not rare.”
“So what did he do?”
“We decided to climb Mount Everest.” He mechanically rubbed his stump and your eyes followed his movement. “It might’ve been the dumbest idea we’ve ever had but it sort of made sense at the time. Steve needed a challenging project and I was trying to find my purpose. We trained for a year, put money aside and took a loan. We were young, we thought we were invincible.
“The thing is,” he continued, “Mount Everest is the most famous mountain in the world. It’s crowded and only half the climbers reach the summit. A lot of people die.” He took a small pause. “Sometimes they can’t remove their bodies and they become landmarks. Our Sherpa told us about this man, they call him Green Boots. He’s sort of curled up in a fetal position near what they call Green Boots’ cave. When you walk past him, it looks like he’s just sleeping and because it’s so cold out there he’s actually well-preserved.”
“Oh, God.”
“Yeah, it’s awful,” Bucky let out a small, humourless laugh. “When I fell, I dislocated my arm and it pinched my axillary artery completely closed. It cut off circulation. That’s why they had to amputate. I was just lying there, too weak to call for help, watching people walk past me. They thought I was dead. And I remember thinking, ‘I’m going to die here. I’m going to die here and people will refer to me as Blue Jacket.’ Then Steve and the Sherpa found me, and Steve carried me on his back until they found a shelter. When the rescue team arrived, it was too late to save my arm.”
He went through the photos in silence and glared at the screen without really seeing it, his mind far away. On the screen, there was an endless stream of blurry smiles and blue eyes but he couldn’t look away. His thoughts cleared up when he felt the back of your knuckles along his cheek and jaw.
He unclenched his teeth, feeling the pain in his jaw. You brushed your fingers through his hair, pushing it off his forehead. You mindlessly played with the curl on top of his head and raked your fingernails gently over his scalp. When you spoke, your voice was just a soft whisper.
“Come back to me.”
Bucky forced his eyes shut and swallowed past the lump in his throat, tears pooling on his lower lashes. He took a deep breath and released it slowly. After a moment, he felt his body beginning to relax.
“How do you do that?” he asked in a pleading voice, turning his head to look at you. “How do you quiet the noise in my head?”
The question caught you off guard but you recovered quickly. You took his arm and draped it over your shoulders. “I don’t know,” you said, snuggling into his side. “It’s your second panic attack today. Did I push you too hard?”
“No.” His response was immediate. “I don’t like winter. It’s freezing cold and it gets dark at three thirty. Not my favorite time of the year.”
“But this helps, right?” you asked, waving your hand back and forth in the space between you.
He chuckled. “Yeah, it helps a lot.”
“Good.” You snuggled a little closer.
“But since you’re hoarding my arm, you’re gonna have to go through the pictures yourself,” he added, grinning down at you.
“Sorry,” you laughed. You reached out and slid two fingers over the touchpad guiding the cursor over the arrow icon. “So where are those pictures of you with long hair, uh?”
He knew you were trying to distract him but still made him blush. Those photos were in a folder titled: recovery spring 2010. He gave you directions to find it and waited for your reaction, wondering if you would burst into laughter at the sight of him with long hair and a lot more weight on.
Bucky turned his attention to the screen to see which one had caught your interest. It was a selfie Steve had taken one sunny afternoon after he had forced Bucky to go out with him and Sam. They were sitting outside drinking iced tea.
Steve’s smile was blinding. He was wearing that stupid baseball cap he loved so much. Bucky sat hunched over in his seat behind Steve, his smile small but genuine. It was the kind of smile that said ‘my friends forced me to join them but I’m secretly glad they did’. Sam was leaning sideways against Bucky, his eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses.
“You look like a completely different person,” you said. “So... strong.”
“Hey!” he gasped in mock offense. “How dare you? I’m still strong.” He removed his arm from behind your shoulders and raised it to flex his biceps. “Look at that!”
With a roll of your eyes, you let your hand roam over his muscular arm slightly squeezing his biceps. “Okay, I’m impressed.”
“Ah! Thank you,” he said with a pleased smile. “Now, c’mon, s’ time to eat.”
Bucky got to his feet and extended his hand to help you up. You trailed behind him as you walked toward the kitchen. “I bet Steve could rip a log in half with his bare hands.”
“I’ll ask him.”
“Where is he?”
“Hard to say. He works for National Geographic now. I think he’s supposed to be in Siberia.”
You spent the next few days like tourists. You showed Bucky your favourite museums, stayed way too long in front of several artworks but he never complained. Bucky took you to the movies. You sat together in the dark for several hours watching foreign films, and you only fell asleep once. Then the two of you would walk around Manhattan speaking in a made-up language and pretending to be characters in a movie.
Bucky couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so carefree. A little voice in the back of his head kept repeating ‘enjoy it while it lasts’ but he chose to ignore it.
“Thanks for helping me with this,” Bucky said, gesturing at the tree in the living room. “She went to the store to buy some ornaments.”
He handed Sam a bottle of beer which he took with a smile before tipping it to his lips for a long drink. Bucky hit his beer bottle on the counter to uncap it and followed Sam into the living room.
“She’s excited, uh,” Sam said with a grin. “You guys are spending Christmas together?”
“Liss,” Bucky replied after taking a swig of beer. “We’re celebrating Liss this year.”
“’The hell is that?”
Bucky shrugged. “It’s an old word. It means comfort, happiness.” A respite from pain. “We decided to make our own holiday. We’re going to spend two days in our fanciest loungewear, eating junk food and playing board games.”
“Cute,” Sam drawled out. “When’s the wedding?”
“Don’t say that.” Bucky glared at him. “Why do you always do that? I finally feel at peace with myself. I’m happy, I’m ready to take on new challenges. Why do you always have to make fun of me?”
Sam’s eyes widened at this. “Woah, I’m joking. It’s what we do. You tease me, I tease you. C’mon, I know things have been hard for you. I’m proud of you,” he rushed to say, afraid he might have hurt his friend’s feelings, but then he caught Bucky’s barely concealed smirk behind his beer bottle. “You’re messing with me.”
“Of course, man. Can you say ‘I’m proud of you’ again? Wanna make it my ringtone.”
“Screw you.” They sipped their beer in silence, each deep in thought. “But you like her, right?”
Bucky twirled the neck of the bottle between two fingers. “I do, she’s nice.”
Sam shook his head like he was frustrated with the answer “That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Don’t bullshit me.”
“I’m not in love with her, Sam.”
“I never said anything about being in love.” He was silent for a moment before he added, “Beside there’s an entire world between like and love.”
Bucky caught a glimpse of hurt and fear in the depths of Sam’s eyes. He reminded him of Steve: strong yet vulnerable, generous and righteous. Bucky had a feeling Sam wasn’t talking about you.
“Is this about Natasha?”
Sam hung his head and stared at the beer bottle he rolled between his hands. “Sometimes I feel like it was inevitable. These sugar daddy relationships are complicated; at first it’s fun and easy, we both get what we want.” He took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. “And then it changes, so fast you barely see it coming, and it becomes the only thing you look forward to.” He took another swig of beer.
“These few hours with her mean more to me than anything else in this goddamn world. But it’s not real, none of this is real.”
“How do you know it’s not real?” Bucky asked, swallowing past the lump in his throat.
“I pay her.” Sam gave him a sad smile. “She spends time with me because I pay her. Sex wasn’t part of our deal but it came naturally. It’s going to end, one way or another. And If my time with her is limited, why make things complicated, y’see?”
An uneasy feeling gnawed at Bucky’s stomach, taunting him, trying to make him see something he wasn’t ready to see yet. “What if she feels the same way ‘bout you?”
“I don’t know,” Sam sighed. “To know that I’d have to talk to her, and I’d rather not take my chances. I’m happy with the way things are right now. It hurts, but I’m okay.” He leaned back and made himself comfortable. “You gotta be careful, Bucky. I see the way you look at your angel. You’re skating on thin fucking ice.”
“It’s not like that.”
“Like, love,” Sam said, weighing the two words. “And everything in between.”
They mulled over Sam’s words while they finished their beer. A million thoughts raged through Bucky’s head, circling around like wasps, buzzing and annoying. He was relieved when he heard the front door open.
“Italian leather loafers, mmh is Sam here?” you called out from the kitchen where you set your shopping bag down on the table before you joined them in the living room. “Hey guys! What’s the matter? You both look like someone kicked your puppy-OH MY GOD! LOOK AT THAT TREE!”
While you ran across the living room, Sam cast Bucky a look. The message was clear; be careful. They got to their feet and acted like nothing happened. Sam put on his coat and gave you a quick hug before he left.
Bucky was silent while you were decorating the tree. He let you decide where you wanted to put the tinsel and baubles. He just sat there with a vacant look in his eyes, handing baubles. A smile curled his lips when you cupped his cheek and ran the pad of your thumb along his cheekbone. He looked up at you.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” Bucky said with a small smile. “Just old and moody.”
You laughed. “Come here, help me with this. It’s actually super boring when no one’s fighting for the baubles.”
“Oh, you wanna fight, angel,” he said with a smirk while he played with a tinsel garland. “Ok, let’s fight.”
You took a step back. “I’ve changed my mind.”
“Too late!”
You shrieked when he launched himself at you. He wrapped the tinsel garland around you, loosely pinning your arms to your sides. You laughed so hard your eyes watered and your shoulders shook. He used it to his advantage and looped two baubles over your ears like giant earrings.
Still laughing, you tugged one of your hands free and threw a handful of tinsel all over Bucky before you ran away. He chased you around the living room, using one of the fairy lights as a lasso.  
Soon, the living room was a giant mess. There was more tinsel in Bucky’s hair than on the tree, and you had managed to wrap the fairy lights around his body. You look pretty ridiculous with your giant earrings and dishevelled hair.
You and Bucky collapsed on the floor, out of breath and euphoric. The sun was starting to set behind the skyscrapers casting a warm golden glow over the room. You turned on the fairy lights and burst out laughing when Bucky sparkled like a tree.
He found his phone on the sofa and handed it to you. You opened up the camera app and nestled closer to him. The first photo was blurry because you couldn’t stop laughing. Bucky thought the second photo was nice but you didn’t like it.
“My smile is too wild,” you said.
“You look beautiful,” he argued. “I look like a Christmas tree.”
Bucky felt a pleasant stir in his belly when you placed your head on his shoulder. Be careful. He could practically hear Sam’s voice in his head. His chest was hurting. It wasn’t unpleasant, just peculiar and unexpected. He closed his eyes and rested his cheek on top of your head.
“Bucky! You have to open your eyes,” you scolded him after looking at the picture, unaware of his inner turmoil.
He wasn’t sure he could; tears were welling up in his eyes. He was terrified of his feelings for you, but his body was screaming at him to stop burying his head in the sand. He didn’t want you to see the tears in his eyes, he didn’t want to alarm you, because the truth was, he hadn’t been careful.
“Can’t. I’m comfy,” he replied, masking his true feelings behind a joke.
“Open them or I’ll tickle you.”
He chuckled. “Okay, okay, no need to use force.”
He soldiered on and opened his eyes, smiling at the camera. He liked you, and he promised himself he would never tell you. His feelings didn’t matter, it wasn’t part of your deal.
Part 7
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Christmas (one shot)
Harry Potter Marauders AU 
Request: (I am combining two requests on this one because they are similar) 
1.  idk if it taking requests and i don’t want to be told forward but do you think that maybe you could write one with the reader as James little sister where she’s dating regulus and when Sirius runs away during the winter he manages to get reg to go with him and it’s rly sweet bc they spend Christmas together and it’s like the start of them all becoming really close and Reggie becomes like an honorary gryffindor... 
2. So I had an request with Regulus where he is dating the sister of James, and in the Christmas break he tells it Walburga and Orion but they kick him out, and so he goes to her house, kinda like when Sirius did :)
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M- violence
Regulus stood outside of his mother’s sitting room working on getting the nerve to go inside. Today was the day that he would tell both Orion and Walburga about his relationship with you. It had been over a year of secrets and he was finally tired of it. Your parents were totally fine with the relationship so Regulus could only hope that his parents would be happy with his “happiness.”
You’re barking mad if you think that mum and dad will be happy. The Potter’s are blood traitors. They will flip.
Regulus had to shake the negative thoughts from his mind as he finally stepped into the room. Walburga sat beside her husband who was reading a newspaper. This was all that his parents seemed to do. Sit together but never speak. Regulus never understood it. When he started dating you his confusion over his parent’s odd relationship deepened. Regulus couldn't imagine just sitting beside you in silence every night.
Walburga looked up from the magazine that she was reading to gaze at her youngest son. It wasn’t often that Regulus appeared during her quiet time with Orion.
“What is it, Regulus?”
Regulus took a breath.
“I wanted to talk to you and dad about something.”
Orion put down his newspaper with a curious frown.
“Well, here we are. What is it?”
Regulus internally told himself to keep his nerve. If his parents could see that he wasn’t scared of them (like they wanted) maybe they would be a bit more perceptive to their son’s wants.
“I have a girlfriend. I’ve been dating a girl for over a year now. It's time for the two of you to know.”
Walburga immediately frowned.
“I see. We have promised you to…”
Regulus shook his head.
“I am not dating one of my cousins. I love the girl that I am with and want to be with her.”
Orion immediately crossed his arms over his chest.
“Who is she?”
“Y/n Potter.”
Both Walburga and Orion were on their feet in an instant. Walburga started screeching about the Potters being blood traitors.
“I forbid it! This relationship is over. You have no business in mixing with Potter trash.”
Regulus suddenly felt braver than he had in a long time.
“You don’t know her. Y/n is a wonderful girl. She’s smart, kind, beautiful...and she loves me.”
Orion sighed, putting a hand over his face.
“Is that what she told you? Regulus, love isn’t a real emotion. We have told you how some frivolous girl would use mentions of love to ensnare you into some trap. In this world there are only business arrangements. That’s what marriages are supposed to be about. If you let yourself become filthy by some blood traitor, no proper girl will want you.”
“I love her. Love is also very much real. I don’t care if the two of you don’t like it. You can hate it for all that I care. I will not give her up.”
Sirius lay on his bed throwing a small ball up in the air waiting for it to come back down. He was bored shitless and wanted nothing more than to get into something. The moment that he heard Regulus scream, Sirius sat up.
He swung his feet over the edge of the bed and went into his brother’s room.
“Did you see a spider again, Reggie? I don’t think that it is going to get you.”
Sirius frowned, seeing no sign of Regulus in the room. His bed was neatly made and everything looked in order. Regulus screaming again made Sirius quickly turn and run down the stairs. He has a sickening feeling that he knew what was going on. Normally it was him who his mother enjoyed using as a punching bag. It was very few and far between when Walburga turned her wrath on her “favorite.”
Skidding into the sitting room, Sirius wanted to scream at the sight of his mother using the cruciatus curse on his little brother. Regulus lay in a fetal position bleeding from the nose and mouth while screaming for his mother to stop.
“Mother, stop it!”
Sirius snapped. Walburga and Orion, whom Sirius just realized was in the room, looked up to their eldest son.
“Go away, Sirius. Your brother is being punished and it's none of your concern.”
Sirius shook his head.
“When he’s bleeding from the nose, ears, and mouth it is my concern. Stop before you kill him.”
Orion finally spoke up,
“This is what he deserves for dating a blood traitor. Were you aware that your brother was dating the Potter girl?”
Sirius frowned. This is what it was about. His parents discovered Regulus’ romance with you and was having a fit. Sirius was worried that this would happen the moment that the two of you started dating. This was why Sirius begged Regulus to not breathe a word of this to their parents. How they found out, Sirius wasn’t for sure.
“Nothing is wrong with Y/n. Now stop before you kill him!”
You sat beside James as your mother put a plate of freshly made cookies in front of you. Euphemia smiled proudly.
“Enjoy you two. I know that I said no Christmas cookies before Christmas but you know that I can’t help it. I love cookies.”
James grinned and eagerly grabbed a cookie.
“Yes! I was hoping for cookies.”
He said gleefully as the doorbell rang. You quickly stood up.
“Keep stuffing your face. I’ll go get the door.”
James gave you a wide grin as you walked down the hallway to the front door as the knocking continued.
“Keep your shirt on, we are coming.”
You yelled as you opened the door. The moment the door was opened you instantly found yourself wanting to scream. Both Sirius and Regulus stood on the other side looking as if the shit had been knocked out of them.
You screamed before reaching out and tugging them both inside. Assessing the situation, Regulus looked a lot worse off than Sirius. Seeing your boyfriend like this was enough to make you want to sob.
“What happened? What is going on?”
You heard James and your mother running in from the living room. James was the first in the room and was as stunned as you. He made a b-line for his best friend as you continued to check Regulus’ normally flawless face for injuries.
Euphemia stood with her hands over her mouth before quickly “getting her head in the game.”
“James, Y/n, bring Sirius and Regulus into the living room. I’m going to get some towels.”
You quickly did as you were told. Wrapping an arm around Regulus’ waist, you stepped as close to him as possible.
“Love, please...what happened. You’re not talking and it's scaring me.”
Regulus tried to think past the pain that was going through his aching body.
“I told my parents about us.”
You could clearly see your mother spin around at the comment Regulus made. Euphemia was as stunned as you were. Sirius tossed his hair over his shoulder.
“Mum and dad used cruciatus curse on us then threw us out.”
Euphemia came back with a bunch of clean towels.
“I wouldn’t let the two of you go back anyway. There is no way that I could let either of you return to that house.”
“Mrs. Potter, we couldn’t impose…”
Regulus started but Euphemia cut him off.
“Nonsense. The two of you are staying. James, go tidy your room. I don’t want Sirius to break an ankle trying to move around in there.”
Sirius laughed at the expression on James’ face.
“I told you that you were messy.”
James grabbed his friend by the hand and tugged him into the room and closed the door. Euphemia turned back to face where Regulus stood quietly at your side.
“You two come with me.”
If anyone could patch Regulus up it would be your mother. Euphemia was perfect at healing spells. After having James Potter for a son, she had to learn a thing or two quickly before her only son bled out.
“What happened to make your mother do something like this, dear?”
Euphemia asked as she gently took a towel and dabbed at Regulus’ bloody nose. Regulus winced at the bit of pain that went through his face. Euphemia stopped, having a feeling that the boy’s nose was broken.
“The truth?”
Regulus questioned. Euphemia smiled.
“That would be lovely. After you get done tell me what the truth is then maybe you can enlighten my son a bit. His stories are getting a little old. He needs new material.”
Euphemia was relieved when Regulus smiled at that.
“I can understand that. His excuse for making a bad grade on a test before Christmas was something about asbestos.”
Euphemia chuckled.
“You’ve heard that one too.”
Regulus was silent a moment longer before deciding that it was best to tell Euphemia what actually happened. She would find out soon enough and it wasn’t like she was going to hit him. Euphemia didn’t seem like a mother that would beat her children. She was nothing like his mother.
“I told my mother that I was dating Y/n. My parents said that your family is…”
Euphemia pursed her lips having a feeling where this was going.
“Let me guess, blood traitors.”
Regulus blushed before looking down. He didn’t even want to say yes to this. For once, everything that his family stood for was nothing that he wanted to be a part of any longer.
“Yes...I don’t feel that way though. I love Y/n and I want to be with her.”
Euphemia patted his shoulder.
“No need to fret, dear. I didn’t think of you in that way at all. You may be your mother’s son but you are not her. Now I’m going to fix your nose then you two need to get some rest.”
(5 minutes later)
You stepped into your bedroom followed by Regulus. He was still holding a blood-soaked towel under his nose.
“Are you alright?”
You asked. Regulus nodded then shook his head. He looked down at his still trembling hands. He sat down on the bed before he fell down.
“No, I’m not alright. No parent should treat their kid like this. I shouldn’t be beaten to hell for being in love with you.”
You quickly took your place on his lap. Placing a leg on either side of Regulus’ body, you sat up enough to gently cradle his head against your chest. Stroking your fingers through his hair, you gently whispered that everything would be fine. Whether Regulus believed it or not you weren't sure.
“None of my friends will probably talk to me again.”
Regulus finally said in a sad defeated tone. He knew that Evan would probably give him the tongue lashing of a lifetime for doing something to be kicked out of such a prestigious family. If Evan spoke to him after that would be a great question in itself. Barty would find this the perfect chance to take Regulus’ place. He had been desperate to do it for years so why would he wait?
“You can stay with my friends. They won’t mind. James already is cool with us being together. He just had to get over that initial older brother issue.”
Regulus wasn’t sure how hanging out with a herd of Gryffindor’s would go but at the moment it didn’t seem as if he had much of a choice. He would be with you...that would be the main perk. Now he didn’t have to say goodbye again and wonder if his parents were going to hang him for being your boyfriend.  
“That’s good to know. I’m sorry that he had to find out by catching us snogging.”
You were relieved to see a smile spread across Regulus’ face.
“He just had to sit quietly for a moment.”
Regulus rolled his eyes. James had to sit quietly whenever you did something questionable. Regulus pulled his attention off of James. As much as he was relieved to apparently have James Potter in his corner now, Regulus didn’t want to think about him at the moment. He had a feeling that he was going to be watched by James anytime the two of you were within inches of each other. This was going to make snogging be a bit difficult. Hopefully, he wouldn’t just come bursting into the room at any given time.
Looking around your room, Regulus couldn’t help but smile. Everything was comfy and screamed your name. For the first time, in a long time, Regulus felt safe. Knowing that he didn’t have to go back home was a welcomed thought.
Your fingers unbuttoning his shirt quickly got Regulus’ attention. He watched with amused eyes as you pushed the garment off of his shoulders.
“What are you doing? I don’t think messing around tonight would be a good idea. I would hate for your father to walk in with me between your legs.”
You blushed before pulling Regulus into a kiss. Everything seemed to even out at this moment. Regulus’ trembling hands seemed to steady as he wrapped an arm around your waist to keep your body against his.
“Oh, we aren’t having sex tonight. You need some rest.”
You kissed Regulus once more before getting off of his lap to pull down the duvet. Regulus smirked when he noticed the bunny-themed sheets.
You blushed.
“I’ve had these for years.”
“I like them.”
Regulus commented before taking his place on the side of the bed by the door. He knew that he had nothing to protect you from in your home but it felt right sleeping on this side.
“You do not.”
You replied with a snort before getting into bed beside him and snuggling down to his chest. Regulus’ long fingers toyed with your hair.
“I do because it's all you. Everything about you is good...except when you're hungry then you get a little mouthy.”
The two of you laughed quietly until Regulus turned on his side. He was more than ready to go to sleep and forget the bad part of the current day.
“Want to know the best part about this arrangement other than not having to be apart?”
“What’s that?”
Regulus asked with a yawn.
“We get to have our first Christmas together. Happy Christmas a day early.”
Regulus kissed your forehead before snuggling back into the pillow.
“Happy Christmas, darling.”
@amelie-black @truly-insatiable @fific7 @realgaytrash @lucasfilms77 @quuenofblacks @jessyballet @knreidy1 @acciosiriusblack @whymyparentscheckmyphone @criminalyetminimal @bennyberry @teletubiswszpilkach @exhsle @hazncalsgal @rubyroscoe1 @spiderxalmighty @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @fandom-trash-worth-it @hankypranky @summer-novak @li0nh34rt @tas898 @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @knight-of-gleefulness @untoldshortsofthefandoms @sprnaturallover @deanwherescas @stuckinsaudi1 @shitfaceddaniel @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner
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flyingkiki · 3 years
A Very Merry Christmas (3/4)
A little bit more excitement and a whole lot of steamy escapades for our favorite bbs. As promised, 2021 is a year of smut and steam for our favorite birbs.
Check out chapter 2 of A Very Merry Christmas to refresh your steam tank. We know Tim a little dirty boi behind closed doors -- or in abandoned tree houses.
In today's episode, that bathtub looks perfect for some luxurious steamy action.
Titus, much to Raven’s surprise had taken a great liking in her. Over the course of her stay, the Great Dane was practically glued to her side, following her everywhere. While endearing, it proved to be quite a challenge during movie nights once Raven quickly realized that despite his size, Titus believed he was a lap dog.
“Titus!” Tim whined when the dog’s tail smacked him across the cheek one evening while the whole family settled down to watch The Nightmare before Christmas. As Raven settled down next to Tim on the couch, Titus climbed up on Tim’s other side and clumsily clambered over his lap to get to Raven, who stifled a giggle.
“Oh,” Raven breathed as the huge dog settled on her lap, knocking the wind out of her. She felt Titus snout settle into the crook of her neck and his paw dig painfully into her thigh. The dog practically leaned against her and she shot Tim a quick look over Titus’ hulking form. The dog wiggled in her lap, trying to get comfortable. “You’re a big boy,” she breathed.
Tim frowned and tried to nudge the dog off his girlfriend. “You’re suffocating her, Titus.”
Unfazed, Titus yawned and clumsily knocked his face against Raven’s cheek. With a little huff, he licked her left cheek and dropped his chin onto her shoulder.
Raven squeaked softly at the lick and wiggled under Titus, trying to get comfortable. Titus paw dug painfully into her thigh. She leaned into Tim’s shoulder and grabbed his forearm, giving it a gentle squeeze signaling her discomfort. “Tim,” she whispered. He had to do something or her illustrious career as a superhero might just end due to suffocating under a 160-pound dog.
Tim sighed and reached around the massive dog to gently nudge Titus off his girlfriend. When the dog whined and sneezed into Raven’s shoulder, Tim rolled his eyes in exasperation. “Dami,” he called the younger boy sitting on the floor next to Dick’s loveseat. “Call Titus, he’s suffocating Raven,”
Damian looked over his shoulder, frowning at the sight of his dog taking more interest in Tim’s girlfriend. “Titus,” he called over the noise of Jack Skellington discovering Christmas. The dog di not even budge and Tim shot him an annoyed glance.
“Looks like Titus has a new favorite human,” Jason commented slily, enjoying getting rise out of his younger brother.
Damian huffed and glared at Jason for even insinuating Titus had a new favorite. Shaking his popcorn bowl, Damian called Titus again. The sound of popcorn in a bowl seemed to have caught his attention. “Titus, come here.” Damian called again just as Dick ‘shhed’ him.
Titus seemed to finally get the message and with a huff into Raven’s neck, he jumped off Raven’s lap (and successfully kneeing her in the process) and trotted towards Damian. With a low whine, he curled up right next to the boy and deposited his head into Damian’s lap.
Titus continued to follow Raven that evening. Tim flat-out refused to have the dog in their bedroom because sex with a dog watching was a terrible idea. Titus was following them the entire morning as they helped Alfred with a new batch of Christmas cookies.
“Titus, time for your walk,” Damian appeared at the entrance of the massive kitchen, already wrapped up in his winter jacket. He jiggled the leash to catch Titus’ attention, which was solely focused on Raven as she bent over the kitchen island pipping lopsided smiles on gingerbread men with Tim and Bruce.
The dog whined and gave Damian a brief glance before turning back to Raven.
“That much sugar cannot be good for you,” commented Tim in amusement after Bruce ate half of a gingerbread man. Their small group remained oblivious to Damian and Titus. It was Bruce’s second cookie that morning and Alfred was not pleased at the depleting cookie count.
“It was missing an arm,” Bruce brushed off the accusation of being a cookie thief. He broke off one of the legs of the cookie. “Here, have the leg.”
Tim looked scandalized. “And be an accessory to your crime, Batman?” he said with wide eyes but still accepted the amputated sugar treat. It was a delicious leg.
“Who knew Bruce Wayne was such a sugar junkie?” Raven commented after drawing yet another lopsided smile (frown?) on a gingerbread man. She stuck a bright purple candy onto her gingerbread man’s neck. That kind of looked better.
“His sugar panel is terrible, Miss Raven,” Alfred appeared next to them sounding totally unimpressed at Bruce’s sugar habit. He glanced at the pile of cookies they had been working on, noting a few that had gone missing. He sighed softly. “Perhaps I may suggest refraining from eating any more cookies, Sir? We’d like to keep the rest for Christmas tomorrow and some for everyone to take home as well,”
“Might not fit into the Batsuit after Christmas, Old Man,” Jason commented from where he was mixing chocolate chip cookies. Cass giggled next to him.
Bruce looked a bit sheepish has he polished off the last of the gingerbread man he stole from the pile. “Right, Alfred.” Raven watched as the man looked amused and she shared a small smile with Tim, who looked happy to spend a little downtime with his adoptive father. Moments like these were rare for Tim. “I shall have a little bit more self-restraint,”
“I’d appreciate that, Sir,” Of course, Alfred did not sound very convinced. Leaving the fresh batch of cookies, he went back to working with Jason on the cookie batter. Raven and Tim chuckled softly in amusement.
“Titus!” Damian called again, this time gaining the attention of everyone in the kitchen. The dog in question raised his head in acknowledgement before lying down again and staring up at Raven.
Bruce looked over the counter and watched the dog in surprise. He looked up at Raven with a hint of amusement. “Looks like Titus has taken a liking in you,” he commented.
“More like a huge dog crush,” Jason added, smirking over this shoulder.
Damian huffed and crossed his arms, frowning at the group. “It’s likely that he senses her demon heritage and keeps watch to protect us,” he said, annoyance laced in his voice.
“Rude, you brat!”
Bruce was clearly disappointed and angry while Tim looked furious. Bruce frowned at his son and placed his piping bag on the counter. He crossed his arms in disapproval, an action Damian immediately mimicked. Reindeer apron or not, an angry Bruce Wayne is a scary Bruce Wayne. “Apologize, Damian,”
“Why? She is half-demon,” Damian sniffed and frowned, frustration bubbling low underneath his skin. “I’m sure Titus senses this. And I honestly do not understand how you can allow Drake to –”
“Finish that sentence and I swear I will smack you into next week,” Tim scowled, fist tightening on top of the marbled kitchen island. Raven could feel old emotions surface as the boys glared at each other and she frowned.
“I could help take Titus on a walk with you?” Raven said suddenly, knowing well that Damian was not going to apologize anytime soon. His frustration and resentment were coming off him in waves. She placed her hand on top of Tim’s arm, trying to calm him down.
“I don’t need your help,” Damian bristled.
Raven rolled her eyes at the haughty attitude. Ignoring Damian, she handed Tim her pipping bag and shot him an assuring smile. She removed her apron and placed it on the table, before turning to Damian. She tilted her head and raised her eyebrow in challenge. “Really? Not unless you want to clean up Titus’ pee later, I think you’re stuck with my offer,” she said.
“Raven,” there was a hint of worry and confusion in Tim’s voice. Raven shrugged and leaned up to kiss him on his cheek. “It’s alright,” she whispered and squeezed his forearm reassuringly. She waved off Bruce as he glanced at her.
Turning on her heel, she looked at a fuming Damian, displeased at the idea of being bossed around. “Wait for me at the door, I’ll go get changed,” she said. Ignoring Damian’s protest, she walked out of the kitchen with an eager Titus hot at her heels. Damian stopped out soon thereafter.
Jason blinked; astonishment written all over his face. “Well shit, that took a weird turn,”
Raven met up with Damian at the large front door. The boy was still frowning into his dark blue fluffy scarf when she approached and made no acknowledgement when she stood by him. Titus appeared by her feet, oblivious to the jealousy he had caused. “Ready?” she asked.
Damian sniffed again and silently hooked Titus to his leash and the trio stepped out into the cold. The leash wasn’t really necessary and as they would step further out into the forest, Damian would release Titus from the leash. The dog was trained enough to follow commands.
They were walking silently towards the large frozen lake, keeping close to the edge of the woods for Titus to sniff along and do his business. The silence between them was palpable, Raven could feel Damian’s storm of emotions. She watched as Damian released Titus from his leash and they followed him through the snow as he happily sniffed at snowy bushes and tree trunks.
“There is no need for you to accompany us,” Damian said, voice laced with a frown as he walked ahead of Raven.
Raven stuffed her hands deeper into her winter jacket as a cold breeze passed them. She hurried to keep up with Damian and walked next to him. She shrugged her shoulder dismissively and offered him a small smile. “It’s alright, I don’t mind the company,” she said.
“I do,” Damian frowned. Of course, ever the brusque one.
They stopped as Titus stopped by a bush a little up ahead. They were close to the completely frozen lake, they could see old dock and the outline of a few people walking by the lake from the distance. A few snowflakes started to fall as winter continued with is below zero temperatures. They watched Titus do his business in the snow.
“I’m sorry about this whole ordeal with Titus,” Raven said, glancing at the scowling boy.
Damian spared her glance; eyebrows draw into a perpetual scowl. “He senses the demon in you,” he said.
The corner of her lips quirked just a little bit and there was a bemused look on her face. “Well, I think you’re right about that,” she said. Damian continued to stare at her with a mixture of mild surprise and anger. They heard Titus make snuffling sounds as he buried his nose into the snow. “Some animals are quick to catch on meta-physical psyche,”
“To sense a threat,” Damian supplied.
“Sometimes,” said Raven. She glanced at Damian, sensing a mix of emotions. “They also get attached or curious. I’m pretty sure Titus is just curious after sensing a new presence in the house. He seems to be very loyal to you,”
She could see Damian move and some of the tension leave his face. She offered a small smile at the frowning boy. “I’m hardly a threat,” she added finally, her voice soft in the cold wind.
Damian swallowed and briefly glanced at Titus, who scampered towards him for pets. Looking up at Raven, his frown softened ever so lightly. “I apologize if it sounded like I was implying that,” he mumbled, his voice sounding just a little strained as if apologizing was not something he commonly did.
Raven hummed. “It’s alright. We always try to be protective over the ones we care for,” she said.
Damian cleared his throat. Looking away, he turned his attention back to Titus. It seemed like that conversation was now over. Raven would settle with whatever she could get from the boy.
They continued to watch as Titus enjoyed the snow, sniffing at the bushes and barking at stones. The silence was soon pierced with the sound of a loud crash and something heavy hitting ice and water. Louds screams filled the air.
Raven and Damian straightened, alert. They watched as the wooden docks gave way and parts of it disappeared into the lake. A name rang through the air, and they watched the outlines of two people wave frantically by the shore. Someone had fallen in.
Raven shoved her phone into Damian’s hands as they started with a run towards the lake. “Call Tim and the others. We need to help now,”
Damian scowled. “You’re not going in there. I can –”
Raven stopped and glared at Damian, halting the boy. Her Titan authority suddenly taking over, and she frowned. “They need help. That water is below zero, do as I say, now.”
She barely heard Damian make the call as she sprinted towards the couple, adding a little bit more force into her run. She couldn’t teleport, that would have been a risk to her identity and the rest of the family. She could do this rescue manually.
“My name is Rachel. What happened?” Raven breathed, reaching the couple by the docks. It was a middle-aged man and woman, both looking frantically at the remains of the docks. There were shrill cries coming from the middle of the lake, just past the remaining wooden beams of the docks.
“Maggie!” breathed woman, frantic. “The whole docks gave way and she fell in!”
The man, who looked like he was in a middle of a phone call with the fire department shot her a frantic look. “She’s five!”
Raven pulled off her bonnet, gloves, and scarf and thrust them to the frantic woman. “Here, she’ll need these when we get back,” she said. Not sparing another glance at the frantic couple, Raven took a running start towards the remaining wooden beams and jumped, easily landing on the standing wooden beam. It creaked under her weight, and she ignored the sounds of water and ice hitting the beams. The beam lurched as she shifted her weight to jump to the next support beam, nearly slipping on its frozen mossy surface.
She heard water splashing and weak cries for help up head. Raven knew she had to pull out the girl soon before hypothermia would set in. Jumping onto the last few support beams that stood out at odd angles in the freezing water, Raven stopped at the last one that leaned heavily to the right, barely above water. There was still about three meters of a distance between Raven and the little girl with some wood floating in between them. There was no way to pull her in from where she stood. She had to swim towards the girl. Well, fuck.
“Maggie!” Raven called, heart pounding in her chest in anticipation of the freezing water. She hated cold showers. This was going to be terrible. “I’m coming for you. Don’t worry!”
“Help,” Raven heard the little girl whimper. With a sharp intake of breath, Raven carefully slid down the upturned support beam and plunged into the icy water. She gasped as her muscles initially froze at the icy sensation. Her chest seized at the freezing temperatures and the wind momentarily knocked out of her. Holy fucking shit. Raven screwed her eyes shut and willed her muscles to move as cold water slapped her face. Hearing the soft whimpers up ahead, Raven pushed forward and quickly swam towards the girl.
“Maggie, hold on,” Raven called, she swore she felt her teeth clatter in the cold. Using a bit of her powers, she swam faster through the water, knocking away the large planks in her way. Raven panicked as the whimpers seemed the grow softer as she approached and Maggie seemed to slowly sag against the large wooden plank she had been holding on to.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” Raven surged forward and watched as the little girl seemed to have fallen asleep and slip into the water. Gasping, Raven lurched forward and dove straight into the water. Spotting the small pink body in the murky lake water, Raven quickly grabbed the little girl and broke through the surface gasping for air.
“Maggie, hey, Maggie,” Ignoring the biting cold and how her winter clothes weighed her down, Raven wrapped the little girl closer to her body and patted the girl’s bright rosy cheeks as she spluttered and gasped against her shoulder. Raven allowed the little girl to gasp and recollect herself against her shoulder and she listened to Maggie whimper and wheeze loudly.
“I got you,” Raven whispered and wrapped her arms tightly around the little girl. Craning her neck, she faced Maggie and pushed wild red curls away from the girl’s face. “Hey, I’m Rachel. Let’s go back to shore, okay?”
“It’s so cold,” the little girl whimpered, and Maggie’s arms tightened around Raven. She began to sniffle and cry softly. “I want mommy,”
Raven continued to thread in the freezing water, keeping herself and the little girl afloat. Rubbing her hand soothingly across the girl’s back, she nodded. “Your mommy’s back on shore, we’ll get you there in no time,” she assured. Looking over the girl’s shoulder, she caught sight of the frantic parents back on shore. Damian was with them talking on the phone with an alert Titus at his feet. She waved her hand in the air. “Got her!”
It was a bit of distance from where they were to the shore with a thin sheet of ice covering the lake water. She would have to break through the ice as she’d swim towards the shore. It should be easy enough, Raven thought. The little girl shivered into her neck as Raven started to swim to shore, pressing the little girl into her.
“It shouldn’t take us too long,” assured Raven, as she used her right hand to push them through the water. The little girl pressed into her chest, whimpering in response. Using her fist and forearm, Raven punched into the thin layer of ice as she pressed through the ice. “You’ll get lots of hot chocolate after this,” Raven assured. “That sounds good, right?” her voice strained slightly at the cold. Her body groaned in protest as the icy water continued to stab her muscles. The little girl nodded into her neck and whimpered. Good, at least she was still pretty responsive.
Raven looked up from pressing through ice to watch Tim, Dick, Bruce, Cass, and Jason rush towards where Damian and the parents were. Cass and Tim were carrying heavy blankets while Jason was carrying a rescue buoy.
“Hold on!” Jason called from shore. Raven stopped swimming and watched as he twisted his body and forcefully threw the rescue buoy across the lake. The red ring was attached to a rope and Raven watched as it flew through the air before dropping onto the ice and skidding towards her. Using her powers discreetly underwater, she helped the buoy slide towards them. “Got it!” she called as her cold fingers wrapped around the red ring.
“Here, Maggie,” she shifted the little girl and slipped the ring securely around Maggie’s shivering form. “I need you to wrap your arms the ring, okay?” Raven watched as the little girl whimpered and she swam closer to the buoy and wrapped her arm around the girl’s shivering form. “You got this. I’m right here, I’ll push us through. My friends are going to pull us back to shore, okay? I’ll break through the ice so it’ll be easier for us, okay?” Raven pushed some red curls from the girl’s face. “Ready?”
“Okay,” Maggie whimpered. Not really wanting to waste any more time, Raven nodded and turned back to Jason and the rest. She tugged the rope. “Go!”
Raven felt Jason tug the rope and they lurched forward easily. Keeping her hand firmly pressed into Maggie’s back, Raven swam next to her and used her arm to press through the thin layer of ice to avoid any hard ice hitting the little girl. Her muscles groaned in protest and the felt the ice bite her skin.
“Maggie, baby!”
Raven groaned and pushed the buoy with a little bit more force as they closed in on shore and her feet started to feel the ground. Maggie started crying again at the sight of her parents and with a low grunt, Raven pushed the ring forward to shore. She heard Bruce bark out orders to grab the girl and Raven’s legs slipped under her as she pushed the girl towards the shore and within reach to a waiting Jason and Dick.
“Oh my god, my baby. Thank you so much, thank you. Oh Maggie!” Arms were flying around as everyone made a grab for the little girl and the mother continued to sob in the rush. Raven slipped in the water as she lost her footing and her knees hit the ground. Weighed down by her clothes and her frozen limbs, Raven clambered back to her feet and gasping for breath as the cold seemed to finally register.
She felt gloved hands wrap around her wrist and pull her out of the water. She gasped as the cold air seemed to bite into her body. She tumbled into a warm solid body and her arms instinctively wrapped around Tim, immediately recognizing his warm press of emotions and his scent. She shivered as arms wrapped around her and a heavy blanket was pressed around her. She felt hands rub up and down her back as she continued to shiver into Tim. “Maggie,” she whispered, trying to look over Tim’s shoulder to where Bruce was assisting the parents. She heard muffled crying and the distant sound of an approaching ambulance.
“Maggie okay,” said Cass, hands pressed into Raven’s back to keep the blanket from sliding off her shoulders as she and Tim tried to rub some warmth into Raven.
Tim’s fingers dug into her body and he pressed her closer. “They’ll be okay, you did great, Rae.” He whispered and pressed a kiss into her cold temple. “Let’s get you back home for a hot bath,”
The trek back to the house was a blur to Raven as Tim and Cass practically pushed her back to the house with Damian and Titus on their heels while Dick, Jason, and Bruce remained by the docks to help the family and talk to the lake management regarding the docks. Cocooned in the warmth of the thick heavy blankets, Tim gently steered her into their large bathroom, warm already from the hot bath that Alfred may have already drawn for her.
“Strip,” Tim said after closing the door behind him and gently peeling off the blanket from her body and unzipping her drenched jacket. Raven hummed in protest at the cold, but lethargically complied as her healing powers slowly worked on healing her from the cold that seemed to have seeped into her bones. She shivered when warm hands pressed into her bare shoulders and hip, directing her into the excessively large bathtub.
“I’m fine,” she grumbled but allowed herself to be gently pushed into the tub. Tim snorted, sounding very unimpressed and helped her climb into the tub. Raven sighed loudly as the comfortably hot water wrapped around her freezing body and she instinctively closed her eyes and allowed herself to sink lower into lavender scented bubbles. Her tense muscles eased, and she slowly felt the cold leave her as she leaned comfortably against the tub and allowed bubbles to tickle her nose and chin.
“I’ll go get you some tea,” Tim said, and Raven heard him stand up from where he sat momentarily on the tub ledge, just watching her. She cracked open her eyes lazily, muscles more relaxed and significantly less cold as she watched him stand and make his way to the door.
“Aren’t you going to join me?” she asked, her gaze drifting over the bubbles and watching Tim curiously.
Tim blinked as his hand settled at the doorknob. He raised an eyebrow at her, lips curling up lightly, and the worry that settled around his shoulders lifted a fraction of an inch. “My entire family is downstairs, Raven,” he said, tone light. “I’ll get you some tea,”
Raven rolled her eyes and raised her right hand out of the water, lazily draping it over the ceramic tub and beckoning him to come closer. Lavender scented bubbles slid down her hand and onto the floor as she waved her hand in a beckoning motion. “I’m not asking you to have sex, Tim,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Though, it’d be a nice reward,” her eyes danced in amusement as Tim snorted.
“Come sit with me,” her hand slipped back into the warm water, and she slid a little deeper into the tub as her muscles groaned in protest. “Please?”
Caving at her request, Tim smiled and made quick work to lock the bathroom door. Raven lazily watched him take off his clothes, silently appreciating the way his muscles moved at every movement. Tim caught her triumphant smile behind the bubbles and he playfully rolled his eyes as he approached the tub. “Shut up, you,” he murmured playfully and gently nudged her forward to slip into the tub behind her. Water sloshed around in the tub dangerously as they settled in together and Tim leaned against the tub wall, gathering Raven in his arms. They both released content sighs.
“What a morning,” Tim breathed into her hair while gently running his fingers along her arm.
Raven hummed in agreement. She shifted in his arms, her fingers curling into his biceps. “I hope the little girl will be alright,” she whispered.
“I’m sure she’s fine. B was there to take care of everything.” Tim said. He leaned forward and kissed her temple, pleased to find that she had significantly warmed up. “You did great,”
She hummed again, silently glad that she decided to go on that walk with Damian and Titus. Who knew what might have happened to Maggie? Allowing the warmth of the bathwater and Tim’s presence to wrap around her, Raven felt herself slowly relax and settle comfortably against Tim’s chest as the last of her adrenaline left her body.
“I think I deserve a reward,” Raven hummed, fingers curling into Tim’s biceps as she leaned into him. Her emotions purred lowly, still coming off the adrenalin and looking for a little release. Arching into him just the right way, she felt his body respond immediately and his thighs pressed into her hips.
“Raven,” Tim said warningly, knowing full well where this was going. He felt her shift against him, soft curves brushing against his thighs and chest. A soft warmth immediately pressed low in his abdomen, and he sighed softly into her hair and squeezed her shoulders.
“What?” Tim could hear her smile in her voice. Digging his fingers into her shoulders as he kept her wrapped close to him, he pressed a kiss to her temple. “My family is downstairs,”
Raven hummed and titled her head up, a languid smile stretched across her lips as she knew she already won. She felt his erection press into her lower back, and she eagerly pushed her ass into him. “The silencing spell is still up,” she whispered and pressed a soft kiss underneath his chin.
“Raven,” Tim sighed as his resolve broke when he felt her move against him and press another tantalizing kiss into his neck. He groaned as Raven stretched across his chest, placing her head onto his left shoulder, and her breasts teasingly peaking out of the water. Releasing his hold around her shoulders, his hands slid down her chest and gently cupped her breast, fingers sliding over hard buds. He heard Raven sigh in pleasure, head tipping back in delight.
“I’m not sure if sex in a bathtub is safe,” mumbled Tim and watched Raven close her eyes, relishing the soft ministration across her breasts. Nimble fingers slid over her nipples, stroking and tweaking the hard buds. He listened to her sigh in pleasure and he eagerly watched the emotions on her face – he always enjoyed watching her openly show her emotions, it was a thrill to watch knowing only he could milk these ripples of emotions from her.
Raven released a soft sigh and looked up at Tim with hooded eyes. Shifting in his arms, she spread her legs underwater and draped them over his toned legs. The tub was wide enough for enough movement for both of them. Arching into him and relishing the tantalizing feeling of being spread out in front of him to do as he pleased, she felt heat pool low in her abdomen. “I’m sure we can do enough,” she mumbled. She sighed as one of his hands slid down her stomach and teasingly trekked towards her center. She released a soft keen as his hand cupped her fully, fingers pressing into her and she jerked into his hand. As fingers began to softly stroke her, she gave him a languid smile. “And if we’re not yet done, you can bend me over the sink and fuck my brains out,” she said teasingly.
Tim groaned, his last strands of restraint breaking at her teasing. Feeling his blood roar, Tim slid his hand up her neck and tilted her head for a greedy kiss. It was sloppy and hot as tongues slid against each other at the strained angle and Tim eagerly drank every whimper and groan that he milked from her. His fingers underwater worked their magic, slipping into her hot center and stoking a hot fire within her.
Raven bucked into his hand, eagerly chasing the pleasure and release and teasingly brushing against his own hard erection. Raven released a soft keen, as she felt Tim’s fingers dance all over her body, stroking her heat and pushing her gently towards the edge. Being so openly splayed in front of him – legs spread wide over his strong legs and her back pressed into his chest – and allowing him to stroke, probe, nip and twist as he pleased simply burned her heightened emotions. It was a sin how well he knew how to draw out every last bit of desire from her.
“Ah, Tim,” she whispered, as teeth scraped hungrily against her pulse point and two fingers eagerly stoked a burning fire within her. His nimble fingers were magic.
She tittered so closely to the edge, her adrenaline and emotions sizzling under her skin, as Tim expertly drove her towards oblivion. “Please,” she whispered and screwed her eyes shut as her sensations went into overdrive – warm water lapping against her heated skin, fingers pushing her over the edge, and teeth scraping over her skin.
Tim released a soft groan, unable to hold back as his own desires seemed to sizzle dangerously underneath his skin. With low growl and curse, he pulled out his fingers from her and ignored the whimper of protest. Sitting up, he pulled her up with him and wrapped his arms around her waist and hoisted her up his chest and with a few quick movements – water sloshing over the tub – he took his throbbing member and slipped into her, reverse cowgirl style.
“Fuck,” Tim growled into her hair and listened to Raven’s soft keen of pleasure as his grip around her waist tightened and he pumped into her, stroking her hungrily and catching her own erratic thrusts. Their thrusts were hurried, each roll of their hips hungrier than the last, as they tittered so dangerously close to the edge of no return.
Raven released a strangled cry as fingers danced over her clit and her movements melted into erratic thrusts. She felt her whole body erupt into an inferno as her adrenaline stoked her desires and continued to feed of Tim’s own pleasure. She felt her whole world disappear as she tumbled over the cliff and her whole body seemed to erupt in inexplicable pleasure as Tim expertly steered her through the inferno.
Tim came quickly with her as his world exploded and he released loud moan into her neck, Raven’s name a soft mantra against her skin as he continued to pump into her and extended their high. Their movements were frantic and sloppy, as they milked every last inch of pleasure.
The world seemed to slowly come back to her as Raven slumped against Tim in exhaustion, her emotions purring and the heat in her abdomen so pleasantly warm and sated. She gasped, catching her breath and listened to Tim’s own labored breathing.
Tim wrapped his arms around her and carefully slipped out of her, shuddering at the sensation of loss. He carefully wrapped her in his arms, they settled comfortably against the tub, both trying to catch their breath and allowing their heartbeat to come to normal.
“Told you we could do enough,” Raven whispered teasingly, fingers wrapping around his forearms that settled across her chest and she gave him soft squeeze.
Tim chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to her temple. “My knees are on fire,” he commented breathlessly. He kissed her cheek at her amused chuckle. “Totally worth it though,”
“Let’s see if we can try the bathroom sink tonight,” he added playfully as an afterthought.
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twinkleallnight · 4 years
A Twisted Tale
Chapter 3
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Word count: 2162
Characters: Liam, Drake, Riley, Olivia.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: None
A/N: We are participating in @flashfictionfridayofficial  prompt: "Main attraction".
Catch up here
An AU of The Royal Romance paving it’s way through mixed emotions of wants, needs and desires, of revenge and regrets, of trust, faith and hope.
A joint venture brought to you with love by  @annekebbphotography and @twinkleallnight .
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Riley's POV
I look out of the window of this massive room that they say will be mine. Liam has been extremely sweet the whole time and I can’t help but swoon a little. I can see why they say he is the most eligible bachelor King. I don’t care that he is the king. To me, he’s just someone I find attractive and interesting. I want to get to know him, and I will see as I will be working with him.
Now, I don’t know what is going on with Liam and the duchess, but she looked pissed seeing me here. If they have something going on, I won’t get in the way. But if Liam is single, then I am definitely going to try and get to know him on a more personal level.
I start packing my things away still thinking about Liam and how he was so kind and sweet on the plane. And then when we got here, it was as if he couldn’t wait to get rid of me. Guess only time will tell, what is going on.
I start exploring my place.
It has a lounge, bedroom and a bathroom. What more could I need? I’m busy putting my things in my bathroom, when there’s a knock on my door. My heart does a little flip hoping that it’s Liam.
I walk over to the door and open it to find a damn good-looking guy on the other side. I wonder if all the guys around here look like some kind of Greek god.
“Are you done?” He raises his brow at me and I can feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment of being caught staring.
“Sorry, can I help you?” I look down trying to hide my blush.
“You are Riley, right?”
“Last time I checked. And you are?” I bite my bottom lip as I look back at him.
“Drake Walker.” He moves his fingers through his smooth chestnut hair. “Liam wanted me to check if you needed something.”
“Mmmmm, there’s a lot that I need Mr. Walker.” I turn and walk into my room. I look over my shoulder waiting for him to follow me. “Well are you coming in or are you going to be the door?”
He smirks at my comment and steps in. His eyes survey the room. “Have you made a list?”
“A list for what?” I stare at him and he keeps on looking around the room.
“Shopping. A shopping list... list of things you wanna buy.” His eyes focus back to me and when he looks at my puzzled expressions he speaks, “Oh, I forgot to mention. Liam wants me to take you shopping for things you need, like… Like.. office wear and stuff like that. The girlie stuff.”
I burst out laughing as he tries to find the right words, but my laughter dies down immediately when I see his stare. “Sorry...You looked really cute just now.”
“I have heard handsome. But cute?” He gives a puzzled smile, “I will accept that.”
I fiddle with my hair nervously. “I don’t need a list. I will just get what I feel like I would need.”
“So, when do you want to go? Shopping?” He again falters.
I smile at him. “How about now?”
He bows and stretches his arm out for me to lead the way, the smile still plastered on his face, enticing me.
“You’re a real charmer, aren’t you Mr. Walker?”I say as I walk past him. He smirks at me and damn that smirk!
“Only for a beauty like you.” He flirts openly. I feel the blush heat my face at his words.
“Tell me about yourself. We have all afternoon.”
“If you keep up the game. I tell you something and you tell me about you too.”
“Mmm, I like the sound of that. First tell me how you know Liam?”
He gives out a guttural laugh. “It’s like asking how I learnt breathing. We are childhood buddies. Don’t remember since when and how.”
As we both walk out to his truck, he says, “I know how you met Liam. So next question please.” His lips curl to tug my heart again.
I give him a gentle smile. “What do you do around here? I know you aren’t a babysitter or a shopping expert. Why did Liam ask you to take me shopping?” I know Liam has his reasons for asking Drake to take me, but I want to hear it from Drake.
“Definitely not a babysitter. There ain’t no babies here yet. Shopping expert? Maybe. You will soon know. Why me? Cause I am his best friend, and he prefers leaving things in my safe hands if he can’t be there.” He opens the truck door for me and curtsies. “Your knight in shining truck is here for you. “
If he left me in Drake’s hands, that must mean that I am special to him. “Trust me, you don’t look like the shopping type.” I smirk a little, feeling satisfied with myself.
“ I can fit well. Try me. “ He gets behind the wheels next and speaks while he buckles his seatbelt.
“ I work with the security wing of the royal palace.”
“That sounds interesting. Do tell me more.”
He gives me a side glance as we drive to the market. “You know you are not following the rules of the game very well. That’s the fifth question in a row for me.”
I know he is smart. He politely evaded giving me details of security and his role in it.
I shrug as I look out the window before turning back to him. “You had your chance and didn’t take it. You could have asked me anything five questions ago. Now stop stalling and tell me. Do you have a…..” I stop talking before I say too much.
“Smart. I like that. Let me ask you back. Do you have a….? Cause I have none. I have a heart. But it’s reserved for the one who deserves.”
“Well I don’t. But I have my eye on someone.” I smirk and see him lick his lips.
“I hope that someone is here in Cordonia, and close to you.” He measures the distance between us with his eyes
“Mmm. He is definitely in Cordonia, and maybe close to me…. I haven’t decided yet.”
He nods and parks the truck in a lane. He jumps down and comes around to open the door on my side. “We are here, my lady. Where do you want to start from? Dresses, shoes, accessories?”
He extends a hand and almost pulls me out of the truck. Suddenly we are very close to each other and I can smell his musk cologne. He is looking into my eyes and I forget to answer him.
“I can continue staring without blinking, you know. I am good at that game.” He teases me.
I break out of my trance and push him away. “You caught me off guard. I want to start with dresses, then shoes.” I walk towards the mall and he stares at me dumbfounded.
“Are you coming or are you going to stare at my ass the whole time?”
He stifles a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. He walks to me and says, “you should appreciate the eyes of the beholder, beautiful!”
I giggle and walk off with him, following me. He does small things the whole time like touching me or giving me a wink here and there.
After some time we are in a shop and I step out of the dressing room in a pink form fitting dress. I see Drake gawking at me.
“Do you think this will do?” I ask as I do a little twirl.
Drake adjusts himself and he nods. “That looks amazing on you. But for lunch with me. Not office wear. Definitely not for work with Liam. NO.”
“I was hoping for lunch with Liam….” I stop when I realize what he said. “Why not ‘for work’ with Liam?”
“ Won’t you be having an official lunch with him with other people around? Why do you want pink? Choose a nude or black.” He fumbles over his words trying to explain. “That colour brings a different side of you. It may bring you unnecessary attention… I mean prying eyes… You know what I mean. A lighter shade will be better.” He wipes the unseen sweat on his forehead.
I raise my brow at him. “Pink is perfect for me. I am not changing it.”
He looks away, I feel I saw his jaw clench but the next moment he gives a weak smile. “Sure, let’s go ahead with Pink.”
“I was going to go with pink anyway.” I walk back into the dressing room.
We do the rest of the shopping but it is, as if Drake has changed. He doesn’t talk much anymore and doesn’t comment on my clothes. There is something off but I can’t put my finger on it.
I walk a bit and then look at Drake. “What’s your favourite drink?”
“You are buying me one?”
“What? No, I am making conversation. Are you seriously pissed cause I took pink and not black or nude? “ I huff as I walk a little faster.
His firm hand grasps my wrist to stagger my speed. “Hey Yorkie!” He comes to stand in front of me, apologetically looking into my eyes. “ I am sorry if you didn’t like that. It was just .. just that.. “ he hangs his head low. “Never mind. Let’s have a drink together.” He tries to give a meek smile “Coffee?”
“Sure, I could use a coffee and a cronut or something.” I wonder what that was all about.
He stands pondering…”Croooo… Nuuuuut?” His fingers playing on his lips.
After thinking for a while he beams with a fresh confidence and says, “Now you talk like an American.” He is suddenly happy to catch on the American part. “Okay. I know where we can go.”
We drive to this cute little bakery near the beach and I can’t help but admire the beautiful shoreline.
“This place is amazing.” I smile as Drake leads me into the shop.
“I can get you here some other day. When you are not loaded with shopping bags full of dresses. Rather on a day when you plan to get rid of the only one you are wearing.” His eyes move ravenously over my body making a shiver run down my spine. “And walk barefoot with me on that sand” he points out at the shore.
I am pretty sure he understands I ignored his looks when I bubble up to look like a little kid before Christmas. “I can’t wait. I want to see the beautiful ocean. Liam showed it to me just as we flew over it.”
“Liam won’t have time or the luxury to walk it through with you. I can. I will. We can. If you come.” He speaks in broken sentences.
“That sounds fun…. Will have to see if Liam gives me a day off.”
He seems annoyed. “You are not a machine. You are human and you deserve breaks. He cannot take that away from you.”
He stands up wiping the cream of coffee from his lips and my knees go jelly. “I will make sure you get your day off and we are coming to this beach together.” He says with quite a firm tone.
My eyes flicker between the softness of his lips and the heat in his eyes.
“Thank you Drake. I am sure Liam won’t be unreasonable. But it’s nice to know I have someone in my corner.” I stand up and give him a kiss on the cheek.
His fingers rest on the place I kissed him and he mellows down again. “If I am going to get such sweet treats I can make this corner my home.”
I giggle a little as we walk out of the coffee shop together. “So what are we doing now?” I yawn a bit and feel embarrassed. “Sorry, guess I am a bit tired after the long flight.
He gives me his killing smile “Maybe I am carrying you to your quarters, in that case.”
In a swift motion, he sweeps me off my feet and holds me bridal style walking to his truck.
“Drake! Put me down. I can walk just fine.” I swat his arm as he puts me in his truck.
“Enjoy the Cordonian hospitality Yorkie!”
We buckle up and drive back.
I stare at the window as we drive off. How can I be in this country and have two sweet men by my side. Liam has been amazing even though he disappeared on me and now Drake is treating me like I am the only one he sees. This might just get interesting.
Tags: @alj4890 @anjanettexcordonia @bascmve01 @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @cordonia-gothqueen @drakewalker04 @eadanga @gkittylove99 @krsnlove @hopefulmoonobject @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @idontknowwhysblog @indiacater @jessiembruno @kingliam2019 @lisha1valecha @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @ntoraplayschoices @princess-geek @princessleac1 @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @queenrileyrose @texaskitten30 @txemrn @sfb123 @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09 @efecom @grsarco-blog @lovelyladyk88
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hongnanglen-arina · 4 years
Movie night? | Jeon Wonwoo
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x female reader
Warnings: abandoned movies, horny!Wonu, dirty talk, fingering
Words: 1390
A/N: Hi! Wonu’s recent ab flashes were too much for me to handle.. so this shortish one happened... and as always, please remember that English isn't my first language so excuse my grammar ♡
You should have known better when you invited your boyfriend over for a movie night that you wouldn’t finish all the movies you chose for today. To be honest, you weren’t exactly disappointed because the two of you have always been very needy for each other but you thought you would at least make it to the end of the second one. But reality taught you better - again.
During the ending credits of the first movie, Wonwoo put his bag of chips to the side and turned to you with a smirk on his lips and you immediately knew what he was thinking. “Hey, be proud of me that I didn’t rip your clothes off when that guy made out with the main actress because… I was this close…” His sharp eyes bore into your soul as he inched closer. You two were leaning against the couch with your backs, sitting in the middle of a pile of fuzzy blankets on the floor, with lots of snacks and some drinks between you two and the huge tv you got yourself as your own christmas present 2 years ago. Each of you had finished their first can of beer, not enough alcohol in the system to call yourselves tipsy - instead you were hungry. For each other.
“Did you see how he threw her on the bed? Hella wild, right?” Wonwoo breathed against your ear, making you shiver. His voice was naturally deep but like this and with you, it was so much deeper that you were sure you could die of a heatstroke just because of that. Your cheeks burned and he merely did anything yet. “Wonwoo… d-do something or I will start the next movie…..” You were surprised of yourself. Normally you wouldn’t dare to say that since you wanted to feel him closer already. He always knew you better than anyone else and whenever he was in the mood for teasing, he would stop everything and act as if nothing happened. It would frustrate you so much that you often end up on his lap, trying to get what you wanted - what you needed. Wonwoo had so much more self composure than you. He would mock you for being so needy. For grinding against his things, for begging for more. He just had so much power over you. Not only this but you would always lose against him. No matter the occasion. Book or movie quotes. If the food you couldn’t finish would fit in the containers or not. Sprints. Games. This boy was unbelievable in those things. As well as in your ‘sexy time’. 
His hand found your bare thigh, kneading your hot skin while his lips left open mouthed kisses on your exposed neck. You lifted your arm and slid your hand underneath his shirt, letting your nails skim over his chest and abs which caused him to hum against your skin. He took the collar of your shirt between his teeth and tugged at it so that it slipped down your shoulder and arm. The fact that you loved oversized clothes made it easy for him to get what he wanted. There were many shirts of your boyfriend at your place. Mostly because you loved his scent but also because they were too big for your form which you loved. So it was a double win. You knew that he loved to see you in his clothes. He found it endearing and often made sure to tell you that. 
“Ah!” You gasped when you felt his teeth carefully bite down the exposed mound of your breast, licking over the little mark. “Mh so soft…” You were about to say something when you felt a firm grip on your wrist, removing your hand from his chest and placed it on his crotch. “Touch me.” And again, his cat like eyes bore into yours and you absentmindedly gulped, doing what you were told. You moved your hand over his almost fully erect length, even feeling the veins through the thin fabrics of his boxers. Wonwoo made a pleased noise and pulled you in for a deep kiss, pushing you back and down on your back in the process.
Even though the warmth of the blankets was gone, you still felt hot. Especially when his fingers were back on your hip, drawing circles with his thumb before letting his hand disappear between your thighs. You let out a yelp when his cold and slender fingers slid underneath your panties but he swallowed your noises with his kiss, letting his tongue explore your mouth. “Interesting.” You felt him grin against your lips as he started to spread your arousal where he needed it to be. “What is my girl so wet for, mh?” You bit your bottom lip, stroking his length again, in hopes you didn’t need to answer his question but without success. “Tell me or I will stop” He knew how shy you were with dirty talk. He was a master in it but you? You were always a blushing mess. “I… for you, Wonwoo…” His middle finger rubbed over you clit and your back arched at the friction, pushing your chest against his with a whine. “I haven’t done anything… tell me what you were imagining.” You felt a wet patch on his boxers. He really enjoyed your little dialogue. You moved your fingers so your nail could scratch slightly over the wet patch and his sensitive tip and it made him groan instantly. “… I imagined how you… would do the same things to me… like in the movie.. I guess…” 
Without a warning, he pushed two of his fingers in you and you couldn’t hold back your high pitched moan. “Means… you want it rough today?” “M-maybe..” A third finger joined but he wouldn’t move them, instead they stood still, your walls pulsating around them. He took your bottom lip between his teeth and tugged at it before releasing it. You just realized that you had closed your eyes and you couldn’t remember when but when you opened them again, you were met with your handsome boyfriend smirking down at you. “As you wish, baby.”
With that said, he shook his hand with such a force that it felt as if a vibrating toy was deep in your core. Squirming under his treatment, he watched your every move, every emotion on your face, adoring the sweet noises you let free and into the room. Just for him. Without knowing you squeezed his hand between your legs, it slowly became too much. Wonwoo knew exactly what he was doing and how he could bring you to your climax. You had forgotten about his previous words and your hand on his cock. Secretly you were praying he would let it slide and finish you although you disobeyed his order. Your hands were grabbing at the blankets beside you, that familiar knot steadily forming inside of you. “Nngh…. W-wonwoo…. ahh…” His fingers were still shaking in your core, giving you just the right amount of friction that you needed. The grip on the soft fabrics got tighter, so did your moans and whimpers. You were so close that everything spun in your head. You could smell beer, the different snacks beside you two and your arousal, mixed with his favorite cologne. Turning your head to the side and getting ready for your high, you felt him bite down your neck and it was the last thing you needed. With a loud cry of his name, you came around his fingers, messily moving your hips to feel more or to feel less. Your mind couldn’t decide. His fingers slid in and out of your clenching walls, not shaking anymore which you were thankful for because you slowly became sensitive to his penetration.
Your boyfriend sensed it and slowed down until he pulled his fingers out to lick them clean, slurping pleasantly. “Fuck, I love your taste.”
With flushed cheeks and a thin layer of sweat covering your body, you turned to face him, sheepishly watching him clean his fingers from your juice. “Thank you, Wonwoo.”
Suddenly the room turned dark as the tv screen became black for not using it for a while. “Don’t think I’m done with you”, you heard him say in a low tone.
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aadmelioraa · 4 years
Take Two
A Happiest Season Abby x Riley fic (2.4k, T)
It had been one year since Abby had left. One year since they’d called it quits. One year since their engagement was over.
And now it was Christmas time again, only this time Abby was more alone than ever.
She’d been on a few dates since they’d broken up, but no one had stuck around. Probably more her fault than theirs. It had been good to get back out there, but it still hurt to remember how things with Harper had ended.
It was a pretty big shock at the time, but looking back it had been a long time coming. Abby and Harper were on different paths and it just wouldn't have worked, no matter how much they loved each other.
“It’s not you,” Harper had insisted. “It’s me, and I’m so sorry.”
That was one of the last things Harper said to her.
They’d been talking wedding plans that morning and by evening Abby was packing her bags.
Harper had been so desperate to make her happy since they got engaged, but her constantly bending over backward wasn’t what Abby needed, and it was stressing Harper out. Neither of them was their best self together, not anymore. Rather than bringing them closer, in the end, that Christmas with the Caldwells had exposed too many rifts in the relationship to salvage.
Tagging @mego42 @endlesslychildish @arcane--soul @skittles321
Read the rest below the cut or on ao3
“I want you to be happy without trying so hard to satisfy the idea of me in your head. You’re such an amazing person—“ Abby had started sobbing here, “—but I can't give you what you need either.”
She’d moved out that night. Harper hadn’t accepted the breakup at first despite sort of initiating it. The conversation had lasted for hours, but eventually, she acknowledged the inevitable and left Abby alone for a few hours to pack. John, thankfully just a text away, had helped her drive everything over to his place.
It had been the second-worst night of Abby’s life.
She’d moved to Philadelphia two months later. She’d grown up there, technically, but without her parents, it didn’t really feel like coming home. New neighborhood, new apartment, new job. If that wasn’t proof she could get over it, what was? But when the holiday season came around again a lot of memories, once happy, now painful, resurfaced.
Waking up alone on Christmas Eve that year, in a word, sucked.
Abby was awake at 6:30 am for some reason. She checked her phone. She’d missed two non-emergency texts from John last night after she’d taken melatonin and passed out. He was definitely still sleeping; she’d text him back later.
She made a pot of coffee and stood in the kitchen in her pajamas wondering what she was going to do to keep herself occupied all day. John, who was living with his boyfriend in New York now, had invited her to stay the night and spend Christmas with them, but Abby wasn't sure if she was feeling up to it. She kinda wanted to sit the holiday out completely this year. She opened her phone and jumped aimlessly between the same three apps, then finally forced herself to take a shower.
At noon she decided to get dressed and go for a walk. That ought to keep her distracted enough. She put on jeans, thick socks, and her warmest sweater under her coat and started wandering.
There was nothing quite like Philly at Christmas. Still brash, loud, and occasionally vulgar but now decked to the nines with tinsel. She was glad to have new haunts to discover along with revisiting old haunts.
The snow from the previous day had turned to slush by the time the sun was at its peak, but that didn’t stop the kids in her neighborhood from spilling out into the streets to play football and tag under the grey sky. She waved at her upstairs neighbors and made a mental note to try and get to know them a little better in the new year.
It was a nice enough day. Maybe she’d head to Fairmount Park. Wherever she ended up there were sure to be plenty of frantic people coming to and fro, finishing last-minute Christmas shopping.
A wave of mixed emotions washed over her as she passed by a jeweler. Harper had given back the ring, of course. It was with John for safekeeping. Abby couldn’t return it, but it felt really weird to have it at her new place. Fresh start and all. Maybe someday she’d be ready to sell it. For now, she didn’t want to think about it.
She continued on at a brisk pace, stopping at a street cart for a lunch of falafel which she ate standing over a trash can, then continuing on.
It was after four o’clock by the time she realized how far she’d walked. Her hands had grown pretty chapped, she should probably go inside for a minute. There was a bar up ahead that looked open, and she could definitely use a drink.
It was fairly empty when she entered which made her instantly relax. She sidled up the bar and took a seat, rubbing her hands to warm them.
“Hey.” There was one bartender working, a curly-haired woman wearing a bandana headband, fitted flannel, and impeccable winged eyeliner like some kind of femme Luke Danes. “What can I get for you?”
“Vodka tonic?”
“Not feeling the Christmas spirit today, huh?” the bartender asked, grabbing the well vodka and rimming a glass with a wedge of lemon.
“Not really.”
“Yeah me neither. Anyway, name’s Gem,” the woman said, setting the cocktail down with a gentle tap. “Yell if you need anything.”
She smiled and walked to the far corner of the bar, a towel draped over her shoulder. A tall redhead and a petite girl with shoulder lengths locs raised their glasses at her.
Even if Abby wasn’t feeling it today, she’d picked a good spot.
She’d just started to feel the effects of the booze when she heard a familiar voice.
“Hey, I thought that was you.”
Startled, Abby nearly dropped her drink.
Riley, Harper’s Riley, slid onto the stool next to her.
“Hey!” Abby said, “What are you doing here?”
“Nice to see you too,” Riley laughed.
“Yeah, I mean—great, great to see you.” Abby couldn’t help from grinning. She probably looked like an idiot but she didn’t care.
“You look good,” Riley said, subtly sweeping her eyes up and down in an appreciative manner.
“Thanks, thanks.” Abby was glad she’d foregone the beanie with the hole in it. “You look good too.”
She really did. Her hair was a little shorter now, though it still framed her face perfectly. Otherwise, she looked exactly the same as when they’d met two years ago. She was wearing a black mock neck sweater and a pair of perfectly tailored wool pants. Her boots had a slight heel, not too high to be practical in an East Coast winter. The hem of her sweater pulled up a little as Riley leaned over the bar, exposing just a sliver of skin. Abby tried not to stare too obviously while she ordered a drink.
“I moved to Philly last month, to answer your question,” Riley said. “Got a fellowship at Kensington, I start in a week.”
“Oh, cool. Congrats, that’s awesome.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Riley took a sip, glancing over at Abby in a way that made her face grow slightly warm. “What have you been up to?”
“Finished the doctorate and got a job as a curator at the PMA. It’s going well. I mean, relatively.”
“Well, look at you!” Riley raised her glass. “Doctor.”
“Doctor,” Abby echoed, laughing, as she knocked her glass against Riley’s.
“Glad to hear that.” Riley took another sip of her drink and paused, mouth pulling to one side awkwardly for just a second.
Abby knew the question that was coming.
“So,” Riley was looking straight ahead into the mirror behind the bar, “how’s Harper?”
Abby grimaced.
Riley’s eyes widened. “Oh, shit…”
“It’s ok! It’s ok,” Abby could feel herself overcorrecting. “It’s been about a year. But yeah, we’re not together anymore.”
“I’m really really sorry, Abby.”
“It’s fine, really,” Abby shrugged. “I mean, if anyone knows how I feel, it’s you.”
Riley exhaled and leaned over the bar, her elbow just barely touching Abby’s. “Yeah, that’s definitely true.”
“So what are you doing in a random bar on Christmas Eve anyway?” Abby asked, ready to change the subject.
“I live up the street, actually. I’m heading to Pittsburgh to see family tomorrow, but that’s going to feel like work, so today I just wanted to relax.”
“Totally,” Abby said, watching as a party of college aged kids spilled in from the street and headed to the high top tables towards the back of the bar. “I’m just taking it easy today, too.”
“Big plans tomorrow?”
“Might see John. I think you met him…when we met.”
“Yeah, I remember John. How’s he doing?”
“He’s really good. Thinks I need to get out more, but otherwise he’s very happy.”
Riley laughed. “I’ve been out exactly three times—wait, no, this makes it four—since I moved here in November so clearly I have no idea what that’s about.”
“You liking Philly so far?”
“Yeah, I do. I mean, don’t get me wrong it’s weird as fuck, but it’s got some really great people. The doctors I work with are whatever, but this kind of place has a good vibe.”
She smiled at Gem, who was rolling her eyes as she made Long Island Iced Teas for the group at the high tops.
“You two know each other?” Abby asked, internally cringing at how un-cool about it she sounded.
“I’ve been here three of the four times I’ve been out, so you could say that,” Riley said. “Nice people usually.”
Gem dropped off the tray of Long Islands and brought Abby and Riley another round.
“They tried to order mojitos,” she sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Fucking kids,” Abby said. Riley laughed. That felt good.
Another large group came in, middle-aged couples this time. It had grown dark outside, it must be after five by now.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, listening to the conversations happening around them. Old friends were reuniting to the right and left of them, the chatter that filled the air was starting to make Abby feel a little claustrophobic. She shifted towards the edge of her seat, tapping one foot nervously against the floor.
“Hey, do you want to get out of here?” Riley asked, raising her hand to catch Gem’s attention. “It’s getting a little crowded.”
“Yeah, that sounds nice,” Abby said, relieved. “I’m just gonna run to the restroom.”
She threw a slightly crumpled pile of bills—mostly fives—on the bar and made her way to the back.
By some good luck, the bathroom was free with no line. The space was cramped and not overly clean, and the small black and white tiles that covered the lower half of the walls created a frantic pattern that did nothing to help Abby’s nerves. She exhaled a deep breath, fixed on her own gaze staring back at her from the mirror.
You’re fine. You’re just hanging out with a girl. A friend, even. Stop being so fucking nervous.
She rolled her eyes, annoyed at her own pep talk, then made her way back to the bar.
Riley was waiting with her hat on, hands thrust deep into the pockets of her dark green coat. Her face broke into a smile when she saw Abby returning.
“Anywhere in particular you want to go?” Abby asked.
“Not really,” Riley said casually. “Lead the way.”
“You got it,” Abby said, and Riley followed her outside.
The air was brisk, and snow had just started to fall as they left. There were Christmas lights everywhere, garlands wrapped around lampposts, a tree decked to the nines in nearly every window.
“Philly really gets in the holiday season, huh?” Riley asked dryly, then pointed up at a stuffed orange mascot that hung from a wreath on someone’s porch. “What the hell is that thing?”
“You really are new here,” Abby laughed. “I don’t know if you’re ready for me to explain Gritty tonight but I promise he's worth the wait.”
They continued up Broad Street, gradually making their way away from the noisy crowds. It had started to snow, which helped muffle the sounds of passerby and create a more mellow but still festive atmosphere.
“So, I’m glad I ran into you,” Abby confessed, breaking the silence that was lingering between them.
Riley’s shoulder bumped against hers as she sidestepped a puddle. “I am too. I have to ask though, is it because we’re both members of the Harper broken hearts club, or something else?”
“No, I’ve been trying not to think too much about that,” Abby said.
“Sorry to bring it up again.”
“I mean, it’s kind of unavoidable. That’s not what I meant, sorry. I’m glad because I really liked you when we met, and I kind of regret not realizing that at the time.”
Riley glanced over at her, genuine surprise etched on her face. “I liked you too, Abby. A lot.”
Abby smiled into her scarf and shook her fingers through her hair the way she always did when she was nervous. “Really?”
“Yeah, past tense though,” Riley added.
“Asshole,” Abby laughed, and Riley’s mouth twitched in reply.
They had paused on a street corner. The snow was falling around them in big flakes, Riley’s hair glittering in spots where it had landed and begun to melt.
Riley cocked her head, lips slightly parted, and stepped a little closer. Her brown eyes sparkled in the light of a Christmas tree peeking out of a nearby window.
“You good?” she asked.
Abby hesitated, chewing her lower lip.
“I can head home, if you’re not feel—“
Abby didn’t let Riley finish. Surging forward on her toes, she kissed her.
Rile tasted like the old fashioned she’d been drinking, smoky and slightly sweet. She kissed Abby back, running a hand through the hair behind her ear, and Abby could feel her smiling as their noses bumped together. When she pulled back Abby caught her breath and realized she was grinning too.
“I’ve wanted you to do that for a really long time,” Riley breathed.
Abby laced her fingers through hers and they kept walking. She wasn't feeling alone amidst all the holiday revelry any longer.
“Do you want to grab dinner sometime, maybe?” Abby asked tentatively.
Riley squeezed her hand. “How about now?”
Abby grinned. “Now is great.”
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fallout4reactsblog · 4 years
A Very Commonwealth Christmas: Year Two
“Are we seriously doin’ this again?” Gage griped from his place beside the window. “It sucked last year.”
Ada shook her head. “Actually, by my calculations, the endeavor was a great success. Sole’s enthusiasm and overall happiness was far above predicted values. As such, it is only logical to repeat the exercise.”
Cait (who still refused to even look in Gage’s direction) huffed. “So long as we do somethin’ fun this year.”
Preston smiled gently, showing his infinite patience once again. “Of course. I wouldn’t ask you to do the same thing twice, so we’re switching things up a little. Is everyone familiar with the concept of Secret Santa?”
A mixed bag of responses came back.
“Well, it’s simple. I’ve written down everyone’s name on a piece of paper and put them in this hat.” He tipped the hat to show them the neatly folded squares of paper. “Each of us will draw a name, and you’ll get a gift for whoever you draw. Sole was worried that we didn’t exchange gifts ourselves last year, so this year we’re going to make that happen.”
“And what if we don’t like whoever we get?” X6 asked, not looking directly at Deacon, but the subtext was clear.
“You’ll just have to pretend. Remember, for the next few weeks, we’re all good friends as far as sole is concerned. We all get along.”
To Preston’s credit, he did manage to not glare at Gage, X6, or any of the others that were deemed “troublemakers,” but they got the message. He’d made plenty of threats last year if people didn’t get along, threats that were not empty and, undoubtedly, very much still on the table.
“But what about sole?” Piper asked. “Is their name in there?”
Preston shook his head. “They’re not playing. According to them, the effort of us playing is enough.”
Ada took the hat from Preston’ hands. “We will go in alphabetical order to draw names. Cait, you will draw first.”
Cait was at least kind enough to wipe her hands off, freeing them of the looser flakes of dried blood, before snatching out a name. It seemed that the reading lessons between her and Piper had been going well, because she didn’t ask what it said. That, or she was too proud to admit it.
Slowly, they passed the hat around. Some people were better at concealing their reactions than others; Deacon might as well have been wearing a mask for the emotion he showed, but Curie didn’t even try to hide her distaste for whoever she’d drawn.
“Alright, people.” Preston clapped his hands. “Because of the game, I’ve called in some extra help from the settlers to get the other preparations done. You should have plenty of time to get your presents. You’ve got a week.”
It was a pleasant surprise to have drawn MacCready, in her opinion. Though he wasn’t someone she’d spent much time around, he was a fairly easy man to understand. Plus, it was unlikely he’d be expecting much from her. After all, he would put more effort into his own family celebration than this one, and wouldn’t expect her to do anything but the same.
Still, a part of her wasn’t content with just getting something easy and moving on. That wasn’t the spirit of the game, now was it? But she couldn’t well talk to MacCready directly, so she hunted down the closest person to him.
“What would I want?” sole asked, wiping their hands off on a dirty rag. “Ada, you know that I’m not playing.”
“Of course. But you know all of us the best, do you not? And you have quite a lot in common with my partner.”
“Well, alright.” They leaned back against the workbench to think. “I mean, anything at all is enough to make me happy. A new coffee mug would be nice, though. I’ve been looking for one that’s shatterproof so I can just toss it in my bag on the road and not have to worry about it getting chipped or anything.”
“That is a helpful insight.” Already, her mind was working, thinking about things that could make life on the road easier. “Thank you.”
“Sure, anytime.” They turned back to the workbench. “Good luck.”
The evening found Cait curled up next the fire, beer in hand, bitching with Hancock about the whole thing.
“How am I supposed to know what Deacon wants?” she said, glaring at the bottle in her hand as if it was to blame. “I don’t know shite about him.”
“No one does. That’s his whole gimmick.”
“Makes him a shitty person to find a gift for, then, doesn’t it?”
“Just get him a box of ammunition or something. It’s a good, generic gift.”
She glared at him. “Do you even know if he uses a gun?”
“Well, now that you mention it, no. But there’s gotta be somethin’ like that that’ll work. Rad-X, or RadAway, or RadSomethingElse that he needs.”
With a sigh, she took another drink. “You reckon sole’ll mind?”
“They’ve gotta know how he is, right?”
She shook her head. “Who did you get, though?”
He crinkled what was left of his nose. “Guess.”
“Someone you don’t want, by the looks of it.”
“I’ve got the ol’ tin can himself.”
She snickered into her drink. “Bad luck.”
He let out a long sigh. “Anythin’ for sole, right? I’ll dig up a gift for crew cut, you find somethin’ for shitty James Bond, they’ll be happy and we’ll move on.”
“Yeah, sure. Anythin’ for sole.”
Of all the people that could’ve drawn Hancock, it had to be him.
Most people, of course, would take the easy way out. A box of chems would be more than enough to make him happy, and would be easy to procure in the Commonwealth. But it just didn’t sit right with him. It just wasn’t his style, so he needed a new idea.
“And you’re sure you don’t want to just get some drugs?” Farenheit asked.
“Shit.” She blew out a long trail of smoke. “That makes things harder. Do you mind gettin’ your hands dirty?”
“I’ve been known to get into the occasional scrap.”
She nodded. “A while back, John lost his lighter to some punk, a raider or somethin’. He said it wasn’t a deal, never went and got it, but if you could get it back, I bet he’d like that.”
“And where is this hooligan now?”
“Last I heard, he was hiding out in Dunwich Borers.”
Not the safest place, but he could probably talk sole into going with him. After all, if they heard raiders had moved back in, they’d want to take care of business.
It was better than any plan he had, at least.
She wouldn’t have called herself a mean person usually. She liked to think of herself as someone who was generally kind and understanding, someone who was forgiving above all, someone who wouldn’t judge others based on rumor alone.
Porter Gage was her one (and only) exception. Which made her current situation awkward, to say the least.
Worse was that there wasn’t anyone to ask, was there? Except for sole, no one knew much about Gage, and those she was closest to happened to hate his guts on principle.
But for the next few weeks, that wasn’t allowed. She could harbor no ill will toward Gage, and instead had to consider him as just another friend of sole’s. Of course, usually that meant she would go straight to sole, but they were off-limits for direct questioning. They didn’t want to know who had drawn whom, which left her with only her own critical thinking to figure this one out.
While her critical thinking had not failed her, it seemed her own ability might.
“Sacre bleu,” she swore under her breath, staring down at probably half a dozen mirelurks. This area was supposed to be peaceful, and she’d hoped to track down some pre-war bug spray. It was no secret that he was no fan of insects, and as much as she hated to agree, these mirelurks were really starting to get on her nerves. Damn giant water bugs.
At least she had found the spray, and she was safe hiding up here in the rafters for the moment. How she was getting down was uncertain, and how she was going to dodge the mirelurks without losing a leg was also up in the air, but she’d gotten what she came for.
At least he had luck on his side. Of all the people to get a gift for, Cait had to be the easiest for him. She may not have liked him, necessarily, but he understood her better than he understood most of the others. The only better pull would have been Preston, but he wasn’t about to complain.
“I’m glad,” Preston said over breakfast. “Maybe it will help her warm up to you a little.”
“I wouldn’t be certain. I understand her hesitance; it’s a wonder to have been so widely accepted by your Minutemen.”
“Our Minutemen, now.” Gently, Preston tapped his shoulder with a fist. “But speaking of the game, I don’t suppose you’ve spent much time around Ada?”
Danse turned to him, surprised. “I would have thought you were more than equipped to be paired with Ada. After all, she has been the other primary organizer for the holidays around Sanctuary.”
“Yeah, but that’s all business.” Preston sighed. “I don’t think I know much about her as a person.”
“She seems to have affinity for the same kinds of junk that sole does. Perhaps something related to that?”
“Good idea.” He glanced up from the fire and smiled. “Thanks, Danse. I bet you’ll get a great gift for Cait.”
“I hope so. You’ll undoubtedly make an excellent selection for Ada as well.”
“You’ve known sole a long time, huh?”
“But of course!” Codsworth says, dusting off the top of the fridge. “I have known sir/mum since even before the war. Before young Shaun was born, even!”
“And you’ve just stayed here this whole time?”
“Certainly. A Mr. Handy never abandons his post!”
“Must be hard.”
“It’s certainly not the easiest work, but I am happy to do it for sir/mum. It was easier before the war, when we had such modern amenities as vacuums and indoor plumbing, but I will endure for their sake.”
“That kind of loyalty’s hard to come by,” Deacon said, leaning back. “Sole’s lucky.”
Codsworth made a noise akin to a scoff. “They’d be luckier if they ever remembered to bring a new feather duster as I asked. I’ve been waiting months now.”
He shrugged. “They’ve got a lot on their mind. Little things lost in the mix. Happens to the best of us.”
It’s the nature of Mr. Handy’s to be talkative, which only gets worse when left alone for a couple hundred years. Still, at least it’s fun to stretch those interrogation muscles again. It’s been a while.
He knew this was rigged. It has to be. His luck wasn’t bad enough that, of all people, he drew Preston fucking Garvey out of that hat. Even worse, no one would trade with him; they said that it’s not the nature of the game. It was fuckin’ stupid.
So he was stuck with the one guy that hated his guts more than anything. Fuckin’ great. Worst part was, he would have to actually make an effort, because sole had been so thrilled he’d played nice last year, and the last thing he wanted was to get on their bad side. The Overboss’s anger was a dangerous thing, after all.
He hadn’t had much of a choice but to ask sole, despite their insistence on not knowing the pairs. An exception had to be made. After all, he wasn’t sure who else to go to, and they knew Garvey well enough to put him on the right track. Which left him here, digging around the catacombs in the Castle.
“Back in the day, there was a sword that the leader of the Minutement carried around,” sole had said. “Ronnie told me about it. I bet if you tracked it down and polished it up, he’d like that.”
So here he was, choking on dust, searching for some rusted-out piece of junk that probably didn’t actually exist.
“You’re doin’ this for sole,” he muttered, rummaging through a shelf that seemed to only have bags of cement.
Anything to dodge the Overboss’s wrath, even playing nice with fucking Garvey.
The worst part was that he knew exactly where to start. He didn’t like it, oh no, in fact he hated it beyond belief. But he prided himself on giving good gifts, tin can or no, and this was a real easy one, if he could just make it work.
At least it was easy to convince sole. They’d gone out for a little bartering, he’d volunteered to come along, and from there it was easy enough to suggest they swing by the Prydwen to barter with Teagan and get paid for those technical documents. Both very time-consuming items, and both things that tended to draw attention once sole had their nice clothes on for bartering.
The nice thing about the Prydwen was that sole had keys to everything. All he had to do was “borrow” their key ring, find the right key, and he could stroll into Maxson’s living quarters like he owned the place.
His prize was easy to find. It seemed ol’ Arthur hadn’t moved on as well as he pretended; Danse’s holotags were sitting right on top of his desk, beside his terminal. They clinked as he picked them up. Sole had mentioned they’d had to turn them in to Maxson when Danse got exiled, and he’d noticed the former Paladin often reaching for a chain around his neck to find only empty air. Which made this gift the best anyone would be giving, hands down.
“Hey, there,” he muttered, turning them over to check the name. “We better get out of here before somebody sees us, huh?”
The nice thing about sole was that they were far too engrossed in bartering to even notice he’d been gone.
What were you supposed to get a man that already had everything he needed? It wasn’t like coursers were supposed to want things anyway. Heck, did he even have use for anything except fusion cells?
Sole’s time being a precious commodity, it seemed, left him with three options (three fellow synths, if he was honest). One: Curie, the sweet scientist who had been a synth for about five minutes and had as little in common with X6 as anyone could, save for being a synth. Two: Nick, who didn’t like X6 and probably never would. Both bad choices which, tragically, left him with lucky number three.
Admittedly, since last years mutfruit disaster, he and Danse had upgraded from “I don’t like you, you don’t like me, and that’s fine by us” to “your presence around me isn’t the literal worst” which was a marked improvement. Still, he made the effort to catch Danse while he was working on his power armor, which meant he was probably in a half-decent mood and less likely to try to kill him.
“You sought me out for advice because I’m a synth?” Danse’s tone was not pleased. Surprise, surprise.
“Well, it’s not like you don’t have other stuff in common. You had your whole heart in an organization, too, and it gave you everything you needed.”
“When I was a Paladin, you mean.”
“Yeah. What would you have wanted?”
Danse sighed and shook his head. “As much as it pains me to admit, both Curie and I have observed that Generation Three synths seem to have a terrible fondness for Fancy Lads Snack Cakes. They were forbidden on the Prydwen due to their lack of nutritional content, and I would suppose the Institute is no different. If there is anything that X6-88 wants, that’s my best guess.”
“Snack cakes, huh? That’s... surprisingly easy.” He nodded. “I bet I could get my hands on a bunch in Diamond City, I bet. Thanks, Danse.”
“Of course. Happy to help.”
It seemed to be his lucky day, because his partner was someone he knew well, and had already planned on getting a gift for: none other than Diamond City’s favorite reporter. He’d gotten Piper a gift probably every year, and already knew exactly what he wanted and where to find it. Lucky him.
“Do you think I should do rose this year?” he asked Ellie, crouched to peer into the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet. He’d stowed away at least twenty years of perfume in there, specifically for Piper.
“You went floral last year,” she said. “Do you want to repeat yourself?”
“That was more lilac than rose,” he grumbled, but pushed the perfume in hand to the back.
“I don’t think we’ve tried anything citrus-y yet.” She hopped off the desk where she was sitting to look, too. “There’s a nice one somewhere in there. What’s it called? Fresh something?”
“Fresh Citron de Vigne.” He pulled the bottle out of the back. “This one was pretty popular before the war.”
“It might be nice to switch things up for her so she doesn’t smell like a florist all the time.”
He nodded. “All that’s left is to wrap it.”
“I’ll take care of that.” She plucked the bottle from his hands. “All you’re going to do is make yourself frustrated when you rip the paper.”
He glared down at his metal fingers, which tended to wreak havoc on anything delicate, especially wrapping paper. “Thanks, Ellie.”
“You can thank me by giving her my gift while you’re up there.”
The only real question was black or brown, but that was rapidly turning into one hell of a dilemma.
“He’ll like either of them,” Nat said from the couch. “That’s why you got them.”
“I know. I just don’t remember if I gave him a black tie last year.”
She couldn’t see Nat roll her eyes, but she could feel it. “Just ask Ellie. She’ll tell you.”
“Maybe I should give him the blue one to be on the safe side.”
“The one with the little cats on it?”
“Ugh, I forgot about the cats.” She tossed both ties onto her desk with a heavy sigh. “Why did I even get that one?”
“Hey, you don’t know that he won’t like it until you try.”
She shot her sister a scathing glare. “I’m not going to embarrass him in front of everyone with the blue kitty tie. If it was just us, maybe, but now it’s a whole event and I don’t want to make him uncomfortable. Which means it’s black or brown.”
Nat was unfazed by her sister’s glare. “Well, which one do you like better?”
“The black one.”
“So give him that one.”
“But I might have given him a black one last year.”
"So give him the brown one.”
“But I like the black one better.”
Nat sighed dramatically. “He’s not gonna care, Piper. It’s Nick and a tie. He’s gonna like it no matter what.”
“I know, but I don’t want him to think I can only get one color of tie.”
“You’re overthinking this. Here, give me both ties.”
Reluctantly, she handed them over and watched them disappear behind Nat’s back.
“Okay, right hand or left hand?”
“Brown it is.” Nat handed over the tie. “There, problem solved.”
She took the tie back and looked at it a moment.
“You know what, I think I’ll do the black one.”
Sewing was a nice, therapeutic exercise. After a long day of working on putting up lights and assembling trees and assigning cooking duties, it was nice to be able to come home and return to a project. Sole had told him about jigsaw puzzles once, and he figured this was probably a lot the same.
He’d designed this backpack specifically for Ada, less as an independent bag and more as something that could function in conjunction with the bags she already carried. It had been a uniquely challenging idea, and he’d spent quite a few nights on it before finalizing his pattern and beginning to actually cut into some leather.
Overall, it was coming along nicely. He figured it would be done well in time for the celebration. He hoped everyone else was progressing on schedule; if one of them showed up without a gift, well, he didn’t know what he would do. The idea that one of them would disappoint sole had crossed his mind more than once, and he swore to himself that if anyone failed to perform this year, they’d suffer the consequences. He just wasn’t sure what those consequences actually were.
He shook his head. No use in worrying about it before it happened. The best he would probably get would be a stern talking-to anyway, and maybe the chance to punch somebody in the face. Sole wouldn’t want him hurting any of their friends on their behalf.
Besides, depending on whoever their partner was that this hypothetical asshole had wronged, he might not have to do anything. He couldn’t see Cait letting it slide, that was for sure, and Danse believed so heavily in being a person of honor that he wouldn’t tolerate it either, no matter who had gotten screwed over.
In the end, he probably wouldn’t have to do anything, and that put a smile on his face.
“You want what?”
He tried to not let his face betray him as he stared down Dr. Holden in the corner of the Bioscience division.
“A full lab kit for above-ground experimentation. Orders from the future director.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie; sole wanted him to participate in this silly game, which meant they had essentially “ordered” him to get a gift. What could a scientist want more than a full, top-of-the-line lab kit from the Institute?
“But not Father.”
He peered down at the doctor. “If you are refusing, Dr. Holden, I will report back to sole. I’m certain they will be happy to come themselves, or send word along to Father of your refusal.”
Dr. Holden huffed, and he saw the tiniest spark of fear in his eyes. “I didn’t refuse. I just wish they’d go through proper channels when requesting equipment, that’s all.” He scratched a few words on a piece of paper and handed it over. “There. That’ll get you everything you need.”
He said nothing, just took the paper coldly. Not for the first time, he appreciated that sole had authorized him to act on their behalf. For one, it showed trust, and it also made getting around much, much easier. All he had to do was mention their name, which carried the full force of the director’s office, and everyone was willing to acquiesce.
All he had to do now was make sure nothing broke. Glass was a difficult thing to transport, after all. He could relay straight back to Sanctuary, but Curie might see him, and the point was that the gift was a secret, hence the name “Secret Santa.” He could relay to the nearby Red Rocket, but that left him further to go, and more at risk of things breaking.
Decisions, decisions.
The Exchange
Shockingly, everyone had managed to get their gifts wrapped. Granted, some were better than others; Deacon still dominated with his perfect, sharp creases and hand-folded bow, where X6 might as well have just put his gift in a trash bag, but in the end it was the thought that counted.
Everyone had gathered in the newly established meeting hall of Sanctuary Hills, where sole had spent the last few days placing enough chairs and tables for everyone to be comfortable, as well as a few rugs to make the place feel cozy. They’d even made a fireplace appear out of nowhere, no easy feat, and with the settlers’ decorations it really did feel festive. Sole themself was seated by the fire, curled up with Dogmeat at their feet, and their eyes sparkled to see the gifts their friends had brought.
“Well, go on.” They waved their hands encouragingly. “Let me see what you did. I might be more excited than all of you are. Who’s going first?”
“It will be alphabetical,” Ada said, standing. “I will go first.”
She made her way to MacCready, who looked honestly surprised to see a gift appear in his lap.
“Ah, thanks. I’ll just, uh, open this.”
He tore into the paper and opened up the generic cardboard box, furrowed his eyebrows, and pulled out a series of small plastic jars.
“I have noticed you have an affinity for cooking,” she said. “I thought you might appreciate some new spices to try while on the road. It will be very difficult for you to break or spill them while traveling, as they are all in childproof containers.”
“That’s... surprisingly thoughtful.” He shook a container of dried parsley as if trying to figure out what it was. “Thanks.”
“Okay, my turn.” Cait clapped her hands and stood up. “Thanks for not changing your look again, Deacon. I’ll at least be able to find you.”
She dropped the box in his hands unceremoniously. “Don’t complain if it’s not somethin’ you want. You’re not the easiest guy to get a gift for.”
“Well, I appreciate the effort at least,” he said, peeling away the practically mangled wrapping. “If you ever want some lessons on wrapping paper, though, I’m happy to- oh.”
He pulled out a leather jacket, turning it around so that sole could see Cait had made the effort to track down the Atom Cats. A smile quirked his lips.
“Actually been looking at one of these for a while.” He gave Cait a real smile, this time. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it,” she huffed, clearly embarrassed. “I mean it.”
“Which brings us to me! Here you are, Mr. Hancock. One present, as promised.”
“It’s light,” Hancock commented wrily, shaking the box. “You didn’t get cheap on me, didja?”
“But of course not. I simply went for something more personal.”
“Personal?” He raised what was left of an eyebrow as he unceremoniously tore through the wrapping paper. “How did you manage that little trick?”
Codsworth waved an arm dismissively. “I have my ways.”
“Well, shit, I guess you do.”
He pulled the lighter out twirled it in his fingers and gave it an experimental light. It flicked on with ease.
“I guess you refilled it too, huh? That’s really somethin’.”
“So that’s why you drug me out to Dunwich Borers,” sole said, laughing. “I knew something was up.”
“Certainly not,” Codsworth replied, but his tone betrayed that if he could have laughed, he would have.
“Ah, I suppose that means it is my turn, non?” Carefully, Curie picked her way over to Gage. “Happy holidays, Monsieur.”
“Thanks, I guess.” He took it uncertainly. “This isn’t a bomb or anything, is it?”
“Of course not!” She sounded genuinely offended. “It is a gift, and not one that is easy to procure.”
“Just bein’ careful.” He still shook out the can more carefully than was probably necessary.
“Bug spray,” she explained. “It should repel the overly large insects you so dislike.”
Gage actually looked surprised. “I.. shit. Thanks.” He turned his head to the wall, obviously embarrassed. “Whoever’s next...”
“That would be me.” Shockingly, Danse had actually ditched his power armor for the day, at sole’s request. “Here you are, Cait. I hope it proves useful to you.”
She seemed hesitant, but accepted wordlessly, peering into the box. There was silence for a long moment, then she said, “I thought you only knew how to mod energy weapons.”
“I made an exception. That should provide you with exceptional damage and a better rate of fire for your shotgun.”
Cait could only shake her head, say, “Thanks,” and wave for the next person to go.
Deacon took his cue and handed his gift off to Codsworth. “There you go, buddy. Happy holiday.”
“Mr. Deacon.” Codsworth sounded all too pleased. “I should have known.”
Deacon shrugged. “Don’t beat yourself up. At least you know you got what you wanted.”
“How thoughtful!” Codsworth turned to sole. “You needn’t search for a new feather duster any longer sir/mum.”
They nodded, impressed. “I had forgotten I was supposed to be looking for one. Good work, Deeks.”
“Hey, you’ve got a lot on your plate boss.” He shot them a quick set of finger guns. “I’m just helping out with the little stuff.”
There was silence for a long moment before sole said, “Gage, I think it’s you.”
“What, already? Alright.”
He stood up, and when he paused in front of Preston, the room froze. No one even dared to breathe as he handed off the box, waiting for the other shoe to drop. After all, Gage was the only person Preston seemed actively willing to shoot at any time. This could only mean a fight.
“Happy holidays, Garvey.” He almost sounded genuine.
Preston accepted, understandably cautiously. “Thanks, Gage. Happy holidays.”
But when the paper was off, and the box was opened, Preston’s hesitation vanished into thin air. 
“How the hell did you even find this?” he breathed, slowly pulling the sword from its sheath. It glinted in the firelight.
“Ah, it was no big deal.” Gage’s face was smug, and he leaned back in his chair with confidence. “You guys shouldn’t leave important relics just sitting around.”
And to everyone’s surprise, especially Gage’s, Preston rose from his chair to offer Gage a handshake.
“Thanks,” he said. “For real.”
For a second time, Gage was stunned into silence before taking Preston’s hand and breathing, “Don’t mention it. That’s the game, right?”
Sole shot Gage a discreet thumbs-up as Preston settled back into his seat, and the poor guy could only nod.
“Well, ain’t that touching?” Hancock leaned over to pass off the small box to Danse, who had somehow ended up seated directly across the circle from him. “There ya go, crew cut. Don’t get your hopes up.”
Danse nodded. “I won’t.”
Sole shot Hancock a warning look as Danse carefully unwrapped it, and he winked in reply, as if to say, “Trust me.”
Danse quite literally choked.
As he pulled the chain out, the box fell from his hands, leaving the holotags in the open air. Sole gasped from their place by the fire, realizing exactly what Danse was holding, and Hancock let his smile widen.
“These should be on board the Prydwen,” he breathed, turning them over in his hands. “They should have been destroyed.” Teary eyes turned toward the mayor of Goodneighbor. “How did you...”
Hancock leaned closer to Danse, clearly enjoying his moment. “Well, it didn’t make much sense that they were on Maxson’s desk if they’ve got your name on ‘em. After all, they’re yours. What does he need them for?”
Danse leaned forward, too, pulling Hancock into a bone-crushing hug. “You could have died. If you had been caught...”
“But I wasn’t.” John Hancock truly looked like that cat who’d eaten the canary. “Happy holidays, Danse.”
“Thank you, John,” Danse replied, and his tone was sincere, without the hint of malice that usually accompanied any of his interactions with Hancock. “Happy holidays.”
Preston patted Danse’s shoulder as he let go, but still managed to shoot an impressed look across the circle at Hancock. Hancock made a peace sign at him, still grinning.
“Well, shoot,” MacCready said. “That makes me next, but I feel kinda stupid about my gift, now.”
He opted to deposit the clearly heavy box at X6′s feet instead of in his lap. It was by far the largest gift, and shockingly neat in its wrapping. He dusted his hands, said, “It’s heavy,” and returned to his seat.
“I admit that I have no clue what this is,” X6 said, prodding the box gently. “It looks too large to be fusion cells, which is what I thought it would be.”
MacCready smiled, just a little. “Maybe it’s a lot of fusion cells. Why don’t you find out?”
X6 carefully unwrapped the gift, and only just managed to open the box before his head shot up.
“Is this whole box full of them?”
“You betcha.”
“Holy shit,” he breathed. “I didn’t even know that was possible.”
Sole protested from the corner, “I can’t see what it is.”
“It’s snack cakes.” X6 held up a box indicatively. “They’re difficult for me to acquire, due to the Institute’s strict supervision of my diet, but a vice among gen three synths. I’ve never seen so many in one place.”
MacCready, to his credit, managed not to look too smug at the courser’s apparent wonder.
Nick stood. “Here you go, Piper. I suppose you know what it is. Here’s Ellie’s, while we’re at it, but you can open it later.”
She laughed and held out a hand to stop him from returning to his seat. He looked at her, bemused
“What’s so funny?”
She shook her head and reached under her chair to hand off her gift to him. “Some luck, huh? Happy holidays, Nick.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Some luck, indeed. Happy holidays, Piper.”
They opened at the same time, Piper saying, “Oh, this is a new one,” at the same time Nick said, “Well, how classy.”
They held their gifts up in sync for sole to see, though Piper was still reading the label of her perfume.
“Citrus, huh? This’ll be nice for a change of pace. I haven’t had anything citrus-y before.”
“It’s been a while since I got a new black tie,” Nick replied, examining it. “I like the pattern. It’s subtle.”
“I can’t believe you both drew each other,” sole cut in, though they didn’t seem disappointed. “I bet you’d already planned to do gifts anyway.”
They nodded in unison.
“This does make things a little easier, though,” Piper said. “We didn’t have to set our own date this way.”
Sole shook their head. “Preston, we’re to you.”
“Sure. Here you go, Ada.”
“Thank you,” she said. “I have tried to predict what this would be, but had some difficulty, especially in the situation where you were the gift giver. I am curious, to say the least.”
“Well, I hope you like it.”
She cracked it open, albeit with some difficulty, before declaring. “This was not among the options I predicted.” She drew it from the box to examine it better. “How thoughtful. It even appears to be designed to work in tandem with my current storage.”
“That’s the idea. I know it’s not much, but I hope you can at least get some use from it.”
“To the contrary. You designed this yourself, and took the time to create it. I can see you’ve even stitched my initials along the straps, as well as the initials of those formerly in my caravan. The details and the effort make it quite touching.”
Preston knew Ada well enough to know that he had gotten the best possible response, emotion-wise, and turned to X6 with everyone else.
“Well, you all already know who this is for.” He carefully passed the box over to Curie, who beamed.
He nodded, not entirely coldly, and she began to remove the paper with a surgeon’s precision, letting out a gasp when she’d opened the box.
“Oh, Monsieur! This is- I have not seen such fine materials since before the war. Where did you find them?”
“They’re top quality, designed for Institute scientists.” A hint of pride lingered in his voice. “I knew you would like them.”
“Yes, I like them very much! I cannot wait to work with new glassware again, it has been so long.”
Sole sighed contentedly from their chair, drawing their attention. “I’m so proud of you guys. I knew it was a risk asking you to do this, but I’m glad you could put aside your differences, at least for a while. Honestly, this has gone better than I could have ever imagined.”
“Anything for you, General,” Preston replied. “You’ve been more than helpful in putting us on the right track.”
They shook their head. “I was happy to do it. It showed me you were all really trying, when I thought we’d be seeing nothing but boxes of ammo. You all went above and beyond, and for that, I salute you.”
They picked up their glass and raised it to the room, smile still lingering on their face. “To all of you, for taking the time and energy, both physical and emotional, to indulge me. I’m beyond proud to call you my friends, and more proud to call you my family.”
“Happy holidays, everyone.”
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detective-keen · 4 years
A wonderful Christmas time / Chloe and Agatha
Where : Christmas marker When : Christmas week Who : @chloeinbetween & @detective-keen
Summary : Agatha drags Chloe out to get some fresh air and rediscover the warmth of Christmas time.
TW: chronic illness, domestic abuse mention, emotional abuse mention, lydiaplot cw
The sky cleared shortly after lunch, and when Chloe suggested a trip to the  Christmas market, Agatha immediately agreed. Did she feel guilty for not being able to help her more? Nothing was more uncertain. Agatha reassured herself by telling herself that she was helping her by offering her a place to stay while she could settle in a place all to herself, but she could see that the young woman was not doing well. And she wondered how it was possible that Lydia could have orchestrated such horrors for so long, without ever having been arrested. Agatha told herself that it was impossible that no one suspected her. She wasn't really like other humans, that infamous woman, that monster hiding behind her picturesque beauty, but she must have been spotted at one point or another. Her crimes had started a long time ago. Agatha found it hard to conceptualize all of this, but she firmly believed that the oldest ID cards they had found were those of the baleful fae's oldest victims. So many lives destroyed couldn’t possibly leave anyone undisturbed…
The lights at the Christmas market weren't bright enough to bring joy back to the young woman's heart, while her mind remained troubled by the whole ordeal. She often thought about it. Although Agatha shared the case with others, she was determined to find Lydia, and put her behind bars, the murderous bitch. That was all she deserved: to have all power taken away from her, and to rot, to turn dull, and to die out. To suffer as she had made all these people suffer. This was an adequate punishment.
A mulled wine stand brought her back years, and pulled her out of her thoughts. As a child, she remembered that her father and mother made that. The scent of spices then perfumed the whole house, announcing the arrival of Christmas dinner, the gifts, of her cousins, and Christmas movies while the grown-ups conversed about subjects that did not interest her.
Agatha approached it. Her cheeks rose from the cold, she turned to Chloe and smiled at her before asking if she wanted some. "It was kind of a tradition in my family," she explained, as she pulled out her wallet to pay the seller.
 Chloe had bought herself a new coat, new woolen sweater, new hat and gloves, all so that in the hours she had energy to, she could enjoy being outside. Even the most wretched places could be made to look magical with the right collection of LEDs and pretty market stalls. In the early afternoon, the sun was already low, and the air was refreshingly biting against her skin. Since she’d moved her things over to Agatha’s, she’d seen Agatha’s concerned looks on more than one occasion. A dozen pills for a dozen different ailments, all brought on by her last four years. Not that the doctors saw it like that. Not that Chloe really cared what the doctors thought was the cause for everything. She just wanted to manage it, day by day, so that she could do things like this. Walk around the christmas market with Agatha, drinking in all the sights and smells. Cinnamon and cloves and hand made candles in every shape and size. She followed Agatha with almost a childlike wonder at all the lights, not even realising where they’d stopped until she looked around. “Yeah, yeah I would. This and… and peppermint bark was always something I picked up around christmas time.”
Agatha handed the paper cup to Chloe. She was delighted to see that there was an ingenuous and awe-inspiring glow in the other woman's gaze, as she was surrounded by equally heartwarming lights, sounds and smells. If Chloe felt like a lump of coal on the verge of going out most of the time, and though she was far from a fanned flame now, there was a light in her and that was already a lot. 
Agatha couldn't help but worry. She knew full well that Chloe was not out of the woods, that leaving Lydia had cost her dearly, and that no one could guess what would happen next. So it was foolish to get attached to this young woman in any way - Agatha had never been one to depend on others and was not too worried about that- and yet that was what she did when spending time with Chloe. Maybe she would regret it, but for the moment it seemed more important to help her rebuild. She owed her that much, she who still felt so guilty for shooting her colleague, for having seen Todd die without being able to intervene, for not understanding, for not being able to really help as she wanted.
"Peppermint bark?" Agatha couldn't recall the last time she had eaten that. It had never really been a thing that they had done with her parents, but she could understand how important those things were. The market was a bit crowded, and she had to squeeze through passersby to access the stall. They sold all kinds of things here. If her eyes were caught by the sight of waffles the size of her head, she searched for the sought after bark instead. "Ah, there we go," Turning her back to the tempting waffles, Agatha, wide-eyed, couldn't escape what she had in front of her. A stall as ostentatious as it was in bad taste faced her. In the middle of a decor entirely done in black and white, people in black leotards, their faces painted white, squirmed silently around a large box covered with stripes. Although she didn't yet believe that mimes were innately evil creatures, she still felt deeply uncomfortable when confronted with their weirdness. “We should get away from here,” she turned to check on Chloe, and once again her eyes were caught by the food. Food certainly was a good way to make her forget about the cursed sights of this town. “I’ve never heard of that,” narrowing her eyes at a label, she read out “Hops in the stomach ?” The little gums, shaped like rabbits, looked quite adorable, but she simply couldn’t believe that tagline. Still she was intrigued. “Well now I have to try that. Do you want to pick a mix with me Chloe?” She offered, hoping that she wouldn’t end up eating these on her own.
Chloe chuckled at the way Agatha’s eyes clung to the waffles greedily, and when Chloe inhaled the smell of warm caramelised sugar was incredibly tantalising. “You can have some, you know, I don’t mind waiting!” Chloe said softly, her protest mild. it felt wrong, trying to give people permission to do things, which made it all the more important to do, right? But as Agatha turned, Chloe froze as well, staring at the black and white theme. It was one thing to awkwardly dodge a security guard, another to see a stall covered in stripes. The mimes…. signed at her silently and without malice, but she still shivered and shuffled past them awkwardly. For a second, Chloe lost sight of Agatha in the crowd and began to panic, before realising that she was in front of a different stall. Candies of every stripe and flavour were lined up in cotton bags, offered up for them to build their own pick and mix bag from. Chloe touched Agatha’s arm for a split second just to reassure herself that she was real and there, before smiling nervously and nodding. “Yeah, sure.” The cashier offered them a paper bag, and Chloe started with a small scoop of ‘Fizzing fireworks,” that looked like little liquorice beans. “Your turn to choose the next ones?”
Agatha pursed her lips to the side, as if she doubted her ability to gobble up one of those waffles whole. If she couldn't finish it, she could always give a piece to her new friend. Finally deciding to order one, she walked away to get some napkins at the other end of the stall and lost sight of Chloe for a moment. The latter approaching her, she gave him a beaming smile, before trying to wipe away the sugar from the corners of her lips. “Let’s see…” she glanced at the paper bag, watching the liquorice bean cover the rabbits. “Mmmh, what about… Coco bombs.” The white chocolate balls were covered in coconut flakes, looking like they begged to end up in her stomach. “Would you like a piece of my waffle?” She wanted to save space for the candy now, and knew that the waffle would take too much room if she were to finish it alone. Giving Chloe a puppy eyed look, she tore a piece of waffle off, handing it to her : “Come on, it’s great. You won’t regret it,” she assured her.
“Oh, uh, just a small piece,” Chloe agreed, her eyes widening as Agatha dropped a chunk in her hand before she’d even finished her sentence. She took a small bite, and smiled gratefully. Even if she wanted to there was a lump in her throat that held back the word thank you. As the sugar of the waffle dissolved in Chloe‘s mouth, she remembered that she was not used to this kind of sweetness, neither the kind from the waffle nor the kind from Agatha. Between the two of them, they quickly selected a few more flavours for their bag of sweets before putting it on the weighing scale. Chloe tapped her card against the reader – contactless was also something that she was still getting used to – and picked up the bag offering the first one to Agatha. “My treat,” she said, before looking around. “Let’s get away from the mimes first, actually.”
Agatha deadpanned. "I'm nothing but generous," she was not usually one to share her food with others, but she told herself that Chloe had been deprived for too long of the greatness of waffles, and that anyway, she needed room for the candy they were picking out. And if it could let Chloe see that there were kind people still populating the Earth then all the better. She licked her lips and wiped her mouth clean all at once, which now that she had done it, didn't seem like the brightest thing she had ever done. Her eyebrows raised, she looked at Chloe as she rubbed her hand against her slacks. "Don't. I'm clearly not as smart as I claim to be," with a giggle, she looked back at her waffle and sighed. Thank God she did not believe in things being too pretty to be eaten. What kind of nonsense was that?
"You know what, excellent idea," she didn't protest about Chloe paying for the sweets, although she had that thankful look in her eyes as she looked at her. "I gotta say, I don't feel comfortable around them either. They are just so weird, you know?" She shook her head, mimicking a shiver. "You should see their bar and restaurant. Awful. I mean the food's alright, but... Well let's just say I'll never bring you to those," some people claimed that mimes were evil. While Agatha rolled her eyes at that, she understood why someone might think so. There was an uncanny, unsettling vibe that seemed to envelop these artists. Taking a piece of candy from the bag, she put it in her mouth and while she was pleased with the taste, she felt as if there was something tickling her throat and she couldn't repress laughter as she put her hand to her neck. "No, no. I hate being tickled," she cried.
“Oh! Someone gave me a map of all the mime related places to avoid. I was almost…. well, I was attacked by one a while back, so, they’re high on my radar to avoid,” Chloe whispered, looking furtively at the mimes to see if they were listening. One mimed a smile at her, and she quickly jerked back to look at Agatha. “I’m shocked to learn that the food is enjoyable at all. Their meal delivery service leaves… a lot to be desired.” Once they were out of sight of the mimes, Chloe was more than comfortable to pluck a treat out of the bag for herself/. Chloe bit down on the candy as she turned back to Agatha in bemusion. “I’m… not tickling you?” Chloe replied, staring at Agatha in growing concern as the woman jerked and flinched while laughing unrelentingly. “Are... you okay?” The candy in her mouth began to pop and fizz like pop rocks on steroids, and when she opened her mouth little sparks like fireworks popped out. Chloe’s eyes widened with alarm, although the sweet sour flavour was in fact… surprisingly enjoyable.
“That’s a thoughtful thing to do,” she might have not been scared by those mimes, they were unsettling to her, and the only reason she had pushed the door to their restaurant was for the food. Her mother had made her promise not to take her there ever again, which while it seemed a bit much, also did not feel too weird to her. The music being played on loop alone could have justified this permanent decision. “It’s not the best food in town, but there’s something about it, I couldn’t be able to tell what it is, that makes you want to get more.” It was only her promise to her mother that had kept her from going back. Then, after a while, this need to go back had faded naturally. Of course Agatha could not suspect that it had to do with a very special ingredient. 
“I had no idea they did meal deliveries, although if you say that it’s atrocious, I think I’ll save myself from this pain.” She remembered that the former sergeant used to eat food from such services. She wondered if he had been a customer of this one too. 
The mimes now at a distance, she could tell that Chloe was a little bit more relaxed, to the point of giving her tickles. I’m… not tickling you? She was not. Her eyes a bit wider, she looked at Chloe with worry as she saw light, bursts of light, almost like tiny fireworks escaping her mouth. Still, the detective wiggled her torso, holding her arm to protect herself from tickles, only for those to start somewhere else. It was when she felt it reach her feet (and then promptly fade away) that she was left with this odd feeling : what did I just eat? The candy was really good, but that kind of effect was not one she ever had experienced with food. Carefully, she picked another. It must have been the one Chloe had just eaten, because along with the fizziness, came the same outburst of light: sparks shooted out of her mouth, but it was the flavour of the candy that satisfied her the most. She couldn’t recall trying any that had been so intense with their taste. “Those are so good?!” 
“I don’t know if it’s from the actual restaurant, because Lydia actually kinda liked the restaurant, but the food is so bad,” Chloe replied almost thoughtlessly, before freezing. People always got weird when she mentioned Lydia, because for them it was such a nightmare while for Chloe it… had been a nightmare, but it had also been her reality. Talking about Lydia was habit… just not for anyone else. She had no idea how Agatha would respond, if at all, but she was relieved for the distraction. 
Chloe was not convinced good was the word she’d describe the flavour she was experiencing. It was as if her tongue was completely incapable of tasting anything else ever, she’d hit maximum flavour capacity. How did they even do that?/ Had candy making technologies really improve that much in just four years? As quickly as it had been there, it melted away into her mouth, not even leaving a trace. Intrigued, Chloe plucked  another out of the bag. She balked. In her hand was a small black and white striped hard candy, even though neither of them had selected them. Making an executive decision, Chloe chucked the mime candy on the ground and stamped on it. The hard candy cracked under her heel silently, and when she checked underneath her shoe, it was gone. “I hate that,” chloe said softly, before plopping another candy in her mouth. “Oh, oh, this one is a little like a jawbreaker? It keeps, oh, this is good, each layer is changing flavour.” Apple, cherry, cola, strawberry, mint, it was changing very fast but the effect was never too jarring.
The name of Lydia should have brought an eyebrow raise from Agatha. Instead, she glanced at Chloe, wondering if she should have said something. The woman chose to remain quiet. Chloe must have spoken about what had happened with Lydia hundreds of times already, to her, to other detectives, to psychiatrists and more, each time reliving it over again. It was only cruel to ask if she wanted to talk about it every time Lydia’s name would be mentioned. Someone eager to get details might pretend to “care”, but caring was allowing Chloe to talk about it when she wanted to, listening and being there for her. 
A change in the conversation came, naturally, unexpectedly, in the shape of a striped round hard candy. She watched as the other woman crushed it under her shoe, expecting a satisfying sight, but there was no trace left of it. “Holy fucking Mary, what in the goddamn,” it seemed Chloe was not so impressed, but rather blasée. It must have seemed weak compared to what she had been through, Agatha figured. “Hate is the word,” she agreed. She picked through the bag to check whether some other black and white horrors had found their way in it. “I wonder how those ended up here. The shop owner didn’t seem like one of them,” there she was, speaking like those she once considered agents of chaos ; people that she once put in the same box as flat earthers or evolution theory deniers : the mime haters. She did not want to be so prejudiced against them, but they did not do much to help their case. “Really? Isn’t it a bit too much?” She wondered how they had achieved that without it all feeling like a tasteless mixture. “I’m sorry about the mimes. But hey, those weirdos aside, how do you like the market so far? Pretty nice, huh? It’s not Germany, but I’d say we’re doing pretty good.”
“I’m definitely just pretending that didn’t exist,” Chloe said weakly about the mime candy, with a false smile that didn’t quite match her jitters. “Seriously, seriously don’t eat any striped food.” She walked them along the stalls as Agatha checked for more dangerous treats, chewing on the red wine flavoured sweet in her mouth. “It is a bit much,” Chloe chuckled, but finished the treat all the same, gulping it down when it tasted like cinnamon and apple crumble. “No! I’m enjoying it. Really. Thanks for… hauling me out here. I know I took some convincing.” Because of the fae she was sure she’d encounter between the fairy lights. It was good to be reminded that sweetness lingered in this town too. “Let’s go experience the rest of it?” Chloe suggested quietly. It had been so long since she’d been allowed to want. She would cherish every christmas-light moment of it.
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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I feel a lot better right now but today was a mixed bag of emotions. Mostly a flat emotion. I told James I was just on edge and they said they could see that and that they weren't upset with me. So that helped me feel a little better.
But it was a hard day because of my bad feelings and weird hot flashes. I slept alright once I fell asleep. I got a little upset right before we went to bed because the video we were listening to kept screaming. But we turned it off and I fell asleep.
I woke up after James had already been awake for a while. They were making crepes for us because they are amazing. Just the best partner. So supportive.
I got washed and dressed. I would end up changing because I was not comfy. But the yellow dress didn't actually help a lot because while I was cooler the straps were hurting my skin. Everything was hurting my skin. I think I have developed psoriasis on my fingers. And it is very raw. I put on bandaids but it only can cover so much.
James was very sweet though and helped me feel a little more okay. But the morning was rough. We had breakfast and even using the fork to cut my crepes hurt my hands. And then we got to work on some organizing of James's room. I did some better sorting of the closets so we could put some other things away and use their space better. Mostly just worked on the bookshelf and Christmas present pile.
I would get very overheated and upset though and had to sit down in the livingroom. I texted with Jess and it helped but I just wanted to lay down.
James went to get the laundry and I laid in bed.
But once they came back upstairs I asked if we could go to the hallloween store. They said yes and we were off.
Its a little early for the new stuff to be out but it was a nice drive out to white marsh. And I had fun looking at things. Me and James decided on our costume. And while we didn't buy anything we did get a good idea of what we will need. It was fun!
After pushing all the buttons on the anamatronics We walked around outside and past the other stores. We did go to the hallmark and got some presents for Christmas and James got me a little necklace. It was on extreme clearance because it was broken but totally fixable for me. So I was pretty excited about that.
I was tired though. So James took me to five guys for a late lunch and its shocking how much it helped. So now I think my issue was a caffeine withdraw? We haven't had any soda in the house the last couple days. So that's only slightly concerning.
We had a nice lunch. I made friends with a baby who kept smiling at me. And then we went next door to the fancy donut place and got all the fall flavors. They had a robot that made the donuts and it was really neat to watch.
We headed home and after bringing everything inside I worked on some styling. Just a few. We took an hour break before we headed out again.
We went to get a couple groceries. I got excited for the little pumpkins. We got the very large olive oil. And had to juggle things because we didnt get a cart but we paid and it was all good.
We went home and put things away. We had taken the long way home through the park and talked about the pavilions we could reserve next year for the reception. It was fun to think about.
I have been hanging out since we got back. We had leftover pizza for dinner. I enjoyed the sunset. I packed my clothes for camping next week. Worked on a food list for that too. And once the sun went down I took a bath.
And now I am on the couch listening to James play a game. It has been a better day. I am still having weird hot flashes and my nose is whistling. But I am in a better mood. I hope to work on art and styling tomorrow. I hope its a good day for you! Goodnight everyone!
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ren1327 · 4 years
Sweater Weather ch.4
Kenji quickly took Ben by the hand and threw out a half assed excuse about needing to talk to Ben.
He pulled Ben outside and led him behind the house and into a small grove of trees.
“Kenji?” Ben asked.
“Stop. Stop talking now!” He demanded.
He stopped and whirled around to Ben, who lifted his arms on instinct to cover his face.
“No! I’m not gonna…fuck, fuck, fuck!” He yelled, grabbing his head.
“…I…How…” He looked at Ben and swallowed.
Ben paled and took a step back.
“No, no, no!” Kenji said softly, holding his hands up.
“You do remember.” Ben whispered.
“I…I tried to forget. We moved to California and…Ben…”
“Don’t. Don’t say something cause you’re guilty…”
“…Did you almost die?” Kenji asked.
“Dave had a back up for me. He gave it to me in his truck and…” Ben stomped his foot. “Why did you do that? Who are you? You tormented me for months and hurt me and humiliated me and now you’re some wholesome big brother and want to be with your family?!”
“I was just trying to survive and make sure my mom was comfortable and happy and the stress of all that made her sicker and—”
“Wait, what?”
Ben was crying and scrubbed at his face.
“She was really sick, Kenji…And she wasn’t getting better to begin with…” He said softly. “I knew she was gonna die. Dave knew too and…We didn’t have enough money to go to Seattle. She wanted to see it one more time and she couldn’t. So we moved with Dave back to San Antonio and…it didn’t help. You hurting me didn’t help! Why were you so awful to me?!”
Kenji stared at Ben and in the snow, and he saw the small, slight fifteen year old Ben. With paler skin and so thin Kenji could break him. With eyes rimmed with dark circles and a little pink from crying. In worn down clothes and secondhand shoes. And an old backpack held together by terribly stitched close tears.
But still…when he himself was only fifteen.
He had fallen in love.
He always smelled like basic fabric softener. His grades were always the best. The teachers liked him and he was always so quiet and reserved.
Kenji had asked him for a pencil and Ben had lent him a cheap dollar store pencil with a worn down pink eraser in the shape of a happy face on the end.
And Kenji had fallen in love with those big expressive eyes of his. How pink his cheeks got when he was flustered.
Why did he pick on Ben so much?
He felt his cheeks heat and he realized…Ben was still so expressive and kind. Could he fall in love again?
“I…I don’t know.” He whispered, more to himself.
Ben sniffed and crossed his arms.
“So what now?”
“…Do you want to leave?”
“…Let’s just stick it out.” Ben said. “Get your money and just…”
“I’m still helping you with your shop.” Kenji said.
“What?” Ben asked. “No, don’t do this out of guilt—”
“You needed it.” Kenji said. “From guys like me.”
Ben stared at the taller man as he took a step closer.
“You needed a safe place away from me. And so do other kids. And maybe…Maybe I needed that place too.” He said. “To teach me to be…better.”
“Kenji…” Ben sighed. “Let’s just put it behind us. It’s exhausting thinking back on that day.”
“Ben…for what its worth…I’m so sorry. I swore from that day on I would never treat anyone like that again. And now Carmen..”
“…You swore?” Ben asked, looking skeptical.
“I did. I never want to see anyone cry like you did. Never.”
Ben sighed. “Okay. Come here and hug me.”
“Carmen has been peeking through the blinds and if we want to sell this…”
Kenji huffed and shook his head before enveloping Ben in a tight hug. Ben wrapped his hands around the others neck, closing his eyes.
“By the way, your Dad is totally my type.” Ben whispered and Kenji sputtered, pulling away as Ben laughed.
  “Everything ok, boys?” Candy asked when they came back in.
“Yeah. Ben was just finky about his Christmas present.”
“Present?” Candy asked, turning to mix something in a pot.
“Uh, yeah…I uh, planned to get him…a…a…” He looked at Ben who frowned and shrugged.
“A dog!” Ben yelled, panicked.
“A dog?” Candy asked, turning. “Kenji, how sweet! You two are already becoming pet parents!”
“Y-Yeah.” Kenji said. “He didn’t want a pure bred. He wanted a rescue.”
“Oh, Ben.” Candy cooed. “How sweet. You two should have Owen take you to the city to see if anyone sparks your interest.”
“T-Today?” Kenji asked.
“Carmen has been wanting to go into town to get some comic books or something. I’ll give her some spending money.” She said. “You don’t mind, do you?”
“No, we can bond!” Kenji said nervously.
“…Son, you’re yelling an awful lot.” Candy said. “I’ll ring Owen, you go tell your sister she has twenty minutes to get ready.”
“Yeah, sure, come on Ben.” Kenji said, leading Ben into the hall.
When they were far enough, Kenji looked at Ben. “A dog?”
“I panicked and just blurted out something.” Ben whispered back.
“Do you even like dogs?”
“I love dogs! I’ve always wanted an emotional support animal and we can even have one for the shop.”
“…as your investor, I have to agree with this idea.” Kenji huffed. “Studies have shown dogs to help in emotional therapy and with stressed children and teens.”
He was about to go up the stairs when he noticed his sister waiting at the door dressed in a raincoat over a sweater and matching boots.
He chuckled and sighed. “Okay, lets go.”
  Carmen walked around happily as they shopped around the mall.
She had them stop every so often to take pictures together.
“I haven’t seen you take this many pictures since before I left.” Kenji said as they sat on a bench.
Carmen was moving her manga from her shopping bags into her backpack. She folded the plastic bags and put them in a pocket inside her backpack.
“I didn’t have any reason to. But since you’re here, I might as well take as many as I want. Who knows when I’ll see you again!” She said, but frowned. “Oh…I didn’t mean…”
“I get it.” Kenji said and touched her shoulder.
Ben walked up to them with a tray of lemonades and soft baked pretzels. “Hungry?”
Carmen nodded and accepted the food with a grin. “Kenji, you’re so lucky you have Ben!”
Kenji blushed and looked at Ben as he took a pretzel. “I know.”
“I need to get one more thing. Wait here?” She asked.
“Sure.” Kenji said and Ben sat next to him. “Thanks. She looks so happy.”
“Of course. I like Carmen. And your parents are cool too. You have a really great family.” Ben said. “Can I ask…”
Ben looked down to see Carmen had left her phone on the bench. He picked it up to see a message on facebook.
How sad is it your brother’s so hot and you’re not?
Ugh, even his boyfriend looks like a loser.
Queen Kon looks even fatter than before, lol.
Ben gasped and dropped the phone on Kenji’s lap.
Kenji picked it up and paled when he read the messages.
“Carmen…she’s still being bullied…” He whispered.
He looked at Ben.
“Tell me…”
“She’s gonna feel trapped and scared and try to fight off her negativity. But cyber bullying is a whole other ballgame. If you report them, they’ll just make new profiles.” Ben said softly. “And come at you harder. And you can try to talk to their parents, but most likely, seeing from what class and area they come from, they wont face too much punishment…”
“So what can she do?”
“She needs time for now.” Ben said. “Maybe after all this, we can talk to her about it.”
“Okay.” Kenji said, deleting the messages and blocking them.
  Owen opted to wait in the indoor car park with their coats while they went into the shelter, Carmen excitedly looking at the toys and leashes.
“Right this way, please.” A tired looking man said softly, leading them to the back.
The smell of kibble and wet fur hit Ben first, then the loud sound of the dogs barking.
He looked around at the dogs.
There were so many and it was so loud—
Kenji took Ben’s hand and looked down at him.
“You good?”
“Um, yeah.” He said, noticing Carmen staring at them.
“Guys, look!” She suddenly said and walked up to a pen labeled “Bumpy”.
Inside was a terrier mix with a short crooked looking ear and matted fur.
“Poor thing…” Ben whispered.
“Just got her a bit ago. Not a lot of people want her because of the ear. It makes her waddle since her hearing is a little off.” The employee said. “But she’s really energetic and great with kids. And she’s been here two months.”
He looked at them.
“And two and a half is our limit before we send them to the other shelter.”
“We’ll take her.” Ben said quickly and Carmen cooed as the pup lifted her head.
“Hey, Carm, go pick a few things for her?”
“I’ll throw in some of the food she’s use to.” The employee said as Carmen sped off.
He lifted Bumpy and held her to Ben. “We were going to get her to a groomer. But she never let anyone with scissors near her.”
“I know someone!” Kenji said. “Can we groom her here?”
  Owen sighed as he finished clipping away the extra fur off Bumpy. 
She now looked like the mix of a jack russel terrier and a rottweiler, short and barrel chested with a curled tail and pointed nose. She panted happily, freshly bathed and wearing a mint green leather collar with a spotted bow where the matching leash clipped. Kenji had made her tags and put the lighthouse as her place of residence, along with a bone shaped name tag with her name engraved on it.
“The vet checked her last week, so she’s good to go. She’s housebroken and good in public places, but I wouldn’t keep her out all day. Once you get home, just let her run around and get familiar with her surroundings for a good thirty six hours.” He said. “Thank you for giving her a home. I think you’ll make each other really happy.”
Carmen was taking pictures with Bumpy, sending them to her parents before she went to pick more toys for her seasonal housemate.
“Yeah.” Ben said as Carmen found a doggie raincoat and boot set that looked similar to hers. “Thank you.”
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drunk-onsunlight · 4 years
Day #8 of Promptmas
Chapter 8:   How lucky that you dropped in (So nice and warm)
Morgan knows Peter likes MJ and she is 67% sure MJ likes Peter too so she is trying to help them to get together for real and plans a snowball fight that ends up in them laughing a lot and holding hands
Read on Ao3
This chapter was the hardest to write. I wanted Morgan to show her own little world and what she experienced with the Starks and the Parkers and it ended up hell hard to make! But at the end it was very satisfying to me Also, while I'm psting this I'm writing the last chapter of this fanfic and I have so many mixed emotions. Happy because I managed to end a project and sad because I loved the journey with Peter and MJ so much. Hope you all have a great Christmas week and stay safe!
Concept: Outsider POV & Snowball fight & Board games Shenanigans
Dialogue: “Do not throw that snowball” & “It’s hand holding season”
December 23rd
Morgan’s POV
I know Peter likes MJ, it’s obvious. Everybody can see it, except the two of them. And I think MJ likes Peter, well, I’m not entirely sure but 67% at least. I have known Michelle since she moved in with Peter and at first she was a little quiet and she didn’t speak too much but that changed when we took the time to speak to each other. I saw everything that Peter said MJ is, beautiful inside out, intelligent, passionate and many other awesome things. And Peter is an amazing person too, that’s why he is my big brother.
A few weeks ago I heard my dad talking with my mom about how much Peter had changed. He was dating Gwen and everyone loved her, even MJ, but things went wrong on a fight and she died. After that, Peter had a bad time, May was really worried about him so my dad convinced him to start a new life, rent and apartment, find a roommate, keep working with the Avengers projects and get that master degree he always dreamed about. Then MJ needed a roommate and their new life started.
Peter was happy now, he spoke about MJ non-stop and another bit about Ned, Betty and May. He developed new suits and web shooters and his college was going great. Mom said that MJ seemed like a nice girl and that was good that Pete was better after what happened with Gwen.
Suddenly my dad told my mom he thought Peter and MJ were dating because it was impossible that they weren’t with all the things Peter told him about. For him, lots of things sounded like dates and a normal couple life, so maybe I confirmed that their plans seemed like dates and the way they looked at each other was more than platonic.
I never said they were dating but my dad decided to make a last minute holiday party and invite them as a couple, then, they could confirm or deny if they were dating or no. For my surprise, they say yes. Now I know it’s a fake relationship but their reason to do it was actually really weak. And that’s why they need to see they like each other! So here we are, all of us sleeping next to a beautiful bonfire.
Pete and MJ are cuddling under a blanket. Pete is hugging MJ from the back, his hand is covering MJ’s, their legs are intertwined and MJ’s curls are all over Pete’s face. I’m dying to see what happens when they wake up and find themselves in each other arms. This is gonna be fun.
Update: yes! It was very funny! Peter woke up first and tried to take MJ’s curls out of his face so she woke up and when they saw their legs and how close they were, they both jumped like they were touching fire. I couldn’t hold the laugh
“You guys need to work on those details if you want to play like a normal couple”
“Good morning to you too Morgan” Peter said and MJ just made some unintelligible words
“Morning, Pete. Coffee MJ?” I know she is not a full person until her morning coffee. Peter told me that
“I will take that as a yes. Help me, Pete?”
“Let’s go” we rise from the sand and moved inside the house to find May on the kitchen with my mom
“Hi, mom! Hey, May!” I hugged my mom and then then May while Peter greeted them
“Do we have coffee? MJ needs some caffeine or she will look like the Grinch” Peter was quietly hugging May
“We do. Peter, bring her some coffee and go find something warm. According to the news we will have snow in a few hours and we don’t want anyone getting sick” May told him and he moved away from her, served the hot coffee on a mug and went out again
“May, I’m really happy for Peter. Michelle is a really nice girl and they look really happy together. It’s really good to see Peter so bubbly and himself again” My mom told May and I could see she was speaking sincerely, we were all really worried about him after Gwen died. While they speak I search for something to eat when they talk caught my attention again
“I have known MJ since forever. She is my best friend’s niece. They even were our neighbors for a few years. Michelle has always been a lovely girl but her mom is not so nice I’m afraid. She was always judging Michelle for her life choices. That she was reading too much, that she wasn’t being girly enough, that she never had a boyfriend, so MJ kind of closed herself to everyone, except Ned and Peter” Wow, with May saying all of that I realized how lucky I am that my mom and dad always encourage me to be myself and not some made up version of what people want me to be. They know the weight of being a young Stark, heir of a massive company and part of a group of super heroes. People has expectations, some of them unrealistic
“I’m going to see if they want to play some board games with me. You can join if you want” I wanted to spend more time with Peter’s friends. I know how important they are for him
“Ok little one. Have fun. Maybe we will join later” I went out of the kitchen leaving my mom and May talking about lunch. I haven’t notice the hour but we definitely miss breakfast.
“Let’s play some board games!!!” I went out of the house and screamed my bright idea to Peter and MJ that were looking at the sea. They were snowflakes falling already
“No monopoly. That thing gets savage every time we play it” Peter had played with the Starks and let’s say maybe some houses were thrown at some point in the game. My dad is very competitive
“What about Uno? I like that one” MJ rose from the sand and cleaned her clothes before starting to walk with Peter to the house
“I love it! Set the table on the living room while I invite Ned and Betty”
“I’ll go to the kitchen. We missed breakfast. You need food, fruit, all of that, peanut!” Peter was an amazing brother, seriously.
I went to Ned and Betty’s room, knocked a few times and invite them to play. The door opened immediately
“Of course we would like to play, Morgan! We’ll be there in a minute” Betty looked amazing on a lovely red and white dress. She was all Christmas outfit. I took the opportunity and changed last night clothes before getting back to the living room with Peter, MJ, Ned and Betty.
“You can go take a quick shower and change while we set everything to play” Ned looked hype to be playing board games. MJ was right, they were huge nerds
“Thanks! I have sand all over my hair and it’s getting cold” MJ started to walk but I could tell she wasn’t sure about where to go
“Ned, can you show Peter your bathroom? I will show MJ the bathroom on the other room so we can play” I took MJ’s hand and lead her to the second floor where all the rooms were. Ned and Peter were following us. We parted ways but Ned had to take Peter’s bag so he could change his clothes.
Fifteen minutes later we were all together around the coffee table on the ground, ready to play. They all were speaking about how cold the day was but how beautiful everything looked. I could hear my mom with May in the kitchen laughing while my dad and Uncle Happy tried to cook something for everyone. A little secret it’s that actually Uncle Happy is very good at cooking and my dad learned a few things from him.
“Ok. Let’s start!” Ned was mixing the cards
“How many cards for each one?” Betty took the cards from Ned’s hands and started counting them waiting for an answer
“Seven” Peter and MJ spoke at the same time and the three of us just looked at them. I think Ned and Betty really believed the fake relationship thing, or maybe they are playing along too. Betty counted the cards and started to place them face down on the table in front of everyone
“Rules? Real ones or normal ones?” I had to ask them. People love to play by their own rules and totally ignore the real ones
“Wait, what?” Peter looked really confused
“Yeah. This game actually has point system. The first one to get 500 points wins” I explained to them and I could see everyone trying to make sense of the system points
“What about the Uno scream thing? Do you have to shout too the number of points you get? This doesn’t make any sense” MJ was examining her cards next to Peter
“You know what? Let’s forget about the points and play like everybody does” The points are actually quite weird and that’s why everybody ignores them
“Deal” The four of them answered at the same time. They are so weird
“Peanut? Would you like to go first?”
“Yeap. No problem” I chose my first card to be a yellow 8. Next to me was Betty and she went for a Red 8, it was Ned’s turn and he dropped a Red 4. It was Peter’s turn, he quickly picked a Red 9, put it on the pile and looked at MJ. She analyzed her cards and then the little pile, after a few seconds she decided to drop a Blue 9. It was quite an eventless round and it was like that for a maybe fifteen minutes. After that, things started to change. It was Peter’s turn and he dropped a +4 card.
“Are you kidding me, Peter?” MJ placed her two cards face down on the table and looked at Peter with amusement
“Oooohhh. This is finally getting spicy” Ned told Betty and me. I wanted to see what could happen
“I’m not letting you win, Em. Sorry” Peter looked everything but sorry
“I can see that! You are a terrible boyfriend” MJ looked indignant taking the 4 cards
“Now it’s getting personal” Betty spoke softly to us
“I’m a terrible boyfriend?! We are competing against each other, no couple rules apply”
“Peter that’s low” Ned was trying not to laugh at their exchange
“That’s no low, that’s clever” Peter was trying to defend himself and it was my turn to play so I helped MJ a little. I dropped a Reverse card and it was MJ’s turn again. She looked at me and I gave her a wink, I may have seen a few of her cards while she did her little tantrum at Peter. She took her card and before placing it on the pile turned to look at Peter. A Skip card was now at the top of the cards and Peter’s face showed his indignation. He had two cards on his hand, he was ready to scream Uno and he couldn’t
“Morgan!” Peter looked at me with even more indignation
“What did I do?”
“You traitor! You knew MJ had that card! You two are plotting against me! What is this? My little sister and my girlfriend ruining my game!” He was such a drama queen
“You just said it, loser. No couple rules in this game” We couldn’t help it, we started laughing at them. The round kept going with some change in colors and Betty giving me a +2 card. We kept playing and MJ took revenge on Peter several times and they made a little drama over who was the bad one and kept playing until Betty won.
“I hate this game” Peter dropped his two cards on the table for everyone to see them
“You sore loser!” MJ dropped her two cards and congratulated Betty
“You are a terrible player” Peter was actually very competitive and hated to lose
“Then let’s solve this tie” I had an amazing idea when I looked at the outside
“What tie? Betty won” Ned wasn’t seeing what I saw. They both have two cards, they played against each other, not with all of us and they were tie
“Yes. But they have two cards each. To know who’s a better player then I DECLARE A SNOWBALL FIGHT!” I started running to the door that leads us to the outside. Grab some snow and waited for the four of them to go out to kick Peter on the head with the ball I had in my hands
“Oh. It’s on, little one! You are going down! But first go find some gloves or you are going to freeze” He was extremely protective and totally right. So I ran back to the house, my gloves were on my room so I had to run the three stairs up, open the drawer on the nightstand and ran back to the beach.
When I walked outside the scene I found was adorable to say the least. Ned and Betty were throwing snowballs at each other while laughing and a little further Peter was on his back on the floor laughing while MJ prepared a huge snowball on her hands. She got ready to throw the ball but Peter got up off the ground
“Do not throw that snowball” Peter wanted to sound serious but his face was glowing with happiness and fondness
“No? What you gonna do to stop it? Loser” MJ’s voice demanded a challenge and Peter loves a challenge.
“Try me, Cat” New nickname I guess. But that changed MJ’s attitude, not a bad change, her back straightened and her feet started to move like she was floating in the snow. She balanced her snowball on both hands and threw it at Peter. He did a back flip and landed perfectly on his legs, a very Spider-Man move. If he was still trying to hide he was Spidey from MJ, he was doing a terrible job, but MJ didn’t look surprised either. I will have to talk to Peter later about that.
“Snowball fight!!!” My dad screamed and started running to make some snowballs and he threw one at me so I joined the fight with all of them. Soon, all of us were throwing snowballs at each other and laughing. After what seamed two seconds and not half an hour, more snow started to fall. My gloves were wet from the snow and everyone looked frozen but happy. I really love this season, it brings so much happiness to lots of people it’s amazing.
“Ok everyone!!! Let’s go inside! We need to eat something and change clothes” my dad shouted and everyone started to drop the snowballs they had in their hands, except MJ. She threw her snowball at Peter who had his back to her. He turned around and made a small snowball at threw it back at MJ but she moved away and he missed his shot. MJ was laughing so hard she was bent with her hands on her knees, suddenly she dropped to the ground and kept laughing
“Peter? Why is she laughing so much?” I had to ask. I was kinda worried. I have never seen MJ laugh so much
“She is mocking me, but don’t know why specifically” Peter was looking at her fondly
“Your hair is a mess!” MJ was calmer but some giggles escaped her mouth. She was right, Peter’s hair was all curls. He looked like he just got out of the shower and tried (and failed) to make his hair presentable
“Come on MJ. You are delusional, you need some food and warm clothes” He offered his hand to help MJ get up. When she was back on her feet they let go of their hands “You seriously need some warm clothes and something to drink, your hands are freezing”
“Well, the good thing is that it’s hand holding season and my brother can be a good boyfriend and hold your hand to help you warm up. Right Ned?” Ned turned around and I beckoned him to say yes
“After that weird exchange I’m worried about MJ’s health so please Peter, help my dear best friend to not lose her mind because she is freezing” God, I love Ned with all my heart
A little reluctant Peter offered his hand to MJ and with some visible doubt she took it. They seriously need to act more normal around each other when interacting as a couple if they wanted everyone to believe it. Actually, everyone thinks they are together but they needed to make the effort to keep everyone believing that.
Thanks to @spiderman-homecomeme for Promptmas
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